HomeMy WebLinkAboutUST REP3/26/1999 ! ! I I I I I I I' I' Removal of Hydrocarbon-Impacted Soil Pep Boys #667, 4605 Planz Road, Bakersfield, California AGE Project~o. CV 231c2.n79 19 April 1999 California HazaPREP;doRE~usr°~;rvices, Inc. · SUBMITTED TO: Bakersfield Fire Department PREPARED B Y: Advanced GeoEnvironmental, Inc. 3315 East Miraloma Avenue, Suite 117, Anaheim, California 92806, Phone(714) 996-5151 .Fax (714) 996-5182 4005 North Wilson Way, Stockton, California 95205, Phone (209) 467-1006 .Fax (209) 467-1118 2318Fourth Street, Santa Rosa, California 95404, Phone (707) 570-1418 .Fax (707) 570-1461 I19'April 1999 AGE Project No. cV 231C2.479 I Mr. Greg McLucas California Hazardous Services '1 1431 East Saint Andrew Place Santa Ana, California 92705 I Subject: Removal of HydrocarbOn-Impacted Soil at Pep Boys #667 - i 4605 Planz Road, Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. McLucas: ' ' IIn accordance with your request, we have supervised the remediation activities and collected soil I samples related to .the removal of hydrocarbon-impacted soil at the above referenced address. The enclosed report describes the procedures and findings of these activities. The opportunity to provide this service is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions regarding I t his matter, please feel free to call our office at (714) 996-5151.' I Sincerely, i Advanced GeoEnvironmentai, Inc. Diane Becker/' R°bea D'~°~fI_ er~ · Staff Ge°lo,st Proj ec~_~eo3og~ No. 6709 -- Cali~r~mia. Reg~st I Enclosures I CC: (2) (1) addressee Mr: Howard H. Wines, III - Bakersfield Fire Department I I 3315 E. Miraloma Avenue, Suite 117, An.aheim, Cali~brnia 92806 Telephone (714) 996-5151 FAX (714) 996-5182 I I I I ,I Removal of Hydrocarbon-Impacted Soil Pep Boys #667 4605 Planz Road, Bakersfield, California 1.0. INTRODUCTION Advanced GeoEnvironmental, Inc. (AGE) has been retained by Califomia Hazardous Services, Inc. (CHS) to supervise remediation and conduct sampling activities related to an unauthorized release of hydrocarbons from a former 550-gallon waste oil tank at the referenced address. 1.1. GENERAL SITE CHARACTERISTICS 1.1.1. Location The subject property lies on the southeast comer of Planz Road and New Stine Road at an approximate elevation of 375 feet above sea level (Figure 1 - Location Map, 7.5 Minute Gosford Quadrangle, USGS Topographic Series, 1973). The 99 Freeway is located 1-mile east of the subject property. The surrounding area is residential and commercial. 1.1.2. Site Description and Current Use The subject property is currently occupied by Pep Boys, an automotive parts retailer and repair facility. There are no plans to change the property usage in the near future. 1.2. ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING 1.2.1. Regional Geology The subject property is located within the San Joaquin Valley, a topographic and structural basin bounded on the east by the Sierra Nevada Mountains and on the west by the Coast Range. The Sierra Nevada, a gently dipping south-westward fault-block is composed of igneous and metamorphic rocks of pre-Tertiary age which comprise the basement complex beneath the valley. The Coast Ranges 'contain folded and faulted sedimentary rocks of Mesozoic and Cenozoic age which are similar to those .rocks that underlie the valley at great depth, and non-conformably overlie the basement complex. Gently dipping to nearly horizontal sedimentary rocks of Tertiary and Quaternary age overlie the older rocks. The younger rocks are mostly of terrestrial origin, and in the Bakersfield area, were derived from the Sierra Nevada. The City of Bakersfield is situated within the Central portion of the Great Valley, and is in a large alluvial basin predominantly filled by fine-grained clastic sediment. Unconsolidated materials found in the project area are generally composed of alluvial deposits of sand, silt and minor clay and gravel. The source rock for this material is primarily the granitic and metamorphic rocks located in the Sierra Nevada. Advanced GeoEnvironmental, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 19 April 1999 AGE Project No. CV 231C2.479 Page 2 of 4 1.2.2. Ground Water Information The subject property is located within, the San Joaquin Basin Hydrologic Study Area which includes roughly the southern two-thirds of the Central San Joaquin Valley. Within that area, twenty-six ground water basins and areas of potential storage have been identified. The inventory covers nine ground water basins identified as significant sources of ground water. The San Joaquin Basin covers apProximately 13,500 square miles. According to Mr. Tom HaSlebacher of the Kern County Water Agency, the depth to ground water in the vicinity of the site was 175 feet below surface grade (bsg), when last'gauged in October 1997 (State Well No. 30S/27E-11M01). The depth to ground water is assumed to be at a similar depth below the subject property. The direction of ground water flow beneath the site is reportedly toward the southeast. 1.3. PREVIOUS ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS A single 550-gallon waste oil underground storage tank (UST) was removed on 28 April 1998. Following the removal of the UST, two soil samples were collected (Samples T1 and T2). TRPH was detected in sample T1 at 9,300 mg/kg and in sample T2 at 11,600 mg/kg (AGE report titled Soil Sampling Following Removal of Underground Storage Tank, dated 04 May 1998). Based on the reported findings, the Bakersfield Fire Department - Environmental Services (BFD-ES) issued a letter, dated 26 May 1998, requiring that a work plan be prepared in order to define the extent of the reported release of hydrocarbons. AGE submitted a site characterization work plan on 08 June 1998. In a letter dated 29 June 1998, the BFD-ES approved the work plan. Five probe borings (Borings BI through B5) were established on the property on 08 July 1998. Borings B1 through B4 were drilled to 40 feet bsg and boring B5 was drilled to 15 feet bsg. TRPH was detected in samples B1-D10, B1-D15 and B4-D15 at 3,096 mg/kg, 13 mg/kg and 1,070 mg/kg, respectively. TRPH was not detected in the remaining samples. Of the samples analyzed for HVOC, tetrachloroethene (PCE) was detected in sample B4-D 15 at 22.6/xg/kg. No HVOCs were detected in the remaining