HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION-SHALLOW WELLS ENVIRONMENIJ AL HEALTH SERVlCE JbEPARTMENT STEVE McCALLEY, R.E.H.S. DIRECTOR U.P.S. Thrift Plan Corp. Robert Egn 2000 Crow Canyon Road, ~300 San Ramon, CA 94583 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 (805) 861-3429 FAX July 18, 1994 SUBJECT: CLASS V SHALLOW INJECTION WELLS, LOCATED AT 3404 ORIN WAY BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA Dear Mr. Egn: This letter confirms the completion of site investigation involving the Class V Shallow Injection Well at the above locations. It is the position of this office that no further action is required at this time. In an effort to help you understand any liability that may still occur, please be advised that there could be liability under other federal and state regulations or codes. Along with this liability, conditions that may pose a threat to the public and or groundwater from existing or future conditions may have to be addressed at a later time. Any changes in the present or proposed use of the site may require further site characterization and mitigation activity. Please notify this agency of any changes in report content, future contamination findings, or site usage. If we may be of further assistance to you, please contact this Department at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely Stev~~le~ . By: ~Dan Starke~ . . . ~_ , . Hazardous Materials~lSpecia±is~ III Hazardous MaterialsVManagement Program CC: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ATTN: Martin Zeleznik Regional Water Quality Control Board - Fresno ATTN: Kevin Long A.E.S. 4400 Ash Rd. #206 Bak. CA 93313 (UPS. CL0) ENVIRONMEN STEVE McCALLEY, R.E.H.S. DIRECTOR HEALTH SERVIC ES '-DEPARTM ENT U.P.S. Thrift Plan Corp. Robert Egn 2000 Crow Canyon Road, #300 San Ramon, CA 94583 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 8akerefield, CA 93301 {805) 861-3636 {805) 861-3429 FAX July 18, 1994 SUBJECT: CLASS V SHALLOW INJECTION WELLS, LOCATED AT 3404 ORIN WAY BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA Dear Mr. Egn: This letter confirms the completion of site investigation involving the Class V Shallow Injection Well at the above locations. It is the position of this office that no further action is required, at this time. In an effort to help you understand any liability that may still occur, please be advised that there could be liability under other federal and state regulations or codes. Along with this liability, conditions that may pose a threat to the public and or groundwater from existing or future conditions may have to be addressed at a later time. Any changes in the present or proposed use of the site may require further site characterization and mitigation activity. Please notify this agency of any changes in report content, future contamination findings, or site usage. If we may be of further assistance to you, please contact this Department at (805) 861-3636. Since~¥ · Ste le By: Dan Starkey I~ Hazardous M_ater.ia_ls s~e~ialist III Hazardous Materials Ma~fagement Program cc: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ATTN: Martin Zeleznik Regional Water Quality Control Board - Fresno ATTN. Kevin Long (ups. cio)' AS$OCL tTED LABORAIORIES Beta'via. Orange, CLIENT SAMPLE 1DENTIFICA'['ION BASED ON SAMPLE Advanced Envil Attn: Jon 4400 Ashe Rca( suite #Z06 Bakertfield, Soil roj 3404 DaCe onmental concept (4289) A 93313 A8 ~ct: Orin Ct. Orin Court, Bakersfield Collected 03/03/94 Slbmitted CAM INORGANIC Atltimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium cadmium Chromium, Chromium, Tot cobalt copper FlUoride L~ad Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Silver Thallium VanaOium Zinc Hydrocarbons Total Mydrocl -Gasolil -Diesel ViCe Pr~s~den~ LIMIT$ 500 15 500 6.0 10,OO0 100 75 0.75 100 1.0 5OO 5 2,500 56O 8,000 80 ~,500 25 18,000 180 1,000 5,0 20 0.2 3,500 350 2,000 20 100 1,0 500 5 700 7.0 2,400 24 5~000 250 EPA 418.1 ~rbons (TPH DHS) by: FAX LAB NO 068609-03 BEPORTF..D 03/11/94 RECEIVED 03/04/94 To B-l-15~ TTLC ND< 1 ~,0 30,B ND< O, 2 0,78 ND< 1 · 2.38 ND< 1 25.1 0.41 42.7 0,11 ND< 0.5 ND< O. 5 ND< 0.5 ND< O. 2 ND< O. 5 4.92 14.7 7,700 mE/kg Be Repot:ed 780 mg/kg Later~ AS$OCb 8~6 North/~a~avJa - Orange, ~ CLIENT Advanced ~nvi= At,n: jon BUC~ 4400 Ashe Roa~ Suite #206 Bakersfield, SAMPLE iDENTIFICATION BASED ON SAMPL.E Soil ProJ 3404 Date As S CAM INORGANIC Antimony Arsonic Barium Bmryllium Cadmium chromium, Chromi~m, Cobalt Copper Fluoride Lead Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Silver ThalliUm Vanadium Zinc Hex Tot Hyd~.ooarbons Tot. al Hydroc~ -Diesel TED LABORA RE$ onmental Concept (4283) ~ct: Orin Ct. Orin CoUrt, Bakersfield Collected 03/03/94 ~bmitted 5O0 5OO 10,000 75 ~00 2,500 8,000 2,~00 18,000 1,000 20 3,500 2,000 100 5OO 700 2,400 5,000 STLC 15 100 0.75 560 80 180 5.0 0.2 35O ~0 1.0 5 7.0 24 250 EPA 418.1 ~rbons (TPH ~e DHS) )RIES, by: -LAB NO REPORTED (:;68609-04 RECEIVED 03/04/94 To ×g), 1.52 13.3 ND< O. 2 0.46 ND< I 2,60 1 .~2 20,8 2.26 4.03 ND< 0.07 ND< O. 5 1.0 ND< 0.5 ND< 0.2 0.88 8.60 · ~5.2 50 mg/kg Be Reported Later~ ND<IO mg/kg CONSULTING Cherfl,c~l , J'nvtrODrl'lentol * 17~07 806 ~fgrth Batavia. Orgn~e, ~ CLI£N'[' Advanced Envi~ Attn: Jon Buck 4400 Ashe Roa¢ Suite #206 Bakersfield, SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION BASED ON SAMPLE Soil Proj 3404 Date As $~ CAM /NORGANIC; Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium cadmium Chromium, Chromium, Cobalt Copper ~luortde Lead Mercury Molybdenum Niokml Selenium Silver Thallium Vanadium Zinc HeX Tot Hydrocarbons Total Hydrocs -Ga~Olin -Diesel $ IA B RAT Vice pre~ent LTED L,a. BO RE$ onmental Concept (4283) ct: 0tin Ct. orin Court, Bakersfield Collected 0~/03/94 .bmitted ,1 LIMITS TTLC 5O0 5OO 10,000 75 I00 2,500 8,000 2,500 18,000 1,000 2O 3,500 2,000 100 §00 700 2,400 5,000 STLC 5.0 100 0.75 1.0 5 8O 25 180 5.0 0.