HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION-REMEDIATION'ADVANCED ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS INC" June 30,'1994 Mr. Dan Starkey Kern County Environmental Health Services Department 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, California 9330'1 Regarding: Excavation Remediafion Report Vacant Distribution Facility 3404 Orin Way Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Starkey: Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. [AEC] has prepared the Excavation Remediation Report for the above referenced project/location. Enclosed please find that report, which AEC is submitting for review. Should you have any questions or require clarification on any aspects of the enclosed, please do not hesitate to contact our office at [805] 83'1-'1646. Respectfully yours, Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. 'f ~..-~bi~ Irwin " P~t Coordinator / Office Administrator Attachments: Report [~] Distribution: '1/Addressee - REG MAIL '1/Mr. Kevin King'- UPS · 1/Bksfld File · ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND 4400 ASHE ROAD. #206 * BAKERSFIELD. CA 93313 805/831-1646 · FAX 805/831-1771 ~ADVANCED ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS INC" June 30,4994 Mr. Dan Starkey Kern County Environmental Health Services Department 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, California 93304 Regarding: Excavation Remediafion Report Vacant Distribution Facility 3404 erin Way Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Starkey: Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. [AEC] has prepared the Excavation Remediation Report for the above referenced project/location. Enclosed please find that report, which AEC is submitting for review. Should you have any questions or require clarification on any aspects of the enclosed, please do not hesitate to contact our office at [805] 83~-~646. Respectfully yours, Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. Pro, be'6t Coordinator / Office Administrator Attachments: Report [~] Distribution: '1/Addressee - REG MAIL '1/Mr. Kevin King - UPS 'I/Bksfld File ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND 4400 ASHE ROAD, #206 ' BAKERSFIELD. CA93313 805/831-1646 · FAX 805/831-1771 ~ADVANCED ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS INCo Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. is pleased to present the following: EXCAVATION REMEDIATION REPORT for Vacant Distribution Facility 3404 Ofin Way County of Kern · Bakersfield, California This final report has been prepared for: UPS, Corporate Plant Engineering Ms. Unda M. Lyons Prepared: April t994 · ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MINE] · 4400 ASHE ROAD. #206 * BAKERSFIELD. CA 93313 805/831-1646 * FAX 8051831-1771 Excavation Remediation Report Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. Table of Contents Subject Parle 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2.0 BACKGROUND 3.0 GEOLOGY 4.0 3. I Site Description 3.2 Regional Geology 3.3 Local Geology 3.4 Hydrogeology SOIL EXCAVATION PROCEDURES 4 4 4 5 5 5 5.0 ANALYTICAL RESULTS 6 6.0 DISPOSITION OF SOIL AND RINSATE 7.0 FINDINGS 8.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 9.0 LIMITATIONS ~ 0.0 CLOSING 9 Appendices: [A) [C) [D) Project Maps / Figures Laboratory Reports/Chain-of-Custody Documentation Non-Hazardous Waste Hauler Records Hazardous Waste Manifest Project: AEC 93C-{284 · ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND · 4400 ASHE ROAD. #206 · BAKERSFIELD. CA 93313 805/831-1646 * FAX 805/831-1771 Excavation Remediation Report Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. t.0 INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of a soil excavation remediation project conducted by Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. [AEC] to remove a clarifier, the contents inside the clarifier, two dry wells, and any hydrocarbon impacted soil adjacent to the clarifier and dry wells. The clarifier and dry wells were located at the former UPS distribution facility, 3304 Orin Way, Bakersfield, California [Appendix A, Figure t]. The clarifier system and one dry well were located at the southeast corner of the site structure, adjacent to the loading dock area. One additional dry well was located in the asphalt driveway and parking area along the western edge of the structure. All environmental services conducted on-site were in accordance with the remediation work plan prepared by AEC and submitted to the Kern County Environmental Health Department (KCEHD), and conducted ur~,aer the direct supervision of Mr. Dan Starkey, Hazardous Materials Specialist of KCEHD. Contained in this report is background information regarding existing site characteristics, regional and local hydrogeological profiles, and the project history. Also included in the following sections are the objectives and scope of investigation, detailed investigative procedures, and subsequent findings. Finally, AEC provides an evaluation of the findings with related conclusions and recommendations. The report appendices contain project maps/figures (Appendix A], analytical results/chain-of-custody documentation [Appendix B], and disposal receipts [Appendix C]. 2.0 BACKGROUND On Februaw 15, 1994, an AEC geologist collected a sludge sample from the southern ctarifier located at the vacant UPS Distribution facility, Bakersfield, California. The water sample was collected using a stainless steel bailer that had been previously washed in an Alconox solution, rinsed with tap water, followed by a distilled water rinse. The rinseate was transferred from the bailer to l-liter amber jars, plastic containers, and 40 milliliter VOA vials. The water sample was analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline and diesel, priority pollutants volatile organics, total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbons, and CAM 17 Metals using CA DHS and EPA 8260, 418.1, 6010 and 747t methods, respectively. The water analyses were performed by BC Laboratories in Bakersfield. The analytical results of the water samples collected from the ctarifier are presented in Table t thru 3. Units are in micrograms per Liier Ii, g/L], which are equivalent to parts per billion [ppb]. TABLE 1 Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons Drake-UP~ 02115/94, (ppb) TPH-g TPH-d TRPH Analyses CA DHS CA DHS 4t8.1 87 12,000 37,000 Detection Limits 50 2,000 t0,000 Project: AEC 93C-1284 I · ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND · 4400 ASHE ROAD. #206 * BAKERSFIELD. CA 93313 805'/831-1646 ° FAX 8051831-1771 Excavation Remediation Report Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. Analyses TABLE 2 CAM Metal Analysis Drake-UPS 02145/94 (ppm) Results Detection Limit [mg/kg] Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Cadmium Chromium Cobalt Copper Lead Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Silver Thallium Vanadium Zinc Mercury ND 4.6 193 ND 7.4 28 ND 53 104 ND 53 ND ND ND '17 380 152 '10 '1.0 -1,0 '1.0 '1.0 '1.0 5.0 '1.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 2.0 '10.0 '1.0 '1.0 40.0 Analyses TABLE 3 PdorJty Pollutant - Volatile Organics Drake-UPS 02115/94 (ppb) Results Detection Limit lug/L) Benzene Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane [Methyl Bromide] Carbon Tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane [Ethyl Chloride] 2-Chloroethylvinyl Ether Chloroform Chloromethane [Methyl Chloride] Dibromochloromethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodifluoromethane Naphthalene n-Propylbenzene 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 4. 3. 21. · Project: AEC 93C-t284 · ENVIRONMENTAl. CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND · '1.0 '1.0 '1.0 'I.0 '1.0 '1.0 '1.0 '10. '1.0 '1.0 '1.0 '1.0 '1.0 't.0 '1.0 4.0 '1.0 -1.0 4400 ASHE ROAD. #206 ° BAKERSFIELD. CA 93313 805/831-1646 ° FAX 8051831-1771 Excavation Remediation Report Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. Analyses TABLE 3 [continued] Priority Pollutant - Volatile Organics Drake-UPS 02115/94 [ppb} Results Detection Limit [ug/L] 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene I, 1-Dichloroethane t,2-Dichloroethane [EDC] I, 1-Dichloroethene cis- 1,3-Dichloropropene trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane cis- 1,3-Dichloropropene transt,3-Dichloropropene Ethylbenzene Methylene Chloride I, t, 2,2-Tetrach Ioroethane Tetrachloroethene [PCE] Toluene I, t, 1 -Trichloroethane ['rCA] 1, 1,2-Trich laroetha ne Trichloroethene [TCE] Trichlorofluoromethane [freon 1 I] Vinyl Chloride Xylenes [total] 9. I'.0 ND 1.0 ND 1.0 ND 1.0 ND 1.0 ND 1.0 ND 1.0 ND 1.0 ND t .0 ND 1.0 ND 1.0 ND 1.0 ND 1.0 ND 1.0 ND 1.0 ND 1.0 ND 1.0 ND 1.0 ND 1.0 ND t .0 Based on the analytical results a limited site assessment was performed to evaluate the extent of hydrocarbon-impacted soil. Subsequent to the request by KCEHD a workplan, dated March 1994, was submitted to and approved by the KCEHD. On March 3, 1994, in accordance with the workplan three soil borings were advanced adjacent the southern clarifier to a total depth of 20 feet BGL and one soil boring [B-4] was advanced adjacent the western clarifier/dry well. Selected soil samples were submitted to the laboratory for analysis of TRPH, TPH-gas and diesel, and metals. Analytical results for the soil samples collected from the borings are presented in Table 4. TABLE 4 Soil Samples - soil Borings 03/03/94 (pprn] Analyses B-I-5' B-I-I0' B-I-15' B-I-20' B-2-I0' B-3-t0' ' TPH-g TRPH TPH-d ND 92 ND ND 280 ND ND 7,700 780 ND 50 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Project: AEC 93C-t284 3 · ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND 4400 ASHE ROAD. #206 * BAKERSFIELD. CA g3313 805/831-1646 * FAX 805/831-1771 Excavation Remediation Report Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. TABLE 4 [continued] Soil Samples - Soil Borings 03/03/94 (ppm) Analyses TPH-g TRPH TPH-d B-4-'I0' ND 270 50 B-4-"15' ND 70 ND B-4-20' ND 280 ND Detection Limits: t0 50 (see data sheets) ND: Non-Detected at indicated level at detection. Based on the results of the site assessment it was recommended that excavation and disposal was the best available mitigation alternative for the dry wells and clarifier system. 3.0 GEOLOGY 3. t Site Description The UPS Distribution facility is located on the north side of Orin Road east of Pierce Road. The general area is comprised of oilfield and industrial related service industries. The facility is at an average elevation of 400-feet above mean sea level with minimal topographic relief. 3.2 Regional Geology The subject property is located in the Southern San Joaquin Valley [Valley) which is a part of the Central Valley of California. The Valley forms the southern two-thirds of the Central Valley and is characterized as a broad structural trough. It is bordered on the east by the Sierra Nevada Range and on the west by the Coast Range [Diablo and Temblor Mountains). The Valley extends 250-miles southeastward from the confluence of the San Joaquin and Sacramento Rivers to the Tehachapi and San Emigdio Mountains. The width ranges from 25-miles wide near the Kern River to approximately 55-miles wide near the Kings River, with an approximate average width of 40-miles. Geology of the southern Valley consists of a Pre-Tertiary basement complex overlain by marine and non-marine sedimentary rocks of Tertiary age. These rocks are composed of consolidated sandstones, siltstones and shales which thicken from northeast to southwest. The Valley was once an inland sea of comparatively shallow depth that continued to subside due to the ever increasing load of sediments transported and deposited from higher elevations. These deposits consist of gravels, sands, silts and clays. The majority of the groundwater pumped from the Valley floor occurs within these relatively unconsolidated continental deposits. Project: AEC 93C-t284 4 ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND · 4400 ASHE ROAD, #206 · BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831-1846 * FAX 8051831-1771 Excavation Remediation Report Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. 