HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK· fiPR-23-99 FRI 04:09 PR KLEINFELDER BKSF FfiX NO, 661 831 1937 P, O1 FAX * FAX * FAX * FAX * FAX * FAX * FAX * FAX PROJECT ~0: · o: Fax Time: Total pages: (including cover sheet) PROJECT NAME: From: C'~k~,t~j Kleinfelder, Inc. 5880 District Blvd., #24 Bakersfield, CA 93313 ph: (661) 831-2155 fax: (661) 831-1937 (please note new are~ code} Original will follow Original will not follow Sent by: Instructions/Remarks: The following results were obtained from BC Laboratories on a highly viscous petroleum material found at the "Q" Street Underpass construction site. These samples were collected 04/20/99 and taken to the laboratory. Sample Al/A2 was obtained at the underground concrete structure southeast of the railroad crossing signal. Sample B1/B2 was taken from the underpass excavation next to a building west of the proposed "Q" Street overpass. These results should aid in profiling the substance for disposal. If there are problems regarding this telecopy, please call the above number. 1999\adminforms~faxsheet ~PR-23-99 FRI 04:12 PI'I KLEINFELDER BKSF Apr-23-99 03:59pm Fr.m-K La~= ~ l. aboratoHes, Inc. NO, Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 661 831 1937 P, 09 58M0 DISTRICT BLVD., S'1~. 2~ Accn: GR.~Q A. ~TT D~ce ~porced: 04/23/99 Laboratory No.: 99-0%622-2 DaCe collecged: Dace ;xcracced-8020: Dace ~n~lyze~-8020: 0%/20/99 $ 12:25PM Tolueae N~e D=c=ccea m~/kg 0.0% R=hyl ~e~zene None Dece~cea mg/kg 0,04 Total X~lcnc~ NO~e Deceuce~ m~/kg 0.08 Surrc~ace % Recover~ 99. % 70-130 T~ST M~T~OD: T~H b~ D.O.H.S. / L.O.F.T. Manual M~chnd - Modified gPA 80~5 Ind~vi~u=~ conscicuencs by ~PAMechod ~0~0/~020. were rals~d due co m~crix incerferenceS re~uSr~n~ sample ~/luc~on. Scuarc G. Succr~ De, atom=nc Su~e~visor A2: L~cense: AZ0345 4100 Alms Cou~ ' Balcar~el~ Ca 93308 · (661) 327-4911 ' FU (661) 327-1918 "www.bclabs. cnm ~PR-23-99 FRI 04:12 PH KLEINFELDER BKSF F~X NO, ~ Laboratories, Inc. ?o~al ~ecroleum Ryc~=ocarbone 661 831 1937 P. 0~/05 F-4t3 P, 08 S880 DISTRICT BLVD., S~, 24 ~J~C~RiF~Z.~, CA ~3313 DAte Received: L&boracoz¥ ~o.: Da~e A~&ly~ed-8020: o4/2~/s9 99-o¢622-1 04/20/99 Con~ci~u~ncp ___ ~ul~e , Unlr~ Toluene None Detected mt/kg ~chyl Benzene None Detected mt/kg Total Xylenea None Pe~ecced mg/kg surrog&ce % Recovery 104. % Pr&c~c&l C~,,~anzlcat ion 0.05 0.05 0.1 '70-130 TEST I~HOD; TBH by D.O.H.S. / L,U.F.T, ~nu&l Method - Modified E~A 8015 ~ndividual co~scicuencs by ~PA He,hod 5030/a020. PQL's were raised due co ma~rix inzer£erenoen requirin~ sample dilution. Dep&rcmenc Supezwi~or 4100 AIm C4.am Bakcrsfleld, Cz 93308 (661)~27-4911 1~(,66I)327-1911 wwwbcb~b~com FAX NO, 661 831 1937 ~053ZT075G r-??? P. 07 F-374 1 5880 DZSTR~C? ~LVD., ST~, 24 D&ca Reported: 0~/23/9~ D~cc ~ceiv~d: 0~/20/9g L~bo~co~¥~o,: 99-04622-2 21-6009-05 ~-~/s-2 TzcIe 22 Waste %~pe: Ty~ 1: ~tllla~Z~ Soll~ - No Free Liquid $aa~ple CoZlecgedBy: C.K. Tuck1 RecoverabLe ~eC~oleum 20000. · nco c&l~br&c~on ra.