HomeMy WebLinkAboutUST REP 04/27/99{}-~~ous ~,~m~J_s-r~, s~oN Tm~ CHA~OED BUSINESS/DEAPRTMENT NAME: ADDRESS: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: PROJECT NUMBER: · DATE:, NAME: CHGD: COMMENTS: PROJECT COMPLETION: DATE: D FIRE CHIEF' RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 · VOICE (805) 326-395f FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DMSION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 April 27, 1999 Pep Boys 3111 West Allegheny Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19132 Attn: Environmental Department . RE: Pep Boys #667, 4605 Planz Road, Bakersfield, CA Dear Sir: This is to inform you that this department has reviewed the result of the "Removal of Hydrocarbon impacted Soil" report from Advanced Geo Environmental, Inc. dated April 19, 1999 associated with the underground tank removal. Based upon the information provided, this department has determined that appropriate response actions have been completed, that acceptable remediation practices were implemented, and that, at this time, no further investigation, remedial or removal action or monitoring is required at the above stated address. ' Nothing in th.is determination shall constitute or be construed as a satisfaction or release from liability for any conditions or claims arisingas a result of past, current, or future operations at this location. Nothing in this determination is intended or shall be construed to limit the rights of any parties with respect to claims arising out of or relating to dePOsit or disposal at any other location of substances remOved from the site. Nothing in this determination is intended or shall be construed to limit or preclude the Regional Water Quality Control Board or any other agency from taking any further enforcement actions. This letter does not relieve the tank owner of any responsibilities mandated under the California Health and Safety Code and California Water Code if existing, additional, or previously unidentified contamination at the site causes or threatens to cause pollution Or nuisance or is found to pose a threat to public health or.water quality. Changes in land use may require further assessment and mitigation. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (661) 326-3979. Sincerely,- Ralph E. Huey, Director Office of Environmental Services cc: Y. Pan, RWQCB S:\USTFORMS\UST.L8 Permil Oper l Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE ......... ,~,,~:~,!!i,,~, ~,~!;~, ~,,, ,,~ This permit is issued for the following: -- ' ~ ~,,~,~i ~!"'i' :~,ii:!! ;~'~:'~:'~"~'~'~":;iiiiii iili!i , ill, ii!~![; [ii;:'::iii::iii~i~e.[ground Storage of Hazardous Materials PEP BOYS MANNY MOE & JAGK~:; .... ~"~:::~:~?'~;?'~'""' ................. LOCATION 4605 P~NZ ~:::,J~=.'~',~ .... '~/ BA~ERSE!~LD CA ' 93309% ~= TAN H~RDOUS SUBSTANCE cA~A~IT~: ;~GAL ~:-:-:~ ; ~;:i~ ~,~:~;;~} ~':~ ~NK ':::::;:;~ANK P P NG PIPING P PING PIPI '~ "::::::~:~ ~=~':'~ "~'r'~J~A~~;~ ~ ~'~'~B~ ~M~NI~OR :::":::~N TOR TYPE TYPE METHOD ON oo~ WASTE O~L SS~0 GA~:~,,. '"=:;~'"?~:OW- FCS r,,bLM ~/~..:~"=~:~TT DW SWC G~WTY ALD [ssu~ ~ , 1715 Chewer Ave., 3rd Floor O~ce of ~enal B~enfiel~ CA 93301  Voice (805) 32~3979 F~ (~05)326~576 Expiration Date: ~~ ~0~ 30 July 1998 AGE Project No. CV 231 C2.479 Mr. Greg McLucas California Hazardous Services 1431 East Saint Andrew Place Santa Ana, California 92705 Subject: Work Plan for Soil Remediation at Pep Boys 11677 - 4605 Planz Road, Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. McLucas: In accordance with your request, .4dvanced GeoEnvironmental, Inc. (AGE) has prepared this work plan to remediate the hydrocarbon-impacted soil at the referenced address. Mr. Howard Wines of the Bakersfield Fire Department (BFD) was contacted on 28 July 1998. Mr. Wines concurred with the conclusions and recommendations in AGE's Subsurface Investigation report (dated 15 July 1998) and requested a work plan to remediate the soil. The opportunity to provide this service is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to call our office at (714) 996-5151. Sincerely, Advanced GeoEnvJronmental, Inc. Califomia Registered Geologist No. 6709 Enclosures cc: (2) addressee (1) Mr. Howard Wines III - Bakersfield Fire Department 3315 E. Miraloma Avenue, Suite 117, Anaheim, California 92806 Telephone (714) 996-5151 FAX (714) 996~5182 Work Plan for Soil Remediation at Pep Boys tl 677 4605 Planz Road, Bakersfield, California 1.0. INTRODUCTION 1.1. BACKGROUND A single 550-gallon waste oil underground storage tank (UST) was removed on 28 April 1998. Samples collected beneath the removed tank indicated total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbon (TRPH) concentrations of 9,300 and 11,600 mg/kg. Based on the reported findings, the Bakersfield Fire Department - Environmental Services (BFD-ES) issued a letter dated 26 May 1998 requiring that a work plan be prepared in order to define the extent of the reported release of hydrocarbons. AGE submitted a site characterization work plan on 08 June 1998. In a letter dated 29 June 1998, the BFD-ES approved the work plan. Five probe borings (Borings B1 through B5) were established on the property on 08 July 1998. Borings B1 through B4 were drilled to 40 feet below surface grade (bsg) and boring B5 was drilled to 15 feet bsg. TRPH was detected in samples collected from the center of the excavation and an ,area to the southwest of the excavation at depths of 10 and 15 feet bsg. A low concentration of tetrachloroethene (PCE) was detected in the sample collected at 15 feet near the southwest edge of the excavation (boring B4) at 2216 ~g/kg. The impacted zone appears to extend slightly beyond the excavation to the southwest. Laterally, the plume is estimated to be elliptical in shape with dimensions of 10 feet by 16 feet (Figure 1 - Site Plan). The hydrocarbon impakted zone occurs between 10 feet (bottom of the former excavation) and approximately 20 feet within the excavation limits and between approximately 13 and 20 feet in the area southwest of the former excavation. Based on these dimensions, approximately 50 to 60 cubic yards of impacted soil exist. Based on the limited extent of impacted soil, AGE recommended excavation of the soil and transportation of the s0il to a soil recycling facility for disposal (AGE report titled Subsurface Investigation at Pep Boys 14677, dated 15 July 1998). Mr. Howard Wines of the BFD-ES was contacted on 28 July 1998 to discuss the findings of the report. Mr. Wines indicated that he had reviewed the report and concurred with the conclusions and recommendations. Mr. Wines requested that a work plan for remediation be submitted for review. 1.2. ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING 1.2.1. Regional Geology The subject property is located within the San Joaquin Valley, a topographic and structural basin bounded on the east by the Sierra Nevada Mountains and on the west by the Coast Range. The Sierra Nevada, a gently dipping south-westward fault-block is composed of igneous and metamorphic rocks of pre-Tertiary age which comprise the basement complex beneath the valley. The Coast Ranges 30 July 1998 AGE Project No. CV 231C2.479 Page 2 of 4 contain folded and faulted sedimentary rocks of Mesozoic and Cenozoic age which are similar to those rocks that underlie the valley at great depth, and non-comformably overlie the basement complex. Gently dipping to nearly hOrizontal sedimentary rocks of Tertiary and Quaternary age overlie the older rocks. The younger rocks are mostly of terrestrial origin, and in the Bakersfield area, were derived from the Sierra Nevada. The City of Bakersfield is situated within the Central portion of the Great Valley, and is in a large alluvial basin predominantly filled by fine-grained clastic sediment. Unconsolidated materials found in the project area are generally composed of alluvial deposits of sand, silt and minor clay and gravel. The source rock for this material is primarily the granitic and metamorphic rocks located in the Sierra Nevada. 1.2.2. Ground Water Information The subject property is located within the San Joaquin Basin Hydrologic Study Area which includes roughly the southern two-thirds of the Central San Joaquin Valley. Within that area, twenty-six ground water basins and areas of potential storage have been identified. The inventory covers nine ground water basins identified as significant sources of ground Water. The San Joaquin Basin covers approximately 13,500 square miles. According to Mr. Tom Haslebacher of the Kern County Water Agency, the depth to ground water in the vicinity of the site was 175 feet below surface grade (bsg), when last gauged in October 1997 (State Well No. 30S/27E-11M01). The depth to ground water is assumed to be at a similar depth below the subject property. The direction of ground water flow beneath the site is reportedly toward the southeast. 1.3. SCOPE OF WORK The scope of work is to remove the hydrocarbon impacted soil through excavation. The impacted ' soil will then be transferred to an appropriate soil recycling facility for disposal. 1.4. PERSONNEL The following is a list of personnel and companies that will be utilized for this project: Contractor: California Hazardous Services 1431 East Saint Andrew Place Santa Ana, California 92705 Attn: Mr. Greg McLucas (714) 434-9995 30 July 1998 AGE Project No. CV 231 C2.479 Page 3 of 4 Consultant: Advanced GeoEnvironmental, Inc. 3315 E. Miraloma, Ste. 117 Anaheim, California 92806 Attn: Mr. Robert Loeffler, R.G. (714) 996-5151 2.0. PROCEDURES 2.1. PROJECT PREPARATION Determine location of underground utilities utilizing Underground Services Alert and/or plans supplied by site occupants. Prepare a site safety and health plan using OSHA guidelines for performing work on hazardous material sites. 3. Notify the BFD-ES at least 5 days prior to work initiation. 2.2. 1. 2. 3. FIELD PROCEDURES Prior to work initiation, brief all personnel on contents of site safety and health plan. Following concrete removal, excavate the soil utilizing a backhoe. Monitor removed soil for organic vapor using an organic vapor meter (Bacharach TLV Sniffer, calibrated to hexane). 4. Guided by organic vapor readings and visual observations, obtain one sample from each side wall and two samples from the floor of the excavation to confirm the successful removal of contaminated soils. 5. Obtain all soil samples from the backhoe bucket utilizing precleaned 2 x 3-inch brass sleeves. Cover both ends of the brass tubes with aluminum or teflon foil and cap both ends. 6. Relinquish soil samples to an on-site, state-certified mobile laboratory for analysis. 7. Analyze the samples for total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbons (TRPH) and for tetrachloroethylene (PCE) in accordance with EPA method 418.1 and 8010, respectively.. 8. Stockpile the hydrocarbon-impacted soil on-site temporarily prior to transport. Use a backhoe or a loader to transfer the soil into transport vehicles to an approved soil recycling facility. 30 July 1998 AGE Project No. CV 231C2.479 Page 4 of 4 2.3. PROJECT SUPERVISION Upon completion of soil removal, prepare a report signed by a California Registered Geologist, detailing the results of the work, and including all manifests, in-a format to be submitted to the SA-RWQCB. A /--Proposed Limits Of Excavation sphalf 7 Estimated Limits of  C Impacted Soil , Planter and Sidewalk °ncret~7 Overhang Overhang -;~... FIGI. J-R~ 1 - SI'[~, PLAN Project No.: Advanced ,~,~ Pep Boys #677 Date: GeoEnvironmental, Inc. 4605 Planz Road Bakersfield, California 30 July 1998 Rob Loeffler, Advanced GeoEnv. 7/13/98 10:15 AM Bakersfield - Planz Road - Borinq Location Adv~ced OeoEnvironmenta!? 3315 E,. Miraloma Avenue., Anaheim, California .928~ Phone (714) 996-5:.151 .'Fax (714) 996-5i82 Company/Agency: Contact Name: Fax NUmber: 117 Fax CoYel' Sheet Description: J/7'"'~: .. Number of pages (incl. this cover page}: if there are any problems with this transm~sslon,.,please...C.a~l: at (714) 996-5151 Immediateiyo. ~0 BD~d ]~INBNNO~IANBOB9 AQ~ ES~S966b~l 0§:9I 866~/0E//0 Advanced GeoEnvir.onmental ,:. Inc. 30 July 1998 AGE Project No. CV 231C2.479 Mr. Greg McLucas California Hazardous Services 1431 East Saint Andrew Place Santa Ans. California 92705 Subject: 4605 Planz Road,.Bakeesfield, California' Work Plan for' $oil Remediafion at Pep Boys #677 Dear Mr. McLucas: In accordance with your request, 'Advanced GeoEnvironmen!al, Inc,.(AGE), has prepared this work plan to remediate ~hc hydrocarbon4mpacted soil at the referenced'address. Mr. Howard Winc:~ the Bakersfield Fire Department'(B. FD) was contacted on 2g July ~'9.98. Mr. Wines concurred the conclusions and recommendat[otm in AGE's Subsurface lnv~st'lgation report (dated 15 Jtdv 1998) and requested a work plan t~ remediate the soil. '..'. The opporttmity ~o provide this service tis greatly appreciate. IfF ,:.~. have any questions regard this matter, please feel free to ca~l our office at (714) 996-5 l151. Sincerely, . Advanced GeoEnv~ronmental, Inc. Pmjec~ologis~. ~ Call lbrnia Registered Geologist'No. 6709 Enclosures cc: (2) addressee (1) Mr. Howard Wines. tlt -Bake, rsfield Fire Department 3315 E. Miraloma Avenue. Suite 117, Anaheim, California 92806 Telephone (714) 996-5151 FAX (714) 996-5'1'82 ~;0 3D~d ]~INBWNO~IANBOB9 A~ gSIqCJSGPIL 0q :9~ 866'~/OE/LO Work Plan for Sol! Remediation at Pep,Boys # 677 4605 ,Planz Road, Bakersfield, California 1.0. INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND A single 550-gallon waste oil underground storage tank (UST) was removed on 28 Ap~'il Samples collected beneath the removed tank indicated total recoverable petroleum hydrocarN,n (TRI'}t) concentrations of 9,300 and 11,600 rog/kg. Based on the re, fled findings, the Bakersfield Fire Department - Environmental Services (BFD-ES) issued a letter dated 26 May 1998 rcquirirlEi that a work plan be prepared in order to define the extent of the reported release of hydrocarbons. AGE submitted a site characterization work plan on 08 Jtm. e 1998, In a letter dated 29 ~he Bt:I)-ES approved the work.plan, Five probe borings (Borings BI through B5) were established on the property on 08 July I,)98. Borings B 1 through B4 were drilled to 40 feet below suff~e grade (bsg) and boring B5 w.'.ts drilled to 15 feet bsg. TRPH was detected in sampltes collected from the cellter of the excavation a~cl an ~,'ca to the southwest of the excavation at depths of 10 and 15 feet bsg. A low concentratkm of tetmchloroethene (?CE) was detected in the sample collected at ~ 5 feet near the southwest edge o f the excavation (boring B4) at 22.6 ~g/kg. The impacted zone appears :to extend slightly beynnd thc excavation to the southwest. Laterally, the plume is eatimated tO be elliptical in shape x.xith dimensions of 10 feet by 16 feet (Figure I - Site Plan). The hydroem'bon impacted zone occurs between 10 l'~et (bottom of the former excavation) and approximately.. 20 feet within the excav:d i()t~ limits and between approximately 13 and 20 feet in the area southwesI of the former excavati,m. Based on these dimensions, approximately 50 to 60 cubic yards oflmpacted soil exist. Based tm thc limited extent of impacted soil, AGE recommended excavation of the ~oil and transportation ,,f thc soil to a soil recycling facility for disposal (AGE report titled Subsurface Investigaffon at t'ep/qm'x #677. dated 15 July 1998). Mr. Howard Wines of the BFD-ES was contacted on 2~1 July 1998 to discuss the findings of thc reIx~rt, Mr. W~nes indicated that he had reviewed the report arid concurred with the conclusions and recommendations. Mr. Wines requested that a work plan for remediat~on be submitted for review. 1.2. ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING 1.2. !. Regional Geology The subject property is located within the San Joaquin Valley, a topographic and structural basin bounded on the east by the Sierra Nevada Mountains and on the we~t.bY the Coast Range. The Sierra Nevada, a gently dipping south-westward fault-block is composed of igneous and metamorphic of pre-Tertiary age which comprise the basement complex beneath'~e valley. The Coast Ranges £0 39~cl ]91NBNNO~IANBOB9 A(I9 gBISgGGPIt 0S :~I 866I/0E/80 30 July 199g AGE Project No. CV 231C2A79 Page 2 of 4 contain folded and faulted sedimentary rocks of Mesozoic and Cenozoic age which are similar t~ those rocks that underlie the valley at great depth, and n0n.comformably overlie the basement complex. Gently dipping to nearly horizontal sedimentary rocks of Tertiary and Quaternary age overlie the older rocks. The younger rocks are mostly ofterrea'trial origlth and fin the B'~ersfield arcu. were derived 'from the Sierra Nevada. The City of Bakersfield is situamd within the Central portion of the Great Valley, aad is in a large alluvial basin predom~nantiy, filled by fine-grained ¢laslic sediment. Unconsolidated materials found in the project are~ are ger~erally composed ot' alluvial deposits of sand, silt and minor clay and gravel. The source rock for this materia~ is primarily thc granitic and metamorphic rocks located in the Sierra Ney .ada. 1.2.2. Ground Water Information The subject property is located within tbe San Joaquin Basi~ Hydm!0g~c Study Area which iht I tides roughly the southern two-thkda of the Central San Joaquin Valley, Within that area, twcnty,,six ground water basins and areas of potential storage have been identified. T'ne inventory covers nine ground water basins identified a~ significant sources of ground water. The San Joacluin Basin cravers approximately 13,500 square miles. According to Mr, Tom Haslebaoher of the Kern County Water Agency, the depth to ground water in the vicinity of the site was 175 feet below surface grade (b~10, whe~ last gauged in October 1 (State Well No, 30S/27E-11M01), The depth ~o ground water is assumed to be at a similar depth below the subject property. The direction of ground water flow benea,.th the site is reportedly toward the southeast. 1,3. SCOPE OF WORK The scope of work is to remove the hyc~roearbon impacted soil through excavation. The impact~xt soil will then be transferred to an appropriate soil recycling facility for disposal, 1,4. PERSONNEL The t:bllowing is a list of pcrsom~! and companics tha~ will be utilized for this project: Contractor: California Hazardous Service~ 1431 East Saint Angtew Place Santa Aha, California 92705 Arm: Mr. Greg McLu~as (7~14) 434-9995 ~0 39~d 9~INBNNO~IANB039 A~ ~@~S~66~l OS:~I B66~/OE/80 30 July 1998 AGE Project No. CV 231C2.479 Page 3 of 4 Consultant: Advanced GeoEnvironmcnta[ Inc. 33 ! 5 E. Miraloma, Sra. 117 Anaheim, Califomia:92g06 Arm: Mr. Robert Loefficr, R.G. (714) 996-5151 2.0. PROCEDURES 2.1.. PROJECT PREPARATION 1. Determine location of underground utilities utilizing UndeXground Services Alert and/or plans supplied by site o~cupants. 2. Prepare a site safety mad health plan using OSHA guidelines for performing work oa hazardous material sites. 3. 'Notify the BFD-ES at lemt 5 days prior to work initiation, 2.2, FIELD PROCEDURES Prior to work initiation, brief ali ~rsormel on cont£nts of dt~ safeB, and health plan. Following concrete removal, excavate the soil utilizing a backhoe, Monitor removed soil for organic vapor using an organi¢..v~,por meter (Bacharach TI .V Sniffer, calibrated to heaane). Guided by organic vapor reMings and visual observations, obtain one sample from each side wall and two samples from the floor of the excavation to ~o.~. rm thc successful remov~.d -f contaminated soils. Obtain all soil samples from the backhoe bucket utilizi~$ precleaned 2 x 3-inch sleeves. Cover both encls.ofthe brass tubes with alul~inura :tar teflon foil and cap both Relinquish soil samples to an on, site, state-cert~fi~, d mobile' laboratory for analysis. Analyze the samples for total recoverable Petroleum .hydrocarbons (TRPH) and lin' tetrachloroethylene (PCE) in ar,,~ordance with EPA method;ill 8.1 and 8010, respectively. Stockpile the hydrocarbon-impacted soil on-sit~ temporarily prior to transport. I Jsc ~.1 backhoe or a loader to tnmsfer the soil into transpo!t vehicl~ .to an approved soil recycling facility. §0 Bg~d 9~±N3NNO~IANBOB9 ^0~ ~8~S96G~l 0S:9I 86G~/05/20 30 July 1998 AGE Project No. CV 23 IC2.479 Page 4 of 4 2.3. PROJECT SUPERVISION Upon completion of soil removal, prepare a report signed by a California Regi.~tcrcd Geologist, detailing the results of the work, and including all manifests, in a forms; to bc submitted to the SA-RWQCB. BB~d ]~±NBWNO~IANBOB9 ^~9 ~BIS9$6~IL 0S:9I Asphalt Estimated impacted Aoncre,y Proposed Limits of Excavation Planter and Sidewalk FIGURE, 1 - SITE PLAN Advanced GeoEnvironmentaJ, Inc. Overhang Pep Boys .i/677 4605 Planz Road Bakersfield, Califorr, ia / / / Project No.: CV 231C2.479 D ato: 30 Juty 1998 RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Location: Business Name: Contact Name: Business Phone: InspeCtor's Name: Time of Call: Type of Call: Time: # Min: Incoming [ ] Outgoing Returned ID# Time Required to Complete Activity Subsurface Investigation at Pep Boys #677 4605 Planz Road, Bakersfield~ California PREPARED FOR California Hazardous SerVices SUBMITTED TO Bakersfield City Fire Department BY . Advanced GeoEnvironmental, Inc. 3315 EaSt Miraloma Avenue, Suite 117 Anaheim, California 92806 Phone (714) 996-5151 · Fax (714) 996-5182 Subsidiary: Advanced GeoEnvironmental, Inc. 4005 North Wilson Way Stockton, California 95205 Phone (209) 467-1006 · Fax (209) 467-1118 I I15 July 1998 AGE Project No. CV 231 C2.479 I Mr. Greg McLucas California Hazardous Services I 1431 East Saint Andrew Place Santa Ana, California 92705 I Subject: Subsurface Investigation at Pep Boys #677 - · 4605 Planz Road, Bakersfield, California I Dear Mr. McLucas: I In accordance with your request, we have conducted a subsurface site investigation of an unauthorized release of hydrocarbons from the former waste oil tank at the referenced address. The I results of this investigation are provided in the attached report. The opportunity to provide this service is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions regarding I t his matter, please feel free to call our office at (714) 996-5151. I Sincerely, i Advanced GeoEnvironmental, Inc. Project Geologis~ Calif0mia Registered Geologist No. 6709 Ehclosures cc: (2) addressee (1) Mr. Howard Wines III - Bakersfield Fire Department 3315 E. Miraloma Avenue, Suite 117, Anaheim, California 92806 Telephone (714) 996-5151 FAX (714) 996-5182 Subsurface Investigation Pep Boys//677 4605 Planz Road, Bakersfield, California 1.0. INTRODUCTION Advanced GeoEnvironmental, Inc. (AGE) has been retained by California Hazardous Services (CALHAZ) to conduct a subsurface investigation related to an unauthorized release of hydrocarbons from a former waste oil tank at the referenced address. 1.1. GENERAL SITE CHARACTERISTICS 1.1.1. Location The subject property lies on the southeast comer of Planz Road and New Stine Road at an approximate elevation of 370 feet above sea level (Figure 1 - Location Map, 7.5 Minute Gosford Quadrangle, USGS Topographic Series, 1973). The 99 Freeway is located 1-mile east of the subject property. The surrounding area is residential and commercial. 1.1.~2. Site Description and Current Use The subject property is currently occupied by Pep Boys, an automotive parts retailer and repair facility. There are' no plans to change the property usage in the near future. 1.2. ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING 1.2.1. Regional Geology The subject property is located within the San Joaquin Valley, a topographic and structural basin bounded on the east by the Sierra Nevada Mountains and on the west by the Coast Range. The Sierra Nevada, a gently dipping south-westward fault-block is composed of igneous and metamorphic rocks of pre-Tertiary age which comprise the basement complex beneath the valley. The Coast Ranges contain folded and faulted sedimentary rocks of Mesozoic and Cenozoic age which are similar to those rocks that underlie the valley at great depth, and non-comformably overlie the basement complex. Gently dipping to nearly horizontal sedimentary rocks of Tertiary and Quaternary age overlie the older rocks. The younger rocks are mostly of terrestrial origin, and in the Bakersfield area, were derived from the Sierra Nevada. The City of Bakersfield is situated within the Central portion of the Great Valley, and is in a large alluvial basin predominantly filled by fine-grained clastic sediment. Unconsolidated materials found in the project area are generally composed of alluvial deposits of sand, silt and minor clay and gravel. The source rock for this material is primarily the granitic and metamorphic rocks located in the Sierra Nevada. 15 July 1998 AGE Project No. CV 231C2.479 Page 2 of 5 1.2.2. Ground Water Information The subject property is located within the San Joaquin Basin Hydrologic Study Area which includes roughly the southern two-thirds of the Central San Joaquin Valley. Within that area, twenty-six ground water basins and ,areas of potential storage have been identified. The inventory covers nine ground water basins identified as significant sources of ground water. The San Joaquin Basin covers approximately 13,500 square miles. According to Mr. Tom Haslebacher of the Kern County Water Agency, the depth to ground water in the vicinity of the site was 175 feet below surface grade (bsg), when last gauged in October 1997 (State Well No. 30S/27E-11 MO 1). The depth to ground water is assumed to be at a similar depth below the subject property. The direction of ground water flow beneath the site is reportedly toward the southeast. 1.3. PREVIOUS ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS A single 550-gallon waste oil underground storage tank (UST) was removed on 28 April 1998. The UST was double-walled and constructed of fiberglass. Following removal of the UST, two soil samples were collected (Samples T1 and T2). TRPH was detected in sample T1 at 9,300 mg/kg and in sample T2 at 11,600 mg/kg. An unauthorized release of an unknown quantity of waste oil had impacted the soil beneath the former tank. Based on the reported findings, the Bakersfield Fire Department - Environmental Services (BFD-ES) issued a letter dated 26 May 1998 requiring that a work plan be prepared in order to define the extent of the reported release of hydrocarbons. AGE submitted a site characterization work plan on 08 June 1998. In a letter dated 29 June 1998, the BFD-ES approved the work plan. 1.4. SCOPE OF WORK In order to define the vertical and lateral extent of the impacted soil, AGE proposed to establish four borings to 40 feet bsg2 Samples were to be collected at 5-foot intervals beginning at 1 O-feet bsg. Originally all samples were proposed to be analyzed for total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbons (TRPH) and halogenated volatile organic compounds (HVOC) in accordance with EPA methods 418.1 and 8010, respectively. During the investigation on 08 July 1998, AGE requested to Mr. Howard Wines III of the BFD-ES that HVOC only be analyzed in samples that contained TRPH. Mr. Wines approved this change in analysis. 15 July 1998 AGE Project No. CV 231C2.479 Page 3 of 5 2.0. PROCEDURES Prior to the investigation, Underground Service Alert was notified to mark all existing underground utilities. 2.1. SAMPLING METHOD Five probe borings (Borings BI through B5) were established on the property on 08 July 1998 (Figure 2 - Site Plan). The probe borings for the investigation were drilled using a Geoprobe 5400 soil probing machine, which utilizes direct push technology to reach the desired sampling depths for sample retrieval. The Geoprobe 5400 and crew members were supplied by EnviroProbe of Anaheim, California. Borings B1 through B4 were drilled to 40 feet bsg and boring B5 was drilled to 15 feet bsg. Mr. Wines of the BFD-ES witnessed a portion of the assessment activities. Discrete, undisturbed soil samples were collected at 5-foot intervals beginning at 10 feet in borings B1 through B4. One sample was collected at 15 feet bsg in boring B5. The samples were collected ahead of the drill bit utilizing a split-tube sampler, loaded with three precleaned 2"-by-6" brass tubes. For each sample the lead brass tube was immediately covered with aluminum sheets and capped. The samples were placed in a chilled container for subsequent transport to KYH Analytical Laboratory (KYH) for analysis. Sample duplicates were screened for the presence of organic vapors utilizing an organic vapor meter (OVM: Bacharach TLV Sniffer, calibrated to hexane). The sample duplicates were logged utilizing the Unified Soil Classification System. The sampling equipment was decontaminated in a non-phosphate detergent solution, and rinsed twice with tap water prior to each sampling run. The borings were backfilled with bentonite sand, hydrated and capped with concrete. 2.2. ANALYTICAL PROTOCOL All samples were analyzed for total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbons (TRPH) in accordance with EPA method 418.1. Samples B1-D10, B1-D15, B4-D15, B4-D20 and B5-D15 were analyzed for halogenated volatile organic compounds (HVOC) in accordance with EPA method 8010. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 15 July 1998 AGE Project No. CV 231 C2.479 Page 4 of 5 3.0. FINDINGS The soil profile at the site was consistent between borings, consisting predominantly of medium or medium to coarse sand throughout the profile with an interbedded clay layer at 20 feet (Boring Logs attached). Sample. B 1-D 10 was slightly discolored. Ground water was not encbuntered in any of the borings. Organic vapors were not detected in any sample duplicates. TRPH was detected in samples B1-D10, BI-D15 and B4-D15 at 3,096 mg/kg, 13 mg/kg and 1,070 mg/kg, respectively. TRPH was not detected in the remaining samples. Of the samples analyzed for HVOC, tetrachloroethene (PCE) was detected in sample B4-D15 at 22.6 /~g/kg. No HVOCs were detected in the remaining samples. The analytical results are summarized in Table 1. The laboratory report (KYH Report Number 80852R), QA/QC data and chain-of-custody forms are attached. 4.0. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the findings, the following conclusions and recommendations are presented for your consideration: Analytical results and field observations indicate that a minor unauthorized release of hydrocarbons has occurred in the location of the former waste oil tank. The impacted zone appears to extend slightly beyond the excavation to the southwest. Laterally, the plume is estimated to be elliptical in shape with dimensions of 10 feet by 16 feet (Figure 3 - Estimated Limits of Impacted Soil). The hydrocarbon impacted zone occurs between 10 feet (bottom of the former excavation) and approximately 20 feet within the excavation limits and between approximately 13 and 20 feet in the area southwest of the former excavation. Based on these dimensions, approximately 50 to 60 cubic yards of impacted soil exist. Based on the limited extent of impacted soil, we believe that the most cost-effective method of remediation is to excavate the soil and transport the soil to a soil recycling facility for disposal. 5.0. LIMITATIONS Our professional services were performed using that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised by environmental consultants practicing in this or similar localities. The findings were based mainly upon analytical results provided by an independent laboratory or laboratories. Evaluations of the 15 July 1998 AGE Project No. CV 231C2.479 Page 5 of 5 geologic conditions at the site for the purpose of this investigation were made from a limited number of available data points (i.e. soil samples) and subsurface conditions may vary away from these data points. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made as to the professional recommendations contained in this report. I , ~ ~~_. -,,, kX~ ~.~. 'i , ~/~ J ~ ' __~' ...' ~, b~ ~:"--- ~~~. nnn, ,;/ .d ,"--~ // F:' ~1~2/'~/ ~ ~ ~1' X~ ..~ '.. x.~a ~'-.. .~i, l~s-.. ~ ,?~ Il ~ ~ ' ,~,? ,. "} C~/'/~ /??'%9~'~R?:" ::~;~{~,,'""'"" : ,.'~, ~ ~ . '-/::'~f. ~ '/X~ ~,~.~ ' ' '~ ~ '~"/ a: ........ ~ .... ~:t:-. ~ '-~"" 3 .... ~, ~15..? ~-,,-' ..~,,~"~' .... ~ '. .... : .... 0~-K'"'~ .~"" ,-, ' , ~? [ ,~ ........... , ,~, - 14. ..'-. ~ ~,, 1 '-'. ''--' ,'" ( --' ..'f~:'"-~-¥-} ':]':/: ?{~'r- ~~~-o~ . ,'". ~,,,,,~ .... .,? ., ~,_ ~,.. ~,,... -.-...~ .... .,-,, ,u / I ~', ~t .... ,, ~ ?¥..-.. .. ?~ .... .:~ ~/ , ~- ~. z:.:.--~ - t .,- ) % '- ,~ ,,( ~- ,. - .... /. _ /' .~ .,~ ¥, ~ .. ~,~,,, ~. .,~/ ..... ,, /~' r M,~-,,~4~ x~::....., ............................................................ :~...~~ .,,~" ~' ~11 !h"/ - ~o .~ · · ' ~ ' 'x ' i~-,,.!il~ · .* ..... ~ ....... ~/ ~ JJ; .: et~z Fv~WlIL''~i ~ ~li. '".'~ ~ ~, ' P ~ · '[~' %~ ( % / ti t ~ ti ·" '.~ .. * :' 366 ~ ' .' ~,,,'~'2,..'~, , -~v '~- .~.,:~. :..., .~.-~.. ~~ ~- .... . ~ V. / ~ ; F .... ¢' ~?~ ~=~,, : ~ : ,/ '-.~..~ REFERENCE: ~ L ~-. 7.5 MINUTE GOSFORD QUADRANGLE ~ 0 BO00 4000 USGS TOPOGRAPHIC SERIES, PHOTOREVlSED 197S ~ Y SCALE IN FEET  FIGURE 1 - LOCATION MAP AdvancM Pep Boys ~677 cv 2SlO2.47g 4605 Pl~nz Ro~d ~: ~eoDnvironmental, Inc. Bokersfield, C~liforni~ 15 J~y 1998 Asphalt 7 / oncrete Overhang B5 eB1 eB3 eB4 --Limits of Former Waste Oil Tank Excavation Planter and Sidewalk Overhang / / / / / LEGEND: eB1 Soil Boring Location 10 SCALE IN FEET ~0 Rob Loeffler, Advanced GeoEnv. (~ FIGURE 2 - SITE PLAN Project NO.: ,~~.~, CV 231C2.479 Advanced ,~ ,~/ Pep Boys #677 Date: 'GeoEnvironmental, Inc. 4605 PlanzRoad Bakersfield, California 15 July 1998 7/13/98 10:15 AM Bakersfield - Planz Road - Borlnq Location I I I I I I ~Asphalt Estimated Limits of Impacted ~Concrete aB2 Limits of. Former Waste Oil Tank Excavation Overhang CB3 Planter and Sidewalk Overhang LEGEND: eB1 Soil Boring Location 0 10 20 I ~ SCAT.~ llq' FEET Rob Loefflcr, Advonced GcoEnv. 7/1.3/98 10:15 AU (~) FIGURE 3 - ESTIMATED LIMITS Project No.: ,.~~ OF IMPACTED SOIl, cv 231c2.479 Advanced ~:'.~'~ ',~j,,';~' Pep Boys #677 Date: GeoEnvironmental, Inc. 4605 Planz Road Bakersfield, California 15 July 1998 BokcrsfielU - Plonz Rood - 8orinq Locotion TABLE 1 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pep Boys #677, 6045 Planz Road, Bakersfield, California ....... ':" "~': .... :: :"::::::::: ......... ":'I'. "~oc~ :..:..': :': .:-:.:. :'.~ .!' :::.. !::.' ": ::. ~i:. ::. !"':"PCE'..': '. Remaining. :.::i~:;;.::i::~:~::: ':~(~gii~): .. : BI-DI0 3,096 ND ND BI-DI5 13 ND ND B I-D20 ND .... B I-D25 ND .... BI-D30 ND .... B 1 -D35 N D .... BI-D40 ND .... · B2-D10 ND .... B2-DI 5 ND .... B2-D20 ND .... B2-D25 ND .... B2-D30 ND .... B2-D35 ND .... B2-D40 ND .... B3-DI 0 ND .... B3-D15 ND .... B3-D20 ND ..... B3-D25 ND .... B3-D30 ND .... B3-D35 ND .... B3-D40 ND .... B4-DI0 ND .... B4-DI 5 1,070 22.6 · ND B4-D20 ND ND ND B4-D25 ND .... B4-D30 ND .... B4-D35 ND .... B4-D40 ND .... B5-DI5 ND ND ND I ND Not Detected. See analytical results for detection limits. Not Analyzed. I I I I I I I I I I BORING LOGS Project: Pep Boys #677~' Project No.: CVS3 IC2.479 BORING NO.: Site Address: 4605 Planz Road Total Depth: 40 Feet a 1 Bakersfield, CA Date: 08 July 1998 Drilling Co.: EnviroProbe Logged by: Robert Loeffier Page 1 of 1 Rig/Attger Type: Geoprobe 5400/Large Bore Sampler Reviewed by: Robert Loeffier 10~- BI-D10 0 SP i::~ii[~::~i::~i~[~i~::.::.~::~i.:..?:.:.::i~:~i~;~?~ Grayish brown (5YR 3/2), damp, medium to coarse sand with BI-DI5 0 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ............ Pale brown (SYR 5/2), damp, coarse sand 20-- B I-D20 0 ~i~!~i~:~i!::~i57:$::5::5::~5~5~ Pale yellowish brown (10YR 6/2), damp, clay BI-D25 0 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .............. Grayish orange (10YR 7/4), slightly damp, medium sand 30-- BI-D30 0 ...... ~ ............. ¥:::::~::: yellowish gray (5YR7/2) [:i:i:i: :::i~: :::::::::::¥:::::::: :: 40-- BI-D40 0 ............. ~ ...... TOTAL DEPTH - 40 FEET Advanced GeoEnvironmental, Inc. W:~BORING-1~PBfl~G7B1 SAM O7/15/~t th~ 9'91 PM Project: Pep Boys Site Address: 4605 Planz Road Bakersfield, CA Project No.: 79 Total Depth: 40 Feet Date: 08 July 1998 Drilling Co.: EnviroProbe Logged by: Robert Loeffier Rig/Auger Type: Geoprobe 5400/Large Bore Sampler Reviewed by: Robert Loeffier BORING NO.' B2 Page 1 of 1 B2-D10 0 SP coarse B2-DI5 0 Pale yellowish brown (10YR 6/2), slightly damp, medium sand with some coarse sand grains B2-D20 0 CL Pale brown (SYR 5/2), damp, clay B2-D25 0 SP Grayish orange (10YR 7/4), slightly damp, medium sand B2-D30 0 pale yellowish brown (10YR 6/2) B2-D35 0 B2-D40 0 TOTAL DEPTH - 40 FEET Advanced W:~BORING-1~PBg667B2.SAM 07115/98 @ 2:32 PM GeoEnvironmental, Inc. Project: Pep Boys #677'"' Project No.: cxt~r3~ IC2.479 BORING NO.: Site Address: 4605 P'lanz Road Total Depth: 40 Feet B3 Bakersfield, CA Date: 08 July 1998 Drilling Co.: EnviroProbe Logged by: Robert Loeffier Page 1 of 1 Rig/Auger Type: Geoprobe 5400/Large Bore Sampler Reviewed by: Robert Loeffler 10~ B3-D10 0 SP ~:~[~::~:~ Grayish orange (10YR 7/4), slightly damp, medium to coarse sand B3-DI5 0 ....................................... Grayish orange (10YR 7/4), slightly damp, medium sand 20~ B3-D20 0 Pale brown (5YR 5/2), damp, clay ~:~:[:~:~:~:;~:~:[:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:5 "~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:5: 30~ B3-D30 0· ....... ~ ............. ¥:::::::::::* .... :5:~:~:~:~:[:~:5:~:~:~:~:~: :~:: ~ 2::¥:::::::: ::~:: ::: ~ :::{ ~ B3-D35 0 ~::~:?::?:~::?:~'~?~'~'~'~'~' pale yellowish brown (10YR 6/2) 40~ B3-D40 0 ...... ~ ............. ~ ............. ~ ....... coarse sand with gravel upto 1/4" diameter TOTAL DEPTH - 40 FEET Advanced GeoEnvironmental, Inc. W:[BORING~1~PB#G67B3.SAM 07115/98 ~. 2:32 PM Project: Pep Boys #677'" Project No.: CV'~1C2.479 BORING NO.: Site Address: 4605 Planz Road Total Depth: 40 Feet 94 Bakersfield, CA Date: 08 July 1998 Drilling Co.: EnviroProbe Logged by: Robert Loeffier Page 1 of 1 Rig/Auger Type: Geoprobe 5400/Large Bore Sampler Reviewed by: Robert Loeffier 10~ B4-D10 0 SP ~:::~:~:~:~ Pale yellowish brown (10YR 6/2), slightly damp, medium sand ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :5:.:~:.:5:. B4-DI5 0 :~:~:~:5:5:..~:~:~:~:~:~..~:~:~:~:~ Pale brown (5YR 5/2), damp, coarse sand :::::::::::::::::::::::::::[::~:: ~:[~::[:[:5¢~:~:[:::~:~:g~:~:~:::~:~: :~:[:[:[:~:~:~:~:~:5:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~ 20~ B4-D20 0 ~5~?:~?:5::~?:5~?:~5~i~ Pale brown (5YR 5/2), damp, clay SP ::::::~::::::* }~.~.::.k::.::.~::.::.:: ~::.:.::~,:,: B4-D25 0 ......... ~:~::::::::::::~ ............ Grayish orange (10YR 7/4), slightly damp, medium sand :[:~ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: _ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~:~:~:::~:~:~¢~:~:~:::~:~:~:~:~:~:~: ~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:¥: ::::::::: 30~ B4-D30 0 ~:~:~:~:~:~:~,~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:::~:? pale yellowish brown {10YR 6/2) B4-D35 0 ::~???.~727.~:?.?~'.~:~ grayish orange (10YR 7/4) -- ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::: :~::: ::::::: 40-~ B4-D40 0 ...... · ........................ ~:: pale yellowish brown (10YR 6/2) : :.:-j.:~:.~:.:.:.:.:,:.:~:~:.:~.:~: TOTAL DEPTH - 40 FEET Advanced GeoEnvironmental, Inc. 2:31 PM Project: Pep BoyS #67T-' Project No.: CV"~ 1 c2.479 BORING NO.: Site Address: 4605 Planz Road Total Depth: 40 Feet B5 Bakersfield, CA Date: 08 July 1998 Drilling Co.: EnviroProbe Logged by: Robert Loeffier Page 1 of 1 Rig/Auger Type: Geoprobe 5400/Large Bore Sampler Reviewed by: Robert Loeffier 10-- - TOTAL DEPTH - 15 FEET 20-- 30-- 40-- Advanced GeoEnvironmental, Inc. W:\BORING~1\PB~67B5.SAM 07115198 ~ 2:39 PM LABORATORY RESULTS FROM : KYH COMPANY PHONE NO. ' 714 549 8375 Jul. 09 1998 04:52PM P2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I KYH Co. Analytical Laboratory 3621 W. MacArthur Blvd., #118, Santa Ana, CA 92704 Tel' (714) 549-5824 Fax: (714) 549-8375 ANALYTICAL REPORT California Hazardous Services 1431 East Saint Andrews Place Santa Aha, CA 92705 Attn.: Mr. Greg McLucas Project ID: Pep Boys # 677-Bakersfield Laboratory Certificate No.: 2136 Date Sampled: 07/08/98 Date Received: 07/09/98 Date Analyzed: 07/09/98 Date Finished 07/09/98 Report Number; 80852R Method: 418.1 Client ID Lab ID SamPling Analysis Method I~'esult MDL Date (rog/kg) (rog/kg) B1- D10 4114 07-08-98 T,RPH EPA'418.1 3,096 10 B1 - D15 4115 07-08-98 TRPH EPA 418.1 13 10 B1 - D20 4116 07-08-98 TRPH EPA 418.1 ND 10 B1 - D25 4117 07-08-98 TF:',PH EPA 4;18.1 ND 10 B1 - D30 4118 07-08-98 TRPH EPA 418.1 ND 10 B1 - D40 4119 07-08-98 TRPH EPA 418.1 ND 10 B2 - D10 4120 07-08-98 TRPH EPA 418.1 ND 10 B2 - D15 4121 07-08-98 TRPH EPA 418.1 ND 10 B2 - D20 4122 07-08-98 TP, PH EPA 418_1 ND 10 B2 - D25 4123 07-08~98 T.~PH EPA 418.1 ND 10 B2 - D30 4124 0%08-98 TF~PH EPA 418.1 ND 10 B2 - D35 4125 07-08-98 TRPH EPA 418.1 ND 10 ,.,B2-D40 4126 I 07-.0..8.-98 TRPH EPA418.1 ,,. NO 10 B3 - D10 4127 07-08-98 TRPH EPA 418.1 ND 10 B3 - D15 4128 07-08-98 TRPH EPA 418.1 ND 10 B3 - D20 4129 07-08-98 TRPH EPA 418,1 ND 10 B3 - D25 4130 07-08-98 TRPH EPA 418.1 ND 10 B3 - D30 4131 07-08-98 T?~PH EPA 418.1 ND 10 , ~-,~-H EPA 418.1 ND 10 B3 - D35 4132 07-08-98 '~ ~.'-, B3 - D40 4133 07-08-98 TF-;PH EPA 418.1 ND 10 B4 - D10 4134 07-08-98 T~.PH EPA 418.1 ND 10 B4- D15 ... 4135 07-08-98 _~".RPH EPA418.1 11070 10 B4 - D20 4136 07-08-98 .... T_~PH EP,A 418.1 ND 10 B4 - D25 4137 07-08-98 TRPH EPA 418.1 ND 10 B4 - D30 4138 07-08-98 TRPH EPA 418.1 ND 10 B4 - D35 4139 07-08-98 TRPH EPA 418.1 ND 10 B4 - D40 4140 07-08-98 TRPH EPA 418.1 ND 10 B5 - D15 4141 07-08-98 TRPH EPA 418.1 ND 10 B1 - D35 4142 07-08-98 TRPH EPA 418.1 ND 10 ND = Not Detected, below Method Detection L~m~t (MDL) July 9,1998 Report Date Page 1 of 1 FROM : KYH COMPANY PHONE hJO. ' 714 549 8375 Jul. 10 1998 02:04PM P2 KYH Co. An.,,slyticsi Laboratory 3621 W. MacArthur Blvd.. #118, Santa Ana, CA 927J~ Tel: (714) 549-5824 Fax: (714) 549-8375 ANALYTCCAL ,,,Client Name: California Hazardous Services ......... Report #: 80852Ra 1431 East Saint Andrews Lpace Project ID: Pep Boys # 677 - Address: Santa Ahaa CA 92,705 ....... Bakersfield Contact Person: Mr. Greg McLucas ,,, Project #: EPA Method 8010 Sample Date 07-08-98 Sample Ty, p~,: Soil B1 - D10 B1 - D15 B4 - D15 DLR Compound Name 4114 (pg/kg) 4115 (pg/kg) 4115 (iJg/k9) (pg/kg) Bromodichloromethane ND __~_ ND D 2.5 Bromoform ND ND ND .,15.0 Bromomethane ND [ ND ND 5.0 Carbon tetrachloride ND " .. i ND ND 2.5 Chlorobenzene ND i ND ND 2.0 Chloroethane ND : ND ND 4.0 Chloroform ND ND ND 2.5 2-Chloroethyl ~iny! ether ND : ND ND 5,0 Chloromethane ND --i ND .... ND ,,, 5.0 Dibromochloromethane ND i N D ND 2.5 _l,2-Dichlorobenzene ND I ND ND 3.0 !a3-Dichlorobe. n,z,ene ND ~ ND ND ,, 3.0 ,, 1,4-Dichlorobenzene, ND -i--- ND ND 3.0 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ~--r - ND N,D 5.0 1~ 1- Dichloroe.t ,h,a,.ne ND. ..... ND ND :3.0 1,2-Dichloroethane ..... ND .... i ...... N D ND 2,0 1;1-Dichloroeth, e,ne ND ND ND ,~rar~. ,1,2-DIchloroeth)'lene ND ....... ND ,, ND 2.0 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ........... ND ND 2.0 /ra~.1,3-Dichloroj3ro,pyle ne ND ..... ND ND 3.0 ci~-1,3-Dichloroprop, ene ND ..... , ND ND 3.0 Methylene chloride ND ND ND 150 1,1,'2.Z-Tetrachloroethane ND ...... ND ND 3.0 Tetrachloroethene ND ND 22,.6 3.5 1,1,1-Tdchloroethane NO ~ ND ND 2.5 1 ~l;2-Trichloroeth, ane ND i ND ND 3.0 Trichloroeth¥1ene ND 4-- ND ND 4.0 Trichlorofluoromethene ND ! ND ND ,4,.5 Vinyl chi .o,.ri,'d,,e ND i ND ND 5.0 ND = Not Detected, below DLR (Detection Limit Reported) July 10, 1998 Report Date Page 1 of 1 FROM : KYH COMPANY PHONE NO. : 714 549 8375 Jul. 14 1998 01:53PM P2 KYH Co. Analytical Laboratory 3621 W. MacArthur Blvd., #118, Santa Ana, CA 92704 Tel: (714) 549-5824 FaX: (714) ,549-8375 ANALYTICAL REPORT ..,Client Name: California Hazardous Services Report #: 80852Rb 1431 East Saint Andrews Place Project ID: pep Boys # 677 - Address: Santa AnaI CA 92705 Bakersfield Contact Person: .Mr. Grail McLucas ..... Project #: EPA Method 8010 Sample Date: 07-05-98 Sample' Ype: Soil B4 . D20 B5 . D15 DLR Compound Name 4136 (pg/kg) 4141 (pg/kg) (pg/kg) Bromodlc ,hlo.romethane ND ND 2.5 Bromoform ND ND 15.0 Bromomethane ND ND 5.0 Carbon tetrachloride ND ND 2.5 Chlombe.nz. ene ND ND 2.0 Chloroethane N D ND 4.0 Chloroform ND ND 2.5 2-Chloroethyl 'viqyl ether N ....C. hloromethane ND .... ND 5.0 DibromoChloromethane ND ND 2.5 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ND 3.0 l~3-Dichl.0robenzene ND ND .. 3.0 1 ~4-Dich!.o.rob. enzen e ND ND 3.0 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ND 5.0 ...J.,.1.'Dichloroethane ..... ND ,ND 3.0 1.2.Dlchloroethane ND ND 2.0 %l-Dichloroethene .... ND ND 2.0 tran~-1,2-Dichloroethylene ,., ND .... ND 2.0 1,2-Dichlorop.r0pane ....... ND ..ND 2.,,0 tr~, l~3.Dlchl0ropropylene . .. ND ND 3.0 cis-1 ~3.:;D!.chloro propane ..... ND ND 3.0 Methylene chloride ND .... ND ..... 15.0 1 ,l,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ND 3.0 Tetrachloroethene ND ND 3.5 ..1.,.1.,1-Trichloroethane ND ND · ,2.5 1,1 2.Trichloroethane ND ND 3.0 Trlchloroethylene ND ND 4.0 Trichl0~fluoromethane .... ND ND, 4.5 Vinyl.~h!o. ride ? ..... ND ,,. ND ,, 5.0 ND = Not Detected, below DLR (Detection Limit Reported). July t4, 1998 .. Report Date Page 1 of 1 FROM : KYH COMPANY PHONE NO. : 714 549 8375 Jul. 15 1998 KYH Co. Analytical Laboratory 3621 W. MacArthur Blvd., #118, Santa Ana, CA g2704 Tel: (714) 549-5824 Fax: (714) 549-8375 LOJ~ - QC REPORT California Hazardous Services 1431 East Saint Andrews Place Santa Aha, CA 92705 Attn.: Mr. Greg McLucas Project ID: Pep Boys # 677-Bakersfield Project No,; ~_~_horator~ Certi,flcate No.: 2136 .... Date Sampled: 07/08/98 Date Received: 07/09/98 Date Analyzed: 07/09/98 Date Finished 07/10/95 Report Number: 80852QC Method: 8010;418.1 Soil QA - QC RESULTS Blank Calibration Spike Spike Dup RPD recovery recovery Recovery (%) Component (ng) (%) (%) (%) Chloroform ND 93.4 101.7 ~102.0 0.3 Tetrachlorocthylene ND 98.9 105.8 106.t 0.3 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 110.9 88.8 88.7 0.1 Dibromochloromethane ND 102.4 113.5 114.6 1.0 , ND 99.4 96.2 99.4 3.3 ND = Not Detected. Auth~,~zed Signature July10,1998 Report Date Page 1 of 1 KYH C(fJ~pany AnalyticalJLaboratory 3621 W'. MacArlhur BIvd., #118, Sanla Aha, CA 92704 Tel: (714) 54g.5824 Fax: (7~4) 549-8375 CHAIN OF CUSTODY LABO P.A, TORY INFORMATION I I I I I I I I I I I I I IName Address Telephone j KYH Company Analytical Laboratow j 3521 W. Mac. Arthur Blvd., Suite 118, Santa Aha. CA 92704 J (714) 549-5824 I Fax J (714) 549-8375 CUSTOMER JNFORtC~ATION Name j California Hazardous Services ! Contact j Mr. Dan Arhart Address 1431 East Saint Andrews Place, Santa Aha, CA 92705 ProjectlD J~e? ~¢.y~' "J/gT;)-~,¢~£i~,_,'h j Project~ j Telephone ) (714) 434-~BS5 j Fax j (714) 434-99~8 SAMPLE INFORMATION Sampling Customer Sample Type' # of Analysis/Test Required Date I Time Sample ID A IL la j e jo Cont. and/or Comment I I ~,-~,~ t ! I'~1 I ~ I I I ~/-~zo I I I~1 I I ~,-~ I I I I I~ I1 I i I ~-~ I I I~1 i I I ': A= Air SampIe; L = Liquid Sample; S = Solid Sample; G = Grab Sample; C = Composite Sample. SAMP TRANSFERRING AND RECEIVING iNFORMATION sampler j~ IsamOer(Prin,)j'/~os~'~m /-Ce'Fr~ Relinquished by I~~.I ~,,~ -¢/¢/¢¢ I Time SAMPLE REEIVING CONDITION Breakaoe Seal,.~tact Ch~.~d Ye, I--1 ~o I~ Ye, L~J ,o i--1 Ye, L~INo J Pa_~e I of "~ J KYH Company AnalyticaJ._aboratory 3621 W. MacAdhur Blvd., ill 18, Santa Aha, CA 92704 Tel: (714) 549.5824 Fax: (7~4) 54g-8375 CHAIN OF CUSTODY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LABORATORY INFORI'~ATION IName Address Telephone Name Address Project ID Telephone k'YH Company Anaytical Laboratory 3521 W. MacArthur Blvd., Suite 118, Santa Aha. CA 92704 (714) 549-5824 I Fax j CUSTOMER INFORMATION j California Hazardous Services (714) 549-~375 j Contact j l,~r. Dan Arhart J 1431 East Saint Andrews Place, Santa Aha, CA 92705 I?~ ~'~X~l~E72-'~'~l'.~f~/'~"'~ J Project#j I(714) 434-~BB5 I FsX j (7~4) 434-BBg8 SAMPLE INFORMATION Sampling Customer Sample Type' # of Analysis/Test Required Date I Time Sample ID A IL Is IG lc Cont. and/or Comment "I I~-.'~ I I I'x~l I I I I I I ~ 2-~,-/o I I Ix l I I I ,~-~,5 I I IKI I ': A = Air Sample; L = Liquid Sample; S: Solid Sample; G = Grab Sample; C = Composile Sample. SAMPL {SFERRING AND RECEIVING iNFORMATION AMPLE RE~IVING CONDITION I I Breakage Yes j--J No J~ Seal~ntact Ch~d Yes LSJ ~o r-I Yes ~No j Paoe '2. of ~ I I I KYH Cc~pany AnalyticaJ..aboratory 3621 W. IvfacAilhur Blvd., #~18, San~a Aha, CA ~2704 Tel: (-/~4) 549.5~24 Fax: (7'~4) 549.8375 CHAIN OF CUSTODY LABORATORY INFORMATION IName Address Telephone KYH Company Analytical Laboratory 3521 W. MacArthur Blvd., Suite 118, Santa Aha. CA 92704 (714) 549-5824 I Fax (714) 549-~375 I I I I I I I I CUSTOMER INFOPJV~ATION Name j California Hazardous Services J Contact I Mr. Dan Arhart Address 1431 East Saint Andrews Place, Santa Ar, a, CA 92705 Project ID ~P ~,V~ ~¢(=,'7"7 - ~'a,v ~),;4o j Project # Telephone (714) 434-~°~95 I Fax (714) 434-9~8 SAMPLE INFORMATION Sampling Customer Sample Type' # of Analysis/Test Required Date I Time Sample ID A ILlS I G jo cont. and/or Comment I I~-~ I I i~1 I I ~ I I I I I ': A = Air Sample; L = Liquid Sample; S = Solid Sample; G = Grab Sample; C = Composite Sample. SAMPL ~ T~NSFERRING~I~D RECEIVING JNFOR~V, ATION /,~AMPLE RE~IVING CONDITION Breakaoe Seal,.a.l~tact Ch~ed Yes. F-] F~o {2D/ Yes L_~No F-'] v~ L_~No F3 jPace 3 of? J 08 June 1998 AGE Project No. CV 231 C2.479 Mr. Greg McLucas California Hazardous Services 1431 East Saint Andrew Place Santa Ana, California 92705 Subject: Work Plan for Limited Subsurface ltnvestigation - Pep Boys/1677, 4605 Planz Road, Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. McLucas: In accordance with your request, we have prepared this work plan to perform a subsurface investigation to assess petroleum hydrocarbon impact following the removal of an underground storage tank (UST) at the referenced address. The opportunity to provide this service is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to call our office at (714) 996-5151. Sincerely, Advanced GeoEnvironmental, Inc. Ma~lhew R. Graham Staff Environmental Specialist Enclosures Joshua Ong, Ph.D. 5~x,%~~ Seni°r Pr°ject Hydr°ge°l°g{~N~ ~ California Registered Geologist ~ CC: (2) addressee (1) Howard H. Wines - Bakersfield Fire Department, Environmental Services .Division 3315 E. Miraloma Avenue, Suite ! 17, Anaheim, California 92806 Telephone (714) 996-5151 FAX (714) 996-5182 Work Plan for Limited Subsurface Investigation Pep Boys #677 4605 Planz Road, Bakersfield, California 1.0. INTRODUCTION 1.1. BACKGROUND A single 550-gallon waste oil underground storage tank (UST) was removed on 28 April 1998 from an automotive repair and service facility at Pep Boys #677, located at 4605 Planz Road, Bakersfield, California. The UST was double-walled and constructed of fiberglass. Following removal of the UST, two soil samples were collected (Samples T1 and T2). TRPH was detected in sample T1 at 9,300 mg/kg and in sample T2 at 11,600 mg/kg. An unauthorized release of an unknown quantity of waste oil has impacted the soil beneath the former tank. The analytical results are summarized in Table 1. Based on the reported findings, the Bakersfield Fire Department - Environmental Services Division (BFD-ESD) issued a letter dated 26 May 1998 requiring that a work plan be prepared in order to define the extent of the reported release of hydrocarbons. 1.2 REGIONAL GEOLOGY The subject property is situated in a commercial and residential area at an approximate elevation of 370 feet above sea level (Figure 1 - Location Map, 7.5 Minute Gosford Quadrangle, USGS Topographic Series, 1973). The subject property is located within the San Joaquin Valley, a topographic and structural basin bounded on the east by the Sierra Nevada Mountains and on the west by the Coast Range. The Sierra Nevada, a gently dipping south-westward fault-block is composed of igneous and metamorphic rocks of pre-Tertiary age which comprise the basement complex beneath the valley. The Coast Ranges contain folded and faulted sedimentary rocks of Mesozoic and Cenozoic age which are similar to those rocks that underlie the valley at great depth, and non-comformably overlie the basement complex. Gently dipping to nearly horizontal sedimentary rocks of Tertiary and Quaternary age overlie the older rocks. The' younger rocks are mostly of terrestrial origin, and in the Bakersfield area, were derived from the Sierra Nevada. The City of Bakersfield is situated within the Central portion of the Great Valley, and is in a large alluvial basin predominantly filled by fine-grained clastic sediment. Unconsolidated materials found in the project area are generally composed of alluvial deposits of sand, silt and minor clay and gravel. The source rock for this material is primarily the granitic and metamorphic rocks located' in the Sierra Nevada. 1.3 DEPTH TO GROUND WATER INFORMATION The subject property is located within the San Joaquin Basin Hydrologic stUdy Area which includes 08 June 1998 AGE Project No. CV 231C2.479 Page 2 of 3 roughly the southern two-thirds of the Central San Joaquin Valley. Within that area, twenty-six ground water basins and areas of potential storage have been identified. The inventory covers nine ground water basins identified as significant sources of ground water. The San Joaquin Basin covers approximately 13,500 square miles. According to Mr. Tom Haslebacher of the Kern County Water Agency, the depth to ground water in the vicinity of the site was 175 feet below surface grade (bsg), when last gauged in October 1997 (State Well No. 30S/27E-11M01). The depth to ground water is assumed to be at a similar depth below the subject property. The direction of ground water flow beneath the site is reportedly toward the southeast. 1.4 SCOPE OF WORK The scope of work is to assess the vertical and lateral extent of impacted soil in the area of the former underground storage tank. We propose to establish a minimum of four borings to 40 feet utilizing a Geoprobe 5400. ' 2,0, 2.1. 1. PROCEDURES PROJECT PREPARATION Determine location of underground utilities in the immediate location of the proposed sampling points utilizing Underground Services Alert and/or plans supplied by site occupants. Prepare a site-specific safety and health plan using OSHA guidelines. Notify the BFD-ESD 48 hours prior to work initiation. FIELD PROCEDURES Prior to work initiation, brief all personnel on contents of the site safety and health plan. Advance four soil probe borings in the area of the former tank to total depths of 40 feet below surface grade (bsg) using the Geoprobe 5400 equipped with 1.125-inch diameter probe rods. The first probe boring will be advanced in the immediate area of the samples collected following the UST removal to delineate the vertical extent of impact. If field observations indicate that the impacted soil extends to a greater depth than 40 feet, advance the probe borings until refusal is encountered. If ground water is encountered, the borings will be 08 June 1998 AGE Project No. CV 231C2.479 Page 3 of 3 terminated at that depth. The remaining three probe borings will be advanced at varying distances, depending on field observations, to delineate the lateral extent. The locations of the proposed soil probe borings are depicted on Figure 2 - Site Plan. 3. Obtain discrete soil samples at 5~foot intervals starting at 10 feet bsg, using a core sampler loaded with precleaned brass tubes. 4. Preserve the samples by covering both ends with Teflon sheets and capping. Place samples in a chilled container for transport to a. state-certified laboratory for analysis. 5. Describe soil in sample duplicates in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USGS). 6. Monitor sample duplicates for the presence of organic vapor using an organic vapor meter equipped with a photo-ionization detector (PID). 7. Decontaminate sampling equipment in a phosphate-free detergent solution and rinse twice with water prior to each sampling run. 8. Backfill probe holes using hydrated bentonite sand and seal the upper 4 inches with concrete. 9. Analyze all soil samples for total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbons (TRPH) and halogenated volatile organic compounds (HVOCs) in accordance with EPA methods 418.1 and8010, respectively.~'6o~,c.4.~ 4~cg-( ,~),~,T~ ?tr_e~_,~-~6 c.~ ?rzooo¢~ 10. Prepare a report, detailing the results of the work in. a format acceptable to the Bakersfield Fire Department - Environmental Services Division (BFD-ESD), signed with a wet ink · signature of a California Registered Geologist. -- On 3E3 "t . ,, / t / .! o : .:~ Seibect IIIIIII ~1 366 i:-- --%' 13 ~/ · ' Vdt'riTE : ~_~ ?9 It REFERENCE: 7.5 MINUTE 60$FORD OUADRANGLE USGS TOPOGRAPHIC SERIES., PHOTOREVISED 1973 Advanced GeoEnvironmentaI, Inc. ~000. 4000 SCALE IN FEET FIGURE 1 - LOCATION MAP Pep Boys #677 4605 Plonz Rood Bokersfield, Colifornio P~ectNo.: CV 231C2.479 Date: 08 June 1998 Zspholt-paved parking ./ Plonz Rood Limits of Excavation LEGEND: ® T1 Previous Soil Sample Location ,,~ 0 15 30 -~ Proposed Soil Probe Location SCAI~]]q'FE~T 3/2g/97,4:08 PM Advancc~d & GeoEnvironmental, Inc. obdlprt FIGURE 2 - Site Plan Pep ]]o~' ~77 4605 P]anz Road Bakersfield, Ca!~om~ Project No.: CV 231 C2.479 Date: 08 June 1998 FIRE CHIEF MICHAEL R. KELLY ADMINISTRAllVE SERVlC~ 2101 'H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 3263941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SEI~VICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE~ 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93,,~1 (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT May 26, 1998 John C. Kerelo Environmental Department Manager PeP Boys 3111 West Allegheny Avenue Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19132 RE: Laboratory results from preliminary site assessment conducted at the PeP Boys #677 4605 Planz Road in Bakersfield, California. Permit # BR-0209. Dear Mr. Kerelo: Upon review of the recently submitted laboratory results from your facility, this office has determined that the extent of the contamination plume, associated with the 500 gallon waste oil tank previously located on your property, has not been adequately defined. This office requires (in accordance with Chapter 6.7 of the California Health and Safety Code and Chapter 16, Title 23 of the California Code of Regulations) that further assessment be done to def'me the vertical and horizontal extent of the contamination plume. Please submit a work plan for further assessment, to this office, within 30 days from receipt of this letter. The workplan should follow guidelines found in: Appendix A -Reports, Tri - Regional Board Staff Recommendations for Preliminary_ evaluation and Investigation of Underground Tank Sites; July 6, 1990. Additionally, be advised that oversight cost for this project will be billed to you at a rate of $75.00 per hour. If you have any questions, please call me at (805) 326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist HHW/dlm enclosure UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE (LEAK) / CONTAMINATION SITE REPORT I ~MPA~ OR ~ENCY NAME ADDRESS ~RE~ C~ ~A~ ZIP FACILI~ N~E (IF ~PLICABL~ OPE~TOR PHONE ADDRESS CRO~ STREET L~AL AGENCY AGENCY N~E ~T~T PERSON PHONE REG~N~ SOARD PHONE (1) NAME QUANTI~ LOST (~LLONS) ~ UNKNOWN DA~ DI~VERED ~ HOW DIS~VERED ~ INV~TORY ~NTROL ~ SU~URFACE MONITORING ~ NUIS~CE CONDITIONS DA~ DIVERGE BE~N M~HOD USED TO STOP DISC~RGE (CHECK ~L ~AT ~PL~ d .I ~ ol *1 *1 ~u...o~. ~REMOVE ~N~NTS~LOSE TAN~ ~ REMO~ ~ REPAIR PIPING HAS Dms~RGE BEEN STOPPED ~ ~ REPAmR TANK ~ CLOSE TANK A FILL IN PUCE ~ CHANGE PR~EDURE SOUECE OF Dm~HARGE CAUSE(S) o ~ PIPl.G L~ ~ OTHER ~ ~RROSION ~ UNK.OWN ~ OTHER CHECK ONE ONLY o~ ~ UND~R~IN~ ~ SOILONLY ~ G~UNDWATER ~ DRINKING WATER - (CHECK ONLY IF WATER WELLB HA~ AC~ALLY BEEN AFFEO~D C.~C~O"~mo.Ly ~ ~ NO ACTION TA~. ~ PREI.INARYS~A~E~.~T.ORKP~NSUB. I~EO ~ POLLUTIONCHARAC~RI~TION ~ ~ LE~ BEI.~ ~NFI.~ED ~ PRELI~I.A.Y S,~ ~E~.ENT UNDER.AY ~ POST CLE~UP .ONI*OR:.~ iN PRO~.E~ ~ RE~EDIATION P~ ~ CASE CLUED (CLE~UP ~,~qPLE~D OR UNNECE~AR~ ~ CLE~UP UNDERWAY CHECK APPROPR~TE~~ACTION(S) ~ EXCAVA~ ~ DISUSE (ED) ~ REMOVE FREE PRODUCT (FP) ~ ENH~CED BIO DEG~DATION (1~ ~ ~C~S~{C~ ~ EXCAVATE&TREAT(E~ ~ PU~P&TREATGROUNDWA~R(G~ REP~CE SUPPLY (RS) ~ ~ ~NTAIN~ENT BARRIER (CB) ~ NO ACTION REOUIRED (NA) ~ TREA~E~ AT H~P ~U) ~ VENT ~IL ~S) H~ ~ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEP~ OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave.~ Bakersfield~ CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 CERTIFICATION STATEMENT OF TANK DECONTAMINATION Name an authorized agent of /~TO ~ So~ -p~c~ %~£, here by attest under penalty of Contracting COo ~p ~ perjury that the tank(s) located at ~%oo~ PLA~]~ ~b. ~t~%% and Address being removed under permit~ ~-0~0~ has been cleaned/decontaminated properly and a LEL (lower explosive limit) reading of no greater than 5% was measured immediately following the cleaning/decontamination process° Date Name (print) Conformation by: Signature City of Bakersfield Soil Sampling Following Removal of Underground Storage Tank Pep Boys #677, 4605 Planz Road, Bakersfield, California PREPARED FOR California Hazardous Services SUBMITTED TO City of Bakersfield- Fire Department, Office of Environmental Services BY Advanced GeoEnvironmental, Inc. 3315 Eas~ Miraloma Avenue, Suite 117 Anaheim, California 92806 Phone (714) 996-5151. Fax (714) 996-5182 Subsidiary: Advanced Ge~En¥~ronmental~ Inc. 4005 North Wilson Way S~ockton, California 95205 Phone (209) 467-1006 · Fax (209) 467-1118 04 May 1998 AGE Project No. CV 231C2.479 Mr. Daniel Arhart California Hazardous Services 1431 East Saint Andrew Place Santa Ana, California 92705 Subject: Soil S~mpling Following Removal of Underground Storage Tank - Pep Boys 11677, 4605 Planz Road, Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Arhart: In accordance with your request, we have collected two soil samples following the removal of an underground storage tank (UST) at the referenced address. The enclosed report describes the procedures and findings of this sampling program for review by the regulatory agency. The opportunity to provide this service is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to call our office at (714) 996-5151. Sincerely, Advanced GeoEnvironmental, Inco Staff Environmental Specialist Project Ge~( ~ California Re gi steYe6-O~logist No. 6709 Enclosures CC: (3) addressee (1) Mr. Steve Underwood - City of Bakersfield - Fire Department, Office of Environmental Services 3315 E. Miraloma Avenue, Suite 117, Anaheim, California 92806 Telephone (714) 996-5151 FAX (714) 996-5182 Soil Sampling Following Removal of Underground Storage Tank Pep Boys//677, 4605 Planz Road, Bakersfield, California 1.0. INTRODUCTION Advanced GeoEnvironmental,' Inc. (AGE) was retained by California Hazardous Services (CHS) to collect and analyze two soil samples following the removal of a single 550-gallon fiberglass waste oil underground storage tank (UST) at the above referenced address. The site is located in a commercial/residential area of low topographic relief (Figure 1 - Location Map, 7.5 Minute Gosford Quadrangle, USGS Topographic Series, 1973) at an approximate elevation of 370 feet above sea level. 1.1. UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK The 550-gallon UST was located approximately 35 feet west of the northeast comer of the Pep Boys building on the subject property. The tank was double-walled fiberglass and was utilized for the storage of waste oil. The location of the tank and the immediately surrounding features are depicted on Figure 2 - Site Plan. 1.2. DEPTH TO GROUND WATER INFORMATION The subject property is located within the San Joaquin Basin Hydrologic Study Area which includes roughly the southern two-thirds of the Central San Joaquin Valley. Within that area, 26 ground water basins and areas of potential storage have been identified. The inventory covers nine ground water basins which have been identified as significant sources of ground water. The San Joaquin Basin covers approximately 13,500 square miles. According to Mr. Tom Haslebacher of the Kern County Water Agency, the.depth to ground water in the vicinity of the site was 175 feet below surface grade (bsg), when last gauged in October 1997 (State Well No. 30S/27E-11M01). The depth to ground water is assumed to be at a similar depth below the subject property. Furthermore, the direction of ground water flow beneath the site is reportedly to the southeast. 2.0. SAMPLING AND ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES The tank was removed by CHS on 28 April 1998. Prior to removal, the tank was triple-rinsed by Nieto & Sons' Tracking, Inc. and the rinseate was transported to Demenno Kerdoon facility in Compton, California for recycling (Manifest No. 97435266 attached). Subsequently, the tank was transported to American Metal Recycling for disposal. Inspector Steve Underwood of the City of Bakersfield Fire Department - Office of Environmental Services witnessed the tank removal and triple-rinsing procedures. 04 May 1998 AGE Project No. CV 231C2.479 Page 2 of 2 Two soil samples (Samples T1 and T2) were collected beneath the former tank at depths of 10 feet below surface grade (bsg) and 13.5 feet bsg, respectively. The sampling locations are depicted on Figure 2. During the tank removal procedure, a small quantity of water from the annular seal was released to the subsurface pea gravel beneath the tank. The soil samples were collected from the teeth of a backhoe bucket and were compacted into four-ounce glass jars. The jars were completely filled to eliminate head-space prior to sealing. After filling, the jars were capped with a teflon-faced septa and tightly sealed. The samples were then labeled, and stored in a chilled container. Following completion of field work, the samples were transported under chain-of-custody to KYH Company Analytical Laboratory (KYH), a state-certified laboratory. The samples collected from beneath the waste oil tank were analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), purgeable aromatic hydrocarbons (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes: BTE&X) and total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbons (TRPH) in accordance with EPA methods 8015-modified for fuel, 8020, and 418.1 respectively. 3.0. FINDINGS Elevated concentrations of TRPH were detected in both samples (TI and T2) at 9,300 rog/kg and 11,600 mg/kg, respectively. However, analytical results for BTE&X and TPH indicated non- detectable concentrations of target analytes. The analytical report (KYH Report No.80636R), QA/QC data and chain-of-custody forms are attached. 4.0. CONCLUSIONS Based on the field observations and analytical results, an unauthorized release of petroleum hydrocarbons, impacting the soil beneath the removed waste oil UST, has occurred. This report will be submitted to the City of Bakersfield Fire Department for further requirements. 5.0. LIMITATIONS Our professional services were performed using that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised by environmental consultants practicing in this or similar localities. The findings Were mainly based upon analytical results provided by independent laboratories. Interpretations of the subsurface conditions at the site for the purpose of this investigation are made from a limited number of available data points (i.e. soil samples) and subsurface conditions may vary away from these data points. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made as to the professional recommendations contained in this report. I I I I I I I I I I ('y,,~ . :, ~t ' II ' ,~..,v~.- ~ I~ ii ii i~ ~1 }) ,/N o K RN .,,? , I ,~ ,~ · ~' , , ~' , ~'?~ "'~, ,~ , , ~' ~. I , ~,~ ~ , Reference: 7.5 Minute Gosford Quadr~gle USGS Topo~ap~c Series, Photorevised 1973 soo o soo Proj eot No.:  FIGURE 1 - LOCATION MAP CV 231C2.479 Advanced Pep Boys ~677 Date: 4605 PI~ Road GeoEnvironmental, Inc. B~ersfield, Califomia 4 May 1998 I I I Planz Road ~Asphalf'paved parkin~,~ · T1 Limits of Excavation LEGEND: · T1 Soil Sample Location 0 15 30 SCALE IN ~T RDL 5/29/97 4:08 PM  FIGUR~ 2 - Site Plan Proj~ No.: CV 23 lC2.479 Advanced GeoEnvironmental, Inc. ~fiel~ abdlprt p. 02 , I~' M&y-OS-gBO~/O~/~'~ ~,~:~* T.~'/*4 gg~.~O3,0G~. ~ (I 'C~~9 ~ ~on~,C '~ ~ 'C ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~' I I m m m " m m m m ,m ;,~"~. Z0.',0'-0039 (E,I~,',,, e,30-ge UNIFORM HAZARDOUS See Instructions on back of h Generatcar's .US EPA ID No. Manila,! Dcacume-t No. WASTE MANIFEST ~,ddre. $, T~a-mF~rter 1 Ccampany Nome Nleto mhd S~ne Trucking. Inc. ?. Tran~por~r 2 Ccampamy Nome 6. US [-PA ID Number 8. US EPA ID Number De~;gn~ed F~li~me and She Add,.. 10. US EPA ID Nvmber Compton, CA 9m222 b. d. 12. Ccanioiners 1'1, Total NO 5~OflINO v Alternate Disposal ~Xte: C;.o~by L Overran 24 Hour E~gency Phone Number : 714-99~.-G855 163~ W. 17th Street <3la) 432-~44~ Wes; Appropriate Protective CLothing Long Beach. CA ~813 CADG284~19 mm&~, and {o~d, and m~ n o res~ { p erQ~r cendili~ ~r t~ns~n~- h'~k ....... J'- .... I, ., / ~. ~' 'rF . . · u ....... ~,l~..~cked, . - ~ ~- -1 'v--~z ~'~"'V'u upp. cooie tnlernohoflo uno nofi~al g~ern~enl teguiot;~. cam ca la,ge qugnfil7 gene~atM f certify thor I have ca program n D cate Io roduce t~e ¥olume and I~-;-*~. r . . ~ - ... .. . . . . ~o~.~. lo me and 1~l caR.o~d. T ~ , am g~ al~ ~f~, ~ m,n,m,~e my wcaste ~nerah~ on~ se~t t~e boo --Od~ ~nogemenl molh~ ~ut is Prin~J/TyF;ed NSme ' i Signature' 2 Acl~ncawl.~' e'n~ent o~ Recei ~f Mat~r;at$ Primed/Typed Nome I 9, O;~c;,,~,~he.y Indication .Space .Do), ~-~ Cerlificot;~,, of re¢sipf al ko~ardoum marer~ t~i, moni{,~ed in Ilem 19. DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE. Month Day Yeor DT~C 8022A 8700--22 FROM : KYH COMPANY PHONE NO. : 714 549 8375 Apr. 29 1998 KYH Co. Analytical Laborato 3621 W. MacArthur Blvd., #118, Santa Ana, CA 92704 Tel: (714) 549-5824 Fax: (714) 549-8375 ANALYTICAL REPORT - (~aliforr;ia Hazard ous Services 1431 East Saint Andrews Place Santa Aha, CA 92705 Attn.: Mr. Greg McLucas Project ID: Pep Boys # 677 - Bakersfield Project No.: CV 231C2.479 I ~horato~ Certificate No.: 2136 Date Sampled: 04/28/98 Date Received: 04/29/98 Date Analyzed: 04/29/98 Date Finished 04/29/98 Report Number: 80636R Method: 8020; 8015m. 418,1 Benzene Toluene Ethyl Total TPH TRPH Customer Lab EPA EPA benzene Xylene EPA EPA Sample ID ID 8020 8020 EPA8020 EPA8020 8015m 418.1 ( rog/kg) ( rog/kg) ( mg/kg) ( rog/kg) ( mg/kg) (rog/kg) T1 3463 .ND ND ND ND ND 9,300 T2 3464 ND ND ND ND ND 11,600 ND = Not Detected (below DLR, Detection Limit Reported). April 29, 1998 Report Date Page 1 Of I KYH Company Analytical L boratory 3621 W. MacArlhur Blvd., #~ ~ 8, San~a Aha, CA 92704 Tel: (714) 549-5824 Fax: (7~4) 549-8375 LABORATORY INFORMATION ,lame ~jt Company Anal~ical Laborato~ kddress 3621 W. MacA~hur Blvd.. Suite 118, Santa Aha. CA 92704 ;elephone .(714) 549-5824 j Fax j (714) 549-8375 qame California Hazardous Sewices J Contact JMr. Dan Arha~ kddress , 14:1 East Saint Andrews Place, Santa Aha, CA 92705 telephone (714) 434-9995 j Fax (714) 434-9998 S~MPLE INFORMATTN Sampling Customer ! Sample Type ~ of Analysis~est Required I I i !! I I I i, ': A = Air Sample; L = Liquid Sample; S = Solid Sample; G = Grab Sample; C = Composite Sample. SAMPLE T~NSFERRING AND RECEIVING INFORMATION ;am,ler ~ ~~ , ampler (Print~ )eliv erer / ¢ [ ate ' .ab ,{eceiver I:Y [,ate Breakage Seal ipta~ Chi~ed I Paoe / of Name KYH Company Analytical Laboratory Address 3621 W. MacArthur Blvd., Suite 118, Santa Aha. CA 92704 Telephone · (714)549-5824 I Fax I (714) 549-8375 Name California Hazardous Services I Contact I Mr. Dan Arhart Address 1431 East Saint Andrews Place, Santa Aha, CA 92705 ProjectlD ~Te.~ ~o'.f5-I~z~.r.5'~'~]j ~ ~ I Project# (--V ~.'~1~2., ~ Telephone (714) 434-9995 i Fax (714) 434-9998 Sampling Customer Sample Type' # of Analysis/Test Required Relinquished by /~/~,j ~p..,~, Date q/Z ?- ?'~' Time Deliverer ,, /. / ,,/ Date Time Lab Receiver '[/~~/q-~.,/,~,,. Date q'-,-7 ~- ¢~ Time / L).'/,~_~.., 14:59 7149965182 ADV GEOENVIRONMENTAL P~GE 01 Fax Of: Fax: I'a~es: I)ale: Inspector Steve UnderwOod City of Bakersfield Fire Dept. (805) 326-0576 2, including this cover sheet. April 30, 1998 I)car Mr, Underwood: I'ursuant to ()ur telephone conversation please find the attached laboratory results fbr thc soil sampli ng following the removal of one 550-gallon waste oil underground storage tank (Pep Boys 4005 Planz Road, Bakersfield), N !; M M A RY OF ACTIV[TIES soil samples (Samples T1 and T2) were collected beneath the former tank. Sample TI was o~llcc(ed al. a depth of 10 feet below surface grade (bsg), sample T2 was collected at 13,5 fee! 'I'RPH' was detected in both soil samples collected, sample T1 at 9,300 mg/kg and I'2 al I,O()O rng/kg. According to Mr. Tom Haslebacher of the Kern County Water Agency, the depth to ground water m thc vicinity of the site was 175 feet below surface grade (bsg), when last gauged in October 1997. I I' ym.~ have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at your earliest convenience at (714) ~9(~-.515 I. It has been a pleasure working with you. Smcmely, M:,rl! ¢ h'aham From the desk of... Matthew R. Graham Staff Environmental Specialist Advanced GeoEnvironmental 3315 East Miraloma Avenue Suite #117 Anaheim, Calitornia 9~606 04/30/i998 14:59 ?149965182 ~OM ~ ~<YH COMPC~NY ADV GEOENVIRONHENTAL PHONE NO, ; 714 5;49 8'375 PAGE 02 Rpr, 2~ 1998 0~:41PM P2 KYH C0?: Analytical Laboratory '-~'62'! W, Ma~hur BIv~t., #f flJ, ~$anta An~, CA 92?04 Tel: t~/fd) /54gl~5~124' ' ' FaX: (7~4j 549-8375 California HazaNIou$ Servi¢~'' ~431 East Saint Anctnlm,a PlaCe'. Santa Ana. CA g2705 Attn,: Mr. Greg McLueas Project ID: Pep Boy~ ~ 677; Project No,: C;V Z31C2.479 .. La bo r. atory~ertiflc, ate '_N. o.?; ~"1~)1~: ,. O.te $lmpltKl: 0d/28/98 Date Received: 04/29t98 Date'~a~: 0~9198 D~'Fin~ 0~9198 R.~ Numb~ 806~R Me~: 8020: 80~5m. 418, ~e Toluene Ethyl, Total TPH TRPH Customer Lab .EPA EPA ber~t~ ~t EPA EPA Sample ID ID ,',lJ!O20 8020 EPA 80~.0 EPA..e020 8015m .418.1 ( t,l~g) ( mglkg) ( mg/t~) ( fl~/kg) (mglkg) (mg/kg) Tq 3483 ND ND ND NO ND 9,300 , ND NO NO ND 11,600 TZ 34~ ~) ~.!. . DLR ~ O.aos 0.001 0J)0tl 0.t t0 ND = Not Oetected (below OCR, OMectlOn Liml~ Re~oned). Page 1 0f 1 Bf'~SFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 TANK REMOVAL INSPECTION FORM FACILITY ~ [~ ADDRESS ~/(~t)~- p/~ ~ O~ER ~e{ ~o~ PE~IT TO OPE~TE% CO~CTOR ~l~m~ ~e~ CO.ACT PERSON ~O~TORY ~,N. ~, ~,{~ % OF S~PLES ~ TEST METHODOLOGY ~fM~'~T~ 4~{,[ . PRELI~ARY ASSESSME~ C0. ~{,~ ~'~6~ACT PERSON CO~ RECIEPT ~ ~a ~ LEL% ~ PLOT PLAN CONDITION OF TANKS CONDITION OF PIPING CONDITION OF SOIL ~,,,,~,f COMMENTS DATE INSPECTOR8 NAM[ SIGNATURE Permit OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (805) 326-$979 PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK S~TE INFORMATION FACILIT'Y NAIVE Pt~ 'rANK OWNER/OPeRaTOR MAILING ADDRESS ! CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPANY ~e~ ~ INSURANCE CARRIER ~) ADDRESS ~'~O~' ~OZtOM~_ ZIP CODE {}~o9 CROSS STREET PHONE NO. CITY ~ M~. fl~'/f~e~-A~ ~ APN ziP fl_~_~' o ~ PHONENO. q3~-%qq&"' LICENSENO. '73c/t~59 CITY.f,~-~t ~ ZIP · ~c4,~A~c-.WORKMENS COMP NO. ~c_ 7_.~'-1 q' ~/4; PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT INFORMATION COMPANY PHONE NO. LICENSE NO. ADDRESS CITY INSURANCE CARRIER WORKMENS COMP NO. ZIP TANK CLEANING INFORMATION COMPANY C'~at~g',~-~,% /4t~J~,l~_~ ,_q~',~.n'.-~... PHO~ NO. q'q q~q - q q~ ADDRESS ~q3( ~ ~~~.~ Cl~ ~~ WASTE TRANSPORTER IDENTIFICATION ~ER C~ ~ O3 ~ 2 I ( NAME OF RINSA~ DISPOSAL FACILI~ ~~ ~ ~~oM ZIP ZIP 90~12~ TANK TRANSPORTER INFORMATION COMPANY ADDRESS TANK DESTINATION TANK INFORMATION CHEMICAL DATES CHEMICAL TANK NO. AGE VOLUME STORED STORED PREVIOUSLY STORED For Official I ;se (hdv '1'I I1': ,'\I~I'I.ICANI' I lAS R.I:.CF. IV[:.I). UNI)ERS'FANDS. AND WILl, COMPI,Y WH'II TI Il:, ATI'ACIfI':I) CONi)H'IONS OF TI lis I'I.:RMIT ANI ) ANY {)'l'l IER S'I'A'ITZ I,OCAL AND I.'EI)I:.IL, XL REGULATIONS. TI IlS I"( )RM I IAS BI.iI!N COMPI,I,TH,3) UNI)ER PENALTY OF PERJURY, AND 'FO 'FI IF, BF, ST ~)1,' MY(I(N'~WI,I.]XiE IS 'FRIJI,~ APIq.ICANT NAME (PRINT) APPI.ICANT SIGNATURE THIS APPLICATION BECOME l PERMIT WHEN APPROVED PEPBOYS' Via Certified Mail 23 December 1997 Mr. Steve Underwood ! Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield CA 93301 Re: Pep Boys #677:4605 Planz Road, Bakersfield CA 93309 Dear Inspector Underwood: The following violations have been corrected at the above referenced Pep Boys sit. e, per your request: · Please provide our office copies of your forms A and B: Copies of forms A and B have. been included. · Please provide our office a copy of your statement of financial responsibility, per Title 23 CCR: A Statement of Financial Responsibility has been included. · Please provide our office copies of your "Written Routine Monitoring Procedure" and "Unauthorized Release Response Plan," per Title 23 CCR: Written Routine Monitoring Procedures and Unauthorized Release Plan have been included. · Please provide proof of annual maintenance on leak detection system: The Annual monitoring system certification was performed on 6/26/97 and a copy of the certification has been included. · Free product present in the sump area has been pumped out. The alarm has been checked for effectiveness. All systems are working properly. Please direct all further questions and comments to the Pep Boys Environmental Department at 215-227-9513. Sincerely, For Pep Boys Rebecca S. Platt Environmental Specialist 3111 West AIlecJheny Avenue · Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19132 · (215) 229-9000 CO. RRECTIO. N NOTI BAKERSFIELDiFIRE DEPARTMENT YOu a~ hereby requir~ to make the f°llo~g' ' ,) Completion Date for CorrectionS'i, Date 0 ~ 0 _e '8 oo ,,,,~ Z  STATE OF CAUFORNIA WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD I UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PERMIT APPLICATION --'"FORM A COMPLETE THIS FORM FOR EACH FAClUTY/~ITE MARK ONLY [] 1 NEW PERMIT ~ 3 RENEW/iL PERMIT ONE ITEM ~ 2 I~RIM PERMIT [] 4 AMENDED PERMIT I. FACILI~/SITE INFORMA~ON & ADDRESS-(MU~ BE COMPLIED) ~A OR FACILI~ N'E ~ ~ ~:~ ~ NAME OF OPE~TOR  NEAREST CRO~ STRE~ [] 5 CHANGE OF INFORMATION [] 7 PERM,CNENTt.y CLOSED SITE 6 TEMPORARY SITE CLOSURE ADDRESS C;TY NAME STATE i ZiP CODE ./ ~OX TO INDICATE [~CORFORATION ~ INDIVIDUAL r-~ PNCITNERSNIP ~ LOCAL-AGENCY "'---:' COUNTY-A~y DISTRICTS SITE PHONE · WITH AREA CODE TYPE OF BUSINESS .i---} 1 GAS STATION I--'- 2 DISTRIBUTOR ~~ 3 FARM r'"-' 4 PROCESSOR RESERVATION"/IFINDIANtIOFTANiSATSITEI E.P.A. LD.·(~2,'inna/) EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON (PRIMARY) EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON (SECONDARY). optimal DAYS: NAME (LAST. FIRST) NIGHTS: NAME (LAST, FIRST) PHONE II WITH AREA CODE PHONE · WITH AREA CODE D.~YS: NAME (LAST, FIRST) NIGHTS: NAME (LAST, FIRST) P~ · WITH AREA II. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION - (MUST BE COMPLETED) I~AME MAILING OR STREET ~DRESS CARE OF ADDRESS INFORMATION .,.jOlt, ~' boxlo~,-~ ~ INDIVIDUAL [~ LO~.NJ~ ~ STATE.AGENCY ,~ CORPORATION ~ P~RTNERSNIP E~ COUNTY.AGENCY ~ FE~ERAL.,~..~NCy STATE ; ZiP CODE IPHONE · WITH AREA CODE ill. TANK OWNER INFORMATION - (MUST BE COMPLETED) ' %AME OF OWNER MAiLiNG OR STREET ~RESS C;~ NAME ~ ) I--'J LOcN.~ [::::] ~ATE.~U".,ENCY IPHONE · WITH AREA COOE Zl..'.'D - z~::l - IV. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION UST STORAGE FEE ACCOUNT NUMBER- Call (916) 739.2582 if queslions arise. T¥(TK) HO i I i V. LEGAL NOTIFICATION AND BILLING ADDRESS LE~aJ nc:;!ication and billing will be sent to the tank owner unless box I or II is ched<ed. CHECK ONE I=lOX INDICATING WHICH ABOVE ADCRESS SHOULD BE USED FOR LE'~A. NOTIFICATIONS AND BilliNG: THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENAL TY OF PERJURY. AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, IS TRUE AND CORRECT AP'UCANT'S NAME (.RIN TED & $,GN~kAJRE) /~//~ I ~-/=LICANI'S TITLE I $// /~ DATE MONTH/DAY/YEAR ,John C-~cr6o '- '7 7 LOCAL AGENCY USE ONLY (. .... ~v, roo*~OJ /~4- ~r. / COUh,~ # JURISDICTION # FACILITY # LOCATION CODE . OPTIONAL . CENSUS T ~AC T · - OPTIONAL i SUPVISOR- DISTRICT CODE - OPT/ONA4. THIS FORM MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY AT LEAST (1) OR MORE PERMIT APPLICATION · FORM B, UNLESS THIS IS A CHANGE OF SITE INFORMATION ONLY. FORM A (9-90} FOR0033A.R2 STA'F~ OF ~ STATE WAT~ RESOURCES CONTROL BO.OlD UNDEi:IOI:IOUND STOF1AO£ TANK PERMIT APPMCATION - I:OFIM B COMPLETE A SEPARATE FORM FO~ EACH TANK SYSTEM. MARK ONLY [] 1 NEW PERMIT ~ 3 RENEWAL PERMIT [] $ CHANGE O~ INFORMATION [] 7 I~IMANENTLY CLOSED ONSITE ONE ITEM [] 2 INTERIM PERMIT '[] 4 AMEN~D PERMIT [] 8 TIEMmRARY TANK CLOSURE [] 8 TNMK REMOVED DBAO" FACILffY NAME WHERE TANK IS ~STALLED: ~.~ ~:~ ~ ~J~-~' I. TANK DESCRIPTION COMPLL=T~ALLm~s- SPECIFY IF UNKNOWN A. OWNER'S TANK I. O. # C. DAT~ INSTALLED (MO/DAY/YEAR) II. TANK CONTENTS ~A-, IS MARKED. COMPLETE ITEM C. MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL PETROLEUM CHEMICAL PRODUCT [ ~ 4OIL ] 80 EMPTY ~ 95 UNK~OWN ] 1 PRODUCT ] 2 WASTE C. [] laREGULAR UNLEADED ] lb PREMIUM ~D [] 2 LEADED D. IF (A. 1) IS NOT MARKED. ENTER NAME OF SUBSTANCE STORED II1. TANK CONSTRUCTION MARKONE~TEMONLYINaOX~SA.B. ANDC. ANDALLTHATAPR~ES~N~OXO A. TYPE OF ~ 1 DOUBLE WALL [] 3 SINGLE WALL WITH EXTERIOR LINER [] 95 UNKNOWN SYSTEM ~ 2 SINGLE WALL [] 4 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (VAULTED TANI0 [] 9~ OTHER TANK [] 1 BARE STEEL [] 2 STAINLESS STEEL [] 3 FIBERGLASS MATERIAL ~ 5 CONCRETE [] 6 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE [] 7 ALUMINUM ~PrimmyTank) ~ 9 BRONZE [] 10 GALVANIZED STEEL [] 95 UNI<~4OWN [] 4 STEEL CLAD W/FII~-RGLAS~ REINFORCED PLASTIC [] 8 lO0% METHANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP ] 99 OTHER ~ 1 RUBBER LINED ~ 2 ALKYD LINING ~ 3 EPOXY LINING C. INTERIOR UNING ~ S ~ LINING [] 6 UNLINED ~ 95 UNKNOWN IS LINING MATERIAl. COMPATIBLE WITH 100~ METHANOL ? YES ~ NO__ ] 4 PHENOLIC LININQ -'-. [] 9~ OTHER ~ 1 POLYETHYLENE WRAP ~ 2 COATING ~ ~ 3 VINYL WRAP O. CORROSION ~ PqOTECTION ~ 5 CATHODIC PROTECTION ~ 91 NONE ~ 95 UNK]~OWN FIBERGI. ASS REINFORCED PLASTIC OTHER IV. PIPING INFORMATION cIRC~ A IF ABOVE GROUNO OR U IF UNDERGROUNO. BOTH tF APPLICABLE A. SYSTEM TYPE A U t SUCTION A U 2 PRESSURE A ~:)3 GRAVITY A U 99 OTHER El. CONSTRUCTION A U 1 SINGLE WALL DOUBLE WALL A U 3 LINED TRENCH A U 95 UNKNOWN A U g9 OTHER C. MATERIAL AND CORROSION PROTECTION D. LEAK DETECTION A~ 1 BARE STEEL A U 2 STAINLESS STEEL A U 3 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE(PVC)A U 4 FIBERGLA,~ PiPE A U 5 ALUMINUM A U 6 CONCRETE A U 7 STEEL WI COATING A U 8 100% ME"'il. IANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP A U 9 GALVANIZED STEEL A U lO CATHOOICPROTECTION A U 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER [] 1 AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR .;_.~/2 LINE TIGHTNESS TESTING ~--"~ 3 INTE~.~m ~. ~ MONffORINO [] gg O'~IE R V, TANK LEAK DETECTION VISUAL CHECK TANK TESTING - INVENTORY RECONCILIATION Z 3 VAPOR MONITORING ]__ 4 AUTOMATIC TANK GAUGING [] 5 GROUND WATER MONITORING INTERSTITIAL MONITORING ~ 91 NONE [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER VI. TANK CLOSURE INFORMATION 1. ESTIMATED DATE LAST USED (MO/DAY/YR) I 2. ESTIMATEO QUANTITY OF SUBSTANCE REMAINING 3. WAS TANK FILLED WITH GALLONS . INERT MATERIAL ? THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENAL_~OF-I;~F~J~RY,,__ __~ , AND TO~T~I, E BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, IS TRUE AND CORRECT ~PRINTEO & SIGNATURE) ~ LOCAL AGENCY USE ONLY THE STATE I.D. NUMBER I~ COMPOSED OF THE FOUR NUMBERS BELOW COUN~ STATE I.g.~ PERMIT NUMBER J PERMIT APPROVED BY/DATE FORM 8 JPERMIT EXPIRATION DATE THIS FORM ULIST BE ACCOIV~ANIED BY A PERMIT APPUCATION - FORM A, UNLESS A CURRENT FORM A HAS BEEN RLED. CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Pep Boys: Many, Moe, and Jack hereby certifies that it isin compliance with the requirements of Section 2807, Article 3, Chapter 18, Division 3, Title 23, California Code of Regulations. The mechanism used to demonstrate financial, responsibility as required by section 2807 are as follows: See the attached list of facilities, self insured, Pep Boys:' Marmy, Moe, and Jack, $1,000,000 per occurrence, $2,000,000 aggregate, on an annual basis, mechanism covers taking corrective action and/or compensating third parties for bodily injury and property damage. Sign~f Owner Pep Boys: Manny. Moe. and Jack Name of Owner or Operator Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer q!zoh , , Da~e ' 'Signature Name of Witness or Notary Date 3111 West Allegheny Avenue * Ph#adelph~a. Per~yNania 19132 · (215) 229-9000 PEPBOYS LETTER FROM CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER I am the Chief Financial Officer of The Pep Boys - Manny, Moe &'Jack, 3111 W. Allegheny Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. 19132. This letter is in support of the use of the financial test of self insurance to demonstrate financial responsibility for taking corrective action and compensating third parties for bodilyinjury and property damage caused by sudden accidental releases and nonsudden accidental releases in the amount of at least $500,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 annual aggregate arising from operating underground storage tanks. Underground storage tanks at the following facilities are assured bY this financial test by this owner: See attached Schedule A. A financial test is also used by this owner to demonstrate evidence of financial responsibility in the following amounts under other EPA regulations or state programs authorized by EPA under 40 CFR Parts 271 and 145: EPA Requlations Amount Closure (264.143 and 265.143) Post-Closure Care (264.145 and 265.145) Liability Coverage (264.174 and 264.147) Corrective Action (265.101) (b) Plugging and Abandonment (144.63) Closure Post-Closure Care 'Liability Coverage Corrective Action Plugging and Abandonment Total $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- This owner has not received an adverse opinion, a disclaimer of opinion, or a "going concern" qualification from an independent auditor on his financial statements for the latest completed fiscal year. 3111 West AJleghe~y Avenue · Philaclel~nia. Pennsylvania 19132 · (215) 229-9000 PEPBOYS I hereby certify that the wording of this letter is identical to wording specified in 40 CFR Part 280.95 (d) as such regulations were constituted on the date shown immediately below. Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer Date 311 ! West ,4#egheny Avenue · PhiladeOphia, PecmsyNania 19132 · (215) 229-9(XX) 'PBOYS ALTER/~ATIVE I Amount of annual UST aggregate coverage being assured by a financial test Amount of corrective action,.closure and post-closure care costs~ liability coverage and plugging and. abandonment costs covered by a financial test, and/or guarantee Sum of lines i and 2 Total tangible assets Total liabilities (if any of the amount reported on line 3 is included in total liabilities, you may deduct that amount, from this line and add that amount to line 6) 6. Tangible net worth (subtract line 5 from line 4) $ 2,000,000 $ 2,000,000 $1,078,518,000 $ 530,759,000 $ 547,759,000 7. Is line 6 at least $10 million? 8. Is line 6 at least 10 times line 3? 9. Have financial statements for the latest fiscal year been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission 1.0. Have financial statements for the latest fiscal year been filed with the Energy Information Administration? 11. Have financial statements for the latest fiscal year been filed with the Rural Electrification Administration? 