HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION FILE 5/30/2002\WG] Inc. May 30, 2002 City of Bakersfield Fire Department Environmemal Services 1715 Chester Avenue, 3'a Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attn: Mr. Howard H Wines Ill SUBJECT: SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT TEXACO SERVICE STATION 3698 Ming Avenue Bakersfield, California WGR Southwest, Inc., Project No. 422.EQL.00 Dear Mr. Wines: Attached is the Site Assessment Report for the above referenced site. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (562) 799-8510. Sincerely, WGR Southwest, Inc. Eno. Cc Mr. Ed Paden, Shell Oil Products US 11021 Winners Circle, Suite 101 · Los Alamitos, CA 90720 · (562) 799-8510 · Fax (562) 799-8556 Los Alamitos, CA · Bothell, WA · Lodi, CA I I I I I I I I. '1 I I I I I I I SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT TEXACO SERVICE STATION 3698 MING AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA May 23, 2002 PREPARED FOR Mr. Ed Paden Shell Oil Products US P.O. Box 7869 Burbank, California 91504-7869 BY Southwest, Inc. 11021 Winners Circle, Suite 101 Los Alamitos, CA 90720 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WGR Southwest, ][nc. SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT TEXACO SERVICE STATION 3698 MING AVENI.~ BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA May 23, 2002 1.0 INTRODUCTION The property is currently utili?~l as an operational Texaco Service Station. It is located on the northeast comer of the intersection of ~ng Avenue and Real Road in Bakersfield, California (Figure 1). The need for additional assessment was outlined in a letter from the City of Bakersfidd Fire Department Environmental Services dated October 24, 2001. The purpose of the assessment is to more fully define the vertical and lateral extent of petroleum hydrocarbons beneath the site. 2.0 SITE SETTING The site is located in a commercial and residential district of Bakersfield. A shopping center is directly adjacent to the north with a residential area adjacent to the shopping center. A shopping center is directly adjacent to the east of the subject property. 1Wing Avenue followed by a small strip mall are located to the south. A vacant lot is located to the west. An active gasoline service station currently occupies the subject property. The property consists of a service station building, four dispenser islands each equipped with four multi-product dispenser pumps, four 10,000 gallon double-wall fiberglass gasoline underground storage tanks (USTs), and associated piping. 3.0 SITE HISTORY On January 11 and 12, 2000, seven soil borings (BB-1 through BB-7) were drilled during a baseline environmental site assessment investigation conducted by IT Corporation (IT). The borings were drilled to total depths ranging from 20.5 feet to 40.5 feet BSG using a direct-push 422.EQL.00 1 May 23, 2002 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WGIK Southwest, Inc. technology (DPT) Geoprobe drill fig. Total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline and diesel (TPH-g and TPH-d), benzene, and methyl ten-butyl ether (MTBE) were not detected in any of the soil samples collected and analyzed as part of this investigation. Total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbons (TRPH) were detected in four of samples collected fi.om boring BB-7 (near the waste oil UST) ranging fi.om 11 mg/kg at a depth of 20 feet BSG, to 18 mg/kg at a depth of 5 feet BSG. On July 25, 2001, IT supervised the removal of four gasoline UST's, one waste oil UST, product piping and dispensers. Soil sampling was conducted by IT beneath the five UST's, product piping, and product dispensers. TPH-g was detected beneath the west side of T-2 and beneath D- 1, at concentrations of 0.83 mg/kg and 0.92 rog/kg, respectively. MTBE was detected in soil samples fi.om the east sides of T-2, T-3, and T-4 and beneath D-l, at concentrations of 0.036 mg/kg, 0.18 mg/kg, 0.10 mg/kg and 0.27 mg/kg, respectively. Benzene was not detected in any of the soil samples collected on July 25, 2001. IT performed limited comamination soil over-excavation based on field observations during UST removal activities. Over-excavation was done beneath the east side of T-l, T-2, and T-3. Approximately 75 cubic yards of soil was removed. The confirmation soil sample collected from the bottom of the over-excavation beneath T-2 was non-detect for TPH-g, TPH-d, benzene, and MTBE. The confirmation soil sample collected beneath T-3 had a TPH-g concentration of 980 mg/kg and a TPH-d concentration of 1,100 mg/kg. MTBE was not detected in the confirmation soil sample collected from the bottom of the over-excavation beneath T-3. 4.0 REGIONAL AND LOCAL HYDROGEOLOGIC SETTING The geologic conditions in the site vicinity are characterized by alluvial deposits underlain by marine and non-marine sedimentary units, metamorphic rocks, and crystalline basement material. Surface and near-surface soil is designated by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) as older alluvium, deposited in northwest-dipping alluvial fans resulting fi'om outwash from the Sierra Nevada mountain range to the east. This alluvium is composed primarily of poorly graded and unconsolidated sands, sandy gravels, and occasional disc0minuous lenticular bodies of sandy clay and silt. Regionally, the surface of these old alluvial fans is undultory, with a distinct dip toward 422.EQL.00 2 May23,2002 I I I I I WGIK Southwest, Inc. the Kern River to the northwest of the site. The site itself is located along one of the crests of the land surface 'ripples', at an elevation of approximately 390 feet above mean sea level (MSL). The total thickness of the alluvial fan deposits is estimated to range from approximately 600 feet west of the site to over 4,000 feet near the Sierra Mountains. The site lies within the Edison hydrogeologic sub-area of the Edison-Maricopa area. Uppermost groundwater within this area occurs within the old alluvial fan deposits. In the site vicinity, deeper aquifers of limited areal extent are present in consolidated non-marine sedimentary units and within fracture zones of the crystalline basement rock. The prominent subsurface features controlling the groundwater flow direction are the groundwater barriers formed by the northwest- to-southeast trending Edison fault and subparallel splays of this fault, located south and north or this site, respectively. Lithology beneath the site is predominately Recent alluvium composed of silty sand and silty sand with grave[ with interbedded well- and poorly-graded sand with gravel, and well graded gravel with sand, to a total depth of 40.5 feet BSG. Depth to groundwater is estimated to be over 150 feet BSG, with a southerly flow direction. 5.0 FIELD ACTIVITIES 5.1 DRILLING AND SAMPLING PROCEDURES Five soil borings, (BB-8 through BB-12) were drilled and sampled on May 6 and 7, 2002 at the subject property to more fully define the vertical and lateral extent of petroleum hydrocarbons beneath the site. Boring locations are shown in Figure 2. Borings BB-8 through BB-12 were drilled to a minimum depth of 50 feet BSG or 20 feet beyond hydrocarbon impacted soils as defined by the PID readings. Borings BB-8 and BB-12 were drilled vertically to approximate depths of 55 feet BSG. Boring BB-9 was drilled vertically to an approximate depth of 50 feet BSG. Boring BB-10 was drilled vertically to an approximate depth of 85 feet BSG. Boring BB-11 was drilled vertically to an approximate depth of 65 feet BSG. During this investigation standard practices and procedures for field sampling as outlined in Publication SW-846, Second Edition, United States Environmental Protection Agency and any local agency mandated sampling procedures were followed. A hollow stem auger limited access drilling rig was utilized for the advancement of soil borings BB-8 through BB-12. Pre-cleaned and/or steam cleaned 422.EQL.00 , 3 May 23, 2002 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \WG] Southwest, Inc. augers were used throughout the drilling operation to prevent potential cross contamination. Undisturbed soil samples were collected for analyses and lithologic characterization at approximate five-foot depth intervals from soil borings B-1 through B-7. The soil samples submitted for analyses were collected in an 18-inch long 2.0-inch O. D. split-spoon sampler lined with 2.0 inch O. D. stainless steel tubes. The sleeves were sealed at each end with TeflonTM -lined end caps. The samples were labeled with all pertinent sampling information, and then packed on ice for subsequent shipment to a California Department of Health Services (CDHS)-cerfified laboratory for analyses. The soil in the remaining tubes was screened for hydrocarbon vapors with a portable organic vapor analyzer (OVA), described and logged by the field geologist in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). All sampling equipmem was decontaminated between sampling episodes utilizing a triple rinse method consisting of a wash with Alconox (or equivalent) solution, an initial rinse with tap water, and a final rinse with deionized water. Immediately following sampling all borings were backfilled with bentonite grout. All borings were completed at mrface with concrete to match the existing surface. Chain of custody protocol was followed throughout field and laboratory procedures. 5.2 HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN A site specific Health and Safety Plan detailing all known or potential hazards and emergency response procedures was prepared prior to field operations. All on-site personnel reviewed the plan and a "tailgate" safety meeting was conducted prior to initiation of field activities. The plan was maintained on-site throughout the duration of field activities. 5.3 DRILL SITE CLEARANCE Prior to the initiation of field operations, drilling locations were marked with white paint and Underground Service Alert (USA) was contacted to identify any potential subsurface obstructions and/or conflicts. In order to further insure that no underground utilities or obstructions existed at the proposed boring locations a geophysical survey was conducted at the property prior to conducting the filed investigation. Additionally, the initial 5 feet of drilling was advanced utilizing hand auger techniques. 5.4 LABORATORY ANALYSES Soil samples collected fi.om borings adjacent to the gasoline dispenser islands and/or fuel storage tanks were submitted to a State certified laboratory for analysis by EPA Method 8260B for TPH-g TPH-d, 422.EQL.00 4 May 23, 2002 I t WGI[ Southwest, linc. I BTEX, and MTBE. I I 6.0 RESULTS OF INVESTIGATION Sediments encountered during the drilling investigation are summarized generally as follows: well graded fine-course grained sands with trace gravel to well graded sandy gravel. Boring logs are attached as Appendix A. I I I I I I I I I I I Boring BB-8 contained detectable TPH-g concentrations of 0.086 mg/kg (10 feet BSG), 0.083 mg/kg (20 feet BSG), and 0.062 mg/kg (25 feet BSG). No TPH-d, BTEX, or MTBE concentrations were detected in any ofthe samples collected to 45 feet BSG. No samples were recovered at 50 and 55 feet BSG. Boring BB-9 comained detectable TPH-g concentrations of 0.086 mg/kg (10 feet BSG), 0.083 mg/kg (20 feet BSG), and 0.062 mg/kg (25 feet BSG). No TPH-d, BTEX, or MTBE concentrations were detected in any of the samples collected to 50 feet BSG. Boring BB-10 contained detectable TPH-d concentrations of 5.8 mg/kg (25 feet BSG), 3.5 mg/kg (30 feet BSG), 4.8 rog/kg (40 feet BSG), and 3.1 mg/kg (50 feet BSG) and TPH-g concenmitions of 1.9 rog/kg (40 feet BSG), 0.24 mg/kg (50 feet BSG), 0.07 rog/kg (feet BSG), and 0.061 mg/kg (85 feet BSG). MTBE concentrations of 32 gg/kg (40 feet BSG) and 14 pg/kg (65 feet BSG) were also detected in boring BB- 10. No benzene concentrations were detected in any of the samples collected to 85 feet BSG. Boring BB-11 contained a detectable TPH-g concentration of 0.066 mg/kg (40 feet BSG). No TPH- d, BTEX, or MTBE concentrations were detected in any of the samples collected to 55 feet BSG. No samples were recovered at 60 and 65 feet BSG Boring BB-12 contained detectable a TPH-g concentration of 0.12 mg/kg (20 feet BSG). No TPH-d, BTEX, or MTBE concentrations were detected in any of the samples collected to 55 feet BSG. Analytical results for TPHg, BTEX, and MTBE concentrations are summarized in Table 1. Laboratory reports and chain of custody documents are provided in Appendix B. 422.EQL. 00 5 May 23, 2002 WGR ,, Southwe~ linc. 7.0 SOIL DISPOSAL The drill cuttings generated during the field investigation were stored temporarily on site in 55-gallon DOT-approved steel drums pending characterization. Each drum was labeled with the site name and address, generation date, and type and source of the material it contains. Following characterization, the drums will be transported to an appropriate facility for disposal. Copies of disposal documentation will be forwarded upon receipt. 8.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Five soil borings were advanced and sampled at the subject site on May 6 and 7, 2002 to more fully define the vertical and lateral extent of petroleum hydrocarbons beneath the site. Sediments encountered during the drilling investigation consisted of fine-coarse grained sands with trace gravel to sandy gravel. Detectable TPH-g was identified in borings BB-8, BB-9, BB-10, BB-11, and BB-12 ranging in concentration from 0.061 1.9 Detectable TPH-d identified in BB-10 rog/kg to Was boring ranging in concentration from 3.1 rog/kg to 5.8 mg/kg. Detectable benzene concentrations were not identified in any of the borings. Detectable MTBE was identified in boring BB-10 ranging in concentration from 14 Bg/kg to 32 gg/kg. Respectfully submitted, WGR Southwest, Inc. Prepared by: Approved by: Ryan Nunneley, Staff Scaent, st / Da~ln~ Williams'<;:,' '\ 1',0. ~ Calif.. Reg. Geologi&,.,No6~. ,842 1 422.EQL.00 6 May 23, 2002 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WGIK Southwest, ][nc. 422.EQL.00 FIGURES May 23, 2002 Legend irlnted on 05/~0/02 fi'om "C~lif~mia,tpo" and "Un~iUed.t 119e04.000' W 119°03.000' W 119°02.000' W WGSIB4 119e01.000' W z 119~04,000' W 11900~:,000' 119~02.000' W WGSIB4 119~01,000' W o ~Q~ Site Location 0~1 Wi~em Ci~le, ~te 101 Shell Oil Products US 'g Site Vicinity Map 3698 Ming Avenue Bakersfielck CA DATE PROJECT NUMBER DWN BY DWG 5/20/02 422.EQL.00 JGM L~ Legend · ~DIL BDRING LDCATID[ MING AVENUE 0 30 ! I FEET SITE PLAN 3698 ~ Avenue Bakersfield, CA DA~ PR~ ~R I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Southwest, linc. 422.EQL.00 TABLE May 23, 2002 Table 1 Soil Sample Analytical Summary Texaco Service Station 3698 Ming Avenue Bakersfield, California Ethyl Total Well Sample Sample TPH-d TPH-g Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes MTBE BB-11 05/06/02 5' ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/06/02 10' ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/06/02 15' ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/06/02 20' ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/06/02 25' ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/06/02 30' ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/06/02 35' ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/06/02 40' ND<2 0.066 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/06/02 45' ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/06/02 50' ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/06/02 55' ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 BB-12 05/07/02 5' ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/07/02 10' ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/07/02 15' ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/07/02 20' ND<2 0.12 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/07/02 25' ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/07/02 30' ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/07/02 35' ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/07/02 40' ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/07/02 45' ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/07/02 50' ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/07/02 55' ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 Table 1 Soil Sample Analytical Summary Texaco Service Station 3698 Ming Avenue Bakersfield, California Ethyl Total Well Sample Sample TPH-d TPH-g Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes MTBE BB-8 05/07/02 5' ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/07/02 10' ND<2 0.086 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/07/02 15' ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/07/02 20' ND<2 0.083 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/07/02 25' ND<2 0.062 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/07/02 30' ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/07/02 35' ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/07/02 40' ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/07/02 45' ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 BB-9 05/07/02 5' ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/07/02 10' ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/07/02 15' ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/07/02 20' ND<2 0.88 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/07/02 25' ND<2 0.24 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/07/02 30' ND<2 0.064 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/07/02 35' ND<2 0.27 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/07/02 40' ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/07/02 45' ND<2 0.065 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/07/02 50' ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 BB-10 05/06/02 5' ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/06/02 10' ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/06/02 15' ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/06/02 20' ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/06/02 25' 5.8 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/06/02 30' 3.5 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/06/02 35' ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/06/02 40' 4.8 1.9 ND<5 ND<5 6 38 32 05/06/02 45' ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/06/02 50' 3.1 0.24 ND<5 6 ND<5 29 ND<5 05/06/02 55' ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/06/02 60' ND<2 0.07 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/06/02 65' ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 10 ND<5 ND<5 14 05/06/02 70' ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/06/02 75' ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/06/02 80' ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 05/06/02 85' ND<2 0.061 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ! I I Southwest, ][nc. APPENDIX A SOIL BORING LOGS I I I I I I I I I I I I Drill Rig: I_AR Date Drilled: 5/7i02 Logged By': Boring Dia: 6 Inches Boring Number: 'BB-9 ..... - - 7" ::'-'Ryan'Nun-neley e Blow / OVA Depth ~- Comp{etion Lithology Description ~E CountsI (ppm) Feet · _ ~/j/~/ Silty Clay - brown, very moist, no ppm i -- - -:-:-:-:--":- Sand - light blackish brown, cou~-fine grainod, well §mdod, 6.7-11 - - :.':::'--':;fi-': moderately moist, no odor, 0 ppm -- - = ========== ========= == Sand - light brownish gray, medium-course groined, poorly B 7-8-9 -- - iiiiiiiiiiiill graded, very moist, no odor, 0 ppm -- - = =================== == Sand - brownish red, very fine grained, poorly graded, slightly [] 6-9-13 -- iiiiiiiiiiiiil clayey, moderately moist, no odor, 30 ppm -- - :iii::i:::: i::::i::;Sand - r~ddish gray, fine-medium grained, poorly graded, trace - - iiiiiiiiiiiii; Sand - reddish gray, fine-medium grained, poorly graded, trace - - i~;::~i:~i;~?--Clayey Sand- reddish black, very fine grained, poorly graded, I 10-15-22 - -- ~ moderately moist, no odor, 0 ppm - - i::::::::i i::iii::i Sand - light reddish brown, course-medium grained, poorly - -i!!i::iii!!!!;graded, trace gravel to lrZ', slightly moist, no odor, 0 ppm CompleUon Notes: Site: Backfilled with Bentonite Chips. Surface patch to match existing Texaco Service Station asphalt. 3698 Ming Avenue Bakersfield, CA Project No.: 422.EQL.00 I Page 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BORING-LOG Drill Rig: LAR Date Drilled: ' .', 5/7/1)2 ' Logged By: Sout:l'~'we~ Inc. -:--7,? Boring Dia: 6 Inches Boring Number: ' ' . BB-9 " :::' Rya~i'~'~r~neley '~ Blow OVA Depth ~' Lithology DescriptiOn · ~E Counts (ppm) Feet . · -- - ~ Sandy Grovel - reddish brown, gravel to 2", fine-course grained · 5-50(5") _ _ ~ o <, o sand, well graded, very moist, no odor, 0 ppm -- ~ __'0 oC::> . -- 70 -- - ~ Completion Notes: Site: Backfllled with Bentonite Chips. Surface patch to match existing Texaco Service Station asphalt. 3698 Ming Avenue Bakersfield, CA Project No.: 422.EQL.00 1 Page 2 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BORING LOG Drill Rig: LAR Date Ddlled: 5/7102 Logged BY: = -~ Boring Dia: '6 Inch~ Boring Number: B~ ~'~'R~'~dneley o Blow OVA Dep~ ~ Lithol~y De~dPfion ~ Cou~ (ppm) Feet ~ si~ C~y - da~ br~n, ~mtely ~, ~ ~, 10 p~ ~7 ~ - ~:~:~:~:~:~:~. - -~:~:~:~:~:~: -- -- }:::;}}}}}}~::}} Sand - light gray, fin~ium gmin~, ~fly g~, ~ 1~2~(~') -- -- ~::~ ~ m~e=tely moi~, no ~r, 0 ppm Completion Notes: S~e: Bac~aed ~ Bentonite Chips. Sudace patch to match exis~ng Texaco Sewice Station asphaE. 3698 Ming Avenue Bakersfield, CA Project No.: 422.EQL.00 ~ Page 1 I I I I '1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I Drill Rig: LAR Date Drilled: · 5/7/02 Logged BY! -._ Boring Dia: 6 Inches Boring Number: BB-8 '-';~Ryar~-Nunheley e Blow OVA Depl~ Lithology Des~ption. ~ Count~ (ppm) Feet - - No Recovery - - No Recovery -- 55 -- ~ 6~ -- 70 -- -- 75 -- -- 80 -- 85 -- Completion Notes: Site: Backfilled with Bentonite Chips. Surface patch to ma{ch existing Texaco Service Station asphalt. 3698 Ming Avenue Bakersfield, CA Proiect No.: 422.EQL.O0 I Page 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \WGlg Southwest, Inc. Blow Counts 9-11-14 7-10-14 7-11-14 8-12-19 11-20-28 12-15-17 7-10-12 BORING LOG Ddll Rig: Bodng Dia: OVA Deplh (ppm) Feet -- 5 15 LAR 6 Inches Date Drilled: 5/7/02 Boring Number: BB-12 Logged BY: 5'Rya~."~l{~n-neley Description Sand - brownish gray, very fine-fine grained, poody graded, very moist, no odor, 20 ppm Sand - light gray, fine-medium grained, poody graded, slightly moist, no odor, 25 ppm Sand - reddish brown, fine-course grained, well graded, trace ravel to 114", moder~t_ elE_moi_st~_n~o _odor~_0~np_m_. Silt - medium brown, very moist, no odor, 0 ppm Sand - reddish gray, fine-medium grained, well graded, trace gravel to 1/"Z', moderately moist, no odor, 0 ppm Sand - light blackish gray, very fine-medium grained, well graded, moderately moist, no odor, 10 ppm Sand - light blackish gray, very fine-medium grained, well graded, moderately moist, no odor, 0 ppm Sand - light brownish gray, fine-cOurse grained, well graded, trace gravel to 1/2", slightly moist, no odor, 10 ppm Sand - light blackish gray, fine-rnedium grained, poorly graded, slightly moist, no odor, 0 ppm Sand - light blackish gray, very fine-fine grained, poorly graded, slightly moist, no odor, 0 ppm Completion Notes: Backfilled with Bentonite Chips. asphalt. Surface patch to match existing Site: Texaco Service Station 3698 Ming Avenue Bakersfield, CA Project No.: 422.EQL.00 I Page 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '~'~M'(~I' ][~ BORING'LOG Drill Rig: I~R Date Drilled: ' 517102 Logged By: 8oh-t_h. mt, Inc. ' :~ Boring Dia: 6 Inches Boring Number: . 