HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK FIRE DEPARTMENT 'R. E. HUEY' HAZ MAT cooRDINATOR CITY of BAKERSFIELD 2130 G STREET .BAKERSFIELD, 93301 .326-3979 De'e ember '~ i 198Z Baker-Dickey~ p 0 Box 10~2 Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr' Baker I am returning your Hazardous Material. Han41ing Fee Invoice because you will need to .properly pay your. $150 annual Hazardous Materials Handling Fee. The State of Ca. lifor~ia has defined Hazardous Materials so as to include .Crude Oil. Therefore, BakerrDickey does in fac~ handle Hazardous. Material. By your records you handle th%s material in auantities uD to 10,500 ~allons at a 'time. This fee is based on i. that ~ua'ntit'Y of C~ude Oil' and is therefore due and. pa~abie.to the local Administ'erin~' Agency of Calif~rnia. A. B. 218.5 .., Ci't'y.of Bakersf 'eld; ,'.,, ' / · RE!t/em '.. , . ,. · " BAKERSFIELD, CA 9S301 (805) :326-3979 -- ' , OFFICIAL USE ~9~5~L'~ BUS INESS. N~d4E. HA.Z ARDOUS MATERI ALS BUSINESS· PLAN AS A WHOLE FORM 2A INSTRUCTIONS: 1. To avoid further action, return this fo~m by 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below f0r the business as a whole. 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA A. BUSINESS NAME: Baker-Dickey (Tenneco Lease) B. LocATIoN / STREET ADDRESS: NW Corner of I~eaney and Pat'ton way · Mailing: P. O. Box 1032. ' CITY: Bakersfield ZIP: 93302 BUS.PHONE: (805) 589-0910 SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS In case of an emergency involving the release or threatened release of a hazardous material, call 911 and 1-800-852-7550 or 1-916-427-434t. This will notify your local fire department and the State Office of Emergency Services as required'by law. EMPLOYEES TO NOTIFY IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: ,NAME AND TITLE A. :gAme6 NO EMPLOYEES DURING BUS. HRS.. PhS ,~"q-0910. Ph# sEcTION 3: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS FOR BUSINESS AS A WMOLE - AFTER· BUS, HRS. $7 -Iq q A. NAT. GAS/PROPANE: B. ELECTRICAL: ~T C, WATER: D..SpEp!Ab: E. LOCK BOX: YEs / NO IF YES, LOCATION: 'IF YES, DOES IT CONTAIN SITE PLANS? FLOOR. PLANS? YES / NO YES / NO ' MSDSS? YES ].,NO KEYS? YES / NO SECTION 4: PRIVATE RESPONSE TEAM FOR BUSINESS AS A wHoLE SECTION 5: LOCAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL'ASSISTANCE FOR YOUR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE Mercy Hospital 'SECTION 6: EMPLOYEE TRAINING NO EMPLOYEES EMPLOYERS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A PROGRAM WHICH PROVIDES E~PLOYEES WITH INITIAL AND REFRESHER TRAINING IN THE FOLLOWING.AREAS. CIRCLE YES OR NO INITIAL~ REFRESHER' A. METH0~' FOR SAFE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS:...' .................................... YES NO YES NO B. PROCEDURES FOR COORDINATING ACTIVITIES WITH RESPONSE AGENCIES: .......................... YES NO YES NO C. PROPER USE OF SAFETY EQUIPMENT: .................. YES NO YES NO D. EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES: ............ '.~ ....' YES NO ~YES NO E'. DO YOU MAINTAIN EMPLOYEE TRAINING RECORDS: ....... YES NO YES NO SECTION ?: HAZARDOUS MATERIAL CIRCLE YES OR NO DOES YOUR BUSINESS HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IN QUANTITIES LESS THAN 500 POUNDS OF~ SOLID, 55 GALLONS OF A LIQUID, OR 200 CUBIC FEET OF A COMPRESSED GAS: ...... YESN~,NO~ I',, James E. Baker , certify that the above information is accurate.. I understand that this information will be used to fulfill my firm's obligations under the new California Health and Safety code on Hazardous Materials (Div. 20 Chapter 6.95 Sec. 28800 Et Al.) and that inaccurate information constitutes perjury. TITLE ~/~f DATE ~ /~ /~7 'BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT. · 2130 "G ..... STREET BAKERSFIELD,'CA 93301 BUSI~NESS NAME: OFFICIAL USE.ONLY ID# 'BUSINESS PLAN SING'nE FACILITY UNIT FORM'3A INSTRUC'TIONS ' .1. To-~avoi. d further action, this form must be ~returned by: 2. TYPE/PRINT YOUR ANSWERS' IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the q~uestions below .for THE FACILITY UNIT LISTED BELOW 4.~-Be'.as BRIEF and:CONCISE as possible. FACILITY UNIT# 1 FACILITY UNIT NA-ME: Baker-Dickey (Tenneco Lease) SECTION 1: MITIGATION, PREVENTION, ABATEMENT PROCEDURES This facility and Spill sump is surrounded by a dirt 'berm for containment. SECTION 2: NOTIFICATION A_ND EVACUATION PROCEDbqlES AT THIS b~YIT ONLY · SECTION 3: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS·FOR THIS UNIT ONLY A. Does this Facility Unit contain Hazardous Materials?........, NO If YES see B. If NO, continue with SECTION 4. B.-Are any of the hazardous materials a bona fide Trade' secret YES If NO,. complete a separate hazardous materials inventory -.form marked: NOS-TRADE SECRETS'0SBY (white If Yes, comP!ere a hazardous materials inventory form marked: TRABE SECRETS 0NL¥ (yellow form #4A-2) in addition to the non-trade secret form. List only the trade secrets on form 4A-2. SECTION'4: PRIVATE .FIRE PROTECTION SECTION $: LOCATION OF WATER SUPPLY FOR USE BY EMERGENCY RESPONDERS Fire hydrant located at the NE corner'of~'MeaneY Avenue-and Patton Way. SECTION 6: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS AT THIS UNIT ONLV. A. NAT. SAS./PROPAN~} B. ELECTRICAL: C. WATER: D. SPECIAL: E. LOCK BOX: YES / NO IF YES, LOCATION: iF YES, SITE pLANS? FLOOR PLANS? YES / NO YES / NO MSDSs? KEYS? YES / NO YES / NO 3B - BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT FORM 4A-1 NON--TRADE SECRETS HAZARDbUS ~ MATERI ALS INVENTORY Page "' of BUSINESS NAME: Baker-Dickey OWNER NAME: Same FACILITY UNIT #: 1 ADDRESS: P. 0. Box 1032 ADDRESS: FACILITY UNIT NAME~enneco Lease CITY, ZIP: Rmk~rgfi~!d; ~a 93D02 CITY,ZIP: PHONE ~: 805 5892~910 PHONE #': [OFFICIAL USE CF. IRS CODE { ONLY I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TYPE MAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS % BY HAZARD D.O.T CODE AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT WT. CHEMICAL OR COMMON NAME CODE GUIDE ~P 250 15oo Bbl 2 99 NW Crnr Meaney & 10~@ Crude'Oil --~ W 60 60 Bbl 2 99 Same 100 Produced Water NAME J.E. Baker TITLE: Partner SIGNATURE: DATE:'10-15-67 EMERGENCY CONTACT: J. E. Baker TITLE: Partner PHONE # BUS HOURS: 589-0910 , ,~ AFTER BUS HRS: 871-1944 EMERGENCY CONTACT: TITLE: ~ PHONE # BUS HOURS: PRINCrPAL BUSINESS. ACTIVITY: AFTER BUS. HRS: 4A-1 - ROSEDALE groundwater resources, inc. envimnmental/geotechnical services PROJECT NUMBER: 2311-3 KERN COUNTY AIRPORT NO. I IWAY ROSEDALE ,: ;'. · PLAT~ PROPERTY ASSESSMENT PARCEL B PATTON wAy · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 1 .................. L~OCXT'iON MAP · MALETA COURT N ~'~Pri~ location: 500 gallon crude oil : . ~J und~lp, otmd storage tank T' ' (removed 12-18-~0) ,, 14 COMPOSITE/CONFIRMATION ?~' { SAMPLE LOCATIONS KREBS ROAD fence . · ARB YARD groundWater resources, inc. environmental/geotechnical services '-PROJECT-NUMBER:--2311-3 FRUITVALE PROPERTIES= , pLATE Parcel B - PATTON WAY~ "i' ' '" : 2 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ............ ~: ..... PL-OTPL~AN ~ ~ MALETA_ .COURT , . OPEN LAND Residential) ........ N off field.transl.- Hn~s " - .: ' ~--~'-':-. (removed 2-11-91)) EXcavation Area ~-'.--. ' ~' :?::~.i~'!~ Crude OH Impacted Soil ~_~ "~':' :~ (removed 1-28-91 ~-'-'-'-- "~ ~ ": - SOIL SAMPLE LOCATIONS GS-2 & GS-6 & Tank · -' " ~i~r~Priorlocation: 500gallon'cmdeoi] tmdergrotmd storage tank  (removed 12-18-90) 75~ [ SAMPLE LOCATIONS B 0A' ' KREBS ROAD (UnimproVed) = fence ARB YARD groundwater resources, inc. environmental/geotechnical services · PROJECT NUMBER: 2311-3 FRUITVALE PROPERTIES ' Parcel B - PATTON WAY. BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. ......... : ................. '. PLOTPLAN ................. ~ PLATE '-N .., · . . . ~ ...... ~' ~ -~ ~- : ·OPEN .-;~ . '' .'" ' , ' ' . .' ;.'." ' , }' '. ~.-'-?",-, .~71,' ~. .... .;.. : -'. · · . , :. · . - '.- ./'". , , · :.. ... .. ,.: ..- . , . ' , . .....-; groundwater resources, inc. cnVironmentaVgeotcchnical services PROJECT # 900-3 PROPERTY ASSESSMENT ,'.; P~E .......... p__ARC~LB_p~_T~_?__NWAY ........ ' .':' "'{.i ; BAIOgRSFI~LD, CALIFORNIA PLOT pL~ , . , . HAZARDOUS PEri TTI NG /~TI VI TY DATE I ACTIVITY ' ;iATAROOUS~ MATERI AL5 MANAGEMENT DATE i ACTIVITY.. "' i INITIALS ,I "~' T.-/&~.,./T' ~ . ~ ..