HomeMy WebLinkAboutUST REP 10/24/1989 ..~"': '" ' ":' '::' ' '::": ":"" ':-"~:~-~ ,d~&~Ca"n'OMB No. 2050--0039an°' ~Telfare._..¢;xoireaAgencY.9.3/ '~' , ' ...... :':~ ..... : ~" .... '~'"::" ' ,"- ToxicDepartmentsubstances°f HealthcontrolServiceSDivision or type. (Form designed for uae on el,, (12.pitch typewriter). UNIFORM HAZARDOUS t. cenarstor's US EPA,D No. WASTE MANIFEST ~l~l ~l~ i <~1.~16'1~-I/-! I ~3. Generator's N~nd Mailtng Address ..,, . . _., ff Manifest Document No. Transporter 1 Company Name 6. US EPA ID Number 7. Transporter 2 Company Name, 8. US EPA ID Number 9. Designated FaciiRy Name and Site Address 10. US EPA ID Number GIBSON OIL & ~FINiNG ~D 0~' CO~R'~RCI~ ST~ET ]A](EKSFiELD ~ CA 1 1. US DOT Description (Includi.g ProDer Shippi.g Name, Hazard Class, and ID Number) C£~LiFO..~IA ONLY REGULATED WASTE 12. Containers No. Type UlOl~ TiT I I Sacramento, California I 2./Page ~/ Information in the shaded areas -" of / I is not required by Federal law. J. Additional Descriptions for Mate,'isis Listed Above A) .- DIESEL/GASOLINE RINSATE 15. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information ::'.. ::r?* GncG~ ~e &":'~ : .'-.OT~C~II!~ OUTER O. Transporter's Phone ~ , c' /'~.-' '. ' ~- E. State TransDorter'$ ID F. Transpo~ler's Phone 13. Total Quantity G. State Facility's ID H. Facility's Phone 14. Unit Wt/Vol G Waste No. State 221 EPA/Other State EPA/Other State EPA/Other State EPA/Other K. Ham:lling Codes for Wastes Listed Above a. b. 16. GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately described above by proper shipping name and are classified, packed, marked, and labeled, and are in all respects in proper condition for transport by highway according to aDpticable intem~tionai and national government regulations. l~:l am a large quantity generator I certify that I have a program in place to reduce the volume and toxicity of waste generated to the degree I have determined tO be economicai-iypracticable and that I have selected the practicable method of treatment, storage, or d~sposal currently availacle to me which minimizes the .~ '~' IPrinte~l/TygedName ,,- I' 'T a"sporte; xck"o' ,m, I 19. Discrepancy Indication Space present and future threat to human health end the environment; OR, if I am a small quant.try generator..I have made a good faith effort to minimize my waste generation and select the best w'asle management method l~hat ia available to/me, andhat I~oan a~eid. ' .. .-,~ ,/ ., __. Printed/Tied N~e / ~ ' I~// Month Day Year ' ~.:/.:/./~//,~.t." · ;. ,/. z' .'~ ~.'.. I" I- ' ' ~ ::"!~/ /' /.' ,, ~.~./ .... / ~/ .. /; / ,~.~.~ ~ .-./,../.~ / I/,'', / / '~ F A C I L T~'ansporter 1 AcknbWl~dgement of Receipt of Materials I Signature ~ ,/ ~/ .~..-.~ ;' ,a ~ ~t,~%. ,?/?;:.:-'.~-~-~ .,~._/'//.". Transporter 2 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials /... I Signature 20. Facility Owner'or Operator Certification of receipt of hazardous materials covered by this manifest except aa noted in Item 19. Printed/Typed Name Month Day Year ""' ";::'"'"~ I / I~:'?1 / 171 ','? 1 9 DHS 802~ A il ;88~'~-~*'*~ :' ~ ~EPA 8700---22 (Rev. 9-88) Previous editions are obsolete. Montft Day Year / [ Signature .- Month Day Year Do Not Write Below This Line 1 l:1/24/89 16:12 · ~707 746 AN_ KAPREALIAN ENGINEERING, Consulting Engineers P. O. BOX BENICIA, CA 94510 (7~)7) 746-~alS ('/07) 74~g16 FAX: ~A~SMITTAL PA_GE. FROM: Number of Pages (including cover): /69 If any problem~ occur in receiving, please call the number listed above. ' .. 10/24/89 10x24×89 16:13 '~707 746 5581 SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL ~0 Cl~eaal~eaka O~lva, Re~wo~ City, CA g40~. (416) 3~-96~, FAX (415) 364-g233 KAPREALIAN'ENG, ~ 003 LABORATORY ANAI. YSI8 Anllytl Dete~lon Umlt ~lmpll RilLII~I rog/kg rog~kg Analytes rel~rted M N.D. were n~ preeent ~ove t~e if~t~l limit of detec'~lon, SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL Belinda C. Vega Project Manager 9102~.KEI <1> SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL 880 Cl~e~apeake Drive · Redwood City, CA ~4063 (415) 364.9800 · FAX (41S) 364-9235 Kapreal~an E~l~erl~, Ino. ~tem ProJ~t ID; ~1, ~kereflltd, P~a anl/~nnln 8am~: O~ 17, 1~, P,O,~gt3 ' ~m~e~fl~: 8~1, WO1 (14) · ~e~: O~ 18, 1~ Benlc~, ~ ~10 ' ~m~: ~ 23, 1~ ~Kent~n: Ma~o ~pr~llan, P.E. ~b Number: gl0.~ ~t~: O~ 23,, 1~i LABORATORy ANALYSIS Anllyll Oeteotlon Umlt 9ample Re~u~ mg/kg mo/kg Total Organic HIiJ~II ....................................................... 10.0 ...... , .............................. ED. An~iytee rel~rted M N.D, were net prlllnt abeYe the ~tad limit of detl~llOfl, ~EQUOIA ANALYTICAL Belinda C..VeCl~y Project Manager ~IO~,KEI ¢t~) SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL 6~0.Cheaal3tiake Drive · Reciw~ocl CIty, CA g4083 (415) 364'9600 , ~AX (416) 394.9233 TOTAL RECOVERABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBON~ ~lmPle e4mple Petrollum 011 Numl~r Delcriptlon rog/kg (Pr)m) ~10-2!ig5 WO~ N.D. gl13-2598 wo~ ~4) N.D. Pete;lion Umltm I.O An&lytii repe~ted ii N.D, were not Dfe&ent &here ~l ut~ld limit of deta~,lo~. SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL ~e~lnda C, Ve~a ~/ PmJlct Manage~ 91{~6{~.KEI (3> $)u~PLE DESC~ZPTZON JU, ID P~O~]BC~ (~B OR I¢'u'~BE:I~ OF BOIL/ _G l___ . *' STATI~ AFFZLZATZON NEXT TO EI:[GNA~URE 'IF ]~EG~ T3J~AROUlCD, SOZL A~ALYS~S I4UST ~E CONP~TED ~YSES ~ST BE CO~TED WX~N 7 ~ND~ ~S FOR BTX&E (~SS S~P~ ~ BEEN P~S~D)~ ~D ~4 CA~ND~ DAYS FOR TPH ~ G~OLI~; E~~ TPH ~ DIESEL WI~ZN 14 ~ND~ DAYS. SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL 680 Chesapeake D~tve , Re~wood City, CA ~14o83 (415) 364-g800 · F~ (41S) 3~4-g3~3 ~pmallan E~lneerlng, Ina. Cllem Project I? ~t, ak.~,l~, Panda ~/~nnen ~m~ O~ 17, ~,0; ~ox g13 Matr~ ~!c~. ' 5off, ~lte WQA ~tv~, O~ 15, ~A~e~; ~o ~llan, ~.E, ~ ~m~e e: glO-~ A-B . A~; ~ 19, TOTAL PETROLEUM F(,IEL HYDROCARBONS' (EPA 801S) 8&topic Simple High Number Diiorlptlon Hydror. irbonl mg/kg elO°~::i4A-B ~rn;o~MWOX ( 10 "t C)eteGtion Limlt~: High ~4)]l)ng la, Iht Hyciro=lr~l IrlquafltMted &gllMt at dletel ~ll'~a~t.l reported a~ N.D. were nm l~reeent al~ inn m~ed limit SEGUOIA ANALYTICAL SeIIMa C. Vega ProJeot Manager .',,N ~N .,. KAPP,.EAL [ ' ' "'(' SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL 880' CheeaDe'~ko Drlvo · Redwood OIty, CA 0406;3 (415) 364.96~, F~ (4~6) 3~4-9233 Benlc~, CA ~610 A~ysls Met~; EPA 4181 (I, fl, ~h ~O~-up) ~m~: O~ 16, 1~' ArmJy-~:l: Oat 19, I~9' g ' ~ , , RePorted: Oct ~, 1989~ ,..., ~:.~ , ~ ~ . .:.~; '; .... ~ ,~ ....~;,,~:,~,~ .... ~ ."~" .,' ~ ~;~: ,. ..~ ; . ..:., :~ ...., .. , , . ..... TOTAl. RECOVERABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS # ~Imple 8iimple RWoleum 011 'Number Deeorlptlon rog/kg 9102004 A-B C~mpoel~ ~:~A 78 SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL. Belinda.(~. Vega Project. Manager OIO~04.KEI ,c 1) 10/24/89 16:16 ~707 746 5581 KAPREALIAN · SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL 680 Chelape~ke Drive , Redwood City, CA g4063 ' (415) 384-9800, FAX {415) ~i~pr~lAn Engineering, I~, ~lem PmJ~ ID: ~a~f, ~ke~u~, ~.~/~nnen ~m~: Oot 17, 1~ ~P,O, a~ g~3 ~mde Oe~erl~: ~aen~a, CA ~10 A~ym Meth~; O~GANIC LEAD Nam~ ge~iMlen ~/~ ~) g10~04 A~ ~m~am WOA N,D, were neff pm~ent ~ the s~ated flmlt M dote~Ion, SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL Project Manager glO~O04.1~ .. KAPREALIAN ENGINEERING, lNG. R~MARKSt__ ZF .P..~~ TLtR~AROUND, SOIL ANALYSES MUST GE COMPLETED WITHIN 14 CA~ND~ DA~ 0[ S~= CO~~ON.. WATER ~YSES ~ST ~E CO~TED WI~IH 7 ~ND~ DAYS BTX~ (~SB S~P~ '~ B~EN ~S~D), ~D 14 CA~ND~ DAYS' FOR TPH ~ ~0LZ~ ~~ TPH ~ DZ~SEL WZ~ZN L4 KAPREALIAN ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Engineers P,O. BOX ~ BENIClA. CA 94510 FAX: (?0/) ?46.SSE1 _TRANSMITTAL PAGP- Number of Pages ( including cover) SUBJECT: If any problems occur in receiving, please call the 'number listed above. KAPREALIAN ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Engineers p o. BOx g13 li£NiCIA. CA 94510 746.4915 ~0'/) 746-691S FAX: (70TI 746,55~1 October 20, 1989 Kern County Department of ~nvironmental Health' 2700 M Street, #300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attmntion: Mrs. Laurel Funk RE: Unocal Service Station #5334 2700 Panama Lane Bakersfield., Cal.~fornia.. Dear Mrs. Funk: Enclosed please find analytical results of the soil samples collected from the underground fuel. tank pit and the product line trenches. Based on the. analytical results, KEI recommends additional excavation from the product line trenches in the vicinity samples P1 and P4. Depth of excavation should be at 9 feet around P1, and 6 feet around P4. Excavated soil shou~ ] be .~tockpiled a.t the site for aeration and further sampling. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, ~lease do not hesitate to cai1 me at (707) 746-6915. Sincerely, Kaprealian Engineering, Inc. Mardo Kaprealian Pres ident MK:jad%LF cc: Ron Bock, Unocal Corporation .. · ~¢/?I ,.? SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL 880 Cheeapeake Drive, R~wood City, CA 9a,063 (416) 364.9600'° FAX (415) 36,~-6233 TOTAl. PETROLEUM FUEL HYDROCARBONS with BTEX DISTINCTION (EPA 801 S/BO"JO) g10.2588 A1 N.D, N,D. N.O. N.O. N.D, 1110-2587 A1 (~m) N.D. N,D, N.D. N.D. N.D. 010~ A~ N.D. N,D. N,D. N.D. N.D, g10-2588 Aa (te) N.D. N,D. N.D. N.D. N.0, gl O,,ES~O el N,D, N.D. N,D. N,D, g10-2502 ea N,D, N,D. N.D. N.D. N,D, g10-~,.598 aa (~m) N,D, ' N.D. N.D. N.D, N.D. n UmW: 1,0 O,OS bgw 1o I~'~l-m Bolling I~nt t-~r~r~one m~ Clu&n~t~t~ ag&inet ~ OMoline ~t~ndard. An&Mae ~e~t~a u N.O. were net present mkmve the etat~ limit of det~tion. SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL, PrOject Manager 15:37 '~707 746 5581 KAPRE^LiAN.EN6.. ( 005 $~pLl~ D~SCRZPTZON ARD PROJECT NUMB£R: TURN JmOUND * ETATE AFFILIATxON NEXT TO BIGNATUR~ ZF ~G~'LaR TUI~A~OUND, I~OXL ANALYSES NUST BE WX~XN X4 CA~ND~ DAYS OF S~ . CO~XON. WATER ~YSES ~ST BE CO~TED ~l~N 7 ~ND~ DAYS FOR BTXEE (~59 S~P~ ~ BEEN P~S~D) I ~D 14 CA~ND~ DAYS FOR TPH ~ G~OLI~; E~~ TPH ~ND~ DAYS. SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL 660 Cl~eea~eal~e Drive · Redw~o~d City, CA ~40~3 BenEa, ~ ~$10 ~b M~h~: EPA ~/~l&/~ ~~: ~ 18, 1~ TOTAL PETROLEUM FUEL HYDROCARBONS with BTEX DISTINCTION (EPA 8011i/a020) ~ample hmple kew/Medium Ii.P, Iffiyl NUmber De~criptlort Hyclrooarbona -Benzene Toluene Bergen· Xylenel mo/kg ma/k mo/kg mo/kg mo/kg (pm) (ppm) 0t0-2575 1,1 6,000 5.3 Ol0-aO~ ~ ~) 6,e N,D. - N,D. N.D. N.D. 010-2580 I~ N.D, N,D. N,D, N.D. N,D. 910.2~81 ~'~ (e) N,O, N,D, N.D. N.D, N.D. g10-2~12 Pa - N.D, N,D. N,D. N.D. N,D, 610.2663 P3 (e) gIO-~SG4 P4 N,D. N,D. N,D, N.D, N.D, 6,6 N.D, N.D. N.D. N.D. 010-2585 3,7 N.D. N.D. N,D. N.D. IOet~tlm'~ Umite: 1.0 0.1 0.'1 0. t Low to Medium ~olllmg Polm l-lycl¢~ne a~e e~ar4~Mtacl aOalr~t · geaollne Kn~a~d. AnalyteS mlaeflm~l u N,D, were not pre~ent ibeve the ttated limit ~ dataotte~. 8EGUOIA ANALYTIC)AL Be~lncl& ¢. Vega Projict Manager elga~l~.KEI 4 'l > 15:36 '~707 746 5581 KAPREALIAN ENG. 0O7 NOTE: ~YBES ~ST BE CO~T~D WZ~N 7 ~ND~ DAYS FOR BTX&E (~SS B~P~ ~ BEEN P~S~D)~ ~D 14. CA~ND~ DAYS FOR TPH ~ O~OLI~ ~~ TPH ~ DIESEL WI~IN 14 ~ND~ DAYS. 10/20/89 1S: 38 'l~707._746 5581 KAPREALIAN. ENG. ~008 SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL $80 Clles&l:)e&ke Drive · Redwoo(:l City, CA g4063 (a,l&) ~a4.gSO0 · FAX (415) 364-9233 reallan Englh~ng, I~, Olent Project lO: ._u~.: ~.,~, ~,,'~ ~/~n~. Sam~. _0~ l?, Boxgl3 Se, mple0e~orlpt.: Soil, P1 (g) . . R~c:elvt~! OCt 18, lgSg~ enlc;ta, ~ g4510 ' Analyili Method: EPAS0~/8015/8020 _Anilyzect. 05 lg, lg8~ intlon. Mardo ~ rllan P.E. Iai:) Numblr, 910-2554 , , FI ~ed: Oct 20 TOTAL PETROLEUM FUEL HYDROCARBONS WITH BTEX DISTINCTION (EPA 8015/8020) O.ti~a i.lmlt ~mple Re~ult~ mi/kg {ppm) rog/kg (eprn) Low to Medium Boiling Pol~ Hyclro~arbona ................... t,0 Benzene ..................... ,,, ...................................... , .............. 0,05 Tol~ne. ....... , .................................................. , .................. Ethyl Benzene ................................................................... o.1 Xylen~ ...................... ~ ....................................................... 0, t ~w ~ Medium Belling Point Hy~ir~ert)eni ire que~tltsJN igilnet i gil~llnl ~indaiYI, An&lytel ral~mfed -- N.B. went ~ot pmlint ibaw thl it/dld ttmlt of dela~ion, IEOUO~ ANALY~CAL Belinda C. vega ProJe(~ Manager g102~S4.KEI ( 1 ~, .~ , L'HA ]~_~_, OIP /9. . /%~.~~OAT~/TIM~ OF -- TU~ ~O~N~ I iiI -- ~_ I1 IF R~CU~ TL~RRAROUND, SOIL ANALYSES HUST BE '~HP~TED ~YSES ~ST BE CO~TED WI~IN 7 '~ND~ DAYS FOR BTX&E (~S 8~P~ ~ BEEN P~S~D), ~D 14 ~A~ND~ DAYS FO~ TPH ~ a~Ob~l E~~ TPH ~ D~ESEL MZ~ZN 14 ~ND~ DAY~. Consulting Engineers P 0 lox li13 (70ti 146. 6915 FA× #: (707) 746-5581 ~sMZ~%b PAGE DATE: TO: · Humber of Pages ( including cover) SU~JECT: · :.. 2f any'problem; occur in receiving, :':"Call 1:he number listed above. 10/19/89 KAPREALIAN EN SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL 880 Chelaeeai~e Di,ve , Rec3w(~oo Ctty, CA g4083 (415) 384,~600 , FAX ~415) 384,9233 ~002 TOTAL PETROLEUM FUEL HYDROCAFIBONS wltll BTEX DISTINCTION (EPA 8015/8030) C ': GARY J. WICKS Agency Director (805) ~861-3502 STEVE McCALLEY Director R E S O U R C E M;(~N~,A_ G E.~',H~E N T A DEPARTMENT'OF "ENVIRONMENTAL PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Telephone (805) 861-3636 Telecopter (805) 861-3429 GENCY PERMIT NUMBER A 1060-31 FACILITY NAME/ADDRESS: Jerry's Panama Union 76 2700 Panama Lane Bakersfield, CA OWNER(S) NAME/ADDRESS: Union Oil Co., Inc. 2175 N. California Blvd.#650 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Phone: (415) 945-7676 CONTRACTOR: Wegener Construction Co. 1710 Calloway Rd. Bakersfield, CA 93312 License #413913 Phone: (805) 589-5570 PERMIT FOR CLOSURE OF 3 TANK(S) AT ABOVE LOCATION PERMIT EXPIRES APPROVAL DATE APPROVED BY Januarv 13, 1990 October 13, 1989 .Laurel Funk, R.E.H.S. Hazardous Materials Specialist .................................. i .................................................. POST ON PREMISES ......................................................................... CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1. It is the re~ponsibility of the Permittee to obtain permits which may be required by other regulatory agencies prior to beginning work. (i.e., Cit~ Fire and Building Departments) · 2. Permittee must notify the Hazardous Materials Management Program at (805) 861-3636 ~wo working days prior to tank removal or abandonmen in place to arrange for required inspections(s). 3. Tank closure activities must'be per Kern County Environmental Health and Fire Department approved methods as described in Handbook UT 30. 4. It is the contractor's responsibility to know and adhere to all applicable laws regarding the handling, transportation or treatment of hazardou: materials. 5. The tank removal contractor must have a qualified company employee onsite supervising the tank removal. The employee must have tank remora experience prior to working unsupervised. 6. If any contractors other than those listed on permit and permit' application are to be utilized, prior approval must be granted by the specialis listed on the permit. Deviation from the submitted application' is' not allowed. 7. Soil Sampling: a. Tank size lesa than or equal to 1,000 gallons - a minimum of two samples must be retrieved from beneath the center of the tank at depth of approximately two feet and six feet. b. Tank size greater than 1,000 to 10,000 gallons - a minimum of four samples must be retrieved one-third of the way in from the ends o each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. . c. Tank size greater than 10,000 gallons - a minimum of six samples must be retrieved on-fourth of the way in from the ends of each tan and beneath the center of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY PERMIT NUMBER A 1060-31 ADDENDUM 8. Soil Sampling (piping area): A minimum of two samples must be retrieved at depths of approximately two feet and six feet for every 15 linear feet of pipe run and under the dispenser area. 9. Soil Sample an'alysis: a. All soil samples retrieved from beneath gasoline (leaded/unleaded) tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for benzene, toluene, xylene. and total petroleum hydrocarbons (for gasoline). b. All soil samples retrieved from beneath diesel tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (for diesel) and benzene. c. All soil samples retrieved from beneath waste oil tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for total organic halides, lead, oil and grease. d. All soil samples retrieved from beneath crude oil tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for oil and grease. e. Ail soil samples retrieved from beneath tanks and appurtenances that contain unknown substances must be analyzed for a full range of substances that may have been stored within the tank. 10. The following timetable lists pre-and post-tank removal requirements: ACTIVITY Complete permit application submitted to Hazardous Materials Management Program Notification to inspector listed on permit of date and .time of closure and soil sampling Transportation and tracking forms sent to Ha).ardous Materials Management Program. All hazardous waste manifests must be signed by the receiver of the hazardous waste Sample analysis to Hazardous Materials Management Program- DEADLINE At least two weeks prior to closure Two working days No later than 5 working days for transportation, and 14 working days for the tracking form after tank removal No later than 3 working days after completion of analysis RECOMMENDATIONS/GUIDELINES FOR REMOVAL OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS This department is responsible for enforcing the Kern County Ordinance Code, Division 8 and state regulations pertaining to underground storage tanks. Representatives from this department respond to job sites during tank removals to ensure that the tanks are safe to remove/close and that the overall job performance is consistent with permit requirements, applicable laws and safety standards. Th~ following guidelines are offered to clarify the interests and expectations for this department. 1. Job site safety is one of our primary concerns. Excavations are inherently dangerous. It is the contractor's responsibility to know and abide by CAL-OSHA regulations. The job foreman is responsible for the crew and any subcontractors on the job. As a general rule workers are not permitted in improperly sloped excavation.s or when unsafe conditions exist in the hole. Tools and equipment are to be used only for their designed function. For example, backhoe buckets are never substituted for ladders. 2. Properly licensed contractors are assumed to understand the requirements of the permit issued. The job foreman is responsible for knowing and abiding by the conditions of the permit. Deviation from-the permit conditions may result in a stop-work order. 3.' Individual contractors will be held responsible for their post-removal paperwork. Tracking forms, hazardous-waste manifests and analyses documentation is necessary for each site in order to close a case file or move it into mitigation. When contractors do not follow through on necessary paperwork, an unmanageable backlog of incomplete cases results. If this continues, processing time for completing new closures will increase. Accepted By OWNER OR LF:cd funk\ 1060-31.pta DATE . KAPREALIAN ENGINEERING, INC. · Consulting Engineers FI,O. aOX e13 BENICIA, CA 94510 (7C1~ 74&~glS (701') T4&4g16 FAX: ~07) 746-~51tl _TRNqSMIT~AL PA~E DATE:. TO: FROM: Number of Pages ( including cover) If any problems.occur in receiving, please call the number listed, above. $ 1. k~sured Mailing Address NCCI Co, No. , MAP: ..~_',4'_ [ AN' '","~G I N,EE-'.'. I ,";G, · ,u,, 9t~ 89 Poi, Yr. ~ssuing Office Prod. Count Legal Entity: [] In~iviclual [] Partnership Other workplaces not shown above'. 6'~,~-, .:: 7-I.:$T ,ST., 3~ZClA, [] Cor0oratlon TI L~ Ti Policy 2. Period: From address. 3. A. 8-22-89 ~__ to 9-~2-90 12;01 A,M. Standard Time at the insureO's mailing Workers Compensation Insurance - Part One of.this policy applies to tl~e Workers Compensation Law of the states listed here: CALIFORNIA B, Employers LiaDiiity Insurance: Pm1 Two of the policy applies to work in each state listed in item 3A, The limits of our liability under Part Two are: Bodily Injury 13y Accident $ _10O, 0~2 each accident Bodily Injury by Disease $~ each employee Bodily Injury Dy Disease $ 5OO.O00~ policy limit Other States Insurance, Part Three Of the policy applies to the states, if any, listed here: "All states except Nevada, North Dakota, Ohio, Washington, West Virgihia, Wyoming, states designated in item 3A of the Information Page and ,~O:';E " 4. The premium for this policy will be' determined by our Manuals of Rules, Classifications, Rates and Rating Plans. All in. formation recluired below is subiect to verification and change t~y audit. ;:S. TATE (~jARANT.=.E FUND LA, W $ :~'i~7-n-0 .... Total Deposit Premium ' $ 3.027.;30 Cash Received .' $ ~ 3L~. ~7;" $ ~5u~.~7 '~ BALANCE DUE Cla. ssif~:ation of O¢~rati~n~, ,. Prer~i'qm t~a, sis Rates I · Estimated Per $100 Estimated Cooke No, Total Annual of Renu- Annual Remuneration notation Premium ,ENG I N~RS--CONSULT I NG--M:,:CHAN I CAi., C~:VIL, 860I(1) I7rJ', 7~9 1.54 2, 6~0.0~ O;~,~,FT.SM,_--N 8818(2 ) 77, 169 .87 ~,u~ l. 0C CT.,=RICA,L C?FIC.--_ : P_~Y;:S--N.O,C. agiO(l) 21,186 .~ 176.06 fl Minimum, Premium· 500.0O Total Estimated Annual Premium $ Expense Constant $ If indicated below, interim adjustments of premium shall be made: [] Semi,Annually [] Quarterly [] Monthly I This policyincludesthese endorsements and~hedufes: · 5C005 S9023 590~2 USLSH · ,/-"Authorized Representative .~5132 2ND EDITION 11~ 10×13×~9 16:2~ ~707 746 5581 KAPREALIAN ENc]. KAPREAUAN ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Engineers P.O,~OX g13 BENICIA, CA 94510 (707) ?46.~g~S (707) 746-6916 FAX: (707) 746-558,1 003 STANDARD PROCEDURE FOR SOiL/GROUND WATER SAMPLING DURING REMOVAL OF UNDERGROUND FUEL TANKS (For Kern County) When any subsurface fuel tank is removed, whether for permanent Site closure or tank replacement, the following activities shall be Performed. 1. visual observation of excavation. All excavation surfaces shall be observed for evidence of leakage. Evidence of leakage would include stained soil, areas of free product, etc. The results of such observations shall be documented. If tank volume is less than 1,000 gallons, two samples shall be collected from beneath the middle of the tank at depths of two and six feet below the bottom of the tank. If the tank volume is between 1,000 and 10,000 gallons, four soil samples shall be collected from beneath the tank, two from each end of each tank at depths of two and six feet below the bottom of the tank. If the tank volume.is greater than 10,oo0 gallons, then six samples shall be collected beneath the tank, two from each' end, and two from the middle of the tank. The following soil sampling method shall be used at the tank removal'site: Immediately upon removal of the tank, a backhoe bucket of native soil shall be taken and shall be rapidly brought' .to the surface. Approximately three inches shall be rapidly scraped away from the surface of this soil, then a clean brass tube (at least three inches long) shall' be driven into the soil with a wooden or rubber mallet. The ends of the brass tube shall be covered with aluminum foil, then plastic end caps, and finally wrapped with a suitable tape. . The samples shall be immediately.placed on ice, or dry ice, for transport to a laboratory. Formal chain of Custody documentation shall, be maintained. Page 2 If the bottom of the tank is below the ground water table, then sidewall samples are collected six inches above the water table. In addition, a composite water sample consist- ing of several grab samples shall be collected (after purging the ground water) from the surface of the ground water in the excavation. A check shall initially be made for any free floating product. If no floating product is detected then, a water sample shall be taken with a clean Teflon' bailer designed to reduce the loss of volative components. The water Sample shall be immediately poured into volatile organic analysis (rCA) vials or one liter amber bottles with as little agitation as possible. Each vial shall be filled with the samples such that the water stands above .the lip of the vial. A Teflon septum shall be used to seal the vial and the vial should be checked to ensure that air bubbles, are not present. The samples shall be immediately placed on ice, for transport to the labora- tory. Formal chain of Custody documentation shall be maintained. Individual grab samples shall be composited in the Laboratory. The samples will be delivered under properly executed Chain of C~stody documentation. For gasoline tanks, the 'samples will be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) as gasoline, using EPA method 5030 in conjunction with modified 8015, benzene, toluene, xylenes and ethylbenzene (BTX&E) using EPA method 8020. For diesel tanks, the samples will be analyzed for TPH as diesel using EPA method 3550 in conjunction with modified 8015. For waste oil tanks, the samples will be analyzed for total oil and grease (418.1), halogenated volatile organics using EPA method 8010, and tetraethyllead using DH$ method explained .in the LUFT manual. Sequoia Analytical Laboratory of Redwood City, California, a state certified laboratory,, will perform all analy~e~. Their address and telephone number are as follows: 680 Chesapeake Drive, Redwood city, California 94063, (415)'364- 9600. 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield., California 93305 ac t 11 ~y Na=e EALTH DEPARTMENT ~ HEALTH OFFSCER Leon M Hebe~tso~, M.D. DIRECTOR OF ENVIR~.NMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Relohard - Kern County Permit UNDERGROUND TANK DISPOSITION TRACKING RECORD This form Is to be returned to the Kern County Eealth Department within 14 days of acceptance of tank(s) by disposal or recycling facility. The "- -' holder 'of the permit with number noted above ts responsible for insuring that this form is completed and'returned. ............. ;t; ..... Section_1 - __T° __be filled out by tank removal contra r: ' Tank Removal Contractor:. ~./~'~~_ " . Address / ~ .