HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION FILE 1DBA OWNER KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT INVESTIGATION RECORD ADDRESS ADDRESS ASSESSORS' PARCEL CT CHRONOLOGICAL RECORD OF INVESTIGATION DATE DESCRIPTION TIME KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT INVESTIGATION RECORD DBA ~ OWNER ADDRESS ?~r~/ ~ ASSESSORS ' PARCEL~ ADDRESS CT CHRONOLOGICAL RECORD OF INVESTIGATION DATE DESCRIPTION ,I I I ~ ~1 GROUNDWATER ,I ~-][~[--] TECHNOLOGY® Groundwater Technology, Inc. I I I I I ! ! I ! I I I I I ! I December 7, 1994 9940 Mesa Rim Road, Suite B, San Diego, CA 92121 USA Tel: (619) 453-8415 Howard Wines Bakersfield Fire Department 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 SUBJECT: DISPENSER ISLAND AND PRODUCT LINE REMOVAL AND SOIL ASSESSMENT SEARS STORE 1318 3001 MING AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Dear Mr. Wines: Groundwater Technology, Inc., is submitting this letter report to you on behalf of Sears Merchandise Group. This letter will provide you with. the data collected during the recent dispenser island and product line removal, and during the additional assessment completed at this site. INTRODUCTION Sears contracted Groundwater Technology to observe and collect .soil samples during removal of the former dispensers and gasoline product lines from the Sears Automotive Center located at 3001 Ming Avenue in Bakersfield, California (Figure 1). Demolition activities and removal of the gasoline product lines and dispenser islands took place between July 12, and 20, 1994. Individual grab soil samples were collected beneath each dispenser island and approximately every 20 feet along the product line trenches. The samples were collected to determine if any hydrocarbons or lead were present in the soil from the operation of the gasoline dispensing system. Samples collected beneath the gasoline product lines and dispensers were analyzed for: Total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHs) by EPA Method 8015 (modified); Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX) by EPA Method 8020; and Total lead by EPA Method 7420. Samples collected during drilling were analyzed for: TPHs by EPA Method 8015 (modified); and, BTEX by EPA Method 8020. Based on the initial laboratory results, a work plan was submitted to the Bakersfield Fire Department for additional assessment at the site. On September 20, 1994, 8 borings were drilled in the vicinity 1318GA~.RFT Sears 1318 Bakersfield Offices throughout the U.S., Canada and Overseas I I I I I I ! I ! ! I Howard Wines December 7, 1994 Page 2 of the former dispenser islands and product lines to determine the horizontal and vertical extent of soil containing hydrocarbons at the site. FIELD ACTIVITIES AND RESULTS The following sections describe methods used to conduct the line removal and soil sampling procedures. Safety Considerations Groundwater Technology developed a Site Safety Plan to provide a safe working environment and to comply with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Regulation 29 CFR 1910.120. This plan addressed specific environmental work-site hazards and presented contingency plans for site personnel. All Groundwater Technology and subcontractor personnel working at the site reviewed the plan and followed the guidelines. Demolition and Removal of the Dispenser Islands and Product Lines Three underground storage tanks (UST) containing gasoline were removed in February 1985 (Figure 1). One UST containing used oil and six USTs containing new oil were removed in 1986. Based on analytical results from the excavation samples and additional assessment completed in 1987, the Kern County Environmental Health Department required no further action. Closure letters for the tank removals are included in Appendix 1. Initial demolition activities began on July 11, 1994, and were completed July 20, 1994. The work included demolition of the dispenser island canopy, the product dispensers, concrete dispenser islands, and removal of the former gasoline product lines. Product lines ran east-west, parallel to the dispenser islands, and then east-west toward the former USTs (Figure 2). On July 11 through 20, Sears' contractor Norm Wilson and Sons removed the concrete above the product lines, and then used a backhoe to uncover the product lines and remove the dispenser islands. The soil directly above the product lines was removed with a shovel to avoid damaging the lines. The excavated soil and pea gravel was stockpiled on site. The original architectural drawings for the site also indicated a used oil tank south of the southern dispenser island. A site inspection revealed a vault in this location, however, there were no fill pipes or any evidence of a tank. The UST removal permit for work conducted in 1986 indicates that a used oil tank was removed, but that the tank location was south of the Sears Auto Center building (Figure 1). 1318GAS.RPT Sears 1318 Bakersfield GROUNDWATER TECHNOLOGY® I ! 1 I ! t ! i ! ! I I I ! ! ! ! I Howard Wines December 7, 1994 Page 3 Photographs of the demolition and line removal activities are presented in Appendix 2. Sampling Procedures On July 12, 1994, four soil samples, LS-1 through LS-4, were collected along the excavated gasoline product line runs at depths of 2 to 3 feet beneath the piping. Four soil samples, DS-1 through DS-4, were collected at approximately 3 feet below grade beneath each former dispenser location. On July 20, one additional sample LS-5, was collected beneath a product line at the southwest corner of the excavation (Figure 2). Samples were collected following the sampling procedures and protocol summarized in Appendix 3. These soil samples were field screened with a photoionization detector (PID) to determine hydrocarbon concentrations. The soil samples collected from beneath the gasoline product lines and dispenser islands were delivered to Golden State/CAS Laboratories in Canoga Park, California, where they were analyzed for TPHg, BTEX, and total lead. Soil Characterization Groundwater Technology personnel field screened excavated soil with a PID, using headspace methodologies. Soil was excavated to 2-3 feet below grade to allow sample collection, and then placed back into the excavation. All soil was left in place for assessment during the drilling phase. Drilling On September 20, 1994, soil borings B1 through.B8 were drilled to 20 feet below grade (Figure 2). The borings were drilled by Consolidated Testing Company using a truck-mounted, hollow-stem auger drill rig. During drilling, soil samples were collected at 5-foot intervals using a split-spoon sampler containing three clean 6-inch brass rings. Soil samples were examined in the field for lithology and noticeable hydrocarbon odor. Sample lithologies were described on field logs (Appendix 4) and screened for volatile organic compounds using a photoionization detector (PID). Thirty-two samples were collected from the eight borings under the soil sampling Quality Assurance/Quality Control procedures described in Appendix 3. Sixteen samples (the 15- and 20-foot sample intervals from each boring) were analyzed by GTEL Environmental Laboratories, Concord, California, for TPHe and BTEX following EPA Methods 8015 (modified) and 8020, respectively. 