HomeMy WebLinkAboutUST-REMOVAL REPORT 8/1996I i ! INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION i I I i i I I i I ! I I I I RESPONSIVE TO THE NEEDS OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT I I I I UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REMOVAL REPORT PACIFIC BELL FACILITY 1918 M STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Prepared for: Pacific Bell 3707 Kings Way Sacramento, California 95851 Prepared by: IT Corporation 2055 Junction Avenue San Jose, California 95131 ,!.--yroject Geol~ ! ~~-g~r IT Project No. 765900 .I September 1996 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table of Contents List of Tables .................................................. ii List of Figures .................................................. ii List of Appendices ............................................... ii 1.0 Introduction ................................................ 1 1.1 Site Description ......................................... 1 1.2 Objective ............................................. 1 1.3 Permits .............................................. 2 2.0 Field Activities .............................................. 2 2.1 Tank Removal .......................................... 2 2.2 Soil Sampling .......................................... 3 2.3 Sample Analysis and Results ................................. 4 2.4 Soil Re-use and Disposal ................................... 4 3.0 Extent of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Soils ............................. 4 4.0 Conclusions ................................................ 4 4.1 Observations ........................................... 4 4.2 Reporting Requirements .................................... 5 I I List of Tables Fable 1 F/tie Soil Sample Analytical Results in ppm List of Figures Figure 1 2 Title Site Vicinity Map Site Plan Map With Sample Locations List of Appendices Appendix A B C D F~ Title Tank Removal Application and Permit Hazardous Waste Manifests for Diesel and Rinsate Disposal Acceptance Letter for Tank Disposal Laboratory Analytical Reports, and Analysis Request/Chain of Custody Nonhazardous Waste Manifests and Landfill Weight Tickets for Soil Disposal ii I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.0 Introduction As part of Pacific Bell's underground storage tank (UST) upgrade program, IT Corporation (IT) was contracted by Pacific Bell to provide environmental consulting services for the removal and disposal of a 20,000-gallon diesel UST at 1918 M Street in Bakersfield, California (Figure 1). In addition Pacific Bell contracted A.E. Schmidt (Schmidt) to provide and operate equipment to perform the removal, and R.H. Lee to provide engineering and permitting support. Field activities described in this report were performed on July 10, 11, 12 and 17, 1996. 1.1 Site Description The site is almost entirely occupied by a multi-story structure used as a switching center and for equipment storage. A 20,000-gallon, single-walled, fiberglass UST was partially beneath M street and the sidewalk adjacent to M Street (Figure 2). The UST was used to supply diesel fuel to an emergency generator. The vicinity surrounding the site consists largely of retail establishments. The nearest surface water is the Kern River, located approximately 1.25 miles northwest. Local groundwater flow direction is assumed to be northwest, towards the Kern River. Depth to groundwater fluctuates with seasonal rainfall and from agricultural irrigation, but is believed to be approximately 100 feet below grade (fbg). 1.2 Objective The objective of this project was to remove and dispose the existing UST system, assess if petroleum hydrocarbons were present in soils surrounding the UST, and install a new LIST at an alternate location adjacent to the site in compliance with regulatory requirements. 1.3 Permits Prior to initiating tank removal activities, permits for tank removal were obtained from the Bakersfield City Fire Department (BCFD) by R.H. Lee. Mr. Mark Turk of the BCFD observed the tank removal procedures. Copies of the tank removal and installation permit application A, B and C forms, and the associated permits are presented in Appendix A. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2. 0 Field Activities 2.1 Tank Removal Schmidt began excavation activities on July 8, 1996. In preparation for removal activities, IT scheduled Evergreen Environmental Inc. (Evergreen) to remove approximately 3,100 gallons of diesel fuel from the tank. Evergreen transported the fuel to their refinery in Newark for recycling. IT subsequently triple rinsed the tank to remove residual fuel prior to its removal and Evergreen evacuated approximately 300 gallons of rinsate from the tank. Copies of the hazardous waste manifests for the diesel and rinsate disposal are included in Appendix B. Representatives of Schmidt began excavation activities by disconnecting the piping and using a backhoe to remove the soil overburden covering the tank. The piping was observed to be in good condition without any holes or cracks. Approximately 50 yd3 of overburden soils were removed and temporarily stockpiled on visqueen adjacent