HomeMy WebLinkAboutHAZARDOUS WASTEe~e e e~e e e ~ i ~ e e e~~e~ ,iI , J.4 ' I ! ; I I I I ~ I I I I I m mm m m m mm mm m m Nm m~m m JB 11 I I I I I I I I I I, I I I PIPELINE LEGEND ~ O= CHEVRON OIL CO. ~ -:~(~)~ KERN OIL 8~ REFINERY I~'.,~'.,,~. Q--FOUR C~NERS PI~LINE ~ ~ GOLDEN BE~R (WITCO) ~ ~ MOBIL OIL ~~~ PARA~U~ PETROLEUM IIII1~ ~ E G.& E. all~ ~ SHELL OIL CO P~ / So. CALIFORNIA GAS SOUTHERN PACIFIC PIPELINE TEXACO TRADING UNION OIL CO. PROPOSED MOJAVE PROPOSED EL DORADO. PROPOSED KERN RIVER 3O MC iCiUTCHEN I 7724 East ?anam2 Lane, Bakersfield~ CA 93307 Phone (661) 845-0761 Fax (661) 845-0330 Co mp ~,~'-~y: Facsimile #: Regarding: ~¢ of Pages: Facs~m~lle Cover Page Date; ////7//00 ........ Noles: I0 BD~d 0£~0§b8199 LO:II 000ZILIlII Stale C(:rt # I396 (661) ?65-23,6.4 Fax # (861)785- 6920 L, ~.~O~TO ,~¥ mmORT ELAP STATE CERT.#1396 CUSTOlVlER: Kern Oil & Refining ATTENTION: Joe Camarano LOG lh~IMB'RR: 3542-~ DATE RECEIVED: 10727/00 SA1HPLE DATE: 10/26/00 DATE COiVIPLETED: 1 I/7/00 REPORT DATE: 11/7/0o RESULTS: Constituent Concentration PQL 'Method Number (m~Jke3 (nt~-/k~) .... .-- Bc~tzene N.D. 0.5 8020A . Toluene N.D. 0.5 $020A Ethylb~zme .'. N.D. 0.5 . 8020A Xylenes N.D. . 0.5 ..... 8020.A .L Gasotine N.D. 5 801515 Diesel N:D. 10 8015B . NOTES: 1) N.A..= Not applicable 2) "*" = Repeated and confirmed 3) N.D. -- None detected - constittm~t; if preset would be l~ss thai tl~ practical quantitation limit (PQL) 1 APHA-AWWA-WPCF "S~dard Method for the Exnmjnation ,f Wa.ret and ~Stewater.," C)opyright 1992' .' - ./ , 2) EPa "Test Methods for E.a~a~ Sdid Waste~.Ph~$ical/Chemie~, [eth.o..ds, ' .. (' . /' · f~, Report for 3542-1, (11/7/00) 1 0££0qP8'~99 LO:II 000~1L~/I~ State Cert.# 1396 (661) ?65-2364 Fax # (661)765-.6,920 _LAItOR~, TORY REPORT, ELAP STATE CERT,#1396 CUSTOMER: Kern 0[1 &'Refining ATTENTION: Joe Camarano SAlVIPLE DESCRII~ION: # 7562 ' ANALYTICAl, PARAMETER: 8015/8020 LOG NUMllER~ 3542.2 DATE RECEIVED:.10/27/00 SANIPLE DATE: 10/26/00 DATE CO!VlPLETED: 1.1/7/00 REPORT DATE: l 1/7/00 ~Sm. TS: Constituent Conc~tration PQL Method Number Benzene N.D. 0.5 L, 8020A Toluene N.D. 0.5 E020A Ethylbe~zev_e N.D. 0.5 8020A Xylenes N.D. 0.5 8020A _ Gasoline. N.D. 5 8015B Diesel N.D. 10 801 SB I) N.A. = Not applicable 2) ,,,, __ Repeated and confirmed 3). N.D. = None detected - consyiment, if present would be less than the practical quantitation limit (PQL) · REFEREN,CES: ' ~ I) APHA-AWWA-WPCF, ,$_tandard Met.hod for the .E, xaminatiol Of Wa. ret and jWastewater," ' . / / . / / . 2) EPA, '.,?est Methods for Evahmfi~gSolid Wm~.e-Physical/,,C,hemi~ Methods,' ~I~S/BPA SW'g461995 ed. . /~/ - 'oL,~ ! c~ Jq,/pL,-/~6~ I~ ~ Laboratory D~ector Report for 3542-2, ~11/7/00) 1 0££0~8199 L0:II O00g/LI/II .......................... ..,-,,,.-.. ............................................................................. 0~0§~BI99 iO:II 000~/ZI/II BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. · Bakersfield, CA 93301 Business Phone {661) 326-3979 · FAX {661) 326-0576 FAX Transmittal TO: ~"~/'~ ! COMPANY: FROM: ~ ~-.),,',,/~-s FAX No. COMMENTS: . . ~0/25/2000 13:46 551845032 PAGE 01 7724 E. PANAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93307-9210 (805) 845-0761 FAX (805) 845~0330 October 23, 2000 IndentnityAgreement between Kern 0il & Refining company and Mr- Ernest Antongiovanni, 2026 17:n Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 Mr. Ernest Antongiovanni (Mr. Antongiovanni) and Kern Oil & Refining Co, any (KERN) agree as follows: KERN may conduct normal pipeline maintenance and inspections on Mr. Antongiovanni property on or about October 26, 2000, including the collection of soil samples. Kern Oil & Refining Company (KERN) shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Mr. Antongiovanni, his of£icers, agents and employees against any and all liability, claims, actions, causes of action or de~ands whatsoever against them, or any or then, before administrative or judicial tribunals of any kind whatsoever, arising out of, connecting with, or caused by KERN, KER~'s en%plo~ees, agents, independent contractors, companies, or subcontractors in the performance of, or in any way arising from, the terms and provisions of this Agreement whether or not caused in part by a party indemnified hereunder, except as limited by California's Civil Code section 2782 or Mr. Antongiovanni's sole active negligence or willful misconduct- Bruce W. Cogswel}/ For Kern Oil & ~efining Company Vice President, Manufacturing Ernest Antongiovanni Attachment: Copy of Certificate of Liability Insurance for KERN ~10/25/2000 13:46 66184§03~J~ PAGE 02 ~c~ ~:'~ THIS C~ATiFICAT~ IS ISSUED AS A MA[f2R OF INFOR~TION  ;~ o~ ~~ ~O~ ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CE~IFICATE HOLDER. THIS CE~IFtCATE DOES NOT AMEND, E~ND OR '~~e~ CO~e~C~ ~s ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED ~Y THE POLICIES aELOW. P O Box 1886 ~akersfietd, CA 93303 Thomas A. Tyack DBA: Tom Tyack Backhoe Service P 0 box 1277 Lake Isabella, CA 93240 IHSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE Financial Pacific INSURER D: THE ~LICIES 0~ INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUE~ 'TO THE INSURED ~AMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PEriOD INDICATED. NoTWtTHSTANDiNG ANY REQUIREMENT, TEIAM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY MAY perTAIN. THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE PQUCIES Q~$CR1BED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE 'TERMS, E~CLUSiONSANOCONDITIO~5OFSUCM POLiCtES. AGGREGATE LIMIT~ SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID C~IMS,. . . [INS~ .............. [ gATe(M~DO~7} [ OAT~(MMI~D~Y~ UMITS ~LTR ~PE OF [N,~RAHCE ,, POLICY NUMBER ~LICY ~YI~'"' ~ GEN'L AGGREGATE LIM IT ~l~S PER'. ] m , ,l[~T . A ~AUTOMO~ILELIABILI~ ';15283~D ~0~/IS/00 02/15/0~ CC~,.t.~S,Ne~U~,~ IS600. 000 .... ' . (E& ~ccident) ANY AUTO } ! ~ : ALL OWNED AUTO8 ~ I , ~ BODILY INJURY ' BODILY INJURY ~ ~ ~ NON-OWNED AUTO~ : I ....... AUTO ONLY - E~ ACCaOENT { S ,, __ AG UA~IU~ ~ EA ACC L--~ ANY AUTO [ · ~ OTHER T~fl , , .... ~_~ C~M5 ~D~ ' ~ , I I ' ;s ' RE,T~TION $ 'i I WC STATU- OTH- ( EMPLOYERS' LIABILI~ ' ' [ E.g EACH ACCIDENT J .. [ $,L, OISEA$~ · POLICY LIMIT L $ _ I OTHER ~ ' , I I DESCRIP~I~0F OPERATION$/LOCA~ON~EHICL~EZ~USI~8 ADDED BY ENOOR~EMENTI$P/CIA~ PROVISIONS CERTIFICATE HOLDER [ I 'u'~ D moNAL IN SURED ;]NSURER LETTER: Kern Oil & Refining' Co Attn: Tommy Dickens 7724 E. Panama Lane Bakersfield,, CA 93307 CANCELLATION SHOULD ANYOF'r~ E/130YE OE~RIBED POLICIES B E CANCELLED sE~OP, E ~E E~i~ON DATE THEREOF, ~E ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TOMAI~ ~.~... DAYSWR~Eq NO~CET~H E CE~iFICATE HO~DERN~BD TOTHS LE~ BUTFN~URE TO00~SH~LL IM POSE N O OB LIGAT[ON Off ~~ KIND U PON ~ E INSURER,ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES CLS e ACORD CORPORATION 198~ ACORD2~,.S(?/97)l Of 2. #S82385/M77342 18/25/2888 13:46 6618450330 03 IMPORTANT If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies)must be endorsed. A statement on this' certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the poticy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement (~n this certificate does not. conter rights to the certificate border in lieu o1' such endorsement(s), DISCLAIMER The Certificate of insurance on the reverse side of this form does not constitute a contract between the issuing insurer(s), authorized representative or producer, and the certificate holder, nor does it a['firmatively or negatively amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the 3olicies listed lhereon, 82/16/2881 15:81 661854033,0 KERN OIL 7724 E, PANAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CALl FORN IA 93307-9210 . (661) 845-0761 FAX (661) 845-0330 PAGE 01 October 25, 2000, Mr. Howard W, Wines ~azardous Materials Specialist office of Enviroranental Services 1715 Cheste~Avenue ~.. Bakersfield, CA 9330~ Cc~m~nts on Proposed Work Plan for Puam~ial I~ves~igation/Feasibili~y Stu~ for Buena Vista Trunk Sewer Extension Dear Mr. Wines, Kern oil and Re'fining Co. any (Kern} agrees with all the comments proposed in the above dated letter- Kern has included all of the proposed comments in the final Work Plan with the exception of'iL Public Works Consideration par. ,4- Kern at'this time, reserves ~?11 rights to the abandoned 4' pipeline. No dedision has been ~ade as to weather or not this pipeline can be remoued and ~isposed of. :Piease contact Kern when the ~ity of Bakersfield is closer ~o b~ginning construction. Kern continues to make itself available for any further questions you may have as they relate to this situation. Please contact myself or ~r. Chad Tuttie at (661) 845-0761. Respec~fuily, ~.nvi:c~ita~ C~or D FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX~(661 ) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. · Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 October 12, 2000 Mr. Michael W. Riley, Environmental Coordinator Kern Oil and Refining Company 7724 East Panama Lane Bakersfield, CA 93307-9210 Comments on Proposed Work Plan for Remedial Investigation / Feasibility Study for Buena Vista Trunk Sewer Extension Dear Mr. Riley, This office, in coordination with City Public Works staff, has reviewed the above referenced draft work plan, dated September 15, 2000, submitted by Kern Oil and Refining Company (Kern Oil). The City's collective comments are provided here together, as the petroleum seepage detected in the path of the proposed Buena Vista Trunk Sewer is both an environmental as well as a public works consideration in this particular instance. A__, Environmental Considerations: 1. Under Section 3.0, subpart A of the work plan, please indicate that a sufficient number of soil borings will be completed by Kern Oil to adequately define the eastern extent of the petroleum impact. Also, data from previous studies indicate that the petroleum impact is generally between 20 to 27 feet below grade (fbg). Therefore, soil samples shah be obtained in each boring commencing at 20 fbg and every five feet thereafter until two consecutive field indications of no further petroleum impact are observed (which may be more or less than three samples per boring, depending on field observations). Under Section 3.0, subpart B of the work plan, please ensure that a direct push type drilling rig will be sufficient. The soils are not homogeneous in the area and the direct push rig will likely encounter multiple clays, silts, and very well sorted sands in order to penetrate to the required depths. This office is aware from previous studies that even relatively shallow depth limitations are associated with direct push type drilling rigs. Mr. Michael W. Riley October 12, 2000 Page 2 Under Sectiong.0, subpart C of the work plan, please specify that the soil samples obtained will be analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH as oil or grease) as well as Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene, and Xylene (BTEX). Public Works Considerations: Under Section 3.0, subparts D and E of the work plan, based on the test results, to date, for the route of the excavation, this office may approve the City Contractor utilizing soil with petroleum concentrations less than 1000 parts per million (ppm) TPI-I as backfill material. The concentrations of less than 1000 ppm TPH utilized as backfill material do not pose a ' threat to ground water nor are anticipated to be a~hindrance to proper soil compaction of the Buena Vista sewer trunk line. The Kern Oil soil sampling results will aid in this decision. Kern Oil shall reimburse costs for the City Contractor to segregate the soil only in the event that the City Contractor determines it is not suitable for backfill based on its relative concentration of TPH. Kern Oil shall be responsible for the proper disposal or recycling of any severely petroleum