HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN06/29/94 LONGS DRUG STORES #268 215-060~000988 Overall Site with 1 Fac. Unit Page General Information Location: 4100 MING AV Map:123 Haz:2 Type: 3 City : Grid: llA F/U: 1 AOV: 0.0 Contact Name Title RICHARD WIENS / AREA MANAGER Business Phone: (805) 872-3444x '24-Hour Phone : (~) ~- Pager Phone : ( ) - x Contact Name Title STEVE WELLS / STORE MANAGER Business phone: (805) 24-Hour Phone : (805) Pager Phone : ( ) - x Administrative Data Mail.Addrs: 4100 MING AV City: BAKERSFIELD Comm Code: '215-007 BAKERSFIELD STATION 07 D&B Number: 00-691-0004 State: CA Zip: 93309- SIC Code: 5912 Owner: LONGS DRUG STORES CA INC Phone: (415) 937-1170 Address: 141 N CI~VIC CR State: CA City: WALNUT CREEK Zip: 94596- Summary ~, ~=v6 ~,,~/e-f ($ Do hereb~ certify that ~ have ~vie~ed ~he a~ached h~ardoas m~e~ais ~anage- ' (~of~.), that it along with ~ ~ions ~nstitute a ~mplete and ~ 06/2~/94 LONGS DRUG STORES #268 215-000-000988 Page Hazmat Inventory List in MCP Order 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Pln-Ref Name/Hazards Form Max Qty MCP 2 02-010 AUTO ENGINE ADDITIVES · Fire, Pressure, Reactive, Immed Hlth Liquid 100 High GAL 02-005 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE Liquid 55 High · Fire, Reactive, Immed H~th GAL 02-004 HOUSEHOLD BLEACH Liquid Z~O 2000~ High · Reactive, Immed Hlth GAL 02-007 POOL ACIDS Solid /~O ~ High · Reactive, Immed Hlth LBS 02-006 AMMONIA SOLUTION · Fire, Reactive, Immed Hlth Liquid lOO ~ Moderate GAL 02-00 '' ' rate GAL 02-011 ANTIFREEZE Liquid ~~ Low · .Fire, Immed Hlth GAL 02-012 CAMPING FUEL Liquid ~'- ~ Low · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth GAL 02-009 MOTOR OIL Liquid ~ ~ Minimal · Fire, Delay Hlth GAL 02-013 FERTILIZER Solid /D~ Unrated · Fire, Reactive, Immed Hlth LBS 02-002 HERBICIDES Solid ~ 120~ Unrated · Fire, Immed Hlth LBS 02-001 INSECTICIDES Liquid ~O6) ~ Unrated · Fire, Immed Hlth GAL 02-003 PESTICIDES Solid ~ 40~ Unrated · Fire, Immed Hlth LBS o 06/2~/94 LONGS DRUG STORES #268 215-000-000988 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order Page 3 02-010 AUTO ENGINE ADDITIVES ~ Fire, Pressure, Reactive, Immed Hlth Liquid 100 High GAL CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Mixture Days: 365 Use: ADDITIVE Daily Max GAL100 I Daily Average30.00GAL Annual Amount GAL 300.00 Storage PLASTIC CONTAINER Press T Temp Location AmbientlAmbientlSALESFLOOR/WAREHOUSE -- Conc 60.0% 20.0% 20.0% IMethyl Alcohol Methyl Ethyl Ketone Ethylene Glycol Components MCP 7Guide High ~ 28 Moderate 26 Low 27 02-005 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE ~ Fire, Reactive, Immed Hlth Liquid 55 High GAL CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Mixture Days: 365 Use: WATER TREATMENT Daily Max GAL55 I Daily Average45.00GAL Annual Amount GAL 350.00 Storage PLASTIC CONTAINER Press I Temp Location Ambient~AmbientlSALES FLOOR/WAREHOUSE -- Conc 30.0% ISodium Hypochlorite Components MCP ---~uide IHigh ~ 45 02-004 HOUSEHOLD BLEACH ~ Reactive, Immed Hlth Liquid 2000 High GAL CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: CLEANING Daily Max GAL Daily Average GAL Annual Amount GAL -- Storage- Press T Temp Location ~ PLASTIC CONTAINER AmbientlAmbientlSALES FLOOR/WAREHOUSE -- Conc 100.0% ISodium Hypochlorite Components MCP ---~uide IHigh ! 45 06/29/94 LONGS DRUG STORES #268 215-000-000988 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order Page 4 02-007 POOL ACIDS · Reactive, Immed Hlth Solid 1500 High LBS CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Solid Type: Mixture Days: 365 Use: WATER TREATMENT Daily Max ~ Daily Average LBS Annual Amount LBS Storage Press T Temp Location PLASTIC CONTAINER I Ambient~Ambient I SALES FLOOR/WAREHOUSE -- Conc 100.0% IMuriatic Acid Components MCP ~Guide IHigh ! 15 02-006 AMMONIA SOLUTION · Fire, Reactive, Immed Hlth Liquid 500 Moderate GAL CAS #: 1336216 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Mixture Days: 365 Use: CLEANING Daily Max~ Storage PLASTIC CONTAINER Daily Average GAL 100.00 Annual Amount GAL -- 1,200.00 Press T Temp Location I Ambient~AmbientlSALES FLOOR/WAREHOUSE -- Conc~ Components 30.0% I Ammonia Solution, Conc. Less Than 20% MCP Guide IModerate I 60 02-008 HOUSEHOLD PAINTS · Fire, Pressure, Reactive, Immed Hlth Liquid 150 Moderate GAL CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: L>q~ Type: Mixture ~s: 365 Use.~~NTING , -- Daily MR GAL I J~ly Average GAL ---U-~Annua~unt GAL o~- .... A'~ .~~_~ ,~ 75.00 , ~/"_ 600.00 ---- Storage \/ I Press T Temp I /~. Lo~tion ~ METAL CONTAI NR-~I Ambient/Ambient I SALE S ~R/WAREH~ -- Conc I /~ ~ Components / ~ ~P --TGuide 25.0% IMi~ral Spirits~ f IMode~atel 27 15.0% ~bphtha % I ModerateI 27 5.0%/~Methyl Ethyl Ketone IModerateI 26 3.J~% IEthylene Glycol /~ ILow ! 27 06/29/94 LONGS DRUG STORES #268 215-000-000988 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order Page 5 02-011 ANTIFREEZE · Fire, Immed Hlth Liquid 400 Low GAL CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid 'Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: ADDITIVE Daily Max GAL_ ' Storage PLASTIC CONTAINER Daily Average GAL I Annual Amount GAL 100.00 800.00 Press T Temp Location IAmbient~AmbientlSALES FLOOR/WAREHOUSE -- Conc 100.0% IEthylene Glycol Components iLo CP ---7Guide ! 27 02-012 CAMPING FUEL · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth Liquid 200 Low GAL CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: HEATING Daily Max~_,GAL I Daily Average50.00GAL I Annual Amount500.00GAL Storage Press I Temp Location METAL CONTaINa-NONDRUMIAmbient~ambient I SALES FLOOR/WAREHOUSE -- Conc 100.0% IKerosene Components MCP ---lGuide IModerateI 27 02-009 MOTOR OIL · Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 500 Minimal GAL CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: LUBRICANT BOX Daily Max~oGAL I Daily Average300.00GAL Press T Temp Location Storage I Ambient~AmbientlSALES FLOOR/WAREHOUSE Annual Amount GAL. 3,000.00 -- Conc~ Components 100.0% IMotor Oil, Petroleum Based MCP ---TGuide Minimal .I 27 06/2'9/94 LONGS DRUG STORES #268 215-000-000988 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order Page 02-013 FERTILIZER · Fire, Reactive, Immed Hlth Solid 12000 Unrated LBS CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Solid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: FERTILIZER BAG Daily Max LBS Storage Daily Average LBS 2,000.00 Annual Amount LBS 24,000.00 Press T Temp Location I Ambient~AmbientlSALES FLOOR/WAREHOUSE -- Conc ~ Components ~ MCP ~Guide 02-002 HERBICIDES · Fire, Immed Hlth Solid 1200 Unrated LBS CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form:~Solid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: HERBICIDE Daily Max LBS Storage GLASS CONTAINER BAG Daily Average LBS 600.00 Annual Amount LBS 1,800.00 · Press. Ambient Ambient .Temp Location AmbientlSALES FLOOR/WAREHOUSE Ambient SALES FLOOR/WAREHOUSE -- Conc 100.0% IHerbicides Components MCP ---~uide Unrated I 0 02-001 INSECTICIDES · Fire, Immed Hlth Liquid 400 Unrated GAL CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: INSECTICIDE Daily Max GAL Storage GLASS CONTAINER METAL CONTAINR-NONDRUM Daily Average GAL 200.00 Annual Amount GAL 600.00 Press. Ambient Ambient -'Temp Location /~bientlSALES FLOOR/WAREHOUSE Ambient SALES FLOOR/WAREHOUSE -- Conc 100.0% IInsecticides Components MCP ----[Guide IUnrated ~ 0 06/29/94 LONGS DRUG STORES #268 215-000-000988 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order Page 02-003 PESTICIDES ~ Fire, Immed Hlth Solid 400 Unrated LBS CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Solid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: PESTICIDE Max LBS_ Storage GLASS CONTAINER BAG Daily Average LBS 200.00 Annual Amount LBS -- 600.00 Press T Temp I Location AmbientlAmbient SALES FLOOR/WAREHOUSE AmbientlAmbientI SALES FLOOR/WAREHOUSE -- Conc 100.0% IPesticides Components MCP Guide IUnrated I 0 06/29/94 LONGS DRUG STORES #268 215-000-000988 Page O0 - Overall Site <D> Notif./Evacuation/Medical 8 <1> Agency Notification CALL 911 <2> Employee Notif./Evacuation MEMBER OF MANGEMENT WILL BE INFORMED AND WILL CALMLY EVACUATE CUSTOMERS AND CO-WORKERS TO NEAREST EXITS. 