HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN 7/23/2003Hazardous Materials/HaZardous W'aste' Unified permit CONDITIONS OF-PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE PERMIT ID # 015'-021-002041 BAYMARR LOCATION 6950 '- '.~ *'*: ;'!?. ia'Underground Storage of H=~'~rdous Materials ?' [] Risk Management Program · .. 'i:, [] Hazardous Waste On-Site Treatment Bakersfield Fire OFFICE 1715 Chester Ave., BakerSfield, CA 93301 Voice {661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 ExPiration Date: · June Issue Date 30. 2003 ITE DIAGRAM'i × Buaiae~ Name: Buaine~ Addre~: ! FA IAGRAM ! B~ymarr Constructor~, ~n¢. 6950 McDivitt Drive . Bakersfield, CA 93313 War.e_house=~:,~~~ ~~.oi ~/_~ _~o, ~~' Concrete Slab~ b I' s~mge ~ / ' Bulk Mat. / I [ Mateml m~ I '~ o~ (no.tie.bbs) ~h I Warehouse E~flc Ga~ MonRored S~ke ~ Ele~ri~l C, ~ol ~nel ~ ~cr~e ~l~ ~ (Sh~'~ ~ ~ Spdnk~m ~ ~~, Gas Shut ~ ~' ~ O~ce  Mon~ored S~ke ~ ~ -- '~ ~ ~ ........... ~--~hcmt~'Wal~ ~ ~ ~ ~ KNOXBOX I ~t~r Ohut ~ CL McDivitt Drive FIRE HYDRANT usiness Nme: Business Addr~: FA GRAM [ BaYmarr Constructors, Inc. 6950 McDivitt Drive . Bakersfield, CA 93313 ONIFIED PROGRAM I~PECTION CHECKLIST SECTION 1 Business Plan and Inventory Program Bakersfield Fire Dept. Enironmental Services 1715 Chester Ave Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel: (661)326-3979 FACILITY NAME INS~i~TION DATE INSPECTION TIME No. of Employees FACILITYCONTACT~ /,~ ~1"~ Business ID Number :'::,~ecti°n/l!:Bdsiness Plan ~nd'ln'vefitoryprogram ..'. · [~outine. ~ Combined ~3 Joint Agency ~3 Multi-Agency ~1 Complaint ~1 Re-inspection C V C=Compliance ~ OPERATION V=Violation APPROPRIATE PERMIT ON HAND BUSINESS PLAN CONTACT INFORMATION ACCURATE VISIBLE ADDRESS CORRECT OCCUPANCY VERIFICATION OF INVENTORY MATERIALS VERIFICATION OF QUANTITIES VERIFICATION OF LOCATION PROPER SEGREGATION OF MATERIAL VERIFICATION OF MSDS AVAILABILITYE VERIFICATION OF HAT MAT TRAINING VERIFICATION OF ABATEMENT SUPPLIES AND PROCEDURES COMMENTS EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ADEQUATE CONTAINERS PROPERLY LABELED HOUSEKEEPING FIRE PROTECTION SITE DIAGRAM ADEQUATE & ON HAND ANY HAZARDOUS WASTE ON SITE?: EXPLAIN: usines Yellow - Station Copy Pink - Business PLEASE CALL US AT (661)-326-3979 Badge No. White - Environmental Services BAYMARR CONSTRUCTORS Manager : Location: City : CommCode: EPA Numb:' 6950 MCDIVITT DR %~%% BAKERS F I ELD BAKERSFIELD STATION 09 ~- BusPhone: Map : 123 Grid: 16D SIC Code: DunnBrad: SiteID: 0154,0~2'1- 002041 (661) 395-1676 CommHaz : Moderate FacUnits: 1 AOV: Emergency Contact PATRICK HOWES Business Phone: 24-Hour Phone : Pager Phone : / Title / PRESIDENT 661) 395-1676x 661) 587-9638x 661) 394-3171x Emergency Contact / Title MIKES HOWES / PROJECT MANAGER Business Phone: (661) 395-1676x 24-Hour Phone : (661) 665-0129x Pager Phone : (661) 394-3172x Hazmat Hazards: Fire Contact : MailAddr': 6950 MCDIVITT DR City : BAKERSFIELD Phone: (661) 395-1676x State: CA Zip .: 93313 Owner PATRICK HOWES Address : 6950 MCDIVITT DR City : BAKERSFIELD Phone: (661) 587-3171x State: CA Zip : 93313 Period : Preparer: Certif'd: ParcelNo: to TotalASTs: = TotalUSTs: = RSs: No Gal Gal Emergency Directives: I, ~[~% ~c~'ow~-~ Do hereby certify that I have (Type or ~int ~e) reviewed the a~ached h~ardou~ materials manag~ ment plan fO~~ ~'and that it along with any ~sctions ~nsti~ute a complet~ and'corre~ man- agemsm plan ~or my f~!i~y. ~ -1- 07/15/2003 BAYMARR CONSTRUCTORS INC =- Manage~_: ................. ~ion: 6950 MCDIVITT DR- '~ CitY .... ' BAKERSFIELD ~ ,CommCode: BAKERSFIELD STATION 09 '~EPA .Numb: SiteID: 015-02T-002041 + BusPhone:. (661) 395-1676 Map : 123 CommHaz : Moderate Grid: 16D FacUnits: 1 AOV: SIC Code: DunnBrad: Emergency Contact ./ Title PATRICK HOWES / PRESIDENT Business Phone: (661) 395-1676x 24-Hour Phone : (661) 587-9638x Pager Phone : (661) 394-3171x Hazmat Hazards: Emergency Contact / Title MIKES HOWES / PROJECT MANAGER Business Phone: (661) 395-1676x 24-Hour Phone : (661) 665-0129x Pager Phone : (661) 394-3172x Fire Contact : . Phone: (~61) 395-1676x Ma~lAddr: 6'950 MC~IVI~T~D~- ~ .... ~ .... ' ..................... City : BAKERSFIELD Zip : 93313 Owner PATRICK HOWES Phone: (661) 587-3171x Address : 6950 MCDIVITT DR State: CA City : BAKERSFIELD Zip : 93313 Period : to TotalASTs: = Gal Preparer: TotalUSTs: = Gal Certif'd: Res: No Emergency Directives: += Hazmat Inventory One Unified List + +== Alphabetical Order Ail Materials at Site + ................................ + ....... + ........... + ..... + .... ...... + .... +- - -+ Hazmat Common Name... ISpeoHazlEPA HazardsI Frm I DailyMax IUnitlMCPl ................................ + ....... + ........... + ..... + .......... + .... +- - -+ SPARTAN COTE F L 55.00 GAL UnR (TYpe or print l~am~) . reviewed ~hs attached hazardous mmerials manage- ment plan for/3,1~/,n'-'r' ~.~-/- and tha~ i~ along with '(Name of Business) any corrections constitute a cornple~e and correct rnan- agemem plan for my facili~/. %7~= = = = J-storm ~L it'-/o -DZ._ 1 03/21/2002 + ~AYMA~R CONSTRUCTORS INC += Inventory Item 0001 +== COMMON NAME / CHEMICAL NAME SPARTAN COTE CURE-SEAL-HARDENER Location within this Facility Unit IN BACK OF METAL WAREHOUSE II == SiteID: 015-021-002041 + Facility Unit: Fixed Containers,at Site + IDays On Site 365 Map: Grid: +- + CAS# += STATE =+= TYPE ===+== PRESSURE ===+ TEMPERATURE ==+ .... CONTAINER TYPE I Liquid I Mixture I Ambient I Ambient ~ ~ +=- '+==== ~ ~ AMOUNTS AT THIS LOCATION Largest Container Daily Maximum I Daily Average 55.00 GAL 55.00 GALI 55.00 +---- ~ ~ I DRUM/BARREL-METALLI C I ~ --- + GAL %Wt. ~_ .... 1..00 1.0~0 1.00 + ITSecret RS No INo IBi°HazNo I ~ ~=----=~ ~ HAZ~DOUS COMPONENTS +===* Naphtba~SQlvent ~o 80.3030 -2~-~-,Tri~e~h~ ....... _ -1,2-Pentan~iol Monoisobuterate ~-~-0 ~ ~'-' 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene No 95636~ .... +===4 +===~ ~ ~ZARD ASSESSMENTS ===+ ~ + ..... Radioactive/AmountNo/ Curies I EPA HazardsF NFPA/// USDOT# [ MCPunR ~ ~= ~ ~ -2- 03/21/2002 + BAYMARR CONSTRUCTORS INC +-- == SiteID: 015-021-002041 + Fast Format + += Notif./Evacuation/Medical = +==,Agency Notification == Overall Site + 07/25/2000 + MAINTAIN CLEAN SITE OF TEMPORARY STORAGE AREA. VISUALLY INSPECT CONTAINERS. FOLLOW MSDS GUIDELINES IN HANDLING ALL MATERIALS. +=== Employee Notif./Evacuation + .... Public Notif./Evacuation = Emergency Medical Plan -- -3- 03/21/2002 + BAYMARR CONSTRUCTORS INC - SiteID: 015-021-002041 + Fast Format + += Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt +== Release Prevention Overall Site + 07/25/2000 + INJURY & ILLNESS PREVENTION PROGRAM AS LISTED IN EMPLOYEE SAFE OPERATIONS MANUAL AND APPROPRIATE MSDS. USE OF WATER BASED LIQUID CURES OR BOND BREAKER. MINIMAL STORAGE (SITE USE ONLY OR TEMPORARY STORAGE FOR JOB SITES). +=== Release Containment == 07/25/2000 + SITE IS ALL coNcRETE SLAB WITH MINIMAL FLOWS WITH CONCRETE CURBS AND GUTTERS TO ENABLE PONDING FOR VACUMM IF NEEDED. + .... Clean Up == . 