HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN lusi ness Name: IrlMMP Flintco Inc. PLAN tv~lA P FACILITY DIAGRAM Z~ Area Map * of NO ET It Name of Area · CONDEI"IED CYLINDER STORAGE EMPTY TRUCK PARKING CARBON DIOXIDE  OUT OF SERVICE EPIPTY F I[.L STA:I'ION I I ULTRA SORB ON PALLETS I I MISC. CLDTHING STORAGE n WELD lNG ~ IRE TOOLS BOOTS AEROSOLS CABLE OFFICE ACETYL INE EI"PTY EMPTY ARGON OXYGEN NITROGEN ACETYLENE FULLS Imllllll PARKING 500 Gal. PROPANE L ITE DIAGRAM Business N~ne MMP PLAN MAP FLINTCO INC  Ar'es Mai> -z- of #0 RT H N~Qe of' Area- 30th Street . VACA T' ! laTaN I I max~£ I -- - BUILDING FLINTCO BUILDIN6 OFF RAHP TO GARCES CIRCLE CHESTER AVE. Golden State Hwy. PROPANE SHUTOFF { emlr[y ]{ ~nor=RL cYti~lex { PROPI"IHE PLAT Lots 3 to 8 inclusive of Block. 5~;3 in the 6~ty, of B~kersfie~, ~cept that porti~ the BAKERSFIELD sc.oot, ms'r. I-/. CITY OF . I '20 '' -- ' ' -- "l oer' - ' - F~ ~ - ' I ~ ( I .; , , ! ~,~ · ~ ,., I .. ' ~ "' . ,. , . ~, .... ,~, -~..., ,. ,. . .. " . ~. ...... ~ ....... -; ~ ~ '~. -20- .dO; -19 - I IIIII II \ 771-/]osp 4 I/ CUSTO'4ER 1 L L ORDER ~HI P B/O ,~!!ppt,y ,DESCRIPTION : . ...... , ' .. ---- FLINTCO WELDING SALES & SERVICE pHnNE -"4 2 ~i-6 9 9 2 1 3rl] - ;3nTH -¢~T., BAKERSFIELD, CALIF. I 3 .' 06 C ROWNMA R IILE 'FAX co, center T R A N $/'1I $ 5 I.O.N TOTAL; NUll.. BER OF PAGES: II.'You. ;:..H..~e., Any Difficulties WTth This Tra.nsmis~ion, Please Conlacl The Sender At.The ~hone'Nb~b~t. Usted 'Above. MessagtdCom~ent: ' Ch~qu~ .&. Business. Forms [ .~/~ i -~[?1'v= I' Custom S,gnS..& Banners - i i P~' ! =~~'/~gg.'.~5.. i'. '£ l' Z t " November 17, 1999 COMPOSITES ONE Durastone Kitchens & Baths 1230 Parallel Fresno, CA 93700 United States Our Valued Customer: In keeping with the federal and state 'RIGHT TO KNOW' laws, we are enclosing an MSDS for these products: 102017 040-4919 CLEAR 82005A 4 X 8# M-50A CLEAR CADOX 40001 ACETONE ~ i~ --q~203206 RCI 32145-22 MARBLE RESIN DRUM The OSHA HAZARD COMMUNICATION STANDARD states that employees must be trained in how to use an MSDS as a source for hazard information. All relevant sheets must be readily accessible to employees during each workshift when they are in their work areas. If you have any questions concerning the information contained in the MSDS, please contact me as soon as possible. To make our communications most effective, we would appreciate knowing who is responsible for your MSDS file. In this way, we can send new and revised sheets directly to this contact to ensure that the information in your safety program is current. Please return this sheet to the Department of Health, Safety, & Environment or call us at 847/437-0200 FAX: 847/437-6060. Thanks so much. MSDS Contact: MA/8440/7602500 Bill Rudersdorf Health, Safety, & Environment CORPORA TE OFFICES 723 W. Algonquin Road P.O. Box 3208 Arlington Heights, IL 60006-3208 847.437.0200 847.437.0664 FAX www. compositesone, com Page ~ of 8 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET SECTION I IDENTIFICATION TRADE NAME: STYPOL e~e-qgl9 DESCRIPTION: MARBLE CLEAR GEL COAT PRODUCT CODE IDENTITY: e~0~919KCB2 NPCA HMIS RATING: H Z F S R 1 COMPANY NAME: COOK COMPOSITES AND PDLYWERS CO. ADDRESS: 8Ze E. l~th AVENUE NORTH KANSAS CITY: MO ~1~ REVISION: lB L~ST REVISED : G7/~/~SS DATE OF ISSUE: e7/19/~999 PREPARED BY: HAZARD COMMUNICATION DEPT, CUSTOMER: GLS FIBERGLASS CORP 7Z8 ~ ALGONQUIN RD ARLINGTON HEIGHTS ATTENTION: ELAINE PlLTZ IL INFORMATION TELEPHONE: COMPOSITES: GGG~§~3~ POLYMERS: ~-8G~-~88-5§~1 TRANSPORTATION EMERGENCY TELEPHONE (CHEMTREC): 1-see-q2~-93ee ccP oertlf;es that its products comply uith all the provisions of the Toxic Substances Control Rct (TSCfl)~ unless otheruise otatsd by ingredient in Section II. *** The percent by uelght composition data ~iven in Sections II *** *** and >O4 are NOT SPECIFICATIONS! but are based on 'tarj~et~ *** *** formula values for each ingredient in the product. The data are greeented es ranges for Iou hazard in~redlenta ~nd ainKle ~** point values for ingredients of regulatory concern. Actual *** batch concentrations ui II vary within limits consistent uith *** *** separat.el.y established product, s.p~c~f!c.at ions. Pa e * COOK COWPOSITES RND POLYWERS CO. * * MATERIAL SAFETY DRTR SHEET SECTION II INGREDIENTS EXPOSURE LI~IT: ACGIH TLV/~WA: ACGIH TLV/STEL: OSHR PEL/TWA: OSHR PEL/CEILING: OSHR PEL/STEL: LD5e, 0ral; LOSe, Dermal: OTHER: OTHER LIMITS: CAS# eeeeRe-6z-6 METHYL METHACRYLATE PCT BY WT: 3e.eRee VAPOR PRESSURE: zs.eee WMHG @ 68F EXPOSURE LIMIT: ACGIH TLV/TWA: lee PPW (~e WG/CU.W.} OSHA PEL/TWR: ~ee ppu (~e Me/cu.a.) LDSe, Oral: 7.9 G/KG (BAT) LDS~, Dermal: 35.5 G/KB (RABBIT} LCSe, Inhalation: >12,50e PPW/e. SH (RAT) STYRENE ~ONOMER PCT BT ~T: 37.9960 VAPOR PRESSURE: ~.50G MMHG ~ G8F ~GG PPM (8 HR TWA ) ACCEPTABLE WAX. PERK: see PPM (5 MIN IN FLINT 3 HAS} ACCEPTABLE CONCENTRATION: zee PPW (15 WIN TWA) ~.37 G/KG (RAT) >5 G/KG (RABBIT) LCLO: seee PPW/8H (RAT) IARC - Group ZB See Section V OTHER HEALTH HAZARDS: UNSATURATED POLYESTER RESIN ON TSO~ INVENTORY OAS# PROPRIETARY ~X~OSU~E LIWIT: ACGIH TLV/~IdA: NONE ESTABLISHED OSHA P~L/TW~: NONE ESTABLISHED This product contains one or more reported carcinogens or suspected oarolno~ens ~hioh are noted NTP, IARC, or OSH~-Z in the appropriate OTHER LIWIT~: ~ubsection above. Page 3 of 8 * COOK COMPOSITES RND POLYMERS CO. * MATERIRL SRFETY DRTR SHEET * e~eNglgKCBZ SECTION III PHYSICAL DATA Bollin~ Ren6e: Hl~h- -N/R F Low- ZlA.e F Vapor Pressure: Bee Section II Theoretical Weight per Gallon~ Calculated: 8.5989 LB/GL Theoretical Specific Gravity~ Calculated: 3.083 Maximum Theoretical VDC, Calculated: ~.A§7 LB/GL --If appl ieable , see Sect ion IX for further VDC informat ion-- Physical State: LIQUID Appearanoe: PURPLISH BLUE HRZY Oder: STYRENE-ACRYLIC Odor Threshold: pH: Freezing Point: -N/R ~ater Solubility: CoeffioSent of ~ater/Oil ~eehan;eal Impact Explosion: Static Electricity Explosion: Distribution: -N/A -Nt~ -N/A * COOK COMPOSITES RNO POLYMERS CO. * MRTERIRL SRFETY DRTR SHEET * e~e~9~gKCB2 SECTION IV FIRE liND EXPLOSION HRZARD DATA FLRMMRBZLIT¥ CHRRACTERZSTICS: Lowest Closed Cup Fleshpoint: 53.e de, roes F For Flash Points Z3 to 73 de~. F. OSHA Flammability ClassiFication: Class DOT Flammability ClassiFication: Flammable Liquid Lower Fish, noble Limit in Rir: Lower- 1.1 % by volume For Flash Points 73 to lee de~. F. DSHR Flammability Classification: Class IC DOT Flammability Classification: Flammable Liquid DOT Shippin~ Name: Flash Points Z3 to 73 de~. F. = RESIN SOLUTION, 3~ UN~B66, PG II Flash Points 73 to ~ee de~. F. = RESIN SOLUTION, 3, LIN~866, PG III EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Foam, carbon d~oxlde, dry ohemical, sater fo~. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZRRDS: [£ pelymerlzatlon takes place in e container, there is posslbilit~ violent rupture of the container. Vapors are uninhibited and may form polymers i vent r flame arrestors o~ storage tanks result!n~ in stoppage o~ vent~ o · Vapors may cause ¢lash fire. Keep containers tightly closed and isolate ~rom heat, electrical equipment, sparks and flame. Never use ueldin~ or cuttin~ toroh on or near drum (even empty) because product (even just residue) can 16hire explosively. SPECIRL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES: Full proteotive equipment includin~ self-contained breathin¢ apparatus should be used. ~eter spray may be lnefCective. I~ ueter is used, nozzles are preferable. 8ater may be used to cool closed containers to prevent pressure build-up and possible euto-i~nit ion or explosion uhen exposed to extreme heat. RODITIONRL TRIqNGPORTRTION INFOR~ATION: Freight Classi¢icatlon: N~FC: ]q998e/SU8 2 RESIN COMPOUNDS, LIQUID LTL CLRSS 55 Page 5 of 8 * COOK C0~POSITES RNa POLY~ERS CO. * WRTERIRL SRFETY DRT~ ~HEET * e~eq9~9KCBZ SECTION V HEALTH H~Z~RD DRT~ ~FFECTS OF ~XCE~SIVE OVEREXPOSURE. PRIMRR¥ ROUTES OF ENTRY RRE: EYE OONTRCT: Irritation. Symptoms are ~earin~, redness and discomfort. SKIN CONTRCT; Irritatlon. Can cause defattin~ o~ skin ~hich may lead to dermatitis. INHRLRTZDN: Irr~tatlon to nose and threat. Extended or repeated exposure to can- cantrations above the recon~endad exposure limits may cause brain or nervous system depression, elth symptoms such as dizziness, headache or nausea end if continued indefinitely, loss of consciousness= liver and kidney damage. Reports have associated repeated and prolonged occupational over- exposure to solvents ~ith permanent brain end nervous system dameEe. INGESTION: May cause mouth, throat, esophagus and stomach irritation, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Rspiration into lun~s can cause pneumonitls ~hich can be fatal. MEDICRL COND;T~0NS THRT MRY BE RGGRRVRTED BY EXPOSURE TO THIS PRODUCT. Preexlstin~ eye~ skin= I iver~ kidney end respiratory disorders. EMERBENBY FiND FIRST R[D PROCEDURES: In case of eye contact, flush immediately ~;th plenty of ~ater for at least $5 minutes and Eot medical attention; ~o skln~ h thorou;hl~ uith soap and ~ater. [f affected by inhalatio~ of vapors or spray m~st, remove to fresh air. %f sualloued~ ~et medical attention immediately. C~L%FORN%~ PROPOSITION ~5 INFORMATION: ~RRNZNG - This product c~ntains chemicals knoun to the State of California to cause cancer. OTHER HERLTH HRZRRDS: STYRENE MONOMER The Znternatlcnal R~ency for Research on Cancer (%~RC). has reclassified styrene as Group 2B "possibly ~arcinoEenlo to humans". This neu clefsificatlon is not based on naa health data ralatin~ to either humans or animals, but on a change in the IRRC classlf~catlon system. The Styrene Information and Research Canto does not e~ree ulth the reclassification and has published the fol?ouinE statement. "Recently ublished studies tracln~ 5e~eee uorkera exposed to high occupational evels of styrene over a per~od of q5 years shooed no assooiation betueen styrene and :encer~ no increase in cancer amonE styren? uorkers (as opposed to the average amon~ all uorkers),-and no ,norease in mortality related to styrene." An Increased incidence of lunE tumors oas observed in mice fram a recent inhalation study. The relevance of this findin~ is uncertain. Data from other Ion~-term animal studies and from epidemiolo~y studies of uorkers exposes to styrene do not provide a basis to conclude that ¢t~rene is carcinogenic. Lun~ effect~ have been observed in the mouse follo~in~ repeated exposure to styrene. Page * COOK COMPOSITES RND POLYMERS CO. * WRTERIRL SAFETY DRTR SHEET * eqeqS~ 9KCBZ STABILITY: Stable HRZRRDOUS POLYMERIZATION: May occur. CONDITIONS TO RVOID: Elevated temperatures. INCOWPRTRBILITY (MATERIALS TO RVOID): 0xldizers, peroxides, strong acids, aluminum chloride and vinyl polymers HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Thermal decomposition or combustion can produce fumes containlnE organic acids, carbon dlox;de and carbon monoxide. SECTION VII SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED DR SPILLED: Remove all sources of iEnition (flames, hot surfacea~ and electrical, static, or frictional sparks}. Avoid breathing vapors. Ventilate area. Contain and remove with inert absorbent and non-sperkinB tools. WASTE DISPOSRL METHOD: Dispose of in accordance ~ith local, state and federal regulations. Do not incinerate closed containers. Incinerate in approved facility. SECTION VIII SPEOIRL PROTECTION INFORMATION RESPIRRTORY PROTECTION: Do not breathe vapors. Wear an appropriate, properly fitted respirator (NIDSH/MSHR approved) durin~ use of this product until vapors ara ex- hausted, unless air monitormng demonstrates vapor levels are below appl!cable limits. Follow respirator manufacturer's directions for respirator use. Observe 0SHR Standard 29CFR ~Ble.~@~. VENTILATION: Provide ~enaral clean air dilution or local exhaust ventilation in volume and pattern to keep the air contaminant eonoentratlan below the Io~er explosion limit and belo~ current applicable exposure limits. Refer to DSHR Standard lS]e.9~. NOTE: Heavy solvent vapors should, be removed from Icier levels of the uork area and all I;nition sources (nonexplosion-proof motors~ etc.) should be eliminated. PROTECTIVE GLOVES: Use solvent impermeable ~loves to avoid contact $ith product. EYE PROTECTION; Do net ~et in eyes. Use safety eye,ear with splash ~uards or side shields~ chemical ~o~les~ ~ace shields. OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Avoid contact uith skin. contaminated clothing. before reuse. Use protective clothing. Prevent contact ~ith Wash contaminated clothin~ includin~ shoes~ * COOK COMPOSITES P, ND POLYMERS CO. * MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET * e404959KCB2 SECTION IX SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORING: Do not store above 3ce deg. F. Store le{~e quantities in buildin~s designed to comply.$ith OSHA 19la.la6. Keep away from heat, sparks and flame. Keep contalner~ closed ~hen nat in use and upright to prevent leakage. OTHER PRECAUTIONS: Containers should be ~rounded ~han pouring. Do not ta~e internally. ~ash hands after usln~ and before smokln~ or eating. Emptied containers may retain hazardous residue and explosive vapors. Keep away from haat~ sparks and flames. Do not out, puncture or weld on or near emptied con- tainers. Folle~ ell hazard precautions ~iven in this date sheet until container is thorou&hly cleaned or destroyed. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN FOR INDUSTRIAL U~E ONLY ...........SECTION XX Sere Title III Information SARA 313 INFORNATION: This product contains the roi IoulnE substances subject ~o the reportln~ requirements of Seotlon ~13of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reeuthorizetion Act of 1~86 end qO OFR Part ~ETHYL METHACRYLRTE CAS# eeeeee-6z-6 PCT BY ~T: ~e.eeee STYRENE aONOMER eee~ee-4z-~ PCT BY aT: 37.BB6e Pa~e 8 of S COOK COMPOSITES 9ND POLYMERS CO. * MRTERI~L S~FETY D~T~ SHEET ~ * DISGLAIWER AND LIMITATION OE LIABILITY The products ~old hereunder shell meet Sellar'~ applicable ~peciflcations at the time of shipment. Seller's specifications may be subject to ohan~e at en~ time uithout notice to Buyer. Buyer must ~lve Seller notice in ~riting of any alleged defect covered by this uarranty (toEether ~ith all of puro6ase) ulthln thirty ( day~ of the date shipment o .he produot r prior to the ex iretion of the shipment's quelit life, uhichever occurs irst. THE ~RRRI:~I.Y DESCRIBED HEREIN SHRLL BE IN L.EU OF RNY OTHER ~RRRRNTY, EXPRESS DR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO. RNY [MPLIED ~RRRRNTY OF HERCHRNTRBILITY OF FITNESS FOR R PRRTICULRR PURPOSE. THERE RRE NO ~RRRRNTIES THAT EXTEND BEYOND THE DESCRIPTION OF THE FRCE HEREOF. The Buyer's sole end exclusive remedy a~einst Seller shall be for the replaoement of the produot or refund of the purchase price in the event that a defective condition of the product should be found to exist b Seller. NO OTHER REMEDY ([NCLUDING, BUT NOT L[~ITED TO, INC[DENTRL OR CDNSE~UENTIRL DRMRGES FOR LOST PROFITS. LOST SRLES, INJURY TO PERSON OR PROPERTY, OR ~NY OTHER INCIDENTRL OR CONSE~UENTIRL LOSS} SHRLL BE RVR[LRBLE TO THE BUYER. The sole purpose of this exclusive remedy shall be to p~ovide Buyer ~ith replacement of the product or refund of the purchase price of the product if an~ defect in materiel or uorkmunshi~ is found to exist Thi~ exclusive remedy shall not be deemed to have failed its essential purposeoo Ion~ as Seller is uillin~ and able to replace the defective products or refund the purohase pries. DATE PRINTED: 06/22/1999 Cadox M-50a Akzo Nobel Chemicals MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEE"f PAGE 1 MSDS NO. 11-076289 SECTION '1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY INFORMATION PRODUCT NAME Cadox M-50a SYNONYM MEKP CAS # MIXTURE MANUFACTURERS NAME Akzo Nobel Chemicals Inc. ADDRESS 300 South Riverside Plaza Chicago, IL 60606 COUNTRY USA PRODUCT USE Polymerization initiator ISSUE DATE 2/12/1997 CHEMICAL NAME Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide in solution CHEMICAL FORMULA Mixture CHEMICAL FAMILY Organic peroxides/ketone peroxides PRODUCT/TECHNICAL INFORMATION 1-800-828-7929 MEDICAL/HANDLING EMERGENCY 1-914-693-6946 TRANSPORTATION EMERGENCY CHEMTREC 1-800-424-9300 REVISION DATE 2/25/1998 REVISION NO. OO6 SECTION 2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS SUBSTANCE DESCRIPTION PERCENT CAS# Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide (MEKP) Hydrogen peroxide 2,2,4-Trimet hylpentanediol-1,3-diisobutyrate Water 30.000- 35.000 0.001- 3.000 50.000- 70.000 0.001- 2.000 1338-23-4 7722-84-1 6846-50-0 7732-18-5 SECTION 3. HAZARDSIDENTIFICATION Appeamnce & Odor Clear, colorless liquid with a faint ketone odor. STATEMENT OF HAZARDS DANGER! ORGANIC PEROXIDE. HEAT OR CONTAMINATION MAY CAUSE HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION. CAUSES SEVERE EYE AND SKIN BURNS. CAUSES RESPIRATORY TRACT IRRITATION. COMBUSTIBLE LIQUID AND VAPORS. Fire & Explosion Hazards This product is a combustible liquid. Peroxides and peroxide decomposition products are flammable and can ignite with explosive force if confined. Prima~ Route ofExposure Skin and eye contact and inhalation of vapor are the principal routes of exposure to this product. Inhalation Acute Exposure Inhalation of vapor, mist or aerosol is expected to be severely irritating to the respiratory tract. DATE PRINTED: 06/22/1999 Akzo Nobel Chemicals I~ MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Cadox M-50a SECTION 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION (CONTINUED) PAGE 2 MSDS NO. 11-076289 Skin Contact - ACUTE Skin contact can cause chemical burns with severe blistering. Eyecontact-ACUTE Direct eye contact with this chemical can cause an immediate severe reaction and may result in loss of functional vision in the involved eye. Use of fully protective goggles is essential when using this product. Ingestion-ACUTE If swallowed, this material can cause severe irritation or burns of the mouth, throat, esophagus and stomach. CARCINOGENICITY IARC .... NO OSHA .... NO NTP .... NO ACGIH .... NO SECTION 4. FIRST AID MEASURES Inhalation FirstAid Remove to fresh air. If breathing becomes difficult, oxygen may be given, preferably with a physician's advice. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. Get medical attention. Skin Contact-FirstAid Immediately remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Wash skin with soap and plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Do not attempt to neutralize with chemical agents. Get medical attention. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. Destroy contaminated shoes. Eye Contact-FirstAid Immediately flush eyes with large quantities, of running water for a minimum of 15 minutes. If the victim is wearing contact lenses, remove them. Take care not to contaminate the victim's healthy skin and eyes. Hold the eyelids apart during the flushing to ensure rinsing of the entire surface of the eye and lids. DO NOT let victim rub eye(s). Do not attempt to neutralize with chemical agents. Get medical attention immediately. Oils or ointments should not be used at this time. Continue flushing for an additional 15 minutes if a physician is not immediately available. Ingestion-FirstAid Do NOT induce vomiting. Call a physician or a poison control center immediately. Give victim plenty of water to drink. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious or convulsing person. Get medical attention immediately. Medicalconditionsagg~vated Persons with pre-existing skin and/or respiratory disease may be at increased risk if exposed to this material. Noteto Physician Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide is severly corrosive to the eyes and may cause delayed keratitis. The normally prescribed 15 minute eye irrigation after exposure may be difficult because of the severe pain. The prior installation of a topical ocular anesthetic is essential to facilitate a comprehensive ocular lavage. Swallowing of this corrosive material may result in severe ulceration, inflammation, and possible perforation of the upper alimentary tract, with hemorrahage and fluid loss. Aspiratio9 9f this product during induced emesls can result in severe lung ln}ury. If evacuation of the stomach is necessary, use method least likely DATE PRINTED: 06/22/1999 Cadox M-50a Akzo Nobel Chemicals Int MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHE PAGE 3 MSDS NO. 11-076289 SECTION 4. FIRSTAID MEASURES (CONTINUED) to cause aspiration, such as gastric lavage after endotracheal intubation. Contact a Poison Control Center for additional treatment information. SECTION 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES FLASH POINT 179.60 F 82.00 C FLASH METHOD Setaflash Closed Cup AUTO IGNITION TEMPERATURE N/D F N/D C UPPER EXPLOSION LIMIT N/D LOWER EXPLOSION LIMIT N/D E~inquishing Media Use water fog, dry chemical, carbon dioxide, or foam extinguishing agents. Extinguish large fires with large amounts of water spray, fog or foam from a safe/protected position. Fim Fighting Procedums As in any fire, prevent human exposure to fire, smoke, fumes or products of combustion. Evacuate non-essential personnel from the fire area. Firefighters should wear full-face, self-contained breathing apparatus and impervious protective clothing. If pos- sible, move containers from the fire area. If not leaking, keep fire exposed containers cool with a water fog or spray to prevent rupture due to excessive heat. High pressure water may spread prod- uct from broken containers increasing contamination or fire hazard. Contaminated buildings, areas and equipment must not be used until they are properly decontaminated. Dike fire water for later dispos- al. Do not allow contaminated water to enter waterways. Fire & Explosion Hazards This product is a combustible liquid. Peroxides and peroxide decomposition products are flammable and can ignite with explosive force if confined. OtherFire+ Explosion Hazards This product can produce flammable vapors which may travel to a source of ignition and flash back. Hazardous Products/Combustion Thermal decomposition products may include carbon dioxide, water, acetic acid, formic acid, propionic acid, methyl ethyl ketone and flammable gases and vapors. NFPA HEALTH RATING 3 NFPA FLAMMABILITY RATING 2 NFPA REACTIVITY RATING NFPA OTHER 2 DATE PRINTED: 06/22/1999 Cadox M-50a Akzo Nobel Chemicals MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHE PAGE 4 MSDS NO. 11-076289 SECTION 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES C~eanup Remove all sources of ignition from the spill area. Stop source of spill. If tools are needed, they should be non-sparking. Dike area to prevent spill from spreading. Evacuate all non-essential personnel upwind. Any person entering an area of a significant spill or of an unknown concentration of a gas or a vapor should use a NIOSH-approved, positive-pressure/pressure- demand, self-contained breathing apparatus. Protective equipment to prevent skin and eye contact should be worn. Soak up spilled material with a suitable absorbent such as clay, sand or earth. Sweep up absorbed material and place in a chemical waste container for disposal. SECTION 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE Handling Wear protective clothing when handling this product to avoid eye and skin contact. Wash thoroughly after handling. Electrically grounded tanks and containers should always be used as should non-sparking, electrically grounded hand tools and appliances. Ground or bond to ground all vessels when transferring to prevent the accumulation of static electricity. See National Electric Code. Emptied container may retain product residues. Follow all warnings and precautions even after container is emptied. Storage To insure product quality, storage temperatures should not exceed MAXIMUM STORAGE TEMPERATURE shown below. To prevent possible self-accelerating decomposition, temperatures in the storage facility must not exceed 131F (55 C). Keep containers tightly closed. Store away from amines, acids alkalis and heavy metal compounds (e.g. driers, metal soaps and accelerators). MAXIMUM STORAGE TEMPERATURE 86.00 F 30.00 C (to maintain product quality) GenemlComments Containers should not be opened until ready for use. non-sparking equipment and tools when handling. Use clean SECTION 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION Respimto~ protection Use a NIOSH-approved organic vapor respirator with dust, mist and fume filters to reduce potential for inhalation exposure if use conditions generate vapor, mist or aerosol and adequate ventilation (e.g., outdoor or well-ventilated area) is not available. Where exposure potential necessitates a higher level of protection, use a NiOSH-approved, positive-pressure/pressure-demand, air-supplied respirator. When using respirator cartridges or canisters, they must be changed frequently (following each use or at the end of the workshift) to assure breakthrough exposure does not occur. DATE PRINTED: 06/22/1999 Cadox M-50a Akzo Nobel Chemicals Int MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHE PAGE 5 MSDS NO. 11-076289 SECTION 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION (CONTINUED) Skin Protection Skin contact with liquid or its aerosol must be prevented through the use of permeation resistant clothing, gloves and footwear. Unprotected skin exposed to vapor, aerosol or mist must be thorough- ly washed before eating, drinking, smoking and at the end of the workshift. Eye Protection Because eye contact with this product may cause burns and possibly permanent damage, chemical goggles and/or a full face shield must be worn whenever handling this product. Ventil~ion protection Local exhaust ventilation, enclosed system design, continuous moni- toring devices, process isolation and remote control are traditional exposure control techniques which may be used to effectively mini- mize employee exposure. OtherProtection Safety showers, with quick opening valves which stay open, and eye wash fountains, or other means of washing the eyes with a gentle flow of cool to tepid tap water, should be readily available in all areas where this material is handled or stored. Water should be supplied through insulated and heat-traced lines to prevent freeze- ups in cold weather. APPLICABLE EXPOSURE LIMITS Available exposure limits applicable to this product are shown below. EXPOSURE LIMITS/REGULATORYINFORMATION (IN MG/M3) SUBSTANCE DESCRIPTION REG. AGCY PEL TLV TWA STEL CEIL Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide (MEKP) OSHA N/D N/D N/D N/D N/D ACGIH N/D N/D N/D N/D 1.5000 NIOSH N/D N/D N/D N/D 1.5000 SUPPLIER N/D N/D N/D N/D N/D Hydrogen peroxide OSHA 1.4000 N/D N/D N/D N/D ACGIH N/D 1.4000 N/D N/D N/D NIOSH N/D N/D 1.4000 N/D N/D SUPPLIER N/D N/D N/D N/D N/D 2,2,4-Trimethylpentanediol-l,3-diisobutyrate OSHA N/D N/D N/D N/D N/D ACGIH N/D N/D N/D N/D N/D NIOSH N/D N/D N/D N/D N/D SUPPLIER N/D N/D N/D N/D N/D Water OSHA N/D N/D N/D N/D N/D ACGIH N/D N/D N/D N/D N/D NIOSH N/D N/D N/D N/D N/D SUPPLIER N/D N/D N/D N/D N/D DATE PRINTED: 06/22/1999 Cadox M-50a Akzo Nobel Che~icals,IE~ MATERIAL SAFETY DATA ~H PAGE MSDS NO. 6 11-076289 SECTION 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION (CONTINUED) LEGEND: EXPOSURELIMITDESCRIPTIONS CEIL Ceiling Exposure Limit PEL Permissible Exposure Limit STEL Short Term Exposure Limit TLV Threshold Limit Value TWA Time Weighted Average N/D = Not Determined SECTION 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES VAPOR PRESSURE (mm Hg) N/D VAPOR DENSITY (Air = 1.0) N/D EVAPORATION RATE N/D VOLATILE % N/D BOLLING POINT N/D F N/D C ODOR THRESHOLD (ppm) N/D SPECIFIC GRAVITY 1.0 @ 20 deg C (68 deg F) SOLUBILITY IN WATER N/D BULK DENSITY N/D SOLUBILITY IN OTHER SOLVENTS COEFFICIENT OF OIL/WATER N/D POUR POINT N/D F N/D C MELTING POINT N/D F N/D C pH FACTOR N/D CLOUD POINT N/D F N/D C FLASH POINT 179.60 F 82.00 C FLASH METHOD Setaflash Closed Cup LOWER EXPLOSION LIMIT N/D UPPER EXPLOSION LIMIT N/D AUTO IGNITION TEMPERATURE N/D F N/D C Other SADT = 140 F (60 C) (See Sect. 10). SECTION 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Stability This product is stable at temperatures up to 131 F (55 C). Incompatibilities Avoid contact