1318GAS.RPT Sears 1318 Bakersfield GROUNDWATER TECHNOLOGY ® 1 I ! I I I I Howard Wines December 7, 1994 Page 4 Based on PID readings of greater than 100 parts per million (ppm), soil cuttings from borings B1, B5, and B6 generated during drilling were placed in labeled 55-gallon drums, sealed, and left on site. Soil cuttings from borings B2, B3, B4, B7, and B8 had PID readings below 100 ppm, and were used as backfill for their respective borings. Analytical Results Excavation Samples Total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline ranged from below reporting limits (< 1.0 milligram per kilogram) to 8,400 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) in samples collected beneath the product lines and dispenser islands. The EPA method 8020 analysis indicated benzene concentrations ranging from below the reporting limit (<0.005 mg/kg) to 8.1 mg/kg in sample LS-1-2. Total lead ranged from below the reporting limit (<5 mg/kg) to 25 mg/kg. Table 1 summarizes the analytical results for samples collected from the gasoline product line removal. A copy of the laboratory report is included in Appendix 5. Drilling Samples Sixteen soil samples were analyzed for TPHg and BTEX following EPA Methods 8015 and 8020, respectively. All samples were below reporting limits for TPHg and BTEX. Table 2 summarizes the analytical results for soil samples collected during drilling, and the complete laboratory report is included in Appendix 6. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS The following summarizes Groundwater Technology's findings at Sears Store 1318 in Bakersfield, California: 1318GAS.RPT Sears 1318 Bakersfield On July 11 through 20, product piping and the dispenser islands were removed and soil samples were collected. Benzene ranged from below the reporting limit to 8.1 mg/kg. Gasoline hydrocarbons ranged from below the reporting limit in one sample to 8,400 mg/kg. Total lead ranged from below the reporting limit (<5 mg/kg) to 25 mg/kg. Based on the initial analytical results, additional assessment was performed to determine the lateral and vertical extent of hydrocarbons in soil. Eight borings were drilled to 20 feet below grade in the vicinity of the former dispensers and product lines. All samples analyzed were below reporting limits for TPHe and BTEX, indicating that hydrocarbons have not migrated below 15 feet. Excavated soils were placed back in the ground for use as backfill. Four drums of soil cuttings remain on site pending waste characterization and proper disposal. [~[~---~ GROUNDWATER [~[~[~ TECHNOLOGY ® Howard Wines December 7, 1994 Page 5 I I I Hydrocarbons were detected in excavation samples collected at approximately 5 feet below grade in the vicinity of the former product lines and dispenser islands, but have not migrated below 15 feet. Depth to water is reported to be 180 to 200 feet in the vicinity of the site. Based upon the findings of this investigation, and the previous tank removal and assessment activities in 1985 through 1987, Groundwater Technology, on behalf of the Sears Merchandise Group, proposes no further action for Sears Store 1318 in Bakersfield, California. If you have any further questions regarding this site, please contact Patrick McConnell at (619) 453-8415 or Eileen Brennan at (801) 532-1003. Sincerely, Groundwater Technology, Inc. Patrick A. McConnell Geologist Eileen Brennan Zone Project Manager _ Registered Geologist No. 5100 PAM/ke I i Attachments I cc: Bernadine G. Palka, Sears Merchandise Group Mike Girioni, Groundwater Technology, Inc. David W. Daniels, Groundwater Technology, Inc. ! ! 1318GAS.RPT Sears 1318 Bakersfield ~-][~--] GROUNDWATER [~[-~[~ TECHNOLOGY ® I I '1 I ! GROUNDWATER TECHNOLOGY ~----t/ ~ AI.;I~ ~ II Ik',~B'~,--~ROU..DW_~_~ o FEET [-][~[-] T~,c.No~,o~¥ ~o~ (APPROXIMATE) SITE PLAN ~LI~NT: SEA~S MERCHANDISE ~OUP STORE No, ~3~8 LOC~TION: 300~ MING AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA FILE: PROJECT NO.: 0009~ (~ :3riO) 022500?09 ~u~ }'3w~ I TM/~/~4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I / APPROXIMATE LIMITS FORMER USTI I OF EXOAVATION (TYPIOAL) I I I I I I' FORMER I ----F-J PRODUCT LINES I1-2~, I , I 4,000 I I II , I I II I I I I II I I III II ~ .... II II F----~L .... r I tl I I DS-3-3 I j~ n~_-~_C3 t I I ~ I I ~ ~.4~ tl I I II I I [-----I FORMER USED II m 1 I [ ~ I OIL TANK? I11 I I III I t 1 ~l~, --- I III~ III III 1111 ~ll EXPLANATION Ii--till VENT LINES B ~ SAMPLE LOCATION ~ ~ ~,1 ~'~ BENZENE (ms/kg) ~i~ ~ 3,~ TPH AS GASOLINE (ms/kg) I11 ~ ~,1 <o.~o~ BENZENE D~ECTION LIMIT (ms/kg) II t~ ~ <o.~ TPH AS GASOUNE D~ECTION UMt} (ms/kg) i ~ ~ou~A~ o ~ ~ 8lTL PLAN WITH ~~?~c[~o[o~ 'SCA~ ' SAMPLE LOCATIONS (APPROXIMATE) CLIENT: FILE: I PROdEOT NO.: PM S~RS MERCHANDISE GROUP O009SSL (1:240) I 022,500009 STORE No. 1318 REV. LOOATION: FIGURE: BAKERSFIELD, CA PM 11/14/94 2 I ~ ~ N I I ~- APPROXIMATE LIMITS FORMER USTI I OF EXCAVATION (TYPICAL) t I B4 t I I I FORMER I t PRODUCT LINES FORMER I ----t- T .... 1 / DISPENSER ISLAND ~ I I ....-Il B2 I I I II I B8 I II B5 I I II, I I II I I I1~ Ir --~--- II~ tl I I1~ Il I I1' B6 tl I ~ BI___ FORMER I I [ .... mL,--------~-~ ~ ~ DISPENSER IS~ND II I I ~ I " , I~ ( " ' 11 I I It I I B7 II I I II I I II I I r--] FORMER USED Il m ~--- [ L t I OIL TANK? III t I Iit I I I ~ ---- I 1111 tll III~ 111 III~ ~il ~ ~O~NO LOCAT,O~ III III III ~~T~c~o~o~ 'SC~L~ ' ~O~ING ~OCAIIONS (APPROXIMATE) CLIENT: FILE: IPROJECT NO.: PM PE/RG S~RS MERCHANDISE GROUP O009BL (1:240) I 022500009 STORE NO. 1518 REV. LOCATION: FIGURE: BAKERSFIELD, CA PM 11/14/94 ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE 1 SOIL SAMPLE ANALY'i'ICAL RESULTS, SAMPLES COLLECTED JULY 12 AND 20, 1994 (All Results Expressed in Milligrams per Kilogram) SEARS STORE 13'18, BAKERSFIELD, CA DS-1-2 07/12/94 2.6 97 40 410 2,800 10 DS-2-3 07/12/94 7.9 240 75 850 7,000 8 · DS-3-3 07/12/94 0.93 36 16 190 1,500 15 DS-4-3 07/12/94 1.8 73 33 420 3,300 18 LS-1-2 07/12/94 8.1 230 100 990 8,400 12 LS-2-2 07/12/94 11 280 85 690 4,900 < 5 LS-3-3 07/12/94 <0.05 1.9 1.1 19 190 <5 LS-4-3 07/12/94 6.2 120 44 420 3,400 25 LS-5-5 07/20/94 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.015 <0.1 <5 I I I I I I I I I I I i ! I I I Notes: 1) 2) 3) Analyzed using EPA Methods 8020, 8015 (modified), and 7420. TPH_ = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline < Number = Below reported detection limit 1318GAS,RPT Sea~'s 1318 Bakersfield ~-~-~---] GROUNDWATER [~[~-] TECHNOLOGY ® I I I TABLE 2 SOIL SAMPLE ANALY~I'ICAL RESULTS, SAMPLES COLLECTED SEPTEMBER 20,.1994 (All Results Expressed in Milligrams per Kilogram) . SEARS