to the tank pit (Figure 2). Wooden shoring was encountered in the excavation which completly surrounded the tank. The shoring was left in place. Since the UST had been triple rinsed and the percentage of the lower explosive limit and oxygen content readings indicated no combustable vapors were present in the tank, Mr. Turk gave permission to remove the tank without the addition of dry ice. On July 11, 1996, Schmidt attempted to remove the tank from the excavation, however the tank could not be lifted off the concrete pad without breaking. As such Mr. Turk gave permission for the UST to be broken up within the excavation. Prior to breaking the LIST, it was inspected to the extent possible by Mr. Turk for signs of staining, cracks, holes, or other indications of leakage. During break-up of the tank a minor amount of residual rinsate water drained into the fill material overlying the concrete pad. The tank pieces were removed from the excavation and placed in rolloff bin provided by MP Environmental Services (MP) of Bakersfield, California. MP transported the bin to Bakersfield Metropolitan Sanitary Landfill (BENA) for disposal as non-hazardous waste under a bill of lading. The acceptance letter authorizing disposal of the UST material at the Bena Landfill, issued by the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department, and the landfill weight ticket are included as Appendix C. The concrete anchor pad and adjacent shoring formed a vault such that no native soil was encountered. The fill material surrounding the tank and overlying the concrete consisted of sand. No stained soils or significant odors were observed during the tank removal. I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I ! I I I 2.2 Soil Sampling Soil samples were collected from the tankpit excavation under the direction and supervision of Mr. Turk on July 11, 1996. Samples were analyzed on site by a mobile laboratory operated by Sparger, Inc. (DOHS 2017) of Sacramento, California. Soil samples were collected at approximately 13 fbg from fill material between the concrete pad and the UST. Soil samples, PBM-TP1, PBM-TP2 and PBM-TP3, were collected from the north, central and southern portion of the tankpit excavation, respectively. Samples from the tankpit excavation were collected using the backhoe bucket to bring the soil to the surface. A brass sleeve was then pushed into the soil until it was full. Two discrete soil samples, PBM-SP1 and PBM- SP2, were collected from the soil stockpile. These samples were collected by scraping approximately one foot of soil from the pile and driving a brass sleeve into the pile until it was full. After each sample was collected, the sleeve ends were covered with teflon tape and capped. Sample locations are shown in Figure 2. After collection the samples were appropriately labeled and entered onto a chain of custody and hand delivered to the onsite mobile laboratory. Chain of custody documentation accompanied samples from collection to delivery to the on site mobile laboratory. 2.3 Sample Analysis and Results Soil samples were analyzed using modified EPA Method 8015, with a diesel standard (TPH-D), and EPA Method 8020, used for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) distinction. No TPH-D or BTEX was detected in sample PBM-TP1. A concentration of 800 parts per million (ppm) of TPH-D, 0.011 ppm ethylbenzene, and 0.099 total xylenes were reported in PBM-TP2. In order to confirm these results and assess if petroleum hydrocarbons were present at the base of the concrete pad, additional fill material was removed and sample PBM-TP2A was collected. Analytical results for soil PBM-TP2A indicated no detectable TPH-D or BTEX constituents. Sample PBM-TP3 was reported to contain 100 ppm diesel, 0.008 ppm toluene, and 0.024 ppm total xylenes. Soil sample analytical results are summarized in Table 1, with laboratory reports presented in Appendix D. The fill material surrounding the sides and bottom of the UST (approximately 46 yd3) was removed from the excavation and disposed offsite. I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I i TPH-D and BTEX constituents were not detected in soil samples collected from the backfill stockpile. 2.4 Soil Excavation, Backfilling and Disposal During tank removal efforts, an overburden soil stockpile containing approximately 50 yd3 soil, was generated. Since samples of the overburden material contained no detectable hydrocarbons, Mr. Turk authorized it's re-use as backfill for the UST excavation. Additional clean import soil was used to complete backfilling of the excavation. The remaining 46 yd3 of material excavated from the sides and beneath the tank was transported by MP and disposed at McKittrick Waste Treatment Site in McKittrick, California. The nonhazardous waste manifests and landfill weight tickets for the soil disposal are included in Appendix E. 3. 