HomeMy WebLinkAboutABOVEGROUND TANK-0 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE' OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 CheSter Ave., Bakersfield, CA (661) 326-3979 APPLICATION TO INSTALL AND/OR REMOVE ABOVE GROUND STORAGE TANK(S) In conformity with provisions of pertinent ordinances, codes and/or reguiations, permission is hereby granted to: Name of Company Address to display, store, install, use, operate, sell or handle materials or process involving or creating conditions deemed hazardous to life or property as follows: subject to the provisions and/or limitations as provided. Violation of pertinent ordinances, codes and/or regulations shall void this permit. Perm--/~"tS>/ Date Applicant Name (print) / Appl~t Signature THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT .WHEN APPROVED 05/17/01 09:08 8661 326 0576 BFD HAZ MAT DIV ~001 *************************** *** ACTIVITY REPORT *** TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO. CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION ID START TIME USAGE TIME PAGES RESULT 9969 3983524 ICE CREAM PARTNE 05/17 09:06 01'17 2 OK 0~14/2001 15:14 A FA~ 661 324 6710 AWI SALES 0'2 General Engineering" Contractor P.O. Box 82531 · Bakersfield, CA 93380-2531 Office (661) 324-6715 · F~ (661) 283-7742 Underwriters Laboratories BRYANT TANK INC MR B O BRYANT 3737 GILMORE AVE BAKERSFIELD CA 93308 Your mt)si recent listing is shown below, l'lcasc review Ihis in['ormation and rCl)()rl any i,,accu,'acics to thc UI. F. nginccring staff mcmbcr who ha,,cllcd yot,r Assig-,~,nc,,l.. EEEV Mny .23, .1 994 Aboveground Flammable Liquid Tanks BRYANT TANK INC , BAKERSFIELD CA 93308 MH17391 iS) Abovoground Taflks for Flammable Llqulde. Seoondary Conlalnmenl AbOvegrouftd'Tanks for Flemmablo Llqulda. ^boYegr0und Tonka for Flammable Llquida on Supports. $o0ondaw Contalnmon[ Aboveground Tanks roi' Flammable [Iquids on Suppoltsl Open Top Diked Abovaground Tonka for Flammable Liquids. Open Top Diked Secondary C~ntainment Aboveground Tanks Fo( Flamrnabln Liquifl~ 3737 GILMORE AVE LOOK FOR LISTING MARK ON PRODUCT 960403001 Underwriters Laboratories Inc.® xu/o~54t4~ 70 For i.nformation on placing an order for UL Listing Cards in a 3 x 5 inch card format, please refer to the enclosed ordering information. UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES INC. 333 Pllng~tan Road · Northb~OOk, III1n~1i'6~0~2-2095. USA An Independenf, not-lor-prolil organization . :". .... 1~..85 .Wa!,t_ whitman Road I~I(~MIIo gl. NowYork 117.47-3081 USA ' testing Ior public solely ' · 12 Laboratory Drive -1~55 S~:O~ Blvd. P.O. Box 13995 · Santa Clara Callf°enla.95050-416g, USA Research Triangle Park. . . · .4081~8'5;2~ "; No~h Caroline 27709-~gg5. USA tAX No;,(~bai 2~-3~s6 ' ' .re ei; 4..3'7928 ~a~ 04 0l 05:32p E~el and Co 661 327 256] p,3 ENGEL 8, COMPANY 4009 UNION AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93305 tt~v. engelengln~.com (661) 327-7025 DIESEL FU~L CONTAINMENT 5L/I~IP iCI= C.I:;~EA~ PARTNER5 ~ISTR;ICT I~AKEI;~SFIELD, CALIFORNIA CANTELHI EN~,INEERIN~ l, lA'f 4, 2001 ~HFET JOB No. 121&O Iq '-0" 2,50o(:;jal. DIESEL FUEL TANK DIESEL FUEL TANK CONTAINMENT SUMP i ,FOUNDATION PLAN' ~.. __ ,,_o,. I I1~.' ~.~z~. 'El! I'. ~OF ~LL A~ I ~' ~ ~, .~. .~- {'~ SECTION ~...,, ._o. .~e~ o~ ul ua:3~p £nGe! and ENGEL & COMPANY* 4009 UNION AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93305 www.eng®lengineem.oom ~61) 327-7025 I~¥ 4 2001 ~ENER, ATOR FOUNDATION ICE GR~AI"I PARTNER5 USA E~AKER.~F:IEL[~, CALIFORNIA C, ANTELI,41 EN~, I NF.E~ ~N~ MAY 4. 2001 SHEET 2 OF ~_ JOB No. 12160 GENERATOR (~ OTHERS) CENTER GENEI~ATO~. ON FOUNDATION DI~ILL ~"~x~" [~. H(~LE PLACE ~"~ t~01~ PULL DEPTH TYP. I0 PLACE5 FILL ~/51~l~N ~ET" EPOXY I=ER ~PR~ 5PEC~. FOUNDATION ~ I'-~"O.C. ON ~ OF CONC. CLR. CLR. 5tTE AC. IFAVIN~. II~,,'lr O'I'HI-I,~) SECTION 04 Ol 05:3~p ;ncel an~ Co 661 3~7 ~561 p.l ................. /~c,l~ c,~^r,i P^~5 USA ~, - /PI-STRICT DO~VA~ ~e~e / ~E~FIELP, CALIFORNIA UNION AVENUE 'IN CANTELMI E~INEE. ~ B2~ERSFIELD. CA 93305 /.AY 4, 2oo, II II IIl/ I I I I II I I II (IO).-~"e EPOXY ANC, HOR~ VERIFY LOCATION E~UIPf"IENT hIP;R, ,j- GENERAl'OR ;22'-O" CONC, Rff. TE FOUNDATION L FOUNDATION PLAN MAY 4 2001 ~a~ o~ Ol 0S:33p Eh[el and Co GG] 3~? 2561 Generator Set Specifications - General See outline drawing 500-3291 for installation design specifications. Unit Width, in.(Itlm) Unit Height, in.imm) Unit Length, in.from) Unit Dry Weigitt. lbs. (kgs) Unit Wet WeighL lbs. (kgs) Rated Speed, rpm Voltage Regulation, Ne Load to Full Lead Random Vollage Variation Frequency RegulalJon Random FrequenGy Variation Radio Frequency Interference 109.8 (2789) 125.0 (3175) 244.7 (6215) 3470! (15740) 35000 (15876) 1800 i0.S% .~0.5% Isochronous Meets requiremenls elr most industrial and commercial applicalions Cooling St~nd~-- ................... Fan Lead, HP (kW) 67.0 (50.0) 5'~.0 (50.0) Coolant Capadty with radialor, US Gal iL) 100,0 (378.5) 100.0 (376) Coolant Flow Rate (engine jacket), Gallmin (IJmin) 510.0 (1930.4). .510.0 (1930) "Coolant Flow Role (a/lercooler), Gallmin (I./min) 135.0 (511.0) 135.0 (511) .He,al Rejection to Eng Jacket Coolant, alu/rain (MJImin) 38300.(~ (40.4) 35300.0 (37.3) He;~t Rejection to AffercooJer Cc~olant' F~ttJlmin (M.Ilmin) 35500.0 (374) ~f:14~ CJ (.~1) .Heal Rejeclion to FUel, Blu/min'(MJImin) 3000.0 (3.2) 3000.0 (3.2) Heat Radiated To Room, 8tulmin (Mi/rain) 30550.0 (21.6) 18350.0 (19.3) I'_Maximum Coolant Fttclion Head (JW), psi (kPe). ;. lO.0 (68.9) 10.0 (69) Maximum Coolanl Friction Head (affercooler)~ psi (kPa) ..... 5.0 (35) "' 5.0 (35) Maximum Co~l~nl Static Nee& ft tm) 60.0 i;~3) 60.0 (18.3) Heat Excng Ma,)(, R,a ,W..W_ ater F~ow (JWIAC); Gallmin (L/mln) 360.0 [1363) 360.0 (1~03) Heal Exchg Max Raw Waler. Press (JW/ACIFuel), psi (kPa) 150.0 (1034.2} 150.0 (1034) Heat Exchg Max Raw water Flow (Fuel), Gallmin' (l_/min) 38 0 (144) 38.0 (144) Max Top Tank Tamp (engine jacket),~F (~C) 220 (104) 212 (100) ~Max Inle! Tamp (alte~cooler)~F (°C) ...... 150 (65) 150 (65) Air Combuslio,~ Air. cfm (m~lmin) 6055.0 (172,0) 5680.0 (161) Alternator Cooling Air, cfm (m'lmin) 10200.0 (290) 10200.0,(290). , Radiator Cooling Ajar, scfm (m~lmin) 66000,0 (1869) 66000.0 (1859) Minimum Ai;'~)penlng lo'~om, ftz(m~) 90.0 (8.4) 90,0 (8.4) Millh~:un} C)i5¢l'~al'(je Ope~,lg, flZ(mz) 01.0 (5.7) 01.0 ($. 7) Max. Stalic Restriction,.in Hie (Pa) ' 0.5 (125.0) 0,5 (125,0) Rating Definitions Standby Rating based on: Applicable for supplying eme~jency power for ~he duration of normal power inlem~ption. No. suslained overload capability is available for this raling.(Equivalenl to Fuel Stop PlOwer in accordance witl~ ISO3046, AS2789. DING271 and B$6614). Nominc)lty rc~ted. Prime (Unlimited Running Time) Rating I~$ed on: Applicable for supplying power in lieu of commercially purchased power. Prime power is Ihe max[mum power available at a variable load fo/' en unix'roiled number of hours, A 10% overload capability is available for limited time. (Equivalent to Prime Power i~ accordance with ISO8528 and Overload Power in accordance wltl~ IS03046, AS2789, DIN6Z71, and BS5514). This rating is not applicable to all generalor set models. Base Load (Continuous) Rating I~ased on: Applicable for supplying power continuously to a constant toad up to tire full output reline for unlimited houm. No sustained overload capabilily is available for this rating. Consull aulhorized dislributor for rat;ne. (~quivelent to Corltin,.J~US Pow(~r in a~.(;ordem;o with 1000520, 1~O~040, A02709, DING271, end BS5514). 'Fi'tis rat[ne iS nOI applicable Io all generator set models. 2000 (}non Corporalion Spccificotions subject to change without not!ce S-1307 Hau 04 01 05:33p 'l'::.'.~ :! *:' "'~ ....... Entel and Co 66I 32? 2561 p.7 Ice Cream Partners. USA Generator Foundation District Blvd. Bakersfield, CA Cantelmi Engineering May 3, 2001 · Calc.Sht. ,--~ of~ Project No. 12160 10,4 H V : q'.+9~ '9,%9 x V-- OTM = 80 Kips (vert. load down on ftg.} K ip-Ft. 80.0 22 Ft. (width of footing} 11 Ft. (leng[h of footingj 1.5 Ft, (depth of footing) S1 -- 0.55 52- 0.19 S3 = N/A LW = N/A KSF Imax. pres. inside kern) ~ KSF (mira pres, inside keml { 0 v.') KSF {max. pres. outside kern} Fr. (length Of pres. wedge) Pres. Slope - O.033 KSF/Ft. 3,5 Ft, (dist, from edge of ftng wi max. pres. to section whl M is desired} 69.0 Kip-Ft. (moment for entire width of ftng. I dS = AS= 14 In.ldepth to steel} 2.10 · Sq. In. (area for entire width of frog. 04 O] Seis. Zone Soil Profile Ct- Na Nv. hn I= R= T=. V/W= VtW V/W= ¥/W V/VV1 a V/W2. = V/W3 = VNV -- VI(I.4*W) = 05:33p Entel and Co SSI 3~7 ~5S1 p.6 NONBUILDIN_G SEISMIC FACTOR 4 (Asaumg~ $0 ' (Assume~) Ice Cream Partners USA Generator FOundalion Districl Blvd. Bakersfield, CA Cantelmi Engineering May 3, Calc Sbt. Project No. 12160 0.02 (=.035 for =,[CCI moment framc~J. -.03 for c~nc. fram¢~ & ceo. bm~cd ~romco. - .02 for all olhe,o) 1 Ca = 0.44 I Cv = 0.64 10.4 Ft. 1 Importance Factor 2.$ (R value for nonbuilding structural system) Ct~(h.)~'.75 = 0.11~ sec. Cv'I/(R'T) = 1,91 (but,. need not exceed:) :~ .~'C~'IIR = 0,38 (but, shall not be less than:) · 11'°Ca*l-= 0,048 (also, shall not be less than:) .8'Z*Nv*I/R = 0,110 , 0.379 Tabte 16~K Table 16-P (30,8) (30-4) (30-5) (30-6) (30-7). (also, shall not be less than:) ,50'Ca°l.= 0.246 (also, shall not be less than:) 1,6*,4'Nv'I/R = 0.221. 0.379 0.271 (34 2) (34-3) O~ O1 05:3~p Entel and Co 661 ~561 p.S cool~; 1997 UBC Ice Cream Partakers. USA Generator Foundation District Btvd, Bakersfield, CA Cantelmi Eflgineermg May 3, 2001 * Calc Sbt. ! of 5 Project No. 12160 NOTE: Thls design is for the generator anchor bolls and founda§on'only. The design of the oeneralor is by others, · Ail structural design not specifically shown, belowis by others, ALLOW. SOIL BEARING PRESSURF See UBC, Table 18-1-^, Class of Mat'l No. 4 Allow. bearing prea~ure = 1500, p~f (+ in~ease~ for width& depth) WIND LOAD: UBC 70 MPH exp. C SEISMIC ZONE: Zone '4 Importance P actor: 1.1) Soil Profile -- SD Na = 1 Nv = 1 05:3~p EnCel and CO 661 3~? ~S61 ENTEL & COMPANY 4009 UNION AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93305 www.engelen~ineers, com ' (661) 327-7025 OI::::I~RAL NOTED ' I~ISTI~IC, T BOUL FVAt~I:7 C, ANTi~LPII EN~INEEla. IN~ · e4A¥ 4. ~q~ET ,.4. OF 4 JOE~ No. 