HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN E/FAC ILI TY FORM NORTH SCALE I~", (CHECK ONE) BUSINESS NAME: FLOOR: OF FACILITY NAME: SITE DIAGRAM FACILITY DIAGRAM O/L ~ DEV, Co. _/ ·/9 lA Inspector's Comments): -OFFICIAL USE ONLY- - SA - TE/FAC ILI TY FORM 5 NORTH SCALE: (CHECK ONE) BUSINESS NAME: FLOOR: 'J ' UNIT~'. FACILITY NAME: SITE DIAGRkM ,/ FACILITY DIAGRAM OF OF T 29 S' R28E I I I I I I L_ ('tf£l L Y.~ GH,4NgLOt~ YV£6T£t~N O/l ~ DE~ CO. ®14 INC. · 19 GHEV,~ON M~FAt~LAND)~ ENERGY, IN~ 2~ 'TanneCo" 17 CA_~A L · ~7C ®~? /6-7,4 o l OPIION ACt~EAG£ o I I ~ "Chino ~ OIL Co. ~? · 57 i6 gHEI I O/Z CO. eG (Inspector's Comments): -OFFICIAL USE ONLY- - SA - IMP FOR ~ MESSAGE PLEASE CALL WILL CALL AGAIN TO SEE YOU WANTS TO SEE YOU RUSH 11 RETURNED YOUR CALLI ,./ 0~, ASSOCIATED L1-A2334 ~'"~ ~ o ,. ~,~,~. McFARLAND ENERGY, INC. 10425 South Painter Avenue Santa Fe Springs, California 90670 Ph (310) 944-0181 Fx (310) 946-4608 , i July 27, 1994 Marty.Brownfield Kern County Fire Department Hazardous Materials 5642 Victor Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 Subject: Emergency Response Arco Kern RiverLease Plan and Inventory Update Dear Mr. Brownfield: I am returning the enclosed business plan forthe Arco Kern River Lease unsigned. This lease has not been operated by McFarland Energy for the past two years. We believe this package should be sent to Arco. Please call if you need additional informatiorr Sincerely, RogUerY. Funsto~'~L Environmental Manager RSF/tm Enclosure RECEIVED 04/92/94 Right--to.-..Kn I:::ul'l t ist/by f':ommf':ode end Site 1:1} Page '1 .. :. i~Y :[NC: I¥1(': i:: A R I... AN [) E N E Re; 0 '15 .... 010 .- 00 '1 '105 (")ver,,~..~'l .Site with '1 General i[nformation I..ocatfion: I")EN]iSIE AV Map: 103 Hazard: l.lnrated C:ity : Grid: 't88 : 1 AcC:)V: 0,0 .......... Contact Name ..................... 'T'it'le .................... I1 ............ contact Name ....................... "!"it'le ................ LEROY WC)()i}S / SUPI~!I~]:N"f'ENi:)ANT I IWESL.[-:.Y 8LIRNS / PLII~PE:I~ 8usJness Phone: (805) '768.--.4::')14x !1 BusJness Phon~..: (805) 76,'..t...-4:3'14x 24.--Hour Phone : (805) '?se-4288x I1 24-Hour Phone : (805) 84.5-.:.")5:3:"Jx Pager Phone : ( ) -. x 11 Pager Phone ,, ( ) .... x .......................................................................................... AdmJnJstratfive Data ..................................................................................................... Maiq Addrs: ]0425 S PA.I. NILR AV D&({) Number: SPR:[N(.:,..:> State: CA ZJp: 908'?0 .... Cfity: SAN'T'A FE ' '' "' ~'' Corem Code: 015.--641 C]:"FY/I(CF:I} 64 IRESP(')NSI!!! AREA SI:(.': (::ode: '131 t O~vner: ,J()I"IN IvlCFAI:(LAND Phone: (805) 788-..4314 Address: 702'1 NOi~SI-IAM DR State: C;A City: fNHI'T'"f':I:ER Zip: 90602-- Su mrna r y ............................................................................................................................................................................. RECEIVED reviewed the att~,~d_hazard, us m.~jafs management plan for .~.~'o~-Ic~c)~-t~L~4~ l///and ~a.t. along with any (Name of Business) ~ ~ ~,~~rrections, con,tit ut~ Signature AUG II994 KCFD HMCU iI~. 04}~-'.2./§4-i Right-to---I<n,.,,,i .~II::uli .................................................................................................................................................................... List/by C:ommCode and Site Page 2. ti MC: F A R L AN D IE N E R GY I N C 015 -... 