HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK FILE 1FACILITY: ADDRESS : PERMIT #: FILE CONTENTS SUMMARY ENV. SENSITIVITY: Activity Date # Of Tanks Comments z 2700"M' Street. Ste. 300 ~ Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) ~6~-3~3~ KERN COUNTY Enviro~en~He~Se~icesDepartment April 18, 1989 City of Bakersfield Water Department 4101Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: Removal of 1 diesel underground fuel tank Dear Sir: This is to advise you that this Department has reviewed the 'Project results for the subsurface investigation conducted at station CBK 15-01, Mill Oak Run, Bakersfield, California, closure permit ~A788-20.' Based upon the findings this Department is satisfied that the assessment is complete and no significant soil contamination resulted from the diesel tank at the site. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sinc?rely, _ ~ / Dan Starkey, REHS / Environmental Health Specialist I Hazardous Materials Management Program DS:dr dan~nosoil.com cc: File M. Weddell LABORATORI[S, Ir-lC. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHE/~A. ENGR. ?ET,~OLEUM 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Petroleum Hydrocarbons (SOIL) Guinn Construction P. O. Box 1339 Bakersfield, CA 93302 Attention:Dan Daniel Date of Report: 01-Dec-88 Lab No.: 8672-1 Sample Desc.: Mill Oak Run 500 Gallon tank center 2' DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS COLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: EXTRACTED: COMPLETED: 18-Nov-88 18-Nov-88 21-Nov-88 28-Nov-88 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting C~nstituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Toluene ug/g Non~ Detected 0.10 Ethyl Benzene. ug/g None Detected 0.10 p-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 m-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 o-Xylene ug/g None Detected '0.10 Isopropyl benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 10.00 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 0.10 TEST METHOD: California State D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for Diesel (Carbon Disulfide Extraction) Dry Matter Basis PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of petroleum hydrocarbons utilizing a diesel standard. As outlined by the California D.O.H.S. These petroleumhydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLELR4 HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all constituents on this report. Robert Plais,_~nce ..C~emist .... LABORATORIES, I C. PETROLEUM ~ J' J' EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Petroleum Hydrocarbons (SOIL) Guirnu Construction P. O. Box 1339 Bakersfield, CA 93.302 Attention: Dan Daniel Date of Report: 01-Dec-88 Lab No.: 8672-2 Sample Desc.: Mill Oak Run 500 Gallon tank center 6' DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 18-Nov-88 Constituent DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 18-Nov-88 Reporting Units DATE SAMPLE EXTRACTED: 21-Nov-88 Analysis Results DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 28-Nov-88 Minimmm Reporting Level Benzene ug/g Toluene ug/g Ethyl Benzene ug/g p-Xylene ug/g m-Xylene ug/g o-Xylene ug/g Isopropyl benzene ug/g None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected 0.10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g 40.00 10.00 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g 40.00 O.lO TEST METHOD: California State D.O.H.S. T.P.H. for Diesel (Carbon Disulfide Extraction) Dry Matter Basis PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of petroleum hydrocarbons utilizing a diesel standard. As outlined by the California D.O.H~."S. These petroleum hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all constituents on this report. Robert Plaisance Chemist - ~ Gibson Oil & Refining Co., Inc. · 3121 ST.~N~DARD STREET BAKE~;FIELD,. CA. 93308 (805) 327-0413 · "5 ' , OmIN: d~/~/ ,~' DESTINATION: GIBSON OIL REFINERY CARRIER #J 'rARRIVED TO UNLOAD COMMERCIAL DRIVE BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93308 CARRIER RELEASE #J COMMODITY' ' ?