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE GOVERNS DESIGN' AN0 CONSTRUCTION.' THESE GENERAL NOTES SHALL APPLY TO ALL SHEETS iN THIS SET OF PLANS. SAFETY RI[.GULATU~N_S - CALIF. AOMIN. CODE, TIILE B, GENERAL SAFETY. ORDERS ("CAI. OSHA') tS APPLICAgL~ TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT AND PROVISIONS TH£~EOF MUST BE FOLLOWED. ENGEL & COMPANY ENGINEERS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MEANS. AND M'CTHOOS OF CONSTRUCTION. NOR FOR SAFETY ON THE JOBSITE. TH[SE RESPONSIBILITIES ARE .iNTENDED TO BE AND TO REMAIN SOLELY THOSE OF THE BUILDER. A_L.L_~.I__MENSIONS WHICH ARE DEPENDENT ON EXISTING CONOITIONS SHALL 13£ FtELD VERIFIED PRIOR TO' THE'COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION. FOUNDATION DESIGN IS BASED ON UI)C TABLE NO. 18-i-A. CLASS'4 MATERIAL. BEARING FOUNOATIONS SHALL BI[ PLACED AT A I)EP]'H OF AT LEAST 12' INTO NATURAL UN01$TURBED SOIL OR COMPACT[0 (90ir, MINi FILL. ~Lr._TE SHALL HAVE A COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 2500 PSI MINIMUM IN 28. DAYS. USE NO MORE THAN 7.6 GAL. OF WATER PER SACK OF CEMENT. R_[1NFDRCING STF.[L SHALL BI[ DI:-FOEMED BILLET STI[[L BARS CONFORMING TO ASTM A51~, GRAOE 60 (FY~-§O0000 PSI MINIMUM). SPLICES SMALL LAP A MINIMUM OF J~6 DIAMETER5 IN CONCRETE. MAY 4 2001 p.4 Bakersfield Fire' Department Plan review InformatiOn Thank you' for.taking a few minutes to fill out this form. This information will greatly accelerate the plan review process. Todays date .. / / Job name Job Address Job Suite number Occupancy classification Name of complex or strip mall where building is located if not a stand alone ( ie Mervyn's Plaza) Address of complex 'if different from above Is the building fire spnnklered ? Yes 2~No Does the building have a fire alarm ? Names of contact person Telephone # Second contact, optional Telephone # Name of persOn filling out this form S :kforms\plan review questionnaire.wpd · · O May 15,2001 FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 Mr. Frank Cantelmi 2130 "F" Street, Suite B Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: Supplemental Drawing for 2,500 gal Diesel Tank for Ice Cream Partners Dear Mr. Cantelmi: In order to finalize your permit application the followinginformation is required: / A drawing showing the piping configuration from the tank to the generator. The piping material and what type of secondary containment for piping should it leak. 3) A drawing showing tank in secondary containment vault with minimum clearance on either side of tank. 4) m . 5) Is this a gravity feed system or are you using a pump. If a pump, you will need to show emergency shut-off within 25' but not more than 75'. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (661) 326-3979. Sincerely, Steve Underwood Underground Storage Tank Fire Inspector Office of Environmental Services SU/db S:hMAY 2001 \fl2antelmi re Supp Drwg 2500 gal tank SUunderwd Ltr. wpd 7901.4.2,2 7901.11.1.1 7901.4.2.2 Comimstihle liquids. Areas where Class II or lit liq- uids which arc heated above their Ilhsh points are stored, handled or dispensed shall have electrical installations in accordance with Article 79. See also Table 7901. I-A, Footnote 1. 7901.4.3 Other applications. The chief shall determine the ex- tent of thc Class I electrical equipment and wiring location when a condition is not specifically covered by these requirements or the Electrical Code. See Article 90, Standard n.2.2. 7901.4;4 Special hazards. Wiring and electrical equipment located within 25 feet (7620 mm) of any portion of a loading rack shall be designed, operated and installed such that it does not create an. ignition hazard. 7901.5 Fire Protection. 7901.5.1 General. Fire protection for the storage, use, dispens- ing, mixing, handling and on-site transportation of flammable and 6ombustible liquids shall be in accordance with Articles 9, 10 and 79, and the Building Code. Fire protection in petroleum processing plants and facilities or portions of plants or facilities in which flammable or combustible liquids are handled, treated or produced on a commercial scale from crude petroleum, natural gasoline or other hydrocarbon sources shall also be in accorda?ce with nationally recognized standards. See Article 90, Standard a.3.13. 7901.5.2 Special fire-extinguishing equipment. Special fire- extinguishing equipment such as equipment utilizing foam, inert gas or dry chemical shall be provided as the need is indicated by the special hazards of operation, dispensing and storage. See Sec- tion 1001.9. 7901.5.3 Portable fire extinguishers. Portable fire extinguish- ers shall be provided in accordance with UFC Standard 10-1 and as otherwise required by Article 79.. 7901.5.4 Hose lines. Hose lines shall be provided in accordance with Section 1001.9, Article 79 and the Building Code. 7901.6 Construction and Site Requirements. Buildings, or portions thereo}', in which flammable or combustible liquids are stored, dispensed, used, mixed or handled shall be constructed in accordance with the Building Code. Fire apparatus access roads and water supply shall be provided for all portions of facilities and u!ses in accordance with Sections 902.2 and 903. I' 7901.7 Unauthorized Discharges. 7901.7.1 General. Flammable and cc .;.:z.'.ible liquids and petroleum waste products shall not be discharged or released on sidewalks, streets, highways, drainage canals, ditches, storm drains, sewers, flood-control channels, lakes, rivers, tidal water- ways or the ground. Unauthorized discharge or release of such products shall be handled as set forth in Section 8001.5.2. EXCEPTIONS: I. Materials and products intended for use in weed abatement, pest control, erosion control, paving and similar applica- tions when applied in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, label directions and nati~mally recognized standards. 2. Materials released in accordance with federal, state or local gov- m'mncnt regalations.or per[nits of the jurisdictional air quality manage- . "~ board with a n '.:,1 pollutant discharge elimination system permit, with waste discm,~,.: requirements established by the jurisdic- tional water quality control board, or with local sewer pretreatment ro.luiremcnts for publicly owned treatment works. 7901.7.2 Maintenance and operating practices. Maintenance and operating practices shall be in accordance with established procedures which will tend to control leakage and t~nauthorized 1-164 1998 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE discharge of flammable or combustible liquids. Spills shall be cleaned up promptly. 7901.7.3 Leaking cnntainers. Where flammable or combus- tible liquids are stored in containers, provisions shall be made and maintained for the detection of leakage. Leaking containers shall be taken to a sate location in an area not accessible to th_e public and the contents transferred to a liquid-tight container. . 7901.7.4 Site assessment. In the eVent ofa spill,.leak or dis- charge from .4 tank system, a site assessment shall be completed by the owner or operator of such tank system if the chief determines that a potential fire or explosion hazard exists.' Such site assess- ments shall be conducted to ascertain potential fire hazards and shall be completed and submitted'to the fire department within a time period established by the chief not to exceed 60 days. See Appendix II-H. 7901.7.5 Waste control. Waste liquids shall be kept in a sump, tank or receptacle approved for this purpose. ,~ 7901.8 Spill Control and Secondary Containment. When re- quired, rooms, buildings or areas used for storage, dispensing, use, mixing, or handling of flammable and combustible liquids shall be provided with spill control and secondary containment in accord- ance with Sections 8003.1.3, 8004.2.2.5, 8004.2.3.6 and 8004.3.4. 7901.9 Labeling and Signs. 7901.9.1 General. The chief is authorized to require warning signs for the purpose of identifying the hazards of storing or using flammable liquids. 7901.9.2 Style. Warning signs shall be of a durable material with red lettering on a white background and shall read DANGER~ FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS. Letters shall not be less than 3 inches (76.2 mm) in height and t/2 inch (12.7 mm) in stroke. 7901.9.3 Location. Signs shall be posted in locations as required by the chiefi Piping containing liquids shall be identified in accordance with nationally recognized s~andards. See Article 90, Standard a.2.1. 7901.9.4 Warning labels. Warning labels shall be in accordance with the Federal Hazardous Substance Labeling Act and applica- ble state laws. Flammable liquids, and flammable and liquid com- pounds and mixtures manufactured, packaged or offered for sale shall be conspicuously marked or labeled in legible type which is in contrast by typography, layout or color with any other printed matter on the label.. EXCEPTION: Foods, drugs or cosmetics subject to the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. 7901.10 Sources of Ignition. In locations Where flammable vapors could be present, precautions shall be taken to prevent igni- tion by eliminating or controlling sources of ignition. Adequate grounding and bonding shall be provided to prevent the accumula- tion of static electricity wherever Class I or II liquids are trans- ferred or dispensed. See also Section 1109. Open flames and high4emperature devices shall not be used in a manner which creates a hazardous condition. Heating equipment shall be of a type approved for hazardous locations. 