HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATIONP OORCE MANAGEMENT aqCY RANDALL L ABBOTr DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE [] .? ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT RECEIVED Suly 2, 1991 OCT 0 Tom Payne Oak Company P. O. Box 577 McFarland, CA 93250 HAZ. M6T. DIV. SUB~: Location : 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield, CA Known As : Oak Properties Permit # : 320057 Dear Mi'. Payne: This letter confirms the completion of site investigation and remedial action at the above site. With the provision that the information provided to this agency was accurate and representative of existing conditions, it ia the position of this office that no further action ia required at thh time. Please be advised that t/ah letter does not relieve you of any l/abillty under the California Health and Safety Code or Water Code for past, present, or future operations at the site. Nor does it relieve you of the responsibility to clean up ex/sting, additional, or previously unidentified conditions at the site which cause or threaten to came pollution or nuisance or otherwise pose a threat to water quality or public health. Additionally, be advhed that changes in the present or proposed use of the site may require further site character/~t/on and m/t/gat/on activity. It/s the property owner's respousib/l/ty to notify thia agency of any change~ in report content, future contamination findings, or site usage. If you have any questions regarding thi~ matter, please contact Michnel Driggs at (805) 861-3636, Extension 566. Hazardous Materiah Specialist IV H~Tardous Materials Management prOgram L320057.b 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 [ $OURCE MANAGEMENt'AG, NCY RANDALL L. ABBOTT DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE 111 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR ~al Heath ~ Del~'tment STEVE McCbt ~ ~'Y, REHS, DIRECTOR Air Po~ Con~ D~ ~llJ~ J. RODDY, ~O ~ J~, ~CP, D~R ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT RECEIVED July 2, 1991 OCT 0 P 1991 Tom Payne Oak Company P. O. Box 577 McFarland, CA HAZ. MAT. DIV. 93250 SUBJECT: Location : 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield, CA Known As : Oak Properties Permit # : 320057 Dear Mr. Payne: This letter confirms the completion of site investigation and remedial action at the above site. With thc provision that the information provided to this agency was accurate and representative of existing conditions, it is the position of this office that no further action is required at thix time. Please be advised that this letter does not relieve you of any liability under the California Health and Safety Code or Water Code for past, present, or future operations at the site. Nor does it relieve you of the responsibility to clean up existing, additional, or previously unidentified conditions at the site which cause or threaten to cause pollution or nuisance or otherwise pose a threat to water quality or public health. Additionally;_be advised that changes in thc present or proposed Use of the site may require further site characterizatiOn and mitigation activity. It is the pr~.perty owner's responsibility to notify this agency of any changes in report content, future contamination findings, or site usage. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Michael Driggs at (805) 861-3636, Extension 566. Hazardous Materials Specialist IV Hazardous Materials Management Program ~320057.b 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (8O5) 861-3636 FAX: (805) 861-3429 IAZARDOUS WASTE TESTING 'LABORATORY CERTIFICATE is hereby granted lo ENSECO-CRL, YENTURA DIVISION to conduct analysis of hazardous wasle in lhe following test categories: As specified in the Bazardous Waste Testing Laboratory Certification List This Certificate is granted in accordance with provisions of Article 8.5, Chapter 6.5, Division gO of the Health and Safety Code. crti,~icate No. xpiration Date 139 June 5,1990 Chief, I-la~.fi.l~aleriaJs Laboratory Section 0 Z dCT I Clark Techno/ogy Systems Inc. James E. Clark II - Civil Engineering John Colt PhD - Environmental Chemistry S. Richard Huber MS - Biochemistry L, M. Levenstein MBA/AB - Mathematics Robert Michael MS - Registered Geologist #3849 Sydney Rittenberg PhD - Microbiology John Silliker PhD - Microbiology Mr. Tom Almberg Watson Realty Company Post Office Box 663 Bakersfield, California 93302 December 4, 1989 Re: Site Assessment Proposal for property at 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Almberg: To date, a Soil/Gas Vapor Survey has been carried out on the subject site. Our Vapor Survey indicates the presense of old hydrocarbon contamination in a relatively broad area around the suspected location of the underground fuel tanks. Based on the above information, Clark Technology Systems, Inc. (CTSI) has developed a plan to characterize the level of hydrocarbon contam- ination and to determine the vertical extent of the subsequent contam- inant plume. To implement this plan a drill rig will be brought on site and a number of boreholes to be determined on site will be drilled. These boreholes will be located in and around the hydrocarbon contaminant plume. A number of soil samples will be recovered from these borings. Most of these samples will be analyzed by an in house analysis technique. A number of the other soil samples will be taken to a state certified laboratory to confirm and document our own in house findings. The cost of the borings, along with interpretation of the data by our staff geologist and staff chemist will be $5,500.00. This amount also includes our in house soil sample analysis and a full report of our findings and recommendations. Not included in this amount will be the cost of state certified laboratory analysis. The estimated number of soil samples to be taken to an outside laboratory is five. Each test costs approximately $250.00 for an estimated cost of $1,250.00. We suggest that you handle the costs of these tests directly at a savings to you. CTSI will be responsible for taking all soil samples and selecting :' the ones for a state certified laboratory analysis. CTSI will also "~ be responsible for getting these samples to the labortory. 1349 East Main Street, PO Box 72 · Santa Paula, CA 93060 Page 2 To initiate this Site Assessment Plan, sign the enclosed proposal and send it back to us along with your check for $2,750.00. If you have any questions call me at (805) 525-3358. Sincerely: David Loucks Hydrogeologist Enclosure WATER RESOURES CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY UST CLEANUP PROGRAM SITE SPECIFIC QUARTERLY REPORT CONTRACTOR NO: SITE NO: SITE NAME: ADDRESS: CITY/ZIP: CASE TYPE: 15000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: 320057 FEDERAL EXEMPT: OAK PROPERTIES 2209 PANAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 SITE STATUS S CONTRACT STATUS: 9 N RP SEARCH: S DATE UNDERWAY: 03/14/91 PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT: C DATE UNDERWAY: 03/07/91 REMEDIAL INVESTIGATION: C DATE UNDERWAY: 05/21/91 REMEDIAL ACTION: DATE UNDERWAY: / / POST REMEDIAL ACTION MONITORING: DATE UNDERWAY: / / ENFORCEMENT ACTION TAKEN: SUBSTANCE: 12035 PETROLEUM: Y DATE REPORTED: DATE CONFIRMED: 03/14/91 MULTIPLE R.P's: N EMERGENCY RESPONSE: 03/14/91 DATE COMPLETED: 03/14/91 DATE COMPLETED: 04/19/91 DATE COMPLETED: 06/21/91 DATE COMPLETED: DATE COMPLETED: TYPE: DATE TAKEN: LUFT FIELD MANUAL CONSIDERATION 2, S, C, A. (CATEGORY 1, 2, 3, PLUS H, S, C, A, R, W, G, OR O AS APPLICABLE) CASE CLOSED: Y DATE EXCAVATION STARTED: TOM PAYNE OAK COMPANY P. O. BOX 577 MCFARLAND, CA 93250 ) - CONTACT NAME: COMPANY NAME: ADDRESS: CITY/STATE: PHONE ~' / / / / RESPONSIBLE PARTY SPECIALIST: 25 SENSITIVITY: NES ABANDONMENT #: A1344-32 DATE OF REPORT: 07/08/91 LEAK REPORT: Y DATE CLOSED: 07/02/91 REMEDIAL ACTIONS TAKEN: IC OSURE APPLICATION dmiELKLIST FACILITY ~A/,(' ~,Qr~r,Q'~'~'~ ADDRESS ~ 2 ~ APPLICATION FOR TANK.' LA~' REMOVAL PEP, HIT it ~Z.D~ ~ CLOSURE IN PLACE A® Be FACILITY INFORMATION: APPROVED COMMENTS.' DISAPPROVED CONTRACTOR INFORMATION.' APPROVED 1,/ DISAPPROVED ]. ,U.L LICENS£S CU~R~.N'r/coRRECT? (:~>/ NO 2. ALL WORKERS' C~PENSATION/OENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE CUm~ENT/CO~CT~ C~,~'/~O 3. ~BO~TORY STA~-APPRO~ FOR SPECIFIED ~YSES? ~/NO 4. ~ P~OU~IFICATIONS ME~ ~ I NO CO~ENTS: Ce CHEMICAL INFORMATION: APPROVED COMMENTS.' ,~/x',A.<~' ~ R~u,:A~' DISAPPROVED De ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION: APPROVED DISAPPROVED COMMENTS: ~,'lt _~) r~ ,~/.~.,.JK¢' ~.,,'?.W ,.q__,~.~ ?- ! Ee DISPOSAL INFORMATION: APPROVED COMMENTS: A~d,',~ A~,, ~,s,~ · ¥-~7-,%/,.) / DISAPPROVED . Fe PLOT PLAN: APPROVED COMMENTS: A/~'A SUMMARY: PLEASE SEE ALL DISAPPROVED ITEMS AND COMMENTS ABOVE BEFORE RESUBMITTING o,, TED REVIEWED BY ~--~_~ ~~-~ DATE ~/1~/~/ SITE INSPEC;,ON= -~OVJD~ OZSAPPROVEO ' CO~ENTS: PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE OF UNDEROROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY PERMIT NUMBER A 1344-32 ADDENDUM Soil Sample analysis: a. Ail soil samples retrieved from beneath gasoline (leaded/unleaded) tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for benzene, toluene, xyicnc, and total petroleum hydrocarbons (for gasoline). b. All soil samples retrieved from beneath diesel tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (for diesel) and benzene. c. All soil samples retrieved from beneath waste oil tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for total organic halides, lead, oil and grease. d. Ali soft samples retrieved from beneath crude oil tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for oil and grease. e. Ali soil samples retrieved from beneath tanks and appurtenances that contain unknown substances must be analyzed for a full range of substances that may have been stored within the tang. 10. The following timetable lists pre- and post-tank removal requirements: Complete permit application submitted to Hazardous Materials Management Program At least two weeks prior to closure Notification to inspector listed on permit of date and time of closure and soil sampling Two working days Transportation and tracking forms sent to Hazardous Materials Management Program. All hazardons waste manifests must be signed by the receiver of the hazardous waste No later than 5 working days for transportation and 14 working days [or the tracking form after tank removal Sample analysis to Hazardous Materials Management Program No later than 3 working days after completion of analysis 11. Purging/Inerting Conditions: a. Liquid shall be pumped from tan~ prior to purging such that leas than 8 gallons of liquid remain in tank. (CSH&SC 41700) b. Tank shall be purged through vent pipe discharging at least 10 feet above ground level. (CSH&SC 41700) c. No emission shall result in odors detectable at or beyond property line. (Rule 419) d. No emission shall endanger the health, safety, comfort or repose of any person. (CSH&SC 41700) e. Vent lines shall remain attached to tank until the inspector arrives to authorize removal. RECOMMENDATIONS/OUID~ tN'ES FOR REMOVAL OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS This department is responsible for enforcing the Kern County Ordinance Code, Division 8 and state regulations pertaining to anderground storage tangs. Representatives from this department respond to job sites during tank removals to ensure that the tanks are safe to remove/close and that the overall job performance is consistent with permit requirements, applicable laws and safety standards. The following guidelines are offered to clarify the interests and expectations for this department. Job site safety is one of our primary concerns. Excavations are inherently dangerous. It is the contractor's responsibility to know and abide by CAL-OSHA regulations. The job foreman is responsible for the crew and any subcon~actors on the job. As a general rule, workers are not permitted in improperly sloped excavations or when unsafe conditions exist in the hole. Tools and equipment are to be used only for their designed function. For example, bacghoe buckets are never substituted for ladders. Properly licensed contractors are assumed to understand the requirements of the permit issued. The job foreman is responsible/or knowing and abiding by the conditions of the permit. Deviation from the permit conditions may result in a stop-work order. 3. Individual contractors will be held responsible for their post-removal paperwork. Tracking forms, hazardous waste manifests and analyses documentation are necessary for each site in order to close a case t-fie or move it into mitigation. When contractors do not follow through on necessary paperwork, an unmanageable backlog of incomplete cases results. If this continues, processing time for completing new closures will increase. · ~"'~ 0~}t~ OR AOl~ DATE WON:cas ~a1344-32.ptc APPE~NDIX C-1 Enseco - CRL 2810 Bunsen Ave. Unit A · Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 650-0546 · FAX: (805) 650-0756 20-FEB-91 A Coming Company Tank Team, Inc. P.O. Box 1844 Ojai, CA 93024 ATTN: Mr. R. A. Maertz Analysis No.: V-9103705-001/002 Date Sampled: 5-FEB-1991 Date Sample Rec'd: 6-FEB-1991 Project: OAK - 2209 PANAMA Enclosed with this letter is the report on the chemical, biological and/or physical analyses on the samples from ANALYSIS NO: V-9103705-001/002 shown above. The samples were received by CRL in a chilled state, intact and with the chain-of custody record attached. Note that ND means not detected at the reporting limit (RL) expressed. The detection limit is the reporting limit raised to reflect the dilution factor of the sample. Solid samples are reported on "as received" basis. Reviewed Approved The Report Cover Letter is an integral part of this report ' ~lease print or type. (Form designed for use on elite (12.pitch typewriter). - o m,e~t . ' Information in the shaded areas UNIFORM hAZARDOUS "l~l~lfll.~l.'71~ I1 I~'"~ ~ I ianofroquirodbyFederallsw. WASTE MANIFEST ~ _ '5~r~s~er 1 Company~a~e 6. US EPA ID Number ~ ~ TRUCK S~RVICE ~ A IT l0 10 10 16 12 14 12 14 17 D. Tranap~er'ePho,e (80S~ 7. Transpolar 2 Company Name 8. US EPA ID Number : E. ,State Tranapod~'a ID ' ' 9. Designated Facility Name and Site Addres.~,~,0, 0'' '~' ' ~''"~"~ 10. US EPA ID Number ~/. 8,~1, F.cIIi~,.~ '%~.~.,,. ~' 'J*~ .... 'J~j ~rl~ '7 12. Containers 13; Tolnl 14. -~.:~.,.~ ,'~1. 1 1. US DOT Description (Including Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class, and ID Number) Quantity Unil ' :'~?; Walle No. Type WI/Vol ~ ;" dlnlz Igl0 EPJ/~her I I I I I I I ,':, ..... ' c. State, ~; EPA/~he~...~ .~; d. 8tate.~,: ':, :..~' - EPA/~h,~ ' .'.. II I I I I I J. Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above ,, ~,-, . K. Handling C~es f~ Wastes u~ed Ab~e . ,, ~ ,': ':' ::: 15. Special Handling Inalructions and Additional Information GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby declare thai Ihe contents el this consignmenl are lul~ and accurately described above by proper shipping name 18. and are classified, packed, marked, and labeled, and are in all respects in proper condition for Iranspo~ by highway according to applicable inlemational and nalional government re~ulalions. If I am a large quantity generator, I cedi~ thai I have a program in place to reduce the volume and Ioxicily of waste generated to the degree I have datelined to be economically practicable and lhal I have selected the practicable method of trealmenl, storage, or disposal currently available to me ~ich minimizes th~ present and future lhreal to human health and the environment; OR, if I am a small quantity~enerator, I ~e made a good failh elfo~ to minimize my waste generalio~nd seJecl the besl waste management meth~ that i~ available to me and lh~an alford~/~ ~',~ ' Printed/~a~/ ,-~ ~/ ~ . /~/~ / ~ I Signature // / ..~/// [~ Month Day Year 1~. Transpo~er 1 ~ckno~e~ent of Receipt of Materials ~ Month Day Year Signature 18. Transporter 2 Acknowled~emenl of Receipt of Materi~ls Printed/Typed Name J Signature Month Day Year I ~9. Discrepancy Indication Space 20. Facility ~ner or Operator Ce~fication of re~ipt of hazardous materials covered by this manif~except abed i~ Item 19. __ , ' ~ /~ //I~~~l / / Pri~Typ~ame/ / ~ //~ J Sign Month Day DHS 8022 A (1/88) EPA 870O--22 (Rev. 9-88) Previous editions are obsolete. Do Not Write Below This Line Yellow: TSDF SENDS THIS COPY TO GENERATOR WITHIN 30 DAYS State of California.---Health and Welfare Agency Department of Health Services ,~orm APlWoved Olvq~ No. 205r'~---0039 (Expires 9-30-91) Toxic Substances Control Division *'q=iease print or WOe. (Form designed for use on elite t. riter). Sacramento, Catifornia 5~r~s~er ~ Company Ha~e 6. US EPA ID Number C. State TranspoHer's ID ~. ~ ~.U~ SERVICE Ic ~ IT l0 10 10 [6 12 14 12 J4 [7 D. r,a,,po,e,',p,o,, (805) 393--1151 7. Transpomer 2 Company Name 8. US EPA ID Number E. State Transpo~er's ID 9. Designated Facility Name and Site Address 10. US EPA ID Number G. State Facility's ID ~ 0F CO~RC~ DRY~ H. ~ac.iW. ~Rg~T~T,~. CA q~g IC IA ID Ig [810 {8 {813 117{7 ~05~ 323-~178 12. Containers 13. Total 14. 1 1. US DOT Description (Including Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class, and ID Number) Quantity Unit Waste No. No. Type Wt / Vol' .. State221 / OlOll TIT~ 1010 n ~T b. State EPA/~her EPA/~her d. State EPA I ~her J. Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Above K. Handling Codes for Wastes Li~ted Above OILY ~ATER =. 15. Special Handling instructions and Additional ~nformatien ~OVES, GO.LES, ~ PROTECTI~ O~ G~S ~SE~ 16. GENERATOR'S CER~FICATION: I hereby declare that the contents of this Consignment are tully and accurately described above by proper s~i~ing name ~d are classified, ~acked, msrked, and labeled, ~nd ale [n mil respe~s in proper cond[tio~ for trans~o~ by highway ~ccordi~g to government regulations. national If I am a large quantity generator, I ce~i~ that I have a program in place to reduce the volume and toxicity of waste generated to the degree I have datelined to be economically practicable and that I have selected the practicable method of treatment, storage, or disposal currently available to me which minimizes the present and future threat to human health and the environment; OR, if I am a small quantity~enerator, I h~e made a good faith effo~ to minimize my waste generatio~nd so. ct the best waste management meth~ that is available to me and theban affordS/ Pti * /[J~ / ~ ] Sign Month 'Day Year 17. Transpoher 1 ~ckno~e~eflt 0f Receipt of Materials Printe~ed Name, , . ~/ ' [ Signature ~ '~ ~ g Month Day Year 18. ranspo~er 2 Ac now edgeme~t of Receipt o~ Meteri~Is Name S~gnature Momh Day Printed/TGped 19. Discrepancy Indication Space .~. ~. 20. Facility Owner or Operator Codification of receipt of=~azardous materials covered by this manifest except as norad in Item 19. Printed/Typed Name % Signature Month Day Year DHS 8022 A (1/88) --PA 8700---22 3Rev. 9-88) Previous editions are obsolete. Do Not Write Below This Line Blue: GENERATOR SENDS THIS COPY TO DOHS WITHIN 30 DAYS RANDALL L. ABBOTT DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE HI ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Facility Name: Address: ~zo~ RE$O C ' MANAGEY. ENT AGF CV. Etwironmental Health Seres Departmem S~ McCA~ f F~, REHS, DI1ZECTOR Air Polluti¢m Control D~strict ~ J. RODDY, Planning & De~eJopment ~ Delm~m~r~ TED .IAMF~, AICP, DIRECTOR. ' ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT  ern County Permit $' /3 '-lq -3 z. ~,~,oA,,4A ZA,O~ County#: 15 ~A **UNDERGROUND TANK DISPOSITION TRACKING RECORD** This form is to be returned to the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department within 14 day~ of acceptance of the tank(s) by an approved disposal or recycling facility. The holder of the permit with the number noted above is responsible for insuring that this form is completed and returned. Section 1 To be filled out by tank removal contractor: Tank Removal Contractor: Date Tank(s) Removed: ~-~-~ Section 2 To be f~lled out by contractor "decont~nat~ng" tank(s): Tank "Decontamination" Contractor: Address: Tank Size L.E.L. ~0 ~ ~ 0 / Phone #' g~- zip: ¢. ox>h No. of Tank(s)' Phone ~: ¢~0~-)~:.,~¢~-/5'// Zip: CZ,.~O:. Tank Size L.'E.L. Authorized representative of the contractor certifies by signing below that the tank(s) have been decontaminated in accordance with Kern County Environmental Health Serv' s epartment requirements. -g a u Title Section 3 To be filled out and signed by an authorized representative of the approved disposal or recycling facility accepting the tank(s): Date Tank(s**eceiyed; Fe*,,~¢,, &. m*, No. of Tank(s): I (A~h6rized'Representative) , · · MAILING INSTRUCTIONS: Fold and staple. (805) 861-3636 FAX: (805) 861-3429 Enseco - CRL 2810 Bunsen Ave. Unit A · Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 650-0546 · FAX: (805) 650-0756 20-FEB-91 A Coming Company Tank Team, Inc. P.O. Box 1844 Ojai, CA 93024 ATTN: Mr. R. A. Maertz Analysis No.: V-9103705-001/002 Date Sampled: 5-FEB-1991 Date Sample Rec'd: 6-FEB-1991 Project: OAK - 2209 PANAMA Enclosed with this letter is the report on the chemical, biological and/or physical analyses on the samples from ANALYSIS NO: V-9103705-001/002 shown above. The samples were received by CRL in a'c~flled state, intact and with the chain-of custody record attached. Note that ND means not detected at the reporting limit (RL) expressed. The detection limit is the reporting limit raised to reflect the dilution factor of the sample. Solid samples are reported on "as received" basis. The Report Cover Letter is an integral part of this report. This report pertains only to the samples investigated and does not necessarily apply to other apparently identical or similar materials. This report is submitted for the exclusive APPENDIX C-1 A Coming Company Enseco - CRL 2810 Bunsen Ave. Unit A · Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 650-0546 · FAX: (805) 650-0756 20-FEB-91 Tank Team, Inc. P.O. Box 1844 Ojai, CA 93024 ATTN: Mr. R. A. Maertz Analysis No.: V-9103705-001/002 Date Sampled: 5-FEB-1991 Date Sample Rec'd: 6-FEB-1991 Project: OAK - 2209 PANAMA Enclosed with this letter is the report on the chemical, biological and/or physical analyses on the samples from ANALYSIS NO: V-9103705-001/002 shown above. The samples were received by CRL in a chilled state, intact and with the chain-of custody record attached. Note that ND means not detected at the reporting limit (ILL) expressed. The detection limit is the reporting limit raised to reflect the dilution factor of the sample. Solid samples are reported on "as received" basis. Reviewed Approved The Report Cover Letter is an integral part of this reporL Tank Team, Inc. P.O. Box 1844 Ojai, CA 93024 ATTN: R.A. Maertz Enseco Laboratory Report ^ Com~.g Compa.y Analysis No.: V-9103705-001/002 Date Sampled: 5-FEB-1991 Date Sample Rectd: 6-FEB-1991 Date Analyzed: 14-FEB-1991 19~FEB-1991 Il-FEB-1991 Sample Type: SOIL Project: Oak - 2209 Panama~ Sample ID Total Oil & Organic Grease, Halogen, Lead Gravimetric Solid mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg EPA 7420 EPA 413.1 EPA 9020 #1 2t Under 4 940 ND(20) #2 6f Under 5 450 ND(20) Blank ND(5) ND(50) ND(20) APPENDIX C-1 Laboratory Report ^Co~mg~mv~.y Tank Team, Inc. Analysis No.: V-9103705-001/002 P.O. Box 1844 Date Sampled: 5-FEB-1991 Ojai, CA 93024 Date Sample Rec'd: 6-FEB-1991 ATTN: R.A. Maertz Date Analyzed: 14-FEB-1991 19-FEB-1991 Il-FEB-1991 Sample Type: SOIL Project: Oak - 2209 Panama Total Oil & Organic Grease, Halogen, Sample ID Lead Gravimetric Solid mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg EPA 7420 EPA 413.1 EPA 9020 #1 2' Under 4 940 ND(20) #2 6' Under 5 450 ND(20) Blank ND(5) ND(50) ND(20) L. ABBOTT ~TOR 'RICE !I! · DIRECTOR W~ ~ ~ J. RODDY. APCO ' · ~,-n ~, A~CI~, DIIIECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT ~e: ,~ern County Permit #: 13 qq -.