samples. AGE recommended the soil be excavated and transported to a soil recycling facility for disposal (AGE report titled Subsurface Investigation at Pep Boys #667, dated 15 July 1998). Following a phone conversation with a Mr. Howard Wines III of the BFD-ES, AGE submitted a work plan for soil remediation on 30 July 1998. In a letter dated 05 August 1998, the BFD-ES approved the work plan: Advanced GeoEnvironmental, Inc. 19 April 1999 AGE Project No. CV 231 C2.479 Page 3 of 4 2.0. SOIL REMOVAL AND SAMPLING ACTIVITIES CHS excavated the hydrocarbon-impacted soil on 23 March 1999. The hydrocarbon-impacted soil was removed with an excavator, capable of excavating soil to depths in excess of 20 feet. Overburdened soil, consisting of "imPort'' gravel used to backfill, the waste oil tank excavation, was removed to a depth of approximately 10 feet. Below this depth, native soil, consisting mostly of fine to medium grained sand interbedded with silt, was encountered. The soil between approximately 10 and 15 feet bsg exhibited gray discoloration. All of the discolored soil was removed visually before obtaining any confirmatory samples. A photo-ionization detector (PID: ThermoEnvironmenta1580B, 10.6 eV, calibrated to hexane) was utilized to screen the soil. The excavation was 20-feet by 20-feet and was excavated to a depth of 20-feet bsg: Soil samples were subsequently collected from the excavation: W-15' (collected from the west wall of the excavation at a depth of 15 feet bsg); S-16', E-16'. and N-15' were collected from the western, southern, eastern and northern sidewalls, respectively. In addition, samples F-SW-20' and F-NE-20' were collected fi.om the southwest and northeast areas of the floor of the excavation at approximately 20 feet bsg. The sampling points are depicted on Figure 2 - Soil Sample Locations. The samples were collected from the teeth of the excavator bucket and compacted into brass sleeves, the ends were then covered with aluminum sheets, and sealed with plastic end caps. The samples were. relinquished for on-site analysis to a state-certified mobile laboratOry provided bY Sierra Analytical Laboratories, Inc. (SAL). The samples were analyzed for total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbons (TRPH), and halogenated volatile organic compounds (HVOCs), in accordance with EPA methods 418.1 and 8010, respectively. 3.0. FINDINGS The analytical results indicated that TRPH and HVOCs, including PCE, were not detected in any of the samples collected (Table 1)~ The laboratory report (SAL Project No. M1-9903~05), Quality Control Information and chain-of-custody form are attached. 4.0. CONCLUSIONS Based on field and analytical results, the hydrocarbon-impacted soil has been successfully removed. The soil removed from the excavation was loaded into trucks for transport to McKittrick Waste Treatment Site (MWTS), an approved soil recycling facility, on 26 March 1999. In total, 303.49 tons (approximately 216 cubic yards) of soil were transported to MWTS under non-hazardous waste manifests. The soil manifests and weigh master certificates are attached. Advanced GeoEnvironmentak Inc. 19 April 1999 AGE Project No. CV 231 C2.479 Page 4 of 4 Based on the non-detection of hydrocarbons and halogenated volatile organic compounds, AGE recommends that the BFD-ES grant a site closure for this site. 5.0. LIMITATIONS Our professional services were performed using that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised by environmental consultants practicing in this or similar localities. The findings were mainly based upon analytical results provided by independent laboratories. Interpretations of the subsurface conditions at the site for the purpose of this investigation are made from a limited number of available data points (i.e. soil samples) and subsurface conditions may vary away from these data points. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made as to the professional recommendations contained in this report. Advanced GeoEnvironmental, Inc. FIGURES 7'5 ' Minute g°sf°rd qua~gle USGS Topo~aphic Series, Photorevised 1973 Project No.:  FIGURE 1 - LOCATION MAP CV 231C2.479 Pep Boys ~677 Advanced 4605 PI~ Road Date: GeoEnvironmental, Inc. B&ersfield, Califomia 19 April 1999 /' I / I I I I I I I I I / / / / / / / / / Limits Overhang of Excavation ~concrefe · -N-15' F-N~.-£O' · F-S~ff-20'. · S-16' Planter and Sidewalk //P~p Boys #677 - Service Ba~S/// Overhang LEGEND: ~ 0 10 · $-16' Soil Sample Location SCALA IN PEET 2O ! FIGURE 2 - SOIL SAMPLE Project No.: .... . - LOCATIONS cv 231c2.479 Advanced ~:::~ '~,,,~, Pep Boys//677 Date: GeoEnvironmental,Inc. 4605 Planz Road Bakersfield, California 19 April 1999 Rob LoefCter', Advanced GeoEnv, 7/13/98 1045 AM 3akers¢ieid - F~[o, mz Road - Borin.Q l_oco, tion I I I I TABLES I I I I I I I I I I TABLE 1~ Analytical Results Pep Boys #667 Sample Location TRPH HVOCs mg/kg mg/k§ N-15' North sidewall, 15 feet bsg ND ND S- 16' South sidewall, 16 feet bsg . ND ND E-16' East sidewall, 16' feet bsg ND ND W-15' West sidewall, 15 feet bsg ND ND F-SW-20' Floor, southwest portion, 20 feet bsg ND ND F-NE-20' Floor, northeast portion, 20 feet bsg ND ND ND Not Detected. See analytical results for detection limits. Advanced GeoEnvironmental, Inc. I I I I I ~ · ... LABORATORY ~ RESULTS ! I I '1 I I S~ERRA ANALYTICAL Date: 3/24/99 Advanced GeoEnvironmental, Inc. 3315 E Miraloma Ave Ste 117 Anaheim CA 92806 Attention: Ms. Diane Becker Client Project ID: Date Sampled: Date Received: Sierra Project No.: Pep Boys-Bakersfield 3/23/99 3/23/99 M 1-9903-05 Attached are the results of the chemo-physical analysis of the sample(s) from the project identified above. The samples were received by Sierra Analytical Labs, Inc. with a chain of custody record attached or completed at the submittal of the samples. The analysis were performed according to the prescribed method as outlined by EPA, Standard Methods, and A.S.T.M. The remaining portions of the samples will be disposed of within 30 days from the date of this report. If you require additional retaining time, please advise us. Richard K. Forsyth Laboratory Director Reviewed This report is applicable only to the sample received by the laboratory. The liability of the laboratory is limited m the amount paid for this report. This report is for the exclusive use oftheclient to whom it is addressed and upon the condition that the client assumes alt liability for the further distribution of the report or its contents. 