HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK FILE #1ARCO 10,2002 Inspector Steve Underwood Bakersfield Fire Department ! 715 Chester Ave. 3ra Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 BP West Coast Products LLC 4 Centerpointe Drive La Palina, California 90623-1066 Mailing Address: Box 6038 Artesia, California 90702-6038 Fax Subject New Environmental Specialist Dear Insp. Underwood: Per our phone conversation today, this letter is to advise you that I will be handling any Environmental issues relating to the ARCO stations in Kern County. I have attached a list of stations that fall under my responsibility. If you need further information do not hesitate to call on me. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Michael D. Wilson Office (714) 670-5321 Cell (714) 815-2455 CONTINUED (See 2nd File) ARCO Products Company Division of Atlantic Richfield Company gAgreement Number 0001843 reement Sequence Facility Number 06218 Customer Number 5511217 AR Number [i511217 Agreement Type PMAMPM AMENDMENT TO LESSEE PMPA FRANCHISE AGREEMENT/DEALER/PREMISES LEASE OPERATION OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS CALIFORNIA This Amendment, dated ~_¢..,¥.)~1.,c~.-4~ ~,)i', 19'/' ,~, is attached to, incorporated in and made a pad of the Lessee PMPA Franchise Agreement/Dealer/Premises Lease ("PMPA Agreement"), in effect as of the date of this Amendment or, if applicable, to become effective concurrently with this Amendment, between Atlantic Richfield Company, a Delaware Corporation, through its division ARCO Product Company, ("ARCO"), and PRESTIGE STATIONS INC 535 ("Franchisee"), covering premises located at 4203 MING AVE BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA 93309 In return for good and valuable consideration, each party's receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. The parties have entered into this Amendment in accordance with legal requirements imposed on ARCO and Franchisee concerning operation of the underground storage tanks at the above-referenced location. 2. ARCO has provided Franchisee a copy of: (a) California Health and Safety Code Section 25299 or an approved summary concerning civil and criminal penalties for violating terms of any permit to operate these underground storage tanks and relevant statutory and regulatory requirements; (b) the following listed documents, a copy of which is attached and initialed by Franchisee: Monitor & Response Plan - X w/Attachments CA (1/92) 3. Where ARCO has provided Franchisee with a copy of the permit to operate the underground storage tanks, Franchisee has read and understood its responsibilities as operator under the permit and agrees to comply with each of the provisions of the permit. Irrespective of whether Franchisee has received and reviewed a copy of the underground storage tank operating permit, Franchisee hereby expres~.,~es to~ ~,.. e foil ,o.,~g: (a) ,m~--~"-~-'.tb...e. un'~erground tanks as required by law; (b) maintain all required records and make such records available to the federal, state and local government agencies and to ARCO at all reasonable times; (c) follow all reporting procedures as required by law; (d) mail, when submitted, to ARCO, at the address specified in paragraph I of the PMPA Franchise Agreement/Dealer/Premises Lease, a copy of all reports submitted to government agencies; 1 of 2 (e) follow all operating procedures specified by ARCO; (0 immediately report to ARCO all suspected or confirmed releases from the tanks and connected piping system, unusual operating conditions, release detection signals and environmental conditions suggesting a release may have occurred, and any spills and overfills that are not contained and cleaned up; (g) properly close the underground tanks as required by law; and', (h) comply with all federal, state and local legal requirements relevant to the operations of the underground tanks and all amendments to any permit to operate. 4. With respect to the operation of the underground storage tank system and monitoring equipment, Franchisee hereby acknowledges and agrees: that ARCO has provided Franchisee with training on each of the items described in the attached Monitoring and Response Plan, that Franchisee understood the content of the training, and asked any questions necessary to facilitate his understanding, that Franchisee indicated to ARCO at the time of training any subjects addressed by the training which Franchsee did not fully understand, and that Franchisee received complete training and information necessary for Franchisee to fully understand the subject of operating underground storage tanks. 5. ARCO has provided Franchisee a copy of and Franchisee agrees to maintain on the Premises the Certificate of Financial Responsibility (as required by the United States Environmental Protection Agency in Subpart H, 40 CFR, Part 280 and California Health and Safety Code, Chapter 6.7, Section 25292.2). 6. Except to the extent they conflict with, or are less rigorous than the terms of this Amendment, all of the terms and conditions of the PMPA Agreement, as previously or hereafter amended or supplemented, remain in full force. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ARCO and Franchisee have executed this Amendment. WITNESS: ARCO Products Company a division of Atlantic Richfield Company ARCO By: Manager WITNESS PRESTIGE STATIONS INC 535 Franchisee's Name By:~ PRESTIGE STATIONS INC 535 CA PARSSW 2 of 2 MONITORING AND RESPONSE PLAN- X ARCO PRODUCTS COMPANY FACILITY WITH SECONDARY CONTAINMENT OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS & PRODUCT LINES ARCO Facility Address This plan is designed to meet the monitoring and response requirements of Section 2634, Article 3, Title 23, CCR. 1. MONITORING EQUIPMENT Secondarily contained storage tanks and lines at this facility are monitored by a continuous electronic leak detection system which consists of an alarm panel, sensors and associated electronics. Liquid sensors are installed in the annular space of each double wall tank and product line piping sump. Whenever a sensor detects the presence of 'a liquid there is both a visual and audible alarm at the control panel. In addition, the continuous monitor on the product piping system will shut down the pump and activate the alarm system when a release is detected or if the continuous product piping monitoring system fails or is disconnected, the pumping system will shut down. Automatic line leak detectors are installed on the secondarily contained pressurized product piping. The line leak detector will detect a loss of pressure in the product lines and restrict the flow of product. MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE OF MONITORING EQUIPMENT The continuous electronic leak detection system including line leak detectors will be inspected according to the manufacturer's instructions by an outside contractor once during each calendar year. ROUTINE MONITORING PROC~DI, IRE On a daily basis the facility operator shall: A. Inspect the control panel for visual and audible alarm signals to confirm that the unit is operating. B. Inspect island and tank fill areas for signs of spillage or petroleum sheen. C. Record the inspection observalions on the Daily Visual Monitoring Log (Form APPC- 765: attached.) RESPONSE PLAN OPERATOR RESPONSIBILITIES A. LEAK RECORDING AND REPORTING PROCEDURE Whenever an alarm is activated, station personnel are to immediately: a. Contact ARCO Maintenance or its designated agent by using the telephone number previously provided. b. If any visible indications of petroleum products or vapors are noticed call 911. c. Make an entry in the Recordable Discharge Log (Form APPC-765-1: attached) indicating the action taken. d. Complete the Recordable Discharge log when and as the source of the alarm is known. ARCO B. RESPONSIBILITIES METHOD OF REMOVING AN UNAUTHORI7r:n R~l vA,SE FROM THE SECONDARY CONTAINMENT Any unauthorized release into the secondary containment system of a product tank will be removed by pumping. Uncontaminated product may be relurned to the tank. Contaminated product may be returned to the refinery to be recycled or may be disposed of following procedures in accordance with California Health and Safety Code requirements. In the event of an emergency, a pumping contractor or truck will be available immediately. In all other cases, equipment availability will be within 12 hours. bo Any unauthorized release in the secondary containment system of a used oil tank will be pumped and disposed of following procedures in accordance with California Health and Safety Code requirements for used oil disposal. Co ARCO Maintenance will be will be responsible for authorizing and selecting contractors for the work to be pedormed. TRAINING In addition to the training covering subjects mentioned in Sections 3 and 4 above, training needed for the operation of the tank system and monitoring equipment includes: How to: - Take tank level measurements - Read dispenser meters - Inspect equipment - Recognize warning signs: dispenser hesitations, meter spins and odors Manually close dispenser impact valve Replace dispenser filters TRAINING CONTINUED Shut down the system with and location of: ARCOmatic switch, electrical panel breakers, and emergency shut off switch Test the electronic monitor RECORDS RETENTION Written records of all monitoring, testing, and maintenance performed shall be maintained on-site or off-site at a readily available location for a period of at least 3 years. These records must be made available, upon request within 36 hours, to the local agency or the Board. 7. pARTY RESPONSIBLE FOR PERFORMING THE MONITORING Name Title 8. PARTY RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING EQUIPMENT ARCO Products Company Daily Visual Underground Storage Tank Monitoring Log ARCO facility no. Dealer/Franchisee System condition ,, Inspector Comments Day ODerational Alarm' initials 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 11 12 13 25 aO NOTE: IF ALARM CONDITION EXISTS IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY ARCO MAINTENANCE OR ITS AGENT DESIGNATED AND MAKE ENTRY ON ALARM ACTIVATION/DISCHARGE LOG APPC-765 (5-89) ARCO ~"cts Company ,lanlic RlchlleldCompany RECORDABLE DISC' ' nGE LOG DOUBLE CONTAINMENT Uh iOUND STORAGE T~,,~K SYSTEM ARCO Faclllly no. Dealer/Franchisee Dale/Time ol Discovery Reported Io Date/Time Description of condlllons Corrective acllon laken APPC.785.1 f~-flql CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE DIYISiON CHAPTER 5.? SECTION (a) Any operator of an underground tank system shah be liable for a ~vii penalty of not less than five hundred cioliare ($SO0) or more than ~e thousand dollars ($S,O00) for each underground ~toraoe tank for each day of violation for any of the following violations: ( 1 ) Operating an unclergrouncl tank ay~tem whk=n has not maen issued 8 permit. In violation of this ~..rtapter. ( 2 ) Violation of any of the applic=able requirements of the permit issued tar the operation of the unclergmund tank system, (3) Failure to maintain recon:ls, as required by this chapter. ( 4 ) Failure to report an unauthorized release, as required by Sec~tons 25294 and 25295. ( 5 ) Failure to property close an underground tank system, as required by Section 25298. (6) Violation of any applicable requirement of this chapter or any requirement of this chapter or any regulation aclopted by the I:)oard pursuant t~ Section 25299.3 (?) Failure to permit inspection or to perlorm any monitoring, testing, or reporting required pursuant to Section 25288 or 25289. Making any false statement, representation, or certlfloation in an), e,oplicatlon, re(~om, report, or other document submitted or required t~ be maintained pursuant to this chapter. (b) Any owner of an un~rgrouncl tank system shall be liable for a civil penalty of not Mss than five hundred dollars ($,600) or more than five thousand dollars (S5.000) per day for each underground storage tank, for each day of violation, for any of the following vioiations: ( 1 ) Failure to ol3tain a permit as specified by this chapter. (2) Failure to repair or upgrade an underground tank system in accordance with this chapter. ( 3 ) Abandonment or improper closure of any underground tank symem subject to this chapter. (4) (5) Knc~vtng failure to tai(e reasonable and necessary steps to assure compliance with this chapter tW the operator of an underground tank system. Violation of any applicable requirement of tho pem~lt I~uad for operation of tho underground tank ~stem. Violation of any applicable reclulremem of this chapter of any regulation ack)pied by the board pursuanl to Section 25299.3. (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (7) Failure to permtt Inspection or to perform any monitoring, testing, or reporting required pursuant to SeclJon 25268 or 26289. (8) Making any false statement, representation, or certification in any application, record, report, or omar document submitted or required to be malfl~ned pursuant to this clsapte[. Any person who Intentionally falls to notify the bom~ or the local Agency when required to do so by this chapter Or who submits false Information in Il I:mrmit application, amenciment, or renewal, pursuant to Section 25286, Is gable for e civil penalty or not more than five thousand dollars ($,5,000) for each underground Storage tank for which notification is not given or false information is submitled. Any person who faJsifles any monitoring records required by thb i=hapter, or knowingly falls to report an unamhori=ed release, shall, upon convc"tion, bo punlSll~q:l by e fine of not ~ than five thousand dollars ($6.000) or more.than ten thousand dollars ($I0,0000, by imprisonment in the county JalJ tar not to exceed one ye&", or by both thru fine and Imprisonment. In determining bolh the civil and (3rlmlnal penalties imposed pursuant to this section, the c~urt shall consider all relevant GircumstanGes, Including, but not limited to, the extent of harm or potential harm causecl by the violation, the nature of the violation and the period of time over which It occurred, the frequency' of past violations, and the corrective action, if any, taken ~ the person who hoUs the perm,. Each civil penalty or criminal fine Imposecl pursuant to this section for any separate violation shall be separate, and in addition to, any olher civil penalty or orimtnal fine imposed pursuant t~ this section or any other provision of law. and shall be paid to the treasu~ of the local agency or state, whichever is represented by the off]ce of the c~ attomey, district attorney, or Attorney GaneraJ bdnglng the action. All penalties or fines collected on behalf of the board or a regional board by the Attorney General shgJl be deposited in the State Water PolltWon Cleanup end Abatement Aocxsunt in the State Water Quality Control Fund, and are available for expenditure by the tx)aG, upon approprialion, pursuant to Seclfon 13441 of the Water Code. This sec, on shaft beoome operative on Janua,'7 1, 1991. (Added by Stats. 1968, c. 296 Section 3. operative Jan. 1, 1991. Amended by Stats. 1989, o. 11397, Sec'don 19, operative Jan. 1, 1991.) PREPARED FOR: MS. KATERI LUKA ARCO PRODUCTS COMPANY P.O. BOX 6411 ARTESIA, CALIFORNIA 90702-6411 (213) 404-5300 TANK REMOVAL REPORT ARCO SERVICE STATION #6218 4203 MING AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA . JUNE 5, 1991 PREPARED BY: GROUNDWATER TECHNOLOGY, INC. 4101 ALKEN STREET, SUITE B-1 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 (805) 589-8601 JONATHAN D. P~ REGISTERED GEOLOGIST NO. 4728 REVIEWED BY: · ::;'";..-:) .' i.,~ ,':/t ,' / ~ .. ~-;,;:,; , I ..',' ; ;_,:,,. y ~-· ./- STEPHAN A. BORK, 'PROJECT GEOLOGIST GROUNDWATER TECHNOLOGY CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION ' 1 BACKGROUND .................................... ' ................ 1 HYDROGEOLOGY ...... ' ........................................... 1 EXCAVATION AND TANK INSPECTION ............................... 2 SOIL SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS ..................................... 2 WASTE MANAGEMENT ............................................. 3 SUMMARY .................... · ................................... 3 REFERENCES ..................................................... 6 TABLE 1- TABLE 2 - TABLE 3. o TABLE 4- FIGURE 1 - FIGURE 2 - FIGURE 3 - FIGURE 4 - FIGURE 5 - FIGURE 6 - TABLES TANK INFORMATION SUMMARY ..................... · ..... 2 LABORATORY RESULTS (BENEATH TANKS) 4 LABORATORY RESULTS (BENEATH DISPENSERS AND PIPING) . 5 LABORATORY RESULTS (FROM STOCKPILES) ' 5 FIGURES LOCATION INDEX SITE MAP SITE GEOLOGY DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER GROUNDWATER GRADIENT SAMPLE LOCATIONS WITH ANALYTICAL. RESULTS APPENDIX APPENDIX A - LABORATORY REPORTS · Tank Removal Report ARCO SS #6218 June 5, 1991 GROUNDWATER TECHNOLOGY INTRODUCTION ARCO Products Company retained Groundwater Technology, Inc. to witness underground storage tank removal at service station #6218, located at 4203 Ming Avenue in Bakersfield, California (Figures 1 and 2). Soil samples were collected following tank removal to determine the presence or absence of hydrocarbons in soil beneath tanks, dispensers and associated piping. This report documents tank removal Operations and laboratory results. BACKGROUND A preliminary assessment of soil conditions was completed at the site on February 22 and March 5, 1991. The assessment consisted of drilling four borings at the locations shown in Figure 2. Soil samples were collected and field screened with a photoionization detector (PID) at 5-foot .depth increments. Two samples from each boring were submitted for laboratory analysis. Those selected included the sample from the bottom of each boring and the sample which exhibited the highest headspace analysis concentration of hydrocarbons as determined with the PID. The samples were analyzed for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) and total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHG) using EPA methods 8020 and 8015, respectively. All samples exhibited non-detectable concentrations for all compounds analyzed. HYDROGEOLOGY The site overlies alluvial fan deposits of the Kern River (Figure 3). Sediments underlying the region consist of fluvial deposits including silt, sand and gravel. Sediments encountered during drilling and excavation activities at the site consist primarily of medium- to coarse- grained sand. An unconfined aquifer is present below the site at a depth of approximately 160 feet (Figure 4). The gradient of this aquifer is generally toward the southeast (Figure 5). Shallow, perched water has not been identified in the vicinity of the site (Kern County Water Agency, 1990). Tank Removal Report ARCO SS #6218 June 5, 1991 G OUNDWATER TECHNOLOGY EXCAVATION AND TANK INSPECTION On May 15, 1991, Wegener Construction excavated soil surrounding existing underground storage tanks at the facility. Mr~ Wesley Nicks of Kern County Environmental Health Services approved removal of the tanks and witnessed soil sampling procedures. All tanks were visually inspected to determine their external condition and structural integrity. No holes Were found in any of the tanks, but rust was observed on all tanks. The tanks were transported to AMR in Ontario, California for scrapping. Tank rinsate was transported by MP Vacuum Truck Service to Gibson Oil and Refining in Bakersfield, California. Table 1 summarizes tank information details. SOIL SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS On May 15, 1991 a total of 26 soil samples were collected at the site following Kern County protocol (Figure 6). Tank pit samples were collected at depths of 2 and 6 feet beneath both ends of each tank. Soil samples were also collected from beneath the product lines and the ends of the service islands at depths of 2 and 6 feet. Ail soil samples were collected from a backhoe bucket, tightly packed into brass sampling rings, and were handled following standard chain-of-custody procedures. The brass rings were sealed with teflon sheets, plastic caps and polyethylene tape, and then placed on ice. Samples were labeled by site location and depth. For example, T1E-2' was collected from below the east end of tank 1 at a depth of 2 feet. All samples were submitted to GTEL Environmental Laboratories and analyzed for BTEX and TPHG using EPA methods 8020 and 8015. Table 1. Tank information summary. Tank# [¢apa~i,(ga~)I Product Stored ManufactUrer ]¢ompo~i~io~ T1 8,000 Supreme Unleaded Butler?. Steel T2 10,000 Unleaded Butler? Steel T3 10,000 Regular Butler? Steel Tank Removal Report ARCO SS #6218 June 5, 1991 2 GROUNDWATER TECHNOLOGY TPHG concentrations in the samples from beneath the tanks ranged from < 10 to 4,600 mg/kg. TPHG concentrations in samples collected from the beneath the dispenser islands range from 24 to 4,800 mg/kg. TPHG did not exceed method detection limits in samples collected from beneath the product lines. Laboratory results are presented in Tables 2 and 3, and in Figure 6. Complete laboratory reports and chain-of-custody documents are presented in Appendix A. WASTE MANAGEMENT Soil suspected of containing hydrocarbons was excavated adjacent to the existing dispensers to create a buffer for the installation of new piping. This soil was stockpiled on site beneath plastic tarps. Eight soil samples from the stockpile were composited into two samples for laboratory analysis (Table 4 and Appendix A). The soil was transported to .Laidlaw Environmental Services' Lokern Facility in Buttonwillow, California for disposal. SUMMARY Groundwater Technology witnessed the removal of underground storage tanks at ARCO service station #6218 in Bakersfield. Soil samples were collected following Kern County protocol and analyzed for BTEX and TPHG. The results of this investigation can be summarized as follows: * depth to groundwater in the vicinity of the site is apprOximately 160 feet; * sediments encountered at the site consist of medium- to coarse-grained sand; * TPHG concentrations in soil collected beneath the former tanks range from < 10 to 4,600 mg/kg; * TPHG concentrations in soil collected beneath the former dispensers range from 24 to 4,800 mg/kg. Tank Removal Report ARCO SS #6218 June 5, 1991 3 :!=~ ~-~ ~il GROUNDWATER ', ...... '~.. ~ ..... [! TECHNOLOGY Table 2. Laboratory results in mg/kg for soil samples collected beneath tanks on May 15, 1991. Sample # Benzene Toluene Ethyl- Total TPH as benzene ~ylenes Gasoline T1W-2' 0.85 13 5.7 100 1600 T1W-6' 1.8 9.8 8.3 310 4600 T1E-2' < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.018 < 10 T1E-6' < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.015 < 10 T2W-2' 24 230 71 460 3000 T2W-6' 4 87 33 300 2000 T2E-2' < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.029 < 10 T2E-6' < 0.005 0.055 0.062 5.7 55 T3W-2' < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.015 <10 T3W-6' < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.16 < 10 T3E-2' < 0.005 0.021 0.006 0.062 < 10 T3E-6' ~< 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.015 < 10 Tank Removal Report ARCO SS #6218 June 5, 1991 4 Table 3. Laboratory results in mg/kg for soil samples collected beneath dispenser islands and piping on May 15, 1991. Sample # Benzene Toluene Ethyl- Total TPH as benzene Xylenes Gasoline DI1-2' 0.11 5.1 3.3 37 280 DI1-6' 0.009 0.14 0.084 1.7 24 DI2-2' < 0.1 5.7 4.9 130 1900 DI2-6' < 0.005 0.42 0.61 17 '430 DI3-2' 0.30 25 26 630 4800 DI3-6' < 0.005 0.15 0.34 11 170 DI4-2' < 0.1 6.8 7.3 610 2900 DI4-6' < 0.10 7.3 6.2 230 2500 PL1-2' < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.015 < 10 PL1-6' < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.015 < 10 PL2-2' < 0.005 <0.005 < 0.005 < 0.015 < 10 PL2-6' < 0.0056 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.015 < 10 PL3-2' < 0.005 < 0.005 ' < 0.005 < 0.015 < 10 PL3-6' < 0.005 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.015 < 10 Table 4. Laboratory resu!ts in mg/kg for soil samples collected from stockpiled soil on May 15 1991. Sample # Benzene Toluene Ethyl- Total TPH as benzene Xylenes Gasoline SP-1, SP-2, 0.11 5.6 3.8 43 490 SP-3, SP-4 SP-5, SP-6, 0.13 15 10 210 2300 SP-7, SP-8 Tank Removal Report ARCO SS #6218 June 5, 1991 GROUNDWATER ~. TECHNOLOGY REFERENCES California Division of Mines and Geology, 1975, Geologic map of California, Bakersfield sheet. Kern County Water Agency, 1990, 1989 Report on water conditions - imProvement district no .4. Tank Removal Report ARCO SS #6218 June 5, 1991 __!L__]~_.!! GROUNDWATER :TECHNOLOGY FIGURES ~i_:~___!~_~! GROUNDWATER .... ~. ~L__ TECHNOLOGY -~.~1.~ ~~t;.'.'~.~-~ ~ ~~k~L~' ~'.L.~ , ~F,~ ~ ~'- "~"'lf .... , .... . .... ~,~ ~ ' ,.'. . ~ ,. s' ~ ...... '-~,~ , ~ -,.,,. ~., ~J ~ I . m ' ~ ~ " ' ~ ~ P~NZ ~R[ J~ · Ave ~~ --,-~' ~ - ,t~ ~ ~'~- , ,~ " ~ '~/- Sife ~ SITE: uos . 21 ~ ARCO SS ~6218 0607  SITE LOC: 4203 Ming Avenue Bakersfield, California NAP TYPE: Location Index SCALE: DRAWN BY, DATE, APPROVED BY, ~ DATE, MH 2/91 JDP] 2/gl  REV REVISION DATE 9Y ~/B 0 ~/4 1/~ mi[e~ Source: Hoven & Co. Inc. FIGURE 1 ,~,~[~7~ MING A VENUE Planter LEGEND N SCALE: 40' 0 20' 40' par "0225C SITE, ARCO SS #6218 / 0658 SITE LO0 Bakersfield, California .^. TY.E, Site Map DRA;VN BY, I DATE' IAPPRBYED BY' I DATE' JDP 6/91I JDP 6/91 REV REVISION DATE BY Legend Site Stream channel s~TE:ARCO SS ff6218 ~50 0607 SITE Bakersfield, Californi~ SCALE: M~P TYPE, ~' Sire Geology D~AWN BY: DATE: APPROVED BY: DATE~ 0 1 8 MH 2/gl JDP 2/91 miles Source: CDM,G Bokersfield Shee~ - .... ~ e~ L - Legend Site ~qO'~ Depth to Groundwater Ja~ ~ 215 s:~:ARCO SS ff6218 ~0 06o7 SITE LBC~ SCALE: Bakersfield, California HAP TYPE, I ' I Depth fo Groundwofer 4000 0 ~000 4000 DRAWN ~Y, 9ATE, ~APPRUVEB BY, ~ BATE, Feet MH 2/91 I JDP~ 2/91 Source: K.C,W:A. Report, 1990 ~~ ~1 J b~ ~uuu~~~ U~OOOOOO0¢ ~ ~~ __ ~uuu~~ Legend Groundwater Elevation JOB ~ 21 5 s~'ARCO SS ~621a 55o o6o7 S~TE SCALE: Bakersfield, ColifOrnid MAP TYPE: I I Groundwater Gradient 4000 0 ~000 4000 DRAWN BY: DATE: APPROVED BY, I DATE; Peet MH 2/gl JDPm 2/91 Source: K.C,W.A. Report, 1990 [FIGURE 5 MING A VENUE Planter Sidewalk .F <10 <:10 ~ <10 ~ <10~ 280 ~ DI1 DI2 I 4800 [~_o 3000 ,-.-.. ?.~-... <~1. _o . '"'~ Building, , Planter LEGEND TPH~2' .N Sample Location SCALE~ II I 40' 0 20' 40' ' pas "0225C SITE{ ARCO SS #6218 j .0658 SITE LDC~ Bokersfield, Colifornie HAP TYPE~' Semple Locefions JDP 6/91 I . JDp 6/91 REV REV ISII~N ' ])ATE ]~Y APPENDIX A LABORATORY REPORTS 13ROUNDWATER TECHNOLOGY GTEL J ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. Southwest Region 20000 / 300 Mariner Drive Torrance, CA 90503 (213) 371-1044 (800) 727-GTEL Fax (213J 371-8720 RE~IVED JUN O 5 199! Client Number: GTI78-ARCO1 Facility Number: 6218 Arco Representative: Kated Luka Work Order Number: T1-05-313 May 30, i991 Mr. Jon Parker Groundwater Technology, Inc. 4101 Alken Road, Suite B-1 Bakersfield, Ca. 93308 Dear Mr. Parker, Enclosed please find the analytical results report prepared by GTEL for samples received on 05/16/91, under task order number 6218-91-1A. GTEL is certified by the California State Department of Health Services to perform analyses for drinking water, wastewater, and hazardous waste materials according to EPA protocols. A formal quality control/quality assurance program is maintained by GTEL, which is designed to meet or exceed the EPA requirements. Analytical work for this project was performed in strict adherence to our QA/QC program to ensure sample integrity and to meet quality control criteria. If you have any question concerning this analysis or if we can be of further assistance, please call our Customer Service Representative. Sincerely, GTEL Environmental Laboratories, Inc. Rebecca Hsu-Chou,Ph.D. Laboratory Director GTEL Torrance, CA Page 1 of 8 T105313.DOC . Client Number: GTI78-ARC01 Facility Number: 6218 Arco Representative: Kateri Luka Work Order Number: T1-05-313 Table 1 ANALYTICAL RESULTS 'Aromatic Volatile Organics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline in Soil EPA Methods 5030, 8020, and Modified 8015a GTEL Sample Number 01 02 03 04 Client Identification PL3-2 PL3-6 DI1-2 DI1-6 Date Sampled 05/15/91 05/15/91 05/15/91 05/15/91 Date Extracted 05/21/91 05/21/91 05/21/91 05/21/9! Date Analyzed 05/23/91 05/23/91 05/23/91 05/23/91 Detection Limit, Analyte rog/Kg Concentration, rog/Kgb Benzene 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.11 0.009 Toluene 0.005 <0.005 0.005 5.1 0.14 Ethylbenzene 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 3.3 0.084 Xylene,.. total 0.015 <0.015 <0.015 37 1.7 BTEX, total .... 0.005 46 1.9 TPH as Gasoline 10 < 10 < 10 280 24 Detection Limit Multiplier I 1 50 1 Percent Solids, % 91.9 89.7 96.0 91.6 a. Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, SW-846, Third Edition, Revision 0, US EPA November 1986. Modification for TPH as gasoline as per California State Water Resources Control Board LUFT Manual protocols, May 1988 revi- sion. b. Concentrations calculated on wet basis. GTEL Torrance, CA T105313. DOC Page 2 of 8 GTEL ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. Client Number: GTI78-ARCO1' Facility Number: 6218 Arco Representative: Kateri Luka Work Order Number: T1-05-313 Table I (Continued) ANALYTICAL RESULTS Aromatic Volatile Organics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline in Soil EPA Methods 5030, 8020, and Modified 8015a GTEL Sample Number 05 06 07 08 Client Identification DI2-2 DI2-6 DI3-2 DI3-6 Date Sampled 05/15/91 05/15/91 05/15/91 05/15/91 Date Extracted 05/21/91 05/21/91 05/21/91 05/21/91 Date Analyzed 05/24/91 05/24/91 05/24/91 05/24/91 Detection Limit, Analyte mg/Kg Concentration, mg/Kgb Benzene 0.005 <0.1 <0.005 0.30 <0.005 Toluene 0.005 5.7 0.42 25 0.15 Ethylbenzene 0.005 4.9 0.61 26 0.34' Xylene, total 0.015 130 17 630 11 BTEX, total -- 140 18 680 11 TPH as Gasoline 10 1900 430 4800 170 Detection Limit Multiplier 20 10 100 1 Percent Solids, % 95.2 97.0 81.4 97.4 a. Test Methods for Eva uat ngSolid Waste, SW-846 Third Edition Revision 0, US EPA November 1986. Modification for TPH as gasoline as per C;a fornia State Water Resources Control Board LUFT Manual protocols, May 1988 revi- sion. b. Concentrations calculated on wet basis. GTEL Torrance, CA T105313.DOC Page 3 of 8 GTEL ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES. INC. Client Number: GTI78-ARCO1 Facility Number: 6218 Arco Representative: Kateri Luka Work Order Number: T1-05-313 Table I (Continued) ANALYTICAL RESULTS Aromatic Volatile Organics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline in Soil EPA Methods 5030, 8020, and Modified 8015a GTEL Sampl'e Number 09* 10' 11 12 Client Identification DI4-2 DI4-6 TIE-2 TIE-6 Date Sampled 05/15/91 05/15/91 05/1.5/91 05/15/91 Date Extracted 05/21/91 05/21/91 0,5/21/91 05/21/91 Date Analyzed 05/24/91 05/24/91 05/23/91 05/23/91 Detection Limit, Analyte rn.g/Kg Concentration, rog/Kgb Benzene 0.005 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.005 < 0.005 Toluene 0.005 6.8 7.3 <0.005 <0.005 Ethylbenzene 0.005 7.3 6.2 <0.005 <0.005 .... Xylene, total 0.015 610 230 0.018 <0.015 BTEX, total -- 620 240 0.018 -- TPH as Gasoline 10 2900 2500 < 10 < 10 Detection Limit Multiplier 20 20 1 1 Percent Solids, % 84.2 97.0 93.8 ~ 94.4 a. Test Methods for Eva uat ngSol d Waste, SW-846, Third Edition Revision 0 US EPA November 1986. Modification for TPH as gasoline as per (~alifornia State Water Resources Control Board LUFT Manual protocols, May 1988 revi. sion. b. Concentrations calculated on'wet basis. * Detection limit raised due to dilution. GTEL Torrance, CA T105313.DOC Page 4 of 8 GTEL ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. Client Number: GTi78-ARCO1 Facility Number: 6218 Arco Representative: Kateri Luka Work Order Number: T1-05-313 Table I (Continued) ANALYTICAL RESULTS Aromatic Volatile Organics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline in Soil EPA Methods 5030, 8020, and Modified 8015a GTEL Sample Number 13 14 15 16 Client Identification TIW-2 TIW-6 T2E-2 T2E-6 Date Sampled 05/15/91 05/15/91 05/15/91 05/15/91 Date Extracted 05/21/91 05/21/91 05/21/91 05/21../9! Date Analyzed 05/23/91 05/24/91 05/23/91 05/23/91 Detection Limit, Concentration, mg/Kgb Analyte mg/Kg Benzene 0.005 0.85 1.8 <0.005 <0.005 Toluene 0.005 13 9.8 < 0.005 0.055 Ethylbenzene 0.005 5.7 8.3 < 0.005 0.062 Xylene; total 0.015 100 310 0.029 5.7 BTEX, total -- 120 330 0.029. ] 5.8 TPH as Gasoline 10 1600 4600 < 10 55 Detection Limit Multiplier · 10 100 1 1 Percent Solids, % 95.6 91.8 90.1 93.1 a. Test Methods for Evaluatincj So id Waste, SW-846, Third Edition Revision 0, US EPA November 1986. Modification for TPH as gasoline as per (~alifornia State Water Resources Control Board LUFT Manual protocols, May 1988 revi- sion. b. Concentrations calculated on wet basis. GTEL Torrance, CA T105313.DOC Page 5 of 8 GTEL ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. Client Number: GTI78-ARCO1 Facility Number: 6218 Arco Representative: Kateri Luka Work Order Number: T1-O5-313 Table I (Continued) ANALYTICAL RESULTS Aromatic Volatile Organics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline in Soil EPA Methods 5030, 8020, and Modified 8015a GTEL Sample Number 17 18 19 20 Client Identification T2W-2 T2W-6 T3E-2 T3E-6 Date Sampled 05/15/91 05/15/91 05/15/91 05/15/91 Date Extracted 05/21/91 05/21/91 05/21/91 05/21/91 Date Analyzed 05/24/91 05/25/91 05/23/91 05/23/91 Detection Limit, Analyte mg/Kg. Concentration, mg/Kgb Benzene . 