3.3 Local Geology The investigated property is located on alluvial deposits, created from sediments transported and deposited by local streams, and during flood stages of the Kern River. The site is situated in a Iow to moderate energy flood plain environment consisting of weakly consolidated to unconsolidated, poorly bedded sands and silts. 3.4 Hydrogeology Ground and surface water in the north Bakersfield area is regulated by the Kern County Water Agency Improvement District. According to the Kern County Water Agency "Water Supply Report-1990", depth to groundwater in unconfined and equivalent wells is estimated at 50-feet below grade level (BGL] at the site. No perched water-bearing zones are identified. Groundwater quality is unknown at this time. 4.0 SOIL EXCAVATION PROCEDURES On April 1 I, 1994, the soil around the southern clarifier and dry well and the western dry well were excavated using a Cat EL240 excavator. The clarifier was constructed of concrete rings and a steel base. The dry wells were filled with gravel and river rock. The southern clarifier contained approximately 150 gallons of liquid and sludge that was pumped into 55 gallon drums pending disposal. Prior to removal of the clarifier, it was triple rinsed with a high-pressure steam cleaner, and the rinsate was collected in 55 gallon drums. Following cleaning and removal of the southern clarifier and the dry well, approximately 200 tons of soil were removed from this area. Approximately 100 tons of soil were removed from the area around the western dry well. All excavated soil was stockpiled on site pending completion of excavation. Using a PID, all soil was screened during excavation. All soil that registered positive PID readings [in excess of 0 ppm] was segregated into separate stockpiles, apart from non-impacted soil. Samples were collected, composited in the laboratory, and analyzed for disposal profiling from each of these impacted, segregated stockpiles. These samples are identified as "COMPOSITE" within the laboratory data tables. Upon completion af the profile analyses, t01.72 tans of soil was transported ta Clean Soils recycling facility for disposal. Clean soil was used as backfill material. All work was conducted under the direction of an AEC project geologist and performed under the supervision of Mr. Dan Stark·y, Hazardous Materials Specialist with KCEHD. The final southern clarifier excavation was a rectangular shape measuring 15 by 15 by 22 feet. The cumulative volume of the excavation was about 185 cubic yards and the final western dry well excavation was a rectangular shape measuring 10 by 10 by 22 feet. The cumulative soil volume removed from the excavations was about 80 cubic yards. Confirmatory soil samples were collected from all four sidewalls of the two excavations at 10 and 20 feet BGL and from the center floor at 22 feet BGL. One background sample was collected from an area adjacent to Orin Way, approximately I00 feet south of the southern clarifier and dry well. This sample was collected and analyzed for metals, as a comparison to samples collected from the bottom center of each excavation. The geometry of the excavation and the sample locations are presented In Appendix A, Figure 2. The following sample collection protocol was observed for all samples collected: Project: AEC 93C-t284 5 · ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MINI:] · 4400 ASHE ROAD. #206 · BAKERSFIELD. CA93313 805/831-1646 - FAXS05/831-1771 Excavation Remediation Report Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. t] The excavator operator was instructed to retrieve a bucket of native soil from the appointed sampling locations; 2] A qualified AEC representative pushed a glass jar into an undisturbed portion of the soil, leaving no head space in the jar; 3] The jar was capped with a Teflon-lined lid, sealed with tape, labeled, and stored in a cooler chilled with frozen Blue Ice; 4] The soil samples were recorded on a chain-of-custody document to ensure sample integrity and traceability; 5] Analyses for the requested parameters of the samples collected on April 23, 1994 were performed by Enseco-CRL, Inc. a State-certified laboratory located in Orange County, California. The hydrocarbon-impacted soil was hauled by Kern Environmental Services to Clean Soils in Bakersfield, California for disposal. The tank excavation was backfilled with clean imported fill and compacted to 85% relative compaction after confirmatory samples indicated less than action {evels for the requested analytical parameters. 5.0 ANALYTICAL RESULTS The results are tabulated in Tables 5 through 7 and the laboratory reports are presented in Appendix B. Units for analyses are in milligrams per Kilogram [mg/Kg], which are equivalent to parts per million [ppm]. Table 5 Soil Samples - Excavations 041t2/94 [ppm] Sample I.D. TRPH Benzene Toluene Xylenes Ethylbenzene W-1,2,3,4, 160 ND ND ND ND COMPOSITE [Impacted Stockpile at Western Excavation] WE-N-10' ND ND ND ND ND WE-N-20' ND ND ND ND ND WE-S-10' ND ND ND ND ND WE-S-20' ND' ND ND ND ND WE-E-t0' ND ND ND ND ND WE-E-20' ND ND ND ND ND WE-W-10' ND ND ND ND ND WE-W-20' 36 ND ND ND ND WE-CENTER-22' ND ND ND ND ND ES-t,2,3,4 1,500 ND ND 24 22 COMPOSITE [Impacted Stockpile at Eastern Excavation] EE-N-10' ND ND ND ND ND EE-N-20' ND ND ND ND ND EE-S-10' ND ND ND ND ND Project: AEC 93C-t284 6 · ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND 4400 ASHE ROAD. #206 * I~AKERSFIELD. CA93313 805/831-1646 · FAXS051831-1771 Excavation Remediation Report Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. Sample I.D. TRPH Table 5 [continued] Soil Samples - Excavations 041t2/94 (ppm) Benzene Toluene Xylenes Ethylbenzene EE-S-20' ND ND ND ND ND EE-E-10' ND ND ND ND ND EE-E-20' ND ND ND ND ND EE-W-10' ND ND ND ND ND EE-W-20' 31 ND ND ND ND EE-CENTER-22' ND ND ND ND ND Detection Limits TRPH: ND: 50 5.0 5.0 Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons Not detected at the indicated limit of detection 15 5.0 Table 6 Soil Samples 041 t 2/94 Stoddard Jet Sample I.D. Kerosene Solvent Fuel Diesel Fuel #2 Unknown Hydrocarbon W-J,2,3,4, COMPOSITE WE-N-J0' ND ND ND WE-N-20' ND ND ND WE-S-JO' ND ND ND WE-S-20' ND ND ND WE-E-t0' ND ND ND WE-E-20' ND ND ND WE-W- J 0' ND ND ND WE-W-20' ND ND ND WE-CENTER-22' ND ND ND ES-t,2,3,4 ND ND ND COMPOSITE Stockpile at Eastern Excavation] EE-N-10' ND ND ND EE-N-20' ND ND ND EE-S- t0' ND ND ND EE-S-20' ND ND ND EE-E-10' ND ND ND EE-E-20' ND ND ND EE-W-10' ND ND ND EE-W-20' ND ND ND EE-CENTER-22' ND ND ND ND ND ND [Impacted Stockpile at Western Excavation] (Impacted ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Detection Limits: t0 t0 10 ND: Not detected at the indicated limit of detection Project: AEC 93C-1284 7 · ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND 4400 ASHE ROAD. #206 · BAKERSFIELD, ca 93313 805/831-1646 · FAX 805/831-1771 Excavation Remediation Report Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. WE-Center- Analyses 22' TABLE 7 CAM Metal Analysis 041t 2/94 EE-Center- Detection 22' Background Limits Antimony ND ND ND 6.0 Arsenic 3.6 2.8 7.8 0.50 Barium 47.1 25.8 128 1.0 Beryllium 0.22 ND 0.28 0.20 Cadmium 0.72 ND t. I 0.50 Chromium 4,3 3.6 10.3 1.0 Chromium, ND ND ND 0. I0 Hexavalent Cobalt 3.4 2. I 5.0 1.0 Copper 4.9 3.3 13.2 2.0 Lead 22. t ND 4 I. I 5.0 Molybdenum ND ND ND 2.0 Nickel ND ND 8. I 4.0 Selenium ND ND ND 0.50 Silver ND ND ND 1.0 Thallium ND ND ND 50.0 Vanadium 20.8 15.5 28.7 1.0 Zinc 21,5 15.5 230 2,0 Mercury ND ND ND 0,I0 ND: Not detected at the indicated limit of detection 6.0 DISPOSITION OF SOIL AND RINSEATE The excavated soil samples were analyzed for volatiles, inorganics and semivolatiles utilizing TCLP extraction methods. Laboratory data revealed negligible concentrations for all constituents analyzed. Laboratory data sheets and chain of custody documents are presented in Appendix B. Following analysis, approximately 101.72 tons of soil was loaded and transported to Clean Soils, a Class II recycling facility, in Bakersfield, California [Appendix C]. The drummed rinseate was transported to Hertiage Environmental Service, Inc. in Indianapolis, Indiana [Appendix DJ. 7.0 FINDINGS AEC concludes that approximately t01.72 tons of hydrocarbon-impacted soil was excavated from the site and confirmatory soil samples from the floor and sidewalls of the excavations indicate insignificant to nondetectable levels of all constituents analyzed. Project: AEC 93C-t284 8 · ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND ' 4400 ASHE ROAD. #208 · BAKERSFIELD. CAg3313 805/831-1646 · FAX805/831-1771 Excavation Remediation Report Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. 8.0 RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the above conclusions, Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. recommends no further action and requests final closure for the site. 9.0 LIMITATIONS This work has been performed in accordance with generally accepted environmental science and engineering practices. Conclusions and recommendations are based upon information collected and compiled during this investigation. Soil samples were collected from a finite grid, hence they are not meant to be misconstrued as indicative of unsampled surface or subsurface areas. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is given. Project: AEC 93C-t284 9 · ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND · 4400 ASHE ROAD. #206 '* BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831-1646 *, FAX 805/831-1771 Excavation Remediation Report Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. '!0.0 CLOSING Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. appreciates the opportunity to be of service to United Parcel Services on this project. Should any questions or additional information be required regarding this report, please do not hesitate to contact our office at [805) 83 t-1646. This Environmental Site Assessment has been prepared by: Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. ect Geologist This report has been technically reviewed by: //,~ose~h A. Ounwoody III/~/~/ '~ - /~// Reoistered Geologist ~J504 DOC56X Project: AEC 93C-t284 40 · ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND ° 4400ASHE ROAD. #206 · BAKERSFIELD. CA 93313 8051831-1646 ,, FAX 8051831-1771 'Appendix A" PROJECT MAPS / FIGURES -..~. _. .,, :, .. ..... -~,', ... ~ ~:..~,.~. : ::~.:.%~' . -,- . .....:..'. , : ~?.: ~;>....,~2,~., ,:.i.,~:':,,'.'..~:;~,~:.~; , .; ~ '.~:,~..,..~.~:..,~',?~':-::.~.:.'..-~':: : ~,~'L.;~ ~..~'.....',..-' ..":.:'.'..:': ," .. 