~ge, AZ03~S 4~O0 .M~ Couan · Bal~ekl, CA 93308 ' (661) 327-4911 v Fax (661) 327-191 Ii "w~W bclabs.~m ~PR-23-99 FItI 04:11 PI'I KLEINFELDER BKSF Apr-23-99 10:24am From-BC Labs Laborato es, Inc. NO, 661 831 1937 N/OS F-374 P, 06 ~ccn: GR~G A, F,.A.w~'~L' 805-831-2155 D&C~ Re~orced: Dace Received: 0~/20/~9 7..a.boraCory No.: 99-04622-Z P~o~ecc ~umbe=~ Sampling Locac£on: Sampl~ ~D: Sampling Dace/~me: Tocal R=coverable 9ecrol=um X~,ctroc~rbon~ 3sO000. mg/~g ~chod 70000. ZVA-418.1 Note: 9Q~'s were rai~ad due co dilution required co bring target an&lyres lnuo cal~br&c~on range. c,~llfo~:n:La D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186, J~. License: D~arcmeQc Su~e~vi~Or 41 O0 AI'~ Cotu3 '~ ]3ala:r~etd, CA 93308 ' {661 } 327-4911 ' F~, {66 l) 32/-1918 ' www bdabs, com FP~X NO, 661 831 1937 S0,,q3270750 T-??? C~dZCA~ANALYSIS F-$74 P, 05 IG-EZT4~LD~R, ZNC. Acgn: GREG A. HA~TT 805-831-2L55 Lahor&cozyNO.: 99-0%622-2 ~au~lSng Loc~cion: Sample ~D: ~ampl~ng Da=e/Time: 0~/20/99 ~ 12:25PM Title 22 Waste Type: T~ i: Millable Solid - No Pree LSqu&d gable Collected By: c.~. ~chod ~tt~lab~e based on s~le Size u~ed ~d ~l~ical ce~A~e ~l~ed). D~ Sch~lc~ .... ~o~aco~ Dt~ee=or 4]00 Alma Cou~ ~ Bagef~eld, CA 93308 · (6~l) :};2~-~911 ° Fa~ (661) 327-]918 ~PR-::)3-99 FRI 04'.10 Pti KLEINFELDER BKSF Apr-23-99 I0:233m From-BC Labs Laboratories, Inc. FAX NO, ClilI~C.A~AIqAL¥SI$ 661 831 1937 ~??? P. 04 5880 DXS~RICT BLVD., S~E. 24 At=n: GI~G A. HA~HE~ 805-83~-2155 Dace Received: Labo~co~yNo.: 9~-0~622-1 Sample ID: Sail)ling Da~e/Time= Ti=la 22 Was=e TT~e: T79~ l~i: Non-f$1=erable, uon-~illable alud~a. Semele Col~ec=ed By: C.K. ~echod P.Q.L. = Pr=c=ic=l Quan=iu&~ion iSmS= (re,ers to =he la&a= amount o~ ~:$~$~1~/Baaed ~n s~le size used ~d ~al~ical ce~l~e ~l~ed). D~ ~h~l~?'/~/t~~~/~ 4100 .Mm Cour~ "B~cld, CA 93308 · (661) :}274911 ' F~ (661) 32'/-191 g · www.bclab~.r,m'tt APR-23-99 FRI 04:10 PM KLEINFELDER BKSFFAX NO. 661 831 1937 P, 03 Apr-23-gg Og:Zlam From-BC L~I. 8n53~?075~ T-7~5 Labor(ttories, P. 0~/0~ TOTAL CONCeNTRATiONS KL~ZNFgLDgR, INC, 5880 DISTRICT BLVD., ST~. 