HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK FILE #1 " t '? :. ,. ~:.: .~,~.~,.~__..... o . · ~' ~ ~ -"? I --'"? "-'- · °' - ~: ...... ~" .. '::~f'.--U~'-.".' ' '.i~;.'~ · ,. .. "" .,~..- --~.~; F.:&/;:" c , i~ ¢.".., . .. .. , ..,...____.~.._., · .., . ,~..... ,-~ ~... . ... ~. ¢_~ .. v :"/~:.'--::,.:.' ;' ,-'::,¢ ?-_~/.~ -.1: ~ .': --:" ": ...... L z' "?'::?:: ~ I .- . ... ,,.. . ,,.,,_=.,~,_~¢. . · I I ~,. ' ' ~ .~,,r. ~'''-,;.'i~'~'e'~m'-'-i' ~ .. .i ""': I ~-""'~-'" ~ ' " '"I ' .' ," --:" .-.~7,.¢~'~_.2 ! .. ' '~ =,,L_--.. .:.--- - ; ~ ..i. : . , ' ' ' '": " t .... ,'-..' . .' :; '~? ..~-'~, ::: ;~':.;~:~?,i · ' · ." i,'~:' .--~-':- :' ': : ' ' - ' '-;'..'-: '"%:-";;~-'~ .~-:~,,:-~;-~:~ .' ............. ~:.. -:.*Y~:.: ..... '.:~. -:'..':?:;:::.~.,..~. ::: .: ' -. '.:'. ::':...',~.'::-~i.;.~;~~ ~ . ' ""- - / "¢;¢',. '..: ' - ':'.-'-:' /' . '" · .- -' · .. ' ..:?L:,:;,'.~.~' ~ ::.~,~,~, ~'~ .. ' .".'~':,"":.:.' -:~:::;:-':.;-' :' · - --' ' - -.: ":..';: ;. '.'.. · ' ....... 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Bakem ~)d, CA · ~ (805) 861-3636 93305 Application Date Ta to be Abandoned ~PPLICATION FOR PERMIT FOR TEMPORARY OR PENITENT CLOSURE/ABANDONMENT OF UNDERGROUND I~ZARUOUS SUBSTANCES S~0RAGE FACILITY Co Type of Applicat:ion (Fill Out One Application Per Facility) [] Temporary Closure/Abandonment J./~ ~.L.~,-:,?- .[~ Permanent Closure/Abandonment iProject Contact (name, area code, phone)~ Facility Name ~'c/) ~c'c~z~c~/ .~~C f~)- ' ' ' / /- Facility Address ~7~ 7 ~/-/~ .~v¢, Nearest Cross St. T R SEC (Rffrat Locations Only) Owner ~ ~-A~ ~'f'g-c~-/~ ~ -/d~v~' Z Te 1 ephone Address ./dz~ / .-.) g ~ ~ ~ f~>ez,~ ff~ Z i p ~2 ~'~ . _ Operator ~.~ /f~c'~ fc~:~ ~ Telephone Water to FacJJity Provided by Soil Characteristics at Facility Basis for Soil Type and Grouadwater Depth Determinations Zip Depth to Groundwater~/~Z~zo~/ r~' Tank Removal Contractor /_-'7,~d~ CA 'License No. Address /,~2t:~../~£~.,vLp/~,f4~=' ~'. · Zip ~33o ~' 'relephone Proposed ~tarting Date ~,.Z~-,./~? Proposeh dompl " ' etlon Date Environmental Assessment Contractor Address Proposed Starting Date ,Wgrker's Compensation Certification # CA License No. Zip Telephone Proposed Completion Date insurer Chemical Composition of Materials Stored Tank # Chemical Stored {non-commercial aame) Chemical Previously. Stored to Describe blethod for Retrieving Samples Dates Stored to Samples .Wilt be Analyzed for Laboratory That Will Perform 6nalyses of' Samples F. This ~ppltcation ~or: Re.oval or ~ ~banOonment in Place * * PLEASE PROVIDE INFOR~T'iO~ II~Q~STED O~ R~V~RS~ SIDE OF TIIIS SIIEET BEFORE SUBMITTi~ APPLICATION FOIl REVIEW. Th~s fo~m has be~/comp~ted uader,.penalty of prejury and to the best of my knowledge'is tr~ and correct. / .,~ / FACILITY: ADDRESS : PERMIT #: FILE ¢;ONTE:ITS SUMM ENV. SENSITIVITY: Actfvtty Date # Of Tanks Comments _/ I /GO Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Te[gl3hone [805) 861-3636 K'-~N couNTY HEALTH OEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION HEALTH CFFICER Leon M Het3ertson. M.D. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Rei(:harci March 25, 1987 Don Scales Sangera Mercedes-Benz 1201 24th Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Dear Mr. Scales: This is to advise you that this department has reviewed the project results for the subsurface contamination investigation conducted at the former AMC Jeep facility,, at' 373? Ming Avenue in Bakersfield, California. Based upon the findings described in the report, this department is satisfied that the assessment is complete and no significant soil contamination remains from the fuel tank leakage at the site. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Managem.ent Program JC:sw DISTRICT OFFICES £tYEldI£AI A~ll YSIS PETROLEUM LABORATO S, InC. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Daniel Scales 1850 Brundage Lane Bakersfield, California 93304 Date Reported: Date Received: Laboratory No.: 2/26/87 2/17/87 2829, 2830 Sample Description #1 - Soil Ming & Real Road #2 - Soil Ming & Real Road 02' @ 6' sampled by David Rittenhouse of B C Labs. sampled by David Rittenhouse of B C Labs. Constituents #1 #2 Oil & Grease Total Lead Total Organic Halogens (TOX) 38 mg/kg 13.7 mg/kg (-) 20 mg/kg 40 m~/k~ 3.6 mg/kg (-) 20 mg/kg (-) refers to "less than". B C LABORATORIES, INC. BY 5-':- ,- ' ," ,', ....... ': -?..' 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Telephone (805) 861-3536 Ki::[RN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION PERMIT FOR PERMANENT. ABANDONMENT OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebe~son. M.D. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard PE~IT NUMBER A391-28 FACILITY NAME/ADDRESS: Sangera Mercedes-Benz 3737 Ming Avenue Bakersfield, CA OWNER(S) NAYd~/ADDRESS: Sangera Mercedes-Benz 1201 24th Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 CONTRACTOR: REMAC0 1830 Brundage Lane Bakersfield, CA 93304 License No. '459239 PERMIT TO ABANDON PERMIT EXPIRES February 6. 1988 1 TANK AT ABOVE LOCATION. APPROVAL DATE APPROVED 8¥ February 6, 1987 ?-lark J,/pishinsky .............. ' ....... POST ON PREMISES .................... CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: 4. 5. 6. Permittee must obtain a Fire Department permit orior to initiating abandonment action. All procedures used must be in accordance with ,requiremenTs of Standards and Guidelines developed for implementation of Kern County Ordinance Code. A minimum of two samples must be retrieved beneath the center of the tanl< at depths of approximately two and six feet. For all product piping, every 15 linear feet of pipe run must be sampled at two and six foot depths. All samples must be analyzed for lead, total organic ha]ides, oil and grease. Advise this office of the time and date of proposed sampling with 24 hours advance notice. ACCEPTED BY DATE DISTRICT OFFICES Oelano . Lamont . Lake Isabella . Mojave . Ridcjecrest Shafter .. Taft 1700 Flower Street Bak~%rslield, California 93305 ~'elephone {805) 861-3636 K ,N COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMEN'! ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION PERMIT FOR PERMANENT ABANDONMENT OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson. M.D. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard PERMIT NUMBER.A391-28 FACILITY NAME/ADDRESS: Sangera Mercedes-Benz 3737 Ming. Avenue Bakersfield, CA OWNER(S) NAME/ADDRESS: Sangera Mercedes-Benz 1201 24th Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 CONTRACTOR: REMACO 1830 Brunda~e Lane Bakersfield, CA 93304 License No. 459239 PERMIT TO ABANDON I TANK AT ABOVE LOCATION. PERMIT EXPIRES APPRo{~AL DATE APPROVED BY February 6, 1988 February 6, 1987 ..................... POST ON PREMISES ..................... CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1 . Permittee must obtain a Fire Department permit prior to initiating abandonment action. 2. All procedures used must be in accordance with requirements of Standards and Guidel iaes developed for implementation of Kern County Ordinance Code . 3. A re.in{mum of two samp.les must be retrieved beneath the center of the tank at depths of approximately, two and six feet.. 4. For all product piping, every 15 linear feet of 'pipe run must be sampled at two and si:< foot depths. 5. All samples mus't be analyzed for lead, total organic halides, oil and grease. 6. Advise this office of the time and date of proposed sampling with 24 hou['s advance notice. DISTRICT OFFICES ~ , ........... , , ~,-~ ~-~,,~1~ ~,~i~,,o ~idnecr~t Shafter Taft