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' DRY WELL i' .. · r-~ CLARIFIER · CLARIFIER LOADING i i DRY WELL RAMP O SEWER MANHOLE ASPHALT ORIN WAY ' 0 20' 40' I._2.1 BoRIN .. . , ....... , ~t SOlL G'(313/94) ..- .... '..:- , ... '-. ..... ... ..,..: .... .:.'- ,::.....:.., ...~ '..- .... .:' ... '... , ,' ,::. '...:,.,. ".:..., .... · . . . .. :-'., .... . , .~ ..: .... .....,. ..., :.' :,. :....:..,. .-..,.: .:.:, . ,.::, ..: ::.. . S TE.MAP. : .... . .... ..... ..... , .... . ~ :. · : ·., ..... .,. ..... ..:.: :.~...>,. :.:,?:,.~,,.....,..,.,:,,.: .;.,: ,. ..... .,,.~.....:..::,.. FIGURE ....... r-O~MER DRY VEU. ~ w~-.-,.&~ , UPS'FACILITY FORMER DRywEII =" / ~ ~ EE- N,,,- WE- S-,~ & ~0'~ '~"VE ' CENTEI=I ' 22'~ LOADING UMn'S OF EXCAVATION . EE - W - 10' i O ~. , sEWER MANHOLE' EE- $ - EE- Ci~NTER - 22' EMITS OF ASPHALT ORIN WAY 0 20' 40' ' SCALE: 1" - 40' · ~ SAMPLE LOCTION ....... 'Appendix B' LABORATORY REPORTS / CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY DOCUMENTATION Enseco - CRL 7440 Lincoln Way · Garden Grove, CA 92641 (714) 898-6370 · (213) 598-0458 · (800) LAB-1-CRL FAX: (714) 895-5360 Corning Environmental Servites April 22, 1994 ADVANCED ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS 4400 ASHE ROAD, SUITE 206 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 ATTN: MR. JOHN BUCK LAB NO.: 105155-0001/0021 DATE SAMPLED: 12-APR-1994 DATE SAMPLE REC'D: 13-APR-1994 PROJECT: UNITED PARCEL SERVICE Enclosed with this letter is the report of the analytical results for the project specified above. Anomalies associated with this report are described in the Narrative section. Report data sheets contain a list of the constituents measured in each test, the analytical results and the Enseco-CRL reporting limit. Reporting limits are adjusted to reflect any dilution factors or dry weight correction, when applicable. Solid and waste samples are reported on an "as received" basis, unless dry-weight correction is requested. PRELIMINARY DATA Preliminary data for TEPH and BTEX were provided on April 15, 1994 at 4:30 P.M. to Debbie Irwin. Preliminary data for Mercury were provided on April 18, 1994 at 2:45 P.M. to Dabble Irwin. Preliminary data for 418.1 were provided on April 19, 1994 at 10:20 A.M. to Dabble Irwin. Preliminary data for Metals were provided on April 20, 1994 at 5:15 P.M. to Debbie Irwin. Preliminary data for Hexavalent Chromium were provided on April 22, 1994 at 8:50 A.M. to Debbie Irwin. / 6 ~//' - REVIEWED ..... ' Page i of iv APPROVED The Repod Cover Letter la an Integral pad of this Nix)fl. This report pertains only to the samples investigated and does not necessarily apply to other apparently identical or similar materials. This report is submitted for the exclusive .......... J....:-- -, l~.: ..... a ....... ~ el.;. I *k...*~..'~ ..m~ ia. ~d,,~a.'eina ~, *~kli~.it~, ~,~rm~eae with~llt ~llth~ri/~tJttll J~ nrnhihited ENSECO-CRL LIM~ Cover letter Signature page, report narrative as applicable. Sample Description Information Tabulated cross-reference between the lab ID and Client ID, including matrix, date and time sampled and the date received for all samples in the project. Sample Analysis Results Sheets Lists sample results, test components, reporting limit, dates prepared and analyzed and any date qualifiers. Pages are organized by test. QC Lot Assignment Report Cross-reference between lab ID's end applicable QC batches (DCS, LCS, SCS, Blank, MS/SD, DU) Duplicate Control Sample Report Percent recovery end RPD results, with acceptance limits, for the laboratory duplicate control samples for each test are tabulated in this report. These are measures of accuracy and precision for each test. Acceptance limits ere based upon laboratory historical data. Laboratory Control Sample Report Percent recovery results for a single Laboratory Control Sample (if applicable) are tabulated in this report, with the applicable acceptance limits for each test. Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Report Percent recovery and RPD results for matrix-specific QC samples end acceptance limits, where applicable. This report can be used to assess matrix effects on en analysis. Single Control Sample Report A tabulation of the surrogate recoveries for the blank for organic analyses. Method Blank Report A summary of the results of the analysis of the method blank for each test. List of Abbreviations and Terms DCS Duplicate Control Sample MSD Matrix Spike Duplicate DU Sample Duplicate QC Run Preparation batch EB Equipment Blank QC Category LIMS QC Category FB Field Blank QC Lot DCS batch FD Field Duplicate ND Not Detected at the reporting limit expressed IDL Instrument Detection Limit (Metals) QC Matrix Matrix of the laboratory control sample LCS Laboratory Control Sample RL Reporting Limit MB Method Blank QC Quality Control MDL Method Detection Limit (Organics) SA Sample MS Matrix Spike SD See MSD RPD Relative Percent Difference TB Trip Blank ppm (parts per million) mg/L or mg/kg ppb (parts per billion) uglL or ug/kg QUAL Qualifier flag DIL Dilution Factor Refer to the Enseco Quality Assurance Program Plan for detailed explanations of terms summarized above. Page ii of iv Cormn,~ Environmental Servic~ Jo II. III. Cover Letter TABLE OF CONTENTS LIMS # 105155 Report Key ...................................................... ii Table of Contents ................................................. iii Narrative .................. . ..................................... iv Chain of Custody and Sample Description Information Analytical Results Summary (LIMS Report) A. LIMS Datasheets B. QC Summaries Page iii of iv Cor. i.~ Em~iro. mt~tal NARRATIVE LIMS # 105155 The samples were received by Enseco-CRL in a chilled state, intact, and with the chain of ' custody. There were no anomalieS associated with this report. Please note that Debbie Irwin was notified on April 13, 1994 at 12:30 PM that the cooler temperature was 15.4°C. Page iv of iv "[.. Enseco SAMPLE DESCRIPTION INFORMATION for Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Lab ID 105155- 105155- 105155- 105155- 105155- 105155- 105155- 105155- 105155- 105155- 105155- 105155- 105155- 105155- 105155- 105155- 105155- 105155- 105155- 105155- 105155- 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021 - SA - SA - SA - SA - SA - SA - SA - SA - SA - SA - SA - SA - SA - SA - SA - SA - SA - SA - SA - SA Client ID W-1,2,3,4 COMPOSITE WE-N-10' WE-N-20 WE-S-10 WE-S-20 WE-E-10 WE-E-20 WE-W-10 WE-W-20 WE-CENTER-22' ES-1,2,3,4 COMPOSITE EE-N-10 EE-N-20 EE-S-10 EE-S-20 EE-E-10 EE-E-20 EE-W-10 EE-W-20 EE-CENTER-22' BACKGROUND Sampled Matrix Date Time SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL SOIL 12 ;%PR 94 12 APR 94 12 APR 94 12 APR 94 12 APR 94 12 APR 94 12 APR 94 12 APR 94 12 APR 94 12 APR 94 12 APR 94 12 APR 94 12 APR 94 12 APR 94 12 APR 94 12 APR 94 12 APR 94 12 APR 94 12 APR 94 12 APR 94 12 APR 94 Received Date 13 APR 94 13 APR 94 13 APR 94 13 APR 94 13 APR 94 13 APR 94 13 APR 94 13 APR 94 13 APR 94 13 APR 94 13 APR 94 13 APR 94 13 APR 94 13 APR 94 13 APR 94 13 APR 94 13 APR 94 13 APR 94 13 APR 94 13 APR 94 13 APR 94 METALS Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: WE-CENTER-22' Lab ID: 105155-0010-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: See Below Received: 13 APR 94 Analyzed: See Below Parameter Result Wet wt. Reporting Analytical Units Limit Method Prepared Analyzed Date Date Arsenic 3.6 mg/kg 0.50 7062 Mercury ND mg/kg 0.10 7471 Selenium ND mg/kg 0.50 7742 14 APR 94 19 APR 94' 14 APR 94 14 APR 94 14 APR 94 19 APR 94 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Nick Lacson Approved By: Sonia Tabirara TTLC (Total) Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Clien~ ID: WE-CENTER-22' Lab ID: 105155-0010-SA Matrix: 'SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: See Below Received: 13 APR 94' Analyzed: See Below Parameter Result Wet wt. Reporting Analytical Units Limit Method Prepared Analyzed Date Date Antimony ND mg/kg 6.0 6010 Barium 47.1 mg/kg 1.0 6010 Beryllium 0.22 mg/kg 0.20 6010 Cadmium 0.72 mg/kg 0.50 6010 Chromium 4.3 mg/kg 1.0 6010 Chromium, Hexavalent ND mg/kg 0.10 7196 Cobalt 3.4 mg/kg 1.0 6010 Copper 4.9 mg/kg 2.0 6010 Lead 22.1 mg/kg 5.0 6010 Molybdenum ND mg/kg ' 2.0 6010 Nickel ND mg/kg 4.0 6010 Silver ND mg/kg 1.0 6010 Thallium ND mg/kg 50.0 6010 Vanadium 20.8 mg/kg 1.0 6010 Zinc 21.5 mg/kg 2.0 6010 14 APR 94 15 APR 94, 14 APR 94 15 APR 94 14 APR 94 15 APR 94 14 APR 94 15 APR 94 14 APR 94 15 APR 94 15 APR 94 15 APR 94 14 APR 94 15 APR 94 14 APR 94 15 APR 94 14 A~R 94 15 APR 94 14 APR 94 15 APR 94 14 APR 94 15 APR 94 14 APR 94 15 APR 94 14 APR 94 15 APR 94 14 APR 94 15 APR 94 14 APR 94 15 APR 94 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Julie Wenholz Approved By: Sonia Tabirara METALS C ~r~fin,~ £~fz,ironmental $~'rt,iccs Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: EE-CENTER-22' Lab ID: 105155-0020-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 A~R 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: See Below Wet wt. Reporting Parameter Result Units Limit Arsenic 2.8 mg/kg 0.50 Mercury ND mg/kg 0.10 Selenium ND mg/kg 0.50 Received: 13 APR 94 Analyzed: See Below Analytical Prepared Analyzed Method Date Date 7062 7471 7742 14 APR 94 19 APR 94' 14 ;%PR 94 14 APR 94 14 APR 94 19 APR 94 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Nick Lacson Approved By: Sonia Tabirara CAM METALS TTLC (Total) Enseco Cornin~ En~,ironmental Sert,ices Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: EE-CENTER-22' Lab ID: 105155-0020-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: See Below Wet wt. Reporting Parameter Result Units Limit Antimony ND mg/kg Barium 25.8 mg/kg Beryllium ND mg/kg Cadmium ND mg/kg Chromium 3.6 mg/kg Chromium, Hexavalent ND mg/kg Cobalt 2.1 mg/kg Copper 3.3 mg/kg Lead ND mg/kg Molybdenum ND mg/kg Nickel ND mg/kg Silver ND mg/kg Thallium ND mg/kg Vanadium 15.5 mg/kg Zinc 15.5 mg/kg 6.0 1.0 0.20 0.50 1.0 0.10 1.0 2 0 5 0 2 0 4 0 1 0 50 0 1 0 2 0 Received: 13 APR 94 Analyzed: See Below Analytical Prepared Analyzed Method Date Date 6010 6010 6010 6010 6010 7196 6010 6010 6010 6010 6010 6010 6010 6010 6010 14 APR 94 15 APR 94' 14 APR 94 15 APR 94 14 APR 94 15 APR 94 14 APR 94 15 APR 94 14 APR 94 15 APR 94 15 APR 94 15 APR 94 14 APR 94 15 APR 94 14 APR 94 15 APR 94 14 APR 94 15 APR 94 14 APR 94 15 APR 94 14 APR 94 15 APR 94 14 APR 94 15 APR 94 14 APR 94 15 APR 94 14 APR 94 15 APR 94 14 APR 94 15 APR 94 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Julie WenhOlz Approved By: Sonia Tabirara METALS Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: BACKGROUND Lab ID: 105155-0021-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: See Below Received: 13 APR 94 Analyzed: See Below Parameter Result Wet wt. Reporting Analytical Units Limit Method Prepared Analyzed Date Date Arsenic 7.8 mg/kg 0.50 7062 Mercury ND mg/kg 0.10 7471 Selenium ND mg/kg 0.50 7742 14 APR 94 19 APR 94 14 APR 94 14 APR 94 14 APR 94 19 APR 94 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Nick Lacson Approved By: Sonia Tabirara CAM METALS TTLC (Total) Cornin$ Enuironmcnlal S,'r~'icc~ Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: BACKGROUND Lab ID: 105155-0021-SA Matrix: SOIL Authorized: 13 APR 94 Parameter Result Antimony ND Barium 128 Beryllium 0.28 Cadmium 1.1 Chromium 10.3 Chromium, Hexavalent ND Cobalt 5.0 Copper 13.2 Lead 41.1 Molybdenum ND Nickel 8.1 Silver ND Thallium ND Vanadium 28.7 Zinc 230 Sampled: 12 APR 94 Prepared: See Below' Received: 13 APR 94. Analyzed: See Below Wet wt. Reporting Analytical Units Limit Method Prepared Analyzed Date Date mg/kg 6.0 6010 mg/kg 1.0 6010 mg/kg 0.20 6010 mg/kg 0.50 6010 mg/kg 1.0 6010 mg/kg 0.10 7196 mg/kg 1.0 6010 mg/kg 2.0 6010 mg/kg 5.0 6010 mg/kg 2.0 6010 mg/kg 4.0 6010 mg/kg 1.0 6010 mg/kg 50.0 6010 mg/kg 1.0 6010 mg/kg 2.0 6010 14 APR 94 15 APR 94 14 APR 94 15 APR 94 14 APR 94 15 APR 94 14 APR 94 15 APR 94 14 APR 94 15 APR 94 15 APR 94 15 APR 94 14 APR 94 15 APR 94 14 APR 94 15 APR 94 14 APR 94 15 APR 94 14 APR 94 15 APR 94 14 APR 94 15 APR 94 14 APR 94 15 APR 94 14 APR 94 15 APR 94 14 APR 94 15 APR 94 14 APR 94 15 APR 94 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Julie Wenholz Approved By: Sonia Tabirara Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, Recoverable Method EPA 418.1 Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: W-1,2,3,4 COMPOSITE Lab ID: 105155-0001-SA Matrix: .SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: NA Received: 13 APR 94' Analyzed: 14 APR 94 Parameter Result Units Reporting Limit TPH, Recoverable 160 mg/kg 50 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Lourdes Manalo Approved By: Jeannie Shoulder Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, Recoverable Method EPA 418.1 Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: WE-N-10' Lab ID: 105155-0002-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: NA Received: 13 APR Analyzed: 14 APR 94 Parameter Result Units Reporting Limit TPH, Recoverable mg/kg 10 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Lourdes Manalo Approved By: Jeannie Shoulder Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, Recoverable Method EPA 418.1 Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: WE-N-20' Lab ID: 105155-0003-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: NA Parameter Result Units TPH, Recoverable ND mg/kg Received: 13 APR 94. Analyzed: 14 APR 94 Reporting Limit 10 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Lourdes Manalo Approved By: Jeannie Shoulder Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, Recoverable Method EPA 418.1 'Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: WE-S-10' Lab ID: 105155-0004-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 D~PR 94 Prepared: NA Received: 13 APR 94' Analyzed: 14 APR 94 Parameter Result Units Reporting Limit TPH, Recoverable mg/kg 10 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Lourdes Manalo Approved By: Jeannle Shoulder Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, Recoverable Method EPA 418.1 Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: WE-S-20' Lab ID: 105155-0005-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: NA Received: 13 APR 94 Analyzed: 14 APR 94 Parameter Result Units Reporting Limit TPH, Recoverable mg/kg 10 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: .Lourdes Manalo Approved By: Jeannie Shoulder Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, Recoverable Method EPA 418.1 Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: WE-E-10' Lab ID: 105155-0006-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: NA Received: 13 APR 94 Analyzed: 14 APR 94 Parameter Result Units Reporting Limit TPH, Recoverable mg/kg 10 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Lourdes Manalo Approved By: Jeannie Shoulder Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, Recoverable Method EPA 418.1 Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: WE-E-20' Lab ID: 105155-0007-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: NA Received: 13 APR 94 Analyzed: 14 APR 94 Parameter Result Units Reporting Limit .TPH, Recoverable mg/kg 10 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Lourdes Manalo Approved By: Jeannie Shoulder Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, Recoverable Method EPA 418.1 Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept inc. client ID: wE-W-lO' Lab ID: 105155-0008-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: NA Received: 13 APR 94 Analyzed: 14 APR 94 Parameter Result Units TPH, Recoverable ND mg/kg Reporting Limit 10 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Lourdes Manalo Approved By: Jeannie Shoulder Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, Recoverable Co.mt.~ £nz'iron..'.hH S,'rt'ic,'s Method EPA 418.1 Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: WE~W-20' Lab ID: 105155-0009-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 A~R 94 Authorized: 13 A~R 94 Prepared: NA Received: 13 APR 94 Analyzed: 14 APR 94 Parameter Result Units Reporting Limit TPH, Recoverable 36 mg/kg 10 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Lourdes Y~analo Approved By: Jeannie Shoulder Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, Recoverable Corm.,~ Em,~nmmental $~,ic~ Method EPA 418.1 Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: WE-CENTER-22' Lab ID: 105155-0010-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: NA Received: 13 APR 94 Analyzed: 14 APR 94 Parameter Result Units Reporting Limit TPH, Recoverable mg/kg 10 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Lourdes Manalo Approved By: Jeannie Shoulder Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, Recoverable Method EPA 418.1 Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: ES~1,2,3,4 COMPOSITE Lab ID: 105155-0011-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: NA Received: 13 APR 94 Analyzed: 14 APR 94 Parameter Result Reporting Units Limit TPH, Recoverable 1500 mg/kg 5O0 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Lourdes Manalo Approved By: Jeannie Shoulder Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, Recoverable Cor.i.g E.t,ironntc. tal Method EPA 418.1 Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: EE-N-10' Lab ID: 105155-0012-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: NA Received: 13 APR 94 AnalYzed: 14 APR 94 Parameter Result Units Reporting Limit TPH, Recoverable mg/kg 10 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Lourdes Manalo Approved By: Jeannie Shoulder Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, Recoverable Cor.i~,¢, Em,iro~lnwnlal Sert,i¢c~ Method EPA 418.1 Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: EE-N-20' Lab ID: 105155-0013-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: NA Parameter Result Units TPH, Recoverable ND mg/kg Received: 13 APR 94 Analyzed: 14 APR 94 Reporting Limit 10 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Lourdes Manalo Approved By: Jeannie Shoulder Tota~Petroleum Hydrocarbons, Method EPA 418.1 Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: EE-S-10' Lab ID: 105155-0014-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: NA Parameter Result Units TPH, Recoverable ND mg/kg Cot ~i.R En~,ironmental Received: 13. APR 94 Analyzed: 14 APR 94 Reporting Limit 10 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Lourdes Manalo Approved By: Jeannie Shoulder Hydrocarbons, Corning £nvir(.tmcntdl Services Method EPA 418.1 Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: EE-S-20' Lab ID: 105155-0015-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: NA Parameter Result Units Received: 13 APR 94 Analyzed: 14 APR 94 Reporting Limit TPH, Recoverable mg/kg 10 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Lourdes Manalo Approved By: Jeannie Shoulder Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, Recoverable Method EPA 418.1 Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: EE-E-10' Lab ID: 105155-0016-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: NA Parameter TPH, Recoverable Result ND Units mg/kg Received: 13 APR 94 Analyzed: 14 APR 94 Reporting Limit 10 ND = NOt detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Lourdes Manalo Approved By: Jeannie Shoulder Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, Recoverable Method EPA 418.1 Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: Lab ID: 105155-0017-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: NA Received: 13 APR 94 Analyzed: 14 APR 94 Parameter Result Units Reporting Limit TPH, Recoverable mg/kg 10 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Lourdes Manalo Approved By: Jeannie Shoulder Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, Recoverable Method EPA 418.1 Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: EE-W-10' Lab ID: 105155-0018-SA F~atrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: NA Parameter ReEult Received: 13 APR 94 · 'Analyzed: 14 APR 94 units Reporting Limit TPH, Recoverable mg/kg 10 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Lourdes Manalo Approved By: Jeannie Shoulder Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, Recoverable Method EPA 418.1 Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: EE-W-20' Lab ID: 105155-0019-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: NA Received: 13 APR 94 Analyzed: 14 APR 94 Parameter Result Reporting Units Limit TPH, Recoverable 31 mg/kg ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Lourdes Manalo Approved By: Jeannie Shoulder Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, Recoverable Method EPA 418.1 Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: EE-CENTER-22' Lab ID: 105155-0020-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: NA Parameter Result Units TPH, Recoverable ND mg/kg Received~ 13 APR 94' Analyzed: 14 APR 94 Reporting Limit 10 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Lourdes Manalo Approved By: Jeannie Shoulder Total Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons Method 8015 Modified (CADHS) Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: W-1,2,3,4 COMPOSITE Lab ID: 105155-0001-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: 13 APR 94 Received: 13 APR 94 Analyzed: 13 APR 94 Parameter Result Units Reporting Limit Kerosene ND Stoddard Solvent ND Jet Fuel ND Diesel Fuel ~2 ND Unknown hydrocarbon ND mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 10 10 10 10 10 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Jerome Dumlao Approved By: Lery Yabut Total Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons Method 8015 Modified (CADHS) Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: WE-N-10' Lab ID: 105155-0002-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 .Prepared: 13 APR 94 Received: 13 APR 94 A~alyzed: 13 APR 94 Parameter Result Units Reporting Limit Kerosene ND Stoddard Solvent ND Jet Fuel ND Diesel Fuel #2 ND Unknown hydrocarbon ND mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 10 10 10 10 10 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Jerome Dumlao Approved By: Lery Yabut Total Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons Enseco Method 8015 Modified (CADHS) Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: WE-N-20' Lab ID: 105155-0003-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 A~R 94 Prepared: 13 APR 94 Received: 13 APR 94 Analyzed: 13 APR 94 Parameter Result Units Reporting Limit Kerosene ND Stoddard Solvent ND Jet Fuel ND Diesel Fuel ~2 ND Unknown hydrocarbon ND mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg- mg/kg mg/kg 10 10 10 10 10 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Jerome Dumlao Approved By~ Lery Yabut Total Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons ED_seco Cormn,e £~lvtromncntal Servw~'s Method 8015 Modified (CADHS) Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: WE-S-10' Lab ID: 105155-0004-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: 13 APR 94 Received: 13 APR 94 Analyzed: 13 APR 94 Parameter Result Units Reporting Limit Kerosene ND Stoddard Solvent ND Jet Fuel ND Diesel Fuel ~2 ND Unknown hydrocarbon ND mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 10 10 10 10 10 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Jerome Dumlao Approved By: Lery Yabut Total Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons Enseco Method 8015 Modified (CADHS) Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: WE-S-20' Lab ID: 105155-0005-SA Matrix: SOIL- Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: 13 APR 94 Parameter Result Kerosene ND Stoddard Solvent ND Jet Fuel ND Diesel Fuel ~2 ND Unknown hydrocarbon ND Received: 13 APR Analyzed: 13 APR 94 Reporting Units Limit mg/kg 10 mg/kg 10 mg/kg 10 mg/kg 10 mg/kg 10 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Jerome Dumlao Approved By: Lery Yabut Total Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons Cormng Em,ironme.lal Services Method 8015 Modified (CADHS) Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: WE-E-10' Lab ID: 105155-0006-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: 13 APR 94 Received: 13 APR 94 Analyzed: 14 APR 94 Parameter Result Units Reporting Limit Kerosene ND Stoddard Solvent ND Jet Fuel ND Diesel Fuel ~2 ND Unknown hydrocarbon ND mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 10 10 10 10 10 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Jerome Dumlao Approved By: Lery Yabut Total Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons Method 8015 Modified (CADHS) Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: WE-E-20' Lab ID: 105155-0007-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: 13 APR 94 Received: 13 APR 94 Analyzed: 14 APR 94 Parameter Result Units Reporting Limit Kerosene ND Stoddard Solvent ND Jet Fuel ND Diesel Fuel ~2 ND Unknown hydrocarbon ND mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 10 10 10 10 10 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Jerome Dumlao Approved By: Lery Yabut Total Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons Method 8015 Modified (CADHS) Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: WE-W-10' Lab ID: 105155-0008-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: 13 APR 94 ReCeived: 13 APR 94 A~alyzed: 14 APR 94 Parameter Result Units Reporting Limit Kerosene Stoddard Solvent Jet Fuel Diesel Fuel ~2 Unknown hydrocarbon mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 10 10 10 10 10 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Jerome Dumlao Approved By: Lery Yabut Total Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons Method 8015 Modified (CADHS) Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: WE-W-20' Lab ID: 105155-0009-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: 13 AI~R 94 Received: 13 APR 94. Analyzed: 14 APR 94 Parameter Result Units Reporting Limit Kerosene ND Stoddard Solvent ND Jet Fuel ND Diesel Fuel ~2 ND Unknown hydrocarbon ND mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 10 10 10 10 10 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Jerome Dumlao Approved By: Lery Yabut Total Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons Method 8015 Modified (CADHS) Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: WE-CENTER-22, Lab ID: 105155-0010-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: 13 APR 94 Received: 13 APR 94 Analyzed: 14 APR 94 Parameter Result Units Reporting Limit Kerosene ND Stoddard Solvent ND Jet Fuel ND Diesel Fuel #2 ND Unknown hydrocarbon ND mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 10 10 10 10 10 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Jerome Dumlao Approved By: Lery Yabut Total Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons Method 8015 Modified (CADHs) Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: ES-1,2,3,¢ COMPOSITE Lab ID: 105155-0011-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: 13 APR 94 Received: 13 APR 94 knaly'zed: 14 APR 94 Parameter Result Units Kerosene ND mg/kg Stoddard Solvent ND mg/kg Jet Fuel ND mg/kg Diesel Fuel ~2 ND mg/kg Unknown hydrocarbon 1100 mg/kg Reporting Limit 10 10 10 10 10 Y Note y : Chromatographic profile is not consistent with pattern(s) exhibited by reference fuel standards. Quantitation of unknown hydrocarbons in sample is based on diesel fuel. ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Jerome Dumlao Approved By: Lery Yabut Total Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons. Method 8015 Modified (CADHS) Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: EE-N-10' Lab ID: 105155-0012-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: 13 APR 94 Received: 13 APR 94 Analyzed: 14 APR 94 Parameter Result Units Reporting Limit Kerosene ND Stoddard Solvent ND Jet Fuel ND Diesel Fuel #2 ND Unknown hydrocarbon ND mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 10 10 10 10 10 ND = NOt detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Jerome Dumlao Approved By: Lery Yabut Total Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons Method 8015 Modified (CADHS) Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: EE-N-20' Lab ID: 105155-0013-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: 13 APR 94 Received: 13 APR 94 Analyzed: 14 APR 94 Parameter Result Units Kerosene ND mg/kg Stoddard Solvent ND mg/kg Jet Fuel ND mg/kg Diesel Fuel ~2 ND mg/kg Unknown hydrocarbon ND mg/kg Reporting Limit 10 10 10 10 10 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Jerome Dumlao Approved By: Lery Yabut Total Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons Method 8015 Modified (CADHS) Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: EE-S-10' Lab ID: 105155-0014-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: 13 APR 94 Received: 13 APR 94 Analyzed: 14 APR 94 Parameter Result Units Reporting Limit Kerosene ND Stoddard Solvent ND Jet Fuel ND Diesel Fuel ~2 ND Unknown hydrocarbon ND mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 10 10 10 10 10 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Jerome Dumlao Approved By: Lery Yabut Total Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons Method 8015 Modified (CADHS) Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: EE-S-20' Lab ID: 105155-0015-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: 13 APR 94 Received: 13 APR 94 Analyzed: 14 APR 94 Parameter Result Units Reporting Limit Kerosene ND Stoddard Solvent ND Jet Fuel ND Diesel Fuel ~2 ND Unknown hydrocarbon ND mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 10 10 10 10 10 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Jerome Dumlao Approved By: Lery Yabut Total Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons Method 8015 Modified (CADHS) Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: EE-E-10' Lab ID: 105155-0016-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: 13 APR 94 Received: 13 APR 94 Analyzed: 14 APR 94 Parameter Result Units Reporting Limit Kerosene ND Stoddard Solvent ND Jet Fuel ND Diesel Fuel ~2 ND Unknown hydrocarbon ND mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 10 10 10 10 10 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Jerome Dumlao Approved By: Lery Yabut Total Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons Cornm,,~ £m,iro.menlal Sc~'iccs Method 8015 Modified (CADHS) Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: EE-E-20' Lab ID: 105155-0017-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: 13 APR 94 Received: 13 APR 94 Analyzed: 14 APR 94 Parameter Result Units Reporting Limit Kerosene ND Stoddard Solvent ND Jet Fuel ND Diesel Fuel ~2 ND Unknown hydrocarbon ND mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 10 10 10 10 10 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Jerome Dumlao Approved By: Lery Yabut Total Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons " Enseco Cot. re,t, E~'t,ironme~tal Method 8015 Modified (CADHS) Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: EE-W-10' Lab ID: 105155-0018-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: 13 APR 94 Received: 13 APR 94 Analyzed: 14 APR 94 Parameter Result Units Reporting Limit Kerosene ND Stoddard Solvent ND Jet Fuel ND Diesel Fuel ~2 ND Unknown hydrocarbon ND mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 10 10 10 10 10 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Jerome Dumlao Approved By: Lery Yabut Total Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons Method 8015 Modified (CADHS) Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: EE-W-20' Lab ID: 105155-0019-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: 13 APR 94 Parameter Result Kerosene ND Stoddard Solvent ND Jet Fuel ND Diesel Fuel ~2 ND Unknown hydrocarbon ND Received: 13 APR 94 Analyzed: 14 APR 94 Reporting Units Limit mg/kg 10 mg/kg 10 mg/kg 10 mg/kg 10 mg/kg 10 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Jerome Dumlao Approved By: Lery Yabut Total Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons Method 8015 Modified (CADHS) Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: EE-CENTER-22' Lab ID: 105155-0020-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: 13 APR 94 Parameter Result Kerosene ND Stoddard Solvent ND Jet Fuel ND Diesel Fuel ~2 ND Unknown hydrocarbon ND Received: 13 APR Analyzed: 14 APR 94 Reporting Units Limit mg/kg ~0 mg/kg 10 mg/kg 10 mg/kg 10 mg/kg 10 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Jerome Dumlao Approved By: Lery Yabut Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and Xylenes Method CADHS Client Name: Advance Envirorunental Concept Inc. Client ID: W-1,2,3,4 COMPOSITE Lab ID: 105155-0001-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: 13 APR 94 Received: 13 APR 94 ;%nalyzed: 13 APR 94 Parameter Result Wet wt. Units Reporting Limit Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes (total) ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg 5.0 5.0 5.0 15 Surrogate Recovery Bromofluorobenzene 116 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Inaam Mohamed Approved By: Lery Yabut Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and Xylenes Method CADHS Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: WE-N-10' Lab ID: 105155-0002-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: 13 APR 94 Received: 13 APR 94 Analyzed: 13 APR 94 Parameter Result Wet wt. Units Reporting Limit Benzene ND Toluene ND Ethylbenzene ND Xylenes (total) ND ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg 5.0 5.0 5.0 15 Surrogate Recovery Bromofluorobenzene 129 % ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Inaam Mohamed Approved By: Lery Yabut Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and Xylenes Method CADHS Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: WE-N-20' Lab ID: 105155~0003-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: 13 APR 94 Received: 13 APR 94 Analyzed: 13 APR 94 Parameter Result Wet wt. Units Reporting Limit Benzene ND Toluene ND Eth¥1benzene ND Xylenes (total) ND ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg 5.0 5.0 5.0 15 Surrogate Recovery Bromofluorobenzene 118 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Inaam Mohamed Approved By: Lery Yabut Benzene, Toluene', Ethylbenzene and Xylenes Method CADHS Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: WE-S-10' Lab ID: 105155-0004-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: 13 APR 94 Received: 13 APR 94 Analyzed: 13 APR 94 Parameter Result Wet wt. Units Reporting Limit Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes (total) ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg 5.0 5.0 5.0 15 Surrogate Recovery Bromofluorobenzene 126 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable~ Reported By: Inaam Mohamed Approved By: Lery Yabut Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and Xylenes Cornm.¢ £m,inmmental Servicer Method CADHS Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: WE-S-20' Lab ID: 105155-0005-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: 13 APR 94 Received: 13 APR 94 Analyzed: 13 APR 94 Parameter Result Benzene ND Toluene ND Ethylbenzene ND Xylenes (total) ND Surrogate Bromofluorobenzene Recovery 128 Wet wt. Units ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg Reporting Limit 5.0 5.0 5.0 15 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Inaam Mohamed Approved By: Lery Yabut Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and Xylenes Method CADHS Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: WE-E-10' Lab ID: 105155-0006-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: 13 ~R 94 Received: 13 APR 94 Analyzed: 13 APR 94 Parameter Result Wet wt. Units Reporting Limit Benzene ND Toluene ND Ethylbenzene ND Xylenes (total) ND Surrogate Recovery ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg 5.0 5.0 5.0 15 Bromofluorobenzene 127 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Inaam Mohamed Approved By: Lery Yabut Benzene, TolUene, Ethylbenzene and Xylenes Enseco Method CADHS Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: WE-E-20' Lab ID: 105155-0007-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 A~R 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: 13 APR 94 Received: 13 APR 94 Analyzed: 13 APR 94 Parameter Result Wet wt. Units Reporting Limit Benzene ND Toluene ND Ethylbenzene ND Xylenes (total) ND ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg 5.0 5.0 5.0 15 Surrogate Recovery Bromofluorobenzene 127 % ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Inaam Mohamed Approved By: Lery Yabut Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and Xylenes Method CADHS Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: WE-W-10' Lab ID: 105155-0008-SA Matrix: SOIL Authorized: 13 APR 94 Parameter Sampled: 12 APR 94 Prepared: 13 APR 94 Recgived: 13 APR 94 D.nalyzed: 13 APR 94 Result Wet wt. Units Reporting Limit Benzene ND Toluene ND Ethylbenzene ND Xylenes (total) ND ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg 5.0 5.0 5.0 15 Surrogate Bromofluorobenzene Recovery 142 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Inaam Mohamed Approved By: Lery Yabut Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and Xylenes Method CADHS Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: WE-W-20' Lab ID: 105155-0009-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: 13 APR 94 Received: 13 APR 94 Analyzed: 13 APR 94 Parameter Result Wet wt. Units Reporting Limit Benzene ND Toluene. ND Ethylbenzene ND Xylenes (total) ND ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg 5.0 5.0 5.0 15 Surrogate Recovery Bromofluorobenzene 131 % ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: InaamMohamed Approved By: Lery Yabut Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and Xylenes Method CADHS Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: WE-CENTER-22' Lab ID: 105155-0010-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: 13 APR 94 Parameter Result Wet wt. Units Benzene ND Toluene ND Ethylbenzene ND Xylenes (total) ND ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg Surrogate Recovery Bromofluorobenzene 128 Received: 13 APR 94' ;%nalyzed: 13 APR 94 Reporting Limit 5.0 5.0 5.0 15 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Inaam Mohamed Approved By: Lery Yabut Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and Xylenes Method CADHS Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: ES-1,2,3,4 COMPOSITE Lab ID: 105155-0011-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: 13 APR 94 Received: 13 APR 94 Analyzed: 13 APR 94 Parameter Result Wet wt. Units Reporting Limit Benzene ND Toluene ND Ethylbenzene 22 Xylenes (total) 24 ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg 5.0 5.0 5.0 15 Surrogate Recovery Bromofluorobenzene 102 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Inaam Mohamed Approved By: Lery Yabut Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and Xylenes Corm,,~ £ntqronmental Services Method CADHS Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: EE-N-10' Lab ID: 105155-0012-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: 13 APR 94 Received: 13 APR 94 Analyzed: 13 APR 94 Parameter Result Wet wt. Units Reporting Limit Benzene ND Toluene ND Ethylbenzene ND Xylenes (total) ND ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg 5.0 5.0 5.0 15 Surrogate Recovery Bromofluorobenzene 99 % ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Inaam Mohamed Approved By: Lery Yabut Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and Xylenes Cor.i.R E.~,iro...'.tal S~'n.ic,'~; Method CADHS Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: EE-N-20' Lab ID: 105155-0013-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 AI~R 94 Prepared: 13 APR 94 Received: 13 APR 94 Analyzed: 13 APR 94 Parameter Result Wet wt. Units Reporting Limit Benzene ND Toluene ND Ethylbenzene ND Xylenes (total) ND ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg 5.0 5.0 5.0 15 Surrogate Recovery Bromofluorobenzene 101 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Inaam Mohamed Approved By: Lery Yabut Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and X¥1enes Method CADHS Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: EE-S-10' Lab ID: 105155-0014-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: 13 APR 94 Received: 13 APR 94' Analyzed: 13 APR 94 Parameter Result Wet wt. Units Reporting Limit Benzene ND Toluene ND Ethylbenzene ND Xylenes (total) ND ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg 5.0 5.0 5.0 15 Surrogate Recovery Bromofluorobenzene 99 % ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Inaam Mohamed Approved By: Lery Yabut Benzene, Toluene, ~thylbenzene and Xylenes Method CADHS Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: EE-S-20' Lab ID: 105155-0015-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: 13 APR 94 Received: 13 APR 94 D~lalyzed: 13 APR 94 Parameter Result Wet wt. Units Reporting Limit Benzene ND Toluene ND Ethylbenzene ND Xylenes (totaI) ND ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg 5.0 5.0 5.0 15 Surrogate Recovery Bromofluorobenzene 100 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Inaam Mohamed Approved By: Lery Yabut Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and Xylenes Cormng £nvrronmental Method CADHS Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: EE-E-10' Lab ID: 105155-0016-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: 13 ~uPR 94 Received: 13 APR 94 Analyzed: 13 APR 94 Parameter Result Wet wt. Units Reporting Limit Benzene ND Toluene ND Ethylbenzene ND Xylenes (total) ND ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg 5.0 5.0 5.0 15 Surrogate Recovery Bromofluorobenzene 99 % ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Inaam Mohamed Approved By: Lery Yabut Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and X¥1enes Enseco Method CADHS Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: EE-E-20' Lab ID: 105155-0017-SA Matrix: SOIL Authorized: 13 APR 94 Parameter Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes (total) Surrogate Bromofluorobenzene Sampled: 12 APR 94 Prepared: 13 APR 94 Received: 13 APR 94 Analyzed: 13 APR 94 Result Wet wt. Units Reporting Limit Recovery ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg 5.0 5.0 5.0 15 99 % ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Inaam Mohamed Approved By: Lery Yabut Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and Xylenes Method CADHS Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: EE-W-10' Lab ID: 105155-0018-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: 13 APR 94 Received: 13 APR 94 Analyzed: 13 APR 94 Parameter Result Wet wt. Units Reporting Limit Benzene ND Toluene ND Ethylbenzene ND Xylenes (total) ND ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg 5.0 5.0 5.0 15 Surrogate Recovery Bromofluorobenzene 100 % ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Inaam Mohamed Approved By: Lery Yabut' Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and Xylenes En5~co Method CADHS Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: EE-W-20' · Lab ID: 105155-0019-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR 94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: 13 APR 94 Received: 13 APR 94 Analyzed: 13 APR 94 Parameter Result Benzene ND Toluene ND Ethylbenzene ND Xylenes (total) ND Surrogate Bromofluorobenzene Recover5; 100 Wet wt. Units' ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg Reporting Limit 5.0 5.0 5.0 15 ND = NOt detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Inaam Mohamed Approved By: Lery Yabut Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and Xylenes Method CADHS Client Name: Advance Environmental Concept Inc. Client ID: EE-CENTER-22' Lab ID: 105155-0020-SA Matrix: SOIL Sampled: 12 APR-94 Authorized: 13 APR 94 Prepared: 13 A~R 94 Received: 13 APR 94' Analyzed: 13 A]~R 94 Parameter Result Wet wt. Units Reporting Limit Benzene ND Toluene ND Ethylbenzene ND Xylenes (total) ND ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg 5.0 5.0 5.0 15 Surrogate Recovery Bromofluorobenzene 100 ND = Not detected NA = Not applicable Reported By: Inaam Mohamed Approved By: Lery Yabut QC LOT ASSIGNMENT REPORT MS QC Metals Analysis and Preparation Laboratory Sample Number QC Matrix QC Category 105155-0010-SA 105155-0010-SA 105155-0010-SA 105155-0010-SA 105155-0020-SA 105155-0020-SA 105155-0020-SA 105155-0020-SA 105155-0021-SA 105155-0021-SA 105155-0021-SA 105155-0021-SA SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SE-HAA-S HG-CVAA-S ICP-S AS-HAA-S SE-HAA-S HG-CVAA-S. ICP-S AS-HAA-S SE-HAA-S HG-CVAA-S ICP-S AS-HAA-S QC Lot Number (DCS) 14 APR 94-B 14 APR 94-D 14 APR 94-B 14 APR 94-B 14 APR 94-B 14 APR 94-D 14 APR 94-B 14 APR 94-B 14 APR 94-B 14 APR 94-D 14 APR 94-B 14 APR 94-B QC Run Number (SCS/B~NK/LCS) 14 APR 94-B 14 APR 94-D 14 APR 94-B 14 APR 94-B 14 APR 94-B 14 APR 94-D 14 APR 94-B 14 APR 94-B 14 APR 94-B 14 APR 94-D 14 APR 94-B 14 APR 94-B MS QC Run Number (SA, MS, SD, DU) 14 APR 94-BD 14 APR 94-DA 14 APR 94-BD 14 APR 94-BC 14 APR 94-BD 14 APR 94-DA 14 APR 94-BD 14 APR 94-BC 14 APR 94-BD 14 APR 94-DA 14 APR 94-BD 14 APR 94-BC DUPLICATE CONTROL SAMPLE REPORT Metals Analysis and Preparation Project: 105155 Category: SE-HAA-S Selenium, Matrix: SOLID QC Lot: 14 APR 94-B Concentration Units: mg/kg Hydride AA Concentration Analyte Spiked DCS1 Selenium 74.2 54.4 Measured DCS2 55.6 AVG 55.0 Date Analyzed: 19 APR 94 Accuracy Precision Average(%) (RPD) DCS Limits DCS Limit 74 68-132 2.2 20 Category: HG-CVAA-S Mercury by CVAA Matrix: SOLID QC Lot: 14 APR 94-D Concentration Units: mg/kg Analyte Mercury Concentration