HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN 3/8/1994 VACANT ...... 4 ' ~ 0° MING AVENUE COMMERCIAL ~LL ~RVI~ 8TARN L~END 8OA~: 1"=5o'~ DA~: 1/17/92 ~.~.~.c~.u.. ~-o~ ~ "~ <~"~"*~ SITE PLAN E~C~ICAL PANEL SHUT-~ ~ S~NT SINK NA~RAL 6~S SHUT-OFF ~ AN~FREEZE ~.~.s.u~-o.. ~ .o.o./~..~,~,o.o,~ 2502 MING AVENUE RRE EXTINGUISHER ~ BARRY ST~AGE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 95304 TANK M~IT~ING A~RM ~ ~EASE (BARREL) ..s~ *~ ~ ~ u.~..R~UCT T*.K [~[~C~ ~S~eL~ ~REA ~ U.e. W*S~ O~L TANK SS¢ 5573 ~ *.~...~UCT T*NK HMMP AND M~S LOCA~0N ~RE H~RANT ~ ~,s~ ~ r,~.s M~t~ING ~S ~ WASE ~FREEZE ~ R~ERT H. LEE a A~IA~8. INC. ~ ~I~C~R[ [N~N[ERING ~NtNG OB%RVA~ON ~LLS ~ WAS~ BA~RIES -- 11~ N. U~ BL~. ~T~ ~ ~O~ · (707) VACANT I T S ENCLOSURE I:11~1 I I>11>1 I ,, LJ COOLANT A W MING AVENUE COMMERCIAL HYD FULL SERVICE STATION LEGEND SCALE: 1"=30'-0"+ DATE: 10/25/90 EMERGENCY PUMP · MONITORING WELLS SHUT-OFF GREASE (BARREL) ELECTRICAL PANEL ~ (~) U.G. WASTE OIL TANK NATURAL GAS SHUT-OFF ~ U.G. PRODUCT TANK WATER SHUT-OFF  ) SOLVENT SINK FIRST AID KIT  ) BATTERY STORAGE FIRE EXTINGUISHER AREA STORM DRAIN MZ-k~ MOTOR/TRANSMISSION OIL HOIST (SERVICE BAY) ~_~ TELEPHONE HYDRANT ~ EMERGENCY MEETING PLACE SITE PLAN 2502 MING AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 5573 ROBERT H. LEE & ASBOClATE~3, INC. ARCHITEC31JRE ENGINEERING PLANNING ORTH SITE/FACILITY FORM 8 SCALE: UNIT FACILITY N A~M F~ /~ SITE DIAGRk~! ~/ FACILITY DIAGR.~M FLOOR: ' OF DATE: / / (CHECK ONE) OF Inspector's Comments): -OFFICIAL USE ONLY- - 5A - SITE DIAGRA~ Items) Address: Identify the principle buildings by the Street numbers. Street(s), Alleys, Driveways, and Parking Areas adjacent to the property. Include the street names. S. Storm Drains, Culverts, Yard Drains 4. Drainage Canals, Ditches, Creeks, 5, Buildings a. Frame construction b. Masonry construction c. Metal construction d. Access Door 6. Utility Controls a. Gas b. Electricity c. Water 7. Fire Suppression Systems: a. Fire Hydrants b. Fire Sprinkler 19. Connections c~ Fire Standpipe 20. Connections d. Water Control Valves for protection systems e. Fire Ptuap 22. 8. Fire Department Access 9. Lock (key) Box 10. MSDS Storage Box I1. Railroad Tracks 12. Fence or Barrier a. Wire b. Nasonry c. Wood d. Gates 13. Powerllnes 14. Guard Station IS. Storage Tanks: Identify the capacity in gal. a. Above ground b. Underground 16. Diking or Berm 17. Evacuation Route 18. Evacuation Area: Identify the location where employees will meet. Outside Hazardous Waste Storage Outside Hazardous Material Storage 21. Outside Hazardous Material Use/Handling ,Type of Hazardous Material/Waste Stored or Used (See Below) TYPE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIAr, F - Flammable E .= Explosive L = Liquid R = Radlologlcal C - Corrosive 0 - Oxidizer O = Gas "P = Poison W = Water Reactive T - Toxic S = Solid H = Cryogenic D = Waste B = Etiological Example: Flammable Liquid - FL FACILITY DIAGR~ (Required Items In addition to the. abo~e) 1. Risers for Sprinklers 2. Partitions 3. Stairways: Indicate the levels served from highest to lowest. 4. Escalator: Indicate the levels served from highest to lowest. 5. Elevator 6. Attic Access 7. Skylights 8. Fire Escapes 9. Air Conditioning Units 10. Windows 11. Inside Hazardous Waste Storage 12. Inside Hazardous Materials Storage 13. Inside Hazardous Materials Use/Handling 14. Sewer Drain Inlets ORTH SCALE: DATE: (CHECK / / ONE) SITE/FACILITY FORM 5 FACILITY N&ME: SITE DIAGRAM D I AGRAM FLOOR: OF FACILITY D I AGR.a~M ALL /'q ~'77 I(Inspector's Comments): .OFFICIAL USE ]NLY- - 5A - ~,[TE DIAGRAM (Reql items) 1. Address: Identl£y tbs principle buildings by the Street numbers. 2. Street(s), Alleys, Driveways, and Parking Areas adjacent to the property. Include the street names. 3, Storm Drains, Culverts, Yard Drains 4. Drainage Canals, Ditches, Creeks, 5. Bolldlngs a. Frame construction b, Masonry construction c. Metal construction d. Access Door 6. Utility Controls a. Gas b. Electricity c, Water 7. Fire Suppression Systems: a. Fire Hydrants b. Fire Sprinkler Connections ¢. Fire Standpipe Connections d. Water Control Valves for protection systems e. Plre Pump 8. Fire Department Access g. Lock (key) Box 10. MSDS Storage Box 11. Railroad Tracks 12. Fence or Barrier a. Wire b. Masonry c. Wood d. Oates 13. Powerllnes 14. Guard Station 15. Storage Tanks: Identify the capacity In gal. a. Above ground b. Underground 16. Diking or Berm 17. Evacuation Route 18'. Evacuation Area: Identify the location where employees will meet. 19. Outside Hazardous Waste Storage 20. Outside Hazardous Material Storage 21. Outside Hazardous ~aterlal Use/Handling 22. Type of Hazardous Material/Waste Stored or Used (See Below) .TYPE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIAL P - Flammable B = Explosive L = Liquid R = Radtologlcal C = Corrosive 0 "Oxidizer O = Gas P = Poison W = Water Reactive T = Toxic S = Solid H = Cryogenic D = Waste B - Etiological Example: Flammable Liquid = FL PACILI3~ DIAGRAM (Required Items In addition to the abo~e) 1. Risers for Sprinklers 8. Fire Escapes 2. Partitions 9. Air Conditioning Units 3. Stairways: Indicate the 10. Windows levels served from highest to lowest. 11. Inside Hazardous Waste Storage 4. Escalator: Indicate the levels served from 12. Inside Hazardous highest to lowest. Materials Storage 5. Elevator 13. Inside Hazardous Materials Use/Handling 6. Attic Access i4. Sewer Dratn Inlets 7. Skylights I TE'/F.zkC I L I T¥ FORM NORTH SCALE: DATE: / / (CHECK ONE) BU$I~NESS NAME FACILITY SITE DIAGRAM FLOOR: UNIT -': FACILI.~I DIAGR.~M OF OF I( Inspector's Comments): -OFFICIAL USE ONLY- - SA - ECEIVED AUG 8 1990 A, ns'd ............ SiT E ~11 I-l}I }IP AGRAM F,z~I~ 1 LIT y DIAGRAM'.~ 03/68/94' UNOCAL 76 PLAZA 215-000-000545 /~-vC)~ ~ ~0verall Site with 1 Fac. Unit General Information Page 1 Location: 2502 MING AV Map:12~ Haz:2 Type: 1 !Community: BAKERSFIELD STATION 07 Grid: :12A F/U: 1 AOV: 0.0 Contact Name Title Business phone 24-Hour Phone- STEVE ELSAYED DEALER (805) 833-89~5 x ( ) - JIMMY ELSAYED DEALER (805) 832-6287 x (805) 832-6287 Administrative Data Mail Addrs: P O BOX 2390 D~B Number: 09-944-7344 City: BREA State! CA Zip: 92622-2390 Comm Code: 215-007 BAKERSFIELD STATION 07 SIC Code: 5541 Owner: STEVE ESLAYED' Phone: (805) 833-8925 Address: 2502 MING AVENUE IState: CA City: BAKERSFIELD Zip: 93304- Summary Do hereby cerfif~ (Type or print name) reviewed the a~ached hazardous materials men~ plan for and (~me of Busi~) 03/68/94' UNOCAL 76 PLAZA 215-000-000545 Hazmat Inventory List in MCP Order Page 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Pln-Ref Name/Hazards Form Max Qty MCP 02-006 SULFURIC ACID (WASTE BATTERIES) · Fire, Reactive, Immed Hlth Solid 10 High GAL 02-001 UNLEADED GASOLINE · Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth Liquid 10000 Moderate GAL 02-004 SUPER UNLEADED GASOLINE · Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth Liquid 10000 Moderate GAL 02-002 WASTE OIL · Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 20 Low LBS 02-005 ANTIFREEZE · Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 69 Low GAL 02-003 MOTOR OIL · Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 207 Minimal GAL o3/ 8/ 4' UNOCAL 76 PLAZA 215-000-000545 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order Page 02-006 SULFURIC ACID (WASTE BATTERIES) · Fire, Reactive, Immed Hlth Solid 10 High GAL CAS #: 7664-93-9 Trade Secret: No Form: Solid Type: Mixture Days: 365 Use: OTHER Daily Max GAL10 I Daily Average40.00GAL Annual Amount GAL 120.00 Storage PLASTIC CONTAINER Press - ,Ambient . Temp Location Ambient[SERVICE BAY TRASH ENCLOSURE -- Conc I 34.0% ISulfuric Acid (EPA) Components MCP ---/Guide IHigh / 39 02-001 UNLEADED GASOLINE · Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth Liquid 10000 Moderate GAL CAS #: 8006-61-9 Form: Liquid Type: Pure --Daily Max GAL 10,000 I Storage UNDER GROUND TANK -- Conc 100.0% IGasoline Trade Secret: No Days: 365 Use: FUEL Daily Average GAL 6,000.00 Annual Amount GAL 360,000.00 Press I Temp Location IAmbient~AmbientlNORTH OF SVC BAY Components MCP ---/Guide IModerateI 27 02-004 SUPER UNLEADED GASOLINE · Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth Liquid 10000 Moderate GAL CAS #: 8006-61-9 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: FUEL Daily Max GAL 10,000 I Daily Average GAL 6,000.00 Annual Amount GAL 360,000.00 Storage UNDER GROUND TANK Press I Temp Location AmbientlAmbientlNORTH OF SVC BAY -- Conc 100.0% IGasoline Components iMCP ---~uide ModerateI 27 03/68/94' UNOCAL 76 PLAZA 215-000-000545 02 - Fixed Containers on Site Hazmat Inventory Detail in MCP Order Page 02-002 WASTE OIL · Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 20 Low LBS CAS #: 221 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Waste Days: 365 Use: WASTE Daily Max LBS20 I Daily Average200.00LBS Annual Amount LBS 1,100.00 Storage UNDER GROUND TANK Press T Temp Location IAmbient~AmbientlNORTH OF SVC BAY -- Conc~ Components 100.0% IWaste Oil, Petroleum Based MCP ---~uide ILow ! 27 02-005 ANTIFREEZE · Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 69 Low GAL CAS #: 107-21-1 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: COOLANT/ANTIFREEZE -- Daily Max GAL Daily Average GAL 35.00 Annual Amount GAL 900.00 Storage PLASTIC CONTAINER Press T Temp Location IAmbientlAmbientlSTORE ROOM BAY -- Conc 94.0% 1Ethylene Glycol Components MCP ---~uide ILow ! 27 02-003 MOTOR OIL · Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 207 Minimal GAL CAS #: 64742-26-7 Form: Liquid Type: Pure Daily Max GAL 207 Storage PLASTIC CONTAINER Trade Secret: No Days: 365 Use: LUBRICANT i Daily Average GAL Annual Amount GAL -- 195.00 I 900.00 Location Press I Temp Ambient~AmbientlIN SVC BAY -- Conc~ Components 100.0% IMotor Oil, Petroleum Based MCP ---~uide Minimal I 27 03/68/94' UNOCAL 76 PLAZA 215-000-000545 Page 00 - Overall Site <D> Notif./Evacuation/Medical 5 <1> Agency Notification CALL 911. UNOCAL WILL NOTIFY THE APPROPRIATE STATE AND LOCAL AGENCIES UNLESS THE SITUATION REQUIRES URGEN IMMEDIATE RESPONSE BY THE AGENCIES, IN WHICH CASE THE DEALER SHOULD NOTIFY THESE AGENCIES: LOCAL AGENCY: BAKERSFIELD FIRE PREVENTION HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIV. PHONE NUMBER: 805-326-3979 CALIFORNIA OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES: (800) 852-7550 (24 HOURS) CALL FOR HELP IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY BY DIALING 9-1-1 <2> Employee Notif./Evacuation VERBAL TO ALL CONCERNED. PHYSICALLY LEAVE THE STATION. <3> Public Notif./Evacuation IF THERE IS ANY IMMEDIATE DANGER, ANNOUNCE TO ALL PERSONS ON THE SITE: "THERE IS AN EMERGENCY. pLEASE TURN OFF YOUR ENGINES AND LEAVE THE STATION ON FOOT IMMEDIATELY." <4> Emergency Medical Plan CALL HALL AMBULANCE - 1001 21ST ST - 327-4111 NEAREST HOSPITAL UNOCAL 76 PLAZA 215-000-000545 00 - Overall Site <E> Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt Page <1> Release Prevention ABOVEGROUND AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCT ARE STORED IN UNBREAKABLE CONTAINERS AND IN MINIMUM QUANTITIES. THE UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS ARE MONITORED USING AN APPROVED MONITORING METHOD TO DETECT LEAKS. ALL EMPLOYEES ARE TRAINED IN SAFE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. <2> Release Containment OIL - WIPE UP THE SPILL WITH RAGS BLOCK OFF ISLANDS UNTIL IT IS CLEANED UP USE DRY ABSORBANT ON GASOLINE LEAKS AND SHOVEL INTO A CONTAINER <3> Clean Up STOP A RELEASE BY TURNING OFF THE PUMPS AND USING EITHER ABSORBENT MATERIALS OR A FIRE EXTINGUISHER AS NECESSARY. <4> Other Resource Activation 03/68/94~ UNOCAL 76 PLAZA 215-000-000545 00 - Overall Site <F> Site Emergency Factors Page 7 <1> Special Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - N/A B) ELECTRICAL - SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE METAL BUILDING C) WATER - SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE METAL BUILDING D) SPECIAL - EMERGENCY PUMP SHUTOFF (OUTER SOUTHWEST WALL OF SERVICE BAY) E) LOCK BOX - NO <3> Fire Protec./Avail. Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - 2 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS BY SERVICE BAY DOOR FIRE HYDRANT - CORNER OF HUGHES & MING - SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE METAL BUILDING <4> Building Occupancy Level ~ ~ /08/94 UNOCAL 76 PLAZA 215-000-000545 Page O0 - Overall Site <G> Training 8 <1> Page 1 WE HAVE 3 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY. WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE. BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING: TELL EMPLOYEES TO BE CAREFUL AND WATCHFUL OF WHAT GOES ON AT THIS FACILITY. EMPLOYEES KNOW WHERE THE SHUT-OFFS ARE. EMPLOYEES KNOW HOW TO CLEAN UP SPILL. <2> Page 2 as needed <3> Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use Unocal Refining & :etlng Diviaion Unocal Corporation 911 Wilshire Blvd., S 1010 LOS Angeles. California 90017 Telephone (213) 977-6399 Facsimile (213) 627-1231 UNOCAL ) April 15, 1993 Steve Eslayed UNOCAL SS# 5573 2502 Ming Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93304 RE: HAZARDOUS MATERIAL MANAGEMENT PLANS Dear Steve Eslayed: Attached is the Hazardous Materials Inventory and Business Plan Update for your station. This new HMMP is intended to replace the current HMMP. The "DEALER" copy should be kept on the premises, and available to all employees and agency personnel at any time. THESE FORMS MUST BE RETURNED TO ROBERT H. LEE & ASSOCIATES, INC. AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. FAILURE TO RETURN AND IMPLEMENT THIS PLAN MAY RESULT IN FINES AND/OR CIVIL PENALTIES BY GOVERNMENT ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES. Instructions for signing and returning the packet: 2. 3. 4. Please sign all 4 copies of the HMMP where flagged and indicated with a "X". Return the 3 copies marked "UNOCAL", "AGENCY" and "FILE" to Robert H. Lee & Associates in the pre-stamped envelope provided. Have your employees read and understand the contents of this package and sign the attached training log. Keep the "DEALER" copy at the site and available for inspection. Copies of the HMMP will be sent to the Bakersfield Fire Department within 30 days. If you have any questions regarding the content of the HMMP please contact Robert H. Lee & Associates, Ms. Marion Miller, (707) 765-1660. If you have any additional questions please contact Mr. Bill Arbogast of Unocal at (213) 977-7850. Sincerely, Marc Lallanilla Environmental Compliance Coordinator Enclosures cc: Robert H. Lee & Assoc. File (~uaocal\ forms~ Dealrltr. MRG') 76 PLAZA 215-000-'00{05 Overall Site with I Fac. Ur, it Page Ger, eral Infc, rrnat ion Location: 2502 MING AV Map: 123 Hazard: Lc, w Commur~ity: BAKERSFIELD STATION 07 Grid: 12A F/U: 1 AOV: 0.0  Contact Name ; Title .............. Busines.~;-rr~e ..... F 24-Hour Phor~e- STEVE ESLAYED ~DEALER ~ (805) 833-].~~ ~ (805) ~7- HANNAH ESLAYED ~D~ER ~ (805) ~~ x/ ~ (805) Administrative Data , Mail Addrs: 911 WILSHIRE BLVD ~~G~ D&B Number: City: LOS ANGELES State: CA Zip: 90017- Corem Code: 215-007 BAKERSFIELD STATION 07 SIC Code: 5541 Address: City: Phor~e: (805) 833.-8925 St ate: CA Zip: .......... S u f,1 r,1 a r y r~~ th~ a~mchmd hazardous rn~ri~b m~nt p~an for 0 ~oc Au ~ ~~d that ~t ~bng ~th ~y cgrrections ~nstitut~ ~ ~p~ and corr~ o31~,i93 P 1 ri- Re f Name/Hazards 76 PLAZA 215-000-00~ Hazmat Inventory List irs MCP Order ~ - Fixed Corstairsers ors Site Forr~ Quant i ty Page MCP 2 02-006 SULFURIC ACID (BATTERIES) Fire, Reactive, Immed Hlth Sol id 60 High GAL 02- 001 UNLEADED GASOLINE Fire, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth Liquid 10000 Moderate GAL ~,~]C~re, Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth Liquid 10000 Moderate GAL 02-002 WASTE OIL Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 5~-0 Low GAL 02-005 ANT I FREE Z E .~ Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 69 Low GAL 02-003 MOl'OR OIL Fi.:~e, Delay Hlth Liquid 207 M i 'n i ma 1 GAL 03/2S'793 L 76 PLAZA 215-00( 02 - Fixed Cor, tair, ers or, Site Hazrnat Ir~ver, tory Detail ir, MCP Order Page 3 02-006 SULFURIC ACID (BATTERIES) Fire, Reactive, Imrned Hlth Sol id 60 H i gh GAL CAS ~$: 7664-93-9 Trade Secret: Nc, F,z, rn~: Snlid Type: Mixture Days: ~ Use: OTHER Daily Max GAL ~-T' Daily Average GAL r 60 ~ 40.00 Ar~r~ual Amour~t GAl_ 120.00 Storage PLASTIC CONTAINER Press I ]'e~np , ] Locatior, An~bier, t Arnbier~t SERVICE BAY TRASH ENCLOSURE -- ! 34.0% ISulfuric Acid (EPA) ! Comporserst s --F-ilH MCP --TGuide gh ~ 39 02-001 UNLEADED GASOLINE Fire, In~med Hlth, Delay Hlth Liquid 10000 Moder. ate GAL. CAS ~$: 8006-61-9 Trade Secret: Nc. Forn~: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: FUEL Daily Max GAL 10,000 ..... i .......... Daily Average GAL6,000.00 Ar!r!ual A~our!t GAl_ 360,000.00 Storage UNDER GROUND TANK -- F Press T Temp --1 Locatior! ]A~nbier~tlA~bier!t]NORTH OF SVC BAY -- Cor!c --- i00.0% IGas°lir!e Co~por~er~t s 'F- MCF ...... FGuide Mod~- IM ~.ate I 27 SUPER UNLEADED GASOLINE Fire, Irnn~ed Hlth, Delay Hlth Liquid 10000 Moderate GAL CAS ~: 8006-61-9 Trade Secret: Nc, Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: FUEL Daily Max GAL 1 0,000 Daily Average GAL T 6,000.00 ~ Ar, r, ual Amour, t GAL --- 360,000.00 Storage UNDER GROUND TANK Press ~ Te~p ~ Lc, catior, Ambier, t~Arnbier, t I NORTH OF SVC BAY -- Cor!m ! 100.0~- I Gaso 1 i r,e I Cccn por, er!t s l-- MCP ---TGuide Moderate I 27 76 PLAZA 215-000-00[~5 ~.~ - Fixed Contairsers on Site Hazr~at Inver~tory Detail in MCP Order Page 4 02-002 WASTE OIL Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid GAL CAS ~: 221 Trade Secret: No For~: Liquid Type: Waste Days: 365 Use: WASTE Daily Max GAL ................ Daily Average GAL ."=,"~., J 200.00 Annual Ar~c, unt GAL--- 1, 100.00 Storage UNDER GROUND TANK Press T 'l'er~p -'T .................... Loca'b ion Ar,~bierrb/Ar~bient/NORTH OF SVC BAY I -- Cone --f Compor~er~ts 100.0%~Waste Oil, Petroleum Based I~-, ,MCP ---TGU i de IL=w ~ 27 02-005 ANTIFREEZE Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 69 Low GAL CAS ~: 107-21-1 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: COOLANT/ANTIFREEZE ~ Daily Max GAL 69 ~'l ........ Daily Average GAL~.