~/~' ' I _._- .I TIME ... i KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT INVESTIGATION RECORD ADDRESS RANDALL L. ABBOTT DIRECTOR DAVID PRlC£ BI ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Environmental Health ~nfice~ Department ~ McCa'! ! Fy, REH$, DIRECTOR Air Pollution Control District Wll./JAM J. RODDY, Planning & Development Setvice~ Del~'tment TED JAMES, AICP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT February 28, 1991 Fruitvale Properties P. O. Box 3006 Newport Beach, CA '92663 RE: Closure of One (1) Underground Hazardous Substance Storage Tank Located at Patton Way and Krebs Road in Bakersfield, California. ' Permit # A1355-05/050147 ~ .- Ladies and Gentlemen: This is to advise you that this Department has reviewed the project results for the preliminary assessment associated with the closure of the tank noted above. Based upon the sample results submitted, this Department is satisfied that the assessment is complete. Based on current requirements and policies, no further action is indicated at this time. It is important to note that this letter does not relieve you of-further responsibilities mandated under the California Health and Safety Code and California Water Code if additional o[. previously unidentified contamination at the subject site causes or threatens to cause pollution or nuiSance or is found to pose a significant threat to public health. Changes in the present or proposed land use may require further assessment and mitigation of potential., public health impacts. In this vein you should contact the Regional Water Quality ControI.Bo.~td. to determine if further assessment or remediation is necessary for unrelated crude oil surface contamination and miscellaneous buried pipelines found in the area of this underground storage tank. ~ Thank you for your cooperationoin this matter. Sincerely, BP:cas ........... ;~- Regiona. I Water Quality Control BOard Groundwater Resources, Inc., 5400 Aldrin Ct., Bakersfield, CA 93313 \fruitval.ltr · 2700 "M', STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 Brian Pitts Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program (805) 861-3636 ' FAX: (805). 861-3429 · -RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY ~ Environmental'Health Se~ices Department RANDALL L. ABBOTT STEVE McCALLEY, REHS, DIRECTOR DIRECTOR ~ - Air Pollut~n Con~rot D~tnct i DAVID PRICE III W~LU~.M j. RODDY; APCO ASSISTANT DIRECTOR " ........ Planning & Development Sen/ices Department ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT February 21, 1991 California Regional Water Quality Control Board 3614 E. Ashlan Avenue Fresno, CA 93726 Attention: Jong Hah Date of Report: February 8, 1991 Narration By: Terr~ L. Gray, Hazardous Materials Inspector I ~ Kern County Department of Environmental Health Krebbs Road, between Patton and Fruitvale Bakersfield, CA Location of Inspection: Contact Person: Tom Mele, Groundwater Resources, Inc. Narration: On January 25, 1991, Tom Mele, of Groundwater Resources, Inc., called our office and indicated that the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board' would like a representative of the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department to oversee a crude oil cleanup at the site noted above. On January 28, 1991, I arrived, at the site at approximately 2:20 p.m. A large'~amount of 'crude contaminated Soil had already been excavated. The soil had been piled' adjacent to the area where a crude oil underground storage'tank had been removed two weeks previously. · A tractor was in the process of ripping up plastiC piping that was buried approximately four feet below the surface. Mr. Mele related to me that the gathering pipes had been discovered that day during the excavation of the crude contaminated, soil and that their existence was previously unknown to him or his client. As the tractor continued to rip up the plastic piping, .very small amounts of.water and crude oil were released from the piPes. The tractor dug up a 20 - 30 f~)~t-~ct/On~Ofth'e pipeS;-~At that Point:th(~ 'operator' ~as 'uri~ble--tb-pUll.up more piping. I 'discussed with Mr.' Mele that he should call Our office when he was ready to continue excavation of the site with a backhoe. I then left the site. r California Regional Water QualitY Control Board February 21, 1991 Page 2 ~ On January__31,--1991~ I--calledMr~-Mele.-He indiCated-thatthe~ developer- (his"client)~' ~s going to pull the remaining piping. He said that the piping is gathering lines that went to old oil" wells that have been destroyed. The developer is the DeWalt Company and the contact person is Steve DebranCh. He stated Groundwater Resources Inc. (GRi) would have no further involvement with the 'project. ,,,~ ! If you haVe any questions, you may contact me at (805) 861-3636 extension 582. .i ~ Sincerely, ' TG:cas Terry Gray Hazardous Materials Inspector I Hazardous Materials Management Program \crwqcb.ltr RESNA/GR( qDWATER' RESOURCES, INC. Working to Restore Nature January.15, 1991 -~. ... .,3614 E. Ashlan Avenue ii .:,. :.-, ~..i. :L~:i;~,resno, Califomia 93726 ..... · -i:~-.?-i' i!''':~':t ': . ,c:T', . ~ ' ...... MAILING ADDRESS: P. O. BOX9383, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389 (805) 835-7700 FAX (.805) 835-7717 -' northwest until they trended off the property. The land deVeloper (Dewalt Corporation 805-871-4302) removed the remaining tubing on the adjacent parcels. There were no signs. ,: ................... 2o£discolored soilsidentified around the tubingat4he,site.- .... -r- The Fmitvale Properties site located on the north east comer of Patton Way Krebs Road was once a crude oil storage facility operated by the Ancora Verde. Oil Company. · ... . .'The parcel is presently vacant land that is tentatively planned to' be paved and used as a · , parking lot by the adjacent ARB Construcaon Company. Thzs lot will also act as a buffer ,: .- ........ :..: -. zone between a planned residential area located immediately north of thc ARB facility. The results of a proPerty assessment Performed at the site in the latter part of 1990 indicated that an area measuring approximately 85 feet (north to south) by 75 feet (cast to west) by 18 inches in depth was impacted by surface spills of crude oil. The soils in question (approximately 200 cubic yards) were excavated with a front end loader on January 28, 1991, stockpiled on the south west corner of the parcel and covered with heavy gauge p!astic. ' Composite samples were retrieved from every 50 cubic yards of excavated soils. The character of the excavated soils follows: 50 cubic yards of crude oil with soil; 50 cubic yards of stained soil; and 100 cubic yards of hen s~ned soils containing an oily odor, The composite samples were analyzed for volatile halogenated organics using EPA Methods 5030/8010 and volatile aromatics using EPA Methods 5030/8020 as suggested by the Regional Water Quality Con~Xol Board (RWQCB). The results of the analyses indicated that no major amounts of these constituents were identified in.the soft samples. -.--.- .~ ' -,' : 5-.r · Confirmation - composite samples were also taken from the excavation base:' .The excavation was divided into four (4) quadrants and a composite sample was retrieved from each quadrant as indicated on Plate 2. These samples were analyzed for total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbons using EPA Method 418.1. The results of the analyses indicated that no major amounts of these constituents'were identified in the soil samples.. ", :. :i';i Several sections of PVC tubing (crude oil and produced water transfer, lines)' were unearthed from the northeast comer of the parcel. These lines were followed to the Mr. Jong Hah~'~: Regional. Water Quality Control Board January. 15, 1.991 Page T. wo" ........ ' .... ': ...................... 'The-l-a~t ~le~el°per is tentatively planning to use ~he excavated soils as road material mix · . (the adjacent·street - Patton Way is presently being extended). This form of soil : -...' '- recycling/disposal .is recommended 'becauSe there were no major constituent levels· · identified in the samples, there is no perched.water present in the immediate area, and the . "' ·' "'~i~depth to the fu-st unconfined aquifer is approximately i00 feet.below grade (based on Kern i'-~I :-~.-i~ ~?~· County Water AgencY data). The soils should be thoroughly mixed prior to being bound Thomas A. Mele Project Geologist TAM/tcle cc: Ten3, Gray, Kern County Health Department Bonnie Godfrey - Fmitvale Properties Enclosures: Plate 1 Plate 2 Soil Sample Analyses Chain of Custody Laboratory Client Name:Groundwater Resources Inc. Address :P. O.Box 9383 Baker s f ie!cL~Ca ................... _~ -Date samples received :1-30-91 ,ID: C-1 stockpile Benzene ".' .'. ' : .. ii:~i"i'i;...-' Toluene . ~:, Ethylbenzene :': ' p-Xylene m-Xylene '0-Xylene- .Isopropylbenzene Styrene .'..'-..