~ 350 20 1.0 7.0 24 ~50 EPA 418 · 1 rbons (TPH PHS) RIES, by: (i N0, 862 ~06 TO LAB NO. G68609-05 REPORTEr:) 03/11/94 RECEIVED 03/04/94 B-2-10' TTLC 6.~ 5.72 106 0.66 ND< O.2 ND< 1 11.5 8.75 8,50 3.82 46.9 ND< 0.07 ND( 0.5 6.63 ND< 0.5 ND< 0.~ 3.18 35.9 40.4 ND<10 mg/kg ~e Reported La~er~ ND<10 m~/kg TESTING & CON,~Ifl.nNG C"~emlcol. Microbtolo~i¢Ot , Enw~nmenlol , CLIENT Advanced Envir Attn: Son BucR 4400 A~ho Road Suite #206 Bakersfield, C SAMPLE IDENI'IFtCATION BASED ON SAMPLE Soil ProJe 3404 Date As Su Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Cadmium Chromium, Chromium, Cobalt Copper Fluoride Lead Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Silver Thallium Vanadium Zinc HeX. Tota Hydrocarbons E Total Hydrocar -Gasoline -Diesel NO, B62 TED LABO Rm$ FAX YJ4/$;;B.J~O~ )nmen%al Concept (4283) 93313 LAB NO REPORTEr) G68609-07 o3/ 1/ 4 :t: Orin Ct. )tin Court, Bakersfield :ollected 03/03/94 RECEIVED 500 15 500 5.0 10,000 100 75 0.75 100 1.0 B-4-10' TTI~ (m~/kq) 3,85 2,72 71.4 0.54 1.0 5OO 2,500 560 8,000 80 2,500 25 18,000 180 1:000 20 0 3,500 350 2,000 20 100 1 500 5 700 7 2,400 24 5,000 250 PA 418.1 bone (TPH DH$) by: .0 ,2 ND< 1 14 5 19 0 58 .0 .0 .3 .45 .0 .37 .8 03/04/94 0.;~4 ND< 0.5 3.95 ND< 0.5 ND< 0.2 2.23 30.4 49.0 ~70 mg/kg 7~$TING 6 M~r¢)biologtcat , To Be Reported LaterN~ 50 mg/kg CLI£N1' Advanced ~nvtr Attn: Jon Buck 4400 Ashe Road Suite ~306 Bakersfield, C SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION BASED oi'4 SAMPLE Zoil ProJ 3404 Da~a As Su CAM INORGANIC8 Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Cadmium Chromium, Chromium, Cobalt Copper Fluoride Lead Mercury Molybdenum NicKel Selenium Silver Thallium Vanadium Zinc Hex. Tota Mydrocarbons E Total. Hydrocar -Gasoline ~~~SS' IA LA TOR LABORA RmS Iffornta $2~68- ~i4/~?l~$O0 ~nmental Concept (4283) 93313 t: Orin Ct. )tin Court, Bakersfield ~olleo~8d 03/03/94 )mitted LIMITS TTLC STLC 500 15 500 B,O 10,000 100 75 0.75 100 1,0 500 5 2,500 560 8,000 80 2,500 25 18,000 180 1,000 5.0 20 0,2 3,500 350 2,000 20 100 1.0 500 5 700 7.0 2,400 24 5,000 250 A 418.1 )one (TPH DH$) ~ES., To NO. 862 LAB NO G68609-05 REPORTEr) 03/11/94 RECEIVE[) 03/04/94 B-4-1S~ TTI~ ~,~8 3.92 41.5 0.30 0.71 ND< 1 6.84 3,70 ~0.8 0.43 35.3 ND< 0.07 ND< 0.5 2.10 ND< 0,5 ND< 0.2 1.24 14.9 34.4 70 mg/kg Be Reported Later~ ND<10 m~/k~ 05/~1/94 · 17~09 AS$OCb 806 J~rl~ ~atavla- Or~a~, ~¢ CLIENT Advanced En¥ir Attn: Jori Buck 4400 Ache Road Suite #206 5AMPLE IDENTIFICATI©N BASED ON SAMPL5 Soil 3404 Date As S% CAM INORGANIC! Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium .Cadmium Chromium, Chromium, Cobalt Copper ?luoride Lead Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Silver Thallium vanadium Zing Hex Tot~ Hydrocarbong Total.Hydroca Ga~olln rSD LABORATOR S )nmental Concept (4~83) A 93313 ,ct: 0,tn Ct. Orin court, Bakersfield Collected 03/03/94 LIMITS TTL¢ STL~ 5OO 15 500 5.0 10,000 100 75 0.75 100 1,0 5OO 5 2,500 560 8,000 80 2,500 25 18,000 160 1,000 5.0 20 0.2 3,500 350 2,000 20 100 1.0 500 5 700 7.0 2,400 24 5,000 250 SPA 418.1 :bon~ (TPH DHS) ~IES, by: the public, ou( ~liiAt~, &~d ourselves, NO, 862 FJ~X ? J 4 / li38.L~O9 LAB NO G68609-09 R EPORI'[,',L.: 03 / 11/94 RECEIV£I) 03/04/94 ~-4-20 TTLC l,O0 3,23 26.2 0.28 0.25 ND< ] 3 ND< NDe ND< ND< .47 .82 3.04 0,26 5,11 0.07 0.92 0.5 0.2 0,90 11.0 15.4 280 mg/kg To ~e Reported Later N~<iO mg/kg 17:07 ASSOC# C~ JENT Advanced Enviz Attn: JOn Buck 4400 Amhm R~ad Suite #206 Bakersfield, C SAIdPLE IDENTIFICATION BASED ©N SAMPLE 3404 Date CAM INORGANI Cf Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium cadmium Chromium, Chromium, Lead Meu?ury Mol;D~enum Nickel Sela:~ium Silver T~allium Vanadium Zinc }{eX. Tot~ Mydrooarbons Total Mydroca -Die,el LASORA Rm$ lltornl= 9~88#- 7~4/77~-6~00 ~nmen=al Concept (4283) 93313 ¢~: Orin ct. Orin Court, Bakersfield Collected 05/05/94 Dmitted 1 LIMITS 5O0 500 '10,000 75 100 500 2,500 8,000 2,500 18,000 1,000 ~0 3,500 2,000 100 500 700 2,400 5,000 STLC 0.75 1.0 5 560 80 180 5.0 0.2 35O 20 1.0 5 7.0 24 250 :PA 418.1 'bon~ (TPH PHS) NO. 862 ~07 FAX 714/$~84~09 LAB NO G68609-06 REPORTEI-:: 03/ll/94 RECEIVED 03/04/~4 B-3-10' TTLC .~a~ I k.~) 2.33 6.45 44.7 0.43 ND< O. 2 ND< 1 4 4 .~2 3.65 0.70 1.68 ND< 0.07 ND< 0.5 2.83 ND< 0.5 ND< 0.2 1.34 21.9 21.2 ND<10 mg/kg TO Be Reported Later~p ND<10 mg/kg 'T6$TlhrG & CONSUL?lNG Ct,emi~l . E. nwronmenf~l * AEC FIGURE 3 t~he mailpiece, or on Complete items ~1 --d/or 2 · Complete items r J 4a · Print your*name a,.. addre~ return this cerd to you. · Attach this form to the does not permit, ' Write "Retun · The Return Receipt will delivered., article was i 3. Article Addressed .' U.P.S. THRIFT PLAN CORP. ' ~ 2000 CROW CANYON ROAD, #300 i SAN RAMON, CA 94583 i ATTN: ROBERT ENG (Addrese~qe) o~ PS Form December 1991 GPO: $9~;~-352.714 can servi6~s fee): ' ~,rticle Number ,' · Service Type ,~ I-1 ~egistered - · [] Ir~s;~ ~ertified-.:.' ' [] COD [] Express[~lail '~**~ 7. Date . ~,:: Addre~i~e's Address'(Onl~ paid).' .: PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE TO AVOID PAYMENT OF POSTAGE, $300 Print your name, address and ZIP Code here KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 ihl,,',*lli,,Ihth,,,,,Ih h,ll. CC: Sincerely, Hazardous Mat, eriais Sh6eciaiist iii Hazardous Materials Management. Program U.S. Environmental Protecsion Agency (EPA) ATTN: Martin Zeleznik, Regionai Water Quali%y Control Board - Fresno ATTN: Kevin Long AEC, 440(3 Ash Rd. ;206, Bak. CA 93313 ATTN: John Buck KERN COUNTY ENVIRONI~ENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTHENT XNVESTIGATION RECORD - HHM~ OWNER/OPERATOR: UPS THRIFT PLAN CORP. DBA: FORMER U.P,S, SiTE ADDRESS: P,O. BOX 88"259 ATLANTA GA. ADDRESS OF ViOLATiON: 3304 ORIN CT. 9AKERSFIELD CA. 93308 APN: 3..~-!~00-25-00-.~_ u.z"~: 05 I_NSPECTOR,: TERRY GRAY WOP...E ORDE2 NUMBER: 50133 NUMBER: ~TLE NA.HE: FORMER U o .... =--.S. SiTE TIME -.'~__,_ _:= '. :::_; i <i2-._LL FRO>! i'>3.- ! EON'2iE XT 3. L -"3>;CZPTS i.'1<!i~7 ':'~-!,RCtNL '~EziVTriX _}C',-D !RE ARE .... OLD irAi'iL!TT :i11[...' .... 7) , ......~ r: ..... - ......... ..... , 'W T TNi S R ED ............. S ..... >, "~P i.. F'<G '-"~n: .... ;'Dr:Y," ' Ci_ARiFZER, THERE WAS LiQUiD .",.Nil SLUDGE '[N THE ,_ ~:~.~:_FiER. THERE [./AS .-\. S~.~C-I-iT '."~ :' ~. .... v ~..~.- ""-~P~_ m,~ oN.. _ lOC -:\>:O lh-E c'LUDG~ W:'\S -X P,} :~C.I{TqL,r COLOR <'OHPLETED ~r-=~ REPORT Ah"n C!LE UPDAT~-n,_;~, FiLE:'N~'~. :, .......... COWDLmT~q WORK ORDER. nRAWTr. F:.... ..... NOT!F_:C:-~TION LP2ITER. CHRONOLOGICAL RECORD OF INVESTIGATION FILE NAME: FORMER U.P.S. SITE ) i . 0 WASTE LEVELS, TRF'H -r-;~x- " .... ~ 'Y''~')~h.~ I"F T*~'~- '" ~ ~rrr~mz-'~ " ...............~ -:- , ',]t}': i ~ [[SF ",X'V, _.. , ...... ~ ........ . ....... i--, , '"..:=-..=' ',:* .......... ' ' wF:p'xki WF';F,?K r.,~ :(S, T ",Si(ED }-iZ~'~ 'Z:'.': FAX '.'JZ .". !::qz~l(i. 2 '~-o S ' 00 "d'f. '.7[{Ui;:SDAT, ~1:_7 TOLl': WAq ..... '-' '.Tr:'-, "'0 ' BOR!iSG ~ ' FRO>~ T~ S~' LEVEL, :n.~: WAS w[L ;fAS DiS('OLORED AT THX 15' >COT A SOT!CEABLE ODOR. THE SOiL WAS SANDY ..,..); A NOTICEABLE ODOR. _! ORYWELL ',..IS LOCATED ON THE WEST q!DE n? }3UI LDIWG. A DORTi OR' OF THE SURFACE :': EXCAVATED AND THE WASH RACK PIPING EXPOSED THE ?IPE HAD BEEb~ CU~ OR 2ROI(EN. :~BOE~ FEET TO THE WEST IS A DRYWELL. DAT~ CHRONOLOGICAL RECORD OF INVESTIGATION FILE NAME: FORMER U.P.S. SITE NARI1AT I VE ) :Ir ? P !?T?N '3AHPLES RETRIEVED C'OPY DE:' "7i{l hi>Il'FED ::!Z~'E!WED !N!Ti..\L WORi< 3 UIC PAPERWORK CHECKLIST '7 15Ia H !!l .:;: i-[ i '%-(l'i'l('i { ~7 }'}~CESS:\N!": x ............. .......... :' ,.:,, (.iF 3-ECZSSARY} ViTNESS il,~!'rl \[ '3:xVDT ,Wl,'p?-~'OltT q-rwu RE(~E,~ST DETAILS AND DOCUHENT.:\T!ON FOR n~O :' .... [ ] U~C PA~g~O~K CHECKLIST ( Z_'q)i-TZALS ~ [:'UT ;"..BATE B_',_!'E AND \CT!C."( iF'FO CO}_iPUTER FiLl LOG FILE }[>,'TO F_\C!LZT'iES FILES TA!{E CO_x';PLETED FiiLE TO FILE ROOh' r ] F'iL.:.-Z r [ ].'.~,'- ....... CC',[-'..;T !' "-;q [ ~ [ ENVIRONMEN'I AL HEALTH SERVICE5 DEPARTMENT STEVE McCALLEY, R.E.H.S. DIRECTOR 2700 'M' Street, Suite 300 Bekorefield, CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 (805) 861-3429 FAX March 8, 1994 U.P.S. Thrift Plan Corp. 2000 Crow Canyon Road, #300 San Ramon, CA 94583 Attention: Robert Eng Regional Real Estate Manager N.W. Region SUBJECT: ~S V SI-LAIJ.OW INJECTION WET.I. LOCATED AT 3305 ORIN COURT, BAKERSFIELD, CAIJFORNIA. CASE # 50113 Dear Mx. F. ng: This is to inform you that the property noted above has been determined by Kern County Environmental Health Services Department to be the site of a Oass V shallow injection well. The well has been identified as a clarifier located at. the southeast corner of the building and a storm water drain located in the rear yard. This notice is being sent to you because you have been identified as the contact person for the property listed above. Pursuant to Code of Federal Regulations 40 (40 CFR), Section 144.12(a), "no owner or operator shall.., operate [an injection well].., in a manner that allows the movement of fluid containing any contaminant into underground sources of dri~nking water, if the presence of that contaminant may cause a violation of any primary drinking water regulation.., or may othemrise adversely affect the health of persons." On February 15, 1994, Jonathan Buck, of Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc., contacted this office and reported the ex/stence of one or more shallow disposal wells at, the location noted above and requested oversight from this office. During our inspection, sufficient evidence was observed to indicate that the wash rack and subsurface structure discharge industrial waste to the ground. Mr. Buck retrieved samples imm the clarffier for laboratory analysis. Please send a copy of the laboratovj analysis to this office within thirty (~0) days. The enclosed booklet cites the minimum required for site work plan activities, contractor requirements, example illustrations of well designs, and sampling methods and procedures. Should you wish to discuss the above regulations or criteria for Class V identification, please do not hesitate to call the in~l~ector indicated below. U.P.S. Th_dR Plan Corp. Subject: Class V Shallow Injection Well March 8, 1994 Page 2 If we may be of any further assistance, please contact this Department at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Steve McCalley, Director Terry L Gray Hazardous Materials Inspector Hazardous Materials Management Program ENCLOSURE cc: U.S. Environmental ProteCtion Agency (EPA) ATTN: Martin Zele~il~ Regional Water Quality Control Board - Fresno ATrN: Dale Easa~y CERTIFIED MAIL # P 244 898 128 'ADVANCED ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS INCm March 3, 1994 Mr. Terry Gray · Kern County Environmental Health Services Department 2700 "M" Street 5akersfield, California 93301 Regarding: Vacant UPS facility located at 3404 Orin Way Dear Mr. Gray, Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. (AEC) has been contracted by Mr. Kevin Boylan to perform subsurface soil investigations regarding two (2) waste water clarifler systems equipped with vertical disposal wells located at the vacant UPS facility on Orin Way. Due to Mr. Boylan's requested time frame for completion of soil sampling and the nature of the originally intended scope of work, AEC has not submitted a Work Plan describing the procedures required for full closure of these disposal wells to KCEHSD. A fully documented Work Plan will be completed and sent to your office, addressed to Mr. Dan Starkey, early next week for review. The purpose of this letter is to describe background information for the site and to provide a brief summary of assessment work completed on March 3, 1994. The vacant UPS facility is equipped with two (2) independent waste water separator systems, each utilizing a vertical disposal well for drainage of water separated from other waste fluids. One of these clarifier systems is located adjacent to the loading dock near the southeastern corner of the building. A wash rack and drainage line inside the eastern area of the structure drain liquid into this separator system. The second system, consisting of a smaller three (3) stage weir system and drainage line, is located inside the western area of the building. Both of the two (2) clarifier systems utilize separate disposal wells for ultimate disposal of "clean" water. On February 15, 1994, an AEC representative collected liquid and sludge samples from one of the holding tanks connected to the eastern clarifier system. These samples were submitted to a State of California certified laboratory for chemical analyses for the presence of Title 22 Metals, Volatile Organic Compounds (EPA Method 8260), Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (EPA Method 418.1), and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Diesel and Gasoline (EPA Method 8015). Based on the results of these laboratory analyses, additional assessment of the eastern clarifier and disposal well was warranted. According to information furnished by Mr. Boylan, the western clarifier system has not been used in nearly 20 years and no liquid is present within it. On March 3, 1993, one (1) soil boring was advanced to a depth of twenty feet adjacent to each of the two (2) disposal wells. Soil samples were collected from each of these borings in five (5) foot intervals, and submitted to a State of California certified laboratory for analyses of metals, TPH-d, TPH-g, and TRPH. Based on results of laboratory analyses of samples collected from the ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND · 4400 ASHE ROAD- #206 ° BAKERSFIELD. CA 93313 805/831-1.646 ° FAX 805/831-1771 Mr. Terry Gray Kern County Environmental Health Services Department 2700 "M" Street, Suite #300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 eastern clarifler, no volatile organic compounds were detectable in concentrations requiring additional testing. Two additional borings, to depths of ten [10] feet each, were advanced adjacent to the eastern clarifler. Samples from depths of ten [10] feet were submitted to the laboratory for analyses from each of these additional borings, which were intended to detect leakage near the connecting line on the northern edge and another possible connecting line on the southern edge of this clarifier. Results of the laboratory analyses of all samples collected on March 3, 1994 will be forwarded to your office as soon as they become available. AEC appreciates your cooperation in this matter and looks forward to future coordinated efforts in closing these disposal wells. Should your office require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us at [805] 831-1646. Respectfully Yours, Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. David A. Palmer Project Geologist Distribution: l/Addressee 1/Bksfld File · ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND 4400 ASHE ROAD. #206 ° E~AKERSFIELD. CA93313 805/831-1646 ° FAXS05/831-1771 We have If you need a re-send If we do not hear fror Facsimile sent to: Facsimile from: Advanced Environmental Concepts. Inc, ' fax Distribution .d. plus cover page, ~es please calf the number listed below wllhln 45 minutes. .~me that all pages were received, DATE: TO: ~ ?oo FAX Telephone ~". ,,. NAME: COMPANY: /~dvon(~ed Envlronmenlal Concepts, Inc ..... 4400 Ashe Rood, Sqlle 206 ,~. Bakersfield, Ca,!lforqla 933'13 FAX Telephone e', ~ 805~83~-~77'1 Office Telephone ~". : [805] 83'!-~,,646 i I 1 [ ] [ ApprOve, sign, and fax back I [ ] [ No resl.~.~nse ~'equlre, d ~ '" ! "1 ,, . · . , ,, ,t "~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '" 1he hard copy oft his transmllfal ts [~]~ is r~t [ ] being sent by mall. / 4400Ashe R ,od e206 *Bakersfleld, Collfornlo933¢3 * (805)83t.1646 · FAX: 8051831-~77~ March 3, t994 Mr. Terry Gray Kern County Envlronmer 2700 "M" Street Bakersfield, California Regarding: Vacant Dear Mr. Gray, Advanced Environment perform subsurface soil with vertical disposal w~ requested time frame fc scope of work, AEC has closure o1' these dlsposa sent to your office, addrf letter Is to describe ba~ assessment work compli The vacant UPS facility is, utilizing a vertical dlspos these olarlfier systems Is the building. A wash tar Into this separator systen and drainage line, Is loc systems utilize separate On February t5, ~994, c the holding tanks conne State of California certlfl Volatile Organic Comp 418.'1], and Total Petrole the results of these labor( well was warranted. Acc has not been used In ne On March 3, '1993, one ( of the two (2) disposal w foot Intervals, and subm TPH-d, TPH-g, and TRPH. /'lEE ,D',.'' ~: .':D i'/IRONMENTAL CONCEP'~S INC- tal Health Services Deportment 3301 L )$ facility located at 3404 Orln Way ~1 Concepts, Inc. (AEC) has been contracted by Mr. Kevln Boylan to nvesflgatlons regarding two (2] waste water c!arlfler systems equipped ,lis located at the vacant UPS facility on Orln Way. Due to Mr. Boylan's r completion of soil sampling and the nature of the originally Intended not submitted a Work Plan describing the procedures requlred for full wells to KCEHSD. A fully documented Work Plan will be completed and ~ssed to Mr, Dan Starkey, early next week for review. The purpase of thls ;kground Information' for the site and to provide a brief summary of ~ted on March 3, 1994. ~qulpped with two [2] Independent Waste water separator systems, each al well for drainage of water separated from other waste fluids. One of located adjacent to the loading dock near the southeastern oarn~ :k and drainage line Inside the eastern area of the structure drain liquid ~. The second system, consisting of a smaller three [3] stage weir system ated Inside the western area of the building. Both of the two [2) clarlfler disposal wells for ultimate disposal of "clean" water. n AEC representative collected liquid and sludge samples from one of ~ted to the eastern clarlfler system. These samples were submitted to a ~d laboratory for chemical analyses for the presence of Title 22 Metals, )unds (EPA Method 8260), Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (EPA Method Jm Hydrocarbons as Diesel and Gasoline (EPA Method 80'15]. Based on Itory analyses, additional assessment of the eastern clarlfler and disposal ordlng to Information furnished by Mr. Boylan, the western clartfler system arly 20 years and no liquid Is presenl within It. 1] soil boring was advanced to a depth of lwenly feet adjacent to each ells, Soil samples were collected from each of these borings In five fled to a State of C, allfornla certified laboratory for analyses of metals, Based on results of laboratory analyses of samples collected from the * ENV1RONME NTAL CONCEP ! 5, W{1H D[ SIGN IN MINI} ~, If you need a re-send ¢ Il' we do not hear from Facsimile sent to: Facsimile from: Advanced Environmental Conce ~ts, Inc, Panafax DistribUtion page[s] to send, plus cover page. ~ any of the pages please call the number listed below within 45 ~lnules, you, we will a,~ume that all pages Were received. AT[N: -- Office Telephone ~': ~'~ NAME: COMPANY: 4400 Ashe Road, Suite 206 Baker~ftl~ld, California 933 ~ 3. FAX Telephone e: 805/83'l- ~ 774. 4400 Ashe Rc ad ~206 * Bakersfield, Callfornlo 933t3 * [805} 83t-~646 · FAX: 805183~-~77' eastern clarifler, no volc additional testing, Two adjacent to the eastern laboratory for analyses f leakage near the connet the southern edge of this March 3, 49q4 will be fo~ AEC appreciates your c~ In closing these disposal hesitate to contact us at Respectfully Yours, David A. Palmer Project Geologist Distribution: le organic compound~ were detectable In concentrations req~ additional borings, to depths of ten (40] feet each, were adval clarlfler. Samples from depths of ten [40] feet were submlfled t, rom each of these additional borlngs~ which were Intended to d :ting line on the northern edge and another possible connecting lit clarlfler. Results of the laboratory analyses of all samples collectE yarded to your office as soon as they become available. ~peratlon In this matter and looks forward to future coordinated E wells. Should your office require additional Information, please d B05] 834-4646. Concepts, inc. /tddressee 4/~ksfid File · ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESK~N IN MIND · Irlng Iced ,the ~tect e on d on h'oHs not 4400AS~IEI:tOA~, #206 * I~AKERSFIELD. CA93313 .8051831-11~46 * FAX 8051831.1771 have 'T'£~ you need a re-s~nd c we do not hear frorr Facsimile sent to: Facsimile from: For yoU~ Please Approw 1he hard copy of lhls FACSIMILE REGARDtNC- 4400 A~he Roac Advanced EnvirOnmental Concepts, lnc, Panafax Distribution page[s] fo send, plus cover page, r~ any of the pages please call the number Itsted below within '15 minutes. 'au, we will assume thai all pages were received, DATE: To: _I~C£H~D : ,, 3?00' "/vi" I~>z~V..Ep,,~F JELD CA-_ ATTN: ~ FAX Telephone *: Office Telephone e: NAME: COMPANY: ... Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. 4400 Ashe.Rqo. d, Sulle 206 Bakersfield, CoIifornla. 933 t 3 FAX Telephone ~: ~05~,~3'~-'~774 Office Telephone *~: [805] 83t-'164~ oommenb ! [ ) ! A~ you requested :all me aboul Ibis I [ ~ As we discussed ~, sign, and fax back. [ ] No,response required 'ansmlltal Is [ ) Is not [ ~ being sent by moll. ~'206 *Bokersfleld. Collfornlo9331$ · I805}83~-~646 * FAX: 805183~-~77~1 I' KUrl DA TE OF TRANSMISSION: TO: ATTENTION: ,, COMPANY: .... FROM: L ORATOR I E.C, INC Heidi Moore BC LA BORA TORIE FAX NUMBERS (80 (805) 322-5 COMMENTS: · ANY PROBLEMS WITH T! Transmitted by: ~./~ '~ NUMBER OF PAGES (lnc FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION COVER SHEET ;~ INC. ;) 327-1918 'uding cover sheet): L4NSMISSION, PLEASE CALL: (805) 327-4911 EXT. 2.._~ / JIM'S SUPPLY 3530 P~ERCE ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 Attn.: KEVIN BLYLAR Sample Description= DRA~ FOR~ JON (Californi Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Cadmium Chromium Cobalt Copper Lead ~ercury Molybdenum 'Nickel Selenium Silver Thallium Vanadium Zinc Comment: All above cons, Results repot,sc techniques to d~ P.Q.L. = TTLC Practical Quant based on sample Soluble Thresho] Total Threshold REFERENCES: SW - "Test Methods ici EPA-SW-846, Sept~ 24-6514 Date Reported: 02/25/94 Date Received: 02/15/94 Laboratory No.: 9A-01690-2 ~-UPS: CLARIFIER-S SLUDGE FROM SOUTH CkJ%RIFIER COM~INATION AT ZR UPS FACILITY, 02-15-94 BETWEEN 1430 1500 HRS SAMPLED BY tUCK TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS ~'Code of Regulations~ Title 22, Section 66261) Method ~le Results ~P~Mt ~ Method Detected mg/kg 10. $W-6010 .:,~,~..