/ .,.,,,-- WEIGHT TAG NUMBER .!2.:'// DATE :MANIFEST # INVOICE TO: QUAN I Ilr'( TEMP. RNISH UNLOADING GRAV. UNLOADED TO DRIVER'S SIGNATURE. PM WASHOUT DEDUCT BS&W% I NET .? HAZARDoU T. ~enarat O78- U S---C~D No, ·  ~.~- m De econom ca y pract cable 'an'd that I·have selected th -' "- = ,u ~.u~e me volume aaa toxin ~ O~ waste generated'to the degree'l=ff~ve ~:~te ' ' ,.¢,.~p eaent andfuture threat to human health and th ..... '--nm..* ...... t, stora~e~ o[ disposal cu~ently available to:me will 8022 A ~-~ DHS EPA. 8700~22.':"':~ ....;....:. ':'- : .'":' ;. :.' '.. :.. '4 Not Write Below This ' ' ' .... .'" Line :-'9::,':'.':'~ .i.:.: ,.:..- :. :;: '.~ "i '::--2:: g~88) Previous.editions ere oba~tete; · ~' ' ':. '.: '. ",,~:'! '" .-' :, _ . ~-.':,'~;}:~:: :..':" .':',.:-:: ,,.:.,:~. '. ~..:.;:.: · ~;': ·.:,,,.,. .:::': ..'.., ! .?..:.::'.: : · '"4'.?.!.~.,:':...-! ..'i .... ' '-'.":.":- ,~,;.~ :....::' ~' ~ ...,. :.: . ,. . :.' '..:~ . · ::.::'~.f'; "' "L. :. :';'~ '!, ',... - '" .' ~ "':' , -' ERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPA T "'-"~',' - 2700 M Street ", '*. ~ ' . - -,' : HEALTH OFF CER , ~ker~ield California . ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION . . . - ;..,- ~e~ M Heb~l=on,.M,D, ' Mailing Addre~: '~~ ' ' .-- "· '' ". ' ' ....... ~'~ ' "' "" , ....... · · ~. ~~% . . .-.; _. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 1415 Truxtun Avenue .... · /~A'BII~%X · -* - ' : "~ :' -" ......... - · - ....... '-(805) 861-3636 ....... ~~~ ' '~"~" "" -<' ~ ..... '~2"'~:' '"~:~ '~:'~, '~"'"""~'~:¢~'~ -'."'-<..,PERMIT ~OR PERMANENT cLOsuRE ;~~~j;;~..:.:J:::(;...~ f .d,.,. . ...,,.~ ,,_-:,- ' ;~,.- ~.:,...>, .., - .... ' ......~ ~-'::':':¥' cerise 375099 .... ' ' ...... '-' ........ ";' ': ~"Pho~e___ __ '___ ___ ____~O'.~-326-3715' ':' '>'<~-:"~":~Ph0ne:?805-325~"~110 :~:...~;t,:;;<-:~'.~,.:~.'[~::~:.PERMTT flOR CLOSURE OF .~.; ,~, .;.~-::. PERMIT EXP IRES .t??~ ~ >,,:' .:'.,~ January ':I7, {:.Z989 '.- 'i,'~.~t~,:[~,t~,%L. - ,, .... ' '. ~ , .. , . .;' "": ~'~]~ '~: .... , - - -' :'.',' ,~,:[~ "- '.:~ .:~,~:,;;~' '-;<~': ............ :~,~-'-D~,'--~-;:~, LOCATION . APPROVED BY //~, [ ~ ...... '~:,~-u.;';, ,:..- · ' . :.. ": ' // ,"., ;Joe Canas ................................ 0s o e su sss..' ...... ".. 2".: .'.'. ,. It is the responsibility of the Permittee to obtain permits which'may be required by other regulatory agencies prior to beginning work.~?., Permittee must obtain a City Fire Department permit prior to initiating closure action. Any deviation from sample locations and numbers or.constituentS.to be sampled ~or ~hich are described belo~ and in Handboo~ #UT-30 must receive prior approval by the Health Department. a. A minimum of two samples must be retrieved beneath the center of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. If any contractors other than those listed on permit and permit application are to be utilized, prior approval must be granted by the specialist listed on the permit. a minimum of two samples must be retrieved at depths of approximately two feet and six feet for every 1.5 linear feet of pipe run and also near the. dispenser area(s). ':., . DISTRICT OFFICES Delano , Lamonl Lake Isabella . Mojave . Rldgecresl . Sheller . Taft .. ,:~/-"i '~ PERMIT FOR PERMANENT ' cLOSURE "~'~: ~.-..?i.~.!."~~: · .~ "~'~i~.~"-'.~i~.'PERMIT .NUMBER .... OF UNDERSROUND HAZARDOUS ~?:.'}:%~.L.'!SUBSTANCES "STORAGE FACILITY" and ~benzene, 0Pies ~o f .i~.~anSpor ta t f on'[[[:mani f es ts ...taus .? t must~"be notified before' movin'~'and/or"dtSpos~ng g. . Permittee is responsible for making sure .that ~'~ank .~edispositi.on ,~ :~ .::.....-:?,..~:..':.~.track~ng record ' -issued with · this 'permit .~is :..properly ?.filled ........ 10. Advise this office'of the ttm~ and'date 11. Results must be submitted to this office within three days of .analysis ..~, 1 O t i O n. ACCEPTED BY: ,,DATE JO/dr 1017-11 C CONSTRUCTION October 17, 1988 Mr. Joe Canas Kern County Health Department 1~00 Flower Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Re: Underground Tank Removal ..