HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION FILE 7/18/1994Unocal Corporation 2000 Crow Canyon Place, ~ 400 San Ramon, California 94583 Telephone (510) 867-0706 ,.~ Facsimile (510) 277-2309 UNOCAL July 18., 1994 Northern Region Corporate EnviroRmental Remediation & Technology RECEIVED JUL 2 I 1995. HAZ. MAT. DIV. Mark Turk Bakersfield Fire Department Hazardous Materials Division 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, California 93301 UNOCAL SERVICE STATION ~5573 2502 Ming Avenue Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Turk: Please review the attached "Tank Closure Report" prepared by GeoResearch and dated July 11, 1994. This report documents the removal of the tanks and lines associated with the demolition of the referenced service station in April of 1994. Laboratory analysis of soil samples collected by GeoResearch under your direction indicate there is no significant contamination remaining under the former tanks, lines, dispensers, hoists, or lube bays. It is Union Oil of California's (dba Unocal) technical opinion that no further environmental work is required at this site. If you agree with this assessment, a closure letter wOuld be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please feel free to contact the undersigned at (510) 277-2334. Robert Boust Senior Environmental Engineer attachment cc: R. Raymond w/o R. E. Bock w/o TANK CLOSURE REPORT FOR UNOCAL SERVICE STATION 5573 2502 MING AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Prepared for Unocal Corporate Environmental Remediation and Technology 2000 Crow Canyon Place, Suite 400 San Ramon, California 94583 Prepared by GeoResearch a division of GEOSERVICES, a California corporation, 1713 Tulare Street, Suite 113 Fresno, California 93721 (209) 264-0444 July 11, 1994 937O6O6O1 5573CLR.RPT4 071194F TABLE OF CONTENTS STATEMENT OF LIMITATIONS AND PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION ...... iv 1.0 2.0 3.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................ SITE BACKGROUND ......................................... REGIONAL AND SITE HYDROGEOLOGY ......................... 3.1 GEOGRAPHIC SETTING ................................. 3.2 REGIONAL AND SITE GEOLOGY .......................... 3.3 GROUND-WATER CHARACTERISTICS ...................... 4.0 FIELD PROCEDURES ........................................ 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 4.1 UST REMOVAL ........................................ 4.2 PRODUCT LINE REMOVAL AND EXCAVATION AT DISPENSER ISLANDS ........................................... 4.3 SOIL SAMPLING ....................................... 4.4 LABORATORY ANALYSES ............................... LABORATORY ANALYTICAL RESULTS ........................... BACKFILL, COMPACTION, AND SOIL STOCKPILE DISPOSITION ....... CONCLUSIONS ............................................. RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................ REFERENCES ............................................. 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 7 7 LIST OF TABLES TABLE 1' Analytical Results For Soil Samples TABLE 2: Analytical Results For Soil Stockpiles Samples LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 1: Site Location FIGURE 2: Site Plan With Soil Sample Locations FIGURE 3: Soil Stockpiles With Sample Locations 5573CLR.RPT4 071194F ii TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A: APPENDIX B: APPENDIX C: APPENDIX D: APPENDIX E: Previous Analytical Results And Sample Locations Tank Removal Documentation General Arrangement Plan GeoResearch Soil Sampling Procedures Laboratory Reports And Chain-Of-Custody Documentation STATEMENT OF LIMITATIONS AND PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION Information provided in this report dated July 11, 1994, for GeoResearch Project Number 937060601 is intended exclusively for Unocal Corporate Environmental Remediation and Technology (Unocal CERT) for the evaluation of petroleum hydrocarbons as they pertain to the subject site at the time the data were collected. The professional services provided have been performed in accordance with practices generally accepted by other geologists, hydrologists, hydrogeologists, engineers, and environmental scientists practicing in this field. No other warranty, either expressed or implied, is made. As with all subsurface investigations, there is no guarantee that the work conducted will identify any or all sources or locations of petroleum hydrocarbons. This report is issued with the understanding that Unocal CERT is responsible for ensuring that the information contained in this report is brought t° the attention of the appropriate regulatory agency. This report has been reviewed by a geologist who is registered in the State of California and whose signature and license number appear below. "S~encer J. Harris Project Geologist Warren W. Gross, C.E.G. #1528 Associate Geologist 5573CLR.RPT4 071194F iv 1.0 INTRODUCTION Unocal Corporate Environmental Remediation and Technology (Unocal CERT) contracted GeoResearch to document the removal of underground storage tanks (USTs) and related product lines from Unocal service station 5573 at 2502 Ming Avenue, Bakersfield, California (Figure 1), and to complete appropriate soil sampling. The service station maintained two 10,000-gallon unleaded gasoline USTs, one 520 gallon waste-oil UST, three dispenser islands, and two service bays with hydraulic lifts. A septic tank was also removed adjacent to the waste-oil UST (Figure 2). Activities associated with the UST removal were conducted in April and May 1994. Following removal of the USTs, a preliminary investigation was conducted that included collecting soil samples for laboratory analyses from beneath the former USTs, beneath the former product lines, and adjacent to the hydraulic lifts. Limited overexcavation and confirmation soil sampling were conducted at the two dispenser islands south of the station building. Soil samples were also collected from soil stockpiles created during UST removal. This report summarizes the activities associated with the UST removal and provides documentation of the laboratory results, UST and tank rinsate disposal, soil disposal, and Dackfilling and compaction of the site excavations. 2.0 SITE BACKGROUND GeoResearch conducted a Phase II subsurface site investigation at the site in April 1993 (GeoResearch, 1993). The purpose of the investigation was to determine the presence and extent of petroleum hydrocarbons in soil that may have resulted from fuel storage, dispensing, and motor vehicle service facilities at the subject property. During the Phase II investigation, 11 soil borings were completed near the USTs, product lines, dispenser islands, and hydraulic lifts. Concentrations of total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-G) at 18,000 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) and toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes at 110 mg/kg, 300 mg/kg, and 2,800 mg/kg, respectively, were reported in soil collected at 10 feet below ground surface (bgs) beneath the southern dispenser island. Based on a significant decrease in petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations from 10 to 15 feet bgs, it was concluded that the vertical extent of petroleum hydrOcarbons beneath the dispensers was limited to approximately 20 feet bgs, with a limited lateral extent (GeoResearch, 1993). Concentrations of TPH-G between 1.2 mg/kg and 34 mg/kg, with no detectable benzene, were also identified in soil collected near the USTs and near the west end of the northern island. These findings did not appear to be associated with a significant hydrocarbon release. Petroleum hydrocarbons were not detected in soil collected adjacent to the hydraulic lifts (GeoResearch, 1993). A figure and a table summarizing the results of the 5573CLR.RPT4 071194F 1 Phase II investigation are included in Appendix A. The GeoResearch (1993) report was submitted to the Bakersfield Fire Department. 3.0 REGIONAL AND SITE HYDROGEOLOGY 3.1 GEOGRAPHIC SETTING The City of Bakersfield is in the southern San Joaquin Valley, which is part of the Great Valley of California. In this area, the San Joaquin Valley is bounded on the east by the Sierra Nevada Mountains, the south by the Tehachapi Mountains and the west by the Temblor Range. North of Bakersfield, the valley stretches approximately 400 miles to Red Bluff. Runoff from the southern Sierra Nevada Mountains drains into the Kern River, which flows through the northern part of Bakersfield. The terminus for the Kern River is Buena Vista Lake on the west side of the valley (Hackel, 1966). The topography of the San Joaquin Valley is almost flat, and much of the valley floor to the north is only slightly above sea level. In the Bakersfield area, the elevation is higher, averaging approximately 400 feet above mean sea level (msl). At the project site, the elevation is 383 feet above msl and the topographic gradient slopes very gently towards the south-southwest (United States Geological Survey, 1954). 3.2 REGIONAL AND SITE GEOLOGY The San Joaquin Valley encompasses the southern portion of the Great Valley Geomorphic Province of California. Geologically, the Great Valley is a large, elongate, northwest-trending, asymmetric structural trough that has been filled with a thick sequence of sediments ranging from Jurassic to Recent in age (Hackle, 1966). The eastern shelf of this synclinal trough is the subsurface continuation of the granitic Sierra slope, and the western flank of the trough is expressed by the upturned edges of the basin sediments. The trough, or basin, is interrupted by two cross-valley structures. The northernmost structure is the Stockton Fault in the Stockton arch, which is the boundary separating the Sacramento sub-basin from the San Joaquin sub-basin. The other cross- valley structure is the White Wolf Fault in the Bakersfield arch, which is in the southernmost part of the valley (Norris and Webb, 1990). Sedimentary fill of the southern portion of the Great Valley in the Bakersfield area includes up to 12,000 feet of marine and nonmarine sandstones, siltstones, claystones, and conglomerates, with lesser amounts of tuff and diatomite. These rocks range in age from Cretaceous to Pliocene and were deposited over Mesozoic-age Sierra granitic 5573CLR.RPT4 071194F 2 basement (Hackel, 1966). Overlying the Pliocene deposits are loosely consolidated to unconsolidated Pleistocene and Recent-age alluvial sands and conglomerates. Sediments immediately underlying the project site include Recent-age alluvial fan deposits of clay, sand, and conglomerate derived from erosion in the Sierra Nevada Mountains east of the site (Smith, 1964). 3.3 GROUND-WATER CHARACTERISTICS Ground-water resources in the San Joaquin Valley are primarily within the Pliocene, Pleistocene, and Recent-age alluvial sediments (Poland and Evenson, 1966). In the Bakersfield area, wells produce water from alluvial sediments at depths between 100 and 500 feet below ground surface (bgs). The Kern County Water Agency (KCWA) maintains records of precipitation, surface water and ground water for member water districts and publishes an annual "Water Supply Report" (KCWA, 1993). Based on the Water Supply Report published in December 1993, two (composite) wells penetrate both the confined and unconfined aquifers approximately 0.5 mile west-northwest and 1 mile east-southeast of the project site. Data shown on maps of the unconfined aquifer indicate that the depth to ground water in the site vicinity is approximately 150 feet bgs. These maps also suggest that the direction of ground-water flow beneath the site vicinity is towards the northeast. The report indicates that ground water in this area contains total dissolved solids at concentrations of approximately 500 parts per million (KCWA, 1993). 4.0 FIELD PROCEDURES 4.1 UST REMOVAL On April 28, 1994, two 10,000-gallon USTs used to store unleaded gasoline, and one 520-gallon UST used to store waste-oil were removed from the project site by Wegener Construction, of Bakersfield, California. The gasoline and waste-oil USTs were constructed of single-wall steel. The USTs appeared to be in good condition, and GeoResearch personnel did not observe holes in any of the tanks. Significant soil staining was not observed in the tank pit. Prior to removal, the USTs were triple rinsed and the rinsate was transported to Gibson Environmental in Bakersfield, California. The tanks were transported to Golden State Metals in Bakersfield, California, for disposal. Copies of the tank removal permits, the hazardous waste manifest for the rinsate, and documentation of UST destruction and disposal are in Appendix B. Soil excavated from above the gasoline USTs and near the fill ports was stockpiled separately from other excavated soil from around and beneath the USTs. The soil 5573CLR.RPT4 071194F 3 excavated at the waste-oil UST area was also stockpiled separately from other soil. Approximately 200 cubic yards of soil was excavated from the UST area and temporarily stockpiled on site beneath plastic sheeting (Figure 3). A septic tank located adjacent to the UST pit was removed prior to the waste-oil and gasoline UST removal by Wegener Construction. The septic tank was concrete and had not been in use for several years since city sewer improvements were brought to the site. The former septic tank was removed, broken up, and disposed of off-site (Hale, 1994). 4.2 PRODUCT LINE REMOVAL AND EXCAVATION AT DISPENSER ISLANDS On April 28, 1994, fiberglass product and vapor recovery lines from the gasoline USTs to the two former dispenser islands were removed. Steel product lines from the USTs to a proposed dispenser island (General Arrangement Plan, Appendix C) were also removed. The GeoResearch on-site representative observed soil staining and petroleum hydrocarbon odors in soil at the two dispenser island locations. Based on visual observation of soil staining, elevated OVA readings, and results of the previous investigation discussed above, soil containing petroleum hydrocarbons was excavated on April 28 and 29, 1994 from beneath the two dispenser islands south of the station building to depths of 17 to 20 feet bgs (Figure 2). Approximately 175 cubic yards of soil was excavated from beneath the two dispenser islands. The excavated soil was temporarily stockpiled on and covered with plastic sheeting on the subject property (Figure 3). 4.3 SOIL SAMPLING Messrs. Mark Turk and Howard Wines of the Bakersfield City Fire Department, Hazardous Materials Division, were on site during the UST removal operations conducted on April 28, 1994. Following removal of all USTs from the site, Mr. Turk directed the collection of soil samples from beneath the former USTs, exposed product lines, and dispensers. Soil samples were collected from 2 and 6 feet beneath the ends of each of the 10,000-gallon USTs and from 2 and 6 feet beneath the center of the former waste-oil UST (Figure 2). In addition, soil samples were collected at 3 and 7 feet bgs beneath the product lines as directed by Mr. Turk (Figure 2). Soil was removed from the desired depths by an excavator or backhoe and collected, using a wooden mallet and brass tubes, from the excavator or backhoe bucket. Following the excavation of soil containing petroleum hydrocarbons beneath the former dispenser islands on April 28 and 29, 1994, GeoResearch collected confirmation soil samples from the bottom and sides of the excavations. Mr. Turk indicated to the GeoResearch representative on site that shallow soil samples were not required at the 5573CLR.RPT4 071194F 4 GeoResearch representative on site that shallow soil samples were not required at the dispensers where remedial excavation was performed, or along the product line trench adjacent to the southeast corner of the building where no evidence of'leakage was observed. GeoResearch procedures for collecting soil samples during UST removal activities are in Appendix D. In addition to the soil samples collected under the direction of the fire department, GeoResearch collected two soil samples at 10 feet bgs adjacent to the two hydraulic lifts (Figure 2). These soil samples were collected using a hand-auger, drive sampler, and brass tubes. GeoResearch returned to the site on May 20, 1994, to collect soil stockpile samples for soil profiling. Soil stockpile samples were collected at locations shown in Figure 3. Two to three discrete soil samples were collected from each stockpile and composited in the laboratory for analysis of a single soil sample from each stockpile. Compositing of the individual soil stockpile samples was performed by the laboratory in such a manner as to prevent the loss of volatile compounds. Excavated soil was placed in four discrete piles containing soil from the gasoline UST area, the waste-oil UST area, the northern dispenser island, and the southem dispenser island, respectively (Figure 3). 4.4 LABORATORY ANALYSES Soil samples collected from beneath the former gasoline USTs, product lines, and dispensers were analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-G) according to United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Method 5030/8015 and for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX) according to USEPA 'Method 8020. Soil samples collected beneath the waste-oil UST were analyzed for total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbons (TRPH) according to USEPA Method 418.1. The deeper soil sample collected beneath the former waste-oil UST was also analyzed for halogenated volatile organics (HVO) according to USEPA Method 8010 and for total lead according to USEPA Method 7421. The soil samples collected adjacent to the hydraulic lifts were analyzed for TRPH. Soil stockpile samples were analyzed for TPH-G and BTEX, except for the sample collected from the waste-oil soil stockpile, which was analyzed for TRPH and total organic halides (TOX). All samples were analyzed by Sequoia Analytical, a State of California-certified hazardous materials laboratory in Redwood City, California. 5573CLR.RPT4 071194F 5 5.0 LABORATORY ANALYTICAL RESULTS Analytical results for the soil samples collected from beneath the USTs lines, dispensers, and hydraulic lifts are summarized in Table 1. The results for samples collected from stockpiled soil are summarized in Table 2. The laboratory reports and chain-of-custody documentation are in Appendix E. With the exception of toluene and lead, none of the constituents of concern were detected in any of the subsurface soil samples analyzed. A toluene concentration of 0.013 mg/kg was detected in soil sample PL1-3, collected at 3 feet bgs from the product line trench east of the USTs (Figure 2). Toluene was also detected at a concentration of 0.014 mg/kg in soil sample PL4-7, collected at 7 feet bgs from the product line trench east of the dispenser islands. A total lead concentration of 0.43 mg/kg was detected in soil sample T3-C-14, collected at 14 feet bgs beneath the center of the former waste-oil tank (Figure 2). Composite soil samples collected from the gasoline USTs soil stockpile did not contain TPH-G or BTEX. The composite soil stockpile sample collected from the waste-oil UST stockpile contained 8,700 mg/kg TRPH and was not detected for TOX. Soil samples collected from the northern and southern dispenser islands stickpile contained up to 120 mg/kg TPH-G (reported as purgeable hydrocarbons), 0.17 mg/kg ethylbenzene and 1 mg/kg total xylenes. 