HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION-SOIL EXCAVATION=ADVANCED ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS INC · April 5, ~994 Mr. Dan Starkey Kern County Environmental Health Services Department 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, California 9330'1 Regarding: Clarifier/Dry Well Closure and Soil Excavation Work Plan ©rin Way Property 3404 erin Way Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Starkey: Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. [AEC] has prepared the Clarifier/Dry Well Closure and Soil Excavation Work Plan for the above referenced project/location. Enclosed please find that report, which AEC is submitting for review. Should you have any questions or require clarification on any aspects of the enclosed, please do not hesitate to contact our office at [805] 83~-~646. Respectfully yours, Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. Project Coordinator / Office Administrator Attachments: Report [~] Distribution: Addressee - REG MAIL Ms. Linda Lyons - UPS Bksfld File · ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND · ,4,4nn .,,c~¢:: ~Ar'l t")l'lR · I::IAKI=I=I~I~'II=I r3 CA .QRRIR RO.~/l~31-1646 FAX ~O.~1R.'~1-1771 /'lEE =ADVANCED ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS INC= Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. is pleased to present the following: Clarifier/Dry Well Closure and Soil Excavation Work Plan for Orin Way Properly 3404 Orin Way County of Kem· Bakersfield, California This work plan has been prepared for: UPS, Corporate Plant Engineering Ms. linda M. Lyons Prepared: March 1994 · ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND · Soil Excavation Work Plan Advanced Environmental Concepts,-Inc. Table of Contenls Subject Parle INTRODUCTION .1. '1 Purpose t .2 Scope of Work 1.3 Schedule 2.0 BACKGROUND 2 3.0 WORKP~N 3.'1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 Site Description Regional Geology Local Geology Hydrogeology Potential Affected Soil Excavation Methods Sampling Methods Backfill and Compaction 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 4.0 REMARKS / SIGNATURES Appendices: A) B) c) Project Maps / Figures Health & Safety Plan Laboratory Reports Project: AEC 94V-14t5 ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND · 4400 ASHE ROAD. #206 · BAKERSFIELD. CA 93313 805/831-1646 · FAX8051831.1771 Soil Excavation Work Plan Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. 1.0 INTRODUCTION This work plan describes the procedures to be employed by Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. [AEC] to close the clariflers/dry wells at the property located at 3404 ©rin Way, Bakersfield, California (Appendix A, Figure t]. Initial sampling was conducted inthe area surrounding two clarifier/dry well systems. The Agency contacts for the initial sampling of the clarifier/dry well[si were Mr. Terry Gray and Mr. Dan Starkey. 1.1 Purpose The services described in this work plan have the following objective: Excavate and dispoSe of the clarifiers/dry wells, and any hydrocarban-impacted soil surrounding the clarifiers/drywells. Project: 1.2 Scope of Work The scope of services described in this work plan include the following: Remove liquid/sludge in clarifier and dispose offsite. 2. Excavate soil to a total depth of approximately 22 feet below grade level (BGL], The actual size of the excavation will be determined in the field by AEC and the KCEHD representatives. Continually segregate clean soil from hydrocarbon-impacted soil for later backfilling of the excavation. Soil determined to be impacted will be stockpiled, sampled for profiling purposes, then subsequently loaded into end dumps for disposal at an approved recycling facility. Collect confirmatory soil samples, from the sidewalls and floor of the excavation and analyze for TPH as gasoline by California Department of Health Services Method, and for TRPH and volatile aromatics [BTXE] by EPA methods 418.1 and 8020, respectively. The confirmatory soil samples will be analyzed by a California-cedified laboratory. Sampling procedures will be conducted in accordance with KCEHD guidelines. The floor and sidewalls of the excavation will be sampled every t0 feet to confirm the adequate removal of impacted soil. Kern Environmental Services will perform all excavation activities and soil activities. AEC will collect one four [4] sample composite for every 100 yards of stockpiled soil. Provide a written report detailing the clarifier/dry well closure project. This will include: I) excavation methods, 2] sampling methods pertaining to the excavation, 3) sampling methods for the stockpile, 4) analytical results, and 5] conclusions. AEC 94V-14t5 · ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND 4400 ASHE ROAD. #206 ' EIAKERSFIELD. CA 93313 8051831-1646 · FAX 805/831-1771 Soil Excavation Work Plan Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. Backfill the excavation with clean soil. The backfill will be compacted to approximately 85% relative compaction using mechanical compaction equipment. '1.3 Schedule AEC anticipates initiating the services described in this work plan within one week of approval by the Kern County Environmental Health Department. The report of operations will be submitted to the Client within one month after completion of the above described field work. 2.0 BACKGROUND On February 15, 1994, an AEC geologist collected a fluid sample from the southern clarifier. The sample was collected using a stainless steel bailer that had been previously washed in an Alconox solution, rinsed with tap water, followed by a distilled water rinse. The rinseate was transferred from the bailer to l-liter amber jars, plastic containers, and 40 milliliter VOA vials. The sample was analyzed for total petroleum hydracarbons as gasoline and diesel, priority pollutants volatile organics, total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbons, and CAM 17 Metals using CA DHS and EPA 8260, 418.t, 6010 and 7471 methods, respectively. The sample analyses were performed by BC Laboratories in Bakersfield. The analytical results are presented in Table 4. Units are in micragrams per Liter Ii, g/L), which are equivalent to parts per billion {ppb]. TABLE 4 Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons 02145/94 TPH-g TPH-d TRPH Analyses CA DHS CA DHS 418. l 87 '12,000 37,000 Detection Limits 50 2,000 40,000 TABLE '1 CAM Metal Analysis 021t5/94 Analyses Results Detection Limit (rog/kg] Antimony ND 10 Arsenic 4.6 1.0 Barium 1937 1.0 Beryllium ND t .0 Cadmium 7.4'~ 1.0 Chromium 28 ' t .0 Cobalt ' ND 5.0 CopPer 5~ ~ 7 1.0 Lead . t04 ' 5.0 Project: AEC 94V-t415 2 · ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND 4400 ASHE ROAD. #200 · RAKERSFIELD. CA 93313 8051831-1046 * FAX 805/831-1771 Soil Excavation Work Plan Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. Analyses TABLE t CAM Metal Analysis (continued) 02/t5/94 Results Detection Limit ling/kg] Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Silver Thallium Vanadium Zinc Mercury ND 5.0 53' 5.0 ND '1.0 ND 2.0 ND '10.0 '17 '1.0 152 -- 40.0 Analyses TABLE ~ Priodty Pollutant - Volatile Organics 02115/94 Results Detection Limit [ug/L] Benzene Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane [Methyl Bromide] Carbon Tetracholoride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane [Ethyl Chloride] 2-ChloroethyIvinyI Ether Chloroform Chloromethane [Methyl Chloride] Dibromochloromethane '1,2-Dichlorobenzene '1,3-Dichlorobenzene '1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodifluoromethane Naphthalene n-PropyIbenzene '1,2,4-TrimethyIbenzene '1,3,5-TrimethyIbenzene '1,'1-Dichloroethane '1,2-Dichloroethane [EDC] '1,'1-Dichloroethene cis-'1,3-Dichloropropene trans-'1,2-Dichloroethene '1,2-Dichloropropane cis-'1,3-Dichloropropene trans'1,3-Dichloropropene EthyIbenzene Methylene Chloride ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 4. 