24 A~=n: G~G A. ~~ 805-831-2155 Proj~c= ~r: 21-6009-05 S~ling Louaci~: Q ST~T {~R S~lin~ Dace/Tim~: 0~/20/99 ~ 12:25PM Title 22 w~SCe ~e: ~e t: S~le Collecce~ By: Dace Reported: 0~/22/99 D&ce Received: 0~/20/99 La~ogacoryNo,: 9~-04622-3 Cr~cerla ~cimo~y N~ De~ecced ~/kg 10. $W-6010 ~. 500, ~uenic 3, G ~/kg 1. SW-60~0 5.0 SO0. B&r~ 80. ~g/kg 1. sw-6010 100. 10000. Be~11~ None De=ecc~d mg/kg ~. SW-~Q10 0.75 75. ~=~ 9.8 mg/gg 1. SW- ~O10 S~O. 2500, cobalt S .5 mg/kg 5, S~- ~010 ~0. 8000. Copper !~. m~/kg 1. SW- &010 25. 2500. ~ad 33," ~/~g ~. S~- 6010 5.0 1ooo. ~rcu~ N~n~-De~cced mg/kg 0. x SW- 747~ 0.2 20. ~lybden~ N~e Detected mg/kg 5. SW- 6010 350. 3500. ~ick=l { ~7. mg/kg 5. SW, 6o10 20. 2000. Selen~ None De~ecced ~/kg 1, 3W-6010 1.0 100. Silve= None Decacced mg/k9 2, ~W-6010 ~. 0 500. Thalli~ None~jc~eC ccsd mg/kg L0. SW-G0~0 9,0 700, Vanad~ Z/nc ~. ~/kg S, SW- &010 250. 5000. Co.~e~c: All ~bove consg~=uencB ~.~e reported on an as ~ec~ve~ (wac) S~un~le ~e~, STLC = SOl~le ~e~Old Ltmi= ~LC ~ To=al Threshold Limo C~ce~cracto~ SW = "Tes= ~chods for 8val~/ns Solid Wastes PhyG~cal/ch~tcal ~Chods", HPA-SW-O&6. /~.~.a~schulcz oratory Director ~tuo A~mS ~U~ l~axcrshcJa, CA 933~ · (6~1) 327-4~! 1 · F~ (.661) 327,191g · www.bclabs, com NO, 1937 P, 02/OS TOTAL CONCKNTRATION$ {California Code of Regulations, Title 2~, Sect&on 6~2~1) F-SG? Page KL~ZNFELD£R, INC. 5880 DISTRICT ~LVD., STE. 24 BAK~RSPIELD, CA 93313 Ac=n: GR~Q A. ~ 805-8~X-2155 S~mplin~ Location: sa~le ID: SamplSn~ 21-6009-05 Q STREET (~'~I'D~ PASS) A-~/A-2 0%/20/99 ~ 12:15~M T~=le 22 Waste 'I~pe: 'l~pe 15~: Sample Collecued By: O.K. Dace Repor~ed: 0~/22/~9 Dace Recei~d: 0~/20/99 Non-~l:erable, non-~llable sludge. ~m'uhod S'~-C TTLC ~$mon7 ~e Detected ~/kg ~o. SW-;OlO 15. 500. ~sen~c ~e De~ecced mg/kg ~. S~-~o~o 5.0 SOO. ~ 6.~ mg/k~ 1- ~W-601o 100. 10000, B,~111~ N~e ~=euged mg/kg 1. sW-601o 0.7~ 75. Ca~t~ None Pe~ec~ed mg/kg 1. SV-6010 1.0 100. ~romi~ 1,4 ~/kg 1. SW-6010 560. 2500. Cobalt None Dececcea ~/kg 5. sw-g010 Copper 1.~ mg/k~ 1. SW-6010 25. 2500. Lea~ None Deceoce~ mg/k~ 5, ~r~ None ~cccce~ mg/k~ 0.2 SW-7~TZ 0.2 20. ~ic~el ~o mg/kg 5, $~-601o 20, 2000. Selen~ mg/k9 1. S/l~r None Detected ~/kg 2, SW-60~0 ~.0 500. ~a111~ N~e Degec=ed m~/kg 10. SW-SOZ0 V~adi~ ~- mg/kg 1, SW-6010 24. 2400. Zinc la. m~/k~ 5. SW-6010 250, 5000. cec~i~es =0 ~ce~i~ =OC=1 levels. P-~.L. = ~racctcal Qu~lcac~ L~m~c (re~e~s co the lease ~c of ~=lfl~le based ~ e~le ~iae u~ed ~d ~al~cal ce~i~e e~l~ed}. S~C = Sol,la ~re~old L~: C~en=raci~ ~ = To~I1 Thre;hol~ Limig ~w = ',Tea= ~cho~ for Evaluag&n~ solid Was~e~ Physi~l/~e~eal ~rh~s", EPA-SW-846. Labor&cory Director 4100 Alms Cou, n · l~akaxafis:kl., CA 93308 · (.661) ~27-.4911 ' Pax (661) 327-1918 · www.lx:lab~ corn