~ 00 Annual Armz, unt GAL 900.00 St orage PLASTIC CONTAINER Press T Ter~p --7 Locatior~ Ambient~AmbientI STORE ROOM BAY -- Cone 94.0%]Ethylene Glycol Cu, m portent s l--, ,MCP ---TGU i d e L:w ~ 27 MOTOR OIL Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 207 M i n i ma 1 GAL CAS $~: 64742-;~6-'7 'Trade Secret: Nc, Forr~: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: LUBRICANT Daily Max GAL 207 ~~- Daily Average GAL 195.00 Ar~nual Amour, t GAL--~ 900.00 Storage PLASTIC CONTAINER 'F Press -f-'l'er~p-]- IAmbientlAmbientllN SVC BAY Locat i on -- Cc, nc --7 Components 100.0%!Motor Oil, Petroleur~ Based iMCP ---TG u i d e nimal ~ 27 BAKEI FIELD CITY FIRE DEP RTIVIENT Business Name HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY UNOCAL SS# 5573 Address 2502 Min¢! Avenue, Bakersfield Page 1 of 2 5573 CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ] Addition [ ] Revision IX) Deletion [ ] Check if chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET IX) TRADE SECRET 2) Common Name: WASTE ANTIFREEZE Chemical Name: ETHYLENE GLYCOL 3) DOT # (optional) 9189 AHM [] CAS # 107-21-1 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [ ] Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) IX) Delayed Health (Chronic) IX) 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION 343 ,(3-digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 40 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] Liquid [X] Gas [ ] Pure [ ] Mixture [X] Waste IX) Radioactive [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY Maximum Daily Amount: S Average Daily Amount: 3 Annual Amount: 0 Largest Size Container: # Days On Site: 365 UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES lbs [ ] gal IX) ft3 [ ] a) Container: 06 curies [ ] b) Pressure: 1 c) Temperature: 4 Circle Which Months: All Year J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O, N, D 9) MIXTURE: List COMPONENT CAS # %WT AHM the three most hazardous 1 ). WASTE ANTIFREEZE 107-21-1 100.0 ( ] chemical component or 2), [ | any AHM components 3), [ ] 10) Location: OWNS ANITFREEZE RECYCLER CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ] Addition [ ] Revision IX) Deletion [ ] Check if chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET IX) TRADE SECRET [ ] 2) Common Name: WASTE OIL FILTERS Chemical Name: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS 3) DOT # (optional) 9189 AHM[] CAS # 800-20-59 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [ ] Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) | ] Delayed Health (Chronic) [X] 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION 223 (3-digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 40 ~;) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] Liquid IX| Gas [ ] Pure [ ] Mixture [X| Waste [X] Radioactive [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY Maximum Daily Amount: 20 Average Daily Amount: 10 Annual Amount: 350 Largest Size Container: # Days On Site: 365 UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES lbs [] gal IX) ft3 [] a) Container: 06 curies [ ] b) Pressure: 1 c) Temperature: 4 Circle Which Months: All Year J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O, N, D 9) MIXTURE: List COMPONENT CAS # %WT AHM the three most hazardous 1) WASTE OIL FILTERS 800-20-59 100.0 | ] chemical component or 2) [ ] any AHM components 3) I ) 10) Location: STOREROOM certify under penalty of/aw, that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted on this and all attached documents. I beliew the submitted information is true, accurate, and complete. PRINT Name & Title of Authorized Company Representative Signature Date Business Name BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEP ITMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY UNOCAL SS# 5573 Address 2502 Min,q Avenue, Bakersfield Page 2 of 2 5573 CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 1) INVENTORY STATUS: New [ ] Addition [ ! Revision IX] Deletion [ ] Check if chemical is a NON TRADE SECRET IX! TRADE SECRET 2) Common Name: WASTE BATTERIES Chemical Name: LEAD\ACID BATTERY 3) DOT # (optional) 2794 AHM[] CAS # MIXTURE 4) PHYSICAL & HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH HAZARD CATEGORIES Fire [ ] Reactive [ ] Sudden Release of Pressure [ ] Immediate Health (Acute) [X! Delayed Health (Chronic) [ ] 5) WASTE CLASSIFICATION 162 (3-digit code from DHS Form 8022) USE CODE 40 6) PHYSICAL STATE Solid [ ] Liquid IX] Gas [ ] Pure [ ] Mixture IX] Waste [X] Radioactive [ ] 7) AMOUNT AND TIME AT FACILITY Maximum Daily Amount: 10 Average Daily Amount: 7 Annual Amount: 1 O0 Largest Size Container: BATTERY # Days On Site: 365 UNITS OF MEASURE 8) STORAGE CODES lbs ! ] gal IX] ft3 [ ] a) Container: 10 curies [ ] b) Pressure: 1 c) Temperature: 4 Circle Which Months: All Year J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O, N, D 9) MIXTURE: List COMPONENT CAS # % WT AHM the three most hazardous 1) LEAD DIOXIDE 1309-60-O 31 | | chemical component or 2) SULFURIC ACID 7664-93-9 34 iX] any AHM components 3) LEAD 7439-92-1 34 [ I 10) Location: N.W. CORNER OF PROPERTY I certify under penalty of/aw, that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted on this and all attached documen ts. I believe the submitte(/ information is true, accurate, an(/complete. T Name & Title of Authorized Company Representative Signature Date 0'3/'.P_5-/9 S ~AL 76 PLAZA 215-000-00~-~5 00 - Overall Site <D> Notif./Evacuatior~/Medical Page 5 <1> Ager~cy Notificatior~ CALL 911. UNOCAL WILL NOTIFY 7'HIE APPROPRIATE STATE AND LOCAL AGENCIES UNLESS THE SITUATION REQUIRES URGEN IMMEDIATE RESPONSE BY ]'HE AGENCIES, WHICH CASE THE DEALER SHOULD NOTIFY THESE AGENCIES: LOCAL AGENCY: BAKERSFIELD FIRE PREVENTION HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIV. PHONE NUMBER: 805-326-39?9 CALIFORNIA OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES: (800) 852-7550 (24 HOURS) CALL FOR HELP IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY BY DIALING 9-1-1 IN <2> E~ployee Notif. /Evacuatior~ VERBAL TO ALL CONCERNED. PHYSICALLY LEAVE THE STATION. <3> Public Notif./Evacuatior~ IF '[HERE IS ANY IMMEDIATE DANGER, ANNOUNCE TO ALL PERSONS ON THE SITE: "THERE IS AN EMERGENCY. pLEASE TURN OFF YOUR ENGINES AND LEAVE THE STATION ON FOOT IMMEDIATELY." <4> Emerger~cy Medical Plan CALL HALL AMBULANCE - 1001 21ST ST - 327-4111 NEAREST HOSPITAL L~CAL 76 PLAZA 215-000-, 00 - Overall Site <E> Mit igat ior~/PreverJt/AbaterJ~t Page 6 <1> Release Prevention ABOVEGROUND AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCT ARE STORED IN UNBREAKABLE CONTAINERS AND IN MINIMUM QUANTITIES. THE UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS ARE MONITORED USING AN APPROVED MONITORING METHOD TO DETECT LEAKS. ALL EMPLOYEES ARE TRAINED IN SAFE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. <2> Release Cor~tair~r~er~t OIL - WIPE UP THE SPILL WITH RAGS BLOCK OFF ISLANDS UNTIL IT IS CLEANED UP USE DRY ABSORBANT ON GASOLINE LEAKS AND SHOVEL INTO A CONTAINER <3> Clear~ Up STOP A RELEASE BY TURNING OFF THE PUMPS AND USING EITHER ABSORBENT MATERIALS OR A FIRE EXTINGUISHER AS NECESSARY. <4> Other Resource Activatior~ 76 PLAZA 215-000-00,~ O0 - Overall Site <F> Site Er~ergerscy Factors Page 7 <1> Special Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - N/A B) ELECTRICAL - SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE METAL BUILDING C) WATER - SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE METAL BUILDING D) SPECIAL - EMERGENCY PUMP SHUTOFF (OUTER SOUTHWEST WALL OF SERVICE BAY) E) LOCK BOX - NO <3> Fire Protec./Avail. Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - 2 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS BY SERVICE BAY DOOR FIRE HYDRANT - CORNER OF HUGHES & MING - SOUTHEAST CORNER OF ]-HE METAL BUILDING <4> Buildirsg Occupar~cy Level 76 PLAZA 215-000-~ 00- Ovepall Site <G> TrairJir~g Pa g e 8 <1>, ,Page ,1~ WE HAV~ ~V~EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY. WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE. BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING: TELL EMPLOYEES TO BE CAREFUL AND WATCHFUL OF' WHAT GOES ON AT THIS FACILITY. EMPLOYEES KNOW WHERE THE SHUT-OFFS ARE. EMPLOYEES KNOW HOW TO CLEAN UP SPILL. <2> Page 2 as r~eeded <3> Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use 76 PLAZA 215-000-00~05 00 - Overall Site Page 9 <H> RMPP DATA <1> Release Cor~tairsmer~t <2> Offsite Corisequences <3> Irt House Capabilities <4> Plar~t Shutdowr~ Instruct ior~ 76 PLAZA 215-000-00~05 00 - OYerall- Site <I> Not Used Page 10 <1> Not Used <2> Not Used <3> Not Used <4> Not Used 76 PLAZA 215-000-00~5 00 - Overall Site (J} Topi~ "J" r~ot defir, ed Page 11 <I> Wir~dow J/1 <2> Window J/2 <3> Window J/3 <4> Wir~dow J/4 gL -76 PLAZA O0 - Overall Site <K> Topic "K" held for Picture Page 12 <1> Wirsdow K/1 <2> Wirsdow K/2 <3> Wi~dow K/3 <4> Wi~dow K/4 EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES 5573 MAJOR INCIDENT: FIRE, SPILL OR SUSPECTED LEAK 1. TURN OFF PUMPS using the Emergency Pump Shut-Off Switch. 2. EVACUATE: verbally ANNOUNCE to all persons on the site: "There is an emergency. Please turn off your engines and leave the station on foot immediately. All employees meet at the emergency assembly area." 3. CALL 9-1-1 Give the following information: "THERE IS A FIRE / GASOLINE SPILL at the Unocal service station at 2502 Ming Avenue" If anyone is trapped or needs medical attention, tell the answering dispatcher. Stay on the phone and be prepared to answer any questions concerning the situation. o LOOK AROUND to assure that everyone has left the station, particularly those in vehicles who may need assistance or may not have heard the emergency announcement. Assist, or direct assistance to, anyone having difficulty leaving the station area, and anyone who may be injured. 5. REPORT to arriving emergency response personnel to provide them with any information or assistance they might need. 6. CONTACT the station dealer if s/he is not already at the station. Use the list below for emergency contacts: Primary Contact: Name: Steve Eslayed Title: Dealer Address: 50400 Blanz Road, Bakersfield, 93304 Bus #/Home #: 805 833-9825 / 805-398-9657 Secondary Contact: Name: Hannah Eslayed Title: Dealer Wife Address: 50400 Blanz Road, Bakersfield, 93304 Bus #/Home #: 805-398-9657 / 805-398-9657 NOTIFY Unocal Maintenance Dispatch by phone IMMEDIATELY 1-800-723-7600 NOTIFY vour Territory Manager IMMEDIATELY TERRITORY MANAGER:Jim FosterPhone Number:209-237-5141 Unocal will notify the appropriate State and Local agencies within 24 hours, unless the situation requires urgent immediate response by the agencies, in which case the DEALER should notify these agencies: 1. LOCAL AGENCY: Bakersfield Fire Department PHONE NUMBER: 805-326-3979 2. CALIFORNIA OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES, (800) 852-7550 (24 HOURS) 3. LOCAL POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENTS, 911 MINOR INCIDENT: FIRES: Extinguish with fire extinguisher. Recharge fire extinguisher, if necessary. SPILLS: Clean up with absorbent materials on site and dispose of according to all regulations. extinguisher ready for spills of flammable materials. Restock absorbent as necessary. MEDICAL: Treat with on site first aid kit or take to nearest hospital. hospital. RECORD: Record the event in the daily monitoring log. NOTIFY: the dealer of the event. Have a fire Employee training plan lists the nearest EMPLOYEE TRAINING PLAN 5573 Employees must be given this training before starting work, and refresher courses must be provided annually. Records must be kept to show when each station employee has been given his/her safety training. Use the following outline and make copies as needed. Have employee date and sign this document upon completion of training. Retain these records for a minimum of three years. I. FIRST THINGS TO KNOW: A. EMERGENCY PUMP SHUT-OFF: This turns off the turbine pumps that provide flow to the dispensers from the underground tanks. In case of a leak, shutting off the pumps will help to prevent spills. LOCATION: Outer south wall of service bay B. ELECTRICAL PANEL: The panel allows you to selectively cut off power to lights, signs, pumps, etc. The main switch kills all power at the site. LOCATION: In storage area in service bay C. WATER SHUT-OFF: The water shut-off may be necessary in some cases. LOCATION: In sidewalk of Min.q Avenue D. NATURAL GAS SHUT-OFF: If your station has natural gas, it may be necessary to shut-off the natural gas flow in an emergency. LOCATION: NONE E. FIRST AID KIT: LOCATION: IN OFFICE Fo FIRE EXTINGUISHER: Use only on small fires that you can handle. on your own; call 9-1-1 for help. LOCATION: 2-IN SERVICE BAY/1 IN OFFICE Do not attempt to extinguish large fires Go Ho ABSORBENT: In the form of kitty litter, absorbent can soak up small spills of gasoline, diesel fuel, or other petroleum products. Absorbent should be used rather than washing spills down a drain. In case of large spill, merely try to contain it; a vacuum truck should be used to clean up any large spill. LOCATION: In storage room EMERGENCY RESPONSE EQUIPMENT: These items shall be used by employees to prevent direct skin contact with a hazardous material. 1. Broom: IN STOREROOM 2. Shovel: IN STOREROOM 3. Gloves: IN STOREROOM 4. Goggles: IN STOREROOM II. NEAREST MEDICAL FACILITY: Employees should know what facilities are available in case customers or other employees need medical attention. I. NAME: Mercy Hospital ADDRESS: 2215 Truxton Ave., Bakersfield PHONE NUMBER: 805-327-3371 NEAREST DESIGNATED TRAUMA CENTER: 2. NAME: UCLA Hospital and Clinics III. ADDRESS: 10833 LeConte Avenue, Los Angeles PHONE NUMBER: 213-825-2111 All employees should review the Hazardous Material Plan, of which this training plan is a part. Specifically, each employee should understand the procedures to be used in responding to various kinds of emergencies, and know how to monitor for leaks of hazardous materials. As a supplement to this package, employees should also review the Emergency Response Plan filed by your business to the appropriate local agency. Thirdly, employees should review and have access to the Materials Safety Data Sheets you have on file for each of the hazardous materials stored at the station and must be drilled in all emergency response procedures contained herein. IV. FIRST AID PROCEDURES (For exposure to gasoline or diesel fuel): A. EYE CONTACT: Flush with water for 15 minutes while holding eyelids open. Get medical attention. B. SKIN CONTACT: Flush with water while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Follow by washing with soap and water. Do not reuse clothing or shoes until cleaned. If irritation persists, get medical attention. C. INHALATION (Breathing): Remove victim to fresh air and provide oxygen if breathing is difficult. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. Get medical attention. D. INGESTION (Swallowing): DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING BECAUSE GASOLINE CAN ENTER LUNGS AND CAUSE SEVERE LUNG DAMAGE! If vomiting occurs spontaneously keep head below hips to prevent aspiration of liquid into lungs. Get medicat attention. Eo NOTE TO PHYSICIAN: If more than 2.0 mi per kg has been ingested and vomiting has not occurred, emesis should be induced with medical supervision. Keep victim's head below hips to prevent aspiration. If symptoms such as loss of gag reflex, convulsions or unconsciousness occur before emesis, gastric lavage using a cuffed endotracheal tube should be considered. F. For further information, consult the Materials Safety Data Sheets for these products and for other hazardous materials. FIRST AID FOR EXPOSURE TO OTHER MATERIALS: Consult the warning advice on container labels or refer to the MSDS for that product. I have reviewed, understand and have been properly drilled in the above employee training program. Employee Signature Date Initial Training Refresher Training Employee Name (Please Print) Document prepared by:Environmental Staff,Robert H. Lee & Assoc., 707-765-1660 TRAINING LOG SIS #: 5573 BUSINESS NAME: UNOCAL SS# 5573 ADDRESS: 2502 Ming Avenue EMPLOYEES MUST SIGN THIS FORM TO PROVE THEY RECEIVED THEIR INITIAL AND/OR ANNUAL SAFETY TRAINING. DATE OF TYPE OF EMPLOYEE NAME EMPLOYEE SIGNATURE TRAINING TRAINING BRIAN F. ZITA JOHN W. JOHNBON ROBERT H. LEE & ABBC IATES, INC. ARCHITECTURE PI. ANNING ENGINEERING 11~J' NORTH ~WE~ ;UdVARO · P;ALUMA, CAU~RNIA W~16 February 6, 1992 Steve Eslayed UNOCAL # 5573 2502 Ming Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93304 Dear Steve Eslayed: Attached is the new Hazardous Materials Management Plan (HMMP) for your facility. This new HMMP is intended to replace the previous HMMP currently on file at your facility. The new DEALER copy should be kept up to date on the permises. Please sign and date all 4 copies of this new HMMP on the flagged pages'where indicated with an "X". Make any necesssary corrections on each copy and initial each correction. Return the copies marked FILE, UNOCAL and AGENCY to Robert H. Lee & Associates (RHL) in the envelope provided. Keep the DEALER copy at the site for the training of all personnel and as a reference source in an emergency. Copies of the signed/certified HMMP will be sent to the local agency and to UNOCAL by RHL upon receipt. Please do not delay in returning these document to RHL. you have any questions. Call if Sincerely, ROBERT H. LEE & ASSOCIATES, INC. i/ f Environmental Specialist enclosures CC: Jim Scott, UNOCAL File AKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT Signature ~.~e~- A//~/~ Title Date l~) OInRCff~mt CARKBI=UR, CA IAt~-RAMIN'rO, CA IIILLIVUI, WA 5573 Bakersfield Fire Dept. Hszardous Materials Division 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 RECEIVED FEB 2 7 HAZ, MAT, DIV, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN INSTRUCTIONS: 2. 3. 4. To avoid further action, return this form within 30 days of receipt. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. Answer the below for the business as a whole. Be brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA BUSINESS NAME: UNOCAL SS# 5573 LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: 2502 Ming Avenue CITY: B0kersfield STATE: CA ZIP: 93304 DUN & BRADSTREET NUMBER: 09-944-7344 PRIMARY ACTIVITY AUTOMOBILE REFUELING STATION PHONE: 805-833-9825 SIC CODE 5541 OWNER: UNOCAL Corporation MAILING ADDRESS: 911 Wilshire. Los Angeles. CA. 90051 SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION: CONTACT 1. Steve Eslayed TITLE DEALER BUS. PHONE 805-833-9825 24 HR. PHONE 805-398-9657 2. Hannah Eslaved DEALER 805-398-9657 805-398-9657 BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. Hazardous Materials Division HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 3: TRAINING: NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 4 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE: YES (SEE SITE PLAN FOR LOCATION) BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: Employees must be given this training before refresher courses must be provided annually. starting work, and Records must be kept to show when each station employee has been given his/her safety training. SECTION 4: EXEMPTION REQUEST: I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT MY BUSINESS IS EXEMPT FROM THE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 6.95 OF THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE" FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: WE DO NOT HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. WE DO HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, BUT THE QUANTITIES AT NO TIME EXCEED THE MINIMUM REPORTING QUANTITIES. __ OTHER (SPECIFY REASON) SECTION 5: CERTIFICATION: I, Steve Eslaved , CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS ACCURATE. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS INFORMATION WILL BE USED TO FULFILL MY FIRM'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE" ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ( DIV. 20 CHAPTER 6.95 SEC. 25500 ET AL.) AND THAT INACCURATE INFORMATION CONSTITUTES PERJURY. ~ ~ Do01er ,,~'/.,c'- ~'J.. SIGNATURE TITLE DATE BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. Hazardous Materials Division HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN FACILITY UNIT NAME: UNOCAL S.S.# 5573 SECTION 6: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES: A. AGENCY NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES: UNOCAL will nOtify the appropriate State and Local agencies unless the situation requires urgent immediate response by the agencies, in which case the DEALER should notify these agencies: 1. LOCAL AGENCY: ~akersfield Fire Prevention Hazardous Materials Div. PHONE NUMBER:%~F~-326-3979 2. CALIFORNIA OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES: (800)852-7550 (24 HRS.) 3. CALL FOR HELP in case of an emergency by dialing 9-1-1 B. EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION: NOTICE WILL BE VERBAL. EMPLOYEES WILL EVACUATE BUILDING AND MEET AT EMERGENCY ASSEMBLY AREA. (SEE SITE PLAN FOR LOCATION) C. PUBLIC EVACUATION: IF THERE IS ANY IMMEDIATE DANGER, ANNOUNCE TO ALL PERSONS ON THE SITE: " THERE IS AN EMERGENCY. PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR ENGINES AND LEAVE THE STATION ON FOOT IMMEDIATELY." D. EMERGENCY MEDICAL PLAN: PLEASE SEE EMERGENCY, RESPONSE PLAN ATTACHED BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. Hazardous Materials Division HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 7: MITIGATION, PREVENTION AND ABATEMENT PLAN: A. RELEASE PREVENTION STEPS: ABOVEGROUND AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCT ARE STORED IN UNBREAKABLE CONTAINERS AND IN MINIMUM QUANTITIES. THE UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS ARE MONITORED USING AN APPROVED MONITORING METHOD TO DETECT LEAKS. ALL EMPLOYEES ARE TRAINED IN SAFE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS B. RELEASE CONTAINMENT AND/OR MINIMIZATION: STOP A RELEASE- BY TURNING OFF THE PUMPS AND OSTNG ~.ITHER ABSORS~.NT MATERIAL OR A FIRE EXTINGUISHER AS NECESSARY CLEAN-UP PROCEDURES: CLEAN UP WITH ABSORBENT MATERIAL, TRUCK IF NECESSARY BROOM AND SHOVEL,OR BY VACUUM SECTION 8: UTILITY SHUT-OFFS (LOCATION OF SHUT-OFFS AT YOUR FACILITY): NATURAL GAS/PROPANE: None ELECTRICAL: In storage area in service bay WATER: In sidewalk of Ming Avenue SPECIAL: EMERGENCY PUMP SHUTOFF LOCATION: Outer southwest wall of service bav LOCK BOX: NO SECTION 9: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION/WATER AVAILABLE: A. PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION: NONE B. WATER AVAILABILITY (FIRE HYDRANT) PLEASE SEE SITE PLAN FOR LOCATION OF NEAREST FIRE HYDRANT LOCATION 4. 5573 Farm and Agriculture [--'1 Standard Business r~] CITY of BAKERSFIELD HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY NON-TRADE SECRETS BUSINESS NAME: UNOCAL SS# 5573 OWNER NAME: UNOCAL Corporation NAME OF THIS FACILITY: LOCATION: ,,2,502 Ming Avenue ADDRESS: 911 Wilshire Blvd. STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: 5541 CITY, ZIP: Bakersfield 93304 CITY, ZIP: Los Angeles, CA 90051 DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER PHONE #: 805-833-9825 PHONE #: 213-977-6252 09-944-7344 REFER TO INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROPER CODES I Page I of ~ I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Trane Type Max Average Annual Measure #Dys Cent Cent Cent Use Location Where % by Names of Mixture/Components Code Code Amt Est Est Units on Site Type Press Tamp Code Stored in Facility Wt See Instructions Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number 8006-61-9 Component #1 Name & C.A.S. Number / < 1S.O METHYL TERT BUTYL ETHER (Check all that apply) t/ < 6.5 TOLUENE1634044i Component #2 Name & C.A.S. NumberV' ~ IX] Fire Hazard [] Reactivity IX] Delayed I~1 Sudden Release [X] Immediate 108883 Health of Pressure Health < 4.6 XYLENE Component #3 Name & C.A.S. Number 108383 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Trans Type Max Average Annual Measure #Dys Cent Cent Cent Use Location Where % by Names of Mixture/Components Code Code Amt Est Est Units on S~te Type Press Tamp Code Stored in Facility Wt See Instructions U I M I 10,000 I 5,000 I360'000 I GAL I 365 I 01 I 1 I 4 I 19 I NORTH OF STATION SUPER UNLEADEDGASOLINE Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number 8006-61-9 Component 81 Name & C.A.S. Numberi < 15.0 METHYL TERT BUTYL ETHER 1634O44 (Check all that apply) Component #2 Name & C.A.S. Number ~3 Fire Hazard O Reactivity [~] Delayed r-] Sudden Release [] Immediate < 14.0 TOLUENE 108883 Health of Pressure Health Component #3 Name & C.A.S. NumberTM < 8.8 XYLENE 108383 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Trane Type Max Average Annual Measure # Dye Cont Cont Cont Use Location Where % by Names of Mixture/Components Code Code Amt Est Est Units on S~te Type Press Tamp Code Stored in Facility Wt See Instructions U I M I 207 I 195 I 900 I GAL I 365 I 10I I I 4 I 26 I STOREROOM/BAY // MOTOR OIL Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number 64742-65-0 Component 81 Name & C.A.S. Number / > 70.0 DISTILLATES 94742547 (Check all that apply) Component #2 Name & C.A.S. Number O Fire Hazard D Reactivity [] Delayed O Sudden Release O Immediate < 25.O ADDITIVES MIXTURE I Health of Pressure Health Component #3 Name & C.A.S. Number ( 5.0 SYNTHETIC BASE OIL MIXTURE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Trans Type Max Average Annual .Measure # Dye Cont Cont Cont Use Location Where % by Names of Mixture/Components Code Code Amt Eat Est Units on S~te Type Press Tamp Code Stored in Facility Wt / See Instructions U I M I 69 I 35 I 900 I GAL I 365 ! 10 I I I 4 I 09 I STOREROOM/BAY / ANTIFREEZE Health Hazard C.A.S. Number 107-21-1 Component #1 Name & C.A.S. Number /94.0 ETHYLENE GLYCOL Physical and (Check all that apply)/ 107-21-1 Component #2 Name & C.A.S. Number V I'--1 Fire Hazard D Reactivity D Delayed O Sudden Release [] Immediate Health of Pressure Health Component #3 Name & C.A.S. Number EMERGENCY CONTACTS #1 Steve l~slayed Dealer 805-398-9657 82 Hannah Eslayed Manager 805-398-9657 Name Title 24 Hr Phone Name Title 24 Hr. Phone ;ertitication flfeacl and sign after completelng all sectrons~ .............. I certify under penalty of.. that I h. ave personally e.xa.mined and am familiar with the information submitted in this and all attached documents, and that based on my. inquiry ot those individuals responsible for obtaining the information. I believe that the submitted information is true, accurate, and complete Steve I~elayed pealer Name and official title of owner/operator OR owner/operator's authorized representitive Signature ~ Date Signed 5573 CITY of BAKERSFIELD HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Farm end Agriculture [--] Standard Business [] NON-TRADE SECRETS BUSINESS NAME: UNOCAL SS# 5573 OWNER NAME: UNOCAL Corporation NAME OF THIS FACILITY: LOCATION:_2502 Mini; Avenue ADDRESS: 911 Wilshire Blvd. STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: 5541 CITY, ZIP: Bakersfield 93304 CITY, ZIP: Los Angeles, CA 90051 DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER PHONE//: 805-833-9825 PHONE //: 213-977-6252 09-944-7344 REFER TO INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROPER CODES Page 2 of "2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Trane Type Max Average Annual Measure //Dys Cont Cont Cont Use Location Where % by Names of Mixture/Components Code Code Amt Eat Est Units on Site Type Press Tamp Code Stored in Facility Wt See Instructions end Health Hazard C.A.S. Number 800-20-59 Component //1 Name & C.A.S. Number / 100.0 WASTE OIL Physical 800-20-59 (Check all that apply) ,~ O Fire Hazard I~1 Reactivity I~ Delayed 0 Sudden Release I-"] Immediate Component //2 Name & C.A.S. Number Health of Pressure Health Component //3 Name & C.A.S. Number I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Trane Type Max Average Annual Measure //Dye Cont Cont Cont Use Location Where % by Names of Mixture/_Cemb~nents Code Code Amt Est Est Units on S~te Type Press Tamp Code Stored in Facility Wt See Instru~fl~ u I w=2, I 8 I 4 I I GAL I 365 I 061 I I 4 I ISTOREROOM USED ' iLTERS Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number 800-20-59 Component //1 Name & C.A.S. Number 100.0 /~800-20-59 K' f~ (Check all that apply) Component //2 Name & C.A.S. Number O FireHezard r-] Reactivity [] Delayed [~ Sudden Release ~] Immediate /J F~0,~ Health of Pressure Health Component //3 Name & C.A,S. Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Trane Type Max Average Annual Measure #Dys Cont Cont Cont Use Location Where % by Names of Mixture/Components Code Code Amt Est Est Units on Site Type Press Tamp Code Stored in Facility Wt See Instructions U IM I 30 I 20 I 60 I EACH I 365 I 10 I 1 I 4 I 07 I SERVICE BAY BATTERIES Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number MIXTURE Component //1 Name & C.A.S. Number ~' 71 LEAD DIOXIDE (Check ell that apply) Component//2 Name & C.A.S. Numb7/t/ 27p SULFURIC ACID ~ O Fire Hazard r-'] Reactivity O Delayed D Sudden Release [] Immediate Health of Pressure Health Component //3 Name & C.A.S. Numl~r ~A39D' Trane Type Max Average Annual Measure //Dys Cont Cont Cont Use L/Location Whe e Mixture/Coml~Snenta Code Code Amt Est Est Units on S,te Type Press Tamp Code Star, ed in Fac~li,ty /Wt See Instructions Phvsice' and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number 7664-93-9 Componeht-~T1['Nal~&~'~{~. NuhnberI 34.0 LEAD 7439-92-1 (Check ell that apply) Component //2~ ~Name & C.A,S, Number\t D Fire Hazard r-'] Reactivity ~] Delayed D Sudden Release [] Immediate\ ~ ~ Health of Pressure Health Component //3 Name & C.A.S. Number ~( 34.0 SULFURIC ACID 7664-93-9 EMERGENCY CONTACTS //1 Steve Eslayed Dealer 805-398-9657 //2 Hannah Eslayed --'"-'-805-398-9657 Name Title 24 Hr I~hone Name M e'l~"~g~ 2~ Hr. I~hone ;ertiticetion fffead an~l sign after completelng .eft sectlqnsl. ................ certify under pens ty or... that I have personally axe.mined and am familiar with the information submitted in this and all attached documents, and that based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining the information. I believe that the submitted information ia true, accurate, and complete Steve Eslayed Dealer Name and official title ot owner/operator OR owner/operator's authorized repreaentltive 5ignature ate 5ignnd UNOCAL sLERVICE STATION HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT MONITORING PLAN DEALER: UNOCAL SERVICE STATION: ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: TELEPHONE: 24-HR. TELEPHONE NUMBER: Steve Eslayed 5573 2502 Ming Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93304 805-833-9825 805-398-9657 UNOCAL BUSINESS MANAGER: TELEPHONE: UNOCAL EMERGENCY PHONE: (800) 723-7600 (24 HOURS) LOCAL AGENCY: Bakersfield Fire Department ADDRESS: 2130 G Street TELEPHONE: 805-326-3979 CALIFORNIA OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES TELEPHONE: (800) 852-7550 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS: CONST. SW/DW 87 OCTANE: 10,000 GAL SW 89 OCTANE: BLENDING VALVE 92 OCTANE: 10,000 GAL SW DIESEL: GAL WASTE OIL: 550 GAL SW PIPING CONTAINMENT: Single Wall MONITORING METHODS: Inventory Reconciliation T&BLE OF CO~E~TS BMERGENC¥ RESPONSE PROCEDURE ...................................... Page A copy of this page must be filled out and posted conspicuously on site. HOW TO USE THIS BOOKLET ........................................... Page 4 DAILY VISUAL MONITORING ........................................... Page 4 MONITORING FOR SINGLE NALL TANKS .................................. Page 5 Inspections To Be Conducted By Dealer Product Tank Gauging Procedures Record Keeping For Fuel Tanks Waste Oil Tank Gauging Procedure What To Do If You Exceed The Allowable Variation MONITORING DOUBLE WALL TANKS .... ' .................................. Page Inspections To Be Conducted By Dealer Secondary Containment Monitoring Procedure Record Keeping For Secondary Containment Electronic Monitoring Systems OVERFILL/SPILL PROTECTION AND CLEAN-UP ............................ Page Deliveries/Gauging Ball Vent Line Float System Waste Oil Tank Clean-up/Records INSPECTIONS TO BE COORDINATED BY UNOCAL ........................... Page 8 Yearly Inspections and Testing Vadose/Groundwater Monitoring Wells EMPLOYEE TRAINING PLaN ......................................... Pages 9-10 Outline for Mandatory Safety Training for Ail Employees FORMS TO BE COMPLETED (Copy these forms for your own use) . Quarterly Report ................................................ Form A Daily Visual Monitoring Log ..................................... Form B Inventory Reconciliation Sheet .................................. Form C Waste Oil Tank Gauging Sheet .................................... Form D Release Evaluation Checklist .................................... Form E Unauthorized Release Report ..................................... Form F Equipment Test Log .............................................. Form G Safety Training Log ............................................. Form H NOT ALL INFORMATION IN THIS BOOKLET WILL BE APPLICABLE. REFER TO THE COVER SHEET TO CONFIRM WHAT EQUIPMENT IS ON SITE. Page 2 of 10 In the event of a fire, spill, leak or suspected leak in the tanks and/or piping, the following steps are to be taken as applicable: 1. TURN OFF PUMPS using the Emergency Pump Shut-off Switch. If there is an immediate danger, ANNOUNCE to all persons on the site: "THERE IS AN EMERGENCY. Please turn off your engines and leave the Station on foot immediately." For more SEVERE emergencies CALL FOR HELP by dialing 9-1-1 and giving the following information: "THERE IS A FIRE/DANGEROUS GASOLINE SPILL at the UNOCAL Station at (give address.)" Report to the answering dispatcher, whether anyone is trapped or requires immediate medical attention. Stay on the phone and be prepared to answer any questions concerning the situation. e If EVACUATION is necessary direct everyone to meet at the emergency assembly area and account for everyone at that location. LOOK AROUND to assure that all have left, particularly those in vehicles who may not have heard the emergency announcement. Assist, or direct assistance to anyone having difficulty leaving the service station area, and anyone who may be injured. ATTEMPT TO EXTINGUISH any fire if you can do so safely. Have the fire extinguisher ready to use in the event of any dangerous spill. Try to contain any large spill, or use absorbent on smaller spills. REPORT to arriving emergency response personnel to provide them with any information or assistance they might need. CONTACT the station dealer if s/he is not already at the station. emergency contacts listed below: Use the 1. Name/Bus/Home: Steve Eslayed 2. Name/Bus/Home: Hannah Eslayed 805-833-9825/805-398-9657 805-398-9657/805-398-9657 NOTIFY UNOCAL and your Business Manager by phone WITHIN Z4 HOURS. 1. UNOCAL EMERGENCY PHONE: (800) 723-7600 (24 HOURS) 2. UNOCAL BUS. MANAGER/PHONE NUMBER: Matt Fischer (510)277-2465 You must mail a completed Unauthorized Release Report to the Business Manager within 24 hours. UNOCAL will notify the appropriate State and Local agencies unless the situation requires urgent immediate response by the agencies, in which case the DEALER should notify these agencies: LOCAL AGENCY: Bakersfield Fire Department PHONE NUMBER: 805-326-3979 CALIFORNIA OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES: (800) 852-7550 (24 HOURS) 9. Dealer should attempt to isolate leak location by inspection. 10. UNOCAL Business Manager will coordinate with UNOCAL Environmental Compliance Dept. (UECD) whatever corrective actions need to be taken beyond the dealer's capabilities. UECD will file whatever reports need to be filed with local and state agencies, and send a copy to the station for the Dealer's file. A COPY OF THIS PAGE MUST BE FILLED OUT AND POSTED CONSPICUOUSLY ON SITE. Page 3 of 10 ''HOW TO USE THIS BOOST fu~ The cover sheet of this booklet contains use information about the underground facilities at your station. Depending on the information given, you must use different forms in this booklet: 1. If your station has any single wall product tanks, use Form C. 2. If your station has any double wall product tanks, use Form B. 3. If your station has a single wall waste oil tank, use Form D. 4. If your station has a double wall waste oil tank, use Form B. 5. If your station has any double wall piping, use Form B. 6. If your station has a piping trench liner, use Form B. 7. If your station has an electronic monitoring system for any double wall piping or trench liner, you need not use Form B for any double wall tanks or piping. 8. If your station has vadose or groundwater monitoring wells, you still need to use Forms C and/or D as applicable. 9. If your station has other hazardous materials (see Daily Visual MOnitoring, below), you are responsible also for that portion of Form B. Also. all stations must complete Form A and send it in every 3 months to the local a~enc¥ shown on the cover sheet. In case of a leak or spill,"you must complete Form E to attach to Form A, and you must send a'copy of Form F to your UNOCALRepresentative within 24 hours. You.must also notify your representative by phone (and/or call the UNOCAL Emergency Phone after hours). You must post a copy of Page 3 at a conspicuous location in your cashiers area. You must keep a copy of Form H to document the training received by your employees. KEEP COPIES OF ALL FORMS YOU MAIL OUT! D~ILY ~ISU~L MONITORING Hazardous Materials stored underground include: Gasoline Diesel Fuel Waste Oil These products are monitored for leaks in the underground tanks and piping. Hazardous Materials stored aboYeground include: Propane Waste Oil (prior to dumping in underground tanks) Motor 0il Transmission Oil Gear Lubricant (80W/90) Grease Solvent (including parts cleaners) Battery Acid Antifreeze If your station stores any of these materials, the storage areas must be visually inspectea every day for signs of leakage. If there is a leak or spill of any of the hazardous materials, whether stored above or underground, you must follow the Emergency Response Procedures outlined on Page 3, as applicable. Page 4 of 10 HONZTORZNG FOR SZNG~-W~L T~NKS INSPECTIONS TO BE CONDUCTED BY DF.J~ER 1. Daily reconciliation shall be made of the inventory control records. 