6.0 BACKFILL, COMPACTION, AND SOIL STOCKPILE DISPOSITION Upon completion of soil sampling and analyses the excavations at the subject site were backfilled with imported fill. The backfill was compacted and compaction testing was conducted by Smith & Associates of Bakersfield, California. Based on the compaction tests, backfill soil placed in the UST pit was compacted to at least 90 percent of its maximum density. The compaction test repod is in Appendix B. The soil stockpile from the waste-oil UST area was transported to Gibson Environmental for recycling. The nonhazardous transport manifest is included in Appendix B. The soil stockpiles from the dispenser excavations were spread on-site and are scheduled to be resampled in 4 to 6 weeks to document the natural attenuation of TPH-G concentrations in the soil. Monitoring was completed with an organic vapor analyzer during stockpile spreading in order to document compliance with applicable San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control Districts requirements. Results of the confirmation soil stockpile sampling will be included in an addendum to the tank closure report. 5573CLR.RPT4 071194F 6 7.0 CONCLUSIONS Based on the results of this investigation and the previous investigation conducted by GeoResearch, GeoResearch has reached the following conclusions: Two 10,000-gallon gasoline USTs, One 520-gallon waste-oil UST, and related appurtenances were removed from the subject site on April 28, 1994. No USTs are known to remain on site. Approximately 200 cubic yards of soil was excavated from the UST area and another 175 cubic yards excavated from product trenches and remedial excavation at the two dispenser islands. All observed and monitored soil with field indication of petroleum hydrocarbons was excavated. Soil samples were collected under the direction of the Bakersfield Fire Department beneath the USTs and product lines, and at the bottom and sides of the excavations. With the exception of 0.013 mg/kg and 0.014 mg/kg of toluene in soil detected in two soil samples collected from the product line trenches, soil samples analyzed did not contain petroleum hydrocarbon compounds. Total lead was detected beneath the former waste-oil UST at 0.43 mg/kg. Based on an estimated depth to ground water of 150 feet bgs in the site vicinity, there does not appear to be a threat to ground water from soil containing petroleum hydrocarbon compounds at the subject site. 8.0 RECOMMENDATIONS Pending completion of the confirmation soil sampling and analysis for the spread dispenser island soil stockpiles and submittal of an addendum report, no further action is recommended with regard to environmental issues at the subject site. Based on the analytical results of soil sampling completed in conjunction with documented tank removal and dispenser island excavation operations, the site appears suitable for closure. 9.0 REFERENCES Hackel, Otto, 1966, "Summary of the Geology of the Great Valley," in Geology of Northern California: California Division of Mines and Geology, Bulletin 190, pp. 217-238. Hale, Jerry, 1994, Construction Superintendent, Wegener Construction, personal communication, June 13, 1994. 5573CLR. RPT4 071194F 7 GeoResearch, 1993, Report of Subsurface Investigation, Unocal Service Station No. 5573, 2502 Ming Avenue, Bakersfield, California, GeoResearch Project No. 937060600. Kern County Water Agency (KCWA), 1993, "Water Supply Report, 1992,"/December 1993, 80 p. Norris, R.M. and R.W. Webb, 1990, Geology of California: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 541 P. Poland, J.F., and R.E. Evenson, 1966, "Hydrogeology and Land Subsidence, Great Central Valley, California," in Geology of Northern California: California Division of Mines and Geology, Bulletin 190, pp. 239-247. Smith, A.R., 1964, Compiler, in Geologic Atlas of California, Bakersfield Sheet: California Division of Mines and Geology. United States Geological Survey (USGS), 1954, 7.5 Minute Series Topographic, Gosford Quadrangle,. photorevised 1968 and 1973. 5573CLR.RPT4 071194F ~ TABLES 5573CLR.RPT4 071194F TABLE 1 ANALYTICAL RESULTS FOR SOIL SAMPLES UNOCAL SERVICE STATION 5573 2502 Ming Avenue, Bakersfield, California GeoResearch Project 937060601 SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE TPH-G B T E X ID SAMPLED DEPTH (ft bgs) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) GASOLINE UST AREA T1-N-14 4/28/94 14 ND ND ND ND ND T1 -N-18 4/28/94 18 ND ND ND ND NI~ T1-S~14 4/28/94 14 ND ND ND ND ND T1-S-18 4/28/94 18 ND ND ND ND ND T2-N-14 4/28/94 14 ND ND ND ND ND T2-N-18 4/28/94 18 ND ND ND ND ND T2-S-14 4/28/94 14 ND ND ND ND ND T2-S-18 4/28/94 18 ND ND ND ND ND PRODUCT LINE TRENCHES PL1-3 4/28/94 3 ND ND 0.013 ND ND PL1-7 4/28/94 7 ND ND ND ND ND PL2-3 4/28/94 3 ND ND ND ND ND PL2-7 4/28/94 7 ND ND ND ND ND PL3-3 4/28/94 3 ND ND ND ND ND PL3-7 4/28/94 7 ND ND ND ND ND PL4-3 4/28/94 3 ND ND ND ND ND PL4-7 4/28/94 7 ND ND 0.014 ND ND PL5-3 4/28/94 3 ND ND ND ND ND PL5-7 4/28/94 7 ND ND ND ND ND 5573.TB14 071194F TABLE I (CONTINUED) SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE TPH-G B T E X ID SAMPLED DEPTH (ft bgs) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) DISPENSER ISLANDS EXCAVATIONS (CONFIRMATION SAMPLES) D2-20 4/28/94 20 (bottom) ND ND ND ND ND D2-N-20 4/29/94 20 (sidewall) ND ND ND ND ND D2-S-18 4/29/94 18 (sidewall) ND ND ND ND ND D2-E-18 4/29/94 20 (sidewall) ND ND ND ND ND D3-17 4/29/94 17 (bottom) ND ND ND ND ND D3-E-17 4/29/94 17 (sidewall) ND ND ND ND ND D3-N-18 4/29/94 18 (sidewall) ND ND ND ND ND D3-S-17 4/29/94 17 (sidewall) ND ND ND ND ND D4-18 4/29/94 18 (bottom) ND ND ND ND ND LABORATORY DETECTION LIMITS 1.0 0.005 0.005 I 0.005 0.005 LABORATORY USEPA METHODS 5030/8015 8020 WASTE-OIL UST AREA TRPH Halogenated Volatile Lead (mg/kg) Organics (~g/kg) (mg/kg) T3-C-10 4/28/94 10 ND na na T3-C-14 4/28/94 14 ND ND 0.43 SERVICE BAYS H1-10 4/28/94 10 ND na na H2-10 4/28/94 10 ND na na LABORATORY DETECTION LIMITS 15 5.0 - 50 0.25 (see laboratory report) LABORATORY USEPA METHODS 418.1 8010 7421 For NOTES, see last page of Tables 5573.TB14 071194F TABLE 2 ANALYTICAL RESULTS FOR SOIL STOCKPILE SAMPLES UNOCAL SERVICE STATION 5573 2502 Ming Avenue, Bakersfield, California GeoResearch Project 937060601 SAMPLE ID DATE TRPH TPH-G B T E X TOX SAMPLED (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) WASTE-OIL UST SOIL STOCKPILE* WOSP(A/B) I 5/20/94 8,700 ND na na Ina I na ND GASOLINE UST SOIL STOCKPILE* SP1 (A-C) 5/20/94 na ND ND ND ND ND na SP2 (A-C) 5/20/94 na ND ND ND ND ND na DISPENSER ISLAND EXCAVATION SOIL STOCKPILES* SP3 (A-C) 5/20/94 na 120 ND ND 0.17 1.0 na SP4 (A/B) 5/20/94 na 120 ND ND ND 0.36 na SP5 (A/B) 5/20/94 na 8.6 ND ND ND ND na LABORATORY DETECTION LIMITS 1.0 0.005 I 0.005I 0.005 I 0.005 10 LABORATORY USEPA METHODS 5030/8015 8020 9020 *Composite samples are listed, for example: SP1 (A-C) represents samples SPI-A, SPI-B, and SPI-C. NOTES FOR TABLES: TPH-G = total petroleum hydrocrabons as gasoline (reported as purgeable hydrocarbons) TRPH = total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbons B = benzene T -- toluene E -- ethylbenzene X = total xylenes ft bgs = feet below ground surface mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram UST = underground storage tank ND = not detected USEPA = United State Environmental Protection Agency ~Lg/kg -- micrograms per kilogram na = not analyzed FIGURES 5573CLR.RPT4 071194F KERN ROA Thompson ,~... '--- ~ High Seh '~. i -- ./ Pianz .Sch High Seh NORTH 0 1 f4 1/2 SCALE IN MILES REFERENCE: US GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, 1954 GOSFORD, CALIFORNIA, QUADRANGLE, PHOTOREVISED 1981 CeoR. eseorch SITE LOCATION UNOCAL SERVICE STATION 5573 2502 MiNG AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA PROJECT NO. g57060601 FILE NO: SITE60601 DRAWN BY: L. KOCHIAN VACANT FIELD T2-N-14 T2-N-18 FORMER T5-0-10 %WASTE-OIL T~-C-~4 '"-...~ST ~ SEPTIC L[J L.J TANK T2- S- 14 ----~:::: T2-S-18 FORMER GASOLINE USTs -- -IF -I T1-N-14 x II x IT1-N-lB /~_~1 x IT~-s-14 FORMER BUILDING [~ PLI-3 PL1-7 II PL2-3 PL2-7 Iit OUTLINE OF EXCAVATIONS AT FORMER DISPENSER , PLS-3 L ~PLS-7 It D2-,.N-20 / ', ', PL4-3 D2-20 ~~~X~----..-__--.-~ PL4-7 D2-E-18 ~ D3-E-17 D3-17 D3-S-17 FORMER PRODUCT ...---LINES X PL3-3 L PL3-7 FORMER PIPING STUBBED IN FOR FUTURE ISLAND MING AVENUE LEGEND X T1-N-14 SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION REFERENCE: UNOCAL GENERAL ARRANGEMENT PLAN, 1975 NORTH 15 30 60 I SCALE IN FEET OeoReseorch SITE PLAN WITH SOIL SAMPLE LOCATIONS UNOCAL SERVICE STATION 5573 2502 MING AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA PROJECT NUMBER: 957060601 DATE: 6/7/94 t CKD BY:/ ~ NO.: 2 ~'~/'~'~/'~- IDRAWN BY: MCGEE FILE NO: 706025 VACANT FIELD I- -1 F- -1 FORMERI II I F---1 L_J U _JU _J FORMER BUILDING GASOLINE USTs SOIL SP1 -B DISPENSER STOCKPILE/ v ~SPSPI-C AREAl-- -- --1 sP,-A/~ x'/ f I Lx I I sP2-B I_ __ _J NORTH DISPENSER SOIL STOCKPILE SOUTH DISPENSER ISLAND SOIL /'" STOCKPILE / [ , MING AVENUE LEGEND X SP1 -A SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION REFERENCE: UNOCAL GENERAL ARRANGEMENT PLAN, 1975 NORTH 15 30 60 SCALE IN FEET CeoReseorch SOIL STOCKPILES WITH SAMPLE LOCATIONS UNOCAL SERVICE STATION 5575 2502 MING AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA PROdECT NUMBER: 957060601 DATE: 6/7/94 tCKD BY; tFIGURE NO.: 3 /:~/~/..~/' DRAWN BY: MCGEE FILE NO: 706025 APPENDIX A PREVIOUS ANALYTICAL RESULTS AND SAMPLE LOCATIONS 5573CLR.RPT4 071194F TABLE 1 RESULTS OF TPH-G AND BTEX ANALYSES OF SOIL SAMPLES UNOCAL SERVICE STATION NO. 5573 2502 MING AVENUE, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA April 19 - 21, 1993 Sample Depth TRPH TPH-G B T E X ID (ft bgs) 418.1 CAL-EPA .... EPA METHOD 8020 .... --mg/kg ...... GASOLINE AND WASTE-OIL USTs SBi-10 10 ND ...... SBi-15 15 ND 3.5 ND 0.015 0.059 0.56 SB1-25 25 -- 3.9 ND 0.008 0.042 0.46 SB1-35 35 -- 1.7 ND 0.005 0.017 0.19 SB1-40 40 -- ND ND ND ND ND SB2-15 15 -- 1.2 ND ND 0.009 0.10 SB2-25 25 -- ND ND ND 0.005 0.056 SB2-35 35 -- ND ND ND ND 0.041 SB3-15 15 -- ND ND ND ND 0.039 SB3-30 30 -- ND ND ND ND 0.039 SB3-40 40 -- ND ND 0.006 0.008 0.069 DISPENSER ISLANDS SB4-10 10 34 ND 0.007 0.031 0.49 SB4-17 17 -- 1.2 ND ND ND 0.020 SB4-21 21 -- ND ND ND ND ND SB4-25 25 -- ND ND ND ND 0.016 SB5-9 9 -- ND ND ND ND 0.015 SB5-17 17 -- ND ND ND ND ND SB5-25 25 -- ND ND ND 0.010 0.085 SB5-30 30 -- ND ND ND ND ND DETECTION LIMITS 50 1.0 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.015 UN5573 . SBR090893F4 TABLE 1 (Continued) Sample Depth TRPH TPH-G B T E X ID (ft bgs) 418.1 CAL-EPA EPA METHOD 8020 .... -mg/kg- DISPENSER ISLANDS (Continued) HA2-5 5 -- 76 ND 0.017 0.062 0.77 HA2-10 10 -- 18,000 ND 110 300 2,800 HA2-15 15 -- 100 ND 0.19 0.76 10 HA3-5 5 -- ND ND ND ND ND PRODUCT LINES HA1-5 5 -- ND ND ND ND ND HA6-5 5 -- ND ND ND ND ND AUTOMOTIVE ~OISTS HA4-5 5 ND .......... HA4-10 10 ND .......... HA5-5 5 ND .......... HA5-10 10 ND .......... DETECTION LIMITS 50 1.0 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.015 mg/kg- NOTES FOR TABLES: CAL/EPA EPA TRPH 418.1 TPH-G B T X E mg/kg ND ft bgs California Environmental Protection Agency U.S. Environmental Protection Agency total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbons EPA Method for TRPH total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline benzene toluene xylene ethylbenzene milligrams per kilogram (parts per million) not detected (below laboratory detection limit) sample not analyzed for this parameter feet below ground surface UN5573 . SBR090893 F4 VACANT FIELD ASPHALT SBe_2 10.0GO-GALLON U~~---~ ~-, I II I RBE~ ISLANDS 'r s8_5 CANOPY,- I// / I MING AVENUE IFC. END · SOIL BORING LOCATIONS · HAND AUGER LOCATIONS NOR'IH OeolResearch SITE PLAN UNOCAL SERVICE STATION 5577 2.502 MING AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA PROJECT NUMBER: 9570606 DATE: 05/93 CKD BY: ]FIGURE NO.: 2 FiLE NO: 9370606A ~ ~. I-~lDRAWN BY: L. KOCHIAN APPENDIX B TANK REMOVAL DOCUMENTATION 5573CLR.RPT4 071194F "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT 2101 H STREEI S. O. JOHNSON BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT BAKERSFIELD. 93301 FIRE CHIEF HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION 326.3911 2130 G Street, Bakersfield, CA' '93301 (805) 326-3979 CERTIFICATION STATEMENT OF TANK DECONTAMINATION I, ~1~ ~~' an authorized agent of name ~~~ ~D~[$ ~' here by attest under penalty of -' Contracting Co. - .... ', perjur~ that the tank(s) located at ~O~ ~ and Address being removed under permit~ ~-~2~7~ ~as been cleaned/decontaminated properly and a LEL (lower explosiCe limit) reading of no greater than 5% was me&sured immediately following the cleaning/decontamination process. Date Conformation by: Name ?( print ) City of Bakersfield City or BaKers¢lei¢~ RECEiP]' Receipt Number: 00016427 ~mounC: 40.00 04/05/'~4 15~2 PerBlt No: 94-01557 Type: NiSC MISCELLANEOUS PERMll Slte ~ddress: 2502 ~ING ~VE Payment Method: CK Notation: 556 init: OS Account Code Description Pald 014-52050 OEMOLi'I'iON COM PERMIT 40.00 Total ( rhis Payment): 40.00 lotai Fees: 40.00 'l'otal ~11Pavment$: 40.00 8a±ance: .00 1715 CHESTER AVE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 BUILDING DEPARTMENT. PERMIT INFO Permit No..: 94-01337 Permit Type: MISC Type ....... : DMO Status ..... : APPROVED LOCATION Job Address: Location...: Description: Tr/No/Lot..: TR Zone ....... : C1 School Dist: Cond Sq Ft.: CONSTRUCTION Occ ClassY'.:- Type Const.: V-N Fire Sprlk.: N PEOPLE Owner ...... : Applicant..: Arch/Engr..: Contractor.: Cont L±c No: Cont Addr..: FEES Plan Check.: Permit Fees: Fire Sprlk.: Bond ....... : School Fee.: Park Fee...: Habitat Fee: Special Ins: Additional.: Double Fee.: P.W Fees...: 2502 MING AVE DEMO SERVICE STATION UNOCAL CORP WEGENER CONST WEGENER CONST 413913 1710 CALLOWAY DR BAKERSFIELD, CA .00 40.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00' .00 .00 .00 Applied..: Approved.: Completed: To Expire: Parcel...: SPR No...: Park Dist: 04/05/1994 04/05/1994 10/02/1994 124-133-22-006 Occ No...: Code ..... : 1991UBC 49 Phone No.: (707) 765-1660 Phone No.: 589-5570 Phone No.: Phone No.: 589-5570 Exp Date.: 93312 Total Sq Ft...: Permit Val .... : .00 Fire Sprlk Val: .00 Bond Valuation: .00 Tot Valuation.: .00 Tot Calc Fee...: 40.00 Additonal Fee.: .00 Tot Permit Fee: 40.00 Payments ...... : 40.00 Balance Due...: .00 CALL FOR INSPECTION 24 Hour Recorder Number (805) 326-3728 Please state ~ Permit Number, the Job Address, and the Type of Inspection. Request for inspections should be made at least twenty-four hours in advance. Inspectors office hours ere: 8:00 - 8:30 AM and 1:00 ~ 1:30 PM DECLARATIONS Permit is issued in accordance with all applicable Federal, C~t~te and Local Ordinances. The permittee has properly signed and dated the reverse side of this form. This permit expires after 180 days of Inactivity. I have reviewed the above application, e~d find it to be correct/complete: Permittee: Date: PERMIT APPLICATION SITE INFORMATION ~ Bakersfield Fire. Dept.~ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVIS/I~'N UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PROGRAM FOR REMOVAL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SITE L]t-.~L. _~-~.,~:,Vrj~,~.mol.~ A?DRESS~-~, J~l/.~ ,,~VE. ZIP CODE ~4- APN FACILITY NAME ~.~ ~__.E.~.~'/_~CROSS STREET ~L.~__~p_._~-.~ ~'" TANK OWNER/OPERATOR ~;~G~,L.. C~:~:~=:'c:;~f~ PHONE No. MAILING ADDRESS ~ ~ IM.?FJ~I,A,,L ~V:3q.t,,C~"r' CITY ~ ZIP CODE CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPANY ~-"'-I~1~1~.. C¢~rb~ ADDRESS ~ql~:2 ~L_.L_.~,,.J,~.'~ INSURANCE CARRIER ~ PHONE No.~..~~O LICENSE NO. ciTY ~ zip CODE WORKMENS COMP No. PRELIMANARY ASSEMENT INFORMATION COMPANY ~ ~..~~ PHONE No~.~-~Oo LICENSE NO.Zr"I-'I~C~r- ..., cl~J ~~~ zip CODE · . ,WORKMENS COMP 'No. TANK CLEANING INFORMATION COMPANY ~z= ~..\ C_.,t~ -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-~ ~ k[ ADDRESS ~ PHONE No.,~ ~:;,-~.~ CITY ~lr"~/',,'~:z:>ZlP CODE WASTE TRANSPORTER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER NAME OF RINSTATE DISPOSAL FACILITY ADDRESS ~ p',6,j~, ~:;~DL31.J~',ZA~.JF~ CITY' ~ ZIP CODE FACILITY INDENTIFICATION NUMBER TANK TRANSPORTER INFORMATION COMPANY I~l:z.\C)~.._~-.~:~,_ It~.fiD~'A~ PHONE No.~I~;~-~:~-~-~.~LICENSE No. ADDRESS ~ i~,.~_._~ ~::X~L\L/A.~,Z~..~ CITY ~[~*.,~,C;2::~2 ZiP CODE TANK. DESTINATION ' ~ I.'~?J~ TANK INFORMATION TANK No. AGE VOLUME CHEMICAL DATES CHEMICAL STORED STORED PREVIOUSLY STORED THE APPLICANT HAS RECEIVED. UNDERSTANDS. AND WILL COMPLY WITH THE ATTACHED CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT AND ANY OTHER STATE. LOCAL AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, IS TRUE AND CORRECT. APPLICANT .~/API~OVEI~~ NAME (PRINT) APPLICA"I~T SI~¢AYURE THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED SAN JOAQUIN VALLI UNIFIED AIR POLLUTION Southern Regional Office 2700 "M" St., Suite 275 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 861-3682 (Tulare and Kern Coundes~ DEMOLITION PERMIT RELEASE CONTROL DISTRICT Before a Demolition Permit can be issued by any city or county building department', approval signatures must be obtained from the San joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District indicating that the applicant has complied with the notification requirements of the National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) for Asbestos. California Health and Safety Code Section 19827.5 provides that a building official shall not issue a demolition permit until the applicant has demonstrated compliance with or has been cedified exempt from the NESHAP notification requirement. It is the Applicant's responsibility to obtain the required signature and return this form to the appropriate city or county building department. Date: ,~./L..¢~--- Jobsite Address: Owner: /.¢'/-~. ~-~ /' ~__o~,~, Phone: ~-'~¢.~ 2 .) Owne¢sAddress: ~¢~ ¢ ~.~.~ ~.%,~,-~.~ ~?, ~c~, C~ Contractor: ~~¢ ~ ~ r ~, Phone: ~- Contractors Address: / 7 {d~ ~t [(o~q~/ , FOR SJVUAPCD USE ONLY a~llo This Certifies that the demolition applicant has satisfied the APCD's requirements. ws the demolition to proceed on or after ( ) This certifies that the Demolition application is exempt from the APCD's requirements. Comments: The APCD Apprbvai Signature Date For Robert J. Kard, Director of Compliance San Joaquin Valley Unified Pollution Control District Printed Name: ~._~-,~,',c( ~b. "-.~ ~ t,~ ~._~.~,, ~ ASBESTO~ORM~RELEASED-FRM October 21. 1993 .,m, e f~me o~ type. Fon~ des~ned for use on e,~e (12 ~ ) ~. UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST 3. Geemrat~r's Name a~d Ma~llng Address EPA ID No. 5. Trons~oortor 1 Company Name MP ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 7. Transporter 2 Company Name 6. US EPA ID Number 8. US EPA IDNumbef ~l~awm~ o~ ~ o~UC ,S~b~anc~s Coe~h~ 9. De~gnated Focfl~y Nan~ and Sae Address GIBSON ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ENO OF COMMERCIAL ~R 10. US EPA ID Number 11. US DOT Description (including Proper Shipping Nome, Hazard Class, and ID Numbs) NON RCRA HAZAR~0US WASTE LIQUIO 12. Contolner~ 13. Total I't. Special Handing Insflx~ctions and Additional Informatin~ GLOVES, GOGGLES, AN~ PROTECTI~tE OUTER GARMENTS ERG #31 16. GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby declaee that the contem~ of Ifm condgnme~ ore fully and accurately described ab~m by proper shipping name and are classified, pocked, marked, and labeled, and are in all respects in p~oper co~ditio~ fo~ transport by highway according to opplkable federal, state and interna6o~al laws. If I om a large quantity generator, I certify that I hov~ a program in place to red,ce the ~xdume and tozkity o~ wasto generated to the degre~ i hcr~ determined to be comically practicable om=l that I howe ~ the practicable meshed of tre~wmnt, ~to~c~e, or dlsf>os,~ curremty available to me which mbtimize~ ~e preseflt o~ future threat to human heohh and the environment; OR, i~ I am o small cluo,,~;~y generator, I ~ mode o good faith effort to minimize my wasfe gem~atio~ and s~lect the best waste mana~/ement me~od that is available to me crud that I can afford. i Rectqpt of Materials J/Typed Nome Month Day Year 2 Acknowledqement of Receipt of Materials Printed/Typed Nome AAo~ Day Year 19. O~screponcy Indlcatio~ Space ISignature Prlnfed/Typ~d tqome _h4mC'J receqpt of hazardous materials covered by Mis manifest exceot as noted in Item 19. DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS UNE. Wlthe: TSDF SENDS THIS COPY TO DTSC WITHIN 30 DAYS. 3022A (7/Sr2) To: P.O. Box 3000, Socromento, CA 95812 GOLDEN ~TE METALS, INC. P. o. Box 701~. 