1;:XCEPTION: Energy-consuming equipment tis[ed for use with the mnterial stored. Protection against ignitions arising out of static, lightning and stray cnrrents in petroleum industry operations ':!mil be in accord- ance with nationally recognized standards. See Article 90, Stand- ard a.3.13. 7901.11 PiPing,' Valves and Fittings. 79t}1.11.1 Materials and design. 7901.11.1..1 General. piping, valves, fittings and related com- ponents intended for use with flammable and combustible liquids I( 1998 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE SECTION 8003 -- STORAGE 8003. I General. 8003.1.1 .Applicability. Storage of hazardous materials where the ae, oreoate quantity is in excess of the exempt amounts set forth in Section 8001.15 shall be in accordance with Sections 8001 and 8003. Storage of hazardous materials where the aggregate quantity does not exceed the exempt amounts set forth in Section 8001.15 shall be in accordance with Section 8001. For display and storage in retail and wholesale sales occupan- cies. see Section 8001.14. 8003.1.2 Signs. Signs prohibiting smoking Shall be provided in storage areas and within 25 feet (7620 mm) of outdoor storage areas. 8003.1.3 Spill control and secondary containment for hazard- ous materials liquids and solids. 8003.1.3.1 Applicability. Rooms, buildings or areas used for the storage of liquid or solid hazardous materials shall be provided with spill control and secondary containment in accordance with Section 8003.1.3. EXCEPTION: Ou.tdoor storage of'containers on approved contain- ment pallets in accordance with Section 8003.1.3.4. 8003.1.3.2 Spill contrO~l for hazardous materials liquids. Rooms, buildings or area~; used for the storage of hazardous mate- rials liquids in individual vessels having a capacity of more than 55 gallons (208.2 L) or v"~hen the aggregate capacity of multiple vessels exceeds 1,000 gallons (3785 L) shall be provided with S ' I pill control to prevent the flow of liquids to adjoining areas. Floors in indoor locations and similar surfaces in outdoor loca- tions shall be constructed'to contain a spill from the largest single vessel by one of the following methods: 1. Liquid-tight ~;Ioped or recessed floors in indoor locations or similar areas in outdoor locations, 2. Liquid-tight floors in indoor locations or similar areas in out- door locations provided with liquid-tight raised or recessed sills or dikes, or 3. Sumps and collection systems. Except for surfacing, the floors, sills, dikes, sumps and collec- tion systems shall be consi:ructed of noncombustible material, and the liquid-tight seal s: ~.11 be compatible with the material stored. When liquid-tight sills or dikes are provided, they are not required at perimeter openings which are provided with an open-grate trench across the opening that connects to an approved collection system. 8003.1.3.3 Secondary containment for hazardous materials liquids and solids. When required by Table 8003. l-A, buildings, rooms or areas used for the storage of hazardous materials liquids or solids shall be provided with secondary containment in accord- ance with this section when the capacity of an individual vessel or the aggregate capacity of multiple vessels exceeds the following: Liquids: Capacity of an individual vessel exceeds 55 gal- lons (208.2 L) or the aggregate capacity of multi-. pie vessels exceeds 1,00a ,2allons (3785 L). Solids:. Capacity of an individu,, vessel exceeds· 550 " pounds (248.8 kg) or the' aggregate capa~city bf multiple vessels exceeds 10,000 pounds (4524.8 kg). 8003 8003.1.3.4 The building, room or area shall contain or th:ain thc hazardous m~/terials and fire-protectiOn water through the use 6I' one of the following methods: I. Liquid-tight sloped or t:ecessed floors in indoor locations or similar areas in outdoor locations, 2. Liquid-tight floors in indoor locations or ~imilar areas in out- 'door locations provided with liquid-tight raised or r~cessed sills or dikes, 3. Sumps and collection sysiems, or 4. Drainage systems 'leading to an approved location.. Incompatible materials shall be separated from each other in the · secondary containment system. Secondary containment for indoor storage areas shall be designed to contain a spill from the largest vessel plus the design flow volume of fire-protection water calculated to discharge from the'fire-extinguishing system over the minimum required sY~;tem design area or area of the room or area in which the storage is located, whichever is smaller, for a period of 20 minutes. Secondary containment for outdoor storage areas shall be designed to contain a spill from the largest individual vessel. If the area is open to rainfall, secondary containment shall be designed to include the volume of a 24-hour rainfall as determined by a 25-year storm and provisions shall be made to drain accumula- tions of groundwater and rainwater. . A monitoring method shall be provided to detect hazardous materials in the secondary containment system. The monitoring method is allowed to be visual inspection of the primary or secon- dary containment, or other approved means. Where secondary containment is subject to the intrusion of water, a monitoring method for detecting water shall be provided. When monitoring devices are provided, they shall be connected to distinct visual or audible alarms. '" Drainage systems shall be in accordance with the Plumbing Code and the following: · 1. The slope of floors in indoor locations or similar areas in out- door locations to drains shall not be less than I percent, 2. Drains from indoor storage areas shall be ~ized to carry'the volume of the fire-protection water as determined by the design density discharged from the automatic fire-extinguishing system over the minimum required system design area or area of the room or area in which the storage is located, whichever is smaller, 3. Drains from outdoor storage areas shall be sized to carry the volume of the fire flow and the volume of a 2~4-~,our rainfall as determined by a 25-year storm, 4. Materials of construction for drainage systems shall be com- patible with the materials stored, 5. Incompatible materials shall be seParated from each other in il:.: drainage system, and 6. Drains shall terminate in an approved location away from buildings, valves, means of egress, fire access roadways, adjoin- ing property and storm drains. 8003.1.3.4 Containment pallets. When used as a'substitute for spill control and secondary containment for outdoor storage in accordance with the exception in Section 8003.1.3.1, containment pallets shall comply with the following: I. A liquid-tight sump ai:cessible for visual inspection shall be provided, ....... : 2. The sump shall' be designed to contain n~t less than 66 gallons· (249.8 L), 1-213 1998 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE 'shall bc designed and fabricated from suitable materials having adequate strength and durability 16 withstand the pressures, struc- tural stresses and exposures to Which they can be subjected. Such ~Squipment shall be in accordfince with nationally recognized engineering standards; be listed for the application or be ap- proved. See Article 90, Standards a.2.2, a.2.3, a.2.4, a.2.5, a.2.6, u. I. 10 and u. I. 11. Nonm,.'tallic piping, if used, shall be installed in accordance with the. manufacturer's installation instructions: 7901.11.L2 Low melting point materials. Low melting point materials,, such as aluminum, copper and brass; materials which soften on fire exposure, Such as nonmetallic materials; or nonduc- tile materials, such as cast iron, used underground shall be within their pressure and temperature limitations. When such materials are used outdoors in aboveground piping systems or within build- ings, they shall be either: I. Suitably protected against fire exposure, 2: Located such that leakage resulting from failure would not unduly expose persons, buildings or structures, or 3. Located where leakage can readily be controlled by opera- tion of accessible 'remotely loc_ated valves. 7901.11.2 Protection from vehicles. Guard pOsts or Other approved means shall be provided to protect piping, valves or fit- tings subject to vehicular damage. When guard posts are installed, the posts shall-be in accordance with Section 8001.11.3. 7901.11.3 Protection from corrosion and galvanic action. Piping, related fluid-handling components and supports for. both underground and above:ground applications where subject to external corrosion shall be fabricated from noncorrosive materi- als, coated or provided with corrosion protection as specified in Section 7902.6.15. Dissimilar metallic parts which promote gal- vanic action shall not be joined. 7901.11.4 Valves. Piping systems shall contain a sufficient number of manual control valves and check valves to operate the system properly and to protect the plant under both normal and . emergency conditions. Piping systems in connection with pumps shall contain a sufficient number of such valves to properly con- trol the flow of liquid in normal operation and in the event of physical damage or firi~ exposure. Connections to pipelines or piping by which equipment, such as tank cars, tank vehicles or marine vessels, dischai'ges liquid into storage tanks shall be provided with check valves for automatic protection against backflow. Manual drainage-control valves sha!! be located at approved locations remote from the tanks, diked area, drainage system and impou, ..... i; ousm to assure their operation in a fire condition. 