HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION (2) I , UNITED I ,STATES ' COLD I ' STORAGE. Inc. I '1 I I I I I I 1 -' t If 5' NITS +20' F ~ [ I ~ UTL +2O' F OIL POT Vtk'INP. I ............................. Session 1 for BAKER .............................. Company: united States Cold Storage, Inc. Location: Bakersfield, CA. Facility: Cold Storage Session Date: 04-15-87 Name Phone number Location Leader: Jim Marrelta 708/442-6660 USCS, Lyons Scribe: Jim Marrella Team: Victor Arnett, Reg. Engineer 916/391-7829 USCS, Sacramento Ron Whisenant, Chief Eng. 805/832-2653 USCS, Bakersfield Comments: ............................ Session 3 for BAKER .............................. Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Location: Bakersfield, CA. Facility: Cold Storage Session Date: 04-17-97 Name Phone number Leader: James C. Marrella 708/442-6660 Scribe: James C. Marrella 708/442-6660 Team: V. D. Arnett, Regional Eng. 916/391-7829 R. Whisenant, Chief Engineer 805/832-2653 Location USCS, Lyons USCS, Lyons USCS, Sacramento USCS, Bakersfield Comments: .......................................................... d ..................... Consequence (Severity) Classification SEVERITY CLASS TARGET HAZARD OPERATIONAL LOW MEDIUM HIGH (1) (2) (3) (4) Public Safety No injury or health effects Minor injury or minor Injury or moderate health Death or severe health (Pdme Target) health effects effects, effects. Employee (Operator) No injury or occupational Minor injury or minor Injury or moderate Death or severe Safety safety impact, occupational illness, occupational illness, occupational illness Environment None Spill'of hazardous Large spill of hazardousExtensive spill of materials into a materials into surface hazardous materials into COntainment. water or contaminating surface water or. ground water, contaminating ground water. Facility/Equipment Less than one week. Between one week and Between one and six More than six months. Downtime one month, months. Revised July 7, 1993 US Cold Storage LIKELIHOOD SEVERITY 1 2 3 4 1 1 I 2 1 1 2 3 i234 1 3 4 4 1 2 3 4 Likelihood 4 High 3 Medium 2 Low 1 Very Iow Occurs more than once a year. Expected several times during the facility's lifetime. Expected once during the facility's lifetime Not expected during the facility's lifetime. Numbers Category Description 4 Unacceptable Should be mitigated with engineering and/or administrative controls to a risk ranking of 2 or less within a specified time period such as 6 months. Undesirable Should be mitigated with engineering and/or administrative controls to a risk ranking of 2 or less within a specified time period such as 12 months. 2 Acceptable with Controls Should be verified that procedures or controls are in place. Acceptable as is No mitigation required. RISKRANK QUATTRO Action Items WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 1 04-15-87 Revision: 0 - - System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Action Items Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 1 Subsystem: 2. Screw Compressors, continued. + ..... +- Dwg#: R-3, R1,7 IRef #1 WHAT IF... HAZ~ ,+ ...................... + .................. +-+-+__+ ......... + ..... + ......... , ~-~u ~ CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS ' ~ ' .... - ............ + - - - + - + - + ........................ + - + ..................................................... i~J"lK I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR COMMENTS 1 15. Oil Separator access IPossible release of ISee What-if question I I ............ + ........................ +-' Icover bolts "back off" Irefrigerant into an 1#4 of this section forI Iwhile the compressor is 'enclosed area. Iunder pressure? 16. Failure of low oil Ipressure safety cutouts? Loss of low oil Ipressure protection !if switch fails closed. Iconsequences and Isafeguards. IPotential damage to Icompressor bearings land shaft seal. IPossible IDLH latmosphere. IAnnual preventive Imaintenance of the Irefrigeration lequipment. IEngine room is lequipped with an lammonia detector. IThe ammonia Idetector is Imonitor by the Ilocal alarm Icompany. IComputer monitors Ithe engine room lammonia detector Iwhich shut down Ithe engine room, Istarts the Iventilation fans land scrubber per + ...... Isystem designed. ........................................ + +++ IConsider revising yourlJCM Icompressor maintenancelVDA Iprocedures to verify IRWW Ithe proper tork of theI Ibolts after new gasketl linstallati°n' IConsider revising yourlJCM lannuat preventive I VDA Imaintenance procedureslRWW Iof the refrigeration lequipment to check all lelectrical safety Icutouts through Ipressure activation. ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ..................... +_ W~AT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: i 04-15-87 Revision: 0 Action Items Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 2 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 3 Screw Compressors, continued. Dwg#: R-l, R-3,7 ..... +.__+.+-+--+ ..................... +-+ · + lBY [SILIRI COMMENTS IYI Ref # I WHAT IF. HAZARD CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS I S I L IR I RECOMMENDATIONS .......................................................... that the · . + IVDAI 3 13. Pressure safety Pressure safety relief Premature (false) IAll pressure 111211 IVertify Irelief valve setting is valve may open due to release of refrigerantlsafety relief Ipressure safety reliefl Ito low for the system normal pressure within to the ammonia Ivalves are supply Ivalve for the oil Inormal operating the refrigeration adsorption tank. Iby the I cooler is supply by ipressure? system· Possible release of Imanufacturer at IFrick' refrigerant to the Itime of purchase I environment· Iwith the I equipment. IUSCS PSM program I ,,Replacement in ITraining of the I maintenance lemployees as to Ithe operation and I function of the Ipiping and valving Ic°nfigerati°n for I the I refrigeration Ipressure relief Ivalves system. I System operating I conditions and I levels are Ivisually monitored IPSRV vent is l equipped with an I ammonia detector sensor. The ammonia detector is monitor by the local alarm company. Computer monitors the engine room ._+.+__+ ..................... +-+ .................. +-+-+--+ .......................... WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 1 04-15-87 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 3. Screw Compressors, continued. + ..... + ........................ + ....................... IRef #1 WHAT IF... ~ HAZARD Action items Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 3 Dwg#: R-i, R-3,7 ........................................ +-+-+--+ ...................... +___+-+-+_-+ ..................... +-+ CONSEQUENCES SAFEGUARDS I S I L IR I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY t S I L l R I CO~4ENTS I Y I + ..... + ........................ + ................................................................. +_+_+__+ ...................... +---+-+-+--+ ..................... +-+ ammonia detector which shut down Ithe engine room, starts the ventilation fans and scrubber per system designed. ITraining of the Imaintenance lemployees for lemergency Iresponse. + .............................. + ....................... + ...................... + .................. +-+-+ ......................... +_--+-+-+.-+ ..................... +-+ WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Action Items Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 4 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 1 04-15-87 Revision: 0 System: i Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 6. High Stage Screw Compressor. Dwg~: R-1 R-3, 7 ..................................................................................... +_+_+__+ .......................... +-+-+--+ ..................... +-+ IRef #1 WHAT IF... HAZARD CONSEQUENCES SAFEGUARDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR I COMMENTS IYI 4 IHigh suction ITraining of the Illlt llConsider marking the maintenance valve "Do Not Open". employees as to the operation and function of the piping and valving configeration for the refrigeration compressors. USCS Lockout Tagout program. Remote location. Compressors are equipped with amp meters and are monitored and logged daily. Compressors are lequipped with high suction pressure and temperature cutouts. Compressor's alarms are monitored and alarmed to the local alarm company. 5. Manual valve opened IIncrease in low stage in crossover line Isuction (between high side and Ipressure/temperature. low side, crossover ivalve is normally closed and used for pull down only)? Itemperature on high Istage compressors. IPossible short life of Ithe high stage [compressors. WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Action Items Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 5 Potentially overpressurize charging line, which could lead to an ammonia release to the environment. 5 I1. Manual valves closed lin chargin9 lines durin9 Icharging operations by mistake? 6 !valve on discharge side of tank truck pump relieves back to the tank truck. SCBA, canister and suits are available in Inearby engine room ITank truck driver land trained Ioperator present Iduring charging Ioperations. ICharging line is lequipment with a Icheck valve on Isystem side. lplug at the outlet of Ithe charging line. tConsider purchasing I"Warning Signs" that lare required in our ISOP for charging Ioperation. IConsider painting lexternal portion of Ithe charging line land installing stem Icover. IVDAI IRWW + ..... + ........................ + ....................... + ...................... + .................. +_+_+__+ ...................... +___+_+_+ ........................ +-+ Potentially develop high pressures in charging line. Session: 2 04-16-97 Revision: 0 - System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 14. Chargin9 Operations. Dwg~: R-01 + + + + + + + + + ............... +___+_+_+ ........................ +_+ IRef #1 WHAT IF... I HAZARD I CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR COMMENTS lYf + ..... + ....................... + ....................... + + ......................................... +_+_+__+ ...................... +___+_+_+ ........................ +-+ Pressure safety 13 lll IConsider installing a tJCMI WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 24. Emergency Ammonia Diffusion System IRef #1 W}{AT IF... HAZARD Action Items Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 6 Dwg#: R-13 ....................... + .................. +_+_+__+ ...................... +_--+-+-+__+ ..................... +-+ CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR I COMMENTS IYI + .....+ ....................................................................... + .................. +-+-+__+ ...................... +---+-+-+--+ ..................... +-+ 8 16. The FDERD piping Uncontrolled release of Loss of charge of IMaintenance of thet41112 IConsider installing Isystem is broken at the refrigerant, refrigerant, tpipe outer surfacel II lguard post by the IJCM Iwall from the engine I I I I IFDEADS- IVDAt IrOOm. ILocated in remote I t I I I lares away from I I I I I Itraffic. { I { 1 I + .....+ ......................................................................... + .................. +-+-+--+ ...................... +___+_+_+_o+ ..................... +-+ Worksheet WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Worksheet Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: i 04-15-87 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 1. Screw Compressors. I W~AT IF... I ~AZARD I CONSEQUENCES I1. Hand valve closed in ILow suction pressure tCompressor may over Ithe individual lmay develop within the Iheat. Possible damage Icompressor suction line Icompressor. Ito mechanical seal, Iby mistake before the I Ipossible IDLH equipment was started upi atmosphere. or while running? Dwg#: R-3, R-l,7 SAFEGUARDS Training of the maintenance employees as to the start up and operation of the refrigeration compressor. USCS, Standard Operational Procedures (SOP)s for the start up of the refrigeration compressors. USCS, Lockout/Tagout Iprocedures. IDaily visual Ichecks are made of the refrigeration iequipment. iCompressors iequipped with low isuction pressure cutouts with pre- alarms. Compressors are monitored and alarmed to local alarm company. Engine room is equipped with an ammonia detector. The ammonia detector is monitor by the local alarm Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 1 RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR I COMMENTS ........................................................................................... +-+-+--+ ..................... k+___+_+_+__+ ..................... + WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc' Facility: Cold Storage Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 2 Session: 1 04-15-87 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 1. Screw Compressors. Dwg~: R-3, R-l,7 + ....................................................................... + .................. +_+_+__+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ...................... WHAT IF... HAZARD CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS ISILIR [ RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR I COMMENTS ........................................................................ + .................. +_+.+__+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ...................... Icompany. IComputer monitors Ithe engine room lammonia detector Iwhich shut down Ithe engine room, Istarts the Iventilation fans land scrubber per Isystem designed. 12. Suction strainer Low suction pressure Loss of capacity and ITraining of the Illll 1I lassociated with may develop within the Icompressor may heat Imaintenance lindividual compressor is compressor. :up. lemployees as to Iplugged due to a dirty Ithe operation of Isystem/p°°r maintenance?l Ithe refrigeration Icompressor Ifiltering system. IAnnual preventive Imaintenance of the Irefrigeration lequipment. ISystem operating Iconditions and Ilevels are Ivisually monitored land logged daily. IOlder Irefrigeration Isystems are Igeneral cleaner Ithan newly linstalled Irefrigeration Isystems, less Ilikely to plug Istrainers between Ischedule Imaintenance. ....................................................................... + .................. +-+-+--+ ............ . .......... +---+_+_+__+ ..................... WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Worksheet Session: 1 04-15-87 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 1. Screw Compressors. Dwg#: R-3, R-l,7 CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS [SILIR ....................... + .................. +_+_+__~ ICompressors lequipped with low Isuction pressure Icutouts with pre- lalarms. ICompressors are lequipped with high Idischarge and oil Itemperature Icutouts. ICompressor's lalarms are Imonitored to the Ilocal alarm Icompany. INo safety or lenvironmental Iconseguences Ioperability issue. IPotential damage to ITraining of the 131 12 Icompressor which couldlmaintenance lead to an ammonia lemployees as to release to the engine Ithe operation and !room and/or Ifunction of the environment. Ipiping and valving WHAT IF... I HAZARD + 3. Suction strainer Lower than normal associated with Isuction pressure could individual compressor isldevelop within the Ipartially plugged? Icompressor. 14. DisCharge hand valve IHigh discharge pressure Iclosed in individual Icould develop in Icompressor by mistake Icompressor. while the compressor was started up or while it was running? Iconfiguration for Ithe refrigeration Icompressors. lUSCS, Standard 10perational IProcedures I(SOp)s for the Istarting up of Ithe refrigeration Icompressors. ILockout/Tagout procedures. ---+ .................. +_+_+__+ ...................... +___+_+_+__. Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 3 ....................... +___+_+_+ ........................ ~.CO~ND~TIONS I~¥ Is I L I~ ~O~NTS ....................... +___+_+_+ ........................ Worksheet NHAT' IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 1 04-15-87 Revision: 0 - System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Dwg#: R-3, Subsystem: 1 Screw Compressors.---~ + ................ HAZARD I CONSEQUENCES SAFEGUARDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS Compressors are equipped with current motor overload (pre- alarm) and cutouts· Compressors equipped with external pressure safety relief valves· PSRVs are vented to the ammonia absorption tank. Compressor's lalarms are Imonitored by the Ilocal alarm Icompany. IEngine room is lequipped with an lammonia detector. The ammonia detector is monitor by the local alarm company. Computer monitors the engine room ammonia detector which shut down the engine room, starts~the ventilation fans and scrubber per system designed. Training of the ......................................... +-+-+--+ ............... ~_- Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 4 .... +-+.+--+ ..................... BY ISI~IR I COMMENTS .... +-+-+--+ ..................... WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Worksheet Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 1 04-15-87 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 1. Screw Compressors. + .... Dwg#: R-3, R-l,7 I W~AT IF.. I HAZARD I CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR I COMMENTS I I I Imaintenance ................................... I I I lemployees for I I I lemergency Iresponse. 15. Suction check valve ICheck valve could fail INo consequences. Ifailed on individual Iclosed. However, highlyI Icompressor DURING shut- lunlikel~. No recorded I down? incident in this I industry per Henry I Valve Company. I Check valve could fail IReverse flow through IScrew compressor I°pen' Ic°mpressOr. Possible Ipackage has two tloss bf oil charge, Icheck valves, Ipossible to mechanicalldischarge and Iseal. Possible IDLH Isuction' latmosphere in the lengine room· IAnnual preventive I Imaintenance of the Irefrigeration lequipment' 6. Discharge check valve Check valve could fail INo consequences. failed on individual closed. However, highlyI Icompressor DURING lunlikely. No recorded I shutdown? lincident in this I lindustry per Henry I IValve Company. I ICheck valve could fail IReverse flow through IScrew compressor 131212 I°pen' Ic°mpressOr. Possible Ipackage has two Iloss of oil charge, Icheck valves, Ipossible to mechanicalldischarge and Iseal. Possible IDLH Isuction. latmosphere in the lengine room. ISystem operating I Iconditions and I Ilevels are I Ivisually monitored I land logged daily. 7. Both check valves Reverse flow through IPotential damage to ITwo'check valves. 31212 failed on an individual the compressor causing Icompressor and developI I I Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 5 WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 1 04-15-87 Revision: 0 Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 6 Y : ic%lm~ Ammonia Refrigeration System g . - · ressors. . D_w_ #_ R_ 3+ R_ I_ ] ................................. ____ +~. ~S~L~R~ COMMENTS · _ ..... + ....................... * .................. ,'- ..,~,,nomc SIL{R { RECOMMENDATIONS =x { { { { ......... u~ ~UD CONSEQUENC I .......................... +- + - +- - ' wHAT IF... I ..... - ....... + .................... +'+-'+ ........................ + ........ Training of the compressor at the same time DURING shutdown? 8. Suction check valve failed open while compressor was down (not the compressor to run backwards. Migration of liquid to the compressor oil sump and crankcase. Migration of liquid to the compressor's coa!escer oi,1 filter Ihigh intermediate Ipressure and loss of oil charge in that individual compressor to intercooler and/or other high stage compressors on line. On compressor startup ~apid boiling of refrigerant, causing low oil level in 9. Discharge check valve failed open while compressor was down (not maintenance employees as to the shut down and the valving off of the refrigeration compressors. System operating conditions and levels are visually monitored and logged daily. Training of the maintenance employees for emergency response. Oil sump heaters. I1 211 Training of the maintenance compressor package, employees as to Possible damage to thelthe start up compressor's bearing, Ioperation and and seals. Possible Ifunction of the short life of compressor. Due to compressor design, No safety or environmental Irefrigeration Icompressor Ipackage. System operating conditions and levels are visually monitored logged daily. running) 7 lelements compartment, consequences ...... I~ I I I operability issue. . ............ +---+-+-+--+ .................. WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Worksheet Primatech Inc. Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. System: Facility: Cold Storage Page: Session: 1 04-15-87 Revision: 0 - System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 2. Screw Compressors, continued. Dwg#: R-3, R1,7 ............................................... + ...................... + .................. +-+_+__+ ...................... +---+-+_+_-+ ..................... WHAT IF... + I~AZARD I CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS ....................... + ...................... + .................. +_+_+__+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ..................... Loss of lubrication of IPotential damage to System operating I1. Loss of oil pressure Ito individual compressor Ithrough line blockages, Iloss of oil or oil pump, Iplugged filter, poor oil distribution, etc? Ithe compressor. Loss of compressor oil Icompressor bearings land shaft seal. IPossible IDLN latmosphere in the engine room. See What-if question 12. Oil coalescer filter conditions and levels are visually monitored daily. ICompressor's linternal computer is programed with a pre-alarm for low oiI pressure. IAnnual preventive maintenance of the refrigeration equipment. Engine room is equipped with an ammonia detector. The ammonia detector is monitor by the local alarm company. Computer monitors the engine room ammonia detector which shut down the engine room, starts the ventilation fans and scrubber per Isystem designed. ITraining of the Imaintenance lemployees for lemergency Iresponse. WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Worksheet Primatech Inc. Company: United Stat~s Cold Storage, Inc. System: 1 Facility: Cold Storage Page: 8 Session: 1 04-15-87 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 2. Screw Compressors, continued. Dwg#: R-3, R1,7 + ........................ + ....................... + ......................................... +-+-+--+ ...................... +.--+-+-+--+ ..................... + SAFEGU.~RDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS ITM ISILIR I COMMENTS ................... +-+-+--+ ...................... +__.+.+-+--+ ..................... + WHAT IF... I HAZARD I CONSEQUENCES + ........................ + ....................... + ...................... element gasket blows charge. I~1 of this section for out? Iconsequences and Isafeguards. 3. Demister pads fails? iNot Applicable due to the compressor design. See question #2 of thisI section for hazards, consequences and safeguards. Aerosol (atomization Potential conditions release of oil and refrigerant vapor. for flash fire/explosion. 4. Oil separator access cover gasket fails while~ compressor is running? Engine room is equipped with an lammonia detector. The ammonia detector is monitor by the local alarm company. Computer monitors the engine room ammonia detector which shut down the engine room, starts the ventilation fans and scrubber per system designed. Engine room floor drains are piped to a Containment (interceptor) sump lin the engine room. Compressors are equipped with iow oil pressure (10 seconds) cutout. ITraining of the ........................................... +-+--+ ........................... +-+-+--+ ..................... + WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Worksheet Session: 1 04-15-87 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 2. Screw Compressors, continued. Dwg#: R-3, R1,7 ......................... + .............................................. + .................. ~_+_+__. WHAT IF... I HAZARD CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS I S I L I R ......................... + ............................................... + .................. +_+_+_.. I maintenance l employees as to I the shut down and I the valving off of Ithe refrigeration I compressors. I Training of the I maintenance I employees for I emergency response. See What-if question 1#4 of'this section for Iconsequences and Isafeguards. IPotential damage to Icompressor bearings land shaft seal. IPossible IDLN latmosphere. 