impacted soil so segregated by the City Contractor. Kern Oil shall reimburse costs for the City Contractor to supply clean backfill material, as well as removing the impacted soil if the City Contractor determines it is not suitable as backfill. Public Works is concerned that if Kern Oil supplies the material, the City may be liable for delays if material deliveries are not timely. Regarding Kern Oil's abandoned 4" pipeline that parallels the East side of Buena Vista Road, it would be less expensive for the City if this pipeline was able to be removed with the sewer trunk line project, as opposed to causing the project to work around an abandoned pipeline. Kern Oil shah be responsible for the disposal or scrap salvage of the abandoned pipeline. Mr. Michael W. Riley October 12, 2000 Page 3 The authority cited for'~equiring Kern Oil to reimburse costs for the City in managing the petroleum impacted soil was provided in the Order for Remedial Investigation / Feasibility Study, issued by this office on April 20, 2000. Section 8001.5.2.5 of the California Fire Code (1998 edition) reads: 8001.5.2.5 Responsibility for cleanup. The person, firm or corporation responsible for an unauthorized discharge shall institute and complete all actions necessary to remedy the effects of such unauthorized discharge, whether sudden or gradual, at no cost to the jurisdiction. When deemed necessary by the chief, cleanup may be initiated by the fh'e department or by an authorized individual or firm. Costs associated with such cleanup shall be borne by the owner, operator or other person responsible for the unauthorized discharge. Therefore, prior to October 20, 2000, please incorporate the above comments into the final work plan submitted to this office for approval. Please also be prepared to perform the sampling at anytime within the last two weeks of October, upon express approval of the property owner, Mr. Ernest Antongiovanni. This will allow the sampling to occur without the possibility of damage to Mr. Antongiovanni's present crop harvest or future winter crop planting activities. If you have any questions regarding these comments, please call me at (661) 326-3979. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey, Director Office of Environmental Services By: Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist T. Wright, City Public Works Engineer J. Simmons, City Real Property E. Antongiovanni, Property Owner SEP '22 '00 10:56AM OES HQ SACRAMENTO GOVERNOR'S ( lrlCE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES Hazardous Materials Spill 'Report P.1/1 a. NAMe: b. AGENCY: Chad Tuttle Kern Oil & ,Ref',ul!,ng C,,,o 2, SUBSTANCE TYPE: 2. *. SUBSTANCE: b. QTY:>=< Amoum 1. Crude Oil/Water -- 20.30 ICOI TRO : c. PHONE#: d. Ext: e. PAG/CELL: 661-845-0761 Mta~u~'~ c, TYPE: d, OTHER: 81~l.(s) PETROLEUM ,I e: DESCRIPTION: While displacing crude oil llne with water, the line developed a leak a~d spilled.on to pavcmen, L f, CONTAINED: g. WATER INVOLVED: h. WATI~RWAY: Yes No ~.-a'. INCIDENT LOCATION: Corner of Buena Vi~ ~ivd. & Panama Ln b, CITY: c, COUNTY: Bakersfield Kern Count~ 4. INCIDENT DESCRIPTION: a, DATE:09/22/2000 b. TIME (Military): 0945 d. INJURIES# e, FATALS #: 0 0 S. RESPO~mLE PARTY: a. NAME: b. AGENCY: Chad Turtle Kern Oil ,& Refining Co ¢. MA//, ADDRESS: 7724 E. Panama Ln, d, ZIP; C. SlTI~; Pipe Li~e f. EVACS #: g~ CLEANUP BY: 0 Responsible Party 6~. - NOTIFICATION IbTFORMATIO-N: a. NRC#: c. OTHER ON SCENE: c. PHONF~: d. EXT.: 661-845-0761 f, CITY: g. STATE: h. ZIP: B~kersfield .CA 93307 b..ON SCENE: CLIP, Fi~e Dept., Police Dept., SheriffOfc. cl. OTffER NOTIFIXD: e. ADMIN, AGENCY: SEC. AGENCY: DOG Unit: RWQCR Unit: 5C Occo~Co ~ ~c,d otc BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: September 26, 2000 Howard Wines, Hazardous Materials Specialist Theodore D. Wright, Civil Engineer IV ~ Buena Vista Sewer Project The following are comments regarding the proposed work plan by Kern Oil I. ,,? We understand, based on the test results to date, that the impacted soil may be placed back in the _ 0a , trench excavation, and the only concern that you had was with its ability to be compacted. JD ~ [~o Therefore, we would like to put in the specifications the option for the contractor to use this '1/'' ~,M~' ~' ', impacted soil as backfill material in the trench excavation 0~' ¢/{/~ 2. Kern Oil should pay for the City Contractor to segregate the soil if the City Contractor determines it is not suitable as backfill (if this is allowed per 1. above). 3. Kern Oil should pay the for the City Contractor to supply clean backfill material, in accordance with the standard specifications and these special provisions, as well as removing the impacted soil if the City Contractor determines it is not suitable as backfill. We are concerned that if Kern Oil supplies the material, the City may be liable fbr claims for delays if material deliveries are not timely. Regarding Item 3.0 D of Kern Oil report, how will Kern Oil determine the origination of the cause of the impacted material? Regarding the abandoned pipe line that exists now, it would probably be less expensive for the City if this pipe line was able to be removed with the sewer pipe line project, and Kern Oil paid for its disposal. Is this allowable? Please provide any thoughts you may have regarding liability risks or other issues, should we opt to include in the specifications the option fbr the City Contractor to remove the existing abandoned pipe line, If you have any questions you may call Conchita Nieto at 3587. G:,eng,SIIARED PROJI~CI*S ('NM,BV2Xcon! memo.wpd D FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 'H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 September 22, 2000 Mr. Ernie Antongiovanni 2709 18th Street Bakersfield, Ca 93301 Re: Buena Vista Trunk Sewer Dear Mr. Antongiovanni, I understand you recently contacted John Simmons of the City Property Division with some specific concerns regarding the petroleum impacted soils found on your property along the future alignment of the Buena Vista Trunk Sewer Pipeline. The letter sent to Kern Oil, dated August 3, 2000, and copied to you, included all data the City had, to date, regarding this situation, including soil boring logs and test results of soil samples listing the constituents found; the City currently has no additional analytical data on this issue. Kern Oil has just submitted to the City this week a draf~ work plan for further investigation of the area which is being reviewed by staff. Including the City's review time, Kern Oil states that they anticipate completion of this work plan in a little over two months. The actual soil sampling is to take place only after the current crop has been harvested and the field cleared. If no significant additional petroleum impact is found beyond what has been detected to date, then remediation will not be deemed necessary and the file will be closed pending those results. If substantial additional impact is found, then a remediation plan will be required of Kern Oil to be submitted to this office, reviewed, and successfully implemented prior to closure of the file. While City staff believes that lower levels of petroleum will be encountered as the sampling moves eastward on your property away from the abandoned oil pipeline, actual test results will need to be completed before this is confirmed. Property use restrictions are not currently a consideration in this matter. PetroleUm, by law, is not to be considered a hazardous waste. The depth of the petroleum impact, being 20 to 27 feet below grade, is not expected to affect future property use, except in this single instance of the City's unusually deep excavation for the Buena Vista Trunk Sewer line. The City's concerns are likewise being addressed by the Kern Oil work plan, as well. Mr. Emie Antongiovanni September 22, 2000 Page 2 Kern Oil has worked well with the City, to date, on this issue as demonstrated by their submission of a draft work plan. With their abandoned oil pipeline directly adjacent to the area ofoil impacted soils, it appears pretty obvious to City staff that the oil came from their facility. And while Kern Oil has not formally agreed with this opinion, they have also not disputed it. So unless their work plan discovers some other source of the oil, the City would pursue Kern Oil for any remediation necessary at the site. If another source was determined, then the City would pursue the generator of that source. Finally, regarding your question of disclosure, you should refer to your legal counsel for specifics, but in general, you would need to disclose this issue for the sale of the property. However, the City would maintain a closed file on this issue that would be available to the public for review. The closed file would contain all the correspondence, work plans, analytical data and a closure letter indicating that there are no adverse effects to the environment. I hope this answers your questions regarding the status of this investigation and the information the City has to date. Unfortunately, some of your questions cannot be finally answered until completion of the Kern Oil work plan. However, should you have additional questions, please don't hesitate to call me at (661) 326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Office of Environmental Services attachment: Kem Oil draft work plan cc: Ted Wright, Public Works Department John Simmons, Property Management Division 09/~5/2000 ~?~0 6~1~50330 P~ 01 FAX TRANSMITTAL Kern Oil & Refining Co. 7724 East Panama Lane Bakersfield, CA 93307-9210 (661)282-2602 - Fax (66 i) 845-0330 D~te: Company: ~, t~ Number of Pages Including 'Cover: 09/15/2000 17:10 66184503 PAGE 02 DRAFT REMEDIATION INVESTIGATION/FEASIBILITY STUDy OF ROUTE OF PROPOSED BUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWER EXTENTION FOR KERN OIL AND REFINING COMPANY 7724 EAST PANAAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Prepared by: Kern Oil and Refining Company 77Z4 East Panama Lane Bakersfield, California 93307-9210 (661) 845-0761 Prepared by: Michael W. Riley Environmental Coordinator Review by: Chad Turtle Environmental Affairs Manager Reviewed by: Bruce Cogswell vice President, Manufacturing Approved by: PE/RG 09/15/2000 DRAFT PAGE 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Kern Oil and Refining Co. (KERN) received from the City of Bakersfield an Order Sot Remediation Investigation/Feasibility Study Notice of Further Assessment Required on April 20, 2000. June 6, 2000, (correspondence attached for reference) .Kern responded to the City's Order in the following manner: May 16, 2'000 completed (3) exploratory excavations at the site (City representatives were present)-no indications of contamination was discovered. One soil sample was taken from the bottom of the deepest excavation-utilizing the organic Vapor Analysis (OVA), no hydrocarbons were noted, no discoloration was noted in the surrounding soils of any oX the excavations. The City of Bakersfield conducted additional subsurface soil sampling 'on June 14,2000 along the route of the proposed Buena Vista Trunk Sewer Line Extension. This additional subsurface sampling identified petroleum impacted soil of approximately 275 linear feet, 20 to 27 feet bgs in the area between 50 and 325 feet north of the centerline of Panama Lane on the east side of Buena Vista Road, The City of Bakersfield requested via ~ letter on August 3, 2000 that Kern provide a Work Plan fo= approval by the City of Bakersfield for the further delineation of the eastern extend of the petroleum impacted soil, and for the proper disposal or recycling of the petroleum impacted soil. This Work Plan was to be completed prior to August 31, 2000. On August 2.5, 2000 an agreement was reached with the city of Bakersfield (Mr. Howard H. Wines and Mr. Michael w. Riley that the submission of the Work Plan would be prior to 15 September 2000.. 