0.005 24 4.0 <0.005 <0.005 I Toluene 0.005 230 87 0.021 <0.005 - Ethylbenzene 0.005 71 33 0.006 <0.005 Xylene, total 0.015 460 300 . 0;062 <0.015 BTEX, total ~- 790 420 0.089 -- TPH as Gasoline 10 3000 2000 <10 < 10 Detection Limit Multiplier 50 50 1 1 Percent Solids; % 85.9 92.8 94.3 94.0 a. Test Methods for Evaluat ng Solid Waste, SW-846, Third Edition Revision 0, US EPA November 1986. Modification for TPH as gasoline as per California State Water Resources Control Board LUFT Manua protoco s, May 1988 revi- sion. b. Concentrations calculated on wet basis. GTEL Torrance, CA T105313.DOC Page 6 of 8 GTEL ENVIRONMENTAL LASOI~ATORIE$. INC. Client Number: GTI78-ARCO1 Facility Number: 6218 Arco Representative: Kateri Luka Work Order Number: T1-05-313 Table I (Continued) ANALYTICAL RESULTS Aromatic Volatile Organics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline in Soil EPA Methods 5030, 8020, and Modified 8015a GTEL Sample Nu.mber 2i 22 23 24 Client Identification T3W-2 T3W-6 PL2.-2 PL2-6 Date Sampled 05/15/91 05/15/91 05/15/91 05/15/91 Date Extracted 05/21/91 05/21/91 05/21/91 05/21/91. Date Analyzed 05/24/91 05/24/91 05/24/91 05/24/91 Detection Limit, Analyte mg/Kg Concentration, mg/Kgb Benzene 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 Toluene 0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 Ethylbenzene 0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 Xylene, total 0.015 <0.015 0.16 <0.015 <0.015' BTEX, total .... 0.16 -- - TPH as Gasoline 10 <10 <10 <10 <10 Detection Limit Multiplier 1 I 1 1 Percent Solids, % 95.4 92.6 92.8 84 a. Test Methods for EvaluatingSolid Waste, SW-846, Third Edition, Revision O, US EPA November 1986. Modification for TPH as gasoline as perCalifornia State Water Resources Control Board LUFT Manual protocols, May 1988 revi- sion. b. Concentrations calculated on wet basis. GTEL Torrance, CA T105313.DOC Page 7 of 8 GTEL ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES. INC. Client Number: GTI78-ARCO1 Facility Number: 6218 Arco Representative: Kateri Luka Work Order Number: T1-05-313 Table 1 (Continued) ANALYTICAL RESULTS Aromatic Volatile Organics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline in Soil EPA Methods 5030, 8020, and Modified 8015a GTEL Sample Number 25 26 Client Identification PL1-2 PL?-6 Date Sampled 05/15/91 05/15/91 Date Extracted 05/21/91 05/21/91 Date Analyzed 05/24/91 05/24/91 Detection Limit, Analyte rog/Kg Concentration, mg/Kgb Benzene 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 Toluene 0.005 <0.005 <0.005 Ethylbenzene 0.005 <0.005 <0.005 Xylene, total 0.015 <0.015 <0.015 BTEX, total ..... TPH as Gasoline 10 < 10 < 10 Detection Limit Multiplier 1 1 Percent Solids, % 89.8 96.4 a. Test Methods for.Evaluating Solid Waste, SW-846, Third Edition, Revision 0, US EPA November 1986. Modification for TPH as gasoline as per California State Water Resources Control Board LUFT Manual protocols, May 1988 revi- sion. b. Concentrations calculated on wet basis. GTEL Torrance, CA T105313. DOC Page 8 of 8 J GTEL ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. cducts. Compan -~. Cha, .of ARCO Fnvimnmentel Engineering: Pink ~opy -- Consultant ' ','Chain of Custody L~boe~lo~ n~n'e S~al QA/OC Rolhau~h~ct &'! · . L~b '7-/- ,ARCO E~v~m~re&l I~ln~,lrgl pi~ copy ,-.~Cenlu.t~l IDile Pno6ty 2 8~ein~ Da~ E4pectt~d 5 D,~ n~4 ~ta~lard 10 3uelnel~ c j ~Ch .... of I(ARCO) A~ H~I~3~' (q0nsulmnt)l~/~M {~ ~' / I(~nsultan Contr~num~' Add e~. ~ ~. *M;{hod of shipment Mat~ Pm~wation ~ S~cial detection , ' , 1 Business Day ~nd.ion ol .topic: ~ Tem.rature received: :~~ Rush ' ' ' '~ ' ' . ~pedlled Reli~ulshed by .. Dale ~ , Time, R~eNed by ', 5 Business Days ' " .... '~" '~'""'": I ,istrtbUtlon: White copy -- Laboratory; Canary copy ~ ARCO Environmental Engineering; Ptnk copyv-.- Consultenl .. ..'-' -... · . . .~C(_ _ .'od[ _ ~ Co...._JnY DlvlsionotAtlsntlcRIchfleldCompany qr Task Order No, ARCO Facility no. ~_. City (Consultant) ~ ~ v ~ ~ ~, ~ ,~ . , ~~:~ ~ I(ARCO)~ ~ ~ (Consultant) ~ -~ ~ '-~ ~ · I(Consultanl~ 7--~ ~Contract number Consultanl name ' ~ Address ~alrlx Pms~allo~ ~ '~ ~ ~ ~elhod el shlpm~l ~e ~ '~_c SOIl Water Other Ice Acid =~c .=~ Special detection P-, , I Business Day Condition of sample: ~ O ~ ~ ' Temperalure received: Rush Retin~ui~he~ by Dat~ Time Received by Expedited ; 5 Business Days Relinquished by Date Time Received by labora~o~ ~ Date ~ TI )lstribution: White copy -- Leboralory; Canary copy -- ARCO Environmental Engineering; Pink copy -- Consultant APPC-3292 (2-91) .-.. {CC .. Jdu.,.., Col..r-ny ~,, Division o! AUantlcRIchtleldCompany Task Order No. ~ ~Z/;~'- ~/ '~,RCO Facllily no. ~ ~ / ~ ICily Project manager ~-...~ , l(ARCO) ~X~ ~153~0 (Consultant)t~/O ~ -1~ O' / I(consumtan~J~ ~ Contractnumbor Matrix Prese~atlon~ ~ ~_ Method of shipment ~ ~ .-~ Soil Water Other Ice Acid m~ m~ ~ ~ Special detection  lumaround ConditiOn of sample: ~ . Temperature received: Relinquished by Date ,Time Received by Expedited ' 5 Business Days Distribution: White copy -- Laboratory; Canary copy -- ARCO Environmental Engineering; Pink Copy -- Consultanl APPC.3292 (2-91) · -,. i,.,.) . .uuu,,,... ~Oh.~,...ny ~,~ ~ - O~"'o.e,^.-n,,¢mch,,o,.Comp..y Task Order No. ~Z~/~-~ ~//- / ~ CI ..... of _'~tod. (Facility) ~ ~.'M~ ~ ~/(~/~ Project manager ~RCO engineer i/ t / J ~Telephone no, Telephone no ~ Fax no, co~u,,..,..~.~o~~~ _ ~(~"co~ ~ ~o~ ~ (Con.~,,.~,~ ~'~ ~ ~/ I(Co.u,,.(~/~-~F . , Address Contract number Matrix Prese~atlon -~ ~ '~/~~ Method of shipment ~ ~ 'i Soil Water Other Ice Acid .... .- ~ e ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~o ~ ~ ~ o ~,,~ ~l~<'~~_ ~ ~) Special Q~QC '" Remarks Lab number Turnaround time Prlodly Rush Condition of sample: ~ ~ ~ Temperalure received: ~ ~. 1 Business Day Relinquished by Date ,{line' Received by Expedited ' 5 Business Days 10 Business'Days 'y; y copy glneerlng; Pink copy -- Consultanl · ~ PPC-3292 f2-91) . GTEL ENVIRONM'ENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. Southwest Region 20000 / 300 Mariner Drive Torrance, CA 90503 (213) 371-1044 (800) 727-GTEL Fax (213) 371-8720 Rf--C iVED JUN 110 i99[ Client Number: GTI78.ARCO1 Facility Number: 6218 Aro Representative: Kateri Luka Work Order Number: T1-05-312 June 4,1991 Mr. Jon Parker Groundwater Technology, Inc. 4101 Alken Road, Suite B-1 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Dear Mr. Parker, This report replaces the original report issued on May 20,1991 due to a typographical error on page 2 sample lA. ~ Enclosed please find the analytical results report prepared by GTEL for samples received on 05/16/91, under task order number 6218-91-1A. GTEL is certified by the California State Department of Health Services to perform analyses for drinking water, wastewater, and hazardous waste materials according to EPA protocols. A formal quality control/quality assurance program is maintained by GTEL, which is designed to meet or exceed the EPA requirements. Analytical work for this project was performed in strict adherence to our QA/QC program to ensure sample integrity and to meet quality control criteria. If you have any question concerning this analysis or if we can be of further assistance, please call our Customer Service Representative. Sincerely, GTEL Environmental Laboratories, Inc. Rebecca Hsu-Chou,Ph.D. Laboratory Director GTEL Torrance, CA Page 1 of 2 T105312. DOC 1700 Flower SIreet 'Bakersfield, California 93305 Telephone (805) 861-3636 I NTERI M TO OPERATE : KEnN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT" ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION FACILITY: I OWNER: ARCO #6218 I ARCO 4203 MING AVENUE I BAKERSFIELD, CA I IDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY HEALTH OFFICER Leon MHebe~son, M.D. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard PERM[ T~280030C ISSUED : EXPI RES : NUMBER OF TANKS= 17315 STUDEBAKER ROAD CERRITOS, CA 90701 NOVEMBER 1, 1986 NOVEMBER 1, 1989 3 TANK # &~IIN YRS1 SUBSTANCE CODE 1,2 UNK MVF 3 3 UNK MVF 3 PRESSURI'ZED PIPING? YES YES NOTE: ALL INTERIM REQUIREMENTS ESTABLISHED BY AUTHORITY MUST BE MET DURING THE TERM OF NON--TRANSFERABLE * '"* POST THE PERMITTING THIS PERMIT ON PREMISES DATE PERMIT MAI!i'?'D: NOV g e '~ DATE PERMIT CHECK LIST RETURNED: AHUU ProQuc[s Company {~ Division ol~AllanticRtchfielUCompany Task Order No. ~.2.//~- G//-//G- Chain of Custody ARCO Facility no, ~/~ City name ~ ~~"~ , ,' . i(ARCO~ ~ ~ (Co,~,,n~) ~ -~ ~ ,--~ Fax ~'o. ' Consultanl name~~, ..T~ ~ ~--_ ~ ..~. ' Address ' , Contract number ~ ~ Method of shipment Matrix Presewatlon ~ .E~ ......... Special delectio'~ ~-~, I v ~ ~,~' I ' Remarks ~4.... ~y ~ ~o X -,~ ~'~'~ c'~ ................... 1 Business Day Condition of sample: ~ 0 ~ ~ Temperalure received: t ~ ~ ~ Rush ' ' ~1~ / , Time Received by Business Relinquished by Date Time Received by Expediled 5 Business Days Dislribulion: While copy -- Laboratory; Canary copy -- ARCO Environmental Engineering; Pink copy -- Consuilant ARCO Products Company {~ ~ Division of AllantlcnlchfieldCompany Task Order No. ~//(~.,~... ~/..- / ~ Chain of ~ustoay ARCO Facility no. ~ ~ /~ cilily)(Consullanl)Pr°jec' manager ~0~ P~/< e ~ Laboralo~ name Telephone no. Telephone no/~.c~ ~ ~O/ Fax no. ~f/ ~ . ~/,~ ~Z~~ ARCO engineer ~., ~ (ARCO) ~[~ ~O? ~ .(Consultant) [~ ~ /-~V i(Consul~a~/~ [--~U~_ Contract number ~ ~ Method of shipmenl Matrix Proso~alion ~ '~ ~ ~ · = '= < ~0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ Special delection ~ ~) ~ ~ Special QNQC Remarks Lab number Turnaround lime Priority Rush 1 Business Day Relinquished by Date ~lme' Received by 5 Business Days Relinquished by Date Time Ro~ by laborato~ I Date Time -- ~ ~~ ~ ~I ~ff~ '~ ~ ~ Standard10 Business Days )istribution: White copy -- Laboratory; Canary copy -- ARCO Environmental Engineering; Pink copy -- :onsullant Client Number: GTI78.ARCO1 Facility Number: 6218 Aro Representative: Kateri Luka Work Order Number: T1-05-312 Table 1 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Aromatic Volatile Or. ganics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline in Soil EPA Methods 5030, 8020, and Modified 8015a GTEL Sample Number 01 02 Client Identification SP-1-SP-2 SP-5-SP-6 SP-3-SP-4 SP-7-SP-8 Date Sampled 05/15/91 05/15/91 Date Extracted 05/16/91 05/16/91 Date Analyzed 05/16/91 05/16/91 Detection Limit, Analyte mg/Kg Concentration, mg/Kgb Benzene 0.005 0.11 · 0.13 Toluene 0.005 5.6 15 Ethylbenzene 0.005 3.8 10 Xylene, total 0.015 43 210 BTEX, total -- 53 240 TPH as Gasoline 10 490 2300 Detection Limit Multiplier 10 20 Percent Solids, % 92.8 91.9 a. Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, SW-846, Third Edition, Revision 0, US EPA November 1986. Modification for TPH as gasoline as per California State Water Resources Control Board LUFT Manual protocols, May 1988 revi- sion. b. Concentrations calculated on wet basis. GTEL Torrance, CA T105312. DOC. Page 2 of 2 GTEL ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. Facility Name ~/C2'¢O _ Permit No. TANK ~ (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM FOX'EACH TANK) FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES H.-~ 1. Tank is: [] Vaulted [-~'Jn-Vaulted [~]Double-Wall [~S~ngl~all -- 2. ~ Material [] Carbon Steel [] Stainless Steel [] Polyvinyl Chloride [] Fiberglass-Clad Steel -- 3. . 5. w a --8. Fiberglass-Re in forced Plastic Other (describe) Primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) .T. ank Secopdary Containment [] Double-Wall [] Synthetic Liner []Other (describe): [] Concrete [] Aluminum~ [] Bronze oUnknown CaBs%ti ty (Gallons) Manufacturer [] Lined Vault [] None Manufacturer: •Material Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gals.) Tank Interior Lining [']Rubber [-]Alkyd' •Epoxy []Phenolic •Glass •Clay ~[~ined' Ot~kno~-~ [-]Other (describe): Tank Corrosion Protection '--~Galvanized -'~'fI~--~ass-Clad []Pol~thYlene Wrap []Vinyl Wrapping I-]Tar or Asphalt ~K~nknown []None []Other (describe): CathOdic Protection: ONone. •Impressed Current System ~lSac'ri'ficial Anode System Describe System & Equipment: Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interce~.tion a. Tank: []Visual (vaulted tanks only) [~Groundwater Monitoring' W~ll(s) [-~Vadose Zone Monitoring ~ell(s) []U-Tube Without Liner •U-Tube with Ccmpatible Liner Directirg Flow to Monitorirg Well(s)* [] Vapor Detector* 0 LiqUid Level Sensor* 0 Conductivity Sensor* [] Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank~ [] Liquid l%~trieval & Inspection Frcm U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space []Daily GaggTng & Inventory Reconciliation []Periodic Tightne~s Testing •None ~/1~own ~]Other b. Piping: ~Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping" []Monitoring Sump with Race~y []Sealed Concrete Race~ay []Half-Cut C~mpatible Pipe Raceway []Synthetic Liner Raceway []None [] Unknown [] Other *Describe Make & Model: Tank Tightness Been Tightness ~..~ ~ [~No []Unknown ~ Tank l:lepa i r Tank ReI~ai red? [] Yes []NO Date{s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs 10. Overfill Protection []Operator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level •Tape Float Gauge •Float Vent Valves []Auto Sh__ut_.r~Off Controls · [-]Capacitance Sensor []Sealed Fill Box []None ~Unknown - [']Other: List Make & Model For Above Devices 11. Pipfng a. Underground Piping: [~es [2]No OUnknown Material Thick. p6ss (inches) Diameter Manufacturer ~Pressure [-]Suc~iOn []Gravity Approximate Length Of .Pipe b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection : E]Galvanized •Fiberglass-Clad •Impressed Current []Sacrificial Anode OU~UnknYethylene Wrap []Electrical Isolation ~Vinyl Wrap [']Tar or Asphalt own [~None []Other (describe): c. Underground Pipirg, Secondary Contairment: ~Double-Wall []Synthetic Liner System [-]None []Other (describe): Facility Name Permit- No. TANK ~ (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH TANK) FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES H.-- 1. Tank is: []Vaulted ~n-Vaulted ~]Double-Wall . 2. ~ Ma~terial ~arbon Steel [] Stainless Steel []Polyvinyl Chloride []Fiberglass-Clad Steel BFiberglass-Reinforced Plastic [] Concrete [] Alunin~ [] Bronze []Unknown Other (describe) -- 3. Primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) . 5. 4. Tank secondary Containment [] Double-Wall [] Synthetic Liner []Other (describe): []Material Tank Interior Linin~ []Rubber [-]Alkyd []Epoxy []Other (describe): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection --8. .9. Capacity (Gallons) Manufacturer [] Lined Vault [] None ~["~own Manufacturer: Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gals.) [] Phenolic []'Glass [] Clay ~h'Iined []Unkno~-~ --~Galvanized "[qFiberp~ass-Clad []PolyethYlene Wrap []'Vinyl Wrapping .[]Tar or Asphalt ]~nknown []None []Other (describe): Cathodic Protection: []None Ii]Impressed Current System []Sacrificial Anode System Describe System & EguiDment: Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interception a. Tank: []Visual (vaulted tanks only) [q Groundwater Monitoring' Well(s) [] Vadose Zone Monitoring Well(s) []U-Tube Without Liner []U-Tube with C~patible Liner Directing Flow to Monitoring Well(s)* [] Vapor Detector* [] Liquid Level Sensor* [] Conductivity Sensor* [] Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank7 ;' [] Liquid Retrieval & Inspection Frcm U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular'Space [] Daily Ga~/fng & Inventory Reconciliation [] Periodic Tightness Testing []None ~__~own ~]Other b. Piping: ~Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Pipirg []Monitoring Sump with Raceway []Sealed Concrete Raceway []Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway [] Synthetic Liner Raceway []None [] Unknown [] Other · Describe Make & Model: Tank Tightness ]:~-~-This Tan~ Been Tightness_~ted?~ [~'~es []No []Unknown Date of Last Tiqh_~ness Test '6/~,/~ Results of Test .~ Test Name., /2/F~.~ , Testing Company '~./~ Tank ~ Tank Repaired? []Yes []No ~noWn Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs 10. Overfill Protection []Operator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level []Tape Float Gauge []]Float Vent Valves []Auto Sh__u~r~Off Controls , []Capacitance Sensor []Sealed Fill Box [qNPne ].,fjnknown - []Other: List Make & Model For Above Devices 11. Piping a. be Underground Piping: [~i%s[]No []unknown Material Thick. p6ss (inches) Dianeter Manufacturer ~Pressure []Suction []Gravity Approximate Length 0f Pipe Underground Piping Corrosion Protection : []Galvanized []Fiberglass-Clad []Impressed Current []Sacrificial Anode [']U~;~.~UnknYethylene Wrap ~qElectrical Isolation []Vinyl Wrap [-]Tar or Asphalt own [~None [-]Other (describe): Underground Piping, Secondary Contairment: []Double-Wall []Synthetic Liner System []None ~l~n'~own []Other (describe): Facil ity Name /~(-(l~ . __ Permit No. TANK ~ f (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH TANK) FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES H.- 1. Tank is: [']Vaulted [~Non-Vaulted K]Double-Wall ~inglcWall 2. ~ ~lterial ~'~arbon Steel [] Stainless Steel [] Polyvinyl Chloride [] Fiberglass-Clad Steel  Fiberglass=Reinforced Plastic [] Concrete [ Alunin~n [] Bronze []Unknown Other (describe) 3. Primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) Capaqity (Gallons) Manufacturer 4. Tank Secondar~ Containment /~ > ~ ~ []Double-Wall []Synthetic Liner []Lined Vault []-]None []Other (describe): Manufacturer: [~Material Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gals.) 5. Tank Interior Lini~ [-]Rubber [-]Alkyd [~Epoxy []Phenolic []Glass []Clay [-~'~ined []t~kno,~-~ [Other (describe): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection --]~Galva~ized [~Fiberg~lass-Clad []Bsl~thYlene Wrap []Vinyl Wrappin~ .[]']Tar or Asphalt ~~ []None []Other (describe): Cathodic Protection: []None []Impressed Current System []Sacrificial Anode System Desc'rike System & Equipment: 7. Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interception a. Tank: []']Visual (vaulted tanks only) ~qGroundwater Monitorirg' Well(s) []Vadose Zon~ Monitoring Well(s) []U-Tube Without Liner [] U-Tube with Ccmpatible Liner Directirg Flow to Monitorirg Well(s)* [] Vapor Detector* [] Liquid Level Sensor~ [] Conductivity Sensor* [] Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of D~uble Wall Tank~ [] Liquid ~etrieval & Inspection Frcm U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space [] Daily Ga~3~rg & Inventory Reconciliation [] Periodic Tightness Testing ~ None ~__~own [] Other _ b. Piping: ~Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping' [] Monitoring Sump with Race~ay [] Sealed Concrete Race~ay []Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Race~ay [] Sy~thetic Liner Raceway []None [] Unknown [] Other *Describe Make & Model: -- 8. Tank ~ , · Has This Tank Been Tightness__~ted?/ ~ []No []Unknown /_~ / Date of Last Tig~t~e~ Test ~-/~/~--5 Results of Test Test Name ~ ~ --/-'-'~-~-- ' ' ~sting Ccmpany //~_.~ . 9. Tank Re_22~K Tank Repaired? [']Yes []No Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs 10. Overfill Protection ~qOperator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level []Tape Float Gauge []Float Vent Valves []Auto Sh__u~r~Off Controls. . []Capacitance Sensor []Sealed Fill Box []None [~JI]nknown []Other: List Make & Model For Above Devices a. Underground Piping: ~es []No []Unknown Material Thick. D6ss (inches) . . Diameter Manufacturer ~ressure []SuctiOn []Gravity Approximate Length of' Pipe R~ b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection : Ii]Galvanized []Fiberglass-Clad []Impressed Current [-]Sacrificial Anode ~U~yethylene Wrap []Electrical Isolation [-]Vinyl Wrap [-]Tar or Asphalt own []None []Other (describe): c. Underground Pipirg, Secondary Containment: [-UDoublc ;'.'all []Synthetic Liner Syst~n []None ~"~own []Other (describe): Kern /, . / -' Divis ~' 17001 - ld, CA 93305 Application ICATION FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDEF~ROUND [;~%ZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY ication of Facility ting Facility [-]Transfer of Ownership A. l~ergency 24-Hour Contact (name, area code, phone): Days~Z~CO~-~/_f_ h FaCiloity ~N~ness~ No. of Tanks Type f Bus'n (check): ~,asoline Station [~Othe ~lmscribe) Is Tank(s) Located on an Agricultural Farm? DYes Is Tank(s) Used Pr~m~arily f~o~/Agricultural Purposes? D-]Yes ~~ Facility Address ~2~ /-//~. Nearest Cross St. T' R ' SEC (Rural Locations Cnly) Owner /~ ~¢C) Contact Persoa ~ Address ! ~ / ~O Z'ip 9070 /Telephone 01:~ r a t o r~!~~ ~ 1 ~- Contact I:~ r son Address Zip ~f~O 7 Telephone ~f+ 9"/0 7 ' Is Fo M°di io ~ .~n ~:ti~ .~_ci~t-~ 9r{,Fly r~c_rib~ Modifications Tank(s) Store (check all that apply): Tank { Waste Product Motor Vehicle Fuel Unleaded Regular Premium Diesel Waste '~ C_~__.~_itlc~.~_ '' -c:~-~ry for r. otor v=hicie fuels) an e .... ~f--k~,~.d- ~heml~al Previously Stored (if different) facility upon receiving this completed form. perjury amfl to the best of my knowledge is Title' .~~..~ Date/~~ · .-- ' · _ Previous 0wner~ · lit J-~---~_ ___ _ accept fully all obligations of Permit No.. issued to _---._ __----__ ~- . I understand that the Permitting Authority may review'and modify--or terminate the transfer of the Permit to Operate this uudergro~d storage UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE (LEAK) / CONTAMINATION SITE REPORT ~ OWNE~PE~TOR ~ REGION~BOARD ~ REPRESENTING ~MPA~R ~ENCY NAM~ ADDRESS ~RE~ G~ ~A~ ZIP A~RESS ~RE~ C~ STA~ ,, CRO~ STREET L~AL AGENCY ~~ ~NT~T PERS~ PHONE REG~N~ BOARD PH~E (1) ~ NAME QUANTI~ LOST (~LLONS) DA~ Di~VERED ~ HOW DIS~VER~D ~ INVENTORY ~N~R~ ~ SU~URFACE MONITORING ~ NUIS~CE ~NDITIONS ~MJ ~1 / ~ DI ~ 'I /I ~ TANK~ST ~ TANK REMOVAL ~ OTHER DA~ DI~HARGE BE~N Y' M~HOD USED TO STOP DISCHARGE (CHECK ~L ~AT ~PL~ HAS DISC~RGE BEEN STOPP~ ? ~ REPAIR TANK ~ CLOSE TANK & FILL IN P~CE ~ CHANGE PR~EDURE S~RCE ~ DI~HA~E CAUSEIS) ~ TA.K~AK ~ UNK~WN ~ OVERFILL ~ RUP~R~AILURE ~ SPILL CHECK ONE ONLY ~ UND~RMIN~ ~ SOIL ONLY ~ GROUNDWATER ~ DRINKING WATER - (CHECK ONLY IF WATER WELLS HA~ AC~ALW BEEN AFFEC~D) cHEcK ONE ONLY ~ NO ACTION TA~N ~ PR~iMINA~S~A~E~MENT~RK~NSUBM~ED ~ POLL~IONC~C~RI~TION ~ LE~BEING~FIRMED ~ PR~IMINARYSI~E~MENTUNDERWAY ~ POST CLE~UP MONITORING IN PROGRE~ ~ REMED~ON P~ ~ CASE ~ED (~E~UP ~MPLE~D OR UNNECE~AR~ ~ CLE~UP UNDERWAY CHECK APPROPRIATE ACTION(S) ~ EXCAVA~&DIS~SE(ED) ~ REMOVEFREEP~DUCT(FP) ~ ENH~CEDBIODEG~OATION(I~ ~ C~SI~(CD) ~ EXCAVATE&TREAT(E~ ~ PUMP&TREATGROUNDWA~R(G~ REP~CESUPPLY(R~ ~ ~NTAINMENT BARRIER (CB) ~ ~ ACT~N REQUIRED (NA) ~ TREA~ENT AT H~P (HU) ~ VENT ~IL ~ ~ V~UUM EXT~CT ~ ~ OTHER (O~ UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE (LEAK) / CONTAMINATION SITE REPORT ~ I SIGNA~RE ~ REPRESENTING' ..~ ~NEm~E~TOR' ~ REGIO.~ BOARD I coMpAN~p'R AGENCY NAME ~f .~2)." "''"' ADDRESS ~ ~NT~T ~R'ON IP~NE FAClLI~ N~E {IF ~PLICABL~ ._,L OPE~TOR J PHONE CR~ SIREET L~AL AGENCY . A~NCY N~E mNTACT PERSON PHONE REG~N~ ~OARD PHONE NAME ~UANTI~ LOST UNKNOWN UNKN~N  HOW ~S~VERm ~ INVENTORY mNT,~ ~ SU~URFACE MO ~1~ ~ NUIS~CE CONDITIONS DA~ OI~.ARGE ~E~N M~'hOD USED TO STOP DISC~"GE (CN~CK ~L ~AT APPL~ ~ M[ ~ O~ Y[ Y~ ~ UNK~N ~ REMOVE ~N~NTS:~CLOSE TANK & RE~VE ~ REPAIR PIPING HAS D~S~RGE SEEN STOPPED ? ~ REPAIR TANK ~ CLOSE TANK & FI~ IN P~CE~ ~ CHANGE PR~E~RE OTHER ~ TANK mAK .~ UN~OWN ~ OVE~,~ ~ RUPmR~LURE ~ SPILL ~ PIPING L~K ~ OTHER ~ mRROS~N ~ UNKmWN ~ OmER CHECK ONE ONLY ~ UNDERMINED ~ 'OILONLY ~ GROUNDWATER ~ DRINKINGWATER-,OHEOKONLY'IFWATER~LLS~AO~ALLYBEENA~EO~D) CHECK ONE ONLY. ~ NOAC~ONTA~N ~ PR~IMINA~S~A~E~MENT~RK~NSUBMI~ED ~ PO~UTIONCHARAC~RI~TION ~1 ~ LE~ BEING ~NFIRMED ~ PR~IMINARY S~ ~ESSM~T UN~RWAY ~ P~T CLE~UP MONITORING IN PROGRE~ ~ REMEDIA~N P~N >~ CASE CL~ED (~UP ~MPLE~D OR UNNECE~AR~ ~ CLE~UP UNDERWAY APPROPRIATE ACTION(S) ~ EXCAVA~ & DISUSE (ED) ~ REMOVE FREE PROD~T (FP) ~ ENDED BIO DEG~OATION CHECK ~ CAP Sl~ (CD) ~ EXCAVATE & TREAT (E~ ~ PUMP & TREAT GROUNDWA~R (G~ ~ REPACK SUPPLY ~ mNTAINMENTBARRfER(CB) .~' NOACT~NREQUIRED~A) ~ TREA~EmATH~P~ ~ ~ VACUUM EXT~CT ~ ~ OTHER (0~ FIRE DEPARTMENT S. D JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" May 13, 1993 2101H STREET BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 Ms. Kateri A. Luka Arco Products Company 17315 Studebaker Road Cerritos, California 90701 CLOSURE OF 1 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE TANKS LOCATED AT 4203 MING AVENUE, IN BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. PERMIT # 6218 Dear Ms. Luka, This is to inform you that this department has reviewed the results for the assessment associated with the closure of the tanks located at the above stated address. Based upon laboratory data submitted, this office is satisfied with the assessment performed and requires no further action at this time. This letter does not relieve you of any liability for past, present, or future operations. In addition, any future changes in site use may require further assessment or mitigation. It is the property owners responsibility to notify this department of any changes in site usage. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (805)-326-3797. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator Underground Tank Program REH/dlm GROUNDWATER TECHNOLOGY, INC. 4101Alken Street, Suite B-l, Bakersfield, CA 93308 (805) 589-8601 June 9,1992 Mr. Joe A. Dunwoody Hazardous Material Specialist Underground Tank Program City of Bakersfield Fire Department 2101 H Street Bakersfield, California 93301 Fax: (805) 589-8605 RECEIVED H~Z~ ~,T. DiV. RE: Transmittal, Site Map Showing Proposed Boring Locations, ARCO Facility No. 6218, 4203 Ming Avenue, Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Dunwoody: Enclosed is the site map you requested in recent correspondence. This map replaces the incorrect map which apparently was inadvertently placed in your copy of the most recent work plan outlining proposed assessment at the subject site. I am sorry for any inconvenience this oversight may have caused. I will contact you in the near future regarding scheduling of field work for the assessment. If you have any questions, please contact me or Jon Parker at 589-8601. Sincerely, INC. enclosure Offices throughout the U.S., Canada and Overseas CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT S. D. JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF February 7, 1992 2101 H STREET BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 ARCO Products company P. O. Box 6411 Artesia, California 90702-6411 Attn: Kateri A. Luka Re: Site characterization report for ARCO Station No.6218 4203 Ming Avenue, BakerSfield, California. Dear Ms. Luka, This office has reviewed the site characterization report for the facility located at the above stated address. The report is rejected at this time for failure to adequately define the extent and volume of the contamination plume. Arco Products is hereby notified that additional assessment is. required by. this office. Please' respond with your intentions regarding this matter within twenty (20) days from receipt of this letter so that this office can proceed with the necessary actions. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (805)-326-3797. Hazardous Material Specialist Underground Tank Program 1700 Flower Slree! :Bakerslietd, Calilornia 93305-4198 Telephone (805) 661-3621 K~:.N COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTME! AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT December 31, 1987 LEON M HEBERTSON, M.D. Director of Public Health Air Pollution Contro~ Officer Dick Perez Arco Petroleum Procucts Company 17215 Studebaker Cerritos, California 90701 Dear. Mr. Perez: This is to advise you that this department has reviewed the project results for the fuel seepage investigation conducted at the Arco AM-PM Mini Mart, located at 4203 Ming Avenue, in Bakersfield, California. Based upon tile findings described in the report, this departmeut is satisfied that the assessment is complete and no signtflciant soil contamination resulting from fuel tank leakage exists at tile site. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, e Canas Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program JO~fib STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE FOR UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK INSTALLATION FORM C COMPLETE A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH TANK SYSTEM I. SITE LOCATION FACILITY #6218 STREET 4203 MING AVE. CITY ~Am~RS~I~.L]~ COUNTY II. INSTALLATION (mark all that apply): [] The installer has been certified by the tank and piping manufacturers. [] The installation has been inspected and certified by a registered professional engineer. [] The installation has been inspected and approved by the implementing agency. [] All work listed on the manufacturer's installation checklist has been completed, [] The installation Contractor has been certified or licensed by the Contractors State License Board. Another method was used as allowed by the implementing agency. (Please specify.) III. OATH I certify that the inform/aljion provided is true to the best of my belief and knowledge. / /1 Tank Owner/Agent ARCO {~/{1[~j~'~t~ b J~Li ~'~ Date Print Name CYNTHIA KEPtLART Phone (310)407-,2606 Address 17315 STUDEBAI{ER RD,, CERRITOS, CA 90701-1488 LOCALAGENCYUSEONLY STATE TANKI.D.# FORM C (7/91) COUNTY Ct JURISDICTION Ct FACILITY # TANK ct RgGULAR THIS FORM MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY PERMIT APPLICATI6'N FO~ A'&' ~ uNLEss THEY HAVE BEEN~IL~D P~i0~SLY FOR0035C7 STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE FOR UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK INSTALLATION FORM C COMPLETE A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH TANK SYSTEM I. SITE LOCATION FACILITY #6218 STREET 4203 MING AVE. CITY BAKERSFIELD COUNTY KERN II. INSTALLATION (mark all that apply): [] The installer has been certified by the tank and piping manufacturers. [] The installation has been inspected and certified by a registered professional engineer. The installation has been inspected and approved by the implementing agency. [] All work listed on the manufacturer's installation checklist has been completed. The installation Contractor has been certified or licensed by the Contractors State License Board. [] Another method was used as allowed by the implementing agency. (Please specify.) the inforrXf~tion provided is true to the best of my belief and knowledge. / _ // III. OATH I certify that , Tank Owner/Agent ARCO /'!/[,.,"~, ~'~,'{,~' ]-~'J~t~L./'~ Date ~/~',~/¢ ~ - I .... ! Print Name CYNTHIA I~?~.T Phone (310)407-2606 Address 17315 STUDEBAKER RD., CERRITOS., CA 90701-.1488 LOCALAGENCYUSEONLY STATE COUNTY # JURISDICTION # FACILITY # TANK # / SUPER U~E~EE FORM C (7/91) THIS FORM MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY PERMIT APPLICATION FORMS A & B UNLESS THEY HAVE BEEN FILED PREVIOUSLY FOR0035C7 STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE FOR UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK INSTALLATION FORM C COMPLETE A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH TANK SYSTEM I. SITE LOCATION FACILITY #6218 STREET 4203 MING AVE. CITY BAEERSFIELD COUNTY KE~'q II. INSTALLATION (mark all that apply): [] The installer has been certified by the tank and piping manufacturers. [] The installation has been inspected and certified by a registered professional engineer. [] The installation has been inspected and approved by the implementing agency. [] All work listed on the manufacturer's installation checklist has been completed. [] The installation Contractor has been certified or licensed by the Contractors State License Board. [] Another method was used as allowed by the implementing agency. (Please specify.) III. OATH I certify that the inforn~tion provided is true to the best of my belief and knowledge./ Print Name CYNTHIA KE?HART Phone {310 )~0Y-2606 Address 17315 STUDEBAKER RD,~ CERRITOS~ CA 90701-1488 LOCALAGENCYUSEONLY STATE COUNTY # JURISDICTION # FACILITY # TANK # TANK I.D.