~ n-Propylbenzene t~Butylbenzene s-Butylbenzene 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene n-Butylbenzene 2,3-Benzofuran Chlorobenzene. 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,3- Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.005 0.005 ~ND 0.006 0.005 ND 0.008 ND ND ND ND ND Method of Analysis: EPA 5030/8020 MDL= Minimum Detection Level ugm/gm = ~icrograms per gram (ppm) ND = None. detected Analytical Chemist 3~155 Pegasus Drive · Bakersfield, CA 93308 · P.O. Box 80835 · Bakersfield, CA 93380 * O. O05 '0'00~ : 005 . i.."' :io 005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.OO5 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 · (805) 393~3597 FAx (805)393-3623 RESULTS" OF ANALYSIS ~ 524 ID: C-2 stockpile ugm/gm MDL,ugm/gm Benzene 0.006 ' 0.005- 9-Xylene 0. 005 ':-: 0. 005 -m-X~lene - o- ~y I ene ~'.- -Isoproppylbenzene ND Chlorobenzene .c. ~ ::":'~i<:" ND ' ~' :~ 0'. 005 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 0 ..005 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 0. 005 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ~n ~ :a an~ ~ 525 :ID: C-3 stockpile Ugm/gm MDL,ugm/gm Benzene . ND 0. 005 Toluene ND 0. 005 Ethylbenzene ND 0. 005 9-Xylene ~ 0. 005 m-Xy~en~ ~D 0. 005 o-Xylene ND 0. 005 IsopropTIbenzene ND 0. 005 StYrene. ' ND 0 '005 n-Propylbenzene 0.006 0. 005 g-Butylbonzena 0. 006 0. 005 s-Butylbenzene ~. 0. 005 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 0. 005 n-Butylbenzene ND 0 005 2,3-Bonzofuran ND 0. 005 Ch~or~benzone ~D 0. 005 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 0. 005 1,3-D~hlorobonzeno ND 0. 005 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 0. 005 RESULTS~OF ANALYSIS 526 -=Toluene ~ '~ ~..Ethylbenzene ID: C-4 stockpile ' ugm/gTM Benzene · .. .. :. '~...3..:: ~ 'ND · :i~[~?(::. ~3/,Ji~!'. 0.0 0 5 .0 0 5 .005 Stan Comer AnalytiCal chemist SMC "' Laboratory · Client' Name: Groundwater Resources Address : P.0.Box 9383 ,. · 'Bakersfield Ca. Inc. Analytical Chemistry :Date .Samples Received .: ..,.D'ate Analysis Completed: -~te of Report .:- 1-30-91 2-08-91 2-12-91' Chloroethane 2-Chloroethylviny1 ether '~ "' :"-~' . !. ~'~ 'Chloroform i-.{ ._, · ~ ~:" Chloromethane < .... ."," -.....,~ '-'~'.'i~'.DibromoChlo~omethane .Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,-1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene trans-l,2-Dichl6roethene 1;2-Dichloropropane cis-l,3-Dichloropropene trans-l,3-Dichloropropene Methylene chloride .1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ~ Tetrachloroethene 't--,1,1-Trichloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Trichloroethene Trichlorofluoromethane Vinyl chloride Method of Analysis: EPA 5030/8010 ugm/gm = micrograms per gram (ppm) PQL = Practical Quantitation Level ND = None Detected . ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND' ND ND ND ND 0.15 ND 0.82 0.25 0.10 0.30 0.49 0.32 ·0.44 0.34 '0.3 0.58 0.32 .0.69 0.35 0.41 0.40 0.34. 0.82. 0,50 S ome. · Analytical Chemist - 3155 Pegasus Drive · Bakersfield, CA 99308 ' P.O. Box 80835 · Bakersfield, CA 93380 · · (805) 393-3597 FAX (805) 393-3623 .RESULTS OF ANALYSIS~ 524 ID: C-2 stockpile 1,2-Dichloroethane '"~'?:'"':"': 1,1-Dichloroethene trans-l,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane cis-l,3-Dichloropropene :'"-~(i:.. 'trans-l,3-Dichloropropene Methylene chloride 1,1,2,2-Tetraehloroethane Tetrachloroethene 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Trichloroethene T~ichlorofluoromethane Vinyl chloride Stan Comer 'Analytical .Chemist 'ND ND ND, ND 'ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 'ND ND 0.69 0.35 0.41 0.40 0.34 0.82 0 50 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS · ~ ~'~ · ~ 525 ..... ~-~::"-"Cl3' stockpile ugm/gm PQL,ugm/gm .. Bromodichloromethane ND Bromoform..; ~,~.'-.. ~-. · Bromomethane · . · . .~ ~?,_ . Carbon tetrachlori.de .... iND '"(f ' Chloroethane '.-~ ..':' · +%f~'[- 2'Cloroethylvinyl ether '" '" ' · Chloromethane' ::~-~/::-~:-. ' "'[ "~-' :/~:-ND ~-~('.~:[~.~:'0.10 ... Dichlorodifluoromethane -, : :.: .... :J'.,.ND ~ :.:.::~::. ....... .-.~.::/.q:'./0..i0 1., 2-Dichloroethane ND 1,2-DichlOropropan~ ND frans-1,3-Dichloropropene '::: : ND :[?:':-[~:':~::~ :'0.58 ' '" Methylene chloride ND ' 0.32 '-. '::'q~%.:::.-';'. :;["t':':':t::"' 1,1', 2,2-Tetraehloroethane ND 0.69 :.. · .. ..' 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 0.41 · 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 0 40 Trichloroeth~ne ND 0.34 .'. '.' '-' :" t::~. Trichlorofluoromethane -.ND 0.82 " - Vinyl chloride ND 0.50 Stan Comer Analytical Chemi st % ' - '-.~ :...' /F-."~, oo RESULTS OF ANALYSIS . ~':.. · Bromodichloromethane ND . 0.40 Bromoform · ~ '~ ,. ND -......~,'~ 1..1 Bromomethane" " " ' .... 'ND :':' "'v:.: ' ",~-0.1 5 ?'> Carbon tetrachloride " '" "-ND ". · 33 ~.. Chloroethane .. : ...., ',:.:~ _::,. ,~- ::- 0.15 82 10 50 -L '-Dichlorodtfluoromethane · .--"i~'ND 1,1-Dichloroethane :. . "i.~' ~'~"ND 1,2-Dichloroethane" .. '~.ND 1,1-Dichloroethene ND trans-l,2-Dichloroethene ND 1,2-Dichloropropane ND cis-l,3-Dichloropropene -ND · ' trans-1,.3-Dichloropropene '~.i...':-: ~. :ND Methylene chlOride 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene 1,1,1-Trich!oroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Trichloroethene Trichlorofluoromethane Vinyl chloride "ND ND ND ND 'ND ND. ND Analytical Chemist :' ":" 0~49 '0.32 0.44 . .. 0]34 "::. -' 0 34 · ~::': ':':"'! '-.'J~/: 0 · 5 8 "0.32 0.69 0.35 0.41 0.40 0.34 0.82 0.50 GROUNDWATER RESOURCES INC. . ' A RESNA OomJ'Pany 'REcOR ':~ "?:!~' i}~' } ~ ? Tele-Fax: ,835-7717 '-' i CHAIN OF CUSTODY D "" '"' i: ',~ · ,~Tel_ephone: (805)835-7700- jr · LAB,, DESTINATION:ii PROJECT NUMBER: c~.~'//-_'~ . ' "" ' ;i' '!'i' ' ' · 'i ' -:-- ,.- - ~ P.O. NUMBER . .~,,/~o ~ PROJECT CONTACT: , SAMPLER(S)~ (Si E COUNTY: z,~',d ,, . zn. , . LA~ SAMPLE 0 ANALYSIS SAMPLE CONTAINER NUMBER NUMBER DATE TIME SAMPLE LOCATION ~ o z · 0 ':~ ":: REQUESTED '. TYPE TYPE ~. ~ ~.: . ii~ _<.' ~_ q ¢-~ ,,;.~.. ~,~ //...~o , · '{ ,, .; ,, -, . :, .. ~ ":: ' ~ ., ,?:; I ,;, .: ' / 1. Relinquished by:. 1. Relinquished by: - j CCR '(Rev 7/90) · Date/Time: " ReCeived bY:. Dale/Time:. Received bY:. WHITE: LABORATORY PINK: ' ','Date/Time: Dale/Time: ' .: !i'~ SMC" Laboratory Analytical chemistry Client Name: Groundwater Resources, Inc. Address: 1500 South Union Avenu~ BakerSfield, CA 93307 Date Samples Received : 1-30291 Date Analysis Completed: 2~01-91 Date of Report : 2-01-91 A~tn: Mr. Thomas A. Mele .... Project' Name: -Kern~-- .Project ~ : 2311-3' RESULTS OF ANALysis Sample 527 528 529 53O ',ID A B- C 'D TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS '(Oil and Grease) uqm/qm 56. 46. 55. 41 MDL~ uqm/qm 6.0 6.0 Method of Analysis: '418.1 ND = None Detected ugm/gm = micrograms per gram MDL = Minimum Detection-Limit A~la Herren Laboratory Director 3155 Pega.sus Drive P.O. Box 80835 · Bakersfield, CA 93308 Bakersfield, CA 93380 · (805) 393-3597 FAX (805) 393-3623 ~i Bakemfield, California GROUNDWATER RESOURCES INC. A RESNA Co~npany CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD i. iTelephone: (805) 83~7700 DESTiNATiON .... · , , LAB : PROJECT NUMBER: c,~//'.~ , "~"~? ~-' P.O. NUMBER~ _~-/--a/~ ~ z ~ PROJECT CoI~rACT: SAMPLER(S)i (Signature) ~ _O -- 'i ' LAB ! SAMPLEoO ~z ANALYSIS ; SAMPLE, CONTAINER NUMBER ! NUMBER DATE TIME-- SAMPLE LOCATION-..- REQUESTED i TYPE TYPE SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: sAMpLE HAZARDS: ~ :. POSSIBLE 1. Relinquished:by': 1. Relinquished'by: 1: Relinquished:by: CCR(Rev 7FjO) /'>'.-vt' Daterrime: · t~'Received by:. ~,,~. Received by:. Received b~. Datefl~m~: DateJ~m~! Dare. me WHITE: LABORATORY PINK:. JOBRLE YELLOW:- SAMPLE TRIp ' FILE CONTENTS SUMMARY RESNA/GRO ' ".'2ATER RESOURCES, INC. Working to Restore Nature 15°0 SO. UNION AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93307 February 18, 1991 ": "': ..... "'~ ~fi0n~ soft staple Was ~en at ~e above ~ferenced fac~ ~der ~ ' . .'~. Te~ Gray of yo~ dep~ent on J~u~ 28,1991. ~e staple was ~en at a dep~ "' ,--}; of appm~mately 13 feet below ~& ~nea~ ~e vic~ of ~e prior ~ b~e. · staple was contorted ~ a glass j~, se~ed wi~ a teflon coated cap, c~Bed, '~d ' benmne, toluene, e~ylben~ne, m~'xylenes, ~d tot~ pe~olem hy~bons ~o~e) "':::":-:- u~g EPA Me~ 8020 ~d off & ~eme us~g ~A Me~ 9071. ~e. ms~ of [:" sample analysis were reported as ".ND- None Detected" for all constituents analyzed. :,:,i .:'.~: ~i .. . . ..... , . .,, ,: , :, ,, ..[- :,:~: . .,.. :~., 7~[~[:7:.