12. Has financial information been provided to Dun and Bradstreet, and has Dun and Bradstreet provided a financial strength rating of 4A or SA? (Answer "Yes" only if both criteria have been met.) YES N__O X X X X X 31; ! West ~Ulecjheny Avenue · Phi~adellY,~a, Pennsylvania Ig132 · (215) 229.9000 ~-~-~-¢. -~- ~ ~ WRITTEN MONITORING PROCEDURES UND~RGROIJND STORAGE TANK (UST) MONITORING PROGRAM This monitoring program must be kept at the UST at all times. The information on this monitoring program is a condition of the operating permit. Facility Address: Business Representative: Job Title: A. Describe the frequency the monitoring is performed: Tank: Daily tank inventory, yearly monitoring certification, periodic tank tightness testing Piping: Yearly piping tightness test B. What methods and equipment, identified by manufacturer's name and model number, will be used for performing the monitoring? Tank: Stick test, manual switch on monitor, box (RS 10 Reservoir Sensor Hydrostatic Monitor), VPLT (Volumetric) Piping: PTK88 C. Describe the location where the monitoring will be performed (facility plot plan should be attached): D. List the names and job titles of the persons responsible for performing the monitoring and/or maintaining the equipment: Yearly Monitoring: John Kerelo, Environmental Department Mana2er Daily and Monthly Monitoring: Equipment Maintenance: Service Manager Service Mana.oer E. Briefly describe the reporting format for the monitoring: Tank: Tank inventory chart, alarm test report, tank test results (pass/fail); mailed to corporate office for review and record maintenance. Piping:, Pass/Fail tests mailed to corporate office for review and record maintenance. F. Describe the preventative maintenance schedule for the monitoring equipment. Note: Maintenance must be in accordance with the manufacturer's maintenance schedule, but at least once a year. Monthly alarm check and visual inspection of equipment (i.e. operating condition, physical condition, etc.) G. Briefly describe the employee training necessary for the operation of the UST system, including piping and monitoring equipment: Store and Service Managers, who are the responsible parties for operation and monitoring, are trained by the Pep Boys Corporate Training Department on procedures of operation through the use of written policies and video tapes. Training materials and programs are reviewed regularly by the Pep Boys Environmental Department for accuracy and effectiveness. o EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK (UST) MONITORING PROGRAM This monitoring program must be kept at the UST location at all times. The information in this monitoring program - are conditions of the operating permit. Facility Name: P(~? ~)O'X~ ~ (.0~'--~ Facility ~ddress: ~0~ ~0~ ~-~ ~¢r$-r~C~ Business Representative= ,~6¥h~ ~hm, ~ Job Title: ~'~C, ~h(~L~ Phone: I. If an unauthorized release (spill or leak) occurs, how will the hazardous substance be cleaned up? Should there be a spill or release of a hazardous material, the Emergency Coordinator (Store Manager) would cover the exposed material, minimize the discharge and resulting storm or groundwater contamination, and divert the spill from storm or groundwater flow. He/She would notify the appropriate agencies and contact the emergency response contractor immediately. 2. Describe the proposed methods and equipment to be used for removing and properly disposing of any hazardous substances. For small spills, the facility is equipped with absorbents to clean up the spill. The contaminated absorbent is then placed in a labeled drum and is removed off-site by a certified waste hauler. For large spills, the emergency response contractor is contacted immediately, so that an emergency response team may be dispatched to the site as quickly as possible. 3. Describe the location and availability of the cleanup equipment required by item #2 above. Absorbent material is located in the'service area and the store manager's office. Additionally, fire extinguishers are located throughout the building, safety glasses and goggles are located in the service area, and rubber gloves are located throughout the store for safe handling of hazardous materials. 4. Describe the maintenance schedule for the clean-up equipment. Regular inventory of absorbent material is taken to ensure that proper amounts are on-site in the case of an unauthorized release. Fire extinguishers are tested yearly per local fire and building codes. 5. List the names and job titles of the persons responsible for authorizing any xvork necessary under the emerg~ency response plan. Name: ~.~[qr~ ~,_~.~t 0/7I- ;lob Title: Store Manager Name: John Kerelo Job Title: Environmental Department Manaeer FACILITY NAME lVlenitorS _ ys temCertification SITE ADDRESS SERVICE COMPANY (_~ CERTIFIED TECHNICIAN MONITOR SYSTEM MONITOR SYSTEM DATE OF TEST (.0l Z~ I'~''''1 TANK IDENTIFICATION · ~_~--3'¢_ ~ ~ L PROBE/SENSOR LOCATION California Hazardous Services, Inc., certified that the monitoring system (s) for this site functioned properly as per the manufacture's electronic requirements. · A Certification tag was placed on the control panel. Date RRECTION NO CE BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT N_.° 6 4 0 Location Sub Div. Cot. No You are hereby required to make the followi~ corrections at the above location: ~c ~0 ~ ~ ~, ' ~ · ~,~ ,.,,/~ 014 Completion Date for CorrectionS/2 ~ Inspector 326-3979 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TAN /SPECTION Bakersfield Fire Dept. Office of Environmental Services Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME ~c~ ~30~{5 BUSINESS I.D. No. 215-000 ?07¢ FACILITY ADDRESS q(~),~"' .~0~a~Z, ~.,~. CITY ~'~,5'~'/c~ ZIPCODE ?~3~? FACILITY PHONE NO. ~) 3 ~/-/'~ ~.5"'~ ~D~ ~D~ INSPECTION DATE -/?'{ ~ ! 7 Product Product Product TIME IN TIME OUT ~a.~L 0,~ Inst Dale Inst Dale Inst Dale INSPECTION TYPE: Size Size Size ROUTINE V/' FOLLOW-UP REQUIREMENTS yes no n/a yes no n/a yes no n/a la. Forms A & B Submitted v/ lb. Form C Submitted lc. Operating Fees Paid V ld. State Surcharge Paid V" 1 e. Statement of Financial Responsibility Submitted lf. Written Contract Exists between Owner & Operator to Operate UST 2a. Valid Operating Permit 2b. Approved Written Routine Monitoring Procedure 2c. Unauthorized Release Response Plan 3a. Tank Integrity Test in Last 12 Months 3b. Pressurized Piping Integrity Test in Last 12 Months 3c. Suction Piping Tightness Test in Last 3 Years V~ 3d. Gravity Flow Piping Tightness Test in Last 2 Years 3e. Test Results Submitted Within 30 Days V" 3f. Daily Visual Monitoring of Suction Product Piping 4a. Manual Inventory Reconciliation Each Month 4b. Annual Inventory Reconciliation Statement Submitted .~/- 4c. Meters Calibrated Annually 5. Weekly Manual Tank Gauging Records for Small Tanks 6. Monthly Statistical Inventory Reconciliation Results 7. Monthly Automatic Tank Gauging Results 8. Ground Water Monitoring V/' 9. Vapor Monitoring 10. Continuous Interstitial Monitoring for Double-Walled Tanks 11. Mechanical Line Leak Detectors 12. Electronic Line Leak Detectors I,/ 13. Continuous Piping Monitoring in Sumps V/ 14. Automatic Pump Shut-off Capability 15. Annual Maintenance/Calibration of Leak Detection Equipment V/ 16. Leak Detection Equipment and Test Methods Listed in LG-113 Series 17. Written Records Maintained on Site 18. Reported Changes in Usage/Conditions to Operating/Monitoring Procedures of UST System Within 30 Days 19. Reported Unauthorized Release Within 24 Hours v 20. Approved UST System Repairs and Upgrades 21. Records Showing Cathodic Protection Inspection 22. Secured Monitoring Wells 23. Drop Tube RE-INSPECTION D~TE . i/~/~ ? RECEIVED BY: __ , sP oto : FD 1669 (rev. 9~95) 215-000-000926 PEP BOYS MANNY MOE & JACH 4605 PLANZ RD- BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 RENE GODINEZ Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner:. Our records indicate that your business does not have a Certification of Financial Responsibility on file with this office. Our records also indicate that you have been issued at least one warning letter prior to this notice. Please forward either a copy of your existing State approved mechanism to show financial responsibility or else complete the attached Certification for Financial Responsibility form and return it to this office within 30 days. An attached letter from the State Water Resources Control Board lists the approved financial responsibility mechanisms required to pay for corrective actions resulting from leaking underground fuel tanks. Remember, most tank owners only have to show financial responsibility for at least $10,000 of clean up liability. The Underground Storage Tank Clean Up Fund (USTCF) may be used as the mechanism to cover the remaining accidental release liability. The total amounts of financial responsibility required (check boxes from section A of form) are as follows: If you don't sell product from your tanKS, and you pump less than 10,000 gallons per month, check '$500,000 per occurrence". For owners of 101 or more petroleum underground storage tanks, check the "2 million dollar annual aggregate" box. All other need only check the "1 million dollars annual aggregate". If you have any questions, or would like help in completing the Certification of Financial Responsibility, please contact Howard Wines, Hazardous Materials Technician, at 32~-3979. Sincerely, Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/dlm attachments R.E. HUEY HAZ-MAT COORDINATOR (805) 326-3979 CITY of BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE SAFETY SERVICES & OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 CHESTER AVE. · BAKERSFIELD, CA · 93301 September 15, 1995 R.B. TOBIAS, FIRE MARSHAL (805) 326-3951 PEP BOYS MANNY MOE & JACK 4605 PLANZ RD BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 Dear Business Owner: NOTICE OF VIOLATION STATE REGISTRATION REQUIREMENT Failure to renew your state registration is a violation of Section 25287, California Health and Safety Code, and will result in your Permit to Operate the underground tank(s) being revoked. Owners of underground storage tanks must register those underground storage tanks with the State of California Water Resources Control Board and renew that registration every five years. Our records indicate five years have passed since your last State registration pursuant to Section 25287 of the California Health and Safety Code. This means that for state registration renewal you must submit a state surcharge of $56.00 for each tank. Please make your check payable to the City of Bakersfield. You have 30 days from the date of this letter to return the state surcharge to 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, Ca. 93301. If you have any questions or if we can be of any further assistance please don't hesitate to call 326-3979. Sincerely Yours, Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/ed FIRE DEPARTMENT M. R. KELLY FIRE CHIEF iI ?ITY of BAKERSFIEL OD "WE CARE" January 30, 1995 WARNING! 1715 CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REQUIRED 2:.: ..~ 5 ;:::'Ei::' BOYS MAHNY HOE ,5;. JACK · -+~,~:.,,~ F'LAN~ RD B~:~KE~::~r- I~:L..L)~ Cfq 92;309 Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: Our records indicate that your business does not have a Certification of Financial Responsibility on file with this office. Please forward either a copy of your existing State approved mechanism to show financial responsibility or else complete the attached Certification of Financial Responsibility form. An attached letter from the State Water Resources Control Board lists the approved financial responsibility mechanisms required to pay for corrective actions resulting from leaking underground fuel tanks. Remember, most tank owners only have to show financial responsibility for at least $10,000 of clean up liability. The Underground Storage Tank Clean Up Fund (USTCF) may be used as the mechanism to cover the remaining accidental release liability. The total amounts of financial responsibility required (check boxes from section A of form) are as follows: If you don't sell product from you tanks, and you pump less than 10,000 gallons per month, check "$500,000 per occurrence". Else, or if you are in the business of selling from your tanks, check "1 million dollars per occurrence". 'For owners of 101 or more petroleum underground storage tanks, check the "2 million dollar annual aggregate" box. All others need only check the "1 million dollars annual aggregate" box. Please be aware that failure to provide the financial responsibility document to this office within 30 days will result in your Permit to Operate being revoked. (25285.1 (b) California Health & Safety Code). If you have any questions, or would like help in completing the Certification of Financial Responsibility, please contact HoWard Wines, Hazardous Materials Technician, at 326-3979. Sincerely, Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/dlm Underground Hazardous Materials Storage Facility · State I.D. No. CONDITION Tank Hazardous Piping Number Substance Monitoring Issued By: Approved by: , R, PIping Type VERSE SIDE Piping Method Bakersfield Fire ':::%;i:ili;':' ?:~ Dept. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA' 93301 {805) 326-3979 q 33o~ Ralph E. Huey, Hazardous Matorlals Coordinator Valid lrom: ~.).'-.;{v / ~ d~ ===--~ ==. RAE~I~EC ENOINEERINO,. _~.'i :~INC. _ ~o7 ~ July 15, 1993 ~ 22911 Savi Ranch Par~ay · Yorba Linda, CA 92687 {714) 283-0250 F~ {714) 283-0258 /' ~;~ ' ~ · - ' - ~ RECEIVED Attn: Dave Donaldson Pep Boys, Inc. 3111 W. Allegheny Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19132 JUL 2 9 199.~ HAZ. MAT. DIV. Subject: Monitoring System Test and Certification _~t-~ Addr Dear Mr. Dona~ RAETEC ENGINEERING, INC. was asked to test and certify the continuous monitoring system on the waste oil storage tank (underground 500 gallon) at the above address. The Monitoring System at the site is an Owens Corning System with two (2) liquid sensors. The monitoring panel was labeled with the following alarms: 1. Sump' 2. Interstitial The process to test the sensors (as prescribed by the manufacturer) was as follows: 1. Each sensor was independently submerged in the fluid contents of the tank. 2. Each sensor triggered the proper alarm response at the_monitor_b.ox_. 3. The sensors were then cleaned and dried~ 4.. The alarm and indicators responded correctly. RAETEC ENGINEERING, INC., certifies that the Monitoring System for this site functioned properly as per the manufacturer's electronic requirements. No claims are made for subsequent performance of the equipment or its proper integration into the site installation. Certification was performed by: A Michael Sills Authorized Technician Certification Ta as placed on the control panel. Authorized Signature ' ~ake Dan Arhart DA:mkw General Engineering Contractor · Class A · Lic. #539261 APPLICATION TO PERFORM A TIGHTNESS T~-ST CONTENTS DATE & TIE TEST IS TO SIGNA~ OE APPL~ F~O~ 82.18.199 1:14 EARTH SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY INC. CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS TANK OWNER CONTACT PERSON ADDRESS CITY, STATE TELEPHONE TANK ADDRESS CITY, STATE TEST METHOD TEST DATE TANK CAPACITY TEsT CERTIFICATE Pep Boys 01 550 Gal Amy (3angemi 3111 West Allegheny Ave. Philadelohia. PA 19132 215-22%9017 4(~5 Planz Rd. Bakersfield. Ca QverfiI1 Homer System 1 January 4, 1994 ...... PRODUCT TANK RESULT Waste Oil Passed LINE RESULT Passed LEAK DETECTOR · REMARKS This is to certify that the above tank(s/and associated pipilng ,System is tight and meets the criteria established bv the NFPA pamphlet 929, APPROVAL J'oe Moriarty_ 1232 MONTE VISTA AVE., UNIT 7, UPLAND, CALIFORNIA 91786 [] 909-931-2745 [] 800-362-3388 [] FAX 909-931-2491 Phoenix, Arizona Hesperia, California Upland, California Northampton, MassachuseRs Albuquerque, New Mexico Ocean Isle. North Carolina Portland, Oregon Dallas, Texas Indianapolis, Indiana FROM 02.15.199 Pm EARTH SCIENCE TECI4NOLOGY CORPORATE oFFIcE 1232 MONTE VISTA AVE. # 7 UPLAND, CA 91786 PHONE #: (909) 931-2745 PHONE #:(800) 362-3388 FAX #: (909)931-2491 FAX TltANSM1TrAL SHEET DATE FROM /_..