07/25/2000 -:--(-AS--D I RECTED~ -B~MSDS - -BY--EMPLO.YEE-AND/-OR-NO-T I-E I C' ATI,ON~QF-QUAL I,F-I-ED~ pERs ONNEL .... Other Resource Activation ==+ -4'- 03/21/2002 + BAYMARR CONSTRUCTORS INC == SiteID: 015-021-002041 + Fast Format + += Site Emergency Factors +== Special Hazards 'l += Overall Site + +=== Utility Shut-Offs 07/25/2000 + A) GAS - NE CAR PARKING ALONG BLDG B) ELECTRICAL - TRANSFORMER SE OF LOT & AT CONTROL PANEL AT SW CORNER E PARKING C) WATER - SW CORNER OF LOT D) SPECIAL - NONE + .... Fire Protec./Avail. Water 07/25/2000 + FIRE HYDRANT - DIRECT ACROSS FROM ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMER ON S SIDE OF ST. Building Occupancy Level -5- 03/21/2002 + BAYMARR CONSTRUCTORS INC -- + SiteID: 015-021-002041 + Fast Format + += Training +== Employee Training Overall Site + 07/25/2000 + WE HAVE 39 EMPLOYEES AT OUR BAKERSFIELD FACILITY. WE HAVE MSDS SHEETS ON FILE. BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: BASIC SAFETY AS OUTLINED IN EMPLOYEE SAFETY MANUAL, WEEKLY TAILGATE SAFETY MEETINGS, SITE SPECIFIC SAFETY MEETINGS, SITE SAFETY AUDITS AND ONGOING EVALUATIONS BY SUPERVISORS. +=== Page 2 Held for Future Use -6- 03/21/2002 OF EN~RON~NTAL EES ~ ·~m~r'l' rim, ~ . 1715. Chester Ave., CA 93301 (661) 326-39~ ~ . ~! .'~ F^CILITY lO # ~ ~ .~ ' Year Beginning 1/1/2000 ,oo Year Ending 12/31/00 ,c~ BUSINESS NAME (Same as FAClLITy NAME °r DBA' D°ina Buslness As) . 3 / BUSINESS PHONE 102 : Baymarr Constructors, Inc. J 661.395-1676 SITE ADDRESS lo3 6950 McDivitt Drive CITY Bakersfield ~04 CA ZIP 93313 10s DUN & ~o~ SIC CODE lo? BRADSTREET (4 Digit #) COUNTY Kern .,~, OPERATORNAME Patrick Hbwes ~o~ OPERATORpHONE 6~1 '~o~ ~*~:~ ~o OWNER NAME ~atE~c~ O~ER ~ILING ADDRESS Same as abo~e : 113 CONTACT ~ME ~atE~e~ CONTACT.MAILING ADDRESS Same as above TITLE President BUSINESS PHONE 661-395-1676 24-HOURPHONE 661-587-9638 PAGER# 661-394-3171 NAME Mike Howes ~ TITLE Project Manager ~: BUSINESS PHONE 661-395-1676 ~3~ 2~HOURPHONE 661-665-0129 ~32 PAGER# 661-394-3172 133 Cedifi~flon: Ba~ o~y inqui~ of ~ose Individuals ms~nsible for ob~inlng ~e Inflation, I ~ under penal~ of law ~at I have pemonally e~mln~ and am ~millar ~in~aflon submlffed In ~is Invento~ and believe ~e Info~aflon is ~e, a~umte, and ~mple~. 135 NAMES O~ O~E~PE~T~pdnt) : ' '13s TITLE OF O~E~OPE~TOR . 13, ~ I~: Patrick Howes ~ President . { 'UPCF (7/99) S:~CU PAFORMS\OES2730.TV4.wpd CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (661) 326-3979 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN INSTRUCTIONS: To avoid further, action, return this form within 30 days of receipt. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. Be as brief and concise as possible. You may also attach Business Owner / Operator Form and Chemical Description Form(s) to the front of this plan instead of completing SECTION I. below for initial submission. SECTION I: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA BUSINESS NAME: Baymarr Constructors, Inc. LOCATION:. 6950 McDivitt Drive ~'Bakersfield, CA 93313 MAILING ADDRESS: CITY: S~me STATE: __ ZIP: .__ PHONE: PRIMARY ACTMTY: OWNER: Patrick Howes MAILING ADDRESS: same PHONE:661-395-1676 EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION CONTACT Patrick Howes TITLE PreSident BUS. PHONE 661-395-1676 24 HR. PHONE 661-587-9638 Mike Howes Project Mgr 661-665-0129 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS .MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION II. 1: DIscOvERy AND NOTIFICATIONS Ao LEAK DETECTION AND MONITORING PROCEDURES: 1) Maintain Glean site of temporary storage area 2) Visually inspected containers 3) Follow MSDS guidelines in handling all materials. Bo EMPLOYEE AND AGENCY NOTIFICATION: See Section 3 of EmploYees Safety Manual at~ached) Co ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE MANAGEMENT: See Section 3 of Employees Safety Manual (attached) Do · EMERGENCY,MEDICAL PLAN: AS listed in Employee Safety Manual Section 3 (attached) HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION II.2: RELEASE RESPONSE PLAN A. HAZARD ASSESSMENT AND PREVENTION MEASURES: 1). Injury & Illness Prevention Program as listed in.employee safe,operations manuel ,and appropriate MSDS. 2.) Use of water based liquid cures or bond breaker.· 3;) Minimal storage (site use only or temporary storage fOr job sites) Bo RELEASE CONTAINMENT AND/OR MITIGATION: Site is all concrete slab with minimal flows with concrete curbs and gutters to enable ponding for vacumm if needed. Co CLEAN-UP AND RECOVERY PROCEDURES: As directed by.MSDS by employee and/or notification of qualified·personnel. UTILITY SHUT-OFFS (LOCATION OF SHUT-OFFS AT YOUR FACILITY) NATURAL GAS/PROPANE: At northeast car par.king along, building i ELECTRICAL: T~ansfoinner at SE of lot (stceet). &.at'.control panel:.at SW c6rner. East Pkin~ WATER: Southwest corner of lot (street) ! SPECIAL: LOCKBOX:~_~O IF YES, LOCATION: 10 feet to· right ~f front door entry at door top level PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION/WATER AVAILABILITY mo PRIVATE FIREPROTECTION: Smoke detectors in each office. marked and located throughout site. Site security. Fire.extinguishers WATER AVAILABILITY (FIRE HYDRANT): 1 - direct across from electrical transformer on south side of st/feet. 3 SECTION III: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN TRAINING ~EROF EMPLOYEES: Bakersfield - 39 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE: Xes BRIEF S~Y OF TRAINING PROGRPd~: 1) Basic Safety as outlined in Employee 2)~ Weekly tailgate sfaety meetings 3) Site specifice safety meetings. 4) Site safety audits 5) Ongoing evaluations by'supervisors Safety Manual (submitted to Fire Dept.) CERTIFICATION I, Patrick Howes CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS ACCURATE. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS INFORMATION WILL BE USED TO FULFILL M~f FIRM'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE" ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (DIV. 20 CHAPTER 6.95 SEC. 25500 ET AL.) AND ~,~/CCURATE INFO~TION CONSTITUTES PERJURY. . ~ Presxdent 4/25/00' ~GNA~ ~' ~ TITLE DATE ~ CITY OF BAKERSFIEL~ · OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES '/t~,n~~r ~- 1715 Chester Ave., CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 -~""~~"'~'"'" HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INvENToRY CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION · (one forrnpermaterialperbo~ngorama) ri NEW [] ADD [] DELETE [] REVISE 200 Page BUSINESS NAME (Same as FACILITY NAME ~, DBA - D~ng Business As) Baymarr Constructors, Inc. I : CHEMICAL LOCATION 2011 CHEMICAL LOCATION CONFIDENTIAL (EPCRA) CHEMI~L see MSDS sheets attached for material purchased I COraV~ONNAM~ and delivered to yard to be taken to' the job site and used. It may be in the yard for a short time priorzm to use. r~yes ~"~No 202 FIRE CODE HAZARD CLASSES (Complete if requested by local fire cNeO 205 TRADE SECRET [] Yes ~No 206 If Subject to EPCRA, refm' to inst~ns 2O7 EHS' []Yes [] NO 208 ¢~'. ~: :"~,,.~ ~.:!~' ~W'...," '~,,;~ '~"~,",,~,'.-~"S,.,,.~ .~ ...',~,, 210 TYPE [] p PURE [] m MIXTURE [] w WASTE 211 [] CURIES RADIOACTIVE Yes No 212 I LARGEST CONTAINER 5 Gal 213 PHYSICAL STATE [] s SOUD F'li LIQUID [] g GAS 214 215 FED HAZARD CATEGORIES [] 1 FIRE [] 2 REACTIVE [] 3 PRESSURE RELEASE [] 4 ACUTE HEALTH [] 5 CHRONIC HEALTH 2'16 ANNUAL WASTE 217 I MAXIMUM 218 ] AVERAGE 219 STATE WASTE CODE 220 AMOUNT I DALLY AMOUNT I DALLY AMOUNT DAYS ON SITE 222 UNITS" [] ga GAL [] d CUFT [] lb LBS [] t~ TONS 221 varies · If EHS. ameunt must be in lbs. [] a ABOVEGROUND TANK X~] e PlASTIC/NONMETALLIC DRUM [] I FIBER DRUM [] m GLASS BOTTLE [] q RAIL CAR 223 STORAGE CONTAINER (Check all that apply) I--~b UNDERGROUND TANK I-If CAN []J BAG []n Pr. ANTIC BOTTLE []r OTHER [] c TANK INSIDE BUILDING [] g CARBOY [] k BOX [] o TOTE BIN ~d STEEL DRUM [] h BILO [] I CYLINDER [] p TANK WAGON STORAGE PRESSURE ~ a AMBIENT [] aa ABOVE AMBIENT [] ba BELOWAMBIENT 224 STORAGE TEMPERATURE ['~ aAMBIENT [] u AB0VEAMBIENT [] M BELOWAMBIENT [] c CRYOGENIC 225 231 [] Yes [] No 232 233 I ~ 2 ; 230 2~ []Yes []No 244 , 2~ ,! UPCF (7/99) S:~CUPAFORM~OES2751.TV4.wlX! .~ ~'"'~,. ' EP~,DM : STOP SUPPLY [NC. FRESNO ~-~ .--P' -.. PHONE NO. : 289 294906S Mar. 0S 1999 09:25RM PS PKODUCT N~ .gP~T~ COTE W.B PRODUCT COD~; 2710 " .. PRODUCT USE : C~.ING ~2~ S~NG CONCRETE ==~=~=~ .... ==== .SECTION I - ~FA~T~. iDE~i~i~Ti0N ~ACT~R' S N~: ~D~Bs ~ 22Q39 SO~ WESTW~D : · ~R~ENC~ SHO~ : (SG0) 424-9~00 DATE ~~ : 10/02/98 ===== SE~ZON ZI - ~OUS, IN~EDI~S/SA~ III ~O~TION ~ ~ECLD: NO DATA ~ON-LCS ~. PJ~T-; 0 C O S~: * IndicRue~ toxic chem~Cal(s} S~ject to the section 313 ~f Title III and of 40 CFR 372. ========== SECTION III P~SI~/~Z~ ~CTERZSTICS ========~=== ~age: 1 I OOG FR~OH : STOP'SUPPLY INC. FRESNO PHONE NO. : 209 294906S' Mar. 0S 1999 09:24AH ATA S~EET S~ COTE W.B. BOILING ~02, 212 F ~100 C), S~ECZFZC G~%-~ (H20=l): 1.00. VA~OR D~SITy, (AIR=l): H~AVI[R T~ A~R. EV~0~T;ON ~TE (B~ AC=l) = SOL~LITY IN WATSR: MISCIBLE. '. ' ~PE~cE ~ 0DOR~ LIQUID wi'~ MILD ODOR. ~Z~ moil: 32F CO~FICI~ OF WAT~/OZL DIST: ~: 7. ~-9.5 ===~= .... ~==' 8E~ION IV . FIRE ~ E~LOSZON ~Z~ DATA ~ P0I~; >212 F (t00 C). METmOD ~ TCC FL~LE'LIMZTS ~ A~ ~y VOL~ L0~a: ,6 ' UPmER, ? A~OZ~ITICN ~E~T~ NO DATA NI~0GEN. WHMI$ CLASS: SENS~TIVITX TO IMPACT ~T. AVA.~L~ SENSITIVITY TO STATIC DZSCHA~G~ NOT STA~ZLITY: STARL~.. CONDITIONS TO AVOID ' SECTI'0N V INCOMPATIBILITY ~AZAKDou$ DECOMPOSITION OR BYPRODUCTs iV. A2ARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: WILL NOT OCCUR. ""~===~==~ ~BCTZONV! . F~w~LTH HA~Ag-DDATAAND FIRST A~ Sx~ C0~ACT~ .~ SKiN ~BORPTI~ ~s ~Y~- CO~TTACT: ~: FR~I'I : STOP SUPPLY INC. FRESNO -PHONE NO. : 209 2949065 Mat-. 05 1999 09:24AM P3 '-ZNHALATION: ~ ' IAq~ALATION HEALTH' R~SKS A~D SYMPTOMS OF EXP0~ NT~ CArCINOgEN: NO. MUTAGENICITY RERRODUCTIV~ TOXIN. SENSITIZATION TO PRODUCT ToXIcoLogiCALLY SYNERGISTIC PRODUCTS ~NCY ~ FIRST ~D ~ROC~D~S .... ==== $EC~ON VZ~ - P~CAUTIONS FOR S~m ~AING ~ USZ E~ TO '~ T~ IN CASB ~T~ IS REL~SED OR SPZ~LED W~T~ DIBPO~ ~OD P~UTZONS ~ BE T~EN IN ~L~"G ~ STORIN~ ~ .~, Fp~OM :' STOP SUPPLY I NC. FRESNO SPARTAN COTE .W.B. OTH~R ' PRECAUTIONS PHONE NO. :.209 2949065 Map. 05 1999 09:23AM P2 ~L~PBI~CED~S MSDS DATED: FACILITY NAME "~r,M~,v'-.e.~ ADDRESS 6~-O r~ c FACILITY CONTACT INSPECTION TIME CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 INSPECTION DATE '~ /~l PHONE NO. t BUSINESS ID NO. 15.210- NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Section 1: ~Routine Business Plan and Inventory Program [~ Combined ~ Joint Agency [] Multi-Agency [] Complaint Re-inspection COMMENTS OPERATION Appropriate permit on hand Business plan contact information accurate Visible address Correct occupancy Verification of inventory materials Verification of quantities Verification of location Proper segregation of material Verification of MSDS availability Verification of Haz Mat training Verification of abatement supplies and procedures Emergency procedures adequate Containers properly labeled Housekeeping Fire Protection Site Diagram Adequate & On Hand ./ C=Compliance V=Violation Any hazardous waste on site?: Explain: · [] Yes ~ Questions regarding this inspection? Please call us at (661) 326-3979 White - Env. Svcs. Yellow - Station Copy Pink - Business Copy ~' i~n s'iU:i:oerS: s ~~P°~ir~t.~_~1~ Party OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES· UNIFIED PROGRAM.INSPECTION CHECKLIST~L...._ 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME ~'e~/'-q,Z cc.,~ 7. INSPECTION DATE ADDRESS ~G ~'O r~ c :'9, x/, ~" ,- PHONE NO. FACILITY CONTACT ~e'z,r,~.,¢~ ~to~s BUSINESS ID NO. 15-210- INSPECTION TIME NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program ~ {~.Routine [21 Combined 1~] Joint Agency .. [~ Multi-Agency I~l Complaint ~1 Re-inspection OPERATION C V COMMENTS Appropriate permit on hand Business plan contact information accurate ...... ' <".' Visible address ' " ........... ..~. Correct occupancy Verificatio~ of in?entory~materials .............. Verification of quantities : Verification of location { Proper segregation of material Verification of MSDS availability Verification of Haz Mat training Verification of abatement supPlies and procedures :/ Emergency procedures adequate . Containers properly labeled Housekeeping Fire Protection · , Site Diagram Adequate.