5. Oil separator access cover bolts "back off" while the compressor is lunder pressure? 16. Failure of low oil Ipressure safety cutouts? Possible release of Irefrigerant into an enclosed area. Loss of low oil IAnnual preventive 121211 pressure protection Imaintenance of the if switch fails closed. I refrigeration I equipment. I Engine room is lequipped with an I ammonia detector. IThe ammonia Idetector is I monitor by the I local alarm I company. I Computer monitors I the engine room I ammonia detector I which shut down 'lthe engine room, Istarts the Iventilation fans land scrubber per I system designed. + ........................ + ....................... + ...................... + .................. +_+_+__ Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 9 ....................... +___+_+_+__+___~ ................. + RECOMMENDATIONS { BY I S I L I R COMMENTS ...................... +___+_+_+ ......................... Consider revising your I JCM I compressor maintenance IVDA Iprocedu~es to verify IRWW I the proper torque of Ithe bolts after new Igasket installation. Consider revising your I JCM annual preventive I VDA Imaintenance procedures IRWW Iof the refrigeration l equipment to check all I electrical safety cutouts through Ipressure activation. ....................... +__ -+-+-+__+ ..................... WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 1 04-15-87 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 10 Subsystem: 2 Screw Compressors, continued Dwg#: R-3, R1,7 · · --+- --+ .................. +-+-+--+ ...................... +---+-+-+--+ ..................... ~ wHAT IF... HAZARD I CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR I COMMENTS + ........................ + ....................... + ...................... + .................. +-+-+--+ ...................... +---+-+-+--+ ..................... I ISwitch fails opened. ICompressor fails-safe, I I I I I I I I I I I t Ishuts down, stops I I I I I I I I I I + .................... + .................. +-+-+--+ ...................... +---+-+-+--+ ..................... W~AT IF-PC 3.03 WHAT IF. ' t ~AZARD 1. Pressure safety I Overpressure of the relief valve failed i.e. lcompressor may develop rusted shut? within the unit. Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 11 Compressors are equipped with current motor overload (pre- alarm) and cutouts. USCS's PSM replacement in kind. Engine room is equipped with an ammonia detector. The ammonia detector is monitor by the local alarm Icompany. IComputer monitors Ithe engine room lammonia detector Iwhich shut down Ithe engine room, Istarts the Iventilation fans land scrubber per Isystem designed. to the engine room Ipressure safety area. Possible IDLH Irelief valves atmosphere, levery 5 years. ITraining of the Imaintenance lemployees as to the start up operation and function of the 'refrigeration compressors. Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 1 04-15-87 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 3. Screw Compressors, continued. Dwg#: R-i, R~3,7 + ........................ + .............................................. + .................. +.+_+__+ ....... ~ .............. +___+.+-+._+ ..................... + CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR I COMMENTS ...................... + .................. +-+-+--+ ........................... +-+-+--+ ...................... Release of refrigerantlReplacement of thel41112 WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Worksheet Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 1 04-15-87 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 3. Screw Compressors, continued. ........................ + ....................... +wHAT IF...IHAZARD 12. Pressure safety relief valve setting is to high (more than design) for the safe operation of the refrigeration system? 3. Pressure safety relief valve setting is to low for the system normal operating Ipressure? Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 12 Dwg#: R-l, R-3,7 ...................... + .................. +-+-+--+ ....... ~ ................... +-+-+--+ ..................... + CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS BY ISILIR I COMMENTS ...................... + .................. +-+-+-.+ ........................... +-+-+--+ ..................... Engine room floor drains are piped to a containment (interceptor) sump in the engine room. Training of the maintenance employees for emergency response. See question #2 of this i section for hazards, consequences and safeguards. Pressure safety relief Premature (false) All pressure t21 Verify that the VDA[ valve may open due to release of refrigerant safety relief Ipressure safety reliefI normal pressure within to the ammonia valves are supply Ivalve for the oil the refrigeration adsorption tank. I by the Icooler is supply by system, iPossible release of manufacturer at IFrick. refrigerant to the time of purchase environment, with the equipment. USCS PSM program "Replacement in kind". Training of the maintenance employees as to the operation and function of the piping and valving configuration for the refrigeration ....... Ipressure relief [valves system. ~: [ ........................................................................ + .................. +-+-+--+ .......................... +-+-+--+ ..................... + WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 1 04-15-87 Revision: 0 - System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 3. Screw Compressors, continued. Worksheet Dwg~: R-l, R-3,7 Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 13 ........................... ? .................... + ........................................ +-+-+--+ ...................... +--.+-+-+--+ ..................... WHAT IF... HAZARD I CONSEQUENCES SAFEGUARDS ISILIR t RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR I COMMENTS ................................................. ~ .......................................... +-+.+--+ ...................... +---+-+-+--+ ..................... System operating conditions and levels are visually monitored daily. PSRV vent is equipped with an lammonia detector sensor. The ammonia detector is monitor by the local alarm company. Computer monitors the engine room lammonia detector which shut down the engine room, starts the ventilation fans and scrubber per system designed. Training of the maintenance employees for emergency response. 5. A closed hand valve upstream or downstream of a pressure safety relief valve? 4. The pressure safety See question #3 of this relief valve opens below section for hazards, its set point? consequences and safeguards. This What if question is NOT APPLICABLE for this Node, this Icondition does not lexist. ................... +-+--+ ...................... +-- -+-+-+- -+ ..................... WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Worksheet Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 1 04-15-87 Revision: 0 - - System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 3. Screw Compressors, continued. Dwg#.: R-l, R-3,7 Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 14 ........................ + ............................................... + .................. +-+_+__+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ..................... WHAT IF... I HAZ/~D CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS ISILIR RECOMMENDATIONS ITM ISILIR I COMMENTS 16. Pressure safety Irelief valve is backed lup by an additional PSRV Idownstream? 17. Pressure safety !relief valve piping is not properly vented? 8. Hand valve or solenoid valve closed on compressor side port? 9. Pressure regulator fails on compressor side port? 10. Check valve fails on Icompressor side port? Ill. Screw compressor lunloads past 50% with Iside port machine. This What If question is NOT APPLICABLE for this Node, this condition does not exist. This What If question is NOT APPLICABLE for this Node, this condition does not exist. This What If question is NOT APPLICABLE for this Node, this condition does not exist. This What If question lis NOT APPLICABLE for this Node, this icondition does not exist. This What If question is NOT APPLICABLE for this Node, this condition does not exist. This What If question is NOT APPLICABLE for this Node, this condition does not exist. WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Worksheet Primatech Inc. Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. System: 1 Facility: Cold Storage Page: 15 Session: 1 04-15-87 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 4. Screw Compressors, continued. Dwg#: R-i, R3, 7 + ........................ + ....................... + ...................... + .................. +_+_+__+ ...................... +___+.+_+__+ ..................... + WI-L~T IF... HAZARD I CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS ISlLIR I RECOI~MENDATIONS IBY IslLIR I CO~ENTS ................................................. . ...................... + .................. +.+_+__+ ...................... +___+.+_+__+ ..................... 1. Leak from individual Potential release of Potential release of I System operating 121312 compressor mechanical ammonia, ammonia into engine conditions and seal? room; enclosed and levels are remote location, visually monitored Possible IDLN daily. Leak-off of atmosphere, compressor seal is measured daily. I Annual preventive I maintenance of the I refrigeration I equipment. I I Engine room is l equipped with an I ammonia detector. I IThe ammonia Idetector is Imonitor by the Ilocal alarm I company. I Computer monitors I the engine room I ammonia detector I which shut down I the engine room, starts the ventilation fans and scrubber per I system designed. iEngine room floor drains are piped to a containment (interceptor) sump in the engine room. Training of the maintenance employees for I emergency ....................... · ................................................ + .................. +-+-+--+ ...................... +-_.+_+_+ ........................ + WEAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 16 Session: 1 04-15-87 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System S6bsystem: 4. Screw Compressors, continued. Dwg#: R-I, R3, 7 ........................ + ....................... + ...................... + .................. +.+-+--+ ...................... +--_+-+-+-.+ ..................... + WHAT IF... I HAZARD I CONSEQUENCES SAFEGUARDS I S I L IR I RECOMMENDATIONS I BY I S ILI R I COMMENTS ......................... + ....................... + ......................................... +-+-+--+ ...................... +---+.+-+--+ ..................... + I response. 2. Various minor leaks IPotential release of Potential release of Daily visual from individual lammonia from leak ammonia into engine checks are made of compressor fittings, Ipoint. room; enclosed all engine room valves, flanges, and remote location, equipment. l instrumentation or other i points? Daily preventive maintenance of the refrigeration equipment. Engine room is equipped with an ammonia detector. The ammonia detector is monitor by the local alarm company. Computer monitors the engine room I ammonia detector Iwhich shut down I the engine room, Istarts the Iventilat ion fans land scrubber per I system designed. 3. Excessive vibration See question #1 for e.g., due to worn hazards, consequences coupling on individual and safeguards. compressor causing damage to PSVs, pipes, sight glasses, etc? 4. Reduction in Increase in suction Loss of compressor compressor capacity ~ Ipressure over time, efficiency, increase th. rough, excessi_ve wear, mo~ths: and.year~s. in power (electricity) ets? " usage~ No Safety or I ..... I I .... I ~ I environmental I I I I ...................... + .................. +-+-+--+ ...................... +---+-+-+--+ ..................... WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Worksheet Primatech Inc. Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. System: 1 Facility: Cold Storage Page: 17 Session: 1 04-15~87 Revision: 0 - System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 4. Screw Compressors, continued. Dwg#: R-l, R3, 7 ~ ........................ + ....................... + ......................................... +_+_+__+ ...................... +-_.+_+_+__+ ...................... [ WHAT IF... I HAZARD [ CONSEQUENCES SAFEGUARDS [SIL]R RECOMMENDATIONS [BY [S[L[R [ COMMENTS + ........................ + ....................... + ......................................... +_+_+ ......................... +___+_+_+__+ ...................... [ [ [consequences [ [ [ [ I [operability issue. [ [ [ 15. One of compressors ICompressor suction ICompressor system Daily visual 111411 Istops, when multiple tpressure could Iwill attempt to checks are made of I compressors are running? increase, t compensate by loading the refrigeration lup or starting second equipment. compressor. System operating conditions and levels are visual monitored daily. i Compressor is :equipped with a high pressure · Ipre-alarm and ]alarmed to the I local alarm I company. I The computer is l equipped with a I high suction Ipressure alarm which is monitor by the local alarm company. Warehouse temperatures are monitored by the local alarm company. Compressor' s internal computer is programed with la pre-alarm for Ihigh suction I pressure. I Compressors are l alarm to the local + ........................ + ....................... + ...................... + .................. +-+-+_-+ ...................... +___+_+_+ ....................... ~WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 18 Session: 1 04-15-87 Revision: 0 - System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 4. Screw Compressors, continued. Dwg#: R-I, R3, 7 + ................................................ + ......................................... +-+-+--+ ...................... +---+.+-+--+ ..................... I WHAT IF... HAZARD I' CONSEQUENCES SAFEGU~RDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR I COMMENTS ....................... + ........................................ +-+-+--+ ...................... +---+-+-+--+ ..................... alarm company. I 6. Increased refrigeration load in warehouse due to activity of the warehouse or warm weather? 7. One of the compressors fail to :start after stopping due to reduce refrigeration load? Higher than normal suction pressure. See question #5 for hazards, consequences and safeguards. Compressor could fail Ipartly loaded. ICompressor could fail Ipartly or fully lunloaded. Higher than normal temperature in the refrigerated areas. No consequences, operability issue. Suction pressure could raise. See What-if question #5 of this section for consequences and safeguards. Compressor system will attempt to compensate by loading or starting second compressor. 18. Slide valve I(load/unload) Imalfunction on lindividual compressor while it was running? Training of the maintenance employees as to the start up operation and function of the refrigeration compressors. System operating conditions and levels are visually monitored and logged daily. Annual preventive maintenance of the Irefrigeration lequipment. ICompressors are lalarm to the local WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Worksheet Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 1 04-15-87 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 4. Screw Compressors, continued. Dwg#: R-i, R3, 7 ................................................ + ......................................... +_+_+__+ ...................... +-_.+-+-+-.+ ..................... WHAT IF... HAZARD I CONSEQUENCES SAFEGUARDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS ]BY ]SILIR I COMMENTS ................................................ + ......................................... +_+_+__+ ...................... +___+_+_+._+ ..................... Lower suction pressure too quickly, causing rapid boiling in suction vessels. Liquid carryover to compressors. Slugging of compressors. Possible damage to mechanical seal, Possible IDLH atmosphere. alarm company. Training of the maintenance employees as to the start up operation and function of the refrigeration compressors and associated vessels. All suction accumulators are equipped with with Ipre-alarm and high level alarm/cutout Compressors are equipped with low oil temperature cutout. Compressor's alarms are monitored by the local alarm Icompany. Computer is equipped with a start-up ramping program. Engine room is equipped with an ammonia detector. 9. Compressor load up too quickly? Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 19 The ammonia detector is monitor by the local alarm I company. ........................ + ....................... + ...................... + .................. +-+-+--+ ...................... +__ .+_+_+_'_+ ..................... + WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Worksheet Primatech Inc. Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage System: 1 Page: 20 Session: 1 04-15-87 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 4. Screw Compressors, continued. Dwg~: R-i, R3, 7 ...................................................................... + .................. +-+-+--+ ...................... +_~-+-+-+--+ ..................... WHAT IF... HAZARD CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS IS[LIR I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISlLIR I COMMENTS ......................................................................... + .................... +-+--+ ...................... +---+-+-+--+ ...................... Computer monitors the engine room ammonia detector which shut down the engine room, starts the ventilation fans and scrubber per system designed. Engine room floor Idrains are piped 10. Multiple compressorslCompressor suction running, when only one Ipressures could or two compressors are Idecrease. needed? 11. Reduced INo safety or refrigeration load in lenvironmental hazards. warehouse? to a containment (interceptor) sump in the engine room. Training of the maintenance employees for emergency response. Compressor system will attempt to compensate Iby shutting off compressors. No safety or environmental consequences operability issue. No safety or environmental consequences operability issue. .................. +-+-+--+ ...................... +.--+-+-+--+--- WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Worksheet Primatech Inc. Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. System: 1 Facility: Cold Storage Page: 21 Session: 1 04-15-87 Revision: 0 System: i Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 5. Screw Compressors, continued. Dwg~: R-i, R3, 7 + ................................................ + ........................................ +-+-+--+ ...................... +---+-+-+--+ ..................... I WHAT IF... ~AZA~RD t CONSEQUENCES SAFEGUARDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR I COMMENTS + ................................................ ~ ......................................... +-+-+--+ ...................... +---+-+-+--+ ..................... I1. Closed manual or Isolenoid valve upstream Ior downstream of Ithermosyphon, liquid Isupply line by mistake Iwhile the compressor was lrunning or before it was istarted up? Loss of compressor cooling. Potential damage to compressors primarily bearings or mechanical seal. Possible IDLH atmosphere. Training of the 121211 maintenance employees as to the start up operation and function of the refrigeration compressor cooling system. Training of the maintenance employees as to the operation and function of the piping and valvingl configuration for the compressors. USCS, Lockout/Tagout Iprocedures. ICompressors are lequipped with highl Idischarge temperature cutout. Compressor's alarms are monitored by the local alarm company. Engine room is lequipped with an lammon~a detector. IThe ammonia Idetector is Imonitor by the Ilocal alarm Icompany. + ........................ + .............................................. + .................. +-+-+--+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ..................... + WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Worksheet Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 1 04-15-87 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 5. Screw Compressors, continued. Dwg#: R-i, R3, 7 Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 22 + ....................................................................... + .................. +-+-+--+ ...................... +.__+_+_+__+ ..................... I WHAT IF... HAZARD CONSEQUENCES SAFEGUARDS ISIL]R [ RECOMMENDATIONS ITM ISILIR I COMMENTS Computer monitors the engine room ammonia detector which shut down the engine room, starts the ventilation fans and scrubber per system designed. Engine room floor drains are piped to a containment (interceptor) sump in the engine room. Training of the maintenance employees for emergency response. 2. Hand valve closed on See question #1 of this the vapor return line on section for hazards, the thermosyphon oil consequences and cooler by mistake while safeguards the compressor was running or before it was started up. 3. Loss of oil cooling Compressor could Potential damage to due to malfunction of of overheat, compressors due to the oil cooling control high discharge and oil Isystem? temperature primarily bearings or mechanical seal. See What-if question #1 of this section for consequences and safeguards. 14. Compressor Started Compressor may not Potential damage to Trainiqg of the 131~ 1 Iwith motor ~ncorrectl~ ~unctio~ properly, compressor Primarily maintenance ' I t I } + .......................................................................................... +-+-+--+ ........................... +-+-+--+ ..................... WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 23 Session: 1 04-15-87 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 5. Screw Compressors, continued. Dwg#: R-i, R3, 7 I WHAT IF... I HAZARD I CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS tBY IS[LIR COMMENTS installed/wired e.g., Ibearings and seals, lemployees as to Iwron9 rotation after IPossible IDLH Ithe start up I motor repair or latmosphere. Ioperation and maintenance work? I function of the I refrigeration Icompressor after Imajor motor I repair. IMotor rotation is Itested before I compressor I coupling is connected to the motor. Engine room is equipped with an ammonia detector. The ammonia detector is monitor by the local alarm I company. ! Computer monitors the engine room ammonia detector which shut down the engine room, starts the ventilation fans I' and scrubber per I system designed. I Engine room floor I drains are piped I to a containment I (interceptor) sump lin the engine 15. Failure of computer Compressors will shut No safety or I WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 1 04-15-87 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 24 Icontrol system on down, fail safe. lindividual compressor? 16. Failure of control Compressor will shut Ipower on individual down, fail safe. Icompressors? 17. Failure of control Compressors will shut Isystem? down, fail safe. Subsystem: 5. Screw Compressors, continued. Dwg#: R-l, R3, 7 + ........................ + .............................................. + .................. +-+-+--+ ........................... +-+-+--+ ..................... I WI-hAT IF... I I-IAZARD CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS SILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR I COMMENTS ....................... + .................... +-+--+ ...................... +---+-+-+--+ ..................... environmental consequences operabilit.y issue. No safety or environmental consequences operability issue. No safety or lenvironmental I Ic°nsequences' ................................. + .................. +-+-+--+ .......................... +-+-+--+ ...................... + ........................ + ............ + WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Worksheet Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 1 04-15-87 Revision: 0 - System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 6. High Stage Screw Compressor. Dwg~: R-1 R-3, 7 Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 25 WHAT IF... HAZARD CONSEQUENCES SAFEGUARDS [S[L[R [ RECOMMENDATIONS IBY [SIL[R [ COMMENTS I1. Malfunction of the a. Suction pressure No safety or Isystem suction pressure could be higher than environmental sensor? normal, consequences operability issue. b. Suction pressure No safety or could be lower than environmental normal, consequences operability issue. 