911 WILL BE DIALED IN AN EMERGENCY. MEMEBER OF MANAGEMENT WILL TAKE ATTENDANCE AT MEETING AREA. PHARMACIST WILL BE NOTIFIED TO ADMINISTER FIRST AID. ALL EMPLOYEES WILL LISTEN AND RESPOND TO INSTRUCTIONS ON CALMLY EVACUATING THE BUILDING. <3> Public Notif./Evacuation CUSTOMERS/VISTORS: APPROPRIATE SIGNS ARE POSTED IN PUBLIC AREA AS REQUIRED BY PROP 65 ANY NECESSARY EVACUATION INSTRUCTIONS WILL BE GIVEN OVER THE INSTORE SPEAKER SYSTEM INFORMING ALL CUSTOMERS AND VISITORS HOW TO SAFELY EVACUATE THE PREMISES IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY. NEIGHBORS: EVERY EMPLOYEE RECEIVES TRAINING ON HOW TO RESPONS AND CLEAN UP A CONSUMER PRODUCT SPILL. NO SPECIAL NOTICES ARE NECESSARY TO INFORM SURROUNDING NEIGHBORS AS ALL NEIGHBORS ARE AWARE OF THE NATURES OF OUR BUSINESS. <4> Emergency Medical Plan MERCY HOSPITAL - 2215 TRUXTUN AV - 327-3371 WHITE LANE - 5401 WHITE LN - 832-2000 FIRE DEPT - 4030 SORANNO - AMBULANCE - 6N MCDONALD WAY - 326-3967 06/29/94 LONGS DRUG STORES #268 215-000-000988 Page 00 - Overall Site <E> Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt 9 <1> Release Prevention KEEP CURRENT INVENTORY LIST AND UPDATE AS NEW PRODUCTS ARE INTRODUCED TO THE PUBLIC. KEEP EMPLOYEES TRAINED IN CLEANING UP HAZARDOUS PRODUCT SPILLS. KEEP FIRE EXTINGUISHERS WORKING. INFORM ALL EMPLOYEES OF MEETING PLACE IN THE EVENT OF EVACUATION. KEEP CLEAN-UP SUPPLIES IN ORDER. <2> Release Containment TO KEEP THE SPILL CONFINED, WE WOULD USE AN ABSORBANT. CAT LITTER IS USED ALOT, FOR ANY TYPE OF SPILL. THIS IS PART OF OUR EMERGENCY SUPPLIES. <3> Clean Up A EMERGENCY SUPPLY CABINET IS BY THE EMPLOYEE TIME CLOCK. IT CONTAINS GLOVES, BOOTS, ABSORBENT ETC. THERE ARE OTHER SUPPLYS IN THE JANITORS CLOSET. <4> Other Resource Activation 06/2~/94 LONGS DRUG STORES #268 215-000-000988 00 - Overall Site <F> Site Emergency Factors Page 10 <1> Special Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - NORTHWEST CORNER BACK B) ELECTRICAL - BACK OF STORE NORTHWEST CORNER OF RECEIVING C) WATER - BAKC OF STORE NORTHWEST CORNER OF RECEIVING D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO <3> Fire Protec./Avail. Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - FIRE EXTINGUISHERS, SPRINKLER SYSTEM I FIRE HYDRANT - BEHIND ALBERTSONS NORTHWEST CORNER FACING OLD STINE ROAD. <4> Building Occupancy Level 06/29/94 LONGS DRUG STORES #268 215-000-000988 Page 00 - Overall Site <G> Training 11 <1> Page 1 WE HAVE 53 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING: WE HAVE AN EMPLOYEE EMERGENCY RESPONSE WRITTEN PROGRAM; EMPLOYEE SAFETY UNDERSTANDING STATEMENT; RECEIVING DEPARTMENT WAREHOUSE SAFETY; DEVELOPING A WORK PLACE SAFETY AND HEALTH PROGRAM; VIDEO TAPE FOR PHOTO LAB (HAZARDOUS WASTE);.AND EMPLOYEE MEETINGS ONCE A MONTH <2> Page 2 as needed <3> Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use 07/29/92 LONGS DRUG STORES #268 215-ooo.oo~'8AUG 10 1992 Overall Site with 1 Fac. Unit General Information age Location: 4100 MING AV Community: BAKERSFIELD STATION 07 Map: 123 Grid: llA Contact Name RICHARD WIENS ,STEVE WELLS Title AREA MANAGER STORE MANAGER Business Phone (805) 872-3444 x (805) 834-1500 x Hazard: Low F/U: ~ :10.0 2,/~-- Hour Phono- Administrative Data Mail Addrs: 4100 MING AV City: BAKERSFIELD Comm Code: 215-007 BAKERSFIELD STATION 07 D&B Number: 00-691-0004 State: CA Zip: 93309- SIC Code: 5912 Owner: LONGS DRUG STORES CA INC Phone: (415) 937-1170 Address: 141 N CIVIC CR State: CA City: WALNUT CREEK Zip: 94596- Summary ~¥~ewed the ~tached hazardous m~erials manage- ~.. r ~ 's ~ Z~b and ~ha[ it e~ong with ~y ~ions ~stit~e a~mplete and ~rr~ man- ~eme~t ~ for my ~e~lity. 07/29/92 LONGS DRUG STORES #268 215-000-000988 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in Reference Number Order ! Page · 2 02-001 INSECTICIDES ~ Fire, Immed Hlth Liquid 400 GAL Unrated CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: INSECTICIDE Daily Max GAL 400 I Daily Average GAL 200.00 Annual Amount GAL 600.00 Storage GLASS CONTAINER METAL CONTAINR-NONDRUM , Press .. Temp Location Ambient AmbientlSALES FLOOR/WAREHOUSE !Ambient Ambient SALES FLOOR/WAREHOUSE -- Conc 100.0% IInsecticides Components MCP List IUnrated I 02-002 HERBICIDES ~ Fire, Immed Hlth Solid 1200 Unrated LBS CAS 9: Trade Secret: No Form: Solid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: HERBICIDE Daily Max LBS 1,200 Daily Average LBS 600.00 Annual Amount LBS 1,800.00 Storage GLASS CONTAINER BAG Press T Temp ] Location Ambient~Ambient SALES FLOOR/WAREHOUSE Ambient~Ambient SALES FLOOR/WAREHOUSE -- Conc 100.0% IHerbicides Components i'MCP iList Unrated 02-003 PESTICIDES ~ Fire, Immed Hlth Solid 400 Unrated LBS CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Solid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: PESTICIDE Daily Max LBS 4O0 I Daily Average ~BS 200.00 Annual Amount LBS 600.00 Storage GLASS CONTAINER BAG , Press - Ambient Ambient , Temp AmbientI Ambient Location SALES FLOOR/WAREHOUSE SALES FLOOR/WAREHOUSE -- Conc 100.0% IPesticides Components MCP iList Unrated LONGS DRUG STORES %268 215-000-000988 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat-Inventory Detail in Reference Number Order Page '3 02-004 HOUSEHOLD BLEACH · Reactive, Immed Hlth Liquid 2000 High GAL CAS #: Trade Secret: No · Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: CLEANING Daily Max GAL 2,000 Daily Average GAL 300.00 Annual Amount GAL 25,000.00 Storage PLASTIC CONTAINER Press T Temp Location I Ambient~AmbientlSALES FLOOR/WAREHOUSE -- Conc 100.0% ISodium HypoChlorite Components MCP --~List IHigh 02-005 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE · Fire, Reactive, Immed Hlth Liquid 55 High GAL CAS #:, Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Mixture Days: 365 Use: WATER TREATMENT Daily Max GAL55 I Daily Average45.00GAL' Annual Amount GAL -- 350.00 Storage PLASTIC CONTAINER Press T Temp Location IAmbient~AmbientlSALES FLOOR/WAREHOUSE -- Conc 30.0% ISodium Hypochlorite Components MCP --~List IHigh 02-006 AMMONIA SOLUTION · Fire, Reactive, Immed Hlth Liquid 500 Moderate GAL CAS #: 1336216 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Mixture Days: 365 Use: CLEANING Daily Max GAL500 I Daily Average100.00GAL Annual Amount GAL 1,200.00 Storage PLASTIC CONTAINER Press I Temp Location I AmbientlAmbientlSALES FLOOR/WAREHOUSE -- Conc 30.0% I Ammonia Solution Components iMCP List ModerateI 07/29/92 LONGS DRUG STORES %268 215-000-000988 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in Reference Number Order Page 02-007 POOL ACIDS · Reactive, Immed Hlth Solid 1500 High LBS CAS %: Trade Secret: No Form: Solid Type: Mixture Days: 365 Use: WATER TREATMENT Daily Max1,500LBS I Daily Average900.00LBS Annual Amount LBS 7,500.00 Storage PLASTIC CONTAINER Press T Temp Location IAmbient IAmbientlSALES FLOOR/WAREHOUSE -- Conc 100.0% IMuriatic Acid Components MCP --~List IHigh 02-008 HOUSEHOLD PAINTS · Fire, Pressure, Reactive, Immed Hlth Liquid 150 Moderate GAL CAS %: Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Mixture Days: 365 Use: PAINTING Daily Max GAL150 I Daily Average75.00GAL Annual Amount GAL 600.00 Storage' Press T Temp Location METAL CONTAINR-NONDRUMIAmbientlAmbientlSALES FLOOR/WAREHOUSE -- Conc 25.0% 15.0% 5.0% 3.0% Mineral Spirits [Naphtha [Methyl Ethyl Ketone IEthylene Glycol Components MCP Moderate Moderate Low List 02-009 MOTOR OIL · Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 500 Minimal GAL CAS %: Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: LUBRICANT Daily Max GAL 500 I Daily Average GAL 300.00 Annual Amount GAL .... 