2. Daily visual inspection for leaks shall be made in the areas of: - Submerged pump - Tank fill (also inspected after each delivery) 3. Dealer MUST be aware that a reduction in product flow to 3 gallons per minute (gpm) indicates a potential piping leak. PRODUCT TANK GAUGING PROCEDURE 1. Use a gauge stick (dipstick) to measure the level of gasoline in each tank. Lower the stick slowly until it hits the bottom of the tank. The use of fuel-finding paste is recommended. 2. Slowly pull the stick back out, and'observe the point where the stick begins to be discolored by the liquid. 3. Write this number down, and repeat the same procedure. If the two number are not close, repeat the procedure until the numbers agree. 4. Enter the final number in your dealer books. If it is raining, water can spo~l th~.F~adings, and should not be allowed to enter the tank. If' it does not stop raining, care must be taken to' ensure the stick readings are accurate. RECORD KEEPING FOR SINGLE-WALL TANKS 1. Use your dealer books to keep track of your daily dipstick reading. 2. Record daily all dispenser, meter readings in your dealer books. 3. Reco~d 'all deliveries in your dealer books. 4. The dipstick, dispenser meter, and delivery recordings are to be used daily in filling out the "Inventory Reconciliation Sheet" (attached). WASTE OIL TANK GAUGING PROCEDURE 1. To monitor the inventory level in the waste oil tank~ be prepared to have the tank locked for at least 12 hours or longer if required by your local agency. This shall be done w~eklv. NO INPUTS OR WITHDRAWALS SHALL OCCUR DURING THESE PERIODS. 2. Stick gauge the tank immediately before closing access to the waste oil tank, and immediately after reopening the tank, and enter those numbers in columns C and D of the "Waste Oil Tank Gauging Sheet" (attached) in both inches and gallons. 3. The difference between those two columns is the actual variation (column E). 4. For allowable variation (column F), use 2.8 gallons if you have a 280 gallon capacity, or 5.0 gallons if you have a 520 or 550 gallon tank. WHAT TO DO IF YOU EXCEED THE ALLOWABLE VARIATION If you EVER exceed the allowable variation as indicated on the Inventory Reconciliation Sheet C, column 13, or on the Waste Oil Tank Gauging Sheet D, column 7, follow the RESPONSE PROCEDURE shown on Page 3. Notify your UNOCAL representative within 24 hours of discovery of a suspected leak. UNOCAL will be responsible for coordinating one or more of the following: - Performing a metered vs. measured inventory reconciliation. - Contacting the appropriate State and Local agencies. - Visually inspecting for leaks. - Calibrating the dispenser meters. - Hiring a tank tester to determine if there is a leak. - Having the tank(s) and/or piping repaired or replaced if necessary. The "Unauthorized Release Report" must be sent to UNOCALwithin 24 hours. The "Release Evaluation Checklist" must be attached to the "Inventory Reconciliation Sheet", or the "Waste Oil Tank Gauging Sheet" where the allowable variation was exceeded. Page 5 of 10 ZNBPECTZONB TO BE CONDUCTED BY DEALER 1. Daily reconciliation shall be made of the Inventory Control Records. 2. Daily visual inspection for leaks shall be made in the areas cio - Submerged pump - Tank fill (also inspected after each delivery) 3. Dealer MUST be aware that a reduction in product flow to 3 gallons per minute (gpm) indicates a potential leak. SECOND~RY CONTAINMENT MONITORING PROCEDURE Tank or Piping Secondary Containment (annular space or Piping Trench Liner) shall be monitored da~lv by the dealer, unless a less frequent period is allowed. This is done to determine if product is leaking from the primary container or if water is entering from an outside source. This procedure is not nec,ss&tv if an electronic monitorina system is installed to monitor these items. Contact your UNOCAL representative fo= monitoring port locations. 1. Use a qauge stick (diPstick) to detect any liquid in the tank annular space, double wall piping monitoring ports, or piping trench liner monitoring wells. Lower the stick slowly until it hits the bottom of the tank annular space. 2. Slowly pull the stick back out and observe whether the stick has been discolored by liquid. If product and/or water is detected, immediately contact your representative. 3. Write this number down, and repeat the same procedurel If the two numbers are not close, repeat the procedure until the numbers agree. 4. Enter the final number in the "Secondary Containment Recording Sheet (attached). NOTE: Piping trench monitoring wells consist of slotted PVC pipe which allows liquid intrusion and a manhole for access. Wells are located at the lowest point of the fiberglass trench liner. I~ECORD KEEPING FOR DOUBLE-W~LL T~NKS & PIPING 1. Keep track daily of the liquid level on the "Secondary Containment Recording Sheet". 2. If ANY fuel and/or water is discovered in the trench liner, call your' representative IMMEDIATELY, and explain the situation. 3. If the representative has been notified, but after 8 hours it has not been possible to remove all the liquid from the secondary containment, dealer must contact the local agency shown on the cover sheet. BLECTRONIC MONITORING SYSTEMS If this station is equipped with an electronic monitoring system for underground tanks and piping, in the event of a leak in the primary containment, product will be contained in the annular space. The sensors for the electronic monitoring system are located at the low end of each tank, and at the low end of the piping where the product will drain back into the tank. There may be sensors at &dditional locations. Sensors will siqnal the presence of a leak. If · leak is discovered, the "Unauthorized Release Report" must be sent to UNOCAL within 24 hours. The "Release Evaluation Checklist" must be attached to the "Quarterly Report". Page 6 of 10 1. CLEANUP Dealer is responsible to ensure that the deliver~ he or she requests is not in excess of the tank capacity, taking into consideration the amount currently in tank. Dr~ver is to gauge tank to assure capacity is available for the entire load and ~ust rema~2 in attendance during the entire delivery to monitor the operation. BALL VENT LINE FLO~T SYBTEM (Only for double-wall tanks installed after July 1986.} The ball float valve system installed with the tank substantially prevents the possibility of overfill occurring. If the tank is filled to the ball float level, the petroleum product delivery will be cut to 3 gallons per minute alerting the dr~ver of a potential overfill condition. In the event that this occurs, the'following actions will be taken: 1. The delivery truck dr~ver shall turn off %he petroleum product supply at the truck, leaving the hose fully connected to the tank fill pipe line and the truck. 2. The small amount of petroleum product remaining in the hose shall be slowly drained into the tank. Since the ball float valve is 2 to 3 inches below the top of the tank, there remains a 100 + gallon capacity within the tank at the moment when the ball float closes off delivery. The bleed hole in the ball float valve allows the remaining petroleum product in the hose to completely drain through the fill pipe into the tank. 3. The hose shall be disconnected from the fill pipe only when it has fully drained. In the event that spillage occurs upon hose disconnection, the remaining small amount of petroleum product will be properly contained. WASTE OIL TANK 1. Station is equipped with waste oil buckets which hold a maximum capacity of 3 gallons (about 3 to 4 cars~ worth of waste oil). 2. Prior to dumping any waste oil, dealer is to gauge the tank to assure that holding capacity is greater than that which will be put into the tank. 3. Waste oil is poured directly through fill/pump out pipe, using a funnel. Should any waste oil spill during this operation, it will be properly contained using absorbent material. Page 7 of 10 1. Small spills~'less than i gallon and Chili'requiring 15 minutes to clean up) shall be cleaned up using absorbent materials. 2. Larger spills occurring during product delivery shall be reported to the terminal by the dealer and/or by delivery truck driver. The terminal supervisor will notify a local petroleum maintenance contractor who is equipped with a N.F.P.A. approved type hand pump, vacuum and transport container. Large spills not caused by delivery shall be reported Immediately to your rep. 3. Spills shall be cleaned up within 8 hours of detection, returned to local terminal and/or disposed of in a lawful manner. 4. ~ shall record all spills whether or not it is due to delivery overfill or accidental spillage, which exceeds &pproximately one gallon, and action taken on the "Unauthorized Release Report" (attached), and send it to UNOCAL within 24 hours. 5. Large spills (more than I gallon) must be reported to the local agency indicated on the cover sheet within 24 hours. If the spill is large enough to pose a significant hazard,, it must also be reported to the California Office of Emergency Services at 800-852- 7550. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY CALL 9-1-1 INSPECTIONS TO BE COORDINATED YE~tRLY INSPECTIONS ;LND TESTING BY ~NOCAL Yearly testing shall be made of the following: Pressurized piping systems shall be monitored using tn-line leak detectors· Leak detectors shall be tested annually for proper operation. Dealer MUST be aware that a reduction in product flow to 3 gallons per minute (gpm) indicates a potential piping leak. Tanks and piping shall be.tested annually for tightness, using a State-Certified test system. (For non-secondarily contained tanks and piping only.) Electronic monitoring systems shall be tested annually for proper operation. (For secondarily contained tanks and piping only.) Dispenser core holes, shear valves, and blending valves shall be annually inspected by UNOCAL for signs of leakage. Dispenser meters (recording total sales in gallons) shall be calibrated once annually by UNOCAL. Any additional calibration will be the responsibility of the dealer. Use the "Dispenser Meter Calibration Form". · ~DOSE/GROUNDFATER MONITORING NELLS This section is not applicable unless "Monitoring Methc~s" line sheet shows "Vadose Wells" or "Groundwater Wells".) on cover The monitoring of vadose wells and groundwater monitoring wells is contracted out to Applied Sec Systems· Monitoring is performed monthly for vapor analysis of the vadose wells and subjective analysis for traces of product in the groundwater monitoring wells. Monitoring is performed quarterly for laboratory analysis of groundwater samples. Monitoring records are maintained on-site in the dealer's office, and are available for inspection. Page 8 of 10 · .EHPL~YEE TI~'rN'rNG PLaN New Employees must be given this training before staring work, and refresher courses must be provided annually. Records must be kept to show when each station employee has been give his/her safety training. Use the following outline: I. FIRST THINGS TO KNOW EMERGENCY PUMP SHUT-OFF: This turns off the turbine pumps that provide flow to the dispensers from the'underground tanks. In case of a leak, shutting off the pumps will help to prevent spills. LOCATION: Outer southwest wall of service bay Be ELECTRICAL SHUT-OFF: The panel allows you to selectively cut off power to lights, signs, pumps, etc. The main switch kills all power at the site. LOCATION: In storage area in service bay Ce WATER SHUT-OFF: The water shut-off may be necessary in some cases. LOCATION: In sidewalk of Ming Avenue De FIRST AID KIT: LOCATION: In office FIRE EXTINGUISHERS: Use only on small fires that you can handle. Do not attempt to extinguish large fires on your own; call 9-1-1 for help. LOCATION: 2-in service bay ABSORBENT: In the form of crystals or cloth, absorbent can soak up small spills of gasoline, diesel fuel, or other petroleum products. Absorbent should be used rather than washing spills down a drain. In case of large spills merely try to contain it; a vacuum truck should be used to clean up any large spills. LOCATION: In storage room and in service bay Ge NEAREST MEDICAL FACILITY: Employees should know what facilities are available in case customers or other employees need medical attention: NAME: Mercy Hospital ADDRESS: 2215 Truxton Ave. CITY:Bakersfield PHONE NUMBER: 805-327-3371 NEAREST DESIGNATED TRAUMA CENTER: NAME: UCLA Hospital and Clinics ADDRESS: 10833 LeConte Avenue CITY: Los Angeles PHONE NUMBER: 213-825-2111 Page 9 of 10 III · All e~ploye~should review the Servic~tation Monitoring Plan, of which thigh%raining plan is a part. S~'cifically, each employee should understand the procedures to be used in responding to various kinds of emergencies, and know how to monitor for leaks of hazardous materials. As a supplement to this package, employees should also review the Emergency Response Plan filed by your business to the appropriate local agency. Thirdly, employees should review and have access to the Materials Safety Data Sheets 'you have on file for each of the hazardous materials stored at the station. FIRST AID PROCEDURES (For exposure to gasoline or diesel fuel): Be EYE CONTACT: For direct contact, flush the affected eye(s) with clean water. If irritation or redness develops, seek medical attention. SKIN CONTACT: Wipe 'Product from skin and remove soaked clothing. Cleanse affected area(s) thoroughly by washing with soap and water. If irritation develops and persists, seek medical attention. Do not use solvents or thinners to remove product from skin. INHALATION CBreathina): If symptoms of exposure develop, move victim away from source of exposure and into fresh air. If symptoms persist, seek medical attention. Symptoms include: flushing, blurred vision, dizziness, nausea, headache, drowsiness, loss of coordination, and fatigue. If victim is not breathing or if breathing difficulties develop, artificial respiration or oxygen should be administered by qualified personnel. Seek immediate medical attention. ~NGESTION ¢Swallowin~): DO'NOT INDUCE VOMITING BECAUSE GASOLINE CAN ENTER LUNGS AND CAUSE SEVERE LUNG DAMAGE! If victim is conscious and alert, give 2 to 3 cups of milk or water to drink. Seek medical attention. For further information, consult the Materials Safety Data Sheets for these products and for other hazardous materials. FIRST AID FOR EXPOSURE TO OTHER MATERIALS: Consult the warning advice on container labels or refer to the MSDS for that product. Page 10 of 10 QUARTERLY REPORT s/s Address: Quarter # Start Date: End Date: Year: A Fill out this form quarterly BUSINESS NAME: and send in with oil other forms, os applicable. KEEP COPIES OF ALL FORMS YOU MAIL OUT. Tank tf Capacity (gal) Product CHECK ONE BOX BELOW AS APPLICABLE: I hereby certify under the penalty of perjury that all product level variations for this facility were within allowable limits for this quarter. ("NO" in cloumn 12, Inventory Reconciliation Sheet; "NO" in column 7, Tank Gauging Sheet; "OK" in applicable columns of the Daily Visual Monitoring Log).  Inventory vor'iotion at this facility exceeded the allowable limits for this quarter. I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the source for the variation(s) was not due to on unauthorized (leak) release. ("YES" to any of the above). [ f There was on unauthorized (leak)release at this facility during this quarter. I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that all necessary corrective octlons hove been or ore being taken. DEALER'S SIGNATURE/DATE: LIST DATE, TANK # AND AMOUNT FOR ALL VARIATIONS THAT EXCEEDED THE ALLOWABLE LIMI'I'S: DATE TANK # AMOUNT THIS QUARTERLY REPORT SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE REGULATING LOCAL AGENCY WITHIN 15 DAYS OF THE END OF EACH QUARTER: QUARTER 1 QUARTER 2 QUARTER 3 QUARTER 4 JANUARY-MARCH APRIL-JUNE JULY- SEPTEMBER OCTOBER-DECEMBER Submit by April 1.5 Submit by July 15 Submit by October 15 Submit by Jonuory 15 0 o DAILY VISUAL MONITORING LOG Iunocol S/S#: Business Name: Address: Month of: B / Fill out this form Idoily and send it in [with the Quarterly Report. INVENTORY ¢I~ECONCILIATIO~ Is/s //: Business Nome: IOu art er: Yeor: Tonk ,: Copocit y/Contents:. Fill out this form doily Iond send it with the I Ouorterly Report. "' ~'" UNOCAL(~) WASTE OIL TANK GAUGING SHEET D Is/s #: Address; Business Name:. IQuarter: I ITank *: Year: Capacity: Fill out this form weekly and send it with the Quarterly Report. GAUGING PERIOD INVENTORY VARIATIONS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Opening Closing Actual Allowable Allowable FROM TO Dipstick Dipstick Variation Variation Variation Reading Reading (4-3) * * Date/Time Date/Time Inches Gal. Inches Gal. Gallons Gallons Yes/No ,Allowable variation is based on tank size: Tank Size AIIowQble Variation 280 gallons 2.8 gallons 520 gallons 5.0 gallons 550 gallons 5.0 gallons **If you answered "Yes" in column 7 (Col. 6 > Col. 5), then on unauthorized release (leak) shell be assumed to hove occurred. Follow the Release Evaluation checklist and attach to this form. UNOCAL ) RELEASE EVALUATION CHECKLIST s/s #: Address: Business Name: Tank #: Capacity. Product: Dote & Time Allowable Variation was Exceeded: "ill out this form #henever the =llowoble voHotior is exceeded and send in with the Quaffed, y Report. CHECK OFF EACH STEP AS IT IS COMPLETED. STEP 1 J--] RECORDS REVIEWED Date/Time: Performed by. Should be' done within 2 hours. STEP 2 ~NEW RECONCILIATION PERFORMED Date/Time: Performed by. Shou!d be done within 24 hours. STEP 3 --'-)CALL UNOCAL, REP. AND SEND UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE REPORT TO REP. Date/Time: Performed by: Should be done within 24 hours. STEP 4 RECORDS. REVIEWED FROM LAST STATIC STATION (BY DEALER OR REP.) Date/Time: Performed by. Should be done within 24 hours. STEP 5 ~"--'~ PHYSICALLY INSPECT FACILITY FOR EVIDENCE OF LEAKS Dab. e/Time: Performed by: Should be done within 2 days. STEP 6 ~--~ DISPENSER METER CALIBRATION CHECKED (COMPLETE TES'r REPORT) Dote/Time: Performed by. Should be done within 3 days. STEP 7 J~JHYDROSTATIC PRESSURE Date/Time: TEST PERFORMED ON PIPING Performed b~. I Should be done J within 4 days. I STEP 8 ~ PRECISION TANK TEST PERFORMED Date/Time: Performed by. I Should be done J within 5 days. I STEP 9 r--] ADDITIONAL INVESTIGATION Date/Time: PERFORMED AS REQUIRED Performed by:. I Should be done i within 5 days. I Briefly describe the reason the allowable variation was exceeded: I hereby certify this is to be a true and accurate report. Dealer's Signature: Dote: UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE REPORT Is/s #: Address: Business Name: ITonk #: Product: Capacity F 2omple'[e this form in the event of o confirmed leak or ~plll and se~d to your Unocal rep. within 24 hours. TO BE COMPLETED BY THE DEALER Dote leak Wo~' discovered: Approximate dote leak began' Describe fully the cause of the leak: How was the leak discovered? TO BE COMPLETED BY THE UNOCAL RETAIL REPRESENTATIVE Has the leak bee~ stopped? How was the leak stopped? Date: kist resources affected: Soil Creek or Storm drains Buildings or Utility Vaults Groundwater 'Public Drinking Water Private Drinking Water Agr$culturol Other Ye~ No Threatened # of well~; Instructions to Ung{:~l Retail Representatives: IThis form must be forwarded to Unocal Maintenance & Construction Deportment IMMEDIATELY so they con submit to the appropriate local agency within 5 days ~ ~'~ any leak. of EQUIPMENT TEST LOG s/s #: Address: Business Nome: Contractor: Name of person completing test(s): Signature: I Dealer's Signature: Check off each test when performed: G Fill out this forrn for each annual nspection 3nd keep on Ilia. I1. F-~ Sheo~"¥alve Inspections - Dote: 2. r-'-] Blending Valve Inspections - Date: r---I Leak Detector 3. Product Model Leak Full Line Pressure (PSI) Simulated Line Leak Test Inspection Detec~.or Open Max. 12 Close Min. 26 Pass Fail Dote Super Unleaded Unleaded Diesel Other 4. ~ Dispenser Meter Calibration Procedure: 1. Before starting calibration runs, wet the calibration con with product and return product to storage. 