26052 MERIT CIRCLE SUITE 105, LAGUNA HILLS, CALIFORNIA 92653 TELEPHONE: (949) 348-9389 FAX: (949) 348-9115 E-MAIL: SIERRALABS ~ EARTHLINK. NET I Advanced GeoEnvironmental, Inc. 3315 E Miraloma Ave Ste 117 Anaheim CA 92806 Sierra Project No.: Client Project ID: Sample Matrix: M1-9903-05 Pep Boys-Bakersfield Soil SIERRA ANALYTICAL Date Sampled: 3/23/99 Date Received: 3/23/99 Date Prepared: 3/23/99 Date Analyzed: 3/23/99 Analyst: AK Report Date: 3/24/99 TOTAL RECOV ~RABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS EPA METHOD 418.1 SIERRA Sample No. Client Samp e No. (mg/kg) Factor (mg/kg) 1116 ~1-15' ND I 10 1117 SII6' ND 1 10 1118 ELI6' ND 1 10 1119 F-SlY-20' ND 1 10 1120 ~i ND 1 I0 1121 F 0' ND 1 10 QC Sample ID: M1-9903-05-1116 Qu/ity~l Assurance/Quality Control Data LES QC QC SpliCe Spike Dup Compounds % Rec. % l~ec. % Rec. Limits RPD Limits TRPH 94/ 93 89 50-150 4.9 0-30 I I ND means Not Detected Reporting Limit (RL) = Method Detection Limit (MDL) x Dih lion Factor I SIERRA LABORATORIES INC I I Advanced GeoEnvironmental, Inc. 3315 E Miraloma Ave Ste 117 Anaheim CA 92806 Sierra Project No.: Client Project ID: Sample Matrix: M1-9903-05 Pep Boys-Bakersfield Soil Date Sampled: 3/23/99 Date Received: 3/23/99 Date Prepared: 3/23/99 Date Analyzed: 3/23/99 Analyst: AK Report Date: 3/24/99 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EPA METHOD 8010 Concentration, .g/kg Method Client Sample No.: w-15' S-16' E-16' F~SW-20' N-15' F-NE-20' Detection Limit, Sierra Sample No.: 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 !ag/kg COMPOUNDS: Bromodichloromethane ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 Bromomethane ND ND ND ND ND NrD 3 Bromoform ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 Carbon tetrachloride ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 Chlorobenzene ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 Chloroethane ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether ND ND IxrD ND ND ND 3 Chloromethane ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 Chloroform ND ND ND ND ND NrD 3 Dibromochloromethane ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ND Nq2) ND ND ND 3 1,3-Dichlorobenzene NrD ND ND ND ND ND 3 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 4,1-Dichloroethane ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 1,2-Dichloroethane ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 1,1-Dichloroethene ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 t- 1,2-Dichloroethene ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 :- 1,3-Dichloropropene ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 t- 1,3-Dichloropropene ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 Methylene Chloride ND ND ND ND ND ND 5 retrachloroethene ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 1, I, 1-Trichloroethane ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 Trichloroethene ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 Vinyl chloride ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 Dilution Factor 1 1 I I 1 I QC Limits ¼ Surrogate Recovery: 87 88 84 90 79 84 60-130 ND means Not Detected 1 Reporting Limit (RL) = Method Detection Limit (MDL) x Dilution Factor SIERRA LABORATORIES INC Advanced GeoEnvironmental, Inc. 3315 E Miraloma Ave Ste 117 Anaheim CA 92806 Sierra Project No.: Client Project ID: Sample Matrix: M1-9903-05 Pep Boys-Bakersfield Soil Date Sampled: Date Received: Date Prepared: Date Analyzed: Analyst: Report Date: 3/23/99 3/23/99 3/23/99 3/23/99 AK 3/24/99 EPA METHOD 8010 Quality Assurance/Quality Control Data QC Sample ID: M1-9903-05-1116 LCS Spike Spike Dup QC QC Compounds % Rec. % Rec. % Rec. Limits RPD Limits 1,1-DCA 100 99 104 47-132 4.9 0-30 Carbon tetrachloride 95 96 101 43-143 5.1 0-30 Bromoform 91 88 93 13-159 5.5 0-30 I I I I I I I I I I SIERRA ANALYTICAL CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD TEL: 949.348.9389 FAX: 949.348,9115 26052 Merit Circle · Suite 105 · La ~ FOIl I.,~IIOI{ATI)RY USE O5l.y. Na ~p t. Rct'eipl t'omlili.n< SI)ct'inl Inslrucli(ms: ~ Sample Seals rj I'rt.servulives- Verified k..,,s:~ .... ~ ol)riale S tple Conlainer [~ .~fora:v I.ot'ali~,n I A '~ A L¥ =, c A L INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER DATE M 1-9903-05 Ma reh 24,1999 Remit To: Sierra Analytical Labs, Inc. 26052 Merit Circle. Suite 105 SIERRA PROJECT NUMBER CUSTOMER NUMBER Laguna Hills. California 92653 M1-9903-05 N/A ATTENTION: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 'I'ER.M S Bill To: Advanced GeoEnvironmental, Inc. Due Upon Receipt 3315 E. Miraloma Ave., Suite 117 Anaheim, CA 92806 ATI'ENTION: Accounts Payable Customer Contact: Ms. Diane Becker Client Project Number: N/A Advanced GeoEnvironmental, Inc. Client Project Name: Pep Boys-Bakersfield 3315 E. Miraloma Ave., Suite 117 Anaheim, CA 92806 1 Mobilization Fee Sen'ices (includes travel time) 1 N/A $1,250.00 $1,250.00 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 UUSTOMER P.O. NUMBERICONTRACT NUMBER]REFERENCE SUBTOTAL $1.250.00 P.O. NU.MBER: N/A Qt'.OTE: N/A TAX 51ERRA PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR SALESPERSON TOTAL S1,250.00 I Past thee balances are sub./ect to a service charge equal to 1-1/2% per month. 26052 MERIT CIRCLE SUITE 105. LACUNA HILLS, CALIFORNIA 92653 TELEPHONE: (949) 348-9389 FAX: (949) 348-9115 E-MAIL: SlERRALABS ~ EARTHLINK.NET SIERRA ANALYTICAL Date: 3/24/99 Advanced GeoEnvironmental, Inc. 3315 E Miraloma Ave Ste 117 Anaheim CA 92806 Attention: Ms. Diane Becker Client Project ID: Date Sampled: Date Received: Sierra Project No.: Pep Boys-Bakersfield 3/23/99 3/23/99 M 1-9903-05 Attached are the results of the chemo-physical analysis of the sample(s) from the project identified above. The samples were received by Sierra Analytical Labs, Inc. with a chain of custody record attached or completed at the submittal of the samples. The analysis were performed according to the prescribed method as outlined by EPA, Standard Methods, and A.S.T.M. The remaining portions of the samples will be disposed of within 30 days from the date of this report. If you require additional retaining time, please advise us. Richard K. Forsyth Laboratory Director Reviewed This report is applicable only to the sample received by the laboratory. The liability of the laboratory is limited to the amount paid for this report. This report is for the exclusive use ofthecliem to whom it is addressed and upon the condition that the client assumes all liability for the further distribution of the report or its contents. 