HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN (5) Nestec Ltd. ,~ Technical Assistance ,[~=:~(~ TELEFAX VEVEY SWITZERLAND 021 AMMON IA SAFETY AUDI T GU IDi=' Pmr% 1. AUDIT REPORT NESTEC 'RIv/ADi VERSION 3.0, JAN 921 18 85 921 17 20 92164 88 1989 AMMON IA SAFETY AUD~'T SUMMARY IP~ si. o~: ~b, FACTORY COMPANY AUDIT TEAM NAME AUDIT DATE COUNTRY TITLE OR POSITION AMMONIA SAFETY COORDINATOR RATING ) I T I O N SAFE~ IND~ 'LANT T~ZS AUDIT LAST AUDIT RUCTION ~PRESSORS ~DENSORS ~SELS %GE POINTS PING FE~ SYST~S ~C~IC~ & INS~~TS ~CELL~EOUS )~CTI'CES ZN~CE (U) rgent - S~IOUS (I)mprove - (N) ormal DEFICI~CIES MINOR DEFERS ION OR .OPE~TIONS JUSTI~ ~G~ OVERAll COND OF' AMMON IA 1. ARRANGEMENT & 2. COMPONENTS: 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4~ 2.5. PIP: 2.6 2.7 2.8 3. DOCUMENTATION 4. OPERATIONS & WORK ] 5. INSPECTION & MAINT! 6. QUALIFICATIONS 7. EMERGENCY RESPONSE 8. TRAINING (E) mergency - IMMR. DIATE DANGER TO PLANT SAFETY DOES THE PLANT CONDITION REMEDIAL ACTION & RE-SURVEY WITHIN 6 MONTHS .... DOES THE PLANT COMPLY WITH LOCAL CODES & REGULATIONS? AMMON ZA SAFETY AUD! T SUMMARY IPage s2 of 4L FACTORY AUDIT DATE COMPANY COUNTRY' SYSTEM LOSSES (Include only system losses-NOT additions to charge size) AMMONIA CHARGE AVERAGE ANNUAL LOSSES PEAK ANNUAL LOSSES REASON FOR PEAKLOSSES: (kg/lbs) (kg/lbs) ( (kg/lbs) ( % OF CHARGE) % OF CHARGE) AMMON iA INC IDEN.TS CLASS: - 1 - CATASTROPHIC IN LAST DATE CLASS 2 - SERIOUS CAUSE YEAR 3 - MINOR AMMONIA DISCHARGED (kg/lbs) _~TION ER ACTION PLAN SUMMARY ACTION PLANNED (FOR (U)RGENT AND (E)MERGENCY ITEMS) ACTI'ON BY? DATE TO COMPLETE AMMON IA. SAFETY AUDI T SUMMARY IPage s3 of 4 FACTORY AUDIT DATE .COMPANY COUNTRY FACTORY DESCR IPT ION PRODUCTS MAIN TYPE IN FACTORY PRODUCT REQUIRING NH3 REFRIGERATION FACTORY LOCATION ZONE (IDENTIFY ZONE FACTORY IS IN) ZONE No. ISOLATED/INDUSTRIAL Clear or industrial only within 1000m of factory boundary 1 PUBLIC - DISTANT Residential buildings or public assembly points between 1000m and 500m of factory boundary 2 PUBLIC - CLOSE As for zone 2 but less than 500m from factory boundary INSTITUTIONAL Within 1000m of institutional buildings where free movement is not possible (eg. prisons, hospitals etc) 4 FACTORY STAFFING NUMBER OF PERMANENT EMPLOYEES- NUMBER OF CASUAL/SEASONAL EMPLOYEES- MAX: NUMBER OF CONTRACTORS- MAX: MIN: MIN: AMMON IA SAFETY AUDIT S.UNtMARY IPage S4 of.4~ FACTORY AUDIT DATE COMPANY COUNTRY AMMON IA REFR I 6ERAT I ON P.LANT Provide overall particulars for refrigeration plant at each suction temperature or circuit Units used:- (Deg. C, kW(refr), kW(power) OR Deg. F, TonsR, HP) (Cross out units not applicable) SYSTEM TYPE No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 HIGH OTHER OTHER ( for "OTHER" BOOST BOOST BOOST STAGE specify) SUCTION TEMP CONDENSING TEMP COMPRESSORS -TYPE -DISCH TO? (STAGE) -TOTAL INST CAPACITY -TOTAL INST. MOTOR POWER CONDENSORS (~Complete for each type of condensor used) TyPE:(evap, dry · shell & tube) TOTAL INSTALLED CAPACITY COOLING WATER SOURCE IF HEAT RECOVERY IS USED-WHAT FOR? USAGE POINTS (Complete for each .main usage point) LOCATION TYPE (manufacturing or cold room?) SUCTION TEMP REFRIG. DEMAND AMMONIA SAFETY AUDIT GUIDE .! 1.0 OVERALL PLANT ARRANGEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION Summary of Plant Rooms and 3anmonia Hazard Area Inspections (Refer Annex Al) ilNDEX ROOM NAME OCCUPANCY ~NH3 IN No.. OF' ROOM ROOM ACCESS VENTI- DETECTORS SAFETY ELECT DRAIN SIR No. RATING ~ROOM PEOPLE VOLUME SEALED IEXITS LATION EQUIP OK? -AGE IN ROOM OK? OK? NH3 FIRE OK? OK? /~REA ADJA- ~CENT ikg/lbs m3/ft3 Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N ~,-1.1 -.1.2 -2.1 -2.2 -.3.2 -.3.4 -.3.5 -.3.9 -.4 -.5 -6.1 -6.3 -.7.1 -..8 -.9 -.10 I NOTES: - Reference numbers under column titles refer to questions in Annex A1 (eg. -1.2 refers to question Al.l.2) ..% - "*" Refers to questions which, should be answered by factor¥ as part of the preparation BEFORE the audit. This applies to all questions throughout the audit guide. (Refer Part 2 Guidance Notes Section C.4 for more details) ~I~0 AMMON IA SAFETY AUDI T GUIDI=' SIR ,,, 2.0 SYSTEM COMPONENTS 2.1 COMPRESSORS 2.1.1 Summary of Compressor Inspections (refer Annex A2) 'INDEX DUTY TYPE MANUFACTURER I MODEL YEAR CAPACITY SIR No. BUILT kW I Tons !A2.1.1 A2.1.3 A2.1.6 A2.1.4 A2.1.5 A2.2.4 A2.7 A~4~4ONIA SAFETY AUDIT GUIDE' isiR 2.2 CONDENSORS (Including Condensing Heat Recovery) 2.2.1 Summary of 'Condensor Inspections (refer Annex A4) INDEX TYPE MANUFACTURER IMODEL iYEAR CAPACITY SIR No. iBUILT kW/Tons A4.1.1 A4.1.3 A4.1.6 A4.1.7 A4.2.3 A4.7 * * * * * * AMMON I A 2.3 2.3.1 VESSELS SAFETY AUD IT GU I VESSELS OUTSIDE MANUFACTURING AREAS (Plant Rooms Ceilin¢ Spaces etc) Summary of Vessel Inspections (refer Annex A3) INDEX LOCATION FUNCTION iYEAR WORKING NH3 SIR, No. (BLDG) ,BUILT PRESSURE CAPACITY' Bar/PSI kg/lbs A3.1.1 A3.1.3 A3.1.5 A3.1.7 A3.2.1 A3.2.4 A3.7 * * * * * * ~ AMMON IA SAFETY AUDIT GU IDE S/,30 I 2.3 · 2 'VESSELS WITHIN MANUFACTURING AREAS :Summary of Vessel Inspections (refer Annex A3) INDEX LOCATION FUNCTION YEAR WORKING NH3 SIR No. ( BLDG ) i BUILT PRESSURE CAPACI'i~ Bar/~$I kg/lbs · 2.3.3 Is the system arranged` and the vessels sized so YIN SIR that the entire charge can be safely isolated to allow opening of any part of the system for maintenance? -- II ,~MMON I,~ S,~F~"TY ,~,~UID I T GU ID~ Is~ I I I 2.4 ~SA~E ~I.~S 2.4.1 lO, SIDE ~A~ING ~LS. ~ CO~ R~MS (Plant Rooms, Ceiling Spaces etc) S~ary of. Heat Exchanger Inspections (Ref Annex A4) I~ .~E LOCATION ~FACT. IMODEL Y~ CAPACI~ SIR No. BUILT kW I Tons A4.1.1 A4.1.3 A4.1.4 A4.1.6 A4.1.7' A4.2.3 A4.7 2.4.2 WI~IN ~A~ING ~LS ~ CO~ R~MS (Refer Al.4) S~ary of Heat Exchanger Inspections (Ref Annex A4) I~ ~PE LOCATION ~FACT. ~MODEL ~ ~C~ACI~ SIR No. BUILT kW ~ Tons 'A4.1.1 A4.1.3 A4.1.4 A4.1.6 A4.1.7 A4.2.3 A4.7 AMMONIA SA 'ET¥ AUDIT GUID " · III · OTHER AMMONIA USAGE POINTS QTY DEFROST SYSTEM LIQUID LIQUID LIQUID RELIEF SIR HAMMERSUPPLY QUANTITY VALVES TYPE FREQ- IF HOT GAS AUTO INDIV !TYPE IN UNIT EQUIPMENT UENCY IMAN OR FITTED OK?. TEMP PRESS MULT Y/N Y/N (1) oClF BarlPSI (2) (3) (4) (1) ROOM COOLER UN1TS IN COLD ROOMS (2) ROOM COOLER UNITS .OUTSIDE COLD ROOMS (3) PLATE FREEZERS (4) AIR BLAST FREEZERS (5) COOLINGIHARDENING TUNNELS (6) PACKAGING MACHINES (7) OTHER (8) OTHER (9) OTHER (10)OTHER NOTES: (1) Defrost Types: (W)ater, (H)ot Gas, (E)lectric, (S)team, (A)ir (2) Liquid Hammer: (O)ften, (S)ometimes, (N)ever (3) Liquid Supply: (P)umped, (S)ystem Pressure (4) Refer to Annex A4.4 for guidance in deciding on the adequacy of the relief valves. I SIR * Describe the defrost cycle for each defr-ost system identified in section Assign an SIR for each system described in i ' ~What type of liquid ammonia hoses are used on the I I .equipment described in and I EQUIPMENT ITEM TYPE OF INSPECTION REPLACEMENT SIR HOSE FREQUENCY FREQUENCY I * Are any emergency systems installed on the equipment in & (eg water sprays, explosion proof, .exhaust fans) ? EQUIPMENT ITEM SYSTEM TYPE AUTO I REMOTE TESTING SIR OPERATION? FREQUENC I AMMONIA SAF'ET¥ AUDIT GUID ' m 2.5 PIPEWORK 2.5.1 Is pipework well supported? 2.5.2 Is pipework free of apparant mechanical damage? 2.5.3 Is pipework adequately protected from mechanical damage where required? 2.5.4 £s the pipework free of vibration, abnormal noises, liquid hammer or excessive movement? 2.5.5 Are there few threaded joints under 12mm/0.5"Nom 2.5.6 Are there few threaded joints over 12 mm/0.5"Nom Maximum size of threaded joints .mm/" 2.5.7 Are threaded joints seal welded? 2.5.8 lis there any sign of corrosion on the pipework? ( ) none ( ) slight ( ) moderate ( ) extensive, could jeopardize safety * 2.5.9 Describe insulation: - Pipe preparation (painting etc.)- - Insulation material(fire retardant?) - Vapour barrier - Metal or other cladding 2.5.10 Is insulation free of damage? 2.5.11 Are all insulated boxes around valves 'and fittings in place and sealed? 2.5.12 What is the condition of the insulation? ( ) good ( ) fair ( ) bad 2.5.13 Is the insulation free of ice formations? 2.5.14 If any of questions 2.5.1-13 indicated defects, list location and nature of the defects and indicate on system diagram 2.5.15 Has welding on pipework been carried out only by suitably qualified welders? * 2.5.16 Have welds been Xrray tested or similar? % tested 2.5.17 Is piping adequately labelled and colour coded with flow direction, pressure, medium? AMMONIA SAFETY AUDIT 6UI E Y IN .6 SAFETY SYSTEMS 2.6,1 RELIEF VALVES (Refer also Annex A5) Are all elements of the refrigeration system adequately protected against overpressure by relief valves? (including fire hazard and liquid lockup) __ What type of Relief Valve vent-points are used? ( ) internal to suction ( ) atmosphere-bare pipe ( ) diffuser (). tank ( ) water shroud volume __(m3/ft3) ( ) inside room 2.6.1..3 If internal relief valves to the suction side are used, are the suction side relief valves adequate to protect the LP side and.the components vented to it? Do vent points locations and types adequately restrict the spread of ammonia vapour into other buildings (via air inlets, windows, doors, etc.) or to surrounding areas? Can relief valves be easily and safely serviced without isolating and purging large sections of the system? Have all valve cartridges been replaced or over- hauled in the last 5 years? __ 2.6..2 AMMONIA VENT AND DUM~ SYSTEM * Is a manually activated ammonia vapour vent system installed? Provide a sketch of the system. __ If ( yes, do vent point locations and type adequately restrict the spread of ammonia vapour? __ *' Is a manually activated ammonia liquid dump system installed? Provide a description and a sketch of the system. -- If ( yes, answer Is there installed a system to add large quantities of water to absorb the liquid ammonia? __ Is the dump system isolated from the common factory waste water system? Can waste water/ammonia be isolated from municipal sewer/treatment of systems or factory waste water treatment plant? If ( no, are sewerage authorities aware oJ and accept the potential nature of the effluent resulting from the dumping operation? Can wast~ be diverted to a dedicated containment? Are the manual controls for the vent or dump systems described above adequately protected from tampering or misuse? the manUal controls readily accessible from outside in event of a fire etc.? 2.6.3 KING VALVES/MAIN STOP VALVES Are King valves (main liquid stop valves) provided?__;~Are they readily accessible or remote operated in event of an incident? __ Are emergency suction shutoff valves provided? Are they readily accessible from out~ide the engine room? Are emergency hot gas isolation valves provided they readily accessible or remote operated in the event of an incident? 2.6.4' AMMONIA DETECTORS Summary of Ammonia Detector Inspectio~ (Refer Annex A6) INDEX AREAS MONITORED SHUT DOWN SET POINTS SIR NO NON EXPL. PROOF EQUPT. START FANS? ALARM SHUTDOWN A6.1.1 A6.1.3 A6.1.9 ~6.1.6 A6.1.7 A6.3 Are all plant rooms and hazard areas identified in Annex A1 adequately protected by ammonia AMMON IA SAFETY AUDIT GU 2.7.1 ELECTRICAL How is refrigeration system controlled? ( ) Manual ( ) Automatic (using relays) ( ) Automatic (using PLC/Microprocessors) Are all main safety interlocks hard wired? Are all ~electrical panels clean and orderly without loose, unmarked, unconnected wires etc.? Are covers for all instruments controls and ~other components in good condition and in place? Is all cabling and wiring in an acceptable condition? 2.7.2 GAUGES AND SIGHT GLASSES ' Sight (.Gauge) glasses: - Are automatic shut off valves provided? - Are the glasses protected by suitable guards? Gauges: - Are 'there sufficient gauges to effectively monitor the critical operating points of the system? Are normal operating points marked on the gauges. for easy recognition by the operators? Do gauges appear to be in Working order? Are all thermowell pockets etc. provided with a seal to adquately prevent ingress of moisture? AMMONIA AF' 'TY' AUDIT GUIDE 2 . 8 ~I$CELI~ANEOUS COF~PONENTS 2.8.1 .GAS PURGERS Type of purger installed ( ) auto ( ) manual ( ) none If manual, describe purge operation method. Give S.I.R.- Location of purge points in system Purger access ( ) good ( ) fair ( ) poor Purger discharge point ( ) good 2.8.2 OIL DRAINAGE Are there adequate oil drain points in the system? Do oil drain points have double valves with one needing to be held open by the operator? Do any oil drains go to a regenerator or use an oil drain pot? If ( yes, how are they heated? ( ) ambient air ( ) hot gas ( Oil drain points access ( ) good ( ) fair. ( ) poor 2.8.3 AMMONIA CHARgINg Where is the systems charge point? ( ) high side ( ) low side Is the system charging connection made by ( ) flexible hose ( ) hard piping Is the charging arrangement such that there is no risk of straining the connections?' (adequate line 'length, securing vessels, etc.) If reserve ammonia containers are held'on site, there adequate provision for security and protec- tion (shelter, mechanical damage, tampering)? II AMI ON IA SAFi TY AU[DIT GUIDI ' * ~.~.~.l Describe valving used in plant. Stem Seals ( ) Packing ( ) Bellows Are valves "back seated" so that valve stem seals ican be replaced while the system is under !pressure? Are all parts of the system provided with suitable isolation valve arrangements to permit adequate !maintenance? Are all valves'fitted with a tag showing a unique number? Are these tag numbers consistent with identification numbers in the plant documentation ~nd emergency plan? * 2.8.5 PUMP SYSTEMS * Are pumps used to transfer liquid ammonia within the plant? ( ) on MP side ( ) on LP side *1 Type of pump i ( ) Positive Displacement ( ) ,Centrifugal ,i ~ Type of shaft seal: ( ) Packed Gland ( ) Mechanical ( ) Hermetic ( ) Sealless (magnetic coupling) Is a relief valve or bypass fitted to prevent overpressure at the pump discharge or if isolation valves are closed? Are there any sections of the pump system where liquid can be trapped which is not protected by a relief valve? AMMONIA S^FETY AUOIT GUID Is the pump protected against cavitation by low level or differential pressure cutout switches? Are check valves fitted to pump disCharges? Is there a .small bleed valve to permit removal of liquid in the pump before it i-s opened for maintenance? Is access to pump and isolation valves? ( )'good ( ) fair ( ) poor 2.8.6 STRAINERS * Are liquid strainers used anywhere in the plant? Are these protected against excess pressure due to liquid lockups? !Is there a small bleed valve to permit removal of liquid in the strainer body before it is opened? Is access to the strainers and isolation valves ( ) good ( ) fair ( ) poor 2.8.7 MATERIALS Are all materials used in the system compatible with ammOnia? Are all materials used on the low temperature side suitable for the operating temperatures? II AM.MO'NIA SA,~-:ETY AUDIT GUID~' 3.0 ~YSTEM'DOCUMENTATION 3.1 Are all drawings and documents up to date? If not, give time to up date - electrical (manhours) - system flowsheets (manhours) - pipe & valve layouts (manhours) 3.2 Is there an established, formal, documented procedure for authorizing and reCording changes to system documentation?' 3.3 Is this procedure strictly followed? ~ r AMMONIA. SAF "TY AUDIT GUID ' 3.4 'Check off where the following documents are available in your plant - ~ m o ~ ~ ~ SIR DOCUMENTS 3.4.1 $¥$T~¢ D~$C~IPTION 3.4.1.~ Orig design/constr'n specs,Current as built d~awings:- -Piping & valve positions -~lectrical -System flowsheets'~c~ipment details for: -~c~t specifications -Technical manuals -Purchase orders -Appr drgs/Ul certificates'ng records -Material test certificates -Pressure test certificates -X-ray test records -Welders certificates -Insurers/authority approva ( for system modifications/major repairs NH3 & refrig'n codes etc 3.4.2 OPERATIONS Operating manuals Charging records Operating checklists (eg. procedures for isolat- ing vessels) 3.4..2.4 Hazardous material information sheets 3.4.3 MAINTENANCE Maintenance manuals Checklists & instructions Mtnce schedules AMMON 5AF'ETY AUO 3.4 Continued DOCUMENTS 3.4.3 MAINTENANCE (continued) Safety device test records COMPREHENSIVE Maintenance History records giving COMPLETE information on extent of repairs a-nd alt.erations 3.4.4 iSAFETY & 'I2~INING Emergency plan Training plan Training records Detailed job descriptions 3 4.4 5 Operator licences (if required by law) AMMONIA SAF'ET¥ AUDIT GUIDE , , i 6. P C XCES 4.1 GENERAL 4.1.1 Are there consistent minimum safety standards available and enforced for the control of all work associated with ammonia equipment by both employ- ees and contractors (e.g. rules for contractor~ on site, personal safety, qualification requirements) 4.1.2 Is every operator (of both refrigeration plant and usage points) provided with a simple ammonia booklet of" do's and dont's"? 