2000 E. Brundage Lane Bakersfield, California 93387 Phone (805) 327-3559 · Fax (805) 327-5749 Scrap Metals, Processing & Recycling ADDRESS: Contractor's License No. Contractor's Phone No. JOB SITE: ADDRESS- ' ~ . . on ./TN/% DESTINATI~I~: G.S.M. · 2000 E. B~{~DAGE LANE . EHSD PERMIT NO: BAKERSFIELD, CA 93387 TOTAL 250 :~,KflNSPECTION RESIDUALS PRESENT (REJECT) READING OXYGEN CONTENT DISPOSAL FEE SCRAP VALUE 1000 - 6 fl .61 2000 .97 3000 1.32 5000 2.42 7500 3.28 9000 3.82 12000 4.93 All fees incurred are per load unless specified. Terms are net 30 days from receipt of tank. Contractor's signature represents acceptance of terms for payment, and confirms that tank removal complies with State laws. CONTRACTOR'S SIGNATURE CERTIFICATE OF TANK DISPOSAL / DESTRUCTION TO TA L CERTIFY THE RECEIPT AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE TANK(S) AS SPECIFIED ABOVE. ALL MATERIAL SPECIFIED WILL BE COMPLETELY ~ESTR(~'ED~F/~R SCRAP F~CYCLIN.G PURPOSES.~LY. AUTHORIZED REP. .~ , DATE WHITE-- Contractor .~opy ..J YELLOW -- File Copy - PINK Permar~ent Copy GOLDEN S~'E METALS, INC. P. O. Box 70158 · 2000 E. Brundage Lane I~kersfield,California 93387 I Phone (805) 327-3559 · Fax (805) 327-5749 / .... ' / .... / Scrap Metals, Processing & Recycling J License I~1O. . J Contractor's . _ r, '~ ~ JPhone No. ADDRESS: EHSD PERMIT NO: .~JC, c~ISPECTION .... '~'t::~ CLEAN&DRY (ACCEPT);'-OR [] RESIDUALS PRESENT (REJECT) _~~E L RE~DING XYGEN CONTENT DISPOSAL FEE ~SCRAP VALUE ~OTHER - QTY GALLONS SERIAL NO. NETTONS 2000 .97 3000 1.32 5000 Z42 7500 3.28 9000 3.82 TOTAL 12000 4.93 TOTAL All fees incurred are per load unless specified. Terms are net 30 days from receipt of tank. Contractor's signature represents acceptance of terms for payment, and confirms that tank removal complies with State laws. CONTRACTOR'S SIGNATURE CERTIFICATE OF TANK DISPOSAL / DESTRUCTION 4.S,(I~S-T"O CER,TIFY THE RECEIPT~,ND ACCEPTANCE OF THE TANK(S) AS SPEC F ED ABOVE ALL MATERIAL SP CIFI ' AUTHORIZED REP ~ / / -- ~ "'' - · 'HIW ' /" ' TE-- Conb-actor Copy . YEL~;~ -- File Copy · PINK -- Permanent Copy 1716 OAK STREET, UNIT8 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 (805) 323-4844 - 325-9076 JUNE 3, 1994 JOB No. 94-D-2 .WEGENER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 1710 CALLOWAY DRIVE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93312 ATTN: MR. DOUG WEGENER RE: SOILS COMPACTION CERTIFICATION FOR THREE PITS ON FORMER UNOCAL SERVICE STATION SITE LOCATED AT 2502 MING AVENUE, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, STATION NO. 5573. GENTLEMEN: THE UNDERSIGNED WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR MONITORING AND MEASURING THE RELATIVE COMPACTION OF THE IMPORTED BACKFILL THAT WAS PLACED INTO THREE EXCAVATED PITS ON THE SUBJECT UNOCAL PROPERTY. THE PITS ARE IDENTIFIED AS THE SOUTH, MIDDLE OR NORTH "TANK HOLE" ON THE FIELD DENSITY WORK SHEETS. THE NORTH PIT REQUIRED NINE FIELD DENSITY TESTS TO BRING THE SOIL FROM 10 FEET BELOW SURFACE GRADE TO THE SURFACE. THE SOUTH AND MIDDLE PITS COMBINED REQUIRED EIGHT FIELD DENSITY TESTS TO FILL TO SURFACE GRADE. THE IMPORTED BORROW CAME FROM TWO SOURCES. ALL OF THE SOIL MATERIAL IN PLACE IN THE EXCAVATED P~TS MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE "UBC" CODE REQUIRED DENSITY OF 90% OF THE MAXIMUM DENSITY. THE MAXIMUM DENSITY WAS DETERMINED FOLLOWING THE ASTM.sPECIFICATION D-1557-78 METHOD A, MODIFIED, AS PROVIDED 1N CHAPTER 70 OF THE "UBC" TO THREE LAYERS. ATTACHED ARE TWO LISTS OF THE FIELD DENSITY TESTS, ONE LISTING THOSE TEST RESULTS IN THE NORTH PIT AND THE OTHER THE TESTS IN THE SOUTH TWO PITS. IF A TEST DID NOT MEET THE REQUIRED DENSITY, THE CONTRACTOR WAS ADVISED OF OUR OBSERVATIONS AND ~NSTRUCTED TO REMOVE AND REWORK THE SOILJ AS APPROPRIATE, UNTIL THE REQUIRED DENSITY WAS MET. IT IS THE OPINION OF THE UNDERSIGNED THAT THE SOIL AS REPLACED WILL CARRY THE IMPOSED LOAD OF A ONE STORY BUILDING. YOURS TRULY, HCE:Pj ENCLOSURES SMITH & ASSOCIATES, A DBA OF HARRY C. ELLINGSTON, INC. HAR~Y C. ELLIN'VGSTON, JR., PRESIDENT SOIL DENSITY TEST RESULT~ AT UNOCAL PROPERTY 2502 MING AVENUE, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA STATION NO. 5573 PART I, THE NORTH PIT TEST DEPTH NO. BELOW SURFACE I 10' 4 10' 5 9' 8 8' 11 q' 13 3' 15 2' 16 1' 17 O=F.6. TEST MAX PERCENT DENSITY DENSITY COMPACTION 105.7 123.0 85.9* 113.6 123.0 92.3 117.9 123.0 95.9 120.2 123.0. 97,7 117.0 126.3 92.6 140.0 126.3 110.8 116.5 126.3 92.3 120.6 126.3 95.4 119.8 126.3 9q.9 PART II, SOUTH AND MIDDLE PITS TEST DEPTH TEST NO. BELOW DENSITY .. SURFACE MAX PERCENT DENSITY COMPACTION REWORK RETEST #1 REWORK 2 5' 107.8 3 5' 119.2 6 4' 118.9 7 3' 121.0 9 3' 115.6 10 2' 118.8 12 1' 123.2 14 O=F.G. -129.3 123.0 87.6* 123.0 96.9 123.0 96.7 123.0 98.4 123.0 94.0 123.0 96.6 126.3 97.5 126.3 102.4 RETEST #2 FAILED TEST F.G.: FINISH GRADE CARRIEFi # CARRIER TO UNLOA~ LOA.OED FROM . .,.' :.." · . . . ', ; ,t~ i,.' '" '3-~OO'~b-XION AVENUe, SUITE ~ ":'; DATE .' ;" ": :~':'''. '~''( ">" · ~,~,--'t' ~"...:~":;;",', t",:'.;,~? ',~'"~,,' ",",'.,,"OOM~R~tA~'DRIVE"' ..... ~" ~7;,'j.., , :, .0.. ,, ',' '~ ,,v,.' ;,),, ~,,,,~.,,,,~, "" '(;. ~i ':' ''~' ':" i:' '" "' '" ' 'tAKERSFtELD, CA ~330B ' ' ~PRICE:'" ' " RELEA~E~ OOMMODITY TDS GRAV, NET ~LLONS~BLS" · ~ . ~; ,-.,~ ".ii ( .... ~ ~ ..,. t ,t{ ,,,l ~".. START ~0 UNLOAD FINISH UNLOADING ,,, '" .... · ......... AM AM AM UNLOADED TO '- '..'- " DEDUCT ,~ '," .~. ''~ ' "':.~.-'"' : ';'RECEIPT TICKET , . .~, ' ,. f ' ~ ' "' B:' 25620 ~, ;,' , '/.'; ',"' -fi~if'~ ~ACO~I O~t C~i'~i~: ....... ei~i;~,~i~ LOADER'S SIGNATURE APPENDIX C GENERAL ARRANGEMENT PLAN 5573CLR.RPT4 071194F .J~(_2) !0.000 GALLON PRODUC.T_T. ANI~_TO. J (1) 550 GALLON WASTE OIL TAINK TO Ph, V II,,IG / POC~t"t"tOt',,l FOR FUTURE. PHOb4c._ ~OO"('~ (C.0~C)LiI'I'5 ~TU6BEO I~ PL~,~TE_R COl,lC. CURS ~ K~K LIT~R I I I I I ! PLKI',1T EP, ~. HOSe_. ~PPROkCH f I I ~ I 4" IFILL 5 i ! <..9 I I I _j ~4" 150xES ~ I I ' - - -T- --L: ...... 2_ -9-" U.G F]B£1~&LA=5 -GAUGE S"t' I C. K, I L_.. ___ Il F- i i~TREKIC H FOP, ! U.G. FUTU'P,E. I I I I I tlO' TO ~L C../x,~lOp,,( ( PUMP (." CO ~ C.. '.l CU~6 WATER M E TE R.....,,'I, '~-'~" I 0 0 I I I ~..c.R. I 5T<3 p .~c~ J P~JLL 60X I I TRAFFIC $~GNAL ~AS~ .~_ ~_. APPENDIX D GEORESEARCH SOIL SAMPLING PROCEDURES 5573CLR.RPT4 071194F GEORESEARCH PROCEDURES FOR SOIL SAMPLING - GRAB SAMPLE METHODS The following paragraphs describe the procedures used by GeoResearch for soil sampling by hand: All sampling equipment shall be decontaminated by scrubbing in phosphate-free detergent and tap water, rinsing thoroughly with tap water, and rinsing in deionized water. Soil shall be excavated to a specified depth by hand-auger, backhoe, or other excavating tool. A soil sample collected from the desired location directly into sterile laboratory-cleaned glass containers without headspace. The containers shall then be tightly capped with a Teflon-lined lid. Alternatively, a soil sample may be collected by driving a brass sample cylinder with a diameter of at least 1-1/2" into the soil with a wooden mallet. The ends of the tube shall then be secured with aluminum foil or Teflon film, tight-fitting plastic caps, and duct tape or polyethylene tape. o Each collected soil sample shall be labeled, recorded on a chain-of-custody document, and placed on ice or equivalent medium sufficient to maintain a sample temperature of less than 4 degrees centigrade until the samples are received at a certified hazardous waste laboratory. 5573CLR.RPT4 071194F APPENDIX E LABORATORY REPORTS AND CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY DOCUMENTATION 5573CLR.RPT4 071194F Sequoia Analytical ~0 Chesapeake Drive 1900 Bates Avenue, Suite L 819 Striker Avenue, Suite 8 Redwood City, CA 94063 364-960O FAX (415) 364-9233 Concord, CA 94520 (510) 686-9600 FAX (510) 686-9689 Sacramento, CA 95834 (916) 921-9600 FAX (916) 921-0100 ~ii?~Geo Research Client Project ID: Unocal/5573 Sampled: Apr 28, 1994i? ilii13437 Empresa Drive, Ste. A Matrix Descript: Soil Received: Apr 30, 1994iiiiii i!iiilSan Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Analysis Method: EPA 418.1 (I.R. with clean-up) Extracted: May 5, 19941iilii ::iiiiAttention: Warren Gross First Sample Cf: 4DH9509 Analyzed: May 5, 19941iiiii iiii Reported: May 16, 1994::iii::i i ii!?:!::!??:~ii::!::i::~i~i!i!i!!iii::~::~:;::!i!ii::!iii!i~::~i~ii~i!::~!i!~i!i!i!::!~!!ii~!~!!!::!~!~!::!i~::~!~::?:~i~?:~i!::!i~!::~::~i~?:~::!::~!i!::!::!::!::!::!~!::!~!::!::!::!::!!!~!~!i!~i!!!!!!!!?ii::i?:!::i::i::?:!~!iiii?¢::!~!??;~!i?:!i!::i~!~!:;:;?~i:i!i~???:~i!~!~i~?~?:!i!~?~???:~!ii::!!!~!::¢??:i?:!i;:::::!i~i!:;::!::~i~::~??::?:~i~?:¢:~i~i!::~i~::~i~i~:?:!~??:~?:!::~?:!??:~?;~?;!!:;~!?:~?:~i!~::!????:~!::!::~!;!::~!::??:~i!:????:~?;~!???:::?:;:?:;i~!??:iii~?:!?:!?::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~?:~i~i~i~i~!~!~:~ TOTAL RECOVERABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS Sample Sample Petroleum Oil Number Description mg/kg (ppm) 4DH9509 T3-0-10 N.D. 4DH9510 T3-C-14 N.D. Detection Limits: 15 Analytes reported as N.D. were not present above the stated limit of detection. SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL Project Manager 4DH9509.GGG < 1 > Sequoia Analytical Chesapeake Drive t900 Bates Avenue, Suite L 819 Striker Avenue, Suite 8 Redwood City, CA 94063 364-9600 FAX (415) 364-9233 Concord, CA 94520 (510) 686-9600 FAX (510) 686-9689 Sacramento, CA 95834 (916) 921-9600 FAX (916) 921-0100 !iilGeo Research Client Project ID: Unocal/5573 Sampled: Apr 28, 1994iii ii!3437 Empresa Drive, Ste. A Sample Descript: Soil, T3-C-14 Received: Apr 30, 1994~!! ililSan Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Analyzed: see below~! · !i~iAttention: Warren Gross Lab Number: 4DH9510 Reported: May 16, 1994ii!i! LABORATORY ANALYSIS Analyte Date Detection Limit Sample Result Analyzed mg/kg rog/kg Analytes reported as N.D. were not present above the stated limit of detection. SE~~//LY-DICAL Prefect'Manager 4DH9509.GGG <2> Sequoia khesa.eake Drive Redwood City, CA 94063 3640600 FAX (415)364-9233 ,900 at ^v¢.ue, Su.eL Co.cord, C^ 9..20 0) 819 Striker Avenue. Suite 8 Sacramento, CA 95834 (916) 921-9600 FAX (916) 921-0100 ii?:3437 Empresa Drive, Ste. A Sample Matrix: Soil Received: Apr 30, 1994iiiiii iiiilSan Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Analysis Method: EPA 5030/8015 Mod./8020 Reported: May 16, iiii!Attention: Warren Gross First Sample #: 4DH9501 ii?ii TOTAL PURGEABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS with BTEX DISTINCTION Analyte Reporting Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample Limit I.D. I.D. I.D. I.D. I.D. I.D. mg/kg 4DH9501 4DH9502 4DH9503 4DH9504 4DH9505 4DH9506 T1-N-14 T1-N-18 T1-S-14 T1-S-18 T2-N-14 T2-N-18 Purgeable Hydrocarbons 1.0 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. Benzene · 0.0050 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. Toluene 0.0050 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. Ethyl Benzene 0.0050 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. Total Xylenes 0.0050 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. Chromatogram Pattern: Quality Control Data Report Limit Multiplication Factor: Date Analyzed: Instrument Identification: Surrogate Recovery, %: (QC Limits = 70-130%) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 5/5/94 5/5/94 5/5/94 5/5/94 5/5/94 5/5/94 GCHP-18 GCHP-18 GCHP-18 GCHP-18 GCHP-18 GCHP-18 112 98 98 97 93 81 Purgeable Hydrocarbons are quantitated against a fresh gasoline standard. Analytes reported as N.D. were not detected above the stated reporting limit. SEQUOIA'~I_Y~ICAL //,~/5,-? /A~o~ea~Fulcher -~Project Manager 4DH9509.GGG <3> Sequoia Analytical Drive Redwood City, CA 94063 364-9600 1900 Bates Avenue, Suite L Concord, CA 94520 (510) 686-9600 819 Striker Avenue, Suite 8 Sacramento, CA 95834 (916) 921-9600 FAX (415) 364-9233 FAX (510) 686-9689 FAX (916) 9:21-0100 iiiii8437 Empresa Drive, Ste. A Sample Matrix: Soil Received: Apr 30, 1994iiiii! !~San Luis Obispo, GA 98401 Analysis Method: EPA 5030/8015 Mod./8020 Reported: May 16, 1994iiili i?ilAttention: Warren Gross First Sample Cf: 4DH9507 TOTAL PURGEABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS with BTEX DISTINCTION Analyte Reporting Sample Sample Limit I.D. I.D. mg/kg 4DH9507 4DH9508 T2-S-18 T2-S-14 Purgeable Hydrocarbons 1.0 N.D. N.D. Benzene 0.0050 N.D. N.D. Toluene 0.0050 N.D. N.D. Ethyl Benzene 0.0050 N.D. N.D. Total Xylenes 0.0050 N.D. N.D. Chromatogram Pattern: Quality Control Data Report Limit Multiplication Factor: Date Analyzed: Instrument Identification: Surrogate Recovery, %: (QC Limits = 70-130%) 1.0 1.0 5/5/94 5/5/94 GCHP-18 GCHP-18 100 98 Purgeable Hydrocarbons are quantitated against a fresh gasoline standard. Analytes reported as N.D. were not detected above the stated reporting limit. S EQ~OIA-~NALYTICAL Ir./¢. ~Fulcher Pro~ect Manager 4DH9509.GGG <4> Sequoia Analytical 1900 Bates Avenue, Suite L 819 Striker Avenue, Suite 8 Redwood City, CA 94063 364-9600 FAX (415) 364-9233 Concord, CA 94520 (510) 686-9600 FAX (510) 686-9689 Sacramento. CA 95834 (916) 921-9600 FAX (916) 921-0100 i~=?~3437 Empresa Drive, Ste. A Sample Descript: Soil, T3-C-14 Received: Apr 30, 1994iiii!! iiiilSan Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Analysis Method: EPA 5030/8010 Analyzed: May 9, 1994ilii!i iiiiAttention: Warren Gross Lab Number: 4DH9510 Reported: May 16, 1994iiiiii i ii::iii~:??:i :?:~ii:??: ::::::::::::::::::::::: ~i::~ ::i :??:i ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~::iii ::i ::i:??:~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::~:?: ~ii ::~i~?:i ??:~::!ii ?:i ?:!?:i :?:i :?: !:~! ?:~i~i!i~::~i~i~?:ii~ii:?:!iiiiii:?: i:?;?: ~ i iiii::iiiii?:iii ~?~ i~?:~i~:?:~i~ii??:!i~!i:: i?:i ????~ ~i~?i i i!i i?ii?~i ?i:i~i~i!i ii i??:iii i i::iiii i:= i??:i i ii~i i iiii?:iiiiiiiii??:~i ~i ~?i~i ~?i i i~?i~ ill ~il ::~i~ ????:!?:i i!iiiiiiiiZ~ii~ii i~iii~i:i~ Z~i~ili i??~ i il i!~i i~?i i?i ~i~?ili~i:???i~ ~i~ ? ii i iii ?i!?Z~i~ i~ i~iiiii i?i!i!?!i il ?? ?i i i i il HALOGENATED VOLATILE ORGANICS (EPA 8010) Analyte Detection Limit Sample Results fig/kg jug/kg Bromodichloromethane .................................................... 5.0 Bromoform ........................................................................ 5.0 Bromomethane ............................................... ~ ................. 10 Carbon tetrachloride ......................................................... 5.0 Chlorobenzene .................................................................. 5.0 Chloroethane ..................................................................... 10 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether ................................................... 10 Chloroform ........................................................................ 5.0 Chloromethane .................................................................. 10 Dibromochloromethane .................................................... 5.0 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ......................................................... 5.0 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ......................................................... 5.0 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ......................................................... 5.0 1,1-Dichloroethane ............................................................ 5.0 1,2-Dichloroethane ............................................................ 5.0 1,1 -Dichloroethene ............................................................ 5.0 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ...................................................... 5.0 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene .................................................. 5.0 1,2-Dichloropropane ......................................................... 5.0 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ................................................... 5.0 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ................................................ 5.0 Methylene chloride ............................................................ 50 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ................................................. 5.0 Tetrachloroethene ............................................................. 5.0 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane ........................................................ 5.0 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ........................................................ 5.0 Trichloroethene .................................................................5.0 Trichlorofluoromethane .................................................... 5.0 Vinyl chloride ..................................................................... 10 Analytes reported as N.D. were not present above the stated limit of detection, SEQUOIA.ANALYTICAL LA~3'.. r e/.F_ul c h e r /,Project Manager 4DH9509.GGG <5> 3euuo a or,R dwoodO,y.C^ 94063 W) 364-9600 FAX.,5) 1900 Bates Avenue, ~;uit¢ L Concord, CA 94520 T~lo) 686-9600 FAX (510) 686-9689 ;iiii3437 Empresa Drive, Ste. A . Matrix: Solid ??~San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 iiiiiAttention: Warren Gross QC Sample Group: 4DH9509-10 Reported: May 16, 1994iiiiii QUALITY CONTROL DATA REPORT ANALYTE Ttl. Recov. Pet. Hydrocarbon Method: EPA418.1 Analyst: K. Hynes MS/MSD Batch#: 4DH9510 Date Prepared: 5/5/94 Date Analyzed: 5/5/94 Instrument I.D.#: N/A Conc. Spiked: 230 mg/kg Matrix Spike % Recovery: 73 Matrix Spike Duplicate % Recovery: 61 Relative % Difference: 18 LCS Batch#: BLK050594 Date Prepared: 5/5/94 Date Analyzed: 5/5/94 Instrument I.D.#: N/A LCS % Recovery: % Recovery Control Limits: 91 60-140 SEQUOIA A,/NALYTICAL A~trea/Fulcher Project' Manager Please Note: The LCS is a control sample of known, interferent free matrix that is analyzed using the same reagents, preparation, and analytical methods employed for the samples. The matrix spike is an aliquot of sample fortified with known quantities of spe ,cific compounds and subjected to the entire analytical procedure. I~ the recovery of analytes from the ma{rix spike does not fall within specified control limits due to matrix interference, the LCS recovery is to be used to validate the batch. 4DH9509.GGG <6> Sequoia Analytical Chesapeake Drive 1900 Bates Avenue, Suite L 819 Striker Avenue, Suite 8 Redwood City, CA 94063 Concord, CA 94520 Sacramento, CA 95834 / 75) (415) 364-9233 364-9600 FAX lO) 686-9600 FAX (5~o) 686-9689 (916) 921-9600 FAX (916) 921-0100 :iiilGeo Research Client Project ID: Unocal/5573 i::::3437 Empresa Drive, Ste. A Matrix: Solid iiiSan Luis Obispo, CA 93401 iiiAttention: Warren Gross QC Sample Group: 4DH9501-08 Reported: May 16, 1994ilii;¢ :?:!::!::!::i::ii~ ::~::: i:::~i !:: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~::~ i~i~ :;::~:: ~::~i~?:~;~::~i~?:~::~i ~i ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :; ::~i~?::~?:~::~:: ~::~::~::~i~ i~i ~::~::~ ;(~:;:: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::: ~i~i:i~i ~i~i~i~?//:~?:;i~i!i~i~ ?:!i~:/:~i ~i:i~i ~::~?: (~?/: QUALITY CONTROL DA-T.A~R~PORT ANALYTE Benzene Toluene Ethyl X~enes Benzene Method: EPA 8020 EPA 8020 EPA 8020 EPA 8020 Analyst: T. Granicher T. Granicher T. Granicher T. Granicher MS/MSD Batch#: 4DG2506 4DG2506 4DG2506 4DG2506 Date Prepared: N/A N/A N/A N/A Date Analyzed: 5/5/94 5/5/94 5/5/94 5/5/94 Instrument I.D.#: GCHP-18 GCHP-18 GCHP-18 GCHP-18 Conc. Spiked: 0.20 mg/kg 0.20 mg/kg 0.20 mg/kg 0.60 rog/kg Matrix Spike % Recovery: 90 95 95 92 Matrix Spike Duplicate % Recovery: 90 105 90 92 Relative % Difference: 0.0 10 5.4 0.0 LCS Batch#: Date Prepared: Date Analyzed: Instrument I.D.