3,000,00 BOX Storage Press T Temp ~ Location I Ambient/AmbientlSALES FLOOR/WAREHOUSE -- Conci Components 100.0% IMotor Oil, Petroleum Based MCP ~List Minimal LONGS DRUG STORES 9268 215-000-000988 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in Reference Number Order Page 02-010 AUTO ENGINE ADDITIVES ~ Fire, Pressure, Reactive, Immed Hlth Liquid 100 High GAL CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Mixture Days: 365 Use: ADDITIVE Daily Max GAL100 I Daily Average30.00GAL Annual Amount GAL 300.00 Storage PLASTIC CONTAINER Press T Temp Location IAmbient|AmbientlSALES FLOOR/WAREHOUSE -- Conc ! 60.0% [Methyl Alcohol 20.0% [Methyl Ethyl Ketone 20.0% [Ethylene Glycol Components MCP Moderate Low List 02-011 ANTIFREEZE · Fire, Immed Hlth Liquid 400 Low GAL CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: ADDITIVE Daily Max GAL 400 I Daily Average GAL 100.00 [ Annual Amount GAL 800.00 Storage PLASTIC CONTAINER Press T Temp Location IAmbient IAmbientlSALES FLOOR/WAREHOUSE - Conc 100.0% IEthylene Glycol Components MCP iList 02-012 CAMPING FUEL · Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth Liquid 200 Low GAL CAS #: Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure' Days: 365 Use: HEATING Daily Max GAL200 I Daily Average50.00GAL Annual Amount GAL -- 500.00 Storage ~ Press T Temp Location METAL CONTAINR-NONDRUMIAmbient}AmbientlSALES FLOOR/WAREHOUSE -- Conc 100.0% IKerosene Components MCP ]List IModerateI LONGS DRUG STORES #268 '215-000-000988. 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in Reference Number Order Page 6 02-013 FERTILIZER · Fire, Reactive, Immed Hlth Solid 12000 Unrated LBS CAS #: Form: Solid Type: Pure Daily Max LBS 12,000 Storage BAG -- Conc Trade Secret: No Days: 365 Use: FERTILIZER Daily Average LBS ~ Annual Amount LBS 2,000.00~ 24,000.00 I Press T Temp Location Ambient lAmbient SALES FLOOR/WAREHOUSE Components ~ MCP 07~29/92 LONGS DRUG STORES #268 215-000-000988 Page 00 - Overall Site <D> Notif./Evacuation/Medical <1> Agency Notification CALL 911 <2> Employee Notif./Evacuation MEMBER ~OF MANGEMENT WILL BE INFORMED AND WILL CALMLY EVACUATE CUSTOMERS AND CO-WORKERS TO'NEAREST EXITS. 911 WILL BE DIALED IN AN EMERGENCY. MEMEBER OF MANAGEMENT WILL TAKE ATTENDANCE AT MEETING AREA. PHARMACIST WILL BE NOTIFIED TO ADMINISTER FIRST AID. ALL EMPLOYEES WILL LISTEN AND RESPOND TO INSTRUCTIONS ON CALMLY EVACUATING THE BUILDING. <3> Public Notif./Evacuation CUSTOMERS/VISTORS: APPROPRIATE SIGNS ARE POSTED IN PUBLIC AREA AS REQUIRED BY PROP 65 ANY NECESSARY EVACUATION'INSTRUCTIONS WILL BE GIVEN OVER THE INSTORE SPEAKER SYSTEM INFORMING ALL CUSTOMERS AND VISITORS HOW TO SAFELY EVACUATE THE PREMISES IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY. NEIGHBORS: EVERY EMPLOYEE RECEIVES TRAINING ON HOW TO RESPONS AND CLEAN UP A CONSUMER PRODUCT SPILL. NO SPECIAL NOTICES ARE NECESSARY TO INFORM SURROUNDING NEIGHBORS AS ALL NEIGHBORS ARE AWARE OF THE NATURES OF OUR BUSINESS. <4> Emergency Medical Plan MERCY HOSPITAL - 2215 TRUXTUN AV - 327-3371 WHITE LANE - 5401 WHITE LN - 832-2000 FIRE DEPT - 4030 SORANNO - AMBULANCE -.6N MCDONALD WAY - 326-3967 LONGS DRUG STORES #268 215-000-000988 Page 00.- Overall Site <E> Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt 8 <1> Release Prevention KEEP CURRENT INVENTORY LIST AND UPDATE AS NEW PRODUCTS ARE INTRODUCED TO THE PUBLIC. KEEP EMPLOYEES TRAINED IN CLEANING UP HAZARDOUS PRODUCT SPILLS. KEEP FIRE EXTINGUISHERS WORKING. INFORM ALL EMPLOYEES OF MEETING PLACE IN THE EVENT'OF EVACUATION. KEEP CLEAN-UP SUPPLIES IN ORDER. <2> Release Containment <3> Clean Up A EMERGENCY SUPPLY CABINET IS BY THE EMPLOYEE TIME CLOCK. IT CONTAINS GLOVES, BOOTS, ABSORBENT ETC. THERE ARE OTHER SUPPLYS IN THE JANITORS CLOSET. <4> .Other Resource Activation 0'~ 2'9'~ 9'2 LONGS.DRUG STORES #268 215-000-000988 00 - Overall Site <F> Site Emergency Factors Page 9 <1> Special Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - NORTHWEST CORNER BACK B) ELECTRICAL - BACK OF STORE NORTHWEST CORNER OF RECEIVING C) WATER - BAKC OF STORE NORTHWEST CORNER OF RECEIVING D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO <3> Fire Protec./Avail. Water. PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - FIRE EXTINGUISHERS, SPRINKLER SYSTEM FIRE HYDRANT - BEHIND ALBERTSONS NORTHWEST CORNER FACING OLD STINE ROAD. <4> Building Occupancy Level 07~/29/92 LONGS DRUG STORES #268 215-000-000988 Page 00 - Overall Site <G> Training 10 <1> Page 1 WE HAVE 53 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING: WE HAVE AN EMPLOYEE EMERGENCY RESPONSE WRITTEN PROGRAM; EMPLOYEE SAFETY UNDERSTANDING STATEMENT; RECEIVING DEPARTMENT WAREHOUSE SAFETY; DEVELOPING A WORK PLACE SAFETY AND HEALTH PROGRAM; VIDEO TAPE FOR PHOTO LAB (HAZARDOUS WASTE); AND EMPLOYEE MEETINGS ONCE A MONTH <2> Page 2 as needed <3> Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use May 15~ 1991 ._June Obrochta h~ngs Drug Store. ~"'141N. Civic Ct. Walnut Creek, Ca. .94596 ........ Dear Ms~ Obrochta'i~ Per our conversation ir'will be necessary to provide copies af Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) at each store location. This requirement is part of'the OSHA regulations as well as the Uniform Fire CQde. As stated in article 80.104(d) af this 1988 Fire Code. "Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) shall be readily available an the premises for hazardous materials regulated by this article." The California Health and Safety Code, Chapter 6.95 section 25503.5 (c)(1) also states that "Hazardous Materials contained solely in a consumer product for direct distribution to, and use by, the general public is exempt from the business plan 'requirements of this chapter unless the Administering Agency has found, and has provided notice to the business handling the product, that the handling of certain quantities of the product requires the submission of a business plan, ---." As the Administering Agency within the City of Bakersfield we have Xound, and have provided notice, to you as well as all retail outlets that they are not exempt from the requirements of this chapter. I do hope this clarifies the Hazardous Materials requirements for Longs Drug Stores within the City of Bakersfield. If you have any additional questions please don't hesitate to call. - Sincerely Yours, ~h E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH: vp 03127191 Page 1 DRUG STORES ~268 Overall Site with 1 Fac. Unit Gerfera i I rffc, rmat i or; Lc, catic, n: 4100 MING AV Ident Number: 215-000-000988 F-- Contact Name IOA~4 DONALDSON STEVE WELLS Mail Addrs: 4100 MING AV City: BAKERSFIELD Comm Code: 215-007 BAKERSFIELD STATION (]7 Map: 123 Hazard: Low Grid: llA Area c,f Vul: 0.0 T'itie Busi~'~ F-~h~-'~-~ '--T 24 Hour Phc, r,e- ~(8_o) 8~:~'-7~89 ~(805) 822-3291 ~e ~~ (805) 834-1500 x D&B ~umB~r~ 00-G~-0004 State: CA Zip: 93309- SIC Code: 5912 Owner: LONGS DRUG STORES CA INC Phc, ne: ( ) - Address: 141 N CIVIC-CR State: CA City: WALNUT CREEK Zip: 94596- RECENED 1991 HAZ. MAT, OlV, iSunlrnary I I ], ¢_.j~.