~[;~} ~,~ mg/kg 1.0 SW-7060 ~i~ :~ mg/k~ 1.0 SW-~0~O Detected mg/kg 1.0 .~ .~ m~/k~ 1.0 SW-6010 · Z~ 2,~' m~/k~ 1.0 $W-6010 Detected mg/k~ 5.0 SW-6010 x~ ~'* mC/kc s.0 Detected mg/kg 5.0 5~ ~ mg/kg 5.0 Detected mg/kg ~.0 Detected m~/kg 2.0 Detected mg/k~ 10. ~: I mg/kg 1.0 3810_~ %0 m~/k~ 1.0 Regulatory' Criteria STLC TTLC 15. 500, 5,0 5O0. 100. 10000. 0.75 75. 1.0 !00.. 80 o. 25 2500.~ s o ~ooo~ o 2 350 3500. SW-T?40SW'6010 .:i..:/!:':..2I. O' SW-~010 , 0 SW-6010 24. sW-6010 250. '%oo.~ 500.:: 70~.:~ 2400. 5000. 'X :' '.'.' ' , ~. :?, ;.,.j"..,.~ ; ,tuents are reported on an as received ~wet) sample basis. I represen~ totals (TTLC) es sample subjected to appropriate .,ermine total levels. .ration Limit (refere t(5,',,~.,h.?;,least a~.~oun~ of analyte::'detec~&ble J Limit Concentration '::~ '" Department Supervisor co ~ J~C - JON I~UCK ~':.~,V .,::.'~ '~ ,~ ~,-. ,.,.,;~:'~ ~.:..~.:,:.'.'~u~ ....~ '...~, : ,,... ~ ~'-'.~ ',.'4:~ '~'?.,.,'~. '~':;~:~ ~?..W',,~I '~",? , ~ AIl,elultilll~d in lhll re~ a~e let the e~¢luave ale el ~e lu~l~n8 ~. ~ L~r~le~, I~. al~ume~ ne re~n~ibll~ lei ~e~ ~ alteri~e~, I~aret%n. ~hmente~ ~fl~d pa~ Inarpreallan. / JIM'g SUPPLY 3530 PIERCg ROAD BJLK:ERSFIBLD, CA 93308 Attn. z KEVIN BLYLAN Sample Deacrlption: DRAK JON Sample Matrix: Waste Wa Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Note: High reported PQL'~ California D.O.H.S. Cert. .... Department ~upervteor co~ A~C - ~ON BUCK 4'1C~ ~tas Ou.. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ~4-6514 Da:e of Report: 02/25/9¢ Lab #: 9a-01690-1 ~-UPS: C~aARI~IER-S WATER FROM SOUTH CLARIFIBR COMBINATION AT UPS FACILITY, 02-15-94 BETWEEN 1430 - 1500 HRS SAMPLED BY ~UCK :er Sample Results Method 10. ~PA-418.1 '~';"'"'d' :' :i ..... i,~. '.. W't~. ~ .... , ':,; due to high concentration of target analyr, ee. BAKERSFIgLD, CA 93308 Attn,: KRVIN BLY~JXN Sample Description: DRAKI FOR~ JON TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O. ~ndlvidu&l Sample Matrix: Waste We Dace Sample Colleoced: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 4-6514 Date of Report: 02/24/94 Lab #: :-UPS: CL~%RIFXER-S WATER FROM SOUTH CLARIFIER COM~INATION AT IR UPS FACILITY, 02~15-94 BETWEEN 1430 - 1500 HRS S~.M~LED BY ,UCK [.S. / L.U.P.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA !onstituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. .er Date ~ample Received % ~ab: Date Analysis Completed: Analysis Reporting . . Results . Units Minimum Reporting; 50 .%~ 0ZM'S SUPPLY 3S30 PI~RCg ROAD BAKgRSFIgLD, CA 93308 Attn.: rd:YIN BbYLAN 8ample Description: DP. RI< COMB Hexachlorobutadiene Isopropylbenzene p-Zsopropyltoluene Methylene Chloride Naphthalene n-Propylbenzene 1,1,1,2-Te:rachloroethane 1,2,2,2.TeCrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene ?oluene 1,2,3-Trtchlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Trtchloroethene Trichloro£1uoromethane 1,2,3-Trtchloro~ropane 1,2,4-Trtmethylbenzene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene V~nyl Chloride Total Xylene~ Department Supervisor co~ AEC -JON BUCK Volatile Organic Analysis Da~e of 'Report~ 02/2¢/9¢ Lab %: 9¢-01690-1TB l-UPS: CLARIFIER-S WATER ARD SLUD(]E FROM SOUTH CLARIFIER :NATION AT FORMER UPS FACILXTY, TRAVEL BI~LNK Analysis Repor~ing Reporting Resul~ . Un,ts Level._ None Detected #g/L 0,5 Mane Detected Fg/L 0.5 None Detected #g/b 0.5 None Detected #g/L 1. None Detected ~g/L 0.5 None Detected #g/L 0.S None Detected #g/L 0.5 None Detected ~g/L 0.$ None Detected ~g/L 0.5 None Detected #g/b 0.5 None Detected #g/L 0.5 None Detected None Detected None Detected #g/L None Detected ~g/L None Detec:ed ~/~ 0.~' None Detected Fg/L 0.$ None Detected ~g/L 0.5 None Detected ~g/~ on. Dot. c .d %%11 None Deteoted #~/L JIM'S SUPP&¥ Attn.: KEVZN BLYLAN 3: Sample Description: DRAK~ Test Method: ~PA Method Date Sample Collected: 02/xs/~4 Benzene Bromoben~ene Bromochloro~ethane Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bro~o~eth~ne n-Butylbenzene eec-Butylbenzene tert-Butylbenzene Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane 2-Chlorotoluene 4-Chlorotoluene D~bromocbloromethane 1,2-D~bromo-3-Chloropropm 1,2-D~bromoethane Dibro~omethane 1,2-D~c~lorobenzene 1,~-D~chlorobenzene ~,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,L-D~ohloroethane 1,2-DAchloroethane 1,l-D~chloroethene c~s-l,2-D~chloroethene Volatile Organic Analy~is ~ate of ~eport: 02/24/94 Lab #: 94-01590-1TB 4-6514 -U~S: CI2~RIFIER-S WATER/~ SLUDGE PROM SOUTH CIJ~FIER ~ATXON AT FOR~R UPS FACILITy, T~L B~K 260 S~Ple Matrix: Water Date 8~ple Date ~alysis Received · ~b: Completed: 02/~s/s~ 0~/~/~ Analysts · ~esults None Detected None Detected 'None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected NOne Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None De~ected None Detected None Detected None Detected None De~ected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None None None None Minimum Report in9 Report in~  _ Level ~g/L 0. ~ ~g/L 0. s Fg:IL O. S Fg'/L 0.$ ~g'/n '"0~ $ ~ ~g~ o, 5 ~g/L O,,$ o .~ 0,5 '~( /n ,~,.. o: ~'. ~/n O. S l~e~e~.~ed .~,~.: ".:. :".~.:;.ug/~. O. ~, 2-D~ cblo=op=opane No.e Detect6d ~g~ 0. Z, 3-Dichloropropane None Detected ~g/~ 0.5 2,2-Dichloropcopane ,None De~ec~e~ , , ~L 0. S 1, X -Dichloropropene ~;?~."'~,.::~None b~.~.~d .,:.~: :., ...~,,~.~g~L ~ ~.:' ..:~' "~'..:' ..0' Ethvl Benzene ~'~:.' "~:~L'None De~d '~,:~f t'.f'~g/~ ~;~'.'..;, ~{ ~. '.~. 5'~ " /~.';~.'~ '""J~?~' ~ ~'~:;~ ' ",' :' ~ - · :' ::'~ ~ ;'~,~? .