STORE 1318, BAK,. ERSFIELD, CA B1-15 09/20/94 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.015 <1.0 B 1-20 09/20/94 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < ~.015 < 1.0 B2-15 .09/20/94 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.015 <1.0 B2-20 09/20/94 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.015 < 1.0 B3-15 09/20/94 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.015 <1.0 B3-20 09/20/94 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.015 < 1.0 B4-15 09/20/94 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.015 < 1.0 B4-20 09/20/94 < 0.005 . < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.015 < 1.0 B5-15 09/20/94 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.015 <1.0, B5-20 09/20/94 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.015 < 1.0 B6-15 09/20/94 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.015 <1.0 B6-20 09/20/94 < 0.005' < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.015 < 1.0 B7-15 09/20/94 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.015 <1.0 B7-20 09/20/94 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.015 <1.0 B8-15 09/20/94 <0.005 . <0.005 <0.005 <0.015 <1.0 B8-20 09/20/94 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.015 <1.0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Notes: 1) 2) 3) Analyzed using EPA Methods 8020 and 8015 (modified). TPHg = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline < Number = Below reported detection limit 1318GAS. RPT See, rs 1318 Bakersfield [~[~[~--~ GROUNDWATER F--][~-~ TECHNOLOGY ® 1700 Flower Street · AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT I 3~kersfJeld. Calilornia 93305.,4198 · ' Telephone (805) 861-2231 , July 3, 1985 LEON M HEBERT$ON, M.D. Director of Public Health Air Pollution Control Officer I I Valley Tree and Construction P.O. Box 6275 Bakersfield, CA 93306 I '1 I I Dear Sir/Madam: Subseq,~ent to our ve.~ba! approval this will provide written notification that -_his department has reviewed the project results for the subsurface contamination, investigation conducted at .-_he 3001 Ming Avenue, Bakersfield,' California. Based upon the findincs described in the repo,rt, this department is satisfied that the assessment is complete and no significant soil contamination resulting from fuel tank leakage exists at the site. ! I I I 'An invoice for our tank removal and assessment review activities is enclosed. Please remit payment within 30 days to avoid penalty. Thank you for your cooperation ~-n this matter. Sincerely, Ann Boyce, a.~. Environmental HEP.' 5n ~peu-ialist Zl I I AB:aa Enclosure cc' Sears I I I I I I I · MAIL, H',,IG ADDRESS 1415 TRUXTUN AVENUE '~SAKERSF1ELD, CA 93.301 (SOS} 861-3636 ~N cqq~¥ HEALTH DEPAR'TA~T ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OIVISION HF..~ OFFICER DIRECTOR OF ENW1RONMENTA4 HF_AA.T'H June 16. 1988 Sears Roebuck and Company 3001 Ming Avenue Bakersfield. California 93304 Attn: Tom Barnhard ~ und Oil Re: Removal of Two 2,000 and Five 1.000 Gallon Undero. O Tanks at Sears Retail Store, Located at 3001 Mln~ AvenuE, in Bakersfield. Califronia Dear Mr. Barnhard: This is to advise you that this department has re'viewed the project results for ~he seepage investigation that was conducted at Seat's Retail Store. 3001 Ming Avenue. in Bakersfield. California. Based upon the findings described in the -reports, this department is s~tisfied that the assessment is complete and no significant soil contamination resulting from tan'k leakage exists at the site. Thank you for your cooperation in this .mat~er. Sincerely, Any g. Green ~ ~/ Eavlronme43tal Health~'peciallst Hazardous Materials Management Program AEG/gb .visioh o~ Environmental He~-'/· Applicationk ~~ ?00 Flower Street,' Bakersfiel ,d~CA': 93305 ~--of Tank's '~~ ~ of ApP~ication' (Fill Oue One'~plication ~r Facility)" ' . · . ~T~ra~ CloS'ure/A~ndo~e~, ~.~~., ~e~anent Clo~ure~ndo~nt Project ~n~ct(~e, .area,.c~e,. ~on'~)~y~~ ~_ C3~// Nigh= Facili~ ~ ~~~. /~~ ~~ . Facility ~dress ~ ~ ~~ ~ Nearest Cro~ St. T R S~ (Rural ~cat~o~ ~ly) Operator ~ ~ /~../'~-W~w_~ / Te±ep~one ~r ~o FaciliW ~ovid~ by ~a a~,' ~,~ ~- ~p~ ~ Gro~~r Soil C~racteristics at Facility.. ~sis for ~.il ~ and Gro~ter ~pth ~temi~tio~ .~'~ Ta~ Remval Contracto~ ~ ~~ ~~L. ~ ~ Lica~a ~ ~ ~ ' ' ~dress /~ Q./~~/~ ~ Zip _y~/3, Tele~one ~--~ ~'~ Proms~ S~rti~ ~t_- ·/~ff;~/~'~ ~_Prom~~ C~pletzon ~. ~rker's C~nsation ~r~tlon' ~ /~~ ~ Insurer ~ ~~ ~ Mdress ~/ ~~ ~//~ ~ Zip ~/3~ Tele~o~~/ ~~~/ ~rker's C~ation Certi~cati~ ~ ~/~ Insurer ~ .~-~%cf~3~:~- ~ Ch~ical C~sition of ~terials Stor~ Ta~ J C~mical Stored (non-c~rcial '~me) Dates Stor~ Ch~ical Previo~ly Stor~ ~scri~ Meth~ 'Or' Retriev,~ S~gles /~ ~ * ~~ ~ ,/ j. 'This application for: ~Jemoval or [] abandonment in place * PLEASE PROVIDE INFORMATION REQUESTED CN REVERSE SIDE OF .THIS SHEET BEFORE SUBMITTING APPLIC.%TION FOR REVIEW. ! This fot]u has been completed under penalty of perjury and to the best of my knowledge .is true correct. 'iignature Groundwater Technology Photographic Record Client: Sears Merchandise Group Project Number: 022500009 Site Name: Store 1318 Site Location: Bakersfield, CA Photographer: David Bean Date: 7/12/94 Direction: North Comments: Toward Ming Avenue fenced excavation area 7/15. Photographer: Date: Direction: Comments: I Se~s/1318.P Groundwater Technology Photographic Record Client: Sears Merchandise Group Project Number: 022500009 Site Name: Store 318 Site Location: Bakersfield CA Photographer: David Bean Date: 7/12/94 Direction: Southeast Comments: ToWard Sears Auto Center Building. Photographer: David Bean Date: 7/12/94 Direction: West Comments: Former northern pump island product lines. I Seas/1318~ Groundwater Technology Photographic Record Client: Sears Merchandise Group Project Number: 022500009 Site Name: Store 1318 Site Location: Bakersfield, CA Photographer: Stephan Bork Date: 9/20/94 Direction: South Comments: View of area just west of tanks. Photographer: Stephan Bork Date: 9/20/94 Direction: Southeast Comments: Assessment area. Mall in background, cones on B2, B4, and B8. I, Seem/1318.P ~1~= Groundwater Technology Photographic Record Client: Sears Merchandise Group Project Number: 022500009 Site Name: Store 1318 Site Location: Bakersfield, CA Photographer: ' Date: So~hwost Comm,nt~: View from . ~ ~ ~ _ ~ _ assessment area. Photographer: ~-~ >~ :: ~ ..... ~ ~ ~? ; ? ~ ~: ~ ~' ~ - :~:~ -; No~hwest ~ ~'?:,?