~z r.,.~.~((~' Do hereby ceriify ~hat ~ haw (T~pe or ~int ~me) ~eviewed the attached,h~. =,'~-"~,~',~...,~ ,...'~ materiab manags~ ment plan for ~.~ ~ ~g :~r;d ':'h~t it abng with ~n~ corrections -'~' .... con~,,,~,,e a cgmp;ete and corrc~ man~ agement plan for my facilityo $ior~ure · I:)~ / 03/27/91 LONGS DRUG STORES $f268 215-00(1i-000988 Page Hazmat Ir~ver, tory List in MCP Order 02 - Fixed Corftair, ers or, Site Pln-Ref Name/Hazards Form Quar~t ity MCP 02-010 AUTO ENGINE ADDITIVES Liquid 100 High Fire, Pressure, Reactive, Immed Hlth GAL , 02-005 CHLOR I NE So 1 i d 500 H i gh Fire, Reactive, Immed Hlth LE4S 02-004 HOUSEHOLD BLEACH Liq,:~id 2,000 High Reactive, Immed Hlth GAL 02-007~ POOL ACIDS Solid 1,500 High Reactive, Immed Hlth LBS 02-006 AMMON I A L i q u i d 500 Moderate Fire, Reactive, Immed Hlth GAL 02-008 HOUSEHOLD PAINTS Liquid 150 Moderate Fire, Pressure, Reactive, Immed Hlth GAL 02-011 ANTIFREEZE Liquid 400 Low Fire, Immed Hlth GAL 02-012 CAMPING FUEL Liquid 200 Low Fire, Pressure, Immed Hlth GAL 02-009 MOTOR OIL Liquid 500 Mir, imal Fire, Delay HI. th GAL 02-013 FERTILIZER Sol id 12,000 Ur. rated Fire, Reactive, Immed Hlth LBS 02-002 HERBICIDES Sol id 1,200 Ur, rated Fire, Immed Hlth · LBS 02-001 INSECT I C I DES L i q u i d 400 Unrat ed Fire~ Immed Hlth GAL 02-003 PEST I C I DES So 1 i d 400 Ur, rat ed . Fire, Immed Hlth I_t3S DRUG STORES ~268 215-(~-000988 00 - Overall Site <D> Notif. /Evacuatior~/Medical Pa~e <1> Ager, cy Notificatior~ CALL 911 <2> Employee Notif. /Evacuatior~ MEMBER OF MANGEMENT WILL BE INFORMED AND WILL CALMLY EVACUATE CUSTOMERS AND CO-WORKERS TO NEAREST EXITS. 911 WILL. BE DIALED IN AN EMERGENCY. MEMEBER OF MANAGEMENT WILL TAKE ATTENDANCE AT MEETING AREA. PHARMACIST WILL BE NOTIFIED TO ADMINISTER FIRST AID. ALL EMPLOYEES WILL LISTEN AND RESPOND TO INSTRUCTIONS ON CALMLY EVACUATING THE BUILDING. <4> Emerger~cy Medical Plar~ MERCY HOSPITAL - 2215 TRUXTUN AV - 327-3371 WHITE LANE - 5401 WHITE LN - 832-2000 FIRE DEPT - 4030 SORANNO - AMBIJLANCE - 6N MCDONALD WAY - 03/27/91 LONGS DRUG STORES ~$268 215-0002000988 Page 00 - Overall Site <E> Mit igat iorl/Prever~t/Abater~t 4 <1> Release Prever~tion KEEP~ CURRENT INVENTORY LIST AND UPDATE AS NEW PRODUCTS ARE INTRODUCED TO THE PUBLIC. KEEP EMPLOYEES ]'RAINED IN CLEANING UP HAZARDOUS PRODUCT SPILLS. KEEP FIRE EXTINGUISHERS WORKING. INFORM ALL EMPLOYEES OF MEETING PLACE IN 'THE EVENT OF EVACUATION. KEEP CLEAN-UP SUPPLIES IN ORDER. '<2> Release Cor~tain~er~t NONE LISTED <3> Clean Up <4> Other Resource Act ivat.ior~ 03~2T/91 L~S DRUG STORES ~268 215-(0000988 OC) - Overall Site <F> Site Emerger~cy Factors Page <1> Special Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs. D) SPECIAL - E) LOCK BOX - <3> Fire Protec. /Avail. Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - NONE LISTED FIRE HYDRANT - <4> Held for Future use 03/27/91 Page 6 LONGS DRUG STORES ~$268 2.15-000-000988 00 - Overall Site (G> Trairfing <i> Page 1 WE HAVE 53 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING: <3> Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use cITY o.f BAKERSFIELD llA2~AII,DOLT:ffl MA'Z'~.I~'r AT..S ! lqV NON--TRAI.)F~ S ECI~ETS '~ , CmNER Na~:Lonas Drug Stores, ADDRESS: 141 N_ C_~vic Dr. CITY, RECE~IEB .... Ca. r Inc. STANDARD IND. C~SS COD% "-'~",~k ,,,~,~,~"hw~y)~ C.A.~. ~ ~ I~ ~ , r-~ --~ ,--~ ,-q ~~ ~ & C.A.S. ~ ~ ~ ~iC.A.S..~ ~,,., ~ ~,,k ~ C.A.S. ~ ............ ~ m, ~ & cm.s. ~ 100 Herbicides ~[_~_[,~..,[ 200 I 6Oo i~bb 3~mi~ 2 [m~ 13o Is x,.Ploor/Wareho k ,11 t~ llyl - :- :: LO0 Pestigidgs ~1~ ~ ~ il~ ........ ~_~J..2,~~~.~, O0~all 3~ ~0 J~~8 ]Sales F1Gor/Wareho ~,., ~ ~.~ ~ c.,.s. ~ ~ m, ~ ~ c.~.s. ~ LO0 Sod1~ ~y~chlo~te ~1] ~ ~ C.I.S. ~ ~[~, cQm.~TS It Steve Wells store manager 834-1500 ~ ...... V:'''~'~ ..................~;" ~tl; .................. 11'~ ...... ~' nit ............... , ubfa,nll~ Ill~ l~f~t~. I hohl~e thor tho llilt~ iatOF~ltien il Iris, Sat, ~ WI~II. ~uSpar® (buspirone HCI) ,,mrnEss #AN~:' Longs Drug '~ ONNBR '#ANK:. , ., M ~S .ocn*lo#.. - t4~uu H~.ng a~r~e ADDRESS.* ......... :. . ~A~ l~. CWS ~B 59~2' 'r,y. z~P: B. aker~ffeld 93309 * '; .... Cl~, ZIP~ ~ ~'~~ ~BR ' ',,,~ ~: 834-15~0~ -' ~ *: - - - - . ......- 2i5~ ~ i':~' 'l,' i:,'~ ~ ,' '~ ........ ' .... ,-q ,-~ : ,X. ~ ~W ,,~ ~ ~J ~w~ ,-- b~ ~-~ ~ b~--~ ~ .......... t:. D ................ " ' " ............ ~ .... ~. _[~._L~..soo iiblass~ ixo I1 14 ~ ~aleG ~,,*~ ~ ~-- ~ ~'.A.S. ~ ~ t~ ~ & C.i.S. ~ lOCMuriatic Acid - , ' ~- ~ ~- - ' - ~ ~ ~ ~ {.L8. ~ "30 Hydoroehlor~e Acid ................... ~, ' · ~,., ~ ~,h ~ c.~.s. ~ I ~ ~ s c.i.s. ~ I ~ ,n ,~ ~l ' 25 M~n~al* SpiritG , - ,-~ I~ ~ ~ g.l.~. ~ , ....-,. .............. ~ ~ ~.~.~a .............. 2 store manager 834-1500 BuSPar® (buspirone Iq~! CITY of BAKERSFIELD ,r~,, ~ ~) ...... - - 3 Ethylene Glyc~ ~ ~ ~&C.I.S..~ ,c~,, t~ mi~l - :'-, 10C ~otor Oil ........................... ~ll ~ ~l~) - :- 60_ ~ethv~ Alco~l . ~. ~IcJ.s. i 20 ~thylene G,l~c~l, / ,, (c~'c",,M~t~)~ c.LS. ~ __ _ ...... .- _. ' ~ ~, ~ l cJ.I. ~ lOC E~h~lene' Glyc~l W II ~iC.t.S. i ',- )~Kv 3IK~ II Steve ~ells . store manager 834-1500 CITY of BAKERSFIELD ,. , ~S: ......... ~A~ I~. C~S C~t~ , , , _ CITY, ZIP: .................. ' MB ~: -, _ _ - _ _ _ - ~ ~,. ........ ~" ' l'."/ '~ '" ~ '~ ..... ~ ' ~" I ...... ' ~" --&C.'.'.i 'l .... i .... t ~"', "i"'"t' , ...... i .... ' :~'-. - -- . ..... : : ~--: : ~,,'. , ......... ..... With d ~ bl~ Steve Wells store manager ~34-1500 ~. ...... ~' ..................... ~1i ........... H~~ ~ .............. ~ m~ ........... ~ .... a.slNE$$ #~: Longs ]Aug //268_ LnCATIOI~: ...... 4100 M{ne-a~. CITY. ean~E e: .. 834-~00' ,'.." CITY of BAKERSFIELD NON-- TR^I.)E .~ECRE1'-c; . O.l~i~ I~1~: LonRs Dtul Stores I~ e: ~15-937-1170 k~5 ,i 5 ~A~ l~. ~ ~ 5912 i"~'c'l .~..me_~k. _kNd t.&.$, awl ..... Wmemm'l! WmiC.&& &Imf (Kodak bleach II replenisher) ~ ............... l .... ! 10 1 I 4 i 99 l photo lab .S'E corner i001 FORNALDEHYDE ~n.~ -~".~.-.~ ¢.&.$. ~ ~ S1 .~i¢.a.t. ~ (Ko~ak stabttizer & replenisher) ^ ' ........ . ~m~mck~! mt em~ ~ff~ C.i.S. Wnkff CSlemSlm II Ism & CJ.L ~ (Kodak flexicolor bleach A/ M I 1 [ 1' 'l 2 . 9~ 365 I 1 I 4 I 99 ~hoto lab S-f corner,.,J28~ AMMONIA ............................ ~ ..... ~ _ _1 !0 .................. ~11 ~ ~ ..................... . BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT FORM 4A-1 NoN--TRADE SECRETS HAZARDOUS MATERI ALS' I NV'ENTORY Page 1 of 2 BUSINESS NAME: LONGS DRUGS OWNER NAME: LONGS DRUG STORES CA INC. FACILITY UNIT #: 268 ADDRESS: 4100 Minq Avenue ADDRESS: 141 N.Civic Driv~ .. FACILITY UNIT NAME: MNG CITY, ZIP: Bakersfield, CA 93309 CITY,ZIP: Walr PHONE *: (805)834-1500 PHONE #: (415) 937-1170 OFFICIAL USE CFIRS CODE ONL~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 TYPE MAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS · BY HAZARD D.O.T COOE AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT WT. CHEMICAL OR ~OMMON NAME CODE iGUIDE 4Q.00O LBS 12 17 Sales Floor/Warehouse Garden'Fertilizers FLSL 400 GAL 9&10 24 Sales Floor/Warehous~e insecticides-Household/Garden Pr,LQ 1000 LBS 9&10 23 S~l,es Floor/Warehouse Herbicides-HOusehold/Garden FLSL 200 GAL 9&10 23 Sales Floor/Warehouse Herbicides-Household/Garden FLLQ 200 LBS 11 30 3ales Floor/Warghouse Pesticide~-Hous~hol. d/Garden FLSL 2000 GAL 10 08 Sales Floor/Warehouse Cleaning-Household Bleach CRMT 2000 LBS 11,12 08 ..... Sales Floor/Warehouse Cleaning-Household Detergent 500 LBS 11,12 08 Sales Floor~Warehoq~ .. Cleaninq-Chlorine Products 500.. GAL 10 08 Sales Floor/Warehouse . Cleaninq.