2. Malfunction of the a. Possible Release of ammonia Compressors are 1 system discharge overpressurization of into the environment, equipment with a Ipressure sensor? the high side. high discharge pressure pre-alarm and compressors cutouts. Compressors are monitor by the local alarm company. High side is equipped with PSRV Ipiped to the ammonia absorption tank. System operating conditions and levels are visually monitored and logged daily. PSRVs are vented to the ammonia absorption tank which is monitor Iby the ammonia Idetector which [shut down the lengine room. IThe ammonia ....................................................................... + .................. +-+-+--+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ..................... + WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Worksheet Primatech Inc. Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. System: 1 Facility: Cold Storage Page: 26 Session: 1 04-15-87 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 6. High Stage Screw Compressor. Dwg#: R-1 R-3, 7 + ........................ + ....................... + ...................... + .................. +-+-+--+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ..................... + WHAT IF... I HAZARD I CONSEQUENCES SAFEGUARDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS 1BY ISILIR I COMMENTS I detector is monitor by the local alarm company. 3. Compressor failed to unload after shutdown? b. Low than normal discharge pressure. Compressor could start lup fully loaded. No safety or environmental consequences operability issue. Compressor motor could be overloaded during start-up. Slug of liquid could belSlug could potentially sent to compressor. Idamage compressor Iprimarily bearings. 4. Liquid carry-over to compressor from the M.T. Pump Receiver? Compressor controls sense loader position would not allow compressor starter to engage. Compressor motor starter is equipped w~th motor overload Iprotection. IM.T.P.R, has a Ihigh level pre- alarm and a high- high level cutout for the compressor. High level alarm and the compressors shut- down is monitor by the local alarm company. Noise on compressor caused Iby slug of liquid Iwill alert Ioperator. 5. Manual valve opened Increase in low stage High suction ITraining of the Ii111 llConsider marking the IVDA ........................................................................ + .................. +-+-+--+ ...................... +---+-+-+--+ ...................... WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 1 04-15-87 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 6. High Stage Screw Compressor. lin crossover line Isuction I (between high side and Ipressure/temperature. Ilow side, crossover Ivalve is normally closed land used for pull down I only) ? Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 27 Dwg#: R-1 R-3, 7 ....................... + .................. +-+-+_-+ ...................... +___+_+_+_ -+ ...................... CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS lBY ISILIR I COMMENTS ....................... + .................. +-+_+__+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ...................... temperature on high Imaintenance valve "Do Not Open". IJCMI stage compressors, lemployees as to IRWWI Possible short life oflthe operation and the high stage Ifunction of the compressors. Ipiping and valving Iconfiguration for Ithe refrigeration Icompressors. IUSCS Lockout ITagout program. Remote location. Compressors are eqn/ipped with amp meters and are monitored and logged daily. Compressors are equipped with high Isuction pressure and temperature cutouts. Compressor's alarms are monitored and alarmed to the local alarm company. ............................................................................................ +_+_+__+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ...................... WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Worksheet Primatech Inc. Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage System: 1 Page: 28 Session: 2 04-16-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 7. Booster Screw Compressors. Dwg#: R-i, R3, 7 + ........................ + ....................... + ......................................... +-+-+--+ ...................... +---+-+-+.-+ ...................... I WHAT IF... I HAZARD I CONSEQUENCES SAFEGUARDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY IStLIm I COMMENTS + ........................ + ....................... + ......................................... +-+-+--+ ...................... +___+-+-+--+ ...................... I1. Manual valve opened tIncrease in low stage IPossible overheating Training of the 111I 1 lin crossover line Isuction Iof the booster maintenance I(between high side and Ipressure/temperature. compressors. Possible employees as to Ilow side, crossover short life of the the operation and Ivalve is normally booster compressors, function of the Iclosed and used for piping and valving Ipull down only)? configuration for the refrigeration compressors. USCS, lock/out ragout program. Remote location. Compressors are equipped with amp meters and are monitored and logged daily. Compressors are equipped with high suction (pressure temperature) CUtOUt. Daily visual checks are made of the refrigeration compressors. Compressor's alarms are monitored and alarmed to the local alarm company. 12. Malfunction of the a. Possible Higher than normal 121211 Isystem low stage suction higher than normal low warehouse temperature. I I I Ipressure sensor3 . stage.suction pressure, No safety or I I I I ienvironmental ~ I I I .... I + ........... _ ............ + ....................... + ...................... + .................. +-+-+--+ ...................... +---+-+~+--+ ..................... WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 29 Session: 2 04-16-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 7. Booster Screw Compressors. Dwg~: R-i, R3, 7 + ........................ + ....................... + ......................................... +-+-+--+ ...................... +---+-+-+--+ ..................... + I WHAT IF... I HAZARD I CONSEQUENCES SAFEGUARDS SILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY IStLIR I COMMENTS + ........................ + ....................... + .......................................... +-+--+ ...................... +---+-+-+--+ ..................... + [ [consequences I Ioperability issue. lb. Lower than normal INo safety or Ilow side suction lenvironmental Ipressure. Iconsequences Ioperability issue. 3. Liquid carry-over to Slug of liquid could belSlug could potentially House pump 21312 compressor from the sent to compressor, ldamage compressor lpackage (-28) has L.T. pump receiver? I(primarily bearings) la high level Ipossible IDLH lalarm/cutout atmosphere, tassociated with level transmitter and an independentl high level cutout switch. Noise on compressor caused by slug of liquid would provide indication of liquid carryover - operators would respond to probleml once noise is observed Low lube oil temperature or Ipressure or motor Ioverload cutouts may detect problemt before compressor damage results. Engine room is equipped with an ammonia detector. The ammonia detector is monitor by the ...................... + .................. +-+-+--+ ...................... +---+-+-+--+ ..................... + WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 2 04-16-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 7. Booster Screw Compressors. WHAT IF... HAZARD CONSEQUENCES Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 30 Dwg#: R-i, R3, 7 .................. +_+_+__+ ...................... +. _ - +- +_+_ -+ ..................... SAFEGUARDS ISILIR [ RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR I COMMENTS ................... +_+_+__+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ..................... local alarm company. Computer monitors the engine room ammonia detector which shut down I the engine room, Istarts the Iventilation fans land scrubber per I system designed. I Engine room floor I drains are piped I to a containment I (interceptor) sump · lin the engine I room. ITraining of the I maintenance lemployees for I emergency I response. ....................... + .................. +_+_+ ......................... +___+.+_+ ........................ WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Worksheet Primatech Inc. Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. System: Facility: Cold Storage Page: 31 Session: 2 04-16-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 8. Evaporative Condensers. Dwg#: R-14, 5, + ........................ + ....................... + ...................... + .................. +-+-+__+ ...................... +---+-+_+-_+ ..................... I WHAT IF... I HAZARD I CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS ISILIR + ........................ + ....................... 4 ...................... + .................. +-+-+--+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ..................... I1. Manual valve closed ICompressor discharge IHigh compressor ITraining of the Illll 1 lin vapor line to Ipressures will rise discharge pressures Imaintenance I condensers from the could damage system l employees as to I compressors? and/or lead to ammonia lthe operation and release to atmosphere.l function of the Ipiping and valving I configuration for I the high stage I system. l Compressors l equipped with high I discharge pressure I cutouts. I Compressors I equipped with Ipressure safety valves. USCS, Lockout Tagout program. Remote location (roof) . PSRV vent line is equipped with an ammonia detector sensor. The ammonia detector is I monitor by the I local alarm I company. I Computer monitors I the ammonia I detector which I shut down the lengine room, and I starts the ammonia labsorption system. I .................... . ............................ + ...................... + .................. +-+-+--+ ...................... +___+_+_+ ....................... + WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 2 04-16-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 8. Evaporative Condensers. 2. Lack of a water treatment program? Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 32 Dwg#: R-14, 5, CONSEQUENCES SAFEGUARDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR I COMMENTS Engine room floor drains are piped to a containment (interceptor) sump in the engine room. Training of the maintenance employees for emergency response. Over a period of time, Increase in discharge Water treatment 12 111 weeks/months reduction ipressure/temperature, program with testsI in heat transfer Possible Iperformed by waterI surface, overpressurization of treatment company Icondensers. Possible on bi-monthly release of refrigerantlbasis to the environment. System operating conditions and levels are visually monitored and logged daily. Daily visual checks are made of the water treatment program. Condensers are examined and cleaned on a monthly basis. PSRV vent line is equipped with an ammonia detector sensor. The ammonia detector is ..... mohitor by the : = WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 33 Session: 2 04-16-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 8. Evaporative Condensers. Dwg~: R-14, 5, WHAT IF... HAZARD CONSEQUENCES SAFESUARDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS IBy ISIL]R [ COMMENTS .... ~ ...................................................................................... +-+-+--+ ...................... +---+-+~+--+ ..................... + local alarm company. Computer monitors the ammonia detector which shut down the engine room, and starts the ammonia absorption system. Training of the maintenance employees for emergency response. 3. Loss/reduction/poor See question ~2 for distribution of cooling hazards, consequences water flow to condenser? and safeguards 14. Loss of fans? See question ~2 for Each condenser hazards, consequences fans is on a and additional separate I/O, safeguards therefore unlikely to loose more than one fan at a time Fan motor starters are monitored by the computer and lalarmed to the local alarm company. 5. Manual valve closed Possible Possible release of Training of the 121111 in the liquid line from overpressurization of refrigerant to the maintenance condenser to the the condensers, lenvironment, employees as to thermosyphon high? the operation and function of the piping and valving configuration for the high stage system. + ........................ + ................................................................... +-+-+--+ ...................... +---+-+-+-_+ ..................... WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Worksheet Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 2 04-16-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 8. Evaporative Condensers. Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 34 Dwg#: R-14, 5, ............................................................................................. +_+_+__+ ...................... +___+_+_+~_+ ...................... WHAT IF... HAZARD CONSEQUENCES SAFEGUARDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS ITM ISILIR I COMMENTS ................................................................. 2 .......................... +_+_+__+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ...................... USCS Lockout Tagout program. Compressors equipped with high discharge pressure cutouts. Compressors equipped with Ipressure safety valves. Remote location (roof). Condensers are equipped with PSRVs. PSRV vent line is equipped with an ammonia detector sensor. The ammonia detector is Imonitor by the Ilocal alarm Icompany. IComputer monitors Ithe ammonia Idetector which Ishut down the lengine room, and Istarts the ammonia labsorption system. IEngine room floor Idrains are piped Ito a containment I(interceptor) sump ........ I~n the engine ...... WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Worksheet Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 2 04-16-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 8. Evaporative Condensers. Dwg#: R-14, 5, + .............................................................................................. +-+--+ ...................... +.--+-+-+--+ ...................... WHAT IF... HAZARD I CONSEQLrENCES sAFEGUARDS SILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIm I COMMENTS ............................................... + ........................................... +-+--+ ...................... +---+-+-+--+ ...................... room. Training of the maintenance employees for emergency response. 6. Liquid hang-up in thelSlight increase in condensers? condensing pressure and sub-cooling of H.P. liquid. No safety or environmental hazards, operability issue. Ammonia could be released from system. Pressure differentials could develop in lup in condensers. Potential for ammonia release to atmosphere Potentially develop lerratic levels in the isystem, which could l~hermosyphon receiver result in liquid hang- Iwhich could result in Idamage to screw Icompressors if liquid Icooling is lost. 7. Leaks from condenser fittings, valves or other instrumentation Ipoints? 8. Valve in equalization lines closed by mistake on both condenser? Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 35 Piping is welded where possible to minimize leak Ipoints IRoof area is Ivisually checked Iby operators 3 times a day. Current practice is to thoroughly inspect condenser at least monthly. Water treatment is tested daily and will detect any ammonia in the water. Training of the maintenance employees as tO the operation and function of the piping and valvingl configuration for I I the condensers. [ I ............................................ +-+-+--+ ...................... + + ........................................... + + WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Worksheet Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 36 Session: 2 04-16-97 Revision: 0 - System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 8. Evaporative Condensers. Dwg#: R-14, 5, + ......................................................................... + .................. +_+_+__+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ...................... I WHAT IF... HAZARD CONSEQUENCES I SaFESU~DS I S IL IR RECOMMENDATIONS IBY I S I L IR COMMENTS ...................................................................... + .................. ...................... +_~_+_+_+ ......................... I and the , I thermosyphon I receiver. I USCS lockout I tagout program. I Compressors lequipped with high Ioil temperature I cutouts and pre- I alarms. I Engine room is lequipped with an I ammonia detector. IThe ammonia Idetector is Imonitor by the I local alarm I company. I Computer monitors I the engine room I ammonia detector Iwhich shut down Ithe engine room, Istarts the Iventilation fans land scrubber per I system designed. IEngine room floor Idrains are piped I to'a containment ] (interceptor) sump lin the engine I room. 9. Equalization line Possible liquid would closed on one condenser hang-up in the I I only by mistake? condenser. See question 1#6 of this section for I '~ : I ~ ........................ + ....................... + ...................... + .................. +_+_+_~+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ..................... + WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 37 WHAT IF... I HAZARD I CONSEQUENCES + ......................... + .............................................. Session: 2 04-16-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 8. Evaporative Condensers. Dwg#: R-14, 5, ..................... +-+-+--+ ..................... SAFEGUARDS IS]LIR I RECOMMENDATIONS BY ISILIR I COMMENTS .................. +-+.+--+ ........................... +-+-+--+ ..................... Ihazards, consequences I land safeguards I 10. Valve open by IPotential release of IAmmonia would be mistake or leaking in lammonia vapors from released to the manual purge line? system, atmosphere. 11. Liquid ammonia isolated in condenser between closed vapor andlcondenser iliquid valves7 Potential for thermal Potential to exceed lexpansion of liquid in Ipressure rating of condenser, which could lead to and ammonia release to the atmosphere Loss of pressure equalization between condenser circuits. No safety or environmental hazards, operability 12. Drain valve on Ibottom of "Balance Tank" lis open by mistake while Ithe system was running? Training of the maintenance employees as to the operation and function of the piping and valving configuration for ;he condensers. Remote location. USCS lockout ragout program. Training of the 13 111 maintenance employees as to the shut down and the valving off of the refrigeration condensers. Pressure safety valves on condensers. Remote location. USCS lockout ragout program. issue. ....................... + ......................................... +_+_+__+ ...................... +2 __+_+-+- -+ ..................... WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Worksheet Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage 12. Pressure safety Irelief valve setting is Ito high (more than tdesign) for the safe Ioperation of the Irefrigeration system? 13. Pressure safety relief valve setting is to low for the system normal Operating pressure? Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 38 Session: 2 04-16-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 9. Evaporative Condensers, continued. Dwg#: R-14, R12 ........................ + ....................... + ...................... + .................. +-+.+__+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ...................... WHAT IF... I HAZARD I CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS 'ISILIR RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR I COMMENTS relief valve failed i.e. condensers may develop, tof r~frigerant to the Ipressure safety rusted shut? latmosphere, relief valves every 5 years. Refri~eration compressors are equipped with current motor overload cutouts. ITrainin~ of the Imaintenance lemployees as ~o Ithe proper piping Icodes and Ire~ulations for Ithe installation land maintenance Iprocedures for IPSRVs. ITraining of the Imaintenance lemployees for lemergency response. ISee question #1 of this Isection for hazards, Iconsequences and Isafeguards. IPressure safety relief Premature (false) All pressure Ivalve may open due to release of refrigerant safety relief Inormal pressure within to the atmosphere, valves are supply Ithe refrigeration Iby the contractor Isystem. lat time of I Ipurchase with the I lequipment. ' ~1 ' IUSCS PSM program' ......................... + ....................... + ...................... + .................. +_+-+._+ ...................... +__ -+-+-+-_+ ..................... WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Worksheet Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage . Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 39 Session: 2 04-16-97 Revision: 0 - System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 9. Evaporative Condensers, continued. Dwg#: R-14, R12 .................... + + + + + + + ......... ............................ ~ .......................................... ~ ............. +___+_+_+._+ .................... WHAT IF... I HAZARD -+ CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS IS[LIR [ RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR I COMMENTS ........................ + .............................................. + .................. +_+_+__+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ..................... I"Replacement in Ikind,,. ITrainin9 of the Imaintenance lemployees as to Ithe operation and Ifunction of the Ipiping and valving Iconfi~uration for Ithe refrigeration Ipressure relief Ivalves system. ISystem operating Iconditions and Ilevels are Ivisually monitored Idaily. IPSRVs are vented Ito the ammonia labsorption tank. IPSRVs line is lequipped with an lammonia sensor and lis monitor by the Icomputer and localI lalarm company. IThe computer Isystem is designed Ito activate the lammonia absorption Isystem and shut- Idown the Irefri~eration Isystem' ITraining of the Imaintenance lemployees for Iemergency ................................................ + ...................... + .................. +-+_+__+ ...................... +__ W~AT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Worksheet Session: 2 04-16-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 9. Evaporative Condensers, continued. Dwg#: R-14, R12 I wHAT IF... I NAZ~3~D CONSEQUENCES See question #3 of this section for hazards, consequences and safeguards. 14. The pressure safety lrelief valve opens below its set point? Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 40 .................. +-+-+--+ .......................... +-+-+--+ ..................... SAFEGUARDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS BY ISILIR I COMMENTS ..................... +-+--+ .......................... +-+-+--+ ..................... response. 5. A closed hand valve This What If question upstream or downstream is NOT APPLICABLE for of a pressure safety this Node, this relief valve? condition does not lexist. 6. Pressure safety IThls What If question relief valve is backed lis NOT APPLICABLE for lup by an additional PSRVIthis Node, this Idownstream? Icondition does not I lexist' + ........................ + ....................... + .......................... ~ .............. _+_+__+ ...................... +---+-+-+--+ ..................... WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 2 04-16-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 10. Auto Purger. Worksheet Dwg#: R-l, Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 41 ......................... ~ ....................... + ...................... + .................. +_+_+__+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ..................... + WHAT IF... HAZARD I CONSEQUENCES t SAFEGUARDS ISILtR I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR I COMMENTS ......................... + ....................... + ...................... + .................. +_+_+__+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ...................... 1. Auto purger turned off? IPotential increase in Ihigh stage pressure lover time (weeks or Imonths) ILoss of high pressure Igas and liquid to the Ipurger. 2. Solenoid or manual valve in auto purger Ifoul gas lines do not Iopen to various purge Ipoints in system? INo safety or environmental consequences (operability issue) Possible release of a ITraining of the small amount of Imaintenance ammonia to the bubblerlemployees as to tthe start up Ioperation and Ifunction of the Irefrigeration Ipurger. IPurger is equipped Iwith a 1 hour lautomatic shut- Idown if foul gas lis lost to the Ipurger. IDaily visual Ichecks of auto lpurger. IEngine room is lequipped with an ammonia detector. The ammonia detector is imonitor by the local alarm company. Computer monitors the engine room ammonia detector which shut down I the engine room, Istarts the Iventilation fans land scrubber per I system designed. .......................................................................... + .................. +_+_+__+ ...................... +___+_+_+ ........................ + WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 2 04-16-97 Revision: 0 - System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 42 Subsystem: 10. Auto Purger. Dwg#: R-l, + + + + + -+-- -+-+-+--+ ...................... wHAT IF... HAZARD I CONSEQUENCES SAFEGUARDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY {SILlR I COMMENTS Engine room floor I I IAmmonia in foul gas may not be condensed 3. Manual or solenoid valves closed in high pressure liquid line to auto purger? Potentially release Training of the lammonia in engine roomlmaintenance lemployees as to Ithe start up Ioperation and Ifunction of the Irefrigeration Ipurger. 4. Manual or solenoid See question #3 for valves closed in suction hazards, consequences line from auto purger roland safeguards Ihigh stage suction line?I 15. Failure of~auto IAmmonia~in foul gas · IPotentially ~e~ease. Ipurger thermostat? Imay not be condensed lammonia inside + ........................ + ....................... + ....................... drains are piped to a containment (interceptor) sump in the engine room. If liquid flow is lost, auto purger will not cycle since temperature thermostat will not be satisfied Purger e~uipped with purger "cool down" light. Water bubbler designed to remove ammonia in vent gas. Daily visual checks of auto purger Training of the 111311 maintenance '~ I I I I ~ .................. +-+-+--+ ...................... +.--+-+-+--+ ..................... + WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Worksheet Primatech Inc. Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. System: 1 Facility: Cold Storage Page: 43 Session: 2 04-16-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 10. Auto Purger. Dwg~: R-i, ......................... + ....................... ~ ...................... + .................. +_+-+--+ ........................... +-+-+--+ ...................... WHAT IF... I HAZARD CONSEQUENCES SAFEGUARDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS BY ISILIR I COMMENTS ......................... + ....................... ~ ......................................... +-+-+--+ ........................... +-+-+--+ ...................... engine room employees as to the start up operation and function of the refrigeration purger. Water bubbler designed to remove ammonia in vent gas. Daily visual checks of auto purger Engine room is equipped with an lammonia detector. The ammonia detector is monitor by the local'alarm company. IComputer monitors the engine room ammonia detector which shut down the engine room, starts the ventilation fans and scrubber per system designed. Engine room floor drains are piped to a containment (interceptor) sump in the engine room. 6. Large level of non- Auto purger will remove No safety or WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Worksheet Primatech Inc. ~lcondensibles in system Ifor various reasons li.e., leaks or tie-ins linto system? 17. Failure of level switch? Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. System: 1 Facility: Cold Storage Page: 44 Session: 2 04-16-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 10. Auto Purger. Dwg~: R-i, + ................................................. + ......................................... +_+_+__+ ...................... +___+_+.+__+ ..................... + I WHAT IF... HAZ;hRD [ CONSEQUENCES SAFEGUARDS [SIL[R [ RECOMMENDATIONS IBY [S[L[R [ COMMENTS ........................ + ......................................... +_+_+._+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ...................... more air from the lenvironmental system a. Foul gas could be sent to the low stage suction line if the level control valve fails closed consequences I (operability issue) INo safety or environmental consequences (operability issue) Potential release of ammonia into the engine room area. bo Liquid ammonia could be sent to bubbler if level control valve fails open [Trainin9 of the [maintenance [employees as to the start up operation and function of the refrigeration purger. Daily visual checks of auto purger Water in bubbler designed to remove ammonia in vent [gas. IEngine room is lequipped with an lammonia detector. IThe ammonia Idetector is Imonitor by the Ilocal alarm Icompany. IComputer monitors Ithe engine room lammonia detector · ~ : [.which shut,down . [ : [the engine room, [ ........................ + ....................... + ...................... + .................. +_+_+__+ ...................... +_--+-+-+--+ ...................... WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Worksheet Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 2 04-16-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 45 Subsystem: 10. Auto Purger. Dwg~: R-i, ................................................. + ......................................... +-+-+--+ ...................... +---+-+-+--+ ..................... WHAT IF... HAZARD I CONSEQUENCES SAFEGUARDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR I COMMENTS ......................... ~ ....................... ~ ......................................... +-+-+--+ ...................... +---+-+-+--+ ..................... starts the ventilation fans and scrubber per system designed. Engine room floor drains are piped to a containment (interceptor) sump in the engine room. 18. Loss of water in bubbler i.e., closed manual or solenoid valve in water line7 9. Auto purger run in manual or continuous mode vs automatic mode? 10. Plugged vent line off water bubbler? Potential to release ammonia in vent gas Auto purger would continuously purge a single point rather than cycling Potentially back up lammonia into water system. Potential release of lammonia to the engine room (enclosed area) See What-if question ~7 of this section for consequences and safeguards. No safety or environmental consequences (operability issue) Potential to contaminate water ~system with ammonia Check valve in water line to bubbler. Water pressure is typically higher than bubbler ipressure (due to pump in water system) Water fed to top of water bubbler rather than bottom to minimize Ipotential for lammonia to Ibackflow into Iwater system (new ...................... + .................... +-+--+ ...................... +---+-+-+--+ ...................... WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 2 04-16-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 10. Auto Purger. Worksheet Dwg#: R-I, Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 46 + ................................................ + ...................... + .................. +_+_+_~+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ..................... + I WHAT IF.,. HAZARD I CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS ISILIRI RECOMMENDATIONS ITM ISILIR I COMMENTS + ................................................ + ...................... + .................. +_+_+__+ ............. _- ........ +--.+_+_+._+ ..................... I l auto purger I Idesign) 11. Trapped liquid in Potential for IPotential to tTraining of the 31111 auto purger i.e., all hydrostatic lockup. Ioverpressurize purger, Imaintenance manual valves closed? Iwhich could lead to lemployees as to I release of ammonia to I the shut down and I the engine room I the valving off of (enclosed area}. Ithe refrigeration Possible IDLH I purger. atmosphere. IAuto Purger is l equipped with a Ipressure safety I relief valve. IDaily checks of I auto purger. I USCS Lockout I Tagout program. i Engine room is equipped with an ammonia detector. The ammonia detector is monitor by the local alarm I company. I Computer monitors I the engine room I ammonia detector Iwhich shut down Ithe engine room, {starts the Iventilation fans land scrubber per I system designed. ' ....... {Engine room floor {drains are piped + ................................................ + ...................... + .................. +_+_+__+ ...................... +___+_+_+~_+ ..................... WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 47 Session: 2 04-16-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 10. Auto Purger. Dwg#: R~I, I WHAT IF... I HAZARD I CONSEQUENCES! SAFEGUARDS + ........................ + ....................... + ...................... + .................. +_+_+__+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ..................... I I I ItO a containment I I I I(interceptOr) sumpl I I I I I lin the engine I I I IrOOm' + ........................ + ....................... + ...................... + ........ £ ......... +-+-+--+ ...................... +---+.+_+__+ ..................... WMAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 48 Session: 2 04-16-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 11. Auto Purger, continued. Dwg#: R-1 ........................ + ....................... + ...................... + .................. +-+-+--+ ...................... +.__+-+-+_-+ ..................... wNAT IF... I HAZARD I CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISlLIR I COMMENTS 1. Pressure safety relief valve failed i.e. tpurger may develop IOverpressure of the within the unit. to the engine room area enclosed and remote area. Release of refrigerantlReplacement of thel31111 ]pressure safety relief valves every 5 years. rusted shutT. Training of the maintenance employees as to the proper piping codes and regulations for the installation and maintenance Iprocedures for IPSRVs. ITraining of the Imaintenance lemployees as to Ithe start up Ioperation and Ifunction of the Irefrigeration Ipurger. ITraining of the Imaintenance lemployees as to Ithe shut down and Ithe valving off of Ithe refrigeration Ipurger. IEngine room is lequipped with an lammonia detector. The ammonia detector is monitor by the local alarm company. Computer monitors ......................................... +-+-+--+ ...................... +~ --+-+-+--+ ...................... W~AT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Worksheet. Session: 2 04-16-97 Revision: 0 - System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 11. Auto Purger, continued. Dwg#: R-1 + ........................ + ....................... + ...................... + .................. +_+_+__. I WHAT IF... I HAZARD I CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS IS IL IR + ........................ + ....................... + ...................... + .................. +-+-+--4 I the engine room I ammonia detector I which shut down I the engine room, Istarts the Iventilation fans land scrubber per I system designed. I Engine room floor I drains are piped I to a containment I (interceptor) sump lin the engine room. 12. Pressure safety Irelief valve setting is Ito high (more than Idesign) for the safe Ioperation of the Irefrigeration system? 13. Pressure safety Pressure safety relief Irelief valve setting is Ivalve may open due to Ito low for the system Inormal pressure within Inormal operating the refrigeration IPressure? system. Premature (false) IAll pressure release of refrigerantlsafety relief to the atmosphere. Ivalves are supply Iby the contractor lat time of Ipurchase with the lequipment. IUSCS PSM program I"Replacement in Ikind". ITraining of the Imaintenance lemployees as to Ithe operation and Ifunction of the Ipiping and valving Iconfiguration for Ithe refrigeration lpressure relief 112 1 ISee question #1 of this :section for hazards, consequences and safeguards. ............................................................................................+ + + + + + Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 49 ...................... +___+_+_+ ........................ RECO~E~AT~O~S I~ IS I ~'1 R ¢O~E~TS ...................... +___+_+_+ ........................ ....................... +___+_+_+._+ ..................... WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 2 04-16-97 Revision: 0 - System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 50 Subsystem: 11. Auto Purger, continued. + wHAT IF... I HAZARD 5. A closed hand valve upstream or downstream of a pressure safety .relief valve? 14. The pressure safety See question ~3 of this relief valve opens below section for hazards, its set point? consequences and safeguards. This What If question is NOT APPLICABLE for Ithis Node, this Icondition does not lexist. ........................ + ........................ Dwg#: R-1 CONSEQUENCES { SAFEGUARDS {S}5{R I RECOMI~4ENDATIONS BY {S{L{R } COMMENTS +-+-+--+ ..................... ...................... + .................. +-+-+--+ ....................... Ivalves system. ISystem operating Iconditions and levels are visually monitored daily. PSRVs are vented to the ammonia absorption tank. PSRVs line is equipped with an lammonia sensor and lis monitor by the Icomputer and local lalarm company. IThe computer {system is designedl Ito activate the lammonia absorption Isystem and shut- Idown the Irefrigeration Isystem. ITraining of the Imaintenance lemployees for lemergency Irespons~. ...................... + .................. +-+-+--+--- + --+-+-+--+ ..................... + WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Worksheet Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 51 Session: 2 04-16-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 11. Auto Purger, continued. Dwi#: R-1 + ................................................ + ...................... + .................. +_+_+__+ ...................... +___+_+-+._+ ..................... + I WHAT IF... HAZA~RD I CONSEQUENCES t SAFEGUARDS ISILIR RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR I COMMENTS + ................................................ + ...................... + .................. +-+-+ ......................... +---+-+-+.-+ ..................... 16. Pressure safety This What If question Irelief valve is backed is NOT APPLICABLE for lup by an additional PSRV this Node, this I downstream? condition does not I exist. 17. Pressure safety This~ What If question ! I relief valve pipin~ is is NOT APPLICABLE for Inot vented to the this Node, this l atmosphere? condition does not I exist. + ................................................. + ......................................... +-+_+-.+ ...................... +-__+_+_+._+ ..................... WF~IT IF-PC 3.03 Worksheet Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 2 04-16-97 Revision: 0 - System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 12. High Pressure and Thermosyphon Receivers. Dwg~: R-i, R-5 Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 52 +? ................................................ + ......................................... +-+-+--+ ...................... +---+~+_+_.+ ...................... WHAT IF... HAZARD I CONSEQUENCES SAFEGUARDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ]SILlR I COMMENTS ................................................. + .......................................... +-+.+-.+ ...................... +--.+-+-+--+ ...................... I1. Leak from high Potential release of IPotential release of Training of the 311I Ipressure receiver or ammonia from leak pointlammonia to the engine maintenance Ithermosyphon receiver, room (enclosed area), employees as to Ipiping, instrumentation, the proper pump sight glasses due to out and isolation human error i.e., of refrigeration forklift accident? equipment. Receivers are located in remote locations -They are unlikely to be impacted by external events (such as fork lifts) USCS forklift operator training program. Engine room is equipped with an ammonia detector. The ammonia detector is monitor by the local alarm icompany. Co~uter monitors the engine room a~T~onia detector which shut down the engine room, startsthe ventilation fans and scrubber per system designed. Engine room floor ......... drains are piped~ I I ' · to a containment I I ~ ........................................................................ + .................. +_+-+.-+ .......................... +-+-+--+ ..................... WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 53 Session: 2 04-16-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 12. High Pressure and Thermosyphon Receivers. Dwg#: R-l, R-5 + ................ + ........... + .............................. +_+_+__+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ..... I WHAT IF. I HAZARD CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR ICOMMENTS ................................................................... +___+.+_+._+ ..................... I I I(interceptor) sumpl iI lin the engine ...................... +___+_+_+ ......................... [room, Potential release of ITraining of the ammonia into engine Imaintenance room; enclosed lemployees as to :and remote location. Ithe proper pump lout and isolation Iof refrigeration lequipment. IDaily visual Ichecks are made of lall engine room lequipment. IDaily preventive Imaintenance of the Irefrigeration lequipment. IEngine room is lequipped with an lammonia detector. IThe ammonia Idetector is Imonitor by the Ilocal alarm Icompany. IComputer monitors Ithe engine room lammonia detector Iwhich shut down Ithe engine room, Istarts the Iventilation fans land scrubber per Isystem designed. ITraining of the Imaintenance ....................... + .................. +_+_+___ [2. Various minor leaks IPotential release of Ifrom high pressure [ammonia from leak Ireceiver, piping, Ipoint' ~instrumentation, sight 91asses? WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 2 04-16-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 54 Subsystem: 12. High Pressure and Thermosyphon Receivers. Dwg~: R-I, R-5 .............................................. + .................. +-+-+--+ ........................... +-+-+--+ ..................... ......................... + SAFEGUARDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS BY ISILIR I COMMENTS I W}{AT IF... I HAZARD I CONSEQUENCES 13. Loss of liquid flow Ifrom condenser to either Ireceivers i.e., due to Iclosed manual valve by mistake? Potential loss of liquid level in receivers Potential damage to compressors due to loss of oil cooling. Possible IDLH atmosphere. .................. +-+-+--+ .......................... +-+-+--+ ..................... employees for I I emergency I I response. Il Training of the 13111 maintenance employees as to the operation and function of the Ipiping and valving configuration for the high stage vessels. remote location. Compressors equipped with high discharge temperature and high lube oil temperature Icutouts System operating conditions and levels are visUally monitored and logged daily. Low level switch associated with H.P. receiver will close King solenoid valve, so that flow from high pressure receiver will stop. Engine room is equipped with an ammonia detector.- + + ..... +.--+-+-+--+ ...................... WEAT IF-PC 3.O3 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 55 Session: 2 04-16-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 12. High Pressure and Thermosyphon Receivers. Dwg#: R-i, R-5 +-- + + -_+ .......... ~ ....... +_+_+__+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ..................... + WHAT IF... I HAZARD I CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS IS]L]R I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY IS]LIR I COMMENTS ........................ + ....................... ~ ...................... + .................. +_+_+__+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ..................... IThe ammonia Idetector is ]monitor by the Ilocal alarm Icompany. IComputer monitors Ithe engine room lammonia detector Iwhich shut down Ithe engine room, Istarts the Iventilation fans land scrubber per Isystem designed. IEngine room floor ]drains are piped Ito a containment I(interceptor) sump lin the engine Iroom. ITraining of the Imaintenance lemployees for ]emergency Iresponse. ICompressors lequipped with high Idischarge pressure ]cutouts ISystem parameters Iwill be logged by Icomputers every 15 Iminutes (system Ilog is monitored Idaily) IEvaporative Icondensers and Icompressors Potentially develop Ihigh compressor discharge pressures which could damage system and lead to ammonia release ..................... +___+_+_+__+ ..................... Liquid could backup into condensers ......................... + ...................... + + ....................... .................. +_+_+_~+_ Worksheet W}{AT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 2 04-16-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 12 High Pressure and Thermosyphon Receivers. Dwg#: R-l, R-5 · + + + + ...................... + ............................................. WHAT IF... HAZ;gRD 4. Manual valve closed in liquid line from the thermosyphon receiver the high pressure receiver by mistake? 5. High condensing pressures? See question #3 for hazards, consequences and safeguards No effect on receivers 6. Manual valve closed Potentially develop in equalization line erratic levels in the between the high H.P Receiver. Ipressure receiver and Icondensers? 17. Manual valve closed See question #3 of this lin equalization/vent section for hazards, Iline between the consequences and Ithermosyphon receiver safeguards land condenser? 18. Manual valve or King Loss of liquid flow to ISolenoid valve closed in system Iliquid line to system? Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 56 .... +-+-+--+ ...................... CONSEQD-ENCES SAFEGUARDS ISILIm I RECOMMENDATIONS BY ISILIR I COMMENTS ......................................... +-+-+--+ .......................... +-+-+- -+ ...................... contain pressure safety valves No safety or environmental consequences (operability issue) No safety or environmental consequences (operability issue) No safety or environmental consequences (operability issue) ........................................... +-+--+ .......................... +-+-+--+ ...................... WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 2 04-16-97 Revision: 0 - System: i Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 57 Subsystem: 13. Nigh Pressure/Thermosyphon Receiver, continued Dwg~: R-I, R-5 ......................... + .............................................. + .................. +-+_+__+ ...................... +.__+-+-+--+ ..................... + WHAT IF... I HAZARD CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR I COMMENTS ......................... + ....................... ~ ...................... + .................. +_+_+__+ ...................... +---+-+-+--+ ...................... 1. Pressure safety IOverpressure of the Release of refrigerantlReplacement of relief valve failed i~e. H.P. Receiver and/or to the engine room Ipressure safety rusted shut? Thermosyphon receiver area. Possible IDLH relief valves may develop within the atmosphere, every 5 years. units. Training of the maintenance employees as to the operation and function of the piping and valving configuration for the pressure safety relief system. Training of the maintenance employees as to the proper piping codes and regulations for the installation and maintenance Iprocedures for PSRVs. Training of the maintenance employees as to the shut down and the valving off of the high side vessel. Engine room is equipped with an ammonia detector. The ammonia detector is monitor by the local alarm company. ............................................................................................ +-+-+--+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ..................... WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Worksheet Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 2 04-16-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 13. High Pressure/Thermosyphon Receiver, continued Dwg#: R-I, R-5 Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 58 ............................................... + ......................................... +-+-+--+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ..................... wHAT IF... HAZARD I CONSEQUENCES SAFEGUARDS IS[BIm I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY Islnlm I COMMENTS See question #1 of this section for hazards, consequences and safeguards. Pressure safety relief valve may open due to normal pressure within the refrigeration system. Premature (false) release of refrigerant to the atmosphere. 12. Pressure safety trelief valve setting is Ito high (more than Idesign) for the safe Ioperation of the Irefrigeration system? 13. Pressure safety Irelief valve setting is Ito low for the system Inormal operating Ipressure? Computer monitors the engine room ammonia detector which shut down the engine room, starts the ventilation fans and scrubber per isystem designed. iEngine room floor drains are piped to a containment (interceptor) sump in the engine room. Training of the maintenance employees for emergency response. Ali pressure safety relief valves are supply Iby the contractor lat time of Ipurchase with the equipment. USCS PSM program "Replacement in kind". Training of the maintenance I~1111 WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 59 Session: 2 04-16-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 13. High Pressure/Thermos~phon Receiver, continued Dwg#: R-i, R-5 ....................... + .................. +-+-+--+ ...................... +--'+-+-+--+---7 WHAT IF... I HAZARD CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS talL1R I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR } ................. COMMENTS ............... . ...................... +_+_+__+ ...................... +___+_+_+_.+ ..................... lemployees as to 4. The pressure safety See question #3 of thisI relief valve opens below section for hazards, I its set point? consequences and I ................................................. + ...................... + .................. +-+_+__+ ...................... +___+_+_+__. Ithe operation and Ifunction of the Ipiping and valving Iconfiguration for Ithe refrigeration Ipressure relief Ivalves system. ISystem operating Iconditions and Ilevels are Iviaually monitored Idaily. IPSRVs are vented Itu the ammonia labsorption tank. IPSRVs line is lequipped with an lammonia sensor and lis monitor by the Icomputer and local lalarm company. IThe computer Isystem is designed Itu activate the lammonia absorption Isystem and shut- Idown the Irefrigeration Isystem. ITraining of the Imaintenance lemployees for lemergency Iresponse. W~AT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Worksheet Session: 2 04-16-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 13. Migh Pressure/Thermosyphon Receiver, continued Dwg~: R-i, R-5 + ........................ + ..............................................+ ..................+-+-+--+ ....................... w~AT IF... I HAZARD CONSEQUENCES + Isafeguards. 5. A closed hand valve IThis What If question upstream or downstream lis NOT APPLICABLE for of a pressure safety Ithis Node, this relief valve? Icondition does not {exist. 6. Pressure safety IThis What If question relief valve is backed lis NOT APPLICABLE for lup by an additional PSRVIthis Node, this downstream? Icondition does not lexist. 7. Pressure safety IThis What If question relief valve piping is lis NOT APPLICABLE for not vented to'the Ithis Node, this atmosphere? Icondition does not Iexist'_ ................................... +-+--+ .......................... ......................... + ................................ Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 60 .... +_+-+--+ ..................... + SAFEGUARDS IStLIm I RECOMMENDATIONS BY ISILIR I COMMENTS ................... +-+-+--+ .......................... +-+-+--+ ...................... WHAT IF-PC 3.O3 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 61 Session: 2 04-16-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 14. Charging Operations. Dwg#: R-01 .... +-+-+--+ ..................... + + --+ .................. +-+-+--+ ....................... { W~AT IF... { HAZARD { CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS {S{L{R { RECOMMENDATIONS BY {S{L{R { COMMENTS 1. Manual valves closed Potentially develop {Potentially {Pressure safety {311 1 {Consider installing a in charging lines during high pressures in {overpressurize Ivalve on discharge{ Iplug at the outlet of charging operations by charging line. {charging line, which Iside of tank truck{ the charging line. mistake? {could lead to an {pump relieves back{ lammonia release to the to the tank truck,t environment. I {2. Receiver/system is {overcharged from tank Itruck? Liquid could Ipotentially back up into the condensers. Potential to overpressurize high side. SCBA, canister and suits are available in nearby engine room Tank truck driver and trained operator present during charging operations. Charging line is equipment with a check valve on system side. Trained operator land tank truck driver are presentl during unloading operations SCBA, canister andl suits are available in nearby engine rooml Level indicators Iprovided on both Ihigh pressure Ireceivers. I~;pically pumping Idirectly to high Ipressure receiver land pressure in Ireceiver would leventually limit 13 Consider purchasing "Warning Signs" that are required in our SOP for charging operation. Consider painting external portion of the charging line land installing stem cover. JCM{ VDAI RWWI VDAI ~CMI RWWI JCMt VDAI RWW{ ...................... + .................. +-+-+--+ ...................... .... +-+-+--+ ...................... WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 62 Session: 2 04-16-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 14. Charging Operations. Dwg#: R-01 ..................... + ................................................ + .................. +_+_+._+ ...................... +_._+_+_+__ WHAT IF. I HAZARD I CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS I S IL IR RECOMMENDATIONS [BY IS ILI R COMMENTS ......................... + ....................... + ...................... + .................. +-+_+ ...... ................... +_ --+-+-+ ........................ I l amount of ammonia I I which could be I Icharged from the [ I tank truck. 3. Leak from charging I Potential release of Potential ammonia I Trained operator 12 line especially flexiblelammonia from release release to the land truck driver I hose portion? I point, environment. I will be present [ during entire I unloading [operation, and can l isolate leak as [ necessary ISCBA, canister and I suits are I available in I nearby engine room IExcess flow valve lin tank truck I would limit Ipotential size of release. Check valve is installed by truck driver between flexible hose and high I pressure receiver !System side of the charging line is equipped with a check valve. I Unloading station lis remote; errors I due to external lunlikely since ..... larea is surrounded . Iby 8" posts ........................................................................ + .................. +_+_+_.+ ...................... +___+_+_+_.+ ..................... + WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 63 6. Oil in charging system? 7. Air in charging system? 8. Ammonia contamination from the tank truck? interrupt charging operations. Backflow of refrigerant into tank truck. INo safety or environmental hazards, operability issue. No safety or environmental hazards, operability issue. Contamination from oil tNo safety or in tank truck, environmental consequences operability issue. Contamination from Loss of refrigeration water in tank truck, effect. No consequences, operability issue. environmental consequences (operability issue) Potential to overfill tank truck. Trained operator and truck driver will be present during entire unloading operation, and can isolate system from tank truck as necessary. Check valve is installed by truck driver between flexible hose and high pressure receiver. System side of the charging line is equipped with a check valve. + ........................ + .............................................. + .................... +-+--+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ..................... Iduring charging operations? 15 Loss of pressure at tank truck during operations? Session: 2 04-16-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 14. Charging Operations. Dwg#: R-01 + ........................ + ....................... + ........................................ +_+_+__+ .......................... +_+_+__+ ..................... I WHAT IF... I FIAZARD CONSEQUENCES SAFEGUARDS ISILIR ] RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ]SILIR I COMMENTS + ........................ + ............................................................... +_+_+__+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ..................... 14. High head pressures Potentially slowdown or No safety or I I I WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 2 04-16-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 64 Subsystem: 14~ Charging Operations. Dwg#: R-01 + ........................ + ....................... + ......................................... +-+-+-o+ ...................... +___+#+-+--+ ..................... WHAT IF... HAZARD I CONSEQUENCES SAFEGUARDS IS{LIR } RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR I COM~ENTS ................................................ + ......................................... +-+-+--+ ...................... +-__+-+-+--+ ...................... Contamination form non- Possible increase in Refrigeration Ill I1 condensible gases in head pressure, system is equippedI tank truck, with refrigerationI purger. System operating conditions and levels are visually monitored and logged daily. ........................................................................................... +-+-+--+ ...................... +___+_+.+--+ ..................... WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Worksheet Primatech Inc. Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. System: 1 ...Facility: Cold Storage Page: 65 '~Session: 2 04-16-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 15. M. T. Pump Receiver Dwg~: R-01 ........................................................................................... +_+_+ ......................... +___+_+_+__+ ...................... WHAT IF... HAZARD CONSEQUENCES SAFEGUARDS I S I L I R RECOMMENDATIONS IBY I S IL I R I COMMENTS + .......................................................................................... +_+_+ ......................... ~___+_+_+-_+ ...................... I1. Leak from pump Potential release of Potential release of Pump receiver is 131111 I Ireceiver piping, ammonia from leak point ammonia to the engine located in remote I l instrumentation, sight room enclosed locations unlikely lglasses due to human and remote location, to be impacted by error, i.e. forklift external events accident? (such as fork lifts) Training of the maintenance employees as to the shut down and the valving off of the refrigeration vessels. USCS forklift operator training I program. I Engine room is l equipped with a I floor drain linterceptor pit. I Engine room is l equipped with an I ammonia detector. I The ammonia I detector is Imonitor by the I local alarm I company. I Computer monitors I the engine room I ammonia detector Iwhieh shut down I the engine room, Istarts the I ventilation fans land scrubber per I system designed. ....................................................................... + .................. +-+-+__+ ...................... +___+_+_+ ........................ WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 2 04-16-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield. Ammonia Refrigeration System Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 66 Subsystem: 15. M. T. Pump Receiver Dwg#: R-01 + ........................ + ....................... + ...................... + .................. +-+-+--+ ...................... +---+-+-+-.+ ..................... + I WHAT IF... I HAZARD I CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS SIL[R I RECOMMENDATIONS 1BY ISILIR I COMMENTS + ........................ + ....................... + ...................... + ..................... +-+--+ ...................... +---+-+-+--+ ...................... Engine room floor drains are piped to a containment (interceptor) sump in the engine room. Training of the maintenance employees for emergency response. 12. Various minor leaks Potential release of Potential release of Training of the I1 from pump receiver, ammonia from leak ammonia into engine maintenance piping, instrumentation? point, room; enclosed employees as to and remote location, the proper pump out and isolation Iof refrigeration equipment. Daily visual checks are made of all engine room equipment. Daily preventive maintenance of the refrigeration equipment. Engine room is equipped with an ammonia detector. The ammonia detector is monitor by the local alarm company. Computer monitors ........ the engine room _ ammonia detector ........................... ~ ............. +_+_+--+ ...................... +___+-+-+--+ ...................... WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Worksheet Primatech Inc. Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. System: Facility: Cold Storage Page: 67 Session: 2 04-16-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 15. M. T. Pump Receiver Dwg#: R-01 ................................................................. +_+_+__+ ...................... +.__+_+_+__+ ..................... WHAT IF... HAZARD CONSEQUENCES SAFEGUARDS ISILIRI RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR ] COMMENTS ................................................. ? ....................................... +-+-+__+ ...................... +---+-+-+--+ ..................... which shut down the engine room, starts the ventilation fans and scrubber per system designed. ITrainin9 of the maintenance employees for emergency response. 13. Leak from pump ISee question #1 for Pumps equipped mechanical seal? hazards, consequences with double land additional mechanical seals ' safeguards Pumps are I typically rebuilt levery 3 years. 4. Manual valve or Low levels could Potential damage to ITraining of the solenoid closed in Idevelop in pump ipump due to cavitationlmaintenance liquid supply line to receiver lemployees as to pump receiver by I the operation and mistake? I function of the Ipiping and valving configuration for the M. T. Pump Receiver. USCS lockout ragout program. Remote location. 5. Failure of level a. Low levels could control systems i.e., Idevelop in pump oil in level probe or Ireceivers (if control manual valves closed on Ivalve fails closed) - the column by mistake? ISee question #4 for I hazards, consequences land safeguards + ........................ + .............................................. + .................. +-+-+ .......................... +___+_+_+__+ ..................... W~AT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 68 Session: 2 04-16-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 15. M. T. Pump Receiver Dwg~: R-01 ........................ + ....................... + ...................... + + + + + --+-+-+--+ ..................... + WHAT IF... I HAZARD I CONSEQUENCES SAFEGUARDS tSILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS ........................ + ....................... + ......................................... +-+-+--+ ...................... +---+-+-+--+ ..................... + b. High levels could ISlug of liquid could Training of the 131 develop in pump Ipotentially damage maintenance receiver (if control booster compressor employees as to valve fails open) the operation and function of the piping and valvin9 configuration for the vessels level columns. 0il drained on a regular schedule. Remote location. Noise on compressor caused I by slug of liquid would provide indication of liquid carryover '1 operators would respond to problemI once noise is observed Low lube oil temperature or [pressure or motor overload cutouts may detect problemI before compressor damage results 16. Improper adjustment No hazards to pump No safety or Iof liquid feed to air receivers if too much environmental lunits? or too little liquid consequences I fed to air units. (operability issue) 17. High suction Hi~her pressures could No safety or Ipressures to booster develop in pump environmental Icompressors? receiver consequences since I overpressure pump + ............................................................................................. +-+--+ ...................... +---+-+-+- -+ ...................... W~AT IF-PC 3.03 Worksheet Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 2 04-16-97 Revision: 0 - System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 15. M. T. Pump Receiver Dwg#: R-01 Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 69 ................................................. + ...................... + .................. +_+_+__+ ...................... +- --+-+-+--+ ..................... WHAT IF... HAZARD I CONSEQUENCES ] SAFEGUARDS IS]L]R I RECOMMENDATIONS ]BY IS]L]R ] COMMENTS ................................................. + ...................... + .................. +_+-+_-+ ...................... +--.+-+.+--+ ...................... Ireceiver (operability I 8. Valve closed in pump suction line? Pump could cavitate. Potential to develop high pump discharge Ipressures and temperatures. ]issue) IPotential damage to ]pump mechanical seal, Ipossible IDLH atmosphere. Potential to overheat and damage pump (primarily pump seal) 9. Valve closed in pump discharge line? ITraining of the maintenance employees as to the operation and function of the piping and valving configuration for the M. T. Pump Receiver. Remote location Operator visually inspects pumps on a daily basis. Pressure gauge in pump discharge line. Training of the maintenance employees as to the operation and function of the Ipiping and valving configuration for the M. T> Pump Receiver. Minimum flow line is provided in pump discharge lines. Operator visually inspects pump on daily basis Pump equipped with motor + ........................................................................................... +-+-+--+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ..................... WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 2 04-16-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 15'. M. T. Pump Receiver W~AT IF... I HAZARD Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 70 Dwg~: R-01 CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS ISl~lR I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR I COMMENTS ........................ + ............................................. + .................. +-+-+--+ ...................... +---+-+-+--+ ..................... + I tOverlOad I I I tPrOtectiOn' I I 10. Manual valve closed IPotential to develop Potential to overheat Training of the 13 111 in pump minimum flow Ihigher pump discharge and damage pump maintenance line? Ipressures (if all rooms mechanical seal. employees as to were down to the operation and temperature) function of the piping and valving configuration for the M. T. Pump receiver. Remote location. Pump equipped with motor overload Iprotection Operator visually inspects pump on daily basis. Engine room is equipped with an ammonia detector. The ammonia detector is monitor by the local alarm company. Computer monitors the engine room ammonia detector which shut down the engine room, starts the ventilation fans and scrubber per isystem designed. IEngi~e ~oom floor WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 2 04-16-97 Revision: 0 - System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 15. M. T. Pump Receiver Worksheet Dwg#: R-O1 Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 71 ....................................................................... + .................. +_+_+__+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ...................... WHAT IF,.. HAZARD CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR I COMMENTS ............................................... + .................. +_+_+_.+ ...................... +-__+_+_+__+ ..................... Loss of of booster Idischarge gas cooling. {stage compressor, Ipossible damage to Icompressors if oil Icooling is lost. Possible IDLH atmosphere. Ill. Pump stops? Idrains are piped Ito a containment I(interceptOr) sumpl lin the engine Iroom. IHigh superheat to highlAmmonia pump is Imonitor for run Ioperation. IBackup pump is Istarted lautomatically on Ifailure of primary lpump. IAmmonia pumps are Imonitor by the Ilocal alarm Icompany. ICompressors are lequipped with high Idischarge/°il Itemperature alarms land cutouts. IEngine room is lequipped with an lammonia detector. IThe ammonia ldetector is Imonitor by the Ilocal alarm Icompany. Computer monitors the engine room ammonia detector which shut down the engine room, starts the ventilation fans + ........................ + ....................... + .......................................... +_+_+__+ ...................... +.__+_+_+_ -+ ..................... + WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 2 04-16-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 72 Subsystem: 15. M. T. Pump Receiver Dwg#: R-01 ................................................. + ...................... + .................. +-+-+--+ ...................... +---+-+-+--+ ..................... + WHAT IF... HAZARD CONSEQUENCES SAFEGUARDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR I COMMENTS ............................................ +-+--+ ...................... +---+-+-+--+ ...................... %2. The liquid injectionI oh the desuperheater is adjusted improperly. · If valves are open too wide, loss of liquid supply to the rooms. No safety or environmental hazards, operability issue. c. If valves are not open wide enough, increase in discharge gas superheat. See question #11 of this section for hazards, consequences and safeguards and scrubber per system designed. Engine room floor drains are piped to a containment (interceptor) sump in the~engine room. ._+.+--+- + -+-+-+--+ ...................... WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 16. M. T. Pump Receiver, Continued ........................ + ....................... WHAT IF... I HAZARD ......................... + ....................... 1. Pressure safety I Overpressure of the relief valve failed i.e. Ipump receiver may rusted shut? ldevelop within the unit. Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 73 Dwg#: R-01 ....................... + .................. +_+_+__+ ...................... +-_-+_+_+__+ ...................... CONSEQUENCES ] SAFEGUARDS ]S]LIR RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ]S]LIR I COMMENTS ......................Release of refrigeran~i~eplacement ................ of th~+-i~i~ ........................ +---+-+-+ ......................... tO the engine room Ipressure safety area. Irelief valves levery 5 years. ITraining of the Imaintenance lemployees as to Ithe operation and Ifunction of the Ipiping and valving Iconfiguration for Ithe pressure Isafety relief Isystem. l ITraining of the Imaintenance temployees as to Ithe proper piping Icodes and Iregulations for Ithe installation land maintenance Iprocedures for IPSRVs. ITraining of the Imaintenance lemployees as to Ithe shut down and Ithe valving off of Ithe M. T. receiver IEngine room is lequipped with an lammonia defector. IThe ammonia tdetector is Imonitor by the Ilocal alarm Icompany. ........................ + ....................... + ...................... + .................. +_+_+__+ ...................... +___+_+_+__~ ..................... + Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 74 WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 16. M. T. Pump Receiver, Continued Dwg#: R-01 ~ ....................................................................... + .................. +-+-+--+ ...................... +-- -+-+-+--+ ..................... wHAT IF... HAZA~RD CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR I COMMENTS ....................................................................... + .................. +-+-+--+ ...................... +---+-+-+--+ ..................... IComputer monitors Ithe engine room lammonia detector Iwhich shut down Ithe engine room, Istarts the Iventilation fans land scrubber per Isystem designed. IEngine room floor Idrains are piped to a containment (interceptor) sump in the engine room. Training of the maintenance employees for emergency response. 2. Pressure safety relief valve setting is Ito hig~ (more than idesign) for the safe Ioperation of the Irefrigeration system? 13. Pressure safety Irelief valve setting is Ito low for the system Inormal operating [pressure? Premature (false) Ail pressure release of refrigerantlsafety relief to the atmosphere. Ivalves are supply I by the contractor tat time of Ipurchase with the lequipment. IUSCS PSM program I,,Replacement in Ikind". 3111 See question #1 of this section for hazards, consequences and safeguards. Pressure safety relief valve may open due to normal pressure within the refrigeration system. ....... ITraining of ~he ' -I .... Imaintenance I .................................... +-+--+ .......................... +-+-+--+ ..................... WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 75 Ithe operation and Ifunction of the Ipiping and valving Iconfiguration for Ithe refrigeration Ipressure relief Ivalves system. ISystem operating Iconditions and Ilevels are lvisually monitored Idaily. IPSRVs are vented Ito the ammonia labsorption tank. IPSRVs line is lequipped with an lammonia sensor and lis monitor by the lcomputer and local lalarm company. IThe computer tsystem is designed Ito activate the lammonia absorption Isystem and shut- Idown the Irefrigeration Isystem. ITraining of the lmaintenance lemployees for lemergency Iresponse. 14. The .pressure safety ISee question #3 of this Irelief valve opens belowlsection for hazards, l its set point? Iconsequences and + ........................ + ....................... + ...................... + .................. +-+-+-_+ ...................... +___+_+_+__ Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 16. M. T. Pump Receiver, Continued Dwg#: R-01 ........................ + ....................... + ..................... -+ .................. +_+_+__+ ...................... +___+_+_+_ -+ ..................... w~T IF... I ~z~D CONSEQUENCES I SAFECU~DS ISILIR RECO~A?IO~S IB¥ ISILIR I CO~S ........................ + ....................... ........................................+ +-+_+ ......................... +___+_+_+__+ ..................... lemployees as to W~AT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 76 Subsystem: 16. M. T. Pump Receiver, Continued Dwg#: R-01 + ........................ + ....................... + ...................... + .................. +-+-+--+ ...................... +---+-+-+--+ ..................... I WRAT IF... I4AZARD I CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS BY ISILIR I COMMENTS ....................... + ...................... + .................. +-+-+--+ ........................... +-+ .... + ..................... 15. A closed hand valve lupstream or downstream Iof a pressure safety Irelief valve? 16. Pressure safety Irelief valve is backed lup by an additional PSRV Idownstream? 17. Pressure safety Irelief valve piping is Inot vented to the latmosphere? safeguards. This What If question is NOT APPLICABLE for this Node, this condition does not exist. This What If question is NOT APPLICABLE for this Node, this condition does not lexist. IThis What If question lis NOT APPLICABLE for Ithis Node, this Icondition does not lexist. ......................... +_ + .................... + .................... +-+--+ ...................... ___+_+_+_.+ ..................... + WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Worksheet Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 17. L. T. Pump Receiver. Dwg#: R-01 Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 77 ........................ ~ ....................... + ...................... + .................. +-+-+--+ ........................... +-+-+--+ ..................... WHAT IF... HAZARD I CONSEQUENCES [ SAFEGUARDS [S[L[R [ RSCOF~4SND~TION$ [BY [S[L[R [ CO~'4SNTS ................................................ + ...................... + .................. +-+-+--+ ........................... +-+-+--+ ..................... Potential release of IPotential release of IPump receiver is 131111 ammonia from leak pointlammonia to the engine Ilocated in remote room enclosed [locations unlikely and remote location. 1. Leak from pump receiver piping, instrumentation, sight glasses due to human error, i.e., forklift accident? [to be impacted by [external events (such as fork lifts) Training of the maintenance employees as to the shut down and the valving off ofI the refrigeration vessels. USCS forklift operator training program. Engine room is equipped with a floor drain interceptor pit. Engine room is equipped with an ammonia detector. The ammonia detector is monitor by the ~ local alarm company. Computer monitors the engine room ammonia detector which shut down the engine room, starts the ventilation fans and scrubber per systemdesigned. ................... +-+-+--+ ...................... + ..... +-+--+ ..................... WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 17. L. T. Pump Receiver. Worksheet Dwg~: R-01 Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 78 + ........................ + ....................... + ...................... + .................. +-+-+_-+ ...................... +_ --+-+-+ ........................ wHAT IF.., HAZARD I CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS I S IL IR I RECOMMENDATIONS I BY I S I L IR COMMENTS ............................................... ~ ...................... + .................. +_+_+__+ .......................... +_+_+_ -. Potential release of ammonia into engine room; enclosed and remote location. 12. Various minor leaks Potential release of Ifrom pump receiver, ammonia from leak piping, instrumentation?lpoint. IEngine room floor Idrains are piped Ito a containment I(interceptor) sump lin the engine Iroom. ITraining of the Imaintenance lemployees for lemergency Iresponse. ITraining of the 1 Imaintenance lemployees as to Ithe proper pump lout and isolation Iof refrigeration lequipment. IDaily visual Ichecks are made of lall engine room lequipment. IDaily preventive Imaintenance of the Irefrigeration lequipment. Engine room is lequipped with an ammonia detector. The ammonia :detector is monitor by the local alarm company. Computer monitors the engine room ammonia de~ector WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Worksheet Primatech Inc. Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. System: Facility: Cold Storage Page: 79 Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 17. L. T. Pump Receiver. Dwg#: R-01 ........................ + ....................... + ...................... + .................. +_+_+._+ ...................... +__.+_+_+__+ ..................... WHAT IF... I HAZARD I CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS ......................... + ....................... + ...................... + .................. +_+_+_.+ ...................... +___+_+.+__+ ..................... Iwhich shut down Ithe engine room, Istarts the Iventilation fans land scrubber per Isystem designed. ITraining of the Imaintenance lemployees for lemergency }response. 3. Leak from pump ISee question #1 for IPumps equipped 311I mechanical seal? Ihazards, consequences Iwith double land additional Imechanical seals Isafeguards I I IPumps are I Itypically rebuilt I levery 3 years. 4. Manual valve or ILow levels could Potential damage to ITraining of the 31111 solenoid closed in ldevelop in pump Ipump due to cavitationlmaintenance Iliquid supply line to receiver Possible IDLH lemployees as to Ipump receiver by atmosphere, the start up mistake? operation and function of the Irefrigeration !vessels. Training of the maintenance employees as to the operation and function of the piping and valving configuration for the L. T. Pump receiver. Remote location USCS lockout Itagout program. ................................................. + ...................... + .................. +-+-+--+ ...................... +-__+_+_+__+ ..................... + WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage session: 3 04-17-97 Revfsion: 0 - System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 17. L. T. Pump Receiver. Worksheet Dwg#: R-01 Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 80 ........................ + ....................... + ...................... WHAT IF... ~ZARD CONSEQUENCES ............................................................... Low levels could develop in pump receivers (if control valve fails closed) - See question #4 for hazards, consequences and safeguards High levels could develop in pump receiver (if control valve fails open) Slug of liquid could potentially damage booster compressor .................. +-+.+--+ ...................... +---+-+-+--+ ..................... + SAFEGU~DS ISI~'IR I RECO~E~D~T~ONS IB¥ IS{LIR I CO~EN?S ..+__+ ...................... +--.+-+-+--+ ..................... 5. Failure of level control systems i.e., oil in level probe or manual valves closed? Low level pre- alarm and cutout will shutoff ammonia pumps System operating conditions and levels are visually monitored and logged daily. Training of the maintenance employees as to ithe operation and function of the Ipiping and valving configuration for the vessels level columns. Oil drained on a regular schedule. Remote location. Noise on compressor caused Iby slug of liquid Iwould provide lindication of Iliquid carz%;over - Ioperators would Irespond to p~oblem IObserved I I I I I [ ...................... + .................. +-+-+--+ ........................... +-+-+--+ ...................... WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 81 9. Valve closed in pump Potential to develop Potential to overheat ITrainin9 of the 311 1 discharge line? I high pump discharge and damage pump I maintenance Ipressures and (primarily pump seal) lemployees as to ......................... + .............................................. + .................. +_+_+__+ ...................... +___+_+_+ ......................... No hazards to pump receivers if too much or too little liquid fed to air units. IHigher pressures could develop in pump receiver Pump could cavitate 8. Valve closed in pump Isuction line by mistake? INo safety or lenvironmental Iconsequences I(operability issue) INo safety or lenvironmental lconsequences since lunlikely to toverpressure pump receiver (operability issue) IPotential damage to pump, possible IDLH atmosphere. ITrainin9 of the Imaintenance lemployees as to Ithe operation and Ifunction of the Ipipin9 and valvin9 Iconfiguration for Ithe L. T. Pump IReceiver. IRemote location IOperator visually linspects pumps on la daily basis. IPressure ~auge in Ipump discharge Iline. 13Il11 16. Improper adjustment loC liquid feed to air lunits? 17. High suction Ipressures to booster compressors? Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 17. L. T. Pump Receiver. Dwg#: R-01 + ........................ + ....................... + ...................... + .................. +_+_+__+ ...................... +___+_+_+_~+ ..................... + I WHAT IF... I HAZARD I CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS IStLIR I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR I COMMENTS ILow lube oil ttemperature or Ipressure or motor Ioverload cutouts Imay detect problem Ibefore compressor Idama~e results WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 82 Subsystem: 17. L. T. Pump Receiver. wHAT IF... Dwg#: R-01 ....................... + .......................................... +-+-+--+ ...................... +---+-+-+--+ ..................... HAZARD I CONSEQUENCES SAFEGUARDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR I COMMENTS ....................... + ......................................... +-+-+--+ ...................... +--~+-+-+--+ ..................... Possible IDLH atmosphere. temperatures the operation and function of the ;piping and valving configuration for the M. T> Pump Receiver. Minimum flow line is provided in Ipump discharge lines. Operator visually inspects pump on daily basis Pump equipped withI motor overload protection. Engine room is equipped with an ammonia detector. The ammonia detector is monitor by the local alarm company. Computer monitors the engine room ammonia detector which shut down the engine room, starts the ventilation fans and scrubber per system designed. Engine room floor drains are piped to a containment (interceptor) sump ..................... +-+--+ ...................... +---+-+-+--+ ..................... + WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 - System: 1 Bakersfield Dgnmonia Refrigeration System Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 83 Subsystem: 17. L. T. Pump Receiver. Dwg#: R-01 I WHAT IF.,. I ~AZARD I CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS Potential to overheat 131111 land damage pump mechanical seal. Il0. Manual valve closed tPotential to develop lin pump minimum flow Ihigher pump discharge line? Ipressures (if all rooms Iwere down to Itemperature) lin the engine Iroom. ITraining of the Imaintenance lemployees as to tthe operation and Ifunction ~f the Ipiping and valvin9 lconfiguration for Ithe L. T. Pump Ireceiver, IRemote location, I Pump equipped with Imotor overload Iprotection IOperator visually linspects pump on Idaily basis. IEngine room is lequipped with an lammonia detector. IThe ammonia Idetector is Imonitor by the Ilocal alarm Icompany. IComputer monitors the engine room ammonia detector which shut down the engine room, starts the ventilation fans and scrubber per system designed. RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR I COMMENTS ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ..................... Engine room floor + + ................. +_+_+__+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ..................... + ~NHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 84 Subsystem: 17. L. T. Pump Receiver. Dwg#: R-01 + ........................ + ....................... + ...................... + .................. +-+-+--+ ........................... +-+-+--+ ..................... + { w~AT IF. MAZARD CONSEQUENCES + ........................ Idrains are piped Ito a containment I(interceptor) sump lin the engine Jroom. 11. Pump stops? Loss of flow to No safety or air units lenvironmental Iconsequences {(operability issue) ..................... + ...................... + .................. +-+-+--+ ........................... +-+-+--+ ..................... WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Worksheet Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 18. L. T. Pump Receiver, continued. Dwg#: R-01 Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 85 1. Pressure safety IOverpressure of the relief valve failed i.e. lpump receiver may rusted shut? Idevelop within the unit. ......................... ~ ....................... + ...................... + .................. +.+-+_-+ ...................... +---+-+.+--+ ...................... WHAT IF... N~ZARD I CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS I S I L IR RECOMMENDATIONS I BY [ S t L I R I COF~4ENTS ......................... + ....................... + ...................... + .................. +_+_+ ......................... +---+-+.+--+ ...................... Release of refrigerantlReplacement of the Illl !to the engine room Ipressure safety area. trelief valves levery 5 years. ITraining of the Imaintenance lemployees as to Ithe operation and Ifunction of the Ipiping and valving Iconfiguration for Ithe pressure safety relief system. Training of the maintenance employees as to the proper piping codes and regulations for the installation and maintenance Iprocedures for PSRVs. ITraining of the maintenance lemployees as to the shut down and the valving off of the L. T. receiver Engine room is equipped with an ammonia detector. The ammonia detector is monitor by the local alarm company. .......................................................................................... +-+-+--+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ...................... W~AT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 18. L. T. Pump Receiver, continued. Worksheet Dwg#: R-01 Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 86 ........................ + ....................... + ...................... + .................. +-+-+--+ ...................... +---+-+-+--+ ..................... WHAT IF...! ~{AZARD I CONSEQUENCES t SAFEGUARDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS BY ISILIR I COMMENTS _+_+__+ ...................... +-_-+_+-+-.+ ..................... ........................ + ....................... + ...................... + .................. Computer monitors the engine room ammonia detector which shut down the engine room, starts the ventilation fans and scrubber per system designed. Engine room floor drains are piped to a containment (interceptor) sump in the engine room. Training of the maintenance employees for emergency response. 12. Pressure safety See question #1 of this relief valve setting is section for hazards, to high (more than consequences and design) for the safe safeguards. operation of the refrigeration system? 3. Pressure safety Pressure safety relief Premature (false) All pressure 121 relief valve setting is valve may open due to release of refrigerantlsafety relief to low for the system normal pressure within to the atmosphere, valves are supply Inormal operating the refrigeration by the Ipressure? system, manufacturer at Itime of purchase with the equipment. USCS PSM program "Replacement in kind". Training of the I I ................................................. + ......................................... +-+-+--+ ...................... +_--+-+-+--+ ..................... WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 - System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 87 WHAT IF... I HAZARD ....................... + Subsystem: 18. L. T. Pump Receiver, continued. Dwg~: R-01 + CONSEQUENCES SAFEGUARDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR I COMMENTS 14. The pressure safety See question ~3 of this Irelief valve opens belowlsecti°n for hazards, + ........................ + ....................... + ....................... maintenance employees as to the operation and function of the piping and valving configuration for the refrigeration Ipressure relief valves system. System operating conditions and levels are visually monitored daily. PSRVs are vented to the ammonia absorption tank. PSRVs line is equipped with an lammonia sensor and lis monitor by the Icomputer and local lalarm company. IThe computer Isystem is designedl Ito activate the lammonia absorption system and shut- down the refrigeration system. Training of the maintenance employees for emergency response. .................... +-+--+ ........................... +-+-+--+ ..................... + WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 88 Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 18. L. T. Pump Receiver, continued. Dwg#: R-01 + ........................ + ....................... + ...................... + .................. +_+_+ ......................... +___+_+_+ ........................ I WHAT IFo.. HAZARD CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS I S I n l R RECOMMENDATIONS + ................... i .... COMMENTS .............................................. + .................. +_+_+ ......................... +___+_+_+ ........................ lits set point? consequences and I safeguards. 15. A closed hand valve This What If question lupstream or downstream is NOT APPLICABLE for Iof a pressure safety this Node, this Irelief valve? condition does not I exist. 16. Pressure safety This What If question Irelief valve is backed is NOT APPLICABLE for lup by an additional PSRV this Node, this Idownstream? condition does not I exist. 17. Pressure safety This What If question I Irelief valve piping is is NOT APPLICABLE for I Inot vented to the this Node, this I latmosphere? condition does not I exist. I + ................................................. + .......................................... +_+_+__+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ...................... WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 89 Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision ..... + em. 19. Draining oil From System ...................... + ............. ---'- +~S~L~R I RECOMMENDATIONS System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Dwg~: R-l, 3, 7 + .................. +---+-+-+--+ ........ ----~-~ ---+ Subsyst · ~ ................... ~- _ ..... ~ SAFEGUARD~ ~ ~ ! ........... +- - - +- +- + ..... ..................... ~ .... _ ~ CONSEQUENus~ ~ .... +_ + _ + - - + ........... T IF... - I WHA ................................. ~--~-'--- C~ood the ITraining of the I1 2{ + .................. ~- · '~otentially send IPosslDle tv ~ {maintenance I I1. Valve open/leaking lnlF L.T. or M.T. pump {oil drain line to oil lammonia to oil . {employees as to { the I i collector when valve collector, receivers Il func~Pi:~a:~o~h:~d I Ishould be closed7 Ipiping and valvingl iconfiguration for I Ithe oil draining {procesS. IUSCS,s SOP for idraining oil from I I the system. IThe L.T. and M.T. I ~pump receivers are~ l equipped with a Ihi9h level alarm I and ec~ipment I cutouts · 2. Operator attempts to oil may not flow out of No safety or · drain oil from oil pot oil pot to the oil environmental collector · consequences before {operability issue) temperature/pressure is l increased in oil pot l especially for low side Ivessels7 13. Leak in used oil Potential release of iPotential release of IUsed oil drums arel oil which contains oil with ammonia in i located in remote I lareas' and are Idrums? small amounts of enclosed rooms, lunlikely to be I ammonia. I damaged by I I external events I { (such as fork I { trucks) I {Training of the 13 14 Ammonia trapped in Potential increase in Potential to Ioil pot i.e,. all manuallpressure in oil pot overpressurize oil Imaintenance I potS if the potS are lemployeeS as to I ivalves closed? I liquid filled, Ithe shut down and I { I possible IDLH ~the valving off ofl I atmosphere. ~{the refrigeration I I ...... +---+-+-+--+ ..................... + WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Worksheet Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 - . System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 19. Draining Oil From System + ........................ + ...... Dwg#: R-i, 3, 7 I WHAT IF. I HAZARD ......... + + ............. I CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS IS I L IR I RECOMMENDATIONS ; I I Ioil pots. + + + + Ic°ntain pressure I I I I safety valves 15. Failure of oil Ia. Pressure in oil INo safety or IcOllector pressure Icollector could drop tolenvironmental I regulator? I intermediate or house I consequences Isuction pressure (if I(operability issue) Iregulator fails open) Ib. Potentially increaseiPotential to IOil collector 12il11 Ipressures in oil I°verpressurize oil Ic°ntains pressure Ireceiver if regulator Ic°llector vessel. Isafety valves. I I I Ivisually examined I I I Ion a daily basis I 16. Manual valve closed IP°tentially increase IP°tential to ITraining of the 12Il11 lin oil collector vent Ipressures in oil I°verpressurize oil Imaintenance Iline back to vessel? Icollector' Ic°llect°r lemployees as to Ithe operation and I I function of the Ipiping and valvingI Ic°nfiguration for I I the oil collector. I IUSCS' s lockout I ragout program. IOil collector I contains pressure Isafety valves IOil collector Ivisually examined Ion a daily basis 7. Ammonia in oil IP°tential release of IP°tential release of ITraining of the 112 1 Icollector? lammonia when oil Ismall amount of - collector is draine~ . Imaintenance Iu lammonla into the ~emnlove + ...................... +'- ..... 2 ' l engine room 'enclosed ;~h~ ~__~es as to I ................ + ............... , ~oper pump I Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 90 IBY ISlLIR I COMM~?S ................. + WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 19. Draining Oil From System Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 91 Dwg#: R-l, 3, 7 ........................ + ....................... + ...................... + .................. +_+_+_.+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ..................... WHAT IF... I HAZARD { CONSEQUENCES [ SAFEGUARDS {S[LIR[ RECOMMENDATIONS [BY IS[LIR [ COMMENTS ................................... + .................. +_+_+__+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ..................... area. lout and isolation Overpressure of the oil receiver may develop within the unit. Release of refrigerant into the engine room enclosed and remote location. 18 Pressure safety valve failed i.e. rusted shut? Iof oil collector [system. IFrost line on oil Icollector provides Ivisual ~ndication Ithat ammonia is Ipresent in oil Ireceiver. IThe ammonia odor Iwill alert the Ioperator that lammonia is Ipresent. IReplacement of theI Ipressure safety Irelief valves levery 5 years. IVentilation fans late continuously Ioperating in lengine room Engine room ammonia !detector operates the ventilation fans for engine room. Training of the maintenance l employees as to I the operation and I function of the Ipiping and valving I configuration for Ithe pressure IsafetY relief I system. I USCS, Standard ......................... + ....................... + ...................... + .................. +_+_+__+ ...................... +___+_+_+ ....................... + WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 92 Subsystem: 19. Draining Oil From System Dwg#: R-i, 3, 7 + ........................ + ....................... + ...................... + .................. +-+-+--+ ...................... +---+.+-+--+ ..................... + 19. Pressure safety See question #8 of this relief valve setting is Isection for hazards, to hi9h (more than design) for the safe operation of the refrigeration system? 10. Pressure safety ' relief valve setting is to low for the system normal operating Ipressure? consequences and safeguards. Pressure safety relief valve may open due to normal pressure within the refrigeration system. .................. +-+-+--+ .......................... +-+-+--+ ..................... + Operational Procedures (SOP)s. Training of the maintenance employees for emergency response. Premature (false) All pressure release of refrigerantlsafety relief to the atmosphere. Ivalves are supply Iby the manufacturer at time of purchase with the equipment. USCS PSM program "Replacement in kind". Ventilation fans are continuously operating in engine room EngineI room ammonia detector operates the ventilation fans for engine room. Training of the maintenance employees as to the operation and function of the .............. h ...... +-+--+ .......................... +-+-+--~ ..................... + WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 19. Draining Oil From System Worksheet Dwg#: R-l, 3, 7 Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 93 + ........................ ~ ....................... + ...................... + .................. +_+-+--+ ...................... +--~+-+-+--+ ...................... WI{AT IF... HAZARD I CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR I COMMENTS ................................................ + ...................... + .................. +-+-+--+ ...................... +---+-+.+--+ ...................... Ipiping and valving Iconfiguration for Ithe refrigeration Ipressure relief valves system. System operating conditions and levels are visually monitored daily. Training of the maintenance employees for emergency response. 11. The pressure safety ISee question #10 of relief valve opens below this section for its set point? hazards, consequences and safeguards. 12. A closed hand valve Overpressure of the Release of refrigerant Positive shutoff upstream or downstream oil receiver may into the engine room valve are not of a pressure safety develop, enclosed and remote allowed in relief valve? location. Ipressure safety relief lines/system. Training of the maintenance employees as to the start up operation and function of the )ressure safety irelief system. USCS, Standard I Operational Procedures (SOP)s. Ventilation fans + .......................................................................................... +-+-+--+ ...................... +---+-+-+-.+ ..................... WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Worksheet Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 19. Draining Oil From System Dwg#: R-i, 3, 7 Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 94 + ................................................ + ...................... + .................. +-+-+--+ ...................... +--_+_+_+__+ ...................... WHAT IF... HAZARD I CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS IsILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR I COMMENTS ................................................ + ...................... + .................. +-+-+--+ ...................... +---+-+-+--+ ...................... lare continuously 13. Pressure safety relief valve is backed lup by an additional PSRV downstream? Possible rise in downstream pressure due to leaking PSRV. Possible release of refrigerant to the engine room area, (enclosed area)_ Possible increase in PSRV set-point may cause an overpressurization. Hazardous (IDLH) atmosphere in the engine room. 14. Pressure safety relief valve piping is not vented to the latmosphere? ~, Ioperating in engine room Engine room ammonia detector operates the ventilation fans for engine room. Training of the maintenance employees for emergency response. Training of the maintenance employees as to the proper piping codes and Iregulations of refrigeration equipment. Ventilation fans are continuously operating in engine room Engine room ammonia detector operates the ventilation fans for engine room. Training of the maintenance employees for emergency response. ITraining of the Imaintenance lemployees as to Ithe proper piping WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 - System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 95 Subsystem: 19. Draining Oil From System Dwg#: R-l, 3, 7 ............................................................................................ +_+_+__+ .......................... +-+-+--+ ...................... WHAT IF... HAZARD CONSEQUENCES SAFEGUARDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS BY ISILIR I COMMENTS ............................................................................................ +_+_+__+ .......................... +-+-+- -+ ...................... codes and regulations of refrigeration equipment installation and maintenance. Ventilation fans .I are continuously operating in engine room Engine room ammonia detector operates the ventilation fans for engine ~ room. Training of the maintenance employees for emergency response. ...................................................................... + .................. +-+-+--+ ...................... +-- -+-+-+--+ ..................... + WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Worksheet Primatech Inc. Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage System: 1 Page: 96 Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 20. Glycol Heat Exchangers Dwg~: R-3, 9, 10 + ........................ + ....................... + ......................................... ~-+-+--+ ...................... +---+-+-+--+ ..................... I wHAT IF... I HAZARD I CONSEQUENCES SAFEGUARDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR I COMMENTS + ........................ + ....................... + .......................................... +-+-+--+ ...................... +_-_+-+_+--+ ..................... Loss of ammonia flow to No safety or environmental 1. Solenoid valve or manual throttling valve closed in hot gas supply line by mistake? 2. Plugged strainer in hot gas supply line? iexchanger. See question #1 for hazards, consequences and safeguards. Increase load (false) in M.T. suction. Potentially condense lammonia in exchanger. consequences operability issue. No safety or lenvironmental consequences (operability issue) Loss of heating of the glycol. Training of the maintenance employees as to the start up operation and function of the glycol heat exchanger. USCS's lockout ragout program. System operating Iconditions and levels are visually monitored and logged daily. 3. Float/drainer valve fails open in the condensate line from exchanger? 14. Loss of flow in drain line from heat exchanger to M.T. pump receiver, i.e., manual valve closed by mistake? Any liquid in suction lines from heat exchanger will drop into M.T. Pump Receiver due to piping orientation M.T. Pump Receiver is equipped with a Ihigh level cutout. m ~ m m m m m m m m m m m mm m m m m WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 97 Session: 3 04-17-97 .. Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 20. Glycol }{eat Exchangers Dwg#: R-3, 9, 10  ........................................ + .................. +_+_+__+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ..................... + + WHAT F. HAZARD I CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR COMMENTS ....................... ........................ + ....................... + .................. +_+_+__+ ...................... +___+_+_+ ........................ INo safety or lenvir°nmental Ic°nsequences I I(operability issue) IPotential to ITraining of the Ioverpressure heat Imaintenance lexchanger, leading to lemployees as to release of ammonia Ithe shut down and inside facility or Ithe valving off to the environment. Ithe underfloor Iheating system. Potential to contaminate glycol system with ammonia; ammonia could be released in engine room and the environment from vent lin glycol surge drum IPotentially fail to Iheat glycol 5. Manual valves closed IPotentially increase on heat exchanger, IPressures in exchanger lisolating liquid ammonialdue to thermal in heat exchanger? lexpansion of ammonia USCS's lockout ragout program. Pressure safety valves on I exchangers. IGlycol would tend Ito cool (rather Ithan heat) the [ ammonia, ITraining of the 11121 I maintenance l employees as to I the shut down and I the valving off of I the underfloor Iheat exchanger. I Engine room is l equipped with an I ammonia detector. I The ammonia Idetector is I monitor by the I local alarm I company. I Computer monitors ...................... + .................. +_+_+__. ....................... +___+_+_+_ + + ...................... Ammonia could leak into Iglycol system 6. Leak in exchanger tubes? WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 98 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 20. Glycol Heat Exchangers Dwg~: R-3, 9, 10 __+_+_+__+ ...................... +---+-+-+--+ ..................... + ................... I RECOb~MENDATIONS IBY SILIR I COF~MENTS wHAT IF... HAZARD I CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGU~RDS ....................... +-+--+ ...................... ~ ..... +-+--+ ...................... ......... - .......................... Ithe engine room ............................... + lammonia detector which shut down the engine room, starts the ventilation fans and scrubber per system designed. Engine room floor drains are piped to a containment (interceptor) sump in the engine 7. Leak from glycol heatlPotential release of Potential release of Glycol heat 13 exchanger piping, ammonia from leak point ammonia into the exchanger is instrumentation, sight engine room or located in remote iglasses due to human environment, locations unlikely error, i.e., forklift : to be impacted by lexternal events Iaccident? (such as fork lifts) Training of the maintenance employees as to the shut down and the valving off of the glycol heat exchanger. Engine room is equipped with an ammonia detector. The ammonia detector is monitor by the local alarm company. Computer monitors .......... +---+-+-+--+ ..................... + ......................... + .................................................................. +-+--+ ............ WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 - System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 20. Glycol Heat Exchangers Worksheet Dwg#: R-3, 9, 10 Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 99 .......................................................................................... +-+-+--+ ...................... +---+-+-+--+ ...................... WHAT IF... HAZARD CONSEQUENCES SAFEGUARDS ISIL[R [ RECOMMENDATIONS [BY IS[LIR [ COMMENTS + .......................................................................................... +-+-+--+ ...................... +---+-+-+-.+ ...................... the engine room ammonia detector I which shut down the engine room, starts the ventilation fans and scrubber per system designed. Engine room floor drains are piped to a containment (interceptor) sumpl in the engine room. 8. Various minor leaks Potential release of Potential release of Training of the 111311 ifrom glycol heat ammonia from leak lammonia into engine maintenance exchanger, piping, point. Iroom; enclosed employees as to instrumentation? land remote location, the proper pump out and isolation of refrigeration equipment. Daily visual checks are made of all engine room equipment. Daily preventive maintenance of the refrigeration equipment. Engine room is equipped with an ammonia detector. The ammonia detector is monitor by the local alarm company. I WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Worksheet Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 System: i Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 20. Glycol Heat Exchangers Dwg#: R-3, 9, 10 ........................ + ................................................................. +-+-+_-+ ...................... +_._+_+_+._+ ...................... WHAT IF... I ~AZARD CONSEQUENCES SAFEGUARDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR I COMMENTS ........................ + .................................................................. +-+-+__+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ...................... Computer monitors the engine room ammonia detector which shut down the engine room, starts the ventilation fans and scrubber per Isystem designed. Engine room floor drains are piped to a containment (interceptor) sump in the engine room. None None Loss of glycol flow exchanger? Changes in hot gas Ipressure? No safety or environmental consequences (operability issue) No safety or environmental consequences (operability issue) Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 100 WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 04-17-97 Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 101 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 21. Glycol Meat Exchanger, continued. Dwg#: R-3, 9, 10 + ........................ + ............. + .................. +-+-+--+ ............ I WHAT IF... HAZARD CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS ISILIm I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR I COMMENTS' + ........................ + + + + + --+---+-+-+--+ ..................... I1. Pressure safety iOverpressure of the Release of refrigerantIReplacement of thel3 relief valve failed i.e. glycol heat exchanger into the engine room Ipressure safety rusted shut? may develop within the enclosed and remote relief valves unit. location, every 5 years. Training of the maintenance employees as to the operation and function of the pipin9 and valving configuration for the pressure safety relief system. Training of the maintenance employees as to the proper piping codes and regulations for the installation and maintenance Iprocedures for PSRVs. Training of the maintenance employees as to the shut down and the valving off of the underfloor heating system. Engine room is equipped with an lammonia detector. IThe aumlonia Idetector is Imonitor by the Ilocal alarm Icompany. ....................... + .................. +-+-+--+ ........................... +-+-+--+ ..................... + WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 102 Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 04-17-97 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 21. Glycol Heat Exchanger, continued. Dwg#: R-3, 9, 10 ................................................+ WHAT I F... MAZA~RD +1 ...................... CONSEQUENCES +l .................. SAFEGUARDS +-+-+-- +1S ILI R I ...................... RECOMMENDAT IONS +'--+-+-+1BY I S I n I m ......................... COM~MENTS + .................... + .................. +_+_+__+ .................. ~___+.__+_+_+ .......................... I Computer monitors I the engine room I ammonia detector I which shut down I the engine room, Istarts the Iventilation fans land scrubber per I system designed. I Engine room floor I drains are piped Ito a containment I (interceptor) sump lin the engine I room. ITraining of the I maintenance I employees for I emergency response. 12. Pressure safety ISee question #1 of this Irelief valve setting is Isection for hazards, Ito high (more than 'lconsequences and Idesign) for the safe Isafeguards. operation of the refrigeration system? 3. Pressure safety IPressure safety relief Premature (false) All pressure 111211 relief valve setting is Ivalve may open due to release of refrigerant safety relief to low for the system I normal pressure within to the atmosphere, valves are supply normal operating I the refrigeration Iby the contractor Ipressure? I sYstem- lat time of Ipurchase with the I equipment. IUSCS PSM program I "Replacement in I kind". ...... ITraining of the · : I I m~intenance WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 04-17-97 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 21. Glycol Heat Exchanger, continued. WHAT IF... I HAZAiRD Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 103 Dwg#: R-3, 9, 10 ...................... + .................. +_+_+__+ ...................... +.__+_+~+__+ ..................... CONSEQUENCES [ SAFEGUARDS IS[L[R ....................... + .................. +- +-+-_ + ...................... +- - -+-+-+--+ ..................... lemployees as to Ithe operation and Ifunction of the Ipiping and valving Iconfiguration for Ithe refrigeration Ipressure relief Ivalves system. ISystem operating Iconditions and Ilevels are Ivisually monitored Idaily. IPSRVa are vented Itu the ammonia labsorption tank. IPSRVs line is lequipped with an lammonia sensor and lis monitor by the Icomputer and local lalarm company. IThe computer Isystem is designed Itu activate the lammonia absol-ption Isystem and shut- Idown the Irefrigeration Isystem. ITraining of the Imaintenance lemployees for lemergency Iresponse. ITraining of the Imaintenance lemployees for ........................................................................ + .................. +-+_+__ ~ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ..................... Worksheet WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 04-17-97 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 21. Glycol Heat Exchanger, continued. Dwg#: R-3, 9, 10 + ........................ + ....................... + ...................... + .................. +-+-+--+ ...................... +_~_+-+-+-.+ ...................... I WHAT IF... I HAZ~RD [ CONSEQtfENCES I SAFEGUARDS ISILIR t RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR I COMMENTS + ........................ + .................. ~ .... + ...................... + .................. +-+-+--+ ........................... +-+-+--+ ..................... emergency response. See question ~3 of this! section for hazards, consequences and safeguards. Overpressure of the glycol heat exchanger may develop. Release of refrigerant into the environment. Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 104 4. The pressure safety relief valve opens below its set point? 5. A closed valve upstream or downstream of a pressure safety relief valve? Positive shutoff 131 I1 valve are not allowed in Ipressure safety relief lines/system. Training of the maintenance employees as to :he start up operation and function of the roof heat exchanger pressureI safety relief valve configuration. Roof heat exchanger relief valve configuration is piped into the M.T. suction line with a special valve grouping to allow replacement of PSRVs with an attached warning instruction Iplacard. PSRVs are vented · · to the ammonia, .................... +-+-+--+ ......................... +-+-+--+ ...................... WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 105 Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 04-17-97 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 21. Glycol Heat Exchanger, continued. Dwg~: R-3, 9, 10 ......................... ~ .............................................. + .................. +-+-+--+ .......................... +-+-+--+ ..................... WHAT IF... HAZARD CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS BY ISILIR I COMMENTS ......................... ~ ............................................... + .................. +-+-+--+ ........................... +-+-+--+ ..................... 6. Pressure safety relief valve is backed lup by an additional PSRV downstream? This What If question is NOT APPLICABLE for this Node, this condition does not exist. This What If question is NOT APPLICABLE for this Node, this condition does not exist. 7. Pressure safety relief valve piping is not vented to the atmosphere? labsorption tank. IPSRVs line is lequipped with an lammonia sensor and is monitor by the computer and local alarm company. The computer system is designedI to activate the ammonia absorptionI system and shut- down the refrigeration system. Training of the maintenance employees for emergency response. .................. +-+-+--+ ...................... +---+-+-+--+ ..................... WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Worksheet Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 22. Air Units Dwg#: R-i, 2, 8, I WHAT IF... I HAZARD CONSEQUENCES Il. Solenoid valve or ILoss of ammonia flow tolNo safety or Imanual expansion valve Iclosed in liquid supply Iline? Plugged strainer in Iliquid supply line? Manual hand expansion Ivalve is set wide open mistake? Loss of fan? lair unit. ISee question #1 for Ihazards, consequences land safeguards Potentially flood air unit, sending liquid back to pump receivers. Potential for freezing on air unit coils. environmental consequences (operability issue) Recirculate liquid ammonia between air unit and vessel -No Isafety or I~nvironmental Iconsequences (operability issue) Potential damage to coil leading to ammonia release in enclosed area. Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 106 .................. +_+_+__+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ..................... SAFEGUARDS ISI~'IRI RECO~ENDATZONS IBY IslLIR I CO~ENTS ................... +_+_+_.+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ..................... IDaily inspection of air units All air units are automatically defrosted. Ammonia sensors Ilocated in all areas where ~air units are located; sensors are tied into the local alarm company. Ammonia detector closes all solenoid valves and fans in leak area. All refrigerated rooms are vapor tight. USCS's emergency ........................................................................................... +_+_+__+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ..................... WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Worksheet Primatech Inc. Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage System: 1 Page: 107 Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 22. Air Units Dwg#: R-l, 2, 8, + ........................ + ................................................................ +-+-+--+ .......................... +-+-+--+ ..................... I WN_AT IF... HAZARD CONSEQUENCES SAFEGUARDS I S I L I R RECOMMENDATIONS I BY I S I L I R I COMMENTS ...................... +---+-+-+- -+ ..................... + ........................................................................................ +-+-+-- 5. LOSS of flow in Pressure would suction line i.e., stabilize in air unit manual valve closed by at system pressure. mistake? 6. Pressure regulator None valve has wrong setpoint for docks/convertible units only? 7. Manual valves closed Potentially increase' isolating liquid ammonialpressure due to thermal in the air unit? expansion of liquid. No safety or lenvironmental consequences (operability issue). NO safety or environmental consequences (operability issue) Potential to overpressure air unit, leading to release of lammonia inside facility (enclosed areas). action plan. Training of the maintenance employees for emergency response. Training of the maintenance employees as to the shut down and Ithe valving off ofI the refrigeration air units. Ammonia sensors located in all areas where air units are located; sensors are tied into local alarm company 311 i Ammonia detector closes all solenoid valves land fans in leak larea. IA!i refrigerated Irooms are vapor Itight. ...................... + .................... +-+--+ ...................... + .... WNAT IF-PC 3.03 Worksheet Primatech Inc. Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. System: Facility: Cold Storage Page: 108 Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 22. Air Units Dwg#: R-i, 2, 8, + .......................................................................................... +_+_+__+ ...................... +.._+_+.