26052 MERIT CIRCLE SUITE 105, LAGUNA HILLS, CALIFORNIA 92653 TELEPHONE: (949) 348-9389 FAX: (949) 348-9115 E-MAIL; $I E FIF:[A LAE~S L~, EARTH LIN K. N ET SIERRA ANALYTICAL Advanced GeoEnvironmental, Inc. 3315 E Miraloma Ave Ste 117 Anaheim CA 92806 Sierra Project No.: Client Project ID: Sample Matrix: M1-9903-05 Pep Boys-Bakersfield Soil Date Sampled: 3/23/99 Date Received: 3/23/99 Date Prepared: 3/23/99 Date Analyzed: 3/23/99 Analyst: AK Report Date: 3/24/99 TOTAL RECOVERABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS EPA METHOD 418.1 I I Concentration Dilution MDL SIERRA Sample No. Client Sample No. (mg/kg) Factor (mg/kg) 1116 w-15' ND 1117 s-16' ND I 10 1118 E-16' ND I 10 1 1 19 F-SW-20' ND I 10 1120 N-15' ND 1 10 1121 F-NE-20' ND I 10 Quality Assurance/Quality Control Data QC Sample ID: M1-9903-05-1116 LCS Spike Spike Dup QC QC Compounds % Rec. % Rec. % Rec. Limits RPD Limits TRPH 94 93 89 50-150 4.9 0-30 ND means Not Detected I Reporting Limit (RL) = Method Detection Limit (MDL) x Dilution Factor SIERRA LABORATORIES INC Advanced GeoEnvironmental, Inc. 3315 E Miraloma Ave Ste 117 Anaheim CA 92806 Sierra Project No.: Client Project ID: Sample Matrix: M 1-9903-05 Pep Boys-Bakersfield Soil Date Sampled: 3/23/99 Date Received: 3/23/99 Date Prepared: 3/23/99 Date Analyzed: 3/23/99 Analyst: AK Report Date: 3/24/99 I EPA METHOD 8010 Concentration, lag/kg Method :Client SampleNo.: w-ts' S-16' E-16' F-SW-20' N-15' F-NE-20' Detection Limit, Sierra Sample No.: 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 lag/kg COMPOUNDS: Bromodichloromethane ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 Bromomethane ND ND ND ND ND NrD 3 Bromoform ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 Carbon tetrachloride ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 Chlorobenzene ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 Chloroethane ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 Chloromethane .NrD ND ND ND ND ND 3 Chloroform ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 Dibromochloromethane ND ND ND ND ND lxT) 3 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 1,3-Dichlorobenzene NT) ND ND ND NrD ND 3 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 1,1-Dichloroethane ND Ix,rD ND ND ND ND 3 1,2-Dichloroethane ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 l,l-Dichloroethene ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 t- 1,2-Dichloroethene ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 c- 1,3oDichloropropene ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 t- 1,3-Dichloropropene ND ND ND ND NL, ND 3 Methylene Chloride ND ND ND ND ND ND 5 Tetrachloroethene ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 1,1, l-Trichloroethane ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 Trichloroethene ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 Vinyl chloride ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 Dilution Factor I I I I I I QC Limits % Surrogate Recovery: 87 88 84 90 79 84 60-130 ND means Not Detecled Reporting Limit (RL) = Method Detection Limit (MDL) x Dilution Factor I SIERRA LABORATORIES INC Advanced GeoEnvironmental, Inc. 3315 E Miraloma Ave Ste 117 Anaheim CA 92806 Sierra Project No.: Client Project ID: Sample Matrix: M1-9903-05 Pep Boys-Bakersfield Soil Date Sampled: Date Received: Date Prepared: Date Analyzed: Analyst: Report Date: 3/23/99 3/23/99 3/23/99 3/23/99 AK 3/24/99 I EPA METHOD 8010 QC Quality Assurance/Quality Control Data Sample ID: M1-9903-05-1116 LCS Spike Spike Dup QC QC Uompounds % Rec. % Rec. % Rec. Limits RPD Limits 1,1 -DCA 100 99 104 47-132 4.9 0-30 Carbon tetrachloride 95 96 101 43-143 5.1 0-30 Bromo form 91 88 93 13-159 5.5 0-30 SIERRA ANALYTICAL CHAIN OF CUSTOI)Y RECORD 1 TEL: 949.348.9389 ,:,,.: ,.~ / Z~, ~ ~/ r:m,. ./__. ,,r. ..... FAX: 949.3480115 26052 Merit Circle · Suite 105 · Laguna Hills, CA · 92653 ].:,1, [',',,.i,','[ x..: ./44 ! - ,~ ~ O.~ --o ~' (""'": ,Ap~'o,~/c..'~ ~c~c~-'~/v'in-oa//.,t$~.,~-A~l"""P"':i-,'x"'"'"r'P"".i-x;,','': Analyses Requested i~ I. liij c~h. ii; % ( 'licnl Sample X.. Naln~e N.. Dale/Time Malrix I'rcscrvalivc5 'l'ypc ('..hlincrs .............................. :-,~, ~,,~ ~ ~ __~ - !_~ ',t t: ..... 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Limits RPD Limits TRPH 94 93 89 50-150 4.9 0-30 I I ND means Not Delected Reporting Limit (RL) = Mefl~od Detection Limil (MDL) x Dilmion Factor PRELIMINARY DATA I I Advanced GeoEnvironmental, Inc. 3315 E Miraloma Ave Ste 117 Anaheim CA 92806 Sierra Project No.: Client Project ID: Sample Matrix: M1-9903-05 Pep Boys-Bakersfield Soil Date Sampled: 3/23/99 Date Received: 3/23/99 Date Prepared: 3/23/99 Date Analyzed: 3/23/99 Analyst: AK Report Date: 3/23/99 EPA METHOD 8010 II Concentration, ~ag/kg Method Client Sample No.: w-is' s-16' E-16' :-SW-20' N-15' F-NE-20' Detection Limit, Sierra Sample No.: 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 pg/kg COMPOUNDS: Bromodichloromethane ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 Bromomethane ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 Bromoform ND ND NrD ND ND ND 3 Carbon tetrachloride ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 Chlorobenzene ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 Chloroethane ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 Chloromethane ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 Chloroform ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 Dibromochloromethane ND ND NrD ND ND ND 3 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 I I,l-Dichloroethane ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 1,2-Dichloroethane ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 1,1-Dichloroethene ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 t-l,2-Dichloroethene ND ND NrD ND ND ND 3 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 c- 1,3-Dichloropropene ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 t- 1,3-Dichloropropene ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 Methylene Chloride ND ND ND ND ND ND 5 Tetrachloroethene ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 i, 1,1-Trichloroethane ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 Trichloroethene ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 Vinyl chloride ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 Dilution Factor 1 1 1 ~ ~ i QC Limits % Surrogate Recovery.: 87 88 84 90 79 84 60-130 ND means Not Detected Reporting Limit (RL) = Method Detection Limit (MDL) x Dilution Factor SIERRA ANALYTICAL CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD TEL: 949°348°9389 I):,,e: 5/ Z~/ ~ '~ Page / of F~: 949,348,9115 26052 Merit Circle · Suite 105 · Lg~na Hills, CA · 92653 k:,~, vn,.i,.