-Ammonia Products LBS 1500 GAL 10 O~ Sales Floor/Warehoula ¢~]~n~ng~Poo!'~hlorin~ CR~T 4(){) I,BK .10 OB ~a]~ ~]~nr/War~h~ll~ Cleaninq-Pool Acids ~RMT 150 ~AL !$. 29 Sales Floor/Warehouse Paints-Household CMLQ 500 .... ~AL 11 ~6. Sales Floor/Warehou~~ Motor Oil FLLQ 100 GAL 10 26 Sales Floor/Warehouse Auto-Enqine Additives FLLQ 400 GAL 10 09 Sales Floor/Warehouse Aut~-Ant~fr~z~ .FLLQ NAME: June Obrochta TITLE:OSHA Specialist SIGNATURE: EMERGENCY CONTACT: ~AM DO~A[.D~O~ TITLE:A.REA MANAGER EMERGENCY CONTACT: Steve Wells TITLE: Store Manaqer PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: Retail Dr~ ~+,a~n ~tore DATE: 7/31/87 PHONE · BUS HOURS:, (80~)872-3444 AFTER BUS HRS: (805)8~2__-7389 PHONE # BUS ROURS:(g05)S34-150'0 AFTER BUS HRS: (~05)G22-3291 BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT PORN 4A-I Page 2 of 2 NON--TRADE SECRETS HAZARDOUS MATERI ALS' I NVENTORY BUSINESS NAME: LONG~ DRUGS OMNER NAME: LONGS DRUG STORES CA INC. FACILITY UNIT #:.268__ ADDRESS: 4100 Minq Avenue ADDRESS: 14] N_ Civic Driv~ FACILITY UNIT NAME: MNG __ CITY, ZIP: Bakersfieldr CA 93309 CITY,ZIP PHONE ·: (805)834-1500 *PHONE ·: (415)937-1170 OFFICIAL USE CFIRS CODE I 2 3 4 § 6 7 8 9 10 TYPE MAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS · BY HAZARD D.O.T CODE AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT MT. CHEMIi~AL OR COMMON NAME CODE GUIDE. 200 GAL 13 19 Sa,les Floor/Warehou: e Fgel-campinq FLLQ A 2U0 GAL 13 99 Sales Floor/Warehou~. e Photo Laborator Supplies FLLQ ,,, NAME June Obrochta TITLE:OSHA Specialist SIGNATURE: DATE: 7/51/87 EMEROENCY CONTACT: SAIVI--D~NAT.flS~N TITLE: &HR& ~ANA~RW PHONE · BUS HOURS:_~_~7~r3444 _ AFTER BUS HRS: (805)822-7389 EMERGENCY cONTACT: Steve Wells TITLE: Store Manager PHONE # BUS HOURS: (805)834-1500 PRINCIPAL ~USINESS ACTIVITY: R~tai] Dr,,g Ch~n St~r~ AFTER HUS RRS: (,805)822-321~9 BUS INF. SS I~ME: LOCATION: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INSPECTIflO z.//o o ,/~//¢' o-. ~OV f 6 '1988 Ans'd ............ P~OPER SEGREGATION OF MATERIAL VERIFICATION OF ~AZ MAT TRAININ~ VERIFICATION OF ~DS AVAIIABLE VERLFIC~TION OF A~AT~MENT S~PP~E~ & P~Orq~ag.~S oCT' L.,,z--r¢,e ,ff..,¢,,¢'~//'./¢~ 5'0¢/-) VI~HZFZC&TZO~ OP' FACILZT~ D~ SPECIAL N~2t~itDS ~.~'~.ATED NITN THIS FACILITI': VIOLATIONS BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTI~ENT 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 326-3979 000985 INESS NAME OFFICIAL USE ONLY ID~ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS BUSINESS PLAN AS A WHOLE FORM'2A INSTRUCT I 0NS: 1. To avoid further action, return this form by ,,, 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA A. BUSINESS NAME: LONGS DRUG STORES #268 B. LOCATION / STREET ADDRESS: 4100,Ming Ave. CITY: Bakersfield ZIP: 93309 BUS.PHONE: '(805 ) 834-1500 SECTION 2: E~ERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS In case of an emergency involving the release or threatened release of a hazardous material, call 911 and 1-800-852-7550 or 1-916-427-4341. This will notify your local fire department and the State Office of Emergency Services as required by law. EMPLOYEES TO NOTIFY IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: NAME AND TITLE DURING BUS. HRS. AFTER BUS. HRS. A. SAM DON~-LDSON Ph#(805)872-3444 , Ph~(805)822-7389 B. STEVE WELLS Ph~8051R]4-] ~nn' Ph#(805) 822-3291 SECTION 3: LOCATION 0F UTILITY SHUT-OFFS FOR BUSINESS AS A WMOLE A. NAT. GAS/PROPANE: B. ELECTRICAL: SEE ATTACHED BLUEPRINTS C. WATER: D. SPECIAL: E. LOCK BOX: YES / NO IF YES, LOCATION: IF YES, DOES IT CONTAIN SITE PLANS? FLOOR PLANS? YES / NO YES / NO MSDSS? YES / NO KEYS? YES / NO ' 2A - SECTION 4: PRIVATE RESPONSE TEAN FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE All personnel have received training in how to respond to ,~,emergency situations involving fire and chemical spills. "~'~ '~?~11 stores have designated a meeting place in the event of evacuation. All personnel are aware of where the fire extinguishers are and how to use them; all personnel are aware of where the clean-up equipment is kept. 911 will be called. SECTION 5: LOCAL E~ERGENCY ~EDICAL ASSISTANCE FOR YOUR-BUSINESS AS A WMOLE Mercy Hospital 2215 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA White Lane Medical Center 5401 White Lane Bakersfield, CA Fire Dept. ~ 4030 Soranno Bakersfield, CA Ambulance 6 N McDonald Way Bakersfield, CA SECTION 6: ENPLOYEE TRAINING EMPLOYERS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A PROGR~M WHICH PROVIDES EMPLOYEES WITH INITIAL AND REFRESHER TRAINING IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS. CIRCLE YES OR NO INITIAL A. METHODS FOR SAFE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: ....................................... (YE~ NO YES NO B. PROCEDURES FOR COORDINATING ACTIVITIES WITH RESPONSE AGENCIES: .......................... ~' NO YES NO C. PROPER USE OF SAFETY EQUIPMENT: .................. ~ NO YES NO D. EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES: ................. ~ NO YES NO E. DO YOU MAINTAIN EMPLOYEE TRAINING RECORDS: ....... NO YES NO REFRESHER SECTION 7: HAZARDOUS ~ATERIAL CIRCLE YES 0R NO DOES YOUR BUSINESS HANDLE ,H, AZARDOUS MATERIAL IN QUANTITIES LESS THAN 500 POUNDS 0~-~ SOLID, 55 GALLONS OF A LIQUID, OR 200 CUBIC FEET OF A COMPRESSED GAS: ..... .. YES ~. I, ',~co~-~,~ .~'~,-f~ , certify that the above information is accurate. I un'derstand that this information will be used to fulfill my firm s obligations under the new California Health and Safety code on Hazardous Materials (Div. 20 Chapter 6.95 Sec. 25500 Et Al.) and that inaccurate information constitutes perjury. - 2B - TO: June Obrochta DATE: The District Area Manager and the Store Manager' will have authority to make decisions for the store in the event of an_emergency. List the following information: · (Store Manager) { 2ql %, (24'-hour phone number) Please. review the attached store plan and follow the directions: !. Mark in bold legible print the locations of the attached product famiHea~ 2. Mark the locations of the following shut-offs: a. b. Electric~) ~,'ff'~c'/~j e. ~ Special: Name and addre~ of tw~ m~ieal facilities near your store: Approximately how many miles are you from: 1. Local fire station: ///~ miles Address of Fire Station 2. Local ambulance service: ~' miles BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 BUSINESS NAME: OFFICIAL USE ONLY ID# BUSINESS PLAN SINGLE .FACILITY UNIT FORM SA INSTRUCTIONS 1. To avoid further action, this form must be returned by: 2. TYPE/PRINT YOUR ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the-questions below for THE FACILITY UNIT LISTED BELOW 4. Be as BRIEF and CONCISE as possible. SECTION 1: MITIGATION, PREVENTION, ABATEMEN~T PROCEDURES 1. Keep current inventory list and update as new products are introduced to the public. 2. Keep employees trained in cleaning up hazardous product spills. 3. Keep fire extinguishers working. 4. Inform all employees of meeting place in the event of evacuation. 5. Keep clean-up Supplies in order. SECTION 2: NOTIFICATION ~ND EVACUATION PROCEDURES AT THIS L~IT ONLY 1. Member of management will be informed and will calmly evacuate customers and co-workers to nearest exits. 2. 911 will be dialed in emergency. 