4.1.3 Is smoking by employees prohibited (and enforced?) except in designated areas which are isolated from hazard aresa (Ref. Annex 1)? 4.1.4 For all operations or maintenance where an ammonia discharge may occur (charging, oil drainage, opening systems) - Are only suitably qualified people used for these operations? - Is suitable safety equipment used? (masks, gloves, explosion proof lamps, etc.) - Is the "buddy system" adhered to? - Is it under constant supervision? - Persons working nearby warned? 4.1.5 Are there regular house keeping inspections.by plant management? 4.1.6 Is there an effective safety management system operating in the factory (e.g. safety committees, audits etc.) 4.2 PLANT OPERATIONS 4.2.1 SYSTEM SUPERVISION (Plant and uSage points) Are log books kept to note.all pertinent operational temperatures, pressures, repairs, adjustments and ch~anges during each shift? Are the logs/recordings analyzed daily by the supervisor to determine the cause, effect and any needed corrections to system operation defects?'Are preprinted checksheets used to direct Operators to monitor temperatures, pressures, levels, on or off operation of equipment, etc. h4h4ONI, UDIT GUID 4.2.2 CHARGING * How is NH3 recieved at the plant? ( ) Road tanker ( ) Rail tanker ( ) Bottle * Capacity of NH3 containers (~g/~b) * Quantity of'NH3 held in reserve at plant? (kg/lb) Are containers weighed before and after charging? Is the quantity of NH3 added, recorded? 4.2.2..6 Are NH3 containers handled in a safe manner? (Securely restrained, safety equipment checked) 4.2.3 OIL DRAINAGE Is there a regular scheduled procedure for drained oil from vessels? Is a log kept and checked of quantity of oil drained vs filled? 4.2~4 DEFECT REPORTING Is there a formal, documented procedure for reporting and follow-up on plant defects? Describe system Is this system effective to ensure that appropriate corrective action is taken in the appropriate time frame? 4.3 MAINTENANCE ANDMODIFICATIONS 4.3.1 CONTROL OF WORK Is all maintenace and modification work controlled by written instructions issued on work orders/PM cards? Do these orders also indicate - minimum safety standards required? - minimum standards for workmanship (e.g. welding procedures, test requirements) Is there an established formal, documented procedure for authorizing and recording changes t¢ the system (controls, flow arrangement, equipment, etc.? Describe the procedure: Is this procedure strictly followed? If components (piping, valves, vessels materials etc.) are repaired/replaced, are they actually checked and documented to ensure that they meet the appropriate specification for the intended service? Are welders tested and certified prior to carrying out welding operations on the system? Is there a documented procedure for pump down, purging and testing/inspection which is strictly followed? - prior to commencing work on the system - After completion of work and prior to re-charging with ammonia Does this procedure include provision for X-ray testing, welds pressure testing, leak testing? Is a hot work permit system with provision for after' inspection established and strictly followed for welding, grinding and open flame work (especially in plant rooms and hazard areas ref. Al)? Are electrical and mechanical lockout procedures strictly followed when it is required to carry outi maintenance or modification to the system? 4.3.2 USE OF CONTRACTORS Are contractors used for work on the ammonia system? ( ) rarely ( ) often ( ) all work (.) operational ( ) system modification only Are contractors carefully checked for competence and experience prior to hiring? (references, certifications, etc.) Is there a single company representative on site who has control of all liaison with the contractors? AlvilviON A SAFi='TT AUDIT GU'[DEE I 15. !INSPECTION AND ~AINTENANCE 5.1 Does your formally scheduled mtnce include the following? Y/N FREQ. WRITTEN State frequency or "NS" if not RECORDS? performed on a regular basis Y/N ~5.1.1 Pressure relief vlves 'Inspected -Replaced or overhauled '5.1.2 Test/Calibration of safety controls: -High pressure cutouts -Low pr.essure cutouts · -Oil pressure failure · -High discharge temperature -Liquid level switches i -Ammonia detectors 5.1.3 Compressor & drive inspection 5.1.4 Periodic oil analysis 5.1.5 Filters/strainers (inspect/replace) ~5.1.~ ~$hutoff valves (inspect/exercise) 5.1.7 'Ammonia liquid pumps & drives 5.1.8 Press/temp gauges calibration 5.1.9 Inspect fixed & portable safety equipment (eg. air packs, suits etc) 5.1.10 Purger operation & maintenance i5.1.11 Check defrost operation & control 5.1.12 Inspect pipe & equipment for visible corrosion 5.1.13 Inspect insulation ^Mh40. UOIT 6PERSONAL~ 6.1 QUALIFICATIONS 6.1.1 Complete the following for all staff classifica- tions associated with the operation, maintenance and management of the ammonia plant CLASSIFICATION ~OTAL REFRIGERATION AMMONIA YEARS DEFINE NO QUALIFICIATION TRAINING NH3 EXPCE Operators Mechanics Supervisor (Refrigeration) Engineer (Plant serv.) Supervisor (Maintenance') Factory eng. Assistant eng Others . _ 6.1.2 Is operator licensing]certification a requirement under your local codes/statutes? 6.1.3 If (6.1.2) yes, are all your operators licensed or in a scheduled program to obtain a license? 6.1.4 Do you have a detailed job description describing the operator's duties? MWONI S P 'TY UOIT 6.1.5 Do all people referred to in Section 6.1.1 have a thorough understanding of the following areas? - Basic refrigeration fundamentals - Compressor function and limitations - Operation; set point, purpose of each safety control - Operation, setpoint, purpose of control valves - Location, operation, normal position of isolat- ing valves - Relief valve location, purpose, setting and operator response if activated - Normal system temperatures/pressures and causes/ effects of changes in system temperatures/ pressures - Correct procedures for pump outs, intra-system NH3 transfers, system charging and oil drainage/ charging - Recognition of and correct response to. abnormal conditions - Purpose, sequence of .operations, potential prob- lems for defrost cycles 6.1.6 Do all personnel know where king valves and all other main isolating valves (eg. hot gas, suction) are located and their purpose? ^MMON IA SAF 'TY' AU[DIT GUI-D ' ' 7.1 EMERGENCY PLANNING 7.1.1 Is there a written emergency plan?~ 7.1.2 If (7.1.1) yes, does it include at least the following: a~ Site Plan - evacuation routes, assembly points, command post, prevailing wind noted __ __ b. Site Plan - fire protection, electrical, gas, fuel storage other utilities and shut off points noted c. Ammonia (and other hazardous materials) inven- tory and storage plan d. System flow sheet and accompanying valve list with valve location and numbering consistent with valve tagging __ __ e. Hazard Room (refer 1.0) diagrams with key valves, switches, locations and access ways noted? __ f. Response plan for fire, earthquakes, natural disasters __ __ g. Notification plan and telephone number list __ h. Medical plan i. Systematic shutdown instructions __ __ j. Evacuation plan __ __ k. Ammonia containment/neutralisation/disposal plan 1. Procedure for authorizing the dumping of the charge (if a dump station is installed) __ m. Means of rapidly estimating possible extent of affected surronding areas __ ~n. Procedure for notification of down wind occupants in case of major releases __ o. Provision for communication among management, employees, emergency team, emergency services __ p~ Follow up action: - All clear re-entry procedur.e - Cleanup and disposal procedure - Formal incident investigation procedur~es - Minimisation of business interruption 7.1.3 Is the emergency plan up to .date? 7.1.4 How frequently is the plan reviewed 7.1.5 Is the emergency plan package readily available for reference at all times? 7.1.6 Where is it kept? 7.1.7 Are safety evacuation routes posted throughout the ~actor¥? 7.~.8 Is there a supply source for large quantities of CO2 for neutralisation prearranged? 7.2 ORGANISATION (EMERGENCY TEAM) 7.2.1 Is there a formal plant emergency organization with emergency response teams trained to handle fire fighting, ammonia releases, etc? 7.2.2 Who is' the person designated to take charge during an incident? 7.3 ROLE OF OUTSIDERS 7.311 What role does the emergency services take during an incident? ( ) leading ( ) supporting i( ) never discussed with them 7.3.2 Do emergency services have a copy of the emergency ~lan? 7.3.3 ~re they adequately traine~ to perform their ~greed role dealing with an ammonia incident? 7.3.4 ~re contractors expected to be involved in dealing ~ith an emergency? 7.'4 IPROTECTIVE EQUIP~ iComplete the following information on personal iprotective and safety equipment. Indicate the ~anount of equipment at each location. EQUIPMENT i Engine LOCATION Room ' Cannister-masks t * SCBA air packs " * Encapsul'd suits * ,Disposable suits * Rubber boots * Rubber gloves * Face shields * Life lines * . First aid eqpt * Hand held analysers * Spare cannisters' (ref * Spare air bottles (ref Complete the following information on personal protective and safety equipment. Indicate the ammount of equipment at each location. EQUIPMENT Engine SIR LOCATION Room Cannister masks SCBA air packs Encapsul'd suits Disposable suits Rubber boots Rubber gloves Face shields Life lines First aid eqpt Hand held analysers Spare cannisters' (ref Spare air bottles (ref I YIN SIR 7.4.2 Can SCBA air bottles be refilled on the plant site? __ If no, is a 24 hr available refill source arranged? - 7.4.3 Have plant .employees previously used the following in strong NH3 concentration? 1. Cannister masks (Y/N);Effective? (G/F(P) 2. $CBA Packs __(Y/N);Effective? (G/F/P) 3. Chemical suits ~(Y/N);Effective? (G/F/P) 7.4.4 Is location of first aid, protective and rescue equipment clearly placarded within and external to areas of risk? __ __ 7.4.5 If emplOyees may be required to wear respirators, have they been deemed physically fit by a physician? __ __ 7.4.6 Are cannistsers disposed of: 1) Immediately after use 2) After mfrs - expiration date if unused (auditors to spot check) ~ __ 7.4.7 Is fire fighting equipment appropriate to ammonia provided and labeled in areas of risk? ~ ~ 7.4.8 Are portable explosion proof lamps available? __ 7.4.9 Are stationary or portable explosion proof fans of sufficient capacity provided for emergency ventilation? (1.0 - 1.5 air chg./hr.) I ,, ~ YIN 'SIR 8. TRAINING 8.1 Do you have a formal documented program for training per.sonnel? __ __ 8.1.1 For Emergency teams? 8.1.2 For system o~erators and maintainers? 8.1.3 For all factory staff? 8.1.4 For new employees? (induction training) 8.2 If (8.1) yes, does the training plan 'include the following? 8.2.1 Formal regular review of overall program 8.2.2 Regular formal review/testing of personnel competence and/or knowledge?. __ 8.2.3 Regular review of training gOals and require- ments for each operator/maintainer or emergency team member 8.2.4 Minimum acceptable training frequency for each ~type of instruction? __ __ 8.2.5 Records of who attended training sessions? __ __ 8.2.6 List of suitably qualifed instructors with their qualifications and personal training records. 8.3 Are the local emergency authorities involved in the training program? Describe extent of ihvolvement AMMONIA SAFETY AUDIT GUIDE I I 8.4 Does the training program cover at least the following areas? (If yes, indicate frequency of training) EMERGENCY OPERATORS! ALL. FACTORY NEW SIR TEAMS MAINTAINERS STAFF EMPLOYEES 8.4.1 Basic refrigeration fundamentals 8.4.2 Operation & maintenance of plant and equipment (refer 6.1.5) 8.4.3 Hazards of ammonia and other stored chemicals 8.4.4 Safety precautions when working with ammonia equipment 8.4.5 Use and limits of safety equipment: (1) Cannister Masks (2) SCBA Packs (3) Encapsulated Suits 8.4.6 First Aid Procedures 8.4.7 Emergency Shutdown Procedures 8.4.8 Fire Safety & Response Procedures 8.4.9 Emergency Notification .Procedures 8.4.10 Evacuation Procedures 8.4.11 EarthquakelNatural Disaster Response 8.4.12 Spill Containment & Neutralisation '~ h4ONI UOiT GUtD Annex PLANT ROOMS & AMMONIA HAZARD AREAS A1 (e.g. plant rooms, manufacturing rooms, preparation rooms,' cold rooms, ceiling spaces, auxiliary rooms, rooms w£th exposed pipe runs) (Complete one form for each room or area) Al.1 IDENTIFICATION * Ai.i.1 Room index number (refer 1.0) * Al.l.2 Room name * Al.l.3 Identification Number Al.2 OCCUPANCY RATING Identify occupancy rating (1) Limited Attendance (2) Occupied by permanent employees (3) Occupied by Seasonal/Casual/Temporary employees (4) Public * Al.2.1 Occupancy rating for room or area * A1.2.2 Occupancy rating for adjacent rooms or areas connected by doorways, openings or ductwork Al.3 ROOM AND CONTENTS DESCRIPTION * Al.3.1 Function of room * A1.3.2 Est. quantity of Ammoniain~Room (lb/kg) A1~3.3 Is it essential for this quantity of ammonia to b located in this area for operational purposes? * A1.3.4 IHow many people are normally in the room? * A1.3.5 Approximate room volume (m3/ft3) * A1.3.'6 Room Temperatures (cold & chilled rooms) *'iA1.3.7 Number of room coolers in room (refer (Details given in section 2.4.2.) A1.3.8 Is there a sign prominently displayed at the main entrance stating that the refrigerant is ammonia and the charge capacity (or quantity in room)? q. MMONI UDIT I ~YIN SIR A1.3.9 Is room completely separate from other rooms or buildings (i.e. no common walls)? __ ! A1.3.101If not separate, is the room completely sealed from adjacent rooms or can all openings'be sealed off (e.g. air locks, air-tight doors etc.)