~,~/~/~/., Phone # ~Y~'~-~ ~ Date Tanks Removed / /0-/~ No. of Tanks .... ~ ..... ~'~i~i ~ J ~ :d ............ :' ti ~o b ~" ..... lnatl k( ) ............ Sec o 2 - e u contractor econtaa ng tan s : _ ~dd~,,, /~ C~/~,, 0 Phon~ ~ ~W~-e~ ".~-. .... Authorized representative of contractor certifies by signing belo~ that" ..... tank(s) have been decont~lnated tn accordance with Kern County Health ' St ture . j Tttle~, Section B - ~ be filled out and signed ~ a~ authorized representative, o~ the ' ' treatment, storage, o~ dtsposa~ facility acceptin~ ,tank(s): .. Date Tanks Received ~. ~. ~ (Authorized Representative) Phone z i p ~/?~'/ No. of Tanks Title * * * 1,5%ILING INSTRUCT'IONS: Fold tn half and staple. (Form ,~H~P-150) . DISTRICT OFFICES GARY J. ~CKS A~ency Director (805) 861-3502 STEVE Mc~ALLEY Director RES PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Telephone (805) 861~3636 Telecopler (805) 861-3429 AGENCY PERMIT NUi~IBER A 1060-31 FACILITY NAME/ADDRESS: 'Jerry's Panama Union 76 2700 Panama Lane Bakersfield, CA OWNER(S) NAME/ADDRESS: Union Oil Co., Inc. 2175 N. California Blvd.#650 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Phone: (415) 945-7676 CONTRACTOR: · · Wegener Construction Co. Bakersfield, CA 93312 License #413913 Phone: (805) 589-5570 PERMIT FOR CLOSURE oF 3 TANK(S) AT ABOVE LOCATION .- PERMIT EXPIRES ' January 13, 1990 APPROVAL DATE' October 13, 1989· Laurel Funk, R.E.H.S. Hazardous Materials Specialist ..................................................................................... POST ON PREMISES .......................................................................... CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: It is the responsibility of the Permittee to obtain permits which may 'be required by other regulatory agencies prior to beginning work. (i.e., City Fire and Building Departments). Permittcc must notify the Hazardous Materials Management Program at (805) 861-3636 two working days prior to tank removal or abandonment in place to arrange for required inspections(s). Tank closure activities must be per Kern County Environmental Health and Fire Department approved metheda a~ described in Handbook UT- 30. It is thc contractor's responsibility to know and adhere to all applicable laws regarding thc handling, transportation or treatment of hazardous materials. The tank removal contractor must have a qualified company employee onsite supervising the tank removal. Thc employee must have tank removal experience prio~ to working unsupervised. · If any contractors other than those listed on permit and permit application arc to be utilized, prior approval must.be granted by the specialist listed on the permit. Deviation from the submitted a~plication is not allowed. Soil Sampling: a. Tank size Iaaa than or equal to 1,000 gallons - a minimum of two samples must be retrieved from beneath the center of the tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. b. Tank size greater than 1,000 to 10,000 gallons - a mi'nimum of four samples must be retrieved one-third of the way in from the ends of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. c. Tank size greater than 10,000 gallons - a minimum of six samples'mt/st be retrieved on-fourth of the way in from the ends of each tank and beneath the center of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTA[",ICES STORAGE FACILITY PERMIT NUMBER A 1060-31 ADDENDUM 10. S~il Sampling (piping area): A ,minimum of two samples must be retrieved at d~pths of approximately two feet and six feet for every 15 linear feet of pipe run and under the dispenser area. Soil Sample analysis: a. All soil samples retrieved from beneath gasoline (leaded/unleaded) tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for benzene, toluene, xylene, and total petroleum hydrocarbons (for gasoline). b. All. soil samples retrieved from beneath diesel tank and appurtenances must be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (for diesel) and benzene. " c. "' All soil samples retrieved from beneath Waste oil tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for total organic halides, Icad, oil and grease. d. All soil samples retrieved from beneath crude oil tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for oil and grease. e.. All.soil samples retrieved from beneath tanks and appurtenances that contain unknown substances must be analyzed for a full range of substances that may have been stored within the tank. Thc following timetable lists prc-~and post-tank removal requirements: ACTIVITY ., '; z,' ~'(!:: '~..: DEADLINE ':" 'i At least two weeks prior to closure Complete permit application submitted to Hazardous Materials Management Program Notification to inspector listed on' permit of date and time of closure and soil sampling Transportation and tracking forms sent to Hazardous Materials Management Program. All hazardous waste manifests must be signed by the receiver of the hazardous waste Sample ang..lysis to Hazardous Materials Management Program Two working days No later than 5 working days fo~ transportation and 14 working days for the tracking form after tank removal No later than 3 working days after completion of analysis RECOMMENDATIONS/GUIDELINES FOR REMOVAL OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS This department is responsible for enforcing the Kern County Ordinance Code, Division 8 and state regulations pertaining to underground storage tanks. Representatives from this department respond to job sites during tank removals to ensure that the tanks are safe to remove/close and that the overall ' job performance is consistent with permit requirements, applicable laws and safety standards. The following guidelines are offered to clarify the interests and expectations for this department. 1. Job site safety is one of our primary concerns. Excavations are inherently dangerous. It is the contractor's responsibility to know and abide by CAL-OSHA regulations. The job foreman is responsible for the crew and any subcontractors on the job. As a general rule workers are not permitted in improperly sloped excavations or when unsafe conditions exist in the hole. Tools and equipment are to be used only for their designed funCtion. For example, backhoe buckets are never substituted for ladders. 2. Properly licensed contractors are assumed to understand the requirements of the permit issued. The job foreman i§ responsible for knowing and · abiding by the conditions of the permit. Deviation from the permit conditions may result in a stop-work order. 3. Individual contractors will be held responsible for their post-removal paperwork. Tracking forms, hazardous-waste manifests and analyses documentation is necessary for each site in order to close a case file or move it into mitigation. When contractors do not follow through on necessary paperwork, an unmanageable backlog of incomplete cases results. If this continues, processing time for completing new closures will increase. Accepted By OWNER OR LF:cd funk\ 1060-31.pta DATE ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT 2700 %M" STREET, SUITE 300 ~KERSFIELD, CA 93301 I;{T-ERNAL USE OM, LY: * OF TANKS ~ BE A~NED L~GTH OF PIPING ~ A~N AI:'PLI CATION FOR I~-R~IIT FOR ~R~~T CLOSURE/ABANDONMENT OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBST~CES STORAGE FACILITY THIS APPL[CAT{ON IS FOR ~R~OVAL. OR ~ ~DO~E~ IN P~Cg {~ILL O~ ON~ APP~TXON PER FACIL:~) PROJECT~}CONTA~ ~ ~ SEC/T/R ,AC..ITY NAME '7__70C ?A~AIMA I_Ak{~ t--{~.l'~, qq ONNER ADDRESS 9 PHONE TANK REMOVAL CO~CTOR ~nRESS IPROPOSED PROJE~T STARTING DATE CALIFORNIA LICENSE J ~'TT. I& IINSD., 5-r-A'r - rdklP "'HEMICAL COMPOSITION OF MATERIALS STORED rANK ~ VOLUME CIIF_~IICAL STORED (NON-CO~ERCIAL NAMEI DAT~$ STORED CHEMICAL PREVIOUSLY STORED WATER TO PACILIT%' PROVIDED BY NEAREST WATER WELL - GIVE DISTA~NCE ANO DESCRIBE TYPE IF WITHIN ,500 FEET AFPF-.DX. l~5o'~T, klm - ~UMtC. It~L BASIS FOR SOiL TYPE AND GROUNDWATER DEPTH .DETER;IINATION DEPTR TO GROUI~ATER SOIL TYPE AT FACILITY %AIxIP¥'--ko~,H DEsCRIBE,HOW H.~.~IOUE IN TANKIS} AHO PIPING IS ~ BE R~OV~ ,~O DISPOSED OF (INCLUDE ~NSPO~ATION ~O DISPOSAL COMPANIES I: - DESCRIBE BOTII ~E DISPOSAL HESIOD ~ DISPOSAL LO~TION FOR: PIPING [~.- · ' OCE,',~ PROVIDZ INPORJ',ATION REQUESTED ON REVERSE SIDE OF Tills SIIEET BEFORE SUBMITTING APPLICATIOH FOR REVIEW · · "HIIS FORM ,u~s BEEN ,'OMPLL'TzD UNDFR. S [GNA'lURE ' -' . FENA~1::~', OF, PERJUR'Y AND TO TIlE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE IS TRUE AND CORRECT. DATE DISPOSAL INFORMATION Tanks will be inerted using 20 lbs. dry ice per 1000 gal. capacity, triple rinsed and reinerted. Contractor shall transport decontaminated tanks on flat bed truck to American Metal Recyclers where they will be sheared into pieces. Waste products (sludge, rinse water) will be hauled out by vacuum truck and disposed of at Gibson Refinery. The county will receive a copy of the manifestation. Soil samples shall be taken from 2-4 ft. below tank bottom, in undisturbed soil taken from a backhoe bucket using a brass tube. Samples will be removed from each corner and from middle of tank excavation (after removal of existing tanks) or as directed by soil testing company. Samples are to be promptly plaCed on ice for transport. Soil samples shall be taken below piping every 15-20 ft. Note: For location of tanks, piping, dispensers and vents, including lengths and dimensions, and for location of roads and buildings, please see General. Arrangement (Sht. 1.1). R E C E ! P ? PAGE bOLk,~ : ~LANNING & OEVELOP~IENT 2:3g pm KERN ' i ~-'" ~"'?00 '~' S'~~, ee~ Bakersfield, CA 93301 Type o~ Order (805) 861-2615 CASH REGISTER ROBERT H. LEE & ASSOC. Price :Jn¢t Oisc Tota~' i 00 . O0 -_- i 00 . ': 00. O0 '{ 'i 00.0(3 Amount Due e o~y Ciqec',~: 200.00 200.0( 'i 0/I 2189 2:39 pm KERN COUNT'Y PLaNNiNG & DEVELOPMENT 2?,30 Bakersffietd, CA 93301 Type .. (905) 851-2615 CASH REGISTER ROBERT H. LF_m & ASSOC. H'IO 1289-3&4 ! ELS '3/ 12/39 ~.-.: m e Descr fi o'tfic~ 'I T,~NK PLAN CHECK ,,~N,, PLAN ,CHECK '! ,3/" ! £/'8 9 I i00.00 'E 100.0;: i !00.'.00 E I00.0C Order 200.0~ Amoun~ Due 200.Or :00.0~ THAN i.', 'YOU SITE SAFETY PLAN UNOCAL SERVICE STATION NO. 5334 2700 PANAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA RHL JOB'#1439 SITE SAFETY PLAN - GASOLINE TANK REMOVAL 1. Drain all piping into tank. Remove all liquid from the tank. Use hand pump to remove the bottom few inches of liquid. Arrange for transport of all liquid (and solid) contents with authorized service, contact a Unocal Engineer for approved haulers. 4. Uncover tank and disconnect attached piping. Prior to complete excavation and tank removal, tank must be purged of flammable vapors. 6c After the tank has been freed of vapors and'verified to be using below. 10 percent of'the lower explosive level (LEL) a calibrated gas detector, plug or cap all holes. Complete excavation and remove the tank placing it in a secure location. Block the tank to prevent movement. USE EXTREME CAUTION DURING REMOVAL OPERATION. Use threaded (boiler) plugs to plug any corrosion leak holes. One tank fitting plug should have a 1/8" vent hole to prevent the tank from being subjected to an excessive pressure differential caused by extreme temperature changes. As an added precaution, REGARDLESS OF CONDITION, the tank shall be labeled adjacent~to the fill opening in legible lettrs as follows: "TANK HAS CONTAINED FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS NOT GAS-FREE NOT SUITABLE FOR FOOD OR DRINKING WATER" No fiberglass or steel tank shall be reused. Render all tanks useless after removing from site, contact a Unocal engineer for correct procedure. Assure tank disposal is in accordance with governing ~ regulations. Page Two 10. Company Representative, Contractor and local implementing agency inspector (if required) shall inspect open excavation for evidence of ~roduct leakage. 11. The tank removal contractor shall have, at minimum, the following safety items on site: a) b). c) d) Fire extinguishers (approved type for flammable liquids) LEL meter First Aid Kit Hard hat and protective clothing for all personnel 12. When the site is left unattended, surround the excavation with a 6'-0" high temporary chain link fence. EMERGENCY PLAN In the event of a fire or. spill, the 'the following steps: shall proceed with Dial 911 (or Operator if 911 is not available in area) and provide the following information: "THERE IS A (LIQUID FIRE OR SPILL) AT (site address)". If anyone is trapped or needs medical attention, tell the answering dispatcher. Stay on the phone and be prepared to answer any questions concerning the sitUation. Attend any injured persons and direct incoming assistance to them. 3. Attempt to extinguish any fire that you can safely. Se Report to arriving emergency response personnel, any information ar assistance they may need. Notify the following: UNOCAL Representative ............... (415) 945-7676 Kern Co. Department of Environmental Health ..... ' ........... (805) 861-3636 State office of ~Emergency Services (24 Hrs) ......... (800) 852-7550 TO ROBERT H. LEE & ASS('" , INC. ~_337 Howe Ave. Suite ,~.1 SACRAMENTO, CA 95825 (916) 646-4003 ~.TTENTION WE ARE sENDING YOU ,[~Attached [] Under separate cover via the following items: [] Shop drawings [] Prints [] Plans [] Samples [] Specifications L-! [] Copy of letter [] Change order ~ ,~,~L_I~__~,T l~:~ l~..~-, F~:~,'~(~ [~H } T"T-,L~,. COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION Z. Pa. AF,,?LiE_.A.T'~OM. ~"'c::,"~. I~JE~Mc::,VAL..-. THESE ARE TRANSMITfED as checked below: /~or approval [] Approved as submitted [] For your use [] As requested [] For review and comment [] Approved as noted [] Returned for corrections [] [] Resubmit [] Submit [] Return copies for approval copies for distribution corrected prints [] FOR BIDS DUE 19__ [] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS AS -'Y... STATED COPY TO Ft ~ Ass°ciatze-d Environmental Systems P.O. Bo~ J427 Bakersfield, CA 93380' (805) 393-2212 To whom it may. concern: AES will. be conducting a precision leak test on 08/08/89 at 0900 hours, at the following location: I n v o i c e A,;::I d r,.:. Contact: MGF;; Unocal 5334' 2700 Panama Lane Bakersfield, CA Tank F i i't/'Ven t ;_ine= Tank Capaci*v F'Poduct Tank VapoP ~ ' ~ 1 2 4 5 6 A d ct i t i o n aJ. I n .~c (:.~ p m a t :L o n: F'roduct TyEe Of Vapor L i n e h:ec ore ry inches o¢ F'ump Tank Water/Tank Type Material O 0 '~ ,*-,z-, S U S I TE I_ 0 G T I I"'IE Set Up Eciu:Lt::,'; B I e d P I" o d u (:: t I.... :i. n e ~i-:.: Bled Vapor Lines; .R 1 e d V e r'; t 1 :L iq ,:.:.:.~ s: Bled "Fur'bine: Bled Suction Pump: Riser's Instat].ed: ! __..<, ~ '<' ~ _-- ~ ','J - = 151989 '" ......... ' set for'th in r',IFF'A f~329 a) ]'h:Ls system and method meets the cr':i.,,~,.:l la . b) Any ~a:i. lul.-e l:Lstc-:,d .above may r.e~::!u:i.r'e -fur'ther act:Lc, n, check wtLth a ]. :1. r e¢3 u :1. a t c:) i.",y a ¢::j e n c i e s. -.q S S 0 C i P, T E 1i E N V I R 0 N Ii E ,~i T Ii L S Y S T E l"i $ 101< S/UL ~ ~:-~. No'res UI',.IE)C¢'d_ 5:::!;::~;4- ~ 2700 i::'¢'4xlC-'.d'1~'::~ L/.~NE; ~ :E';Ai.::;ii.EI=;.'.E;F' l tiEI._.:i:"~ C~=d... ;i; F: ,, HIGH I...EVIEL TIE.ST. 1X '....C~::~L. ,, ~'i ', Da ~ :'-" ~9.."E: .."',~9 : Sy's ,...~=,::~ Var ~ a t i c.n I '1' :i. ,'ne S 'b a r t 2c'I ~ 6: ,:")i:::. I H I GH _E'VEL (I::'UL.L SYS-i"EM) I ,~ I ,00 I GalZc, n~ I01< 'l l_Ub' 'i. ' _~:~:. .... ( .~ MiD LEVEL( ,' Tan I.:: D i ame t e r '""=.:~ .., I F't:~:C)Di. JCT t_. i i",tE Ground WaJ:er 15+ I TEST IS ~:'ASSED ()FAILED () INCONCLUSIVE "rEST CONDUCTED AT I'~,~, INCHES I GRADE LEVEl_ AT /"~,,~ iNCHES E M !i ii 1 i I ' I ! ! ! . *~ Notes U I..1{ JC,,-tL. 5.334 .~ :L."?'(: 0 PANAMA i....Ai'.tti:: , BAi<ERSI::' I EL..D '("iAI.... I F' ,, H I GH L. EVlii..]L 't E.::) ,~""~. iX-CAI. ..... ', "1' e c h n i (:: :i. an E',' N L I ~..~"~ ,.:..*- ;~..i. iD ~'-' ;:."~. 'b :; ~,r]_ v' c:t .L Lt,=: UN .L TS = Ga 1 . ', ~ Date ~:.~ ,,,:, ,','*c, '"' I ,:D ; I ."'~ "-.I ':.% t (:'~ i**l] ~ ~ '- ~ "''~ ........ ,.,'.=, ,-' .t ,.:., 'L-. :i. ,:::,n I (~Jl'4 ...... ~""' ' H :!; E-:4...i LI:. ,, ~::.L. ( F::'L.IL.i... :E;'Y'S"i"IEI~i ) ; ~ i" :~ m e S .i*.. a ? 'b,_=.:d :L 7: 4 ...... '""'" ..... ' L.l::vl::i_r' 1, MIE:, t_ E: v ,:. ,_ ( ) I G.:.:,. ]..'1. c.~n~. :[¢'",i.:" I ~ ,-iul ..... '" ....... , u-..~ , I Tank D'i amet:e~.-_ *?.j i F:'FRCIDLJCT ~ :[ NIE,._ ,' I TES"F C (2 htDU C:"i'E D A'T' I I',h., m E.: , ~.: I., .-~ ...... 1:. v t~:L A't' INCHES M ? il J ! I CERTIFICATE OF PRECISION LEAK TEST Certification # Associated Environmental Systems, Inc. has tested and certifies 8?9502 the following: DATE: 08/08/89 CERTIFIED TESTER: BNL # 89158 LOCATION: Unocal 5334 2700 Panama Lane~ Bakersfield,'CA TANKS: TANK LINE PROD/LINE 1. 10~ R/UL PASS ~ PASS 2. ~ PASS PASS pA~S 3. XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX 4. ×XXXXXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX 5. XXXXXXXX XXXX ×X×X XXXX 6. XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXX X~X× Associated Environmental Systems ANY FAILURE LISTED MAY REQUIRE NOTIFICATION OF AGENCY. Recertification Date Recommended: 08/90 Home Office: P.O. Box 80427, Bakersfield. CA 93380 · 8051393-2212 L'CI LIQUID CONSTRUCTION, INC. Kern County Environmental Health Department 2700 "M" St., Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 .April 27, 1989 Re: Unocal ~4669, 1605 Ellingion St., Delanc, CA' Unocal ~6106, 1700 California Blvd., Bakersfield, CA Unocal ~5573, 2502 Ming Ave., Bakersfield, CA Unocal ~5334, 2700 Panama Lane, Bakersfield, CA 31oo~5 Unocal ~3507, 930 Oak Street, Bakersfield, CA To Whom It May Concern, LCI has been contracted by Unocal Corporation to extend the island and relocate the dispenser to the end of the island .extension in order to accommodate the new P.O.S terminal that will be installed next to the canopy column at the above- ., referenced locations. Please find the attached application and drawings for your approval. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Regards, Project Coordinator 1054 North 'J' Street Post Office Box 1220 Tulare, California 93275 · (209) 688-1980 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT Permit No. 2700 "M" STREET , STE. ~0 A~ ication Date BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301' APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND HAZ~dlDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY Type Of Application (check).: []New Facility [~Modification Of Facility [-]Existing Facility ~]Transfer Of Ownership A. Emergency 24-Hour Contact {name. area code, phone): Days ~a~, Type Of Business {check): ~asoline Station ~Other {describe) Is Tank(s) Located On An Agricultural Farm? ~Yes ~o " Is Tank(s) Used Primarily For Agricultural Purposes? ~Yes Facility Address '~ ~~k ~, ~~~ Nearest Cross St. T R SEC {Rural Locations Only) Operator ~ ~Q Co.tact Person ~ ~ ' 8. Water To Facility Provided By ' Depth to Groundwater Soil Characteristics· At Facility Basis For Soil Type and Groundwater t~ inations C. Contractor bO~(~.~ ca~v2c~ed ~t. cA contractor's License No. Proposed Starting Date ~[~.~fl Proposed Completion Date Worker's Compensation Certification No. ~.~.~1~ Insur~ D. If This Permit Is For' Modification .Of An Exist~g Facility, Bri~ly Describ~ Tank[s) Store (check all that apply): Tank ~ Waste Product Motor Vehicle Unleaded Regular Premium Diesel Waste Fuel, Oil Chemical composition Of Materials Stored (not necessary for motor vehicle fuels) Tank ~ Chemical Stored {non-com~ercial name) CAS ~ (if known) Chemical Previously Stored ~1 / (if different) G. Transfer Of Ownership · ~Transfer ~ ! / Previous Owner Previous Facility Name |~{ / · I. accept ~ully al. 1 obligations of Permit No. issued ~ . I un~tand~hat the Permitting Authority may review an ~the transfer of the/~ermit to 'Operate this underground storag .... facility upon receiving this completed lotS/TM . .... ' ...... . This form has been completed under penalty of perjury and to the best of my knowledge is true and correct. Kern ~ounty Ilealth gepartm ~l)ivis.ion of Environmental'. .~itt~ 1700 Flower Street, Bakersfield, CA (805) 861-3636 933O5 Peumit No. A~ ication Date AI't'LICA'rlON FOR PERMIT 1'O OPERATE UNI)ER¢;ROUNI) [IAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY Type Of Application (check): [_~New Facility ~lodificatlon Of Facili'ty ~Existing Facility ~Trunsfer Of Ownership A. Emergency 24-Hour Contact (name, area code, phone): No. Of Tanks Type Of Business (check): ~Gasoline Station ~Other (describe) Is Tank(s) Located On An Agr'[~ultural Farm? ~Yes '~1o Is Tank(s) Used Primarily For Agricultural Purposes? ~Ycs~No Facility Address ZT~ ~'~ C~. [7~~Z~ Nearest Cross St. /~}~ T R SEC (Rural Locations Only) Owner /~~L _ Contact Person ~~ Operator ~~ ~~ Conkack Person ~~ B. Wa~er To Faci[iky Provided By ~/~ I)(q,kh ko Groumlwa~er Soil Charackeriskics At FacJ]JLy Basis For Soil Type and Groumlwaker Depkh De~euminakions Proposed Starting Date ~/~-~ Proposed Completio~, Date Worker's Compensation Cerkifica~ion No. ~,~, ~ /~/~- Insurer If This Permit Is For .Modification O/ An Exipting Facility, Briefly Describ Modifications Proposed /~,&_$Tf _'~,., ~g¢Lt'At'~ ~ ~~ ~/~ ~'~~ /~~ r/~ . , , , . E. TanR(s) Store (check all that apply): Tank ~ Waste Product Motor %;hic[e Unleaded Regular' P~'em[um ' I,'ue I (}; I Chemical 'Composition Of Mal.(:rials Stored (not Tank ~ Che~mical Stored (non--commercial ,lame) CAS ~ G. Transfer _Of !}wnership .A//~ Date Of Transfer '~/~ Previous Owner Previous Facility Name I. accept fully all obligat.ions of Permit No. issued [ ,,nderstaad that the Permitting Authority may modify or terminate the tl';~m{sfer of the Permit to Operate th}s uudel'p, vound facility upon receiving th}s completed ................................................. - ...... 'Chis form has been completed under p,:n;~l, ty o[' perjury and to tile best of my l<now[,~,lge i:; Lru, and correct. /'~,/~. [] Fiber~rlass-Clad SLee L~J {Jl,OllZ~ ~_] Unktto~v,~ LIFt;l' /Q,/~ [] I)oub.l.e--Wall ~ SynLheLic L, inet' [~ I,.ine~l VaulE ~ None ~ bhil:erial 'l'hickiless (iil<:{LeS) Capacity (Gals.) A ~ . I~uhl)et' [~ Alkyd ~ ICl)oxy ~ Phe~Lol.i~: [~] tiJass ~ {~ O~her (describe): 6. Tank Co/'uosion Protection  ~ Galvanized ~ FiberElass-Ulad ~ i'olyetl~lene Wi'ap ~ Vinyl ~ Tar or Asphalt ~ IJllkltO~VlX ~ NOlle ~ Other (describe): Cu(lmdic Ppu~ection:.~ None ~ Impressed Curren~ System ~ SacriYlcial Anode Sys~ Desct'ibe System & EqUil)merit: '~. 'l'811l(: .~ VtsLla[ (vatitLed Lanks ullly) g 6rOkllldwaLer MoIi~[o~IIE We~(s) / ~ Vadose Zollt~ MOllJtoi'ill}[ ]Ve.IJIs) ~ U-Tube WJthouL ],Jllet' C] Il-Tube wil:h ComlmtibJe Liner Oirecl:il~ Floiv To bloniLoring Well(s)* ~ Vapor Detector *~ [,iliuid l,evel Sensor* ~ Conductivity Sensor* [~ Pressure Seusor In Ammlar Space (If Double Wall Tank * ~ L.iquid Retrieval & Inspection lrrom U-Tube, Honitorina {Ve]l Or Aimulal' Space {~] l)afly Oattgiu~ & lnve[L~ory Reconciliation ~ Periodic Tightness '['es~tng J~ None ~ tJldCtlOWL~ ~ O~her b. PipinE: ~ Flm~-ResLrici:ing Leak DeLecLoP(s) For Pressurized Piping* j~ Honi(orin¢ Sump Wi Lh Raceway ~ Sealed ConcreLe Racm~ay " ~ llalf-guL CompaEJbte I'ipe Race~ay ~ SynLheLic Liner RaCeway ~ N~ne J~'.J Ihlkm)~vn J-_-] {)t:het' *l)escril)e lqake. & blodul: 8. T a n k .'.[ ~. g h.&i LLe s s  . {las Til J s Tank Heell Ti ~lltlieSS '['eS ted? Da~e {~t Las[ Tightness Test: Test Nam~ 9. Tank ReEai~'  Tank Iici}nj. red? [~ Yes . l)ate(s) Of Rel}ait'(s Describe Repairs 10. Overfill Protect:ion [] Clay [] Unlined {--'] U~d~nu'. 'J'l,~S LilI[[ (JOll~JJillly U (Ipt;t'al'.OF [:J.J.is Coui'.rt~l.';, & Vistul{ ly H{,ttit. ovs l,eve.[ 'l'ape FIoaL Gauge ~ [:[,);It. VellL Vi. lLvllt4 Jf~] AIIL(~ ~JltlL-iJ[r~ (JOlltii'oiS Capacitance Sensor ~ SeaJed FilJ Box ~] None [~ Ulflolotwl Uther: I, ist blake & blodel For Above Devl( il. _Piping a. tlnderi,rrottlld I'il)inif: .~ Yes ~ No ~ tJltklu~n Huterial~~~ 'l'hick{~ess '(inches) ~ Diameter ~// blanul'acturerO~ ~,~  ['t'essure ~ Suction ~ (;t'aviLy Al,Proximate Length Of i-'ire b. Underground Pip'liE Corrr~sjon PreLect. ion: ~ Ga.lvaJ]Jzed ~ Fil>nrl{Inss-(Jla~l {~ [ml~i'essed CurrenL ~ Sacrificial A~ L~ Polyethylene IV['al) ~ /';lecl. t'ical [solatiou ~ Vinyl IVrap ~ Tau oF Asph ~ Unkmm~n ~ None ~ ()Lhr~r c. Undergt'ound Piping, Secondat'y ~} Doul)le-Wa]l ~ Syl~t:iLeti,' bi:]er SysLem ~ Ntme [~ ~ Other (describe): P L A l'J AP?..qOVED Baker:fie!d, C{:!i~c, rrfia- 93305 Phone / / I I -1 I I I r/ I I I I I !1 \ \ IT*<FFI CAb I?$P¢LF~F~¢-- E.~.~oc~T~o d Date: LCI Job No.: ~ t,oIutEn,rm COmRACVOR 1054 NOR]H "J" STREET License No. A-4g60*I POST OFFICE BOX 1220 TULARE, ,CALIFORNIA 93275 LIQUID CONSTRUCTION, INC.. (2oD)',~,~-meo FAX NO. (':ZOO) 688-283l . 2700'"M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 9330t (805) 86t.3636 (805) 861-3429 Fax Number COUNTY OF KERN Environmental Health Servh:es Department PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT UNDERGROUND STORAGE FACILITY PERMIT NUMBER 310023M FACILITY NAME/ADDRESS: OWNER(S) NAME/ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: Unocal # 5573 2700 Panama Lane Bakersfield, CA Unocal Corp. 1275 N. Calif. Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Ph, ~ L.C.I. 1054 No. J St. Tulare, CA 93274 Ph. NEW BUSINESS CHANGE OWNERSHIP RENEWAL PERMIT EXPIRES License # A-469011 MAY 18, 1990 I APPROVAL DATE ~ M~_ 18_~_~989 X MODIFICATION --OTHER I APPROVED BY ................................ POST ON PREMISES ........................... CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: Standard Instructions This permit applies only to the modification of an existing facility involving _.~.b~_~.~9~R~_~__.~__d_~,P~,~.~._~9~-~d pipi_~g_and electrical conduit. 3. 4. 5. 