3. Member of management will take attendence at meeting . area. 4, Pharmacist will be notified to administer first aid. 5. All employees will listen and respond to instructions on calmly evacuating the building. - 3A - SECTION 3: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS FOR THIS P~IT ONLY A. Does this Facility Unit contain Hazardous Materials? ...... YES NO If YES, see B. If NO, continue with SECTION 4. B. Are any of the hazardous materials a bona fide Trade Secret YES NO If No, complete a separate hazardous materials inventory form marked: NON-TRADE SECRETS ONLY (white form-#4A-1) If Yes, complete a hazardous materials inventory form marked: TRADE SECRETS ONLY (yellow form ~4A-2) in addition to the non-trade secret form. List onl. y the t?ade secrets on forb~ 4A-2. SECTION 4: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION SECTION 5: LOCATION OF WATER SUPPLY FOR USE BY EMERGENCY RESPONDERS SECTION 6: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS AT THIS UNIT ONLY, A. NAT. B. ELECTRICAL: C. WATER: D. SPECIAL: E LOCK BOX: vrs ' NO Tr YES LOC,ITION: IF YES, S~:E PLANS? F!OOR PLANS? YES / NO MSDSs? YES / NO YES / NO KEYS? YES / NO - 3B - I.D. BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT · / FORM 4A- 1 NON--TRADE SECRETS HAZARDOUS /MATERI ALS' I NVENTORY BUSINESS NAME: LONG~ DRUGS ADDRESS: 4100 Minq Avenue CITY, ZIP: Bakersfieldr CA PRONE ~:_, (805)834-1500 93309 Page _ 2 of .2____ OWNER NAME: LONGS DRUG STORES CA INC. FACILITY UNIT #:.268 ADDRESS: 14] N_ Civic Driv~ FACILITY UNIT NAME: MNG CITY,ZIP 'PHONE #: (415)937-1170 OFFICIAL USE CFIRS CODE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TYPE MAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS · BY HAZARD D.O.T CODE AMqUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT WT. CHEMII~AL OR COMMON NAME CODE GUIDE t~) 200 ~ GAL 13 19 Sa,les Floor/Warehou: e Fuel-campinq //'~'O/ FLLQ ? tq~/ 200 ~ GAL 13 99 Sales Floor/Warehou~,e Photo Labo, ra,tor Supplies/~7 FLLQ ,,, NAME June Obrochta TITLE:OSHA Special{st SIONATURE: ~ ~O~ DATE: 7/31/87 · EMERDENCY CONTACT: SAM-DDNALDSON TITLE: AREA MA~A~RW PHONE · BUS AFTER BUS HRS: (805)822-7389 EMERGENCY CONTACT: Steve Wells TITLE: Store Manager,,, PRONE · BUS HOUR$: (805)834-1500 PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: Rata4] Drng Chain Store AFTER BUS NBS: (~805)822-3219 I.D. # . BAgERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT FORM 4A- 1 NON--.TRADE SECRETS HAZARDOUS 'I~IATER I ALS I NV'ENTORY P a ge _ 1'' "o f[~ 2__ , BUSINESS NAME: LONGS DRUGS OWNER NAME: LONGS DRUG STORES CA INC. FACILITY UNIT #: 268 ADDRESS: 4100 Ming Avenue ADDRESS: ~41 N.Civic Drive FACILITY UNIT NAME: MNG CITY, ZIP:. Bakersfield, CA 93309 CITY,ZIP: Walnu~ C[eek. CA 9459~ PHONE ~: (805)834-1500 PHONE #: (415) 937-1170 [OFFICIAL USE CFIRS CODE I ONLy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TYPE MAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS ~; BY HAZARD D.O.T CODE AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT WT. CHEMI(~AL OR COMMON NAME CODE GUIDE 40,000 ~i~O~O LBS 12 17 Sales Floor/Warehouse Garden Fertilizers FLSL I~ 400 ~6~P GAL 9&10 24 Sales F loor/Warehou-' e Insecticide s-Househo 1J~r~en F. LLO CM, L~.Q g> 1000 /~ LBS 9&10 23 Sales Floor/Warehou~ e Herbicide s-Househo ld/ZLrd~en~ FLSL ZOO f GAL 9&10 23 Sales Floor/Warehoul e Herbicides-Household/Garden FLLQ 200 ~ LBS 11 30 3ales Floor/Warehous e Pesticid,es-Hous~hold/Garden FLSL 2000 ~G~ GAL 10 08 Sales Floor/Warehouse Cleaning-Household Bleacn CRMT _~/ 2000 ~ LBS 11,1 08 Sales Floor/Warehou., e Cleaning-Household Detergent ~ 500 ~-~ LBS 11,1 08 Sales Floor/Warehoul e Cleaninq-Chlorine Products 500 ~d~ GAL 10 08 Sales Floor/Warehouse Cleaning-Ammonia Products ~, 1500 /~-~ GAL 10 08 ~ales Floor/Warehou! e ¢:laani nn'_-Pool" Chlorine CR~4T ~'~ 4l)l) ~ Ll~q .]0 ~8 ~qzl~.~ P]nnr/Wzr~hn~ ~ Cleaninq-Pool Acids CRMT ~ 150 /~ GAL 13 29 Sales F ichor/Na'r'ehc~u.~ e Paints-Household CblLQ I~) 500 ~' GAL 11 26 Sales Floor/Warehou.,e Motor Oil -oQ-~ FLLO l/ /.. 10'.0. /~ GAL 10 26 Sales Floor/Warehouse ~U~o-Enqine ~dditives FLLO 400. GAL 10 09 Sales Floor/Wareh~u~ e Aut~-Ant~ freq..se , __ .~ FLLO NAME:IJune Obrocht~ TITLE:OSHA Specialist SIGNATURE: DATE: 7/31/87 EMERGENCY CONTACT: SaM ~ar.~ON TITLE:AREA ~ANA~R~ PHONE # BUS HOURS: (~05)872-3444 AFTER BUS HRS: (805)822-7389 EMERGENCY CONTACT: Steve Wells TITLE: Store Manaqer . PHONE # BUS HOURS:IS05)834-1500 PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: Retail Drl]~ ~ha~n Store AFTER BUS NRS: (~05)~22-3291 PRODUCT FAMILIES GARDEN Insecticide (agent that destroys insects) Herbicide (agent that destroys/inhibits plant growth) Pesticide (agent that destroys pests) Fertilizer (chemioal mixtures only such as ammonium sulfate; no natural fertilizer) CLEANING PRODUCT9 Ammonia products Chlorine products Bleach products ff~RTING FLUiI~ Charcoal fluids Lighter fluids POOL CHEMICAL~ Chlorine products Acid products ~* PAINTS/S*TAINS Paints (spray or can) Paint thinners Paint solvents Paint removers ~:AUTO Motor oil Engine additives Antifreeze PHOTO SUPPLII~ Developer Stopper CAMPING Propane gas wpe:121/25 (07/15/87) LONGS DRUG STORES BAKERSFIELD BUSINESS PLAN RESPONSIBILITY It is the responsibility of the Store ManageT to designate a member of management to ensure the inventory list is current. The inventory list may be updated by the Receiver when new products are received. However, a member of management must ensure compliance by the Receiver. Updated inventory lists must contain the product name and the supplier. These updated lists should be given to the Store Manager every quarter. Any new .product that may contain hazardous substances must be added to the list. The Store Manager is responsible to provide firefighters or any emergency response personnel current floor plans showing where products containing hazardous substances are displayed or stored. The Store Manager will be contacted in the event of a fire or other emergency situations. If there is a phone number change, the Store Manager must contact: BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS CONTROL UNIT 2130 "G" ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 The Store Manager is responsible for ensuring all personnel are trained in how to respond to emergency situations. The training memos and packets can be obtained from the Personnel Department. Emergency medical phone numbers for hospitals and ambulances should be posted. The store manager will designate a member of management to: 1. Call the emergency center to notify how many people are coming in for treatment. If due to a chemical spill; the empty bottle will be taken in. 2. In the event of a fire, the designated person will take attendence at the meeting spot to ensure all employees have evacuated the building. NOTE: Copies each quarter of inventory lists must be forward to the area manager. TO: FROM: Management Members Store Manager Informational DEVELOPING A WORKPLACE SAFETY AND HEALTH PROGRAM lntroduetion Taking risks is a part of operating any business. You take risks in product marketing or advertising in order to stay competitii, e. But there are some risks that are just not worth the gamble. One of these is risking the safety and health of those who work for and with you. Accidents C,qst Money The actual cost of a lost workday injury.is substantial. For every dollar we spend on the direct costs of a worker's injury or Hiness, we will spend much more to cover the indirect and hidden costs. Consider what one lost workday injury could cost us in terms of: o Productive time lost of an injured employee; o Productive