~z. ' County#: 1_~5 **UNDERGROUND TANK.DISPOSITION TRACKZNG RECORD** .~...~.. . form is to'be .returned-t°-.t'~e'.Ke~n CountY 'Environmental Health. SerVices tment within 14 days of ac~e~t-~ce of. the tank(s) byan approved disposal ;yclin9 facility, The holder of the permit wtth the number noted above is nsible for insuring that thts form is completed and returned', o be ftlled out by tank removal contractor: ~emoval Contractor: ~YY~ ~~, ~'~, ss: Tank(s) Removed: ' Phone #: ~?~_C zip: No. of Tank(s): o be filled out by contractor "decontaminating" tank(s): "Decontamination" Contractor: ss: x), Z~A,~-~,~'/~'~'--~ Tank Size L.'E.L. ~~ ~o1' Phone #: (~a~_ ~',P.,~--/E1/ Zip: ~.~,~o 7 Tank $~ze L.'E; L. n rized representative of the contractor certifies by signing below that the s) have .been decontaminated in accordance with Kern County Environmental ~~~ent requirements. ~ .-. --~ s~fgnatu~re Title be filled Out and.'signed by an authorized representative of the approved disposal or recycling facility accepting the tank(s): ~ty Name:~D/'~/'¢~ ~.e,~./ ,~e-~'-,..,.,''l,'iq~ .~',n~'','~''::'~;',':-':''::':' .......: .... F i eco [] 7440 Lincot~ Way, Garden Grove, CA 92641, {714) 898.6370 .,,~810 Bunsen Ave., Unit AVentura, CA 93003, (805) 650-0546 [] 2325 Skyway Or., Unit K, Santa Maria, CA 93455, (805) 922-2776 [] 9537 Telstar Ave., Unit 118, El '~onte, CA 91731, (818) 442-8400 [] Mobile Labs, (800) ENSECO. 8 CLIENT _ '""~,~'~/~ ADD.ESS O. PROJECT NAME ' GONTRAGT I PURGHA~E PROJECT MANAGER PHONE NUMBER SITE CONTACT CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Date .,~./5'/~'/ Page / of / / -- Lab Number [,J-q! 0 5 ~ ANALYSES Sample No. I Identification Lab Sample Number SAMPLE TYPE No. of Con- tainers Sample Condition/ REMARKS SAMP~ R elinqui Method of §hipment: Special Instruction~: Received by: (Signature) Received by: (Signature) Date. Time The delivery of samples and the signature on this chain of custody form constitutes authorization to pedorm the analyses specified above under the Enseco Terms and COnditions, unless a contract or purchase order has been executed and is cited above. 'l ISAMPLE DISPOSITION: ' il. Storage time requested: days J(Samples will be'stored for 30 days without additional charges; thereafter, storage charges will be billed at the published rates.) Sample returned to client: Y N 2. to be (Enseco will dispose of unreturned samples at no extra charge. Disposal will be by incineration wherever possible; otherwise, as appropriate, according to legal requirements.) DISTRIBUTION: White with report, Yellow to Enseco, Pink 1o Courier, Gold to Sample Control · . *.' · ~pe. (Form desk, ed fo~ use on e~fe (12-pifch typew~er). "WASTE MANIFEST ~l~C.ot~l~l~ ~ I~]ZI~~ 3. Generator's Name and Mailing Addres~ 4. ~en~alor~ Phonet~ ~ ~ ~: ~ 5. Tr~pspo~er 1 Company Na~e 7. Transporter 2 Company Name 9. Designated Facility Name and Site Address GIBSON OIL & REFINING END OF COP.~iERCIAL DRIVE 11. US DOT Description (Including Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class, and ID Numbe~) 6. US EPA ID Number lc. IA ~T !(] 10 if) ~6 !2 IZ~ 12 14, 17 8. US EPA ID Number t0. US EPA ID Number NON RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE LIQUID ~ I Information in the shaded area', ia not required by Federal law. A. State Manifest Document Nun~ 90126855 B. State Generator's ID D. Tranaporter'a Phone (805~ 393-1 5 1 E. Slate Transporter's ID F. Tranaporter'a Phone G. State Faciliya ID H. Facility'a Phone 12. Containers Quantity Waste No. 21 ~A/Other State ~ther State State J. Additio?l Des~ppo~s tv Marsala Liated Above A) ~RINSATE .- OILY WATER " 15. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information ooo=s, ID i 16. 18. Transporter 2 Printed/Typed Name GENERATOR'S CERTI~k~TION: I hereby declare that the contents of this coe~s~gnment ere fully and accurately described above by proper shipping name and ere classified, packed, marked, and labeled, and are in ail respects in propor condition for transpo~l by highway according to applicable latin'national and national government regulations. If I am a large quantity generator, I ce~lify that I have · program in place to reduce the volume and toxicity of waste generated to the degree I have determined to be economically practicable and that I have selected the practicable method of treatment, storage, or disposal cu~ently available lo me which minimizes the present and future threat to human health and the environment; OR, if I am a small ¢luantity generator. Ih~¥e made a good faith effort to minimize my waste generation and select the best waste management method that is available to me and th~can afford// . ~,/~,,,e-,~T'~ I s,gn.,,,. /.2'//// ~ t~l:zlz~,?,/'~'~ o., Ye., Receipt of Materials leceipt of Mat I Signature Mo~th Day Year I I ~ ~ I I 19. Discrepancy Indicatioe Space Facility Owner or Operator Certification of receipt of hazardous materials covered by this manifesl~xcept aa~ltem 19. tP,,.,.~,.yp.d...m. '~vJ~ /.~ s,g..,.,e/~'. / (.j ~.- I )HS 8022 A (1188) [PA 8700--22 Rev. 9-88) Previous editions are obsolete. Do Not Write ~elow This Line ' Day Year · White: TSDF SENDS THIS COPY TO DOHS WITHIN 30 DAYf To: P.O. Box 3000, Sacramento, CA 95812 APPENDIX C-1 Enseco Tank Team, Inc. P.O. Box 1844 Ojai, CA 93024 ATTN: R.A. Maertz Laboratory Report Analysis No.: ¥-9103705-001/002 Date Sampled: 5-FEB-1991 Date Sample Rec'd: 6-FEB-1991 Date Analyzed: 14-FEB-1991 19-FEB-1991 ' Il-FEB-1991 Sample Type: SOIL Project: Oak - 2209 Panama Total Oil & Organic Grease, Halogen, Sample ID Lead Gravimetric Solid mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg EPA 7420 EPA 413.1 EPA 9020 ~1 2' Under 4 940 ND(20) #2 6' Under 5 450 ND(20) Blank ND(5) ND(50) ND(20) [] 2325 Skyway Dr., Unil K, Sanla Mafia, CA 93455, (805) 922.2776 Date Page [] 9537 Telstar Ave., Unit 1,8, El Monte, CA 9,73l, (8,8) 442-8400 [] Mobile Labs, (800) ENSECO.8 Lab Number · ~,.1"~' . C~ ~:~'0 ,~- PHONE NUMBER CONTRACT I PURCHASE ~)RDER I QUOTE # Sample No., Lab Sample C;n- /.%//~,~.~-~,/ . / / / / Samplo Condition, -- ~aer, tilicatio. .ate 'rime N.mbe,' U0. ^~R S0UD ta~ne,s / ~ '5' ~3]' / '/ / / REM^RKS S, iMPLERS: (S . Received by: (Signature) Date Time The delivery of samples and the signature on this chain analyses specified above under the Enseco Terms and Relinqui Received by: (Signature) Date Time Conditions, unless a contract or purchase order has been ~~ff '~'~~---'-- [~---~'V~/ C~' }1~_~. 2. Sample to be returned to client: y N - (Enseco will dispose of unreturned samples al no extra charge. Disposal will be by incineration wherever possible; otherwise, as appropriate, according to legal requirements.) DISTRIBUTION: White with repod, Yellow to Enseco, Pink to Courier, Gold to Sample Control E] 2325 Skyway Dr., Unit I(, Sanla Maria, CA 93455, (805) 922.2776 Date__ Page rl 953? Telstar Ave., Unit !18, El Monte, CA 91731, (818) 442.8400 Lab Number r"l Mobile Lahs, (800) ENSECO.8 / PROJECT MANAGER ADDRESS ~0, ~ /~¢~ PHONENUMBE~ '' Sample No. I Lab Sample SA~PL~ ]YPE NO. el /, ~Zg/ / / / / Sam* Con~tion, Con- SAMPLES: (~~ ~' ~ ' Received by: (Signature) Date Tim, The delive~ of sampl,s and the signature on lhis chain of cuslody form constitutes authorization to perform lhe Belinquished by: (Signature) ~~ Received by: (Signature) Date Tim~ Conditions. unless a contract or purchase order has been executed and is cited above. Melhod el Shipment: ~ ~ SAMPLE DISPOSITION: 1. Storage time requested: days' (Samples will be'slored lot 30 days without additional charges; Special Instruclion3: lhorealter storage charges will be billed al lbo published tales.)  ~ 2. Sample to bo returned to client: Y N /V~~ ~~~ ~e~'V~ Cg; }1~ , (Enseco will disposo ol unreturned samples at no exlra charoe. Disposal will be by incineration wherever possible; otherwise, as appropriate, according to legal requirements.) DISTRIBUTION: While with reporl, Yellow to Enseco, Pink to Courier, Gold to Sample Control _~NDALL L ABBOTT DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE H! ASS!STA~"r D ~SC-rOR F SOUR! -M NAGEt%ENT AGENI 5cility Name: · 5dress: ~ ~K ~,'~/~ APPENDIX Envimnmemal Hem}th Se~ice~ STEVE McCAI 1 F-Y, REMS, DIRECTOR wn_tz~ & ~OmDY, A~COTT?: ENVIRONMENq'AL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT Kern County Permit ~: /~,3~,~,~ f~Df : '. County ~: 1_~5 :~UNDERGROUND TANK DISPOSITION TRACKING RECORD** This form is to be returned to the Kern County EnvirOnmental Health Services Department within 14 days of acceptance of the tank(s) by an approved disposal or recycling facility. The holder of the permit with the number noted above is responsible for insuring that this form is completed and returned. ection I To be filled out by tank removal contractor: Tank Removal ConSractor: Address: /~¢'~, Date Tank(s) Removed: ~- ~-~/ Phone ~' ~0~ Zip: 4'~0~ No. of T~nk(s)- ':ection 2 To be filled out by contractor "decontaminating" tank(s): Tank "Decontamination" Contractor: Address: 3¢0o AL ~¢/~-~'¢.~ ~zT, Tank Size L.E.L. ~-o ~.~-_ ~,Ol Phone ~: (~c3-) 3?3-15'// Zip: ¢~-~0~z Tank Size L.'E.L. Authorized representative of the ·contractor certifies by signing below that the tank(s) have been decontaminated in accordance with Kern County Environmental ~4gnatu~re Title Section 3 To be filled Out and'signed· by an authorized representative of the approved disposal or recycling facility accepting the tank(s): :' . Date Tank(s~eceived: ~*l,r,,nc~ ~. [~ql NO. of Tank(s): ~ .... ( A~h6r i zed ' Rep resentat i ve ) x x · MAILING INSTRUCTIONS: Fold ~nd mtaole. F~: (~5)~1.~ METAL ) No. 3 618 7 TANK DISPOSAL FORM CERTIFICATE OF TANK DISPOSAL I DESTRU'"~I't(~4. THIS IS TO~;.~RTIFY THE RECEIPT AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE TANK(S) AS SPECIFIED ABOVE. ALL MATERIALS SPECIFIED / J .~H~¥E BEEN COMPLETELY DESTROYED FOR SCRAP PURPOSES ONLY. ~,._.~'~O RIZ E D REP. DATE CONTRACTOR COPY 2202 South Milliken Avenue. Date: ~.. ~ .~ ,19 Ontario, CA 91761 Job # ' (714) 988-8000 -- RO.# DESTINATION: / A.M.R. 2202 S. Milliken Ave., Ontario, CA 91761 SPECIAL ~NSTRU~ON ~ 'TIME OUT: ~ Se~ioes Rendered Cost Q~ GALLON~ ~PE NET TON~ TOTAL ~ Extensive ~ading Time 150.00 F* S* 280 Q ~ .~4 ~0 ~ ~ .24 lO~-~ ~ ~ .61 Bobta~ OisOosa[ Fee 250.00 ~J ~ ~ ~ 1.32 ~Rn~= ~t ~n ~= ~ ~ "::", ":" "'~ ~ ~ 2.42 TOTAL CHARGES $ ~ : ' ........ ~m ................ D '~ ................ · ':::,. ' > ':.::: ~.: .o~::::::':" ':"":::~ ======================================= Terms are net 30 ~ays from date of invoice. ~2~0 ~ ~ 4.93 ' · Contractor's signature represents acceptance of terms ~or payment, and confirms that tank NO. OF TANKS TOTAL NET TONS removal complies with State laws. ~/ '-". -~' CONTRACTOR'S SIGNATURE *F -- FIBERGLASS ~-- STEEL 1~  "~ KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMEI~" · Division of Environmental Health _ / /_ PLAINT FORM Datec~-/~(.~ ~_~ _ [] Coml:)laint CT No. ~..~e~.__ Assigned to: Time: ...... · Investigated DY -: .... Date KCHD 580 2760 372-EH (R.11-80) APPENDIX C-1 TANK TEAM, INC. P. O. Box 1844, 0jai, CA 93024 Phone: (805) 525-8960 Contractor's License #512835 Gen. Eng. A, C-57, Hazmat February 25, 1991 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT Resource Management Agency 2700 "M" Street, Ste. 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention: Wesley G. Nicks Hazardous Materials Specialist Re: Permit No. A 1344-32 Oak Properties 2209 Panama Lane~ Bakersfield~ CA Dear Mr. Nicks; Pursuant to the requirements of the subject Underground Tank Removal Permit, we hereby submit the following for your infor- mation and files: 1. Copy of the Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest for the hauling of the waste oil tank rinseate; Manifest No. 90126855. 2. Copy of the Soil Sample Analyses from Enseco-CRL as follows: - Report Cover Letter - Analyses Results for both samples - Chain of Custody Record 3. Copy of the Underground Tank Disposition Tracking Record, the original was mailed directly to your office from American Metal Recycling, Inc. - 2 APPENDIX C-1 TANK TEAM, INC. Environmental Health Services Department Permit # A 1344-32; 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield February 25, 1991 Page 2 W6 trust that the above documents will complete your file. Please call the undersigned at (805) 525-8960, if you have any further questions or requirements regarding this site. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your help with this project. Your truly, Richar~ Maertz Contractor Attach. CC. Tom Payne Oak Company TANK TEAM, INC. P. 0. Box 1844, Ojai, CA 93024 Phone: (805) 525-8960 Contractor's License #512835 Gen. Eng. A, C-57, Hazmat February 25, 1991 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT Resource Management Agency 2700 "M" Street, Ste. 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention: Wesley G. Nicks Hazardous Materials Specialist Re: Permit No. A 1344-32 Oak Properties 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield~ CA Dear Mr. Nicks; Pursuant to the requirements of the subject Underground Tank Removal Permit, we hereby submit the following for your infor- mation and files: 1. Copy of the Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest for the hauling of the waste oil tank rinseate; Manifest No. 90126855. 2. Copy of the Soil Sample Analyses from Enseco-CRL as follows: - Report Cover Letter - Analyses Results for both samples - Chain of Custody Record 3. Copy of the Underground Tank Disposition Tracking Record, the original was mailed directly to your office from American Metal Recycling, Inc. - 2 TANK TEAM, INC. Environmental Health Services Department Permit # A 1344-32; 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield February 25, 1991 Page 2 _We trust that the above documents will complete your file.. Please call the undersigned at (805) 525-8960, if you have any further questions or requirements regarding this site. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your help with this project. You~ truly, Contractor Attach. CC. Tom Payne Oak Company APPENDIX C-1 TANK TEAM, INC. P. O. Box 1844, Ojai, CA 93024 Phone: (805) 525-8960 Contractor's License #512835 Gen. Eng. A, C-57, Hazmat February 25, 1991 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT Resource Management Agency 2700 "M" Street, Ste. 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention: Wesley G. Nicks Hazardous Materials Specialist Re: Permit No. A 1344-32 Oak Properties 2209 Panama Lane~ Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr. Nicks; Pursuant to the requirements of the subject Underground Tank Removal Permit, we hereby submit the following for your infor- mation and files: 1. Copy of the Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest for the hauling of the waste oil tank rinseate; Manifest No. 90126855. 2. Copy of the Soil Sample Analyses from Enseco-CRL as follows: - Report Cover Letter - Analyses Results for both samples - Chain of Custody Record 3. Copy of the Underground Tank Disposition Tracking Record, the original was mailed directly to your office from American Metal Recycling, Inc. - 2 APPENDIX C-1 TANK TEAM, INC. Environmental Health Services Department Permit # A 1344-32; 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield February 25, 1991 Page 2 We trust that the above documents will complete your file. Please call the undersigned at (805) 525-8960, if you have any further questions or requirements regarding this site. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your help with this project. Yo~ truly, ~Maertz Contractor Attach. CC. Tom Payne Oak Company ' Enseco Tank Team, Inc. P.Oo Box 1844 Ojai, CA 93024 ATTN: R.A. Maertz Laboratory Report AComingCompany Analysis No.: V-9106704-001/001 Date Sampled: 7-MAR-1991 Date Sample Rec'd: 8-MAR-1991 Date Analyzed: 15-MAR-1991 14-MAR-1991 Sample Type: SOIL Project: Oak - 2209 Panama Sample ID Total Oil & Organic Grease- Halogen, Lead Gravimetric Solid mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg EPA 7420 EPA 413.1 EPA 9020 #1 10' Under 3 1700 40 Blank ND(I) ND(50) ND(20) 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove. CA 92641, (?14) 898-6370 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD . 2325 Skyway Dr., Unit.K, Sanla Maria, CA 93455, (805) 922-2776 Date · Page of Mobile Labs. (800) ENSECO8 Lab Number . O _ . CLIENT __~'Z~___//~' "~'~'~"~LY~--,/ °~,~/~ PROJECT MANAGER__~ANALYSE~ Sample No./ Lab Sample C;.- /~ / / S~pl~nd~ti°n/ F ~~ ~g-V'{" of custody form constitutes authorization to pedorm the analyses specified above under the Enseco' Terms and Relinquished ~y: (Si~a?ure) ~ ~' Received bY: (Signature) Date Time Conditions, unless a contract or purchase order has been executed and is cited above. Relinquished by: (SiO~ ~ Date Time Received hr Labor~ by: Date RE~E~VED Time Date ACCEPTED Time ~ethod of Shipment: ' ' SAMPLE DISPgSlTIO~: ' cKEJ) 1. Storage time requested:., days _ . , _. (Samples will be stored for 30 days without additional charges; Special Instructions: thereafter storage charges will be billed at the published rates.) 2. Sample to be returned to client: Y N (Enseco will dispose of unreturned samples at no extra charge. . ~ . , appropriate, according to legal requirements.) OISTRIBll'flOl',i: White with u;poll, Yellow lo Enseco, Pink lo Courier. Gold Io Sample APPENDIX C-2 Erlseco Laboratory Report ^ Comins Company Tank Team, Inc. Analysis No.: ¥-9106704-001/001 P.O. Box 1844 Date Sampled: 7-MAR-1991 Ojai, CA 93024 Date Sample Rec'd: 8-MAR-1991 ATTN: R.A. Maertz Date Analyzed: 15-MAR-1991 14-MAR-1991 Sample Type: SOIL Project: Oak - 2209 Panama Sample ID Total Oil & Organic Grease- Halogen, Lead Gravimetric Solid mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg EPA 7420 EPA 413.1 EPA 9020 ~1 10' Under 3 1700 40 Blank ND(l) ND(50) ND(20) Enseco [3 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Grove. CA 92641, (714) 898.6370 [3 2810 Bunsen Ave., Unil A Venlma, CA 93003, 1805) 650.0546 [3 :~325 Skyway Dr., Unil-l(, Sanla Maria, CA 93455, (805) 922-2776 F1 9531 Telstar Ave., Unil 118, El Monle, CA 91731, (818) 442.8400 [] Mobil8 Labs, (800) ENSECO-8 CHAIN OF CUSTODY HEGOHU . Lab Number V'" Date CLIENT .'~~ '~.,~,,,~,/¢~j ..,/.~_./~(....~ ~, PROJECT MANAGER ' ADDRESS_ '~"~. ~::~('~X /~ ~~ ~~~~, ANALYSES CONTRAC~ I PURCHASE ORDER I QUOTE ~ Sample No. , Lab Sample S A,PLE ,VP, N;~OIa,,, //--~/~~[~ / / S a~,ditionl d,,fificatio, Dat, Tim, N,mb,, L,O. SAMPLERS: ( Received by: (Signature) Date Time The delive~ of samples and the signature on this chain ~"~~ ~, el custody form constitules aulhorizalion to perform the  analyses specified above under the Enseco Terms and Relinquished by: ~igna~re) · ~' Received by: (Signalu[e) Date Time Conditions, unless a contract or purchase order has been g>~/ ~;~~ executed and Is cited above. Relinquished by: (Si . , Date Time Received ~r Labor~ by: Date RECEIVED Time Date ACCEPTED Time Melhod of S ~ " SAMPLE DISPOSITIOn: . (Samples will be stored lot 30 days wilhoul additional charges; Special Instructions: lherealter storage charges will be billed at the published rates.) 2. Sample lo be returned to client: Y N (Enseco will dispose el unreturned samples al no exlra charge. , appropriate, according to legal requiremenls.) DISTRIBUTION: While with ~epmt, Yellow to Enseco, Pink Io Courier, Gold lo Sample Conlrol ? E.>Enseco Tank Team, Inc. P.O. Box 1844 Ojai, CA 93024 ATTN: R.A. Maertz Laboratory Report AComi.sComp~x Analysis No.: V-9106704-001/001 Date Sampled: 7-MAR-1991 Date Sample Rec~d: 8-MAR-1991 Date Analyzed: 15-MAR-1991 14-MAR-1991 Sample Type: SOIL Project: Oak - 2209 Panama Sample ID Total Oil & Organic Grease- Halogen, Lead Gravimetric Solid mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg EPA 7420 EPA 413.1 EPA 9020 #1 10' Under 3 1700 40 Blank ND(I) ND(50) ND(20) ri 7440 Lincol,, Way. Garden G,eve, CA 9264t, (?t4) O(Jl~ 6370 , CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD . ~ ~ - ~ 2325 S~yway 9~., umt-K, santa Mmda, CA 93455, (805) ~222776 Dale . Page of L3 M~bil~ Labs, (800) ENSECO8 Lab Number_ . , Sample No. / Lab Sample ! C;n /..'~ / / Sample Condition/ Identification Date Ti,ne Number LIO. AIR iSOLID tainers / I~:/' ~\,~/,~L),~ / / / / REMARKS SAMPLERS: ( . Received by: (Signature) Date Time The delivery of samples and the signature on this chain ~' analyses specified above under the Enseco Terms and Relinquished' b~(../.'~ Received by: (Signature) Date Time Conditions, unless a contract or purchase order has been executed and is cited above. Relinquished by: (Sigqa~" /,~ Date Time Received ~r Labora. lpry by: Date RECEIVED Time Date ACCEPTED Time Method o! S ._ . . SAMPLE DISPOSITION: · , , (Samples will be stored for 30 days without additional charges; Special Instructions: thereafter storage charges will be billed at the'published rates.) 2. Sample to be returned to client: Y N (Enseco will dispose of unreturned samples at no extra charge. , appropriate, according to legal requirements.) DISTRIBUTION: White with roped, Yellow to Enseco, Pink to Courior, Gold to Sample Control OFFICE MEMORANDUM KERN COUNTY TO FROM : SUBJEOT: Daphne Washington, Chief, Special Programs DATE: Richard Casagrande, E.H.S. IV Hazardous Materials Management Program Empty Pesticide Container Disposal March 14, ~989 Problem: There is now inadequate methods and capability to cost- effectively dispose of the farmers pesticide containers that cannot be triple-rinsed, such as cardboard boxes, bags, paper containers, etc. This evidently has caused great concern to farmers due to the extra costs associated with disposal other than a county landfill. History: To adequately dispose of pesticide containers, the County Ag. Commissioner, Environmental Health, and Public Works had developed, in conformance with Regional Water Quality Control Board and APCD, a plan and method to safely manage & dispose of pesticide containers in an environmentally sound manner; specifically, 1. APCD would allow farmers to burn empty cardboard & paper pesticide bags in the field, on specifically allowed days and as long as the bags did not accumulate to large amounts in the field. 