6. All construction to be as per facility plans approved by this department and verified by inspection by Permitting Authority. All equipment and materials in. this construction must be installed in accordance with ail manufacturers' specifications. Permittee must contact Permitting Authority for on-site inspection(s) with 48-hour advance notice. Backfill material for piping and tanks to be as per manufacturers' specifications. ConstructiOn inspection record card is included with permSt given to Permittee. This card must be posted at jobsite prior to initial inspection. Permittee must contact Permitting Authority and arrange ~or each group of required inspections numbered as per instruction on card. Generally, inspections will be made of: a. Soil samples taken at 2' and 6' under dispenser being removed as per UT-30. b. Pressure test on product piping. c. Condolets & Seals d. Final PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT PERMIT NUMBER 310023M UNDERGROUND sTORAGE FAGILITY ADDENDUM All.underground metal connections (e.g. piping, fitting, fill pipes) to tank(s) must be electrically isolated, and wrapped to a minimum 20 mJ.] thi'ckness with corrosion-preventive, gasoline-resistant tape or otherwise protected from corrosion. 's~arke¥\3~OO23H 5-18-3 DATE. KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPART~'"NT ENV. IRONMgNTAL HEALTH DIVr ON HAZAgDOUS .SUBSTANCES SECTION INSPECTION RECORD POST CARD AT JOBSITE ? 1700 F5'OWER STREET BAKERSFIELD. CA 93305 PHONE (805) 861-3636 FACII. ITY PERMIT ~ OWNER ADDRESS ADDRESS CITY CITY PHONE NO. INSTRUCTIONS: Please call for an inspector only when each group of inspections with the same number are ready. They will run in consecutive order beginning with number 1. DO NOT cover work for any numbered group until all items in that group are signed off by the Permitting 'Authority. Following these instrutions will reduce the number', of required inspection visits and therefore prevent assessment of additional fees. - TANKS & BACKFILL - INSPECTION 'DATE INSPECTOR Backfill of Tank(s) Spark Test Certification Cathodic Protection of Tank(s) 1 Soil samples taken at 2' & 6' below dispensers as per U.T.-30. - PIPING SYSTEM - Piping & Raceway w/Collection Sump Corrosion Protection of Piping, Joints, Fill Pipe Electrical Isolation of Piping From Tank(s) Cathodic Protection System-Piping 2 Pressure test on pipinq ~/~ ~. '.~__ 2 Condulets & Seals ~/{~9 - SECONDARY CONTAINMENT OVERFILL PROTECTION. LEAK DETECTION - Liner Installation - Tank(s) Liner Installation- Piping Vault With Product Compatible Sealer Level Gauges or Sensors, Float Vent Valves Product Compatible Fill Box(es) Product Line Leak Detector(s) Leak Detector(s) for ~Annular Space-D.W. Tank(s) Monitoring Well(s)/Sump(s) Leak Detection Device(s) For Vadose/Groundwater 3 Final - FINAL - Monitoring Wells, Caps & Locks Fill Box Lock Monitoring Requirements CONTRACTOR LICENSE # CONTACT PH # P.O. Box 80427 Bakersfield, CA 93380 (805) 393-2212 PRECISION T~NK & LINE TEST RESULTS Invoice Address: Tank Location: W.O.#: 7252 UNOCAL CORP PO BOX 8175 WALNUT CREEK, CA. 94596 UNOCAL #5334 2700 PANAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA. I.D. Number: 5334 Techni~ianiRJW Tech.#188143 Van#~8109 Datel 8-9-88 Time Start~ 0800 Facility Phone#: 805-832-6191 Contact: GERALD HORTON Endl 1300 County~ KE Groundwater Depth~ 14 FT+ Blue Prints: NA Datel*Time system was filled~ 8-9-88 0900 Tank Fill/Vent P~0duct Tank Capacity P~oduct Tank Vapo~ Lines Line i IOK U/L PASS PASS PASS ~ 1OK S/UL PASS PASS PASS 3 4 6 Additional .~Informat io~: Ty~e Of Vapo~ Inches Of Pu~p Tank ~ecove~y Water/Tank Type Material II 0 TUR SWF II 0 TUR SWF SITE LOG TIME Set Up Equip~ 1000 Bled Product Lines: NA Bled Vapor Linesl 0930 Bled Vent lines~ NA Bled Turbine: 0920 Bled Suction Pump~ NA Risers Installed~ NA a) These results obtained using the patented A.E.S./Bpockman syste~.~ b) This system and method meets the c~iteria set forth in NFPA c~ Any failure listed above may require further action~ check with all regulatory a~encies. Cert i f i ed (I$S'OCTATED ENVTRONHENTAL SYSTEMS UNOCAL ttS334 ?~9 PANAMA LI%NE B~KERSFIELD, CA, WO #?252 - f~e L~9O , UHUC~L #S334' Precision Leak Test Technician RJW Cali beat ion Val ueZ.~_. Date 8/9/88 UNITS=, ~o~Oa 1. I System Variation I UNITS I 8PH I Time St apt ed 10:30 HIgH LEVEL (FULL SYSTEM) i ~ ~ ~)//0 I LOW LEVEL( ) MID LEVEL( )1 i I Gal Ions IOK Tank Diametep 92 Geound Watee 14 TEST CONDUCTED INCHES PRODUCT LINE I ,I I ()FAILED () INCONCLUSIVE I GRADE LEVEL AT,,,,/<:~ ~' INCHES v s';?,' T ~- I "- I L ';~: !i,~: i I I ! I ! I ! 1 ! T E M LI I",I T FOCUS 0,00 L/ ~,00 T O~SE~ NO,~S~ ** Notes UNOCAL #5334, ~700 PANAMA LANE, HIGH LEVEL TEST WITH A ~XCAL. BAKERSFIELD~ CA. AES / Broc kmart Prec i s i on Lea k Test ii. O. ~,o, m A041i'7 B~ IKe m · f I e A d ~ ~k '!~33 a'O ¢ &O~ ) Technician RJW I Calibpatton value UNITS - Gal. Date 8/9/88 System Vapiation I UNITS I GPH Time Stapted ll:ffi? HIGH LEVEL (FULL SYSTEM) I I Gallons PUMP I Tank Diameter PUMP LOW LEVEL() MID LEVEL( )1 PRODUCT LINE ~_~ Geound.Watee 0 TEST IS ~ASSED ()FAILED INCONCLUSIVE TEST CONDUCTED AT~__~ INCHES 8RADE LEVEL AT/~ INCHES E V E T £ 0 RD ER- NO , ~"~S~ ** Notes UNOCAL #5~34, ~700 pANAMA LANE' BAKERSFIELD, CA. PRODUCT LINE TEST P.O. Doll ~04~? ~&l~eemf ~e~,d~ CA Leak I Date 8/9/88 System Variation I UNITS I GPH I I Time S~arted 10:30 I Gallons IOK HISH LEVEL (FULL SYSTEM) ! LOW LEVEL( ) MID LEVEL( )1 I. I I Tank Diameter 92 I Geound Water 14 FT+ I TEST CONDUCTED AT~ INCHES PRODUCT LINE I I I TEST IS~.PASSED ()FAILED ()INCONCLUSIVE I L E M FOCUS G:,00 L/ ~,00 /'. ORDER biO, ** Notes UNOCAL #53~4, 2700 PANAMA LANE~ BAKERSFIELD~ CA. HIGH LEVEL TEST WITH A 2XCAL. L_~ak Technician RJW Calibration Value UNIT~ - 8al. Date 8/9/88 Syst em Var i at i on I UNITS I GPH Time Started 11~7 HIGH LEVEL (FULL SYSTEM) I. I Gallons PUMP Tank Diameter PUMP Geound Water '0' LOW LEVEL() MID LEVEL( )1 I PRODUCT LINE ~/~'~j~ I .PASSED ()FAILED ()INCONCLUSIVE INCHES GRADE LEVEL AT ..... LI I".1 5:,;?., I T FOC US iO,~L/ i,00 T 0 RD E'R NO , TR~;R1~ ** Notes UNOCAL #~3~4, ~700 PANAMA PRODUCT LINE TEST LANE, BAKERSFIELD, CA. CERTIF""ATE OF 15RECISION L-AK TEST Associated Environmental Systems, Inc. has tested and certifies the following: DATE: 08/09/88 CERTIFIED TESTER: R3W # 88143 LOCA]qON: Unocal. ¢~5334 2700 Panama Lane, 8akersfield~ CA Certification # 887252 TANKS: ~. 1OK U/L 2. 10K S/UL 3. xxxxxx 4. xxxxxx 5. XX×XXX 6. XXXXXX TANK LINE PRO.LINE P~SS pASS p~ PASS PASS PARS XXXX XXXX X~XX XXxx Xxxx xxxx xxxx Xxxx XXXX XXXX XXXX Associated Environmental Systems, Inc. ANY FAILURE LISTED MAY REQUIRE NOTIFICATION OF AGENCY. Recertification Date Recommended: 08/89 · Home Cfflce P.O. Box 80427, Ba.k~sfietd, CA 9,3380 · 12 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVI~-VON · ' -.--.~..-,.-. BAKERSF !ELD,..~/.CA 93305 PHONE' NO .'.",',-- ..... 'INSTRUCTIONS or "an nsp! · .with .:.:t.he .... lane · '~: WO-L~ · ~.. :~,~ ~ ..... :.~..,~ .... ~e~e'nt. assennnent ":on ,.,, '-ea nti.ve j:~t'ing'?AUthorit '.'1 ..- - ........... :' '-'-'- iCo=rosion Protection o~ Piping, Joints, 'Fill Pipe ~glectrtcal Isolation o~ Plping From Tank(s) Cathodic Protection S~stea-Ptping - SECONDARY CONTAINMENT oVERFILL. PROTECTION' LEAK DETECTION - - .'::' ..... -'.:' :Liner Installation - Tank(s) -' .... ~ :,,. :'. ..... ::,-.,.',.. '. Liner InstallatiOn - Piping' .-' ............ Vault With Product Compatible Sealer ...... Level Gauges or Sensors, Float Vent Valves Product Compatible Fill Box(es} ,. Product Line Leak Detector(s) " Leak Detector(s) for Annular Space-D.#. Tank(s} :..,:.' .... :-::.. Monltortn~ Well (s)/Sump(s) ...... Leak Detection Device(s) For Vadose/Oroundwater .... :....< .... :,.':.-,. _ · , . - ,., ~.,.~,_~, ,,:%;~..-,,' -; .... Monltortnf Wells, Cap8 ,&. Locks ·: .: :....,,-.:..:~ ,.:; .~ ..... Fill Box Lock" '-' .......... Xonitorinz Requirements., · · ...... ........ '. ,. :,. ...... <:,.. .... CONTACT LCI LIQUID CONSTRUCTION, INC. July 1, %988 Joe Canus Kern County Environmental Health 2700 "M" Street Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 Re: Unocal 95334, Panama Lane & Hwy 99, Bakersfield, Ca. ' Dear Mr. Canus: This letter is to confirm our telephone conversation of July 1, 1988, @ 3:!5 arranging an 'inspection at the above- referenced location for Wednesday July 6, 1988 @ ]:30. If there is any changes from our arranged date and time, we will contact your office well in advance. Thank you for your cooperation in'this matter. , Regards, / Annette Fagundes 1054 North 'J' Street · Post Office Box 1220 ° Tulare, California 93275 · (209) 688-19.80 HUN[ER ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. 18350 MT. LANGLEY STREET, SUITE I0! FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA 9270B B00-247-9014 800-247-2~8G CUSTOMER: UNOCAL ADDRESS: 2700 PANAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA TEST RESULTS SUMMARY SYSTEM TANK SIZE ND. PRODUCT GALLONS DIA/MATL WATEr' LEVEL INCHES INCHES TEST [)ATE: 6/20/88 LOCATION/ICEN[IFI~A,~O.~ NO,: ,%04 LEAK LOKATOEi PESULTS ALR ~SF'H CONCLUSION RECOMMENDATIONS S/U 10000 95/ST U/L 10000 95/ST WASTE OIL 280 3G/ST OlHER INFORMATION: NO FUEL DELIVERIES 98 +,001 TIGHT PRODUCT LINES - HYDROSTATIC FI~ESSU~'E TEST SYSTEM TYPE OF PUMP POUNDS POUNDS MINUFES PRODUCT PRODU[:T CONCI.USION NO. PRODUCT REMOTE .~UCTION APPLIED HELD HELD LOSS C~'s LOSS GPH ,'RESULT I S/U RED JACKEI 2 U/I. RED JACKET NDIE: On suction systems, NEVER put more than 15 psi on any pump system. DETAIL OF TEST RESULTS TEST TIME LEAK RATE TEMPERATURE ABSOLUTE CHECk SYSTEM TEST LEVEL CLOCK DURATION ' COMPENSATION LEAK RATE rEST NO. PRODUCT ND. (IN.) STATE (HR-MINI CC/DIV CC/MIN DELIA oF CC/HIN CC/MIN GPH Y/N S/U U/L WASTE OIL I 98 12:30 :30 ,~11 .405 .043 .381 ,024 ..001 N *LEVEL - Inches from Tank Bottom' to Test Level ALP - Absolute Leak Rate CMeasu~ed Leak Rate - Temperature Compensation) in Gallons Pe~' CONCLUSION - NFPA 329 criterion of +/--FI.05 GPA is used to ,:ertify tightness. This is to certify that the above tank systems gere tested,, usinq, the HUNTEE: ENVI~ON~FUA'. ''"t'or.~.~l,.K=,""' i~)7. LEA}: LDKATOR according to all standard operating procedures. Those ir, oicated as tlg}tt ~t full system :r,e~t ins crite'_.~' established by the National Fire F'rote,:tion Association Pamphlet ~m~ ({:'~ PreCision ~estino, Tests Conducted and Certified By: ~est Van No. 26 Team Hah'age): B. HARMON lank Testing Specialist: R. RAY SUITE 400 ~.i T ~"?'=' :' CANTON, OH 44702 ? 16-453-1800 .~.= ;~ 800.5234370 TEST RESULTS leak okato CONTRACT NUMBER CUSTOMER -; ~ LOCATION -- IDENTIFICATION NUMBER I NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ,' o .? ' ', .. '"' 7 ~./ ' ~ / i , ,"/z ..... ~'-'" .,'~." " ' ' ,. ." ,~',. ~ -~,:_" . . , . .. '~..,,),~ ..,. .. t. :'( r,/ · TEST RESULTS SUMMARY LE^~ -O~ATO, ONLY LEAK LOKATOR RESULTS* CONCL. CODE TANK SIZE GIALLONS OlA/MATL WATER INCHES [.EVE[. ~NCHES OTHEI~ INFORMATION CONC[,USION . .:. ~.. PRODUCT LINES - HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE TEST RESULTS RECOMMENDATIONS TEST TANK SY z.....SYSTEM TYPE OF PUMP PRODUCT pRODUCT ' ' "" ~' # MINUTES LOSS LOSS CONCLUSIOr NO. ".' pRODuCT 'REMOTE SUCTION APPLIED APPLIED CC'S GPH RESULT l' ;,/. ,. ') ~d:~i ' ~ .... ,~.'. .' X. ~ ~' · " NOTE: On Suction systems, NEVER put more than 15 psi on any pump system. )THER.CONTRACTORS, OFFICIA -I~S, CUSTOMER REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT DETAIL OF TEST RESULTS TEST TIME LEAK RATE TEMPERATURE ABSOLUTE COMPENSATION LEAK RATE .'HE sYSTEM TEST LEVEL TE! NO. PRODUCT NO. (INCHES) CLOCK DURATION START HRS.-MIN. CC/DIV CC/MIN /~ * F CC/MIN CC/MIN GPH Ci o'.,/'i',.',: ;,../,::, :,." r i ':i?;: I~,',';r.,, ('..;- .~L.. , ' ,, , ,-r. I I LEVEL -- INCHES FROM TANK BOTTOM TO TEST LEVEL ALR - ABSOLUTE LEAK RATE {MEASURED LEAK RATE -- TEMPERATURE COMPENSATION) IN GALLONS PER HOUR CONCLUSION - NFPA 329 CRITERION OF ~0.05 GPH IS USED TO CERTIFY TIGHTNESS :ERTIFICATION This is to certify that the above described tank systems were tested, using the HUNTER ENVIRONMENTAL · SERVICES, INC. LEAK LOKATOR according to all standard.operating procedures. Those Indicated as tight at full system meet the criterion established by the National Fire Protection Association Pamphlet 329 for Precision Testing. · TESTS CONDUCTED BY J CERTIFIED BY TEST VAN NO. I TANK ?ESTINQ SPEC!AL!ST , I SIGNA.'F-.?~,R,..~) ~;'.'~,' I DAI'~ INAME [ TITLE " "' ; r.'" 17) ! ,: . CUSTOMER: Otc/o c' ~-/d WEATHER BEFORE TEST - AFTERTEST - SCHEMATIC: TANK AND LOCATION DATA DATE: CITY: ¥"L STATE: J" TIME TEMPERATURE / / /' .Page 2 ~::. / >, COMMENTS i® , PRODUCT/TANK NO. LEVEL GALLONS WATER TOP OF RISER D~OP TUBE c~ c'.//',~ Fill Gauge Gauge CAPACITY GALrONS DIAMETER, INCHES 'MAYER!~L ' PUMP. TYPE TYPE OF COVER AGE OF TANK sIPHoN TANK OPENINGS EXTRACTORS TYPE VENT CONFIGURATION P-V VENT VALVE TYPE Gauge REPLACEMENT pARTS: PART # DESCRIPTION QUANTITY PRICE ADDITIONAL CHARGES: (oumpovers, overtime, etc.) '~-'~ ~" · ,';.'~ r' ~. ,;'~. *Data obtained from /,~,Station [::] LL Charts r-I Other HUNTER ENVIROI~4ENTAL SERVICES~ INC. 18350 MT. LANGLEY STREET~ SUITE IO1 FOUNTAIN VALLEY~ CA 92708 800-247-9014 800-247-2186 CUSTOMER: UNOCAL ADDRESS: 2700 Panama Lane Bakersfield, CA FINAL TEST RESULTS TEST DATEz 8-27-87 LOCATION/IDENTIFICATION NO,= TEST RESULTS SLI~4MARY NO. LEAK LOKATOR RESULTS SYSTEM TANK SIZE WATER LEVEL ALIa PRODUCT GALLONS DIA/MATL INCHES INCHES GPH CONCLUSION RECOMMENDAT IONS Super 10500 95-1/2"/ST 0 169" +.028 Tight U/L 10500 95-1/2"/ST 0 170" -.039 Tight Waste 011 280 45"/ST 0 80" -.001 Tight PRODUCT LINES - HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE TEST RESULTS SYSTEM TYPE OF PLI4P POUNDS POUNDS MINUTES PRODUCT NO. PRODUCT REMOTE SUCTION APPLIED HELD HELD LOSS CC~s PRODUCT CONCLUSION LOSS GPH /RESULT I Super Red Jacket 50 10 2 U/L Red Jacket 50 10 NOTE: On suction systems~ NEVER put more than 15 psi on any pump system, Pass pass DETAIL OF TEST RESULTS TEST TIME LEAK RATE TEMPERATURE SYSTEM. TEST LEVEL CLOCK DURATION COMPENSATION NO. PRODUCT NO. (IN.) STATE (HR-MIN) CC/DIV CC/MIN DELTA °F CC/MIN ABSOLUTE CHECK LEAK RATE TEST CC/MIN GPH Y/N 1 Super I 169" 11=45 30 MIn ,697 +43,572 +,094 +41,778 +!,794 +,028 N 2 U/L 1 170" 1115 30 Mln 1,442 +65,577 +,155 +68,068 -2,491 -.039 N 3 .Waste Oil 1 '80" 9=00 32 Mtn ,680 + ,453 +,085 + ,525 - °072 -,001 N *LEVEL - Inches fro~ Tank Bottm fo Test Level ALR - Absolute Leak Rate (Measured Leek Rate - Temperature Compensation) CONCLUSION - NFPA 329 criterion of +/- 0.05 GPA Is used to certify tightness In Gallons Per Hour CERTIFICATION This Is to certify that the above tank systems were tested, using the HUNTER ENVIROI~4ENTAL SERVICES~ INC, LEAK LOKATOR according to ell standard operating procedures. Those Indicated as tight at full system meet the criterion estebllshed by the National Fire Protection Association Pamohlet ~2q for Proc. lslon Testing. Tests Conducted and Certified Byt Test Van No. 18 Team Manager= Ed Gully Tank Testing Specialist= J.R. Evans 115 DEWALT AVENUE, N.W SUITE 400 CANTON, OH 44702 216-453-1800 800-523-4370 TEST RESULTS leak IokatOn- CONTRACT NUMBER CUSTOM. b///p NAME LOCATION ~ IDENTIFICATION NUMBER . STATE . TEST RESULTS SUMMARY I' ,'il'il ONLY TANK ;IZE LEAK LOKATOR RESULTS' I ' ~:oNC~' CODE SYSTEM PRODUCT / ';~ ! DIA/MATL WATER INCHES LEVEl. )THER INFORMATION . ALR . e~ I CONCLUSION % 03q .f-.,,~ -, o o ~ i' RECOMMENDATIONS PRODUCT LINES - HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE TEST RESULTS ' ii..,.'.-:: PRODUCT PRODUCT:i; C~LUSION/ SYSTEM TYPE OF PUMP # MINUTES LOSS LOSS" NO?-' PRODUCT ' REMOTE SUCTION APPLIED APPLIED CC'S . GPH 'i" ":; C ~.' ~.:.'::..'~v; ~ '.-'. ', · '~ '.:/ ~,~.,/...~ .... "~.I () "":~':'::'::'~:~~~'~ ..... ' ....,."' '.. ~.:..: ':u :tL~,:.'~ . ",.. ', 'c~; ~,.:.-:! · t: ~';~'t.;., ' . ' ..:'i "~'": '-" ....... " · ....~:;, .':..' ',~':~ :'::~.,'!i ,:. ..',~-W;". ;/~, :,': '.." .' NOTE: On suction systems, NEVER put more than 15 psi on any pump system. . :.,.it'>';bt;~>.g:.?:.?..:.." ~THER CONTRACTORS, OFFICIAl, CUSTOMER REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT ' ''~ '~ ':~*'f* ' , · ..~i~ ?,.~,~;..,,.; . .,, , ~' , , DETAIL OF TEST RESULTS . ." :'. "::., ":' . · ' q'l' '1' 'IT i~'l I'" i TEMPERATURE -AB$OI.IL~'I'~[" '' ' ':' TEST TIME LEAK RATE COMPENSATION .., ~ 'LEAK RATE. "-:." ". ",~] '.HECH - .TEST ,~ySTEM TEST LEVEL o ¥ e, N NO.' PRODUCT NO, (INCHES) CLOCK DURATION CC/OlV CC/MIN ~ F CC/MIN CC/MIN'. .~ .'.:oPH .' j ; ' ": ' I :':'*',: '~ ~":" .i. ~, ,. ~'. : .... ...... ' ...;?,: ,.:. ~ · LEVEL - INCHES FROM TANK BOTTOM TO TEST LEVEL '' ' " ";. ALR - ABSOLUTE LEAK RATE (MEASURED LEAK RATE - TEMPERATURE cOMPENSATION) IN GALLONS PER HOUR ' :::'" ."' CONCLUSION - NFPA 329 CRITERION OF ~ 0.05 GPH IS USED TO CERTIFY TIGHTNESS . .~ ... - CERTIFICATION This is to certify that t~e above described tank systems were tested, using the HUNTER ENVIRONMENTAE:?:; SERVICES, INC. LEAK LOKATOR according to all standard operating procedures. Those indicated.as tlgh{ et ~JII meet the criterion established by the National Fire Protection Association Pamphlet 329 for Preci$i6~ system . . ,..'-.,(:., .: -._.,,; t., TESTS CONDUCTED BY TEST VAN NO, I TANK TESTING SPECIALIST I E,~ (,,t/..f CERTIFIED B .- :.,~,..,.,.'..'.' SIGNATUR/E~/ J OAT "~'~ i". 'T c' TANK AND LOCATION DATA CITY: STATE: ~THER TIME TEMPERATURE COMMENTS ~ o~.,~ ¢-oo 7~,'~ . ". '~''' <_/,,_.: ,...3' ,,- I0 ' v I° . :.. " '. .: .'!',, I ~'" I'G";'I Fi,,O.u.e '~i,,"" G.u.e ,Fi,, - ' . .'. ::: .3'."~,'?' k~:"?~:L: NS : ~,..;..:., ...... 9 :~":: .":"',. _ :_ :,':.:.:.~,~:',~ ~ ~,,'-. I t3o" Iq~" qo" .... '" ' . ~ '' . ": .::'.'~',~Y.~:'?,:6'~.; '- Ty, GALLONS I 70. 50g /O.,qO0, * ~..") ' ~ ':'"'?""':' ;"~:';;'":"' . ..' ':~? .:..~SE~'.,?,.~ ,~....c.~s I .:~..:: Y~''~..s ~.., ~"'. '" . .. , .' -...:.'~ ,,: ~ ;;.' ~.~ $~:, ~ ~;':. ,~ COWRAs/,/, ,A '-' l'/' ~. ~ . ~, , ......... ~ ,,:.,, ....: ~... F TANK ;.~:';, :':.~.:5r~::~¢':~;,.:~.:; .. ~ m o ~ 0 /10 . OPENINGS ] [ / .'.::'?:'.... '~" ¥':'' '~'"~'"~" :' ' :~, . ~:'..~:.~; S;~,...:.:: · :'..., ..... : ,~.".':.;"0'..:':':,.".~' ~: '.:. CONFIGURATION 'x.: C,. ~ N"!.~/~' '..~ t t.",~'? ," .: ::' ' NT VALVE TYPE ~//~ .... .'.:' '?~. )':?"..".:~'.:;' ~ ' . , . ,~., .,.' ",.;[vJ...'.. ~:'". r PARTS: PART f/ DESCRIPTION ;HARGES: (pumpovers, overtime, etc.) *Data obtained from/~Station [] LL Charts [] Other I NTERI M PERMIT ~~ TO OPERATE : UNDERGROUNDSTORAGE HAZARDOUS FACILITySUBSTANCES~~f PERMI T#31002 3C I S S U E D : APRIL 1, ,1987 S X P I R E S : APRIL 1, 1990 NUMBER OF TANKS= 8 FACILITY: I OWNER: PANAMA UNION I UNOCAL -. PANAMA LANE & HWY. 99 I 2175 N CALIF BLVD,STE 650 BAKERSFIELD, CA I WALNUT CREEK, GA 94596 TANK # ~fi~IN YRSl SUBSTANCE CODE PRESSURIZED PIPING? 5334/1,2 20 MVF 3 YES 5334/4 UNK WO 3 NO NOTE: ALL INTERIM REQUIREMENTS ESTABLISHED BY THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY MUST BE MET DURING THE TERM OF THIS, PERMIT NON--TRANSFERABLE *** POST O'N PREMI SES DATE PERMIT MAILED: DATE PEI~-iIT CHECK LIST RETURNED: TANK AND LOCATION DATA ;USTOMER: ..~. ~, ~'5-5L:~ H WEATHER ;EFORE TEST - AFTER TEST - TIME -;CHEMATIC: ",, Page 2 DATE'. IUouemheC TEMPERATURE COMMENTS ~ ~ LEVEL ~ii- Gauge Fill Gauge Fill, Gauge Fiii ' G"uge Fill Gauge UJ ,,0 ? GALLONS ~ ~ WATER CAPACITY, GALLONS [ DIAMETER, !NCHES SIPHON EXTRACTORS ~ ~& ~,,~,,~ P-V VENT VALVE TYPE REPLACEMENT PARTS: ADDITIONAL C~ARGEs: PART # DESCRIPTION QUANTITY (Dumpovers, overtime, etc,) PRICE ,I~ *Data obtained from ~ Station [] LL Charts [] Other . ~-NTAL ~ INC~ VENUE. N. W. ~702 8OO-523-437O ~~~N~AL '31002' :3' 6/ TEST RESULTS leak.;~l~okato~.= OA)E pF TEST ICONTRACT NUMBER X M I' TANK SIZE STATE TEST RESULTS SUMMARY WATER LEAK LOKATOR RESULTS' I LEAK LOKATOR ONLY CONCL. CODE TEST TANK CT I GALLONS DIA/MATL; INCHES LEVEL IN~:HES ALR '1, MAT,O. I CONCLUSION RECOMMENDATIONS PRODUCT LINES - HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE TEST RESULTS DUCT REMOTE SUCTION APPLIED APPLIED CC'S GPH RESULT I 1 ,ction systems, NEVER put more than 15 psi on any pump system. :ACTORS, OFFICIALS, CUSTOMER REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT DETAIL OF TEST RESULTS I I TESTI TIME I LEAKRATE I TEMPERATURE A.SO~.UT~ COMPENSATION LEAK RATE CHEC~ TEST LEVEL TEST (INCHES) CLOCK DURATION o Y or N HR M~N CC/OIV CC/M N CC/MIN CC/~IN :HES FROM TANK BOTTOM TO TEST LEVEL L6TIE 'LEAKRATE (l~iExsuR~b' L~A~'R~:r'E :"~E~i~ERATU'RE COMPENSATION) IN gALL~3Ns i~E~i'~6UR ~I-NFPA329CRITERIONOF ± 0.05 GPH IS USED TO CERTIFY TIGHTNESS 'r~s'rs CONDUCTED By  ..! TANK TESTING SPECIALIST I TANK TESTIN(~ SPECIALIST I E. ~,, R.,.<..~. This is to certify that the above described tank systems were tested, using the HUNTER ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. LEAK LOKATOR according to all standard operating procedures. Those indicated as tight at full system meet the criterion established by the National Fire Protection Association Pamphlet 329 for Precision Testing. CERTIFIED BY ',. SIGNATURE /~ , ' J'~J I DATE .... NAJVIE f") I TITLE ~,~-/v,~r>,/r~J Fc.~,,, I~~o~'. _.. No. K~rn ~¢unt~ Health Oepartment ' Division o£ Environmental Health. Application Date 1700 Flowe_ r Street., Bakersfield' iA 93]05 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY · TYpe of Appl ica~ion (check): [']New Facility [-]Modification of Facility []Existing Facility [2]Trans.fer of Ownership A. f~nergency 24-Hour Contact (name, area code, phone): Days[..3, ~ Of Business (check): ~line s~tion ~er(de~ri~) Is Tank(s) ~cat~ on ~ Agricultural Fa~? ~Y~ Is Tank(s) Us~ ~i~rily for ~ricultural ~r~ses? ~Yes T ~ R ~ SEC ' (RUral ~ations ~ly) ~sis for[Soil ~ 'a~'Gro~water ~'~te~fnatio~ C. Contractor ~]/~ ' Address ' Proposed 'Starting Date. ~ ~ De Worker's .CcmPensati0~' Certifi~ation f CA Contractor's License No. Zip , Telephone Proposed Ccmpletion Date Insurer If This Permit~ Is For Modification Of An Existing Facility, Briefly Describe Modificatioas Proposed : Tank(s) Store. (chec~k' all that apply)' Tank ! ._ Waste product Motor Vehicle ~0 ~ [] 0: [] [] Unleaded Regular . Premi~ Diesel waste ~[z.. ., [] .0 Chemical Ccmpositi'on' of' Materials Stored (not necessary for motor vehicle fuels) Tank ~: Chemical Stored '(non-commercial name)..CAS.$. (if. k. no~n) .Chemical Previously Stored ~ . " (if different) Ge Transfer of Ownership Dete of ~nsfer Previous Faci.lity Name I, Prey ious Owner modify, or: terminate the facility upon receiving, this completed form. accept fully all'obligations of PermiENo. __ issued to · I understand that the Permitting Authority may.review and transfer of the Permit to Operate this tz%dergro~d.storage This form has been completed~ under penalty'of true and correct. ..~.. : ...:.~..~-~ :.'.'..[. ~. · , , Signature perjury and to the best of my knowledge is Facility ~qame ~.~_~A, ~k\~3k~ ~ Pemit No. 1.' Tank is: []]Vaulted. ~]Non-Vaulted [-1Double-Wall ~]Single-Wa!l 2. ~ Material {~ Carbon Steel [] Stainless Steel Fq polyvinyl ChlOride [] Fiberglass-Clad Steel ~Fiber. glass-Reinfor, ced Plastic [-]Concrete []Alt~nin~mi []Bronze []Unknown []Other (describe) 3. Primary Containment Date Instaliled' .Thickness (Inches) capacity (Gallons) Manufacturer 4. Tank Se~-6n--~y Containment []Double-Wall ~[]Synthetic Liner []r.ined vault ~None nlUnknown []Other (describe): Manufacturer: .[]Material Thi6kness (Inches) · Capacity (Gals.) 5. Tank Interior Linin~ -'~Rubber '[]Alkyd [-]EpoxY' ' []Phenolic []Giass []Clay ~]U~ltned~ []Unknown ' [] Othe~ (describe): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection- --]~Galvanized--~6~ass-Clad []Polyethylene Wrap []-]Vinyl Wrapping .[]Tar~ or -Asphalt []unknown- ~None [qOther (describe): Cathodic Protection: .~None I-]Impressed Current System [~SaCrt'ficial Anode System ~--~ribe System & Equi[zment:- 7. Leak Detection, Monitoring., and Interception a. Tank: []Visual (vaulted tanks only) [~Groundwater Monitorirg' Wmll(s) []Vadose Zone Monitoring Well(s) []U-Tube Without Liner [q U-Tube'with Ccmpatible Liner Directing Flow to Mcnitorir~l ~ell(s)* [] Vapor Detector* [] LiqUid Level Sensor [] Pressure Sensor 'in Anhular Space of Double Wall gank- ' [] Liquid Retrieval· &'~ Inspection From U~Tube, Monitcrirg Well or Annular Space [~Daily Gauging &- Inventory Reconcilia~ion [] Periodic.Tightness Testing ['].N6ne [] Unknown: [] Other. b. Piping::: ~Flow-Res,lrictirg 'Leak Detector(s) -for Pressurized. PipingW. "- : -~ [] .~.~onitoring S~p with Race~y [2]Sealed Concrete Race~y [] Half-Cut Compatilble Pipe Raceway [] Synthetic Liner. Race~y [] None .. [] U~nown [] Other . 8. ;. Tank Tightness ' ' l~is Tank Been Tightness T~sted? []¥e,s []No 5~iUnknown ~ .Date.. of ':LaSt .Tightness .Test' Results of T~st Test Name ~esting C~,Dany 9.' Tank '~ · Tan~ Repaired? []y~S '[]No 5fUnkno~: Date(s) of R~pair(s) ' Describe. ~epairs - 10. Overfill 'Protection ~Operator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors ~eVel []Tapa~Float Gauge []Float Vent Valves [] Auto Shut- Off Controls []Capacitance Sensor '[]Sealed Fill .Box. []None' F]unknown []Other: List Make & Model For Above Devices 11.' Pipi~ ' a. Underground Piping: [~Yes [-INo [-]Unknown Material Thickness (inches) Diameter. ~', Manufacturer [~]Pressure'-[]Suction []Gravity 'Approximate Length of Pipe Run b. UndergrOund Piping Corrosion Protection .: ' , []Galvanized []Fiberglass-Clad [-]Imp~essed Current Ii]Sacrificial Anode []Polyethylene wrap ~Electrical. Isolation []Vinyl Wrap~ []Tar or Asphalt []Unknown ~one []Other (describe): .c. Underground Piping,. Secondary Containment: []Double-Wall []Synthetic Liner System [~]None [~Unknown [-]Other (describe~: 'H. 1. Tank is: ~ Vaulted ~Vaul t~ ~uble-Wal 1 ~i~le~al 1 2. ~ Mater ial- ~ ~ar~n Stol ~S~inless Steel ~l~inyl C~oridu ~Fi~rglass~l~ Steel ~Fi~rglass-Reinforc~~ Plastic ~Concrete ~in~] ~Bronze ~k~ ~ Other (de~ri~) 3. Priory Contai~nt ' . ~te Install~ ~ic~ess (Inches) [Ca.city (~llons) ~nufacturer 4. Tank Secondary Contai~ent ~Other (descri~) :- Mai~ufacturer: '~.terial Thic~ess (Inc~s)' __ Ca.city (Gals.) 5. Tank. Interior Lini~ ~Other (descri~): : l 6. Tank Corrosion Protection ~Galvaniz~ ~Fi~rgl'asSLC1~ ~l~yle~ ~ap ~Vinyl ~a~i~ ~Tar or ~p~lt ~k~:' ~No~ ~Other (de~ri~).: Cath~ic Protection: '~ne ' ~pres~ ~rrent S~t~. ~crtfiCial ~e ~t~ :~ri~ Syst~ & Equi-~ent: 7. Leak Detection, ~nitori~, and Interception a. Tank:' ~Vis~l (vault~'t~ks only) ~Gro~ter ~nitori~ ~ll(s) ~Vadose Zone ~nitori~ ~ll(s) ~U~ Wi~ut ~ner ~.Pressure Sen~r 'in ~ular S~Ce of:~uble Wall lank ~ LiqUid ~tri~al' '& InS~ction Fr~ U~T~, Monitcri~ll or .