? __ __ Al.3.11 Non combustible construction? A1.3.12 Is the room (or adjacent rooms that cannot be sealed off ref. A 1.3.10) free of other installed equipment not related to the refrigeration plant? (e.g. air compressOrs, boilers, fans etc.) __ __ A1.3.13 If (A1.3.12) no, do all air intakes for this lequipment draw air from outside the room at a location remote from exhaust ventilation points and r.v. discharges etc.? (refer A1.5.5) __ Al.3.14 Is the room clear of any unnecessary storage of any kind? A1.3.15 Is the room clear of stored combustibles? Al.4 ACCESS/EGRESS AND ISOLATION Al.4.1 Is unauthorised access restricted and enforced? __ __ A1.4.2 Are exit ways free and clear? __ __ A1.4.3 Are a minimum of 2 unlocked outward swinging doors with clear access provided no more than 25 m (75 ft) walking distance from any point in the room?,~ -- A1.4.4 Are exit points clearly marked and illuminated? __ __ A1.4.5 Is operational and maintenance access to all valves, protection devices, gauges etc. adequate? (especially to evaporators in cold rooms) __ A1.4.6 iAre valves to isolate ammonia liquid supply to Iroom external to room and easily accessible and clearly identified? A1.4.7 Are all access ways and catwalks adquate and clearly marked? __ AMMONIA SA "ET¥ AUDIT GUI'O - YiN ssa Al.5 VENTILATION Al.5.1 'Is adequate natural ventilation provided? A1.5.2 Is adequate positive ventilation provided? - A1.5.3 Is this ventilation.by means of extraction fan~ (i.e. negative pressure in room)? __ A1.5.4 If (A1.5.2) yes, can these fans be started from outside the room? A1.5.5 Are all room ventilation outlet points well clear of air inlets for equipment or other rooms? __ __ A1.5.6 Are adequate explosion relief panels provided to Code of Practice? __ A1.6 DETECTION AND SPRINKLER SYSTEMS Al.6.1 Is the room protected by ammonia detectors? (refer Annex A6 for details) A1.6.2 Do these detectors automatically shUt down non-explosion proof plant equipment within the room? __ __ A1.6.3 Is the room protected by automatic fire detectors? __ __ A1.6.4 Is a sprinkler system installed in the room? __ A1.6.5 '~If (A1'.6.4) yes, can these sprinklers be activated manually to absorb ammonia in event of a major leak? A1.6.6 If (A1.6.5) yes, are the control valves protected from accidental Operation or tampering? __ A1.6.7 Are there fire hydrants or hose reels in the room or adjacent which can be used to absorb ammonia? Al.7 SAFETY EQUIPMENT Al.7.1 Are there adequate safety showers/eyewash stations located in the room? __ A1.7.2 As above, readily accessible in adjacent rooms? __ A1.7.3 Is there adequate personal protective equipment located in the vicinity of the room (refer 7.4 for details) AN N4ONIA S^FETY'^UDIT GUIDE A1.7.4 'Is.there a means oS con~lnua±±y monItoring une number .of people in t-he room? (mainly for cold rooms) ? __ __ A1.7.5 Is there a means of activating emergency alarm ~from w~thln the room (mainly for cold rooms)? Al. 8 ZLECTRI.C~L/LIGHTING · A1.8.1 Is adequate emergency lighting provided in the room and .over exit doors? __ A1.8.2 Are motor contactors (starters) located outside the room? __ __ A1.8.3 Are all installed electrical emergency equipment and associated components explosion proof? (emergency lighting, ventilation fans, detectors etc.) __ A1.8..4 Is there an emergency isolation switch located outside the room to shut power off all ~on-explosion proof equipment? __ __ A1.8.5 If (A1.8.4) yes, is the switch protected from accidental operation or tampering? __ A1.8.6 If (A1.8.4) yes, do~s this switch also activate alarm which is adequate to notify all concerned people? __ Al.9 DRAINAGE Al.9.1 Are there floor drains in the room? (If yes, answer the following) __ A1.9.2 Are room floor drains isolated from common factory wastewater system? __ __ A1.9.3 Can waste water from room/floor drains be isolated from municipal sewer/treatment system or factory WWTP? __ __ A1.9.4 If (A1.9.3) no, are the sewerage authorities aware of and accept the potential nature of.the effluent resulting if a spill occurs? A1.9.5 If (A1.9.3) yes, is this automatically controlled? __. Is there an alarm signal given? __ Describe overall system on an attached sheet. A1.9.6 If (A1.'9.3) yes, can floor dr. ainage be diverted to dedicated containment vessel in case of spills? A.MMO-N.IA SAF'I~T¥ AUDIT GU~D~' YINSIR Al.10 OVERALL ASSESSMENT Give an overall S.I.R. for the room, considering general saf, ety, consequences of a spill, layout, surrounding rooms and occupancy rating of the room and adjacent rooms. __ Complete summary section 1.0. AMMO'NIA SAFE;TY AUOIT GUIE) ' Annex AMMONIA COMPRESSOR INSPECTION DATA A2 (Complete one form for each compressor). A2.1 MACHINE DESCRIPTION * A2.1.1 Index number (refer 2.1) * A2.1.2 Location * A2.1.3 Duty:High/single stage ( ) Booster ( ) SWing ( ) * A2.1.4 Manufacturer Model * A2.1.5 Year Built Last overhaul * A2.1.6' ~Type: v~rtical Reciprocating ( ) V/VW Recip. ( ) Rotary Vane ( ) Rotary Scr'ew ( ) * A2.1.7 Manuf. max. recommended disch press __(Bar/Psi) * A2.1.8 Compressor Nameplate RPM (RPM) * A2.1.9 Drive: Motor ( ) Steam Turbine ( ) Diesel/Gas Engine ( ) * A2.1.10 Transmission: Direct ( ) Belt ( ) Gearbox ( ) * A2.1.11 Motor rating (kW/HP) at RPM * A2.1.12 Type of oil cooling ( ) Refrigerant direct injection ( ) Refrigerant via Heat Exchanger ( ) Water (source ) A2.1.13 Is there any means of ensuring that oil coolers have priority in supply of refrigerant or .coolant? A2.2. OPERATING COND. SUCTION DISCHARGE * A2.2.1 Pressure (Bar/Psi) '*A2.2.2 Temperature (.C/OF) * A2.2.3 Superheat (cC/OF) * A2.2.4 !Capacity at above (kW/Tons R) * A2.2.5 Absorbed Power (kW/Tons R) * A2.2.6 ~Compressor RPM * A2 2 8 Drive RPM iA2.2.9 Do operating conditions comply with the machine limitations given in A2.17 A.MNONIA SAFETY AUDIT GUIDE ' YI'NSIR A2.3 SAFETY CUTOUTS * A2.3.1 What safety cutouts are fitted? Y/N SETTING FAIL/ - OPERATE SAFE TO iDES. ACT. ALARM COND. SIR Y/N Low Press. (bar/psi) I High Press' (bar/psi'I I I "Disch Temp. ( 'C/'F, [ I Oil Press. (bar/psi) I :Oil Temp. (°C/°F) I · A2.3.2 Do the actual ~e~tings and operations adequately protect the compressor? __ * A2.3.3 Are the following safety cutouts hardwired? - High discharge pressure - High liquid level on connected equipment - Overspeed cutout if the drive is capable of overspeeding (e.g. steam turbines) A2.4 RELIEF VALVES A2.4.1 Is a relief valve installed on the compressor dis- charge? * A2.4.2 Relief valve setting (bar/psi) rating (kg/min);(lb/air-min.) : A2.4.3 Does setting and rating comply with machine limitations given in A2.17 * A2.4.4 'Relief valve year of manufacture * A2.4.'5 When was valve last overhauled/replaced? AMMONIA SA'F'.E T¥ AUDIT GUIDI A2.4.6 Does the relief valve look (Give S.I.R.) lexcellent ( ) good ( ) fair ( ) bad ( ) IA2..5 OTHER COMPONENT DETAILS A2.5.1 Is the compressor protected by an adequately sized liquid separator or knockout pot? A2.5.2 Is there a check valve at compressor discharge? A2.5.3 Are all moving components (couplings, belts etc.)? adequately guarded? . A2.5.4 Are all electrical components and wiring adequately guarded and Protected? ' A2.5.5 Is there a safe lockable Electrical? means of isolation which- is easily accessible? Mechanical? A2.5.6 Does compressor start automatically? A2.5'.7 If (A2.5.6) yes, is there an "Auto Start,' hotice posted? A2.6 GENERAL CONDITION/MAINTENANCE A2.6.1 Any abnormal vibrations or noises present? A2 6 2 Any visible leaks? A2.6.3 Is the compressor properly secured to adequate foundations? A2.6.4 Have any compressor components ever been repaired by welding or other means which may affect its safe operation? A2.6.5 Is compressor free of other noticeable defects? (If no, describe defects and assign SIR) A2.7 OVERALL ASSESSMENT OF COMPRESSOR (Give S.I.R) Complete summary section 2.0. ^-WWONI^ S^FETY ^UOIT GUIDE ~nnex ~ONI~EBEL INEPECTION D~T~ A3 (Complete one form for each vessel including those which may not require certification to local codes) A3.1 ~SSEL DESCRIPTION * A3.1.1 Index n~er (refer 2.3) * A3.1.2 Vessel n~e * A3.1.3 Location (Building) * A3.1.4 Location of vessel in building * A3.1.5 'Description of vessels use * A3.1.6 Manufacturer: * A3.1.7 Year built * A3.1.8 Is vessel AS~ (or equivalent) st~ped? __ __ * A3.1.9 Registration n~er *~ A3.1.10 Do you have any up to date AS~ certified prints or U-1 certificate (or local e~ivalent) at the factory site? * A3.1.11 Vessel' length (m/ft) * A3.1.12 Vessel di~eter (m/ft) * A3.1.13 Gross internal vol~e (m3/ft3) * A3.1.14 Approved or Design working pressure (bar/psi) * A3.1.15 Was the welding on the unit stress relieved on completion? * A3.1.16 Is the vessel directly connected to the suction side of a compressor? I ^MIqONIA SAFETY AUDIT GUIDE YINSIR A3.2 OPERATION/S~IUTDOWN CONDITIONS OPERATION SHUTDOWN * A3.2.1 Pressure (bar/~si) * A3.2.2 Temperature (°C/°F) * A3.2.3 Range in liq.level to to (%) * A3.2.4 Estimate the normal liquid quantity in vessel A3.2.5 Do all function conditions comply with the vessel limitations given in A3.17 __ A3.3 CONTROLS AND CUTOUTS ~ A3.3.1 What level controls and safety cutouts are fitted? iY/N SETTING FAIL/SAFE OPERATES SIR % LEVEL TO ALARM CONDITION Y/N Y/N High level cutout High level alarm Level control Low level cutout A3.3.2 Do level controls adequately protect the system from the following hazards? - Liquid slugging in connected compressors __ - Completely flooding vessel with liquid so that there is a risk of liquid locks - Liquid-starvation and consequent cavitation of connected pumps A3.3.3 Are the level cutouts hardwired? A3.3.4 Assign an SIR based on your assessment of the ~ontrol column design and layout YIN SIR A3.4 IRELIEF VJ~VES I I * IA3.4.1 lis the vessel protected by a relief valve? __ __ * 'A3~ .4.2 Relief valve setting__ (bar(psi) - rating (kg/min, lb/min-air) !A3.4.3 Does setting and rating comply with vessel Ilimitations and code requirements (ref. A3.1 & 2) __ . A3'.4.4 Is the valve single, or a dual system? ~iA3.4.5 If single, can the valve cartridge be easily and i Isafely replaced without the need to isolate and 'purge large sections of the refrigeration system? A3.4.6 If dual, is it impossible for both valves to be isolated from the vessel at the same time? __ __ ~A3.4.7 Is the valve above maximum liquid level?' *~A3.4.8 Diameter of RV outlet (mm/inches) .outlet pipe (mm/inches) *:A3.4.9 'Relief valve piped to ( ) s~ction ('·) atmosphere A3.4.10 If the relief valve is piped to the Suction side, is there a means of ensuring that the discharge Ipiping is not blocked unless it is safe to do so? __ A3.4.11 If'the relief valve is piped to atmosphere - does it discharge well clear of windows or ventilation inlets? __ - Identify the type of discharge point? ( ) Bare pipe ( ) Diffuser ( ) Water shower ( ) Water tank - Is the discharge point safe? __ A3.4.12 Is the relfef valve correctly piped? A3.4.13 Relief valve year of manufacture A3.4.14 When was the valve last overhauled/replaced? A3.4.15 Does relief valve look i( )excellent ( )good ( ) fair ( ) bad AMMONIA SAFETY ^UOIT GUIO ' A3.5 i_OTHER COMPONENT DETAILS * A3.5.1 Does the vessel have an oil pot? * A3.5.2 Does oil pot have relief valve? A3.5.3 Is oil pot relief valve correctly and safely piped? A3.5.4 Are all .electrical components adequately guarded and protected? A3.5.5 Is there a safe means of isolation which is easily accessible? A3.6 GENERAL CONDITION/MAINTENANCE A3.6.1 Has' this vessel always been free of cracking? A3.6.2 To your knowledge has this vessel ever been altered, modified or repaired by welding? A3.6.3 If (A3.·6.2) yes, - was the work carried out under the supervision of the original certifying authority or an equivalent? - was the vessel retested and recertified? A3.6.4 Has the vessel had a documented inspection by an l outside authority within the last 5 years? When? When A3.6.5 was the vessel last examined by NDE methods? A3.6.6 Is the vessel properly secured to adequate foundations? A3.6.7 iWhat is the condition of the insulation? !( ) good .( ) fair ( ) bad ( ) not insulated A3.6.8 'Is the vessel free of ice formation? A3.6.9 Is there any sign of rust/corrosion on the vessel !and associated piping? !( ) none ( ) slight ( ) moderate :( ) extensive, could jeopardize safety ( ) c~nnot tell due to insulation AMMONIA SAF'I~T¥ AUDIT GU~DI~ YIN' SIR A3.6.10 Is. the vessel and associated pipework free of :unusual noises or vibrations? A3.6.11 Is the vessel free of other noticeable defects? (If no, specify defects and assign SIR). __ __ A3.7 OVERALL ASSESSMENT OF VESSEL (Give S.I.R.) · Complete summary - section 2.3. AM, 4ONIA 5^ FETY AUDIT GUIDE ANNEX4 AMMONIA HEAT EXCHANGER INSPECTION DATA (Complete one form for each heat exchanger including those which may not require certifica- .!ti°n to code) A4.1 IDESCRIPTION - *l A4.1.1. Index number (refer 2.2, 2.4.) I *1A4.1.2 Unit name ,. A4.1.3 Type of Heat Exchanger ] I i- Evaporators: i( ) shell & tube ( ) plate (') scraped surface !( ) jacket '( ) Immersed c6il or plate ( ) other type Product or substance being cooled - Condensors: ( ) Shell & Tube ( ) Dry Condensor ( ) Evaporative ( ) Closed cooling circuit ( ) Open circuit '( ) Heat recovery - what for? * A4.1.4 {Location (Blg.) (. ) Inside manufacturing area ( ) outside manufac- ! turing area * A4.1.5 Location in Bldg. * A4.1.6 'Manufacturer Model *.A4.1.7 Year built *IA4.1 8 Is unit (ASME) or equivalent stamped? I Reg. No. * A4.1.9 Do you have any up to date ASME certified prints or Ul-certificate (or local equivalent) at the factory site? * A4.1.10 Dimensions Length Shell dia (mm/inch) No tubes Tube dia (mm/inch) No passes : ' Tube side Shell side AMMON IA SAFETY A,U[DIT GUID - * H4.1.11 Heat exchange surface area {m2/ft2) * A4.1.12 Gross internal volume on refrigerant side (m2/ft3) * A4.1.13 Approved/Design working pressure (bar,psi * A4.1.14 Was the Welding stress relieved during construction? A4.1.15 Is the water (or other) treatment and bleed syste~ adequate to prevent scaling and corrosion on the heat exchanger? A4.1.16 If the fluid (e.g. chilled water, condensor water on the other side of the heat exchanger is in a closed circuit, is there some adequate means of monitoring to detect ammonia leakage to the other side of the heat exchanger? (e.g. ph alarm?)' A4.1.17 Is the heat exchanger used as part of a heat recovery system for heating potable water? A4.1.18 If (A4.1.17) yes, is there a "break circuit" installed to ensure that ammonia will not enter the potable water system in event of 'a leak? ANSWER QUESTIONS A4.1.19 - 23 FOR EVAPORATOR * A4.1.19 Pype of refrigerant feed ( ) direct expansion ( ) flooded ( ) pumped * A4.1.20 ~s the unit connected directly to the suction side of a compressor? A4.1.21 If (A4.1.20) yes, is an adequate liquid separator or knockout pot installed in the line? Index No (Refer A.3.1.1) * A4.1.22 Indicate type of defrost used? ( ) water ( ) hot gas ( ) electric ( ) air ( ) steam i( ) auto ( ) manual (~)no defrost A4.1.23 ~ive a description of the ~efrost sequence. Assigr  n SIR to the method. AMMON IA E AF't='T¥ AUDIT GU IOl:' A4.2 OPERATION/SHUTDOWN CONDITIONS Hot gas Defrost Operat. Shutdown SIR * A4.2.1 Ammonia Press. (bar/psi) ' *iA4.~.2 Ammonia Temp. (°C/°F) *i A4.2.3 Capacity (kW/Tons R) xxxxx xxxxxx * A4.2.4 Range in liq. level (%) * A4.2.5 Estimate the normal liquid quantity in the unit (kg/lb A4.2.6 Do all operations and shutdown conditions comply with the limitations given in A4.17 __ A4.3 CONTROLSw CUTOUTS AND ALARMS * A4.3.1 What controls and safety cutouts are fitted? CONTROL Y/N SETTING FAIL/SAFE OPER~TE~ TO ALARM Y/N CONDITION High lev.cutout% High Iev.alarm % I I Level control % Low lev. cutout% Freeze up cutout % °F Other (Specify) A4.4 RELIEF VALVES * A4.4.1 Is the unit protected by a relief valve? * A4.4.2 Relief valve setting (bar/psi), rating (mg air/min.) (lb air/min) ., t A4.4.3 IDoes setting and rating comply with unit Ilimitation and code requirements? (ref. A4.1 &2) * A4.4.4 ~iIs the valve single, or a dual system?' A4.4.5 If single, can the valve cartridge be easily and isafely replaced without the need to isolate and ipurge large sections of the refrigeration sys£em? __ I A4.4.6 iIf dual, is is impossible for both valves to be :isolated from the unit at the same time? A4.4.7 Is the relief valve above maximum liquid level? __ __ *! A4.4.8 Diameter of RV outlet (mm/") outlet pipe (mm/") * A4.4~9 Relief valve piped to ( ) sUction ( ) atmosphere A4.4.10 If the relief valve is piped to the suction is there a means of ensuring that the discharge piping is not blocked unless it is safe to do so? A4.4.11 If the relief valve is piped to atmosphere - does it discharge well'clear of windows or ventilation inlets? - Identify the type of discharge to point? ( ) Bare pipe ( ) Diffuser ( ) Water shower ( ) Water tank - Is the discharge point safe? __ __ A4.4.12 Is the relief valve correctly piped?' A4.4.13 Relief valve year of manufacture A4.4.14 When was the valve last overhauled/replaced? A4.4.15 Does relief valve look ( ) excellent ( ) good ( ) fair ( ) bad __ A4.5 OT~W.R COMPONENT DETAILS A4.5.1 Does the unit have an oil pot or small auxiliary vessels? A4.5.2 Do they have relief valves? A4.5.3 Are oil relief valves correctly and safely piped? AMMONIA SAFETY AUDIT GUIDE A4.5.4 Are all electrical components adequately guarded and protected? A4.5.5 Is there a safe means of isolation which is easily accessible? A4.6 GENERAL-CONDITION/MAINTENANCE A4.6.1 Has this unit always been free of cracking? A4.6.2 To your knowledge has this unit ever been altered, modified or repaired by welding7 A4.6.3. If (A4.6.2) yes - Was the work carried out under the supervision of the orginal certifying authority or an equivalent? - Was the vessel retested and recertified? A4.6.4 Has the unit had a documented inspection by an outside authority within the last 5 years? - when? A4~6.5 Is the unit properly secured to adquate foundations? A4.6.6 What is the condition of the insulation? ( ) good ( ) fair ( ) bad ( ) not insulated A4.6.7 Is there any ice formation? A4.6.8 Is there any sign of rust/corrosion on the unit and associated piping? ( ) none ( ) slight ( ) moderate ( ) extensive, could jeopardize safety ( ) cannot tell due to insulation A4.6.9 Is the vessel unit and associated pipework free of noises, vibrations or liquid hammer? A4.6.10 Is the unit free of other noticeable defects? (If no, specify defects and assign SIR) A4.7 OVERALL ASSESSMENT OF HEAT EXCHANGER {Give SIR) Complete summary section 2.2., 2.4 AMMON IA SA' 'ETY AUDIT GU ANNEX A5 RELIEF VALVES * INDEX No. * EQUIPMENT PROTECTED * LOCATION * MANUFACTURER? *!YEAR MANUFACTURED? * yEAR LAST OVERHAUL? * SETTING (Bar/PSI) * RATING: (kg/min,lb/min) * (S)INGLE/(D)UAL * VALVE. DIA (mm/in) * OUTLET PIPE DIAMETER (mm/in) ~ ABOVE LIQUID LEVEL? EASILY SERVICED? , VENT POINT: - * (1) Type * (2)Location (3)Near windows? or air inlets? * (4)If vent to tank: Volume? (m3/ft3) (5)Moisture traps? (6)Stop valve in vent line? (7)Vent line condition? (2) R.V CONDITION? (2) VALVE SEAL INTACT? OVERALL SIR NOTES:(1) Vent Point Type: (S)uction, (B)are Pipe, Water (T)ank, Water (S)hroud (3) Valve & Pipe Condition: (E)xcellent, (G)ood, AMMONIA AUOIT GUIDE !Annex A6 AMMONIA GAS DEiCeRS (Complete one form for ~ach gas detector) A6.1 ~IT DESCRIPTION * A6.1.1 'lUnit Index n~mber (refer 2.6.4) * A6.1.2 Unit location * A6.1.3 Hazard areas monitored by unit (Refer Annex Al) (Assign SIR based on adequacy of monitoring) INDEX NO DESCRIPTION i(refer Al.l.1)i * A6.1.4 Manufacturer Model * A6.1.5 Location of sensing points Point Location Point Location No No * A6.1.6 Alarm Setpoint ppn * A6.1.7 Shutdown setpoint ppn __ * A6.1.8 Does the alarm give adequate warning to all ~oncerned personnel? __ __ Nestec Ltd. ~ VEVEY SWITZERLAND 021 921 18 85 921 17 20 921 64 88 AMMON IA SAFETY AUDI T I III II GU :2. AUDI T GUIDELINES II NESTEC RIv/ADi VERSION 3.0, JAN 1989 B1.1/59 A. PURPOSE OF AMMONIA PLANT AUDITS The underlying aim of the ammonia safety audit is to ensure that all ammonia refrigeration plants within Nestle are built, operated and maintained in a manner that ensures the minimum possible risk to personnel, the general public, environment and product safety. To achieve this aim, the procedure must also achieve the following goals: 1. Pinpoint actual and potential safety hazards due to design, location, operation and maintenance of ammonia refrigeration plants. 