~., Soils in the vicinity of the prior tank location Were excavated to a depth of approximately 12 feet below grade using a front end loader and stockpiled on the south west coruer of the parcel. There were no signs of odor or discoloration noted in the prior tank cavity location. These soils and 'soils impacted with surface spills of crude oil that have also been excavated at the site will be mixed and used as road base material under the direction of the Regional Water Quality Consol Board ( Jong Han (209)445-5170). . · ~ . :; .-:.. ';:.. The .results °fthe sample analysis, and the chain of custody are enclosed for your review. . . If you have any questions or require any further information please call 835-7700. VerY may you · Thomas A. Mele . Project Geologist .'~'~. ~~ .. '1 · , ',~ ---.~--.a~a~e.. ..' . '. cc: Bonnie Godfrey - Fmiwale Properties " Enclosures:. Plate 1 . .. Soil S..aBa_ .p_l_e_,_A _nalysis Chain of Custody MAILING ADDRESS: P. O. BOX 9383, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389 (805) 835-7700 .. "... . . FAX (805) 835-7717 : . . .' " SMC La'~orato~, 'Client Name~ Groundwater Resources Inc. Address ~ 1500 South Union Avenue Bakersfield, C/~ 93307 iL.~_.~_~A~tention~_3 Mr. _Tom. Mele Date samples received : 01-30-91 · .... ~? RESULTS OF ANALYST~ Benzene ND 0. 0050 ~Toluene ND ..Ethylbenzene i.. / ~.~../i~'.:):ND .:p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene. TPH.(Gasoline) 0il &'Grease ND ND ND ND ND ~.::'!:.'!~" ','i )' ~' ~:,i, :', · 0.0050 .'7 ,., '~, ,-. '. -"-~ 0.0050 ---"- 0 · 0050 1.0 20. Method of Analysis for BTX' , 3810/8020 (FID) Method~of Analysis for 0il & Grease : EPA 9071 MDL = MinimUm Detection Level . TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ugm/gm = micrograms per gram (ppm) 'ND = None Detected Maun~-M.~ Thein ~ Analytical Chemist 3155 Pegasus Drive P,O. Box 80835 · · Bakersfield, CA 93308 Bakersfield, CA 93380 · · · (805) 393-3597 FAX (805) 393-3623 · GROUNDWATER RESOURCES INC.". ;' ,,,;',, ,-.. ?-CHAIN'OF'CUSTODY*RECOF ~!:' ' ~:i.= :'~"! P.O BOX 9383 Bakersfield, Califomia (8o5) 835-77oo LAB DES'I:INATION:' '.:::i " · ' -., . ,-:;'~:~i~ ..,'~*.,,', ~-~ :~,'*~:..:',~,i,',~.~.-,,','~'',,::,~,,,,,::? ,,..,,..,,..,,~* ?~:~;:',i :.~ '-..~ : .0. NUMBER: *%; PROJECT CONTACT: :':i'.! SAMPLER(S): (Sign?~e) .', ~ " ~~."i,¢~;:~?;~,;~"'z'X':,~/' " .... "' "' " . LAB ' i SAMPLE . · .: " . . .: .. ...... : /~::.:- ~) . ;,i,,~'?:=::-::~;i::,'-.~v~.,?~.~,.:t~,:.. ANALYSS, ' NUMBER ~ NUMBER DATE 'TIME . .r...., sAMPLE lOCATION ?;'~?:i :"~;.'-.~;~'~'?~.'.¢REQUESTED · .. ! ' ,,,.~ ..~..,, ' ~ , · , ......... ,,,, . . : ,,,..,..,,,. .... *~,:'; : ;;.',. ,,.*: ' -,. .: -": "" "" , .." ' ' .,, · ,: .. . ":~" '~-;'*"' '~ ...... '~'~:~':':'~""":"~' "~' ......... ' - ' *,-~ , i~: ,"ii.." ::.~.,.i~i~...,.: .. , ~i .~:.,.,.., ~". . . .... i: ...... -:i::,,,. :..:.. , .,. .... · ...................... ~. ....... :.~..-. .?.-.,:--T.;:~ ::.7., ..,-i :.;:.--':--:~-.' .: , 7'!: ~i * ::,. ...:.:.! .,, 'i:., . ,., ~'~ . · ' · , . .' ', ,. · ~ ,"~- ' "'. ".. :* ~ ;'. ! RESNA/GR DWATERiNc. RESOURCES,. . so. Working to Restore Nature ~k BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93307 January 7, 1991 < //UJ/~.~,~~neralEngi6eeringContracto~..j):, Bakersfield, CA 93301 ~ . and Krebs Road. in Bakersfield, was decontaminated using a high pressure steam washer on December 18, 1990. The rinsate was .~:~:;:~ transported under manifest #CAC000549040 by WHTankLines tot heir' recycling facility in Signal Hill, California. The tank was to Valley Tree and Construction Company inBakersfield.' · .' ' : ' '~':' ' '7' -,;' ' Soil samples were retrieved from approximately two feet and six feet below the prior tank base ('or 8 and 12 feet 'below located 75 feet east of the property line bordering Patton Way.-',:.~.~'.: ~ The soil samples were contained in brass sleeves and sealed with teflon tape and plastic end caps, chilled, and transported under a chain of custody to SMC Laboratory. .The soil 'samples were analyzed for benzene, toluene',' ethylbenzene, xylenes, " ' isopropylbenzene, and total'petroleum hydrocarbons using EPAMethod ' 3810/8020 'and Oil & Grease using EPA Method 9071. The analysis ...~,~_,:.,:.... results indicated that low to moderate amounts of Oil & Grease constituents were identified in the soil samples. .' : ...' Enclosed are the soil· sample analysis results, chain of custody manifest and tank tracking'forms...If youshould have any questions or require-additional information, please do not hesitate to call ..' our office at 835-7700. Very truly yours·, Thomas'A. Mele Project Geologist TAM: dj i' Encl'. cc:.' Ms. Bonnie Godfrey : MAILING ADDRESS: P. O. BOX 9383, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389 (805) 835-7700 FAX (805) 835,7¢17 . ' ' MALETA COURT SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION GS-2 & GS-6 .. i. ' Prior location: 500 gallon crude oil , underground storage tank fence KREBS ROAD (UnimproVed) ARB YARD groundwater resources, inc. environmental/geotechnical services PROJECT NUMBER:. 1670-2 FRUITVALE PROPERTIES PLATE parcel B - PATTON WAY - ' · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA LOCATION MAP SMC... or tory Client Name: Groundwater Resources Inc ' Address : 1500 South Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93307 ~[:-~ ...- Date samples receiVed : 12-21-90 ... _ . .... Date analysis completed. 12-27-90 ' .: - . · % '4693 ID: GS-2 .... ' ugm/gm ' .. %,,~: Benzene - . ND ,,.;...~' Toluene ':" .' ".' . : . . ' .'ND ' ' '- :;'/:"0.0050 0.0050 m-Xylene ND o-Xylene ND Isopropylbenzene ND. ' ' 0. 0050 Oil & Grease 50. 20. Method of Analysis for BTX/TPH (Gasoline): 3810/8020 (FID) Method of Analysis for Oil & Grease : EPA 9071 HDL = Hinimum Degecgion Level · PH = go,al Pogroloum HydrocarBons ugm/gm = micrograms per gram (ppm) ND = None DeteCted Analytical Chemist 3155 Pegasus Drive · ~kersfield, CA 93308 · (805) 393-3597 ., P.O. ~x.80835' - -' ~kersfield, CA 93380 · . F~ (805) 393-3623. ~RESULTS OF ANALYSIS: ? 469'4 ID: GS-6 Benzene Toluene ~Eth¥1~be n'ze ne ............ . p-Xylene m-Xylene ....... ND .................... L.:_ ........ ~ 05U ND 0.0050 ND Stan Comer Analytical Chemist .... . P.oBox93&3 '-:" Bakersfleld~ Califomia. Telephone: (805) 835-7700 *CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD 'rc =F; B DEST!NATION: .... PROJECT NUMBER: '"' ~ ' : S~PLE'" ' "' ' ': '"-. ' ::"" -'~'::--- ~~ -' ~YsiS'--:~:~':~ "' S~PLE' CO~AINER NUMBER NUMBER DATE ~ME~: ... SAM~E L~A~ON '~ ~ ~~~~, ~P~. ".~E ~ ..... .... . ,- ~ ,- ,: ,,, ~ ':*:- . '::: .',; :',.;, , . ..." . ,, :,: ., '.-." ,. ,' ~._ .'.' -~. · :' . . : .',,,;.. , . .,:' '..,. . ~: -,.., _ ....... . .:--- ........... . . ._~., "~:: ........... -- : .'.,:'.', , ,' .. , :..,., . , , ~, · . . . ~'-~ .... .: :.. :"~ ----' · , . . , , . ~ : .~ '~ . - ., ',. : .:.*' ,,"- .... . - ~, ~ · :', .... , ., . · . .~ - . ,.,,., . . ~ ... . , .. ....~ . : : :; I SPECI~ [~I~RU~NS... ' , .- .~ * ., ~.' ..... . ._ ~- ~_ . -' ~"~~S~E/H~R~',''~''. '" _.. _ .... " ':.~ ..... ' . ......... , ".. ~ "- : ' . . ~i~l?h~by~~~ ~'~~:~ RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY ,;.' ;Patton Way at Krebs Rd. -': ~ ...... ..... r ' ', P.O. Box 3006 .:~:' . .... ~do~ ~t~ t . ;...' ':.) ~ Pe~tt~ m~t noti~ the ~o~ ~t~h Ma~gement Pmg~ at (~$) ~1-~ ~o wo~g ~ prior to ~ ~ ~ a~Ooment M p~ to ~'~. 4. It ~ thc cont~ctoYs ~ibility to ~ and adhere to all appli~ble b~ ~g the ~ndimg, tm~tion or ~ent , 5. ~e rank remov~ ~ntmctor m~t ~ve a q~ifi~ ~m~ny employ~ on ~te su~ing the ~k ~m~al. ':~;. - 6. ~ any ~nt~cto~ other t~n th~ ~t~ on ~it ~d ~t appli~tion ~ to ~ ut~, prior appeal m~t ~ ~ ~ t~ a~al~t ~ on the b;. Ta~ a~ ~t~ t~ ~,0~ to 10,~ ~1o~ - a minimum of four ~mpl~ m~t ~ ~ . : ' . ' at deptM of app~te!y ~o f~t and sm feet. . . : ~ · · T~ a~ ~t~ t~ 10,~ g~o~ - a minimum of s~ ~mpl~ m~t ~ ~tfi~ one-fo~h of the way ~ ~m ~ e~ of ~ ~ ~ ~th :.. ~ . , , the centerof~ch~nkatdept~ofappr~mtel~~ofeetanda~f~t. · , ' . . , ,{ -. ' : ;. ~ :,' ] 2700 "M"' STREET, SUITE 300. BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 i.: ,:' l~troleum hYdmcarbo~ (for ::: . _ - P. ~th dl~l ~n~ and a~n~n~ m~t ~ for to~ ....... ......... ~' ~pl~ ~n~ from ~n~th w~J~ ~;s .............. :- · .......... ,-. · ..... F~=- ?*':' ~ : d '"" All --:' -----' ' .... ,~ ~., m~ ~au ~Fp~ m~t ~ ,:~ .: . - .:_ . ...... : ~:. ,=:~< .... P. , n~th mn~ and app~e~n~ ~t ~n~ f~i ~hol ~ m~t .................. "~'=':'~ ............ <~:"=:' . · Tran~portanon and tracking forms sent to Hazardou~ "' No'~at~- ~an 5 workin:"da' :'" - ...... - ..... :, .. '. ,=: .:,.> Materiah Management Prom'am. Ali hazardnJL~ ~,n~,- :..,. '..:: ,_.