~/~"~ FAX # NIJMBER OF PAGES (INCLUDING THIS ONE) **PLEASE NOTIFY IF AI.I. PAGES ARE NOT KECr~Vh-D** NOTES: '-'F CLIENT: OWNER OR DEALER ADDRESS (.O. & STRE~ CITY AND TANK INFORMATION: CAPACITY (NOMINAL) CAPACITY (CHART)- DIMENSIONS: DIAMETER LENGTH ,-S': c. 0 "'~ '" : DATEOFTEST //... 4¥ .. ~ ./,' .... WEATHER- L~ c, - /o 4,' TEMPERATURE ~ ~ b - GALS; ....... :.:TOPOFFTIMEi~?~i~'~-~' ~ ,,v,""_ TANK MATERIALS. .IN. GALLONS' ~. ~3. .......... APPROXIMATE AG GALLONS TO sTART'I'EST ,.~ _ PUMP SYSTEM ('FY A. Tank Bot. to Grade, B. Tank. Topto Grade - ." LAYOUT CltART; ~ :~ .......... SYMBOLS~. · T- T.,a. :NK ..I~JMBER ..~: .-:._..~ UNE TEST ATTACHED ~ ~.~'.!~.: ,:.-.-.,,.:-..:.:: .~ . :. . . ~ .~:QPE~_...1~.'_~.:;.~ ~ MANIFOLD D~PENS~' '-. _'~...~.~-E~ERGENCY SHUT-O~ I' ----:'.~,:v-....-~!.. ':'.,;.~::.,:.;.:': :, -' --' - · XZo~O~t~C IIIIiil ***END*** ° EARTH SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY DATA CHART FOR TANK 'SYSTEM TIGHTNI=~. T__.._~rl' END __.1'0 ~. __ MEASURED SPECIFIC GRAVITY ~ ), "/'~""'" PRODUCT TEMPERATURE APl SPECIFICGRAVITY ~l~6l)°F ,..~,.5'. '~;'"' COEFFICIENTOFEXPANSION 3,0 :.,% ~',~'~' TEST RESULTS ....... CORREC" ON NOTICE Cot, No BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT Sub Div .... Blk .... Lot You are hereby required to make the following corrections at the above location: I_ Completion Date fo,' Corrections Date ~/C}~ ~///~ ~;7 _F~_ _/~ 326-3979 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK INSPECTION Operating Permit: V, .~', Business Name: '~,~ .~-,~,,.,~ Location: ,~ ~.~<T),~" ~l,~,~.-z_ Business Identification No. 215-000 Number of Tanks. Containment: ~_ CONTACT INFORMATION '-" ersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division Date Completed (Top of Business Plan) Lines: &., ~,~o.,, .,,~(,..~ ; ~.~, , :',[.,. . .-~;~,.~,o~!,<r~ -~ ~=L Emergency Contacts: Monitoring Program Adequate Inadequate RECORDS Maintenance ~,9./9_'~/c,~ Testing Inventory Reconciliation RESPONSE PLAN Emergency Plan White - Haz Mat Div Pink - Business Copy All Items O.K. Correction Needed FACILITY: ADDRESS : PERMIT #: FILE ·CONTE.~]TS SUMMARY 3/0o?0. ENV. SENSITIVITY: Activity Date # Of Tanks Comments 27oo M STREET MAILING ADDRESS 14~5 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 . (805) 861-3636 PERbiIT TO CONSTRUCT UNDERGROUND STORAGE FACILITY FACILITY NA~iE/ADDRESS: KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPART ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION OWNER(S) NAME/ADDRESS: HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vern-on S. Reichard PERMIT NUMBER #310070B CONTRACTOR: Pep Boys 4605 Pianz Road Bakersfield, CA Pep Boys 1122 W. Washington Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90015 Co Op Plumbing P.O. Box 137 - De/ Kern Station Bakersfield, CA 93307 License ~511153 IXXl NEW ~USINESS I_1 CHANGE OWNERSHIP I_1 RENEWAL { { OTHER PERMIT EXPIRES APPROVAL DATE APPROVED BY August 19, 1989 August 19, 1988 , Joe Canas .................... POST ON PREMISES'. ..................... CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1 2 3 4 5 6 All construction to be as per facility plans approved by this department and verified by inspection by Permitting Authority. Ail equipment and materials in this construction must.be installed in accordauce with all manufacturers' specifications. Permittee must contact Permitting Authority for on-site inspection(s) with 48 hour advance notice. Backfill material for piping and tanks to be as per manufacturers' specifications. Float vent valves are required on vent/vapor lines of underground tanks to prevent overfillings. Construction inspection record card is included wi'th permit given to Permittee. This card must be posted at Jobsite prior to initial Inspection. Permittee must contact Permitting Authority and arrange for each group of required inspections numbered as per instructions-on.card. Generally, Inspections wi'll be made of: a. Tank and backfill b. Piping system ~ith secondary containment c. Overfill protection and leak detection/monitoring d. Any other inspection deemed necessary by Permitting Authority DISTRICT OFFICES PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT UNDERGROUND STORAGE FACILITY PERMIT NUMBER 310070B ADDENDUM ?. All underground metal connections (e.g. piping, fittings, fi'll pipes) to tank(s) must be electrically isolated, and wrapped to a minimum 9.0 mil thickness- with corrosion-preventive, gasoline-resistan.t tape or otherwise protected from corrosion. . 8. .Contractor must be certified by tank manufacturer for installation, of fiber.glass tank(s), or tank manufacturer's representative must be persent at site during installation. 9. No product shall be stored in tank(s) until approval is granted by the Permitting Authoritity. 10. Monitoring requirements for this facility will be described on final "permit to Operate. ACCEPTED BY DATE Kern County Ilealth Departl (' Div}sion of Environmental 1700 Flower Street, Bakersfield, CA ;(805) 861-3636 93305 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY Type Of Application (check): ~.New Facility ~]Modification Of Facility ~]ExlstJng Facility El'transfer of' Ownership A. Emergency 24-1[our~,tact (name, area code. phone): Days ~~7~ No. Of Tanks Type Of Business (c~ck): ~soline S'tation ~Other (describe) Is Tank(s) Located On An Agricultural Farm? ~Yes ~o ~ - Is Tank(s) Used Pri~rily F~gricul,tu~Purposes? ~Ycs ~o } ~ , Faclli.ty Address ~~~~~ Nearest Cross St. ~ T ..~ R 0 ~E~ ~ '(Rural Locations Only) ~,- Owner ~~ . - _. ,.. Co. tact Person ~ Address /~>~-~.~~~~. ~/'s Telepho~e~ operator . ~~ ~/ ~ Contact Person - Address ~ ~' ~ ' Zip Te}ephon~~~ B. Water To Facility Provided By [~~~~_~Depth to Ground,~ ~ . ~ Sol/ Characteristics ~t Facil5 Basis For Soil Type and Groundwater. Beth De~e~ina¢~qns ~ C. Contracto. C 's License No. Proposed St~ting Date ~,UmZg, /f~f Prop~ ~~on Date ~ ~ ~orker s Compensation Cert~at~a No. ' Insurer D. If T~is Permit- Is For Modification Of An Existing Faci ]ity, Briefly go Modifications Proposed Tank(s) Store (check all that apply): Tank # Waste Product Motor Vehicle Unleaded Regular Premium Diesel Waste Fuel Oil [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Fo Chemical Composition Of Materials Stored (not necessary for motor vehicle fuels) Tank ~ Chemical Stored (non-commercial name)' CAS ~ (if. know, n) Chemical PreviouslM Stored (if ~ifferent) _Tran_s_fer Of_ pwnershj~o . ..~q. Previous ¢'~/~~-a~''~ ' ! Date Of Transfer '~~ /~ , ,, Owner/~~~. Previous Facility Sam~[~Z~~.~~ I - I, accept fully all oblJ. gatJons of Permit No. issued I understand that the Permitting Authority may revi'e~ modify or terminate the transfer of the Permit to Operate this .underground facility apon receivin~ this completed form. This form has been completed under penalty of perjury and to tile best of my knowledge is' true and correct.~.~Z~~~_,/~ * --~- '~~. ~-.~ ~ ' /~/ .~.~.~.~ ~ ' ~~ Signature '- -- - "~ ' '~ T.itle ~,;'~, _ ..... ~ ..... I)ate . Calmcil:y (Gal.~gus) I., i,md Vauit ~ None ['-~ either (descl'lbe.): ~lanufact~,re~': ~lal:(;~'ia[ Thickness (l. nclms) Capacity (Gals.) 5. 'rank Inl:erior LilLj. I~ .. ,~~ · {] Ruhlmr [~ Alkyd ~ Epoxy ~ l'henol.i.c ~ Glass ~ Clay ~ Unlined ~ Unknm,'. ~ Other (describe): 6. Tank ~orrosion Prol:ection ~ (laJw[~ized ~Fil)et'gJass-~ ~ Polyethylene Wrap ~ Vinyl ~rapping ~ Tar or Asphalt ~ Unknown ~ None ~ Other (describe): CaChe(lie l'ruCection: ~ None ~ impressed Current Systm,. ~ Sacrificial Anode Syste: [] Describe Syste.~ ~ Equilment: .~..'~ak l}etectlou, Nonit~ring, and .InCerceatJ~m~ a. Tank: ~ Visual (vaulted tanks only.) ~ Groundwater ~lonito~ing Well(s) ~ Vadose Zone ~oni tor.i nl~ lqeil, l (s) ~ U-Tube iqi thout l,iner {~l II-Tube wit. h Cm, I)aLible I,iuer tJi~'~:cl:.inl[ Flmv To ~loniLoring Well(s)* ~ l,iquid Re[rieval & Inspection Fl'ol~ II--Tube,~{i.t:oring iici l~v Amm.lar Space ~ Daily Gauging & Inven~o~'y Reconciltakion ~ic, 'l'i~.dtCness 'l'es~tng · ~ None ~ Unknown ~ Other' b. Piping: ~ Flow-Restricting beak Detector(s) For Pressurized Piping* ~ ~lonltoring sump NJ th Raooway. ~ Seuled ConeL'eLe R'~mewa~ ~ flalf-Cut Co,~pati. ble Pipe Race,ray ~ Synthetic Liner Racmvay ~ None , *llesct'ibe ~lake & ~h)del: 8. T a nk .'.[ ~: g~ t: ne s s ~'ias This Tank Been 'rig'htness 'rested? Test Na,,~ 9. '[~a nl~ ~p a i i' Tank Retmire(l? [~ Yes 1)ate(s) 0l: Relmir(s Ilascr:ibe Relmi~'s ,. Y~s [] No [] Unkno~vn 'res Ling Co,',pany 10. Over£.ill l'rote;cti, ul~ ~j Operator Fj.l.ls Colll:v()l.';, & Vislllllly ~h~liil:r)l's I,eve.[ ~ 'l'ape Float: Gauge ~ Float: Vent: Va.lv,~s [~] A~IL(:, Shut-OfF Controls ~ Capacitance Sensor ~ Sealed FiI.I lJux ~] Norm ['~ Unknown ~ Ut:her: List Make a /.lodel For Above Device:' 11. J'il~tnI~ Thickness (inches).~ l.)iamete~'..~ ~lami {~] Pt'essu~'e []J sucLi(~ ~ 6~.avil:y Al~ln'ux.inmt;e Length b, IJndergruul~d l~ipil~g Uo~'i'.sion ~ 6a.lva~tized ~ Fil)ct.l~l;,..s-Cla~t [] impressed Current ~ Sac~'ifficial L~ Polyethylene Wt'ap ~ 1:'.': ,:l:t-[~:~[ Isolation ~ Vinyl Wrap ~ Tar or Aspha~ C] UllkllOWll 0 NOlle ~ O; .~1' (~l~scr.il)e): c. Underground Piping, secomlar'. ~ l)ouble-iVa]l ~ Synl:h'eti Li~m~' System ~ None ~ Unknown ~ .Other (describe): KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH .DIVISION HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES SECTION INSPECTION RECORD POST CARD AT JOBSITE 17~'- FLOWER STREET BAkeRSFIELD, CA 93305 PHONE (805) 881-3658 FACILITY I~-~ ~c~ ~ol:PERMIT #FI°O?°61OWNER ~e iC ADDRESS qQO~ P~ = ADDRESS PHONE NO. INSTRUCTIONS: Please call for an i'nspector only when each group of inspections with the same number are read~. They will run in consecutive order beginning with number t. DO NOT cover work for any numbered group until all items in that group are Signed off by the Permitting Authority. Following these instrutions will reduce the number of required insPection visits and therefore prevent assessment of additional fees. - TANKS & BACKFILL - INSPECTION DATE INSPECTOR Backfill of Tankls) Spark Test Certification Cathodic Protection of Tank(s) - PIPING SYSTEM - Pipin~ & Raceway w/Collection Sump Corrosion Protection of Piping, Joints, Fill Pipe!,..-/5~ Electrical Isolation of Piping From Tank(s) ~/'~ ~/~~ , Cathodic Protection System-Piping - SECONDARY CONTAINMENT OVERFILL PROTECTION. LEAK.DETECTION - Liner Installation - Tank(s). Liner Installation - Piping Vault With Product Compatible Sealer Level Gauges or Sensors, Float Vent Valve's Product Compatible Fill Box(es) Product Line Leak Detector(s) Leak Detector(s) for Annular Space-D.W. Tank(s) .Monitoring Well(s)/Sump(s) Leak Detection Device(s) For Vadose/Groundwater - FINAL - IMonitoring Wells, Caps & Locks Fill Box Lock Monitoring Requirements CONTRACTOR CONTACT LICENSE # ,fi'Df~ [/~/ PH ~ Faci'.l ity: _ Equipment to be in i _ Tank(s) , ~ Fl:. of R~q',d Approved Standard Compliance Check CT [~ S u(: t i (,n [~Pressurized ~ravity, Proof of Contractor's License - License # Type of License Proof of Contractor's Worker's Compensation Insurance Primary Containment [PI'Fiberglass (FRP) []Fiberglass-clad ~steel [-]Uncoated steel [~Other: Comment: Make & Model. Make & Model Make & Model Additional: Inspection: Seco~_~dary Contaiament of Tank(s) ~nr/~ ~._~ ~Double-walled tank(s) Make & Mode.f ~]6~_ ~Synthetlc liner Make & Mod, el ~- ~Lined concreEe vault(s) Seale~:used [~Other Type Make & Model Comment: Additional: Inspection: Secondary Containment Volume at Least 100% of Primary. Tan Volume(s) Comment: Additional: Inspection: Secondary Con.tainment Volume for More Than One Tan Contains 150% of Volume of Largest Primary containment o · 10% .of Aggregate Primary Volume, Whichever is Greate Comment: Additional Inspection: Req'd Approved 'Secondary Containment Open to Hour Rainfall Total Volume Rainfall Must Accommodate Comment: Additional: Inspectioa: 2 Secondary Containment_i~ Comment: Product-Compatible Documentation Addi t ional: Inspection: Annular Space_~iq~lid~.i~ Compatible with Product. / Product _//,f~Z,2.C~C~ (j,'/ Annular liquid Comment: Additional: Inspection: Primary Co [~]Coa ~]Unc ~]Oth Comment: Additional: Inspection: ntainment of Piping erg.lass piping Size & Make ted steel piping Size & Make oared steel piping Size, er Secondary Containment of Piping ~Oouble-walled pipe Size & Make [~Syntheti'c liner in trench Size & Make [--[Other Comment: Additional: Inspection: Corro sion Comme ^dditional: Protection ping & fittings (?~..~.. ectrical isolation mt: Inspec'tton: nufactur~er-Ap_pt'ovec[ Ba~kfi'll -for Type ~_~.~__0 ~cco-~ ! Comment: Tanks & Piping ~Req'd Approved Additional: Inspection: Tank(s) Located no Closer than 10 Feet to Building(s) Comment: -~ ~ i~,~ '~J.~ 7 .~ ~ ~ Additional: Inspection: Comple'te Monitoring System M~toring device within secondary .containment: iqnid level indicator(s) ~a~ f~ ]w/r,~] ~-~ ~'~iquld used ~ 10 ~,.~ ~ ~0~ ~!~. ~Ther~al conductivity sensor('s') ~Pressure sensor(s) ~Vacuum gauge ~su~(s) 6as or vapor detector(s) Manual inspection & sampling ~Visual inspection ~Other Comment: Additional: ,' Inspection: Other Monitoring [~Periodic tightness testing Method [~Pressure-reducing line leak detector(s) [~Other Comment: Additional: Inspection: Overfill Protection [~Tape float gauge(s) [-]Float vent valve(s) [--[Capaci tance sensor(s) [-]High level alarm(s) ~]Au'tomatic shut-off control(s) I-]Fill box(es) with 1 ft. 3 volume /~_~;~ /~L~ ~S ~.-,~- [~Operator controls with visual level m°ntt°r'l'hg~iPc~ ~'~'~t: Other ='R,eq'd Approved Additional: Inspection: Monitoring Requirements Additional Comments Inspection: Inspector Date Extra Inspections/Reinspections/Consultations Date: Purpose: Comment: Date: Time Utilized · Purpose: Comment: Date: Time Utilized Purpose: Comment: Date: Time Utilized Purpose: Comment: Invoice Date: Inspector Time Utilized Total Time: Date: BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION '2130 G Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 TANK~ APPLICATION TO PERFORM A TIGHTNESS TEST Q~C ~ g 199J. H'~'Z' :~"~'q ~. ~ER OF T~S TO BE TESTED~ / IS-P~P~NG GOING TO' BE TEgTED~ VOL~E ~~S 1~/ CONTENTS -- ~~ o,' ~ DATE & TIME TEST IS TO BE C0NDUCTED~~7~ DATE SIGNATURE OF APPLq~CANT REI-"EtII:E[, FPOI,1 305 7..26 0576 11. 1'2. 19',aS 09:._',.:_~ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT' HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION '2130 G Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 APPLICATION TO PERFORM A TIGHTNESS TEST VOLUME. TANK~ IS PIPING GOING TO' BE TESTED~5 CONTENTS _ __b'?r/~7~ 0// DATE -- SIGNATURE OF APPL~CkNT o / RECEr~tE[ FI~OH ._.'¢35 ~2A · ' '- '- .~ 11, 12, 199S