2. Metal or plastic containers would be triple-rinsed in the filed or farm and stored on-site by the Farmer. At prearranged dates, times, and locations, farmers would transport their containers to County landfills. There, Agriculture Commissioner representative would supervise the disposal and spot check to verify proper triple rinsing of containers to be non-hazardous. Recent changes in the Regional Water Quality Control Board interpretation of C.C.R. Title 23, have evidently disallowed the practice of allowing empty bags to be brought to the landfills for. disposal, as they evidently cannot be adequately triple rinsed. In addition, APCD will no longer allow certain empty bags to be burned in the field. Results: Farmers cannot cost-effectively dispose of empty pesticide bags in landfill; some may not be allowed for open burning. The above will result in storage of containers on site, transportation of Hazardous Waste manifesting to out of county Class I Hazardous Waste disposal. Recom~endation: That a meeting of APCD, AG. Commissioner, representative of Agriculture Industry, Environmental Health, Public Works, and possibly R.W.Q.C.B. be authorized for the week of March 20, 1989, at Bakersfield, to explain and provide rationale for options to the farmers. Re:cd (richard\farmer.mem) APPENDIX C-2 Enseco- A Coming Company Enseco - CRL 2810 Bunsen Ave. Unit A · Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 650-0546 · FAX: (805) 650-0756 19-MAR- 91 Tank Team, Inc. P.O. Box 1844 Ojai, CA 93024 ATTN: Mr. R. A. Maertz Analysis No.: V-9106704-001 Date Sampled: 7-MAR-1991 Date Sample Rec'd: 8-MAR-1991 Project: OAK - 2209 PANAMA Enclosed with this letter is the report on the chemical, biological and/or physical analyses on the sample from ANALYSIS NO: V-9106704-001 sho'~n above. The sample was received by CRL in a chilled state, intact and with the chain-of custody record attached. Note that ND means not detected at the reporting limit (RL) expressed. The detection limit is the reporting limit raised to reflect the dilution factor of the sample. Solid samples are reported on "as received" basis. Reviewed Th. D.,.~l,t i~hu,~. I ,~tt.r lc .n intPflrnl nnrt nf thic r. nnrt. ; ,',Enseco , Enseco - CRL 2810 Bunsen Ave. Unit A ° Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 650-0546 * FAX: (805) 650-0756 19-MAR-91 A Coming Company Tank Team, Inc. P.O. Box 1844 Ojai, CA 93024 ATTN: Mr. R. A. Maertz Analysis No.: V-9106704-001 Date Sampled: 7-MAR-1991 Date Sample Rec'd: 8-MAR-1991 Project: OAK - 2209 PANAMA Enclosed with this letter is the report on the chemical, biological and/or physical analyses on the sample from ANALYSIS NO' V-9106704-001 shown above. The sample was received by CRL in a chilled state, intact and with the chain-of custody record attached. Note that ND means not detected at the reporting limit (RL) expressed. The detection limit is the reporting limit raised to reflect the dilution factor of the sample. Solid samples are reported on "as received" basis. 'Reviewed ~y" Approved APPENDIX C-2 TANK TEAM, INC. P. O. Box 1844, Ojai, CA 93024 Phone: (805) 525-8960 Contractor's License #512835 Gen. Eng. A, C-57, Hazmat March 28, 1991 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT Resource Management Agency 2700 "M" Street, Ste. 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention: Wesley G. Nicks Hazardous Materials Specialist Re: Permit No. A 1344-32 Oak Properties 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr. Nicks; Further to your requirement to obtain a further soil sample and analyses from underneath the tank's former position in the ground, we hereby submit a copy of the Soil Sample Analyses from Enseco-CRL as follows: - Report Cover Letter - Analyses Results - Chain of Custody Record The above soil sample was retrieved by hand auger from a depth of 16.5 ft., approximately 10 ft. below the waste oil tank's former position; and, directly below the area of the samples retrieved on the day of the tank removal, February 5th, 1991. Also, as requested, we enclose a copy of the Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest, No. 90126855, properly endorsed by Gibson Oil. Please call the undersigned at (805) 525-8960, if you have any further questions or requirements regarding this site. Yours-~truly, Richardq~aer'tz, Contractor Attach. co. Tom Payne Oak Company TANK TEAM, INC. P. O. Box 1844, Ojai, CA 93024 Phone: (805) 525-8960 Contractor's License #512835 Gen. Eng. A, C-57, Hazmat March 28, 1991 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT Resource Management Agency 2700 "M" Street, Ste. 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention: Wesley G. Nicks Hazardous Materials Specialist Re: Permit No. A 1344-32 Oak Properties 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr. Nicks; Further to your requirement to obtain a further soil sample and analyses from underneath the tank's former position in the ground, we hereby submit a cody of the Soil Sample Analyses from Enseco-CRL as follows: - Report Cover Letter - Analyses Results - Chain of Custody Record The above soil sample was retrieved by hand auger from a depth of 16.5 ft., approximately 10 ft. below the waste oil tank's former position; and, directly below the area of the samples retrieved on the day of the tank removal, February 5th, 1991. Also, as requested, we enclose a cody of the Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest, No. 90126855, properly endorsed by Gibson Oil. Please call the undersigned at (805) 525-8960, if you have any further questions or requirements regarding this site. You~truly, RichardUMaef~tz, Contractor Attach. cc. Tom Payne Oak Company i~,~El~ll)li!il:'.Compiete items 1 and 2 when additional services are desired, and c6mpi~te ~tems ~3'a~id~:.:. ~. '": '' . ', - .- ,.. ' .' .P~ y.ouJ ~i~.r. ess?: the "R~URN TO" Space,on the r~rse side. Failure' to do-this ~111 p~ent this ca~ ~m.~retume~ t~ you.' ~he return receipt ~ee will provide you the name of the pe~n d~live~ to and t~e eat~ ~.d~. ~r ad~ional fees the following ~i~s ~vailable. Consu~ po~master for f~s and ch~oA~s) for additional sewice{s _. ~ ~ ~ ~ · 1. ~ ~'~o Whom d~~~~'+~ ~ 2.' ' ..... I~~;~U~tlll ."' 3. A~icle Addre~ed to: ~ t t~~~ .... · "N.I ~icle N~mber . *~ ' · : ..... tL ~ ............. .-. . ~ . ,. . , ~ ~ ~ for M~C~and~ i ..... Aiwa' a~in"slg~a~ of add~e~ee .~-- ....... -::-~-~' _ ~ o~ag, ~ a"~'d DATE DmV~ED. . ~ . re~ed ,x _ , . . 6' Signature -- Agent~ ' DOMESTIC 'RETURN RECEIPT o O ~ · O (~ · O~ f~ 066L aunt '00~ LUJO::I Sd ~ UNITED ~TATE$ POSTA£ SERVICE ' OFFICIAL BUSlNE8~ ' SENDER INSTRUCTIONS . Print ,/tx~ name, addm~a and ZIP Cods In the spmm I)~ow. * Compiot~ It~m~ 1, 2, 3, amd 4 on the permit~he, wbo ~;?m to beck or: · E_fldof~e sftlcle 'Return Reeoipt. ,equ~d', · ~dJ~m~t to numbs. RETURN TO J~' pENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE, $300 Print Sender's name, address, and ZIP Code in the space below.. ..Jhh,,dli,,ildh...lhh,ll ,. STICK POSTAGE STAMPS TO ARTICLE TO COVER FIRST CLASS POSTAGE, CERTIFIED MAIL FEE, AND CHARGES FOR ANY SELECTED OPTIONAL SERVICES (see front). 1. If you want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub to the right of the return address leaving the receipt at~ached and present the article at a post office service window or hand it to your rural carrier (no extra charge). 2. If you do not want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub to the dght of the return address of the article, date, detach and retain the receipt, and mail the article. 3. If you want a return receipt, write the ce~ified mail number and your name and address on a return receipt card, Form 3811, and attach if to the front of the article by means of the gummed ends if space permits. Otherwise. affix to the back of a~icJe. Endorse front of a~icle RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED adjacent to ~he number 4. if you want delive~ restricted to the addressee1 or ~o an authorized agent of the addressee, endorse RESTRICTED DELIVERY on the front of the articJe. 5. Enter fees for the services requested in the appropriate spaces on the front of this receipt. If return receipt is requested, check the al3plicable blocks in item 1 of Form 3811. 6. Save this receipt and present it if you make inquJ~. .-').S.G.P.O. 1990-270-153 RE$OUdCE MANAGEMENT AGE~CY RANDALL L. ABBO1-F DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE !11 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Envh'onmentai Health SerWCe~ Department STEVE McC,~l l I:y, REHS, DIRECTOR Air Pollution Control District WILLIAM J. RODDY, APCO Planning & Development Se~hce~ Department TED JAMES, AICP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT April 22, 1991 Oak Company P. O. Box 577 McFarland, CA 93250 SUBJECT: Location: 2209 Panama Lane Bakersfield, CA 93313 Known as: Oak Properties PERMIT #: 320057 Gentlemen: This letter is an official notice to inform you that the property described above has been determined by Kern County Environmental Health Services Department to be the site of an unauthorized release of hazardous materials from an underground storage tank. This notice is sent to you because our records indicate that you are a responsible party for this property. As a responsible party, you must provide for all studies and work relating to the above- described property and the cost for oversight of these activities. California Health and Safety Code, Chapter 6.7, and Kern County Ordinance Code, Chapter 8.48, require a determination of the threat to the environment as a result of this release. THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY SHALL, ON A TIMELY BASIS, DEVELOP A SITE CHARACTERIZATION, FEASIBILITY STUDY AND REMEDIAL ACTION PLAN FOR KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT'S REVIEW AND APPROVAL BEFORE THE WORK IS INITIATED. Enclosed you will find Attachment "A", Handbook UT-35, which states the minimum required site work plan activities, the necessary requirements for selecting environmental contractors qualified to perform this work, a glossary of terms, example illustrations, and a section discussing the answers to commonly asked questions. The cost incurred by Kern County Environmental Health Services Department for the oversight of the work for the site characterization, feasibility study, remediation action plan, 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-36.36 FAX: (fll'}.~ ~1.~49cl Oak Company April 22, 1991 Page 2 site remediation, and ongoing monitoring is not covered by any fees or permits. These costs are recovered by Kern County Environmental Health Services Department in one of the two methods described below. It is your responsibility to select the method of oversight cost recovery under the terms of (A) State contract or (B) County of Kern Local Agreement Option. These options pertain only to costs associated with oversight. (A) STATE CONTRACT The State Leaking Underground Storage Tank Pilot Program provides a mechanism for the State to reimburse the County for County oversight. The County will conduct the necessary oversight and bill the State Water Resources Control Board under this State contract. The State will then charge you, a responsible party, for the costs incurred by both the County and the State, pertaining to your site, under the State terms explained below: Whereas the federal Petroleum Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund provides funding to pay the local and state agency administrative and oversight costs associated with the cleanup of releases from underground storage tanks; and Whereas the Legislature has authorized funds to pay the local and state agency administrative and oversight costs associated with the cleanup of releases from underground storage tanks; and Whereas the direct and indirect costs of overseeing removal or remedial action at the above site are funded, in whole or in part, from the federal Trust Fund; and Whereas the above individual(s) or entity(ies) have been identified as the party or parties responsible for investigation and cleanup of the above site; YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that pursuant to Title 42 of the United States Code, Section 699Ih(h)(6) and Section 25360 of the Health and Safety Code, the above Responsible Party or Parties shall reimburse the State Water Resources Control Board not more than 150 percent of the total amount of site-specific oversight costs actually incurred while overseeing the cleanup of the above underground storage tank site, and the above Responsible Party or Parties shall make full payment of such costs within 30 days of receipt of a detailed invoice from the State Water Resources Control Board. (B) COUNTY OF KERN LOCAL AGREEMENT OPTION Kern County Environmental Health Services Department is providing this option for those who prefer to pay the County directly and avoid the addition of State costs. Prior to the County's performance of services, this option requires your deposit of $1,000.00 (one thousand dollars) with the County to be held in the Local Option Trust Account. Charges for County oversight are made against this account. In this option, a responsible party must enter into a County agreement, Attachment "B". The environmental sensitivity (Attachment "C") of this site has been reviewed by Environmental Health Services Department to determine the potential threat for groundwater contamination. Only sites determined to be non-environmentally sensitive may enroll in the Local Option Agreement. The site described above is not in an environmentally sensitive area and may be enrolled in the Local Agreement Option; Oak Company April 22, 1991 Page 3 however, the County of Kern reserves the fight to cancel any Local Agreement Option should it be discovered that groundwater contamination or a unique, complex hydrogeological condition exists. In such cases, Environmental Health will utilize the State contract to pay for County oversight activities. The County of Kern reserves this right for any site even when the site is located in a non-environmentally sensitive area. It is necessary for you to respond, in writing, within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of this letter to advise Kern County Environmental Health Services Department of your choice: either the State contract or the County's Local Agreement Option. If you select thc County's Local Agreement, please complete and sign the Local Agreement (Attachment B), and return it with your check for $1,000.00 (one thousand dollars) made payable to the County of Kern, addressed to Kern County Environmental Health Services Department, 2700 M Street, Suite 300, Bakersfield, CA 93301, Attention: Accounting - Local Agreement Option. If you select the State contract, please indicate, in writing, that you have made this selection and that you have read the above official notification. Failure to respond within ten (10) calendar days to this notice will automatically result in oversight cost recovery for your site(s) to be placed under the terms of the State contract for Leaking Underground Storage Tanks. If you should have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Susan Gonzales at (805) 861-3636, Extension 510. SMc:JYS:cas .... '-'St~ve McCalley, Director ( / Environmental Health Services I)epa~tnent Attachments (320057.a) TANK TEAM, INC. P. O. Box i844, O3ai, CA 93024 Phone: (805) 525-8960 Contractor's License #512835 i6, i99i ~ARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES :nzy of Kern i~0 "M" Street, Suite #300 :ersfield, CA 93301 'ention: Mike DRIGGS 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield, CA Site Characterization Workplan - Oak ?roperties Mr. Driggs; :~her to our recen~ telephone conversation, we are hereby ~mitting a Site Characterization Workplan for the subject ~il~ty. property is currently in escrow; and therefore, we would reciate your immediate attention, if you have any further ~stions regarding the site, or the Workplan, please call the ersigned at (805) 525-8960. Upon receipt of your approval for Workplan, we shall immediately schedule the work specified and if¥ your office accordingly. If at all Dossible in an effort to edite the scheduling, we request the approval by facsimile. Our number is (805) 525-8358. ..nk you. ,ject Manager sPENCER F. FINE ach. Calif. RegL~tered #795 Tom Payne Oak Properties (805) 525-8960 (24 Hr. Ans. Service) (8O5) 649-5033 (805) 377-1628 (Mobile) Tank Team, Inc. Contractor's License//512835 750 Highland Dr. #120 RICH MAERTZ Ojai, CA 93023 I 15:55 TELECOPIEE COVERPAGE TO: NAME : _ PHONE NO. , NUMBER OF PAGES PLUS COVERPAGE NAME PHONE NO. ~' OMPANY ?ACSIMILE NO. F 3UNTY RE~RCE MANAGE~IENT ACENCY :~VlENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT M' STREET, SUITE 300 FIELD. CA 93301 51-3636 :lJT ONE_ APPLICATION DER FACILITY) PPLICATION IS FOR TY II~TIOi  m INTEI:~L USE ONLY: .... APPL 1 CAT ION DATE: _~_~_~./~.L.._ I PTA= _/~.J~_~..z~-~_2..__ # OF TANK5 TO ABANDON: ] I APPLICATION FOR PEI:~I[T FOR PEI~ENT CLOC:~JRE/~~H~T OF UNDEI:~EOd~D HAZARDOUS ~BST~CE STO~E [~R~VAL, OR [~~M~T IN P~CE J , 3,z5'0 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AG NC:Y RANDALL L. ABBOTT DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE !!! ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Environmental Health Service~ Department STEVE McCA! ! Fy, REHS, DIRECTOR Air Pollution Control District WILLIAM J. RODDY, APCO Planning & Development Se~ices Department TED dAMES, AICP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STOILa, GE FACILITY PERMIT NUMBER A ~ FACILITY NAME/~D~SS: OWNER(S) NAME/ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: Oak Properties 2209 Panama Lane Bakersfield, CA Oak Properties 2100 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone: (805) 32%5161 Tank Team Inc. P. O. Box 1844 Ojai, CA 93024 License #A-512835 Phone: (805) 525-8960 PERMIT FOR CLOSURE OF PERMIT EXPIRES April 28, 1991 4 TANK(S) AT ABOVE LOCATION APPROVAL DATE January 28, 1991 Hazartlous Materials Specialist ............................................................................................... POST ON PREMISES ................................................................................................ CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Il is the responsibility of the Permittee to obtain permits which may be required by other regulatory agencies prior to beginning work (i.e., City FLre and Building Departments). 2. Permittee must notify thc Hazardous Materials Management Program at (805) 861-3636 two working days prior to tank removal or abandonment in place to arrange for required inspections(s). 3. Tank closure activities must be per Kern County Environmental Health and Fire Department approved methods us described in Handbook UT-30. 4. It is the contractor's responsibility to know and adhere to all applicable laws regarding the handling, transportation or treatment of haTardous materials. 5. The tank removal contractor must have a qualified company employee on site supervising the tank removal. The employee must have tank removal experience prior to working unsupervised. 6. If any contractors other than those listed on permit and permit application are to be utilized, prior approval must be granted by the speciali.at listed on' the permit. Deviation from the submitted application is not allowed. 7. Soil Sampling: a. Tank flze less thall or equal to 1,000 gallons - a minimum of two samples must be retrieved from beneath the center of the tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. b. Taak size greater than 1,000 to 10,000 gallons - a minimum of four samples must be retrieved one-third of the way in [rom the ends of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. c. Tank size greater than 10,000 gallons - a minimu, m of six samples must be retrieved one-fourth of the way in from the ends of each tank and beneath the center of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. 8. Soil Sampling (piping area): A minimum of two samples must be retrieved at depths of approximate .ly two feet and six feet for every 15 linear feet of pipe nm and under the dispenser area. 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 FAX: (805) 861-3429 GARY J. WICKS Agency Director (805) 861-3502 STEVE McCALLEY Director RESOURCE MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES 2700 M Stre,~t, Smte 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Telephone (805) 861- 3636 Telecopier (805) 861-3429 AGENCY Oak Co. P.O. 8ox 577 McFarland Ca. 93250 MARCH 26, ~990 Oear Sir/Madam: ]:t has come to the attention of the ~,ern County Er~vimonmenta] HeaTth :Services Oepartcmemt that you own au -;east one underground storaoe tank which tis curren%]y not permitted ~hrough this; depamtmenc. Current law remuires that ail owners of existing underground storage tanks ,aop]y for a permit to ooerate ~.heir =acilities, un]ess they meet exemptions provided fin Chapter 6. 7 of California's Health and Safety Code. The exemptions provided in ]aw are ]is~ed be]ow: I. a tank with a capacfiEy of !,i00 ga]qons or qess ,~hfich tis 3oca~ed on a farm and whffch s~ores ,no,or veh~cqe fuel used prffmarlly for agrffcu]tura] purposes and hoc for resa]e. 2. a ~ank whfich frs located on a farm or a~ ~he residence of a person, whlch has a capaclty of 1,100 gaqlons or ]ess, and wh~ch s~ores home hea~fing oi] for consurr, pclve use on Ehe premises ,~here s~ored. 3. s~ructures such as sumos, seoer'ators, s~orm drafins, catch baslns, o~] ¢fie]d gather~ng lines, refinery plpeq~nes, ]agoons, evaporaclon oond¢, we]] ce]qars, seoana%~on sumps, q~ned and un]fined sumps ano ]agoons. 4. ~anks no~ subscant~alqy undergrouno. 5. tanks scoffing substances hOC deslgna~ed as "hazardous"; the fo]]ow~ng qlqufid and so]fid substances are consfidered "h;azardous .... ~hose defined as sucm ~n Sect~on 25316 or the Health and Safety Come of the State of California. -- :substances on the ]~st orepared by the Director of ,Telethons Ounsuant to Sec~fion 6382 of t:he Labor C:ode of the -- any substance or material c]assfi~ied by the ~Natfior',,9] Pro~ec~.-fon Association as a ~]emmable ] iquid, a Class I combus~fib]e ]fiquid, or a Class i [[-A combustfib]e -- any regulated substance, as de{fined fin subsection (2) of Section 6~91 of Title a2 of the Linfited S~a~es Code, as secxfion reads on january 1 , ]989, or as 'i~ may be amended or supplemenxed. THE FACILITY INTO COMPLIANCE: 2. A Permit For Tank Remova ~ ;:Envfi r'orjrnen*.