# ~ ~ 3 / I I I I ' REGUL~ FORM C (7/91) THIS FORM MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY PERMIT APPLICATION FORMS A & B UNLESS THEY HAVE BEEN FILED PREVIOUSLY FORO035C7 STATE OF CALiFORNiA STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE FOR UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK INSTALLATION FORM C COMPLETE A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH TANK SYSTEM I. SITE LOCATION FACILITY #6218 STREET 4203 MING AVE. CITY BAKERSFIELD COUNTY KEm~ I1. INSTALLATION (mark all that apply): [] The installer has been certified by the tank and piping manufacturers. The installation has been inspected and certified by a registered professional engineer. [] The installation has been inspected and approved by the implementing agency. All work listed on the manufacturer's installation checklist has been completed. [] The installation Contractor has been certified or licensed by the Contractors State License Board. [] Another method was used as allowed by the implementing agency. (Please specify.) III. OATH J certify that the inform~on provided is true ti~~and knowledge./ / Tank Owner/Agent AEC O ~'U~I ~" Date O~-~(~ Print Name CYNTHIA KEPH_A~T Phone (310) 407-2606 Address 17315 STUDEBAKER RD,~ CERRITOS, CA 90701-1488 LOCALAGENCYUSE ONLY STATE TANKI.D.# COUNTY # JURISDICTION # FACILITY # TANK # ~IIT .A~ THIS FO~ ~UST BE AOOO~PANIED BY PE~IT APPLICATION FOB~ A & B UNLESS THEY HAVE BEEN FILED P~EVIOUSLY FORM C (7/91) FORO0356 CITY HAZARDOUS of BAKER SFIELD "WE CARE" MATERIALS DIVISION FIRE DEPARTMENT S. D JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF BUSINESS ADDRESS: PROJECT TIME CHARGED 2101H STREET BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 DATE: NAME: TIME CHGD: .3. COMMENTS: MEMORANDUM "WE CARE" TO: FROM: SUBJECT: February 24, 1992 ! Valerie Pendergrass Joe A. Dunwoody/ Billing for assessment overs.tght of the ~rco /~d~I-PM, station #6218, Project. The preliminary assessment phase of the soil contamination located on the ARCO property (AM-PM station No. 6218) located at 4203 Ming Avenue is now complete. A total of twelve(12) hours, at a rate of $45.00 per hour, were spent on this project. The total amount is listed below. Please enter the amount on the computer, note the date on the memo and file when completed. 12 hrs. * $45.00/hr. = $540.00 ~&.O cc: Ralph E. Huey ~~~ ~ h~.A.Bakersfield Fire Dept.~ ,~~  . RDOUS MATER!.ALS DIVISION '~/ · 2130 G Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 ~ ' ~ (805) 326 3970 _ ,~ UNDERGROUND T~T~ONNAIRE RECENED ADDRESS BOX TO INDICAlt ~I'~ORPORATION TYPE OF BUSINESS GASSTA.O. O20'--UTOR I'"C°u'PERM" O0 BO EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON (PRIMAR~ DAYS: NAME (LAST, FIRST) PHONE No. WITH AREA CODE NIGHTS: NAME (LAST, FIRST) PHONE No. WITH AREA CODE EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON (SECONDARY~ optional NAME (LAST, FIRST) PHONE No. WITH AREA CODE NIGH~: NAME (~ST. FI~D PHONE ~. WITH AR~ CODE II. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION (MUST BE COMPLETED) NAME MAILING OR STRE~ ADDRESS CIW NAME III. CARE OF ADDRESS INFORMATION ~ c~r~ C, ~ sox ~rl~. Q ~NO~WOOA~ TO INOICA~ Q PARTNERSHIP STATE t ~PCODE I ~ qo~o( IANKOWNEE INFOEMAIION (MUST BE COMPLETED) C~ LOCAL AGENCY [~ STATE AGENCY C~ COUNTY,AGENCY C~ FEDERAL AGENCY PHONE No. WITH AREA CODE NAME A~co ~ro ~+~ MAILING OR STREET ADDRESS CI~ NAME CARE OF ADDRESS INFORMATION / BOX ~ Q INDIVIDUAL Q LOCAL AGENCY Q STA~ AGENCY TO INDICAE ~ PARTNERSHIP ~ COUNW AGENCY ~ FEDE~L AGENCY STATE ZIP CODE I PHONE ~. WITH AR~ CODE CA qo]o ~ C~l~) ~o~-~3oo OWNER'S TANK No. DATE INSTALLED ~/~/~ / 61~/~ ~/, ~ TANK SIZE lO,o~ DO YOU HAVE FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY? (~/N TYPE PRODUCT STORED IN SERVICE ~/N ~/N ~)/N YIN YiN Fill one segment out for each tank, unless all tanks and piping are constructed of t~same materials, style and~pe, then only fill one segment out. ~lease identify tanks by off~er ID #. I. TANK DESCRIPTION COMPLETE ALL ITEMS - SPECIFY IF UNKNOWN IA. OWNER'S TANK I.D., C. DATE INSTALLED (MO/DAY/YEAR) III. TANK CONSTRUCTION B. MANUFACTURED BY: 6/ [c:~ ~,~ I O. TANK CN3AClTY IN GALLONS: MARK ONE ITEM ONLY IN 1~3XES A. B, AND C. AND ALL THAT APPLIES IN 8OX D A. TYPE OF ~ 1 DOUBLE WALL SYSTEM [] 2 SINGLE WALL [] 3 SINGLE WALL WITH EXTERIOR LINER [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 4 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (VAULTED TANI0 [] 99 OTHER a. TANK [] 1 BARE STEEL [] 2 STAINLESS STEEL [] 3 FIBERGLASS MATERIAL [] 5 CONCRETE [] 6 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE [] 7 ALUMINUM (Primary Tank) [] 9 BRONZE [] 10 GALVANIZED STEEL [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 4 STEEL CLAD WI FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC [] 8 100% METHANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP ] 99 OTHER [] I RUBBER LINED [] 2 ALKYD LINING [] 3 EPOXY LINING [] 4 PHENOLIC LINING C, INTERIOR UNING '~ 5 GLASS LINING [] 6 UNLINED [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER IS UNING MATERIAL COMPATIBLE WITH 100% METHANOL ? YES ~ NO__ O. CORROSION [] 1 POLYETHYLENE WRAP [] 2 COATING [] 3 VINYL WRAP PROTECTION [] 5 CATHODIC PROTECTION [] 91 NONE [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 4 FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC [] 99 OTHER IV. PIPING INFORMATION C,RCLE A IFABOVEGROUNDOR U IFUNOERGROUND, BOTH IF APPLICABLE A. SYSTEM TYPE A u 1 SUCTION A ~ 2 PRESSURE A IJ 3 GRAVITY A U 99 OTHER B. CONSTRUCTION A tJ 1 SINGLE WALL A~ 2 DOUBLE WALL J~ U 3 LINED TRENCH ALI 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER C. MATERIAL AND CORROSION PROTECTION D. LEAK DETECTION V. TANK LEAK DETECTION A U 1 BARESTEEL A [I 2 STAINLESS STEEL .~ U 3 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE(PVC)A ~)4 FIBERGLASS PIPE A U 5 ALUMINUM A U 6 CONCRETE A U 7 STEEL Wl COATING A U 8 100% METHANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP A IJ 9 GALVANIZED STEEL A U 10 CATHODIC PROTECTION A U 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER [] 1 AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR [] 2 LINE TIGHTNESS TESTING ,,~ 3 INTERSTrriAL MONffORING [] 99 OTHER [] 1 VISUAL CHECK [] 2 INVENTORY RECONCILIATION [] 3 VAPOR MONITORING [] 4 AUTOMATIC TANK GAUGING [] 5 GROUND WATER MONITORING ~ 6 TANK TESTING J~ 7 ,NTERSTITIALMONITORING [] 91 NONE [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER I. TANK DESCRIPTION COMPLETE ALL ITEMS - SPECIFY IF UNKNOWN A. OWNER'S TANK I. D. # B. MANUFACTURED BY: C. DATE INSTALLED (MO/DAY/YEAR) D. TANK CAPACITY IN GALLONS: III. TANK cONSTRUCTION MARK ONE ITEM ONLY IN BOXES A. B. ANDC. ANDALLTHATAPPLIESINBOXD A. TYPEOF [] 1 DOUBLE WALL ~ 2 SINGLE WALL SYSTEM ~ ] 3 SINGLE WALL WITH EXTERIOR LINER ] 4 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (VAULTED TANK) ] 95 UNKNOWN ] 99 OTHER B. TANK ~ , BARE STEEL MATERIAL [] 5 CONCRETE (PrimaryTank) [] g BRONZE [] 2 STAINLESS STEEL [] 3 FIBERGLASS [] 6 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE [] 7 'ALUMINUM [] 10 GALVANIZED STEEL [] 95 UNKNOWN ] 4 STEEL CLAD WI FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC ] 8 100% METHANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP [] 99 OTHER ~ 1 RUBBER LINED ~ 2 ALKYD LINING [] 3 EPOXY LINING F-] 4 PHENOLIC LINING C. INTERIOR LINING [] 5 GLASS LINING [] S UNLINED [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER tS LINING MATERIAL COMPATIBLE WITH 100% METHANOL ? YES__ NO__ D. CORROSION ~ 1 POLYETHYLENE WRAP [] 2 COATING PROTECTION [] 5 CATHODIC PROTECTION [] 91 NONE ] 3 VINYL WRAP ]g5 UNKNOWN ] 4 FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC [] 99 OTHER IV. PIPING INFORMATION C~RCLE A IFASOVEGROUNDOR U IFUNDERGROUNO, BOTH IF APPLICABLE A. SYSTEM TYPE A U 1 SUCTION A U 2 PRESSURE A U 3 GRAVITY A IJ gg OTHER B. CONSTRUCTION A U 1 SINGLE WALL A U 2 DOUBLE WALL A U 3 LINED TRENCH A U 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER C. MATERIAL AND CORROSION PROTECTION D. LEAK DETECTION V. TANK LEAK DETECTION A U ~ BARE STEEL A U 2 STAINLESS STEEL A U 3 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC)A U 4 FIBERGLASS PIPE A U 5 ALUMINUM A U 6 CONCRETE A U 7 STEEL Wl COATING A U 8 100"/o METHANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP A U 9 GALVANIZED STEEL A U 10 CATHODIC PROTECTION A U 95 UNKNOWN A U gg OTHER [] 1 AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR [] 2 LINE TIGHTNESS TESTING [] 3 INTERSTITIAL MONITORING [] gg OTHER VISUAL CHECK TANK TESTING' INVENTORY RECONCILIATION !-~ 3 VAPOR MONITORING [] 4 AUTOMATIC TANK GAUGING [] 5 GROUNDWATER MONITORING JNTERSTITIALMONITORING !--'-'~ 91 NONE ~ 95 UNKNOWN ~ ~ , gg OTHER CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL 1U/:SPOlVSIBIL1TY The Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO) hereby certes that it is in compliance with the requirement~ of'Subpart H of 40 CFR Part 280. The fin*ncial assurance mecb*,.;sm used to demonstrat~ financial respon~bility under Subpart H of 40 CFR Part 280 is u ~ollows: Meclmn/~m: Financial t~t of ~lf.~ce, Alternative Coverage: · Effective date: J~num-y 24,1989 sudden accidental releases and nomm3d~n m=icbntal releases ARCO.62~ ' dams recision nstrument ti®n, Ce. 12410 BENEDICT · DOWNEY, CALIFORNIA 90242. [2'~ 3] 803-1497. Gentlemen: Adams Precision Instrumentation Company proposes the following service to improve your instrument related needs: CONTRACT INSTRUMENT PERSONNEL Available at your request for routine maintenance, installation, periodic service and/or 24 hours call out. e MAJOR INSTRUMENTATION & ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION Fixed bid proposals on any in-house project and/or new installations· e TRS-76 .Ta.nk~and line leak prevention and detection equipment. CONTROL VALVE REPAIR Complete in-house machining capabilities, bench settings, calibration and set up. INSTRUMENT REPAIR Complete repair facility to meet any of your repair needs. INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING Will aid in any facet of systems development. CONTROL CONSOLE Fabrication and installation. e GAUGE REPAIR Will repair any gauge, any quantity to new standards. Upon request, our calibrations services can be traced to the National Bureau of Standards. dams recision nstrumentation, 'Co. 12410 BENEDICT * DOWNEY, CALIFORNIA 90242 [213] 803-1497 Page 2 of 2 The following, rates are negotiable whenever040 hours per week per technician are involved. A) Instrument Technician ...... $34.00/hour B) Holidays and Premium Time . . i i0~.. $47.00/hour~ C) For offshore work please add $ . r hour per man to cover added insurance requirements. D) Gauge Repair ....... $15.00 per gauge plus parts not to exceed 60% of new cost. E) Call outs have four hour minimum charge, plus mileage at 35 per mile, portal to portal Downey or Bakersfield office. F)All materials purchased will be invoiced at our cost plus 26%. API will provide the utmost service with the least amount of cost to our customers. Sincerely, Matthew Thomas Vice President, A.P.I. MT/vb Gentlemen: dams recision nstrumentation, Co. '12410 BENEDICT * DOWNEY, CALIFORNIA 90242 [213] 803-1497 Adams Precision Instrumentation Co., Inc. is pleased to present the following proposal for your needs in r~gards to tank and product line prevention and hydrocarbon vapor detection. After consider-able review of the various methods available, A.P.I. has found that using your existing leak regulator and adding a Second monitoring device will provide a higher level of safety and reliability for underground piping. This combination is also the most cost effective system and provides total shutdown of delivery- system. The second monitoring device has the ability to monitor for leaks occurring in the secondary containment area of your storage tanks. Well Monitoring for Hydrocarbon and Vapor Detection. The TRS-76 Monitoring System can be easily configured to meet any requirements needed to meet differing local and state codes for underground storage. For instance your particular installation or local code may require the use of line leak prevention of process lines, dry well vapor monitoring, and tank anulus monitoring. They may want to differentiate between water and product in a vault or liner system. If your installation has three tanks and submersible pumps, our Model ~TRS-76-3-3A-1 could provide this ne.cessarymonitoring. ~-/--/--Three line leak sensors ' · · ~/~Three tank leak sensors with product/water differentation . .One dry well vapor monitor Within the three levels of monitoring, our system can provide the following five options: 1) ~Product line leak prevention and detection. 2) Tank anulus leak detection -liquid only - or product/water differentation. 3) Vapor monitoring for well or tank anulus. 4) Liquid/vapor_monitoring for well or tank anulus. 5) Product/water/vapor monitoring for well or tank anulus. Please refer to our product narrative for more precise information regarding the full operation of the TRS-76. Assigning Model Numbers: TRS-76- (1) - (2) - (3) 1 st dash number denotes how many product line leak sensors are req6ired. 2 nd dash number denotes .how many tanks are to be monitored. 3 rd dash number denotes how many vapor sensors are to be used. Product Pricing: Model ~TRS-76-1-0-0 A) Consisting of: One Line Leak Sensor and Control Logic Shutdown Module with field expandable capability to TRS 76-4-6-3..~ Base Price: $2,500.00' B) C) D) Extra Line Leak Sensor and Shutdown Module $550.00/Unit Containment Tank Leak Sensor and Alarm Hydrocarbon Vapor Detector 1st Sensor & Module Extra Sensors $400.00/Tank $1,700.00 $500.00/each Model %TRS-76-0-1-0 Consisting of one Tank Leak Sensor and Alarm Module. Base Price: $1,200.00 Expandable to TRS-76-0-12A-0 Extra Tank Leak Sensors and Alarm $400.00/Tank Product/Water Differention (i. e. gasol ine/water) Add $1 0 0.0 O/Tank Sensor Model %TRS-76-0-0-1 Consisting of one Hydrocarbon Vapor Detectors and Alarm Module Base Price: $2,000.00 Expandable to TRS-76-0-0A-9 Extra Vapor Sensors $500.00 The TRS-76 can be easily configured to meet yoUr needs for larger or special applications. Our system can easily be interfaced with remote computer terminals with minimal cost. In closing A.P.I. truly feels that keeping the system to a level of easy operator interface is the key for a safe and problem free detection system. We believe that this system offers that and also provides the best all around system available on the market today. Should there be any further questions on the different systems available, please feel free to contact us. dams recision nstrumentation, Co. 12410 BENEDICT · DOWNEY, CALIFORNIA 90242 [213] 803-1497 MODEL ~TRS~76 LINE AND TANK LEAK PREVENTION & VAPOR DETECTION MONITOR Introduction The TRS-76 Leak .Prevention and Vapor Sensing Module provides the necessary monitoring for leaks occurring in product lines and in secondary containment tanks. The system can monitor as many lines, tanks, and wells .as needed and display status of such on one TRS-76 Module. This module can be located easily in existing station~ house. Nominal TRS-76 Module size is 20" (h) x 20" (w) x 10" (d). Within the TRS-76 there are three levels of control logic. Product Line Leak Sensing Module and Pump Shutdown Systems. I) This level monitors product lines and provides total shutdown should leakage occur. When a leak is sensed and/or a drop of line pressure below normal operating conditions, the TRS-76 . will provide an alarm (via flashing lamp ' module and audible alarm) and simultaneously shutdown product pump so as not to allow any more leakage to occur. Our system also compensates for thermal contraction. Secondary Containment Tank Leak Sensing I) This level monitors the area of tankage to contain spillage. Should a leak occur it will be contained in the outer shell and at this time the TRS-76 will alarm (via flashing lamp module and audible alarm) showing which tank has a leak. The TRS-76 also provides an alarm should the outer shell leak and allow ground water into the tank. 1 dams recision nstrumentation, Co. 12410 BENEDICT · DOWNEY, CALIFORNIA 90242 [213] 803-1497 Hydrocarbon Well Vapor Monitoring II) This level monitors for hydrocarbon vapors below ground or above. System is calibrated to on-site normal background characteristics. Any appreciable gain of vapor will cause an alarm (via flashing lamp module and audible alarm). General Description Level 1 - Product Line Leak Sensing and Pump Shutdown I) II) At this time A.P.I. would like to point out that our system can work in conjunction with existing leak regulators. The TRS-76 monitors the status of the leak regulator and also status of product line conditions via the leak sensing switch. Should either the leak regulator .sense a leak and/or low pressure conditions occur, the TRS-76 will provide alarm and shutdown. This gives double redundancy and provides high integrity to assure notification when leakage occurs. Each unit is working separately of each other, 'thus providing a greater level of~security. To fully .understand the TRS-76, a general knowledge of your leak regulator is required, Please contact your supplier for the technical data sheets regarding your unit. III) Level I Principle of Operation TRS-76 Module monitors for leakage during operation of the submersible pump and while the system is not in.use. In other words the system is constantly monitoring. dams recision nstrumentation, Co. 12410 BENEDICT · DOWNEY, CALIFORNIA 90242 (213) 803-1497 In normal operating conditions the nominal pressure in the product line with the pump in the off position is'~anywhere between 16 to 28 PSI. Should a leak occur between 'the submersible' pump and' the dispenser, this pressure will drop dramatically. As pointed out in~ Red Jackets Engineering Report 5168-8/80, Secion V -- no more than~ one to three.ounces of product drained from the line will reduce line pressure to zero. The TRS-76 Module monitors all piping below ground and above.ground all the way up to the solenoid valve in the dispenser. This low pressure condition can only occur by one of three things. First, a leak is present, Second, faulty check valve, relief valve and/or solenoid valve. The TRS-76 will differentiate between these conditions. If there is a leak present, the appropriate lamp module will flash and the audible horn will sound 3 to 6 seconds after turbine is activated. An operator will then have to turn off dispenser. This will silence the hor~, and lamp module will flash and automatically reset in one minute.~ To determine the problem, the station operator activates the pump at the dispenser. The operator does not have to dispense any product, just activation of pump is required. He can then reset the TRS-76 key switch. If lamp module clears 'and does not alarm, a faulty check valve, relief valve or solenoid valve condition is present. If when the pump was reset an alarm re-appeared or stayed on -- a leak is present. At this time the TRS-76 will again shutdown the sukmersible pump within 3 to 6 seconds after unit was activated. During this ~3~ second time period the leak regulator has only allowed a maximum rate of 3 GPM of product into delivery line. This means that approximately .15- .gallons of product was delivered into the product line before the TRS-76 Module shutdown the pump. In either condition (leak or valve problem) the operator should notify the proper authorities and report the problem. The third case of pressure fluctuation is caused by thermal contraction and/or expansion. This is only noticable after an extended period inactivity. The TRS-76 compensates for this p~enomenon via differental time delay curcuit. dams recision nstrumentation, Co. 12410 BENEDICT · DOWNEY, CALIFORNIA 90242 (213) 803-1z~97 The TRS-76 will pr.ovide an alarm and shutdown with a leak rate of .05 gallons per hours. A leak rate 'of .0.5 gallons per hour from a line fully pressurized @ 28 PSI will take approximately 15 minutes to.depressurize. This will activate the TRS-76 Control Module. This time differential is necessary due to the similarity of this minimal leakage to thermal contraction. However, if a larger leak occurs the a~la~m will sound immediately upon the next demand for start-up of the .turbine. Level II Leak Sensing and Alarm for Secondary Containment Tank i) The TRS-76 Module monitors each tank separately. Should there be a leak either in the inner shell (product side) or outer shell (ground water) an alarm will occur. This will be displayed on the TRS-76 Module via flashing lamp module notifying which tank has a leak. Operator will depress the acknowledge button. ~This will silence the audible alarm and steady lamp module. Lamp will remain in the on position until liquid is removed from contaminated tank. II) Principle of Operation -- The Tank Leaking Sensing Module is composed of a resistive probe and mechanical float 'sensing unit. The sensing unit itself will detect level as low as 1/2" to 3/4" in the bottom of the containment tank. Product/water differintation can be provided~ Please request this capability with your order. Level III Hydrocarbon Vapor Sensing I) The TRS-76 combustible gas analyzer is 'suitable for safety monitoring of hydrocarbons in controlled atmospheres and process streams. The flexible configuration of the control unit and probes provide for convenient usage. II) The combustible gas analyzer utilizes the latest in~ .technology and integrated circuitry. The system can provide sensing capabilities of up to nine probes. 4 %dams recision nstrumentation, Co. 12410 BENEDICT · DOWNEY, CALIFORNIA 90242 [213] 803-1497 Installation Please refer to Blue Line Drawings supplied with each unit. Commissioning Units Due to the critical nature of this application, A.P.I. requests that a qualified representative be there for final inspection of wiring and start-up of unit. Please refer to A.P.I. Standard Rate Sheet for billing purposes. Annual Calibration and Certification A.'P.I. suggests that a yearly calibration and test be performed on each unit. This will assure that system integrity is high and provide years of reliable service. Guarantee A.P.I. guarantees 100% all of our equipment up to one year from shipping date. With semi-annual calibration and certifications by A.P.I. personnel, extended warranties of up to 5 years are avaliable. 5 36284 No. TANI DISPOSAL FORM 2202 South Milliken Avenue Date:_-. OntariO, CA 91761 Job # (714) 988-8000 RD.# DESTINATION: A.M:R. 220~ S. ~illiken Ave., 8ntario, CA 91761 - ~ECiAL INSTRUCTIONS: · .-, - TIME O~ ~ Extensive ~ading Time 1~.~ F* S* TOTAL CHARGES $ ~ ~ · All fees incurred are per load unless specified. Terms are net 30 days from date of invOice. ~0 Contractor's signature represents acceptance of terms for payment, and confirms that t~nk NO. OF TANKS TOTAL NET TONS CONTRACTOR'S SIGNAfURE *F -- FIBERGLASS ~STEEL 10~ CERTIFICATE OF TANK DISPOSAL I DESTRUCTION THIS IS TO CERTIF,~,,3THE RECEIPT AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE TANK(S) AS SPECIFIED ABOVE. ALL MATERIALS SPECIFIED ,.,~/ J;~VE BEEN COMPLETELY DESTROYED FOR SCRAP PURPOSES ONLY. AUTHORIZED RE~ DATE COI~'RA~'rOR CO~ 2'700 "'¢" ~ ,u 3' ·, SAKE~SF; (805)861--.°635 nAIAROOUo ~;IRCT^Mn= STORAGE UNOERGROUND .... * INSPECTZON REPORT :* 9230 FAC; L i T"f PRIMARY CONTAINMENT MONITORING: a. intercs~ing an directing system .n-~an~ Level Srcundwa~er Vadose,Z~ne a, timer c. Vault .............. ,..; ....... FAO;LZTY ,!' -~ KERN ¢ O U l'4IY ~..E.,$Ou RC; E M.~ili~ A G EM E~ T · .. EN,V, iRONMENMI~L HEAL,H SERVICES DEPARTM~I~F t 2700 M" ST-REE. T-; .SUITE 300, BAKERSFIELD, CA.g3301 (805)861-3636 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE FACILITY * INSPECTION REPORT * AG EN C PERMIT POSTED'?. YES NO iNSPECTION DATE: ?../~./...~./., TYPE OF iNSPECTION: .... ~'~'O"~':INE ................ ]]]]]]"'~'~INSPEOT[ON .......................... COMP'_'~'~'T 2 ......... ' ................. F A c ~ L'T~'~""'~'~;q'~'7~'~:~'~'""~'~:~'~-:'~ ...... FAC I L I TY ADDRESS: .~.~:~.~...]~L~.,~.~.....~,~.~.~.~ ....................................................................................................................................................................... BAKERSFIELD, CA OWNERS NA~E: ARCO OPERATORS NAME:ARCO · ....A~A ....... ~.~ ....... d~.~.s~_~.~.b.~., ........ A~L~:~,.~&~ ......... ~.~.~.~.s~~......~= ....... ~k_~¢~=~ .............. ...~.~.8 ~.~. ......................... 1. PRIMARY CONTAIN~BiT MONITORING: a. Intercepting an directing system b. Standard Inventory Control c. Modified inventory Contrc! d. In-Tank Level Sensing Device e. Groundwater Monitoring f. Vadose Zone Monitoring SECONDARY CONTAINMENT MONITORING: a. Liner b. Double-Walled tank c, Vault PIPING MONITORING: a. Pressurized b. Suction c. Gravity 4. OVERFILL PROTECTION: 'TIGHTNESS TESING NEW CONSTRUCTiON/MODIFICATIONS ° CLOSURE/ABANDONMENT UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE MAINTENANCE, GENERAL SAFETY, AND OPERATING CONDITION OF FACILITY COMMENTS/RECOMMENOATIONS C/~S,~ < /-/~-~/~,_¢,4/~A ~--o,~ ~ /~/ ~N:3PECTOR: ~ ,':/~ R~PO~'T REC=~ /EO eY FL: E C: E ,i P T .. PAGE 0 '7 / 0 ..... :' ' ']: r~ v o ! c ~ N b r'. 1 52 o 0 :.~ 4:33 i:n, iiERN CC)LiNTY PLANNING 5. [)E.'VEL¢)PI~iENT Beker'sf ie'!d, CA 93301 f'x, Pe oi' ()rde~ W I I ~H~d?' ~.~3":!:'~'8 t.'b. IDEF4GROUiJi)' T'.,.,,N,"(,~"" ,c: AN,',IllAi FL.E 4 50 O0 f': 200 O0 UST001 2 5? 30 Ui4DERGROUNb TANKS STATE SURCH 4 '56.00 i:: 224.00 7:ZZ001 ') Opdo_.~- ToLal 4.,..4 O0 ',% Amount Dt.~e 424.00 424 ,00 i"i,AN ii "Y'OU AN D !"!AVI~' A NICE OAY,~ To: KERN COUNTY Ralph Huey Bakersfield City Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division MEMORANDUM From: Kern County Environmental Health Services Dept. Re: U~authorized Release from an Underground Storage Facility This memorandum is to advise you of an unauthorized release discovered at the facilit~ listed ow:, County Permit No.: c~?OO'~ ~_~ The release was discovered: [/~ after removal of Underground storage tanks while.completing a modification of the facility while inspecting a facility near the site The Department has completed A Prop. 65 Report State UST Leak.Report Forms The file : has been provided for copying. return. Please copy and please call and arrange to have the file copied. A copy of the lab results submitted has been provided for your review. Please contact the specialist listed below information: Specialist's Name: l~_l~%~,<~o/~.~ for additiona~ ARCO Products Company,~, Divl$1OnofAtlanllcRlchtieldCompany Task Order No. ~ ,~ ~'-- ~//- ///~ Chmn of ~ust~dy ARCO engineer ~ [ . . ~ - ITelephoneno.-. Telephonen~.~.~]~~/ JFaxno. / ~C)~~ G~L ~ , I~t ~ I(ARCO) ~ ~)~3~0 (Consullant)~~ 7~ O' J J(Consu~tan~~ ~ Contract number e ~ Soil Water Other Ice Acid ~ ~ ~ m ~ .- ~ ~ ~ _ - _ ....... Special deteclion ,, ~ 1 Business Day Oondilion o, ,ample: ~ Temperalure ,eceived: ~~ ',ibution: White copy -- Laboralory; Canary copy -- ARCO Environmental Engineering; Pink copy -- Consullanl £~l£Ml£Al A~lAt ARCO PETROLEUM PRODUCTION 17315 STUDEBAKER ROAD CERRITOS, CA. 90701-'1488 Attention: R.A. PEREZ Lab No.: 22726-6 Sample Desc.: WEST SIDE, LABORATORIES, I r-I . J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Date of Report: 30-Dec-87 NORTH ISLAND ~6' PHONE 327-4911 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 22-Dec-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED@LAB: 22-Dec-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 29-Dec-87 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Toluene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 p-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 m-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 o-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.i0 PetroleunJ Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 5.00 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 0.10 TEST METHOD: California State D.O.H.S.T.P.H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis Comments: PETROLE[~ HYDR(X~ARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by the California D.O.H.S. These petroleum hydrocarbons are in addition to the constiO]ents specifically defined on t?~s report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. /'] ,n , / Michael H. Mahoney Laboratory Director AGIUCLIL TUI~£ ~ C~EMI£AI ANA~ Y$1S LABORATORIES, Ir-lC. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) ARCO PETROLEUM PRODUCTION 17315 STUDEBAKER ROAD CERRITOS, CA. 90701-1488 Attention:R.A. PEREZ Date of Report: Lab No.:. 22726-5 Sample Desc.: WEST SIDE, NORTH ISLAND @2' 30-Dec-87 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 22-Dec-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED@ LAB: 22-Dec-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 29-Dec-87 Mini~ Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Toluene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 p-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 r~Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 o-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Petrole~n Hydrocarbons ug/g None Datected 5.00 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 0.10 TEST METHOD: California State D.O.H.S.T.P.H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis Comments: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Q~antification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined bM the California D.O.H.S. These petrole~nhydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCAi~BONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. Laboratory Director PE rflOl EU~ LABORATORIES, InL:. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 ~rgeable Aromatics' (SOIL) ARCO PETROLEUM PRODUCTION 17315 STUDEBAKER ROAD CERRITOS, CA. 90701-1488 Attention:R.A. PEREZ Date of Report: Lab No.: 22726-7 Sample Desc.: WEST SIDE, SO[~H ISLAND@2' 30-Dec-87 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LA~: 22-Dec-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 29-Dec-87 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Toluene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 p-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 m-X¥1ene ug/g None Detected 0.10 o-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Petrole~, Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 5.00 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 0.10 TEST METHOD: California State D.O.H.S.T.P.H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis PETROLEI~ HYDS~PCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (Cl to C20) utilizing' a gasoline factor. As outlined by the California D.O.H.S. These potroleum hydrocar~ons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDB~CARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorinu ated] constituents on this report. P£TRO~EUM LABORATORIES, Inc. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 ARC© PETROLEUM PRODUCTION 17315 STUDEBAKER ROAD CERRITOS, CA. 90701-1488 Attention:R.A. PEREZ Lab No.: '22726-8 Sample Desc.: WEST SIDE, ~rgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Date of Report: SOUTH ISLAND ~6' 30-Dec-87 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 22-Dec-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 29-D~c-87 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Toluene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 p-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 m-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 o-X¥1ene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Isoprop¥1 Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 5.00 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 0.10 TEST METHOD: California State D.O.H.S.T.P.H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis Comments: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by the California D.O.H.S. These petrole~nhydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. x~hichaei" H. Mahoney Laboratory Director LABORATORIES, Inc. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) ARCOPETROLEUMPRODUCTION 17315 STUDEBAKER ROAD CERRITOS, CA. 90701-1488 Attention:R.A. PEREZ Date of Report: Lab No.: 22726-4 Sample Desc.: FAST SIDE, SOUTH ISLAND~6' 30-Dec-87 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 22-Dec-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 22-D -87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 29-Dec-87 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g 0.15 0.10 Toluene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 p-Xylene ug/g 0.14 0.10 m-Xylene ug/g 0o 34 0.10 o-Xylene ug/g 0.43 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g 0.62 0.10 Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g 175.00 5.00 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g 176.68 0.10 TEST METHOD: California State D.O.H.S.T.P.H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis Comments: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by the California D.O.H.S. These petroleum hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. Michae1 H.' M~honeY / Laboratory Director / CHEMICAl AIVAL YSIS PETROL£1./A~ LABORATORIES, In . J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. -4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 ARCO PETROLEUMPRODUCTION 17315 STUDEBAKER ROAD CERRITOS, CA. 90701-1488 Attention:R.A. PEREZ Lab No.: 22726-3 Sample Desc.: EAST SIDE, ~rgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Date of Report: SOUTH ISLAND @2' 30-Dec-87 DATE SAMPLE ~LLECTED: 22-Dec-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 22-Dec~87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: -29-Dec-87 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Cons tituent Uni ts Results Leve 1 Benzene ug/g 0.28 0.10 Toluene ug/g 1.10 0.10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g 0.30 0.10 p-Xylene ug/g 0.91 0.10 m-Xylene ug/g 2.40 0.10 o-Xylene ug/g 2.50 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g 0.62 0.10 Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g 290.00 5.00 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g 298.11 0.10 TEST METHOD: California State D.O.H.S.T.P.H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis Comments: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by the California D.O.H.S. These petroleum hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-c?~orin- ated] constituents on this report. 'Michael H. Mahoney / Laboratory Director / AGfIICUL TUllE CtIEI~ICAI ANAL YSIS LABORATORIES, Inc. J. J. EGLIH, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) ARCO PETROLEUM PRODUCTION 17315 STUDEBAKER ROAD CERRITOS, CA. 90701-1488 Attention:R.A. PEREZ Date of Report: Lab No.: 22726-2 Sample Desc.: EAST SIDE, NORTH ISLAND~6' 30-Dec-87 DATE SAMPLE CO]' ,]' ,~,CTED: 22-Dec-87 DATE 'SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 22-Dec-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPS: 29-Dec-87 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Toluene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 p-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 m-X¥1ene ug/g None Detected 0.10 o-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 5.00 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected O. 10 TEST METHOD: California State D.O.H.S.T.P.H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis Comments: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by the California D.O.H.S. These petroleumhydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. By Michael H. Mahoney / Laboratory Director/ LABORATORIES, J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) ARCO PETROLEUM PRODUCTION 17315 STUDEBAKER ROAD CERRITOS, CA. 90701-1488 Attention: R.A. PEREZ Date of Report: Lab No.: 22726-1 Sample Desc.: EAST SIDE, NORTH ISLAND @2' 30-Dec-87 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 22-Dec-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 22-Dec-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPS: 29-Dec-87 Reporting Analysis Constituent Units Results Minimum Reporting Level Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Toluene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 p-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 m-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 o-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g 22.40 5.00 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g 22.40 0.10 TEST METHOD: California State D.O.H.S.T.P.H. Dry Matter Basis Comments: for Gasoline PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by the California D.O.H.S. These petroleum hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLE[~ HYDROCARBONS: The sumtotal of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. . . - .- Mahoney Laboratory Director / AGflI£UL IURE CII£MICAL ANAL PETFIOLEUI~ LABORATORIES, Inc. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) ARCO PETROLEUM PRODUCTION 17315 STUDEBAKER ROAD CERRITOS, CA. 90701-1488 Attention:R.A. PEREZ Date of Report: 30-Dec-87 Lab No~: 22726-6 Sample Desc.: WEST SIDE, NORTH ISLAND~6' DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 22-Dec-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 22-Dec-87 DATE ANALYSIS O(2,~LETD): 29-Dec-87 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Toluene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 p-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 m-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 o-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 5.00 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 0.10 TEST METHOD: California State D.O.H.S.T.P.H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis Comments: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by the California D.O.H.S. These petroleum hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. -- // /? y.-- :. .// Laboratory Director LABORATORIES, lBO. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) ARCO PETROLEUM PRODUCTION 17315 STUDEBAKER ROAD CERRITOS, CA. 90701-1488 Attention: R.A. PEREZ Date of Report: 30-Dec-87 Lab No.: 22726-5 Sample Desc.: WEST SIDE, NORTH ISLAND @2' PHONE 327-4911 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 22-Dec-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 22-Dec-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPS: 29-Dec-87 Reporting Constituent Units Analysis Reporting Results Level Benzene ug/g Toluene ug/g Ethyl Benzene ug/g p-Xylene ug/g m-Xylene ug/g o-Xylene ug/g Isopropyl Benzene ug/g Petroleum Hydr~. arbons ug/g None Detected 0.10 None Detected 0.10 None Detected 0.10 None Detected 0.10 None Detected 0.10 None Detected 0.10 None Detected O. 10 None Detected 5.00 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 0.10 TEST METHOD: California State D.O.H.S.T.P.H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Q~antification of volatile hydro~arbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by the California D.O.H.S. These ~etroleum hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. Michael'H. Mahoney / Laboratory Director ' AG~tIC'U/ CttE¥1CAI A/VA/YSI$ PETIIOLEU¥ LABORATORIES, Inc. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 ARCO PETROLEUM PRODUCTION 17315 STUDEBAKER ROAD CERRITOS, CA. 90701-1488 Attention:R.A. PEREZ Lab No.: 22726-7 Sample Desc.: 'WEST SIDE, Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Date of Re~ort: SOUTH ISLAND@2' 30:Dec-87 DATE SAMPLE COl ,T ,~.6TED: 22-Dec-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 22-Dec-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPS: 29-Dec-87 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Toluene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 p-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 m-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 o-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 5.00 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 0.10 TEST METHOD: California State D.O.H.S.T.P.H. for Gasoline Dry MatterBasis · PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As ~tlined by the California D.O.H.S. These petroleumhydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The s~mtotal of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. ."~ M~chael H. M~ho~ey Laboratory Director CNEI~/CA/ ALVA/Y$1S PET~O~EU¥ LABORATORIES, In(::. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Pargeable Aromatics (BOIL) ARCO PETROLEUM PRODUCTION 17315 STUDEBAKER ROAD CERRITOS, CA. 90701-1488 Attention:R.A. PEREZ Date of Report: Lab No.: 22726-8 Sample Desc.: WEST SIDE, SOUTH ISLAND~6' 30-Dec-87 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 22-Dec-'87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 22-Dec-87 DATE ANALYSIS COI~'"T~: 29-Dec-87 Reporting Constituent Units Minimum Analysis Reporting Results Level Benzene ug/g Toluene ug/g Ethyl Benzene ug/g p-Xylene ug/g m-Xylene ug/g o-Xylene ug/g Isopropyl Benzene ug/g Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 0.10 None Detected 0.10 None Detected 0.10 None Detected 0.10 None Detected 0.10 None Detected 0.10 None Detected 0.10 None Detected 5.00 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 0.10 TEST METHOD: California State D.O.H.S.T.P.H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by the California D.O.H.S. These petroleum hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. Michael H. Mahon y / Laboratory Direct~,r / i700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Telephone (805) 861-3636 PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY FACILITY NAME/ADDRESS: Arco AM-PM 4203 Ming Avenue Bakersfield, CA* ( ( KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION OWNER(S) NAME/ADDRESS: Arco Petroleum Co. 17315 Studebaker Road Cerritos, CA Phone # (213) 402-1297 HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard PERMIT NUMBER A551-28 CONTRACTOR: Kern Construction 430 Kentucky Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Phone # (805) 323-9494 License No. B481053 PERMIT FOR CLOSURE OF PERMIT EXPIRES January 12, ~988 PIPING AT ABOVE LOCATION. APPROVAL DATE APPROVED BY Octob_er 12, 1987 Joe Canas ..................... POST ON PREMISES ..................... CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1.' It is the responsibility of the Permittee 'to obtain permits which may be required by other regulatory agencies pt'loc to beginning work. 2. Permit:tee must obtain a City Fire Department permit prior to initiating closure action. 3. If arty contractors other than those listed on permi't and permit application are to be utilized, prior approval must be granted by tile specialist listed 'on tile permit. 4. A minimum of two samples must retrieved at deptt[s of approximately two and six feet for every 15 linear feet of pipe run and also near the dispenser area(s). 5. All (leaded/unleaded) gasoline samples must be analyzed for benzene, toluene, xylene, and total petroleum hydrocarbons. 6. All applicable state laws for hazardous waste disposal, transportation, or treatment must be adhered to. The Kern County Health Department must be notified before moving and/or disposing of any contaminated soil. 7. Advise this office of the time and date of the proposed sampling with 24 hour notJ ce. 8. Results must be submitted to this office within three days of analysis comp 1 e t iOll. ACCEPTED DATE Dlf~,l'l U CT 0 F FIC [:'S 1700 Flower Street Bakerslield, Calilornia 93305 Telephone (805) 86 i-3636 t~ERM/T FOR PERHANENT CLOSHRE OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS ,qUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT OWNER(S) NA~E/ADDRESS: APt:() Peti'oJeum Co. 1'/315 ~t:udel)aket' Road Col't' i t t~:;, CA ttEALTH OFFICER Leon M I-lebertson, M,D. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard PERMIT NI,IMBER A551-28 CONTRACTOR: l(el'n Construction 430 Kentucky Stt'eet llaket-s fi/,~ I ti, CA 93305 l"ho~e # (805) 323-9494 I,i(:ensu NJ*. [i4~11053 PERMYT FOR C;LOSIIRE PII-'IN(; AT AFIOVE [,OC, AI' ION. PERMIT EXP I'RES .......... ._]tA!!t.!gF.¥__.! 2_.L___1988 APPROVAl, DATE APPROVED BY /.' ,lou Callas Cf)ND'fT'[()N.'; AS t,'OI, I',O%qS: lt. is 't.h(: t-esponsil) il:it:y of iht: P¢:rntit t:t:(: t.o ol) t;~in Pt:traits wl~ich may t,t~t'[tli t, ot{ [ly tltilel' i'et{tl ldt. t) t'5~ ~tl~'t:itt; i~s i~l' Itel' { t) l~t~l~ illllitlg' Pt~i'm i t.t.t~ n~ tt t; t:' obkit ill i~ Cil. y I,' i l'u I)(:l)iti' t. mt:li t I,t:~'m i t [~ ~' .~ ~ ['. t.~ initiating' . ~ 'l I ( II eade(t/un l ea[It~(I ) gaso] .[ 1][~ samples must: be aria 1 yze(t fol.. J.)t] ilze¥[(~ , ~oluelt~ , xy.Lene, al'~d ~ol:~]l put['oleum hydt'oca['J)otl8. All ~tl'~[: I :i (:a b I e st;~ko laws l'o~' hazar(lou~; [qill:; 1' (: ti i ~;[}oSlt { , 'L t'anSl)Ol' tat: J on, IlO L.i ~ i (~d be [ 0 ['{~ IIIOV J l]g a[ld/(I l' (J J 8p08 ~ Jig 0 ~' ill'ly Ut) Il 1. ilhi.J 1'1~1 (ed ~o i I . Advise this o~fice of tile (:lille and date oJ: I:hc l~COposed s anll') J .J llg with hi)ill' i{ (] S Il ] L ~ ill II [; L J) (] S 11 b III J 't [ ~ d t 0 I: Jl ~ S o J' f .J (; o ~ i I. h ~1 J. h 1' e {: d a y s o l' a Il a ] y ~ .J C il JJJ l) 1 e l, i [) ti . Zt: C [:; }~'I'}(D [IV ...................................... ()IS'/IHCT KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPAR.TMENT DlVlS]b;;.OP ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH' 1700 ~LOWER STREET. BAKERSFIELD, CA (805) 86]-3636 z ~o 93305 INTERNAL USE APPLICATION DATE PTA $ OF YANKS TO BE ABANDONED APPL1. CATI ON FOR PERlVfl T FOR PER~I~-NT CLOSURE/AlaANDONI¥IENT OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBST~J-%IC~'-S STORAGE FAC 1' LI' TY THIS .APPLICATION IS POR ~/~F..MOVAL. OR E~ ,A,IL~NDO~NT IW PLaiCE [FILL OUT ONE APPLICATION PER FACILr'r~') PROJECT CONTACT JPNONE '(fid 5~''~ ISEC/~/R (RURAL LOCATIONS ONLY) PACILITY NAHE ADDRESS INEARE~T CROSS STREET z CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF MATERIALS STORED TANK · VOLUME CHEMICAL STORED (NON-COI~IERCIAL NAME] CHBMICAL PREVIOUSLY frORKD WATER TO FACILITY PROVIDED BY Io~P-~ TO ~omm~T~ ~szs ~OR SO[t ~PZ ~ ~ROU~A?~ OZ~ OETZ~ZNmTON ~10~ rOYAL N~BER OF S~PLES TO BE ~ {S~L~ WILL BE ~YZ~ FOR: DESIRE HOW RESIDUE IN ~K(S) ~O PIPING IS ~ BE R~O~ ~ DISPOSED OF (INCLUDE ~S~ATJON ~D DIS~S~ CObbIES); TANK(S) PIPING " ' PLEASE PROVIDE INPORMATION RRi}UESTED ON REVERSE SlOE OP THIS SHEET BEI~ORB SUBMITTING APPLICATION _~OR REVIEW (Porm tH~P-140) KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ( DIVISi~;; OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 17OO aLOWER STREET, BAKERSPIELD. CA 9S305 (805) 86]-3636 INTE;,.~L USE ONLY: %PPLI CATION DATE · OF TANKS TO BE AH.4XDONED LENGTH OF PIPING TO ABANDON APPLICATION FOR PERMIT FOR PE RlVLANE NT C L OS UR r': / ABANDONMENT OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE ~'AC X LI TY TNZS APPLICATION IS FOR ~REMOVAL, OR ~'~ ASANOOtO4ENT IN PLACE (FILL OUT ON.~E APPLICATION PER FACILITY) ~'ROJECT CONTACT PHONE it . c"~ ' I DAyS_(~u ~.,jSEC/T/'R (RURAL LOCATIONS ONLY) FACILITY MANE A~DRESS NEAREST ~OSS STRE~ ~NK REMOVAL CONTRACTOR ADDRESS' ' IpHONE PROPOSED PROJECT STARTING DATE JCALIFORNIA LICENSE s J~RKER'S COMPENSATION ~ / ' jiNs~ PRELININARY SITE ASSESSNE~ COMe.OR ADDRESS~ ' ~C'-~ ~'~ ~j PgONE ~0RKER,S COMPENSATION $ :MS. ER PHONE ~BORATORY T~T WILL ANALYZE SAMPLES ~DDRESS ~HOHE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF MATERIALS STOREO TANK # VOLUME CHEMICAL STORED (NON-CO)O4ERCIAC HAME) DATES STORED TO WATER TO FACILITY PROVIDED BY JDEP'~ TO GROUKDMATER ('.a(,~',,n!'~ Oa~...~ ~;~,,~,',.~ . .. { Iq7' ' ~ ~ ~ ~. ~c~ . ., t~o~ E J . ~oTA~ .u.ee. o~ s~c~s To Bz ANaLYze. J~.~es W[LC ee ~A~zeO ~oR: - ~ ' ' ' (/ DESCRIBE HOW RESIDUE IN TANK{S) AND PIPING IS TO BE REMOVED AND DISPOSED OP (INCLUDE TRANSPORTATION AND DISPOSAL COMPANIES): ~ESCRISE ROtff-~HE DISPOSA~IETIIOD AND DISPOSAL LOCATION FOR: TANK(S) PIPING · · PLEASE PROVIDE INFORMATION REQUESTED ON REVERSE.SIDE O.._~F THIS ~E~T BEFORE SUBMITTING APPLICATION ~OR REVIE~ · · THIS FORM HAS ~EEN COMPLETED UNDER/~ENALTY OP PERJURY AND TO THE SEST OP ~ KNO#LEDOE IS ~ug ~ CORRal. (Pot= $1tHMP- 140) DATE Kern County llealth Departme Division of Environmental Ilea. l 17QO Flower Street, Bakersfield, CA 93305 (805) 861-3636 Bo Co Do APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND ~_~~: HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY ~v~/ % .~.i~d?v./.z).~l.~' Type Of Application ..~check): 'ff~'~ ("'11"0 '~- [~New Facility ~M. odification Of Facility []Existing Facility [-]Transfer Of ~wnership Emergency 24-1tour Contact ([tame, area code, phone)! Days Nights Facility Name A~f~--A-D No. Of Tanks Type Of Business (check): ~aso]ine Station [~Other (descrjb~e) Is Tank(s) Located On An Agricultural Farm? ~Yes ~No Is Tank(s) Used Pr~marxly For Agricultural Purpo~ ~Yes Facility Address g~O~ ~ _~. _' ._~Nearest Cross St. ~1~ R SEC ~ (Rural Locations Only) ~ T . Owner ~r~ ~~J~ ~ ~ , Contact Person ~1~ ~W~ Address'~_~.~_' ~l~SZip ~q~V~ J Telephone ~C. Wq~- ~ Operator p~a~ ~~o~S I~. Contact Person P,~ P~,~ Address i~'~l~' 5~d-~Z~ ~ Zip ~0~7 Telephone. ~1~5~0~- I~ Water To Facility Provided By Soil-Characteristics At Facility Basis For Soil Type and Groundwater Depth Determinations Depth to Groundwater Contractor . _ .~,_ .. Address Proposed Starting Date [~ Jl~"J~'-~r Worker's Compensation Certif~icat~on No. CA Contractor's License No. Zip Telephone Proposed Completion Date Insurer If This Permit Is For Modification Of An Existing Facility, Modifications Proposed ~a'v'~",').\ ~.~-" OIO'~ O~t~J ' Briefly Describe Tank(s) Store (check all that apply): Tank # Waste Product Motor Vehicle Unleaded Regular Premium Diesel Waste Fuel Oil [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] E1 E] _0 CI !3 CI l_'i! Chemical Composition Of MateriaJs St'..r(~d (nut necessary for motor vehicle Tank # Chemical Stored (non-commercial name) CAS # (if known) Chemical (if different) AJl~. Transfer Of Ownership Date Of Transfer Previous O~vner Previous Facility Name I, accept fully ali ohl_iRat:ions of Permit No. isaued [ nnders ta~!d that the Permit I:;i i]~ A~lthor J. l:y may ~.evi modify or terminate the transfer of the Permit: to Operate 'th i ~ I.Illd(llrl.[l'l)uI]d facility upon receiving this completed form. ...................... This form has been completed uoder p~;nalty of perjury and to the best of my k~ow.le,ll,,'e i:; true and correct. ,~ i': Facllity Name TANK # (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM Fo~ EACH TANK) FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES 1. Tank is: [] Vaulted [] Non-Vaulted [] Double-Wall [] Single-Wall 2. Tank Material [~ Carbon Steel [] Stain]ess Steel [] Polyvinyl Chloride [] Fiberglass-Clad Steel [~ Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic [] Concrete [] Aluminum [] Bronze [] Unknown [] ()tiler (descrJ. be): 3. PrimarK Containment Date Instalied Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Galions) Manufacturer 4. 'rank Secondar,~[ Containment [] Double-Wall [] Synthetic Liner [] Lined Vault [] None [] Unknown [] Other (describe): Manufacturer: Material Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gals.) 5. 'Tank Interior Lining [] 'Rubber [] Alkyd [[] Epoxy [~] Phenolic ~ Glass ~ Clay ~ Unlined ~ Unknown ~ Other (describe): '~. Tank Corrosion Protection ~ Galvanized ~ Fiber~]ass-Clad ~ Polyethylene wrap ~ Vinyl Wrapping ~ Tar or Asphalt ~ Dnknown ~ None ~ Other (describe): Cathodic Protection: ~ None ~ impressed Current System ~ Sacrificial Anode System ~ Describe System & Equipment: 7. Leak Detection. Monitoring, aq, d _interception a. Tank: ~ Visual. (vaulted tanks only) ~ Groundwater Monitoring Well(s) ~ Vadose Zone Mon]torJ. ng Well(s) ~ U-Tube Without Liner ~ U-Tube with Compatible Liner Directing Flow To Monitoring Well(s)* ~ Vapor Detector *~ Liquid Level Sensor* ~ Conductivity Sensor ~ Pressure Sensor In Annular Space Of Double Wall Tank ~ Liquid Retrieval & Inspection From U-Tube, Monitoring Well Or Annular Space ~ Daily Gauging & Inventory Reconciliation ~ Periodic Tightness Testing ~ None ~ Unknown ~ Other b. Piping: ~ Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) For Pressurized Piping~ ~ Monitoring Sump With Raceway ~ Sealed Concrete Raceway . ~ Half-Cut Compatible Pip. Raceway ~ Synthetic Liner Raceway ~ None *Describe Make & Model: 8. Tank Ti.g~kness Has This Tank Been Tightness Tested7 [~ Yes ~ No ~ Unkr~owrl Date Of Last Tightness Test Results Of Test Test Name TestinK Company g. Tsnk Repair Tank Repaired? ~ Yes ~ No ~ Unknown Date(s) Of Repair(s) Describe RepaJ rs 10. Overfill Protection [] Operator Fills, Controls, & Visna]]y Monitors Level [~ Tape Float Gauge [] Float Vent Valves [] Auto Shut-Off Controls [] Capacitance Sensor [] Sealed Fill Box [] None [] Unknown [] Other: List Make & Model For Above Devices 11. P.iping a. Underground Piping: bo Thickuess (inches) Diameter. Manufacturer ~/Pressure [] Suction [] Gravity Approximate Length Of Pipe Run Underground Piping Corrosion Protection: [] Galvanized []~_ergl~ns-g~Clad [] Impressed Current [] Sacrificial Anode [] Polyethylene Wrap [] ~]l. ectrical Isolation [] Vinyl Wrap [] Tar or Asphalt [] Unknown [] None [] Or'her (describe): Underground Piping. Secondary Containment: KERN COUNTY IIEALTH DEPARTMENT DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 1700 FLOWER STREET. BAKERSFIELD. CA 93305 . (805) ~61-3836 INTL, USE ONLY; PTO APPLICATION BATE {{ OF TANKS TO BE ABANDONED LENGTH OF PIPING TO ABANDON AP{:'LI CAT! ON FOR FERMi 2' FOR I:'ERlVi~NENT CLOSURE/ABANDONMENT OF I~NDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACTLTTY ~F~'~'~EMOVAL' OR ~'~ ADANOOtmENT IN PLACE (FILL Girt oN_..~ APPLICATION PER t'ACILITY) THIS APPLICATION PROJECT CoNTAcT'r " PHONE ~/ .~."',,1 _ SEClT/R FAC[L~ MANE {~DRESS ~E~RE~ C~DSS S~EET OWNER ADDRESS ~~-/t~ "'~ 1~¢' PHONE PRELZHIHARY SIT~ ASSESSME~iT CONTRACTOR !ADDRESS PHONE W~KER'S COMPENSATION ~ INSURER PHONE LABORATORY THAT WILL ANALYZE SAMPLES' AODR'~SS PHONE :CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF MATERIALS STORED rANK t VOLUME CHF..MICAL STORED (NON-COMMERCIAL NAME) DATES STORED TO CHEMICAL PREVIOUSLY STORED WATER TO FACILITY PROVIDED BY NEAREST WATER WELL - GIVE DISTANCE AND DESCRIBE TYPE I~ WITHIN 500 PEET iBASIS FOR SOIL TYPE AND GROUNDWATER DEPTH DETERMINATION IDEPTR TO GROUNDMATER I SOIL TYPEAT FACILITY tOTAL NUMBER OF SAMPLES TO BE ANALYZED 1SAMPLES WILL BE ANALYZED FOR: IESCRIBE HOW RESIDUE IN TANK(SI AND PIPING .IS TO BE RE.MOVeD AND DISPOSED OF (INCLUDE TRANSPORTATION AND DISPOSAL COMPANIES): iESCRIBE BOTII THE DISPOSAL ~ETIIOD A.ND DISPOSAL LOCATION FOR: TANK(S) PIPING ' ' PLEASE PROVIDE INFORMATION REQUESTED ON RE~RSE SIDE O~ THIS SHEET BEFORE SUBNI~NG APPliCATiON ~OR REVIE~ ~ * T,,S FO,..AS BE~ CO.PLETED ~E,/~RAL, O, ,,JURY AND TO T,E BEST OF ,~ K.OWLE,OE IS ~,,E ,~ CORRE=. DATE Kern County Health Departm Division of Environmental ,. ~lth ~700 Flower Street, Bakersfield, CA 93305 (80§) 861-3636 Ao Bo ~. ~ication Date APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY Type Of Application (check): [~New Facility I-]Modification Of Facility ~]Existing Facility[-~Transfer Of Ownership Emergency 24-Hour Contact (name, area code, phone): Days ~ / ~oz- ~z~ Nights z/~/ ~oz -~oz/_~ Facility Name /$~ 55-~ ~ No. Of Tanks ~ Type Of Business (check): ~Oasoline Station ~Other (describe) Is Tank(s) Located On An Agricultural Farm? ~]Yes ~No'~ Is Tank(s) Used Primarily For Agricultural Purposes? [-]Yes ~No Facility Address ~2~ z~ /~~e/~ Nearest Cross St. ~z~< T R SEC ~ (Rural Locations Only) Owner /~Q Contact Person ~/ .7~A~ Address /v~/~ 5~.~Y~b~/~ d~rn~ Zip ~.~5 o ~ Telephone ~i-/z q~-o z/~ Operator Contact Person Address Zip Telephone Water To Facility Provided By Soil Characteristics At Facility Basis For Soil Type and Groundwater Depth Determinations Depth to Grouhdwater Co Do Contractor Address Proposed Starting Date Worker's Compensation Certification No. CA Contractor's License No. Zip Telephone Proposed Completion Date Insurer If This Permit Is For Modification Of An Existing Facility, Briefly Describ Modifications Proposed Fo Tank(s) Store (check all that apply): Tank # Waste Product Motor Vehicle Unleaded Regular Premium Diesel Waste 'Fuel Oil [] 0 [] [] [] [] [] [] Chemical Composition Of M~terials Stored (not necessary for motor vehicle fuels) Tank # Chemical Stored Inon-commerclal name) CAS #Itf known} Chemical Previously Stored (if different) O. Transfer of Ownership Date Of Transfer Previous Facility Name I, modify or terminate the Previous Owner accept fully all obligations of Permit No. issued t I understand that the Permitting Authority may review an, transfer of the Permit to Operate this underground storag facility upon receiving this completed form. This form has been completed under p~nalty of perjury and to the best of my knowledge is true and correct./<?.~.~-~-----''--~'~.~'..-/.//' PERMZT ~:, ENV. SENSITIVITY:_ Activity Date # Of Tanks Comments /,./'/ ~' See Instructions o= IcE of Page 6 Department of Health Se~ice~ · ,~i Calilornia--Heatth and Welfare Agency q '''~ Toxic Substances Control Divis~oc Approved OMB No. 2050.---0039 (Expires -q and Front 7 Sacramento, Califorma -Ple~e print or type. (Form dea/gned for uae on elite, :tch typewriter). I t ,~enerator'a US EPA ID No. Manifest 2. Page 1 I Information in the stladed areas UNIFORM HAZARDOUS ~./~ /~L~'~'~I Ooc,~,n~.o. WASTE MANIFEST I ILIOIOIOIOI31,~I _3'lgl I I.~ o, /I ie.otr..u,redbyP.~,,r.,l.w. 6. US EPA ID Number C. State ~ E~IRO~AL SERVICES, 7. Tt~n~er 2 ~pany ~ 8. US EPA ID Number E. State Ttansp~'~ ID g. ~t~ Facility Na~ ~ Site Address 10. US EPA ID Number G. State Facili~'~ GIBSON OIL & ~FINING .. ~.~ ~ ~l~l~l/~ ~RSFIELD, CA. 93308 ICtAI DI 91 81 OI 81 8~ 3 1f 7~ 7: 805/323-2178 Ouanti~ Un~ Wmate No. t 1. US ~T De~c~pti~ (~mg Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class, and ID Number) No. T~ Wt/Vol ~" 221 NON RC~ ~OUS WASTE LIQUID 01 01 1 TI T~IO~ ~ ~T ~A/~ J. ~1 ~e~t~s f~ ~terials List~ ~ve I. b. OILY ~ATER 15. Sp~ial Handling Instm~s and Additional lnfo~ati~ ~LOVES, GOGGLES, ~ PROTECTIVE OUTER G~NTS. ~./ ' ~L~SE~ ~/-/ GENERATOR'S CE~~: I hereby d~lare that the contents of this consignment are ful~ and accurately described above by proper ~ing name ann are classified, pack~, ma~ed, and labeled, and are in all resp~8 in proper coati,ion for transpo~ by highway according to applicable int~tional and national government r~ulati~a. If I am a large ~uant~ ~ator. I ce~i~ that I have a pr~ram in ~lace to reduce the volume and toxici~ of waste generated to the degree I ~ datelined to ~ economically preamble and that I have aele~ the predicable method of treatment, storage, or disgosal cu~ently available to me ~ minimizes the present and future threat Io human health and the environment; ~. if I am a small ~uantity ge~erator. I have made a good faith effo~ to minim~e my waste generation and sel~ t~ ~st waste management method that is available to me and t~t I can afford. Printed/Typed Name Printed/Typed~ -- Si natu . ~th Day Year 18. Transpomer 2 ~cknowl~ent of Receipt of Matedals Printed/Typed Name [ Signature I I I I [ 'l~thDay Year 19. Discrepancy Indication 20. Facil~y Owner or Operet~ ~dification of receipt of hazardous materials covered by this manifest exce~t~ted in Item 19. Signature /// ~,;~ Day Year Printed/Typed Name DHS 8022 A (t/88) EPA 87(X)----22 (Rev. 9-88) Previous editions are obsolete. Do Not Write Below This Line White: TSDF SENDS THIS COPY TO DC)HS WITHIN 30 DA To: P.O. Box 3000, Sacramento, CA 95812 /' UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE (LEAK) / CONTAMINATION SITE REPORT HAS STATE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES i::J;OR LOCAL~ AGENCY USE ONI~Yi EMERGENCY :'i:: ~EBEBg:: CER!!~:: ~A'r: r:~iiAi DI~Si~ED!iGOVERNMEN'F ~ YES ~ ~ RE~RTBEENFILED? ~ YES ~ m ~RE~D?/H{S~ NF~MAiI~O::LOC~:~F~A~S:~S0~?:~::SEC~::~iS~:: 0u~ 7 .~ 0~ 1 o~ 9~ 1 280030 ~ LYDIA V. VON SYDOW (805) 861-3636 ~ ~MP~ OR AGEN~ N~E ~ REPRESE~ING ~ OWNE~OPERATOR ~ REGIO~L~ARD [ ~ ~ L~AGENCY ~ O~ER KE~q CO. EI~IROlqMENTAL HEALTH ~ A~RESS 2700 "M" ST~ET, S~ 300, B~RSFIELD, CA 93~ ~T~ Z,, ~ ' ~ UN~OWN ~ ~Rco ~ROD~CTS CO. (213) 404-5300 ~ 17315 S~DEB~R, CE~ITOSt C~ 90701 4203 ~ING ~VE. ~ B~RS~IE~D~ ~ CO. ~ C~ ~3309 ~ CROSS STRE~ WIBLE L~AL AGENCY AGENCY ~ME ~NTACT PER~N P~N~ ~ ~q CO. ENV. HE~TH LYDIA V. VON SYDOW (805) 861-3636 ~< c~ v~- ( ) z ~- ~ UNKNO~ ~ = mTEDI~RED 1' ~WDI~VE~D ~ IN~mORYmmROL ~ SU~URF~EMONITORING ~ NUISAmEmNDIT~NS ~URCE OF DI~HAHGE CAUSE(S) 8 0 ~ PIPINGL~ ~ O~ER ~ ~R~SION ~ UNK~WN ~ O.ER ~ ~, ~E~ ONE ONLY ~ ~ ~ UNDE~RMINED ~ miL ONLY ~ GROU~WA~R ~ DRINKING WA~R- (CHECK ONLY IF WAmR ~LLS HAVE ACidLY BEEN AFFEC~D) ~E~ ONE ONLY ~ ~ ~ NO ACTION TA~N ~ PRELIMINA~SI~SE~ME~R~NSUBM~D ~ ~LLUTIONC~C~R~T~N ~ REMEDIATION P~ ~ CASE ~OSED (C~UP COMP~D OR UNNECE~AR~ ~ ~NUP UNDERWAY CHE~ ~PROPRIATE ACTION(S) ~ EXCAVA~ & DISPOSE (ED) ~ REMO~ F~EP~CT(F~ ~ ENH~CED 8D ~GR~ATION (1~ = i ~ CONTAINMENT BARRIER (CB) ~ mACT~NREQUIRED(NA) ~ TREATMENTATmO~P(HU) ~ VENTSOIL(VS) ~ VACUUM ~RACT (V~ ~ O~ER ~ INW~S~IG~TIO~ C~R~N~Y H~DER~Y ~O DE~E~II~E THE EX~N~ HSC~5(11/89) MARK ONLY [~ NEW PERMIT' ONE ITEM [] 2 INTERIM PERMIT I. FACILITY/SITE INFORMATION & ADDRESS - (MUST BE COMPLETED) STATE OF CAUFORNIA STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PERMIT APPLICATION- FORM A COMPLETE THIS FORM FOR EACI~AblUTY/SITE [] 3 RENEWAL PERMIT [] 4 AMENDED PERMIT [:~5 CHANGE OF INFORMATION [] 7 PERMANENTLY CLOSED SITE [] 6 TEMPORARY SITE CLOSURE DBA OR FACILITY NAME NAME OF OPERATOR ADDRESS / ~ NEAREST CRO~ STRE~ P~CEL ~ (O~NA~ ci~ NAME STA~ . ~P ~DE SI~ PH~E ~ WITM AR~ CODE OBTRICTS ,t~' i ~ ~iFiND~Ni, OFT~ATSiTEiE. P.A.i.D~,(.t~~ ~PE OF BUSINESS ~ 1 ~S STATION ~ 2 DISTRIBUTOR ~ RESERVATION I ~ 3 FARM ~ 4 PRaEtOR ~ 5 OTHER ORTRUST~ I ' EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON (PRIMARY) EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON (SECONDAR~- 'Optional DAYS: NAME (LAST, FIRST) NIGHTS; NAME (LAST, FIRST) PHONE # WITH AREA CODE (z P,\ '-/o"/' xgoo PH(~N~' # WITH AREA CODE DAYS: NAME (LAST. FIRST} NIGHTS: NAME (LAST. FIRST) ....... PHONE # WITH AREA CODE · PHONE # WITH AREA CODE NAME MAILING OR STREET ADDRESS CITY NAME II. pROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION - (MUST BE cOMPLETED) i CARE OF ADDRESS INFORMATION ~ ~'~ ~ I~IVDU~ ~ L~AL-A~CY ~ ~A~-AG~CY STA~. ~ ZiP ~DE PHONE~ WITH AREA ~DE II1. TANK OWNER INFORMATION - (MUST BE COMPLETED) NAME OF OWNER MAILING OR STREET ADDRESS CITY NAMF~ ICARE OF ADDRESS INFORMATION ~ CORPORA'rION [--"j PN~I"NERS~P STATE { ZiP CODE I ~ L~AL-AG~CY ~ STA~-AG~CY ~ ~U~AGE~Y ~ FEOE~LAGE~Y PHONE #WITH AREA CODE IV. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION UST STORAGE FEE ACCOUNT NUMBER · Call (916) 739-2582 if questions arise, V. LEGAL NOTIFICATION AND BILUNG ADDRESS Legal notification and billing will be sent to the tank owner unless box t or II is checked. I CHECK ONE BOX INDICATING V~-IICH ABOVE ADDRESS SHOULD BE USED FOR LEGAL NOTIFICATIONS AND BILLING: .. I. [] 'IL [] IlL [] THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, IS TRUE AND CORRECT IAPPLICAN'PS NAME (PRINTED & SIGNATURE) IAPPLICANT'S TITLE I DATE MONTH/DAY/YEAR LOCAL AGENCY USE ONLY COUI% ,'TY # JURISDICTION # FACILrP~ # LOCATION CODE - OPTIONAL CENSUS,~,~FTRACT # - OPTIONAL , SUPVISGR - DISTRICT CODE . OPTIONAL ., THIS FORM MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY AT LEAST (1} OR MORE PERMIT APPLICATION - FORM B! UNLESS THIS IS A CHANGE OF SITE INFORMATION ONLY. FOR0033A-R2 FORM A (9-9O) S~ATE OF CAUFORNIA STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PERMIT APPLICATION - FORM B COMPLETE A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH TANK SYSTEk[ MARKONLY ~-~ 1 NEW PERMIT [] 3 RENEWAL PERMIT ONE ITEM [] 2 INTERIM PERMIT ~ 4 AMENDED PERMIT ] 5 CHANGE OF INFORMATION ] 6 TEMPORARY TANK CLOSURE []~'PERMANENTLYCLOSED ON SITE] TANK REMOVED DBAOR FACILITYNAMEWHERETANKISINSTALLED: /) ,.~ ~: ~'" f~ . '~. : ' ~..,-~ '-'~" ?' ~_ i ~, I. TANK DESCRIPTION ,/ COMPLETE ALL ITEMS -- SPECIFY IF UNKNOWN A. OWNER'S TANK L D. # f C. DATE INSTALLED (MO/DAY/YEAR) MANUFACTURED BY: ~f t~ ;~ D. TANK CAPACITY IN GALLONS: II. TANK CONTENTS ~FA-~ is MARKED, COMPLETE ITEM C. A. ~"1 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL [] 4 OIL B. ~'~ C. [] laREGULAR ~ 3 DIESEL [] 6 AVIATION GAS ~DED ~ 5 JET FUEL ~ 3 CHEMICAL PRODUCT ~ 95 UNKNOWN ~ 2 WAS~ ~ L~DED ~ ~ O~ER (DESCRIBE IN ~M D. BELO~ D. IF (A.1) iS NOT MARKED, EN~R NAME OF SUBST~CE STORED C.A.S. e: III. TANK CONSTRUCTION MARK ONE I~M ONLY IN BOXES ~ B, ANDC,~DALL~ATAP~IESINBOXD ] 1 DOUBLE WALL A. TYPE OF ' SYSTEM ~22 SINGLE WALL B. TANK ~ BARE STEEL MATERIAL [] 5 CONCRETE (PrimaryTank) [] 9 BRONZE ] 3 SINGLE WALL WITH EXTERIOR LINER [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 4 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (VAULTED TANK) [] 99 OTHER [] 2 STAINLESS STEEL [] 3 FIBERGLASS [] 6 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE [] 7 ALUMINUM [] 10 GALVANIZED STEEL [] 95 UNKNOWN ] 4 STEELCLAD W/FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC ] 8 10(7'/o METHANOL COMPATIBLE W/FRP ] 99 OTHER [] 1 RUBBER LINED [] 2 ALKYD LINING [] 3 EPOXY LINING [] 4 PHENOL~ LINING C. INTERIOR [] 5 GLASS LINING ~-~(~ UNLINED [] $5 UNKNOWN [] ~9 OTHER LINING IS LINING MATERIAL COMPATIBLE WITH 100% METHANOL ? YES__ NO~ O. CORROSION [] 1 POLYETHYLENE WRAP [] 2 COATING PROTECTION [] 5 CATHODIC PROTECTION ~NONE [] 3 VINYL WRAP [] 4 FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC [] .