7901.11.5 Connections. Connections to an aboveground tank located below normal liquid level shall be provided with internal or external control valves, located as close as practical to the shell of the tank. Except for liquids whose chemical characteristics are incompatible with steel, such valves, when external, and their con- nections to the tank shall be of steel. 7901.11.6 PiPing supports. Piping systems shall be substan- tially supported and protected against physical damage and exces- sive stresses arising from settlement, vibration, expansion or contraction, or exposure to fire. The supports shall be protected against exposure to fire by: I. Draining liquiil away fromthe piping system at a minimum sl,,l,c of not less.than !.percent, 2. Providing protection with a fire-resistive rating of not less than tw9 hours, or 7901.11.1.1 7901.12 3. Qther approved methods. 7901.11.7 Fiexible joints. 7901.1i'.7.1 General. Flexible joints shall be listed and 'approved and shall be installed on underground liquid, vapor and vent piping at the following locations: I. Where piping connects to underground tanks, 2. Where piping ends at pump islands and vent risers, and 3. At points 'where differential movement in the piping can Occur, . 7901.11.7.2 Fiberglass-reinforced plastic piping. Fiberglass- reinforced plastic' (FRP) piping need not be provided with flexible joints in-locations where both of the following conditionsare pres- ent: 1. Piping does not exceed 4 inches (101.6 mm)in diameter, and 2. Piping has a straight run of not less than 4 feet (1219 mm) on one side of the connection when such connections result in a change of direction. In lieu of the minimum 4-foot (1219 mm) straight run length, approved and listed flexible joints are allowed to be used under dispensers and suction pumps, at submerged pumps and tanks, and where vents extend aboveground. 7901.11.8 Pipe joints. Joints shall be liquid tight and shall either· be welded, flanged or threaded. Threaded or flanged joints shall fit tightly by using, approved 'methods and materials for the type of joint. Joints in piping systems used for Class'I liquids shall be welded when ·located in concealed spaces within buildings. Nonmetallic joints shall :be approved and shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Pipe joints which are dependent on the friction characteristics for liquid tightness of piping shall not be used in buildings. The piping shall be secured to prevent disengagement at the fitting. 7901.11.9 Bends. Pipe and tubing shall not be bent in excess of 90 degrees or at a radius less than five diameters of the nominal trade size of the pipe or tube when .the radius is measured from the inside edge of the .pipe or tube. 7901.11.10 Testing: Unless tested in accordance with the appli- cable sections of nationally recognized standards for pressure pip- ing (see Article 90, Standard a.2.3), piping, before being covered, enclosed or placed in use, shall be hydrostatically tested to 150 percent of the maximum anticipated pressure of the system, or pneumatically tested to 110 percent of the maximum anticipated pressure of the system, but not less than 5 psig (34.47 kPa) at the highest point of the system. This test shall be maintained for a suf- ficient time period to complete visual inspection of all joints and connections. For a minimum of 10 minutes, there shall not be leak- age or permanent distortion. Care shall be exercised to ensure that these pressures are not applied [o vented storage tanks. Such stor- age tanks shall be tested independently from the piping. Existing piping shall be testc4 in accordance with Section 7901. I ! t0 when the chief has reasonable cause to believe that a leak ex: ?iping that could contain flammable or combustible liquids sh .... not be tested pne~umatically. Such tests shall heat the expense of the owner or operator. EXCEIrrION: Vapor-recovery piping is allowed to be tested using ;tn inert gas. 7901.12 Powered Industrial Truck Operation. Powered industfi,'il trucks shall be listed and labeled for use in the environ- ment intended and shall be in accordance with nationally recog- nized stanJards. See Article 90, Standard n.2.2. 1-165 ' 1998 CALIFORNIA FIRE COOf 4. 'lank openings shall be capped or plugged, leaving a i/s-inch to 1/4-inch-diameter (3.2 mm to, 6.4 mm) opening t'or pressure equalization, and 5. Tanks shall be purged of vapor and' inertcd prior to removal. 7902. DisPosal. Tanks Shall be disposed Of in accordance with federal, state and local regulations. 7902.1.8 Design, construction an~l, general installation re- quirements for tanks, container~nd equipment. 7902.1.8.1 Portable tanks, containers and equipment. 7902. 'General. Portable tanks, containers and equip- ment used or intended to be used for the storage of flammable or combustible liquids shall be of an approved type. Containers and portable tanks shall be designed and constructed in accordance with nationally recognized standards. See Article 90, Standards u. 1.2 and u. 1.13 and UFC Standard 79-5. The capacity of individ- ual containers and portable tanks for liquids shall be in accordance with Table 7902. I-A. EXCEPTION: Medicines, beverages, foodstuffs and cosmetics when packaged according to commonly accepted practices for retail sales. 7902. Use of tank cars and tank vehicles as storage tanks. Tank cars and tank vehicles shall no[ be used as storage tanks. 7902. Plastic containers. Plastic containers shall not be used for storage of Class I or II liquids unless such containers are listed and approved for such storage or the containers are stored in liquid storage rooms or liquid storage warehouses. See Sections 7902.5.11 and 7902.5.12. EXCEPTION: Plastic containers in Group M Occupancies in accordance with Section 7902. See also Section 7902. for additional limitations. 7902.1.8.2 Tanks. 7902. General. The design, fabrication and construction of tanks shall be in accordance with recognized good engineering practice and nationally recognized standards. Each tank shall bear a permanent nameplate or marking indicating the standard used as the basis of design, fabrication and construction. See Article 90, Standards a.3.1, a.3.2, a.3.3, a.3.4, a.3.5, a.4.8, u.l.3, u.l.5, u.l.7 and u.l.13. 7902. Use of tank cars and tank vehicles as storage tanks. Tank cars and tank vehicles shall not be used as storage tanks. 7902. Pressure limitations for tanks. Tanks shall be designed for the pressures to which they are subjected as follows: i. Atmospheric tanks shall not exceed operating pressures of 1 psig (6.89 kPa) and shall not exceed 2.5 psig (17.2 kPa) under emergency venting conditions. Such tanks shall not be used for the storage,of a liquid at a temperature at or above its boiling point, 2. Low-pressure tanks and pressure vessels are allowed to be used as atmospheric tanks, 3. Pressure vessels are allowed to be used as Iow-pressure tanks, 4. The normal operating pressure of arty tank or pressure vessel shall not exceed the &-sign pressure, and · .5. Unless otherwise approved fired and unf rct[ pressure vessels shall be designed and constructed in accordance with nationally recognized standards. See Article 90, Standards a.3.4 and a.5. I. 7902.1.11.2 7902. Locations subject to flooding. Whcre, a tank is located in an area that is subject to flooding, uplift protection shall be provided. Sec Appendix ll-B. 7902. Acceptance testing. Prior'to being put into serv- ice, tanks shall be tested in accordance with nationally recognized standards. 7902. Product compatibility. Tank construction mated- als shall be compatible with the liquid to be stored. The chief is authorized to require that evidence be submitted to substantiate that the properties of the liquid' are compatible with the tank. 7902. Use of combustible materials in tank construc- tion. Tanks constructed of combustible materials shall be subject tothe approval of the chief and limited to: 1. Installation underground, 2. Case where required by the properties 'of the liquid stored, 3. Storage of Class III-B liquids aboveground in areas not potentially exposed to a spill or leak of Class I or II liquid, 4. Storage of Class III-B liquids inside a building protected by an approved automatic fire-extinguishing system, or 5. Protected tanks which are listed by a nationally recognized testing laboratory to meet UFC Standard 79-7. 7902. Use of concrete in tank construction. Unlined concrete tanks are allowed for storing liquids having a gravity of 40 degrees API or heavier. Concrete tanks with special lini.ngs are allowed for other services, provided the design is in accor- dance with approved engineering practices. See also Sec- tion 7902. 7902. Tank linings. Tanks are allowed to have combus- tible or noncombustible linings. 7902. Tanks containing liquids with high specific gravity and low temperature liquids. Special engineering con- sideration shall be used if the specific gravity of the liquid to be stored exceeds that of water or if the tank is designed to contain liquids at a liquid temperature below 0°F (-17.8°C). 7902. Existing oil storage reservoirs. Existing oil stor- age reservoirs with a concrete lining and with a combustible roof coveting and built prior to the adoption of reqairements set forth in Section 7902.1.8 are allowed to be continued for the storage of petroleum products with a flash point in excess of 150°F (65.6°C). 7902. Corrosion protection. Where subject.to external corrosion, aboveground tanks shall be fabricated from corrosion resistant materials, coated or provided with corrosion protection: 7902.1.9 Inspection, repair} alteration or reconstruction, of tanks and piping. The inspection, repair, alteration or recon struction, including welding, cutting and hot tapping, of above- ground storage tanks and piping that have been placed in service shall be in accordance with nationally recognized standards. See Article 90, Standards a.3.7, a.3.15 and a.3.19. 