#: LCS % Recovery: NOT APPLICABLE % Recovery Control Limits: 55-145 47-149 47-155 56-140 SE~U~A ~i)t-A LYTI CA L Project Manager IPlease Note: The LCS is a control sample of known, interferent free matrix that is analyzed using the same reagents, preparation, and analytical methods employed for the samples. The matrix spike is an aliquot of sample fortified with known quantities of specific compounds and subjected to the entire analytical procedure. If the recovery of analytes from the matrix spike does not fall within specified control limits due to matrix interference, the LCS recovery is to be used to validate the batch. 4DH9509.GGG <7> Sequoia Analytical peake Drive · 1900 Bates Avenue, Suite L 819 Striker Avenue, Suite 8 Redwood City, CA 94063 Concord, CA 94520 Sacramento, CA 95834 364-9600 FAX (415) 364-9233 (510) 686-9600 FAX (510) 686-9689 (916) 921-9600 FAX (916) 921-0100 !994 :?ii3437 Empresa Drive, Ste. A Matrix: Liquid ::?~ilSan Luis Obispo, CA 93401 iiii::Attention: Warren Gross QC Sample Group: 4DH9510 Reported: May 16 1994i::i::i Revised: May 24, 1994 QUALITY CONTROL DATA REPORT ANALYTE Lead Method: EPA 7421 Analyst: J. Martinez MS/MSD Batch#: 4 E03601 Date Prepared: Date Analyzed: Instrument I.D.#: Conc. Spiked: 5/4/94 5/5/94 MTJA-1 0.050 mg/kg Matrix Spike % Recovery: 99 Matrix Spike Duplicate % Recovery: 117 Relative % Difference: 17 LCS Batch#: 8LK050494 Date Prepared: 5/4/94 Date Analyzed: 5/5/94 Instrument I.D.#: MTJA-1 LCS % Recovery: 104 % Recovery Control Limits: 75-125 IPtease Note: The LCS is a control sample of known, interferent free matrix that is analyzed using the same reagents, preparation, and analytical methods employed for the samples. The matrix spike is an aliquot of sample fortified with known quantities of specific compounds and subjected to the entire analytical procedure. If the recovery of analytes from the matrix spike does not fall within specified control limits due to matrix interference, the LCS reoovery is to be used to validate the batch. ... 4DH9509.GGG <8> Sequoia Analytical ake Drive 1900 Bates Avenue, Suite L 819 Striker Avenue, Suite 8 Redwood City, CA 94063 364-9600 FAX (415) 364-9233 Concord, CA 94520 (510) 686-9600 FAX (510) 686-9689 Sacramento, CA 95834 (916) 921-9600 FAX (916) 921-0100 ililiGeo Research Client Project ID: Unocal/5573 iiili3437 Empresa Drive, Ste. A Matrix: Solid iii!il ~ii~iSan Luis Obispo, CA 93401 iiiiiAttention: Warren Gross QC Sample Group: 4DH9510 Reported: May 16, 1994iiiii! QUALITY CONTROL DATA REPORT ANALYTE 1,1-Dichloro- Trichloro- Chloro- ethene ethene benzene Method: EPA 8010 EPA 8010 EPA 8010 Analyst: D. Nelson D. Nelson D. Nelson MS/MSD Batch#: V4DH9501 V4DH9501 V4DH9501 Date Prepared: 5/9/94 Date Analyzed: 5/9/94 Instrument I.D.#: GCHP-9 Conc. Spiked: 25 pg/kg 5/9/94 '5/9/94 5/9/94 5/9/94 GCHP-9 GCHP-9 25 pg/kg 25 pg/kg Matrix Spike % Recovery: 112 112 80 Matrix Spike Duplicate % Recovery: 116 112 84 Relative% Difference: 3.5 0.0 4.9 LCS Batch#: Date Prepared: Date Analyzed: Instrument I.D.,C: LCS % Recovery: NOT APPICABLE % Recovery Control Limits: 28-167 35-146 38-150 SEQUJDIA~NALY-rICAL ~ Project Manager IPlease Note: The LCS is a control sample of known, interferent free matrix that is analyzed using the same reagents, preparation, and analytical methods employed for the samples. The matrix spike is an aliquot of sample fortified with known quantities of specific compounds and subjected to the entire analytical procedure. I~ the recovery of analytes from the matrix spike does not fall within specified control limits due to matrix interference, the LOS recovery is to be used to validate the batch. 4DH9509.GGG <9> UNOCRL [3 819 Striker Ave., Suite 8 · Sacramento, CA 95834 · (916) 921-9600 El 1900 Bates Ave., Suite LM ° Concord, CA 94520 ° (510) 686-9600 FAX #: Zip Code: Q East 11115 Montgomery' Suite B · Spokane, WA 99206 · (509) 924-9200 Q 15055 S.W. Sequoia Pkwy, Suite 110 o Por'dand, OR 97222 o (503) 624-9800 Project Name: ,NOC^.,,oiec. ' ¢~ '~ 2/ Re ease #: C°mpa nY Nam ~e~ 0_¢_. _.~¢~2..~/¢'f& Address: /~/.?- ~,-,~./.~..(:;, City: z~7-'~/~..>_/,,,lE:7 State: ~'~:~. Telephone: ,..R, eport To: Turnaround/.~ 10 Working Days Time: IZI 3 Working Days QC Data:~ Level A (Standard) t_.l Level B E~ Level C ~ Level D Drinking Wa/tar Working Days t~ 24 Hourst~ ~)lOt', [~¢~.. ~ Waste Water - 8 Hours Other Client Date/Time Sample I.D. Sampled Cont. Laboratory Type Sample # Comments Time: /¢0 Relinquished By:. Date: Time: Received By: Date: Time: Relinquished By: Date: Time: Received By L uate: Time: Were Samples Received in Good Condition? Q Yes Q No Samples on Ice? Q Yes Q No Method of Shipment Page _ of _ · i'f'o be completed upon receipt of report: 1) Were the analyses requested on the Chain of Custody reported? Q Yes El No If no, what analyses are still needed? what was the turnaround time? . turnaround time? El Yes [] No If no, I2) Was the report issued within the requested I Approved by: Signature: Company: Date: Concord, CA 94520 (510) 686-9600 FAX (510) 686-9689 Ana vtica ..... ento, CA 95834 (916) 921-9600 FAX(g,6) 921-0100 OChesapeake Drive 1900 Bates Avenue, Suite L 819 Striker Avenue, Suite 8 Research Client Project ID: Unocal 5573 Sampled: Apr 28, 19947:?:ii ~!i~!3437 Empresa Drive, Ste. A Sample Matrix: Soil Received: Apr 30, 1994iiiiil Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Analysis Method: EPA 5030/8015 Mod./8020 Reported: May 13, 1994i;ilii ~:~!~iiAttention: Warren Gross First Sample #: 4DH9101 i~!~ :; :?:i ::iii !i::~::!::~::! ::!::~i! ??: ~i!::!:: ii,ii:: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: i~ :::::::::::::::::::::: i! ~i!::~i ~i ~i!i~i! :¢iii!:;::i:;:;i ~::!i!5~??:iiii ii!::!::! !!i~?:!i!iiiiiii ~i~! !:: !:: !i!i !::!:: ii i::! ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: i i i ii iii?:!:;::!!! ::!!!????:! ??:i ?:!?:!i!??:iii::!!~ ??:~?:i ?; ii:: ::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: i:???: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ii ii :?:! !~!~! ~!!i ~i; i i i iii:: i i~!~i!:: !i!?;i ~i!?:~ ::iii??: !:: !i~i!i~ i!i!?:i?:~ ::~ ::!i!i~i! ? :; ::~ i ii;~i~!~!!!!! !i !?:!!!?; ??: !:?; ::~ i! ii::! i~ i! i; ???: !ii::ii~?:~ i~!~!~ ?:~?:!!!!~?: ~i i?:?:i TOTAL PURGEABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS with BTEX DISTINCTION Analyte Reporting Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample Limit I.D. I.D. I.D. I.D. I.D. I.D. mg/kg 4DH9101 4DH9102 4DH9103 4DH9104 4DH9105 4DH9106 PL1-3 PL1-7 PL2-3 PL2-7 PL3-3 PL3-7 Purgeable Hydrocarbons 1.0 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. Benzene 0.0050 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. Toluene 0.0050 0.013 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. Ethyl Benzene 0.0050 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. Total Xylenes 0.0050 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. Chromatogram Pattern: Discrete Peak Quality Control Data Report Limit Multiplication Factor: Date Analyzed: Instrument Identification: Surrogate Recovery, %: (QC Limits = 70-130%) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 5/6/9'4 5/6/94 5/6/94 5/6/94 5/6/94 5/6/94 GCHP-18 GCHP-18 GCHP-18 GCHP-18 GCHP-18 GCHP-18 100 93 91 94 86 95 Purgeable Hydrocarbons are quantitated against a fresh gasoline standard. Analytes reported as N.D. were not detected above the stated reporting limit. SEQUOIA/ANALYTICAL Project Manager 4DH9101.GGG <1> Sequoia Analytical 1900 Bates Avenue, Suite L 819 Striker Avenue, Suite 8 Redwood Cit~gA 94063 364-9600 FAX(415) 364-9233 Concord, CA 94520 (510) 686-9600 FAX(510) 686-9689 Sacmmento, CA 95834 (916) 921-9600 FAX(916) 921-0100 iiiiGeo Research Client Project ID: Unocal 5573 Sampled: Apr 28, 199411111i ::iii3437 Empresa Drive, Ste. A Sample Matrix: Soil Received: Apr 30, 1994iliiii i!iiSanLuisObispo, CA 93401 Analysis Method: EPA 5030/8015 Mod./8020 Reported: May 13, 1994iii!ii Attention: Warren Gross F rst Sample #: 4DH9107 . iii:::: TOTAL PURGEABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS with BTEX DISTINCTION Analyte Reporting Sample Sample Sample Sample Limit I.D. I.D. I.D. I.D. mg/kg 4DH9107 4DH9108 4DH9109 4DH9110 PL4-3 PL4-7 PL5-3 PL5-7 Purgeable Hydrocarbons 1.0 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. Benzene 0.0050 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. Toluene 0.0050 N.D. 0.014 N.D. N.D. Ethyl Benzene 0.0050 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. Total Xylenes - 0.0050 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. Chromatogram Pattern: Discrete Peak Quality Control Data Report Limit Multiplication Factor: Date Analyzed: Instrument Identification: Surrogate Recovery, %: (QC Limits = 70-130%) 1.0 1.0 1.0 i .0 5/6/94 5/6/94 5/6/94 5/7/94 GCHP-18 GCHP-18 GCHP-18 GCHP-18 75 93 97 77 Purgeable Hydrocarbons are quantitated against a fresh gasoline standard. Analytes reported as N.D. were not detected above the stated reporting limit. SEQUOIA-ANALYTICAL Project Manager · 4DHg101.GGG <2> Bates Avcnu¢, $ui,¢ L Concord, CA 94520 10) 686-9600 FAX (510) 686-9689 921-9600 FAX (916) 921-0100 iiiiiGeo Research Client Project ID: Unocal 5573 iliii ii~i~3437 Empresa Drive, Ste. A Matrix:, Solid iiiiiSan Luis Obispo, CA 93401 :::ii;:. i~iilAttention: Warren Gross QC Sample Group: 4DH9101-10 Reported: May 13, 1994iiiiii QUALITY CONTROL DATA REPORT ANALYTE Benzene Toluene Ethyl Xylenes Benzene Method: EPA 8020 EPA 8020 EPA 8020 EPA 8020 Analyst: c. Donohue C. Donohue C. Donohue C. Donohue MS/MSD Batch#: G4G2507 G4G2507 G4G2507 G4G2507 Date prepared: 5/6/94 5/6/94 5/6/94 5/6/94 Date Analyzed: 5/7/94 5/7/94 5/7/94 5/7/94 Instrument I.D.#: GCHP-18 GCHP-18 GCHP-18 GCHP-18 Conc. Spiked: 0.20 mg/kg 0.20 mg/kg 0.20 mg/kg 0.60 mg/kg Matrix Spike % Recovery: 75 80 80 82 Matrix Spike Duplicate % Recovery: 75 80 80 82 Relative % Difference: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 LCS Batch#: Date Prepared: Date Analyzed: Instrument I.D.#: LCS % Recovery: NOT APPLICABLE % Recovery Control Limits: 55-145 47-149 47-155 56-140 S EQUOIA'~,NALYTICAL >Pro~ect Manager IPlease Note: I The LCS is a control sample of known, interferent free matrix that is analyzed using the same reagents, · Ip~:eparation, and analytical methods employed for the samples. The matrix spike is an aliquot of sample Jfortified with known quantities of specific compounds and subjected to the entire analytical procedure. ~t ~the recovery of analytes from the matrix spike does not fall within specified control limits due to matrix ~interference, the ECS recovery is to be used to validate the batch. 4DH9101.GGG <3> U N 0 6 A L~ L3 819 Striker Ave., Sulte 8 - Sacramento, CA 95834 o (916) 921-9600 CI 1900 Bates Ave., Suite LM · Concord, CA 94520 · (510) 686-9600 Address: City: /~'"r,,~ .E:~ Zip Code: 9 '~ '~ 2-/ East 11115 Montgomery, Suite B * Spokane, WA 99206 · (509) 924-9200 15055 S.W. Sequoia Pkwy, Suite 110 · Poland, OR 97222 o (503) 624-9800 Project Name: ( ) f/,~C',¢). / UNOCAL Project Manager:. ,~./:::Ld~~,,) ~.~¢,:.'~, Release #: Telephone: Turnaround~10 Working Days ~ 2Working Days ~ a Drinking ~ter Time: /~ 5 Working Days ~ 24 Hours ~ .... ~ ~ Waste Water ~3WorkingDays ~2-SHours ~01 ~(,, }~ther Client Dateline ' Ma(rix ~ ~ of' cont. ' ' La~oratow Sample I.D. Sampled Desc, Cont. Type Sample 3. iCL.. a -..~ 4. 7. '¢[_ 4 -3 9. .% QC Data: ~l~Level A (Standard) [~ Level B Level C L3 Level D iT. Were Samples Received in Good Condition? [~;t~es Q No Samples on Ice? r3~es f.3 No Method of Shipment Page of I To be Completed upon receipt of report: I ' 1) Were the analyses requested on the Chain of Custody reported? El Yes El No If no, what analyses are still needed? I. 2) Was the report issued within the requested turnaround time? E3 Yes Fa No If no, what was the turnaround time? I Approved by: _ Signature: Company: Date: Relinquished.B. Date: ~'~ Time:.//5"00 Received _ ..¢ qq. Time: Relinquished By: ' ' Dat¥'i .... -:- Tlme: FrEc'ei,zed'87.~ Date: Time: ,Relinqu, ished BY: '--"~--- ..... ..D..a.t.e.; .... ..Time: Rece!yed BY L.~,,. , ,-..____ D.ate: Time: Sequoia Analytical peake Drive 1900 Bates Avenue, Suite L 819 Striker Avenue, Suite 8 Redwood City, CA 94063 Concord, CA 94520 Sacramento, CA 95834 364-96OO (5~0) 686-9600 (916) 921-96oo FAX(415) 364-9233 FAX(S10) 686-9689 FAX(916) 921-0100 iii::iGeo Research Client Project ID: Unocal 5573 Sampled: Apr 29, 1994ii::i::; :i::i;3437 Empresa Drive, Ste. A Matrix Descript: Soil Received: Apr 30, 1994iiiiii ::iiiiSan Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Analysis Method: EPA 418.1 (I.R. with clean-up) Extracted: May 5, 1994ili~!i! iiiiiAttention: Warren Gross First Sample #: 4DH9202 Analyzed: May 5, 1994iliiii i::?: Reported: May 13, 19941ii TOTAL RECOVERABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS Sample Sample Petroleum Oil Number Description mg/kg (ppm) 4DH9202 H1-10 N.D. 4DH9203 H2-10 N.D. Detection Limits: 15 Analytes reported as N.D. were not present above the stated limit of detection. SEQUOIa)ANALYTICAL Project Manager 4DH9202.GGG <1 > Sequoia Analytical 1900 Bates Avenue, Suite L 819 Striker Avenue, Suite 8 Redwood City, CA 94063 364-9600 FAX (415) 364-9233 Concord, CA 94520 (510) 686-9600 FAX (510) 686-9689 Sacramento, CA 95834 (916) 921-9600 FAX (916) 921-0100 i7437 Empresa Drive, Ste. A Sample Matrix: Soil Received: Apr 30, 1994iiiiil ~ii~San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Analysis Method: EPA 5030/8015 Mod./8020 Reported: May 13, 1994iiiiil ii::i::Attention: Warren Gross First Sample Cf: 4DH9201 ii!iii TOTAL PURGEABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS with BTEX DISTINCTION Analyte Reporting Sample Sample Sample Sample Limit I.D. I.D. I.D. I.D. mg/kg 4DH9201 4DH9204 4DH9205 4DH9206 D2-20 D2-N-20 D2-S-18 D2-E-18 Purgeable Hydrocarbons 1.0 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. Benzene 0.0050 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. Toluene 0.0050 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. Ethyl Benzene 0.0050 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. Total Xylenes 0.0050 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. Chromatogram Pattern: Quality Control Data Report Limit Multiplication Factor: Date Analyzed: Instrument Identification: Surrogate Recovery, %: (QC Limits = 70-130%) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 5/7/94 5/7/94 5/8/94 5/7/94 GCHP-18 GCHP-18 GCHP-18 GCHP-18 72 78 84 70 Purgeable Hydrocarbons are quantitated against a fresh gasoline standard. Analytes reported as N.D. were not detected above the stated reporting limit. SEQUOIA'ANALYTICAL ?v'roject Manager 4DH9202.GGG <2> Sequoia Analytical peake Drive 1900 Bates Avenue, Suite L 819 Striker Avenue, Suite 8 Redwood City, CA 94063 3640600 FAX {415) 364-9233 Concord, CA 94520 (510) 686-9600 FAX (5t0) 686-9689 Sacramento, CA 95834 (916) 921-9600 FAX (916) 921-0100 iiii3437 Empresa Drive, Ste. A Matrix: Solid i!i!San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 ~iiiiAttention: Warren Gross QC Sample Group: 4DH9202,03 Reported: May 13, 19941!iii! QUALITY CONTROL DATA REPORT ANALYTE Ttl. Recov. Pet. K. Hynes Method: EPA 418.1 Analyst: K. Hynes MS/MSD Batch#: 4DH9510 Date Prepared: 5/5/94 Date Analyzed: 5/5/94 Instrument I.D.#: N/A Conc. Spiked: 230 mg/kg Matrix Spike % Recovery: 73 Matrix Spike Duplicate % Recovery: 61 Relative % Difference: 18 LCS Batch#: BLK050594 Date Prepared: 5/5/94 Date Analyzed: 5/5/94 Instrument I.D.#: N/A LCS % Recovery: 91 % Recovery Control Limits: 60-140 lPlease Note: The LCS is a control sample of known, interferent free matrix that is analyzed using the same reagents, preparation, and analytical methods employed for the samples. The matrix spike is an aliquot of sample fortified with known quantities of specific compounds and subjected to the entire analytical procedure. It the recovery of analytes from the matrix spike does not fall within specified control limits due to matrix interference, the LCS recovery is to be used to validate the batch. · .' 4DH9202.GGG <3> Sequoia Analytical Chesapeake Drive 1900 Bates Avenue, Suite L 819 Striker Avenue, Suite 8 Redwood City, CA 94063 Concord, CA 94520 Sacramento, CA 95834 Im5) 364-9600 m0) 686-9600 (916) 921-9600 FAX(4m5) 364-9233 FAX(5~0) 686-9689 FAX(916) 921-0100 ::::i::iGeo Research Client Project ID: Unocal 5573 i~iii3437 Empresa Drive, Ste. A Matrix: Solid ii!iiSan Luis Obispo, CA 93401 iiiiiAttention: Warren Gross QC Sample Group: 4DH9201,04-06 Reported: May 13, 1994i!iiii QUALITY CONTROL DATA REPORT ANALYTE Benzene Toluene Ethyl Xylenes Benzene Method: EPA 8020 EPA 8020 EPA 8020 EPA 8020 Analyst: C. Donohue C. Donohue C. Donohue C. Donohue MS/MSD Batch#: G4DG2507 G4DG2507 G4DG2507 G4DG2507 Date Prepared: 5/6/94 5/6/94 5/6/94 5/6/94 Date Analyzed: 5/7/94 5/7/94 5/7/94 5/7/94 Instrument I.D.#: GCHP-18 GCHP-18 GCHP-18 GCHP-18 Conc. Spiked: o.2o mg/kg 0.20 rog/kg 0.20 mg/kg 0.60 mg/kg Matrix Spike % Recovery: 75 80 80 82 Matrix Spike Duplicate % Recovery: 75 80 80 82 Relative % Difference: o.o o.o o.o o.0 LCS Batch#: Date Prepared: Date Analyzed: Instrument I.D,#: LCS % Recovery: NOT APPLICABLE % Recovery Control Limits: 55-145 47-149 47-155 56-140 S E,.Q'U OtA.A N A LYTI CA L Project Manager IPlease Note: The LCS is a control sample of known, interferent free matrix that is analyzed using the same reagents, preparation, and analytical methods employed for the samples. The matrix spike is an aliquot of sample fortified with known quantities of specific compounds and subjected to the entire analytical procedure. If the recovery of analytes from the matrix spike does not fall within specified control limits due to matrix interference, the LCS recovery is to be used to validate the batch. .,- 4DH9202. GGG <4> ~J~ N 8 E J~F~ L ~ (3 819 Striker Ave., Suite 8 . Sacramento, CA 95834-(916)921-9600 E) 1900 Bstes Ave., Suite LM · Concord, CA 94520 · (510) 686-9600 East 11115 Montgomery, Suite B · Spokane, WA 99206 · (509) 924-9200 15055 S.W. Sequoia Pk'wy, Suite 110 · Portland, OR 97222. (503) 624-9800 C° m Pa nY Name: (/~.¢_ ~,~_..¢~ .,¢./..C :~ Address: City: /"~_(",/t~ ' State: Project Name: UNOCAL Project Manager: Zip Code: ~"~ ¢ 2/ Release #: ;Telephone: .~.d,," FAX #: .%'~ Site #: "2k'~ ~ ~ "t'~_ /~/' ~~ ~~ . I ~d To: ~ ~' QC Data:~evel A (Standard) ~ Level B ~ Level C ~ Level Turnaround~lOWorkingDays O2WorkingDays 0 Drinking ~ter .. ~~~~ ~~e ' ~ Waste Water~~~ Time' /~5[~ 3 WorkingW°rking DaysDays ~ 224- Flours8 Hours ~/-~0~ ~-~ ~ ~ Other __~V~~~ ~ ~ / .......... ~li~nt" Date~ime Matrix #of Cont. ~o~at;~-~~~~ ~ ~ ~ sa~l~ ~.~.S~ed Deso. Co,t. T~ Sa~¢e # /_ ,~ ~ ~ / / / 8. ~.~,~.. ~ o~'~ / / -o ~ Relinquished By:~~-,~,~"-'"~' ' Date: ~,/¢r./ Time': /5"¢0 Received By: ~/t.,/~.,,/~/~C.e/t..~f'lI,Date: f//¢~.~7' Time: Relinquished By: Date: Time: Received By: Date: Time: ...... .Belinguished By: Date: Time: Re.c,eived By Lab: Date: Time: Were Samples Received in Good Condition? DX~'es Fa No Samples on Ice? CJ'Y~es Q No Method of Shipment Page of :1~5 Be ~:e-~iplsibd'U~on receipt of report: 1) were the analyses requested on the Chain of Custody repoded? Fa Yes Fa No If no, what analyses are still needed? 2) Was the report issued within the requested turnaround time? ID Yes ID No If no, what was the turnaround time?. Approved by: Signature: Company: Date: Sequoia Analytical ~pcake Drive 1900 Bates Avenue, Suite L 819 Striker Avenue, Suite 8 Redwood City, CA 94063 364-9600 FAX f415) 364-9233 Concord, CA 94520 (510) 686-9600 FAX (510) 686-9689 Sacramento, CA 95834 (916) 921-9600 FAX (916) 921-0100 iiiiiGeo Research Client Project ID: Unocal 5573 Sampled: Apr 29, 1994iiiii !((3437 Empresa Drive, Ste. A Sample Matrix: Soil Received: Apr 30, :.