2 . 0 SITE HYDROGEOLOGICAL CONDITIONS Lithologic boring logs from monitoring well install on Kern Oil property identified mostly heterogeneous clays and sands with sparse silt lens to approximately 120' to 160' bgs- In this location, the groundwater level is 180' to ZOO' bgs. 3.0 WORK PLAN PROCEDURES The methodology for determining if there is any additional petroleum impacted soil at the eastern extreme of the site will be as Zollows: KERN will consult Underground Services and City of Bakersfield permits to ensure no buried utilities are impacted a= the drilling site. Three samples utilizing Method 8020 Purgeable A~omatics will be taken at depths of 15', 20' .and 25 bga. These samples will be taken approximately 50' apart (see attached site ~ap) Due to the shallow nature of the depths of the samples a Direct Push Type drilling rig or soil excavation will be utilized. 09/15/2000 17:10 66184503 PAGE 04 DRAFT C. A~i samples will be sent to a California EPA approved laboratory utilizing proper chain-of-custody p~ocedures- In the event that impacted soil is encountered; the City contractor will segregate the impacted soil from the non- impacted material. If determined to have originated from KERN's crude oil line, Kern will sample the .resulting overburdens and determine the appropriate method of either disposal or soil recycling- The soil will then be remove and disposed of in a manner consistent with all Federal, Stat~, and Local Rules and regulations. E. Kern will import the samm amount of certified clean fill material to replace the amount of fuel impacted soil that the City contractor has removed. A letter report of all the actions taken to comply with this Work Plan will be 'submitted to the City of Bakersfield for approval and closure of this Order. 4.0 SCHEDULE TASK DUE DATE Review of Work Plan by City of 30 Days, After Receipt B~kersfield Request for Contractor Bids 14 Days After Receipt of Comments Selection of Contractor 3 Days After Close of Bids Field Sampling 2 Days Sample Analysis 14 Days After Submission Letter Report to City of 7 Days After Receipt of Bakersfield Sample Analysis 7724 E. PANAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93307~9210 (661) 845-0761 FAX (661) 845-0330 August 25, 2000 Mr. Howard W. Wines Hazardous Materials Specialist Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester.Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Subject: ORDER FOR REMEDIAL INVESTIGATION/FEASIBILITY STUDY NOTICE OF FURT~ERASSESSMENT REQUIRED-LETTER OF AUGUST 3, 2000 - Reference: Telephone conversation of August 25, 2000 at 1035 AM Dear Mr. Wines, Kern Oil and Refining Company has recently hired a new Environmental Coordinator (Mike Riley) who is the process of familiarizing himself with this project. In order for Mr. Riley to become familiar with all the requirements needed to produce an acceptable work plan it is requested that the City of Bakersfield grant an extenuation of time for submission of this work plan until September 15, 2000. This letter confirms the agreement reached between Mr. Wines and Mr. Riley on August 25, 2000. Kern continues to make itself available for any further questions you may have as they relate to this situation. Respectfully, Michael W. Riley . / Environmental Coordinat~ RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERaATION Locmion: , Busineea Name: ~'" '::~'~ ~ Contact Name:... /~1, ~-~---...~--~, / Business Phone: Inspector's Name: ~, · m, ~ ce,: o=,': ~/:~/~ Type'of Call: Incoming [~/ Time: # Min: Outgoing [ ] Returned [ ] _ID# Actions Required:, , Time Required to Complete Activity # Min: . FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 'H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 D August 3, 2000 Mr. Chad Tuttle, Manager of Environmental Affairs Kern Oil and Refining Company 7724 East Panama Lane Bakersfield, CA 93307-9210 RE: ORDER FOR REMEDIAL INVESTIGATION / FEASIBILITY STUDY NOTICE OF FURTHER ASSESSMENT REQUIRED Dear Mr. Turtle, On April 20, 2000, this office issued the above referenced order. In your letter of June 6, 2000 you recapitulated Kern Oil and Refining Company's (Kem's) actions in response to the order. Thank you for your cooperation throughout this investigation. Your willingness and promptness in responding to our inquires concerning Kern's abandoned 4" gathering line, that runs along the east side of Buena Vista Road, is greatly appreciated. On June 14, 2000, the City of Bakersfield conducted further subsurface soil sampling along the route of the proposed Buena Vista Trunk Sewer extension. These most recent sample results indicate that petroleum impacted soil is likely to be encountered for about 275 liner feet of the sewer line extension excavation, in the area between 50 and 325 feet north of the centerline of Panama Lane on the east side of Buena Vista Road. The petroleum impact appears to be confined to a seven foot thick vertical column of soil, between 20 and 27 feet below grade. These results would be consistent with Kern's abandoned 4" gathering line having leaked residual product, at one or more points along that particular line segment. At this phase in the investigation, Kern has helped to determine the southern extent of the subsurface petroleum impact, and more importantly, eliminated the active 6" trunk line fi.om further consideration as the source of the petroleum. The City of Bakersfield has additionally confirmed and further defined the northern and vertical extent of the petroleum impact in the course of the City's sewer line pre-excavation assessment. Kern is welcome to the City's data in the completion of its Remedial Investigation / Feasibility Study. The laboratory sample results and site map are attached herewith. Mr. Chad Tuttle August 3, 2000 Page 2 Should Kern's further assessment of the eastern extent of the impact conf'u'm a presumed limited volume and extent of the petroleum release, this office will assume symmetry regarding the western extent and is prepared to issue a determination that there is no significant threat to public health or the environment. The proposed sewer line excavation will extend to a depth of about 22 feet below grade. This four foot wide excavation is likely to encounter the fa'st two feet of petroleum impacted soil over about a 275 foot length of the excavation. This office will require that any siguifieantly petroleum impacted soil that is removed from the excavation be properly disposed or recycled off site. This is not a mitigation for environmental concerns, per se, but rather that no significantly petroleum impacted soil be reintroduced into the backfill material so that a properly engineered compaction can be achieved by the City's Public Works Department. Any significant residual oil in the backfill material may affect soil moisture and density measurements. Therefore, prior to August 31, 2000, please submit a work plan to this office for approval for the further delineation of the eastern extent of the petroleum impacted soil and proper dispensation of any petroleum impacted excavated soil. I have been in contact with the adjacent property owner, Mr. Ernie Antongiovani, regarding the further assessment required of Kern in this investigation. Mr. Antongiovanni has informed me that his crops will be harvested in late September, and that he will grant permission to Kern for this additional sampling during the time between harvest and the planting of any new crops on the parcel. I will notify you, probably in the approval of the work plan for further delineation, when the dates become more certain. Thank you again for your continuing assistance. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please call me at 326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Office of Environmental Services attachments cc: E. Antongiovanni C. Nieto, Public Works Engineer J. Simmons, City of Bakersfield Real Property Agent [;. %~.'.J~. _.'...-. ...... :... .... ..... - , ,..-..~F 37o-01 T. 30 S. R. 2.7 F_., sc. mo[ DIST. /-.J,~ 370 -OI ZA-CO ASO ATO , S. Analytical Coneultlng Servicee 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield. California B330B Bakersfield Fire Department 1715 Chester Avonue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention: Howard H. Wines (661) 39§-0§39 FAX (661 ) 395-3069 Contract To: 0006241 o6/14/oo 06/27/00 Description: See Below Sampled by Client REPORT 0FANAYTICAL RESULTS TPH Petroleum Hydrocarbons -:.--::.. . _- ~. .;.- ...-'Y- .. San~le. Description Date Time ....... Sampled Sampled mg/k9 0006241-1 0006241-2 0006241-3 0006241-4 0006241£5 B-2-20 B-2-27 B-3-20 B-.~,-2 7 06/14/00 08:45 06/14/00 09:20 06/14/00 09:45 06/14/00 10:20 06/14/00 11:00 '6900 260 13300 80 ?o Date Analyzed: 06/23/00 Analyst: ERW Detection Limit for Reporting: 50. Method: 418.1i ¢¢: 1. gPA 8N-846, 1994 3rd gdiClon / Jim./..?erton, Lab Operations Mana9e / n~/kg ~./mlXligrams pe~ kilogram (pa~'t~ per ~XXloR) Ug/Kg : mzcr~raml per kil~ram (~rtl per billion; p~ ~ parco per million ~ None Detected NSS: Noc SuEitclenC Samplo Thi~ ref~9 b fumbhEd for Ihe exclusive use cd our Customer and applle~ only to the samplE~ tested. Zalco is not responsible for report olferaficm or defochmen!.. Analytical & Oonsultino Servtcee 4309 Armour Avenue Ba~rsfield, California 93308 Bakersfield Fire Department 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA ~3301 Attention: Howard H. Wines Sample Type: CAM Solid Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. : Date Sampled : Time Sampled : (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 0006241-1 06/14/00 06/~7/0o 06/14/00 08:45 Description: B-2-20 Sampled by Client Constitu~u%t~ --.';'- -.' .... ':.~ .... · -Results :":"-:' .... - Units 'DLR Method/Ref Purgeable Aromatics 8020 ' Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 2230 ug/~g ND ug/~g ND ug/kg ND ug/kg ND ug/kg 470 8020/1 15 8020/1 470 8020/1 940 8020/1 15 8020/1 CC: Analyzed : 06/19/00 JMM Mechod Reference 1. BPA 8W-846. 1994~,3rd gdLtion 2. gPA 600/4-'79-020 March 1983 im Eth/on, Lab Operations Manager i9~am8 per biter (parts per million: o~rams per Liter (part8 per billion~ umhoe/cm , micromhoe/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : mlliimhos/cm at 25 C ND I NOnl Detected N/A , NOt Applicable NSS , Not 8u~ficient Sample ~or Analysis DZ~t , Detection Limit ~or Reporting ~u~pose. This mpo~ Is furnished for Ihe exdudve use of our Customer and applies o~ly to the samples tested. Zalco l. not responsible for repod alteration or detachment. ZALCO LABORATORIES, IN . Analytical & Ooneul in{;;i Services 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 Bakersfield Fire Department 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA ':93301 A=tention: Howard H. Wines Sample Type: CAM Solid (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 Labora=ory No: 0006241-2 Date Received: 06/14/00 Date Reported: 06/27/00 Contract No. : Date Sampled : 06/14/00 Time Sampled : 09:20 Description: B-2-27 Sampled by Cllent "'REPORT OF ANALYTICAL'RESULTS Constituen~. ..'-~'. ~;,~h '~- .... '-Resvt~s =.~-:"J- - Units .... D~ --Method/Re~ Purgeable Aromatics 8020 59.5 ug/kg 5.0 8020/1 ND ug/kg S.0 8020/1 61.3 ug/kg S.0 8020/1 168 ug/kg 15. 