HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN 10/19/2000Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE Permit ID#:: 015-000-001487 EXPRESSLY PORTRAITS-EA~ This _hermit is Issued for the followin_.: [] Hazardous Materials Plan [3 Underground Storage of Hazardous Materials [] Risk Management Program · [] Hazardous Waste On-Site Treatment LOCATION: 3000 MALL VIEW RD 1027 Issued by: Bakersfield Fire Department OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SER VICES- 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 Voice (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 Approved by: Expiration Date: Ofl4ce of E'viro(tmen~l~ices~'~' Issue Date June 30. 2003 Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE .... ,,~,~ ;,, :~ ~,~, ~,~ ~,,,~,~,,~,, ......... This - "'perm.: is issued for the ~" 'TO.OWing: ...... ~???"??'?'i; ~::ii::i~:~i:;iii~::ii;::i:,:~i::i;i:::iii :::?:?~:~Hazardous Materials Plan ?'?~i~']'.~J~,~i :i ::!~:?:?':::;i i;ii!i iil;i,i!iiii:::::::.~il;":iiii~:,;iU~e,around Storage of Hazardous Materials PERMIT ID# 015-0214)01487 .~?:~iii'i~.i;?:::i::;]!iiii~;ii::~'' ~ ~!!!!!? !i !!~.:!!!!:) ,i[ii ~ ~J~k ~0agement Program EXPRESSLY PORTRAITS-EAS!~H!LES:::;i::!? ??~. · ?,~" :i.~~ ,~t~!~ ~t :, a`~ ~' ~'~ '," ' ,,' '"~' ? .=~i~ 3000 MALL VIEW:~;,"?.~L=,...7?' 1027 ~?':'.,. ".. J ': .-' '::.::~7..'----:7 f.."~' "- '. "~ ~; '~ ~' / ,: , .: . i' ,' ,- ~ I ~ ~[~,. ~ ~ J' "...':~[~ q':~:.. '"..q~ ; [;,"~ a?" ..........~]7";~[~J .' LOCATION Issued by: Bakersfield Fire Department OFFICE OF ENVIR ONMENTAL SER VICES 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 Voice (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 Approved by: Expiration Date: June 30, 2000 Dar~k Rrr~ THE PICTURE PEOPLE - EAST HILLS SiteID: 015-021-001487 Manager : LISA FRANCO Location: 3000 MALL VIEW RD 1027 City : BAKERSFIELD BusPhone: Map : 103 Grid: 22A (661) 871-1112 CommHaz : Minimal FacUnits: 1 AOV: CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION 08 EPA Numb: CAL000063456 SIC Code:7221 DunnBrad: Emergency Contact SCOTT YARDLEY Business Phone: 24-Hour Phone : Pager Phone : / Title / SAFETY MG/OWNER (650) 578-9291x (415) 386-3540x ( )' - x Emergency Contact BRIAN PARKS Business Phone: 24-Hour Phone : Pager Phone : / Title / TECH DIRECTOR (650) 578-9291x (650) 464-6724x ( ) - x Hazmat Hazards: Contact : SCOTT YARDLEY MailAddr: 1157 TRITON DR City : FOSTER CITY Phone: (650) 578-9291x State: CA Zip : 94404 Owner SCOTT YARDLEY Address : 1157 TRITON DR City : FOSTER CITY Phone: (650) 578-9291x State: CA Zip : 94404 Period : to TotalASTs: = Gal Preparer: TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif'd: RSs: No Emergency Directives: THIS IS A WASTE TREATMENT SITE AND REQUIRES A JOINT INSPECTION WITH HOWARD WINES AND THE ENGINE COMPANY. PLEASE GIVE THIS OFFICE 5 DAYS NOTICE PRIOR TO SCHEDULING THE INSPECTION. = Hazmat Inventory --As Designated Order Hazmat Common Name... One Unified List Ail Materials at Site ISpooHaZlEPA HazardsI Frm I DailyMax UnitlMCP 02/27/2001 F THE PICTURE PEOPLE - EAST HILLS SiteID: 015-021-001487 Fast Format ~ Notif./Evacuation/Medical Overall Site --AGency Notification 11/07/2000 EACH LAB HAS A "METERED PUMP STATION." THE PHOTOCHEMISTRY EFFLUENTS FLOW INTO THIS THROUGH A HOSE FROM THE PROCESSOR. IF THE EFFLUENTS "BACKTJP," A FLOAT SWITCH ALARM IS ACTIVATED. Employee Notif./Evacuation 11/07/2000 IF A SPILL OF A PROHIBITED SUBSTANCE OCCURS IT SHALL IMMEDIATELY BE CONTAINED SO AS NOT TO ENTER THE SEWER SYSTEM. THE MATERIAL SHALL BE MOPPED OR OTHERWISE CONTAINED IN THE PROPER CONTAINER. THAT MATERIAL IS TO BE CONTAINED UNTIL INSTRUCTED FURTHER BY THE SM. IF THE SPILL DOES REACH THE DRAIN, THE SM WILL IMMEDIATELY CONTACT THE OFFICE EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE LOCAL WATERMUNICIPALITY. Public Notif./Evacuation 11/07/2000 THE STORE MANAGER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CONTACTING THE SAFETY MANAGER AT HOME OFFICE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES. THE SAFETY MANAGER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR NOTIFYING THE PROPER AUTHORITIES OR CLEANING CONTRACTORS FOR THE INCIDENT. THE SM FOLLOWS UP ALL ACTIVITIES TO ENSURE CORRECT MEASURES ARE CARRIED OUT. EmerGency Medical Plan 11/07/2000 MINOR INJURIES ARE HANDLED INHOUSE BY THE STORE MANAGER. ALL STORES ARE EQUIPPED W/ICE PACKS, FIRST AID KITS, AND EYEWASH STATIONS. ALL OTHER EMERGENCIES ARE HANDLED BY CALLING MALL SECURITY AND/OR 911. -2- 02/27/2001 THE PICTURE PEOPLE - EAST HILLS SiteID: 015-021-001487 Fast Format ~ Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt --Release Prevention Overall Site 11/07/2000 WE HAVE INSTALLED SECONDARY CONTAINMENT AROUND THE SILVER RECOVERY I/NIT. THE CONTAINMENT IS LARGE ENOUGH TO HANDLE MORE EFFLUENT THAN THE PUMP STATION CAN HOLD. AGAIN WE HAVE A METER ON THE STATION WHICH SETS AN ALARM OFF AND SHUTS DOWN WHEN FULL. -- Release Containment 11/07/2000 DUE TO NEW TECHNOLOGY W/PHOTO PROCESSING MACHINES, WE HAVE RECENTLY "DOWNSIZED" THE AMOUNT OF CHEMISTRY STORED AT OUR LOCATION. WE ONLY CARRY THE NECESSARY AMOUNT ONSITE. WE HAVE ALSO INSTALLED "EMOT SYSTEMS. -- Clean Up 11/07/2000 WHAT MAKES PHOTOCHEMISTRY A HAZAROUD MATIERLA IS WHEN IT CONTAINS SILVER. THE CHEMISTRY ONLY CONTAINS SILVER AFTER IT HAS BEEN PROCESSED. SO CHEMISTRY SPILLS THAT HAVE NOT BEEN PROCESSED ARE CLEANED W/WATER AND MOP, THAT IS ALL THAT IS NECESSARY. PROCESSED CHEMISTRY CONTAINING SILVER IS CONTAINED, MANIFESTED AND PICKED UP BY A LICENSED HAULER. Other Resource Activation -3- 02/27/2001 THE PICTURE PEOPLE - EAST HILLS SiteID: 015-021-001487 Fast Format Site Emergency Factors Special Hazards Overall Site --Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - N/A B) ELECTRICAL - BREAKER BOX IN LAB AREA C) WATER - CONTROLLED BY MALL D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO 11/07/2000 -- Fire Protec./Avail. Water 11/07/2000 PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - N/A (WHAT ABOUT FIRE EXTINGUISHERS OR SPRINKLER SYSTEM???????????0 NEAREST FIRE HYDRANT - LOCATED IN MALL. Building Occupancy Level -4- 02/27/2001 THE PICTURE PEOPLE - EAST HILLS SiteID: 015-021-001487 Fast Format Training -- Employee Training Overall Site 11/07/2000 WE HAVE 8-10 HOLIDAY EMPLOYEES AND 4-6 REGULAR. WE DO HAVE MSDS SHEETS IN LAB AREA BRIGHT YELLOW AND RED. BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: WE PROVIDE INHOUSE TRAINING BY OUR TECHNICAL STAFF AND STORE MANAGERS. HAZARD COMMUNICATION AND RIGHT TO KNOW ACT IS COVERED IN A 35 MIN HAZCOM VIDEO PRESENTED BY "VERITAS." AFTER THE VIDEO QUESTIONS AND CONCERNS ARE COVERED PRIOR TO A BRIEF QUIZ. ANY ASSOCIATES WHO SCORE LESS THAN 80% MUST BE RETRAINED UNTIL A PASSING SCORE IS REACHED. THE CONTENTS AND CHAPTERS OF THE SAFETY MANUAL ARE ALSO COVERED. CONTENTS INCLUDE PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT, EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS, -- Page 2 for Future Use Held Held for Future Use -5- 02/27/2001 D April 27, 2001 FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX {661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 The Picture People 3000 Mall View Road, Suite 1027 Bakersfield, CA 93306 Dear Business Owner: Enclosed, please find a copy of the site diagram or facility diagram that you had previously submitted as part of your Hazardous Materials Management Plan (HMMP). The diagram(s) submitted, have been rejected, because: 1) Site diagram should include surrounding area around store including streets; 2) Utility shut-offpoints for gas, electrical and water; and 3) Portion of building protected by automatic sprinkler system and Fire Department hook-up. Please have the diagram(s) re-drawn and re-submitted by May 25, 2001. I have also included a copy of the Site and Facility Diagram Instructions, and a blank form for your convenience. If you have any questions, please contact Esther Duran at (661) 326-3658. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, RALPH E. HUEY, DIRECTOR OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Esther Duran, Accounting Clerk II Office of Environmental Services ED\db Enclosures Dar~k Rm, I I -- ,f FLOOR PLAN CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (661) 326-3979 SITE AND FACILITY DIAGRAM INSTRUCTIONS FOR HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLANS These instructions explain the use ofthe site diagram and the fadlity diagram. Normally, small and medium size businesses will only have to submit a site diagram. If you have subdivided your business into smaller areas becaUse of the complexity or size, then you will be completing and additional detail map, facility diagram, for each of these areas. Include instructions that show the route to your business it it is in a remote location. .. SITE DIAGRAM INSTRUCTIONS The site diagram is used to show your busine~ and to indicate the businesses that immediately. surround your property, usually within 300 feet. If you will be showing specific area detail on" facility diagrams, use the site diagrmn to show an overall layout of the plant. If you will not 1)6 ¥. submitting facility diagrams, the site map must include all of the following information: Check the box on the top left comer oftha form provided that indicated "Site Diagram". Print the name of your business, as shown in your HMMP, on the top of the Label the location of the hazardous materials and identify them by name and tYl~' of hazard (ie. Flammable liquid, corrosive solid). 4. Label the location of utility shutoff points for gas, electric and water services. 5. Label the location of fire hydrants. 6. Label portions of the building protected by automatic sprinkler systems. Label the direction representing north on the diagram. (The diagxam form provided includes a north arrow). Map labelin8 must be le and easily understandable. Try to :1 the use of'abbreviations or symbols. If you must use them, provide a legend explaining your system. Maps may be returned for correction if'you fail to follow these instruction. FACILITY DIAGRAM INSTRUCTIONS Facility diagrams are supplements to the site diagram. Use them to show the subdivision details of a large business. Check the box in the upper right hand comer of the form provided that indicated "Facility Diagram". Print the name of your business as shown on your ttMMP. Print the name of the area that this map represents. This name should be the same name that you used on this area's inventory report. Indicate which area the diagram represents and the total number of facility diagrams that you are including. If a map represented the first of four areas, it would be labeled #1 of 4. Follow instruction (3 -7) for site diagrams regarding the specific details to be included on each facility diasram. 2 DIAGRAM Bu~ea~ Name: Buaineaa ,au:ldreaa: DIAGRAM CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (661) 326-3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN INSTRUCTIONS: 2. 3. 4. 5. To avoid further action, remm this form within 30 days of receipt. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. Be as brief and concise as possible. You may also attach Business Owner / Operator Form and Chemical DesCription Form(s) to the front of this plan instead of completing SECTION I. below for initial submission. SECTION I: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA OWNER: MAILING ADDRESS: PHONE: / EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION CONTACT TITLE BUS. PHONE 24 HR. PHONE q'Y,Y---~,5' 6 - YJ-(/O ~ '-9'6 ,(--6,'7.2- HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION II. 1: DISCOVERY AND NOTIFICATIONS Ao LEAK DETECTION AND MONITORING PROCEDURES: Bo EMPLOYEE AND AGENCY NOTIFICATION: Co ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE MANAGEMENT: Do EMERGENCY MEDICAL PLAN: 2 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (661) 326-3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN INSTRUCTIONS: 2. 3. 4. 5. To avoid further action, return this form within 30 days of receipt. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. Be as brief and concise as possible. You may also attach Business Owner / OperatorForm and Chemical Description Form(s) to the front of this plan instead o£completing SECTION I. below for initial submission. SECTION I: BUSINESS'IDENTIFICATION DATA BUSINESS NAME: LOCATION: -0~/'~ PRIMARY ACTIVITY: STATE: MAILING ADDRESS: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION CONTACT TITLE BUS. PHONE cB'r> -$-q g-?~? / 24 HR. PHONE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION II. 1' DISCOVERY AND NOTIFICATIONS A. LEAK DETECTION AND MONITORING PROCEDURES: B. EMPLOYEE AND AGENCY NOTIFICATION:~-.4:" C. ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE MANAGEMENT: Do EMERGENCY MEDICAL PLAN: 2 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION II.2: RELEASE RESPONSE PLAN A. HAZARD ASSESSMENT AND PREVENTION B. ~LEASE CONTENT A~/OR ~TIGATION~,~, C. CLEAN-UP AND RECOVERY PROCEDURES:tJ.3~¥a~ £n':~S 9k',c~c<~ow.~a',.i~v},' c.t " UTILITY S~T-OFFS (LOCATION OF S~T-OFFS AT YO~ FACILITY} NATURAL GAS/PROP~: i~0(A ELECTRICAL: t..4,,=,~'~:-.r-'~Z~.~z-'~v',~ t~A~ WATER: ((;r,c¢-~.;~\,~'~ b? hq i~. SPECIAL: f~ ~o,'~ e LOCK BOX: ~S~O ~ YES, LOCATION: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION/WATER AVAILABILITY Ao Bo WATER AVAILABILITY (FIRE HYDRANT): HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION III: TRAINING MATERIAL SA.PETY DATA SHEETs ON FILE: BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM:[..~-- 'pcoo',cl< 'xc~ Xc~'~:¢~ ~w.~-,'iv-~ ~D',! or.,'4" cERTIFICATION ,' "~' ~/ CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS ACCURATE. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS INFORMATION WILL BE USED TO FULFILL MY FIRM'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER. THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE" ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (DIV. 20 CHAPTER 6.95 SEC. 25500 ET AL.) AND THAT INACCURATE. INFORMATION CONSTITUTES PERJURY. SIGNAT~ y · ·TITLE DATE EXPRESSLY PORTRAITS-EAST HILLS Manager : Location: 3000 MALL VIEW RD 1027 City : BAKERSFIELD CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION 08 EPA Numb: CAL000063456 BusPhone: Map : Grid: SiteID: 015-021-001487 (805) 871-1112 CommHaz : UnRated FacUnits: 1 AOV: SIC Code:7221 DunnBrad: Emergency Contact Business Phone: 24-Hour Phone : Pager Phone : / / ( ) - x ( ) - x ( ) - x Title Emergency Contact Title Business Phone: 24-Hour Phone : Pager Phone : / / ( ) - x ( ) - x ( ) - x Hazmat Hazards: Contact : ~%o~c ~a~%~c/~i SA ~z o MailAddr: 3000 MALL VIEW RD 1027 City : BAKERSFIELD Address : 3000 MALL VIEW RD 1027 City : BAKERSFIELD Phone: (805) 871-1112x State: CA Zip : 93306 Phone: (~t-~) 578-9291x State: CA Zip : 93306 Period : to TotalASTs: = Preparer: TotalUSTs: = Certif'd: RSs: No Gal Gal Emergency Directives: THIS IS A WASTE TREATMENT SITE AND REQUIRES A JOINT INSPECTION. ENV SVCS TO SCHEDULE THIS INSP WITH HOWARD WINES. PLEASE CALL = Hazmat Inventory -- As Designated Order Hazmat Common Name... I~SpooHazlEPA HazardsI Frm DailyMax I. ~/-//'~~.~~. DO hereby ceriify ~hat ~ have reviewe~he a~acSed h~a~dous matsdals p,.~, ~nd ~ha~ i~ alon~ wi~h ~o~ merit plan (~me of Busings) ~ any corrections constitute a complm~ end cormm man- One Unified List Ail Materials at Site UnitlMCP' agement plan for my facility. -1- 10/19/2000 The Picture People HAZARDOUS MATERIAL BUSINESS PLAN Business Name The Picture People #28 Facility Address: East Hills, 3000 Mall View Road #1027 Facility Phone #: 661.871-1112 Studio Manager: TBA Studio Manager Home Phone #: Date Open: Nature of Business: Portrait Studio with on site processing. SIC Code (4digit #): 7221 & 7384 President / CEO: Corporate Contact: Scoff Yardley, Safety Manager Corporate Phone Number: (650) 578- 9291, Ext. 7653 EMERGENCY CONTACTS Primary Name: Scoff Yardley Secondary Name: Michael Edgelow Title: Imaging Systems Coordinator Title: Regional Manager Pager: Phone: 1.650-578-9291 PIN #: 1928003 Extension: 7205 Phone: 1.650.578-9291 Extension: 7653 Emergency Planning Information The On Site Emergency Coordinator is the Studio Manager listed above. For State/Fed planning: We do not handle extremely hazardous substances listed in 40 CFR 355, Appendix A. There are No School's, Hospital's or Extended Care facilities within 1,000 ft. (Straight line distance) of our facility. CERTIFICATION: I certify under penalty of law that I have personally prepared and examined this document, and am familiar with the information. Signature Date FILE IN SAFETY MANUAL AT THE END OF THE HAZARD COMMUNICATION PROGRAM EXPRESSLY PORTRAITS/THE PICTURE PEOPLE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INVENTORY FORM CHEMICAL INVENTORY ADD [] REV [] TRADE SECRET [] PAGE Business Name: The Picture People 28 I Date:3/2/00 Location Street Address: Bakersfield,CA Chemical Name: Kodak Flexicolor Developer Replenisher LORR CAS #: NIA MIXTURE Common Name: Photographic Film Developer Replenisher UN/DOT #: 1760 ~ 6 % wt. Component CAS # 90.95 Water 007732-18-5 1.5Potassium Carbonate 000584-08.7 M IXTU RE <1 4 - (N-ethyI.N.2hydroxyethyl) 2- 25646-77-9 I N FO methylphenylenediamine sull'ate <1 Pentetic acid, pentasodium salt 000140-01-2 HMIS LABEL CODES HEALTH 2__ NFPA 704 HAZARD FLAMMABILITY ~ HAZARD ~0~ CODES REACTIVITY ~ DIAMOND Health~ecir~Reactive PERSONAL PROTECTION C PHYSICAL SOLID~ LIQUIDI] PUREn '~IlXTURE STATE GAS ~ OTHER ~1] RADIOACTIVE O WASTE AMOUNT Max. Daily: 12.6 Gallons148 Largest container Waste Qty./year liters & Avg. Daily: 6.3 Gallons124 on Site: 300 Gallons liters TIME # Days / Year on Site: 365 1.5 liters STORAGE Container ,:P Plastic bottle/jug Location Description CODES & Pressure ,:P Ambient Pressure plastic containers in LOCATION Temperature ~ Ambient Temperature production area ,:.;. .................... ~:,~,~.,~:~7, ~:;~ :..::.~ ::,:::: .~.- .......... .. ~'~.. ........... . ........................... ;.~ :,:. ~,~:: ~,¢:,~. ~ ,~ ..................... EXPRESSLY PORTRAITS/THE PICTURE PEOPLE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INVENTORY FORM CHEMICAL INVENTORY ADD D REV D TRADE SECRET [~ PAGE 2 OF 12 Business Name: Expressly Portraits/The Picture People #28 Date: 3/2/00 Location Street Address:' Bakersfield, CA Chemical Name: Kodak Flexicolor Developer Starter LORR CAS #: NIA MIXTURE Common Name: Photographic Film Developer Starter UN/DOT #: not regulated % wt. CAS # MIXTURE INFO HAZARD CODES PHYSICAL STATE AMOUNT & TIME STORAGE CODES & LOCATION ?¢75 10-15 5-10 1-5 1-5 1-5 Component Water Potassium bicarbonate Potassium carbonate Sodium sulfite Pentetic acid, pentasodium salt Sodium bromide 007732-18-5 000298-14-6 000584-08-7 007757-83-7 000140-01-2 007647-15-6 HMIS LABEL CODES HEALTH FLAMMABILITY REACTIVITY PERSONAL PROTECTION SOLID r~ LIQUID GAS ~ OTHER Max. Daily: .96 gallonsl3.6 liters Avg. Daily: .48 gallonsll.8 liters Site = 365 ~Plastic bottle/jug -~Ambient Pressure ~,mbient Temperature NFPA 704 F~/~ HAZARD DIAMOND Health ~ecO..