7902.1.10 Seismic design. In areas subject to earthquakes, the tank supports and connections shall be designed to resist dam~ge as a result of seismic activity ;n accordance with the Building Code. 7902.1.11 Tank vents for nor, ......... 7902.1.11.1 General. Tank vents for normal venting shall.be installed and maintained in accordance with Section 7902.1.11. See Section 7902.2.6 for emergency, vents. 7902.1.11.2 Vent lines. Vent lines from tanks shall .not be used for purposes other than venting unless approved.' " 1998 CALIFORNIA. FIRE CODEO One or more portable 'fire extinguishers having a rating of not less than 20-B shall be located outside of, but not more'than 10 feet, (3048 mm) from, the door opening into a liquid sto~'age room. 7902.5.11.6 Basement storage. Class [ liquids shall not be stored in basements. 7902.5.11.7 Explosion Control. See Section 7902.1.51 7902.5.12 Liquid storage Warehouses. · 7902.5.12.1 General..Buildings ~sed for storage of flammable or combustible liquids in quantities exceeding those set forth in Section 7902.5.7 for control areas and Section 7902.5.11.2 for liq- uid storage rooms shall comply with Section 7902.5.12 and shall be constructed and separated as required by the Building Code. 7902.5.12.2. Quantities and storage arrangement. 7902. General. The total quantities of liquids in a liquid storage warehouse are not limited. The arrangement of storage shall be in accordance with Table 7902.5-D or 7902.5-E. 7902. Mixed storage. Mixed storage shall be in accord- ance with Section 7902. 7902. Separation and aisles. Separation and aisles shall be in accordance with Section 7902. 7902. Stabilizing and supports. Stabilizing and sup- ports shall be in accordance with Section 7902. 7902.5.12.3 Spill control and secondary containment. Liquid storage warehouses shall be provided with spill control and secon- dary containment as set forth in Section 7901.8. 7902.5.12.4 Ventilation. Liquid storage warehouses shall be ventilated in accordance with Section 8003.1.4. 7902.5.12.5 Fire protection. 7902. Fire-extinguishing systems. Liquid storage warehouses shall be protected by automatic sprinkler systems installed in accordance with the Building Code (see UBC Stand- ard 9-1) and Table 7902.5-F, 7902.5-G, 7902.5-H, 7902.5-I or 7902.5-J. In-rack sprinklers shall also comply with UFC Stand- ard 81-2. Automatic foam-water systems and automatic aqueous film forming foam-water sprinkler systems may only be used when ap- proved. Proiection criteria developed from fire modeling or full-scale fire testing conducted at a nationally recognized fire testing labo- ratory is allowed in lieu of the protection as shown in Tables 7902.5-D through 7902.5-J when approved. 7902. Warehouse hose lines. In liquid storage ware- houses, either 11/2-inch (38.1 ~m) lined or l-inch (25.4 mm) hard ~bber hand hose lines shall be provided in sufficient number to reach all liquid storage areas. See also Section 1001.9. 7902.5.12.6 ]Basement storage. Clagz ! liquids shall not be stored in basements. 7902.5.12.7 Explosion control. See Section 7902.1.5. 7902.6 Underground Tank Storage. 7902.6.1 General. Underground storage of flammable and combustible liquids in tanks shall be in accordance with Sections 7902. l and 7902.6. For storage of flammable and combustible liq- uids in below-grade vaults, see Appendix II~J. 7902.5.11.$.2 7902.6.5.3 7902.6.2 Contenls. Underground tanks shall n6t contain petro- leum products containing mixtures of a nonpetroleum nature, such as ethanol or methanol blends, without evidence of compati- · bility. i. '7902.6~3 Location. 'Flammabie and combustible liquid storage tanks located undergr0undI either outside Or under buildings, shall be in accordance with the following: I. Tanks shall beiocated'with respect to existing foundation and supports such that the loads carried by the latter cannot be transmitted to the tank, - 2. The distance from 'any part of a tank storing liquids to the nearest wall of a basement, pit, cellar or property line shall not be less than 3 feet (914.4 mm), and 3. A minimum distance of 1~ foot (304.8 mm), shell to shell, shall be maintained between .underground tanks. 7902.6.4 Depth and cover. Excavation for underground storage 'tanks shall be made with due care to avoid undermining of fot~da- tions of existing structures. Underground tanks shall be set on firm foundations and surrounded with at least 6 inches (152.4 mm) of noncorrosive inert material such as clean sand or gravel well tamped in place or in accordance with the manufacturer's installa- tion insti'uctions. Tanks shall be covered with a minimum of 2 feet "(609.6 mm) of earth or shall be covered by not less than 1 foot (304.8 mm) of earth, on top of which shall be placed a slab of rein- forced concrete not less than 4 inches (101.6 mm) thick. When underground tanks are, or are,likely to be, subjected to traffic, they shall be protected against damage from vehicles pass- ing over them by at least 3 feet (914.4 mm) of earth cover, or 18 inches (457.2 mm).of well-tamped earth plus 6 inches (152.4 mm) of reinforced concrete, or 8 inches (203.2 mm) of asphaltic concrete. When asphaltic or reinforced concrete paving is used as part of the protection, it shall extend at least I foot (304.8 mm) hor- izo. ntally beyond the outline of the tank in all directions. . For tanks built in accordance with Section 7902.1.8, the burial depth and the height of the vent line shall be such that the static head imposed at the bottom of the tank will not exceed 10 psig (68.9 kPa) if the fill or vent pipe is filled with liquid. If the depth of cover exceeds 7 feet (2133.6 mm) or the manufacturer's specifications, reinforcements shall be provided in accordance with the tank manufacturer's recommendations. Nonmetallic underground tanks shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. The minimum depth of cover shall be as specified above in Section 7902.6.4. 7902.6.5 Overfill protection. 7902;6.5.1 General. Fill pipes shall be equipped with a spill container and an overfill prevention system as specified in Sec- tion 7902.6.5. 7902.6.5.2 Spill containers. A spill container shall be provided for each fill pipe to collect liquids spilled by overfilling during tank-filling operations. Containers are allowed to be constructed of single-wall construction. Containers shall have a capacity of not less than 5 gallons ( 18.9 L) a~d shall be equipped with a drain valve which drains a spill into the primary tank. 7902.6.5.3 Overfill prevention system". An overfill prevention system shall be provided for each tank. The system shall either: 1. Have an alarm which provides an audible and visual signal when the quantity of liquid in the tank reaches 90 percent of tank capacity, ~ 2, Automatically shut off the flow when the quantity of liquid in, the tank reaches 95 percent of tank capacity, or 1-179 1998 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE, the hlockin§ of the vapor-return piping by liquid. Condensate tanks shall be located such that they will not be subjected to physi- cal damage. The vent pipe shall enter the tank through the top of the tank. The lower end of vent pipes shall not extend into the tank more that) I inch (25.4 m~n). 791} Manifolding. Manifolded vent pipes shall be adequately sized to prevent system pressure limits from being exceeded when manifolded tanks are filled simultaneously. Float- type check valves installed in tank openings connected to man- ifold vent piping to prevent'product contamination are allowed; provided that the static head imposed at the bottom of the tank will not exceed 10 psig (68.9 kPa) if the fill or vent pipe is filled with liquid when the valves are closed. . EXCEPTION: For motor vehicle fuel-dispensing stations, the capacity of manifolded vent piping shall be sufficient to discharge vapors generated when two manifolded tanks are simultaneously filled. 7902.1.12 Tank vents for emergency venting. 7902.1.12.1 Stationary aboveground tanks. Stationary above- ground tanks shall be provided with emergency venting. For re- quirements, see Section 7902.2.6. 7902.1.12.2 Portable tanks. Portable tanks shall be provided with one or more devices installed in the top with sufficient emer- gency venting capacity to limit internal pressure under fire-expo- sure conditions to 10 psig (68.9 kPa) or 30 percent of the bursting pressure of the tank, whichever is greater. The total venting capac- ity shall not be less than that specified in Sections 7902. and 7902. At least one pressure-actuated vent having a mini- mum capacity of 6,000 cubic feet (169.9 m3) of free air per hour at 14.7 psia (101.3 kPa) and 60°F (15.6°C) shall be used. It shall be set to open at not less than 5 psig (34.5 kPa). If fusible vents are used, they shall be actuated by elements that operate at a tempera- ture not exceeding 300°F (148.9°C). When used for paints, drying oils and similar materials where plugging of the pressure-actuated vent can occur, fusible vents or vents of the type that soften to fail- ure at a maximum of 300°F (148.9°C) under fire exposure are .allowed for the entire emergency venting requirement. 7902.1.i3 Tank openings other than vents. 7902.1.13.1 Inside buildings. 7902. General. Connections for tank openings shall be liquid tight. Openings to tanks shall be located outside of build- ings at a location free from sources of ignition and not less than 10 feet (3048 mm) away from building openings Or of lines of prop- erty that can be built on. Such openings shall be provided with a liquid-tight cap which shall be closed when not in use and shall be properly identified. For top-loaded tanks, a metallic fill pipe shall be designed and installed to minimize the generation of static electricity by termi- nating the pipe within 6 inches (152.4 mm) of the bottom of the tank, and it shall be installed in a manner which avoids excessive vibration. 