Spiked Measured DCS1 DCS2 32.0 31.6 33.0 AVG 32.3 Date Analyzed: 14 APR 94 Accuracy Precision Average(%) (RPD) DCS Limits DCS Limit 101 52-148 4.3 20 Category: ICP-S ICP Metals Matrix: SOLID QC Lot: 14 APR 94-B Concentration Units: mg/kg Concentration Analyte Spiked Measured DCS1 DCS2 AVG Antimony 75.0 102 101 102 Barium 64.8 67.6 66.4 67.0 Cadmium 61.6 63.5 62.1 62.8 Chromium 44.1 47.2 45.6 46.4 Cobalt 177 193 188 190 Copper 78.1 84.4 83.3 83.8. Lead 50.9 59.0 57.4 58.2 Molybdenum 104 116 114 115 Nickel 110 122 118 120 Silver 71.7 71.5 69.9 70.7 Thallium 64.1 72.3 70.5 71.4 Vanadium 83.0 85.1 82.8 84.0 Zinc 78.2 86.8 85.1 86.0 Date Analyzed: 15 APR 94 Accuracy Precision Average(%) (RPD) DCS Limits DCS Limit 135 10-174 0.99 30 103 70-136 1.8 14 102 59-140 2.2 12 105 59-138 3.4 15 108 64-139 2.6 10 107 62-144 1.3 12 114 53-139 2.7 111 62-141 1.7 15 109 59-142 3.3 12 99 41-146 ~2.3 18 111 49-153 2.5 14 101 68-136 2.7 16 110 58-152 2.0 10 Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round-off errors in calculated results. DUPLICATE CONTROL SAMPLE REPORT Metals Analysis and Preparation Project: 105155 Category: AS-HAA-S Arsenic, Hydride AA Matrix: SOLID QC Lot: 14 APR 94-B Concentration Units: mg/kg Concentration Analyte Spiked Measured DCS1 DCS2 AVG Arsenic 72.1 72.2 72.0 72.1 Date Analyzed: 19 APR 94 Accuracy Precision Average(%) (RPD)' DCS Limits DCS Limit 100 49-153 0'-.28 20 Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round-off errors in calculated results. MATRIX.SPIKE/MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE QC REPORT Metals Analysis and Preparation Project: 105155 Category: SE-HAA-S Selenium, Hydride AA Matrix: SOLID Sample: 105127-0002 MS Run: 14 APR 94-BD Units mg/kg units Qualifier: Wet weight Concentration Analyte Selenium Sample Result MS Result MSD Result Amount Acceptance Spiked %Recovery %RPD Limit MS/MSD MS MSD Recov. RPD ND 71.7 69.8 100 72 70 2.7 45-128 40 Category: HG-CVAA-S Mercury by CVAA Matrix: SOLID Sample: 105090-0003 MS Run: 14 APR 94-DA Units mg/kg Units Qualifier: wet wt. Concentration Analyte Mercury Sample Result MS Result 0.367 MSD Result 0.367 Amount Spiked MS/MSD 0.438 Acceptance %Recovery %RPD Limit MS MSD Recov. RPD 84 84 0.0 49-159 38 Category: ICP-S ICP Metals Matrix: SOLID Sample: 105127-0002 MS Run: 14 APR 94-BD Units mg/kg Units Qualifier: Wet weight Concentration Amount Acceptance Sample MS MSD Spiked %Recovery %RPD Limit Analyte Result Result Result MS/MSD MS MSD Recov. RPD Antimony 6.82 23.2 26.3 50.0 33 39 17 10-88 60 Barium 130 324 321 200 97 96 1.6 45-127 51 Beryllium 0.533 5.22 5.14 5.00 94 92 1.7 53-110 25 Cadmium 0.564 6.05 6.23 5.00 110 113 3.2 43-109 39 Chromium 48.0 64.2 63.0 20.0 81 75 7.7 38-131 54 Cobalt 8.22 57.6 57.1 50.0 99 98 1.0 52-106 27 Copper 11.7 36.5 36.8 25.0 99 100 1.2 43-134 52 Lead 9.61 61.0 62.9 50.0 103 107 3.6 41-124 50 Molybdenum ND 24.2 24.7 20.0 121 124 2.0 39-123 25 Nickel 8.87 58.8 58.1 50.0 100 98 1.4 43-122 38' Silver ND 4.61 4.62 5.00 92 92 0.2 35-127 43 ND = Not Detected Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round-off errors in calculated results. MATRIX SPIKE/MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE QC REPORT Metals Analysis and Preparation Project: 105155 (Cont.) Category: ICP-S ICP Metals Matrix: SOLID Sample: 105127-0002 MS Run: 14 APR 94-BD (cont.) Units mg/kg Units Qualifier: Wet weight Concentration Sample MS Analyte Result Result Thallium ND 496 Vanadium 41.2 88.8 Zinc 48.8 97.0 MSD Re s u 1 t 498 88.6 99.3 Enscco Amount Acceptance Spiked %Recovery %RPD Limit MS/MSD MS MSD. Recov. RPD 500 99 100 0.4 49-109 20 50.0 95 95 0.4 49-117 39 50.0 96 101 4.7 36-125 57 Category: AS-HAA-S Arsenic, Hydride AA Matrix: SOLID Sample: 105129-0001 MS Run: 14 APR 94-BC Units mg/kg Units Qualifier: Wet wt. Concentration Amount Acceptance Sample MS MSD Spiked. %Recovery %RPD Limit Analyte Result Result Result MS/MSD MS MSD Recov. RPD Arsenic 4.99 54.5 57.5 50.0 99 105 5.9 50-127 25 ND = Not Detected Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round-off errors in calculated results. METHOD BLANK REPORT Metals Analysis and Preparation Project: 105155 Test: SE-HAA-S Matrix: SOLID QC Run: 14 APR 94-B Analyte Selenium Method 7742 Selenium, Hydride AA Result Units ND mg/kg Date Analyzed: 19 APR 94 Reporting Limit 0 .SO Test: HG-CVAA-S Matrix: SOLID QC Run: 14 APR 94-D Analyte Mercury Method 7471 Mercury, Cold Vapor AA Result Units Date Analyzed: 14 APR 94 Reporting Limit ND mg/kg 0.10 Test: ICP-CAM-S Matrix: SOLID QC Run: 14 APR 94-B Analyte Antimony Barium Beryllium Cadmium Chromium Cobalt Copper Lead Molybdenum Nickel Silver Thallium Vanadium Zinc Method 6010 CAM TTLC Metals done by ICP Result Units Date Analyzed: 1S APR 94 Reporting Limit ND mg/kg ND mg/kg ND mg/kg ND mg/kg ND mg/kg ND mg/kg ND mg/kg ND mg/kg ND mg/kg ND mg/kg ND mg/kg ND mg/kg ND mg/kg ND mg/kg 6.0 1.0 0.20 0.50 1.0 1.0 2.0 5.0 2.0 4.0 1.0 50.0 1.0 2.0 Test: AS-HAA-S Matrix: SOLID QC Run: 14 APR 94-B Analyte Arsenic Method 7062 - Arsenic, Hydride AA Result Units ND mg/kg Date Analyzed: 19 APR 94 Reporting Limit 0.50 ND = Not Detected ' .:.: Erlseco QC LOT ASSIGNMENT REPORT - MS QC Wet Chemistry Analysis and Preparation Laboratory Sample Number QC Matrix QC Category 105155-0001-SA SOLID TPH-IR-S 105155-0002-SA SOLID TPH-IR-S 105155-0003-SA SOLID TPH-IR-S 105155-0004-SA SOLID TPH-IR-S 105155-0005-SA SOLID TPH-IR-S 105155-0006-SA SOLID TPH-IR-S 105155-0007-SA SOLID TPH-IR-S 105155-0008-SA SOLID TPH-IR-S 105155-0009-SA SOLID TPH-IR-S 105155-0010-SA SOLID TPH-IR-S 105155-0010-SA SOLID CR6-S 105155-0011-SA SOLID TPH-IR-S 105155-0012-SA SOLID TPH-IR-S 105155-0013-SA SOLID TPH-IR-S 105155-0014-SA SOLID TPH-IR-S 105155-0015-SA SOLID TPH-IR-S 105155~0016-SA SOLID TPH-IR-S 105155-0017-SA SOLID TPH-IR-S 105155-0018-SA SOLID TPH-IR-S 105155-0019-SA SOLID TPH-IR-S 105155-0020-SA SOLID TPH-IR-S 105155-0020-SA SOLID CR6-S 105155-0021-SA SOLID CR6-S QC Lot Number (DCS) 13 APR 94-A 13 APR 94-A 13 APR 94-A 13 APR 94~A 13 APR 94-A 13 APR 94-A 13 APR 94-A 13 APR 94-A 13 APR 94-A 13 APR 94-A 15 APR 94-A 13 APR 94-A 13 APR 94-A 13 APR 94-A 13 APR 94-A 13 APR 94-A 13 APR 94-A 13 APR 94-A 13 APR 94-A '13 APR 94-A 13 APR 94-A 15 APR 94-A 15 APR 94-A QC Run Number (SCS/RUkNK/LCS) 13 APR 94-A 13 APR 94-A 13 APR 94-A 13 APR 94-A 13 APR 94-A 13 APR 94-A 13 APR 94-A 13 APR 94-A 13 APR 94-A 13 APR 94-A 15 APR 94-A 13 APR 94-A 13 APR 94-A 13 APR 94-A 13 APR 94-A 13 APR 94-A 13 APR 94-A 13 APR 94-A 13 APR 94-A 13 APR 94-A 13 APR 94-A 15 APR 94-A 15 APR 94-A MS QC Run Number (SA, MS,SD,DU) 13 APR 94-AA 13 APR 94-AA 13 APR 94-AA 13 APR 94-AA 13 APR 94-AA 13 APR 94-AA 13 APR 94~AA 13 APR 94-AA 13 APR 94-AA 13 APR 94-J%A 15 APR 94-AB 13 APR 94-AA 13 APR 94-AA 13 APR 94-J%A 13 APR 94-AA 13 APR 94-AA 13 APR 94-AA 13 APR 94-AA 13 APR 94-AA 13 APR 94-AA 13 APR 94-AA 15 APR 94-AB 15 APR 94-AB DUPLICATE CONTROL SAMPLE REPORT Wet Chemistry Analysis and Preparation Project: 105155 ".~; Ellseco Con, inR Ent.tro...'.tal Sert'ie'es Category: TPH-IR-S Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons by IR Matrix: SOLID QC Lot: 13 APR 94-A Concentration Units: mg/kg Concentration Analyte Spiked Measured DCS1 DCS2 TPH, Recoverable 40.0 39.8 37.8 AVG 38.8 Date Analyzed: 14 APR 9 Accuracy Precisic Average(%) (RPD) DCS Limits DCS Limi 97 74-124 5.2 Category: CR6-S Method 7196 Matrix: SOLID QC Lot: 15 APR 94-A Concentration Units: mg/kg Chromium, Hexavalent Concentration Analyte Spiked Measured DCS1 DCS2 AVG Chromium, Hexavalent 0.250 0.233 0.238 0.236 Date Analyzed: 15 APR 9 Accuracy Precisic Average(%) (RPD) DCS Limits DCS Limi 94 70-122 2.1 1 Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round-off errors in calculated results. MATRIX SPIKE/MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE QC REPORT Wet Chemistry Analysis and Preparation Project: 105155 Category: TPH-IR-S Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons by IR Matrix: SOLID Sample: 105155-0005 MS Run: 13 APR 94-AA Units: mg/kg Concentration Analyte TPH, Recoverable Sample MS ' MSD Result Result Result Amount Spiked ND 41.4 41.1 40.0 Acceptance %Recovery %RPD Limit MS MSD Recov. RPD 104 103 0.7 61-130 12 Category: CR6-S Method 7196 Chromium, Hexavalent Matrix: SOLID Sample: 105127-0002 MS Run: 15 APR 94-AB Units mg/kg Units Qualifier: wet weight Concentration Analyte Chromium, Hexavalent Amount Acceptance Sample MS MSD Spiked %Recovery %RPD Limit Result Result Result MS/MSD MS MSD Recov. RPD ND 1.63 1.68 2.50 65 67 3.0 33-136 41 ND = Not Detected Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round-off errors in calculated results. METHOD BLANK REPORT Wet Chemistry Analysis and Preparation Project: 105155 Test: TRPH-S Matrix: SOLID QC Run: 13 APR 94-A Analyte TPH, Recoverable Method EPA 418.1 - Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, Recoverable Result Units. Date Analyzed: 14 APR 94 Reporting Limit ND mg/kg 10 Test: CR6-CAM-S Matrix: SOLID QC Run: 15 APR 94-A 'Analyte Chromium, Hexavalent Method 7196 - Chromium, Hexavalent Result Units ND mg/kg Date Analyzed: 15 APR 94 Reporting Limit 0.10 ND = Not Detected QC LOT ASSIGNMENT -REPORT - MS QC LUFT Laboratory Sample Number 105155-0001-SA 105155-0001-SA 105155-0002-SA 105155-0002-SA 105155-0003-SA 105155-0003-SA 105155-0004-SA 105155-0004-SA 105155-0005-SA 105155-0005-SA 105155-0006-SA 105155-0006-SA 105155-0007-SA 105155-0007-SA 105155-0008-SA 105155-0008-SA 105155-0009-SA 105155-0009-SA 105155-0010-SA 105155-0010-SA 105155-0011-SA 105155-0011-SA 105155-0012-SA 105155-0012-SA 105155-0013-SA 105155-0013-SA 105155-0014-SA 105155-0014-SA 105155-0015-SA 105155-0015-SA 105155-0016-SA 105155-0016-SA 105155-0017-SA 105155-0017-SA 105155-0018-SA 105155-0018-SA 105155-0019-SA 105155-0019-SA 105155-0020-SA 105155-0020-SA QC Matrix SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID 'SOLID SOLID QC Category BTXE-S TEPH-S BTXE-S TEPH-S BTXE-S TEPH-S BTXE-S TEPH-S BTXE-S TEPH-S BTXE-S TEPH-S BTXE-S TEPH-S BTXE-S TEPH-S BTXE-S TEPH-S BTXE-S TEPH-S BTXE-S TEPH-S BTXE-S TEPH-S BTXE-S TEPH-S BTXE-S TEPH-S BTXE-S TEPH-S BTXE-S TEPH-S BTXE-S TEPH-S BTXE-S TEPH-S BTXE-S TEPH-S BTXE-S TEPH-S QC Lot Number (DCS) 13 APR 94-A0 13 APR 94-F 13 APR 94-A0 13 APR 94-F 13 APR 94-A0 13 APR 94-F 13 APR 94-A0 13 APR 94-F 13 APR 94-A0 13 APR 94-F 13 APR 94-A0 13 APR 94-F 13 APR 94-A0 13 APR 94-F 13 APR 94-A0 13 APR 94-F 13 APR 94-A0 13 APR 94-F 13 APR 94-A0 13 APR 94-F 13 APR 94-A5 13 APR 94-F 13 APR 94-/%5 13 APR 94-F 13 APR 94-A5 13 APR 94-F 13 APR 94-A5 13 APR 94-F 13 APR 94-A5 13 APR 94-F 13 APR 94-A5 13 APR 94-F 13 APR 94-A5 13 APR 94-F 13 APR 94-A5 13 APR 94-F 13 APR 94-/15 13 APR 94-F 13 APR 94-A5 13 APR 94-F QC Run Number (SCS/BLAN~/LCS) 13 APR 94-A0 13 APR 94-F 13 APR 94-A0 13 APR 94-F 13 APR 94-A0 13 APR 94-F 13 APR 94-A0 13 APR 94-F 13 APR 94-A0 13 APR 94-F 13 APR 94-A0 13 APR 94-F 13 APR 94-A0 13 APR 94-F 13 APR 94-A0 13 APR 94-F 13 APR 94-A0 13 APR 94-F 13 APR 94-A0 13 APR 94-F 13 APR 94-A5 13 APR 94-F 13 APR 94-A5 13 APR 94-F 13 APR 94-A5 13 APR 94-F 13 APR 94-A5 13 APR 94-F 13 APR 94-A5 13 APR 94-F 13 APR 94-A5 13' APR 94-F 13 APR 94-A5 13 APR 94-F 13 APR 94-A5. 