~iilSan Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Analysis Method: EPA 5030/8015 Mod./8020 Reported: May t3, 1994~i i!!iAttention: Warren Gross First Sample #: 4DH9401 TOTAL PURGEABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS with BTEX DISTINCTION Analyte Reporting Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample Limit I.D. I.D. I.D. I.Do I.D. mg/kg 4DH9401 4DH9402 4DH9403 4DH9404 4DH9405 03-17 D4-18 D3-E-17 D3-N-18 D3-S-17 Purgeable Hydrocarbons 1.0 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. Benzene 0.0050 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. Toluene 0.0050 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. Ethyl Benzene 0.0050 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. Total Xylenes 0.0050 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. Chromatogram Pattern: Quality Control Data Report Limit Multiplication Factor: Date Analyzed: Instrument Identification: Surrogate Recovery, %: (QC Limits = 70-130%) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 5/7/94 5/7/94 5/7/94 5/7/94 5/7/94 GCHP-18 GOHP-18 GOHP-18 GCHP-18 GCHP-18 84 80 82 81 79 Purgeable Hydrocarbons are quantitated against a fresh gasoline standard. Analytes reported as N.D. were not detected above the stated reporting limit. SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL ¢,ndreb Fulcher Proiect Manager 4DH9401 ,GGG < 1 > Sequoia Analytical Drive Redwood City, CA 94063 364-9600 1900 Bates Avenue, Suite L Concord, CA 94520 (510) 686-9600 819 Striker Avenue, Suite 8 Sacramento. CA 95834 (916) 921-9600 FAX (415) 364-9233 FAX (510) 686-9689 FAX (916) 921-0100 ::~:~i~Geo Research Client Project ID: Unocal 5573 i!ii3437 Empresa Drive, Ste. A Matrix: Solid !i!i::San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 !ilAttention: Warren Gross QC Sample Group: 4DH9401-05 Reported: May 13, 1994iiii::i QUALITY CONTROL DATA REPORT ANALYTE Benzene Toluene Ethyl Xylenes Benzene Method: EPA 8020 EPA 8020 EPA 8020 EPA 8020 Analyst: E. Cunanan E. Cunanan E. Cunanan E. Cunanan MS/MSD Batch#: 4DG2508 4DG2508 4DG2508 4DG2508 Date Prepared: 5/6/94 5/6/94 5/6/94 5/6/94 Date Analyzed: 5/6/94 5/6/94 5/6/94 5/6/94 Instrument I.D.#: GCHP-18 GCHP-18 GCHP-18 GCHP-18 Conc. Spiked: 0.20 mg/kg 0.20 mg/kg 0.20 mg/kg 0.60 mg/kg Matrix Spike % Recovery: Matrix Spike Duplicate % Recovery: Relative % Difference: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 LCS Batch#: Date Prepared: Date Analyzed: Instrument I.D.#: LCS % Recovery: NOT APPLICABLE % Recovery Control Limits: 55-145 47-149 47-155 56-140 S E Q..U..O ~.A.N A .L.,YI'I CA L Project Manager lPlease Note: The LCS is a control sample of known, interferent free matrix that is analyzed using the same reagents, preparation, and analytical methods employed for the samples. The matrix spike is an aliquot of sample fortifiedwith known quantities of specific compounds and subjected to the entire analytical procedure. I~ the recovery of analytes from the matrix spike does not fall within specified control limits due to matrix interference, the LOS recovery is to be used to validate the batch. 4DH9401.GGG <2> UNOCAL 819 Striker Ave., Suite 8 · Sacramento, CA 95834 · (916) 921o9600 Q East 11115 Montgomery, Suite B · Spokane, WA 99206 · (509) 924-9200 900 Bates Ave., Suite LM · Concord, CA 94520 · (510) 686-9600 Q 15055 S.W. Sequoia Pkwy, Suite 110 o Portland, OR 97222 · (503) 624-9800 City: //-'~'~/~¢~ State: Project Name: U f~)¢"~r / ~"-~"/~'-'~ UNOCAL Project Manager: ~,~/..--~--- ~..% ~ Zip Code: Release #: Telephone: (~-- ~--G +--oC-~ L~ FAX Turnaround~0 Working Days ~2WorkingDays Time: /~ 5 Working Days ~ 24 Hours ~ 3 Working Days ~ 2-8 Hours ~L~0~ Client Sampled Desc. Cont. Type Date~ime Matrix ~ of Cont. Sample I.D. 4. p Z_4 ./¢ ' , 9. ~0. Site #: QC Data:,/~t-A..evel A (Standard) {~ Level B IE3 Drinking V~'ater ~ Waste Water ,/~I~Other Laboratory Sample # Level C I~ Level D Relinquished By:~._ ~ ~ Date: //¢¢'.,¢ Time; /~4'~O Received By:~ Date: ¢/~ ¢¢'~Z Time: ]~'~)0 / ....... Relinquished By: Date: Time: Received By: Date: Time: Relinquished By: Date: Time: Received By Lab' Date: " Time: Were Samples Received in Good Condition? ~esQ No Samples on Ice? [~es Q No Method of Shipment Page _ To be completed upon receipt of report: ' . ,,,.,,, 1) Were the analyses requested on the Chain of Custody reported? r~ Yes El No If no, what analyses are still needed? 2) Was the report issued within the requested turnaround time? Q yes Q No If no, what was the turnaround time? Approved by: Signature: Company: Date: o ..,J o _J r- Sequoia Analytical Drive Redwood City, CA 94063 364-9600 1900 Bates Avenue, Suite L Concord, CA 94520 686-9600 819 Striker Avenue, Suite 8 Sacramento, CA 95834 (916) 921-9600 FAX (415) 3/6'4-9233 FAX (510) 686-9689 FAX (916)/921-0100 ?~i~1713 Tulare, Suite 113 Matrix Descript: Soil Received: May 21, iii:: Fresno CA 93721 Analysis Method: SM 5520 E&F (Gravimetric) ?:!:Attention: Warren Gross First Sample #: 4EC9601 Analyzed: May 25, ii:iii Reported: Jun 1, 19941iiiii TOTAL RECOVERABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS Sample Sample Oil & Grease Number Description mg/kg 4EC9601 WOSP-(A-B) 8,700 comp IDetection Limits: 50 Analytes reported as N.D. were not present above the stated limit of detection. S E O U 91A'~ N~L',q'l CA L Projef~t Manager .- 4EC9601.GGG <1> Sequoia Analytical Chesapeake Drive Redwood City, CA 94063 [5) 364-9600 1900 Bates Avenue, Suite L Concord, CA 94520 10) 686-9600 819 Striker Avenue, Suite 8 Sacramento, CA 95834 (916) 921-9600 FAX(415) 364-9233 FAX(5~0) 686-9689 FAX(916) 921-0100 ii:?~1713 Tulare, Suite 113 Sample Matrix: Soil Received: May 21, 1994iliii ::::i::iFresno, CA 93721 Analysis Method: EPA 5030/8015 Mod./8020 Reported: Jun 1 1994!iiii ililiAttention: Warren Gross First Samp e #: 4EC9602 ::i::i::i TOTAL PURGEABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS with BTEX DISTINCTION Analyte Reporting Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample Limit I.D. I.D. I.D. I.D. I.D. mg/kg 4EC9602 4EC9603 4EC9504 4EC9505 4EC9506 sP1 (A-C) SP2 (A-C) SP3 (A-C) SP4 (A/B) SP5 (A/B) Purgeable Hydrocarbons 1.0 comp comp · comp comp comp N.D. N.D. 120 120 8.6 Benzene 0.0050 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. Toluene 0.0050 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. Ethyl Benzene 0.0050 N.D. N.D. 0.17 N.D. N.D. Total Xylenes 0.0050 Chromatogram Pattern: N.D. N.D. 1.0 0.36 N.D. Weathered Weathered Weathered gas gas gas Quality Control Data Report Limit Multiplication Factor: Date Analyzed: Instrument Identification: Surrogate Recovery, %: (QC Limits = 70-130%) 1.0 !.0 !0 !0 1.0 5/23/94 5/23/94 5/23/94 5/23/94 5/23/94 GCHP-6 GCHP-6 GCHP-6 GCHP-6 GCHP-6 89 82 89 93 92 Purgeable Hydrocarbons are quantitated against a fresh gasoline standard. Analytes reported as N.D. were not detected above the stated reporting limit. SEQUOIA AN~ICAL ~p ~o~ ~ecat MF'Ual nC ah ~ re r rojec anager 4EC9601.GGG <2> 819 Striker Avenue, Suite 8 Sacramento, CA 95834 (916) 921-9600 FAX (916) 921-0100 !?i 1713 Tulare, Suite 113 Matrix: Soil !!::?:Fresno, CA 93721 :::5 ::::::::::Attention: Warren Gross QC Sample Group: 4EC9601 Reported: Jun 1, 1994iiiiii QUALITY CONTROL DATA REPORT ANALY I !: Total Recoverable Petroleum Hyd. Method: SM 5520 EF Analyst: J. Ball MS/MSD Batch#: 4E58605 Date Prepared: 5/19/94 Date Analyzed: 5/19/94 Instrument I.D.#: N.A. Conc. Spiked: 1000 mg/kg Matrix Spike % Recovery: Matrix Spike Duplicate % Recovery: 92 Relative % Difference: 7.9 LCS Batch#: 8LK051994 Date Prepared: 5/19/~4 Date Analyzed: 5/19/94 Instrument I.D.,C: N.A. LCS % Recovery: 91 % Recovery Control Limits: 70-t10 IPlease Note: The LCS is a control sample of known, interferent free matrix that is analyzed using the same reagents, preparation, and analytical methods employed for the samples. The matrix spike is an aliquot of sample fortified with known quantities of specific compounds and subjected to the entire analytical procedure. Ii the recovery of analytes from the matrix spike does not fall within specified control limits due to matrix interference, the LCS recovery is to be used to validate the batch. 4EC9601.GGG <3> Sequoia Analytical peakc Drive 1900 Bates Avenue, Suite L 819 Striker Avenue, Suite 8 Redwood City, CA 94063 364-9600 FAX (415) 364-9233 Concord, CA 94520 (510) 686-9600 FAX (510) 686-9689 Sacramento, CA 95834 (916) 921-9600 FAX (916) 921-0100 !!!!i!!iGeo Research Client Project ID: Unocal/5573 i:ili iiill 1713 Tulare, Suite 113 Matrix: Solid i?resno, CA 93721 ii?~i ::iii::Attention: Warren Gross QC Sample Group: 4EG9602-06 Reported: Jun 1, 1994iiiii~ QUALITY CONTROL DATA REPORT ANALYTE Benzene Toluene Ethyl ×ylenes Benzene Method: EPA 8020 EPA 8020 EPA 8020 EPA 8020 Analyst: T. Costello T. Costello T. Costello T. Costel!o MS/MSD Batch#: 4EA3702 4F_A3702 4F_A3702 4EA3702 Date Prepared: 5/23/94 5/23/94 5/23/94 5/23/94 Date Analyzed: 5/23/94 5/23/94 5/23/94 5/23/94 Instrument I,D,#: GCHP-7 GCHP-7 GCHP-7 GCHP-7 Conc. Spiked: o.2o rog/kg 0.20 mg/kg 0.20 mg/kg 0.60 mg/kg Matrix Spike % Recovery: 80 85 90 90 Matrix Spike Duplicate % Recovery: 75 85 85 87 Relative % Difference: 6.5 0.0 5.7 3.4 LC§ gatch~: Date Prepared: Date Analyzed: Instrument I.D.#: LCS % Recovery: % Recovery Control Limits: 55-145 47-149 47-155 56-140 SEQUOIA ANALYTICAL ~nd.r~.-'.F.ulch er Project Manager IiPlease Note: The LCS is a control sample of known, interferent free matrix that is analyzed using the same reagents, preparation, and analytical methods employed for the samples. The matrix spike is an aliquot of sample ortified with known quantities of specific compounds and subjected to the entire analytical procedure, if he recovery of analytes from the matrix spike does not fall within specified control limits due to matrix interference, the LCS recovery is to be used to validate the batch. .' 4EC9601.GGG <4> UNOCRIL{ E) 819 Striker Ave., Suite 8 · Sacramento, CA 95834 · (916) 921-9600 Q 1900 Bates Ave., Suite LM · Concord, CA 94520 · (510) 686-9600 East 11115 Montgomery, Suite B · Spokane, WA 99206 · (509) 924-9200 15055 S.W. Sequda Pkwy, Suite 110 · Poland, OR 97222 · (503) 624-9800 IC'ornpany Name: Address:' City: ,~-..~ ~¢ Zip Code: ,R, eport To: ~t~¢,~'~ ~~ [~ampler: ~-- ~/~',11~ , Turnaround/~ 0 Working Days Time: ~ 5 Working Days E3 3 Working Days Project Name: ~¢C ¢/~ G.~"~ _~ UNOCAL Project Manager: ~_-~.,.z -J- ¢~-~L.o¢~ Release #: Working Days 24 Hours 2- 8 Hours QC Data: ~l,~Level A (Standard) Drinking Water Waste Water Other Level B ~ Level C [~ Level D Client Sample I,D, s., 5¢1 Cont. Type Laboratory Sample # Relinquished B~"~"~,~_.f/ ......... Date.~,-~(..P'-¢y Time:'/~ Received By,: U P,...~ Date: Time: / Relinquished Byf , Date: Time: Received By: Date: Time: ' ~00 Relinquished By: Date: Time: Received By La~ ,, Date: Time: Were Samples Received in Good Condition? I~e,s'Q No Samples on Ice? ~'Y~; ID No Method of Shipment Page _[ of ~ '1'6 be COmpleted upon recei'pt of report: 1) Were the analyses requested on the Chain of Custody repoded? O Yes Q No If no, what analyses are still needed? 2) Was the report issued within the requested turnaround time? O Yes O No If no, what was the turnaround time? pproved by: Signature: Company: I Date: O 819 Striker Ave., Suite 8 · Sacramento, CA 95834 · (916) 921-9600 O 1900 Bates Ave., Suite LM · Concord, CA 94520 · (510) 686-9600 East 11115 Montgomery, Suite B · Spokane, WA 99206, (509) 924-9200 15055 S.W. Sequoia Pkwy, Suite 110 · PoCdand, OR 97222 · (503) 624-9800 Company Name: City: ~~ State: ~,~ ' Zi~Oode: Telephone:~ ~ ~'~ FAXff'7~~. Sam , r: C- Turnaround ~0 Working Days ~ 2 Working Days Time: ~ 8 Working Days ~ 24 Hours ~ 3 Working Days Q 2 - 8 Hours Client Sample I.D. Project Name: \JW~t ~) ~::~9 ~ ,='roCeot 9-.O CCh'. Release #: I / ' QC Data:.~_Level A (Standard) ~1 Level B E~ Level C' F"J Drinking Water I~ Waste Water ~":~L~O~'-(.~ ~ I~1 Other Date/Time Cont. Laboratory Sampled Type Sample # Level O Comments 10. Relinquished By:(~~/~~ D a t e;~-~2(..?--~/~, m ~/. oOC::2(--'3 Received By: //(', ~)¢ S ,- Date: Time: Relinquished By: Date: Time: : Received [3~;.7/~.~C~ Date: Time: ~ ~ aS'-(eZ.. / / ~'/ 070~ , Relinquished By: , .D,ate: , Time: Received By Lab: , , , Time: ,.., Were Samples Received in Good Condition? (~¢'e"~'Q No Samples on Ice? I:~s El No Method of Shipment i'l'o be completed upon receipt of report: 1) Were the analyses requested on the Chain of Custody 'reported? Q Yes Q No If no, what analyses are still needed? 2) Was the report issued within the requested turnaround time? El Yes iD No If no, what was the turnaround time? Approved by: Signature: Company: Date: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I REPORT OF SUBSURFACE SITE INVESTIGATION UNOCAL SERVICE STATION NO. 5573 2502 Ming Avenue Bakersfield, California prepared for UNOCAL CORPORATE ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION AND TECHNOLOGY Unocal Corporation P.O. Box 5155 San Ramon, California 94583 prepared by GeoResearch, a Division of GEOSERVICES, a California Corporation, 1713 Tulare, Suite 113 Fresno, California 93721 (209) 264-0444 June 7, 1993 937060600 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .I TABLE OF CONTENTS STATEMENT OF LIMITATIONS AND PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..................... 1.0 INTRODUCTION ...................... 2.0 SITE BACKGROUND ..................... 3.0 GEOLOGY/HYDROGEOLOGY ................. 4.0 PROCEDURES AND OBSERVATIONS .......... · ..... 4.1 GASOLINE AND WASTE-OIL USTs ............ 4.2 DISPENSER ISLANDS ................. 4.2.1 North Dispenser Island ........... 4.2.2 South Dispenser Island ........... 4.3 PRODUCT LINES .................. 4.4 AUTOMOTIVE HOISTS ................. 4.5 STOCKPILED SOIL AND RINSE WATER .......... 5.0 LABORATORY RESULTS ................. 5.1 GASOLINE AND WASTE-OIL USTs ............ 5.2 DISPENSER ISLANDS ................. 5.2.1 North Dispenser Island ........... 5.2.2 South Dispenser Island ........... 5.3 PRODUCT LINES .......... · ....... 5.4 AUTOMOTIVE HOISTS ................. 6.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ............. ' .... 7.0 REFERENCES ....................... FIGURES FIGURE 1: FIGURE 2: PROJECT LOCATION MAP SITE PLAN WITH SOIL BORING LOCATIONS TABLES TABLE 1: RESULTS OF TPH-G AND BTEX ANALYSES OF SOIL SAMPLES UN55~3. SBRO60?~3F4 ii 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I STATEMENT OF LIMITATIONS AND PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION Information provided in this report for GeoResearch Project Number 937060600 is intended exclusively for Unocal C.E.R.T. for the evaluation of petroleum hydrocarbon occurrence as it pertains to the subject site at the time the data were collected. The professional services have been performed in accordance with practices generally accepted by professional geologists, hydrologists, engineers, and environmental specialists. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. As with all subsurface investigations, there is no guarantee that the work conducted will identify any or all sources or locations of contamination. This report is issued with the understanding that Unocal C.E.R.T. is responsible for ensuring that the information contained in this report is brought to the attention of the appropriate regulatory agency. The enclosed report has been reviewed by a California Certified Engineering Geologist (C.E.G.) whose signature and certifioation number appear below. Blair Senior Staff Geologist Steve Curra Project Geologist Warren W. Gross, C.E.G. No. 1528 Associate Geologist UN5573. SBR060893 F4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I APPENDICES APPENDIX A: APPENDIX B: APPENDIX C: APPENDIX D: APPENDIX E: UN55~.SBRO60793F4 GEORESEARCH PROCEDURES FOR COMPLETING SOIL BORINGS AND SOIL SAMPLING DURING DRILLING. SOIL BORING LOGS DESCRIPTION OF LABORATORY ANALYTICAL METHODS LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORTS CROSS SECTION A - A' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .I I I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ~-~,,... A Phase II subsurface site investigation was conducted at unocal Service Station Number 5573 located at 2502 Ming Avenue, Bakersfield, California in April of 1992 (Figure 1). The purpose of the investigation was to determine the presence and extent of petroleum hydrocarbons which may have resulted from fuel storage, dispensing, and motor vehicle service facilities at the subject property. Eleven soil borings were drilled at the site in April of 1993 near the USTs, product lines, dispenser islands, and automotive hoists. A TPH-G concentration of 18,000 mg/kg and concentrations of toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes of 110, 300, and 2,800 mg/kg, respectively, were reported at 10 feet bgs in soil boring HA2, beneath the southern dispenser island. In sample HA2-15, hydrocarbon concentrations had attenuated to 100 mg/kg TPH-G, 0.19 mg/kg toluene, 0.076 mg/kg ethylbenzene, and 10 mg/kg total xylenes. Soil boring SB5, drilled at a 30 degree angle at the opposite end of this island, was reported ~%o contain no concentrations of TPH-G; however, trace amounts of ethylbenzene and total xylenes were reported. Soil samples collected from SB5 at 25 and 30 feet bgs are approximately beneath the area of high TPH-G concentrations. No benzene was detected in either of these samples. Based on the significant decrease in hydrocarbon concentrations from 10 to 15 feet bgs in boring HA2 and the presence of only trace concentrations of hydrocarbons found in SB5, it is concluded that the vertical extent of petroleum hydrocarbons in the soil beneath the south island is limited to approximately 20 feet bgs. The presence of only trace concentrations of hydrocarbons in SB5 also suggest that the lateral extent of hydrocarbons is limited to approximately 5 feet. This would indicate that approximately 60 to 100 cubic yards of soil may be affected. The absence of benzene and the presence of the heavier end hydrocarbons indicates that the gasoline is relatively old. However, appropriate agency notification of the findings of this report should be made. TPH-G concentrations of up to 3.9 mg/kg were identified in soil collected near the USTs and up to 34 mg/kg near the west end of the northern island. Trace amounts of toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes were also reported near these areas. These findings do not appear to be associated with a significant hydrocarbon release. Hydrocarbon constituents were not detected in soil collected near the automotive hoists or product lines. UN5573 . SBRO60793F4 ii I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.0 INTRODUCTION A Phase II subsurface site investigation was conducted at Unocal Service Station Number 5573 located at 2502 Ming Avenue, Bakersfield, California in April of 1992 (Figure 1). The investigation was completed in accordance with a work plan dated March 22, 1993, which was submitted to Unocal and authorized by Mr. Robert Boust. The purpose of the investigation was to determine the presence and extent of petroleum hydrocarbons which may have resulted from fuel storage, dispensing, and motor vehicle service facilities at the subject property. Prior to performing the work, GeoResearch contacted the City of Bakersfield Fire Department (BFD) regarding drilling permits. No permits were required. Dealer notification was submitted to Mr. Jim Foster, Unocal Territory Manager, approximately one month prior to the start of field work. Underground Service Alert (USA) was contacted 48 hours prior to drilling for locating public utilities. Drilling services were provided by Consolidated Testing Laboratories, Inc. of Porterville, California. Soil samples collected at the site were submitted to GEOTEST of Long Beach, California, a California Environmental Protection Agency (CAL/EPA)- certified laboratory. 