8020/1 (MTBE) ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/1 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenee Methyl tert-Butyl Ether CC: Analyzed : 06/19/00 JMM Method Reference 1. gPA $#-846, 1994~ 3rd BdLtion 2. gPA 600/4-79-020 March 1983 ~ions Manager //'mcJl~~'rams per ~cer u~ho~/cm = micro~ho~/cm a~ 25 C mmhoe/cm ~ m~lll~os/cm a~ 25 C ND ~ None Detected N/A : HoC Applicable NS~ ~ No~ Suff~cien~ Sample ~or DLR : ~ec~Xon ~im~c for Re~rCLng ~ur~ses This report i~ furn~ for Ihe exdudve u# of our Customer ond oppl~* o~ly to the samples tmtecl. Zolco is not responsible for repor~ alteration or detachment. ZALC. O LABORATORIES, IN . Analy'clcal & Ooneulting 8ervicee 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 Bakersfield Fire Department 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA c93301 Attention: Howard H. Wines Sample Type: CAM Solid Laboratory No: 0006241-3 Date Received: 06/14/00 Date Reported: 06/27/00 Contract No. : Date Sampled : 06/14/00 Time Sampled : 09:45 Description: B-3-20 Sampled by Client REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS -"Units Purgeable Aro~atics 8020 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 15.6 ug/kg ND ug/kg ND ug/kg ND ug/kg ND ug/kg DLR Method/Ref 15 8020/1 1S 8020/1 IS 8020/1 30 8020/1 15 8020/1 CC: Analyzed : 06/19/00 ~MM Method Reference l. gPA S#-846. 1994~3rd ~diCion 2. BPA 600/4-79-020 March 1983 Z,. / thert°n, Lab ~erations Manager ~L ~lligram per Liter '(parts per million~ ug/L micr~ram per biter (parts per billion u~os ~ ~ m£cro~$/cm at 25 C ~os ~cm ~ mi~li~os/cm at 25 C None ~tected N/A : Not Applicable ~ 8u~icient Sample ~or Analy. is ~tectton L~mic ~or Re~r~ing Put.scs This r~0c~t is fumidvd fo~ iht ..:lush ute of our C:u~)mer end alii. only to Ihe lamples lested. Zalco il not re~c~.ible for report alteration or detachment. ZA/CO I_ABOF::::IATOF::III=S, IN Anely'cical & ConBul :ing Services 430g Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California ga30B (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 Bakersfield Fire Department 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield. CA ~93301 Attention: Howard H. Wines Sample Type: CAM Solid Laboratory No: 0006241-4 Date Received: 06/14/00 Date Reported: 06/27/00 Contract No. : Date Sampled : 06/14/00 Time Sampled : 10:20 Description: B-'~27 Sampled by Cllent Constituents Purgeable Aromatics 8020 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes Methyl .tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS ... _. _...:..-. '-i:../~.::,:.'...%- ~'..Results . .:_ .. Units ND ug/kg ND ug/kg ND ug/kg Nn ug/kg ND uN/kg Method/Ref 5.0 8020/1 5.0 8020/1 5.0 8020/1 15.0 8020/1 'LO 8020/1 CC: Analyzed : 06/19/00 ~MM Method Reference 1. gPA 8#-846, 1994%"3rd Bd4c',on 2. EPA 600/4-70-020 ~rch 1983 ' mg/~./:g/.b/~ mLlmLllLgrama Per ULCer (parco per m£11ton" umh6a/cm : mAcromhos/cm aC 25 C mmhos/cm : m:LllLmhos/cm ac 25 C ND , None O~Cecced N/A , Noc App~Lcable N88 , HoC 8u££Lcieflt Sample £or AnalysL, OUR , Detection bimiC ~or ReportLng Purposes Thlt repo~ Ii furnished for lira exclutlve ute of ~ Cuttom~ omi oppll~ only to the mmplet te~ted. Zolco ii not r~l~n~bl~ Io~ report oltemtton or detachment. ZALCO LABORATORIE.S, INC. Anelyticel & Oonsul ;inl] ServIces 430B Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California Bakersfield Fire Department 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA %93301 Attention: Howard H. Wines Sample Type: CAM Solid Description: B-~-25 Sampled by Client (661) 395-053B FAX (661) 395-30BB Laboratory No: 0006241-5 Date Received: 06/14/00 Date Reported: 06/27/00 Contract No. : Date Sampled : 06/14/00 Time Sampled : 11:00 REPORT OP ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents ........ ~ .... ~'. .......... :.Results ........... Units PurgeableAromat£cs 8020 Benzene ND ug/kg Toluene ND ug/kg Ethylbenzene ND ug/kg Total Xylenes ND ug/kg Methyl reft-Butyl Bther (MTBE) ND ug/kg ' DLR Method/Ref S.0 8020/1 5.0 8020/1 5.0 8020/1 1S.0 8020/1 10 8020/1 CC: Analyzed : 06/19/00 JMM Method Reference L. gPA 8#-e46, 1994~3rd Edition 2. gPA 600/4-'79-020 M&~ch 1983 ~ mi~rograms per ~lcer (pares per bi~lion' umnom/cm ~ m/cz~s/cm a~ 25 C ~os/cm = mLlZL~/cm aC 25 C None DeCecC~ N/A ~ NoC ApplicabLe NO~ Su~LcLbnC Sa~le ~o= Analysis De~ec~lon 51mi~ ~or Repo~=lng ~u~pooe8 - Thil ,~p~ ;. furnished for I1~ exdulive ute of our Cutlom~ and Ol:~es only ~o the samples ~stqKI. Zak:o Is not rmfx:zmible for mp~. oltemtion o, detachment. July 18, 2000 192852.000 Memo for the Record On July 17, 2000 1 attended a meeting at the City Engineer's office to discuss minor design changes and additions to the proposed Sewer line in Buena Vista Road lying on the West edge of the Antongiovanni 160 acres. This meeting was attended by: Myself, Ernie Antongiovanni, Jim Ball, and 3 people from the City being Concheta from Public Works, John Simmons from Real Property and Howard H Wines III from Environmental Services. 1) I gave Concheta a letter, which outlines the minor sewer changes we want - she said they follow a 718 rule for soffits and I said that was fine. She will give our request to her supervisor for review. 2) A discussion took place on oil contamination in the soil North of Panama Lane which might exist on to the Antongiovanni property. In response to my questions Howard Wines said the following: 1) An Environmental file has been opened. 2) Kern Refinery has responded to determine the cause and extent of the problem. 3) Kern Refinery has been advised that their response is not adequate. 4) The City will insist that the contaminated soils encountered in the sewer line construction be removed by the party responsible. 5) After adequate investigation Environmental Services will insist that a) The contaminated soils be mitigated~r~/~ ,~<z-/-~.,-,,~o.~ ,r,~//~- b) Will issue a statement that the problem is not significant End no mitigation is required. Ernie Antongiovanni and/or Jim Ball will advise Howard Wines when the necessary testing in their crop area can happen. A window for this testing_will be sometim~ in Septembe~ ~ Jerry VanCuren /~~.~- ~ ~/' ~ cc: Howard V~rn'e s - Emie Adtongiovanni 1928521.000 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: John Simmons, Real Property Howard Wines, Hazardous Materials Specialist Sample Results For Buena Vista Trunk Sewer July 5, 2000 Attached, please find the analysis for the subsurface soil samples taken along the proposed route of the Buena Vista Trunk Sewer line extension in the area North of Panama Lane. The samples confirm and further define the earlier indications of petroleum impacted soil as originally reported by Holguin, Fahan, and Associates in their Soil Assessment report dated December 29, 1998. The samples were obtained using a direct-push hydraulic rod sampler operated by Global Probe. The soil samples were collected in one inch brass tubes through the hydraulic rod sampling device, capped on both ends, marked with the sample number, date and time, and transported in an ice chest at 4 degrees Celsius to Zalco Laboratories under a valid chain of custody. Combined with the May 16, 2000 excavations made by Kern Oil and Refining Company to expose portions of their crude oil pipelines in the vicinity, these sample results indicate that crude oil impacted soil is likely to be encountered for about 275 liner feet of excavation in the area between 50 and 325 feet North of the 6enterline of Panama Lane on the East side of Buena Vista Road. The petroleum impacted soil appears to be confined to a seven foot thick vertical column of soil between 20 and 27 feet below grade. There does not appear to be any petroleum impact in the fu'st 50 feet North of the centerline of Panama Lane. If you need anything further, please call me at 3649. Attachments: sample results ASSESSORS MAP HO.370- Ol COUNTY OF KERN* ZALCO EABORATORII=S, IN Jnalytioal ~, (Donsulting Servioes 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 Bakersfield Fire Department 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention: Howard H. Wines ENVIRON...~._ Contract No: 0006241 06/14/00 06/27/00 Description: See Below Sampled by Client REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS TPH Petroleum Hydrocarbons Lab Sample Number Description Date Time Sampled Sampled mg/kg 0006241-1 B-2-20 0006241-2 B-2-27 0006241-3 B-3-20 0006241-4 B-~-27 000624125 B-~-25 06/14/00 08:45 6~t00 · 06/14/00 09:20 L~60 06/14/00 09:45 13300 06/14/00 10:20 80 06/14/00 11:00 70 Date Analyzed: 06/23/00 Analyst: ERW Detection Limit for Reporting: 50. Method: 418.1~ CC: Method References: 1. EPA SW-846, 1994 3rd Edition 2. EPA 600/4-79-020 March 1983 ~/ Jim~herton, Lab Operations Manager ' mg/kg :."milligrams per kilogram (pal-ts pe~' million) m~/1 : milligrams per liter (parts per million) ug/kg : micrograms per kilogram (parts per billion) ppmv : parts per million volume ND: None Detected NSS: Not Sufficient Sample This report is furnished for the exclusive use of our Customer and applies only to the samples tested. Zalco is not responsible for report alteration or detachment.. Analytioal & C;onsulting Servioes 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 Bakersfield Fire Department 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention: Howard H. Wines Sample Type: CAM Solid Description: B-2-20 Sampled by Client Constituents Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. : Date Sampled : Time Sampled : REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Results Units 0006241-1 06/14/00 06/27/00 06/14/00 08:45 DLR Method/Ref Purgeable D~romatics 8020 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 2230 ug/kg 470 8020/1 ND ug/kg 15 8020/1 ND ug/kg 470 8020/1 ND ug/kg 940 8020/1 ND ug/kg 15 8020/1 CC: Analyzed : 06/19/00 JMM Method Reference 1. EPA SW-846, 1994% 3rd Edition 2. EPA 600/4-79-020 March 1983 / Jim Ethfon, Lab Operations Manager /fig/L : millig!ams per Liter (parts per millionl /--mh~ / m -//ug/L=:~micr°~rams per Liter (parts per billion! umhos/cm : micromhos/cm ag 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND : None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Repor~in9 Purposes This report is furnished for the exclusive use of our Customer and applies only to the samples tested. Zalco is not responsible for report alteration or detachment. ZALCO LABORATORIES, Analytical & Consulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 9330B (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 Bakersfield Fire Department 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA '93301 Attention: Howard H. Wines Sample Type: C~ Solid Description: B-2-27 Sampled by Client Constituents Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. : Date Sampled : Time Sampled : REPORT OF ANALYTICD~L RESULTS Results Units 0006241-2 06/14/00 06/27/00 06/14/00 09:20 DLR Method/Ref Purgeable Aromatics 8020 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 59.5 ug/kg 5.0 8020/1 ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/1 61.3 ug/kg 5.0 8020/1 168 ug/kg 15. 8020/1 ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/1 cc: D~nalyzed : 06/19/00 J~ Method Reference 1. EPA SW-846, 1994 3rd Edition 2. EPA 600/4-79-020 March 1983 u~os/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C ~hos/cm : milli~os/cm at 25 C ND : None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes This report is furnished for the exclusive use of our Customer and applies only to the samples tested. Zalco is not responsible for report alteration or detachment. Analytioal & (Consulting Servioes 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 Bakersfield Fire Department 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA '93301 Attention: Howard H. Wines Sample Type: CAM Solid Description: B-3-20 Sampled by Client Constituents Laboratory No: 0006241-3 Date Received: 06/14/00 Date Reported: 06/27/00 Contract No. Date Sampled : 06/14/00 Time Sampled : 09:45 REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Results Units DLR Method/Ref Purgeable Aromatics 8020 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 15.6 ug/kg 15 8020/'1 ND ug/kg 15 8020/1 ND ug/k~ 15 8020/1 ND ug/k~ 30 8020/1 ND ug/kg 15 8020/1 cc: Analyzed : 06/19/00 JMM Method Reference 1. EPA SW-846, 1994 3rd Edition 2~ EPA 600/4-79-020 March 1983 '~perations Manager mg/L :.. milligrams per Liter (parts per million" ug/L : micrograms per Liter (parts pe~ billion umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND : None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limi~ ~or Reporting Furposes This report is furnished for the exclusive use of our Customer and applies only to the samples tested. Zalco is not responsible for report alteration or detachment. Analytical & Consulting Servioes 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 Bakersfield Fire Department 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention: Howard H. Wines Sample Type: CAM Solid Description: B-~-27 Sampled by Client Constituents Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. : Date Sampled : Time Sampled : REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Results Units 0006241-4 o6/1~/oo 06/27/00 06/14/00 10:20 DLR Method/Ref Purgeable Aromatics 8020 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/1 ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/1 ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/1 ND ug/kg 15.0 8020/1 ND ug/kg 'LO 8020/1 CC: Analyzed : 06/19/00 JMM Method Reference 1. EPA SW-846, 1994% 3rd Edition 2. EPA 600/4-79-020 March 1983 mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND : None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes This report is furnished for the exclusive use of our Customer and applies only to the samples tested. Zalco is not responsible for report alteration or detachment. Anal~tioal ~ Oon.