HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION 5/13/1992 KERN COUNTY --- OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Accounting FROM: Terry Gray SUBJECT: Closure of work orders WORK ORDER NUMBEB: 50125 woRK ORDER NAME: UNOCAL STATION 5334 LAST DATE WORK ORDER WAS UTILIZED: August 2, REASON FOR CLOSURE OF WORK ORDER: Case closed Date: August 2, 1993 1993 PROGRAM MANAGER ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT STEVE McCALLEY, R.E.H.S. DIRECTOR Unocal Refining and Marketing 2000 Crow Canyon Place, Suite 400 San Ramon, CA 94583 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 (805) 861-3429 FAX ,.July 20, 1993 Attention: Robert Boust SUBJECT: CLASS V SHALLOW INJECTION WELL LOCATED AT UNOCAL STATION # 5334, 2700 PANAMA LANE, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Dear Mr. Boust: This letter confirms the completion of site investigation at the above location. With the provision that the information to this agency was accurate and representative of ex/sting conditions, it is the position of this office that no further action is required at this time. Please be advised that this letter does not relieve you of any liability under the Code of Federal Regulations or Water Code for past, present, or future operations at the site. Further, it does not relieve-you of the responsibility to clean up existing, additional, or previously unidentified conditions at the site which cause or threaten to cause pollution or nuisance or otherwise pose a threat to water quality or public health. Additionally, be advised that changes in the present or proposed use of the site may require further site characterization and mitigation activity. It is your responsibility to notify this agency of any changes in report content, future contamination findings, or site usage. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact me at (805) 861-3636, Extension 582. Sincerely, Steve McCalley, Director By: Terry L. Gray Hazardous Materials Inspector Hazardous Materials Management Program TLG:cas CC: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Regional Water Quality Control Board - Fresno GeoResearch - Warren Gross GeoResearch 1713 Tulare, Suite 113 Fresno, California 93721 (209) 264-0444 (800) 523-4786 Fax: (209) 264-9800 ,,, ?..... , ,.... .... Hr, Terry Gray '- County of Kern Environmental Health Services 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 July 9, 1993 RE: Report of Dry Well and Seepage Pit Closure, Unocal Service Station No. 5334, 2700 Panama Lane, Bakersfield, California. GeoResearch Project No. 92111. Dear Mr. Gray: On behalf of Mr. Ed Ralston, Unocal Corporation, one copy of the dry well and seepage pit Closure report for the above-referenced site is enclosed. If you have.any questions, please call me at (209) 264-0444. erely., ,/ _ . Warren W. Gross Associate Geologist enclosure cc: Ed Ralston, Unocal 5334.DRYOTO893F4 GeoResearch is a division of GEOSERVICES, a California corporation ;713 Tulare, Suite 113 Fresno, California 93721 (209) 264-0444 (800) 523-4786 Fax: (209) 264-9800 July 6, 1993 Mr. Edward C. Ralston Unocal Corporate Environmental Remediation & Technology 2000 Crow Canyon Place, Suite 400 San Ramon, California 94583 RE: Report of Dry Well and Seepage Pit Closure, Unocal Service Station No. 5334, 2700 Panama Lane, Bakersfield, California. GeoResearch Project No. 92111. Dear Mr. Ralston: During December, 1992, GeoResearch observed the demolition of the above-referenced Unocal Service Station (Figure 1). During station demolition, a seepage pit was destroyed and excavation and soil sampling was completed at an abandoned dry well location. This report presents the results of our activities. The purpose of our activities was to complete the destruction/removal of the seepage pit and dry well in accordance with applicable U.S. Environmental Agency regulations governing Class V Injection Wells. Our objectives were the removal of soils containing hydrocarbons from the dry well and seepage pit, the completion of required sampling and analysis of soils, and preparation a written report demonstrating the suitability of the seepage pit and dry well for closure. The seepage pit and dry well destruction was conducted by Pacific Equipment and Construction of Bakersfield, California, under the direction of B&T Service Station Contractors of Arroyo Grande, California. Mr. Terry Gray of the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department (KCEHD) was on-site to observe the excavation and sampling activities. Sample analysis was completed by GEOTEST, a California Department of Health Services (DOHS) ~. certified analytical laboratory. Also located at the site were two 12,000 gallon gasoline underground storage tanks (USTs), associated product lines and dispensers and a 520 gallon waste-oil tank. Closure of these facilities has been addressed in a separate report. 5334.DR¥OTO693F4 GeoResearch is a division of GEOSERVICES, a California corporation Mr Ed Ralston Unocal C.E.R.T. July 6, 1993 Page 2 BACKGROUND A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment was completed for the site by PHR Environmental Consultants (PHR) on 1/17/92. The PHR report indicated that the site's septic system was abandoned in 1981, at which time the station was connected to the municipal.sewer system. A 1964 Unocal general arrangement plan included in the PHR report shows the seepage pit approximately 30 feet east of the station building and connected to a "sediment trap" in the service bay. The dry well is shown immediately north of the station building. A 1982 revision of the general arrangement plan identifies the seepage pit as "abandoned". During a Phase II investigation at the site in March of 1992, GeoResearch directed the drilling of soil borings immediately adjacent to the seepage pit and dry well. The seepage pit boring (boring SB-1) was completed to a depth of 30 feet below ground surface (bgs). There was no field evidence of contamination in the boring near the seepage pit. Results of soil sample analyses revealed there were no detectable concentrations of halogenated volatile organics, total petroleum hydrocarbons as Diesel (TPH-D), total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbons (TRPH), total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-G), or benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) in the seepage pit boring (Tables 1 & 2). The dry well soil boring (boring SB-2) was completed to a depth of 20 feet below ground surface (bgs). Cuttings from the upper 4 feet of soil in boring SB2 exhibited a hydrocarbon odor. A grab sample was obtained from these cuttings. Results of soil sample analyses revealed that this sample contained 1300 mg/kg TRPH, 24 mg/kg TPH-G, 0.01 mg/kg benzene. (Tables 1 & 2). Based on these results, it was concluded that the dry well was a Class V injection well. Because the exact location of the seepage pit with regard to soil boring SB1 was unknown at that time, the classification of the seepage pit was undetermined. These assessment activities are documented in a report titled Report of Limited Site Assessment, Unocal Service Station 5334, 2700 Panama Lane, Bakersfield, California, dated April 8, 1992. The report has been submitted to the KCEHD. 5334. DRY070693 F4 Mr Ed Ralston Unocal C.E.R.T. July 6, 1993 Page 3 DRY WELL EXCAVATION AND SAMPLING Excavation of the dry well was performed on ~ecember 9, 1992 by Pacific Equipment and Construction of Bakersfield, California under the direction of a GeoResearch geologist. Gravel was first noted at approximately 1 foot bgs (marking the top of the dry well). The dry well was approximately 2 feet in diameter, and extended to approximately 8 feet bgs. It was observed to be filled with sand and coarse gravel and appeared to be unlined. This gravel and sand was observed to be dark gray; however, neither elevated organic vapor analyzer (OVA) readings nor hydrocarbon odors were noted. Approximately 10 cubic yards of soil were excavated from the dry well, to a depth of approximately 9 feet bgs and stockpiled on and covered with plastic on-site (Figure 2). All stained soil and gravel were excavated and confirmation samples were obtained from the bottom-center of the excavation and from each sidewall at 9 feet bgs (Figure 2). Site work was completed on January 25, 1993. Attachment 1 presents GeoResearch's soil sampling procedures. SEEPAGE PIT SAMPLING AND DESTRUCTION The opening of the seepage pit was found at the location indicated on the general arrangement plan approximately 2 feet bgs. The seepage pit was 3 1/2 feet in diameter and constructed of concrete blocks. Boring SB-1 was located approximately two feet from the seepage pit. The pit had been previously abandoned by backfilling with medium to coarse-grained sand to within 4 feet of the surface. The sand in the pit appeared clean and did not exhibit discoloration or odors. Therefore, Mr. Gray did not require that a soil sample be taken from the seepage pit. The seepage pit was destroyed by excavating the upper four feet of the pit, including concrete blocks, cap and overlying soil. This debris was disposed at a local Class III landfill with other station debris. ANALYTICAL RESULTS Soil samples were submitted to GEOTEST of Long Beach, California,. a State of California Department of Health Services-certified laboratory. Selection of analytical methods used were based on GeoResearch's review of the U.S. EPA's requirements for closure of Class V injection wells and discussion with Mr. Terry Gray of the 5334.DRYOTO693F4 Mr Ed Ralston Unocal C.E.R.T. July 6, 1993 Page 4 Kern County Environmental Health services Department (KCEHD). Selected soil samples were analyzed for TPH-G, BTEX, TRPH, and volatile organics in accordance with EPA Method 8240 (Attachment 2). Soil samples collected from each sidewall of the dry well excavation (DW-E-9, DW-S-9, DW-W-9, and DW-N-9) were analyzed for TPH-G, BTEX, and TRPH. Soil sample DW-C-9, collected from the bottom-center of the dry well excavation, was analyzed for volatile organic compounds, TPH-G and TRPH. Sample DW-S-9 was found to contain 0.008 mg/kg toluene and 0.028 mg/kg xylenes. No other volatile constituents were detected in this, or any other sample from the dry well excavation. Approximately six weeks after excavation of the dry well, soil samples were obtained from the 10 cubic yard dry well soil stockpile. Analytical results of these samples revealed that there were no detectable concentrations of TPH-G, BTEX, or TRPH in the stockpile (Table 3). These soils were later used as backfill at the site. Attachment 3 contains the laboratory analytical reports. CONCLUSIONS Based on the absence of identified contamination, the seepage pit was not a Class V injection well. Based on the analysis of conformation samples from the dry well excavation sidewalls, no significant soil contamination is present. It appears only small quantities of petroleum hydrocarbons were originally present and that these largely volatilized or were disseminated in excavated soils prior to sampling of the excavated soils. No further work appears necessary at this location and closure of the dry well and the seepage pit is appropriate. STATEMENT OF LIMITATIONS AND PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION Information provided in this report for is intended exclusively for Unocal Corporate Environmental Remediation and Technology for the evaluation of hydrocarbon and selected metals occurrence as it pertains to the subject site at the time the data were collected. The professional services have been performed in accordance with practices generally accepted by professional geologists, 5334.DRYO70693F4 Mr Ed Ralston Unocal C.E.R.T. July 6, 1993 Page 5 hydrologists, engineers, and environmental specialists. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. As with all subsurface investigations, there is no guarantee that the work conducted will identify any or all sources or locations of contamination. This report is issued with the understanding that Unocal C.E.R.T. is responsible for ensuring that the information contained in this report is brought to the attention of the appropriate regulatory agency. The enclosed report has been reviewed by registered professionals in the state of California and whose signatures and registration numbers appear below. Steve Curra Project Geologist Warren W. Gross, C.E.G. No. 1528 Associate Geologist Lisa Hall, P.E. No. M26700 Manager of Engineering Attachments: Tables 1-3 Figures 1 & 2 1) GeoResearch Soil Sampling Procedures 2) Summaries of Laboratory Analytical Methods 3) Laboratory Analytical Reports 5334 .DRYOTO693F4 TABLE 1 ANALYSIS OF SELECTED HYDROCARBONS IN SOIL SAMPLES OBTAINED DURING PHASE II INVESTIGATION UNOCAL SERVICE STATION 5334 2700 Panama Lane Bakersfield, California 3/19/92 SAMPLE DEPTH HALOGENATED TPH-G TPH-D TRPH B T E X ID (FT) VOLATILE mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg ORGANICS mg/kg pg/kq SEEPAGE PIT BORING SBi-10 10 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND SB1-20 20 na na na ND na na na na SB1-30 30 ND ND ND na ND ND ND ND DRY WELL BORING SB2-1-4 1-4 ND 24 ND 1300 0.01 0.34 0.03 3.3 SB2-5 5 na ND na ND ND ND ND ND SB2-20 20 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND METHODS EPA 8240 DOHS DOHS EPA -EPA 8020 418.1 DETECTION 5.0 and 1.0 10 10 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.015 LIMIT: 10.0 Table notes follow Table 3. 5334.DRY070693F4 TABLE 2 ANALYSIS OF SELECTED METALS IN SOIL SAMPLES OBTAINED DURING PHASE II INVESTIGATION UNOCAL SERVICE STATION 5334 2700 Panama Lane Bakersfield, California 3/19/92 COMPOUND SAMPLE ID-DEPTH DETECTION LIMIT SBi-10 SB2-1-4 SB2-20 (mq/kq) Cadmium ND ND ND 0.36 Copper 11 25 18 0.29 Chromium 5.5 9.9 2.7 0.32 Lead ND ND ND 0.81 Nickel 2.0 6.3 1.1 0.20 NOTE: Metals analyzed by ICP in accordance with EPA Method 6010 Table notes follow Table 3. 5334. DRY070693 F4 TABLE 3 RESULTS OF LABORATORY ANALYSES OF SOIL SAMPLES DRY WELL EXCAVATION AND STOCKPILE UNOCAL SERVICE STATION NO. 5334 2700 PANAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 12/9/92 AND 1/25/93 SAMPLE VOLATILE TRPH TPH-G B T E X ID ORGANICS EPA DOHS EPA METHOD 8020 EPA 8240 418.1 mg/kg .... (mg/kg) kg/kg mg/kg DRY WELL EXCAVATION DW- C- 9 ND ND ND na na na na DW- E - 9 na ND ND ND ND ND ND DW-S- 9 na ND ND ND 0. 008 ND 0. 028 DW-W- 9 na ND ND ND ND ND ND DW- N- 9 na ND ND ND ND ND ND DRY WELL STOCKPILE SP- 1 na ND na na na na na SP- 2 na ND na na na na na SP-8 AND SP- 9 na na ND ND ND ND ND ( COM- POS I TE ) DETEC- TION 5.0 10 1.0 ---0. 005--- 0. 015 LIMIT Notes follow Table 3. 5334. DRY070693 F4 NOTES: TPH-G TPH-D TRPH B T E X ND na = mg/kg = g/kg = DOHS = total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline total petroleum hydrocarbons as diesel total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbons benzene toluene ethylbenzene total xylenes not detected at the laboratory detection limits not analyzed milligrams per kilogram micrograms per kilogram California Department of Health Services Ail samples were analyzed by GEOTEST of Long Beach, California. 5334. DRY070693 F4 '~'- ' ............. :5~ ~' ......... ~ ';.~' I "' Packing _ % ~- ~ . ...- ~. . . ~ ~ ~ ,?' ':~) ' ' "~ " '- . ~t-'O ~ ' ~: . . .._~.. ~ '. .~% ~ ~- .................. .. · :. . ......... '~ ...... ~ ~6~ ~ ~ ~ "" " ...... --~o """ ..~ ~.:~. ~:~ :~::... ,/ ' i.: i ~ ~ ":.::-. ~ f, i 0"' . I _~o~ ......... .: ..... ~ ................... ' ~ '~:}'~::::': :""' ~ ~i X , ""<.' .......... ~ ' 4 a~ ..................................... ~ ~.. . ' .... ~},~ ~ ~o_ - ki~ Plant · . , NORTH o ~,~ ,~,~ ~ GeoResearch I SCA~ SITE ~TION ~OCAL SERVICE STATION 5334 2700 P~ ~E, B~FIELD, CA GEO~SE~CH PROJECT ~BER 92111 ~FE~NCE: U.S.G.S. GOSFORD QUAD~G~, 1956 ~VISED, 1974 ~I[[ NG: [~3 ~ ~RA~N BY: ~GCH[AN N DRY WELL LOCATION N SB2 nu u o~.--~ .'~! ~D~-E-9 DRY WELL EXCAVATION STOCKPILED SOIL FROM DRY WELL EXCAVATION · SP-i~~'~P-8 Sp_~~z~SP-2 .I ! FORMER STATION BUILDING s~ % SEEPAGE PIT DRAIN LINE STOCKPILE SUBSEQUENTLY USED AS BACKFILL 0 20 feet PANAMA LANE OeoResearch DATE: 12/92 ~lL~ NO: SAMPLE LOCATIONS UNOCAL SERVICE STATION NO. 533/, 2700 PANAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA GR //92111 I l'~l,~u,~. ,o.: CKO ATTACHMENT 1 GEORESEARCH SOIL SAMPLING PROCEDURES 5334 .ORYO70693F4 GEORESEARCH PROCEDURES FOR SOIL SAMPLING DURING DRILLING The following outline describes the procedures utilized by GeoResearch for soil sampling during drilling, using hollow-stem, continuous-flight augers. Soil samples are collected using a 2.0 to 2.5-inch inside diameter, modified California split-spoon sampler. The sampler is lined with two to three, 6-inch long, 2.0 to 2.5-inch diameter brass rings for containment of the soil samples. ii. To avoid cross-contamination of samples, the sampler and rings are washed prior to each use with non-phosphate detergent and double rinsed with distilled water. iii. At the prescribed sampling interval of 5 feet, the sampler is attached to the drive rod and driven 18 inches into undisturbed soil below the lead auger with a 140- pound hammer that is repeatedly dropped from a 30-inch height. The number of drops is recorded during each 6- inch increment and used as a qualitative determination of soil consistency and density. iV. The lead, or deepest, brass ring is recovered from the sampler, sealed by taping aluminum foil and plastic caps onto both ends, labeled, placed in a Zip-loc bag, and stored on blue ice while awaiting delivery to the laboratory for chemical analysis. The sample is recorded onto a Chain-of-Custody form to ensure trackability of the sample. vi. The sampled interval is classified using the remaining rings and described on a log of soil boring form, following the Unified Soil Classification System. vii. Every 10th sample collected will be used as a duplicate sample to determine analytical precision and accuracy. In addition, a field blank will be collected from a newly opened bag of gravel pack material and analyzed to test for cross contamination of soil samples. 