2.0 SITE BACKGROUND A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment was conducted for the site by PHR Environmental Consultants, Incorporated, in March of 1993. According to the Phase I report, single-family residences occupied the site prior to the Unocal service station. Unocal first occupied the site in June of 1968. At that time two 10,000-gallon and one 550-gallon USTs were installed. Unocal subsequently sold the land and facilities to Scarteen Corporation in December of 1968, and leased the property back. In June of 1988, Unocal repurchased the property from Scarteen Corporation. The Phase I investigation states that little information concerning the station is available from 1968 to the late 1970s. The PHR report indicates that underground tank registration forms from July 1984 show that the two existing 10,000-gallon USTs were installed in 1975 and information pertaining to the removal of the old USTs or the installation of new ones is apparently not available. The Phase I also indicates that 614 gallons of unleaded gasoline was reported to have been lost from March 1, 1992 to May 13, 1992 and is believed to have been the result of theft. The subject site is presently an operating full-service and self- service gasoline station with two 10,000-gallon underground storage tanks (USTs) which contain unleaded gasoline, one 550-gallon waste- oil UST, two dispenser islands (one fuel dispenser at each end of each island), three service bays with one vehicle hoist in each, UN5573. SBR060793 F4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I and one clarifier (Figure 2). The vehicle hoist located in the west service bay was reported by the station manager to have been recently installed and did not utilize underground piping or equipment for it's operation. The station septic system ,including clarifier discharge, is connected to the municipal sewer system. Neither the Unocal general arrangement plan for the site nor on-site observations and conversations with station personnel indicated the presence of a seepage pit or leach field. 3.0 GEOLOGY/HYDROGEOLOGY Soils beneath the site consist of alluvial material derived from the Sierra Nevada to the east and the Tehachapi mountains to the south. This heterogeneous section of Pleistocene and Pliocene alluvium is on the order of 5,000 feet thick in the Bakersfield area and is composed of unconsolidated sand, gravel, silt, clayey sand and clay. Pliocene-Pleistocene continental clastic deposits overlie the Tertiary basement. The Tertiary basement, composed of granitic and metamorphic rocks, underlies the clastic section at a depth on the order of 15,000 feet below ground surface (Hackel, 1960). Observations made at the time of the investigation indicated that the upper fifteen feet of soil was composed of sandy silt underlain by predominately fine-grained sand. According to Kern County Water Agency, (1990 Report on Water Conditions, Improvement District No. 4, February 1, 1991), depth to ground water beneath the site is approximately 180 feet bgs. 4.0 PROCEDURES AND OBSERVATIONS Prior to drilling, GeoResearch personnel scanned the areas near boring locations with a Detectron pipe and cable locator to locate underground lines not identified by USA. Outlines of the product line and vapor return line trenches, leading from the USTs to the dispenser islands, were clearly visible in the weathered and cracked asphalt paving at the site. These trench outlines corresponded to those shown on the Unocal general arrangement diagram. No trench outlines were observed leading to the location of a "future" dispenser island proposed in Unocal's 1975 general arrangement diagram. Since evidence of such trenches were not visible on the surface, as were the other product line trenches, it was assumed that piping was never installed and the proposed boring in this area was not drilled. Eleven soil borings were completed on the site on April 19 - 21, 1993. Five of these borings were completed by hollow-stem auger methods and six were completed by hand auger methods (Figure 2). UN55~. SBRO60~93F4 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The work was completed in accordance with a site-specific health and safety plan. A truck-mounted B-80 drill rig equipped with 6-inch continuous flight hollow-stem augers was utilized for drilling. Prior to drilling, the borings were hand augered to a depth of 5 feet below ground surface (bgs) to confirm that no underground facilities were present in the boring locations. All borings were completed in accordance with standard GeoResearch procedures (Appendix A). All borings were backfilled with cement/sand slurry. Drill cuttings were monitored with an h-nu systems organic vapor analyzer (OVA) with a 10.2 electron volt probe in order to obtain a preliminary indication of the presence of volatile hydrocarbons prior to laboratory analysis. Drill cuttings containing field evidence of petroleum hydrocarbons were stockpiled separately. Soil borings were logged by a GeoResearch geologist under the supervision of California Certified Engineering Geologist in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System and recorded on Field Log of Boring forms (Appendix B). Soil samples were collected at 5-feet bgs and thereafter at 5-feet intervals and submitted to GEOTEST. Soil samples collected from the hollow-stem auger borings are identified by SB#-depth (example: SB1-5). Soil samples collected from the hand augered borings are identified by HA#-depth (example: HA1-5). 4.1 GASOLINE AND WASTE-OIL USTs Three borings, SB1, SB2, and SB3, were drilled adjacent to the gasoline USTs to a depth of 40 feet bgs. Soil boring SB1 was drilled approximately 4 feet west of the westernmost gasoline UST and approximately 4 feet north of the waste-oil UST. Soil boring SB2 was drilled approximately 6 feet north of the gasoline USTs (centered between the two USTs) near the northern property boundary. Soil boring SB3 was drilled approximately 4 feet east of the easternmost gasoline UST's fill port (Figure 2). Evidence of hydrocarbon staining or odors was not noted during the drilling of these three borings. The OVA did not detect the presence of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). 4.2 DISPENSER ISLANDS Two hollow-stem auger borings, SB-4 and SB-5, were drilled near the west ends of the dispenser islands and angled 30 degrees from vertical beneath the islands. Soil boring SB-4 was drilled tO a vertical depth of 25 feet bgs beneath the north dispenser island. Soil boring SB-5 was drilled to a vertical depth of 35 feet bgs UN5573. SBRO60793F4 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I beneath the south dispenser island. Hand auger borings HA2 and HA3 were drilled at an angle of approximately 20 degrees from vertical beneath the east ends of the dispenser islands. Boring HA2 was drilled to a depth of 15 feet bgs beneath the south island and boring HA3 was drilled to a depth of 5 feet bgs beneath the north island (Figure 2). 4.2.1 North Dispenser Island Soil boring SB4 was angle drilled beneath the west end of the north island. Soil containing low concentrations of hydrocarbons (5 to 10 ppm on the OVA) were present from 10 to 17 feet bgs in the boring. VOCs were not detected in soil collected below 17 feet bgs. Hand auger boring HA3, angled approximately 20 degrees from vertical beneath the east end of the north island, was drilled to a depth of 5 feet bgs. Soil encountered in this boring did not appear stained or possess hydrocarbon odors. VOCs were not detected on the OVA. 4.2.2 South Dispenser Island Hollow-stem auger boring SB5, angled 30 degrees from vertical beneath the west end of the south dispenser island, was drilled to a vertical depth of 35 feet bgs. Soil encountered in this boring was not observed to be stained or possess hydrocarbon odors. No OVA readings above background were obtained from soil collected from this boring. Soil collected at 25 feet bgs in this boring was located approximately beneath the eastern fuel dispenser on this island. Soil boring HA2, drilled at a 20 degree angle beneath the east end of the island, contained soil with VOCs of 100 ppm at 10 feet bgs and 7 ppm at 15 feet bgs. Hydrocarbon odors were evident from 3 feet bgs to 15 feet bgs. Soil staining was not observed. 4.3 PRODUCT LINES Hand auger borings HA1 and HA6 were drilled to a depth of 5 feet bgs near product line elbows (Figure 2). HA1 was drilled east of the gasoline USTs and HA6 was drilled east of the north island. Drill cuttings and soil samples from these borings were not visibly stained. VOCs were not detected. UN5573.SBRO60793F4 I I I I I I I I I I I ,] I I I I I 4.4 AUTOMOTIVE HOISTS Borings HA4 and HA5 were hand augered adjacent to vehicle hoists inside the automotive bays to a depth of 10 feet bgs. HA4 was drilled in the easternmost service bay adjacent to the hoist. Boring HA5 was drilled in the center service bay adjacent to the hoist and garage clarifier. Soil samples were collected in these borings at 5 and 10 feet bgs. Soil encountered in these borings did not contain staining, hydrocarbon odors, or elevated OVA readings. The westernmost service bay contained an automotive hoist which was reported to have been installed within the last couple of years and did not require underground piping for it's operation. Hand auger borings were not drilled near this hoist. 4.5 STOCKPILED SOIL AND RINSE WATER Approximately 3 cubic yards of soil cuttings were generated by drilling activities at the site. These soils were stockpiled on and covered with plastic sheeting along the west side of the station building. Approximately 1/8th cubic yard of this soil contained field evidence of petroleum hydrocarbons. This soil was stockpiled separately adjacent to the clean soil. Approximately 40-gallons of water utilized for steam cleaning the augers and decontaminating the sampling rings was placed in a DOT-approved 55- gallon drum, labeled, and left on-site near the west side of the station building. 5.0 LABORATORY RESULTS Selected soil samples collected from borings adjacent to the gasoline UST's, dispenser islands and product line elbows were analyzed by GEOTEST for total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-G) in accordance with CAL/DOHS methods and for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX) in accordance with Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 8020. Soil samples collected near the waste-oil UST were analyzed for TPH-G, BTEX, and total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbons (TRPH) in accordance with EPA Method 418.1. Soil samples collected near the vehicle hoists and clarifier were analyzed for TRPH only. Descriptions of laboratory analytical methods are included in Appendix C. Laboratory reports and chain-of-custody documentation are presented in Appendix D. 5.1 GASOLINE AND WASTE-OIL USTs Soil boring SB1, drilled west of the gasoline USTs and north of the UN5573. SBRO60793F4 5 ! ! I I -I I I I ,I I I I I I I I I waste-oil UST, contained low concentrations of TPH-G (Table 1). These samples also contained trace concentrations of toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes. Benzene was not detected. Soil sample SB2-15, from boring SB2, drilled north of the gasoline USTs contained a low concentration of TPH-G at 15 feet bgs only (1.2 mg/kg). This sample, and others from 25 and 35 feet bgs also contained trace concentrations of ethylbenzene and total xylenes. Soil boring SB3, drilled east of the gasoline USTs was reported to contain no detectable concentrations of TPH-G at 15, 30, and 40 feet bgs, however, trace concentrations of total xylenes were detected. The sample collected at 40 feet bgs in this boring also contained trace concentrations of toluene ~and ethylbenzene (Table 1). 5.2 DISPENSER ISLANDS 5.2.1 North Dispenser Island Soil samples collected from boring SB4 at 10 and 17 feet bgs in soil boring SB4 were found to contain TPH-G concentrations of 34 mg/kg and 1.2 mg/kg, respectively. Trace concentrations of toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes were detected in samples collected below 17 feet bgs. Benzene was-not detected. Soil samples SB4-25 and HA3-5 were collected approximately beneath the east fuel dispenser on north island. No TPH-G or BTEX was detected in sample HA3-5 and only trace concentrations of total xylenes in sample SB4-25 (Table 1). 5.2.2 South Dispenser Island The highest concentrations of petroleum constituents were detected in samples obtained beneath the south dispenser island. According to laboratory reports, soil sample HA2-10 collected from beneath the east end of the south dispenser island, contained 18,000 mg/kg TPH-G, 110 mg/kg toluene, 300 mg/kg ethylbenzene, and 2,800 mg/kg total xylenes. Soil collected at 15 feet bgs however, contained only 100 mg/kg TPH-G. Toluene, ethylbenzene, and toluene were reported in trace amounts and benzene was not detected (Table 1) . Soil samples collected from boring SB-5 were not reported to contain concentrations of TPH-G; however, trace amounts of ethylbenzene and total xylenes were reported from samples collected at 9 and 25 bgs. Benzene was not detected. UN5573 . SBRO60793F4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5.3 PRODUCT LINES According to laboratory reports, soil samples collected near product line elbows (HA1-5 and HA6-5, Figure 2), did not contain concentrations of TPH-G or BTEX. 5.4 AUTOMOTIVE HOISTS Four soil samples were collected adjacent to the easternmost and center automotive hoists (HA4-5, HA4-10, HA5-5, and HA5-10, Figure 2). According to laboratory reports, concentrations of TRPH were not detected. 6 . 0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Eleven soil borings were drilled at the site in April of 1993 near the USTs, product lines, dispenser islands, and automotive hoists. According to laboratory reports, concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons in excess of 100 mg/kg TPH-G were detected to a depth of 15 feet bgs beneath the southern dispenser island. A TPH-G concentration of 18,000 mg/kg and concentrations of toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes of 110, 300, and 2,800 mg/kg, respectively, were reported at 10 feet bgs in soil boring HA2. In sample HA2-15, hydrocarbon concentrations had attenuated to 100 mg/kg TPH-G, 0.19 mg/kg toluene, 0.076 mg/kg ethylbenzene, and 10 mg/kg total xylenes. Soil boring SB5, drilled at a 30 degree angle at the opposite end of this island, was reported to contain no concentrations of TPH-G; however, trace amounts of ethylbenzene and total xylenes were reported. Soil samples collected from SB5 at 25 and 30 feet bgs are approximately beneath the area of h~gh TPH-G concentrations. No benzene was detected in either of these samples. Based on the significant decrease in hydrocarbon concentrations from 10 to 15 feet bgs in boring HA2 and the presence of only trace concentrations of hydrocarbons in SB5, it is concluded that the vertical extent of petroleum hydrocarbons in the soil beneath the south island is limited to approximately 20 feet bgs. The base of the plume may be controlled or influenced by the transition from sandy silt to sand at~17 fee bgs (Appendix E). The presence of only trace concentrations of hydrocarbons in SB5 also suggest that the lateral extent of hydrocarbons is limited to approximately 5 feet near the base of the plume. This would indicate that approximately 60 to 100 cubic yards of soil may be affected. The absence of benzene and the presence of the heavier end hydrocarbons indicates that the gasoline is relatively old. UN5573. SBRO60793F4 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I However, appropriate agency notification of the findings of this report should be made. TPH-G concentrations of up to 3.9 mg/kg were identified in soil collected near the USTs and up to 34 mg/kg near the west end of the northern island. Trace amounts of toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes were also reported near these areas. These findings do not appear to be associated with a significant hydrocarbon release. Hydrocarbon constituents were not detected in soil. collected near the automotive hoists or product lines. 7.0 REFERENCES Kern County Water Agency, 1990 Report On Water Conditions, Improvement District No. 4, February 1, 1991. Hackel, Otto, 1966, Summary Of The Geoloqy Of The Great Valley Geology of Northern California, California Division of Mines Bulletin 190, Chapter 5, page 217 - 238. United States Department of Interior, Geologic Survey, Gosford, California Quadrangle, 7.5 Series, 1954, Photorevised 1968 and 1973 PHR Environmental Consultants, INC., Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, March 8, 1993. UN5573. SBRO60793F4 8 I I I I I I I I ~- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE 1 RESULTS OF TPH-G AND BTEX ANALYSES OF SOIL SAMPLES UNOCAL SERVICE STATION NO. 5573 2502 MING AVENUE, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA April 19 - 21, 1993 Sample Depth TRPH TPH-G B T E X ID (ft bgs) 418.1 CAL-EPA .... EPA METHOD 8020 .... mg/kg .................. GASOLINE AND WASTE-OIL USTs SBI-10 10 ND .......... SBI-15 15 ND 3.5 ND 0.015 0.059 0.56 SB1-25 25 -- 3.9 ND 0.008 0.042 0.46 SB1-35 35 -- 1.7 ND 0.005 0.017 0.19 SB1-40 40 -- ND ND ND ND ND SB2-15 15 -- 1.2 ND ND 0.009 0.10 SB2-25 25 -- ND ND ND 0.005 0.056 SB2-35 35 -- ND ND ND ND 0.041 SB3-15 15 -- ND ND ND ND 0.039 SB3-30 30 -- ND ND ND ND 0.039 SB3-40 40 -- ND ND 0.006 0.008 0.069 DISPENSER ISLANDS SB4-10 10 -- 34 ND 0.007 0.031 0.49 SB4-17 17 -- 1.2 ND ND ND 0.020 SB4-21 21 -- ND ND ND ND ND SB4-25 25 -- ND ND ND ND 0.016 SB5-9 9 -- ND ND ND ND 0.015 SB5-17 17 -- ND ND ND ND ND SB5-25 25 -- ND ND ND 0.010 0.085 SB5-30 30 -- ND ND ND ND ND DETECTION LIMITS 50 1.0 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.015 I I UN5573. S~RO60793F4 I I I TABLE 1 (Continued) Sample Depth TRPH TPH-G B T E X ID (ft bgs) 418.1 CAL-EPA EPA METHOD 8020 .... --mg/kg-- DISPENSER ISLANDS (Continued) HA2-5 5 -- 76 ND 0.017 0.062 0.77 HA2-10 10 -- 18,000 ND 110 300 2,800 HA2-15 15 -- 100 ND 0.19 0.76 10 HA3-5 5 -- ND ND ND ND ND PRODUCT LINES HA1-5 5 -- ND ND ND ND ND HA6-5 5 -- ND ND ND ND ND AUTOMOTIVE HOISTS HA4-5 5 ND .......... HA4-10 10 ND .......... HAb-5 5 ND .......... HAb-10 10 ND .......... DETECTION LIMITS 50 1.0 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.015 ................... mg/kg I I I I I I I NOTES FOR TABLES: CAL/EPA EPA TRPH TPH-G B T X E mg/kg ND ft bgs = California Environmental Protection Agency = U.S. Environmental Protection Agency = total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbons = EPA Method for TRPH = total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline = benzene = toluene = xylene = ethylbenzene = milligrams per kilogram (parts per million) = not detected (below laboratory detection limit) = sample not analyzed for this parameter = feet below ground surface UN5573. SBR060793 F4 I i I I I' I I I I I I !, i I I SCA~ IN MI~S ~ ~ GeoResearch NOR~ UNOCAL SER~CE STA~ON 5577 U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURLY 2502 MING A~NUE GOSFORB, CAUFORNIA QUADRANG~ 1954 BAKERSRE~, CALIFORNIA PHOTORE~SED, 1968 AND 1973 PROJECT NUMBER: 9370605 DA~: 05/93 ~ CKD BY: ~ ~GURE NO.: 1 Fl~ NO: S1~606~ ~ ~DRA~ BY: L KOCHIAN I I I I I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I VACANT FIELD II I I~_~ 'ii '' I' !, m ' I '1 / .o,~ ', ,14 _1-1 ',HI I I iI I IDI H~,-4. ,I .I II iI _------ 4. __~.' HA-3 F'IGERGI..ASS VAPOR , RECOVERY LINES MING AVENLIE LEGEND · SOIL BORING LOCATIONS & HAND AUGER LOCATIONS ~ OeoRese(srch SITE PLAN UNOCAL SERVICE STATION 5577 2502 MING AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA PROJECT NUMBER: 9570606 DATE: 05/93 I CKD BY: I FIGURE NO.: FILE NO: 9370606A I ''~ ~ IDRAWN BY: L KOCHIAN II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX A GEORESEARCH PROCEDURES FOR COMPLETING SOIL BORINGS AND FOR SOIL SAMPLING DURING DRILLING UN5573. SBR060793 F4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEORESEARCH PROCEDURES FOR COMPLETING SOIL BORINGS The following outline describes the procedures adhered to by GeoResearch for completion of soil borings. Soil borings are advanced with hollow-stem, continuous flight auger. The size of the auger's outside diameter is determined by the purpose of the boring. For soil sample collection or well installation, usually 8 or 10- inch outside diameter augers are used. ii. The boring, if vertical, is advanced to a specified depth below ground surface. If the boring is slanted from vertical,the augers are placed