~ UN.OW. [] . OTHER IV. PIPING INFORMATION C~RC~ A IF ABOVE GROUND OR U IF UNDERGROUND, BOTH IF APPLICABLE A. SYSTEM TYPE A U 1 SUCTION . A ,U~2 PRESSURE A U 3 GRAVI~f A U 99 OTHER B. CONSTRUCTION A~0.~l SINGLE WALL A U 2 DOUBLE WALL A U 3 LINED TRENCH A U 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER C. MATERIAL AND CORROSION PROTECTION D. LEAK DETECTION V. TANK LEAK DETECTION BARE STEEL A U 2 STAINLESS STEEL A U 3 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE(PVC)A ,.~.4 FIBERGLASS PiPE ALUMINUM A U 6 CONCRETE A U 7 STEEL W/ COATING A U 8 100% METHANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP GALVANIZED STEEL A U 10 CATHODIC PROTECTION A U 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR [] 2 LINE T~GHTNESS TESTING [] 3 iNTERSTF[AL MON~'OR[NG [] 99 OTHER [] 1 VISUAL CHECK [~ iNVENTORY RECONCILIATION [] 3 VAPOR MONITORING [] 4 AUTOMATIC TANK GAUGING [] 5 GROUND WATER MONITORING [] 6 TANK TESTING [] 7 INTERSTITIAL MONITORING [] 91 NONE [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER VI. TANK cLosuRE INFORMATION I 1. ESTIMATED DATE LAST USED (MO/DAY/YR) 2. ESTIMATED QUANTITY OF ~-. 3. WAS TANK FILLED WITH YES[] NO [~I ~ / / . /L. ,~.~ [ SUBSTANCE REMAINING '* GALLONS INERT MATERIAL ? THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENAL TY OF PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, IS TRUE AND CORRECT I APPLICAN'PS NAME DATE (PRINTED & SIGNATURE) LOCAL AGENCY USE ONLY THE STATE i.D. NUMBER IS CO~POSED OF THE FOUR NUMBERS BELOW COUNTY # JURISDICTION # FACILITY # TANK # . STATEI.D.# ~ ?l f//t,.'"%IE.I/J , '-'.':;"'.....' .... PERM,T APPROVED BY,OATE I. ,'ERM,T EXP,RAT,ON,:,ATE FORM B (9-90) THIS FORM MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A PERMFF APPUCATION · FORM A, UNLESS A CURRENT FORM A HAS BEEN FILED. FOROO34B-R4 ~ARK ONLY 'ONE ITEM STATE OF CAUFORNIA t STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOAR UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PERMIT APPLICATION - FORM B COMPLETE A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH TANK SYSTEM. [] 1 NEW PERMIT [] 3 RENEWAL PERMIT [] 5 CHANGE OF iNFORMATION []~'TANKP'ERMANENTLYREMOvEDCLOSED ON.SITE [] 2 INTERIM PERMIT [~ 4 AMENDED PERMIT [] 6 TEMPORARY TANK CLOSURE DBA OR FACILITY NAME WHERE TANK IS INSTALLED: /* \ ';~' ,~ ~ '~ - / I. TANK DESCRIPTION COMPLETE ALL ITEMS -- SPECIFY IF UNKNOWN A. OWNER'S TANK L D. # *~ B. MANUFACTURED BY: C. DATE INSTALLED(MO/DAY/YEAR) II. TANK CONTENTS ~FA-~ IS MARKED, COMPLETEITEM C. IA. []', MO"OR VEHICLE FUEL [] ,, OIL [] 2 PETROLEUM [] ~ EMPW .[] 3 CHEMICAL PRODUCT [] 95 UNKNOWN O. TANK CAPACITY IN GALLONS: B. ~';RODUCT ' [] 2 WASTE ["7~-~~ la REGULAR C. ~ UNLEADED [] lb PREMIUM UNLEADED ] 2 LEADED /% 4 GASAHOL ~ 7 METHANOL [] 5 JET FUEL. -- ] 99 OTHER (DESCRIBE .IN ITEM D. BELOW) C.A.S.#: D. IF IA.l) IS NOT MARKED, ENTER NAME OF SUBSTANCE STORED III. TANK CONSTRUCTION MARK ONE ITEM ONLY IN BOXES A, B, ANDC, ANDALLTHATAPPLIESINBOXD [] ~ DOUBLE WALL [] 3 SINGLE WALL WITH EX'FERIOR LINER [] 95 UNKNOWN [~2 SINGLE WALL [] 4 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (VAULTEO TANIO [] 99 OTHER A. TYPE OF SYSTEM I [~*BARE STEEL B. TANK MATERIAL [] 5 CONCRETE (PrimaryTank) [] 9 BRONZE [] 2 STAINLESS STEEL [] 3 FIBERGLASS [] 6 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE [] 7 ALUMINUM [] 10 GALVANIZED STEEL [] 95 UNKNOWN m ) 4 STEEL CLAD WI FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC [] 8 100% METHANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP ] 99 OTHER l C. INTERIOR LINING D. CORROSION PROTECTION ] 1 RUBBER LINED L_._J 2 ALKYD LINING [] ~ GLAss U.,NG ~'~ UNUNEO IS LINING MATERIAL COMPATIBLE WITH 100% METHANOL ? [] 3 E1mOXY LINING [] 4 PI.-IENOL~ LINING [] ~ u.KNOWN [] ~ O~.ER YES__ NO__ [] 1 POLYETHYLENE WRAP [] 2..COATING [] 5 CATHODIC PROTECTION [~1 NONE [] 3 VINYL WRAP [] 4 FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC [] ~ UNKNOW. [] . OmER IV. PIPING INFORMATION C~RCU~ A IFABOVEGROUNDOR U IF UNDERGROUND. BOTH IF APPLICABLE A. SYSTEMTYPE A U 1 SUCTION A/.~ ~ PRESSURE A U 3 GRAVITY A U 99 OTHER B. CONSTRUCTION A ,U 1 SINGLE WALL A U 2 DOUBLE WALL A U 3 LINED TRENCH A U 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER C. MATERIAL AND CORROSION PROTECTION A U 1 BARE STEEL A U 2 STAINLESS STEEL A U 3 POLYVINYL CHLORDE (PVC) A;.IJ.."4 FIBERGLASS PIPE A U 5 ALUMINUM A U 6 CONCRETE A U 7 STEEL W/ COATtNG A U 8 100% METHANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP A U 9' GALVANIZED STEEL A U 10 CATHODIC PROTECTtON A U 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER D, LEAK DETECTION [] 1 AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR [] 2 LINE TIGHTNESS TESTING [] 3 INTERSTITIAL MONFr0RING ' [] 99 OTHER V, TANK LEAK DETECTION [] O TANK TESTING [] 7 INTERSTITIAL MONITORING [] 91 NONE [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER VI. TANK CLOSURE INFORMATION ' [ 3. WAS TANK FILLED WITH NO ~-"'"[ GALLONS INERT MATERIAL ? 1. ESTIMATED DATE LAS]' USED (MO/DAY/YR) 2. ESTIMATED QUANTITY OF '/' YES [] ,,~?// / //C~ ,~ / SUBSTANCE REMAINING ./' ~ / THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, IS TRUE AND CORRECT I APPLICANT'S NAME DATE (PRINTED & SIGNATURE) LOCAL AGENCY USE ONLY THE STATE I.D. NUMBER IS COMPOSED OF THE FOUR NUMBERS BELOW I A~ COUNTY # JURISDICTION # FACILITY # TANK # I.PE"M'T NUMBER, C /'". ,/ -p/', ~ PERMIT APPROVED BY/DATE ~. PERMIT EXPIRATION DATE FORM B (g-gO) THIS FORM MUST BE ACOOMP~IED BY A PERM~ ~PUOA~ON" FORM A, UNLESS A CURRENT FORM A HAS BEEN FILED. FORO~;~4B-R4 STATE OF CAUFORNIA STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PERMIT APPLICATION - FORM B COMPLETE A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH TANK SYSTEM. MARK ONLY [~ 1 NEW PERMIT [] 3 RENEWAL PERMIT ONE ITEM [] 2 INTERIM PERMIT [] 4 AMENDED PERMIT ] 5 CHANGE OF INFORMATION Iii 7 PERMANENTLY CLOSED ON SITE [] 6 TEMPORARY TANK CLOSURE [~ 8 TANK REMOVED DBAOR FACILITY NAME WHERE TANK IS lNSTALLED: /_~~_ 5 ~;_ ~' ,~ ~'//,1 ,/'~ '~ I. TANK DESCRIPTION ' COMPLETE ALLITEMS-- SPECIFYIF UNKNOWN C. DATE INSTALLED (MO/DAY/YEAR) .4, p. ~ ..:-'~,,. D. TANK CAPACITY IN GALLONS: ~/ ~-~ '~ C,,.. '~ C ''~ -/ ,,. TANK CONTENTS ~FA-1 IS MARKED, COMPLETE ITEM C. ' ~ ~ la REGULAR [] 3 DIESEL [] 6 AVIATION GAS A. [~1 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL [] 4 OIL B. ~ C. , , ~JNLEADED [] 2 PETROLEUM [] 80 EMPTY 'I_~ 1 PRODUCT [-~'~'PREMIUM L_.-J 4 GASAHOL [] 7 METHANOL ~ UNLEADED [] 5 JET FUEL [] 3 CHEMICAL PRODUCT [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 2 WASTE [] 2 LEADED [] 99 OTHER (DESCRIBE IN ITEM D. BELOW)i D. IF (A.1) IS NOT MARKED, ENTER NAME OF SUBSTANCE STORED C.A.S. #: III. TANK CONSTRUCTION MARK ONE ITEM ONLY IN EOXES A. B. ANDC, ANDALLTHATAPPLIESINBOXD A. TYPE OF [] .1 DOUBLE WALL SYSTEM [~' 2 SINGLE WALL B. TANK [-~* 1 BARE STEEL MATERIAL [] 5 CONCRETE (PrimaryTank) [] 9 BRONZE ] 3 SINGLE WALL WITH EXTERIOR LINER [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 4 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (VAULTED TANK) [] 99 OTHER [] 2 STAINLESS STEEL [] 3 FIBERGLASS [] 6 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE [] 7 ALUMINUM [] I RUBBER LINED [] 2 ALKYD LINING [] 3 EPOXY LINING C. INTERIOR [] 5 GLASS LINING [--~/6 UNLINED [] 95 UNKNOWN UNING YES '' NO__ IS LINING MATERIAL COMPATIBLE WITH 100% METHANOL ? D. CORROSION [] I POLYETHYLENE WRAP [] 2 COATING PROTECTION [] 5 CATHODIC PROTECTION ~' 9'~I~NONE ] 4 STEEL CLAD W/FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC ] 8 100% METHANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP ] 99 OTHER ] 4 PHENOLIC LINING ] 99 OTHER [] 3 VINYL WRAP [] 4 FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC [] 95 UNKNOWN [] ~ OTHER IV, PIPING INFORMATION C~RCL~ ~, IF ABOVE GROUND OR U IF UNDERGROUND, BOTH IF APPLICABLE A. SYSTEMTYPE A U 1 SUCTION A U 2 PRESSURE A U 3 GRAVITY A U 99 OTHER B. CONSTRUCTION A;~ SINGLE WALL A U 1 BARE STEEL DOUSLE WALL A U 3 LINED TRENCH A U 95 UNKNOWN A U STAINLESS STEEL A U 3 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC)A U.'~'4 FIBERGLASS PIPE 99 OTHER C. MATERIAL AND CORROSION PROTECTION D. LEAK DETECTION A U 5 ALUMINUM A U 6 CONCRETE A U 7 STEEL W/ COATING A U 8 100% METHANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP A U 9~ GALVANIZED STEEL A U 10 CATHODIC PROTECTION A U 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER [] 1 AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR [] 2 LINE TIGHTNESS TESTING [] 3 INTERSTITIAL MONITORING ~ 99 OTHER V. TANK LEAK DETECTION [] 1 VISUAL CHECK ~'~'~'2 INVENTORY RECONCILIATION [] 3 VAPOR MONITORING [] 4 AUTOMATIC TA. NKGAUGING [] 5 GROUND WATER MONITORING [] 6 TANK TESTING [] 7 INTERSTmALMONITORING [] gl NONE [] 95 UNKNOWN [] gg OTHER VI. TANK CLOSURE INFORMATION 2. ESTIMATED QUANTITY OF 3. WAS TANK FILLED WITH YES ~ NO I-"~'~ ESTIMATED DATE · ."',LAST.~ USED/ / (MO/DAY/YR)/~/~" / SUBSTANCE REMAINING GALLONS iNERT MATERIAL ? THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENAL TY OF PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, IS TRUE AND CORRECT I APPLICANT'S NAME IDATE I (PRINTED & SIGNATURE) LOCAL AG ENCY USE ONLY THE*STATE I.D. NUMBER IS COMPOSED OFTHE FOUR NUMBERS BELOW STATE I.D.# COUNTY # JURISDICTION # I010 I0 I PERMIT APPROVED BY/DATE FACILITY #~' TANK # I PERMIT EXPIRATION DATE FORM B (g-go) T~IIS FORM MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A PERMIT APPUCATION - FORM A, UNLESS A CURRENT FORM A HAS BEEN FILED. FOROO34B-R4 MARK ONLY ONE ITEM STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PERMIT APPLICATION - FORM B -': COMPLETE A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH~, TANK SYSTEM. ~ 1 NEW PERMIT [~. 3 RENEWAL PERMIT [] 2 INTERIM PERMIT [] 4 AMENDED PERMIT r-~ CHANGE OF ~N~ORMAT~O. ~ 6 TEMPORARY TANK CLOSURE ] 7 PERMANENTLY CLOSED ON SITE [] 8 TANK REMOVED DBA OR FACILITY NAME WHERE TANK IS INSTALLED: ~ ,~.. .' I. TANK DESCRIPTION COMPLETE ALL ITEMS -- SPECIFY IF UNKNOWN IA. oWNER'S TANK I. O. # { /? I B. MANUFACTURED BY: ~('/-~" ~' ',d'~'"' '-~' C. DATE INSTALLED(MO/DAY/YEAR) ,~,,j .~7 ~ .~ / D. TANK CAPACITY IN GALLONS: /,/'~, ./.,,F~-.~ · II. TANK CONTENTS ~FA-~ ISMARKED. COMPLETEITEMC. A. [~i MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL [~ 4 OIL B- ~1 pR C' [-'-) la REGULAR ?~3 DIESELUNLEADED [~ 6 AVIATION GAS '~--~ 2 PETROLEUM [] 80 EMPTY ODUCT 'r~'I~/./..431~iLEADED1bPREMIUM [] 45 GASAHOLjETFUEL [] ? METHANOL [] 3 CHEMICAL PRODUCT [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 2 WASTE /L/L/L/L/L/L/L/L/L~ 2 LEADED [] 99 OTHER (DESCRIBE IN ITEM D. BELOW D. IF (A.1) IS NOT MARKED. ENTER NAME OF SUBSTANCE STORED C.A.S. #: IlL TANK CONSTRUCTION MARK ONE ITEM ONLY IN BOXES A, B, ANDC. ANDALLTHATAPPLIESINBOXD A. TYPE OF ~ DOUBLE WALL SYSTEM [] 2 SINGLE WALL lB. TANK MATERIAL (Primary Tank) C. INTERIOR ] 1 BARE STEEL ] 3 SINGLE WALL WITH EXTERIOR LINER ] 4 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (VAULTED TANK) [] STAINLESS STEEL IBERG S ] 5 CONCRETE [] g BRONZE [] 6 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE [] 7 ALUMINUM [] 10 GALVANIZED STEEL [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER ] 4 STEEL CLAD W/FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC ] 8 100% METHANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP ] 99 OTHER [] 1 RUBBER LINED [] 2 ALKYD LINING [] [] 5 GLASS LINING [~NLINED [] IS LINING MATERIAL COMPATIBLE WITH 100% METHANOL? YES 3 EPOXY LINING [] 4 PHENOLIC LINING 95 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER ~ NO~ [FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC LINING O. CORROSION [] 1 POLYETHYLENE WRAP [] 2 COATING [] 3 VINYL WRAP PROTECTION [] 5 CATHODIC PROTECTION [] 91 NONE [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER IV. PIPING INFORMATION C~RCLE A IF ABOVE GROUND OR U IF UNDERGROUND, BOTH IF APPLICABLE A. SYSTEM TYPE A U 1 SUCTION A~U.~2 PRESSURE ,~ U 3 GRAVITY ALI 99 OTHER B. A U 1 SINGLE WALL A ,U ~,2 DOUBLE WALL A U 3 LINED TRENCH A U 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER A U ~ BARESTEEL A U 2 STAINLESS STEEL A U 3 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE(PVC)Ax[~%4 FIBERGLASS PIPE C. A U 5 ALUMINUM A U 6 CONCRETE A U 7 STEEL W/ COATING A U e 100% METHANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP A U 9 GALVANIZED STEEL A U 10 CATHODIC PROTECTION A U 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER O. LEAK DETECTION [~'~ AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR [] 2 LINE TIGHTNESS TESTING [] 3 INTERSTITIAL MONffORING [] 99 OTHER V. TANK LEAK DETECTION I[] 1 VISUAL CHECK [~"~2 INVENTORY RECONCILIATION [] 3 VAPOR MONITORING [~"'~" AUTOMATIC TANK GAUGING [] 5 GROUND WATER MONITORING [] 6 TANK TESTING ~'~'~TERSTITIALMONITORING [] g, NONE [] g5 UNKNOWN [] gg OTHER VI, TANK CLOSURE INFORMATION CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL AND - CORROSION PROTECTION 1. ESTIMATED DATE LAST USED (MO/DAY/YR) 2. ESTIMATEDsuBSTANcEQUANTITYREMAiNiNGOF GALLONS I 3. WASiNERTTANKMATERiALFILLED WITH? YES [] NO [] THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, IS TRUE AND CORRECT I APPLICANT'S NAME DATE {PRINTED & SIGNATURE) LOCAL AGENCY USE ONLY THE STATE I.D. NUMBER IS COMPOSED OF THE FOUR NUMBERS BELOW I COUNTY# JURISDICTION# FACILITY# 'T~NK # PERMIT NUMBER._.z."// (~' '" '::'('~.; '-~' ~/'r~,) IPERMIT APPROVED BY/DATE,, IPERMIT EXPIRATION DATE FORM B (g-gO) ~ THIS FORM MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A PERMIT APPUCATION - FORM A, UNLESS A CURRENT FORM A HAS BEEN FILED. FOROO34 B-P,4 STATE OF CAUFORNIA STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PERUIT APPLICATION- FORU B COMPLETE A SEPARATE FORM FOR,EA~ J~TANK SYSTEI~ [] 3 RENEWAL PERMIT ~ 5 CHANGE OF INFORMATION MARK ONLY [~'l NEW PERMIT [] ONEITEM [~ 2 INTERIM PERMIT [] 4 AMENDED PERMIT [] 6 TEMPORARY TANK CLOSURE [] DBAOR FACILITY NAME WHERE TANK IS INSTALLED: z~ ~ ~'~ '"" ~l.-~.*'~ / ,~'J-~/~? ~ ,'~*"'~ / 7 PERMANENTLY CLOSED ON SITE 8 TANK REMOVED I. TANK DESCRIPTION COMPLETE ALL iTEMS - SPECIFY IF UNKNOWN A. OWNER'S TANK I.D.# ~ B. MANUFACTURED BY: C. DATE INSTALLED(MO/DAY/YEAR) ~..-~" ,~'/ ~_ ,..~ / ~ / O. TANK CAPACITY IN G~LONS: / / / II.TANKCONTE~S ~F~-~ ~s ~A,KED. CO~,LE~TE~ C. j, ~laREGU~R ~ 3 DIESEL ~ 6 AV~TIONGAS A. ~MOTOR ~HICLE FUEL ~ 4 OiL B. C. ~ UNLADED ~ 4 ~S~OL ~ 2 PETROLEUM ~ ~ EMP~ ~;RODUCT ~ lb PREMIUM ~ 7 M~OL UNLADED ~ 5 JET.EL ~ 3 CHEMICAL PRODUCT ~ ~ UNKNOWN ~ 2 WAS~ ~ 2 L~DED ~ ~ O~ER (DESCRI~ IN ~ D. BELOW O. IF (A.1)IS NOT MARKED. EN~R NAME OF SUBSTANCE STORED 'C. A. S. III. TAN K CONSTRUCTION MARK ONE I~M ONLY IN BOXES ~ B. AND C, ~D ALL THAT APPLIES IN BOX O A. TYPE OF [~ DOUBLE WALL [] 3 SINGLE WALL WITH EXTERIOR LINER [] 95 UNKNOWN SYSTEM [] 2 SINGLE WALL [] 4 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (V~A.~ULTEDTANK) [] 99 OTHER B. TANK [] 1 BARE STEEL MATERIAL [] s CONCRETE (PrimaryTank) [] g BRONZE [] 2 STAINLESS STEEL .[~ FIBERGLASS [] 6 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE [] 7 ALUMINUM [] 10 GALVANIZED STEEL [] 95 UNKNOWN ] 4 STEEL CLAD W/FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC ] 8 100% METHANOL COMPATISLEW/FRP [] 99 OTHER [] I RUBBER LINED [] 2~?LKYD LINING [] 3 EPOXY LINING [] 4 PHENOLIC LINING C. INTERIOR [] 5 GLASS LINING [~ UNLINED [] g5 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER UNING IS LINING MATERIAL COMPATIBLE WITH 100% METHANOL ? YES_ NO__ [] 1 POLYETHYLENE WRAP [] 2 COATING [] 3 VINYL WRAP REINFORCED PLASTIC D. CORROSION PROTECTION [] 5 CATHODIC PROTECTION [] 91 NONE [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER IV. PIPING INFORMATION CmCL~ A IF ABOVE GROUND OR U IF UNDERGROUND, BOTH IF APPLICASLE A. SYSTEM TYPE A IJ I SUCTION A U ~'2 PRESSURE A U 3 GRAVITY A U 99 OTHER B. CONSTRUCTION C. MATERIAL AND CORROSION PROTECTION A U 1 SINGLE WALL A,'~%2 DOUBLE WALL A U 3 LINED TRENCH A U 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER A U 1 BARE STEEL A U 2 STAINLESS STEEL A U 3 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE(PVC)A'/~ ~4 FIBERGLASS PIPE A IJ 5 ALUMINUM A U 6 CONCRETE A U 7 STEEL W/ COATING A U 8 100% METHANOL COMPATISLEW/FRP A U 9 GALVANIZED STEEL A U 10 CATHODIC PROTECTION A IJ 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER [~1 AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR [] 2 LINE TIGHTNESS TESTING [] 3 ~NTERSlTrlAL MONITORING [] 99 OTHER D. LEAK DETECTION V. TANK LEAK DETECTION [] 1 VISUAL CHECK [~" 2' INVENTORY REcoNcILIATION [] 3 VAPOR MONITORING [~~4~I~TOMATICTANKGAUGiNG [] 5 GROUND WATER MONITORING [] 6 TANK TESTING J~],"-~' INTERSTITIAL MONITORING [] 91 NONE [] 95 UNKNOWN [] g9 OTHER VI. TANK CLOSURE INFORMATION 1. ESTIMATED DATE LAST USED (MO/DAY'R) 2. ESTIMA~O QUANT'~ OF [ 3. WAS TANK FI~ED W'~ YES ~ NO,~ ' SUBSTANCE REMAINING ~LLONS iNERT MATERIAL ? THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENAL~ OF PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST OF ~ KNOWLEDGE, IS TRUE AND CORRECT DATE APPLICANTS NAME (PRINTED & SIGNATURE) LOCAL AGENCY USE ONLY THE STATE I.D. NUMBER IS COMPOSED OF THE FOUR NUMBERS BELOW ICOUNTY # JURISDICTION # FACILITY # TANK # STATE I.D.# ~ ~;C) JO I -~ ~, ~,~(b ~,' I~~ J ~'~;)~~-~ FORM S (9-90) THIS FORM MUST BE ACCOMP~IED BY A PERM~ ~PUCATION - FORM A, UNLESS A CURRENT FORM A HAS BEEN FI~D. FOROO341~R4 STATE OF CAUFORNIA STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PERMIT APPLICATION - FORM B COMPLETE A SEPARATE FORM FOR EA?~]ANK SYSTEM. IMARK ONLY j~/~ NEW PERMIT [] 3 RENEWAL PERMIT ONEITEM [] 2 iNTERIM PERMIT [] 4 AMENDED PERMIT 5 CHANGE OF INFORMATION 6 TEMPORARY TANK CLOSURE ] 7 PERMANENTLY CLOSED ON SITf ] 8 TANK REMOVED DBA OR FACILITY NAME WHERE TANK IS INSTALLED: .~:: . ~- ' ,. I. TANK DESCRIPTION COMPLETE ALL ITEMS -- SPECIFY IF UNKNOWN .>' IA, OWNER'S TANK I.D.# ~ B. MANUFACTURED BY:' · C. DATE INSTALLED (MO/DAY/YEAR) "~ 1'~ / ._.) / .~. ¢,,~ ~ ,,/ D. TANK C~ACI~ IN G~LONS: ,/~ /~ / / , / j II. TANK CONTRAS ~F A-1 IS MARKED, COMPLE~ ITEM C. ......... ; '- ....... [~'la REGULAR B 3 DIESEL [] 6 AVIATION GAS A. [] 1 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL [] 4 OIL B,"' C. UNLEADED 4 GASAHOI~ ~ 2 PETROLEUM [] ~ EMPTY I~'~ ~"~ ""ODUCT[] ,bPREM,UM [] 7 M~HANOL - UNLEAOED [] 5 JET FUEL [] 3 CHEMICAL PRODUCT [] g5 UNKNOWN [] 2 WASTE [] 2 LEADED [] 99 OTHER (DESCRIBE IN ITEM D. BELOW D. IF IA.l) IS NOT MARKED. ENTER NAME OF SUBSTANCE STORED C.A.B.# ~ ' ~ III. TANK CONSTRUCT[ON' MARK ONE ITEM ONLY iN BOXES A, B. ANDC, ANDALLTHATAPPLIESINBOXD A. TYPE OF J~i DOUBLE WALL SYSTEM [] 2 SINGLE WALL ] 3 SINGLE WALL WITH EXTERIOR LINER ] 4 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (VAULTED TANK) B. TANK [] 1 BARE STEEL [] 2 STAINLESS STEEL [~J'~RGLASS , MATERIAL [] 5 CONCRETE [] 6 POLYVINYL CHLDmDE [] 7 ALUMINUM (Primary Tank) [] 9 BRONZE [] 10 GALVANIZED STEEL [] g5 UNKNOWN ~ 1 RUBBER LINED J"--J 2 'ALKYD LINING J---J 3 EPOXY LINING C. INTERIOR [] 5 GLASS LINING [~ UNLINED [] 95 UNKNOWN LINING IS LINING MATERIAL COMPATIBLE WITH 100% METHANOL ? YES_ NO__ D. CORROSION [] I POLYETHYLENE WRAP [] 2 COATING [] 3 VINYL WRAP PROTECTION [] 5 CATHODIC PROTECTION [] 91 NONE' [] g5 UNKNOWN ] 95 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER ] 4 STEEL CLAD W/FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC ] 8 100/. METHANOL COMPATIBLEWJFRP ] 99 OTHER ] 4 PHENOLiC LINING ] 99 OTHER [~FISERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC ] 99 OTHER IV. PIPING INFORMATION C~RCL~ A IFABOVEGROUNDOR U IFUNOERGROUND, BOTH IF APPLICABLE A. SYSTEMTYPE A u 1 SUCTION AILS')2 PRESSURE A U 3 GRAVITY A U 99 OTHER B. CONSTRUCTION A U 1 SINGLE WALL A ~,~2 DOUBLE WALL A U 3 LINED TRENCH A U 95 UNKNOWN A U C. MATERIAL AND A U I BARE STEEL A U 2 STAINLESS STEEL A U 3 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE(PVC}A~/'4 FIBERGLASS PIPE 99 OTHER CORROSION PROTECTION D. LEAK DETECTION V. TANK LEAK DETECTION A U 5 ALUMINUM A U 6 CONCRETE A U 7 STEEL W/ COATING A U 8 10~/. METHANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP A U g~GALVANIZED STEEL A U 10 CATHODIC PROTECTION A U 95 UNKNOWN A U g9 OTHER [] I AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR [] 2 LINE TIGHTNESS TESTING [] 3 INTERSTIT~L MONITORING [] 99 OTHER J[] 1 VISUAL CHECK ~'2 IN..V. ENTORY RECONCILIATION [] 3 VAPOR MONITORING [~J~'~AUTOMATIC TANK GAUGING [] 5 GROUND WATER MONITORING [] 6 TANK TESTING E~,/~ITERSTITIALMONITORING [] ~1 NONE [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER VI. TANK CLOSURE INFORMATION 1. ESTIMATED DATE LAST USED (MO/DAY/YR) 2. ESTIMATED QUANTITY OF J 3. WAS TANK FILLED WITH YES SUBSTANCE REMAINING GALLONS/ INERT MATERIAL ? THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, IS TRUE AND CORRECT J APPLICAN'rS NAME DATE I (PRINTED & SIGNATURE) LOCAL AGENCY USE ONLY THE STATE I.D. NUMBER IS COMPOSED OF THE FOUR NUMBERS BELOW COUNTY # JURISDICTION # FACILITY # TANK # PERMIT NUMBER ""?(.- /"7./-, ~ -" I PERMITAPPROVEDBY/DATE ) PERMIT EXP)RATION DATE FORM B (g-go) THIS FORM MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A PERMIT APPUCATION - FORM A, UNLESS A CURRENT FORM A HAS BEEN FILED. FOROO34B-R4 MARK ONLY ONE ITEM Sl'ATE OF CALIFORNIA ST*ATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PERMIT APPLICATION - FORM B NEW PERMIT iNTERIM PERMIT COMPLETE A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH'3:ANK SYSTEM. [~ 3 RENEWAL PERMIT [~-~ CHANGE OF INFORMATION [] 7 PERMANENTLY CLOSED ON SITEI [] 4 AMENDED PERMIT [] 6 TEMPORARY TANK CLOSURE [] 8 TANK REMOVED DBAOR FAClLITY NAME WHERE TANK IS INSTALLED:,-~-~" c ..--//t..~ ,/'/~"r~'3 .~. -7.- / ~/ I. TANK DESCRIPTION COMPLETE ALL ITEMS -- SPECIFY IF UNKNOWN / A. OWNER'S TANK-I. D. # ~.~ B. MANUFACTURED BY: I II. TANK CONTRAS ~F A-1 ISMARKED, COMPLE~ ITEM C. .................... . ~ leREGU~R ~ 3 DIESEL A ~MoToR ~HICLE FUEL ~ 4 OIL B.~ ~0 C. ~ ~DED ~ 6 AV~TION GAS ' ~' ~ 2 PETROL~M ~ ~ EMPW DUCT ~bPREMlUM ~ 4 ~OL ~ 7 M~OL ~ UNLADED ~ 5 J~FUEL ~ 3 CHEMICAL PRODUCT ~ 95 UN~OWN ' ~ 2 WAS~ ~ 2 L~DED ~ ~ O~ER (DESCRIBE IN ~M D. BELO~ D. IF(A.1) IS NOT MARKED. EN~R NAME OF SUBSTANCE STORED C.~S.a: ' ' ' . · ' - .' : · III. TANK CONSTRUCTION'~' MARK ONE ITEM ONLY IN BOXES A, B, AND C, AND ALL THAT APPLIES IN BOX D A. TYPE OF [~'"l DOUBLE WALL SYSTEM [] 2 SINGLE WALL ] 3 SINGLE WALL WITH EXTERIOR LINER [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 4 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (VAU~EDTANIO [] 99 OTHER B, TANK [] 1 BARE STEEL MATERIAL [] 5 CONCRETE (PrimaryTank) [] 9 BRONZE [] 2 STAINLESS STEEL [~3~ FIBERGLASS [] 6 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE [] 7 ALUMINUM [] 10 GALVANIZED STEEL [] g5 UNKN.OWN ] 4 STEEL CLAD W/FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC ] 8 10(7'/o METHANOL COMPATIBLE W/FRP ] 99 OTHER ~l'~ 1 RUBBER LINED ~ 2 ALKYD LINING [] 3 EPOXY LINING C. INTERIOR [] 5 GLASS LINING ~'~" UNLINED [] 95 UNKNOWN LINING IS LINING MATERIAL COMPATIBLE WITH 100% METHANOL ? YES_ NO__ ] 4 PHENOLIC LINING [] 99 OTHER ['~BERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC D. CORROSION [] 1 POLYETHYLENE WRAP [] 2 COATING [] 3 VINYL WRAP PROTECTION [] 5 CATHODIC PROTECTION [] 91 NONE [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER IV, PIPING INFORMATION C~RCLE A IFABOVEGROUNDOR U IF UNDERGROUND, BOTH IF APPLICABLE A. SYSTEM TYPE CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL AND CORROSION PROTECTION A IJ 1 SUCTION ~,-tJ~.2 PRESSURE A U 3 GRAVITY A IJ 99 OTHER B. A U 1 SINGLE WALL A,IJ' ~2 DOUBLE WALL A U 3 LINED TRENCH A U 95 UNKNOWN A [J 99 OTHER A U 1 BARE STEEL A ~J~ 2 STAINLESS STEEL A U 3 POLYVtNYL CHLORIDE (PVC)A IJ )4 FIBERGLASS PIPE C. A IJ 5 ALUMINUM A U 6 CONCRETE A U 7 STEEL W/ COATING A~' 8 100% METHANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP A IJ 9 GALVANIZED STEEL A U 10 CATHODIC PROTECTION A tJ 95 UNKNOWN A IJ 99 OTHER D. LEAK DETECTION [~' AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR [~ 2 LINE TIGHTNESS TESTING [] 3 iNTERSTITIAL MONITORING [~ 99 OTHER V. TANK LEAK DETECTION f-~ [] 6 TANK TESTING [~,~' INTERSTITiAl'MONITORING [] gl NONE [] 95 UNKNOWN [] 99 OTHER VI. TANK CLOSURE INFORMATION I 1. ESTIMATED DATE LAST USED (MO/DAY/YR) I 2. ESTIMATED QUANTITY OF 3. WAS TANK FILLED WITH YES[] NO[] SUBSTANCE REMAtNING GALLONS INERT MATERIAL? THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, IS TRUE AND CORRECT I APPLICAN'PSNAME I DATE (PRINTED & SIGNATURE) LOCAL AGENCY USE ONLY THE STATE I.D. NUMBER IS COMPOSED OF THE FOUR NUMBERS BELOW COUNTY # JURISDICTION # FACILITY # TANK # / (~' / ~ '" ~:r:.:? PERMIT APPROVED BY/DATE FORM B (9-90) THIS FORM MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A PERMIT APPUCATION - FORM A, UNLESS A CURRENT FORM A HAS BEEN FILED. FOROO34B-R4 GROUNDWATER TECHNOLOGy, INC. FACSIMILE COVER SHEET Location:_ .rob Name: ~ob No.: Cover=' ~., Pages Phone No.: (805) 589.-$601 FAX No.: (805) 589-8605 COMMENTS: FROI'I ~3TI FAX 1 G.T,E.L. GTEL ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, IN(::. Southwest Region 20000 / 300 Marl.er Torrance, ~A ~0~0~ F~ (213] 371.8720 Client Number: G'fl.78^-RCOt.7 8 Projec[ iD: GTI,.BKF/ARCO 6218 Work Order Number: T1-05-31 May 17, 1991 Mr. Jon Parker Groundwater Technolog, Inc. 4101 Alken Road Rte. B-1 Bakersfield, Ca. 93308 Dear Mr. Parker, Enclosed please find the analytical results report prepared by GTEL for samples received on 05/16/91, under Task Order number 6218.91-IA. GTEL is certified by the CaD'ornia State Department of I--tealth Se~,,ices to perform analyses for drinking water~ wastewater, and hazardous waste',mate~:i-al$-acc~rding~ to EPA protocols. A formal quality control/qualib7 assurance program is maintained by GTEL, which is designed to meet or exceed t. he EPA requirements. Anab~tical work for this project was performr¢d in strict adherenceto cur QA/QC program (o ensure sampl~ integrity and to meet quality control criteria. if'you have any question concerning this analysis or if we can be of further assistance, please call our Customer Service Repeesentative. Sincerely, 'GTEL Environmental Laboratories, Inc. Rebecca Hsu-Ohou Laboratory Director 'GTEL Torrance, CA Page 1 of 2 T~ 05312.DO0 FROM GTI BAKERSFIELD, 05/17/gl 13:~§ FAX $720 G T,E,L, 05,1' I'I 14:4~ I Client Number: GTI,,78A-RC01.7 8 Project ID; GTI.BI<F/ARCO 6218 Work Order Number: T1-05-312 Table 1 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Aromatic Volatile OrganiCs and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoli0e in Soil EPA Methods 5030, 8020, and Modified 8015a GTEt, Sample Number Client Identification Da~e SamptecJ Date Extracted Date Ar)a{yzed Ahab/re Benzene Toiuene E~h¥1bo. nzene Xylene, total BTEX, total TPH as Gasoline Detection Limit Muitip!ier Percent Solids, % Detection Limit, 0.005 0,005 0.005 0.015 10 51~6/91 o$I~6i9~ 0.11 5.6 8,8 43 490 10 $P-8 _ 05 f~ 6/91 ¢ o.._~ e r "~r_~.j ~n.,] n_._g / K..._.g. b_. 0,13 15 10 210 240 2300 20 b. Con¢o~tr~tl~ns calcul~t~cJ on wot basis, INSTALLATION CHEC i Xerxes Century-Ca.st Fiberglass Underground Storage Tank(s) Double Wall ~To: Installation Supervisor From: Xerxes Corporation Subj: Installation Checklist Read the preceding Tank Installation Instructions, then fill in the information below. As the tank installation progresses, fill in each applicable inspection, testing and installation checklist item below, initialing the items as its conditions are satisfactorily met. (Refer to Installation Instructions for details.) The tank's U.L. number can be found on the U.L. label next to the lifting lug. When the checklist is complete, tear off at the dotted line and mail to: XERXES CORPORATION, 7901 Xerxes Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55431. ~ _ ~ / ,- ~ / INSTALLATION DATE(S) ..~/ TANK'S U.L NUMBER ~__~4:~ ~ SITE OWNER /~C) SITE ADDRESS '-/-~0 ~ /~///AJ~. A ~'~' . INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR A~E~'AJ E~? ~ ~ ~:' ~'/~ ~ INSTA~TION SUPERVISOR ~N ~.~1~ PRIOR ~ INSTAL~TION: A. Visual inspe~ion. No evidence (holes, cracks, deep scrapes) in domes, or flats of damage to the tank from physical ~use or a blow from a hard objeX. B. Physical testing. Completed in ac~rdance with cu~ent Xerxes Double Wall Installation Instructions (5 psig pressuri- zations ~d soap test). C. Bacilli matefi~ (indi~te material ~pe). 1. ~a Grail per sp~iflca~on in installation Instm~ions. 2. Cmsh~ Gravel or Stone per sp~ifi~tion in Installation Instructions. 3. ~her (r~uires specific ~proval by Xe~es rep.) Describe: D. ~vation hole size. Hole dimensions are corre~ per Installation Instructions for stable and unstable walls. E. Hole conditions (select one): 1. D~ hole. Ground water elevation not anticipated to reach tank and area not subject to flooding. (D~ hoie installation) 2. Wet hole. Ground water elevation expected to reach tank or area subjec{ to flooding. (Wet hole installation) E Traffic load (sele~ one): 1. Traffic loading anticipated. (Requires deep burial ger Installation Instm~ions.) 2. No traffic loading. (Allows no~al burial per Installation Instructions.) DURING INSTA~TION: A. Bacilli matenal b~ is level and at 12" (300mm) minimum depth over native soil or slab pnor to setting tanks in place. B. Tanks set in place with co~e~ spacing from wall ana other tanks. C. Deadmen and tie downs positioned and secured in accordance with Installation Instm~ions. (Wet hole installation) D. Bac~ll matenal tamped and compacted to fill all voids around tank. E. Tank properly ball,ted during bacilli. (Wet hole installation only) Never fill s~ondary (external) tank with ballast. E Tank(s) buned at proper depth to confo~ to wet or dry hole; traffic or no traffic conditions. INSTAL~TION ~STING: All tanks with manways must be inspe~ed from the inside after installation. Visually inspect the tank for any signs (cracks, holes, indentations) of physical damage. ,' ~ ~ ~ M~SUREMENT OF DEFLECTIONS: A. All tanks must be measured to dete~ine ve~ical tank deflection during installation. IntenOr diameter of ta~k prior to backfilling, , (^~ ~'/ ,'~. Interior diameter of tank after Dackfitl~ t/o subgrade, - (B) Tank Diameter 4' '10' · Deflection Deflection 1¼" 1V2" Maximum Allowable Deflections: Vertical deflectio~ in excess of these values indicates improper installation and voids the tank warranty Route 3 Box 1060 Williamsport, MD 21795 (301) 223-6933 XERXES PLANT LOCATIONS 34250 Mills Road Avon, OH 44011 (216) 327-6051 3110 Reynolds Rd. Lakeland, FL 33803 (813) 665-1471 1911 Midland Road Rock Hill, .SC 29731 (803) 366-6115 2001 Proform Road 1210 N. Tustin Avenue Seguin, TX 78155 P.O. Box 6069 (512) 372-0090 Anaheim, CA 92806 (714)630-0012 XERXES® CORPORATION These instructions supersede all previous editions Verified by: 515 West South'St. Tipton, iA 52772 (319) 886-6172 XERXES CORPORATE OFFICE 7901 Xerxes Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55431 (612) 887-1890 INSTAt[ATION CHECKLIST Xerxes Century-Cast Fiberglass Underground Storage Tank(s) Double Wall To: Installation Supervisor From: xerxes Corporation Subj: Installation Checklist Read the preceding Tank Installation Instructions, then fill in the information below. As the tank installation progresses, fill in each applicable inspection, testing and installation checklist item below, initialing the items as its conditions are satisfactonly met. (Refer to Installation Instructions for details.) The tank's U.L. number can be found on the U.L. label next to the lifting lug. When the checklist is complete, tear off at the dotted line and mail to: XERXES CORPORATION, 7901 Xerxes Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55431. ~- _ ~, / -- ~;~// INSTALLATION DATE(S) '~ c~' TANK'S U.L. NUMBER SITE OWNER A~'~' o SITE ADDRESS INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION SUPERVISOR PRIOR TO INSTALLATION: A. Visual inspection. No evidence (holes, cracks, deep scrapes) in domes, or flats of damage to the tank from physical abuse or a Plow from a hard object. B. Physical testing. Completed in accordance with current Xerxes Double Wall Installation Instructions (5 psig pressuri- zations and soap test). C. Backfill matedal (indicate matedal type). 1. Pea Gravel per specification in Installation Instructions. 2. Crushed Gravel or Stone per specification in Installation Instructions. 