~',',~ ~ . ~.=~ ~,.:.. / "~3 ' ~:': ~ "% ~lt re~h~ ll~ted in ~kl~ ~e~n me f~ ~e exclu eve use of ~ ~u~l~fn9 ~W. ~ La~ae ~, I~. assumes ~ ~ea~,l~i~ ~r ~e~ ,1tem~on, aepara~on, de,ch me L . Irdpa~ Int~tp~e~tlon. 3530 PZBRCg ROAD BRKERSFZELD, CA 93308 Attn.l K~VIN BLYLAR Sample Description: DR/LKI JON *Note~ High reported PQL', California D.O.N,$, Cert. Department Supervt eot cc~ A~C - JON BUCK UI rssutls Usled in Ihls ropod ars ~o~ the exclu~ve use or me s~ 4 q CZ~,*.cle ~ Cc. · Volatile Organic AnalySis 4-6514 IDate of !Report~ 02/2%/94 Lab #~ 94-01690-1 -UPS: CLARIFIBR-S WATER FROM SOUTH CLARIFIER COMBINATION AT R UP~ FACILITY, 02-15-94 BETWEEN 1430 - 1500 BRS SA~4PLED BY UCK ~ ::.;~.~, due to high hydrocarbon b~[k/;round. :1186 ~':~ :'~ %i' '"~'~ '~" ltd pauly inte (pre,alisa. 244 898 128 Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided Do not use for International Mail (See Reverse) U.P.S. THRIFT PLAN CORP. 2000 CROW CANYON ROAD, #300 SAN RAMON, CA 94583 ATTN: ROBERT ENG Special Delivery Fee Reslricted Delivery Fee Return ReceiDt Showing to Whom & DaTe Delivered Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Dale, and Addressee's Address TOTAL Postage -& Fees Postmark or Dale JIM'S SUPPLY 3530 PZeRCg ROAD Attn.~ KEVIN BLYLAN Sample Description: DRA~ FOR~ JON Constituents 1,2-Dichloropropane 1,3-Dtchloropropane 2,2-Dlchloropropane 1,1-Dichloro~ropene Ethyl Benzene ,Hex&chlorobutadtene Zsoprop¥lbenzene p-leopropyltoluene Methylene Chloride Naphthalene n-Propylbenzene Styrene 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene Toluene 1,2,3-Trtchlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 101,1-Trlchloroethane 1,1,2-Trlchloroethane Trichloroethene Trtchlorofluoromethane 1,2,3-Trichloro~ropane 1,2,¢-Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5-Trtme~hylbenzene Vinyl Chloride Tot&l Xylenee volatile Organtc Analyeie (8260) :Date of ~Re~ort~ 02/24/9% Lab #= 94-0~690-1 g-UPS: CLARIFIER-S WATER FROM, SOUTH CLARIFIER COMe, INA, UPS FACILITY, 02-15-94 BETWEEN 1430 1S00 HRS 8A/~] ~UCK Mintm~ Analysis Re~orting Reporti~ Results _~ ~Unite _ Level None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected I ~ ": · '~ ..... are ~ ~e excla~ve use e[ ~ ~u~[el~ ~, ~ ~mede~, I~. a~aumea .~ ~ee~na~l~ [a~ re~ e~le~l~o~, ee~ta~, ~e~chment~r I / ~ION AT ~LED BY ':: t' <: lrd parer InlatwelatlO~. 3530 PIERCE ROAD BAKERSFIgLD, CA 93308 Attn,: KEVIN BLYLAN 32 Sample Description: DRAKE FORME JON B Test ~etho~: EPA Method DaCe Sample Collected: 02/lS/94 Volatile Organic Ana!ysis Date of Report: 0~/24/94 Lab #: 94-01690-1 -6514 UDS~ CI2~RIFiER-S WATER FROM ~OUTH CLARIFIER COMBZ~L~T: UPS FACILITY, 02-15-94 BETWEEN 1430 - 1500 HRS SAMP] ICK i Sample' Matrix: Waste Water Date Sample Received ® Lab: Date Analysis Completed: Minimum Analysis RePorting Report inf , Results ~ Units _ L~vel None Detected #g/L 1, None Detected #g/L 1. None Detected pg/L None Detected pg/L 1. None Detected ~one Detected Hg/L %..; 1,...: None De~ecced pg/~ '".:;~ ~ ;..... ~one De~ec~ed ~g/n None De=ec=ed None De~ected None De~ecLed pg/L None De~ec~ed pg/L None Detected pg/L None Detec~e~ Pg/~ None Deteote8 pg/~ "~:'~ ..... None Detected ~g/~ ., 1 .'~ .~ None De~eeCed ~one DeCecce~ ~9/~ 1. %d.:~,) ~ .'~ %* . · ....,. ~one Detected "%:;~,:'.':(::':~g/L '~;~:~":~ ~ ,.~'.1...~ None Detected None Detected '~g/L ',~,, , None Detected p~/L 1. None Detected 'None ~.Ca~.~d ,.,.~.,~,.,~,~.,ug/L .- ..... ...:'.. '...~ ~ '. '~: ~ '~ .: :.~.... ,,~ ~:,. : :~,. OIN'S SUPPLY 3530 PI~RCg ROAD BAKERSFZgbD, CA 93305 Sample Description: DRAK1 · EgT I~THOD: $ample Matrix: Date sample Collected: FORH JON T@H by D.O Xndividual Waste Wa Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (diesel) Note: Nigh reported P0L's Sample chromatogran characteristic of · urgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons California D.O.H.S. Cert, Date of Report: 02/25/94 Lab #: 94-01690-1 t-UPS: CLARIFIER-$ WATER FROM SOUTH C[JLRIFIER COMBINA9 UPS FACILITY, 02-15-94 BE~q~/EEN 1430 1S00 HRS SAM~ ~UCK I.S. / L.U.F.T..Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 :onstituen~s by EPA Method 5030/8020. e~ Date Sample Received % Lab: 0~/ls/~ Date Analysis Completed: 0~/~s/~, Minimun Analysi s Report ing Reportiz due to high concentra~9~..~f non-t~aFge~ analyt, Os.~ ~ . contained a single larb~ {t}sttnct ~eak' not '~'~ Department Supervisor ~q C~AU~'a Oc. · E 'ION AT LED BY ~ps~/lnterpre~fl0a, KERN COUNTY ENV/i{ONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPT ,..~,~,~, _,.~nlALS MANAGEMENT ~ROGRA,4 (REVISED 0!/94) 3!' R !' C: R A Y 'ri}il; i: ;}(} P ilf:' · :50 3 $i) PHa".fE i'U':,!BEN: r CiTY: SLATE: ARE THEY A SUBS:D~AR~ O? :.: COR?ORA_TiON:I'xx,- ARE THEY iNCORPORATED iN THE STATE:UNIt 1 liP: UIC SHALLOW INJECTION WELL CHECKLIST ,~ k~:~ ~ ,~:? ?~'~E, C ["}'.- T ?}{ONE ..... ., s, ,~.n: -? ~ ~ ...... /NA?URE "':' BUSINESS iNTERVIEW THE .... :,i:\N i FE F_', T Z: ~':.~S~ OiL n.~di.L=n: }IANTFESTS: ': R:'_qL. EN(. '.: PROPER LABELING' UIC SHALLOW WASTE ANTIFREEZE HAULER' }~Ai'< I FES TS: {% ~} ? k' (" O'{'T _', T \- ?7 N: ZN~ECT~ON W~LL CHECKLIST FR EC,:L' ENCY ' PROPZN P R C',iF' E R i. A ii; i51 L ! i"' {15 ' LAND USE:COHk~ERCiAL iNDUSTRIAL { -? IJIC SHALLOW INJECTION WELL CHECKLIST L,::.o ...R .... ON O,F ..... ~ ........... ..... -.=,:,,.: ('LASS V STATUS 0~' WEI:.h TYPD]: PiROGR..ISi'Bi '.C <', (? 5! =mp.'~T'~: 7fro i-iGt,'..._ _',.R,~. SP!LLq~. f';R_,, ::5. CC TI~z'.:T.q~_.,__, ............ b~ANFiT ED: UNI( ~,'HERE DOES THE FLOOR/LOT DRATXAG£ WATER UIC SHALLOW INJECTION WELL CHECKLIST DESCRIPTION' Ow_ 3. CT!~,z~ ~ THAT HAY !-iNDANGER GROUND WATER n~-T NOT RELATED TO I"'IFP~TOV W~rr c ' ~n',[n~ .......... - ......... 