time lost by personnel and supervisors attending the accident victim; o Clean-up or start-up of operations interrupted by the accident; o Time to hire or to retrain other individuals to replace the injured worker until his or her return; o The cost of continuing all or part of the employee's wages; o Reduced morale among your workers and perhaps lower efficiency; o Increased workers' compensation insurance rates; and o The costs of completing the paperwork generated by the incident. Management Commitment Your attitude toward safety and health shows in every decision you make and every action you take. Your employees respond to that attitude. You can demonstrate your commitment through your personal concerns for employee safety and health and by the priority you place on safety and health issues. You and every employee must know that they are accountable for their safety and health responsibilities. We must: o Identify potential hazards; o Purchase personal protective equipment; o Promote and train employees about safety. Developing a Workpkl~Safety and Health Program Page 2 Let your employees know of your concern for safety by: o Including safety and health topics in meetings and conversations with employees. o Encouraging employees to develop and display a positive attitude toward safety. Taking any necessary corrective action after inspections, accidents, or responses to employee suggestions; or forwarding all safety suggestions, to June Obrochta in personnel. o Providing feedback on their safety concerns and per{ormance. Most important--you as manager must set a good exampl,e! wpc:122/Bla Attachment (08/10/87) WRITTEN HAZARDOUS COMMUNICATION INFORMATION As a company, we intend to provide information about products with hazardous substances and the control of hazards via our comprehensive Hazard Communication Program, which includes container labeling, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), and. training. The following information outlines how we can accomplish this objective: e Container Labeling -- for use of industrial cleaning products and for products sold over the counter {~o the public. Products with hazardous substances will be reviewed prior to use to verify the following label information: Containers are clearly labeled as to the contents Appropriate hazard warnings are noted The name and address of the manufacturer are listed This responsibility has been assigned to.- Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) Copies of MSDS for hazardous products to which employees of this company may be exposed should be kept in the office. The store manager will be responsible for obtaining and maintaining these sheets. New sheets received will be reviewed by the store manager for significant health/safety information, which will be passed on to affected employees. MSDS are available to all employees for review when requested. If MSDS are not available or new hazardous substances in use do not have MSDS, please notify the store manager immediately. Emp!oyee Information and Training will conduct a health and safety orientation with each new employee prior to their starting work. Training and information will be given regarding: (a) Caution concerning any presence of hazardous substances in any specific work areas of the store. (b) Description, location, and availability of the Chemical Spills Emergency Supply Box and First Aid Kit. (c) Discussion of how to respond to emergencies. (f) Discussion on how to lessen or prevent exposure to hazardous spills through use of work practices and personal protective equipment. (g) Description of the steps the company has taken to lessen or prevent exposure to these substances. (h) Emergency and first aid procedures for employees to follow in the event of hazardous substances spills. (i) Discussion on how to read labels and review Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) to obtain appropriate hazard information. NOTE: It is important that everyone understand the training. If you have any additional questions, please contact the store manager. 4. List of Hazardous Substances The following is a list of all known hazardous substances present in our store. Specific information on each noted hazardous substance can be obtained by reviewing the Material Safety Data Sheets. '., Hazardous Substances Area Found Garden Chemicals and Pesticides Industrial Cleaners Pool Chlorines Commercial Bleaches Book Matches Stove and Lantern Fuels Lamp Oils Propane for Buffer Automobile Fuel Additives Motor Oil Pesticides (Pet Products) Ammunition Various Aerosol Products Paints and Solvents Controlled Drugs Denatured Alcohol Warehouse & Sales Floor Wai'ehouse Warehouse & Sales Floor Warehouse & Sales Floor Warehouse & Sales Floor Warehouse & Sales Floor Warehouse & Sales Floor Warehouse Warehouse & Sales Floor Warehouse & Sales Floor Warehouse & Sales Floor Warehouse & Sales Floor Warehouse & Sales Floor. Warehouse & Sales Floor Pharmacy Pharmacy & Sales Floor wpc:121/23 (08/10/87) To be reviewed when reading .la~s GENERAL DEFINITIONS Hazardous Substance: Any substance designated or listed below to which exposure results or may result in adverse safety or health effects: -- Any substance defined under section 101 (lb,) of CERCLA; any biological agent and other disease-causing agent as defined in section 104 (a) (2) of CERCLA; -- Any substance listed by the Department of Transportation and regulated as hazardous material under 0,9 CFR 172.101 and appendices; and, -- Hazardous waste. Health Hazard: A chemical~ mixture of chemicals or a pathogen for which there is statistically significant evidence that acute or chronic health effects may occur in exposed employees. This includes chemicals which are carcinogens, toxic or highly toxic agents, reproductive toxins~ irritants, corrosives, sensitizers, hepatotoxins, nephrotoxins~ neurotoxins~ agents which act on the hematopoietic system~ and agents which damage the lungs~ skin~ eyes or mucous membranes. IDLH or Immediate Danger to Life or Health: Any condition that poses an immediate threat to life~ or which is likely to result in acute or immediate severe health effects, This includes oxygen deficiency conditions. Ensure manager is aware of all labels on any product that carry this notice. May: This term is used to state a permissive use or an alternative method to a specific requirement. Must: This term indicates a mandatory requirement. Oxygen Deficiency: That concentration of oxygen by volume below which air supplying respiratory protection must be provided. It exists in atmospheres where the percentage of oxygen is less than Protective Clothing: Any material or combination of materials used in an item of clothing for the purpose of isolating parts of the body from direct contact with potentially hazardous liquid or gaseous chemicals. Safety Officer: The individual who is responsible to the employer and has the authority and knowledge necessary to implement a safety plan and verify compliance with applicable safety and health requirements. Shall: This term indicates a mandatory requirement. GENERAL DEFINITI Should= This term indicates a recommendation or that which is advised but not required. Unstable (Reactive) Liquid A liquid which in its pure state.or as commercially produced or transported will vigorously poiymerize, decompose, condense, or become self-reactive under conditions of shocks, pressure, or temperature. Ensure manager is aware of all labels on any product that carries this notice. Ventilation: For the