5334 .DRYOTO693F4 GEORESEARCH SOIL SAMPLING PROCEDURES The following procedures are utilized for the collection of soil samples: Soil samples are obtained under the direction of a professional engineer, geologist, or authorized representative of a State-approved laboratory. Sample numbers and locations are approved by the city/county inspector, if present on-site. ii. Ail soil samples are taken from the bucket auger or backhoe bucket, unless the excavation has been safely graded or shored. Soil samples will be collected from the interior portions of the excavator bucket, away from the bucket's edges and teeth, to avoid potential cross- contamination. Approximately one inch of soil is removed from the surface area where the sample is to be collected and a clean, 6-inch long, 1-inch minimum diameter brass ring will be pounded into the soil using a wooden mallet, or equivalent tool. No headspace will be present in the ring once the sample is collected. iV. In shallow excavations, as in under product lines, soil samples may be taken by driving the brass tube directly into the trench sidewall. Vo Soil samples are collected in thin-walled stainless steel or brass cylinders 6" long by 1.5" or 2" diameter. Cylinders are pounded into the soil with a wooden mallet or equivalent method when not using an auger or drilling equipment. vi. Each end of the cylinder is covered with aluminum foil, capped with polyethylene lids, taped, and labeled. vii. Samples are transported in an ice chest containing blue ice or equivalent and kept at approximately 4 degrees centigrade until delivery to a California Department of Health Services-approved analytical laboratory. viii. Chain-of-custody records produced in accordance with U.S. E.P.A. requirements are kept to track the possession of a sample from the time it is taken in the field until the time it is analyzed. 5334 .DRYOTO693F4 ATTACHMENT 2 SUMMARIES OF LABORATORY ANALYTICAL METHODS: SOIL SAMPLES 5334.DRYOTO693F4 SUMMARIES OF LABORATORY ANALYTICAL METHODS: SOIL SAMPLES The following briefly describes laboratory analyses performed on soil samples in accordance with the specified EPA or California Department of Health and Safety methods. EPA Method 418.1: Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons Infrared spectrometry (IR) is utilized to define concentra- tions of total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbons (TRPH) in soil samples. Freon is used to extract potential hydrocarbons from the sample. The extractant is then analyzed by IR for TRPH concentra- tions. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons - Gasoline The volatile components of gasoline are determined by purge and trap followed by gas chromatography/flame ionization detector (GC/FID). A small amount of sample (about 1 gram) is placed in a purge vessel and 5 ml water added. The sample is purged for a specific time and the volatiles absorbed on a trap. After purging the trap is heated and the volatiles swept into the GC. The analytes are separated using a capillary column and detected using an FID. The total petroleum hydrocarbon as gasoline (TPH-G) is determined as the total amount of volatiles detected. EPA Method 8020: Benzene, Toluene, Total Xylenes, Ethylbenzene Organic volatile aromatics in soil samples are detected on a gas chromatograph/photoionization detector (GC/PID). Pentane is utilized as the solvent extractant for potential aromatics within soil samples. The pentane and any extracted solvents are injected on a packed column. The aromatics are detected by the PID. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons - Diesel Total petroleum hydrocarbons as Diesel (TPH-D) is determined by extracting a soil sample with pentane. The extract is analyzed by gas chromatography with a flame ionization detector (GC/FID). The TPH-D is determined as the total amount of compounds detected in the range where diesel elutes from the capillary column. EPA Method 6010: ICP-AES Metals Up to 23 metals can be analyzed for simultaneously by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-AES). The soil sample is digested with strong acid and the digest aspirated into the ICP. The metals are detected by monitoring the atomic emission lines of the various elements. EPA Method 8240: Test Methods For Evaluating Solid Waste Physi- cal/Chemical Methods, EPA Document No. SW-846, November 1986. 5334.DRYOTO693F4 ATTACHMENT 3 LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORTS I I mmmm GEOTEST An Environmental Monitoring and Testing Service Post Office Box 90911, Long Beach, California 90809-0911 (310) 498-9515 (800) 624-5744 LABORATORY GEORESEARCH 17-13 TULARE STREET, SUITE 113 FRESNO, CA 93721 ATTENTION: STEVE CURRA PROJECT NAME: UNOCAL #5334 2700 PANAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA REPORT DATE SAMPLED : DATE RECEIVED: DATE ANALYZED: SAMPLE MATRIX: CLIENT ID : GEOTEST PROgECT NO.: ANALYSES: 12/09/92 12/11/92 12/12/92 SOIL 92111 92400-19 TPH-G ANALYSIS OF.HYDROCARBON CONTENT BY GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY CAL/DOHS TPH FO~ GASOLINE SAMPLE ID RESULTS (mg/kg) OW-C-9 ND O~-E-9 ND DW-S-9 ND 0~-~-9 ND OW-N-9 NO DETECTION LIMIT (mg/kg) 1.8 1.0 1.0 1.8 1.0 NO - Not detected below indicated limit of detection Analyst: RG Reviewed and Approved: Report date: This report pertains only to the samples investigated and does not necessarily apply to other apparently identical or slmllar materials. This report ls submitted for the exclusive use of the cllent to whom it is addressed. mm~ GEOTEST Environmental Monitoring and Testing Service Post Office Box 90911, Long Beach, California 90809-0911 (310) 498-9515 (800) 624-5744 LABORATORY GEORESEARCH 1713 TULARE STREET, SUITE 113 FRESNO, CA 93721 ATTENTION: STEVE CURRA PROJECT NAME: LOCATION: UNOCAL #5334 2700 PANAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA R E P 0 R T DATE SAMPLED : DATE RECEIVED: DATE ANALYZED: SAMPLE MATRIX: CLIENT ID : GEOTEST PROJECT NO.: ANALYSES: 12/09/92 12/11/92 12/12/92 SOIL 92111 92400-19 BTEX · ANALYSIS OF OR6AN!C AROMATICS' EPA METHOD 8020 COMPONENTS BENZENE TOLUENE ETHYLBENZENE TOTAL XYLENES (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) OETECTION LIMITS e.ee5 e.ee5 e.ee5 e.els SAMPLE ID O~-E-9 NO NO ND NO O~-S-9 NO 0.008 NO 0.028 0~-~-9 NO NO ND NO D~-N-9 NO NO NO ND Analyst: RG Reviewed and Approved: Report date: Th£s report pertains only to the samples investigated and does not necessar£1y apply to other apparently identical or simllar materials. Thls report is submitted for the exclusive use of the cllent to uhom mm, I m GEOTEST An Environmental Monitoring and Testing Service Post Office Box 90911, Long Beach, California 90809-0911 (310) 498-9515 (800) 624-5744 QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY ANALYSIS. OF HYDROCARBON CONTENT BY GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS - GASOLINE GEOTEST CLIENT NAME: GEOTEST PRO3ECT NO: GEOTEST PROJECT NAME: DATE ANALYZED:12/12/92 SAMPLE MATRIX:SOIL GEORESEARCH 92400-19 UNOCAL#5334 