010 .-.. 001 '10 ..5 02. -.- Fixed Containers at Site Hazmat Inventory I;)etai] in Reference Number Order 02.-001 ][ SOPROPANOL I..iquid 5.5 Moderate > Fire, Oelay Hlth GAL. (:;AS ~: 6?630 Trade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Mixture Days: 365 Use: IEI~IUL. S]:FIEI~/DEMLII_SIFII:~I;~ ........... !:)ai'ly Max GAL · .............. J ........ Daily Average (i;A!.... ...... J ....... Annual Amount GAL - .... 5.5, O0 j 55.00 J 55,00 .................. Storage ....................... I Pre~ I "f'emp .-I- ........................................Location ......... -_ ..................... I)RUIVl/DARIREt_--.MIETAL. L IC IAmbient IAmbi ent t .... Conc -"l ...................................................................... Components ................................... I -' MCP ........ IGuide 3-1,0~ I Isopropano] IModeratel 2.6 02-002 C RU I)lE! Oil~ I... i ctu i d 48000 Minimal > Ftre, ];tamed Iqlth (i;AL. CAS ~¢: 0 "['rade Secret: No Form: Liquid Type: Pure Days: 365 Use: I=UEL ............... [)aily ~lax GAl.. - ............. ! ......Daily Average GAL. · ..... I ....... Annua~ Amount GAL.. 46,000.00 I 42,000.00 I 48,000.00 .................. Storage ..................... I Press I "f'emp .... ! ...................................... L. ocation .............................. ABOVI.:_' (];ROLINI] TANK J Ambi ant J Above i - C:onc .-j ................................................................................ Components .......................................J .... ~i(;:P ..... JGuide 100,0% JCrude Oil Jl...ow J 2'7 I¥1CFARI...AND ENI:}RGY INC 015-010.-00110.5 O0 -- ()ve~all Site <D> Notif,/Evacuation/Pledical <1> Agency Notification (':A I.. 1.. 91 '1 <2> Employee Notif,/Evacuation 'I"EL. IEPHON!!:] FEI_LOWS I:~ISTRIC:T OF:F:ICE A"f' 768.-4314 TO NO'TII::Y PIERSONNEL OF THE PROBLEIvl, i:)AY'I"];NE PUNPER F()I~ 'THIS I...EASE N.!:L.L BE NCII"IF:I:E[) BY I:~AI:)IO, PUIv!PER NII...I... NOI"F:Y ALL (;;ON'T'RAC'T'ORS ZN THE AREA, ALL. INDIVZDUAI..S NIL. L I~EET A"I' 'THIE !vlAZN GA'FE ON IvlANOR RD, ]:i::: NO ANSNER IS RECEIVED A'T' 788-..4::~'14, ASK TI'4E ANSNERZNG SERVZCE TO CONTAC'T': LARRY NO0[)S -.- '768.-.4288 OR NESI..EY 8URNS -. 845-353::'), <3> Public Notif./Evacuation PUMPER WILL NOTII::Y ALI_ CON"f'IqACTORS IN THE ARI::'!A, <4> Emergency ~ledical Plan NEAREST I~ED]:CAL FACII_ITY IS MEIvlORIAL HOSP];TAL .-4?.0 34TH S'l"- [ 04/;~.2/94- Right.-.to....Kn =u11 t..Jst/by CommCode and Site ID Page t~1C F A R L A N D I-"~ N 1:2 RI3 Y I N C 0 1 5 .-. 0 1 0 -... 0 0 1 1 0 5 O0 .... ()vepall Site <E> Prev,/Minimization/C]eanup <t> Release Pnev~.ntion DIKE~ AI';~E MAiNTAINI!'~D AROUND "FANK FAC:ILI'I"II'}.',~3 IN C;A~51~ OF A SPII...L, Il::: A SPILl.. GI!!J"I"$ ()i..IT..SI[]!!~ ()i:: "I"H[!! EAR'THt':'!N [)iKI!!!S, I'T' !4:[I...I... [':IE CONTAINI'!!O BY tJ~.~ING i~!AR"I"H MOVING E(~UIPIvlEN"I" IF NI:f.'CESSARY, ANY IdAS"F[.:. CREA'T'I~!D BY 'T'HE SPiLl._ IdIt...L BE PICKEi:) t.lP [3Y A VACIJUIq 'I'RUCK AND P[~()P[!!i;~!...Y [)ISPOS['~D OF:, <2> Releame Containment Clean lip <4> Other Resource Activation J 04~'22/94 RJght....to....Kn F:ul] I...Jst./by CommCode and c ...... , .... ...~ te .I.I.., P~ge 5 J N()F:ARI..AN[) tg!NERGY IN() 0 't 5..-.0 '10.-..00 '1 i 05 00 ..