- :+ .: ....... g ~ [or tran~po~auon and 14 . S~ple a~ to Hn=n~o~ ~te~h M~gement ' :' ' :" 'No h~ ~ 3 ~g ~ ~t~ ~mplefi0n ~ ". ,'" Pmg~m . , : , . . _' . : , . . . . .. . . ' . .* : ... - . ~*. ? -: , : a ' -.. No emi~on ~ii ~uii in ~o~ dct~mble at or ~nd pm~ I~m ~e 419) ' . '.. .... ': .. . :'. d. . ' No erosion s~ll en~ger the h~lth, ~fc~, ~mfon or ~ ~ ~y ~n~ (~H~C 417~ : - . ~: ~ Vent ~ s~l ~ at~chcd to m~ until the im~tor ~v~ to autho~ ~m~ : ) ' . : . . . - . .. . .. . .. . .y ,,.: ., ,.: .i. :. : .. .. . ,:.. . .... . .' . : . .... . . . .- · "~co~Di:o~oum~ FO ' ' ' ' ' .... ' ' ' · ~' ~ ...... ::" "'-~-' ::" ================================== ~ detriment m ~ble for ~forcin~ Ihe ~m ~un~, O~---~ ~-~- ~ .... '-- , , '- ' · ' ~ '~:"" '-'.' .'. . Rep~nmtiv~ ~m th~ department r~nd to job sit~ during rank ~m~.to ~u~ t~t t~ ~ a~ ~fe to ~m~c~ ~ t~t t~ ~ job ~o~n~ : m ~cnt with ~mit ~u~menm, appli~ble h~ and ~c~ s~nd~ ~e [oll~g g~de~m ~ offc~ to ~ ~ i~m detriment. · -', 1. : Job site ~fe~ m one of our pn~ ~nc~ ~tio~ ~ ~e~nt~ ~g~ It m the mntmctoFs ~b~ to ~ ~ ab~ ~ ~S~ .... ~gulatio~. ~e job lo,mn ~ ~ible for the ~ and any su~ntmao~ on the job. ~ a g~cml ~e, ~ ~ ~ ~it~ ~ ~pm~r~ ~o~ ~ ~vatio~ or when u~fc ~nditio~ ~t in thc hole. T~h and ~uipmcnt ~ to ~ ~ o~ tbr the~ d~ign~ f~fio~ For ~p~ ~ buc~m · ~e n~er su~titul~ for ~dde~. . · · .... ..: . ..... .: ,-:.:: .':':'-:_<:{:':: ..:..:> . · .,.':. ~ ~ Pm~ li~ ~ntmcto~ a~ ~um~ to unde~mnd the ~uiremenm of the ~t ~u~ ~e job fo~ h ~ible ; the ~nditio~ of the ~t. D~on ~m thc ~mit ~nditio~ my ~ult ~ a smp~ o~er. :,: .~ { - . ,,... ...... .. · , .. ... .~ ....... >..- , ..,. ..:.,.. :: ~' 3. '~ Individual ~ntmcto~ ~11 ~ held r~ible for lhcir ~t-removai pa~ T~ng fo~ hn~n~o~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d~mtion a~ L..:,_ . J . . . ' ~ . F,~ ~ ~ut~. ~ mm ~ntmum, p~ing t~e for ~mple~ng n~ cl~u~ ~H ~ :J:: :. . . :- .: .. . . BPich~, DA~ ' pitts~1353~5.pta " c'f0rn-"is :'to 'be ·'returned .to Kern'CoUnty.'He~lt~' .Departnent ..... ei~tance .[of :.';:: tank (s):: '~ ":" ' ·; .' - .', . ': -,,. 'F' :. '-'::.:':: ":f:;-'":; ~:'~.',.? ~ ' ' ': "· '.: ':. :;': ~'?';.'.:'"'k' :'~:":." %: .:... '.' . ..~.. ftlle~ o~t ~ t~n~.~e~oval" ' :- ' '" ...... contractor: 1.' Contractor: ....... . . .... ','":'-';. ~ate"Tank~:"Removed" :::':-:~ ~ T~;'be~ rilled."put ~'~;n:r;c:o; ' ': " "' :'~eetton a.nk (si .' :;:.have.. been ' decontanina, ted ':in ...accbrdance. ':.1 ih ::' Kern '. COunt~ ,.:~'. ,~. :..;. ..; .' .~'., : ~ · ,. ".."..:i RepreseBtatt~e) FO1d tn half and ' ; ~ ' ' ' .... '". - '- .:.--'i' '.:'...~i-~.:, ....:'>:: .":. : .;.:.:- . :.....'::,<:~ :>?';~:L:'~' ',~:.t "' ":: .;~2... ~ ~'~ i~[}~>~;~ ore that tha.con~enC~ '6g' t" ~' ~' "" ' ~-~ .... lifted:here-- ''~: -~-~ .:'.,'~-.r:. aCcurateZy deocrlbed a v~ .~ , his conot~enC ere gu '-'. '*-'.* ' . ' : ~:~:: :-~-W:*:*~:~.-.:~' %~.:~>::~'~...: . ::.c ~oea n~CConEo~ ~o the * :" ... ' (a) a ~bazardoua van~e' na~ deElned tn nccorda,ce v~ ~;"::i'L"" : b " ' '" ' . . tth 40' CF! ' :.'.:' ' ~,~: ": ' ------ o* Cae ~ER ~p~SIVE~HZ~0~. *~ Wn~cn the atmosphere conca~n~ componen~ tn ez~ .7-= ::~,. ~...... ~"' {~ .' ' Z further'declare that tho con~tEnment ~= 2n n11 'respecca tn the proper Condition for : .. ~hv.~ oCCordtn~ to nPP~tcab~o ~n=ernec~ona~ and .otZona~ '~v ....... transp~ -- ~-,~c re~uzaC~on~ ~thout a ~zar~ ~..::,.~ :.:L?' :' :' ~n ~e event' thn~ tho cOnsxg~ent cer R .... ~ ,,,,.~ .~_ . - · - _. ., , ~:-. ' ":" ' ~' -_.':... SIGNA~ . . . .... FOR MATERIALi Name & Address Valley ·Tree& Constructio,i Co,,,pa,,y 4233 Quinn Road ~.a~.~?$field, · Cali.f. ornia ~ZlqALDZSPOSITION, "imethbd ~. pl'ace RINTED NAME .DATE · . · Please prinl or lype. (Form designed for u,~e on alii ' '~-pitch typewriter]. . Sactemenlo, Callfom. UNIFORM HAZARDO/ (": .,a,'~,'. us ':P^ ,O No.-"~"'""-~ . ...,--* , ('~-.~..p;.g. ',. J ,.~l~ '"~ .~:~ WASTE MAN,FEST--I %nn qn n , , o,, .. A. 81ate Manlfe.t OScu~e~u~er v · ... ;.., ::.:. 90176448 - ,201'.. Sh~pya=~ Way "Un~ A" a.m.,.o..~.,o,', o' '~ r..,.. ' .... · "" '-'?".~': "~' · - -..- AQ00-,~49040 ~ .f I I '.'1 ?¥~":': ' 6. Traneport~ I Company Name 0. U8 EPA ID Number 7. Tra~o~er 2 Company Name ' 6. US EPA ID Number E. Sills Trenepo~et'g ID .' .'.:'., ,., ....... ' '1 I I I I I I I I I t I ~'~""'"""""'"~' '.::.":..'t::~.~'?~'~,,:~: 9. Designated FA.ili,y Name and Site Address ' IO. U8 EPA ID Number O. 81ate Flclllly'l ID . .'.~; ~;~ ~' ~/,~ ~ ,. "-: ............ :~ d~n-A ~ n ~-a ~:h...~=l=:~ 1 I, U~ DOT Description (Including Prop~ Shipping Name, Hazard Claes, and ID Number)~ ~?'::: :? 12. Container. 13. Tolal 14. .=,~:,::2:, I. ' :::,~. Ouanlity Unit . '.:v :..Wllll NO,. · . - - , : - :,:.-:',:~:' No. Type "~{~ ..~ Wl/V~ '~ ,:: :- ~: a. ~ ........ ~'""~"" '~" ' ....... ' ' ..................... "'~ ....... ' ....... mate.. ,, ' :' ': 1'2::. ~. : I ~ -.':, .... ." . .'.:': "'.~' ' . : :"~: "--::".' :" c. ..'.-'.:~ . d. '.. , . ~,.- ..<...-. . .... . ,,..'~'.;~4,.; ' :,' """ '.' . "' .' · :. ~.'[:" .... '..: ':.:t:,.~.'~,. ,..-' ::.:~ t:'::..;~:<": :. ..': 15. Special H~llng Inalruclt~a and Addifie~ , : .... , . ; - .. [ .' .:~ ,, ,: .:., , "..,:: "':":- ' ':'-'. ' : ..... '.,. ....... ,..'.:: ,-:. :<'"": ..... :'"' .... ~" ""~': ",, ....... Job .Si~e , ~a~°n'"'Wa~'?':'" '{:'."..' :' .:.''.' ::'~ ;',~':~"_ ' .::~ ': ::'~.'?~loves ' "-,' ,'.': ;' .~."::. :'-. ;':: :. ar Kreba ".... :-,: '-:-v"'- : Parcel GEHERATOR'S CER~FI~TI~: I h~eby declare that the c~tent~ Of this consignment ate tully and accurately de~crib~ a~ve by ~op~ chipping Mme ' and'a;e classilled, packed, matk~, and labeled, and are in all teape~a in propm c~dili~ I~ Iranspo~'by highway according Io applicable ~lernalion~l and nalional govemmenl ;egulalions. "' :: - . ~ ...... "%:. ' ~ .. :-..u<:-'... ~:~ . .. ~ . {- : ,.~:'~ Il I am a large quantity general~, I c~l~ thai I have a ~ram In place Io ~uce Ihe volume and Ioxicily of waale generated Io the degree I ~ve de~ . ~p be ec~omicalty p~acllcab~ and Ihal I have aelecled I~ praclicable melhod of Irealmenl, alO;age, o~ dlapoaal ~;~enlly avaiJab~ Io me ~lch minimize, Ihe .. preaenl and Imure Ih~eal Io human he,lib and Ihe environment OR, il I am a small quanlily gene~alo~, I have made a good lallh ello~ Io min~lze my wa~le .'~ gene~al~n and aetecl Ihe besI waate managemenl ~elhod Ihal ts available 1o me and lhal I can allord. ' Prinled / Typed Name ' 17. T,...~e, I Acknow!e~ement el Receipt of Malefiala II I~ J I~ [ ~1 D P~inled/Typed Name . WH Tank Lines .. . ~o,m O,y Prinled/Typed Name ' ' '" 19. Diacrepancy g~i~lo~ .... .~:, .~ ,:::..:<.-: :': :..:.... :... .... ~ , :. :t.: '-.:':..- :, ,. ~,:./,..:/: . :.. .~.: .. . ., '~ ' [ " ' ' - .. '.% "~0. Facilely O~ ~r Opmator Gerllflcation of receip~ el hazardous maleriala covered by this ma~llea~ except aa noted In I~em m. .~dnted/Typed Name ~ - ......................... : ......... Signature ....... ~ ...... 2:. . EPA 87'00-.-22 , (Rev. 9-e8) Previoun edllionn are obsolete.. Do Not Write Below This Line Blue: GENERATOR SENDS THIS COPY'TO DOHS WIIHIN 30 DAYS Tol P.O. Box 400, Sacramento, CA 9511120400 ' Verde Oil Company and presently staged at. the .Valley Tank. Will be decontaminated using a pressure~ washer by WH Tank'. ''~i-'_ "Lines; the resulting rinsate will be hauled under manifest to. Gibson Oil and Refining; and the tank ·will· be taken to Valley Tree for disposal. S°il samples will be taken at 2 feet and 6 feet below the previous tank base and analyzed for benzene, toluene, xylenes, · ~. '.~? total Petroleum hydrocarbons, and oil & grease under the direction i..-;:::,of a Health Department representatives. ~ .-:~ ~'.'-;,; ~;,:~- ',".- ' "~'-/:.?: .... : If yo~ have any questions, please' call 835-7700. '.' -.. :' :-.Very truly yours, .. '. · . '..: i- . ~ ,. Thomas A. Mele . ' . Project Geologist '.:'.' ,.".',.: :,., · ': . "~ · TAM: dj i MAltING ADDFIT_SS: P.O. BOX 9383. 13AKEF1S[IEtDi CA 93389 (805) 835-7700 I=AX (805) 83527717 November 13, 1990 Ms. Amy Green ' ' Kern Coun~ Environmental Health :.* ':'~Bakersfield, CA .. 'ValV ta Estates, Inc. P.O. Box 3006 · Newport Beach, CA 92663 · (714) 723-4255 RE: Application for Removal -. Groundwater Res0m:ce's Inc. ,. '-"? ......... ?::':" -~: ' ' -C~~7. : .... :':~?~ .... : .......... ~-. - ,---.~. · ............. .~. :"~'This letter' ' '' ': " · ' ...." ...."