ELAP Certification #1225 Analyses prep method:5030 Analyses method:DHS TPH-G CONCENTRATION (mg/kg) DETECTION LIMIT (mg/kg) METHOD BLANK ND * 1.0 ACCURACY ACCEPTABLE RANGE LABORATORY CONTROL STANDARD 108 70 - 130 RECOVERY % ACCEPTABLE RANGE % MATRIX SPIKE 79 70 - 130 RELATIVE PERCENT DIFFERENCE ACCEPTABLE RANGE % MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE Checked and Approved: Report Date: 0 - 30 m GEOTEST ~n Environmental Monitoring and Tes~ng Service Post Office Box 90911, Long Beach, California 908090911 (310) 498-9515 QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY ANALYSIS OF BTEX BY GC/PID (800) 624-5744 GEOTEST CLIENT NAME= GEORESEARCH GEOTEST PROJECT NO: 92400-19 GEOTEST PRO3ECT NAME= UNOCAL #5334 DATE ANALYZED: 12/12/92 SAMPLE MATRIX: SOIL mETHOD BLANK Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes LABORATORY CONTROL STANDARD Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes ELAP Cert£f£cat£on #1225 AnaIyses prep method:5030 AnaIyses method:8020 CONCENTRATION (mg/kg) ND ND ND : ND ,~, *ACCURACY DETECTION LIMIT (mg/kg) 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.015 'A~C'EPTAB£E RANGE - 115 105 108 106 70-130~ 70-130~ 70-130~ 70-130~ MATRIX SPIKE Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene To~al Xylenes RECOVERY 80 83 91 89 ACCEPTABLE RANGE 70-130~ 70-130~ 70-130% 70-130~ MATRIX SPIKE Benzene ToIuene EChylbenzene Total Xylene$ OUPLICATE Checked and Approved: Report Date: RELATIVE PERCENT DIFFERENCE ACCEPTABLE l 10 7 8 .0-30% 0-30~ 0-30% 0-30~ RANGE GEOTEST kn Environmental Monitoring and Testing Service Post Office Box 90911, Long Beach, California 9080cJ-0911 (310) 498-9515 (800) 624-5744 LABORATORY GEORESEARCH 1713 TULARE STREET, SUITE 113 FRESNO, CA 93721 ATTENTION: STEVE CURRA PROJECT NAME: LOCATION: UNOCAL #5334 2700 PANAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA REPORT DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED= DATE ANALYZED= SAMPLE MATRIX= CLIENT ID : GEOTEST PROJECT NO.: ANALYSES: . 12/09/92 12/11/92 12/14/92 SOIL 92111 92400-19 418.1 ANALYSIS OF HYDROCARBON CONTENT BY INFRARED SPECTROMETRY EPA METHOD 4~8ol SAMPLE ID RESULTS (mg/kg) DETECTION LIMIT (mg/kg) OW-C-9 NO 50 OW-E-9 ND 50 OW-S-9 ND 50 OW-W-9 ND 50 OW-N-9 NO 50 Analyst: VN Reviewed and Approved: Report date: This report pertains only to the samples investigated and does not necessarily apply to other apparently identical or slm£tar materials. Thls report is submitted for the exclusive use of the client to whom it is addressed. m GEOTEST Environmental Monitoring and Testing Service Post Office Box 90911, Long Beach, California 90809-0911 (310) 498-9515 (800) 624-5744 LABORATORY REPORT EORESEARCH 713 TULARE STREET, SUITE 113 RESNO, CA 93721 TTENTION: STEVE CURRA DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED: DATE ANALYZED: SAMPLE MATRIX: CLIENT ID : GEOTEST PRO3ECT NO.: ANALYSES: 12[09[92 12/11/92 12/11/92 SOIL 92111 92400-19 8240 ROJECT NAME: OCATION: UNOCAL #5334 2700 PANAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA PAGE i OF 2 ANALYS[S OF VOLATILE ORGANICS 8~ GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY/ MASS SPECTROMETRY EPA METHOD 8240 SAMPLE ID: OW-C-9 None OeCected 11 compounds reported in ug/kg nalyst: FH Revle~ed and Approved: Report date: hls repor~ pertains only to [he samples investigated and does not ecessarily apply to other apparently £dentical or slmilar materials. Thls eport is submitted for the exclusive use of the cl£ent to whom it is ddressed. GEOTEST Environmental Monitoring and Testing Service Post Office Box 90911, Long Beach, California 90809-0911 (310) 498-9515 (800) 624-5744 ANALYSIS OF VOLATILE ORGANICS BY GAS CHRO#ATO6RAPHY #ASS SPECTRONETRY EPA #ETHOD 824e ~GE 2 OF 2 3MPOUNDS nlorome:hane ~omome:hane ~nyl chloride 3~oroeChane ~ichlorofluorome~hane ,1-O£ch[oroeChene ~Chylene chloride ,[-D£chloroeChane rans-l.2-OichloroeChene is-l,2-Oichloroethene hloroform .2-Oichloroethane .1.l-Trichloroethan~ arbon te~rachloride romodichloromethane .2-'Oichloropropane is-l.3-Oichloropropene richloroe~hene .1.2-Trichloroe~hane enzene rans-l,3-dichloropropene 3luene -Bu~anone -Methyl-2-Pen~anone arbon Disulfide -ChioroethylvinyleCher -Hexanone tyrene ibromochloromethane romoform e~rachloroe~hene nlorobenzene ~h¥1benzene ,p-Xylenes -Xylene ,l,2,2-Te~rachloroe~hane .3-Oichlorobenzene .4-Oichlorobenzene ,2-Oichlorobenzene ABBREVIATION (ug/kg) CM BM VC CA TCFM llDCE MC 11DCA tl2OCE c12DCE CF 12DCA 111ICA CT 80CM 120CPa c13DCPe ICE 112TCA 8enz tl3OCPe ToI 28UT ~M2P CO 2CEVE 2HEX STYR OBCM BF PCE Cben Eben mpX o× ii22TCA I30CB i40CB 120CB DETECTION LIMIT (ug/kg) 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 10 5.0 5.6 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 ~0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.6 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 GEOTEST ~viron~ntal Monitoring and T~ting ~rvice Post Office Box 90911, Long Beach, California 90809-0911 (310) 498-9515 (800) 62~5744 QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL ANALYSIS OF VOLATILE ORGANICS BY EPA METHO0 8240 EOTEST CLIENT NAME: GEORESEARCH EOTEST PRO3ECT NO: 92400-19 EOTEST PROJECT NAME: UNOCAL #5334 ATE ANALYZEO:12/11/92 AMPLE MATRIX:SOIL OMPOUND LCS ~ ACCURACY SUMMARY GC/MS becked and eport Date: hloromethane 81 inyl chloride 97 · 1-Oichloroethene 111 · 1-Dichloroe~hane 103 hloroform 95 · 2-Oichloropropane 124 romoform 99 · !. 2,2-Te trachlo roethane 102 oluene 112 hlorobenzene 101 thylbenzene 95 App roved: m,, I GEOTEST An Environmental Monitoring and Testing Service Post Office Box 90911, Long Beach, Califomia 90809-0911 (310) 498-9515 (8(X)) 624-5744 QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY ANALYSIS OF VOLATILE ORGANICS BY GC/MS EOTEST CLIENT NAME: EOTEST PRO3ECT NO: EOTEST PRO3ECT NAME: ATE ANALYZED:12/11/92 AMPLE M~TRIX=SOIL EPA METHOD GEORESEARCH 92400-19 UNOCAL #5334 8240. OMPOUNO MATRIX SPIKE % RECOVERY RELATIVE PERCENT DIFFERENCE .1-O£chloroethene richloroethene enzene o~uene h~orobenzene 126 86 100 124 95 17 6 11 16 3 hecked and eport Date: Approved: Lon0 Boach, CA.§001S PROJECT NO: ~.~.~..~ry Tnlnphono: 13101 49a.05~5 (000) 624-5744 CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD DATE J~/~/~ -. PAGE f OF [ PROJECT NAME ~/,..~r~.]