& On Hand ,'. C=Compliance V=Violation . Any hazardous waste on site?: [~l;Yes :" '~ Questions regarding this inspectiOn? Please call'us at (661)' ~6-3979 White - Env. Svcs. Yellow - Station Copy Pi~nk - Business CoPY /B~usiness Site R~sponsibl~ Party Section 3. Injury and Illness Prevention Program INTRODUCTION Baymarr Constructors, makes the safety and health of our employees the first consideration in operating our business. Safety and health in our business must be a part of every operation, and every employee's responsibility at all levels. It is the intent of Baymarr, to comply with all laws concerning the operation of the business and the health and safety of our employees and the public. To do this, we must constantly be aware of conditions in all work areas that can lead to injuries. We require that no employee work at a job that is unsafe or dangerous to their health. Your cooperation in detecting hazards, reporting dangerous conditions and controlling workplace hazards is a condition of employment. Inform your supervisor immediately of any situation beyond your ability or authority to correct. Employees will not be disciplined or suffer any retaliation for reporting a safety violation in good faith. A copy of this manual will be available to all employees. It is our policy that each employee will receive a copy of the manual. However, if for any reason yoti do not have a copy of the manual, one'will be available from the job foreman. By signing the acknowledgment at the end of the handbook, each employee promises to read and implement this Injury and Illness Prevention Program. If you don't understand any policy, please ask your supervisor. GOALS AND STANDARDS Safety First The personal safety and health of each employee of Baymarr Constructors, is very important. Prevention of occupational induced injuries and illnesses is given precedence over operating productivity, whenever necessary.' To the greatest degree possible, management will provide all mechanical and physical equipment required for personal safety and health, in keeping with the highest standards of the industry. Participation Baymarr Constructors, maintains a safety and health program conforming to the best' practices of our field. To be successful, such a program must embody proper attitudes toward injury":and illness PreventiOn by supervisors and employees. It requires cooperation in all safety and health matters, not only of the employee, but also between the employees and all co-workers. 23 Study the guide list contained in this manual. Discuss the workplace situation with your foreman. Attend all company-sponsored training and safety meetings. Read all posters and warnings. Listen to instructions carefully. Follow the Code of Safe Work Place Practices. Participate in accident investigations as requested. Accept responsibility for the safety of others. Incorporate safety into every job procedure. No job is done efficiently unless it is done safely. In addition to those discussed here and elsewhere, other employee responsibilities include the following: a) Know and obey the rules of safe practice. Know that disciplinary action may result from a violation of the safety rules. b) Report all injuries immediately, no matter how slight the injury may be. c) Caution fellow workers when they perform unsafe acts. d) Don't take chances. e) Ask questions when there is any doubt concerning safety. f) Don't tamper with anything you do not understand. g) To be safe, you must never stop being safety conscious. Safety Program Goals The objective of Baymarr Constructors, is a safety and .health program that will reduce the number of injuries and illnesses to an absolute minimum, not merely in keeping with, but surpassing the best experience of similar operations by others. Our goal is zero accidents and injuries. Fundamental Policy Statements It is the policy and intention of Baymarr Constructors, to provide a safe and healthy workplace, to maintain sound operating practices, and to insist upon safe practices always, by all employees. We believe that concentrated efforts toward these goals will produce safe working conditions and result in efficient, productive operations. Safeguarding the health and welfare of our employees cannot be stressed too strongly. Accident prevention will be considered of primary importance in all phases of operation and administration. This is an'objective affecting all' levels of our company and its operation. It is, therefore, a basic requirement that each supervisor make the safety of all employees an integral part of his or her regular management function. Only through such a cooperative effort can a safety program in the best interest of all be established and preserved. Safety is no accident; think safety and the job will be safer. 24 Supervisors Responsibilities The supervisor is responsible for an efficient; safety oriented operation and must recognize that safety is an integral part of each task. Supervisors, because they are in close contact with employees, can develop safe and efficient workers. The supervisor's safety, duties include, but are not limited to: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) J) k) l) m) n) Knowing, supporting and carrying out Baymarr policy. Setting a safe example for employees to follow. Having a thorough knowledge of the hazards associated with each operation. Ensuring the employees are trained in their job duties. Communicating safe work procedures to each employee. Observing employee work practices. Conducting weekly safety meetings with employees. Immediate reaction to all accidents, reporting on proper forms in a timely fashion and recommending appropriate corrective action. Performing periodic safety inspections as necessary to reduce or control physical and mechanical hazards of unsafe work practices. Ensuring that emergency safety equipment is in good working condition. Being knowledgeable of new equipment and operational revisions. Requiring employees to comply with the established safety rules. Counseling with employees who have committed safety violations. Maintain all required documentation. Employee Responsibilities Each employee has a personal responsibility to prevent accidents. You have a responsibility to your family, to your fellow workers and to the company. You will be expected to observe safe practice rules and instructions relating to the efficient handling of work. It is equally the duty of each employee to accept and follow established safety regulations and procedures. Every effort will be made to provide adequate training to employees. However, if an employee is ever in doubt about how to do a job or task safely, it is his or her duty to ask a qualified person for assistance. Employees are expected to help management in accident prevention activities. Unsafe conditions must be reported immediately. Employees that need help should be assisted. Everyone is responsible for the hou.sekeeping duties that pertain to their jobs. Every injury, that occurs on the job, even a slight cut or strain, must be reported to the supervisor or the Responsible Safety Officer (RSO) as soon as possible. Under no circumstances, except emergency trips to the hospital, should an employee leave the work site without reporting an injury. When there is an accident, everyone is hurt. Please work safely. Safety is everyone's business. 