~ar b. Pipit:' El~R'estricti~ ~ak ~tector(s) for Pre~uriz~. Pipit' ~ ~lf~t C~tfble Pi~ ~Ce~y ~S~t~tic Liner ~y ~N~e 8.~. ~ t e o [ ~ [ Tlig'h t n e[ T e ~ t ~ - ~ ~ [esu~ ts o f. T~ 's t Test ~e ~sti~ C~ny ~te(s) of ~ir(s) 10. ~erfill Protection ~rator Fills, Controls,-& Visually Monitors ~vel ~Ta~ Fl~t ~e ~Fl~t. Vent Valves ~Auto Shut- Off Controls ~Other: List ~ke & ~el For ~e ~ices Thickne~ (i~heS) Dieter ~,, Manufacturer ~essure ~t'ion ~Grav!ty '~proxi~te ~ of Pi~ b. Undergro~ Pipi~ Corrosion ~Prot~ti~ : ~lye~yle~ wrap --.~Electrical I~lati~ ~vinYl Wrap ~Tar or " ~U~o~ ~one ~her (de~ri~): c. U~ergro~ Pipit, SecQ~ary Con~i~nt: - ~l~Wall ~thetic Liner ~st~ ~ne ~kno~ ~Other {de~ri~): Z < Z o ' SERVICE STATION N' 5334 I PANAMA LANE & U. S HWY 99 I PERMIT TYPE OF INSTALLATION ( ) 1. In-Tank Level Sensor (/2. Leak Detector (/3. Fill Box CONTACT PERSON ~~::3L.$'~ ~. ~'~TC~ 1. IN TANK LEVEL SENSORS Number of Tanks List By Tank ID Name of System Manufacturer & Model Number Contractor/Installer 2. LEAK DETECTORS Number of Tanks Name of System Manufacturer a Model Number Contractor/Installer 3. FILL BOXES Number of Tanks Name of System Manufacturer & Model Number Contractor/Installer OWNER/OPERATOR ................... DATE PERMIT ~ FACILI FY NAME: NUMBER OF TANKS AT THE SITE: ................................................. ENV. SENSITIVITY ......... .--EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON(PRIMARY): NAME: .....: ................................................................................................................................................................................................ PHONE NUMBER: ..................................................................................................................................................................... EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON(SECONDARY): NAME: ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... PHONE NUMBER: ...................................................................................................................................................................... TANK OWNER INFORMATION: NAME: ............................................................................................................................................................................................ ADDRESS: ................................................................................................................................................................................... PHONE NO.: ............................................................................................................................................................................ TANK CONTENTS: TANK ~ MANUFACTURER YEAR INSTALLED CAPACITY CONTENTS TANK CONSTRUCTION: TANK ~ ..TYPE(dw, sw, sec.conl~.) MATERIAL INT. LINING. CORROSION PROT. LEAK DETECTION: TANKS: VISUAL ........ ~ROUNDWATER MONITORING WELLS VADOSE ZONE MON'~6'~'~NG WELLS · U-TUBES WITH LINERS .................... U-TUBES WITHOUT LINERS VAPOR DETECTOR .............. LIQUID SENSORS ....................... CONDUCTIVITY SENSORS ...................... PRESSURE SENSORS IN ANNULAR SPACE .......................... LIQUID RETRIEVAL SYST'~'-"~'~'-~]TUBES, MONITORING WELLS, OR ANNULAR NONE UNKNOWN OTHER: ................................................................................................................. PIPING INFORMATION: TANK ~ SYSTEM TYPE (SUC,PRES.,GRAV.) CONSTRUCTION 1 (SW,DW,LINED TR) MATERIAL LEAK DETECTION: PIPING~ c~FLOW RESTRICTING LEAK DETECTORS FOR PRESSURIZED PIPING MONITO'~m~u SUMP WITH RACEWAY S'~'E'~'~'"'~'6'~CRETE RACEWAY HALFCUT COMPATIBLE PIPE RACEWAY ......................... SYNTHETIC LINER RACEWAY NONE .................. UNKNOWN OTHER Mont~orlt~t Wells Mamh 7, 1990 I(~ern CourtLy ~Environmcntal Health Attn: Ms.' Lydia V. yon Sydow 2700 'M' Street Bakerslie. ld, GA 93301 D~;ar Ms. vo, Sydow: Wc are prcpar/ng a husinc.a~/propcrtie~ on th~ attached li~ and notil~ our En~onmcntal Office instigation includes underground m~c~amcn~. Wc would greatly uPpreciat~ reasonable charges for file search and ~n~act our Environmental O~ ms Substance Site Asses.smcnt in the vicinity of thc Would you please prepare the files for these occupancies, they are available for review. Information useful for our tank permits, precision testing, reported leak~, and site r prompt attentkm to this matter. We arc prepared to pay If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to 453-9637. Main Office: Fresno/Clovis · 3800 8a~rsfield (805) 303-2343 ~ Sincerely, ~/"" --"., KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Ted L. Davis Environmental SpeciaList Winery · Fresno, California 93726 .* (20~) 291-7337 California (800) 233.5050 : i FAX (209) 291.5070 _.Ocouvanev. .ler~),'s Panama Lane Union 76 2700 Panama Lane Arcc~ Service Station Panama Lane and Dennen Drive Rosedale Cooperative Gin, Inc. Renf'ro Road anti Rosedale Highway von Sydow Request Letter Page No. 2 INC. FAX TRANSMITTAL Krazan .~ Associates, Inc. 4816 East Shields Fresno, CA 93'126 Voice: (209) 453-9072 PLEASE CALL IF YC Mai. Off/ce: Fresno/Clovis · 3~dl Bakersfield (805) 3~3-2343 No. of pages £ollowing: Fax No. (2019) 453-9637 U DID .NOT RECEIVE ALL PAGES IV, Winery · Fresno, Californla19372~ · (209) 291-7337 -, California (800) 233.5050 .~ FA~ (209) 291-5010 KAPREALIAN ENGINEERING, INC. Consultingp. O. aoxEngineers913 BENICIA. CA 94510 (70~ 74~e15 (70~ 74~91~ November 29, 1989 Kern County Department of Environmental Health 2700 M Street, #300 Bakersfield, California 93301 Attention: Ms. Laurel Funk RE: Unocal Service Station #5334 2700 Panama Lane Bakersfield, California Dear Ms. Funk: Per the reqUest of~Mr. Ron Bock of Unocal, enclosed please find our report dated November 10, 1989 for the above referenced site. Should you have any qUestions, please feel free to call our office at (707) 746-6915. Sincerely, Kaprealian Engineering, Inc. Judy A. DeweY Enclosure cc: Ron Bock, Unocal Corporation KAPREALIAN ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Engineers P.O. BOX 913 BENICIA. CA 94510 (707) 746-6915 (707) 746-6916 FAX: (707) 746-5581 KEI-J89-i008.R1 November 10, 1989 Unocal COrporation 2175 N. California Blvd., #650 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Attention: Mr. Ron Bock RE: Stockpiled Soil Sampling for Unocal Service Station #5334 2700 Panama Lane Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Bock: This letter report summarizes the results of the stockpiled soil sampling and laboratory analyses for the referenced site; The soil analyses were conducted to comply with the County Health Department requirements for proper disposal of contaminated soil. On October 27, 1989, soil samples from approximately 700 cubic yards of stockpiled soil at the referenced site were collected to determine proper disposal of the soil. Fourteen composite soil ~samples (designated as Comp A through Comp N) were taken. Each composite sample consisted of four'individual grab samples taken at various locations and depths ranging from one to two feet. The samples were collected in 2" diameter, clean brass tubes, which were then sealed with aluminum foil, plastic caps and tape, and placed in a' cooled ice 'chest for subsequent delivery to a certified laboratory for analysis. All samples were analyzed at Sequoia Analytical in Redwood City, California, and were accom- panied by properly executed Chain of Custody documentation. Sample locations are as shown on the attached Site Plan. The composite samples were analyzed to determine concentrations of 'total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) as gasoline using EPA method 5030 in conjunction with modified 8015, benzene, toluene, xylenes and ethylbenzene (BTX&E) using EPA method 8020. The results of the soil analyses showed concentrations of TPH as gasoline ranging from non-detectable to 2.5 ppm, except for sample Comp G, which showed levels of TPH as gasoline at 51 ppm. Analytical results are. summarized in Table 1. Copies of ~the laboratory analyses, and the Chain of Custody documentation are attached .to this report. KEI-J89-1008.R1 November 10, 1989 Page 2 Based on TPH levels in the stockpiled soil of less than 100 ppm, the soil can be disposed of at an approved Class III disposal Site. A copy of this report should be sent to the Kern County Depart- ment of Environmental Health, and to the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), Central Valley Region.~ Should you have any questions on this report, please do not hesitate to contact me at (707) 746-6915. Sincerely, Kaprealian Engineering, Inc. Christina L. Lecce Attachments: Table 1 Site Plan Laboratory Results Chain of Custody documentation KEI-J89-1008.R1 November 10, 1989 Sample Comp A Comp B Comp C Comp D Comp E Comp F Comp G Comp H Comp I Comp J Comp K Comp L Comp M Comp N Detection Limits TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF LABORATORY ANALYSES (Results in ppm) (Samples collected on October 27, 1989) TPH as Gasoline Benzene Toluene Xylenes ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 51 ND 0.10 1.0' ND ND ND~ ND 2.3 ND ND ND 1.5 ND ND ND 1.7 ND ND ND 2.5 ND ND 0.44 2.2 ND ND ND ND ND 'ND ND 1.0 0.05 0.1 0.1 Ethyl- benzen~ ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.14 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ~ 0.1 ND = Non-detectable. KAPREALIAN ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Engineers p. o Box 9:3 BIrNICIA. CA 94510 (~07) 746-~915 (707) 746-~916 FAX: (707} 746-$581 .Z Pump U.G. Fuel Storage Tank Pit -~ Existing Building LtJL _J PANAM~A LANE SITE PLAN W.O. Tank--- Pit ' -'~ I~/~ ' ~'~ '(~M ~ite ~ Compos Sample DesSgnarSon (Typ. 1~) 30 0 scale 3O feet Soil Sample Location Unocal Service Station ~533~ 2700 Panama Lane Bakersfield, California SEGUOIA ANALYTICAL 680 Chesapeake Drive · Redwood City, CA 94063 (415) 364-9600 · FAX (415) 364-9233 iiiiiKaprealian Engineering, Inc. Client Project ID: Unoca, Bakersfield, 2700 Panama Lane Sampled: Oct 27, 1989iiliii Box 913 Matrix Descript: Soil Received: Oct 31, 1989iii iii~!Benicia, CA 94510 Analysis Method: EPA 5030/8015/8020 Analyzed: Oct 31, 19891ilii! ~!~.~.t.!..°....~}.i...M...~.r~.f~l~!.~.~,.P:.E: Fi.r~t. Samp!e~ ......... ~.~ ...... ~:~ ................... Reported~ NgV 1, 1989~i~ili TOTAL PETROLEUM FUEL HYDROCARBONS with BTEX DISTINCTION (EPA 8015/8020) Sa mpl~e Sample Low/Medium B.P. Ethyl Number Description Hydrocarbons Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) 9104242 A;B ~ Composite A N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. 9104243 A-B Composite E~ N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. 9104244 A-B Composite C N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. 9104245 A-B Composite D N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. 9104246 A-B Composite E N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. 9104247 A-B Composite F N.D. N.D. N.D. 9104248 A-B Composite G 51 N.D. 0.10 N.D. N.D. 0.14' 1.0 9104249 A-B Composite H N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. 9104250 A-B Composite I 2.3 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. 9104251 A-B Composite J 1.5 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. IDetection Limits: · 1.0 0.05 0.1 0~1 0.1 Low to Medium Boiling Point Hydrocarbons are quanfitated against a gasoline standard, Anaiytes reported as N.D. were not present above the stated limit of detection. SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL Belinda C. Vega Project Manager 9104242.KEI < 1> SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL 680 Chesapeake Drive · Redwood City, CA 94063 (415) 36'4-9600 · FAX (415) 364-9233 ::::iKaprealian Engineering,I Inc. Client Project ID: Unoc~, Bakersfield, 2700 Panama Lane Sampled; Oct 27, 1989ili!ii ?~i~iP.O. Box 913 I Matrix Descript: Soil Received: Oct 31, 19891i!? ::i::?Benicha, CA 04510 I Analysis Method: EPA 5030/8015/8020 Analyzed: Oct 31, TOTAL PETROL~ EUM FUEL HYDROCARBONS with BTEX .DISTINCTION (EPA 8015/8020) Sample Sample Low/Medium B.P. Ethyl · Number Description Hydrocarbons Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) 9104252 A-B 9104253A-B 9104254 A-B 9104255 A-B Detection Umits: Low to Medium Boiling Poinl Analytes reported as N.D. we Com )site K Comp)site L Com )site M Comp)siteN 1.7 N.D. N.'D. N.D. N.D. 2.5 N.D. N.D. N.D. 0.44 2.2 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. 1.0. 0.05 0.1 0.1 0.1 Hydrocarbons are quantitated against · gasoline standard, e not present above the stated limit of detection. ,I SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL Belinda C. Vega Project Manager 9104242.KEI <2> KAPREALIAN ENGINEERING, INC. CHAIN OF CUSTODY IsAmPLE I '1 I :D Nc). I DATE I Tilde , I I SITE____ ,'% ~/NAldE & ADDRESS I (J,.,.,,.O O__e~._~ t I' ANALYSES REQUESTED I I I I TURN AROUND TildE: I ! I S~OLING LOCATIC~ // // /1 // ,,,,',,.~ ' //- . ./,- IENAI[S ~ [ . I I I I I I I . t [ --~ ~. ~ 1. Have att ~tes r~eiv~ for a~tysis ~ stor~ in ice? l~ti~ish~ ~: (Si~ture) Oate/Ti~ ~R~ei~ ~: (Si~t~e) ~ ~. Did ~ ~ r~ei~ for ~t~i~ Jeetinquished I~,: (Signature) Date/Time Received by: - (Signeture) KAPREALI~AN ENGINEERING, INC. CHAIN OF CUSTODY ISAJqPLER SITE NAJqE & ADDRESS ANALYSES REQUESTED I Received by: (Si~"mt~)~ ~ Received by: (Sigrmture) Received by: (Signature) Received by: (Sigrmtcfl'e) ?? / I i I ISAMPLE I I I I I OR I OF I I ID~O. II)ATE I TIH£ l SOIL I~TERII:~ICONT.I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Jle~i~ish~:. ($i~tuc~ J Oate/Ti~ . Jleti~ish~ ~: (Si~ture) J Date/ii~ J JReii~ish~ W: (Si~u~e) J Dste/Ti~ J '-Li~ish~ W: (Si~t~e) .J Dste/Ti~ J J The foltoMiq HUST I for .treLlis: I 12. I 13. I I~.. I I I J TURN AROUND lll~: .I I I I t/ -J ' I t I I I I BE completed by the taboratory acceptir~i samples Have att r. nq~tes received for anatysis bee~ stored in ice? I~iti r~n~le6 remin refri~rat~ mti[ ~t~ Did ~ s~t~ rKei~ for ~t~is have ~ s~ce? Uere ~les in ~r~iate cmtai~rs ~'~rJy ~ka9~ UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE (LEAK) / CONTAMINATION SITE REPORT .? EMERGENCY HAS STATE OFFICE[ OF EMERGENCY SERVICES ::iFOR LOCA~AGENCYUSE ONL~!i!ii~i.ii~:~??.;::i;.?~i~i i::?:~.i: :~.:: ~:~:i :~::: i ~,*!:i~ i iHE~EB¥ CEETIFYi:tHAT liAM. A:DESIGNATED:GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE:ANDi]'HAI!ilI'!HAVE' [] YES [~ NO REPORT.B'EENFILED? i---lYES [] NO ::::REP~RTED~::~H~S:~NF~RMATi~N~T~iL~CA~j;~CEF~C~N:~.S:PURSUANT:~].~:$ECT~N?.~t8~;7~:~E~; REPORT DATE CASE# i ~ ~i.HE~.I~, ..~:~E~::~:i~! ::; ?:~ :: ~:;;.;;i ?! :. g LYDIA V. VON SYDOW (805) 861-3636 ~ REPRESENT,NG [] 0WNE"~O~ERATOR [] REG,O~L~^R~ CO~P~YOR~ENCYNA~E ~ nO [] LOCAL AGENCY [] OTHER ~R~ COUI'~'TY E~iV. ?~,,.t~TuT~ SERVICES DEPT. ~ ADDRESS 2700 "M" ST., S?E. 300· BAIJ~RSFIELD, CA 93301 S'FREEr CrTY STATE ,~ NAME CONTACT PERSON ~k UNION OIL CO., INC. ~UN~NOWN TIM ROSSI (4!5) 561-9322 ~3 ( ADDRESS ~' 2175'N. C~Z~IFORNIA BLVD. ~650 WALNUT CPJ~EK, CA 94596 n- · STREET CITY ~TATE FACILITY NAM E (IF APPLICABLE) OPERATOR i PHONE z :gRR~'S ~'~ U~TON 76t ( ) ~ AO6RESS 8, 2700 PAi~AMA T~E, BAiCERSFiELD, CA 93313 ST~EEr crrY c°J.w ~ CROSSSTRE~r W. EO~^.E~ [] CO..ERC~ [] .~DUSTR~L [] RU~_ I ~PEO~US.NESS' '[~RET^,LFUE. ST^T,ON h'WY 99 , [] RES,DENTI~ [] OTHERI [] fARM [] OTHER z- K.ERi~ COUNTY ENV. HEALTH LYDIA V. VON SYDOW ~ ~ I REGIONAL SOARD PHONE ~_ ~ CE~'~T. V~LLE¥ ( ) GASOLINE ~ UNKNOWN u)- [] UNKNOWN ~ OATE DISCOVERED._ Y HOW DISCOVERED [] INVENTORY CONTROL [] SUBSURFACE MONITORING [] NUISANCE CONDITIONS ~ ~ ~10 ~1 ~ ol 0ol 8 ~19 [] TANK~ST [] TANKRE~OVAL ~ O~R SOI~' S~R~Y DATE D,SCHARGE ~EC.'N .~OO USED TO s~o, D~HARC~ (CHEC~ ~ ~T~.'~ MI Mi DI OI YI Yt [] UNKNOWN [] REMOVE CONTENTS [] REPLACETAN~ F~ CLOSETANK HAS DiSCHARGE BEEN STOPPED ? [] REPAIRTANK [] REPAIR PIPING [] CHANGE PROCEDURE -- ~, YES [] NO IFYES DATE 1.! 0 .1 2 ol 0 ol 8 vi 9 ¥ [] OTHER SOURCE OF DISCHARGE TANKS ONLY/CAPACITY MATERIAL i CAUSE(S) ~ [] TANK LEAK ~ UNKNOWN GAL. [] FIBERGLASS [] OVERFILL [] RUPTURE/FAILURE I ~ [] PIPING LEAK AGE YRS' [] STEEL ~ CORROSION ~ UNKNOWN ~ [] OTHER [~ UNKNOWN [] OTHER* ~ SPILl. ~-] OTRER CHECK ONE ONLY uJtu NOETERM,NED SO,"ONLY []GROUNDWATER []D..NK,NGWA R- OHEC O.L¥, WATER" LLSHAVEACTU' -L¥.EENAFFECTED,~ CHECK ONK ONLY O~ [] NO ACTION TAKEN [] POST CLEANUP MONITORING IN PROGRESS [] NO FUNDS AVAILAI~LE TO PROCEED ~ EVALUATiNG CLEANUP ALTERNATIVES CHECK APPROPRIATE ACTION(S)(SEE BACK FOR DETAILS) ~ ~ [] CA. s,TE(co~ [] EXCAVATE. D~E <ED) [] RE. OVE PREE"ROD~CT I~P) F--! EN~NCED S,O DE~R~AT.ON <,n ~ [] CONTAINMENT.ARR,E.~I [] E×CAVATE.TREATI~ [] P~.P&~R~*T~ROUNDWA~R!G~ ~ .EP~ESU.P~YIR$1 [] TR~ATMENTATHOOKUP(HU) [] NO ACTION REQUIRED (NA) [] OTHER(O'Q 8 2700 M STREET MAILING ADDRESS 1415 TRUe(TUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M,D, DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard July 28, 1988 Unocal '76 Bill Brasher P.O. 1759 Bakersfield, California 93302 Dear Mr. Brasher, As stated in our phone conversation on July 18, 1988, I have enclosed copies of the invoices for permits to operate for ali Unocal stations that were billed and are past due. As we ~lso discussed, payments for these 'inv~ices should have been submitted prior to June 5, 1988. Since we have recieved no payment, all will be sub3ect to the 50% penalty charge. 3636. If you have any further questions, I can be reached at 861- Sincerely, Mary Kryszak Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program MK/gb enclosures DISTRICT OFFICES KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 1700 FLOWER STREET BAKERSFIEi. D, CALIFORNIA 93305 (805) 861-3636 PERMtT'INVO!CE #310023C-88 UNOCAL PANAMA 2175'N WALNUT DETACHHERE---~f UNION CALIF BLVD.STE 650 CREEK. CA 94596 81LLING DATE 5 >05 '88 AMOUNT DUE 140,00 AMOUNT ENCLOSED CHARGES PAST DUE ARE SUBJECT TO PENALTY DUE DATE 6/05,'88 Pr. EASE RE"TURN THIS PORTION TO INSURE CORRECT PAYMENT IDENTIFICATION I~_. DETACH HEE 5,'05/8 SEND PAYMENT WITHIN 30 DAYS TO AVOID 50% PENALTY DESCRIPTION AMOUNT PERMIT/INVOICE ANNUAL FEE FOR WITH 3 TANK(S) # 310023C-88 PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND LOCATED AT: PANAMA LANE & HWY. 99 BAKERSFIELD. CA STORAGB FACILITY ERN COUN1%' HEALTH DEPARTMENT 700 FLOWER STREET · AKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93305 140.0C 140.0; FACILITY: ADDRESS : PERMIT #: FILE CONTENTS SUMMARY ENV. SENSITIVITY: Activity Date # Of Tanks Comments Northern Division Unocal Refining & H .~ting Division Unocal Corporation P.O. Box 8175 2175 North California Blvc~., Suite 650 Walnut Creek, California 94596 (415) 945-7676 UNOCA].: February 7, 1990 Ms. Laurel Funk Kern County Department of Environmental Health 2700 M Street, ~300 Bakersfield, California 93301 REQUEST FOR SITE CLOSURE Dear Ms. Funk: Please refer to the attached report from Kaprelian Engineering (KEI-J89-1008.R2) dated November 13, 1990 which documents the environmental work undertaken in conjunction with a tank replacement project at Unocal Service Station No. 5334 located at 2700 Panama Lane in Bakersfield. Based on the analytical results of soil samples collected during the project, visual observations, and no apparent evidence of shallow groundwater, our consultant believes no further work is warranted. Unless we receive additional information from your office, Unocal considers this incident closed. If you agree with the report and our assessment, a concurrence letter would be greatly appreciated. Should you have any questions, please contact the undersigned at (415) 945-7676. Sincerely, Ronald E. Bock Environmental Engineer cc: RWQCB - Fresno Branch Office Mardo Kaprelian - KEI R. L. Folda (w/o attach.) KAPREALIAN ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Engineers P.O. BOX 913 BENICIA, CA 94510 (707) ?46-~sls (?on ?46-6sla FAX: (70~ 746-5581 KEI-J89-1008.R2 November 13~ 1989 Unocal Corporation 2175 N. California Blvd., #650 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Attention: Mr. Ron Bock RE' Soil Sampling Report Unocal Service Station #5334 2700 Panama Lane Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Bock: This report summarizes the soil sampling performed by Kaprealian Engineering, Inc. (KEI) at the referenced site. All work was performed in compliance with the guidelines established by the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), and the Kern County .pepartment of Environmental Health. The scope of the work performed by KEI~consisted of the follow- ing: Coordination with regulatory agencies. Collection of samples of native soil from beneath the storage tanks. Collection of samples of soil beneath the piping trenches to the fuel storage tank pit. Delivery of soil samples, including proper Chain of Custody documentation,, to a certified analytical laboratory. Technical review of laboratory analyses and preparation' of this report.. SITE DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND The subject site is presently used as a gasoline station. Site vicinity and site descriptions are shown on the attached sketch. No leaks or previous subsurface work performed at the site'are known to KEI. KEI-J89-1008.R2 November 13, 1989 Page 3 (TPH) as gasoline using EPA method 5030 in conjunction with modified 8015, and benzene, toiuene, xylenes and ethylbenzene (BTX&E) using EPA method 8020. The samples from the waste oil tank pit were analyzed for total organic halides (TOX), total oil and ~grease (TOG) by EPA 418.1, and total lead. Analytical results from the fuel tank pit and piping trenches are summarized in Table 1. Analytical results of the waste oil tank pit are summarized in Table 2. Copies of the laboratory analyses and the Chain of Custody documentation are attached to this report. Soil sample analyses from the fuel tank pit indicate non-detec- table levels of TPH as gasoline and BTX&E for all samples. The pipe trench samples showed TPH as gasoline levels ranging from non-detectable to 6.6 ppm in all samples except P! at two feet, which showed 5,000 ppm. However, the deeper sample, Pl(9), collected below the sample P1 at 9 feet deep, showed non-detec- table levels of TPH & BTX&E. The samples from the waste oil tank pit showed non-detectable levels of TOG and TOX for both samples, while, total lead showed 1.1 ppm for WO1 and 1.0 ppm for WOl(14). DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the analytical results reflecting acceptable limits of hydrocarbons pursuant to the RWQCB guidelines, visual inspection, and no apparent evidence of shallow ground water, KEI recommends no further sampling at this time, unless required by the regulatU ory agencies. A copy of this report should be sent to Ms. Laurel Funk of the Kern County Department of Envirohmental Health,. to R. H. Harger of the Bakersfield Fire Department, and to the RWQCB, Central Valley Region. LIMITATIONS The results of this study are based on the data obtained from the field work and laboratory analyses. We have analyzed this data using what we believe to be currently applicable engineering techniques and principles in the Northern California region. We make no warranty~ either expressed or implied, except that our services have been performed in accordance with generally .accepted professional principles and practices existing for such work. KEI-J89-1008.R2 November 13, 1989 Page 4 Should you have any questions regarding this report, please feel free to call me at (707) 746-6915. Sincerely, Kaprealian Engineering, Inc. Richard M. Bradish Staff Engineer Don R. Braun Certified Engineering Geologist License No. 1310 .Exp. Date 6/30/90 Mardo Kaprealian President Attachments: Tables 1 and 2 Site Plan Laboratory Analyses Chain of Custody documentation KEI-J89-1008. R2 November 13, 1989 TABLE 1 Depth Sample (feet) 'Al 14 Al(18) 18 A2 14 A2(18) 18 B1 14 81(18) 18 82 14 82(18) 18 P1 2 Pl(6) 6 Pl(9) 9 Ph 2 P2(6) 6 P3 .2 P3(6) 6 P4 2 P4(6) 6 SUMMARY OF LABORATORY ANALYSES (Fuel Tank Pit and Piping Trench Samples) (Results in ppm) (Samples collected on October 17, 1989) TPH as Ethyl- Gasoline Benzene Toluene Xylenes benzene ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 5,000 5.3 560 2,700 180 5.8 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND. ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 6.6 ND ND ND ND 3.7 ND ND ND ND Detection Limits · 1.0 0.05 0.1 0.1 0.1 ND = Non-detectable. KEI-J89-1008.R2 November 13, 1989 TABLE 2 S~Y OF LABORATORY ANALYSES (Waste Oil Tank Pit Samples) (Results in ppm) (Samples collected on October 17, 1989) Total Organic Total Oil SamDle DeDth Halides and Grease WO1 10 ND ND ~WOl(14) 14 ND ND Total Lead 1.1 1.0 Detection Limit 10.0 1.0 ND = Non-detectable. 0.05 KAPREALIAN ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Engineers P. 0 BOX 913 BENICIA. CA 94510 (707} 74&-SGIS' ('70T) 746-6911 FAX: ('70'T) 746,.SSI1 ~Existing ~ .IP1 W,O. Tank Pl(6) 'P3 SITE PLAN 3O [ scale Sample Point Location 3O feet Unocal Service Station #53 2700 Panama Lane Bakersfield, California SEGIUOIA .ANALYTICAL 680 Chesapeake Drive Redwood City, CA 94063 (415) 364-9600- ° FAx (415) 364-9233 iiiii"~'~;'~;~i'i~'~'"'~';;'~'i'~;'~'~i'~;~'i"i';;~i .................................. ~'i~'~i'i~'~;~j*~i"ii~i ...... 'l~'~..~l,'*~*ersfield,P~.,lamaI..n/Dennen Sampled: Oct 17, 1989ilii? P.O. Box 913 Matrix Descript: Soil Received: Oct 18, 198917: ili~iBenicia, CA 94510 Analysis Method: EPA 5030/8015/8020 Analyzed: Oct 19, 1989!iiiii iiiiiAttention: Mardo Kaprealian, P.E. First Sample #: 910-2586 Reported: Oct 20, 1989i~ii~ TOTAL PETROLEUM FUEL HYDROCARBONS with BTEX DISTINCTION (EPA 8015/8020) Sample Sample Low/Medium B.P. Ethyl Number Description Hydrocarbons Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes mg/kg mg/kg rog/kg mg/kg mg/kg (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) 910-2586 A1 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. 910-2587- A~ (18) N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. 910-2588 A2. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. g10-2589 A2 (18) N.D, N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. 