3. Other (requires specific approval by Xerxes rep.) Describe: D. Excavation hole size. Hole dimensions are correct per Installation Instructions for stable and unstable walls. E. Hole conditions (select one): 1. Dry hole. Ground water elevation not anticipated to reach tank and area not subject to flooding. (Dry hole installation) 2. Wet hole. Ground water elevation expected to reach tank or area subject to flooding. (Wet hole installation) Verified by: 42 :":.' ,:/ .. E Traffic load (select one): 1. Traffic loading anticipated. (Requires deep budal per Installation Instructions.) ~<' 2. No traffic loading. (Allows normal budal per Installation Instructions.) DURING INSTALLATION: A. Backfill material bed is level and at 12" (300mm) minimum depth over native soil or slab prior'to setting tanks in place. B. Tanks set in place with correct spacing from wall and other tanks. C. Deadmen and tie downs positioned and secured in accordance with Installation Instructions. (Wet hole installation) D. Backfill matenal tamped and compacted to fill all voids around tank. E. Tank property ballasted during backfill. (Wet hole installation only) Never fill secondary (external) tank with ballast. E Tank(s) buried at proper depth to conform to wet or dry hole; traffic or no traffic conditions. ,,~.~ ',,,'?~z, INSTALLATION TESTING: ~'~ All tanks with manways must be inspected from the inside after installation. Visually inspect the tank for any signs (cracks, holes, indentations) of physical damage. ( ,~/o //~ ~/j ~J~ MEASUREMENT OF DEFLECTIONS: ./~ ~" A. All tanks must be measured to determine vertical tank deflection during installation. Deflection 1V4' 1W' Interior diameter of tank Interior (:liameter of tank pnor to bacldilling~ · after bac~fili~g to s,u~bgrade. 0eflection .~/ ~/ (A) - (B) = Maximum Allowable Deflections: Tank Diameter 4' 10' Vertical deflection in excess of these values indicates improper installation and voids the tank warranty. XERXES PLANT LOCATIONS 34250 Mills Road Avon, OH 44011 (216) 327-6051 3110 Reynolds Rd. Lakeland, FL 33803 (813) 665-1471 Route 3 Box 1060 Williamsport, MD 21795 (301) 223-6933 1911 Midland Road Rock Hill, SC 29731 (803) 366-6115 2001 Proform Road 1210 N. Tustin Avenue Seguin, TX 78155 P.O. Box 6069 (512) 372-0090 Anaheim, CA 92806 (714) 630-0012 These ns ructions supersede all orevlous e(:hlions XERXES® CORPORATION 515 West South St. Tipton, IA 52772 (319) 886-6172 XERXES CORPORATE OFFICE 7901 Xerxes Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55431 (612) 887-1890 INSTALLATION CHECKL~T Xerxes Century-Cast Fiberglass Underground Storage Tank(s)' Double Wall -~To: installation Supervisor From: Xerxes Corporation Subj: Installation Checklist Read the preceding Tank Installation =lnstructions, then fill in the information below. As the tank installation progresses, fill in each applicable inspection, testing and installation checklist item below, initialing the items as its conditions are satisfactorily met. (Refer to Installation Instructions for details.) The tank's U.L. number can be found on the U.L. label next to the lifting lug. When the checklist is complete, tear off at the dotted line and mail to: XERXES CORPORATION, 7901 Xerxes Avenue South, Minneapolis. MN 55431. INSTALLATION DATE(S) =~..~ TANK'S U.L. NUMBER ~-~ SITE OWNER SITE ADDRESS INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION SUPERVISOR PRIOR TO INSTALLATION: A. Visual inspection. No evidence (holes, cracks, deep scrapes) in domes, or flats of damage to ,the tank from physical abuse or a blow from a hard object. B. Physical testing. Completed in accordance with current Xerxes Double Wall Installation Instructions (5 psig pressuri- zations and soap test). C. Backfill matedal (indicate material type). 1. Pea Gravel per specification in installation Instructions. 2. Crushed Gravel or Stone per specification in Installation Instructions. 3. Other (requires specific approval by Xerxes rep.) Describe: D. E. Verified by: c Excavation hole size. Hole dimensions are correct per Installation Instructions for stable and unstable walls. ~_'. . ' ': ~- ' /? r Hole conditions (select one): ' '~ 1. Dry hole. Ground water elevation not anticipated to reach tank and area not subject to flooding. (Dry hole installation -~-'" ~' /' "'/' 2. Wet hole. Ground water elevation expected to reach tank or area subject to flooding. (Wet hole installation) E TraffiC load (select one): 1. Traffic loading anticipated. (Requires deep budal per Installation Instructions.) 2. No traffic loading. (Allows normal budal per Installation Instructions.) DURING INSTALLATION: A. Backfill matedal bed is level and at 12" (300mm) minimum depth over native soil or slab prior to setting tanks in place. B. Tanks set in place with correct spacing from wall and other tanks. C. Deedmen and tie downs positioned and secured in accordance with Installation Instructions. (Wet hole installation) D. Backfill matedal tamped and compacted to fill all voids around tank. E. Tank propedy ballasted dudng backfill. (Wet hole installation only.) Never fill secondary (external) tank with ballast. E Tank(s) buried at proper depth to conform to wet or dry hole; traffic or no traffic conditions. INSTALLATION TESTING: All tanks with manways must be inspected from the inside after installation. Visually inspect the tank for any signs (cracks. holes, indentations) of physical damage. ,/~,~ o ~ ,~-4,, ~,, A y' 5 MEASUREMENT OF DEFLECTIONS: ~' A. All tanks must be measured to determine vertical tank deflection during installation. Inteno~ diamet~' of tank Interior diameter o! tank PriOr to 13acldilling.~/ ' t after backfilling tostC~radm ~, (A) - (a) = Maximum Allowable Deflections: Tank Diameter 4' 10' Deflection Deflection 1¼" l~&,, Vertical deflection in excess of these values indicates improper installation and voids the tank warranty XERXES PLANT LOCATIONS 34250 Mills Road Avon, OH 44011 (216) 327-6051 3110 Reynolds Rd. Lakeland, FL 33803 (813) 665-1471 Route 3 Box 1060 Williamsport, MD 21795 (301) 223-6933 1911 Midland Road Rock Hill, SC 29731 (803) 366-6115 2001 Proform Road 1210 N. Tustin Avenue Seguin, TX 78155 P.O. Box 6069 (512) 372-0090 Anaheim, CA 92806 (714) 630-0012 XERXES® These ~nstructlons supersecle all previous editions CORPORATION 515 West South St. Tipton, IA 52772 (319) 886-6172 XERXES CORPORATE OFFICE 7901 Xerxes Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55431 (612) 887-1890 INSTALLATION CHECKLIST Xerxes Century-Cast Fiberglass Underground Storage Tank(s)' Double Wall To: Installation Supervisor From: Xerxes Corporation Subj: Installation Checklist Read the preceding Tank Installation Instructions, then fill in the information below. As the tank installation progresses, fill in each applicable inspection, testing and installation checklist item below, initialing the items as its conditions are satisfactorily met. (Refer to Installation instructions for details.) The tank's U.L. number can be found on the U.L. label next to the lifting lug. When the checklist is complete, tear off at the dotted line and mail to: XERXES CORPORATION, 7901 Xerxes Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55431. INSTALLATION DATE(S) S - 2 / - ~"/ ~ L){. TANK'S U.I- NUMBER .~ ~ / / 5 SITE OWNER ~ ,.~'~ C2 prior to bactdillingz~ll~ ,' (A) - x'. / Maximum Allowable Deflections: SITE'ADDRESS ~..rZ~ C:~ ~ /1,,? ,,,~j~... A C,~. ~'v~/~.~,E'~I~'"/'~'(..~ d'"',,'*fC~"'~f~,'4J/~', ~ ~ ~ /' '7-.. Slate INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR ~AJ_.,~'/~'~-~',/~' E',~ ~.~AJ ~ 7"~4 ~']'~/~ INSTALLATION SUPERVISOR _~,~ AJ ~_'i~'CV ~ PRIOR TO INSTALLATION: Verified A. Visual inspection. No evidence (holes, cracks, deep scrapes) in domes, or flats of damage to the tank from physical ~'- t~--/- abuse or a blow from a hard object. B. Physical testing. Completed in accordance with current Xerxes Double Wall Installation Instructions (5 psig pressufi- · zations and soap test). C. Backfill matedal (indicate matedal type). 1. Pea Gravel per specification in Installation Instructions. '""' 2. Crushed Gravel or Stone per specification in Installation Instructions. 3. Other (requires specific approval by Xerxes rep.) Describe: D. Excavation hole size. Hole dimensions are correct per Installation Instructions for stable and unstable walls. E. Hole conditions (select one): ~)'~' 1. Dry hole. Ground water elevation not anticipated to reach tank and area not subject to flooding. (Dry hole installation '" · ' 2. Wet hole. Ground water elevation expected to reach tank or area subject to flooding. (Wet hole installation) E Traffic load (select one): 1. Traffic loading anticipated. (Requires deep budal per Installation Instructions.) 2. No traffic loading. (Allows normal burial per Installation Instructions.) A. Backfill material bed is level and at 12' {300mm) minimum depth over native soil or slab prior to setting tanks in place. B. Tanl~ set in place with con'oct spacing from wall and other tanks. G. Deadmen and tie downs positioned and secured in accordance with Installation Instructions. (Wet hole installation) ..~; D. Backfill material tamped and compacted to fill all voids around tank. -.' E. Tank properly ballasted during backfill. (Wet hole installation only) Never. fill secondary (external) tank with ballast. .~,.~ F. Tank(s) buried at proper depth to conform to wet or dry hole; traffic or no traffic conditions. ,,~.. INSTALLATION TESTING: All tanks with manways must be inspected from the inside after installation. Visually inspect the tank for any signs (cracks, holes, indentations) of physical damage. ,~.-,~j ~ ,~.~ ~-M ~ ~'Y' ~ MEASUREMENT OF DEFLECTIONS: ' A. All tanks must be measured to determine vertical tank deflection during installation. Interior diameter of tank ~ Interior diameter of tank ~, , Deflection after t3ac~illing to sul~de., . ,~" - (B) = Tank Diameter Deflection 4' V2" , 3/~,, 1%" 10' 1W' Vertical deflection in excess of these values indicates improper installation and voids the tank warranty XERXES PLANT LOCATIONS 34250 Mills Road Avon, OH 44011 (216) 327-6051 3110 Reynolds Rd. Lakeland, FL 33803 (813) 665-1471 Route 3 Box 1060 Williamsport, MD 21795 (301) 223-6933 1911 Midland Road Rock Hill, SC 29731 (803) 366-6115 2001 Proform Road 1210 N. Tustin Avenue Seguin, TX 78155 P.O. Box 6069 (512) 372-0090 Anaheim, CA 92806 (714) 630-0012 These ir~struC~lOrlS supersede all Drevlous edltiOrlS XERXES® CORPORATION 515 West South St. Tipton, IA 52772 (319) 886-6172 XERXES CORPORATE OFFICE 7901 Xerxes Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55431 (612) 887-1890 ARCO Products Company · 17315 Studebaker Road Cerritos, California 90701-1488 Telephone 213 404 5300 Mailing Address: Box 6411 Artesia. California 90702-6411 May 10,1991 Mr. Hazardous Materials Specialist Kern County Resource Management Agency Department of Environmental Health Services 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE' COnstruction Requirements, ARCO Facility #6218 4203 Ming Avenue, Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr. Finberg: ARCO Products Company recognizes that hydrocarbon-Bearing soil may be encountered during the up-coming construction activities at the above referenced ARCO facility. In that event, ARCO proposes to leave as much of the contaminated soil in place as is possible. ARCO understands that the County may request further assessment of the extent of contamination, if found, and that remediation of this soil may be required in the future. ARCO also understands that some assessment and remediation may not be possible due to the installation of new equipment. However, well established technologies for assessing and remediating gasoline-bearing soils in place are available and can be utilized at the site if necessary. Hydrocarbon-bearing soil may be encountered near the existing island, which ARCO plans to continue to .use. If that is the case, the following procedures will be followed in order to meet County requirements for a permit to install new tanks and piping: 1) ARCO will leave the product-line excavation in the current location in relation to the pump island. During installation 'of the new product lines, enough soil will be excavated to allow a 2-foot wide and deep clean area around the new piping. Excavation under the island will allow a 2-foot deep excavation and as much area on the sides as possible without compromising the structural integrity of the canopy supports. 2) Any contaminated soil removed during construction will be stored on site. The material will be stockpiled temporarily under visqueen with. containerization (either a roll-off bin or drums) to follow immediately upon completion of soil removal. All contaminated soil will be covered to minimize aeration. These procedures have been approved by the County .for use at ARCO facilities #'s 1960, 3054, 5'83, located in Bakersfield and facility #6208 located in Buttonwillow. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have regarding this project. Sincerely, ARCO Products Company Kateri A. Luka Environmental Engineer ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIV HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES SE INSPECTION RECORD POST CARD AT JOBSITE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93305 PHONE (805) 861-3636 FACILITY ADDRESS PHONE NO. IOWNER ADDRESS 1~ 31~ PERMIT # INSTRUCTIONS: Please call for an inspector only when each group of inspection[ with the same number are ready. They will run in consecutive order beginnin[ with number 1. DO NOT cover work for any numbered group until all items iz that group are signed off by the Permitting Authority. Following thes~ instrutions will reduce the number of required inspection visits and therefore prevent assessment of additional fees. - TANKS & BACKFILL - INSPECTION DATE INSPECTOR I :Backfill of Tank(s) Spark Test Certification ', Cathodic Protection of Tank(s) - PIPING SYSTEM - PiDin~ & Raceway w/Collection SumD/a3~-,-~,~ Corrosion Protection of Piping, Joints, Fill Pi~e ~/~9~ '-~ J '~z' /.~.~/'//~/ Electrical Isolation of Piping From Tank(s)' '/" Cathodic Protection System-Piping 1/9i /, - SECONDARY CONTAINMENT. OVERFILL PROTECTION. LEAK DETECTION - Liner Installation - Tank(s) Liner Installation - Piping Vault With Product Compatible Sealer ~iLevel Gauges or Sensors, Float Vent Valves Product Compatible Fill Box(es) Product Line Leak Detector(s) Leak Detector(s) for Annular Space-D.W. Tank(s) Monitoring Well(s)/Sump(s) Leak Detection Device(s) For Vadose/G'roundwater - FINAL - Monitoring Wells, Caps & Locks Fill Box Lock Moni'toring Requirements · CONTACT LICENSE # PH # ./~_.~.~ ~ ~' --' --.~ Permit Application Checklist Facility Name /~.,~_~'~; ~,,%,<,,~ /,~,~q . Facility Address ,y~-.t. "~ /';'Iz3~?(d Application~ategory: K/Standa rd. Design (Secondary Containment) Motor Vehicle Fuel Exemption Design (Non-Secondary Containment) Permit Application Form Properly Completed Deficiencies: 3 Copies of Plot Plan Depicting: Property lines Area encompassed bY 'minimum 100 foot radius around tank(s) ant piping Ail tank(s) idenEified by a number and product to be stored Ad. equate° scale (minimum 1"=16'0'' in detail) North arrow All structures within 50 foot radius of tank(s) and piping Location and labeling of all product piping and dispenser islands Environmental sensitivity data including: *Depth to first groundwater at site *Any domestic or agricultural water well within 100 feet of tank(s) and piping *Any surface water in unlined conveyance within 100 feet of tank(s) and piping *All utility lines within 25 feet of tank(s) and piping (telephone, electrical, water, sewage, gas, leach lines, seepage pits, drainage systems) *Asterisked items: appropriate documentation if permitt.ee seeks a motor vehicle fuel exempti6n"[rom secondary containment Comments: ..Approved /~ .6 ~_' Copies of Construction Drawings Depicting: ~ Side Vie--~ of Tank In-~ai'latiOn with Backfill, Raceway(s), Secondary Containment and/or Leak Monitoring System in Place Top View of Tank Installation With Raceway(s), Secondary Containment and/or Leak Monitoring System in Place Tank (s) Product Piping Raceway(s) A Materials List (indicating those used in the construction): Backfill Sealer(s) Secondary Containment [~ea'k Detector(s) Overfill Protection Gas or Vapor Detector(s) Sump(s) .Monitoring Well(s) Add i't'i ona 1: Documentation of Product Performance Additional Comments Reviewed By Date SiTE INSPECTION: Comments: Approved Disapproved Inspector Date Faclli.ty= kCO Standard Compliance Check CT Equipment to be installed: Tank(s), ~ Ft. of )'-]Suction [~]l~ressur lzed ~]Gravlty, o Plptn Approv~ed Proof of Contractor's License - License #//"7'/~/_~ Type of License Proof of Contractor's Worker's Compensation Insurance Pr~ary Containment ~Flberglass (FRP) {_JFiberglass-clad ~]Uncoated steel F'lother: comment: steel Hake & Model ,~, ~9, ~,,44, r Y7L Make & ~odel Make & Model Make & Model Additional: Inspection: Containment of c ° D~°~°~o u~ ~ e- wa l l e d tank(s) Tank(s) Make & Model ~'~~ [~Synthetlc liner Make & Model [~Llned concrete vault(s) Sealer used [~Other Type Make & Model Comment: Additional: Inspection: Secondary Containment Volume at Least 100% of Primary Tan Volume(s) Comment: Additional: Inspection: Secondary Containment Volume for More Than One Tan Contains 150% of Volume of Largest Primary Containment o 10% of Aggregate Primary Volume, Whichever is Oreate Comment: Additional Inspection: Approved Secondary Containment Open to Rainfall Must Accommodate Hour Rainfall Total Volume Comment: Additional: Inspection: Secondary Containment Product Comment: is Product-Compatible Documentation Additional: Inspection: Annular Space Liquid Product Comment: Additional: is Compatible with Product Annular liquid Inspection: Primary C~oJ~tainment of Piping ~F~berglass piping DCoated steel piping DUncoated steel .piping ~Other Comment: Additional: Size & Make Size & Make Size Inspect econ c {~rDo ub Ion: ~Synthetic [-]Other Comment: Additional: ontalnment of Piping le-walled pipe Size & Make y~. liner lu trench Size & Make Inspection: Corrosion Protection ~Ta.nk(s) [~Plplng & fittings OElectrical Isolation Comment: / Additional: Inspection: Manufacturer-Approved Backfill for Tanks & Piping Typeo~/~ ~Ji>~/ Comment: Req'd Approved Additional: Inspection: Tank(s) Located no Closer than lO Feet Comment: ~-~'F-- /~ ~'-~"-'- Additional: to Building(s) Inspection: Complete Monitoring System Monl~J~oring device within secondary containment: ~Llquid level indicator(s) E]Liquid used · ~erermal conductivity sensor(s) ssure sensor(s) ~/1 _-_~.,~ ~'_, ,K"~--"~-- (s) Gas or vapor detector(s) Manual inspection & sampling Visual inspection Other Comment: Additional: Inspection: Other Monitoring ~]Periodic tightness testing Method ~]Pressure-reducing line leak detector(s) [~]Other Comment: Additional: .Inspection: Overfill Protection ~]Tape float gauge(s) [-]Float vent valve(s) []Capacitance sensor(s) ~]High level alarm(s) [~Automattc shut-off control(s) F~Flll box(es) with 1 ft. 3 volume [~Operator controls with visual level monitoring Other Comment: - 3 - Req'd Approved Additional: Inspection: Monitoring Requirements Additional Comments Inspection: Inspector Date Extra Inspectlons/Reinspectlons/Consultatlons Date: Purpose: Comment: Date: Tine Utilized Purpose: Comment: Date: Time Utilized Purpose: Com-ment: Date: Time Utilized Purpose: Comment: Invoice Date: Inspector - 5 - Time Utilized Total Time: Date: RES JRCE MANAGEMENT A( CY RANDALL L. ABBOTT DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE Ili ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Environmental Health Services Department STEVE McCAI!FY, REHS, DIRECTOR Air Pollution Control District WILLIAM J. RODDY, APCO Planning & Development Se~ces Department TED JAMES, AICP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT UNDERGROUND STORAGE FACILITY PERMIT NUMBER 280030 FACILITY ARCO AM/PM #6218 4203 Ming Avenue Bakersfield, CA OWNER(S) NAME/ADDRESS: ARCO Products Company 17315 Studebaker Road Cerritos, CA 90701 Phone No. (213) 404-5300 CONTRACTOR: Wegener Construction 1710 Calloway Road Bakersfield, CA 93308 License # 413913 Phone No. (805) 589-5570 X NEW BUSINESS CHANGE OWNERSHIP RENEWAL MODIFICATION OTHER PERMIT EXPIRES ~PPROVAL DATE APPROVED BY · August 17, 1991 May 17, 1991 ¢ Haza~dous Materials Specialist .............................. POST ON PREMISES .............................. CONDITIONS AS FOLLOW: Standard Instructions 3. 4. 5. 6. All construction to be as per facility plans approved by this department and verified by inspection by Permitting Authority. All equipment and materials in this construction must be installed in accordance with all manufacturers' specifications. Permittee must contact Permitting Authority for on-site inspection(s) with 48-hour advance notice. Backfill material for piping and tanks to be as per manufacturers' spedfications. Float vent valves are required on vent/vapOr lines of underground tanks to prevent overfilling. Construction inspection record card is included with permit given to Permittee. This card must be posted at job site prior to initial inspection. Perminee must contact Permitting Authority and arrange for each group of required inspections numbered as per instructions on card. Generally, inspections will be made of: a. Tank and backfill b. Piping system with secondary containment leak interception/raceway c. Overfill protection and leak detection/monitoring , d. Any other inspection deemed necessary by Permitting Authority. 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 FAX: (805) 861-3429 Standard 'Instructions Permit No. 280030 11. 12. All underground metal connections (e.g. piping, fitting, fill pipes) to tank(s) must be electrically isolated and wrapped to a minimum 20 mil thickness with corrosion-preventive, gasoline-resistant tape or otherwise protected from corrosion. Primary and secondary containment of both tank(s) and underground piping must not be subject to physical or chemical deterioration due to the substance(s) stored in them. Documentation from tank, piping, and seal manufacturers of compatibility with these substance(s) must be submitted to Permitting Authority prior to construction. No product shall be stored in tank(s) until approval is granted by the Permitting Authority. Contractor must be certified by tank manufacturer for installation of fiberglass tank(s), or tank manufacturer's representative must be present at site during installation, Monitoring requirements for this facility will be described on final 'Permit to Operate.' Monitoring wells on ~'ypical Drawings" are not allowed unless monitoring probes are installed and functioning. Construction must be in accordance with Hazardous Materials Management Program standards as per UT-50. ACCEPTED BY~~ _..~ ~280030.ptc ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPA). 2700 'IM" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 .ENT PERM',. NO. APN NUMBER APPLICATION DATE APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT/MODIFY UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY Type Of Application (check): ( )New Facility ( )Modification of Facility (\~ewTank Installation at Existing Facility Number of Tanks To Be Installed ~-/ Existing Facility Permit Type of Busines~ ~ ~.o~ _ Facility Na~e ~co Address ~ZO_~ /vitr~ ,.~. City T~ R~ SEC (~ura~ locations 0n17) Nearest Cross Street B. Tank Owner ~c~ ~roct~~jr~ ~.~, Address 1~3i% S.~,,-J~J~,.- ~ Water To Facility Proyided_By ~_,~.~O-Of-~,~ ~.,,C~/¢_~ <~m../t~'dS ~_~, Depth To Groundwater/~7~r+.Soil Characteristics At Facility ~7~/~ Y~_~,~_~ Contractor \AJ(Ckr m~_F- ~t]~o~-~(:.r~ CA Co[Ltractor's License No.q I%~ I~ Address In(© J~'~k~m~ City '~x~c,."S~l~ Zip. Worker's Compensation Certqfication # ~cl~/q-.~ Insurer Proposed Starting Date ~/~z~/q /q~/ · Proposed Completion Date ~/c~ri'/ /~'/ E. If This Application Is For Modification Of An Existing Tank System, Briefly Describe Modifications Proposed (Excluding New Tank Installation at Existing Facilities) F. Tank(s) Tank # Storage (~heck All That Apply): (If* - Complete Section G) Other* Other* Unleaded Reqular Premium Diesel Other Fuel* Waste Oil Waste Product / () (.k-l'() () () () () () Ge Chemical Composition Of Materials Stored (For Products Or Waste Marked With Tank # Chemical Stored (non-commercial name) CAS # lif known) Chemical Previously Stored (if different) -%. This form has been completed under penalty of perjury and to the best of my knowledge is true and cor~.~x~~' ~SMi2~gn a t u re ~ ./~x. - Title Date o 10. 11. HM2 I. Tank is: Tank Material ( ) Carbon Steel ( ) Concrete Primary Containment Date Installed /-¥or,' l ~ OU~T,..SIEPARATIE FORM ~NrK) FOR'--~-'~"~''7 T.--j~[ ~ ~L APPROP~TE ( ) Vaulted ., , Jacketed ( ) Stainless Steel ( ) Unknown Th~kness (Inches) Cap.~city.~(Qallons) T~n¢Secondarv Containment ~ Double-Wall ( ) Synthetic Liner ( ) () Other (describe): ( ) Material Thickness (Inches) Tank Interior Lininq ~UnlineO ( ) Unknown ( )LineO (describe). Tank # j' KES ,[Double-Wall ( ) ,.,,,tgle-Wall ~Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic ( ) Fiberglass-Clad Steel ( ) Other (Describe) Ma~aafacturer Lined Vault ( ) None ( ) Unknown Manufacturer: Capacity (Gallons) Tank Corrosion Protection ( ) Galvanized l~l'~iberglass-Clad ( ) Polyethylene/Vinyl (Wrapped or Jacketed) ( ) Tar or Asphalt (') Unknown ( ) None ( ) Other (describe): Cathodic Protection: f,~None ( ) Impressed Current System ( ) Sacrificial Anode System Describe System and Equipment: Leak Detection. Monitorinq~ and Interception * (Must be described below) a. Tank: ( ) Vapor Detector * ( ) Liquid Level Sensor .(,'~Vadose Zone Monitoring Well(s) ( ) U-Tube with Liner ( ) U-Tube without Liner ( ) Visual Inspection (Vaulted tanks only) ( ) Groundwater Monitoring ~ Sensor in Annular Space ( ) Vapor ( ) Regular Monitoring of U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space ( ) Daily Gauging & Inventory Reconciliation ( ) Periodic'Tightness Testing ( ) None ( ) Unknown,,( ) Other · *Describe Make & Model: ~/~/Z~_ b. Piping: ~Flow-Restricting Leak'D~tecior~s) for Pressurized Piping* ( ) Sealed Concrete Raceway ( ) Monitoring Sump with Raceway .( ) Complete Containment Liner with Sumps ( ) Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway ( ) Synthetic Liner Raceway ( ) None ( ) Unknown ( ) Other · Describe Make & Model: ,,t0./_)-~_~t/,4~¢-~ ~.2~ .-.~ Tank Tightness Has This Tank Been Tightness Tested? Date of Last Tightness Test Test Name Tank Repair ( ) Yes Date(s) of Repair(s) (~es () No Results of Test Testing Company ( ) No ( ) Unknown ( ) Unknown Describe Repairs Overfill Protection (Must describe below) ( ) Operator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level ( ) Tape Float Gauge ( ) Float Vent Valves( ) Auto Shut-Off Controls ( ) Capacitance Sensor ~¥"Sealed Fill Box ( ) Nolle ( ) Unknown.(,,) Other ( ) List Make & Model for all Devices .~1'~/~- *Describe other Protection System P. ipin~ a. Underground Piping:.~ (~ Yes ( ) Thickness (inches) 't~ l~/. ~"~ Diameter Ce Type_,,,af piping System (dj Pressure ( ) Suction Underground Piping Corrosion Protection: ( ) Galvanized (~')""Fiberglass-Clad ( ) Polyethylene Wrap ( ) Electrical Isolation ( ) Unknown ( ) None Und_,prground Piping, Secondary Containment: '(,q Double-Wall' ( ) Synthetic Liner System ( ) Make & Model (describe): No ( ) Unknown Material ~.." Manufacturer ,.~q,~. ~'7~-o ( ) Gravity Approximate Length of this Pipe ( ) Impressed Current( ) Sacrificial Anode ( ) Vinyl Wrap ( ) Tar or Asphalt ( ) Other (describe): ( ) None ( ) Unknown H. 1. 10. 11. HM2I FOR Tank is: ( ) Tank Material ( ) Carbon Steel ( ) Stainless Steel ( ) Concrete ( ) Unknown Primary Containment D_~. Installed Thi_cJ~ness (Inches) T,4n.k Secondary Contain~n'ent ~<f Double-Wall ( ) Synthetic Liner ( ) Other (describe): ~H Si FIONa_CHECK ALL APPROP ( ) Jacketed {~t"Double-Wai .TE ~. v XES ( ) Single-Wall Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Other (Describe). ( ) Fiberglass-Clad Steel Capacity/O,.d~)l~") (G~allons) Ma~tu~ .. ( ) Lined Vault ( ) None Manufacturer: ( ) Unknown ( ) Material Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gallons) .. ok Interior Linin~ Unlined ( ) Unknown ( ) Lined (describe). Tank Corrosion Protection ( ) Galvanized (~f'~iberglass-Clad ( ) Polyethylene/Vinyl (Wrapped or Jacketed) ( ) Tar or Asphalt ( ) Unknown ( ) None ( ) Other (describe): Cathodic Protection: (',~None ( ) Impressed Current System ( ) Sacrificial Anode System Describe System and Equipment: Leak Detection. Monitoring, and Interception * (Must be described below) a. Tank: ( )...Vapor Detector * ( ) Liquid Level Sensor * ( ) Conduct,ivity Sensor * {K') vadose Zone Monitoring Well(s) ( ) U-Tube with Liner ( ) U-Tube without Liner ( ) Visual Inspection (Vaulted ranks only) ( ) Groundwater Monitoring ( ) Sensor in Annular Space ( ) Vapor (t.~F'Liquid ( ).Pressure ( ) Other * ( ) Regular Monitoring of U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space ( ) Daily Gauging & Inventory Reconciliation ( ) Periodic Tightness Testing () None () Unknowr r · De?ri~be Make & Model: b. Piping:2tRJ Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping* ( ) Sealed Concrete Raceway ( ) Monitoring Sump with Raceway ( ) Complete Containment Liner with Sumps ( ) Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway ( ) Synthetic Liner Raceway ( ) None () Unknown () Other Tank Tightness Has This Tank Been Tightness Tested? Date of Last Tightness Test Test Name Tank Repair ( ) Yes Date(s) of Repair(s) (~Yes () No Results of Test Testing Company ( ) No ( ) Unknown ( ) Unknown Describe Repairs Overfill Protection (Must describe below) ( ) Operator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level ( ) Tape Float Gauge (~) ..Float Vent Valves( ) Auto Shut-Off Controls ( ) Capacitance Sensor' (.-J~Sealed Fill_Box ( ) None, ( ) Unk_nqwn ( ) List Make & Model for all Devices ~/~Jqfi 'Z"~q[~.~' 2-~gt' ~l. ')~'" ' *Describe other Protection System Pipinq a. bo Co ( ) Other * Underground Piping: (°lYes ( ) Thickness (inches) ~[',_q-' Diameter Type. g.eff piping System ("3 Pressure ( ) Suction ( ) Grax;ity Underground Piping Corrosion..p.t. otection: ( ) Galvanized ( ~/Fiberglass-Clad No ()Unknown ~.)t Manufacturer c_~g/tt Approximate Length of this Pipe Run~___~ ( ) Impressed Current( ) Sacrificial Anode do Polyethylene Wrap ( ) Electrical Isolation Unknown ( ) None Und.~rground Piping, Secondary Containment: kDouble-Wall ( ) Synthetic Liner System Make & Model (describe): ( ) Vinyl Wrap ( ) Tar or Asphalt ( ) Other (describe): ( ) None ( ) Unknown Permit H. 1. o o 10. 11. HM21 Tank is: Tank Material ( ) Carbon Steel ( ) Stainless Steel ( ) Concrete ( ) Unknown Primary Containment I~.te Installed - Thickness (Inches) Capacity (..Gallons) Tanl~ Secondary Containment · O)~Double-Wall ( ) Synthetic Liner ( ) () Other (describe): ( ) Material' Thickness (Inches) Taj:uk Interior Lining ¢<J Unlined ( ) Unknown ( ) Lined (describe) c~ll~w L,M Il LIJll t,~ (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM FOR EA ANK) FOR E H SF~TION, CHECK ALIa APPROPP' 'TE t- XES ( ) Vaulted ~ j Jack'eted .~Double-Wall ( ) ,~,agle-Wall Tank '{~'"Fiberglass-Rein forced Plastic ( ) Other (Describe) Fiberglass-Clad Steel Manufacturer Lined Vault ( ) None ( ) Unknown Manufacturer: Capacity (Gallons) Tank Corrosion Protectio~n/ ( ) Galvanized ' (.)"%-'iberglassTClad ( ) Polyethylene/Vinyl (Wrapped or Jacketed) ( ) Tar or Asphalt ( ) Unknown ( ) None ( ) Other (describe): Cathodic Protection: ']}~None ( ) Impressed Current System ( ) Sacrificial Anode System Describe System and Equipment: Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interception * (Must be described below) a. Tank: ( )jVapor Detector * ( ) Liquid Level Sensor * ( ) Conductivity Sensor * ~ Vadose Zone Monitoring Well(s) ( ) U-Tube with Liner ( ) U-Tube without'Liner ( ) Visual Inspection (Vaulted tanks only) ( ) Groundwater Monitoring ~ Sensor in Annular Space ( ) Vapor (:~'~J~iquid ( ) Pressure ( ) Other * ( ) Regular Monitoring of U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space ( ) Daily Gauging & Inventory Reconciliation ( ) Periodic Tightness Testing () None () Unknown () O,p~..e~_ ,.., .' · Describe Make & Model: b. Piping: ( ) Flow-Restricting Leak Det~ct'0r(~ roi P~essh'h~.ed 'Piping* ( ) Sealed Concrete Raceway ( ) Monitoring Sump with Raceway ( ) Complete Containment Liner with Sumps ( ) Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway ( ) Synthetic Liner Raceway ( ) None () Unknown () Other · Describe Make & Model: Has This Tank Been Tightness Tested? s ( ) No ( ) Unknown Date of Last Tightness Test Results of Test Test Name Testing Company Tank Repair ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ),Unknown Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs Overfill Protection (Must describe below) ( ) Operator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level ( ) Tape Float Gauge ( ) ..