7902. Vapor recovery. Tank openings provided for the purposes of vapor recovery shall be protected against possible vapor release by means of a spring-loaded check valve or dry- break connections, or other approved device, unless the opening is pipe connected to a vapor-processing system. Openings designed for combined fill and vapor recovery shall also be protected against vapor release unless connection of the liquid delivery line .to the fill pipe simultaneously connects the vapor-recovery line. Connections shall be vapor tight. 7902. 7902. 7902.1.13.1'.3 Valves fi)r tank conneciions. Connections to tanks inside of buildings through which liquid can normally flow shall be provided with an iutcrnal or an external valve located as close as practical to the shell of thc tank. For connections to tanks containing Class I or II liquids inside of buildings, such valve or an additional adjacent valve shall be either: 1. Normally closed and remotely activated, 2. Automatic-closing and heat-activated, or 3. As an alternate to valving an approved device on each liquid- transfer connection below the liquid level, except for connections used for emergency disposal, to provide for quick cutoff of flow in the event of fire in the vicinity of the tank is allowed. 7902. Overflow protection. Tanks storing Class I, II. and III-A liquids inside buildings shall be equipped with a device or other means to prevent overflow into the building. Suitable devices include, but are not limited to, a float valve, a preset meter on the fill line, a valve actuated by the weight of.the tank contents, a Iow head pump ~which is incapable of producing overflow or a liquid-tight overflOw pipe at least one pipe size larger than the fill pipe discharging by gravity back to the outside source of liquid or to an approved location. 7902. Piping, valves and fittings. Connections, fittings and other appurtenances shall be installed in accordance with Sec- tion 7901.11. 7902. Manual gaging. Openings for manual gaging, if independent of the fill pipe, shall be provided with a liquid-tight cap or coven Covers shall be kept closed when not gaging. If · inside a building, such openings shall be protected against liquid overflow and possible vapor release by means of a spring-loaded check valve or other approved device. 7902.1.13.2 Underground. 7902. Piping, valves and fittings. Connections, fittings and other appurtenances shall be installed in accordance with Sec- tion 7901.11. 7902. Manual gaging. Openings for manual gaging, if independent of the fill pipe, shall be provided with a liquid-tight cap or cover. Covers shall be kept closed when not gaging. If inside a building, such openings shall be protected against liquid overflow and possible vapor release by means of a spring-loaded check valve or other approved device. 7902. Fill pipe and discharge lines. Fill pipe and dis- charge lines shall enter tanks only through the top. Fill lines shall be sloped toward the tank. Underground tanks for Class I liquids having a capacity of more than 1,000 gallons (3785 L) shall be equipped with a tight fill device for connecting the fill hose to the tank. Overfill protection shall be provided in accordance with Sec- tion 7902.6.5. For Class I liquids other than crude oil, gasoline and asphalt, the fill pq)c shall be designed and installed in a manner which.will minimize the possibility of generating static electricity by termi- nating within 6 inches (152.4 mm) of the bottom of the tank. 7902. Location of connections that are made or bro- ken. Filling, withdrawal and vapor-mc0very connections for Cla~s I, II and III-A liquids which are made and broken shall be. located outside of buildings at a h~cafion away from sources of ignition and not less than 5 feet (1524 mm) away from building openings. Such connections shall be closed and liquid tight when not in use and shall be'properly identified. 1-171 7902.5.10,1 7902,5,11,5,2 1998 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE 30 gallons ( I 13.6 L) or more shall not be stored more than one con- tainer high. Containers shall be stored in an upright position, 3. Containers on shelves shall be stored in accordance with Table 7902.5-C. Combustible commodities shall not be stored above flammable or combustible liquids, 4. Piles shall not be closer than 3 feet (914.4 mm) to the nearest beam. chord, girder or other obstruction and shall be 3 feet (914.4 mm) below sprinkler deflectors or discharge orifices of water spray or other overhead fire-protection systems, and 5. In areas that are not accessible to the public, Class I, II and · III-A liquids shall not be stored in the same pile or rack section as ordinary combustible commodities unless such materials are packaged together as kits. 7902.5.10.2 Group M Occupancy wholesale and retail sales rises. 7902. General. Flammable and combustible liquids in Group M Occupancy wholesale and retail sales uses shall be in accordance with Section 7902.5.10.2. 7902. Container type. Containers for Class I liquids shall be metal. stored in a liquid storage room complying with Section 7902.5. I 1 and constructed and separated as required by the Building Code. 7902.5.11.2 Quantities 'and arrangement of storage. 7902. General. The quantity limits and arrangements of liquid storage in liquid storage rooms shall be in accordance with Table 7902.5-D or 7902.5-E and Section 7902.5.11.2. 7902.5,11.2.2 MiXed storage. When two or more classes of liq- uids are stored in a pile or rack section: 1. The quantity in that pile or rack shall not exceed the smallest of the maximum quantities for the classes of liquids stored in .accordance with Table 7902.5-D or 7902.5-E, and 2. The height of storage in that pile or rack shall not exceed the smallest of the maximum heights for the classes of liquids, stored in accordance with Table 7902.5-D or 7902.5-E. allowed in nonmetallic containers, each having a capacity of 16 ounces (0.473 L) or less. See also Section 7902. 7902. Container capacity. Containers 'for Class I liq- -uids shall not exceed 5-gallon (18.9 L) capacity. EXCEPTION: Metal containers not exceeding 55 gallons (20812 L) may be used to store up to 240 gallons (908.5 L) of the allowable exempt amount of Classes 1-B and I-C liquids in a control area. The building shall be protected by an approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Table 7902.5-B. The containers shall be provided with plastic caps without cap seals and shall be stored upright. Contain- ers shall not be stacked or stored in racks and shall not be located in areas accessible to the public. 7902. Fire protection and storage arrangement. Fire protection and container storage arrangement shall be in accord- ance with Table 7902.5-C and the following: 1. Combustible commodities shall not be stored above flam- mable or combustible liquids, 2. Stvrage on shelves shall not exceed 6 feet (1828.8 mm) in height, and shelving shall be metal, 3. Storage on pallets or in piles greater than 4 feet 6 inches (1371.6 mm) in height, or where the c'eiling exceeds 18 feet (5486.4 mm) in height, shall be protected in accordance with Table 7902.5-F, and the storage heights and arrangement shall be limited to those specified in Table 7902.5-D, and 4. Storage on racks greater than 4 feet 6 inches (1371.6 mm) in height, or where the ceiling exceeds 18 feet (5486.4 mm) in height, shall be protected in accordance with Tables 7902.5-H, 7902.5-I and 7902.54 as approI ...... e, and the storage heights and arrange- ments shall be limited to those specified in Table 7902.5-E 7902. Separation and aisles. Piles shall be separated from each other by at least 4-foot (1219.2 mm) aisles. Aisles shall be providedso that all containers are 12 feet (3657.6 mm) or less from an aisle. Where the storage of liquids is on racks, a minimum 4-foot-wide (1219.2 mm) aisle shall be provided between adja- cent rows of racks and adjacent storage of liquids. Main aisles shall be a minimum of 8 feet (2438.4 mm) wide. EXCEPTION: In sprinklered buildings an aggregate quantity of ~ Additional aisles shall be provided for access to doors, required 120 gallons (454.2 L) of water-miscible Class I-B and I-C liquids is windows and ventilation openings, standpipe connections, 7902. Storage plan. When required by the chief, aisle and storage plans shall be submitted in accordance with Sec- tion 8001.3.2. mechanical equipment, and switches. Such aisles shall be at least 3 feet (914.4 mm) in width, unless greater widths are required for separation of piles or racks, in which case the greater width shall be provided. 7902. Stabilizing and supports. Containers and piles shall be separated by pallets or dunnage to provide stability and to prevent excessive stress to container walls. Portable tanks stored over one tiei' high shall be designed to nest securely without dun- nage. See UFC Standard 79-5 for requirements for portable tank design. Shelving, racks, dunnage, scuffboards, floor overlay and similar installations shall be of noncombustible construction or of wood not less than l-inch (25.4 mm) nominal thickness. Adequate material-handling equipment shall be available to handle tanks safelyat upper tier levels. 7902.5.11.3 Spill control and secondary containment. Liquid storage rooms shall be provided with spill control and secondary containment in accordance with Section 7901.8. 7902.5.11.4 Ventilation. Liquid storage rooms Shall be venti- lated in accordance with Section 8003.1.4. 7902.5.11.5 Fire protection. 