1':~.~ 02 TANKS (e,g ........... ~ SPILLS ): NOY JiS THE EFFi. UENT DISPOSED: STOR}f DR:':i)f nTr ~vrm,~- ~-SFP,' i [_': C-!~ A'>! S T_ 'i; (i S ".:iAP'E!Y [(ERN COUNTY HAZARDOUS WASTE iNCIDENT REPORT .ii'_:?;: i:'I J ?Jif, L,: A:'.~'tJ R~ i ?'$ .... .... KERN CO 'c ~ ~ ...... , ...... . ,X~ . HEALTH .>ER~.zC~S TERRY ~.GRAY <805 ) Pqi-36~6 WORK ORDER LOG SHEET Date:February 25, 1994 APN: 332-100-26-00-5 Work Order 2: EM050133 we Category: HAZMATS WO Type: EPA Reimb.: Y N X RP Code: WORK ORDER NAME: [{ESPONS IBLE PARTY NAME: i~P CONTACT: RP '\DDRESS: ~::.P CITY: 7, P PHONE -~ : ~T~ - q304 OR.~N WAY, BAKERSFIELD, UPS ~"-'~ UPS :.nRIvi PLAN CORP. ROBEiUF ERG REGiONAl, REAL 2000 CROW CANYON SAN ~AMON STATE: ..... :~ HHMP- [:] n i'o rc emenz U!C [NSPECT!ON S305 ORIN WAY, BAKERSFIELD CA. 93308 FORHER UPS SITE PLEASE ~EOPEN WORK ORDER WORK ORDgR Date:February 22, 1994 APN: 332-100-26-00-5 LO~ Work Order #: EM050133 WO Category: HAZMATS WO Type: EPA Reimb.: Y N X RP Code: UPS/ WORK ORDER NAME: RESPONSIBLE PARTY NAME: UIC - 3304 ORIN WAY, BAKERSFIELD, UPS 'SITE UPS THRIFT PLAN CORP. RP CONTACT: RP ADDRESS: RP CITY: RP PHONE # : INSPECTOR: PROGRAM: DESCRIPTION: STATE: CA ZIP: 30356 ( ) ( ) TERRY GRAY HMMP-Enf0rcement UIC INSPECTION EXT. 582 LOCATION: FACILITY NAME: COMMENTS: 3305 ORIN WAY, BAKERSFIELD CA. 93308 FORMER UPS sITE PLEASE REOPEN WORK ORDER 332-100-26-00-.5 Roll I FILE BEING PREPARED 93 STATUS - ACTIVE' Area Code 001-017 Name UPS THRIFT PLAN CORP Deed 801 cd SD 3 %TAX DEPT L:se 36000 CV 78228 Notf P O BOX 88~59 KTX ATLANTA GA 30356 Census Bill P O BOX 88259 Coord ATLANTA GA 30356 lonin% Site 330! OFi!N wy L/S 23. ~,'Tp. .... 29 TR/RG ='~7 o...-E'O pT T~ m~K ....S. ~EL,~- S-CD \ C~.Oc, .... VAiL'E3 .... )!arket J3, !66 294,263 ;EDALE $.$6AC SCHOOL D~ST. I-/7~ 33~._1 ~ ,.~, 0 ~?,~gAC, ~.07AC. L120 5.84ACJ UIC SHALLOW INJECTION WELL CHECKLIST 12/92 FACILITY NAME: FORMER UPS SITE PAGE 1 DATE OF INSPECTION: 12/21/92 INSPECTOR(S): TERRY GRAY & LYDIA VON SYDOW TIME: · ADDITIONAL PARTICIPANTS: I. GENERAL INFORMATION INTRODUCE YOURSELF AND ALL OTHERS (SHOW CREDENTIALS) B. EXPLAIN WHY YOU ARE THERE. Ce (LEGAL INFO) OWNERS NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: PHONE NUMBER: STATE: ZIP: Eo OPERATOR'S NAME: FORMER UPS SITE ADDRESS: 3404 ORIN CT. CITY: BAKERSFIELD STATE: CA. ZIP: 93308 APN: · PHONE NUMBER: (SWAP BUSINESS CARDS, ALso ASK FOR BUSINESS LICENSE) PARENT COMPANY: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: ARE THEY A SUBSIDIARY OF A CORPORATION: ARE THEY INCORPORATED IN THE STATE: CONTACT PERSON: PHONE NUMBER: II. INTERVIEW THE OPERATOR/NATURE·OF BUSINESS A. HOW-LONG IN ·BUSINESS: Be ARE THEY A MEMBER OF AN ASSOCIATION: ARE THEY AWARE OF ANY WATER LOCATION/OWNERSHIP: CALIFORNIA WATER CO. De SITE HISTORY YEARS OF OCGUPATION: PREVIOUS OWNERS: PREVIOUS OPERATORS: PREVIOUS USES OF FACILITY: SUPPLY WELL PRODUCTS OR SERVICES OFFERED: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF ANY PROCESS MAINTENANCE THAT PRODUCES WASTE: OPERATION, OR G. WHAT CHEMICALS ARE STORED ON SITE: He DO THEY HAVE MATERIAL'SAFETY DATA SHEETS: DESCRIBE THE WASTE DISPOSAL PRACTICES: SOLVENT HAULER: N/A VERIFICATION RECEIPTS: HOW OFTEN: Ke WASTE HAULER: N/A VERIFICATION RECEIPTS: HOW OFTEN: ne ASK FOR SITE MAPS OF FACILITY AND AS-BUILTS~ PLUMBING PLANS FOR THE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: III. INSPECT THE FACILITY GENERAL SITE CONDITIONS HOUSEKEEPING: EASE OF ENTRY: SITE cLOSED '- COOPERATION: SURROUNDING LAND USE: COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRiAL As GENERAL APPEARANCE OF THE WELL(S): NO ACTIVE WELL AT THIS 'SITE. HOWEVER THERE IS A STORM WASTE WELL THAT COULD BE MISUSED. B. SUSCEPTIBILITY TO SPILLS: YES Ce De F. DO THE WELLS EVER GET PLUGGED' G. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS TOTAL DEPTH: ~.' i:~:~- DIAMETER:' .... ~i':.,.~:~.:!'' -' :~.~, · . CAS ING ( MEASURE ) :' · , ~":~:~;:?-:~.:i~' CLASS V WELL(S): NONE STATUS: YEARS OF OPERATION: OIL/WATER SEPARATOR, O i ,i R SE..Tp_ p uSE : ARE THE WELLS PUMPED OUT: HOW OFTEN: H. ARE THE INJECTION WELLS REGULATED BY A STATE OR LOCAL PROGRAM: RW(~CB I. PERMIT: NO J. HOW ARE SPILLS OR ACCIDENTS HANDLED: ne WHERE DOES THE FLOOR/LOT DRAINAGE WATER GO: LOT DRAINAGE· DISCHARGES TO THE STREET AND INTO A DRAIN-. CAR WASH: NO HOW IS THE EFFLUENT DISPOSED: CLEANERS USED: M. 'HOW MANY AUTOS ARE SERVICED DAILY: DOCUMENTS TO REQUEST 1. MAP OF FACILITY 2. AS-BUILT DIAGRAMS, PLUMBING PLANS 3. DRILLERS LOGS 4. MONITORING WELL DATA 5. FLOW DIAGRAM OF PROCESSES~ WASTE GENERATION, AND DISPOSAL 6. MANIFESTS FOR WASTE DISPOSAL 7. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS AGENCY: INSPECTOR: TERRY GRAY AND LYDIA V. VON SYDOW UNDERGROUND INJECTION..,,.CONT.RO.I ~~: INSPECTION REPORT ~!:'~ KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT FACILITY INFORMATION FACILITY NAME: FORMER UPS SITE PARENT COMPANY: ADDRESS: 3404 ORIN CT. CITY: BAKERSFIELD CONTACT NAME: STATE: CA POSITION: ZIP: 93308 DESCRIPTION OF WASTE STREAM: DESCRIPTION OF INJECTION WELL: NONE DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY THAT MAY ENDANGER GROUND WATER BUT NOT RELATED TO INJECTION WELLS OR TANKS (e.g..PONDS, SPILLS): INSPECTION INFORMATION INSPECTION DATE: 12/21/92 NUMBER OF WELLS: 0 WELL TYPE AUTO SERVICE: INDUSTRIAL WASTE: AGRICULTURAL WASTE:~'' STORM WATER: YES OTHER: STATUS OF WELLS ACTIVE: ABANDONED: INJECTATE SAMPLED: NO UNDER CONSTRUCTION: OTHER: VIOLATION FOUND: NO .... RCRA FACILITY: . ' '' ' COMMENTS: FACILITY CLOSED " · -%':" ..... ....... ' ..... . ..... :,'.'..,,~.;~', ~ ~.~['.:~ "' ,.. ":-~;zw.~::',~'~,~.~.~:(~: ~'~;e':,"