2. Provide a means to assess objectively and document the continuing safety of our p~ants. 3. Provide a means of objectively defining needs, for upgrading and modification to plant and operations. Also to assist in documenting justification for expenditure if required. 4. Provide feedback on plant safety issues so that information may be disseminated to other interested groups within the organisation. 4. Provide a guide for the assessment of safety of new installations. The audit 'is NOT intended to be used as a means of comparing safety standards between factories or as a measure of safety management competence. Any attempts to use the audits in such a manner will lead to a reduction in effectiveness of the entire audit program. B1.2/59 B. WHEN TO AUDIT B. 1 EXISTING PLANTS Full audits - Every 4 years Intermediate audits - Yearly B. 2 NEW PLANTS Pre-contract stage - Use document for a "desktop" audit to ensure completeness of offers. (by project engineer only) During .Construction - Audit plant under construction, particularly to assist in the preparation of documentation and safety standards. (by project engineer only) First Full Audit - Within 6 months of full commissioning of the plant. C. ORGANISATION OF AUDIT To ensure that the audit has maximum effectiveness with minimum disruption to the company operations, the following action should be taken. C. 1 MANAGEMENT SUPPORT The auditing process will occupy significant manpower, both at the factory and corporate level. It would also be expected to result in increased capital and maintenance expenditure to.rectify defects and may also result in the need for fundamental decisions on the continued operation of the refrigeration plant. Therefore, if the audits are t° be objective and achieve the aim of upgrading safety, they must have the total support of company management - especially technical management. C. 2 COORDINATOR A coordinator at corporate level should be nominated to act as a focus for the organisation of the audits. The main duties would be: 1. Schedule audits in consultation and agreement with the factory and corporate management. 2. Follow up preparation of audit documentation by factory prior to the audit and ensure distribution of preliminary document to audit team members. 3. Ensure distribution of the completed audit documents. B1.3/59 4. Follow up to ensure that the recommended corrective action is taken in the agreed time frame. Follow up reports should be circulated to audit team members. 5. Act as liason between factory, corporate level and Nestec. C.3 AUDIT TEAM COMPOSITION Based on the experience of test audits, the following recommendations are made for full audits: 1. Total number on the audit team should be 5-7. 2. Factory involvement should include Factory Engineer, Refrigeration Engineer and Safety Officer. These people should also carry out the annual audit. Note that their allocation must be 100% for the duration of the audit. 3. An engineer from corporate engineering should participate for the full audits. 4. A refrigeration engineer from a sister factory should participate for the full audits. 5. Consultants should be used with caution and only if necessary (eg. due to lack of expertise). They should not be leader and must have clearly defined roles. 6. It is desirable to have one member with system design experience for the-full audit. However, their role must be clearly defined and must not be as leader to avoid'undue influence on the audit team. The "expert" selection must be supported by company management based on advice from a competent authority (eg. corporate engineering, Nestec etc) 7. If possible, the inclusion on the team of a visitor from another Nestle company for: -Replacement of consultants if required -Training of the team members and/or the visitor -Greater "cross fertilisation" of experience. C.4 PREPARATION FOR AUDIT As the only aim of the audit is to improve plant safety, it is not .necessary for the audits to be unannounced. In this case such a practice is highly undesireable and will lead to reduced effectiveness of the audit. B1.4/59 The key to performing an effective audit is thorough and timely preparation. To achieve this, the following action should be taken: 1. The audit document should be sent to the factory by the coordinator for preparation of information 1-3 months before the audit. To assist this preparation, each question which requires answer before the audit has been marked with an asterisk. The technical details of the plant in the management summary should also be completed by the factory. Note that the SIR's should not be filled Out by the factory. Failure to make this preparation will result in extensive delays in completion of the audit and waste the time of both the audit team and factor~ staff. 2. The partially complete audit document should be sent to each audit team member for familiarisation at least 2 weeks prior to the start of the audit. This will also be confirmation that the preparation is complete. 3. At the same time, the factory must ensure that documentaion required is available and gathered in one location to simplify reference. (For guidance on the scope of documentation, refer section 3.0 of the audit guide.) 4. The factory must allocate their representatives fog the audit team and advise°the coordinator, and ensure that sufficient technical and clerical support will be available. (Note that typing the forms should not normally be necessary.)~ C.5 ~UDIT EXECUTION Assuming that the on site preparation is adequate, a proposed sequence for the audit is as follows: 1. Review of audit preparation and identify areas requiring clarification 2. Brief inspection to gain an overview of the plant. 3. Perform detailed audit of plant and equipment (sect 1.0 & 2.0). If the plant is very extensive, it may be desirable to split the audit team into 2 groups. 4. Perform detailed audit of organisational aspects of the plant (sections 3.0-8.0) after the detailed inspection to allow the audit team to first become more familiar with the hardware. 5. Consolidate and review audit results, and assign SIR's for each question. 6. Review each section and assign an overall SIR in the Management Summary for each section B1.5/59 7. Make a recommendation on whether the plant condition or operation justifies the need to re-audit the plant in 6 months (eg. if there are defects which warrant serious concern for the safety of the plant) 8. Prepare an action plan in consultation with factory management for the rectification of defedts with a "E" or "U" rating. Prepare action plan summary in the Management Summary. 9. Before leaving the factory site the. audit team must discuss the audit results with the factory manager. 1'0. Distribute the audit report as appropriate. A complete copy of the audit report must be left at the site. D. TIME FOR AUDIT Provided that the preparation is adequate, the audit on site should require no more than 3-5 days depending on the size and complexity of the plant. However, there must be no time limit set for the completion of the site audit. E. DISTRIBUTION OF AUDIT DOCUMENT E.1 FULL AUDITS The following distribution is the recommended minimum. Factory, Corporate Engineering: -Full audit document with all supporting documents. Corporate Management: (responsible for factory) -Management summary and incider~ reports Nestec: -Management summary and incident reports -Supporting documents as required to clarify specific details. -Full audit report only if in the opinion of the audit team, the plant has equipment or operation defects which will seriously jeopardise safety. E.2 ANNUAL AUDITS As required by Corporate Management. B1.6/59 F. GENERAL FORMAT OF AUDIT DOCUMENT F. 1 DOCUMENT ARRANGEMEKT The audit document is divided into four main parts: -NESTEC & MANAGEMENT SUMMARY which is intended for reporting to corporate management and to be used to provide a data base for ammonia' safety on a company wide basis. The summary includes; -Names of audit team and company coordinator for ammonia safety -Statements-of overall condition of the refrigeration plant, and its operation, maintenance and safety. -Recommendation on whether the condition of the plant justifies re-survey within 6 months. -Statement of compliance with local codes and regulations. -Details of ammonia losses from system. -Summary of action plan to rectify defects identified as (U)rgent or (E)mergency. -General description of the factory and refrigeration plant. -AUDIT DETAILS, comprising; Section 1. Overall Plant Arrangement & Construction 2. System Components. This section also includes summary sheets to consolidate main information from the annexes. 3. Documentation 4. Operations & Work Practices 5. Inspection & maintenance 6. Qualifications 7. Emergency Response 8. Training -DETAIL ANNEXES, dealing with specific component details -INCIDENT REPORTS for previous 12 month~ B1.7/59 F . 2 AUDIT RESPONSES The questions have been organised to assist in the determination of plant safety. Many have been included to record plant information for reference by the audit team and in the future for factory staff. Most of the questions directly related to plant safety require only a yes/no answer. The sense of the questions is generally such that a "no" answer may indicate some degree of deficiency. The audit team' must judge the degree of the deficiency and assign a Safety Item Rating (SIR) which reflects the severity of the defect and potential impact on plant safety. The definitions of the SIR's are as follows. "E" (Emergency) The defect is so severe that there is immediate danger to the plant (eg. bad corrosion relief valves missing etc) or if there are organisational defects that will lead to rapid deterioration of the plant or the inability to safely deal with an incident (eg lack of competent staff, no emergency plan, inadequate safety equipment etc). Action. The audit team should ensure that action is committed to rectify the defect before leaving the site. "O" (Urgent) The defect presents a serious hazard, but which may not necessarily be immediately dangerous to life or property. Action. A firm deadline should be set to correct the deficiency. "I" (Improvement) Improvement is required, but can be achieved through regular channels of maintenance, capital improvements or assigned to the functional staff. "N" (Normal) No action considered necessary. Where appropriate, the audit team should include 'notes explaining why no action is considered necessary. "NA" Not Applicable to this plant situation. F. 3 UNITS USED In all cases, the guide identifies a choice between an Imperial or metric unit.. When entering the technical data', the appropriate unit should be highlighted. B1.8/59 G. DETAIT.F~ COMMENTS ON QUESTIONS 1.0 OVERALL PLANT ARRANGEMRNT SUMMARY Summaries of main points from annex A1 to provide a means of.rapidly assessing key areas of the plant arrangement Intended to assist the audit team in defining overall SIR's for the summary to management, and to provide a rapid means of overall assessment. Refer comments Annex A1 for details. 2.0 2.1 2.1.1 SYSTEM COMPONENTS COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR INSPECTION SUMMARY Summary of compressors from Annex A2. Refer comments in section 1.0 2.2 2.2.1 CONDENSORS CONDENSOR INSPECTION SUMMARY Summary of condensors from annex A4. Refer comments in section 1.0 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 VES S'R.T..~ VESSEL INSPECTION SUMMARY OUTSIDE MANUFACTURING AREAS Summary Of vessels from Annex A3. Refer comments in section 1.0 VESSEL INSPECTION SUMMARY INSIDE MANUFACTURING AREAS Summary of vessels from Annex A3. Refer comments in section 1.0 SYSTEM VOLUME CAPACITY & ARRANGEMENT Intended to draw attention to the overall arrangement of the system and the ability to isolate and purge sections for maintenance. CONSEQUENCES OF 'NO' ANSWER Inability to isolate sections of the system will cause inconvenience when performing maintenance or repairs to the extent that essential Work may not be done (eg. periodic replacement of single relief valves). B1.9/59 2.4 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.2.t USAGE POINTS OUTSIDE MANUFACTURING ]~T.T.S & COLD ROOMS Summary of heat exchangers from annex A4' for units outside manufacturing halls & cold rooms. Refer comments in section 1.0. WITHIN MANUFACTURING ~T.T.S &-COLD ROOMS HEAT EXCHANGER SUMMARY Summary of heat exchangers from annex A4 for units in manufacturing halls & cold rooms. Refer comments in section 1.0. OT~RR AMMONIA USAGE POINTS Addresses ammonia usage points not covered .elsewhere. When looking at this section refer to the notes for Annex A4. Particular points to note are: -Control of defrost cycle (Refer comments -For liquid hammer it should, be noted that ANY unusual noise must be investigated and the cause identified. -Liquid quantity should be known by plant staff in order to know the potential quantity of ammonia that could leak in the event of a failure DEFROST CYCLES Particular points to be aware of are: -Sequencing of valves to ensure that there is no short circuiting of hot gas to suction side -Smooth changeover, especially during liquid purging to ensure no liquid hammer. -Risks associated with thermal shocks caused by temperature changes during the defrost cycle. DEFROST CYCLE SIR'S 'B1.10/59 2.4..2.5 'LIQUID HOSES Liquid hoses (particularly rubber) have been found to be prone to failure due to various causes. Many have been due to damage caused by failure of other components (lift mechanisms), .or improper work practices (stacking product inside the cabinet, improper use of tools during maintenance). Hose ends are particularly vulnerable. CONSEQUENCES OF 'NO' ANSWER Failure to thoroughly and regularly inspect hoses can result in significant defects being un-detected. Failure of a hose can release large quantities of liquid. I~[ERGENCY SYSTEMS The audit team should inspect the installed systems to decide effectiveness and the ability to limit damage to equipment (eg. water sprays on plate freezers flooding electrical control equipment.) 