~.~ ~,,.: ~ t -- c,,.,,: A a v.~ ~ (; ~5'~",~ ~-oW~,~c:~.,' ~ ~.c~i,,,. ,-,.i. ~,,,,,,,.r/~.~,,i. ~:,,,,,. Analyses Requested .~, ~. i,~ ~5~ ~.~,~ -- r~,,,,.~..o: ~ ~,,~,, ~-~, .......~ ~ _ sierra con~:,im.r ~o. or ~ Clienl SamPle No. SamPle No. Dalefl'ime Malrix Preservatives TyPv Conlainers Commenls Sample I'rinted N --A; ....... ....... c,,,,,v,,,v ,,~ ~..,L:~. / ' - - , - .,.,~,.: ,:,,,,,~,~,,,~.: .~, ~.~ ~ .,.,,,,..:( ~ ,;,; '-~..,~,-,-~.~,.,.,,,,,-,,.,-.~,,.,,,,~,~:.~-,,,,...,.,...~,,,,:,.,,:~','. ~ Total Number of Containers ('omp;my: Time: Company: Time: Received by Laboralory :I"OR LAIII.IRAT(.)RY USE ()NI,Y ::Sample Receipt Colldilio.s: . a '1~,.~,: :: ::' ':' ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: i~',"'-'-'r-,,,,*c, ~'t..4,. ,:~ ~.-~ ..... · ::"..5 :::::::::::::::::::::::::. : :'.: :' '.:.:': ~pcci~l In~lrurlioni; : '.: ' . ..:.: .~: :.::::.~ . .. · -" ~re~f~L~he~d :.:.:':i:i:::ii:::~. ::F. . ... ' · · I I I I I I I I I Generator Phone Number t~tn~ ,hereby certify the materials described %~ect to,~~aste regol'ations. Signatu~; of Authorized Agent. Transporter I Corn ]ny Name '.:~ ..... /~~hone ~'O-~-b ' " . . ~_) ~icket Quantity Shipped Tons Time (~ ¢ T~ Date ~ 0'~ -D..6--R ~ : ... Date , . yards - IL~ Special Handling or additional information.. TSDF '.. · McKittrick WaSte 'Treatment Si;~e ' 56533 HWy 58 Westl . ::... _:' Drums ' Other Reactivity pH. t_K).' / McKittrick, Ca. 93251" "' · , :. - .. : . .' Qty received , .,,,, _. · W uperator:~:, .:.- . Ce~itication of receipt"cf Waste materials covered by this' manifest' - .., -; ::, :::., Ex~'e'Pt as n~{:~d'in'tke'Di~epe~c'~'']~ic~ti0n Sp~ce;.:~: .. ' .. . .. :_ ,. :-_~::'_: .. .:. .: . .,;,.._ .: ..:.~:: :;...:. ¢~..~. ,',. : ": ~' ~~: -"~':" ..::_.:...,. .~,..... :..::.::~,: .... ..?,.. :,..,:>:.:~ ::.. ,.......~ ~ ,,-. :..~.~:...:::. ~ .:-. .. ,...,..:~::..::..:.:::..:.7 ...::_. . . ..... ': '-: :~" "' ' '. f':- '.'- ' ':, "-'::::' .... . -.Z '":* ': ' ' .' ":'-:" -' :: ' ' : '~ ~ ...... '... ..- . ...... 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""--.-.;::.. ! I ';, ',.'~%';: **;; ',,;*.;:- e ';... '"b,r;m~t~%? - .?:]'..'.t' ':'. ; .';'.-; ;',-**;¢~,~:~***~'~'~** ' ..... ' · ' . Approval/Profile Number-, ' ~-** b,%'-~ ~ ~ Generato Name and Mailing Address Facili~ address if different Generator'Phone Number ~o~ \ - S- 5i-)-- ~'-)O L,,- hereby certLfy the mate~ilals describ,d'B'e-Fow are no--ct ,o 9~¢~;;'~ waste regulations. ;ignature' of AuthoriZed Agent ~t -¢'0 ,%// / : Transporter 1 Company Name '~ "~' ~tC -" Ticket ~ ':?. ~'~'::'%;,~'~;;: ]"'"' Time .' SignatUre.-:. Tran."sPorter 2 Corn i Date '~ (=-'~ (~'f~ · ' Date Quantity Shipped" /;]'] ' Tons · ;;?-?~,- Yards '/ Special Handling or additional information Drums Other T S D F ::?,~. McKittrick Waste Tr~'~'t~ent Site .. Reactivity Cn ,,.~:, . = Sulfide '56533 Hwy.58 West~.;- PH McKittrick, Ca. 93.25 ~]{-. ' '-- ....... . ] '.'-]' .. Qty received . ·, -., P · . . :,"..?.:;~:;}~, ~i !cation of receipt of, waste materials Covered by this manifest.~ Ex'c'e'p(aS;~'~ed"Jn ~ ~i~'enc~ indication Space. ';';' ..'-~. '.-...:.' . t ' . '. '- ~ ,' '. :.'~ .' . ' . .----~ "~ ,Fi:r; .' '' L :,- . , ~ .' ] :: ::,]~.' · - - - .. ---. - --.- . : -. . '-.' ' .~ . .,.,.....:,._ J · ., . = ' ~ Disc.repency Indication Space , . . I I I I I I I I I I I I SITE ~_ kI~ 48570 ~ "17i ~ B!I.;LING.~IN FO .... ' ':! .NET UVERED TO I BUYER ,,. '...TONS . . :.i!i~?:::'-'!!:?':: :'-'., ''~'' '. '~' ~ TRAP'ER LIC.:' ..'. '. ' ' :'.. ' ' ...¢OMMC ' =:'-' INVOICE:. ? ..... '"' "::"?~:!'":!~' ,:.i...:. ~ .. WASH OUT: COST 'PER:TON?':.~ .... ' ' ' ':.TOTAL COST:' 75 CHG:$ ' · SAMPLE SCREENING INFORMATION App}°va+/Ptbfile Number I '~ c~,;-~ _ :% ~,% Gener, a~ors Na~e and Mailing Address Facility ad,,c~.ess if different Generator Phone Number ~t~ ~ - '~¢'-~ ._ ~'-,,~ ~, hereby certify the materials descried below are not subject to any hazardous waste regulations.· nature of Authorized AgS¢..,~,,_t'%-,,,, ~'~,,., '{,..._.---'---~. "' Transporter 1 Company Name (~~ ~. ~'/~c~ ,~,J~' ' ' Ticket# · · ~ /' ' . . . ." ' : : ..--Time - .:: /1~,,,3---'~'-' "' '-" signature ' '~ ; ~ '}'7-'/"/"~~''': ': ';:" Date ' !Transporter 2Company~ame- · . u. '-'" '.- '. ", si-gr~ature' .- . -..~.- _ . . : ._-., . .., . . :.,.. -. Waste Description ~,~,.. OO,d'~.z~.~ \V.~')'O <- ,-'~L- ' Quantity Shipped Tons Drums ' '..'- Other '.' Special Handling or additional information TSDF ........ McKittrick WaS~e"Treatment.site Sulfide...:' -. '~ .. , .... ..... Facility Operator:s? :"?: Ce~ification of reCeipi-'of ~'aste material~ ~6vered b'¢ this manifest .;.:, ::. :'.'.::':' ~'~-.:..-" '-': : IGHIdASTER - McKITTRICK WASTE 'DISPOSAL SITE. ~',' Tik~ 4957~ ..... ~ ~-.~--, '-~-:, · ',:LK, I LL~ . ' , .............. L .... ~'-r ........................ ~ ............ ~ ......... ' "" -" ' : ·' ..:~'.":." i:'~%': .':: ~.' ~~' ~r · ~ " ' ' ' ' ' '/'' """ i' I' .... ' ' ' i' .... .... ..';~;~.ot. ~ ; '..'.t £ . ,~--~-:)t~.,:!-' .~)'~.,L'~.!. :(-~'/~.'~, Ii'_*.. - ..... ~",~.: .. '..::'.: . '. .::..~ ,:, , . '". · :' :t" : ,.. g.--Er i i "Z.:~.~0.i LE"S'~'E~£T,,' ~ '~'9!a~.).~L~S;"-..'. '--.:" ,'' .'" '_ 7:.': ': '; ' --': - · I . ' .... L ql',.'H:~Y':-'....'~ NnT~TT~ti: : '. ' : ..... - - ' ' ' '. i. ' ....... '" "- ' -~: CtF,£r., ~,::: ce.~E .: ... -' . -....-. ., ~, c<..-:· ..................... ':~":~' ............ ' I -- .,' · '.. ,~ . r-~:; ................ '--- ..... " .... '~" '-!' ............ ............................. -~ ,'-': ....-~:: ........ =. 5.-if-.'-~ 8e.~,.'i'2'.t._r~ £~.~,~-...-.'~. ~;~: :......~::.ii. ili. L.~:' .'~'-'-"~'~"-"~':'.-i'~ii;,:.i'-'.--:,:':&---:;.';_: .... :.-:. ' ": ..'.. ..'. -'. '-': .:- '...: ':.: t~':-~?!'/.iF t.~F~-_'~:t,~ _..'-~.~ ~t,S.~ .~,.'.'"-.:t~ :Z' : ..... -.. - .'..." ':,:.-~-'.'.i: ' :.'.. ':-- '...' . ..' '."":.:::!:!;: '[..:' '--!-.7.'" ~;":..'-:' :-~ .'~'- ~: :':-'~:~':':':::-.? "::-~-~ :" :"" ''''' :~ .".'~'. :' ?': :':.i i> 'it/-i:.:~':::~:'~:::-: :~: '.~ :.-:: ~.'..:'-.'.~:-.'.i'? i::.. :i!--....:}->i.',:.:~.:::... ?.~:-",i:--.-~,:;'''~ ::?'~i:i' - ." ..- .~-. -::' ." :::.'~..'..:. : -" :':' :~:'. ,.~-:.":.'i .~ o~i~i~:.:"i :--.:~:'.~-~ i:.~-' -~-..'- ..- ~'!'-~!:~!i.~' i~-;-:~:-: m.4 E I I I I I' I I I I I ISHMASTER.- McKITTRICF.' WASTE DISPOSAL SITE Ti k.~ m m m m m ~I-EIGHMAS~ER'i;!ffi!MCKiT-THICK'WASTE.TREATMENT'SITE '""=A'aubs d a of San fi In ' . . ., ~ .... c. . WESt' McKittrlck, CA 93251.-'. ' '" (661)762-7366 ...~ '"-.'. "C~SSIISlTE : . : .. . BILLING INFORMATION ~.~f.~;.t,,,~,,.=,...~.-,,,,:.m~.~ "*~:, :,-.,-.,", ¢~-/.~' .~ ' ' .* ' . · . ' , . '. -. ·· · . .-- · .' .~.~,HIG~WAY, 58,,~4D~.WESTOF HIGHWAY33 ~ I ~ROSS /' ' ' ' '" " '.- ' ...... " ~?,~.-...- .:. p . , . ..' ~-.~ .,. . . .~ . , ., ~,. ,~ ..; .... ~. . . , . WASHOUT: ' ~ $ .... EACH '"'./'::"] ~.~,~i~R!~K,.,~AL!F~NiA :...,...... :,..=; ... .:.,~ [BY . ~.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~,..~..j -. ....~ . ........ ~:~::?,'~3/~'~:"*~... ~..... ~'~:."~. . ' =~O. · Z~ ·" "'' · ""*:~ / TARE "*'.. ": ..' ' ......"' .... DEPU~ , . , , ..... . ~ COST PER TON: $ . :,.,~,.~ .... ,.:..~ .......... ' ~: BY " ,' ' " ' , ...... ' ~?~,?.,? DAT~ ,":.-,, ,,:',~ ~-/;,: ........ ~UE .'; :' : ....· ~EIG~ IN LBS. "~ :' I '. .. TOTAL COST: $ ,, . ~... - .' . F IFFERENT FROM GROSS ABOVE) :' ' "- ' ' . ' ' ,~,~,;,..,,,:;:;~:.,....~::,.....::::..........: ...... .... .~. ,,,, ~......:~..~,~.. ~~;~ . .',,) .~.:. ::. ~.:CO~R: ~D.~ ~ .::~L,.D,,. ~,,:.~. , ~ . .:, ~ .: , ., ~-~ ..... · . . .~(~ '" ' ' ' ..... . 'f ': ' . ': ' ' . '~' '', ' ",4'-; '. '' : . ' ...... "-' ' ,,..,. I I ' "- .... "' UN~S B~ NO '. ........ ' ' ' Approval/Profile Number Genera~c~_~ Name and Mailing Address Facility ~ddl/~ss if d~._erent Generatdr Phone Number ~ Lc, t - ~'-~ ~ -~?lOfy~ ' ' ' I hereby certify the materials described be~bjec~/~y haza~ou, Waste regulations, .. ,' Signature of AUthorized Age~,~ ~{ ~-,.." ''' Date~{~l~ Transporter 1 Company Name % ' '~'~ ~L~~' .;. Phone'~,~-~_5~5'5 · · Quantity ShipPed Tons :- - · .Yards· Special Handling· or additional information Drums TSDF .... ·: ..... ..',- Reactivity Cn - .. McKittrick Waste:.Treal~ment Site ...- Sulfide '. -~- - - . 56533 Hwy'58'~s:(..i.??:".:''''' :..'' ! ':'':'- ~: 'i..-..' .-...:~ · .' ~' . pH - · ! ' .' McKittrick, ca;. 93251t': '~', '7.:' .... ~t~1~ t~[t~[ll~.', Qty received ~, FacilitY o~e~atb"~.j~?~;~::[; [,~ c'e~ification of 'r~cei~t'0f waste *materials· covered by this manifest'." Ex~ePt*a'~ ~°ted i~:'the Dj~crepenC~"i~d*iCati0n s~ace~"~;",:"'-~ "': ' '' :" ..... ' ..... ' ~:- ........ * l WE.!GHMASTER' - McKITTRICK .........., We:: ' 5H:'T~ME; .~CCT~ ,d'.:*T~'~'' r~ ~2~5: . ,,-[,-*; ...... PH~RE# i~05~76~-726~, .-.' I I I I I WASTE DISPOSAL S~TE. - i k,~ 4855= I I I I I I I I WEIGHMASTER - HcKITTRICK WASTE DISPOSAL -ITE T.ik# 485~ I I I I I · . . WEIGHMASTER CERTIFICATE w~t. s~on I z ~ uu/or un,ach ~) o! me ~l!oma ~Js~ess and Pmfesams code, administered by the Division of Waste Management Slmdards of ~e Caifomia Departmeat of Food and Agriculure. ~.- WEIGHMASTER o. McKITTRICK WASTE TREATMENT SITE -- A subsidiary of Sanifill, Inc. i:i .." r'''" ' 7::'i:'':: 56533 HWY. 58 WEST O McKittrick, CA 93251 ' 'i:.' :'~ ' ' ' ' ':'": ~!: ' : :'~' ':" '" (G61) 762-7366 ~'CLASS II SITE" ,WEIGH NG LOCATION .... ., ~ . HIGHWAY 58,. V4 MILE WEST OF HIGHWAY 33 McKITrRICK,,CALIFORNIA = . DATE · TIME WEIGHTIN LBS. :.:~.': . """',"i:* ~ , ' '.:' ' GROSS NET ,::.,' , ,.' , CARRIER If Waste Is Weighed,it is 1007~' NOnhazardous -' ' .· TAREBy " ' '' · .. " ' :' -~-. ' /~1~"" '--'~ ~H/~-~(IF DIFFERENT FROM GROSS ABOVE)/.:'. '.'' WEIGHED FOR / SELLER McKI~CK'WASTE TREATMENT SITE ~VER /~ ~ / ~ , . ~:":',f_ :.. /"'. > (l"~:~t..d~....I~ t'~',.~ BILLING INFORMATION' "5 ,'"71' ACCEPTANCE NO {~/ / WASH OUT: __' ~ $ EACH COST PER TON: .$ :.: ,,;~,.~, ~. TOTAL COST: $' SAMPLE SCREENING INFORMATION ,';:':: ,; · COLOR'L'' '' '"~ SULFIDES.· '~'i ' : pH ~::' LAYERS FREE LIQUID k_...') '~ ~ FLASH PT. OTHER' ._.': · -~. ,, .... - NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST APpr°val/pr~fi'le Number Generator~ Na~ and Mailing Address · Generatbr Phone Number ~,~M~ - ~ .3 ~ - ~-~D I,;/-' I hereby certify the materials describea%'~lelow are no~'~bject,,t?/any hCzarc~6u_.~aL?~e regulations. Signature of Authorized Agent '~I/~/(1 /'~~ Date'~ I~ranspor~er ~ ~ompany ~ame · -' ~/'~~ Phone I ' L~--t4~f~i ~;'~ ~'~,,~ ' Ticket # 2q';'~ · ' "- .'".~"".':: /.C'":~" '/' :,<>-"zz ............ ."::t-::~ ' . Signature ' ',' [.~:' /: ~ ~ ..:'~.:_.. ~.~..:.~.:..:.":'. :-.: , Date Transporter'2 Company N~me ,' · ./? .. ... .... Waste Description /~.0 .~. -/~,.~,. ~.~ Quantity Shipped Tons . Yards' Drums Other Special Handling or additional information TSDF .-. ' ' Reactivity Cn' McKittri'ck Waste T~eatment Site- Sulfide '56533. Hwy 58 West· .. pH McKittrick;' Ca. 93251 ' Qty received ': ' Facility ope'rat~ri :':' ,..' certification of receiPt of was(e materials ered by this manifest , :._'.. - ": · , '. i -~: I I I I I I I I I I I I WEtGHMAST~R - McKITTRtCK WASTE DISPOSAL Ti k~ 4m5= i I ! ! I I I I I I' I I WEiGHMASTER - McKiTTRICK WASTE DISPOSAL ...................... :, (<<: SITE 48573 I WEIGHMASTER , McKi I I HICK WASTE TREATMENT·SITE m A subsidiary of Sanifill, Inc. " · HIGHWAY 58~ '/4 MILE'WEST OF HIGHWAY 33 McKI'['rRICK, ·CALIFORNIA' i.'" .... '. ' - .?.i':~',?"!:Q;.,.:::', ' ;' ,.';..i..,: ,.',;. ,'.... : -: · '! TARE [ , DEPUTY. ,'; · DATE ~ ' TIME WEIGHT IN LBS. , ~.. · ' / BY -.'~ '~J , ~~b ~~J '.x ..:.... .::~ ...... ..,~,~ .'~:~ ..... ;,,, · .... ;,~,~... ,, , : · -. · Wmu~O,O~S~L~ .... ' :~ i'-'" ,: : ] ':~.'.t :~. ~::.,.1: ': . , t, ' 't - ' NET DELIVEREDTO/BuYER ' ' · ' ' ' ' : ' ::., i~ ,' ,.,,.:. '. .,~ , . . , ,~ ~. , . .::,, ' .