with strong acids, strong alkalis, strong accelerators and reducing agents. oxidizers, Polymerization Hazardous polymerization is temperatures and pressures. not expected to occur under normal DATE PRINTED: 06/22/1999 Cadox M-50a Akzo Nobel Chemicals In~ MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHE PAGE 7 MSDS NO. 11-076289 SECTION 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY (CONTINUED) Decomposition Decomposition products include carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, ethane and methane. Conditionsto Avoid Hazardous and uncontrollable decomposition may occur if this product is exposed to temperatures above 131 F (55 C). This temperature is based on the Self-Accelerating Decomposition Temperature (SADT). The SADT is an experimentally derived temperature at which a typical package of the product will undergo self-accelerating decomposition. For this product, the SADT is 140 F (60 C). SECTION II. TOXlCOLOGICALINFORMATION Toxicological-Inhalation Inhalation toxicity data is not available for this product. However, the acute LC50 for a similar product is 17.0 mg/L in rats (4 hr exposure). Inhal~ion Chronic Exposum Prolonged and/or repeated inhalation is expected to be severely irritating to the respiratory system. Toxicological-Dermal Dermal toxicity data is not available for this product. However, the dermal LD50 for a similar product is 4000 mg/kg in rabbits. A similar product was corrosive to albino rabbits after a 4 hour occlusive contact. Skin Contact-CHRONIC Chronic dermal exposure effects for this product are not known. In a 13-week study conducted by the NTP, a similar product was administered topically for 5 days per week to rats at doses of 1.07 to 107 mg/rat and to mice at doses of 0.357 to 35.7 mg/mouse. Necro- sis, inflammation, and epidermal hyperplasia were observed in both species. Since toxicity was seen at all dose levels, a no-observed adverse-effect level could not be determined in this study. The results of this study suggest that a similar product does not become systemically available and the primary toxicity associated with contact to this chemical is limited to the application site. Toxicological-Eye This product can be expected to be corrosive to eyes based upon tests with a similar product. Toxicological-Ingestion Ingestion toxicity data is not available for this product. However, the acute oral LD50 for a similar product is 1017 mg/kg in rats (moderately toxic). The acute oral LD50 for a component of this product is greater than 3200 mg/kg in rats (slightly to practically non-toxic). Ingestion-CHRONIC Chronic ingestion effects of this product are not known. A component of this product was administered in the diet of rats (103 days) and dogs (90 days). The NOAEL for both species was a 1% concentration (highest dose tested). DATE PRINTED: 06/22/1999 Cadox M-50a Akzo Nobel Chemicals MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SH! PAGE 8 MSDS NO. 11-076289 SECTION 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION (CONTINUED) CARCINOGENICITY/MUTAGENICITY This product is not classified as a carcinogen by IARC, NTP, OSHA or ACGIH. There is no mutagenicity data for this product, however, information is available for a similar product. Four in vitro mutagenicity assays were conducted by the NTP in the presence and absence of metabolic activation. The similar product was not mutagenic in the Ames test. It was mutagenic in mouse lymphoma cells without metabolic activation and induced sister chromatid exchanges and chromosomal aberrations in Chinese hamster ovary cells in the presence and absence of metabolic activation. In the 13-week dermal study in mice, no increase in micronucleated erythrocytes was seen in peripheral blood samples obtained at the end of the study. REPRODUCTIVE EFFECTS The reproductive toxicity of this product is not known. NEUROTOXlCITY The neurotoxic effects of this product are not known. OtherToxicologicalEffects No other toxic effects for this product are known. TargetOrgans Exposure to this product may affect the skin, eyes, respiratory system and digestive system. SECTION 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION ECOTOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION The ecological toxicity of this product is not known. DISTRIBUTION Other ecological information on this product is not known. CHEMICAL FATE This product is expected to be readily biodegradable. SECTION 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Waste Disposal This unused product is listed by the EPA hazardous waste number U160 (MEKP) and meets the EPA hazardous waste definitions for the characteristics of reactivity (D003) and corrosivity (D002). It is the responsibility of the waste generator to evaluate whether the waste meets EPA's definition of hazardous waste by characteristic or listing. Dispose of in accordance with all local, state and federal regulations. CONTAINER DISPOSAL Containers should be drained of residual product before disposal. Empty containers should be disposed of in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. DATE PRINTED: 06/22/1999 Cadox M-50a Akzo Nobel Chemicals In~ MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEE~ PAGE 9 MSDS NO. 11-076289 SECTION 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION SHIPPING DESCRIPTION ORGANIC PEROXIDE TYPE E, LIQUID (METHYL ETHYL KETONE PEROXIDE, <=40%) 5.2, UN3107, PG II NORTH AMERICAN EMERGENCY RESPONSE GUIDE NO.: 145 REQUIRED LABELS ORGANIC PEROXIDE. ENVIRON. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE This product contains methyl ethyl ketone peroxide (RQ=10 lbs.) which is an environmentally hazardous substance per 49 CFR 172.101, Appendix A. SECTION 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION Component Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide (MEKP) is subject to the following Enviromental List CERCLA DSL MA. LIST NJ R-T-K PA. LIST TSCA CERCLA Hazardous Substances Domestic Substance List-Canada Massachusetts Substance List New Jersey R-T-K Hazard. Sub. Penn. Hazardous Substance List Toxic Subst. Cont. Act -listed Component Hydrogen peroxide is subject to the following Enviromental List DSL MA. LIST NJ R-T-K PA. LIST SARA 302 TSCA Domestic Substance List-Canada Massachusetts Substance List New Jersey R-T-K Hazard. Sub. Penn. Hazardous Substance List SARA Title III, Section 302 Toxic Subst. Cont. Act -listed Component 2,2,4-Trimethylpentanediol-l,3-diisobutyrate is subject to the following Enviromental List DSL TSCA Domestic Substance List-Canada Toxic Subst. Cont. Act -listed DATE PRINTED: 06/22/1999 Cadox M-50a Akzo Nobel Chemicals MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHE] PAGE 10 MSDS NO. 11-076289 SECTION 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION (CONTINUED) Component Water is subject to the following Enviromental List DSL TSCA Domestic Substance List-Canada Toxic Subst. Cont. Act -listed OTHER REGULATORYINFORMATION No other regulatory information is available on this product. WHMISHAZARDCLASS B-3,C,E,F HAZARD RATING SOURCE HMIS HEALTH REACTIVITY 3 2 FLAMMABILITY OTHER 2 SECTION 16. OTHER INFORMATION OTHER INFORMATION CADOX is a registered trademark of Akzo Nobel Chemicals Inc. CREATED BY Product Safety 914 674-5000 KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS: EQ=EQual LT=Less Than GT=Greater Than AP=APproximately TR=TRace ND=No Data available All infoIT~atioll concerting this product and/or suggestions for handling and use contaii~ed herein are offered in good faith and are believed to be re~able. Akzo Not)el Chemicals Inc.; ho~vever makes no warranty as to the accuracy, of and/or sufficiency of such information and/or suggestions, as to the i~roduct's merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose, or that any suggested use wil~ not infringe any patent. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as granting or extending any license under any patent. Buyer must determine for himself, by preliminar~ tests or othem, ise, the suitability of this product for his purposes. 'l~e information contained herein supersedes all previously issued bulletins on the subject matter covered. lliedSig J ai CH EM£CALS Allied Signal Inc P.O. Box 1055 Mon'istown, NJ 973 455 2000 ACETONE CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION ' PRODUCT PRODL~T USlh M~NUFA~ ACETONE Acetone NE, 2-Prol:ranone, Dimethyl Ketone, Dknethylketal, Dimerh¥!/brmaldehyde, Pyroacettc acid, Pyroacettc ether Chemical intermedime 101 Columbia Road Box 1139 Morri~town, lqew Je~ey 0796~-1139 ~ CASE OF ~G~NC'~ C~3_. (24 Hours/D~7, 7 Dalm/XVeek) 973-455-2OOO 2. COMPOSITiON/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS' _~GREDIEiWr NAMIe C.auS NLrMBER WEIGHT % Acetone 67-644 99.7 Trace ;.mpuritics and add/donal material names not listed above may al,~o appear in Section 15 towards the e=d of the MSDS. These materials may be listed for [ocal "Right-To-Know' compliance and for other rermona. 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION ~M~RG~CY OVERVIEW: Acetone is a colOrless liquid possessing a sweet, pungent odor. It is a volatile substance, extremely flammable and its vapors form explosive mix!utes with air. Since acetone vapors travel with air curreu~s, thc~f c~ be ignited by flames and sp~ks ~ loca- tions remote from the site at which the material is being handled. Dangerous fire hazard when expo$ed to heat, sparks, J%me or oxidants. Eye, sldLI and mucous membrane irritant. Harmful if swallowed or inhaled. MSDS Nnmher YRFI-0003 Current Issue Date July, 1997 ' iliedSignal ACETONE D~ EFFECTS: Acetone in nat known to produce chrordc or cumulative ~temic effects. ~ent$ found on one of the OSHA. designated carclnol~n Lists a~e listed below. IN~REDI~iNT NA~IE NTP STATUS IAHC STATUS OSHA LIST *No ingredients listed in this sect/on' 4. FIRST AID MEASURES~ SKIN: In case of conu~ with skin, immediately wash ftdn with soap and warn- wtnle ~ cc~nar~ dothin~ Obtain medical attention Lf defatting action of acetone came$ skin cracking or dermatitis. EYES: Ia case of contact with eyes, immediately flush .eyes with plenty/of vazter for at least 15 minutes, ;lifting eyelids occasionally during flushing to ~acilitate irrigation. Get prompt medical mention, INHALATION: If inhaled, remove the patient from thc contanlinated atmosphere to fr~h air. If not breathing, give artificial resp/raflon, preferably mouth-to-mouth. If breathing is difficult, give oxTgerl provided a qualified openttor is present. Get prompt medical attention. E~IG~.~rlON: If swallowed, do not induce vomiting ,.mle$~ advised to do $o by a physician. If physician advises vomit- lng and if patient is conscious, immediately give 2 to 4 glasses of water and induce vomiting by toucking finger to back of throat. Get prompt medical attention. ADVICE TO PHYSICIAN: A. Treatment of severe systemic intoxication (narcosis) from either irapor exposure or ingestion is primarily ~upportive. Acetone has mlntrllal toxicit]r oll other orgall systeln$ and if the victim can be.supported throu~ tire period of central nervous system depression and respiratory failure, the prognosis is good. (1) Following recent ingestion, acetone should be removed by emesis ('if not performed by ~,~¢ue personnel) and/or gastric hvage. (2) Mechanically assisted ventilation ma). be necessary.. (3) Lq severe cases, an initial period of hypoglycemia may require correction by intravenous solution$ of dextrose. (4) In some cases, transient hyperglycemia-resembling diabetes-has occurred during the recovery, phase and lasted for a few days. Treatment with insulin max- be beneficial but should be used cautiously as ~he condition tends to resolve over a pe,~od of a few days. B. E?'e exposures usually do not require any speci/!c treatment if tiquid acetone is promptly washed out of eyes. [f exposure was pro!onged,, some initial corneal damage may be pre$ent. It/s advis able for these individuals.to be seen by an Ophthalmologist. 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES FL.4~SH POINT: 1.4°F (-17°C') FLASH POINT METHOD: Tag dosed cup AUTOIGNITION ~ 869'F (495°C) UPPliR PL~Mll I/M1T (volume. % in air),. 12.8 LOgit FLAME I~llT Cvolume % in air):, 2.5 FL.-XMI! PROPAGATION RA3~ (solids):. Not applicable to llquid~.. OSHA. I:~_AMM. ABIIATY' CI.A..~: Flammable liquid. EXTINGUISHING M~DIA~ Small fire: U~ carbon dioxide or d_~ chemical. Large fire: Use polar solvent (alcohol) type foant The typical fireflghdng foams that a~ suitable for Sa~oline or hydrocarbon fires will break and will not extinguish acetone fires. Water spray will reduce the intensity Acetone/water solutions have Hash points when the acetone concentration is greater than 8% O:)Y' weight). The fire point, which is the percent by weight when a ~olution !mstairm a flame, is hil/her than that. MSDS Number FRFI-0003 Page 2 Current Issue Date July, 1997 L ~lliedSignai Material 5afe~. Data Sheet ACETONE UNUSU.~L ~ AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: Acetone is extremely -flammable and its vapors form explosive rnlxv,~c~ with air. Dangerou~ when exposed cc hear. sparks, Ikanc or oxidant. SPI~CIAL FIRE FIGHTING PRECAIfrIONSflNSTRUCTION$: Handle as a very flan-unablc liquid. Use wamr spray to kccp firc-~vposed tankz o_nd containers cool. Do not mater the ftre area without proper personal protective equipment including serf-contained breathing apparatus. 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES IN CASE OF SPILL OR OTHER R~vr.FASE: (Always wear recommended personal protective equipment:) Eliminate ail sources of isrtition in thc vicinity of spill or released vapors. Isolate the spill area. Permit only trained personnel wearing full per~nal protective equipment to enter thc spill area. Terminate thc leak imme- diately, If possible. Collect the spill in a waste container for disposal. Flush the spill area thoroughly with water; wash contaminated equipment thoroughly with water. Flushings and wash water must be contained, and pre- vented from entering a waterway. Spills of acetone should be reported to Fcderal, State and Local Environmental Agencies, including thc National Response Center (800424-8802).. Spills and releases may have to be 'reported to Federal and/or local authorities. See Section 15 regarding 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE NORMAL HANDLING: 6~lways wear recommended personal protective equipment.) Dangerl Extremely flammable. Keep away from heat, sparks and flame. FA¢ctrically ground all handling equil> meat. Keep container do~d. Do not usc air pre,ute to unload acetone from container. Use adequate ventila- tion (see Section 8 on Respiratory. Protection). Observe OSHA regulatiot~ on exposure limits. Avoid prolonged or frcquentl?'