HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLANFour Corners Pipe Une Company Land and Right of Way Services Department 5900 Cherry Avenue Long Beach, California 90805 Telephone 310-428-9000 Facsimile 310-428-9009 January 16, 1995 City of Bakersfield, Fire Dept. Charles McDonald 2101 "H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: COMPANY NAME CHANGE Dear Sir: Effective January 1, 1995, Four Comers Pipe Line Company changed its name to "ARCO Pipe Line Company". The Company will continue to be a wholly-owned subsidiary of Atlantic Richfield Company. Please make the necessary changes to your records to reflect that the party of the above- referenced agreement will, as of January Ist, be known as "ARCO Pipe Line Company" and, any notices should be sent to the Company using that name at the above address. If you have any questions, please contact Joann Snapper, 5900 Cherry Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90805, (310) 428-9221. Sincerely, Claudette E. Saunders Consultant Four Comers Pipe Line Company 6800 District Boulevard Bakersfield. California 93313-2010 Telephone: (805) 836-6806 Facsimite: (805) 836-6850 Ken Grosso Comp~}ance Coordinator Bakersfield Operations 'Four Corners Pipe Line Com~..~ 6800 District Boulevard- Bakersfield, California 93313-2010 Telephone: 80,5 836-6803 Facsimile: 805 836-6850 Terry C. H~mmond Supervisor Bakersfield Operations State of Delaware Office of the Secretary of State PAGE i I, EDWARD J. FREEL, SECRETARY OF STATE OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THE ATTACHED IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE CERTIFICATE OF MERGER, WHICH MERGES: "ARCO PIPE LINE COMPANY", A DELAWARE CORPORATION, WITH AND INTO "FOUR CORNERS PIPE LINE COMPANY" UNDER THE NAME OF "ARCO PiPE LIN~ co~AN~''~, -~ COR~O~TION oRGAi~iZ~D AND EXISTING UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE, AS RECEIVED AND FILED IN THIS OFFICE THE TWENTIETH DAY OF DECEMBER, A.D. 1994, AT 4:30 OtCLOCK P.M. A CERTIFIED COPY OF THIS CERTIFICATE HAS BEEN FORWARDED TO THE NEW CASTLE COUNTY RECORDER OF DEEDS FOR RECORDING. 0508210 8100M 944250834 Edward J. Freel, Secreta~ of State AUTHENTICATION: DATE: 7347332 12-21-94 "* SENT BY: 30267.I~3.~0.= _,,' ~ 12-20-D¢ ' 2:06P~ :C T SYS. LOS CgRTI~CATE OF MERCER OF ARCO PIPE LI1VE COI~PANY IN'lO ~ un~~ cot~mfiuu o~ ~ existing n~g ~ by ~ of ~ ~n~ Cocoon ~w of ~law~. DO~ ~Y ~~: ~T: ~ ~e ~ ~ ~ of ~r~ou u[ ~ Ot ~e CO~ CO~O~O~ of ~ ~er ~ ~ foUow.: FOUR CORNERS PIPE LINE COMPANY ARCO PIPE LINF. COMPANY STATE OF INCORI~TION DELAWARE DELAWARE SECOND: That an Agreement of Me~ger I~iween the p~,'ties to tim mer~r ~ a~, ~. ~, e~ ~ ~~ by ~ of ~ co~ co~d~ in ~~ ~ ~ ~U~ of S~ ~1 of ~ G~! Co~~ ~w of Dchw~. THIRD: That th~ v-,,,~ of d~ sma'tying corpor~on of the merger is FOUR COlh'ffl~llS PlPE ~ COMPANY, whkh ~ h~rcwith ~ clmaged m AStt.:O PIPE LINE COMPANY. FOURTH: That tbs ~m~mimcnts or changes in the C~nirv,;a~ of I, ur, orporadon of b'OUR CO~ lrilrfl LINE COMPANY, ti~ survi~ cor~omtiun, as am to be effected by th~ ~ m ~s' follows: Article .FL.'~ is ~memted ~o re~d: 'FIRST: The name nf tl~ ez.lm~tion is ARCO PIPE LINE COMPANY." ~: T~at tl~ r,u:cuasl ~ent of IV~rger is on file at the principnl place of businc~ of the sm'riving corpotadon, the add.w~ of which is i 56(X) .loire F. Kennedy Blvd., ~uitc 300, IIougon, T~as 77032. BY: 1~o.~0-${, · '~:OTP~ :C T SYS. LOS 30267~83~0:: 3/ 3 SIXTH: That a c~py or' the Agre~nen~ of Merger will b~ furnished by ~ ~t'vivh~ ~o~ on ~ ~ wi~ cost, ~ ~ s~l~ of ay ~~. ~~: ~ ~ ~ of M~ ~ ~ e~ve at 12:01 a.m. on FOUR CORNERS e Dclswerc cor~retiun A'ITEST: -2- BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION 2~ 30 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN ,,,, _,j' ¢...