~tive PURE I~ MIXTURE RADIOACTIVE ~ WASTE 1] Largest container on Site: 1.8 liters Waste Qty./year <2 Gallons Location Description plastic containers in production area EXPRESSLY PORTRAITS/THE PICTURE PEOPLE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INVENTORY FORM CHEMICAL INVENTORY ADD ~ REV ~ TRADE SECRET ~] PAGE 3 OF 12 Business Name: Expressly Portraits/The Picture People #28 I Date: 3/2/00 Location Street Address:: Bakersfield, CA Chemical Name: Kodak Flexicolor Bleach III Replenisher NR CAS #: NIA MIXTURE Common Name: Photographic Film Bleach Concentrate UN/DOT #: 176018 % wt. Component CAS # 80.85 Water 00732-18-5 1.5 Ferric ammonium propylendia- 111687-36-6 MIXTU RE minetatra acetic acid INFO 1-5 Acetic acid 000064-19-7 1.5 Ammonium acetate 000631-61-8 1-5 Ammonium bromide 012124-97-9 1-5 Ammonium nitrate 006484-52-2 HMIS LABEL CODES HEALTH ~ NFPA 704 Fire ~ HAZARD FLAMMABILITY ~ HAZARD CODES REACTIVITY ~ DIAMOND Health ~1, 0 Reactive PERSONAL PROTECTION PHYSICAL SOLID ~ LIQUID n PURE ~ MIXTURE STATE GAS ~] OTHER [][] RADIOACTIVE ~ WASTE AMOUNT Max. Daily: 26.4 Gallons Largest container Waste Qty./year I1001iters & Avg. Daily: 13.2 Gallons on Site: 150 Gallons 150liters TIME # Days / Year on Site = 365 5 litersll.4Gallons STORAGE Container ~Plastic bottle/jug Location Description CODES & Pressure ~Ambient Pressure plastic containers in LOCATION Temperature ~[]Ambient Temperature production area EXPRESSLY PORTRAITS/THE PICTURE PEOPLE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INVENTORY FORM CHEMICAL INVENTORY ADD ~ REV Q TRADE SECRET II PAGE 4 OF 12 Business Name: Expressly Portraits/The Picture People #100 I Date: 3/2/00 Location Street Address: Bakersfield, CA Chemical Name: Kodak Flexicolor Bleach Starter/C.41, C-41B CAS #: NIA MIXTURE Common Name: Photographic Film Bleach Starter UN/DOT #: not regulated % wt. Component CAS # 70-75 Water 00732-18-5 :~ :: ~,i ~ 25.30 Sodium acetate 000127-09-3 MIXTURE HMIS LABEL CODES HEALTH 0 NFPA 704 Fire ~ HAZARD FLAMMABILITY 1 HAZARD PERSONAL PROTECTION PHYSICAL SOLID ~ LIQUID ~ PURE ~ MIXTURE o STATE GAS n OTHER [~ RADIOACTIVE I] WASTE AMOUNT Max. Daily: 4.02 gallons115.2 Largest container Waste Qty./year liters & Avg. Daily: 2.01 gallonsl7.6 on Site: < 2 Gallons liters TIME # Days / Year on Site = 365 '1 Gallon13.78 liters STORAGE Container ~Plastic bottle/jug Location Description CODES & Pressure ~Ambient Pressure plastic containers in LOCATION Temperature ~[]Ambient Temperature production area EXPRESSLY PORTRAITS/THE PICTURE PEOPLE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INVENTORY FORM CHEMICAL INVENTORY ADD ~ REV ~ TRADE SECRET I] PAGE 5 OF 12 Business Name: Expressly Portraits/The Picture People #25 I Date: 312100 Location Street Address: Bakersfield, CA Chemical Name: Kodak Flexicolor Fixer and Replenisher CAS #: NIA MIXTURE Common Name: Photographic Film Fixer and Replenisher UN/DOT #: not regulated % wt. Component CAS # 80.85 Water 007732-18-5 10-15 Amonium thiosulfate 007783-18.8 MIXTURE <1 Ammonium sulflte 0t0196-04-0 INFO <1 Sodium Bisulfite 007631.90-5 ~ ~,~ ~ <1 Ammonium bisulfite 010192-30-0 ~ ~i~ ~ ~ HMIS LABEL CODES HEALTH I:) NFPA 704 Fire ~ HAZARD FLAMMABILITY ~ HAZARD PERSONAL PROTECTION ~A PHYSICAL SOLID 1] LIQUID II PURE II MIXTURE I] STATE GAS I] OTHER III] RADIOACTIVE II WASTE II AMOUNT Max. Daily: Gallons 26.46 Largest container Waste Qty./year I1001iters & Avg. Daily: Gallons 13.23 on Site: 450 Gallons 150liters TIME # Days / Year on Site = 365 5 litersll.4 gallons STORAGE Container ~Plastic bottle/jug Location Description CODES & Pressure '~Ambient Pressure plastic containers in LOCATION Temperature q)~mbient Temperature production area EXPRESSLY PORTRAITS/THE PICTURE PEOPLE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INVENTORY FORM CHEMICAL INVENTORY ADD n REV Q TRADE SECRET 1] PAGE 6 OF 12 Business Name: Expressly Portraits/The Picture People #28 I Date: 3/2/00 Location Street Address: Bakersfield, CA Chemical Name: Kodak Flexicolor Stabilizer and Replenisher LF CAS #: N/A MIXTURE Common Name: PhotographicFilm Stabilizer UN/DOT #: not regulated % wt. Component CAS # 95-100 Water 007732.18.5 "~ <1 Hexamethylenetetramine 000100.97.0 MIXTURE <1 Sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate 025155.30.0 INFO <1 Diproplyene glycol 025265-71-8 ===~ r <1 Nonionic surfactant not available <1 Substituted thiazolin - 3 - one 002634-33.5 HMIS ~BEL CODES HEALTH ~ NFPA 704 Fire ~ H~RD F~MMABILI~ ~ H~RD PERSONAL PROTECTION PHYSICAL SOLID ~ LIQUID ~ PURE ~ MIXTURE STATE ~AS ~ OTHER ~ ~DIOACTIVE ~ WASTE AMOUNT Max. Daily: 2.54 gallonsl9.6 Largest container Waste ~W./year liters & Avg. Daily: 1.27 on Site: 350Gallons Gallonsl4.81iters TIME ~ Days / Year on Site = 365 Y~ liter STOOGE Container ~Plastic boffieljug Location Description CODES & Pressure ~Ambient Pressure plastic containers in LOCATION Temperature ~mbient Temperature produ~ion area EXPRESSLY PORTRAITS/THE PICTURE PEOPLE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INVENTORY FORM CHEMICAL INVENTORY ADD ~ REV ~ TRADE SECRET; PAGE 7 Of 12 Business Name: Expressly Portraits/The Picture People #28 Date: 3/2/00 Location Street Address:' Bakersfield, CA emical Name: Kodak Ektacolor RA Developer Replenisher RT CAS #: N/A MIXTURE mmon Name: Photographic Paper Developer Replenisher UN/DOT #: 176018 % wt. Component CAS # 95.100 Water 007732.18.5 ;..:: ~i~ ~>,:~ ~;~ i :~ji~; 1-5 Potassium carbonate 00058~08-7 ~/~ ~F~ ~IXTURE 1-5 Triethanolamine 000102-71-6 INFO <1 N, N- diethylhydroxylamine 003710-8~7 ~?~ <1 4. (N. ethyl. N 2 methanesulfonyl · 025646.71.3 ~ aminoethyl)-2- methylphenylenediamine ~ sesquisulfate monohydrate ~, HMIS ~BEL CODES HEALTH ~ NFPA 704 Fire ~ ~RD F~MMABILI~ ~ HA~RD CODES REACTIVI~ ~ DIAMOND Health ~ O R~ctive PERSONAL PROTECTION ~ HYSlCAL SOLID ~ LIQUID ~ PURE ~ MIXTURE ~ STATE GAS ~ OTHER ~ ~DIOACTIVE ~ WASTE ~ kMOUNT Max. Daily: 12,92 Gallons/ Largest container Waste Qty./year 49 liters & Avg. Daily: 6.46 gallons124.5 on Site: Gallons litem TIME ~ Days / Year on Site = 365 122 liteml.47gallons 3~GE Container ~Plastic boffieljug Location Description DES & Pressure ~Ambient Pressure plastic containers in CATION Temperature ~mbient Temperature pmdu~ion area EXPRESSLY PORTRAITS/THE PICTURE PEOPLE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INVENTORY FORM CHEMICAL INVENTORY ADD D REV D TRADE SECRET D PAGE 8 OF 12 Business Name: Expressly Portraits/The Picture People #100 I Date: 3~2~00 Location Street Address: · Bakersfield, CA Chemical Name: Kodak Ektacolor RA Developer Starter CAS #: NIA MIXTURE Common Name: Photgraphic Paper Developer Starter UN/DOT #: not regulated % wt. Component CAS # 70.80 Water 000732-18.5 15-20 Potassium bicarbonate 000298-14-6 MIXTURE 5-10 Potassium chloride 007447.40.7 INFO <1 Potassium carbonate 000584-08-7 <1 Potassium bromide 007758-02-3 HMIS LABEL CODES __ rxe~'/~ HEALTH 0 NFPA 704 Fi HAZARD FLAMMABILITY 0 HAZARD 0~0 .//a CODES REACTIVITY 0 DIAMOND Health ctive PERSONAL PROTECTION A Specific PHYSICAL SOLID ~ LIQUID [~ PURE [~ MIXTURE STATE GAS [~ OTHER ~ RADIOACTIVE D WASTE AMOUNT Max. Daily: 2.78 Largest container Waste Qty./year gallonsll 0.52 liters & Avg. Daily: 1.39 gallons15.26 on Site: <2 Gallon liters TIME # Days / Year on Site = 365 2.63 litersl.67 gallons STORAGE Container ~Plastic bottle/jug Location Description CODES & Pressure ~Ambient Pressure plastic containers in LOCATION Temperature ,~0Ambient Temperature production area EXPRESSLY PORTRAITS/THE PICTURE PEOPLE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INVENTORY FORM CHEMICAL INVENTORY ADD ~ REV ~ TRADE SECRET ~ PAGE 9 OF 12 Business Name: Expressly Portraits/The Picture People #28 I Date: 3/2/00 Location Street Address:: Bakersfield, CA Chemical Name: Kodak Ektacolor RA Bleach Fix and Replenisher CAS #: NIA MIXTURE Common Name: Photographic Paper Bleach Fix and Replenisher UN/DOT #: 1760/8 % wt. Component CAS # 80-85 Water 007732-18-5 5-10 Ammonium ferric ethylenediaminetetra- 021265-50-9 MIXTURE acetic acid INFO ~10 ~onium thiosulfate 0077830-18-8 1.5 Sodium bisulfite 007631-90-5 1.5 Acetic acid 00006~19-7 HMIS ~BEL CODES HEALTH ~ NFPA 704 Fire ~ H~RD F~MMABILI~ ~ HA~RD CODES REACTIVI~ ~ DIAMOND Hoalth ~ ~ ~ctivo sp y PHYSICAL SOLID ~ LIQUID D PURE ~ MIXTURE STATE GAS ~ OTHER ~ ~DIOACTIVE ~ WASTE AMOUNT Max. Daily: 7.4 Gallons Largest container Waste Q~./year & Av~. Daily: 3.7 Gallons on Site: 700 Gallons TIME ~ Days / Year on Site = 365 ~, Gallon STOOGE Container ~Plastic boffieljug Location Description CODES & Pressure ~Ambient Pressure plastic containers in LOCATION Temperature ~mbient Temperature production area EXPRESSLY PORTRAITS/THE PICTURE PEOPLE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INVENTORY FORM CHEMICAL INVENTORY ADD ~ REV D TRADE SECRET {] PAGE 10 OF 12 Portraits/The Picture People #28 I Date: 312100 Business Name: Expressly Location Street Address: Bakersfield, CA Chemical Name: Kodak Ektacolor Stabilizer/Replenisher/RA-4NP CAS #: NIA MIXTURE Common Name: Photographic Paper Stabilizer and Replenisher UN/DOT #: not regulated % wt. Component CAS # 95-100 Water 007732.18-5 <1 Polyvinylpyrrolidone 009003-39-8 MIXTURE <1 Oregano silicone not available INFO <1 Dipropylene glycol 025265-71-8 <.1 Substituted thiazolin - $ one 002634-3:3-5 HMIS LABEL CODES HEALTH I-'~-__ NFPA 704 Fir~x~ HAZARD FLAMMABILITY l._~_0 HAZARD o PERSONAL PROTECTION PHYSICAL SOLID I] LIQUID !] PURE I] MIXTURE STATE GAS I] OTHER I]1] RADIOACTIVE I] WASTE AMOUNT Max. Daily: ~.58 Gallonsl6 Largest container Waste Qty./year liters & Avg. Daily: .79 gallonsl3 on Site: ~800 Gallons liters TIME # Da~,s / Year on Site = 365 ] 00 Mis STORAGE Container ~Plastic bottle/jug Location Description CODE$& Pressure ~>Ambient Pressure plastic containers in LOCATION Temperature ~lAmbient Temperature production area EXPRESSLY PORTRAITS/THE PICTURE PEOPLE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INVENTORY FORM CHEMICAL INVENTORY ADD 0 REV 0 TRADE SECRET 0 PAGE 11 OF 12 Business Name: Expressly Portraits/The Picture People # 28 Location Street Address:' Bakersfield, CA Date3/2/00 Chemical Name: Photoprocessing Waste -- No Silver CAS #: NIA MIXTURE Common Name: Processing Effluent UN/DOT #: % wt. Component CAS # 8 Film Developer 2 Film Bleach MIXTURE 90 Paper Developer INFO HAZARD CODES PHYSICAL STATE AMOUNT & TIME STORAGE CODES & HMIS LABEL CODES HEALTH FLAMMABILITY REACTIVITY PERSONAL PROTECTION SOLID 0 LIQUID NFPA 704 HAZARD DIAMOND PURE Health MIXTURE GAS o OTHER Max. Daily: .50 Gallon Avg. Daily: .25 Gallon RADIOACTIVE o WASTE Largest container on Site: 3 gallons112 litres Waste Qty./year 200 Gallons # Days / Year on Site: 365 Container ~Plastic bottle/jug Location Description Pressure ~Ambient Pressure plastic containers in LOCATION Temperature ~mbient Temperature production area EXPRESSLY PORTRAITS/THE PICTURE PEOPLE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INVENTORY FORM CHEMICAL INVENTORY ADD ~ REV n TRADE SECRET ~ PAGE 12 OF 12 Business Name: Expressly Portraits/The Picture People #28 I Date3/2/00 Location Street Address:: Bakersfield, CA Chemical Name: Photoprocessing Waste - Silver Bearing CAS #: NIA MIXTURE Common Name: Processing Effluent UN/DOT #: % wt. Component CAS # 4 Film Fixer 4 Film Stabilizer MIXTURE 28 Paper Bleach Fix INFO 64 Paper Stabilizer HMIS LABEL CODES HEALTH ~ NFPA 704 Fire ///~ HAZARD FLAMMABILITY O HAZARD o PERSONAL PROTECTION L_~_B S p~,,~c PHYSICAL SOLID ~] LIQUID n PURE I] MIXTURE STATE GAS ~ OTHER ~] RADIOACTIVE ~ WASTE AMOUNT Max. Daily: 5 Gallons Largest container Waste Qty./year & Avg. Daily: 2.50 Gallons on Site: 2000 Gallons TIME # Days / Year on Site = 365 15 Gallons STORAGE Container ~Plastic bottle/jug Location Description CODES & Pressure ~Ambient Pressure plastic containers in LOCATION Temperature ~[]Ambient Temperature production area ::::::::::::::::::::::: ,,, .~,'~'~,~ .......... ,,,,,,,~?~ ~.~'~;~"~ ............ :':~ ~ Product Ektacotor RA Developer Starter ! Flexicolor Devleloper. Starter exicolor Bleach'.Starter xicolor Devel°per. : Flexicolor Bleach. ' r ~xer Flexicolor ~': Flexicolor Stabilizer Ektacolor RA Der. eloper Ektacolor RA Bleach Fix CAT · Cases Bottles Bottle · on* site per case Size Ektacolor Stabilizer' 857-5623 _,~_,_,=,_,.__,_,~ ----------------- Totals 102-6681 2 1 2.63 848-5153 I 1 ' 1.8 - 856-6796 2 I 3.8 812-1857 4 4 1.5 825-5549 5 2 5 821-8950 5 2 5 809-0532 2 12 200 84t -5580 5 4 1.22 830~9031 5 4 2.8 3 10 100 34 Liters Liters Stored Gallons per case On Site On Site Liters 2.63 Liters 1.8 Liters 3,8 Liters 6 Liters 10 Liters 10 Mis 2.4 Litem 4.88 Liters 11.2 Mis I 5.26 1.39 1.8 0,48 7.6 2.01 24 6,35 50 13,23 50 13.23 4.8 1 24.4 6.46 56 14.81 3 0.79 226.86 60.02 Company:The Picture People ; I'; *;.~,,. ' .~ ~i, ~ ! · ':i ~, ~ ,i,~ :,, :~, ',*', ~ ,.. '., [ : : ; .CAS# : , Type: Stored OS'Use ;Cs Use~ ~ ~ ~ Hazard ClasS: irritant · .i ! , ~! ~' Gallons ' :i' t ~, ~..., ., 3otassiumcarbonate ~ ., i 000584-8-7 I i liquid',. I' , I: : 0.4 I'.i , 0 : 0.04" :~. ~I ..~ ,..' ...~.. aceticacid .... I 000064-19-7 [ I liquid~, .~ ~.. ! 0.6 ~. !~ ' ' 0. :' 0;04 .'.. · :.- ~ ' ~' ammonium acetate ~ 000631-61-8 ' : liquid: , 0.6 .~ : 0' 0.04 , ,....". ammonium bromide; . 012124-97-9 liquid· 0.6 0 0.04 '" ' . i :. .. ammoniumthiosulfate ~ 007783-18-3 liquid 1.8 0 0.15· ~ , : ' 007631-90-5. ! liquid· i ,. 0.01 .~ i 0 ~ 0.0001~ ~i , ' .. sodium bisulfate , . ! ~.i. i : !.: diproplyeneglycol : .: 025265-7~1-8 ..~ i liquid! ~. ~ ..~ 0.01'~ ~ 0 ' ~ 0.01 '~ l,r · ~ ~t, i "~ !' hexamethylenetetramine~ .~ ~i ! . '000100-97~0 ' :! ~i' liquidl ~ , , .!...0.01 *! ,I 0.., . ~ 0.01 '. ~'. .!, ! , ~.,, substitutedthiazolin~ ' i I i. .002634-33-5 · ¢ ' liquid , :h ~ '. ~0.01 ~i ~.i 0 ': .' ..' 0.01 '..:.. '.i * ! '{*,.. 30tassium chloride ! ' I ~ ' :007447-40-7 . I~, liquid i' .' -.0.1 ~' ~i 0 , ~ ..: 0.0!... . ,~ , . ~'.'.~ }otassium bromide i ~ 007758-02-3 i. liquid ~ · 0.0001. ,.~ . .0 . , · 0.0001 .-' ~ 2 triethanolomine ' ' ~ :~ 000102-71-6 ... liquid : 0.1 0 ! 0;08" ~ . .' . . amonium ferric ethylenediaminetetracedic ac 021265-50-9 . ; liquid ,. ' 1.1 ' ~ 0 ~ 0.06. i i . ' 009003-39-8 , , liquid · ~0.02.~. , 0 ~ -0', ~ ., ,. polyvinylpyrrolidone ': · ~ .... dipropylene 91ycole ' 025265-71-8 , liquid ' :' ,0.02 , 0 ' 0.001 . ' ! Totals 5.38 0;49. · .... ; Hazard Class: Corrosive :.: sodium bisulfate 007631-90-5I liquid 0.01 0 I 0.0001.':' · :..., potassium bicarbonate 000298-14-6: liquid 0.4 0 0.06'. ~ ~" ' .i i 0.41 0.0601 ~-. ~! ,.~ ',~.. t ~azm"d Class: Target Organ '~ ,"~'I Ipotassium bicarbonate I 000298-14-6I liquid 0.4 0 0;06 :, i 'I lacetic acid 000064-19-7 liquid 0.6 0 0.04: '. ~ ~ '".... I' TotalsI ~ 1 0.1 i [":' ': Hazard Class: Oxidizers Class 3 I ~ ": ammonium acetate' I 000631-61-8 [ liquid 0.610 0.04 : · ;i; ' · .'. Isodium sulflte . 007757-83-7 liquid 0.1 0 0.003..' i' i " Totals 0.7 0.043 ,, ~ , ,, Hazard Class: Combustibles Class 2 ~ · ~1~ i ...~..' aceticacid ~ .... ..:~ 000064-19-7 .. liquid i . ' II ! i "*, .I. · amonium ferric ethylenediaminetetracedic ac ..021265-50-9 I1' i .:. ~'. .... '. Totals'. · ,, ' i ',, I. :. .1.7 ': i : 0.1. Company:The Picture People All Quanitiea In G~llonl Quanity Quanity Hazard Classes Common Name Chemical Name % CAS # Material Form Stored in Use Location Irritant Corrosive Tar~let Or,lan Oxidizer Combustibl; ~hote Film Oev. Starter Kodak Flexicolor Oeve{oper #cluid 1.5 0.25 )le stic ~tai~r ..... 85% 007732-18-5 liquid 10.6 0.64 nme wat~ 85.00% 007732-18~ liquid 106 0.85 n~e water 85% ; 007732-184 liquid 126 0.64 n~e Eastman Kodak Company MSDS Search Banner MSDS Product Name: KODAK FLEXICOLOR Bleach Starter/C-41,'C-41B; MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 000005277/F/USA Approval Date: 10/17/1997 Print Date: 08/28/1999 Page 1 ,1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT A~ND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name: KODAK FLEXICOLOR Bleach Starter/C-41, C-41B Catalog Number(s): 856 6796 - 1 gallon (U.S.) : 886 6196 - i gallon (U.S.) (JAPAN Manufacturer/Supplier: EASTMu%~ KODAK COMPANY, .Rochester, New York 14650 For Emergency Health, Safety & Environmental Information, call (716) 722-5151 For other information or tO request an MSDS, call (800) 242-2&2&, Synonyl~(s): KAN 966171, PCD 5889, Q-0017.025 2. COMPOSITION/INFO~N~-TION ON INGREDIENTS Weight % - Component - (CAS Registry No.) 70-75 Water (007732-18-5) 25-30 So~ium acetate (000127-09-3) 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION LOW HAZARD FOR RECOP~TlqDED HANDLING HHis Hazard Ratings: Health - 1 , Ftarraability - 1, Reactivity - 0, Personal Protection NFPA Hazard RatLngs: Health - 0, Flammability = L, Reac~ivi'ty (Stability} - 0 NOTE: MMIS and NFPA hazard indexes involve data review and interpretation that may vary among companies. They are intended only for rapid, general identification of the magnitude of'the'potentia! hazards. The personal protection index is only intended for general guidance on personal protection eqllipment (PPE). that is suitable for the potential hazards of the material. ~ PPE (e.g., respirators) may hot be needed if engineering controls' (e.g., local ventilation} are adequate. An asterisk (*), in the HMIS health field, designates potential chronic or target organ hazards. To adequately address safe handling, ALL information in this MSDS must be considered. 4. FIRST-AID MEASURES Inhalation: If symptomatic, move to fresh air. Treat symptomatically. Get medical attention if symptoms persist. Eyes: Any material that contacts the eye should be washed out immediately with water. Get medical attention if symptoms occur. Skin: Wash with soap and water. Get medical attention if symptoms Occur. ingestion: Drink 1-2 glasses of water. Seek medical attention. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES Extinguishing Media: Water spray, carbon dioxide (C02), dry chemical, alcohol foam Special Fire-Fighting Procedures: Wear self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing. Hazardous Combustion Products: Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide Unusual. Fire and Explosion Hazards: None 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Flush to sewer.with large amounts of water. Otherwise, absorb spill wi th vermiculite or other inert material, then place in a container for chemical waste. Clean surface thoroughly to remove residual contamination. 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE Personal Precautionary Measures: Avoid contact with eyes and prolonged or repeated contact with skin. Use with adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. Prevention of Fire and Explosion: Keep from contact with oxidizing materials. Storage: Keep container closed. 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION Exposure Limits: Not established Ventilation: Good general ventilation (typically 10 air changes per hour) should be used. l'a_~ailation rates should be matched to conditions. Respiratory Protection: None should be needed. Eye Protection: it is a good industrial hygiene practice to minimize eye contact. Wear safety'glasses with side shields (or goggles). Skin Protection: It is a good industrial hygiene practice to minimize skin contact. For operations where prolonged or repeated skin contact may occur, impervious gloves should be worn. Recommended Decontamination Facilities: Eye bath, washing facilities. 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Physical Form:' Liquid Color: Colorless Odor: Odorless Specific Gravity (water = 1): 1.15 Vapor Pressure at 22°C (69°F): 23.4 mbar (18 ~%m Kg) Vapor Density (Air = 1) : 0.6 Volatile Fraction by Weight: 70-75 % Boiling Point: >100°C (>212°F) Solubility in Water: Complete pH: 9.0 - 9.55 Flash Point: None i0. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Stability: Stable Incompatibility: Strong oxid~zing agents Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur. il. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Effects of Exposure: Inhalation: Expected to be a low hazard for recoDmended handling. Eyes: No specific hazard known. May cause transient irritation. Skin: Low hazard for recommended handling. Ingestion: Expected to be a low ingestion hazard. 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Introduction: This environmental effects summary is written to assist in ' addressing emergencies created by an accidental spill which might occur during the shipment of this material, and, in general, it is not meant to address discharges to sanitary sewers or publically owned treatment works. Summary: Data for the major components of this material have been used to · estimate the environmental impact of this material. However, this material, itself, has mot been tested for environmental effects. It is expected to have the following properties: a moderate biochemical oxyge5 demand and may cause oxygen depletion in aqueous systems, a low potential to affect aquatic organisms, a low potential to affect secondary waste treatment microbial metabolism, a moderate potential to affect the germination and/or early growth of some plants, a high potential to biodegrade (!0w persistence) with unacclimated m±croorga~zisms from activated sludge, a Iow potential to bioconcentrate. When diluted with a large aznount of water, this material released directly or indirectly into the environment is not expected to have a significant impact. 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Discharge, treatment, or disposal may be subject to national, state, or local laws. Flush to sewer with large amounts of water. 14. TRANSPORT iNFORMATZON For transportation information regarding this product call the Kodak Worldwide Transportation Hazmat Hot Line: (716) 722-2400 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time), Monday through Friday. 