25 ADMINISTRATION Responsible Safety Officer (RSO) The Responsible Safety Officer (RSO) for Baymarr Constructors, is Felix Esquivel. He is the individual empowered to implement this Injury and Illness Prevention Program. Management fully supports the RSO. As part of the job, the RSO will supplement this written Injury and Illness Prevention Program by: Establishing workplace objectives and safety recognition programs; working with all government officials in both accident investigation and safety inspection procedures; maintaining safety and individual training records; encouraging repons of unsafe conditions and promoting a safe workplace. Some of these responsibilities will be delegated to your immediate supervisor for implementation. In accordance with Baymarr Constructors, Safety and Injury Prevention Program, the RSO is the designated individual with responsibility and authority to do the following: -Develop and implement rules of safe practices for each function within the company. -Develop and implement safe operating rules for use of electrical and mechanical equipment consistent with the manufacture's recommendations and specifications. -Develop and implement a system to encourage employees to report unsafe conditi(~ns immediately. -Conduct a thorough investigation of each accident, whether or not it results in an injury, to determine the cause of the accident and to prevent its recurrence. In case of a known injury accident, an immediate notification will be made to Baymarr Constructors, consulting attorneys, and an investigation initiated under their direction. All photos, physical evidence and final reports will be considered confidential and be transferred to the possession of the company's attorneys upon completion of the final reports. After final reports have been completed, all extraneous field notes are to be destroyed, as a matter of policy. -Instruct supervisors in safety responsibilities. -Develop and implement a program of employee safety education. -Conduct scheduled and unscheduled inspections to identify and correct unsafe working conditions, special attention will be given to notice of serious concealed danger. 26 -Maintain at the main office, all safety records, including the following: Records of training Periodic safety'updating Hazard identification and abatement Illness or accident investigations Certification of employee safety training A written report on each accident, injury, or on-the-job illness requiring medical treatment, on OSHA Log and Summary of Occupational Injuries Form 200, according to instructions. Supplemental records of each injury on OSHA Form 101, or Employers Reports of Injury or Illness Form 5020. -Ensure that every year, a summary of all reported injuries of illness is posted no later than February 1, for one month, until March 1, on OSHA Form 200. These records are maintained for five years from the date of preparation. Inspections In addition to the examination of records, workplace .safety inspections will occur every month, when conditions change, or when a new process or procedure is implemented. During these inspections, there will be a review of the Injury and Illness Prevention Policy and Baymarr Constructors Code of Safe Practices. Safety Audits One effective method of improving the workplace is to study past accidents and Workers Compensation complaints. By focusing on past injuries, Baymarr Constructors, hopes to avoid similar problems in the future. Therefore, whenever there is an accident, and in many cases upon review of past accidents, you may be requested to participate in a safety audit interview. During the interview, there will be questions about the nature of the investigation and the workplace safety, related to the incident. Please answer these questions honestly and. completely; also volunteer any personal observations or suggestions to improve workPlace'~afety. ' Based upon the study of past accidents and industry recommendations, a safety-training program has been implemented. In addition to other preventix~e practices, there will be a group discussion of the cause of any accident, a determination of any accident, and a determination of any preventive measures that should be implemented to prevent a similar occurrence in the future. Work rules will be reviewed and modified based upon the study of these accidents. 27 In addition to historical information, workplace safety depends on workplace observation. Your supervisor is responsible for inspecting your working area daily before and while you are working, but this does not mean you are no longer responsible for inspecting the workplace. Each day, before you begin work, inspect the area for any dangerous conditions. Inform your supervisor of anything significant, so employees and guests are advised. You may also be given written communications regarding unsafe conditions or serious concealed dangers. Review this communication carefully and adjust your workplace behavior to avoid any danger or hazards. If you are unclear or unsure of the significance of this written communication, contact your supervisor and review your planned actions before starting to work. It is better to wait and check, than to go ahead and possibly cause injury to yourself and others. Managers must provide written notice to employees of any serious concealed dangers of which they have actual knowledge. In addition to providing written notice of all serious concealed dangers to employees, managers are required to report serious concealed danger to either OSHA or an appropriate administrative agency within fifteen days, or immediately, if such danger would cause imminent harm, unless the danger is abated. Merely identifying the problem is not sufficient. The danger must be reported to the appropriate supervisor and the RSO, who will correct the problem. If the danger cannot be corrected, then all employees will be warned of protective actions necessary to reduce or eliminate the chance of injury to employees. Reporting and Investigations of Occupational Illness and Injuries A primary tool used by Baymarr to identify the areas responsible for accidents is a thorough and properly completed accident investigation. The results of all investigations will be submitted, in writing, for review by Baymarr, insurance risk management advisors, and if the accident resulted in serious injury, to company attorneys. If the accident resulted in serious injury, attorneys will direct the procedure, to provide the most reliable evidence legally permissible. Each job foreman is required to have in his work vehicle, a camera with enough film to take pictures immediately after any occurrence. A written report may be prepared from notes and diagrams made at the scene, or a voice recorder will be used to tape direct eyewitness statements as near to the actual time of observation as possible. All statements should include the time and date given, and all pictures should be similarly identified. Let people know on tape, that they are being recorded. Also, make sure that the name, addresses, day and evening phone numbers of all eyewitnesses are noted or recorded. If a formal police report or other official investigation is conducted by any government agency, get the name and badge number of the official, or a business card, and find out when a copy of the official report will be available to the public. If you are requested to make a statement, you have the fight to have the company lawyer present (at company expense), to advise and counsel you prior to making your statement. 28 A satisfactory accident report will answer the following questions: -What happened? The investigation report should begin by describing the accident, the injury sustained, the eyewitnesses, the date, time and location of the incident and the date and time of the report. Remember: who, what, when, why and how are the questions that the report must answer. -Why did the accident occur? The ultimate cause of the accident may not be known for several days after all the data is analyzed. However, if an obvious cause suggests itself, include your conclusions at the time you give your information, to the person in charge of the investigation. -What should be done? Once a report determines the cause of the accident, it should suggest a method for avoiding future accidents of a similar character. This is a decision by the RSO and the supervisor on the project, and top management. Once a solution has been adopted, it is everyone's responsibility to implement it. -What has been done? A follow-up report will be issued after a reasonable amount of time to determine if the suggested solution was implemented, and if so, whether .the likelihood of an accident has been reduced. Disciplinary Action Baymarr Constructors, requires that each employee maintain the highest standards of conduct, work performance and safety. To ensure this, our firm enforces a code of disciplinary action. This policy is detailed in the Employee Manual. In addition to that for infractions defined in the Employee Manual, disciplinary action will occur for poor safety performance, inappropriate behavior or conduct as related to safety violations, injuries, accidents, including auto accidents, and other violations of safety policy. It is our goal that disciplinary action is constructive, consistently administered by each supervisor, appropriately documented, and given for the purpose of preventing a second occurrence of improper behavior, conduct or action that creates a safety hazard. Safety Suggestions Employees are encouraged to report, with full and accurate detail, any worksite safety and health hazards. Suggestions c.an. also be made which might improve overall safety at the jobsite. Suggestions may be mad confidentially. Those who wish a written response to their suggestion must identify themselves on the suggestion form. The RSO will review the suggestions and determine what action will be taken to correct the problem. All employees will be notified of any hazards that cannot be corrected immediately. 29 Subcontractors Subcontractors working at Baymarr Constructors facilities or work sites will be contractually obligated to comply with the Federal, State, and Local regulations and the standards set forth in this manual. Baymarr project'foremen will monitor subcontractor's performance and will notify them of the noncompliance and enforce available contractual sanctions. Subcontractors are required to obtain required CAL/OSHA 'permits for excavation work on Baymarr Constructors, projects. Each subcontractor will be required to designate a qualified safety representative who will have the responsibility and authority to perform the following: -Correct any unsafe conditions. -Conduct jobsite safety meetings at least once every week. -Maintain accurate accident and injury reports. -Report all fatal or serious injuries immediately, subsequently conduct a comprehensive accident investigation, and submit a complete report as soon as possible after the incident. -Remove any of the subcontractor's personnel violating the standards set forth by law or this manual. 30 EMERGENCIES Emergency Response Action Plan Baymarr requires that during every emergency, an organized effort be made to protect personnel from further injury and to minimize property damage. This Action Plan describes the basic procedures and delineates the lines of authority and responsibility for response' to an emergency. In the context of this section, emergencies may consist of a serious injury to any person; potential loss of equipment or other property at a company constrUction site, loss or damage to a primary facility; contact with any major underground utility; or a potential hazard to the surrounding community including natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, landslides or wildfires, in which the company might be called for assistance. " Responsibility and Authority Ideally, upper levels of management should control the situation at the outset of an emergency. However, as a practical matter it must be recognized that construction sites are located at varying distance from the main office and in many cases it will not be pragmatic to consider management for initial control of major emergencies. In most emergency situations, it will be necessary to involve immediate and direct support and remedial action from fire, medical, protective services, and other local government agencies. During response to emergencies the designated supervisor of each jobsite of facility has decision making authority and the responsibility to ensure that response priorities are established, that the response is appropriate and adequately implemented, and that the proper notifications are made. Each supervisor must understand the hazards associated with his area of responsibility so that he will be better prepared to appropriately respond t° an emergency and instruct his employees in their roles. In an emergency, all employees must be prepared to initiate the response. It is important to establish that while responsibility is assigned to supervision and management, the underlying philosophy of the Emergency Action Plan recognizes that each employee, has a vital role and a basic responsibility in the area of safety and emergency action. The only expectation is that at the onset of an emergency, the initial response will be at the individual level. Procedures Levels of responsibility proceed downward from top management, while action and response levels go upward from the first person involved. While appropriate response will vary according to the sitUation; 'the following procedure Will Commonly apply: -No employee should hesitate to call for outside assistance. -DIAL 911 -When the police, fire fighters or paramedics arrive, surrender command to a qualified emergency specialist. -Notify management as soon as practical, after all immediate responses have been met. 31 The operator at 911 will tell you who is in charge of the specialized personnel assigned to respond to the emergency. An orderly transfer of responsibility is made from the site of the emergency to this responding unit. The examples listed below identify the most likely commander for the following types of emergencies: -Injury: -Fire: -Bomb Threat: -Civil Disturbance: -Utilities Outage: Ranking fire officer or physician Ranking fire officer Ranking police officer Ranking police officer Ranking fire officer or supervisor for affected utility HAZARD EVALUATION AND COMMUNICATION Hazardous Operations a) Hazard Evaluation Policy It is the policy of Baymarr Constructors, to analyze each new construction project for new tasks, new or changed operations, processes or procedures, to determine potential hazardous conditions. It is the job of the RSO (Responsible Safety Officer), working with the project foreman to examine, identify, and as much as possible to eliminate or control these risks. This team will consider information from previous accident reports, 'technical information and industry safety standards, and their combined experience and knowledge of safe practices to incorporate any new standard of safe procedures into operational policy. b) Hazard Evaluation Procedure When high-hazard, repetitive operations are identified~ a Hazard Evaluation Form (located in the appendix) will be completed prior to commencing work. In completing this form each task of the operation will be evaluated and discussed so that specific preventive conditions and methods of safe work practice will be established and subsequently applied by the job foreman. The Hazard Evaluation Form will be maintained by the RSO for future use on equivalent operations. Any standard policy or procedure that is implemented will be communicated to all personnel in accordance with the Hazard Communication Program. 32 Hazardous Substance Communication Program Baymarr Constructors, has developed a Hazardous Substance Communication Program to enhance our employees' health and safety. It is our intention to provide information about chemical hazards and other hazardous substances, and thc control, of these hazards by means including container labeling, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and training. The following program outlines how we will accomplish this objective: a) Container Labeling It is the policy of this company that no container of hazardous substance will be released for use until the following able information is verified: -Container is clearly labeled as to contents. -Appropriate hazard warnings are noted. -The name and addresses of the manufacturers are listed. This responsibility has been assigned to the project foreman and/or the RSO. To further ensure that employees are aware of the hazards of materials used in their work areas, it is our policy to label all secondary containers. The supervisor will ensure that all secondary containers are labeled with a copy of the original manufacturer labels, which have a block for identity and block for the hazard warning. b) Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) Copies of MSDS for all hazardous substance to which employees of this company may be exposed are kept at Baymarr Constructors office, located at 6950 McDivitt Drive, Bakersfield, CA, 93313'. Felix Esquivel, RSO, will be responsible for maintaining the data sheet system for the company. The RSO will review incoming data sheets for new and significant health/safety information. He will see that any new information is passed on to the affected employees. MSDS will be reviewed for completeness by the RSO. If an MSDS is obviously incomplete, a new MSDS will be requested from the manufacturer. will be notified if a complete MSDS is not received. missing or Cal/OSHA MSDS are available to all employees in their work area for review during each work shift. If MSDS are not available for new hazardous substance(s) in use, please contact the RSO, immediately. 33 Employee Information and Training Employees are to attend a health and safety orientation set up by the job foreman or superintendent, prior to starting work, for information and training on the following: -An overview of the requirements contained in The Hazard Communication Regulation, including their rights under the regulation. -Inform employees of any operations in their work area where hazardous substances are present. -Location and availability of the Hazardous Communication Regulation. -Possible physical and health effects of the hazardous substances. -Methods and observation techniques used to determine the presence, or release of hazardous substances in the work area. -How to lessen, or prevent exposure to these hazardous Substances~.through usage of engineering controls, work practices, or the use of personal protective equipment. -Steps the company and the employee must take to lessen or prevent exposure to these substances. · -Emergency and first aid procedures to follow if employees are exposed to hazardous substances. -How to read labels and review MSDS to obtain appropriate hazard information. Note: It is critically important that all of our employees understand the training. If you have any additional questions, please contact the Responsible Safety Officer, Felix Esquivel. When new hazardous substances are introdUced, the RSO will review the above items, in your work area safety meetings. Hazardous Non-Routine Tasks Periodically, employees are required to perform hazardous, non-routine tasks. Prior to starting work on such projects, each affected employee will be given specific information and training by their supervisor, about hazards to which they.may be exposed during such an activity. ' ' ' The information and training will include: -Protective safety measures which may be utilized. -Measures the company and the employee must take to lessen the hazards. -Emergency procedures that are in force. 