· ' ' "": ':""' .....':'' .... ?: :..,:,?? ~s being written ~n ~nnect~on w~th an apphcat~on (after .the fact) to 'remove~an "~ underground od storage tank. We have ~ntracted w~th Mr. Tom Mele of GroundwaterResoUrces:'~? In December, 1989, Frm~ale Prope~ms purchased Ancora,Verde Leasehold :pu~ose of abandoning,tho Ioa~ohold and ~ubdw~dm~ tho propo~ [or ~m~lo ~amd9 ~ncora-Vordo romovod thoir oquipmont (oil wolls and ~u~aco tank latin)~'d wo with Kern Production So,ices to proceed with abandonment of the wells and lines. ":This Wo~ was witnessed and approved by the Depadment of Oil and Gas on ~26/90. Since we'are not in the .oil business, we retained the sewices of Ancora-Verde's consultant, Albe~ Mooney,'~t° ove~see the abandonment pm~dure, *~ . : ': '"" '-,~:?~:~?'~'"'~'"'~ 8/2,/s0 we ,e .ived a f,0m Tom Mede.of Groundwater On conducting a soils investigation in the area where the tank farm had been abandoned., He had discovered a 500-gallon underground tank that ~ntained oil. '-' .... "," ''~ ...... On 8/28!90, our engineer, Stephan DeBranch, met with Al Mooney at the site. Al 'Mo°he~'si~ea that he' had simply forgotten that the tank was there. .:~* .~:.: ..... -:.. *:..,5' On 8/29/90 John HUsted from our engineer's office visited the site early in the morning.~ . - ,,. . , ....: tank had been removed.and the area filled with fresh di~. ..~.,:,.* .~,..~ [ ,,-..,, ~:'r On 8/31/90 ,Tom Mele made a site inspection and documented that the tank had been removed. On 8/30 we notified Ancora-Verde, Albed Moone and our attorney. Our attorney also, · contacted Albe~ Mooney regarding the improper Procedure. None of us have heard from Moonoy and ho is tho onl~ OhO who knows how tho tank was romovod. Wo al~o ch0ckod with'the state contractors licensing ~ard and found that Mr. Mooney is not licensed. ·:-':'--~.': . 20~ Shipyard ~a~,Suit~ ~ · ~ B~aeh. C~ ~. '~' ~ . . · Ms. Amy Green November· 13," 1'~90 Page 2 ';.:' :" '.'..'i': 'i: Enclosed are' copies of Various correspondence regarding this matter. '.HopefullY, this Will give · ...~ ' you enough information to prOceed with the application. ' · ~' '~ :~~~-~i~:~:7;~:1 f .yoa: hav~:~.nY-qb-e§ti~)hS, ~pleaTs-e-do- not h esitate~to call~· ~?:;~?'?;:~:~'.-~ ~very trulY YoUrs, )nnie Godfrey Stephan DeBranch, DeWalt Corporation (C~wl Engineers) ~- ..:.' ~:;.::~ ..,.:, :.-::',,ti :~ ,Roger Co~ey, Esq. :,.,,. ·;,:~i:~.~._ ~,:~:.:;,,~,::,:.~:'-.:, '.~'-; ~. ',~-.:',, :-,~ :. :-~: ~,~il;i·!~,:'it~i?~'i:~'~'i~:?~:':t~ COLEY & SHAW ATTORNEYS AT LAW A PARTNERSHIP OF PROFESSIONAL CORPOR&TION$ '~30 . STREET. SU TE 6 ·TELEPHONE: 805 32_?-9 Oc~'0ber 29, 1990 ~ ' ~ "' :"~" '"'~:~ !!!; ?.:~:-i..:,i~7;~*~i?::-'..6118 Carter · ;." ....... :;:,..,:/:~.:,,r-' ,. Bakersfield, CA 93308 '":' '.' ;%;' 2'~-3 ~:**~.*"" ' ': ' *", ....' ," "% :::' '" ~;:':'~" ..... ':Dear Al: ' ' .... ·" . ursuant to our telephone conversation this date, please find enclos~d-~.~coPy · .EnVirOnmental PAssessment RepOrt dated September 6, 1990, prepared by Groundwater 'Resources, Inc. for A.R.B., Inc. As we discussed, the p~pes can be removed at a cost. of regulations. These matters should have been resolved months ago and there is now a potential matte . of having the subdivision of Val Vista Estates delayed, ' which is a very serious r It is my understanding that you will inform me as soon as possible as to the cost and the time required to correct the situations noted in the enclosed re, port. I might add that this in no Way implies that Val Vista Estates has agreed that it is resp~ii~ible for the costs of the qecessary'corrective measures, g . .. - · ,y,:-'. .. .':~:... · . *-, ':"'" 'Vf ...... Very our?:...--.. RDC/mm cc: Bonnie Godfrey Nell B. Little ,-., !:!' " · - October !-7, 1990, ' ", : '::". : . Mr. Nell B. Little ' · . . . . ' ~"~'"'~'~' ......... ~'" :~f:.~ ?" :' :'.:'~,. ,:;?.-235 Montgomery St. ~715 .:~' ,:.~:::~;;. ':;' ~;~;.. San~Francisco, CA 94104. · ~ · .- . 5;'::;~:~.~:.?.;,:'~'::...::.;::..~:. ~: .' ?;- Dear Mr...Little: ' -~:':..' ~¢~ ~' :,.,,..:"." ~??.',-?.-'-.-~-'~, pre'pa'red for ARB, Inc.' This re.ri covers a 3.93 a'~'+:~ E~ci?ed isa ~O-pyOf an Environmental Assessment da{ed September 6, 1990, ~?m GroUhdwater -~::::~ ;:,: :'~. Resources Inc. that was ..... Intend to sell to ARB. I call your' attention to the items listed under Rec°mmend*a~i0ns~i~ . :. ? ':;~?:"t,: '"' ""- · Paragraph 6.0. Obviously, ARB will not close escrow before these items are reso ved.,: '~' - :' "~. Our original escrow instructions with Ancora-Verd6 called for OG approval` ,~. ' '~...:.;'::,:"': ::" .' "'prior to closing escrow. However, because of a formality wth the assignment of Ibase, we ~aid Ancora-Ve~de $200,000 and closed escrow on 1~27/89 thereby assuming'ih6'res~6~n:Sibility"~:~? ?;~ "~'~"""~';:~;~'~"~" "{'" to clean up the site 'with all of its inherent liabilties. '~-We accept~d'~i~:":~ recommendations and assurances from Ed Burtchael and you that the abandonment P could be accomplished i'n a shOrt'period of time under the supewi~ion of your agent. ' ' .:;:':C. '-" I AlmOst ten months have passed since '.escrow closed. After disco~ering"~ torg0t{eh buhe~ i'. and lines, the tank was removed with°ut"witness and ~he status o{ a' heate6;:return, and gas lines are unknown. We are still in limbo and'waiting for' some action on the' part of your'agent. ;-He has not retried to us or our engineer, Since a phone conversation Ihe' firsl ~?k of Seplember.. ~ following your letter of 9/4. Al thai time he told our engineer that 'he:was going to coo.tact "'" regarding the completion'of the wg~k. ' . .~.. ........'' .:;.?.:1 .;' ': '.... ' .'.'il .':'' . . -,.im~ediatel '~U '~, By' copy of this letter We reques'i.'th'a.t: y'obr .agent, Al M~0~ ~ . information regarding the tank remov, al and'Status o~ th'e heate~, ~eturd'~nd gas lines ~o that we " .. may hire a res~n'sible firm t© complete the abandonment accordin'g:'~© the guidelines set'by the I:1 Kern CountY Environmental Health'Department. ... ' '...': ,".'"'"' ':'i ." ~.'-."? .~;; ' . · r-., : Very truly yours, "" :'. " ' ; ' FRUITVALE PROPERTIES, A Partnership '". .'" ":-'~ '. ".  ' By: Vel Vista Estates, Inc .... . .... H. L~ Jack' Caldweil , ' "' President ~ : cc: Al Mooney ~ .' ............. "' Stephan DeBranch, DeWalt Corporation. -. : ' - i'.: ~ E.P. Burtchaell : 201 ShipYard Way, Suite A · New~d Beach, CA 92663 .. [' 6708 Fishback Avenue' ' Bakersfield~ CA ~3308 (805) 589-0812 · ANGORA-VERDE CORPORATION ,-~.235 lqon~'gomery St.~ Suite 715 San Francisco~ ¢~ 94106 cc' Mr. Mooney Expl(~rali(m and l)e~.hq)mcnt Natural I{e~ourcc~ ' Kern Count Mr.. H. ~'L. "Jac k Cal dwell .i:: -i :::~.> "i,::'~,' 'i.,, ~' '-' ..::"~ ......: ':', :-VAL~?ISTA ESTATES, NC. ' ' '-: ......... :-: · -: ' ..... " .*" ' ":" :-?::.We'rece~v'ed 2ou~ Augus~ 30,~ ~990 ]e~e~ ~oday."':':ACcord~ng ~o ~he B~v~sion of 0~] and Gas. app~oved ~he we]] abandonment, on ~arch"27 The h~s~ory form ~hey ca]led'for'seems ~o be a ~equ~remen~ th~ c~me a s~nce A] ~ooney had co,pieCed a we]] abandonmen~ procedure. 'Kern Produc~ion'".:..,:~::.. did not advise him. . ~. :"::-:S~';& ."" :He called this noOn °n other matters and told Mr 'Littl"~.. that'~fi'S":~'fi~:'6{ ~. . ...~..~.~:.~t?.~:,.,~ 'our site. abandonment that he had removed the tank'. :,?-He said he i.s going to" pull heater, return and gas lines and have the pipes cut up and removed. :He believes there are no other impediments. Please contact him directly on timing . .. '-: .... · :' We know that A1 Mooney was' ill. The services he contracted to do as well as those he contracts to, do for us, have suffered. He'is getting back into stride now. We understand and ~egret that we both have suffered inconviences." - ' Very,.truly yours, ~'" .,., ..'' , : . -. ':'::?" · . :: ."'. . ~ .,: -. '.,:'.:. VaIVista Estates, Inc ·: P.O. Box 3006'o;Newport. Bea~:h, CA 92663 (714) 723- 255 ..... '" i'" August 30, 1990 . . ~ ' ..... '" ' 1,.Kefn leasehold ~n December, 1989. Subsequently, Ancora-verde removed their equipment and we contracted with Ke'm. Production se~ice to proceed with abandonment of the wells and flush the lines. This work was witnessed and approved by the Depa~ment of Oil and Gas on Februa~'26, 1990. You may also recail.that.,.since we are not in the oil business, we retained the .sea!res of'yoUr consultant, 'Al Mo°ney, to.'0v, ersee The purpose of this letter is t° apprise YOu of ce~ain matters whiCh'have jeopardized our ability to obtain clear title and use of this prope~y at this .time;' and. fu~hsr, to cause us concern with.respect to matters Which may be discovered at a later date. -. ~, .? The DOG Would not allow us to transfer title to any prope~y Within OG-711 .: until the HistoW of'Oil or GaS Well, form OOG103, was filed. Al Mooney did not . file the repo~ until August 10, 1990, a~er repeated requests from my office, our engineers, and ROger Coley. '. We 'understand, that Al Mooney was ill. and unable to work for approximately 6-8 weeks. However, the rePo~ should~ave been filed in March or April. . On Friday, AugUst 24, 1990, we r~ceived a call from Tom Mele of Groundwater 1 'Resources Inc., who was: ConduCting a soils investigation in the area of the '~?' tank farm. He discovered a line'with oil.in it and followed it to a.500-gallon underground tank that also contains oil,.. . . .... ~ Z--Our engineer,-Stephan. DeBranch, met With Al Mooney at the site on Tuesday, - August 28, 1990. Al Mooney stated that he had simply forgotten that the tank was there. "' · 20t Shipyard Way, Suite A · New~ Beach, CA 92663 'i: ;. Mrs. Herrill .