- (.]ve~alq S~te <1::> SJte Emergency Factors <1> .Spec i a ~ 'T'HIS 't"ANI~ FARIVl IS AI:)JACIENT "f'[:)THE KERN RIVER, IT HAS A CONTAINI~I~!NT DIKE AR()UN[) IT BLi"I" C()ULD POSSIBLY E!ND UP IN "FI-4E RIVEI~, <2> Utfi]Jty Shut-Offs A) GAS .-- NONE B) ELECTRI(::AI...- DISCONNECTED AT NELL lA LOCATION, CONNEC'T'ED AT BOX BETNEEN NELl... '1 8....'1 ANI} 'I 8-.5 I..OC:AT]:ON, C) NA"FER .- NONE D) SPECIAl.. -- NONE E) t..O(::K BCD( .... NO <3> PRIVATE FIRE PRO"i"ECTION .... AI..L VEHICLES ARE! EQUIPPED WI"I"H FIRE! EXTINGUISHERS. I::IRE PR()"f'EC'T'I()N ..- NATER SUPPI...Y AT KERN RIVER c]R KERN RIVE!R (.':ANAl .... <4> Eanthqueke Vu]nenabiltt~ I (i4/~'2./94 Right--to-l<n~/iiiull List/by ConraC:ode and .<.3ire t!] Page MCPARI...AND ENERGY iNC 0'15--..010-...001'105 O0 .... Overall Gite <6;> 'T'raining <1> "r'ra~n~ng Record Ni!~ HAVE.: IvlATERIAI.. SAI=:E'I"Y DATA < ........ , ..:>1"1 I= E"r'..%." ON I... E N L I-,(., Y F: I E! L. D E I~1P L.() Y E E.?, C-;O '1"1"{ ROU C-;H t"'~ I Gtq 'T H OU R.<3 0 F H A Z A R I.)OtJ.<.~ <2> Describe "['raining Program <3> E!mer. Agency Coordination <4> I!!!mer, Response Equipment ~ ....... '- . ..... . Site ]:[) Page MCFARI...AND P]NERGY liN(i: 0'15--010--00't '105 O0 --- Overall Site < H > S()H O0 L S W ]: T'H ;[ N t / 2 M i[ 1... I.:.~ <1> High Schools <2> ,Jr, High Schools <:"}> Elementary Schools <4> Private & Pre Schools McFARLAND ENERGY, INC. box 3608, santa fe springs 10425 south painter avenue santa fe springs, california 90670 (213) 944-0181 RECEIVED January 13, 1992 City of Bakersfield ~ P. O. Box 2057 Bakersfield, CA 93303-2057 HAZ. MAT. DIV. Subject: Hazardous Materials Handling Fee Acct. # HM 454601 Dear Sir or Madame: Enclosed is a check for the hazardous materials handling fee for our-oilfietd property-~ocated in the Kern-River Field for-the period July 1, 1991 through June 30, 1992. We would like to inform you that we are in the process of decommissioning this facility. We are no longer storing hazardous materials on this property and should have all facility closure work completed prior to June 30, 1992. As such, we should not be billed for hazardous materials handling fees after June 30, 1992. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, McFARLAND ENERG~ INC./ McFARLAND ENERGY, INC. box 3608, saata £e springs santa ice springs, california 90670 (213) 944-0181 e, B 7 December 4, 1987 Mr. R. E. Huey City of Bakersfield Fire Department ~l-3-0--G-~Str~et Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: Hazardous Materials Business Plan Corrections Dear Mr. Huey: Please adjust our HMPB, submitted November 25, 1987, as follows: Form 2A, Section 2: Emergency Notifications Leroy Woods, 768-4314, 768-4288 Wesley Burns, 768-4314, 845-3533 2. Form 4A-l, Column 6: Use Code "37" If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, McFARLAND ENER~Y.,__I~_NC~. .... Andrea L. Stillman Environmental Engineer ALS/lam McFARLAND ENERGY, INC. box 3608, santa fe springs 10425 south painter avenue santa iCe spHn~, cM~omia 90670 (213) 944-0181 February 6, 1989 RECEIVED Mr. Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator Bakersfield Fire Department 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield CA 93301 HAZ, AT, Subject: McFarland Energy, Inc. - Kern River Tenneco Lease - Denise Ave - Business Plan Additions Dear Mr. Huey: Enclosed is an updated chemical inventory for the above referenced facility. This letter also provides additional information to support the Business Plan in two areas: General Information and Employee Training. General Information: The Kern River-Tenneco Lease consists of one oil well, two 1,000 gallon capacity above ground oil storage tanks and one 250 gallon capacity test tank. Because of low production rates, nomore than half of this total oil storage capacity is used. Oil is stored at a year round temperature of 60 degrees F. One operator comes on site every day or two for a short period of time. Otherwise, the lease is largely unattended. Haz Mat Training Suntnary: All McFarlandEnergy field employees go through eight hours of hazardous materials refresher training on an annual basis, including the operator of the Kern River-Tenneco Lease. This training consists of classroom, hands-on, and on-the-job training in the following areas: m m understanding the company hazard com~nication plan. understanding MSDS sheets safe handling of chemicals emergency notification procedures review of the spill prevention control and countermeasures (SPCC) plan. fire extinguisher use Bakersfield Fire Dept. Feb~3ary 6, 1989 Page Two McFarland Energy employees are trained to put out small fires with a hand held fire extinguisher and to contain small crude oil spills. Form ore significant emergencies, employees are trained to notify and cooperate with outside emergency response personnel. In addition, employees go through the American Red Cross First Aid and CPR refresher training every two years. I hope that this additional information addresses all the requirements for our Business Plan. Please call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, ~r~oS~n~t~nana~er RSF/df Enclosure CZT¥ of BAK£RSFZ~£D "I['_F C.-t R E" Do hereb5~ attached for Rogqr. S.. Funst, on ,, (E3~De or r~,rinn name) _~ that I have ~eviewed the Hazardous Materials business Dian McFarland Energy..;Tenneco Lease name of business) RECEIVED FEB 1'4 1989 HA~. MAT,. OIV. and that it along with the attached additions or correc.ions~ consti~¢u~be a comDlete and correct Business' Plan fo~y 7ilitw. date '-- ~ HAZARDOUS MATERI ALS I NVENT-ORY '~ Farm ~J Jqric~lture ~ Standard 6u~ines$ NON--TRADE SECRETS , ,,;, 1 of 1 sus[NZSS N .McF~l~d Ene~-Te~eco Leas~w~R NAME' McF~l~d ~e~ Inc. NAME 0F T~ FaCI~I~: Kern RiveP-Te~eco [.OCATlON:,Denise Ave. ~%~S~'.-"'~]0. BOX ,~60~ ~A~DARD X~. CLASS CODE 131~ C~TY, zxP:Bakersfield CA cx~, zxP: S t ,e ~ 0 DUN AND BR~STREET NUMBER PHONE ~: 805-76~-~14 PHONE ~: 2 - 44-0 ~ - __ - ___ - P~icil ~ blth ~Zld C.A.S. ~ ~t Il ~ i C.A.S. ~ 100 CR~E OIL -- r--~ -- ~t ~ ~&C.A.S. ~ ~ith of P~ ~lth ..... icol ~ ~lth Hoz~ C.A.S. ~ ~t Il ~ & C.A.S. ~ k ,, t~t ,,)y) ~Z% Z~O~O~O~ .......... .... L_I t_ I I I I ! I I , ~i~h of Pmsu~ ~lth - ,,, ~t ~ "~&C.A.S. ~ - ~ :.._1~1 ...... ! ! ! I I I ! _ 1 .... I ......... : , ~ith of Prflsure ~lth ~.,,GE~Y~,ACVS ,, Weslex B~ns~Jr. Proper 805-8~-~ .~e~,?~oD~a ........... Superintendent 8~r~4 I certtfy under penalty of 1~ that I h~ve oeesmallyex~ned end aa faetliar .tth t~ tnf~tim ~tt~ tn th4s~e11 ~t~ ~t~ ~ t~t ~ ~ W i~W of t~e I~tvt~ls ~tble for obtaining t~ int~tim, i ~ii~ tMt t~ su~itt~ interim is t~, ~rote. ~ c~le~ , ~ ~ _ ~ ~9~r S. F~ston:_ ~viro~ental M~a~er ~/~ ~' 7~~ ¢/~/F7 IUSINESS NAME BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEP NT 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 OFFICIAL USE ONLY ID# 00i13§ HAZARDOUS lVtATERI ALS BUSINESS PLAN AS A WHOLE FORM INSTRUCTIONS: 1. To avoid further action, return this form by 2..TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. SECTION !: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA A. BUSINESS NAME: McFa~land Energy, Inc. ~.