910-2590 81 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. 910-259J B1 (18) N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. 910-2592 B2 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. 910-2593 82 (18) N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. Detection Limits: 1.0 0.05 0.1 0.1 0.1 Low to Medium Boiling Point Hydrocarbons are quantitated against a gasoline standard. Analytes reported as N.D. were not present above the stated limit of detection. SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL Belinda C. Vega Project Manager 9102586.KEI < 1 > KAPREALIAN ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Engineers P. 0 BOX 913 (415) 676 - O1CX:) (?07) 746 · 6915 SAMPLER: (Signature) gHAIN OF CUSTODY SAMPLE DESCRIPTION AND PROJECT NUMBER: DATE/TIME OF. COLLECTION TURN AROUND T~ME: ~/~/J~ SAMPLE GRAB OR ANALYSES COMP. tt # ~ELINQUISHED BY* NUMBER OF CONTAINERS SO~L/ WATER '0 I RECEIVED BY* TIME/DATE * STATE AFFILIATION NEXT TO SIGNATURE REMARKS: NOTE: IF REGITLAR TURNAROUND, SOIL ANALYSES MUST BE COMPLETED WITHIN 14 CALENDAR DAYS OF SAMPLE COLLECTION. WATER ANA/~YSES MUST BE COMPLETED WITHIN 7 CALENDAR DAYS FOR BTX&E (t/NLESS SAMPLE HAS BEEN PRESERVED), AND 14 CALENDAR DAYS FOR TPH AS GASOLINE; EXqTtACT TPH AS DIESEL WITHIN 14 CA T.FNDAR DAYS. SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL 680 Chesapeake Drive · Redwood City, CA 94063 (415) 364-9600 · FAX (415) 364-9233 ?~?~Kaprealian Engineering, Inc. . Client Project ID: Unocal, Bakersfield, Panama L.n/Dennan Sampled: Oct 17, 1989;!. iiiilP.O. Box 913 Matrix Descdpt: Soil Received: Oct 18, 1989i'. ~i?~Benicia, CA 94510 Analysis Method: EPA 5030/8015/8020 Analyzed: Oct 18, 1989::i iliAttention: Mardo Kaprealian, P.E. First Sample #: 910-2578 Reported: Oct 20, i:: i:?:!ii::i::iiii!i::::il i~:i~i~: ::i ::~?:?:ii?: ::::i! ::ii!i ::i ::::i::i:::::::::::: i:::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~::::::::i i::::i ::i?:?:?: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::i::i::iiiii::i::i ?:::!i ::i::ii ?: ?:?:ii!!ii::i?: ii :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::i?:!iii!i?: i i?:i?:i!??:iiii!! ::iii?:::i :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::: ::iii!:::::::::: ::iii:: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~il ::ii::::?: ::i ::i :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ii:::: ::i ::i?:ii ::!:::?: ?: ::!ii::i ::i::i ::iii?:~:i ::ii::?: i i~::~iii ~:: ~ii?: i iii::ii[ i i~i??: ii,ii ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: iii::!:::::::::: ::!?:?:i il ::ii ::!~!i[~?:?:~ ::ii~?:~!i!?:i ::?:~ i~ ::~ii!::iiiiiii???:~i~ TOTAL PETROLEUM-FUEL HYDROCARBONS with BTEX DISTINCTION (EPA 8015/8020) Sample Sample Low/Medium B.P. Ethyl Number Description Hydrocarbons Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes mg/kg rog/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg (ppm) (ppm) (Ppm) (ppm) (ppm) ' 910-2578 P1 5,000 5.3 560 180 2,700 910-2579 P1 (s) 5.8 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. 910-2580 P2 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. 910-2581 P2 (6) N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. ' N.D. 910-2582 P3 N.D. N.D. N.D.. 910-2583 P3 (6) . N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. 910-2584 P4 6.6 N.D. N.D. N.D. : N.D. 910-2585 P4 (6) 3.7 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. Detection Limits: 1.0 0.05 0.1 0.1 0.1 Low to Medium Boiling Point Hydrocarbons are quantitated against a gasoline standard. Analytes reported as N.D. were not present above the stated limit of detection. SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL Belinda C. Vega Project Manager 9102578.KEI < 1 > K'APREALIAN ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Engineers P. 0 BOX 913 BENICIA, CA g4S10 (d15~676 · 9100 (707) 746 .o69~ 5 , .~[N OF CUSTODY S . COLLECTION: ~--~/ TIME: (Signature) , GRAB OR NUMBER OF SOIL/ ~AMPLE ~ ANALYSES COMP. CONTAINERS WATER _.. P4 " " q I. s RELINQUISHED By* TIME/DATg BECEIVED BY* ~!ME/DATE ~: z>" /~/.f~ STATE AFFILIATION NEXT TO SIGNATURE REMA~RKS: NOTE: IF RE~ TURNAROUND, SOIL ANALysEs MUST BE COMPLETED WI~IN 14 CALENDAR DAYS OF S~d{PLE COT.LECTION.. WATER A3~AJ~YSES MUST BE COMPLETED WITHIN 7 CALEND~R DAYS FOR BTX&E (UNLESS SAMPLE HAS BEEN PRESERVED), AMD 14 CALENDAR DAYS FOR TPH AS GASOLINE; EXTRACT TPH A-~ DIESEL WITHIN 14 CA~.FNDAR DAYS. SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL 680 Chesapeake Drive · Redwood City, CA 94063 (415) 364-9600 · FAX (415) 364-9233 i::iiiP.O. Box 913 Sample Descript.: Soil, P1 (9) Received: Oct 18, 1989;:'! ~.!ilBenicia, CA 94510 Analysis Method: EPA 5030/8015/8020 Analyzed:' Oct 19, 198911;: i!ilAttention: Mardo Kaprealian, P.E. Lab Number: 910-2554 Reported: Oct 20, 1989iii::' ii i iii!?:i::i::i::i?:i::!ii?:ii2::::: il ?:ii::iiii:::: ::iii i!i!iii:: ii::!:: !::?: !i ii!ii i~:i ?:iiiiiii::?:~i~?:i::!::iii:: il i::!i !ii i~?:!i!i!ii ::!::::iii il ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::~iiil ::i i::i i i::i i:: ::~ii?:i?:ii!i~i?:i?:i::ii:2:iiiii:::: ii:::: ::ii?:{iii ::iiiiiii ::::i::i???: ::ii???: ::ii i:: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: i~'~ ??:i?::: ?:ii?:ili!iiii:2:i?:i?:i !~ i:: ::ii::i!i!i::?: i i{:f?:~iii?::: ?:?:::?: ::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::: ::i !?:i??::: ?:::i ::???:i ?::: :::::::::::::::::::::: ::ii ::?:~iii?:?: ?:f:i:??: f: i::i?: i?:~i??:~i i i~i ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ii i~i ?: i iiiiiiii::i ::~ i::i~i~i?:ii~iii ~i ii iii::?:?: ~if:! il ::?~ ?:~i i li ?:i il TOTAL PETROLEUM FUEL HYDROCARBONS WITH BTEX DISTINCTION (EPA 8015/8020) Analyte Detection Umit Sample Results rog/kg (ppm) mg/kg (ppm) Low to Medium Boiling Point Hydrocarbons ...................1.0 Benzene ............................................................................. 0.05 Toluene .............................................................................. 0.1 Ethyl Benzene ................................................................... 0.1 Xylenes .............................................................................. ~ 0.1 Low to Medium Boiling Point Hydrocarbons are quantitated against a gasoline standard. Analytes reported as N.D. were not present above the stated limit of detection. SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL Belinda C. Vega Project Manager 9102554.KEI < 1 > KAPREALIAN ENGINEERING, INC. Consulting Engineers P O, DOX BENICIA, CA g4510 (4'1 S) 676 · ~OO (707) 74,6 · 69'15 ~HAIN OF ~JSTODY ATE/TIME OF (Signature) SAMPLE DESCRIPTION AND PROJECT NUMBER: COLLECTION: /~-/7'~ TIME: GRAB OR NUMBER OF SOIL/ ANALYSES COMP, CONTAINERS WATE .~ ~ELINQUISHED BY* ~ I '~ECEIVED BY* * STATE AFFILIATION NEXT TO SIGNATURE REMARKS: NOTE-. IF REGITLAR TLrRNAROUND, SOIL A~ALYSES MUST BE COMPLETED WITHIN 14 CALENDAR DAYS OF SAMPLE COT,T,F. CTION. WATER A_NAJ~YSES MUST BE COMPLETED WITHIN 7 CALENDAR DAYS FOR BTX&E (LrNLESS SAMPLE HAS BEEN PP~ESERVED), AND 14 CALEND;LR DAYS FOR TPH AS GASOLINE; EXTRACT TPH AS DIESEL WITHIN 14 CA T.F,N DA3{ DAYS. SE UOIA ANALYTICAL  680 Chesapeake Drive · Redwood City, CA 94063 · (415) 364-9600 · FAX (415) 364-9233 i~:i::iKaprealian Engineering, Inc. Cliem Project ID: Unoc~, Bakersfield~ Panama Lane/Dennen sampled: Oct 17, 1989ii!iii ii!iP.O. Box 913 Sample Descript: Soil, we1 Received: Oct 18, 1989i?~ii !::iiiBenicia, CA 94510 Extracted: Oct 23, 19897~ ?~i~Attention: Mardo Kaprealian, P.E. Lab Number: 910-2595 Analyzed: Oct 23, 19891iiili Reported: Oct 23, 1989iiilii LABORATORY ANALYSIS Analyte Detection Umit Sample Results mg/kg mg/kg Total Organic Halides ....................................................... 10.0 ..................................... N.D. Analytes reported as N.D. were not present above the stated limit of detection. SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL Belinda C. Vega Project Manager 9102595.KEI < 1> SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL  680 Chesapeake Drive · Redwood City, CA 94063 (415) 364-9600 · FAX (415) 364-9233 :.:.:.:.:.:.:: :.::::::::: :.,.:~:: ~:::: .,.: :....!.:.~.:.~.:.:.:.:.:.:.~.:: ~: :.:: :..-.::::: ~::::: ~ ~ ::~ ~ :~ :::::::::::::: ::~:::: ~ .,.: .,.:: .,..,.~ .-..,..,.,,.,..'..'.::::::: :~::: :~: :~::: :~::::::: :~::: :~ ::'.: :~: :~:~:~:~ ~ ~ ~ i.:'.' ~.~ ~.;."?:~ ~! .".-!~ .".'.~ ~ ~ !~ ! i ! !.;:. ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~.;.¥.':.'.'~ .".'.~ ~ ..'~ ! ! ..'.:~ i~..'~i ! i i i i ~ i !~ ~ ~ ! i i i i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!~iii~iii~ii~ii~i~iiiiiiii~iii~iii~i~i~i~i~ii~!~i~i~i~i~i~i!i!ii~ii~iiii~!~i~jjiiiiiii!iiiiii~ii:ii ~i~iiKaprealian Engineering, Inc. Client Project ID: Unoca], Bakersfield, Panam& Lane/Dennen Sampled: Oct 17, 198giii{il ' iiiilP.O. Box 913 Sample Descdpt: Soil, W01 (14) Received: Oct 18, ? i!!Benic , CA 945 0 Extracted: Oct 23, iii::iAttention: Mardo Kaprealian, P.E.Lab Number: 910-2596 Analyzed: Oct 23, ::ii!i o Reported: Oct 23, ~ii::::::i::;i??~:: i~;::::i~i~::::~i:=i:=i~ :::=i~=i~i~i::::~:~::~?:::~::::~: ?:?:~i:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::i?:~:;::?=:: ~:: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ?:::i~=:::::::[::~:: =:[ [[[~i:~:~i~i?~[?~:~::~i[~[~?~i:~[?~:~[~[?~:~i~?~:~;[~:~;[:~?:::~:::::::::::::::::::::::: ??:::[:: ?:::~i?.[;;:=~i?=[?=::i~?:::~[~:=[::.~?=::~[?=~[:=~=: [?:::[::[?:':?~;?~: ?:~;::::::~!:: ?:[i:: ~:: :::: ?::: ~:: ???::: ~ :::: :::: :::: :::: [::[??::: :/: :::: :::~ :::~ =::::::~ :::: [:: ::[ :::: :;::::~:::::: :::: ?:~ [::[::~::[::[~[ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::??:?:::[ ?: ::[~[~i~i~?; ::::i:: i:: :::: ::??; i[::[~i::~?:~[~[~[:=[~[::[?:~ ?: ?:?:::[::[ ?:::[::[::! LABORATORY ANALYSIS Analyte Detection Umit Sample Results mg/kg mg/kg . Analytes reported as N.D. were not present above the stated limit of detection. SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL Project Manager 9102595.KEI <2> SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL  680 Chesapeake Drive · Redwood City, CA 94063 (415) 364-9600 · FAX (415) 364-9233 !:~: !:!:~i:i:!:i: i:!:!:! :!:~:~:~:!:!:!: i:i:i:! :! :!:~:! :i:i:i:!:i: i: ~:!:~:!: !:i:i:i:i: !:i:~:i:i:i:i: ~:i:~:i:i:i: ~:i:~:i :~:-::~:i:i:igi:~ :~:!:! :!:!:i:i:i:i:!:!~:!:i:~:i:i:i:~ :~: !: !: i:i:i :! :~:i:!:i:! :! :! :!:! :!: !:!:i:i:il ~i !i !~ii !i!iii ~i ~ ii'ii J!i!!!i i~ili~ili ;i ;~!!!iiiii!!i i;i;J!~ ~!i!i! i!i!i!i !ii!!i!i i i!!!~!i~!~!~ ~iiill !~i~J ii ~ili i i;i;~!;;~;i;ii i i i il i:i i ii!~i~i!~ ;~;!i!j!~;;!i;!!i!! ~ii i il ~ i!!~!~i~i~!j !~i~ j!j~jii~ii!i ~!!!j!j!ii~ ~i i iii!i;~ii!i!i~iiiii ii ii ii,ii !i ~ !iii i i~iiiii .";ii i iiiiiiii~ !i !J i;!j ii ii i iii i i i iii i~ !!!j;~ ;!i!i!ii~ii ii!ii'i~i~"E'~'g'i~'~'~:"l'~': .................. ~i~"i~j~{'i'~':Unocal. Bakersfield. Panama L~ne/Dennen Sampled: Oct 17, 1989iiiiii Box 913 Matrix Descript: Soil Received: Oct 17, 1989i!i!ii ~i~Benicia, CA 94510 Analysis Method: EPA 418.1 (I.R. with dean-up) Extracted: Oct 19, 1989i::i?: iiiilAttention: Mardo Kaprealian, P.E. First Sample #: 910-2595 Analyzed: Oct 19, 1989~iiii! .................................. R~POrted; Oct 2~, !~iiiiii TOTAL RECOVERABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS Sample Sample Petroleum Oil Number Description mg/kg (ppm) 910-2595 wo1 N.D. 910-2596 WOl (14) N.D. rDetection Umits: 1.0 Analytes reported as N.D. were not present above the stated limit of detection. SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL Belinda C. V~a~ KAPREALIAN ENGINEERING~ INC. Consulting Engineers P. 0 10X g13 BENICIA.. CA 94510 (41 $} 676. glO0 (707) 746 · 6915 (Signature) SAMPLE'DESCRIPTION AND PROJECT NUMBER: ~AMPLE {~ . k/~ / GRAB OR NUMBER OF SOIL/ ANALYSES COMP. CONTAINERS. WATER RELINQUISHED BY* TIME/DATE ~ECEIVED BY* ~PlME/DATE '"g ' "- /c/f I' * STATE AFFILIATION NEXT TO SIGNATURE REMARKS: NOTE: IF REG~ ~//P. NAROUND, SOIL ANALYSES MUST BE COMPLETED WITHIN 14 CALENDAR DAYS OF S~J~PLE COYJY-CTION. WATER kNA.LYSES MUST BE COMPLETED WITHIN 7 CALENDAR DAYS FOR BTX&E (UNLESS SAMPLE HAS BEEN PR~ESERVED), AND 14 cALENDAR DAYS FOR TPH iLS GASOLINE; EX~CT TPH AS DIESEL WITHIN 1'4 CAT.ENDAR DAYS. · ,~ PLEASE PRINT 1. OWNER Tank(a) [] 2. OPERATOR 3. REASON FOR TEST' (E. xplein Fully) 4. WHO REQUESTED TEST AND WHEN 5. TANK !NVOLVED U~e additional Ilne~ for manifolded ts'ski INSTALLATION DATA · .i '·:7. UNDERGROUND ""iWATER · 8. FILL-UP ARRANGEMENTS 9. CONTRACTOR, MECHANICS, any other contractor involved 10. OTHER INFORMATION OR REMARKS 11.' TEST RESULTS 12. SENSOR CERTIFICATION August 22~ 1989 Date 1886 (~5334) Name Data Chart for Tank Sy= tem Tl_ ,Etiless Je t'% / 2700 Panama Lane Tony Yap'x,/~. (~ 9~5676 ( ,,7/ Gerald W. ttorton Same [805) 832-6191 Name Addre~ Telephone Ordinance Testing Tony Yap Maintenance Representative Unical 76 July 1989 Name Title ComDany OF Affiliation Date Addre~l Telephone Identify by Direction North-East Location Behind Statioz North inside driveway. ' Reef of station, etc. Oe13th tO the Water labia Ca,ascii7 280 Concrete Concrete. Black Top. Earm. etc. Brend/Suoplier Waste Oil Fiile Bit Size, Titefill make. Drop tubes, Remote Filla Vents Size. Manifolded AppFOX. Age N/^ W~tC~ tankS? St eel/F'iber gl&s,'l Steel Pumps No Pump Suction. Remote. ' '* Tanks to be filled ,r. Date ArrangeO by Extra product to "top off" and run tank tester. How and who to provide? C, onslde~' NO Lead· Name Terminat or other contact for notice or inquiry Company Name Teleonone Additional information on any items abOve. Officials or others Ia be adwisad when testmg is in progres3 or completed. V~sltora or Obser'~m present during test. etc. Testa were made on the above tank systems iff accordance with te~t procedure~ presc;Ibed for as detailed on attached test charl~ with results as foilowl~: - .... Tank Identilication Tight Leakage Indicated Waste Oil I Yes Date Tested 13. Th~ b to om-u~ that the~ tan~ sy=te~= w~ t~t~ ~ ~ ~e(o) ~ ~e In~ n ~ Chuck 'Weller ENVIRONMENTAL TANK TESTERS ~/,.~, P.O. Box 1405r""ng?"''ct°'°'c~mp"'¥' ~: S~.et.r* Davis ~ CA. 95617 .' Addr~l~ Ce~rttficatio~'~ # 414812454 Z Ce¢li fication,s pN6827 15. TANK TO TEST a. gRIEF DIAG~M OF TANK FIELD 16. CAPACI~ 17. FILL-Ue FO~ fES~ ~' 18. SPECIAL CONDiTiONS AND PROCEDURES TO TEST THiS TANK ~ ........ ~ ~,.,,)~e,-,- ........... - 2 . -.',.~'. ................... .' ~, ~ - '~f~ ~ I'. :. <'..~' '. ....... .. ~;~.'.,.':.......... ............. ~ .... ~,.~ ........ .~. ~,, . ~ ..:.,.~ · ~ ~J~ ~ · ,~ ~t~ .. ...- . . . ....;.t ...:. COEFRCENT OF EXPANSION (ComCele ~ - ....... :.';<......}.. ;~ ,~,~,,~ ,~,,f~. ~,~. ~/~.~i~ ;~~.d ~ ~ ~!~ '. ,' 1~,1.,/~ ~ ,~' '.oo~ 031 +1~ ~,0oe -,oo~ 12,1 }Z- ,qqO .qqE S,O~ O~O;*/O *.OOe ~-,005. %007 · :.,..'.,;... . . : , . ', :.: ::f,::.,:';:.~.:~/<r.:~ .,.',~ · 5,~<' :i 5':~:':"" ..!,::::....~i ,'.':.. <.., ...... ' . . '? :9 t::, 4L ,.7:,, c'; ~." · .." '.'.':I',';:~. 3.5>'.: :'7 '. ..' "':~"-¢:'"" "".': "' · ,.o ...................... ..,,~. ............. -- .......... : ', :..!-.'..:.7 [: ,~:,,. ,:,.:~:'":':.'"~' ............ , ................ Da ~ ................. ... ....... , .. . -. .;..:',.,-.'~ ....... ~... ~ ........ ,, ...... (}Y,.,,..,(.f~ '1';~, I~ ¢-.-.-' -' :...: :,.:.. o GARY J. WICKS Agency Qirector ' (805) $61-3502 STEVE Mc CALLEY Director 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 .;~?:~;~?,=.~. Telephone (805) 861-3536 · , ~,.~ ~."?~ .~., ?~ %~'~ ';~.~:;~- -~ ~. ~;~. Tclecopicr (805) 861-3429 R E S 0 U R C E M;A:~'~A._G ,E:~:~E N T A G E N C Y DEPARTMENT.~OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH. SERVICES November 10, 1989 Union'Oil 'Company 2175 N. California Blvd. #650 Walnut Creek, Californaa 94596 CLOSURE OF 3 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE TANKS LOCATED AT 2700 PANAMA LANE IN BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. PERMIT # A1060-31/310023 This is to advise'you that this Department has reviewed the pro3ect results for the preliminary assessment associated with the closure of the tanks noted above. Based upon the sample results submitted, this Department is satisfied that the assessment is complete. Based on current '-requirements and policies, no further action is indicated at this time. It is important to note that this letter does not relieve you of further responsibilities mandated under the California Health and Safety Code and California Water Code if additional or previously unidentified .contamination at the subject site causes or threatens to cause pollution or nuisance or is found to pose a significant threat to public health. Thank you for yoUr cooperation in this matter. LAUREL FUNK, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SPECIALIST cc: WEGENER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY GARY J. WICKS Agency Director (805) ~61-3502 ~STEVE McCALLEY Director PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT UNDERGROUND STORAGE FACILITY 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 .~--.. ...... ~ Telephone (805) 861-3636 ,~_~-'~..,'~'-,.~ - Telecopler (805} 861-3429 R .E S O U R C E ,M,i:AjN,,,A_.G E...M~E N TA ,G E N C Y ,-.,'~. .,.. - .~ .~ ,:. D EPARTMEN'F~O F'~ENVlR.ON MENTAL I~EALTH-SERVICES PERMIT NUMBER 310023B FACILITY NAME/ADDRESS: Panama Union S.S. ~5334 2700 Panama Lane Bakersfield, CA OWNER(S) NAME/ADDRESS: Unocal Oil Co. 2!75 N. California Blvd. #650 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 CONTRACTOR: Wegener Construction 1710 Calloway Bakersfield, CA Ph'.$ (415) 945-7676 Ph.~(805) 589-5570 License ~413913. X NEW BUSINESS CHANGE OWNERSHIP RENEWAL MODIFICATION OTHER PERMIT EXPIRES APPROVAL DATE APPROVED BY January 20, 1990 October 20, 1989 Laurel Funk Hazardous Materials Specialist ...... , .......................... POST ON PREMISES ........................... CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: Standard Instructions 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ALi construction to be as per facility'plans approved by this department and verified'by inspection by Permitting Authority. All equipment and materials in this construction must be installed in accordance with all manufacturers' specifications. Permittee must contact Permitting Authority for on-site inspection(s) with 48-hour advance notice. Backfill material for piping and tanks to be as per manufacturers' specifications. Float vent valves are required on vent/vapor lines of underground tanks to prevent overfillings. Construction inspection record card is included with permit given to Permittee. 'This card must be posted at jobsite prior to initial inspection. Permittee must contact Permitting Authority and arrange for each group of required inspections numbered as per instruction on card. Generally, inspections will be made of: a. Tank and backfill b. Piping system with secondary containment leak interception/raceway c. Overfill protection and leak detection/monitoring d. Any other inspection deemed necessary by Permitting Authority. PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT UNDERGROUND STORAGE FACILITY ~PERMIT NUMBER 310023B ADDENDUM o Ail underground metal connections (e.g. piping, fitting, fill pipes) to tank(s) must be electrically isolated, and wrapped to a minimum 20 mil thickness with corrosion-preventive, gasoline-resistant tape or otherwise protected from corrosion. Spark Testing (35,000 volts) required at site prior to installation of tanks'(s). Test(s) must be certified by the manufacturer, and a copy of test certification supplied to the Permitting Authority. No product shall be stored in tank(s) until approval is granted by the Permitting Authority. Monitoring requirements for this facility will be described on final "Permit to Operate." ACCEPTED BY LF:cas ~310023B DATE ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DI¥ ION HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES SECTION INSPECTION RECORD POST CARD AT JOBSITE BAKERSFIELD. CA 93305 PHONE (805) 861-3636 FACILITY PANAMA UNION #5334 PERMIT #310023B ADDRESS 2700 Panama Lane C I TY Bakersfield, CA PHONE NO. (805) 832-6191 OWNER UNOCAL OIL COMPANY ADDRESS 2175 N. California Blvd. #650 C I TY Walnut Cr~k: CA INSTRUCTIONS: Please call for an inspector only when each group of. inspections with the same number are ready. They will run in consecutive or'der beginning with number 1. DO NOT cover work for any numbered group until all Items in that group are signed off by the Permitting Authority. Following these instruttons.wlll reduce..the number of required inspection visits and '.therefore prevent assessment °f;~'d~'ltl°nal fees ,~%' ...... ...~'.~ . ':?A-~.' .... "~. ' ?'~.-~?.~':'~.:~ - TANKS ~ BACKFILL - "- INSPECTION ~:' '. ...... DATE ." INSPECTOR Spark Test Certification Cathodic Protection of Tank(s) Pressure Test on Tank - PIPING SYSTEM - "' 2 Piping & Raceway w/Collection Sump' 2 Corrosion Protection of Piping, Joints, Fill Pipe 2 Electrical Isolation of Pi~ing From Tank(s) /o~f~ . , Cathodic Protection System-Piping ·" 2 Pressure Test on Primary PiPing l~ ~. ~--- - SECONDARY CONTAINMENT OVERFILL PROTECTION. LEAK DETECTION - Liner Installation - Tank(s) Liner Installation - Piping Vault With Product COmpatible Sealer 3 Level Gauges or Sensors, Float Vent Valves 31Product compatible Fill Box(es) 3 Product Line Leak Detector(s) 3 Leak Detector(s) for Annular Space-D.W. Tank(s) Monitoring Well(sl/Sump(s) Leak Detection'Device(s) For Vadose/Groundwater - FINAL - Monitoring Wells, Caps & Locks 3 Fill Box Lock .... Monitoring Requirements '-~:" ..... .-' CONTRACTOR W~G]~R CCNSTRUC~ICN CONTACT Herb Lanq LICENSE PH # (805) 589-5570 ROBERT H. LEE ASSOCIATES, INC. ARCHITECTURE PLANNING ENGINEERING 1337 HOWE AVENUE, #211, SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 9582':; · (916] 646-4003 oCTOBER 9, 1989 KERN COUNTY DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES Attn: Laurel Funk 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 ~LETTER OF INTENT UNION OIL COMPANY SERVICE STATION #5334 2700 Panama Lane Bakersfield, CA RHL JOB #1439T Dear .Laurel: I am writing to inform you that we intend to install two underground 12,000 gallon gasoline tanks and one 520 gallon waste oil tank at the above noted address. Ail new underground tanks are constructed of fiberglass coated steel and will be installed in the same location as the existing tanks being replaced. All connected piping will be replaced with double wall fiberglass piping, except tank vents and stage II ~-vapor recovery piping, which wil% be single wall fiberglass due to the ball float valve located on the vent connection at the tanks. Enclosed you will find a print set including a Site Plan showing the location of the tank layout and supporting general information sheets. Upon approval, a-copy of the "Authority to Construct" for our files would be greatly appreciated. If you have further questions regarding this project, please contact our office. Very truly yours, Lori Austin-Nemeth Project Designer LRA/cwm Enclosure BRANCHES: LARKSPUR, CA (415] 461-8890 PETALUMA, CA [707] 785-1860 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTiI E. ARTI4ENT 2700 "H" STREET , STE. BAKERSI:'IELD , CA 93301 Pc:frei t l'to. Ai,pllcution D~te API'LICA'I'iON FOIl I'ERMiT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND IIAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY Type 0f Application (check): - ~]New ~acility ~Modiftcatton Of Facility ~Extsting Facility ~Transfer Of Ownership A. Emergency 24-l[ouv Contact [acme, a~;ea code, phone): Days. C1~ M~T~'~)~'~ Nlghts~m Ho~V~M (~05) 5~- oW'L. Type Of Business (check): ~G[lsollne Station ~Othur (describe) Is Tank(s) Located On An Agrlcultu["al Farm7 ~Yes Is Tank(s) Used Primarily For Agricultural Purposes? ~Yes ~No Facility Address ~3~O f~A~A ~kM~ Nearest Cross St. T I{ SEC (Rural Locations Ol~ly) Tank Owner ~M~ ~b ~. ' Colltact Persol~ TI~ Operator ~RA~ ~TOM Colltaot Pe~son ~ 'Address ~ FA~A~A LAM~? ~V~Zlp 9:55o~ Telephone ~eo~)~Z-~ B. Wate~ To Facility P~ovlded By LA~IFO~MIA ~T~ ~' Depth to Groundwater ~1~.'~ Soil Characteristics'At Facility ~k~- 8asis For Soil Type and Groundwater Depth Determinations ~)~ CO. C. Contractor ~M~ ~M~~IQ~ CA .Contractor's License No. Proposed Starting Date ~. )~: lfl~ Proposed Completion Date O~T. ~> I~ .... Worker's Compensation Certification No. ~&~l~'~ Insurer ~T~ D. If This Permit :Is For Modification Of An Existi, ng Facility, Briefly Descr_ Fo Tank(s) Store (check all that apply): Tank'-~ Waste Product Motor Vehicle Unleaded Regular Fuel 011 Premium Diesel Waste Chemical Composftlon Of Materials Stored (not necessary for motor vehicle fuels Tank ~ Chemlca'l Stored (non-commercial name} CAS # (if known) Chemical P/~evlously Store(. ('If different) Go Transf'e,.q O__f OWlmrshlp, Date Of Transfer Previous FaclllLy. Name I, modify or terminate the facility upon receiving this compJ,':ed form. Previous Owner accept fully all obligations of Permit 'No. issued I understand that the Permitting Authority may review a transfer of the Permit to, OPerate this underground stets This form has 'been completed under pen:, cy of perjury and to the best of my knowledge Is tru and corr ect~, ~ . .~,~ , Signature //~.~,r (.. -/,-/- ~ ,.'r/ Title . EACH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPR E BOXES Tank is: '( ) Vaulted ( ) Non-Vaulted (v)"Double-Wall ( ) Single-Wall Tank Material ( ) Carbon Steel ( ) Stainless Steel ( ) Polyvinyl Chloride (~f Fiberglass-Clad Steel ( ) Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic ( ) Concrete ( ) Aluminum ( ) Bronze ( ) Unknown ( ) - Other (describe) 3. Primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inchesj 4. Tank Secondary Containment (~' Double-Wall ( ) Synthetic Liner ( ) Other (describe): ( ) Material 5. Tank Interior Lining ( ) Rubber ( ) Alkyd ( ) Epoxy () Other (describe): .6. 