~ulCing Servioes 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 Bakersfield Fire Department 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention: Howard H. Wines Sample Type: Description: CAM Solid B-~-25 Sampled by Client Constituents Laboratory No: 0006241-5 Date Received: 06/14/00 Date Reported: 06/27/00 Contract No. : Date Sampled : 06/14/00 Time Sampled : 11:00 REPORT OF ~-NALYTICD~L RESULTS Results Units DLR Method/Re[ Purgeable Aromatics 8020 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/1 ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/1 ND ug/k9 5.0 8020/1 ND ug/kg 15.0 8020/1 ND ug/kg 10 8020/1 CC: ~alyzed : 06/19/00 Method Reference l, EPA SW-846, 1994~3rd Edition 2. EPA 600/4-79-020 March 1983 Z~' Et erton, Lab Operations Manager umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimho$/cm at 25 C ND : None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limi~ for Repo~ting ['u~poses This report is furnished for the exclusive use of our Customer and applies only to the samples tested. Zalco is not responsible for report alteration or detachment. / "Chain~f Custgjdy Record /?~' q C. ~ 6 ~ ~,] ,.~..__~_~ ~ ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. .. rnaround ~me: ~b~ Bake~field. ~lifomia 93308 0 RUSH By: (661] 39~539 ~ '.;" 0 ~pedited (1 Week) ~ad ~ ~ Fax (661 ) 39~3069 Ice Chem ~ , Tem~u~e,~' 0 Ro~ine (2 Weeks) wo~ order NOTE: Samlf, es am discarded 30 days a/tM results are repem)d unless o~er mTangements are made. KEY: * G-Glass P-Plastic M-Metal T-Tedlar V-VOA · * W-Water WW-Wastewater S-Solid P-Petroleum L-I iquid O-Other Hazan~ussamplesMIbemtumedtocliemm~ofatciienfsexper~e. "' ' ~ A.Acld, pH<2 (HCI HNO3 H2SO4) S-NaOH+ZnA¢ C-Caustic, pH>10 (NaOH) White - Office Copy Yellow- Lab Copy Pink.- Client Copy /CC BUENA VISTA ROAD-- -- __ _J_ ..~_ ~. , -~ _ ~- ~ SCALE IN FEET -- 0 25 5o LEGEND KES ~ SOIL BORING BUENA VISTA ROAD TRUNK SEWER BUENA VISTA ROAD AND PANAMA LANE PROPOSED SEWER TRUNK LINE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA FIGURE 2 - PLOT PLAN Cc CENTER LINE , (3) i 0 "O Q Chain~nf Cust~,dy Record/? ' ~'."' ~ . ': ,: Paoe.__' of 4309ZALC0LABORATORIES, lNG.ArmourAve. Project 'T"ltle ~'~/~-~ ~ ~/: :~' ' "~.,/,---------------~urnaround Time:,6 ., U~,/ ,~ zalco Lab # Bakersfield, California 93308 [] RUSH By:__ [661) 395-0539 OExpedited (1 Week) FieldLog# Fax [661 ) 395-3069 Ice Chest # , Temperature,~O [] Routine (2 Weeks) Work Order Address / , (~ FAX # / , RePoftcA,tten,~ipn ~ / C,ty, State, Z," / :,_,~?~.~. ~ . Lab# Sampled by: Employed by: ,*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O O Containers ~- 8 °o Remarks Sar~j~ Date Time Type** Legal Sample DesCription Sampled Sampled See Key Below # Type* NOTE: Samples are discarded 30 days after results are reported unless other arrangements are made. KEY: *** W-WaterG-Glass WW-WastewaterP'Plastic M-Metals_solidT-Tedlarp. PetroleumV-VOA L-Liquid O-Other Hazardous samples will be returned to client or disposed of at client's expense. White- Office Copy Yellow - Lab Copy Pink - Client Copy *** A-Acid, pH<2 (HCI,HNO3,H2SO4) S-NaOH+ZnAc C-Caustic, pH>10 (NaOH) ,.?o * · e e · ~~ · · e e i · · · e · e 4/e~e ~l · e · e · ~ eee e-e~l'e e · e e' DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT M E M ORA N D U M June 6, 2000 Howard Wines, Environmental Services Ted Wright, Civil Engineer IV '~-.~ Borings on Buena Vista Road RECEIVED JUN 0 8 2000 ENVIRON. SERVICES Please proceed with the proposed work. We understand that the cost will be $775 for the work performed by Global Probe Inc., and an additional $900 for the laboratory work. This cost may be charged to the prOject account for the Buena Vista Sewer II: E7K002 If you have any questions, please call Conchita Nieto at extension 3587. G: cng 5,11ARIil) PI,R }Jl':(' rs {'NM ii\'_' .,oil,;brgcn,. I .,.x pd 06/06/OO 13:49 8661 328 1027 C 0 B PUBLIC WKS ~001 FAX TRANSMITAL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Fax No. (661) 328-1027 DATE: ~ G , 20 co~o NAME: PLEASE ROUTE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE TO: COMPANY/ORGANIZATION: FAX NO. SENDING MESSAGE TO: FROM; NAME: ~,3 ~ C~[['o~ ~ ~.'lm'k::~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD DEPARTMENT: OFFICE PHONE NO.: ( ) '5'7..~ DEPT. CODE (3 Digit Sub Program #): NUMBER OF PAGES (INCLUDING THIS SHEET): SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: p:~conchita\form s\taXtorm 06/06/OO .~.,~ ~[~',,' ' · 13:49 9661 328 1027 C 0 B PUBLIC WKS ~]002 BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: 'SUBJECT; June 6, 2000' Howard Wines, Environrnental Serviccs Ted Whght, Civil Engineer IV ~ BoringsI on Buena Vista Road Please proceed with the proposed work. We understand that thc cost will be $775 for thc work performed by Global Probe Inc., and an additional $900 for the laboratory work. This cost may be charged to the project account tbr thc Bucm, Vista Sewer Il: E7K002 If you have any questions, please call Conchita Nicto at extension 3587. G: e~[x SIIARED PROJE(-1'5 CN.',4 B'V2 ~il~l,~:owl Jun-05-O0 03:22P Global Probe P.01 VENTURA, CA 71 San Marino Avenue Ventura. CA 93003 805-650-3311 Fax 805-650-8054 BAKERSFIELD. CA 14008 Veracruz Drive Bakersfield. CA 93312 805-589-0814 Fax 805-58,9-0814 GLOBAL PROBE, INC. WELL INSTALLA~'iON SE,vICES LI(ENSE C57.7253W 1-800- 50-6 11 ~ ~0.: SU~ECT: FROM: Numar of Pages Including Cover Sheet: FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL MR. HOWARD WINES BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT 661-326-3979 661-326-0576 PANAMA & BUENA VISTA ROAD PROJECT Roddgo D. Pmust 2 Date: 6/5/00 Dear Mr. Wines: Global Probe is pleased to submit this cost estimate to conduct sampling services using Geoprobe® equipment. The following is our understanding of the project sampling requirements: Sampling: Number of probe locations: 3 Surface cover: N/A Maximum depth: 30 feet below ground surface Number of soil samples:' 6 Number of groundwater samples: 0 Estimated Cost: $775.00 (brass liners) Figure above includes sampling services, mobilization and materials. Estimated Completion Time: 3 hrs Note: Please note that completion time depends on site and subsurface conditions. Client is responsible for procuring permits and clearing all sampling locations for underground utilities. Hand-augedng, if required, will extend project completion time, and will be billed at a rate of $50.00 per hour. We appreciate being considered to provide your environmental sampling services, and look forward to working with you on this and future projects. Please contact us if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely't~ Jun-05-O0 03:22P Global Probe P.02 G LO BAL E.V.RO.ME. A' SERVICES & PROBE, INC. SUPPORT VENTURA, CA 71 San Marin0 Avenue Ventura, CA 93003 805-650-3311 Fax 805-650-8054 TERMS AND CONDITIONS BAKERSFIELD, CA 14008 Veracruz Drive Bakersfield, CA 93312 805-589-0814 Fax 805-589-0814 1 - 800-650-6611 Global Probe wilt provide the following equipment and services: Geoprobee 5400 sampling unit 4x4 Iow-profile vehicle 40-hour OSHA trained operator All sampling tools required to complete project Standard decontamination equipment Concrete and asphalt coring and patching Backfilling of sampling locations with bentonite Cost and project completion estimates do not include hand-augerJng, nor backfilling of sampling locations with pressurized neat cement or bentonite grout. Terms: Global Probe will submit an invoice upon completion of the proposed work. Invoices are payable in full within 30 days of invoice date (net 30 days pending credit approval). A monthly interest charge of 1.5% will be charged for late payment. Conditions: Client is responsible for the following: · Payment of all services and materials used to conduct sampling operations. · Procurement of any permits required by regulatory or other government agencies. · Providing groundwater and soil-vapor sample containers, such as VOAs or Tedlar bags. · Clearing all sampling locations for underground utilities,.conduits, obstructions, and potential dangers. Global Probe will not be responsible for damaged underground utilities, nor for equipment breakage or any other damages caused by the presence of unidentified underground obstructions. Payment for equipment breakage or damage if Client insists on reaching deeper strata' after notification by equipment operator of extraneous subsurface conditions, such as refusal. Handling, storage, and disposal of any hazardous materials or waste generated during sampling operations (Global Probe is not a hazardous materials or waste handler). Providing Global Probe pertinent and updated site information prior to commencing and while conducting field operations. Requested information includes health and safety plans (if applicable), type of expected hazardous materials, and contaminant concentrations suspected to exist at the site. · Allowing sufficient time for decontamination and backfilling operations to be performed during the estimated completion time given above. Sampling equipment must be decontaminated and sample locations must be backfilled before Global Probe personnel leave the site. If you agree to the terms and conditions described herein, upon scheduling please forward via mail or facsimile a purchase order or a copy of this proposal signed by a Client representative. Our mailing address is: 71 San Merino Avenue, Ventura, California 93003. Our facsimile number is 805-650-8054. Client Project Number or lD: E "~ ~ Site Address: /~V~- ~__..