3. 2'1. 9. ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Project: AEC 94V-'1415 · ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND · t.0 t.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 .1.0 1.0 10. 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 t.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 t.0 t.0 1.0 1.0 '1.0 1.0 t.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 4400 ASHE ROAD. #206 · EgAKERSFIELD. CA 93313 8051831-1640 *' FAX 8051831-1771 Soil Excavation Work Plan Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. Analyses TABLE I Priority Pollutant - Volatile Organics (continued) 021'15/94 Results Detection Limit (ug/L) 1, t,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene (PCE) Toluene I, I, 1-Trichloroethane (TCA) 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Trichloroethene (TCE) Tdchlorofluoromethane (freon 1 I) ¥inyl Chloride Xylenes (total) ND t .0 ND 1.0 ND 1.0 ND 1.0 ND 1.0 ND 1.0 ND 1.0 ND 1.0 ND 1.0 In addition, soil borings were drilled to evaluate the potential impact relative to the clarifier/dry well. A workplan, dated March t994, was submitted to and approved by the KCEHD. On March 3, '1994, in accordance with the workplan three soil borings adjacent the southern clarifier were advanced to a total depth of 20 feet BGL and one soil boring [B-4] was advanced adjacent the western clarifier. Selected soil samples were submitted to the laboratory for analysis of TRPH, TPH- gas and diesel, and Cam metals. Analytical results for the soil samples collected from the borings are presented in Table 2. TABLE 2 Soil Samples 03/03/94 Analyses TPH-g TRPH TPH-d B-1-5' ND 92 ND B-1-t0' ND 280 ND B-I-15' ND 7,700 780 B-t-20' ND 50 ND B-2-I0' ND ND ND B-3-t0' ND ND ND B-4-I0' ND 270 50 B-4-15' ND 70 ND B-4-20' ND 280 ND Delection Limits: t0 50 t0 ND: Non-Detected at indicated level at detection. Based on the analytical results, it is recommended that excavation and disposal is the mitigation alternative appropriate for the clarifier/dry well closure. Project: AEC 94V-14t5 4 ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND · 4400 ASHE ROAD. #206 ° E~AKERSFIELD. CA 93313 805/831-1646 ° FAX 8051831-1771 Soil Excavation Work Plan Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. 3.0 WORK PLAN 3.1 Site Description The Orin Way property is located on the north side of Orin Road east of Pierce Road. The general area is comprised of oilfield and industrial related service industries. The facility is at an average elevation of 400-feet above mean sea level with minimal topographic relief. 3.2 Regional Geology The subject property is located in the Southern San Joaquin Valley (Valley) which is a part of the Central Valley of California. The Valley forms the southern two-thirds of the Central Valley and is characterized as a broad structural trough. It is bordered on the east by the Sierra Nevada Range and on the west by the Coast Range [Diablo and Temblor Mountains). The Valley extends 250-miles southeastward from the confluence of the San Jaaquin and Sacramento Rivers to the Tehachapi and San Emigdio Mountains. The width ranges from 25-miles wide near the Kern River to approximately 55-miles wide near the Kings River, with an approximate average width of 40-miles. Geology of the southern Valley consists of a Pre-Tertiary basement complex overlain by marine and non-marine sedimentary rocks of Tertiary age. These rocks are composed of consolidated sandstones, siltstones and shales which thicken from northeast to southwest. The Valley was once an inland sea of comparatively shallow depth that continued to subside due to the ever increasing load of sediments transported and deposited from higher elevations. These deposits consist of gravels, sands, silts and clays. The majority of the groundwater pumped from the Valley floor occurs within these relatively unconsolidated continental deposits. 3.3 Local Geology The investigated property is located on alluvial deposits, created from sediments transported and deposited by local streams, and during flood stages of the Kern River. The site is situated in a Iow to moderate energy flood plain environment consisting of weakly consolidated to unconsolidated, poorly bedded sands and silts. 3.4 Hydroge°logy Ground and surface water in the north Bakersfield area is regulated by the Kern County Water Agency Improvement District. According to the Kern County Water Agency "Water Supply Report-1990", depth to groundwater in unconfined and equivalent wells is estimated at 50-feet below grade level (BGL] at the site. No perched water-bearing zones are identified. Groundwater quality is unknown at this time. Project: AEC 94V-t415 5 · ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND 4400 ASHE ROAD. #206 * E~AKERSFIELD. CA93313 8051831-1646 '* FAX 8051831-1771 Soil Excavation Work Plan Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. 3.5 Potential Affected Soil Analytical data of soil samples indicates the presence of hydrocarbons in soil to a depth of approximately 20 feet BGL and extends laterally from the clarifier[s), about 15 feet. Approximately 10[] cubic yards of soil in a quasi-cylindrical shape adjacent the southern clarifier, and approximately 15 yards of soil from the dry well located adjacent the western side of the building appear to be affected. 3.6 Excavation Methods An excavator will be used to remove the soil to a depth of approximately 22 feet BGL in the area affected by the clarifiers/dry wells. Actual excavation dimensions will be determined in the field based on soil screening criteria and consultation with the KCEHD inspector. All soil removed from the clarifiers/drywell[s] area will be monitored for hydrocarbons and volatile organic compounds [VOC's] during the excavation operations to ensure proper segregation of the impacted soil from the clean soil. Air monitoring will be conducted at the excavation using a Photoionization Detector [PID}, calibrated to 50 parts per million hexane. Soil will be tested with the PID by placing a representative amount of material into a capped brass sleeve and analyzing the headspace after a five minute period. 3.7 Sampling Methods Upon excavation of the sail, sampling will be conducted in accordance with all County guidelines. The excavator will collect representative samples of native soil at 10-foot intervals from the four sides of the pit near the floor level. Another sample will be collected from the excavation floor as per KCEHD guidelines. The excavator will bring each soil sample to the surface for collection and subsequent laboratory analyses. Approximately two composite soil samples will be collected from the stockpile no more than three days following the excavation to characterize the soil for disposal. The following sample collection procedure will be used: A qualified AEC representative will tap a I 1/2-inch diameter by 6-inch long brass sleeve into an undisturbed portion of the stockpiled soil; The brass sleeve will be sealed with Teflon liners, plastic end caps, and tape after ensuring that no head space is present; The brass sleeve will then be labelled, placed in a sealable plastic bag, and stored in a cooler chilled with Blue Ice; All soil samples will be recorded on a chain-of-custody document to ensure sample integrity and traceability; Project: AEC 94V-1415 6 · ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND · 4400 ASHE ROAD. #206 '* BAKERSFIELD. CA g3313 8051831-1646 "' FAX 805/831-1771 Soil Excavation Work Plan Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. The soil samples will then be delivered to a State-certified laboratory for analysis of the requested parameters; Selected soil samples will be analyzed for TRPH, TPH-g by California DHS method and for volatile aromatics [BTXE]. Analyses will be performed by a State-certified laboratory; 3.8 Backfill and Compaction The excavation will be backfilled and compacted with clean import soil the clean, stockpiled soil will also be returned to the excavation. Project: AEC 94V-'14t5 7 · E'NVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND 4400 ASHE ROAD. #206 ° BAKERSFIELD. CA93313 805/831-1646 ° FAX 805/831-1771 Soil Excavation Work Plan Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. 4.0 REMARKS I SIGNATURES This work plan represents AEC's professional opinions. These opinions are based on currently available data and were arrived at in accordance with accepted hydrogeologic and environmental engineering practices. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is given. This work plan has been prepared by: Advanced Environmental Concepts. Inc. Jo.~att~a~ L. Buck PrOject Hydrogeologist This work plan has been technically reviewed by: /ROS '.~.h'A. Dunwood~,,llf~'~'' egistered Geolog' 't~jJ,,#~504 RDOCI6DP Project: AEC 94V-14t5 8 · ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND 4400 ASHE ROAD, #206 " RAKERSFIELD. CA93313 805/831-1646 *' FAXS05/831-1771 ,Appendix A' PROJECT MAPS / FIGURES · '~i? ¥~ :~ · .-:: '.".: ~-,-...-:~.%..':'.:::;. i':¥'-RAMP :-'" ~:-::-' · .i~:· ::.:" ::i'.', ,?.'.::~:. ,-':- ,.~'. ~:'.:::.~.~.~" i UPS'FACILITY I DRY WELL i .. ~ I~1.I'''''' CLARIFIER B-4 · B-2 LOADING i ~ CLARIFIER i i DRY WELL RAMP i ~ i B..1 O SLm~tER I~NHOI~ ^$PH^I.T Oi:tl~ W~¥ N 0 gO' 4O, SCALE: 1' - 40' " -. ..~ SOIL BORING (313/94) -. ' - ,:,:: ' :...:.?:'?':': :::': :.':.. :: !' MAp fiGURE., ; · .;:~:;:: ~/; ~.:.;:: .,. ~.: ~ ..... . .... .. . ' ,.. ~'.'?.~ ~v>/.~'~.~? ~ . '_C~' ~,,'~ ~'~.' ,',~'~ "~"~"-~',~'-'"~'~ ~ ,,~',.q..'.,c.,,.'~, ~'~ ~'~C~!~",??-'~,...~' '.~,'~.~.~.~'~'~?Lv~'~,"?~'.'~.'~.'~'t c'&~.~ . -.', ~? '" UPS' FACILI .,~ ~ C~IRER ~ i ~RO~ UU~ OF ~C ~V~O~ LOADING ~ C~RIRER ~ ~ ~ DRY ~ IE~  PROUD UMffS OF ~CAVA~ON ~NHO~ S~ER ASPHALT ORIN WAY . ,~ . ... ~.,, ~ ,,' ,, .... ,, . .... '"':,-~ ;,~ ...., . . . . , ' ~ , .' . ," .; , ,~; ' / , , · ,., ,.,., ~. ~ .' , - , ·, ~ ,, ~,, . ,, ,' ,' ,, ,, , . '.,: , ~ ', ';. . , , ' '"" ' ' "' '" ' .... ' ';"" ' ' 'i "*" * * ..... ' ..... ' ' '¢ ...... "*~ ........... i I ' ' I " "Appendix B" HEALTH & SAFETY PLAN Health & Safety Plan Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. Health & Safety Plan for Orin Way Property 3404 Orin Road County of Kern · Bakersfield, California Introduction: A Site Safety Plan [SSP] has been designed to address safety provisions needed during the site soil assessment/remediation. It's purpose is to provide established procedures to protect all on-site personnel from direct skin contact, inhalation, or ingestion of potentially hazardous materials that may be encountered at the site. The SSP establishes personnel responsibilities, personal protective equipment standards, decontamination procedures and emergency action plans. Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. seeks to enter the property described above for the purpose of conducting a site assessment, consisting of backhoe excavation and sampling, to remove hydrocarbon impacted soil. Soil samples will be collected following the complete excavation of affected soil. All possible efforts will be made to collect undisturbed samples. Each sample to be chemically analyzed will be collected in a brass sleeve, capped with lined plastic lids, sealed with tape and placed on ice in a cooler immediately. All Chain-of-Custody protocol will be followed. Excavation equipment will be brought to the site and operated by: Kern Backhoe Services 3752 Allen Road Bakersfield, California 93342 [805] 589-5220 This SSP describes means for protecting all on-site personnel from deleterious contamination of personal injury while conducting on-site activities. As described below, we will strive to meet all requirements promulgated by the California Department of Health Services. Responsibilities of Key Personnel: All personnel on-site will have assigned responsibilities. Mr. Jonathan L. Buck will serve as project manager and on-site engineer. He will also serve as Site Safety Officer [SSO]. As SSO, Mr. Buck will assure that on-site personnel have received a copy of the SSP. Personnel will be required to document their full understanding of the SSP before admission to the site. Compliance with the SSP will be monitored at all times by the SSO. Appropriate personal protective equipment, listed below, will be available and utilized by all on-site personnel. Prior to beginning work, the SSO will conduct a training session to assure that all are aware of safe work practices. In the training session, personnel will be made aware of hazards at the site and will utilize Material Safety Data Sheets for information on compounds to be encountered. Mr. Buck will also be responsible for keeping field notes, collecting and securing samples, and assuring sample integrity by adherence to Chain-df-Custody protocol. Project: AEC 94V-1415 I Health & Safety Plan Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. All on-site employees will take reasonable precautions to avoid unforeseen hazards. After documenting their understanding of the SSP, each on-site employee will be responsible for strict adherence to all points contained herein. Any deviation observed will be reported to the SSO and corrected. On-site employees are held responsible to perform only those tasks for which they believe they are qualified. Provisions of this SSP are mandatory and personnel associated with on-site activities will adhere strictly hereto. Job Hazard Analyses: Hazards likely to be encountered on-site include those commonly encountered when operating any mechanical equipment, such as the danger of falling objects or moving machinery. Simple precautions will reduce or eliminate risks associated with operating such equipment. An excavation contractor will be retained to deliver and operate all excavating equipment. Qualified personnel only. will have any contact with this equipment. All on-site personnel, including the excavation contractor and his employees, are required to wear hard hats when in close proximity to excavating equipment. Latex sampling gloves will be worn by persons collecting or handling samples to prevent exposure to contaminants. Gloves will be changed between samples and used ones discarded, to avoid cross-contamination. A suitable vapor suppression method, such as water application via fire hose, will be implemented in the event average downwind VOC levels measured by the photoionization detector [PID] are at least I0 ppm over the ambient background level. Proper respiratory equipment will be worn by all on site personnel if PID readings continue.to exhibit VOC levels of at least 10 ppm over the background level. Furthermore, no on-site smoking, open flame or sparks will be permitted in order to prevent accidental ignition. Risk Assessment Summary: Exposure to chemicals anticipated on-site include gasoline, diesel, and benzene, toluene, and xylene [BTX]. These chemicals represent a hazard because they are moderately to extremely toxic and most are highly flammable. Threshold Limit Values [TLV's], Shod Term Exposure Limits [STEL's] and Toxicity levels [LD50, oral-rat], all in mg/kg (ppm), are listed below: Compound TL¥ STEL Toxicity Gasoline 200 300 .... Diesel 50 75 .... Benzene 10 25 4894 Toluene 100 150 5000 Xylene I O0 150 4300 Project: AEC 94V-~1415 2 Health & Safety Plan Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. Exposure Monitorin~ Plan: Air monitoring will be conducted during excavation prOcedures using a TIP-r~II Photoianization Detector [PID] equipped with a ~0.6eV lamp, manufactured by Photovac, Inc. The PID will be calibrated to 50 ppm hexane. These air monitoring procedures will be carried aut In accordance with the provisions presented in Rule 463.5, San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District [APCD]. Excessive volatile emissions are not anticipated but will be continually monitored. Personal Protective Equipment: When handling samples, the on-site Geologist will wear latex gloves. Hard hats will be worn by all personnel on-site when in proximity of excavation equipment. Work Zones and Security Measures: Access ta the site will be restricted to authorized personnel. A set of cones, placards or wide yellow tape, surrounding the site, will define the perimeter, if needed. The Project Manager will be responsible for site security. Decontamination Measures: Avoidance of contamination whenever possible is the best method for protection. Common sense dictates that on-site personnel avoid sitting, leaning or placing equipment on possible contaminated soil. All personnel will be advised to wash their hands, neck and face with soap and water before taking a break or leaving the site. Excavation and sampling equipment used will be decontaminated by steam-cleaning. Sampling equipment will be decantaminated before each sample collection. General Safe Work Practices: On-site personnel will be briefed each day in "tailgate" meetings as to the day's goals and equipment to be used. Anticipated contaminants and emergency procedures will be reviewed. Appropriate personal protective equipment will be put on and verified correct by SSO, including respirator fit. Excavation and sampling equipment will be steam-cleaned before being brought on-site. The on-site Geologist will oversee operations and log the excavation strata. The Sample Coordinator will assure that proper protocol is used at all times in collecting and handling samples. Training! Requirements: The SSO will conduct a pre-site training session which will include all points of MSDS forms, contaminant properties, warning signs, health hazard data, risk from exposure and emergency first aid. Project: AEC 94V-t415 3 Health & Safety Plan Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. All chemicals are to be covered and the SSO will assure that everyone fully understands site hazards. Medical Surveillance Proaram: According to CFR 29, 1910.120, Paragraph [fi, employees who wear respirators thirty [30] days or more during one [I] year or who have been exposed to hazardous substances or health hazards above established permissible exposure limits are required to be monitored medically. All site personnel will be required to have had a complete chemical physical within the past year. Record Keepin~l: Documentation will be kept on personnel exposed to contaminant hazards on the job site according to OSHA regulations. These will include documentation that employees have received training on the SSP, respiratory protection, MSDS forms and all emergency procedures. These will be reviewed during the pre-site training meeting. Exposure records on each job will be kept for thirty (30] years to meet requirements. Included will be names and social security numbers of employees, medical evaluations, on-the-job logs from entry to exit, first aid administered, visits on-site by outside persons and personal air monitoring records. Continaency Plans: In the event of an accident, injury, or other emergency, the Project Director, Senior Project Manager, or other person, will notify the appropriate government agencies or individuals as follows: Kern County Environmental Health Department 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 [805] 86t-3636 Police, Fire or Ambulance Emergency 9-t-t Nearest Emergency Hospital Mercy Hospital 2115 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 327-337 t Project: AEC 94V-14t5 4 'Appendix C' LABORAORY REPORTS / CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY DOCUMENTATION Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons JIM'S SUPPLY Date of 3530 PIFRCE ROAD Report: 02/25/94 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 Lab #: 94-01690-1 Attn.: KEVIN BLYLAN 324-6514 Sample Description: DRAKE-UPS: CLARIFIER-S WATER FROM SOUTH CLARIFIER COMBINATION AT FORMER UPS FACILITY, 02-15-94 BE~"~EEN 1430 1500 HRS SAMPLED BY JON BUCK TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T..Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. Sample Matrix: Waste Water Date Sample Collected: 02/15/94 Constitu~nts Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (diesel) Date Sample Received ~ Lab: 02/15/94 Analysis Results 12000. Date Analysis Completed: 02/25/94 Reporting Units Minimum Reporting ~:.-Love.1 2000 :.~ :~¢ Note: High reported PQL's due to high concentr~t, ior~::'~f::";'"'~' non"~a'.~e'% anal~tee. :'~. Sample chromatogram contained a single lar~e'"d~stinct '~Se~J~" not ':::-~.j ~:: characteristic of diesel. -.,~ ~..: .::: California D.O H.S. Cert #1186 · ' ~': .:'{': Department Supervisor Volatile Organic Analysis JIM'S SUPPLY 3530 PIERCE ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 Attn.: KEVIN BLYLAN 324-6514 Date of Report: 02/24/94 Lab #: 94-01690-1 Sample Description: DRAKE-UPS: CLARIFIER-S WATER FROM SOUTH CLARIFIER COMBINATION AT FORMER UPS FACILITY, 02-15-94 BETWEEN 1430 1500 HRS SAMPLED BY JON BUCK Test Method: EPA Method 8260 Sample' Matrix: Waste Water Date Sample Collected: o~/~5/~4 Const!tuent~ Benzene Bromobenzene Bromochloromethane Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane n-Butylbenzene sec-Butylbenzene tert-Butylbenzene Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane 2-Chlorotoluene 4-Chlorotoluene Dibromochloromethane 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1,2-Dibromoethane Dibromomethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodlfluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene cls-l,2-Dichloroethene trans-X,2-D~chloroethene Date Sample Received · Lab: 02/15/94 Analysis Results None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected 'None D~tected None None Pete~ted Date Analysis Completed: 02/23/94 Minimum Reporting Reporting Units Level ~g/L ~g/L ~g/L ~g/L ~g/n ~g/L #g/L ~g/L ~g/L #g/L ~g/L #g/L #g/L Fg/L pg/L ~g/L #g/L .:.~.::...~,.~:~g/L ~: ,: ~g/L ~g/L ~g/L ~g/L lg/L ~';i. Alhesults IIs~d ~ ~ia re.dine f~e exdu~ve use of ~e su~lffing ~. ~ ~mmdes, ~c. assumes ~ fes~ns[~li~ f~ ~e~ ~[em~n. sep~flon, de~ment ~ ~lrd pa~ Interp,e~fl~. -- 4'1 ~ AUas ~. · 8akemfield. ~ ~ ' ~] 327-491 I · F~ (~ 327-1 918 Volatile Organic Analysis (8260) JIM'S SUPPLY 3530 PIERC~ ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 Attn.: KEVIN BLYLAN 324-6514 Date of Report: 02/24/94 Lab #: 94-01690-1 Sample Description: DRAKE-UPS: CLARIFIER-S WATER FROM SOUTH CLARIFIER COMBINATION AT FORMER UPS FACILITY, 02-15-94 BETWEEN X430 - 1500 MRS SAMPLED BY JON BUCK Constituents 1,2-Dichloropropane 1,3-Dichloropropane 2,2-Dichloropropane 1,1-Dichloropropene Ethyl Benzene .Hexachlorobutadlene Isopropylbenzene p-Isopropyltoluene Methylene Chloride Naphthalene n-Propylbenzene Styrene 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,1,2,2.Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene Toluene 1,2,3-Trlchlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trlchlorobenzene 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Trichloroethene Trichlorofluoromethane 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene Vinyl Chloride Total Xylenes Minimum Analysis Reporting Reporting R~ults .. Units Level None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected 4. 3. None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected 21. .9. None Detected None Detected Volatile OrganlcAnalysls (8260) JIM'S SUPPLY 3530 PIERCE ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 Attn.: KEVIN BLYLAN 324-6S14 Date of Report: 02/24/94 Lab ~: 94-01690-1 Sample Description: DRAKE-UPS: CLARIFIER-S WATER FROM SOUTH CLARIFIER COMBINATION AT FORMER UPS FACILITY, 02-15-94 BETWEEN 1430 - 1500 HRS SAMPLED BY JON BUCK Note: "~..', '- High reported PQL's due to high hydrocarbon babkground. California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 Department Supervisor .,']::~:~ ~:::"~, CC: AEC - JON BUCK _AIl r esulls listed ;n Ibis report are ~' the excludve use of the submitting Para/. BC Labomtn~es, Inc. assumes no cesponsibility I'or report ;Iteration, separ:~ §~, de~menl or ~lrd ~W i,~rpremtim. z3'l (I)ACI~s Cc. · E],~ker'~f~eld, ~,A ~ · (E~C:~] :::~_7-,~1~1 '1 · F:AX (~ ~.?-1 ~1E] Volatile Organic Analysis JIM'S SUPPLY Date of 3530 PIERCE ROAD Report: 02/24/94 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 Lab #: 94-01690-1TB Attn.: KEVIN BLYLAN 324-6514 Sample Description: DRAKe-UPS: CLARIFIER-S WATER ]LND SLUDGE FROM SOUTH CLARIFIER COMBINATION AT FORMER UPS FACILITY, TRAVEL BLTLNK Test Method: EPA Method 8260 Sample Matrix: Water Date Sample Collected: 02/15/94 Constituents Benzene Bromobenzene Bromochloromethane Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane n-Butylbenzene sec-Butylbenzene tert-Butylbenzene Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane 2-Chlorotoluene 4-Chlorotoluens Dibromochloromethane 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1,2-Dibromoethane Dibromomethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Didhlorodifluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene cis-l,2-Dichloroethene trans-l,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-D~chloropropane 1,3-Dichloropropane 2,2-Dichloropropane 1,1-Dichloropropene Ethyl Benzene Date Sample Received ~ Lab: 02/lS/94 Date Analysis Completed: 02/23/94 None None None None None None None None None None None None None None Minimum Analysis Reporting Reporting Results Units Level Detected Detected Detected Detected Detected Detected Detected Detected Detected Detected Detected Detected Detected Detected Detected Detected Detected Detected Detected Detected Detected Detected Detected Detected Detected D~t~cted e~eg~9~ Detected Detected Detected Detected ~g/L ~g/L #g/L #g/L ~g/n #g/L ~g/L ~g/L ~g/L ~g/L None ug/L None ~g/L None Mg/L None ~g/L None ~g/L None ~g/L None Mg/L None ~g/5 None ~g/L 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 o 0.$ -0.~~ 0';[': 0.~ 0.$ 0.~ All results Ii smd In Ibis report are for the exclu siva use of the submitting porly. BC Laboratorfe s, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report almration, separation, detachment or ~lrd party In lerpremllOn. 4100 AUas Ct;. · I=leker~fielcl, CA 93;308 · (80~) ;3~7-491 I · FAX (El0b-) 3~7-1 ~18 Volatile Organic Analysis (826O) JIM'S SUPPLY 3530 PIERCE ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 Attn.: KEVIN BLYLAN 324-6514 Date of Report: 02/24/94 Lab #: 94-01690-1TB Sample Description: DRAKE-UPS: CLARIFIER-S WATER A19D SLUDGE FROM SOUTH CLARIFIER COMBINATION AT FOR14ER UPS FACILITY, TRAVEL BLANK Constituents Hexachlorobutadiene Isopropylbenzene p-Isopropyltoluene Methylene Chloride Naphthalene n-Propylbenzene Styrene 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene Toluene 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trlchlorobenzene 1,1,1.Trichloroethane 1,1,2-Trlchloroethane Trlchloroethene Trlchlorofluoromethane 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5-Trlmethylbenzene Vinyl Chloride Total X¥1enes Minimum Analysis Reporting Reporting Results Unit~ .. L~vel . None Detected ~g/L 0.5 None Detected Mg/L 0.5 None Detected pg/L 0.5 None Detected pg/L 1. None Detected ~g/L 0.5 None Detected #g/L 0.5 None Detected fg/L 0.5 None Detected pg/L 0.5 None Detected Mg/L 0.5 None Detected ~g/L 0.5 None Detected Mg/L 0.5 None Detected ~g/L ~..~.. 0.5 None Detected ~g/L None Detected Mg/L 'O.i~: None Detected Mg/L 0.5' None Detected pg/L 0.5~ None Detected ~g/L 0.5 None Detected ~g/L 0.5 None Detected ~g/L None Detected #g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detected ~g/L ~! 1.~'i'~ California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 Department Supervisor Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons JIM'S SUPPLY Date of 3530 PIERCE ROAD Report: 02/24/94 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 Lab ~: 94-01690-1 Attn.: KEVIN BLYLAN 324-6514 Sample Description: DRAKE-UPS: CLARIFIER-S WATER FROM SOUTH CLARIFIER coMBINATION AT FORMER UPS FACILITY, 02-15-94 BETWEEN 1430 1500 HRS SD/4PLED BY JON BUCK · TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Indivldual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. Sample Matrix: Waste Water Date Sample Collected: 02/15/94 Constituents Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) Date Sample Received · Lab: 02/15/94 Date Analysis Completed: 02/23/94 Analysis Reporting Re~lts Units eT. Minimum Report ing L, ev~l 50 California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 DePartment Supervisor CC: AEC - JON BUCK _.~11 results listed In this repo~ are for the exclu slve use of the sul3mimng party. BC Laboram~s, Inc. assumes no respo~sll~'lity for report alteration, separation, detachmentor ~ird pa,-ty Interpretation. 4 '1C:]O ~,Uas ~7c,. · E~al<ersfielct, ~ ~, [E~} ~.'7-4~} 1 1 · FAX [E~I:~---J :~7-191 E~ Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons JIM'S SUPPLY 3530 PIERCE ROll) BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 Attn.: KEVIN BLYLAN ~24-6514 Date of Report: 02/25/94 Lab ~: 94-01690-1 Sample Description: DRAKE-UPS: CLARIFIER-S WATER FROM SOU~ CI21RIFIER COMBINATION AT FORMER UPS FACILITY, 02-15-94 BETWEEN 1430 1500 HRS SAMPLED BY JON BUCK Sample Matrix: Waste Water Con~ituent~ Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons SamDle Results Units Method 37. mg/L 10. Method EPA-418.1 Note: -.' ~ · .?; ':'' . . '~ ~. High reported PQL's due to high concentration of target analytes. California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 Department Supervisor CC: A~C ' ~ON stUCK "~,~ ~: ':' Aihesults listod In this repod are I'm the exclusive use of the submi~ng party. BC Laboratories. Inc. assumes no responsll~ily fo~ report alteration, sepmation, detachment o; thlcd pan'y Interpretatlo,. JIM'S SUPPLY Date Reported: 02/25/94 Page 1 3530 PIERCE ROAD Date Received: 02/15/94 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 Laboratory No.: 94-01690-2 Attn.: KEVIN BLYLAN 324-6514 Sample Description: DPJ%KE~UPS: CLARIFIER-S SLUDGE FROM SOUTH CLARIFIER COMBINATION AT FORMER UPS FACILITY, 02-15-94 BETWEEN 1430 1500 HRS SAMPLED BY JON BUCK TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS (California'Code of Regulations; Title 22, Section 66261) Method Constituent~ Sampl~ Results Units P.O.LL Hethod Regulatory Criteria STLC TTLC mq/L m~/kg Antimony None Detected mg/kg 10. SW-6010 Arsenic 4.6 mg/kg 1.0 SW-7060 Barium 193. mg/kg 1.0 SW-6010 Beryllium None Detected mg/kg 1.0 SW-6010 Cadmium 7.4 mg/kg 1.0 SW~6010 Chromium 28. mg/kg 1.0 SW-6010 Cobalt None Detected mg/kg 5.0 SW-6010 Copper 53. mg/kg 1.0 SW-6010 Lead 104. mg/kg 5.0 SW-6010 Mercury 152. mg/kg 40. SW-7471 Molybdenum None Detected mg/kg 5.0 SW-6010 Nickel 53. mg/kg 5.0 SW-6010 ~3 ~'-~ 20 Selenium None Detected mg/kg 1.0 SW-7740 Silver None Detected mg/kg 2.0 SW-6010 Thallium None Detected mg/kg 10. SW-6010 Vanadium 17. mg/kg 1.0 SW-6010 24 Zinc 380. mg/kg 1.0 SW-6010 250 Comment: 15. 5.0 100. 0.75 1.0 560. 80. 25. 5.0 0.2 350. P.Q.L. = STLC = 500. 500. 10000. 75. 100. 25oo'.~ 800o.'i 250'0.~ 1000'~ 20. 3500. 2000.~ 500.:~ 2400. 5000. .~..<.! · .~ "~: .-.{ All above constituents are reported on an as recelved"'~et) sample'basis. Results reported represent totals (TTLC) as sample subjected to appropriate techniques to determine total levels. Practical Quantitation Limit (refers to, the'.~least amount of afialY~:~'detecfiable !~ based on sample.size used and analytlca~'!r~'~hnlque ~i~yed). ':'~:i.:".;~I ~" '': "~'i' · '~ Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration -~:~ "::':~ ~:';' ~ Total Threshold Limit Concentration ~: '" REFERENCES: SW = "Test Methods for Evaluatin~ So!~d Wastes' Ph~sical/Chemi~al.~] Metho~!."il. EPA-SW- 846, September, 1986 ~i:. Department Supervisor cc: AEC - JON BUCK ' :,~: .~ ::~:,'~. . ~ ~:~.~ All results listed in this repo~ are for ~e excluave use of ~e su~iffing ~. ~ La~m~ries, [~. assumes no res~nsib3[~ for re~ altemtioa, sep~l~, det~hmentor ~lrd~ In~real~. 0 ~ ta~ Sample Descriplion Dale.& Time'~ampled ~ .~.. ~~ ~ ~ m T '~ ,.~ ~ Comment: Billing Into: Relinquisb~:d.by: (Signmure) /-- ~eCeiv;~'by: (~;aiure) ~-~1 O C,ly DtC(t &/ State ~,~' ~elinquish;d by: (signalure) t Received by: (Signature) AUent'°n-..3 t ~ 5 ~L,ff/7/ "helinq~ished by:'{Signature) ReceiVed by: (Signelure) Dale: ' Time: Miles: ..... Relinquished by:'(~ignatu;e) -' Receiv~ by: (Signalure} Date: ' , ' Sample Disposal. P.O.~ ....... Rel~uishe~ by: (S~nafu~e) Rec;ived by: (Signature) - Dale: D BC Dis~sal ~ 5.~ ea. ASSOCIATED LABORATORIES 806 North Batavia- Orange, California 92668-714/771-6900 CLIENT Advanced Environmental Concept Attn: Jan Buck 4400 Ashe Road Suite #206 Bakersfield, CA 93313 (4283) LAB NO. REPORTED FAX 714/$$8.1209 G68609-01 03/11/94 SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION BASED ON SAMPLE Soil Project: Orin Ct. 3404 Orin Court, Bakersfield Date Collected 03/03/94 As Submitted LIMITS CAM INORGANICS TTLC STLC (mq/kq) (mq/1) Antimony 500 15 Arsenic 500 5.0 Barium' 10,000 100 Beryllium 75 0.75 Cadmium 100 1.0 Chromium, Hex. 500 5 Chromium, Total 2,500 560 Cobalt 8,000 80 Copper 2,500 25 Fluoride 18,000 180 Lead 1,000 5.0 Mercury 20 0.2 Molybdenum 3,500 350 Nickel 2,000 20 Selenium 100 1.0 Silver 500 5 Thallium 700 7.0 Vanadium 2,400 24 Zinc 5,000 250 Hydrocarbons EPA 418.1 Total Hydrocarbons (TPH DHS) -Gasoline -Diesel Vi~e dent ESB/ql The reDortS of the Associated Laboratories are confidential DroDerty of our clients and may not be reDroduced or used for Dubllcatlon in Dart or in full without our written Dermlsslon. Thlsls for the mutual Drotectton of thel~ubllc, our cllents0 and ourselves. RECEIVED B-l-5' TTLC (mq/kq) 6.77 6.33 135 0.93 0.23 ND< 1 14.4 9.46 10.5 0.66 6.62 0.07 ND< 0.5 7.61 ND< 0.5 ND< 0.2 3.78 37.7 56.11~ 92 ND< 5 ND<10 03/04/94 mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg TESTING & CONSULTING Chemical - Microbiological · Enwronmental · 806 North CLIENT · ASSOCIATED LABORATORES Batavia - Orange, Calitornia 92668 - 714/771-6900 Advanced Environmental Attn: Jon Buck 4400 Ashe Road suite #206 Bakersfield, CA 93313 Concept (4283) LAB NO. REPORTED F;~x G68609-02 03/11/94 SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION BASED ON SAMPLE Soil Project: Orin Ct. 3404 Orin Court, Bakersfield Date Collected 03/03/94 As Submitted LIMITS CAM INORGANICS TTLC STLC (m~/kq) (ma/l) Antimony 500 15 Arsenic 500 5.0 Barium 10,000 100 Beryllium 75 0.75 Cadmium 100 1.0 Chromium, Hex. 500 5 Chromium, Total 2,500 560 Cobalt 8,000 80 Copper 2,500 25 Fluoride 18,000 180 Lead 1,000 5.0 Mercury 20 0.2 Molybdenum 3,500 350 Nickel 2,000 20 Selenium 100 1.0 Silver 500 5 Thallium 700 7.0 Vanadium 2,400 24 Zinc 5,000 250 Hydrocarbons EPA 418.1 Total Hydrocarbons (TPH DHS) -Gasoline -Diesel Vide P~e~ident ESB/ql The reports of the Associated Laboratories are confidential property of our clients and may not be reproduced or used for publication in part or In full without our written permission. Thlsls for the mutualprotectlon of the publlc, ourcllents, and ourselves. RECEIVED B-l--lO' (mq/kq) 3.49 2.60 57.9 0.61 1.46 ND< 1 6.73 4.98 10.3 0.19 32.7 0.07 ND< 0.5 3.08 ND< 0.5 ND< 0.2 2.46 24.9~ 64.4 280 mg/kg ND< 5 mg/kg ND<10 mg/kg 03/04/94 TESTING & CONSULTING Chemical · Microbiological · Environmental . ASSOCiATED LABORAIORIES 806 North Batavia - Orange, California 92668 - 714/771-6900 CLIENT Advanced Environmental Attn: Jon Buck 4400 Ashe Road suite #206 Bakersfield-, CA 93313 Concept (4283) SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION BASED ON SAMPLE Soil Project: orin ct. 3404 orin Court, Bakersfield Date'Collected 03/03/94 As Submitted LIMITS CAM INORGANICS TTLC (mq/kg) Antimony 500 Arsenic 500 Barium 10,000 Beryllium 75 Cadmium 100 Chromium, Hex. 500 Chromium, Total 2,500 Cobalt 8,000 Copper 2,500 Fluoride 18,000 Lead 1,000 Mercury 20 Molybdenum 3,500 Nickel 2,000 Selenium 100 Silver 500 Thallium 700 Vanadium 2,400 Zinc 5,000 STLC (mq/1) 15 5.0 100 0.75 1.0 5 560 80 25 180 5.0 0.2 350 20 1.0 5 7.0 24 250 Hydrocarbons EPA 418.1 Total Hydrocarbons (TPH DHS) -Gasoline -Diesel AS~6-~ATE6"L~B%~A~ORIES, by: dlarit~~ ~I~/'~Pn ~i~ PreSident ' .D. ~ ESB/ql 'The reports of/he Associated L. aboratorles are confidential property of our clients and may not be reproduced or used for publication in part or In full without our written permission. This Is for the mutual protection of the public, our clients, and ourselves. FAX 714/538-1209 LAB NO. G68609-03 REPORTED 03 / 11 / 94 RECEIVED 03/04/94 B-l-15' TTLC (mq/kq) ND< 1 1.0 30.8 ND< 0.2 0.78 'ND< 1 2.38 ND< 1 25.1 0.41 42.7 0.11 ND< 0.5 ND< 0.5 ND< 0.5 ND< 0.2 ND< 0.5 4.92 14.7 7,700 mg/kg" ND< 5 mg/kg 780 mg/kg TESTING & CONSULTING Chemical · Microbiological · Enwronmental · ASSOCiATED LABORATORIES 806 North Batavia-Orange, Ca]ilornia 92668-714/771-6900 CLIENT Advanced Environmental Attn: Jan Buck 4400 Ashe Road suite #206 Bakersfield, CA 93313 Concept (4283) FAX 714/558-1209 LAB NO. G68609-04 REPORTED 03/11/94 SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION BASED ON SAMPLE Soil Project: Orin Ct. 3404 Orin Court, Bakersfield Date Collected 03/03/94 As Submitted CAM INORGANICS Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Cadmium Chromium, Chromium, Cobalt Copper Fluoride Lead Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Silver Thallium Vanadium Zinc Hex. Total LIMITS TTLC STLC (mq/kq) (mq/1) 500 15 500 5.0 10,000 100 75 0.75 100 1.0 500 5 2,500 560 8,000 80 2,500 25 18,000 180 1,000 5.0 20 0.2 3,500 350 2,000 20 2 5 100 1.0 500 5 700 7.0 ,400 24 ,000 250 Hydrocarbons EPA 418.1 Total Hydrocarbons (TPH DHS) -Gasoline ~ -D~esel Vid~ PreSident ~" ESB/ql The reports of'the I%ssoclated Laboratories are confidential property of our clients and may not be reproduced or used for publication In part or in full without our written permission. This IS for the mutual protection of the public, our clients, and ourselves. RECEIVED 03/04/94 B-l-20' TTLC (mq/kq) 1.58 1.52 13.3 ND< 0.2 0.46 ND< 1 2.60 1.92 20.8 2.26 4.03 ND< 0.07 ND< 0.5 1.0 ND< 0.5 ND< 0.2 0.88 8.60 25.2 50 mg/kg ND< 5 mg/kg ND<10 mg/kg TESTING & CONSULTING Chemical · Microbiological · Environmental · ASSOCIATED LABORAJORIES 806 North Batm,ia- Orange; Calitornia 92668- 714/771-6900 CLIENT Advanced Environmental Attn: Jon Buck 4400 Ashe Road suite #206 Bakersfield, CA 93313 Concept ( 4283 ) LAB NO. REPORTED F~X 714/538-1209 G68609-05 03/11/94 SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION BASED ON SAMPLE Soil Project: Orin Ct. 3404 Orin Court, Bakersfield Date Collected 03/03/94 As Submitted LIMITS CAM INORGANICS TTLC STLC (m~/kq) (ma/l) Antimony 500 15 Arsenic 500 5.0 Barium 10,000 100 Beryllium 75 0.75 Cadmium 100 1.0 Chromium, Hex. 500 5 Chromium, Total 2,500 560 Cobalt 8,000 80 Copper 2,500 25 Fluoride 18,000 180 Lead 1,000 5.0 Mercury 20 0.2 Molybdenum 3,500 350 Nickel 2,000 20 Selenium 100 1.0 Silver 500 5 Thallium 700 7.0 Vanadium 2,400 24 Zinc 5,000 250 Hydrocarbons EPA 418.1 Total Hydrocarbons (TPH DHS) -Gasoline -Diesel B ESB/ql The reports of ~[he Associated I_aboratorles are confidential property of our clients and may not be reproduced or used for publication In part or in full without our written permission. This is for the mutual protection of the public, our clients, and ourselves. RECEIVED B-2-10' TTLC (mq/kq) 6.31 5.72 106 0.66 ND< 0.2 ND< 1 11.5 8.75 8.50 3.82 46.9 ND< 0.07 ND< 0.5 6.63 ND< 0.5 ND< 0.2 3.18~ 35.9 40.4 ND<10 ND< 5 ND<10 03/04/94 mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg TESTING & CONSULTING Chemical · Microbiological · EnWronmental · .ASSOCiATED LABORATORIES 806 North Batavia-Orange, California 92668'-?14/??I-6900 CLIENT Advanced Environmental Concept Attn: Jon Buck 4400 Ashe Road suite #206 Bakersfield, CA 93313 (4283) Fi~x ~'Z4 /$38-J209 LAB NO. G68609-06 REPORTED 03 / 11 / 94 SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION BASED ON SAMPLE Soil Project: Orin Ct. 3404 Orin Court, Bakersfield Date Collected 03/03/94 As Submitted CAH INORGANICS Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Cadmium Chromium, Chromium, Cobalt Copper Fluoride Lead Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Silver Thallium Vanadium Zinc Hex. Total LIMITS TTLC STLC (mq/kq) (mq/1) 500 15 500 5.0 10,000 100 75 0.75 100 1.0 500 5 2,500 560 8,000 80 2,500 25 18,000 180 1,000 5.0 20 0.2 3,500 350 2,000 20 100 1.0 500 5 700 7.0 2,400. 24 5,000 250 Hydrocarbons Total Hydrocarbons -Gasoline -Diesel //~AB~,P~ATORIES~ A~SO~IAT~ IL , Vi~e ~ebident EPA 418.1 (TPH DHS) by: ESB/ql The reports of'the Associated Laboratories are confidential property of our clients and may not be reproduced or used for publication in part or in full without our written permission. This Is for the mutual protection of the public, ourcllents, and ourselves. RECEIVED 03/04/94 B-3-10' TTLC (mq/kq) 2.33. 