=~, ... , ~=]~h: .... , DopE. before *h,e,_ Permit, wfi]] be issued . To-assist you with compliance, the Oepartmene has fincluded appllcations and ~nstructions fop ehe proper completion of each application within this packet. The application for the Permit for permanen~ closure of your tanks is to be :~ubmitted IN LIEU OF the application for the permit to operate. Faiqure to obtain a permit may result in fines of five ¼undred dollars ($500.00) to {five ~F, ousand dol]ars($5,O00.O0) per day per Ofivision 8 Section 8.48.480 of the Kern County Ord'inance Code. if you taave any questfions, please fee] 'free to ca]] Jane Warren or Amy E. Green at (905')861-3636. Hazardo,,~ Materials i~%anagement Proqram Kern CoWry Environmental Health Deot. TANK TEAM, INC. P. O. Box 1844, Ojai, CA 93024 Phone: (805) 525-8960 Contractor's License #512835 Gen. Eng. A, C-57, Hazmat March 28, 1991 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT Resource Management Agency 2700 "M" Street, Ste. 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention: Wesley G. Nicks Hazardous Materials Specialist Re: Permit No. A 1344-32 Oak Properties 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr. Nicks; Further to your requirement to obtain a further soil sample and analyses from underneath the tank's former position in the ground, we hereby submit a copy of the Soil Sample Analyses from Enseco-CRL ms follows: - Report Cover Letter - Analyses Results - Chain of Custody Record The above soil sample was retrieved by hand auger from a depth of 16.5 ft., approximately 10 ft. below the waste oil tank's former position; and, directly below the area of the samples retrieved on the day of the tank removal, February 5th, 1991. Also, as requested, we enclose a copy of the Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest, No. 90126855, properly endorsed by Gibson Oil. Please call the undersigned at (805) 525-8960, if you have any further questions or requirements regarding this site. Richard Maertz, Contractor Attach. CC. Tom Payne Oak Company Enseco - CRL 2810 Bunsen Ave. Unit A · Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 650-0546 · FAX: 1805) 650-0756 A Coming .Company 19 -MAR- 91 Tank Team, Inc. P.O. Box 1844 Ojai, .CA 93024 ATTN: Mr. R. A. Maertz Analysis No.: V-9106704-001 Date Sampled: 7-MAR-1991 Date Sample Ret'd: 8-MAR-1991 Project: OAK - 2209 PANAMA Enclosed with this letter is the report on the chemical, biological and/or physical analyses on the sample from ANALYSIS NO: V-9106704-001 shown above. The sample was received by CRL in a chilled state, intact and with the chain-of custody record attached. ?~ote that ND means not detected at the reporting limit (RL) expressed. The detection 'imit is the reporting limit raised to reflect the dilution factor of the sample. olid samples are reported on "as received" basis. Reviewed ,i_~ Approved :iGROUND STORAGE TANK UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE (LEAK) / CONTAI~INATION SITE REPORT HAS STATE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES [:::::::FOR ]~0~A~!AG EN~Y:USE~N~Yi::~::::iii!::iii::iii::iiiiiiiiiiiiiii::i::ii::::i::::i~::i::~::::::i::i::i::iii::i::iiiii::iii::i:i~i::i~i~::i::i~i:~i~i!ii~::i::i::iii::~::i::i::i::~ii~::i::i::~::~!ii~:i~:!::i::i::i ~, REPORT BEEN FILED ? ~ '~c./(' NO li::i::~::~ER~i;~i~::i~I~ATii:ii::~i!A!iDE$i~TE~:::.G~/~i!E~PEQ~E~::~ - , ' ~E~..:.~::' .:*~ ..... E~::~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:~:~ ~ ~?:.-.:~:~:~::-:'**:~ ~ ~::~ ~ ~?~: ~::~::~:' :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~ ~ ~ C~E ~::}}~}~~::::::.::::::::::::-' ======================================= ============================== " ::i:~[~::::~::' '""' .~i!i~::'..~:~'"'~?'..:" ::: ~"~'~-:'~-:':':':':':~:-:~>:: :.:::::~::::: ::::::J::::::: {VID~LFILI~ ~RT PHONE ~ J SIGNAm~ '~ / ~ ow~o. ~ ~,o~ J ~"~°"~"~ I (IF APPLICABLE) CONTACT PERSON ~'ATE //~/~F~ PHONE ( ) OPERATOR [ PHONE ~C~CY.~E /./~_.4/~ CONTAC~PERSO. N~E PHONE PHONE ( ) QUANTITY LOST (GALLONS) Y HOWDISCOVERED [] INVENTORY CONTROL ]%1![] R~-~: ~E"~BEEN STOPPED ? , [] NO IFYES, DATE MI u) ~[ O) ;iSCHARGE CAUSE(S) LEAK ~G LEN( [] SUBSURFACE MONITOR~IG - LJ NUISANCE CONDITIONS [] OTHER METHOD USED TO STOP DISCHARGE (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) ] OTHER ] REMOVE CONTENTS ] REPAIR TANK [] OTI~ER ] RE~ TANK ] REPAIR PIPING ] CLOSE TANK ] CHANGE PROCEDURE [] OVERFILL [] RUPTURE/FAILURE I----1' SPILL [] CORROSION [] UNKNOWN [] OTHER -2TERMINED LY [] GROUNDWATER [] DRINKING WATER - (CHEdKONLYIFWATERWl-~/.SHAVEACTUALLYBEENAFFECTED) :,.~_y ,CTION TAKEN ,~'iNG CONFIRMED ---DIATION PLAN [] PRELIMINARY SITE ASSESSMENT WORKPLAN SUBMrn'ED ] PRELIMINARY SITE ASSESSMENT UNDERWAY [] CASE CLO~ED (CLEANUP COMPLETED OR UNNECESSARY) ] POLLUTION CHARACTERIZATION ] POST CLEANUP MONITORING IN PROGRESS [] CLEANUP UNDERWAY OPRIATE ACTION(S) s~TE (CD) ;'AINMENT BARRIER (CB) JUM EXTRACT (VE) [] EXCAVATE & DISPOSE (ED) [] EXCAVATE & TREAT (El) [] ND ACTION REQUIRED (NA) [] O~ER (Ol) [] REMOVEFREEPRODUCT(FP) [] ENHANCEDBIOCEGRADATION(II~ [] PUMP & TREAT GROUNDWATER (Gl) [] REPLACE SUPPLY (RS) [] TREATMENTATHOOKUP(HU) [] VENT SOIL (VS) Kern County Environmental Health Services Department reserves thc fight to cancel this agreement at any time for any reasons, including groundwater contamination or a uniquely complex hydrogeological condition. If an unexpended balance remains on deposit from the responsible party under the terms of th/~ agreement, a refund for the unexpended balance will be issued and the agreement terminated. Once the agreement is cancelled, you, as a responsible party, will be enrolled in the State Leaking Underground Storage _. Tank Pilot Program; see Attachment This agreement may be cancelled any time by either party by certified registered return receipt letter to the other party wit_bin five days 0f said notification. I, OJ ~ ~ iq ~.. [~/~,T~/~ . (r~ible pa~), ~ve r~d ~d a~ to the ~ndifio~ of ~ a~ment for the wnmmina~ site d~ ~: SiteName ~~ ~~ m~ ~~ Site Addr~ ~~ ~~ ~-- Owner Owner's Address Operator Billing Address Permit # Telephone Telephone 3 .oo $"/ In order for this agreement to be executed, it taus be si~ned and a mpanied by the deposit of one-thousand dollars ($1000.00). ~~ Responsible Party: ',---~ ~ Date: ~'~'" "~ ° 9! For the County of Kern: Date: Site SPecific Time Accounting Sheet Site Name or Ad_dress Funding' (~ S~te, of F~i) Site Specific Status Changes: eegOry ~Activity Hours Date Code Description (lOths) Notes: Data Entered By: Date: CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Site Specific 'Status Chan~: Date ~°~ ~oti~it~ .~, Code Description (10ths) ~' :es: ~ ~te~ By: ~te: Env. Health 580 4113 (Rev. 5/S9) Site Specific Time Accounting ~neet · Site Specific Status Changes: Pe t # 5 q EmPloYee # ~_.~ Funding (~1, State,'of F~e~l) : ~e~°~ Activity Date Code Description ',~ ( lOths ) ~ ~ter~ By: ~te: CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR. LWAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # _~ ~~~1 Site Specific Status Changes: Empioyee# ~ ~-. , Employee Signature ~. V~~, ~, Funding (~1,, State, of Federal)' Code Description (10tbs) No~.es: Data' Entered By: Date: Env. Health 580 4113 (Rev. 5/89) RANDALL L. ABBOTF DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE III ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Environmental Health Se~v~ce~ Department STEVE McC~H Fy, REHS, DIRECTOR Air Pollution Control District WILLIAM J. RODDY, APCO Ptanning & Deveka~ment Service~ Department TED JAMES, AICP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT May 2[, [99[ Oak Company P. O. Box 577 McFarland, CA 93250 SUBJECT: Location: Known As: Permit #: 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield, CA Oak Properties 320057 Gentlemen: This Department has reviewed the workplan submitted by Tank Team, Inc. for the above-named facility. The workplan is acceptable for investigation of contamination at this former underground tank site. A professional and registered engineer or geologist must be on-site to monitor the drilling and sampling. In addition, borings may be drilled to 20 feet or until maximum vertical extent of contamination is exceeded. Please notify this Department 24 to .48 hours prior to soil sampling. After completion of sampling and analyses, a complete report describing the extent of contamination, remedial alternatives, and professional recommendations must be submitted to this Department for evaluation within 30 days. If you have any questions, you may contact me at (805) 861- 3636, ext. 566. Sincerely, ael Driggs Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program MD:jg cc: Tank Team, Inc.--Richard Maertz 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFELD, CA/JFORNL~ 93301 (805) 861-3636 FAX: (805) 861-3429 !Permit # Site Specific Status Cha~es: Employee # ~ Employee Signature ,~ ~~%~ of c~z~tt~egory Activity ' Hours Code Description ( lOths ) es: ! , /J Data Entered By: Date: CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR LWAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet ,E~ployee # ~_~'' Employee Signature ~(~~ Site Nam~x,~ldress FundingS, State, of Federal) Site Specific Status Chan~es: Category Activity Hours Code- Code Description (10ths) Notes: Data Entered By: Date: Env. Health 580 4113 137 (Rev. 5/89) TA~K TEAM, INC. P. O. Box 1844, Ojai, CA 93024 Phone: (805) 525-8960 Contractor's License #512835 June 21, 1991 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES County of Kern 2700 "M" Street, Suite #300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention: Mike DRIGGS Re: 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield, CA Site Characterization Report - Oak Properties Dear Mr. Driggs; Further to our recent telephone conversation, we are hereby submitting the.Site Characterization Report for the recent work performed at the subject facility. Please consider the site for closure based on the findings of the subject report. If you have any further questions regarding any of the site information, etc. please call the undersigned at (805) 525-8960. Thank you. Yours.truly, Richard Maertz Project Manager Attach. CC. Tom Payne Oak Properties JUN-~25-91 TUE 6 TELEC' ',~ COVER~GE TRANSMIT TO: NAME PHONE NO. COMPANY T3?AL NUMBE~.OF PAGES FROM: NAME PHONE NO. COMPANY Richard ~ERTZ (805) 525-8960 '(377-1628) TANK TE~4, INC, FACSIMILE NO. (8051 525-8358 JUN~25-91 TUE 6.'55 P.02 TANK TEAM, INC. ?. O. Box 1844, Ojai, CA 93024 Phone: (805) 525-8960 Contractor's License 8512835 June 21, 1991 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES County of Kern 2700 "M" Street, Suite #300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 AttenKion: Mike DRIGGS 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield, CA .Site Characterization Report - Qak Properties Dear Mr. Driggs; Further to our recent telephone conversation, we are hereby submitting the Site Characterization Report for the recent work performed at the subject facility. Please consider the site for closure based on the findings of the subject report, if you have any further questions regarding any of the site information, etc. please call the undersigned aK (805) 525-8960. Thank you. Yours .truly, Richard Maertz Projec~ Manager Attach. cc. Tom Payne OaK Properties JUN~25-9! TUE 6:55 P.O~ SITE CHARACTERIZATION REPORT 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield, CA TABLE Q~. CONTENTA Site Information Cover Page I, Site Information II. Area Map III. Site Sketch Preliminary site Assessmen= Results I. Summary of Site Work II. Analytical Data Soil Sampling Results I. Soil Borings Report II. Sampling Description III. Soil Analysis Results IV. Sampling Sketch D. Conclusions and Recommendations JUN~2~-9! ~UE 6 ~56 P.04 SITE CHARACTERIZATION REPORT ae SITE INFORMATION COVER PAGE I_~ Site Information 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield Section A Page I Sit~ Location: 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfie14, CA 9wner:. Oa~ Company Contact Persqns: Warren Carter Tom Payne Business. Address.: P. O. Box 577, McFarland, CA 93250 TeleDho_De No.: (805) 327-5161 (805) 328-9347 Business Type= Currently Vacant; Commercial Pro~ct Management.By: Tank Team, Inc. P. O. Box 1844, Ojai, CA 93024 Cont. agt Person;. Richard Maert~ Phone(s): (805) 525-8960 (805) 646-0808 Cellular: (805) 377-1628 Professional Geolgq~st:_ $~encer F. Fine Senior Geologist, RG #795 - 2 JUNT2~--91 TUE 6 :.56 P.05 SITE CHARACTERIZATION REPORT 2209 panama Lane, Bakersfield Section A Page 2 Attached. Attached. Prepared By: Date: June ~, 1991 Reviewed By: Spencer Fine, RG #795 Date: June _, 1991 JVN]~5-91 TUE 6:57 P.06 SITE CHARACTERIZATION REPORT 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield Section B Page 1 B. PRELIMINARY SITE ASSESSMENT_RESULTS £. Summarx_Df site Work A slgnificant Site Investigation was performed T%q~9'log¥-$¥e=em_~, Inc. on Jan~a-~Y3511~:h3~iil~Ti?_0~ This involved the driillDg.~-Of--IU~~~ to various depths, ~ of which was -aPproximat~~t~outh% and~~w~st~ of the position. That ~n~was ~!11e~ to a depth of ~-~t with a soil s~le~)r~triev~d from ~_.~ and 1~i~. The a~i~e~ ~for Total~Lae~o~erable pe~oleum-a~arocarb~ns, EPA 418.~ with the results being NonTDe~ec~abl~.~_~ . ~._ The soil ~amples retrieved as a result of the tank removal were analyzed for Oil and Grease, EPA 413.1; Total Organic Halogen, EPA 9020; and, Total Lead, EPA 7420. The following is a s~ary of those ana~ySe~¥/'results~ reported by letters dated Fe~uary'25t~, 1991 and M~ch~28t~, 1991. ~_L__kn_alvtical Data SamDle ID Z ft. Under 6 ft. Under 10 ft. Under Oil¥1&~'~rease ~ Tot'allTDrgan~c Total m~./kg, mg./kq, ma./kq. 9~0. ND 4 450 ND 5 1700 40 3 $UN725--91 TUE 6:57 SITE CHARACTERIZATION REPORT ================================== 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield Section C Page i C. SOIL I~ Soi!.._Borin~s Bepor,~ After receiving approval for the Site Characterization Workplan, the work was scheduled and co-ordinated for May 28th, 1991. The following personnel arrived at the site at 0730 hfs.: Richard Maertz, Project Manager Spencer F. Fine, Calif. Registered Geologist The soil boring locations as per.the Workplan and as in- dicated on the attached Sampling Sketch were measured and marked for the driller. At 0745 hrs., the Mobile B-51 Auger Rig owned by BSK & Associates arrived; BSK personnel included Driller, David Smith, and a Driller's Helper; the auger was set-up to drill location BH #WO2. After completing the augering and sampling of BH #WO2, the auger flights and bit were steam-cleaned prior to setting-up to drill BH #WO1. The borings were drilled with an 8- inch hollow-stem auger with the soil samples being retrieved with a 2-inch Split Spoon Sampler. The drilling spoils were put int~ two 5§-gallon DOT Hazmat barrels and labeled according to boring. At approximately 1130 hrs., Kern County Environmental Health Services representative, Mr. Michael Driggs, arrived at the site to witness the abandonment of the borings. At 1300 hfs., CalMat of Central Calif. arrived with 1.5 yds. of 3 sk. sand slurry to gravity-fill the borings to surface. A complete set of boring logs are attached to this section and are marked Appendix C-l, C-2, and C-3. II. Samp~ing..Description During the drilling of BM #WO2, soil samples were taken at depths of 10 ft., 15 it., and 19.5 ft. The rig's split-spoon sampler with stainless steel sleeves was used for soil sample retrieval. These samples were sealed, labeled, and placed under dry-ice for preservation until laboratory delivery the following day. The excess soil' which was retrieved during each sampling run was field screened with a Gastech Model 1314 Vapor Meter and by olifactory methods. No petroleum odor.was detected, nor any vapor readings were note~; at any of BH #WO2's sampling depths. - 2 JUNe25-91 T~JE 6:58 P. 05 SITE CHARACTERIZATION REPORT 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield Section C II. SamDlinq Description (Cont'd.) During the drilling of BH #W01, soil samples were taken' at depths of 10 ft., 15 ft., 20 ft., and 25 ft. Ail procedures were as per the sampling of BH #W02. Again, no petroleum odors were detected, nor any vapor readings noted. It was decided to go an extra five feet due to a noticeable change in the sand matrix at the 20 ft. sampling; refer to the Boring Log for #W01. The drilling and sampling was completed at approximately 0935 hrs., at which time BSK rigged-down, steam-cleaned the drilling augers and bit prior to moving-off the site. The following day, the soil samples were delivered to the Enseco-CRL Laboratory, Ventura, in a chilled state as noted on the Chain of Custody Record. III. Soil AnalYsis Result6 The following analyses were performed on each selected soil sample: EPA 413.1 - Oil & Grease, Gravimetric (O & G) EPA 9020 - Total Organic Nalogen, Solid (TOX) The following soil samples were selected for analysis: BM# W01 BM# 10 ft., 15 ft., and 20 ft. 10 ft.. and 19.5 ft. Additionally, the 20 ft. soil sample from each boring was analyzed for EPA 418.1, Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TRPH). After having received the analytical results by facsimile from Enseco-CRL on June 10th, 1991, and having a discussion with the Laboratory Director, there was thought to be possible inorganic chloride interference not related to the Organic Malides of the TOX analysis, EPA 9020. The original results of tho TOX analyses did not correlate with the relative Oil & Grease and TRPH results; therefore, the laboratory was instructed to re-do the TOX analyses. Following on the next page is a tabulation of the original analysis results; Table I, as per the attached copy of the unsigned Enseco- CRL Analysis Report and labeled Appendix C-4. The re-analysis results are indicated with an asterisk. - 3 SITE CHARACTERIZATION REPORT 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield Section ¢ Page 3 III, Boil Analysis Results Sample ID EPA 413.1 EPA 9020 EPA 418.1 0 & G TOX TRPH mq/kq mq/kq _ mg/kq BH #W02 - #3 BH #WO2 - 19.5' #4 BH #W01 - 10' #5 BH #WO1 - #6 BH #WO1 - 20' ND 36 * ND 77 * ND ND 30 * ND 21 * ND 36 * ND * The re-analysis results indicated all TOX to be .~_~. TABLE I. As a result of the re-analyses, Enseco-CRL found dramatic reductions in the TOX results, The samples were extracted with methanol to eliminate the false positives from inorganic chlorides found in the soil (see note on laboratory results, Appendix C-6), As a result, all the samples analysis results for TOX were None Detected. Copies of the final Enseco-CRL laboratory analysis reports are attached, labelled Appendix C-5, C-6, and C-7. IV. Samplin~_Sketc~ The Sampling Sketch indicating the soil boring locations is attached at the end of this section, BORING Drilling Company: BSK & ASSOCIATES. LOG APPENDIX C-1 Site Location: 2209 Panama Lane~ Bakersfield, CA 93301 Mole Dla:. 8 in, 6roundwater Project Manager: Richard Maertz, TANK TEAM... INC. Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger 8 ip. Sampling Method: S_glit Spoon Sampler Boring No:_WO1 .s,,~sur~ace~ _ faatures encountere, d Bas_e_ of the dark brown Des~.r. ib. esoll ~s uni,quea ~st~nct and_ sharo ch~o tn r~.~v~ly el~n_ ..1~_ ~'~n~n ~_~ ~avei surface was lm)orteo .c.,lean sanu/g~:ave~ 083¢. {'~!"~ Spud ~'~, 0-7' ~ttings. ~ckfill ~tl. Sandy soil & gravel. _ ~'~.~ ..... .'~; 7-9' ~ttings. d~. bm. s~dy ~oil~ No pert. ~or. . ..tt 10 --~SM;..- 1 S~, dk, b~,, fn.-m~, grained, silty~ ~ssive~ organic (soil-like), 0847 2 ~ ~;~ so~t~ plastie~ ~n. gold-colored mica flak~ ,~tt,r~d thmout. So ~tr.  q t' odor. ;~, '~., S~, as a~ve. No odor. 20 --Tgi't;:-- 3 %p 6n, S~, as a~v~. ~a~break to... .... -~':'"~'?; ~ttom 8'~ S~, lt. b~ fn.-med, gra~ne¢~ ~s~ve, loose to easily ' ?'::"."' friable, clean (differing from a~ve sand). No ~tr, ~or. '~ S~, as last a~ve, No. ~tr, odor. 0910 - 0935' ' F,i~ ~ady to de,rt. At a~ut 1300, hole was plumed with concrete using a~ut k .cu. yd. -- -- " ~ SPENCER F.  -- Ojai, ~ 93023 ~h. (805) APPENDIX C-2 BORING LOG Drilling Company: BSK & ASSOCIATES ~ May 28, 1991 Site Location: 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield, CA 93301 Hole Dla: 8" Sroundwater Project Manager: Richard Maertz, TANK TEAM, INC. Depth:50+ ft,~~ Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger 8 in, Sampling Method: Split Spoon Sampler 2 in. Boring No: W02 Describe un%.que subsur~aqe features encountered Base of the dark brown. soil is a dfstinct and sharp cnan~e to relatively clean, it. brown sand. The ~it~ ]nantinn ix ~hn,,~ 6 F~ From the previous southwest corner of the exn~v~tinn wh~r~ r~n~= ~e remedied_ The e×cav~tien h~d been backfi!!ed. ~ ~ ~ De s cr ipt i ori/C omment s m ~ ~z Rig on site: 0745 0s0 - spu . ,, - 0-9' Cuttings: Soil, dk.brn, sandy. No petr. odor. -~.~ ~[ ~1~ S~, dk. b~., fn.-med, grained, silty, ~ssive, organic (soil-like),_ 10' 9-10~" Core ~1 Blows 6/7/10 for 18". Rec. 15" 0810[ ~T~~- soft, plastic, fn. gold-colored mica flakes s~ttered th~out. No '~ ~ ~ petr. ~or. 1A-lq~' Cnr~ ~9 glnw~ lq/lA Fnr 1?". P~. 1?" 20' -- S~ lt. b~, fn.-med, grained, ~ssive~ loose to easily friable~ clean 0823 - (differing from a~ve sand). No petr. odor. 20%' 0829 [ ~lling out to move to ~re Hole WO1. At a~ut 1300 hole was plumed with concrete using a~ut ~ cu. yd. _ _ ' 520 E1 Paseo Rd. Ojai, ~ 93023 ph. (805) 646-1314 n ~44o U,co,~ w:.y, G;,,,., G,ov.. c^ e~,~. (~,) ,9o.,~o CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD . . _ Page ~ of ' . ~.~-~I~.]Z. ~ ~0~ , PIIONE NUMBER ~~~ Z~ ' SITE~ONTACT CONTRACT I PURCHASE ORDER I QUOTE 0 Sample Nmi Lab Sample .... C~n- ~/~,,~ ~,: / / / SamP~REMARKsCon,,ionl Identification Bate Tim. Number LIO. AIR SOLID ,aiflem / ~/ ~/ ~'~ ./ / -- -~ M~ , 'SAMPLE~ ' Received by: (Signature) Dam Time The deliver, of samples and the slgnature o~ l~is chai~ ~~~~ o, cuslody form coflslilules authoriza,i~n to po,form . analyses specified above under the Enseco Terms and RelinquisF:~by: (Si~ '~ Received by: (Signature) Date Time Conditions. unless a conlract o~ purchase ruder has been executed and Is cried above. ~~~ ~ ~~a~ Date RECEIVED Iim~ Dale ACCE~TED Time - Relinquished by' · nab ' D lo Time y:' . .,s.osmo.: '- Mclh ' 1. Storage time ~equostod: days (Samples will bo stored for 30 day~ without addJll0nal charges; Special Instructions: thereafter storage charges will bo billed al tho published tales.) 2. Sample to be ~eturned to client: Y N , (Enseco will dispose of unrelumed sampJes at no extra charge. P.O. Box 18~4 o~ a~, CA ATTN: R.A. l~ertz Laboratory Report ....................................... Analysis No.: V-9114909-001/00§ Date Sampled: 28-MAY-1991 Date ~ample Rec'd: 29-MAY-1991 Date Analyzed: 6-JUN-1991 lO-JUN-1991 3.JUN-1991 Sample Type: SOIL Project: P~hama Lane TPH Recoverable mg/kg ~ML al8 Sample ID Total Oil & Organic Grease- Halogen, Gravtmetric Solid rog/kg rog/k§ EPA 613.1 EPA 9020 APPENDIX C-4 #1 ~H #W02-~' ND(50) 36 #3 BH #W02-1~.5' ND(5) ND(50) 77 #4 BH #W01-1~' ND(50) 30 ~5 ~H #WOI-I~' ND(50) 21 ~6 BH #WO1-2D' ND(5) ND(50) 36 Blank ND(5) ND(50) ~D() Tank Team, Inc. P.O. Bom 1844 Ojai, CA 93024 ATTN: R.A. Maer~z APPENDIX C-6 · - - ,Enseco Laboratory Report ^ Co~.