'BB-12 " ;:' Rya~l'~fineley e Blow OVA Depth Lithology Description' E~ Counts (ppm) Feet - -Co~3 - -- ,'.'.-.'.-.-.' Gravelly Sand - brownish red, medium-course groined sand, I 11-2~-50(1') - -- '.-.-.'.'.'.' well gmd~l, gravel to 2', moderately moist, no odor, 0 ppm :.:.:.:.:.:. - - :!:i:i:i:i:i' - -- .-.-.-.....-.' Gravelly Sand - grayish brown, medium-COUrse grained sand, · 21-50(5") - - .-'.'-'-'-';-';:;:: well graded, gravel to 1", very moist, no odor, 0 ppm -- 7{5 -- Completion Notes: Site: Backffiled with Bentonite Chips. Surface patch to match existing Texaco Service Station asphalt. ~98 Ming Avenue Bakersfield, CA Project No.: 422.EQL.00 I Page 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I Inc. Blow Counts 5-5-7 4-5-7 6-11-15 10-12-17 8-11-17 10-12-16 1o.5o(4-) Ddll Rig: Boring Dia: OVA Deplh (ppm) Feet -- 5 BORING LOG LAR Date Drilled: · 5~6~02 6 Inches Boring Number: BB-11 tLogged BY: :-:'Rya~-~l[irineley Description Concrete Silty Clay - dark brOWn, trace fine grained sand, very moist, slight odor, 0 ppm Sand - grayish brOWn, flne-couse grained, well graded, slightly moist, no odor, 0 ppm Sand - gray, fine-medium grained, well graded, slightly moist, no odor, 0 ppm Sand - reddish brOWn, fine-medium grained, well graded, slightly moist, no odor, 0 ppm Sand - grayish black, fine-course grained, well graded, slightly moist, no odor, 0 ppm Sand - grayish black, fine-course grained, well graded, trace gravel to 1/'Z', moderately moist, no odor, 0 ppm Sand - grayish black, fine-course grained, well graded, trace gravel to 3/4", slightly moist, no odor, 0 ppm Sandy Silt - blackish gray, very fine grained sand, very moist, no odor, 0 ppm Sandy Gravel - reddish brown, gravel to 3~, medium-course grained sand, moderately moist, moderate odor, 45 ppm Completion Notes: Backfilled with Bentonite Chips. Surface patch to match existing concrete. Site: Texaco Service Station 3698 Ming Avenue Bakersfield, CA Project No.: 422.EQL00 I Page I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Drill Rig: L~R Date Drilled: 5/6i02 Logged Byi So~w~[ Inc. .... Boring Dia: 6 In~ Boring Number: BB-11 ~-'RyanNu~neley. · Blow OVA Dep~ ~ ~hol~y D~pfion ~i Coun~ (ppm) Feet I ~7~') - - '.~.~-~-~-~.~ time, ~mvel to 2 ~, ~y m~, no ~, 0 ~ _ _ - -- -.-.'.'.-.-. Gm~lly Sand - ~ium ~n, fi~um gmin~ ~, well I 1 ~(~) -- -- ,-.-.-.-.-.-."'"'"'"" gmd~, grovel to ~, m~e~y mo~, no ~r, 0 ~ _ _ ~:~:~:~:~:~:, -- -- No R~ve~ -- - No R~ Comple~n Notes: SRe: Bac~lled ~ Bentonite Chips. SuEace pat~ to match e~sfing Texa~ Sem~ Station concrete. 3698 Ming Avenue Bakersfield, CA " Proje~ No.: 422.EQL.O0 ~ Page 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \xlvGlg $outhweo~ Inc. Blow Counts 7-9-13 7-10-12 10-17-20 9-13-18 15-50(4") Drill Rig: Boring Dia: OVA Dep~ (ppm) Feet -- 5 -- 10 -- 15 BORING LOG Hollow Stem 6 Inches Date Drilled: 5/6/02 Boring Number: BB-10 ILogged By: ]::' Rya~'~l~l~neley Description Concrete Sand - dark brown, medium-fine grained, pooHy graded, slightly silty, very moist, no odor, 0 ppm Sand - light gray, fine-course grained, well graded, slightly moist, no odor, 0 ppm Sand - reddish brown, fine grained, poody graded, slightly moist, no odor, 0 ppm Sand - brownish red, fine-course grained, well graded, slightly moist, no odor, 0 ppm Sand - light grayish brown, fine-medium grained, poorly graded, slightly moist, no odor, 0 ppm Sand - light grayish brown, fine-course grained, well graded, trace gravel to 1 114", slightly moist, no odor, 0 ppm Sand - light grayish brown, fine-course grained, well graded, slightly moist, no odor, 0 ppm Clayey Silt - grayish brown, trace fine grained sand, moderately moist, strong odor, 100 ppm Sandy Gravel - light gray, gravel to 2 1/'Z', fine-course grained sand, slightly moist, slight odor, 0 ppm Completion Notes: Backfilled wi~ Bentonite Chips. Surface patch to match exis~ng concrete. Site: Texaco Service Station 3698 Ming Avenue Bakersfield, CA Project No.: 422.EQL.00 Page I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Inc. Blow Counts 31-50(;~') 16-35-50(1") 10-17-25 12-16-24 18-50(4") BORING LOG Drill Rig: Hollow Stem Date Drilled: 516/02 Boring Dia: 6 Inches OVA Depl~ (ppm) Feet -- 70 -- 75 Boring Number: BB-10 Logged BY: Descdpfion Gravelly Sand - reddish brown, fine-course grained sand, well graded, gravel to ?', moderately moist, moderate odor, 50 ppm Sandy Gravel - reddish brown, gravel to Z', fine-medium grained sand, well graded, slightly moist, slight odor, 20 ppm Gravelly Sand - medium brown, medium-course grained sand, well graded, gravel to 2 1/'Z', slightly moist, moderate odor, 35 ppm Silt - grayish red, slightly clayey, very moist, moderate odor, 40 pprn Sand - light grayish brown, medium-fine grained, poorly graded, very moist, no odor, 0 ~ Sand - light grayish brown, fine-course grained, well graded, trace gravel to 1/'Z', slightly moist, no odor, 0 ppm Sand - reddish brown, fine-course grained, well graded, slightly silty, slightly moist, no odor, 0 ppm Sand - light brown, fine-medium grained, poorly graded, slightly moist, no odor, 0 ppm Completion Notes: Backfilled with Bentonite Chips. Surface patch to match existing concrete. Site: Texaco Service Station 3698 Ming Avenue Bakersfield, CA Project No.: 422.EQL.00 Page 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I :1 I I Southwest, ][nc. 422.EQL.00 APPENDIX B ANALYTICAL LABORATORY REPORTS May23,2002 I I I Shell Oil Products US HOUSTON 'LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 .T..~ . . Certificate of Analysis Number: O2O50231 I I I Report To: WGR Southwest, Inc. Dave Williams 11021 Winners Circle Suite #101 Los Alamitos CA 90720- ph: (562) 799-8510 fax: Project Name: Site: Site Address: PO Number: State: State Cert. No.: .Date Reported: I NC#97337267 3698 Ming Ave 3698 Ming Ave Bakersfield California 1903 5/23/02 Ca I I I '1 I iI I I I I I This Report Contains A Total Of 93 Pages Excluding This Page And Chain Of Custody 5/23/02 Date I I I Case Narrative for: Shell Oil Products Us HOUSTON LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 I I I I Report To: WGR Southwest, Inc. Dave Williams 11021 Winners Circle Suite #101 Los Alamitos CA 90720- ph: (562) 799-8510 fax: Certificate of Analysis Number: 02(~50231 Project Name: Site: Site Address: PO Number: State: State Cert. No.: Date Reported: INC#97337267 3698 Ming Ave 3698 Ming Ave Bakersfield California 1903 5/23/O2 Ca I I I I Matdx spike (MS) and matrix spike duplicate (MSD) samples are chosen and tested at random from an analytical batch of "like' matrix to check for possible matrix effect. The MS and MSD will provide site specific matrix data only for those samples which are spiked by the laboratory. Since the MS and MSD are chosen at random from an analytical batch, the sample chosen for spike purposes may or may not have been a sample submitted in this sample delivery group. The validity of the analytical procedures for which data is reported in this analytical report is determined by the Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) and the Method Blank (MB). The Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) and the Method Blank (MB) are processed with the samples and the MS/MSD to ensure method criteria are achieved throughout the entire analytical process. Any other exceptions associated with this report will be footnoted in the analytical result page(s) or the quality control summary page(s). Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or comments pertaining to this data report. Please reference the above Certificate of Analysis Number. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the laboratory. The reported results are only representative of the samples submitted for testing. SPL, Inc. is pleased to be of service to you. We anticipate working with you in fulfilling all your current and future analytical needs. 5/23/O2 Date I I I Shell Oil Products US ' HOUSTON LABORATORy · 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 Certificate of Analysis Number: Report To: WGR Southwest, Inc. Dave Williams 11021 Winners Circle Suite #101 Los Alamitos CA 90720- ph: (562) 799-8510 02050231 Proiect Name: INC~97337267 I I Fax To: fax: (562) 799-8556 Site: Site Address: PO Number: State: State Cert. No.: Date Reported: 3698 Ming Ave 3698 Ming Ave Bakersfield California 1903 5/23/02 Client Sample ID Ca Lab Sample ID f Matrix I Date Collected I Date Received I COC ID I,0LD7 ,BB-10d 5.0 i~ 3B-10d20.0 .3B-10d25.0 I~. 9B-10d30.0 BB-10d35.0 !~B-lOd40.O ~B-10d45.0 BB-10d50.0 i3B-10d55.0 3B-10d60.0 5B-10d65.0 BB-10d70.0 _B-10075.0 IBB-10d85.0 B-1 ld5.0 ~-~ ld10.0 tBB-11d15.0 02050231-01 02050231-02 02050231-03 02050231-04 02050231-05 02050231-06 02050231-07 02050231-08 02050231-09 O2050231-10 02050231-11 O2050231-12 O2O5O231-13 02050231-14 02050231-15 02050231-16 02050231 - 17 02050231 - 18 02050231-19 02050231-20 Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil vl 5~8~02 10:00:00 AM [] ~ 5~8~02 10:00:00 AM [] vl 5/8/02 10:00:00 AM [] VI 5~8~02 10:00:00 AM [] VI 5/8/02 10:00:00 AM [] VI 5/8/02 10:00:00 AM [] vl 5/8/02 10:00:00 AM [] VI 5/8/02 10:00:00 AM [] ~- 5/8/02 10:00:00 AM [] VI 5~8/02 10:00:00 AM [] VI 5/8/02 10:00:00 AM [] VI 5/8/02 10:00:00 AM [] VI 5~8/02 10:00:00 AM [] vl 5~8~02 10:00:00 AM [] ~-' 5/8/02 10:00:00 AM [] I 5~8/02 10:00:00 AM [] 1 5/8/02 10:00:00 AM [] 1 5/8/02 10:00:00 AM [] 1 5/8/02 t0:00:00 AM [] 1 5/8/02 10:00:00 AM [] I 5/8/02 10:00:00 AM [] 5/6/02 11:41:00 AM 5/6/02 11:45:00 AM 5/6/02 11:49:00 AM 5/6/02 11:52:00 AM 5/6/02 11:55:00 AM 5/6/02 12:00:00 PM 5/6/02 12:04:00 PM 5/6/02 12:10:00 PM 5/6/02 12:17:00 PM 5/6/02 12:22:00 PM 5/6/02 12:30:00 PM 5/6/02 12:38:00 PM 5/6/02 12:42:00 PM 5~6~02 12:49:00 PM 5/6/02 12:57:00 PM 5/6/02 1:05:00 PM 5/6/02 1:14:00 PM 5/6/02 9:33:00 AM 5/6/02 9:36:00 AM 5/6/02 9:40:00 AM ld20.0 02050231-21 Soil 5/6/02 9:44:00 AM i Joel Grice Laboratory Director Ted Yen I Quality Assurance Officer 5/23/02 Date 5/23/02 9:46:50 AM I I I I I I ! I I , I ! I I HOUSTON LABORATORy 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE ~ HOUSTON, TX'77054 . (7i3) 660-0901 Certificate of Analysis Number: 02050231 Report To: WGR Southwest, Inc. Proiect Name: INC#97337267 Dave Williams Site: 3698 Ming Ave 11021 Winners Circle Suite #101 Site Address: 3698 Ming Ave Los Alamitos Bakersfield Ca CA PO Number: 90720- State: California ph: (562) 799-8510 fax: (562) 799-8556 State Cert. No,: 1903 Fax To: Date Reported: 5/23/02 Client Sample ID I Lab Sample ID I Matrix I Date Collected ! Date Received COCID IHOLDI BB-1 ld25.0 02050231-22 Soil I 5/6/02 9:47:00 BB-11 d30.0 02050231-23 Soil[ 5/6~02 9:51 :(~- BB-1 ld35.0 02050231-24 Soil 5/6/02 9:57:00 BB-11 d40.0 02050231-25 Soil 5/6/02 10:02:00 ~-~'1 ld45.0 02050231-26 Soil 5/6/02 10:08:00 BB-11d50.0 02050231-27 Soil 5/6/02 10:17:00 BB-11 d55.0 02050231-28 Soil 5/6/02 10:24:00 BB-12d5.0 02050231-29 Soil 5/7/02 7:41:00 BB-12d10.0 02050231-30 Soil 5/7/02 7:45:00 BB-12d15.0 02050231-31 Soil 5/7/02 7:48:00 BB-12d20.0 02050231-32 Soil 5/7/02 7:52:00- IBB-12d25.0 02050231-33 Soil 5/7/02 7:57:0~- [_B__:12d30.0 02050231-34 Soil 5/7/02 8:01:00 B-12d35.0 02050231-35 Soil 5/7/02 8:08:00 IBB-12d40.0 02050231-36 Soil 5/7/02 8:13:00 iBB-12d45.0 02050231-37 Soil 5/7/02 8:t~9:00 IBB-12d50.0 02050231-38 Soil 5/7/02 8:29:00 IBB-12d55.0 02050231-39 Soil 5/7/02 8:39:00. IBB-9d5.0 02050231-40 Soil 5/7/02 9:31:00 B-gdl0.0 02050231-41 Soil 5/7/02 9:35:00 ~ .................~-d-~-.~- 02050231-42 Soil 5/7/02 9:38:00 3 AM 3 AM ~M I 5/8/02 10:00:00 AM [] ~M 5/8/02 10:00:00 AM [] ~M 5/8/02 10:00:00 AM [] ~,M 5/8/02 10:00:00 AM [] -- ~-- / 5/8/02 10:00:00 AM [] ~M~I 5~8~02 10:00:00 AM [] [.~--~- 5/8/02 10:00:00 AM [] ~M I 5/8/02 10:00:00 AM [] i~---~ 5/8/02 10:00:00 AM [] ,M 5/8/02 10:00:00 AM [] ,M 5/8/02 10:00:00 AM [] ,M 5/8/02 10:00:00 AM [] ,M 5/8/02 10:00:00 AM [] ~M 5/8/02 10:00:00 AM [] ,M 518102 10:00:00 AM [] ,M 5/8/02 10:00:00 AM [] i~i ....... ~7~-/02 10:00:00 AM [] ,M 5/8/02 10:00:00 AM [] ,M 5/8/02 10:00:00 AM [] ,M 5/8/02 10:00:00 AM [] ,M 5/8/02 10:00:00 AM [] Bernadette Fini Customer Service Manager Joel Gdce Laboratory Director Ted Yen Quality Assurance Officer 5/23/02 Date 5/23/02 9:46:56 AM I I I Shell Oil Products US HOUSTON LABORATORY 8880 iNTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 . (713) 660-0901 ~_:-. '_ ~'.. Report To: Certificate of Analysis Number: 0205O231 WGR Southwest, Inc. Proiect Name: INC#97337267 Fax To: Dave Williams 11021 Winners Circle Suite #101 Los Alamitos CA 90720- ph: (562) 799-8510 fax: (562) 799-8556 Client Sample ID I Lab Sample ID I Matrix Site: 3698 Ming Ave Site Address: 3698 Ming Ave Bakersfield PO Number: State: California State Cert. No.: 1903 Date Reported: 5/23/02 Date Collected 1 Date Received Ca I COClD I HOLD] ~BB-9d20.0 02050231-43 Soil 5/7/02 9:41:00 AM 02050231-44 Soil 5/7/02 9:46:00 AM 02050231-45 Soil 5/7/02 9:49:00 AM BB-9d35.0 02050231-46 Soil 5/7/02 9:52:00 AM BB-9d40.0 02050231-47 Soil 5/7/02 10:01:00 AM E~B-gd45.0' 02050231-48 Soil 5/7/02 10:06:00 AM BB-9d50.0 02050231-49 Soil 5/7/02 10:10:00 AM 02050231-50 Soil 5/7/02 11:10:00 AM 02050231-51 Soil 5/7/02 11:14:00 AM BB-8dl 5.0 02050231-52 Soil 5/7/02 11:17:00 AM 02050231-53 Soil 5/7/02 11:22:00 AM 02050231-54 Soil 5/7/02 11:26:00 AM 02050231-55 Soil 5/7/02 11:30:00 AM 02050231-56 Soil 5/7/02 11:35:00 AM BB-8d35.0 -8d40.0_ I~BB-8d45.0 02050231-57 Soil 02050231-58 Soil 5/7/02 11:56:00 AM 5/7/02 11:52:00 AM 5/8/02 10:00:00 AM 5/8/02 ~: ~-(~ 5/8/02 ~-~ ~- 5/8/02 ~ ~ 5/~/o2 ~ 5/e/o2 ~o:oo:oo 5/8/02 10:00:00 5/8/o2 ~o:oo:oo ~_~ 5/8/02 ~0:0700 A~ 5/8/02 ~/8/o2 ~o:~2~ 5~8~02 10:00:00 Joel Gdce Laboratory Director Ted Yen Quality Assurance Officer 5/23/02 Date 5123/02 9:46:58 AM I I I Client Sample ID: BBr-T(Td 5.0 HOUSTON LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 Collected: 05/06/2002 11:41 SPL Sample ID: 02050231-01 Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. FaCtor QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_DRO Units: mo/Kg Diesel Range Organics ND 2 1 05/09/02 15:48 AR 1141037 Surf: n-Pentacosane 71.1 % 20-154 1 05/09/02 15:48 AR 1141037 ,I : prr~p-~t-~o--~l- l~r~ate lPrep Initials] ~SW3550B i05/08/2002 16:58 IJ_L GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_GRO~__ Un_it_s: m__~_K_g Gasoline Range Organics, LA County ND 0.05 1 05/15/02 17:29 TM 1143565 Surr: 1,4-Difiuorobenzene 102 % 72-153 1 05/15/02 17:29 TM 1143565 Sum 4-Bromofluorobenzene 70.7 % 51-149 I 05/15/02 17:29 TM 1143565 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B_______U_nits: ug/Kg_ Benzene ND 5 I 05/08/02 22:55 NL 1136811 Ethylbenzene ND 5 I 05/08/02 22:55 NL 1136811 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 5 1 05/08/02 22:55 NL 1136811 Toluene ND 5 1 05/08/02 22:55 NL 1136811 m,p-Xylene ND 5 1 05/08/02 22:55 NL 1136811 o-Xylene ND 5 I 05/08/02 22:55 NL 1136811 Xylenes,Total ND 5 1 05/08/02 22:55 NL 1136811 Surf: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 84.0 % 70-120 I 05/08/02 22:55 NL 1136811 Surf: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 74.0 % 74-130 1 05/08/02 22:55 NL 1136811 Surr: Toluene-d8 108 % 80-140 1 05/08/02 22:55 NL 1136811 I I I I I I I Bernadette Fini I I Project Manager Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits MI - Matdx Intederence Estimated Value between MDL and PQL 5/23/02 9:48:12 AM I I I Client Sample ID: BB:10010.0 HOUSTON LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 Collected: 05/06/2002' 11:45 SPL Sample ID: '" 02050231-02 Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL~ CA DR_ O Units_:_m__g/_ K_g Diesel Range Organics ND 2 1 05/09/02 16:27 AR 1141038 Surr: n-Pentacosane 81.1 % 20-154 1 05/09/02 16:27 AR 1141038 ~rep Met_hod lPrep Date [Prep Initials] [ ~-'~ ,~ ~ i05/08/2002 16:58 IJ_L GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_GRO Units: m g/_K.g Gasoline Range Organics, LA County ND 0.05 I 05/15/02 17:56 TM 1143566 Sum 1,4-Difluorobenzene 103 % 72-153 I 05/15/02 17:56 TM 1143566 Surf: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 76.0 % 51-149 1 05/15/02 17:56 TM 1143566 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: u g/_Kg Benzene ND 5 1 05/08/02 23:24 NL 1136814 Ethylbenzene ND 5 1 05/08/02 23:24 NL 1136814 Methyl ted-butyl ether ND 5 1 05/08/02 23:24 NL 1136814 Toluene ND 5 1 05/08/02 23:24 NL 1136814 m,p-Xylene ND 5 1 05/08/02 23:24 NL 1136814 o-Xylene ND 5 1 05/08/02 23:24 NL 1136814 Xylenes,Total ND 5 1 05/08/02 23:24 NL 1136814 Sum 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 80.0 % 70-120 I 05/08/02 23:24 NL 1136814 Sum 4-Bromofluorobenzene 74.0 % 74-130 1 05/08/02 23:24 NL 1136814 Surr: Toluene-d8 104 % 80-140 I 05/08/02 23:24 NL 1136814 I I ,I I I ,I Bernadette Fini I I Pro___J_ect~ Ma ~a.ge_r ....... Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Repoding Limit B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank * - Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits J - Estimated Value between MDL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution MI - Matrix Interference 5/23/02 9:48,: 14 AM I I I HOUSTON LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 Client Sample ID: BB-'1-0b'15.0 Collected: 05/06/2002 11:49 · SPL Sample ID: 02050231-03 Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor' QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_DRO Units: m~K__g Diesel Range Organics ND 2 1 05/09/02 17:05 AR 1141039 Surr: n-Pentacosane 85.0 % 20-154 1 05/09/02 17:05 AR 1141039 IPrep Method IPrep Date TP~rep Initials] ;SW3550B J05/08/2002 16:58 ~ ] GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_GRO -. U ni~t_s_.'__mg/K~ ~g~ Gasoline Range Organics, LA County ND 0.05 1 05/15/02 18:23 TM 1143567 Surr: 1,4-Difluorobenzene 101 % 72-153 1 05/15/02 18:23 TM 1143567 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 75.3 % 51-149 1 05/15/02 18:23 TM 1143567 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: ug/Kg Benzene ND 5 1 05/08/02 23:52 NL 1136816 Ethylbenzene ND 5 1 05/08/02 23:52 NL 1136816 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 5 1 05/08/02 23:52 NL 1136816 Toluene ND 5 1 05/08/02 23:52 NL 1136816 m,p-Xylene ND 5 I 05/08/02 23:52 NL 1136816 o-Xylene ND 5 1 05/08/02 23:52 NL 1136816 Xylenes,Total ND 5 1 05/08/02 23:52 NL 1136816 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 80.0 % 70-120 1 05/08/02 23:52 NL 1136816 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 76.0 % 74-130 1 05/08/02 23:52 NL 1136816 Surr: Toluene-d8 106 % 80-140 1 05/08/02 23:52 NL 1136816 I I I I I Bernadette Fini I I Project Manager Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits MI - Matrix Interference Estimated Value between MDL and PQL 5/23/02 9:48:15 AM I I I Client Sample ID: BB:10~20.0 HOUSTON LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054. (713) 660-0901 Collected: 05/06/2002 11:52- SPL Sampl~ ID: 02050231-04 Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor. QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_DRO Units: mq/Kg. Diesel Range Organics ND 2 I 05/09/02 17:44 AR 1141040 Surr: n-Pentacosane 82.1 % 20-154 I 05/09/02 17:44 AR 1141040 ~hod tPrep D~ ~Prep Initials} [05/08/20o2 GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_GRO Units: Gasoline Range Organics, LA County ND 0.05 1 05/15/02 18:50 TM 1143568 Surr: 1,4-Difluorobenzene 107 % 72-153 1 05/15/02 18:50 TM 1143568 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 72.3 % 51-149 I 05/15/02 18:50 TM 1143568 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL sW8260B Units: u~g/K_g_ Benzene ND 5 I 05/09/02 11:59 NL 1137488 Ethylbenzene ND 5 I 05/09/02 11:59 NL 1137488 Methyl ted-butyl ether ND 5 1 05/09/02 11:59 NL 1137488 Toluene ND 5 I 05/09/02 11:59 NL 1137488 m,p-Xylene ND 5 1 05/09/02 11:59 NL 1137488 o-Xylene ND 5 1 05/09/02 11:59 NL 1137488 Xylenes,Total ND 5 1 05/09/02 11:59 NL 1137488 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 84.0 % 70-120 1 05/09/02 11:59 NL 1137488 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 76.0 % 74-130 1 05/09/02 11:59 NL 1137488 Surr: Toluene-d8 102 % 80-140 1 05/09/02 11:59 NL 1137488 I I I I I I I Bernadette Fini I I Project Manager Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank * - Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits J - Estimated Value between MDL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution MI - Matrix Interference 5/23/02 9:48:16 AM Client Sample ID: BB:10t~25.0 HOUSTON LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE .DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) '660-0901 Collected: 05/06/2002 11:55- SpL Sampl6 ID: 02050231-05 Site: 3698 Ming AVe Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor' QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_DRO~ Units: m~_Kg' Diesel Range Organics 5.8 2 I 05/09/02 18:22 AR 1141041 Sum n-Pentacosane 97.2 % 20-154 I 05/09/02 18:22 AR 1141041 iI [Prep Method ]Prep Date isw3550B]05/08/2o02,6:58 ~-~ GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS Gasoline Range Organics, LA County ND 0.05 MCL CA_GRO Units: m q/_K_g_ I 05/15/02 19:18 TM 114356(~ Surr: 1,4-Difluorobenzene 105 % 72-153 1 05/15/02 19:18 TM 1143569 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 73.7 % 51-149 1 05/15/02 19:18 TM 1143569 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: ug/K~ Benzene ND 5 1 05/09/02 12:27 NL 1137489 Ethylbenzene ND 5 1 05/09/02 12:27 NL 1137489 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 5 I 05/09/02 12:27 NL 1137489 Toluene ND 5 I 05/09/02 12:27 NL 1137489 m,p-Xylene ND 5 I 05/09/02 12:27 NL 1137489 o-Xylene ND 5 1 05/09/02 12:27 NL 1137489 Xylenes,Total ND 5 1 05/09/02 12:27 NL 1137489 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 80.0 % 70-120 1 05/09/02 12:27 NL 1137489 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 74.0 % 74-130 1 05/09/02 12:27 NL 1137489 Surr: Toluene-d8 104 % 80-140 I 05/09/02 12:27 NL 1137489 I I I I I I I Bernadette Fini I I _P_r.??__ct .M a_n _a g_e_r Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportab~e due to Dilution * - Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits MI - Matrix Interference J - Estimated Value between MDL and PQL 5/23/02 9:48:17 AM I I I Client Sample ID: BB:10'830.0 HOUSTON LABORATORY 8880 iNTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 '.