~,v.,.' '.:.. ,:,:;~, ~, ~. ,,,' McKI~~E"TREA~MENT SITE. " I ' ' I-."'" u""'"l ';::;:'b~l~ .. · ,; . ,- .. - , BILLING INFORMATION ACCEPTANCE NO.~2 ,.' ~"- ,,'~/~..;'-~ INVOICE: 1:3 HAULER O GENERATOR '' WASH OUT: . e $ ..... EACH :~,~';' ?'.~:..-" COST PER TON: $ ~ ' "'' .... TOTAL COST: $ SAMPLE SCREENING INFORMATION NON-HAZARD 'US ASTE ANIF S , . . .- - : - Approval/Profile Number I --~q5 _ ~D.~._%_. ~:~ ID°c.# O ~ '.'' - Generat~me and Mailing Address · Facility ~ddress i~different ' · ',~ ~,'. - . ~... ~.' o~o~w.~'~ ~.. nature of Authorized Agent ~ · Transporter 1 Company Name Phone ~ ¢~0~ Ticket ~ ~} *~4 Unit :~ Time' T~a ff ~ · ~" '' Signature Date Transpo~er 2 Date ........ . ...~:. ~:~ ,... ~,u'nature . ," .... ... Waste Description ~)~¢ ~~x~~ Quantity Shipped Tons Yards Drums Special Handling or additional information Other TSDF · McKittrick WaSte Treatment-Site 56533 Hwy 58 West McKittrick, Ca. 93251 805_762L7366_ . Reactivity On Sulfide ,~-"T~ - 7"% Qty receiv'~-~ Facility.Operat°r:.. :" : Certification of receiPt of waste materials covered by this manifest Excep~ as noted in the Discrepency Indication Space.' ' ':':'i'. ';. "'.' '.: '::: "? '-'~ :':' · i} ."', .'' Signa'~ure ~'~ '~ t' ~ ~"'' ' "' '~:" Date- I I I I I I I (.~EIGHM~_.TER - McKITTRICK WASTE D!sF'OSAL ~ITE · : 'Ti k# 4_~559 I I I I I I T.:. I-:.~ 4857_'5-, ..]' .......... If Wa O ..... ~ ' vu ~E:-' ~ HAULER' ~ GENERATOR I : APPrOval/Profile Number I 'g c¢~i '- D- b% -_ t/-~ . IDoc.# -- Generat~.,~s Name and Mailing Address Facility address if different ~ Oenerato'r Phone Number VV ~'- ~ ~,~ "~ C~ ' / ~- I hereby ce~ify the materials desc}ibed belo~ubjec/~ any~ar~ous waste regulations. Signature 'of Authorized Agent ~~(. ~ / J' (~ ..... ~at~ ~ ?1~ I ',,-J ..' ~ . OU3 ~¢~ ~ " Unit ~": ~: i' "' ' ~:.... :. Sig%t~r~ ':':" .... ~ Dat~ :-:' '::'~ 3 I~V. ~,'~,~ "'..'.  Transporter 2 Company Name " ' . ' ,~ .~:-' '.~-, Date '-'"' " .. '-' ;V ' .- ...:. ., : .. . ~,. ¢ ., ...... . . .-. ~ · " . SignatUre. : .. - :.....: ~r Waste Description. ~ ,,~ ~_ C .~')~,~,j~ ~..~-~:t=,D ..~,-~_ QuantitY Shipped Special Handling or additional information Drums - - Othe[. TSDF McKittrick Waste ~reatme'nt Site. '; : '.,,.:i-'-.:.~.;;=.-.:,.-.. ;.. Sulfide, ~:,-'..,' ..... -:~',:;,~7':.~i! .:' ,.'~..: ' ..:. -.~.. ,, 56533H~y58West , ". . ' : '- · pH ";.'.:: :.:. ,CH ~:'.. , McKittrick, '.ca'. '93251I- ;~.'.. acmw uperator:. ?' ce~ification 0f re~e'ip~ of wasJe maierials COvered by this manifeSi-.': . :'. :..,: ' '. ' Except ~S n0ted in ~he' Discre~e~c~ IndJcation~pace:..'.' .:' Discrepency Indication Space': ~EIGHMASTER - McKiTTRICK WASTE DISPOSAL SITE · ' .. .-..: . ~ Ti k:~ ~8561 I . : .~z'..- . :',~ .-.-~ ... . · . ./. /,. :....'.:".:..-':. ~. - _ . : .... :- - ~-.~ :- .... ;:,_...., ..... .; . ! m ! m WEIGHMASTER · McKI~RICK WASTE T~EATMENT SITE -- A subsldla~ of Santfill, Inc. ' .... ' ..... :- . .... If Wa~e Is Weighed it is 100% Nonh~ardOus · · '.";:" '.' '. 'o ' .... TARE DEPU~ '/ ' DATE TIME WEIG~ IN LBS. ' :.. '~ . , NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEsT ' '~ '. ':.'.i ':':'.i'.-i.::'!' I ApprOval/prOfile Number ors Name and Mailing Address Facility ad,~ress if/~ifferent . · . i,z-.L~~ Generat'or Phone Number ~,~.'~ -%'._~..~ hereby ce.rtify the materials describe~-beti)w ~ire'np.t subject to.any ha?a~Ous waste regulations. nature of Authorized Age~t-~XJ~.v,~,~'--%, ~) '-~--/' ""--. !Transporter 1 Company Name ' signature ' ": .' Transporter 2 Company Name SignatUre ':' Phone Ticket # Unit # ','T J~S' ' Date Waste Description Quantity Shipped Tons Special Handling. or additional information Other TSDF '.. ., McKittrick Waste Treatment Site 56533 HWy 58 West. "'~'-- Reactivity Sulfide .... .. McKittrick',Ca. 93251.' ..':......_. . Qtyre_ceived--: 805-762-7366:: ::.:-""."..:':' 'i':!:: ' ' ..~.i-i. '~::.::..' .> .' :.. _.' ".'~,(~.:~2-.~Q" }: "~ '..'~)~ ~''''' Facility O'peratof::~:?,:.:' '- C~ifica~ion of receiPt'~f waste materials'covered by this manifest -"'- Except'as noted in t~e'.~ DCsar~Pe'ncy'lndi~ation SpaCe:~;''' -. 4:~. . , .-' -,':~:' ;_., ,..:,.:.,.._::. ,- .:.:. _ :.. -.' :'- .. /,::..... IPrintedName' //-y( ....- '. ' iscrepency Indication Space':',.::;..: .'... ::'~:...:..-71,;,: · ' ,-;~ .. ::...-: .:,..: ..... . ...:...,.> :. :.. ...,: .-.... , . ;~.:::~;:' I I' I I I I I WEiGHMASTER:- McKITTRICK wASTE DISPOSAL SITE '-, Tik# 4856E · . .. ........ ~ .. . - l I I I I I I I I I blEiGHMASTER - McF.'ITTRICK WASTE DISPOSAL SiTE ' Tik# '.....:....,-..:: .-.. ::::... -HAZAF1DoUs wAs~E'M/~NIF'E:~T'..~..:'.: .",' . - . ApProVal/Profile Num :: t-~rs ~ ~ Mailing Address - ' Facility address if di.f, ferent ' ' ..... - ' _ ~l-b.~., D~,,~- ~-~ ' ' Generat6r Phone Number Ir, I ~ ~'~'~-z/~ ~ .... ~ ~ -. ereb, ce'r,,,, the materials described(below '~e~ec, ,o .an¥"~ar~o~ste regulations Signature of AuthOrized Agent· 'xx,, ~ '/[ / ~ 3-.;~-= · , ranspo ter Company Name e . . ,. . ~ ~l - Quantity Shipped Tons ' - ' i": Yards / ... Special Handling or additional inf~rr~a~ion Other TSDF ,. McKittrick Waste T~eatment Site· ... .... .. ....... ' ' ........ Sulfide: 565.33 Hw'yi'58 West;:,:',:'': i:: "':':' : :' "~ ' ' ' ' ' :~':!" '-~ '-' "'.' ., '-,'-'. ' Qtyreceived 'Z~. 805-762-736'6:(i~::,~.::-~,:::,.~, .,~, ~'i. i:: ,:.-..:~:i,; i:-: :,i.- -.: t::;..:,..,' .. ,-:'!:i: "~::, .:-'i:,:~i~i~:i-::!'~::,: -:i!.;::.~t-~:. t4EIGNMASTER - McKITTRICK WASTE DISPOSAL SITE ~'~-- L~, ~Z~,r,n;ir. CE~,U~E~ - ...................... ':}=-'---~ ......... ~ ..................... · -- '.' . . ' ' ' ..... ,,.t,.~.,, ,' .F=:...: . 14, :tr-z~F~ ~F~ PFC' ~n~'~ : .-' ~ - . .u.. ::.~u~.~::hI ~-~:~,~ ... . , .... ~t Vg. DF? -~ , ~ ......... 'u~,.-.uSE.. ~;.: ~ 'k~C- ' ' . ;. '-'-'~ ","--';~ :C,t' / ' ' ' ' .... , . . . .. / :'""'~-" .... _ . ............... . .~ J '., :_;,:..j'j . : ~z~ ~ " ................... ' _._N..,...~ ....... -~ ~V ~ ~;c~. ' :~,~: . ' - -,: ...... ~ ~,)~ c.~,.. ..... . " :, ? .,, ,... ..- .. .. ~ . ==~:,~ :f . -.... ,. :- .j -.'... , .' ./~./~?~-:-'..... (. ': ...:. ',.'~' i. .- ~ "::.....:::......._... . ~;i,,:<:;:.'i. )'., I/. ~,.--.-':-/. '::/:': tY:.,-': '-' . . ,.. '.." ~'::':::-" .'. I ' :~' .;'-.' ,".. '. ::-"::; :' '- ' " " "' · . . . . .,:..: .;.:' ...'.:...' - ..',/.::.: ,:~._-;-:...,,~'..::.,, . ..,:: :: -- ::.: '..- -......: .:'._':-::?:;.-..'.: -.. '.,-'- . .: .'