~ Analysis No.: V-9114909-001/005 Da~e Sampled: 28-MAY-1991 Date Sample Rec'd: 29-MAY-'1991 Date A~nalyzed: 6-JIIN- 1991 lO-JUN- 1991' 3-JUN-1991 Sample Type: SOIL Project: Panama Lane Sample ID Total Oil & Organic TPH Grease- Halogen, Recoverable Gravimetric Solid mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg HML 418 EPA 413.1 EPA 9020 * #1 BH #W02-10' ~3 BH #W02-19.5' ND(5) ~4 BH ~W01-10' #5 BH #WOl-15' ~6 BH #WO1-20' ND(5) Blank ND(5) ND(50) ND(20) ND(50) ND(20) ND(50) ND(20) ND(50) ND(20) ND(50) ND(20) ND(50) ND(20) * Samples were extracted with methanol before analyzing for T.O.X. to eliminate false posizives from inorganic chlorides found in the soil. APPENDIX C-1 BORING LOG Borin Drilling Company: BSK & ASSOCIATES Date-~ May 28; 1991 Site Location: 2209 Panama Lane~ Bakersfield: CA 93301 Hole Dla:~ 8 in. Groundwater Depth: 50+ ft. sur[ace was lmDorEeG c£ean sanc/§rave£ mixture. ~=m m~ Soi 1 Ty]De ~ ~3 ~ ~ Des cripti oh/C ommen~s 0839_ {,~, i~' Spud ~ ~ 0-7' ~ttings ~ckfill ~tl. Sandy soil & gravel .' ~ ~- 7-9' ~ttin~s. dk. b~. sandy soil. No ~tr. odor. 10 --_ SM~- 1 S~, dk. b~., fn.-med, grained, silty, ~ssive, organic (soil-like), 0847- [j {~7 soft, plastic, fn. gold-colored mica flakes s~ttered th~out. No petr. ~ ~ ~ ~ odor. 085~ ~ ~'~- 2 Rec. ~SM~, _ 14-15~'~re ~2 Blows 7/7/12 for 18". 9" , ~ ~ - S~, as a~ve. No odor. 0859 ~ T~.~,.~Q~. ....Top 6", S~, as a~ve. ~a~ break to. .. '..,,~.," ........ ,' ~ttom 8", S~, lt. b~, fn.-med, grained, ~ssive, loose to easily ]'{',L~','.'/~,- friable, clean (differing from a~ve sand). No petr. ~or. 25%- 4 24-2 ' 6/ 9/20 fo= Rec. ~ S~, as last a~ve. No. petr. odor. 0910 0935' Rig ready to depart. At a~ut 1300, hole was plumed with concrete using a~ut ~ cu. yd. - Ojai, ~ 93023 pn. (80~) 646-~3~4 Project Manager: Richard Maertz, TANK TEAM, INC. Drilling Method: Hollow Stem Auger 8 in. Sampling Method: Split Spoon Sampler 2 in. Boring No: W01 Describe unique subsurface features encountered Base of the dark brown soil is a distinct and shard chan~e tn rol~t~v~ly r~av~ai L6Q~r-~fi~f Q~-p~,,ious!,., excavated sci!. Enseco - CRL 2810 Bunsen Ave. Unit A · Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 650-0546 · FAX: (805) 650-0756 -'APPENDIX 'C-5 :~. ~'-~"CO A Comin$ Company 24-3UN-91 Tank'Team, Inc. P.O. Box 1844 Ojai, CA 93024 ATTN: Mr. R. A. Maercz Analysis No.: V-9114909-001/005 Dace Sampled: 28-MAY-1991 DaCe Sample Ret'd: 29-MAY-1991 Project: PA~MAMA LANE Enclosed with chis letter is the report on the chemical, biological and/or physical analyses on the samples from ANALYSIS NO' V-9114909-001/005 shown above. The samples were received by CRL in a chilled state, intact and with the chain-of custody record attached. Note thac ND means not detected at the reporting limit (RL) expressed. The detection limit is the reporting limit raised co reflect the dilution factor of the sample. Solid samples are reported on "as received" basis. Reviewed Approved The Report Cover Letter is an integral part of this report. .' .... -~ .-,~ ............. ~,;h, '~1',, ~n nth~=, ~r',~r~ntlv identical r~r similar materials. This report is submitted for the exc~usiv JUH--25--91 TUE T :0'0 ~.11 APPENDIX C-2 ProJec% Manager: Richard Maertz, TANK TEAM, INC. Drilling ~e%hod: Hollow .Stem Au~er 8 in, Groundwater Dep%h:50+ ftf , Boring No: De~gFibe un~u~, subsur~aoe features encoun%ered Base of the dark brown. soil ~$ a ~fstznct an~ shard chan~e to relatively.~£ean'~ 'i'f. brown ~n~ .... : ~ ~ De ~ cr ~pt i ori/C omment ~ T~ .~ .... Rig. on $i.t.e._:' 0745 ............. :. 0-0' Cuttings: $oi1.~ dk.brn. ,andy ~o pe~r. odor. i SAND, dk, bm., fn.-med, grained, silty, massive, organic (soil-like)_, 0810 sofL, plastic, fn. gold-colored mica flakes scattered thruout. No pert. odor. 081/ i 12 I1)~ .I~-_].~.'SAND, asr^~above.'~2 No~'l n,,,~odor.l~/~ 120~ ~1~:~ '.3?.~o-9c~'... c^,-~ ...... ~.~a_ m~.,~_]~z,~/~,. __, ~-,- ~" ?.~e. ~_~_" ~ S~II)~ lt. bm, fn.-med, gra±ned~ mass±ve~ loose to eas±ly friable, clean 0823. ~ (differing from above sand). So pert. odor. ~ 20~'TD 0829 ~-- l:~llling out to move to Bore Hole W01. ~_ At: about 1300 hole was plugged ~ith concrete using about ~ cu. yd0 .I .... }, ~ k ~o. 7~s / ) 520 E1 Paseo Rd. _ 0iai, CA 93023 ph. (805) 646-1314 BORING LOG Drilltn~ Company: ~SK.& AS_S_QC!.ATES .. ~ May 28:1991 $i%e Loc~%~on: 22,09 Panama L_a_ne, .B_ak_ersfield, CA._9.3.301 Hole D~&I. 8" JUN--25--91 TUE ?:01 P. 1~ APPENDIX C-4 ,.~ ............ ~..., ~,: ............................. ~;i;~i. ..... ~, ~'~:~i~;;;;:;;[~;;; ............... P,O, 8ox tS~ DaC~ Sampled: 25-~Y-1991 0J~l, CA 930~6 Date ~ample Reo'd: 29-~Y-1991 ATTN: ~.A, ~er~2 Da=% Analyzed: ~-JUN-1991 10.JUN.1991 3-J~-1991 S~ple T~e: 80IL Project: P~hama Lane ................................................................................ ~,- ~ Tot&l Oil & Orsan£e TPH Grease- Halogen, Recoverable Gravl~etric 3o1~ till &lB EPA a13,1 E~A 9020 9% BH #W01-1~' ND(50) 30 95 ~H #VOX.I~' ND(50) 21 ~6 BM #W01-2D' ND(S) ~D(50) 36 JUN;25--~l TUE 7:01 Enseco - CRL 2810 ]3un.~en Ave. Unit A. Venture, CA 93003 (~05) 650-0546, FAX: (805) 650-0756 - APPENDIX C-$ ,; EnseCo , A ~arain8 24-JUN-91 Tank Team, In:, P.O. Box 1844 OJai, CA 93024 ATTN: Mr. R. A. Maertz Analysi~ No.: V-9114909-001/005 Date Sampled: 28-MAY-1991 Date Sample Eec'd: 29-MAY-1991 Project: PANAMA lANE Enclosed with tht~ letter is the report on the chemical, biological and/or physical analy~e~ on the samples from ANALYSIS NO: V-9114909-001/00S showu above. The samples were received by CRL in a chilled state, intact and with the chain-of custody record aC:ached. Note :hac ND means no: detected a= :he reporting limit (RL) expressed. The detec:ion limit is :he reporcin§ limit raised to reflect the dilution fac:or of :he sample. Solid samples are reported on "as received" basis. Reviewed Approved JUNr25--91 TUE ?:82 P.15 APPENDIX C-~6 Tank Team, Inc, P,O. Bom 1844 Ojai, CA 93024 ATTN: R.A, Maertz Laboratory Report Analysis No.: V-9114909-001/005 Date Sampled: 28-MAY-1991 Date Sample Eec'd: 29-MAY-1991 Da~e Analyzed: 6-JUN-1991 3-JUN-1991 Sample Type: SOIL ProJ.¢t: Panama Lane Sample ID Total Oil & Organic TPH Grease- Halogen, Recoverable Gravimetri¢ Solid mg/kg ms/kg mg/k$ HML 415 EPA 413.1 EPA 9020 * #1 BH ~W02-10' ~3 BH #W02-19,5' ND(5) #4 BH #W01-10' #5 ~H #WOl-15' #6 BH #W01-20' ND(5) Blank ND(5) ND(SO) ND(20) ND(50) ND(20) ND(50) ND(20) ND(50) ND(20) ND(50) ND(20) ND(50) ND(20) * Samples were extrac=ed with methanol before analyzing for T.O.X. ~o eliminate false positives from inorganic chlorides found fn the soil. GRAVELLY SOILS OVER 12% FWES OESCRI?~. ON line ~,am2s, Dr SILTY ANO Ct.~Y SOK,S L~J;D L~r[ LES~ THAN S]LTY AND CLAYEY SOt1.S UOt)ID LIMIT GRF__~TER 1}lAN 50 H~HLY ORC-ANII~ $~LS PLAS'It"',.~Y CH~RT tot C~s~k~ of F'me Grahted ,5,oils LOG SAMPLE - Saeple lype$ a~e bdlcaled as ~ Disturbed Unsafe, da; AlleJ~d M ~ L~lIied Carina s · ~hebyTube Syn~ [3) is) (r, otmds) Gr~es) J~ Hea~Cav~ Ilseco 7440 Lklce~ Wa~t, 2al0 ~ A~.. ~ A V~. ~ 9~, {805) ~0546 ~537 T~ AVL, U~ 116. ~ ~le. CA 91731. (~tG) 442-94~ PROJECT NAME CONTACT t PURCHASE OR~ER PROJECT MANAGER PHONE NUMBER SJTE CONTACT Sample No. i kJentificatior! Lab Sample Numbei No. oi Con- lainers / I / Received b~; (Signalure) Received by:. (Sionature) Reli~uisbed T)ate Method Special Insb'uctimls; _CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Sample ConditimV REMMTKS The deliver/, el samples and the stg~alure on this chain ol custody form ceesbtutes au(hodzalion to pedorm the analyses specified above under lhe Enseco Trams and Co~ditions, unless a eentr~( or purchase order has been executed a~ is ci(ed above. RECE1VEO Time Date ACCEPTED Time 1. Storage time refluesiod: ,days (Samples will he stored for 30 (Jays wiih~t additioeaJ charges; thereafter s~ora~e charoes will be biJred at (he p~bl~shud r~tes.) 2. Sample to be relulned ~o climlt: Y N' (E~ece will dispose of unrelumod sampbs at no ex'tm chmle. Disposal will be by tncifleratio~ wherever possiMe; otherwise, as approprAle, accmdirKj Io legal re~iremmts,) OIStTIIBUTION: While wilh, ~epo~, Yellow lo 1Fn~coo Plak lo Causer, Gold lo Samlde Conlfol C m I o I ..l'U~N--25-'~l TIJE : ' P.18 SITE CHA/~CT~RIZ'?ION REPORT 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield Section D Page i D. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The results of the latest soil analyses clearly indicate that the earlier soil analyses, performed in conjunction with the tank removal on February 5th, 1991, would indicate a completely isolated and small amount of affected soil. The subsequent soil analyses for the sample of March 7th, 1991, was retrieved with a hand auger. Although good sampling procedures were followed, the soil sample may have been influenced by sloughing from the upper regions of the boring. Prior to removing the actual sample from the boring, hole problems were experienced with a large piece of gravel or rock and the bottom had to be cleaned-out. Therefore, the small amount of apparent contamination coul~ be attributed to spillage of waste oil during activity a~ the fill. In view of these observations, it is recommended that no further work be performed on the site. RANDALL L. ABBOTT DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE [] ASSISTANT DIRECTOR RESC,. ORCE MANAGEMENT AG?,qCY Envirocmmmal He~h Se~dce~ De~arm~nt SIEVE McC~ ~ ~, ~, D~OR ~r Po~ Con~l D~ ~ d. RODDY, ~O ~ J~, ~CP, D~OR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT July 2, 1991 Tom Payne Oak Company P. O. Box 577 McFarland, CA 93250 SUBJECT: Location : 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield, CA Known As : Permit # : Oak Properties 320057 Dear Mr. Payne: This letter confirms the completion of site investigation and remedial action at the above site. With the provision that the information provided to this agency was accurate and representative of existing conditions, it is the position of this office that no further action is required at this time. Please be advised that this letter does not relieve you of any liability under the California Health and Safety Code or Water Code for past, present, or future operations at the site. Nor does it relieve you of the responsibility to clean up ex/sting, additional, or previously unidentified conditions at the site which cause or threaten to cause pollution or nuisance or otherwise pose a threat to water quality or public health. Additionally, be advised that changes in the present or proposed use of the site may require further site characterization and mitigation activity. It is the property owner's respons~ility to notify this agency of any changes in report content, future contamination findings, or site usage. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Michael Driggs at (805) 861-3636, Extension 566. Hazardous Materials Specialist IV Hazardous Materials Management Program L320057.b OAK COMPANY P.O. BOX 577 McFarland, CA 93250 Ms. Amy Green DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Resource Management Agency 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Ms. Green: Thank you for taking the time to return my phone call today. I had previously placed three phone calls to you pertaining to your March 26, 1990 letter, and must of caught you at a busy time but I want you to know of our effort to be responsive. Pursuant to our conversation, Oak Company bought the property at 2209 Panama Lane on March 5, 1980, but was unaware that prior to the purchase it had been a gas station. It was purchased as a rental investment for office uses since it had been remodeled for this particular use. Per your suggestions research will be undertaken to determine the 'following: 1. Prior ownership and, To determine if anyone previously sought, through the fire department, to have the tanks removed, licensed or abandoned. Due to my heavy travel schedule, you have agreed that we have until June 1, 1990 to make some kind of progress on the property. Since the whole area of gas tanks and their related problems is new to me, your helpfulness and cooperative attitude is sincerely appreciated. Sincerely, Manager WGC/jrh OAK COMPANY P.O. BOX 577 McFarland, CA 93250 June 4, 1990 Amy E. Green Hazardous Materials Management Program ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, California 93301 Dear Amy: Pursuant to your letter of March 26, 1990, and your agreement to extend to June 3, 1990, our reply, we have encountered some personnel problems. We now have a new person who will be handling the problem - Mary Jannett. We are also in process of seeking bids for the tank removal. Mrs. Jannett will contact you this week to follow up on this matter. As soon as we get this information we will contact you for the proper procedure and/or permits to proceed with the tank removal. Sincerely, WARREN CARTER WC;maj $'I,~TE OF ~OBNIA DEPABT~XlF. NT OF ItEALTI~ S~RVIC~S LABORATORY SERVIC:F~ SANITATION AND Fu~DIATION L4~OF, ATOI{¥ APPROVED WATER LABORATORY June 30,1991. E N S ~ C O - C R L Certificate 4t5. is hereby approved as a__gQ.m_.~r__e, iit_l_ ........................ water laboratory for the performance of analytical examinations as follows: Bacteriology General Chemical Shellfish Microbiology 1,tw~d at B~r'~le~3, D. ec~mber 6,1 98~8. Cer~ Expires 06130/90 41.5 0 m o 0 I 0 r- 3 STEVE McCALLEY Director RESO f 2700 M Street, Suite 300 ~ Baker,field, CA 93301 Telephone (805) 861-3636 ,~-?~.-.'z.~..~..~ Telecopler (605) 861-3429 URCE ~~.,~NT,. :::. AGENCY DEP ART ~~':"'~!M E NT AL . H~RDOUS MATERIALS-M~NAOEMENT Date October 17, 1990 Firm Name Oak Comp?__ny Address P.O. Box 577 Facility Address 2209 Panama Person Interviewed R~k~r~fi~ld Underground Tank Facility # EPA I.D. # none Assessors Parcel # --- Type Facility Lm]~OW33 unpermitted NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND ORDER TO COMPLY The following conditions or practices observed this date are violations of one or more sections of the California Health and Safety Code, Div. 20, or the California Code of Regulations, Tit'le 22, Div. 4, Chap. 30, relating to the "storage, handling, transportation, and disposal of hazardous waste" or the Ordinance Code of Kern County, Div. 8, "Underground Storage of Hazardous Substances." Conditions or practices must be corrected within the times ordered below: A representative of the Environmental Health Services Departn~nt ins~=cted, the property at 2209 Panama Lane, on the corner of Panama and Colony, and observed'that 'undergroUnd cap, vent lines, and drop tube have been taken. The dispensors for this facility have of Regulations, Title 23, Subchapter 16, Article 7 ("Improper Closure of an Underground ~orage 13.nk"); 5ern county ordinance code, section u.~u.2)0 ("~ilure to Obtain a Permit for the Permanent Closure of an Underqround Storage Tank"). storage t..~mk(s). Complete an application for the romoval of the underground storage ~k If you ~h ~= rapre~n~tiv~ Your signature acknowledges receipt of a copy of this report and collection of any samples described above, and is not an admission of guilt. Failure to fully comply with this "Notice and Order" may result in further legal action by County or State o{ficials. Owner or Authorized Representative - - - ~'~rd~s Iv~a~e~i~ls ~peciali-st While O~iginal C~nary -- Flcilily Rn# -- Sl;~cillill Enwl'ollm~tl~l H~llth ~80 4113 1~0 (RIv. STICK POSTAGE STAMPS TO ARTICLE TO COVER FIRST CLASS POSTAGE, CERTIFIED MAiL FEE, AND CHARGES FOR ANY SELECTED OPTIONAL SERVICES. (see front) t. Il you want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub to the right ol the return address leaving the receipt attached and present the article at a post office service window or hand it to your rural carrier. (no extra charge) 2. If you do not want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub to the right o! the return address o1 the article, date, detach and retain the receipt, and mail the article. 3. if you want a return receipt, write the certified mail number and your name and address off a return receipt card, Form 3811, and attach it to the lront ot the article by means of the gummed ends if space per- mits. Otherwise, affix to back of article. Endorse l[ont of article RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED adjacent to the number. 4. I1 you want delivery restricted to the addressee, or to an authorized agent of the addressee, endorse RESTRICTED DELIVERY on the front o1 the article. 5. Enter tees for the services requested in the appropriate spaces on the lront ol this receipt. Il ret -n receipt is requested, check the applicable blocks in item 1 ol Form 3811. ¢~ i.J.S.G.i~.O. 1989-234-555 6. Save this receipt and present it if you make inquiry. Put :y~. u~ .i~,.mss In the:"RETUR_N TO': 'SpaCeon _the'r'e.~eri~....~le.'F ..a~m to dO_tl~.i. Will pr~Ven~ {his cam..m~..emg ~ to ~.u. ~rhe return receipt fee.win p~Ovme you me name Of the ~.delivemd Tor ~es_.ams .check. Imx(.~.? tor 8~a!tional een~e(~, re~_ uest~. · . .~ .' ~.- : 1: i-I unoW .tO: ~whom detive(F_.,~ ~,~nd ad~.re~ee', add.si. 2, ri-Restricted Dellyery 3, A~cle Addressed'to: · 5, Signature-- Addreas - 6. Sig~ture. Agerlt '[ I PS Foe, 3811. i LL&O,,P.O. leee-affi-ees P 348 505 628 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDEI~ NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) P.O., State~3z~d ZIP Code P;;t~ge ...... Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt showing to whom and Date Delivered Return Receipt showing to whom. Date, and Address of Delivery TOTAL Postage and Fees $ Postmark or Date G) -! co (~ 0 STEVE ;;cCALLEY Director DEPARTS! HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield. CA 93301 Telephone (805) 861-3636 Telecopler (808) 861.3429 AGENCY Date October 17, 1990 Firm Name Oclk CQ _lT~any Address P.O. Box 577 Facility Address 2209 Panama Person Interviewed F~kPr~fi ~-ld Underground Tank Facility # unpermitted EPA I.D. # none Assessors Parcel # --- Type Facility unknown NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND ORDER TO COMPLY The following conditions or practices observed th is date are violations of one or more sections of the California Health and Safety Code, Div. 20, or the California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Div. 4, Chap. 30, relating to the "storage, handling, transportation, and disposal of hazardous waste" or the Ordinance Code of Kern County, Div. 8, "Underground Storage of Hazardous Substances." Conditions or practices must be corrected within the times ordered below: A representative of the Environmental Health SerVices Department inspected the property at 2209 Panama Lane, on the corner of Panama and Colony, and observed that underground cap, vent lines, and drop tube have been taken. The dispensors for this facility have of Re?ulations, Title 23, Subchapter ]6, Article 7 ("Improper Closure of an Underground $%orage Tank"); Kern county Ordinance Code, Section ~.4~.z/u ("~'ailure %o ub~ain a Permit for the Permanent Closure of an Underqround Storage Tank"). Notify thi.~ nffi~p w~h~n ')~_ ~_y$ Of yO,,r ~nl~n~ far th~ eln~,~r~ nf th~ tinder?round storage tank(s), Complete an application for ~he removal of the underground storage Your signature acknowledges receipt of a copy of this report and collection of any samples described above, and is not an admission of guilt. Owner or Authorized Representative while -- Original Canary -- Facility file Pink -- Sp~cillill Enw~'o~menlll Health ~O 4113 120 (Rev 2./90) Failure to fully comply with this "Notice and Order" may result in further legal action by County or State officials. .... -~zard~s M'a~erial~ Special~t 0/24/90 Invoice Nbr. PAGE 41478 !" 35 KEPN COUNTY PLANNING ~ DEVELOPMENT 2?00 'M' Street Bakersfffeld, CA 93301 305) 95!-28!5 Type o'f Order N CASH REGISTER CR;SP CONSTRUCTION .Customer P.O.~ ~ Nth By Order Oa:e 'Hi024901 j RAR 10/24/90 _fi~e Descriptfion : PER~;T =O CLOSE/ABANDON 170G Shfi p Date ! 0/24/90 Quantity Vi a Price Unit Disc 250.00 E Total TeP~ NT 250.00 250.30 Amount Due 250.00 250.00 '"i ~"~'" KERN'6OUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT /' COMPLAINT FORM. ' ~ Date //~--~ Time:~' ' ~,~ ~ ~ _ ~ .......... *~Clty ~ ~, Add __~ Phone Phorte , fled :Investigated by :;' _ ,'?-(. 7. /: CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR 'r,'R.;~{ZI~ ~ Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet (Local, State, of 'Federal) *" : Activity Ccx~e Description Site Specifi.~- Status Changes: JHours (l~ths) KEf~I COUNTY RESOURCE MANET ACENCY E]~VI~TAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTHENT 2?00 'M' STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD. CA 93301 (805)861-3636 (FILL OUT .,ON,,~ APPLICATION PER FACILITY) IINTEI~IAL USE ONLY- ,/ APPLICATION DATE:________F_.'_/_~_/'__._~_~_O PIPING FT. TO ABANDON: APPLICATION FOR PERMIT FOR PERI~N~ENT HCLOC:::IJRE/ABAN[2OqNffNT OF UNDEI~ROJNO AZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE FACILITY THIS APPLICATION I$ FOR ~,~ RIB~IOVAL, ~ F~ILI1Y II~01~TICII M~ECT Ci~iIC): ~ F~ILIff ~: ~ ~~/~ 8: CIME~OR lJ~C:Cla,#TlOI OR [] ABANDONMENT IN PLACE CI~: /~~~ J ZIP: C: 0811CN. IIFCRMTIOI CHEMICAL COIV~:~TICN OF IV[ATERIALS STORED: TANK # VOLUME CHEMICAL STORED DATES STORED /~,~'~ Tg_~_ CHEMICAL FORMERLY STOREDl E: DI~IS~L II'Clef, TI31 ~*Pt_EA.e~ COvlPLETE THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS APPLICATION BEFORE SI.t~IITrlN~ FOR ~-'VI~~/ THIS FORN HAS BEEN CCIvlPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY AND TO THE BEST OF lily KNOINLEDGE IS TRUE AND CORRECT. 3G801 HOLE ~ N= / R= SOIL GAS READING3 23501 30201 28071 V=/.,. / ~1 ~= Iy7 · =,%.$, ~. R= 28761 HOLE 30801 23501 130201 28071 28761 HOLE · HOLE HOLE ~ 30801 N= R= :]030 i N= K= 23501 ~a~0! ~=/, riM=. R=O.e,/.L~I R= 23.5'] 1 302G: ~=/, ~" ~= ~.=~ ~.~ ?.= 2'3 ff.G. ! 36201 . N=/~ ~'1 N= 2S071 2~07! N= P..= 25071 28761 2~761 28761 N= R= 28-.,6i N= ~.t R= USi PPM= USi PFM= "I US£ 30c~! !2.50!. 1'30201 28071 28761 U$i p.=~i=' · :': ,-, . ;¥'. · ..-.1: ..... . lSnseco [3 7440 Lincoln Way, Garden Glove. CA 92641, (714) 8 '0 C'I 2810 Bunsen Ave., Unil AVentura, CA 93003, (805) . .546 C] 2325 Skyway Or., Unit K. Santa Maria, CA 93455. (805) 922-2776 [] 9537 Telstar Ave., Unit 118, El Monte, CA 91731, (818) 442.8400 [] Mobile Labs, (800) ENSECO.8 Date CHAIN OF CUSTOr RECORD / ~/,~- '~,,") Page /' gl / Lab Number. i CLIENT _ t'"~'~/',~..