~:'. .. ~ '. ~ _ Collected: 05/06/2002' 12:00- SPL Sample ID: 02050231-06 Site: 3698 Ming AVe Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor. QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_DRO Units: m__~_K_g Diesel Range Organics 3.5 2 1 05/09/02 19:01 AR 1141042 Surr: mPentacosane 85.9 % 20-154 1 05/09/02 19:01 AR 1141042 !'Prep Method tl~r~p-~'~ P~p Initialsi ]05/08/200216:58 GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_GRO Units: m o,/_K_g~ Gasoline Range Organics, LA County ND 0.05 1 05/15/02 19:45 TM 1143570 Sum 1,4-Difluorobenzene 101 % 72-153 1 05/15/02 19:45 TM 1143570 Sum 4-Bromofluorobenzene 75.3 % 51-149 I 05/15/02 19:45 TM 1143570 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: Benzene ND 5 1 05/09/02 12:56 NL 1137490 Ethylbenzene ND 5 1 05/09/02 12:56 NL 1137490 Methyl ted-butyl ether ND 5 1 05/09/02 12:56 NL 1137490 Toluene ND 5 1 05/09/02 12:56 NL 1137490 m,p-Xylene ND 5 I 05/09/02 12:56 NL 1137490 o-Xylene ND 5 1 05/09/02 12:56 NL 1137490 Xylenes,Total ND 5 1 05/09/02 12:56 NL 1137490 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 80.0 % 70-120 1 05/09/02 12:56 NL 1137490 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 78.0 % 74-130 1 05/09/02 12:56 NL 1137490 Surr: Toluene-d8 104 % 80-140 1 05/09/02 12:56 NL 1137490 I I I I I I I Bernadette Fini Project Manager Qualifiers: I I ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank * - Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits J - Estimated Value between MDL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution MI - Matrix Interference 5/23/02 9:48:18 AM I I I Client Sample ID: BB;10~35.0 HOUSTON LABORATORy 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 -.~' .. ~'-~ _ Collected: 05/06/2002 12:04 SPL Sample ID: 02050231-07 Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_DRO Units: m_g/Kg_ Diesel Range Organics ND 2 1 --05/09/02 19:40 AR --114104~ Surr: n-Pentacosane 80.3 % 20-154 1 05/09/02 19:40 AR 1141043 Method -~Prep Date IPrep InitialsI isw3550 105/08/ 0021 :58 GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_GRO Units: m_g/Kg Gasoline Range Organics, LA County ND 0.05 1 05/15/02 20:12 TM 1143571 Surr: 1,4-Difluorobenzene 100 % 72-153 1 05/15/02 20:12 TM 1143571 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 73.0 % 51-149 1 05/15/02 20:12 TM 1143571 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: ug/Kg Benzene ND 5 1 05/09/02 13:25 NL 1137491 Ethylbenzene ND 5 1 05/09/02 13:25 NL 1137491 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 5 1 05/09~02 13:25 NL 1137491 Toluene ND 5 1 05/09/02 13:25 NL 1137491 m,p-Xylene ND 5 1 05/09/02 13:25 NL 1137491 o-Xylene ND 5 1 05/09/02 13:25 NL 1137491 Xylenes,Total ND 5 1 05/09/02 13:25 NL 1137491 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 84.0 % 70-120 1 05/09/02 13:25 NL 1137491 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 80.0 % 74-130 1 05/09/02 13:25 NL 1137491 Surr: Toluene-d8 104 % 80-140 1 05/09/02 13:25 NL 1137491 I I I I '! I I Bernadette Fini I I _P_r~! .ect Manager Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank * - Surrogate Recovery Out~ide Advisable QC Limits J - Estimated Value between MDL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution MI - Matrix Interference 5/23/02 9:48:~9 AM I I I I I I I I Client Sample ID: BB:10~40.0 )USTON LABORATORy 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713)-660-0901 Collected: 05/06/2002 12:10 SPL Sampla'-'' ID: '" ~}2(~50231-08 Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_DRO Units: m o,/K~g_ Diesel Range Organics 4.8 2 1 05/13/02 15:29 AR 1143531 Sum n-Pentacosane 61.6 % 20-154 I 05/13/02 15:29 AR 1143531 J~rr~p Method IPrep Date Pr~~ ISW3550B T05/10/200213:48 JHH ) GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_GRO Units: m~Kg I 05/15/02 20:39 TM 114357~ Gasoline Range Organics, LA County 1.9 0.05 Surr: 1,4-Difluorobenzene 98.3 % 72-153 I 05/15/02 20:39 TM 1143572 Sum 4-BromoJluorobenzene 167 MI % 51-149 I * 05/15/02 20:39 TM 1143572 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: u~K__g Benzene ND 5 I 05/20/02 12:40 NL 1148178 Ethylbenzene 6 5 I 05/20/02 12:40 NL 1148178 Methyl tart-butyl ether 32 5 1 05/20/02 12:40 NL 1148178 Toluene ND 5 1 05/20/02 12:40 NL 1148178 m,p-Xylene 38 5 1 05/20/02 12:40 NL 1148178 o-Xylene ND 5 1 05/20/02 12:40 NL 1148178 Xylenes,Total 38 5 I 05/20/02 12:40 NL 1148178 Sum 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 86.0 % 70-120 1 05/20/02 12:40 NL 1148178 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 86.0 % 74-130 1 05/20/02 12:40 NL 1148178 Surr: Toluene-d8 104 % 80-140 1 05/20/02 12:40 NL 1148178 I I :1 I I Bernadette Fini Project Manager Qualifiers: I I ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution ' - Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits MI - Matrix Interference J - Estimated Value between MDL a~d PQL 5/23/02 9:48:20 AM I I I Client Sample ID: BB:1(Td45.0 HOUSTON LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 . '.::- -.-. ~ .. Collected: 05/06/2002 12:17 SPL Sampl6 ID: 02050231-09 Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor' QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_DRO , Units: rog/Kg Diesel Range Organics ND 2 1 05/09/02 20:18 AR 1141044 Surf: n-Pentacosane 74.6 % 20o154 1 05/09/02 20:18 AR 1141044 ~Prep Method ]__Prep __Date ~Prep InitialsI ~5=~0~ [05/08/2002 16:58 IJ_L GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_GRO Units: mg/_K_g_ Gasoline Range Organics, LA County ND 0.05 1 05/15/02 21:07 TM 1143573 Surr: 1,4-Difluorobenzene 102 % 72-153 1 05/15/02 21:07 TM 1143573 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 75.0 % 51-149 1 05/15/02 21:07 TM 1143573 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B ~ MCL SW8260B __Units: u g/Kg_ Benzene ND 5 1 05/09/02 13:54 NL 1137492 Ethylbenzene ND 5 1 05/09/02 13:54 NL 1137492 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 5 I 05/09/02 13:54 NL 1137492 Toluene ND 5 I 05/09/02 13:54 NL 1137492 m,p-Xylene ND 5 1 05/09/02 13:54 NL 1137492 o-Xylene ND 5 t 05/09/02 13:54 NL 1137492 Xylenes,Total ND 5 1 05/09/02 13:54 NL 1137492 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 80.0 % 70-120 1 05/09/02 13:54 NL 1137492 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 78.0 % 74-130 1 05/09/02 13:54 NL 1137492 Surr: Toluene-d8 104 % 80-140 1 05/09/02 13:54 NL 1137492 II I I I I I Bernadette Fini I I Project Manager Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits Estimated Value between MDL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution MI - Matrix Interference 5/23/02 9:46:21 AM I I I Client Sample ID: BB:10d50.0 HOUSTON LABORATORy 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713)' 660-0901 Collected: 05/06/2002 12:22. SpL Sample'lD: '"-~2d50231-10 Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_DRO ___Units: mg/K~g I Diesel Range Organics 3.1 2 1 05/09/02 20:57 AR 1141045 Surr: n-Pentacosane 78.1 % 20-154 1 05/09/02 20:57 AR 1141045 ~prep Method ?.rep Date tPrep Initials] iSW3550B i05/08/2002 16:58 IJ_L j GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS Gasoline Range Organics, LA County 0.24 0.05 MCL CA_GRO Units: mg/K_~g 1 05/15/02 21:34 TM 114357~ Surr: 1,4~Difluorobenzene 103 % 72-153 1 05/15/0221:34 TM 1143574 Surr: 4-Bromofiuorobenzene 138 % 51-149 1 05/15/0221:34 TM 1143574 '1 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: ug/Kg Benzene ND 5 1 05/09/02 14:22 NL 1137493 Ethylbenzene ND 5 1 05/09/02 14:22 NL 1137493 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 5 1 05/09~02 14:22 NL 1137493 Toluene 6 5 I 05/09/02 14:22 NL 1137493 m,p-Xylene 19 5 1 05/09/02 14:22 NL 1137493 o-Xylene 10 5 1 05/09/02 14:22 NL 1137493 Xylenes,Total 29 5 1 05/09/02 14:22 NL 1137493 Sum 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 80.0 % 70-120 1 05/09/02 14:22 NL 1137493 Sum 4-Bromofluorobenzene 80.0 % 74-130 1 05/09/02 14:22 NL 1137493 Sum Toluene-d8 100 % 80-140 1 05/09/02 14:22 NL 1137493 I I I I I I I Bernadette Fini I I Pro!~ec__t M._a n_ag? ................................................................................. Oualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank D - Surrogate Recovery Unrepodable due to Dilution * - Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits MI - Matrix Interference J - Estimated Value between MDL and PQL 5/23/02 9:48:22 AM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Client Sample ID: BB-'r0E55.0 HOUSTON LABORATORy 8880 iNTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 Collected: 05/06/2002'12:30 SpL Sampl6"lD: "02050231-11 Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_DRO Units: mg/Kg. Diesel Range Organics ND 2 1 05/09/02 21:35 AR 1141046 Surr: n-Pentacosane 78.8 % 20-154 1 05/09/02 21:35 AR 1141046 fPrep Method Pr~.p Date P~p initials} ISW3550B ~=8/-'~=~2 16:58 IJ_L } GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_GRO Units: mg/Kg Gasoline Range Organics, LA County ND 0.05 1 05/15/02 23:23 TM 1143576 Surr: 1,4-Difluorobenzene 104 % 72-1,53 1 05/15/02 23:23 TM 1143576 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 73.7 % 51-149 1 05/15/02 23:23 TM 1143576 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: Benzene ND 5 1 05/09/02 14:51 NL 1137494 Ethylbenzene ND 5 1 05/09/02 14:51 NL 1137494 Methyl ted-butyl ether ND 5 1 05/09/02 14:51 NL 1137494 Toluene ND 5 I 05/09/02 14:51 NL 1137494 m,p-Xylene ND 5 I 05/09/02 14:51 NL 1137494 o-Xylene ND 5 1 05/09/02 14:51 NL 1137494 Xylenes,Total ND 5 I 05/09/02 14:51 NL 1137494 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 78.0 % 70-120 1 05/09/02 t4:51 NL 1137494 Surf: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 78.0 % 74-130 1 05/09/02 14:51 NL 1137494 Surr: Toluene-d8 104 % 80-140 1 05/09/02 14:51 NL 1137494 I I Bernadette Fini Project Manager Qualifiers: I I ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution * - Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits MI - Matrix Interference J - Estimated Value between MDL and PQL 5/23/02 9:48:23 AM I I I Client Sample ID: BB:10-d60.0 HOUSTON LABORATORy 8880 INTERCHANGEDRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 -.~:- ...~ -~ .. Collected: 05/06/2002 12:38 SPL Sampl6 ID: 02050231-12 Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL _CA_DRO _ Units: m~__K__~ Diesel Range Organics ND 2 1 05/09/02 22:13 AR 1141047 Surr: n-Pentacosane 75.7 % 20-154 I 05/09/02 22:13 AR 1141047 iPrep Method IPrep Date P~_p Initials] [SW3550B[05/08/2002 16:58 tJ_L I GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS MC_~L __ CA GR~ O Gasoline Range Organics, LA County 0.07 0.05 1 05/15/02 23:51 TM 1143577 Surr: 1,4-Difluorobenzene 100 % 72-153 1 05/15/02 23:51 TM 1143577 Sum 4-Bromofluorobenzene 92.7 % 51-149 1 05/15/02 23:51 TM 1143577 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: u~_~g Benzene ND 5 1 05/09/02 15:20 NL 1137495 Ethylbenzene ND 5 1 05/09/02 15:20 NL 1137495 Methyl tart-butyl ether ND 5 1 05/09/02 15:20 NL 1137495 Toluene ND 5 1 05/09/02 15:20 NL 1137495 m,p-Xylene ND 5 1 05/09/02 15:20 NL 1137495 o-Xylene ND 5 1 05/09/02 15:20 NL 1137495 Xylenes,Total ND 5 I 05/09/02 15:20 NL 1137495 Sum 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 82.0 % 70-120 1 05/09/02 15:20 NL 1137495 Sum 4-Bromofluorobenzene 78.0 % 74-130 1 05/09/02 15:20 NL 1137495 Surf: Toluene-d8 102 % 80-140 1 05/09/02 15:20 NL 1137495 I I I I I I I Bernadette Fini I I Project Manager Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank * - Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits J - Estimated Value between MDL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution MI ~ Matrix Interference 5/23/02 9:48:24 AM I I I I I I I I Client Sample ID: BB--'I'0'd65.0 HOUSTON LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 . (713) 660-0901 -.,_~. ~'.,.. Collected: 05/06/2002 12:42. SPL Sample ID: ~' 02050231-13 Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_DRO Units: mg/K_g _ Diesel Range Organics ND 2 1 05/09/02 22:52 AR 1141048 Surr: n-Pentacosane 76.5 % 20-154 1 05/09/02 22:52 AR 1141048 'prep Method tPrep Date [prep Initials1 SW3550B i05/08/2002 16:58 [J_L GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_GRO Units: m_g/Kg Gasoline Range Organics, LA County ND 0.05 1 05/16/02 0:18 TM 1143578 Surr: 1,4-Difluorobenzene 101 % 72-153 1 05/16/020:18 TM 1143578 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 76.7 % 51-149 1 05/16/020:18 TM 1143578 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: u_g/Kg Benzene ND 5 1 05/13/02 11:52 NL 1141402 Ethylbenzene ND 5 1 05/13/02 11:52 NL 1141402 Methyl ted-butyl ether 14 5 1 05/13/02 11:52 NL 1141402 Toluene 10 5 1 05/13/02 11:52 NL 1141402 m,p-Xylene ND 5 1 05/13/02 11:52 NL 1141402 o-Xylene ND 5 1 05/13/02 11:52 NL 1141402 Xylenes,Total ND 5 1 05/13/02 11:52 NL 1141402 Sum 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 84.0 % 70-120 1 05/13/02 11:52 NL 1141402 Sum 4-Bromofluorobenzene 74.0 % 74-130 1 05/13/02 11:52 NL 1141402 Surf: Toluene-d8 110 % 80-140 1 05/13/02 11:52 NL 1141402 ,I I I I I I Bernadette Fini Project Manager Qualifiers: I I ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank * - Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits J - Estimated Value between MDL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution MI - Matrix Interference 5/23/02 9:48:26 AM I I I HOUSTON LABORATORY 8880 iNTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713)' 660-0901 Client Sample ID: BB:IO'd70.0 Collected,' 05/06/2002 12:49 SPL Sample ID: 02050231-14 Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. Cf DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA DRO Units: mq/Kg_ Diesel Range Organics ND 2 1 05/09/02 19:40 AR 1140971 Surr: n-Pentacosane 74.3 % 20-154 I 05/09/02 19:40 AR 1140971 Prep Method Pr~ Date P~p Initials! SW3550B ~=~8~'~2 16:58 IJ_L GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS Gasoline Range Organics, LA County ND 0.05 MCL CA_GRO _~ U.~ni_t~s.:._m__~_K- g_ 1 05/16/02 0:45 TM 1143579 '1 Sum 1,4-Difiuorobenzene 102 % 72-153 1 05/16/02 0:45 TM 1143579 Sum 4-Bromofluorobenzene 75.3 % 51-149 I 05/16/02 0:45 TM 1143579 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: u_g/Kg_ Benzene ND 5 1 05/09/02 17:44 NL 1137500 Ethylbenzene ND 5 1 05/09/02 17:44 NL 1137500 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 5 1 05/09/02 17:44 NL 1137500 Toluene ND 5 I 05/09/02 17:44 NL 1137500 m,p-Xyiene ND 5 I 05/09/02 17:44 NL 1137500 o-Xylene ND 5 I 05/09/02 17:44 NL 1137500 Xylenes,Total ND 5 1 05/09/02 17:44 NL i137500 Sum 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 78.0 % 70-120 1 05/09/02 17:44 NL 1137500 Surr: 4-Bromofiuorobenzene 80.0 % 74-130 I 05/09/02 17:44 NL 1137500 Surr: Toluene-d8 104 % 80-140 1 05/09/02 17:44 NL 1137500 I I I I I I I Bernadette Fini I I Project Manager Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank · - Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits J - Estimated Value between MOL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution MI - Matrix Interference 5/23/02 9:48:27 AM I I I Client Sample ID: BB;10'd75.0 HOUSTON LABORATORY 8880 iNTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 Collected: 05/06/2002 12:57 SPL Sampl~ iD: ''-~" 02050231 - 15 Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_DRO Units: mq/Kg. Diesel Range Organics ND 2 1 05/09/02 20:18 AR 1140972 Sum n-Pentacosane 74.7 % 20-154 1 05/09/02 20:18 AR 1140972 iPrep Method jPrep Date ~ !_nitialsJ iLSW3550B ~0_5_~08/2_002 16:58 _~J_L GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_GRO _.__U_n~ts: m~K___g_ Gasoline Range Organics, LA County ND 0.05 1 '05/16/02 1:12 TM 1143580 Surr: 1,4-Difluorobenzene 99.0 % 72-153 1 05/16/02 1:12 TM 1143580 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 78.7 % 51-149 I 05/16/02 1:12 TM 1143580 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: u g/K_g_ Benzene ND 5 1 05/09/02 20:36 NL 1137506 Ethylbenzene ND 5 1 05/09/02 20:36 NL 1137506 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 5 1 05/09/02 20:36 NL 1137506 Toluene ND 5 1 05/09/02 20:36 NL 1137506 m,p-Xylene ND 5 1 05/09/02 20:36 NL 1137506 o-Xylene ND 5 1 05/09/02 20:36 NL 1137506 Xylenes,Total ND 5 1 05/09/02 20:36 NL 1137506 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 78.0 % 70-120 I 05/09/02 20:36 NL 1137506 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 76.0 % 74-130 I 05/09/02 20:36 NL 1137506 Surr: Toluene-d8 100 % 80-140 1 05/09/02 20:36 NL 1137506 '1 I I I I I I I Bernadette Fini Project Manager Qualifiers: I I ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits Estimated Value between MDL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution MI - Matrix Interference 5/23/02 9:48:28 AM I I I Client Sample ID: BB:10~80.0 HOUSTON LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 Collected: 05/06/2002 13:05 SpL Sample ID: 02050231-16 Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_DRO Units: mq/Kg_ Dieset Range Organics ND 2 1. 05/09/02 20:57 AR 1140973 Surr: n-Pentacosane 67.9 % 20-154 1 05/09/02 20:57 AR 1140973 !Prep Method jPrep Date ~kPrep InitialsJ [SW3550B I05/08/2002 16:58 IJ_L / GA__S~OLINE RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_GRO .___Units: ~g/Kg Gasoline Range Organics, LA County ND 0.05 1 '05/16/02 1:40 TM 1143581 Surf: 1,4-Difluorobenzene 100 % 72-153 I 05/16/02 1:40 TM 1143581 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 72.0 % 51-149 1 05/16/02 1:40 TM 1143581 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: ug/Kg Benzene ND 5 1 05/13/02 15:43 NL 1141410 Ethylbenzene ND 5 1 05/13/02 15:43 NL 1141410 Methyl ted-butyl ether ND 5 1 05/13/02 15:43 NL 1141410 Toluene ND 5 I 05/13/02 15:43 NL 1141410 m,p-Xylene ND 5 1 05/13/02 15:43 NL 1141410 o-Xylene ND 5 1 05/13/02 15:43 NL 1141410 Xylenes,Totat ND 5 1 05/13/02 15:43 NL 1141410 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 84.0 % 70-120 I 05/13/02 15:43 NL 1141410 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 76.0 % 74-130 1 05/13/02 15:43 NL 1141410 Surf: Toluene-d8 116 % 80-140 1 05/13/02 15:43 NL 1141410 I I I I I I I Bernadette Fini Project Manager Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits Estimated Value between MDL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution MI - Matrix Interference 5/23/02 9:48:29 AM I I I Client Sample ID: BB:10~i85.0 HOUSTON LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054: · (713)' 660-0901 Collected: 05/06/2002 13:14 SpL Sample ID: 02050231-17 Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_DRO Units: mq/K~ Diesel Range Organics ND 2 1 05/09/02 21:35 AR 114097~ Surr: n-Pentacosane 71.0 % 20-154 1 05/09/02 21:35 AR 1140974 ~Prep Method IPrep Date 1Prep Initials1 ~s~5~ [o51o812oo2 16:58 IJ_L GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_GRO Units: m~Kg Gasoline Range Organics, LA County 0,061 0.05 1 '05/16/02 2:07 TM 1143582 Surr: 1,4-Difluorobenzene 99.7 % 72-153 1 05/16/022:07 TM 1143582 Surr: 4-Bromofiuorobenzene 99.3 % 51-149 1 05/16/02 2:07 TM 1143582 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B U n_i_t s :~u_g/__~Kg Benzene ND 5 1 05/13/02 17:09 NL 1141413 Ethylbenzene ND 5 1 05/13/02 17:09 NL 1141413 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 5 I 05/13/02 17:09 NL 1141413 Toluene ND 5 1 05/13/02 17:09 NL 1141413 m,p-Xyiene ND 5 1 05/13/02 17:09 NL 1141413 o-Xylene ND 5 1 05/13/02 17:09 NL 1141413 Xylenes,Total ND 5 1 05/13/02 17:09 NL 1141413 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 84.0 % 70-120 1 05/13/02 17:09 NL 1141413 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 76.0 % 74-130 I 05/13/02 17:09 NL 1141413 Surf:Toluene-d8 114 % 80-140 1 05/13/02 17:09 NL 1141413 I I I I I I I Bernadette Fini I I Project Manager Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank * - Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits J ~ Estimated Value between MDL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution MI - Matrix Interference 5/23/02 9:48:30 AM I I I Client Sample ID: BB-11i~5.0 HOUSTON LABORATORy 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 . (713) 660-0901 Collected: 05/06/2002 9:33 SPL Sampl6 ID: "02050231-18 Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor' QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq, # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_DRO Units: m~/Kg Diesel Range Organics ND 2 1 05/09/02 22:13 AR 1140975 Surr: n-Pentacosane 72.5 % 20-154 1 05/09/02 22:13 AR 1140975 ! ~; ~(~ I~'-~-~o~- ....... IPrep Date ,~/~50==~ ~5~8/200=====2 16:58 [Prep]j_L InitialsI GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_GRO Units: m g/_K_.q Gasoline Range Organics, LA County ND 0.05 1 05/16/02 2:34 TM 1143583 ;I Surr: 1,4-Difluorobenzene 100 % 72-153 1 05/16/02 2:34 TM 1143583 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 73.7 % 51-149 1 05/16/02 2:34 TM 1143583 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: ug/Kg Benzene ND 5 1 05/14/02 19:31 NL 1143010 Ethylbenzene ND 5 1 05/14/02 19:31 NL 1143010 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 5 1 05/14/02 19:31 NL 1143010 Toluene ND 5 I 05/14/02 19:31 NL 1143010 m,p-Xylene ND 5 t 05/14/02 19:31 NL 1143010 o-Xylene ND 5 1 05/14/02 19:31 NL 1143010 Xylenes,Total ND 5 1 05/14/02 19:31 NL 1143010 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 82.0 % 70-120 1 05/14/02 19:31 NL 1143010 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 76.0 % 74-130 I 05/14/02 19:31 NL 1143010 Surf: Toluene-d8 108 % 80-140 1 05/14/02 19:31 NL 1143010 I I I I I I I Bernadette Fini I I Project Manager Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank * - Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits J - Estimated Value between MDL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution MI o Matrix Interference 5/23/02 9:48:31 AM I I I Client Sample ID: BB:I t"dl0.0 HOUSTON LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE. DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713)'660-0901 Collected: 05/06/2002 9:36 SPL Sampl~ ID: 02050231-19 Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep,Limit Dil. Factor QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_DRO Units: mg/Kg_ Diesel Range Organics ND 2 1 05/09/02 22:52 AR 1140976 Surr: n-Pentacosane 74.6 % 20-154 1 05/09/02 22:52 AR 1140976 ii'rep Method ~ 1Prep initials] iSW3550B t05/08/2002 16:58 GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS Gasoline Range Organics, LA County ND 0.05 MCL CA_GRO U nit S_:__m_g~__K_g' 1 05/16/02 3:01 TM 1143584 Surr: 1,4-Difluorobenzene 98.7 % 72-153 1 05/16/02 3:01 TM 1143584 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 73.3 % 51-149 I 05/16/02 3:01 TM 1143584 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: u_g/K9 Benzene ND 5 1 05/14/02 19:59 NL 1143011 Ethylbenzene ND 5 1 05/14/02 19:59 NL 1143011 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 5 1 05/14/02 19:59 NL 1143011 Toluene ND 5 1 05/14/02 19:59 NL 1143011 m,p-Xylene ND 5 1 05/14/02 19:59 NL 1143011 o-Xylene ND 5 1 05/14/02 19:59 NL 1143011 Xylenes,Total ND 5 1 05/14/02 19:59 NL 1143011 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 84.0 % 70-120 I 05/14/02 19:59 NL 1143011 Sum 4-Bromofluorobenzene 74.0 % 74-130 1 05/14/02 19:59 NL 1143011 Surr: Toluene-d8 108 % 80-140 1 05/14/02 19:59 NL 1143011 I I I I I I I Bernadette Fini ! I Project Manager Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank · - Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits J - Estimated Value between MDL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution MI - Matrix Interference 5/23/02 9:48:32 AM I I I Client Sample ID: BB-11~15.0 HOUSTON LABORATORY · 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 Collected: 05/06/2002' 9:40 SpL Sampl~ ID: 02050231-20 Site: 3698, Ming AVe Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_DRO Units: rn_g/__K_g Diesel Range Organics ND 2 I 05/11/02 5:36 AM 1139851 Surf: n-Pentacosane 74.8 % 20-154 1 05/11/02 5:36 AM 1139851 iPrep Method IPrep Date tPrep Initials~ ~ , !SW3550B 105/09/2002 13:33 GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_GRO U n i_t_s_: m~K~_g Gasoline Range Organics, LA County ND 0.05 Surr: 1,4-Difluorobenzene 102 % 72-153 1 '05/16/02 3:28 TM 1143585 1 05/16/02 3:28 TM 1143585 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 78.3 % 51-149 1 05/16/02 3:28 TM 1143585 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: ug/Kg Benzene ND 5 1 05/15/02 1:17 NL 1143022 Ethylbenzene ND 5 1 05/15/02 1:17 NL 1143022 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 5 1 05/15/02 1:17 NL 1143022 Toluene ND 5 1 05/15/02 1:17 NL 1143022 m,p-Xylene ND 5 1 05/15/02 1:17 NL 1143022 o-Xylene ND 5 1 05/15/02 1:17 NL 1143022 Xylenes,Total ND 5 1 05/15/02 1:17 NL 1143022 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 82.0 % 70-120 1 05/15/02 1:17 NL 1143022 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 76.0 % 74-130 1 05/15/02 1:17 NL 1143022 Surr: Toluene-d8 110 % 80-140 1 05/15/02 1:17 NL 1143022 I I I I I I I Bernadette Fini I I Project Manager Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank * - Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits J - Estimated Value between MDL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution MI - Matrix Interference 5/23/02 9:48:33 AM I I I Client Sample ID: BB-11~20,0 HoUsToN LABORATORY · 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713)' 660-0901 Collected: 05/06/2002 9:44 SPL Sample ID: 02050231-21 Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_DRO Uni~ts: mg/Kg Diesel Range Organics ND 2 I 05/11/02 7:30 AM 113985~ Surr: n-Pentacosane 70.3 % 20-154 1 05/11/02 7:30 AM 1139854 [Prep Method IPrep Date IPrep Initials-] LSW3550B 105/09/2002 13:33 JHH I GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_GRO _U~its~.