~oat Vent Valves( ) Auto Shut-Off Controls () Capacitance Sensor (,-)~SealedFil[Bo$ ()4-~ 4)Unkn°w-n ()~ther" ( ) List Make & Model for all Devices Q ~J'T.. ~ Ip- 2-{~-.,2-'''7f5'~ *Describe other Protection System Piping a. bo Co do Underground Piping:zl,.~ Yes-'' /"~ ( ) Thickness (inches) ,)/.~ Diameter No ( ) Unknown Material ~t( Manufacturer ~Pv~ I ~ Typ~g.oT'piping System C') Pressure ( ) Suction ( ) Gravity Approximate Length of this Pipe Run Underground Piping Corrosion~P.r<ffection: ' ( ) Galvanized . ( Y"Fiberglass-Clad ( ) Impressed Current( ) Sacrificial Anode ( ) Polyethylene Wrap ( ) Electrical Isolation ( ) Unknown ( ) None Un~erground Piping, Secondary Containment: I .~ Double-Wall ( ) Synthetic Liner System ( ) Make & Model (describe): ( ) Vinyl Wrap' ( ) Tar or Asphalt ( ) Other (describe): () None . () Unknown Permit Ho 1° ., 10. 11. HM21 Tank is: Tank. Material ( ) Carbon Steel ( ) Stainless Steel ( )~ Concrete ( ) Unknown Primary Containment a~te Ir~st~l].gd, j Thicjila~ss (Inches) · r,/ t to//. Secondary Containment -- ~ Double-Wall ( ) Synthetic Liner () Other (describe): ( ) Material Thickness (Inches) Tank Interior Lining '~'"Unlined ( ) Unknown ( ) Lined (describe) Tank Corrosion Protection OUT SEPARATE FORM FQR EAr'TAN_K) ,..~,)ma~= Tank # FOR E _H SF ~ION, CHECK AL~x"~PPROP,.;'- TE_; KES ( ) Vaulted t") Jacketed ("f'Double-Wall ~ ) Single'Wall ("5""Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic ( ) Fiberglass-Clad Steel ( ) Other (Describe) Capacity (Gallons) Marmfactur~ ( ) Lined Vault ( ) None Manufacturer: ( ) Unknown Capacity (Gallons) ( ) Galvanized Oq~ Fiberglass-Clad ( ) Polyeth'ylene/Vinyl (Wrapped or Jacketed) ( ) Tar or Asphalt ( ) Unknown ( ) None ( ) Other (describe): Cathodic Protection: (q[ None () Impressed Current System () Sacrificial Anode System Describe Systemand Equipment: Leak Detection. Monitoring, and Interception * (Must be described below) a. Tank: () Vapor Detector * ( ) Liquid Level Sensor * ( ) Conductivity Sensor * Vadose Zone Monitoring Well(s) U-Tube with Liner ( ) U-Tube without Liner )Visual Inspection (Vaulted tanks only) ~. ( ) Groundwater Monitoring Sensor in Annular Space ( ) Vapor ('~ Liquid ( ) Pressure ( ) Other * Regular Monitoring of U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space ( ) Daily Gauging & Inventory Reconciliation ( ) Periodic Tightness Testing · () None () Unknown (,~,.,Ot. gI:ter~..-.~ · . · Descr~e Make a Model: ,~, '.{~[_ ~---Cf'tO, Y'] '~ 5 b. Piping:.k~ Flow-R?stricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping* ( ) Sealed Concrete Raceway ( ) Monitoring Sump with Raceway .( ) Complete Containment Liner with Sumps ( ) Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway ( ) Synthetic Liner Raceway ( ) None (, Unknown (, Ot~% ~_~ ~ · Describe Make & Model: · , ~.~tA,,~ ,QA.-, Tank Tightness ~ ' ' g~Yes () No Results of Test Testing Company () No ( ) Unknown ( ) Unknown Has This Tank Been Tightness Tested? Date of Last Tightness Test Test Name Tank Repair ( ) Yes Date(s) of Rep'air(s) Describe Repairs Overfill Protection (Must describe below) ( ) Operator Fills, Controls, & Visually. Monitors Level ( ) Tape Float Gauge ( ),..~loat Vent Valves ( ) Auto Shut-Off Controls ( ) Capacitance Sensor ,,O')" Sealed Fill Box ( ) None ( ) Unknown (_) Other ( ) List Make & Model for all Devices C~T ~"~q ~,~- ~.(,,q/' *Describe other Protection System Piping ~_ _.,,,,~_ ' ,.~ ' Underground Piping: .('"),Yes ( ) No ( ) Unknown Material 1-'--( k"W_4r~ 2. Thickness (inches) "~f~-'~ Diameter 2't Manufacturer' (_~/,t,x~']-~ Type. jff--~iping System (-0" Pressure ( ) Suction ( ) Gravity Approximate Length of this Pipe Run c. Underground Piping Corrosio~tion: ( ) Galvanized ' (,.'y' Fiberglass-Clad ( ) Impressed Current( ) Sacrificial Anode ( ) Polyethylene Wrap ( ) Electrical Isolation ( ) Vinyl Wrap ( ) Tar or Asphalt ( ) Unknown ( ) None ( ) Other (describe): d. Und/e.rground Piping, Secondary Containment: (") Double-Wall ( ) Synthetic Liner System ( ) None ( ) Unknown ( ) Make & Model (describe): ( PAGE I 02/t9/91 4:19 pm KERN COUNTY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT 2?00 'M' Street Bakersfffeld, CA 93301 (805) 861-2615 invoffce Nbr. Type o¢ Order 45843 CASH REGISTER DIVERSIFIED DEVELOPERS Customer P.O.~ Nth By Order Dace Shffp DaCe H0219913 YKN 02/19/9! 02/19/91 1 PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT (PER FACILITY} ! I?0A Vffa ] Terms DD ! NT 350.00 . E 350.00 Order Total 350.00 Amoun~ Due Made By Check 350.00 350.00 THANK YOU~ RANDALL L. ABBOTT DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE II! ASSISTANT DIRECTOR RE 'RCE MANA6EMENT A rNC¥ Envu'onmental Health Services D~arm~nt ~ McCA! ! Fy, RIBS, DIRECTOR Air Pollution Control District ~I[.LIAM J. RODDY, A~CO Planmng & Development Set~zes Department TED JAMES, AICP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT Kern County Permit #: County #: 15 .... 'This fo~ is ~o be reCurned ~o .¢he'K~rn County Env~ronmenCal.Heal~h :Serv3ces :¢ :,, ·., Departmen¢ within 14 days o¢ ,accepCance of .¢he Cank(s) by an approved dJsPosal Section I To be filled out by tank removal contractor: Tank Removal Contractor: i/7/~~ L/~ Address: /710 ~y_..C~I4xA)[ Phone #: · Zip: Date Tank(s) Removed: ~'-/5-- ¢/ No. of Tank(s) Section 2 To be filled out by contractor "decontaminating" tank(s): Tank "Decontamination~ Contractor: Address: i Tank Size L.E.L. Phone #: Zip: ¢~/Z Tank Size L.E.L. Authorized representative of the contractor certifies by signing below that the tank(s) have been decontaminated in accordance with Kern County Envlronmental Health Services Department requirements, i~,.!>,..-. Signature Title Section 3 To be filled out and signed by an authorized representative of the approved disposal or recycling facility accepting the tank(s): Facility Name: ~Y'l~'~r~F_a~ ' ~--~ Zip: ~1~ Date Tank(s)~cei~ed: ~U /~ ~ )~, )~) No. of T~k(s): S~gnature: ~'~,~ ~~ Title: (Au~i ~ed Representat i ye) 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFmi ~, CA[JFORNIA 93301 · · * MAILING INSTRUCTIONS: Fold and staple. (8O5) 861-3636 FAX:. (805) 861-3429 RESOUI CE MANAGEMENT A ENCY RANDALL L. ABBOTT DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE III ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Environmental Health Services Department STEVE McCALLEY, REH$, DIRECTOR ,Air Pollution Control District WILLIAM J. RODDY, APCO Planning & Development Services Department TED JAMES, AICP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY PERMIT NUMBER A 1441-28 FACILITY NAME/ADDRESS: OWNER(S) NAME/ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: ARCO AM/PM #6218 4203 Ming Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93307 ARCO Products Company 17315 Studebaker Road Cerritos, CA 90701 Phone: (213) 404-5300 Wegener Construction 1710 Callaway Road Bakersfield, CA 93312 License #413913 Phone: (805) 589-5570 PERMIT FOR CLOSURE OF PERMIT EXPIRES June 7, 1991 3 TANK(S) AT ABOVE LOCATION APPROVAL DATE March 7, 1991 ' ~q-eslefl~. Nicks - -- Hazff'fdous Materials Specialist ............................................................................................... POST ON PREMISES ................................................................................................ CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1. It is the responsibility of the Permittee to obtain permits which may be required by other regulatory, agendes prior to beginning work (i.e., City Fire and Building Departments). 2. Permittee runs! notify the Hazardous Materials Management Program at (805) 861-3636 two working days prior to tank removal or abandonment in place to arrange for required inspections(s). 3. 'Tank closure activities must be per Kern County Environmental Health and Fire Department approved methods as described in Handbook UT~30. 4. It is the contractor's responsibility to know and adhere to ali applicable laws regarding the handling, transportation or treatment of hazardous materials. 5. The tank removal contractor must have a qualified company employee on site supervising the tank removal. The employee must have tank removal experience prior to working unsupervised. 6. If any contractors other than those listed on permit and permit application are to be utilized, prior approval must be granted by the specialist listed on the permit. Deviation from the submitted application is not allowed. 7. Soil Sampling: a. Tank size le~ than or equal to 1,000 gallom - a minimum of two samples must be retrieved from beneath the center of the tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. b. Tank size greater than 1,000 to 10,000 galloa~ - a minimum of four samples must be retrieved one-third of the way in from the ends of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. c. Tank size greater than 10,000 gallotm - a minimum of six samples must be retrieved one-fourth of the way in from the ends of each tank and beneath the center of each .tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. 8. Soil Sampling (piping area): A minimum of two samples must be retrieved at depths of approxSmately two feet and six feet for every 15 linear feet of pipe run and under the dispenser area. 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 FAX: (805) 861-3429 PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY PERMIT NUMBER A 1441.28 ADDENDUM Soil Sample analysis: a. All soil samples retrieved from' beneath gasoline (leaded/unleaded) tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for benzene, toluene, xylene, and total petroleum hydrocarbons (for gasoline). b. All soil samples retrieved from beneath diesel tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (for diesel) and benzene. c. All soil samples retrieved from beneath waste oil tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for total organic halides, lead, oil and grease. d. All soil samples retrieved from beneath crude oil tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for oil and grease. e. All soil samples retrieved from beneath tanks and appurtenances that contain unknown substances must be analyzed for a full range of substances that may have been stored within the tank. 10. The following timetable lists pre- and post-tank removal requirements: ACrwrrY DEADH~ Complete permit application submitted to Hazardous Materials Management Program At leust two weeks prior to closure Notification to inspector listed on permit of date and time of cloaure and soil sampling Two working days Transportation and tracking forms sent to Hazardous Materials Management Program. All hazardous waste manifests must be signed by the receiver of the hazardous waste No later than 5 working days for transportation and 14 working days for the tracking form after tank removal Sample analysis to Hazardous Materials Management Program No later than 3 working days after completion of analysis 11. Purginganerting Conditions: a. Liquid shall be pumped from tank prior to purging such that le~ than 8 gallons of liquid remain in tank. (CSH&SC 41700) b. Tank shall be purged through vent pipe discharging at least 10 feet above ground level. (CSH&SC 41700) c. No emission shall result in odors detectable at or beyond property line. (Rule 419) d. No emission shall endanger the health, safety, comfort or repose of any person. (CSH&SC 41700) e. Vent lines shall remain attached to tank until the inspector arrives to authorize removal. RECOMMENDATIONS/GUIDELINES FOR REMOVAL OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS This' department is responsible for enforcing the Kern County Ordinance Code, Division 8 and state regulations pertaining to underground storage tanks. Representatives from this department respond to job sites during tank removals to ensure that the tanks are safe to remove/close and that the overall job performance is consistent with permit requirements, applicable laws and safety standards. The following guidelines are offered to clarify the interests and expectations for this department. Job site safety is one of our primary concerns. Excavations are inherently dangerous. It is the contractor's responsibility to know and abide by CAL-OSHA regulations. The job foreman is responsible for the crew and any subcontractors on the job. As a general rule, workers are not permitted in improperly sloped excavations or when unsafe conditions exist in the hole. Tools and equipment are to be used only for their designed function. For example, backhoe buckets are never substituted for laddem Properly licensed contractors are assumed to understand the requirements of the permit issued. The job foreman is responsible for lmowing and abiding by the conditions of the permit. Deviation from the permit conditions may result in a stop-work order. Individual contractors will be held responsible for their post-removal paperwork. Tracking forms, hazardous waste manifests and analyses documentation are necessary for each site in order to close a case file or move it into mitigation. When contractors do not follow through on necessary paperwork, an unmanageable backlog of incomplete cases results. If this continues, processing time for completing new closures will increase. WON:casf ~ - OW~EI~ ~)R AGEN~ ~ - ~ ~144!-28.ptc KEI~I COUNTY RE. SOURCE HANAGEMENT ACE]',ICY ENVIRON~TAL HEALTH SERV]CE, S DEPARTMENT 2'/00 'M' STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 (805)861-3636 (FILL OUT ONE APPLICATION PER FACILITY) THIS APPLICATION IS FOR A: F~ILID D~TICH INTEI:~',IAL US~ ONLY._ .... ~/! APPLICATION DATE:___..___~,___,'~-/"J -"7 J I PIPING FT. TO ABANCX]N: I APPLICATION FOR PERMIT FOR PEFU~T CLOSURE/ASANDONMF_NT OF UNDERGROUND ZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE FACILITY MOVAL, OR [] ABANDONMENT IN PLACE CHEMICAL CCt,IPOSTION OF MATERIALS STORED: TA~K ~_.j~_O~_O_O_O.~.._q.~_,.VOLUME , ~Z~,~' STORED - ~i o_~_~,~:~ · __ L.~~ED CHEMICAL FORMERLY STORED D: EhV~ B~H~kffAL 'm~-, :,,,:~ ~..,:;v:: o,~ ;~ ,,T~,:, ,co ~:~'~.~ ~ ,,) (..,&,.,,, ~oo ~,,..m ,,T ,,:,,.,:',', ~:*-PLEASE COMPLETE THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS APPLICATION BEFORE SUE4ITTING ~ i~'VI~ THIS FO~I HAS 8EEN/~L~TED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE IS SIGNATURE: .~'/ '~'~'~;'~"~ TITLE D E ~ ~ C E '[ PT PAGE I 02/19/91 4:16 pm KERN COUNTY PLANNZNG & DEVELOPMEhT 2?00 'M' S~reet Bakers¢fie]d, CA 93301 (805) 861-2615 I nvc'~ c;e Nbr. I 45841 Type of Order CASH REGISTER DIVERSIFIED DEVELOPER Customer P.O.~ Nth 8y IOrder Da~e H0219911 YKN I 02/!9/91 L~ne Description ! PERMIT TO CLOSE/ASANDON !70G Ship'Date 02/19//91 ! Via I Terms Prffce Unfit Disc Tc~a] 250.00 E 250.00 Order To~a] 250.00 Amount Due Payment Mad~ Ey Ch ' 250.00 250.00 THANK YOU~ P£P,~I I' II ...................... :~--,,,.; .............................. :.. EHERGENCY CONTACT p£RSON(PR]HARY): NAIVE ~ ,..- 'PHONE NUHBER:__ EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON(SECONDARY): NANE:_. PHONE'NUNBER~ TANK OHNER INFORNATION: NAME:. AODRESS: PHONE NO.: - TANK CONTENTS: TANK II ~NUEAcTU.RER YEAR INSTALLED CAPAC:TY CONTENTS ,TANK CONSTRUCTION: TANK I TYPE(dw, sw, sec.cont,) MATERIAL INT. LINING CORROSION PR01. LEAK DETECTION: TANKS: VISUAL ___._GROUNONATER MONITORING HELLS VADOSE ZONE MONITOR~]NG HELLS U.-TUSE$ WITH LINERS U-TUBES NITHOUT LINERS VAPOR DETECTOR LIQUID ,SENSORS CONOUCTIVITY SENSORS PRESSURE SENSORS: IN ANNULAR SPACE --LIQUID RETRIEVAL SYSTEMS IN U-TUBES. HONITORING WELLS° OR ANNULAR NONE __.____UN KNONN OTHER 'PIPING INFORJqAT ION: TANK . SYSTE. _YPE I CO.ST UCTION ($UC pR~.,$RAV.)I, (SId,OI4oLINEO TR) i MATERIAL LEAK DETECTION: PIPIN~: FLOId RESTRICTING LEAK DETECTORS FO~ PRESSURIZED PIPING _MON]T~RIN-G SUMP NITH RACEHAY SE~ALEO CONCRETE RACEHAY _HALFCUT COY;pATIBLE PIP~ RACEHAY ;' "" SYNTHETIC LINER RACEHAY ..... NONE _~ UNKNO~ ' OTHER M¢ON ASSOCIATES Consultants ~n wastes Management ancl E nwronmental Control Environmental Health Services Department 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, California 93301 Attn: Amy E. Green Re: UST Line Leak Detection Requirements January 15, 1991 Project 805-96.04 Dear Ms. Green: In response to your letter dated December 27, 1990, EMCON Associates (EMCON) is preparing this letter on behalf of Mr. Fred Seguin at ARCO Products Company (ARCO). Enclosed is the Kern County UST Line Leak Detection Requirement Installation sheets that you requested for the following ARCO Facilities: · #0132, #0371, #1960, #2057, #3054, #3090, #5096, #5365, #5496, #5513, #5526, #5634, #5751, #6115, #6150, #6202, #6208, #6218 Also enclosed is a copy of ARCO's Certification of Financial Responsibility for each ARCO Facility. We have prepared these documents as completely as possible with the available information. If you have any questions, please contact me at (818) 841-1160. Sincerely, EMCON Associates David R. White Senior Geologist cc: Fred Seguin - ARCO 3300 N. San Fernando Blvd., Burbank, California 91504, (818)841-1160 ~I~,~[~ PERMIT NUMBER ~o~O30 TYPE OF INSTALLATION ( ) 1. In-Tank Level Sensor FACILfTY NAME /~dd FACILITY ADDRESS CONTACT PERSON (~) 2. Leak Detector (~) 3. Fill Box 1. IN TANK LEVEL SENSORS Number of Tanks List By Tank ID Name of System Manufacturer & Model Number Contractor/Installer 2. LEAK DETECTORS Number of Tanks J List By Tank ID ~'1 i.2. Name of System /%?1 - ~ Manufacturer & Model Number Contractor/Ins tal let FILL BOXES Number of Tanks ~ List By Tank ID 7-/ i2- 7-3 Name of System O~e~ ,.~,'fl ~0~ Manufacturer a Model Number ~o~ Contractor/Installer ~o~ OWNER/OPERATOR DATE The Atlau~c R/chfleld Company (ARCO) hereby cer~i~e8 that it is in. compliauco ruth the requiremont~ of Subpart H of 40 CFR Part 280. The financial ~surauce mechanism used to demonstrute financ/~ ~erpon~bilityunder Subpart H of 40 CFR Par~ 280 i~ as f~llows: *r.~,,ctivedate: January ~4,1~ Cs13) 486."P~90 ARCO Products Corn 17315 Studebake aa Cerritos. California 90701-1488 Telephone 213 404 5300 Mailing Address: Box 6411 Artesia, California 90702-6411 County of Kern Environmental Health 2700 M Street. Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 SUBJECT Tank Interity test results ARCO Station 0535 4203 Ming Ave. Bakersfield, Ca. Date 10/10/90 Dear Sir The tanks and piping at the above'station passed a system test as noted in the attached test'results. ARCO Petroleum Products Company is committed to compliance with the laws that govern the operation of underground storage tanks, If you have any question please call. Sincerely 213 404-5353 APPC 7076 B ARCO P~Oducts Company is ,t DiV,SlOn of AtlantlcRichheldCompa;'ly (7-88) A~ssociated Environmental Systems, Inc. P.O. Box. 80427 · Bakersfield, CA 933 805) 393-2212 AES -- SYSTEM II PRECISION TANK & LINE TEST RESULTS SUMMARY Invoice Address: ARCO PETROLEUM PRODUCTS 17315 STUDEBAKER ROAD CERRITOS CA 90701-1488 Tank Location: ARCO SS $~ 0~ 4203 MING AVE BAKERSFIELD CALtF W.O.~: 12550 I.D. Number: 0535 Technician:BNL Tech.#:89165 Van#:Oll5 Date: 09/20/90 Time Start: 08:00 End: 16:00 County: KE " Facility Phone#: i-805-834-1076 Sroundwater Depth: N/A BlUe Prints~ N/A Contact: MGR Date';Time system was filled: 09/20/90 10:30 Tank Tank ~apacity Product Tank~ Product T~pe Of Vapor Inches of Pump Line ~ecovery Water/Tank Type Tank Material 1 1OK REG PASS PASS PH-2 0 0 TURB S W S ~ 1OK R/UL PASS PASS PH-2 0 0 TURB S W S .~ 8K S/UL PASS PASS PH-2 0 0 TURB S W S Additional Information: SITE LOG TIME Set Up Equip: Bled Product Lines: Bled Vapor Lines: Bled Vent lines: Bled Turbine: Bled Suction Pump: Risers Installed: 10:15 10:35 10: 40 1 IZI: 45 10:4.5 N/A N / A a) This system and method meets the criteria set forth in NFPA #329. b) Any failure listed above may require further acti.gn, check with ali regulatory agencies. " Copyright (c) ~989 by AES, Inc. Certified Technician Signature~~ Date' : ASSOCIATED E'I'~VIRONt4ENTAL SYSTE!~S S Si t, e L,]~jour, Fo]' , ~,RbO SS ~8515 4S83 ~I!G AVE BAi<ERSFiELD CA Invoic:e No. : T e tin n i c i an: Volume(gal): Wa'b e¥, Level Specific Gravity: Calibra'bion Value (mi.) : Level Segment From: ;.:..,,;: T r., Fi ['~ ~.i~ 0 13 ltl e I] t Change In Cal:i, brat:i, on Zone =-. :!..i.:: Ca J. :L brat i on Unit StartiT]~ Tempe~'ature (F) : ,!:'6E,. ,!i',,i'.~...: Head I],~ess,.tre (co Sur'fa~e f.~'ea(sq, in) : 5'?5. :iii: Temp. Change (F/h Notes .,x-.. 1 1 3 'q ?,IL.. -"'(S I:::~ L. ~ i::."r'.ocl,.~ct I_ine (gph gal/unit) = 0. '-"'=' ' /iT', (Btm)) : '>'/..0 "Fechnician: ":~?-.L_ Tanl<: ,::: Volume (gal): :LE,(i:~EK!) Grade L. eveJ. Water Level On Tank(in): ~.~ Speoific Gravity: . 76 Calibration Change In Calibrat:Lon Zone ..... .' Start if%g Temperature <F) : ~:::.~ Surface At*ca(sq. in).: :..:.':>5..-:~ Level volume(gph) : i. 22 Temp. volume(gph): i,..'Z:q. Net change (gph) : ...... ~.i'.~. ~;':L:::: C o p y ~* i [~ f-, 't: ( c:. ) i 9 S':> ~:::, v ¢:~i:~:.t~;, ,. 'r': ,'::. · ~'~ Notes ** I 134 i'liL - C L::~ L. Ca.L:i.b.~"atlon Unit I-t,~?,~(:J l::"r',e,~Sl.~-e (col/in (Btm) Temp. Ch,?:~t~9 e (F/h) = 12. 21ZI"~, '" · ...... 006 , ~ oduct Line(gph) ~b. 0 :L 7 3 4 ];6. 8 AE:!?:~/Svst,~::m ]:I t:::' r" i:: c :L ,:~. :L o 'r', :l. eah ('e:;t Invo ice No. : !. :::55u:~i:-~ Da'i'; ('..., .', ;><i ,' :::"~/':::;~.:: Ti me : .i. 4: 16: 47 "Fe~hT~iC:L~n: B?'H .... "lanl.<: ..':. 'l'~.xnl~ D:i. ameter(in) : 95 Volume(ga].): ::?.E'~L~:~::~ Grade L..ev,?l (in) : .:..'.~ Product Level(in): :[0!. Water Level On Tanl.<(in) : ~:?' Specific Gravi'by: h I.,., !J Change In Ca:L:i. br,..'~t±or, Zone =: .i.,'-:. ~tartinG "Femperature (F') '- .-::.{:.. Surface Area (sq. in): .,'~.,:i::~,,:':~, ! ** Notes '~.* Cal :L brat i on Unit (rla:L/unit) Head Pressure (col/in (Btm) Temp. Change(F/h) : 0. 099 Product Line(gph): ,, 002 ASSOCIATED ENVIRONMENTAL sySTEMS, INC P.O. BOX 80427 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93380 (805) 393-2212 AES HYDROSTATIC PRODUCT LINE TEST WORK SHEET~ TEST PRODUCT START END START END TEST VOL. NO. TIME TIME VOL. (ml) VOL. (el) DIFF. (el) Divide the volume differential by the test time (15 minutes) and multiple by 0.0158311, which will convert the volume differential from milliliters per minute to gallons per hour. .- The conversion constant is found by: (60 nih~hr)~ (3790 el/gal) = 0.01583ii(rain/hr) (gal/el) The conversion constant causes the milliliters and minutes to cancel out. Ex. If the level dropped 3ml in 15 minutes then: 3/15 ml./min. X 0.015a311(min/hr)(gai/ml).= 0.003 gal/hr. Ii,ii TU ASSOCIATED ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS, INC. P.O. BOX 80427 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93380 (805) 393-2212 mvoccE .uMbER LEAK DETECTOR TEST DATA TEST LOCATION: FACILITY #: CONTACT: PHONE #: TEST DATE: DOES LEAK -' RESULTS PRODUCT DET EXIST TEST #1 TE~T #2 RESULTS P/L TEST SERIAL'f yes ~- ~O~ C~'l._. Pass ~ Pass "-- PEG no ~\ Gal c:~\ Gal Fail Fail SERIAL # yes ?- ~g~ 0%~ Pass Pass R/UL no Gal Gal Fail ---- Fail yes / z:~ ~]o~ Pass ~-~ Pass ~-~ S/UL no ~ Gal '~'Ga'l Fail Fail SERIAL ~ yes pass Pass DSL no' Gal Gal Fail Fail TEST PROCEDURE Test #1: perform ~o~ )0 seconds with nozzie in ~uli open position Test #2: pe~¢o~m ~o; ~0 seconds afte; nozzie ciosed ~o~ lO.,seconds EXAMPLE OF POSSIBLE RESULTS Test #1 Test #2 Resuits Test #1 Test #2 Resuits / Gal ~ Gal Pass .~ Gal .J Gal Fail TECHNICIAN DATE n. E. S. WORK ORDER NO. ~,?-.,~J~ SITE SUMMERY FOR ARCO PETROLEUM SOUTH DO ALL FIBERGLASS TANKS HAVE STEEL STRIKER PLATES? IF NOT WHICH TANKS DO NOT? DO THE MECHANICAL LEAK DETECTORS OPERATE PROPERLY? IF NOT WHICH LEAK DETECTORS DO NOT? NO DO THE LEAK DETECTORS SHOW SIGNS OF TAMPERING? IF YES WHICH ONES? YES ~ WERE ANY VISUAL LEAKS REPAIRED BY THE TECHNICIAN? ' IF YES WHERE? YES WERE ANY VISUAL LEAKS NOTICED BY THE TECHNICIAN WHICH COULD NOT BE REPAIRED AT THE TIME OF THE TEST? IF YES WHERE? YES DOES THE EMERGENCY STOP' SWITCH OPERATE PROPERLY? IF NOT WHICH PUMPS DOES IT NOT STOP? WERE ANY PRODUCT TAGS MISSING? IF YES, WHICH PROOUCTS? YES ~ oo~zV ~l e @ -E OOeo :UOT~eoot Uo~sTo · . etd e 5UT~o~_68/Ot/~~ J @g~ ~e '~uoo aq~[~ S~Vuo s~@~s~s ~e ZJ~O8 ~°8 'O'd ARCO Petroleugl~l[. ~cts Compahy 17315 St]~6aRer Road Cerritos. California 90701-1488 Telephone 213 404 5300 Mailing Address: Box 6411 Artesia, California 90702-6411 County of Kern Environmental Health 1700 Flower Street. Bakersfield, Ca'. 93305 SUBJECT Tank Interity test results ARCO Station 6218 A203 Ming Ave. Bakersfield~ Ca. Date 8/2~/88 Dear Sir The Unleaded tank and piping at the above station did not pass a Gasoline system te=_t as 'noted in the attached te=_t ,-esults. All failed tanks systems :.,ill be uncovered repai',-ed o: replace and retested as a system test. The cesult~ v¢i ll be forw.arded to you as soon as possable, ARCO Petroleum Products Co¢~panv' is com,,~itted compliance with the laws that go?.'ecn the operation of underground storage tanks, I~' ',,,'o~J have an'¥' questic, n call . APPC.707LcA ARCO Petroleum Products Company is a Division of AtlantlcRichlieldCornpan¥ (7 ~) Associated Enviror,:ner~tal Systern~, Inc. P.O. Box 80427 ~-'~ ....... ~, CA 93380 PRECISION TANK & LINE TEST RESULTS Ir, voi~e Address: Tank Location: W.O.$~: 7,i47 · I.D. Number: ~.21B Techr:ician: Techo~:&7'2S Var4$:.S' £1 Date: 02-:.5-SS Time Start: 02:15 Er, d: 18~:15 County: ~',= Facility P;none:~: E~05 ~3~-iE'.7~S Grour~dwater Depth: 30 F'F+ Blue Prir, ts: N.A~ Cor~ta~t: ~:'~STZA.SE STNS Da'~e;Time system was fil~ed: 08,"~.5 ii:30 Fil 1/V~t ' Tar:~. Capacity Prod'~ct Tar, k Vapor Lines 1 .S % :S.'"'_"_ ;'.' ~] S: F- .~ :~ .~ 4 5 " Water/Tar, k Ty~e Materia' SiTE .... ~.,~ TiM~, Set Up Bled P~.~cL.c~ Line~:: Bled Va2or Bled V~nt lir~es: Bled Turbine: Bled Suctic, r~ Pur,~p: Risc?rs Ir:~'tal!ed: a) These results obtained usin~ the pater, ted A.E.S. /Br,:,ckman system.. b) This systen~ and method ~eets the 'criteria set forth in NFPA ~3~9. c) Any failure listed above may require further action, check with all regulato~y a~encies. 'tP S T 'I E Site Layout Fo~': E t.t V I Il 0 Il il E 1] T i~ L S Y S T E ~i S ARCO SS tIG~18 I~;A, KERSFIEL~ Cfi, UENI'S AES/B~-c.¢P.r,~ar, ~,~-e¢isic. r, Lea~~- Test Technician KEM Cmlibratio~ Value ~.~ UNITS = ,c-; Gal. Date 8/15/86 System Variatioo ~ UNZTS ; GPH Tim~ Started 15:~8 HIGH. LEVEL (FULL SYSTEM) ~ ~ ~~ Ga! Ions 8K LOW 'LEV~L( ) MiD LEVE~( ) ~ ~ Tank' Diameter 95 PRODUCT LIN~ ~ ~ Ground Water ~0 FT+' TEST IS ~PASSED ()FAILED (> iNCONCLUSIVE ** Note~ ARCO SS # 6~18 4203 MING AVE. BAKERSFIELD CA. HIGH LEVEL TEST CALIBS. = 10X EACH AES / B~-c,~_ k~-~n P'r-ec i s i on Leak Test I). O. Bo K 804 ~'7 B a k er' s f i e I ~ , r.~ 93380 ( ~05 ) 393-,~ I'~ Technician KEM Calibration Value UNITS = Gal. ~ate B/15/88 System Va~'iation ; UNITS Tim~ Stab-ted 17:17 HIGH LEVEL (FULL SYSTE?4) I Gallons ~K LOW LEVEL( ) MiD L~VEL( )~ Tank Diamet e~- 95 PRODUCT I LINE Gr*o,.tnd Wate~- SO FT+ TEST IS ()FAILED () INCONCLUSIVE TEST CONDUCTED AT INCHES GRADE LEVEL AT INCHES ** Notes ARCO SS # 6218 4203 MING AVE. PRODUCT.LINE TEST NO LOSS BAKERSFIELD CA. AES/B~-c.¢kr,~ar, ~'r~e~_~isic. r, Leak Test P.O. Technician KEM Calib~-ation Value ~,~-UNI'TS --.0~ Gal. Date 8/15/88 S?~tem Vapiation ~ UNITS I GPH Tank giamete~~ ~5 PRODUCT LIN~ I 1 Ground Wate~ SO FT+ TEST IS ()PASSED ~FAiLED ()INCONCLUSIVE T M *,~ No~ ARCO SS ~ 6~18 4~03 ~iING HIGH LEVEL TEST CALIB. = CLEA~ ~5 DEGREES AVE, 10 X BAKERSFIELD CA. Tech~iciar~ KEM Calib~.-ation Value /.~ UNITS =,d_~ Gal. Date 8/i5/88 System Variation ~ UNITS ~ GPH Time Star'ted 15:48 HIGH LEVEL (FULL SYSTEM) I ; ~ali.ons IOK L~W LEVE~ ( ) MiD LEVE~( ) I ~ ~5 Tank Dian~eter 95 PRODUCT LINE I I Ground Water 30 FT+ TEST IS ~PASSED ()FAILED <) INCONCLUSIVE ARCO SS # 6218 4203 MiNG AVE. MiD LEVELTEST CALIBS. = 15X & CLEAR 85 D~GREES BAKERSFIELD CA. 10X '93380 (80~Ip 393-f~01~' Technician KEM Calibration Value UNITS = Gal. Date 8/15/86 Systern~Variation ~ UNITS ~ GPH Tinge Started I7:17 HIGH LEVEL (FULL SYSTEM> I I Gal ions IOK LOW LEVEL( ) MiD LEVEL( ) I I Tank Dian:eter 95 PRODUC]' LINE~ ~ I' ~ G~c,u~d Water ~0 FT+ TEST IS ~ASSED ()FAI~ED () INCONCLUSIVE TEST CONDUCTED AT INCHES 'GRADE LEVE~ A- INCHES i ** Notes ARCO SS ~6218 4203 PRODUCT LINE TEST MING AVE. BA~<ERSFIELD CA. NO LOSS AES / B~-c,¢ knlan P~-ec i s i c,r, Leak Test Box Techr, iciar, KEN Calib~ation Value ~,~ UNITS =,(~ Gal. Date 8115/88 System Variation I' UNITS ~ GPH Time Stab-ted iS:41 NIGH LEVEL (FULL SYSTE~) Gallo~s iOK LOW LEVEL( ) MID LEVEL( ) I I Tank Diameter* 95 PRODUCT LINE I I Gr*ou~d Water~ ~0 FT+ TEST IS ~PASSED ()FAILED () INCONCLUSIVE TZST CONDUCTED AT /~ ~NCHES ~eADE LEV~U AT /~ i ! .i ARCO SS # 6518 4203 MiNG AVE BAKERSFIELD HIGH LEVEL TEST CALIBS. = lO X EACH CLEARS5 D~GREES CA. t~, ES / B~-¢.¢ k r,~ ~ r, Pr-ecision p. ~3 . ir o ~ ~ 0 ,~ ~'7 J ~ ~ e ~ ~ ~' I I Jcl 0 ~ ~ 9 3 3 8 0 Le.::-~ k Test ( 8 0'~ ~ 3 g 3- ~' ~ I ''- Techr, ician KEM Calibration Value UNITS = Gal; D~te 8/15/88 System Variation I UNITS I GPH Time Started 17:17 HiGH LEVEL (FULL SYSTEM) I I Gallons IOK LOW LEVEL( ) MID LEVEL( Tar, k Diameter 95 PRODUCT LINE~a ~o~ I Ground Water 30 FT+ TEST IS ~DASSED ()FAILED () iNCONCLUSIVE TEST CONDUCTED AT INCHES GRADE LEVEL AT INCHES ** Notes ARCO SS ~ 6218 4~]~ MING AVE. PRODUCT LINE TEST NO LOSS BAKERSFIELD CA. CERTJ,: ~.TE OF PRECISION~I~j' ~,K TEST Associated Environmental Systems, Inc. has tested and certifies the following: Certification # 887247 DATE: 08/15/88 CERTIFIED TESTER: LOCATION: Arco SS ¢f6218 4203 Ming KEM # 87129 Ave., Bakersfield,. CA TANKS: TANK LINE PROD/LINE 1. 8K S/UL PASS PASS pASS 2. 1OK U/L PASS FAIL __~ 3. 1OK REG PASS PASS PASS 4. xxxxxx xxxx xxxx ~xxx 5. xxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx ~. XXXXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Associated Environmental Systems, Inc. ANY FAILURE LISTED MAY REQUIRE NOTIFICATION OF AGENCY. Recertification Date Recomm~ Home Cffice P.O. Box 80427. Ba~a's,'ield, CA 93380 · 805,./393-22.12 ARCO Products Compa~ 17315 StuOebaker Cerritos. California 90~701-1488 Telephone 213 404 5300 Mailing Address: Box 6411 Artesia, California 90702-6411 County of Kern Environmental Health 1700 Flower Street. Bakersfield, Ca. 93305 SUBJECT Tank Interity test results ARCO Station 6218 4203 Ming Ave. Bakersfield, Ca. Date 08/~8/89 Dear Sir The tanks and p.iping .at the aOove station Cassed a Gasoline system test as noted in the attached t~st results. ARCO Petroleum Products Company is committed to compliance with the laws that govern the operation underground storage tanks, If you have any question please call. Sincerely C.D. M~rton ~_13 ~0~-5353 ~P~ ?076-B Associated Environmental Systems, Inc. P.O. Box 80427 Bakersfield CA 93380 C ~ ( c,~' ) 393-2212 PECISION TANK & LINE ]~EST RESULTS Invoice Address: ARCO PETROLEUM PRODUCTS 17315 STUDEBAKER RD. CERROTOS, CA. 90701-1488 Tank Location ARCO SS ~ 6218 4203 MING AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CALIF. Wo0o~: 9594 I.Do Number= 6218 Technician:KEM Techo#:87129 Van~:8111 Date: 08-10-89 Time Start: 08:00 End: 19:00 County: KE Facility Phone#: 805-834-1076 Groundwater Depth: 15 FT+ Blue Prints: N/A Contact: MGR Date;Time s~stem was filled: 09-10 08:00 Tank P~od~t T[pe Of Vapor Inches of Pu~p Tank Tank Capacity P~od,~-t Tank Line ~ecovery Hater/Tank Type Y~epial 1 8K S/UL PASS P~SS II 0 TUR SWS ~ 1OK R/UL PASS PASS II 0 TUR SWS ~ 1OK REG PASS PASS II 0 TUR SWS Additional Infoema%ion: CLEAR 90 DEGREES SITE LOG TIME Set Up Equip: Bled Product Lines: Bled ~apor Lines: Bled Vent lines: Bled Turbine: Bled Suction Pump: ~isers Installed: 10:00 09 ~'= 09:50 09:45 09:40 N/A N/A b) This system and method meets the criteria set forth in NFPA c) Any failure listed above eay require f~rther action, check with all regulatory agencies° ASSOCIAT,EI) ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS I N G {N ARCO SS # G2t8 BAKERSFIELD,CALIF, A V E _JL_ STINE Site Lauout Fo~,: 9594 ooO iii 8K S/UL tt2 iSK R/UL tt3 iSK REG 'T'e c: h n :J. c .i. an I<EM I Ca 1 :L bi" a '!': :i. cn Va i ue ,..~',~ LJN I)ate.~ 08/10/'89 ', S!.,..~si':!.:err~ VaY':i. ai':ic)n I UNI"FS I GFq..'I T:i. me S't:'arted 15 : :3(:) ..: ,'"v:? i H'.[C:iH r:' ,- · ~"'~,'< ..... ::'¥ .... ' L.,:. k ,::. ..... t F:' U L_ L ,::, ,:~ r i._ t I ) Ga'l. ions Si.](::}(] I L,:}W LE. VE:L'~) ivlZD LEVEL ( ) 'Tanl.:: DiarneteY' 95 ', I:~FU.}DUC]'' I_]:NE Grc~un d Water I "r'F'~"."r'~ .....,::,, ',r. q/f%Fb:~SSED... .... ( ,~ F~ILED ( ) I NC(')N(]. ., _US]:VE TEST C(..)NDUGTED A'T /<D~ INCHES I GRADE LE.:'VEL. A"I" /~,~, INCHE,:, ii iii .,illiii ARCO SS '.1:1:6218 42E)::3 MI Ixl(i.