~. ADDRESS PROJECT NAME CONTRACT / PURCHASE ORDER / QUOTE # Sample No. / Identification Lab Sample Number. PROJECT MANAGER PHONE NUMBER SITE CONTACT SAMPLE WPE NO. 0f Con- tainers ANALYSES Sample Condition/ REMARKS SAMPLERS: (Signature) Relinquished by: (Signature) Relinquished by: (Signature) Method of Shipment: Date by: (Signature) Time Received for Laboratory by: Special Instructions: Date The delivery of samples and the signature on this chain of custody form constitutes authorization to perform tht analyses specified above under the Enseco Terms Conditions, unless a contract or purchase order has beer executed and is cited above. RECEIVED Time I Date ACCEPTED Time SAMPLE DISPOSITION: 1. Storage time requested: days (Samples will be stored for 30 days without additional charges; thereafter storage charges will be billed at the published rates.) 2. Sample to be returned to client: Y N (Enseco will dispose of unreturned samples at no extra charge. Disposal will be by incineration wherever possible; otherwise, as appropriate, according to legal requirements.) DISTRIBUTION: White wilh reporl, Yellow to Enseco, Pink to Courier, Gold to Sample Control Enseco - CRL 2810 Bunsen Avenue, Unit A * Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 650-0546 · FAX: (805) 650-0756 Clark Technology Systems 1349 E.Main St. Santa Paula, CA. 93060 Fax #525-8358 Attn: R.Huber & D.Loucks 805/525/3358 01/22/90 Sample #: 0012102205 Received: 01/12/90 Type: Solid I.D.: BH #4 @ 15' -California DOHS Method- Collector: Client Sampling Date & Time: Method: Not Specified 01/11/90, 1130 Analyzed 1/16/90 ND <1 m:3/kg MDL~ -EPA Method 602/8020- Analyzed 1/18/90 Benzene EPA 8020 ND <0.005 rog/kg 0.005 Toluene EPA 8020 ND <0.005 mg/kg 0.005 Ethyl Benzene EPA 8020 ND <0.005 rog/kg 0.005 Total Xylenes EPA 8020 ND <0.015 rog/kg 0.015 Page: 3 (cont.) [ND = None Detected; (G) : Grab; MDL : Minimum Detection Limit] The Report Cover Leiter is an integral part of this report. This reoorl pertains only to the samoles investigated and does not necessarily aoply to other apparently identical or similar materials. This report is submitted for the exclusive ............ , ................ t^. ~,,..Heim,n ne n,,hlielht m~rnn~:pq wilhnul aulhorization is orohioited. EI"LSeCO -- Enseco - CRL 2810 Bunsen Avenue, Unit A · Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 650-0546 · FAX: (805) 650-0756 Clark Technology Systems 1349 E.Main St. Santa Paula, CA. 93060 Fax #525-8358 Attn: R.Huber & D.Loucks 805/525/3358 01/22/90 Sample #: 0012102206 Received: 01/12/90 Type: Solid Collector: Client Sampling Date & Time: Method: Not Specified 01/11/90, 1210 I.D.: BH #5A @ 5' CONSTITUENT Lead, Total Totl. Recov. Petrol .Hydrocarbons MEq~OD ~-~ : UNIT-- ]~DL-- EPA 7420 3 rog/kg 1 EPA 418.1 ND <5 rog/kg 5 -EPA Method 601/8010- ADzllyz ed 1/17/90 Chlor~methane B~ oa~methane Vinyl Ckloride C~loroethane Methylene Cb_loride 1,1-Dichloroethene 1,1-Dichlor~ethane trar~ 1,2-Dichlo~ene Chloroform 1,2-Dichloroethane 1, 1, 1-Trichloroethane Carbon Tetrachloride 1,2-Dichlorobenzene Trichloro f luoromethane 1, 2-Dichloropr~pane trans 1,3-Dichloropropene Trichlorcethene DibrcmxDc2~ oromethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane cis 1, 3-Dichlor~propene 2 -CD_lo~thylv~yle~ Bromoform EPA 8010 ND <0.05 m~/kg 0.05 EPA 8010 ND <0.05 mg/kg 0.05 EPA 8010 ND <0.05 m~/kg 0.05 EPA 8010 ND <0.05 mg/kg 0.05 EPA 8010 ND <0.05 mg/kg 0.05 EPA 8010 ND <0.05 n~/kg 0.05 EPA 8010 ND <0.05 rog/kg 0.05 EPA 8010 ND <0.05 rog/kg 0.05 EPA 8010 ND <0.05 rog/kg 0.05 EPA 8010 ND <0.05 rog/kg 0.05 EPA 8010 ND <0.05 rog/kg 0.05 EPA 8010 ND <0.05 rog/kg 0.05 EPA 8010/8020 ND <0.05 rog/kg 0.05 EPA 8010 ND <0.05 rog/kg 0.05 EPA 8010 ND <0.05 rog/kg 0.05 EPA 8010 ND <0.05 rog/kg 0.05 EPA 8010 ND <0.05 rog/kg 0.05 EPA 8010 ND <0.05 rog/kg 0.05 EPA 8010 ND <0.05 mg/kg 0.05 EPA 8010 ND <0.05 mg/kg 0.05 EPA 8010 ND <0.05 mg/kg 0.05 EPA 8010 ND <0.05 m~/kg 0.05 Page: 4 (cont.) [ND = None Detected; (G) = Grab;' MOL = Minimum Detection Limit] The Report Cover Letter is an integral part of this report. Enseco - CRL 2810 Bunsen Avenue, Unit A ° Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 650-0546 · FAX: (805) 650-0756 Tetrachloroethene 1,1,2,2-Tetrachlorcethane Chlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorc~_nzene -California DOHS Method- !~/qOD ~---~ ----UNIT' MDL · EPA 8010 ND <0.05 rog/kg 0.05 EPA 8010 ND <0.05 m~/kg 0.05 EPA 8010/8020 ND <0.05 rog/kg 0.05 EPA 8010 ND <0.05 mg/k~ 0.05 EPA 8010/8020 ND <0.05 mg/~ 0.05. EPA 8010/8020 ND <0.05 m~/k~ 0.05 Ark~lyz ed 1/16/90 ~s/~ ND <i rog/kg i -EPA Method 602/8020- Analyzed 1/18/90 Benzene EPA 8020 ND <0. 005 rog/kg 0.005 Toluene EPA 8020 ND <0.005 n~/kg 0.005 Ethyl Benzene EPA 8020 ND <0.005 m~/kg O. 005 Total Xylenes EPA 8020 ND <0.015 m~/kg 0.015 Page: 5 (cont.) [ND = None Detected; (G) = Grab; MOL = Minimum Detection Limit] The Report Cover Le~ter'is an integral pad QI this report. This report pertains only to the samples investigated and does not necessarily apply lo other apparently identical or similar malerials. This repod is submitted for the exclusive ................ -~ ;, ;. ~,.e~.a A m, r.nrndHRfinn Al fhiS report or use ot Ibis Laboratory's name/or advertising or publicily purposes without authorizalion is prohibiled. Enseco - Enseco - CRL 2810 Bunsen Avenue, Unit A · Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 650-0546 · FAX: (805) 650-0756 Clark Technology Systems 1349 E.Main St. Santa Paula, CA. 93060 Fax #525-8358 Attn: R.Huber & D.Loucks 805/525/3358 01/22/90 Sample #: 0012102201 Received: 01/12/90 Type: Solid I.D.: BH #1 @ 10' -EPA Method 601/8010- (/nloromethane Bromomethane Vinyl Ckloride ~hloroethane Methylene Chloride 1,1-Dichlorcethene 1,1-Dichlorcethane ~ 1, 2-Dichloroethene Chloroform 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1,1-Trichloroethane Carbon Tetrachloride 1,2-Dichlorobenzene Trichloro fluoromethane 1,2-Dichloropropane trans 1,3-Dichloropropene Trichloroethene Dibromoc_h/oromethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane cis 1,3-Dichloropropene 2 -(D_I oroethylviny 1 ether Bromoform Collector: Client Sampling Date & Time: Method: Not Specified 01/11/90, 0930 MEI~OD . =~:. UNIT ' MDL-- EPA 7420 5 rog/kg 1 EPA 418.1 ND <5 rog/kg 5 ADa] yzed 1/17/90 EPA 8010 ND <0.05 m~/kg 0.05 EPA 8010 ND <0.05 rog/kg 0.05 EPA 8010 ND <0.05 m~/kg 0.05 EPA 8010 ND <0.05 rog/kg 0.05 EPA 8010 ND <0.05 mg/kg 0.05 EPA 8010 ND <0.05 rog/kg 0.05 EPA 8010 ND <0.05 mg/kg 0.05 EPA 8010 ND <0.05 mg/kg 0.05 EPA 8010 ND <0.05 rog/kg 0.05 EPA 8010 ND <0.05 mg/kg 0.05 EPA 8010 ND <0.05 m~/kg 0.05 EPA 8010 ND <0.05 rog/kg 0.05 EPA 8010/8020 ND <0.05 m~/kg 0.05 EPA 8010 ND <0.05 mg/kg 0.05 EPA 8010 ND <0.05 rog/kg 0.05 EPA 8010 ND <0.05 mg/kg 0.05 EPA 8010 ND <0.05 mg/kg 0.05 EPA 8010 ND <0.05 rog/kg 0.05 EPA 8010 ND <0.05 mg/kg 0.05 EPA 8010 ND <0.05 rog/kg 0.05 EPA 8010 ND <0.05 rog/kg 0.05 EPA 8010 ND <0.05 mg/kg 0.05 Page: 1 (cont.) [ND = None Detected; (G) = Grab; MDL = Minimu~ Detection Limit] The Report Cover Letter 'is an integral part of this report. drl~ not necessarily ~L~Iv to other apparently identical or similar materials. This report is submitted for the exclusive Enseco - CRL 2810 Bunsen Avenue, Unit A · Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 650-0546 · FAX: (805) 650-0756 E eco ---CON~ Tet~achloroethene 1, 1,2,2 -Tetrachlor~ethane Chlorobenzene ~-~xiichlo~thane 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlo~ene 5~fHOD EPA 8010 EPA 8010 EPA $010/8020 EPA 8010 EPA 8010/8020 EPA 8010/8020 MDL 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 · 0.05 Page: 2 (cont.) [ND = None Detected; (G) = Grab; MOL = Minimum Detection Limit] The Report Cover Letter 'is an inlegral part of this report. This re(~ort pertains only to the samples investigated and does not necessarily aoply Io other apparently identical or similar materials. This report is submitted for the exclusive ..................... -~..-,;~. ~t ,k; ...... t ..... e AJ fhi~' I 3hnr'~tdnt'c rl:3m¢~ far ~rlv~rti~Jnn or nuhlicitv ourooses withoul aulhorizalion is prohibited. Enseco - CRL 2810 Bunsen Avenue, Unit A · Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 650-0546 · FAX: (805) 650-0756 ~FL~CCO ~ Clark Technology Systems 1349 E.Main St. Santa Paula, CA. 93060 Fax #525-8358 Attn: R.Huber & D.Loucks 805/525/3358 01/22/90 Sample #: 0012102211 Received: 01/12/90 Type: Solid I.D.: BH #9 @ 10' Collector: Client Sampling Date & Time: Method: Not Specified 01/11/90, 1335 MEI~OD-- -----RFSLU_W-- UNIT MDL EPA 418.1 ND <5 rog/kg 5 Reviewed ~ pp ed . Page: 6 [ND = None Detected; (G) = Grab; MDL= Minimua Detection Limit] The Report Cover Leiter'is an integral part of this repod. This report pertains only to the samples investigated and does not necessarily aoply to other apparently identical or similar materials. This repod is submitted for ~he exclusive Clari~ Technology Systems inc. James E. Clark Ii - Civil Engineering John Colt PhD - Environmental Chemistry S. Richard Huber MS - Biochemistry L. M. LeYenstein MBA/AB - Mathematics Robert Michael MS - Registered Geologist #3849 Sydney Rittenberg PhD - Microbiology John Silliker PhD - Microbiology Mr. Tom Almberg Watson Realty Company Post Office Box 663 Bakersfield, California 93302 January 24, 1990 INTRODUCTION Clark Technology Systems, Inc. (CTSI) was contracted by Tom Almberg of Watson Realty to perform a site investigation on property located at 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield, California. A total of ten boreholes were drilled to depths ranging from ten to thirty-five feet. Eleven soil samples were recovered and four of these were turned into Enseco Laboratory in Ventura, California for analysis. In addition, six vapor tubes holes were drilled and checked in the garage area in the southeast section of the building. The objective of the site investigation was to determine the presence of any detectable levels of hydrocarbon or lead in the subsurface material on the subject site. This investigation was carried out on January 11, 1990. Prior to the site investigation, a Soil/Gas Vapor Survey was carried out on the premises on September 25, 1989. SITE INVESTIGATION PROCEDURE CTSI contracted Consolidated Testing Laboratories, Inc. of Porterville, California to drill the boreholes on the subject site. The location of the boreholes were determined by CTSI. The drilling and soil sample recovery was supervised~by David Loucks of CTSI. As mentioned above, ten boreholes were drilled on the subject site (Refer to figure 1). The boreholes were placed in locations best suited to determine if the underground fuel and waste oil tanks on site were leaking. In addition, two boreholes (BH#4 and BH#8) were situated on the west property line to assure that no contamination was entering the subject site from the gasoline service station located west of the site on the southwest corner of Colony and Panama Lane. One other borehole (BH#10) was drilled east of the southeast corner of the building on the site. 1349 East Main Street, PO Box 72 · Santa Paula, CA 93060 Page 2 Selected soil samples were taken at various depths and turned into a state certified laboratory for analysis. The results of the analysis are attached to this report. Six Soil/Gas Vapor Survey points were tested in the garage area in the southwest corner of the building on site (Refer to figure 2). No significant level of contamination was found at any of these test points with the exception of point #3. A reading of 1.2+ CO2 was recorded at this point. This most likely represents a small spillage of a hydrocarbon product at a time when the garage was in operation. No~'special significance is attached to this reading. .f SITE GEOLOGY The site is underlaid by clean, slightly moist, light to medium brown sand with intermittent layers of clayey sand. The most significant clayey sand layer appeared consistently between 7 and 15 feet below ground surface (bgs). Borehole #3 was drilled to 35 feet with no indication of groundwater., According to Consolidated Test Laboratories, Inc. groundwater is 50 to 70 feet bgs. The sand is made up of subrounded grains of silica with a small percentage of other minerals including pyrite and various feldspars. '~Surface drainage is to the south southwest (ssw). BOREHOLE SUMMARY BOREHOLE DEPTH DRILLED (FEET) DEPTH OF SOIL SAMPLES RECOVERED (FEET) BH#1 15 10' BH#2 15 15 BH#3 40 20 BH#4 15 15' BH#5A 10 5* BH#6 15 5,10 BH#7 10 5,10 BH#8 15 BH#9 15 5,10' BH#10 10 5 * Indicates soil samples turned into independent laboratory for analysis. Page 3 SUMMARY OF SITE INVESTIGATION The results of the boring and laboratory analysis for ali soil samples tested was negative. CTSI found no evidence of hydrocarbon contamination as a result of these borings and tests. The borings have shown, however, that there is a layer of oil saturated sand 6 to 8 inches thic~i~diatel~ beneath the asphalt filI. This oil layer is probably the result of past oiling of the ground surface to control the dust. Obviously, this would have occurred before the surface was asphalted. It was this oil layer that caused our Soil/Gas Vapor Survey to record~fd~'~g~evels of hydroc~b0~ presence on site. , RECOMMENDATIONS CTSI recommends that the oil tainted layer of sand described above be removed at such time that the asphalt and fill are removed. Sincerely: David Loucks Hydrogeologist THOMAS A. PAYNE & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING SERVICES 5330 Office Center Court, Suite 59 Bakersfield, California 93309 (805) 328-9347 December 10, 1990 MR. WESLEY NICKS Hazardous Materials Specialist Resource Management Agency 2700 "M" Street Bakersfield, California 93301 Dear Mr. Nicks: The following is a brief historical synopsis of the information gathered relative to the property at 2209 Panama Lane. 1. 4-29-65: Glenn-Hagen Enterprises (a partnership) transfers the property to Humble Oil Company. (A Delaware Corporation) 2. 1-01-73: Exxon Corporation (A New Jersey Corporation) acquires Humble Oil Company, and this property, in a buy-out merger. 3. 10-31-78: Exxon Corporation sells the property (now an abandoned service station building) to William Russell Smith, Sr., an individual. 4. 8-10-79: Mr. Smith transfers title to Jim Carstensen, an individual, through a sale-leaseback agreement. 5. 3-05-80: Mr. Carstensen transfers title to the Oak Company, a general partnership. By interviewing surrounding property owners, past owners and tenants, and by completing a title search, the following events surface. 1. Humble Oil company constructs a freeway service station on the site, sometime in 1965 and soon opens for business. 2. Exxon takes over the operation in the spring of 1973, but phases the unprofitable site out of operation sometime in 1976 or early 1977. Business * Industry * Corporations · Partnerships * Individuals Page Two December 10, 1990 Mr. Wesley Nicks 3. The vacant site is purchased by William Smith, Sr., who provides the site to his son for the operation of a swimming pool construction, supply, service company, known as Leisure World Pools. 4. The son applies to the County Fire Department for a permit to remodel and add on to the existing service station building. The county requires Mr. Smith to remove the remaining contents from the underground tanks and fill the tanks with "oilfie!d slurry" miz. This is done and the construction was completed and "finaled" in February or March of 1979. 5. The business soon begins to fail, and the property is sold to an investor (Carstensen) on a sale-leaseback agreement. The business eventually fails, and in March of 1980, the vacant property is sold to the current owners. 6. The current owners rent to several tenants over the years, but none succeed or remain. In 1989, a pre-school, child care center agrees to lease the site, subject to a building remodel to suit their needs. In the process, it is learned by the current owners that underground tanks are buried somewhere on the property. The tanks must be removed or proof of abandonment provided before the pre-school will sign a lease. Clark Technologies of Santa Paula is hired to test the property; Complete an assessment, and submit an evaluation proposal. A soil/gas vapor survey was completed on September 25, 1989, and a site investigation completed on January 11, 1990. (Report dated 1-24-90 on file.) No significant contamination was found. 7. Over the next several months, bids were solicited for removal or abandonment or the tanks. Estimates ranged from $44,000 to $85,000 plus, depending on variables. A major factor was the unknown location of the tanks. On October 15, I was hired to assist the owners with the bid process, locating the tanks, etc. On October 17, with the owners, we attempted to locate the tanks, did so, and partially exposed them. On that date, your investigation commenced. 8. Subsequent efforts to locate the 1978-1979 County building permit, listing the condition that the tanks be emptied and filled with slurry, have been unsuccessful. Checks were made with all appropriate City and County agencies. In early November, I had a telephone conversation with William Smith, Sr., who advised his son, Bill, had complied with County requirements to fill the tanks with "slurry." I then talked to his Page Three December 10, 1990 Mr. Wesley Hicks son by telephone, and he confirmed that the process was monitored by County Officials during the remodeling, and that the tanks were inspected before the construction permit was "finaled." He was unable to furnish an exact date of construction, or the name of the company doing the actual work, but said the permit was issued and finaled, and on file with the County of Kern. Again, I check with the County, but no record was found under Smith, Leisure World, or 2209 Panama Lane. Attempts to recontact Bill Smith (Jr.) have been unsuccessful. An abandonment permit has been filed with your Department by Crisp Construction to complete the in-ground abandonment. Respectfully, THOMAS A. PAYNE' TAP:bsp Insurance Adjusters Claims Management and Administration 5405 Stockdale Highway Suite 203 Bakersfield, California 93309 (805) 831-1703 FAX: 805-831-3231 RE: 'COMPANY, CLAIM NO: DATE OF LOSS: OUR FILE NO.: Bakersfield · (8O5) 831-1703 Covina (818) 915-5861 Fresno .. . .. . (209) 233-9500 i~ Glendale (Los Angeles Area) · ,', (213) 245-O80O ,. ~' ' ' long Beach "~" '" (213) 596-5539 -(916) 631-8551 Concerning the abOve-captioned accident it is ireqUaste'd:%h~E:~You.- comply ONLY with thOse items checked (X) below. '::~,,'-,., ,.'...~'",,.v l. Our records reflect that we have not:"!'~eC~Lved:~'the form previously ma~led ~o you accident. Your promp~ 2. ~e .are '~LaO~ng out' fLle on i f =,,wet:~,have noL heard from ~ou by Lhag Xf you ~houXd have any questions pZeaae oazz Lhe under~ned.aE 4. ~ tS our understanding ~ha~ ~ou - - cap,toned acc~denL which occurred a~ .. . PZea~e con~ac~ the=. undersigned at 805/83Z-~/03~ collect ~f necessary.. Very truly.yours, DBA OWNER ADDRESS KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT INVESTIGATION RECORD ADDRESS ASSESSORS' PARCEL CHRONOLOGICAL RECORD, OF INVESTIGATION ' DATE i~'/,4 I · ! I MC: cd H AZ A R D(i~ S MAT E R.I ALS it~A,N AG EM EN T PERilm~ TTI NG 'AND I ~,~PECTI ONS A~TI VI TY SHEET DATE I ACTIVITY INITIALS TIME 'r'"/I r ......... -- . //. ./ f' -- ~ r ~1 .... /- .. ~--:__ . / / , . ' /~ - .. /~ .... . ~ II ~_ ~ ~,'~', ..~~ . .. " ' ~ , 2 . ~: $~ c_~~c~.'~ AI~ ~A~ ~o I , I/~' - ' ' · ' ' .... ~ / ~ I I / .--) I ~ ' A~b~A~ ~ ~ ~,'//~ ~,'~ ~. 'ii HAZAR S MATERI ALS ~ANAGEMENT PERMITTING AND INSPECTIONS XOlI VI TY SHEET DATE i ACTIVITY I INITIAL$ TIME Attachment KERN COUNTY LOCAL AGREEMENT OPTION BETWEEN KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT (Kern County Underground Storage Tank Permitting Authority) Responsible Party for Underground Storage Tank for: OAK COMPANY Permit #320057 This facility has experienced an unauthorized release of hazardous substances from an underground storage tank. Action is necessary to protect the public health and the environment of the County, pursuant to Chapter 6.7 of the California Health and Safety Code and Chapter 8.48 of the Kern County Ordinance Code. THE WITNESS FOR THE COUNTY AND SIGNATURE(S) FOR A RESPONSIBLE PARTY OF THE SUBJECT FACILITY DESCRIBED ABOVE DO HEREBY AGREE THAT: Kern County Environmental Health Services Department shall act as the lead agency for regulatory oversight for the: a) Site characterization: the study of a site, including sampling of subsurface soil and water where contamination is found in order to fully assess its extent and threat to the environment. It shall include a discussion of the relative risk to biological receptors and possible pathways of exposure. It may include removal or in-place closure of the tank, disposal or on-site treatment of contaminated backfill or adjacent soil, removal of hazardous substances floating on groundwater, and the drilling of groundwater monitor wells. b) Feasibility study: the identification and evaluation of feasible alternatives for cleaning up the site and remedying threats to public health and safety. c) Remedial action plan: the most cost-effective, appropriate plan to lessen, alleviate, abate, correct or clean-up the effects that a release of hazardous substances may have on the environment, based on the feasibility study. d) Remediatton: the action chosen by the responsible party and approved by Kern County Environmental Health Services Department for the mitigation and clean-up of contamination resulting from an unauthorized release of hazardous materials and any ongoing monitoring of the site. The responsible party shah do the following: ao Conduct all work as directed by Kern County Environmental Health Services Department pursuant to State and local law and in conformance with appropriate regulations to assess and remediate the contaminated site. Deposit with the Kern County Environmental Health Leaking Underground Storage Tank Local Option Trust Fund the sum of $1,000.00. The Department's oversight activities will be charged against this account at the rate prescribed, by Kern County Ordinance Code Chapter 8.04 (currently $50.00 per hour). Monthly statements will be prepared detailing the activities and services provided and the remaining credit balance. Kern County Environmental Health Services Department shall provide the following services: ao Oversight of all activities to characterize the site's threat to the environment and/or the groundwater, and coordination with the appropriate State, County and local regulatory agencies. bo Serve as the single contact point for the responsible party's representatives anct other regulatory agencies for the activities described in "a' above. If during the Department's review of the site characterization/remedial action plan, it is determined that a permit may be required by another agency, the responsible party shah be referred to that permitting agency. Co Review reports, conduct inspections, and oversee monitoring until the site poses no further environmental or public health threat. An official certification letter shah be given to the responsible party when the site is determined to no longer pose a significant threat to the environment. The responsible party will be officially notified by Kern County Environmental Health Services Department when: Necessary oversight is completed. A final statement will be provided to the responsible party. If there remains an unexpended balance of the deposit made by the responsible party in the Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund, a refund for the unexpended balance will be issued; - or - Fourteen (14) hours of billable time has been reached. This will give notice that the available funds will be exhausted after six (6) additional hours of billable time, at which time the agreement will expire. A statement estimating the amount of time necessary to complete any remaining oversight work will be sent. The responsible party will then have another opportunity to renew his agreement with the County. Failure to enter into another agreement shall require Kern County Environmental Health Services Department to utilize the State Water Resources Control Board Pilot Project for which the responsible party, may be billed by the State directly for the cost of County services as well as State costs. Kern County Environmental Health Services Department reserves the right to cancel this agreement at any time for any reasons, including groundwater contamination or a uniquely complex hydrogeological condition. If an unexpended balance remains on deposit from the responsible party under the terms of this agreement, a refund for the unexpended balance will be issued and the agreement terminated. Once the agreement is cancelled, you, as a responsible party, will be enrolled in the State Leaking Underground Storage Tank Pilot Program; see Attachment "DM. This agreement may be cancelled any time by either party by certified registered return receipt letter to the other party within five days of said notification. I, (responsible party), have read and agree to the conditions of this agreement for the contaminated site described as: Site Name Site Address Owner Cit~ Zip Owner's Address Operator City Telephone Zip Billing Address Telephone Atm: Permit # In order for this agreement to be executed, it must be signed and accompanied by the deposit of one-thousand dollars ($10oo.o0). Responsible Party: Date: For the County of Kern: Date: 3 KEI~I CCIJNTY R~RCE MANA~T ACENCY ENVI~TAL HEALTH SERVICE~ DEPART1VENT 2700 'H* STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD. CA 93301 (805)861-3636 (FILL OUT (:~I._._[E APPLICATION PER FACILITY) THIS APPLICATION IS FOR ~ FACiLI1Y ]m:CI~TICN F.ICILilY NAN[: IINTE~IALUSEONLY: APPLICATION DATE:_ # OF TANKS TO AB/~IDGN: PIPING FT. TO ABANDON ..... PTA: PTO: APPLICATION FOR PEI~IT FOR PEI~ENT CLOSURE/ABAN[X:)NMENT OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE FACILZTY [~"~F_r, lOVALo OR C~/'ABAND(~fl~IENT IN PLACE C: C~IICAL Lq:[~P~TICI4 CONPC~TION OF MATERIALS STORED: VOLUI~ CHEN] CAL STORED DATES STORED TO TO'~ CHEMICAL FOI:~IERLY STORED D: BIV]~AL ]II:CR~TIOI INIkIER 10 RIC]LI1Y PROV]DEO Pr~,i;IEST ~TER NB,L-GIVE DISI'JHCE IF N]IH]N 5(X) FEET: BASIS KR S01L ~ ~ (~[Xli]dkTER I~EI)IH IZT[JaqINkTICN: E: DISI~6~. ]]I:QIIATICN ~-5:D" 6/~.