~ ~ ~-:~~ ~ m ~ ~~/~¢: '; %'"" :~"" ,~..: ' :~' I seas/1318.P ! I 1 I I I ! ---~-][-- TECHNOLOGY I I .I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I To prevent cross contamination between samples, the sampling equipment was washed prior to each sampling using the "three bucket' wash system. This system involves: 1. Washing the equipment in a detergent and water solution, 2. Rinsing the equipment in tap water, and 3. Rinsing the equipment in distilled water. To maintain the integrity of the samples, all samples were: 1. Collected in 6-inch brass sample tubes, 2. Sealed with foil or teflon caps, 3. Wrapped with duct tape, 4. Propedy labeled and listed on completed custody forms, 5. Placed in plastic bags, 6. Placed in a cooler and chilled on ice, and 7. Delivered t° a State-Certified laboratory. All soil samples were refrigerated and stored at the laboratory for 30 days in case subsequent analyses were required. [~[-~ ~-~ GROUNDWATER [~[~[~ TECHNOLOGY ® I I I I I I I I I I I I ! ! I I I ! I F-~-I GROUNDWATER [~F--]E~ TECHNOLOGY Proiect Sears No. 1318 Location Bakersfield, CA "Drilling Log Owner Sears filerchandise Group '" Proi. No. 022500009 Surface Elev, Total Hole Oepth 20 ft. Diameter ~ in, Top of Casing Water Level Initial __ Static Screen: Die Length Type/Size Casing: Die Length Type Fill Material Cement Rig/Core Mobile BaO Soil Boring B1 Drill Co, Consofidated Testinq Method Hollow Stem Juqer Oriller Larry Wells Log By Stephen Bork Oate 9/20/94 Checked By Stephen Bork License No. PG $620 Permit # See Site Nap For Boring Location COMMEN TS: Boring backfilled with cement. Description (Color, Texture, Structure) Trace < 10%, Little 10% to 20%, Some 20% to 35%, And 35% to 50% Bi- 0.0 to '.0 ft. Asphalt. 4.5 to 5.0 ft. Silty SAND (SM): Medium brown, medium-grained silt, loose to medium dense, poorly graded, damp, weak odor. 4 7 13 9.5 to 1.0 ft. SAND (SP):Light gray, fine- to medium-grained sand, medium dense, damp, no odor. 15 14.5 tct6.0 ft. SAND (SP):Light gray, fine- to coarse-grained sand, medium dense, subrounded, damp, no odor. 20 5 6 lo 19.5 tc ZI.0 ft.SAND (SP): Light gray, fine- to coarse-grained sand, medium dense, subrounded, damp, no odor. Endecgoring at 20 feet. Sampled to 2I feet. Soil cuttings placed in labelec 55-gallon drum, sealed and left on site. 11/03/1994 lithlog-mar93 Page: I of I I I ! ! I I I I I I ! I I I I I I GROUNDWATER TECHNOLOGY "Drilling Log Owner Sears Nerchandise Srou~) --' Proj. No. 022500009 Proiect Sears No. 1318 Location Bakersf/eld~ CA Surface Elev. Top of Casing Screen: Dia Casing: Dia Fill Material Cutt/n.qs/Cement Rig/Core Mob¢Te BaO Drill Co. Conso/idated Testinq Nethod Ho~Iow Stem Auger Driller Larry ~/efls Log By Stephen Bork Oate 9/20/94 Checked By Stephen Bork License No. RG 5620 Soil Boring B2 See Site Nap For BDt~rig L DCa t/on Total Hole Depth 20 ft. Water Level Initial __ Length Length Diameter 7 in. Static Type/Size Type Permit # COMMEN TS: Bor/ng backfi/led with cuttings. Description (Color, Texture, Structure) Trace < 10%, Little I0% to 20%, Some 20% to 35%, And 35% to 50% B2- 0.0 to 1.0 ft. Asphalt. 4.5 to 5.0 ft. Silty SAND (SH): Dark. brown, fine to- medium grained, medium dense, poorly graded, damp, no odor. 4 6 I0 9.5 to iLO ft. SAND (SP): Fine-grained sand, medium dense, trace silt, poorly ;raded, no odor. 14.5 to'6.0 ft. SAND (SP):Light gray, fine- to coarse-grained sand, medium dense, poorly graded, subrounded, damp, no odor. 2o 49.5 to 21.0 ft. SAND (SP):Light gray, fine- to coarse-grained sand, medium dense, subrounded, damp, no odor. Ended:oring at 20 feet. Sampled to 21 feet. Boring backfilied with cuttin~t and capped with concrete. 11/o3/1994 lithlog-mar93 Page: 1 of I I I I I · "Drilling Log J---J~ GROUNDWATER 'Soil Boring B3 F--1F'~F--] TECHNOLOGY ~' ~roiect Sears No. 1318 " Owner Sears hlerchandise Group See Site Nap ... For Boring Location Location Bakersfield, CA Proi. No. 022500009 Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 20 ft. Diameter 7 in. COAIAIENTS: Top of Casing ~later Level Initial __ Static Screen: Oia Length Type/Size Boring back fillet1 with cuttings· Casing: Dia Length Type Fill Material Cuttinqs/Cement Rig/Core ~ob/Te Bao Drill Co. Consofidated Testing Method Hollo~¢ Stem ~uoer Driller Larry ~/ells Log By Stephen Bork Date 9/20/94 Permit # Checked By Stephen Bork License No. RG 5620 o ~ ~ . ,- ~ o m Description ~ r0 oz ~.~'~ o~ (Color, Texture, Structure) - ~ Trace < 10%, Little lO% to 20%, Some 20% to 35%, And 35% to 50% ---2- - 0 - B3- '.~i i ii 0.0 [o I.,£ ft. Asphalt. - 2 - -'4 -- I- · ' sM 4.5 to~ .... *~ ft. Silty SAND (SM): Medium brown, fine-~ to medium 9rained silt, 4 t 5.o 5 5 i~ . I. medium cense, damp, no odor. - 6 -- ~0J- - 8 - I:::::::: -~ .:.:.:.: - 10 -- 7.0 10 6 ~.5 to ll.O ft. SAND (SP): Fine-grained sand, medium dense, trace silt, 9 poorly ?aded, no odor. - 12 - .:.:.:.: - t4 - .:.:.:.: sP 3.s ~5 5 14.5 to '~.0 fL SAND (SP): Light gray, fine- to coarse-greined sand, - 16 -- 9 medium :ense, poorly graded, subrounded, damp, no odor. -18- - 20- 2.0 2o s ~@.5 ~o 2'.0 ft. SAND {SP): Light gray, fine- to coarse-grained sand, 11 medium ::ense, subrounded, damp, no odor. .. Ended 2.,.ringer 20 feet. Sampled to 21 feet. -22- -24- :- . ........ 11/03/~994 lithlog-mar93 Page: I of I' I I ! I I ! I I I- I I · "Drilling Log J-~J-~J~ GROUNDWATER Soil Boring B4 IIITECHNOLOGY. ~roiect Sears No. I318 ~' Owner Sears Merchandise GrouP. ForSeeBoringSite NaPLocation ' _ocation Bakersfield, CA --- Proi. No. 022500009 Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 20 ft. Diameter '7 in. COMMENTS: Top of Casing Water Level Znitial __ Static Screen: Dia Length Type/Size Casing: Dia Length Type Fill Haterial Cuttinqs/Cement Rig/Core Mobile Bao Drill Co. Consol/dated Testing Hethod Hollow Stem Auqer . · Driller Larry Ne/Is Log By Stephen Bork Date 9/20/94 Permit # Checked By Stephen Bork License No. RG $620 'o ~ >' ~ ~ ,- ~ o ~ Description c~ hC~ E ~ ~ ~-- U~ (Color, Texture, Structure) _ ~ Trace < 10%, Little 10% to 20%, Some 20% to 35%, And 35% to 50% - 0 -- 84- iiiiiiii 0.0 to LO ft. Asphalt. - 4 - :::::::::: 3 .'-'-'-'.' 4.5 to ;..0 ft. SAND (SP): Medium grayish brown, fine-grained, trace silt, Ir:.:.:.:.: medium dense, poorly graded, damp, no odor. 5.05 4r.'.'.'.' r,:.:.:.: h6- 6 .... - 8 - :.:.:.:.. - 10 -- 4.0 I0 6 .... 9.5 tO il.0 ft. SAND (SP): Medium grayish brown, fine-grained, trace silt, 9 SP medium dense, poorly graded, damp, no odor'. - 12 - ::::::::: - 14 - :-:-:-:': 3.0 15 6 14.5 to '6.0 ft. SAND (SP): Light gray, fine- to coarse-grained sand, 9 .... medium dense, poorly graded, subrounded, damp, no odor. - 18 - r.:.:.:.: 4 ~ :.:.?:. ~9.5 tC £1.0 ft. Same as above. -20- 4.0 I"z-O 7 Endec2oring at 20 feet. Sampted to 21 feet. -22- -24- 11/0311994 lithlog-rnarg3 Page: I of ! ! · 'Drilling Log [~ROUNDNATER Soil Boring B5 TECHNOLOGY ; .... . Proiect Sears No. 1318 Owner' Sears Merchandise Group See Site NaD For Boring L DCa tion Location Bakersfield, CA -'-Proi. No. 022500009 Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 20 ft. Diameter 7'~.. CONNENTS: Top of Casing i Water Level Initial I Static Screen: Dia Length Type/Size Casing: Dia I Length Type .. Fill Material cement ' Rig/Core ,~tobile B80 Orill Co. Consolidated Testing Method Hollo~/ Stem ,~ueer Oriller Larry Nell$ Log By Stephen Bork Date 9/20/94 Permit ~ Checked By Stephen Bork License No. R6 ~620 =~ ~ Description ~ ~ ~ z ~ ~ ~ (Color, Texture, Structure) ~ ~ o ~ m Trace < 10%, Little ~0% to 20%, Some 20% to 35%, And 35% to 50% - 0 -- 85- ~i~i]~] 0.0 [0 1.3 ft. AsphsIt. .:.:.:.:.: - 4 - :':':':': .... ..... 