¢~ B. LOCATION / STREET A~RESS:' 10425 South Pain¢¢r Avenue ~~l&e CITY: Santa Fo Sprinqs ZIP:. 90~7Q BUS.PHON (213 SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS In case of an emergency,,~nvolving the release or threatened release of a hazardous material, pall 911 and 1-800-852-7§§0 or 1-916-427-4341. This will notify your local fire department and the State Office of Emergency Services as required by law. EMPLOYEES TO NOTIFY IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: NAME AND TITLE DURING BUS, HRS. A. Lero~ Woods/Field~'Superintenden~gh# 768-4314 B. ~an/Env~ronmen~ai Ph~ ~3-9d4-0!91 ' ~ngmneer AFTER BUS. HRS.. Ph# 805-768-4288 Ph# o-n '~_-~oo SECTION 3: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE A. NAT. GAS/PROPANE: NONE B. ELECTRICAL: Disconnected @ well la locatioD; connected C. WATER: NONE well 16-L a~d 16-~]~mmtion D. SPECIAL: NONE E. LOCK BOX:'¥ES~NO) IF YES, L0CATION: IF YES, DOES IT CONTAIN SITE PLANS?' ' YES '/ NO ' MSDSS? YES / NO FLOOR PLANS? YES / NO KEYS? YES / NO - 2A - SECTION 3: HAZARDOUS ,MATERIALS FOR THIS UNIT ONLY A. Does this Facility Unit contain Hazardous Mater/als? ...... ~_~ NO If YES, see B. If NO, continue width SECTION 4. B. ~re any of the hazardous materials a bona fide Trade Secret YES If No, complete a separate hazardous materials inventory form marked: SON-TRADE SECRETS ONLY (~htte form If Yes, complete a hazardous materials Inventory form marked: TRADE SECRETS ONLY (~ello~ form #4g-2) in addition to the non-trade secret form. Llst only the trade secrets on form 4A-2. SECTION 4.: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION All vehicles are equipped with fire extinguishers. SECTION 5: LOCATION. OF WATER SUPPLY FOR USE BY EMERGENCY RESPONDERS Kern River 6r Kern River Canal. SECTION 6: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS AT THIS UNIT ONLY. A, NAT. GAS/PROPANE5 B. ELECTRICAL: Electrical box located betweenwell 16-1 and 16-5. ! C. WATER: D. SPECIAL E. LOCK BOX: YES /~ IF YES, LOCATION: IF.YES, SITE PLANS? FLOOR PLANS? YES / NO MSDSs? YES / NO KEYS? YES / NO YES / NO - 3B - BAKERSFIELD CjTY FIRE DEPARTMENT 2130 "G" STREET ', BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 BUSINESS N~ME: OFFICIAL USE ONLY ID# BUSI NESS PLAN SINGLE FACILITY UNIT FORM 3A INSTRUCTIONS 1. To avoid further action, this form must be returned by: 2. TYPE/PRINT YOUR ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for THE FACILITY.UNIT LISTED BELOW 4. Be as BRIEF and CONCISE' as possibl6~ FACILITY UNIT# .FACILITY UNIT NAME:Kern'River-TennecoLease SECTION 1: MITIGATION, PREVENTION, ABATEMENT PROCEDURES 1. Dikes are maintained around tank facilities in case .of a spill. 2. If a spill 'gets outside of the earthen dikes, it will be contained by 'using earth moving equipment if necessary. 3. Any waste, created by the spill will be picked up by a vacuum truck and properly' disposed of. SECTION 2: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES'AT THIS UNIT ONLY 1. Telephone Fellows District office @ '768-4314 .to notify personnel of the problem.. 