2.5 2.5.1 2.5.2 2.5.3 2.5.4 2.5.5-6 PIPING PIPE SUPPORT- CONSEQUENCES OF 'NO' ANSWER Inadequately supported piping will result in excessive strain on connections and other pipe supports. Failure of piping and fittings can result, particularly if there is corrosion or liquid hammer. .MECHANICAL DAMAGE PROTECTION Particular areas include weather protection for outside pipe runs and protection for piping in warehouses, passageways or piping which may be damaged during maintenance work etc. VIBRATION, ABNORMAL NOISES, LIQUID HAMMER, MOVEMENT Any areas shOuld be fully investigated and documented. THREADED JOINTS Threaded joints are difficult to make tight and are prone to failure by leakage or breaking at the pipe threads. Their use should be discouraged except on smal-1 sizes for gauge points etc, or where no alternative is available. Note that compression fittings must be considered as threaded joints for the purpose of these questions. B1.11/59 2.5.7 2.5.8 2.5.9 2.5.10 to 14 2.5.15 2.5.16 SEAL WELDING Note that good quality welding is very difficult to achieve due to contamination from thread lubricants or sealants. Far better to completely avoid unnecessary threaded joints in favour of welded or flanged joints. CORROSION List locations & extent of damage. Refer also comments 2.5.10-14. INSULATION DESCRIPTION Assign a SIR based on durability, effectiveness, suitability of each component of the insulation. Particular points to note are: -Adequate preperation of pipe prior to insulation (eg de-scaling, painting) -Adequate and fully sealedovapour barrier -Adequate mechanical protection INSULATION CONDITION List locations & extent of damage. Refer comments A3.6.7. WELDER QUALIFICATION Welding of ammonia piping, particularly for low temperature applications, should-only be done by suitably qualified welders. Testing and pre-qualification of welders should be carried out before work is done. The test results should also be documented (ref 3.0). CONSEQUENCES OF 'NO' ANSWER Use of unqualified welders will lead to uncertain weld quality and the possibility of weld failure. (There have been incidents where bad welding practices have been a major cause of catastrophic failure of equipment). X-RAY TESTING Testing of welds is often a code requirement, and is adviseable especially on low temperature applications, where material ductility is reduced. (Normal extent is 10% tested with additional testing of each side of every failed'weld.) 2.5.17 B1.12/59 CONSEQUENCES OF 'NO' ANSWER Non compliance with codes and uncertain weld quality. PIPE MARKING Refer also comments CONSEQUENCES OF 'NO' ANSWER Risk of improper actions being taken during operation or maintenance due to ignorance of what is in the piping. · Loss of valuable time and added danger to emergency teams due to uncertainty. 2.6 2.6.1 'SAFETY SYSTEMS I~RT.IEF VALVES ADEQUATE PROTECTION OF EQUIPMENT List locations not protected. List locations-of deficient vent points. Internal:. Not a problem provided that the low side relief valve capacity is adequate AND the system is arranged to allow servicing the valves with' safety. Atmosphere - Bare Pipe: Is acceptable but must be used with caution to ensure that the ammonia cloud will not enter buildings or cause problems with neighbours (refer Factory Location Zoning in Management Summary). For factories in location zones 3 and 4 this type of discharge is inadviseable due to the risk to neighbours. Atmosphere - Diffuser: Same comments as above Water Tank: Is adviseable for factories in location zones 3 and 4 due to the control/elimination of the ammonia cloud. (Code requirement in some cases.) B1.13/59 Water Shroud: Can be used as an alternative to water tanks provided codes permit. However, caution is required to ensure that the design will permit the shroud to absorb the ammonia. If used in location zones 3 & 4, automatic operation of the water valve is recommended. Treatment and disposal problems of the ammonia laden water must be addressed. Inside Room: RELIEF VALVES MUST NEVERBEVENTED INSIDE E/~CLOSED SPACES!!!!~! INTERNAL ~RT.TEFS Refer comments CONTROL OF AMMONIA DISCHARGE Refer comments SERVICING VALVES CONSEQUENCES OF 'NO' ANSWER Inability to safely and conveniently service valves will lead to the work not being done and consequent probability of valve failure. REPLACEMENT OF VALVE CARTRIDGES As refrigeration relief valves cannot be tested (due to uncertainty of fully reseating after lifting), the cartridges must be replaced at regular intervals (normally up to 5 years). Replaced cartridges should not be reused unless they have been returned to the manufacturer for overhaul. Where the complete valve assembly may be removed, the complete valve should be replaced. Note: "Valve Cartridges" include all valve components except the valve body which will often be welded in place These cartridges are usually supplied preset. CONSEQUENCES OF 'NO' ANSWER Failure to replace relief valve cartridges at regular intervals is against recommended practice and is illegal under some codes. B1.14/59 2.6.2 2.6.2'2 AMMONIA VENT AND DUMP SYSTEMS If vapour vent or liquid dump systems are installed, the audit team must look closely at the emergency plan to ensure that there are adequate organisational safeguards so that any operation of the equipment is adequately controlled. AMMONIA VAPOUR VENT SYSTEMS Some codes require a manual valve which bypasses relief valves on vessels to allow direct venting of vapour. CONSEQUENCES OF 'NO' ANSWER Unless a code requirement, lack of a manual vent should not be.a problem as the relief valves are normally sized to limit vessel pressure even under fire conditions. CONTROL OF AMMONIA DISCHARGE Refer AMMONIA LIQUID DUM~ SYSTEMS Some codes and fire authorities require a 'Fireman's.Dump Station' where the liquid ammonia charge can be dumped from the system in the event of a fire. CONSEQUENCES OF 'NO' ANSWER Unless demanded by the authorities, the lack of such a system should present no significant problems, due to the sizing of the relief valves. There is some controversy over whether such systems should be installed due to the inherent significant dangers of dumping large quantities of ammonia in a manner which cannot be readily controlled by personnel who may not be fully aware of the risks. Misuse and 'tampering is also a potential problem. Refer also comments 7. WATER ADDITION CONSEQUENCES OF 'NO' ANSWER Dumping liquid without adding large quantities of water to absorb it at the discharge point will result in immediate gassing off and the formation of highly toxic concentrations of ammonia which are also likely to be at explosive concentrations. B1.15/59 to 8 DISPOSAL OF DUMPED AMMONIA If dump systems are installed, the consequences of dumping ammonia laden water into sewerage systems .must be addressed due to the potential risks involved. The major risks involved are: -Upsetting and possibly totally disabling a bio waste water plant due to the high pH of the resulting effluent. -Injury to personnel working in sewers or at the treatment plant due to gassing off of the ammonia. -Serious Pollution of waterways into which the effluent flows. DUMP STATION SECURITY ACCESS IN EVENT OF A FIRE When assessing accessibility, it must be remembered that normally acceptable access is INSUFFICIENT in the event of an emergency, due to wearing of protective equipment (especially SCBA and ammonia suits) and reduced vision. 2.6.3 ' KING VALVES/MAIN STOP VALVES KING VALVES The effectiveness of 'king valves' in isolating a system is highly dependant on specific, plant details. Generally, a minimum requirement would be the ability to shut off liquid supply to each room or hazard area, with a (the ideal) minimum of liquid downstream of the valve. This will not always significantly improve safety due to system arrangements, especially on pumped or flooded systems where large quantities of liquid are in the equipment. CONSEQUENCES OF 'NO' ANSWER Audit team should assess the effectiveness of the installed valving and decide if improvement is necessary or feasible. ACCESS When assessing accessibility, it must be remembered that normally acceptable access is INSUFFICIENT in the event of an emergency, due to wearing of protective equipment (especially SCBA and ammonia suits) and reduced visibility. If remote operation is necessary, the explosion risks of operating electrical equipment in an ammonia laden atmosphere must be considered when looking at the actuators. B1.16/59 SUCTION SHUTOFF VALVES ACCESS Refer comments HOT GAS ISOLATION VALVES AccESs REFER COMMENTS 2.6.4 AMMONIA DETECTORS AMMONIA DETECTOR SUMMARY Summary of ammonia detector inspections from annex A6. Refer comments 1. & A6. ADEQUATE PROTECTION OF PLANT ROOMS & HAZARD AREAS Adequate protection must include alarms which are monitored at all times (eg. at gate house, telephone link etc). Refer also comments for Annex Al.6. CONSEQUENCES OF 'NO' ANSWER Failure to adequately monitor plant rooms and hazard areas will result in a greater risk of a discharge becoming serious before it is detected. At particular risk are areas which are not manned on a 24 hour/7 day' basis. 2.7 2.7.1 ELECTRICAL & INSTRUMENTATION SYSTEMS TYPE OF CONTROL SYSTEM HARD WIRING INTE~I~CKS & CUTOUTS No matter what control system is used, the main safety cutouts MUST be 'hard wired' without any reliance on software control through PLC~s, microprocessors etc (eg. by means of wiring at the starter panel or similar) This is necessary to limit the risks associated with operations in a manual mode or failure of the control system. Cutouts which must normally be hard wired are: -HIGH COMPRESSOR DISCHARGE PRESSURE to 5 B1.17/59 -HIGH LIQUID LEVEL in flooded vessels & equipment to prevent liquid carryover to compressors or liquid locks in the equipment. -LOW LIQUID LEVEL in flooded vessels to prevent liquid starvation and cavitation in connected pumps. -OVERSPEED CUTOUTS if required by the compressor drive (eg. steam turbine) HOUSEF~DING/GENERAL CONDITION List locations. 2.7.2 GAUGES & SIGHT GLASSES SIGHT/GAUGE GLASSES GAUGES ADEQUACY OPERATION POINTS Marking normal operation ranges on gauges can provide the a rapid check of the system without the need to trust to memory. CONDITION WELLPOCKETS These must be fitted with a gland or arranged to keep water out. CONSEQUENCES OF 'NO' ANSWER Water entering the pocket will freeze and split the pocket, releasing ammonia. 2.8 2.8.1 MISCELLANEOUS coMPONENTS GAS PURGERS TYPE OF PURGER INST~T.T.~ Audit team should decide if the type of purging is adequate for the system. B1.18/59 MANUAL PURGING OPERATION If used, safety of the method and safety precautions for manual purging should be decided, bearing in mind that the purging operation is opening the system and carries with it a risk of causing an ammonia escape. LOCATION OF PURGE POINTS The audit team should decide whether the location and number of purge points will ensure adequate air purging. ACCESS Access to purge points must be adequate even when wearing emergency equipment (refer comments PURGER DISCHARGE POINT Should be outside the building and into a water bath to absorb any released ammonia. 2.8.2 2.8.2.'5 OIL DRAINAGE .ADEQUACY Double valving is required to ensure that the operator does not leave the drain point during oil drainage. One valve should be quick, auto-closing type to allow rapid shutoff in the event of a discharge of liquid ammonia. CONSEQUENCES OF 'NO' ANSWER Potentially serious incidents have occurred due to the operator being distracted away from the drainage 'point and liquid ammonia discharging. DRAINS TO REGENERATOR OR OIL POT m~-ATING OF OIL POTS ETC Use of electric heating should be treated with caution due to the~potential to overheat (and overpressure) the oil pot. Refer also comments on pockets in the system ( ACCESS Refer comments B1.19/59 2.8.3 CHARGING CHARGING POINT Charging to the high pressure side of the system should be treated with caution. Refer comments' TYPE OF CONNECTION ARRANG~ SECURITY OF RESERVE CONTAINERS 2.8.4 & 2 VALVING DESCRIPTION OF VALVING Generally, valves for ammonia service should be: -Cast Steel. Fabricated valves have been known to fail due to poor quality and failure of the welds. -Backseated (stop valves). To allow complete replacement of the gland packing without the need the purge the system. Also to ensure that the system pressure is not on the gland when fully open or closed. This will minimise leakage of the gland. -Bellows sealed (modulating valves) To improve security of the seal on valves which operate over a range of positions. Note that care must be taken with bellows seals to prevent moisture collecting on the outside of the bellows. If this freezes, it will split the bellows seal. Refer.also comments on pockets in the system (2..7.2.2). ARRANGEMENT OF ISOLATION VALVES CONSEQUENCES OF 'NO' ANSWER Insufficient isolation points will make it difficult to perform essential maintenance which will then risk being deferred. During an emergenCy there will also be difficulties with minimising an ammonia release. However, care should be exercised with location and number to ensure that other problems are not caused by isolation points (eg. liquid lockups). B1.20/59 & 5 VALVE IDENTIFICATION This is mandatory to minimise the risk of operation of valves incorrectly and to allow rapid identification of valve function in an emergency. While no single type of identification is.specifically recommended, the audit team must examine the system in use and determine whether it is effective in preventing unsafe actions or other problems described below CONSEQUENCES .OF 'NO' ANSWER Risk of causing dangerous interconnections or isolations in the system by improper operation of valving (eg. connecting HP side to LP side by improper operation of valving on swing compressors). Loss of valuable time and added danger to emergency team when dealing with an ammonia release. 2.8.5 PUMP LOCATION/DUTY The audit team should look at the duty of the pumps particularly those which are on.standby. Startup o~ pump which has been shutdown for extended periods lead to failure of the seal and consequent liquid discharge. TYPE OF-PUMP Greater care must be taken with positive displacem, pumps due to their potential to develop very high discharge pressures if operated against a closed TYPE OF SEAL Note that there have been many incidents which are result of seal failure. As a result of this, the following recommendations are made: Packed gland: Not recommended Mechanical Seal: Acceptable but must be used with caution due to of seal failure. Hermetic: Recommended but care required with cavitation as pumps usually are centrifugal only. ,f a an nt stem. the risks these B1.21/59 Sealless (Magnetic Coupling): Pump type recently available, with drive by means of magnetic coupling through a hermetic barrier. Has same safety as hermetic pump but allows the use of standard motors. RELIEF VALVE/BYPASS Particular points to note are: -Piping of bypass directly into the pump suction can lead to overheating if it continually lifts. To avoid this, the bypass should be piped back to the supply vessel. Piping in this manner should also avoid liquid lockups if the pump isolation valves are closed. -Rating of relief bypass must be for full discharge capacity of a positive displacement pump and at least sufficient to prevent any pump from overpressurising the system beyond its design operating pressure. -Liquid lockups (refer LIQUID LOCK%~S Pump systems are particularly vulnerable to liquid lockups due to the number of isolation valves fitted in the systems for servicing. The audit team should closely examine the system to determine whether liquid lockups could occur. (Refer also CONSEQUENCES OF 'NO' ANSWER Any small temperature rise in a liquid locked component will result in a VERY RAPID rise in pressure and it's consequent rupture. CAVITATION PROTECTION Cavitation can quite rapidly destroy a pump. Check whether there is an unrelieved liquid pocket between the check valve and the stop valve. (Refer comments. B1.22/59 2.8.6 LIQUID BLEED The fitting of a small bleed valve or plug in the pump system will allow the controlled removal of liquid ammonia before the system is opened. CONSEQUENCES OF 'NO' ANSWER Opening a component charged with liquid which may be under pressure (due to temperature rise) is DANGEROUS and must be avoided under all circumstances. ACCESS When deciding accessibility, it must be remembered that normally acceptable access is INSUFFICIENT in the event of an.emergency, due to wearing of protective equipment (especially SCBA and ammonia suits) and reduced visibility. Pump systems are often the worst areas for access in a refrigeration plant due their usual location under pump seperators with low headroom. At the same time, these are often the MOST CRITICAL areas requiring rapid access in an emergency as they are often the location of the problem or are where main stop valves are located.' STRAINERS USE OF STRAINERS LIQUID LOCKUPS Strainer systems often carry the same risks of liquid locks as pump systems; refer BT~nVALVE Refer comments ACCESS 2.8.7 MATERIALS MATERIAL TYPE Ail materials used in the system should be suitable for ammonia service. In particular, alloys of copper, zinc, cadmium and mercury must be avoided in contact with ammonia. Rubber must also be treated with caution to ensure that only compatible types are used. B1.23/59 2.8-.7.2 LOW TEMPERATURE MATERIALS Normal low carbon steels are usually suitable at temperatures down to approx. -40 deg. C. Below this, special low temperature steels must be used. CONSEQUENCES ~OF 'NO' ANSWER Normal steels become brittle at low temperatures are liable to fracture without warning, even under quite easy conditions. 