-m~_K~g.__ Gasoline Range Organics, LA County ND 0.05 1 05/16/02 6:38 TM 1143919 Surr: 1,4-Difluorobenzene 97.0 % 72-153 1 05/16/02 6:38 TM 1143919 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 71.3 % 51-149 1 05/16/026:38 TM 1143919 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: ug/Kg Benzene ND 5 1 05/15/02 1:48 NL 1143023 Ethylbenzene ND 5 I 05/15/02 1:48 NL 1143023 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 5 1 05/15/02 1:48 NL 114,3023 Toluene ND 5 I 05/15/02 1:48 NL 1143023 m,p-Xylene ND 5 I 05/15/02 1:48 NL 114302,3 o-Xylene ND 5 1 05/15/02 1:48 NL 1143023 Xylenes,Total ND 5 I 05/15/02 1:48 NL 1143023 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 86.0 % 70-120 1 05/15/02 1:48 NL 1143023 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 78.0 % 74-130 I 05/15/02 1:48 NL 1143023 Surr: Toluene-d8 110 % 80-140 1 05/15/02 1:48 NL 1143023 I I I I I I I Bernadette Fini I I ~ r__° J_e_c_t_M_ ?_n. a.g _e ~- Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Repoding Limit B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank * - Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits J - Estimated Value between MDL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution MI - Matrix Interference 5/23/02 9:48:34 AM I I I 'HOUSTON LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054' (713) 660-0901 Client Sample ID: BBTl*d25.0 Collected: 05/06/20(~2 9:47 · SPL Sample ID: .02050231-22 Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_DRO Units: m~K~ Diesel Range Organics ND 2 1 05/11/02 8:08 AM 1139855 Surr: n-Pentacosane 76.0 % 20-154 1 05/11/02 8:08 AM 1139855 [prep Method ~(ep Da~e .P~p Initials) I~5~ I05/09/2002 13:33 ')HH I GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_GRO Units: mci/Kg Gasoline Range Organics, LA County ND 0.05 1 05/16/02 7:06 TM 1143920 Surr: 1,4-Difluorobenzene 98.7 % 72-153 1 05/16/02 7:06 TM 1143920 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 75.0 % 51-149 I 05/16/02 7:06 TM 1143920 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: u~g Benzene ND 5 1 05/15/02 2:16 NL 1143024 Ethylbenzene ND 5 1 05/15/02 2:16 NL 1143024 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 5 1 05/15/02 2:16 NL 1143024 Toluene ND 5 1 05/15/02 2:16 NL 1143024 m,p-Xylene ND 5 1 05/15/02 2:16 NL 1143024 o-Xylene ND 5 1 05/15/02 2:16 NL 1143024 Xylenes,Total ND 5 1 05/15/02 2:16 NL 1143024 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 88.0 % 70-120 1 05/15/02 2:16 NL 1143024 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 76.0 % 74-130 1 05/15/02 2:16 NL 1143024 Surr: Toluene-d8 110 % 80-140 1 05/15/02 2:16 NL 1143024 I '1 I I I I I Bernadette Fin) I I Project Manager Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank * - Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits J - Estimated Value between MDL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unrepodable due to Dilution MI - Matrix Interference 5/23/02 9:48:35 AM I I I Client Sample ID: BB--*I'I"d30.0 HOUSTON LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713} 660-0901 Collected: 05/06/2002 9:51 · SPL Sample ID: .02050231-23 Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. FaCtor QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_D_RO Units: m~9' Diesel Range Organics ND 2 I 05/11/02 8:46 AM 1139856 Surr: n-Pentacosane 77.2 % 20-154 1 05/11/02 8:46 AM 1139856 IPrep Date IPrep Initials! 105/09/2002 13:33 IHH i ~rep Method GASOLINERANGEORGANICS MCL CA_GRO Units: rog/K~_ Gasoline Range Organics, LA County ND 0.05 1 05/16/02 7:33 TM 1143921 ,I Surf: 1,4-Difluorobenzene 103 % 72-153 1 05/16/027:33 TM 1143921 Surf: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 80.7 % 51-149 1 05/16/02 7:33 TM 1143921 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: u~g/K~l_ Benzene ND 5 1 05/15/02 2:45 NL 1143025 Ethylbenzene ND 5 I 05/15/02 2:45 NL 1143025 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 5 1 05/15/02 2:45 NL 1143025 Toluene ND 5 1 05/15/02 2:45 NL 1143025 m,poXylene ND 5 1 05/15/02 2:45 NL 1143025 o-Xylene ND 5 I 05/15/02 2:45 NL 1143025 Xylenes,Total ND 5 I 05/15/02 2:45 NL 1143025 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 82.0 % 70-120 I 05/15/02 2:45 NL 1143025 Surf: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 78.0 % 74-130 1 05/15/02 2:45 NL 1143025 Sum Toluene-d8 110 % 80-140 1 05/15/02 2:45 NL 1143025 '1 I I I I I :1 Bernadette Fini I I Project Manager Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit B - Ana~yte detected in the associated Method Blank * - Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits J - Estimated Value between MDL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution MI - Matrix Interference 5/23/02 9:48:37 AM I I I HOUSTON LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713)' 660-0901 Client Sample ID: BB:I T'd35.0 Collected: 05/06/2002 9:57 SPL Sampl'e ID: 02050231-24 Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_DRO Units: m cj/K_~q_ Diesel Range Organics ND 2 I 05/11/02 9:25 AM 113985~ Surr: n-Pentacosane 73.5 % 20-154 1 05/11/02 9:25 AM 1139857 :Prep Method ]Prep Date P~p Initialsj ;sw3650B jNH 1 GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_GRO U n~it~_: .~Kg 1 05/16/02 8:01 TM 1143922 Gasoline Range Organics, LA County ND 0.05 Surr: 1,4-Difluorobenzene 100 % 72-153 I 05/16/02 8:01 TM 1143922 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 73.7 % 51-149 1 05/16/02 8:01 TM 1143922 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: u_g/Kg Benzene ND 5 1 05/13/02 20:30 NL 1141420 Ethylbenzene ND 5 1 05/13/02 20:30 NL 1141420 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 5 1 05/13/02 20:30 NL 1141420 Toluene ND 5 1 05/13/02 20:30 NL 1141420 m,p-Xylene ND 5 1 05/13/02 20:30 NL 1141420 o-Xylene ND 5 1 05/13/02 20:30 NL 1141420 Xylenes,Total ND 5 1 05/13/02 20:30 NL 1141420 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 88.0 % 70-120 1 05/13/02 20:30 NL 1141420 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 74.0 % 74-130 I 05/13/02 20:30 NL 1141420 Surr: Toluene-d8 116 % 80-140 1 05/13/02 20:30 NL 1141420 I I I I I I I Bernadette Fini Project Manager Qualifiers: I I ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank * - Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits J - Estimated Value between MDL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution MI - Matrix Interference 5/23/02 9:48:38 AM I I I HOUSTON LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, 'TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 Client Sample ID: BB:I 1~140.0 Collected: 05/06/2002 10:02 SpL Sample ID: 02050231-25 Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA DRO Units: mq/Kg_ Diesel Range Organics ND 2 1 05/11/02 10:03 AM 1139858 Surr: n-Pentacosane 74.4 % 20-154 1 05/11/02 10:03 AM 1139858 iPrep Method P~ Date ~ !SW3550B 0~9/'~=~2 13:33 ~HH j GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_GRO _ _U_ ~ i~_t_ _s_.' ~_~.g/~K g. Gasoline Range Organics, LA County 0.066 0.05 1 05/16/02 8:28 TM 1143923 Surr: 1,4-Difluorobenzene 103 % 72-153 1 05/16/02 8:28 TM 1143923 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 84.0 % 51-149 1 05/16/028:28 TM 1143923 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: u g/_K~_g Benzene ND 5 1 05/15/02 12:35 NL 1144326 Ethylbenzene ND 5 1 05/15/02 12:35 NL 1144326 Methyl ted-butyl ether ND 5 1 05/15/02 12:35 NL 1144326 Toluene ND 5 1 05/15/02 12:35 NL 1144326 m,p-Xylene ND 5 1 05/15/02 12:35 NL 1144326 o-Xylene ND 5 1 05/15/02 12:35 NL 1144326 Xylenes,Total ND 5 1 05/15/02 12:35 NL 1144326 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 84.0 % 70-120 1 05/15/02 12:35 NL 1144326 Surr: 4-Bmmofluorobenzene 78.0 % 74-130 1 05/15/02 12:35 NL 1144326 Surr: Toluene-d8 108 % 80-140 1 05/15/02 12:35 NL 1144326 I I I I I I I Bernadette Fini Project Manager Qualifiers: I I ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank · - Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits J - Estimated Value between MDL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution MI - Matrix Interference 5/23/02 9:48:39 AM I I I Client Sample ID: B~:1~'~'45.0 HOUSTON LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713)'660-0901 "7. ~" ~ - Collected: 05/06/2002'10:08 SPL Sampl6 ID: 02050231-26 Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor' QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_DRO Units: m q/_K_g_ Diesel Range Organics ND 2 1 05/11/02 11:59 AM 1139860 Surr: n-Pentacosane 73.3 % 20-154 1 05/11/02 11:59 AM 1139860 ISW3550B 105/09/2002 13:33 GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_GRO Units: m g/K~g Gasoline Range Organics, LA County ND 0.05 1 05/16/02 8:55 TM 1143924 Sum 1,4-Difluorobenzene 100 % 72-153 1 05/16/02 8:55 TM 1143924 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 76.3 % 51-t49 1 05/16/02 8:55 TM 1143924 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: ug/Kg Benzene ND 5 I 05/15/02 13:03 NE 1144327 Ethylbenzene ND 5 1 05/15/02 13:03 NL 1144327 Methyl tart-butyl ether ND 5 1 05/15/02 13:03 NL 1144327 Toluene ND 5 1 05/15/02 13:03 NL 1144327 m,p-Xylene ND 5 1 05/15/02 13:03 NL 1144327 o-Xylene ND 5 I 05/15/02 13:03 NL 1144327 Xylenes,Total ND 5 I 05/15/02 13:03 NL 1144327 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 84.0 % 70-120 1 05/15/02 13:03 NL 1144327 Sum 4-Bromofluorobenzene 76.0 % 74-130 1 05/15/02 13:03 NL 1144327 Surr: Toluene-d8 108 % 80-140 1 05/15/02 13:03 NL 1144327 I I I I Bernadette Fini I I Project Manager Qualifiers: ND/U ~ Not Detected at the Reporting Limit B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank · - Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits J ~ Estimated Value between MDL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution MI - Matrix Interference 5/23/02 9:48:40 AM I i I HOUSTON LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 Client Sample ID: BB:1i~]50.0 Collected: 05/06/2002'10:17. SP.L Sampl~'lD: 02050231-27 Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor- QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_DRO Units: mo/Kg-- Diesel Range Organics ND 2 1 05/11/02 12:37 AM 1139861 Surr: n-Pentacosane 73.4 % 20-154 I 05/11/02 12:37 AM 1139861 S~3 Method tPrep Date IPrep Initialsl 5~: I05/09/2002 13:33 GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_GRO Units: rog/Kg Gasoline Range Organics, LA County ND 0.05 1 05/16/02 9:22 TM 1143925 Surr: 1,4-Difluorobenzene 102 % 72-153 1 05/16/02 9:22 TM 1143925 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 77.3 % 51-149 1 05/16/02 9:22 TM 1143975 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: ug/Kg Benzene ND 5 I 05/14/02 17:36 NL 1147584 Ethylbenzene ND 5 I 05/14/02 17:36 NL 1147584 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 5 I 05/14/02 17:36 NL 1147584 Toluene ND 5 1 05/14/02 17:36 NL 1147584 m,p-Xylene ND 5 1 05/14/02 17:36 NL 1147584 o-Xylene ND 5 1 05/14/02 17:36 NL 1147584 Xylenes,Total ND 5 1 05/14/02 17:36 NL 1147584 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 82.0 % 70-120 1 05/14/02 17:36 NL 1147584 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 80.0 % 74-130 1 05/14/02 17:36 NL 1147584 Surr: Toluene-d8 108 % 80-140 1 05/14/02 17:36 NL 1147584 I I I I I I Bernadette Fini i I Project Manager Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank * - Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits J - Estimated Value between MDL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution MI - Matrix Interference 5/23/02 9:48:41 AM I Client Sample ID: BB-Tf'd55.0 HOUSTON LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 Collected: 05/06/2002 10:24 SPL Sampie ID: .02050231-28 Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_DRO Units: m o/K__g_ Diesel Range Organics ND 2 I 05/11/02 13:16 AM 1139862 Surr: n-Pentacosane 76.4 % 20-154 1 05/11/02 13:16 AM 1139862 IPrep Date IPrep Initials! j05/09/2002 13:33 IHH ] repMethod GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_GRO Units: mo/Kg_ Gasoline Range Organics, LA County ND 0.05 1 05/16/02 9:50 TM 1143926 Surr: 1,4-Difluorobenzene 101 % 72-153 1 05/16/02 9:50 TM 1143926 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 76.7 % 51-149 1 05/16/02 9:50 TM 1143926 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: F_g/Kg Benzene ND 5 I 05/14/02 20:28 NL 1143012 Ethylbenzene ND 5 1 05/14/02 20:28 NL 1143012 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 5 1 05/14/02 20:28 NL 1143012 Toluene ND 5 1 05/14/02 20:28 NL 1143012 m,p-Xylene ND 5 1 05/14/02 20:28 NL 1143012 o-Xylene ND 5 1 05/14/02 20:28 NL 1143012 Xylenes,Total ND 5 1 05/14/02 20:28 NL 1143012 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 84.0 % 70-120 1 05/14/02 20:28 NL 1143012 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 78.0 % 74-130 1 05/14/02 20:28 NL 1143012 Surr: Toluene-d8 108 % 80-140 1 05/14/02 20:28 NL 1143012 I I I I I I I Bernadette Fini I I Project Manager Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits Estimated Value between MDL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution MI - Matrix Intederence 5/23/02 9:48:42 AM I I, I Client Sample ID: BB-'I'2'd5.0 'HOUSTON LABORATORY · 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 '. (713) 660-0901 Collected: 05/07/2002 7:41 · SPL Sample ID: .02050231-29 Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_DRO __ Units: mg/K_g_ ND 2 1 05/11/02 13:55 AM Diesel Range Organics 113986~ Surf: n-Pentacosane 70.7 % 20-154 1 05/11/02 13:55 AM 1139863 ~'Prep Method IPrep Date P~p Initials! !SW3550B 105/09/2002 13:33 ~HH GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_GRO Units: m_~q/_K_g Gasoline Range Organics, LA Coun~ ND 0.05 I 05/16/02 10:17 TM 1143927 Surr: 1,4-Difluorobenzene 99.7 % 72-153 1 05/16/02 10:17 TM 1143927 Sum 4-Bromofluorobenzene 74.0 % 51-149 I 05/16/02 10:17 TM 1143927 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: ug/Kg_ Benzene ND 5 1 05/14/02 20:57 NL 1143013 Ethylbenzene ND 5 1 05/14/02 20:57 NL 1143013 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 5 I 05/14/02 20:57 NL 1143013 Toluene ND 5 1 05/14/02 20:57 NL 1143013 m,p-Xylene ND 5 I 05/14/02 20:57 NL 1143013 o-Xylene ND 5 1 05/14/02 20:57 NL 1143013 Xylenes,Total ND 5 1 05/14/02 20:57 NL 1143013 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 86.0 % 70-120 1 05/14/02 20:57 NL 1143013 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 74.0 % 74-130 1 05/14/02 20:57 NL 1143013 Surr: Toluene-d8 110 % 80-140 1 05/14/02 20:57 NL 1143013 I I I I I BernadeUe Fini Project Manager Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits Estimated Value between MDL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution MI - Matrix Intederence 5/23/02 9:48:43 AM I i 1 I Client Sample ID: BB;I 2~10.0 HOUSTON LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 cOllected: 05/07/2002 7:45 SPL Sample ID: "02050231-30 Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_DRO U~nits_~:: m___~Kg~ 1 05/11/02 14:34 AM Diesel Range Organics ND 2 1139864 Surr: n-Pentacosane 74.9 % 20-154 1 05/11/02 14:34 AM 1139864 [Prep Method IPrep .Dat~ '.P~p Initials{ ISW3550B I05/09/2002 13:33 IHH GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS ___ _ MCL~ C__A_GRO U_nits~.' Gasoline Range Organics, LA County ND 0.05 1 05/16/02 10:44 TM 1143928 Surr: 1,4-Difluorobenzene 101 % 72-153 1 05/16/02 10:44 TM 1143928 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 77.0 % 51-149 1 05/16/02 10:44 TM 1143928 ,I VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: u g/K_g_ Benzene ND 5 1 05/14/02 21:26 NL 1143014 Ethylbenzene ND 5 1 05/14/02 21:26 NL 1143014 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 5 1 05/14/02 21:26 NL 1143014 Toluene ND 5 1 05/14/02 21:26 NL 1143014 m,p-Xylene ND 5 1 05/14/02 21:26 NL 1143014 o-Xylene ND 5 1 05/14/02 21:26 NL 1143014 Xylenes,Total ND 5 1 05/14/02 21:26 NL 1143014 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 84.0 % 70-120 1 05/14/02 21:26 NL 1143014 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 74.0 % 74-130 1 05/14/02 21:26 NL 1143014 Sum Toluene-d8 110 % 80-140 1 05/14/02 21:26 NL 1143014 I I I I I I I Bernadette Fini Project Manager Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank · - Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits J - Estimated Value between MDL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution MI - Matrix Interference 5/23/02 9:48:46 AM ! I Client Sample ID: BB;12'815.0 HOUSTON LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713)' 660-0901 Collected: 05/07/2002 7:48 SPL Sample ID: 02050231-31 Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_DRO Units: mq/Kg Diesel Range Organics ND 2 1 05/11/02 15:13 AM 1139865 Surr: n-Pentacosane 77.3 % 20-154 1 05/11/02 15:13 AM 1139865 IPre~ Met_hod lPrep Date tPrep Initialsi [~'~'~ )05/09/2002 13:33 H~ GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_GRO Units: mg/Kg Gasoline Range Organics, LA County ND 0.05 1 05/18/02 10:37 TM 1147515 Surr: 1,4-Difluorobenzene 99.7 % 72-153 1 05/18/02 10:37 TM 1147515 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 73.7 % 51-149 1 05/18/02 10:37 TM 1147515 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL~_SW8260B ____Uni__t_s: u___~K~g Benzene ND 5 1 05/14/02 21:54 NL 1143015 Ethylbenzene ND 5 1 05/14/02 21:54 NL 1143015 Methyl ted-butyl ether ND 5 1 05/14/02 21:54 NL 1143015 Toluene ND 5 I 05/14/02 21:54 NL 1143015 m,p-Xylene ND 5 I 05/14/02 21:54 NL 1143015 o-Xylene ND 5 1 05/14/02 21:54 NL 1143015 Xylenes,Total ND 5 1 05/14/02 21:54 NL 1143015 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 86.0 % 70-120 1 05/14/02 21:54 NL 1143015 Surf: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 80.0 % 74-130 1 05/14/02 21:54 NL 1143015 Surf: Toluene-d8 110 % 80-140 I 05/14/02 21:54 NL 1143015 I I I I I I I Bernadette Fini Project Manager Qualifiers: I I ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank * - Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits J - Estimated Value between MDL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution MI - Matrix Intederence 5/23,/02 9:48:47 AM Client Sample ID: BB:12~20.0 HOUSTON LABORATORY · 8880.INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713)'660-0901 Collected: 05/07/2002' 7:52 · SpL Sampl~ ID: "02050231-32 Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_DRO Units:~m~]~g Diesel Range Organics ND 2 1. 05/11/02 15:51 AM 1139866 Surr: n-Pentacosane 77.1 % 20-154 1 05/11/02 15:51 AM 1139866 Method _~P~rep Date P~p ~ iSW3550B ~0=~9~2 13:33 H~..~ GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_GRO Units: mg/Kg- Gasoline Range Organics, LA County 0.12 0.05 1 05/18/02 11:05 TM 1147516 Surr: 1,4-Difiuorobenzene 101 % 72-153 1 05/18/02 11:05 TM 1147516 Sum 4-Bromofluorobenzene 79.3 % 51-149 I 05/18/02 11:05 TM 1147516 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: u_g/Kg~ Benzene ND 5 I 05/14/02 22:23 NL 1143016 Ethylbenzene ND 5 1 05/14/02 22:23 NL 1143016 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 5 1 05/14/02 22:23 NL 1143016 Toluene ND 5 1 05/14/02 22:23 NL 1143016 m,p-Xylene ND 5 I 05/14/02 22:23 NL 1143016 o-Xylene ND 5 1 05/14/02 22:23 NL 1143016 Xylenes,Total ND 5 1 05/14/02 22:23 NL 1143016 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 82.0 % 70-120 I 05/14/02 22:23 NL 1143016 Sum 4-Bromofluorobenzene 78.0 % 74-130 1 05/14/02 22:23 NL 1143016 Sum Toluene-d8 112 % 80-140 1 05/14/02 22:23 NL 1143016 '1 t I I I I I Bernadette Fini _P r__o_j e_ _c_ t _M_ a_nage[ Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank * - Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits J - Estimated Value between MDL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution MI - Matrix Interference 5/2:3J02 9:48:50 AM I I 1 Client Sample ID: BB-12~725.0 HOUSTON LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 Collected: 05/07/2002 7:57 SPL Sample' ID: -02050231-33 Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Fac{or 'QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_DRO Units: m(~g Diesel Range Organics ND 2 1 05/11/02 16:30 AM 1139867 Surr: n-Pentacosane 74.5 % 20-154 1 05/11/02 16:30 AM 1139867 ;Prep Method jPrep Date ~Prep Initials} !