~/V,P~. [~U~v'r3, k/~S~Xk ~/~ ~ p~dk/Z~zk Terms Accepted By: Client Representative Title Date June 6, 2000 Howard W. Wines Hazardous Materials Specialist Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 7724 E. PANAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93307-9210 (661) 845-0761 FAX (661) 845-0330 RECEIVED JUN 0 8 2000 ENWRON. SERVICES Subject: Subsurface Petroleum Contamination at Buena Vista Road and Panama Lane, Bakersfield, CA- Letter of April 20, 2000 Howard W. Wines: Kern Oil and Refining Co. (Kern) is in receipt of your letter dated April 20, 2000 and herein are Kern's responses. This also follows our telephone conversations over the last 60-days.. A copy of your letter is attached for ease of reference. Kern has conducted an investigation including excavation and sampling and was unable to corroborate the November 24, 1998 data collected by Holguin, Fahan & Associates, Inc., contracted by the City of Bakersfield. The November 1998 data is the apparent basis for the City of Bakersfield's inquiry into alleged contamination. Following your letter of April 20, 2000, our meeting of April 27, 2000, and the subsequent acquisition of the necessary permit, Kern completed three exploratory excavations on May 16, 2000. I believe you witnessed our three excavations and that were designed to be near the borings completed on November 24, 1998. A hand sketch is attached showing the precise locations. Ali three excavations revealed no contamination. As an aside, we are currently holding a soil sample from a depth of 21 feet on the deepest excavation. The sample shows no hydrocarbon by organic vapor analysis (OVA) and further exhibits no hydrocarbon odor. The most recent data strongly indicates no contamination in the subject area. By copy of this correspondence, Kern now considers its obligation as satisfied as relates to your letter of April 20, 2000. Kern continues to make itself available for any further questions you may have as relates to this situation. Respectfully, i 1 Chad Tuttle Manager, Envlronmental Affairs Attachments BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: June 2, 2000 Howard Wines, Environmental S~erv~ee~ Ted Wright, Civil Engineer IV..~..7.NY---"-- Borings on Buena Vista Road Please proceed with the proposed borings (per your fax of 5/26/2000), to investigate soil contamination on Buena Vista Road north of Panama Lane. Per your fax we understand the cost will be approximately $2000. This cost may be charged to the project account for the Buena Vista Sewer II: E7K002 If you have any questions, please call Conchita Nieto at extension 3587. G: eng StlARED PROJECTS CNM BV2 soilsbrgem .,,'.pd 85/83/2888 13:47 6618458338 PAGE 81 ??24 East Panan~a Lane · Bakersfield,' CA 9~307 Phone (661) 845-0761 Fax (66i) 845-03~0 Facsimile Cover Page Company: Attn; · Facsimile #: (.E;~,'~] %'Z.~-O~"~ {, Date: Regarding: From: # of Pages: ~. -~,,,~c~_~.~,% ~ ~z~a. If transmission is impaired, please call at the above number. Notes: 05/03/2000 13:47 6618450330 05/02/00 18:08 ~681 PAGE 02 PLEASE PRINT OR ~E APPLICATION Ad~s Suite N~ber Tract Numb~ Lot Nmb~ L~Nmc Fksr N~c id~s Suite Number Cim Zi~ Phone N~ber Last Name (Company Name) First Name Address Suim Number Ci~ Zip Phone Number Fax Number Con=actors License Number License Expiration Date Arch / Eng: Last Name First Name Address Suite l~umber City Zip Phone Number Fax Number Architect / En~neer License Number . License, E.xpirar!on Date IOFFICE USE ONLY Permit Number - Date Applied __/ / 05/03/2000 13:47 OStOZ/O0 6618458338 ~l~-HA~ MAT PAGE 83 I~ool B A,K E R $ F I E L D FIRE DEPARTMliNT ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. · Bakersfield, CA 93301 Business Phone (661} 326-3979 · FAX (661) 326-0576 FAX Transmittal FAX No. ~4 E. G ~.?o · COMMENTS: ~ '"',/.S u ,<'A..vC E · BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. · Bakersfield, CA 93301 Business Phone (661) 326-3979 · FAX (661) 326-0576 FAX Transmittal TO: ~___---~ ['~ COMPANY: ~;~"'J ~, ~.,.~ FROM: FAX NO. ~"4.~'. 0~0 COMMENTS: FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93304 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'FI" Stre6t" Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 VDICE ;.67~) 329.3P79 ' ,58~2 V~o: Av~. ~.;~-~!~rsfieI% CA' 9330~; L&')ACE (805} ,~99--4~:*.9''~ FAX (805.):399-5763 April 20, 2000 Mr. M. Chad Tuttle, Manager Environmental Affairs Kem oil and Refining Company 7724 East Panama Lane Bakersfield, CA 93307-9210 ORDER FOR REMEDIAL INVESTIGATION/FEAsIBILITy STUDY. Subsurface Petroleum Contamination at Buena Vista Road and Panama Lane;, Bakersfield, California Dear Mr, Tuttle: upon rev'~_ew of Foyer M~ch 22, 2000 fetter, ~ o~ce~haS'.dEC-.m~h2ed that the~" e ' ' ' ' ,.,ct..m ~zta ongm o ~' the subsurface pe~oleum contaminat{rm at *"'~,~ ''~ abo.ve referenced prop(.ny nas not bee.:.'~ adequate?y det~:n~e 't:~e '~5~t~ ex~:ent cf the petro!e'~m co~u'a::::natlm~.. :i&at~: the he~d'& m~:: ::~v[-cnment~:~. fi:eat posed by '''- - . ~:e s~:::e, cmieet:data o~.pcsm'b~e .remedies. ~":[ :nherwise evaluate.alterna.tives ;c the e:tent:n~..ySWd to a remedy. Pies.ss submit s '...vo,:kp[~ for rem~.i~d mx, esagoqon % this.o'ffice ~r ~,ou 2.-.::e a~!,':' quest.;oris, please ca:l me 0.t {.,ox) 326~391.. BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. · Bakersfield, CA 93301 Business Phone (661) 326-3979 · FAX (661) 326-0576 FAX Transmittal TO: COMPANY: FAX No. %Z~-. C~O COMMENTS: B L D April 20, 2000 FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 'H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 3263941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAJNING DMSION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfmld, CA 93308 VOICE (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 Mr. M. Chad Tuttle, Manager Environmental Affairs Kern Oil and Refining Company 7724 East Panama Lane Bakersfield, CA 93307-9210 ORDER FOR REMEDIAL INVESTIGATION/FEASIBILITY STUDY RE: Subsurface Petroleum Contamination at Buena Vista Road and Panama Lane, Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Turtle: Upon review of your March 22, 2000 letter, this office has determined that the extent and origin of the subsurface petroleum contamination at the above referenced property has not been adequately defined. This office requires (in accordance with Section 8001.5Z2.5. of the Uniform Fire Code, 1994 Edition) that further assessment be done to determine the full extent of the petroleum contamination, .identify the public health and environmental threat posed by the same, collect data on possible remedies, and otherwise evaluate alternatives to the extent necessary to select a remedy. Please submit a workplan for remedial investigation to this office within 30 days from receipt of this letter. If you have any questions, please call me at (661) 326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, I1i Hazardous Materials Specialist Office of Environmental Services HHW/dm From: To: Date: Subject: John Simmons Howard Wines Thu, Apr 13, 2000 4:39 PM Buena Vista Sewer Line I met with the property owner today for the land on the corner of Panama lane and BV. He and his Engineer, Bob Lusich would like to meet next week to see what we need to do from an environmental standpoint to get the job done when we build the sewer. The meeting will encompass several areas we need to address from an engineering standpoint as well. I was hoping you could attend so we could address all the issues at one time. We were looking at Tuesday - Thursday sometime, let me know what you think. Thanks ,John March 22, 2000 7724 E. PANAMA LANE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93307-9210 (805) 845-0761 FAX (805) 845-0330 Mr. Howard Wines City of Bakersfield .... Fire Department 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: Pipeline Information Request Mr. Wines: Kern Oil & Refining Company (Kern) completed a review of our records for the intersection of Panama Lane and Buena Vista Boulevard as requested by your fax message dated February 24, 2000. We have no record of any spills in the area of your borings. Kern has a 4"gathering line that connects a Chevron lease north of the intersection and on the east side of Buena Vista. This line ties into a 6" mink gathering line that runs along the south side of Panama. The 4" line was idled over ten years ago with several feet of the line removed near intersection of Pensinger Rd. and Buena Vista. A spill may have occurred, also greater than 10 years ago, on the southeast comer of the intersection of Buena Vistaand Panama. This is based on historical memory of a retired Kern employee. This is the only known potential leak in the vicinity. Kem's shipping line was last hydrostatically tested in 1997 and will be tested again in 2002 per State requirements. Please address any future correspondence to my attention. Sincerely, M. Chad Tuttle Manager, Environmental Affairs BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. · Bakersfield, CA 93301 Business Phone {661) 326-3979 · FAX {661) 326-0576 FAX Transmittal TO: CONCHITA NIETO COMPANY: FROM: HOWARD WINES FAX No. 326-1027 COMMENTS: ONE PAGE TO FOLLOW. CRUDE OIL IS EXEMPTED FROM BEING CONSIDERED A HAZARDOUS WASTE. IT'S A "DESIGNATED WASTE" AS PETROLEUM CONTAMINATED SOIL AND MUST BE DISPOSED OF PROPERLY ONCE EXCAVATED. THE SOIL ASSESSMENT BY HOLGUIN, FAHAN, & ASSC. HAD APPARENTLY DETECTED CRUDE OIL THAT SPILLED OR LEAKED FROM THE NOW ABANDONED 4" CRUDE OIL PIPELINE SOME 10 YEARS AGO. PLEASE BEAR THIS IN MIND, THAT SHOULD THE SEWER LINE CONTINUE THROUGH THIS AREA, THE CONTRACTOR WILL HAVE TO BE PREPARED TO ENCOUNTER THIS PETROLEUM CONTAMINATION AND CLEAN UP COORDINATED TOGETHER WITH THE PROPERTY OWNER AND/OR KERN OIL & REFINING. I THINK IT'S BEST TO DEAL WITH THE CLEAN UP AT THE APPROPRIATE TIME OF RFP FOR INSTALLATION OF THAT PARTICULAR SEGMENT OF SEWER LINE JUST FOR THE CONSERVATION OF RESOURCES. AT THAT TIME A FULL SITE ASSESSMENT, CLEAN UP, & SEWER LINE INSTALLATION CAN OCCUR IN A RAPID AND ECONOMICAL SEQUENCE FOR EVERYONE INVOLVED. IF YOU HAVE ANY OTHER QUESTIONS, PLEASE GIVE ME A CALL. BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. · Bakersfield, CA 93301 Business Phone (661) 326-3979 · FAX (661) 326-0576 FAX Transmittal COMPANY: FROM: ~4~O~0 FAX No. ~4~' , 0~'~0 COMMENTS: 2 ~g~$ ~ ~::~ NEXT-FUNC: KIPS #ROLLINO ATN 370 010 File No APN 497 010 SITE Ouner Bill 157 26 ANTONGIOVANN I 2709 18TH TRA-No CHG DT Chg Type Mineral Land/PI Imprvment Other Imp Perm Prop Exmp Ami Net Value O0 KEY: SECURED ROLL INOUIRY 7 Neu ATN 497 010 15 O0 9 ACTIVE Lgnd Lgl PM 8775 L 1 Acres ERNEST L ET AL ST BAKERSF I ELD CA. 93301 - 331 3 R. B.P. 99 98-1 338455-00 -8 001 345 001 345 Doc 332,968 46,979 326,440 46,058 379,947 372,498 Roll 1 AG Preav NO 163.49 CPeat BPS SD 4 KEY DATA PROMPT P22241 Uae Code 4300 UF Y NT 97-1336949-00 -1 001 345 320,040 45,155 365,195 PFI=HELP 2:MENU 3:RTRN 4=TOG 5:FUTR 9:BILL I O:UFL PF13=NEN 14=APN HIST 15=ONNERS 16=E×EMPT 17=SUPPL PF20=PREV YR 21=NE×T YEAR 22=PRT 23=NE×T 24=PREV 11 =BUS 1 2=EVTSEL 18=ADDR 19=ROLL CORR 05/25/99 09:10 BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: February 17, 1999 Conchita Nieto, Engineer II ~d i i ~'/~'j~ ~i~ STi sTmU e/n't Dfl ie~2~ r~'~e n~;;i~ nRvd~ nT~ eunnt; ISi eweI~ic~ (Ho rguin, Fahan & Associates Inc., Dated December 29, 1998). The soil assessment completed by Holguin, Fahan and Associates indicate that concentrations of total petroleum hydrocarbons, Benzene, Toluenei Ethyl Benzene and Xylenes were increasing with depth in both borings B1 and B2. At 24.5 feet borings, B2 showed 10,000 mg/kg TPH as gasoline, as well as 29 rog/kg Benzene, 73 mg/kg Toluene, 130 mg/kg Ethyl Benzene and 260 mg/kg of Xylene. This indicates a probable pipeline leak which may be current and ongoing. The pipeline also carries refined product as evidence by the lab results. This office recommends a full site assessment to determine the extent of the hydrocarbon plume. In addition, we need to identify and notify the responsible party to repair the pipeline problem if it is 'current and take responsibility for any site mitigation that may be required. Howard Wines, of this office, has been assigned project oversight, and will be contacting you to proceed with the pipeline identification and responsible party notification. We will then be working with the appropriate state agency on the mitigation of this site. We will keep you informed each step of the way. REH/dm cc: J. LaRochelle H. Wines DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS RAUL M. ROJAS. DIRECTOR 1501 Tru~tun Avenue l~l~nfl~kl, CA 9.1301 (805) 526-5724 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL ATTENTION ~'] SPEC IFICATIONS COPIES NO. OF SHEETS DESCRIPTION THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW: ~FOR APPROVAL' [~FOR YOUR USE '-"]AS REQUESTED [~ REVIEW AND COMMENT ~-~ FOR BIDS DUE ['-'~ FURNISH AS SUBMITTED ~"~ FURNISH AS NOTED r~ RETURNED FOR CORRECTIONS --']FOR YOUR SIGNATURE REMARKS ~ RESUBMIT __ ~ SUBMIT N--]RETURN __ CORRECTED PRINTS r--~ SUBM1T ORIGINALS FOR SIGNATURE 19 COPIES FOR APPROVAL COPIES FOR DISTRIBUTION COPY TO ~ ~ Pf~CONCHITA\~WB2 SIGNED If enclosures are not as noted, please notify us at once. HOL , FAHAN & AS---S -CIAT , INC. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS December 29, 1998 RECEIVED Mr. Frank R. Rosenlleb Kern Environmental Service Post Office Box 5337 Bakersfield, California 93388 Subject: SOIL ASSESSMENT ACTIVITES FOR THE BUENA VISTA ROAD TRUNK SEWER BUENA VISTA ROAD AND PANAMA LANE, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Dear Mr. Rosenlleb: Holguin, Fahan & Associates, Inc. (HFA) is pleased to present the following soil assessment data for the above-referenced project (see Figure 1 - Site Location Map). During this phase of site assessment, HFA advanced three soil borings to a depth of 25 fbg and analyzed six soil samples for TRPH as oil and grease, TPH as gasoline, BTEX, and MTBE. On November 24, 1998, HFA drilled three soil borings (B-1 through B-3) to a depth of 25 fbg, using a MobileTM B-53 drill rig operated by Melton Drilling Company of Bakersfield, California (see Figure 2 - Plot Plan for the soil bodng locations). Soil samples were collected at depths of 5, 10, 15, 20.5, 22.5, and 24.5 fbg. Dudng the drilling process, soil cuttings as well as each soil sample, were field-screened for VOCs using a PID calibrated to 100 ppmv Isobutylene, and observations were made for the visual Identification of any soil staining or discoloration. The soils were classified according to the Unified Soil Classification System by an experienced environmental geologist under the direct supervision of a state of California registered geologist, and all data was recorded on logs of exploratory borings (see Attachment 1 for the soil boring and sampling proced.ures and Attachment 2 for the logs of exploratory borings). Soil samples were submitted to HFA Environmental Laboratories, a California state-certified laboratory, for analysls. Based on field observations, slx soil samples collected from soil borlngs B-1 and B-2 were selected for laboratory analysis. The soil samples were analyzed for TRPH as oil and grease using EPA Method 418.1, TPH as gasoline using EPA Method 8015 (M), and BTEX and MTBE using EPA Method 8020. Because field screening did not indicate adsorbed-phase hydrocarbon concentrations In the soil samples collected from soil boring B-3, none of the soil samples collected from soil boring B-3 were submitted for laboratory analysls. ENVIRONMENTAL: SCIENTISTS · GEOLOGISTS · ENGINEERS COlll~.tllli11~.ll(~d $il'U ,'%.'-$N,(;S.%111(.,111.~, · Ph~.lse I ,-Ntl(lil.% * Sil(~ l"T(.;lll¢(li~,lli(.HI · [l~lZill"(l(Jtl.% T,~,'~l.~l(..' HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. E NVII:IONME NTAI,. M~,N~,GI~ MI~ NT Mr. Frank R. Rosenlleb KES December 29, 1998 - Page 2 Soils encountered during drilling included silN sands to well-graded sands with intervals of silts at depths ranging from 12 to 17 fbg and clays at depths ranging from 22 to 25 fbg. Field screening indicated adsorbed-phase hydrocarbon-containing soil in the interval ranging in depth from 20 to 25 fbg in soil borings B-1 and B-2. Adsorbed-phase hydrocarbon-containing soil was not Indicated by field screening in soil boring B-3. Groundwater was not encountered while drilling the soil borings (see Attachment 2). Adsorbed-phase TRPH as oil and grease, TPH as gasoline, and BTEX concentrations were detected In the soil samples collected from soil borings B-1 and B-1 at depths of 20.5, 22,5, and 24.5 fbg. Adsorbed-phase MTBE concentrations were not detected in the six soil samples collected from soil borings B-1 and B-2 (see Figure 2, Table 1 -Summary of Soil Sample Analytical Results and Attachment 3 for the laboratory report). Holguin, Fahan & Associates, Inc., trusts that you will find this soil assessment data to your satisfaction. If you have any questions or require additional Information, please contact Mr. Mark Magargee at (805) 391-0517 or at e-mail address Mark_Magargee@bk.hfa.com. Respectfully submitted, Holguln, Fahan & Associates, Inc. Senior Hydrogeologist Holguin, Fahan & Associates, Inc. MRM:rrl Enclosures: Figure 1 - Site Location Map Figure 2 - Plot Plan Table 1 - Summary of Soil Sample Analytical Results Attachment 1 Soil Boring and Sampling Procedures Attachment 2 Logs of Exploratory Borings Attachment 3 Laboratory Report /- BUENA VISTA ROAD-- -- -- Z rn SCALE IN FEET I 0 25 50 LEGEND KES ~ SOIL BORING BUENA VISTA ROAD TRUNK SEWER BUENA VISTA ROAD AND PANAMA LANE PROPOSED SEWER TRUNK LINE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA FIGURE 2 - PLOT PLAN ~. CENTER LINE HOLGUIN, Im'AHAN ar ASSOCIATES, INC. REVISION DATE: DECEMBER 29. 1998: RRI 0 HOLGUIN, FAHAN & TES. INC. I~NVI~:~ONMENT~I_ M~NAGI~MENT (~ONSLJLT~NT~ Mr. Frank R, Rosenlleb KES December 29, 1998 - Page 5 TABLE 1. SUMMARY OF SOIL SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS BUENA VISTA ROAD SEWER TRUNK LINE, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE' TRPH AS OIL TPH AS I ETHYL.,~ , SOURCE SAMPLED DEPTH ID AND GREASE GASOLINE BENZENE TOLUENEi BENZENE IXYLENES MTBE REF (fbg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (rog/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)I (mg/kg) (mg/kg) EPA ANALYTICAL METHOD 418.1 I 8015 (M) 8020 I N/A REPORTING LIMIT 10 10 0.005 0.005t 0.0151 0.015 0.02! N/A B-, 11-24-g8 20.5 !B-1-20.5' 127,600 990 0.18 ND 12t 17 ND A 11-24-98 22.5 B.-,-22.5' 59 3,500 7.9 ND 450J 79 ND A REF = Re x)rt reference. N/A = Not applicable. ND = Not detected. A = Holguin, Fahan & Associates, Inc.'s, current report. HOLGUIN. FAHAN & ASSOCIATES. INC. ENVII:~ONMENT~.I MANAGEMI~NT GONSIJ/TANTS Mr. Frank R. Rosenlieb KES December 29, 1998 - Page 3 i .... ~'-..,JZ'~~.'-~'''''~' r. ". '~.~,'"'; .... · .~.-L_~ ' ,,. ~% -~r~o., k ~ '~ -~'" · ~ , ~ · ,' ' . ~ .*~,~"' ' ~ Oil Tank ~ , .' . '. .... ~': ~ I ~ ~ .~ T~''' ~" .... "~ .... q ' ' ..4F ~C'~co' ~ '~ '~ ,o, ~, [~.-~ , ~ '-~ ~ . ~' .Zf~zTM ~ .~ ~ ~.. . , .. ~ . ~ ..~ ~-~ _ , <=~ ' 0,1 Tanks . * ~ ., :~" Z',: :~. ' , "' ~ · : 24 ' ' ~ ". , · .... '. SITE LOCATION , ,. · l ~ :,.," / ,, , . .-'> ~ .I;: .~ ~ ...:?- ~ ,. . ~C . /?. . . · [~ ,, LEGEND KES o o,s ~ ~mE ~ BUENA VISTA ~OAO T~UNK SEWEffi ~ ' ' ; ~ *'~ : ~ ~ ~ ~~ BUENA VISTA ROAD AND PANAMA ~ ~ ~ i~ ~ ~ ~ BAKEffiSFIELD, CALIFOffiNIA o o.s ~ ~LO~;~ FIGURE 1 - SITE LOCATION MAP us~s s;~,~o z.s ~;~UTE SEm;S aUdienCES~ ~O~, F~ ~ ~SOC~, ~C. FIOLGUI,N. F,,-XHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. I~NVIRONMENT~,L MAN~,GEMENT CONSLILT~,NTS ATTACHMENT 1. SOIL BORING AND SAMPLING PROCEDURES SOIL BORING AND SAMPLING PROCEDURES SITING Soil borings were positioned as noted In the report. TRUCK-MOUNTED DRILLING AND SOIL SAMPLING PROCEDURES Each soil boring was manually drilled for the first 5 feet to establish that the area was clear of subsurface structures. The soil borings were drilled with 8-inch-OD, hollow-stem augers to the depths noted in the report. During the drilling process, soil cuttings were continuously monitored in conformance with the monitoring procedures, and data was recorded on logs of exploratory borings by a state of California registered geologist. Soil samples were collected with a California-modified, split-spoon sampler at Intervals consistent with the work plan, unless a change in lithology was noted, in which case an additional sample was collected. The sampler was outfitted with 2.5-inch by 6-Inch stainless steel or brass sleeves. When the sample was withdrawn, the ends of the sleeve were covered with aluminium foil or TeflonTM tape followed by plastic caps. Sample preservation, handling, and transportation procedures were consistent with HFA's QA/QC procedures. SOIL BORING MONITORING PROCEDURES Cuttings from soil borings were continuously classified according to the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) and logged by a state of California registered geologist. Specific geologic and hydrologic information that was collected included stratigraphy (i.e., layer thickness, unit correlation, aquifer thickness, depth to groundwater, and confining units, if any), relative permeability, observed porosity, plasticity, moisture content, soil type, structure, size, and other features that could affect contaminant transport. Specific geologic and hydrologic information that was obtained during soil boring construction includes the following: · Stratigraphic characteristics: thickness, correlation of units, extent (horizontal and vertical) of aquifers and confining units. If any; · Observed porosity: · Volatile organic content; · Particle-size distribution; · Moisture content; · Plasticity; · Strength; · Mineral composition; · Depth to groundwater; · Soil type, structure, size; and · Distribution of soil type. Soil Bor'~'g and Sampling Procedures Page 2 The data was recorded on individual logs of exploratory borings, including observations regarding the types and quantities of waste materials encountered and any PID readings. This data was recorded on a standardized log sheet in the Field Log Book. Specific information that was recorded Is listed in Table 1, below. TABLE 1. SOIL BORING LOG INFORMATION GENERAL, · Project name · Soil boring name/number · Date started and finished · Geologist"s name · Driller"s name · Soil boring location; map and elevation · Rig type (bit size/auger size) · Petrologic lithologlc classification scheme used [Wentworth, USCS) · Sheet number INFORMATION COLUMNS · Depth · Sample location/number · PID or FID Reading · Gradation · Narrative description · Soil Classification NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION Geologic Observations - Soil/rock type - Color and stain - Gross petrology - Friability - Degree of weathering - Particle shape - Particle Size - Depositional structures - Bedding - Fossils - Moisture content - Formafional strike and dip - Organic content - Odor - Suspected contaminant - Discontinuities - Water-bearing zones Drilling Observations - Changes in drilling method ~ Readings from detection equipment (if any) - Drilling difficulties Advance rates or equipment rig chaffer Caving/hole stability - Amounts and types of any liquids used - Water levels Other Remarks - Equipment failures - Possible contamination - Deviations from drilling plan - Weather All field logs were typed and presented verbatim in an appendix of the report. The typed log of exploratory boring Is on a form identical to that used in the field log book. Each log of exploratory boring Includes a graphic log in which a symbol for each USCS soil group is included for each soil interval. Soil BorT~g and Sampling Procedures Page 3 DATA REDUCTION The data compiled from the soil borings has been summarized and analyzed. A narrative summary of the soil characteristics was also presented. The logs of exploratory borings were checked for the following Information: · Correlation of stratlgraphlc units among soil borings; · Identification of zones of potentially high hydraulic conductivity; · Identification of the confining formation/layer; · Indication of unusual/unpredlcted geologic features (fault zones, fracture traces, facies changes, solution channels, buried stream deposits, cross-cuffing structures, plnchout zones, etc.); and · Continuity of petrographic features such as sorting, grain-size distribution, cementation, etc. Soil boring locations were plotted on a properly scaled map. The purpose of each soil borlng/plezometer/monltoring well/pit/soil sample is indicated on the map. Depending on the results of this analysis, the soil stratigraphy of the site is presented in a scaled strafigraphic column (if soil stratigraphy is laterally homogeneous) or, more likely, In a scaled cross section or a fence diagram (if soil Is laterally heterogeneous). Specific features that may Impact contaminant migration (e.g., fault zones or Impermeable layers) are discussed in narrative form and supplemented with graphical presentations as deemed appropriate. DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURES Prior to each sampling episode, the sampling equipment was decontaminated using a non-phosphate soap and water wash, a tap water rinse, and lwo delonized water rinses. The drill string was decontaminated with a steam cleaner between each soil boring. The cuttings and sample spoils were used to backfill each soil boring to surface grade. [--~ HOLGUIN, FhHAN & ~TES, INC. ENVII::~ONM~NTAL MANAOI:::MI::NT CONSULTANTS ATTACHMENT 2. LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS LOG OF J-"] POT HOLE ~ SOIL BORING ['-J MONITORING WELL S^ur't~US~P~TY~E: -~,,,/,'/' 5'/ooo-c,, P~OJ~CT: ¢9'~.