- repeated breathing Of vapors. Avoid prolonged or repeated contac~ with skirl. Wear safer3.' glasses with cup-tTpe shields or chemical goggie~, face shield, natural rubber or neoprene gloves, hard hat and safety, shoes in normal handling operations. Whenever handling opm'ations are such that unavoidable gross contact with the liquid is likel}; the handler should wear ~ protective equipment and clothing comprising chemicaJ goggles, face shield, hard hat, and nat- ural rubber or neoprene jacket, trousers, gloves and shoes or boots. Wash contaminated clothing. Follow manu- facturer's recommendation on decontaminating and reusing protection equipment and clothing. STORAGE REC OMMIEWDATION!~. Protect container al~dnst physical damage. Store in accordance with OSHA Regulation 29 CI=R 1910.106 in a cool, weE-ventilated location equipped with autof, aatlc sprinklers or fire extinguishing system. Keep away from sources of ignition and oxidt~trig matextals. ~F. mpty containers, unless thoroughly clemled, must be assumed to have the same b~rds as full one~' 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION ENGIlWe. Elt~G coNTRoLS: Good ventilation is esse.~r.L~ ~ ~ where acetonc is handled m prevent the accumuiatinn of explosive mix: tures. Explosion-proof Dns should be used in mechanical .type ventilation system& Under rmrmal condi- tions, thc atmospheric concentration of acetone vapor must be kept Iow enough to prevent irritation of the mucous membranes and discomfort to the wooers. Under abnormal conditions, such as leaks or spills, sp~ cial emergency equipment may be necec~ry. (Always'wear reeorm'nended personal protective eu_uipment.~ MSDS Number FRFI-0003 Current Issue Date July', 1997 Page3 c ~ ~ .~ z c ,~ L s ACETONE ~;]~50N~L PRO'~E~ EOtJ-~i~r SKIN PROTECTION: HANDS,A1LMS AND BODY: Natural rubber or neoprene gloves. Safety shoes arid hard hat. EYE PROTECTION: EYES AND FACE: Liquid colxtact likely:. Wear safet~ glasses with cup-type $i~ shields or chemical, goggles and face shield. Vapor contact likely:. We~r personal p~otective equipment cle$cribed under Respiratory Protection. Contact lenses should not b~ worn where working with this ¢hem/caL RESPIRATORY PROTI!CTION: ' No respiratory protection required for concentrations <750 ppm~ 750 to <1,000 ppm: NIOSH half face approved chemical cartridge respirator with organic ~apor cartridges. 1,000 to <12,500 ppm: NIOSH approved full face cartridge respirator with or~eani¢ vapor cani$ter. 12,500 ppm and above: NIOSH approved full face supplied air respirator operated ill pressure dellland or other positi~ pre~ur~ mode, F.$cape: I¢IO$H approved air ptu-if3~. ' g full face respirator with organic vapor c-~ni~ter or a. ny escape type self<on- rained breathing apparatus. ADDITIONAL RECO~ATIONS: OTHER CLOTHINGAND EQUIPMF~NT: Natural rubber or neoprene jacket, trousers and shoes or boo~s. Emergency. showers, emergency, eye wash fountains and tire blankets. Warning $ig~s. Rubber carrier for glass containers. ~EXPOSURE IA"gGI~DmNT NAME ACGI~ TLr OSHA PEL OTHER LhMIT Acetone 750 ppm TWA 1000 ppm TW'A None 1000 ppm STEL No STEL * -- Limit established byAlliedSiEml *' = Workplace Environmental Exposure Level {AIHA). '~ = Biological Exposure Index (ACGII-I). O~ EXPO61.JI~ LIMI'I'$ FOR tK)TENI~L DECOMIaOS1TION i~RODUCI~ None. 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES APPFARANCE: PHYSICAL ~ MOLI~CUIAR WEI~IT: ~CAL FORMIJIA: ODOR: SF~CIFIC GRAvlirY (water = 1.0):. SOL~ IN WATER (weight %}. pH: Colorless liquid. Liquid. 58.08 CH3COCH3 Swe~t, pungent odor. 0.79 ~ 20/4'C Complete. Approx. 7 (i.e., 1 vol. a~er. one in 1 vol water) MSDS Number . FRFI-0003 Current Issue Date J'uly, 1997 iliedSignal BOU~ING POINT: VAPOR PRESSURE; VAPOR D~Ze$ITY (air -- 1.0): EVAPOR~'IION ~ % VO~: FLASH ¥OINT: Materfat Safety Data S/~eet ACETONE 56.2'C -95.35'C 18l mm Hg @ 20°C 2.0 >7.0 ~OMPARY~ TO: Butyl acetate: 1 ~prox. 100~ ~y volume at 1.40F (~ash poin; mcrttod and additional flammability ct~ :u-e found In S~cdon 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY NOllMM.L¥ STABLF.2 (CONDITIONS TO AVOID): Normally stable. Keep away from heat, sparks and flame. INCOMPATIB~: Avoid strong oxidizing ag,rats, HAZARDOUS DECOMIND$1TION PRODUCTS: Complete combustion ce. suits in the formatloa of carbo~ dioxide and water vapor, lacompiete combustion can yield carbcm monoxide. ltAZARDOUS POL~ON~ Haza.Mou$ polymerization will not occur. 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION ll~MEDIA.TE (ACtYr~) EFFECTS: Oral (mouse) LDso = ~,0~ m~kg O~ CmO ~50 = 5,~ m~kg Or~ (mbDiO ~0 = 5,340 m~ Eye ~ = 5~ ~pm S~ (~bit) 5~ m~24 ~ ~on ~. DIUAYF_.D (SUBC~RONIC A~D Cti1~O~) No data a~'ailable. Acetone is ~ot known to produce chronic or cumulative .systemic effects. OTI-II~ DA2A: BIOLOGICALACTION ~ 270 mg/L in urinc at cud of work shift = c, ccc~$ivc exposure w acetone.. 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION DEGRADABKH'Y: ~.) Biochemical Ox'Tg~ Dem~,~d (BOD~ Lb./Lb,; acclimated ~): 0.31 - 1.63. b) Chemical Oxyg¢m Demand (COD Lb./Lb.): 1.12 - 2.07. OCTAZIOtJWATER PARTITION COEFFI~: 0.58. MSDS Number FRFI~3 Current Issue Date July, 1997 Page 5 ~' ' iliedSignai 3taterial Safety Data Street ACETONE 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS RCR~ Is the unused product an RCRA hazardous waste if discarded? Yes If yes, the RCRA ID number is: 0002 and D001 OTHTaR DISPOSAL CON$IDI/RATION$~ The waste material should be treated and/or disposed of, at a sltc authorized to handle hazardous chemical va~ste. Appropriate Federal, State and Local RegulatotyAuthorities should be contacted befor~ discharge, treatment or disposal of waste material The information off~t-~l her~ is for the product as shipped. Use and/or akemt[orm ro the product ~uch as mLxing with other matermls may significantly change the characteristics of the m~terial and alter ~e RCRA classification and the proper disposalmethod. TRANSPORT INFORMATION Class 3 - Flammable IAquid, AppendL, tA C17'2.101~ Aq~tone. ~. UN 1090, PG II. fRO 5000) US DOT HAZARD CLASS:. US DOT ID NUb~Im: PROPER $Eil:?ING DESCRIFrlON: For additional information on shipping regulations affecting this rrmted~, contact ~e information n~ found in'Section 1. 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION TO.-~IC SUBST.~uNCES CONTROL ACT (TSCA) TSCA INVENTORY STATUS: ' O'I'I-~R TSCA I88UE8: ACe~;0x3e is Hsted on the TSCA inventory, Subjec~ ro export notification. SARA TITLE ffl/CERCLA "Reportable Quantities' (RQ$) and/or 'Threshold Plalanlng Quantities' (TPQs) exist for the following ing~dients. Acetotle 5000 None SpilLs or releases resullin~ in the ~ of any ingredient at or above its RQ requires immediate notification to the Natiomal l~sponse Cedar. [(800) 424-8802] and to your Local Emerge~ plaon!ng Commttuee. SV-CTION 311 r4A?ARD CLASS: Immefliaze=Yes Delayed=No Fire=Yes Pressure-No Reactive=No SARA 313 TOXIC cTm~-MXCAL5: . The following ingredients are SARA 313 "Toxic Chemicals". CAS numbers and weight percents are found in Section 2. INGREDI2ENT NAM1/ 'No ingredients listed M this section.' MsDS Number. FRFI-0003 Page 6 Current Issue Date July, 1997 ~c. · ~, c & ~ ~ ACETONE · TATE RIGI~.TO- IQX[OXV In addition to the ingrectients fotmd ~ Section 2, thc following ate li~ted for state rigl-tt.to-kaow purposes. INGREDIENT NAMIi WEIGHT % COMaMENT 'No ingr~qltenm ~toa in tht$ section.* ADDITIONAL REGUI.~TORY ~,~FORMA~ON: Acetone ~ subje~ to the ~ Diversio~ &T~gA~ of 1988 ~d subject to ce~ record keep~g and ~o~g ~enu. ~1 ~ 1310 ~d 1313). Acetone ~ aot Ace~ne ~ not on wrlM/S CZA.~n~/cATION (CANADA):. cl:g B, Div~ion 2 ' This product has been cla.s$ificd ia accordance with the hazardo~ criteria of the CPR and the MSD$ contains all thc information required by the CPR 1~ORFAGN II~OHY Camadian DSL (Dom~:ic Substances List) I~q/CS ¢i~ropean In~atory of F,x~t/~ Commercial Chemical Substances) Ausr. galt~n Japanese Invmtorr .16. OTHER INFORMATION CURRF-~ ISSUIi DATE: PREVIOUS ISSU-E DATE: May, 1997 February;, 1997 CHANGI!5 TO MSDS FROM PIL~x'NIOUS ~ DATE ~ DUE TO TI~ FOLLOXlrL-NG: Chrmge made M H~g md Storage (~cfion ~. Up~t~ ~pos~ Con~raon~ ~te~n (~on UpdatedT~flo~ ~o~on (Scion 14) Up.ted R~to~ ~fion O~ 15) ~ INI~ORMATION: NFI~A ltAZARD RATINGI: I-~0 CH-l:-IO ~ HAZARD RATINGS: 14-0 CH4tP0" MSDS Number FRFI-0003 Current I.mue Date July, 1997 Rei~-h~_old, Inc. P.O. ~x /3582 Research Triangle ParK, MATERIAL SAFETY DATA S~KET Info--riCh Telephone No. (800) 275-6353 NC 27709 AL~ CHEMICAL ~GENCTES 1-800-424-9300 Effective'Date: '08-11-98 , ~a~e !SECTION 'I - PRC~UOT IDENTIFICATION Number: S0022245 Tra~e Name: POLYLIT~(R) 32145-22 P~C C~s= ~at~at~ Pol~s~er C.A.S. ~: ~ ~t~ ~ = 2' Fire = 3 ~tivi~ - I /ngr~ents CAS # Content Limits Polyaster resin Progrietaz~ 69.0 % N~ne assi~d Btyr~n~ Nonc~sr 100-42~5 31.0 % $0.0 ~ S~CTICHq III, P~fSIC~LDATA Boil/n~ Point: 295 Deg. F. Va~or Density: Heavier e~,, Air. Volatile %: 31 by weight. Specific Gra~: 1.14 Eras. Rate: Slower ~h~ n-Butyl Acetate. Appearance: Light blue liquid. ~e~t odor. S~CTION IV - FIRE A~D EXPLO~IC~ HAZARD DATA Fl~"~ability Class: lC Flash Point: 89.. De~. F. n~. : 1..1 -~~HING MEDIA: Class B ext/x~shincj acjen=. -SPECIAL FIRE~"II~ ,PE'OC~.ES: Fir?fi~h~ers an~ other~ exposed to vapors or products of com~tionshoul4wearaelf-containe~breathin~m~arat~s. m~uip~_.~t should~e ~oro%~hlydecontaminated after use. -~~ FIRE At elevatedt~mp~ratures, such as'ina ~ire, polymerization may take ~lace. If polymerisation takes place in a closed container, ~b~re is thepo~sibilityofviolentrup~ureof the cont~{ner. Product vapors may roman ex~losivemlxture SECTION V-~EAL~HAZA~DDATA -PK~MISSLBLE EXPOSURE LEVEL: T~re is no OS~A ~EL or ACGIH TLV .established for the polyester OSHA P~L and ~ TLV ~or styreue are bot~ 50 D~a for an 8-hour (~0==.) 1~ Number= 80022245 ~£~ec~ve D=~e= 08-1Z-98 SECT~ V - HEALTH HAZARD DATA Page -PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE ~: (co=t.) Time We£ghte~ Average (TWA). The OSHA and AC~IH ~rt Term Exposure Level (STEL) are 100 ppm ,for a 1S-minute period. Expoevre to s~T'~ ma~ exceed the STEL during a ~pez'iod (no ceil~'~g ~oz: bz"~ef exposures), boweve~ the average -EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURe: SKIN= Prolonged 'or Erequent cc=t~Ct may cause defatt~_.ff a~ dryness cE the skin with resultan= irritation and possible ~_e~vmatitis. Styrene may be absorbed through the sk/n in toxic EYES: May cause Irr£tatlon. Liquid splashes may result i~ serious injuries. May cause lachr~ti~n (tears). INB~LATI~: V~pors may cause mucous membrane irritatio~ u~per respiratory tract disoc~for.~,. High c~ncentrati~n~ may result in headache, nausea, insen~ibili~y a~d oLher central nervous syst~n effects. Repeated exposure to high c~ncentrations may cause liver a~ ki~xe~ INGESTIC~: May cause gaetrointest~-al disturbances, pain d/sc~.m...~0rt. -FIRST AID: SKIN: Wash with soap and water. EXES: Flush w~th COpiOUS a~0~' of water Eot 1~ minutes. :I~TION= ~ victim fr~n exposure. If victim is un- conscious, administer artificial, respiration ancl/or cu~2~jen as needed. Seek medical aid. INGESTION: DO NOT iNDUCE VC~ITI~. (aspiration hazard). Seek ialme~ate med/cal aid. -~ ROUTE(S) OF ,ENTRY~ Inhalation and Skin Abso~l~tion. -TO~I~CAL INFORMATION: The International Agency for Rssear0h o~ Cancer (IARC) has classified st~. as possibly carcinogenic to Mm~nS, (class 2B). The IARC 2B classification is not based on sign~£can= new evidence ~ha~ s.~rene might be a aa=cinogen, bu~ ~n a revised IARC class£ficatx~n sc~m~m~e and new ~ata on styrene o~ide. LD$0 (ORAL/RAT) S ~/KG; LDS0 (DRML/RABBIT) 2820 M~T~PJ=~L SAFET~ ~ATA Information T~le~hone ~. (800) 275-6353 P.O. ~x 13582 ~ ~~ ~I~ Rese=~ ~i~le P~k, ~ 27709 1-800-424-9300 ~DS Number: 80022245 Ef£ective Date: 08-11-198 Page 3 ; SECTION VI - ]~'~I%~TY DATA STABILITY: [ ] Unstable ~ Stable ~ POLYME~/ZATIC~: ~] May occur - ]~"'OI~ATIB'r~,TTY: , Stron~ acld~ ~ ~z~ ~. [ ] Will not occur -ST~PS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS P~.~S~D OR SpT~.~.~n: ~e ~1 SO~ of i~i~i~. V~la~e ~a. ~b ~ill wi~ ~ ~sorb~ ~t~ial ~ as s~t, ve~ite or s~ ~ place ~ a closed ~=~r. If 1~ ~i11, ~e This material coota~ns tb~ £ollow~ng ingredients which, if ~illed or released in quantities equal to or ~reater than Reportable ~uantity (R~), are subject to the repo~cin~ require- Styrene Monc~er ~Q Value = 1000 This materi~l has been teste~ an~ ~ound to have a flaoh below 140 .F. If discarded, this material a~d con~a.~.~ers ~hould Be treated as h~-~rdoue wastes baeed on the characteristic o~ i~nitabili~z as defined unaer the federal RC~A re~ulati~ns (~0 CFR 261). DiSposal of ~s mater~al an~ its c~nta~ner, =equires compliance with applicable l~belix~, packa~, and =ecord keep~ s*_~.-~ts. Extreme care shoul~ he ~aken to ensure ~hat it £,s dlsl~osed o£ only in a £acility permitted ~or disposal o~ hasax~ous was~es. . For further xnfo=m~ti~n, co~tact your state or local soli~ agenc~ or the ~mited States Enviroumental Protectio~ Agency's RCRA bowline (1-.800-&2&-93A6 or 202-382-3000). MATERIAL SAFET~ DATA BHEET Informa~£on Tel~bxme No. (800) 275-6353 Reich~old, ~. P.O. ~ 13582 ~ ~~ ~~CIES ~s~ ~i~le P~k, ~ 27709 1-800-424-9300 MSDS Number~ S0022245 EfEective Date= 08-11-98 S~OTION VIII - SP~ PROTF~3TI~ INFUR~StTION Page -RESPI~ATORT PROTECTIC~: If a TAV or PEL liste~ in sectio~ V o~ this ~ata sheet Local ven~ilatio~ may be require4. :~lu_-'ing certain to keep exposure lewels below ~h~ "TLV liste~ in Section o£ ~-~e ~ata s~eet. Wear al~rOpriate impervious ~1o~ to prevent sk-~-n contact. Wear face shield or chemical gc~g .