-' . -,,. - August-301 990 . .. ' ' ' "~::;.; :" :' ..: :/:.;¢~?:'L'-;~,. Wo res~octlully roquost that you appoint somoono m your office to oarofully.rowow, all ::; ..,;..;:.;':?~,~;~;:~'*F,;;:?.Since we have no historical knowledge of'the site other than the DOG ma ' ' ~:~ ":~:'?':"-'"'~:?~::;?'-'":~'~'~ :'~e' pl~'se '~e~r from yOu:at your earliest c°~yenience. '.':'~:' ~'~?.: . ' ' . ; ',.. . .... ':-',::':L._ Val Inc. ,',-. .......... : - '- '":' : ':.: ~:'.'. / ' - - ~ - cc: Nell B. Little, AncOra'verde ' ' "' ' ' ',. Al Mooney ; Stephan DeBranCh ' '," Roger Coley, Esq. · '.-: ': .:~::,:~' .':,::.. '-;. .. . . (:, - '1 . ,~,-. · ' '... ' ), ?., r 5 1990 bert Moo e you probablY'know/the escrow'on above.referenced ;:, .,;- .: >~.~,:f: :?: ~; .:. prepared to abandon the weils, it is'our'~]nderstanding that A~'~&'~:~:v'e'rde~ha§'¥~ ~ ..~ ........ ; ' ..-.. ' ~- ,: .. ~ .?'h- ~--:' ,,:"~, '~'" :' ~ .. , ,.. , ... .... - :L,~/~..., '.-.-: 7%:, ,': ; ':, -~ ' .: ~ / ,, ' '~ ~ :',~'.':-'~'~' ~ ~:",-;:~:, . .' ...-,~:.'~' :.;:,:..~.~.~.,.,'~:,~ :.~;.-'~:S-Based on the three b~ds Y , ' ~ ~-to finSbut' if they'~T '~:'~ ~'"~'.?;':; ',':';;~}~;~/~'~::;~?~:~:~?~? · ~ ce. Inc qn addition to their b~d, our engineer .c0nt~cte~. the. -.~ . ~-: .-, .....~...?~.::. ~,~;~: ~;~%,.~,,:-,.-~:.-~.~Productlon Se · · : .,~,- · "~ .... ' .' . ;~' ~' ' . '~ .'~-could also flush the lines so there would be no problem later w~th aDaneomng the hnes · '" ' "~' .'Road. Mr..Fowler has agreed to cean the ines at no extra cost. ': Add tonally, we w pay tor,. :,::,',~ -"::".:" ;"' -'-:-the cost of a truck to facilitate the residue in the lines, and Ancora-Verde has agreed to accept :-' ' ;" "?: reviousl discussed, we wish tdengage your se~ces as a~ overseer at the rate' of $150 per .. ~'. . · .. ~ . ~s p._ -Y ...... ~--~ .... nt ~roceedure Since this is not our business, ~e will rely,~,n . ' ~, your exp~rtise in this area. Additionally, you will also be responsible' for Ancora-Veree~ ' ' ' . interests. -- '.-.'. - ;.'."'.:..;:f'_..':".,. - .,7',.. ,. .-; _,' . ...;,: .... r reatesI area ~'concern is the comp ele removal of any malenal which ay ' "'".' "'.'"-. :'" '~_Ou g ' :~, ' · ~: ...... ~ ~n,, control over the installaton or operation zardous waste,Aga n, since we navu nuv~ .~u ~ z ' ·: w..re :,' ..'--:... :;.--:':' .-i bUsiness, we want to be sure that every step is taken to eliminate.any possible repercussions in '"':" · ' ' this regard. It is our intention to proceed with the subdivision of this property for residential . .. . . .~,:.... :., ..: ' :..: .--i.. ?.":'.:!-~:.::" .... :.: ":!: . '. 'i'. purposes, . i ..i"4;' ..... ... .... .... : ..... ... - ..... , <.... It any questions arise d~ring 'the abandonment proceedure, please do nol hesitate to contact us. · - '.. very truly yours, '-: .... --':.'?-'-.. · " I .: ..... .., .'!- .,.: . , . ". q... .-~ -.. - .... . 'u;: .'.. ~ "':. ."': - ;: · ' " ,. ' ' ' :" ' " FRUITVALE PROPERTIES, A Partnership , by: Val Vista.Estates, Inc., General Partner' ........ -q ~"'~-~--~--~--'-~.--'-c~-','-c'/.~X'~ -"~-" H. L. Caldwell President CC: SI:eve De]Sranch2~1 Shipyard Way, Suite A · Newport Be. ach 'CA 92663 '.Form ~proved OM~ No. 200~39 (EXplrol 9.~,91) ' M 'HAZARDOUS ue ~ ~D .~. WASTE MANIFEST Oeneritor'i Name ~nd Melllho A~real L ~nemlor'l Ph~e ( 6. Trinip~ 1 ~pany Nlme 6. U8 £PA~Numb~ Documtnl NO.: ol y Nlmo 6,_ __US ~.~A ID Number Feolllty Name led Slim Ad(kale 10. U8 F. PA ID Nl~elmt ~(u~ Ot~ NOS ;~. Ooata~ers '~8, 1'OIII ~antay '7:': t Aokm~wladg~al ~ame "'f:". .';/; ....{.., .... ' . .. Name Or Oparelm Ceflllio~,tb)e of relent o! hMe/do~e mal~llls oovoreO by ~o menlfeN exoopl &l noted ~ Ito~ EPA et~S~ Do Not W~e ~low This U~ · (~ev; O-~) Proteus edifice Ire obeolele, { Mwh ~y Y~ar , e~ioa 1, -T° be ed out b~ tank-re~o~..con ac ;. ~ -Tank Removal..ContraCtor:':..... . ~. : · Date ~anks Re~ed' 7 :~o. o~ Ta~a / ' ' '" ' 2' _ '~ ~ tract ~deCOnt~lnatlnE tank(s) ' ' ' ' lutho~tzed representative, of :contractor:'certtfies"by :at~ing belo~ ~ ' ' , .ta~(a) ':have . been.; deeont~lnated (~orn ~P-150) , " RANDALL L. ABBOTT DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE I!i ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Environmental Health Services Department sTEVE McC~ ~ ~'Y, REHS, DII~CTOR is, ir Pollution Control District ~ J. RODDY, ~CO Planning & Development Services Department TED ~AMES, AICP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT PERMIT FOR PERMANE~ CLOSURE · ,;' OF UNDF~GROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY FACILIT~ NAME/~D~$S: FruRvale Properties Patton Way at Krebs Rd. Bakersfield, CA PERMIT FOR CLOSURE OF Fnfirvale Prope~es P.O. Bo~ ~ N~o~ B~ch, CA Phone: 71~7~4~3 PERMIT EXPIRES CONTRACTOR: Gill 5400 Aldrin Ct. Bakersfield, CA License #A-520768 Phone: 805..835-7700 March 18, 1991 TANK(S) AT ABOVE ~.OCAT[ON APPROVAL DATE December 18, 1990 APPROVED BY ~ Brian Pitts 'Hazardous Materials Specialist ............................................. : ................................................. POST ON ?REMI$I~8 ................................................................................................ CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1. It is the respousibility of the Permittee to obtain permita which may be required by other regulatory agencies prior to beginning work (Le., CRy Fu~ and Building Departments). 2. Permittee must notif~ ~he Hazardous Materials Management Program at (805) 861-3636 two working days prior to tank removal or abandonment in place to arrange for required inspections(s). 3. Tank closure activities must be per Kern County Environmental Health and Fire Department approved methods as described in Handbook UT-30. 4. It ia the contractor's responsibility to know and adhere to all applicable laws regarding the handling, transportation or treatment of ha:,ardoua materiah. 5. The tank removal contractor must have a qualified company employee on site superviaing the tank removal. The employee must have tank removal experience prior to working unsupervised. ~. 6. II any contractors other than those listed on permit and permit application are to be utilized, prior approval must be granted by the specialist listed on the permit. Deviation from the submitted application ia not allowed. 7. Soil Sampling: Tang ~ lg~s than or equal to 1,000 galloR0 - a minimum of two samples must be retrieved from beneath the center of the tank at deptha of approximately two feet and six feet. b. Tang size great~' thaa 1,004} to t0,000 gallong - a minimum of four samples must be retrieved on~-third of the way in from the ends of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. c. Tank aize great~ than 10,000 gallona - a minimum of six samples must be retrieved one-fourth of the way in from the ends of each tank and beneath the center of each tank at depths of app~tely two feet and six feet. 8. Soil Sampling (piping area): A minimum of two samplea must be retrieved at depths of approximately two feet and six feet for every 15 linear feet of pipe run and under the dispenser area. 