$__W3550B j05/09/2002 13:33 GASOLINERANGEORGANICS MCL CA_GRO U nits ;_m_.g/K_g_ Gasoline Range Organics, LA County ND 0.05 I 05/18/02 11:32 TM 1147517 Surr: 1,4-Difluorobenzene 97.7 % 72-153 1 05/18/02 11:32 TM 1147517 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 75.7 % 51-149 1 05/18/02 11:32 TM 1147517 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: u~Kg_ Benzene ND 5 1 05/14/02 22:52 NL 1143017 Ethylbenzene ND 5 1 05/14/02 22:52 NL 1143017 Methyl ted-butyl ether ND 5 1 05/14/02 22:52 NL 1143017 Toluene ND 5 1 05/14/02 22:52 NL 1143017 m,p-Xylene ND 5 I 05/14/02 22:52 NL 1143017 o-Xylene ND 5 I 05/14/02 22:52 NL 1143017 Xylenes,Total ND 5 1 05/14/02 22:52 NL 1143017 Surr: 1,2-Dichlomethane-d4 90.0 % 70-120 1 05/14/02 22:52 NL 1143017 Sum 4-Bromofluorobenzene 76.0 % 74-130 1 05/14/02 22:52 NE 1143017 Surr: Toluene-d8 108 % 80-140 1 05/14/02 22:52 NL 1143017 I I I I I '1 Bernadette Fini Project Manager Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits Estimated Value between MDL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution MI - Matrix Interference 5/23/02 9:48:5~ AM I I I HOUSTON LABORATORy · 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 Collected: 05/07/2002 8:01 SpL SampJ~ 'ID: .02050231-34 Client Sample ID: BB-'I2'd30.0 Site: 3698~Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_DRO Units: mo,/_K_~] Diesel Range Organics ND 2 I 05/11/02 10:03 AM 1148781 Surr: n-Pentacosane 76.1 % 20-154 1 05/11/02 10:03 AM 1148781 Prep Method [Prep InitialsI .... tPrep Date ~W3550B 105/09/2002 13:33 [HH J GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS __ MCL CA_GRO Un._its~: ~mg/~Kg Gasoline Range Organics, LA County ND 0.05 I 05/18/02 11:59 TM 1147518 Surr: 1,4-Difluorobenzene 97.3 % 72-153 1 05/18/02 11:59 TM 1147518 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 73.0 % 51-149 1 05/18/02 11:59 TM 1147518 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: ug/Kg Benzene ND 5 1 05/14/02 23:22 NL 11430--1~ Ethylbenzene ND 5 1 05/14/02 23:22 NL 1143018 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 5 1 05/14/02 23:22 NL 1143018 Toluene ND 5 1 05/14/02 23:22 NL 114301R m,p-Xylene ND 5 1 05/14/02 23:22 NL 1143018 o-Xylene ND 5 1 05/14/02 23:22 NL 114301R Xylenes,Total ND 5 1 05/14/02 23:22 NL 114301R Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 82.0 % 70-120 1 05/14/02 23:22 NL 114301R Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 78.0 % 74-130 1 05/14/02 23:22 NL 1143018 Surr: Toluene-d8 114 % 80-140 1 05/14/02 23:22 NL 1143018 I I I I I I I Bernadette Fini Project Manager Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution * - Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits MI - Matrix Interference J - Estimated Value between MDL and PQL 5/23/02 9:48:53 AM I I I Client Sample ID: BB:1'2'd35.0 'HOUSTON LABORATORy 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 Collected: 05/07/2002 8:08 - SPL Sample ID: .02050231-35 Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL C.A_DRO Units: m~_ Diesel Range Organics ND 2 I 05/11/02 17:09 AM 1139868 Surr: n-Pentacosane 76.2 % 20-154 I 05/11/02 17:09 AM 1139868 I ?rep Method lPrep Date P~p Initials! ~SW3550B j05/09/2002 13:33 H~ GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_GRO Units: mo,/Kg Gasoline Range Organics, LA County ND 0.05 1 05/18/02 12:27 TM 1147519 Surr: 1,4-Difluorobenzene 101 % 72-153 1 05/18/02 12:27 TM 114751.~ Surf: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 77.0 % 51-149 I 05/18/02 12:27 TM 1147519 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: ug/Kg Benzene ND 5 1 05/14/02 23:51 NL 1143019 Ethylbenzene ND 5 ' I 05/14/02 23:51 NL 1143019 Methyl ted-butyl ether ND 5 1 05/14/02 23:51 NL 1143019 Toluene ND 5 1 05/14/02 23:51 NL 1143019 m,p-Xylene ND 5 1 05/14/02 23:51 NL 1143019 o-Xylene ND 5 1 05/14/02 23:51 NL 1143019 Xylenes,Total ND 5 1 05/14/02 23:51 NL 1143019 Surr: 1,2-Oichloroethane-d4 90.0 % 70-120 1 05/14/02 23~51 NL 1143019 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 76.0 % 74-130 1 05/14/02 23:51 NL 114301~ Surr: Toluene-d8 108 % 80-140 1 05/14/02 23:51 NL 1143019 I I I I I I Bernadette Fini I I Project Manager Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank * - Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits J - Estimated Value between MDL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution MI - Matrix Interference 5/23/02 9:48:54 AM I I Client Sample ID: BB:I~'d40.0 'HOUSTON LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 Collected: 05/07/2002 8:13 SpL Sample ID: 02050231-36 Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_DRO Units: mcj/K~g Diesel Range Organics ND 2 1 05/11/02 17:48 AM 1139869 Sum n-Pentacosane 76.5 % 20-154 1 05/11/02 17:48 AM 1139869 Method t Prep Date P~p Initials ~_W_3__550B _ i05/0g/2002 13:33 JHH GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_GRO Units: mq/~Kg. Gasoline Range Organics, LA County ND 0.05 1 05/18/02 12:54 TM 1147520 Surr: 1,4-Difiuorobenzene 99.7 % 72-153 1 05/18/02 12:54 TM 1147520 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 78.7 % 51-149 1 05/18/02 12:54 TM 1147520 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: ug/Kg Benzene ND 5 1 05/15/02 13:32 NL 1144328 Ethylbenzene ND 5 I 05/15/02 13:32 NL 1144328 Methyl ted-butyl ether ND 5 1 05/15/02 13:32 NL 1144328 Toluene ND 5 1 05/15/02 13:32 NL 1144328 m,p-Xylene ND 5 1 05/15/02 13:32 NL 1144328 o-Xylene ND 5 1 05/15/02 13:32 NL 1144328 Xylenes,Total ND 5 1 05/15/02 13:32 NL 1144328 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 82.0 % 70-120 I 05/15/02 13:32 NL 1144328 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 76.0 % 74-130 1 05/15/02 13:32 NL 1144328 Surr: Toluene-d8 106 % 80-140 1 05/15/02 13:32 NL 1144328 I I i I I I I I Bernadette Fini Project Manager Qualifiers: i I ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank * - Surrogate Recoveo/Outside Advisable QC Limits J - Estimated Value between MDL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution MI - Matrix Interference 5/23/02 9:48:55 AM I I I Client Sample ID: BB:T2'd45.0 HOUSTON LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 Collected: 05/07/2002 8:19 SPL Sample ID: 02050231-37 Site: 3698 Ming Ave I Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_DRO Units: mci/Kg Diesel Range Organics ND 2 1 05/11/02 10:42 AM 11398~ Surr: n-Pentacosane 67.8 % 20-154 1 05/11/02 10:42 AM 1139872 iPrep Method IPrep Date Iprep InitialsI SW3550B 105/09/2002 13:33 IHH I GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_GRO U_nits: m_g/Kg Gasoline Range Organics, LA County ND 0.05 1 05/18/02 13:21 TM 1147521 Surr: 1,4-Difluorobenzene 100 % 72-153 1 05/18/02 13:21 TM 1147521 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 76.7 % 51-149 1 05/18/02 13:21 TM 1147521 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: ug/K~] Benzene ND 5 1 05/15/02 0:48 NL 1143021 Ethylbenzene ND 5 1 05/15/02 0:48 NL 1143021 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 5 1 05/15/02 0:48 NL 1143021 Toluene ND 5 I 05/15/02 0:48 NL 1143021 m,p-Xylene ND 5 1 05/15/02 0:48 NL 1143021 o-Xylene ND 5 1 05/15/02 0:48 NL 1143021 Xylenes,Total ND 5 1 05/15/02 0:48 NL 1143021 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 84.0 % 70-120 1 05/15/02 0:48 NL 1143021 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 78.0 % 74-130 1 05/15/02 0:48 NL 1143021 Surr: Toluene-d8 110 % 80-140 1 05/15/02 0:48 NL 1143021 I I I I I I I Bernadette Fini Project Manager Qualifiers: I I ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank · - Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits J - Estimated Value between MDL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution MI - Matrix Interference 5/23/02 9:48:57 AM I I I Client Sample ID: BB--12~150.0 HOUSTON LABORATORy 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 Collected: 05/07/2002' 8:29 SPL Sampli~ ID: "02d50231-38 Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_DRO Units: mg/Kg_ Diesel Range Organics ND 2 1 05/11/02 11:20 AM 1139873 Surr: n-Pentacosane 74,4 % 20-154 1 05/11/02 11:20 AM 1139873 Method ~ IPrep Initials1 !SW3550B 105/09/2002 13:33 GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_GRO Units: m ~K__g. Gasoline Range Organics, LA County ND 0.05 1 05/18/02 13:48 TM 1147522 I Surf: 1,4-Difluorobenzene 105 % 72-153 1 05/18/02 13:48 TM 1147522 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 72.7 % 51-149 I 05/18/02 13:48 TM 1147522 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: u_g/K_g_ Benzene ND 5 1 05/15/02 14:01 NL 1144329 Ethylbenzene ND 5 I 05/15/02 14:01 NL 1144329 Methyl ted-butyl ether ND 5 I 05/15/02 14:01 NL 1144329 Toluene ND 5 I 05/15/02 14:01 NL 1144329 m,p-Xylene ND 5 1 05/15/02 14:01 NL 1144329 o-Xylene ND 5 1 05/15/02 14:01 NL 1144329 Xylenes,Total ND 5 1 05/15/02 14:01 NL 1144329 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 88.0 % 70-120 1 05/15/02 14:01 NL 1144329 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 74.0 % 74-130 1 05/15/02 14:01 NL 1144329 Surr: Toluene-d8 110 % 80-140 1 05/15/02 14:01 NL 1144329 I I I I I Bernadette Fini I I Project Manager Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank * - Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits J - Estimated Va~ue between MDL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recover~ Unreportable due to Dilution MI - Matrix Interference 5/23/02 9:48:58 AM I I I HOUSTON LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 Client Sample ID: BB-1L:~55.0 Collected: 05/07/2002 8:39 - SPL Sampl6 ID: 02050231-39 Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor· QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_DRO Units: mq/Kg Diesel Range Organics ND 2 1 05/11/02 11:59 AM 1139874 Surr: n-Pentacosane 76.8 % 20-154 1 05/11/02 11:59 AM 1139874 I Prep Method [Prep Date rP~p InitialsI · SW3550B [05/09/2002 13:33 H~ GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_GRO Units: mo/Kg 1 05/18/02 14:16 TM 114752~ Gasoline Range Organics, LA County ND 0.05 I Surr: 1,4-Difluorobenzene 99.7 % 72-153 1 05/18/02 14:16 TM 1147523 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 77.0 % 51-149 1 05/18/02 14:16 TM 1147523 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: u_g/Kg Benzene ND 5 1 05/15/02 15:28 NL 1144332 Ethylbenzene ND 5 1 05/15/02 15:28 NL 1144332 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 5 1 05/15/02 15:28 NL 1144332 Toluene ND 5 1 05/15/02 15:28 NL 1144332 m,p-Xylene ND 5 1 05/15/02 15:28 NL 1144332 o-Xylene ND 5 1 05/15/02 15:28 NL 1144332 Xylenes,Total ND 5 1 05/15/02 15:28 NL 1144332 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 80.0 % 70-120 1 05/15/02 15:28 NL 1144332 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 78.0 % 74-130 1 05/15/02 15:28 NL 1144332 Surr: Toluene-d8 110 % 80-140 1 05/15/02 15:28 NL 1144332 Bernadette Fini ! I Project Manager Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution * - Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits MI - Matrix Interference J - Estimated Value between MDL and PQL 5/2~02 9:49:01 AM HOUSTON LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE. DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713)' 660-0901 Client Sample ID: BB:gb~3.0 Collected: 05/07/2002 9:31 SPL Sample ID: 02050231-40 Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_DRO Units: m_~g_ Diesel Range Organics ND 2 1 05/10/02 18:08 AM 1140368 Surr: n-Pentacosane 81.0 % 20-154 1 05/10/02 18:08 AM 1140368 ?rep?__~ethod iSW3550B lPrep Date [Prep InitialsI {05/09/2002 13:36 IHH t GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_GRO Units: rog/Kg_ Gasoline Range Organics, LA County ND 0.05 1 05/18/02 14:43 TM 1147524 Surr: 1,4-Difluorobenzene 100 % 72-153 1 05/18/02 14:43 TM 1147524 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 77.3 % 51-149 1 05/18/02 14:43 TM 1147524 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: ug/~ Benzene ND 5 1 05/15/02 15:56 NL 1144333 Ethylbenzene ND 5 1 05/15/02 15:56 NL 1144333 Methyl ted-butyl ether ND 5 1 05/15/02 15:56 NL 1144333 Toluene ND 5 1 05/15/02 15:56 NL 1144333 m,p-Xylene ND 5 1 05/15/02 15:56 NL 1144333 o-Xylene ND 5 I 05/15/02 15:56 NL 1144333 Xylenes,Total ND 5 1 05/15/02 15:56 NL 1144333 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 86.0 % 70-120 1 05/15/02 15:56 NL 1144333 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 78.0 % 74-130 1 05/15/02 15:56 NL 1144333 Surr: Toluene-d8 108 % 80-140 1 05/15/02 15:56 NL 1144333 I I I I I I I Bernadette Fini Project Manager Qualifiers: I I ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank * - Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits J - Estimated Value between MDL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution MI - Matrix Interference 5/23J02 9:49:0'2 AM I I I Client Sample ID: BB-9'cT'10.0 HOUSTON LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054' (713) 660-0901 Collected: 05/07/2002 9:35 SPL Sample ID: .02050231-41 Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_DRO Units: m_g/?~ Diesel Range Organics ND 2 1 05/10/02 20:04 AM 1140371 Sum n-Pentacosane 78.3 % 20-154 1 05/10/02 20:04 AM 1140371 ~ep Method ]Prep Date P~r_ep ~ !SW3550B ~2 13:36 H~ GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_GRO Units: rog/Kg Gasoline Range Organics, LA County ND 0.05 1 05/17/02 15:45 TM 1147477 Surr: 1,4-Difluorobenzene 101 % 72-153 1 05/17/02 15:45 TM 1147477 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 68.7 % 51-149 1 05/17/02 15:45 TM 1147477 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: Benzene ND 5 1 05/15/02 16:25 NL 1144334 Ethylbenzene ND 5 1 05/15/02 16:25 NL 1144334 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 5 1 05/15/02 16:25 NL 1144334 Toluene ND 5 1 05/15/02 16:25 NL 1144334 m,p-Xylene ND 5 1 05/15/02 16:25 NL 1144334 o-Xylene ND 5 1 05/15/02 16:25 NL 1144334 Xylenes,Total ND 5 1 05/15/02 16:25 NL 1144334 Sum 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 84.0 % 70-120 1 05/15/02 16:25 NL 1144334 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 78~0 % 74-130 1 05/15/02 16:25 NL 1144334 Surf: Toluene-d8 108 % 80-140 1 05/15/02 16:25 NL 1144334 I I I I I I I Bernadette Fini Project Manager Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank * - Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits J - Estimated Value between MDL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution MI - Matrix Interference 5/23/02 9:49:05 AM I I I Client Sample ID: BB:9d~I5.0 HOUSTON LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE · HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713)' 660-0901 Collected: 05/07/2002 9:38 SpL Sample iD: 02050231-42 Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_DRO Units: m~ Diesel Range Organics ND 2 1 05/10/02 20:42 AM 114037~ Surr: n-Pentacosane 73.8 % 20-154 1 05/10/02 20:42 AM 1140372 ;Prep Method IPrep Date Prep InitialsJ iSW3550B 10510912002 13:36 NH _j GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_GRO Uni_ts: mg/Kg Gasoline Range Organics, LA County ND 0.05 1 05/18/02 17:27 TM 11~754~ Surr: 1,4-Difluorobenzene 101 % 72-153 1 05/18/02 17:27 TM 1147544 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 86.3 % 51-149 1 05/18/02 17:27 TM 1147544 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: ug/Kg Benzene ND 5 1 05/15/02 16:54 NL 1144335 Ethylbenzene ND 5 1 05/15/02 16:54 NL 1144335 Methyl ted-butyl ether ND 5 1 05/15/02 16:54 NL t 144335 Toluene ND 5 I 05/15/02 16:54 NL 1144335 m,p-Xylene ND 5 1 05/15/02 16:54 NL 1144335 o-Xylene ND 5 1 05/15/02 16:54 NL 1144335 Xylenes,Total ND 5 1 05/15/02 16:54 NL 1144335 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 86.0 % 70-120 I 05/15/02 16:54 NL 1144335 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 80.0 % 74-130 1 05/15/02 16:54 NL 1144335 Surr: Toluene-d8 110 % 80-140 1 05/15/02 16:54 NL 1144335 I I I I I I I Bernadette Fini Project Manager Qualifiers: I I ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank * - Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits J - Estimated Value between MDL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportabte due to Dilution MI - Matrix Interference 5/23/02 9:49:06 AM I I I I I I I I I I ! ,! ,! Client Sample ID: BB:gC720.0 HOUSTON LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 Collected: 05/07/2002 9:41 SPL Sampie ID: 02050231-43 Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_DRO Units: mo/K_ g Diesel Range Organics ND 2 1 05/10/02 21:21 AM 1140373 Surr: n-Pentacosane 76.7 % 20-154 1 05/10/02 21:21 AM 1140373 ~e~--~ ~t~)~-- - - --1P r ep Date ISW3550B .~_5/0~9/2002 13:36 GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS Gasoline Range Organics, LA County p InitialsI MCL CA G_ R_O_ ___ Un_i_ts:mg/Kg_ 0.58 0.05 1 05/18/02 17:54 TM 1147545 Surf: 1,4-Difluorobenzene 103 % 72-153 1 05/18/02 17:54 TM 1147545 Sum 4-Bromofluorobenzene 106 % 51-149 I 05/18/02 17:54 TM 1147545 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: ug/Kg Benzene ND 5 I 05/15/02 17:25 NL 1144336 Ethylbenzene ND 5 I 05/15/02 17:25 NL 1144336 Methyl ted-butyl ether ND 5 t 05/15/02 17:25 NL 1144336 Toluene ND 5 1 05/15/02 17:25 NL 1144336 m,p-Xylene ND 5 1 05/15/02 17:25 NL 1144336 o-Xylene ND 5 1 05/15/02 17:25 NL 1144336 Xylenes,Total ND 5 1 05/15/02 17:25 NL 1144336 Sum 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 88.0 % 70-120 1 05/15/02 17:25 NL 1144336 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 74.0 % 74-130 1 05/15/02 17:25 NL 1144336 Surf: Toluene-d8 116 % 80-140 1 05/15/02 17:25 NL 1144336 I I Bernadette Fini Project Manager Qualifiers: I I ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits Estimated Value between MDL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution MI - Matrix Interference 5/23,/02 9:49:08 AM I I I HOUSTON LABORATORy 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 Collected: 05/07/2002 9:46 SPL Sampi'~~ ID: "~ '02d50231-44 Client Sample ID: BB-9d'25.0 . Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. FaCtor QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_DRO Units: m_g/Kg Diesel Range Organics ND 2 1 05/10/02 21:59 AM 1140374 Surr: n-Pentacosane 78.6 % 20-154 1 05/10/02 21:59 AM 1140374 ['Prep Method IPrep Date tPrep Initials] {SW3550B ]05/09/2002 13:36 ]HH ] GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_GRO __U_nj_ts: mg/Kg_ Gasoline Range Organics, LA County 0.24 0.05 1 05/18/02 18:21 TM 1147546 Surr: 1,4-Difluorobenzene 99.3 % 72-153 1 05/18/02 18:21 TM 1147546 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 82.0 % 51-149 1 05/18/02 18:21 TM 1147546 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: u g/K___g_ Benzene ND 5 I 05/15/02 17:54 NL 1144337 Ethylbenzene ND 5 I 05/15/02 17:54 NL 1144337 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 5 1 05/15/02 17:54 NL 1144337 Toluene ND 5 1 05/15/02 17:54 NL 1144337 m,p-Xylene ND 5 1 05/15/02 17:54 NL 1144337 o-Xylene ND 5 1 05/15/02 17:54 NL 1144337 Xylenes,Total ND 5 1 05/15/02 17:54 NL 1144337 Sum 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 90.0 % 70-120 1 05/15/02 17:54 NL 1144337 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 76.0 % 74-130 1 05/15/02 17:54 NL 1144337 Surr: Toluene-d8 116 % 80-140 1 05/15/02 17:54 NL 1144337 ;I I I I I I I I Bernadette Fini I I Project Manager Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit B: Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank * - Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits J - Estimated Value between MDL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution MI - Matrix Interference 5/23/02 9:49:10 AM I I I Client Sample ID: BB-<~d~*O.O HouSTON LABORATORy 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 Collected: 05/07/2002'9:49 SPL Sample*ID: "O2650231-45 Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit ' Dil. Factor QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_0Ro Units: mg/K~_g Diesel Range Organics ND 2 1. 05/10/02 22:37 AM 1140375 Sum n-Pentacosane 81.6 % 20-154 1 05/10/02 22:37 AM 1140375 '?_r_e~p _M_e!hod _. P~.~=~ Date _S_W 35~-B~ 105/09/2002 13:36 Iprep Initials GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_GRO Units: m g/_K_g_ Gasoline Range Organics, LA County 0.064 0.05 1 05/18/02 18:49 TM 1147547 ,I Surr: 1,4-Difluorobenzene 105 % 72-153 1 05/18/02 18:49 TM 1147547 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 91.0 % 51-149 1 05/18/02 18:49 TM 1147547 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: ug/K9_ Benzene ND 5 1 05/16/02 16:10 NL 1144927 Ethylbenzene ND 5 1 05/16/02 16:10 NL 1144927 Methyl reft-butyl ether ND 5 1 05/16/02 16:10 NL 1144927 Toluene ND 5 1 05/16/02 16:10 NL 1144927 m,p-Xylene ND 5 I 05/16/02 t6:10 NL 1144927 o-Xylene ND 5 I 05/16/02 16:10 NL 1144927 Xylenes,Total ND 5 1 05/16/02 16;10 NL 1144927 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 84.0 % 70-120 1 05/16/02 16:10 NL 1144927 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 76.0 % 74-130 I 05/16/02 16:10 NL 1144927 Sum Toluene-d8 116 % 80-140 1 05/16/02 16:10 NL 1144927 I I I I I Bernadette Fini I I P__r_o_je_~c_t .Ma. nager ....................................... Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank * - Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits J - Estimated Value between MDL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution MI - Matrix Interference 5/23/02 9:49:15 AM I I I Client Sample ID: BB-9~35.0 'O '' HOUSTON LABORATORy 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 Collected: 05/07/2002 9:52 'spL Samp'~i~lD: '" '02050231-46 Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_DRO Units: I Diesel Range Organics ND 2 1 05/11/02 0:31 AM 1140378 I Surr: mPentacosane 83.0 % 20-154 I 05/11/02 0:31 AM 1140378 Method [Prep Date lPrep InitialsI [05/09/200213:36 I GASOLINERANGEORGANICS Gasoline Range Organics, LA County 0.27 0.05 MCL CA_GRO Units: rn_~Kg_ 1 05/18/02 19:16 TM 1147548 Surr: 1,4-Difluorobenzene 99.7 % 72-153 1 05/18/02 19:16 TM 1147548 i Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 112 % 51-149 1 05/18/02 19:16 TM 1147548 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: u~Kg Benzene ND 5 I 05/16/02 16:39 NL 1144928 I Ethylbenzene ND 5 1 05/16/02 16:39 NL 1144928 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 5 I 05/16/02 16:39 NL 1144928 Toluene ND 5 1 05/16/02 16:39 NL 1144928 m,p-Xylene ND 5 1 05/16/02 16:39 NL 1i44928 o-Xylene ND 5 1 05/16/02 16:39 NL 1144928 Xylenes,Total ND 5 1 05/16/02 16:39 NL 1144928 Sum 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 88.0 % 70-120 I 05/16/02 16:39 NL 1144928 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 74.0 % 74-130 1 05/16/02 16:39 NL 1144928 Surr: Toluene-d8 114 % 80-140 1 05/16/02 16:39 NL 1144928 i I i Bernadette Fini Project Manager Qualifiers: NO/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit >MCL - Result Over Ma×imt~m - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits MI - Matrix Interference Estimated Value between MDL and PQL 5/23/02 9:49:16 AM I I I Client Sample ID: BB-~(]~0.0 HOUSTON EABORATORy 8880 INTERCHANGE.DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 Collected: 05/07/2002'10:01 SPL Sampl6'iD: '"02050231-47 Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor. QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_DRO Units: mg/Kg___ Diesel Range Organics ND 2 1 05/11/02 1:09 AM 114037~ Surr: n-Pentacosane 84.0 % 20-154 1 05/11/02 1:09 AM 1140379 !