~ee. Wear ~=oteotiv~ ,clothin~ to prev~t skin contact. By~ wash static~ ~ saEety sl~w~ s~ul~ ~e available. , SECTION IX - SI~CIAL PR~JiUTIONS -PRECAUTIONS TOBETAK~iN~ANDLIN~ AND STORIN~: &woid stooge a~ove 100 D~. F. Avoid p~l~-~ or re~eat~ skizi c~ntac~. Avo~ 4,h~] atlo~ o£ ~ated vaI~rs or ~raymists. Avoi~ im~r~ ~R~tion of prc~=~r ~ur Cat~yst. A and oat~t ~ed with this p~,t should always be mixed s~arat~y wi~ ~e p~u=ta~m~st never SP£TION X - ~AL INF0~MATI0~ - ~EG~TOR~ INFORM~TI(H~: SCA~MD Rule 1162 ms~lis~ ~fic p~cess, c~l, ~us~~, ~ ~co~e~ ~~s ~or ~~ ~ ~lyes~er res~ ~terials. I~ i~ ~ r~~ili~ of ~ f~ricator to ~ c~li=e wi~ ~se r~ts. ~: ~S p~ ~~ a ~c~(s) ~ ~0 ~ State Of Califo~a t~ c~e o~. S~a ~de (~9 96-09-3). ~s ~teri~ ~ ~ oa=~ze~ as ~v~ ~ foll~!n~ ~(s) as ~ef~ ~ ~ Ti~ III r~ati~s (~0 ~ 370): a~e, ~o~=, f~e, ~ti~. ~ Number; ~0022245 EffectiveDate= 08-11-98 SECTION X - SUPPlemENTAL INFORMATION Page -SARA SECTION 3Z3 LISTED ZN~REDIENTS: ~~ ~~ts o~ Secti~'..31~ o~ ~ ~ 40 ~ 372 [s~ Sec~i~ II for p~:age of !n~e~= (s)] ~ St~ ~ (~oo-42-s) PP~PARED BY: Product Safety & C~m~liance D~l~ar~t Re~.earch Triangle Pa~k, North Carolina 27709 (9~9) 990-7500 Th~$ ~n~0~tion is provided ~n good fa/~h and is ~ec~ ~ t~m ~ of ~ ~ ~ir ~ ~~~ion as ~ ~ s~t~ility o~ ~ p~t ~ ~ir ~se prior ~ ~e. Reic~ld ~scla~ ~~~ili~ to d~s of P~D~ IT DESk,S. S. OSS OF MERCHANTABT~,TTy OR FITNESS FOR A PA~TICUIAR PURPOSE ~ .~SPECT TO THIS INFOP~ATION OR TO THE PR~D~' IT DESCRIBES. eof; however, Re'~chhold-~_kes no r~=es~tati~ as ~ its,c~le~s ~c~. ~~s ~ ~o~ag~ to ~ ~r ~ ~t~ti~ as to ~ ~t~li~ of this p~t for ~r ~se prior ~ ~e. ~i~1~ ~scl~ re~~ility to ~s of ~ k~ ~t~ ~ ~e use o~ ~h~'~fo~i~. ~ ~ ~ ~~ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INSI~TION Business ~l~Bakersfield Fire Dept. OI$~II~CEOF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Date Completed ~ - 7- g) 0 Location: 2_qO? L-- $'T'-- Business Identification No. 2!5-000 '7 7 ( (Top of Business Plan) Station No. L.( Shift ~ Inspector Arrival Time: 0 q '~ ~ Departure Time: 0 ~ '~ .,,,cInspection Time: OO/,_,c Address Visable Correct Occupancy Verification of Inventory Materials Verification of Quantities Vedflcation of Location Proper Segregation of Matedal Adequate Inadequate [] O [] Comments: Verification of MSDS Availablity Number of Employees: Verification of Haz Mat Training [] Comments: Verification of Abbatement Supplies and Procedures Comments: Emergency Procedures Posted Containers Properly Labled Comments: Adequate Inadequate [] O [] [] Verification of Facility Diagram r'l [] Housekeeping [] [] Fire Protection [] O Electrical [] [] Comments: UST Monitoring Program [] [] Comments: Permits~ [] [] Spill Control [] [] Hold Open Device [] [] Hazardous Waste EPA No. Proper Waste Disposal 0 [] Secondary Containment [] [] Secudty [] [] Special Hazards Associated with this Facility: 0 fL ~ =~JGO -FO t)fFFe-,"z¢',,JT- Violations: D,.o cpr-~ = ~J Business Owner/Manager PRINT NAME SIGNATURE VVhite-Haz Mat Div. Yellow-Station Copy All Items O.K [] Correction Needed [] Pink-Business Copy Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE ............... ,,,~,.~****~.,,~,,,,,,, .............. This permit is issued for the following: ~ ~,~:! ~?i ~,~i :i ?:~a''~:~::;;i ili[i i fill iii;;;:::, ii~iiii~:iU~e[ground Storage of Hazardous Materials PERMIT ID# 015-021000771 ~,i ~;i"~i~ i;~, ;i;:iiiii!!ii!i? ...;??i ! )j!~:!!!!!~::: iiiill ,~ii~kli~a. agement Program ~h....."".~ ,r..~, " . .,.,~::~.,.a~a,,~m~.~" ~,,..'~:~ j~.;r ~:~h. ~r..'",.'~~ ~.--'...~ '[ .~'" ~"~m~"-~,~.. , - ~ ~ -_~ ....... , .,,, ~ ...... ~.~- ~-,. ".,. Issued by: Bakersfield Fire Department OFFICE OF £NVIR ONMENTAL SER VICES 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 95301 Voice (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326.0576 Approved by: Expiration Date: June 30, 2000 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AIRGAS Manager : ~4~1~r-5 C. Location: 2907 L ST City : BAKERSFIELD BusPhone: Map : 103 Grid: 19C CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION 04 EPA Numb: SIC Code: DunnBrad: / SiteID: 215-000-000771 (805) 327-7509 CommHaz : Moderate FacUnits: 1 AOV: Emergency Contact / Title CAM CUMMINGS / BRANCH MANAGER Business Phone: (805) 327-7509x 24-Hour Phone : (805) 833-3832x Pager Phone : ( , ) 932-5~79z ~ Emergency Contact / Title MIKE BRADLEY / SALES Business Phone: (805) 327-7509x 24-Hour Phone : (805) 396-1819x Pager Phone : ( ) - x Hazmat Hazards: Fire Press ImmHlth DelHlth Agency-Defined Topic Title ~ Hazmat Inventory -- MCP+DailyMax Order ACETYLENE F P IH G PROPANE F IH DH L ETHYLENE F P IH G OXYGEN F P IH G CARBON DIOXIDE F P IH G ARGON F P IH G HELIUM F P IH G NITROGEN F P IH G ARGON/CARBON DIOXIDE F P IH G One Unified List Ail Materials at Site I Unit MCP DailyMax 20000 FT3 Hi 18000 FT3 Hi 1500 LBS Hi 30000 FT3 Low 20000 LBS Min 12000 FT3 Min 10000 FT3 Min 10000 FT3 Min 5000 FT3 Min 1 06/23/1997 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AIRGAS SiteID: 215-000-000771 Inventory Item 0001 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ACETYLENE Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit EAST DOCK CAS# 74-86-2  STATE TYPE Gas Pure PRESSURE TEMPERATURE Above Ambient I Ambient CONTAINER TYPE PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Lrgst Cont.this Loc FT3 DailyMax Stored FT3 AMOUNTS STORED AND IN USE DailyMax this Loc FT3 20000.00 DailyMax Open Use FT3 DailyAvg this Loc FT3 17000.00 DailyMax Closed Use FT3 %Wt. 100.00 Acetylene HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS EHS No CAS# 74862 -2- 06/23/1997 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AIRGAS SiteID: 215-000-000771 ~ Inventory Item 0007 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site PROPANE Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT CAS# 74-98-6 F STATE 1TYPE PRESSURE i TEMPERATURE Liquid Pure Ambient Ambient CONTAINER TYPE PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Lrgst Cont.this Loc FT3 DailyMax Stored FT3 AMOUNTS STORED AND IN USE DailyMax this Loc FT3 18000.00 DailyMax Open Use FT3 DailyAvg this Loc FT3 10800.00 DailyMax Closed Use FT3 %Wt. 100.00 Propane HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS EHS No CAS# 74986 -3- 06/23/1997 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AIRGAS Inventory Item 0010 -- COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ETHYLENE Location within this Facility Unit SiteID: 215-000-000771 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site Days On Site 365 CAS# 74-85-1  STATE [ TYPE Gas Pure PRESSURE TEMPERATURE ! Above Ambient I Ambient CONTAINER TYPE PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Lrgst Cont.this Loc LBS AMOUNTS STORED AND IN USE DailyMax this Loc LBS 1500.00 DailyAvg this Loc LBS 1500.00 DailyMax Stored LBS DailyMax Open Use LBS DailyMax Closed Use LBS %Wt. 100.00 Ethylene HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS EHS CAS# No 74851 -4- 06/23/1997 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AIRGAS ~ Inventory Item 0002 -- COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME OXYGEN Location within this Facility Unit EAST DOCK SiteID: 215-000-000771 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site Days On Site 365 CAS# 7782-44-7 rSTATE -- TYPE Gas Pure PRESSURE TEMPERATURE I Above Ambient I Ambient CONTAINER TYPE PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Lrgst Cont.this Loc FT3 DailyMax Stored FT3 AMOUNTS STORED AND IN USE DailyMax this Loc FT3 30000.00 DailyMax Open Use FT3 DailyAvg this Loc FT3 27500.00 DailyMax Closed Use FT3 %Wt. 100.00 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS Oxygen, Compressed EHS CAS# No 7782447 5 06/23/1997 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AIRGAS ~ Inventory Item 0005 -- COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME CARBON DIOXIDE Location within this Facility unit Nw CORNER OF PROPERTY SiteID: 215-000-000771 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site Days On Site 365 CAS# 124-38-9 r STATE I TYPE Gas Pure PRESSURE , TEMPERATURE Ambient I Cryogenic Above CONTAINER TYPE INSUL.TANK / CRYOGENIC Lrgst Cont.this Loc LBS DailyMax Stored LBS AMOUNTS STORED AND IN USE DailyMax this Loc LBS 20000.00 DailyMax Open Use LBS DailyAvg this Loc LBS 10000.00 DailyMax Closed Use LBS %Wt. I 100.00 Carbon Dioxide HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS 124389 -6- 06/23/1997 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AIRGAS ~ Inventory Item 0003 -- COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME ARGON Location within this Facility Unit EAST DOCK SiteID: 215-000-000771 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site Days On Site 365 CAS# 7440-37-1 STATE -- TYPE Gas Pure PRESSURE TEMPERATURE I Above Ambient I Ambient CONTAINER TYPE PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Lrgst Cont.this Loc FT3 DailyMax Stored FT3 AMOUNTS STORED AND IN USE DailyMax this Loc FT3 12000.00 DailyMax Open Use FT3 DailyAvg this Loc FT3 10000.00 DailyMax Closed Use FT3 %Wt. 100.00 Argon HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS EHS CAS# No 7440371 -7- 06/23/1997 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AIRGAS ~ Inventory Item 0004 -- COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME HELIUM Location within this Facility Unit EAST DOCK SiteID: 215-000-000771 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site Days On Site 365 CAS# 7440-59-7 r STATE TYPE Gas Pure PRESSURE , TEMPERATURE Above Ambient I Ambient CONTAINER TYPE I PORT' PRESS' CYLINDER Lrgst Cont.this Loc FT3 AMOUNTS STORED AND IN USE DailyMax this Loc FT3 10000.00 DailyAvg this Loc FT3 9000.00 DailyMax Stored FT3 DailyMax Open Use FT3 DailyMax Closed Use FT3 %Wt. 100.00 Helium HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS EHS CAS#  7440597 8 06/23/1997 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AIRGAS SiteID: 215-000-000771 ~ Inventory Item 0006 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ~u~u~ mann / uU~lU~ ~ NITROGEN Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit EAST DOCK CAS# 7727-37-9 F STATE ] TYPE Gas Pure PRESSURE TEMPERATURE I Above Ambient I Ambient I CONTAINER TYPE PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Lrgst Cont.this Loc FT3 DailyMax Stored FT3 AMOUNTS STORED AND IN USE DailyMax this Loc FT3 10000.00 DailyMax Open Use FT3 DailyAvg this Loc FT3 9000.00 DailyMax Closed Use FT3 I%Wt. I 100.00 Nitrogen HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS EHS CAS# No 7727379 -9- 06/23/1997 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AIRGAS SiteID: 215-000-000771 ~ Inventory Item 0009 Facility Unit: Fixed Containers on Site ARGON/CARBON DIOXIDE Days On Site 365 Location within this Facility Unit EAST DOCK CAS# 7440-37-1 FSTATE TYPE Gas [ Mixture PRESSURE TEMPERATURE Above Ambient I Ambient CONTAINER TYPE PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Lrgst Cont.this Loc FT3 AMOUNTS STORED AND IN USE DailyMax this Loc FT3 5000.00 DailyAvg this Loc FT3 4500.00 DailyMax Stored FT3 DailyMax Open Use FT3 DailyMax Closed Use FT3 %Wt. EHS CAS# 75.00iArgon No 7440371 25.00!Carbon Dioxide No 124389 -10- 06/23/1997 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AIRGAS SiteID: 215-000-000771 Fast Format Notif./Evacuation/Medical Agency Notification CALL 911 Overall Site 03/22/1990 -- Employee Notif./Evacuation 03/22/1990 WE WOULD CONTACT LOCAL AUTHORITIES, CLEAR ALL PERSONS FROM OUR FACILITY AND START NOTIFYING THE OTHER BUSINESSES IN THE AREA OF THE PRESENT DANGER. INTERCOM AND LOUD SPEAKERS ON CYLINDER DOCK AND IN WAREHOUSE, ALL EMPLOYEES ARE INSTRUCTED TO GO TO SOUTH END OF LOT TO SIDEWALK OF GOLDEN STATE HWY OFF Public Notif./Evacuation CALL 911 03/22/1990 Emergency Medical Plan EMERGENCY ROOM AT SAN JOAQUIN COMMUNITY HOSPITAL 2615 EYE ST (805) 327-1711 FIRST AID KIT LOCATED IN MAIN WHAREHOUSE CENTRAL LOCATION OR CALL 911 03/22/1990 -11- 06/23/1997 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AIRGAS SiteID: 215-000-000771 Fast Format Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt Release Prevention Overall Site 03/22/1990 DUE TO THE NATURE OF OUR BUSINESS, OUR ONLY CONCERN WOULD BE THE RELEASE OF OUR COMPRESSED GASES. TO PREVENT THIS WE KEEP CAPS ON ALL CYLINDERS AND HANDLE WITH EXTREME CARE. IN THE EVENT OF A RELEASE WE NOTIFY THE FIRE DEPT BUT, SINCE THERE IS NO WAY TO CLEAN UP GAS IT WOULD JUST DISIPATE INTO THE ATMOSPHERE. ALL FULL CYLINDERS HAVE SAFETY CAPS IN PLACE AND CHAINED TO MINIMIZE CHANCES OF FALLING OVER. -- Release Containment FIRE WALL ON CYLINDER DOCK FOR FLAMMABLE GAS, FULL AND EMPTIES 03/22/1990 -- Clean Up 03/22/1990 IF FLAMMABLE ACETYLENE OR PROPANE CYLINDER HAS DEVELOPED A LEAK, CYLINDER IS MOVED TO A SAFE LOCATION AND ALLOWED TO EMPTY, ALL OTHER CYLINDER GASSES ARE NONFLAMMABLE CONDENCED TO ATMOSPHERIC OR MINED GASES THAT CAN DISPLACE AIR IN A CONFINED AREA BUT NOT HARMFULL OTHERWISE. Other Resource Activation -12- 06/23/1997 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AIRGAS SiteID: 215-000-000771 Fast Format Site Emergency Factors Special Hazards Overall Site -- Utility Shut-Offs 03/22/1990 A) GAS - SOUTH END OF MAIN WHAREHOUSE IN DRIVEWAY, WEST SIDE OF BUILDING #2 IN ALLEY B) ELECTRICAL - MAIN BREAKER NORTHWEST CORNER OF WAREHOUSE C) WATER - IN ALLEY WEST SIDE OF BUILDING #2 D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO Fire Protec./Avail. Water 03/22/1990 PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - FIRE EXTINGUISHERS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS FIRE HYDRANT - NORTH END OF ALLEY WEST SIDE 30TH ST Building Occupancy Level -13- 06/23/1997 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AIRGAS SiteID: 215-000-000771 Fast Format Training -- Employee Training WE HAVE 15 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING: WE HAVE SAFETY AND PRODUCT TRAINING MEETINGS EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING, WE ALSO HAVE AT LEAST 1 OR MORE REPRESENTATIVE FROM FLINTCO ATTEND OTHER RELATED MEETINGS AND SEMINARS PUT ON BY OTHER AGENCIES. Overall Site 03/22/1990 -- Page 2 Held for Future Use Held for Future Use -14- 06/23/1997 09/12/96 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AIRGAS 215-000-000771 Overall Site with 1 Fac. Unit General Information Page Location: 2907 L ST Map:103 Haz~3 Type~ 3 City : BAKERSFIELD ~ . _ Grid: 19C F/U. 1 AOV. _ C~n~act Name~ Tztle :P ,~C~L'/[~t' Name 7 Title ~:: .... ~'~" / ................ ,~- II~ /~~~5 I Bus~ness ~hone: (805) 327-7509x _ II Bus~ess ~hone: (805) 327-7509x I 24-Hou~ ~hone : (805) ~-~~11 =~-.o~ ~hone : (805)~~ ~age~ ~hone : ( ) - x~l/ ~et ~ne : ( ) - x I uministrative Data Mail Addrs: 2907 L ST D&B Number: City: BAKERSFIELD State: CA Zip: 93301- Co~ Code: 215-004 BAKERSFIELD STATION 04 SIC Code: Owner: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AIRGAS Address: 4007 PARAMOUNT BLVD. 100 City: LAKEWOOD Phone: ( ) - State: CA Zip: 90712-4138 Summary ('i'~:~e Or i~int name) reviewed the attached hazardous mmerials nm. ,~.,';a- merit plan for ~:' ~,~a ~/:p_r=/~ and that it any corrections constitute a e~mplete and correct man- agement plan for my facility. 09/12/96 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AIRGAS 215-000-000771 Page 2 Hazmat Inventory List in MCP Order 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Name/Hazards Form Max Qty Pln-Ref MCP 02-001 ACETYLENE Gas 20000 High · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth / FT3 / ~ · ~e, ~ 02-007 PROPANE Liquid 18000 High · Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth FT3 02-010 ETHYLENE · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth Gas 1500 High LBS 02-002 OXYGEN · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth Gas 30000 Low FT3 02-003 ARGON · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth Gas 12000 FT3 Minimal 02-009 ARGON/CARBON DIOXIDE · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth Gas 5000 Minimal FT3 02-005 CARBON DIOXIDE · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth Gas 20000 Minimal LBS 02-004 HELIUM · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth Gas 10000 Minimal FT3 02-006 NITROGEN · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth Gas 10000 FT3 Minimal 09/12/96 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AIRGAS 215-000-000771 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order Page 3 02-001 ACETYLENE · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth Gas 20000 High FT3 CAS #: 74-86-2 Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: WELDING SOLDERING Daily Max FT3 20,000 Daily Average FT3 17,000.00 Annual Amount FT3 204,000.00 Storage PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Press T Temp IAbove IAmbientlEAST DOCK Location -- Conc 100.0% IAcetylene Components MCP ---~uide IHigh ! 17 0~-008 MAPP J Gas 2879 High ~Fi re______~_, Press u r e__, I mme__d H1 t__h __ FT__3 __ C~ Trade Secret: No ~ Form: G_a~~e: Pure Days: 3~DING SO_LDERING -- Daily Max FT3'~i Daily A~ge FT3 ---[---- Annual Amount FT3 ... 2,879 ~ 1,400.00 I 34,554.00 ~ St°rage/~'- I Press TTe~ ~Location- .... PO_R~LINDER .Above . ~A~~CK M~o __ --~ I Components ~ I MCP ---~uide J 100.0% .Acetylene ~h / 17 02-007 PROPANE · Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth Liquid 18000 High FT3 CAS #: 74-98-6 Form: Liquid Type: Pure Daily Max FT3 18,000 I Trade Secret: No Days: 365 Use: WELDING SOLDERING Daily Average FT3 ! Annual Amount FT3 10,800.00 I 129,600.00 Storage Press T Temp Location PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER IAmbientlAmbientlSOUTHEaST CORNER OF LOT -- Conc 100.0% IPropane Components MCP ---~uide IExtreme I 22 09/12/96 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AIRGAS 215-000-000771 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order Page 4 02-010 ETHYLENE · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth Gas 1500 High LBS CAS #: 74-85-1 Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: Daily Max LBS 1,500 Daily Average LBS 1,500.00 Annual Amount LBS 1,500.00 Storage Press T Temp PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Above JAmbientI Location -- Conc 100.0% IEthylene Components MCP ---~uide IHigh ! 22 02-002 OXYGEN · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth Gas 30000 Low FT3 CAS #: 7782-44-7 Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: WELDING SOLDERING Daily Max FT3 30,000 Daily Average FT3 27,500.00 Annual Amount FT3 330,000.00 Storage Press T Temp PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Above JAmbientlEAST DOCK Location -- Conc 100.0% IOxygen, Compressed Components MCP ---TGuide ILow ! 14 02-003 ARGON · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth Gas 12000 Minimal FT3 CAS #: 7440-37-1 Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: WELDING SOLDERING Daily Max FT3 12,000 Daily Average FT3 10,000.00 Annual Amount FT3 120,000.00 Storage PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Press T Temp IAbove IAmbiontlEAST DOCK Location -- Conc 100.0% IArgon Components MCP ---TGuide JMinimal J 12 09/12/96 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AIRGAS 215-000-000771 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order Page 5 02-009 ARGON/CARBON DIOXIDE · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth Gas 5000 Minimal FT3 CAS #: 7440-37-1 Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Mixture Days: 365 Use: WELDING SOLDERING Daily Max FT3 5,000 Daily Average FT3 4,500.00 Annual Amount FT3 54,000.00 Storage PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Press T Temp IAbove /AmbientlEAST DOCK Location -- Conc 75.0% Argon 25.0% Carbon Dioxide Components MCP ---~uide Minimal I 12 Low ! 21 02-005 CARBON DIOXIDE · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth Gas 20000 Minimal LBS CAS #: 124-38-9 Form: Gas Type: Pure Daily Max LBS 20,000 I Trade Secret: No Days: 365 Use: OTHER Daily Average LBS ! Annual Amount LBS 10,000.00 I 120,000.00 Storage Press I Temp Location INSUL.TANK / CRYOGENICIAbove /CryogenlNW CORNER OF PROPERTY -- Conc 100.0% ICarbon Dioxide Components MCP ---~uide ILow ! 21 02-004 HELIUM · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth Gas 10000 Minimal FT3 CAS #: 7440-59-7 Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: OTHER Daily Max FT3 10,000 Daily Average FT3 9,000.00 Annual Amount FT3 108,000.00 Storage PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Press T Temp I Above ~AmbientlEAST DOCK Location -- Conc 100.0% IHelium Components MCP ---~Guide IMinimal I 12 09/12/96 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AIRGAS 215-000-000771 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order Page 02-006 NITROGEN ~ Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth Gas 10000 Minimal FT3 CAS #: 7727-37-9 Form: Gas Type: Pure Daily Max FT3 10,000 I Trade Secret: No Days: 365 Use: OTHER Daily Average FT3 ! Annual Amount FT3 9,000.00I 108,000.00 Location Storage Press T Temp I PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Above I AmbientlEAST DOCK -- Conc Components 100.0% INitrogen MCP ---TGuide ILow ! 12 09/12/96 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AIRGAS 215-000-000771 00 - Overall Site <D> Notif./Evacuation/Medical Page 7 <1> Agency Notification CALL 911 <2> Employee Notif./Evacuation WE WOULD CONTACT LOCAL AUTHORITIES, CLEAR ALL PERSONS FROM OUR FACILITY AND START NOTIFYING THE OTHER BUSINESSES IN THE AREA OF THE PRESENT DANGER. INTERCOM AND LOUD SPEAKERS ON CYLINDER DOCK AND IN WAREHOUSE, ALL EMPLOYEES ARE INSTRUCTED TO GO TO SOUTH END OF LOT TO SIDEWALK OF GOLDEN STATE HWY OFF RAMP. <3> Public Notif./Evacuation CALL 911 <4> Emergency Medical Plan EMERGENCY ROOM AT SAN JOAQUIN COMMUNITY HOSPITAL 2615 EYE ST (805) 327-1711 FIRST AID KIT LOCATED IN MAIN WHAREHOUSE CENTRAL LOCATION OR CALL 911 09/12/96 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AIRGAS 215-000-000771 00 - Overall Site <E> Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt Page 8 <1> Release Prevention DUE TO THE NATURE OF OUR BUSINESS, OUR ONLY CONCERN WOULD BE THE RELEASE OF OUR COMPRESSED GASES. TO PREVENT THIS WE KEEP CAPS ON ALL CYLINDERS AND HANDLE WITH EXTREME CARE. IN THE EVENT OF A RELEASE WE NOTIFY THE FIRE DEPT BUT, SINCE THERE IS NO WAY TO CLEAN UP GAS IT WOULD JUST DISIPATE INTO THE ATMOSPHERE. ALL FULL CYLINDERS HAVE SAFETY CAPS IN PLACE AND CHAINED TO MINIMIZE CHANCES OF FALLING OVER. <2> Release Containment FIRE WALL ON CYLINDER DOCK FOR FLAMMABLE GAS, FULL AND EMPTIES <3> Clean Up IF FLAMMABLE ACETYLENE OR PROPANE CYLINDER HAS DEVELOPED A LEAK, CYLINDER IS MOVED TO A SAFE LOCATION AND ALLOWED TO EMPTY, ALL OTHER CYLINDER GASSES ARE NONFLAMMABLE CONDENCED TO ATMOSPHERIC OR MINED GASES THAT CAN DISPLACE AIR IN A CONFINED AREA BUT NOT HARMFULL OTHERWISE. <4> Other Resource Activation 09/12/96 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AIRGAS 215-000-000771 00 - Overall Site <F> Site Emergency Factors Page <1> Special Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - SOUTH END OF MAIN WHAREHOUSE IN DRIVEWAY, WEST SIDE OF BUILDING #2 IN ALLEY B) ELECTRICAL - MAIN BREAKER NORTHWEST CORNER OF WAREHOUSE C) WATER - IN ALLEY WEST SIDE OF BUILDING #2 D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO <3> Fire Protec./Avail. Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - FIRE EXTINGUISHERS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS FIRE HYDRANT - NORTH END OF ALLEY WEST SIDE 30TH ST <4> Building Occupancy Level 09/12/96 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AIRGAS 215-000-000771 00 - Overall Site <G> Training Page 10 <1> Employee Training WE HAVE 15 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING: WE HAVE SAFETY AND PRODUCT TRAINING MEETINGS EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING, WE ALSO HAVE AT LEAST 1 OR MORE REPRESENTATIVE FROM FLINTCO ATTEND OTHER RELATED MEETINGS AND SEMINARS PUT ON BY OTHER AGENCIES. <2> Page 2 <3> Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use .; 04/24Yg5 ~iNTCO INC 215-000-000771 Overall Site with 1 Fac. Unit General Information Page Location: 2907 L ST Map:103 Haz:3 Type: 3 City : Bakersfield Grid: 19C F/U: 1 AOV: 0.0 Contact Name Title~ Contact Na~ ~ Title Business Phone: (805) 327-7509x /1Business Phone: (805) 327-7509x 24-Hour Phone : (805) 8~--~-~-xE9~4~ 24-Hour Phone : (805) ~9~--4~1x5~ Pager Phone : ( ) - x ' // Pager Phone : ( ) - Administrative Data Mail Addrs: 2907 L ST D&B Number: City: BAKERSFIELD State: CA Zip: 93301- Comm Code: 215-004 BAKERSFIELD STATION 04 SIC Code: Owner: DIANE 2 FLINT ~Do779~ ~)~D~/~ ~Hf~k~Phone: (8~5) 327-7599 Address: 6712 DESi~OND ~ F~Du~~O ~,~/~tate: CA City: BAKERSFIELD ~~,D Zip: Sugary reviewed the a~'t~');~c~.: ~ ..... ~ ...... .......... -.~ mana~ merit Plan for~~~a.~ ~o~~ ,,~ that i~ a~on~ any corrections constitute a complete and ~rre~ a~ement plan for my facility. RECEivED 04/24~95 FLINTCO INC 215-000-000771 Hazmat Inventory List in MCP Order Page 2 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Pln-Ref Name/Hazards Form Max Qty MCP 02-001 ACETYLENE · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth Gas 20000 High FT3 02-008 MAPP · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth Gas 2879 High FT3 02-007 PROPANE · Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth Liquid 18000 High FT3 02-002 OXYGEN · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth Gas 30000 Low FT3 02-003 ARGON · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth Gas 12000 Minimal FT3 02-009 ARGON/CARBON DIOXIDE · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth Gas 5000 Minimal FT3 02-005 CARBON DIOXIDE · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth Gas 20000 Minimal LBS 02-004 HELIUM · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth Gas 10000 Minimal FT3 02-006 NITROGEN · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth Gas 10000 Minimal FT3 04/24Y95 FLINTCO INC 215-000-000771 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order Page 02-001 ACETYLENE · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth Gas 20000 High FT3 CAS #: 74-86-2 Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: WELDING SOLDERING -- Daily Max FT3 20,000 Daily Average FT3 17,000.00 Annual Amount FT3 204,000.00 Storage PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Press T Temp IAbove IAmbientlEAST DOCK Location -- Conc 100.0% IAcetylene Components MCP ---TGuide IHigh ! 17 02-008 MAPP · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth Gas 2879 High FT3 CAS #: Form: Gas Type: Pure Daily Max FT3 2,879 Trade Secret: No Days: 365 Use: WELDING SOLDERING Daily Average FT3 I Annual Amount FT3 I 1,400.00 34,554.00 Location Storage Press T Temp PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Above I AmbientlEAST DOCK -- Conc 100.0% IAcetylene Components MCP ---TGuide IHigh ! 17 02-007 PROPANE · Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth Liquid 18000 High FT3 CAS #: 74-98-6 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: WELDING SOLDERING Daily Max FT3 18,000 Daily Average FT3 10,800.00 Annual Amount FT3 129,600.00 Storage Press T Temp Location PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER IAmbientlAmbientlSOUTHEaST CORNER OF LOT -- Conc 100.0% IPropane Components MCP ---/Guide Extreme I 22 04/24795 FLINTCO INC 215-000-000771 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order Page 4 02-002 OXYGEN · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth Gas 30000 Low FT3 CAS #: 7782-44-7 Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: WELDING SOLDERING Daily Max FT3 30,000 Daily Average FT3 27,500.00 Annual Amount FT3 330,000.00 Storage Press T Temp PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Above ~AmbientlEAST DOCK Location -- Conc 100.0% IOxygen, Compressed Components MCP ---~uide ILow ! 