2. DaytJane pumpec for this lease will be notified by radio. 3. Pumper will. notify all contractors in the area. 4. All individuals will mmet at the main gate on Manor Road. 5. If no answer ~s recieved at 768-4314, ask the answering service to contact: Leroy Woods Wesley Burns Hcxne Phone 768-4288 845-3533 SECTION 4: PRIVATE RESPONSE TEAM FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE 1) Call Kern County Field superintendent, Leroy Woods @ 768-4314. 2) Mr. Woods would notify day-tim~ pun~per for that lease by radio. 3) If no answer a 768-4314, ask an~x~ng service to call Leroy Woods or Wesley Burns. SECTION 5: LOCAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE FOR YOUR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE Nearest Medical faculity located @ Memorial Hospital. SECTION 6: EMPLOYEE TRAINING EMPLOYER~ ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A PROGRAM WHICH PROVIDES EMPLOYEES WITH INITIAL AND REFRESHER TRAINING IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS. CIRCLE YES OR NO INITIAL A. METHODS FOR SAFE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS ¥~%TERIALS:.... .................................... ~ NO B. PROCEDURES FOR COORDINATING ACTIVITIES WITH RESPONSE AGENCIES: ...................... :... ~ NO ~ NO C.. PROPER USE OF SAFETY EQUIPMENT:: ................. ~ NO ~-~ NO D. EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES: ................. ~ NO ~ NO E. DO YOU MAINTAIN EMPLOYEE TRAINING RECORDS:.~9?~..~ NO NO SECTION 7: HAZARDOUS MATERIAL REFRESHER NO ~IRCLE YES OR NO - DOES YOUR BUSINESS HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IN QUANTITIES LESS THAN 500 POUNDS OF A 55 GALLONS OF A LIQUID, OR 200 CUBIC FEET OF A COMPRESSED GAS: ...... YES~ SOLID, I, Andrea Stillma~ , certify that the above information is accurate. I understand that this Information.will be used to fulfill my firm's obligations under the new California Health and Safety code on Hazardous Materials (Div. 20 Chapter 6.95 Sec. 25500 Et Al.) and that Inaccurate information constitutes perjury. 11/24/87 HAZARDOUS N A M E :McFarland Energy, Inc. 10425 South Painter Avenue BUSINESS ADDRESS: · BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT FORM 4A- 1 NON--TRADE SECRETS MATERI ALS INVENTORY FACILITY OWNER NAME: John McFarland ADDRESS: 7021 Worsham Drive CITY, ZIP: Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 CITY,ZIp:Whittier, CA 90602 PHONE ~: (~13) 944-0181 PHONE #: (213) 696-7422 Page , 1 of ~"1~ FACILITY UNIT #: 1 UNIT NAME:KernRiver- Tenneco Lease FICIAL USE CFIRS CODE 4A-1 - 498-9699 I UN~¥ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TYPE MAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS % BY HAZARD D.0.T CODE AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT WT. CHEMICAL OR COMMON NAME CODE GUIDE · 1000 11680 bbl 02__~ T295 R28E S17 rariabl, Crude oil and produced ~a~t~6'lf :MLQ ............ ~ / ../"f~ , ~AME: Andrea Stillman TITLE: Environmehtal Eng~nee~GNATURE :_ ~ ~.L~//L/ ~ DATE: ///~2 ~MERGENCY CONTACT: Leroy Woods TITLE :Field Superintendent - P~ONE- # BUS HOURS :(805) 768-4314 .AFTER BUS HRS: (805) 768-4288 :.MERGENCY CONTACT: Andrea Stillman TITLE :Environm=ntal Engineer ... PHONE # BUS HOURS :(213) 944-0181 ~RINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: Oil and Ga.~ production AFTER BUS. MRS: (213)