prevention of fire and eXplosion, ventilation is considered adequate if it is sufficient to prevent accumulation of significant quantities of vapor-air mixtures in concentrations over one-fourth of the lower flammable limit. wpc:121/t TO: Receivers FROM: Store Manager Informational WAREHOUSE SAPETY The attached booklet, "Safe Practices In Warehousing Garden Chemicals" is for you to read and understand. A copy is to be posted permanently in your work area and you are to ensure every new receiver reads and understands the information. Aside from the important role you play in proper warehousing of chemicals; overall safe warehouse practices are your responsibility. Please review and post this memo. Add any other safety measures and let a manager know--or better yet, tell them yourself--if a clerk is not using a ladder properly or following unsafe practices. Remember--it's your job to set an example by practicing safe .warehousing procedures. Smoking is not allowed in any area of the warehouse. Proper storage procedures must be practiced to minimize the risk of fire, including spontaneous combustion with paints,' fertilizers, and other combustible products. Store these items away from furnaces. Know how to use a fire extinguisher. Remember: Fire extinguishers are selected and provide for specific types of products: Class A: Class B: Class C: Ordinary combustible material fires Flammable liquid, gas, or grease fires Energized-electrical equipment fires Do not stack merchandise or tools to block fire extinguishers. If you see a fire extinguisher that has not been serviced for a maximum of one year, report it to a manager. Do not allow an untrained person to operate industrial forklifts and pallet jacks. Never overstaek merchandise. Never stack merchandise on an unsturdy shelf. Report all shelves in need of repair to a manager. Never lift more than is comfortable for you. Ensure proper lifting procedures are used. NeVer climb on merchandise or use shelving as a ladder. Always use a ladder or stool to get to merchandise that is overhead. Use the bailer properly. Wherever you place merchandise you are moving, make sure it is in a secure place. Make certain it won't fall, tip over, roll, or block someone's way. wpc:122/B7 Attachments (08/10/87) TO: Store Employees FROM: Store Manager Informational ElvlER~-.-,ENCY RESPONSE PROGRAM Longs Drug Stores has developed an Emergency Response Program to enhance your health and safety in the workplace. We want to ensure that you are aware of how to respond in emergency situations. By being prepared, each one of us can contribute Lo the safety and well-being of your co-workers and our customers. The attached memo gives you informatiOn on how to respond in the following kinds of emergencies: Medical Power Outage Earthquake Fire Bomb Threat Chemical Spills and Cleanup Spend some time and familiarize yourself with how to safely respond to some of these more common emergencies. wpc:t22/B6 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE! EVACUATION Should an evacuation of part or all of the building be required~ it will be announced by a manager via the PA system, AVOID PANIC~ BE CALM~ EVACUATE AS' DIRECTED. Advise customers to follow clearly marked exits, Do not use elevator, Stay clear until directed otherwise. MEDICAL EMERGENCY Notify a manager immediately, Avoid moving victim, Dial 911.if situation in any way appears life-threatening, Ask loudly for assistance~ ask nearest person to ptease notify a pharmacist, POWER OUTAGE Remain at your workstation until told otherwise. Ask customers to remain calm and not to move. Remember you are familiar with the store floor plan; however, a customer is not and may injure themself. Wait until you receive further instructions from a manager. . EARTHQUAKE Be calm. Stay inside. Move away from windows and cabinets. Assist customers in taking cover and staying away from windows. Take cover under tables or cash stands. Extinguish open flames. Do not run through building. FIRE BOMB Minor: NOTIFY FIRE DEPARTMENT. Dial 911. Give exact location of fire and your name. Notify manager for assistance. In a loud~ clear voice order all personnel clear of the area. Major: NOTIFY FIRE DEPARTMENT. Dial 911. Give exact location of fire and your name. Notify manager for assistance. Move clear of the fire area and in a loud~ clear voice~ ask everyone to immediately leave the store. THREAT Be calm. Listen, be alert and businesslike. I~eep caller on the line~ signal someone for help to notify a manager. Repeat instructions~ Lake detailed notes. Ask for bomb location and when it is to go off. Inform caller that building is occupied. Note caller's voice~ background noise; etc. DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING SUSPICIOUS. wpc:121/26 EMERP_~NCY PROCEDURES Chemical Spills and Cleanup P~ocedures Chemical spills can be dangerous. For this reason, in the event of a chemical spill, immediately set up a barrier to keep other employees or customers away. Have another employee or customer call for a manager. Ventilate the area of a spill by opening doors or by setting up a fan. Chemical fumes may catch fire; therefore, do not store flammable products near a furnace/water heater. Do not light matches when fumes are present! Under the directions of a manager, begin cleaning up a spill as soon as possible to minimize health exposure and possible problems with stains and odors. When cleaning up, wear rubber or neoprene gloves, keeping the rest of your body covered, and avoiding inhalation of the vapors. If the vapors are overwhelming, leave the area immediately and in a clear, loud voice direct other employees and customers to leave the store. Sweep spilled solids into a plastic bag. Spilled liquids should first be soaked up with an absorbent material such as. Kitty Litter, paper towels, or old rags, then placed in a plastic bag, sealed, and put in the trash can. Scr~Jb wood, cement, or tile surfaces with a Water solution of strong household detergent applied with a scrub brush or old rags; repeat cleansing with detergent until traces of the chemical are gone. Absorb each time with absorbent material. All cleanup materials should be thrown out in disposable containers such as sealed plastic bags. First Aid for Chemical Exposure Most products carried in our store are labeled with pertinent first aid instructions. In the event of exposure to chemical spills, employees should follow the directions listed on the label. Additional information may be available in the office on the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). Following emergency first aid treatment, it may still be necessary to follow up these procedures with professional medical attention. Should this be necessary, employees should remember Lo take the container with ils label to the doctor so that he or she will know exactly to which product you were exposed. This will help the physician begin proper treatment as soon as possible. In all such cases of chemical spills and exposure, employees must notify a member of management immediately. wpc:121/21 TO: EMPLOYEE SAFETY UNDERSTANDING STATEMENT Remember, safety is up to you. Our safety policy can protect you only if you protect yourself. You are the only person who can keep you safe every day on the job. I have read the Emergency Response chemical substances this store sells. sensible, safe work habits. memo and pamphlet, and understand about the I know emergency procedures and will practice Signature Dal:e wpc:121/p COPY TO BE GIVEN TO EMPLOYEE