2. Run 5 gallons with nozzle wide open into the can. Note gallons end cubic inches drawn, and return product to storage. 3. Run 5 gallons with nozzle one-half open into the con. Note gallons and cubic inches drawn, and return product to storage. 4. If the volume measured in a 5-gallon calibration can. is more than 6 cubic inches above or below the 5-gallon mark, the meter requires calibration b,v a registered device repairman. Fast Flow Slow Flow Vol. Returned Calibration Dote/time Nozzle i~ Product 5-Gal. Draft 5-Gal, Draft to storage Required? Gallons ' Gal. Cu.ln. Gal. Cu.ln. YES,/N O · Note dote of Calibration & Device(s) used: UNO C AL ~ SAFETY TRAINING LOG H ls/s #: Address: ,Business Name: -'MPLOYEES MUST SIGN THIS FORM TO PROVE THEY RECEIVED THEIR ANNUAL SAFETY TRAINING. Date of Initial Employee Name Training Dates of Annual Refresher Training 04/01/91 F~ZA UNION SERVICE 215-000-~00545 · Overall Site with 1 Fac. Unit Page General Informatic, n ILocatic, n: 2502 MING AVE Map: 123 Hazard: Unrated Ident Number: 215-000-000545 Grid: 12A Area nf Vul: 0. Cc'ntact Nanle ~ ~ Title 1 Business Phc, ne [ 24 Hc, ur Phc, ne] ELSAYED M. 'ELSAYED ~OWNER (805) 833-8925 x (805) 398-9657~ MEDHAT ELHARTY ~MANAGER (805) 833-8925 x (805) 397-1315~ Administrative Data ~ Mail Addrs: ~.~ MING AV D&B Number: ~~~ City: BAKERSFIELD State: CA Zip: 93304- Corem Code: 215-007 BAKERSFIELD STATION 07 SIC Code: 5541 Owner: £:[JRT ......... ~,,~,,~,~*~,~:~ ~'Z.~.~,~,~/~D /t4. ~f-.~A~/~O Phc, ne: (805) 82~-~ Address:~U~'-'~"-' MING AV' State: CA City: BAKERSFIELD Zip: 93304- Summary RECEIVED '4PR 1 1991 HAZ, MAT. I, ~_E~LYgI~ ,~. ~,~i~'~ Do hereby certify that ~ have (Type c~ p iht name) reviewed !he ~,~ached h~:,~hj~,,,.~.~ ~'~aterials manags- ment plan fo~~_~4. ~ ~d that it along with any corrections co~stitute a cor,~piete and ~r~e~ man- agement plan for my f~cility, 04/01/91 P 1 rs- Ref Nar~e/Hazards PLAZA UNION SERVICE 21 Hazn~at Irsverstory List irs MCP Order 02 - Fixed Containers on~ Site Forrfl Quant i ty Page 2 MCP 02- 001 REGULAR GASOLINE Fire, In~n~ed Hl~h, Delay .Hlth Liquid i O~ 000 GAL Moderate · 02-004 PREMIUM UNLEADED GASOLINE Fire, In~n~ed'Hlth, Delay Hlth Liquid 10,000 GAL. Moderate 02-002 WASTE OIL Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid GAL Low 02-C)03 MOTOR 01L Fire, Delay Hlth Liquid 300 GAL M i r~ i r~ a 1 04/01/91 A UNION SERVICE 215-000-~0545 00 - Overall Site <D> Not if. /Evacuat ior~/Medical Page .<1> Agency Notification CALL 911 <2> Ernployee Notif. /Evacuatior~ VERBAL TO ALL CONCERNED. PHYSICALLY LEAVE THE STATION. <3> Public Notif. /Evacuatior~ ALL PUBLIC LEAVE SERVICE STATION IMMEDIATELY <4> E~erger~cy Medical Plan CALL HALL AMBULANCE~ 1001 21S]' sT - 327-41il NEAREST HOSPITAL 04/01/91 PLAZA UNION SERVICE 21~ .... ~' ~ , , ,-,-- C) C~ (.)- 0 C) (.~,_,4 ,_, 00 - Overall Site <E> Mit igat ion/Prever, t/Abatemt Page 4 < 1> Release ,Prevent ic, r, MAKE SURE WE DON'T HAVE A FIRE. SHEAR OFF VALVE AT PUMP-. -AT PUMP. WASTE OIL IN CLOSED CONTAINERS. NO SMOKING SIGNS <2> Release Cor, tairJmer, t OIL - WIPE UP THE SPILL WITH RAGS BLOCK OFF ISLANDS UNTIL IT IS CLEANED UP USE DRY ABSORBANT ON GASOLINE LEAKS AND SHOVEL INTO A CONTAINER <3> Clear, Up <4> Other Resource Activation 04101/91 ~'~ZA ~UNION 'SERVICE 215-000e)0545 00 - Overall Site Site Eraergerfcy Factors Page 5 <1> Special Hazards <2> Utili'ty Shut-Offs A) GAS - N/A B) ELECTRICAL - SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE METAL BUILDING C) WATER - SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE METAL BUILDING D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO <3> Fire Protec. /Avail. Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - 2 FI. RE EXTINGUISHERS BY SERVICE BAY DOOR FIRE HYDRANT - CORNER .OF HUGHES & MING - SOUTHEAST CORNER OF ]'HE METAL BUILDING <4> Held for Future use 04/01/91 PLAZA UNION SERVICE 215-000-000545 00 = Overall Site <G) Trair, ir, g Page 6 <1> Page 1 WE HAVE 3 EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY. WE HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE. BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING: . TELL EMPLOYEES TO BE CAREFUL AND WATCHFUL OF WHAT GOES ON AT THIS FACILITY. EMPLOYEES KNOW WHERE THE SHUT-OFFS ARE. EMPLOYEES KNOW HOW TO CLEAN UP SPILL. <2> Page 2 as 'needed <3> Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use M^,~. TO C,TY ~'~EASURER .'?'CITY OP BAKERSFIELD .... .:.i ~:' ' ~er.; .i'i' '.i'-: pREMIsEs'MUST*CONFORM T° ZONING,' P.O. BOX2057 ".'::.*~*:.'. ~ ' · ' : .... "' BUILDING, FIRE AND HEALTH CODES. 'CALl·.PPUC.NT SHOULD ALLOW TWO WEEKS '~ BAKERSFIELD, CA 93303 '.'.:;"; .. FORNIA .... PERMIT ..... ~o~ NECESSARY. INSPECTiONS... · - .. PURSUANT TO ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSF ELD .' ' ;.~:.' CHANG[OF'~ , . · ' ~ ' .. - PARTNERSHIP ~' CORPORATION ~' FEDERAL EMPLOYER IDENTiFICATION NUMBER ~ ~.'~~'" 'FORMER owNER '" " ' · : : ,'':'"' · · License Code Sect. Stmt Frq Prm I Class Tax Rate ~OTICE: · . . : .. · · . SALES OR USE TAX MAY APPLY TO YOUR BUSINESS'ACTiVITIES. YOU MAY SEEK WRITTEN _ ": .... '" ' ADVICE,REGARDING THE APPLICATION OF T~X TO YOUR PARTICULAR BUSINESS.BY:' i' · :. ~. .' '. WRITING TO THE NEAREST STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION OFFICE. - . ~ ,,. .... ; . ' ·: ' · . . ....... . . . Owner, Partner, Agent or Officer If Corporation . · '. ' - ".~ License Code Sect. Strut Frq Prm Class Tax Rate '// ":','-sS ' ~, DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE · . '. ' .'* · :". '" ' · PLANNING DEPT.:[] "' " FIRE DEPT.: F-].' :i , .:':, BUILDINGDEPT~ [] ' '.': · ·. ', ::.-.: i.::.,.' .. REQuiREMENTS .: .," ' :" i:' '*: ./'~-/ /~'- :/':. i' "-'. '.'"' :. '~,:' .J",. '-":J'.'..- ' .OR CONDITIONS: ' ':' ', ' ' '' ' '. ': -' - ~- (Z) {~.7 /. . 'i'. · ,": ""-:. ".': ' ."-'. ' .' ' ' '.--.:-: .:' ".~'....:',,...'~.;.;:.." ' .... ~-'.." ",..... '-' -.:-"*' "~::.~.~16'1:.':":..:~"': .... ' .,..'675.1=b.'o08.~.:..~.<]~,.'""' '~ ' ' '" ' ..'~;..'" .".'," '.".' ':.: ',.,' ' ' ~SIGNATURE.; "~~ :. ":':.-'DEPT. ~...- '"' ':' DATE" ..... ' :'"" - ' Bakersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division 2130 "G" S~reet "Bakersfield, C~ 9330~1--~ RECEIVED ............... HAZARDOUS MATERIALS-MANAGEMENT INSTRUCTIONS: '-[ .. --~ ~ 1. TO ovoict further action, return this ,o,m wi~in 30 aoys at r~eipt. ~' 2. WPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer ~e questions Delow for the busine~ os o w~ole. 4. Be Drier OhO concSe os pomible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION.DATA BUSINESS NAME: LOCATION: ~g-°~ /-,//~,,~. MAILING ADDRESS: DUN · BRADSTREET NUMBER: SIC CODE: PRIMARY ACTIVITY: OWNER: ' MAILING'ADDRESS: SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION: CONTACT TITLE BUS. PHONE 24 HR. PHONE Bakersfield l~ire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division · HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 3: TRAINING: NUMBER OF EMPLOYESS: MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE: BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM' SECTION 4: EXEMPTION REQUEST: I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT MY BUSINESS IS EXEMPT FROM THE REPORTING RI~QUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 6.95 OF THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY COOE" FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: .,. WE 'DO NOT HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. -~' WE DO HANDLE HAzARDoUs MATERIALS, BUT THE QUANTITIES AT NO TIMEEXCEED THE MINIMUM REPORTING QUANTITIES. OTHER (SPECIFY REASON) SECTION 5: CERTIFICATION: I, ~LSAVE4} ,~' E/~A VEX) CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFO R- · MATION IS ACCURATE. I UNDERSTAND· THAT THIS INFORMATION WILL BE USED TO FULFILL MY FIRM'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE" 'ON- HAZARDOUS .MATERIALS' (DIV.. 20 CHAPTER 6.95 SEC. 25500 ET AL.) ANO THAT INACCURATE INFORMATION CONSTITUTES PERJURY. SIGNATURE TITLE DATE .0 2. FO1" Bakersfield Fire Dept Hazardous Materials Division HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PI-AN Facility Unit Name: SECTION 6: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES: AGENCY NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES: o~LL ~\ \ - Bo EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION: /~/~ . PUBLIC EVACUATION: EMERGENCY MEDICAL PLAN: csLL AH ~,'l_,o,uce ~c.eV/ce C~LL B'~kersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Divisim i' · HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 7: MITIGATION; PREVENTiON:AND'ABATEMENT PLAN: ......... A. ":RELEASE PREVENTION STEPS: .....  I~L ~u~ ~es /~¢--i~.~., Bo RELEASE CONTAINMENT AND/OR MINIMIZATION: CLEAN-UP PROCEDURES: SECTION 8: UTILITY SHUT-OFFS (LOCATION OF SHUT-OFFS AT YOUR FACILITY): NATURAL GAS/PROPANE: SPECIAL: LOCK BOX: /~NO IF YES, LOCATION: SECTION 9: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION/WATER AVAILABILITY: A. PRIVATE FiRE PROTECTION: -7'~ F~EE ~X'~T'L/~.~,~'/-/~8..~ /3 Y ~'g,g~ ~D4v Z),~,£, B. WATER AVAILABILITY (FIRE HYDRANT):, 4. FO15': CITY of BAKERSFIELD farm and Agticulture t1 Standard'Business I~],.I-'tAZARDOUS MATERTALS TNVENTORY NON--TRADE SECRETS BUSINESS NAME: ~Jo~L '7/~ /~,g}~/t OWNER NAME: ,E~/~'E'/) .,~/, z:-/_¢'~w'z~ NAME OF THIS FACILITY: ~JmOt~~~ ~ ' LOCATION: ,~'o2 /¥/2V~ ~4~,~' ADDRESS; _2~_m.~_ ,~_/~/m- .,¢~/~ o STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE~ "-~-~-~t_ .... . ............ _~-_~ ~.I.[.Y.~ .~IP:~~/_~.___~z, ~$~,,?' · - ' ' DUN AND BRADSTREE! NUMBER ...................... 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 Trans !y~e Nax Average Annual Neasure I ~y~ Cent Cent Cent Use Location. Nhete. ~w~¥ ~lares of ~ixturelC:~onents Code cooe Amt Amt Est Units on 51ce Type Press TemD Code Stored in Pacl/1Cy ' See Instru;t~cns __ __ Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number ~-"o~/(~ Component II Name ~ C,A.S, Number (Check al1 that apply) - ~[A~ ~A~B~ ; · Component 12 Hame & C.A.S. Number ~FireH,zmrd ~ Re,ctJvity ~ Delayed U Sudden Release ~im~ediate ~ Health of Pressure Health Component 13 Name ~ C.A.S. Number Physical 80d Health Hazard C.k.S. Number ~oo~[~ Component II Name &'C.A.S. Number (Check all that apply) ~~ ~L~b~ Component t2 Name & C.A.S. Humber Health ' of Pressure Component 13 Name I C.A.S. Humber Physical and Health Hazard C,A.S. Number Component I1 Name & C.A,S, Number (Check 8/1 that apply) ~A~ Component 12 Name & C,A,S. Number ~Fire Hazard 0 Reactivity ~Oe]ayed 0 Sudden Release O Health of Pressure Component 13 Name ~ C.A.S. Number PhysicA'l 8hd HeAlth ~a[ard C.A.S. Number ~q ~- I~-% Component I1 Hame & C,A,S. Number ~FireH,zard 0 Reactivity ~Oelayed 0 Sudden Release O Health of Pressure Component t3 Name & C.A,S. Humber EHERGENCY CONTACTS ~I~L~A~E~~m~ ,~, ELsA~E~ TTCle'-~~e ~me Title ...... erti[i~atioq ,(Repd a..n.d.~ign after complctif]g,all secti,ons.) cer~t~y unoer Dena~ ol'!a~ that l navepe{sonal~y, examlnqo~qo{m tami~]ar,~it~ the intorma~lon Submitted in this ~nd all t~ached.d~cgmentp, anO t~ac oasea on.my inquiry ¢.cnose ~nalv,ouams reSponsio/e for obtaining the lntormat~on. ! believe that the uomltted information is true, accurate, ano complete. ~.~.-:T~-~c"~ll-lFitle of o~ner/oo~ratOr uH owner/operator's auCh-O'fiz-~if~7~r-~tive Bakersfield Fire Dep Hazardous Materials Division 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, CA. 93301 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN INSTRUCTIONS: To avoid furlher action, return this form within 30 days of receipt. ~PE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. Answer the questions beJow for me business os a whoJe. Be Dr~ef cna concise as possible. SECTION 1' BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS' 2. ~-0 ")____ CITY :':~A DUN A BRADSTREETNUMBER: PRIMARY ACTIVITY: OWNER' '~~ · STATE' C.~ SIC CODE: MAILING ADDRESS: SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION: CONTACT TITLE BUS. PHONE 24 HR. PHONE i Hazardous Materials D{vision · HAZAI~. US MATERIALS MANAGEMI~' PLAN SECTION 3: TRAINING: SEE UNOCAL MONITORING PLAN FOLLOWING FOR DETAILED EXPLANATION NUMBER OF EMPLOYES& ',~' MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE: BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: EMPLOYEE TRAINING PLAN Employees must be given this training before starting work, and refresher courses must be provided annually. Records must be kept to show when each station employee has been given his/her safety training. SECTION 4: EXEMPTION REQUEST: I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT MY BUSINESS IS EXEMPT FROM THE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 6.95 OF THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE" FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: WE DO NOT HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. WE DO HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, BUT THE QUANTITIES AT NO TIMEEXCEED THE MINIMUM REPORTING QUANTITIES. OTHER (SPECIFY REASON) SECTION 5: CERTIFICATION: I, ':b ES I;:~'-F ~~L--IhJd~:] CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFOR- MATION IS ACCURATE. IUNDERSTAND THAT THIS INFORMATION WILL BE USED TO FULFILL MY FIRM'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE" ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (D'IV. 20 CHAPTER 6.95 'SEC. 25500 ET AL.) AND THAT INACCURATE INFORMATION CONSTITUTES PERJURY. SIGNATURE TITLE DATE I~D15~0 Bakersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN Facility Unit Name: SECTION 6: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES: SE1~. UNOCAl', MONITOR'rNG PI',]~T FOI',I',OWTN(~ FOR DRTATI',I~.D I~.XpT,]~TATTON A;. AGENCY NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES: UNOCAL will notify the appropriate State and Local agencies unless the situation requires urgent immediate response by the agencies, in which case. the DEALER should notify these agencies: 1. LOCAL AGENCY: Kings Co. Div. of Envir. Health Services PHONE NUMBER: 209-584-1411 2. CALIFORNIA OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES: (800)852-7550 (24 HOURS) B. EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION: CONTACT the station-dealer if s/he is not already at the station. the list below for emergency contacts: 1. Name/Bus./Home: Bert Schorling 805-831-4739/805-832-1377 2. Name/Bus./Home: Rod Brake 805-831-4739/No home phone Use C. PUBLIC EVACUATION: If there is any immediate danger, ANNOUNCE to all persons on the site: "There is an emergency. Please turn off your engines and leave the station on foot immediately." D. EMERGENCY MEDICAL PLAN: NEAREST MEDICAL FACILITy: Employees should know what facilities are available in case customers or other employees need medical attention: NAME: Mercy Hospital ADDRESS: 2215 Truxton Ave., Bakersfield PHONE NUMBER: 805-327-3371 NEAREST DESIGNATED TRAUMA CENTER: NAME: UCLA Hospital and Clinics ADDRESS: 10833 LeConte Avenue, Los Angeles PHONE NUMBER: 213-825-2111 3. D-~ersnel~ ~'~e Mept, Hazardous .%~ateria]s D[v~si0n HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 7: MITIGATION, PREVENTION ANDABATEMENTPLAN: SEE UNOCAL MONITORING PLAN FOLLOWING FOR DETAILED EXPLANATION A. RELEASE PREVENTION STEPS: i OVERFILL/SPILL PROTECTION AND CLEAN-UR Deliveries/Gauging Ball Vent Line Float System Waste Oil Tank Clean-up/Records B. RELEASE CONTAINMENT AND/OR MINIMIZATION: )NITORING FOR SINGLE WALL TANKS ............. ~ .... ~ · - ................... TfALL T~2:EE Inspections To Be Conducted By Deale~ ~%o pe Conducted ~ Product Tank Gauging Procedures Secondary _ ' e ' oring Procedure Record Keeping For Fuel Tanks Record ' ontainment Waste Oil Tank Gauging Procedure What To Do If You Exceed The Allowable Vari'~'~°n -C. CLEAN-UP PROCEDURES: Small spills: Absobent material Larger spills: Report to terminal by dealer or delivery driver Spills shall be cleaned up within 8 hours. Dealer shall record all spills over 1 gallon - any spill over 1 gallon shall be reported to local agency or Calif.office of Emerg. Svcs. SECTION 8: UTILITY SHUT-OFFS (LOCATION OF SHUT-OFFS AT YOUR FACILITY): NATURAL GAS/PROPANE' ELECTRICAL: WATER: IN SPECIAL' LOCK BOX: YES~ IF YES, LOCATION: SECTION 9:' PRIVATEFIRE PROTECTION/WATER AVAILABILITY: PRIVATE FiRE PROTECTION: WATER AVAILABILITY (FIRE HYDRANT): ~ C4:~tCff.~c:s~'N~ ,A,V~.ruu~ 4. ;D~5~O I Bakersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materiol~ Division 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, CA. 93301 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. MANAGEMENT PLAN ' ~'$' '~40 o CC"'-. r~ 1.To avoid further action, return tt~is form within 30 days of receipt. ~:. ,%%%%w,,% %%%~r1',,e ,:,,.,,,,-,,,,, ,:,, ,:, w,.,o,. ',, ,.,.~~' 4.,e i~rief and concise as po.iOle. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA BUSINESS NAME: "~/-~"~'~--'~ U&/Id)/kl 2~~1~ ~ 5",~"772, 0 LOCATION: :Z~o'2_ ~tNO MAILING ADDRESS: CITY :"B~ DUN & BRADSTREET NUMBER: PRIMARY ACTIVITY: STATE: Ocr -c['~r"~C'-7,.~'~'- SIC CODE: ,~'t"!1 OWNER:' MAILING ADDRESS: .