4.5 to{.2 ft. SANg (SP}: Medium greenish brown, fine-grained, trace siJL 137 5 4 medium :ense, damp, moderate odor. 6 6 - h:.:.:.: - 8 - :::::::: - ]0 ~ e.s ~o ~ ~.5 to r.3 fL S~ (S~): UOht ~ro~a, fiae- to coarse-~raineO, meOium 8 SP dense, ;uerounded, damp, no odor. - 12 - ~ :::::::: - 14 - .:.:.:.: 0 15 7 14.5 to '5.0 ft. Same as above. - 18 - .:.:.:.: 5 ~ :':':':' 19.5 to 2'.0 ft. Same as above. - 20- o 2o z 8~ Ended :.~ring at 20 feet. Sampled ~o 21 feet. Soil cuttings Rlaced in labetec ~5-gallon drum, sealed and left on site. -22- - 24 - ! I 1 I I I I 11/03/1994 lithlog-mar 93 Page: 1 of I - "Drilling LOg GROUNDNATER Soil Boring B6 TECHNOLOGY - 'roiect Sears No. 1318 ]' Owner Sears Nerchandise Group See Site Nap For Boring Location _ocation' Bak.~_.~ersfield. CA -~' Proi. No. 022500009 3urface Elev. Total Hole Oepth 20 ft. Diameter 7 in. COI~iMENTS: fop of Casing Mater Level Initial __ Static Screen: Oia Length Type/Size Casing: Oia Length Type Fill Material Cement· Rig/Core /~ob~le BaO 3rill Co. Consolidated Tesh'n,q Method Hollo~/ Stem Auqer Driller Larry ~¢ells Log By Stephen Bork Date 9/20/94 Permit # Checked By Stephen Bork License No. RG 5620 ~.;- r~e ~ g ~ z~5~ Description u.~ E ~ ~: ~ (Color, Texture, Structure) · O 03 ~ ~ ~ Trace < 10%, Little 10% to 20%, Some 20% to 35%, And 35% to 50% -- 0 -- B6- " 0.0 tO 1.0 fL AsPhalt. Asp - 2 - - 4 - sH 4.5 to 6.~ ft. Silly SAND (SM): Medium brown, fineTgrained sand, silt, - 4368 5 medium dense, poorly graded, damp, strong odor. ' 8 ':':'.'. I '""" 9.5 to I1.0 ft. SAND (SP): Medium gray, fine- to medium grained, medium -- 10 -- 153 10 %'"" '""" dense, poorly graded, damp, faint odor. -12 - ...... .:-:.:-:-sP - 14 - :.:.:.... 4.o ~5 .".'.'.' 14.$ to :_~.0 ft. SAND (SP): Fine- (o coarse-grained, medium dense, poorly :!:!:!:i:: i graded,,u rounded, damp, no odor. - 16 - :.:.:.:.. ',':':E' :.:.:.:.' - 18 - ::::::::. :.:.:.:.:~ ':.:.:-:'1 - 20- 0 2o -% 19.5 [o 2:.0 ft. Same as above. Ended boring at 20 feet. Sampled to 2I feet. Soil cuttings placed in labeled _~5-gallon drums, sealed 8nd left on site. - 22 - -24- · 11/03/1994 lithtog-mar93 Page: i of · "Drilling Log . ~-~[--~] (~ROUNDNATER " Soil Boring B7 ~--~F-] TECHNOLOGY ', See Site Nap ~roiect Sears No. 1318 '. Owner £ears fiterchandise Group For Boring Location Location Bakersfield, CA -~' Proi. No. 022500009 Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 20 ft. Diameter '7 in. CONNENTS: Top of Casing Hater Level Initial __ Static Screen: Oia Length Type/Size Casing: Dia Length Type Fill Haterial Cuttinqs/Cement Rig/Core Nobile DSO Drill Co. Consolidated Testing Hethod Hollow Stem Auger Driller Larry Nails Log By Stephen Bork Date 9/20/94 Permit ~ Checked By Stephen Bork License No. R~ 5620 R ~ ~ Description ~¢ ~ ~ o ~ (Color, Texture, Structure) ~ ~ ~ ~ Trace < 10%, Little 10% to 20%, Some 20% to 35~, And 35~ to 50~ -'0 -- BT- ~ 0.0 to i.O ft. Asphalt. 3 4.5 to ~.3 ft. Silty SAND (SM): Medium brown, fine-grained sand, silt, loose, ' 5.0 5 poorly ~;aded, damp, no odor. - ~0 -- 3.0 ID 9.5 to 11.0 fL SAND (SP): Light gray, fine- to medium grained, medium dense, 3oorly graded, damp, no odor. 4.T 15 t4.5 [o '~.0 ft. SAND (SP): Light gray, fine- to coarse grained, medium dense, :oorly graded, subrounded, damp, no odor. -20- 6.o 2o % 19.5 to:L0 ft. Same as bove. Ended :oring at 20 feet. Sampled to 21 feet. .. -22- -24- 11/03/1994 lithlog-mar93 Page: ! of I I I l I I l I I I I I I I I I I ! I · :Drilling Log I~I(~ROUNDNATER Soil Boring B8 TECHNOLOGY ~roiect Sears No. 1318 Owner Sears I~erchandise Group See Site Nap For Boring Location .ocation Bakersfield. CA -'- P[0i-No. 022500009 Surface Ele¥. Total Hole Depth 20 ft. 0iarneter ~ in. CONNENTS: Top of Casing Water Level Initial __ Static Screen: Dia Length Type/Size Casing: Dia Length Type Fill Haterial Cuttings/Cement Rig/Core ~lobile Bao . 3rill Co. Consol/dated Testing Hethod Hoflow Stem Auger Driller Larry Wells Log By Stephen Bork Date 9/20/94 Per,it ¢ Checked By Stephen Bork License No. RG ~620 =~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Description '~ ~ ~ ~ (Color,'Texture, Structure) -- ' ~ = II ~ II ~ T,,o~ <,0,, Little ,O, to 20,, Some 20, to 35,, A,d 35, to 50* - 0 - B8- 0.0 [o I..3 fL AsphalL -'4 -- 4.5 to &..3 fL Silty SAND (SM): Medium brown, fine-grained sand, silt. 3.0 5 medium sense, poorly graded, damp. no odor. S~ - l0 -- 177 10 9.5 to IL0 ft. Silty SAND (SH): Medium brown, fine- to medium-grained ~ith blue gr87 sandy silt -12 - 5.o 15 14.5 [o '~.0 fL SAND (SP): Light gray. fine- (o coarse grained, medium - ~6 - dense, 23orty. graded, subrounded, damp, no odor. sP. -20- 4.o 2o ~ 19.5 [o 2'.0 fL Same as above. -22- -24- 11/03/1994 lithlog-mar93 Page: 1 of ~ ! I I I I 'l [~-~/~ GROUNDWATER [~][~ TECHNOLOGY I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I July 22, 1994 GOLDEN STATE/CAS LABORATORIES, INC. Eileen Brennan' Groundwater Technology, Inc. 275 E. South Temple, Suite 321 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Re: Sears-Bakersfield/Store //1318 Dear Eileen: Enclosed are the results of the rush samples submitted to our lab on July 12, 1994. For your reference, these analyses have been assigned our service request number LA942480. ~ All analyses were performed in accordance with our laboratory's quality assurance program. Golden State / CAS is certified for environmental analyses by the California Department of Health Services (Certificate # 1296/Expiration - August 1994). Please call if you have any questions. Respectfully submitted, Golden State / CAS Laboratories, Inc. Dr. B. Gene Bennett Laboratory Director GB/iz 6925 CANOGA AVENUE [] CANOGA PARK, CA 91303 [] 818587-5550 [] FAX 818587-5555 ! IClient: Project: Sample Matrix: GOLDEN STATE / CAS LABORATORIES, INC. Analytical Report Groundwater Technology, Inc. '-' Sears-Bakersfield/#1318 Soil Date Collected: Date Received: Service Request No.: 07/12~94 07/12~94 LA942480 ! ! BTEX and TPH as Gasoline EPA Methods 5030/8020/Modified 8015/California DHS LUFT Method Sample Name DS-1 I L S-1 · DS-2 LS-2 IDS-3 LS-3 DS-4 LS-4 Method Blank Lab Code Date Analyzed Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene rng/Kg (ppm) rog/Kg (pprn) rng/Kg {ppm) LA942480-1 07/12~94 2.6 97 40 LA942480-2 07/12~94 8.1 230 100 LA942480-3 07/13/94 7.9 240 75 LA942480-4 07/13/94 11 280 85 LA942480-5 07/12/94 0.93 36 16 LA942480-6 07/13/94 * < 0.05 1.9 1.1 LA942480-7 07/12/94 1.8 73 33 LA942480-8 07/12/94 6.2 120 44 LA942480-MB 07/12/94 ND ND ND Total TPH as Xylenes Gasoline rog/Kg {ppm) mg/Kg (ppm) 410 280O 990 84OO 850 '7000 690 49O0 190 1500 19' 190 420 3300 420 3400 ND ND IMRL 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.1 ! ! TPH ND MRL Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons MRL is elevated because of matrix interferences and because