7902~ Fire-extinguishing. systems. Liquid- storage rooms shall be protected by automatic sprinkler systems installed in accordance with the Building Code (see UBC Standard 9-1) and Table 7902.5-F, 7902.5-G, 7902.5-H, 7902.5-I or ~/902.5-J. In- rack sprinklers shall also comply with UFC Standard 81-2. Automatic foam-water systems and automatic aqueous film forming foam (AFFF)-water sprinkler systems may be used only when approved. Protection criteria developed from fire modeling or full-scale fire testing conducted at a nationally recognized fire testing labo- 7902.5:11 Liquid storage rooms. 7902.5.11.1 General. Quantities of liquids exceeding those set forth in Section 7902.5.7 1bt storage in control areas shall be ratory is allowed in lieu of the protection as shown in Tables 7902.5-D through 7902.5-J when approved. 7902. Portable fire extinguishers. One or more porta- ble fire extinguisher having a.rating of not less than 20-B shall be located not less than 10 feet (_~.~. ,g mm) or more than 50 feet (15 240 mm) from any Class I or Il liquid storage area located out- side of a liquid storage room. - 1-178 1998 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE ,~ 7902.2.6 ing alh)wing pressures to exceed 2.5 psig (17.2 kPa). in which case the provision~ of Section 7902.2.3.1 shall apply. Suitable means shall be' provided to prevent the accumulation of Class [. Il or [II-A liqttids under adjacent LP-gas containers such as by dikes, diversion curbs oi' grading. When flammable or com- bustible liquid storage tanks are within a diked area, the LP-gas containers shall be outside the diked area and at least l0 feet (3048 mm) away from the center line of the wall of the diked area. EXCEPTIONS: I. Liqu~:fied petroleum gas containers of 125-gal- lon (473 L) or less capacity installed adjacent to fuel-oil supply tanks of 660-gallon (2498 L) or less capacity.· 2. Horizontal separation is not required between aboveground LP- gas containers and underground flammable and combustible liquid tanks. 7902;2.3.4 Orientation of horizontal pressure tanks. Where end failure of horizontal pressure tanks and vessels can expose property, the tank shall be placed with the longitudinal axis paral- lel to the nearest important exposure. 7902.2.4 Foam fire protection. 7902.2.4.1 Required systems. When required by the chief, foam fire protection shall be provided for aboveground tanks, other than pressure tanks operating at or above 1 psig (6.89 kPa), when such tank, or group of tanks spaced less than 50 feet (15 240 mm) apart measured shell to shell, has a liquid surface area in excess of 1,500 square feet (139.4 m2), and is 1.. Used for the storage of Class I or II liquids, 2. Used for storage of crude oil, 3. Used for in-process products and is located within I00 feet (30 480 mm) of a fired still, heater, related fractioning or proces- sing apparatus or similar device at a processing plant or petroleum refinery as herein defined, or 4. Considered by the chief as presenting an unusual exposure hazard because of topographical conditions; nature of occupancy, proximity on the same or adjoining property, and height and char- acter of liquids to be stored; and degree of private fire protection to be provided and facilities of the' fire department to cope with flam- mable liquid fires. 7902.2.4.2 Installation. Where foam fire protection is required, installation shall be in accordance with UFC Standard 79-1. 7902.2.4.3 Foam storage. Where foam fire· protection is required, foam-producing materials shall be stored on the prem- ises. EXCEPTION: Storage of foam-producing materials off the prem- ises is allowed as follows: 1. Such materials stored off the premises shall be of the proper type suitable for use with the equipment at the installation where required. 2. Such materials shall be immediately available at the storage loca- tion at all times. 3. Adequate loading and transportation facilities shall be provided, 4. The time required to deliver such materials to the required loca- tion in the event of fire si~all uot exceed two hours, and 5. At the time ora fire. these off-premises supplies shall be accumu- lated in sufficient quantities before placing the equipment in operation to ensure foam production at an adequate rate without interruption until extinguishment is accomplished. 7902.2.5 Inerting of tanks with boilover liquids. Liquids with boilover characteristics shall not be stored in fixed root' tanks larger th,n 150 feet (45 720 mm) in diameter unless an approved inerting system is provided on the tank. Emergency relief venting for stationary tanks. '~902.2.3.3 7902.Z6.3.3 7902.2.6.1 General. Stationary tanks shall be equipped with adequate additional venting 'that will~re'lieVe excessive internal pressure cat,sed by exposure to fires. . . EXCEPTION: Tanks larger than 12.000-gallon (~5 420 L) capac- ity storing Class III-B liquids and not within the diked area or the drain- age pat~ of Class I or Il liquids do not require emergency relief, venting. Emergency relief vents shall not be modified, obstructed or otherwise altered such that the required are,.a o~' opening for the re- quired flow rate is reduced. 7902.2.6.2 Type of venting device~ Aboveground storage tanks shall be provided, with construction or devices that will relieve excessive internal pressure caused by exposure fires. Construction methods such as floating root's, lifter roofs, weak roof-to-shell seams or other approved pressure-relieving construction are allowed as methods providing emergency relief venting. Weak roof-to-shell seams shall be constructed to fail before any other seam. Devices such as self-closing manhole covers, covers using l'ong bolts that allow the cover to lift under internal pressure, an addi- tional or larger relief valve or valves or rupture disks are allowed for emergency relief venting. Such devices shall be approved. 7902.2.6.3 Venting sizing. 7902. General. Where emergency relief venting' is pro- vided solely by pressure-relieving devices, the total' venting capacity of both normal and emergency vents shall be enough-to prevent rupture of the' shell or bottom of the tank, if vertical, or of the shell or heads, if horizontal. If unstable liquids are stored, the effects of heat or gas resulting from polymerization, decomposi- tion, condensation or self-reactivity shall be taken into account. The total capacity of both normal and emergency venting devices shall not be less than that derived from Table 7902.2-H, except as provided in Sections 7902. and 7902. The wetted area of the tank shall be calculated on the basis of 55 per- cent of the total exposed area of a sphe~:e or spheroid, 75 percent of the total exposed area of a horizontal tank and the first 30 feet '(9144 mm) above grade of the exposed shell area of a vertical tank. See Appendix VI-C for the square footage of typical tank sizes. 7902. Tanks and storage vessels over 1 psig (6.89 kPa). For tanks and storage vessels designed for pressures over I psig (6.89 kPa), the total rate of venting shall be determined in accord- ance with Table 7902.2-H, except that when the exposed wetted area of the surface is greater than 2,800 square feet (260.1 m2), the total rate of venting shall be in accordance with Table 7902.2-I or. calculated by the following formula: · CFH= 1,107 A0182 For SI: CMH = 220 A°.82 WHERE: A = exposed wetted surthce, iA square feet (m2). CFH = venting requirement, in cubic feet of free air per hour (CMH = m3/h0. The foregoing formula is based on Q ~- 21,000 A°.82 (For SI: (d = 43,198 A0'82). 7902. Emergency relief vents. The total emergency relief venting capacity for a specific stable liquid can be deter- mined by the following formula: l, 337 V CFH - For SI: CMH = 743.4 V CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (805) 326-3979 APPLICATION TO INSTALL AND/OR REMOVE ABOVE GROUND STORAGE TANK(S) In ~nformity with provisions of pertinent ordinances, cod~s and/or regulations, permission is h~reby granted to: ~ Nestle' Ice Cream Company Name of Company 7301 District Blvd.. Bakersfield, Ca. to display, store, install, use, operate,, sell or handle materials or proe~ess involving, or creating conditions deemed hazardous to life or property as follows: One 500 qallon above qround diesel storage tank for the ouroose of dispensin9 fuel for our tow motors at our Bakersfield ice cream Manufacturing facility. subject to the provisions md/or limitations as provided. Violation of pertinent ordinances, cod~ and/or regulations shall void this permit. Issued Permit Denied /[' ~ '//-~'~' Date Wilson as agent for Applicant Name (print) Applicant Signature THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED ~. NOU-20-~? 0~:~ T,~, CONSTRUCTION ?~4 '447 ~082 P.01. CONSTRUCTION W 1111 E. Commonweallh Ave,, Suite Fullercon, CA92631 o License #585756 HA1 (714) 447-4780 ' FAX (714) 447-I082 TOT~ ~ER OF PA~ES (INCL~ING ~IS CO~R PAOE):_ ~ ~SSAGE FROMz IF YOU ~ ~ PRO~LE~ WI~ THiS T~S~SSION, PLEASE C~L AT (714) 447-4780 O~ F~ ~ER IS ($14) 447-1082 ~SSAGE: Fill & crown wit.h concrete grout Guardpost, 4" dia (mia) sch. 40 steel pipe, 3' above finished grade, paint as required Apply tack coat'after form removal - See Note 1 Place 3" wide, full depthA. C. patch (3/8' or #4 max agg, AR4000 binder) - 4'Thick conc,-e',e apron w'2-#4 reba: cc~tinuous. S;cpe apror, as required to a~mmod~e ~e cc, nditons (E) Sawcut , ,_,,~,,_,~,,~ 3'-0" III I C oncrete ~ Footing f nta Aaa Plant 01 W. Mac Arthur Blvd. inta Aaa CA 92704 i4) 557-7470 x (714) 540-0538 )00-862-6465 (Mia) Concr~e tank pad, s~ level and a: least 2' a~ve highes: adjacent exis~'~g finishe= ?ade, unless shown ~-merwise on individ;~ s~e drawing. See Pr.ec, a~ Concrete Pad Drawfn~. ,, ~'~-:~._._~ T I 6" Compared II1 Aggregate Co,,-cacted QSECTION Expansion .type. a. rchc.-s shall be equal to Hilti Kwik-Bolt #~0--30-606). Provide anchors of dia and ,.'