-~-~,,~ -r:.~/,<. IlSGla:UO~TF.R NIII'IIN 50 Fu:I? Y ~ N lSOIL ~ AT FACILITY: lTO K N~YZ~ F~: SITE CHARACTERIZATION WORKPLAN C o SITE 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield, CA TABLE OF CONTENTS Site Information Cover Page I. Site Information II. Area Map III. Site Sketch Site Background I. Site History and Tank Use II. Specific Tank information III. Description of Potential Contamination ~V. V. VI. Area Zopograpny Potentially Sensitive Structures/Sites Subsurface Data Preliminary Site Assessment Results I. Summary of Site Work II. Analytical Data Soil Sampling Plan I. Proposed Soil Borings II. Proposed Sampling/Analyses III. Estimated Cost of Proposed Nork IV. Sampling Sketch E. Site Safety Plan SITE CHARACTERIZATION WORKPLAN 2209 Panama Lane, BaKersfield Section B Page t B. SiTE BACKGROUND i. Site History and Tank Use The site is located at 2209 Panama Lane near the southern perimeter of the City of Bakersfield, one block east of Highway 99. The nearest residential area is approximately 500 feet east. There are three canals within one-third of a mile; the Arvin-Edison Canal runs east/west 1/4 mile south, the Kern Island Canal runs north/ south I/3 mile east, and the West Branch Canal runs north/south 1/2 mile west. There is much open land to the south of the property. Originally developed as a service station in 1965, the site is just over 0.5 acres in size. There were four underground storage tanks installed, three fuel and one waste oil tank. The service station was operated until late 1976, or early 1977. The subsequent owner then ceased operating as a service station and abandoned the three fuel tanks in early 1979. The waste oil tank was nos abandoned. ii. Specific Tank information The three 10,000 gallon fuel tanks were abandoned in 1979 by filling with drilling mud slurry. The east ends of these three t0,000 gallon tanks were exposed, piping removed, and the water phase of the drilling mud slurry was removed on February 5th, 1991. Then, the next day, the tanks were completely filled with a cement, sand slurry to comp!ere abandonment. The 550 gallon waste oil tank was removed on February 5th, !991. The tank was inspected for holes; none were evident. And, the piping for ~he tank; a remote fill-line from within the building, the fill-pipe, and the vent piping; apparently was completely intact. As required, two soil samples were retrieved from under the tank. Please refer to the letter dated February 25th, 1991; marked Appendix C-!. Subsequently, a soil sample was retrieved from approximately 10 ft. below the tank on March 7th, t991. Please refer to the letter dated March 28th, 1991; marked Appendix C-2. The above abandonments were performed under Permit for Permanent Closure Number A 1344-32, dated January 28~h, 1991. - 2 SITE CHARACTERIZATION WORKPLAN 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield Section B Page 2 III. Description of Potential Contamination The analyses of the soil samples retrieved from under the waste oil tank apparently indicates some migration of waste oil, probably a result of mishandling during waste oil pick-ups by the oil recycler. This would not result in a serious contamination plume. IV. Area Topo'grapny The area is relatively flat, with little or no slope. Surface drainage is to the south southwest. V. Potentially Sensitive Structures/Sites None apparent nearby. VI. Subsurface DaTa The site is underlaid by clean, slightly moist, light to medium brown sand with intermit%ent layers of clayey sand. The most significant clayey sand layer appears consistently between 7 and 15 feet below ground surface. Groundwater is definitely below 40 feet and is reported to be at 60 to 70 feet. SITE CHARACTERIZATION WORKPLAN 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield Section C Page 1 C. PRELIMINARY SITE ASSESSMENT RESULTS i. Summary of Site Work A significant Site Investigation was performed by Clark Technology Systems, inc. on January llth, 1990. This involved the drilling of 10 boreholes to various depths, one of which was approximately 9 ft. south and 7 ft. west of the waste oil tank's position. That boring was drilled to a depth of 15 feet with a soil sample retrieved from 5 ft. and i0 ft. The 10 ft. sample was analyzed for Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons, EPA 418.i with the results being Non Detectable. The soil samples retrieved as a result of the tank removal were analyzed for Oil and Grease, EPA 413.1; Total Organic Halogen, EPA 9020; and, Total Lead, EPA 7420. The following is a summary of those analyses results, reported by letters dated February 25th, 1991, marked Appendix C-i; and, dated March 28th, t991, marked Appendix C-2. ii. Analytical Data Sample ID 2 ft. Under 6 ~t. Under 10 ft. Under Oil & Grease Gravimetric mq./kq. 940 450 i700 Totai Organic Halogen, Solid mq./kg. Total Lead mq./kg. ND ND 40 Ao SITE CHARACTERIZATION WORKPLAN 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield Section A Page i SITE INFORMATION COVER PAGE i. SiTe Information Site Location: 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield, CA Owner: Oak Company Contact Persons: Warren Carter Tom Payne Business Address: P. O. Box 577, McFarland, CA 93250 Telephone No.: (805) 327-5161 (805) 32S-9347 Business Type: Currently Vacant: Commercial Project Manaqement By~ Tank Team, Inc. ?. O. Box 1844, Ojai, CA 93024 Contact Person: Richard Maertz Phone(s): 805) 525-8960 805) 646-0808 Cellular: 805) 377-1628 Professional Geologist: Spencer F. Fine Senior Geologist, RG #795 - 2 SITE CHARACTERIZATION WORKPLAN 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield Section A Page 2 ii. Area MaD Attached. III. Site Sketch Attached. .~ repared By: Reviewed By: Richard Ma~rtz Date: Spencer Fi 795 May /q , !991 Dale: May ;~ , i991 SITE CHARACTERIZATION WORKPLAN 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield Section B Page 1 B. SiTE BACKGROUND I. Site History and Tank Use The site is located at 2209 Panama Lane near the southern perimeter of the City of Bakersfield, one block east of Highway 99. The nearest residential area is approximately 500 feet east. There are three canals within one-third of a mile; the Arvin-Edison Canal runs east/west 1/4 mile south, the Kern Island Canal runs north/ south !/3 mile east, and the West Branch Canal runs north/south 1/2 mile west. There is much open land to the south of the property. Originally developed as a service station in 1965, the site is just over 0.5 acres in size. There were four underground storage tanks installed, 5hree fuel and one waste oil tank. The service station was operated until late 1976, or early 1977. The subsequent owner then ceased operating as a service station and abandoned the three fuel tanks in early 1979. The waste oil tank was not abandoned. iIo Specific Tank information The three 10,000 gallon fuel tanks were abandoned in 1979 by filling with drilling mud slurry. The east ends of these three 10,000 gallon tanks were exposed, piping removed, and the ~water phase of the drilling mud slurry was removed on February 5th, 1991. Then, the next day, the tanks were completely filled with a cement, sand slurry to complete abandonment. The 550 gallon waste oil tank was removed on February 5th, !991. The tank was inspected for holes; none were evident. And, the piping for the tank; a remote fill-line from within the building, the fill-pipe, and the vent piping; apparently was completely intact. As required, ~wo soil samples were retrieved from under the tank. Please refer to The letter dated February 25th, i991; marked Appendix C-t. Subsequently, a soil sample was retrieved from approximately 10 ft. below the tank on March 7th, 1991. Please refer to the letter dated March 28th, 1991; marked Appendix C-2. The above abandonments were performed under Permit for Permanent Closure Number A 1344-32, dated January 28th, 1991. - 2 SITE CHARACTERIZATION WORKPLAN 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield Section B Page 2 III. Description of Potential Contamination The analyses of the soil samples retrieved from under the waste oil tank apparently indicates some migration of waste oil, probably a result of mishandling during waste oil pick-ups by the oil recycler. This would not result in a serious contamination plume. i~. Area Topography The area is relatively flat, with little or no slope. Surface drainage is to the south southwest. V. Potentially Sensitive Structures/Sites None apparent nearby. vi. Subsurface Da%a The site is underlaid by clean, slig~zty moist, light to medium brown sand with intermittent layers of clayey sand. The most significant clayey sand layer appears consistently between 7 and 15 feet below ground surface. Groundwater is definitely below 40 feet and is reported to be at 60 to 70 feet. SITE CHARACTERIZATION WORKPLAN 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield Section C Page 1 C. PRELIMINARY SITE ASSESSMENT RESULTS i. Summary of Site Work A significant Site Investigation was performed by Clark Technology Systems, inc. on January llth, 1990. This involved the drilling of 10 borehoies to various depths, one of which was approximately 9 ft. south and 7 ft. west of the waste oil tank's position. That boring was drilled to a depth of 15 feet with a soil sample retrieved from 5 f:. and i0 ft. The 10 ft. sample was analyzed for Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons, EPA 418.i with the results being Non Detectable. The soil samples retrieved as a result of the tank removal were analyzed for Oil and Grease, EPA 413.1; Total Organic Halogen, EPA 9020; and, Total Lead, EPA 7420. The following is a summary of those anaiyses results, reported by letters dated February 25th, 1991, marked Appendix C-i; and, dated March 28th, 1991, marked Appendix C-2. II. AnalyTical Data Sample ID Oil & Grease Total Organic Total Gravimetric Halogen, Solid Lead mq./kq, mq./kG, mq./kq. 2 ft. Under 940 ND 4 6 ft. Under 450 ND 5 10 ft. Under 1700 40 3 SITE CHARACTERIZATION REPORT Be SITE 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield, CA TABLE OF CONTENTS Site Information Cover Page I. Site Information II. Area Map III. Site Sketch Preliminary Site Assessment Results I. Summary of Site Work II. Analytical Data Soil Sampling Results I. Soil Borings Report II. Sampling Description III. Soil Analysis Results IV. Sampling Sketch D. Conclusions and Recommendations SITE C}{ARACTERIZATION REPORT Ae SITE INFORMATION COVER PAGE I. Site Information 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield Section A Page i Site Location: 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield, CA Owner: Oak Company Contact Persons: Warren Carter Tom Payne Business Address: P. O. Box 577, McFarland, CA 93250 Telephone No.: (805) 327-5161 (805) 328-9347 Business Type: Currently Vacant; Commercial Project Manaqement By: Tank Team, Inc. P. O. Box 1844, Ojai, CA 93024 Contact Person: Richard Maertz Phone(s): (805) 525-8960 (805) 646-0808 Cellular: (805) 377-1628 Professional Geologist: Spencer F. Fine Senior Geologist, RG #795 - 2 SITE CHARACTERIZATION REPORT 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield Section A Page 2 II. Area Map Attached. III. Site Sketch Attached. Prepared By: Reviewed By: Richard Ma~rtz~. Date: Spencer Fine, RG #795 Date: June ~, 1991 June 27 , 1991 SITE CHARACTERIZATION REPORT 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield Section B Page 1 B. PRELIMINARY SITE ASSESSMENT RESULTS I. Summary of Site Work A significant Site Investigation was performed by Clark Technology Systems, Inc. on January llth, 1990. This involved the drilling of 10 boreholes to various depths, one of which was approximately 9 ft. south and 7 ft. west of the waste oil tank's position. That boring was drilled to a depth of 15 feet with a soil sample retrieved from 5 ft. and 10 ft. The 10 ft. sample was analyzed for Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons, EPA 418.1 with the results being Non Detectable. The soil samples retrieved as a result of the tank removal were analyzed for Oil and Grease, EPA 413.1; Total Organic Halogen, EPA 9020; and, Total Lead, EPA 7420. The following is a summary of those analyses results, reported by letters dated February 25th, 1991 and March 28th, 1991. II. Analytical Data Sample ID Oil & Grease Gravimetric mq./kg. Total Organic Total Halogen, Solid Lead mg./kg, mg./kq. ND 4 ND 5 40 3 2 ft. Under 940 6 ft. Under 450 10 ft. Under ~700 SITE CHARACTERIZATION REPORT 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield Section C Page 1 C. SOIL SAMPLING RESULTS I. Soil Borings Report After receiving approval for the Site Characterization Workplan, the work was scheduled and co-ordinated for May 28th, 1991. The following personnel arrived at the site at 0730 hrs.: Richard Maertz, Project Manager Spencer F. Fine, Calif. Registered Geologist The soil boring locations as per.the Workplan and as in- dicated on the attached Sampling Sketch were measured and marked for the driller. At 0745 hrs., the Mobile B-51 Auger Rig owned by BSK & Associates arrived; BSK personnel included Driller, David Smith, and a Driller's Helper; the auger was set-up to drill location BH #WO2. After completing the augering and sampling of BH #WO2, the auger flights and bit were steam-cleaned prior to setting-up to drill BM #W01. The borings were drilled with an 8- inch hollow-stem auger wit~ the soil samples being retrieved with a 2-inch Split Spoon Sampler. The drilling spoils were put into two 55-gallon DOT Hazmat barrels and labeled according to boring. At approximately 1130 hrs., Kern County Environmental Health Services representative, Mr. Michael Driggs, arrived at the site to witness the abandonment of the borings. At 1300 hrs., CalMat of Central Calif. arrived with 1.5 yds. of 3 sk. sand slurry to gravity-fill the borings to surface. A complete set of boring logs are attached to this section and are marked Appendix C-i, C-2, and C-3. II. Sampling Description During the drilling of BM #WO2, soil samples were taken at depths of 10 ft., 15 ft., and 19.5 ft. The rig's split-spoon sampler with stainless steel sleeves was used for soil sample retrieval. These samples were sealed, labeled, and placed under dry-ice for preservation until laboratory delivery the following day. The excess soil which was retrieved during each sampling run was field screened with a Gastech Model 1314 Vapor Meter and by olifactory methods. No petroleum odor was detected, nor any vapor readings were noted, at any of BH #WO2's sampling depths. - 2 SITE CHARACTERIZATION REPORT 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield Section D Page 1 D. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The results of the latest soil analyses clearly indicate that the earlier soil analyses, performed in conjunction with the tank removal on February 5th, 1991, would indicate a completely isolated and small amount of affected soil. The subsequent soil analyses for the sample of March 7th, 1991, was retrieved with a hand auger. Although good sampling procedures were followed, the soil sample may have been influenced by sloughing from the upper regions of the boring. Prior to removing the actual sample from the boring, hole problems were experienced with a large piece of gravel or rock and the bottom had to be cleaned-out. Therefore, the small amount of apparent contamination could be attributed to spillage of waste oil during activity at the fill. In view of these observations, it is recommended that no further work be performed on the site. ' SITE CHA/{ACTERIZATION WORKPLAN C o D o SITE 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield, CA TABLE OF CONTENTS Site Information Cover Page I. Site Information II. Area Map III. Site Sketch Site Background I. Site History and Tank Use ii. Specific Tank Information III. Description of Potential Contamination IV. V. VI. Area Topography Potentially Sensitive Structures/Sites Subsurface Data Preliminary Site Assessment Results I. Summary of Site Work II. Analytical Data Soil Sampling Plan I. Proposed Soil Borings II. Proposed Sampling/Analyses III. Estimated Cost of Proposed Work IV. Sampling Sketch E. Site Safety Plan SITE CHARACTERIZATION WORKPLAN 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield Section E Page 1 E. SITE SAFETY PLAN PRE-PLANNED RISK ASSESSMENT - Underground utilities will not be affected. BUT, caution will prevail during the drilling operation. - Placement of cautioning devices will be established at this site; and, can include the following: barricades warning signs/tape construction cones security fence - NO ADMITTANCE to site will be permitted without approval from the Project Manager, or the Owner/Lessee's Designated Representative after consultation with the Project Manager. - Pre-construction meetings may establish an addendum to this Safety Plan. PROJECT PERSONNEL Project Manager: Site Safety Officer: Field Supervisor: Owner/Lessee: Owner Representative: Rich Maertz Rich Maertz Rich Maertz Oak Company Warren Carter Tom Payne (805) 525-8960 (805) 525-8960 (805) 525-8960 (805) 327-5161 (805) 328-9347 HAZARD ANALYSIS Pinch points around any machinery; Skin contact with con- taminated soil; Inhalation of organic vapors; Inhalation or ingestion of soil particles which have been contaminated. - 2 E o SITE CHARACTERIZATION WORKPLAN 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield Section E Page 2 SITE SAFETY PLAN (Cont'd.t Fire: Police: Ambulance: Hospital: EMERGENCY RESPONSE NUMBERS 911 911 911 (805) 327-!792 - Memorial Hospital Nearest full-service Hospital is the MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, approximately 12 miles to the North at the corner of San Dimas and 34th Street, Bakersfield. PREVENTIVE MONITORING If strong odors are detected, then the area immediately down- wind of the suspected source shall be checked for vapor con- centrations. Then, regularly scheduled air monitoring should be initiated, with the contmmination source being the deter- mining factor for frequency scheduling. PERSONNEL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT The following items will be mandatory: Steel-toed shoes/boots Hard hats Plastic/Rubber gloves (for handlinq potentially contami- nated moil or water/fluid) If organic vapors are detected above acceptable limits, then work shall be stopped. Any further work shall be performed with the following equipment on hand at the site: Tyvek or Chemrel suits Organic vapor/dust filter respirators - .3 SITE CHARACTERIZATION WORKPLAN SITE INFORMATION COVER PAGE I. Site Information 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield Section A Page ~ Site Location: 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield, CA Owner: Oak Company Contact Persons: Warren Carter Tom Payne Business Address: P. O. Box 577, McFarland, CA 93250 Telephone No.: (805) 327-5161 (805) 328-9347 Business Type: Currently Vacant; Commercial Project Manaqement By: Tank Team, Inc. P. O. Box 1844, Ojai, CA 93024 Contact Person: Richard Maertz Phone(s): (805) 525-8960 (805) 646-0808 Cellular: (805) 377-1628 Professional Geoloqist: Spencer F. Fine Senior Geologist, RG #795 - 2 SITE CHARACTERIZATION REPORT 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield Section C Page 2 II. Sampling Description (Cont'd.) During the drilling of BH #WO1, soil samples were taken at depths of 10 ft., 15 ft., 20 ft., and 25 ft. Ail procedures were as per the sampling