- 'Dear Mr. Canas~ As per your request, we have outlined below our Procedure for cleaning the tanks: 1. Remove dome cover or tank receptacle. 2. Pressure wash sides, top & ends with 5500 lb hi-pressure hydro blaster with detergent . 3. Vacuum residue and spent cleaning materials with company owned 70 bbl vacuum truck as cleaning process continues. 4. Haul waste cleaning material~ to Gibson Refinery for recycling. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance Thank you. Sincerely, Guinn Construction Guinn Pres ident/Owner GG/se KE~N CUUNTY HEAb'[~ U~FA~F~NT DIVISION OF ENVlNONMENTA~ HEALTH 1700 FLOMER STREET. BAKERSFIELD. CA (~05) 861-3836 933~5 APPLICATION ~ · oF TAN~s TO ~ ,aANoo~o, / L~ o~ PIPINa TO *~UmOH APPLICATION FOR PERMIT FOR PERl~ENT CLOSURE/~B~DONI~IEN'r OF ~EROROUI~I) THIS APPLICATION IS FOR ~ eemvAL. OR ~ ABANDONNmrr IN P~UE (rIr-L Otrt ON~ APPLICATION PEN FACILITY) :PROJECT CONTACT ~ ISEC/T/R (RURAL LOCATIONS ONLY)' PACILZTY NAMe AODR~.Se /~,,-//~- ~/'~ RRA,~e~ =tOSS s~ TANK RENOVAL GOeR .......... (80.5 ') 325- 6109 wzthzn ~ ~ays n~r~{r annroval. [375099 { WC 80166666' . ' '{ Transamerica Insurance. 325-- ~ .... _ ................ ~ C P.O. 13~9, BAKERSFIEL~ ~ ..- ~05 6109 WC 86166666 T~S~RICA INsu~cE ; S.M.C. Labs 3155 Pegasus Road, Bakersfield (805) 393-3597.  ATER TO FACILITY PROVIDED BY. 120' - Domestic Water Well . , ~ {~lS ~R ~IL ~E ~ GROU~MA~ O~ D~Z~TION ID"I'T~ TO GROU-a--u~ATER 190' rior work in the area TAL NUNBER OR S~IPLES TO BE ~ALVZgD our (4) SOIL i~-- AT fACILITY Clay type SAMPLES MILL BE .A~YZI~ FOR: Contamination '"~'p )ESCRIBE HON RESIDUE IN TANK(S) AND PIPING IS TO BE REMOVED AND DISPOSED OF (INCLUDE TRAasPO~ATION AND DISPOSAL COh~ANIES): Vacuum Truck - Gibson Refinery - Guinn Construction Disposal - AMR 0ntariop California )ESCRIBE BOTil THE DISPOSAL METHOD AND DISPOSAL LOCATION FOR: TANK(S) Cleanin~ - Dry Ice - Haul to AMR Ontario. California' ~pa ~CAI~r/O7R7555R PIPING Same as Above · * PLEASE PROVIDE INPORMATION REQUESTED ON REVERSE SlOE OP .THIS SHEET BRPORE SUBMITTIN.G, APPLICATION POR REVIEW. ' ' THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY AND TO THE BEST OF NY KNOMLEDOE IS TRUE AND CORRECT. SIONATUEE ~ ' TITLE President/Owner OAT~ 9/13/88 (Roru tmmP-]4o) TECHNOLOGY . I NC . **** C£RT~F~CRTE OF UHOERGROUHD STORRGE TRNK ~HTEGR~T¥ PRECISION voLUMETRIC qUANTITATIVE LEAK TEST The ?ollowing underground storage tank. system has been tested and is certified TIGHT at: 6RAOE LEVEL. STATION NUMBER MILLOAK RUN TANK LOCATION: TANK OWNER: TANK NUMBER TANK CAPACITY TANK CONTENTS CBK-1S SSO DIESEL CALIFORNIA WATER/MILLOAK RUN MILLOAE RUN 8 PIN OAK BAKERSFIELD, CA CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMpANy NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. is authorized to test and certify this tank by the: COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. This CERTIFIChTION Meets the requirements of State Requlations and Guidelines based on National Fire Protection Association Title NFPA 529. This certification Meets or exceeds certification' standards set by the Federal, State, and Local jurisdictional agencies. Certification Date Certification No. Certified Tester Recertification Date Recommended : 0S/11/88 : NDE-CT-OS/Il/88 : RICHARD SHORT (TEST TECHNICIAN) : OS/ll/8B NOE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. 2909 OREGON CT,, B-1 TORRANCE, CA 90S0] (215) 212-5244 CAp~CITY SSO gal ST~T ~ MILLOAK RUN' TANK ~ CBK-1S TEST DATE: 0S/1[/88 UNDERGROUND T~NK TESTING,!~..JULT Patent pending SHORT REPORT FORM - ~Copymight 1985 PAGE 1 Owner of storage tanks Company Representative Title CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY CRAIG GILMOUR Company Representative · Mailing address 6f owner 3. Phone of owner 4. Station number S. Location name for tanks Location address for tanks ~Location phone number Manager or operator at location Regulatory Agency P.O. BOX 1158 SAN JOSE, CR 95108 (408) Zg8-1414 MILLOAK RUN CALIFORNIA WATER/MILLOAK RUN MILLOAK RUN @ PIN OAK BAKERSFIELD, CA (885) 832-2144 MEL BYRD COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 7. Tank designation or ID ~ 8. Date tank was tested 9. Precision ~est performed Business name of testing company Mailing address of testing company Testing company telephone 10. Technician conducting test Reviewpd by 11. Capacity of tank 12. Tank construdtion material 13. Testing liquid CBK-15 85/11/88 -: NDE VPLT COMPUTERIZED TANK LEAK TESTIN6 SYSTEM NDE TECHNOLOCY, INC. Z909 OREGON CT., B-I / . (Z13) ZlZ-SZ44 ~^A~,,~J "'~/' RICHARD SHORT : DRISY E. MOSBY : '"~ 55e gallons ' UNKNOWN DIESEL 14. The Underground Storage Tank System was tested at the following level: GRADE LEVEL. The Underground Storage T'ank System WAS tight at the tested level. Allowable leak. resolution of instrumentation or allowable change is in Regulations and Guidelines based on National Fire Protection Association Title NFPA 329. Measured Numerical Leakaqe Rate is: (+) 0.{~)1 Gallons Per Hour Loss (+) or Gain (-). This Measurement is within the allowable limits established in NFPA 329 for a Tight tank or tank Sgsten. NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY TECHNOLOGY, INC. 2909 OREGON Cf., B-I TORRRN£E, Ct~ 9050~ (21D 212-5244 CAPACITY SSO gal PRECISION UNDERGROUND TANK TESTING RESIJLT =atent pending STAT ~ MILLOF~K RUN ~.' SHORT REPORT FOF( . TANK ~ CBK-1S PhGE 2 TEST O~TE: '~S/11/88 PRINTOUT OF TANK SYSTEM LEAKAGE RATE DATA Tank Owner - CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICES\ Tank Number - CBK-1S (SS00SL) Measurement ~ 3S Bate of Test = 0S/11/1988 Time of Measurement ........... Tank Temperature .............. = Tank Pressure ................. = Basic Tank Volume ************* = Temperature Correction ******** = Pre~sure Correction *********** = Corrected Volume ************** = 67.0628 degrees 0.3808 psi 5S0.SS4 Gallons 1.891 Gallons 0.001 6allons SS2.446 6allons Elapsed Time .................. = 00:S7:34 6eometry Band ................. Total Fluid Level ............. .VOlume Change ................. Expected Level Change ......... Measured Level Change ********* Primary Apparent Leak'********* Primary Apparent Leak Rate **** 0.000 6allons/Hour 73.000! inches 0.001 Gallons O.O19S inches O.OOO1 inches 0.0010 Gallons 0.001 Gallons/Hour COMPUTERIZED PLOT OF LEAKAGE RATE DATA .15 -~ .12 r~ .Il .84 .03 m .02 ~-- ~' - .01 m - .02 Pa~ - .~ NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY NDE TECHNOLOGY, IHC. 2909 OREGON CT., 8-1 TORRHNCE, CR 90503 (213> Z12-5244 CAPACITY 550 gal PRECISION UNDERGROUND TANK TESTING RESULT Patent pending STAT ~ MILLOAK RUN GENERAL REPORT FORM - @Copyright 1985 TANK ~ CBK-1S PAGE 1 TEST DATE: Os/11/88 Owner of storage tanks Company Representative Title CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY CRAIG GILMOUR Company Representative Mailing address of owner 3. Phone of. owner 4, Station number 5, Location name for tanks Location address for tanks Location phone number Manager or operator at location G. Regulatory Agency 7. Tank designation or I0 ~ 8. Date tank was tested 9. Precision test performed Business name of testing company Mailing address of testing company Testing company telephone 10. Technician conducting test Reviewed by ll, Capacity of tank 12. Tank. construction Material 15, l'esting liquid P.O. BOX !150 SAN JOSE, CA 95108 (408) Z98-1414 MILLOAK RUN CALIFORNIA WRTER/MILLORK RUN MILLORK RUN ~ PIN OAK BAKERSFIELD, CR (805) 83Z-Z144 MEL BYRD COUNTY OF KERN STATE OF CALIFORNIA · CBK- 1S 05/11/88 NDE VPLT COMPUTERIZED TANK LEAK TESTING SYSTEM NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. ZBOfl OREGON CT. TORRANCE. CA B0503/~') RIC~RD SHORT DR[SY E. BSO gallons UNKNOWN DIESEL 14, fhe Underground Storage Tank System was tested at the following level: GRRDE LEVEL. IS, The Underground Storage .Tank System WAS tight at the tested level. Allowable,leak. resolution of instrumentation or allowable change is in Regulations and Guidelines based on National Fire Protection Association Title NFPA 329. Measured Numerical Leakaqe Rate is: (+) 0,001 Gallons Per Hour Loss (+) or:Gain (-). This Measurement is within the allowable limits established in HFP8 S29 for a Tight tank or tank ~steM. NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC, PROPRIETARY NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. 