~'C~ ~._ Nt IN~i ,~.V~, SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION: CONTACT TITLE BUS. PHONE 24 HR. PHONE 1 ~77 t:s:a~ersne~o ~'u'e ]3ept. ~ PIazardou-~ ~{a~erial$ D~v~sion~ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEN~E~T PLAN SECTION 3: TRAINING: NUMBER OF EMPLOYESS' 5" MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE: Y' BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: ~ ~ U~ Nlot~ ~-roP-~ N.~ F'/.~. SECTION 4: EXEMPTION REGIUEST: 1 CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT MY BUSINESS IS EXEMPT FROM THE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 6.95 OF THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH SAFETY CODE'" FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: WE DO NOT HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. WE DO HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, BUT THE QUANTITIES AT NO TIMEEXCEED THE MINIMUM r~EPORTING QUANTITIES. OTHER (SPECIFY REASON) SECTION 5: CERTIFICATION: I, ~_~1~ ~C,,/~/~/.-{A/~ CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFOR- MATION IS ACCURATE. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS INFORMATION WILL BE USED TO FULFILL MY FIRM'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE" ON HA~J~DOUS MATERIALS (DIV. 20 CHAPTER 6.95 SEC. 25500 ET AL.) AND THAT INAC,~JI"~A/J'E INFOI"f)vlATION CONSTITUTES PERJURY. SIGNATURE TITLE DATE Bakersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials DivisioJ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN Facili~ Unit Name: SECTION 6: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES: AGENCY NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES: ,.~_-. UNOC-.,~I. _ t"lo~ rT'o~'l~ 'F'~'k~.~ ~-,~ E~ ~. EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION' PUBLIC EVACUATION' Do EMERGENCY MEDICAL PLAN: ~_-.~ UN mC.~.L--- M o/J, i-T'~! ~-/~, 'P~,"~-~ / ~~.. ~ - B~ kers~.eld Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Div~sio HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 7: MITIGATION, PREVENTION AND ABATEMENT PLAN: RELEASE PREVENTION STEPS: ~--- UNOO..~L.- I~O~ rT'OP-_I NlQ l~.-Z~l',J) ~'A,.~_ RELEASE CONTAINMENT AND/OR MINIMIZATION: CLEAN-UP PROCEDURES: SECTION 8: UTILITY SHUT-OFFS (LOCATION OF SHUT-OFFS AT YOUR FACILITY)' NATURAL GAS/PROPANE: WATER' SPECIAL: LOCKBOX: Y~S~ IF YES, LOCATION' SECTION 9: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION/WATER AvAILABILITYi Ao PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION: / WATER AVAILABILITY (FIRE HYDRANT): "~ CITY of BAKERSFIELD x_za-lAZAR DOU S MATERIALS INVENTORY Farm and Agriculture F! Standard Busines~s~El~ ' ' NO N--TRADE SECRETS US..I..E.S,NAM.~I ~[~LZ,~.LINION ~V~-.. ~_~7~O~B_~AME: ~~~~~ NAME OF THIS FACILITY: U~AIZU.: ~0~ ~1~ ~v~. AUUt{E55; ~O~ '!~ A~ STANDARD IND. CLASS ~0~ CIIY. ZIP: ~~~ ~D~ CITY. ZIP:~ ~K~~ ~~ DUN AND BR~STREEI NUHI ....... '1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 I0 11 12 Trane !y~e Hex Avfrage Annual Heasure I t~e Cent Gent Cent Us tocalcion.¥heq:e Code coon AmC AmC Est Units on ]ype Press Temp Co3eSkored ~n PaclllCy Physical and Health Hazard C.A,S, Humber ~0~/~ Component II Name (Check all that apply) Component ~ Health et Pressure Component 13 NAme I C.A.S. Number Physical Iud Health Ualard C,A,S, Number ~~ Component (Check al/ that app/yl , Component I~ Name I CA,S, Number ~FireHazard ~ Reactivity~qelayed ~ Sudden Release Health of Pressure Component 13 Name I C.A.S. Number 'Physical And HeAlth 6418rd CA,S. Number ComponeflL 12 Name I C.X,S. Number ~FireHazard ~ Reactivity ~Oelayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate Health of Pressure Health Componen: Physi caltcheck ailand thatHe"lthapp/ylUalard C,A, S, Humber ~ ~?~-/ Component 12 Name I C.A.S. Number ~Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~Oelayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Health of Pressure Component 13 Name I C,A.5, Number ferti[iatioq .(Re~d an.d.~ign af~pr compl~tipg.all secCi.on~) ~ .certify unoer penalty ofJa~ thqt l nevepeEsonal~Y.examlnq~lqolm ~amiliac. vit~ the tnlo(maupn ~u~mitt~ in this.lnd al'l . at'Hcned.d~c~ment~, lnl t~at uaseo on.my lflqulry 9~.cnose Inelvloua/$ responslo/e ~or obtalflln~ toe ImormatlOfl. ! believe that the. .suom~tteo ifllormatlOn IS true, Accurate, eno complete. ~ en~ oficial dtle of o~ner/op~rator UH o~ner/operator's authorizee tepresenkatlve . Signature Farm and Agriculture BUSINESS NAME: .~/~/~, LOCATION; CITY, ZIP: PHONE #: CITY of BAKERSFIELD L~HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Standard 8usines ' NON--TRADE SECRETS STANDARD IND CLASS CODE: ~NETRU~DN$ FUH PROP~ CODES - - I 2 3 4 5 6 I 8 9 I0 Il 12 ~/~y Hames of Nixture/Components Trans !Ylle Hex Average Annual I~easure ! IY~e Cont. ~ont Cant Us Location.¥he(e. Code code eat Amt EsL Un,ts on Type ~ress lemp Co~eStored In ract/IEyUt See Instructions 'PhYsical(check a/la~dthatHealthapply)Hazard C.A.S. Humber ~7 ~-~ '~ Coepoflent II Name I C.A.S. Humber V Component 12 Hame I C,A,S. Number ~Fire Hazard ~ Reactivit~'Oelayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate Health of Pressure Health ComponenL f3 Name I C.A.S. Number Physical I~d Health ffazard C.l.S. Number Component II Hame i C.A.S. Number (Check all that apply) Component 12 Name I C.X.S. Number ~ Fire Hazard ~ ReacHvity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate Health of Pressure Health Component 13 N4~8 I C.A.S. Humber Physical and Health UaTard C.A.S. Number : Component II Name I C.A.S. Number (Check 4/I that 4pp!yJ Componeflk 12 Name & C.A.S. Number ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate Health of Pressure Health Component 13 Hame I C,A.S. Number Physical and Health Ualard C.A.S. Humber Component Il Hame t C.A.S. Number tCheck 411 that apply) Component 12 Hame I C.A.S. Number ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactiyity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate Hearth of Pressure Health Component 13 Name I C.X.S. Number E~ERdEHCY COHTACTS Pl Name ~cle Zq~r Phone Rame TI~ ferti[iatioq ,(Repd p.n,d.~ign af~pr compl~ti,ng.all secCi,ons.) ~./~f cer~ny under penalty o~aW tnqt l navepeEsonal~Y examlnqqaqolm tamilla[¥itbthe Inlormatlon ~u~mittpd in fhi~land aH at'~acned.dqcgment~, an~ t~at based on.my Inquiry qr.tnose ~ne~v~oua~s respons~ole ror obtaining the ~ntormaclon. ~eve that the · sunm~tt,eo ~ntormatlon Is true, accurate, and complete. ~e ~hd oficiei titie of owner/operator UH owner/operator's authorized representatfve ulgnature UNOCAL SERVICE STATION MONITORING PLAN DEALER: Bert V. Schorling UNOCAL SERVICE STATION: 5573 ADDRESS: 2502 Ming Avenue CITY: Bakersfield PHONE: 805-831-4739 24-HR. STATION NUMBER 805-832-1377 UNOCAL REPRESENTATIVE: Jim Foster PHONE: (209)237-5141 UNOCAL EMERGENCY PHONE: (415)867-0760 (24 HOURS) LOCAL AGENCY:Bakersfield Fire Department ADDRESS: 2130 "G" Street PHONE: 805-326-3979 CALIFORNIA OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES PHONE: (800)852-7550 (24 HOURS) UNDERGROUND TANKS 87 OCTANE: 10,000 Single Wall 89 OCTANE: BLENDING VALVE 92 OCTANE: 10,000 Single Wall DIESEL: WASTE OIL: 550 Single Wall PIPING CONTAINMENT:Single Wall MONITORING METHODS:Inventory Reconciliation (Rev. 11-90) Prepared by Robert H. Lee and Associates TABLE OF CONTENTS EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURE ...................................... Page A copy of this page must be filled out and posted conspicuously on site. HOW TO USE THIS BOOKLET ........................................... Page 4 DAILY VISUAL MONITORING ........................................... Page 4 MONITORING FOR SINGLE WALL TANKS .................................. Page Inspections To Be Conducted By Dealer Product Tank Gauging Procedures Record Keeping For Fuel Tanks Waste Oil Tank Gauging Procedure What To Do If You Exceed The Allowable Variation MONITORING DOUBLE WALL TANKs. ..................................... Page 6 Inspections To Be Conducted By Dealer Secondary Containment Monitoring Procedure Record Keeping For Secondary Containment Electronic Monitoring Systems OVERFILL/SPILL PROTECTION AND CLEAN-UP ............................ Page 7 Deliveries/Gauging Ball Vent Line Float System Waste Oil Tank Clean-up/Records INSPECTIONS TO BE COORDINATED BY UNOCAL ........................... Page 8 Yearly Inspections and Testing Vadose/Groundwater Monitoring Wells EMPLOYEE TRAINING PLaN ......................................... Pages 9-10 Outline for Mandatory Safety Training for Ail Employees FORMS TO BE COMPLETED (Copy these forms for your own use) Quarterly Report ................................................ Form A Daily Visual Monitoring Log ..................................... Form B Inventory Reconciliation Sheet .................................. Form C Waste Oil Tank Gauging Sheet .................................... Form D Release Evaluation Checklist .................................... Form E Unauthorized Release Report ..................................... Form F Equipment Test Log .............................................. Form G Safety Training Log ............................................. Form H NOT ALL INFORMATION IN THIS BOOKLET WILL BE APPLICABLE. REFER TO THE COVER SHEET TO CONFIRM WHAT EQUIPMENT IS ON SITE. Page 2 of 10 EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURE In the event of a fire, spill, or a leak or suspected leak in the tanks and/or piping, the following steps are to be taken as applicable: 1. TURN OFF PUMPS using the Emergency Pump Shut-Off Switch. If there is any immediate danger, ANNOUNCE to all persons on the site: "There is an emergency. Please turn off your engines and leave the station on foot immediately.,, CALL FOR HELP in case of an emergency by dialing 9-1-1 and giving the following information: "THERE IS A FIRE / DANGEROUS GASOLINE SPILL at the UNOCAL Station at (give address)." If anyone is trapped or needs medical attention, tell the answering dispatcher. Stay on the phone and be prepared to answer any questions concerning the situation. 0 ATTEMPT TO EXTINGUISH any fire if you can do so safely. Have the fire extinguisher ready to use in the event of any dangerous spill. Try to contain any large spill, or use absorbent on smaller spills. REPORT to arriving emergency response personnel to provide them with any information or assistance they might need. Vt CONTACT the station dealer is s/he is not already at the station. the list below for emergency contacts: 1. Name/Bus./Home: Bert Schorling 805-831-4739/805-832-1377 2. Name/Bus./Home: Rod Brake 805-831-4739/No home phone NOTIFY your UNOCAL Retail Representative by phone WITHIN 24 HOURS (also use the UNOCAL Emergency Phone, after hours): 1. UNOCAL REPRESENTATIVE/PHONE NUMBER: Jim Foster/(209)237-5141 2. UNOCAL EMERGENCY PHONE: (415) 867-0760 (24 HOURS) You must mail a completed Unauthorized Release Report to the Rep within 24 hours. Use UNOCAL will notify the appropriate State and Local agencies unless the situation requires urgent immediate response by the agencies, in which case the DEALER should notify these agencies: 1. LOCAL AGENCY: Bakersfield Fire Department PHONE NUMBER: 805-326-3979 2. CALIFORNIA OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES: (800)852-7550 (24 HOURS) 9. Dealer should attempt to isolate leak location by inspection. 10. UNOCAL Retail Representative will coordinate with UNOCAL Maintenance and Construction whatever corrective actions need to be taken beyond the Dealer'capabilities. UNOCAL Maintenance and Construction will file whatever reports need to be filed with local and state agencies, and send a copy to the station for the Dealer's file. A COPY OF PAGE MUST BE FILLED OUT AND POSTED CONSPICUOUSLY ON SITE. Page 3 of 10 HOW TO USE THIS BOOKLET The cover sheet of~is booklet contains use~ information about the underground facilities at your station. Depel ing on the information given, you must use different forms in this booklet: 1. If your station has any single wall product tanks, use Form C. 2. If your station has any double wall product tanks, use Form B. 3. If your station has a single wall waste oil tank, use Form D. 4. If your station has a double wall waste oil tank, use Form B. 5. If your station has any double wall piping, use Form B. 6. If your station has a piping trench liner, use Form B. 7. If your station has an electronic monitoring system for any double wall piping or trench liner, you need not use Form B for any double wall tanks or piping. 8. If your station has vadose or groundwater monitoring wells, you still need to use Forms C and/or D as applicable. 9. If your station has other hazardous materials (see Daily Visual Monitoring, below), you are responsible also for that portion of Form B. Also, all stations must complete Form A and send it in every 3 months to the local aqency shown on the cover sheet. In case of a leak or spill, you must complete Form E to attach to Form A, and you must send a copy of Form F to your UNOCAL Representative within 24 hours. You must also notify your representative by phone (and/or call the UNOCAL Emergency Phone after hours). Your must post a copy of Page 3 at a conspicuous location in your cashiers area. Your must keep a copy of Form H to document the training received by your employees. KEEP COPIES OF ALL FORMS YOU MAIL OUT! DAILY VISUAL MONITORING Hazardous Materials stored underground include: Gasoline Diesel Fuel Waste Oil These products are monitored for leaks in the underground tanks and piping. Hazardous Materials stored aboveground include: Propane Waste Oil (prior to dumping in underground tanks) Motor Oil Transmission Oil Gear Lubricant (80W/90) Grease Solvent (including parts cleaners) Battery Acid Antifreeze If your station stores any of these materials, the storage areas must be visually inspected every day for signs of leakage. If there is a leak or spill of any of the hazardous materials, whether stored above or underground, you must follow the Emergency Response Procedures outlined on Page 3, as applicable. Page 4 of 10 MONITORING FOR INSPECTIONS TO BE 1. 2.  LE-WALL TANKS CTED BY DEALER Daily reconciliation shall be made of the inventory control records. Daily visual inspection for leaks shall be made in the areas of: - Submerged pump - Tank fill (also inspected after each delivery) Dealer MUST be aware that a reduction in product flow to 3 gallons per minute (gpm) indicates a potential piping leak· PRODUCT TANK GAUGING PROCEDURE 1. Use a gauge stick (dipstick) to measure the level of gasoline in each tank. Lower the stick slowly until it hits the bottom of the tank. The use of fuel-finding paste is recommended. 2. Slowly pull the stick back out, and observe the point where the stick begins to be discolored by the liquid. 3. Write this number down, and repeat the same procedure. If the two number are not close, repeat the procedure until the numbers agree. 4. Enter the final number in your dealer books. If it is raining, water can spoil the readings, and should not be allowed to enter the tank. If it does not stop raining, care must be taken to ensure the stick readings are accurate. RECORD KEEPING FOR SINGLE-WALL TANKS 1. Use your dealer books to keep track of your daily dipstick reading. 2. Record daily all dispenser meter readings in your dealer books. 3. Record all deliveries in your dealer books. 4. The dipstick, dispenser meter, and delivery recordings are to be used daily in filling out the "Inventory Reconciliation Sheet" (attached). WASTE OIL TANK GAUGING PROCEDURE 1. To monitor the inventory level in the waste oil tank, be prepared to have the tank locked for at least 12 hours or longer if required by your local agency. This shall be done weekly. NO INPUTS OR WITHDRAWALS SHALL OCCUR DURING THESE PERIODS. 2. Stick gauge the tank immediately before closing access to the waste oil tank, and immediately after reopening the tank, and enter those numbers in columns C and D of the "Waste Oil Tank Gauging Sheet" (attached) in both inches and gallons. 3. The difference between those two columns is the actual variation (column E). 4. For allowable variation (column F), use 2.8 gallons if you have a 280 gallon capacity, or 5.0 gallons if you have a 520 or 550 gallon tank. WHAT TO DO IF YOU EXCEED THE ALLOWABLE VARIATION If you EVER exceed the allowable variation (Inventory Reconciliation Sheet, column 13, or Waste Oil Tank Gauging Sheet, column G), follow the RESPONSE PROCEDURE shown on Page 3. Notify your UNOCAL representative within 24 hours of discovery of a' suspected leak. UNOCAL will be responsible for coordinating one or more of the following: - Performing a metered vs. measured inventory reconciliation. - Contacting the appropriate State and Local agencies. - Visually inspecting for leaks. - Calibrating the dispenser meters. - Hiring a tank tester to determine if there is a leak. - Having the tank(s) and/or piping repaired or replaced if necessary. The "Unauthorized Release Report" must be sent to UNOCAL within 24 hours. The "Release Evaluation Checklist" must be attached to the "Inventory Reconciliation Sheet", or the "Waste Oil Tank Gauging Sheet" where the allowable variation was exceeded. Page 5 of 10 NON~TOI~NG FOR DOUBLE-~ff.,L T~NKS INSPECTIONS TO BE ~.UCTED BY DEALER ~v 1. Daily reconcil'a=lon shall be made of the entory Control Records. 2. Daily visual inspection for leaks shall be made in the areas of: -Submerged pump - Tank fill (also inspected after each delivery) 3. Dealer MUST be aware that a reduction in product flow to 3 gallons per minute (gpm) indicates a potential leak. SECONDARY CONTAINMENT MONITORING PROCEDURE Tank or Piping Secondary Containment (annular space or Piping Trench Liner) shall be monitored daily by the dealer, unless a less frequent period is allowed. This is done to determine if product is leaking from the primary container or if water is entering from an outside source. This procedure is not necessary if an electronic monitorinq system is installed to monitor these items. Contact your UNOCAL representative for monitoring port locations. 1. Use a gauge stick (dipstick) to detect any liquid in the tank annular space, double wall piping monitoring ports, or piping trench liner monitoring wells. Lower the stick slowly until it hits the bottom of the tank annular space. 2. Slowly pull the stick back out and observe whether the stick has been discolored by liquid. If product and/or water is detected, immediately contact your representative. 3. Write this number down, and repeat the same procedure. If the two numbers are not close, repeat the procedure until the numbers agree. 4. Enter the final number in the "Secondary Containment Recording Sheet (attached). NOTE: Piping trench monitoring wells consist of slotted PVC pipe which allows liquid intrusion and a manhole for access. Wells are located at the lowest point of the fiberglass trench liner. RECORD KEEPING FOR DOUBLE-WALL TANKS & PIPING 1. Keep track daily of the liquid level on the "Secondary Containment Recording Sheet". 