the sample required diluting. None Detected at or above the method reporting limit Method Reporting Limit ! ! Approved by 6925 CANOGA AVENUE ~O--~ f~. , ~-¢~2¢r~z~ Date [] CANOGA PARK, CA 91303 818 587-5550 FAX 818 587-5555 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Client: Project: Sample Matrix: GOLDEN STATE / CAS LABORATORIES, INC. Analytical Report Groundwater Technology, Inc. Sears-Bakersfield/# 1318 Soil Date Collected: Date Received: Date Analyzed: Service Request No.: Total Lead EPA Method 3050/7420 mg/Kg (ppm) Sample Name DS-1 LS-1 DS-2 LS-2 DS-3 LS-3 DS-4 LS-4 Method Blank Lab Code LA942480-1 LA942480-2 -LA942480-3 LA942480-4 LA942480-5 LA942480-6 LA942480-7 LA942480-8 LA942480-MB MRL MRL ND Method Reporting Limit None Detected at or above the method reporting limit Approved by 6925 CANOGA AVENUE CANOGA PARK, CA 91303 [] Date 7/2-7_//?,¢' 818 587-5550 07/12/94 07/12/94 07/13/94 LA942480 Result 10 12 8 ND 15 ND 18 25 ND FAX 818 587-5555 I I I Client: Project: Sample Matrix: GOLDEN STATE / CAS LABORATORIES, INC. QA/QC Report Groundwater Technology, Inc. Sears-Bakersfield/# 131 8 Soil Service Request No.: LA942480 ! I Surrogate Recovery Summary BTEX and TPH as Gasoline EPA Methods 5030/8020/Modified 8015/California DHS LUFT Method Sample Name Lab Code' Percent Recovery 4-Bromofluorobenzene Percent Recovery a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene I I I I DS-1 LS-1 DS-2 LS-2 DS-3 LS-3 DS-4 LS-4 Method Blank Matrix Spike Duplicate Matrix Spike LA942480-1 LA942480-2 LA942480-3 LA942480-4 :LA942480-5 LA942480-6 LA942480-7 LA942480-8 LA942480-MB LA942464-15MS LA942464-15DMS 97 103 101 100 108 110 105 I O3 102 93 93 '9O 96 100 98 98 96 94 98 103 87 87 I I CAS Acceptance Criteria 50-130 60-120 I ! Approved by 6925 CANOGA AVENUE CANOGA PARK, CA 91303 [] 818 587-5550 [] FAX 818 587-5555 L A B O RAT O R IE S, IN C, CHAIN OF CUSTODY/LABORATORY ANALYSIS REQUEST FORM ~ . ' PHONE . PR~EOT MNGR. S~PLE I.D. DATE TIME I.D. MATRIX , - L /o:,p q (~ ~ ~L~I~[D BY: ~ ~D BY: ~ND ~I~MENTS: ~PO~ ~I~ENTS: INVOI~ INFO~ATI~: ~M~E ~1~: ~mmro ~ ]~. f - ~ st~ ~e~ ~, ~1. R~ Ondu~ DUP,MS, Shi~ ~~/~~r{/ __ ~ (S~ ~ ~SD, s ~uir~, ~ ~ aill to: ~ ~ sa~) CmOs: ~ ~rm ~ ~ V~ ~ai~n~ IlL Data V~i~a~ R~ A~t~ f~ ~t~me ~t~me R~umt~ R~ Date .~ ~klN~ED BY: ~NED BY: ~LIN~I~ED BY: ~D BY: SPECIE INS~U~NS/~MMENTS: ~mture ~ture ~mre ~tu[e ' Rrm ~rm Rrm ~rm ~ ~t~me ~t~me ~t~me ~t~me I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GOLDEN STATE/CAS LABORATO. RIES. NC. July 21, 1994 Eileen Brennan Groundwater Technology, Inc. 275 E. South Temple, Suite 321 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Re: Sears Bakersfield Store #1318 Dear Eileen' Enclosed are the results of the sample submitted to our lab on July 15, 1994. For your reference, these analyses have been assigned our service request number LA942516. All analyses were performed in accordance with our laboratory's quality assurance program. Golden State / CAS is certified for environmental analYses by the California Department of Health Services (Certificate # 1296/Expiration - August '1994). Please call if you have any questions. Respectfully submitted, Golden State ! CAS Laboratories, Inc. Dr. B. Gene Bennett /,I Laboratory Director GB/ib 6925 CANOGA AVENUE [] CANOGA PARK, CA 91303 [] 818 587-5550 · FAX 818 587-5555 Client: Project: -Sample Matrix: MRL TPH ND Sample Name LS-5 Method Blank MRL GOLDEN STATE / CAS LABORATORIES, INC. Analytical Report Groundwater Technology, Inc .... Sears Bakersfield Store//1318 Soil Approved by 6925 C^NOGA AVENUE Date Collected: Date Received: Service Request No.: BTEX and TPH as Gasoline EPA Methods 5030/8020/Modified ,8015/California DHS LUFF Method Lab Code Date Analyzed Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene mg/Kg (ppm) mg/Kg {ppm} rng/Kg {ppm) LA942516-1 07/20/94 ND ND LA942516-MB 07/20/94 ND ND Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons None Detected at or above the method reporting limit Method Reporting Limit ~~, ~-~-~ Date [] CANOGA PARK, CA 91303 [] 07/15~94 07/15/94 LA942516 Total TPH as Xylenes Gasoline mg/Kg (ppm) rng/Kg (ppm) ND. ND ND ND ND ND 0.005 0.005 0.005 818 587-5550 0.OO5 - 0.1 FAX 818 587-5555 Client: Project: Sample Matrix: GOLDEN STATE / CAS LABORATORIES, INC. Analytical Report Groundwater Technology, Inc .... Sears Bakersfield Store #1318 Soil Date Collected: Date Received: Date Analyzed: Service Request No. Total Lead EPA Method 3050/7420 mg/Kg (ppm) Sample Name LS-5 Method Blank Lab Code LA942516-1 LA94251 6-MB MRL 5 5 MRL ND Method Reporting Limit None Detected at or above the method reporting limit Approved by 6925 CANOGA AVENUE [] CANOGA PARK, CA 91303 Date 818 587-5550 [] 07/15/94 07/15/94 O7/2O/94 LA942516 Result ND ND FAX 818 587-5555 I I I I I I I I I I I I .I I I I I I I Client: Project: Sample Matrix: GOLDEN STATE / CAS LABORATORIEs, INC. QA/QC Report GroundWater Technology, Inc. _. Sears Bakersfield Store #131 8 Soil Service Request No.: LA94251 6 Surrogate Recovery Summary BTEX and TPH as Gasoline EPA Methods 5030/8020/Modified 8015/California DHS LUFT Method Sample Name LS-5 Method Blank Matrix Spike Duplicate Matrix Spike Lab Code Percent Recovery 4-Bromofluorobenzene LA94251 6-1 73 LA942516-MB 82 LA942517-46MS ' 89 LA942517-46DMS 89 Percent Recovery ~,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 73 85 8O 79 CAS Acceptance Criteria 50-130 '60-120 Approved by 6925 CANOGA AVENUE [] CANOGA PARK, CA 91303 Date ~/;;;:L//? ~ 818 587-5550 [] FAX 818 587-5555 I I I Client: - Project: Sample Matrix: GOLDEN STATE / CAS LABORATORIES, INC. QA/QC Report Groundwater Technology, Inc. Sears Bakersfield Store #1318 Soil Date Analyzed: Service Request No.: 07/20-21/94 LA942516 I I Matrix Spike/Duplicate Matrix Spike SummarY BTEX and TPH as Gasoline EPA Methods 5030/8020/Modified 8015/California DHS LUFT Method I I I I I Lab Code: LA942517-46 Analyte Spike Sample Spike Result Units Level Result MS DMS Benzene mg/Kg (ppm) 0.0800 ND 0.0684 0.0714 Toluene mg/Kg (ppm) 0.0800 ND 0.0681 0.0708 Ethylbenzene mg/Kg (ppm) 0.0800 ND 0.0692 0.0733 TPH as Gasoline mg/Kg (ppm) 2.00 ND 1.89 2.02 Percent Recovery EPA Acceptance MS DMS Criteria 86 89 39-150 85 88 46-148 86 92 32-160 94 101 70-140 Relative Percent Difference 4 4 6~ 7 I TPH ND Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons None Detected at or above the method reporting limit I I Approved by 6925 CANOGAAVENUE Im CANOGA PARK, CA 91303 Date [] 7/.~,/¢¢ 818 587-5550 FAX 818 587-5555 I LABORATORIES, INC. 6925 ~NOGA AVENUE · ~N~A PARK, ~ 91303 818 587-5550 · FAX #818 587-555~ COMPANY/ADDRESS ! I I I I I I CHAIN OF OUSTODY/ BO TORY ANA ANALYSIS REQUESTED PAGE _../L OF ?~-~~ PROJECT I~FJ1. ~?ATON PHONE PROJECT MNGR. SAMPLERS SIGNATURE SAMPLE LAB I.D. I.D. SAMPLE MATRIX REMARKS Date/time ~nature Firm Dat~rrlme Datb/Tlmb FELI~IOLIISHED BY: RECEIVED BY: Signature Firm Dateffime TURNAROUND REQU~RE/M. MENTS: REPORT REQUIREMENTS: 24 hr 48 hr /~"-5 day I. Rauline Rqxxt Standa'd-- ,?