15. REGULATORY INFOP~W~ATION - Material(s) known to the State of California to cause cancer: None - Material(s) known to the State or'California to cause adverse reproductive effects: None - Carcinogenicity Classification (components p~esent at 0.1% or mere): International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) : None A3uerican Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) : None National Toxicology Program (NTP): None Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA): None - Chemical(s) subject to the reporting requirements of Section 313 or Title III of the Supe/fund A_menclments and ReauUhorization Act (SARA) of 1986 and 40 CFR Part 372: None 16. OTHER INFORMATION US/Canadian Label Statements: LOW HAZARD FOR RECOM1ME~DED HANDLING Avoid contact with eyes and prolonged or repeated contact with skin. Use with adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after hamdting. FIRST AID: Treat symptomatically. Get medical attention if symptoms occur. Keep out of reach of children. For additional information, see Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for this material. .i Additional hazard precautions for ~ontainers greater than I gallon of liquid or 5 pounds of solid: IN CASE OF FIRE: Use water spray, carbon dioxide lC02) , dry chemical,~ alcohol foam The information contained herein is furnished without warranty of any kind. Users should consider these data only as a supplement to other information gathered by them and must make independent determinations Df suitability and completeness of information from all sources to assure proper use and disposal. of these materials and the safety and~health of employees and customers and the protection of the environment. R-I, S-i, F-i, C-0 ~ E~stman Kodak Company MSDS Search Banner MSDS Product Name-: KODAK FLEXICOLOR RA Bleach Replenisher NR ' MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 200001512/F/USA Approval Date: 0&/20/1999 Prizlt Date: 08/28/1999 Page 1 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name: KODAK FLEXICOLOR RA Bleach Replenisher NR Catalog Nu~er(s) : 138 9907 - 5 gallons (U.S.) (Ready-To-Use) 825 5549 - 5 litres (Ready-To-Use) 126 8523 - 5 litres (Ready-To-Use) (JAPAN) 881 8833 - 30 gallons (U.S.) 167 6303 55 gallons (U.S.) Manufacturer/Supplier: EAST~-N KODAK COMPA2NY, Rochester, New York 14650 For Emergency Health, Safety & Environmental Information, call (716) 722-5151 For other information or to request an MSDS, Synonym(s): CIN 10091457; PCP 6317; Q-0700.000 2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Weight % - Component - (CAS Registry No.) 65-70 10-15 6) 5-10 8 1-5 Water (007732-18-5) Ferric ammonium propyienediaminetetraacetic acid (111687-36- krm-aonium bromide (012124-97-9) ~2mmonium nitrate (006484-52-2) Succinic acid (000t10-!5-6) 3. HAZARDS IDE~IFZCLTr OM CAUTIOn! CA~ DECOMPOSE AT ELEVATED TEMPERATURES ' DRIED PRODUCT RESIDUE MAY ACT AS AN OXIDIZER. DRYING ON CLOTHING OR OTHER MATERIALS MAY CAUSE FIRE. HMIS Hazard Ratings: Health - i , Flammability - I, Reactivity - i, Personal Protection - B NFPA Hazard Ratings: Health - 2, Flammability - 1, Reactivity (Stability) - 1 NOTE: HMIS and NFPA hazard indexes involve data review and interpretation that may vary among companies. They are intended only for rapid, general identification of the magnitude of the potential hazards. The personal protection index is only intended for general guidance on personal protection equipment (PPE) that is suitable for the potential hazards of the material. PPE (e.g., respirators) may not be needed if engineering controls (e.g., local ventilation) are adequate. An asterisk (*), in the HMIS health field, designates potential chronic or target organ hazards. To adequately address safe handling, ALL information in this MSDS must be considered. FIRST-AID MEASURES Inhalation: If symptomatic.,, move to fresh air. Treat symptomatically. Get medical a~ten~ion if symptoms persist. Eyes: Any material that contacts the eye should be washed out immediately with water. Get medical attention if symptoms occur. Skin: Wash with soap amd water. Get medical attention if symptoms OCCUr. Ingestion: Drink 1-2 glasses of water. Seek medical attention. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. 5. FIRE FIGHTING ~EASURES Extinguishing Media: Water spray, carbon dioxide (C02) , dry chemical, alcohol foam Special Fire-Fighting Procedures: Wear self-cosSained b~eashin~ apparatus and protective clothing. Fire or e~ces$~ve heat nay prcduce hazardous decomposition products. Hazardous Combustion Products: Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, hydrogen bromide (see als0 Hazardous Decomposition Products section) 'Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: Solution contains a strong oxidizer. Dried ~ product residue can act as an oxidizer. Fire or high temperatures may cause decomposition. 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Flush to sewer with large amounts of water. Otherwise, absorb spill with vermiculite or other inert material, then place in a container for chemical waste. Collect in a noncombustible container for prompt disposal. Clean surface thoroughly to remove residual contamination. 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE Personal Precautionary Measures: Avoid contact with eyes and prolonged or repeated contact with skin. Use with adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. Prevention of Fire and Explosion:. Keep away from combustible material. Remove and wash contaminated clothing promptly. Keep away from heat. Keep from contact with oxidizing materials. Storage: Keep away from incompatible substances (see Incompatibility section). Store in original container. Keep container tightly closed to prevent the loss of water. Do not store or ship together with combustible material. 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION Exposure Limits: Not established Ventilation: Good general ventilation (typically !0 air changes per hour) should be used. Ventilation rates should be matched to c0ndiSions. Respiratory Protection: None should be needed. Eye Protection: It is a good industrial hygiene pract£ce to minimize eye contact. Wear safety glasses with side shields (or goggles). Skin Protection: It is a good industrial hygiene practice to minimize skin contact. For operations where prolonged or repeated skin contact may occur, impervious gloves should be/worn. Recommended Decontamination Faciliti'es~ Eye bath, washing facilities. 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Physical Form: Liquid Color: Clear, green Odor: Odorless Specific Gravity (water = 1): 1.61 Vapor Pressure at 20°C (68°F) : 24 mbar (18 mm Ha) Vapor Density (Air = Volatile Fraction by Weight: 60-65 % Boiling PoiKt: >100°C (>212°F) Solubility in Water: Complete pH: 4 Flash Point: None 10. STABILITY ~D REACTIVITY Stability: Stable; however, material.can decompose above 215°C (4!9°F). Avoid temperatures above 115°C (239°F) . Incompatibility: Bases, sodium h~pochtorite (bleach), combustible material, strong reducing agents, strong oxidizing agents. Contact with base liberates flammable material. Material can react violently with combustible material. Hazardous Decomposition Products: ~mmmonia, chloramine Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur. 11. TOXICOLOGICAL IMFORtIATION Effects of Exposure: Ithalation:. Expected to be a lo~ hazard for recommended handling. Eyes: No specific hazard known, May cause transient irritation. Skin: Low hazard for recommended handling. %mgestiom: Expected to be a low ingestion hazard. 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Introduction: This environmental effects summary is written to assist in addressing emergencies created by an'.accidental spill which night occur during the shipment of this material, and, in general, it is not meant address discharges to sanitary sewers or publically owned treatment works. Summary: Data for the major components of this material have been used to estimate the environmental impact of this material. This material is a moderately acidic aqueous solution, and this property may cause adverse environmental effects. However, this material, itself, has not been tested for environmental effects. It is expected to have the following properties: a low biochemical oxygen demand and little potential to cause oxygen depletion in aqueous systems, a 10w potential to affect aquatic organisms, a low potential to affect secondary waste treatment microbial metabolism, a moderate potential to affect the germination and/or early growth of some plants, a high potential to photochemically or chemically degrade, a low potential to bioconcentrate. After dilution with a large amount of water, followed by secondary waste treatment, this material is not expected to cause adverse environmental effects. 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIOI~S Discharge, treatment', or disposal may be subject to national, state, or local laws. Flush to sewer with large amounts of water. Since emptied containers retain product residue, follow label warnings even after container is emptied. 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION - For transportation infornation regarding thLs product call the Kodak Worldwide Transportation HaZmat Hot Line: {?16) 722-2400 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. (Eastern S~and~rd T~me) , ~ondly through Friday. 15. ~EGULATORY INFORMATION - Material(s) known to the State of California to cause cancer: None - Material(s) known to the State of California to cause adverse reproductive effects: None - Carcinogenicity Classification (comPonents present at 0.1% or more : - International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC): None - American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH : None - National Toxicology Program (NTP): None - Occupational Safety and Health Actministration (OSHA): None Chemical(s) subject to the reporting requirements of Section 3%3 or Title I'II of the Superfund Amendments and Keauthorization Act (SARA) of ~986 and 40 CFR Part 372: Nitrate compounds (water dissociable) (ammonium nitrate) 16. OTHER INFORMATION US/Canadian Label Statements: CAUTION! CAN DECOMPOSE AT ELEVATED TEMPERATURES DRIED PRODUCT RESIDUE ~kY ACT AS MN OXIDIZER DRYING ON CLOTHING OR OTHER MATERIALS ~Y CAUSE FIRE Keep container tightly closed to prevent the loss of water. Keep away from combustible materials. Keep from contact with clothing and other combustible materials. Remove and wash contaminated clothing promptly. Avoid contact with eyes. Avoid prolonged or repeated contact with skin. Use with adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. FIRST AID: Treat symptomatically. Get medical attention if sympuoms occur. Keep out of reach of children. For additional information, see Material Safety Data Sheet {MSDS)' for this material. Additional hazard precautions for containers greater than 1 gallon of liquid or 5 pounds of solid: Since emptied containers retain product residue, follow label warnings even after container is emptied. IN CASE OF FIRE: Use wa~er spray, carbon dioxide (CO2), dry chemical, alcohol foam ~ IN CASE OF SPILL: Absorb spill with inert material, then place in a chemical waste container. Flush residual spill or area with water. For large spills, dike for later disposal. Prevent runoff from entering drains, sewers, and streams. The information contained herein is furnished without warranty of any kind. Users should consider these data only as a supplement to other information gathered by them and must make independent determinations of suitability and completeness of information from all sources to assure proper use and disposal of these materials and the safety and health of employees and customers and the protection of the environment. R-l, S-l, F-i, C-1TX Eastman Kodak Company MSDS Search Banner MSDS Product Name: KODAK FLEXICOLOR Developer Replenisher LORR MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET '200001465/F/USA Approval Date: 09/26/t997 Print Date: 08/28/1999 Page 1 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name: KODAK FLEXICOLOR Developer Replenisher LORR Catalog Number(s): 832 0608 - To Make 5 litres 845 0306 - To Make '5 litres (JAPAN) 812 1857 - To Make 10 litres 819 4532 - To Make 10 litres (JAPAn) 874 1023 30 gallons (U.S.) 887 7482 5 gallons (U.S.) 161 4593 5 gallons '(U.S.) Manufacturer/Supplier: EASTMAN KODAK COMPA2;Y, Rochester, New York 14650 For Emergency Health, Safety & E~vironmentat Information, call (716) 722-5151 For o~her inforraation or to request an MSDS, call (800) 242-2424. Synonym(s): Part A: CZN 10093564; PCS 6162; Q-0032.987 Part B: KAN 445013; PCD 5339 Part C: KAN 365907; PCD 3513 Working solution: KAN 471407 2. COMPO$I%~ION/II~FORMATION ON INGREDIENTS weigkt ~ - Componep. t (CAS Registry No. ) Park A: 65-70 25-30 1-5 1-5 1-5 Water (007732-18-5) . Potassium carbonate (000584-08-7) Potassium sulfite (010117-38-1) Pentetic acid, pentasodium salt (000140-01-2) Sodiura sulfite (007757-~3-7) Par~ B: 70-76 25-30 Water ,(007732-18-5) Hydroxylamine sulfate (010039-54-0) Part. C: 50-55 40-45 sulfate 1-5 Water (007732-18-5) 4-(N-ethyl-N-2-h~droxyethyl)oP-methylphenylenediaraine (025646_7729) ' . Sodium bisulfite (007631~90-5) Working solution: 90-95 1-5 < 1 sulfate < t Water (007732~18-5) Potassium carbonate (000584-08-7) 4-(N-ethyl-N-2-hydroxyethyI)-2-methylphen¥1enediamine (25646-77-9> Pentetic acid, pentasodium salt (000140-01-2) Hydroxylamine sulfate (10039-54-0) 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Part A:- CONTAINS: Potassium sulfite (010117-38-1); Sodium sulfite (007757- 83-7) WARNING! M_AY BE H~_RMPUL IF SWALLOWED HNIS Hazard Ratings: Health - 2 , F!armnability - 0, Reactiviuy - 0, Personal Protection - C NFPA Hazard Ratings: Health - 1, Flammability - 0, Reactivity (Stability) - 0 Part B: CONTAINS: Hydroxylamine sulfate (010039-54-0) DANGER! HEAT SENSITIVE - CAP~ DECOMPOSE IF HEATED ~_AY CAUSE BLOOD DISORDERS BASED O~ANIKAL DATA HARMFUL IF ABSORBED THROUGH SKIN OR SWkLLOWED CAUSES SKIN AND EYE IRRITATION NLAY CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION DRIED PRODUCT RESIDUE CA/~ ACT AS A REDUCING AGENT. DRYING ON CLOTHING OR ' OTHER FLATERiALS MAY CAUSE FIRE. CONTENTS MAY DEVELOP PRESSURE UPON PROLONGED EXPOSURE TO HEAT H~IS Hazard Ratings: Health - * 2, Flammability - 0, Reactivity - 2~ Personal Protection NFPA Hazard Ra~ings: Health - 1, Fla~ability - 0, Reactivity (Stability) - 2 Part C: CONTAINS: 4o(N-ethyl-N-2-hydrox~ethy1)-2-methylphenylenediamine sulfate (025646~77-9); Sodiur~, sutfite 007757-83-7) DANGER! POISON '. MAY BE FATAL IF SWALLOWED MAY CAUSE KIDNEY DAMAGE BASED ON A/NIMAL DATA MAY LIBERATE SULFUR DIOXIDE VAPOR IRRITATING TO THE EYES AND RESPIRATORY TRACT CAUSES SKIN AND EYE IRRITATION MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION HEAT SENSITIVE - CAN DECOMPOSE IF HEATED - H HMIS Hazard Ratings: Health - * 3, Flanmability - 1, Reactivity - 2, Personal Protection NFPA Hazard Ratings: Health - 2, Flammability - I, Reactivity (Stability) - 2 Working solution: CONTAINS: 4-(N-e~hyl-N-2-hydroxyethyl)-2-methylphenylenediamine sulfate (256~6-77-9) WARNZNG! MAY CAUSE ~LERGIC SKIN REACTION HMIS Hazard Ratings: Health - 2 , Flammability - 0, Reactivity - 0, Personal Protection - C NFPA Hazard Ratings: Health - 1, Flammability - 0~ Reactivity (Stability) - 0 NOTE: HMiS and NFPA hazard indexes involve da~a review and interpretation that may vary among companies. They are intended only for rapid, general identification of the magnitude of the potential hazards. The Dersonal 9rotection index is only intended for general guidance on personal protection equipment (PPE} that is suitable for the DotenUial hazards of the material. PPE (e.g., respirators) may not be needed if engineering controls (e.g., local ventilation) are adequate. An asterisk (~), in the HNIS health field, designates potential chronic or target organ hazards. To adequately address safe handling, ALL information in this MSDS ~ust be considered. Part A, Part B & Working solution: Use appropriate agent for adjacent fire. Part C: Water spray, carbon dioxide (C02), dry chemical, alcohol foam. Special Fire-Fighting Procedures: Part k & Working solution: wear self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing. Part B & Part C: Wear self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing. Fire or excessive heat may produce hazardous decomposition products. Use water spray to keep fire-exposed containers cool, Hazardous Combustion Products: Part A & Working solution: None (noncombustible) Part B: None (noncombustible) (see also Hazardous Decomposition Products section) Para C: Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, oxides of sulfur, oxides of nitrogen Unusual Fife'and Explosion Hazards: Part A & Working solution: None Part B: SolutLon contains a strong reducing agent. Dried product residue can act as a reducing agent. Elevated temperature can cause decomposition. Part C: Elevated temperature can cause decomposition. 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE I~EkSIIIES Flush to sewer with large a~nounts of water. Neutralize prior to disposal. Neutralization and sewering may not be allowed in some states or municLpalities. For Large Spills: Part B & Part C: Prevent runoff from entering drains, sewers, cr streams. Alpsorb spill with vermiculite or other inert material, then place in container for chemical waste. 7. HANDLING AND STO'R,AGE Personal Precautionary Measures: Part A: Avoid breathing mi~t. Avoid contact with eyes and prolonged or Y repeated contact with skin. Use with adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. Part B: Avoid prolonged or repeated breathing of mist or vapor. Do not get in eyes, on skin, on clothing. Use with adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. Part C: Avoid breathing mist or vapor at concentrations greater than the exposure limits. Do not get in eyes, on skin, on clothing. Use with adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. Working solution: Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Wash thoroughly after handling. Use with adequate ventilation. The routine use of a nonalkaline (acid) type of hand cleaner and regular cleaning of working surfaces, gloves, etc. will help minimize the possibility of a skin reaction. Prevention of Fire and Explosion: Part A & Working solution: N0 special precautionary measures should be needed under anticipated conditions of use. Part B: Keep from contact with oxidizing materials, highly oxygenated or halogenated solvents, organic compounds c~taining reducible functional gr6ups, or aqueous ammonia. Remove and wash contaminated clothing promptly. Keep away from combustible material. Exercise caution in heating, especially in a closed container. Keep away from heat. Part C: Keep from contact with oxidizing materials. Exercise caution in heating, especially in a closed container.. Keep away from heat. Storage: Part A: Keep container tightly closed. Keep away from incompatible substances (see Incompat£bi/it~ section). Part B: Contents may develop pressure upon prolonged exposure to heat. Keep container tightly closed to prevent the loss of water. Store in a cool : place. Store in original container, keep away from incompatible substances (see Incompatibility sec%ion) . Part C: Store in a cool place. Keep away from incompatible substances (see Incompatibility section). Keep container closed. Working solution: Keep container closed. 