__~,~,,~ '(. ~ _<~zL.LLi~ ',~, 1~' 5"~ 3 ¢ METHODS SPECIAL HANDLING CLIENT PROJECT NO. PROJECT MANAGER ;.... ~ 2/'i l_ ._.,., [j~.,~,, ~,~, .,- u~ ~ X Z ' z_ u. 0 0 0 SAMPLE NO. DATE TIME LOCATION  · SAM*LE CONDITIO~ ~ ~ ' ' ~ · ' RECEIVED ON IOE ~O - ' TIME S'IGNA~UR~ SIGNATURE ~ ~fu~E / I I GEO-TEST Post Office Box 90911, Long Beach, California 9080~11 (310) 498-9515 (800) 624-5744 An Environmental [Monitoring and Testing Service L A B O R A T 0 R Y R E P 0 R T GEORESEARCH 1713 TULARE STREET, SUITE 113 FRESNO, CA 93721 ATTENTION: STEVE CURRA DATE SAMPLED : DATE'RECEIVED: DATE ANALYZED: SAMPLE MATRIX: CLIENT ID : GEOTEST PROJECT NO.: ANALYSES: 12109/92 12111192 12/14/92 SOIL 92111 92400-19 418.1 PROJECT NAME: LOCATION: UNOCAL #5334 2700 PANAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA ANALYSIS-OF HYDROCARBON 'CONTENT BY INFRARED SPECTRONETRY EPA NETNOO 418ol SAMPLE IO RESULTS (mg/kg) DETECTION LIMIT (mg/kg) ND 50 W0-C-10 : W0-C-14 ND 50 SSS-10 ND 50 SS6-10 ND 50 SS7-10 NO 50 H2-C-10 660 50 H2-E-10 ND 50 H2-N-10 ND 50 H2-S-10 ND 50 H2-~-10 ND 50 SP-1 ND 50 SP-2 ND 50 SP-3 860 50 aP-4 470 50 aP-6 NO 50 ND - Not detected belou indicated limit of detection. /~~/// Analyst: VN Reviewed and Approved: Report date: This report pertains only to ~he samples investigated and does not necessarily apply to other apparently identical or slmilar materials. This report is submitted for the exclusive use of the c11ent to uhom it is addressed. GEOTEST An Environmental Monitoring and Testing Set~ice Post Office Box 90911, Long Beach, California 90809-0911 (310) 498-9515 (800) 624-5744 QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY ANALYSIS OF TOTAL RECOVERABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS EPA METHOD 418.1 GEOTEST CLIENT NAME: GEORESEARCH GEOTEST PROJECT NO: 92400-19 GEOTEST PROJECT NAME: UNOCAL #5334 DATE ANALYZED: 12/14/92 SAMPLE MATRIX: SOIL ELAP cer~£f£catlon #1225 Analyses method: 418.1 METHOD BLANK CONCENTRATION (mg/kg) DETECTION LIMIT (mg/kg) ND 50 ~ ....... A~:-O-E ~' ¥ ~J~ L'EE-~'~ A-'~J~ G E .ACCURACY ~ LABORATORY CONTROL STANDARD ° 98 70 - 130% % AcCEpTABlE R~NGE RECOVERY ~ MATRIX SPIKE 98 70 - 130~; RELATIVE PERCENT DIFFERENCE ACCEPTABLE RANGE 0 - 30~ Checked and Approved: Report Oa~e: Long Oottch. CA. 900 PROJECT NQ: ~7-r---[~, AME ~/'~ .O~uI(..~ ...5'1,,¢~[t'0/~ ?,~ METHODS SPECIAL HANDLING z z SAMPLE NO, DATE TIME LOCATION ~ ~ RELI"OUlSH~ aY, DATE I RELINQUISHED BY DATE ii RELI"QUlSHED /~ ~ ~o~r~ PROJECT COMMENTS RECE,VED aY . DATE ~ ~ECEIVED aY ~A~' P.,NTEO.AUE TIME PR,NT/D NA~ TIME m i GEOTEST kn Environmental Monitoring and Testing Service Post Office Box 90911, Long Beach, California 908(O-0911 (310) 498-9515 (800) 624-5744 L A B 0 R A T 0 R Y R E P O R T 6[(JRE SERRCH 1113 IUI. ARcZ STREET, SLIf IE Lt.~ [:RESNO. CA 93721 ATI'ENT[ON: STEVE CURRA PF:OJ E CT NAME: UNOCAL # 533,1 2/~4(-) PANAPIA !, AN£ [~AK [: R",I: [[L () . DAI'E' SAMPL. EO : DATE RECEIVED: DATE ANALYZED: SAMPLE MATRIX: CLIENT' I0 : GEOTEST PROJECI' NO.: ANALYSES: 01/25/93 01/27/93 01/28/93 SOIL 92111 92400--J. 9 TPH-G ANALYSIS OF HYDROCARBON CONTENT BY GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY SAMPLE I0 CAL/DOHS TPH FOR GASOLINE RESULTS (mg/kg) OETECTION LIMIT (mg/kg) CJmP[JSITE ND 1.0 ($P-8, SP-9) I~.*i-yst: :_" ~-,ie~ed and Approved: I I m GEOTEST Environmental Monitoring and Testing Service Post Office Box 90911, Long Beach, California 90809-0911 (310) 498-9515 (800) 624-5744 UUALI'I Y ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY ANALYSIS OF HYDROCARBON CONTENT BY GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY I'OI'AL PE*FROLEUM HYDROCARBONS - GASOLINE UEOTEST CLIENT NAME: GEOTEST PROJECT NO: GEOTEST PROJECT NAME: DATE ANALYZEO:01/28/93 SAMPLE MATRIX:SOIL GEORESEARCH 92400-19 UNOCAL #5334 ELAP Certification #1225 Analyses prep method:S030 Analyses method:DHS TPH-G ME fHOO BLANk CONCENTRATION fnlq/kg) NO DETECTION LIMIT (mg/kg) ACCURACY ACCEPTABLE RANGE LABORATORY CONTROL STANDARD 107 70 - 130 RECOVERY % ACCEPTABLE RANGE ~A1RIx SPlt. E 103 70 - 13Q I~AT.C ] x SPiKk OUPL1,-/:~Tf..: hF COVF_ F.- ? ACCEPTABLE RANGE h~E tAT 1VE PERCENT L, ,_' r I:-' E P. ~: N C [ ACCEPTABLE RANGE % 0 - 25 m~ GEOTEST An Environmental Monitoring and Testing Service Post Office Box 90911, Long Beach, California 90809-0911 (310) 498-9515 (800) 624-5744 L A B 0 R A T 0 R Y R E P O R T Gt- URESEAR~H tZt3 TULARE STREET, SUITE 113 FRESNO. CA 93721 ATTENTION: STEVE CURRA PRO3ECT NAHE: UNOCAL #533,1 2700 PANitMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, C~I OATE SAMPLED : DATE RECEIVED: DATE ANALYZED: SAMPLE MATRIX: CLIENT I0 : GEOTEST PROJECT NO. : ANALYSES: e[/25/93 o~/27/93 0~/28/93 SOIL 92111 92400-19 BTEX ANALYSIS OF ORGANIC AROMATICS EPA METHOD 8020 COMPONENTS BENZENE TOLUENE ETHYLBENZENE TOTAL XYLENES (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) OEFECTION I. IM[TS 0.005 ~.005 0.005 0.015 S~mPLE £0 COMPOSITE NO NO ND N 0 kn?..,v-:,t: SJ Re,~,ie,¢ed and Approved- /~ . Report dare; .~Z7~'''~ !{~' .~. ~-epo,-;_ per r..aJ~':'~. :)~lly F,) [he .5~mples investigated and does not ,~+..~<.ar*i[y ~pply to oLl,e~' c~pa,-ently idenEica] or similar materials. i~, ~ t-eO,~r ' ).g c, Ijhn~' l.; ,.,j 1'0i ~.~!:' e'xc;;J~.zve use of Ehe client to ~hom it I II I EOTEST ,n Environmental Monitoring and Testing Service Post Office Box 90911. Long Beach, California 90809-0911 (310) 498-9515 (800) 624-5744 QUALITY ASSURANCE/OUALiTY CONTROL SUMMARY ANALYSIS OF BTE× BY GC/PID GEOTEST CLIENT NAME: GEORESEARCH GEOTEST PROJECT NO: 92400-19 GEOTEST PROJECT NAME: UNOCAL #5334 DATE ANALYZED: 81/28/93 SAMPLE MATRIX: SOIL METHOD BLANK Bellzene Ethylbenzene TotaI Xylenes LABORATORY CONTROL.STANDARD Benzene To [uene E t:hyIbenzene ToCaI Xylenes ELAP Certification ~1225 Analyses prep method:5030 Analyses method:8020 CONCENTRATION (mg/kg) ND NO ND ACCURACY DETECTION LIMIT (mg/kg) 0.005 0.00S 0.00S 0.01S ACC rR- GE % 106 93 93 109 70-130~ 70-130~ 70-130% 70-130~ MATRIX SPIKE ~ ~'E COVE F< ¥ MATRIX OUPLICATE % RECOVERY ACCEPTABLE RANGE i c. ' ,.:~ne t. chy,] benzene 100 90 1~? .90' 10Y 70-130% 70-130~ ?'0-130% 70-130% ~t LAI'IVE PERCENI' OlffFERENCE aCCEPTABLE R A r4,3 fs erie 1 0 i_ue¢le. ben z ene i¥1ene$ and Approved: ~- ;-.o n F t: Dote: 2.0 2.3 0-25% e-25% 0-25-% 0-25% GEOTEST 3960 Gihnnn Slrool Long Boach, CA. O0015 Tolophono: (310) 498.9515 (800) 624-5744 CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD PROJECT NAME _M I~0 ¢,,~ Z... ...