11. Capacity (Gallons) Manufacturer ( ) Lined Vault ( ) None ( ) Unknown Manufacturer: t~do~'-~Nl ~d~L_~l KIQ Thickness ~nches) lfl~ ~ Capaci~ (G~lons) I~ ,Z~O () Phenolic () Glass () Clay (~Unl~ed () U~o~- Tank Corrosion Protection ( ) Galvanized. (~f' Fiberglass-Clad. ( ) Polyethylene Wrap ( ) Vinyl Wrapping ( ) Tar or Asphalt ( ), Unknown ( ) None ( ) Other (describe): Cathodic Protection: (vi" None~ ( ) :Impressed CUrrent System ( ) Sacrificial Anode System ' Describe System and Equipment: Leak Detection,-Monitoring, and Interception a. Tank: ( ) Visual (vaulted tanks only) ( ) Groundwater Monitoring Well(s). ( ) Vadose Zone Monitoring Well(s). ( ) U-Tube Without Liner ( ) U-Tube with Compatible Liner Directing Flow to Monitoring Well(s)* ( ) Vapor Detector* (vfLiquid Level Sensor* ( ) Conductivity Sensor* ( ) Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of. Double Wall Tank* (V~' Liquid Retrieval & Inspection From U-Tube, Monitoring Wall or Annular Space C~f' Daffy Gauging & Inventory Reconcffiation (~Periodic Tighmess Testing (.) None' () Unknown () Other , Piping: (0J Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping* ( ) Monitoring Sump with Raceway ( ) Sealed Concrete Raceway (') Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway ( ) synthetk Liner Raceway ( ) None ( ) Unknown ( ) Other *Describe Make & Model: Tank Tightness Has This Tank Been Tightness Tested? ( ) Yes Date of Last Tightness Test Test Name Tank Repair Tank Rep.aired? ( ) Yes ( ) No Date(s) of Repair(s) () No Results of Test Testing Company ( ) Unknown ( ) Unknown Describe Repairs Ove~fiil Protection (~Operaior Fills, Control~- & Visually Monitors Level ( ) Tape Float Gauge. (v)' Float Vent Valves (vf Auto Shut-Off C'ontrols ( ) Capacitance Sensor (x/y' Sealed Fill Box ( ) None ( ) Unknown ( ) Other: List Make &.Model for Above Devices Piping a. Underground Piping: (O'~ Yes ( ) No Thickness (inches) .o"/" 'Diameter · (~J/ Pressure ( ) Suction ( ) Gravity b. Unde'rground Piping Corrosi0~i Protection: ( ) Galvanized '( ) Fiberglass-Clad ( ) Polyethylene Wrap ( ) Elecu-ical I. solation ( ) Vinyl'Wrap "( ) Unknown ( ) None (~f Other (describe): Underground Piping, Secondary ConSainment: (~ Double-Wall ( ) Synthetic Liner System ( ) None ( ) Unknown ( ) Other (describe)': ( ) Unknown Material Z".//_%'' Manufacturer A,cp.. SNitTH Approximate Length of Pipe Run '[ ( ) Impressed Current ( ) Sacrificial Anode ( ) Tar or Asphalt o TAMK~o ~ IL.L.- F;,~ T~'~"o'r~..D '11. t EACH SECTION, CHECK ALI, APPROPR E BOXES Tank is: ( ) Vaulted ( ) Non-Vaulted (,--)"Double-Wall ( ) Single-Wall Tank Material ( ) 'Carbon Steel ( ) Stainless Steel ( ) Polyvinyl Chloride (~,)' Fiberglass-Clad Steel ( ) Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic ( ) Concrete ( ) Aluminum ( ) Bronze ( ) Unknown. ( ) .Other (describe) Primarg Containment Date Inst~lled Thickness (Inches) Tank Secondary Containment (¢)~Double-Wall ( ) Synthedh Liner ( ) Other (describe): ( ) Material Tank Interior Lining ( ) Rubber ( ) Alkyd ( ) Epoxy () Other (describe): Capacity (Gallons) Manufacturer ( ) Lined Vault . ( ) None C) Unknown Manufacturer: Ft~Pe~N I,,2~-Cbllq~ Thickness (Inches) 1/+ ~1 Capacity (Gallons) _~'Z 0 0 ( ) Phenolic ( ) Glass ( ) Clay (~ Unlined ( ) Unknown Tank Corrosion Protection ( ) Galvanized (Of Fiberglass-Clad ( ) Polyethylene Wrap ( ) Vinyl Wrapping () Tar or Asphalt C).Unknown () None C) Other (describe): Cathodic Protection: (v)f None ( ) -Impressed Current System ( ) . Sacrificial' Anode System Describe System and Equipment: ' ' Leak Detection, MonitOring, and Interception : a. Tank: ( ) Visual (vaulted tanks only) ( ) Groundwater Monitoring Well(s) ( ) Vadose Zone. Monitoring Well(s) ( ) U-Tube Without Liner ( ) U-Tube with Compatible Liner Directing Flow to Monitoring Well(s)* ( ) Vapor Detector* (O/Liquid Level Sensor* ( ) Conducti,Ary Sensor* ( ) Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank* ((v~/Liquid Retrieval & Inspection From U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space Daily Gaug/ng & Inventory Reconciliation (Vf Periodic Tightness Testing (/) None . () Unknown () Other Piping: (v)5 Flow-Restricting Leak De. rector(s) for Pressurized Piping* ( ) Monitoring Sump with Raceway ( ) ( ) Half-Cut' Compatible Pipe Raceway. ( ) Unknown ( ) Other *Describe Make & Model: Tank Tightness Has This Tank Been Tighrness Tested? ( ) Yes Date of Last Tightness Test Test Name Tank Repair Tank Repaired? ( ) Yes ( ) No Date(s) of Repair(s) Sealed Concrete Raueway ( ) synthetic Liner Raceway () No Results of Test Testing Company ( ) Unknown ( ) Unknown ( ) None Describe Repairs Ove. rfiil Protection · (vf Operator Fills, Controls,. & Visually Monitors Level / ( ) Tape Float Gauge (O'SFloat Vent Valves · .(Of Auto St/ut-Off Controls ( ) Capacitance Sensor (x/Sealed Fill Box ( ) None ( ) Unknown ( ) Other: List Make & Model for Above Devices Piping / a. Underground Piping: (xPf Yes ( ) No Thickness (inches) .oq" Diameter · . (v'f Pressure ( ) Suction ( )' Gravity b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection: ( ) Galvanized ( ) Fiberglass-Clad () Unknown Material Z'~/'~~' Manufacturer .& ~; ~M IT}-} Approximate Length of Pipe Run ( ) Impressed Current ( ) ( ) Polyethylene Wrap ( ) Electrical Is,91ation ( ) Vinyl Wrap ( ) '( ) . unknown ( )' None (O/Other (describe): Underground Piping, Secondary Containment: . 0)f/ Double-Wall ( ) Synthetic Liner System ( ) None ( ) ( ) Other (describe): Sacrificial Anode Tar or Asphalt Unknown F aciiiq¢ Na.me · 6.' 11. ° TAb,"' # ~ (FILL OUT SEP,~TE FORM FOP EACH TANK) .c EACH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPR. E BOXES. Tank is: ~ ) Vaulted ( ) Non-Vaulted (~f'Double-Wall ( ) Single-Wall Tank Material ,, ( ) Carbon'Steel ( ) Stainless Steel ( ) Polyvinyl Chloride (t)f'" Fiberglass-Clad Steel ( ) 'Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic ( ) Concrete ( ) Aluminum ( ) Bronze ( ) Unknown .() Other'(describe) Primary Containment ~ Date Installed Thickness (Inches). Tank/Secondary Containment (Ur Double-Wall ( ) Synthetic Liner ( ) , Other (describe): ( ) Material Tank Interior Lining ( ) Rubber ( ) Alkyd ( ) Epoxy () Other (describe): Capacity (Gallon:) Manufacturer · ( ) Lined Vault ( ) None ( ) Unknown Manufacturer: M~P~.~ M /.d~'~t.D Thickness (Inches) .~m~4,;' (17_6A.) Capacity (Gallons). ( ) Phenolic ( ) Glass ( ) Clay (~fUnlined ( ) Un_known Tank Corrosion Protection/' _ ( ) Galvanized (v)/ Fiberglass-Clad ( ) Polyethylene Wrap ( ) Vinyl Wrapping ( ) Tar or Asphal~ ( ) Unknown ( ) None ( ) Other (describe): ' Cathodic Protection: (~Y'.None ( ) Impressed Current System ( ) Sacrificial Anode System Describe System and Equipment: Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interception a. Tank: ( ) Visual (vaulted tanks only) ( ) Groundwater Monitoring Well(s) ( ) Vadose Zone Monitoring Well(s) ( ) U-Tube Without Liner ( ) U-Tube with Compatibie Liner Directing FloTM to Monitoring Welt(s)* ( ) Vapor Detector* (G/Liquid Level Sensor* ( ) Conductivity Sensor* ( )/Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank* ( )/.Liquid REtrieval & Inspection From U-Tube, Monip~ring Well or Annular Space (O/Daily Gauging. & Inventory Reconciliation (~/Periodic Tightness Testing () None () Unknown () Other Piping:' ( ) Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping*~ ( ) Monitoring Sump with Raceway ( ) Sea, ed Concrete Raceway ( ) Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway ( ) Synthetic Liner Raceway ( ) None () Unknown( ) Other *Describe Make & Model: Tank Tightness Has This Tank Been Tightness Tested? ( ) Yes Date of Last Tightness Test Test Name Tank Repair Tank Repaired? ( ) Yes ( ) No Date(s) of Repair(s) () No Resulns of Test Testing Company ( ) Unknown ( ) Unknown Describe Repairs '. Overfill Protection (of Operator Fills, Control~' & Visually Monitors Level ( ) Tape· Float Gau.ge (0J/Float Vent Valves ( ) ( ) Capacitance Sensor (9' Sealed Fill Box ( ) None ( ) Other: Pipings (. T~, NI I~' ,,/gba-l-') // a. Underground Piping:(vi Yes ( ) No 'Thickness (inches) ,O'}" Diameter __ '. (). Pressure ( ) Suction 0~ravity b. Undergrourid Piping Corrosion Protection: ( ) · Galvanized ( ) Fiberglass-Clad Co Auto Shut-Off Controls ( ) Unknown List Make & Model for Above Devices ( ) Unknown Material Manufacturer A,O, %bi rrm KEO-'T~:-. Approximate Length of Pipe Run 1~'-o" ( ) Impressed Current ( ) ( ) Polyethylene Wrap . ( ) Elecu-ical Is/olation ( ) Vinyl Wrap ( ) ' (.) Unknown ( ) None (v,'f Other (describe): ~-~ Underground Piping, Secondary Containment: / ( ) Double-Wall ( ) Synthetic Liner System (v)' None ( ) ~ ( ) Other (describe): Sacrificial Anode Tar or Asphal~ Unknown GARY J. WICKS Agency Director (805) 861-3502 ST~VE McCALLEY Director RESOURCE 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield. CA 93301 Telephone (805) 861.3636 Telecopier (805) 861-3429 AGENCY September 13, 1989 Alfred A. Stewart Robert H. Lee and Associates · 1337 Howe Avenue #211 Sacramento, CA 95825 RE: Union Oil Company Service Station 2700 Panama Ln Union Oil Company Service Station 5401 Stockdale Hwy Dear Mr. Stewart: Our department has received documents for removal and installation of underground storage tanks at the above locations. We are returning the applications and checks received because of several inadequacies and errors: The consecutive removal and installhtion of tanks at the same facility is not a modification of the facility and requires the submittal of two separate applications: a. Application for permanent closure/abandonment of underground hazardous substances storage facility--to remove the existing tanks; and b. Application for permit to operate underground hazardous substances storage facility--to install the new' tanks. The appropriate box to check is the existing facility box. e As stated above the removal of underground storage tanks requires a different form than that used for installations. Enclosed is the proper form and an instruction sheet to aid in its completion. Both applications have requests for soil and water information at the facility. This information must be accurately completed. Unknown is not an acceptable response. The Kern County Water Agency has been helpful in providing this information. The fee for each application submitted is $100.00 as per Kern County Ordinance Code Chapter 8.48. A removal and installation application is necessary for each facility; therefore, a total of $400.00 is required to process these applications. Alfred A. Stewart September 13, 1989 Page 2 o It is not necessary to pay the state surcharge until the tanks are in ?peration. Please do not send payment of the surcharge until that time. We will hold the plot plans until the corrected applications and proper fees have been receive. If there are any questions please contact the Hazardous Materials Management Program 'at 861-3636. Diana Wilson, R.E.H.S. Environmental Health Specialist DW:cas \wilson\rhl.ltr i.._<.?::.:T-. _~'t.~-".-Au' '%'/'x 'J 'L~'miist be lea~' -.d In~In Ink: la tndEl;b~, fEncll' vL::~:~: ' " ~;~!.~1~ ~nlppIn~, ~r~'~. ,. mia ~,~ md rttmlamd ~ the Agent.- .~?~+~%: ~a' .... ~;.~ .¥'-' ,~',> ... ' ~7 ~:, · ~. . , . ~>;~..~ .... ~ :" · ' (Name of ~rrler) ,  R~E~YED, subject ~ ~e cl4~ific4tions dad t4rlffs ~n affect on th. d4fe of the issue of this Bill of L4dlng, FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 93711 Oct 20 19 89 From MODERN WELDING COMPANY, INC. .... .,.. .... , .I., ...... ...,,.., ..... a ....... . ,...,. ................ ,., ,,, .,, ..... q~.,.'".." =Z~'~ZZ~, ;~ ........... .. ,..,.,o....~ .~.,. .,of..., ,,,:: ....... 'oV.: .... Consigned to [TP. oC~]. ~"T~.riCc~ It~t ].0~ (Mall <Jr street address of coesignea---For purposes o! notlf~caHon only.) DesHnetion TT~I~t'cF~,!d .......... ,State Ca Count/ Delivery Address ~ ('k' 1'o be iilled in only when shipper des[res and goverm[ng tariffs provide for deliver,/ thereat.) Route No. Kind of Peckaoe, Description of Artlcles, Special *w£1c.? Class Check SubjeCt to ~ctlon '/ of Condition. Peckeqes Marks, end ~ceptlons ~ton) or Rate ~lumn i~ll.~lell ~ ~ ~llve~blll o~ 1.~ln~,~ the EConel~thls ~hlpmea 2 12.000 gallon Double Wall Glasteel. 22.800~ ~,~..,~,~,,~,,, ..... .....,~.,,~,.,.. Underground tanks. . 1~ J397389 J39~3~~ 1 520 gallon DoUble ~a lank 1600~ J362221 3 Glasteel fteldk~ts / 1 Gage stick ~ Chart / ; . 5,000 voit hol~da7 test witnessed by: ~ ; '.., NiOD~'RN WELDIJ~IG COMPANY, INC. Permonent post.-oh%e addre~ of shJppe~, Shi~oer. FRESNO, 'RNIA 937 ~ Agent must detach and retain, this Shipping Order and must s,qn the Original B;ll of Lading. 1. PRODUCT NAME Fiberglass coated steel ground storage tanks Modern GlasteelTM Under- 2. MA~IUFACTURER Modern Welding Co., Inc. Corporate Offices: '2880 New Hartford Rd.~ } Owensboro, KY 42301 (502) 685-4404 3. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION· Basic Use: Modem GiasteelTM underground storage tanks are used to meet or exceed codes for .. the storage of hazardous liquids, including NFPA #30 and #31, and the Uniform Fire Code. Limit~ations: Modem GlasteetTM underground tanks must be in- staJled in accordanqe with N.F.P.A. 30 and 31 codes, O.S.H.A., Uni- form Fire Code and local installa- tion site regulations. Composition and Materials: Basic tank is fabricated in confor- mance with the latest edition of Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. Standard for Safety UL58, and ANSI B 137.1-1971 (Steel Ur{der- ground Tanks for Flammable and · Combustible Liquids). The outer surface is sandblasted to an SSPC-10 finish before receiving the first resin coat; then blankets of chopped fiberglass are applied' with resin. After application the fiberglass is compressed with special slotted rollers to remove all air bubbles and pack all loose fiber strands. A final coat of resin provides apositive seal for pro- tection and non-conductance (complete electrical isolation). After the coating hardens, the tank undergoes a holiday test of 35,000 volts (or according to local or military codes) to inspect 100% of the tank's surface. Die- lectric bushings (5" x 4") are used to isolate the tank from Dip- The m~ulacturer sponsible for technical / ST E ELiTAN K -- S.~N ,~ 8 [.A~ TE O TO NE. AR-WHITE · RNA[ lng and external stray currentl The final product is a steel tank fully covered with fiberglass rein- forced isophthalic resin that pro- vides electrical insulation and protection against external corrosion. Tank Sizes: Range of sizes is from 550 gallons to.50,O00. See chart on. page 3. Accessories: ~ In~ernal Linings Bolted Manways Manway Extensions Ladders Pipe Coils Hold-down Straps Zinc Anodes Applicable Standards: · Underwriters' Laboratories Std. l ~ 5 8 l ' · National Fire Protection As- sociation (N FPA) 30: Flamma'ble and Com- bustible Liquids Code 31: Standard for Installation of Oil Burning Equip- ment. · Uniform Fire Code · American National Stan- dards Inst. B137.1-1971 4. TECHNICAL DATA · Surface Icad, per axle (H-20)-32,000 lbs. : · Pressure-atmospheric · Specific gravity of prod- uct--not to exceed 1.1 (tanks can be modified to store products with a greater specific gravity). :. 5. INSTALLATION Tanks installed in areas that will be subjected to vehicular traf- fic shall be protected by either 18" of compacted soil plus 6: of reinforced concrete, or 8" of asphalt paving extending at least one foot from the tank in all direc- tions, or, by a minimum of 3 feet of soil. ' The excavation of underground tanks that will not be subjected to vehiCular traffic shall be done to provide a minimum cover of two feet of soil, or one foot of soil Construction Soeciflc;tion~ In~iilute, Inc., ~;D C CF''- ..,u'nder a reinforced concret. ,~ad e,f not less than 4' thick. The ex- Cavation shall also be-free of any water or liquid.during the installa- tion procedures. 'The tanks shall be ComPletely empty during the Installation to prevent any undue stre~s within the tank. (In the event atank must be ir~stalled and filled with prod- ucts before backfilling, the prod- uct level must never exceed the compacted backfill level.) The foundation for the tanks shall be firm soil suitably graded, level, and have 6 inches of clean sand.or 6 inches of pea gravel. The tanks shall be encompassed by clean Sand, pea gravel, or com- pacted soi~ free from stones and other matter. : (If the ground is not bf firm soil and/or there is a high water table, the tanks shall be installed with a concrete balast slab and hold down straps. Refer to size chart for number, of hold-down straps and NFPA pamphlet #30 for fur- ther information.) The backfill material must be capable of being 95% com- pacted. The material shall then be placed in 6~ layers and tamped down. (Cradles, saddles, or chocking blocks should not be use~l, as they may cause tank failure due to stress concentra- tions.) Remove all thread or flange protectors from the unused open- ings. Then close off these open- ir~gs with steel pipe plugs or gaskets using proper joining seal. In the event a tank may "float" or become buoyant'due to flood- lng or a rise in the w~.ter table, an- chor precautions, such as hold- down straps, should be consid- ered. Check with local authorities concerning regulations in your area. 6. AVAILABILITY AND COST Contact: Modern Welding Co., Inc. Corporate Offices 2880 New Hartford Rd. Owensboro, KY 42301 (502) 685-4404 Plants: 4141 N. Browley Ave. Fresno, California 93711 (209) 275-9353 1801 Atlanta Ave. Orlando, Florida 32806. (305) 843-1270 300 Prep Phillips Drive Augusta, Georgia 30901 (404) 722-3411 Contact Corporate Office 'for. other facilities. 7. WARRANTY : We warrant that our under- ground tanks, if installed under- ground with proper backfill and otherwise installed in accordance with our.instructions: a) Will meet our published specifications and will be free from defects in mate- rials and workmanship for a period of one (1) year follow- ing date of original delivery by us; b) Will not fail for a period of thirty (30) years from date of; original purchase due to ex-: ternal corrosion; and .ci Will not fail for a period of thirty (30) years from date of: original purchase due to in- ternal corrosion, provided the' tank is used solely for gasoline,.gasohol (90% gas- oline and 10% ethanol mix- ture), Jet fuel, diesel fuel or methanol at ambient Under. ground temperatures; or used for fuel oil at tempera. tures not to exceed 150'F. Our liability under this war- ranty shall be'limited to the original owner with the tank at the original Installation location only, .and, at our option: (i) repair of the defective tank, (Ii) delivery of a replacement tank to the point of original delivew., or(iii) i'efund of the original purchase price, and we shall not be liable for any labor, other installation costs,, in- direct or consequential damages Or other damages :in connection with such tanks. THE FOREGO-' lNG CONSTITUTES' OUR EX. CLUSlVE OBLIGATION AND wE MAKE NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, OR ANY WAR- RAN'FY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PAR- TICULAR PURPOSE WHATSO-' EVER., EXCEPT AS STATED ABOVE. 8. MAINTENANCE Modem GlasteelTM underground tanks do not require any mainte- nance. 9. TECHNICAL SERVICES Engineering and technical ser- vices are available from Modern Welding representatives. .FILING SYSTEMS SPEC-DATA® II Additional product information available upon request. "ENVIRO-TANK~ 10 dECONDARY CONTAINMENT OF TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS MATE.RIALS modern welding company, METAL P~ODUC TS SINCE 1932 [209] 275-9353 414t North 8rawley Avenue, Fresno, CA 93722 ENVIRO-TANK' tO 360°Degree Double Wall Tank for underground storage. k__ Monitor/Vent I I Opening Opening  Primarx/Tank  Secondary Tank . ' Customer Specify Spacing ALL OPENINGS 4" NPT EXCEPT 2" MONITOR OPENING Note: 520 and 4,000 Gallon have ,4 Openings in Primary Tank ENVIRO-TANKTM t0 Sizes and Capacities PRIMARY TANK PRIMARY TANK J CAPACITY DIAM El'ER LENGTH J WEIGHT 520 46" 6' '~ j 2.000 lb. t .000 64' 6' J 2,800 lb. 2.000 64' i2' j 5,100 lb. 3.000 64" 48' j 7.050 lb. ,4,000 96~ · t0' - 8" ,J 9,525 lb. 96" 6,000 .96" 6,000 ; t~%' 16' j t 2,950 lb. i2" J t2,200 lb. 8,000 96" 21'-4' J t5,925 lb.' 8,000 11~'~' 16' J t5.000 lb. 10,000 96" 27' 19.t00 lb.] 40.000 ttt,A" 20' t7.80o lb. 42.000 96' 32' 22,t00 lb. tlt*~' 24' j 20.700 lb. 42,000 tt4' 28' J 29,900 lb. 15 000 1t4' 38' J 42,200 lb. 20,000 OTHER SIZES AVAILABLE ON REQUEST ENVIRO-TANK"" '10 SpeCial Features Monitoring openings located at each end of tank eliminates requirements for monitoring well tank holes. Normal 'underground tank installati°n. Available either with GLASTEEUM, STI-P3~ or AB-50~ exterior coating systems. Optional Manhole Available. MODERN WELDING COMPANY, INC. 4'141 N. BRAWLEY AVE. FRESNO, CA 93722 modern welding_c ,,,m.?any FABRICATORS OF' 'METAL PRODUCTS INSTALLATION PROCEDURES FOR UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS CAUTION, N. F. P. A. N.F.P'.A.-31 NOTE: N.F.P.A.-$O: TIGHTNESS TESTING REQUIREMENTS' IT' IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE g,~ER TO PROVIDE THE .FOLLOWI~ TESTS'PRIOR TO COVERING THE TANK(S). 2-7.)' "Underground tanks and piping, before being covered, enclosed, or placed in use, Shall be'tested For tightness hydrostatically, or with air pressure at not. less than 3-PSI, and more than S-PSI." 2-7.4: "'BeFore the tank is initially placed in service, ali leaks shall be corrected in an acceptable manner." ~' "Standard for Installation of 0il Burning EquiPment." YOUR STATE OR LO]AL C00ES' MAY REQUIRE PROTECTED PIPING .SYSTEMS? 1 TANK HANDLING: uNDERGROUND TANK(S) ARE SUPPLIED, WITH EITHER ONE OR TWO INSTALLED LIFTING LUGS, DEPENDENT ON' TANK SIZE. R~FER TO sPt~cIFIC TAN~ DRAWING TO DETEF~4INE THE E~TY LIF-FING NCEIGHT OF THE TANK. SEE "~tNISHING INSTRUCTION.S', ITEM NL~BER 7; FOR AJ~PLICATIC>N OF LIFTING LLK] covERs TO "GLASTEEL" TANKS PRIOF TO BACXFILLING OR COVERING Tl-tE 'TANI~. O0 NOT DROP-OR ROLL TAN~((S) FRC~ TRUCX iNTO EXCAVATED OPENING. NiLE SIZES FOR INSTALLATION OF TANKS IN STABLE SOIL CONDITIONS:. GENERAL NOTES: ~ 1. THE EXCAVATED OPENING FOR INST~LLATION OF UNDERGROUND TAICK(S) SHALL BE SUI~'A~LY EXCAVATED (PJEFiER TO OSHA STATE, OR LOCAL CODES GOVERNING OPENINGS), LEVELED AND BAC~FILLED PER ,THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS. 2. REFEF~ TO THE '~FINISHING INSTRUCTIONS" FOR SPECIAL ~JIREMENTS PRIOR TO BURIAL OF "GLASTEEL' TA~S. ~. TANKS SHALL BE CCMPLETLY EMPTY DURiNG HANDLING OR INSTALLATION TO PRE'VENT UNDUE STRESS TO THE TAN%(S). 4. IN THE EVENT A TA~ MUST BE INSTALLED. FILLED WITH PRDEX)CTS, PRIOR TO BACXF$.2S'.LINO, THE LIOUID LEVEL WITH, THE TANK SHALL NOT EXCEED THE COAPACTED BACKFILL LEVEL. : CROSSECTION OF EXCAVATION -. NOTE'A'. THE FOUNDATION FOR UNOERCROUND TA~(S) ~,ALL BE HINIMLIM OF 6' CLEAN COMPACTED SAND, 6" OF 3/Z" F' G~L, OR CL'E~ ~PACTED ~IL. ~TE"BI". TAb(S) INSTALLED IN ~ A~A ~AT IS SUBJECT TC HEAVY ~HI~LAR T~FF]C ~ALL ~ ~A.P~TECTI~ ~VER oF 18" CLE~ ~PACTED ~IL 'WI~ EI~ER 6" OF ~INFO~D ~NC~, OR 8" OF AS~ALT PAVIa. IF ~PACTED ~IL IS TO BE ~E ~LY ~' iT ~ALL BE A NINIM~ OF ~6' ~EP. ~TE"B2'. T~{S) INSTALLED IN ~ A~A ~T SUBJECT TO HE VEHI~R T~FFIC ~ALL BE P~TEC~D WI~N EI~ 24" OF CLE~ ~PACTED ~IL, ~ 18" OF CLE~ ~PAC~D ~IL ~VE~D BY 4" ~I~ ~INFO~D ~ oR 6" ~I~ AS~ALT PAVIa. '~TSI~ E~ OF T~ TO ~E INSI~ E~ OF ~E EX~VA~D OPENI~. ~TE"C~'. MULTIPLB T~ INSTALLATI~: 'S~E E~ DISTN~ ~ SIDLE TA~ INSTAL~TI~, ~O A ~INiH~ OF F~ ~SI~ E~ TO ~TSI~ E~ OF ~E ~TE'D', ~ MINIM~, DIST~ F~ ~E ~SI~ ENDS OF TIC(S) TO SE ]NSI~ E~ OF ~E ~ENING ~AL 'ST, A'NDARD SIZES AVAILABLE Capacity Shell Gallons) Diameter Length Steel Nominal Thickness Hold-Down Straps Weight Minimum (PounOs) Number Size _) 550 ' 4' 1,000 4' 1,000 5'4'. 1,500 5 '4' 2,000 5' 4" 3,000 5' 4 ' 4,000 5'4' 4,000 7' 4,000 8' 5,000 8' 6,000 8' 6,000 6' 8,OOO 8' ;8,200, 8' 10~000. 8' 10;000 ' 9' ' 10,000~ .10' : 10'6" 10,000 . 12,ooo'/ 8' 12,000 ': 10'6'" 15,000 9' 6" 15,000 10' 20,000 9' 6 ' 20,000 10' 25,000 10 '6" 25,000 10 '6 ' 30,000 12'0" 3O,000 10'6' 4o,OOo 12 '0 ' 50,000 1'2 '0 "" 6' 12 Ga. 10'8" 10 Ga. 6' 10 Ga. 9' 7 Ga. 12' 7 Ga. 18' 7 Ga. 24' 7 Ga. 14' 7 Ga. 10'8' 1/4' 13'4' 1/4' 16'0' 1/4' 28'5' 114' 21 '4' 1/4' 22'0' 1/4' 26 '8'~ 1/4" · 21 '0' 1/4' 17'0' 1/4" 15 '6' 1/4' 32'0' 1/4' 18 '6' 1/4" 28'0" 5/16" 25 '8' 5/16' 38'0' 5/16' 34 '1" 5/16' 38 '9' 3/8' 38 '9' '3/8' 36 '0' 3/8' 46'6' 3/8' 48'0' 3/8' 60 '0" 3/8' 825 2 1/4' x 3'- 1,350 2 1/4' x 3' 1,220 2 1/4" x 3' 1,600 2 1/4' x 3' 1,980 2 1/4' x 3" 2,750 2 114' x 3" 3,500 2 1/4" x 3" 3,100 2 1/4' x 3'' 4,250 2 1/4' .x 3' 4,910 3 1/4' x 3' '5,590 3 1/4'.'× 3' 6,275 3 1/4' x 3' 6,905 3 3/8' x 3' 7,010 3 3~8' :x 3" 8,280 3 3/8' x 3" 7,790 3 ~ 3'/8" × 3' 7,670 3 -3/8" x 4'"' 7,600 3 3/8' x 4' 9,650 3 3/8' x 3' 8,650 3 3/8" 'x 4 "' 12,630 4 3/8' x 4' 12,870 4 3~8' x 4-' 16,460 4 1/2' x 4;" 16,375 ' 4 1/2' x 4' 23,065 5 1/2" x 4' 23,660 5 1/2' x.4' 26,200 5 1/2" x 4"' 28,000 5 1/2' x 4'" 33,175 6 1/2' x 4' 40,150 7 1/2' x 4' MANUFACTURING SPECIFICATIONS: OUTER RING: Heavy c~st iron. SKIRT: 14 gauge gah,~'-dzed sheet metal COVER: 5/8' Itoor plate with 12° x t3' fill covers, reinforced with withstand tanker weight. FILL COVERS: Pull handles [or easy removal. pOPPET VALVE ASSEMBLY: Spring-loaded with high nilrile rubber disc. GASKET: Tube flange design, iow swell high nitrile rubber wilh stainless steel worm clamp. GASKET: Viton available upon request. BUNGS; Minimum 10' ~ MAXIMUM 16' ~. PATENT PENDING 36' ROUND FIL-SPIL CONTAINMENT BOX FEATURES: " · Special design on cover will not allow dirt or water to enler the containment area. · Allows for vapors to escape while the fill Cover is on. · Flush mount litt ring on cove~. · Standard 10 gallon containment and poppet valve [or two riser systems. · All water drains Ohio the ground, not into the containment area. · Spring-loaded valve assembly with pull-chain to allow lluid to drain through a full si,' hose. ~ Drain hose is designed in a downward position ,~t all times allowing for a rapid flow. '. · Tube flanged rubber gasket allows raplacemsnl from inside the containment area. / · Flange type gasket allows for complete freedom of movement, either side to side, or up and down, without damage to pipe riser or tank. · 4' x 18" schedule 40 pipe w/welded pipe nipple and a 90~ swin~ flair lilting. · Stainless steel outside braid and Teflon inner hose with' ¥*' male and · female aircra~ fittings. : · Screws and gasket to assure water tight. · Unit can be ordered with pipe plug and up to 40 gallon' Containment. -~ART NO. ! DESCRIPTION 239 136" ROUND FIL-SPIL CONTAINMENT 8OX; ONE'OF THE FOLLOWING NUMBERS MUST BE ORDERED WITH #239 FOR A TWO POINT SYSTEM f (NO ADDITIONAL COST) 262 112" CENTERS. 7~ RADIUS 263 114" CENTERS, 8" RADIUS 264 1'16" CENTERS. 9" RADIUS OPTIONS AT ADDITIONAL COST, WHEN REQUIRED 260 8AFFLE--10'GALLON SEPARATION (L¢A. CITY REQUIREMENT ONLY) 271 5 GALLON CAPACITY APPLIED TO COAXIAL. ONE RISER SYSTEM 272 10 GALLON CAPACITY APPLIED TO COAXIAL. ONE RISER SYSTEM 273 20 GALLON CAPACITY APPLIED TO TWO. OR ONE RISER SYSTEM REQUIRING 20 GALLON CONTAINMENT 274 40 GAI2LON CAPACITY APPLIED TO TWO, OR ONE RISER SYSTEM REQUIRING 40 GALLON CONTAINMENT. 275 TANK GAUGE COVER--USED WITH PART #272, AT. NO CHARGE 276 TANK GAUGE COVER--USED WITH TWO RISER SYSTEM AND THIRD OPENING NEEDED TO READ GAUGE 277 ~LESS CONTAINMENT--USED WHEN CONTAINMENT IS NOT NEEDED 278 WATER DRAIN--USED WHEN ABOVE GRADE WATER NEEDS TO BE DIRECTED AWAY FROM THE TANK AREA 279 PiPE PLUG--USED.WHEN PLUG IS NEEDED INSTEAD OF POPPET VALVE. 280 4" x 3" REDUCER ALLOWS USE OF A 3" RISER 281 4"x 2" REDUCER ALLOWS USE CFA 2" RISER NOTE: See Page "O" in back of catalog on examples on ordering Fil-Spil Boxes. -~ O.O: ~' 401/4' 1 2" 20 GAL. -- -~2' ' ~ 18 5 87 January 5, 1989 FRED B. RIVAS COMPANY P.O.Box 256 PEMBROKE ME 04666 (800) 233-7176 Lee, Robert H. & Associates Mr. Amos Malkin 900:Larkspur Landing Circle ~125 Larkspur CA 94939 REFERENCE : RIVAS COUPLING IN DOUBLE WALL PIPE'INSTALLATIONS. Dear Mr. Malkin: Per.our phone conversation of 1/5/89, I have included the following information concerning the RIVAS COUPLING : 1. Specifications for the 80 mil p~lyurethane material used in our standard "boots". 2. Standard drawings for our 36" long "boots". 3. Installation instructions. Originally designed for Exxon in 1986 and called the "RIVAS COUPLING". by them, our "boot" has received wide acceptance in the field for secondary containment over the underground, flexible coupling at the impact valve. Made of 80 mil polyurethane, it is resistant to gasolene, diesels and fuel oils and is designed to take the 10 psig field leak test. Our standard "boo't", model %2164 made of 80 mil polyurethane, is available from Pembroke ME stock. Our other three standard models, based on 1988 usage patterns, are manufactured when ordered and require 4 weeks lead time. Additionally, we-have produced a wide'variety of "boots" for special requirements in the field. Any dimension of .end diameters or length can be produced as well as tank liners, berm liners, ditch liners etc. Pg 2. RIVAS COUPLINGS made of 50 mil Hytrel and 60 mi/' PVC are all "specials" with'lead times of 4-6 w~eks at this time. Our RIVAS COUPLINGS are available from our stocking distributors throughout California. Sincerely yours, /~red B. Rivas Pres. PS: To avoid using a stainless steel clamp requiring cathodic prot'ection, a plastic cable tie can be.used. Also, our 80 mil polyuretha.ne boot can be used in single wall pipe installations to provide electrical ~insulation over the underground flexible connector again'eliminating the need for cathodic protection.. FRED B..RIVAS COMPANY LINER DiV.-Headquarters Office P.O.BOX 256 PEMBROKE ME 04666 (800)-233-7176 No. FBR-21288 Pg 1 of 2 RIVAS cOuPLING - INSTALLATION PROCEDURES SUMMARY : The "Rivas Co~upling" is a flexible hose boot designed to provide secondary containment over undergr'ound flexible conn~ectors (Resistoflex, Titef!ex etc.) in a fiberglass double wall pipe system, It connects to the 3"' secondary .pipe string and to the pipe connections at the impact valve...or...directly to the impact valve. INSTALLATION PROCEDURES. : A : Method of Attaching to the 3" Secondary Piping 1. Sand the entire surface of the last three inches of the secondary piping from the end~ 2. Clean the outer surface using fiberglass pipe cleaner. Mix and apply fiberglass pip~ epoxy adhesive to the sanded.section of pipe following instructions supplied wi'th the kit. Caution : note especially the precautions to prevent eye, skin and lung irritations. 3. Insert 3+ inches'of secondary piping into the RIVAS COUPLING. 4. Clamp the end tightly using a %64 stainless steel . hose clamp. 5. Allow adhesive to dry according.to instructions on the adhesive label. B : Method of Attaching to the Flexible Underground Coupling 1. Pull the RIVAS COUPLING (Model %2164) over the hex nut of the flexible coupling to expose the collar around the. stainless steel braid. 2. Sand the entire outer surface of the exposed ~ollar (2-3"). 3. Clean outer surface using fiberglass pipe cleaner. Mix and apply fiberglass pipe epoxy adhesive to the sanded section of the collar · following instructions supplied with kit. Caution : note especially the precautions to prevent eye, skin and lung irritations. 4. Slide the RIVAS COUPLING. back over the collar. 5. Clamp the end tightly using a %36 stainless st-eel hose clamp. 6. Allow adhesive to dry according to instructions on the adhesive label. Quality Products Plastic Expertise Custom ProductS INSTALLATION PROCEDUREs NO. FBR-21288 Pg 2 of 2 C : Method of Attaching to the Impact Valve i. Sand the entire outer rim at the base of the impact valve. 2. Clean the sanded surface 'using fiberglass pipe cleaner. Mix and apply fiberglass pipe epoxy to the sanded rim following instructions supplied with the kit. Cautibn': note especially the precautions to prevent eye, skin and lung irritations. 3. Work the RIVAS'coUpLING (Model ~2292) over the bottom rim of the impact valve. 4. Clamp the end tightly using ~ 44 stainless steel hose clamp. 5. Allow adhesive to dry according to instructions on the adhesive label.- Quality Products Plastics Expertise Custom Products RIVAS COUPLINGS: for secondary containment of piping systems. FRED B. RIYAS COMPANY P.O. BOX 256 PEMBROKE, ME 04666 (800) 233-7'1 '76 No. FBR-21388 STANDA_PdD MODELS Model No. Dia.A Dia.B Dia.C Comments ~2164 3-1/2' 1-15/16' 4" ~2190 3-1/2" 1-15/16" 8" ~2195 3-1/2" 1-15/16' ~2292 3-1/2" '2-3/4" 4" Attaches to flexible connector or nippi Swing joint boot. Attaches to nipple. gas air valve at the small dia. end. Attaches to.impact valve'. .Note : Above are 4 of our most commonly used RIVAS COUPLINGS. To date we have made over 2 dozen "specialS" with lengths varying from 24" td~6'.and diameters from 1-1/4" to 6". Consult the Factory for "SPECIALS". MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION 80 mil flexible Polyurethane : Compatible with gasolines, fuel oils, diesels. 50 mil flexible ~ytrel : Compatible with gasolines, fuel oils, diesels plus methanol and ethanol. 6g mil flexible PVC : Compatible with inorganic acids, bases and salts. Quality Products Competitive Pricing. Fast Delivery · FRED B. RIVAS COMPANY LINER DIV.-~eadquarters Office P.O.BOX 256 PEMBROKE ME 04666 (800)-233-7176 TYPICAL PROPERTIES - 80 MIL POLYURETHANE PT6218 Properties Test units Typical 'Values ASTM NO ThickneSs Durometer Eardness .Specific Gravity Yield Ultimate Tensile iStrength 100% Modulus 30.0% Modulus Elongation at Break Tear Strength Abrasion Resistance MOisture Vapor Transmission · Brittle Point ~Appearance Gel level Mil thicknesJ Shore A FT2/lb/Mil PSI PSI PSI % Graves lbs./in. 90A 1.14 167 7,250 1,500 3,400 475 475 Taber GR/5000 Cycles CS-17 Wheel .0137 GR/24 Ers./100 sq in 10 mil 8 F deg. -41 Black Low D-2240 D-792 D-412 D-412 D-412 D~412 D-624 D-1044 E 96-E PERMEABILITY - Modified ASTM E-96 at room temperature Rate of transport in oz/sq.ft/day ASTM FUEL B ASTM FUEL C IDOLENE HO-3 (f) LEADED GASOLINE · UNLEADED " 10 MIL (test) 80 MIL (equivalent) 0.44 0.055 0.89 .0. 111 0.39 0.049 0.37 0.046 0.42 0.053 C NI MANUFACTURING' MODEL NO. DESCRIPTION COMPLETE WITH 4" FLOA,T VALVE FOR SINGLE WALL TANKS 119 4 x 4 x 3 x 2 EXTRACTOR VALVE WITPi FLOAT VALVE' 1/8" BLEEDER 119-A 4 x 4 x 3 x 2 EXTRACTOR VALVE WITH FLOAT VALVE -- 1/16" BLEEDER 119-B . 4'x4 x 3 x 2 EXTRACTOR VALVE WITH FLOAT VALVE-- NO BLEEDER 120 4 x 4 x 2 x 2 EXTRACTOR VALVE WITH FLOAT VALVE -- 118" BLEEDER 120-A 4 x 4 x 2 x 2 EXTRACTOR VALVE WITH FLOAT VALVE -~ 1116" BLEEDER ' 1.20-B 4 x 4 x.2 x 2 EXTRACTOR VALVE WITH FLOAT VALVE -- NO BLEEDER 12'1 4 x 4 x 2 EXTRACTOR VALVE' WITH FLOAT VALVE -- 1/8'" BLEEDEFf 12,1-A 4 x 4 x 2 EXTRACTOR VALVE WITH FLOAT VALVE-- 1/1'6~' BLEEDER I?I-B 4 x 4 x 2 EXTRACTOR VALVE WITH FLOAT VALVE -- NO BLEEDER · 122 ADD TO ABOVE NUMBERS WHEN FLOAT VALVE IS NOT NEEDED MODEL NO. DESCRIPTION 123-4 2" x 4" LONG STAINLESS ST, EEL FLOAT VALVE WITH 1/8" BLEEDER 123-4A 2" x 4" LONG STAINLESS STEEL FLOAT VALVE'WITH 1/16" BLEEDER 't23-48 2" x 4" LONG STAINLESS STEEL FLOAT VALVE WITH NO BLEEDER MODEL NO. DESCRIPTION COMPLETE WITH 11'Y," FLOAT VALVE FOR DOUBLE WALL TANKS 119-4 ~ 4 x 4 x 3 x 2 EXTRACTOR VALVE WITH FLOAT VALVE -- 1/8" BLEEDER ' 119-4~ 4 x 4 x 3 x 2 EXTRACTOR VALVE WITH FLOAT VALVE -- 1/16" BLEEDER .119-'48 4 x 4 x 3 x 2 EXTRACTOR VALVE WITH FLOAT VALVE -- NO BLEEDER 120-4 4'x 4 x 2 x 2 EXTRACTOR VALVE WITH FLOAT VALVE -- 118" BLEEDER '120-4A ~ x 4 x 2 x 2 EXTRACTOR VALVE WITH FLOAT VALVE -- 1/16" BLEEDER 1-20-4B 4 x 4 x 2 x 2 EXTRACTOR VALVE WITPi FLOAT VALVE -- NO BLEEDER 121-4 4 x 4 x 2 EXTRACTOR VALVE WITH FLOAT VALVE -- 118" BLEEDER . 121-4A 4 x 4 x 2 EXTRACTOR VALVE WITH FLOAT VALVE -- 1116" BLEEDER 121-4B 4 x 4 x 2 EXTRACTOR VALVE WITH FLOAT VALVE -- NO BLEEDER 122 ADD TO ABOVE NUMBERS WHEN FLOAT VALVE IS NOT NEEDED MODEL NO. DESCRIPTION 123-11:2/4 2" x 11~/4" LONG STAINLESS STEEL FLOAT VALVE WITH 1/8" BLEEDER 123-11-~A 2" x 11~/4" LONG STAINLESS STEEL FLOAT ~/ALVE WITH 1/16" BLEEDER 123-11-~/4B 2~' x'11:A'' LONG STAINLESS STEEL FLOAT VALVE WITH NO BLEEDER MODEL NO. DESCRIPTION 125 BRASS EXTRACTOR COUPLING 126 2" VENT CAP 127 FLOAT VALVE EXTRACTOR TOOL 130 4" PIPE CAP. 8/' CNI MANUFACTURING SPECIFICATIONS: BODY: Plated sand cast iron, ADAPTOR: Machined sand cast brass. FLOAT VALVE: Stainless steel ball, epoxy coated nipple with 1/8" bleeder hole and without hole. also w,th brass wire cage. EXTRACTOR VALVES & FLOAT VALVES FEATURES: - Float valve is used lo prevenl producl conlaminalions when venl line: are maniJoJd on tanks. · When used wilh the valve body, it will allow for exlraction Jrom grade level tot inspection or replacement ol Ihe float nipple. · It allows Ior isolating of lanks for pressure testing. · Prevents topping otf underground lanks. 119 120 121, 125 130 123-4 123-113/,,, 126 18 587 Bulletin No. lO04U underwriters' Laboratories. Inc. July 1, 1977 RED THREAD systems offer: EXCEPTIONAL CORROSION RESISTANCE-- RED THREAD is corrosion resistant to gasoline, kerosene, jet fuel, natural gas (high H~S content), salt water, corrosive soils and atmospheric conditions. MAINTAINS PRODUCT PURITY--RED THREAD, with its fiber glass and resin construction, is inert to petroleum fuels, assuring freedom from contamina- tion in the product being handled. EASY, ECONOMICAL INSTALLATION -- Light weight RED THREAD pipe is available in nominal 15 foot and 30 foot lehgths which have the adhesive bonded bell and spigot joint. Each assures .easy, economical installation when combined with A. O. Smith-lnland's fast acting adhesive and the easy handling of RED THREAD LISTED BY UNDERWRITERS' LABORATORIES, INC. &' UNDERWRITERS' LABORATORIES OF CANADA-- RED THREAD has undergone comprehensive test- ing by both organizations. In the United States it is available in 2, 3, and 4 inch with the UL Label List-. i'ng it for nonmetallic underground piping for pretro- leum products, in Canada it is available in the same sizes with the ULC Label Listing it for non-metallic underground pipe for petroleum products. FLEXIBILITY -- A natural flexibility allows gradual bends to be made .with RED THREAD. It conforms easily to gradual ditch contours. THERMOSE'I-f'ING PROPERTIES -- RED THREAD is made with a thermosetting epoxy resin. This means it won't soften, cold-flow or balloon . . . even at its maximum operating temperature of 150° F. HIGH PRESSURE/TEMPERATURE RATING m RED THREAD R..TP-70 pipe ir1 2 inch size has a cyclic operating pressure rating of 300 psi at 150" F and an ultimate burst strength of over 3500 psi. HIGH FLOW CAPACITY- RED THREAD has a greater flow capacity than many other pipes with the same O.D. This is because its high-strength, fiber glass construction provides a smoother 1,D. and can provide a larger I.D. for ~pecified pressures. THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY ~ The thermal conduc- tivity of RED THREAD is ,only a fraction of that of steel. THE A. O. SMITH-INLAND BELL AND SPIGOT JOIHT --The bell and spigot joint pictured above reduces the number of couplings. It is designed for quick ioining and gives a large surface area for adhesive bonding. LOW COEFFICIENT OF LINEAR EXPANSION -- The 'coefficient 'of expansion' of RED THREAD is 1/5 to Va that of thermoplastic pipe. and'only twice that ol steel. handling and storage RED THREAD pipe is packaged in compact bundles of six or eight lengths. Bundles of RED THREAD can be safely stored on level ground or on racks .with lO-foot (or less) support spacing. Reasonable care must be used in handling REO THREAD. Do not drop or throw RED THREAD on the ground, or drop stones or other heavy objects on it. joinin9 procedure 1. Clean bell and spigot ends using the joint cleaner included in adhesive kit. After a surface is cleaned', do not touch or otherwise contaminate it with dirt. 2. Apply thoroughly mixed adhesive to both surfaces. 3. Insert the spigot into the bell using a turning motton ... joint must lock. cutting RED THREAD is easily cut with an ordinary hacksaw. using a fine-toothed blade. For ease of tapering, the 'cut end should be square as possible. When RED THREAD is. cut tO length on the job site, the cut end must be retapered. The field tapering tool Pictured below is used for this purpose. Adapt- able to two-, three-, and four-inch pipe, the tool quickly applies the proper taper' by a shaving opera- tion- similar to a pencil sharpener. For proper'tapering, carefully follow the operating inst-tuctions included with the tapering tool kit. adhesives The adhesives kits required for use in handli~ petroleum products 'are A. O. Smith-Inland DS-701 DS-7024, DS-7069. These kits have a 25 minute wor lng life at 75° F. However, curing time of the adhesi' on an assembled joi,nt is dependent on the amble temperature..Heat assist, methods to. shorten cu times are recommended'for ambient temperatures t: Iow. 70° F. A.O. Smith-Inland has developed t,, methods of supplying the necessary 'heat to bo pipe joints. For particulars, refer to the A.O. Smi Inland Instaliation I.nstructions. All adhesive kits contain epoxy resin and harder' in separate containers, joint cleaner, mixing sti paint brush and paper towels. A detailed instructi sheet is included. Following these instructions v insure easy, fast assembly, ol RED TRREAD pipe. Quant. Approx. N'o., of bonds~ Mixed Kit Adhesive DS-7014 6.8 oz. 25 18 DS-7024 (Twin Pack) J 2.5 oz. ea. 18 10J '"DS-7069 j ~9.95oz. j' -- J '~._.~ plumbing To make installation easier and conserve adhes all measuring, cutting, and tapering should be d first. Then proceed with the bonding operation· make sure measurements are right, assem,ble entire piping system "dry" (without adhesive) be bonding. Where accuracy is important. "dry" ass bly is a must. For close tolerance piping rele A. O. Smith-Inland installation Manual. '" For addmonal information on cutting, tapering and joimng cedures reler to A. O. Smith-Inland Inslallalion inSlrUClionS. '~' Not recommended for most 2"". 3" and 4'" installations bec ol large auandW of .adhesive per ':iii:,. ':".'¢! '.i'"-'".ii,i'.~'YPICAL ISLAND' PIPING- ;.ii .' ':"~'T- :~ ' .... .; ";;,:,~,GL.'.~'.':';.' .' "..:'~:;..'.;Tf' ".'"; '.:'.::"' .~-..\~.~ .':;'..- ~..~,~..: .... ... . .. ,,,;,; '.,,; -. flexible hose connections Flexible hose connections can be installed in prod- uct and vent lines at the point where they leave the tank. On suction pump installation they can be put in just before the pump riser. Use of'flexible connections can prevent breaking of lines or fit- tings' where settlement might cause tank move- meat, or where expansion and contraction might cause movement of the pipe. The drawings of typical island piping indicate how connections can be made using standard THREAD adapters. burial. Minimum.-acceptable burial depths are given in this section. In some cases greatest depths may be required by the authority having jurisdiction or by local codes. Pipe Buried Under· Paved Surface ~ Minimum of 4" Asphalt When paving is a·minimum of 4" asphalt the mini- mum burial depth must not' be less than 12" from the top of the pipe to the surface for 2" pipe, 13" for 3" pipe and 13" for'4" pipe. If 6" asphalt is used the minimum burial depths listed above are still applicable. These recommended ·burial.depths apply if and only if (a) The .ditch width does not exceed 2.5 feet and the asphalt paving extends at least 2 feet on either side of the ditch. (b) There is a minimum of 6" of clean sand(~l, pea · gravel of 1/8" to 3/4" particle size or crushed stone of 1/8" to 1/2" particle size under the pipe. (c) For 2" pipe there is a minimum of 8" of clean sandf~, pea gravel' of 1/~,, to 3/~,, particle size or crushed stone of 1/8" to 1/~,, particle size over the - top of the pipe. For 3"and 4" pipe the minimum is 9". Pipe Buried Under Paved Surface ~ Minimum of 4" Concrete When paving is 2. minimum of 4" reinforced con- crete the minimum burial depth must not be less than 9" from the top of the pipe to the surface for 2" pipe, 1(7' for 3" pipe and 1(7' for 4" pipe.. These recommended burial depths apply if, and' only il (a) The ditch width does not exceed 2.5 feet and the concrete paving extends at least 2 feet on either side of ditch. (b) There is a minimum of 6" bf clean sand(~, pea gravel of l/s,, to 3/,~,, particle size or crushed stone of i/~, to ~/2" particle size under the pipe. (c) For 2" pipe there is'a minimum of 5" of clean sand's', pea gravel of'Ys" to -%" particle ~;ize or crushed stone of 1/~,, to I/2" particle size over the top 6f the pipe. For 3" and 4" pi'pe the minimum is 6". Pipe Buried Under an Unpaved Surface When pipe is buried under an unpaved surface the minimum depth must not be. less than 17" for 2" pipe, 19" for 3" pipe and 19" for 4" pipe. These recommended burial depths apply if and on!y if , (a).The ditch does not exceed 2.5 feet and there is a minimum of 6" of clean sand(~, pea gravel ~/~" to ~/4" particle size or crushed stone 1/~,, to 1/2" under the pipe. (b) There is a minimum of 17" of clean sand(~), from the top of the pipe to the surface for 2" pipe, 19" for 3" pipe and 19" for 4" pipe. When pea gravel of 1/~,, to 3/~,, particle size or crushed stone of 1/8".to ~/2" particle size are used for backfill, the burial depth can be reduced to 12" from the top of the pipe to the surface for, 2" pipe, 13" for 3" pipe and 13" for 4" pipe. Note 'Specification ,covering pea gravel or crushed stone when used as bedding and backfill material conforms to Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada specification S-615. If burial conditions other than those discussed above exist, contact· A. O. Smith-Inland Inc. repairing On rare occasions it may be necessary to repair a damaged section of RED THREAD pipe. Where · damage is in the form of a puncture, the pipe can be repaired using a patch made from the pipe it- self. If a considerable length of pipe is involved, it is best to replace it with a new section of pipe. Complete informatio~ for making repairs are in- cluded in the A. O. Smith Installation instructions. '~' The pro'~ince of Ontario, Oanada does not ~llow the use o! sand bedding and backfill. It is the policy of A. O. Smith*Inland Inc. fo imorove ils Dredgers continually. In accord wilh thai policy. right is reset'ced to make changes in specillca~ons, descriptions and illustralive material contained in this bulletin as conditions warrant. The information in ~lsis bulletin does not con$1ilute a slated or implied guaranlee. RED'THREAD adapters/specifications/properties NPT THREAO NPT THREAD THREADED ADAPTER BELL & MALE N.P.T. THREAO A (IBn.) X (In.) (In.) 41/4. 2 1:Y4 51/2 3 2:Ym 51/2- 4 2:~ THREADED ADAPTER J THREADED ADAPTER j THREADED ADAPTER SPIGOT & MALE N.P.T. THREAD BELL & FEMALE N.P.T. THREAD SPIGOT & FEMALE N.P.T. THREAD Pipe Size (In.) (In.) J Nominal A J Nomlnml A - B Pipe SIze (In.} (in.) I Pipe SLze 2" J 3%. -I 2 j 2" 131/= I 1~ J 2" j 3", ! 4s,,~ J 3 i 3" J 4'/2 I 2u, j 3- I 4~ 3v8 4- j' 4,.,; :! 4 i 4- ! 4,/2 i · . Nominal Pipe SIz'e (In.) general specifications and rating~ -- RTP-70 pipe Nominal J t Nominal Nominal Nominal Wall Nominal Mill Teal(si UJllmale(?) In=tailed O.D. I.D. ' Thlcknaa= Weight Preaaum-Temp. Pm=aura Buret Lengtha (In.) (in.) (In.) (Lb=./Ft, Max. Rating (PS) (PSi) (FI.) J 2.375 2.235 j 0:070 J 0.4 300 psi ~ 150'F j 1200 J 4000 J 3.500 3.360 0.070 J 0.6 J 4.500 4.36o 0.070 J 0.8 typical physical properdes'° ~ ~T~-70 pipe Value Tensde Slrength ~ Axial at 75' F 9.100 psi al 150' F 8.320 psi Compressive Slreng[h ~ Axial at 75' F ' 13,5~ psi MOdulus et ElasticJly in Tension al 75' F al 150' F Ullimale Hoop Tensile Strengt& at Burst A~rage al 75' F Average al 150' F Long Term Hood Strength Cyclic Pressure (150~tO(~) cycles) al 75' F a( 150' F Sleady Pressure (1~ thousand hours al 75' F Thermal Exoansion Axtal Thermal' Conductivity Soec~fic G ~avi'ty ~?~ Oeletmined by ASTM O-1599~9. 'il (PSi) Spacing 75'F (Ft.) 200 psi~ 150'F J 800 J 2700 ' 45 [ 9 J 15 25-30 150 psi @ 150'F J 600 j 1900 J- 24 J 9Y~ J 15 25-30 bending properties of Red Thread-~- RTP-70 pipe I Nomin=l J Minimum Bending Radius® Pipe Size J 75OF j 1500F. ~" ,j 57 Ft. i 66 F~. ~ ,- ':~.' "''~-' } Test Melhod l.lSxlO(~) psi ~[~ ASTM O-2105 1.OxlO(4') psi Procedure A 5.150 psi 5,000 psi ~j ~ Procedure B ~s.2so psi 1.3§xIO'S~ In./In./'FL~' )-~_ AOSI-TM16-3 ~.87 ~ ASTM 0-792 3" ! 84 Ft. i I 108 Ft. I 97 Ft. 125 Ft. REINFORCED PLASTICS DIVISION 2700 W. 65TH STREET LITTLE ROCK. ARKANSAS 72209 AREA COOE 501-568-4010 RED THREAD systems have fittings for all needs Nomlnei I ~ [ PIpe She (In.) (In.) 2" 33/'~ I 1 Vz 3" i 4si, 2¥4 PIpe Size I (in.) --.'~- ...... 7; ....2,--~ ...... 3" ; 3~.~ ' ' ................ ':--:' (In.) 2~.% 1 --3-- m '-~" FLANGES !Pipe Size (In.) (Iri,) 2" 2:/8 ~.~ I 3" 2s/8 13/8 4" 2% 13/~ (ih.) (In.) ! :(In.I 4¥,~ D-4 , 6 Holes 6 D-4 t Holes 7V~ O-8 9 ~ Holes (In.) 23.% TEES Nominel Pipe Size -'-I (In.) (In.) 3~,'. 1:/~ 4% 23/, ~ 4" 5%% 2%% ; CROSSES · Pipe Size· ' (in.) (in.) ! ,3" : 4-% 2:%': 4" 5Ve 2~"e SLEEVE COUPLING NIPPLES REDUCER BUSHINGS Size (In.) (In.) 2"xl 1/4" 2 t ' -2,-~xi', '~" ~: ~ t 3'"x~" 2:'-' 4"x3" 2='~ ·Reducer . :: -.' A ','~.:! '"'"'"X~4) , · . Size "(mm) :' ' · ., :.:.j (mm) 2"xl" '.' ' 44.45 I : : : '::~ ' : : ~ : ' 2"xlV=". i '44.45 . . , .'~ 1" . 3~x2~ I I 57'15 I 44,45 4"x3" -60.32 60.32 Nominal A X'4' Nominil Pipe Size (In.) lin.) 'Pipe Size d"-'---44.4~ CAP. NFW RED IACI E-I- - WO-SECOND" LEAK DETECTOR For remote Submersible Petroleum Pumping Systems ---THE FIRST I 'F.AK .DETECTOR A COMPI F-1'-E LINE TEST IN TWO SECONDS! As ea~'ly as 1959, Red Jacket de- veloped and marketed a solution to the problem of leakage between stor- age tanks and dispensers of petrol- eum. Now, with the changing trend to self-serve installations, pumping delay can be a problem. Red Jacket responds 'with a new and improved leak detector that makes a complete line test in only two seconds. Yet, the new Red Jacket Leak Detector is just as effective and reli- able as past models. : Years of re- search time..and iield experience are reflected' in the new design. As with th~ previous 'Red. Jacket de- sign, the new unit provides fool- proof, maintenance-free operation. TO MAKE ONLY' The new detector can be easi mounted on top of any current Red J'acket Submersible Pump ; adapts to older or othe.r submers ble pumps. UL listed when use with an approved housing. The standard unit i's design6 for use with 1/~, 3/4 and 11/2 HP pump with flows up to 70 GPM. : ~ED JACKET MEETS THE DEMANDS PETITOl ,FUM MARKETERS AND SEIKVICi STATION OPEKATOtKS. , Following are characteristics of the Red Jacket system which you de- manded! erations sufficiently to call for. early investigation and remedial action. 1. The Red Jacket leak signal is in- dicated only when a true leak is present, not just a pressure dro'p resulting from system resilience or thermal contraction. 2. The leak signal does not com- pletely .shut down opera.tion of the system. 3. The signal will affect normal op- 4. Minor leaks are indicated, how- ever, no service interruption oc- curs. 5. A Leak Oetector can be installed in any position and is not sensi- rive to vibration. 6. New hexagonal shape makes the Two-Second Leak Detector easy to identify. "' HE RFD JACI ET LEA TEST The Red Jacket leak detector is a pres- sure sensing, diaphragm operated valve designed to indicate a~eak in the piping between the leak detector and dis- penser. When the submerged pump is turned on, a Controlled amount of product (three gallons per hour) is metered lhrough the leak detector into the pip- 3-STEP lng system. II a leak is present which equals or exceeds ~his amount, as much product escapes from the system as is metered in through the leak detec- tor. Under this condilion pressure can- not build up in the piping system. When a nozzle is opened a poppet in ~he leak detector moves to a position which restricts the flow to approximately 3 GPM. This is the indication to the Dp( ator that a leak is present. If there are no leaks, pressure rap ly builds in the system forcing the le detector to open to the full-flow po tion. In a system with no leaks it tak · only two seconds for a complete te No further line testing takes place ur the line )ressure drops below 1 POPPET LESS THAN I PSI 25 PSI FROM PUMP LEss THAN I PSI 1. THE "TRIP" OR ,RELAXED POSI- TION. Under normal operatihg con- ditions, it is assumed that the lines are filled with gasoline which is es- sentially non-compi;essible. When the system pressure is less than 1 PSI, the diaphragm and poppet are in their "down" or "tripped" posi- tion. The position of the valve "pop- pet" is such as to allow approxi- mately 3 GPM'flow into the delivery line, through a bypass opening in the leak detector valve, poppet, when the submersible pump starts. Sin~;e the system is full, .pressure builds instantly aod the poppet moves to the leak sensing position, assuming there is no leak present. 