~re_~p Met__ hod ~Prep Date ~P~p Initials! [,~W3~OB 105/09/2002 13:36 GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS MCL __ CA_GRO Units: mg/_K_g Gasoline Range Organics, LA County ND 0.05 1 05/18/02 19:44 TM 114754~ Surr: 1,4-Difluorobenzene 99.0 % 72-153 1 05/18/02 19:44 TM 1147549 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 74.3 % 51-149 1 05/18/02 19:44 TM 1147549 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: ug/~-- Benzene ND 5 1 05/15/02 19:21 NL 1144340 Ethylbenzene ND 5 1 05/15/02 19:21 NL 1144340 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 5 -- 1 05/15/02 19:21 NL 1144340 Toluene ND 5 1 05/15/02 19:21 NL 1144340 m,p-Xylene ND 5 1 05/15/02 19:21 NL 11'44340 o-Xylene ND 5 1 05/15/02 19:21 NL 1144340 Xylenes,Total ND 5 1 05/15/02 19:21 NL 1144340 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 84.0 % 70-120 1 05/15/02 19:21 NL 1144340 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 74.0 % 74-130 1 05/15/02 19:21 NL 1144340 Surr: Toluene-d8 116 % 80-140 1 05/15/02 19:21 NL 1144340 I I I I I I I Bernadette Fini Project Manager Qualifiers: I I ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank * - Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits J - Estimated Value between MDL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution MI - Matrix Interference 5/23/02 9:49:17 AM I I I Client Sample ID: BB-~d~'5.0' HOUSTON LABORATORy 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 Collected: 05/07/2002'10:06~ SPL Sampl~'lD: '"02050231-48 Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor' QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_DRO Units: mjK~g Diesel Range Organics ND 2 1 05/11/02 1:47 AM 1140380 Surr: n-Pentacosane 82.2 % 20-154 1 05/11/02 1:47 AM 1140380 i'Prep Method 1prep Date P~p Initials~ [SW3550B I05/09/2002 13:3~ IHH GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_GRO __ U~nits: mg/Kg Gasoline Range Organics, LA County 0.065 0.05 1 05/18/02 20:11 TM 1147550 Surr: 1,4-Difluorobenzene 101 % 72-153 1 05/18/0220:11 TM 1147550 Surf: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 89.7 % 51-149 1 05/18/02 20:11 TM 1147550 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: ug/Kg Benzene ND 5 1 05/15/02 19:49 NL 1144341 Ethylbenzene ND 5 1 05/15/02 19:49 NL 1144341 Methyl ted-butyl ether ND 5 1 05/15/02 19:49 NL 1144341 Toluene ND 5 I 05/15/02 19:49 NL 1144341 m,p-Xylene ND 5 1 05/15/02 19:49 NL 1144341 o-Xyiene ND 5 1 05/15/02 19:49 NL 1144341 Xylenes,Total ND 5 I 05/15/02 19:49 NL 1144341 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 92.0 % 70-120 1 05/15/02 19:49 NL 1144341 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 70 MI % 74-130 1 * 05/15/02 19:49 NL 1t44341 Surr: Toluene-d8 114 % 80-140 1 05/15/02 19:49 NL 1144341 I I I I I I I Bernadette Fini I I Project Manager Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank * - Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits J - Estimated Value between MDL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution MI - Matrix Interference 5/23/02 9:49:20 AM I I I Client Sample ID: HouSToN LABORATORy :8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 Collected: 05/07/2002"10:10~ SPL Sampl~'lD: '"02050231-49 Site: 3698 Ming AVe Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor. QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA~_DRO ~Units: m_g/K_~_ :1 Diesel Range Organics ND 2 I 05/11/02 2:25 AM 1140381 Sum n-Pentacosane 84.4 % 20-154 1 05/11/02 2:25 AM 1140381 ;Prep Method !Prep Date P~p Initials! ':SW3550B 105/09/2002 13:36 IHH GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_GRO Units: mg/Kg Gasoline Range Organics, LA County ND 0.05 1 05/18/02 20:38 TM 1147551 Surr: 1,4-Difluorobenzene 98.3 % 72-153 1 05/18/0220:38 TM 1147551 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 79.0 % 51-149 1 05/18/0220:38 TM 1147551 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: ug/Kg Benzene N D 5 1 05/15/02 20:18 NL 1144342 Ethylbenzene ND 5 1 05/15/02 20:18 NL 1144342 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 5 1 05/15/02 20:18 NL 1144342 Toluene ND 5 I 05/15/02 20:18 NL 1144342 m,p-Xylene ND 5 I 05/15/02 20:18 NL 11~t4342 o-Xylene ND 5 I 05/15/02 20:18 NL 1144342 Xylenes,Total ND 5 1 05/15/02 20:18 NL 1144342 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 86.0 % 70-120 1 05/15/02 20:18 NL 1144342 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 72 MI % 74-130 1 * 05/15/02 20:18 NL 1144342 Surr: Toluene-d8 114 % 80-140 1 05/15/02 20:18 NL 1144342 I I I I I I I Bernadette Fini I I Project Manager Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank * - Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits J - Estimated Value between MDL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportab{e due to Dilution MI - Matrix Intederence 5/23/02 9:49:2~ AM I I I HOUSTON' LABORATORy· 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 Client Sample ID: BB~,0 Collected: 05/07/2002 11:10. SPL Sampli~ ID: '" 02050231-50 Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor QUAL Date AnalYZed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL cA_DRO Units: meg Diesel Range Organics ND 2 1 05/11/02 3:04 AM 1140382 Surr: n-Pentacosane 81.7 % 20-154 1 05/11/02 3:04 AM 1140382 Method I Prep Date P.~p InitialsI GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_GRO Units: Gasoline Range Organics, LA County ND 0.05 1 05/18/02 21:05 TM 1147552 Surr: 1,4~Difluorobenzene 104 % 72-153 1 05/18/02 21:05 TM 1147552 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 76.7 % 51-149 1 05/18/02 21:05 TM 1147552 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B M~CL . . SW8260B Units: ug/Kg Benzene ND 5 1 05/15/02 20:47 NL 1144343 Ethylbenzene ND 5 I 05/15/02 20:47 NL 1144343 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 5 1 05/15/02 20:47 NL 1144343 Toluene ND 5 1 05/15/02 20:47 NL 1144343 m,p-Xylene ND 5 I 05/15/02 20:47 NL 1144343 o-Xylene ND 5 1 05/15/02 20:47 NL 1144343 Xylenes,Total ND 5 I 05/15/02 20:47 NL 1144343 Sum 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 88.0 % 70-120 1 05/15/02 20:47 NL 1144343 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 76.0 % 74-130 1 05/15/02 20:47 NL 1144343 Surr: Toluene-d8 116 % 80-140 1 05/15/02 20:47 NL 1144343 I I I I I I Bernadette Fini Project Manager I I Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank * - Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits J - Estimated Value between MDL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution MI - Matrix Interference 5/23/02 9:49:25 AM ! I Client Sample ID: BB-~'0.0 HOUSTON LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 Collected: 05/07/2002 11:14. SPL Sampli~ iD: -"-0~050231-51 Site: 3698 Ming Ave . Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL cA_DRo Units: mo/Kg Diesel Range Organics ND 2 I 05/11/02 3:41 AM 1140383 Surr: n-Pentacosane 78.3 % 20-154 1 05/11/02 3:41 AM 1140383 IiPrep Method lPrep Date IPrep Initials] ISW3550B 105/09/2002 13:36 L~H GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_GRO Units: m_g/Kg Gasoline Range Organics, LA County 0.086 0.05 1 05/18/02 21:32 TM 1147553 Surr: 1,4-Difluorobenzene 103 % 72-153 I 05/18/0221:32 TM 1147553 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 82.0 % 51-149 I 05/18/02 21:32 TM 1147553 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B M_CL SW8260B Units: u_g/~Kg Benzene ND 5 I 05/15/02 21:16 NL 1144344 Ethylbenzene ND 5 1 05/15/02 21:16 NL 1144344 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 5 1 05/15/02 21:16 NL 1144344 Toluene ND 5 1 05/15/02 21:16 NL 1144344 m,p-Xylene ND 5 1 05/15/02 21:16 NL 1144344 o-Xylene ND 5 1 05/15/02 21:16 NL 1144344 Xylenes,Total ND 5 I 05/15/02 21:16 NL 1144344 Surr.' 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 86.0 % 70-120 I 05/15/02 21:.16 NL 1144344 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 76.0 % 74-130 I 05/15/02 21:16 NL 1144344 Surr: Toluene-d8 116 % 80-140 1 05/15/02 21:16 NL 1144344 I I I '1 I I Bernadette Fini Project Manager Qualifiers: I I ND/L] - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank * - Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits J - Estimated Value between MDL and PQL :=.MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution MI - Matrix Interference 5/23/02 9:49:26 AM I I I Client Sample ID: BB--~ 5.0 HOUSTON LABORATORy 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 Collected: 05/07/2002 11:17 'SPL Sampl~ ID: 0~)050231-52 Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL cA_DRo Units: mcyKg Diesel Range Organics ND 2 1 05/11/02 4:20 AM 1140384 Surr: n-Pentacosane 82.2 % 20-154 1 05/11/02 4:20 AM 1140384 Prep Method ~Prep Date P~p Initials sw3550B 05/09/200213:36 GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS ' MCL CA_GRO Units: mq/_Kg_ Gasoline Range Organics, LA County ND 0.05 1 05/18/02 23:22 TM 1147555 Surr: 1,4-Difluorobenzene 99.0 % 72-153 1 05/18/02 23:22 TM 1147555 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 78.7 % 51-149 1 05/18/02 23:22 TM 1147555 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: ug/_K_g Benzene ND 5 1 05/15/02 21:45 NL 1144345 Ethylbenzene ND 5 I 05/15/02 21:45 NL 1144345 Methyl ted-butyl ether ND 5 I 05/15/02 21:45 NL 1144345 Toluene ND 5 1 05/15/02 21:45 NL 1144345 m,p-Xylene ND 5 1 05/15/02 21:45 NL 1144345 o-Xylene ND 5 1 05/15/02 21:45 NL 1144345 Xylenes,Total ND 5 I 05/15/02 21:45 NL 1144345 Sum 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 86.0 % 70-120 1 05/15/02 21:45 NL 1144345 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 74.0 % 74-130 1 05/15/02 21:45 NL 1144345 Surr: Toluene-d8 114 % 80-140 1 05/15/02 21:45 NL 1144345 "1 I Bernadette Fini i I Project Manager Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank * - Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits J - Estimated Value between MDL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution MI - Matrix Interference 5/23,/02 9:49:30 AM HOUSTON' LABORATORy 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713)-660-0901 Client Sample ID: BB-~'-~F~0.0 Collected: 05/07/200211:22 SPL Sampl~ ID: '"02050231-53 Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor QUAL Date AnalYZed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_DRO Units: Diesel Range Organics ND 2 I 05/11/02 4:58 AM 1140385 Surr: n-Pentacosane 80.1 % 20-154 1 05/11/02 4:58 AM 1140385 P~p Initials IHH GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_GRO Units: m_g/K~g Gasoline Range Organics, LA County 0.083 0.05 1 05/18/02 23:49 TM 1147556 Surr: 1,4-Difluorobenzene 97.7 % 72-153 I 05/18/02 23:49 TM 1147556 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 87.3 % 51-149 1 05/18/02 23:49 TM 1147556 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: u.g/Kg Benzene ND 5 1 05/16/02 12:20 NL 1144904 Ethylbenzene NE) 5 1 05/16/02 12:20 NL 1144904 Methyl ted-butyl ether ND 5 1 05/16/02 12:20 NL 1144904 Toluene ND 5 I 05/16/02 12:20 NL 1144904 m,p-Xylene ND 5 1 05/16/02 12:20 NL 1144904 o-Xylene ND 5 I 05/16/02 12:20 NL 1144904 Xylenes,Total ND 5 I 05/16/02 12:20 NL 1144904 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 86.0 % 70-120 I 05/16/02 12:20 NL 1144904 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 72 MI % 74-130 1 * 05/16/02 12:20 NL 1144904 Surr: Toluene-d8 114 % 80-140 I 05/16/02 12:20 NL 1144904 I I I I I I I Bernadette Fini I I Project Manager Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits Estimated Value between MDL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution MI - Matrix Interference 5/23J02 9:49:31 AM I I I Client Sample ID: BB-~--(~.0 HouSToN 'LABORATORy 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 Collected: 05/07/2002"11:26. SPL Samplb'lD: -'02'050231-54 Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit ' Dil. Factor. QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_DRO ._ Unit_s_: m__~___Kg Diesel Range Organics ND 2 1. 05/11/02 5:36 AM 1140386 Surr: n-Pentacosane 83.8 % 20-154 1 05/11/02 5:36 AM 1140386 IPrep Method tPrep Date tPrep Initials ~=SW3550B 105/09/2002 13:36 IHH GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_GRO Units: mg/Kg Gasoline Range Organics, LA County 0.062 0.05 1 05/19/02 0:16 TM 1147557 Surr: 1,4-Difluorobenzene 101 % 72-153 1 05/19/02 0:16 TM 1147557 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 76.3 % 51-149 1 05/19/02 0:16 TM 1147557 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: ug/K~g Benzene ND 5 1 05/16/02 18:34 NL 1144937 Ethylbenzene ND 5 1 05/16/02 18:34 NL 1144937 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 5 1 05/16/02 18:34 NL 1144937 Toluene ND 5 I 05/16/02 18:34 NL 1144937 m,p-Xylene ND 5 I 05/16/02 18:34 NL 11'44937 o-Xylene ND 5 1 05/16/02 18:34 NL 1144937 Xylenes,Total ND 5 I 05/16/02 18:34 NL 1144937 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 88.0 % 70-120 1 05/16/02 18:34 NL 1144937 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 76.0 % 74-130 1 05/16/02 18:34 NL 1144937 Surr: Toluene-d8 114 % 80-140 I 05/16/02 18:34 NL 1144937 I I I I I I I Bernadette Fini I I Project Manager Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank * - Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits J - Estimated Value between MDL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution MI - Matrix Interference 5/23/02 9:49:35 AM I I I Client Sample ID: BB-~8-~cl~0.0 - HOUSTON' LABORATORY .. 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE ' HOUSTON, TX 77054 · (713) 660-0901 Collected: 05/07/200211:30 SPL Sampl~ ID: '" 0~050231-55 Site: 3698 Ming Ave . Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_DRO Units: mg/Kg. Diesel Range Organics ND 2 I 05/11/02 6:14 AM 1140387 Surr: n-Pentacosane 77.0 % 20-154 1 05/11/02 6:14 AM 1140387 Prep Method IPrep Date P~p Initials] iSW3550B I05/09/2002 13:36 tHH GASOLINE R'ANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_GRO U~t_s: mg/Kg Gasoline Range Organics, LA County ND 0.05 I 05/19/02 0:43 TM 1147558 Surr: 1,4-Difiuorobenzene 97.3 % 72-153 I 05/19/02 0:43 TM 1147558 Surr: 4-Bromofiuorobenzene 76.7 % 51-149 I 05/19/02 0:43 TM 1147558 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: ug/Kg Benzene ND 5 1 05/16/02 14:15 NL 1144909 Ethylbenzene ND 5 I 05/16/02 14:15 NL 1144909 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 5 1 05/16/02 14:15 NL 1144909 Toluene N D 5 1 05/16/02 14:15 NL 1144909 m,p-Xylene ND 5 I 05/16/02 14:15 NL 1144909 o-Xylene ND 5 I 05/16/02 14:15 NL 1144909 Xylenes,Total ND 5 1 05/16/02 14:15 NL 1144909 Sum 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 88.0 % 70-120 I 05/16/02 14:15 NL 1144909 Sum 4-Bromofluorobenzene 76.0 % 74-130 1 05/16/02 14:15 NL 1144909 Surr: Toluene-d8 114 % 80-140 1 05/16/02 14:15 NL 1144909 I I I I I I I Bernadette Fini Project Manager Qualifiers: I I ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank * - Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits J - Estimated Value between MDL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution MI - Matrix Interference 5/23/02 9:49:36 AM I I I Client Sample ID: BB-~--e~t~.O HouSToN 'LABORATORy 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 . .. (713) 660-0901 Collected: 05/07/2002'11:35 SPL Sampl~'lD! ~:"'b2550231-56 Site: 3698 Ming AVe Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_DRO Units: mg/Kg Diesel Range Organics ND 2 1 05/11/02 8:08 AM 114039(~ Surr: n-Pentacosane 68.6 % 20-154 1 05/11/02 8:08 AM 1140~9~ !SW3550B 105/09/2002 13:36 GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_GRO Units: mo/Kg Gasoline Range Organics, LA County ND 0.05 1 05/19/02 1:10 TM 1147559 Surr: 1,4-Difluorobenzene 101 % 72-153 1 05/19/02 1:10 TM 1147559 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 75.3 % 51-149 I 05/19/02 1:10 TM 1147559 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: ug/Kg Benzene ND 5 1 05/16/02 14:44 NL 1144914 Ethylbenzene ND 5 1 05/16/02 14:44 NL 1144914 Methyl ted-butyl ether ND 5 1 05/16/02 14:44 NL 1144914 Toluene ND 5 I 05/16/02 14:44 NL 114491a. m,p-Xylene ND 5 1 05/16/02 14:44 NL 1144914 o-Xylene ND 5 1 05/16/02 14:44 NL 1144914 Xylenes,Total ND 5 I 05/16/02 14:44 NL 1144914 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 88.0 % 70-120 1 05/16/02 14:44 NL 1144914 Surr: 4-Bromofluombenzene ' 78.0 % 74-130 1 05/16/02 14:44 NL 1144914 Surr: Toluene-d8 116 % 80-140 1 05/16/02 14:44 NL 1144914 I I I I I I I Bernadette Fini ._P_r_°J_e Ct_ M a n a g_ ~ r .... I I Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank * - Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits J - Estimated Va~ue between MDL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution MI - Matrix Interference 5/23,"02 9:49:39 AM I I I HOUSTON ~ABORATORy 8880 INTERCHANGE' DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 Client Sample ID: BB-8-~).0 Collected: 05/07/2002 '11:52. SpL Sample-ID; '"02050231-57 Site: 3698 Ming Ave Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor~ QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_DRO Units: mo/Kg Diesel Range Organics ND 2 1 05/11/02 8:46 AM 1140391 Surr: n-Pentacosane 75.0 % 20-154 1 05/11/02 8:46 AM 1140391 !Prep Method j_Prep Date jPrep ~ SW3550B 105/09/2002 13:36 IHH i GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_GRO Units: mg/Kg Gasoline Range Organics, LA County ND 0.05 1 05/19/02 1:38 TM 1147560 Surr: t ,4-Difluorobenzene 106 % 72-153 I 05/19/02 1:38 TM 1147560 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 73.7 % 51-149 1 05/19/02 1:38 TM 1147560 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: u~K__g Benzene ND 5 1 05/16/02 15:13 NL 1144919 Ethylbenzene ND 5 1 05/16/02 15:13 NL 1144919 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 5 I 05/16/02 15:13 NL 1144919 Toluene ND 5 I 05/16/02 15:13 NL 1144919 m,p-Xylene ND 5 1 05/16/02 15:13 NL 1144919 o-Xylene ND 5 1 05/16/02 15:13 NL 1144919 Xylenes,Total ND 5 1 05/16/02 15:13 NL 1144919 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 90.0 % 70-120 I 05/16/02 15:13 NL 1144919 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 74.0 % 74-130 1 05/16/02 15:13 NL 1144919 Sum Toluene-d8 112 % 80-140 1 05/16/02 15:13 NL 1144919 I I I I I I I Bernadette Fini I I Project Manager Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank * - Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits J - Estimated Value between MDL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution MI - Matdx Interference 5/23/02 9:49:40 AM I I I Client Sample ID: BB-~o~5.0 HOUSTON LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 Collected: 05/07/2002 11:56 'SPL Sampti~'lD: '" 02050231-58 Site: 3698 Ming Ave . Analyses/Method Result Rep. Limit Dil. Factor QUAL Date Analyzed Analyst Seq. # DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA DRO Un_i~ts: mg/Kg Diesel Range Organics ND 2 I 05/11/02 9:25 AM 11403--9~ Surr: n-Pentacosane 76.0 % 20-154 1 05/11/02 9:25 AM 1140392 ~rep Method IPrep Date Prep Initials1 SW3550B J05/09/2002 13:36 HH j GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS MCL CA_GRO Units: m~Kg_ Gasoline Range Organics, LA County ND 0.05 1 '05/19/02 2:05 TM 1147561 Surr: 1,4-Difluorobenzene 99.0 % 72-153 1 05/19/02 2:05 TM 114756~ Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 75.3 % 51-149 1 05/19/02 2:05 TM 1147561 VOLATILE ORGANICS BY METHOD 8260B MCL SW8260B Units: ug/K_g_ Benzene ND 5 1 05/16/02 15:41 NL 1144925 Ethylbenzene ND 5 1 05/16/02 15:41 NL 1144925 Methyl ted-butyl ether ND 5 I 05/16/02 15:41 NL 1144925 Toluene ND 5 I 05/16/02 15:41 NL 1144925 m,p-Xylene ND 5 1 05/16/02 15:41 NL 1144925 o-Xylene ND 5 1 05/16/02 15:41 NL 1144925 Xylenes,Total ND 5 I 05/16/02 15:41 NL 1144925 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 88.0 % 70-120 1 05/16/02 15:41 NL 1144925 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 76.0 % 74-130 1 05/16/02 15:41 NL 1144925 Surr: Toluene-d8 114 % 80-140 1 05/16/02 15:41 NL 1144925 I I I I I I I Bernadette Fini I ! Project Manager Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank * - Surrogate Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits J - Estimated Value between MDL and PQL >MCL - Result Over Maximum Contamination Limit(MCL) D - Surrogate Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution Mt - Matrix Interference 5/23/02 9:49:45 AM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Quafity Control Documentation 5/23/02 9:49:46 AM I I I Analysis: I, Method: Diesel Range Organics CA_DRO Quality Control Report Shell Oil Products US INC4t97337267 HOUSTON LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 WorkOrder: 02050231 Lab Batch ID: 19849 RunlD: IAnalysis Date: Preparation Date: I I I I I Method Blank HP_V_020509B-1140969 Units: 05/09/2002 18:22 Analyst: 05/08/2002 16:58 Prep By: Analyte Range Organics Surn n-PentacoSane mg/Kg AR J_L Method SW3550B Result IRep Limit ND 2.0 85.4 20-154 Samples in Analytical Batch: Lab SamplelD 02050231-01A 02050231-02A 02050231-03A 02050231-04A 02050231-05A 02050231-06A 02050231-07A 02050231~09A 02050231-10A 02050231-11A 02050231-12A 02050231-13A 02050231-14A 02050231-15A 02050231-16A 02050231-17A 02050231-18A 02050231-19A Client SamplelD BB-10d 5.0 BB-10dl0.0 BB-10d15.0 BB-10d20.0 BB-10d25.0 BB-10d30.0 BB-10d35.0 BB- 10d45.0 BB-10d50.0 BB-10d55.0 BB-10d60.0 BB-10d65.0 BB-10d70.0 BB-10d75.0 BB-10d80.0 BB-10d85.0 BB-11d5.0 BB-11d10.0 I I I RunlD: Analysis Date: Preparation Date: Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) HP_V_020509B-1140968 Units: mg/Kg 05/09/2002 17:44 Analyst: AR 05/08/2002 16:58 Prep By: J_L Method SW3550B Diesel Analyte Range Organics Spike I Result I Percent I Lower · Upper Added J Recovery Limit Limit I 83.3t 80[ __ 961 501 Matrix Spike (MS) / Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) Sample Spiked: 02050246-02 RunlD: HP V 020509B-1140966 Units: I Analysis Date: 05/09/2002 15:48 Analyst: Preparation Date: 05/08/2002 16:58 Prep By: mg/Kg AR J_L Method SW3550B i MS Analyte I Sample Spike MS [ [ Result Added[_ Result Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank J - Estimated value between MDL and PQL MS % Recovery Spike Added MSD Result MSD % Recovery MI - Matrix Int~derence D - Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution * - Recovery Outside Advisable OC Limits IThe percent recoveries for QC samples are correct as reported. Due to significant figures and rounding, the reported RPD may differ from the displayed RPD values but is correct as reported. RPD IRPDLow High Limit Limit Limi_tt 5123/02 9:50:15 AM I I I Analysis: IMethod: Diesel Range Organics CA_DRO Quality Control Report Shell Oil Products uS INCt~'97337267 HOUSTON LABoRAToRY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 -_..'.~': . .~...~ ..: ~' Workorder: · 02050231 Lab Batch ID: 19849 Matrix Spike (MS) / Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) I '1 I I I I I I I I Analyte Diesel Range Organics Sample Spiked: 02050246-02 RunlD: HP_V_020509B-1140966 Units: Analysis Date: 05/09/2002 15:48 Analyst: Preparation Date: 05/08/2002 16:58 Prep By: mg/Kg AR J_L Method SW3550B Sample SpikeI Result I Spike I Result Recovery MS~--I 2.6 I ' MSD % Recovery 7080.6 MSD Result RPD RPD Low High 6.