2909 OREGON CT., B-1 IORRRNCE, CB 90503 (21~) 212-524~ CAFACITY 550 gal.,PRECi--,ONf~ UNDERGROUND TANK TESTING RE,~/' T Patent pending STAT ~ MILLOAK RUN GENERAL REPORT FORM TANK ~ CBK:IS PAGE 2 TEST DATE: 0S/11/88 1. Capacity of the tank 550 2.. Present or past contents DIESEL 3. T~{ing liquid DIESEL 4. Tank construction material UNKNOWN S. ~. Tank inclination (degrees) 0 b. Fill pipe inclination (degrees) 0 B. a. Internal diameter of tank 45 b. Tank bottom to grade level 67 7. a. Fill pipe internal diameter Z b. Fill pipe length 23 c. Top of fill pipe to tank. bottom 88 d. Top of fill pipe to grade level +! gallons inches inches inches inches inches inches 8. Air vents 9. Type of fill pipe cap 10. Type of pumps associated with the appurtenant piping Il. Coefficient of thermal expansion 12. Specific gravity 13. Bulk modulus 14. Type of phase II vapor recovery system 1S. Depth of ground~ater from grade level IS. Date and Time storage tank system was .topped off for testing 17.. Total product level from tank bottom 1 CAMLOCK SUCTION · number .0004864 volumetric coefficient of expansion/deg .8Z5 2160~ NONE UNKNOWN inches 05/10/88 date time inches NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY NO[ TECHNOLOGY, INC. 2909 OREGON CT., B-1 TORRR~C[, CA 90503 (21D 212-5244 CAPACITY 550 gal STAT ~ MILLORK RUN TRNK ~ CBK-15 TEST DATE: 05/11Z'88 ON UNDERGROUND TANK TESTING GENERAL REPORT FO~M PAGE 3 T Patent pending 1. General notes and log entries. 2. Other measurements or readings not included in the computer printout. NONE 8ny special procedures.performed other than NDE Computerized VPLT Tank Testing Procedures.. NONE 4~ Description of any repairs made to the storage tank system prior to or during the test. NONE · Describe.any recommended repairs. NONE Describe any significant delays not caused by tester that resulted in delays in completing the test. NONE Describe quantity of liquids removed from tank and not replaced or liquids added to tank b'y tester from tester storage tanks. NONE If tank was subject to sludge deposits during normal use, was it properly cleaned prior tO testing? N/R NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY NDE [[CHNOLOG~, INC. 2909 0R£GON CT., 8-1 TORRHNCE, C8 90503 <213) Z12-52q4 CAPACITY SSO gal STAT ~ MILLOAK RUN TANK ~ CBK-IS TEST DATE: 0S/!1788 .ON UNDERGROUND TANK TESTING . T Patent pending GENERAL REPORT FORM PAGE 4 1. TOTAL TEST CONDUCTION TIME - 2. Leak Rate Calculation Time: a) Start b) End 1 HOUR, S8 MINUTES 1127 13ZS hours Military hours Military hours (Calculated leak rate based on data generated during the final hour of testing.) 3.' Test performed with liquid · .~ at how Many inches above grade +B 4. Location in the tank system where test was conducted VPLT TEST PIPE 5. Height of water present in tank PIPING PRESSURE.TEST - PNEUMATIC PRESSURE DATA inches B. Piping Pressure Test Conducted? NO 7. Amodnt of pressure initially applied to the system N/A -8. Amount Of pressure drop, if any: N/~ 9. Amount of time elapsed during the test N/~ 10. Piping Pressure Test Leak Rate is N/~ psi :~!.~' Minutes Gallons/Hour 11. Was turbine pump activated? NO 12. If full system leakage rates are in excess of allowable limits, were the owners notified of any additional testing procedures necessary to isolate leakage to the tank or piping? N/A 13. Have these additional testing procedures been completed? N/8 VAPOR POCKET EVALUATION 14. Does the tank show evidence of vapor pockets? NO If yes, was the owner informed of any additional procedure necessary to release trapped Vapor prior to completion of testing? N/~ NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY · HOE I£CHHOLOOY, INC. 2909 0~EGON CT., 0-1 TORRANCE, CA 90503 <213> 212-5244 CAPACITY SSO gal PR ON UNDERGROUND TANK TESTING STAT ~ MILLOAK RUN ~ GENERAL REPOR TANK ~ CBK-1S PAGE S TEST OATE: 0S/11/88 PRINTOUT OF TANK SYSTEM LEAKAGE RATE DATA Tank Owner - CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICES\ Tank Number - CSK-1S (SSO OSL) Measurement ~ 35 Da~e o¢ Test = 0S/11/1988 Time o¢ measurement ........... = 13:25:36 , Tank Temperature .............. = 67,0628 degrees Tank Pressure ................. = Basic Tank VolUMe ************* = Temperature Correction ******** = Pressure Correction *********** = 0.3608 psi 550.SS4 6allons 1.891 Gallons 0.001 Gallons Corrected Volume ************** = 552.446 Gallons Elapsed Time ..... ~ ............ = 00:5?:34 Geometry 8and ................. = Total Fluid Level ............. = Volume Change ............ ; .... = Expected Level Change ......... = Measured Level Change ********* = Primary Apparent Leak ********* = Primary Apparent Leak.Rate **** = ,T Patent pending 0.080' Gallons/Hour '73.0001. inches 0.081 Gallons 0.019S inches 0.0001 inches 0.00;0 Gallons 0.001 Gallons/Hour COMPUTERIZED PLOT OF LEAKAGE RATE DATA NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC, PROPRIETARY 2909 0REG0~ CL, B-1 fO~RB~fE, 60 90503 (21~) 212-52~ CAPACITY 550 gel PRE~, ~ON UNOERGROUND TANK TESTING STAT ~ MILLOAK RUN GENERAL REPORT FORM 'TANK ~ CBK-1S ,- PAGE G TEST DATE:.05/11/88 COMPUTERIZED PLOT OF AVERAGE TEMPERATURE 7 .83 TI~T TTI'lP' - _T Pa~en~ pending COMPUTERIZED PLOT OF LIQUIO LEVEL 4385 · 4383 .4382 T~T T?M~ - ~I;N TFS COMPUTERIZED PLOT OF PRESSURE DATA .37 · 3,6 T~%;T 'I'TI~I~ - 1'4TNII'T~ NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPR.TET~RY ~IP~- t,.rFI..,WR Or:.',, 0~'. ?or~o qpFI;p~ ,-r P-~ r~P'P.i~¢F ¢~ qq~O~ ,"?i~; I DE TECHNOLOGY. '>'':' **## CERTIFICATE OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK INTEGRITY ##** PRECISION VOLUMETRIC QUANTITATIVE VOlUMeTRIC ~AK T~T TANK VISION, tNC, has tested the following Underground atorage tank. systems, and certifies them equal to the grde level. tight at the product height TANK CONTENTS List of Tank Systems Tested: I TANK CAPACITY TANK NUMBER STATION NUMBER DIESEL' 550 CBK-15 CBK-15 TANK LOCATION: CA WATER SERVICES MILLOAK RUN BAKERSFIELD, NDE TECHNOLOBY, INC. is authorized to test and certify these tanks by t'he COUNTY OF KERN This certification meets or exceeds certification ~tandards set by the State of California, Federal and Local jurisdictional agencies. NDE TCHNOLOOY, INC. CERTIFICATION meQts the requirements of thc California Administrative Code Title 2~ Waters, Chapter ~'Water Resources 'Control Board Subchapter 1G Underqround Storaqr Requlations, Part ~643 (b), Paqe 4.14i 0.05 qallons per hour. Date : 7/21/1987 Certification No. : NDE-CT-7/Z1/1987. Certified Tester : RAY MORLEMAN (TEST TECHNICIAN) Recertification date recommended : 7/Z1/1988 NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY lltHK UISION, INC. 14064 [. FIRESTOX[ SRXTR F£ SPRINGS, CR 90670 (21)) 802-0047 CAPACITY 550 gal STAT ~ CBK-IS TANK ~ CBK-IS TEST DATE: ?/Z1/1987 1, Owner. of storage tanks Company 'Representative Title !C. ISION UNDERGROUND TANK TESTIN~ESULT Patent PenOing PAGE 1, SHORT REPORT'~mORM - ~Copyright ISBS 2. Mailing address of owner Phone of owner 4. Station number B. Location and address of the tanks Phone number G. ~Regulatory Agency 7. 8, 9, NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY CA WATER SERVICES CO CRAIG L.6ILMOUR Company Bepresentative l?ZO NORTH FIRST STEET SAN JOSE.£R 95108 4408)ZS8-1414 CBI(-IS MILLOAK RUN BAKERSFIELD,CA (8~S)83Z-Z144 COUNTY OF KERN Tank designation or ID ~ CBK-I5 Date tank was tested ?/Z1/198 The name of the test method NDE VPLT COMPUTERIZED TANK LEAK TESTING SYSTEM. Business name of tank TANK VISION, INC. testing company Mailing address of tank testing company 18. Person conducting test and completing report 11. Station Operator or Manager 12. Phone number 13. Owner name and title 14. Capacity of tank. 148~ E. FIRESTONE SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA 9~70 (213) 80Z-8847 RAY MOALEMAN ~(TEST TECHNICIAN) (Signed) ~~ ED WEGEMER,PROD SUPERINTENDENT' 480S)832-Z144 CA WATER SERVICES CO SSO gallons lB. Present or past contents DIESEL 16. Tank. construction material STEEL 17. Testing fluid DIESEL 18. (a) THE UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SYSTEM CERTIFIED TIGHT AT PRODUCT HEIGHT EQUAL TO THE GRADE LEVEL. YES (b) Allowable leak resolution of instrumentation or allowable change per California Administrative Code Title 23 Waters, Chef!er 3 Water Resources Control Board Subchapter IG Underground Storage Regulations, Part 2843 (b), Page 4.14; 0.0S gallons per hour. *** (c) MEASURED HOURLY CHAN~: LOSS (+) OR GAIN (-) GALLONS OR NUMERICAL LEAK RATE IS: (+)0.014 G~llonQ Per Hour Thi~ mea~urment i~ within the legal limit~ a~ defined in (b). NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY f~K VISION, IH[. 