6.45 44.7 0.43 ND< 0.2 ND< 1 4.92 4.82 3.65 0.70 1.68 ND< 0.07 ND< 0.5 2.83 ND< 0.5 ND< 0.2 1.34 21.9 21.2 ND<10 mg/kg ND< 5 mg/kg ND<10 mg/kg TESTING & CONSULTING Chemical · Microbiological · Enwronmental · ASSOCIATED LABORATORIES 806 North Batavia- Orange, California 92668-FI4/FFI-6900 CLIENT Advanced Environmental Attn: Jon Buck 4400 Ashe Road Suite #206 Bakersfield, CA 93313 Concept (4283) FAX ?14/558-1209 LAB NO. G68609-07 REPORTED 03 / 11 / 94 SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION BASED ON SAMPLE Soil Project: Orin Ct. 3404 Orin Court, Bakersfield Date Collected 03/03/94 As Submitted ca~ INORGANICS Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Cadmium Chromium, Chromium, Cobalt Copper Fluoride Lead Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Silver Thallium Vanadium Zinc Hex. Total LIMITS TTLC STLC (mq/kq) (mq/1) 500 15 500 5.0 10,000 100 75 0.75 100 1.0 500 5 2,500 560 8,000 80 2,500 25 18,000 180 1,000 5.0 20 0.2 3,500 350 2,000 20 100 1.0 500 5 700 7.0 2,400 24 5,000 250 Hydrocarbons Total Hydrocarbons -Gasoline -Diesel A~SO~IATED LABORATORIES, Edl~/~"I_~. B 't~r~ "/~.D~ Vide President EPA 418.1 (TPH DHS) by: ESB/ql ' The reoorts of the Associated I_aboratorles are confidential Drooerty of our clients and may not he reDroduced or used for publication in part or In full without our written permission. This IS for the mutual protection of the public, ourcllents, and ourselves. RECEIVED 03/04/94 B-4-10' TTLC (mq/kq) 3.85 2.72 71.4 0.54 1.0 ND< 1 14.3' 5.45 19.0 0.37 58.8 0.24 ND< 0.5 3.95 ND< 0.5 ND< 0.2 2.23 30.4 49.0 270 mg/kg ND< 5 mg/kg 50 mg/kg TESTING & CONSULTING Chemical · Microbiological · Enwronmenlal · · ASSOCIATED LABORAIORIES 806 North Batavia- Orange, California 92,668-714/771-6900 CLIENT Advanced Environmental Attn: Jon Buck 4400 Ashe Road suite ~206 Bakersfield, CA 93313 Concept (4283) LAB NO. REPORTED FAX 714/558-1209 G68609-08 03/11/94 SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION BASED ON SAMPLE Soil Project: Orin Ct. 3404 Orin Court, Bakersfield Date Collected 03/03/94 As Submitted LIMITS CAM INORGANICS TTLC (mq/ka) Antimony 500 Arsenic 500 Barium 10,000 Beryllium 75 Cadmium 100 Chromium, Hex. 500 Chromium, Total 2,500 Cobalt 8,000 Copper 2,500 Fluoride 18,000 Lead 1,000 Mercury 20 Molybdenum 3,500 Nickel 2,000 Selenium 100 Silver 500 Thallium 700 Vanadium 2,400 Zinc 5,000 STLC (ma/l) 15 5.0 100 0.75 1.0 5 560 80 25 180 5.0 0.2 350 20 1.0 5 7.0 24 250 Hydrocarbons EPA 418.1 Total Hydrocarbons (TPH DHS) -Gasoline -Diesel ~ ~are, Ph.D. ViCe President ESB/ql The reports of-the Associated I_al)oratories are confidential property of our clients and may not be reoroducecJ or used for Dul~llcatlon In Dart or in full without our written permission. This iS for the mutual protection of the public, our clients, and ourselves. RECEIVED B-4-15' TTLC 1.18 3.92 41.5 0.30 0.71 ND< 1 6.84 3.70 10.8 0.43 35.3 ND< 0.07 ND< 0.5 2.10 ND< 0.5 'ND< 0.2 1.24 14.9 34.4 70 ND< 5 ND<10 03/04/94 mg/kg. mg/kg mg/kg TESTING & CONSULTING Chemical · Microbiological · Enwronmental · ASSOCiATED LABORATORIES 806 North Batavia - Orange, California 92668 - ?14/?~1-6900 CLIENT Advanced Environmental Concept Attn: Jon Buck 4400 Ashe Road suite #206 Bakersfield, CA 93313 (4283) LAB NO REPORTED F, AX G68609-09 03/11/94 SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION BASED ON SAMPLE Soil Project: Orin Ct. 3404 Orin Court, Bakersfield Date Collected 03/03/94 As Submitted CAM INORGANICS Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Cadmium Chromium, Chromium, Cobalt Copper Fluoride Lead Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Silver Thallium Vanadium Zinc Hex. Total LIMITS TTLC STLC (mq/kq) (mq/1) 500 15 500 5.0 10,000 100 75 0.75 100 1.0 500 5 2,500 560 8,000 80 2,500 25 18,000 180 1,000 5.0 20 0.2 3,500 350 2,000 20 100 1.0 500 5 700 7.0 2,400 24 5,000 250 Hydrocarbons Total Hydrocarbons -Gasoline -Diesel Vfde 'PreSident EPA 418.1 (TPH DHS) by: ESB/ql The reports oflhe Associated I_aboratorles are confidential property of our clients and may not be reproduced or used for publication in part or in full without our written permission. This Is for the mutual protection of the public, our clients, and ourselves. RECEIVED B-4-20' TTLC (mq/kq) 1.00 3.23 26.2 0.28 0.25 ND< 1 3.47 2.82 3.04 0.26 5.11 ND< 0.07 ND< 0.5 0.92 ND< 0.5 ND< 0.2 0.90 11.0 15.4 280 mg/kg ND< 5 mg/kg ND<10' mg/kg 03/04/94 TESTING & CONSULTING Chemical · Microbiological · EnWronmental · -ASSOCIATED LABORATOI S · COMMIe"MEal' TO Q{]AlJ'IY ' QUALITY CONTROL/QUALITY ASSURANCE REPORT G68609 QA/QC CONTROL NO. G68609 iNSTRUMENT LOGBOOK D//4 DATE G68609 ANALYZED Mar 4 1994 I.L.B. PAGE LOCATION 251 DATE G68609 ANALYZED Mar 4 1994 SAMPLE LOG PAGE LOCATION 42 I EPA 8015M/D.H.S.L.U.F.T. REPORTING v rrs mg/kg SAMPLE MATRIX soil COMPOUND SR SR1 RPD S.A. SSR SSRI %RE %REI RPD BLK GA 80L :-DIESEL 0 0 0 100 94.54 94.44 94.5 94.4 0.1 0 SR ....... SAMPLE X O SRI .... SAMPLE DUPLICATE RPD .... RELATIVE PERCENT DIFFERENCE S.A.---- ANALYTE SPIKE IN SAMPLE MATRIX SSR ..... SPIKE RECOVERED AND SAMPLE 'SR' SSRI .... SPIKE RECOVERED AND SAMPLE 'SRI' %RE .... PERCENT RECOVERY OF SPIKE IN %REI--- PERCENT RECOVERY OF SPIKE IN 'SRI' BLK ..... ANALYTE CONCENTRATION DETECTED IN LAB BLANK 99% ..... UPPER/LOWER CONTROL LIMIT 95 % ..... UPPER/LOWER WARNING LIMIT s .......... STANDARD DEVIATION 2s ........ 2 x STANDARD DEVIATION (WARNING LIMIT) 3s ........ 3 x STANDARD DEVIATION (CONTROL LIMIT) MEAN-- TIME WEIGHTED AVERAGE OF SPIKE RECOVERY SURROGATE SPIKE DATE BENZENYL FLUORIDE SPIKE CONCENTRATION OF WITH A RECOVERY OF BENZENYL FLUORIDE RECOVERY LIMITS OF TO PASS / NO PASS }.',~ ,~,,,)/,? DATE TYPED Mar 15 1994 B133201 ACTION TAKEN // SPIKE SOURCE TX-D STANDARD LOT NO. D-012194 ANALYST Quat Do QA / QC COMPILER ASSOCIATED LABORATOI S · COMMITMENT TO QUALITY CONTROL/QUALITY ASSURANCE REPORT G68609 QA/QC CONTROL NO. G68883-2 INSTRUMENT LOGBOOK Hyd 1-6 DATE G68883-2 ANALYZED Mar 13 1994 I.L.B. PAGE LOCATION 131 DATE G68609 ANALYZED Mar 13 1994 sAMpLE LOG PAGE LOCATION 42 EPA 8015M/D.H.S.L.U.F.T. REPORTING UNITS mg/kg SAMPLE MATRIX soil I. COMPOUND SR SR1 RPD S.A. SSR SSR1 %RE %REI RPD BLK GA SOLINE 0 0 0 5 4.3 3.9 86 78 I 0 0 DIESEL AVERAGE I0 J I86 I78 II0 I SR ....... SAMPLE X O SRI ..... SAMPLE DUPLICATE RPD .... RELATIVE PERCENT DIFFERENCE S.A ..... ANALYTE SPIKE IN SAMPLE MATRIX SSR ..... SPIKE RECOVERED AND SAMPLE 'SR' SSRI .... SPIKE RECOVERED AND SAMPLE 'SRI' %RE .... PERCENT RECOVERY OF SPIKE IN 'SR' %REI--- PERCENT RECOVERY OF SPIKE IN 'SRI' BLK ..... ANALYTE CONCENTRATION DETECTED IN LAB BLANK 99% ..... UPPER/LOWER CONTROL LIMIT 95% ..... UPPER/LOWER WARNING LIMIT s .......... STANDARD DEVIATION 2s ........ 2 x STANDARD DEVIATION (WARNING LIMIT) 3s ........ 3 x STANDARD DEVIATION (CONTROL LIMIT) MEAN-- TIME WEIGHTED AVERAGE OF SPIKE RECOVERY SURROGATE SPIKE DATE BENZENYL FLUORIDE SPIKE CONCENTRATION OF WITH A RECOVERY OF BENZENYL FLUORIDE RECOVERY LIMITS OF TO !.,..'~/'),) DATE TYPED Mar 14 1994 B!33201 PASS / NO PASS ACTION TAKEN [ SPIKE SOURCE SH-R STANDARD LOT NO. Gas 52093 ANALYST Danielle Luian QA / QC COMPILER , CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD · LAB Project # Client Date . Analysis Requested ~ ' ~b Use Only, ~Ad~ Turn Around R.ue~ed: ~ ~= * ~ ~ . S~pie ~r~:~ifi~ ~E~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 48-Hour-R~h ~ : ' G-I-Jo~ ~ ',~.I S r ~ ~ J ~-I-~' ~i ~ ~i S ~' ~ ~ ~/ ~ S ~'~ ~ ~~ W: ~=re) o~e e ~iv~ by: (Sig==re) J · Date ~ ~e~ ~m~: Time ~i - ~: ~me ~m~: ~me .... .