~,'r,'~-' ~",'$~"- ~'o~.,~ 7)-,,~,/< DRI..LJNGMETHO0: ,/'//o //o ~/ ~P,,,,'~ /'~C~,,/" DfllLL HOLE NUMBER: DRILLED BY: ,,"~,,,./~o.~,. ~::~.../ DESCRIPTION OF DRILL HOLE LOCATION: IOENTIFlCATION GRADATION DESCRIPTION AND SOIL CL&SSIFICATK)N , FAHAN & ASSOCIATES. INC. · 143 Soum Figuer0a S/..Ven~ut-a. CA g3001/80~-652..0219 LOG OF J"'"l POT HOLEct. mNT: ,,~,,&.~[~ SOIL BORING D MONITORING WELL O^T~: PREPA,q£O BY: ~'~,~ DRLLED BY: ,,'"~-~ ,,~u~ ~,,'/~',~-'"~ DESCRIPTION OF DriLL HOlE LOCATION: WEATHER COt'~ITIONS: ¢/e,,.~..~ ¢Oo/ mm I~ENTIFICAT1ON GRADATION DESCRIPTION AND SOIL C'L&~SIFICATtON ~ m ::1: ~ ~ 2. PARTICLE SIZE SHAPE, AND GRADATION CONSISTENCY. OOOf:L STAIN. - '- ~-: , · cr, n ~ ~ ,v~ r~ L c~,s HOLGUIN. FAHAN & ASSOCIATES. INC. · 143 ~u~ Fl~Je~'~>e St..Vm'~ura, CA ~JO0 ~:805-652~219 ~oo o~ r'l .oz.o.~ Er so,~ ~o.,.o F1 .o.~zo.,.~ w~ Ct.lENT: PREPA,qED BY: ~'~..,4., DRILLED BY: ,"~'~'~,,,/"~O,<,, DESCRIPTION OF DRU. HOLE LOCATION: WEATHER IOENTIFICATION GRADATION DESCRIPTION AND ~OIL CU~SIFICAT1ON ~,,,m ~' =: 's ~ ~' 2. PARTICLE SIZE, SHAPE, AND GRADATION CONSISTENCY. OOOR. STAIN. HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ENVIIqONMENTAL M~,N~,GI~ MENT ATTACHMENT 3. LABORATORY REPORT HOLGUIN. FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES 143 South Rgueroa Street · Ventura, California 93001 a (805) 652-0219 * FAX: (805) 652-0793 REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS December 17, 1998 Page 1 CLIENTz Analyzed By: N. Abadeer KEg Sampled By: K. Mitchell Units: rag/kg . Matrix: Soil PROJBCTx BUENA VISTA , Analysis Method: BTEX: EPA 8020 TPH: 8015-M r.ab No. CONCENTRATION OF TOTAL PBTROLBOM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) WITH BTEX DISTINCTION CONSTITUENT · . . TPH- TPH- Ethyl Total Percent Sample Dates Sampled, Gasoline Diesel Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes MTBB Surrogate No. Received end Tested RL RL RL RL RL RL RL Recovery 984248 B-l-20.! 984249 B-1-22.5 984250 B-1-24.5 984251 B-2-20.5 984252 B-2-22.5 984253 B-2-24.5 11/24/98 11/25/98 11/30/98 11/24/99 11/25/98 11/30/98 11124/98 11125/98 11130/98 11/24/98 11/25/98 11/30/98 11/24/98 11/25/98 11/30/98 11/24/98 11/25/98 11/30/98 990 .18 ND 12 17 10 .005 .005 .015 .015 ND 02 3500 7.9 ND 450 79 ND i0 .005 .005 .015 .015 02 2500 3.9 ND 33 52 ND 10 .005 .OOS .015 .015 02 2200 2.2 6.4 29 54 ND 187% 10 .005 .005 .015 .015 02 3200 8.8 6.7 37 91 ND 10 .005 .005 .OIS .015 02 10000 29 73 130 260 ND 165% lO .005 .005 .015 .015 02 984248, 984249, 984250, 984251, 984252 SURROGATE NOT RECOVERED DUE TO MATRIX INTERFERENCE RL · Reporting Limit (may vary with Dilution Factor) Lab Certification~ CAELAP 11878; 1/31/00 HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES December 09, 1998 C~-X~NTt PROJBCTt BU~AVISTA 143 South Rgueroa Street · Ventura. California 93(X)1 · (805) 552-0219 a FAX: (805) 552-0793 REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Page I Analyzed By: N. Abadeer Sanpled 8%,: K. Mitchell Units: rog/kg Matrix: Soil Analyses Method: ' TRPH: EPA 418.1 CONCENTRATION Off TOTA/a R~COVBRABLB PKTROLBUM HYDROCARBONB (TRPH) .... CONSTITUENT Lab Sample Dates Sampled, TRPH No. No. Received and Tested NRL 994249 B-1-20.5' 11/24/98 11/25/99 11/30/98 127600 10 984249 B-1-22.5' 11124/98 11125/98 11130/98 59 10 984250 B-1-24.5' 11/24/98 11/25/98 11/30/98 5700 10 984251 B-2-20.5' 11/24/98 11/25/98 11/30/98 4900 I0 984252 B-2-22.5' 11/24/98 11/25/98 11/30/98 1200 .i0 994253 B-2-24.5' 11/24/98 11/25/98 11/30/98 12500 I0 984248° 984249, 984250, 984251, 984252 SURROGATE NOT RECOVERED DUE TO MATRIX INTERFERENCE NRL · Method Reporting Limit ND · Not Detected at or above MRL Lab Certification: CAELAP 11878; 1/31/96 HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES INC. 2550 Eastman Ave., Unit 1, Ventura, CA 93003¥(805) 650-7750¥FAX (805) 650-6810 METHOD BLANK REPORI .REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS OC Balch ID · 'lnslrumenl ID ' Analysis Melhod · 12/8/98 Date Exlracled: Foxboro IR Dale Analyzed · 418. I Analyzed By ' 8-Dec-98 8-Dec-98 TIDK CONCENTRATION OF TOTAL RECOVERABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (trph) in mg/Kg (soil). mg/I (water) TRPH Lab Id. Matrix MRL METHOD Soil NC) BLANK 0.0 Analytes reported as ND were not present above the slaled limit of delection. : MRL = Melhod Reporting Limit ND -- Nol Detecled al or above MRL LAB CERI'IFICAI'ION: CAELAP # 1878; 1/31/98 Date.: Instrument: 8-Dec-98 IR TRPHCK.XLS Standard ID: Analyst: TRPH-12 Ted Karageorge Continuing Calibration Verification EPA' Method 418.1 Compound Ave. CF CF daily %RPD* FRPH 0.000878 0.001000 13.0 MUST BE < OR EQUAL TO 15% 12/8/98 1:45 PM IR HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES 2550 Eastman Ave., Unit 1, Ventura, CA 93003¥(805) 650-7750¥FAX (805) 650-6810 Sample ID: lab sample Date Extracted: 8-Dec-98. Lab No: ms / msd Date Analyzed: 8-Dec-98 Instrument ID: FoXboro IR Matrix: Soil Matrix Spike Worksheet TRPH by 418.1 Matrix Spike Results Compound Sample Matrix Spk. Spike Sol. Recovery Control Conc.(mg/Kg) Conc.(mg/Kg) Conc.(mg/Kg) (~Yo) Limits TRPH 0.00 501.0 400 125 44-150 Matrix Spike Duplicate Results Compound Sample Matrix Spk. Dup. Spike Sol. Recovery Control Conc.(mg/Kg) Conc.(mg/Kg) Conc.(mg/Kg) (%) Limits TRPH 0.00 456.0 '400 114 44-150 Average Recovery & RPD Data Compound Spike Matrix Spk. Dup Average %RPD Control Recovery Recovery Recovery Limits TRPH 125 114 120 9.40 <26 o HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES 2550 Eastman Ave.. Unit I. Ventura. CA 93003¥(805) 650-7750¥FAX (805) 650-6810 r~c Batch ID : ...'D: METHOD BLANK REPORT REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Date analyzed :1 lf30fl~8 MBW 1 lf30/98 Analized By :NHA NHA HP5890 GC-2 Analysis Method ~ EPA 607./8015M CONCENTRATION OF TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) WITH BTEX DISTINCTION ' .......... in mg/L (water) Lab No. TPH- Ethyl Total Client Gasoline MTBE Benzene Toluene Benzene 'Xylenes Sample ID. Matrix RL RL RL RL RL RL Method Blank Water ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.05 0.001 0.0003 0.0003 0.0006 0.0006 Volatile fuel hydrocarbonsare quantitated against a gasoline standard. Hydrocarbons detected by this method range from C4 to C12. Analytes reported as ND were not present above the state~ limit of RL = Method reporting Limit ND = Not detected at or above RL LAB CERTIFICATION: CAELAP #1878; lf.~lfl2000 Da~: Instrument: 23-Nov-98 HP 5~{90 GC-2 Standard ID: STL-120 Analyst: NHA Continuing Calibration Verification EPA Method 8020 Compound Ave. CF CF daily %RPD* AREA CONC. ng MTBE 1493 1348 10 809094 600 Benzene 7911 723( 9 4341323 600 toluene 6894 635~ 8 3813173 600 Ethylbenzene 4875 4947 1 2968123 600 m,p-Xylenes 7693 7529 2 4517457 600 o-Xylenes 5842 5710 2 3425933 600 4-BFB(Surr.) 4434 4259 4 1277699 30C *Must be less than or equal to 15. 11/22/g8 12 16 PM HP 5890 Purge Trap GC-2 Date: .. Instrument: 23.Nov-98 -- HP 5890 GC-2 Standard ID: MV-058 Analyst: NHA Continuing Calibration Verification EPA Method 8015 Modified Area ,?,onc. 7.23E+07 4C Compound Ave. CF CF daily %RPD* IWPH as 1860844 180723C 3 Gasoline Must be less than or equal to 15. 11/22/98 12'19 PH H P 5890 Purge Trap HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, IN( ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES 255{) Eastman Ave., Unit !, Vcntura, CA 93003Y(805) 650-7750YFAX (805) 650-68 QA/QC MATRIX SPIKI'.VMATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE WORKSI-[EET REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESLrLTS Std 1D : STL- 120 Analyst: TDK T,ab No: 984235 Date Analyzed: 30-Nov-98 Instrument 1D: HP 5890 GC-2 Matrix.: SOIl, Analysis Method: EPA 8020 Dilution Factor: 1 Matrix Spike Results Sample Matrix Spk. Spike Sol. Cone. Cone. Cone. Recovery Control Compound ug/Kg ug/I<g ug/Kg (%) Limits MTBE 0.0 24.0 20 , 120' 27-158 Benzene 0.0 21.0 20 105 49-150 Toluene 0.0 23.0 20 115 44-157 Ethylbenzene 0.0 26.0 20 130 46-139 m,p-Xylenes 0.0 25.0 20 125 32-146 o-Xylene 0.0 27.0 20 135 26-167 i:;i.-}. Matrix Spike Duplicate Results Sample Matrix Spk. Spike Sol. Cone. Dupl. Cone. Cone. Recovery Control .,.Compound ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg (%) Limits M'rBE 0.0 22.0 20 110 27-158 Benzene/:. 0.0 .... ' ' 22.0 20 110 ' 49-150 Toluene ...... ~:e.~:.:~:',,--..,i '0.0 .<?.'.-7 '- 24.0 ..... :. 20:.:.~< ~i~.-: 120 ,: ...... 44-15'~ Ethylbenzene'...~.,~ ~ 0.0.:~.? '-'.?? 20:==a 140· 46-139 .. '. · ', --~: 28.0--~=~;- ~':~":' ~.~. .... . m,'p-Xylenes ......... -~. :~:~. o.o.;c;;L: ...?.5~i~~ 28.0~.%:~.,: :,...L,:.., 20.../-:.: ,-' 140 · ....: . · 32-146 .- 5-Xyle'n'd~}~ I~i. 0.0l, iagdJ; .~:,'° ..... . .... --. · 26-167...:: .... ~-~,~ 30.0" :':' 20 -.':;"~:'~ :'.=:::::L'-.::"'. 150:: ": ':{'~:.::':.'5'.:.:-'~'.:X.; SPike . Dupi'.-': Averag~ Control Compound Recovery ' Recovery"~ Recovery .%RPD '::' ' Limits M'l'13E'~'~:'s:'r'~'~ '.~- 120 .. : 110 115 9 <27 Benzene,-.' ....... 105 ~" 110 108 5 <23 Toluene' ";-:.".", ...... '~='=:' 115 '.:' ': ', · 120 118 4 <27 Ethylbenzene .... "" 130 ..... 140 135 7 .. <25 m,p'Xylenes ,~ :.. .... 125. 140 133 11 <23 o-Xylene:'''~'r''''°' ".~' 135 .... ..... · 150.,.: 143 11 <22 RFD = P, elative PerbS/iit Difference LAB CERTIF. ICATION:'~ C ,.A~.~LAP. #1,878; CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORI Page__ / ol / Client Name ~ Project Name.; . ' Client Contact/Phone No. !Send report to: CONTRACT CODE ,~ ~:~,~ q.,~ "~('/~:~OA"~ '"¢"~'~T'~' Holguin, Fahan & Associates, Inc. Sampler's Name., Sa~~ Date Analyses Requested . 3157 Pegasus Ddve Bakersfield. CA 93308 Sample ~; · Matrix(soil,': Other Information No. and .~, r.~ ~~-- ,~ SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS HFA. Oale Time ground water,. (e.g., sampling location, depth, Type of ~ ~ ~.~; (i.e., turnaround ,me. e,c.) Sample # Sampled Sampled air. water) ~. soil bodng or MW/lt. etc.) Containers ~~-,-,~;t.s ,~¢~ ' cc 7.? $ x '~ z~-;z-,lo.s' ~o~:~ c/, Z.3' / ~' ~' .~ou,..o o,~,?._~ ~,~,~ ..~-~-~,./.s' i ,,o,~,/ ~.... W z. S.--~,_i~ x~ ~ []rn'°'""'"'~u"~' ,_~ ~,,,,o~.~s,.,.  see reverse for required detechon hm~s SAMPLE RECEIPT sample S~a, ~.~ac~ ~ [] ' ~ Sample Condi~on A,c~eptable Sa. topi° Temperature Ap~opdate [] ~_; ~ PRESERVATIVE ADDED'> ...... '"'-~. I:iZ'~° I-I yo, All samplos $1ored ovemighl al HFA ai'e ' :.' ~ rel~geralod al 4°C. Samples are Iran.sported Io the laboralory in coolers tilled wilh Blue tceTM · ' ~ storageDeliveredont° HFA's relrigerator lot lemporary "' '~'~.~. (Inilials) Relinquished Blt: (Signa~r~/Organiza~3n) Da~,,;ne :(j?~'./~. ~ece/ve8 By: (Signalure/Organlzallon) ' DJlle/TIn~o :.:: :':~ !.!,~? , :. .",.~ Br. (s~,~o,~.,..~.) O,ten'~;. ~:i~, !i:; ii' ~.~ ~ B~.. (s~g..~.~o,g..~..,o.) o.~.rn,~o ,.~,,,~, s~,,~.t H-.-.,. ~,,o: Return sample(s)/cooler to: Holguln,.Fahan & Associates, Inc. · 3157 Pegasus Ddve, Bakersfield, Calitornia, 93308 · (805) 391-0517 · FAX # (805) 391-0826