0 Extent of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Soils. Analysis of soil samples collected from beneath the UST on July 11, 1996 indicated that detectable petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations were present in the tank excavation. It is likely that the petroleum hydrocarbons detected resulted from the minor amount of rinsate that was present in the tank during break-up. Since additional samples were not reported to contain petroleum hydrocarbons, and no odors or stained soils were observed during the excavation, it is likely that petroleum hydrocarbons were limited to the fill material directly overlying the concrete anchor pad. This fill material was subsequently removed from the excavation and disposed offsite. As such, it is not likely that petroleum hydrocarbons are present within the excavation or surrounding native soils. 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4. 0 Conclusions 4.'1 Observations The UST was found to be intact upon inspection, with no detectable cracks or holes. No petroleum staining or odor was noted during the excavation or UST removal. Analysis of sOil samples collected from the fill material within the tank excavation did detect hydrocarbons up to 800 ppm, however, this fill material was removed from the excavation and disposed off-site. Based on results of additional samples and observed field conditions no additional action is waranted for this site. 4.2 Reporting Requirements Copies of this report and its attachments should be forwarded to the following regulatory agency: Mr. Mark Turk Bakersfield City Fire Department 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 905-9-91 TABLE 1 Soil Sample Analytical Results in ppm Pacific Bell - M Street Bakersfield, California IT Project No. 765900 Sample Date Depth of TPH Ethyl Number Sample Location Collected Sample Diesel Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes PBM-SPI Soil Stockpile 7/11/96 I' bps ND~.o NDo. oo~ NDo.o~ NDo o~ NDo. oo~ PBM-SP2 Soil Stockpile 7/11/96 1' bps ND~.o NDo. oo.~ NDo. oos NDo o~ NDo ~ PBM-TPI excavation floor, north 7/11/96 13' fbg ND~.o NDooos NDo. oo.~ NDo oo~ NDo. oo~ PBM-TP2 excavation floor~ center 7/11/96 13' fl~g 800 NDo. oo.~ NDo.~ 0.011 0.099 PBM-TP2A excavation floor, center 7/11/96 13' fbg NDe.0 NDo.~ NDo oo~ NDo.oo.~ NDooo~ PBM-TP3 excavation floor, south 7/11/96 13' fbg 100 NDo. oos 0.008 NDo.o~s 0.024 Notes: ppm = parts per million TPH = total petroleum hydrocarbons NDz = none detected above "x" method detection limit bps = below pile surface fbg = feet below grade I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 905-9-91 ITl I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LANI~/ COLUMi:II il CALIFO"RNIA SITE NO TRUXTUN I I BRUNOAGE -- I F J~]13 I'113. ;'~]5']l]I,') J~,'"l_~[lTll7 iil_-I_l. F','~IjILII'Y I I,'~t' Ijl," :1 'Il '1 .I) 1:1 l' I,: It ,N ,\ I'I'.'CIIN~)I.()~;¥ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 20Lb STREET PBM-TPI . PBM-TP2~ PBM-TP2A PBM-TP3 FORMER UST I ~ LOCATIO. PACIFIC BELL BUILOING ALLEY RETAIL BUILDING NEW UST W W n~ Z NEW j~UST __~ STOCKPILE 19Eh STREET LEGENO SOIl_ SAMPLE LOdATI©N NI]T fO SCALE FIGURE 2 SITE PLAN WITH SAMPLE LOCATIONS IT JOB NO. ?65900 PACIFIC BELL FACILITY 5651D ALORIN COURT BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA INTERNATIONAL TECIINOLOGY CORPORATION I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 91A-9-91 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Appendix A Tank Removal Application and Permit I I I I I STATE OF CAUFORNIA STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PERMIT APPLICATION - FORM A COMPLETE THIS FORM FOR EACH FACILITY/SITE MARK ONLY [~ NEW PERMIT ONEITEM [] 2 INTERIM PERMIT ] 3 RENEWAL PERMIT [] 4 AMENDED PERMIT ] 5 CHANGE OF INFORMATION [] 7 PERMANENTLY CLOSED SITE ] 6 TEMPORARY SITE CLOSURE I. FACILITY/SITE INFORMATION & ADDRESS - (MUST BE COMPLETED) DBA OR FACILITY N.AME NAME OF OPERATOR ADDRESS NEAREST CROSS STREET PN:ICEL ~ {OFTION~IJ CI~ NAME STA~ ~ ZIP CODE SI~ PHONE ~ WI~ A~ ~DE ~_~ ~ CA t ~ ~X ~R~RATION ~ I~ ~ P~NERSHIP ~ L~AL.AG~CY ~ COUP-AGENCY ~ STA~*AGENCY ~ ~GE~Y TO IN,CATE D~TRICTS EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON (PRIMARY) DAYS: NAME (LAST, FIRST) EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON (SECONDARY)' opSonal IDAYS: NAME (I. AST, FIRST) N~GHTS: NAME (LAST, FIRST) .-'--ONE · WITH AREA CODE NIGHTS: ~IAME (L/[ST, FIRST) F~--C, NE · WITH AREA CODE ! II. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION- (MUST BE COMPLETED) INAME . MAILING OR STREET ADDRESS Ci~ NAME INAME OFO.WNER I M AILING OR STREET ADDRESS CITY NAME CARE OF ADDRESS INFORMATION ~AATIOM ~ PAATNiRSH~P ~ COU~Y~GENCY ~ ~EDE~L~GENCY STATE ZiP CODE PHONE · WITH AREA CODE CARE OF ADDRESS INFORNtATION ~ I~z Io in~,c;le r~ iNDIVIDUAL STATE ZiP CODE ~ LOCAL. AGENCY [] COUNTY-AGeNCY ~ rEDEr'J.L'AGE<Y IPHONE · WITH AREA CODE IV. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION UST STORAGE FEE ACCOUNT NUMBER- Call (916) 323-9555 if questions arise. TY(TK) ?P-)'I d' lll l' I V. PETROLEUM UST FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY-(MUST BE COMPLETED)-IDENTIFY THE METHOD(S) USED m vL LEG AL NOTIFICATION AND BILLING ADDRESS Legal nofifi~fion and billing will be sent lo the tank owner unless box I or II is checked. . m THiS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENALTY ~ PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST ~ MY KNOWLEDGE, IS TRUE AND CORRECT LOCAl. AGENCY USE ONLY / m L~ATION COO~ · OPTIONA~ ~C~NSUS TRACT I - ~TIONA[ J SUPVISOR - DISTRICT CODE · ~TIONA~ THIS FORM MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY AT LEAST (1} OR MORE PERMIT APPLICATION. FORM B, UNLESS THIS IS A CHANGE OF SITE INFORt,'IATION ONLY. FORM A (5.91) STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL 90.k,qo UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PERMIT APPLICATION - FORM B COMPLETE A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH TANK SYSTEM. MARK ONLY ONE [EM NEW PERMIT [] :3 RENEWAL PERMIT [] $ C3-{ANG~ C~ INFORMATION E] 7 I~RUANENTLY CLOSED ONSITE [] 2 INTERIM PERM~' [] 4 AJaEND~D PERMIT [] a TEupOR. ARY TANK CLOSURE [] I T~J,~K REU~,'EO DBA OR FACILITY NAME. WHERE TANK IS ~'$TALLED: ~)/3~. I"l~'~ ~ r~'~C~-',-..' [=~:3 ~ ~E~/"-I ~ I. TANK DESCRIPTION COMPLETE ~ ~S - SPEC,r,',: UNKNC'.',n A. OWNER'S TANK L D. I C. DATE INSTALLED tMO/DAY/YEAR) 2/q ~ TANK CAPACITY IN GALLONS: II. TANK CONTENTS PETROLEUId i~'~ r~3 EMPTY PRODUCT [] lb PREMIUM [] 7 M~TI-C~,NOL ~ UNLEADED I I 5 JET FUEL D. IF (A.1) I$ NOT MARKED, EN~R NAME ~ ~'~STANCE S~ORED C.A.S. I: IlL TANK CONSTRUC,,TION blARKO~-~iTE=UONLYINECXESA.ta.ANDC,ANDALLTHATAPPLIESINSOXDANDI: A. TYPE OF ~'"'"'~ DOUBLE WALL SYSTEM [] 2 SINGLE WALL B. T,t, NK [] 1 SAnE STEEL MATERIAL [] 5 CONCRETE SINGLE WALL WITH EXTERIOR LINER SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (VAULTED TANK) STAINLESS STEEL [] 3 RSERG'~,SS POLYVINYL C;-4LORI~E [] ? ALUUINUla GALVAN'.Z~3 S,"~EL [] aS UN~CWN ] ~5 UNK),.IOWN ] 9~ OTHER STEEL CLAD W; FISERGLAS, S RE~=ORCED Pt,.A,ST~C ] ~ 10C"",; ~ETHANOL COI,4PATtBLEV,"FRP ] g~ OTHER [] 1 RUBSER LINE; ~ 2 ALKYD L~G [] 3 EPOXY LINING C. INTERIOP [] 5 GLASS LtNING ~ UNLINED [] 95 UNKNOWN LINING ~ IS LINING MATERIAL COu=AT'-:.E w;TH 1~ UET-A~L? YES ~ ] · PHENOLIC LINING [] ~ OTHER D. CORROSION '[] , ~::)LYETHYLE~E w=,~P ;--'-I 2 CO,TING [] 3 V,N'% WR,~' ~ I=ISERGLXSS REINFORCED P~STC PROTECTION ~ s CAT~O:rCP~C---'C'C'~ [] ~'~ NO~E [] .S UNKNOWN [] ~ OTHER SPILL AND OVERFILL SPILL CON:*~',u-:%T :~STALLED YEAR) C-'/C~ OYER~ILL PREVENTION EQUIPMENT INSTALLED (YEAR) ~] ~'~ IV. PIPING INFORMATION CIRCLE A ;.-'*='D;'E G-~O:JNDOR U IF UNDEaGaOUND, SOTHI~A~PUCAaLE E. CONSTRUCTION ~ 1 SINGLE W~L A~2 ~UBLE WALL A U 3 LINED TRENCH A U ~ UNKNOWN C. MATERIAL AND A U 1 SAnE STEEL CORROSION A U .5 ALUM)NUM PROTECTION STAINLESS STEEL A U 3 POLY%qNYL CHLORID~ (PVC}A U · FIBERGLASS PIPE CONCRETE A U 7 STEEL W,' C4DATING A U 8 10C% METHANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP A U ~ G, ALVAN;~--,~ ST~.EL J~ U 10 CATI-*ODI~CPROTECTION A U 95 UNKNOWN/ A~ o~[n ~HD ~ ~ 3 ~T~RST~L ~ ~ J D. LEAK DETECTION ~ 1 AUTO~AT~L~EL~DETECTOR ~2 LINETG~SSTEST~NG ~ ~n~NG ~ ~ O ER .. ; V. TANK LEAK DETECTION ,. 'ANK TEST,NG E; Y" ,m 0, NONE [] UNKNOWN [] OTHER VI. TANK CLOSURE INFORMATION J 1. ESTIMATED ~ATE LAST USED (MO/DAY/YR) , 2. [STIMATE~ O¥A~;TITY O¢ I 3. WAS TANK FILLEC) WITH YES [] GALLONS INERT MATERIAL ? S:JE~S TANCE I I I THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UA.'DERFEN..~LT~ C,F PERJUP, Y, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, ;S TRUE A,'~D ....... CT APPLICANT'S NAME J - ' / DATE LOCAL AGENCY USE ONLY THE STATE LO. NUMBER · C0MPOSED OF THE FOUR NUMBERS BELOW COUNTY aJURISDICTION e FACILITY # ' TANK ~ STATE I.D.# F-I-J i lll I1 1111 I I I I I II1 j PERMIT APPROVED aY/OAT[ { PERMIT EXPIRATION DATE PERMIT NUMBER eCRM 8 THIS FORM MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A PERMIT APPUCATION. FORM A, UNLESS A CURRENT FORM A HAS BEEN FILED. FILE THIS FORM WITH THE LOCAL AGENCY IMPLEMENTING THE UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REGULATKDN~ ~AT'E ~ CAUFOR~A STATE WATER RESOURCI[S CONTROL BOARD UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PERMIT APPLICATION - FORM B I COMPLETE A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH TANK SYSTEM. MARK ONLY [] ! NEW PERMIT [] 3 RENEWAL PERMIT [] S CHANG~ O~ INFORMATION ~ P~RMANENTLY CLOSED ON SITE I ~ 2 INT~.RIM PERM'1' ~ 4 A~END~D I~RMIT ['~ a T~MPORARY TANK CLO~URE [] I TANK REMOVED ' ONE ITEM DBA OR FACILITY NAME. WHERE TANK IS tNSTALLED: 0r~.,c ;F.i~.. ~.,. P-~.-,3,~.~E~) ~';~-c_l~) TANK DESCRIPTION COMPLETE ALL F':~ldS - SPECIFY IF UNKNOWN A. OWNER'S TANK LD.' [ C. ,DATE INSTALLED (MO/DAY/YEAR) L.I d L. I~)(J.,) J D. TANK CAPACrTY IN GALLONS: ii. TANK COhrTEN'TS I A. [] I MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL ~ · OIL [] 3 CHEMICAL PRODUCT ~ 9~ UNKNOWN ~._.~1 PROD~T ] 2 WASTE - ] la REGULAR UNLEADED ] lb PREMIUM UNL~ADED [] 2 LEADED D. IF!,A.1) IS NCTMARKED. ENTER NAME ~ ~.'~STANCE STORED IlL TANK CONSTRUCTION MARK ONE ~.-'E. V ONLY IN BOXES A. a. ANDC. A.~D ALL THAT APPLES IN BOX D AND E A. TYPEOF [] 1 DOUBLE WALL SYSTEM ~ SINGLE WALL SINGLE WA~ Wh"H EXTERIOR LINER [] 95 UNKNOWN SECON~A-~Y ~TAINMENT (VAULTED TANK) [] 9g OTHER TI~,~K [] 1 I~ARE STEEL ~ :~ STAINLESS STEEL ~' FIBERGLASS MATERIAL [] s CONCRETE ~ 6 POLYV,~,~L C~:.OmDE [] ?ALUUINUU {Prim&ryTa, nk) [] g BRONZE ~ 10 GALVAN'.:'=D $.':~EL [] g5 UNKNOWN ] · STEEL CLAD W/FIBERC.~.