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION Exposure Limits: ACGtH Threshold Limit Value (TLV): Part C: Sulfur dioxide gas may be liberated from the product. Sodium bisulfite : 5 ma/m3 TWA Sulfur dioxide : 2 ppm TWA, 5 ppm STEL Eastman Kodak Company industrial hygiene guideline:: 4-(N-ethyl-N-2-hydroxyethyl)-2-methylphenylenediamine sulfate : 0.1 ma/m3 OSHA (USA) Permissible EXposure Limit (PEL - 1971 Table Z-1 Values): Sulfur dioxide: 5 ppm TWA Ventilation: Part A & Working solution: Good general ventilation (tyt~ically 10 air changes per hour) should be used. Ventilation rates should be matched to conditions. Part B & Part C: Good general ventilation typically 10 air changes per hour) should be used. Ventilation rates should be matched to conditions. Supplementary local exhaust ventilation, closed systems, or respiratory protection may be needed in special circumstances such as poorly ventilated spaces, evaporation from large surfaces, spraying, heating, etc. Respiratory Protection: Part A & Working solution: ~one should be needed. Part B: If engineering controls do not maintain airborne concentrations below recommended exposure limits, an approved respirator must be worn. Respirator type: organic vapor, if respirators are used, a program skould be instituted to assure compliance witk OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910.134. Part C: If engineering controls do.not maintain airborne concentrations below recommended exposure limits, an approved respirator must be WOrn. Respirator type: acid gas. If respirators are used, a program should be instituted to assure compliance with OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910.134. Eye Pro~c~ion: Part A: It is a good industrial hygiene pracSLce to minimize skin contact. For operations where prolonged or repeated skin contact may occur, impervious gloves should be worn. Part B, Part C & Working solution: Wear safety glasses with side shields (or 'goggles). Skin Protection: Wear impervious gloves and protective clothing appropriate for the risk of exposure. Recommended Decontamination Facilities: Eye bath, safety shower, washing facilities 9. PHYSICAL A_ND CKEMICkL PROPERTIES Part A Part B Part C Working solution Pkysica! ~orm: liquid liquid liquid Color: colorless colorless light yellow colorless liquid Odor~ odorless odorless smrong sulfur odorless dioxide Specific Gravity 1.39 <water : 1): Vapor Pressure .24 mbar' at 20°C (68°F) : 18 ram 1.15 1.18 1.04 24 mbar 24 r~bar 24 r abet (18 mm Ha) (18 ~n Ha) (18 mm Vapor Density (Air = 1): Volatile Fraction by Weight: Boiling Point: (>212°F) Solubility in complete Water: Flash Point: noncombustible 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 65-70 % ?0-75 % 50-60 % 90-95 % >100°C decomposes (>212°F) complete complete complete 12.3 3.0 none, none, noncor~ustible noncombustible liquid liquid 2.1 10.2 ri©ne none, liquid 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Stability: Part A & Working solution: Stable Park B: Stable; ho~ever,'material can decompose above ll0°C (230OF) . Avoid heating above room temperature. Part C: Stable; however, material can decompose above 170°C (338°F) . Avoid temperatures above 70°C Incompatibility: Part A: Acids Part B: Strong oxidizing agents, combustible material, halogenated materials. Part C: Bases, strong oxidizing agents. Working solution: None with common materials and contaminants with which the material may reasonably come into contact. Hazardous Decomposition Products: Part B: Ammonia, nitrogen oxides (N0x) , sulfur dioxide Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATI'ON Effects of Exposure: General: , Part B: Contains hydroxylamine ~ulfate. Hay cause blood disorders based on animal data. Part C: Contains 4-(N-e~hyl-N-2-kydroxyethyl)-2- methylphenylenediamine sulfate. May cause kidney damage based on animal data. Inhalation: Part A: Expected to be a low hazard for usual industrial or commercial handling by trained personnel. In contact with strong acids or if heated, sulfites may liberate sulfur dioxide gas. Sulfur dioxide gas is irritating to tko respiratory tract. Some astt~aatics or ~ypersensitivej individuals may experience difficult breathing. Part B & Working solution: Expected to be a low hazard for recommended handling. Part C: Liberates sulfur dioxide gas which can cause irritation to the respiratory tract. Some asthmatics or hypersensitive individuals may experience difficult breathing. Eyes: Part A, Part B &, Part C: Causes irritation. Working solution: No specific hazard known. May cause transient irritation. Skin: Part A: This material has a low potential to cause allergic skin · reactions; however, cases of human skin sensitization have been rep0rte~, Part B: Karmful if absorbed through skin. Causes irritation. May cause allergic skim reaction base~ on human experience. PArt C: Causes Lrrit~tiom. ~a~ cause allergic skin reaction. Working solution: May cause allergic skin'reaction. Ingestion: Part A: Harmful if swallowed. Some asthmatics or hypersensitive individuals may experience difficult breathing. Part B: Harmful if swallowed. Part C: May be fatal if swallowed. May cause irritation of the gastrointestinal tract. May cause kidney damage based on animal data. Some astb~natics or hypersensitive individuals may experience difficult breathing. working solution: Expected to be a low ingestion hazard. May cause irritation of the gastrointestinal tract. Data for hydroxytaraine sulfate Acute Toxicity Data: 0ral LD-50 (rat): 100-200 ma/kg Dermal LD-50: 1 g/kg Skin irritation: moderate Skin sensitization: strong Eye irritation: slight Dermal study: 0.01 0.05 g/kg 24 hours (target organ effects: red blood cell) Data for 4-(~-ethyl-M-2-hydroxyethyl)-2-methylphenylenediamine sulfate Acute Toxicity Data: Oral LD-50 (male rat): 25-50 ma/kg (target organ effects: kidney) Oral iD-50 (female rat : 30 mg/kg (target organ effects: kidney) Oral iD-50 (mouse): !41 ma/kg (target organ effects: kidney) Dermal LD-50: > 2000 ma/kg Skin irri~a%ion: moderate Repeated skin application: moderate irritation Skin sensitization: moderate to strong Skin sensitization (human): positive Eye irritation (~n~ashe~ eyes): moderate Eye irritation (washed eyes): slight Inhalation study (L6~ ~g/m3, 6 hours, rat): 0/!0 died Definitions for the following section(s): LOEL = lowest-observed- effect level, LOAEL = lowest-observed-adverse-effect, NOAEL = no obser~ed-adverse-effec5 level, ~OEL = no-observed-effect level. S~bchronic Toxicity DaSa: Oral study (4 weeks, female rat): NOEL = 1 nglkglday, LOEL = 10 rng/k g/day (~arge~ organ effects: kidney) , Oral study (~ Weeks, male rat): NOEL = 10 ma/kg/day, LOEL = > 10 ma/kg/day {target organ effects: kidney) Oral study (90 days, rat): NOEL = 1 mg/k~/day, LOEL = 5 ma/kg/day (target organ effects: kidney) Dermal absorption rate (rat, in vitro): 93.7 microgram(s)/cm2/hour .................................... L~ ................................. 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORNLA?ION Introduction: This environmental effects summary is written to assist in addressing emergencies created by an accidental spill which might occur during the shipment of this material, and, .in general, it is not meant to address discharges to sanitary sewers or publically owned treatment works. Suramary: Data for the major components of this material have been used to estimate the environmental impact of this material. However, this material, itself, has not been tested for environmental effects. Part A: This material is a strongly alkaline aqueous solution, and this property may cause adverse environmental effects. It is expected %o have the following properties: a low biochemical o~xygen demand and little potential to C&~Se oxygen depletion in aqueous systems, a low potential to affect aquatic organisms, a iow potential to affect secondary waste treatment microbial metabolism, a low potential to affect the germination and/or early growth of some plants, a low potential ~o bioconcentrate. When diluted with water, this material released directly or indirectly into the environment is not expected to have a significant impact. Part B: This material is a moderately acidic aqueous solution, and this proDer~y may cause adverse environmental effects. It is expected to have the following properties: a low biochemical oxygen demand and little potential to ca~se oxygen depletion in aqueous systems, a high potential to affect some aquatic organisms, a high potential to affect secondary waste treatment microbial metabolism, a high potential to affect the germination and/or early growth of some plants, a low pot.ential to bioconcentrate. After dilution with a large amount of water, followed bY. secondary waste treatment, this material is not expected to cause adverse environmental effects. Part C: This material is a strongly acidic aqueous solution, and this property may cause adverse environmental effects. It is expected to have the following properties: a low biochemical oxygen demand and little potential to Cause oxygen depletion in aqueous systems, a high potential to affect some aquatic organisms, a high potential to affect secondary waste treatment microbial metabolism, a moderate potential to affect the germination and/or early growth of some plants, a low potential to bioconcentrate. After dilution with a large amount of water, followed by secondary waste treatment, this material is not expected to cause adverse environmental effects. 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Flush to se.~er with large amounts of water. Since emptied containers retain product residue, follow label warnings even after container is emptied. Discharge, treatment, or disposal may be subject to national, state, or local laws. Part A: Neutralize prior to disposal. Neutralization and sewering may not be allowed in some states or municipalities. Part C: Contract with a licensed chemical disposal agency. !~. TIRA_~SPOR~ INFORI~kTIOIW - For transportation information regarding this product call the Kodak Worldwide Transportation Hazmat ~ot Line: (716) 722-2400 between 8 a.m. a~d 5 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time), Monday through Friday. 15. REGULATORY INFOB/VlATION - Material(s) known to the State of California to cause cancer: None - Material(s) known to the 'State of california to cause adverse reproductive '..'. effects: None - Carcinogenicity Classification (components present at 0.1% or more): International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC): None - American Conference cf Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) : None - National Toxicology Program (NTP): None -'Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA): None - Chemical(s) subject to the reporting requirements of Section 313 or Title III of the Superfund Amenctments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) of 1986 and 40 CFR Part 372: None 16. 0TKER INFORMATION US/Canadian Label State~emts: Part A: COMTAI~S: Potassium sulfite (010117-38-1); Sodium sulfite (007757- 83-~) ~LAY BE HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED Avoid breathing mist. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and cloth£ng. Wash thoroughly after handling. Use with adequate ventilation. FIRST AID: If swallowed, seek medical advice. In case of eye contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of ~a~er for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention if symptoms occur. Keep out 'of reach of children. For'additional information, see Material Safety Data Shee5 (MSDS) for this material, Additional hazard precau'tions for containers greater than ! gallon of liquid or 5 pounds of. solid: IN CASE OF SPILL: Absorb spill with inert material, then place in a chemical waste container. Prevent runoff from entering drains, sewers, and streams. Since emptied containers retain product residue, follow label warnings even after container is'emptied.. Part B: CONTAINS: hydroxylamine sulfate (010039-5~-0) DANGER! HEAT SENSITIVE - CAN DECOMPOSE IF HEATED MAY CAUSE BLOOD DISORDERS BASED ON ANIMAL DATA HARMFUL IF ABSORBED THROUGH SKIM OR SWALLOWED CAUSES SKIM AND EYE IRRITATION MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC SKiN REACTION DRIED PRODUCT RESIDUE CAN ACT AS A REDUCING AGENT. DRYING ON CLOTHING OR OTHER MATERIALS MAY CAUSE FIRE. CONTENTS MAY DEVELOP PRESSURE UPON PROLONGED EXPOSURE TO HEAT Keep container tightly closed to prevent the 10ss of water. Do not get in eyes, on skin, on clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated breathing of mist or vapor. Keep away from heat. Wash thoroughly after handling. Store in a cool place. ~ Use with adequate ventilation. Exercise caution if heating, especially in a closed connainer. Keep away from combustible materials. Keep from contact with clothing and other combustible materials. Remove and wash contaminated clothing promptly. FIRST AID: If swallowed, induce vomiting immediately as directed by medical personnel. Sever give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Call a physician or poison control center inmediately. In case of contact, immediately flush eyes and skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Get' medical attention. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. Destroy or thoroughly clean contaminated shoes. Keep out of reach of children Do not handle or use until safety precautions in Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) have been read and understood_~ Additional hazard precautions for containers greater than 1 gallon of liquid or 5 pounds of solid: IN CASE OF FIRE: Use water spray to keep fire-exposed containers cool. Use appropriate agent for adjacent fire. IN CASE OF SPILL: Absorb spill with inert material, then place in a chemical waste container. Forxlayge spills, dike for later disposal. Since emptied containers retain product residue, follow label warnings even after container is emptied. Part C: CONTAINS: 4_(N_ethyl-N-2-hydroxyethyl)-2-methylphenylenediamine sulfate (025646-77-9); sodium bisulfite (007631-90-5) DANGER~ POISON MAY BE FATAL IF SWALLOWED MAY CAUSE KIDNEY DAMAGE BASED ON ANIMAL DATA MAY LIBERATE SULFUR DIOXIDE VAPOR IRRITATING TO THE EWES AND RESPIRATORY TRACT CAUSES SKIN AND EYE IRRITATION MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION HEAT SENSITIVE - C~N DEC0~POSE IF HEATED Store in a cool place. Avoid breathing mist or vapor. Do not get in eyes, on skin, on clothing. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Keep container closed. Use with adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly afUer handling. Keep away from heat. Exercise caution if heatimg, especially in a closed container. FIRST AID: If swallowed, induce vomiting imnediately as directed by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Call a physician or poison control center immediately. If inhaled, ~ove to fresh air. Treat symptomatically. In case of contact, immediately flush eyes and skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Get medical attention. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. Destroy or thoroughly c!ean contaminated shoes. Keep out of reach of children Do not handle or use until safety precautions in Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) have been read and understood Additional hazard precautions for containers greater than 1 gallon of liquid '~ or 5 pounds of solid: .- Since emptied containers retain product residue, follow label warnings even after containe~ is emptied. IN CASE OF FIRE: Water spray, carbon dioxide (CO2), dry chemical, alcohol foam. Use water spray to keep fire-exposed containers cool. IN CASE OF SPILL: Absorb spill with inert material, then place in a chemical waste container. Prevent runoff from entering drains, sewers, and streams. Working solution: CONTAINS: 4-(N-ethyl-N-2-hydroxyethyl)-2-methylphenylenediamine sulfate (025646-77-9) WARNING! MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION Avoid prolonged or repeated breathing of mist or vapor. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing.~ Use with adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. FIRST AID: In case of contact, immediately flush eyes and skin with plenty of~water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Get medical attention if symptoms occur. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse.'Destroy or thoroughly clean contaminated shoes. Keep out of reach of children For additional information, see Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for this material. Since emptied containers retain product residue, follow label warnings even after container is emptied. The information contained herein is furnished without warranty of any kind. Users should consider these data only as a Supplement to other information gathered by them' and must ma~e independent determinations of suitability and completeness of information from all. sources to assure proper use and disposal of these materials and the safety and' health of employees and customers and the protection of the environment. A:E-1, S-2, F-0, C-0 B:R-i, S-3, F-0, C-2HT C:R-2, S-3, F-i, C-2HT WS:R-1, S-2, F-0, C-0 Eastman Kodak Company MSDS Search Banner MSDS Product Name:' KODAK FLEXICOLOR RA Fixer and Replenisher "' MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 000000732/F/USA Approval Date: 01/16/1998 Print Date: 08/28/1999 Page 1 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT ~ND COMPkNY IDENTIFICATION Product Name: KODAK FLEXICOLOR RA Fixer and Replenisher Catalog Number(s): 162 6571 - To Make 10 gallons' (U.S.) 107 7577 - To Make 5 lftres 821 8950 - To Make 10 litres 180 7007 - To Make 2.5 litres (JAPAN) 861 9090 - 30 gallons (U.S.) 848 1160 - 55 gallons (U.S.) Manufacturer/Supplier: EAST~L~iN KODAK COMPDJq¥, Rochester, New York 14650 For Emergency Health, Safety & Environmental Information, call. (716). 722-5151 For other information or to request an MSDS, call (800) 242-2424. S~non!zm(s): ConcenSrate:'CI~ 1009~767; PCD 6080; Q-0700.200 Working solution: Contains PCD 6080 2. COMPOSIT~OI~/IIWFOR~LAT!OI~ 01N INGREDIENTS %~eight % - Component - (CkS Registrf No. ) Concentmate: 60-65 Water (007732-18-5) 15-20 Ar~nonimm nhioc~anate (001762-95-4) 15-20 Ar~uonium thios~lfate (007783-18-8) 1-5 Sodium sulfite (007757-83-7) 1-5 Ar~oniun sulfite ~o rkirng s 01uti on: 75-80 Water (007732-18-5) 1 0-15 Anmor~iun thi0cp~anate (001762-95-4) 5 -10 1-5 < i An~nonium thiosulfate (007783-18-8) Sodium sulfite (007757-83-7} Ammonium sutfite (010196-04-0) 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Concentrate: WARNING! CONTAINS:.Ammonium tkiocyanate (001762-95-4); Sodium sulfite (010196-04-0); Ammonium sulfite (010196-04-0) CAN CAUSE THYROID DAMAGE HARMFUL IF ABSORBED THROUGH SKIN OR SWALLOWED CAUSES SKIN AND EYE IRRITATION CONTACT WITH STRONG OXIDIZER OR ACID LIBERATES POISONOUS AND FLAMMABLE GAS HMIS Hazard Ratings: Health - 2 *, Flammability - 1, Reactivity - 0, Personal Protection - NFPA Hazard Ratings: Health - 2, Flammability - 1, Reactivity (S~abilit¥) 0 Working solution: CONTAINS: Ammonium thiocyanate (001762-95-4); Sodium sutfite (007757- 83-7} CAN CAUSE THYROID DAMAGE HARMFUL IF ABSORBED THROUGH SKIN OR SWALLOWED CAUSES SKIN AND EYE IRRITATION CONTACT WITH STRONG OXIDIZER OR ACID LIBERATES POISONOUS A/ND FLAN~V~ABLE GAS C HMiS Hazard Ratings: Health - 2 *, Flammability - 1, Reactivity - 0, Personal Protection - NFPA Hazard Ratings: Health - 1, Flammability - 1, Reactivity (Stability) - 0 NOTE: HMIS and NFPA hazard indexes involve data review and interpretation that may vary among companies. They are intended only for rapid, general identification of the magnitude of the potential hazards. The personal protection index is only intended for general guidance on personal protection equipment (PPE) that is suitable for the potential hazards of the material. PPE (e.g., respirators) may not be needed if engineering controls {e.g., local ventilation) are adequate. A/1 asterisk (*), in the HMIS health field, designates potential chronic or target organ hazards. To adequately address safe handling, ALL information in this MSDS must be considered. FIRST-AID MEASURES Inhalation: If symptomatic., move to fresh air. Treat'symptomatically. Get medical attention if symptoms occur. Eyes: Immediately flush with plenty ~f water for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention if symptoms occur. Skin: Immediately flush with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Get medical atten%ion if symptoms occur. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. Destroy or thoroughly clean contaminated shoes. Ingestion: Induce vomiting as directed by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Call a physician or poison control center immediately. WARNING! Contact with a strong oxidizer or acid may liberate hydrogen cyanide gas. In the event that hydrogen cyanide gas is released, the local emergency ambulance/resuscitation service or physician should be informed that the patient may have been exposed to hydrogen cyanide gas. 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES Extinguishing Media: Water spray, dry chemical, carbon dioxide (C02), alcohol foam Special Fire-Fighting Procedures: Wear self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing. Fire or excessive heat may produce hazardous d~gomposition products. Hazardous Combustion Products: Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, oxides of'sulfur (see also Hazardous Decomposition Products section) Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: None ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Flush to sewer with large amounts of wa6er. Otherwise, absorb spill with vermiculite or other inert material, then place in a container for chemical waste. Clean surface thoroughly to remove residual contamination. 7. HANDLING A~D STORAGE Personal Precautionary Measures: If accidentally mixed with a strong oxidizer or acid, do not breathe gas. Avoid breathing mist. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Use with adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. Cleaning Precautions: DO NOT add cleaning agents to processor tanks unless the tank and recirculation lines have been completely drained and thoroughly rinsed with water. The addition of concentrated cleaning agents, e.g. chlori~e containing bleaches, to control biological growth or clean tanks may liberate poisonous gases. For information on the recommended method~ for cleaning processing tanks, contact the Kodak Customer.Assistance Center at (800) 242-242~, extension 60. For information on controlling biological growth, request a copy of the KODAK Publication CIS-3~ Biocides for Photographic Solution Tanks and Wash Water. Prevention of Fire asd Explosion: Keep from contact with oxidizing materials. Storage: Keep container tightly closed. Keep away from incompatible substances (see Incompatibility section}. 