14 02-003 ARGON · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth Gas 12000 Minimal FT3 CAS #: 7440-37-1 Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: WELDING SOLDERING Daily Max FT3 12,000 Daily Average FT3 10,000.00 Annual Amount FT3 120,000.00 Storage PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Press T Temp IAbove ~AmbientlEAsT DOCK Location - Conc 100.0% IArgon Components MCP ---TGuide IMinimal I 12 02-009 ARGON/CARBON DIOXIDE · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth Gas 5000 Minimal FT3 CAS #: 7440-37-1 Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Mixture Days: 365 Use: WELDING SOLDERING Daily Max FT3 5,000 Daily Average FT3 4,500.00 Annual Amount FT3 -- 54,000.00 Storage Press T Temp PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Above ~AmbientlEAST DOCK Location -- Conc 75.0% 25.0% IArgon Carbon Dioxide Components MCP -~Guide IMinimal I 12 Low ! 21 04/24~95 FLINTCO INC 215-000-000771 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order Page 5 02-005 CARBON DIOXIDE · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth Gas 20000 Minimal LBS CAS #: 124-38-9 Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: OTHER Daily Max LBS 20,000 Daily Average LBS 10,000.00 Annual Amount LBS 120,000.00 Storage Press T Temp Location INSUL.TANK / CRYOGENIC Above JCryogenlNW CORNER OF PROPERTY -- Conc 100.0% ICarbon Dioxide Components MCP ---~uide ILow ~ 21 02-004 HELIUM · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth Gas 10000 Minimal FT3 CAS #: 7440-59-7 Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: OTHER Daily Max FT3 10,000 Daily Average FT3 9,000.00 Annual Amount FT3 108,000.00 Storage PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER Press T Temp I Above JAmbient lEAST DOCK Location -- Conc 100.0% IHelium Components MCP -~Guide Minimal I 12 02-006 NITROGEN · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth Gas 10000 Minimal FT3 CAS #: 7727-37-9 Trade Secret: No Form: Gas Type: Pure Daily Max FT3 10,000 I Days: 365 Use: OTHER Daily Average FT3 ] Annual Amount FT3 9,000.00 I 108,000.00 Storage PORT. PRESS. CYLINDER -- Conc 100.0% INitrogen Press T Temp IAbove IAmbientlEAST DOCK Components Location i LowMCP ---~Guide / 12 04/24795 FLINTCO INC 215-000-000771 Page 00 - Overall Site <D> Notif./Evacuation/Medical 6 <1> Agency Notification CALL 911 <2> Employee Notif./Evacuation WE WOULD CONTACT LOCAL AUTHORITIES, CLEAR ALL PERSONS FROM OUR FACILITY AND START NOTIFYING THE OTHER BUSINESSES IN THE AREA OF THE PRESENT DANGER. INTERCOM AND LOUD SPEAKERS ON CYLINDER DOCK AND IN WAREHOUSE, ALL EMPLOYEES ARE INSTRUCTED TO GO TO SOUTH END OF LOT TO SIDEWALK OF GOLDEN STATE HWY OFF RAMP. <3> Public Notif./Evacuation CALL 911 <4> Emergency Medical Plan EMERGENCY ROOM AT SAN JOAQUIN COMMUNITY HOSPITAL 2615 EYE ST (805) 327-1711 FIRST AID KIT LOCATED IN MAIN WHAREHOUSE CENTRAL LOCATION OR CALL 911 04/2479~5' FLINTCO INC 215-000-000771 00 - Overall Site <E> Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt Page 7 <1> Release Prevention DUE TO THE NATURE OF OUR BUSINESS, OUR ONLY CONCERN WOULD BE THE RELEASE OF OUR COMPRESSED GASES. TO PREVENT THIS WE KEEP CAPS ON ALL CYLINDERS AND HANDLE WITH EXTREME CARE. IN THE EVENT OF A RELEASE WE NOTIFY THE FIRE DEPT BUT, SINCE THERE IS NO WAY TO CLEAN UP GAS IT WOULD JUST DISIPATE INTO THE ATMOSPHERE. ALL FULL CYLINDERS HAVE SAFETY CAPS IN PLACE AND CHAINED TO MINIMIZE CHANCES OF FALLING OVER. <2> Release Containment FIRE WALL ON CYLINDER DOCK FOR FLAMMABLE GAS, FULL AND EMPTIES <3> Clean Up IF FLAMMABLE ACETYLENE OR PROPANE CYLINDER HAS DEVELOPED A LEAK, CYLINDER IS MOVED TO A SAFE LOCATION AND ALLOWED TO EMPTY, ALL OTHER CYLINDER GASSES ARE NONFLAMMABLE CONDENCED TO ATMOSPHERIC OR MINED GASES THAT CAN DISPLACE AIR IN A CONFINED AREA BUT NOT HARMFULL OTHERWISE. <4> Other Resource Activation 04/24f9:5~ ° FLINTCO INC 215-000-000771 Page 00 - Overall Site <F> Site Emergency Factors 8 <1> Special Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - SOUTH END OF MAIN WHAREHOUSE IN DRIVEWAY, WEST SIDE OF BUILDING #2 IN ALLEY B) ELECTRICAL - MAIN BREAKER NORTHWEST CORNER OF WAREHOUSE C) WATER - IN ALLEY WEST SIDE OF BUILDING #2 D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO <3> Fire Protec./Avail. Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - FIRE EXTINGUISHERS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS FIRE HYDRANT - NORTH END OF ALLEY WEST SIDE 30TH ST <4> Building Occupancy Level 04/24/g5' ~ FLINTCO INC 215-000-000771 00 - Overall Site <G> Training Page <1> Employee Training WE HAVE 15 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING: WE HAVE SAFETY AND PRODUCT TRAINING MEETINGS EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING, WE ALSO HAVE AT LEAST 1 OR MORE REPRESENTATIVE FROM FLINTCO ATTEND OTHER RELATED MEETINGS AND SEMINARS PUT ON BY OTHER AGENCIES. <2> Page 2 <3> Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET LIQUID CARBONIC INDUSTRIAL/MEDICAL CORPORATION 135 SOUTH LA SALLE STREET · CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60603-4282 PHONE: (312) 855-2500 f~er~ency Phone Numbers: (312)855-2500; CH~I%q~C April 1986 (800)424-9300 S~CTICN I--PRODUCT ID~gTIFICATION CH~4ICALFAMILY: Ethylene Ethylene, Acetene, Ethene, Olefiant Gas, Etherin, Elayl Alkene, (Olefin) FOP~K~A: C~4 S~ION II--HAZARDOUS INGREDIf~PS MATERIAL VOLUME % CAS NO. 1985-6 ~GIH TLV UNITS EthTlene 98.5 74-85-1 Single Asphyxiant SfLTION III--PHYSICAL DATA BOILING POINT (°F.) -154°F SPECIFIC GRAVITY (H20=i)@B.Pt. 0.57 VAPOR PRESSURE (nm~g.)@68°F 590 psig % VOLATTT~. BY VOLUME 100 VAPOR D~SITY (AIR=l) @60°F 0.97 EVAPORATION RATE (BUTYL ACETATE=l) Rapid SOLUBILITY IN ~ATER 0.26 Vol/1 Vol. H20 APPEARANCE AND CDOR Colorless gas with sweet odor S~CTION IV--FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA FLASH POINT (METHfD USED) -213°F (C.C.) ~ LIMITS % by Volume 2.7 36.0 EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Dry chemical, carbon dioxide, water spray SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES: Stop gas flow and remove container if possible. Do not fully extinguish burning gas until flow is stopped. Allow fuel to consume itself. Use water spray to cool fire-exposed containers. Fire-exposed containers could rupture violently if safety devices fail to relieve pressure. Wear self-contained breathing apparatus. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: Explodes spontaneously when mixed with chlorine in sunlight. Reacts vigorously with oxidizers. Use suit_able explosi- meter calibrated for ethylene to confirm atmosphere is below the ethylene T.Rr,. SfETION V--HEALTH HAZARD DATA THRESHOLD LIMIT VALUE: Ethylene is a simple asphyxiant. ACGIH TLV requires that oxygen levels should be maintained at more than 18% by volume at normal atmos- pheric pressure which is equivalent to a partial pressure of 135 mm of Hg. Ho~sver, it is recc~uended that the ethylene level in the workplace be limited to 20% of the T.~r, or 0.6%. ~S OF OVEREXPOSURE: Ethylene at very high concentrations can act as a simple asphyxiant by displacing oxygen. Inhalation at high concentrations may cause dizziness, drowsiness, moderate anesthesia, headache, nausea. Liquid ethylene can cause cryogenic burns on contact with eyes or skin. EMERG~qCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES: If inhaled: Remove to fresh air. Get praupt medical attention. Quickly restore breathing with artificial respiration; If breathing is difficult, administer oxygen. Keep warm and at rest. Rescue personnel should use self-contained breathing apparatus for their own safety aD~ be cognizant of extreme fire and explosion hazard. Skin/Eye contact: Prc~Ptly flush affected areas with copious quantities of tepid water. To reduce freezing of tissue, flush eyes for at least 15 minutes. ROUTE (S) OF fN~RY: INHALATION? Yes SKIN? INGESTION? CARCINfXSfIqICITY: NTP? No IARC MO~0~RAPHS? No OSHA? No PAGE 1 Form ST-03435 S~TION VI--REACTIVITY DATA ~r~BILi'r~: UNS'I~BLE ( ) STABLE (X) CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Heat and flame and ignition sources INCOMPATABILITY (MATER/ALS TO AVOID): Chlorine, carbon tetrachloride, aluminum chloride, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, benzoyl peroxide, brcmotrichlorcmethane, oxygen, and strong oxidizers HAZARDOUS D~2OMPOSITION PRODUCTS: N/A HAZARDCUS POLY~RIZATION: MAY OCCUR ( ) WON'T OCCUR (X) CONDITIONS TO -AVOID: N/A S~CTION VII--SPTLT. OR LEAK PROCEDURES S'r~PS TO BE TAKE~ IN CASE M~r~IAL IS R~.FAS~D OR SP~.L~: ~a~te ~~el ~ a ~fe ~ff~ ~. ~e all fl~s ~d i~ition ~s. S~p fl~ of gas if ~ss~le. ~ide ~~ ~losion p~f ~tilation. U~ ~lf ~n~ bring a~at~. ~yl~e gas le~s ~ ~ de~ ~ ~t~g su~~ ~s ~ a s~ ~ ~luti~ ~d chang for bubble fo~tion. ~r ~r ~ ~e ~~ e~yl~e ~n~a~on is ~1~ T.~.. ~ DIS~ ~:~e e~yl~e le~g ~l~ders ~ ~ ~ust h~ or d~d ~ l~tion. ~1~ gas ~ disc~ge at ~a~ ra~. Tag ~f~ive ~l~ders as "~f~ti~" ~d ret~ ~ s~li~. Flush le~ ~ea ~ ~ ~ray. ~c~a~ gas if ~ss~le. Foll~ F~al, S~, ~d ~1 r~ations. SECTION VIII--SPECIAL P~ION INFORMATION RESPIRATORY PROTeCtION: Self-contained breathing apparatus. VENTILATION: LOCAL EXHAUST (X) Where gas is present, provide ventilatian to keep 20% of ethylene LEL or 0.6% by volume in air maximum. MECHANI~ (G]~TERAL) (X) Provide adequate ventilation to keep workplace oxygen above 18% by volume. P~IVE GLOVES: Insulated rubber or plastic 'EYE PROTEETION: Safety goggles or glasses OTHER PROTEL~ ~3IPM~Tf: Safety shoes, eye wash, safety shawer; Have emergency self contained breathing 'apparatus and safety line available. Ethylene monitoring instnanent or explosimeter to check ethylene atmosphere. SELTION IX--SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PPd"]CAUTIONS TO BE TAK~ IN HANDLING AND STORING: Protect cylinders frcm physical damage. Store in cool, dry, well-ventilated area away from sources of heat and ignition. Do not subject cylinders to temperatures above 130°F. Isolate frcm oxidizers, chlorine, and cambustibles. Use a check valve or trap in discharging line to prevent hazardous backflc~ into cylinder. Cylinders must not be recharged except by or with consent of Liquid Carbonic. Cylinders should be stored upright and be secured to prevent falling over or being knocked over. OTHER PPdDCAUTIONS: Use only DOT or ASME coded containers. Ground and bond all lines and equipment associated with ethylene system. All electrical equipment should be non-sparking and explosion proof. Perform periodic monitoring of use and storage areas to confirm ethylene concentration is belc~ the lc~er flanmable limit (T.~T.). Reference OGA Bulletin- SB-2 "Oxygen Deficient Atmospheres" and OGA Pamphlet P-1 "Safe Handling of Compressed Gases in Containers." No guaranty is made as to the accuracy of any data or statement contained herein. While this material is fUrnished in good faith, NO WARRANTY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS OR OTHERWISE IS MADE. This material is offered only for your consideration, investigation and veri- fication and Liquid Carbonic shall not in any event be liable for special, incidental or consequential damages in connection with its publication. PAGE 2 Form ST-03435 ,:"~ 1/29/92 I Page 1 1 Site with 1 Fac. Ur,~ FEI 2 6 19 2 Ger, era 1 I r,f'ormat i o;-, ._.~l~.~ ......,.,.~ .... I Locatior,: 290'7 L S'1' ICc'mr'lur'ity: BAKERSFIELD S"t'A'FION 04 I Map: GriO: 103 Hazard: Mod?.t~ate 19C F/U: 1 AOV: 0, 0 []or, tact Name KEN JACKS[IN DIANE B FLINT TMANAG~Ri t 1 e T-'- Bus i ness Phc, ne ---7(805)24-Hour F.'hor, e] i IGENERAL ~(8,]5) .... '~'7-7509 x t 861.*-i472~ Administrative Data Mail Addrs: 2907 L ST City: BAKERSI= I ELD Corem Code: 215-004 BAKERSFIELD STATION 04 D&B Number: St ate: CA Zip: :]~.)i- SIC Code: Owr, e¥-: DIANE FLINT '"~ Phor, e: (St,~) ~,=.-..~..: Address: 6712 DESMOND State: CA City: BAKERSFIELD Zip: 93301- Summary t, KEi~ JACKSON. D~ herel:~, c~rtily th~t I have reviewed tl~ attached h~.~rdou$ ~rial$ m~naGe- ment plan for_ F.L. INTC0. - : ar~ ~ it e]ong v~th any corrections constitute a complete and correct man- agement plan for my facility. 01/29/92 P 1 ri-Re f Na~e/Ha z ards Ha · I NTCO I NC 215-000-00077 Irlver~tory List ir~ MCP (:)2 - Fixed Contair:ers on Site Forr~l Quar~t i t y Page MCP 2 02-001 ACETYLENE Fire, Pressure, Ir~r~led Hlth Gas 2£), 000 FT3 High 02-008 MAPP Fire, Pressu~e, In~ed Hlth Gas 2,879 FT3 Hi gh 02-007 PROPANE Fire, Ir~r~ed Hlth, Delay Hlth Liquid 500 GAl_ Hi gh 02-002 OXYGEN Fire, Pressure, I~med Hlth Gas 30,000 FT3 Low 02-003 ARGON Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth Gas 12 ~ 000 FT3 Mirlin~al 02-009 ARGON/CARBON DIOXIDE Fire, Pressure, Info,led Hlth Gas 5, 000 FT3 02-005 CARBON DIOXIDE Fire, Pressure, I~]ed Hlth Gas 20~ 000 LBS 02-004 HELI UM F re, Pressure, I~,~ed Hlth Gas 10,000 FT3 M i r, i ma 1 02 -006 NITROGEN F re, Pressure, In~n~ed Hlth Gas 10, 000 FT3 01/29/92 INTCO INC 215 00 - Overall Site (D} Notif. /Eva~uatior~/Medi~al Pa ge (1) AQenoy Notifioation CALL 911 Employee Notif. /Evaouatior~ WE WOULD CONTACT LOCAL AUTHORITIES, CLEAR ALL PERSONS FROM OUR FACILITY AND START NOI-IFYING 'THE OTHER BUSINESSES IN THE AREA OF THE PRESENT DANGER. INTERCOM AND LOUD SPEAKERS ON CYLINDER DOCK AND IN WAREHOUSE, AL.L EMPLOYEES ARE INSTRUCI'ED TO G[] TO SOUTH END OF LOT TO SIDEWALK OF GOLDEN STATE HWY OFF RAMP'. <3> Public Notif. /Evacuatior, []ALL 911 <4> Emerger, cy Medical Plar, EMERGENCY ROOM AT SAN JOAQUIN COMMUNITY HOSPITAL 2615 EYE ST (805) 327-1711 FIRS'[ Ail} KIT LOCATED IN MAIN WHAREHOUSE CEN'I"RAL LOCATION OR CALL 911 01129192 INTCO INC 215-000-00077 00 - Overall Site <E> Mit igat inn/Prever~t/Abater~t Page 4 <1> Release Prever, tion DUE] TO THE NATURE OF OUR BUSINESS, OUR ONLY CONCERN WOULD BE THE RELEASE OF OUR COMPRESSED GASES. TO PREVENT THIS WE KEEP CAPS ON ALL CYLINDERS AND HANDLE WITH EXTREME CARE. IN THE EVENT OF A RELEA~.E WE NOTIFY THE FIRE DEPT BUT, SINCE ~ THERE IS NO WAY TO CLEAN UP GAS IT WOULD JUST DISIPATE INTO THE ATM[]SPHE RE. ALL FULL CYLINDERS HAVE SAFETY CAPS IN PLACE AND CHAINED TO MINIMIZE CHANCES OF FALLING OVER. <2> Release Cor, tair,rner, t FIRE WALL ON CYLINDER DOCK FOR FLAMMABLE GAS, FULL AND EMPTIES <3> Clean Up IF FLAMMABLE ACETYLENE OR PROPANE CYLINDER HAS DEVELOPED A LEAK, CYLINDER IS MOVED TO A SAFE LOCATION AND ALL~[]WED TO EMPTY, ALL OTHER CYLINDER GASSES ARE NONFLAMMABLE CONDENCED TO ATMOSPHERIC OR MINED GASES THAT CAN DISPLACE AiR IN A CONFINED AREA BUT NOT HARMFULL OTHERWISE. <4> Other Resource Activation INTCO INC 215-000-00077~ 00 - Overall Site <F> Site Emergency Factors Page 5 <1> Special Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - SOUTH END OF MAIN WHAREHOUSE IN DRIVEWAY, WEST SIDE OF BUILDING ~2 I N ALLEY B) ELECTRICAL - MAIN BREAKER NORTHWEST CORNER OF WAREHOUSE C) WATER - IN ALLEY WEST SIDE OF BUILDING $$2 D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO <3> Fire Protec. /Avail. Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - FIRE EXTINGUISHERS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS FIRE HYDRAN]' - NORTH END OF ALLEY WEST SIDE 30TH ST <4> Buildir~g Occupancy Level 01 / ~'.9 / 92 NTCO INC 215-000-000771 00 - Ove~-all Site <G> Trairsir~g Pa g e 6 < 1> Paf~e 1 WE HAVE 15 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING: WE HAVE SAFETY AND PRODUCT TRAINING MEETINGS EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING, WE ALSO HAVE AT LEAS]' I OR MORE REPRES[--NTATIVE F'ROI'~ FLINTCO ATTEND OTHER RELATED MEETINGS AND SEMINARS PUff' ON BY OTHER AGENCIES. <2) Page 2 as rseeded <3> Held for Futu~e Use <4> Held fo~~ Futu~e Use I.D. # FORM 4A-1 NON--TRADE SECRE"£S HAZARDOUS MATERI ALS I NVENTORY Page 'PRINCIPAL ? NAME: ~"_~/k',4'6~ O~,,~-- TI'TLE:O~Z=~F'~ /'//~,~ SIGNATURE:' ~_~~,'~/~4F EMERGENCY CONTACT: ~_~'~g-//;/_,,--. · .. TITLE: ~_~/;-~F_,~. PHONE, BUSINESS ACTIVITY:~~ c~~~~ AFT~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TYPE MAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS % BY HAZARD D.O.T CODE AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE · FACILITY UNIT WT. CHEMIqAL OR COMMON NAME CODE OUIDE -- g.q3~ o/ - . . . - /~ I · y,/,,~,~ i~ ' '/Dql BUSINESS NAME: ~L~/V~¢~., .~/V'( OWNER NAME: ~/VT /'~'~'-..Z"/;/7" FACILITY UNIT ADDRESS: ~"~97 6- ,-~7" ADDRESS: ~"1;'/-/~ ,4~2~:.~4'~O.rg/z~ FACILITY UNIT NAME: cITy, ZII~: ,/.~,~',~'/'3. ~.-./~' ~-/~.~/ CITY,ZIP: /'~A"~::/2~ ~/~ PHONE *: ~2C_ ~ ~7~2,~9. , PHONE ~:Z~: og/ Io~c~,t.s~ I 'o.~Y - 4A-1 - usINESS NAME BAI(ERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARllI~NT RECEIVED =z3o "G" S~EET JUL 13 1987 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 (80~) 8~6-$9';'9 C~ ~ ............ P. OFFICIAL USE ONLY ID# INSTRUCTIONS: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS BUSINESS . PLAN AS A WHOLE FORM 2A 1. To avoid further action, return this form by 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA A. BUSINESS NAME: F~.,-TNT"(~ B. LOCATION / STREET ADDRESS: ~ CITY: ~K~-o ziP: ~7'~3o/ BUS.PHONE: SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS In case of an emergency involving the release or threatened release of a hazardeus material, call 911 and 1-800~852-7550 or 1-916-427-4341. This will notify your local fire department and the State Office of Emergency Services as required by law. EMPLOYEES TO NOTIFY IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: NAME AND TITLE DURING BUS. ~RS. B. ~7~f~Z~ ~--Z.~Z~? Ph~,~7~ AFTER BUS. HRS. SECTION 3: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE A. NAT. ~PROPANE:/~C~.~V C. WATER: U~ .7' D. SP SC I AL: -~o;~/;~ E. LOCK BOX: YES /~ I~ yES, LOCATION: IF YES, DOES IT CONTAIN SITE PLANS? FLOOR PLANS? YES / NO MSDSS? YES / NO YES / NO KEYS? YES / NO - 2A - SECTION 4: PRIVATE RESPONSE TEA~ FOR BUSINESS AS A SECTION 5: LOCAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE FOR YOUR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE SECTION 6: EMPLOYEE TRAINING EMPLOYERS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A PROGRAM WHICH PROVIDES EMPLOYEES WITH INITIAL AND REFRESHER TRAINING IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS. CIRCLE YES OR NO INITIAL A. METHODS FOR. SAFE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS ~{ATERIALS ' ' ~h'~ NO B. PROCEDURES FOR COORDINATING ACTIVITIES WITH RESPONSE AGENCIES: .......................... (YE~'> NO C. PROPER USE OF SAFETY EQUIPMENT: .................. ~ NO D. EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES: ............ ..... NO E. DO YOU MAINTAIN EMPLOYEE TRAINING RECORDS: ....... NO SECTION 7: HAZARDOUS ){ATERIAL REFRESHER NO ~0 NO CIRCLE YES OR NO. DOES YOUR BUSINESS HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IN QUANTITIES LESS THAN 500 POUNDS OF A SOLID, 55 GALLONS OF A LIQUID, OR 200 CUBIC FEET OF A COMPRESSED GAS: ...... YES ~ I,H~/V/V~-7///// d>/~F~~ , certify that the above informatiOn is accurate. I understand that this information will be used to fulfill my firm's obligations under the new California Health and Safety code on Hazardous Materials (Div. 20 Chapter 6.95 Sec. 25500 Et Al.) and that inaccurate Information constitutes perjury. - 2B - ./ BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT 2~30 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 BUSINESS NAME: OFFICIAL USE ONLY ID# BUSINESS pLAN SINGLE FACILITY UNIT FORM 3A INSTRUCTIONS 1. To avoid further action, this form must be ~etuvned by: 2. TYPE/PRINT YOUR ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for THE FACILITY UNIT LISTED BELOW 4. Be as BRIEF and CONCISE as possible. FACILITY UNIT# FACILITY UNIT NAME: SECTION....I: MITIGATION, PREVENTION, ABATEMENT PROCEDb~ES' SECTION 2: NOTIFICATION AN~ EVACUATION PROCEDb~ES AT THIS UNIT' ONLY· SECTION 3: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS FOR THIS UNIT 05~LY · . Facility ·Unit contain Hazardous Materials? ...... NO If YES, see B. If N0, continue with SECTION 4. B. Are any of the hazardous materials a bona fide Trade Secret YES ~ If No,.complete a separate hazardous materials inventory fomu marked: NON-TRADE SECRETS ONLY (white form ~4A-1) If Yes, complete a hazardous material.s inventory form marked: TRADE SECRETS ONLY (yello~ form ¢4A-2) in addition to the non-trade secret fo~im. List only the trade secrets on fo~m 4A-2. SECTION 4: 'PRIVAT~ FIRE PROTECTION /~ ~~/k~z~/z:a 5 ~ ;//~¢~Zo~:' .~- :2~'/,; ~ :?~5 SECTION 5: LOCATION OF WATER SUPPLY FOR USE BY EMERGENCY RESPONDERS SECTION 6: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS AT THIS UNIT ONLY. B. EbECTRICAL: C. WATER: D. SPECIAL: YES INO} BOX: .I tF YES', LOCATION: IF YES, SITE PLANS? · FLOOR PLANS? YES / NO MSDSs? ¥E$ .." NO YES, ./ ..NO ,'KEYS? YES ..'" NO Business Name: Location: ,~--' ~' 0 "7 Business Identification No. 215-000 Station No. ~ Shift Bakersfield Fire Dept. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION Date Completed RECEIVED I (l'op of Inspector Verification of Inventory Materials Verification of Quantities Verification of Location Business Plan) Adequate A,~'~ ..... Inadequate Proper Segregation of Material Comments: Number of Employees ,,~Comments: Verification of MSDS Availablity /2-- Verification of Haz Mat Training Verification of Abatement Supplies & Procedures Comments: Emergency Procedures Posted Containers Properly Labeled Comments: Verification of Facility Diagram Violations: Special Hazards Associated with this Facility: /¥7~' All Items O.K. ~ Correction Needed ~] White-Haz Mat Div. Yellow. Station Copy Pink-Business Copy Business Name: Location: ~ ~' Plan ID # 215-000 Station No. Bakersfield Fire Dep Hazardous Materials Inspection Date Completed (Top right comer Business Plan) Shift f~ Inspector Verification of Inventory Materials Verification of Quantities Veri of Location Proper Segregation of Material Comments: RECEIVED g~.R 1 $ I~1 HAZ MAT. DIV. r._.. Adequate Inadequate Verification of MSDS Availability Number of Employees Verification of Haz Mat Training Verification of Abatement Supplies & Procedures Comments: Emergency Procedures Posted Containers Properly Labeled Comments: Verification of Facility Diagram Special Hazards Associated with this Facility: Violations: ~ FO 1652 (Rev. 3-89) White-Haz Mat Div. Yellow-Station Copy Pink-Business Office Bakersfield Fire Dept.~ Hazardous Materials Division 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, CA. 93301 HAR l~ 9 ~ A~'d HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN INSTRUCTIONS: 2, 3, 4, To avOicl further action, return this form within 30 clays of receipt. · TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH, Answer tl~e questions below for tl~e I~usiness as a whole. Be Oriel ancl concise as possil~le. SECTION 1' BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA BUSINESS NAME' LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: ~ O CITY' 13~tc<¢.~-~¢,e.. \r.~ STATE: DUN & BRADSTREET NUMBER: PRIMARY ACTIVITY: OWNER' it ~ ZIP: ~']3OI PHONE: ~'oS"-32.'~-73-o~ SiC CODE' 6 MAILING ADDRESS: ~, '7 / 2._ J~& $ r~ ,~,-,- ~ SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION: CONTACT TITLE BUS. PHONE 24 HR, PHONE G ~. ,,~ /'J~ . ~ t o ~'- 3'z '~ - '~ zo~, f~ o ~' ? z 3 - 'i ¥ ~ ? ;015~C B~ker$~eld Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Divisiol HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN 'SECTION 3: TRAINING: NUMBER OF EMPLOYESS: / ~ MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE' BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM' SECTION 4: EXEMPTION REQUEST: I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT MY BUSINESS IS EXEMPT FROM THE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 6.95 OF THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE" FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: WE DO NOT HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. WE DO HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, BUT THE QUANTITIES AT NO TIMEEXCEED THE MINIMUM REPORTING QUANTITIES. OTHER (SPECIFY REASON) SECTION 5: CERTIFICATION: I, I'~K,,/~.v~_ /~ 1~'1"~'[""'- CERTIFYTHATTHEABOVEINFOR- MATION IS ACCURATE. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS INFORMATION WILL BE USED TO FULFILL MY FIRM'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE" ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (DIV, 20 CHAPTER 6.95 SEC. 25500 ET AL.) AND THAT INACCURATE INFORMATION CONSTITUTES PERJURY.. SIC~TURE TITLE DATE ~015e0 Bakersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materiats Division HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN Facility Unit Name: SECTION 6: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES: A. AGENCY NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES: ~ / I EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION: L o~ ~ ~p~ C, PUBLIC EVACUATION: ~/ / EMERGENCY MEDICAL PLAN: c~ll ql I oa.~ersz.teJ, a..t,~u"e UePC. Hazardous Ma:erials Divisic HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 7: MITIGATION, PREVENTION AND ABATEMENT PLAN: A. RELEASE PREVENTION STEPS: B, RELEASE CONTAINMENT AND/OR MINIMIZATION: SECTION 8: UTILITY SHUT-OFFS (LOCATION OF SHUT-OFFS AT YOUR FACILITY)' ~NAT~ RAL GAS/PROPANE: ELECTRICAL: WATER: SPECIAL' LOCK BOX: IF YES, LOCATION: SECTION 9: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION/WATER AVAILABILITY: A, PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION: WATER AVAILABILITY (FIRE HYDRANT): 4. Norfk ~D1590 · .. CITY' of BAKERSFIELD i~bf. HAZARDOUS MATER'rALS TNVENTORY Farm and Agriculture ri Standard Business ' NON--TRADE SECRETS 0CAIION:, ~.~5 L. PIlUl,ll" m: -'o o o OWNER NAME: ~(:<,,~-t ~ F,l,',~-r . NAM OF THIS FACILIIY: STANDARD IND, CLASS COOn',~ ----- ADDRESS: · '-~71~ 0<~o~ ~ - CITY. Z~P. nck.~f,~t~ ~0~ _ DUN AND BRADSTREET .HUHBER .~ ~o~-~b~oas ~-~o~. coo~ ------' .... Iuns [yqe ~a~ Avfrege Annpal MeaSure I Oys Cone Coat Coat ~sq tocqtjon_¥hece. cool Ant Ant Est ~ Units On Site lypl Press lemp COOl , Storeo In taclml~ JPhvsicll Iod Hellth Hlzlrd C.A.S. Humber 7q-ga -2_ Component II #lmm I C.A.S. Huber (Check all thlt ipplyJ · . ..,, Cosponent Il lime I C.i.$. Humber ii,Fire HaZard ri Relctivity ri Oehyed j~$udden leleese ri Immediate Helle#- '~ of Pressure Health · Component 13 NIml I C.A.S. Mumber I ehysicll IOd ~ellth'gallrd C.A.S. Kumber T '7 g~.- V=/- '7 Component II ImM I C.i,S. Kumber (Check III thlt Ipp/yJ .... Component 12 hmo I C,A.$, RUBber JFire Hazard ~ Reectivity ri Delayed J~Jsudden hleese ri amneotete . ,tilth ~ of PrlsSUrl Hel)Lb Colpoflent I] Nine I C.A.S. Number Phv:icll lad ~elltb ~lZlrd C.~.S, Number ? -/ 2. ? - 37- ~.. Component II lime I C.A.S. Number ICh,ok ill that iPp/IJ Physical lad Health Valard ICheck ell that Ipplyi I] Fire Hazard I] Reactivity C.L.S. KuBber -~?~c/~ - ,~-'~- ? Component II Kill I C.A.S. Number Component I! Kine I C.A.S. Kumber a 0,,,,,d ~S,dd,,,,I,,,, a '.,~g~ He!lib /"~ of Pressure Component 13 Jllml I C.A.$. Humber EHERGENCY CONTACTS :ertifi ratio .(Re~d and sf~n after compleCfna all sections) .cer m~y .n~er emile o I- l believe thmt the IllOrllUfl, . ,'.J,~.d..-b, ,j &,-,J-.,~ ,.'"~ ~'.'"" '""'"'" '"""'"' '0' ""'"" "' ~, ..,,,. ,,,o,.,,. ,, .., ,c..,,, ,..,,,,,,. } , ..... ~ - ~ ~ - ~ _ ..... ~': ......... ~,.~,,~ .¢,~r ..~r~ y,~:~ . ..~q~..=, . .......... ...,.. - . ..... .~. . ..... , .., . '~.'.; ~.::~ ........ ..,-~. "~.:: . . , .- ~.~ ..... , . ...._ . . . ,~ ,.,.?'L:~ ..... ,,. CITY. of BAKERSFIELD Farm and Agriculture D Standard Business ~-HAZARDOUS MATERTALS INVENTORY NON--TRADE SEC,RETS BUSINESS NAME: ~ l-c.o ~ ~. (..- PIiOUE a: ~ · 3 ~ - ~ 3' o 5 01~NER N.AHE: J(~,,-t- /:l P l,,,-f- NAHE OF THIS FACILITY: AODflESS.. -- 6 ?; ? o~ s.--.,, - ~ c~ . STANDARD IND. CLASS CO0~[ CITY. ZIP. ' 6~,c~,~ e?~o~ DUN ~D BRADSTREEI NUHBER ..... ,. i erti.fjq;~Uoq .(Rel~d an.d.~fgn afl;pr .cpmplpCipg..a 1 I. sec~f.on~) s&~4CAeo.o~cvaenU, an~ ~ac oaseo on.ay tnqu~rl 9t.cnose IA~lVlGUIll rlSpOflSlO/t lot OOClIAIA! CAI IAlOril[lOI, ! bllllVl &hlC the Code cool AK AK Est units off I lypl s leER S~orla I~ fiClll[y Physicll Iod flellth ~lZlrd C,A,S, Number ~ ~ H -~ - q Component II NiBI I C,i,S, N~ber ColpOfleflt i3 Nile I C.A,S. Number Ph~sicll Iod flellth fflllrd C.A.I. lumber- } c/;) O - } 7 - / Component II IIll I C.l.I. lu,ber (Check III ~hlt iPP/il Component Number ~ Fire Hmrd ~ Reactivity ~ DH.ed ~Sudden Release Helitb .~ of Pressure COlpOflent 13 Kill I C,A,I, Number Component ~ Fire Hizlrd 0 gelctivity 0 Oellyed ~Sudden geleise ~ ia~i~ : Health ~ of Pressure Co,pofleflt Physical and H,HIb Uallrd C.A.S. Number ~ ~- ? ~- [Check iii thlt IpplH Component