.. .-.' .. ~iD:S '~:(~. ' '- :' '-' . . _ . ; :' ' . "." '. ,:...: :_.'::-:: ~: :: '-.::-::""'<,:: :':.:..':.::..:.;:'. ~ .... ._..... ~ ,.... . .-....._::.: .: ' , _ ..... . '..- :.. 'y :::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::,::. ::::-;::::.:L .-' ::. ========================== WEIGHMASTER , McKITTRICK WASTE TREATMENT SITE m A subsidl~'ry of Sanlfill, Inc. · '~'. ' ' '~" ~' '' 56533 HWY. 58 WEST McKittrick, CA 93251 : (~61) 762-7366 WEIGHING LOCATION: HIGHWAY 58,'i'/4 MILE wEST OF HIGHWAY 33 .McKITrRICK, CALIFORNIA DATE ; TIME WEIGHT IN LBS. CARRIER . .-.... "CLASS II SITE,, 7:318! If Waste'Is Weighe. d it is 100% Nonhazardous ,BY ' L3...,' !.L.':..., ~-U-'-.--..,,..... TARE DEPUTY BY ' ' IF DIFFERENT FROM GROSS ABOVE) WEIGHED FOR / SELLER "~ . ,,'" ,. , .,~ . ~ ,' . . ~. ,, OEI~IV-~RED TO / BUYER · ' MCKI'ET-BICK WASTE TREATMENT SITE" !(.×%/b 0 I /":, '~ I FEE: I~ PD [~ OHG $: ' ~ INV01cE:. 0 HAULER 0 GENERATOR · ' ,~'-:'. '-' - ' NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST '. ,..: ~... APProval/Profile NUmber r" --.~c~,~_~L~ ~., :~ · ID°c-# O ~ 'Generators..Nam~and Mailing Address .. ~. [~,~,..t~' Facility ~dres~f different ~;~" Signature of Authorized Agent 'g ' ' ' ' Date~ Transporter 1 Company Name . Phone ~..i-~ Trans~fr~r .A~paS~ Na~. Waste Description ~ ~. ~ . . Quantity Shipped / ot .r' Special Handling or additional information .. TSDF : - - . " .-:'- Reactivity. Cn -. ' McKittrick Waste T~eatment Site Sulfide . ' "" ,I I I I I I I I I I k.'E I GH '^ - M,~STER Mck-:.'ITTRICK WASTE DISPOSAL SITE ~,:i.l!TF'i£1:..'.-~ ':'?_;'5~ 'JEH]SLE l~r,~ F'EPBO'..'S F.~:Ep:Z:~.EF. ;~v: rk~ bANUAL TiD']ET! N,A .;: :.~._,'.,: .'_'HAF:SE: ir'ro:~h:T F..:EEE m m m i. v~th section 12700) of Di~sion 5 of the CaifO~a Busi~ss a~d Pmfem~'~s code, admn~stered by th~ O~aoa of Waste " . . (;661) 762-7366 . WEIGHMASTER · McKITTRICK WASTE TREATMENT SITE ~ A subsidiary of Sanlfill, Inc; 56533 HWY. 58 WEST · McKittrick, CA 93251 . WEIGHING LOCATION: HIGHWAY 58, 1/4 MILE WEST OF HIGHWAY 33 McKITrRICK, CALIFORNIA 7 318 6 ACCE,TA. CE .O..~' , .' '"CLASS II SITE" INVOICE' ~ HAULER', O' GENER~ · If Waste Is Weighedit is 100% Nonh~ardous ...... ' · ' · '~ '~ '. WASH OUT' .', ,,. '~ $,::" ' ' EACH.;,' DEPUTY TARE ' TOTAL COST: DATE TIME WEIGHT IN LBS. ~I~FJ~DIFFERENT FROM GROSS ABOVE) ~,. ~ C) NET DELIVERED TO / BUYER · ' {"" . ,., ~CKI~CK.WASTE TREATMENT SITE SAMPLE SCREENING INFORMATION":-:II' COLOR ~'-'-.'""~'" :~ ": :' 'SL~LFIDE'S .... ;t.:.~ ,~-,, ~'...,.::' '-.L .~.:.'.. ~' ~'ER's- ~: '"; NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST Approval/Profile Number ~ ,. _ . I r~.,.~- -~ :~ - r, ID°°.~./c~ G'enerato. r~ Name and Mailing Address · Faci ty address if different · . : ._~ ~.~.. '-,.. Generator Phone Number ~. I ~ '~/,~ F~'~ II hereby c.rtify the materials descri~~ are ~bject to~ny~a~dous/waste Signat~re'of Authorized Agent .~~_ ITransporter 1 Co~panyName ~ ' j( ~L- ~_~ Phone..~~.~~ .... ,y- · . I ' '~" ~' ~ '-:k'--'' ISignature ~~ ~, ~'~ Date To~s Yards /~ Drums Other' ~Special Handling or additional information ~cKittrick Waste lreatmeat Site '~ulfide McKhtrick, Ca. ~3251 805-762-7366 Facility Operator: Ce~ification of receipt of waste materials covered b~ this manifest Except as noted in the Discrepency Indication' Space. I Sig nature ~'~~ ~~~-~~~' ' j Oi~.crepency Indication S~ce '4 . i I I ,I I I i I I I I I I I WEI. GHMASTER -- McK'!TTRICK WASTE DISPOSAL SITE I I - MckiTTRICK WASTE '-,ISF'OSAL I I I I I I S!~-E 'Ti WEIGHMASTER · McKITTRICK WASTE TREATMENT SITE -- A subsidiary of Sanifill, Inc. 56533 HWY. 58 WEST · McKittrick, CA 93251 73190 ' ' (:661) 762-7366 "CLASS II SITE" WEIGHING LOCATION: HIGHWAY 58, 1/4 MILE WEST OF HIGHWAY 33 McKrl-I'RICK, CALIFORNIA GROSS BY TARE DATE TIME WEIGHT IN LBS. NET If Waste Is Weighed it is 100% Nonhazardous -~--' VL.,.-..... c:.~_ ',.........~..:.' ~..,' . ,?,.; ~ ..v',..___. DEPUTY ~. ' ~ ' WEI~HED FOR/SELLER ~i' ~''';''? DELIVERED TO / BUYER . '~, ''~ o.,VE% . ~ . ...... ~.... ,. ,, ~ I",;.-'~. f ' ] FEE: ~ PD ~ CHG $ BILLING INFORMATION ACCEPTANCE NO. /'~/ t i.::-,/, INVOICE: [] HAULER O GENERATOR WASH OUT: ' @ $ EACH COST PER TON:' $ TOTAL COST: $ SAMPLE SCREENING INFORMATION COLOR J£7', [/.,~'"~ SULFIDES i'\ ? C... CYANIDES ¥:\ ,r.) <;.,. ,, ;~ pH ; ~': ..... LAYERS FREE LIQUID ~ "',. FLASH P'r. OTHER :-::'.'..:.. :;:,~ i : . ~ .~. .:.?:~:., _. _ ~, .; .. _. ~. · ' ' ' ~ · · . ,. [ ' WE1GHMASTER CERTIFICATE .~i~ ' .. OITIla Busl3,~S$ ...... IP-~u'a ~-~u uuminJaiem~ ~ bqe u~$kxl ol wa .............. ' .... , .... by 8p (com111~ci13' " : ,, ' .... ~agemenl ~anaams o; me L;eaomm ueparlmeat o! F, ixxl ead Agdculum. g BILLING INFORMATION . WEIqHMASTBEI · McKITTRICK WASYE~T SITE -- A subsidiary of Sanlfil,, Inc. ·; 56533 HWY. 58 WEST · McKittrick, CA 93251 (§6,~ } 762-7366 WEIGHING LOCATION: ..~,.;. HIGHWAY 58, 1/4 MILE WEST OF HIGHWAY 33 McKITrRICK; CALIFORNIA DATE - .L. ' TIME WEIGHTIN LBS. TRAILER LIC. TRAILER LIC. · If Waste Is Weighed, it is 10.07{° Nonhazardous G.OSS ! ' ~ '"'~' ")/' / ' /"i~ BY ", .. ' J .... t f(-. 1:' __ TA~E DEPUTY BY . ~ · i--'? ' ..'~ DEPUTY (IF DIFFERENT FROM GROSS ABOVE) WEIGHED FOR' SELLER NET J DELI~'~'RED To I BUgER " J ,~ McKIT~.RICK WASTE TREATMENT SITE TONS I~~---- . , · , . ' COMMODITY J_~ / .... ,./ ...~ , ~ ~' ~ ..-I .. ;. - F .-~ FEE: INVOICE: O HAULERn O GJ~bIERATOR WASH OUT: '- @ $ EACH COST PER TON: $ TOTAL COST: $ "~ SAMPLE SCREENING INFORMATION COLOR SULFIDI~S .~-'~' ...... c¥,~ll[~ES _ ~ ~ ,-'"/:LAYERS FREE LIQUID FLASH PT:' '! NON'HAZARDoUs WASTE MANIFEST' Approval/Profile Number A~ldre~b S__. Gener rs ~_F__~Name and Mailing a~dress-if ~rent G % '" - ~ / ~ ' hereby cecil' the materials described ~w ar?'n°;s~ct ~~'waste ;egulat,on,, - ,nature of Authorized Agent ~ ' Date )orter 1 Company Name Phone ~¢~ ~ ~ Signature Transporter 2 Company Name Ticket # Unit # Time Date Date Signature Waste Description Quantity Shipped Tons Yards Special Handling or additional information Drums Other TSDF Reactivity Cn McKittrick Waste Treatment Site Sulfide 56533 Hwy 58 West McKittrick, Ca. 93251 pH 805-762-7366 Qty received Facility Operator: Certification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest Except as noted in the Discrepency Indication Space. 'Printed Name ~ignature Discrepen~-y Indication Space