--- ~ II. Report (includes DUP,MS, o~r (spec~y) Pr~de VerbaJ PraiCffnanJ Resu~ Requested Rq:x~t Date __ RELINI~IJISHED BY: Signature Firm Date/Time MSD, as required, may be charged as samples) IlL Data VaJidal~m Report ' (includes NI Raw Data) __ RWQCB RECEIVED BY: Signature Firm )ara/Tim8 P.O. # Bill to: INVOICE INFORMATION: SAMPLE RECEIPT: Shipping VIA: Ship~ng #: Con~oa: Accepted for Analysis by:. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS/COMMENTS: GROUNDWATER TECHNOLOGY Login Number: Project ID (number): Project ID (name): 022500017 C4090343 022500017 SEARS, Bakersfield, CA I I I I I I I I I Dear E. Brennan: Enclosed please find the analytical results for the samples received by GTEL Environmental Laboratories, Inc. on 09/22/94 under Chain-of-Custody Number(s) 16048,21683. A formal Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) program is maintained by GTEL, which is designed to meet or exceed the EPA requirements. Analytical work for this project met QA/QC criteria unless otherwise stated in the footnotes. GTEL is certified by the Department of Health Service under Certification Number E1075. If you have any questions regarding this analysis, or if we can be of further assistance, please call our Customer Service Representative. Sincerely, GTEL Environmental Laboratories, Rashmi Shah Laboratory Director Inc. m GTEL Client ID: 02250001~ Login Number: C4090343 m Project (number): ID 022500017 Project ID (name): SEARS, Bakersfield', CA ANALTTICAL RESULTS Volatile Organics Method: EPA 8020 Matrix: Soil m Reporting ' AnalTte . ' Limit Units Concentration:Wet Weight Toluene 0.005 mg/kg < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 ylenes (total) 0.015 mg/kg < 0.015 < 0.015 < 0.015 < 0.015 BFB (Surrogat6) -- % 77.9 96.4 96.4 100. INotes: Dllutl~ Fact~: Dilution factor indicates the adjust~nts made for sample dilution. m EPA 8020: 'Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste. Physical and Ch~ical Methods. SW-846'. Third Edition. Revision 1. US EPA November 1986. Modification for TPH m a s gasoline as per California State Water Resources Board LUFT Manual prot~ols. May 1988 revision, BFB surrogate r~overy acceptability limits are 60 - 119 6. m m m m m m mGTEL Concord, CA C4090343:1 m m ~GTEL ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. m m GTEL Client ID: 022500017 Login Number: C4090343 Project ID (number): 022500017 Project ID (name): SEARS, Bakersfield, CA ANALYTICAL RESULTS Volatile Organics Method: EPA 8020 Matrix: Soil Reporting m Analste Limit Units Concentration:Wet Weight Toluene 0.005 mg/kg < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 Xylenes (total) 0.015 mg/kg < 0.015 < 0.015 < 0.015 < 0.015 BFB (Surrogate) ~- % 99.6 87.1 78.5 89.3 mNotes: Dllutlom Factor: Dilution factor indicates the adjustments made for samp!e dilution, m EPA 8020: 'Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste. Physical and Ch~ical Methods. SW-846'. Third Edition. Revision 1. US EPA Nowmber 1986. Modification for TPH m as gasoline as per California State Water Resources Board LUFF Manual prot~ols, May 1988 revision. BFB surrogate r~overy acceptability limits are 60 - 119 ~. m m m m m m mGTEL Concord, CA C4090343:2 m m GTEL ENVIRONMI:NTAL LABORATORIES, INC. I I I .GTEL Client ID: 022500017 Login Number: C4090343 Project ID (number): 022500017 Project ID (name): SEARS, Bakersfield, CA ANALYTICAL RESULTS Volatile Organics Method: EPA 8020 Matrix: Soil Reporting I Limit Units Concentration:Wet W~ei ght Analyte Toluene 0.005 mg/kg < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 'Xylenes (total) 0.015 mg/kg < 0.015 < 0.015 < 0.015 < 0.015 BFB (Surrogate) -- % 77.9 71.2 69.9 80.3 INotes: I ! i I I I I I I I I I Dilution Factor: Dilution factor indicates the adjustments made for sample dilution. EPA 8020: 'Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste. Physical and Chemical Methods. SW-846", Third Edition. Revision 1. US EPA November 1986. Modification for TPH as gasoline as per California State Water Resources Board LUFT Manual protocols. May 1988 revision. BFB surrogate recovery acceptability limits are 60 - 119 %. ~ GTEL Concord, CA C4090343:3 ~GTEL ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES. INC. I I I GTE[ Client ID: 022500017 Login Number: C4090343 Project ID (number): 022500017 Project ID (name): SEARS, Bakersfield', CA ANALYTICAL RESULTS ..Volatile Organics Method: EPA 8020 Matrix: Soil Reporting I Anal~te Limit Units Concentration:Wet Weight Toluene 0.005 mg/kg < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005. < 0.005 Xylenes (total) 0.015 mg/kg~ < 0.015 < 0.015 < 0.015 < 0.015 BFB (Surrogate) -- % 80.8 71.8 72.3 79.7 INotes: Dilution Factor: I I I I I I I I I I I I Dilution factor indicates the adjustments made for sample dilution. EPA 8020: 'Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical and Chemical Methods. SW-846', Third Edition. Revision 1. US EPA November 1986. as gasoline as per California State Water Resources Board LUFT Manual protocols. May 1988 revision. - 119 ~. Modificstion for TPH BFB surrogate recovery acceptability limits are 60 GTEL Concord, CA C4090243:4 GTEL ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. I I GTEL Client ID: 022500017 Login Number: C4090343 Project ID (number): 022500017 Project ID (name): SEARS. Bakersfield, CA QUALITY CONTROL RESULTS Volatile Organics. Method: EPA 8020 Matrix: Soil I I I I Method Blank ~sults QC Batch No: A092694-1 Date Analyzed: 26-SEP~94 AnalTte Method:EPA 8020 Concentration: m9/k9 Toluene < 0.0050 Xylenes (Total) < 0.015 iNotes: I I I GTEL Concord. CA C4090343:1 ~GTEL ENVIRONMENTAL I LABORATORIES, INC. -T-~RFrAN~ :ompany Name: ompany Address: reject Manager:. attest that the proper fiel~l'sampling rocedures were used during the collection f these samples. Field GTEL Sample Lab # ID (Lab use only) Phone#: FAX#: Site Iocation:~..~ Client Project ID: (~~ (NAME) Sampler Name Method Matrix Preserved Sampling CIOFiTOIECi A~NA~ R~ST~ 53- zo' )4, 85- Is-' I&T- TAT Special Handling Priority (24 hr) Expedited (48 hr) 7 Business Days Other / Business Days [] [] [] / GTEL Contact Quote/Contract # Confirmation # PO # QA / QC LEVEL SPECIAL DETECTION LIMITS SPECIAL REPORTING REQUIREMENTS REMARKS BLUE[] CUSTODY RECORD ( lev. 7/91 OTHER .,~ FAX [] Rehnq _ :inq~she~ b~: ate/ Time Received b~/Lab~)ratory: Wo,'~ Order# 'C ~/oflO:ff5 Retlved bY: ~'",% ,:.- , ,'3 ~ ~ ,'~ ' Lab Use Only Lot # Storage Location: ENViRONMENIA!. LABORATORIES, INC. F?._~any Name: :ompany Address: 'reject Manager: ' attest that tho proper field sampling roce0ures were used during the collection f these samples. Phone #: FAX #: //L /'/ //4~).~ ~__.~ Site location: ~-,4'?'---~ '~/'-~'/'~ Clier{~Pr(~j~ct ID: (~r) z~.~._.~O O O ? 