14064 [. rI~£$fOM[ SRNT~ F[ SPRIHGS, CA ~0670 (il)) 802004? CAPACITY SS0 gal. PRECISION UNDERGROUND TANK TESTING RESULT Patent pending TANK ~ CBK.-15 PAGE 2 STAT ~ CBK-1S -SHORT REPORT FORM - TEST PROCEDURES TEST DATE: ?/Z1/I987 ~Copyright 1SCS NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY COMPUTERIZED PRINTOUT OF OIGITAL LEAKAGE RATE DAT~ Tank Owner - Ch. WATER SERVICE CO. Tank Number - CBK-IS Measurement ~ 28 · Date of Test 07/21/1987 T~me of measurement =12:S2:48 Tank Temperature = 79.21S5 degrees F ,~ Tani:. Pressure = .6839 psi ~ Basic Tank Volume = 550.0S0 6ailons. · · -' Temperature Corr'e~t~on = 4.764 6allons. Pressure Correction = 002 Gallons. Corrected Volume = SS4.81G Gal]ors. ' Volume Change : -.00S? Gallons. Expected Level Change = -.41~G8 inches ' : Measured Level Change = ''L.03445 inches Total Fluid Level = 80.903 inches Primary 6pparen~ Leak. = -.005 Gallons. Elapsed time = Primary' Apparent Lea). Rate : -.00G Gallons/Hour Geometry BanO = -.0001 Gallons/Hour Secondary Expected Level Change = -.417 inches Secondary ~pparent Leal .... .004 Gallons. Secondary 6pparent LeVI Rate = -.004 Gallons/Hour Str'atified E.-pected LeveJ Change = gLr",~iified ~ppdrcnt L=ot - -.004 Gallon~. St~'~ified Apparent Leek Rate = -.004 Gallons/Hour ~','eraged Me~suFed Level Change ~ 040~, inches. h'~.erbged Volume Change = .0104 Gallons. ~'.'er'~ge~ E..pe.zted Level Change = .?~25 inches. ~,er'aged ~ppar'ent Le~k = .0ll 6allons., Averaged ~pp~rent Lea) ~a~e = .012 Gallons/Hour. ~¥er'aged ~tra~ifieo Volume Change = .0119 Gallons. ~ve~-aged E..pec[ed S~na~ified Level Chonge = .87£10 ~nches. ~verog~d. S.tratified ~pp~rer',t Leak = .012 6allons., Averaged ~tratified ~pporent Lea~ Rate = .014 Gallons/Hour. NDE TECHNOLOGY INC. PROFRIET,~RY l~ ........... ,,f¢'?:l,. ~,4r ;4¢:'~ : r'~,,r:T.D~r :rh4T~: r? CDF. TN2:., ._.. ;r~"'~ en:'r~. ;?.'. QUestionnaire o Normally, permits are sent to facility 'Owners but since many Owners live outside Kern County, they may choose to have the permits sent to the Operators of the facility wh~re they are to be posted. Please fill in Permit S and check one of the following before returning this form with payment: For PERMIT following corrected address: 3. Send all information to Operator: Name: Address: (Operator can' make copy of permit O~ner). for CITY OF COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT PAUL DOW, Manager G EN E BOGART, Director of Water Resources FLORN CORE, Assistant Director of Water Resources FRANK FABBRI, Parks Superintendent, 326-3781 JIM LEDOUX, Recreation Superintendent, 326-3701 ROBERT HART, Sanitation Superintendent, 326-3781 May 22~ '1986 Kern County Health· Depart~en~ Division of Environmental ~%lth 700' Flower Street Bakersfield,' CA 9550S Gentlemen: Attached you will find the 'Application for Permit to Operate Underground Hazardous Substances Storage Facility' for two water wells owned by'the City of Bakersfield. If you should have any questions, please call. Verytruly yours, PAUL DOW Community Services Manager Florn Core Assistant Director of Water Resources : Sr Att achment s 4101TRUXTUN AVENUE · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93309 · (805) 326-3715 .lVision. Of Environmental Health .... ' Application Date{~, ?0~]_-F~ow~r Street, Bakersfield, CA 93305 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY Type of Application (check): [-] New Fac i 1 i ty [']Modification of Facility ~Existing Facility []Transfer of Ownership . Emergency 24-Hour Contact (name, area code, phone): Days 805-526~5715 CBK 15; City of Bakersfield, Domestic Nights 805-852-2141 Facility Name Water Syste~ #I5 '"' .'