3.0 3.1 3.2-3 SYSTEM~ATION Complete and up to date documentation is essential both for the safe operation of a plant and to allow a complete investigation of incidents. It should be noted that, in the event of a catastrophic incident, the documentation and records may be the only means of performing and adequate investigation. These documents may also be used by the authorities or other outsiders in any 'consequent legal action. Therefore, the audit team MUST spot check documentation ......... to..ensure that it is complete, relevant AND up to date. In particular, the team should look closely at records associated with system expansions and major repairs to ensure that the work done is fully documented. These areas have been found in the past to be deficient in some cases (.especially major repairs) UP TO DATE? When estimating the time required to bring documentation up to date, the team should consider who will undertake the update and make firm recommendations on the need to engage outside assistance. CONTROL OF UPDATES The audit team must satisfy itself that the procedure for controlling documentation changes will ensure that all system changes are adequately documented. 3.4 3.4.1 AVAILABT.R DOCUMENTATION SYSTEM. DESCRIPTION ORIGINAL DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS B1.24/59 3.4.1.'6 CURRENT AS BUILT DRAWINGS EQUIPMENT DETAILS CLOSEOUT (COMMISSIONING) RECORDS (NEW CONSTRUCTION) CLOSEOUT RECORDS (MODIFICATIONS & ]~F-~AIRS) CODES & STANDARDS 3.4.2 3.4.2~1 OPERATIONS OPERATING MANUALS CHARGING RECORDS' OPERATING CK~.CKLI STS These should include detailed checklist instructions for · all manual operations on the plant; including, where possible, emergency shutdown procedures. As a working document, they must be readily available to all concerned personnel - possibly'mounted near the relevant equipment. (Code requirement in some cases.) HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INFORMATION This is a legal requirement in some cases. 3.4.3 MAINTENANCE. MAINTENANCE MANUALS CHECKLISTS & INSTRUCTIONS At least for .all routine maintenance operations MAINTENANCE SCHEDUT~ SAFETY DEVICETESTRECORDS Should include test date, method, results, corrective action taken, retest results for relief valves, interlocks, cutouts etc. PM HISTORYRECORDS 3.4.4 SAFETY & TRAINING Refer comments 7. B1.25/59 TRAININS PLAN Refer comments 8. TRAINING RECORDS JOB DESCRIi~fIONS Refer comments 6.1.4. OPERATOR LICENCES 4.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.1.5 4.1.6 OPERATIONS & woRK PRACTICES GENERAL MINIMUM SITE SAFETY STANDARDS PROVISION OF A GUIDE BOO~T.RT These guide books are often available from chemical manufacturers and suppliers. (eg ICI). SMOKING SAFETY PRECAUTIONS HOUSE~F. RDING INSPECTIONS E~w.u'~'~E SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 PLANT OPERATIONS SYSTEM SUPERVISION REGULAR ANALYSIS OF DAILY LOGS & RECORDS CHECKSW~.~-TS Refer comments CHARGING METHOD OF AMMONIA RECEIVAL AMMONIA CONTAINERS B1.26/59 4.2.3 4.2.4 AMMONIA STO~ IN RESERVE This should be the minimum feasible, consistant with delivery considerations. Note, some codes limit the allowable quantity of reserve ammonia on site. WEIGHING CONTAINERS In addition to the normal accounting requirements for incoming goods, it is essential to know at any time, the amount of ammonia charged into the system. This is necessary so that unusual or large charge additions may be investigated and to ensure that the system is not overcharged. Note that it is possible, when charging-on the high side, for ammonia to discharge INTO the container due to the container pressure being lower than the system. This can lead to overcharging the container and a resultant liquid lockup. DOCUMENTATION All additions to the charge must be documented and checked by the engineer responsible for the plant to ensure that charging did occur (refer and to monitor the refrigerant losses from the system. SAFE HANDLING OF CONTAINERS Note that ammonia containers must never be left connected to the system. OIL DRAINAGE REGULAR PROCEDURE DOCUMENTATION DEFECT~RDORTING PROCEDURE EFFECTIVENESS The audit team should also check with refrigeration users to determine whether the procedure is effective. 4.3 4.3.1 MAINTENANCE & MODIFICATIONS CONTROL OF WORK B1.27/59 WORK ORDERS CONSEQUENCES OF 'NO' ANSWER Failure to adequately control work can result in unauthorised and undocumented repairs and alterations (refer comments-3.0). SCOPE OF WORK ORDERS CONSEQUENCES OF 'NO' ANSWER -Uncertain quality of repair work -Violation of required safety standards. AUTHORISING CHANGES TO SYSTEM Refer comments 3.2-3 & CONTROL OF MATERIALS All materials must be checked and documented before installation. There should also be a procedure to "quarantine" materials to avoid-inadvertent mixing with unsuitable components. CONSEQUENCES OF 'NO' ANSWER Failur~ to control materials can lead to the use of inappropriate materials in-the system (refer comments 2.8.7) w~r.~ER CERTIFICATION Refer comments 2.5.15. PUM~DOWN & PURGING PROCEDURES CONSEQUENCES OF 'NO' ANSWER Increased risk of opening the system when it is unsafe to do so. Failure to adequately evacuate and purge the system prior to charging will lead to contamination and improper operation. TESTING HOT. WORK PERMITS These are essential to ensure that all necessary precautions are taken before hot work is carried out and to .ensure that the area is re-inspected for a period after to ensure that there are no fires. B1.28/59 .ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL LOCKOUTS Audit team should pay particular attention to MECHANICAL lockouts as these are often overlooked. 4.3.2 USE OF CONTRACTORS EXTENT OF USE Normally, the use of contractors should be controlled to the minimum possible to ensure that factory staff do not lose contact, with all aspects of the refrigeration plant. The audit team should decide if'the use of contractors is excessive and limiting the experience of the engineering staff responsible for the' plant. CONTRACTOR COMPETENCE Where contractors are used, the audit team must be satisfied that they are working only within the limits of their competence. Note that all installation and modification work must be under the responsibility of a professional with legally accepted qualifications. If such professionals are not available on the contractors staff, then they must not be used witohout outside legally qualified supervision. LIASONWITH CONTRACTORS All communication with contractors should normally be through one company representative only to minimise the risk of conflicting information and instructions, and to ensure that the contractor is strictly controlled. B1.29/59 5.1 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 5.1.4 5.1.5 INSPECTION & MAINTENANCE SCOPE OF SC~m~ULEDMAINTENANcE ]~RT.IEF Vi~LVES At least: Inspection- -Periodic examination for corrosion etc, especially of the inside of the valve discharge and the vent pipe. -Check "blow off" type removeable rain caps are not seized on.' -Check oil traps in vent lines are full. Replacement of' valve cartridges at 5 yearly intervals or more frequently if required by code or recommended by valve manufacturer. TEST & CALIBRATION All safety controls should be subject to a documented test at least annually or after any work has been done on them or the associated equipment. This should be a.full functional test of the complete .control circuit. Note that ammonia detectors can be highly susceptible to drift in their setting. The frequency of test and recalibration will d~pend on the known performance of the installed equipment. Note als0 that detectors in cold stores can be very difficult to maintain in a stable condition. In all cases, the audit team must be satisfied that the test and calibration procedure, and timing is adequate to ensure reliability of the particular installation. COMPRESSOR & DRIVE INSPECTION PERIODIC OIL ANALYSIS This is recommended, particularly on larger .compressors and systems. However, care must be taken that the analysis and interpretation is done by competent people. INSPECTION OF FILTERS & STRAINERS The frequency of inspection will depend on particular plant conditions', but should be much more often after startup or when the system has been opened. All foreign material removed from the filters should be checked. B1.30/59 5.1.6 '5.1.7 5.1.8 5.1.9 5.1.10 5.1.ll 5.1.12 5.1.13 INSPECT & FDc~RCISE SHUTOFF VALVE$ Ail valves must be at least exercised at intervals no longer than 1 year to ensure that they close tight and are not seized. LIQUID PUMPS & DRIVES Particular areas which must be inspected carefully are pump seals and components affecting seal life (bearings, couplings, alignment etc). Standby pumps which do not operate frequently should also be checked more closely. Refer also comments 2.8.5 'PRESSURE & TEMPERATURE GAUGE CALIBRATION SAFETY EQUIPMENT INSPECTION PURGER INSPECTION DEFROST,OPERATIONAL CHECKS CORROSION INSPECTION INSULATION INSPECTION 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 PERSONAL 9UALIFICATIONS QUALIFICATIONS & EXPERIENCE When looking at qualifications, the audit team should decide whether there are sufficient personnel with adequate qualifications to ensure that the plant can be operated safely and that incidents may be dealt with competently. Note that it is not always necessary for all engineering staff to be fully competent to operate and maintain the refrigeration plant. OPERATOR LICENCING REQUIREMENTS OPERATOR LICENCES Note that if there is a legal requirement for licencing of operators, care should be exercised in the use of unlicenced operators under training to ensure that legal requirements are complied with. This may mean that operators in training may be additional to staff numbers. B1.31/59 6.1.4 6.1.5 6.1.6 JOB DESCRII~fIONS These should be available to ensure that there is no misunderstanding about the MINIMUM duties required. However, it should not limit the scope of work so that unexpected events will not be responded to. PERSONNEL COMPETENCE The list of points under this question should be regarded as the minimum required for those personnel actively involved in the operation, maintenance or supervision, of the plant. KING & ISOLATING VALVE LOCATIONS All factory staff who work around the refrigeration equipment (including manufacturing people) should be familiar with the location and purpose of main liquid stop valves and all other valves intended.for the emergency isolation of the plant(eg suction and hot gas valves)· 7.1 7.1.1 7.1.2 EMERGENCY RESPONSE As-part'of the audit of emergency response, it is suggested that a drill be carried out. EMERGENCY PLANNING Ail factories must have a written emergency plan to ensure that the response to an emergency condition is adequate to ensure safety of all personnel, general public, environment and product. CONSEQUENCES OF 'NO' ANSWER Lack of a plan WILL result in confusion and the inability to adequately deal with an emergency. In many cases this inability will result in minor incidents escalating to catastophes. ~T.FME~TS OF PLAN While the extent of planning will vary depending on specific local conditions, the list in this question should be regarded as a recommended minimum. Note particularly comments 2.6.2 on dump and vent systems. B1.32/59 7.1.3 7.1.4 7.1.5 -6 7.1.7 7.1.8 UP TO DATE? AVAILABILITY The plan package must be readily available at all times in a location such as the gatehouse or emergency equipment store. Multiple copies should be kept in other locations for reference. POSTING EVACUATION ROUTES The audit team should "walk over" the evacuation routes to assess their safety and practicality. The assembly points should also be checked. CO2 SUPPLY Carbon Dioxide can be useful in dealing with an spill as it will react with ammonia vapour to form a powder. However, as the reaction also requires water vapour, it will be of limited benefit at low temperatures without the addition of water. This is due to the limit in water vapour which air will carry, at low temperatures. Therefore, it should be considered as an assistance in absorbing ammonia, with the primary means being large quantities of water and ventilation. 7.2 7.2.1 7.2.1 ORGANISATION (EMERGENCY TEAM) FORMAL TEAM Is this Person able to do the required job. (Physically, training, experience, mentally etc). 7.3 7.3.1 ROLE OF OUTSIDERS ROLE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES The role of the emergency services (fire department, police, ambulance etc) must be clearly defined and agreed upon by all concerned. This is essential as outsiders cannot be expected to be totally familiar with the operation of any particular refrigeration plant. Often, the services do not have any experience and are not properly equipped for dealing with ammonia. In some cases, the best course of action may be to ensure that the services called to the site take a supporting role only. 7.3.2 7.3.3 7.3.4 B1.33/59 CONSEQUENCES OF 'NO' ANSWER If the roles are not predefined,-confusion will result, leading the a high risk of escalation of an incident. There have been cases where minor incidents have caused serious injuries to personnel and/or extensive damage by the actions of outside emergency service personnel who were not familiar with the plant or hazards of ammonia. EMERGENCY SERVICES HAVE COPY OF EMERGENCY PLAN? ADEQUATE TRAINING OF EMERGENCY SERVICES The audit team should try to assess the capability of the outside services and decide if their agreed role is appropriate to their competence. CONTRACTOR INVOLVEMENT Normally contractors should not be relied upon to take any role in an emergency. If they are expected to be involved, the team should look carefully at their effectiveness and the response time. 7.4 7.4.1 PROTECTIVE EQUIPMRNT AMOUNT OF EQUIPMENT When determining the adequacy of safety equipment, the audit team should consider possible incidents and whether the resulting ammonia cloud will result in the safety equipment being inaccessible. (eg. all equipment located within the engine rooms). Generally, the main safety equipment store should be convenient to, but secure from the main hazard areas. It should also be remembered that' under no circumstances should anyone enter an ammonia filled area alone. Therefore, it follows that a MINIMUM of 2 (preferably 3) sets of equipment must be available. In all industrial systems, there will be sufficient ammonia to cause toxic concentrations which cannot be entered wearing cannister masks only or even air packs alone. Therefore, the audit team should beware of any plant where SCBA and encapsulated suits are not available. The normal limitations .of equipment are given below. Generally only effective in low concentrations of ammonia - Absolute maximum of 3000ppm. This is equivalent to about 0.4kg ammonia in 200cu.m (0.9lbs in 7000cu.ft) B1.34/59 SCBA AIR PACKS Can only be used alone (withOut encapsulated suits) in concentrations up to 5000ppm, equivalent to 0.7kg in 200 cu.m (1.5lbs in 7000cu.ft). ENCAPSULATED SUITS Essential in concentrations greater than 5000ppm DISPOSEABLE SUITS RUBBER BOOTS RUBBER GLOVES FACE LIFE LINES FIRST AID EQUIPMENT 7.4.2 7.4.3 7.4.4 7.4.5 HAND ~.?.