-ASS RE~'ORCED PLAST~ ] 8 IlX~'~ METHANOL C~MPATIBLEW.'FRP ] ~ OTHER [] 1 RUBBER LINE~. ~ 2 ALKYD LIN~G [] 3 EPOXY LINING C. IN'TERIO~ [] 5 GLASS LINING [] 6 UNLINED ~ 9S UNKNOWN LINING D. CORROSION [] 1 POLYETHYLENE V,'RA= ~ 2 COATIWG PROTECT'ION ['--'] s CAT.OD~C PRC'EC'.k."'N [] S~ NONE E. SPILL AND OVERFILL SPILL CON~A~UENT :NSTALLED IYEAR) ] 3 VINYL WRA~ ~ ,s UNK~Ow~ ] · PHENOLIC LINING [] ~ OTHER ~' FIBERGLASS REINFORCED ] ~ OTHER OVER~ILL PREVENTK:~,' EQUIPMENT INSTALLED IV. PIPING INFORMATION crRC:E A !-' "'_-O','E G~OUNDO'~ U IF UNDE~G::IDUN:,BOTHIF APPLICA~.LE k. SYSTEM TYPE A U 1 SUCT,O'~ X(J~2 P~F:SS;~E A U 3 G~WTY A O ~ OTHER B. CONSTRUCTION A~::)~ SINGLE WALL A U 2 DO:JSLE WALL A U 3 LINED TRENCH A U 95 UNKNOWN A U 9g OTHER I I C. MATERIAL AND CORROSION PROTECTION D. LEAK DETECTION BARE STEEL A U 2 STAIW:.ESS STEEL A U 3 POLY~I~L ~LORIDE (PVC)A U · FIBERGLASS PiPE ALUMINUM A U 6 ~;E~ A U 7 STEELWz~AT~NG A U ~ 1~ ME~ANOL ~U~ATIBLEW~RP ~LVAN~ S~EL A U ~0 CAT~OD~P~CTECT~ A ~5 UNKNO~ A U ~ O~ER AUTOMATe LI~E LEAK DETECTOR ~ 2 LINE T~ESS TESTmNG ~ 3 ~E~ST~L I I V. TANK LEAK DETECTION L----. VI. TANK CLOSURE INFORMATION ~.EST~MATEDCATELASTUSED(~O,,~Ay/y~I ~ 2. ES'~I~ATE.~O.;ANT~TYO~ 3. wASTANKF~LLEDW~TH YES [] NO[] : SUBSTANC.~ ~EMAP~ING GALLONS INERT MATER~AL ? I I THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENAL~,~ OF PEF~JURY, AND TQ THE BF_~T OF MY KNQW~FDGE..IS TRUE AND CORRECT ! · ' )4. - 4 ' LOCAL AGENCY USE ONLY THE STATE LO. NUU~ER · C0~POSED OF THE FOUR ~U~BERS BELOW I I COUNTY a JURISDICTION I FACILITY I TANK ~ STATE I.D.# {-~ l lllII II I II I I I I l!ll PEaUIT NUMBER PERMIT APPROVED BY/DATE PERMIT EXPIRATION DATE THIS FORM MUST BE ACCOMPANIED By A PERI~T APPUCATION. FORM A, UNLESS A CURRENT FORM A HAS BEEN FII FO. FILE THIS FORM WITH THE LOCAL AGENCY IMPLEMENTING THE UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REGULATIONS . STAll: OF CALIFORNIA .~ I ' " '" STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD ...... CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE '. FOR UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK INSTALLATION I FORM C I I I I I I I I I I COMPLETE A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH TANK SYSTEM I. SITE LOCATION STREET CITY COUNTY ~--~.~-~ I!. INSTALLATION (mark all that apply): [] The installer has been certified by the tank and piping manufacturers. [] The installation has been inspected and certified by a registered professional engineer. ~..~"'"The installation has been inspected and approved by the implementing agency. [~"AII work listed on the manufacturer's installation checklist has been completed. ~he installation Contractor has been certified or licensed by the Contractors State License Board. [] Another method was used as allowed by the implementing agency. (Please specify.) OATH I certify that the '. format[on provided is true to the best of my belief and knowledge. / Tank Owner/Agent ' ~ ' Dat_~.e _ _ Print NameC'p_~,~~ I~,'.~T~.?-~ ' ~-~,~ ~ ~. L~.~ /'~z'-,~.~-'~:.. - Phone I LOCAL AGENCY USE ONLY STATE COUNTY ~ JURISDICTION a FACILITY # TANK THIS FORM MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY PERMIT APPLICATION FORMS A & B UNLESS THEY HAVE BEEN FILED PREVIOUSLY STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE FOR UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK INSTALLATION FORM C COMPLETE A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH TANK SYSTEM I. SITE LOCATION STREET t~t 6~> I"'l '~-.-~'r~z~ CITY f"~ ~'~--rY..__~3' ~..O COUNTY II. INSTALLATION (mark all that apply): i~'/The installer has been certified by the tank and piping manufacturers. [~ The installation Contractor has been certified or licensed by the Contractors State License Board. [] Another method was used as allowed by the implementing agency. (Please specify.) The installation has been inspected and certified by a registered professional engineer. The installation has been inspected and approved by the implementing agency. All work listed on the manufacturer's installation checklist has been completed. III. OATH I certify that. thej.,~ormat[on provided is true to the best of my belief and knowledge. Print Name (....~1~_~. __l'~o~ Phone ('-/o'))"'76~-~-/(~ AddressjJ~__.,q_/Jd~c~ ~_¢¢),7.~...,--~ I'~_,v_O_,_~'~'TL~JL-d~_._/ ~ ¢_./gc/~/..j LOCALAGENCYUSE ONLY STATE COUNTY ~ JUfllSDICflON # FACILITY # TANK FOIIM C (7/9l) THIS FORM MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY PERMIT APPLICATION FORMS A & B UNLESS THEY HAVE BEEN FILED PREVIOUSLY FOR00ISC? I I I I I I I I I I I I '1 I I I I I I ~ed ac : Zg~9 ~ S~ 2gla H S~ - PACX~XC B~L a~O. ?H~ ~Z~ D~nC.n, IPTZO~ OF ~P.X ~ .~, DepUty ;O0-qor :K~J Zl:tl OFblCE OF ENVIRONMENTAL ~,--:RVICES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PERMIT APPUCATION FOR REMOVAL OF UNDERGROUND STOOGE TAN~ SIT; INFOIMA,~O# ' COMPANY PHC~NE No. UC£NSE N~. crrf z3p CODE ,,. WCRKMEN$ COMP No. INSURANCE CAI~EIE:E PI~ELIMANARY A$.~M ENT INFOEMAI'1D N_ CCMPANY "~ ~ '~"fe~.A~,~.~ PHONE No. _ _UCENSE No. WORKM6N$ COMP NO. rANI( C'.~ANING INF-<3~MATION ADDRESS -- CITY WA$~ I"~ANSPCRTEa IDENTIFICA~qCN NUMB~t NAME OF ~INETAJ'E DISPOSAL FACIUI'Y ~AC:LITY INOENTIFICATION NUMSE~ _ PHONE No. C~__,,'-,4PAi'N'Y' ~ ~ ~~ ?HONE N~. LIC~NS~ No. C;T~ ~P CODE ~OC~tE~ _ , -- __ FANK g~S;NAT]ON TANK INF-.OI) MAT1ON TANK No. AGE VCL~ME CHEMICAL DATES CHEMICAl, ~ FORED STORED FltEVIOUSLY STO[iED ' . ...... : ....... : '.'