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION Exposure Limits: ~ot established Ventilatios: Good general ventilation (typically 10 air changes per hour) should be used. Ventilation rates shoul& be hatched to conditions. Supplementary local axhaust ventilation, closed systems, or respiratory protection may be needed in special circumstances such as poorly vehtilated spaces, evaporation from large surfaces, spraying~ heating, etc. PhySical Color: L: -~: Liqui= Odor. S' ,~g?t Yello ~aric ~r- ' ~eger C°ncent~vity (war vaDor pr~oulUtion. ~ Va~ =~SUre _~ ' z.l13 Conc=~= faction ~.- SOZubi~ ~oin~: >f~o75-80 % .... ~: COm~let~~ : ~SDiratory p_ . ~g use. XOtectio~. ~°Ye~er in ~t "'NOae Shou~ , ~ele'ased, e~ae Unlike~ ~ Oe Press~e ~ergenc~' ~z event ~ =~ ~der - resDj~ ae~ resm~ ~=rsonnel ~. ~S deco~- ~ulOns _ ~ used _ ' ~e St~=. e~ a f,.~ o,~ ~rod .... $Eandara'~ Droqra~ ~. · =g~liEy .... ~-face ~_~cs are -- ~ CFR 191"OS~?uld be i- . ~u Reactivit~ _ ~uslt~Ve- Eye PrOtection ~34. ~stlt~ted to assu~ ~ Section. If : Wear ' -= c°~Dliance '~ith OSHA Skin prO~ect, safety g/asses ~ith aDPropria~ for the r~5Tk of : Wear imDervious Side Shields gloves (or Recommended exD°SUre' and gOggles). _ Deconta~ination Dr°tecti~e Clothing ........... Facilities: EYe ba~h, 9. PHYSICAL AND ........... ~ ....... washing facilities CHEMICAL PROpERTiEs .......... . Flash Point: None 24 mJOar (28 ~ Hg) J.O. STABILiT,, - cabilit~, _x A~D R~ACTIvIT~ ...... =: ~'tabl e ........... Inc°~Datibili ~rong ac~-~ ~ °xidizin . ~ents o~ aci= ~rur:c aced) _ ~' sodium h,~ seats us libera~ ' OaSes C~= ~m°c~l°rit ?r acids ~ ._ ues Dois~- ' ~'=cact u,~= ~ate~ al. ~a~abl' ma terl ~. Co~t~t.act. .~ th Strong °~idiz' Hazardous carb°nYi DecO~Dositioa ~ with base liberates sulfide PrOducts: ~o~ a, ' Chlora~iae, Cyanides, Hazardous Polymerization': Will not occur. 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Effects of Exposure: General: Contains: ammonium thiocy~nate. Overexposure to thiocyanates has been shown to cause thyroid enlargement, decrease in metabolic rate, and symptoms of hypothyroidism in humans and animals. Inhalation: Expected to be a low hazard for recommended handling. If hydrogen cyanide gas is liberated due'to contact with a strong oxidizer or acid, it may cause dizziness, headache, rapid respiration, rapid pulse, unconsciousness, convulsions and death. In contact with strong acids or if heated, sulfites may liberate sulfur dioxide gas. Sulfur dioxide gas is irritating to the respiratory tract. Some asthmatics or hypersensitive individuals may experience difficult breathing. Eyes: Causes irritation. Skin: Causes irritation. Harmful if absorbed through skin. This material has a low potential to cause allergic skin reactions; however, cases of human skin sessitization have been reported. Ingestion: Harmful if swallowed. May cause irritation of the gastrointestinal tract. Some asthmatics or sulfite-sensitive individuals may experience wheezing~ chest tightness, stomach upset, hives, faintness, weakness and diarrhea. 1 2. ECOLOGICAL Introduction: This environmental effects summary is written to assist in addressing emergencies created by an accidental spill which might occur durisg the ship~en~ of this material, and, in general, it is not meant to adiress discharges to sanitary se~ers or publically o~ne~ ~reatment works. Sum_mary: Data for the mejor components of this ~aterial have been used to estimate the environmental impact Of this material. However, this naterial, itself, has not been tested for environmental effects. It is expected to have the following properties: a moderate biochemical oxygen demand and may cause Qxygen depletion in aqueous systems, a low potential to affect aquatic organisms, a moderate potential to affect secondary waste treatment microbial, metabolism, a loQ potential to affect the germination and/or early growth of some plants, a moderate potential to affect the growth of some plant seedlings, a iow potential to bioconcentrate. When diluted with a large amount of water, this material released directly or indirectly into the environment is not expected to have a significant impact. 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Discharge, treatment, or disposal may be subject to national, state, or local laws. Flush to sewer with large amounts of water. Since emptied containers retain product residue, follow label warnings even after container is emptied. 14. TRANSPORT I~FORMATION - For transportation information regarding this product call the Kodak ~orld~ide Transportation Haz~at Hot Line: (716) 722-2400 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time), Monday through Friday. 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION - Material(s) known to the State of California to cause cancer: None - Material(s) known to the State of California to cause adverse reproductive effects: Hone Carcitogemicity Classifica~ioa (components present at 0.1% or more): International Agency. for Research on Cancer (IARC) : None - A~erican Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) : None National Toxicology Program (NTP): None Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA): None - Chemical(s) subject to the reporting requirements of Section 313 or ~itte II! of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) of 1986 and 40 CFR Part 372: None 16. OTHER INFORMATION US/Canadian Label Statements: Concentrate WARNING! CONTAINS: Ammonium thiocyanate (001762-95-~); Sodium sulfite (007757-83-7); Anunonium sulfite (010196-04-0) CAN CAUSE THYROID DAiV~GE HARMFUL IF ABSORBED THROUGH SKIN OR SWALLOWED CAUSES SKIN ~D EYE IRRITATION CONTACT WITH STRONG OXIDIZER OR ACID LIBERATES POISONOUS AND FLAFfMABLE GAS , If accidentally mixed with a strong oxidizer or acid, do'not breathe gas. Avoid breathing mist. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Wash thoroughly after handling. Use with adequate ventilation. FIRST AID: If swallowed, induce vomiting immediately as directed by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Call a physician or poison control center immediately. If inhaled, move to fresh air. Treat symptomatically. In case of contact, immediately flush' eyes and skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes, Get medical attention if symptoms Occur. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. Destroy or thoroughly clean contaminated shoes. Keep out. of reach of children. Do not handle or use until safety precautions in Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) have been read and understood Additional hazard precautions f~r containers greater than'l gallon of liquid or 5 pounds of solid: Since emptied containers retain product residue, follow label warnings even after'container is emptied. IN CASE OF FIRE: Use water spray, carbon dioxide (C02), dry chemical, alcohol foam. Working solution: WARNINQ! '. CONTAINS: Ammonium thiocyanate (001762-95-4); Sodium sulfite (007757-83-7) CAN CAUSE THYROID DAMAGE HARMFUL IF ABSORBED THROUGH SKIN OR SWALLOWED CkUSES SKIN AND EYE IRRITATION CONTACT WITH STRONG OXIDIZER OR ACID LIBERATES POISONOUS AND FLAMMABLE GAS If accidentally mixed with a strong oxidizer or acid, do not breathe gas. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothinq. Wash thoroughly after handling. Use with adequate ventilation. Avoid breathing mist. FIRST AID: If swallowed, induce vomiting immediately as directed by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Call a physician or .poison control center immediately. In case of contact, immediately flush eyes and skin with plenty of water for at least minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Get medical attention if symptoms occur. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. Destroy or thoroughly clean contaminated shoes. Keep out of reach of children Do not handle or use until safety precautions in Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) have been read and understood of Additional hazard precautions for containers greater than 1 gallon liquid or 5 pounds of solid: Since emptied containers retain product residue, follow label warnings even after container is emptied. IN CISE OF FIRE: Use water spray, carbon dioxide (C02), dry chemical, alcohol foam. The information contained herein is furnished without warranty of any kind. Users Should consider these data only as a supplement to other information gathered by tkem and must make independent determinations of. suitability and completeness of information from all sources to assure proper use and disposal of these materials and the safety and health of employees and customers and the protection of the environment. R-l, S-2, F-l, C-0 WS:R-1, S-2, F-l, C-0 Page 1 of 7 ,.:.....MSDS.Product Name: KODAK FLEXICOLOR Final. Rinse. ...... · and. Replenisher'. '~ "'"' ..' -' ' . ... MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 000008196/F/USA ApProval Date: 01/06/2000 ~rint Date: 02/26/2000 Page 1 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT A5~ COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name: KODAK FLEXICOLOR Final Rinse and Replenisher Catalog Number(s): 848 6268 = To Make 75 gallons (U.S.) 854 8067 - To Make 12.5 gallons (U.S.) 867 3170 To Make 5 litres 813 6368 To Make 10 litres 117 4259 - 189 litres 877 4465 - To Make 5 litres (JAPAN) 883 4970 - To Make !0 litres (JAPAN) · Manufacturer/Supplier: EASTMAN KODAK COMPg_N-Y, Rochester, New York 14650 For Emergency Health, Safety & Environmental Information, call (716) 722-5151 For other information or to request an MSDS, call (800) 242-2424. Synonym (s): Concentrate: CIN 10086322; PCD 6271; Q-0042.000 Working solution Contains: PCD'6271 2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Weight % - Component - (CAS Registry No.) Concentrate: 80-85 '15 1-5 <1 <1 Water (007732-18-5) Diethylene glycol (000111-46-6) Nonionic surfactant (not applicable) Magnesium nitrate (010377-60-3) Isothiazo!in derivatives (not applicable) Working solution: 95-100 Water (007732-18-5) < ! Diethylene glycol (000111-46-6) < 0.1 Nonionic surfactant (not applicable) < 0.0! Magnesium nitrate (010377-60-3) ............ ..... ~ ....... < 0.01 .... !sothiazolin derivatives (not applicable) .................................. ' 3 HAZAZdDS IDENTIFICATION .~./webCatalomr~I?cc='Us &l~=en &'~roduct=~ OD A r4~Fl .~,X-[C O~1 ,C)I~ +-'Fi 'nal+R in se +a n d+R er~leni3/27/00 MSDS product Name: KODAYm~LEXICOLOR Final Kinse an~ Concentrate: CONTAINS: Diethylene glycol (0001!1-46-6).~ Isothiazolin'der'ivatives (not applicable); Nonionic surfactant (not applicable) CAUSES SKiN AND EYE IRRITATION MAY ~AUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION KARiMFUL IF SWALLOWED' .... ~.~' -CA~SE"EI~NEY' DA~fiA~E .... ' '." ' ,,' ..... , , ' '. .... ~ 'c~c~us~ CNs ~c~s.... ..... [.'. '' .' ." ,~ HMIS Hazard Ratings: " Health - 2, Flarmmability- i, Reactivity- 0, Personal Protection- C ~FPA Hazard Ratings: Health - 2, Flammability - l, Reactivity (Stability) - 0 Wbrking'solution: WAP~IING! ........... CONTAINS: Isothiazolin derivatives (~ot ~ppliCable) MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION HMIS Hazard Ratings: Health - 2, Flammability - 0,.Reactivity - 0, Personal Protection - C NFPA Hazard Ratings: Health - 1, Flannnability - 0, Reactivity (Stability) - 0 NOTE: HM!S and NFPA hazard indexes involve data review and interpretation that may vary among companies. They are intended only for rapid, general identification of the magnitude of the potential hazards. The personal protection index is only intended for general guidance on personal protection equipment (PPE)'that'is Suitable for the potentiai hazards'~of the material. PPE (e.g., respirators) may not be needed if engineering controls (e.g., local ventilation) are adequate. An'.asterisk (*), in the HMIS health field, designates potential.chronic or target organ hazards. To adequately address safe handling, ALL information in this MSDS must be considered. 4. FIRST-AID MEASURES Inhalation: If symptomatic, move to fresh air. Treat symptomatically. Get medical attention if symptoms occur. Eyes: Immediately flush with plenty of water for at l~ast 15 minutes. Get medical at~e~ti0n if symptoms occur. Skin: Immediately remove contaminated clothing and shoes and wash with soap and plenty of water. Get medical attention if symptoms occur. Wash c0mta~ninated clothing before 'reuse. Destroy or thoroughly clean contaminated shoes. Ingestion: .................................... Concentz&te: Only induce ~omiting at the instruction. -"of medical personnel. 1Never giv~e an}~thin~ by mo~th to an unconscious person. Call a physician or Dois0m control cent er immediate ly.. ~orking s01utLon: Drink 1-2 glasses-of water. Seek medical attention. Never ......... give. anything ,by.znoUth.:.t o....anl, u.r%~sC.~O~..to~r.s.g~.t ........................... [ ' ....... 5. FIRZ FIGHTING HY_2~SURZS ?cc=US &lc=en&p:rodact=KOD~kK+FLEZXICOLOR+Final+Rinse+and+Repleni3/27/O0 .FLEXICOLOR Final Rinse anO ~tep ~er rage MSDS Product Name: ROD ' Extinguishing Media: Concentrate: Water spray, carbon dioxide (C02), dry chemical, alcohol foam Working solution: Use appropriate agent for adjacent fire. SpecLa~ Fire-Fighting.Procedures: :' : ..... .' '.d~kce~rate:'wea~ 'self-co~tained breathing a~Daratus'and'protective' clothing.. '' '.] .... '., ,..'' ~ '.' . ' ' ' ' Working solution: None (noncombustible). Hazardous Combustion Products: Concentrate: Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide "Working solution: None (noncombustible) Unusual Fire 'and'EXPlosion Hazards': None 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Flush to sewer with large amounts of water. Otherwise, absorb spill with Vermiculite or other inert material, then place in a container for chemical waste. Clean surface tkoroughly to remove residual contamination. 7. HAI~DL!NG AND STORAGE Personal Precautionary Measures: Avoid prolonged or repeated breathing of mist ' or vapor. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Use .with adequate ventilation'. Wash 'thoroughly after handling. prevention of Fire and Explosion: Concentrate: Keep from contact ~ith oxidizing materials. Working solution: No special precautionary ~easures should be needed under anticipated conditions of use. Storage: Keep container closed. 8 . E~POSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION ExKDos~re LimitS: Not established Ventilati'o~: Good general ~entilati0n (typically 10 air changes per hour) should be used. Ventilation ra~es should be matched to conditions. Respiratory Protection: None should be needed. Eye ~r0tection: Concentrate: ~ear safety glasses with side shields (or ~oqg!es ~orking solution: Et is a good industrial, hygiene practice to minimize.eye .................. con~act..Weaz...safe~y.~2asses ~th.side s~i.e}ds.~(o.~.g~gg.!?~.~_~ ' Ski~ Protection:. Wear im~er%rious gloves and protective clothing appropriate for the risk of e>cposure. /,~ ~,c ~t~lc~. nl ?nC=I JS &l ~=eng~r>rodact=KODAK+FLF_XICOLOl~+Fiaal+R/nse+and+Repleni3/27/00 lqSDS Product Name: KODA~EX/COLOR Final. Pd~se and Replenisher ragu Recommended Decontamination Facilities: Eye Bath, washing facilities, safety shower 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES PkysiJal Form: Liquid. Color: · Working solution: Colorless .. ' ' 'Odor: OdOrless .............. .... Specific Gravity: Concentrate: 1.030 · Working solution: Vapor Pressure at 20°C (68OF): 24 mbar (18 mm Hg) Vapor Density (Air = 1): 0.6 Volatile Fraction by Weight: 'Concentrate: 80-85 % Working solution: 95-100 % Boiling Point: >100°C (>212°F) Solubility in Water: Complete pH: Concentrate: 4.6 Working solution: 7.0 Flash Point: Concentrate: None Working solution: None, noncombustible liquid 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Stability:Stable Incompatibility: Concentrate: Strong oxidizing agents Working solution~ None with cor~mon materials and contammnants with which the material nay reas0nabl~ co~e into contact. Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur. !l, ?0~ICOLOGICAL INFOPZvlA~IO~I Effects of Exposure: Gemerat: Contains: diethylene ~lycol. Can cause kidne~ damage. Can cause CNS effects. Inhalation: Expected to be a low ~azard for recorn~ended handling. Eyes: Concentrate: Causes'irritation. Working solution; ~o specific hazard known. Nay cause transient irritation . ................................. ........................ Skim: Concentrate: Causes irritation. May cause al!ethic skin reaction based on , .... ~r~ o~,-,o ~]?~.n=US&l~=en&~rodact=KODAK+FLEYGCOLOR+Final+Pdnse+and+Repleni3/27/O0 · MSDS Product Name:' KODAK FLEX/COLOR Final Rinse and Rep dsher Page 5 of 7 human experience. Working solution: May cause allergic skin reaction based on human experience. Ingestion: Concentrate: Harmful if swallowed. ... '. Wqrking so'!ution:'.ExPeC~e~to be a 10w ingestion, h~zard~ 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Introduction: This environmental effects summary is'written to assist in addressing emergencies created by an accidental spill which might occur during the shipment of this material, and, in general, it is not meant to address discharges to sanitary sewers.or publically owned treatment works. SUmmaryi Data"for the major ~mPonent~ of this material have been used to estimate the environmental impact of this material. This material is a moderately acidic aqueous solution, and this property may cause adverse environmental effects. However, this material, itself, has not been tested for environmental effects. It is expected to have the following properties: a low biochemical oxygen demand and little potential to cause oxygen depletion in aqueous systems,'a tow potential to affect aquatic organisms,.a moderate potential-to affect secondary waste treatment microbial metabolism, a low potential to persist in the environment, a low potential to bioconcentrate. After dilution with a large amount of water, followed by secondary waste treatment, this material is not expected to cause adverse environmental effects. 13. DISPOSAL CO~ISZDER_ATIONS - ' Discharge, treatment, or disposal may be subject to national, state, or local Laws. Flusk to sewer with large amounts of water. Concentrate: Since emptied containers retain product residue, follow label warnings even after container is emptied. k 4. TR3~qSPORT INFORMATION For transportation infonmat£on regarding this product,call the Kodak Worldwide Transportation Kazmat Hot L£ne: (716) 722-2400 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. (Eastern Standard Tine), Monday through Friday. Ll. REGULATORY ilkrF01R/CA?IO~ - Material(s) known to the State of California to cause cancer: None - Material(s) kno~rn to the State of California to cause adverse reproductive effects: None .................. Carcimcgenicity CLassification (components present at 0.1% or more): - International Agency for Kesearch on Cancer (IARC) : None - American Conference of Governmental Imdustrial Hygienists (ACGIH) : None - National Toxicology Pro~anm (1NTP): ~o~e ..... ............... Occ~pati°nal'Safety-and ~ealth-Acl~-inistra~io~...(0sHA)!...~one ...... - Chemical(s) subject to t~e re~orting rec/uirements of Section 313 or Title II! of tke Superfund Amenclments and ~eauthoriza~ion Act {SARA) of 1986 and 40 CFR ~arU 372: diethylene glycol ./webCatalo znI?cC=US&Ic=cn,koroduct=KODA~+bT~WjCOLOR+Fi n al+Rin se+sn d+Rcoleni3/27/00 ' MSDS Product Name: KODAK FLEXICOLOR Final Rinse and Replenisher rage 16. OTHER INFORMATION US/Canadian Label Statements: Concentrate: CONTAiNS:~Diethyle~e giYco~'.~{000!il-46~6); isothiazolin derivatives '(n~t applicable)} Nonioni'c surfactant (no't aDPi'icable) ~ ~. CAUSES SKIN AND EYE IRRITATION MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION HARMFUL IF swALLOWED CAN CAUSE KIDNEY DAMAGE CAN CAUSE CNS EFFECTS Avoid prolonged or repeated breathing of mist or vapor. · Avoid contact with eyes, skin, .and Clothing. ' Use with adequate ven'tilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. FIRST AID: If swallowed, only induce vomiting as directed by medical. personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Call a physician or poison control center immediately.' In case of eye contact.,. immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for .at _least.15 minutes. In case of skin contact, immediately wash with soap and plenty of water. Get' medical attention. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. Destroy or thoroughly clean contaminated shoes. . Keep out of reach of children. '. For additional information, see Material Safety Data Sheet {MSDS) for this material. Additional hazard precautions for containers greater than 1 gallon of liquid or 5 pounds of solid: Since emptied containers retain product residue, follow label warnings even after container is emptied. IN CASE OF FIRE: Use water spray, carbon dioxide (CO2), dry chemical, alcohol foam iN CASE OF SPILL: Absorb spill with inert material, then place in a chemical waste container. Flush residual spill or area with water. For large spills, dike for later disposal. Prevent' runoff from entering drains, sewers, and streams. Working solution: WARNING! ................................................... CONTAINS: Isothiazolin derivatives (not applicable) MAY CAUSE A~LERGIC SKIN REJ%CTION Avoid prolonged or repeated breathing of vapor. Avoid contact with eyes; skin,'and clothinq. .......... Use with.a~equate..