. No. of Tanks 1 Type of Business (check): ~TGasoline Station ~0ther (describe) Domestig Water W¢ll Is Tank(s) Located on an Agricultural Farm? EYes Is Tank(s) Used Primarily for ~gricultural Purposes? []Yes Facility Address Mill Oak Run Nearest Cross St. P~rkview Drive T R SEC (Rural Locations Only) .- Owner City bf Bakersfield Contact Person Florn Core- Address 4101TruxtunAve.; Bakersfield Zip 95509 Telephone 526,5715 'Operator California Water Service Contact Person .Ed We~emer Address 5725 So. 'H' St. Zip. 95504 Telephone 852-2141 Water to Facility ProVided by City of Bakersfield ~ Depth to' Groundwater '122 'ft. Soil CharacteristicSat Facility Sandy Silt Basis for Soil Type and Groundwater Depth Detemninations Well Log Contractor N/A Address Proposed Starting Date Worker's Ccmpensation Certification CA Contractor's License No. Zip Telephone Proposed C~npletion Date Insurer · If ~his Permit Is For Modification Of An Existing Facility, Briefly Describe Modifications Proposed N/A ~' Tank(s) Store (check all that apply): Tank ! Waste Product Motor Vehicle unleaded Regular Premium Diesel Waste Fuel O-~ [] [] [] O [] [] [] [] 'ID [] [] [] O 0 [] [] [] [] Ch~ical C~mposition of Materials Stored (not necessary for motor vehicle fuels) Tank ~ Chemical Stored (non-commercial name) CAS ~ (if know~) Chemical Previously Stored (if different) Transfer of Ownership Date of'~-~nsfer Previous Facility Name modify or terminate the Previous Owner accept fully all 6b'l'igations of Permit No. issued to · I understand that the Permitti~g Authority ma~ review and transfer of' the Permit to Operate this t~dergrot~d storage facility upon receiving this completed form. This form has been ccmpleted u~der penalty of true and co._~/~t. Signature ~Ax ~ and to the best of my knowledge is ~ ~ CBK #1S {ttll,,L OOT SEPM~kT~ ~ FOR ~ ~ ~ak ~ Tank is; ~Ca£bon Stee~ oStain~ess Stee~ n Fibe£~ass-Rein~orced Plasti~ n Othe~ ~desc£ibe) Date Instal. led Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gallons) ~Double-~all OSyn~he~ic Line£ ' oLin~d Vaul~ Clique oOtber (deec£ibe): OHa~cial Cazbon Steel ~ckl~ss (Inches) 12 Ga. mRubbe~ D~lkyd m~ox¥' m~molic D~lasS 'oClay ~O~be~ (describe): m 10. 1l. Nanufacturec McCarthy Tank & Steel, o~kno~n ealmcity (Gals.) , $50 co~oaloa ~otection nCalvanized oFiberqlass-Cled oPol~ethylene Nrap II.Vinyl ~appin~ Asphalt. ~Onknmm ONone oOther {deem:il:e}: l~fl~c~n: ~lNone Olmfzessed Cacrent SyStmn OSncrificial Anode Describe Systeu & Equipuent: ' T~ak Detection, I~mito~i~, aod Ia~oa a. Tank: IJVisual (vaulted tanks only) nGrourd~a~r ltonitorir~ Nell(s) nVadose Zone Monitorin~ Well(s) GU-Tube Without Liner GU-Tube with Conpatible Liner Directir~ Flow-bo lto~itori~ Well(s) ~lVapor Detector ~iLiquid ~evel Sensor OCooducttvity lienor .~Pressu~e Sensor in Annular Space of Double Nail Tank oLiqui~ Retrieval & Inspection Frm U-Tube, Ncnitorinq Nell oF Ar~ular Slace GIDaily (]auqir~ & Inventory P~conciliaticn ~Periodic Tiqhtne~. Testinq ONo~e nilgmo~n oOther b.. Pipinq: OFlow-Restrictimq Leak Detector(s} for Pcessu~ized Pipirq... oMonitorin9 S~p with Rece~y OSealed Omcrete Macemmy OHalf-Cut C~npatible Pipe Raceway oSynthetic Line~ ~ Olame oUnkno~ mOthe£ Engine fuel pump and suction feed . Describe l~onitorir~ Method for pixie: Visual . Mas This Tank Been Tiqhtness ~ested? OYes ONo o~nkmo~n Date of Lest Tightness Test Teat Nmne Tightness Test Tank Repaired? OYes 13No pete(si of nepeir(s} Describe Repairs 4-86 Res~lt~ of TeSt Passed ~stin~ Cml=ny American Environmental Management Corp. Oee~fill l~tecttca ~llOperator Fills, Controls, & Visually Honitor8 ~ OTape FlOat Gaucje OFlOat Vent Valves O&uto Shu~- Off Oontrols · OOthe~: Describe Conponente o£ I~/stan: a. llxlergro~d Pipin9 t ~Yes OI~ O,tlakno~n ~ri~ Copper Tubin~ T~c~ {i~s) .032 Di~ 3/8" ~uf~~ ~e~din~ Industries Inc. O~ess~e ~tion o~ity ~o~ ~ o~ ~ ~ 25 ft. O~e~9~o~ Pipi~ ~osi~ ~ot~ti~ i o~lvaniz~ oFi~gla~l~ O~e~ ~r~t o~rificial ~e o~l~yle~ ~ O~tric~ I~lati~ ovi~l ~ ~ ~ ~t OU~ O~ ~r (~:ri~): Installed in 1" PUC Sch. 40 cgB~uit O~1~1 O~tic M~r' ~t~ ~ ~Ot~r (~ri~): Sch. 40 1" PUC condui~ t~AVIN~ LIIIIlT~ 7'OP _ '~ . .. . . ~ . · ~ ~ ...... . . ~. ,