~_11[ ~5o 2~ ~ Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit MI - Matdx Interference 13 - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank D - Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution J - Estimated value between MDL and PQL * - Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits IThe percent recoveries for QC samples are correct as reported. Due to significant figures and rounding, the reported RPD may differ from the displayed RPD values but is correct as reported. 5/23)02 9:50:16 AM I I I Analysis: I,Method: Diesel Range Organics CA_DRO Quality Control Report Shell Oil Products US INC~J7337267 HOusTON LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE · HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 WorkOrder: 02050231 Lab Batch ID: 19865 RunlD: IAnalysis Date: Preparation Date: ,I I I I I I Method Blank HP_V_020511A-1139849 Units: 05/11/2002 4:20 Analyst: 05/09/2002 13:33 Prep By: Analyte esel Range Organics Surf. n-Pentacosane mg/Kg AM HH Method SW3550B 2.0! 20-1~_~ Samples in Analytical Batch: Lab SamplelD 02050231-20A 02050231-21A 02050231-22A 02050231-23A 02050231-24A 02050231-25A 02050231-26A 02050231-27A 02050231-28A 02050231-29A 02050231-30A 02050231-31A 02050231-32A 02050231-33A o 02050231-34A 02050231-35A 02050231-36A 02050231-37A 02050231-38A 02050231-39A Client SamplelD BB-11d15.0 BB-11d20.0 BB-11d25.0 BB-11d30,O BB-11d35.0 BB-11d40,0 BB-11d45.0 BB-11d50.0 BB-11d55.0 BB-12d5.0 BB-12d10.O BB-12d15.0 BB-12d20.0 BB-12d25.0 BB-12d30.0 BB-12d35.0 BB-12d40.0 BB-12d45.0 BB-12d50.0 BB-12d55.0 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) I I I RunlD: Analysis Date: Preparation Date: HP_V_020511A-1139850 Units: rog/Kg 05/11/2002 4:58 Analyst: AM 05/09/2002 13:33 Prep By: HH Method SW3550B Diesel Analyte Range Organics Matrix Spike (MS) I Matrix Spike, Duplicate (MSD) Sample Spiked: 02050231-20 RunlD: HP_V_020511A-1139852 Units: rog/Kg Analysis Date: 05/11/2002 6:14 Analyst: AM Preparation Date: 05/09/2002 13:33 Prep By: HH Method SW3550B Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit MI - Matrix Interference B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank D - Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution J - Estimated value between MDL and PQL * - Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits The percent recoveries for QC samples are correct as reported. Due to significant figures and rounding, the reported RPD may differ from the displayed RPD values but is correct as reported. 5/23]02 9:50:17 AM I I I I I HOUSTON' LABORATORY 8880 NTERCHANGE DRiVE ' " . HOUS!ON, TX 77054. Quality Control Report i/ " .-(713) 660-0901 --...-.:-... '.~....~ ..: ~ Shell Oil Products uS . INCIt97337267 .~mal~is: Diesel Range Organics . - . WorkOrder~ : 02050231 Method: CA_DRO .. Lab Batch ID: 19865 Analyte Sample MS MS MS % MSD' MSD MSD % RPD' I RPD Low High Result Spike Result Recovery Spike . Result RecoveryI Limit Limit Limit Added Added L_lDiesel Range Organic~ 1.0 83.3 69t, 81.9 83~.3 63 74.~9 8.911 50 21 175 IQualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit MI - Matrix interference B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank D - Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution J - Estimated value between MDL and PQL * - Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits IThe percent recoveries for QC samples are correct as reported. Due to significant figures and rounding, the reported RPD may differ from the displayed RPD values but is correct as reported. 5/23/~)2 9:50:17 AM I I I Analysis: IMethod: Diesel Range Organics CA_DRO Quality Control Report Shell Oil Products US INC,~'97337267 HOUSTON LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 WorkOrder: 02050231 Lab Batch ID: 19866 RunlD: IAnalysis Date: Preparation Date: I I I I I Method Blank HP_B_O20510E-1140366 Units: 05/10/2002 16:51 Analyst: 05/09/2002 13:36 Prep By: Analyte iesel Ra, nge Organ-~s Sum n-Pentacosane mg/Kg AM HH Method SW3550B NDI 2.0 Samples in Analytical Batch: Lab Sample ID 02050231-40A 02050231-41A 02050231-42A 02050231-43A 02050231-44A 02050231-45A 02050231-46A 02050231-47A 02050231-48A 02050231-49A 02050231-50A 02050231-51A 02050231-52A 02050231-53A 02050231-54A 02050231-55A 02050231-56A 02050231-57A 02050231-58A Client Sample ID BB-9d5.0 BB-9dl0.0 BB-9d15.0 BB-9d20.0 BB-9d25.0 BB-9d30.0 BB-9d35.0 BB-9d40.0 BB-9d45.0' BBo9d50.0 BB-Sd5.0 BB-8dl0.0 BB-8d15.0 BB-8d20.0 BB-8d25.0 BB-8d30.0 BB-8d35.0 BB-8d40.0 BB-Sd45.0 I I I i RunID: Analysis Date: Preparation Date: Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) HP_B_020510E-1140367 Units: rog/Kg 05/10/2002 17:29 Analyst: AM 05/09/2002 13:36 Prep By: HH Method SW3550B Analyte iesel Range Organics u__(t-I Percent J~r~--~p~r~ I Recovery ~ Li..m~t~l Matrix Spike (MS) / Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) Sample Spiked: 02050231-40 RunlD: HP_B_020510E-1140369 Units: Analysis Date: 05/10/2002 18:47 Analyst: Preparation Date: 05/09/2002 13:36 Prep By: mg/Kg AM HH Method SW3550B IQualifiers: ' ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit MI - Matrix Interference B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank D - Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution J - Estimated value between MDL and PQL * - Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits IThe percent recoveries for QC samples are correct as reported. Due to significant figures and rounding, the reported RPD may differ from the displayed RPD values but is correct as reported. 5/23/02 9:50:18 AM I I Analysis: IMethod: I Analyte Diesel Range Organics Diesel Range Organics CA_DRO Quality Control Report Shell Oil Products US . INC~97337267 Sample I MS MS MS% MSD Result Spike I Result Recovery SpikeI Added Added NDI 83.3J ~_ 74 88.0 83.3 HOUSTON LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE . HOUSTON .TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 WorkOrder; Lab ·Batch ID: MSD j MSD % Result I Recovery 83.3 02050231 19866 RPD RPD Low High 5.46J 50J. 21/ 175/ Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit MI - Matrix Interference B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank D - Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution J - Estimated value between MDL and PQL * - Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits The percent recoveries for QC samples are correct as reported. Due to significant figures and rounding, the reported RPD may differ from the displayed RPD values but is correct as reported. 5/23i02 9:50:18 AM Diesel Range Organics CA_DRO Quality Control Report Shell Oil Products US INCft97337267 HOUSTON LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 ~.~_:-, ..... . WorkOrder: 02050231 Lab Batch ID: 19886 Method Blank HP_V_020513D-1143541 Units: 05/13/2002 21:49 Analyst: 05/10/2002 13:48 Prep By: mg/Kg AR HH Method SW3550B ID Analyte iesel Range O~ J surf: n-Pentacosane Samples in Analytical Batch: Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID 02050231-08A BB-10d40.0 RunlD: Analysis Date: Preparation Date: Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) HP_V_020513D-1143542 Units: mg/Kg 05/13/2002 22:27 Analyst: AR 05/10/2002 13:48 Prep By: HH Method SW3550B Analyte Diesel Range Organics Added .~sult Percent Lower Upper Recovery Limit Limit 781 __994 5--0 15_00 ! I I ! I' I Analyte I I I I' Qualifiers: Matrix Spike (MS) / Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) Sample Spiked: RunID: Analysis Date: Preparation Date: 0205O231-08 HP_V_020513D-1143538 Units: mg/Kg 05/13/2002 19:55 Analyst: AR 05/10/2002 13:48 Prep By: HH Method SW3550B Sample I MS--I Result SpikeI AddedI 4.8 83.31_ MS MS °/o ) MSD-I Result Addedt Recovery SpikeI 721 80.~41 83.31 MSD 01 MSD % Result Recovery 7 ~7~7 RPD RPD Low Hig~-) Limit Limit Limit1 .45 21 ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit MI - Matdx Interference B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank D - Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution J - Estimated value between MDL and PQL * - Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits IThe percent recoveries for QC samples are correct as reported. Due to significant figures and rounding, the reported RPD may differ from the displayed RPD values but is correct as reported. 5/2~/02 9:50:20 AM I I I I Anatysis: Method: Gasotine Range Organics CA_GRO Quality Control Report Shell Oil Products US INC~97337267 HOusToN LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 -7..~ '- .- ~' WorkOrder: 02050231 Lab Batch ID: R59464 RunlD: IAnalysis Date: I I I I I I Method Blank HP_R_020515A-1143564 Units: mg/Kg 05/15/2002 17:01 Analyst: TM asoline Range O--~LA County I NDI 0.050 Sum 1,4-Difluorobenzene 99.7 72-153 Sum 4-Bromof uorobenze~e 70.7 51-149 Samples in Analytical Batch: Lab Sample ID 02050231-01A 02050231-02A 02050231-03A 02050231-04A 02050231-05A 02050231-06A 02050231-07A 02050231-08A 02050231-09A 02050231-10A 02050231-11A 02050231-12A 02050231-13A 02050231-14A 02050231-15A 02050231-16A 02050231-17A 02050231-18A 02050231-19A 02050231-20A Client Sample ID BB-10d 5.0 BB-10dl0.0 BB-10d15.0 BB-10d20.0 BB-10d25.0 BB-10d30.0 BB-10d35,0 BB-10d40.0 BB-10d45.0 BB-10d50.0 BB-10d55.0 BB-10d60.0 BB-10d65.0 BB-10d70.0 BB-10d75.0 BB-10dS0.0 BB-10d85.0 BB-11d5.0 BB-11d10.0 BB-11d15.0 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) I I I RunlD: Analysis Date: HP_R_020515A-1143561 Units: mg/Kg 05/15/2002 15:39 Analyst: TM Analyte Gasoline Range Organics, LA County l-Spike I ResultS' Percent I Lower I Upper Added I / Recovery Limit Limit -- 11 0.921 92 53 --:{-3~ Matrix Spike (MS) / Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) I I Sample Spiked: 02050231-01 RunlD: HP_R_020515A-1143562 Units: rog/Kg Analysis Date: 05/15/2002 16:06 Analyst: TM IQualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Limit MI - Matrix Interference Reporting B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank D - Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution J - Estimated value between MDL and PQL * - Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits IThe percent recoveries for QC samples are correct as reported. Due to significant figures and rounding, the reported RPD may differ from the displayed RPD values but is correct as reported. 5/23/02 9:50:21 AM I I I I I .HOusTON LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 Analysis: WorkOrder; 02050231 Method: Lab'Batch ID: R59464 Quality Control Report Shell Oil Products US INCUr97337267 Gasoline Range Organics CA_GRO Analyte Sample MS MS MS % MSD MSD MSD % RPD RPD Low !High Result Spike Result Recovery Spike Result Recovery Limit Limit Limit Added Added Gasoline Range Organics, LA County ND 0.9 0.74 82.1 0.9 0.57 63.3 25.9 50 36 163 '1 '1 ' Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit MI - Matrix lnterterence B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank D - Recoven/Unreportable due to Dilution J - Estimated value between MDL and PQL * - Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits IThe percent recoveries for QC samples are correct as reported. Due to significant figures and rounding, the reported RPD may differ from the displayed RPD values but is correct as reported. 5/23i02 9:50:21 AM Gasoline Range Organics CA_GRO Quality Control Report Shell Oil Products US INC~97337267 HOUSTON LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE · HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 -~_:~ .. ~..~'-: ~- WorkOrder.'. 02050231 Lab' Batch ID: R59489 ! I IAnalySis Date: I I I I Method Blank HP_R_020516A-1143918 Units: mg/Kg 05/16/2002 6:11 Analyst: TM Gasoline Range Or a~cs, LA C_oun~.~ NDJ 0.050! Sum 1,4-Di'fluo roben~en~---- ' ~ 7_~ [ Sum 4-Bromofluo~e ~ 70.~[ 51-149j Samples in Analytical Batch: Lab SamplelD 02050231-21A 02050231-22A 02050231-23A 02050231-24A 02050231-25A 02050231-26A 02050231-27A 02050231-28A 02050231-29A 02050231-30A Client SamplelD BB-11d20.0 BB-11d25.0 BB-11d30.0 BB-11d35.0 BB-11d40.0 BB-11d45.0 BB-11dS0.0 BB-11d55.0 BB-12d5.0 BB-12d10.0 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) RunlD: HP_R_020516A-1143915 Units: mg/Kg Analysis Date: 05/16/2002 4:49 Analyst: TM Analyte 1 Spikej 1 Percent J-Lower J Upper j Added1 ~ Recovery ~ Limit Limit Gasoline Range Organics, LA County I 1t -~l 90[ 5~3[ 137 Matrix Spike (MS) / Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) Sample Spiked: 02050231-21 RunlD: HP_R_020516A-1143916 Units: .mg/Kg Analysis Date: 05/16/2002 5:17 Analyst: TM Analyte Range Organics, LA County Result 1 Spike ) Recovery Spike I Added Added ND~[ 0,71] 78.0[____~0;9_l' MSD MSD % 'j RPD RPD ~ Limit Limit j ,tj 4.71[ 50J 36J 1631 Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit MI - Matrix Interference B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank D - Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution J - Estimated value between MDL and PQL * - Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits IThe percent recoveries for QC samples are correct as reported. Due to significant figures and rounding, the reported RPD may differ from the displayed RPD values but is correct as reported. 5/23/02 9:50:22 AM I I=~ Quality Control Report I ;~a IthYoS~: ~s_~;; ~an k I ~i~)~is Date: ~1~)~1111;7476 ~st: TM ~:~is Date: Shell Oil Products US INCUr97337267 mg/Kg , Result IRep L~m~t) ND 0.0501 ~_ 72-153) ~ 5~-149} Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) HP_R_020517A-1147473 Units: rog/Kg 05/17/2002 13:56 Analyst: TM HOusTON.LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054. (713) 660-0901 WorkOrder: 02050231 Lab Batch ID: R59662 Samples in Analytical Batch: Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID 02050231-41A BB-gdl0.0 Spike I Result [ Percent [ Lower I Upper Added __J Recovery Limit Limit Gasoline Range Organics, LA County 11 0.98~ ~-8~ 53 137 Matrix Spike (MS) / Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) 02050231-41 HP_R_020517A-1147474 Units: rog/Kg 05/17/2002 14:23 Analyst: TM Sample MS Result Spike Added~ I I I IQualifiers: MS MS % ~- Result RecoveryI Spike 0.77! 85.0{ 0.9 MSD MS-D °/o Result Recovery 0.79 ~.4 t_ Limit ~-.711-- 501 ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit MI - Matrix Interference _ow HighI _imit Limit 36 163 B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank D - Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution J - Estimated value between MDL and PQL * - Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits IThe percent recoveries for QC samples are correct as reported.. Due to significant figures and rounding, the reported RPD may differ from the displayed RPD values but is correct as reported. 5/23/02 9:50:23 AM Analysis: tethod: Gasoline Range Organics CA_GRO Quality Control Report Shell Oil Products US INC~97337267 HOUSTON LABORAToRy 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 ' (713) 660-0901 WorkOrder: 02050231 Lab Batch ID: R59674 RunlD: Inalysis Date: I I I Method Blank HP_R_020518A-1147513 Units: mg/Kg 05/18/2002 4:02 Analyst: TM Analyte_ Gasoline Ran.ge Organics,_~_~.County Surf. 1,4-Difluorobenzene SurF. 4-Bromofluorobenzene Samples in Analytical Batch: Lab Sample ID 02050231-31A 02050231-32A 02050231-33A 02050231-34A 02050231-35A 02050231-36A 02050231-37A 02050231-38A 02050231-39A 02050231-40A Client SamplelD BB-12d15.0 BB-12d20.0 BB-12d25.0 BB-12d30.0 BB-12d35.0 BB-12d40.0 BB-12d45.0 BB-12d50.0 BB-12d55.0 BB-9dS.0 Laboratow Control Sample (LCS) I I I RunlD: HP_R_020518A-1147512 Units: rog/Kg Analysis Date: 05/18/2002 3:35 Analyst: TM Analyte Spike Red'lull-Percent {Lower {Upper Added I Recovery Limit { Limit Gasoline Range Organics, LA County 1 0.96 96 53 137 I I Matrix Spike (MS) / Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) Sample Spiked: 02050231-40 RunID: HP_R_020518A-1152382 Units: · mcj/Kg Analysis Date: 05/22/2002 15:49 Analyst: TM Sample MS MS MS % Result Spike Result Recovery Added ND 0.9 0.95 106 M~-~I MSD Adde-~jSpike I Result Recovery -----0.~ 0.72 80.4i I Analyte ! iGasoline Range Organics, LA Count RPD ~-PD Low High.~ Limit Limit Limit{ ~7.01 501 361 163t Ifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit MI - Matrix Interference B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank D - Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution J - Estimated value between MDL and PQL * - Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits IThe percent recoveries for QC samples are correct as reported. Due to significant figures and rounding, the reported RPD may differ from the displayed RPD values but is correct as reported. 5/23/02 9:50:25 AM Gasoline Range Organics CA_GRO Quality Control Report Shell Oil Products US INC#97337267 .HOusTON LABORATORy 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 -,.'_:-.. .~..~ '. ~ ~ WorkOrder: 02050231 Lab Batch ID: R59675 IAnalysis' Date: Method Blank HP_R_020518B-1147543 Units: rog/Kg 05/18/2002 16:59 Analyst: TM ~aS Analyte soline Range o_O~ganics, LA County urn. 1,4-Difiuorobenzene ~ Surf: 4-Bromofluorobenzene Result ~ ... 67.7J. 51-1491 Samples in Analytical Batch: Lab SamplelD 02050231-42A 02050231-43A 02050231-44A 02050231-45A 02050231-46A 02050231-47A 02050231-48A 02050231-49A 02050231-50A 02050231-51A 02050231-52A 02050231-53A 02050231-54A 02050231-55A 02050231-56A 02050231-57A 02050231-58A Client SamplelD BB-9d15.0 BB-9d20.0 BB-9d25.0 BB-9d30.0 BB-9d35.0 BB-9d40.0 BB-9d45.0' BB-9d50.O BB-8d5.0 BB-8dl0.0 BB-Sd15.0 BB-8d20.O BB-8d25.0 BB-8d30.0 BB-8d35.0 BB-Sd40.0 BB-Sd45.0 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) RunlD: HP_R._020518B- 1147542 Units: rog/Kg Analysis Date: 05/18/2002 16:32 Analyst: TM Analyte ~~R~su~-'1 Percent I Lower~ I Added } J R~e_cov~ery I Limit '1 Limit I Gasoline Range Organics, LA CountyI 1t .1_i__ _ 10~ 531 1371 Matrix Spike (MS) / Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) Sample Spiked: 02050231-47 RunID: HP_R_020518B-1152330 Units: mg/K9 Analysis Date: 05/22/2002 14:27 Analyst: TM Analyte Sample M~M~-~ MS [-~I-I~I'S~-" MSD T MSD% Result I SPike.I Result 1Rec°veryiSpike I Re Recovery' fGasoline Range Organics, LACounty hD~ ~ 1~-:~ ii ~i'~il .... 113{ Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit MI - Matrix Interference B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank D - Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution J - Estimated value between MDL and PQL * - Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits The percent recoveries for QC samples are correct as reported. Due to significant figures and rounding, the reported RPD may differ from the displayed RPD values but is correct as reported. ~-D RPD Low High Limit Limit Limi 7.94' 50-36 1~ 5/23/02 9:50:26 AM I I I Quality Control Report Analysis: Gasoline Range Organics I Method: CA_GRO Shell Oil Products US INCff97337267 HOUSTON LABORATORY ' ~.8880' INTERCHANGE DRIVE . HOUSTON,..TX 77054 .:-" .~(713) 660-0901 WorkOrder:: 02050231 Lab Batch ID: R59675 I I I I I I I I I I I I I Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit MI - Matrix Interference B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank D - Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution J - Estimated value between MDL and PQL * - Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits IThe percent recoveries for QC samples are correct as reported. Due to significant figures and rounding, the reported RPD may differ from the displayed RPD values but is correct as reported. 5/23/02 9:50:26 AM Analysis: IMethod: I I I I ! , Benzene Volatile Organics by Method 8260B SW8260B Quality Control Report Shell Oil Products US INC#97337267 HOusTON LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660'0901 -~::-. '.~..~ '.: ~. WorkOrder: 02050231 Lab Batch ID: R59103 RunlD: Analysis Date: Method Blank M_020508A-1136782 Units: ug/Kg 05/08/2002 15:15 Analyst: NL Analyte Result Rep Limi Benzene ND 5.( Ethylbenzene ND ___ 5.( Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 5.( Toluene ND 5.( m,p-Xylene ND 5.( o__-Xylene ND 5.( _Xylenes,Total ND 5.( Surf. 1,2-Dichloroethane-d? 80.0 __ 70-12( Surf. 4-Bromofluorobenzene 78.(3 74-13( Surf. Toluene-d8 112.0 80-14( Samples in Analytical Batch: Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID 02050231-01A BB-1 Od 5.0 02050231-02A BB-lOd 10.0 02050231-03A BB-10d15.0 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) RunlD: M_020508A-1136781 Units: ug/Kg Analysis Date: 05/08/2002 14:46 Analyst: NL Analyte Spike Result Percent Lower Upper Added I Recovery Limit Limit I1,1-Dichloroethene 5n01 48 96' 59 172 IBenzene 50 56 112: 66 142 I-Chl°r°benzene5~50 55 110 60 133 !Toluene 50 55 11¢ 59 139 _l'richloroethene __ 5~2 1~4 62__ 13___~7 Anaiyte ! ,1 -Dichloroethene Matrix Spike (MS) / Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) Sample Spiked: 02050176-01 RunlD: M_020508A-1136784 Units: ug/Kg Analysis Date: 05/08/2002 18:12 Analyst: NL Sample ~ MS ~0 MS% I MS-D I Result I Spike j Result Recovery I Spike J Added/ J_A_dded MSD Result i MSD% I RPD I RPDI Low )Hig~-' Recovery t Umit I Limit ILimitt 45 90.01 ---12[--2~-~~1 --880 t3 21 66 =-.I 661 Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit MI - Matrix Interference B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank D - Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution J - Estimated value between MDL and PQL * - Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits The percent recoveries for QC samples are correct as reported. Due to significant figures and rounding, the reported RPD may differ from the displayed RPD values but is correct as reported. 5/23;02 9:50:27 AM I I I Analysis: IMethod: Volatile Organics by Method 8260B SW8260B Quality Control Report Shell Oil Products uS INC~97337267 HOusToN.LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054' (713i 660-0901 ~..::' .. ".-:..~ '-: ~ WorkOrder: 02050231 Lab Batch ID: R59103 I I  Analyte fichloroethen I I I I I I I I IQualifiers: Matrix Spike {MS) / Matrix Spike Duplicate {MSD) Sample Spiked: 02050176-01 RunlD: M_020508A-1136784 Units: ug/Kg Analysis Date: 05/08/2002 16:12 Analyst: NL Sample TM--~ MS MS % MSD Result I Spike I Result Recovery Spike MSD MSD % RPD Result Recovery 40 80.0 44 88.0 40 80.0 ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit MI - Matrix Interference IRPDILOw ~ ~ Limit Limit[ 141 241 62/1~3~ B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank D - Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution J - Estimated value between MDL and PQL * - Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits IThe percent recoveries for QC samples are correct as reported. Due to significant figures and rounding, the reported RPD may differ from the displayed RPD values but is correct as reported. 5/'23~02 9:50:27 AM Volatile Organics by Method 8260B SW8260B Quality Control Report Shell Oil Products US INC#97337267 HOusTON LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054- (713) 660-0901 WorkOrder: 02050231 Lab Batch ID: R59136 Method Blank M_020509A-t 137487 Units: ug/Kg 05/09/2002 11:30 Analyst: NL Analyte Result__ Re___p Limit Benzene ND 5.0 __Ethylbenzene ND _. 5.0 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 5.0 Toluene ND 5.0 ~-Xylene ND 5.0 o-_q:~ytene ND 5.