~entila~o~i~ Wash thoroughly afte~ handling. FIRST AID: In case of eye contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water.for at least 15 minutes. In case of skin contact, irmmediate!y wash ;~ehCat~2o ~ ul?cc='Us&l'c'=en&pr°duct=KODAK+FLEXICOLOR+Final+Pdnse+and+Repleni3/27/O0 MSD$ Product ~ame: KODA~FLEXICOLOR F!nal Rip~e and R~plcnish~r with soap and plenty of water. Get medical attention if symptoms occur. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. Destroy or thoroughly clean contaminated shoes. Keep out of reach of children. F~r additional information, see Material Safety Data· Sheet (MSDS) for this material ...... Additional hazard precautions'for COntainers greater ~han '!.ga!10n .of ' liqUid 'OS 5 pounds 'of solid:' ' IN CASE OF SPILL: Absorb spill wi~h inert material, then place in a chemical waste container. Flush residual spill or area with water. For large spills, dike for later disposal. Prevent runoff from entering drains, sewers, and streams. The information contained herein is furnished without warranty of any kind. Users Should C0nsider~.these"'da~a"onl~~]as a~-'S~pPlement to other information gathered by them and must.make independent determinations of suitability and completeness cf information from all sources to assure proper use and disposal of these materials and the safety and health of employees and customers and the protection of the environment. The information relating to the working solution is for guidance purposes only, and is based on correct mixing and use of the'product according to instructions. WS:R-1, S-2, F-0, C-0 [J~ Home l Search] Service & Support Visit shop,kodak, the online store Copyri~h[ @ Eastman Kodak Company, 1994-2000 and Privacy Practices. ~ .... ~,r~o~&,-,~, ~,~ ~,,~=rm,%.l~=~,n&rrraduct=KODAK+FLEXIcoLOR+Final+Rinse+and+Repleni3/27/00 Eastman Kodak Company MSDS Search Banner MSDS Product Name: KODAK EKTACOLOR RA Developer Starter MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 200001337/F/USA Approval Date: 09/26/1997 Print Date: 08/28/1999 Page 1 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPAA[Y IDENTIFICATION Product Name: KODAK EKTACOLOR RA DeveloDer Starter Catalog Number(s): 102 6681 - To Hake 95 litres 810 8987 - To Hake 95 litres (JAPAN) Manufacturer/Supplier: EASTNA~I KOD2~ COMPANY, Rochester, New York 14650 ' For Emergency Healtk, Safety & Environmental Information, call (716) 722-5151 For other information or to req~lest an MSDS, call (800) 242-2424. Synonym(s) : KAN 445003; PCD 5342; P-0007.600 2. COMPOStTION/INF0~4ATION ON INGREDIENTS WeLght % - Component - (CAS Registry No.) 75-80 Water (007732-18-5) 15-20 Potassium bicarbonate (000298-14-6) 5-!0 Potassium chlortde (007447-40-7) < 1 Potassium carbonate (000584-08-7) < I Potassium bromide (007758-02-3) 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION LOW ~AZ~D ~OR ~ECOMMENDED HANDLING KMIS Hazard ~atings: ~ealth - 1, Flaumability - 0, Reactivity - 0, Personal Protection - A NFpA Hazard Ratings: Health - 0, Flammability - 0, Reactivity Stability) 0 NOTE: HMIS and NFPA hazard indexes involve data review ~nd interpretation that may vary among.companies. They are intended only for rapid, general identification of the magnitude of the potential hazards. Tke.personal protection index is only intended for general guidance on personal protection " equipment (PPE) that is suitable for. the potential hazards of the material. PPE (e.g., respirators) may not be needed if engineering controls (e.g., local ventilation) are adequate. An asterisk (*), in the HMIS health field, designates potential chronic or target organ hazards. To adequately address safe handling, ALL information in this MSDS must be considered. FIRST-AID MEASURES Inhalation: If symptomatic, move to fresh air. Treat symptomatically. Get medical attention if syr~ptoms persist. Eyes: Any material that contacts the eye should be washed out immediately with water. Get medical attention if symptoms occur. Skin: Wash with soap and water. Get medical attention if sy~LDtoms OCCUr. Ingestion: Drink 1-2 glasses of water. Seek medical attention. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES Extinguishing Media: Use appropriate agent for adjacent fire. Special Fire-Fighting Procedures: Wear self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing. Fire or excessive heat may produce.hazardous decomposition products. Hazardous Combustion Products: None (noncombustible). (see also Hazardous Decomposition Products section) Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: None 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Flush to sewer with large amounts of water. Otherwise, absorb spill with vermiculite or other inert material, then place in a ~ontainer for chemical waste. Clean surface thoroughly to remove residual contamination. 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE ., Personal Precautionary Measures: Avoid contact with eyes and prolonged or repeated contact with skin. Use with adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. Prevention of Fire and Explosion: No special precautionary measures should be needed under anticipated conditions of use. Storage: Keep container closed. 8.' EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION Exposure Limits: Not established Ventilation: Good general ventilation (typically 10 air changes per hour) should be used. Ventilation rates should be matched to conditions. Respiratory Protection: None should be needed. Eye Protection: It is a good industrial hygiene practice to minimize eye contact. Wear safety glasses with side shields (or goggles). Skin Protection: It is a good industrial hygiene practice to minimize skin contact. For operations where prolonged or repeated skin contact may occur, impervious gloves should be worn. Recommended Decontamination Facilities: Eye bath, washing facilities. PHYSICkL KiND CHEKICAL PROPERTIES Physical Yorm: LiquiR Color: Colorless ©dcr: Odorless Specific GravitF (water = 1) : 1.169 Vapor Pressure ~t 20°C (68°F): 26 rabar Volatile Fraction by Weight: 70-80 Boiling Point: >100°C (>212°F) Solubility in Water: Complete ."PH: 8.1 Flash Point: None, noncombustible liquid 10. STABILITY A_ND REACTIVITY~' Stability: Stable Incompatibility: None with common materials and contaminants with which the material may reasonably come into contact. Hazardous Decomposition Products: Hydrogen chloride, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur. 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Effects of Exposure: Inhalation: Expected to be a 10w hazard for recommended handling. Eyes: No specific hazard known. May cause transient irritation. Skin: Low hazard for recommended handling. '. Ingestion: ~xpected to be a iow ingestion hazard. 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORM3.TION Introduction: This environmental effects summary is written to assist in addressing emergencies created bF an accidental spill which might occur during the shipment of this material, and, in general, it is mot meant to address discharges to sanitary se~rs 0r Dub!ically owmed treatment works. Summary; Data for t~e major components of this material have been used to estimate the envirormental i~pac5 of this material. Houever, this material, itself, has not been tested for environmemtaL effects. It is expected to ha~e the f0!louimg properties: m0 biochemical oxygen demand and no potential to cause oxygen d~p!eti0~ in aqueous systems, a low potential tO affect aquatic organisms, a Iow potential to affect secondary waste treatment microbial metabolism, a low potential to affect the germination . 'and/or early growth of some plants, a low potential to bioconcentrate. When diluted with a large amount of water, this material released directly or indirectly into the environment is not expected to have a significant impact. 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Discharge, treatment, or disposal may be subject to national, state, or local laws. Flush to sewer with large amounts of water. 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION For transportation information regarding this product call the Kodak Worldwide Transportation Hazmat Hot Line: (716) 722-2400 between 8 a.m. and 5 ~.~. (Eastern Standard Time), Monday through Friday. 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION - Material(s) known to the State .of California to cause cancer: None - Material(s) known to the State of Californ£a to cause adverse reproductive effects: None - Carcinogenicity Classification (components present at 0.1% or more): International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC): None k~erican Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) : Hone National Toxicology Program (NTP): None Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA): None Chemical(s) subject to the reporting requirements of Section 3!3 or Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) of 1986 and 40 CFR Part 372: None 16, OTHER INFORMATION US/Canadian Label Statements: LOW HAZAlqD FOR RECO~4EI~DED Hkl~DLiNG Avoid contact with eyes and prolonged or repeated contact with skin. Use with adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. FIRST AID: Treat symptomatically. Get medical attention if symptoms occur, o. Keep out of reach of children. For additional information, see Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for this material. The information contained herein is furnished without warranty of any kind. Users should consider these data only as a supplement to other information gathered by them and must make independent determinations of' suitability and , completeness of information from all sources to assure proper use and disposal of. these materials and the safety .and health of employees and customers and the protection of the environment. R-L, S-l, F-O, C-O Eastman Kodak Company MSDS Search Banner MSDS Product Name: KODAK EKTACOLOR PRIME ' Stabilizer and Replenisher/RA-4 NL~.TERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 000000470/F/USA Approval Date: 12/19/1997 Print Date: 08/28/1999 Page 1 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT A_ND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name: KODAK EKTACOLOR PRIME SSabilizer and Replenisher/RA-4 Catalog Number(s): 853 0378 - To Make 12 1/2 gallons (U.S.) 803 2682 - To Make 160 litres 845 9075 - To Make 5 litres 857 5623 - To Make 10 litres 835 1686 - To Make 10 litres (JAPAN) 115 8666 - 30 gallons (U.S.) 847 5717 - 55 gallons (U.S.) Manufacturer/Supplier: EAsTMAn[ KODAK COMPANY, Rochester, New York 14650 For Emergency Health, Safety & Environmental Information, call (716) 722-5151 For other information or to request an MSDS, call (800) 242-2424. Synonym ( s ): Concentrate: C!N 10083901; PCD 6180; P-0020.920 Working solution: Contains PCD 6180 2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Weight % - Component (CAS Registry No.) Concentrate: 85-90 Water (007732-18-5) 1-5 Polyvinylpyrrolidone (009003-39-8) 1-5 Sodium a!kyl ether sulfate (068585-34-2) 1-5 Substituted thiazolin-3-one (not applicable) 1 Magnesium nitrate (010377-60-3) Working solution: 95-100 Water (007732-18-5) < 1 < 1 < l < 1 Polyvinylpyrrolidone Sodium alky1 ether sulfate (068585-34-2) Substituted thiazolin-3-one (not applicable) Magnesium nitrate (010377-60-3) 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Concentrate: CONTAINS: Isothiazolin derivatives DANGER! CAUSES SEVERE'EYE BUR~S CAUSES SKIN IRRITATION EARMFUL IF SWALLOWED MiST OR VAPOR EXTREMELY IRRITATING TO EYES ~D RESPIRATORY TRACT NAY CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION HMIS Hazard Ratings: Health - 3 , Flammability - 0, Reactivity Personal Protection - D I{FPA Hazard Ratings: Health - 2, Flammability - 0, Reactivity (Stability) - 0 Working solution: CONTAINS: Isothiazolin derivatives WARNING! MAY CAUSE .ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION HMIS Hazard Ratings: Health 2 , Fla~mmability = 0, Reactivity .~ O, 'Personal Protection C NFPA Hazard Ratings: Health 0, Flammability - 0, Reactivity (Stability) - 0 NOTE: HMIS.and NFPA hazard indexes involve data review and interpretation that may vary among companies. They are. intended o~ly for rapid, general identification of the magnitude of the potential hazards. The personal protection index is only intended for general guidance on personal protection equipment (PPE) that is suitable for the potential hazards of the material. PPE {e.g., respirators) may not be needed if engineering controls (e.g., local ventilation) are adequate. 3~% asterisk (*), in the HMIS health field, designates potential chronic or target organ hazards. To adequately address safe handling, ALL information in this MSDS must be considered. FIRST-AID FLEASU~ ES Inhalation: Concentrate: If symptomatic, move to fresh air. Treat symptomatically. Get medical attention immediately. Working solution: If s!gnptomatic, move to fresh air. Treat symptomatically. Get medical attention if ~yraptoms occur. Eyes: Concentrate: Immediately flush with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention immediately. Working solution: I~media~ely flush with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention if symptoms occur, Skin: Concentrate: Immediately flush with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes while removing, contaminated clothing and shoes. Get medical attention immediately even if symptoms of irritation are mild as skin damage may have occurred. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. Destroy or thoroughly clean contaminated shoes, working solution: Immediately remove contaminated clothing and shoes ~. wash with soap and plenty of water. If skin irritation or an allergic skin reaction develops, get medical attention. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. Destroy or thoroughly clean contaminated shoes. Ingestion: Concentrate: Do NOT induce vomiting. Give victim a glass of water. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Call a physician or poison control center immediately. Working solution: Drink 1-2 glasses of water. Seek medical attention, Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. IRE FIGHTING MEASURES Extingulishing Media: Use appropriate agent for adjacent fire. Special Fire-Fighting Procedures: Wear self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing.. Hazardous Combust£cn Products: None (noncombustible) Unusual Fire and Explosion ~azards: None 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Flush to sewer with large amounts of water. Otherwise, absorb spill with vermiculite or other inert material, then place in a container for chemical waste. Clean surface ti~oroughly to remove residual contamination. 7. HANDLING A_ND STORAGE Personal Precautionary Measures: Concentrate: Do not breathe mist or vapor. Do not get in eyes and avoid contact with skin and clothing. Use with adequate 'ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. Working solution: Avoid prolonged or repeated breathing of vapor. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Use wlth adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. Prevention of Fire and Explosion: No special precautionary measures should be needed under anticipated conditions of use. Storage: Keep container closed. 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION Exposure Limits: Not established Ventilation: Concentrate: Good general ventilation (typically 10 air changes per hour) should be used. Ventilation rates should be matched to conditions. Use process enclosures, local exhaust ventilation or other engineering controls to maintain airborne levels to a~ acceptable level. Working solution: Good general ventilation (typically 10 air changes per ~ou~) should be used. Ventilation rates should be matched to conditibns. Respiratory Protection: Concentrate: If engineeriJg controls do not maintain airborne concentrations to an acceptable level, an approved respirator must be worn. Respirator type: full-face positive-pressure air-supplied. If respirators are used, a program should be instituted to assure compliance with OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910.134. Working sSlution: None should be needed. Eye Protection: Concentrate: if a full-face respirator is not worn, wear safety glasses with side shields (or goggles) and a face shield. Working solution: It is a good industrial hygiene practice to raini~ize eye contact. Wear safety glasses with side shields (or goggles). Skin Protection: Wear impervious gloves and protective clothing appropriate for the risk of exposure. The following gloves'have been shown to be impervious under the indicated conditions: butyl rubber, nitrile rubber.. Recommended Decontamination Facilities: Eye bath, washing facilities, safety s how er 9. ~K¥SICAL ~D CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Physical Form: Liquid Color: Concentrate: Green Working solution: Light green Odor: 0d0rless Specific Graviuy (water = l): Concentrate: 1.028 ~o Ik lng sol u~ion %Za~ol Pressure at 20°C (68°F): 23.4 m_bar %Zapoz Density (Air = 1): 0. 6 P~olati le Fraction ]0.w Weight: Comcemtrate: 85- 90 % WJomking solu=ion: 95-100 % Boiling Point: >100. 0°C S0lu]oilL~y ia ~4a~e=: Complete 18 mm Concentrate: 4.6 Working solution: 7.5 Flash Point: None, noncombustible liquid 10'. STABILITY AlqD REACT!VIT~ Stability: Stable Incompatibility: None with cormnon materials and contaminants with which the material may reasonably come into contact. Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur. 11. TOXICOLOGICAL iNFORMATION Effects of Exposure: Inhalation: Concentrate: Mist or vapor extremely irritating. Working solution: Expected to be a low hazard for recommended handling. Eyes: Concentrate: Causes severe burns. Mist or vapor extremely irritating. Working solution: No specific hazard kno~zn~ May cause transient irritation. Skin: Concentrate: Causes irritation. May cause allergic skin reaction based on human experience. Working solution: May cause allergic skin reaction based on human experience. Ingestion: Concentrate: Harmful if swallowed. May cause burns of the gastrointestinal tract if swallowed. Working solution: Expected to be a low ingestion hazard. Acute Toxicity Data for Concentrate: Skin irritation: moderate Eye irritation: severe 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Introduction: This environmental effects suramary is written to assist in addressing emergencies created by an~accidental spill which might occur during the shipment of this material, and, in general, it is not meant to address discharges to sanitary sewers or publically owned treatment works. Summary: Data for the major component of this material have been used to estimate the environmental impact of this material. This material is a moderately acidic aqueous solution, and this property may cause adverse environmental effects. it is expected to have the following properties: a low biochemical oxygen demand and little potential to cause oxygen depletion in aqueous systems, a low potential to affect aquatic organisms, a high potential to affect secondary waste treatment microbial respiration, a low potential to affect the germination and/or early growth of some plants, a low potential to persist in the environment, a low potential to bioconcentrate. After dilution with large amount of water, followed by secondary waste treatment, this material is not expected to cause adverse'environmentat effects. 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Discharge, treatment, or disposal may be subject to national, state, or local laws. Flush to sewer with large amounts of water. Since emptied containers retain product residue, follow label warnings even after container is emptied. 14. TRANSPORT INFOR!ZATION - For transportation information regarding this product call the Kodak worldwide Transportation Hazmat Hot Line: (716) 722-2400 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time), Monday through Friday. 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION - Material(s} known to the State of California to cause cancer: None - Material(s) known to the State of California to cause adverse reproductive effects: None - Carcinogenicity Classification (components present at 0.1% or more): - International Agency for Researc~ on Cancer (IARC) : None - American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) : None - National Toxicology Program (NTP) : None - Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA}: None - Chemical(s) subject to the reporting requirements of Section 313 or Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) of 1986 and 40 CFR Part 372: Nitrate compounds (~water dissociable} .(magnesium nitrate) 16. OTHER INFORMATION US/Canadian Label Statements: Concentrate: CONTAINS: Isothiazolin derivatives DANGER! CAUSES SEVERE EYE BURNS MIST OR VAPOR EXTREMELY IRRITATING TO EYES A/ND RESPIRATORY TRACT HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED CAUSES SKiN IRRITATION MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION Do not breathe mist or vapor. Do not get in eyes and avoid contact with skin and clothing. Use with adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. FIRST AID: If swallowed, do NOT induce vomiting. Give victim a glass of water. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Call a physician or poison control center inmediately. If inhaled, move to fresh air. Treat symptomatically. In case of comtact, immediately flush eyes and skin with plenty of water for a~ least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Get medical attention immediately. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. Destroy or thoroughly clean contaminated' shoes. I~eep out of reach, of children. Do not handle or use until skfety precautions in Material Safety Data Sheet (MS~S.) have been read and understood Additional hazard precautions for containers greater than 1 gallon of liquid or 5 pounds of s°~id: IN CASE OF SPILL: Absorb spill ~with inert material, then place in chemical waste container. Flush residual spill or area with water. For large spills, dike for later disposal. Prevent runoff from entering. drains, sewers, and streams. Working solution: Contains: Isothiazolin derivatives WARNING! MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION Avoid prolonged or repeated breathing of vapor· Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Use with adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. FIRST AID: In case of eye contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. In case of skin contact, immediately wash with soap and plenty of water. Get medical attention if s~ap~oms OCCUr. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Wash contaminated c!o~hing before reuse. Destroy or thoroughly clean contaminated shoes. Keep out of reach of children. For additional information, see Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for this material. of Additional hazard precautions for containers greater than ! gallon liquid or 5 pounds of solid: IN CASE OF SPILL: Absorb spill with inert material, then place in a chemical waste con~ainer. Flush residual spill or area with water. For large spills, dike for later disposal. Prevent runoff from entering drains, sewers and streams. The ikformation contained herein is furnished without warranty of any kind. Users should consider these data only as a supplement to other information qathered by them and must make independent determinations of suitability and completeness of information from a!i'sources to assure proper use and disposal ' of these materials and the safety and health of employees and customers and the protection of the environment. The information relatinq to the working solution is for guidance purposes only, and is based on correct mixing and use of the product according to instructions. R-2, S-3, F-0, C-0 WS:R-1, S-2, F-0, C-0 Eastman Kodak Cornpany MSOS Search Banner MSDS Product Name: KODAK EKTACOLOR RA Developer Replenish r RT MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 200001346/F/USA Approval Date: 05/23/1997 Print Date: 08/28/1999 Page 1 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name: KODAK EKTACOLOR RA Developer Replenisher RT Catalog Number(s): 841 5580 - To Make 10 litres Kanufacturer/Supplier: EkST~X2¥ KODAK COMPANY, Rochester, New York 14650 For Emergency Health, Safety & Environmental Information, call (716) 722-5151 For other information or to request an MSDS, call (800) 242-2424. Synonym(s) : Part A: CI~ 10087218; PCD 6076; P-0009.210 Part B: CIN 10084805; PCD 6147 Part C: CIN 10087369; PCD 6087 Working solution: Contains: PCD 6076, PCD 6147, PCD 6087 2. COMPOS!~ION/INFOR~ATZON ON INGREDIENTS Weight % - Component - (CAS Registry No.) Part A: 55-60 Water (007732-18-5) 20-25 Triethanolamise (000i02-71-6) 10-15 ~,N-diethylh~droxylarnine (003710-84-7) I-5 Substituted stilbene (082640-05-9) < 1 S0dLum chloride (007~47-1~-5) Part B: 65-70 ~ater (007732-18-5) 20-25 4-(N-et~y1-N-2-~ethanesulf0nylamLnoethyl)-2- sesqu±sulfate monokydrate (025646-71-3) 5-10 Lithium sulfate (010377-48-7) 1-5 Potassium sulfite (010117-38-1) Part C: 60-70 25-35 1-5 1-5 < Water (007732-18-5'). Potassium carbonate (000584-08-7) Potassium hydroxide (001310-58-3) Potassium chloride (0074¢7-40-7) Substituted phosphonate (002809-21-4) Working solution: 95-100 Water (007732-!8-5) " 1-5 Potassium carbonate (000584-08-7) 1-$ Triethanolamine (000102-71-6) < 1 N,N-die~hylhydroxylamine (003710-84-7) < 1 4-(N-ethy!~N-2-methanesulfonylaminoethyl)-2- methytphenylened[amine sesqu~su!fate monohydrate {0256Q6-71-3} 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Part A: WARNING! ~ONTAINS: TriethanoLamine (000102-7!-6) , N,N-diethylhydroxylamine (003710-84-7) MAY CAUSE LIVER DAMAGE BASED ON AtX~IlVlkL DATA MAY CAUSE KIDNEY DA~-a~GE BASED OM AN.I~LAL DATA HARMFUL IF ABSORBED THROUGH SKIN OR SWALLOWED MAY BE HARMFUL IF INHALED CAUSES SKIN AND EYE iRRITATION HEAT SENSITIVE - CA2J DECOMPOSE IF HEATED COMBUSTIBLE LIQUID AND VAPOR HMIS Hazard Ratings: Health - 2 *, Flammability - 2, Reactivity - 1, Personal Protection - C NEPA Hazard Ratings: Health- 2, Flammability- 2, Reactivity (Stability) - 1 Part B: WARNING! CONTAINS: 4-(N-ethyl~N-2-methanesulfonylaminosthyl)-2- methylphenylenediamine sesquisulfate monohydrate (025646-71-3), Potassium sulfide (010117- 38-1), Lithium sulfate (010377-48-7) M_AY CAUSE KIDNEY DAM_AGE BASED ON ANINIAL DATA HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED MAY LIBERATE SULFUR DIOXIDE VAPOR IRRITATING TO THE EYES Ai~D RESPIRATORY TRACT CAUSES SKIN AND EYE IRRITATION MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION: CAN DECOMPOSE kT ELEVATED TEMPERATURES G F-MIS Hazard Ratings: Health - 2 *, Flar~.ability - 1, Reactivity - 0, Personal Protection - NFPA Hazard Ratisgs: Health 2, Flammability j 1, Reactivity (Stability) - 0 Part C: DANGER! CONTAINS: Potassium carbonate (000584-08-7), Potassium hydroxide (001310-58-3) CAUSES SKIN D~D EYE BURNS HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED MIST IRRITATING TO EYES A~D RESPIRATORY TRACT C HMIS Hazard Ratings: Health - 3 , Flammability - 0, Reactivity - 0, Personal Protection - NFPA Hazard Ratings: Health - 2, Flammability - 0, Reactivity (Stability) - 0 Working solution: WARNING ! CONTAINS: 4-(N-ethyl-N-2-methanesulfonylaminoethyl)-2- me thy lphenyl en edi amine sesquisulfate monohydrate (025646-71-3) , Triethanolamine (000102-71- FLAY CAUSE LIVER DA_~z3~GE BASED ON A/~IMAL DATA'' MAY CAUSE KIDNEY DAICAGE BASED ON A~IMAL DATA HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED MAY BE HARMFUL IF ABSORBED THROUGH SKIN MAY BE HARMFUL IF INHALED MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION HMIS Hazard Ratings: Health 2 *, Flammability - 0, Reactivity - 0, Personal Protection - NFPA Hazard Ratings: Health - 0, Flamability - 0, Reactivity (Stability) - 0 NOTE: HKIS and ~FPA hazard indexes involve data review and inter~re~ation that may vary among companies. They are intended only for rapid, general identification of the magnitude of. the potential hazards. The personal protec~io5 index is only intended for general guidance on personal pr0tec~iom equi~nent (PPE) that is suitable for the potential hazards cf the material. PPE (e.g., respirators) may not be needed if engineering controls (e.g., local ventilation) are adequate. An. asterisk (*), in the HMIS health field, designates potential chronic or target organ.hazards. To adequately . address safe handling, ALL information in this MSDS must be considered. 4. FiRST-AID MEASURES Inhalation: Move to fresh air. Treat symptomatically. 'Get medical attention if symptoms persist. Eyes: Part A & Working solution: Immediately flush with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention if s!fmptoms occur. Part B: Immediately flush with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention. Part C: Immediately flush with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention immediately. Note to Physicians: Strong alkalis bind tiSsue protein. Following initial flushing of the eye with.water, continued irrigation of the eye with saline is recommended. Treatr~ent should be continued until pH of tears reaches neutral. Skin: Part A & Part B: Immediately flush with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Get medical attention. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. Destroy or thoroughly clean contaminated shoes. Part C: Im~.ediately flush with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Get medical attention immediately. Wash contaminated 61othing before reuse. Destroy or thoroughly clean contaminated shoes. Working solution: Immediately flush with plenty of water and wash with a non-alkaline acid) type of skin 'cleaner. If skin irritation or an allergic skin reaction develops, get medical attention. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse, Destroy or thoroughly clean contaminated shoes. Ingestion: Part A & Part B & Working solution: Induce vomiting as directed by medical personnel. Never give anything bY mouth to an unconscious person. Call a physician or poison control center immediately. Part C: Do NOT induce vomiting. Give victim a glass of water. Never give anything'by mouth to an unconscious person. Call a physician or poison control center imraediately. 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES Extinguishing Media: Par5 A & Part B: Water spray, carbon dioxide (C02), dry chemical, alcohol foam P&rt C & Working solution: Use appropriate agent for adjacent fire. Special Fire-Fighting Procedures: Part A: Wear self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing. Fire or excessive heat may produce hazardous decomposition products. water spray to keep fire-exposed containers cool. Part B: ~ear self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing. Fire or excessive heat may produce hazardous decomposition products. Part C & Working solution: Wear self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing. Hazardous Corabustion Products: Part A: Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen Part B: Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, oxides of sulfur Part C & Working solution: None (nonconqoustibie) Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: · Part A: Classified as combustibl~.. Material contains a combustible solvent that may accumulate in the container headspace. Elevated temperature can cause decomposition, i Part B, Part C & Working solution!. None 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Eliminate all ignition sources. Neutralize prior to disposal. Neutralization and sewering may not be allowed in some states or municipalities. Flush to sewer with large amounts of water. Clean surface thoroughly to remove residual contamination. 7. HANDLING AND S2~ORAGE Personal Precautionary Measures: Part A: Avoid prolonged or repeated breathing of mist or vapor. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Use with adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. Part B: Avoid breathing mist or vapor at concentrations greater than the exposure limits. Do not get in eyes, on skin, on clothing. Use with adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. Part C: Avoid breathing mist. Do not get in eyes, on skin, on clothing. Use with adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. Working solution: Avoid prolonged or repeated breathing of mist or vapor. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. The routine use of a nonalkaline (acid) type of hand cleaner and regular cleaning of working surfaces, gloves, etc. will help minimize the possibility of a skin reaction. Use with adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. Prevention of Fire and Explosion: Part A: Keep from comtact with oxidizing materials. Keep away from heat and flame. Use with adequate ventilation. Part B: Keep from contact with oxidizing materials Part C & Working'solution: No special precautionary measures should be needed under anticipated conditions of use. Storage: ~ Part A: Keep container closed. Store in a cool place. Part B & Part C: Keep 'away from incompatible substances (see Incompatibility section). Keep container closed. Working solution: Keep container closed. 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION Exposure Limits: Par5 B: Sulfur dioxide gas may be liberated from the product. ACGIH Threshold Limit Value (TLV) : Potassium hydroxide : 2 ma/m3 Ceiling Sulfur dioxide : 2 ppm TWA, 5 ppm STEL Eastman Kodak Company industrial hygiene guideline: 4-(N-ethyl-N-2-metkanesulfonytaminoethyl)-2-methy!phenylenediamine sesquisu!fate monokydrate : 1 ma/m3 OSHA {USA) Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL - 1971 Table Z-1 Values) : Sulfur dioxide: 2 ppm ~WA, 5 ppm STEL Ventilation: Good general ~enuilation (typically 10 air changes per hour) should be used. Ventilation rates should be matched to conditions. Supplementary local exhaust ventilation, closed systems, or respiratory protection may be needed im special circumstances such as poorly ventilated spaces, evaporation from large surfaces, spraying, heating, etc. Respiratory Protection: Part A: If engineering controls do not maintain airborne concentrations below recommended exposure limits, an approved respirator must be worn. Respirator type: .Organic vapor. Zf respirators are used, a program should De instituted to assure compliance with OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910.i34. Part B: If engineering controls do not maintain airborne concentrations below recommended exposure limits, an approved respirator must be worn. Respirator type: Acid gas. If respirators are used, a program should be instituted to assure compliance with OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910.134. Part C: If engineering controls do not maintain airborne concentrations below recommended exposure limits, an approved respirator must be worn. Respirator type: High efficiency particulate &erosol (HEPA) . If respirators are used, a program should be instituted to assure compliance with OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910.134. Working solution: If engineering controls do not maintain airborne concentrations below recommended exposure limits, an approved respirator must be worn. Respirator type: Organic vapor. If respirators are used, a program should be instituted to assure compliance with OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910.134. Eye Protection: Part A & Part B & Working solution: Wear safety glasses with side shields (or goggles). Part C: Wear safety glasses with side shields (or goggles) and a face shield. Skin Protection: Wear impervious gloves and protective clothing appropriate ~or the risk of exposure. Recommended Deconnaminati0n Facilities: Eye bath, safety shower, ~shin~ facilities PHYSICAL A_ND CHE~IICAL PROPERTIES Part k Part B Part C Working solution Physical Form: liquid liquid liquid liquid C010r: yellow light amber colorless yellow Odor: am~e sharp sulfur odorless sli~kU dioxide Speci[ic Gravity~ (water 1.06 1.15 - 1.17 1.37 1.03 Vapor Pressure 24 mbar 24 mbar 24 mbar 24 mbar at 20°C (18 mm Ha)~ (18 mm Ha) (18 mm Ha) (18 mm (68°F): Vapor Density (Air = 1): Volatile Fraction by Weight: Boiling Point: 0.6 0.6 0..6 0.6 55-60 % 65-75 % 60-70 % 90-95 % >100oc >100°C >100°C >100°C (>212°F) (>212°F) (>212°F) (>212°F) Solubility in complete complete complete complete Water: pH: 10.7 1.2 - 1.3 > 13.0 10.7 - 10.8 Flash Point: noncombustible >60.6°C none none, (141OF) noncombustible flone-, estimated liquid liquid 10. STABILITY A_ND REACTIVITY Stability: Part k: S~able; however, material can decompose above 165°C Avoid temperatures above 65°C Part B, Part C & Working solution: Stable Incompatibility: Part k: Strong oxidizing agents Part B: Bases, strong oxidizing agents Part C: Acids ~orkimg solution.: Hone with conmon materials amd contaminants with which the material may reasonably com~ into contact. Hazardous ~oll;merizati0n: Nill not occur. 1! ' TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Effects of Exposure: General: Part-A: Contains: triethanolamine~. Based on animal data, may cause adverse effects on the following organs/systems: Kidney, liver. Part' B: Contains: 4_(N-ethyl-N-2-methanesulfonylaminoethyl)-2-methy!phenylenedLamine sesquisulfate monohydrate. May cause kidney damage based on animal data. Lithium sulfate. The toxicological properties of this material have not been fully investigated and its handling and use may present additional hazards. This material is pharmacologically active. Can cause adverse effects on the following organs/systems: Nervous system, kidney, cardiovascular system, .gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system, blood. Imhalation: Part A & Working solution: May be harmful if inhaled. Part B: Liberates sulfur dioxide gas which can cause irritation to the respiratory tract. Some asthmatics or hypersensitive individuals Hay experience difficult breathing. part C: Low hazard for usual industrial handling by trained personnel. Mist irritating. Eyes; Part A: Causes irritation. Part B: Causes irritation. Vapor irritating. Part C: Causes [burns. working solution: Mo specific hazard known. May cause transient irritation. Skin: Part A: Causes irritation. Harmful if absorbed through skin. Part B: Causes irritation. May' cause allergic skin reaction. Part C: Causes burns. Working solution: May cause irri~a.tion. May cause allergic skin reaction. May be harmful if absorbed through skin. Ingestion: Part A: Harmful if swallowed. Part B: Harmful if swallowed. May cause irritation of the gastrointestinal ~ract. Some asthmatics or sulfite-sensitive individuals may experience wheezing, chest tightness, stomach upset, hives, faintness, weakness and' diarrhea. Part C: May be harmful if swallowed. May cause burns of the gastroin'testinal tract if swallowed. Working solution: Harmful if swallowed. May cause irritation of the gastrointestinal tract. Da.ta for 4_(N-e~hyl-N-2-methanesulfonylaminoethyl)-2- methylphenylenediamine sesquisulfate monohydrate Acute Toxicity Data: Oral LD-50 {male rat) :. 400 ma/kg (target organ effects: kidney) Oral LD-50 {female rat) : 246 ma/kg Dermal LD-50: > 1000 mg/kg (highest dose tested) Skin irritation: slight Repeated skin application: moderate irritation Skin sensitization: moderate skin sensitization (human): positive Eye irritation .(unwashed eyes): moderate Eye irritation {washed eyes): slight Definitions for the following section{s) : LOEL = lowest-observed= effect level, NOAEL = no obsemved-adverse-effect level, NOEL = no-observed- effect level. Carcinogenicity Data: Oral study (2.years, hamster): ~OEL = 0.04 % in diet (highest dose tested) Dermal study (2 years, mouse): ~OEL = 62 mg/kg (only dose tested) 12. ECOLOGICAL Introduction: This environmental effects summary is written to .assist in addressing emergencies created by an accidental spill which might occur during the shipment of this material, and, in general, it is not meant to address discharqes to sanitary sewers or publically owned treatment works. Sur~nary: Data for the major componeA%s of this material have been used to estimate the environmental impact of"this material. However, this material, itself, has not been tested for environmental effects. Part A: This material is a moderately alkaline aqueous solution, and this property may cause adverse environmental effects. It is expected to have the following properties: a low biochemical oxygen demand and little potential to cause oxygen depletion in aqueous_systems, a low potential to affect aquatic organisms, a low potential to affect secondary waste treatment microbial metabolism, a moderate potential to affect the germination and/or early growth of some plants. After dilution with a large amount of water, followed by secondary waste treatment, this material is not expected to cause adverse environmental effects. Part This material is a strongly acidic aqueous solution, and this property may cause adverse environmental effects. It is expected to have the following properties: a low biochemical oxygen demand and little potential to cause oxygen depletion in aqueous systems, a high potential to affect some aquatic organisms, a high potential to affect secondary waste treatment microbial metabolism, a moderate potential to affect the germination and/or early growth of some plants, a low potential to affect the growth of some plant seedlings, a low potential to bioconcentrate. After dilution with a large amount of water, followed by secondary waste treatment,~ this material is not expected to cause adverse environmental effects. Part C: This material is a strongly alkaline aqueous solution, and this property may cause adverse environmental effects. It is expected to h~ve the following properties:.a low potential to affect aquatic organisms, a low potential to affect secondary waste treatment microbial metabolism, no biochemical oxygen demand and no potential to cause OXygen depletion in aqueous systems, a high potential to affect-the germination and/or early growth of some plants, a low potential to bioconcentrate. When diluted with a large amount of ·water, this material released directly or indirectly into the environment is not expected to have a significant impact. 