~ AVE, LOW LEVEL TEST (.','AL. IB, = 6X CLEAR 9D DEGREES AES/ISyst eV I I Pr'e~i s i o Leak Technician KEM ~ Calibration Value UNITS = Gal. Date 08/10/89 I System Variation ~ UNITS ~ GPH Time Started 17:08:13 I HIGH LEVEL (FULL SYSTEM) I I Gallons 8000 I LOW LEVEL( ) MID LEVEL( ) I I Tank Diameter 95 I PRODUCT LINE /~/~ ~.s~ ~ I Ground Water I TEST IS~PASSED ()FAILED ()INCONCLUSIVE TEST CONDUCTED AT INCHES I GRADE LEVEL AT INCHES L E U E L T i;i E M Focus 1.00 l./ 1.00 T Order no. 9594p ** Notes ** ARCO SS # 6218 4203 MING AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CALIF. PRODUCT LINE TEST NO LSSS ] "1" a n I.:: D i a m ce t e ~ 9 5 I P R 0 D U C T L I N E ', , ', I G~-c)und Wate~~ i TF£S]" IS fk~r.A~),::;E..] ()FAIL. ED ()INCCINCLUSIVE ; I TES]" CONDU(2]'ED A'F /'O__..~ INCHES I (.~R,:S, DI:::: LEVEL AT AR(;(:;) SS ~.f 6218 4:E:O;;'~ H;£NG AVE. · L..OI,4 LEVEL T ES"I" CALI:ii!,,, = z C L. E A I:;¢ 9 0 D E (i~/I:~. E E S , I I ~'r-ec i s i on Leak Te st AES/Sy st e m Technician KEM Calibration Value UNITS = Gal. Date 08/10/89 System Variation ~ UNITS ~ GPH Time Started 17:08:13 HIGH LEVEL (FULL SYSTEM) I I Gallons 10000 LOW LEVEL( ) MID LEVEL( ) I ~ Tank Diameter 95 PRODUCT LINE /~ ~s~ ~ ~ Ground Water TEST IS ~PASSED ()FAILED ()INCONCLUSIVE TEST CONDUCTED AT INCHES GRADE LEVEL AT INCHES E U E L T .E M p 'Focus 1.00 L/ 1.00 T Or der ** Not es ** ARCO SS # 6818 4805 MING AVE, BAKERSFIELD, CA. PRODUCT LINE TEST NO LOSS no. 959-~p 'l"ecJ"(r~ i c'ian i.<"~l'fl i C:,;::\ ! i hr, :.':,.~" :i.,:::)r~ Va 1 u.(~.:.? ,~ ~.Ji ~J.,~ =, Gat Dat:(~.:.~ 08/i0/E~9 ', <"' '"' '"' 'T' :Lm e~ S't a ~ 't: c~? d 1 ::,:.~ ;: :5 E) :', (3 ? ~ H '.[ lei H ' ~.~::~:~; F'L ( F:' U LL.. S Y ~3 T E['I ) ~ :: ', Gat :Lon~; ...... 1 (~)r'~E)O '~ L. OI,~ ~ ..... I:::.x,~,::.L .... ,~ P1 ID LE?:V.L_ ~ ) : / ', ~ ~ ', -fan ~.:: .... r~ .~ am~'~: e~" .7_~ ~ 2i::~O:{)U~CT ,...~ .~'" ,~ ....... .~: i . l r'~ ~< ........ G~-oL.md ~a't¢.:e~~ ~ TES'T' IS ~,..A,_.:~EL ~ )F:'A~I..ED ( )I. IxlCONCLUSIVE / TES'I" COIxlDUCTI~D A'T' INCHIES I (SRADE[ LEVEL A'I" ]:N ..... POOR ORIGIN LOW LEVEL. TEST CAL. I:B. = ,SX CLEAR <:~O DEGREES I I Pre¢ i s i o Leak Test Technician KEM Calibration Value UNITS = Gal. Date 08/10/89 System Variation I UNITS I GPH Time Started 17:08:13 HIGH LEVEL (FULL SYSTEM) I I Gallons 10000 LOW LEVEL( ) MID LEVEL( )1 I Tank Diameter 95 PRODUCT LINE /C/r~ ~ I I Ground Water TEST IS ~PASSED ()FAILED ()INCONCLUSIVE TEST CONDUCTED AT INCHES GRADE LEVEL AT INCHES T I:1 E M Focus 3.00 L/ 1.00 T Or der ** Notes ** ARCOSS# 6818 4803 MING AVE BAKERSFIELD, CALIF. PRODUCT LINE TEST NO LOSS no. 959'~p ,ti ih'I ARCO Petroleum Pr ;ts Company 17315 Studebaker Road Cerritos, California 90701-1488 Telephone 213 404 5300 Mailing Address: Box 6411 Artesia, California 90702-6411 County of Kern Environmental Health 1700 Flower Street. Bakersfield, Ca. 93305 SUBJECT Tank Interity test results ARCO Station 6218 4203 Ming Ave Bakersfield, Ca. Date 9/89/88 Dear Sir The unleaded tank ~and piping at ~he above statiOn passed a Gasoline system test as noted in the attached test results. ARCO Petroleum Products Company is committed to compliance with the laws that govern the operation of underground storage tanks, If you have any question please call. Sincerely ..~ C.D. Mo'r ton 213 404-5353 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES C.D. Morton ARCO Petroleum Company 17315 Studebaker Road Cerritos, CA 9070l-1#88 , ) COUNTY COPY Re.' ARCO Station #6218 ~203 Ming A venue Bakersfield, CA Dear Mr. Morton: On September 19, 1988, a Petro Tite System Test(s) was performed at the above- referenced location. The test was performed by 3ohnny Enos, 3r., E.L.I. Technician. The NFPA Code 329.02 criteria for a tight system is a maximum loss of .05 gallons per hour. Because of the almost infinite variables involved, this is not the permission of actual leakage. During the stand-pipe test procedure, the internal liquid hydrostatic pressure applied to the underground tank system is generally two to three times greater than normal liquid storage pressures. This increase in hydrostatic pressure will amplify the indicated rate of leak accordingly. SYSTEM TESTS: Tank No. 2 - Middle Size- 10,000 gallons Product- Unleaded The test showed a minus .002 gallons per hour. Based on the above criteria, we find the tank tested mathematically tight. This concludes our test and findings on September 19, 1988. If you have any questions regarding the results, please contact me. It is your responsibility to notify your local County Health Department, Environmental Health, within thirty (30) days of the results of this test. This notification is required by the California Administrative Code, Title 23 Waters, Chapter 3, Water Resources Control Board, Sub-chapter 16, Underground Tank Regulations, Article Q.30. We have enjoyed working with you on this project. If you need any further information, please feel free to contact our office. Encls 1477 E. Shaw, Suite 150 / Fresno, California 93710 / (209) 225-6698 LABORATORIES INC PLEASE PRINT 1. OWNER Prope,ty Tank(s) 2. OPERATOR 3. REASON FOR TEST (Explain Fully) 4. WHO REQUESTED TEST AND WHEN · 5.WHO IS PAYING FOR THIS TEST? 6. TANK(S) INVOLVED 7. INSTALLATION DATA 8. UNDERGROUND WATER 9. FILL-UP ARRANGEMENTS Data t /Paart for Tank System Tigress Test Name[ ' Ad.~sS - HeDresentative Name Address Reoresemative Teleehone Name Address Address Teleohone Teieehone comicsrlX~ A~gency or Individpel / . __ P~on Authorizing . Title ' ~ Tel~ohone Billing Addtes~ Cl~ State Zip Atlemion of: Olde~ No. Olhe~ In~lu~ finns Capacity Cover Concrete, Black TOD, Eacth, etc. Brand/Supplier Fills Grade Approx. Age Size, Titeflll make. Droo tubes. Remote Fills Size, Manifolded Siphones Which tlflkS ? Steel/Fiberglass Identify by Direction ,¢'~ .~,~'/c Location North inside driveway, Rear of ltltiOtl, etc. Pumps Suction. Remote. Make if kflown Is the water over the tank ? Depth to the Water table /~:t~../~,~..~ '/'-~ ' ~ [] Yes Consider NO Lead. Tanks to be filled-.~.' x~/~L hr. '~' /~o~.O'~ Date Arranged by · Extra product to "top off" and run TSTT. How and who to provide .~ No 13. CERTIFICATION Date Serial No el Thermal Sensor Additional information on any items above. Officials or others to be advised when testing is in progress or completed. Visitors or observers present during test etc. Teats were made off the above tank systems in accordance with teat procedures prescribed for aa detailed on attached test charts with results aa follows: Tank Identification Tight Leakage Indicated petr.o T~t__e Date Tested This Is to certify that these tank systems were tested on the dele(B) shown. Those indicated as "Tight" meet the criteria established by the National Fire Protection Aaocistlon Pamphlet 329. ,~/ 4 ,~'/.~ .~'.2 ~ r~,,,,,~, t.o,,,a,o, o, ~,..,,,,~  ENVIRONMENTALLABORATORIES,/NC ,~,c,a,,~ M-~214zI7 E. Shaw Ave. Suite 150 Fresno, CA 93710 (209) 225-6698 12. TEST RESULTS 11. OTHER INFORMATION OR REMARKS Terminal or other contact for notice or inquiry. Comoenv Name Tetenhone 10. CONTRACTOR, *- MECHANICS, any other contractor involved Wbrk PerfOrmed ,~Testing or ConstructionO Arrival Time /.'~ a.m.~ // Fuel Arrival Departure Time Time u.m.-p.m. // Fuel Duparture Time Station Operato: ~0~ DO~TATIO~ SH.EET: Time: C~awr~c~on: Time: Tlma: · ( 151 TANK TO TEST 18. CAPACITY Nominal Capacity [] Station Chart ~--~ Tank Manufacturer's Chart -~ Company En<~meering Dala [] Charts su~31ied with Petro 'rite 17. FILL-UP FOR TEST 18. SPECIAL CONDITIONS AND PROCEDURES TO TEST THIS TANK WIIM ~n tank High ~ tM3ie in tl~k excavation. Un~a) I~ telted v~h LVLLT. Corrected APt Gravity c. o.E. - 5' VAPOR RECOVERY SYSTEM ~ S~ge u 19. TANK MEASUREMENTS FOR TSTI' ASSEMBLY / ~jZ'"' Bottom Of tank Grade*. ..... N~d 30' fo~ ,1' L . 20. EXTENSION HOSE SETTING Tank h~o m grade' ........................................ 7'/ Ex~end bom On suction tube 6' or more belOW lank I~O .................................... ....... ~ 'If FIR ~ exf~a alxwe grids, ule ~op o~ el. 21. TEMPERATURE/VOLUME FACTOR (a) TO TEST THIS TANK I~TodayWarmM[] Co~M?~] P'~:x~uctmTam[~'l= F'~.uol~l~uc~o~ln~c~'~ Ex~:lChang~( + m-) 22' TheFmal'Se~d°r reaclim:J alter circulati°n '~'~ ~ 23. Digits pet 'F in range of ex~ected change ~H tank (18 x 1~ ARRIVE[:) AT TEST SITE. AND MEASURED FOR WATER ON TANK BOTTOM TRANSPORT TRUCK TOPPED OFF TANK, AND TOOK INVENTORY OF PRODUCT. REMOVED FILL CAP AND SPLASH TUBE. SET-UP TEST EQUIPMENT 26. !30, HYOROSTA'~IC 3 l r ~I.UI~ ~--~"~ ~ 34. ~M~A~ COU~NS~N 38. 27~, 28.~ /~ ~ 29. s,~,., 32 .... ~ 35. 36. 37. /~ Fill Test Equipment ~th Produ~ & Pump Primed and Runmng Factor A = . ~2 /~' FIRST SENSOR READING ~" . ~ ~ ~ ~ · /~ CONTINUE HIGH L~EL TEST ~ ~../¢ // .~-~ . ~/~ ~.~' ~.., ~./~ ~.~ - .~' /79¢ ~ ~.~:4 ~ 77~ .,7~o +.I~;0 ~ ~+¢ ~./~ -.~/~ 2~~o ~ ~'~ <' .~2o .1?0 ¢.,,~d ~ ~¢ ~./7,~-.~o.~ . Plo~ Plaa ? ,N W; [. , S { ~obsite lleaertp~ion' } LEGEND /~re/~,~,,~ = OVE~SPILL CONTAINER = VAPOR DROP = VENTS E #~ #5 #MISC EXTRACTOR VALVE MONITOR SYSTEM SIPHON SYSTEM = VAPOR ·DROP W/OVERSPILL CONTAINER = MISC ,d ; /~,' ..... '---"-~,'.-~//~--,' ..*~'/ MARC~ ~ MAINTENANCE 1577 GRIFFITH RD. RAMONA, CA. 92065 PH. (619) 789-4337 Record of computer or Meter Change Location ~'~ake and Model Fimsh tmoneyl Totalizer Readings Start (moneyl If~ Puml~ '~lak~ and Model Totalizer Readings Start (money) Pump Product Make'~nd ~V~O ael Fiitsh (money) Readings St~r t-~ rrTo ney ) Product Pump Make and Moae~ Finish imoney) Totalizer Readings Start (money) Make an~ Model Pump Finish Imoney) Totalizer Readings Start (money) Product F~msh (gallons) Start (gallons) Return to Storage (gallons) Serial Number Finish (g~ll'ons~ Return to Stori~gallons) Serial Numt~er Start ¢'~allo ~s) F imsh lgallonsJ Return to Storage (gallor~s) Serial NumDer Finish (gallons) Start (gallons) Return to Storage (gallons) Meter Chal~ge Computer Change W M Notified Tagged J Tag ~ ( I~Red ~Green ~Blue Cahbrat~on: Checked Adjusted To Fast Totalizer Sealed J  I~Y es [] NO Tagged r-]Red ~]Green r--IJ3lue i Contractor Calibration: Fast Checked Adiusted Fast To Slow Slow 0 Meter Sealed ,~ Yes [] No Tag ~m Slow Product i Return to Storage (gallons) Dealer's S gna~,ure ~' ~ // ~ ' // Distribution: Original Iwhite~egion File Ouplicate (c~y) Oistr~ct File Triplicate (~k) beater Copy Start ~mone¥) Totalizer Readings ~-'J No Make and Model Serial Number Tagged Pump [] Red []Green Finish ~money) Finish {gallons) Start (galtonsl Tagged I~Red r~Greer{ ~lelue Meter Sealed ~j~ Y es ~ NO Tag ~ Calibration: Fast Checked Fast Adjusted To Totahzer Sealed ~I~)Y e s ~ NO Tagged []Red ~Oreen I--]Blue Meter Sealed j~Yes []No Tag ~ Calibration:Checked Fast AdlustedTo Fast Totahzer Sealed [] Yes Calibration;Checked Fast AdiustedTo Fast Totahzer Sealed ~ Yes ~ NO Meter Seated []No []Yes ~No Tag ~t ~Blue Stow Slow Meter Sealed [] Yes ~.,F-~ No Slow Stow Totahzer Sealed /~' e s [] No Adjusted Fast Slow To Totalizer Sealed Meter Sealed ~'~Yes r--]No ~OYes Tagged Tag ~ ~Red I~.Green I-)Blue Location MARCU1V ', MAZNTENANCE 1577 GRIFFITH RD. RAMONA, CA. 92065 PH. (619) 789-4337 Pump Totalizer Readings Product id Pump Totalizer Readings Product Totalizer Readings Prod~ Totalizer Readings Ma~'e and Model Finish (money) Start (money) Make and Model Fin[sh lmon V~) Start [money) Make and IV~odel Start (money) T¢0 ~ ~ ~'~"'d Model Finish ~ m one¥.l Start (moneyl I Fir%sh (gallOnS) 0100~¢ Rotl~r!l to S i)r ~1~; 'g IIlOnsl 10 Pump ~,~d ~ S ..... N , , ~duct a Re~urn to S~raqe [gallor~s~ ~duct j Ret ..... to STorage Distribution: Or~gmal (,~ Region FHe Record of Computer or Meter Change IContractor W N1 Nlot,f~ed Tr~ggea J Tag -~ _~Red _~ Gro. en '.~ Blue CalibratiOn:checked Fast 0 Slo.~ Adjusted Fast Slow To Totalizer Sealed I Meter Sea2~e~ i~Yes ,~ NO Yes [] NO Tagged . Tag ~' E~Red 7iGreen ~Blue Calibration: F as~.... ~ Checked AdjustedTo Fast -- NO Tagged l__~ Red ~- Green r'-181ue slow Meter Sealed Tag ,~ CalibratiOn:checked I Fast~ Aaius~edTo [Fast. Slow I~No Totai~zer Sea.ed Meter Sealed ~es ~No ~Yes Taggea Tag ~ 2%Rea ._~ G reef, :~ Blue I~,' N o Calibration: ChecKed Adlusteo To FdSt Slow Tot.311zer Seatea Meter Sealecl Tagged Tag ,~c ~ed 71Oreen ~elue Calibration: Fast (~) Slo~_ Totahzer Sealed Mete Sea d Tagged ] Tag ~ ~Red ~Green ~Blue ~ c..,~,~.,o.: ~,. ~ s,o~I Totahzer Sealed Meter Sealed' ~Yes ~NO I ~Yes F:No M a~2ig n atu re Location Finish (moneyJ Totalizer Readings Start (money) Product Finish (money) Totalizer Readings Start (money) Product Make and IV~odel lotalizer Readings Start (money) Product l Finish )money) Totalizer Readings / Start Imoney) Make and MoRel Finish [money) Totalizer Readings Start (money) \ Ct p~G~F~H RD. NA, CA. 92065 PH. (619) 789-4337 Station r~ur~ber Return to Storai~)allons) q I b:Y7 Return to Sto~r~(gallonsl F,msh Igallons) Start gallo~ si Ruturn to Storage (gallons} Serial Numoer FirHsh I_gallons~ Record of Computer or Meter Change ~%let er Charlge Computer Change W M Not~fled Green ~,Blue Cahbrat~on: t Fast ChecKeC [ 0 To Contractor Tag ~' Totahzer Sealed Yes [] No Tagge~ ~Red .~.~ Green []Blue Slow []No Calibration: Checked Adiusted To Fast Fast Meter Sealed Yes Totalizer Sealed j~Yes [] No Tagged ,~ Red ~..~ G teen r'-IBlue Tag ~m Calibration: Fast Checked F asr Adlusted To Totahzer Sealed y~es FqNo Slow Meter Sealed Yes r-~No Tag Slow Meter Sealed 1~' e s ~ ~o Tagged I--]BlueTag = ~_~Red ,~__J~ G ree r, Calibrat,on:' Fast ~L ts'° Checked -- ~ Aolusted Fast Slow To Totahzer Sealed Meter Sealed /M~Yes i--]No ~Yes Slow Stow Tagged ,--'Red _~O~een ~S~ue Cahbration: Fast Checked t'~ I Adjusted Fas To Totaiizer Sealed /~Yes [~]No Tag = ?]No Tagged '-'~.' R ed .'~_~ G ree n I--] Blue Meter Sealed ,.~ Y es Tag ~ Finish (money) Totalizer Readings Start (money) PrJ;~dct __ , Return to Distribution: Original (while) R~n File Duplicate (cana~istr~ct File Trlplica[e (pink~ealer Copy 0t5- ¢1 Calibration: Checked Adjusted To F aft Slow F asr Totalizer Sealed Meter Sealed pYes ~,No ' ~Yes / / LgOCC'/.Z ~ [_~No ARCO Petroleum Products Company ~. Leak Detector Annual Equipment ~. Oiv,s,on of Attanttc Richfield Company Verification & Leak Inspection Retail Marketing J I Dispenser/Pump Leak No leak Repaired III Leak Detectors Test Leak No leak Repaired Pip,ng '~, ARCO Check valve ~. ARCO Clear Unleaded Hoses ~ ARCO Unleaded Supreme ~ Nozzles ~.-( t.,.-~. ?~_~'[L~ ' '~ IV Visual check of area Fittings ~. Low spots around station II Tanks Landscaped area Wellpoint ~(, Nearby ditches, creeks, etc. Piping % V Dealer/Operator Fill boxes . '~(~. Has experienced leaks Vapor recovery fittings ~ Has experienced spills Submerged Turbine · (explain in comments) IIA Leak Detectors Existing Missing Installed VI Other Install,~d ARCO ~ Filter Instructions ARCO Clear Unleaded ARCO Unleaded Supreme Leak Detectors Sealed Dealers/Mgr. Signatur~for IIA Onlyj . j Comments APPC-248 (8-81) ~ure Facility Name ~ ~ ~ /,~? Permit No. TANK # /~)ooO C/c (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH TANK) FOR EACH SECTION, C}IECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES Ho 1. Tank i__s: [] Vaulted [] Non-Vaulted 2. Tank Material Carbon Steel [] Stain]ess Steel [] Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic [] Other (describe'): 3. Primary Containment ~Date Installed Thickness (Inches) [] Double-Wall ~Single-Wall [] Polyvinyl Chloride [] Fiberglass-Clad Steel [] Concrete [] Aluminum [] Bronze [] Unknown Capacity (Gallons) .16,~ Manufacturer 4. Tank Secondary Containment [] Double-Wall [] Synthetic Liner [] Lined Vault [] None [] Unknown []. Other (describe): Manufacturer: Material Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gals.) 5.'Tank Interior Lining [2] Rubber [] Alkyd []Epoxy fq Phenolic [] Glass [] Clay [] Unlined [] Unknown [] Other (describe): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection [] Galvanized [] Fiberglass-Clad [] Polyethylene Wrap [] Vinyl Wrapping [] Tar or Asphalt [] Unknown ~ None [] Other (describe): Cathodic Protection: [] None [] Impressed Current System [] Sacrificial Anode System [~ Describe System & Equipment: 7. Leak Detection. Monitoring, and Interception a. Tank:.[-] Visual (vaulted tanks only) [] Groundwater Monitoring Well(s) [] Vadose Zone Monitoring Well(s) [] U-Tube Without Liner [] U-Tube with Compatible Liner Directing Flow To Monitoring Well(s)* [] Vapor Detector *[~ Liquid Level Sensor* [] Conductivity Sensor* [] Pressure Sensor In Annular Space Of Double Wall Tank * [] Liquid Retrieval & Inspection From U-Tube, Monitoring Well Or Annular Space ~Daily Gauging & Inventory Reconciliation ~ Periodic Tightness Testing [] None [] Unknown [] Other b. Piping: ~ Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) For Pressurized Piping* ~] Monitoring Sump With Raceway [] Sealed Concrete Raceway [] Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway []Synthetic Liner Raceway []Unknown [] Other *Describe Make & Model:. ~ec~ 37~c~ 8. Tank Tightness Has This Tank Been Tightness Tested? [] Yes [] No [] Unknown Date Of Last Tightness Test Results Of Test Test Name Testing Company 9. Tank Repair Tank Repaired? [] Yes [] No [] Unknown Date(s) Of Repair(s) Describe Repairs [] None 10. Overfill Protection [] Operator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level [] Tape Float Gauge ~ Float Vent Valves [] Auto Shut-Off Controls [] Capacitance Sensor [] Sealed Fill Box [] None [] Unknown [] Other: List Make & Model For Above Devices 11. Piping a. Underground Piping: ~ Yes [] No [] Unknown Material ~+~] ~], Thickness (i:nches) Diameter ~°' Manufacturer ~ Pressure [] Suction [] Gravity Approximate Length Of Pipe Run b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection: [] Galvanized '[] Fiberglass-Clad [] Impressed Current [] Sacrificial Anode [] Polyethylene Wrap [] Electrical Isolation ~Vinyl Wrap []Tar or Asphalt [] Unknown ~] None [] Other (describe): c. Underground Piping, Secondary Containment: [] Double-Wall [] Synthetic Liner System [~None [] Unknown [] Other (describe): Facility Name TANK # ?0~0~ ~ (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH TANK) FOR EACH SECTION, UHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES 1. Tank is: []Vaulted []'Non-Vaulted 2. Tank Material Carbon Steel [] Stain]ess Steel [] Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic [] Other (describe): 3. Primary Containment ,Date Installed Thickness (Inches) 4. 'rank Secondary Containment [] Double-Wall ~ Single-Wail [] Polyvinyl Chloride [] Fiberglass-Clad Steel [] Concrete [] Aluminum [] Bronze ['~ Unknown Capacity (Gallons) /~/0o~ Manufacturer [] Double-Wall [] Synthetic Liner [] Lined Vault [] None [] Unknown [], Other (describe): Manufacturer: Material Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gals.) 5.'Tank Interior Lining [] Rubber [] Alkyd []Epoxy [-]Phenolic [] Glass O Clay [] Unlined [] Unknown [] Other (describe): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection [] Galvanized [] Fiberglass-Ciad [] Polyethylene Wrap [] Vinyl Wrapping [] Tar or Asphalt [~ Unknown ~ None [] Other (describe): Cathodic Protection: [] Nolle [] Impressed Current System [] Sacrificial Anode System [] Describe System & Equipment: 7. Leak Detection. Monitoring, and Interception a. Tank: [] Visual (vaulted tanks only) [] Groundwater Monitoring Well(s) [] Vadose Zone Monitoring Well(s) [] U-Tube Without Liner [] U-Tube with Compatible Liner Directing Flow To Monitoring Well(s)* [] Vapor Detector *[] Liquid Level Sensor* [] Conductivity Sensor* [] Pressure Sensor In Annular Space Of Double Wall Tank * [] Liquid Retrieval & Inspection From U-Tube. Monitoring Well Or Annular Space ~..Daily Gauging & Inventory Reconciliation ~ Periodic Tightness Testing [] None · [] Unknown [] Other b. Piping: ~.Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) For Pressurized Piping* [] Monitoring Sump With Raceway ~'] Sealed Concrete Raceway [] Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway [']Synthetic Liner Raceway [~ None [] Unknown [] Other · Describe Make & Model:. ~,yPrd~._~F 8. Tank Tightness Has This Tank Been Tightness Tested7 [~] Yes [] No [] Unknown Date Of Last Tightness Test Results Of Test Test Name Testing Company 9. Tank Repair Tank Repaired? [] Yes [] No [-] Unknown Date(s) Of Repair(s) Describe Repairs 10. Overfill Protection [] Operator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level [] Tape Float Gauge ~.Float Vent Valves [] Auto Shut-Off Controls .[~] Capacitance Sensor [] Sealed Fill Box [] None [] Unknown [] Other: List Make & Model For Above Devices 11. Piping a. Underground Piping: [] Yes [] No [] Unknown Material ~a/. p~iO~ Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer ~- Pressure [] Suction [] Gravity Approximate Length Of Pipe Run Underground Piping Corrosion Protection: [] Galvanized [] Fiberglass-Clad [] Impressed Current [] Sacrificial Anode [~] Polyethylene Wrap [] Electrical Isolation ~ Vinyi Wrap []Tar or Asphalt [] Unknown [] None [] Other (describe): Underground Piping,'Secondary Containment: [] Double-Wall [] Synthetic Liner.System ~None [] Unknown [] Other (describe): Facility Name Permit No. TANK # ~ C~30 50/0 (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH TANK) FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES 1. Tank is: [] Vaulted [] Non-Vaulted 2. Tank Material Carbon Steel [] Stain]ess Steel Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic [] Other (describe): 3. Primary Containment ,Date Installed Thickness (Inches) [] Double-Wall ~ Single-Wall [] Polyvinyl Chloride [] Fiberglass-Clad Steel [] Concrete [] Aluminum [] Bronze [] Unknown Capaci~;~llons) Manufacturer '4. Tank Secondary Containment [] Double-Wall [] Synthetic Liner [] Lined Vault [] None [] Unknown [], Other (describe): Manufacturer: Material Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gals.) 5.'Tank Interior LininK [-]. Rubber [] Alkyd []Epoxy ~-] Phenolic [] Glass [] Clay [] Unlined [] Unknown [] Other (describe): 8. Tank Corrosion Protection [] Galvanized [] Fiberglass-Clad [] Polyethylene Wrap [] Vinyl Wrapping [] Tar or Asphalt [] Unknown ~ None [] Other (describe): Cathodic Protection: [] None [] Impressed Current System [] Sacrificial Anode System [] Describe System & Equipment: ?. Leak Detection. Monitoring, and Interception a. Tank: [] Visual (vaulted tanks only) [] Groundwater Monitoring Well(s) [] Vadose Zone MonJtorinM Well(s) [] U-Tube Without Liner [] U-Tube with Compatible Liner Directing Flow To Monitoring Well(s)* [] Vapor Detector *[] Liquid Level Sensor* [] Conductivity Sensor* [] Pressure Sensor In Annular Space Of Double Wall Tank * [] Liquid Retrieval & Inspection From U-Tube, Monitoring Well Or Annular Space  Daily Gauging & Inventory Reconciliation [~Periodic Tightness Testing None [] Unknown [] Other b. Piping: [] Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) For Pressurized Piping* [] Monitoring Sump With Raceway [] Sealed Concrete Raceway [] Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway []Synthetic Liner Raceway [] None [] No [] Unknown Results Of Test Testing Company []Unknown [] Other *Describe Make & Model:. 8. Tank Tightness Has This Tank Been Tightness Tested? [] Yes Date Of Last Tightness Test Test Name 9. Tank Repair Tank Repaired? []Yes [] No [] Unknown Date(s) Of Repair(s) Describe Repairs 10. Overfill Protection [] Operator Fills, Controls, & Visua]ly Monitors Level [] Tape Float Gauge ~- F!oat Vent Valves [] Auto Shut-Off Controls [] Capacitance Sensor [] Sealed Fill Box [] None [] Unknown [] Other: List Make & Model For Above Devices 11. Piping a. Underground Piping: [] Yes [] No [] Unknown Material ~. ~f~ Thickness (inches) Diameter ~" Manufacturer [] Pressure []Suction [] Gravity Approximate Length Of Pipe Run b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection: [] .Galvanized [] Fiberglass-Clad [] Impressed Current [] Sacrificial Anode {2] Polyethylene Wrap [] Electrical Isolation [~.Vin¥1 Wrap []Tar or Asphalt [] Unknown [] None [] Other (.describe): c. Underground Piping, Secondary Containment: [] Double-Wall [] Synthetic Liner System ~ None [] Unknown [] Other (describe): 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305-4198 Telephone (805) 861-3621 PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT UNDERGROUND STORAGR FACILITY ~ERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTI~["'NT AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT LEON M HEBERTSON, M.D. Director of Public Health Air Pollution Control Officer PERMIT ~280030M FACILITY NAME/ADDRESS: ARCO 4203 Ming Avenue Bakersfield, CA OWNER(S) NAME/ADDRESS Arco Petroleum Products Co. 17215 Studebaker Cerritos, CA 90701 Phone # (805) 497-3352 OWNER(S) NAME/ADDRESS: Kern Co. Construction Inc 2101 Tangerine Bakersfield, CA 93306 License #481053 NEW BUSINESS CHANGE OWNERSHIP RENEWAL MODIFICATION OTHER PERMIT EXPIRES APPROVAL DATE APPROVED BY January 5, 1989 January 5, 1988 ..................... POST ON PREMISES .................... CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: 3. 4. 5. 6. This permit applies only to the modification of an exlsting facilit involving the replacement of piping and installation of a pressure shut-of system. All construction to be as per facility plans approved by this department an, verified by inspection by Permitting Authority. All equipment and materials in this construction must be installed iI accordance with all manufacturers' specifications. Permtttee must contact Permitting Authority for on-site inspection(s) witi 48 hours advance notice. Backfill ~taterial for piping and tanks to be ~s per manufacturers specifications. Construction inspection record card is included with permit given t Permlttee. This card must be posted at jobsite prior to inltia inspection. Permittee must contact Permitting Authority and arrange fo~ each group of required Inspections numbered as per instructions on card. a. Piping system with API pressure shut-off system b.' Any other inspection deemed necessary by Permitting Authority PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT UNERGROUND STORAGE FACILITY PERMIT #280030M ADDENDUM 7. All underground metal connections (e.g. piping, fittings, fill pipes) t tanks must be electrically isolate'd, and wrapped to a minimum 20 mi : thickness with corrosion-preventive, gasoline-resistant tape or otherwis protected from corrosion. ~ 8. No product shall be stored tn tank(s) until approval is granted by th: Permitting Authority. ] 9. Monitoring requirements for this facility will be described on final "Permi .! to Operate." 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, Calilornia 93305-4198 Telephone (80§) 861-3621 K,_.,N COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTi' :,. AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT LEON M HEBERTSON, M.D. Director of Public Health Air Pollution Control Officer December 31, 1987 Dick Perez Arco Petroleum Procucts Company 17215 Studebaker Cerritos, California 90701 Dear Mr.. Perez: This is to advise you that this department has reviewed the project results for the fuel seepage investigation conducted at the Arco AM-PM Mini Mart, located at 4203 Ming Avenue, in Bakersfield, California. Based upon. the findings described in the report, this department Is satisfied that the assessment is complete and no significiant soil contamination resulting from fuel tank leakage exists at the site. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, Joe Canas Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program JC/gb AGRI£UITUR£ 'ClYEMI£AI AAfAL Y$1S PETROl ELfI, I LABORATORIES, I nu. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) ARCO PETROLEUM PRODUCTION 17315 STUDEBAKER ROAD CERRITOS, cA. 90701-1488 Attention:R.A. PEREZ Date of Report: Lab No.: 22726-4 Sample Desc.: FAST SIDE, SOUTH ISLAND~6' 30-Dec-87 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 22-Dec-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED@ LAB: 22-Dec-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 29-Dec-87 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g 0.15 0.10 Toluene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 p-Xylene ug/g 0.14 0.10 m-Xylene ug/g 0.34 0.10 o-Xylene ug/g 0.43 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g 0.62 0.10 Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g 175.00 5.00 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g 176.68 0.10 TEST METHOD:' California State D.O.H.S.T.P.H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis Comments: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Q~antification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by the California D.O.H.S. These petroleum ~vdrocarbons are in addition ix) the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEI~ HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. Michael H. Mahoney / Laboratory Direc'~Dr £Jt£MI£AI A~AI ~'$15 PE TIIOL LABORATORIES, Inc. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 ARCO PETROLEUM PRODUCTION 17315 STUDEBAKER ROAD CERRITOS, CA. 90701-1488 Attention: R.A. PEREZ Lab No.: 22726-3 Sample Desc.: EAST SIDE, ~argeable Aromatics (,BOLL) Date of Report: SO[T~H ISLAND @2' 30-Dec-87 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 22-Dec-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 22-Dec-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 29-Dec-87 Minimum Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene .ug/g 0.28 0.10 Toluene ug/g i. 10 0.10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g 0.30 0.10 p-Xylene ug/g 0.91 0.10 m-Xylene ug/g 2.40 0.10 o-X¥1ene ug/g 2.50 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g 0.62 0.10 Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g 290.00 5.00 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g 298.11 0.10 TEST METHOD: California State D.O.H.S.T.P.H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis Cor~nts: PETROLEI~M HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizir~ a gasoline factor. As outlined by the California D.O.H.S. These petrole~a hy~lrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLE[~M HYDROCAR~)NS: The su~ total Of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. £Jt£MICAI A~AI YSIS PE TIIOL EIIAf LABORATORIES, Ir-lc. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) ARCO PETROLEUM PRODUCTION 17315 STUDEBAKER ROAD CERRITOS, CA. 90701-1488 Attention:R.A. PEREZ Date of Report: 30-Dec-87 Lab No.: 22726-2 Sample Desc.: EAST SIDE, NORTH ISLAND~' DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 22-Dec-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 22-Dec-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 29-Dec-87 Minim~r~ Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Toluene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Ethyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 p-Xylene ug/g None Detec%ed 0.10 m-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 o-Xylene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Isopropyl Benzene ug/g None Detected 0.10 Petroletu~ Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 5.00 Total Pet. ' Hydrocarbons ug/g None Dat~cted 0.10 TEST METHOD: California State D.O.H.S.T.P.H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis Comments: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: ~antification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to (]20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by' the California D.O.H.S. Tk~se petrole~f~ hydrocarbons are in addition to the constiO~ents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLE[~ HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on t~s report. ~'-~-1 ~i-c~l H. Mahoney / La~ratory Direqtor / " £NEMICAL ANALYSIS LABORATORIES, Inc. J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 ARCO PETROLEUM PRODUCTION 17315 STUDEBAKER ROAD CERRITOS, CA. 90701-1488 Attention:R.A. PEREZ Lab No.: 22726-1 Sample Desc.: EAST SIDE, Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Date of Report: NORTH ISLAND@2' 30-Dec-87 DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 22-Dec-87 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED@ 22-Dec-87 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 29-Dec-87 Reporting Constituent Units Minimum Analysis Reporting Results Level Benzene ug/g Toluene ug/g Ethyl Benzene ug/g p-Xylene ug/g m-X¥1ene ug/g o-Xylene ug/g Isoprop¥1 Benzene ug/g Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g None Detected 0.10 None Detected 0.10 None Detected 0.10 None Detected 0.10 None Detected 0.10 None Detected 0.10 None Detected 0.10 22.40 5.00 Total Pet. Hydrocarbons ug/g 22.40 0.10 TEST METHOD: California State D.O.H.S.T.P.H. Dry Matter Basis for Gasoline PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Quantification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizir~ a gasoline factor. As outlined by the CAlifornia D.O.H.S. These petroleum hydrocarbons are in addition to the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEI~ HYDROCARBONS: The sun, total of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. ' Michael 'H.' Mahoney / Laboratory Director