. .......... :" . ;~. .......... ~..:.--..::.-.-rT...- ...... 7,V~. ....... ".""3 ,,.1, ;~,.~.,T.,~4 .'.;~.':-.~.,":'-:T::'.: '" · ' ' ' ..... ~ ' · :. '.'..'::";...'"-'"' · '. ' ...... '.'-;-;-":" .... ,','" ':l'; "' --.'"r~'' ~" , ~r~'~T~ n..T~ ............... - :-.. ,-.-C~.~q:Y:No ........ . ...... ~t~.:~___.~~::l ............ : ]..(.5 ..kp~.f(~/~,"w ~ HA:~ REC~C?.f~. UN~R~i'A~'i~:~. A,'~ ~ WILL (~, MPI, Y Wfi')-4 T)4I~ A FTAC!-4 ~. g C-"I Nor~ON~ ~ T)-4i~ PE.QMir AND/*N~' 5TAI'~. ~,,~CAL AND F ~gE[l~ L ~I~gULA IION$. gOO-qor YO/~O d I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 91A-9-91 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Appendix B Hazardous Waste Manifests for Diesel and Rinsate Disposal See h,$'huc:ions on'bac'k'or ' 3e 0. ~..o..-..~ o~ r.~k s.~..~"~. ¢0,.~.~ IX) NOT TSDF SENDS THIS CO¢aY TO DTSC WITHIN 30 OAYS. F.O. I,..,~. 30(X~. Sa<ramento. CA 9:}81'~ I I I See Inslruclion~ on bacl~ of p~ge 6. 4*. UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST EVERGREEN ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 6 US EPA ID Nvmbef 7. Trampoae, 2 Ca~npany Nome ~C=AID[9!812,411 )3!2J612 8. US EPA ID N~mber De,gnawed F~,I~/ Name a~d Si~ Ad~es~ ~RGREE~ 0IL, INC ~880 Sm~h Avmue N~a~ CA ~0 lClAlDIg;81018181714~1 t8 NON-RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE, LIQUID !oioll b. II. I) TIT (510) 79~-4,100 13. rosol 14. Unit QucmtWy W~/Vol I. Wa~a Number EPA/O~Ner EPA/C~e~ 15. ~iai Hamdl~ Imw~'tions o~1 Addhio~ml leforma~an 24 Hour Emergency Response Telephone No.: CHEMTFIEC 1-800-424-g300 DOT ERG 31 WEAR PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Inv0i~e t I I 16. ~NERATOII'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby deck)re trim i~e coflmntl of i~is conr~onmens ore fully and accurcrteh/de,er,bed abo~e by prope, d~ipping name ond are padmd, ~'ked, amd Iobeled. and are in ag respece~ in proper conditiofl lot t~anqao~t by highway occord;~g to applicable inte~'nationa! and noho~l gowtt,nme~ regulatio~l. I Ack ~:~q~de d Prk~ed/Typed Navy., P ,;n~KI/Type~ I'~ama If I ~m o large ~uant~f ~e~ermaz, I ce~ ~ I ~ a pr~ram ~ pl~e e ~d~cm ~e ~l~me a~ toxic~ of waste ~,~ed to ~e degr~ · r~ m h~ h~ ~d ~e ~fo~; O~. ~ I ~ a small quene~ ~r. t ha~e mode a g~ t~ elfo~ to mmiml;e my waste ~ ma~ m~ ~m i~ a~iloble ~ me a~ ~ I c~ off~d. I I I' I I I I I I ! I I ! ! ,,. 91A-9-91 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Appendix C Tank Disposal Acceptance Letter IENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT 2700"N1' ~TREET, ~UlTE~ ' I BAKERSFIEI. D. CA ~3501 Phane: (8~8) ~2~70Q I I '1 I I I I I I I I I I I I Walter Gage IT Corporation 2055 Junction Avenue San Jose, CA 95131 July 5, 1996 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY DA VID PRICE i#, RMA DIRECTOR ~mnnlng 0.~x~t Rom~ ~rlmen~ W.O. #782 SUBJECT: Disposal of a Fiberglass Tank at Bakersfield Metropolitan Sanitary Landfill (BENA) Dear Mr. Gage: Our Department has no objection to the disposal of a 20,000-gallon, fiberglass tank, removed from 1918 M Street, Bakersfield, at the Bakerffield Metropolitan Sanitary Landfill ('BENA), provided the following condidor~ are met: 1. The mrflc has l~en. triple rinsed, certified clean by the City of Bakersfield, Fire Department, Hazardou~ Materials Division. 2. There is no residual water or petroleum adherlng to thc tsnk remains. 3. Thc ta~k has been crushed to pieces no larger than tl=ee feet square. 4. The waste conforms to information subrrdtted to our Depa~meat The Kern County Waste Management Departmem, as landfill operator, reserves the right to adopt more stringent waste acceptance criteria. Please conlact Lyn Beurmann at (805) 8624957. A waste acceptance fee of $80.00 will be havoiced at a later date. If there are any question~, plebe contact Diana Wilson at (805) S62-8734. Sincerely, Steve McCalley, Dix~ctor By: William O'Rullian, R.E,H.S, Environmental Health Specialist IV Solid Waste Program Supervisor WO:DW:J~v cc: Lyn Bern. mann, Waste M~magement Department (Iw~wttKm~4-ic I For AC untl Questions Call: '~ Questions' Manaaemeht. " ,..,,..,.. ~.- ..,, For Wests (eo~) 8e2-eeoo · 0998 4 HH ,.= '0R Ml XEI)~MUN :~.C 3:PRL," · INBQ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 91A-9-91 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Appendix D Laboratory Analytical Reports, and Analysis Request/Chain of Custody ! Sparger~..~ ! TechnolOgy,~. With Automation in Mind Analytical Labo, ratory DMsion Mobile Laboratory DMsion Scientific DMsion Mobile Laboratory Analysis Summary Report BTEX I TPHdiesel I ,I Atten: Company Address Mr. Walter Gage IT Corporation 2055 Junction Ave. San Jose, California 95131 Date Sampled: Date Received: Date Analyzed: Jul. 11, 1996 Jul. 11, 1996 Jul. 11, 1996 I I I I I I I Project: Pacific Bell M Street Project #: 765900 LAB ID: 154M Lab ID CLIENT ID SOILS ETHYL- TOTAL TPHd BENZENE TOLUENE BENZENE XLYENES Diesel rog/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/K.q .-. 