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Discharge, treatment, or disposal may be subject to national, state, or local laws. Neutralize prior to disposal. Neutralization and sewerinG may not be ' allowed in some states or municipalities. Flush to sewer with large amounts of water. Since emptied containers retain product residue, follow label warnings ~ven . after container is emptied. 14. TRANSPORT INFORMJ~TION - For transportation information regarding this product call the Kodak Worldwide Transportation Hazmat Hot Line: (716) 722-2400 between 8 a.m. and 5 p,m. (Eastern Standard Time), Monday through Friday. kS. REGULATORY INFORMATION - Material]s) known to the State of California to cause cancer: None - Material(s) known to the State of California to cause adverse reproductive effects: None - Carcinogenicity Classification (components present at 0.1% or more): - Imternational Agency for Research on Cancer (IA~C): None - American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) : ~one - National Toxicology Program (NTP): None - Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA): None - Chemical(s) ~%bject to the reporting requirements of Section 313 or Title III of the Superfund Amendments and ReauthorizatLon Act (SARA) of 40 CFR Part 3'72: None ~..~ 16. OTHER INFORMATION US/Canadian Label Statements: Part A: WARNING! CONTAINS: Triethanolamine (000102-71-6), N,N-diethylh~droxylamine (003710-84-7) MAY CAUSE KIDNEY DA~GE BASED ON AB~IMAL DATA ~Y CAUSE LtVEE DA>fA. GE BASED ON ANImal DATA HARMFUL IF ABSORBED THROUGH SKIN OR SWALLOWED MAY BE HARMFUL IF INHALED CAUSES SKIN AMD EYE IRRITATION HEAT SENSITIVE - CAN DECOMPOSE IF HEATED COMBUSTIBLE LIQUID AMD VAPOR Store in a cool place.' Keep 'away from heat and flame. Avoid prolonged or repeated breathing of mist or vapor. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Use with adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. FIRST AID: if swallowed, induce vomiting in~ediately as directed by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Call a physician'or poison control center immediately. If inhaled, move to fresh air. Treat s!/mp~omatically. ~n case of contact, immediately flush eyes and skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Get medical attention. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. Destroy or thoroughly clean contaminated shoes.. Keep out of reach of children Do not handle or use until safety precautions in Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) ha~e been read and understood Additional hazard precautions for containers greater than ! gallon of ~ liquid or 5 pounds of solid: Since emptied containers retain product residue,~foll0w label w~rnings · even after container is emptied. IN CASE OF FIRE: Use water spray, carbon dioxide (C02), dry chemical, alsohol foam. Use water spray to keep fire-exposed containers · cool. '.'. IN CASE OF SPILL: Eliminate ali ignition sources. Part B: WARNING! CONTAINS: 4_(N-ethyl-N-2-methanesulfonylaminoethyl)-2-methylphenylenediamine sesquisulfate monohydrate (025646-71-3), Potassium sulfite (010117- 38-1), Lithium sulfate (010377-48-7) HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED MAY CAUSE KIDNEY DAMAGE BASED ON ANIMAL DATA FiAY LIBERATE SULFUR DIOXIDE VAPOR IRRITATING TO THE EYES AND RESPIRATORY TRACT CAUSES SKIN AND EYE IRRITATION Y~Y CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION CAN DECOMPOSE AT ELEVATED TEMPERATURES Avoid breathing mist or vapor. Do not get in eyes, on skin, on clothing. Keep container closed. Use with adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. FIRST AID: If swallowed, induce vomiting immediately as directed by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Call a physician or poison control center immediately. If inhaled, move to fresh air. Treat symptomatically, In case of contact, immediately flush eyes and skin with plenty of water for &t least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Get medical attention, Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Wash contaminated clothing before re. se. PesZroy or thoroughly clean contaminated shoes. Keep out of reach of children For additional information, see Katerial SafetF Data Sheet <MSDS) for this material.' Additional hazard precautions 'for containers greater ~han ! gallon of liquid or 5 pounds of solid: Since emptied containers retain product residue, follow label warnings even after container is emptied. IN CASE OF FIRE: Use water spray, carbon dioxide (C02), dry chemical, alcohol foam. IN CASE OF SPILL: Absorb spill'with inert material, then place in chemical waste container. For large Spills, dike for later disposal. Flush residual spill or area with water. Prevent runoff from entering drains, sewers, and streams. Part C: DANGER! CONTAINS: Potassium carbonate (000584-08-7), Potassium hydroxide ('001310-58-3) CAUSES SKIN AND EYE BURNS HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED Avoid breathing mist. Do not get in eyes, on skin, on clothing. Use with adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. FIRST AID: If swallowed', do NOT induce vomiting. Give victim a glass of water. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Call !5 physician or poison control center immediately. In case of contact, immediately flush eyes and skin with plenty of water for at least minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Get medical attention immediately. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. Destroy or thoroughly clean contaminated shoes. Keep out of reach of children For additional information, see Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for this material. of Additional hazard precautions for containers greater than 1 gallon liquid or 5 pounds of solid: Working solution: WARNING! CO1?I~AINS: 4_(N_ethyl_N-2-methanesulfonytaminoethyl)-2-methyiphenylenediamine sesquisulfate monohydrate (025646-?!-3), Trietha5olamine (000102- 71-6) HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED C usE BASE ON ATA MAY BE HARMFUL IF INHALED MAY BE HARMFUL IF ABSORBED THROUGH SKIN MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC SKIN REACTION.. Avoid prolonged or repeated breathing of mist or vapor. Avoid contact with eyes, skin,.and clothing. Use with adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. FIRST AID: If swallowed, induce vomiting immediately as directed by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Call a physician or poison control center immediately, if inhaled, move to fresh air. Treat symptomatically, in case of eye contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. In case of skin contact, wash skin with soap and plenty of water. Get medical at'tention if s~ptoms occur. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. Destroy or thoroughly clean contaminated shoes. Keep out of reach of children. Since emptied containers retain product residue, follow label warnings even after container is emptied. For additional information, see ~4aterial Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for this material. The information contained herein is furnished ~itho~t warranty of any kind. Users should consider these data only as a supplement to other information gathered by them and must r~ake i~dependen~ determinations of suitability and completeness of inforru%ti0n from aL1 sources to assure proper use and disposal of these materials and the safety and health of employees and customers and the protection of the envirormaent. The inf0~na~iom ~elating to the working solution is for guidance purposes :~nly, and is bas ed on correct mixing and use of the product according to instructions. A:R-1, S-2, F-2, C-1HT B:R-2, S-3, F-i, C-0 C:R-I, S-3, F-0, C-0 WS:R-1 S-2, F-0, C-0 Eastman Kodak Company MSDS Search Banner MSDS Product Name: KODAK EKTACOLOR RA Bleach Fix and Repleiiisher. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 20000!297/F/USA Appro'val Date: 10/17/1997 Print Date: 08/28/1999 Page 1 t. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AMD COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name: KODAK EKTACOLOR RA Bleach Fix and Replenisher Catalog Number(s): (JAPAN) 181 5430 - To Make 25 gallons (U.S.) - Part A 847 1484 - To Make 25 gallons (U.S.) - Part B 138 8701 - To Make 5 litres Part A & B 830 9031 To Make 10 1Ltres - Part A & B 150 2939 - To Make 10 litres - Part A & B 870 4991 30 gallons (U.S.) 866 4385 - 30 gallons (U.S.) 836 0505 - 55 gallons (U.S.) 176 8415 - 55 gallons (~.S.) Part A Part B Part A Part B Manufacturer/Supp!Lem: EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY, Rochester, New York t. 4650 For Emergency Health, Safety & Environmental InEormation, call (716) 722-5151 For other informatLon or to request an MSDS, call (800) 242-2424. Synonym(s) : Part A: KA_IN 4~0S90; PCD 5237; P-0007.O00 Part B: KAiN 471425; PCD 5777 Working s0l~ti0m: KAN 965716 2. CO~POSITI©N/INFORICATION 0N INGREDIENTS Weight % - Componest {CAS Registry ~0.) Part A: 50-5 5 B5-~ 0 5-10 1-5 ~ater (007722-~8-5) a_mnoni~m~ =hi0smlfate (007783-18-8) Sodium bisulfi[e (00763~-90-5) A_momi~ bisulfi=e (0L0192-30-0) 1-5 Aramonium sulfite (010196-04-0) Part B: 70-75 20-25 1-5 Water '(007732-18-5) Aa~nonium ferric ethytenediarninetetraacetic acid (021265-50- Acetic acid (000064-19-7) Working solution: Water (007732-18-5) Ammonium thiosulfate (007~83-18-8) Ammonium ferric ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (021265-50- 85-90 5-10 5-10 9) 1-5 <l <l Sodium bisulfite (007631-90-5> Acetic acid (000064-19-7) Ammonium sulfite (010196-04-0) HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Part A: WARNING! CONTAINS: Sodium bisulfite (007631-90-5 30-0), aro_monium sulfite (010196-04-0 MAY BE HARMFUL IP SWALLOWED CAUSES EYE IRRITATION , ammonium bisulfite (010192- HKIS Hazard Ratings: Health - 2 , Flammability - 0 Reactivity - 0, Personal Protection - A NFPA Hazard Ratings: Health- 1, Flammability - 0, Reactivity (Stability) - 0 Part B: LOW HAZARD FOR RECOIV24ENDED H~DLING HKIS Hazard Ratings: Health - 1 , Flammability - 1, Reactivity - 0, Personal Protection A NFPA Hazard Ratings: Health- 0, Flammability- 1, Reactivity (Stability) - 0 Working solution: WARMING! CONTAINS: Sodium bisulfite 04-0) IViAy BE HARKFUL IF SWALLOWED 007631-90-5), ammonium sulfite (010196- HMIS Hazard Ratings: Health - 1 , Flammability - 1, Reactivity - 0, Personal Protection - A For additional information, see Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for this material. Since emptied containers retain product residue, follow label ~arni~gs even after container is emptied. IN CASE OF FIRE: Use water spray, carbon dioxide (CO2), dry chemical, alcohol foam The information contained herein is furnished without warranty of any 'kind. Users should consider these data only as a supplement to other information gathered by them and must make independent determinations of suitability and completeness of information from all sources to assure proper use and disposal of these materials and the safety' and health of employees and customers and the protection of the environment. A:R-1, S-2, F-0, C-0 B:R-1, S-I, F-I, C-O WS:K-L, S-l, F-l, C-0 with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Get' medical attention sy~p toms occur. Keep out of reach of children For additional informatibn, see Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for this material. Since emptied containers retain product residue, follow label warnings even after container is emptied. Part B: LOW HAZARD FOR RECOMMENDED HANDLING Avoid prolonged or repeated breathing of mist or vapor. Avoid contact with eyes and prolonged or repeated contact with skim. Use with adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly afuer handling. FIRST AID: Treat s!gnptomatically. Get medical attention if s!gnptoms occur. Keep out of reach of children For additional information, see Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for this. , material. IN CASE OF FIRE: Use water spray, carbon dioxide (CO2), dry chemical, alcohol foam Workimg solution: CO~TAINS: Sodium bisulfite (007631-90-5), anumonium sulfite (010196- Ob-O) MAY BE Hi~KMFUL IF SW2%SLOWED Avoid breathing mist or vapor. Avoid contact with eyes and prolonged or repeated contact with skin. Use ui~k adequate ventilation. Was~ thoroughly after handling. FIRST AID: If swallowed, seek medical adwice. Never give anything tc at, unconscious persom. Kee~ out of reach of children laws. Flush to sewer with large amounts of water. 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION - For transportation information.regarding this product call the Kodak Worldwide Transportation Hazmat Ho.'~ Line: {716) 722-2400 between 8 a.m. and '~ 5 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time), Monday through Friday. 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION - Material-(s)-known to the State of California to cause cancer: None - Material(s) known to the State of California to cause adverse reproductive effects: None - Carcinogenicity Classification (components present at 0.1% or more): - International Agency for Research on Cancer (IA~C) : None - American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) : None - National Toxicology Program (NTP} : None · - Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA): None - Chemical(s) subject to the reporting requirements of Section 313 or Title III of the Superfund Pmendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA of 1986 and : 40 CFR Part 372: Nome 16. OTHER INFORI~iAT!ON USfCanadian Label Statements: Part A: WARNING! CONTAINS: Sodium bisulfite (007631-90-5), ammonium bisulfite (010192-30-0), ammonium sulfite (010196-04-0) MAY BE HAP~UL IF SWA_LLO~ED CAUSES EYE IRRITATION Avoid breathing mist or vapor. Avoid contact wi~ eyes and prolonged or repeated contact with skin. Use with adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. FIRST AID: If swallowed, seek medical advice. Never qive anything by mouth to an uncomscLous person. In case of eye contact, irm~ediately flush eyes addr'essing emergencies created by an accidental spill which might occur during the shipment of this material, and, in general,, it is not meant to address discharges to sanitary sewers or publically owned treatment works. Summary: Data for the major ~omponents of this maSerial have been used estimate the environmental impact of!this material. However, this material, · itself, has not been tested for environmental effects. This material is a moderately acidic aqueous solution, and this property may cause adverse · environmental effects. Part A: It is expected to have the following properties: a moderate biochemical oxygen demand and may cause oxygen depletion in aqueous systems, a low potential to affect aquatic organisms, a moderate potential to affect secondary waste treatment microbial metabolism, a low potential to affect the germination and/or early growth of some plants, a moderate potential to affect the growth of some plant seedlings, a low potential to bioconcentrate. When diluted with a large amount of water, this material released directly or indirectly into the environment is not expected to have ~ a significant impact, i' Part B: It is. expected to have the following properties: a low biochemical oxygen demand and little potential to cause oxygen depletion in aqueous systems, a low potential to affect aquatic organisms, a low potential to affect secondary waste treatmenn microbial metabolism, a moderate potential to affect the germination and/or early growth of some plants, a low potential to affect the growth of some plant seedlings, a low potential to bioconcentrate. After dilution with a large amount of water, followed by. secondary waste treatment, this material is not expected to cause adverse environmental effects. 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERA?IONS Discharge, .treasment, or disposal ~maY be subject to national, state, or local !1. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Effects of Exposure: Inhalation: Part A & Working solution[~ Expected to be a low hazard for recommended handling. In contact with strong acids or if heated, sulfites may liberate sulfur dioxide gas. Sulfur dioxide Gas is irritating to the respiratory tract. Some asthmatics or hypersensifive individuals may experience difficult breathing. Part B: Expected to be a low hazard for recommended handl%ng. Eyes: Part A: Causes irritation. Part B & Working solution: No specific hazard known. May cause transient irritation. Skin: Part A & Working solution: This material has a low potential to cause allergic skin reactions; however, cases of human skin sensitization have been reported. Part B: Low hazard for recommended handling. Ingestion: Part A: May be harmful if swallowed. Some asthmatics Or sulfite- sensitive individuals may experience wheezing, chest tightness, stomach upset, hives, faintness, weakness and diarrhea. May cause irritation of the gastrointestinal tract. Part B: Expected to be a iow ingestion hazard. Working solution: May be harmful if swallowed. Some asthmatics or sulfite-sensitive individuals may experience wheezing, chest tightness., stomach upset, hives, faintness, weakness and diarrhea. i2. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Introduction: This environmental effects surmnary is written ~o assist brown Odor: ammonia Specific Gravity (water = 1): · ammonia reddish- slight ammonia slight 1.24 1.!0 1.102 Vapor Pressure at 20°C 24 mbar~. 24 mbar 24 rabar (68OF): (18 mm Hg) (18 mm Hg) (18 mm Hg) Vapor Density (Air = l) : 0.6 0.6 0.6 Volatile Fraction by 50-55% 70-75% 70-75% Weight: Boiling Point: >100.0°C (>212°F) (>212.0°F) Solubility in Water: complete pH: 5.5 Flash Point: none, noncombustible liquid >100°C (>212°F) >100°C complete complete 5.6 5.3 - 5.5 none none 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Stability: Stable Incompatibility: Part A: Strong acids, strong oxidizing agents, bases, sodium h~/poch!orite (bleach). Co~tact with base liberates flammable material Part B: Strong oxidizing agents, bases, sodium hypochlorite (bleach). Working solution: Strong oxidizing agents, strong acids, bases, sodium hypochlorite (bleach). Hazardous Decompositton Products: Part A: Ammonia, sulfur dioxide, chtoramine, nitrogen oxides (NOx) Part B & Working solution: Ammonia, chloramine Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur. NFPA Hazard Ratings: Health -'l., Flammability - l, Reactivity (Stability) - 0 NOTE: HMIS and NFPA hazard indexes involve data review and interpretation that may vary among companies. They are intended only for rapid, general identification of the magnitude o'f. the potential hazards. The personal ' protection index is only intended for general guidance on personal protection equipment (PPE) that is suitable for the potential hazards of the material. PPE (e.g., respirators) may not be needed if engineering controls (e.g., local ventilation) are adequate. An asterisk (~), in the HMIS health field, designates potential chronic or target organ hazards. To adequately address safe handling, ALL information in this MSDS must be considered. 4. FIRST-AID MEASURES Inhalation: if symptomatic, move to fresh air. Treat symptomatically. Get medical attention if symptoms persist. Eyes: Part A: Immediately flush with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention if symptoms occur. Part B & Working solution: Any material that contacts the eye should be washed out im/nediately with water. Get medical attention if symptoms occur. Skin: Wash with soap and water. Get medical attention if symptoms occur. Ingestion: Drink 1-2 glasses of water. Seek medical attention. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. 5. FIRE FIGHTII~G MEASURES Extinguishing Media: Part A: Use 'appropriate agent for adjacent fire.