~,n embedment as spec by ,m~g for se:S~',,~c 4 per CC~ Title, S~ 2335 Distance from CL ~ e:chor bolt to edge of :ad shall ~'=- m least 10 x anchor bolt See Ear~qua.ke R~-"~Jnt Drawing. (TANK ANCHORAGE ConVault To Dispe,,~er Tank / Rigid Ste~ Conduit . :_xplosion-Proaf Seal 1'-5' ~ G CONDUIT STUB-OUT - '--- We~din; tug or lng c~,mp, on each end of ground wire #8 CoFc.,er wire termi- nations made wf'J~ sot- derless tugs, s,~u;ely bolted in place ~ Cc.:per clad steel ground rod, ~n  3/4' dia x 10' II threaded ~ end w-~ coupli,n; C.'Mng stud. Pe.fform r=~,ance tests QUGN'rNING GROUNDING S-2 TANK PAD SECTION AND DETAILS NO SCALE 1. ConVault precast t=nk pad to be done by tank manufa~uoe~'-. The following parameters are be used: · Mia 6" thick pad. Llvermore Plant 1901 Isabel Livermore CA 94550 (510) 426-1100 Fax (510) 484-2591 · Mia of 4,000 psi concrete ~-.~ rain of 1,000 psf soil beari.'-.: pressure. · Use Seismic Zone 4 Submit calculations by tank stamped by a CaJ~f registere: civi! enaineer. 5 5 O IIATED CONCRETE P DUCTS, INC. A QUIKSET CC~,IPAN'Y Installatiort. · Site Preparation-when using a precast concrete slab, provide level undisturbed earth base with 1" sand topping or 4" of level compacted base run material. · If protective barriers are required, install according to applicable local regulations. 8" CONVAULT PRECAST CONCRETE PAD WITH 6" BERM CONVAULT SIZE QUIKSET MODEL # W L SLAB WEIGHT 250 GALLON CVS-250-B6-8 6'-0" 10'-0" 8,900 lbs. 5O0 GALLON CVS-500-B6-8 . 7'-0" 14'-0" 11,900 lbs. DOUBLE 500 GALLON 8'-0" 14'-0" 15,000 lbs. 1,000 GALLON CVS-1000-B6-8 DOUBLE 1,000 GALLON CVS-2000-B6-8 10'-0' 13'-3" 17,300 lbs. 2,O00 GALLON 4,000 GALLON CVS-4000-B6-8 10'-0" 14'-2" 18,400 lbs. 6,000 GALLON CVS-6000-B6-8 10'-0" 19'-7" 24,700 lbs. 8,000 GALLON CVS-8000-B6-8 10'-0" 25'-1" 31,400 lbs. 10,000 GALLON CVS-10000-B6-8 10'-0" 30'-7"' 37,900 lbs. 12,000 GALLON CVS-12000-B6-8 10'~0" 36'-1' 44,350 lbs. ~ta Ana Plant )1 W, Mac Arthur Blvd. ~ta Aha CA 92704 4) 557-7470 0(714) 540-0538 0-862-6465 Llvermore Plant 1901 Isabel Livermore CA 94550 (510) 426-1100 F'ax (510) 484-2591 CONCRETE PRODUCTS, INC, A QUIKSET COMPANY ? Side .~iec~ ~ 2. ,--.,nish: Galva~,ize after .--?2cr!cadcn 3. ~ra--.k a~qd 0ecufr ShaT: E~ces 4. Use "1' x "J' Hiiti K',vik-gcit II';,v/Min "K" Ccncreta (2000 ;si I J I K I L I M I'1' I'1' I' '1'1' I' 3/16' I 1" MM) ~dge Oi~,c3. ln~all per Rec~'mrnendaticns. Use "NI' Rest~Jn~ :er Tank. EARTBQUAKE RESTRAINT ~"-' TANK CONVAULT ~aY~OUAK~ RESTaAINT DATA ~ S~Z~ A I ~ C I O I ~ I F 500 1,0CO DBL1CO0 2,000 4,000 8;SC0 '1 '1 12.0CC j Santa Aha Plant 4,301 W. Mac Atl~.ur .qlvd. Santa Aha CA 92704 L,'verrncre Plant 1.$01 Isabel ~ve~cr~ CA ~550 OCI/ TED C fETE PRODUCTS, INC. A QUIK~Ei'. NOU-20-1997 09:19 T.W. CONSTRUCTION 714 44? 1082 P.02 7 Gallon Overfill ~ Containment. ~1 ;j~l /~' .r"J .... ~ _ Pipe Nipples as Required for ,, Connections Overfill Dump Valve Reinforced ~L " Concrete Tank ~ Support Legs 6" cf 4500 psi UL Listed Reinforced Steel Tank ~~Concrete Insulation I Steel Rebar Secondary I"-~'. :i / Fuel Resistant Containment Protective Coating CONSTRUCTION FEATURES -Steel tank shall be UL listed for above ,Tank wall system shall be listed in . ?Vaults shall be placed on a properly ground storage of flammable liquids, accordance with UL subject 2085 and engineered reinforced concrete .Dad. shown to have a two-hour fire rating, · Steel tank skin shall be 1/8' (20 year ,Vaults sl~all have exterior fuel resistant warranty) or 3/16" (30 year warranty) ,Vaults shall have the capability of protective coatings. thick A.S.T.M. A-36 steel plate, physical monitoring between the primary and the secondary · Steel tanks shall be rectangular in containment. shape and have continuous welds on all sides. -The secondary containment shall ' consist of a 30 mil high-density -Steel tank and secondary containment polyethylene geomembrane, shall be encased in six inches of 4,$00 P.S.L reinforced concrete. -The vaull shall be a monolithic (seam less and continuous) concrete pour · Steel tank shall be pressure tested at and contain no cold points or heat ¥ 5 P.S.I.G. for 24 hours without sinks (heat transfer points) on the pressure drop. bottom or sides. Santa Ane Plant 4301 W. Mac Arthur Blvd. Santa Aaa CA 92704 (714) 557-7470 Fax (714) 540-0538 1-800,,862-6465 Uvermore Plant 1901 Isabel l..Jvermore CA 94550 (510) 426-1100 Fax (510) 484-2591 c o. c. CC i AT E D ETE PRODUCTS. INC. A QUIKNET COMPANY NOU-20-1997 09:20 T.W. CONSTRUCTION 714 449 1082 P.03 * Note: 2" Coupling with Level Gauge Ventfn§ Device May be- '. Required on Secondary Conlainment Depending on Local Jurisdiction. Coupling with 2" Vent Riser and Pressure O O Vacuum Cap ( 4", 6" or 8" Em,ergency Leak Detector Tube 0 Vent (Sized per Tank Requirements)~ . Secondary Emergency Vent ConVault Tank Pretest or Cast in Place Foundation and/or Containment Pad 0 Tank Mounted Pump with Nozzle, Cap Unused Fittings Filter, Hose and Accessories as Requii:ed Required Containment w~th ' Foundation Pail for Stairs Aluminum Drop Tube or Optional Stairs for Fill Access TYPICAL TANK MOUNTED PUMP ACCESSORY PACKAGE DIESEL I~ACKAGE * For 2000 Gallon and Smaller ConVaults ~ / ALP PART -~0-80-251 · 15 gpm Fuel Pump * 4" Lockable Fill Cap * Four Decals - Diesel · Fuel Filter and Adapter · 4" or 6" Emergency Vent ,, Four Decals - Flammable '-' · 1' Suction Tube · Three 2" Couplings or Caps OPTIONAL ITEMS; ,, 3/4' Swivel as Required ' Fill Umtter · Automatic Shut Off Nozzle · 12' Hose · Stick PortJ2" Qu[ck Connect (Diesel) · 4" Drop Tube Sized for Tank Cam Lock o 2" Vent Riser Sized for Tank · FueJ Level Gauge · 2' Pressure Vacuum Vent · Wood Gauge Stick ~,~ Riser - Four Decals - No Smoking Santa Aha Plant Uvermom Plan,A OCi/ TED 4301 W. Mac Arthur Blvd. 1901 Isabel Santa Aha CA 9270~ IJvermore CA 94550 (714) 55'7-7470 (510) 426-1100 CONCRETEPRODUCTS Fax C/'1'4) 540-0538 Fax (510} 484-2591 ~ , I NC. NOU-20-1997 09:20 Guardpos! ~yp) See Note 6 and Detail I, $-2 Tank Pad See Note 3 Tank Vent Ligntning Ground Rod See Detail 4, $-2 Conduit Stub-Out Near Dispenser See Detail 3, 5-2 Tank Anchorage See Detail 2, S-2 and Earthquake Restraint Drawing ®1 T,W. CONSTRUCTION TW~- 10'-0" TW+3'-0" Tank Width (TW) ~ 44? 1082 P.04 ConVault l=uel Tank(s) Dispenser (Single, Spilt, or Multiple See Note 4 Tank(s), See Note 1 ~O Fill & Vapor Recovery Ports I See Note 4 El ~ ~ I 0 0 0 0 O' Tank Length (TL) TL.3'-o" TL+ 10'-0" NOTES: 1. (Typ) S-1 PLAN VIEW- TANKS, PAD AND GUARDPOSTS NO SCALE The PLAN VIEW is illustrative of a single, split, or multiple tank arrangement. Tank pad to have 1'iD clearance all around on tank(s) and guardposts to be 5'-0" center line to edge of tank(s) all around. 3' clearance between tanks, unless shown otherwise on individual site drawings. Length and width of tank pad depends upon dimensions of tank. Dispensers and fill ports are arranged for clarity of illustration and may not represent actual locations, Coordinate port location 'with the ConVault manufacturer at time of order, 5. Tank(s), dispenser(s), and fill platform(s) lo be protected by guardposts on ali sides unless indicated otherWise on individual site drawings. 6. Guardposts to be equally spaced, where possible, along edges of pad and plumb. Number of guardp~sts to be determined by tanl~'size and site layout. Santa Aha PlBnt 4301 W. Mac Arthur Blvd. Santa Aha CA 92704 (714) SS7-7470 Fax (714) 540-0S38 1-800-862.6465 Uvermore Plant 1901 Isabel Uvermore CA ~4,550 · (510) 426-1100 Fax (510) 484-2591 OCIATED CFIETE-PRODUCTS, INC, A QUIKSET COMPANY NOU-20-1999 09: 21 concrete grout Guardpost, 4" die (mia) sch. 40 steel pipe, 3' above ~ finished grade, paint as required 'Apply tack coat after form removal - See Note 1 Place 3" wide, full depth A.C. patch (3/8" or #4 max egg, AR4000 binder) - (E) Sawcut ill II1~111~111 Concrete Footing f Santa Aaa Plant 4301 W. Ma= Anflur Blvd. Sant~ Aaa CA 92704 (714) 557-7470 Fax (?14) 540-053a 1-800-862-6465 T.W. CONSTRUCTION 4" Thick concrete apron w/2-#4 rebar continuous, Slope apron as required Ia accommodate site conditons 714 447 1082 P.05 Concrete tank pad, set level and at least 2" above highes~ adjacent existing finished grade, unless shown otherwise on individual site drawings. See Precast Concrete Pad Drawing. L. (Mtn) I ~ 6" Compacted Aggregate Compacted Subgrade QSECTION Expansion type anchors shall be equal to Hilti Kwik-Bolt #(70-60-606). Provide anchors of die and mia embedment as spec by mfg for seismic 4 per CCR Title, Sec 2336 Distance from CL of anchor bolt to edge of pad shall be at least 10 z anchor bolt dia. See Earthquake Restraint Drawing. QTANK ANCHORAGE ConVault Tank To Dispenser /Rigid Steel Conduit F. xp]osion-Proo/ ~ Seal Finish Grade 2' (~ CONDUIT STUB.OUT 'Welding lug or ground- ing clamp on each end of ground wire ~8 Copper wire termi- nations made with sol- derless lugs, securely bolted in place Copper clad steel ~ ground rod, mtn  3/4' die x 10' long, threaded stop end ~lll~ , :' with coupling and ' ~H_/~ driving stud, ~1_I_1~ ~ Perform ground I~11111 III resistance tests (k~ LIGNTNING GROUNDING S-2 TANK PAD SECTION AND DETAILS NO SCALE NOTES: 1. ConVault precast tank pad design to be done by tank manufacturer, The following parameters are to be used: · Mtn 6" thick pad. Uvermore Plant 1901 Isabel Livermore CA 94550 (51 O) 426-1100 Fax (510) 484-2591 · Mtn of 4,000 psi concrete and mia of 1,000 ps'/soil bearing pressure. · Use Seismic Zone 4 criteria. Submit calculations by tank mfg stamped by a Calif registered lone' A OCIATED CONCRETE PRODUCTS, INC. :: A QUIKSET COMPANY NOU-20-1997 09:21 CONSTRUCTION 714 44? 1082 P.06 Leak Detector ConVault Tank ~® (D 48"Maximum TRAFFIC AREA Filled Pipe Barrier or Precast Bollards See Drawing S-2 Section 1 VEHICLE PROTECTION BARRIER INSTALLATION Santa Aha Plant 4301 W. Mac Arthur Blvd. Santa Arm CA 92704 (7!4) 557-7470 Fax,(714) 540-0538 Llvermom Plant 19Ol Isabel l..lvermom CA 94550 Fax (510) 484-2S91 cAo.. O¢IATED C ETE PRODUCTS, INC. A QUIKSET COMPANY TOTRL P. 06 dO? 7o ..(la, Id.I-, LOS ANGELES. AI~Cl,q'I T JCT KBmL.J.E I.