%.~ INSTRUCTIONS: To avoid further action, return this form within 30 days of receipt, TYPE/?f~INT ANSWERS IN ENGUSH. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. Be brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1' BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA MAIUNG ADDRESS:., CiTY :~~~~ STATE: DUN a BRADSTRE'ET NUMBER' REC:!VE~¢ D(C 1 6 HAZ. MAT. DiV. ZIP' ~ PHONE:~C-.f"'~ SiC CODE: PRIMARY ACTIVITY: MAILING ADDRESS' SECTION 2:. EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION: CONTACT 2. TITLE BUS..PHONE 24 HR. PHONE .1' SECTION 3: Bakers~Eeld Fire Dept. t~ardous N/~[terials Division HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENI PLAN TRAINING: NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE: BRIEF SUMMARY oF TRAINING PROGRAM: SECTION 4: EXEMPTION REQUEST: I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THATMY BUSINESS IS EXEMPT FROM THE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF'CHAPTER 6.95 OF THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE" FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: ,'-X, WE DO NOT HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. WE OD HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, BUT THE QUANTITIES AT NO TIMEEXCEED 'THE MINIMUM REPORTING QUANTIIIES. OTHER (SPECIFY REASON) SECTION 5.', C ... CA. TION: . 1, ,~'-~--,,~) CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFOR- MATI~'J~ iS A~URAT~. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS INFORMATION WILL BE USED TO FULFILL MY FIRM'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE" ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (DIV.. 20'~ CHAPTER 6.95 SEC. 25500 ET AL.) AND THAT · INACCURATE INFORMATiON-CONSTiTUTES PERJURY. ~-'-,/r" ~ S"[GNATURE TITLE- - DATE Utilities General Account Maintenance PUTLSS01 Acct Nbr: 724801 Bill Stat: NO Cyc Stat: CL Acct Cyc Stat: CL Transfer--from: Transfer-to: Page 1 of 6 Due: 0.00 2. 4. Service Address: 6800 DISTRICT BLVD 5. Service City: BAKERSFIELD 8. Parcel ID: 385-412-22-00-3 9. Bill Cycle: 1 10. Route Nbr: 52 11. Comments : 12. Prey Acct: 23. 13. Service Date: 12/01/91 14. Fund no: 15. Billto Ad1:6800 DISTRICT BLVD 16. Billto Ad2: 17. Bill-to City: BAKERSFIELD CUstomer Name: FOUR CORNERS PIPELINE Social Sec Nbr: 6. State: CA 20. Water Svc Class: 3. Telephone: 805-322-4915 7. Zip: 93309 Misc Services: 23.1 232 2 ,3 YD 2 DAYS/WK 23.2 CGF COUNTY GATE FEE 23.3 23.4 24. Closing Date: 18. State: CA 19. Zip: 93313 Enter Save(S), Cancel(XX), Next Page(/), or Field # to Change ALT-F10 HELP I ADDS VP I FDX I 9600 E71 I LOG CLOSED I PRT OFF I CR I CR HAZARDOUS MATEI~LS INSPECTION Business Name: Location: ~ P-,f)t3 Business Identification No. 215-000 Station No. Arrival Time: Shift Departure Time: ~.ersfield Fire Dept. Ha;[~lFdous Materials Division Date Completed (Top of Business Plan) Inspector ./~, _-'~,.~__ Inspection Time: Adequate Inadequate Comments: Verification of Inventory Materials Verification of Quantities Verification of Location Proper Segregation of Material Number of Employees: Comments: Verification of MSDS Availability Verification of Haz Mat Training Verification of Abatement Supplies & Procedures COmments: Comments; Emergency Procedures Posted Containers Properly Labeled Special Hazards Associated with this Facility: Verification of Facility Diagram 71 I All Items O.K SIGNATURE Correction Needed Business Owner/Manager PRINT NAME White-Haz Mat Div Yellow-Station Copy Pink-Business Copy