+._+ ..................... WHAT IF... HAZARD CONSEQUENCES SAFEGUARDS ISILIR RECOMMENDATIONS ]BY ]S]LIR ] COMMENTS 8. Leaks from valves, fitting, lines, instrumentation, etc by Ipoint. human error? Potential release of ammonia from leak Potential'release'of Potential ammonia release to enclosed refrigerated area and environment. Potential release'of~ 9.~Various minor leaks USCS's emergency action plan. Training of the maintenance employees for lemergency response. Air units are located in remote locations -they are unlikely to bei impacted by external events (such as fork lifts) IA portion of the lvalves, piping and linstrumentation I(approximately 170%) are located Ion roof to Iminimize potential for personnel exposure to ammonia leaks Ammonia sensors located in refrigerated areas Periodical visual inspections of Ipipin~ and of air lunits. lAir unit piping lis insulated to Iprotect against lexternal corrosion lAir units are WRAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 109 Subsystem: 22. Air Units Dwg~: R-i, 2, 8, 7 WNAT IF... HAZkRD CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUi~RDS ISILIR ] RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR I COMMENTS ................... +---+-+-+--+ ..................... + ........................ + ................. + ..... + .................. +-+-+--+--- I from air unit, 'lines, ammonia from leak pointlammonia into the Ilocated in remote I instrumentation points? I~efrigerated space or Ilocations unlikelyl lenvironment. Ito be impacted by lexternal events lO. Liquid drainer for the air unit ,in room ~5 fails? 11. Convertible rooms valving configuration is not proper set to the correct system. a. Liquid drainer could fail shut. b. Liquid drainer could fail opened. a. L.T. liquid is opened while in the M.T. mode. Loss of defrost or heating of room #5. No consequences, operability issue. False load during defrost or heating node. No consequences, operability issue. Possible high level in M.T. Pump Receiver. (such as fork lifts) Training of the maintenance employees as to the shut down and the valving off the air units. I Ammonia sensors located in refrigerated areas The ammonia detector is monitor by the local alarm company. Ammonia detector Icloses all solenoid valves and fans in leak area. Training of the Imaintenance lemployees as to Ithe operation and I I I ...................... + .................. +-+-+--+ ....................... ............................ + + + + WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 - System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 22. Air Units Worksheet Dwg#: R-I, 2, 8, Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 110 ........................ + .................. +_+.+__+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ..................... WHAT IF...IHAZARDI CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUIkRDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR I COMMENTS ......................... + .............. .................................. + + ........... ____ +_+_+__+ .......... ~ ........... +___+_+_+_.+ ........ Ifunction of the ............. Ipiping and valving Iconfiguration for Ithe air unite. IRemote location. IM.T. Pump receiver lis equipped with a Ihigh level alarm land cutout for Ithe compressors land ammonia pumps, i ILow lube oil Itemperature or Ipressure or motor Ioverload cutouts Ima¥ detect problem Ibefore compressor Idamage results. IM.T. liquid is opened Loss of refrigeration Iwhile in the L.T. mode. due to flash gas. No I Isafety or I lenvironmental I Iconsequences I Ioperability issue. + ........................ + ....................... + ....................... ....................... +___+_+_+~_ ...................... + WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 111 Subsystem: 23 Hot Gas Defrost Systems Dwg#: R-i, 2, 8 .................................................. + + + + + + -+-+-+--+ ...................... WHAT IF... HAZARD CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR I COMMENTS 1. Solenoid in liquid Potential for liquid Potential for ammonia ICheck valve in 311I supply line does not hammer in air unit. release due to liquid liquid supply close during defrost hammer, lines. cycle? 2. Valve in hot gas line Potentially don't bleed Potential for ammonia Internal timer in 311I does not close at the air unit down before release due to liquid computer software end of hot gas defrost liquid is introduced hammer in suction control hot gas cycle? into air unit. line. solenoid. Annual preventive maintenance of the refrigeration equipment. A portion of the valves, piping and instrumentation (approximately 70%) are located on roof to minimize potentialI for personnel exposure to ammonia leaks. Ammonia sensors located in all areas where air units are located; sensors are tied into local alarm Icompany. 13. Master solenoid valve Air units would not be Loss of refrigeration System operating Illll iI lin hot gas header defrosted, lover a period of time. conditions and icloses? levels are I visually monitoredI I and logged daily. All refrigerated areas are alarm to the computer for WHAT IF-PC 3~03 Worksheet Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 23 Hot Gas Defrost Systems Dwg#: R-i, 2, 8 Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 112 + ........................ + ....................... + ...................... + .................. +_+-+__$ ...................... +___+.+_+__+ ..................... I WHAT IF... I HAZARD I CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS ISlLtR I RECOMMENDATIONS + ........................ + ............ y .......... + ...................... + .................. +_+_+__+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ..................... high temperature. Frost on air units would be detected long before damage could result. 4. Solenoid in hot gas See question #3 of this line does not open section for hazards, during defrost cycle consequences and safeguards 5. Loss of flow to Pressures could Localize warming of Air units are 111211 suction line during increase in air units the refrigerated area. rated above defrost cycle i.e., due (to hot gas pressure, 250 psig. to closed manual valve approximately 100-150 by mistake? psig). System operating conditions and levels are Ivisually monitored land logged daily. 6. Pressure regulator in See questions #4 & #5 suction line for hazards, malfunctions? consequences and safeguards. 7. System not pumped Potential for liquid Over time, coils in ]System operating down before hot gas hammer, bottom of air unit ~lconditions and introduced due to timer could be damaged (and Ilevels are or valve malfunction? release ammonia in lvisually monitored room) due to build-up land logged dally. of ice. Periodical visual checks are made of the air units. Ammonia sensors located in all areas where air units; sensors are located are tied into the local · ' lalarm company/ ......................................................................... + .................. +-+-+--+ ...................... +---+-+-+-.+ ..................... WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Worksheet Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 113 Possible to send a slug of liquid down the suction line. Hot air and water blown into operating area. a. Regulator could fail open. b. Regulator could fail close. 10. Hot gas pressure regulator fails for the air unit in room #5? 9. Fan does not stop during hot gas defrost? 8. No'bleed down cycle? Possible release of refrigerant to the environment. No safety or environmental consequences (operability issue). False load on the medium temperature system. No safety or environmental consequences operability issue. No defrost or heating of the room. No consequences, operability issue. Ammonia detector closes all solenoid valves and fans in leak area. Visual inspections of air units on a daily basis Defrost of the air units are controlled by the system computer. System computer software is written with the facility's default settings. System operating conditions and levels are visually monitored and logged daily. + ............................................................................................ +-+-+--+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ..................... + Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 23 Mot Gas Defrost Systems Dwg#: R-i, 2, 8 + ................................................ + ......................................... +_+_+_.+ .......................... +-+-+--+ ..................... I WMAT IF... ~AZARD I CONSEQUENCES SAFEGUARDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR I COMMENTS + ................................................ + ......................................... +-+-+_-+ ...................... +- --+-+-+--+ ...................... WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Worksheet Primatech Inc. Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage System: 1 Page: 114 Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 24. Emergency Ammonia Diffusion System Dwg#: R-13 ......................... + ....................... + ...................... + .................. 2-+-+--+ .......................... +-+-+--+ ..................... WHAT IF... HAZARD CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR I COMMENTS 1. Emergency refrigerant Increase in system Pressure Safety ValveslPSRVs are vented 131111 discharge system failed? pressure, release, ito the ammonia absorption tank. PSRVs line is equipped with an ammonia sensor and is monitor by the computer and local alarm company. The computer system is designed to activate the ammonia absorption system and shut- down the refrigeration system. 12. Interconnecting hand Increase in the M.T. Lower high side Valves are 11211 Ivalve between the H.P.R. side pressure and an tpressure, enclosed in a land the M.T.P.R. is decrease in the high locked metal box topened by mistake? side pressure, and is marked "Fire Department Emergency Refrigerant Discharge Valve Box" Box is alarmed to the local alarm company. 3. Both interconnecting Increase in the low Lower high side Same as above 1211 hand valves are opened side pressure and an pressure and higher tby mistake? decrease in the high low side pressure. I side pressure. 14. Either valves 1, 2, Release of refrigerant iIndividual may be Training of the Ior 3, are opened by to the environment, spray by ammonia at maintenance Imistake? the valve station if employees as to I .... no wate~ is supply to tthe operation and I the box. Ifunc~On of' the + ........................ + .... + ...................... + .................. +_+_+-_+ ......................... +_+-+- -+ ..................... W~AT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 115 Subsystem: 24. Emergency Ammonia Diffusion System Dwg#: R-13 ......................... + ................................................................ +_+.+__+ ...................... +J--+-+-+--+ ..................... WHAT IF... HAZARD CONSEQUENCES SAFEGUARDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR I COMMENTS ......................................................................................... +.+-+--+ ...................... +_--+-+-+--+ ..................... piping and valving configuration for the Fire Department Emergency IRefrigerant Discharge. Valves are enclosed in a locked metal box and is marked I"Fire Department IEmergency IRefrigerant Discharge Valve Box" Box is alarmed to the local alarm icompany. 5. Compressors are Increase in low side No reduction in high Training of the Illl 1I running while Fire Ipressure. side pressure, maintenance Department Emergency employees as to Refrigerant Discharge the operation and System is in uses with function of the the interconnecting piping and valving valves are opened? configuration for !the Fire iDepartment iEmergency iRefrigerant iDischarge. iEmergency stop iswitch is located in the box. 16. The FDERD piping Uncontrolled release of Loss of charge of !Maintenance of thel4I 12 Consider installing IRWWl lsystem is broken at the refrigerant, refrigerant. Pipe outer surfaceI I guard post by the IJCMI Iwall from the engine I I FDEADS. IVDAI lroom. Located in remote I I I I I larea away from I I I I + ........................ + .............................................. + .................. +-+-+--+ ...................... +-_-+-+-+--+ ..................... WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Worksheet Primatech Inc. Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 24. Emergency Ammonia Diffusion System W~AT IF... t FIAZARD Increase pressure in the high temperature pump receiver. 7. The normally closed hand valve between the High Pressure Receiver and the High Temperature Pump Receiver is leaking! through? 8. Valve #1 from the Pressure from high high pressure receiver tpressure receiver will is opened by mistake or Ipressurize the header is leakin9 through? between (normally closed) valves numbers #2, #3 and #4. See question #8 of this: section for hazards, consequences and safeguards See question #8 of this section for hazards, consequences and safeguards la) If the valve #4 is Iopened to the 19. Valve #2 from the Ihigh temperature pump Ireceiver is opened by Imistake or is leaking Ithrough? I10. Valve ~3 from the Ilow temperature pump Ireceiver is opened by Imistake or is leaking Ithrough? Ill. Check valve located Idownstream of valve ~1 Ifails open during use oflatmosphere no hazard - Ithe emergency ammonia Isystem is being used as Idiffusion system? Idesign. System: 1 Page: 116 Dwg#: R-13 CONSEQLrENCES No safety or environmental :consequences ioperability issue. Possible overpressurization of the header. traffic. Box is locked and in a remote location Pressure gauge is located on header° Training of the maintenance lemployees as to the operation and function of the piping and valving configuration for the Emergency Ammonia Diffusion System. 12 .......................................... +-+-+--+ .......................... +-+-+--+ ..................... + W~AT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 24. Emergency Ammonia Diffusion System + ........................ + ....................... + ...................... WHAT IF... I HAZARD I CONSEQUENCES ................ ~ ........ + ....................... + ...................... lb) If the valve #4 is INo safety or Iopened and check valve lenvironmental lassociated with valve Iconsequences 1#4 fails and the water operability issue. Ipressure is greater Ithan system pressure Ithe refrigeration Isystem will be flooded Iby water. 12. Check valve located la) If the valve #5 is downstream of valve #2 Iopened to the Ifails open during use oflatmosphere no hazard - Ithe emergency ammonia Isystem is being used as diffusion system? Idesign. lb) If the valve #4 is INo safety or Iopened and check valve lenvironmental lassociated with valve Iconsequences 1#4 fails and the water operability issue.' lpressure is greater Ithan system pressure Ithe refrigeration Isystem will be flooded Iby water. 13. Check valve located la) If the valve #4 is downstream of valve #3 Iopened to the fails open during use oflatmos~here no hazard - the emergency ammonia Isystem is being used as diffusion system? Idesign. lb) If the valve #4 is INo safety or Iopened and check valve lenvironmental lassociated with Iconsequences Ivalve #4 fails and the operability issue. Iwater pressure is Igreater than system Ipressure the Irefrigeration system Iwill be flooded by Iwater. Dwg#: R-13 Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 117 .................. +_+_+._+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ..................... S~UARDS Isl~l~ I ~CO~M~N~r:O~S I~ I SI~.I~ J CO~NrS .................. +_+_+__+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ..................... 14. Valve #3 and #4 is IIf system is operating Higher than normal ISystem operating 111211 ......................... + ....................... + ...................... + .................. +-+.+__+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ..................... WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 24. Emergency Ammonia Diffusion System wMAT IF... Ioff their seat and check in a vacuum will draw Ivalves are not fully in air from the iseated, atmosphere. Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 118 Dwg~: R~13 .............................................. + .................... +-+--+ ...................... +---+~+-+--+ ..................... HAZARD CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS SILlR I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY [SILIR I COMMENTS ............................................... + .................... +-+--+ ...................... +.--+.+-+--+ ..................... condensing pressure. Iconditions and Ilevels are Ivisually monitored land logged daily~ ISystem's high Ipressure alarm and Icutouts. ...................... + .................. +-+-+--+ .......................... +-+-+--+ ...................... W}{AT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 25. Global Subs ~stem Worksheet Dwg#: R Drawings Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 119 ..................................................................... + .................. +_+_+__+ ...................... +.--+.+-+--+ ..................... + · WHAT IF... HAZARD CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISIL{R I COMMENTS + ............................................... ~ ...................... + .................. +_+_+__+ ...................... +-- -+-+-+--+ ..................... I1. Pressure safety valve Potential release of Potential release of IDual pressure tll I1 Ileaking or does properly ammonia from pressure ammonia to absorption Isafety valves are re-seat after release, safety valve, system. Iprovided to enable maintenance on one safety valve while maintaining full relief protection (except for oil Ipots) PSRVs are vented to the ammonia !absorption tank. PSRVs line is leguipped with an ammonia sensor and lis monitor by the computer and local alarm company. The computer system is designed to activate the ammonia absorption system and shut- down the refrigeration system. 12. Plugs, caps or blind Valve inadvertently Possible release of Training of the 131111 flanges are not in place opened, irefrigerant to an maintenance on valves or piping openI enclosed area or the employees as to to atmosphere? environment, the operation and function of the piping and valving configuration for refrigeration system. ITraining of the Imaintenance I~ lemployees for I lemergency ......................... + ....................... + ...................... + .................. +-+-+--+ ...................... +_~_+_+_+__+ ..................... + WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 25. Global Subs~,stem WHAT IF... 3. Fire in processing area or engine room? Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 120 Dwg#: R Drawings .................................................................. +-+-+--+ ...................... +-_-+-+-+--+ ...................... HAZARD CONSEQUENCES SAFEGUARDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR I COMMENTS response. USCS, Standard Operational Procedures (SOP)'s that all valves open to the atmosphere areI proper terminated. Daily visual checks are made of the refrigeration equipment/system. Potential for pressurelPressure safety increases in system valves on leading to ammonia icompressors and releases vessels. PSRVs are vented to the ammonia absorption tank. PSRVs line is equipped with an ammonia sensor and is monitor by the computer and local alarm company. The computer system is designed to activate the ammonia absorption system and shut- down the refrigeration system. IHigh pressure Icutouts on Icompressors Increased heat loading lin refrigeration system ...................... + .................. +-+-+--+ ...................... +---+-+-+--+ ..................... WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Worksheet Primatech Inc. Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage System: 1 Page: 121 Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 25. Global Subsystem Dwg#: R Drawings ........................ + ....................... + ......................................... +_+-+--+ ...................... +___+-+-+--+ ..................... + WHAT IF... HAZARD I CONSEQUENCES SAFEGUARDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR I COMMENTS I ................................................ + ............................................ +-+--+ ........................... +-+-+--+ ..................... + Very little I combustibles are I located in areas -I where ammonia will be handled Fire extinguishers are located throughout the facility. Hot work permit system USCS "No Smoking" policy. All storage areas and engine room contain sprinkler systems. Non-warehouse areas are equipped with smoke detector. Inferred testing of all electrical equipment every 2 lyears. 4. System becomes Water would collect in No safety or Icontaminated with water? oil drain pots environmental I consequences I (operability issue) 15. Long term Non-condensibles could No safety or Idecomposition of buildup in system over environmental lammonia? time (years) consequences since ] auto purger would i remove non~ I condensibles I (operability issue) + ........................ + ....................... + .......................................... +-+--+ ...................... +-__+_+_+__+ ...................... WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Worksheet Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Subsystem: 25. Global Subsystem Dwg~: R Drawings Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 122 + ........................ + .............................................. + .................. +-+.+--+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ..................... I WHAT IF... I ~AZARD CONSEQUENCES I SAFEGUARDS ISILIR I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY ISILIR I COMMENTS + ........................ + .............................................. +__ ................ +-+-+.-+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ..................... 6. Construction sludge IPotential fouling in Potential for IStrainers are Ill 1 left in system prior to Iportions of system equipment damage Iprovided to remove start-up? (depending on size and solids in system location of sludge) Written quality assurance program 7. Loss of electricity? Entire system would No safety or shut off environmental consequences (operability issue) 8. Earthquake, tornado, Potential for major Potential for ammonia There is an early 141 13 electrical storm, or site damage ~elease to atmosphere warning alarm - hail damage? alert system in Iplace for tornado sightings (including doppler radar system). Engine room is equipment with a seismic shut-off switch. Facility is built to a Seismic 4 rating. Engine room is equipped with an ammonia detector. The ammonia detector is Imonitor by the Ilocal alarm Icompany. IComputer monitors Ithe engine room lammonia detector Iwhich shut down - Ithe engine room, ' I I ......................... + .............................................. + .................... +-+-.+ ...................... +---+-+-+--+ ..................... WHAT IF-PC 3.03 Company: United States Cold Storage, Inc. Facility: Cold Storage Session: 3 04-17-97 Revision: 0 - System: 1 Bakersfield Ammonia Refrigeration System Worksheet Primatech Inc. System: 1 Page: 123 Subsystem: 25. Global Subsystem Dwg#: R Drawings WHAT IF... [ HAZARD CONSEQUENCES SAFEGUARDS [S[L[R I RECOMMENDATIONS IBY IS[L[R [ COMMENTS starts the ventilation fans and scrubber per system designed. Engine room floor drains are piped to a containment (interceptor) sump in the engine room. Written emergency response plan covers earthquakes, ' tornados 9. Airplane crash into Potential for major Potential for ammonia Written emergency 141112 facility? site damage release to atmosphere, response plan Facility is not in direct flight pathI for local airport.I 10. Sabotage due to Potential for damage to Potential for release Fence in area. disgruntled employee? building or of ammonia to the refrigeration system, atmosphere. Sign-in and visitor tags ore required. Training of management as to the proper handling of all employees. 11. Vandalism? See question #10 of Facility is 13111 this section for equipped with a hazards, consequences Burglar Alarm and additional monitor by the safeguards local alarm company. + ........................ + ................................................................ +-+-+--+ ...................... +___+_+_+__+ ......................