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 FAX: (805) 861-3429 ( (" oO OF UND~ROROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACIL1TY '10. Complete permit application submitted to Hazardous Materials Management Program Notification to inspector listed on permit of date and time of closttre and soft sampling Transportation and tracking forms sent to I4m~rdous Materials Management Program. AH hm~rdons waste manifests must be signed by the receiver of the hn;.nrdons waste PER~ NUMBER A 1353-05 ADDP~'DU~ Soil Sample analysis: a. All soil samples retrieved from beneath gasoline (leaded/unleaded) tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for benzene, toluene, xylene, and total petroleum hydrocarbons (for gasoline). b. All soil samples retrieved from beneath diesel tank~ and appurtenances must be analyzed for total petroleum hydroearbous (for diesel) and benzene. _. _c_. .... __AH_ soft samples retrieved from beneath_ _wastc_oil_tanl~_and appurtenance~ must be analyzed for total organic halidea, lead, oil and grease. d. -" All soil s~amples retrieved from ben~ath crude off tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for bil and grease. e, All soil samples retrieved from beneath tanks and appurtenances that contain unknown subsumcea must be analyzed for a full range of substances that may have been stored within thc f. All soil samples retrieved from beneath tanks and appurtenances that contained furfutyl alcohol resin must be analyzed for phenols, formaldehyde and furfuryl alcohol. The followingi, timetable lists pre- and post-tank removal requirements:. DEADLII~ At least two wee~ prior to closure No later than 5 working days for transportation and 14 working days for the tracking form after tank removal No hter than 3 Wol'king day~ after completion of anal~ Sample analysis to Hmardous Materials Management Program 11. Purginl~_nening Conditions: n. Liquid shall be pumped from tank prior to purging such that leto than 8 gallons of liquid remain in tank. (CSH&SC 41700) b. Tan~ shall be purged through vent pipe discharging at least 10 feet above ground level. (CSH&SC 41700) c. No emission shall result in odors detectable at or beyond property line. (Rule 419) d. No cm!~ion shall endanger the health, safety, comfort or repose of any pex~n. (CSH&SC 417~0) e. Vent lines shall remain attached to tank until the inspector arrives to authorize removal. RECOMMENDATIONS/GUIDELINES FOR REMOVAL OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANI~ This department is responsible for enforcing the Kern County Ordinance Code, Division 8 and state regulations pertaining to underground storage tnn~. Representatives from this dePartment respond to job sites during tank removals to ensure that the tanks are safe to remove/close and that the overall job performance is consistent with permit requirements~ applicable laws and safety standards. The following guidelines are offered to clarify the interests and expectations for this department. 3ob 'site safety is one of our primary concerns. Excavations are inherently dangerous. It is the contractor's responsibility to know and abide by CAL-OSHA regulations. The job foreman is responsible for the crew and any subcontractors on the job.. As a general rule, workers are not permitted in improperly sloped ec{cavations or when unsafe conditions exist in the hole. Tools and equipment are to be used only for their designed function. For e~nmple, backhoe buckets are never substituted for ladders. Properly licensed contractors are assumed to understand the requirements of the permit issued. The job foreman is responsible for knowing and abiding by the conditions of the permit. Deviation from the permit conditions may result in a stop-work order. Individual contractors will be held responsible for their post-removal paperwork. Tracking forms, b~Tardous waste manifests and analyses d~mmentation are necessary for each site in order to close a case file or move it into mitigation. When contractors do not follow through on necessmy Paperwork, an unmanageable backlog of incomplete cases results. ~f this continues, processing time for completing new closures will increase. Accepted By: BP:ch pitts\1353-OS.pta --OWNER OR AGENT L groundwater resources inc. November 12, 1990 5400 ALDRIN CT. BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93313 General Engineering Contractor Class A/Haz License No. 520768 Ns. Amy Green Kern County Resource Hanagement Agency Environmental Health Services Department 2700 "H" Street .Bakersfield, CA 93301 ......... Rei .... Tank Removal - Fruitvale Properties Patton Way/Krebs Road Bakersfield, CA Dear Ms. Green, Groundwater Resources, Inco (GRI) performed an environmental property assessment on a vacant parcel of land (3.93 acres) located 1100 feet south of Hageman Road at the northeast corner of the intersection of Patton Way and Krebs Road in Bakersfield on August 14~ 1990o The majority of the property has always been open land used for agricultural purposes; however, the southwest corner of the ~ite once contained an aboveground tank farm and'oil gathering system operated by Ancora-Verdeo These systems ~ere removed ~hen nearby oil wells were abandoned and '~he site and adjacent areas were restored under the direction of ~he State of California, Department of Oil & Gas (DOG)° A subsurface metal survey and additional probing of soils by a · backhoe on August 24, ~990 identified the following situations on the southwest corner of the property: a section of crude oil stained land measuring approximately 75 feet by 90 fee~ by ~8 inches %hick located in an area once occupied by the large bulk crude oil storage tanks; approximately ~00 feet of piping used for crude'oil and produced water transmission to the aboveground storage tanks; and one (~) small underground storage tanE (300- 500 gallons) used possibly as a test tank to contain crude,oils and possibly cutting solvents (i~ should be noted that this underground tank identified on August 24, 1990 was not observed on the property on August 31, 1990)o Ms. Bonnie Godfrey of Fruitvale Properties, requested GRI to apply for a per. it to abandon an underground tank through the Kern County Environmental Health Department on November 8, 1990o Based on the circumstances, several of the %ank abandonment require~en[s can not MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 9383, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389 LOS ANGELES (213) 724-3147 (805) 835-7700 Kern County RQsource Management Agency Environmental 'Health Services Department November 12,''i990 Page Two' be performed (i.e. tank deco6tamination and tank disposal). The permit application will only address soil sampling location and analyses las discussed with you on November g, 1990). The removal of Icrude oil stained soil and the pipe lines will be performed under the direction of the DOG. The Kern County Environmental Health Department will be notified when these actions have been performed. .;If you have any questions or require any further information, ................ :_Please. f.eel _~ree. ~o...c~.! 835-7700. Very truly yours, Thomas A. Nele Project Manager TAM:dji ~nc1. Cc: Ms, Bonnie Godfrey - Fruitvals Properties KE~I COUNTY RESOOI~E MANAGEMENT ACENCY ENVI~TAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT 2'/00 'M' STREET. SUITE 300 8AKERSF]ELO. CA 93301 (805)861-3636 '~ (F]LL oJT .ONE APPLICATION PER FACZLITY> FOR PERMXT FOR PERMANENT -..C.L._O~dRE/A~ANDONHENT OF UNDERGROUND - .~11AZARDOU~*GUBSTANCE-$TORAGE -FACILITY THIS APPLICATICN IS FOR A: £/CILHY II~ORMAll~ '~'NTE~NAL USE ONLY, * _ _ I __1 APPLICATION DATE=~_i/~-y_~_IPTA= Ii OF TANKs TO ~U~ANCON:' 7 (71A~ ' PI~ECT[:~I~ACT, 'Bonnie Godfrey *"J~':' 7~3-4~55 FACILII~NA~: Fruitvale Propertie~: Patton Way ~ Krebs Rd. ~ I: ~Cl~: Bakersfi~'dZlh" ~'-Fr~tvaI~-'Pr0~ert~es ~: P,O. Box 3006 ~1: (714}' 723-4255 - ~H:' 'Newport B'each ] T/At'38: (~AL tOCATICNS): T29 ~R27E~ 16 SI'RIET: ' Ma 1 e ba l ~AE: -,-'CA 1 lip=:.-9'2663 T~E~3V~Ca~T~: Groundwater Resources, InctA~S: 5400 Aldrin Ct. -- JSTAIE: CA (805) 835-7700 ¢1~: Bakersfield ~I~: 9331 .~S~k~m~= ASAP IC~]~HCS~I~&~: 'A" #520768 I~'$~H~: 1163748-90 ~-~I[V~ S~S: Groundwater. Resources, [C,S: 5400 Aldrin Ct. Bakersfiel~ IINSJRI~: State Fund ~RE~: 3155 Pegasus Dro Bakersfield (805) 835-7700 NOliI~'$~TI~: 1163748-90 LA~a~TCRYlflATM~LYT. E~: SMC Labortory (805) 393-3597 ¢~ OBgC~, I~RI~TI~ - 93313 JA:CA~IP: 93308 CHEMICAL C~TICN OF MATERIALS STORED: DATES STORED TO rO------~ C~EIvlICAL FOI:~IERLY STOR:~ t,ttfl~I~FIcjLIUPI~IItD~': California Water Service IISI~iIJNI~fl~NIIltlNSOFEL~Yi31# ~i ~T~ ~I~ DI~ IF ~I~ ~ F~: No ~ ~IL ~ AT F~ILI~: S i 1 ty J~IS ~ ~IL ~ ~ ~l~ ~ ~T~TI~: Prior Site Work . ~ No sands I S~J~~.~BF~R: BTX&E (Oil & Grease) ( TANK MAS BEEN REMOVED {I~XTMI~TIOt CCNTRACTOR: OlSP(t~ L~llOt aIR RINSATE: Ol,~litl. [lt~TlOt 1~ T,~(S): ~PLEASE ~ETE THE REVERSE SIl~ OF 'ELIS APPLICATION BEFORE SUBMIITINO FOR REVlB~+:: THIS FORN HAS BEEN CC~IPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY AND TO ~HE BEST OF ~ KNONLE[X~E IS TRUE AND CORRECT. SIGNATURE: ........ .'~---~--,-..~ ~ -~WioC~_/ TITLE~_._~J~ xP ~ DATE_/_/-/~ff_~_o PROVIDE DRAWING ~$ICAL LAYOUT OF FACIL lNG SPACE PROVIDED BELOW. ALL OF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION MUST BE INCLUDED IN ORDER FOR THE ' "APPLICATION TO BE PROCESSED= . , _~.,_,~.__~-~-_ TANK(S), PIPING & DISPENSER(S), INCLUDING LENGTHS ....... .DIMENSIONS. "" .-, ~ PROPOSED SAMPLING LOCATIONS DESIGNATED BY THIS SYMBOL ..... :" 2'&' _~_..ANY MATER ~ELLS OF SURFACE-'~ATERS NITHINJIO0' RADIUS OF .. :;' o,J/~ 7~P..9 o_60'