2. If ANY fuel and/or water is discovered in the trench liner, call your representative IMMEDIATELY, and explain the situation. 3. If the representative has been notified, but after 8 hours it has not been possible to remove all the liquid from the secondary containment, dealer must contact the local agency shown on the cover sheet. ELECTRONIC MONITORING SYSTEMS If this station is equipped with an electronic monitoring system for underground tanks and piping, in the event of a leak in the primary containment, product will be contained in the annular space. The sensors for the electronic monitoring system are located at the iow end of each tank, and at the iow end of the piping where the product will drain back into the tank. There may be sensors at additional locations. Sensors will signal the presence of a leak. If a leak is discovered, the "Unauthorized Release Report" must be sent to UNOCAL within 24 hours. The "Release Evaluation Checklist" must be attached to the "Quarterly Report". Page 6 of 10 OVERFILL/SPILL PRO~CTION & CLEANUP 1. DELIVERIES/GAU(~G Dealer is responsible to ensure that the delivery he or she requests is not in excess of the tank capacity, taking into consideration the amount currently in tank· Driver is to gauge tank to assure capacity is available for the entire load and must remain in attendance during the entire delivery to monitor the operation. BALL VENT LINE FLOAT SYSTEM (Only for double-wall tanks installed after July 1986·) The ball float valve system installed with the tank substantially prevents the possibility of overfill occurring· If the tank is filled to the ball float level, the petroleum product delivery will be cut to 3 gallons per minute alerting the driver of a potential overfill condition· In the event that this occurs, the following actions will be taken: 1. The delivery truck driver shall turn off the petroleum product supply at the truck, leaving the hose fully connected to the tank fill pipe line and the truck. 2. The small amount of petroleum product remaining in the hose shall be slowly drained into the tank. Since the ball float valve is 2 to 3 inches below the top of the tank, there remains a 100 + gallon capacity within the tank at the moment when the ball float closes off delivery. The bleed hole in the ball float valve allows the remaining petroleum product in the hose to completely drain through the fill pipe into the tank. 3. The hose shall be disconnected from the fill pipe only when it has fully drained. In the event that spillage occurs upon hose disconnection, the remaining small amount of petroleum product will be properly contained. WASTE OIL TANK 1. Station is equipped with waste oil buckets which hold a maximum capacity of 3 gallons (about 3 to 4 cars' worth of waste oil). 2. Prior to dumping any waste oil, dealer is to gauge the tank to assure that holding capacity is greater than that which will be put into the tank. 3. Waste oil is poured directly through fill/pump out pipe, using a funnel. Should any waste oil spill during this operation, it will be properly contained using absorbent material. Page 7 of 10 C -U / U CORDm 1. Small spill,ess than i gallon and onilrequiring 15 minutes to clean up) shall be cleaned up using abs~r~ent materials. 2. Larger spills occurring during product delivery shall be reported to the terminal by the dealer and/or by delivery truck driver. The terminal supervisor will notify a local petroleum maintenance contractor who is equipped with a N.F.P.A. approved type hand pump, vacuum and transport container. Large spills not caused by delivery shall be reported immediately to your rep. 3. Spills shall be cleaned up within 8 hours of detection, returned to local terminal and/or disposed of in a lawful manner. 4. Dealer shall record all spills whether or not it is due to delive~ overfill or accidental spillage, which exceeds approximately one gallon, and action taken on the "Unauthorized Release Report" (attached), and send it to UNOCAL within 24 hours· 5. Large spills (more than 1 gallon) must be reported to the local agency indicated on the cover sheet within 24 hours. If the spill is large enough to pose a significant hazard, it must also be reported to the California Office of Emergency Services at 800-852- 7550. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY CALL 9-1-1 INSPECTIONS TO BE COORDINATED YEARLY INSPECTIONS AND TESTING BY UNOCAL Yearly testing shall be made of the following: Pressurized piping systems shall be monitored using in-line leak detectors. Leak detectors shall be tested annually for proper operation. Dealer MUST be aware that a reduction in product flow to 3 gallons per minute (gpm) indicates a potential piping leak. Tanks and piping shall be tested annually for tightness, using a State-Certified test system. (For non-secondarily contained tanks and piping only.) Electronic monitoring systems shall be tested annually for proper operation. (For secondarily contained tanks and piping only.) Se Dispenser core holes, shear valves, and blending valves shall be annually inspected by UNOCAL for signs of leakage. Dispenser meters (recording total sales in gallons) shall be calibrated once annually by UNOCAL. Any additional calibration will be the responsibility of the dealer. Use the "Dispenser Meter Calibration Form". VADOSE/GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELLS This section is not applicable unless "Monitoring Methods" line on cover sheet shows "Vadose Wells" or "Groundwater Wells".) The monitoring of vadose wells and groundwater monitoring wells is contracted out to Applied Geo Systems. Monitoring is performed monthly for vapor analysis of the vadose wells and subjective analysis for traces of product in the groundwater monitoring wells. Monitoring is performed quarterly for laboratory analysis of groundwater samples. Monitoring records are maintained on-site in the dealer's office, and are available for inspection. Page 8 of 10 EMPLOYEE TRAINING PLAN Employees must be given this training before starting work, and refresher courses must be provided annually. Records must be kept to show when each station employee has been given his/her safety training. Use the following outline: I. FIRST THINGS TO KNOW A. EMERGENCY PUMP SHUT-OFF: This turns off the turbine pumps that provide flow to the dispensers from the underground tanks. In case of a leak, shutting off the pumps will help to prevent spills. LOCATION: Outside front of service bay B. ELECTRICAL PANEL: The panel allows you to selectively cut off power to lights, signs, pumps, etc. The main switch kills all power at the site. LOCATION: In storage room C. WATER SHUT-OFF: The water shut-off may be necessary in some cases. LOCATION: In sidewalk of Ming Avenue D. FIRST AID KIT: LOCATION: In office E. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS: Use only on small fires that you can handle~ Do not attempt to extinguish large fires on your own; call 9-1-1 for help. LOCATION: 2-in service bay, 1-in office F. ABSORBENT: In the form of crystals or cloth, absorbent can soak up small spills of gasoline, diesel fuel, or other petroleum products. Absorbent should be used rather than washing spills down a drain. In case of large spills merely try to contain it; a vacuum truck should be used to clean up any large spills. LOCATION: In storage room G. NEAREST MEDICAL FACILITY: Employees should know what facilities are available in case customers or other employees need medical attention: NAME: Mercy Hospital ADDRESS: 2215 Truxton Ave., Bakersfield PHONE NUMBER: 805-327-3371 NEAREST DESIGNATED TRAUMA CENTER: NAME: UCLA Hospital and Clinics ADDRESS: 10833 LeConte Avenue, Los Angeles PHONE NUMBER: 213-825-2111 Page 9 of 10 II. III. All employee~should review the Service~tation Monitoring Plan, of which this training plan is a part. Specifically, each employee should understand the procedures to be used in responding to various kinds of emergencies, and know how to monitor for leaks of hazardous materials. As a supplement to this package, employees should also review the Emergency Response Plan filed by your business to the appropriate local agency. Thirdly, employees should review and have access to the Materials Safety Data Sheets you have on file for each of the hazardous materials stored at the station. FIRST AID PROCEDURES (For exposure to gasoline or diesel fuel): ae EYE CONTACT: For direct contact, flush the affected eye(s) with clean water. If irritation or redness develops, seek medical attention. Be SKIN CONTACT: Wipe product from skin and remove soaked clothing. Cleanse affected area(s) thoroughly by washing with soap and water. If irritation develops and persists, seek medical attention. Do not use solvents or thinners to remove product from skin. Co INHALATION (Breathing): If symptoms of exposure develop, move victim away from source of exposure and into fresh air. If symptoms persist, seek medical attention. Symptoms include: flushing, blurred vision, dizziness, nausea, headache, drowsiness, loss of coordination, and fatigue. If victim is not breathing or if breathing difficulties develop, artificial respiration or oxygen should be administered by qualified personnel. Seek immediate medical attention. D. INGESTION (Swallowing): DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING BECAUSE GASOLINE CAN ENTER LUNGS AND CAUSE SEVERE LUNG DAMAGE! If victim is conscious and alert, give 2 to 3 cups of milk or water to drink. Seek medical attention. me For further information, consult the Materials Safety Data Sheets for these products and for other hazardous materials. FIRST AID FOR EXPOSURE TO OTHER MATERIALS: Consult the warning advice on container labels or refer to the MSDS for that product. Page 10 of 10 UNOCAL® QUARTERLY REPORT s/s #: Address: A Fill out this form quarterly BUSINESS NAME: and send in with oll other forms, os applicable. KEEP COPIES OF ALL FORMS YOU MAIL OUT. Quarter # Start Date: End Date: Year: Tank # Capacity (gal) Product CHECK ONE BOX BELOW AS APPLICABLE: I hereby certify under the penalty of perjury that all product evel variations for this facility were within allowable limits for this quarter. ("NO" in cloumn 12, Inventory Reconciliation Sheet; "NO" in column 7, Tank Gauging Sheet; "OK" in all applicable columns of the Daily Visual Monitoring Log). J ---J Inventory variation at this facility exceeded the allowable limits for this quarter. I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the source for the variation(s) was not due to an unauthorized (leak) release. ("YES" to any of the above). There was on unauthorized (leak) release at this facility during this quarter. I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that oll necessary aorrective actions have been or ore being taken. [ DEALER'S SIGNATURE/DATE: LIST DATE, TANK # AND AMOUNT FOR ALL VARIATIONS THAT EXCEEDED THE ALLOWABLE LIMITS: DATE TANK # AMOUNT THIS QUARTERLY REPORT SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE REGULATING LOCAL AGENCY WITHIN 15 DAYS OF THE END OF EACH QUAR'rER: I QUARTER I JANUARY-MARCH QUARTER 2 QUARTER 3 QUARTER 4. Submit by April 15 APRIL-JUNE JULY-SEPTEMBER OCTOBER-DECEMBER Submit by July 15 Submit by October 15 Submit by January 15 UIIOCAL(~) Junocal S/S#: Business Name: Address: Month oP. B daily and send it in with the Quarterly Report. O. Q. 0 0 0 INVENTORY RECONCILIATION IS/S #: Business Name: IQuarter- Tank ,: I Year: Copaci~ y/Con ten ts: C Fill out this for,m dail. y on(3 send it with the Quarterly Report. c c t-. ~ UNOCAL WASTE OIL TANK GAUGING SHEET D s/s #: Address: Business Name: Year' Fill out this form weekly and send it with the Quarterly Report. GAUGING PERIOD INVENTORY VARIATIONS 1 2 3 4 $ 6 7 Opening Closing Actual AIIowoble Allowable FROM TO Dipstick Dipstick Voriation Variation Variation Reading Reading (4-3) * * Date/Time Date/Time Inches Gal. InchesI Gal. Gallons Gallons Yes/No ,Allowable variation is based on tank size: Tank Size AII9wable Variation 280 gallons 2.8 gallons 520 gallons 5.0 gallons 550 gallons 5.0 gallons **If you answered "Yes" in column 7 (Col. 6 > Col. 5), then an unauthorized release (leak) shall be assumed to have occurred. Follow the Release Evaluation checklist and attach to this form. UNOCAL( )I RELEASE EVALUATION CHECKLIST S/S #: Business Name: Address: Tank #: Capacity: Product: Date & Time Allowable Variation was Exceeded: Fill out this form whenever the ollowoble variotior is exceeded and send in with the OuorteMy Report. CHECK OFF EACH STEP AS IT IS COMPLETED. STEP 1 RECORDS REVIEWED Date/Time: Performed by: Should be done within 2 hours. STEP 21J---]NEWpERFORMEDRECONCILIATION Date/Time: Performed by:. Should be done within 24 hours. CALL UNOCAL, REP. AND SEND UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE REPORT TO REP. Date/Time: Performed by: Should be done within 24- hours. Date/time: STEP RECORDS REVIEWED FROM LAST STATIC STATION (BY DEALER OR REP.) Performed by: Should be done within 24 hours. PHYSICALLY INSPECT FACILITY FOR EVIDENCE OF LEAKS Date/Time: Performed by: Should be done within 2 days. STEP 61 _ DISPENSER METER CALIBRATION CHECKED (COMPLETE TEST REPORT) Date/Time: Performed by. Should be done within 3 days. STEP .7 E~HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE Date/Time: Should be done TEST PERFORMED ON PIPING Performed by: within 4 days. ! STEP 81[---1PRECISION TANK TEST PERFORMED Date/Time: Performed by:. Should be done within 5 days. STEP 9I~ ADDITIONAL INVESTIGATION Date/time: PERFORMED AS REQUIRED Performed by: I I Should be done I within 5 days. I Briefly describe the reason the allowable variation was exceeded: '1 hereby certify this is to be a true and accurate report. Dealer's Signature: Date: UnOCAL UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE REPORT F s/s #:. Address: Product: Business Name: CapocitF ;omple~e this form in the event of a =onfirmed leak or spill and send to your Unocal rep. within 24 hours. TO BE COMPLETED BY THE DEALER Dote leak was discovered: Approximate date leak began: Describe fully the cause of the leak: How was the leak discovered? TO BE COMPLETED BY THE UNOCAL RETAIL REPRESENTATIVE Has the leak been stopped? How was the leak stopped? Dote: List resources affected: Soil Creek or Storm drains Buildings or Utility Vaults Groundwater Public Drinking Water Private Drinking Water Agricultural Other Y¢~ N~o Threatened ~ of well~ Instructions to Unocal Ret;qil Reoresentotives: This form must be forwarded to Unocal Maintenance & Construction Department IMMEDIATELY so they con submit to the appropriate local agency within 5 days of discovery of ~ny leak. UNOCAL( ) EQUIPMENT TEST LOG s/s #: AddFess: Business Nome: Contractor: Name of person completing test(s): Signature: Dealer's Signature: G Fill out this form for each annual inspection and keep on file. Check off each test when performed: (1. ["'--j Shear Valve Inspections - Date: L2.~ Blending Valve Inspections - Date: 3. [--'-J Leak Detector Product Model Leak Full Line Pressure /PSI/ Simulated Line Leak Test Inspection Detector Open Max. 12 Close Min. 26 Pass Fail Date Super Unleaded Unleaded Diesel Other 4. J--"J Dispenser Meter Calibration Procedure: 1. Before starting calibration runs, wet the calibration can with product and return product to storage. 2. Run 5 gallons with nozzle wide open into the can. Note gallons and cubic inches drawn, and return product to storage. 3. Run 5 gallons with nozzle one-half open into the can. Note gallons and cubic inches drawn, and return product to storage. 4. 'If the volume measured in a 5-gallon calibration can is more than 6 cubic inches above or below the 5-gallon mark, the meter requires calibration by a registered device repairman. Fast Flow Slow Flow Vol. Returned Calibration Date/time Nozzle # Product 5-Gal. Draft 5-Gal. Draft to storage Required? Gal. Cu.ln. Gal. Cu.ln. Gallons YES,/NO *Note date of Calibration & Device(s) used: SAFETY TRAINING LOG Business Nome: H s/s #: Address: EMPLOYEES MUST SION THIS FORM TO PROVE THEY RECEIVED THEIR ANNUAL- SAFETY TRAINING. Dote of Initi(]l Employee Nome Training Dotes of Annuol Refresher Troining FIRE DEPARTMENT D. S. NEEDHAM FIRE CHIEF CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" 2101H STREET BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 ' September 4, 1990 Mr. Bert Schoriing Plaza Union Service 2502 Ming Ave. Bakersfield, Ca. 93304 Dear Mr. Schorling: Enclosed you will find a computer printout of the Hazardous Materials Management Plan that is currently in our computer, we have highlighted the areas that need to be revised. Also due to a change in the law that went into effect January, 1989, we need to have a new inventory form (enclosed) filled out. These forms must he fi&led out and returned to our office by September 28, &990. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us at (805) 326-3979. Sincerely Yours, REH:vp Enclosures Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator 08/24/9[) PLAZA UNION SERVICE 215-000-000545 Overall Site with 1 Fac. Unit Ger, eral Informat ion RECEIVED 3EP 2 7 19 )0 Page Location: 25[)2 MING AV Ident Number: 215-00[)-0[)(.]545 H~Z. MAT. O!V. Map: 123 Hazard: Low Grid: 12A Area of Vul: 0.0 Contact Name IBERT V. SCHORLING Title Business Phone ) 831-4739 x ) - x Administrative Data Mail Addrs: 25(.]2 MING AV City: BAKERSFIELD Comm Code: 215-007 BAKERSFIELD STATION 07 Hour Phone] ( D&B Number: St ate: CA Zip: 933[)4- SIC Code: Owner: BERT SCHORLING Phone: (~) ~I-~/~.P Address: 2502 MING AV State: CA City: BAKERSFIELD Zip: 93304- Summary reviewed ~h¢~ m~ch~d h.~.. :.:~;,:-..:'~.:~ mated~s menage- ~ ',:.:~.,. ~':;'j~" : ~;'. ..... y co r~.~u,3$ co,~.l.t.,~.., a and correct man- ag~rnent pian for m~faci;ity. 08124190 P 1 n-Ref PLAZA UNION SERVICE 215-000-000545 Hazr~at Irsventory List irs Refererlce Nut, bet Order 02 - Fixed Containers o~, Site Na~e/Hazards Forr~ Quant i t y Page MCP 2 02-001 GASOLINE ? 20, 0(:)0 Moderate GAL 02-002 WASTE OIL ? 500 Low GAL 02-003 MOTOR OIL ? 300 GAL Minimal 08/24/90 PLA~UNION SERVICE 215-000-00~5 O0 - Overall Site <D> Notif. /Evacuation/Medical Page 3 <1> Agency Notification CALL 911 <2> Employee Notif./Evacuation VERGAL TO ALL CONCERNED. PHYSICALLY LEAVE THE S'TATION. <3> Public Notif. /Evacuation <4> Emergency Medical Plan CALL HALL AMBULANCE - 1001 21ST ST - 327-4111 08/24/90 Page 4 PLAZA UNION SERVICE 21~5-000-000545 O0 - Overall Site <E> Mit igat ion/Prevent/Abatemt <1> ~Release Prevention MAKE SURE WE DON'T HAVE A FIRE. SHEAR OFF VALVE AT PUMP. AT PUMP. WASTE OIL IN CLOSED CONTAINERS. NO SMOKING SIGNS <2> Release ContainrNent <3> Clean Up <4> Other Resource Activation 08/24/90 PLA~UNION SERVICE 215-000-00~5 O0 - Overall Site <F> Site Emergency Factors Page 5 <1> Special Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - N/A B) ELECTRICAL - FRONT OF BUILDING (WEST END) C) WATER - SIDEWALK ON MING AVE D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO <3> Fire Protec./Avail. Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - .o,.~.o~.o.o.o.o.~.o~o.o FIRE HYDRANT - CORNER OF HUGHES & MING <4> Held for Future use 08/24/90 PLAZA UNION SERVICE 215-000-000545 Page 6 O0 - Overall Site <G> Trairsing <1> Page i WE HAVE EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACI L I TY DO YOU HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE? <2> Page 2 as r~eeded <3> Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use RE.C,~tqED CITY of BAKERSFiELI] HAZARDOUS HATERTALS TNVENTORY AU(~ ~. 4 I~)0 Farm and Agriculture [] Standard I~usiness FI NON.--T~DE SECRETS ~AZ MAT. Di~]~ ~ 0f PHONE ~: -Oa~ ~1'~0~-- ~ "- PHONE ¢: ---~[~5-~'~;73'~ ~ - - OO ~ - ~ , o '"t REFER TO~S~C~O~S~R~ROP~ CODES I 2 3 4 5 6 I 8 9 10 ll 12 %l~y Names of ~ixturelComoonents Trans tyre Max Ay?age Annual Measure !.Oy.s Cont Cont Cont Us Location.Whece. Code cooe AmL Ami EsL Un~ts on ~ce Type Press Temp Co~eStored In ~ac]mlcyWt See Instruct}cna ; (Check'PhysiCalallandthatHeal'tha~ly)Hazard C,A,S. Number 9006~6i "~ Component II Name t C.A.S~ Number  Component 12 Name ~ C.A.S. Number ire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~elayed ~ Sudden Release ~ immediate ~[ ~~. ~ealth of Pressure Health Component 13 Name t C,A.S. Number U I I ob Ip%o I ooo IQ,ti I ¢11 I 14 (Check al/ that ap~ly) '~Fire Hazard U Reactivity-- ~Oelayed U Sudden Release U Im~,digA"c°mp°nent Names C.A.a. Number ~Hea Ith of Pressure Health Component 13 Name I C.A.S. Number Physical Bnd Health Hazard C,A.S. Number ~7¢¢-~~ o Component l1 Name I C,A.S. Number (Check all that apDl~) ..... Component 12 Name S C.A.S, Number ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Immediate Health of Pressure Health Component 13 Name ~ C.A.S. Number Physical 8nd Health Hazard C,A,S. Number ComponenL II Name t C,A,S, Number {Check a/1 that apply) Component 12 Name & C,A,S. Number ~ Fire Hazard ~ EeacLivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ Health of Pressure Coaponent 13 H8ae & C,A,S. Nu~ber EMERGENCY CONTACTS fll,a ~')' ¢m~~ ~/~72 I ';'} :ertifi atio Re and i n af r corn 1 ting all sections) this ~ndall /'// ~.~ tL~ached.docgeent$, anO tba[ casco on.my inquiry 9r.[nose }natvtaua~s responsio~e for obtaining the ~ntormac~on, ;uom]tLeo ~nformaclon ~s [rue, accurate, aha complete. ~'~f~fiT-'[tf'~ df owner/oo~rj~~e-~r~tor's a~thorite-d repres~ntativ~ JUNE 27~ i990 OEAR MR, SCHORLING, NOTICE OF UIOLATION ANO SCHEOULE FOR COMPLIANCE IN THE INSPECTION OF YOUR BUSINESS PLAZE UNION STATION LOCATEO AT 2SOZ MING AVE., BAKERSFIELD, OA B5~0¢ ON JUNE 27. 1~0, THE FOLLOWIN6 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REAUL~TION VIOLATIONS WERE IDENTIFIEO: HAZAROOUS MATERIALS MANA6EMENT PLANS MUST BE REVIEWED ANO UPBATEO EVERY TWO YEARS. VIOLATION OF OH. 6.95 CALIFORNIA HEALTH ~NO SAFETY COOE SEO.2SSOS (b) In addition to the requirements of Section 25510, whenever a substantial change in the handler's operation~ occurs which requires a modification of its business plan, the handler shall submit a copy of the plan revision to the administering agency within 50 days of the operational change, (c) The handler shall, in any case, review the business plan, submitted pursuant to subdivisions and (b), on or before January l, 1988, and at least once every two years thereafter, to determine if a revision is needed and ~hall certify to the administering agency ~hat the review was Made and that any necessary changes were Made to the plan,,6 copy of the~e changes shall be submitted to the administering agency as part of this certification. (d) Unless exempted from the business plan requirements under this chapter, any business which handles a hazardous material shall annually submit a completed inventory form to the administering agency the county or city in which the business is located. Notwithstanding any other provisions of the'law, an inventory form shall be filed on or before January 1, 1~88, for the 1988 calendar year, and annually thereafter. This inventory shall be filed annually, notwithstanding the review requirements of subdivision (c). HAZARDOUS MATERI~LS INVENTORY MUST BE COMPLETE AND ~CCUR~TE. VIOLATION OF CH. S.g6 CALiFORNIR HE&LTH ~ SAFETY CODE 2SS09(6)(1-4) The annual inventory Corm shall include, but shall not be limited to, in¢ormation on ail o¢ the ¢oilowing which are handled in quantities equal to or greater than the quantities speci¢ied in subdivision (a> o? Section 25505.5: (1) 6 listing of the chemical name and common names of every hazardous substance or chemical :product handled by the business. ~-.'.' (2) The category of waste, including the igeneral chemical and mineral composition of the ~waste listed by probable maximum and minimum iconcentrations, o¢ every hazardous waste handled by '~he business. (~> A listing o~ the chemical name and common names of every other hazardous material or mixture · containing a hazardous material handled by the business which is not otherwise listed pursuant to iparagraph (1) or (2). (4> The maximum amount of each hazardous material or mixture containing a hazardous material disclosed in paragraphs (1), (2), and (J> which is handled at. any one time by the business over the course of the year. COPIES OF MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS SHALL 8E MAINTaiNED FOR EACH HAZARDOUS MATERIAL AND SHALL BE ACCESSIBLE TO EMPLOYEES. VIOLATION OF UFC 80.103(G) Satisfactory provisions shall be made for containing or neutralizing spills or leakage o¢ hazardous materials which may occur during storage, handling, transportation or use, OiLY RAGS MUST BE STORED IN METAL CONTAINERS WITH SECURE LIDS. VIOLATION OF UFO 79.1311 & 11.20t Disposal of waste. Combustible waste material and residues in a building or unit opera~ing area shall be kept to a minimum, stored in covered metal receptacles and disposed of daily. 6ccumulation of waste material. (a) Accumulations of wastepaper, hay, grass, straw, weeds, litter, or combustible or ?lammable waste material, waste petroleum products or rubbish of any kind shall not be permitted to remain upon any roof or in any court, yard, vacant lot or open space. All weeds grass, vines, or other growth, when same endangers property or is liable to be fired, shall be cut down and removed by the owner or occupant of the property. When total removal of growth from a piece of property is impractical due to size or to environmental factors, approved fuel breaks may be established between the land and the endangered proper%y. The width of the fuel break shall be determinad by height, type and amount of growth, wind conditions, geographical conditions and type of exposures threatened. (b) All combustible rubbish, oily rags or waste material, when kept within a building or adjacent to a building, shall be securely stored in metal or metal- lined receptacles equipped with tight-fitting covers or in rooms or vaults constructed of noncombustible materials. (c> It shall be unlawful to accumulate or store combustible waste ma~ter beneath trailers or at any other place within an auto and trailer camp. (d) Commercial dumpsters and containers with an individual capacity of 1.S cubic yards or greater shall not be stored or placed within S feet of combustible walls~ openings or combustible roof eave lines. The above violations must be corrected by JULY 27, 19~0. The department will schedule a re-inspection of your facility to verify compliance. I? you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact Ralph Huey at 32B-~979. \ Sincerely, Barbara Brenner Hazardous Materials Planning Technician JUNE DEAR HR. SCHORLIN6, NOTICE OF UIOLATION AND SOHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE IN THE INSPECTION OF YOUR BUSINESS PLAZA UNION STATION LOOATEO AT ~' ~SOa MIN6 ~VE., BAKERSFIELD, O~ 93304 ON JUNE 27, 1990, THE FOLLOWIN6 HAZARDOUS M~TERIALS REGULATION VIOLATIONS WERE IDENTIFIED: HAZARDOUS MATERI~LS MANAGEMENT PLANS MUST BE REVIEWED AND UPDATED EVERY TWO YE,~RS. VIOLATION OF CH. 6.95 C~LIFORNI~ HEALTH AND S~FETY COOE SEC.2SS05 (b) In addition to the requirements of Section 25510, whenever' a substantial change .tn the handler'~ operations occurs ~hich requires a modification of its business plan. the handler- shall submit a copy of the plan revision to the administering agency i, ithin ~0 days of the operational change. (c) The handler shall, in any case. review the business plan. submitted pursuant to subdivisions (a) and (b), on cc before January I, 1988, and at least once every two years thereafter, to determine if a revision is needed and shall certify to the administering agency '~hat the review was made and that any necessary changes were made to the plan. h copy of these changes shall be submitted to the administering agency as part of 'this certification. (d). Unless exempted from the business plan requirements under' this chapter, any business which handles a hazardous material shall annually submit a completed inventory ~orm to the administering agency the county or city in which the business is located. Notwithstanding any other provisions of the la~ an inventory form shall be filed on or before January 1 . 1988. for the 1988 calendar year. and annually thereafter. This inventory shall be filed annually. notwithstanding the review requirements of subdivisio~ (c). HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY MUST BE COMPLETE AND ACCURATE, VIOLATION OF OH. 6.96 CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE 2SSOB(A)(I-4) The annual inventory form shall include, but shall not be limited to~ information on ail of 'the following which are handled in quantities equal, to or greater than the quantities apecified in subdivision (a) of Section 25505,5: (t) A listing of the chemical name and common names of every hazardous substance or' chemical product handled by the business, (2) The category of waste, including the general chamical and mineral composition of the waste listed by probable maximum and minimum conoentrations, of every hazardous waste handled by the business. (3) A listing of the chemical name and common names of every other' hazardous material or' mixture containing a hazardous material handled by the tlusine~s which is not otherwise listed pursuant to paragraph (1) or (2). (4) The maximum amount of each hazardous material or mixture containing a hazardous material disclosed in paragraphs <! ), (2), and (~) which is handlmd at any one time by the business over the course of the yaar. OOPiES OF MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS SHALL BE MAINTAINEO FOR ~EAOH HAZARDOUS MATERIAL AND SHALL BE ACCESSIBLE TO EMPLOYEES. VIOLATION OF UFO 80.103(G) Satimfactory provisions shall be made for containing or neutralizing spills or leakage of hazardous materials which may occur during storage~ handling, transportation or use~ OILY RAGS MUST BE STORED IN METAL CONTAINERS WITH SECURE LIOS. VIOLATION OF UFO 79.1~1t ~ 11,201 Disposal of waste. Combustible waste material, and residues in a building or unit operating area shall be kept to a minimum, stored in covered metal receptacles and disposed of daily. Accumulation of waste material, (a) Accumulations of wastepaper, hay, grass, straw, weeds, litter, or combustible or flammable waste material, ulaste petroleum products or rubbish of any kind shall not be permitted to remain upon any roof or in any court, yard, vacant lot or open space. All weeds grass, vines, or' other growth, when saFte endangers property or is liable 'to be fired, shall be cut down and removed by the owner or occupant of the property. When total removal of growth from a piece of property is impractical due to size or to environmental factors, approved fuel breaks may be established between the land and the endangered proper%y. The width of the fuel break shall be determined by height, type and amount of growth, wind conditions, geographical conditions and type of exposures threatened. <b) Al1 combustible rubbish, oily rags or waste material, when kept within a building or ad~jacent to a building, shall be securely stored in metal or metal- lined receptacles equipped with tight-fitting covers or in rooms or' vaults constructed of noncombustible materials. (c> It shall be unlawful to accumulate or store combustible waste matter beneath trailers or' at any other place within an auto and trailer camp. (d) Commercial dumpsters and containers with an individual capacity of 1,.5 cubic yards or greater shall not be stored or placed within 5 fee( of combustible walls, openings or combustible roof eave lines. The above violations must be corrected by JULY 27, 1990. The department will schedule a re-inspection of your facility 'tO verify comp],iaoc~. If you have any question5 regarding this notice, please contact Ralph Huey at 326-3979. Barbara Brenner Hazardous Materials Planning Technician Business Name: Location: Bakersfield Fire l t. Hazardous Materials Inspection/ $£P ? 1989 Date Completed ,~/._,~/~' ~fi~'d ............ Plan ID # 215-000~_~'~_-~(Top right comer Business Plan) Station No. ~ Shift C., Inspector Adequate Inadequate Verification of Inventory Materials Verification of Quantities Verification of Location Proper Segregation of Material Comments: Verification of MSDS Availability Number of Employees Verification of Haz Mat Training Comments: Verification of Abatement Supplies & Procedures Comments: Emergency Procedures Posted Containers Properly Labeled Comments: Verification of Facility Diagram Special Hazards Associated with this Facility: Violations: FO 1652 (Rev. 3-89) White-Haz Mat Div. Yellow-Station Copy Pink-Business Office BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT 2130 "O" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 BUSINESS NAME OFFICIAL USE ONLY INSTRUCTIONS: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS BUSINESS PLAN AS A WHOLE FORM 2A 000545 1. To avoid further action, return this form by 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA A. BUSINESS NAME: P~Z~ 0~/0~.~ ~.~V'e,-~-' SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS In case of an emergency involving the release or threatened release of a hazardous material, call 911 and 1-800-852-7550 or 1-916-427-4341. This will notify your local fire department and the State Office of Emergency Services as required by law. EMPLOYEES TO NOTIFY IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: NAME ~kND ?ITLE ¢'-'~ DURING BUS. ~HRS. AF~3~ By~.~. B, Ph~ Ph~ SECTION 3: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS FOR BUSINESS AS A I~IOLE A. NAT. GAS/PROPANE: B. ELECTRICAL: C. WATER: 0~; D. SPECIAL: ..----.~ E. LOCK BOX: g~ NO IF YES, LOCATION: f%~f;- ~,g' gT~--f,~o IF YES, DOES IT CONTAIN SITE PLANS?FLOOR PLANS? YEsYES ~ MSDSS? YES KEYS? YES / - 2A - SECTION 4: PRIVATE RESPONSE TEA~ FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE SECTION 5: LOCAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE FOR YOUR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE SECTION 6: EMPLOYEE TRAINING EMPLOYERS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A PROGRAM WHICH PROVIDES EMPLOYEES WITH INITIAL AND REFRESHER TRAINING IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS. CIRCLE YES OR NO INITIAL REFRESHER A. METHODS FOR SAFE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS:...- .................................... YES (N~.) YES NO B. PROCEDURES FOR COORDINATING ACTIVITIES WITH RESPONSE A~ENCIES: .......................... ..~-Z'S.__~b~ YES-NO C. PROPER USE OF SAFETY EQUIPMENT: ....... · ........... ~ NO YES NO D. EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES: ................. ~ ,.~ YES NO E. DO YOU MAINTAIN EMPLOYEE TRAINING RECORDS: ....... YES~ YES NO SECTION 7: HAZARDOUS MATERIAL CIRCLE YES OR NO DOES YOUR BUSINESS HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IN QUANTITIES LESS THAN 500 POU~OF A SOLID,_55 GALLONS OF A,LIQUID, OR 200 CUBIC FEET OF A COMPRESSED GAS: ...... ~_~ NO I, ~ -~'~/~ , certlfy that the above information is accurate I understand that this information will be used to fulfill my firm s obligations under the new California Health and Safety code on Hazardous Materials (Div. 20 Chapter 6.95 Sec. 2§500 Et Al.) and that inaccurate information constitutes perjury. SIGNATURE · TITLE DATE - 2B - BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 RECEIVED JUN 1 2 1987 /~,s'd ............ BUSINESS NAME: OFFICIAL USE ONLY ID# BUSINESS PLAN SINGLE FACILITY UNIT FORM 3A INSTRUCTIONS 1. To avoid further action, this form must be returned by: 2. TYPE/PRINT YOUR ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for THE FACILITY UNIT LISTED BELOW 4. Be as BRIEF and CONCISE as possible. FACILITY UNIT# FACILITY UNIT NAME: P[~Z-~ P~)0}O ~f~'~C~ SECTION 1: MITIGATION, PREVENTION, ABATEMENT PROCEDURES SECTION 2: NOTIEICATION ~ND EVACUATION PROCEDb~ES AT THIS L~IT 0MLY - 3A - SECTION' 3: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS FOR THIS UNIT ONLY ~i~':~¢~n~;~,I "'~ A. Does this Facility Unit contain Hazardous Materials? ..... 0 ", If YES, see B. \, If NO, continue with SECTION 4. B. Are any of the hazardous materials a'bona fide Trade Secret YE If No, complete a separate hazardous materials inventory form marked: NON-TRADE SECRETS ONLY .(white form #4A-l) If Yes, complete a hazardous materials inventory form marked: TRADE SECRETS ONLY (yellow form #4A-2) in addition to the non-trade secret form. List only the trade secrets on form 4A-2. SECTION 4: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION SECTION 5: LOCATION OF WATER SUPPLY FOR USE BY EMERGENCY RESPONDERS SECTION ~: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OI~F$ AT THIS b~IT O~LY. A. NAT. GAS./PROPAN~} '.~ .. B. ELECTRICAL: C. WATER: ~ D. SPECIAL: -E. LOCK BOX: YES / NO IF YES, LOCATION: IF YES, SITE PLANS? FLOOR PLANS? YES / NO MSDSs? YES /' NO YES / NO KEYS? YES / SO BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT ' I.D. # FORM 4A-1 Page of NON--TRADE SECRETS I~IATE R I ALS ~ NVENTORY ~.. ~ ~J' be i~'~ ' FACILITY UNIT #: BUSINESS NA E: C.kK {ovO OWNS. o ADDRESS: Q~Z~,~ ~ ADDRESS: ~i ]h,~ ~ {] FACI~ITy UNIT NAME: CITY, zIP: [~U~/~al+G~,~ CITY,ZIP:~~',~ ' ! 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TYPE MAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS % BY HAZARD D.O.T ,CODE AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT . WT. CHEMICAL OR COMMON NAME ,CODE GUIDE : TITLE: C~ SIGNATURE:. y / DATE: EMERGENCY CONTACT: ~'T-~¢~OP--~i~- TITLE: Oc~a~ ~6~~-- PHO~# BUS HOURS: ~/- ~J~ '~ AFTER BUS HRS: ~$a-/dTZ EMERGENCY CONTACT: TITLE: PHONE # BUS HOURS: 'PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: AFTER BUS HRS: - 4A-1 -