~ ANALYSERS SPARE CANNISTERS SPARE AIR BOTTLES REFILLING' AIR BOTTLES E~PERIENCE WITH SAFETY EQUIPMENT The audit team should question the training program for any plant which reports good effectiveness of cannister masks in strong ammonia concentrations. LOCATION & IDENTIFICATION OF SAFETY EQUIPMENT Refer comments 7.4.1. M~nICAL EXAMINATION 7.4.6 7.4.7 DISPOSAL OF CANNISTERS CONSEQUENCES OF 'NO' ANSWER Failure to dispose of out of date or partially used cannisters may lead to re-use in an emergency condition. APPROPRIATE FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT 7.4 ..8 7.4.9 B1.35/59 PORTABLE EXP~SION PROOF LAMPS Should always be used in an ammonia spill as it is never known whether there are local explosive concentrations of ammonia vapour. EXPLOSION PROOF FANS Ventilation is often'the most effective means of dealing with an ammonia spill. The fans.used should be explosion proof. (refer also comments 7.4.8) e 8.1 8.1.1 8.1.2 8.1.3 8.1.4 TRAINING PROGRAM FOR EMERGENCYTEAMS FOR SYSTEM OPERATORS & MAINTAINERS FOR ~T.T. FACTORY STAFF FOR NEWEMPLOYRR~ 8.2 8.2.1 8.2.2 8.2.3 8.2.4 8.2.5 8.2.6 SCOPE OF TRAINING PLAN FORMAL REVIEW OF PROGRAM REVIEW OF PERSONNEL COMPETENCE REVIEW OF INDMDUAL TRAINING NR.~S MINIMUM TRAINING FREQUENCY TRAINING ATTENDANCE RECORDS LIST OF INSTRUCTORS 8.3 INVOLVEMENT OF EMERGENCY SERVICES Refer comments 7.3 8.4 8.4.1 8.4.2 SCOPE OF TRAINING PLAN FUNDAMENT~?.m OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE 8.4.3 8.4.4 8.4.5 8.4.6 8.4.7 8.4.8. 8.4.9 8.4.10 8.4.11 8.4.12 B1.36/59 HAZARDS OF AMMONIA & STO~ C~RMICALS SAFETY PRECAUTIONS USE & LIMITS OF SAFETY EQUIPMENT Particular nOte should be taken of practical training with equipment and limitations. FIRST AID EMERGENCY SHUTDO~ PROCEDURES Especially for equipment in manufacturing areas. FIRE & SAFETY RESpONSE PROCEDURES · EM~-RGENCY NOTIFICATION PROCEDURF.-~ EVACUATION PROCEDURES NATURAL DISASTERS SPILL CONTAINMENT & NEUTRALISATION B1.37/59 ANNEX A1 PLANT ROOMS & AMMONIA HAZARD AREAS Hazard areas are defined as any area where a hazard may exist due to the presence of ammonia. They may include such areas as manufacturing halls, preparation rooms, auxiliary equipment rooms, some areas with exposed pipe runs. The audit team should decide which areas should be regarded.as hazardous. Complete one form for each plant room or hazard area. Al. 1 IDENTIFICATION A1.1.1 ROOM INDEX NUMBER A sequential number should be assigned to each room audited to permit cross referencing with section 1. and other parts of the audit report. Information also entered in 1.0 A1.1.2 ROOM NAME Information also entered in 1.0 A1.1.3 IDENTIFICATION NUMBER Plant register identification number if any. Al. 2 OCCUPANCY RATING This rating is intended to draw the attention of the audit team to the likely competence and ability of the room occupants to safely deal with and/or escape from an ammonia release. The audit team should keep this rating in mind when assessing the operations, layout, and overall safety of the room in question. Ratings: 1. Limited attendance Normally unoccupied or occupied only by a limited number of personnel (say maximum 3). Access normally restricted only to' personnel who should be totally familiar with the refrigeration plant, ammonia hazards, and emergency procedures. (eg. plant rooms, ceiling spaces) Under normal circumstances there would be no limitation to the installation of ammonia equipment in these areas. B1.38/59 Al.2.1 A1.2.2 2. Occupied by permanent employees only Normally occupied only by permanent employees who should be totally familiar with ammonia hazards and emergency procedures but will not necessarily be familiar with the refrigeration plant. (eg. manufacturing areas) Similar to rating 1, but more care is required to protect equipment from unauthorised operation. It would also be advisable to limit the quantity of ammonia in the room. 3. Occupied by seasonal/casual/temporary employees Occupied by factory staff who may not necessarily be fully familiar with ammonia hazards or emergency procedures. (eg. manufacturing areas where temporary workers are used) As for rating 1, but every effort should be made to limit the. quantity of ammonia present (vessels, flooded heat exchangers, pumper drums, etc) in the room and allow moreextensive emergency exits etc to compensate for lack of competence. 4. Public May be occupied by members of the general public who will not be aware of ammonia hazards or emergency procedures and may not be physically fit. (eg. offices, areas open to public inspection) AMMONIA MUST NOT BE USED IN ANY AREA OPEN TO THE PUBLIC OR IN ADJACENT AREAS CONNECTED BY DOORWAYS. (Note that it is illegal to use ammonia in such areas under some codes.) ROOM RATING Information also entered in 1.0 ADJACENT ROOM RATING Information also entered in 1.0 Al.3 Al.3.1 A1.3.2 ROOM AND CONTENTS DESCRIPTION FUNCTION OF ROOM QUANTITY OF AMMONIA IN ROOM The audit team should consider the amount of ammonia in the room when deciding on the adequacy of the' room design and operation. Information also entered in 1.0 B1.39/59 A1.3.3 A1.3.4 A1.3.5 A1.3.6 A1.3.7 A1.3.8 A1.3.9 to 10 Al.3.11 A1.3.12 Al. 3.13 A1.3.14 A1.3.15 IS THE QUANTITY ESSENTIAL? When answering this, the audit team should address only the technical need for the amount of ammonia in the room. Generally, the quantity should be kept to a minimum for rooms with occupancy ratings higher than 1. Particular equipment to check are brine coolers, pumper drums, surge vessels etc. NUMBER OF PEOPLE IN THE R.OOM Should be considered when looking at the adequacy of access and .emergency exits. Information also entered in 1.0 ROOM VOLUME Information also entered in 1.0 NUMBER OF ROOM COOLERS IN ROOM WARNING SIGNS AT ENTRANCE ISOLATION FROM OTHER ROOMS Intend~d..~o draw attention to the possible spread of an ammonia cloud in the event of an incident. Information also .entered in 1.0 NON-COMBUSTABLE CONSTRUCTION- OTRRR EQUIPMENT IN ROOM When looking at other equipment in the room the team should consider whether that equipment will cause an escalation of an ammonia incident (eg. boilers operation in an explosive concentration of ammonia. Refer also comments A1.3.13.). CONSEQUENCES OF ' NO' ANSWER Ammonia laden air can be drawn into equipment and distributed throughout the factory, significantly escalating an incident or damaging equipment (eg pneumatic instrumentation).' CLRAR OF UNNECESSARY STORAGE CT.R~ OF STO~ iCOMBUSTABT.~.S Al. 4 Al.4.1 Al. 4 .j2 A1.4.3 A1.4.4 A1.4.5 AI.4.6 Al. 4.7 B1.40/59 ACCESS/EGRESS AND ISOLATION When deciding accessibility, it must be remembered ~'hat normally acceptable access is INSUFFICIENT in the event of an emergency, due to wearing of protective equipment (especially SCBA and ammonia suits) and reduced visibility. Refer also comments 7.1.7. Information also entered in 1.0 RESTRICTION OF UNAUTHORISED ACCESS EXITWAYS FRR~ & CT~AR NUMBER OF EXITS The figures quoted a~e the minimum required by some codes. The audit team must,decide if more should be provided due to the particular layout. IDENTIFICATION OF EXIT POINTS ACCESS MAIN ISOLATION VALVES Refer comments A1.4.5. ACCESSWAYS & CATWALKS Particular attention should be paid to service gantries and catwalks in areas such as ceiling spaces. Refer also comments A1.4.5. Al. 5 Al.5.1 Hazard areas must have adequate ventilation, whether by natural means or by extraction fans. Ideally, both should be available. Information also entered in 1.0 (Following ventilation formulas taken from British Standard B.S. 4434, 1969) ADEQUATE NATURAL VENTILATION Typical requirement would be: Free Open Area = 0.144(G) sq.m = 1.01J(G) sq.ft G = Mass of refrigerant charge (kg or lbs) in the largest plant, any part of which is located in the machinery room A1.5.2 A1.5.3 A1.5.4 A1.5.5 A1.5.6 B1.41/59 ADEQUATE POSITIVEVENTILATION Typical requirement would be: Air Flow = 50(~$(.G=))-cu.m/hr = 17.37(~$(G~)) cu.'ft/min G = as above VENTILATION BY EXTRACTION FANS The use of extraction ventilation is to be preferred as it will assist to limit the spread of ammonia vapour. EXTERNAL STARTING EXHA~STFROMVE~TILATION CONSEQUENCES OF 'NO' ANSWER Exhausting the ventilation system near air inlets or windows etc will lead to ammonia being drawn back into the plant. EXPLOSION ~R~.IEF PANELS In some cases, this is a code requirement. Al. 6 DETECTION & SPRINFT.~R SYSTEMS The main points which must be considered when deciding on the adequacy of the detection systems are: -Occupancy. Areas which are unattended or with limited attendance require more extensive automatic detection and alarm systems. Al.6.1 -Equipment. Areas where equipment types are more prone to leaks (plant rooms, pump systems, plate freezers, defrost valve stations etc) will require more extensive systems. -Risk to adjacent areas. This includes both within the factory and neighbours. Both the occupancy ratings (Al.2) and the Factory Location Zone must be considered. AMMONIA DETECTOR PROTECTION Information also entered in 1.0 A1.6.2 A1.6.3 A1.6.4 A1.6.5 A1.6.6 Al. 6.7 B1.42/59 AUTOMATIC SHUTDOWN OF NON-E~PLOSION PROOF EQUIPMENT The automatic shutdown of non-explosion proof equipment, shutoff of liquid supply and hot gas, and start of extraction fans in the room when there is an ammonia leak is recommended, particularly in unattended or limited attendance areas. AUTOMATIC FIRE DETECTORS Information also entered in 1.0 SPRINF?.~-R SYSTEM MANUAL ACTIVATION-OF SPRINF?.RRS The automatic sprinkler systems if fitted with manual operation valves can be useful to assist in neutralising an ammonia discharge. However, care should be taken that the resultant water deluge does not result in more widespread damage. PROTECTION OF MANUAL SPRINKLER VALVES PROXIMITY OFF IRE HOSE ~RT.~ &HYDRANTS In addition to normal fire requirements, fire hose points and/or hydrants should be close to hazard areas with sufficient hose length to ensure that all ammonia equipment can be deluged with water to neutralise ammonia. A1.7 A1.7.1 to 2 Al.7.3 Al.7.4' A1.7.5 Information also entered in 1.0 SAFETY'SHOWERS/EYEWASH STATIONS These should be located close to the ammonia equipment and also outside the hazard area. (Refer comments 7.4) PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Refer comments 7.4 MONITORING pERSONNRT. IN ROOMS Strongly recommended for cold rooms. ACTIVATION OF EMERGENCY ALARMS Al. 8 Al.8.1 · Al. 8.2 A1.8.3 A1.8.4 A1.8.5 A1.8.6 ELECTRICAL/LIGHTING Information also entered in 1.0 EMERGENCY LIGHTING MOTOR STARTER LOCATION EXPLOSION PROOF EMERGENCY ~-?.~.CTRICAL EQUIPMENT EMERGENCY ELECTRICAL ISOLATION SWITCH PROTECTION FROM TAMPERING ADEQUACY OF ALARMS B1.43/59 Al. 9 Al.9.1 A1.9.2 A1.9.3 A1.9.4 A1.9.5 A1.9.6 DRAINAGE The consequences of dumping ammonia laden water into the sewer must be addressed due to the risks involved: -Upsetting and possibly totally disabling a bio waste water plant due to the high pH of the effluent. -Injury to personnel working in sewers or at the treatment plant.due to gassing off of the ammonia. -Pollution of waterways into which the effluent flows. Information also entered in 1.0 FLOOR DRAINS ISOLATION FROM COMMON DRAINS ISOLATION FROM SEWER. AUTHORITIES AWARE OF EFFLUENT AUTOMATIC CONTROL DIVERSION OF FLOOR WASTE Diversion of the effluent either to a containment vessel or to land application can be viable possibilities for disposal if there are problems with discharging through normal means. Note that ammonia is frequently used as a fertiliser at concentrations of max. 2% in water. Al.10 OVER~T.T. Information also entered in 1.0 B1.44/59 A2.1 A2.1.1 ANNEX A2 AMMONIA COMPRESSOR INSPECTION' DATA Complete one form for each compressor. MACHINE DESCRIPTION A sequential number should be assigned to each compressor audited to permit cross referencing with section 2. and other parts of the audit report. A2.1.2 A2.1.3 A2.1.4' A2.1.5 A2.1.6 A2.1.7 A2.1.8 A2.1.9 A2.1.10 A2.1.11 A2.1.12 A2.1.13 Information also entered in 2.1.1 LOCATI ON DUTY Information also entered in 2.1.1 MANUFACTURER/MODEL Information also entered in 2.1.1 YEAR BUILT/LAST OVERHAUL Information also entered in 2..1.1 TYPE Information also entered in 2.1.1 MAXIMUM DISCHARGE P~F.~SURE MAXIMUM RPM DRIVE TYPE TRANSMISSION MOTOR RATING OIL COOLING OIL COOLER PRIORITY A2.2 A2.2.1 A2.2.2 A2.2.3 OPERATING CONDITIONS SUCTION & DISCHARGE PRESSURE SUCTION & DISCHARGE TEMPERATURE SUPERHEAT A2.2.4 A2.2.5 A2.2.6 A2.2.7 A2.2.8 A2.2.9 A2.3 A2.3.1 A2.3.2 A2.3.3 B1.45/59 CAPACITY Information also entered in 2.1.1 ABSORBED POWER COMPRESSOR RPM OPERATING CONDITIONS OK? Operating Conditions should be checked against machine limits in Al. SAFETY CUTOUTS DESCRIPTION OF SAFETY CUTOUTS The audit team must be satisfied that the safety cutouts function correctly. In plants with adequate documentation and test procedures, an inspection of the records with some spot testing may be sufficient. The extent of testing required must be at the discretion of the audit team at the time of the audit. ADEQUATE PROTECTION OF COMP~R~SOR Safety cutout settings & operation should be checked against actual operation conditions and machine limits. HARDWIRING CUTOUTS Refer comments A2.4 A2.4.1 A2.4.2 A2.4.3 A2.4.4 A2.4.5 RRLIEFVALVES Refer also comments 2.6.1 & A3.4. FITTED? SETTING & RATING ADEQUATE PROTECTION OF COMPRESSOR Settings & operation should be checked against actual operation conditions and machine limitations. YEAR OFMANUFACTURE LASTOVERHAUL/REPLACEMENT B1.46/59 A2.4.6 RELIEF VALVE CONDITION Excellent. Clean with no visible rust or corrosion Good.. Looks OK but some corrosion visible-less than 25%, surface only. Fair. Considerable surface corrosion but none visible internally. Bad. Extensive surface and internal-corrosion visible. A2.5 A2.5.1 A2.5.2 A2.5.3 A2.5.4 A2.5.5 A2.5.6 A2.5.7 OT~RR COMPONENT DETAILS LIQUID SEPERATOR/KNOCKOUT POT C~tECK VALVE ON DISCHARGE MOVING PARTS GUARDED ELECTRICAL PARTS GUARDED ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL ISOLATION AUTOMATIC START AUTO START WARNING A2.6 A2.6.1 A2.6.2 A2.6.3 A2.6.4 A2.6.5 GENERAL 'CONDITION & MAINTENANCE ABNORMAL VIBRATION FOUNDATIONS COMPRESSOR REPAIRS OTK~R DEFECTS A2.7 OVER~T.V. ASSESSMENT OF COFiPRESSOR Information also entered in 2.1.1 B1.47/59 ANNFD( A3 AMMONIA VESSEL INSPECTION DATA A3.1 A3.1.1 A3.1.2 A3.1.3 A3.1.4 A3.1.5 A3.1.6 A3.1.7 A3.1.$ A3.1.9 A3.1.10 A3.1.11 to 13 A3.1.14 VESSEL DESCRIPTION A sequential number should be assigned to each vessel audited to permit cross referencing with section 2. and other parts of the audit report.' Information also entered in 2.3.1 Vessels outside manufacturing areas 2.3.2 Vessels within manufacturing areas VESS~'-T. NAME VESSEL LOCATION Information also entered in 2.3.1 Vessels outside manufacturing areas 2.3.2 Vessels within manufacturing areas LOCATION IN BUILDING FUNCTION Information also entered in 2.3.1 Vessels outside manufacturing areas 2.3,~ ..... ~essels within manufacturing areas MANUFACTURER YEAR BUILT Information also entered in 2.3.1 Vessels outside manufacturing areas 2.3.2 Vessels within manufacturing, areas ASME OR EQUIV~T.~T STAMPED Audit team should physically check and confirm whether the vessel is certified and approved for it's current use. Note that the vessel approval should be for the worst condition, which may not necessarily be during operation. REGISTRATION NUMBER CERTIFIED DRAWINGS Refer comments 3.0 VESSRT. DIMENSIONS APPROVED/DESIGN PRESSURE A3.1.15 A3.1.16 B1.48/59 STRESS I~.T.TEVING W~.T.