2. LEAK SENSING POSITION. As the pressure builds to approximately 8 8 TO 10 PSI 25 PSI "- METERING. 'x \i 8 TO 10 PSI ,~, to 10 PSI (Instantly), the diaphragm has moved the Upoppet" to such.a position as to almost stop the flow into the piping through, the leak detector valve poppet. In this posi- tion, all the flow must then travel around the metering pin which lim- its it to approximately 3 GPH rate. If a simultaneous loss from the sys- tem equ.als or exceeds this amount, the line pcessure will not build be- yond this point and the valve will remain in the leak sensing position with the main flow blocked. If there is an attempt to dispense while the valve is in this position, the line pressure will drop, the diaphragm will respond, and the poppet will return to position 1 where approxi- mately 3 GPM will flow to the dis- ABOVE 1 PSI ALLPRESSURE EQUAL pensers. Leaks smaller than 3 GPH will be indicaJted by the Leak Detec- tor taking longer than two seconds to open completely. If there is no leakage in the system, the smali flow around the metering pin in- creases the line pressure to 10 PSi in approximately two seconds at which point the diaphragm will snap the poppet to position 3. This al takes place i.n less time than it takes the dealer to reset the dispenser walk to the car, remove the gas tan~- cap, insert and open the nozzle. NON-LEAK POSITION. This positio~ allows full flow. The poppet' will re- main in this position as long as th(: system pressure remains above PSI. At less than 1 PSI the "poppet' will return to position 1. RED JACKET® A Division of Wylain, Inc. Form MANUFACTURING- MANHOLES SPECIFICATIONS: OUTER RING: Heavy cast iron. COVER: 3/8" non-skid Iloor plale, SKIRT: 14.gauge sheet metal spot welded and riveled Io casl ring. FEATURES: de~' · Reinforced cover is lighlweight, ),el raled to wilhstand 24,000 lbs. Lilt hen on all covers 24' and larger. · All boxes requiring screwed down covers are equipped wilh 3/8"-16 allen flat head screws. · Tamper prool allen screws are available ss an option. · 1/8" recessed area to accept our Pan ~ 290. 18587 r NI ~ANUFACTURING ~ODEL NO. 208R-8 208R-8S 208R-8SG 214R-8 214R-8S 214R-8SG 214R-12 214R-12S 214R-12SG 216R-8. 216R-8S 216R-8SG 216R-12 216R-12S 216R-12SG 218R-8 218R-8S 218R-SSG " '218R-12 218R-12S 218R-12SG 224R 224RB 224RSG 224RBSG 230R 230RSG 236R 236RSG 291 292 ROUND FILLBOXES AND MANHOLES DESCRIPTION 8" ROUND FILL BOX x 8" SKIRT 8" ROUNO FILL BOX x 8" SKIRT WITH 2 SCREWS 8" ROUND FILL BOX X 8" SKIRT WITH 2 SCREWS AND GASKET 12" ROUND FILL BOX x 8~ SKIRT 12" ROUND FILL BOX x 8." SKIRT WITH 2 SCREWS 12" ROUNO FILL BOX x 8" SK RT WITH 2 SCREWS AND GASKET 12" ROUND FILL BOX x 12" SKIRT 12" ROUND FILL BOX x 12" SKIRT WITH 2 SCREWS 12" ROUND FILL BOX x 12" SKIRT WITH 2 SCREWS AND GASKET ROUND FILL BOX x 8" SKIRT 16" ROUND FILL BOX x 8" SKIRT WITH 2;SCREWS 16~ ROUND FILL BOX x 8" SKIRT WITH 2 SCREWS AND GASKET - 16" ROUND FILL BOX x 12" SKIRT 16" ROUND FILL BOX x 12" SKIRT WITH 2 SCREWS 16" ROUNO FILL BOX x 12" SKIRT WITH 2 SCREWS AND GASKET 18" ROUND FILL BOX x 8" SKIRT 18" ROUND FILL BOX x 8" SKIRT WITH 2 SCREWS 18" ROUND FILL BOX x 8;' SKIRT WITH 2 SCREWS AND GASKET 18" ROUND FILL BOX X 12" SKIRT 18" ROUND FILL BOX x 12" SKIRT WITH 2 SCREWS 18" ROUND FILL BOX x 12" SKIRT WITH 2 SCREWS AND GASKET 24" DIAMETER ROUND MANHOLE 24" DIAMETER ROUND MANHOLE WITH REINFORCED COVER 24" DIAMETER ROUND MANHOLE WITH SCREWS AND GASKET 24" DIAMETER ROUNO MANHOLE WITH SCREWS, GASKET, REINFORCED COVER 30" DIAMETER ROUND MANHOLE WITH REINFORCED COVER AND PULL HANDLE 30" DIAMETER ROUND MANHOLE WITH REINFORCED COVER, SCREWS, GASKET AND P, ULL HANDLE 36" DIAMETER ROUND MANHOLE WITH REINFORCED COVER AND 'PULL HANDLE 36" OIAMETER ROUND MANHOLE WITH SCREWS, GASKET, REINFORCED COVER AND PULL HANDLE BRASS LABEL ONLY COST PER LINE FOR BRASS LABEL (3 LINE MAXIMUM) MANHOLE DIMENSIONS 214-8 14-118" 11-5/8" I 8' NO 214-12 14-1/8" 11-5/8"I 12" NO 216'-~' 17-718" 16-1/16" I 8" NO ' 216-12 17-7/8" 16-1/16"I 12" NO 218-8 20-1/2" 18-1/8" I 8" NO 218-12 20-1/2" 18-1/8" I 12" NO 224R 27" 22-1/4"I 12" I NO 224RB 27" 22-114" 12" I YES 230RB 33" 28" 12"I YES 236R 40-114" 34-1/4" 12" I YES 8 5 87 7A Fittings · OPW 233-E The OPW 233~E Extractor fitting is for use with any 11/2" foot valve with a · maximum outside diameter of 23A". The 233-E has 4" male thread for con- nection to 4" tank flange and is gas- ket-sealed to prevent loss of .prime, caused by air being sucked'in through the top fitting. Materials Body: cadmium plated cast iron Cap arid suction stub adaptor: bronze Gasket: chromed 'tanned leather SIZE:, 1 I/2" WT,: 20.'22 lbs. 2_33-E-;4040 OPW 233-P The OPW 233-P Extradtor fitting haS~ internal threads to accept a connecting nipple between the extractor and the tank flange, which provides an option to adjust the elevation of the 233-P in relation to the tank. The cage of the 233-P is easily replaced because it is threadless; it is simply lifted out like a bottle cork. Materials Body: cast iron Cage: bronze Seals: buna-N O-ring SIZE: 2" WT.: 18.00 lbs. 233-P-6050 0PW.£33 Series OPW 233 Series Extractor fittings allow foot valves and ball float vent valves to be removed from under- ground tanks without breaking up the cop. crete. See pg. 12 tor OPW extractor wrench selection. Dimensions OPW 233-E 1¼" Size Top thread 4" Outlet thread 1 V2" Inlet male threa(:l 4" Inlet female thread 1 Maximum clear I.D, through,valve 2%" OPW233-P I 2" Size Top thread 4" Outlet thread 2" Inlet thread' 3Y2" Cage-thr..ead Maximt,im clear I.D. through, valve .31/2" OPW 233- V The OPW 233-V Series Extractors are used to hold and position the OPW 53-V Series Float Vent Valves in the. undergroun~l storage tank. It is furnished complete with an extractable cage. The entire Float Vent sub-assembly can be extracted from the tank by using either an OPW 52 or 89 Extractor Wrench, for tank tes. ting. The OPW 233-V extractor is a single outlet extractor used. in non-manifolded vapor recovery .systems,. or systems such as shown on p. 7. Materials: Body: cast iron w/Duragard '~ coating Extractor: bronze SIZE: 4" x 2" · WT.: 15,33 lbs, OPW 233- VM. The OPW 233-VM extrarctor.is a multi-outlet extractor, a,zailable in 2 sizes; used in direct manifolded systems, vapor recovery, or where provision for Stage II Vapor Recovery is needed. SIZES: 4" x 2" x 3" 'WT. 18.73-1bs. 233-VM-6045 4" 'x 2" x 2" WT. 16.62 lbs. 233-VM-4422 All OPW 233-V series extractors are specially coated with black Duragard'" ,coating, for improved corrosion resistance and easier cage removal. 233-V-4420 OPW233-VMP and 233- VP Test Plugs OPW Test Plugs are used to isolate the tank from the vent piping system during tank testing. The 233-VP plug is used on: 233-V-4420 (4"x 2") .233-VM-4422 (4"x 2"x 2") The 233-VMP plug is used on: 233-V-4420 (4" x 2") 233-VM-4422 (4" x 2" x 2") 233-VM-6045 (4" x 2" x 3") 233-VP-6046 WT.: .78 lbs. 233-VMP-6047 WT.: 1.24 Ihs. Dimensions ;233V 233VM 233VM :4420 4422 6045 i(Tee) (Cross) (Cross)z 'Top Thread 4" 4" 4" Outlet Thread I 2" 2" 2'~,._ -- Tank Connec- tion Thread 4" 4" Float Vent Valves The..OPW 53-V ~edes Float Vent Valves are designed to be installed in OPW 233-V Sedes extractor fittings to form a system to 'help prevent under- ground tank overfill, and reduce prod- uct mixing. The OPW 53-V Sedes Float Vent Valves have a stainless steel ball which seats tightly against a specially designed valve seat, cutting off the flow of vapors to the Stage I vapor recovery-system, or the tank vent. These valves are superior to other valves because of the' stainless steel ball float and specially designed Duragard'" coated seat which: helps eliminate valve 'hang up due to corrosion. Dimensions in Inches A Overall Length B Max/Width (Two Places)' .. C. Hole Size D. Nipple Length Hole Center To End . IOPW Float Vent Valves are Cover"ed Under Patent No.3,736,950 .A E Dimensions 2" Diam. ed Bali 53-VM Used as an integral part of the OPW overfill system to slow down the flow of liquid into the storage tank, and provide · an overfill warning to the operator. B 53-VML Same as 53-VM but 12" D dimension, for double wall tanks. 2" NPT-] 53-VSS Used to minimize product mixing when vent lines are manifolded underground. Product No. A B C D 'E Weight and Suffix Lbs. 53-VM-0060 10 ~"/16 3 V~6 61/6 1 V2 2.16 (Calibrated) 53- VTS Similar to 53-VSS Except vent bleed hole is only 53-FC Used only on vapor relurn line has no bleed hole. 53-VML-0120 16~V,~ 3 ~A~ 12 3.99 (Calibrated) 53-VSS-0065 9 ~ ~,/, ~ 3 1/8 5 V8 11/2 53-VSS-0070 9 ,"/1 e · 3 1As 51/8 11/~ 53-FC-0046 7~%~ 3 NONE 38/3~ N/A 17 1.80 1.90 1.23 Tight Fill .Equipment Top Seal Caps OPW 634. TT The OPW 634-'T-F Cap mates with the OPW 633-T Adap- tor, and similar top seal adaptors. The 634-'f-F has the following features: · Toggle lever. The toggle action evenly distributes the downward pressure to compress its buna:N gasket evenly, assuring a positive, uniform, leakproof seal. · B The 834-'1-1'-4" Cap can be locked with a padlock or wire seal. I~ Heavy duty andcorrosion ~;esistant, body is Duratuff" high impact composite to eliminate rust and oxidation assuring long maintenance free life. Materials ~ Cap: Duratuff'" high impact composite with Iocl~ing provision. Pins: stainless steel Links: plated steel Gasket: buna-N SIZE: 4" Color: Grey 634-'Fr'7085 OPW 634- TE.3 (Patent 3118561 ) This cap mates with the OPW 633-T Adaptor and similar competitive adaptors. This 634-TE-3" incorporates these advantages: · The locking lever has cam action which, when re- moving the cap, will force the cap free from the adaptor. · The locking lever also has a cam action against the top of the groove in the adaptor, giving a pull down action on the cap and a positive water and vaportight seal. Materials , ' , , Cap: die cast zinc, with 'loc.king provision Lever: brass Gasket: buna-N Pivot Pin: sta'inless steel SIZE: 3" 634-TE 5070 Dimensions Product& Suffix Size Wt. 634-TE-5070 3" 1.11 634--FI--7085 4" 1.01 · Top Seal Adaptors oPW 633. T The OPW 633-T Fillpipe Adaptors screw Onto the under- ground tank fillpipe by. means of internal wrenching lugs. Fillpipe Caps shown above, and similar top seal caps. They accept the OPW 60-T~ Top seal fill elbow. The 633-T mates with OPW 634-'1-l-,' OPW 634-TE ~ · "-"~ ' 633-T 7185 OPW 633. TE The OPW 633-TE Fillpipe Adaptor is similar to the 633-T above, except it does not have internal wrenching lugs. OPW 633-T and TE adaptors are available in a variety of sizes and materials. D mensiOns Product No. Size ~. Suffix (Coupling Size.Material Wt. & Pipe Size) 633-T-8050 3"x2" Aluminum, hardcoated 0.54 633-%8060 3" x 3" Bronze 0.96 633-T-8070 3'x4" Aluminum, hardcoated 0.71 633-T-8075 4"x4" Aluminum, hardcoated 0.82 6.33-%8076 4" x 4" Bronze 2.70 633-T-7185 4" x 4" Duratuff'" 0.45 633-%8080. 4"x3" Aluminum, hardcoated 0.89 Dimensions 633-TE-8160 3" x 3" Bronze 0.94 833-TE-8180 4"x 4" Aluminum, hardcoated 0.79 633-TE-7086 4" x 4" Du ratuff'" 0.48 2O Vapor Recovery Components oPw 1711.T cap" The OPW 1711-T Vapor Recovery. Cap is used with the 1611 -AV Series Adaptors shown below. It provides pro- tection from dirt and damage, leading to longer service life of vapor, recovery adaptors. ':l-he OPW 1711-T Toggle Type Cap has a Duratuff'" body to eliminate rust and oxidation, assuring long main- tenance free life. Will Couple to OPW 4" Kamloks. Materials: Body: Duratuff'" provision Pins: Stainless Steel Links: Plated Steel Gasket: buna-N SIZE: 3" (~olor: Orange high impact composite ~vith locking 1711-T-7085 oPW 1611-A V Vapor Recovery Adaptors. The OPW 1611-AV and 1611-AVB ~Japor Recovery Adaptors are poppeted adaptors used for returning vapor to the tank trunk at the service station drop. They are rated at 10 psi maximum working pressure. The 1611 -AV is constructed with a hard coated aluminum body, acetal resin stem guide, chrome plated stem, buna-N gasket and stainless steel spring. The 1611-AVB is similar, but features a cast bronze body for extra strength and corrosion-resistance. The 1611-AV series Adaptor is the heart of many OPW VapOr Recovery Systems. Materials: Body: hard coated aluminum or cast bronze Stem: chrome plated steel. Gasket: buna-N Dimensions Product No. & Suffix Body Material Size Wt. 1611 -AV-1605 Aluminum 3" 2.91 Hardcoated 1611 -AVBq 610 Bronze '. 3" 7.45 1611-AV-1620 Aluminum 3" x 4". 3.25 ~ Ha[dcoated 1611-AVB-1625 Bronze 3" x 4" 7.97 23 CNI MANUFACTURING VAPOR RECOVERy CAPS AND ADAPTORS CNI 611-DB VAPOR RETURN ADAPTOR This is a dry break type coupler used on undergound gasoline storage tanl~s for return of vapors to the tanker. The adaptor body is made from heavy cast aluminum and machined to fit the CNI 611-VR-3 cap or any other cap. Four flanges are provided for ease of ins[allation. Thebody is hard coat anodized for exlra protection. The center shaft and spring are made from 302 stainless steel. The disc seal is made from non-swell rubber compound and provides an even compression Io[ a positive.seal. 611-DB-3 (3x3). -611-DB-4 (3x4) 611 611-VR-3 601 601 I 4" x 4" COAXIAL TOP SEAL BRONZE FILL ADAPTOR (EMCO WHEATON NEW STYLE, A-88) 603 4" x 4" COAXIAL TOP SEAL BRONZE FILL ADAPTOR (OPW STYLE) 611 UNIVERSAL V/R ADAPTOR INSTALLATION TOOL 611-08-3A 3" x 3" ORY.'BREAK. VAPOR RETURN AOAPTOR, ALUM. 611-DB-4A 3" x 4" DRY BREAK, VAPOR RETURN AOAPTOR, ALUM. 61t-OB-4B 3" x 4" DRY BREAK,.VAPOR RETURN ADAPTOR, BRONZE 511-VR-3 3" TOGGLE TYPE, VAPOR RETURN CAP r iC & ADAPTORS MANUFACTURING 615 CNI 64 TOP S~:AL FILL CAP This is a toggle type lever cap, used wdh CNI 6t3 Fill Adaptor or ar other top seal type fill adapter. T.he cap construction is the same as CNI 32 Fill Cap. Replacement gaskets'for the Ifil caps are formed from a very h~gh gra,: of Buna-N. This high qualily Buna-N prevents swelling and extends overall life of the gasket. CNI 32 SIDE SEAI~ FILL CAP This is a toggle type lever cap. used w~th CNI 615 Fill Adaptor or ar other side seal type lill adapler, The toggle type lever allows for installation or removal of cap and compresses a gasoline-resistanl, nr swell, Nuna-N Gasket evenly onto the adapter ~o assure a positive se This cap is of heavy duty construction. The body and toggle ~s otc cast aluminum, each coated with a bonded epoxy resin for corr~s~ resistance and long wear. The pins are stainless steel, the locking dc are bronze and the links are plated steel. 64 613 614 CNI BRASS FILL ADAPTORS The CNI Bronze Fill Adaptors are used on a tank Ifil pipe..,vim or a drop tube. The non-swell Buna-N Gasxot creates a hgnt seal m cases. The oversize threads insure ease o! installation. These bror fill adaptors can be used with CNI Fill Ca2s or similar competitive !dl ca Adap[or available m hard coat aluminum ~ODEL NO. DESCRIPTION 31 INCLUDES 32 CAP & 615B ADAPTOR 32 4" SIDE SEAL, TOGGLE.TYPE. FILL CAP (OPW STYLE, 62-'T-f') 33 4" SIDE SEAL FILL CAP 61- INCLUDES 64-CAP & 613B ADAPTOR 64 4" TOP SEAL, TOGGLE TYPE FILL CAP (EMCC WHEATON STYLE, A-97 & OPW 634-'i-T} 6138 4" x 4".TOP SEAE BRONZE FILL ADAPTOR (OPW STYLE, 633-T) 6148 4" x 3" TOP SEAL BRONZE FILL AOAPTOR 615B 4" x 4" SIOE SEAL BRONZE FILL ADAPTOR (0PW STYLE, 61.AS) 18 5 87 ADAI · complete ins of ,c, ap,s,. ,S!ze~:,...,, .... . · .... ... .... ,-'. .,. MO D EE-'.~781.: FLAT-TOP.. CAP..;'(top: .-.: 8 mp e cam-action· closes or :2 '.":~j.::' - releases cap. Size:· · .: ".' .'-....:..' .i::. MODEL'#733.STEP-ON CAP (top. . seal)--Aluminum alloy body, ' ".'"~' · plated steel arms, brass cam..-.:....'::~,...... · :~ a~:tio'n'levers, .stainless steel 'p ns, gasoline resistant gasket, ....~. Iockable. Size:.~.4..~:::..,:...; :. ..,:~.:'..;.:; ~.~: · ~..,';L;..!~ _.',;4 ?:. ¢i'",~ . ,....,:.',.',..~?.' :::~ .... ." '". :,.~' .'-'.: · ':.F'Also'ava~lable In Model #726 le~'~'r.!~-!,. · 'i an,cl...M..0de!..#725 twist-on type caps. -SIDE SEAL i":' ................ , :..~..,~.4.,.,~..,,..,,. ..'.-? .~,:':.-: ...,j: .. .... ,~ . .~'.- .. '::I~'ODEL ~:727 ADAPTOR '(side seal)~Bronze body, gasoline resistant gasket. Mates with complete line of caps· Sizes: 3"x2", 3"X.3", 3"x.4."t 4"x2", 4"x3", '4"x4" ..'.'". :'. .... · MODEL'#732 FLAT-TOP CAP (side seal)~Cast aluminum body, . .--~-.plated steel arms, cadmium plated ' "-:':' mallea'ble iron lever, gasoline .L:~:::..'-::.: · resistant gasket, stainless steel ' · ' :,;i':.Th~ Original I: :fill th~ ..... ."'.:~~..;.'.U N I VE R SA L ":"": '." · (,.J.N]'yEr~$..~L). VALVE .... '~~.' COMPANY '. f-MODEU:#724 MODEL #731 MODEL #733 I.'~, . . .. o.. · ' ...' .,:, · .< MODEL #727 pivot pins,. Iockable. Extends only-' position. Simple cam-action closes '" .... - · ·' Other Service Station Equipment Nameplate Holders OPW 107 ©PW 107 Nameplate Holders, sec- 'ured to storage tank fillpipes, provide a method to permanently !dentify fillpipes by attaching product identifica- tion plates, assuring that proper prod- ucts' are delivered. OPW 107 Nameplate Holders consist of corrosion resistant plates that are · easily and secu. rely fastened in place. by steel= straps. Each holder is drilled for seif-taoping identification plate holding-screws on both 3" and 5" centers. All hardware necessary for proper installati6n is proVided. ' Materials Plate: plated steel Straps: plated' steel' SIZES: (fit 3" and 4" fillpipes) 3" WT,: .35 lbs. 107-0250 4" WT.: .39 lbs. '107-0300 Uushings OPW 53 OPW 53 Bushings are general pur- pose bushings available in various sizes for use on tank vent lines, fill lines, suction lines or other lines where it i~;' necessary or desirable to bush up or bush down. Materials Bushing: iron Dimensions Product No. &.Suffix Male Female Wt. IDENTIFICATION Pt.ATE SCREW . (2 FURNISHED) SCREW ISTRAP {2 FURNISHED) / (2 FURNISHED ~LATE ~'~" 53-0012 53-0020 53-0034 53-0036 .53-0038 2" 11/2" x 11/2" 0.91 3" 2"x2" 1.94 4" 11/2" x 11/2" 2.50 4" 2" x 2" 2.49 4" 3"x 3" 3.39 identification Markers 0PW'-106 Series OPW 106 Identification Markers are' used to identify the product which is stored underground. These markers. are easily set in concrete, and once set, are permanent. The letter plate is recessed into the face of the base and fastened with two screws. The raised letters are easy to change when the product is changed. Letters available are P, R, U, SU, X, DL. Materials Base and anchor shank: aluminum Letter. plate: brass Screws (2): brass DimenSions Product No. & Suffix Fuel Type Wt. 106DL-0095 Diesel 0.43 106P-0150 Prerhium 0.41. 106R-0175 Regular 0.44 106SU-0185 Super Unleaded 0.43 106U-0125 Unleaded 0.44 106X-0200 Extra. or Blended 0.43 Compressor Check. Valve OPW 1206 . The OPW 1206 Compressor Check Valve is precision engineered to pro- vide the reliability you need for operat- ing any service station air compressor witYiin its size range. The 1206 features an extra strength cap, a closely guided dash' pot which prolongs the life of the seat, and a pipe plug to unload and relieve the line pressure. Materials Cap: rod brass (cast bronze in 3/,,,) Body: bronze Spring: stainless steei Disc: Viton Dimensions Product No. Overall Ht. & Suffix Sizes of Valve Wt. 1206-0030 1/2" 2%6" 1.11 1206-0040 3/.,, 2%" 1.76 ® NEW Highest Rated,UL Listed Flexible Connectors for Underground Gasoline Tank Systems A E) UNOY COMPANY TITEFLEX, th.e world's largest manufacturer of 7'eflon* PFTE hose.offers a UL Listed (Listing Number 18R8) f]exlb!e corinector for underground tank systems. The connector meets and exceeds the recommended pressure ratingscf. UL Spe, cification #567. Titeflex c°nn~ctors.are rated higher than other currently available UL Listed ConnectorS. T. his gua['antees not only longer ' lasting performance, but assures the integrity of the connection and protection of the environment. The conv, oluted Teflon inne. rcore is reinforced with Teflon- · impregnated fiberglass and type 304 stainleas steel wire braid. These strong, long-lasting hose assemblies haVe several advantages: FLEXIBILI-FY - Withstands flexing and movement without damage or failure, AND eliminates alignment problems. SAFE & RELIABLE - Higher rated burst and operating pressures than other currently available UL Listed connectors, Titeflex UGT '- connectors offer unsurpassed safety and reliability for your system and our environment. The Teflon innercore will not break down with age or exposure 'and the UGT connector is unaffected by the various ethanol/methanol blends of today's fuels. EASY INSTALLATION - The fastest, easiest way to mate two pipes..No alignment problems. Easy bends because of the tight bend radius. Permanently attached fittings tighten easily with a hex wrench. Convenient LAY-LINE for proper placement. AVAILABIEITY - Standard assemblies are available in three sizes, and standard lengths of 24" or 30"'. Call us tQll free 1-800-343-3037 for priCe, availability and technical assistance. 't;il:;e lex I7.,I~TRL&L PI~OK:)~.,JICTS CR(7,JP PAUL W. COLUN~ ,Why You Should. Specify E*mco Wheaton® A4000 Series Vapor Recovery* Nozzles Emco Wheaton: The Leader In Vapor Recovery Emco Wheaton is the unquestioned leader in Vapor Recovery Systems. In California,where Stage II Vapor Recovery has been mandated sir~ce 1975, the vast majority of service stations have installed Emco Wheaton Vapor Recovery Systems. This experi- ence is unmatched in the industry. And now Emco Wheaton offers you the most advanced Vapor Re, covery nozzle available, the A4000. Emco Whe~aton has been the undisputed leader in the design and manufacture of V/R nozzles. The vast majority of V/R nozzles in California are Emco Wheaton. A4OOO Series.' The New Standard In Vapor Recovery Nozzles No other Vapor Recovery Nozzle is built like the Emco Wheaton A4000. The A4000 incorporates everything we've learned about Vapor Recovery into. a unique design that has distinct advantages for you and your customers." An exclusive safety interlock. Our A4000 also boasts an exclusive insertion interlock device. Thls safety feature preVents fue! flow through the nozzle until it is properly inserted in the filler neck. The insertion interlock prevents product flow if the nozzle falls out of the filler neck, and it also prevents racking the nozzle in the "open" position, eliminating spills at prepay and self-service stations. New easy-seal boo~. Our new easy-seal vapor recovery boot requires less than 1/2 the insertion force of previous designs. This much appreciated feature allows the nozzle to seal in the filler neck with one simple motion; pro,~iding positive, easy seal- ing for operation. Smaller, lighter and easier to use. Other Vapor Recovery Nozzles have the reputation, for being bulky; hard to handle and hard to use. Emco Wheaton has taken the internal check valves out of the nozzle body and mounted them at the pump. The result is a Vapor Recovery Nozzle that is noticeably lighter and much smaller than. any other Vapor RecoVery Nozzle on the market today. And that's an advantage your customers'are sure to appreciate. ~ The A4000 series nozzles are specially built to be over 25% lighter and require less than Y~ the insertion force of previous designs. The A4000 series makes big, heavy V/R nozzles a thing of the past. ©1987 Emco Wheaton, Inc. Advantages of balance ~ system design. Er'nco Wheaton ~ Unique ba/ance system uses natural fo , v,_ac, uur.n pressures ,'~ ,~rces created by , and the 'nus~" ~- d.erground '- "'urcesotthe vehicle's tank, to recover Vapors. The advantage to the A40 ?COmnplicate ,~_ 00. OWner is a * and lest ~,_, =, par~ to Operat ~ "'"'u[enance rh - e lOWer repair cOSts · nat means to You¢ and le, ss hassle The Emco Wheaton Ba/ance System us natural force3 created e~ /n the Undergroun~- b. y vacuum ~re~s. - ...... e s tank to r~ve~ PUSva~r~ "forces of The A4000 /s used 0 system ' · n dual /e _dispensers./t~ ~, b.a/ance "._aded and Unleaded- ava//able/n both approvecl · · ,,~ eno L/.L. The Er`nco Wheato _Vapor ReCOVery N~_~_,n A.4000 sedes engineering kn~v ~z~e teatures the Puted leader in VaT~W ~f the und,s Systems ~_ Recovery A4OOO s'~"'"'~' m"'c° Wheat°n. "he ,.,~ utilizes the mnost'F · advanced Vapor reco d. eveloped to do,^ ,. v.e. r? technology streamlined .~'~' that's h ......,y Other V/R n^--, · ~o uw ~t not ~* .... ~,,-z~e . r..eputation. A~, ,',-'~ !eatherweioht. ' ' ' and U'L ' "O00 Zs mnoo Check One out today.°very ,'-'Systemns.' The A4001 Coaxla ;The COax/a/,,.-_ I Nozzle makes the A40'~".f"° Stream//ned ~_ /.th the nOZzle ava//ah/= ~. ~e ea~/est to uuszg?k Coaxia/ hos~ ~'~ ,~a~ The A~n~nd/e V/R leaded ~ ~ dPPhcation ~ ~.~u i adapts to Emco Wheaton Vapor Recovery Nozzles l-tow to Order: Catalog Number Nozzles: A4000-001 A4000-002 A4001-001 A4001-002 Valves: A228-001 A227-001 A226-002 A226-001 " A225_002 A225-001 Swivels: A4110' A4113 A103-001 Description Leaded spout, dual hose, Vapor Balance Nozzle: Unleaded spout, dual hose, Vapor Balance Nozzle. Leaded spout, coax hose, Vapor Balance Nozzle. Unleaded spQut, coax hose, Vapor ° Balance Nozzle. Coax in-line vapor valve. Easy to install Without changing existing V/R piping. Coaxial high hose dispenser vapor valve. Scuff guard included. Coaxial hose vapor valve for vertical (island) mounted vapor lines. Coaxial hose vapor valve for. horizontal (pump) mounted vapor lines. Dual hose vapor valve, for vertical (island) mounted vapor lines. Dual hose vapor valve for horizontal (pump) mounted vapor lines. Coax swivel for use with A4000 series nozzles, 45" angle. Coax swivel for use with A4000 series nozzles, 90° angle. Laser swivel, ideal for dual hose applications. Allows hose and nozzle to revolve 360° at the nozzle port. Note: A4000 Nozzles are also available 'in a vacuum assist version, specify A4002 or A4003~ Emco Wheaton is the unquestioned leader in Vapor Recovery Systems. For information about our complete: line Of Vapor Recovery Systems, call or write for a free copy of catalog VR ~-.Vapor Recovery Nozzles and Accessories. RELIABLE PRODUCTS FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT Emco Wheaton, Inc. Chamberlain Blvd. Conneaut, OH 44030-0688 216/599-8151 Telex: 980436 Buckeye Cout A4000 1/87 Distributed by: WHEATON ILD