at the specified angle to vertical and then advanced to a specified depth. iii. During drilling, a continuous log of the sediments is made by a geohydrologist in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification system. iv. The auger lengths are steam-cleaned prior to each boring to prevent intercontamination of borings. The rinsate from cleaning will be stored on site in DOT-approved, 55- gallon drums. UN5573. SBRO60793F4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! GEORESEARCH PROCEDURES FOR SOIL SAMPLING DURING DRILLING The following outline describes the procedures utilized by GeoResearch for soil sampling during drilling, using hollow-stem, continuous-flight augers. Soil samples are collected using a 2.0 to 2.5-inch inside diameter, modified California split-spoon sampler. The sampler is lined with two to three, 6-inch long, 2.0 to 2.5-inch diameter brass rings for containment of the soil samples. ii. To avoid cross-contamination of samples, the sampler and rings are washed prior to each use with non-phosphate detergent and double rinsed with distilled water. iii. At the prescribed sampling interval of 5 feet, the sampler is attached to the drive rod and driven 18 inches into undisturbed soil below the lead auger with a 140- pound hammer that is repeatedly dropped from a 30-inch height. The number of drops is recorded during each 6- inch increment and used as a qualitative determination of soil consistency and density. iv. The lead, or deepest, brass ring is recovered from the sampler, sealed by taping aluminum foil and plastic caps onto both ends, labeled, placed in a Zip-loc bag, and stored on blue ice while awaiting delivery to the laboratory for chemical analysis. ro The sample is recorded onto a Chain-of-Custody form to ensure trackability of the sample. vi. The sampled interval is classified using the remaining rings and described on a log of soil boring form, following the Unified Soil Classification System. vii. Every 10th sample collected will be used as a duplicate sample to determine analytical precision and accuracy. In addition, a field blank will be collected from a newly opened bag of gravel pack material and analyzed to test for cross contamination of soil samples. UN5573. SBRO60793F4 I I GEORESEARCH PROCEDURES FOR SOIL SAMPLING USING A HAND AUGER I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The following outline describes the procedures utilized by GeoResearch for soil sampling utilizing a hand auger. Soil borings are advanced to a specified depth using the hand auger. ii. A clean drive sampler is lined with one or two (depending on the type sampler) 1.5 to 2.0-inch diameter, stainless steel or brass tube(s). Samples are obtained by driving the sampler into the soil with the drive hammer. iii. The tubes are removed from the sampler. The ends of each or either tube are covered with aluminum foil, covered with plastic caps, and taped with duct tape. iv. Each collected soil sample is labeled, recorded on a Chain-of-Custody record and placed on ice while awaiting transport to a certified hazardous waste laboratory. UN55~ . SSRO6079~F4 I I I ! I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I UN5573.SBRO60793F4 APPENDIX B SOIL BORING LOGS KEY BORING LOG SYMI LS SOIL DESCRIPTIONS USED IN THIS REPORT ARE IN GENERAL SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM. LACCORDANCE Wi I H I m~' u,~,r,c~ -~-~ .................. ...- GROUP TYPICAL NAMES MAJOR DIVISONS SYM~LS ~ ~ Well~md~ gruels ~ gruel ~d CLaN GRAVE~ ~.~ O~~ mix~r~, li~e or no fines. (U~ OR NO ~;~:~ p~-grad~ gr~e~ or gruel ~ mix.re, li~e or no GRAVE~ FINES) ~'~:~:~ GP OF COARSE ~ -- ~ARSE FRAC~ON IS GRAVE~ ·. ~." ~' GRAINED ~RGER ~AN ~E WI~ FINES "" ~ ~ GM Sil~grave~, gr~el-s~d~Y mix~r~. (~RE ~N ~% OF FINES) GC Clayey gravels, gravel-~nd~y mix~r~, OF ~ERIAL IS ~RGER ~AN NO ....... ...... SW Well-grad~ ~nds or gravelly ~ds, li~e or no fines.  ~ SI~E SIZE) C~N SANDS ;;;;;; SANDS (U~ OR NO :.....;.; (~RE ~N ~% FINES) . :.?:~;~ SP P~rly~rad~ s~ds or gravelly s~ds, li~e or no ~n~. OF COARSE ".';;:: ;'. FRAC~ON IS S~L~R ~N ~E SANDS SM Sil~ ~nds, ~d-silt mitres. NO.4 SIEVE SIZE) ~ RNES (APPRECIABLE AMT. ~ OF FINES) SC Clayey ~ds, ~d-day mix~r~. Inorg~ic s[l~ & ve~ fin~gr~n~ s~ds, r~ flour, ML or clayey fine s~ds or clayey silm wi~ slight pl~d~. SIL~ ~D C~YS ~-- lnorg~ic clays of iow ~ m~ium plas~ci~, gr~elly c[a~, (UQUID UMIT LESS _~ CL ~ndy clays, sil~ days, le~ da~. ~AN ~) _~ FINE GRAINED OL Org~ic slim and org~ic silt-clays of Iow pl~d~. (~RE ~N ~% OF ~RtAL IS ~' ~ MH Inorganic silS, mi~ous or die. magus ~n~gr~ned S~ER THAN ; ~y or sil~ ~ils, el~Sc sil~. SIL~ ~D C~YS SIZ~ (LIQUID UMIT CH Ino~ic da~ of high pl~ci~, fat cla~. ,. GREATER THAN 50) .///// Org~ic clays of m~ium ~ high p~d~. ~ PT Peat ~d o~er highly org~ic soils. HIGHLY ORG~IC SOI~ I'.~.,'Jc:*'.'- PARTICLE SIZE LIMITS NO.21~0 NO.40 NO.10 NO. 4 BOUNDRY CLASSIFICATIONS: Soils possessing c~a~ac~dslJcs of two groups are designated by comb~r~alJons of group symbols. DASHED UNES used to separate soil types represent approximate or gradafiona~ contacts. SOLID LINES represesent sharp contacts. SAMPLE NUMBER Numbers of BLOWS to drive sampler 6' into undLsturbod so~. Driving weight of hammer and height of drop specified on page 1. II SILT OR CLAY I I I Bt-5 IBLOWS/6' IOVA Organic Vapor Analyzer reading in parts per million (ppm). SAMPLE TYPES II_sPUT-SPOON/RING CORE BULK/JAR NO RECOVERY~ NOTSAMPLED WELL CONSTRUCTION/ BORING COMPLETION SAND PACK/FILTER PACK BENTONITE ANNULAR SEAL BENTONITE/CEMENT ANNULAR SEAL CEMENT ANNULAR SEAL DRILL CU'I-rlNGS BLANK CASING MACHINE-SLOTTED CASING ZEFILLING FLUID WAiI:HLEVEL I FIRST AFTER S~J~'~LER' ..~ ~1 HYDROGEOLOGIST I DATE CHECKED BY / DATE D~v,.~v~./~o/~ DRoP WELL S~J&~LES ~Z:)NST. DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS .5-/.~',"¢/;"5 eoResearch PROJECT NAME ,~EE-T) WELL S~AMPLES SOIL TH CONST. OVA GRAPH. CLASS (PPM) BLOWS LOG DESCRIPTION Ot: MATERIALS REMARKS CSG FILL NO. = TYPE 16' I Z Z Z D ~ Z Z Z ELD LOG OF BORING PROJECT NUMBER ! HYDROGEOLOGIST q20o6,o~ ICHECKEi~BY/DATE ieoResearch FIELD LOG OF BdRING SHEET / OF ~.. I~NG DRILl FR D~TE O~ER A~ER ' NG COMPANY . o/,,M,,J,. )RIII lNG EQUIPMENT METHOD 1~- ~o m ob;) ~;ll IZE AND TYPE OF BIT IRILLING FLUID DEG, FROM VERT. TOTAL NO. I BULK I WATER LEVEL I FIRST .. ! ypLER- HYDROG EOLOGIST / DATE CHECKED BY I DATE W~LL S,~,~-~LES .SOIL ,EPT CONST. OVA GRAPH. DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS REMARKS :EET) (PPM) ' LOG CLkSS NO. 'rY'PE ~LC~,'S ! ~JSCS) CSG FlU. 16' _ _ 9 ._ PROJECT NAME PROJECT NUMBER HYDROGEOLOGIST CHECKED BY/DAT~' WELL SAMPLES CONST. OVA GRAPH CLASS DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS REMARKS (PPM) BLOWS LOG CSG FILL NO. TYPE /6' Ij - _ _ eoResearch ~.E AND TYPE OF BIT RILUNG FLUID FIELD LOG OF BORING PROJECT NUMBER IDIRECTION OF I~)RING /ERTICA[_ [] SLANT ELEVATION AND DATUM DRILLER DATE & TIME STARiEO ',91 't,/ o1¢3 //oo DEG. FROM VERT. DRIVINGWT. )qO /~ DROP TOTAL NO. ~ BULK SS WATER LEVEL I FIRST . ~,,C.~EU_,.D. 5.8-.~ SHEET ,,/ OF ~._ REFERENCE DATE & TIME COMPLETED TOTAL DEPTH ! OF BOFUNG I OIHER AFTER CHECKED BY/DA/TE WEll S/j,~=LEs CONST. DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS REMARKS m -de,,,,~ ¢, ~ ~eoHesearcil ~i,~.~.o~ o~ ~o.~.~ l~w~°'.-'o~'~'::"i~:' P~ECT ~E PR~ECT NUMBER ~D~~T CHEC~D BY~A~ ~IL ~NST.  DESCRIP~ON ~ ~R~LS RE~S OVA G~PH. C~ (PPM) B~ ~ Fi~ NO. ~E /6'  _ _ /~ -- - ~ -- - ~ -- - //3 0-- _ I: : : " - ~ 0 ~ -z~ - I 5 _Z~/~ Z I: : : Iq : : : ~ _ _ I ~ Z Z Z .~ _ _ _ eoResearch FIELD LOG OF BORING ELEVATION AND DATUM SHEET / OF ~ iOJ E C '[ NAME IRILUNG COMP.ANY. IpROJECT NUMBER DRILLER / /~,20 DRILLING EQUIPMENT METHOD I DIRECTION OF BORING .£. ~ f~l~;I Re;l~ ItZE AND ~PE OF BIT I INGFLUID WA~R ~EL [FIRSI ~o ~ ~ ~o ~ " REFERENCE D6TE & TIME COMPLIEi ED ITOTAL DEPTH OFaOPaNG .2.5' AFTER HYDROG EOLOGIST ! DATE CHECKED BY/DATE WELL SA.MPLES CONST. DESCRIPTION OF M~,TERIALS REMARKS ~go OF., PROJECT NAME PROJECT NUMBER HYDROGEOLOGIST CHECKED BY/DATE WELL SAMPLES SOIL  CONST. OVA GRAPH. CLASS DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS REMARKS (PPM) B~ LOG CSG FILL NO. TYPE 16' I- : -~ : 'I-z -- -- 7 I - eoResearch ,ELD LOG OF BORING S.EET / OF 2. IREFERENCE DATE & TIME COMPLETED ELEVATION AND DATUM .Z 0°.2 ,,~5 4. RILUNG COMPANY ~ING EQUIPMENT M~OD ~'~ ~ DIREC~ON OF ~RING ~OTAL NO. ~PE OF, BIT lNG FLUID ~/~ ~w.sv~.)~o/~ D~o~3Ga DATE & TIME STARTED JTOTAL DEPTH OFS~LES ~ ! WATERLEVEL I F,RST I AF~F_.R ~,~c J ' ' HYDROGEOLOGISTI DATE . __ J CHECKED BY/DA WELL CONST. DESCRIPTION OF MATER[ALS REMARKS :esearch ~£.~:. "~ROJEC'I' NAME PROJECT NUMBER HYDROGEOLOGIS¥ CHECKED BY/CATE WEll SAMPUE$ SO~L  OONST. OVA GRAPH. I CLASS DESCRIP~ON OF ~ATER~S (PPM) BLOWS LOG REMARKS CS~ FIll NO. TYPE I Z Z Z Z m - ~ Z Z Z I._l - - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX C DESCRIPTION OF LABORATORY ANALYTICAL METHODS UN5573 . SBRO60793F4 I I I I I I SUMMARIES OF I_~BOR~TORY AN~YTICi~_L METHODS: SOIL SB_MPLES The following briefly describes laboratory analyses performed on soil samples in accordance with the specified EPA or California Department of Health Services methods. EPA Method 418.1: Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons The strict EPA method is for water samples only. For soil samples the soil is extracted with Freon. The Freon is treated with silica gel to remove biological acids. The IR absorbance of the extract is then measured to determine the total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbon (TRPH) content. EPA Method 8020: Volatile Aromatic Orqanics Volatile aromatics are determined by purge and trap followed by gas chromatography/photoionization detector (GC/PID). Normally only Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and total Xylenes are analyzed with this method. A small amount of sample (about 1 gram) is placed in a purge vessel and 5 ml water added. The sample is purged for a specific time and the volatiles absorbed on a trap. After purging the trap is heated and the volatiles swept into the GC. The analytes are separated using a capillary column and detected using a photoionization detector. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons - Gasoline The volatile components of gasoline are determined by purge and trap followed by gas chromatography/flame ionization detector (GC/FID). A small amount of sample (about 1 gram) is placed in a purge vessel and 5 ml water added. The sample is purged for a specific time and the volatiles absorbed on a trap. After purging the trap is heated and the volatiles swept into the GC. The analytes are separated using a capillary column and detected using an FID. The total petroleum hydrocarbon as gasoline TPH-G) is determined as the total amount of volatiles detected. UN5573 . SBRO60793F4 i i i i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I UN557-5.SBRO60793F4 APPENDIX D LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORTS m and Testing Service GEORESEARCH 1713 TULARE I FRESNO, CA ATTENTION: PROJECT NAME: Post Office Box 90911, Long Beach, California 908(0-0911 STREET, 93721 STEVE LABORATORY REPORT SUITE 113 CURRA UNOCAL #5573 2502 MING AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA DATE SAMPLED : DATE RECEIVED: DATE ANALYZED: SAMPLE MATRIX: CLIENT ID : GEOTEST PROJECT ANALYSES: (310) 498-9515 (8CX3062~5744 n 04/20/93 04/22/93 04/22/93 04/23/93 SOIL 937060600 NO.: 93400-19 TPH-G I I I I I I I I I I I ANALYSIS OF HYDROCARBON CONTENT BY GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY CAL/OOHS TPH FOR GASOLINE SAMPLE ID RESULTS DETECTION LIMIT (mg/kg) (mg/kg) HA2-10 18000 1.0 SBI-15 3.5 1.0 SB1-25 3.9 1.0 SB1-35 1.7 1.0 SB2-15 1.2 1.0 SB2-25 ND 1.0 SB2-35 ND 1.0 SB3-15 ND 1.0 SB3-30 ND 1.0 SB3-40 ND 1.0 SB4-10 34 1.0 SB4-17 1.2 1.0 SB4-25 ND 1.0 SB5-9 ND 1.0 SB5-17 ND 1.0 SB5-25 ND 1.0 HA2-15 zee z.e 'HA6-5 ND 1.0 o, Analyst: SJ Reviewed and Approved: ///////~ · .~/~/~ Report dat~: ~ This '~eport pertains onIy to the'"sampIe's''invest£gated and does not necessariIy appIy to other apparentI¥ identicaI or simiIar materiaIs. This report is submitted for the excIusIve use of the client to whom it is addressed. (~I:IqTI:.~T ie n di~ieinn nf (~.l:rlql:l:lglD. l:.c:: n (~lifnmin ~.r~rnrlratJAn m ~EOTEST Post Office Box 90911, Long Beach, California 90809-0911 (310) 498-9515 (800) 624-5744 An Environmental Monitoring and Testing Service I LABORATORY REPORT I I I I GEORESEARCH 1713 TULARE STREET, SUITE 113 FRESNO, CA 93721 ATTENTION: STEVE CURRA PROOECT NAME: UNOCAL #5573 2502 MING AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA DATE SAMPLED : DATE RECEIVED: DATE ANALYZED: 04/19/93 04/22/93 04/22/93 04/23/93 SAMPLE MATRIX: SOIL CLIENT ID : 937060600 GEOTEST PROJECT NO.: 93400-19 ANALYSES: TPH-G I I ANALYSIS OF HYDROCARBON CONTENT BY 6AS CHROMATOGRAPHY CAL/DOHS TPH FOR 6ASOLINE SAMPLE ID RESULTS (mg/kg) DETECTION LIMIT (mg/kg) I I HAI-5 ND 1.0 HA2-5 76 1.0 HA3-5 ND 1.0 I I I ND _ Not detected belo~ indicated limit: o1: detect:i~Y'~..~/~// Analyst: S3 Reviewed and Approved: ~'~/ // ~./.. ,- Reportdate: ~l ~/~ This report pertains only to the sam~"les' investigated and does not necessariIy apply to other apparently identical or similar materials. This report is. submitted for the exclusive use of the client to whom it addressed. ,nmentalUonitoHng Po~OfficeBox90911, ~ngBeach, California90809-0911 (310)49~9515 andTesting~ce QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY ANALYSIS OF HYDROCARBON CONTENT BY GAS CHROMATO6RAPHY TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS - GASOLINE I~OTEST I ! GEOTEST CLIENT NAME: I GEOTEST PRO3ECT NO: GEOTEST PRO3ECT NAME: DATE ANALYZED:04/22/93 SAMPLE MATRIX:SOIL GEORESEARCH 93400-19 UNOCAL #5573 ELAP Certification #1225 Analyses prep method:Se30 Analyses method:OHS TPH-G METHOD BLANK (800) 62~5744 CONCENTRATION DETECTION LIMIT (mg/kg) (mg/kg) ND 1.e I I I LABORATORY ~ ACCEPTABLE RANGE ACCURACY' · CONTROL STANDARD 88 80 - 120 I I % ACCEPTABLE RANGE RECOVERY MATRIX SPIKE 105 70 - 130 ACCEPTABLE RANGE I I I I I I MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE RECOVERY 103 70 - 130 RELATIVE PERCENT 'ACCEPTABLE RANGE DIFFERENCE Checked and Approved: Report Date: 1.9 0 - 25 IGE(~TEST Post Office Box 90911, Long Beach, California 90809-0911 (310) 498-9515 (800) 624-5744 An Environmental Monitoring and Testing Sen~ce I I I I I I QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY ANALYSIS OF HYDROCARBON CONTENT BY GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS - GASOLINE GEOTEST CLIENT NAME: GEOTEST PROJECT NO: GEOTEST PROJECT NAME: DATE ANALYZED:04/23/93 SAMPLE MATRIX:SOIL GEORESEARCH ELAP Cert£f£cat£on ~1225 93400-19 Analyses prep method:5030 UNOCAL #5573 Analyses method:OHS TPH-G CONCENTRATION DETECTION LIMIT (mg/kg) (mg/kg) METHOD BLANK ND 1o0 ~ ACCEPTABLE RANGE ACCURACY ~ LABORATORY CONTROL STANDARD 101 80 - 120 I I I ~ ACCEPTABLE RANGE RECOVERY ~ MATRIX SPIKE 100 70 - 130 ACCEPTABLE RANGE I I I I I MATRIX Checked SPIKE DUPLICATE RECOVERY ~ 102 70 - 130 RELATIVE PERCENT ACCEPTABLE RANGE DIFFERENCE ~ and Approved: 2o~ ' Report DaCe: ~~ 26 m EOTEST vironmental Monitoring and Testing Service I I I I GEORESEARCH Post Office Box 90911, Long Beach, California 90809-0911 (310) 498-9515 (800) 624-5744 LABORATORY REPORT 1713 TULARE STREET, SUITE 113 FRESNO, CA 93721 DATE SAMPLED : DATE RECEIVEO: DATE ANALYZED: ATTENTION: STEVE CURRA PROJECT NAME: LOCATION: UNOCAL #5573 2502 MING AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA SAMPLE MATRIX: CLIENT ID : GEOTEST PROJECT NO.: ANALYSES: 04/20/93 04/22/93 04/22/93 04/23/93 SOIL 937060600 934oo-19 BTEX m COMPONENTS DETECTION ILIMITS ANALYSIS OF ORGANIC ARONATICS EPA NETHOD 8020 BENZENE TOLUENE ETHYLBENZENE TOTAL XYLENES (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)' e.ee5 e.ee5 e.ee5 e.015 I I m I I I I I I SAMPLE ID HA2-10 ND 110 300 2800 SBI-15 ND 0.015 0.059 0.56 SB1-25 ND 0.008 0.042 0.46 SB1-35 ND e.ee5 0.o17 o.19 SB2-15 NB NO e.ee9 e.le SB2-25 ND ND e.ee5 0.056 SB2-35 ND ND ND e.041 SB3-15 ND ND ND e.o39 SB3-30 ND ND ND e.039 SB3-40 ND e.ee6 e.ee8 e.069 SB4-10 ND e.ee7 e.031 0.49 SB4-17 ND ND ND e.e2e SB4-25 ND ND ND e.016 SB5-9 NB ND ND e.015 sB5-17 ND ND ND NB SB5-25 ND ND e.ele e.085 HA2-15 ND e.19 e.76 10 HA6-5 ND ND ND ND ND - Not detected below indicated Analyst: SO Reviewed and Approved: This report pertains only to the samples investigated and does not necessarily apply to other apparently identical or similar materials. This report is submitted for the exclusive use of. the client to whom it is add ressed. ~E~TECTi~ ~ Hi~i~inn nf ~C~QEDtlI~C~ ~ ~llfnmi~ ~nrnnmtinn. mm, mmm, and Testing Service Post Office Box 90911, Long Beach, California 90809-0911 (310) 498-9515 (800) 624-5744 LABORATORY GEORESEARCH 1713 TULARE STREET, SUITE 113 FRESNO, CA 93721 ATTENTION: STEVE CURRA REPORT DATE SAMPLED : DATE RECEIVED: DATE ANALYZED: SAMPLE MATRIX: CLIENT ID : GEOTEST PROJECT NO.: ANALYSES: 04/19/93 04/22/93 04/22/93 04/23/93 SOIL 937060600 93400-19 BTEX PRO3ECT NAME: LOCATION: UNOCAL #5573 2502 MING AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA I I I ANALYSIS OF ORSANIC AROMATICS EPA METHOD 8020 COMPONENTS BENZENE TOLUENE ETHYLBENZENE TOTAL XYLENES (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) DETECT[ON LIMITS e.ees e.ees e.ee5 e.ez5 I I I I I I I I SAMPLE ID HA1-5 ND ND ND ND HA2-5 ND e.017 0.062 0.77 HA3-5 NO ND ND ND ND - Not detected below ind£cated l£m£t of detect£on.£~~ AnaIyst: S3 Reviewed and Approved: Report dace: This report perta£ns onZy Co the samples £nvest£gated and does not necessariIy apply Co ocher apparently ~denticaZ or sim~Zar materials. This report ~s submitted for the exclusive use of the c~ent Co whom is addressed. GEOTEST is a di~sion of GEOSERVICES. a California corporation. ~o,~,~,^, m, m m n EOTEST vironmental Monitoring and Testing Service m m Post Office Box 90911, Long Beach, California 90809-0911 (310) 498-9515 QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY ANALYSIS OF BTEX BY GC/PID (800) 624-5744 m GEOTEST CLIENT NAME: GEORESEARCH GEOTEST PROJECT NO: 93400~19 GEOTEST PROJECT NAME: UNOCAL #5573 DATE ANALYZED: 04/22/93 m SAMPLE MATRIX: SOIL METHOD BLANK Benzene iToluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes m LABORATORY CONTROL STANDARD CONCENTR (mg/k ELAP Certification #1225 Analyses prep method:Be30 Analyses method:Se20 ATION DETECTION LIMIT g) (mc/kg) ND ND ND ND ACCURACY 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.015 A'~'~'~PTABLE RANGE mBenzene Toluene Ethylbenzene m Total Xylenes 99 106 105 104 80-120 80-120 80-120 80-120 I Benzene I Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes MATRIX SPIKE % RECOVERY 102 106 112 112 MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE RECOVERY lol 107 111 111 ACCEPTABLE 70-130 70-130 70-130 70-130 RANGE I I I I I RELATIVE PERCENT DIFFERENCE Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes Checked and Approved: Report Date: 1.0 1.0 1.0 5.3 ~FOTF.<~T i~ ~ Hivi~inn nf C41=(JRI:I~VI~.I=~ ~ C'~lifnmi~ coroomtion. ACCEPTABLE 0-25 0-25 0-25 0-25 RANGE ~nEOTEST vironmental Monitoring and Testing Service I I I I I Post Office Box 90911, Long Beach, California 90809-0911 (310) 498-9515 QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY ANALYSIS OF BTEX BY GC/PID (800) 624-5744 GEOTEST CLIENT NAME: GEORESEARCH ELAP Cert£ficaCion #1225 GEOTEST PRO3ECT NO: 93400-19 Analyses prep method:5030 GEOTEST PRO3ECT NAME: UNOCAL #5573 Analyses method:8020 DATE ANALYZED: 04/23/93 SAMPLE MATRIX: SOIL I I METHOD BLANK CONCENTRATION DETECTION LIMIT (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Benzene ND 0.006 Toluene ND 0.005 Ethylbenzene NO 0.005 Total Xylenes ND e.e~s , ~ 'ACC'~PT~BLE ACCURACY ~ STANDARD LABORATORY CONTROL Benzene 100 80-120 Toluene 105 80-120 Ethylbenzene 109 80-120 Total Xylenes 108 8e-Z2e RANGE MATRIX SPIKE MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE ACCEPTABLE RANGE I I RECOVERY ~ RECOVERY Benzene 100 98 70-130 Toluene 106 103 70-130 Ethylbenzene 111 108 70-130 Total Xylenes 110 110 70-~30 I I I I I RELATIVE PERCENT ACCEPTABLE RANGE DIFFERENCE ~ Benzene 2.0 0-25 Toluene 2.9 0-25 Ethylbenzene ,/~ ~_.