~"_~_.~_~. ADDRESS ~3 ~~~ SAMPLER'S SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME _ ~ ~ ~_~ CLIENT PROJECT NO. ~t~ ~ _. PROJECT MANAGER . _~ SAMPLE NO. DATE TIME LOCATIOt,I ~Je~.(_ METHODS J PRINTED NAME RELINQUISHED BY SIGNAl UI1F RELINQUISHED BY SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME JRECEIVED BY RECEIVED BY PRINTED NAME C.,,~PAN Y :~ANY GEOTEST q ~ L/0'0 '"'/q PROJECT NO: DATE ~,!'3J~!O,~ , PAGE !OF J SPECIAL HANDLING SAMPLE CONDITIONS RECEIVED ON ICE CHAIN OF CUSTODY SEAL ' PROJECT COMMENTS UIC PAPERWORK CHECKLIST PAGE o o BEGIN UIC PAPERWORK CHECKLIST COMPLETE COMPLAINT FORM ASSIGN A TRACKING NUMBER (LIST ON COMPLAINT FORM) BEGIN A FILE FOLDER FOR CASE (IF NECESSARY) RESEARCH PROPERTY RECORD FOR OWNERSHIP (IF NEEDED) ATTACH APN MAP TO FILE (IF NEEDED) COMPLETE WORK ORDER LOG SHEET ( ! PER EACH RESPONSIBLE PARTY) COMPLETE SHALLOW INJECTION WELL CHECKLIST & UIC PROGRAM FORM [.,'~ FILE [~T~FILE ( INITIALS ) [./]/FILE [/'] FILE [/~-FILE [~,~" ACCOUNTING [.'~ EPA DISK ['~ FILE [/] HARD FILE [ ] RWQCB 10. 11. PROP 65 REPORT (IF NEEDED) DRAFT NOTIFICATION LETTER(S) (REVIEWED BY JOE CANAS) NOTIFICATION LETTER(S) [ ] FILE [ ] JANET OWNER O~E~TOR .FILE RWQCB ]cc's [ ] 12. SECOND NOTICE (IF NECESSARY) [ ] OWNER [ ] OPERATOR [ ] FILE 13. HEARING NOTICE (IF NECESSARY) [ ] OWNER [ ] OPERATOR [ ] FILE 14. 15. 16. REFERRAL TO E.P.A. (IF NECESSARY) WITNESS INITIAL SAMPLING REVIEW ANALYSIS [ ] [ ] [ ] UIC PAPERWORK CHECKLIST 16(a). RECOMMEND CLOSURE WITHOUT SITE CHARACTERIZATION 16(a)(1). REQUEST DETAILS AND DOCUMENTATION [ ] FOR CLOSURE OF UIC 16(a)(2). ISSUE CLOSURE LETTER FOR SITES WITHOUT CHARACTERIZATION 16(a)(3). COMPLETE WORK ORDER CLOSURE FORM 16(a)(4). PUT ABATE DATE AND ABATEMENT ACTION IN COMPUTER FILE i6(a)(5). LOG FILE INTO FACILITIES FILES 16(a)(6). TAKE FILE TO FILE ROOM 16(b) 16(b)(1) 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. RECOMMEND ADDITIONAL SITE CHARACTERIZATION INPUT DATA TO REFLECT CASE REASSIGNMENT MAIL LETTER REQUESTING SITE CHARACTERIZATION REVIEW & APPROVAL OF WORKPLAN SITE CHARACTERIZATION & FIELDWORK REVIEW SITE CHARACTERIZATION REPORT REMEDIATION (IF NECESSARY) .CLOSURE LETTER ISSUE WORK ORDER CLOSURE SHEET 24. 25. 26. PUT ABATE DATE AND ABATEMENT ACTION INTO COMPUTER FILE LOG FILE INTO FACILITIES FILES TAKE COMPLETED FILE TO FILE ROOM [~FILE EPA [/.~"RWQCB PAGE 2 (INITIALS) [ ] FILE ACCOUNTING [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] FILE [ ] [ I [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] FILE [ ] [ ] FILE [ ] [ ] ACCOUNTING [ ] [ ] [ I [ ] [ ] [ ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 'SERVICES DEPARTMENT STEVE McCALLEY, R.E.H.S. DIRECTOR 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 (805) 861-3429 FAX Unocal Refining and Marketing 2000 Crow Canyon Place, Suite 400 San Ramon, CA 94583 May 11, 1993 Attention: Robert Boust SUBJECT: CLASS V SHALLOW INJECTION WELL LOCATED AT THE FORMER UNOCAL STATION #5334, 2700 PANAMA LANE, BAKERSFIELD, CA Dear Mr. Boust: This letter is to remind you of necessary work at the subject site. A review of our records indicates that laboratory analyses of samples retrieved on December 19, 1992, have not been received by this office. Please inform this office as to the status of this project within seven (7) days. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact this office at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Steve McCalley, Director By: ~e~ L. Gray Hazardous Materials Inspector Hazardous Materials Management Program TLG:cas CC: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ATTN: Martin Zeleznik Regional Water Quality Control Board - Fresno ATTN: Dale Essary GeoResearch ATTN: Warren Gross ~gray\uno5334.uic Service Station Contractors ?,laintenanc~ and C¢,nstruct~on License No. ~,-_~9z3 B.C-6!/0-40. Hazmat Certification November 17, 1992 UNOCAL CORPORATION P.O. Box 5155 San Ramon, California 94583 I 9 199 RE: STATION DEMO AND TANK REMOVAL Unocal # 5334 2700 Panama Lane Bakersfield, California ATTN: FRANK PINNELL In regards to the' above referenced project B & T is scheduling to start this project on MONDAY - NOVEMBER 30, 1992 assuming all permits are in hand. Currently B & T has received the COUNTY OF KERN ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT PERMITS and is still awaiting the COUNTY OF KERN BUILDING- DEMO PERMIT and COUNTY OF KERN SEWER ABANDONMENT PERMIT. These permits are expected to be in-hand by NOVEMBER 30, 1992. The tank removal portion of the project is tenatively scheduled for THURSDAY - DECEMBER 10, 1992 depending upon the project progress.and any delays that may be encountered. B & T will keep all involved parties updated as the project progresses. Any questions please feel free to call. Thank you very much, Project Coordinator/Estimator cc/ STEVE - GEORESEARCH MICHAEL - PACIFIC EQUIP. TERRY - COUNTY OF KERN JIM SCOTT - KERN RIVER DIST. BOB - R.H. LEE & ASS. ED - UNOCAL CORP CHRIS - COUNTY OF KERN LRRO'I 0 C ?, A.',; D i: ('.0. F.:."~ 11 ',,trow.,, '~'.,rande, C.'~. .,':05) 6.; l--: -' ' .- SAN'FA BA RB,\P,A P.O. Box 1443 1713 Tulare, Suite 113 Fresno, California 93721 (209) 264-0444 ¢,800) 523-4786 Fax: (209) 264-9800 GeoResearch November 11, 1992 Mr. Terry Gray Environmental Health Specialist Resource Management Agency Kern County Environmental Health Services Department 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: California Business Plan Remedial Action Plan, Unocal Service Station No. 5334, 700 Panama Lane, Bakersfield, California. GeoResearch Project No. 92111. Dear Mr. Gray: On behalf of Unocal Corporate Environmental Remediation and Technology, GeoResearch is submitting to you a copy of the portion of the proposed scope of work pertaining to Class V injection wells for the above-referenced site. Site demolition is scheduled to begin November 20, 1992. Please note that seepage pit opening and sampling is scheduled for the week of November 23, 1992. If you have any questions, please call me at (209) 264-0444. Sincerely, Warren W. Gross Associate Geologist enclosure cc: Mr. Robert Boust, Unocal Corporation ~ANAMALN.LTRl11192F4 GeoResearch