of BH #WO2. Again, no petroleum odors were detected, nor any vapor readings noted. It was decided to go an extra five feet due to a noticeable change in the sand matrix at the 20 ft. sampling; refer to the Boring Log for #WO1. The drilling and sampling was completed at approximately 0935 hrs., at which time BSK rigged-down, steam-cleaned the drilling augers and bit prior to moving-off the site. The following day, the soil samples were delivered to the Enseco-CRL Laboratory, Ventura, in a chilled state as noted on the Chain of Custody Record. III. Soil Analysis Results The following analyses were performed on each selected soil sample: EPA 413.1 EPA 9020 - Oil & Grease, Gravimetric (O & G) - Total Organic Halogen, Solid (TOX) The following soil samples were selected for analysis: BH# WO1 BH# WO2 10 ft., 15 ft., and 20 ft. 10 ft. and 19.5 ft. Additionally, the 20 ft. soil sample from each boring was analyzed for EPA 418.1, Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TRPH). After having received the analytical results by facsimile from Enseco-CRL .on June 10th, 1991, and having a discussion with the Laboratory Director, there was thought to be possible inorganic chloride interference not related to the Organic Halides of the TOX analysis, EPA 9020. The original results of the TOX analyses did not correlate with the relative Oil & Grease and TRPH results; therefore the laboratory was instructed to re-do the TOX analyses. Following on the next page is a tabulation of--~e original analysis results; Table I, as per the attached copy of the unsigned Enseco- CRL Analysis Report and labeled Appendix C-4. The re-analysis results are indicated with an asterisk. - 3 SITE C}{ARACTERIZATION REPORT 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield Section C -Page 3 III. Soil Analysis Results (Cont'd.) Sample ID EPA 413.1 EPA 9020 EPA 418.1 0 & G TOX TRPH mq/kq mq/k~ mg/kq ND ~o~3v * ND '-77 * ND ND 30 * ND 21 * ND 36 * ND #1 BH #WO2 - 10' #3 BH #WO2 - 19.5' #4 BH #WO1 - 10' #5 BH #WO1 - 15' #6 BH #WO1 - 20' * The re-analysis results indicated all TOX to be ND. TABLE I As a result of the re-analyses, Enseco-CRL found dramatic reductions in the TOX results. The samples were extracted with methanol to eliminate the false positives from inorganic chlorides found in the soil (see note on laboratory results, Appendix C-6). As a result, all the samples analysis results for TOX were None Detected. Copies of the final Enseco-CRL laboratory analysis reports are attached, labelled Appendix C-5, C-6, and C-7. IV. Sampling Sketch The Sampling Sketch indicating the soil boring locations is attached at the end of this section. SITE CHARACTERIZATION WORKPLAN 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield 3ection A Page 2 II. Area MaD Attached. ili. Site Sketch Attached. Prepared By: Reviewed By: Ri ~hard Ma~rtz ~' Date: Spencer Fine, RG #795 May f'q , 1991 Date: May ;9 , i991 SITE CHARACTERIZATION WORKPLAN 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield Section D Page i D. SOiL SAMPLING PLAN I. Proposed Soil Borings it is proposed to drill, sample, and abandon two soil borings; one from the center of the excavated area, labeled as BH# WO1, and one just outside the excavation approximately 3.5 - 4 ft. south southwest from the 550 gallon waste oil tank's original position, labeled as BH# WO2. These locations are indicated on the attached Sampling Sketch. These borings will be drilled with a hollow-stem auger to a depth of 20 feet.q The approximate diameter of the borings will be 6.25 inches and t~e drilling spoils will be put into 55 gallon HazMat barrels, storpd on site until disposition may be ascertained. The borings will~be, filled/abandoned with a bentonitic clay plugging material. ~" ~eo.~,,. ii. Proposed Sampling/Analyses During the drilling of the soil borings, soil samples will be retrieved at depths of 5 ft.. i0 ft., i5 ft., and 20 ft. The drilling rig's split-spoon sampler and stainless steel, or brass, sleeves will be used to retrieve soil samples. These samples will be seaied, labeled, and placed under dry-ice for preservation during ~ranspor~ to the laboratory. After drilling has been completed, the samples will be transported to the Enseco- CRL Laboratory in Ventura, CA and documented with a Chain of Custody Record. The following analyses will be performed on each selected soil sample: EPA 413.i EPA 9020 - Oil & Grease, Gravimetric - Total Organic Halogen, Solid The analyses: following soil sampies have been selected for BH# WO1 BH# WO2 i0 ft., 15 ft., and 20 ft. i0 ft. and 20 ft. Additionally, the 20 ft. soil sample from each boring will be analyzed for EPA 418.i, Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydro- carbons. - 2 SITE CHARACTERIZATION WORKPLAN 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield Section D Page 2 III. Estimated Cost of Proposed Work The following is the estimated cost of the workplan as proposed above: Prepare Workplan and obtain approval Drill & Sample Borings Professional Supervision Sample analyses Prepare report to Kern County 500. 1,400. 600. 1,000. 500. Total Estimated Cost $ 4,000. IV. Samplina Sketch Attached. SITE CHARACTERIZATION WORKPLAN 2209 Panama Lane, Bakersfield Section E Page 3 STANDARD WORK PRACTICES i. Eating, drinking, chewing gum or tobacco, and smoking are prohibited in/around contaminated, or potentially contami- nated, areas. An area will be designated for this use. 2. All field crew members should keep alert and make use of their senses to avoid any potentially dangerous situations, or conditions. 3. All field crew members should be aware of the physical aspects ~f the project, including: - Wind direction relative to the work area, and particularly the exclusion or L'hot' zone. - Location of fellow crew members, equipment, and vehicles. - Locations of known or potentially contaminated areas; exclusion or 'hot' zone(s). - Site access. - Communications~ location of site telephones, or nearest available; method of communicating with fellow crew members; KNOW, OR WHERE TO FIND, THE EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS! - Location of nearest water (drinking, fire hydrant, etc.); keep these areas clear of debris/equipment, providing easy access. 4. Avoid contact with potentially contaminated substances. Do not walk through puddles, mud, pools, etc. Avoid, whenever possible, kneeling, si~ing, or lying on the ground. Avoid leaning or sitting on equipment. 5. Prevent the possibility of spillage. But, when a spill occurs, contain the substance immediately and contact/ notify the Project Manager/Supervisor immediately for any instructions. 6. Prevent splashing of contaminated substances; or, causing contaminated dust/dirt to become airborne. 7. DO NOT place monitoring equipment, or clean' equip- ment on potentiaily contaminated areas/equipment/vehicles. .'1 rr §e~ksl,i~e ,m ~I'£A~Z $Clt. :1 Moreland Wy. I Ih~$$~11 Ave. ~lt'am ri, J fl o,'~d C,.ol , L PANAP~A LANE I _1 "- E,,,?.2,._:...-' Ih~all 'r ,Iosking PL Ilammck A~EA NAP ..SiT~ Loe,q-r~o~ C~lvary . Garden of Il.pc (;~dcn of Peace §etkshire · C~nal LANE Cl. JI1. I/IGt¢ SCHOOL '~ ~ r~irview I PI. PAr,,IAr, 4A LANE I B~rl<shir e Ih~all ' tfoskin§ B annoc~ IV)AP Cqlv.y ~,~.dcn nf Ibr, t flukshhe ~PLA~Z Self. · Ave. WIIITE< Cl. JR. SCIIOOL :silh · ." Maul if:e · wot .~ :.: C,,ol , L. Ilo.id PANAMA I_^NE I 'r ,Ioskb9 fl almock Ih. IIr~ I';.k i A'~E A M A P 5~T~ °°°! /az." Gw~. ~ogr~ 8 SCALE ' IlO FEE'I' k. I IOf<' G~. ooo [ / £60Z 'kV U 'DVKO"9 'DVO~ '9 !I ~I0£! 60££ I I ;:..-rr i r-'-i f ~Z-/ I0- ~-~O- ~'~ '~.s~a 9£1-1 -- / -IOOHD~ if" '3 L~'~ 'S Og '1"~ Z "D3 S .:i0 ~./IN IF- ,.~[,{IL D)Sq (r ~t Wo~ FRI 15:5? P.05 E DRAWING OF PHYSICAL LAYOUT OF FACILITY USING SPACE PROVIDED BELOW. THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION .M...U_S_T,..,,.~E INCLUOED IN ORDER FOR THE 'ATION TO BE PROCESSED: TANK(S), PIPING & DISPENSER(S)° INCLUDING LENGTHS & DIMENSIONS. PROPOSED SAMPLING LOCATIONS OESIGNATED BY THIS SYMBOL "~ NEAREST STREET OR INTERSECTION __~'~ ANY WATER WELLS OF SURFACE WATERS WITHIN 100' RADIUS OF FACILITY 1/" NORTH ARRO" ~ ~., ;~, UNIFIED MAJOR DIVISION SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM SYMBOl. DESCRIPTION GRAVELLY.SOILS SOILS OVER 5OW. OF LITTLE OR NO FINES COARSE FRACTION LARGER THAN GRAVELLY SOILS NO. 4 SIEVE SIZE OVER 12% FINES SANDY SOILS SOILS OVER ,~:~,'o OF LFrI'LE OR NO FINES COARSE FRACTION · SMALLER THAN SANDY' SOILS WITH FINES NO. 4 SIEVE SIZE OVER 1~,; FINES SILTY AND CLAYEY SOILS LIQUID LIMIT LESS THAN 5~ SILTY AND CLAYEY SOILS LIQUID LIMFT GRF. ATER THAN 50 HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS graoeo gravels or gravel-sand mixtmes graoeo gravms or grovel-sand mixlures gra vel..sand-silt mixtures y mJxulre~ raoeu sanos or gravelly sands ~ gravelly sands sanas or poorly praoed sand - sill mixtmes , sar~as or poorly graoeo sand - c~ay mi~lures flour, silt¥or clayey line sands, or clavev s~s wilh s§gh! D/aslicily "CJays ol ~,ow lo ~TH!OIum DI~shc.'I¥, arayelly clays sandy cJay siny cmys,'or ~ean c~ays ctays or Iow I~asllctty ' SOSI$. or slits ~la~iefly, or Iai elay~ lame c_Jays or meo~urrl Io hlgll plasticlty, or organic sills Peat or other highly organic .~oil PLASTICITY CHART U~ed Ira' Cla.~sification of I~ne Grained Soils / CL ~/ MH and OH OL 6~ 5(~ 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100110 120 Uquld Limit LOG SAMPLE - Sample types are Indicaled as Iollows: Undislurbed ' = SAMPLER TYPES M ,~ Modified Calilomla Dislu~oed S ,, Sheby Tube (Pushed). Unsuccessful Allempl PT = Pilcher Bah'el P = Hydraulic Pis'ion Standard Penelralion ' Water IMIow '~7 Water Lever BLOW COUt,tT - The. number of blov,"s mauired Io drive 1he ir~dicaled samDler Ihe IR. SI 12 inches ol an 18 inch drive. The nolalion 100/9 ind~'31es one, 9 inches ol I~,nelralion were achieved in 100 blows. Hammer weights and drop he~hts are shown Rs indicated be_low: Symbol 7 (3) Driving Weiphl Drc~ Height (Dounds) (inches) lHeavy Caving tLiohl Caving ADDITIONAL TESTS - UC : Unconlined Compression : '[ria×L~l Compression, Drained : Triaxial Compression, Undr-dir~..d TDy : Tdaxial Compression, Dyr~'tmic rt.{ : Hydro.gr, n Ion Conct'nlration PA : Pal-,onlo~o~Ic. Analy.~is OS : Gr~in Size. DL-,tribulion WP : Waler Pressure PMI : Pressurem~,ler SE : Snnd Ec~uivalenl GJ : Goodmnn Jack SP : Sp~cilic Gravity CP : Comoaclion : C;ons.,olidnfion DS : .r~recl Shem PM ;..,F~h rme abifily EX : F×Dansion p,.c; : Re.~islivily S : Swell CL : Chloride. ~J : Sulphale INSTRUCTIOHS m~GENCY ' 'i. :? i~ i ~ ' Indicate-whether emergency response personnel and iequil~nent were involved at any time. 'If so, a Hazardous Material Incident Report should be filed with the State Office of Emergency Services'~OES) at 2800 Maado~view Road, Sacramento, CA 95832. Copies of the OES report form may he obtained at your local underground storage tank permitting agency. Indicate whether the OES report has been filed as of the date of this report. LOCAL AGENCY ONLY To avoid 'duplicate notification pursuAnt-t~.Health and Safety code Section 2§180.?, a designated goverr~ent empl6yee shoul~ sign and date the form in this block. A signature here does not mean that the leak has been determined to pose a significant thr-~t to human health or safety, only that notification p~ocedures have bee~ followed if required. REPORTED BY - Enter your name, telephone number, and add,ess. Indicate which party you represent and provide company or agency hamS. RESPONSIBLE PARTY ~nter n~ne, telephone number, contact person, end address of the party esponsible £or the leak. The responsible party would normally be the SITE LOCATION Enter information regarding the tank facility. At a minimum, you must p~ovide the facility name and full address. I~PLL~NTING AGENCIES Enter n~nes of the local agency end Regional Water ~uality Control Board involved. SUBSTANCES INVOLVED Enter the name and quantity lost of the hazardous substance involved. Room is provided for information on two substances if appropriate. If more than two substances leaked, list the two of most concern for cleanup. DI SCOVERY/ABATI~MENT Provide information regarding the digcovery end abatement of the leak. SOURCE/CAUSE Indicate source(a) of le~k. Check box(es) indicating cause of leak. CASE TYPE Indicate the ca~ t~pe category for this leak. Chsck one box only. Case '-¥pe is based on the most sensitive resource affected. For example, if ~th soil and g~ound water have been effected, caas type will be "Ground ~ster". Indicate "Drinking ~eter" only if one or more municipal or domestic water wells have actually Been effected. A "Ground Water" designation does~not imply that the e~£ected water cannot be, or is not, used for drinking water, but only that water ~ells have not yet been aEfected. It is understood that case type may change upon further investi~ation. CURRENT STATUS Indicate the category which best describes the current status of the case. Check one box only. The respons~ shoul~ be reJa~ve to th~ ~sse Preliminary s~te ASSeSsment W~rkpian $,,hm~tted c workplan/proposal requested of/submitted by responsible party to determine whether grou: water has Been, or ~ill he, impacted aa a result of the release. Preliminary Site Assessment Underway - implementation of workplan. Pollution CharaCterization - responsible party is in the process of defining the extent of contamination in soil and ground water and ass, impacts on surface and/or ground water. Remediation Plan - remediation plan submitted evaluating long term remediation options. Proposal and implementation schedule for approp~ remediation options also submitted. Cleanup Underway - implementation of remediation plan. Post Cleanup ~onitorins in Pro~ress - periodic ground water or other monitoring at site, as necessary, to verify and/or evaluate e£fective~ of remedial activities. Case Closed - regional board and local agency in concurrence that no further work is necessary at the site. IMPORTANT: THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ON THIS FORM IS INTENDED FOR GENERAL STATISTICAL PURPOSES ONLy AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS REPRESENTING THE OFFICIAL POSITION OF ANY GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY REMEDIAL ACTION Indicate which action have been used to cleanup or remediate the leak. Descriptio~s of options follow: Cap Si.ts - install horizontal impermeable layer to reduce rainfall infiltration. Containment Barrier - install vertical dike to block horizontal moveme~ contaminant. Excavate and Dispose - remove contaminated soil and dispose in approve¢ site. Excavate and Treat - remove contaminated soil and treat (includes spre~ or land farming). Remove Free Product ~ remove floating product from water table. Pump and Treat Groundwater - generally employed to remove dissolved contaminants. Enhanced Bi. ode~radation - use of any available technology to promote bacterial decomposition of contaminants. Replace Su~p~ - provide alternative water supply to affected parties. Treatment at Hookup - install water treatment devices at each dwelling. other place of use. Vacuum Extract - use pumps or blowers to draw air through soil. Vent Soil - bore holes in soil to allow volatilization of contaminants. No Action Required - incident is minor, requiring no remedial action. CO~T{ENTS - Use this space to elaborate on any aspects of the incident. SIGNATURE - Sign the form in the space provided. DISTRIBUTION If the form is completed by the tank owner or his agent, retain the last ~o! and forward the remaining copies intact to your local tank permitting age~c~ for distribution. 1. Original - Local Tank Permitting Agency 2. State Water Resources Control Boa~'d.-D]v~m~o~ Jobsite # TANKS ¥ g ~10 [{ T 1{ 0 3 2, /2 ,BH#4 ~BH#1 7 ~7 ~BH#7 BH#8.."~ Z? // BH#3 /O BH#2 ' 8 9 ~O~ BH #6 ~? BH#5A '55 2209 Panama Lane I'Jal<u rs V i (.~ I d , CA. ~q z? ° ~ BH#9 13 .37 3O ~ BOREHOLE If)C3~.TIONS FIGUP. ~, 1 o I 2 2209 PANAMA lANE ~FIELD, CA. ( ON SITE BUILDING) N 10 ' 20' SCALE 1 inch = 10 'feet FIGLrP. E 2 BAKERSFIELD LR Y350! ~,,, M/H ON PARCEL 373-120-09 ,~ 36 ,,. 30 ,..o 27 E · fOr ACTIVE 373-160-07-00-7C 88601 95010 87325 .o,, DEVIN DANNY & KAREN RTZ BOX 67 BAKERSFIELD CA 93307 RT 2 BOX 67 BAKERSFIELD CA 93307 MH ON PARCEL 373-120-07 36 .'. 30 ,,~ 27 08/01/86 , II 7000 7,000 36,350 ACTIVE 200 ~3,350 :,,,,o 200 · o,- ~01 o,- 396 ~3,350 .... Lf .... - 373-170-02-00-5C ',, 001-078 ,o,, 1 8~210 .,0 2 .,,, 11000 81058 ~,, FROM PARCEL SS/36 373-010-3~-00-1 OAK CO P 0 BOX 577 MC FARLAND CA 93250 ,. P 0 BOX 577 ,. MC FRRLRND CA 93250 ,. PTN LOT 3 DAF BEG AT R PT ON N LINE OF NE 0025 ,,, 030 ,,~ 00027 .c .5~ 5269-0881 1 79, 819 179, 815) '~,' TAX DEFAULTED 15)89 ACTIVE 76, 105 ,o .... 103, 71W ,-0 1 , 086 ,o,. 2,172 1,997 "'"c 373-170-03-00-8C "~ 001-078 .o,, 1 8~210 ,° 2 '"'~ "" 82020 78228 ~" FROM PRRCEL 373-010-35-00-~ MC MENOMY H GLENN ~ MONTEREY COUNTRY CLUB 260 RVENi~" DEL SOL PALM DESERV ~ 92260 260 RVF' .iEL SOL PALM D~q'' ['~ 8260 ....373-170-0~-00-1C '~' 001-078 .o. 1 " 8~210 '° 2 -'~ 23010 78228 .o,, ... FROM PARCEL '"' 373-010-35-00-~ ~" 50~ IN'" 3 .... ,, 25 ' Jo 27 MC MENON¥ H GLEN.4 ~ STEWART SERVICE STATIONS 2301PRNRMR LN BAKERSFIELD CR 93307 2301 PANAMA LN BAKERSFIELD CA 93307 2301PRNRMR LN 25 "~ 30 27 .,, 5872-0%%% 05/12/86 ,,, 5872-0%%% ,,, 5895-*8%2,.o · , 5895-18%2'-' 05/12/86 BAKERSFIELD ACTIVE ~6, 189 ACTIVE 297 297 595 51 3 82 G 7 Er-,~-- .-._= co--C~.L , Enseco ^ Comin8 Company ~rs'rEo [:3 AS mSCUSSED ON REQUIRED COVER PAGE) ENSECO CORP r-I ENSECO M~DWEST (201) 469-5800 (616) 928.-6116 (201) 469-6257 (FAX) (616) 976. 2020 (FAX) ENSECO EAST (201) 469-5800 (201) 469-7§16 (FAX) CALIFORNIA ANALYTICAL LABORATORY (916) 372-1393 (916) 372-7768 (FAX) [] ENSECO CRL (714) 898-6,~70 (714) 891-5917 (FAX) ~CRL VENTURA (805) 650-0546 (805) 650-0756 (FAX) [] ROCKY MOUNTAIN [] ANALYTICAL LABORATORY (303) 421-6611 (303) 431-7171 (FAX) [] ENSECO HOUSTON (713) 987-9767 or 9768 (713) 987-9769 (FAX) [] EBCO LABORATORY [] (617) 661-3111 (617) 354-5258 (FAX) [] ENSECO MARBLEHEAD I'-] (617) 639-2695 (617) 639-2637 (FAX) CRL SANTA MARIA (805) 922...2776 (805) 92~-5R97 (FAX) CRL M0.Btl. E LABORATORY (714) 89~ ,0405 (714) 893-8709 (FAX) ENSECO INCORPORATEO AIR TO]~ICS LABORATORY (818) 44~-.8400 (818) 442~3758 (FAX) IF YOU [30 NOT RECEItFE ALL PAGES, I~LE'ASF CALL. ~ i MON 1 0 -' 5~ Ense~o--CRL Ven~ HAZARDOO~ HASTE TI~STIN~ LAbOrATOrY C~RTIFICATION LI~, :rdous ~terlals laborator~ Section. C, ltfo~nla Oepart~ent of Health Servfce~, ~1S1 Ber~el,~ JntUc8 Ofvtston PHONE: (805)648-2135 LABORATORY CAd,GORY: Commercial /enue ~00~ .EMICAL TESTIN6 METHOD NUMBER (DATE CERTIFIEO) (Y = CERTIFI~O; N = NOT CERTIFIED) ................................................. ze~lo[o?-ol-ee) ........ v Organics ................. T .... . 15(01-0$-88) ........yVolatlle ~ted Volattl. Or~anl¢, .................................................................. ~' - ....................... 8§~O(O?-Ol-8B) .......... Y Volatile OrQantcs ................................................. ' Acrylonttctle, Acetonltrtle ..................................... r ........... =~ ....................... Esters ....................................... : ' ............. - ........... ~---;8~80(07-0~-88) ........Y orlne Pestioldes .... ~ ...................................................... 'inated Bfphen¥18 (PCBs) ....................................................................... 8~80(07-0~-B8) ......... Y ,attc~ snd Cyolto Ketones ........................................................................................... N ar Aromatic Hyd~oca~b~s .................................................. ~ ........ ~-i .... *-. ....................... N 'ed Hydrocarbons ............................................................. ~ . ~poru$ Pestlctdes .......................................... ~i 'ed Herbicides .......................................................................................................... ................................................................ ::':::::::_:: ........... ;hod for SemlvolatOe Org ............................................................. ~': · CHEMICAL T[STIN$ METHOD NUMBER (DAT~ CERTIFIEO) (Y = CERTIFIED; N = NOT CERTIFIED) ........................................................................... ,-?o4o(o9-o~-86) ~ ....................... Y ........................................................................... .to~(o~o~-86) ........ ~ ............................................................................. 1090(09-0g-8~) ............................ Y ............................................................................... 1~30(09-09-86) ........................ Y ............................................. 1tgS(09-09-~6) 119~(09-09-8~)~ ~1g~(og-09-86) ......... Y (Vi) .............. , ....................................................... 119o(o9_0.9_8~):~ ....................y (to~l) ................ 219 1~09 O~ 86~ ..................................................... /200(O?'01'BB)~ ....................... Y · ................................................................................ 1210(0g-019-86~ ~ ....................... Y ............................................................................... T420(Og-O%-S6),- ..................... .................................................................................... ; ........ ~-~47~(o9-os-86) ........ ...... ................................................. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~ ........................................................................................... ,-~?41(Og-Og-eB) ......... Y ..................................................... ??.(0~-o~-m~ ....................... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ..................................................... 78~o(o~-o~-.) ..- ..................... .~- . .................................................................... 7910(09-0H6]: ...................... Y ,_ ...... _: ................................................................. ?~50(09-09'8Si '~ ....................... ............ . ........................................................................ ~.-~010(09-09-'8~) .... :"-V .................. B ..... ;-~ .....................Y .......... 340 l(OT-Ol-BB) 340,2(0g-09-8 ) ............................................... ~ ....... y - '. ....... 103o(o9-o9-8H ........ PROVIDE DRAWING OF~m~YSIC~L LAYOUT OF FACILI SING SPACE PROVIDED BELON. ALL OF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION MUST BE INCLUDED IN ORDER FOR THE APPLICATION TO 8E PROCESSED= TANK(S), PIPING & DISPENSER(S), INCLUDING LENGTHS DIMENSIONS. DESIGNATED BY THIS SYMBOL PROPOSED SAMPLING LOCATIONS NEAREST STREET OR INTERSECTION ANY WATER WELLS OF SURFACE WATERS WITHIN 100' RADIUS OF FACILITY NORTH ARROW .I I 000 i °°,J ~'iTE ~,~K'E~C H