154M-001 PBM-SPI ND ND ND ND ND 154M-002 PBM-SP2 ND ND ND ND ND 154M-003 PBM-TP1 ND ND ND ND ND 154M-004 PBM-TP2 ND ND 0.011 0.099 800 154M-005 PBM-TP3 ND 0.008 ND 0.024 100 154M-006 PBM-TP2A ND ND ND ND ND Detection Limit 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 1.0 ND = Not Detected I I R. Allan Morrison Jr., Mobile Laboratory Chemist Date Reported I I SPARGER TECHNOLOGY ANALYTICAL LABORATORY INC. 15 CERT1F ED BY THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES AS A HAZARDOUS WASTE TESTING LABORATORY (Certification No. 2017) JO50 F/te C/fo/e, Su/'te 'I 12 * Socfamento, C¢flilorn/o 95k]27 · (9f6) 362-8947 * FAX (9f6) 362-0947 ~ ~ i~tNTERNATIONAL ANALYSIS REQUEST AND · £cm~o~.o~¥ CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD* CO~O~ON Project Name/No. )~ll~~/2~~amples Shipment Date ~ ~ Team Members ..~__~_~ ~C Sample Profit Center No.~~_~~_~ Project Manage~ ~, ~_~ ......... Purchase Order No._~___ Lab Destination _ ,~ _~-,-(~ ...... Lab Contact 9 ~'~\o,~_~'('~ Project Contact/Phone _~2 ~. __~_]qC~'~--I~,.R~port to: 10_~_~_~e_r-__~,~ ~_ Carrier/Waybill No. ~3 c~6r~ ~,~'~ Sample ~4 Sample 15 Date/Time~6 Container~7 Sample~ Pr~ 19 Requested Testin~ 20 Condition on Number D~scription/Type Collected T~pe,, Volume,.,,. sedative ,.Pr°gram Receipt Reco~ Special Instructions: ~ Possible Hazard Identification: 2~ Sample Dis'posal: Non-hazard ~ Flammable ~ Skin Irritant ~ Poison B ~ Unknown :~ Return to Client Turnaround Time Required: ~6 ~ QC Level: 27 Normal J Rush~J I. ~ II.'~ III. ~ Project. Specific (s~.9ci~}: ...... _ 2. Relinquished by Date: 2. Received by Date:. 3. Relinquished by Date: 3. ReceiVed by ' ' Sacramento, CA 95827 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 91A-9-91 '1 I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I Appendix E Non-Hazardous Waste Manifests and Landfill Weight Tickets PROI~ILE NO. 79~-7~?c , , ~!. , .'" -", .."":,....,.,....,..'~:., ,.........., ,.:..:?:...... ~,.~ ,. . '~'V 1-800-458-3036' . " · O BAKERSFIELD '. This form to be in lieu of the Toxic'Sub~iancb con'trols'ha'za'rdods waste manifest. To be Used for NON-HAZARDoUSWASTES 0nly. '.' '~':'"' "' ...... '"'""?~'::";' ~''' ,'~ ~'::'~'' : · '.' . 2a 7~~ .... ~~~:~~~~~:~~~~~~~ '" P CIFIC 8EL ., NOTE: Phone No .. : 405/~94-1200 ..- Contact' WALTER GAGE (IT C0RP). .. ~..' I THE GENERATOR CERTIFIES THAT THE WASTE AS DESCRIBED IS 100% NON-HAZARDoUs 8 Waste Description' NON HAZA~0~ SOIL . 'Generating Location · Handling Instructions' N0~E E ]TANK TRUCK Quantity' CONTAINER TYPE: DEsiGNATED FACILITY: NAME: ~CKITT~ICK WASTE DISPOSAL CiTY/sTATE/zip: McKITTRICK,' CA 93251 [ ']DuMPTR~JCK .... 'E' ']DRUMS [' ]BINS r' ']OTHER.' "' ,,~ , , :.. '. : ADDRESS: 5&533 HZGH~JAY 58 ~EST PHONE ~ :, ~0 ~- ..~, MP VACUUM TRUCK SERVICE MP ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. 3400 Manor Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 805 / 393-1151 TICKET# TRACT/TRLR# / ~ '~ /. 30 ~"~ Name · MCKITTRICK WASTE DISPOSAL Disposal Method: ' Address' 56533 HIGHWAY 58 WEST MCKITTRICK, CA 9325! City/State/Zip · 805/762-7366 Landfill Other Phone No · Discrepancy · Time · am pm Signature' ./~ _~ , )~"~',/"""' '~ Date · //7 /~" TRANSPORTER RETAIN ~ WEIGHMASTER CERTIFICATE '- Th~s is tO cerlify thal lhe following described commodity was weighed, nl'~asured, or counted by a weighmaster, whose signature is on this certificate, who is a recognized authority of accuracy, as prescribed by Chapter 7 (cemmencing vc. ilh section 12700) of Division 5 Gl lhe Calilomia Business and Prolessions Code, adminislered by lhe Division of Measuremenl Slandards of Ihe California Depadment of Food and Agrlcullure. WEIGHMA. STER · McKITTRICK WASTE.:,TREATMENT SITE m A subsidiary of Sanifill, Inc. 56533 HWY. 58 WEST · McKittrick, CA 93251 (805).7.62-7366 "CLASS II SITE" WEIGHING LOCATION: HIGHWAY 58, 1/,~ MILE WEST OF HIGHWAY 33 McKI'I-rRICK, CALIFORNIA DATE TIME WEIGHT IN LBS. · - GROSS ~:..-_:'.:-:0 ! ~, T,~RE NET : '~ ' / TONS VEHICLE LIC. NOS. TRAILER LIC. If Waste Is Weighed it is 100% Nonharazardous GROSS / / j "' BY i" -.! '2 [],.!I ~,. TARE BY DEPUTY DEPUTY (IF DIFFERENI FROM GROSS AI3OVE) WEIGHED FOR / SELLER McKITTRICK WASTE TREATMENT SITE DE,.,VERE, TO,,,UYER "7" ",:/:",:: t.'"'.._....'"f BILLING INFORMATION ACCEPTAh!CE HO. ~; :';' -' " INVOICE: _-I HAULEC~ _m GENEF~ATO~ WASH OUT: ... ~ $ __ EACH COS· PER TON: $ TOTAL COST: $ SAMPLE SCREENING INFORMATIr I ~ '~ ,.. DRIVER/'/.. .-'-'~f ,; , .. /,"-'-~~ /'..' ,,;S; .' t-, _~ _: , .,: ,' -':-~,. ? e.- COMMODITY '1 UNITS J B/L/I',10. .... ' '- I : :':' '1 "" I .... ' ' ~,.....,,., ,., , ,I ~ ,:' -~,, FEE: [~ PD ~ CHG $ COLOR /..-. ,",¢" ,¢ .., CYANIDES .~" "~ FREE LIQUID :" TRAILER LIC. FLASH PT. OTHER CARRIER SULFIDES L,~YEPS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I " -- N O N. ' H,A Z A R D.O.U S-- W AS .'IF.- E M-.AN I F ES T ..... .~ :.;: PROFILE 'N'O~ '796-746B(;, · to be ~n heu of the Tox c Substance Centre s h~.zardous / · '/· .:' :~,: .... ...::~...,I~: '.-.' '. ,~ :' '..> ': "..':- waste man fest: To be Used fo~"NON-HAZARD-~OS VC~.~,~ES only,/"~? //~i"i"~i/~,~'~'/~.?,'(>!!~'' .... · .,,'.',,...,'...'. -.:.,,... . .. .., ..... . . ,. . ., . , , .,~1~ ~..~".. .~ , ,~,,,~,.' · pA¢ZF~C 8~,,' u~.~-,- "-- ......... ~ ~ ~ .