is a aivision of GEOSERVICES, a California corporation Class V Injection Wells GeoResearch has already implemented a plan for dealing with Class V injection wells (seepage pits and dry wells) for Unocal sites in Southern California. The same treatment is proposed for this site. Figures 1 and 2 show a typical underground injection well (seepage pit) at a service station. The following steps for closure of such facilities at this site are anticipated: 1. The seepage pit connected to the service bay and the dry well will be opened and sampled. A backhoe will be utilized to to remove the asphalt in the area of the seepage pit and locate and expose the access opening of the seepage pit. One sample of any sludge phase and one sample of any liquid phase will be collected and analyzed for the following: - TCLP Volatile organics (EPA Method 8240 or Methods 8010/20) - Eight TCLP metals (As, Ba, Cd, Cr, Pb, Hg, Se, Ag) - TPH-G and/or TPH-D (using EPA Method 5030 for preparation) - TRPH (EPA Method 418.1) - Ignitability 2. The contents of the wells will be removed, along with any visibly stained soil. For the purpose of cost estimation, it is assumed that the services of a bucket auger drill rig will be required for the removal of solids and underlying soil from the dry well and that ten cubic yards of material will be removed. One sample of visibly-clean soil from just beneath the stained soil will be collected and analyzed for volatile organics by EPA Method 8240 and TRPH by EPA Method 418.1. 3. Based on the results of the laboratory analyses, GeoResearch will coordinate the disposal of removed liquid, sludge, and soil as hazardous or non-hazardous by a Unocal- approved waste hauler. For the purpose of cost estimation, it is assumed that a total of 20 cubic yards (25 tons) of soil will be transported by Dillard Trucking to the Chemical Waste Management facility in Kettleman Hills for disposal as non- RCRA hazardous waste. 4. Following removal of the contents of the well and seepage pit (and any visibly stained soil), GeoResearch will observe PANAMALN . LTR111192F4 the backfill of these features with clean inert material by the Unocal contractor. 5. The septic tank and associated seepage pits (which apparently did not receive petroleum product waste) will be opened at the time of site demolition and pumped out by a licensed sewer contractor. The septic tank will be removed and should be suitable for disposal along with other concrete debris by the demolition contractor. The seepage pits and the septic tank excavation will be backfilled with clean inert material. It is assumed that these activities will be performed by the Unocal demolition contractor and observed by GeoResearch. Kern County Building and Safety Department regulations require that all backfill material be compacted if building is to occur on top of these features. The soil sampling requirement for the Class V injection wells has already been addressed, in part, by the sampling completed and reported in the environmental assessment report. However, TCLP methods were not employed and analyses were not completed for the full suite of metals. The results of the completed analyses indicate that a few yards of impacted soils are to be expected in shallow soils around the dry well and that extensive soil contamination is not expected around or beneath the seepage pit. The sampling of the seepage pit and dry well should be conducted in advance of demolition, if possible. The sample analysis results can then be utilized to identify the methods necessary for the removal and disposal of any identified contents. In the event that the seepage pit and or dry well are filled with rock or gravel, sampling in advance of demolition will probably not be practical. PANAMALN. LTR111192F4 UNDERGROUND INJECTION WELL CONTROL (UIC) GASOLINE :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .................................. ::::::::::::::::::::::: .............................................. IN~C~ON WELL .... .............................................................. ~i~i~i~¢~ ................... .............................................................. :~s :~:~y~ ....................... :~:~:~:~::~: · . · ..... , . , · o o · , · · ............................................................. ONT.~INANI .......... ............................................................. PLUME ............ · =============================================================. ....... :::::::::::::::::::::::: DRAW1NG NOT TO SCALE GeoResearch GF_NERAUZED DIAGRAM OF TYPICAL UNDERGROUND INJECTION WELL PLAN VIEW SX~TC~I GROUND SURFACE FEEDER DRAIN PIPE' (END PLUOOED Vd'iH WALL OF INJEC'nON WELL (INTERLOCKING BLOCKS) )NTAMIN ATED SOILS REMOVED BY DRILUNO ~G~D [] NATIVE SOILS 0 3 6 12 I APPROXIMATE SCALE IN GeoResearch TYPICAL UNDERGROUND INJECTION WELL ABANDONMENT DATE: 3/,31/92 C~'D BY: I FIGURE NO.: 2 FILE NO: WELL4 ~4/'~,/'~ IiDRAWN BY: S, NASH I Date: Tracking APN: WOHK OHDE~ LOG SHEET ~ork Order #: EM0 WO Category: Hazmats WO Type: ,,~p~ Re[mb.: Y~,. N RP Code: WORK ORDER NAME: ~,gu~/~ t 5 T-~ 7-/>//~.~ .~"~..~':/ RESPONSIBLE PARTY (RP) NAME: RP CONTACT: RP ADDRESS: RP CITY: ~-~ ~~ STATE: (~/% ZIP: ~ ~%J3 + RP PHONE NOS.: (.9o) ( INSPECTOR: PROGRAM: ~MP-Enf~r-~ EXT..~,% ~-~ HMMP-Permitting DESCRIPTION: LOCATION: FACILITY NAME: REPORTING PERSON: PHONE NO. COMMENTS: . /..,~ KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT / SERVICE AND COMPLAINT FORM Date ............ Time: ~ '~.,v'ice .eoue,.~ [] Com.,alnt ~........~*'W~ ...... ~ Ass,,.ed to.-_ _. . --I.O~;tl~;~- ~ __~ City____ Reporting ~rson Address ~one Prol)erty Owner Address ____ Phone _'~...~'.~'.'~.' , ,,,,,o,, ,., .... ............. .... .... ~~' ..... --~ .... ~ ..... ~~ ..... ~__~ .... ~.~ ~ '_.._~ ...... ._ /~ ~ ~ " , ~ [~ ~1 . . ~ / ~ 1':' t// Information .. ~ RESULTS OF ' ,/',t ' /" ' ...,?/) /~~ ~' / _... ~ . ,. . , ~ , 'INVESTIGATION ...... ¢~~~ ...... (~ .¢4- ~. -'.,':.~%;,~ ........ ./' /',2 '~ ¢;/' ' - "¢ "~" C~molainant notified ',. .................... .... ......... ........................................ ~'~' %,.:_y :~ : ~..~. :.":. ~.,'~ of results ...... ~ .................. Investigated b //'/' ~.~'T"'"'".~. ' Date ....... '/,? t._~ Environmental Health 580 ~,].13 2029 (Rev. 9/~9)