__0 Xylenes,Total ND 5.0 Surf: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 90.0 70-120 Sum 4-Bromofluorobenzene 78.C 74-130 Surf. Toluene-d8 106.0 80-140 Samples in Analytical Batch: Lab SamplelD 02050231-04A 02050231-05A 02050231-06A 02050231-07A 02050231-09A 02050231-10A 02050231-11A 02050231-12A 02050231-14A 02050231-15A Client SamplelD BB-10d20.O BB-10d25.0 BB-10d30.0 BB-10d35.0 BB-10d45.0 BB-IOd50.0 BB-10d55.0 BB-10d60.O BB-10d70.0 BB-10d75.0 RunID: Analysis Date: Analyte 1,1-Dichloroethene Benzene Chlombenzene Toluene Tdchlomethene Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) M_020509A-1137486 Units: ug/Kg 05/09/2002 11:0t Analyst: NL Spike Added -- 50/ 56 50) 50~_~54 5~1 56 55 Percent I Lower I Upper ~ Recovery Limit ~ 1121 591 172I 1181 66) 142i 110 621 137] Analyte ! I IAnalysis' IAnalySis Date: ,, I' ! oroethene Matrix Spike (MS) / Matrix Spike Duplicate {MSD) Sample Spiked: 02050231-12 RunID: M_020509A-1137496 Units: ug/Kg Analysis Date: 05/09/2002 15:49 Analyst: NL t Sample M~~T MS l~---'l ~-S~-'l MSD T MSD % I RPD I RPD I L°w~ High ResultI Add-e~-Il Spike/ Result il Rec°very' Spike' i Added/I Result /' Recove~ I ~Li~t~~ ................................................. 8~ 21[ 66[ 142~ Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit MI - Matrix Interference B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank D - Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution J - Estimated value between MDL and PQL * - Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits The percent recoveries for QC samples are correct as reported. Due to significant figures and rounding, the reported RPD may differ from the displayed RPD values but is correct as reported. 5/23/02 9:50:29 AM I I Analysis: IMethod: I Volatile Organics by Method 8260B SW8260B Quality Control Report Shell Oil Products uS INC#97337267 HOUSTON LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE - HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 ' WorkOrder: 02050231 Lab Batch ID: R59136 Matrix Spike (MS) / Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) Analyte I~T~iu°~beenZene Irdchloroethene Sample Spiked: RunID: Analysis Date: 02050231-12 M_020509A-1137496 Units: ug/Kg 05/09/2002 15:49 Analyst: NL Sample I MS MS I MS% Result Spike Result Recovery Added N D 50 50 10( ND 50 46 9~ MSD Spike Added 5( 5( 5( MSD 'MSD % Result' Recovery 44 88.0 46 92.0 43 86.0 RPD RPD Low High 7[ 24[ 62/ 137 I I I I I I I I I' Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit MI - Matrix Interference B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank D - Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution J - Estimated value between MDL and PQL * - Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits IThe percent recoveries for QC samples are correct as reported. Due to significant figures and rounding, the reported RPD may differ from the displayed RPD values but is correct as reported. 5/23/02 9:50:29 AM I I IAnalysis. IAnalySis I I I I I' ! Volatile Organics by Method 8260B SW8260B Quality Control Report Shell Oil Products US INClf97337267 HOusTON LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE · HOUSTON, TX 77054. (713) 660'0901 :..::' .- :...~ '.: '~. WorkOrder: 02050231 Lab Batch ID: R59353 RunlD: Analysis Date: Method Blank M_020514A-1141401 Units: ug/Kg 05/13/2002 11:24 Analyst: NL ! Analyte Result IRep Limi-~ IBenzene N_D _ 5.~0 [Ethyfbenzene ND 5.0 Methyl te~t-bu_~l~ ether ---- __ ND 5.~ !Toluene ND 5.0 ~ __ ND 5.0 ~e __ ND 5.0 Xylenes,Total ND 5.0 Sum 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 84.0 70-120 Sum. 4-Bromofluorobenzene 76.0 74-130 SUm Toluene-d8 _ __112.0 80-140 Samples in Analytical Batch: Lab'Sample ID Client Sample ID 0205023 ! - 13A BB- 10d65.0 02050231-16A BB-10d80.0 02050231-17A BB-10d85.0 02050231-24A BB-11 d35.0 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) RunlD: M_020514A-1141400 Units: ug/Kg Analysis Date: 05/13/2002 10:55 Analyst: NL Analyte Spike ~esult Added 1,1-Dichloroethene 50 4, Benzene 50 4~ Chlorobenzene 50 5 Toluene 50 5 Trichloroethene 50 4~ Fiesult Percent Lower Upper Recovery Limit Limit 44 88 59 17~, 49 98 66 14,~ 51 i02 60 13~ 51 102 59 13c~ 45 90 62 137 Analyte I, 1 -Dichloroethene Matrix Spike {MS) / Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) Sample Spiked: 02050231-16 RunlD: M_020514A-1141411 Units: ug/Kg Analysis Date: 05/13/2002 16:11 Analyst: NL Sample MS } MS T MS% FM-~I MSD ~ MSD% Result { Spike { Result { Recovery {Spike { Result~4~75 Recovery RPD I R~PO~JHigh ~~~4~22~Limit Limit Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit MI - Matrix Intederence B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank D - Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution J - Estimated value between MDL and PQL * - Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits IThe percent recoveries for QC samples are correct as reported. Due to significant figures and rounding, the reported RPD may differ from the displayed RPD values but is correct as reported. 5/~3/'02 9:50:30 AM Volatile Organics by Method 8260B SW8260B Quality Control Report Shell Oil Products US INC~97337267 HOUSTON· LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE · HOUSTON ·TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 · -~....:: . ~..~'-: ~ WorkOrder:.: 02050231 Lab Batch ID: R59353 I I I i==: I zene Matrix Spike (MS) / Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) Sample Spiked: RunID: Analysis Date: 02050231 - 16 M_020514A-1141411 Units: ug/Kg 05/13/2002 16:11 Analyst: NL Analyte I I I I I I I I Tdchloroethene Sample ~-MSl Result j Spike I MS MS % Result Recovery 48 96 52-- 104! 43 80! MSD .~pike [ ~dde~ 50 MSD MSD % RPD Result Recovery 45 90.0 49 98.0 4¢ 80.0 Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit MI - Matrix Interference B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank D - Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution J - Estimated value between MDL and PQL ' - Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits IThe percent recoveries for QC samples are correct as reported. Due to significant figures and rounding, the reported RPD may differ from the displayed RPD values but is correct as reported. 5/23/02 9:50:31 AM I I I Analysis: IMethod: Volatile Organics by Method 8260B SW8260B Quality Control Report. Shell Oil Products US INC~97337267 .HOusToN LABORATORY · 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 · . -..~.- ,, -7..~ '*: ~ WorkOrder: 02050231 Lab Batch ID: R59437 RunlD: IAnalysis Date: Method Blank M_O20514C-1143009 Units: ug/Kg 05/14/2002 17:08 Analyst: NL Analyte Benzene Ethylbenzene Methyl Jert-butyl ether Toluene m,p-Xylene o-_:~ylene Xylen~l Sum 1,2-Dichloroe!ha~ne-d4 SurF. 4-Bromofluorobenzene SurF, Toluene-d8 -- ND ND -- ND -- ND ND 76~J 74-130j 110.0i 80-140t Samples in Analytical.Batch: Lab Sample ID 02050231-18A 02050231-19A 02050231-20A 02050231-21A 02050231-22A 02050231-23A 02050231-27A 02050231-28A 02050231-29A 02050231-30A 02050231-31A 02050231-32A 02050231-33A 02050231-34A 02050231-35A 02050231-37A Client Sample ID BB-11d5.0 BB-11d10.0 BB-11d15.0 BB-11d20.0 BB-11d25.0 BB-11d30.0 BB-11d50.0 BB-11d55.0 BB-12d5.0 BB-12d10.0 BB-12d15.0 BB-12d20.0 BB-12d25.0 BB-12d30.0 BB-12d35.0 BB-12d45.0 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) I I I I RunlD: M_020514C-1143008 Units: ug/Kg Analysis Date: 05/14/2002 16:20 Analyst: NL Analyte FSpike i J~ded ; Benzene'l'Dichl°r°ethene [_ 50 50 Chlorobenzene ~ 50I !Toluene / 50 JTrichloroethen_ e 50 Result Sll 'ercent Lower Upper ecove~ Limit Limit 88 59 172 100 66 142 102 60 133 102 59 139 96 62 137 I '1 I Qualifiers: Matrix Spike (MS) / Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) Sample Spiked: 02050231-27 RunlD: M_020514C-1147585 Units: ug/Kg Analysis Date: 05/14/2002 18:05 Analyst: NL ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit MI - Matrix Interference B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank D - Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution J - Estimated value between MDL and PQL * - Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits IThe percent recoveries for QC samples are correct as reported. Due to significant figures and rounding, the reported RPD may differ from the displayed RPD values but is correct as reported. 5/23/02 9:50:32 AM I I I I I I I HOusTON LABORATORY ~' 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE ' HOUSTON, TX 77054 Quality Control Report '(713) 660-0901 Shell Oil Products US INC~J7337267 Analysis: Volatile Organics by Method 8260B WorkOrder: 02050231 Method: SW8260B Lab Batch ID: R59437 Analyte Sample MS MS MS % MSD MSD ' MSD % RPD RPD Low High Result Spike Result Recovery Spike Result Recovery I Limit Limit Limit Added Added ' Benzene ND 50 49i 98 50 48 96.0 2 21 66 14-~ Chlorobenzene ND 50 48i 96 50 48 96.0 C 21 _~ Trichloroethene .__ ND 50 461 92 50 44 88.0 4 24 ,I I I Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit MI - Matrix Interference B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank D - Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution J - Estimated value between MDL and PQL ' - Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits IThe percent recoveries for QC samples are correct as reported. Due to significant figures and rounding, the reported RPD may differ from the displayed RPD values but is correct as reported. 5/23~02 9:50:32 AM I I I Analysis: IMethod: Volatile Organics by Method 8260B SW8260B Quality Control Report Shell Oil Products US INC~97337267 HOUSTON LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 WorkOrder: 02050231 Lab Batch ID: R59516 RunlD: IAnalysis Date: I I I I I Method Blank M_020515A-1144324 Units: ug/Kg 05/15/2002 11:38 Analyst: NL Analyte Result Rep Limit Benzene ND 5.0 Et~benzene ND 5.0 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 5.0 Toluene __ ND 5.0 m__,p-Xylene ND 5.0 o-Xylene ND 5.~0 Xylenes,Total ND Sure 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 88.0 70-120 Sum. 4-Bromofluorobenzene 80.0 74-130 Surr: To__luene-d8 108__.0 80-140 Samples in Analytical Batch: Lab SamplelD 02050231-25A 02050231-26A 02050231-36A 02050231-38A 02050231-39A 02050231-40A 02050231-41A 02050231-42A 02050231-43A 02050231-44A 02050231-47A 02050231-48A 02050231-49A 02050231-50A 02050231-51A 02050231-52A Client Sample ID BB-11d40.0 .BB-11d45.0 BB-12d40.0 BB-12d50.0 BB-12d55.0 BB-9d5.0 BB-9dl0.0 BB-gd 15.0 BB-9d20.O BB-9d25.0 BB-9d40.O BB-9d45.0' BB-9d50.O BB-SdS.0 BB-Sdl0.0 BB-8d15.0 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) I I I I RunlD: Analysis Date: M_020515A-1144323 Units: ug/Kg 05/15/2002 11:09 Analyst: NL Analyte 1,1-Dichloroethene Benzene Chlorobenzene Toluene Trichloroethene :ent Lower Upper ~very Limit Limit 100 59 17~ 102 66 142 102 - 6C 133 102 59 139 Spike I Result Perce~ AddedI Recow 5C 50 5C 51 5C 51 5C~ 51 50 5_0 Matrix Spike (MS) / Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) I I I Qualifiers: Sample Spiked: RunlD: Analysis Date: 02050231-38 M_O20515A-1144330 Units: ug/Kg 05/15/2002 14:30 Analyst: NL ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit MI - Matrix Interference B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank D - Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution J - Estimated value between MDL and PQL * - Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits IThe percent recoveries for QC samples are correct as reported. Due to significant figures and rounding, the reported RPD may differ from the displayed RPD values but is correct as reported. 5/23/02 9:50:34 AM I I I I I Volatile Organics by Method 8260B SW8260B Quality Control Report Shell Oil Products US INC~U:J7337267 HOUSTON LABORATORy · 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE . HOUSTON~ TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 " '_..'2: . .~T:--~'-: ~' WorkOrder: - 02050231 Lab 'Batch ID: R59516 Analyte Sample MS MS ! MS % MSD MSD MSD% I RPD RPD I Low High Result Spike Result Recovery Spike · Result RecoveryI Limit Limit Limit Added Added 1,1 -Dichloroethene NC 50 48 96 50 49 98.0 2 22 59 172~ Benzene ND 50 4§ 98 50 49 98.0 01 21 66 1421 Chlor0benzene NC 50 49 9~8 50 48 96.0 2 21 60 1331~ Toluene NC 50 49 98 50 50 100 2 21 59 1391 Tdchloroethene - NC~ 5045 90 50 . 45 90.01 C 24 62 13 IQualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit MI - Matrix Interference B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank D - Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution J - Estimated value between MDL and PQL * - Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits IThe percent recoveries for QC samples are correct as reported. Due to significant figures and rounding, the reported RPD may differ from the displayed RPD values but is correct as reported. 5/23/02 9:50:34 AM I I I I Analysis: Method: Volatile Organics by Method 8260B SW8260B Quality Control Report Shell Oil Products US INC~J7337267 HOusTON LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, ~TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 WorkOrder: 02050231 Lab Batch ID: R59554 Method Blank RunlD: IAnalysis Date: M_020§16A-1144902 Units: ug/Kg 05/16/2002 11:51 Analyst: NL I I I Analyte Result Rep Limit ~-enzene ND 5.0 Ethylbenzene ND 5.0 Methyl tert-bulyJ ether ND 5.0 Toluene ND 5.0 m,p-Xylene ND 5.0 o-Xylene ND 5.0 Xylenes,Total N D 5.0 Sum. 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 94.0 70-120 Surr: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 74.0 74-130 SurF. Toluene-d8 112.0 80-140 Samples in Analytical Batch: Lab Sample ID 02050231-45A 02050231-46A 02050231-53A 02050231-54A 02050231-55A 02050231-56A 02050231-57A 02050231-58A Client Sample ID BB-9d30.0 BB-9d35.0 BB-8d20.0 BB-Sd25.0 BB-8d30.0 BB-Sd35.0 BB-8d40.0 BB-8d45.0 I I I I Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) RunlD: M_020516A-1144901 Units: ug/Kg Analysis Date: 05/16/2002 11:22 Analyst: NL ! Analyte Spike Result Percent Lower Upper Added Recovery Limit Limit ~-, 1 -Dichloroethene 50 49 98 59 172 Benzene 50 511 102 66 142 Chlorobenzene 50 56 112 60 133 Toluene 50 55 110 59 13§ Trichloroethene 50 52 104 62 137 Matrix Spike (MS) / Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) i Sample Spiked: RunlD: Analysis Date: 02050231-53 M_020516A-1144905 Units: ug/Kg 05/16/2002 12:49 Analyst: NL I Analyte Sample I MS Result ~ Spike II, 1 -Oichloroethene ~q D~ lBenzene ............. 1 ~I TM IQualifiers: Result j_A_dded Result Recovery I Spike I Recovery 43 6.o 9ol--- o 46 92.o ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit MI - Matrix Interference IPD RPD Low High Limit Limit Limit 2 22 59 172 2' 21 66 142 B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank D - Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution J - Estimated value between MDL and PQL * - Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits IThe percent recoveries for QC samples are correct as reported. Due to significant figures and rounding, the reported RPD may differ from the displayed RPD values but is correct as reported. 5123/02 9:50:35 AM I I I Analysis: IMethod: Volatile Organics by Method 8260B SW8260B Quality Control Report Shell Oil Products US INC,~J7337267 HOusTON· LABORATORy 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON TX 77054 (713) .660-0901 WorkOrder: 02050231 Lab 'Batch ID: R59554 Matrix Spike (MS) ! Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) I Sample Spiked: 02050231-53 RunlD: M_020516A-1144905 Units: ug/Kg Analysis Date: 05/16/2002 12:49 Analyst: NL '~' Analyte ~ample MS MS MS %~ MSD MSD MSD % RPD I RPD Low High Result Spike Result Recovery Spike Resui~ Recovery Limit Limit Limit I Added Added Chlorobenzene NE; 5C 49 98 5(3 49 98.01 0 21 60 133 Toluene ND 5C 50 100 5(; 50 100i 0 21 -~9 139 Trichloroethene ND 5C 42 84 5C 43 86.01 2 24 62 137 I I I I I I I I I' Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit MI - Matrix Interference B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank D - Recove~ Unreportable due to Dilution J - Estimated value between MDL and PQL * - Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits IThe percent recoveries for QC samples are correct as reported. Due to significant figures and rounding, the reported RPD may differ from the displayed RPD values but is correct as reported. 5/23~02 9:50:35 AM I I I iAnalysis: .Method: Volatile Organics by Method 82608 SW82608 Quality Control Report Shell Oil Products US INCUr97337267 HOusTON LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, T-X 77054' (713) 660-0901 WorkOrder: 02050231 Lab Batch ID: R59713 RunlD: IAnalysis Date: I I I I Method Blank M_020520A-1148177 Units: ug/Kg 05/20/2002 11:40 Analyst: NL Samples in Analytical Batch: Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID 02050231-08A BB- 10d40.0 Anaiyte Resu~ IRep Limil Benzene ND/ 5.£ Ethyfbenzene ND 5.(; Methyl tert-butyI ether ND 5.C Toluene ND 5.C rn,p-Xylene __ __ ND 5.C o-Xylene ND 5.~ Xylenes,Total __ ND 5.(; SurF. 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 96.0 70-12~ Sum 4-Bromofluorobenzene 76.0 74-13C SurF. Toluene-d8 108.0 80-14(; Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) I I I I RunlD: M_020520A-1148176 Units: ug/Kg Analysis Date: 05/20/2002 11:00 Analyst: NL Analyte Spike I Added 1_ 1,1-Dichloroethene L ~ Benzene '} 50I Chlorobenzene I 501 Toluene ~ 501 Trichloroethene I ~ {esult Percent Lower Upper Recovery LimitLimit 48 96 59 172 50 10C 66 142 50 10C 60 133 49 98 59 139 49 98 62 137 Matrix Spike (MS) / Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) Sample Spiked: 02050334-37 RunlD: M_020520A-1148180 Units: ug/Kg Analysis Date: 05/20/2002 13:39 Analyst: NL I I I- Analyte I, 1 -Dichloroethene Benzene Sample M~M~I MS ] MS % I~-SD-~ Result ISpike / Result I Rec°very/Spike .......... so MSD 1 MSD % I RPD j ~DI Low I High Result~Recovery Limit Limit Limit 47 ~-~;0! __ ? 22 59 172 920t 8 21 66 142 Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit MI - Matrix Interference B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank D - Recovery Unreportabte due to Dilution J - Estimated value between MDL and PQL * * Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits IThe percent recoveries samples are correct as reported, to significant figures and for QC Due rounding, the reported RPD may differ from the displayed RPD values but is correct as reported. 5/23/02 9:50:37 AM I I I I Analysis: Method: Volatile Organics by Method 8260B SW8260B Quality Control Report Shell Oil Products US INCur97337267 HOUSTON L/~d~ORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77054 (713) 660-0901 - ~..,_:-.- -T..~~ '.: ~ WorkOrder: 02050231 Lab Batch ID: R59713 Matrix Spike (MS) / Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) Sample Spiked: RunlD: Analysis Date: 02050334-37 M_020520A-1148180 Units: ug/Kg 05/20/2002 13:39 Analyst: NL Analyte Chlorobenzene Toluene Trichloroethene Sample MS- Result Spike Added ND 50 ND 50 MS Result 47 49 44 MSO/o t~SDI Recovery Spike Added ~4t so4 88L_ 5ol MSD Result MSD % Recovery 44 88.¢ 47 94.¢ 41 82.¢ RPD 7~m_2RPD I Low it / Limit Limit ~/ 601 1~ 7_( 24( 62[ 13~ I I I I I I I Qualifiers: ND/U - Not Detected at the Reporting Limit MI - Matrix Interference B - Analyte detected in the associated Method Blank D - Recovery Unreportable due to Dilution J - Estimated value between MDL and PQL * - Recovery Outside Advisable QC Limits IThe recoveries for QC correct Due to and percent samples are as reported. significant figures rounding, the reported RPD may differ from the displayed RPD values but is correct as reported. 5~02 9:50:37 AM I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I Sample Receipt Checklist And Chain of Custody 5/23/02 9:50:37 AM I I I I I Workorder: 02050231 Date and Time Received: 5/8/02 10:00:00 AM Temperature: 5 Sample Receipt Checklist HOUSTON LABORATORY 8880 INTERCHANGE DRIVE HOUSTOn, TX -77054 ,. (713)660-0901 Received By: DS Carrier name: FedEx Chilled by: Water Ice I I I I I I I I I 1. Shipping container/cooler in good condition? 2, Custody seals intact on shippping container/cooler? 3. Custody seals intact on sample bottles? 4. Chain of custody present? 5. Chain of custody signed when relinquished and received? 6. Chain of custody agrees with sample labels? 1.Did not received ID:BB-10 40'(-08A) but was on COC 7. Samples in proper container/bottle? 8. Sample containers intact? 9. Sufficient sample volume for indicated test? 10. All samples received within holding time? 11. ContainerfT'emp Blank temperature in compliance? 12. Water - VOA vials have zero headspace? 13. Water - pH acceptable upon receipt? Yes [] Yes [] Yes [] Yes [] Yes [] Yes [] Yes [] Yes [] Yes [] Yes [] Yes [] Yes [~ Yes [] No [] Not Present [] No [] Not Present [] No [] Not Present [] No [] No [] No [] No [] No [] No [] No [] No [] No [] Not Applicable [] No [] Not Applicable [] I I I SPL Representative:[ j Client Name Contacted:J J Non Conformance Issues: Contact Date & Time:[ ] Client Instructions:II .Client is shipping sample and should be received 5/9/02 per BF. Logged in on hold unitl sample received/Sample /received 5/9/02 I I 5/23/02 9:50:38 AM SPL SHELL Chain Of Custody Record 888 ,.t.rchange Dr Shell Project Manager to be Invoiced: INCIDENT NUMBER ~9~775~. F~ 71 ~-8975 [ D C~T ~USTO. ] ~~: 11021 Winners Circ~ Suite 101 ~ ~ ~'[ ~9 ~C ~l[,~ s ~ :, ~2) t~s~ 0 ~2) tss~s~ / ~f-~ .~ .TURNAROUND ~ME (BUSINE~ DAYS): [o ~A~ ~ S ~ ~ ~ ~U~ ~ ~ HOU~ ~ ~ ~OU~ ~ kESS rHA~ ~ .OU~ REQUESTED ANALYSIS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ F,~.o~s: ~ Field Sample Identification ~.~mx ' ~ ~ UST REPORTING REQUIRED ~ DATE TIME co~. · ,~oC.~ ~7~ .~ ,, I SHELL Chain Of Custody Record , ~CIENCE & ENGINEERING OUND ~ME (BUSINE~ DAYS) DAYS ~ 5 ~ D ~ HOU~ ~ 48 ~U~ ~ 24 HOURS ~ LES5 THAN 24 HOU~ REQUESTED ANALYSIS ~ ~ or La~m~ No~s F,eld Sample IdenUflcatlon m SHELL Chain Of Custody Record ~8 ,~e,c~,~g~ ~,, sh~'i'l Project Manager tO be involce'd'i ......... iNCiDEN:r NUMBER (S&E ONLY) ......... ~-~9-6775 FAX~ 71 ~0-8975 ' " ~ PAGE: ~ of WOR Southwest, I~c. ~ . ./ OUND~ME (BUSiNE~ D~YS) J 0 oA~s ~ S o~fs g ~ HOUM ~ ,~ ~OUM ~ 24.0u~ ~ ~SS T~A~ 2~ ~OURS REQUESTED ANALYSIS I SHELL Chain Of Custody Record 588 In!ercna~ge O: shell pr'~jec't M'~'r.,ager to be I~volced:' '' iNCi~EN~ NUMBER (S&E 0~LY) ~/ ......... WOR Southwest, Inc. 1021 Wlnnere Circle, Sui~ 101 T~RNAROUND TiME (~UStNE~ oO~YS ~ s OA~s ~ ~ ~RS ~ ~e .ou~s ~ 2~ .ou~s ~ L~ss T.~ 2, .OU~S REQUESTED ANALYSIS .... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ F ' E L D NOTES: ~ Field Sample identification ~-~ ~. ~ ~h/~ ~-~ ~, , ~ . ~ ~~ ..... ~ " ' . ~-t~ zo~. "~-~ ~.~ ~ ~.,F~ ,,,X ....~ ...... R~: (~) ~ I SHELL Chain Of Custody Record WOR Sou~we~t, Inc. TURN~OUND TIME (BU~INE~ [0 DAYS ~ 5 DAYS ~ ~ HOU~ ~ 48 MOUES ~ 2" HOUR5 ~ LESS THAN 24 HOURS REQUESTED ANALYSIS ' ~ ~ Field SamplelOen~lflca[ion ~ ~ corn E ~ 2 2 ~ 2 ~ ~ > > ~ ~ > ~cr { DATE TIME ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ SHELL Chain Of Custody Record 800-969-6775 FAX# 713-660-8975 { [] CRHT HOUr, ro~ I PAGE' of TU~'~OUNO TI~E {~US[NESS OAYS} "' ~ ' DAYS ~ 5 ~YS ~ 72 HOUR5 ~ 48 .OURS ~ 24 ~OuRS ~ LESS THAN 2~ ~OUR$ REQUESTED ANALYSIS - RW~8 RE~RT ~R~T D L,s~ AGENCY ~'~-~ ~' ,~ r,,. ~,<~, x -~, .. . '~_-~ ~ ~_:, ,,,