34 Informing Contractors To ensure that outside contractors work safely at our job sites or yard, it is the responsibility of the job foreman or the RSO to provide to contractors, the following information: -Hazardous substances to which they may be exposed, while on the jobsite. -Precautions the employers may take to lessen the possibility of exposure, and appropriate protective measures. Compliance to Baymarr HAZEMAT Policies is mandatory. SAFETY AND HEALTH TRAINING Safety Training Goals Safety training is one of the most important elements of any Injury and Illness Prevention Program. Such training is designed to enable employees to execute their jobs properly, to bring new ideas to he workplace, and to reinforce existing safety policies and put the Injury and Illness Prevention Program into action. Training is required for both supervisor and employees alike. The content of each training session will vary, but each session will attempt to teach the following: -The success of Baymarr Constructors, Inc., Injury and Illness Prevention Program depends on the actions of individual employees and a full commitment by the company. -Each employee's immediate supervisor will review the safe work procedures unique to that employee's job, and which safe work procedures protect against risk and danger, particular to that job. -Each employee will learn when personal protective equipment is required or necessary, and how to use and maintain the equipment in good condition. -Each employee will learn what to do in case of emergencies occurring in the workplace. Periodic Safety Training Meetings a) Formal Safety Training 'Every month a meeting of all supervisors will be conducted for the purpose of safety instruction. The supervisors will discuss the application of the company's Injury and Illness Preventipn Program to actual job assignments. They will also read and discuss a section of the'manual and review'application of general safety rules to specific situations. b) Jobsite or "Tailgate" Safety Meetings Baymarr Constructors has jobsite "tailgate" safety meetings at least once every week and more often if job conditions or other circumstances dictate. The purpose of the meeting is to convey safety information and answer employee questions. The format of most meetings will be to review the content of the Injury and Illness Prevention Program, special worksite hazards, concealed dangers and material safety data sheets. 35 At each jobsite meeting, the Foreman will review a portion of the company's safe work practices contained in this booklet or other safety related information. Whenever a new practice or procedure is introduced into the workplace, it will be thoroughly reviewed for safety. A sign-up sheet will be circulated at each meeting and notes of the meeting will be distributed afterwards. A copy of the notes will also be placed in the file of each employee Who attends the meetings. Employee attendance is mandatory and is considered a part of the emploYee's workday. c) Specialized Safety and Health Training CPR/First Aid Training will be conducted annually. Other specialized training such as hazard communications training, training for operation of specialized equipment, excavating and other construction techniques, and personal protective equipment, will be conducted on a regular basis, as necessary. Safety Training and Orientation for New Employees In addition to the training defined above, new employees will be instructed that: -Attendance at all formally scheduled and tailgate safety meetings~ .and specialized training, as required by supervisors during the course of work, is mandatory. -All accidents and injuries will be reported immediately. -Workers Compensation benefits are available, should an injury occur on the job. -Use of personal, protective equipment is mandatory when specified for a work assignment and employees will be instructed in the proper use of such equipment. -Unsafe acts or conditions are to be reported immediately. -There is a "safety suggestion box" at the main office to provide direct communication with management regarding safety issues. -Medical records are available to employees. Supervisors Responsibilities for Training Supervisors, who are vested with responsibility for the safety of employees, are key figures in the establishment and success of Baymarr Constructors Injury and Illness Prevention Program. They have primary responsibility for implementation of the Injury and Illness Prevention Program, espe.cially as it relates to the workplace. Supervisors are required to be familiar with the worksite safety and health hazards to which employees are exposed, to know how to recognize them, the potential effects of these hazards, and rules and procedures for maintaining a safe workplace. Supervisors will convey this information to the employees at the workplace, and will investigate accidents according to the investigation policies contained in this manual. 36 Employee Responsibility for Training Safety education requires commitment, participation and effort from all Baymarr Constructors employees. Baymarr can preach safety, but only employees can practice safety. Remember the following general rules, which apply in all situations: -No employee should undertake a job that appears to be unsafe. -No employee is expected to Undertake a job until he or she has received adequate safety instructions, and is authorized to perform the task. -No employee should use chemicals without fully understanding their toxic properties and without the knowledge required to work with these chemicals safely. -Mechanical safeguards must be kept in place. -Employees must report any unsafe conditions to the job site supervisor and the RSO. -Any work-related injury or illness is reported to management at once. -Protective equipment must be used when and where required. All such equipment must be properly maintaine& -Employees must be trained in the use of all equipment necessary for flae safe and efficient execution of their job. 37