~,,~// 2.70 e-250-25 Total Xylenes ~/ / Checked and Approved= Report Date: /- GEOTEST is a division of GEOSERVICES. a California corl>omtion. (31~I~INbl . EOTEST vironmental Monitoring and Testing Service Post Office Box 90911, Long Beach, California 90809-0911 (310) 498-9515 (800) 624-5744 LABORATORY REPORT 04/20/93 I I I I GEORESEARCH 1713 TULARE STREET, SUITE 113 FRESNO, CA 93721 ATTENTION: STEVE CURRA DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED: DATE ANALYZED: SAMPLE MATRIX: CLIENT ID : GEOTEST PR03ECT NO.: ANALYSES: PRooEcT NAME: LOCATION: UNOCAL #5573 2502 MING AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA ANALYSIS OF HYDROCARBON CONTENT BY ZNFRARED SPECTROMETRY 04/22/93 04/22/93 SOIL 937060600 93400-19 418.1 I I I SAMPLE ID EPA METHOD 418.1 RESULTS DETECTION LIMIT (mg/kg) (mg/kg) SBi-10 ND 50 SB1-15 ND 50 - Not detected below indicated limit of detection.~~// Analyst: AM Reviewed and Approved: Report date: This report pertains, only to the samples investigated and does noL necessarily apply to other apparently identical or similar materials. This report is submitted for the exclusive use of the client to whom it is addressed. ~I=~TI:.~Tie ~ aivleinn nf (~l::CI.ql:~Vl~l::.c:: ~ ("..qlifnmi~J c. nrnoration. mmmmmm~ I and Testing Service Post Office Box 90911, Long Beach, California 90809-0911 (310) 498-9515 (800) 624-5744 LABORATORY REPORT GEORESEARCH 1713 TULARE STREET, SUITE 113 I CA 93721 FRESNO, ATTENTION: STEVE CURRA DATE SAMPLED : DATE RECEIVED: DATE ANALYZED: SAMPLE MATRIX: CLIENT IO : GEOTEST PROJECT NO.: ANALYSES: 04/19/93 04/22/93 04/22/93 SOIL 937060600 93400-19 418.1 I I PRO3ECT NAME: LOCATION: UNOCAL #5573 2502 MING AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA ANALYSIS OF HYDROCARBON CONTENT BY INFRARED SPECTRONETRY EPA #ETHOD 418.1 I SAMPLE ID RESULTS (rog/kg) I HA4-5 ND HAS-5 ND HA4-10 ND I HA5-10 ND DETECTION LIMIT (mg/kg) 50 50 50 Analyst: AM Reviewed and Approved: i Report date: ' This report pertains only to the samples investigated and does not necessarily apply to other apparently Identical or similar mater£als. I This is submitted for the exclusive use of the client to whom it report is addressed. m m mm ~EOTEST vironmental Monitoring and Testing Service m Post Office Box 90911, Long Beach, California 90809-0911 (310) 498-9515 QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL ANALYSIS OF TOTAL RECOVERABLE PETROLEUM EPA METHOD 418.1 SUMMARY HYDROCARBONS (800) 62~5744 m GEOTEST GEOTEST CLIENT NAME: GEORESEARCH PRO3ECT NO: 93400-19 GEOTEST PRO3ECT NAME: UNOCAL #$573 mDATE ANALYZED: 04/22/93 SAMPLE MATRIX: SOIL ELAP certification #1225 m Analyses method: 418.1 m METHOD BLANK CONCENTRATION (mg/kg) ND m ACCURACY I LABORATORY CONTROL STANDARD 106 DETECTION LIMIT (mg/kg) 50 ACCEPTABLE RANGE 70 - 130 m m MATRIX SPIKE RECOVERY 112 ACCEPTABLE RANGE 70 - 130 m m MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE RECOVERY 112 ACCEPTABLE RANGE 70 - 130 I I I I Checked and Approved: Report Date: RELATIVE PERCENT DIFFERENCE 0 ACCEPTABLE RANGE 0 - 25 GEOTEST is a division of GEOSERVI~FR. ~ (',~lifomia corooration. m~oo,nQ~,smm mm m m m m m m m ~ Telophono.. (310) 498.0515 (800) 024.57,44 CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD DATE PAGE __~--- OF ~ PRO:~ECT I~;ME (J~O(/~-i. S:,s ~-"~ METHODS SPECIAL HANDLING ADDRESS 2 ~0 a~ ~/ ?~u C~, ~ " '~ ~ - ' ......... -/-' - W ~ w PRINTED NAME . ./ ........... ~ ~ z z CLIENT PROJECT NO. ~ ~ ~) ~O~:~)~) ...... ~ < m ~ - O ' O O SAMPLE NO. DATE TIME LO'CATION ~ , RELiNQUiSHED DATE' RELINQUISHED BY ~XTE ...... RECEIVED ON ICE~ ~NO SIGNATURE '1 , Si~k~ffE ~/ SIGNATURE CHAIN OF CUSTODY SEAL a~[~ ~(~{~;~[~ ....~" .... TIME PROJECT COMMENTS p~TEDN~NE ' TIME ~~~~ TIME PRINT~~ COMPANY~ ~'E ~(L~ BY ~ RECEIVED BY Tel(:pl~ono: (3 ! 0) 498-95 ! 5 (800) (;24-5744 CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD DATE PAGE .?~. OF .-'~---- ,.. ._"~ ?.71 METHODS SPECIAL HANDLING ......... O m ~ ~ z z O O RIGNA'I'tlRI~ ~ SIGNATURE Prt~NfEr) NAME --~M-~' -"Fi~'~i:~'~~- TIME PRINTED NAME / TIME PROJECT COMMENTS COM PA~Y ~ .. CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD DATE PAGE ~..- OF ~ I I Totephono: (310) 498-9515 (800) 624.57,44 PROJECT NAME _ /?A~]~.~_~ / ~_~ -- METHODS SPECIAL HANDLING ADDRESS ~'E/ ^AMP'~R'~ ~I ....... ~' " ~. CLIENT PROJECT NO. ~ ?~..E~ ~.~t~ ....... ~ ~ ~ z PROJECT MANAGER ~ ~.._.~'~..... ~.__ ~.~___. ...... O O SAMPLE NO, DATE TlUE LOC~TION - ,, .. ~.~..-~ ,' /~o j , , , ~ ~_" P"INTEO NAME, . TIME' /~') 4~ ~P~/n ) 1; ,)r, / PROJECT COMMENTS _ , ,, , ~ ~./.~ ~&.. [ . ~ RECEIVED BY DATE, ~ RECEIVED BY ~ DATE ~~,,.,,g ~,, .~?~ _., .. I ~ Tol(:phono: (310) 400.9515 (800) 624.5744 CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD DATE PAGE ~/.. OF . ~.---~ PROJECT NAME ~.,)A,,z~,'~,~_~'....,_"5'_.~...-3 ................... METHODS o~. SPECIAL HAN[~LING ~'~SAMPLER'S SIGNATU~ ...... , Z .~1~i~ ~ .,~, ,,, _ ~ ~ ~ ~ CU~NT PROJECT NO. ~;~ '2~.~D¢.¢ ~ ~ z z '' ' O ,,, ~ SAMPLE NO, DATE TIME LOCATION "  DATE ~ .ELtNOUISHEO BY DATE s~u~ co.~.~,o~s SIGNATURE ~' SIGNA'ruRE ~ TURE ~ CHAIN OF CUSTODY SEAL ~/NO ~NT~ h~ - TIME PRINfED ~AM~ TIME PROJECT COMMENTS ~ =mm E, L~llman btreel m~o~m m m m m m m m m m mm~m,lm m ~ Telephone: (310) 498-95!5 (1300)62,1.~74,1 CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD DATE PAGE ...~"-- OF ¢') PRbJECT NAME _~_~_D(..J?, ! - ~.~'_~:5 METHODS SPECIAL HANDLING SAMPLER'S SIGNATURE ... ~.~/';,/' · ~ ~ ~ ~ PROJECT MANAGER ~;~.:,~ ~'~'X'~ ~ O ~ X ~ ~ ~ O 0 0 SAMPLE NO. DATE W~E L~CATiO~ ~ ~ ~ ~ = o , t ~ RELINQUISHED BY' ~ ~ RELINQUISHED BY SAMPLE CONDITIONS _ SIGNA~E .~ ~ . ~ .- S~GNA'rURF SIGNATURE CHAIN OF CUSTODY SEAL ~ ~,~,~,,~ ~ , _ ~l~,,, ~ROJEC~ COUUE~TS ~ Tolophone: (310) 498-9515 (800) 624-5,744 CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD DATE PAGE --~'- OF ~ NAME '~,.~ .... PRbJECT __ ~"'C-~..I ~3~ ')-:~ _ ~). ,... METHODS SPECIAL HANDLING ADDRESS_ ,~).~'O ~ I,,, ¢ /~- ~. ~'~ 1 ~'¢~e ~,~1 ,(A ~ ~ SAMPLER'S SIGNATURE __.~~._~ .......... .: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PRINTED NAME ~ .. ~ ,:A [.t ' .............................. ' . ~ m '~ ~ Z CU~NT P~OJ~CT NO. Cf .~ ?C,.6~=.'~ ......... ~ ~ ~ ~ O PROJECT MANAGER ~ [~C:.d~,,~ ..... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ SAMPLE NO. DATE TIME LOCATION ~ REL,NOUISHEO .Y '.*TE ~I"'EL'NOUISH~¢ '"Y ~ ~1~RELINQUISHED BY ~ SAMPLE CON DITIONS SiGNA~RE _- -~ ~;iGNATt IrIE / .~! ~;~~ CHAIN OF CUSTODY SEAL PRI~ ~AME~ TIME PRINT 'TIME PRINTED NAM~ TIME PROJECT COMMENTS ~u~X.~ , ~" ~. }l~O ~~ ........... _ ~ Tnlophono: (310) 498.9515 (80(1) G24.5744 CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD DATE PAGE . ~.. OF ~ - ~_~Z ....... ' SPECIAL HANDLING PROJECT NAME ~L~-~ '.~ :., . . METHODS ...... -r ........... ,' ' ~ ~ z Z CLIENT PROJECT NO. '~ZC_~ {~.~~ m x - o PROJECT MANAGER ~' F D ~'7 (' t ." ,~ I~ ~ z O O SAMPLE NO. DATE T~ME LOCATION I M RdLINoUISHED By ' DATE ffi RELINQUISHED BY ~ATE ~ RELINQUISHED BY ~ SAMPLE CONDITIONS SIGNATt~RE ~ , ~, ~ ~i~j'~l SIGNATURE CHAIN OF CUSTODY SEAL "' (3PI~I I',IA I - m m m and Testing Service m Post Office Box 90911, Long Beach, California 90809-0911 (310) 498-9515 (800) 624-5744 LABORATORY REPORT mGEORESEARCH 1713 TULARE STREET, SUITE 113 FRESNO, CA 93721 ATTENTION: STEVE CURRA PROJECT NAME: UNOCAL #5573 2502 MING AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA m m m DATE SAMPLED : DATE RECEIVED: DATE ADDITIONAL ANALYSES REQUESTED: OATE ANALYZED: SAMPLE MATRIX: CLIENT ID : GEOTEST PROJECT NO.: ANALYSES: 04/20/93 e4/22/93 04/27/93 04/27/93 SOIL 93706o600 93400-19 TPH-G m m ANALYSIS OF HYDROCARBON CONTENT BY GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY CAL/DOHS TPH FOR GASOLINE SAMPLE ID RESULTS DETECTION LIMIT (mg/kg) (mg/kg) m SB1-40 ND 1.0 SB4-21 ND 1.0 m m ND - Not detected belo~ indicated 11mlt of detect m Analyst: RV Reviewed and Approved: ~/[ 7 I . Report date: (~/~ ~ This report pertains only to the samples lnvestlgate~~ a~d does not m necessarily apply to other apparently identical or similar materials. Thls report ls submitted for the exclusive use of the client to whom it is addressed. I m m mmmmm EnvironmentalMoni~oring Post Office Box90911, ~ngBeach, California90809-0911 (310)49~9515 a~T~ting~ice QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY ANALYSIS OF HYDROCARBON CONTENT BY GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS - GASOLINE ~n EOTEST I ! GEOTEST CLIENT NAME: iGEOTEST PRO3ECT NO: GEOTEST PRO3ECT NAME: DATE ANALYZED:D4/27/93 SAMPLE MATRIX:SOIL ! GEORESEARCH ELAP Certification #1225 93400-19 Analyses prep method:5030 UNOCAL #5573 Analyses method:OHS TPH-G CONCENTRATION (800)62&57~ DETECTION LIMIT I METHOD BLANK (mg/kg) (mg/kg) ND 1.0 I I I LABORATORY ~ ACCEPTABLE RANGE ACCURACY · CONTROL STANDARD 108 80 - 120 ACCEPTABLE RANGE I I RECOVERY MATRIX SPIKE 84 70 - 130 ACCEPTABLE RANGE I MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE RECOVERY · 95 70 - 130 I I I I I RELATIVE PERCENT ACCEPTABLE RANGE OIFFERENCE ~ Checked and Approved: Report Date: 12 0 -- 25 I mmm ~EOTEST vironmental Monitoring and Testing ~ervice Post Office Box 90911, Long Beach, California 90809-0911 (310) 498-9515 (800) 624-5744 LABORATORY REPORT IGEORESEARCH 1713 TULARE STREET, SUITE 113 FRESNO, CA 93721 I I I ATTENTION: STEVE CURRA PRO3ECT NAME: LOCATION: UNOCAL #5573 2502 MING AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA DATE SAMPLED : DATE RECEIVED: DATE ADDITIONAL ANALYSES REQUESTED: DATE ANALYZED: SAMPLE MATRIX: CLIENT ID : GEOTEST PROJECT NO.: ANALYSES: 04/20/93 04/22/93 04/27/93 04/27/93 SOIL 937060600 93400-19 BTEX I I ANALYSIS OF ORGANIC AROMATICS EPA METHOD 8020 COMPONENTS BENZENE TOLUENE ETHYLBENZENE TOTAL XYLENES (mg/kg) (mg/k9) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) DETECTION LIMITS e.ee5 e.ee5 e.ee5 e.ezs I I SAMPLE ID SB1-40 ND ND ND ND S84-21 ND ND ND NO - Not detected below indicated limit of detect~/ Analyst: RV Reviewed and Approved: I I I This report pertains only to the samples investigated and does not necessarily apply to other apparently identical or similar materials. This report is submitted for the exclusive use of the client to whom it is addressed. E( TEST Post Office Box 90911, Long Beach, California 90809-0911 (310) 498-9515 (800) 624-5744 An Environmental Monitoring and Testing Service I QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY ANALYSIS OF BTEX BY GC/PID I GEOT.EST CLIENT GEOTEST PRO3ECT iGEOTEST PRO3ECT DATE ANALYZED: SAMPLE MATRIX: NAME: GEORESEARCH NO: 93400-19 NAME: UNOCAL #5573 04/27/93 SOIL ELAP Certification #.1225 Analyses prep method:5030 Analyses method:8020 I METHOD BLANK CONCENTRATION (mg/kg) DETECTION LIMIT (mg/kg) IBenzene ToIuene Ethylbenzene iTotal Xylenes ND 0.005 ND 0.005 ND 0.005 ND 0.015 ~ AC"~'~"~'TAB~EIRANGE LABORATORY CONTROL I Benzene Toluene IEthylbenzene To~al XyZenes STANDARD .ACCURACY 99 80-120 103 80-120 103 80-120 105 80-120 I I I Benzene Toluene EthyZbenzene Total Xylenes MATRIX SPIKE MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE ACCEPTABLE RANGE % RECOVERY ~ RECOVERY ~ 87 89 89 88 99 70-130 102 78-130 182 70-130 10~ 70-130 I I I I Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes Checked and Approved: Report Oate: RELATIVE PERCENT ACCEPTABLE DIFFERENCE % 13 0-25 13 0-25 13 0--25 13 0-25 RANGE ~ Telepl~ono: (310) 498.9515 (800) G',.!,15.7,1.1 CI4AIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD DATE PAGE .--..-- OF PROJECT NAME ~L/'tz. ~?_C,Z,![ ~ 9 ~ METHODS SPECIAL HANDLING ........................ ADDRESS __ ~,~ '. CLIENT PROJECT NO. t 2~&O..t~,..(.'C~ .............................. ~ m x - 0 PROJECT MANAGER 0 LO~ATiON SAUPLE NO. DATE ,. .. ,,., ,~ ~ ,¢~,"/~ ............ ~-,~__ ,'~'~,,' '~ ............ .7~:~ ..... sa~.-~o ..... c,a.::;' . .......... " .... ~ j I PRINTED NAME TIME TIME TIME ~'H,HP, IklAI m JE : .. ~ Tol0ph0ne: (310) 49n,0515 (800) n24-574,1 CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD DATE PAGE -..~.-- OF ~ PR6JECT NAME _.L)_~_~C_lt_l.__~.~'.~.;5 METHODS SPECIAL HANDLING - .... ;)~. ~',~ ...: .................................. z SAMPLER'S SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME CLIENT PROJECT NO. PROJECT MANAGER .................. ~': .................. ~ ~ ~ ~ : o o SAMPLE NO. DATE TIME LOCATION ,, ,,, SAMPLE CONDITIONS _ RELINQUISHED BY D~TE ~ RELINQUISHED BY ~l ~ RELINQUISHED BY ~E RECEIVED ON ICE ~NO SIGNA~E , ~~ CHAIN OF CUSTODY SEAL ~O '~~ PROJECT COMMENTS COMPANY ~ RECEIVED "Y D~ SIGNATURE " / CO~PAN~ , .~ ' '~=aa=~ Lon0-B-~h, 908~5~ PROJECT NO: I~I~C/'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Tolnphone: (310) 498-9515 (800) (124-5,,7,14 CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD DATE PAGE -.~'~--. OF ..~ PROJECT NAME ~Z_,AzO C',z~, -~ ,-~ z .~ ., . METHODS SPECIAL HANDLING · · ~ / . , ~ CC SAMPLER'S SIGNATURE _.~,L. :~dc';~,.," - ' ' - . ~ ~ ~ CLIENT PROJECT NO. _D~.. d.CL .... < m x - 0 ................................. ~ ~ ~ ~ Z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0 SAMPLE NO. DATE TIME LOCATION ~ · ~ m ~ ~ 0 5~'-:, ~'~:o~',''~''~:''''~'~','~'''~':'~ .... 5.~ ~.::/o~.~:,..;~ ................ ,., ..................... ,)__ ~D B'y DATE~ RELINQUISHED B'y By RECEIVED ON ICE ~O SIGNATURE , ~ . ~ '-~(}n'E' ~ SIGNATURE/ CHAIN OF CUSTODY SEAL ~O~A~x )~ ""d~ ........................ PROJECT COMMENTS ~ ~ECEIVED BY DAT~ ~ '- 'PR,NtEd'NmE " TIME TI~E ~ ~ ~~ '~'~_~~ ....... TIME ~ Tolophono,, (310) 498.9515 (800) 624.5744 CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD DATE PAGE --~--- OF ~ PR6JECT NAME I.)~/')~ it/ ' ~,~'/)''~ METHODS SPECIAL HANDLING ~ z z u3 ~ - o SAMPLE NO. DATE TIME 'LOCATION SIGNATURE -- · CHAIN OF CUSTODY SEAL ' ,~i~ N~M[ ~' .......... m m m and Testing Service Post Office Box 90911, Long Beach, Califomia 90809-0911 (310) 498-9515 (800) 624-5744 LABORATORY REPORT I I I I GEORESEARCH 1713 TULARE STREET, SUITE 113 FRESNO, CA 93721 ATTENTION: STEVE CURRA PROJECT NAME= DATE SAMPLED : DATE RECEIVED: DATE ADOITIONAL ANALYSES REQUESTED= DATE ANALYZED: SAMPLE MATRIX: CLIENT ID : GEOTEST PROJECT NO.: ANALYSES: UNOCAL #5573 2502 MING AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 04120193 04122/93 04128193 04128/93 SOIL 937060600 93400-19 TPH-G ANALYSIS OF HYDROCARBON CONTENT BY GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY CAL/DOHS TPH FOR GASOLINE ISAMPLE ID RESULTS DETECTION LIMIT (mg/kg) (mg/kg) m SB5-30 ND 1.0 I I NO- Not detected belo~ indicated limit of detect£on- ~,) . ~ Analyst: RV Reviewed and Approved: ~~-~.~-~c IThis pertains only to the samples investigated ~nd does noL report necessarily apply to other apparently identlcaI or sim£1ar materials. This report ls submitted for the exclusive use of the client to uhom it m is addressed. I and Testing Se~ice I I Post Office Box 90911, Long Beach, California 90809-0911 (310) 498-9515 (800) 624-5744 QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY ANALYSIS OF HYDROCARBON CONTENT BY GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS - GASOLINE GEOTEST CLIENT NAME: IGEOTEST PRO3ECT NO: GEOTEST PRO3ECT NAME: DATE ANALYZED:D4/28/93 ISAMPLE MATRIX:SOIL GEORESEARCH 93400-19 UNOCAL #5573 ELAP Certif£cation #1225 Analyses prep method:5030 AnaIy$es method:OHS TPH-G I I METHOD BLANK CONCENTRATION (mg/kg) DETECTION LIMIT (rog/kg) ND 1.0 ACCEPTABLE RANGE ! I ACCURACY LABORATORY CONTROL STANDARD 103 80 -- 120 ACCEPTABLE RANGE I I MATRIX SPIKE RECOVERY 99 70 - 130 I ! MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE RECOVERY 102 ACCEPTABLE RANGE 70 - 130 RELATIVE PERCENT ACCEPTABLE RANGE ! I DIFFERENCE 3.2 0 - 25 I I Checked and Approved: Report Oate: m, m m ~EOTEST vironmenta! Monitoring and Testing Service m Post Office Box 90911, Long Beach, Oalifornia 90809-0911 (310) 498-9515 (800) 624-5744 LABORATORY REPORT mGEORESEARCH 1713 TULARE STREET, SUITE 113 FRESNO, CA 93721 m m m ATTENTION: STEVE CURRA PRO3ECT NAME: LOCATION: UNOCAL #5573 2502 MING AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA DATE SAMPLED : DATE RECEIVED: DATE ADDITIONAL ANALYSES REQUESTED: DATE ANALYZED: SAMPLE MATRIX: CLIENT ID : GEOTEST PRO3ECT NO.: ANALYSES: 04/20/93 04/22/93 04/28/93 04/28/93 SOIL 937060600 93400-19 BTEX I I I ANALYSIS OF ORGANIC AROMATICS EPA NETHOD 8020 COMPoNENTs BENZENE TOLUENE ETHYLBENZENE TOTAL XYLENES (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) OETECTION LIMITS 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.015 SAMPLE IO mSB5-30 ND NO ND ND m m m NO m m m - Not detected below indicated limit of detection. ~ Analyst: RV Reviewed and Approved'~J~.~/~ ~ This report pertains only to the samples investigated and does not necessarily apply to other apparently identical or similar materials. This report is submitted for the exclusive use of the client to whom it is addressed. m m EOTEST vironmental Monitoring and Testing Service Post Office Box 90911, Long Beach, California 90809-0911 (310) 498-9515 (800) 624-5744 m QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY ANALYSIS OF BTEX BY GC/PID m GEOTEST CLIENT NAME: GEORESEARCH GEOTEST PROJECT NO: 93400-19 mGEOTEST PROJECT NAME: UNOCAL #5573 DATE ANALYZED: 04/28/93 SAMPLE MATRIX: SOIL ELAP Certification ~1225 Analyses prep method:5030 Analyses method:Be20 m METHOD BLANK CONCENTRATION (mg/kg) DETECTION LIMIT (mg/kg) mBenzene. Toluene Eth¥1benzene iTotal Xylenes ND 0.005 ND 0.005 ND 0.005 ND 0.015 % ACCEPTABLE RANGE LABORATORY CONTROL m Benzene Toluene mEthylbenzene Total Xylenes STANDARD ACCURACY 100 80-120 103 80-120 101 80-120 100 80-120 m m m Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes MATRIX SPIKE MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE ACCEPTABLE RANGE ~ RECOVERY ~ RECOVERY ~ 99 101 102 100 96 70-130 99 70-130 103 70--130 105 70-130 m m ! m RELATIVE PERCENT ACCEPTABLE RANGE DIFFERENCE ~ Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes Checked and Approved: Report Date: 3.0 2.0 0.9 5.4 0-25 0-25 0-25 0-25 GEOTEST is a division of GEOSERVICES, a Califomia corporation. 'm m METHO.P..$ m ADDnESS ,.~,~ ................ '¥" .... SAMPI. ER'S SIGNATURE ~!.~.," (?'..'~ :?. [ ~ .... PR,NTED NAME .',/~, ~ .... ¢. '~ ~," ~: ,.. .................. · ,i~ ~ .~.., t,',,:., t... CL ENT PRO,JFCT NO C/ -~:~. '~,,,.' i" ', PROJECT MANAGER .... ....................... "' I":. ~'-',. f-: r.' 4. fl "" :"'"' SAMPLE NO. g.¢-: DATE TIM f.: RELINQUISHED ~y , .I SIGNA'I UF1E PRINIEI) NAME RECEIVED ON CHAIN OF CUSTODY 5;,i:,' ' ~ '.';:~'..'.'."~ PROJECT r, '~,, ........ i i ~.c,,.'.,-,.'-~.? ""- ©'':-':~,' ' ,.'L i in,,; ¢ ..... ~. J, F!~/ :.~....., :'..:..,..,. ,:-.:.:,,:,, "- ' "-' ',.'.-'...-', ..; '. -' .'fY.'?' Gl2.,:.'>!,.-.... ,' :..,:..,...~,, :. ! I '-' ....... '~ ': ....... : "'"~ '"'"~'~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I UN5573.SBRO60793F4 APPENDIX E CROSS SECTION A - A' ~ /'"~_....r~ .... I~ PROJECTNO. ~,,.?')O~-'"~ FIGURENO.: ~/¢t¢2, ~'~ ' PROJECT NAME: ~.)/'/0(~/ ~ ,,.o.~ss: ~o:. ,¢;,,,3 ~. ~,¢~,.~,,",~/,~, m: GEOLOGIST: ~ CKD. BY: DATE: ,&~-/---r---I i'---i i-'-~ ..... 'r-'-'-:- j----" !-- t --,?-! ........ : I .... -'-i "~'-~t ........ -~--' .... ~---t ..... 1-"-7-~---~-' ..... · i ........ i [ .............. .......... i [ ...... ~ ! I.. ~ i !. i / ~ : ...... ~. ~ ', i i ' ....... I ~ ........... '~ ..... ~ ........ ~ .... ~ ........ ~ ....... '~'-' ~ ----%' .... t-'--~ ! ............ P---*, ..... ; ....... '~ ..... ~- - ~ ................ " ........ ~ ~ i i ~' ~ ...... ! ~ ~ ......... ~ ~ i· ! ,i ,, it : i i ~: ~': i ~ ~ .'. ~, t ~ .V f ' : ......... i i ........ ;' ~ i i ~ ........ ; ......... + ......... ~ .......... ~-..~. iX I ~ .......... i i ) ~' j I' ! i ! 'l i i , L ...] J' ._L~ I I ~ i .. :. ; . ........ ~ ...... , .............. ~ ···--·5 ......................................... ~ ............. ~ ...... !---t- .... ~ ---¢ ........ ~ ..... ~ ....... !---~ .... ?-- ---? t--~--ff ........ ~-'IGURE NAME: SCALE: ONE SQUARE EQUALS: I '