HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANKEmployee # EmDloyee Signature Site Name or A~dres~ ~~) State, of Federal) ~Date ~eegory ActivitYcode Description HourS(lOths) CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Employee # Employee Signature Funding (Local, State, of Federal) Site Specific Status Changes: Date ~ee~Ory Activity Hours Code Description ( lOths ) ://,~1~. ~~ % ~ ~~~~---~%.~' -, ~, ~ ~~.. # En~loyee # E~ploYee ~ite Name or Addres: (Local, State, of Federal) /5-- ~=~c T~me ACCOUnTing Sheet Site Specific Status Changes: Description Data Entered By: Date: CO._.,RACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TAN. Site Specific 'i3me Accounting Sheet Site Specific Status Changes: of federal) Category Code Description lOths) Entered By: Date: CC* ~'RACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TAN'~'~ --.,te. Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # '-~ [/0 0 0 ? Employee # Z--.~'- Empio~ Sign~ 'SEe N~e ~r ~mss ~ Fu~(L~te, of Federal) Site Specific Status Changes: Category Activity Hours Date Code Code Description (lOths) Data Enter~ By: ~ate: Env. Health 580 4113 137 (REV. 5/89) CL _. i'RACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TAI~ Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet rm:t · EmPloy~ee # ~/ ~'--~ Employee Signatu~ Site Name o~_~dress ~ ~ Fulndir~ (Local,/JState, of Federal) ' Site Specific Status Changes: Category Activity Hours Date Code Code Description (lOths) Data Entered By: Date: COi .... ~ACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANI ' Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # '~//~C)~) ~ Employee # ~ ~" Employee Signat~ Nameor Address ~ !~.~.~__ ~~ Funding (Local, State, of~ Site Specific Status Changes: Date[CodeCateg°ry IDescription Hours (lOths) Data Entered By: Date: C(,~il~.CT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TAI~. · Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Employee # skj State, of Federal) Site Specific Status Changes: Category Activity Hours ,?p Code Code Description (lOths) Data Entered By: Date: COl~ 'ACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANI(~ $1,e Specific Time Accountin~_~g Sheet # '-Zp / 0(.?__~.,~ Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # t/ ~ Employee Signature) Site State, of Federal) Hours Category Activity (10ths) Date Code Code Description ' Date: __Data Entered By: Env, Health 580 4113 137 (REV. 5~89) En~redBy: FOR LEAKING TAN(~ Site ~;pecific ~me Accounting Sheet Site Specific Status Changes: Federal) Activity Code Description Hours (lOths) Date: .~ Env, Health 580 41 ~3 137 (REV. 5/89) Sequence of Events South High School #320009 (Flora Darling) June 4, 1990 Colt letter June 29, 1990 Second Colt letter. July 5, 1990 30 day letter to Janet Shell and review of file. August 29, 1990 Gough faxed lab reports on tank pull to Rodney N. Williams. October 25,1990 Workplan proposal received from Rodney N. Williams. November 1, 1990 Conference with county personnel November 8, 1990 Reviewed workplan proposal, letter to Rodney N. Williams asking for addendum information. December 18, 1990 Reviewed file, no action. January 1, 1990 Preparation for Administrative Hearing. (note: through out the period from November 1, 1990 to December 18, 1990 several telephone calls to Rodney N. Williams with no reply.) On January 9, 1991, this Department reviewed Permits 280007; 090009~ 310009, and 060007, located in Bakersfield, California, and found that you are in violation of. the.. · ;,'. Health and Safety Code, Division 20, Chapter· 6.7, Section.25298(C)(4),:?:;.:.(:.!!":.i. It is necessary t° request you to appear for a hearing to show cause Why a complaint should not be filed against you. Please appear at Kern County Environmental Health Services Department, 2700 "M" Street, 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, Califomia?~it~??".::::i <./':. ????,:' We enCoUrage You to be present so this matter maY be resolved'withO~ fUrther CONTRACT ~OF~IONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet I Site Specific Status Changes: State, of Fedor~)/ '~ _Cat_ egory Activity Hours Code Description (lOths) Data Entered By: Date: KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT Directions .................................. ; .................................................................................................................................................................................. Reporting Person .............................................................................. Address .................................................................................. Phone .............................. Property Owner ............................................................ Address .......................................................................... Phone ............................. Reason for Request ............ ~ ....... ~ .......... ;. ..... ~.~ ' "~ Teken by ~ RESULTS OF ~ ...... ' Complainant notified of results ' Investigated by .................................................................................................................. Date .............................................. Environmental Health 580 41132029 (Rev. COt' j~CT OPTIONS EOR LEAKING TAN~,"~ Specific Time Accounting Sheet i~0~,' ~{ate, of Federal) Site Specific Status Changes: Cat~gory Activity Code Code Description Hours (lOths) Data Entered By: Date: Env. Health 580 4113 137 (REV. 5~89) !'TRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING ~ite Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit ,~ioyee of Federal) Site Specific. Status Changes: .,~?,.:. Category Activity Hours D. atei. :': *Code Code Description (10ths) ...~, . / , r k -'~ :' 7 f-- .... .,'/" Data Entered By: Date: Env. Health 580 4113 137 (REV. 5/89) O~ C *~tCT OPTIONSFOR LEAKING TANI~-~" · Site Specific '13me Accounting Sheet Nad;or Address ~ ~te, of Federal) Site Specific Status Changes: ~? .'~,.' ~:' 'category Activity Hours Date '"-~,, Code · Code Description (10ths) '~': I'. NOtes. / Data Entered By: Date: (' '~TRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TI. .-Site Specific TIme Accounting Sheet ¸iS of Federal) Site Specific Status Changes: CategOry Activity Code Code Description IHours ( 1,0ths), Entered By: Date: Env. Health 580 4113 137 (REV. 5/89) "~I=~)NTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific TIme Accounting Sheet of Federal) Site Specific Status Changes: 4:. ': Category =Activity Hours Date Code Code Description (lOths) /:~//~', ' ~ /~'" ,, 0,, Data. Entered By: Date: ~ .,i~ACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANK& Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet # 51 ooo? State, of Federal) Site Specific Status Changes: ~o~. Ac~ivi~co~e Description IHours (10~s) Entered By: Date: Env. Health 580 Z[l13 137 (Rev. 5/89) Ci RACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Sit~ Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # -~lOO0 _~ Site Specific Status Changes: ~~~ S~te, of F~eral) Code Description (10ths) ~/, ~ />-/,~ " /,~ ~ Enter~ By: Date: Env. Health 580 4113 137 (Rev. 5/89) CONTRACT OPTIC~S FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet 6r, Address ~ ~/~ state, of Federal) Site Specific Status Changes: · . c~gorY Activity Code Description Hours (lOths) Data Entered By: Date: ~'~NTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANki~. Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet State, of Federal) Site Specific Status Changes: ActiVity Code DescriPtion Data Entered By: Date: Hours Env. Health 580 4113 137 (Rev. 5/89) SUBJECT: Dear Location: Known As: PERMIT #: The intent of this letter is to inform you of the necessary deadlines for work required at the property described above. As a responsible party for a leaking underground storage tank, you have previously received a letter from this Department notifying you of the required work necessary to identify the extent of the contamination. We are now requesting that this work, outlined in UT35, be done in a timely manner. In accordance with California Health and Safety Code Chapter 6.7 and Kern County Ordinance Code Chapter 8.48, the Kern County Environmental Health Services.Department requires a determination of the threat to the environment. Accordingly, you must select an environmental contractor and submit a site characterization workplan proposal to this office within 30 daw from the date of this letter. The workplan must be approved by this Department before any work is started. If you should have any questions regarding this matter, please immediately contact me at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, FD:cd hml21 Materlala Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program Code Description .'i' /':ii~.i.!~ ?i ' .('.!.lOths). ~tds: ~ · Da~ Enter~ By: ~te: CONTRACT OPTIONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Employee # 13 Employee Signature .... "~ /- ~" Site Name or Address .'~ -:,3~-' I S~te Specific Status Changes:. / ~ASK 4 Funding (Local, State,' of Feder~i) Cat. egory Activity Hours IDate uo~e Code Description (10tbs) 01 / 9 0 3 15 r~Pon'r/DA~£:~ ~avi Ew 0.5 Notes: REVIEWED FiLE FOR PLACE~,LENT iN C.O.L.T. . Env. Healtl~ 580 41~3 137 (Rev. 5/89) ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES: STEVE McCALLEY~ R.E.H.S.~ DIRECTOR 2700,"M" Street. Suite 300 Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 (805) 861-3429 FAX November 17, 1992 Janet Ford-Shell Kern High School District 2000-- 24th Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 SUBJECT: Location : Known As : Permit # : 1101 Planz Road, Bakersfield, CA South High School 310009 Dear Ms. Ford-Shell: This letter confirms the completion of site investigation and remedial action at the above site. With the provision that the information provided to this agency was accurate and representative of existing conditions, it is the position of this office that no further action is required at this time. Please be advised that this letter does not relieve you of any liability under the California Health and Safety Code or Water Code for past, present, or future operations at the site. Further, it does not relieve you of the responsibility to clean up existing, additional, or previously unidentified conditions at the site which cause or threaten to cause pollution or nuisance or otherwise pose a threat to water quality or public health. Additionally, be advised that changes in the present or proposed use of the site may require further site characterization and mitigation activity. It is the property owner's responsibility to notify this agency of any changes in report content, future contamination findings, or site usage. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Flora Darling at (805) 861-3636, Extension 549. Sincerely, Steve McCalley, Director By: / .Joe Cafias, R.E.H.S. Interim Program Supervisor Hazardous Materials Management Program JC:FD:cas k310009.b . Geotechmcal Associates, Inc. , ' acific ' f 4200 Easton Drive, S'te. 2 · Bakersfield. Calif. 93309 · (805) 324-7768 December 8, 1992 Ms. Flora Darling Environmental Health Serv. Dept. 2700 "M" Street Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: South High School Remediation Project Dear Ms. Darling: This letter is to document the destruction of vapor recovery wells at the subject site. A total of fourteen wells were installed at the site. Thirteen of the wells were completed to five feet at approximately the center of the gasoline plume. One twenty-two foot well was completed near the dispenser where deeper contamination was discovered during the site characterization. Each of thirteen shallower wells were perforated throughout the contaminated interval beginning at three feet below grade and extending to total depth of five feet. The one deeper well was perforated at twenty feet below grade and extended to total depth of twenty-two feet. All of the wells were cased with two or one and one-quarter inch PVC pipe and had grout and/or bentonite annular seals. All vadose wells' were properly destroyed on November 6, 1992. Powdered bentonite was tremmied in place to cover the entire depth of the wells. The soil was excavated from around the well heads to a depth of two feet below surface. The PVC pipe was cut off with a hack saw two feet below grade, and the excavations were back-filled with clean soil mixed with powdered bentonite clay. South High Schoo ediation The two 2,000 'poUnd cannister of activated carbon. the owner. The used carbon has been placed in 55 gallon drums and' 'left on site until laboratory test results determine if the carbon needs. to be transported as a hazardous waste. Thc owner will then transport the carbon as dictated by the lab results. Thc area was cleaned, and no sign of the operation remains. A concrete company was contacted to saw cut and replace the broken out concrete. Respectfully submitted, Michael McGrath Environmental Technician cc: Randall T. Metz, R.G. Pacific Geotechnical'Associates, !nc. page 2 PARKING MAINTENANCE SHOP Old Dispenser ~ VR#5 ...... ?.....?" Location ...... ~::.~ ....... Legend ~t VR #1 Vapor Recovery Well ,.~,-.,-.,,,,.~.,,.,~, Line of Section (Refer to Fig. 2) Contamination Plume (TPH Gasoline) From Site Characterization 2 1/2 months ~ of remediation ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ¢!:!;i.'.":~:i:i~:i:!;i:i:i:~:i:i:i:i:!~ ................. ~ ND 500 mg/kg >1000 mg/kg >1000 mg/kg end @ 4.5' deep Drilling Island Well area of vapor withdrawal; approximately 35 cuff per well Tank Site (backfilled) GRASS AREA  . LWelle~@· ,~a depth of 4.5' / Proposed Drilling Island. Squares  '~ indicate area of well's vapor withdrawal. ~al Associates, Inc. SOUTH HIGH SCHOOL Plot Plan Proposed Drilling Island Scale 10 FEET Aurar: PGA I Oa~; ~. Drafted By: PGA I Revised: 12/91 SHL I Figure I I PARKING (Asphalt ~vered) 10'- A Drilling .......... ,:. ".~.~.---' .~-? .... zone of contamination ............................ Area of Vapor Withdrawal ............. Scale (Feet) ~ I O' 5' 10' Legend Sand & Silt Sand, Silt & Clay r-~ Sand Contamination Plume (TPH Gasoline) ~1000 ugm/gm Figure 2 ~Geotechnical Associates; Inc. SOUTH HIGH SCHOOL Cross Section A - A' Proposed Drilling Island Author; PGA lD~e:9~2 Drafted By; ~G~ I Revised: 12/91 SHI~ -N- 5 PARKING WOODSHOP ~ Leoend ~ VR #1 Vapor Recovery Well -~ VB #1 Verification Boring ,~,~,~,~,~,. Line of Section Tank Site (backfilled) GRASS AREA Contamination Plume (TPH Gasoline) Original Revised Original 6/16/92 9/4/92 :.:~.~.~.~ .... ~ > 1000 mg/kg > 1000 mg/kg After 4 months of remediation 10/9/92 _> 1000 mg/kg ~Geotechnical Associates, Inc. SOUTH HIGH SCHOOL Plot Plan Contamination Plume Scale (ft) 10 PARKING (Asphalt covered) Author: PGA I Date: 10/92 Drafted By: PGA I Revised: 12/91 SHL Verification Boring #2 8/26/92 .................. 60. Boring #1 8/26/92 ........ .,? - ;. -;. ....... ~ ...... ;,'--'--'~'~.'~' ...... I. . __. ....... · L o . . .=;, ...... ~''''''' . .'_.,'_.,' Leoend OVA Field Analyses: Located on Left Side of well bore, recorded in ppm. Sand & Silt ~ Silt & Clay ~ Sand Original 6/16/92 > 1000 rog/kg Contamination Plume (TPH Gasoline) Revised Original 9/4/92 z 1000 mg/kg After 4 months of remediation 10/9/92 > 1000 mg/kg Scale 0 5 Vertical = Horizontal ~al Associates, Inc. SOUTH HIGH SCHOOL Verification Borings Author: PGA Ora, fred By: PGA ID~te: 10/92 Revised: 12/91 SHL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o c~ c~ o o o c~ c~ o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 spUnOd u! 00^ ~6/6/0 I. ~6/g/O I. ~6/~;~/6 ~6/81./6 ~6/I. I./6 ~6/~/6 ~6/8~/8 ~6/I.;~/8 g6/~ I./8 g6/Z/8 g6/I. 8/Z g6/lz~/Z ~6/Z L/Z. ~6/0 L/,L ~6/g/Z g6/9g/9 g6/6 L/9 g6/g L/9 VOC's Removed Daily 90.0 80.0 70.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 30,0 20.0 10.0 0.0 O0 ~- Date Percent VOC's Remaining 100.00% 90.00% 80.00% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% Date I I I t *sTEvE McCALLEY. R.E.H.S. DIRECTOR .* .~,, % ~,~ ~... . :'.' 2700,~M" Street, Suite 300 Baklmfleld; CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 (805) 961-3429 FAX November 6, 1992 Ms. Janet'Ford-Shell KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 2000 - 24th Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 SUBJECT: South High School 1101 Planz Road, Bakersfield, CA Permit # 310009 Dear Ms. Ford-Shell: The documentation boring report for the above-facility has been reviewed. The laboratory analyses performed on October 29, 1992, for soil sampled at 5 and 15 feet depth have demonstrated that levels of TPH and BTEX are in ranges acceptable to this Department, thus confirming that remediation by vapor extraction has been successful. Upon documentation that all vadose wells have' been properly destroyed and all equipment has been dismantled, this office will issue a closure letter. Please notify your environmental consultant to apply for permits to abandon the existing vadose wells. If you have any questions, you may contact me at (805) 861-366, ext. 549. Sincerely, Steve McCalley, Director BY: Flora Darling, R.E.~.S., R.E.A. Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program FD:jg October 30, 1992 Ms. Flora Darling Environmental Health Serv. Dept. 2700 "M" Street Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Ms. Darling: Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. (PGA), is now requesting to submit a closure report for the South High School Remediation site. On October 22, 1992, a documentation boring was conducted and soil samples for analysis were obtained at five feet below grade in an area associated with shallow 'contamination, and at ten feet and fifteen feet to demonstrate that deeper contamination has been remediated. The result of the analyses for Benzene, Toulene, Ethyl benzene, and ×ylene (B/T/E/X) and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons of Gasoline (TPH-G) are as follows. Samples obtained at ten and fifteen feet below grade all recorded none detected with the exception of TPH-G of 8 mg/kg at ten feet, which is well below action levels. Analyses for the sample obtained at five feet recorded .005 mg/kg benzene (which is the minimum reporting level and below action level), .028 mg/kg toulene, .15 mg/kg ethyl benzene, 2.3 mg/kg xylene, and 90 rog/kg TPH-G. Copies of the laboratory results are attached, along with the summation 0f lab results on. Figure 5. For these reasons and upon your approval, PGA will conduct the closure of the. site and subm~.t a Closure Report. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me or Randy Metz at the above printed number. Thank you. Sincerely, Michael R. McGrath Encl. cc: Randall T. Metz Andrew Marinello PACIFIC ~EOTECHNZCALASSOCIATES, ZNC. Date of 4200 F2%STON DRIV~ SUIT~ ~2 Report: 10/29/92 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 Lab ~: 9S58-Z Attn.: MICFJtEL R. ~CGRATH 32A-77~8 Sample Description: ~515008, SOUTH MIGH SCHOOL: DOC. ~1-1 BETWEEN VR ~3 & ~4, 5' (SOIL) 10-22-92 ~ 1030 COLL~CTED!BY M. ~CGRAT~ TEST METHOD: TPM by D.O.~.S. / L.U.F.T.*Manuai Method - Mod£fied ~A 8015 Individual ¢onstltuen~s by EPA Method 5030/8020, Sample Matrix: Soil Date Sample Collected: Const£tuenD.~ Date Sample Received ® Lab: ~0/2~/9= Analysis Result~ Benzene 0.00~ Toluene 0.028' Ethyl Benzene 0.15 Total Xylenes 2.3 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) 90. Date Analysis Completed: .~.~ 10-28-92~ · Minimum Reportin~ R~portin~ Units Level mg/kg · 0.005 m~/kg 0.005 mg/kg 0.005 mg/kg 0.01 mg/kg 1. California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 Department SuperviSor 41 I:::)0 ArJas ~:. · Beker$field, CA ~ · ~ ~?--4~11 1 · FAX (821~ ~7-1 $1 8 Petro%eum% ~ydroearb¢ PACIFIC G~OTECHNICALASSOCIAT~S, INC. Date of 4200 EASTON DRIV~ SUITE #2 Report: 10/29/92 ~J~KERSFIELD, CA 93309 Lab ~: 9558-2 Attn.: MICHAEL R. MCGRATH 324-7768 San~le Descrlption= ~515008, SOUTH HIGH SCHOOL: DOC. ~1-2 B~TWEEN V R ~3 & ~4, 10' (SOIL) 10-22-92 @ 1045 COLLECTED BY M. MCGRATH TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.M.S. / L.U.F.T. ~anual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. Sample Matr£x= Soil Date Sample Collected: ~0/~/~ Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene Total Xylenes Total petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~118~ Date Sample Received ® Lab: 10/22/92 Analysis ~e~ults Date A~alysis Completed: 10-28-92 Reporting Units None Detected mg/kg None Detected i mg/kg No~e Detected ~ mg/kg None Detected i mg/kg mg/k~ Minimum- Reporting Level 0.005 '0.005 0.O05 O.O1 Departmen~ Supervlso~ pet=oleum. Hydrocar PACifIC GEOTECHNICAL.ASSOCIATES, INC. 4200 .EASTON DRIVE SUITE %2 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 Attn.: MIfN{AEL R. ~CGRATH 324-7768 Sample D~scription: TEST METHOD: 7onB Date of Report: 10/28/92 Lab #2 9558~3 ~515008, SOUTH HIGH SCHOOL DOC. %1-3 B;TWEEN VR ~3 & ~4, 15' (SOIL) 10-22-92 @ 1100 COLLECTED BY M. MCGRATH TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manua~ Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA M~thod 5030/8020. Sample Matrix: Soil Date Sample Collected: 10/22/92 Benzene Toluene ~thyl Benzene Total Xylenes Total Petroleum ~ydrocarbons (gas) California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~1186 DeDartment SuDervisdr Date S~nple Received · Lab: 10/~/92 Analysis' Re~Dlts None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected Date Analysis Completed: 10-28-92 Reporting Units m~/k~ m~/kg mg/kg mg/kg m~/k~ ~inimu~ Reporting Level.__ 0.005 0.005 0.01~ -N- VR#1 VR~r2 SHOP PARKING Tank (backfilled) ~ VR #1 ND Leaend Vapor Recovery Well (Phase I) Vapor Recovery Well (Phase II) Documentaton Boring None Detected Contamination Plume (TPH Gasoline) Original Revised Original 6/16/92 9/4/92 > 1000 mg/kg > 1000 mg/kg ~/~Pecific Gm>technical Associates, Inc. SOUTH HIGH SCHOOL Plot Plan Documentation Boring Author. PGA Drafted BI~. PGA II)ate: 10~2 Revised: 12/91 SHL After 4 months of remediation 10/9/92 > 1000 mg/kg Figure 5 Scale (ft) 51 10' 10 Documentation Borina Benzene 0.005 mg/kg Toulene 0.028 mg/kg Xylene 2.3 mg/kg Ethyl Benzene 0,15 rng/kg Total Petroleum 90,0 rng/kg Hydrocarbons-Gas Benzene ND mg/kg Toulene ND mg/kg Xylene ND mg/kg Ethyl Benzene ND mg/kg Total Petroleum 8.0 mg/kg Hydrocarbons-Gas Benzene ND mg/kg Toulene ND mg/kg Xylene ND mg/kg ~.~i~,...'.i.i.I Ethyl Benzene ND mg/kg Total Petroleum ND mg/kg Hydrocarbons-Gas PARKING (Asphalt covered) thnical Associates, Inc.* on Drive, Ste. 2 · Bokersfield, Colif. 93309 October 16, 1992 Ms. Flora Darling Environmental Health Serv. Dept. 2700 "M" Street Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Ms. Darling: Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. (PGA), is now requesting to conduct a documentation boring as described in section 6.0 Verification of Remediation Effectiveness, page 14, of the Remediation Work Plan. As we discussed in our meeting on this date, samples for analysis will be obtained at five feet below grade in an area associated with shallow contamination, and at ten feet to demonstrate that deeper contamination has been remediated (see Figures 3 and To date it is estimated that seventy five percent (75%)' of the volume of gasoline in the ground has been extracted from the contamination plume. This figure has been derived by cross-plotting Time (in vacuum days) versus Percent of remaining fuel (in pounds) (Chart 3). An additional cross-plot with Extracted Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) (pounds per day) versus Time (vacuum days) (Chart 4), refiects a leveling in the rate of Extracted Fuel per day. For these reasons and upon your approval, PGA will conduct Documentation Borings to demonstrate remediation effectiveness. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me or Randy Metz at the above printed number. Thank you. Sincerely, Michael R. McGrath Encl. cc: Randall T. Metz Andrew Marinello PARKING Legend ~ YR #1 Vapor Recovery Well Tank Site ~ Documentaton Boring (backfilled) GRASS AREA Contamination Plume (TPH Gasoline) Original Revised Original 6/16/92 9/4/92 ~.~.:.~....~... ......... > 1000 mg/kg > 1000 mg/kg After 4 months of remediation 10/9/92 > 1000 mg/kg ~ Geotechnical Associates, Inc. 'SOUTH HIGH SCHOOL Plot Plan Documentation Boring Author. PGA Drafted By:. PGA 0 II)ate: 10/92 Revised: 12/91 SHL Figure 3 I Scale (ft) 10 PARKING (Asphalt covered) September 3, 1992 Ms. Flora Darling Environmental Health Serv. Dept. 2700 "M" Street Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Ms. Darling: Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. (PGA), is now requesting to enter Phase II'of the South High School Remediation project, as described in section 4.1.2 Phase II, page 9, of the Remediation Work Plan. To date it is estimated that thirty percent (30%) of the initial estimate of 5,012 pounds of gasoline in the ground has been extracted from the contamination plume.., This figure has been derived by cross-plotting Time (in vacuum days) versus Percent of remaining fuel (in pounds) (Chart 1). An additional cross-plot with Extracted Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) (pounds per day) versus Time (vacuum days) (Chart 2), reflects a leveling in the rate of Extracted Fuel per day. For these reasons and upon your approval, PGA will install additional vapor recovery wells to further ventilate the soil. '~ ........ *:',-° pl ,, yOll haYe ~,,,:y ,iu,,~, ..... , ease. do not..v~..,.~.,l'~'~;*°t" to ,.,~.,¢,,.t~........~ ....rn~ or Randy Metz at the above printed number. Thank you. Sincerely, Michael R. McGrath Encl. cc: Randall T. Metz Andrew Marinello Percent VOC's Remaining I00.00%- 80.00% 60'00%t 40.00% 20.00% 0.00% I I ',',',',I ',',',',',',',', ', Dat~ Cha~2 Cummulative VOC's Removed 500 500 0 Date ~cal Associates, Inc. SOUTH HIGH SCHOOL REMEDIATION PROJECT CROSS - PLOTS Percent VOC'a Remaining 100.00% 90.00% 80.00% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% 1"- 1'-- VOC's Removed Daily 9O 80 70 ~ 60 ~ 50 .__- = 40 20 10 0 Date Boring (Proposed) ................................. T.D. 10.0 ...................... Sand & Silt Original 6/16/92 > 1000 rog/kg Silt & Clay Contamination Plume (TPH Gasoline) Revised Original 9/4/92 > 1000 rog/kg Sand After 4 months of remediation 10/9/92 > 1000 mg/kg Scale (ft) 0 5 Vertical = Horizontal Figure 4 J f"~""'~'~Pa~ Geotechnical Associates, Inc. SOUTH HIGH SCHOOL Documentation Bo' (Proposed) ID~to: lO~12 Reviled: Ms. Flora Darling Environmental Health Services Department 2700 "~4" Street Suite 300 ~ak~rsfield, Califcrnia 73301 ll,f .... fh,,lhfl ......II,l,,il R~ID'ALL L. ABBOTT" DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE [] ASSISTANT DIRECTOR STEVE W~ ~,M ,J. RODD¥, APCO Placing & Development ~ I~parlment TED dAMES, AICP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT January 22, 1992 Kern High School District 2000 24th Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 ATTN: Ms. Janet Ford-Shell South High School 1101 Planz Road, Bakersfield, CA Permit No.: 310009 Ladies and Gentlemen: The remediation workplan submitted by Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc., (P.G.A.) for the above-referenced site has been reviewed. Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc., proposes soil venting/activated carbon adsorption. The remediation technique is acceptable to this Department. Vapor extraction techniques require a permit from the Air Pollution Control District. It is our understanding that Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc., has initiated the permitting process for the site. Phase I and II installation of VES wells is approved. Progress reports should be submitted to this office on a quarterly basis until remediation has been completed. Upon completion of remediation efforts, Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc., shall submit a remediation report to this Department for review. Upon review of the remediation report and concurrence by this office that remediation has been successful, a closure document will be issued. Sincerer, / ~///. Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program FD:ch cc: Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. darling~ernsch.let 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 RANDALL L.~ ~A~BBOTT' DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE !I! ASSISTANT DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT January 6, 1992 KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 2000 - 24th Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 ATTENTION: Ms. Janet Ford-Shell SUBJECT: South High School 1101 Planz Road, Bakersfield, CA Permit ~ 310009 Dear Ms. Ford-Shell: A review of the above-referenced file discloses that our Department's letter of November 17, 1991, discussed findings of the site characterization report and mitigation options submitted by Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. Sixty days are allowed from our office's receipt of the completed site characterization report for selection and implementation of remediation efforts. To date, the remediation workplan has not been received. Since remediation efforts must move smoothly and in a progressive manner before the site may reach closure, you should contact your environmental contractor with instructions to proceed. The remediation workplan should reach my desk within 10 days of receipt of this letter. After review and approval of the workplan, your remediation choice should commence immediately. Any questions you may have should be directed to me at (805) 861-3636 extension 549. FD:jg CC: Sincerely, .~ Flora ng,,R.E.H.$., R.E.A. Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program Pacific Geotechnical Assoc., Inc. 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 pRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER (805) 861-3636 FAX: (805) 861-3429 RANDALL L; ABBOTT' DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE ill ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Air ~ Comml District WILLIAM J. RODDY, Al)CO P~nning & Development Se~ices Department TED JAMES, AICP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT October 17, 1991 'Kern High School District 2000 24th Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention: Ms. Janet Ford-Shell RE: South High School 1101 Planz Road, Bakersfield, CA Permit: 310009 Ladies and Gentlemen: The Site Characterization Report submitted by Pacific Geotechnical Associates (PGA) for the above-referenced facility has been reviewed. The major portion of the contamination lies in an area of approximately 10 feet thickness, beneath the ground surface, with some migration beneath the maintenance building. PGA has suggested the following remediation options: No Action: Denied. Levels of T.P.H. and benzene exceed levels that may be left in place. Portions of the plume have migrated beneath the structure, which may become upwardly mobile and increase risk factors. Soil Venting/Carbon Adsorption: Agreeable to this Department. May require permitting by Kern County Air Pollution Control District. o Vapor Extraction: Acceptable to this Department. This technique is rapid and would minimize the amount of time the equipment would be onsite. It requires permitting by Kern County Air Pollution Control District. Excavate: Acceptable to our Department but may not be feasible due to proximity of buildings. 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 Kern High:School, District'. October 17, 1991 Page 2 A site remediation workplan must be submitted to this office for review. Remediation efforts should commence within 60 days of the above date. If you have any questions or desire further intbrmation, contact me at (805) 861-3636, Extension 549. FD:cas Sincerely, Hazardous Materials Specialjsf Hazardous Materials Management Program cc: Pacific Geotechnical Associates ~310009.11r RANDALL L. ABBOTT DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE [] ASSISTANT DIRECTOR WILLIAM J. ROE)DY, APCO plannir~ & Deveiopmem S~ Department TED JAMES, AICP, DHIECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES. DEPARTMENT October 2, 1991 Kern High School District 2000 - 24th Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 ATTN: Janet Ford-Shell SUBJECT: "South High School Highland High school Ruggenberg Center ~310009 ~090009 Injection Well Dear Ms. Ford-Shell: A review of the files of the above-referenced sites indicates that initial field investigations have been completed. However, our Department has not received the site characterization reports. In order to move toward closure of the facilities, our office must review the completed reports and recommendations for mitigation. Our office believes that more than adequate time has been 'allowed for our receipt of the required documents. Therefore, please notify your environmental contractor to submit the site characterization reports to our Department immediately. The completed reports should reach my desk within ten (10) days of receipt of this letter. Sincerely, .~ Flora Darling, R.E.H.S.,./~.E.A. Hazardous Materials Spe~cialist Hazardous Materials Management Program FD:jg 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 ~AV. I~/~1;~ Q~1.9~gQ 7808 OLCOTT AVENUE ~ BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 LICENSE . 474331 (805)39~~ [sosoTo:) ' ' ~ K H S D 3701 E Belle Terrace Bakers£ield, Ca. 93307 ATTN: Mr. Ben Serkora SHIP TO 1 South High School APPROVED FOR PAYMENT w.o. ~ ,~~- - _~,~ ~ ITEM QUANTITY UNIT DESCRIPTION S UNIT PRICE AMOUNT HcNabb Construct±on furnish_=d tools, labor, and mat=.rials to remove the existing f lel tank at South High School. Job Complete COMMENTS. TOTAL I~ Net due 10 days from date of Invoice $3,125.00 L_ COUNTY OF KERN Elv~iRON~EI~LTAL HEXLTH.SERVICES' 2700 'M' STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 .i805):861-3636 ..... PERNIT/INVOICE #310009C-90 04/04/90 loo.oo AMOUNT ENCLOSED KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT CHARGES PAST DUE ARE SUBJECT TO PENALTY SOUTH HIGH SCHOOL 2000 24TH STREET J DUEDATE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 [ 05/04/90 DETACH HERE · PLEASE RETURN THIS PORTION TO INSURE CORRECT PAYMENT IDENTIFICATION . DETACH HE t PLEASE MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO THE COUNTY OF KERN ~ SEND PAYMENT WITHI'N 30 DAYS TO AVOID 50% PENALTY .RVICE/POSTINGDATE ' ~;"'" ~' :": .:~: DESCRIPTION:''=''' ' ":,~' :' .. AMOUNT 04/04/9 PERMIT/INVOICE ANNUAL FEE FOR WITH 1 TANK(S) # 310009C-90 PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND LOCATED AT: 1101 PLANZ ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CA STORAGE FACILITY qVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES 700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 -~KERSFIELD, CA 93301 · KERN COUNTY ORDINANCE CODE 8.04. t 90 PENALTIES. ~f any fee required by this dlvls~on 100.00 100.00 6/2~/9o Vendor 7808 OL¢OTTAVE. BAI~RSFIELD Invoice Date:' Voucher Number: Invoice Description: Account Number: Invoice Total: Paid Invoice Information: Check Number: Bank: Check Date: Amount Paid: Paid To: FY 90 KERN HICH SCHOOL DISTRI~{~ 10:32:34 WTR02S1 Posted Invoice Look-Up ~ Ref: ACP.460 .11 50045 Invoice= 9168, Purchase Order: 102558 MCNABB CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Entered by: BAUMAN Batch ID: 5B1 Posted: 5/01/90 1099 Inv: Y CA93308 4/18/90 Invoice Due Date: 812 Other Reference: MCNABB CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 12.04.5629.67.0000.03 3,125.00 APCHK 938316 FIB 112898210 5/01/90 3,125.00 MCNABB CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 01-01 SA MW KS IM II S1 S1018292 KB 6/2'~/90 FY 90 KEP/~ HIgH SCHOOL DISTRI( FMS Invoice Lines Vendor: 50045 MCNABB CONSTRUCTION CC~PANY Invoice: 9168 P/O #: 102558 RPO CMD Quantity U/M Description 10:33:00 WTR02Sl Ref: ACP. 460L. 01 Amount 3125.00 COMMANDS: L F T E 06-02 SA POSITION: +n,n.n,-n,Roll-up,Roll-down KS IM II Sl S1018292 KB RANDALL L. ABBOTI' DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE 111 A~SISTANT DIP~CTOR RESOURCE MANAC STEVE.~M~':~ I:Y~,;'~;;DIRECTOR Wn HAM .J. RODDY, APCO Planning & Development Se~ice~ Department TED ,JAMES, AICP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT Januaw 30,1991 Randall Metz Pacific Geotechnical Associates, Inc. 4200 Easton Drive, Suite 2 Bakersfield, California 93309 Re: Site Characterization Workplans for the following sites. 1. West High School Permit Cf 280007 ~.Highland High School Permit Cf 090009 ~-~3. South High School Permit Cf 310009 Dear Mr. Metz: The addendum information regarding the above referenced sites's workplans have been reviewed. It is our understanding that the two slant borings total depth will be drilled to 21 feet depth or deeper, depending upon field conditions, for South High and Highland High Schools. The Re-positioning of bore holes to accommodate the slant drillings are approved. Please notify this office 48 hours in advance of commencing work to allow an Inspector to be present during drilling operations. If you have any questions please contact me at (805) 861-3636, Ext. 549. Sincere,~lY-~~ ~. y Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program FD:ch cc: Rod Williams S.I.S.K. darling\metz, let RAKFR?,FIFI' !'3 CAI .IFORNIA 93301 f805) 861-3636 Geotechnical Associates, Inc. 4200 Easton Drive, Ste. 2 · Bokersfield, Calif. 93309 · (80,5) 324°7768. January 28, 1991 Ms. Flora Darling Hazardous Materials Specialist Environmental Health Services Dept. County of Kern 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 g¢~ South High School Site Characterization Permit #: 310009 Dear Ms. Darling: A site characterization work plan for the above referenced site was submitted to the Environmental Health Services Department for your approval; Your response, dated January 24, 1991, consisted of three comments regarding slant drilling, the fate of rinsate and spoils and destruction of borings which encounter groundwater (copy attached). This letter contains responses to each comment and serves as an amendment to the original proposed work plan. Comment 1. As delineated in my letter of November 8, 1990, a slant boring will be required. Response 1. Soil Boring #3 will be located approximately five feet northeast of the dispenser and will be slant drilled approximately five feet to the northwest under the maintenance shop (see attached revised Plot Plan). The bottom of the boring will be approximately north northeast of Soil Boring #1. Comment 2. Rinsate and drilling spoils shall be contained separately and sampled for laboratory analyses separately before disposal. Response 2. Line two, paragraph one, Item 4.0 of the Quality Assurance/Quality Control Section (QA/QC Page 3) referring to rinsate is hereby eliminated. A sentence, "All rinsate will be placed into a separate drum and analyzed for BTXE prior to disposal." is hereby added South High School~'Si -t~,Charactcrization '!~? to thc same paraEraph in front of thc last line' words,_ "Upon completion of., laborato~. ~alyses ........ ~: in thc same paragraph is amended to read, ,~upbn"compl:gfiah~t of. laborato~ analysis, both drams will be t.r~sponed by Laidlaw.. to.a State approved hazardous waste disposal site." (ch~cs underlined). Comment 3. If groundwater is encountered during boring operations the bore hole shall be abandoned and filled with cement sand slurry. Response 3. Item 5.0 of the Quality Assurance/Quality Control section is hereby eliminated. Paragraph 2 of Item 4.0 is amended 'to read, "All borings will be backfilled with cement sand slurry. If you feel it is necessary, we will be happy to meet with you in person to discuss the procedures outlined in our work plan and in the attached amendments to the work plan. Respectfully submitted, ,.-' R~dall T. Metz, R.G. ~ RTM:pld V.-; .... /..-:.. encl. EHSD Ltr dtd 1122191 Plot Plan cc: R. Williams, SISK PACIFIC GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. DAVID PRICE !il ASSISTANT DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT January 24, 1991 Randall Metz Pacific Geotechnical Association, Inc. 4200 Easton Drive, Suite 2 Bakersfield, CA 93309 RE: South High School Permit #310009 Dear Mr. Metz: The Site Characterization Workplan for the above referenced site has been reviewed. As delineated in my letter of NOVember 8, 1990, a slant boring will be required. Boring SB #3 may be positioned within 5 feet of boring SB #1 to determine if the contaminant has migrated beneath the maintenance building. It is expected that the environmental contractor will determine any pipes, wiring, or any other obstructions to boring that may be present. A revised plot plan indicating the slant boring position will be required. Rinsate and drilling spoils shall be contained separately and sampled for laboratory analyses separately before disposal. If groundwater is encountered during boring Operations the bore hole shall be abandoned and filled with cement sand slurry. The positioning of monitoring wells shall be addressed in a separate workplan. Upon receipt of a revised workplan addressing the above items, our Department Will be able to continue the review. FD:cas 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 If you have any questions contact me at (805) 861-3636 extension 549. ~ Sincerely, ~ ~ Flora Darling, R.E.H.S. .' -Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 \310009-2.1tr (805) 861-3636 FAX: (805) 861.34~g SB~4 (if needed) PARKING MAINTENANCE SHOP SB#2 2' - 250 ppm 6' - 7800 ppm SB#1 SB#3 (slant boring) DISPEl EXCAVATION (backfilled) WOODSHOP O SB #1 X Soil Boring Sample Location GRASS AREA 2'- 1,700 ppm 6'- ND Tank Location Depth below tank - ppm TPH ND = Not Detected SOUTH i,#~H SCHOOL Figure 2 PLAN (Revised 1/28/91) 10 FEET -N- PARKING (Asphalt covered) DIRECTOR- DAVID PRICE [] A~SI~T~ DIRECTOR Ranning & ~t ~ ~ I~D JAI~=S, AICP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT January 24, 1991 Randall Metz Pacific Geotechnical Association, Inc. 4200 Easton Drive, Suite 2 Bakersfield, CA 93309 RE: South High School Permit #310009 Dear Mr. Metz: The Site Characterization Workplan for the above referenced site has been reviewed. As delineated in my letter of November 8, 1990, a slant boring will be required. Boring SB #3 may be positioned within 5 feet of boring SB #1 to determine if'the contaminant has migrated beneath the maintenance building. It is expected that the environmental contractor will determine any pipes, wiring, or any other obstructions to boring that may be present. A revised plot plan indicating the slant boring position will be required. Rinsate and drilling spoils shall be contained separately and sampled for laboratory analyses separately before disposal. If groundwater is encountered during boring operations the bore hole shall be abandoned and filled with cement sand slurry. The positioning of monitoring wells shall be addressed in a separate workplan. Upon receipt of a revised workplan addressing the above items, our Department will be able to continue the review. FD:cas 97t'~3' "M" ~TI~FFT ,~[JITF. 300 If you have any questions contact me at (805) 861-3636 extension 549. Sincerely, /~? ~ ~ Flora Darling, R.E.H.S. ' Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 93301 \310009-2.1tr (805) 861-3636 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT January 24, 1991 Randall Metz Pacific Geotechnical Association, Inc. 4200 Easton Drive, Suite 2 Bakersfield, CA 93309 RE: South High School Permit #310009 Dear Mr. Metz: The Site Characterization Workplan for the above referenced site has been reviewed. As delineated in my letter of November 8, 1990, a slant boring will be required. Boring SB #3 may be positioned within 5 feet of boring SB #1 to determine if the contaminant has migrated beneath the maintenance building. It is expected that the environmental contractor will determine any pipes, wiring, or any other obstructions to boring that may be present. A revised plot plan indicating the slant boring position will be required. Rinsate and drilling spoils shall be contained separately and sampled for laboratory analyses separately before disposal. If groundwater is encountered during boring operations the bore hole shall be abandoned and filled with cement sand slurry. The positioning of monitoring wells shall be addressed in a separate workplan, Upon receipt of a revised workplan addressing the above items, our Department will be able to continue the review. FD:cas o'Tnn "M" ~TI~FFT. RI lITE 300 If you have any questions contact me at (805) 861-3636 extension 549. ~~~~Sincerely, / . '"' / Flora Darling, R.E.H.S. " Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 \310009-2.1tr (8O5) 861-3636 DIRECTOR+ i , DAVID PRICE !!1 DIRECTOR ?/ ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT November 8, 1990 Rodney N. Williams (Sisk) Kern County Superintendent of Schools P. O. Box 9939 Bakersfield, CA g3389 Subject: Location: Known As: Permit #: 1101Planz Road, Bakersfield, CA South High Schoo) 310009 Dear Mr. Williams: Our Department has reviewed the site characterization workplan for the above referenced facility. Additional information and revisions are needed before approval to commence work may be granted: Additional borings shall be within a 15 foot radius of boring #B1 situated over the former dispenser area. 0 A slant boring will be necessary in order to determine if contamination has migrated beneath the maintenance shop. o Submit a revised plan view - boring SB #4 and SB #2 may be deleted. Indicate slant boring. Address disposal and characterization of drilling spoils and rinsate. 5. A complete Health and Safety Plan is required. Follow OSHA regulations. 6. Depth of borings other than SB #1 will be determined in the field. Use unified soil classification system. Lithology logging shall be accomplished in the field by a geologist under the supervision of a registered geologist or registered civil engineer. All data shall be interpreted by the above defined qualified professional. All reports shall be submitted to this office for review. '700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 FAX: (805) Page 2 ge Boring holes will be abandoned by filling with cement sand slurry. A bentonite plug may be placed at the lower 5 foot level. .- Soil sampling must commence at 5 foot intervals below grade. Upon receipt of the above requested items our Department will be able to continue the review. If you have any questions, contact me at (805) 861-3636 extension 549. FO:cas Sincerely, . Flora Darling, R.E.H.S. Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program \31000g.ltr · TED* JAM£S~-AICP, ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT July 6, 1990 Janet Shell Kern High School District 2000 24th Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 SUBJECT: Location: Known As: PERMIT #: 1101Planz Rd., Bakersfield, CA 'South High School 310009 Dear Ms. Shell: The-intent of this letter is to inform you of the necessary deadlines for work required at the property described above. As a responsible party for a leaking underground storage tank, you have previously received a letter from this Department notifying you of the required work necessary to identify the extent of the contamination. We are now requesting that this work, outlined in UT,35, be done in a timely manner. In accordance with California Health and Safety Code Chapter 6.7 and Kern County Ordinance Code Chapter 8.48, the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department requires a determination of the threat to the environment. Accordingly, you must select an environmental contractor and submit a site characterization. workplan proposal to this office within 30 days from the date of this letter; The workplan must be approved by this Department before any work is started. If you should have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me immediately at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, ./~//~ ~ FD.'ch darling\shell, let 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 RECYCLED PAPER (805) 861-3636 FAX: (805) 861-3429 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT July 6, 1990 Janet Shell Kern High School District 2000 24th Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 SUBJECT: Location: Known As: PERMIT #: 1101Planz Rd., Bakersfield, CA South High School 310009 Dear Ms. Shell: The-intent of this letter is to inform you 'of the necessary deadlines for work required at the property described above. As a responsible party for a leaking underground storage tank, you have previously received a letter from this Department notifying you of the required work necessary to identify the extent of the contamination. We are now requesting that this work, outlined in UT-35, be done in a timely manner. In accordance with California Health and Safety Code Chapter 6.7 and Kern County Ordinance Code Chapter 8.48, the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department requires a determination of the threat to the environment. Accordingly, you must select an environmental contractor and submit a site characterization. workplan proposal to this office within 30 days from the date of this letter. The workplan must be approved by this Department before any work is started. If you should have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me immediately at (805) 861-3636. ~:::rr~::: ~:~:~iaall: MSPane~ealm~nSt~ttProgram FD:ch dar I inl~\ahel I. let 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 RECYCLED PAPER (805) 861-36S6 FAX: (805) 861-3429 P 540 625 963 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) Sent to JANET SHELL KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 2000 24th STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restncted Dehvery Fee Return Receipt showing to whom and Date Dehvered c~ Return Receipt showtng to whom. · - Date. and Address of Dehvery .,~ TOTAL Postage and Fees S o Postmark or Oate GARY J. wICKS Agency Director (805) 861-3502 STEVE McCALLEY Director R ESOU RC E ~~~i~.E, N T D EPA RT~~ M E NTAL 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Telephone (805) 861-363~ Telecopler (805) 861-.9429 AGENCY June 29, 1990 Janet Shell Kern High School District 2000 24th Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 SUBJECT: Location: Known As: PERMIT #: 1101 Planz Road Bakersfield, CA 93304 South High School 310009 Dear Ms. Shell: This letter is an official notice to inform you that the proQerty described above has been determined by Kern County Environmental Health Services Department to be the site of an unauthorized release of hazardous materials from an underground storage tank. This notice is sent to you because our records indicate that you are a responsible party for this property. As a responsible party, you must provide for all studies and work relating to the above-described property and the cOst for oversight of these activities. California Health and Safety Code, Chapter 6.7, and Kern County Ordinance Code, Chapter 8.48, require a determination of the threat to the environment as a result of this release. THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY SHALL, ON A TIMELY BASIS, DEVELOP A SITE CHARACTERIZATION, FEASIBILITY STUDY AND REMEDIAL ACTION PLAN FOR KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT'S REVIEW AND APPROVAL BEFORE THE WORK IS INITIATED. Enclosed you will find Attachment "A", Handbook UT-35, which states the minimum required site work plan activities, the necessary requirements for selecting environmental contractors qualified to perform this work', a glossary of terms, example illustrations, and a section discussing the answers to commonly asked questions. The cost incurred by Kern County Environmental Health Services Department for the oversight of the work for the site characterization, feasibility study, remediation action plan, site remediation, and ongoing monitoring is not covered by any fees or permits. These costs are recovered by Kern County Environmental Health Services Department in one of the two methods described below. It is your responsibility to select the method of oversight cost recovery under the terms of (A) State contract or (B) County of Kern Local Agreement Option. These options pertain only to costs associated with oversight. (A) STATE CONTRACT The State Leaking Underground Storage Tank Pilot Program provides a mechanism for the State to reimburse the County for County oversight. The County will conduct the necessary oversight and bill the State Water Resources Control Board under this State contract. The State will then charge you, a responsible party, for the Costs incurred by both the County and the State, pertaining to your site, under the State terms explained below: Whereas the Legislature has appropriated funds from the California Hazardous Substance Clean-up Fund to pay the local and state agency administrative and oversight costs associated with the cleanup of releases from underground storage tanks; and Whereas the direct and indirect costs of overseeing removal or remedial action at the above site are funded, in whole or in part, from the Hazardous Substance Cleanup Fund; and Whereas the above indivi- dual(s) or entity(ies) have been identified as the party or parties responsible for investigation and cleanup of the above site; YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that pursuant to Section 25360 of the Health and Safety Code, the Above Responsible Party or Parties shall reimburse the State Water Resources Control Board for all direct and indirect costs incurred by any and all state and local agencies while overseeing the cleanup of the above underground storage tank site, and the above Responsible Party or Parties shall make full payment of such costs within 30 days of receipt of a detailed invoice from the State Water Resources Control Board. (B) COUNTY OF KERN LOCAL AGREEMENT OPTION Kern County Environmental Health Services Department is providing this option for those who prefer to pay the County directly and avoid the addition of State costs. Prior to the County's performance of services, this option requires your deposit of $1,000.00 (one thousand dollars) with the County to be held in the Local Option Trust Account. Charges for County oversight are made against this account. In this option, a responsible party must enter into a County agreement, Attachment The environmental sensitivity (Attachment "C") of this site has been reviewed by Environmental Health Services Department to determine the potential threat for groundwater contamination. Only sites determined to be non-environmentally sensitive may enroll in the Local Option Agreement. The site described above is not in an environmentally sensitive area and may be enrolled in the Local Agreement Option~ however, the County of Kern reserves the right to cancel any Local Agreement Option should it be discovered that groundwater contamination or a unique, complex hydrogeological condition exists. In such cases, Environmental Health will utilize the State contract to pay for County oversight activities. The County of Kern reserves this right for any site even when the site is located in a non-environmentally sensitive area. It is necessary for you to respond, in writing, within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of this letter to advise Kern County Environmenta! Health Services Department of your choice: either the State contract or the County's Local Agreement Option. If you select the County's Local Agreement, please complete and sign the Local Agreement (Attachment B), and return it with your check for $1,000.00 (one thousand dollars) made payable to the County of Kern, addressed to Kern County Environmental Health Services Department, 2700 M Street, Suite 300, Bakersfield, CA 93301, Attention: Accounting - Local Agreement Option. If you select the State contract, please indicate, in writing, that you have made this selection and that you have read the above official notification. Failure to respond within ten (10) calendar days to this notice will automatically result in oversight cost recovery for your site(s) to be placed under the terms of the State contract for Leaking Underground Storage Tanks. If you should have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Susan Gonzales at (805) 861-3636, Extension 510. SMC:cas Enclosures S~h!~,erely, .,? ~ /~'~/~ ~ t~eve~icCall~ Environmental Health ~ervicesIDepartment \31000g.clt Verno~ S. ~elcherd. UNDERGROUND TANK DISPOSITION TRACKING RECORD This form is to be returned to the Kern County Health Department ,.J!thi~ !__4 ~ ot ~¢¢ep~a.ce of ~ank(s) by disposal or recycl~nff facl]l~y. The holder of the per,it with nur~ber noted above Js responsible for Insuv~n~ that this form Js completed and returned. Section 1 - To be filled out ~ tank red, oval contractor .......... O~te T~nks R~oved ~d_~,O NO. Of Tanks _ ~ - To be filled out ~ 6ont~actor - ' ............ ..... dec°ntamlnatlnff tank(s~:~ Tank Decontamination" Contractor ~(?L,../.~ ..... ' Title .~zF~.~ -~ ~ ~ll!e~ pu~ an~ ~ ~ an authorized repre~entativ~ o~ the treat;,ont,, ~tora~(, 2~ ~IsVo~a] facJ~y a~cept~'~ankf~: · . . ..... · ~. . . '.: ....: ...~. (Auth~lzed Representative) /~/ d - · * ' ~ILING INSTRUCT'iONS: Fold in half and staple. 1985 O ~-555 m 'Il 0 m _ r- OSENDER: Complete Items 1 and 2 when additional services are desired, end complete 3 and 4. Put your address in the "RETURN TO" Space on the reverse side. Failure to do this will 'card from being'returned to you. T~ ~ ~ f~ to ~nd the date of delivery. F_or a'~ mon il tees the for fees an(] check box(es) for additional service(s) 1. ~ Show to whom delivered, date, and ' 2. [:] Restricted Delia, crY (Extra c/~me) 3. '-Article Addressed to: Ben Seykora Kern High School Distr~ct 2000 24th Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 6. Signature -- Agent X 7. Date of Delivery 4. Article Number T~pe of Sen/Ice: . . [] Registered [] Insured . ! [] Certified [] C0O ,. :' [] Express Mall [] Always obta!n signetum or agent and DATE DEUVERED GARY J. WICKS ~ Agency Director (805) 861-3502 STEVE McCALLEY Olrector 2700 M Street, Sul~e~"~ Beker~flel¢l, CA 93301 Telephone (605) a61-3636 Telecopler (805) 861-3429 AGENCY June 4, 1990 Ben Seykora Kern High School District 2000 24th Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 SUBJECT: Location : 1101Planz Road Bakersfield, CA Known As : South High School PERMIT # : 310009 93304 Dear Mr. Seykora: This letter is an official notice to inform you tha.t the property described above has been determined by Kern County Environmental Health to be the site of an unauthorized release of hazardous materials from an underground storage tank. This notice is sent to you because our records indicate that you are a responsible party for this.property. As a responsible party, you must provide for all studies and work relating to the above described property and the cost for oversight of these activities. California Health and Safety Code Chapter 6.7 and Kern County Ordinance Code Chapter 8.48 require a determination of the threat to the environment as a result of this release. THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY SHALL, ON A TIMELY BASIS, DEVELOP A SITE CHARACTERIZATION, FEASIBILITY STUDY AND REMEDIAL ACTION PLAN FOR KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH'S REVIEW AND APPROVAL BEFORE THE WORK IS INITIATED. Enclosed you will find attachment "A", Handbook UT-35, which states the minimum required site work plan activities, the necessary requirements for selecting environmental contractors qualified to perform this work, a glossary of terms, example illustrations, and a section discussing the answers to commonly asked questions. According to the criteria listed below and in attachment "C", your site has been designated as environmentally sensitive. All environmentally sensitive sites are automatically enrolled into a State contract program for recovery of oversight costs. .The environmental sensitivity criteria for sites are as follows: Highest historic ground water is within 100 feet of ground surface, or Nearest surface water in unlined conveyance is within 75 feet of tank(s), or Nearest agricultural or domestic water well is within 75 feet of tank(s), or Facility is located in a designated aquifer recharge area, or Permitting Authority determines possible adverse environmental impact due to facility proximity to unique wildlife habitat areas. The cost incurred bY Kern County Environmental Health for the oversight of the work for the site characterization, feasibili.ty study, remediation action plan, site remediation0 and ongoing monitoring is not covered by any fees or permits. These costs will be recovered by Kern County Environmental Health under the terms of the State contract described below. The contract only pertains to costs associated with oversight.. STATE CONTRACT The State Leaking Underground Storage Tank Pilot Program provides a mechanism for the State to reimburse the County for County oversight. The County will conduct the necessary oversight and bill the State Water Resources Control Board under this State contract. The State will then charge you, a responsible party, for both the costs incurred by the County and the State, pertaining to your site, under the State terms explained below: Whereas the federal Petroleum Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund provides funding to pay the local and state agency administrative and oversight costs associated with the cleanup of releases from underground storage tanks; and Whereas the direct and indirect costs of overseeing removal or remedial action at the above site are funded, in whole or in part, from the federal trust fund; and Whereas~the above individual(s) or entity(les) have been identified as the party or parties responsible for investigation and cleanup of the above site; YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that pursuant to Subdivision (h) of Sec[ion 699(b) of the United States Code, the above Responsible Party or Parties shall reimburse the State Water Resources Control Board for all direct and indirect costs incurred by any all state and loca.1 agencies while overseeing the cleanup of the above underground storage tank site, and the above Responsible Party'or Parties shall make full paymen~ of such costs within 30 days of receipt of a detailed invoice from ghe State Water Resources Control Board. If you should have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Susan Gonzales at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, SMC:cas .attachments \310009.clt Steve McCalley, Director Environmental Health Services Department ADDRESS : PERMIT #: ENV. Activity Date # Of Tanks Comments '~HI'~'t~' ',~ .... ~'~-~-r-~."l ' ~ . ~ ,' .t ,t :~ ''~' :': ': "i :':" ' : ~:'":'~ I'-' ....d_L .... ~L~Ao~y ~ O~E. //~ --'.~ ~ / ~'~ :.~ ~ .~/~ ~ ~ " ' F''I~N~E(IFAPPLIC~L~ . I OPE~TOR .~1 ( ) . . CROSS ST~ ... ". L~AL AGENOY AGENOY ~GION~ ~A~ · , , /. (,) ," ( )  / NA,ME QU~T~ LOST (G~N~ ' ' (~ ..... ~ ~ U~ ~TE DIe. RED ~) J ~W DI~D [2.t 5.1 ~1 ~' Y ~ TA~ ~ST ~' TANK REMOV~ ~ O~R, ~OD U;DTOS~ D~R~(C~CK~ ~T~.. - ~ T~K~ ~PIPINGL~ ~ O~ER ~ =R~SION ~K~WN ~ O~R ~E~ O.E O.LY ~ U.DE~R.~N~D ~LO.LY ~ aR~NDWA~R ~ ~R~"K~"~WA~R'(C"~CKO.L~WA~R~.,.HAV~AC~L~B~A~C~D) ~E~ ONE ONLY ~ .OACT~O.T~. ~ ""~'"'"A~'~.~.~R~.SU..~D ~ ~LUT,~C~C%~..- ~ L~ BEI~ ~IRMED ~ REMEDIATION P~ ~ C~E ~ED (C~UP COMP~D OR UNNECESS~ ~. ~p UNDERWAY.; CHE~PROPRIA~TION(S) ~ ~CAVA~&DISPOSE(ED) ~ ~MO~F~EP~CT~ ~ EN~CEDBD~G~ATiON(i~ ~ c~ S~TE(CD) ~ ~NTAINMENTBARRIER(CB) ~ ~T~NREQUIRED(NA) ~ T~A~ENTA~O~P(HU) ~ ~IL~S) ~ VA~U.E~CT~ ~ O~R(O~ :~ ~ F~ '-c ' . '.i .. ¥~ .... INSTRUGTIONS ~' ' : equtp~e~ were'tnvolVed'~.. shoul~.;be filed ~n a~d d~%e the.~rm i~. h~al~h..Gr ~Safety, onty iffreqUi~ed., ". '""' addr~ssl' Indlcate~h~eh party' yo~' ..' . ~ency name. ' ~ ~erson~ and address of the part~ , r~pon~ible party w~uld normally be the !',:- t...~ .. th~.~fnk facility. "At a ~inimum, you must ~hd full address:. e~e~cy and Regional Water Quality Control Board ? '' l~st of the hazhrdous substance involved. Room on two substances if appropriate. If more than '~ts~ the twa-of mos~ concern for cleanup. ~!. ,-' . '~scover~ and abatement of the 1. eak. e~k. Check box(es)' indicating cause of leak. ,~te~ry for this leak. Check one box only. Case sensitive resource affected. ¥or example, if ha~Ibeen affected;.¢ase type wiil be "Ground Water" only if one or more municipal or aetuall~'!bean affected. A "Ground Water" t~at'~h~ affected ~ater cannot be, or is no~, ~nl~!'that water wells have not yet been that case%yRe.ma¥ change upon further whi'ch be~ describe~ithe current status of the ca~e.. The 'response should b~ relative to the case type. For is ,"Ground Wa~er", t~en '"Current Status" should refer gro~d water~nv~stigatiofl or cleanup, as opposed to ~C~tptions of options follow: - No ~actionlhas b~en taken by responsible party beyond ;f leak. - Leak suspected at site, but has not been Pr~li~i~7 Site'A~sessment w~r~plan ~ubmitted' workplan/proposal re.~u~est~d Of/submitted by responsible~ party to determine whether ground water has'been,' Or Wiil be, impa~ted as a-reSult 6{ th~ release. Pr~imi~r~ Sit~:Assessme~t Underway .- im~le,en~a~io~'~f~or~pian. Poltut~Gn~Char~cterizetion - rg~ponsi~le:par~y.is%in~the.process of fully deftnin&, the extent 6f contamination in sbil"and ~0hnd w~te~ ~nd assessing im~ac~s~.6~i surface and/or groutid water. ~2 .' Re'ed[let%oh Plan- re~ediation :plan *~ubmi~te~ ~gaiuating ilong term re~ediation options; i Proposal land i~plem~nt~ti%n"schedule for~ appropriate remediation options"also submit%ed, j ~'~" Cl~a~ Underw~ - implementation 9{ ~emedia~ion ~Ian. Po~t Cleanup Zonitorins in Pro~ress'- periodic gro~d watGr or, other aonitoring at site, as necessa~, to verify and/or evalu&'te effectiveness ofremedial activities. Case Closed - ~egional board and local agency in concurrence that no further work is necessary at the site. I~RT~T: THE:INFO~TION ~OVIDED ON THIS FO~ IS INTE~ED FOR GE~ STATISTICAL P~SES O~Y ~D IS NOT TO BE CONS~UED ~ ~P~SENTING THE OFFICI~ ~SITION OF ~Y ~NT~ AGENCY ~DI~ ACTION · Indicate which action have been used to cleanup or remediate the le~. Descri~tions'of options follow: Cap Sits - install horizontal impermeable layer to reduce rainfall infiltration. Contai~ent Barrier - install vertical dike to block horizontal movement of cont~inant. Excavate and Dispose - remove con%~inated soil and dispose in approved site. Excavate.and Treat - remove cont~inated soil and treat (includes spreading or land farming). Remove Free Product - remove floa%ins product from water table. P~p and Treat Groundwater - 8enerally employed to remove dissolved cont~inants. Enhanced Biode~radation - use of any available technology %o promote bacterial decomposition of contaminants. Replace Supply - provide alternative water supply to affected parties. Treatment at Hookup - install water treatment devices at each dwelling or other place of use. Vacu~ Extract - use p~ps or blowers to draw air through soil. Vent Soil - bore holes in soil ~o allow volatilization of cont~in~ts. No Action Re~ired - incident is ainor, re~iring no remedial'action. C~NTS - Use this space to elaborate on any aspects of the incident. SIGNATURE - Sign the form in the space provided. DISTRIBUTION If the form is completed by the tank owner or his agent, retain the last copy and forward the remaining copies intact to your local tank permitting agency for distribution.- 1. Original - Local Tank Permitting Agency 2. State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Loans and Grants, Underground Storage Tank Program, P.O. Box 944212, Sacramento, CA 9424~- 2120 3. Regional Water Quality Control Board 4. County Board of Supervisors or designee to receive Proposition 65 notifications. 5. Owner/responsible party. 4100 PIERCE' RD., Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) McNabb Construction 7808 Alcott Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 Attention: Bryan McNabb Lab No.: Sample Desc:. 3350-17 Kern High School District South High School Under Tank 2' Date of Report: 26-Apr-90 Date Sample Collected: 12-Apr-90 Constituent Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (Gasoline) Date Sample Received @ Lab: 12-Apr-90 Date Analysis Completed: 24-Apr-90 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Units Results Level ug/g none detected 0.02 ug/g none detected 0.02 ug/g none detected 0.02 ug/g none detected 0.02 ug/g none detected 0.02 ug/g none detected 0.02 ug/g none detected 0.8 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by Modified EPA method 5020/8020. As Received Basis Comments: California D.O.H.S. Cert. %102 By ~ I AnaI-ySt McNabb Construction 7808 Alcott Ave. Bakersfield, CA Attention: Lab No.: Sample Desc:. 4100' PIERCE'RD,, Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) 93308 Bryan McNabb 3350-18 Kern High School District South High School Under Tank 6' Date of Report: 26-Apr-90 Date Sample Collected: 12-Apr-90 Constituent Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (Gasoline) Date Sample Received @ Lab: 12-Apr-90 Date Analysis Completed: 24-Apr-90 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Units Results Level ug/g none detected 0.02 ug/g none detected 0.02 ug/g none detected 0.02 ug/g none detected 0.02 ug/g none detected 0.02 ug/g none detected 0.02 ug/g none detected 0.8 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by Modified EPA method 5020/8020. As Received Basis Comments: California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~102 By ~ IAna~-iyst McNabb Construction 7808 Alcott Ave. Bakersfield, CA Attention: Lab No.: Sample Desc:~ Date Sample Collected: 12-Apr-90 Constituent 4100 PIERCERD'.~, Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) 93308 Bryan McNabb 3350~9 ~n High School District bouth High School Dis~eR nse~ Date Sample Received @ Lab: 12-Apr-90 Date of Report: 26-Apr-90 Date Analysis Completed: 24-Apr-90 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Units Results Level Benzene ug/g 0.08 0.08 Toluene ug/g 3.9 0.08 Ethyl Benzene ug/g 3.2 0.08 p-Xylene ug/g 7.8 0.08 m-Xylene ug/g 18 0.08 o-Xylene ug/g 12 0.08 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (Gasoline) ug/g 250 4 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by Modified EPA method 5020/8020. As Received Basis Comments: California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~102 By Analyst Purgeable ~ Ar0matics/,,~ (.SOIL) McNabb Construction 7808 Alcott Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 Attention: Bryan McNabb Date of Report: 26-Apr-90 Lab No.: Sample Desc:- 3350-20 Kern High School D~ict .... South High SchoolfDispenser 6' Date Sample Collected: 12-Apr-90 Constituent Date Sample Received @ Lab: 12-Apr-90 Date Analysis Completed: 24-Apr-90 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Units Results Level Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (Gasoline) ug/g 15 5 ug/g 56 5 ug/g 51 5 ug/g 180 5 ug/g 380 5 ug/g 370 5 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by Modified EPA method 5020/8020. As Received Basis Comments: California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~102 By Analyst gt~te of ....... m~ Welfare A~ency ............ UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST See InstrucUorm on and Front of US EPA ID Number Trade. ~ ~ 7. pany Name 8. US EPA ID Numbm' 9. Designated Facility Name and Site AG~e ~ 10. US EPA ID Number I 1. US DOT Description (Including Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class, and ID Number) b, H. Fac~Bty'a Phorm 12. Containers 13. Total Quantity L Waste No. State EPA/OIhe~ State EPA/Oth~ Stato J. Additional Deac~ipi;~na for Materials Listed Above 0-/00% 15. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information EPA/O~t~ K. Handling Codes ~ Wastes Listed Abo~e a. b. GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately described above by proper shipping name and are classified, packed, marked, and labeled, and are in all respects in proper condition for transport by highway according to applicable international end national government regulations. If I am a large quantity generator, I certify that I have a program in place to reduce the volume and toxicity of waste generated to the degree I have determined to be economically practicable and that I have selected the practicable method of treatment, storage, or disposal currently ayailable to me which minimizes the present and future threat to human health and the environment; OR, if I am a small quantity generator, I have made a good faith effort to minimize my waste generation and select th~ best waste management method that is avail&bls to me and that I can af':ord. Name Signatur Month Day ransporter 2 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials 16. 17. Transporter 1 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials Printed/Typed Name 19. Discrepancy Indication Space Signature Year Month Day Year 20. Facility Owner or Operator Certification of receipt of hazardous materials covered by this manifest except as noted in Item 19. Printed/Typed Name ,S 8022 A (1/88) A 8700--22 ev. 9-88) Previous editions are obsolete. I Signaturs ~ Month Day Year Do Not Write Below This Line White: TSDF SENDS THIS COPY TO DOHS WITHIN 30 DAYS To: P.O. Box 3000, Sacramento, CA 95812 GARY J. WICKS Agency Director (805) 861-3502 STEVE McCALLEY DEPART~ PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY T MENTAL 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bake~fl~ld, CA 93301 Telephone (805) 861-3636 Telecopler (805) 861-3429 AGENCY PERMIT NUMBER A 1182-31 FACILITY NAME/ADDRESS: South High School 1101 Planz Road Bakersfield, CA 93304 OWNER(S) NAME/ADDRESS: Kern High School District 2000 24th Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone: (805) 631-3100 CONTRACTOR: McNabb Construction 4400 Ashe Road #213 Bakersfield, CA 93313 License #474331 Phone: (805) 397-8118 PERMIT FOR CLOSURE OF PERMIT EXPIRES ' July 4, 1990 A TANK(S) AT ABOVE LOCATION APPROVAL DATE APPROVED BY April 4, 1990 Laurel Funk Hazardous Materials Specialist ..................................................................................... POST ON PREMISES .......................................................................... CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1. It is the responsibility of the Pcrmittee to obtain permits which may be required by other regulatory agencies prior to beginning work. (i.e., City Fire and Building Departments) 2. Permittee must notify the Hazardous Materials Management Program at (805) 861-3636 two working days prior to tank removal or abandonment in place to arrange for required inspections(s). 3. Tank closure activities must be per Kern County Environmental Itealth and Fire Department approved methods as described in Handbook UT- 30. 4. It is the contractor's responsibility to know and adhere to all applicable laws regarding the handling, transportation or treatment of hazardous materials. 5. The tank removal contractor must have a qualified company employee onsite supervising the tank removal. The employee must have tank removal experience prior to working unsupervised. 6. If any contractors other than those listed on permit and permit application are to be utilized, prior approval must be granted by the specialist listed on the permit. Deviation from the submitted application is not allowed. 7. Soil Sampling: a. Tank size less than or equal to 1,000 gallons - a minimum of two samples must be retrieved from beneath the center of the tank at depths of approximalely two feet and six feet. b. Tank size greater than 1,000 to 10,000 gallons - a minimum of four samples must be retrieved one-third of thc way in from the ends of each tank at depths of approximately two fcet and six feet. c. Tank size greater than 10,000 gallons - a minimum of six samples must be retrieved on-fourth of the way in from the ends of each tank and beneath the center of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. 8. Soil Sampling (piping area): A minimum of two samples must be retrieved at depths of approximately two feet and six feet for every 15 linear feet of pipe run and under the dispenser area. PBI~MIT FOR P]BRM2uNI/N'T CLOS~ OF UNDBROROL~,,"D HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCBS STORAGE FACILITY NUMBER A 1182-31 ADDENDUM ll. Soil Sample analysis: a. All soil samples retrieved from beneath gasoline (leaded/unleaded) tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed ~for bcuzcue, toluene, xylene, and total petroleum hydrocarbons (for gasoline). b. All soil samples retrieved from beneath diesel tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (for diesel) and benzene. c. All soil samples retrieved from beneath waste oil tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for total organic halides, lead, oil and grease. d. All soil samples retrieved from beneath crude oil tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for oil and grease. e. All soil samples retrieved from beneath tanks and appurtenances that contain unknown substances must be analyzed for a full range of substances that may have been stored within the tank. The following timelable lists pre-an.d post-tank removal requirements: ACTIVITY DEADLINE Complete permit application submitted to Hazardous Materials Management Program At least two weeks prior to closure Notification to inspector listed on permit of date and time of closure and soil sampling Transportation and tracking forms sent to Hazardous Materials Management Program. All hazardous waste manifests must be signed by the receiver of the hazardous waste Two working days No later than 5 working days for transportation and 14 working days for the tracking form after tank removal Sample analysis to Hazardous Materials Managemenl Program No later lhan~3 working days after completion of analysis Purging/Incrting Conditions: a. Liquid shall be pumped from tank prior to purging such that less than 8 gallons of liquid remain in tank. (CSH&SC 41700) b. Tank shall be purged through vent pipe discharging at least 10 feet above ground level. (CSH&SC 41700) c. No emission shall result in odors detectable at or beyond property line. (Rule 419) d. No emission shall endanger tile health, safety, comfort of repose of any person. (CSH&SC 41700) e. Vent lines shall remain attached to tank until the inspector arrives to authorize removal. RECOMMENDATIONS/GUIDELINES FOR REMOVAL OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS This depart ment is responsible for enforcing the Kern County Ordinance Code, Division 8 and state regulations pertaining to underground storage tanks. Representatives from this department respond to job sites during tank removals to ensure that the tanks are safe to remove/close and that the overall job performance is consistent with permit requirements, applicable laws and safety standards. The following guidelines are offered to clarify the interests and expectations for this department. .lob site safety is one of our primary concerns. Excavations are inherently dangerous. It is the contractor's responsibility to know and abide by CAL-OSHA regulations. The job foreman is responsible for the crew a,d any subcontractors on the .}ob. As a general rule workers are not permitted in improperly sloped excavations or when unsafe conditions exist in the hole. Tools and equipment are to be used only for their designed function. For example, backhoe buckets are never substituted for ladders. 2. Properly licensed contractors are assumed to understand the requirements of the permit issued. The job foreman is responsible for knowing and abiding by the conditions of the permit. Deviation from the permit conditions may result in a stop-work order. Accepted By: Individual contractors will be held responsible for their post-removal paperwork. Tracking forms, hazardous-waste manifests and analyses documentation is necessary for each site in order to close a case file or move it into mitigation. When contractors do not follow through on necessary paperwork, an unmanageable backlog of incomplete cases results. If this continues, processing time for completing new closures will increase. MD:cas \al182-31.ptc KERN COUNTY ENVIRON#ENTAL HEALTH SERV[C~ DEPARTMENT 2100 'M° STREET, ,SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 (8o5) 86~-3636 TXTS APPLICATIOH IS FOR PROJECT CONTA~ AppLTC, ATZON ~'OR ' PE:RIqZT FOR PI~'RI~'tA, N]~:NT C t_O$ URE: / ABANDO NME: NT OF UND~RGROUND PHONE ~ IS~C/~/R iRU~L LOCATIOHS OHLY) DAYS- ' NEARE~I' CROSS STREET PACILITY NAHE ( ADDRESS J iADURi:Ss PHONE , , . . ., .. PROPOSEU PRO PHONE  PIIONE i '~IEMICAL CGI4POSITION OP )tATERIAL~ STORED TANK ~ VOLUME CIIILMICAL ~T13RED [NON-COI, O4ERCIAL NAME} DATES S~RED CIIEMICAL PR~TOUSLY STORED t~REST WATER wELL - GIVE DISTANCE AND DESCRIBE ~PE I? WITIIIN 500 FEET 8~E A.ND GROUNDWATER DEPTH DETERWINATION '"' ................. ~/~IB[ llOW RESIDUE IN T~KISI AND PIPING I~ ~ BE RENDED AND DISPOSED OF (INCLUDE ~N3PO~ATION ~O DISPOSAg C~ANIESI: ')ESCRIBE BOTII Tile DIsPO3AL ~ETIJOn AND DISPOSAl,; LO~ILTION FO~: . ' 'TIlTS PORN .,,~': :IE£N ~;O.~PLgT"gD UNDER P~NA~,.TY O? P~R.JURY AND TO TIlE IIEST DP MY XNOWLEDIlZ IS TRUE AND CORREC'I'.. PROVIDE DRAWING OF PI{YSICkL LAYCUT OF ?ACILI?f USiI:; SPACE ?ROV,IDED BEI. f3,~. ALL OF THE FOLLL'WING INFORMATICN MUST BE INCLUDED l~I ORDER FOR APPLICATION TO BE PROCESSED: /~%.-~_~ANY WATER W~'J-~ OR SURFACE W~TERS ~ITH!N 100' RADIUS OF F~CILITY / NORTH ARR~q TANK(S], PIPING & DISPENSER(S), INCLUDIi.Ii; rY'~gGTHS AND DIMENSIONS PROPOSED SAMPLING LCCATIONS DESIGNATED BY THIS SYMBOL "~)" NEAREST STREET OR INTERSECTION 10:56 ~m KERN (':OtlNTY F'I...ANNING & DEVELOPMENT Bmi<eP~field, CA 9330l (80S) ~--~'l~ Invoice Nbr. Type of OPden PAGE 3 '1639 CA.SI4 REGISTER htC NABB CONSTRUCTION CL~t:(,~rn.c.r' P.O.I~ I Wt:n By IOr¢ler l),-..~t:e I Shif') Det:.e H0,10390-2 I I....lP I 04/03/90 I 04./03/q0 I I I fine [)esc. rfipt'fion Ou,T~nt'ity 1 TANK Pl..AN C-HEC3. K 6 I?0A Vi a I TePms I NT I P~*i.c.,e Unit: DIsc Total '10O. 00 E 600. O0 Orcler To~.m't 500, Amoun ~' Due Payment Nade [~y ,3heel< 600.00 600.00 THANt< YOU! ANNUAL TREND TANK QUARTER 1 PERIOD 1: PERIOD 2: PERIOD 3: ANALYS I S S UN[lV(ARY TIME PER OD: to Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) QUARTER 2 PERIOD 4: PERIOD 5: PERIOD 6: TIME PERIOD: ,/~'~,' fl' to Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) QUARTER 3 PERIOD 7: PERIOD 8: PERIOD 9: TIME PERIOD: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) fz~' Action Number for this Period (Line 4) f/ Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) ~ Action Number for this Period (Line 4) /~zy Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) ~ Action Number for this Period (Line 4) /~ QUARTER 4 TIME PERIOD: ~-' /'~:--~3 ' to PERIOD 10: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) /.~L Action Number for this Period (Line 4) PERIOD 11: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) // Action Number for this Period (Line 4) /'~) PERIOD 12: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) I hereby certify this is a true and accurate report. Date TANK FACI LI TY ~d~NUAL REPORT 1. I have not done any major modifications to this facility during the last 12 months '1 .,~_~_~:~_~ Signature c- ~ Note: Ail major modifications require a Permit to Construct from the Permitting Authority. 2. I have done major modifications for which I obtained Permit(s) to Construct from Permitting Authority Signature Permit to Construct # Date 3.Repair and Maintenance Summary Attach a summary of all: -- Routine and required maintenance done to this facility's tank, piping, and monitoring equipment. -- Repair of submerged pumps or suction pumps. -- Replacement of flow-restricting leak detectors with same. -- Repair/replacement of dispensers, meters, or nozzles. -- Repair of electronic leak detection components, or replacement with same. -- Installation of ball float valves. -- Installation or repair of vapor recovery/vent lines. Include the date of each repair or maintenance activity. NOTE: All repairs or replacements in response to a leak require a Permit to Construct from the Permitting Authority as do all other modifications to tanks, piping or monitoring equipment not listed here. Fuel Changes - Allowed for Motor Vehicle Fuel tanks Only. List all fuel storage changes in tanks, noting: Date(sl, tank number(s), new fuel(s) stored. 5. Inventory control monitoring is required for this facility on the Permit to Operate, and I have not exceeded any reportable limits as listed in the appropriate inventory control monitoring handbook during the last twelve monthk{(if not applicable, disregard). Signatur~ . ~....:; __ , ._ 6. Trend Analysis Summary Please attach Annual Trend Analysis Summary for the last 12 periods. Meter Calibration Check Form Please attach current, completed Meter Calibration Check Form Note: ]. All ~eters ~ust have calibration checks a Include cheeks done by the Department of ~elshts and ~,[ea~ures. Before starttn~ calibration runs. ~et the calibration can ~fth product and return product to 3. Run 5 gallons ~lth nozzle ~tde open into the c~n. No~e gallons and cubic Inches drawn, and return product to storage. 4. Run 5 gallons with the nozzle one-hail open into the can. Note gallons and cubic inches dra~n, and return product to storage. 5. After ail profluct for one calibration check is returned to storage, remember to recor~ the volume returned to storage in column 9 of the Inventory Recording Sheet. 6. If the volume measured In a ~-gallon calibration can is more than 6 cubic inches above or below the 5-gallon mark, the meter requires calibration by a registered device repairman. Date/Time Hose or Pump ~ Tank #/] Fast Flow Slew Flow Volume Returned Product{ 5-Gallon Drafl 5-Gallon Draft to StoraKe . _ Cu. Inches ;al Cu. Inches Gallons · Calibrator's St,nature _ j¥~ '~~ 1/~:~%~ SUB~IT A COPY OF THIS FOR~ ~ITH ANNUA~'~ ~RT. Calibration Re,u fred? Device Repairman Used for Calibration Registration Date of Calibration CHANGE tANGE CAU~ATION OW/id NOTIFIED ""Regm~l of Compul~r Chan~, Uel~ Clmnge, m' C.Ilbmllon FINISH START FINISH START Pump # TOTAL TOTAL CALIBRATION CH ADJUSTED TO CHECKED CALIBRATION ADJU6TEI3 TO O YEn 0 NO O YE9 [] NO MLING ADDR P.O. BOX 64~ RSFIELD. CA. 11/25/ S3710 ;.-i ]: G;,.i S CANNON 'bfL FINISH START' CALIBRATION CHECKED ...... AOJUfirED TO OYES [] NO OYES 0 NO FINISH START FINISH START NUMI:IER U lO.~ IORA¢ -.'o TO CALIBRATION CHFCKEL) ADJUSIED TO [] '- E] .o E] ,,s [] ,o CALIBRATION CHECKED " ADJUSTED TO OYES 0 NO OYES FINISH START CALIBRATION CHECKED ADJUSTED TO YES ~ No ~ YES ~ No MEMBER ~'£UM EQ..UIPMENT · AUTOMOTIVE - INDUSTRIAL PETROLEUM EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION - MAINTENANCE :>080 SOUTH UNION B~KERSFIELD. CA. 93307 * PHOJklE 834-1100 CALIF. CONTRACTORS LIC. # 294074 BRANCH OFFICE 1450 W. McCOY SUITE A SANTA MARIA, CA. 93455 (805) 928'1135 MAILING ADDRESS P.O. BOX 640 BAKERSFIELD. CA. 93302 KERN i'4]~f.';JH 4 ..... " ,:~ L, H O (.3 L A":," 'T' N :', B E N .:~ .._ f Ix .] 1~, :--~ 2. 0 O0 ''~,-* T 4 ~ .... S T h,' E ET ' F'AGti: 1 [) I S 'T ]. '7 2 0 J C A ?' ,5 ,'.~ C' ]. - 0...~ / .!. 71 8? S54 iL ~ :, LI..I f' H H I. G H i'd zn' 'r" ... _., I"! A ,,",.! D C.. A L ZiL i"~ ~.'"' "--~ '"'t:.:'" ';'..~ U N i' F: ¢:',, ): i:t E ::'i.~ F: i_ N E. C E $ S A t:;.'.Y-- U N L ]" i::' U N C"I' ii] C' N ][ N (3 APPROVED FOR PAYMENT _ ..._/__ _../_ _ W.O. ~ i...A B[)I:;~ :: :1.. ',"50 H ;[ I...IE AG IE :: 10 'T l] TAI...: PLEASE PAY FROM THIS INVOICE TEEMS: NET 30 DAYS A FINANCE CHARGE OF 1.:5% PER MONTH WHICH IS 18% PER ANNUM CHARGED AFTER 30 DAYS. iN THE EVEN! OF ANY LAWSUIT OUT OF THIS TRANSACTION THE PREVAILtNQ PARTY SHALL BE ENTITLED TO RECOVER REASONABLE ATTORNEY'S EELS. ALL MERCHANDISE REMAINS THE PROPERTY OF RLW EQUIPMENT UNTIL PAID FOR IN FULL. A RESTOCKING CHARGE OF HOT LESS THAN J0% WILL BE MADE ON ALL ITEMS RETURNED FOR CRED[T WHEN ERROR IS NOT OURS. MATERIAL RETURNED WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER 30 DAYS. CLAIMS FOR SHORTAGES MUST BE MADE IM.MEDIATFLY UPON RECEIPT OF GOODS. ORIGINAL UNDERGROO~ HAZ~OUS SUBSTANCES ~~~~ ' FACiLiTY: t OWNER: SOUTH H~GH SCHOOL ~ KE~ H~GH SCHOOL ~0~ PLANZ ROAD ~ 2000 24TH STREET BAKERSP~ELD, CA ~ BAKERSfiELD, CA 9330~ TANK # AGE(IN YRS) SUBSTANCE CODE PRESSURIZED PIPING? 7 UNK MVF 2 NO NOTE: ALL INTERIM REQUIREMENTS ESTABLISHED BY THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY MUST BE MET DURING THE TERM OF THIS PERMIT NON--TRANSFERABLE ~ ~ ~ POST ON PREMISES DATE PERMIT MAI!,~: JUL 1 986 DATE PERMIT CHECK LIST RETURNED: Kern Coumt~ Mealth Department'O: Division,-om Environmental .Heal~ 1700 Flower Street, Bakersfiel,d, CA ~ppl i c~ Ae 9] ]O5 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE 'UNDE~ROUND:: ' " '~HAZAR~S SUBSTANCES STO~ Type of ApPlication (check): ; ' ':".," [] New F~acili~y ['TModtfication of Facility ~Existing Facility- [-['T~/a~fe~:'of: OWnership Mmergency 24-Hour Contact .(name, area code, phone): Days ~.~. ~'~F~e~W~ Nights Facility Name ~'~ ;q¢~& ~ &~, No. of Tan~s Type of Business (check): '~]Gasoline Station ~Other (deSCribe) /~..~ Is Tank(s) Located on an Agricultural Farm? [']Yes ~No Is Tank(s) Used Primarily for Agricultural Purposes? [']Yes Facility Address ~ ~E&C~-W~. ~ Nearest Cross St. T R (Rural Locations (~ly) Address ~ ~; ~-& ~ zip ~! Telephone Operator Contact Person Addr ess Zip Telephone B. Water to Facility Provided by ~i. ~'~ $~'~'~ Depth to' Groundwater ~ ~a ~ Soil Characteristics at Facility $~F' ~ ~ Basis for Soil Type and Groundwater Depth Determi'nations &z.$: ~a;~ ~'. f,w~./~,~-~.¢ C. Contractor CA Contractor' s License No. Addr ess Zip Te lephon~ Proposed Startling Date Proposed 'Ccmpletion Dste Worker' s Ccmpensation Certifi~ation ~ Insurer De If This Permit Is For Modification Of An Existing Facility, Briefly DeSCribe Modifications · Proposed Tank(s) Store (check all that apply): Tank ! Waste Product Motor Vehicle Fuel [] [] [] [] [] [] [] n [] Unleaded ~ Premi~ Diesel ~ Waste Chemical C~nposition of Materials'Stored (not necessary for ~otor vehicle fuels) Tank ~ Chemical Stored ~non-co~mercial name) CAS ~ {if known) Chemical Previously ' (if different) Transfer of Ownership Date of ~nsfer Previous Facility Name I, modify or terminate the previous Owner accept fully all ob'figations of P~rmi't NO. __ issusd to · I t~r~derstand that the Permitting Authority may review and transfer of the Permit to Operate this %~%dergro~d storage facility upon receiving this c~mpleted form. This fora has been cnmpleted under penalty of true and correct. Signature perjury and to the best of my knowledge is Title _~~~~ Date ?acil ity Name T~K { (FILL ~IT 1. Tank is: ~'~uit~' ~'~Vault~ '~uble~ll'~"~i~i~al'l~;??'~'<)>~ii:~':~?'?~; '" 2. ~ ~terial ~Car~n Stol ~5~inless Steel ~ Fi~rglass-Reinforc~ Plastic ~ Concrete ~ ~in~ ~ Bronze ~~wa ~ Other (de~ri~) 3. priory Contai~nt ~te Ins~ll~ ~ic~ess (Inches) Ca,city (~11o~) ~nufacturer 4. Tank Sec'ondar~ Contai~nt ~l~Wall ~thetic Liner ~Li~ Vault ~ne ~o~ ~Other (descri~): ~ufacturer: ~terial Thic~ess (Inc~s) Ca,city (~ls.) 5. Tank Interior Lini~ , ~'R~r ~k~ ~xy ~enolic ~Glass ~Clay ~Other (de~ri~): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection ~Galvaniz~' ~Fi~rgl'ass-Cl~ ~l~yle~ ~ap ~Vinyl ~a~i~ ~Tar or ~p~lt ~k~ ~No~ ~Other (de~ri~) Cath~ic Protection: ~ne ~pres~. ~rrent S~t~. ~ri~ Sys~ i Equi~ent: ' 7. Leak Detection, ~nitori~, and Interception . ~i ~ ~is~l (vault~ ~nks only) ' ~Gro~ter ~nitori~'~ll(s) ~Vadose Zone ~nitori~ ~ll(s) ~~ Wi~out Mner ~U-~ wi~ C~tible Liner Dir~ti~ Flow ~ Monitori~ ~}l(s) ~ Va~r ~t~tor* ~ Liquid ~vel ~ Pressure Sen~r in ~ular S~ce of ~uble Wall Tank ~Liguid ~tri~al &' Ins~ction Fr~ U-T~, Monitori~ ~11 or ~ar ~ily Ga~i~ & I~entory Reconciliation ~Peri~ic Tigh~e~ Testi~l ~None ~o~ ~er b. Pipit: Fl~Restricti~ MaK ~tector(s) for Pressuriz~ Pipi~v ~nitori~ ~p ~th ~ce~y ~al~ ~ncrete ~ce~y ~lf~t C~tible Pi~ ~ce~y ~S~tic Lin~ ~ U~no~ ~ *~ri~ ~ & ~eI: 8. Tank Tightness ~is ~ ~en Tigh~ess ~st~? ~Yes ~ ~o~ ~te of ~st Tightna~ Test Resul~ of Test ~e ~sti~ ~ny 9. Tank Re. ir Ta~ Re~ir~? ~Yes ~ ~kno~ ~te(s) of ~i~(s) ~ri~ Re. irs 10. Overfill Protection []Operator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level DTape Float Gauge [~Float Vent Valves ~]Auto Shut- Off Controls DCapacitance Sensor [-]Sealed Fill Box [-]None ~]t~known D-]Other: List Make & Model [Pot-Abo~e Devices 11. Piping a. Underground Pipit: ~Yes [2]No [-IUnkno~n Material Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer D-]Pressure [~Suction DGravity Approximate Lengt. h of Pipe ~ ~',,~,,, b. Underground Plpirg Corrosion Protection : [-]Galvanized I-]Fiberglass-Clad [2]Imlxessed Current [-]Sacrificial Ar~m~e ~]Polyethylene Wrap [-]Electrical Isolation [-]Vinyl Wrap [-]Tar or Aspilalt ~Unknown D-]None [2]Other (describe): c. Underground Pipirg, Secondary Containment: T~'~K FAC! LI TY ANNUAL Facility i. c,h' i1 1 I la ZPc ermit onth/Vr ! I have not done any major m%dlflcations to this factlit¥ during the last 12 months. ~,'~ ~.-- ~ , Signature.-. ~~-.-~-~~ ~ modifications requiu6.~a Permit to Construct from Note: All major - ~ ' the Permitting Authority. I have done major modifications for which I obtained Permit(s) to Construct from Permitting Authority Signature Permit to Construct # Date 3. Repair and Naintenance Summary Attach a summary of all: -- Routine and required maintenance done to this facility's tank, pipini, and monitoring equipment. -- Repair of submerged pumps or suction pumps. -- Replacement of flow-restricting leak detectors with same. -- Repair/replacement of dispensers, meters, or nozzles. -- Repair of electronic leak detection components, or replacement with same. -- Installation of ball float valves. -- Installation or repair of vapor recovery/vent lines. Include the date of each repair or maintenance activity. NOTE: All repairs or replacements in response to a leak require a Permit to Construct from the Permitting Authority as do all other modifications to tanks, piping or monitoring equipment not listed here. Fuel Changes - Allowed for Motor Vehicle Fudl tanks Only. List all fuel storage changes in tanks, noting: Date(s), tank number(s), new fuel(s) stored. ~~}~R~ 5. Inventory control monitoring is required for this facility on the Permit to Operate, and I have not exceeded any reportable limits as listed in the appropriate inventory control monitoring handbook during the last twelve month~ (if not applicable, disregard). Signature ~ ~ .~.-.'~_~_~ ,~-:-.~, .... 6, Trend Analysis Summary Please attach Annual Trend Analysis Summary for the last ~2 periods. Neter Calibration Check Form Please attach current, completed ~eter Calibration Check Form QUARTER 1 PERIOD 1: PERIOD 2: PERIOD 3: . ' .... Total Minuses Thl; Peri{od (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) -' /, Action Number for this Period (Line 4) QUARTER 2 PERIOD 4: PERIOD 5: PERIOD 6: TIME PERIOD: '/ to Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) / Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) QUARTER 3 PERIOD 7: PERIOD 8: PERIOD 9: TIME PERIOD: to Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) -- / Action Number for this Period (Line 4) Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) -,- Action Number for this Period (Line 4) QUARTER 4 TIME PERIOD: PERIOD 10: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) PERIOD 11: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line .4) PERIOD 12: Total Minuses This Period (Line 3) Action Number for this Period (Line 4) hereby certify this is a true and accurate report. gna t u r ~i _ .~_ iC ~_~_~---~"__ '9-'~ .-~-:x-~--~ Date .~~:~.~,::..,..:::., . ' ' ecks a minimum of twice a~. which y ~':'~'~ ........ : :":~ ' I. All ~eters must have calibration ch ~ .~ ~_- ~~:,~,~: :. ~.,' include checks done by the, Department of ~eights an~ measures. .. ~~}:~.:.:,::. ~. Before Starting~ calibration runs, ~et the calibration can ~lth product and : :,~:,~,,,?;:~:,? -:.' . return product to storage.' * ~~:':¢:"::1:~'>. ' 3. Run 5 gallons ~ith nozzle wide open into the can. Note lallons and cubic ~::~::~ ..... .'.~'.,.. ' Inches dra~n, and return product to stbrage. ~?~'~>:*",::~'J~;~:- ' 4. Run 5 gallons 'with the nozzle one-half open into t~e can. Note gallons and' ~:~?~}~i~t~}~:."":~:.:~::~~ ~. , cubic inches drawn., and return product to storage. ' ' f?/':'."?:jj~'.'~:.'. ':'~ .5.. After all product fo~-'gn~ calibration check is returned to storage, remember ........ ~,~ , ,a ~ .volume returned to storage in column 9 of the Inventory ,..:.<,-<: .,~::::: :. - ~"~:,,. '.. :~::. ', 6. Ir the volume measured In a 5-gallon calibration can Is more than ~ cubic inches above or' below the 5-gallon ~ark. the meter requires calibration by a , .... ~ registered device r~pairman. · O~ner or Operator 51~nature_ ~" SUBMiT'A COPY OF THIS FORM HITIi ANNUAL REPORT-. · TOTALIZER MEADING8 - 8TART · ' ' TOTAL I"! vu O.o TOTALIZER READINGS MOI~Y GAl I~UN~ P AY I FINISH ST~qT ~ Pump # 'TOTAL CALIBRATION CHECKED ADJU6TEn TO OYES 0 NO TOTALIZER REAOING~ IUrALIZER FINIS4.1 START Pump # FINISH START Pump ~ IiN3N~Y TOTAL klQNE¥ GALLON~, HLTURN[ U I() TOTAL !GALLON~ CALIBRATION CHECKED I OTN, IZr~q ADJU*~ TEU TO CALIBRATION CHECKEL) ADJUSI ED TO TOTALIZER REAOIN~ FINI~,t 8TART Mitt LR ~ ¥. r'l .o iD TO ITORAOl CALIBRATION CHECKED I · AOJUSTED I'O TO1 AUZEA SEALED -~ IMETLq IEALED 0,,, O ~ ' O,,, .0-~ d(X~L TOTALIZER READINC~ FINISH TOTAL NUlink# GALLi)N6 CALIBRATION CHECKED i. FA~T ll4.0W IOi~.~i.# U~A4,1D '. ADJUSTED TO FA~T Facility: Note: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ¸. All meters must have calibration checks a ~inimu~ o~f ~wice a ey_~, which may include checks done by the Department of Weights and Measures. Before starting calibration runs, wet the, calibration can with product and return product to storage. Run 5 gallons with nozzle wide open into the can. Note gallons and cubic inches drawn, and return product to storage. Run 5 gallons with the nozzle one-half open into t~e can. Note gallons and cubic inches drawn, and return product to storage. After all product for one calibration check is returned to storage, remember to record the volume returned to storage in column 9 of the Inventory Recording Sheet. If the volume measured in a 5-gallon calibration can is more than 6.~ cubic inches above or below the 5-gallon mark, the meter requires calibration by a registered device repairman. ~ose or]Tank #/ Pump. ~{Product Fast Flow 5-Gallon Draft Slow Flow 5-Gallon Draft Cu. Inche~ Vol~ume Returned to Storage Gallons ation Device Repairman Date of red? ' Used for Calibration No Calibratio.n _ Cai lb:: Requ_i{ Yes Owner or Operator Signature .-'--~-=:~-~-~-x~ ~>~'~-~-~L~::':~--=:~" '- ~ ....... * , Calibrator s Signature SUBMIT A COPY OF THIS FORM WITH ANNUA~ REPORT. This checklist is provided to ensure that all necessary packet-encl%:firei~:'.ere received and that the Permittee has obtained all necessary equipment to i~plement' th~'first-phase of ~Onitoring requirements. Please complete this form and return to ECHD in the self-addressed envelope provided within 30 days of receipt. Check: Yes No ,< A. The packet I received contained: 1) Cover Letter, Permit Checklist, Interim Permit, Pha~e Monitoring Requirements, Information Sheet {Agreement Operator), Chapter 15 (RCOC #6-3941}, Explanation of Equipment Lists and Return Envelope'. 2) Standard Inventory Control Monitoring Handbook #UT-lO. 3) The Following Forms: a) Inventory Recording Sheet b) Inventory Recording Sheet with summary on reverse c) Trend Analysis Worksheet 4) An Action Chart (to post at facility) I Interim Permit Between Owner and Substance Codes, B. I have examined the information on my Interim Permit, Phase I Monitoring Requirements, and Information Sheet (Agreement between Owner and Operator), and find owner's name and address, facility name and address, operator's name and address, substance codes, and number of tanks to be accurately listed {if "no" is checked, note appropriate corrections on the back side of this sheet). C. I have the following required equipment (as described on page 6 of Handbook): 1) Acceptable gauging instrument 2) "Striker plate(s)" in tank(s) 3) Water-finding paste ~0~ ~~ D. I have read the information on the enclosed "Information Sheet" pertaining to Agreements between Owner and Operator and hereby state that the owner of this facility is the operator (if "no" is checked, attach a copy of agreement between owner and operator). E. I have enclosed a copy of Calibration Charts for all tanks at this facility (if tanks are identical, one chart will suffice; label chart(s) with corresponding tank numbers listed on permit). F. As required on page 6 of Handbook #UT-iO,'all meters at this faci'lity have had calibration checks within the last 30 days and were calibrated by a registered device repairman if out of tolerance (all meter calibrations must be recorded on "Meter Calibration Check Form" found in the Appendix of Handbook). G. Standard Inventory Control Monitoring was started at this facility in accordance with procedures descri.~ed ~n Handbook #UT-lO. Date Started ~ ~~-~.~ .., · ,, SiKnatuve or Person CompletJn¢ Checklist: ~.~ ~ ~, ~ ' ~F~'e 1~, '¢ I Title: 0 ~ % q i?l ~,~' ~'~ ~._ ~-~. · ,.,. :, ',<,' ~, '...-.< ,. >:A~reement Between' O~er .... . ;ff.~/',>': ,/_ :,.':<',, ~:..:...: <: f...... · Chapter 1~ of Kern Oo~t~ Orfl'inanbe Code. ¢G=3941 consi Section a91z.lZ.Ol. ~e opera,br.'off'che ~de~':. "' ~&n~ ~e ~hod specie&ed on nh~ pe~ ~or the [ac&l&~y, Records shall be kep~ ~ s~iic&en~ de,ail ~o e~ble ~e ~e~ini Aunhor2ny co demesne-~ =~ opera=or h~ ~dernak~ all ~ni=or&n8 ac=ivt=ies required by ~he Pe~= To Operane. Sec=~on 3912.12.02. ~er, ~e o~er shall pro,de a copy of the Pe~= To Operane, enner in=o a ~2n=en con,fac= ~i=h =he opera=or ~ich requires =he operanor no ~nitor =he =~ ~ sen for=h ~ =he peri=, and Provide nhe opera- =or ~=h a copy 0f ~apner 15. ~e o~er shall nonify ~ ~i=~n8 the Pe~innin~ Aunhoriny of any chan~e ogera=or. The ~perator listed in our records for the permitted facility in this packet is: PERMIT #310009C OPERATOR: KERN HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 2000 24TH STREET 'BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 If the operator is different than the owner listed on the permit, provide a copy of the required written agreement to the Permitting Authority within 30 days. An example contract is shown below. EXAMPLE Written Contract: I, ~ !'l ~ lb, f >{¢" (/' owner of underground storage tanks located at /fi/) / /~' i:,(.. '~ ff. , · : have entered into this written contract with ~' ~", . - , the operator of same, to fulfill a requirement of my Permit to Operate, ! ,. -. I have provided the operator with a copy of the Permit to Operate and Chapter 15 of the Ordinance. ~i , operator of underground storage tanks located at l¢~ e ~l~t~ (~ak have received from · , owner of same, a copy of Permit to Operate ~ ~/l~b~( and Chapter 1~ of the Ordinance describing fines and penalties for non-compliance. I have read and understand my responsibilities under this Permit and agree to do the following~ monitor the underground tanks as specified in the Permit to Operate. maintain appropriate records as required by the Permit to Operate. -- implement all reporting procedures as required by the Permit to Operate. -- properly close the underground tanks as required by Permit to Operate. Signed owner date operator date SOUTH 141614