~-' ' .' Name' · cL~ ,~ · .f- . ... .. Mailing Address' 19!8 ,M, ST . , · City / State / Zil~ ;~, Phone NO , : 40gl~94-i200 Signature: X z~ ~_~."'~ .. j Contact' ~ALTER GAGE ( IT CORP) THE GENERATOR CERTIFIES THAT THE WASTE AS DESCRIBED IS 100% NON-HA~.~i~OUs ..'..:. Waste'Description · Generating Location · SAI~IE' ' :: ~,Flandling Instructions. NONE' ':i '// Quantity" / ~ ', 'CONTAINER TYPE: ' E ]TANK TRUCK DESIGNATED FACILITY :' 'NAME: MCKITTEICK WASTE DISPOSAL NON HAZARDOUS SOIL CITY/STATE/ZIP:" MCKITTRICK, CA 93251 [ ]'BBl.} E ]GLS DUMP TRUCK . DS. [']TONS ~:" [ ]DRUMS [ ]BINS.' [ ]OTHER "' ADDRESS;.'"' 5~S33. HZGHWAV'58. WEST' ' PHONE #: 805/762-756& MP VAcuuM TRUCK sERVICE MP ENVIRONMENTA. L 3400 Manor Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 805 / 393-1151 ,, Name · Address · MCKITTRICK WASTE DISPOS~'L 56533 HIGHWAY 58 WEST LQ~. posal Me~ E)O [~c~ndfill (_v..~ner City/State/Zip · Phone No · Discrepancy · MCKITTRICK, CA 93251 8051762-7366 am Time · pm Signature: ~/,/.7' T-o.w L~, F~ Date' ! I ~N O..N-,.H AZ A R D O U S 19b-746~ .WASTE,.- MANIF,ES, T .. "" ' '- .... '"'"' " 099 · ,..' ,~ ',,' .:'..' 'i. '":~.:::~ , "[3 BAKERSFIELD [] YOLO E~ PHOENIX ..... ..... .~~ ...... ~~~, ...... ~ ......... ....... ~,~~,.-~.~~~ Mailing Address · 191 ~ "bAn ST:' "" SAKERSFIELD 93301 "i" ''" City/State/Zip' t CA ·4 . ' · . '. ~. -, [.. '*,L~',:, · .... 4.* '~ ...... ~"~ ~'~ ~'T"~T"' '"' '~". "'*' ...... .. ~:''': '.'(~'-'t'~''". ~ '.-~ .,,.: - '- 1 ~ O0 Contact Phone No · 408[~ · ~ALTER GAGE (IT CORP}'.' ' Signature: X ,L~.;p] ./~/~/././?(~'.=,¢' ~' 1'~/~,~' Date: ,~ / / 7/ .~/~/.~'~' ' I THE GENERATOR CERTIFIES THAT THE WASTE AS DESCRIBED IS 100% NON-HAZARDOUS, Waste Description · NON HAZARDOUS SOIL Generating Loc~.tion · Handling Instructions.· NONE· ' ' CONTAINER TYPE: : [ ]TANKTRUCK DESIGNATED FACILITY': ..' · NAME.: ~{CK~ITT~ICK ~ASTE DISPOSAL CITY/STATE/ZI P: ]DuMPTRucK' E :]DRuMs 'E']BINS . E ]o~HER '',": ' ADDRESS: 56533 HIGHDAv'"58 WEST MCKITTRICK,' CA 93251 PHONE # · ' $05/762-1566 MP VACUUM TRUCK SERVICE MP ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. 3400 Manor Street. Bakersfield, CA 93308 805 / 393-1151 TICKET# TRACT/TRLR# ~' Bin No's ' ~..~¢' . · ,~p'~ . : ..... :"~"':-:':' Dat~ "~'--]"~'~" P.~ - '"'- ~- """ P/U DAT~: '~'--,,/' ~- 9 ~ Job #' '"':" ' Name · Address: City/State/Zip: Phone No: Discrepancy: MCKITTRICK WASTE DISPOSAL 56533 HIGHWAY 58 WEST MCKITTRICK¢ CA 93251 805]76~-736b Disposal Method: E~] Landfill Other Time · am pm, Signature · * _.*.**'o' ~'~ *'*' .... ~;'~-'*"~*';.:*:*;'~:'::.' ',*: :' *** * :":'; -****.WEIGHMASTERCERTFCATE***"- ..... 'Q .**- ~ ~' ***'*" ' *:'" - :* '* * "* *. * ' ' ~,s to ~:_~_e~?2**g_,~p?Z~' co~_mo~y w_as wei~h~, measure~, or counied by a weighmaster, whose signature is on this c~,~ilica~e'w~o Is a recognized authoay of accuracy, ~s prescdb~ by C~apter . [~.,,,..~..,~ w~u~ ~ ~c,u~ o~ Divisio~ ~ of the ~a emma Business and Professions Code, administered by the Division of Measurement Slandards of the California Department el Food and Ag~culture. WEIGHMASTER · McKII'FRICK WASTE TREATMENT SITE -- A subsidiary of Sanlfill, Inc. 56533 HWY. 58 WEST · McKittrick, CA 93251 " (805) 762-7366 "CLASS II SITE" 50374 WEIGHING LOCATION: HIGHWAY 58, V,,MILE WEST OF HIGHWAY 33 McKR-i'RICK, CALIFORNIA DAT~ TIME WEIGHT IN LBS. 07/17/96 12:45 Pin S2560 lb VEHICLE LIC. NOS. TRAILER LIC. I TRAILER LIC. GROSS TARE NET TONS I I If Waste Is Weighed it is 100% Nonharazardous GROSS BY ~ ("C',. \ DEPUTY TARE WEIGHED FOR / SELLER McKITTRICK WASTE TREATMENT SITE DELIVERED TO / BUYEI:[t*~ ... _ . ¢¢,c_',':~ ~c '~L ~.!-~,.C ~ COMMOI~ITY ~ UNITS FEE: ~ PD BILLING INFORMATION ACCEPTANCE NO. 7~ ~ ? '/t (j -,Ir~=- t~ INVOICE: I~ HAULER D GENERATOR o "C'-' ,~ ~ ~ -~' WASH OUT: ,. ~ $ __ EACH COST PER TON: $ TOTAL COST: $ SAMPLE SCREENING INFORMAl'lC COLOR "'CL, 6':' CYANIDES ~'~ ~,H C. LA',;~s FREE LIQUID B/IJ NO. FLASH PT. \' t ~ [~ CHG $ OTHER ~." "~'.' ' '":;' :":". "'"""" '"' .' "~ ":~ . ' · .WEIGHMA~I'ER'CERTIFICATE':',"' .'.':.' ' ' . ' '~ .... _?s Is to ~ I~.a.l the f~lo~ing_.d~. _.-be~. com_modily ?s wsi~lhe~?measured, or counted by a wsighmaster, whose signalur~ is On this cert f cate, who is a recognized authority of accuracy as prescribed by Chapter ~' tcommem::mg ~ sec~n 12700) or Division 5 of the ~;alifom,a Business and Professions Code, administered by the~Oivlsion el Measurement Standards et the California Department of Food and Agriculture. BILUNG INFORMATION WEIGHMASTER · McKITrRICK WAST,.~REATMENT SITE -- A subsidiary of Sanlflll, lng. ,' ,,,~ .~: '., ',. 56533.w¥. 5,, wE'~,,,,,,~,,,,.,,., CA 9325', ' 5 0 3 7 2 : ' ' ~' ' ' ~ (805V762.7366 "CLASS II SITE" WEIGHING LOCATION: HIGHWAY 587/4 MILE WEST OF HIGHWAY 33 McKFrFRICK, CALIFORNIA · DATE TIME WEIGHT IN LBS. 07/17/96 09"5;3 am VE.,CU~UC..OS. I TRA,LER LIC. I ,- 4o00~ b :320~0 1 b TRAILER LIC. I If Waste Is Weighed it is 100% Non'harazardous , ,oss . TARE L. ~* :" '. ~ WEIGHED FOR/SELLER T~ I McKI~RICK WASTE TREATMENT SITE NET ~ DELIVEREDTO/BUYER __ ACCEPTANCE NO. "~ ~; - ?'-/'l 5~'~ INVOICE: 0 HAULER [3 GENERATOR WASH OUT: __ ~ $ EACH COST PER TON: $ TOTAL COST: $ SAMPLE SCREENING INFORMATIO co,o. Z-2- CYANIDES /~-'~' / / pH _. ~. ? LAYERS FREE LIQUID FLAS~r PT, OTHER