~ING There is evidence that stress cOrrosion cracking (SCC) can occur in ammonia refrigerating systems. Particular causes are associated with. -Presence of oxygen (air purger efficiency) -Absence of moisture ( > 0.2% moisture inhibits SCC.) -Temperatures above -5 deg.c (ie components on the high pressure side of the system.) -Use of higher strength steels ( > 350 MPa yield) Stress relieving of the vessel is believed to significantly reduce the risks. (Reference. UK Institute of refrigeration, Code of Practice for Ammonia Refrigerating Systems, 1982). While it is not necessarily recommended to take action, the question is intended to draw attention to a potential problem. CONNECTION TO COMPRESSOR SUCTION A3.2 OPERATION & SHUTDOWN CONDITIONS Shutdown (not operating) conditions included as these can be more severe than operation conditions in some .cases. A3.2.1 PRESSURE ' Information also entered in 2.3.1 Vessels outside manufacturing areas 2.3.2 Vessels within manufacturing areas A3.2.2 TEMPERATURE A3.2.3 LIQUID T.RVELRANGE Must allow sufficient volume above the liquid to ensure that liquid lockups cannot occur and also prevent liquid carryover to compressors. A3.2.4 LIQUID QUANTITY IN VESSRT. Information also entered in 2.3.1 Vessels outside manufacturing areas 2.3.2 Vessels within manufacturing areas A3.2.5 CONDITIONS OK? B1.49/59 A3.3 A3.3.1 A3.3.2 A3.3.3 A3.3.4 CONTROLS & CUTOUTS DESCRIFi~/ON Refer to comments for section A2.3.1. ADEQUATE PROTECTION Safety cutout settings & operation should be checked against actual operation conditions and machine limitations. HARDWIRING OF CUTOUTS Refer comments CONTROL COLUMN DESIGN Audit team should consider access, mechanical protection, use of screwed joints, isolation, general condition. A3.4 A3.4.1 A3.4.2 A3.4.3 A3.4.4 A3.4.5 ~.~EFVALVES Refer comments 2.6.1 PROTECTION In particular, compressor oil seperators, oil pots, pumper drums, Hoyer tunnels must be checked as these have been found to lack relief valves in some cases. SETTING & RATING ADEQUATE PROTECTION OF VESSEL Settings & operation should be checked against actual operation conditions and vessel limitations. SINGLE OR DUAL The use of single or dual relief valve sets will depend largely on the ability to easily purge the vessel to allow service of the valve. If this cannot be done, or if the vessel is not small (normally greater than 0.28 cu.m-10cu.ft), then dual valves should be fitted. Note that some codes .only allow the use of single valves under restrictive circumstances. SERVICING SINGLE VALVES Refer comments A3.4.4. B1.50/59 A3.4'.6 A3.4.7 A3.4.8 A3.4.9 A3.4.10 A3.4.11 A3.4.12 A3.4.13 A3.4.14 A3.4.15 ISOLATION OF DOUBLE RELIEF VALVES VALVE ABOVE LIQUID LEVEL VALVE OUTr. RT DIAMETER VALVE DISCHARGE POINT If valve discharges to the low pressure side, the audit team should consider whether the valve can be removed for service. BLOCKING. OF INTERNAL R~.IEF VALVE DISCHARGE With internal reliefs, it is not uncommon for there to be a stop valve on the discharge side to permit the removal of the relief valVe. If this is done then there must be a means of ensuring that this valve is not closed unless it is safe to do so. ~F3.IEF VALVE DISCHARGE TO ATMOSPHERE Refer comments'. CORRECT PIPING OF VALVE Audit team should look at the piping arrangement. Particular points are protection from entry of water (rain hoods', oil seals etc), adequate sizing' (particularly when multiple, relief valves vent through one pipe), support, termination point, identification of vent etc~ YEAR OF MANUFACTURE LAST OVERHAUL/REPLACEMENT VALVE CONDITION Refer comments A2.4.6. A3.5 A3.5.1 A3.5.2 A3.5.3 A3.5.4 OTM~R COMPONENT DETAILS OIL POT FITTED RELIEF VALVE ON OIL POT CORRECT & SAFE PIPING OF R~.IEFVALVE GUARDING ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS A3.5.5 B1.51/59 SAFE, ACCESSIBLE ISOLATION When assessing accessibility, it must be remembered that normally acceptable access is INSUFFICIENT in the event of an emergency, due to wearing of protective equipment (especially SCBA and ammonia suits) and reduced visibility. A3.6 A3.6.1 A3.6.2 A3.$.3 A3.6.4 A3.6.5 A3.6.6 A3.6.7 GENERAL CONDITION & MAINTENANCE CRACKING Refer comments A3.1.t5. If cracking has occurred on this vessel, the audit team should consider and make a recommendation on whether the vessel should be condemned and replaced. The method of repair used, and points raised below, and in 3.1.15, must also be considered . MODIFICATIONS & MAJOR ~RDAIRS SUPERVISION AND RETESTING OF ~AIRS OR MODIFICATIONS All modifications and repairs must be subject to the same criteria as for a new.installation (supervision, testing, welder qualification etc). If the audit team has any doubt that this has been complied with, or if the documentation is insufficient, then serious consideration should be given to condemning the vessel. VESSEL INSPECTION It is normally a legal requirement for regular inspections by an outside authority. Even if it is not, this should be done. NDE EXAMINATION Unless a code requirement, NDE (Non destructive examination such as X-ray, ultrasonic, magnetic particle testing) should not normally be necessary, except where there is doubt about vessel integrity. ADEQUATE FOUNDATIONS INSULATION CONDITION Good. Fair. Slight signs of vapour barrier leaks.. B1.52/59 Bad. Extensive breakdown of vapour barrier. Where there are vapour barrier leaks, the audit team should consider the need to remove sections of insulation to check for corrosion damage. A3.6.8 A3.6.9 A3.6.10 A3.6.11 ICE FORMATIONS Generally, any ice formations should be considered as abnormal. CORROSION None. Slight. Moderate. Appears to be on surface only Extensive. Could jeopardise safety. In this case the audit team must make recommendations on the action, to be taken. UNUSUAL NOISES OR VIBRATION Any noise or vibration should be treated as not normal and fully investigated to determine the source and the safety of the system. A3.7 OVER~TJ. ASSESSFiENTOFVESSEL Information also entered in 2.3.1 Vessels outside manufacturing areas 2.3.2 Vessels within manufacturing areas B1.53/59 ANNEX A4 AMMONIA ItEAT EXCHANGER INSPECTION DATA A4.1 A4.1.1 A4.1.2 A4.1.3 A4.1.4 A4.115 A4.1.6 A4.1.7 A4.1.8 A4.1.9 A4.1.10 to 12 A4.1.13 DESCRIPTION INDEX NUMBER A sequential number should be assigned to each heat exchanger audited to' permit cross referencing with section 2. and other parts of the audit report. Information also entered in 2.2 Heat Exchangers used as condensors 2.4 Heat Exchangers at usage points TYPE OF ~R. AT EXCHANGER Information also entered in 2.2 Heat Exchangers used as condensors 2.4 Heat Exchangers at usage points Information also entered in 2.4 Heat Exchangers at usage points LOCATION IN BUILDING MANUFACTURER/MODEL InfOrmation also.entered in 2.2 Heat Exchangers used as condensors 2.4 Heat Exchangers at usage points YEAR BUILT Information also entered in 2.2 Heat Exchangers used as condensors 2.4 Heat Exchangers at usage points ASMEOR EQUIVAT.RNT STAMPED Refer comments A 3.1.8 CERTIFIED DRAWINGS Refer comments 3.0 HEAT EXCHANGER DIMENSIONS APPROVED/DESIGN P~R~SURE A4.1.14 A4.1.15 A4.1.16 A4.1.17 A4.1.18 A4.1.19 A4.1.20 A4.1.21 A4.1.22 A4.1.23 Bi.54/59 STRESS ~RT.IEVINGWELDING Refer comments A3.1.15 LEAKAGE DETECTOR Leak detection should be provided on the water side of a heat exchanger (eg. condensors, water chillers, .ice tanks) to detect ammonia leaks into the water before significant damage occurs to water side equipment such as copper alloy air conditioning coils. RECOVERY BREAK CIRCUIT If the heat exchanger is used for heat recovery to potable water, it must be provided with an intermediate "break" circuit to ensure that any ammonia leakage will not enter'the potable water supplies. REFRIGERANT F~.~ CONNECTION TO COMPRESSOR SUCTION LIQUID SEPERATOR OR KNOCKOUT POT The liquid separator may be integral with the heat exchanger. Where DX type feed is. used, the need for a separator is reduced provided that the system is designed to minimise the risk of liquid carryover to the compressor. TYPE OF DEFROST DESCRIPTION OF DEFROST Refer comments A4.2 A4.2.1 A4.2.2 A4.2.3 OPERATION & SHUTDOWN CONDITIONS Refer comments A3.2 PRESSURE PRESSURE CAPACITY Information also entered in 2.2 Heat Exchangers used as condensors 2.4 Heat Exchangers at usage points A4.2.4 A4.2.5 A4.2.6 LIQUID LEVEL RANGE Refer comments A3.2.3. LIQUID QUANTITY IN R~.ATEXCHANGER CONDITIONS OK? B1.55/59 A4.3 A4.3.t CONTROLSw CUTOUTS Refer comments A3.3, DESCRIPTION A4.4 A4.4.1 A4.4.2 A4.4.3 A4.4.4 A4.4.5 A4.4.6 A4.4.7 A4.4.8 A4.4.9 A4.4.10 ~RT.IEFVALVES Refer comments 2.6.1, A3.4 PROTECTION Refer comments A3.4.1 SETTING & RATING ADEQUATE PROTECTION OF ~-AT EXCHANGER Settings & operation should be checked against actual operation conditions and heat exchanger limitations. $ING?~ OR DUAL Refer comments A3.4.4 SERVICING SINGLE VALVES Refer comments A3.4.4. ISOLATION OF DOUBLE ~LIEF VALVES VALVE ABOVE LIQUID LEVRL VALVE OD~I~.~T DIAMETER VALVE DISCHARGE POINT Refer comments A3.4.9 BLOCKING OF INTERNAL~RLIEFVALVEDI$CHARGE Refer comments A3.4.10 A4.4.11 A4.4.12 A4.4 ..13 A4.4.14 A4.4.15 ~RT.~EF VALVE DISCHARGE TO ATMOSPHERE Refer comments CORRECT PIPING OF VALVE Refer comments A3.4.12 YEAR OF MANUFACTURE LAST OVERHA~/~C~ VALVE CONDITION Refer comments A2.4.6. B1.56/59 A4.5 A4.5.1 A4.5.2 A4.5.3 A4.5.4 A4.5.5 OTW~R COMPONENT DETAILS OIL POT FITTED ~.T.IEF VALVE ON OIL POT CORRECT & SAFE PIPING OF ~.T.WEP YALVE GUARDING ~.?.~-CTRICAL COMi~S SAFE, ACCESSIBLE ISOLATION Refer comments A3.5.5 A4.6 A4.6.1 A4.6.2 A4.6.3 A4.6~4 A4.6.5 A4.6.6 GENERAL CONDITION & MAINTENANCE CRACKING Refer comments A3.6.1 MODIFICATIONS & MAJOR REPAIRS SUPERVISION AND RETESTTNG OF ~-DAIRS OR MODIFICATIONS Refer comments A3.6.3 VESSEL INSPECTION. Refer comments A3.6.4 ADEQUATE FOUNDATIONS INSULATION CONDITION Refer comments A3.6.7 B1.57/59 A4.6.7 A4.6.8 A4.6.9 A4.6.10 ICE FORMATIONS Refer comments A3.6.8 CORROSION Refer comments A3.6.9 UNUSUAL NOISES OR.VIBRATION Refer comments A3.6.10 OTHER DEFECTS A4.7 O~T.T. ASSESSMENT OFVESSEL Information also entered in 2.2 Heat Exchangers used as condensors 2.4 Heat Exchangers at usage points ANNEX A5 I~F.T.IEF VALVES Refer comments 2.6.I & A3.4 ANNEX A6 AMMONIA GAS DETECTORS The main points which must be considered when deciding on the adequacy of the detection systems are: -Occupancy Rating of Room. Areas which are unattended or with limited attendance require more extensive automatic systems to ensure early detection. -Equipment. Areas where equipment types are more prone to leaks (plant rooms, pump systems, plate freezers, defrost valve stations etc) will require more extensive systems. -Risk to adjacent areas. This includes both within the factory and neighbours. Both the occupancy ratings (Al.2) and the Factory Location Zone must be considered. B1.58/59 A6.1 A6.1.1 A6.1.2 A6.1.3 A6.1.4 A6.1.5 A6.1.6 A6.1.7 A6.1.8 DESCRIPTION UNIT INDEX NIE~BER A sequential number should be assigned to each ammonia detector system audited to permit cross referencing with section 2~ and other parts of the audit report. Information also entered in LOCATI ON AREAS MONITOR~ Refer comments 2.6.4 Information also entered in MANUFACTURER/MODEL SENSING POINT LOCATION Audit team should check sensor location to determine effectiveness Setpoints will vary depending on the location and function of the room protected. Normally an alarm setpoint should be of the order of 100ppm. Note that some codes specify much higher (10000ppm). However, these limits are intended to warn about the risk of explosion only and will not give sufficient early warning of a leak. Information also entered in SHUTDO~ SETPOINT Refer comments A6.1.6. Shutdown setpoints should be set as low as possible but high enough to prevent nuisance tripping. This could normally be in the range of 100-300ppm. Information also entered in ADEQUATE WARNING A6.1.9 A6.1.10 A6.1.11 A6.1.12 B1.59/59 AUTOMATIC SHUTDOWN The automatic shutdown of non-explosion proof equipment, shutoff of liquid and hot gas supply, and start of extraction fans in the room when there is an ammonia leak is recommended, particularly in unattended or limited attendance areas. The audit team must also consider the risk of damage due to underpressure when extraction fans start, particularly in cold rooms and freezers. Information also entered in BATTERY BACKUP DETECTOR SUPERVISION Adequate protection must include alarms which are monitored at all times (eg. at gate house, telephone link etc). CONSEQUENCES OF 'NO' ANSWER Failure to adequately monitor plant rooms and hazard areas will result in a greater risk of a discharge becoming serious before it is detected. At particular risk are areas which are not manned on a 24 hour/7 day basis. FAIL SAFE A6.2 A6.2.1 A6.2.2 A6.2.3 A6.2.4 TESTING Refer comments 5.1.2. REGULAR TESTING TESTING FREQUENCY RECORDS Refer comments 3.0. TEST METHOD A6.3 OV]ZRALT. ASSESS~ Information also entered in Page 1 AMMON IA I NC IDENT REPORT of 2 Pages FACTORY DATE OF INCIDENT COUNTRY TIME OF' INCIDENT 1. CLASS OF INCIDENT ( ) CLASS 1 CATASTROPHIC ( ) CLASS 2 SERIOUS ( ) CLASS 3 -Caused evacuation of the plant or neighbours or serious injury; and SCBA (breathing apparatua)to contain. -Caused injury and/or damage to property or the environment and required SCBA to contain. -Required breathing equipment but caused no injury or damage. 2. LOCATION IN FACTORY 3. SOURCE OF DISCHARGE 3.1 SUBSYSTEM ( ) COMPRESSOR ( ) CONDENSOR ( ( ) AIR PURGER (,) CHARGING SYST. ( (__) HOT GAS PIPING (__) SUCTION PIPING ( (. ) SCRAPED SURFACE HX (__) PLATE FREEZER ( ( ) OTHER (specify) ) VESSEL ) OIL DRAINS ) LIQUID PIPING ) A.H.U. 3.2 COMPONENT OR ITEM ( ) SEAL (TYPE (, ) CONTROL VALVE (,,) HOSE (TYPE (__).FLANGE (__) GASKET (__) OTHER (specify) ) (__) RELIEF VALVE (__) JOINT ) (__) GAUGE POCKET ( ) WELD ( ) GLAND PACKING ( ) I SOL. VALVE (__) SIGHT GLASS (__) STRAINER (__) THREAD (__) .GLASS 3.3 MAIN CAUSE OF DISCHARGE WORK PRACTICES. ( ) AIR PURGING ( ) MANUFACTURING DEL~'BERATEDISCHARGE (__) LIQUID DUMP COMPONENT DEFECT (__) FRACTURE (CRACKS) (__) CORROSION (__) CONTROL SYSTEM ( (__) OIL DRAINAGE ( (__) MODIFICATIONS ( (__) VAPOUR VENT ) CHARGING ) MAINTENANCE ( ) MANUF. DEFECT ) RESULT OF OTHER FAILURE (specify) OTHER CAUSES (specify) 3.4 OTHER RELATED FACTORS AMMON I Page 2 I NC IDENT 'REPORT of 2 Pages FACTORY DATE OF INCIDENT 4.ACTIVITY AT TIME OF DISCHARGE ACTIVITY AT THE TIME OF THE DISCHARGE: ( ) ROUTINE MAINTENANCE (__) ALTERATIONS OR EXTENSIONS ( ) NORMAL OPERATIONS ( ) PLANT WAS SHUT DOWN ATTENDANCE AT THE TIME OF TMR DISCHARGE: ( )UNATTENDED ( ) ATTENDED BY ( ) OPERATORS NORMAL PLANT ATTENDANCE: ( ) UNATTENDED ( ) FULLY ATTENDED (__) PARTIALLY ATTENDED 5. EMERGENCY RESPONSE RATE THE DEGREE OF CONTROL OF THE INCIDENT ACHIEVED (__) LOW (__) MODERATE ( ) SUBSTANTIAL (__) COMPLETE RATE THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE EMERGENCY PLAN (__) GOOD (__) FAIR ( ) INEFFECTIVE (__) NO PLAN EXISTED WHAT DEFICIENCIES WERE FOUND IN THE EMERGENCY PLAN? 6.CONSEQUENCES~OF DISCHARGE INJURIES NO. OF PEOPLE INJURED (EMPLOYEES NUMBER REQUIRED HOSPITALISATION EVACUATION EVACUATION OF AREA AROUND DISCHARGE EVACUATION OF ENTIRE FACTORY EVACUATION OF NEIGHBOURS DAMAGE QUANTITY OF AMMONIA DISCHARGED NORMAL AMMONIA CHARGE DESCRIBE ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE: ) (OTHERS ) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (kg/lbs) (kg/lbs) ESTIMATED COST OF INCIDEB~f (eg:from lost product,down time,damage,cleanup,fines,legal) 7. PROBABLE RECURRANCE OF INCIDENT ( ) HIGH ( ) ~MODERATE (__) LOW ( ) NEGLIGIBLE 8. DESCRIPTION OF INCIDENT (Note especially the following points) ·-Describe relevent events leading up to the incident. -What acts, failures to act and/or conditions contributed directly to the incident. What are the basic, fundamental reasons for the existance of these acts or conditions. -What action was taken to bring the incident under control -What remedial action has been taken to prevent recurrance (eg:equipment,work practices,training,emergency response).