HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION-SITE ASSESSMENTMarch 9, ~994 IEL -ADVANCED ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS INC- ... Mr. Dan Starkey Kern County Environmental Health Department. 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, California 93304 Regarding: Site Assessment Work Plan United Parcel Services 3404 Orin Way Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Starkey: Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. [AEC] has prepared the Site Assessment Work Plan for the above referenced project/location. Enclosea please find that report, which AEC is submitting for review. Should you have any questions or require clarification on any aspects of the enclosed, please do not hesitate to contact our office at [805] 831-1646. Respectfully yours, Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. ~ Administrator Attachments: Report (~] Distribution: LETRS4CG '1 / Addressee '1/Mr. Kevin Boylan '1/Bksfld File · ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND · 4400 ASHE ROAD. #206 * BAKERSFIELD. CA 93313 805/831-1646 * FAX 805/831-1771 /'lEE -ADVANCED ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS INC- Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. is pleased to present the following: .Site Assessment Work Plan for Uniled Parcel Services 3404 Orin Way County of Kern · Bakersfield, California This work plan has been prepared for: Mr. Kevin Boylan Prepared: March t994 4400 ASHEROAD. · ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND · · BAKERSFiELD. CA 93313 805/831-164 FAX805/831-1771 Site Assessment Work Plan Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 Table of Contents INTRODUCTION '1.`1 Purpose `1.2 Scope of Work `1.3 Schedule BACKGROUND 2.'1 2.2 Dry Well History Preliminary Site Assessment SITE CHARACTERISTICS 3. '1 Site Description 3.2 Regional Geology 3.3 Local Geology 3.4 Hydrogeology WORK PLAN · 4.'1 Boring Locations and Depths METHODS 5.'1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Boring Methods Soil Sampling Field Screening of Soil Samples Soil Analyses SITE SAFETY PLAN REMARKS/SIGNATURES Parle '1 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 9 Appendix: A] BI Project Maps/Figures Health and Safety Plan Projecl: AEC 94C-~427 4400 ASHE ROAD. # · ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND · BAKERSFIELD. CA93313 805/831-164E FAX 805/831-1771 Site Assessment Work Plan Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. 1.0 INTRODUCTION Mr. Kevin Boylan, potential purchaser of the United Parcel Service (UPS] facility, has authorized Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. [AEC) to prepare this site characterization work plan for the clarifier/drywell system located at UPS Facility, 3404 Orin Way, Bakersfield, California [Appendix A, Figure t]. The agency contact for this project is Mr. Dan Starkey, Hazardous Materials Specialist with the Kern County Environmental Health Department [County]. Specific locations of the proposed boring[s] are shown on the appended site map [Appendix A, Figure 2]. 1.1 Purpose . The soil boring program described in this work plan has the following objective: Evaluate the potential for hydrocarbon-impacted soil originating from the clarifier/ drywell sytem previously sampled by AEC following the "Guidelines for Closure of Shallow Disposal Wells", promulgated by EPA-Region 9 and the Kern County Environmental Health Department. 1.2 Scope of Work The scope of services described in this work plan are summarized below for clarification purposes. Detailed investigative methods are presented in section 4.0 of this report: Locating undergroUnd utilities using Client records and Underground Service Alert [USA]; Drilling four {4] exploratory soil borings to evaluate the potential for soil contamination; Collecting soil samples at 5-foot intervals using a split-spoon sampler lined with clean brass sleeves. The soil samples will be field-screened using a Photoionization Detector [PID] equipped with a 10.6 eV lamp; Analyzing selected soil samples for appropriate parameters by a State- Certified Laboratory as outlined in the "Guidelines for Closure of Shallow Disposal Wells"; Preparing soil boring logs according to the Unified Soils Classification System [USC, S], under the direct supervision of a California Registered Geologist; Preparing a final report detailing the results of the soil investigation. This will include drilling methods, analytical results, assessing the extent of hydrocarbon-impacted soil, conclusions, and recommendations. ProJecl: AEC 94C-t427 4400 ASHE ROAD, · ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND * · BAKERSFIELD. CAg3313 805/831-1641~ FAX 805/831-1771 Site Assessment Work Plan Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. · 1.3 Schedule Advanced Environmental Concepts. Inc. anticipates beginning the services described in this work plan within one (4] week upon approval by the County and authorization to proceed from Mr. Boylan. Drilling will commence only after applicable permits have been obtained. The soil borings will be completed within one [4 ] day of mobilization to the site. A final report will be prepared summarizing all field operations and laboratory results. The report will be provided within 30 days of completion of the field work. 2.0 BACKGROUND 2. t Dry Well History The dry well was used for disposal of waste water generated during the routine cleaning of trucks and vans. No known repairs or spills have been performed and/or occurred around the dry well. 2.2 Preliminary Site Assessment On February 46, 4994, an AEC engineer collected a water and sludge samples from the clarifier located at the UPS Facility, Bakersfield, California. The samples were collected using a stainless steel bailer that had been previously washed in an Alconox solution, rinsed with tap water, followed by a distilled water rinse. The rinseate was transferred from the bailer to 4 liter amber jars and 40 milliliter VOA vials. The water sample was analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline and diesel, CAM 47 Metals using CA DHS and EPA 8260, 448.4, and Title 22 Metals methodology, respectively. No other environmental work has been performed at this site. The water analyses were performed by BC Laboratories, Inc. of Bakersfield, CA. The analytical results of the water samples collected from the clarifier are presented in Table 4 ~hru 3. Units are in micrograms per Liter [l~g/L], which are equivalent to parts per billion [ppb]. Based on the analytical results the County is requiring that a site assessment be performed to evaluate the vertical extent of hydrocarbon-impacted soil. Projecl: AEC 94C-4427 2 4400 ASHE ROAD. # · ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND · · BAKERSFIELD. CA 93313 805/831-164~ FAX S05/831-1771 Site Assessment Work Plan Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. TABLE I. Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons W-t Clarifier Water Analyses TPH-g CA DHS TPH-d CA DHS TRPH 4t8.1 South Clarifier 87 12000 37 Detection Limits 50 2000 t0 Analyses TABLE 2 CAM Metal Analysis South Clarifler Results Detection Limits STLC 1-1'LC Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Cadmium Chromium Cobalt Copper Lead Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Silver Thallium. Vanadium Zinc ND 4.6 193. ND 7.4 28. ND 53. 104. 152. ND 53. ND ND ND 17. 380. 15. 5.0 100, 0.75 1.0 560. 80. 25, 5.0 0.2 350. 20. 1.0 5.0 7.0 24. 250. 500. 500. 10000. 75. 100. 2500. 8000. 2500, 1000, 20. 3500. 2000. 100. 500. 700. 2400. 5000, Project: AEC 94C-t427 3 · ENVIRONMENTAL'CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND 4400 ASHE ROAD. · E~AKERSFII::LD. CA 93313 805/$31-164[ FAX 805/831-1771 Site Assessment Work Plan Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. TABLE 3 Pdodty Pollutant Volatile Organics South Cladfier Analyses Results Detection Limit lug/L] Benzene Bromobenzene Bromochloromethane Bromodichlaromethane Bromoform Bromomethane n-Butylbenzene sec-Butylbenzene tert-Butylbenzene Carbon Tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane 2-Chlorotoluene 4-Chlorotoluene Dibromochloromethane ~ ,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane '1,2-Dibromoethane Dibromomethane '1,2-Dichlorobenzene ~ ,3-Dichlorobenzene '1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodifluoromethane '1, '1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane '1, '1-Dichloroethene cis-'~,2-Dichloraethene trans-'l,2-Dichloroethene '1,2-Dichloropropane '1,3-Dichloropropane 2,2-Dichloropropene '1,'~-Dichloropropene Ethyl Benzene Hexachlorobutadiene Isopropylbenzene p-lsopropyltoluene Methylene Chloride Naphthalene ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 4. 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5,0 5,0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5,0 5,0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5,0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5,0 5,0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5,0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Project: AEC 93V-~289 4 4400 ASHE ROAD. # · ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND · · BAKERSFIELD. CA 93313 805/831-164(~ FAX S05/831-1771 Site Assessment Work Plan Advanced Environmental Concepts. Inc. Analyses TABLE 3 Priorily Pollutant Volatile Organics Soulh Clarifier [continued] Results Detection Limit [ug/L] n-Propylbenzene Styrene I, 1,'1,2-Tetrachloroethane I, '1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane TetrachlOroethene Toluene 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene '1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene l,'l,2-Trichloroethane Trichloroethene Trichlorofluoromethane 1,2,3-Trichloropropane '1,2,4-TrimethyIbenzene '1,3,5-TrimethyIbenzene Vinyl Chloride Total Xylenes 3. 5.0 ND 5.0 ND 5.0 ND 5.0 ND 5.0 ND 5.0 ND 5.0 ND 5.0 ND 5.0 ND 5.0 ND 5.0 ND 5.0 21. 5.0 9. 5.0 ND 5.0 ND 5.0 3.0 SITE CHARACTERISTICS The following sections summarize the project site features and conditions along with regional and local geological and hydrological characteristics. 3. t Site Description The UPS facility is located on the north side of Orin Way east of Pierce Road. The general area is comprised of oilfield and industrial related service industries. The facility is at an average elevation of 4[]0-feet above mean sea level with minimal topographic relief. 3..2 Regional Geology The subject property is located in the Southern San Joaquin Valley [Valley] which is a part of the Central Valley of California. The Valley forms the southern two-thirds of the Central Valley and is characterized as a broad structural trough. It is bordered on the east by the Sierra Nevada Range and on the west by the Coast Range [Diablo and Temblor Mountains], The Valley extends 250-miles southeastward from the confluence of the San Joaquin and Sacramento Rivers to the Tehachapi and San Emigdio Mountains, The width ranges from 25-miles wide near the Kern River to approximately 55-miles wide near the Kings River, with an approximate average width of 40-miles. Projecl: AEC 94C-1427 5 · ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND * 4400 ASHE ROAD. #~" BAKERSFIELD. CA 93313 805/831-1646 FAX S05/831-1771 Site Assessment Work Plan Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. Geology of the southern Valley consists of a Pre-Tertiary basement complex overlain by marine and non-marine sedimentary rocks of Tertiary age. These rocks are composed of consolidated sandstones, siltstones and shales which thicken from northeast to southwest. The Valley was once an inland sea of comparatively shallow depth that continued to subside due to the ever increasing load of sediments transported and deposited from higher elevations. These deposits consist of gravels, sands, silts and clays. The majority of the groundwater pumped from the Valley floor occurs within these relatively unconsolidated continental deposits. 3.3 Local Geology The investigated property~ is located on alluvial deposits, created from sediments transported and deposited by local streams, and during flood stages of the Kern River. The site is situated in a Iow to moderate energy flood plain environment consisting of weakly consolidated to unconsolidated, poorly bedded sands and silts. 3.4 I-lydrogeology Ground and surface water in the north Bakersfield area is regulated by the Kern County Water Agency Improvement District. According to the Kern County Water Agency "Water Supply Report-1990", depth to groundwater in unconfined and equivalent wells is estimated at 60-feet below grade level [BGL] at the site. No perched water-bearing zones are identified. Groundwater quality is unknown at this time. 4.0 WORK PLAN Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. proposes four [4] soil borings to evaluate the potential for hydrocarbon migration in the vicinity of the clarifier/drywell systems. 4. I Boring Localions and Depths AEC plans to advance four [4) borings at the locations shown in Appendix A, Figure 2. Boring B-I will be located within one foot from the edge of the southern drywell and advanced to a minimum depth of 20 feet below grade level, or until 10 consecutive feet of "clean" soil is encountered. This boring location will generate the highest concentrations of hydrocarbons in subsurface soils, should they exist. B-2 will be placed adjacent to the entrance port to the clarifier and B-3 will be located next to the exit port of the clarifier. B-4 will be drilled adjacent to the western drywell. Project: AEC 94C-1427 6 · ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND 4400 ASHE ROAD. # ' BAKERSFIELD. CA 93313 80.' FAX S05/831-1771 Site Assessment Work Plan Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. 5.0 METHODS The mefhods to be employed during implemenlation of the above scope of ,work are described in the following sections. 5. t Boring Methods The boring(s] will be advanced using a Mobile B-6~ Drill Rig, with 7-inch diameter, continuous-flight auger in accordance with ASTM Method D 4452-80 for soil investigations and sampling by auger borings.. At no time shall any water or other fluid be added to the boring. The augers will be steam cleaned prior to drilling the boring. The lithology and Other pertinent data will be recorded on a field boring Icg in accordance with ASTM Method D 2488-84 for visual description and identification of soils. Cuttings from the borings will be placed in appropriate 55-gallon containers or on sheets of plastic and covered until verified by analytical results, whether or not the soil is contaminated. If the material is contaminated, a written plan will be submitted by the facility operator to the County for approval prior to treatment and/or disposal. Disposal will be the responsibility of the facility operator and must take place within 90 days of the completion of drilling operations. 5.2 Soil Sampling Soil samples will be collected through the auger in 2-inch diameter by 6-inch long brass sleeves driven in a split-spoon sampler by a ~40-pound hammer with a 30-inch drop. This is in accordance with ASTM Methods D ~ 586-84 for split-barrel sampling af soil and D 'I 587- 83 for thin-walled tube sampling of soils. The brass sleeves and sampler will be washed in an Alconox solution and double-rinsed in clean, de-ionized water prior to each use. Soil samples will be driven at 5-foot intervals in each boring in order to provide baseline data and confirm prior laboratory results. The total depth of borings will extend to ~ 0 feet below the last detected indication of contamination. The blow counts, recovery, and lithology will be recorded on the field logs. Lithology will be described in accordance with ASTM Method D 2488-84 [Standard Practice for Description and Identification of Soils]. Selected soil samples will be sealed with Teflon tape, capped, sealed with duct tape, and labeled in accordance with EPA protocols. The samples will be recorded on a Chain-of- Custody document, placed in a cooler with frozen Blue Ice, and transported to a California Certified Laboratory under Chain-of-Custody protocol. 5.3 Field Screening of Soil Samples Soil samples will be collected using three (3) 2 x 6-inch brass tubes installed inside a split- spoon sampler. The middle sample tube will be immediately capped, sealed, labelled, and stored in an ice chest containing Blue Ice. The bottom tube will be used for lithologic ProJeol: AEC 94C-t427 7 · ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND · 4400ASHEROAD.# * BAKERSFIELD. CA 93313 805/831-164~ FAX805/831-1771 Site Assessment Work Plan Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. description, and the top tube will be used for field screening. A headspace reading using the PID will be collected and documented on the boring log. 5.4 Soil Analyses The soil samples will be submitted to Associated Laboratory, Inc. in Orange, a California- Certified Laboratory and analyzed for CAM 47 Metals, TPH-d, and TRPH [4~8.~] using CA DHS and EPA methodologies. If the results from the initial' boring indicate elevated concentrations of hydrocarbons, the County may require additional soil borings to better evaluate the lateral dispersion. 6.0 SITE SAFETY PLAN Appendix B contains a Site Safety Plan which complies with Worker Right to Know Regulations and CFR 29, Part '19'10.'120. Project: AEC 94C-4427 8 · ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND 4400 ASHE ROAD. #: · BAKERSFIELD. CA 93313 805/831-1646 FAX 805/831-1771 Site Assessment Work Plan Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. 7.0 REMARKS/SIGNATURES This work plan represents the professional opinions of Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. These opinions are based on currently available data and were arrived at in accordance with accepted hydrogeologic and environmental engineering practices. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is given. This work plan has been prepared by: Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. r 6th n L.' Uck ~ject Hydrogeologist ~vironmental Assessor No. 1508 This work plan has been technically reviewed by: /~o'gistered Geologist'l~-o. 5504 DOc16DN Project: AEC 93V~~1289 9 · ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND · 4400ASHEROAD.# * BAKERSFIELD. CA 93313 805/831-1646 FAX $05/831-1771 'Appendix A" PROJECT MAPS / FIGURES KERN COUNTY AIRI~RT NO. I OILDALE I 140 I 'RO$~L~ ." I AEC - SITE LOCATION MAP- United Parcel Service Facility 3404 Odn Way FIGURE 1 ADVANCED ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS · I Z~ Z ' i C~IIN WAY I FIGURE ~ un~ P~o~ 8,m~to~ F~ ~v.~:~= ~~ ~ ~ ~n W~ 2 I I ill i I I ........... 'i':':'~ I ....... ~ i I OI:IIN WAY 'Appendix B' HEALTH & SAFETY PLAN Health and Safely Plan ' Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. Health & Safely Plan for UPS Facility 3404 Orin Way County of Kern · Bakersfield, California Introduction: A Site Safety Plan (SSP) has been designed to address safety provisions needed during the site soil assessment/remediation. Its purpose is to provide established procedures to protect all on-site personnel from direct skin contact, inhalation, or ingestion of potentially hazardous materials that may be encountered at the site. The SSP establishes personnel responsibilities, personal protective equipment standards, decontamination procedures and emergency action plans. Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. seeks to enter the property described above for the purpose of conducting a site assessment. The work will consist of hollow-stem augering and soil sampling in order to remove hydrocarbon-impacted soil. Undisturbed soil samples will be collected to assess the extent of hydrocarban impacted soil at the subject site. Each sample to be chemically analyzed will be collected in a brass sleeve, capped with lined plastic lids, sealed with tape, and immediately stored in a cooler with frozen Blue Ice immediately. All Chain-of-Custody protocol will be followed. Drilling equipment will be brought to the site and operated by: Melton Drilling Company 7'10'1 Downing Avenue Bakersfield, California Contractor's License · C57-508270 This SSP describes the means for protecting all on-site personnel from deleterious contamination of personal injury while conducting on-site activities. As described below, we will strive to meet all requirements promulgated by the California Department of Health Services. Responsibilities of Key Personnel: All personnel on-site will have assigned responsibilities. Mr. David Palmer will serve as Project Manager and on-site geologist. He will also serve as Site Safety Officer [SSO]. As SSO, Mr. Palmer will assure that on-site personnel have received a copy of the SSP. Personnel will be required to document their full understanding of the SSP before admission to the site. Compliance with the SSP will be monitored at all times by the SSO. Appropriate personal protective equipment, listed below, will be available and utilized by all on-site personnel. Prior to beginning work, the SSO will Project: AEC 93V-t289 I Health and Safely Plan Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. conduct a training session to assure that all are aware of safe work practices. In the training session, personnel will be made aware of hazards at the site. Mr. Palmer will also be responsible for keeping field notes, collecting and securing samples, and assuring sample integrity by adherence to Chain-of-Custody protocol. All on-site employees will take reasonable precautions to avoid unforeseen hazards. After documenting their understanding of the SSP, each on-site employee will be responsible for strict adherence to all points contained herein. Any deviation observed will be reported to the SSO and corrected. On-site employees are held responsible for performing only those tasks for which they believe they are qualified. Provisions of this SSP are mandatory and personnel associated with on-site activities will adhere strictly hereto. Job Hazard Analyses: Hazards likely to be encountered on-site include those commonly encountered when operating any mechanical equipment, such as the danger of falling objects or moving machinery. Simple precautions will reduce or eliminate risks associated with operating such equipment. A drilling contractor has been employed to deliver and operate all drilling equipment. Qualified personnel only will have any contact with this equipment. All on-site personnel, including the excavation contractor and his employees, are required to wear hard hats when in close proximity to excavating equipment. Latex sampling gloves will be worn by persons collecting or handling samples to prevent exposure to contaminants. Gloves will be changed between samples and used ones discarded, to avoid cross-contamination. Proper respiratory equipment will be worn if vapor contamination levels on-site exceed action levels as determined using a Photoionization Detector [PID]. Action levels requiring 'respiratory apparatus will be 10-ppm above background level in the breathing zone. Furthermore, no on-site smoking, open flames or sparks will be permitted in order to prevent accidental ignition. Risk Assessment Summary: Exposure to chemicals anticipated on-site include gasoline, diesel, and benzene, toluene, and xylene (BTX]. These chemicals represent a hazard because they are moderately to extremely toxic and most are highly flammable. Threshold Limit Values (TLV's), Shod Term Exposure Limits (STEL's) and Toxicity levels [LD50, oral-rat], all in rog/kg [ppm], are listed below: Compound TLV STEL Toxicity Gasoline 200 300 .... Diesel 50 75 .... Benzene t0 25 4894 Toluene I00 t50 5000 Xylene 100 t50 4300 ProJecl: AEC 93V-t289 2 Health and Safely Plan Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. Benzene is considered an extreme cancer hazard. Exposure Monitoring! Plan: A PID will be used to monitor vapor concentrations around the site. Should concentrations exceed TLV's, protective measures will be taken. Passive dosimeter badges will be placed in downwind locations if PID readings indicate high levels of volatile organics in the breathing space. Personal Protective Equipment: Personnel on-site will have access to respirators with organic vapor cartridges. Replacement cartridges will be available on-site as needed. When handling samples, the on-site Geologist will wear latex gloves. Hard hats will be worn by all personnel on-site when in proximity of drilling equipment. Work Zones and Securily Measures: Access to the site will be restricted to authorized personnel. A set of cones, placards, or wide yellow tape surrounding the site will define the perimeter, if needed. The Project Manager will be responsible for site security. Decontamination Measures: Avoidance of contamination whenever possible is the best method for protection. Common sense dictates that on-site personnel avoid sitting, leaning or placing equipment on possible contaminated soil. All personnel will be advised to wash their hands, neck and face with soap and water before taking a break or leaving the site. Respirators will be washed with soap and water following each day's use. Drilling and sampling equipment used will be decontaminated by steam-cleaning. Sampling equipment will be decontaminated before each sample is collected. General Safe Work Practices: On-site personnel will be briefed each day in "tailgate" meetings as to the day's goals and equipment to be used. Anticipated contaminants and emergency procedures will be reviewed. Appropriate personal protective equipment will be put on and verified correct by the SSO, including respirator fit. Project: AEC 93V-t289 3 Health and Safety Plan Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. Drilling and sampling equipment will be steam-cleaned before arriving on-site. Split-spoon sampling equipment will be cleaned before each use. Augers will be steam-cleaned between borings. The on-site engineer will oversee operations and log borings. The Sample Coordinator will assure that proper protocol is used at all times in collecting and handling samples. Trainin~ Requirements: The SSO will conduct a "tailgate" training session before work begins which will include contaminant properties, warning signs, health hazard data, risk from exposure and emergency first aid. All chemicals are to be covered and the SSO will assure that everyone fully understands site hazards. Medical Surveillance Pro~lram: According to CFR 29, t940.120, Paragraph (f), employees who wear respirators thirty [30] days or more during one [I) year or who have been exposed to hazardous substances or health hazards above established permissible exposure limits are required to be monitored medically. All site personnel are required to have had a complete physical [including blood chemistry] within the past year. Record KeeDina: Documentation will be kept on personnel exposed to contaminant hazards on the job site according to OSHA regulations. These will include documentation that employees have received training on the SSP, respiratory protection, MSDS forms and all emergency procedures. These will be reviewed during the pre-work training meeting. Exposure records on each job will be kept for thirty [30] years to meet requirements. Included will be names and social security numbers of employees, medical evaluations, on-the-job logs from entry to exit, First Aid administered, visits on-site by outside persons and personal air-monitoring records.F Confin~lency Plans: In the event of an accident, injury, or other emergency, the Project Director, Senior Project Manager, or other person, will notify the appropriate government agencies or individuals as follows: Project: AEC 93V-t289 4 Health and Safety Plan Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. Kern County Environmental Health Department 2700 M Street Bakersfield, California 93306 (805) 86t-3636 Police, Fire, or Ambulance Emergency 9-t-1 Emergency Hospital: Mercy Hospital 22 t5 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93306 (805) 328-5223 I have read the Health and Safety Plan and understand the contents herein: NAME: COMPANY Project: AEC 93V-t289