13 APR 94-F 13 APR 94-A5 13 APR 94-F 13 APR 94-A5 13 APR 94-F MS QC Run Number (SA,MS,SD,DU) 13 APR 94-AA 13 APR 94-FA 13 APR 94-AA 13 APR 94-FA 13 APR 94-AA 13 APR 94-FA 13 APR 94-AA 13 APR 94-FA 13 APR 94-AA 13 APR 94-FA 13 APR 94-AA 13 APR 94-FA 13 APR 94-AA 13 APR 94-FA 13 APR 94-AA 13 APR 94-FA 13 APR 94-AA 13 APR 94-FA 13 APR 94-AA 13 APR 94-FA 13 APR 94-AA 13 APR 94-FA 13 APR 94-AA 13 APR 94-FA 13 APR 94-AA 13 APR 94-FA 13 APR 94-AA 13 APR 94-FA 13 APR 94-AA 13 APR 94-FA 13 APR 94-AA 13 APR 94-FA 13 APR 94-AA 13 APR 94-FA 13 APR 94-AA 13 APR 94-FA 13 APR 94-AA 13 APR 94-FA 13 APR 94-AA 13 APR 94-FA DUPLICATE CONTROL SAMPLE REPORT LUFT Project: 105155 Category: BTXE-S Aromatic Volatile Organics Matrix: SOLID QC Lot: 13 APR 94-A0 Concentration Units: ug/kg Concentration Analyte Spiked Measured DCS1 DCS2 Benzene 250 274 259 Toluene 250 294 284 Ethylbenzene 250 258 250 Xylenes (total) 750 784 778 AVG 266 289 254 ' 781 Date Analyzed: 13 APR 94 Accuracy Precisior Average(%) (RPD) DCS Limits DCS Limit 107 66-126 5.6 116 74-125 3.5 2] 102 72-129 3.0 104 76-123 0.82 Category: BTXE-S Aromatic Volatile Organics Matrix: SOLID QC Lot: 13 APR 94-A5 Concentration Units: ug/kg Concentration Analyte Spiked DCS1 Benzene 250 236 Toluene 250 244 Ethylbenzene 250 247 Xylenes (total) 750 736 Measured DCS2 238 247 252 742 AVG 237 245 249 739 Date Analyzed: 13 APR 94 Accuracy Precisior Average(%) (RPD) DCS Limits DCS Limit 95 66-126 0.88 98 74-125 1.1 2~ 100 72-129 1.8 98 76-123 0.78 Category: TEPH-S TPH, Extractable Matrix: SOLID QC Lot: 13 APR 94-F Concentration Units: mg/kg Concentration Analyte Spiked Measured DCS1 DCS2 AVG Diesel Fuel ~2 170 150 . 151 151 Date Analyzed: 13 APR 9~ Accuracy Precislo~ Average(%) (RPD) DCS Limits DCS Limit 89 42-146 0.46 4~ Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round-off errors in calculated results. MATRIX SPIKE/MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE QC REPORT LUFT Project: 105155 Category: BTXE-S Aromatic Volatile Organics Matrix: SOLID Sample: 105155-0003 MS Run: 13 D. PR 94-AA Units ug/kg Units Qualifier: wet wt. Concentration Analyte Sample MS MSD Result Result Result Benzene ND 239 239 Toluene ND 261 266 Ethylbenzene ND 218 234 Xylenes. (total) ND 668 733 Category: BTXE-S Aromatic Volatile Organics Matrix: SOLID Sample: 105155-0003 MS Run: 13 APR 94-AA Units ug/kg Units Qualifier: Wet wt. Concentration Sample Analyte . Result MS Result MSD Result Benzene ND 239 239 Toluene ND 261 266 Ethylbenzene ND 218 234 Xylenes (total) ND 668 733 ~mount Spiked %Recovery %RPD MS/MSD MS MSD AcceptanCe Limit Recov. RPD 250 95 95 0.0 65-132 36 '250 104 106 1.7 69-128 43 250 87 94 7.1 61-132 53 750 89 98 9.3 70-123 40 Amount Spiked %Recovery %RPD MS/MSD MS MSD Acceptance Limit Recov. RPD 250 95 95 0.0 65-132 36 250 104 106 1.7 69-128 250 87 94 7.1 61-132 53 750 89 98 9.3 70-123 40 Category: TEPH-S TPH, Extractable Matrix: SOLID Sample: 105155-0002 MS Run: 13 APR 94-FA Units: mg/kg /~nalyte Diesel Fuel ~2 Concentration Amount Acceptance Sample MS MSD Spiked %Recovery %RPD Limit Result Result Result MS/MSD MS MSD Recov. RPD 161 183 170 94 108 13 10-178 42 ND = Not Detected Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round-off errors in calculated results. SINGLE CONTROL SAMPLE REPORT LUFT Project: 105155 --' ~'" Enseco Category: BTXE-S Aromatic Volatile Organics Matrix: SOLID QC Run: 13 APR 94-A0 Concentration Units: ug/kg Concentration Analyte Spiked Measured Bromofluorobenzene 250 318 Date Analyzed: 13 APR 94 Accuracy(%) SCS Limits 127 48-160' Category: BTXE-S Aromatic Volatile Organics Matrix: SOLID QC Run: 13 APR 94-A5 Concentration Units: ug/kg Date Analyzed: 13 APR 94 Concentration Accuracy(%) Analyte Spiked Measured SCS Limits 250 257 103 48-160 Bromofluorobenzene Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round-off errors in calculated results. METHOD BLANK REPORT LUFT Project: 105155 Test: BTXE-S Matrix: SOLID QC Run: 13 APR 94-A0 Analyte Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes (total) QC Run: 13 APR 94-A5 Analyte Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes (total) Enseco Method BTXE-S - Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl Benzene and Xylenes (BTEX) Date Analyzed: 13 APR 94 Reporting Result Units Limit ND ug/kg 5.0 ND ug/kg 5.0 ND ug/kg 5.0 ND ug/kg 15 Result Units Date Analyzed: 13 APR 94 Reporting Limit ND ug/kg 5.0 ND ug/kg 5.0 ND ug/kg 5.0 ND ug/kg 15 Test: TEPH-S Matrix: SOLID QC Run: 13 APR 94-F Analyte Kerosene Stoddard Solvent Jet Fuel Diesel Fuel ~2 Unknown hydrocarbon Method CADHS - Total Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons Result Units Date Analyzed: 13 APR 94 Reporting Limit ND mg/kg 10 ND mg/kg 10 ND mg/kg 10 ND mg/kg 10 ND mg/kg 10 ND = Not Detected CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD Proiect I~lame Client Proiect# ~ Sample Condition ~-nple~s Si .nature..,,~ A'CID MobileN°mlelLab ~., ..~'~~ ~ Chilled Y./No CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD ~ Name Cli(~nt Pr(~ect# Page ~,~ of Turn Around Requested: ~.~ ~ ~ Lab Uae Only. ~ 48-Hour-Rush ~ ~' ~ as received: {)~(~:.~)~ Date . Received by: (SignaJure) Date : ~./j 2./~,~r- 5EA. L~E ~ Total Number of Contalnem Company: T~me ' Company: Time ~/i I~,L.'~.4,~ -ADVANCED,~, ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS INC- Company: 'Rme Company: ~/~ Time cos / a~l-lS,m C~ /0' ~ FAX 805 / 831-1771 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD ~ N~e CI~ P~i~ P~e ~ ~ ~ Turn Around R. ue~.: ~ ~ ~ . ~ U. ~. ~. ~-i0~ ~ E~vAT~u ~: ~e ~ ~: ~me~, · ADVANCED ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS "Appendix C' NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE HAULER RECORDS 'ell, Tank No. eld or Area P.O. BOX 5295 · BAKERSFIELD, CAUFORNIA 93388 (805) 589-5220 NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE HAULER RECORD TO BE USED FOR NON-HAZARDOUS WASTES ONLY NO. 115691 GENERATOR (Generator Must Complete) Field Address City, State, Zip Phone ~RO~ Order Placed Title TRANSPORTER (Hauler Must Complete) WASTE TO BE DISPOSED Type --.~/'~- Generating Location .~ '-Ioq ~),/dl,~ I,,~ ~ Special Handling Instructions: ~ Gloves ~ Goggles ~ Other Quantity [~ ~ DESIGNATED FACILITY Name ~/e~ ~o1'~ Address ~/~ .~.--~ ~] ci~, s~e, zi~ /~,~r~ ~ Bbls. Address ? ~ City, State, Zip ~~.~1~. Phone ~ Signat~ of Authorize~gent~r Driver Oa,e DISPOSAL FACIDTY [ (Facility Operator Must Complete) Name C ~ ~4 City. Sta~. Zip Phone ~o~ ~?7- Signature of Authorized Agent Date Ticket # .:~-~S/-~'~:/ Unit N~ Pick Up Date ~i/° ~O'"c~ ~/' Time NOTE: This form to be used in lieu of the California Department of Health Services Hazardous Waste Manifest for NON-HAZARDOUS wastes only. REMARKS: Quantity Received Time Bbls. Date [] AM [] PM DISPOSAL METHOD: [] Surface Impoundment [] Injection [] Landfill [] Other Return Copy To: GENERATOR UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED NOTE: If is not necessary to send copy to Dept. of Health Services. NO HAZARDOUS FEES SHOULD BE LEVIED fell, Tank No. eld or Area P.O. BOX 5295 · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93388 (805) 589-5220 NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE HAULER RECORD TO BE USED FOR NON-HAZARDOUS WASTES ONLY N°. ~~5693 GENERATOR I(Generator Must Complete) Name ~J/V/'7'('_'-/~ Field Address Y~O cit , State, PhOne ~. ~ ?_/ Order Placed By Signature o~uthorized Agent P~ Y-zo-~V Title TRANSPORTER (Hauler Must Complete) Name ~""M'_~ .~~.,~?"4~"7~ .~) ~lv"(.,.. Address ~- ~. ~ ~ ~ ~3 City, State, Zip ~C~/~ Signature of Authorized Agent or Driver Date ~ ~/~1~ -'- DISPOSAL FACILITY ~ (Facility Operator Must Complete) Name C Pho.e ~0~7-~?~/~ ~D~sp.T~cket Signature..~~of Authorized. Agent~ ~~ Date WASTE .TO BE DISPOSED Type ,~)( Generating Location ._.~o"~ Special Handling Instructions: [] Gloves [] Goggles Quantity/,,~ )1DESIGNATED FACILITY Name ~/'~'~/~R~. ,~ Address City, State...Zip Ticket # ~r-~:~)/] Pick Up Date [] Other Bbls. Quantity Received ~--'~. ,.~,-~'"-- Time Bbls. Date [] AM [] PM DISPOSAL METHOD: [] Surface Impoundment [] Injection [] Landfill [] Other Return Copy To: GENERATOR UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED NOTE: It is not necessary to send copy to Dept. of Health Services. NO HAZARDOUS FEES SHOULD BE LEVIED NOTE: This form to be used in lieu of the California Department of Health Services Hazardous Waste Manifest for NON-HAZARDOUS wastes only. REMARKS: Unit No. Time /ell, Tank No. ield or Area P.O. BOX 5295 · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93388 (805) 589-5220 NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE HAULER RECORD TO BE USED FOR NON-HAZARDOUS WASTES ONLY N°. ~~5692 GENERATOR, (Generator Must Complete) Name (_,,//!//r~'--x~ Field Address ~O City, State, Zip . .,,~'_//*,~,~, Phone ("~ ~, W ~ Order Placed By L./ a~~Authorized Agent . . Title TRANSPORTER I (Hauler Must Complete) Name /~u'~' Address ~. ~, City, State, Zip Phone ~~ Signature~~ o~ Authorized _Agent Date DISPOSAL FACI~TY ~ (Facility Operator Must Complete) Name C~ ~~~-9 Address ~ City, State, Zip Phone ~0~,~7- ~. 7~/~ / Disp. Ticket · Signature of Authorized Agent Date WASTE TO BE DISPOSED Type .~o Generating Location ~ Special Handling Instructions: [] Gloves [] Goggles Quantity ,/_,~ [] Other DESIGNATED FACILITY Name ~ / ~,~ ,'~ ,-~'~"~ Address 7~./_?_~ ~~ ~ City, State, Zip~~i ~ ~]~ Ticket ~ ~ ? >--~Z/ Unit No.~ /~ ~ PickUpDate ¢'~~/ Time ~'/~ BP- NOTE: This form to be used in lieu of the California Department of Health Services Hazardous Waste Manifest for NON-HAZARDOUS wastes only, REMARKS: Quantity Received ~)/7/ *0--¢ Bbls. Date ~ AM Time .0 PM DISPOSAL METHOD: B Surface Impoundment ~ Landfill ~ Other Return Copy To: GENERATOR UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED NOTE: It is not necessary to send copy to Dept, of Health ~rvices. NO HAZARDOUS FEES SHOULD BE LEVIED E] Injection ;Il, Tank No. ,Id or Area P.O. BOX 5295 · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93388 (805) 589-5220 NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE HAULER RECORD TO BE USED FOR NON-HAZARDOUS WASTES ONLY NO. ~~7503 GENERATOR I(Generator Must Complete) Name (//t/'/_?C--Z::) /24f~C~-r- ~'_~..~¢..~ ~r../~_~'.~ Field Address ~0 ~~ ~ - ~~ City, State, Zip ~~ ~ ~ A .~ ~ Phone ~0~ ~ l~ ' ~ Order Placed By ~ }~ ~~ Signat~e of Authorized Agent Title WASTE TO BE DISPOSED Type Generating Location Special Handling Instructions: [] Gloves [] Goggles [] Other Quantity |~ DESIGNATED FACILITY Address ~! ~3 City, State, Zip ~ Phone ~o~ ~ ~ Bbls.{ TRANSPORTER I (Hauler Must Complete) Name /~u~'-5 Address City, State, Zip Phone ~0~)~ Signature~l Authorized Agent ~ Driver Date ~' Ticket # ~-~ ~'~.~ q Unit No.''''~-~ / -'~ ~ Pick Up Date q"' ~O .~l~f Time /~ 2~ I"1 PM NOTE: This form to be used in lieu of the California Department of Health Services Hazardous Waste Manifest for NON-HAZARDOUS wastes only. REMARKS: DISPOSAL~ (Facility Operator Must Complete) Name C._~ ~ ---'.--~'-~ city, State, Zip -~~-,JO; J? ~) ~ C~, _. Phone _'~C%-'-~(~7-~?z! O. / Disp. Ticket # Signature o,f Authorized Agent Quantity Received Time DISPOSAL METHOD: Date C~. ~, 3 ('/ Bbls. Date []Au D. PM [] Surface Impoundment [] Landfill [] Other Return Copy To: GENERATOR UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIRED NOTE: It is not necessary to send copy to Dept. of Health Services. NO HAZARDOUS FEES SHOULD BE LEVIED [] Injection 'Appendix D' HAZARDOUS WASTE MAINFEST MAY-24-1994 18:18 FROM HERITAGE CONT MGT SVC$ TO 918858511971 .. ,..:. ~.?.., :....~; ....,..r.~.~:~.?...~.:.~?.,...~ .:.,..~...~.;..~, ~ .:~:.......~:: .. ~.:~ ~.:..:~'~;=.%;:. . .' 1: ', .... · o. _...=._, .... 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