7 (NAME) Sampler Name (Prinl Field GTEL Sample Lab tf ID (Lab use only) Method Matrix Preserved Sampling II - Zo' ~57-/~-' f37- zo' /58 -/5-' AND ANAL YSIS REQUEST TAT Priority (24 hr) [] Expedited (48 hr) [] 7 Business Days,._~. [] Other -//_~," Business Days Special Handling GTEL Contact Quote/Contract # Confirmation # PO # SPECIAL DETECTION LIMITS SPECIAL REPORTING REQUIREMENTS REMARKS Lab Use Only Lot # Storage Location:p k/~, QA / QC LEVEL BLUE [] CLP [] ~ FAX [] : er: ~ m CUSTODY , . .':,, RECORD':./' ~l~"lquish~/d-b': "¥-'J - U  /~,~te Time · [~'at¢ - ' Time Work Order # C ("~0 ~0--~ L~-~  ceived by: '~.. ,,. ,., R~4':.e}~v~d ~i- ~ ' // ' Received by Laboratory: - ' r ESOt RCE MANAGEMEN'i A ENCY RANDALL L. ABBOTT DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE !11 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Environmental Health Services Department STEVE McCAII Ey, REHS, DIRECTOR Air Pollution Control District WILl.lAM J. RODDY, APCO - Planning & Development Services Department TED JAMES, AlCP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT January28, 1992 Robert Himeves Sears 3001 Ming Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93304 Dear Mr. Himeves: It has come to the attention of this Department that an inspection has been conducted at the facility located at the Automotive Repair Shops 3001 Ming Avenue, Bakersfield, California. The intent of this letter is to notify you that any future oversight performed by this Department will result in costs being incurred by the responsible party. In accordance with Kern County Ordinance Code G-5541, Section 8.04.100, the Department is authorized to charge $65.00 per hour for time required to obtain abatement of violations noted during an inspection. The types of costs which may be incurred include time required for reinspections, review of repons, and laboratory services. An invoice detailing all oversight work charged will be sent to you on a monthly basis. Should you have any questions regarding our cost recovery policy, I may be contacted at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, Terry Gray Hazardous Materials Inspector I Hazardous Materials Management Program TG:cas ~ncurred.cos 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 (805) 861-3636 KESOURCE MANAGEMEN, AGI:.,~ICY RANDALL L. ABBOTT DIRECTOR DAVID PRICE II! ASSISTANT DIRECTOR EnvironmentaJ Health ~e~/ices Deparm~ent STEVE McCAii Fy, REHS, DIRECTOR Air Pollution Control District WILLIAM J. RODD¥, APCO Planning & Development Services Department TED JAMES, AICP, DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT December 17, 1991 Mr. Robert Himenes Sears 3001 Ming Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93304 Dear Mr. Himenes: A complaint was received by this office on November 18, 1991, alleging the improper disposal of automotive wastes to a floor drain of the automotive shop of Sears at the address noted above. An inspection was conducted on the same day and violations of the following hazardous waste regulations were noted at the time of inspection: California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66262.34(e)(1)(C). The initial date of waste accumulation was not clearly marked and visible for inspection on each container used for accumulation of excluded recyclable material. California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Section 66262.34(e)(1)(E). The words "excluded recyclable material," the composition, physical state, hazardous properties, generators name and address were not clearly marked on each container used for on-site accumulation of used oil. During the inspection it was noted that you use a clarifier that appears to be connected to floor drains in the shop area. During the inspection of the clarifier you stated that you could not verify when it had last been pumped or cleaned of sludge. Please provide this Department with plumbing plans of the shop facility. Additionally, you must correct the above violations and have the clarifier pumped out within thirty (30) days of receipt of this notice. A reinspection will be made on or after that date to verify compliance. Mr. Robert Himenes December' 17, 1991 Page 2 In addition, the above ground waste oil storage tank must be properly labeled. You should contact the City of Bakersfield Fire Department, Hazardous Materials Division, for complete information on their storage and labeling requirements for above ground tanks. If you have any questions, you may contact me at (805) 861-3636, extension 582. Sincerely, Terry Gray Hazardous Materials Inspector Hazardous Materials Management Program TG:ch Certified Number: P 767 335 953 cc: Department of Tox/c Substances Control Program grayksears.let Shallow Injection We~£ FACILITY NAME OA?E OF INSPECTOR(S): /~/$/$Y ~leAV ecklist~' ll/90 ADDITIONAL PARTICIPANTS I. General Information A. Introduce Yourself and All Others (Show Credentials) B. Explain why you are there, go over the Notice of Inspection· Have them read and sign it C. (Need Legal Info·) Owner's Name: ~g Address: ~ool rn ~'N~ ~Ve W~K~,.~/~ fA. ~,~y Phone No. ~o~-~32,21// ' D. Operator's Name: ~m~e Address: Phone No.: (SWAP BUSINESS CARDS, also ask for business license) Parent Company: Address: F® II. Are they a subsidiary of a corporation? incorporated in the State?: Contact Person: ~d~¢~ .~//W~5 Phone #: F~5- ~,~-~1// Are they Interview the Operator\Nature of Business A. How Long in Business?: ~ ,v~R5 ~,~= B. Are they a Member of an Association?: .~36 ~vr~w~r,~ ~c~//~ C. Are they aware of any Water Supply Well Location/Ownership: Site History - Years of Occupation, Previous Owners and Uses of the Facility: .sc^,~,s /n~,'~-'r ~'/~,2, .r~¢J/FY ,~L. ~-zA~.: ~.,wo, E. Products or Services Offered?: F. Brief Description of any. Process, Operation, or Maintenance that Produces Waste: · c/Ar.,'r-~'.~.r G. What Chemicals are Stored on ~. Material Safety D~ta sheets?: UNDERGROUND INJECTION COI~ROL PROGI~,H INSPECTION REPORT Inspector Facility Informatio~ Facility Name Parent Company Address 3oct City Contact Name and Position Phone ~u& - ~3 2 - 2/// State om Zip ~ / Description of waste stream Description of injection ~ell Description of activity that may endanger ground water but not related to injection wells or tanks (e.g. ponds, spills) .Inspection Information Inspection Date Number of Wells Well Type Auto Service Agricultural Drainage Status of Wells Active Other Injectate Sampled(Y/N) Violation Found(Y/N) Follow-Up Needed(Y/N) RCRA Facility(Y/N) ~ Industrial Waste Storm Water Other Abandoned Under Construction WORK ORDFR LOG ~4~:~:4: Ha zmats WORK ORDE~ N~ME = PAET¥ (RP) ~= RP CONTACT,' ~.:: RP ADDRESS= RP CITY: STATE= ,'~? ZIP= :E~=. ~' + RP PHONE NOS.: INSPECTOR: ..... PROGRAM: ',..HMMP-Enforcement DESCRIPTION= ','. HMMP-Permitting LOCATION= F~CILITY NAME: COMMENTS: WORK ORDER LOG ~H~:~:T Wot.k: Order #: WO CAt=ec3'or'p': WO T~De: 1~ Code: RESPONSIBLE PARTY (RP) H]~: _~'C'/-~C % RP CONTACT: /~,:.,"-,.'.. .... ~/, ,~,-.-~ ~ RP PHONE NOS.= INSPECTOR: PROGI~AH: Hl~P-Enforcemen= HHHP-Permitting DESCRIPTION= / .... ~'~'~ LOCATION= FACILITY NAME: COMHENTS: