HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION (10)~PR-18-2001 15:13 ENSR INT'L/CRMRRILLO 885 388 35?? P.O1 Facsimile Cover Sheet Todd Bartok Kurt Zimmerman Ralph Huey Name Sally W. Bilodeau Firm/Location Name Apd118, 2001 Division/Dept. 2:30 p.m. Date Proposed Costco Site Time COMMENTS: 425-313-8105 310-553-0687 661-326-0576 Fax Number 208 Tel. Ext. Cover Page + Accounting No: 5 Pages 08727-049 Call (805) 388-.377~"regarding problems with this transmission 1220 Avenida Acaso Camarillo, CA 93012 (805)388-3775 FAX (805) 388-3577 THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS FAX IS INTENDED FOR THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE ADDRESSEE AND MAY CONTAIN CONFIDENTIAL AND/OR PRIVILEGED INFORMATION, IF YOU ARE NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ANY' FORM OF DISSEMINATION OF THIS COMMUNICATION iS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF THIS FAX WAS SENT TO YOU IN ERROR, PLEASE IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY US AT THE TELEPHONE NUMBER LISTED, THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION. LAW OFFICES OF GREENBERG GLUSKER FIELDS CLAMAN MACHTINGER & KINSELLA LLP ARTHUR N. GREENBERG SIDNEY J. MACHTINGER STEPHEN CLAMAN BERTRAM FIELDS DALE f. KINSELLA° HarVEY R. fRIEDMAN BERNARD SHEARER JON J. GallO PaULA g. PETERS MICHAEL K. COLLINS JOHN 1. CHILD C. BRUCE 1EVINE MICHAEL a. GREENE GaRRETT L. HaNKEN RONALD K. FUJIKAWA* NoRMan H. LEVlNE WILLIam A. HAL_AMA JAMES E. HORNSTEIN ROBERT S. CHAPMAN ROBERT F. MARSHALL ROBERT E, BENNETT, JR. MARC S. COHEN CHARLES n. SHEPHARD DENNIS B. ELLmaN GARY g KAPLAN LAWRENCE Y. ISER MARTIN H. WEBSTER MICHAEL V. BALES HENRY D. FINKELSTEIN EliZABETH WATSON MICHAEL J. KUMP JILL a. COSSMaN ROGER L. fUNk ARNOLD D. KAhN NANCY A. BERTRANDO BONNIE E. ESKENAZl RICHARD E. POSELL GREGORY J. ALDISERT JEFFREY SP I,TZ STEVEN J. LURIE lee A. DRESIE MAR(; M. STE!RN DAVID E. CRANSTON PATRICIA A M lLETT ELISABETH A. MORIARTY JEFFREY a. KrlegeR PAUL a. BLECHNER DALE J. GOLDSMITH Karl E. BLOCK ANN KANE SMith JONATHAN B. SOKOL ALAN R. KOSSOfF BRUCE I. BOEKIN HILLARY S. BIBICOFF STEPHEN S. SMITh MIRIAM CLAIRE BEEZY NANCY C. HSlEH DaRRYL W. ClUSTEr CARLA M. ROBERTS KRISTEN L. SPANIER BARRY D. KEl~LMAN STEPHEN b. ESPINOZA DAVID MoRIaRTY LAURA a. ZWI~kER HEIDI M. BINfORD MattHEW N. ,FALIEY AARON J. MOiSS BOB BARADA?aN SARAH K, AUBREY JULIA R. HAYE THOMAS D, MARTIN ROBERT S. TIPPEtT VEENa D. PERSAUD ANDREW T. KUGLER DAVID K. ELDAN DANIEL P. HOFFER KEVlN GARRETT MONROE KURT ZIMMERMAN RICARDO P. CESTERO MAtt GaLSOR JaCOUELINE C. BROWN JULIE J. BISCEGIIa A. J. JARASUNAS MICHAEL E. WEINSTEN ERiKA L. SCHREIBER SUSAN A. BEVERIDGE JUDITH M. BEAIL WENDY K. KllBRIDE JUIIE S. SHEInBLATt NOAH T. FOGEISON SHANDA W. CONNOLLY CaROline h. BUrGOS MELISSA G. CLAYTON SHARON I. FIEDLER JENNIFER J. McGRATH SUANN MAclSAAC Of COUNSEL: JEAN MORRIS RETIRED: PHILIP GLUSKER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 1900 AVENUE OF THE STARS SUITE 2100 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90067-4590 TELEPHONE: (310) 553-3610 FAX (310) 553-0687 DIRECT DIAL NUMBER (310) 785-6884 E-MAIL ADDRESS KZl M MCr MAN@GGFC MK.COM OUR FILE NUMBER 7 I B25-00103 April 18, 2001 Ralph E. Huey, DireI~ctor Bakersfield Fire DePartment Environmental Services 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Re: Costco - Proposed Site - Rosedale Highway Bakersfield Dear Mr. Huey: Please find ei~closed the exhibits to ENSR's letter of April 18,2001, addressing the Bakersfield Fire Department s groundwater contamination concerns. Very truly yours, Kurt Zimmerman KZ:mkd Enclosure 7182500103-1201067.1 EXHIBIT A PHASE I ESA REPORT SPARKS ESTATE AND ADJACENT PROPERTIES 22 OCTOBER 1997 K/J 972313.00 Kennedy/Jenks Consultants Kennedy/Jenks Consultants 22 October 1997 Engineers and Scientists 200 Ne,c. S:~e ~oac S., ~e ~'5 Bake'sf;e'c Ca,*crr':a 9,3.3C9 805-835.97=_.5 FAX 805-83:-5'96 J. I. Salas Retail Investors, Inc. 4450 California Avenue, Suite K-303 Bakersfield, California 93309 Subject: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties K/J 972313.00 Dear Mr. Salas: In accordance with our proposal dated and authorized, by you on 15 August 1997 (B96-106- . SCI), Kennedy/Jenks Consultants (Kennedy/Jenks) has performed a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) of the subject site (the Site). The Site is located in the southern half of Section 23, Township 29S, Range 27E. The Site is comprised of three parts; · The Sparks Estate Property currently occupied by Larry's TruCk Service and Minyard Trucking located at 2800 Standard Street; · Glenn Rose Engine ServiCe located at 3880 Rosedale Highway; and · The former location of Maaco Paint at 3650 Rosedale Highway in Bakersfield, California, owned by Rose Dale Hotel. A Phase I ESA comprises a number of individual elements whose basic nature and extent are determined in accordance with the standard of care applicable to Phase I ESAs. The standard of care is commonly defined as the care applied by the ordinary practitioner at the time and location where the ESA was performed. We have complied with the applicable standard of care and have complied as well with Phase I ESA practices and service scope elements recommended by the American Society for Testing and Materials in their standard E 1527-97 entitled "Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process". The accompanying report is furnished for the sole benefit of Retail Investors, Inc. Responsibilities to any third parties are specificallY denied. please call me at (805) 835-9785 if we can be of further assistance. Very truly yours, KENNEDY/JENKS CONSULTANTS R. Todd Rook, R.E.A. Senior Staff Engineer Enclosure r:~f 997~972313.00~saltr.doc KennedyJenks Consultants TABLE OF CONTENTS ~ECTION PAGE 1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................. 3 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ......................................................................... 3 4 LIMITATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS OF ASSESSMENT ............................................... 3 5 LIMITING CONDITIONS .............................................................................................. 4 6 SITE DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................... 4 6.1 Location and Legal Description ............................................................................ 4 6.2 Site and Vicinity Characteristics ........................................................................... 6 6.3 Descriptions of Structures, Roads, and Other Improvements to the Site ............. 6 6.4 Information Reported by User .............................................................................. 7 6.5 Current Uses of the Property ............................................................................... 9 6.6 Past Uses of the Property .................................................................................. 10 6.7 Current and Past Uses of Adjoining Properties .................................................. 10 7 ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS REVIEW ................................................................... 10 7.1 Environmental Record Sources ......................................................................... 10 7.1.1 EPA RCRIS List - (MSD-0.25 Mile) ....................................................... 11 7.1.2 Cai-EPA CORTESE List - (MSD-1.0 Mile) ............................................ 12 7.1.3 LUST List - (MSDo0.5 Mile) ................................................................... 13 7.1.4 UST List - (MSD - 0.25 Mile) ................................................................. 15 7.1.5 CHMIRS List - (MSD-0.5 Mile) .............................................................. 17 7.1.6 CA FID List - (MSD-0.25 Mile) .............................................................. 18 7.1.7 WMUDS/SWAT - (MSD-0.5 Mile) ......................................................... 19 7.1.8 HAZNET - (MSD-0.25 Mile) .................................................................. 19 7.1.9 FINDS - (MSD-Target Property) ........................................................... 19 7.1.10 Notify 65 - (MSD-1 Mile) ....................................................................... 20 7.1.11 CERCLIS - (MSD-0.5 Mile) ................................................................... 20 7.1.12 Ca. BEP - (MSD-1 Mile) ....................................................................... 21 7.1.13 Cai-Sites - (MSD-1 Mile) ....................................................................... 21 7.1.14 TRIS - (MSD-Target Property) .............................................................. 21 7.1.15 Toxic Pits - (MSD-1 Mile) ...................................................................... 22 7.2 Physical Setting Sources ................................................................................... 22 7.2.1 Review of Topographic Maps ............................................................... 22 7.2.2 Site Geology ......................................................................................... 22 7.2.3 Regional Groundwater Quality and Occurrence ................................... 23 7.2.4 Review of Aerial Photographs .............................................................. 23 r:X 1997~972313 O0~ohase~. doc i KennedyJenks Consultants TABLE OF CONTENTS cont.) SECTION 7.3 7.4 7.2.5 Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps .............................................................. 25 7.2.6 Chain-of-Title Information ..................................................................... 25 7.2.7 Historical Topographic Maps .........: ...................................................... 26 Historical Use Information .................................................................................. 26 7.3.1 Contact with Current Onsite Tenant/Owner .......................................... 26 Additional Records Sources .................... . ........................................... · ............... 27 7.4.1 Kern County Environmental Health Service Department ...................... 27 7.4.2 Munger Maps ....................................................................................... 28 8 INFORMATION DERIVED FROM SITE RECONNAISSANCE AND INTERVIEWS .... 28 8.1 Hazardous Substances in Connection with Identified Uses ............................... 28 8.2 Hazardous Substance Containers and Unidentified Substance Containers ....... 29 8.2.1 8.2.2 8.2.3 8.2.4 8.2.5 Storage Tanks ...................................................................................... 30 Indications of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) .................................. 31 Indications of Solid Waste Disposal ...................................................... 31 Physical Setting Analysis ...................................................................... 32 Other Conditions of Concern ................................................................ 32 9 FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS .............................................................................. 33 10 RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................ : ................................. 34 PAGE r t1997~972313 O0~ohase,. o~:x: ii KennedyJenks Consultants TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont.) TABLE 1 C-1 LIST OF TABLES TITLE ' Summary of Site Chain-of-Title ASTM Search Distances FIGURE 1 2 3a 3b 3c 3d LIST OF FIGURES Site Location Assessors Parcel Sparks Estate Property Site Map Glenn Rose Property Site Map Maaco Property Site Map Seaton Property Site Map A B C D E f LIST OF APPENDICES Preliminary Environmental Assessment Checklist Record of Communications Environmental Records Search Photographic Record Selected Agency Records Chain-of-Title r'~1997~972313 OO~sei Ooc iii Kennedy Jenks Consultants 1 INTRODUCTION The objective of this Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) was to compile and evaluate available environmental information on the commercial and industrial properties located at 2800 Standard Street, 3650 Rosedale Highway, and 3880 Rosedale Highway (Site) and surrounding properties which may potentially impact the subject property for Retail Investors, Inc. Information was collected through a site reconnaissance, interviews, and environmental records obtained from local, state and federal regulatory agencies. This information is compiled, evaluated, and summarized in this report. 2 SCOPE OF SERVICE Kennedy/Jenks conducted this Phase I ESA in accordance with the scope of work presented in our proposal dated 15 August 1997. Kennedy/Jenks reviewed available aerial photographs of the Site. The photographs and maps provided information regarding past site configuration and use, and identified past and present uses of adjacent properties which may be of environmental concern. Environmental lists compiled by the California Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC), Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) were summarized by'E Data Resources, Inc. (EDR), and reviewed by Kennedy/Jenks to determine the presence or absence of environmental records and possible investigations or enforcement actions conducted at the Site or surrounding properties within a one-mile radius of the Site. Case files for properties identified as having potential environmental concerns located immediately adjacent to the subject property were reviewed at the appropriate agencies. Todd Rook of Kennedy/Jenks conducted walk-throughs and site reviews for this Phase I ESA on 19, 22, and 24 September 1997. Kennedy/Jenks was accompanied on the Site walk-through by M. Jeff Minyard of Minyard Trucking and Mr. Craig Rose and Mr. Jason Scheer of Glenn Rose Engine Service. Kennedy/Jenks was not accompanied on the Site walk-through of the former Maaco Auto Paint facility. Visual observations were noted and a photographic record of potential environmental concerns was assembled to document the condition of the Site at that time. The results of the environmental records review, telephone interviews, and site reconnaissance are summarized in subsequent sections of this report and documented in the Preliminary Environmental Assessment Checklist presented in Appendix A and the Record of Communications presented in Appendix B. Information obtained during the EDR environmental records review is presented in Appendix C, Environmental Records Search, and summarized on Figure C-1 of Appendix C. Environmental concerns identified on the subject property are presented in the Photographic Record as Appendix D. Copies of selected records obtained during agency file review are presented in Appendix E, Selected Agency Records. r ~ ! 997t972313 00~hase~ doc I KennedyJenks Consultants Kennedy/Jenks reviewed the following sources to obtain informatior~ about the potential for hazardous materials or environmental conditions to exist at the Site or at properties located within one mile of the Site: · Kern County Environmental Health Services Department (12 September 1997) · California Regional Water Quality Control Board (6 October 1997) · San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District (25 September 1997) · U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): - CERCLIS Listing or CERCLA (Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act) Superfund Listing, dated 30 September 1997 - RCRIS (Resource Conservation Recovery Information Systems) listing, dated 1 April 1997 - Proposed and Final National Priority List (NPL)-Califomia, dated 1 April 1997 · California oil and gas field maps · California Department of Health Services listings · California Water Resources Control Board listings · California Waste Management Board listings · Kern County Fire Department records · Kern County Building Department records · The following aerial photographs available from the Kern County Survey and Mapping Department to obtain information concerning the history of the Site: - 1937 - 1952 - 1956. - 1975 - 1981. - 1990. Black and White Black and White Black and White Black and White Black and White Black and White 1"=400' 1"=400' 1"=400' 1"=400' 1"=400' 1"=400' The following references for information pertaining to the documented occurrence and quality of groundwater in the vicinity of the Site: - Water Supply Report 1977, Kern County Water Agency, May 1978 - Water Supply Report 1982, Kern County Water Agency, May 1983 - Water Supply Report 1992, Kern County Water Agency, December 1993 The following U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) topographic maps to obtain information about the Site's topography and previous development and uses of the Site and properties in the vicinity of the Site: - 1906, 15 Minute Quadrangle - 1935, 7.5 Minute Quadrangle - 1943, 15 Minute Quadrangle - 1954, 7.5 Minute Quadrangle - 1968, 7.5 Minute Quadrangle r ~ ! 997'~972313 O0~hase~ doc 2 Kennedy Jenks Consultants Chain-of-Title information provided by Land Title Research ir{ an attempt to identify past owners/occupants of the Site whose business names may suggest activities typically associated with the use, generation, storage, or disposal of hazardous materials. Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps for the Site and adjacent to obtain information about historical uses of the Site and the potential for underground storage tanks to exist on the Site or properties adjacent to the Site. Kennedy/Jenks Consultants conducted the following site interviews: - Jeff Minyard, 19 September 1997 - Craig Rose, 22 September 1997 - Jason Scheer, 22 September 1997 - Matt Morris, 24 September 1997 3 SPECIAL TERMS' AND CONDITIONS Retail Investors, Inc. is the prospective buyer and have requested that a Phase I ESA be performed in order to provide information about the current status of environmental conditions at the Site for decision making regarding'purchasing a site impacted by hazardous material. LIMITATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS OF ASSESSMENT This report was prepared by Kennedy/Jenks for the exclusive use of Retai~ Investors, Inc. In order to create a report on which Retail Investors, Inc. could rely, Kennedy/Jenks worked closely with Retail Investors, Inc. in development of the scope of service upon which all subsequent tasks have been based. Responsibilities to any third parties are specifically denied. This preliminary Phase I ESA is based on review of available environmental records and available aerial photographs, results of interviews, and visual observations of recent Site conditions. Kennedy/Jenks' activities were conducted in accordance with practices and . procedures generally accepted in the environmental consulting field. No environmental sampling or analysis were undertaken for this Phase I ESA report. This report represents Kennedy/Jenks' professional opinion and judgment, which are dependent upon information obtained during the performance of consulting services. Environmental conditions may exist at the Site that cannot be identified by visual observations only. Any conclusions or recommendations will be necessarily based in part on information supplied by others, the accuracy or sufficiency of which may not be independently reviewed by Kennedy/Jenks. No investigation can be thorough enough to exclude the presence of hazardous materials at a given site; therefore, if no hazardous materials are identified during an assessment, such a finding should not be construed as a guarantee of the absence of such materials on the property, but rather the results of services performed within project scope, cost, and other limitations. Any opinions and recommendations presented apply to the Site conditions existing at the time of performance of services. Kennedy/Jenks is unable to report on, or accurately r~1997~972313 00~ohase~.Ooc 3 KennedyJenks Consultants predict events which may impact the Site following performance of the described services, whether occurring naturally or caused by the actions of others. Kennedy/Jenks assumes no responsibility for conditions it is not authorized to investigate or conditions not generally recognized as environmentally unacceptable at the time services are performed. Kennedy/Jenks is not responsible for change in applicable environmental standards, practices, or regulations following performance of services. 5 LIMITING CONDITIONS The ESA was limited by an inability to interview past owners and operators of the subject properties. Also, the Regional Water Quality Control Board did not return telephone calls requesting site specific information. 6 SITE DESCRIPTION 6.'! Location and Legal Description The Site, shown on a portion of the USGS topographic map presented as Figure 1, is located in the south half of Section 23, Township 29S, Range 27E. Three businesses at the ' Site are located at 2800 Standard Street, 3650 Rosedale Highway, and 3880 Rosedale Highway in Kern County near the City of Bakersfield, California. The Site is bounded by Rosedale Highway to the south, State Highway 99 to the east, an oil refinery to the north, and commercial property to the west. The legal description is provided below: Parcel 1 Owner: A.P.N.: Darrell L. Sparks and Mary J. Sparks, as trustees for the Darrell and Jody Sparks Family Trust, U/-I'/A dated January 16, 1991 332-152-12-00-3C Legal Description Parcel 1 of Parcel Map No. 3731, in the unincorporated area, County of Kern, State of California, as per map recorded December 21, 1976 in Book 17, Page 66 of Parcel Maps in the Office of the County Recorder of said County. Parcel 2 Owner: A.P.N.: Darrell L. Sparks and Mary J. Sparks, as trustees of the Darrell and Jody Sparks Family Trust, UFF/A dated January 16,. 1991 332-152-37-00-6C' 332-152-38-00-9C 332-152-39-00-2C '332-152-40-00-4C r ~1997~972313 00~onase~ doc 4 Legal Description Kennedy Jenks Consultants Parcel "A" of Parcel Map No. 5907, in the unincorporated area, County of Kern, State of California, as per map recorded January 23, 1981 in Book 26, Page 35 of Parcel Maps in the Office of the County Recorder of said County. Parcel 3 Owner: A.P.N.' Glenn Rose Engine Service, Inc., a California Corporation 332-152-07-00-9C Legal Description The east 100 feet of the west 671.00 feet of the south 435.00 feet of the east half of the southwest quarter of Section 23, Township 29 South, Range 27 East, M.D.M., in the unincorporated area, County of Kern, State of California, according to the official plat thereof. parcel 4 Owner: Leonard E. Seaton, Trustee, U/T/D January 13, 1994 of the Leonard E. Seaton Trust A.P.N.' 332-152-08-00-2C Legal Description Parcel B of Parcel Map No. 5907, in the unincorporated area, County of Kern, State of California, as per map recorded January 23, 1981 in Book 26, Page 35 of Parcel Maps in the Office of the County Recorder of said County. Parcel 5 Owner: A.P.N.' Rosedale Hotel, a California Limited Partnership 332-152-41-00-76 Legal Descri.Dtion Parcel I of Lot Line Adjustment No. 125-90, as evidenced by certificate of compliance recorded March 20, 1991 in Book 6499, Page 1373 of official records, being a division of all of Parcel C of Parcel Map No. 5907, as recorded January 23, 1981 in Book 26, Page 35 of Parcel Maps, and also being a portion of the southwest quarter of Section 23, Township 29 South, Range 27 East, M.D.M., in the unincorporated area, County of Kern, State of California. A Kern County Assessor's Parcel Map is presented as Figure 2. The configuration of the Site is depicted on the site maps presented as Figures 3a through 3d. r~1997~97231:3 O0~asm ~ 5 KennedyJenks Consultants PHASE I ESA REPORT SPARKS. ESTATE AND ADJACENT PROPERTIES 22 OCTOBER 1997 K/J 972313.0O Prepared for: RETAIL INVESTORS, INC. 4450 California Avenue, Suite K-303 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Prepared by: KENNEDY/JENKS CONSULTANTS 200 New Stine Road, Suite 115 Bakersfield, California 93309 Kennedy/Jenks Consultants 22 October 1997 Engineers and Scientists 200 New S;~e ~cac Ba~ersf~e:c. Ca;?cm a 93.3.39 805-¢_,35-97E 5 FAX 805-83~..5-96 J. I. Salas Retail Investors, Inc. 4450 California Avenue, Suite K-303 Bakersfield, California 93309 Subject: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties K/J 972313.O0 Dear Mr. Salas: In accordance with our proposal dated and authorized by you on 15 August 1997 (B96-106o SCI), Kennedy/Jenks Consultants (Kennedy/Jenks) has performed a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) of the subject site (the Site). The Site is located in the southern half of Section 23, Township 29S, Range 27E. The Site is comprised of three parts; · The Sparks Estate Property currently occupied by Larry's Truck Service and Minyard Trucking located at 2800 Standard Street; · Glenn Rose Engine Service located at 3880 Rosedale Highway; and · The former location of Maaco Paint at 3650 Rosedale Highway in Bakersfield, California, owned by Rose Dale Hotel. A Phase I ESA comprises a number of individual elements whose basic nature and extent are determined in accordance with the standard of care applicable to Phase I ESAs. The standard of care is commonly defined as the care applied by the ordinary practitioner at the time and location where the ESA was performed. We have complied with the applicable standard of care and have complied as well with Phase I ESA practices and service scope elements recommended by the Amedcan Society for Testing and Materials in their standard E 1527-97 entitled "Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process". The accompanying report is furnished for the sole benefit of Retail Investors, Inc. Responsibilities to any third parties are specifically denied. Please call me at (805) 835-9785 if we can be of further assistance. Very truly yours, KENNEDY/JENKS CONSUL. TANTS R. Todd Rook, R.E.A. Senior Staff Engineer Enclosure r:~ 1997~972313.(X~esa~ ~ TABLE OF CONTENTS KennedyJenks Consultants SECTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 1 SCOPE OF SERVICE .................................................................................................. 1 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ......................................................................... 3 LIMITATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS OF ASSESSMENT ............................................... 3 LIMITING CONDITIONS .............................................................................................. 4 SITE DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................... 4 6.1 Location and Legal Description ............................................................................ 4 6.2 Site and Vicinity Characteristics ........................................................................... 6 6.3 Descriptions of Structures, Roads, and Other Improvements to the Site ............. 6 6.4 Information Reported by User .............................................................................. 7 6.5 Current Uses of the Property ............................................................................... 9 6.6 Past Uses of the Property .................................................................................. 10 6.7 Current and Past Uses of Adjoining Properties .................................................. 10 ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS REVIEW ................................................................... 10 7.1 Environmental Record Sources .......... ............................................................... 10 7.1.1 EPA RCRIS List - (MSD-0.25 Mile) ....................................................... 11 7.1.2 Cai-EPA CORTESE List - (MSD-1.0 Mile) ............................................ 12 7.1.3 LUST List - (MSD-0.5 Mile) ................................................................... 13 7.1.4 UST List - (MSD - 0.25 Mile) ................................................................. 15 7.1.5 CHMIRS List - (MSD-0.5 Mile) .............................................................. 17 7.1.6 CA FID List - (MSD-0.25 Mile) .............................................................. 18 7.1.7 WMUDS/SWAT- (MSD-0.5 Mile) ......................................................... 19 7.1.8 HAZNET - (MSD-0.25 Mile) .................................................................. 19 7.1.9 FINDS - (MSD-Target Property) ........................................................... 19 7.1.10 Notify 65 - (MSD-1 Mile) ....................................................................... 20 7.1.11 CERCLIS - (MSD-0.5 Mile) ..............: .................................................... 20 7.1.12 Ca. BEP - (MSD-1 Mile) ....................................................................... 21 7.1.13 Cai-Sites - (MSD-1 Mile) ....................................................................... 21 7.1.14 TRIS - (MSDoTarget Property) .............................................................. 21 7.1.15 Toxic Pits - (MSD-1 Mile) ...................................................................... 22 7.2 Physical Setting Sources ................................................................................... 22 7.2.1 Review of Topographic Maps ............................................................... 22 7.2.2 Site Geology ...... ................................................................................... 22 7.2.3 Regional Groundwater Quality and Occurrence ................................... 23 7.2.4 Review of Aerial Photographs .............................................................. 23 r:~1997~972313 OO~ohase* doc i * Kennedy..Jenks Consultants TABLE OF CONTENTS cont.) SECTION 7.3 7.4 PAGE 7.2.5 Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps .............................................................. 25 7.2.6 Chain-of-Title Information ..................................................................... 25 7.2.7 Historical Topographic Maps ................................................................ 26 Historical Use Information .................................................................................. 26 7.3.1 Contact with Current Onsite Tenant/Owner .......................................... 26 Additional Records Sources .............................................................................. 27 7.4.1 Kern County Environmental Health Service Department ...................... 27 7.4.2 Munger Maps ....................................................................................... 28 8 INFORMATION DERIVED FROM SITE RECONNAISSANCE AND INTERVIEWS .... 28 8.1 Hazardous Substances in Connection with Identified Uses ............................... 28 8.2 Hazardous Substance Containers and Unidentified Substance Containers ....... 29 8.2.1 8.2.2 8.2.3 8.2.4 8.2.5 Storage Tanks ...................................................................................... 30 Indications of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) .................................. 31 Indications of Solid Waste Disposal ...................................................... 31 Physical Setting Analysis ...................................................................... 32 Other Conditions of Concern ........................................ : ....................... 32 9 FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS .............................................................................. 33 10 RECOMMENDATIONS .............................................................................................. 34 r'X1997~972313 00~ohase, d~x: ii Kennedy Jenks Consultan?.s I INTRODUCTION The objective of this Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) was to compile and evaluate available environmental information on the commercial and industrial properties located at 2800 Standard Street, 3650 Rosedale Highway, and 3880 Rosedale Highway (Site) and surrounding properties which may potentially impact the subject property for Retail Investors, Inc. Information was collected through a site reconnaissance, interviews, and environmental records obtained from local, state and federal regulatory agencies. This information is compiled, evaluated, and summarized in this report. 2 SCOPE OF SERVICE Kennedy/Jenks conducted this Phase I ESA in accordance with the scope of work presented in our proposal dated 15 August 1997. Kennedy/Jenks reviewed available aerial photographs of the Site. The photographs and maps provided information regarding past site configuration and use, and identified past and present uses of adjacent properties which may be of environmental concern. Environmental lists compiled by the California Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC), Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) were summarized by E Data Resources, Inc. (EDR), and reviewed by Kennedy/Jenks to determine the presence or absence of environmental records and possible investigations or enforcement actions conducted at the Site or surrounding properties within a one-mile radius of the Site. Case files for properties identified as having potential environmental concerns located immediately adjacent to the subject property were reviewed at the appropriate agencies. Todd Rook of Kennedy/Jenks conducted walk-throughs and site reviews for this Phase I ESA on 19, 22, and 24 September 1997. Kennedy/Jenks was accompanied on the Site walk-through by M. Jeff Minyard of Minyard Trucking and Mr. Craig Rose and Mr. Jason Scheer of Glenn Rose Engine Service. Kennedy/Jenks was not accompanied on the Site walk-through of the former Maaco Auto Paint facility. Visual observations were noted and a photographic record of potential environmental concerns was assembled to document the condition of the Site at that time. The results of the environmental records review, telephone interviews, and site reconnaissance are summarized in subsequent sections of this report and documented in the Preliminary Environmental Assessment Checklist presented in Appendix A and the Record of Communications presented in Appendix B. Information obtained during the EDR environmental records review is presented in Appendix C, Environmental Records Search, and summarized on Figure C-1 of Appendix C. Environmental concerns identified on the subject property are presented in the Photographic Record as Appendix D. Copies of selected records obtained during agency file review are presented in Appendix E, Selected Agency Records. r ~ 1997\972313 O0~ohase~ doc 1 KennedyJenks Consultants Kennedy/Jenks reviewed the following sources to obtain informatiori about the potential for hazardous materials or environmental conditions to exist at the Site or at properties located within one mile of the Site: · Kern County Environmental Health Services Department (12 September 1997i · California Regional Water Quality Control Board (6 October 1997) · San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District (25 September 1997) · U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): - CERCLIS Listing or CERCLA (Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act) Superfund Listing, dated 30 September 1997 - RCRIS (Resource Conservation Recovery Information Systems) listing, dated 1 April 1997 - Proposed and Final National Priority List (NPL)-California, dated 1 April 1997 · California oil and gas field maps · California Department of Health Services listings · California Water Resources Control Board listings · California Waste Management Board listings · Kern County Fire Department records · Kern County Building Department records · The following aerial photographs available from the Kern County Survey and Mapping Department to obtain information concerning the history of the Site: - 1937 - 1952 - 1956 - 1975 - 1981 - 1990 Black and White Black and White Black and White Black and White Black and White Black and White 1 "=400' 1 "=400' 1 "=400' 1 "=400' 1 "=400' 1 "=400' The following references for information pertaining to the documented occurrence and quality of groundwater in the vicinity of the Site: - Water Supply Report 1977, Kern county Water Agency, May 1978 - Water Supply Report 1982, Kern County Water Agency, May 1983 - Water Supply Report 1992, Kern County Water Agency, December 1993 The following U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) topographic maps to obtain information about the Site's topography and previous development and uses of the Site and properties in the vicinity of the Site: - 1908, 15 Minute Quadrangle - 1935, 7.5 Minute Quadrangle - 1943, 15 Minute Quadrangle - 1954, 7.5 Minute Quadrangle - 1968, 7.5 Minute Quadrangle r:H997~972313 O0~hase~ doc 2 Kennedy Jenks Consultants Chain-of-Title information provided by Land Title Research id an attempt to identify past owners/occupants of the Site whose business names may suggest activities typically associated with the use, generation, storage, or disposal of hazardous materials. Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps for the Site and adjacent to obtain information about historical uses of the Site and the potential for underground storage tanks to exist on the Site or properties adjacent to the Site. Kennedy/Jenks Consultants conducted the following site interviews: - Jeff Minyard, 19 September 1997 - Craig Rose, 22 September 1997 - Jason Scheer, 22 September 1997 - Matt Morris, 24 September 1997 3 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS Retail Investors, Inc. is the prospective buyer and have requested that a Phase I ESA be performed in order to provide information about the current status of environmental conditions at the Site for decision making regarding purchasing a site impacted by hazardous material. 4 LIMITATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS OF ASSESSMENT This report was Prepared by Kennedy/Jenks for the exclusive use of Retail Investors, Inc. In order to create a report on which Retail Investors, Inc. could rely, Kennedy/Jenks worked closely with Retail Investors, Inc. in development of the scope of service upon which all subsequent tasks have been based. Responsibilities to any third parties are specifically denied. This preliminary Phase I ESA is based on review of available environmental records and available aerial photographs, results of interviews, and visual observations of recent Site conditions. Kennedy/Jenks' activities were conducted in accordance with practices and procedures generally accepted in the environmental consulting field. No environmental sampling or analysis were undertaken for this Phase I ESA report. This report represents Kennedy/Jenks' professional opinion and judgment, which are dependent upon information obtained during the performance of consulting services. Environmental conditions may exist at the Site that cannot be identified by visual observations only. Any conclusions or recommendations will be necessarily based in part on information supplied by others, the accuracy or sufficiency of which may not be independently reviewed by Kennedy/Jenks. No investigation can be thorough enough to exclude the presence of hazardous materials at a given site; therefore, if no hazardous materials are identified during an assessment, such a finding should not be construed as a guarantee of the absence of such materials on the property, but rather the results of services performed within project scope, cost, and other limitations. Any opinions and recommendations presented apply to the Site conditions existing at the time of performance of services. Kennedy/Jenks is unable to report on, or accurately r-~1997~972313.0~asei doc 3 KennedyJenks Consultants predict events which may impact the Site following performance of the described services, whether occurring naturally or caused by the actions of others. Kennedy/Jenks assumes no responsibility for conditions it is not authorized to investigate or conditions not generally recognized as environmentally unacceptable at the {ime services are performed. Kennedy/Jenks is not responsible for change in applicable environmental standards, practices, or regulations following performance of services. 5 LIMITING CONDITIONS The ESA was limited by an inability to interview past owners and operators of the subject properties. Also, the Regional Water Quality Control Board did not return telephone calls requesting site specific information. SITE DESCRIPTION 6.1 L'°cation and Legal Description The Site, .shown on a portion of the USGS topographic map presented as Figure 1, is located in the south half of Section 23, Township 29S, Range 27E. Three businesses at the Site are located at 2800 Standard Street, 3650 Rosedale Highway, and 3880 Rosedale Highway in Kern County near the City of Bakersfield, California. The Site is bounded by Rosedale Highway to the south, State Highway 99 to the east, an oil refinery to the north, and commercial property to the west. The legal description is provided below: parcel I Owner: A.P.N.' Darrell L. Sparks and Mary J. Sparks, as trustees for the Darrell and Jody Sparks Family Trust, U/T/A dated January 16, 1991 332-152-12-00-3C Legal Description Parcel 1 of Parcel Map No. 3731, in the unincorporated area, County of Kern, State of California, as per map recorded December 21, 1976 in Book 17, Page 66 of Parcel Maps in the Office of the County Recorder of said County. Parcel 2 Owner: A.P.N.: Darrell L. Sparks and Mary J. Sparks, as trustees of the Darrell and Jody Sparks Family Trust, U/T/A dated January 16, 1991 332-152-37-00-6C 332-152-38-00-9C 332-152-39-00-2C 332-152-40-00-4C r ~1997~972313 00'kohase, doc 4 Kennedy Jenks Consultants Legal Description Parcel "A" of Parcel Map No. 5907, in the unincorporated area, County of Kern, State of California, as per map recorded January 23, 1981 in Book 26, Page 35 of Parcel Maps in the Office of the County Recorder of said County. Parcel 3 Owner: Glenn Rose Engine Service, Inc., a California Corporation A.P.N.: 332-152-07-00-9C Legal Description The east 100 feet of the west 671.00 feet of the south 435.00 feet of the east half of the southwest quarter of Section 23, Township 29 South, Range 27 East, M.D.M., in the unincorporated area, County of Kern, State of California, according to the official plat thereof. Parcel 4 Owner: Leonard E. Seaton, Trustee, U/T/D January 13, 1994 of the Leonard E. Seaton Trust A.P.N.: 332-152-08-00-2C Legal Description Parcel B of Parcel Map No. 5907, in the unincorporated area, County of Kern, State of California, as per map recorded January 23, 1981 in Book 26, Page 35 of Parcel Maps in the Off~ce of the County Recorder of said County. parcel 5 Owner: Rosedale Hotel, a California Limited Partnership A.P.N.: 332-152-41-00-76 Legal Description Parcel I of Lot Line Adjustment No. 125-90, as evidenced by certificate of compliance recorded March 20, 1991 in Book 6499, Page 1373 of official records, being a division of all of Parcel C of Parcel Map No. 5907, as recorded January 23, 1981 in Book 26, Page 35 of Parcel Maps, and also being a portion of the southwest quarter of Section 23, Township 29 South, Range 27 East, MD.M, in the unincorporated area, County of Kern, State of California. A Kern County Assessor's Parcel Map is presented as Figure 2. The configuration of the Site is depicted on the site maps presented as Figures 3a through 3d. r'H99~972313 00~ohase~.doc 5 KennedyJenks Consultants 6.2 Site and Vicinity Characteristics The Site is located in a commercial and industrial area. The properties in the vicinity of the Site include Days Inn, Hungry Hunter, Maaco Auto Paint, a used car dealership, oilfield service companies, and Sabre Refinery. An initial site reconnaissance was performed by a representative of Kennedy/Jenks on 8 September 1997. 6.3 Descriptions of Structures, Roads, and Other Improvements to the Site Sparks Estate Property_ (2800 Standard Street) This portion of the Site is occupied by a corrugated sheet metal covered steel frame building utilized for truck repair and maintenance. A separate office trailer is located south and east of the main building. The occupants include Minyard TruCking and Larry's Truck Service. Access to this area of the Site is from Standard Street. Access can also be made from Rosedale Highway across the Seaton Property described below. Portions of the property are fenced and gated. Other onsite improvements observed during the initial site reconnaissance on 8 SePtember 1997 include a 2.1 million gallon aboveground storage tank. Public utility support services include Pacific Gas and Electric Company for electrical service. No water service is currently provided. Water is obtained from an adjacent property to the east. Sewage disposal is provided by an onsite septic system. Natural gas is provided by the Southern California Gas Company. Two water wells are located at the Site. One well is located along the north edge of the site (north well). The second is located south of the office trailer (south well). The wells were not operating at the time of the site reconnaissance, but a tag on the north well dated 7 March 1997 on the side of the pump motor indicates that the well may have been operating recently. The north well pump is driven by a 15 horsepower electric motor. The south well is reportedly unserviceable. Concrete foundations that may have been used to support piping that ran from an overhead pipe rack located at a facility adjacent to the Sparks Estate Property are located in the northwest corner of the property. Glenn Rose Engine Service (3800 Rosedale Hi_ohway) This portion of the Site is occupied by a steel frame building covered with corrugated sheet metal and is utilized as a small engine repair shop, associated parts storage and an office. Glenn Rose Engine Service is the only occupant of this portion of the Site. Access to this area of the Site is from Rosedale Highway. The area is fenced and gated to control access from Rosedale Highway and prevent access from adjoining properties. No other onsite improvements Were observed during the site reconnaissance on 22 September 1997. Public utility support services include California Water Service Company for water service and Pacific Gas and Electric Company for electric power. Sewage disposal is provided by an onsite septic system. Natural gas is provided by the Southern California Gas Company. r ~ ! 997\972313 OO~o~ase~ doc 6 KennedyJenks Consultants There is one non-operational water well at the Site. The pump motdr has been removed and piping has been disconnected. The well was reportedly plugged'in the early 1980s. Maaco Auto Paint {3650 Rosedale Highway) This portion of the Site is occupied by a steel frame building covered with corrugated sheet metal and is utilized as an automobile painting shop. A spray paint booth is located inside the west half of the building. A second, unused spray paint booth is located east of the shop building on a separate foundation. Although the business has moved to a new location, Maaco Auto Paint still uses the shop building and the associated spray paint booth. Access to this portion of the Site is from Rosedale Highway. The area is fenced and gated to control access from Rosedale Highway and to prevent access from adjoining properties. Other onsite improvements observed during the site reconnaissance on 25 September 1997 include a natural gas pressure reducer and associated piping located on the west side of the site at the north edge of the paved area. Public.utility support services include California Water Service Company and Pacific Gas and Electric Company for water and electrical service, respectively. Sewage disposal is reportedly provided by an onsite septic system.' Natural gas is provided by the Southern California Gas Company. One non-operational water well was observed at the Site. The well is located on the vacant half of the property northeast of the paint shop, along the fence at the north edge of the property. Seaton Property No site improvements are apparent except for a large billboard visible from Rosedale Highway. 6.4 Information Reported by U~er S.Darks Estate Property_ A representative of Kennedy/Jenks met with Mr. Jeff Minyard during a second site reconnaissance of 19 September 1997. Mr. Minyard identified the use of the Site and indicated that the onsite underground storage tanks are not currently used. Also, two additional office trailers were once located south of the existing office trailer. In addition, Mr. Brad Barbeau of Commercial Developers provided the following information for review: · A previous Phase I investigation prepared by Piwarea Engineering on 20 January 1994. · A report entitled "Site Reconnaissance and Tank Content Sampling" prepared by Park Environmental Corporation on 16 March 1994. · Previous owners/potential interviewees The Phase I investigation prepared by Piwarea Engineering indicates the following key points regarding the site: r ~1997~972313 00~l~ase~ ~oc 7 KennedyJenks Consultants · The site is used as a truck wash ~nd repair facility. · A 2.1 million gallon tank containing approximately one million gallons of liquid composed of hydrocarbons and metals is located on the western portion of the site. · Two domestic water wells are located at the site. One is serviceable and one is not. · The 1937 aerial photograph indicated that sump occupied a portion of the northwest corner of the site. · Several underground fuel tanks and a pump island are located west of the existing shop building. · A leach pit associated with the truck wash is located adjacent to the southeast corner of the existing shop building. · Soil testing was performed to determine if the underground storage tanks had leaked. The testing conducted during the investigation did not find evidence of any leaks. · Soil testing was also performed at the leach field location associated with a Class V well (nonhazardous shallow disposal well). Crude oil was detected at a depth of 20 feet below ground surface (bgs) at'a concentration of 57 mg/kg. Diesel was detected at.a depth of 30 feet bgs at a concentration of 14 mg/kg. No hydrocarbons were detected at 35 feet bgs. It should be noted that no leach field soil samples were collected above 20 feet bgs. The investigation entitled "Site Reconnaissance and Tank Content Sampling" prepared by Park Environmental Corporation included a sampling investigation of the tank contents and soil adjacent to the tank. The report indicates the following key points regarding the tank: Glenn · The tank appeared to be in good condition with no apparent leaks or spills. · Analysis of sludge samples contained TCLP benzene concentrations that exceed federal hazardous waste criteria. · Concentrations of metals in the liquid and sludge samples were below hazardous levels as defined in Title 22 of the California Code of Regulations. · Elevated levels of total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbons were present at a depth of 1 foot bgs in soil samples collected adjacent to the tank. Rose Engine Service A representative of Kennedy/Jenks met with Mr. Craig Rose and Mr. Jason Scheer during the site reconnaissance of 22 September 1997. Mr. Rose identified the use of the property prior to the start of Glenn Rose Engine Service in 1964 as an equipment staging area for an oilfield service company. Mr. Rose indicated that there are no aboveground or underground storage tanks at the Site. He also indicated that the Class V well associated with the steam cleaning area was closed in approximately 1980. Mr. Rose also indicated that an onsite domestic water well was plugged in the early 1980s. ¢ t1997~972313 00~ohase~ doc 8 KennedyJenks Consultants Maaco Auto Paint A representative of Kennedy/Jenks was unaccompanied during the site reconnaissance of 25 September 1997. During a telephone interview, Mr. Matt Morris indicated that a Class V well on the east side of the shop building had been closed in 1993. Seaton Pro_oerty_ No owner representatives were interviewed regarding this Site. 6.5 Current Uses of the Property Sparks Estate Pro_oerty The property is currently occupied by Minyard Trucking who has sublet the maintenance building located at 2800 Standard Street to Larry's Truck Service. The current operations at the property include truck parking, maintenance, and repair. Mr. Minyard indicated that hazardous materials are not stored on the property. Petroleum products are stored on the property in small aboveground tanks and 55 gallon drums. The nature of the truck repair business requires that small amounts of solvents, waste oil, motor oil, grease, and radiator fluids be stored and used onsite. This summary has not been contradicted by supplemental governmental listings reviewed by Kennedy/Jenks and identified in the following section of this report. Glenn Rose Engine Service The property is currently occupied by Glenn Rose Engine Service located at 3880 Rosedale Highway. The current operations at the property include the repair and servicing of air cooled gasoline engines such as those found on portable cement mixers and portable electric generators. Mr. Rose and Mr. Scheer indicated that hazardous materials are not used, generated, stored, treated, or disposed of on the property. Petroleum products are used and stored at the Site in the form of waste oils and gasoline. This summary has not been contradicted by supplemental governmental listings reviewed by Kennedy/Jenks and identified in the following section of this report. Maaco Auto Paint The property is currently occupied by the former location of Maaco Auto Paint located at 3650 Rosedale Highway. Although the property is currently available for lease, Maaco Auto Paint still utilizes the facility for automobile painting. Mr. Matt Morris indicated that neither hazardous materials nor petroleum products are used, generated, stored, treated, or disposed of on the property. This summary has not been contradicted by supplemental governmental listings reviewed by Kennedy/Jenks and identified in the following section of this report. Seaton Pro.perry The property is currently used to store large cargo containers and a forklift. A billboard, visible from Rosedale Highway, is located in the southeast corner of the property. r'~1997~972313 O0~ohese~ cloc 9 Kennedy Jenks Consultants 6.6 Past Uses of the Property Sparks Estate Property Information obtained from the initial' site reconnaissance on 8 September 1997, the site reconnaissance of 19 September 1997, and records that were reviewed suggests that previous uses of the property ranged from refinery offices and storage tank location to its current use as a truck wash and repair facility. Glenn Rose Engine Service Information obtained from the initial site reconnaissance on 8 September 1997, the site reconnaissance of 22 September 1997, and records that were reviewed suggests that previous uses of the property ranged from an oilfield service company yard to its current use as an engine repair facility. Maaco Auto Paint Information obtained from the initial site reconnaissance on 8 September 1997, the site reconnaissance of 25 September 1997, and records that were reviewed suggests that previous uses of the property ranged from a residential property to its current use as an automobile painting facility. Seaton Pro.oerty Information obtained from the initial site reconnaissance on 8 September 1997, the site reconnaissance of 19 September 1997, and records that were reviewed suggests that site has been vacant or used for truck parking since at least 1937. 6.7 Current and Past Uses of Adjoining Properties Properties to the north are used for commercial purposes such as crude oil refining and oilfield service companies. Properties to the west are used for commercial purposes such as an automobile paint shop, gasoline station, and used car dealership. To the south, properties include restaurants, athletic club, and hotels. To the east, properties include restaurants, a hotel, and an oilfield service company. 7 ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS REVIEW 7.1 Environmental Record Sources The Site was listed in the following databases searched by EDR: Ca. FID, RCRIS-SQG, UST, FINDS, RCRIS-LQG, HAZNET. A review of the following databases showed no sites located within the one mile minimum search distance (MSD) around the Site. NPL: National Priority List Delisted NPL: NPL Deletions RCRIS-TSD: Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System r t1997~9723~3 00~onase, doc 1 0 AWP: Delisted Cai-Sites: CERC-NFRAP: CORRACTS: SWIS AST RAATS: WMUDS: HMIRS: PADS: ERNS: TRIS: TSCA: MLTS: NPL Lien: CA SLIC: ROD: CONSENT: CA WDS: S Bay Reg. 2: Coal Gas: KennedyJenks Consultants Annual Workplan Calsites Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System Corrective Action Report Solid Waste Information System Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tank Facilities RCRA Administrative Action Tracking System Waste Management Unit Database Hazardous Materials Information Reporting System PCB Activity Database System Emergency Response Notification System Toxic Chemical Release Inventory System Toxic Substance Control Act Material Licensing Tracking System Federal Superfund Liens CA SLIC regions Records of Decision Superfund (CERCLA) Consent Decrees Waste Discharge System South Bay Site Management System Former Manufactured Gas (Coal Gas) Sites. 7.1.1 EPA RCRIS List - (MSD-0.25 Mile) The RCRIS (Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System) Site List contains selected information about facilities that generate, store, treat, or dispose of hazardous waste. A review of the RCRIS Site List dated 1 April 1997 indicates that there are six sites within the search area: ACE Hydraulics 2901 Gibson Street Bakersfield, California 93303 - Listed as a large quantity generator. Kawasaki of Bakersfield 3939 Rosedale Highway Bakersfield, California 93308 - Listed as a small quantity generator. Shell Service Station 204-0462-1904 3130 24th Street Bakersfield, California 93301 Listed as a large quantity generator. r t1997~972313 O0~o~asei.(~oc 11 Valley Perforating Company 3201 Gulf Street Bakersfield, California 93308 KennedyJenks Consultants - Listed as a small quantity generator. Sabre Refining, Inc. 3121 Standard Street Bakersfield, California 93308 Listed as a large quantity generator. Texaco Refining and Marketing, Inc. 3663 Gibson Street Bakersfield, California 93308 Listed as a large quantity generator. 7.1.2 Cai-EPA CORTESE List - (MSD-1.0 Mile) A review of the CORTESE list dated 31 December 1994 indicates that there are nine sites within the search area. This database identifies sites with USTs having a reportable release and all solid waste disposal facilities from which there is known migration. ROCHESTER 3504 Standard Street Bakersfield California 93308 Texaco Service Station 24th and Oak Streets Bakersfield California 93301 Shell Service Station 204-0462-1904 3130 24th Street Bakersfield California 93301 Leo Black Electric 3909 Pierce Road Bakersfield, California 93308 Davies Oil Co. 3305 Gulf Street Bakersfield, California 93308 Cai-Valley Equipment 3500 Gilmore Bakersfield, California 93308 r~l 9cJ~972313 OO~hase, doc 12 Beacon 3225 Pierce Road Bakersfield, California 933O1 Union Carbide-Linde Division 3505 Pierce Road Bakersfield, California 93308 Kalibur Engineering 3109 Antonino Bakersfield, California 93308 KennedyJenks Consultants 7.1.3 LUST List- (MSD-0.5 Mile) The data for the LUST List is provided by the State Water Resources Control Board Leaking Underground Storage Tank Information System. A review of the LUST List dated 1 April 1997 indicates that there are fifteen sites within the search area: Shell Food Market 3605 Rosedale Highway Bakersfield, California 93308 - Signed off, remedial action completed or deemed unnecessary for a gasoline release to soil. The closure data is not reported. ARCO AM/PM 2612 Pierce Road Bakersfield, California 93308 - Signed off, remedial action completed or deemed unnecessary for a gasoline release to soil. The closure date is 2 August 1990. Lamb Wire Line 3504 Standard Street Bakersfield, California 93308 - Signed off, remedial action completed or deemed unnecessary for a diesel release to soil. The closure date is 8 June 1993. ROCHESTER 3504 Standard Street Bakersfield, California 93308 Signed off, remedial action completed or deemed unnecessary for a gasoline release to soil. The closure date is 18 November 1991. r:tlg97~972313 OO~ohase,.doc 13 J.L. Denio, Inc. 2727 Fairhaven Bakersfield, California 93305 Kennedy Jenks Consultants Signed off, remedial action completed or deemed unnecessary for a waste oil release to soil. The closure date is 30 October 1995. Assured Transportation, Inc. 3228 Gibson Street Bakersfield, California 93308 - Signed off, remedial action completed or deemed unnecessary for a gasoline release to groundwater. The closure date is 27 July 1997. Beacon Station #51-4 Truck Stop 3225 Pierce Road Bakersfield, California 93301 - Pollution characterization and remedial plan development are in progress for a gasoline release to groundwater. The last date of review is 7 February 1997. Rosedale Properties 4301 Rosedale Highway Bakersfield, California 93308 - Signed off, remedial action completed or deemed unnecessary for a gasoline release to soil. The closure date is 27 April 1993. Union Carbide-Linde Division 3505 Pierce Road Bakersfield, California 93308 - Signed off, remedial action completed or deemed unnecessary for a gasoline release to groundwater. The closure date is 12 June 1995. Kalibur Engineering 3109 Antonino Bakersfield, California 93308 - Signed off, remedial action completed or deemed unnecessary for a gasoline release to soil. The closure date is 4 May 1990. Cai-Valley Equipment 3500 Gilmore Bakersfield, California 93308 - Signed off, remedial action completed or deemed unnecessary for a diesel release to soil. The closure date is 5 November 1987. r ~1997~972313 O0~ohase~ doc 14 KennedyJenks Consultants Mainland Pacific Development 3115 Pierce Road Bakersfield, California 93308 - Signed off, remedial action completed or deemed unnecessary for a diesel release to groundwater. The closure date is 23 January 1994. Texaco Service Station 24th and Oak Streets Bakersfield, California 93301 - Signed off, remedial action completed or deemed unnecessary for a gasoline release to groundwater. The closure date is 6 December 1994. Shell Service Station 204-0462-1904 3130 24th Street Bakersfield, California 93301 - Signed off, remedial action complete or deemed unnecessary for a gasoline release to groundwater. The closure date is 9 January 1996. Leo Black Electric 3909 Pierce Road Bakersfield, California 93308 - Signed off, remedial action completed or deemed unnecessary for a gasoline release to groundwater. The closure date is 1 March 1996. 7.1.4 UST List - (MSD - 0.25 Mile) The UST data'comes from two sources; the State Water Resources Control Board's Hazardous Substance Storage Container Database dated 15 October 1990, and the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department database dated 10 June 1994. A review of these databases indicates that there are eleven UST sites registered in the search area: Petroleum Solids Control, Inc. 2800 Gibson Street Bakersfield, California 93308 Four tanks with unreported contents are registered. Valley Perforating Company 3201 Gulf Street Bakersfield, California 93308 One gasoline tank is registered. r'~1997~972313 00~ohase~ cloc 15 KennedyJenks Consultan?:s Glaser Brothers 2823 Gibson Bakersfield California 93308 - One tank with unreported contents is registered. Oilfield Rental and Sales Company 3120 Standard Street Bakersfield California 93308 - One gasoline tank is registered. Office and Equipment Yard 2915 Gibson Street Bakersfield California 93308 - One gasoline tankis registered. Don D. Jones Construction, Inc. 2915 Gibson Street Bakersfield California 93380 - One tank with unreported contents is registered. Sabre Refining, Inc. 3121 Standard Street .. Bakersfield California 93308 - Two active and three waste oil tanks are registered. Market Express 3940 Rosedale Highway Bakersfield California 93308 - Three gasoline tanks and one diesel tank are registered. J.L. Denio, Inc. 2727 Fairhaven Bakersfield California 93305 - One diesel tank, one gasoline tank, and one waste oil tank are registered. Assured Transportation, Inc. 3228 Gibson Street Bakersfield California 93308 - Three diesel tanks and one gasoline tank are registered. r ~1997~9~'2313 OO~hase, doc 1 6 KennedyJenks Consultants Beacon Station #51-4 Truck Stop 3225 Pierce Road Bakersfield, California 93301 Two diesel tanks, two gasoline tanks, and one waste oil tank are registered. 7.1.5 CHMIRS List - (MSD-0.5 Mile) A review of the CHMIRS (California Hazardous Material Incident Report System) List dated 31 December 1994 indicated that there are seven sites within the search area: Not Reported 3201 Pierce Road' Bakersfield, California 93308 - This facility is listed due to a diesel release that was confined to the property. Not Reported 3115 Pierce Road Bakersfield, California 93308 - This facility is listed due to a diesel release. The extent of the release is not reported. Not Reported 3200 Pierce Road Bakersfield, California 93308 - This facility is listed due to a diazinon release that was confined to the floor of origin. Not Reported 3430 Getty Street Bakersfield, California 93308 - This facility is listed due to an acetyl chloride release that was confined to the property. Not Reported 3800 North Sillect Bakersfield, California 93308 - This facility is listed due to a formaldehyde release that was confined to the vehicle/equipment causing the release. r 'd 997~972313 OO~ohase, ~3oc 1 7 Kennedy/Jenks Consultants Not Reported 3101 N. Sillect, Suite 113 Bakersfield, California 93308 This facility is listed due to a battery acid release. The extent of the release is not reported. Not Reported 4201 Standard Street Bakersfield, California 93308 - This facility is listed due to an acetylene release that was confined to the structure of origin. 7.1.6 CA FID List - (MSD-0.25 Mile) The data for the Facility Inventory Database List contains a list of active and inactive underground storage tank locations provided by the State Water Resources Control Board. A review of the CA FID List dated 31 October 1994 indicates that there are six sites within the search area: Market Express 3940 Rosedale Highway Bakersfield, California 93308 ARCO AM/PM 2612 Pierce Road Bakersfield,. California 93308 Active UST location. Shell Oil Company 3605 Rosedale Highway Bakersfield, California 93301 Office and Equipment Yard 2915 Gibson Street Bakersfield, California 93308 NOTI Operating Tanks 3930 Rosedale Highway Bakersfield, California 93308 Inactive UST locations. r'X1997~972313 O0~c~asm.c~oc 18 Sabre Refining, Inc. 3121 Standard Street Bakersfield, California 93308 Inactive UST location. KennedyJenks Consultants 7.1.7 WMUDS/SWAT- (MSD-0.5 Mile) The data in the WMUDS/SWAT Database List contains program tracking and inventory information for waste management units. The list is provided by the State Water Resources Control Board. A review of the WMUDS/SWAT List dated 20 June 1997 indicates that there is one site within the search area: Valley Perforating Company 3201 Gulf Street Bakersfield, California 93308 7.1.8 HAZNET - (MSD-0.25 Mile) The data in the HAZNET Database List is extracted from hazardous waste manifests submitted to the Department of Toxic Substance Control. A review of the HAZNET List dated 31 December 1995 indicates that there are four sites within the search area: Tiger Oil Well Wireline Service 3912 Thomas Way Bakersfield, California 93308 Ace Hydraulics 2901 Gibson Street Bakersfield, California 93308 Maaco Auto Painting 3650 Rosedale Highway Bakersfield, California 93308 Price Club 3747 Rosedale Highway Bakersfield, California 93308 7.1.9 FINDS - (MSD-Target Property) The data in the Facility Index System (FINDS) database list contains both facility information and "pointers" to other sources that contain more detail regarding permit compliance, civil judicial enforcement cases, underground injection control, cdminal enforcement actions, Federal Facilities information, and PCB activity, among others. A review of the FINDS list dated 30 September 1995 indicates that there are four sites within the search area: r ~199~972313 OO~ohase, doc 19 Ace Hydraulics 2901 Gibson Street Bakersfield, California 93303 Sabre Refining, Inc. 3121 Standard Street Bakersfield, California 93308 Shell Service Station 204-0462-1904 3130 24th Street Bakersfield, California 93301 Valley Perforating Company 3201 Gulf Street Bakersfield, California 93308 KennedyJenks Consultants 7.1.10 Notify 65 - (MSD-1 Mile) The Notify 65 records contains notifications about any release that could impact drinking water and pose a potential health risk to the public. A review of the database list dated 21 October 1993 indicates that there are three sites within the search area: Nearby Highway 99 at Rosedale Highway Bakersfield, California 91345 Texaco Refining and Marketing, Inc. 3663 Gibson Street Bakersfield, California 93308 Valley Perforating Company 3201 Gulf Street Bakersfield, California 93308 7.1.11 CERCLIS - (MSD-0.5 Mile) The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Information System (CERCLIS) contains information on potential hazardous waste sites that have been reported by states, municipalities, private companies or private citizens. CERCLIS sites are either proposed to the National Priorities List (NPL), on the NPL, or in the screening and assessment phase for possible inclusion on the NPL. A review of the CERCLIS database dated 30 April 1997 indicates that one site is located within the area searched: San Joaquin Drum Company 3930 Gilmore Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 EPA has conducted a preliminary assessment on this site and has determined that no further action is necessary and no hazard was identified. r &1997~972313 OO~ohase,.doc 20 Kennedy, Jenks Consultants 7.1.12 Ca. BEP - (MSD-1 Mile) The California Bond Expenditure Plan (Ca. BEP) was developed by the California Department of Health Services to provide a site specific expenditure plan for the appropriation of Hazardous Substance Cleanup Bond Act Funds. A review of the Ca. BEP database indicates that one site is located within the search area: San Joaquin Drum Company 3930 Gilmore Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 7.1.13 Cai-Sites - (MSD-1 Mile) The Cai-Sites database contains both known and potential hazardous waste sites. A review of the Cai-Sites database indicates that three sites are located in the area searched: San Joaquin Drum Company 3930 Gilmore Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 Site was reportedly investigated by the Department of Toxic Substances Control and 16, 55 gallon drums were removed from the site. Soil samples collected at the site indicated that hazardous levels of lead, chromium, zinc, and chlorinated pesticides were found. Chlordane was found in extremely hazardous concentrations. Assured Transportation Site 3228 Gibson Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 The onsite soil and groundwater have been found to be contaminated with oil and petroleum, perchlorethene (PCE), trichloroethene (TCE), 1,1,1- dichloroethene (DCE), and chloroform. As of 1 March 1995 the site was being investigated anda work plan was being developed. Valley Perforating Company 3201 Gulf Street Bakersfield, California 93308 A site screening and closure plan for a drainage sump containing elevated levels of lead was submitted in 1985. The site is currently under review by the Regional Water Quality Control Board. 7.1.14 TRIS - (MSD-Target Property) The Toxic Chemical Release Inventory System (TRIS) identifies facilities that release toxic chemicals to the air, water, and land in quantities that are reportable under SARA Title III Section 313. A review of the TRIS database indicates that one site is located in the area searched: r'~ 1997~9723 t 3 00~phase~.cloc 2 1 Kennedy Jenks Consultants Texaco Refining and Marketing, Inc. 3663 Gibson Street Bakersfield, California 93308 7.1.15 Toxic Pits - (MSD-1 Mile) The Toxic Pits database contains information regarding sites that contain hazardous substances where cleanup has not been completed under the Toxic Pits Cleanup Act. The Toxic Pits database was developed by the Water Resources Control Board. A review of the Toxic Pits database indicates that three sites are located in the search area: Valley Perforating Company 3201 Gulf Street Bakersfield, California 93308 The site was closed on 31 December 1990. EPC, Eastside Disposal Farm 3040 19th Street Bakersfield, California 93301 This site was closed on 1 September 1990. Santa Fe Energy, Westside Disposal 3040 19th Street Bakersfield, California 93301 The site was closed 15 October 1990. 7.2 Physical Setting Sources 7.2.1 Review of Topographic Maps The and 1973-Photorevised U.S. Geologic Survey (USGS) topographic map for the Oildale, California quadrangle was reviewed to provide information about the topography of the Site and previous development of the Site and vicinity. A portion of the above-noted map is presented as the Site Location Map, 'Figure 1. ^ review of the above-referenced map indicates that the Site is situated at an approximate elevation of 400 feet above Mean Sea Level (MSL). Review of this maps also indicates that the Site is developed for commercial purposes. 7.2.2 Site Geology Geotechnical reports and information pertaining to onsite geologic con. ditions were not provided by the Client for review by Kennedy/Jenks during the performance of this Phase I ESA. The regional physiographic conditions and geologic setting are described below. r'~ 1997~972313 OO~ohasei doc 22 KennedyJenks Consultants The Site is located in the southern San Joaquin Valley in the Great Valley Physiographic Province of California. The Site is located along the eastern edge of the Fruitvale Oil Field, approximately 35 miles west of the Greenhorn Mountains of the Sierra Nevada Range. The elevation of the site is approximately 400 feet above mean sea level [MSL]. The area is underlain by thousands of feet of alluvial sediments originating from the higher elevations of the Sierra Nevada Mountains and transported by local streams and rivers. In recent geological times alluvial fans and braided streams have alternately dominated the sediment deposition of the region. The foothills located northeast of the Site are in an area defined in a USGS report [1956] as dissected uplands, which are composed of soft, fine- grained, easily eroded, lacustrine deposits and minor amounts of fine-grained alluvial fan deposits. Located west of the Site are numerous oil wells associated with the Fruitvale Oil Fields. 7.2.3 Regional Groundwater Quality and Occurrence Information pertaining to groundwater quality and occurrence in the region occupied by the Site was obtained through a review of documents previously referenced in the scope of service section of this report. A review of these documents is provided below. · Kern County Water Agency Water Supply Report - 1977 A review of the 1977 Water Supply Report indicated that 1977 was a drought year. The approximate depth to the unconfined groundwater aquifer at the Site in 1977 was 200 feet. Total dissolved solids (TDS) averaged 500 parts per million (ppm) in data collected from 1973 through 1977. · Kern County Water Agency Water Supply Report - 1982 A review of the 1982 Water Supply Report indicated that 1982 was a wet year. The approximate depth to the unconfined groundwater aquifer at the Site in 1982 was approximately 50 feet. Water quality in terms of TDS was unchanged. · Kern County Water Agency Water Supply Report - 1992 A review of the 1992 Water Supply Report indicated that 1992 was a drought year. The depth to the unconfined groundwater aquifer was approximately 150 feet. Water quality in terms of TDS remained unchanged. Information provided by Mr. Tom Haslebacher of the Kern County Water Agency indicates that the depth to groundwater in the immediate vicinity of the Site was between 24 feet and 66 feet bgs in March 1997. Direction of flow is influenced by both the Kern River and the Calloway Canal, but is generally toward the northwest. 7.214 Review of Aerial Photographs Aerial photographs were reviewed to obtain information about the history of development on and in the vicinity of the Site. Copies of each of the available aerial photographs were reviewed at an approximate scale of 1 inch = 400 feet (1" = 400'). The date and source of each photograph and the observations noted during the review are summarized below: r't 1997~972313 0OLohese~ doc 23 KennedyJenks Consultants · 10 August 1937 Aerial Photograph A review of the aerial photograph dated 10 August 1937 indicates that the Site contains several features of interest. A fluid containing sump is located in the northwest corner of Parcel 12. An oil derrick is located adjacent to the sump on the south side. The location of the derrick appears to coincide with the oil well labeled Trico Industries, Inc. Number I on the Munger Map. Two aboveground storage tanks are located in the northeast corner of Parcel 12. Several structures that appear to be small aboveground tanks are located in the central portion of Parcel 12. A large structure that may be a warehouse or storage building is located in the southeast corner of Parcel 40. The south portion of Parcel 40 and the central portion of Parcel 41 contain several structures that are located in and around a grove of trees. The remaining portions of the Site are either vacant or appear to have 'been plowed for agricultural production. · 21 October 1952 Aerial Photograph A review of the aerial photograph dated 21 October 1952 indicates that the Site has undergone some changes. The sump located on Parcel 12 is dry or has been abandoned. A new surface disturbance is located in approximately the center of Parcel 39, near the location of an oil well labeled Phillips Petroleum Company Number 1 on the Munger Map. The grove of trees located in Parcel 41 is visible. This photograph is of poor quality, so other specific features cannot be seen clearly. · 15 July 1956 Aerial Photograph The aerial photograph dated 15 July 1956 is similar to the 1952 aerial photograph. The sump and oil well located in the northwest corner of Parcel 12 have been removed. The large structure located in the southeast corner of Parcel 40 has been removed. In addition to the structure located on the southwest corner of Parcel 12, a second structure has been constructed on the southern edge of Parcel 12. Two small aboveground storage tanks have been constructed in the approximate location of the oil well labeled Phillips Petroleum Company Number 2 on the Munger Map. The surface disturbance in the approximate location of an oil well labeled Phillips Petroleum Company Number 1 on the Munger Map is still present. The remaining portions of the property have been graded, possibly for agricultural production. A large structure that appears to be a manufacturing facility or an oilfield service company has been constructed south of Parcel 12. · 3 January 1975 Aerial Photograph Several changes to the Site were noted in the aerial photograph dated 3 January 1975. The structure located on the southeast corner of Parcel 12 has been removed. An additional structure has been added to the southwest corner of Parcel 7. A structure has also been added to the southeast corner of Parcel 41, in the approximate location of the former Maaco Building. The remaining portions of the Site appear to have been plowed for agricultural production. State Highway 99 has been constructed east of the Site and Rosedale Highway has been expanded to a four lane divided road. r x199~972313 00~ohase, Ooc 24 KennedyJenks Consultants · 11 May 1981 Aerial Photograph Significant changes to the Site were noted in the aerial photograph dated 11 May 1981. The structures located on the southwest corner of Parcel 7 and the southeast corner of Parcel 41 have been expanded. In addition, a large rectangular building has been constructed in the northeast portion of Parcel 12 in the approximate location of the building currently occupied by Larry's Truck Service~ Two aboveground storage tanks have been erected on the southwest portion of Parcel 39. The largest tank appears to be in the same location as the 2.1 million gallon storage tank currently at the Site. The second tank is located northeast of the large tank and appears to be approximately one half of the diameter of the large tank. Pipelines connecting the S'abre Refinery, located north of the Site, to the large tank can also be seen. The area north of the larger tank appears to contain various pieces of equipment that cannot be accurately identified as they are too small to see clearly. Two additional aboveground storage tanks have been constructed adjacent to the northwest corner of Parcel 39. · 5 April 1985 Aerial Photograph No significant changes to the Site were noted in the aerial photograph dated 5 April 1985. Most of the equipment located-north of the large tank on Parcel 39 has been removed. Equipment that appears to be large cargo containers or semi-truck trailers have been parked on Parcel 8 and on the western portion of Parcel 12. · 22 May 1990 Aerial Photograph Several changes were noted in the aerial photograph dated 22 May 1990. The smaller tank located northwest of the hazardous waste storage tank has been removed. The structures located on Parcel 41 and the structures noted on the south edge of Parcel 12 have been removed. The piping between the Sabre Refinery and . the hazardous waste tank appears to have been removed. It appears also that the oil wells located at the Site have been removed. 7.2.5 Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps were requested from EDR. EDR indicated that no Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps were available for the Site. 7.2.6 Chain-of-Title Information Kennedy/Jenks obtained chain-of-title information from Land Title Research, an EDR subcontractor. A reproduction of the information reviewed, which references documents dated between 1940 and 1997, is presented in Appendix F. A summary of the above-noted chain-of-title information for the Site is presented in Table 1. Kennedy/Jenks reviewed this information in an attempt to identify past owners/occupants of the Site whose company names (e.g., ABC Chemical Corporation) suggest activities typically associated with the use, generation, storage, or disposal of hazardous materials as currently regulated by the KCEHSD. r ~1997~9723t 3 O0~phaser cloc 25 KennedyJenks Consultants 7.2.7 Historical Topographic Maps Kennedy/Jenks obtained historical topographic maps from EDR who obtained the maps from local collections of USGS topographic maps. A review of the maps indicates that the Site did not contain structures in years 1906 through 1935. The 1943 map indicates the presence of structures at the south and east ends of the Site. 7.3 Historical Use Information 7.3.1 Contact with Current Onsite Tenant/Owner Sparks Estate Pro.perry Mr. Jeff Minyard presented the following additional information about the history of the Site and adjacent properties to a representative of Kennedy/Jenks during the Site reconnaissance of 19 September 1997. Mr. Minyard indicated that he was not aware of the age of the onsite structure. Mr. Darrell Sparks, the current owner of this portion of the Site, reportedly obtained ownership in 1985. Sabre Transportation reportedly owned this portion of the Site for approximately 33 years prior to 1985. Mr. Minyard indicated that Minyard Trucking has occupied the Site for approximately one year. Mr. Minyard said other occupants of the subject site have included Larry's Truck Service, for the last 3 months, and Sabre Refining Company offices prior to that. Properties adjacent to the Site have reportedly been occupied by Sabre Refining Compahy and Days Inn. Glenn Rose Engine Service Mr. Craig Rose presented the following additional information about the history of the Site and adjacent properties to a representative of Kennedy/Jenks during the Site reconnaissance of 22 September 1997. Mr. Rose indicated that the onsite structure was constructed in 1964. Glenn Rose, the current owner of this portion of the Site, reportedly obtained ownership in 1981. Mr. Archie Myers reportedly owned this portion of the Site for approximately seven years prior to 1981. Mr. Rose indicated that Glenn Rose Engine Service has occupied this portion of the Site for approximately the last 34 years. Mr. Rose said other occupants of the subject site have included an equipment yard for an oilwell drilling company. Properties adjacent to the Site on the east was reportedly been occupied by a residence. Maaco Auto Paint Mr. Matt Morris presented the following additional information about the history of this portion of the Site and adjacent properties to a representative of Kennedy/Jenks during a telephone interview on 25 September 1997. Mr. Morris indicated that the onsite structure is at least 15 years old. Rose Dale Hotel, the current owner of this portion of the Site, reportedly obtained ownership in 1990. r x 1997',972313 00~13ase, Cloc 2 6 Kennedy Jenks Consultants Mr. Morris indicated that Maaco Auto Paint has occupied this portior~ of the Site for approximately the last 15 years. Mr. Morris said other occupants,of the subject site have included a pipe valve and fitting supply company. Properties adjacent to the Site to the west was reportedly occupied by a residence. Property to the east has been occupied by a hotel and restaurant since at least 1990. Seaton Property No contact with the current owner of this property was made. 7.4 Additional Records Sources 7.4.1 Kern County Environmental Health Service Department Sparks Estate Property A review of the Kern County Environmental Health Service Department (KCEHSD) indicates that three issues regarding the site are outstanding: · Five underground storage tanks which were used for gasoline, diesel, and waste oil storage are present. The gasoline and diesel storage tanks must be removed or upgraded prior to 22 December 1998 per Federal Regulations and the California Health and Safety Code. The waste oil tank cannot be upgraded and must be removed. None of the tanks are in use and they are not in compliance with KCEHSD Underground Storage Tank requirements.. · KCEHSD inspectors identified a Class V ShallOw Disposal Well on 5 November 1992. Investigation of the Class V Well was referred to US-EPA on 29 April 1993 after attempts to contact the property owner were unsuccessful. · A 2.1 million gallon aboveground storage tank is located at the Site. On 3 August 1990, the California EPA Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) issued a report of violations as the tank was found to be approximately 50 percent full of a petroleum material containing hazardous levels of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene. The Federal EPA is considering the expenditure of funds to remove the contents of the tank.. Glenn Rose Engine Service A review of the KCEHSD files indicates that a Class V Shallow Disposal Well was located at the Site. The Class V well was associated with the steam cleaning rack located noah of the shop building. The Class V well was reportedly closed in accordance with KCEHSD guidelines on 16 September 1994. The facility is also listed as a small quantity generator of hazardous waste. Copies of selected documents from KCEHSD files are provided in Appendix E. Maaco Auto Paint A review of the KCEHSD files indicates that a Class V Shallow Disposal Well located on the east side of the paint shop building was formally closed on 8 October 1993. A closure letter issued by the US EPA is included in Appendix E. E:ennedy Jenks Consultants Seaton Property No records concerning this portion of the Site were available from KCEHSD. 7.4.2 Munger Maps A review of the Munger Map Book dated 1994 indicates that three oil wells were located on the subject Site. These wells are identified as Trico Industries UTrico 1", Phillips Petroleum Company "Bitner 1" and Phillips Petroleum Company "Bitner 2". The Munger Map indicates that all of these oil wells have been abandoned. 8 INFORMATION DERIVED FROM SITE RECONNAISSANCE AND INTERVIEWS Information derived from the Site reconnaissance and from interviews conducted at the time of Site reconnaissance is summarized in Appendix A. Kennedy/Jenks representative visited the Site on three different dates in order to review the three business locations at the Site. Mr. Jeff Minyard of Minyard Trucking and Mr. Craig Rose and Mr. Jason Scheer of Glenn Rose Engine Service accompanied the Kennedy/Jenks representative during the Site reconnaissance to their respective business. Kennedy/Jenks was not accompanied on the visit to the former location of Maaco Auto Paint. 8.1 Hazardous Substances in Connection with Identified Uses Sparks Estate Property_ As described previously, the hazardous substances as defined by Title 22 of the California Code of Regulations are not used at the Site. However, the 2.1 million gallon tank left behind by a previous site owner may contain hazardous wastes. Glenn Rose Engine Service As described previously, the Site does contain hazardous substances as defined by Title 22 of the California Code of Regulations as follows: · Hazardous substances are stored (automotive batteries containing sulfuric acid, and gasoline). · Hazardous substances are handled during engine repair and maintenance activities and consist of battery acid, lead, and gasoline. · Hazardous substances are generated at the shop and disposed of offsite by a recycler. Total volume disposed on a monthly basis is estimated as four lead-acid batteries. The gasoline is consumed onsite. Used motor oil is collected in 55 gallon drums which are reportedly sent to a recycling facility once per year. MaacQ Auto paint As described previously, the small volumes of hazardous substances as defined by Title 22 of the California Code of Regulations are present at the site as follows: r'H 997X972313 O0~ohase, doc 28 KennedyJenks Consultants · Hazardous substances are handled during automobile painting activities and consist of solvents and waste paint. · Hazardous substances are generated and disposed of by an offsite recycler. Volume of wastes disposed on a monthly basis is unknown. Seaton Property_ The site reconnaissance did not indicate that hazardous substances are used or stored at the Site. 8.2 Hazardous Substance Containers and Unidentified Substance Containers Sparks Estate Pro_perry Hazardous substances are not stored onsite. Unidentified containers that might contain hazardous substances were observed during the site reconnaissance in a storage shed located south of the maintenance shop. The storage shed contained five 55 gallon drums of dirt impacted by an unidentified substance as well as six 5 gallon buckets that were not labeled as to their contents. Glenn Rose Engine Service Hazardous substances are stored onsite in appropriately labeled containers for gasoline or on designated wooden pallets for waste automotive batteries. The areas where hazardous substances are stored do not possess secondary containment. Unidentified hazardous substance containers or containers that might contain hazardous substances (55 gallon drums and 5 gallon buckets) were observed at various locations at the Site during the site reconnaissance. Maaco Auto Paint Hazardous substances are not currently stored onsite. The designated area in the middle of the property where hazardous substances use to be stored possess secondary containment. A hazardous materials storage area inside the paint shop building consisting of a storage room with a door was also observed during the site reconnaissance. Unidentified hazardous substance containers or containers that might contain hazardous substances were observed on the east and west sides of the paint shop building during the site reconnaissance. Seaton Pro_oerty Four one gallon plastic jugs of what appeared to be used motor oil were observed at the Site during the site reconnaissance. The jugs had split and released their contents to the surface soils. Also, several large cargo containers and an insulated tank trailer were observed during the site reconnaissance. r ~1997~9723 t 300~onase, doc 2 9 KennedyJenks COnsultants 8.2.1 Storage Tanks Sparks Estate Pro.perry During the site reconnaissance of 19 September 1997, Kennedy/Jenks' representative observed the following aboveground tanks: · 2.1 million gallon Aboveground Hazardous Waste Tank - Age of Tank: 19 years - Size of Tank: 2.1 million gallons - Tank Material: Steel - Historical Contents: unknown, potentially hazardous petroleum hydrocarbon liquids The site reconnaissance also revealed the following indicators of underground storage tanks: · Gauge Hatches · Fuel Dispensers · Fill Pipe Locations Kennedy/Jenks' representative'observed the following indicators of potential releases from the 2.1 million gallon aboveground storage tank: · Black asphaltic substance on the ground near the manway and appurtenance located on the west side of the tank. Glenn RQse Engine Service During the site reconnaissance of 27 September 1997, Kennedy/Jenks' representative did not observe aboveground tanks. The site reconnaissance did not reveal any indicators of underground storage tanks. Kennedy/Jenks' representative did not observe any surface staining that would indicate potential releases from tanks. Maaco Auto Paint During the site reconnaissance of 25 September 1997, Kennedy/Jenks' representative did not observe aboveground tanks. The site reconnaissance did reveal the following indicators of underground storage tanks: · A depression located on the east side of the building. · A vent pipe running up the east side of the building. Kennedy/Jenks' representative did not observe surface staining or other indicators of potential releases from tanks. r'~1997~972313 O0%o~as®,.(~c 30 KennedyJenks Consultants Seaton Property During the site reconnaissance of 19 September 1997, Kennedy/Jenks representative did not observe any aboveground storage tanks, indicators of underground storage tanks, or indicators of releases from aboveground or underground storage tanks. 8.2.2 Indications of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Sparks E~tate Property_ During the site reconnaissanCe of 19 September 1997, Kennedy/Jenks' representative observed pole mounted transformers located north of the shop building. Details regarding the age, type, serial number, or manufacturer were not discernible. No staining was observed on the pole or on the ground beneath the transformers. Hydraulic equipment containing hydraulic fluids was not observed during the site reconnaissance. Glenn Rose Engine Service During the site reconnaissance of 22 September 1997, Kennedy/Jenks' representative did not observe transformers within or outside the structure. Approximately 8 fluorescent lighting fixtures were observed at the Site. Mr. Craig Rose indicated that the fixtures were installed in 1964 when the building was constructed. Hydraulic equipment containing hydraulic fluids was not observed during the site reconnaissance. Maaco Auto Paint During the site reconnaissance of 25 September 1997, Kennedy/Jenks' representative did not observe transformers within or outside the structure. Approximately 10 fluorescent lighting fixtures and 12 ceiling mounted mercury vapor lights were observed during the site reconnaissance. Hydraulic equipment containing hydraulic fluids was not observed during the site reconnaissance. Seaton Property_ During the site reconnaissance of 19 September 1997, Kennedy/Jenks representative did not observe any potential PCB containing equipment at the Site. 8.2.3 Indications of Solid Waste Disposal Sparks Estate Pro_party Solid wastes generated by operations at the truck maintenance shop are disposed of by the local municipal solid waste contractor. However, during the site reconnaissance, a pile of r X199~972313 O0~onase,.doc 31 KennedyJenks Consultants approximately 60 used truck tires and a pile of miscellaneous debris'was noted approximately 500 feet west of the maintenance shop building. Glenn Rose Engine Service Solid waste disposal is provided by the local municipal solid waste contractor. Maa~;~ Auto Paint Solid waste disposal is provided by the local municipal solid waste contractor. Piles of miscellaneous debris are located west of the paint shop building in the area once occupied by a residence. Seaton Pro_perry No evidence of solid waste disposal was observed during the site reconnaissance. A small pile of miscellaneous debris was noted in the northwest corner of the Site. 8.2.4 Physical Setting Analysis As described previously, a review suggests that the approximate depth to groundwater beneath the Site is between 25 and 200 feet bgs depending on rainfall during the year. Groundwater flow direction could not be determined. A review of the uses of adjoining facilities and other facilities in the vicinity of the Site suggests a potential for impacts from offsite properties. 8.2.5 Other Conditions of Concern Sparks Estate Property_ During the site reconnaissance, Kennedy/Jenks' representative observed the following indicators of potential hazardous materials releases: · Stain/corrosion · Drain/sumps · Stained soil and/or pavement · Generation of wastewater and potential releases · Effluent disposal systems Glenn Rose Engine Service During the site reconnaissance, Kennedy/Jenks' representative observed the following indicators of potential hazardous materials releases: · Stain/corrosion · Drain/sumps · Stained soil and/or pavement · Generation of wastewater and potential releases · Effluent disposal systems r:~199~972313 O0~ohase~ doc 32 KennedyJenks Consultants Maa¢o Auto Paint During the site reconnaissance, Kennedy/Jenks' representative did not observe indicators of hazardous materials releases. Seaton Pro.Derty_ Du'ring the site reconnaissance, Kennedy/Jenks' representative observed the following indicators of potential hazardous materials releases: · Stained soil adjacent to four one-gallon jugs · Surface discharge of mud and water as from a truck 9 FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS Kennedy/Jenks has performed a Phase I ESA of the Site located at 2800 Standard Street and adjacent properties. Kennedy/Jenks has endeavored to perform this Phase I ESA in substantial conformance with the scope and limitations of ASTM Standard E 1527-97 with exceptions to and deletions from the above-referenced standard described in Sections 4 and 5 of this report. The ESA has provided evidence suggesting that recognized environmental conditions may affect the property as follows: Information obtained from Retail Investors, Inc. and Mr. Brad Barbeau indicates that recognized environmental conditions do exist at the Site. A recognized environmental condition is defined as "the presence or likely presence of any hazardous substances or petroleum products on a property under conditions that indicate an existing release, past release, or a material threat of a release of any hazardous substances or petroleum products into structures on the property or into the ground, groundwater, or surface water of the property" as defined in ASTM E 1527-97. The recognized environmental conditions are as follows: S.Darks Estate · 2.1 million gallon aboveground storage tank containing potentially hazardous petroleum liquids. · Five underground storage tanks that have been used to store gasoline, diesel, and waste oil. · A Class V Shallow Disposal Well that has been referred to the U.S. EPA for closure. · A non-operational domestic water well. · A second water well that may be operational. · Miscellaneous piles of debris, including approximately 60 used truck tires. · The age of the onsite structure indicates that asbestos containing materials may have been used in its construction. · A former aboveground storage tank located northwest of the existing 2.1 million gallon tank. The contents and size of the former tank are not known. · An onsite septic system. KennedyJenks Consultants Glenn Rose Engine Service · A former Class V Shallow Disposal Well associated with a steam cleaner (closed in accordance with KCEHSD guidelines). · Miscellaneous staining of surface soils, primarily by used motor oil. · A non-operational domestic water well. · The age of the onsite structure indicates that asbestos containing materials may have been used in its construction. · A heated solvent tank located adjacent to the steam cleaner. · An onsite septic system. M~a(;:o Auto Paint · The age of the onsite structure indicates that asbestos containing materials may have been used in its construction. · An out of service hazardous waste storage area. · A potential underground storage tank location. · An onsite septic system. Seaton Pro_perry_ · An area where waste water and mud was discharged to the surface soil, perhaps from a water truck or vacuum truck. · Minor surface staining from four one-gallon jugs of a substance that appears to be used motor oil. · Unknown contents of cargo containers and insulated tanker. 10 RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the above information, it is recommended that: Sparks Estate Property · An asbestos survey should be conducted prior to initiating any construction or demolition activities. · The inlet valve on the 2.1 million gallon aboveground storage tank should be locked closed pending removal and disposal of the tank and its contents. · The contents of the waste tank should be sampled for characterization and removed from the tank and properly disposed of in accordance with all federal, state, and local regulations, statutes, and ordinances. · Soil samples should be collected from beneath the 2.1 million gallon storage tank to determine if underlying soils have been impacted by the contents of the tank. If the soil beneath the tank contains constituents of concern in concentrations that are above hazardous levels or RWQCB criteria, the soil should be remediated or r ~1997~972313.00~o~ase, cloc 34 Kennedy Jenks Consultants Glenn · disposed of in accordance with all federal, state, and local regulations, statutes, and ordinances. · Soil samples should be collected from the location of the former aboveground storage tank (located northwest of the existing 2.1 million gallon tank) to determine if underlying soils have been impacted by the contents of the tank. If the soil contains constituents of concern in concentration that are above hazardous levels or RWQCB criteria, the soil should be remediated or disposed of in accordance with all federal, state, and local regulations, statutes, and ordinances. · An investigation of the subsided area located east of the 2.1 million gallon tank should be conducted to determine the cause of the subsidence. · The trash, tires, buckets, drums, and other scrap and waste material should be removed from the Site and properly disposed of in accordance with all federal, state, and local regulations, statutes, and ordinances. · Collection and analysis of water or sludge samples should be conducted to verify that no constituents of environmental concern have entered the septic system. The septic system should be properly closed in accordance with KCEHSD guidelines if it will not longer be used. · The 5 underground storage tanks and associated dispensers and Piping located on the Sparks Estate property should be removed and disposed of in accordance with all federal, state, and local regulations, statutes, and ordinances. .. · The Class V shallow disposal well and 'clarifier located south of the maintenance shop should be removed and properly closed in accordance with KCEHSD and U.S. EPA guidelines. · Soil beneath the 5 underground storage tanks and the dry well should be analyzed to determine if the soil has been impacted by constituents of environmental concern. Impacted soils that contain constituents of environmental concern in concentrations that are above hazardous levels or RWQCB criteria should be remediated or disposed in accordance with all federal, state, and local regulations, statutes, and ordinances. · The water wells located along the north edge of the site and south of the office trailer should be properly plugged and abandoned if they will not be used in the future. Rose Engine Service An asbestos survey should be conducted prior to initiating any construction or demolition activities. · The site should be cleared of miscellaneous debris and unused equipment including drums and buckets containing unknown solids and liquids. These materials should be disposed of or recycled in accordance with all federal, state, and local regulations, statutes, and ordinances. · Soils from beneath and around the steam cleaner sump should be analyzed for constituents of environmental concern. If the soils are impacted with constituents of concern in concentrations that are above hazardous levels or RWQCB criteria, the r H997~97231:3 O0~ohasm doc 35 KennedyJenks Consultants impacted soils should be remediated or disposed of in accordance with all federal, state, and local regulations, statutes, and ordinances. · Soils from beneath and around the hot solvent tank should be analyzed for constituents of environmental concern. If the soils are impacted with constituents of concern in concentrations that are above hazardous levels or RWQCB criteria, the impacted soils should be remediated or disposed of in accordance with all federal, state, and local regulations, statutes, and ordinances. · The water well located east of the shop building should' be properly plugged and abandoned in accordance with KCEHSD guidelines if it will not be used in the future. · An asbestos survey should be conducted prior to conducting any construction or demolition activities. · Collection and analysis of water or sludge samples should be conducted to verify that no constituents of environmental concern have entered the septic system. The septic system should be properly closed in accordance with KCEHSD guidelines if it will not longer be used. Auto Paint Maaco · The area adjacent to the vent pipe on the east walls of the shop building should be investigated for the presence of an underground storage tank. If an underground storage tank is found, it should be removed and properly disposed of in accordance with all federal, state, and local regulations, statutes, and ordinances. · The site should be cleared of all miscellaneous debris, drums, and containers. · Collection and analysis of water or sludge samples should be conducted to verify that no constituents of environmental concern have entered the septic system. The septic system should be properly closed in accordance with KCEHSD guidelines if it will no longer be used. · An asbestos survey should be conducted prior to initiating any construction or demolition activities. Seaton Pro_oerty The site should be cleared of all miscellaneous debris, containers, and cargo containers. Samples of the waste material noted during the site reconnaissance should be collected and analyzed for constituents of environmental concern. If the waste material contains constituents of concern that are above hazardous levels or RWQCB criteria, the material should be remediated or disposed of in accordance with federal, state, and local regulations, statutes, and ordinances. r x1997~,972313 00~or~ase, (Xx: 36 FIGURES Oi? Sum~ o ~o I°Lo~ o ~1.5' ' ' '' c~ o SITE 404 1: 399 i o SOURCE: OILDALE, CALIFORNIA 7.5 MINUTE QUADRANGLE, USGS SECTION 23; T29S; R27E N SCALE: 1" - 2000' Kennedy/Jenks Consultants Retail Investors, Inc. Kem County, California Site Location K/J 972313.00 October 1997 Figure 1 ~'LIFTI#G LU~ (4) UPPER STAIR H REMOVABLE FO E (Z) *'7111 I/'Zm DOLLY END By Date ,.,Subject Job No.----------. Rheet of ]r'l~ 19c~ Figure 3 4 x 4 Grid Sheet Kennedy/Jenks Consultants By, Checked By Date Date Subject Job No. Sheet of., I i /V o ~: 'r'o .5 C AI..E N Kennedy/Jenks Consult~ Retail Investors, Kern County, Califo Glenn Rose Engine Service Site I~ K/J 97231;: October 1' Figur~ 4 x 4 Grid Sheet Kennedy/Jenks Consultants By Checked By Date Date Subject Job No, Sheet of~ I /VoT' 7'4) KennedylJenks Consult Retail Investors, Kern County, Calif¢ Maaco AutoPaint Site K/J 97231 October ' Figur 4 x 4 Grid ~heet Kennedy/Jenks Consultants By. Checked By Date Date. Subject Job No. Sheet, I I i I I I I I II II II U N Kennedy/Jenks Consult; Retail Investors, Kern County, Califo Seaton Property Site I K/J 97231; October 1 Figun APPENDIX A PRELIMINARY ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CHECKLIST Preliminary Environmental Assessment Checklist Kennedy/Jenks Consultanb Date Project Name Client /~' 5~.,~,'F-~Z~--~ ?~P~' KJJ Project No. Page 1 of' Address Owner Owner Address OwnerContact "j-E,~ /~z,,dy/f~2~ // ..1T,,~ /?~,,~yll, e~ Telephone~os"'~ I~ $?- 9 ~ 77 Types of Adjacent Land Uses (include on site map): North South East West Major Cross Streets Nearby Freeways USGS or Thomas Section Description ? ¥.-....,.~ ~. ~..~::.:~.:~..:.~ ......... ~..~.~...~.~ ..%~,;- ~.....,~, ~.~.~....~.. ~" :~: ::~ S :~' ' ::~ ' '~ ' ~"~'""'~==~;~z~¢~'""'~'"~{~{ "~'"~:~' Primary Site Use -"/~oz. ,~-.E~,,'N,,~ ~-W13 /'~/r'~--.,V'~,~/c~' Plot Plans Available? [] Yes J~J No If Yes, Dates Site Dimensions: Length ~ Width Buildings Onsite? J~Yes ~ No If Yes, Number Scales Area I :~ ,.5'/~.o~. Are any buildings onsite used for the manufacturing, packaging, processing, storage, or repair/rehabilitation of the following? [] Pulp/Paper Products [] Plastics [] Glass Products [] Wood Preservation [] Pesticides [] Textiles [] Furniture [] Fertilizers [] Soap/Detergent [] Metal Products [] Petroleum Products J~ Motor Vehicles/Parts [] Metal plating [] Explosives [] Electrical Devices [] Jewelry [] Glue [] Semiconductors [] Paint [] Rubber Products [] Copiers [] Chemicals [] Other Using Chemicals. Are onsite buildings used for the following services? [] Dry Cleaning ~ Auto Repairing/Painting [] Gas Station [] Other Using Chemicals [] Plant Nursery 6ocun~en[2 [4/97 NCI Preliminary Environmental Assessment Checklist Page 2 of 7 Chemicals Used or Stored Wastes Produced Over What Period Have the Above Activities Taken place? Comments/Observations: Are areas onsite outside of buildings used for chemical supply storage? If Yes, Location/Comments Are areas onsite outside of buildings used for chemical waste storage? Yes [] No Yes [] No Underground Storage Tanks? Number ~ Age Volume Materials of Construction [] Yes [] No Contents Location Integrity Testing Aboveground Storage Tanks? Number Age Volume Yes [] No Location Contents Materials of Construction Sumps or Drains? J~ Yes [-] No Number // Age Location ~ a',4~,- c~,~.~,~ Volume Contents Electrical Components (Transformers, Capacitors)? Number Age Location Are hazardous or toxic waste generated onsite? Onsite Treatment: What is Treated ~J~,,~.. Treatment Process Location Permits: Type l~ Yes Volume Contents Yes [] No [] No Agency Exp. Date Preliminary Environmental Assessment CheckliSt Page 3 of 7 Offsite Treatment: What is Transported How Transported Disposal Location Permits: Onsite Storage: What is Stored How Stored Storage Location Permits: Type Agency Exp. Date Type Agency Exp. Date Are potential asbestos-containing materials present? Type ~ 7"/~_ Location [] Yes [] No c,r-~,c.(. Amount ,/~',x; /z' /~ Sketch Map of Current Site Configuration Note locations of buildings, waste and storage areas, and other features noted onsite that may relate tO the presence of toxic or hazardous materials and wastes. Note direction, dimensions, and other useful information tc the degree possible. Indicate which are measurements and~which are estimates. eoeume~2 [s,~e NC Preliminary Environmental Assessment Checklist Page 4 of 7 Miscellaneous Comments/Observations: Dates ~'Z;~ C/w,~-~- ¢/r't~_. Owner Primary Land Use Concerns Comments Dates Pdmary Land Use Owner Concems Comments Dates Pdmary Land Use Owner Concerns Comments Dates Pdmary Land Use Owner Concerns Comments Air Quality: Permits /~.)~,~. Citations Enforcement Actions Preliminary Environmental Assessment Checklist Page 5 of 7 Water Quality: Permits Citations Enforcement Actions City/Count Health Departments: Permits Citations Enforcement Actions Sewer/Sanitary District: Permits Citations Enforcement Actions Fire Department (Hazardous Materials): Permits Citations Enforcement Actions DHS TSCD (Site Mitigation/Property Evaluation): Permits /U0/J¢ Citations Enforcement Actions Is there any record of accidents or spills? r-! Yes ,~ No If yes, comment whether in reportable quantities Are there concerns regarding water supply, soil or groundwater contamination, [] Yes [~ No waste disposal, or other factors that could be related to this site? If yes, comment Preliminary Environmental Assessment Checklist Page 6 of 7 Is there nearby surface water? Where does surface runoff go? Are wells nearby? [] Yes [] No Type: .~ Water Supply [] Agricultural [] Monitoring Location 5o,~r~ o,~ o,~,,¢~ r'x~,~',~_ Depth How deep is groundwater? Are soils sandy or fine-grained? Are surface soils stained? /~/~.~. - ~',,Zo~ ~ Is vegetation healthy looking? Ye 5 Other Comments Is there a geotechnical report available? [] Yes ~ No Source Is there a hazardous materials site characterization report available? Source Other Reports of Interest Topic ~.he.;~ ._7" E$~ Source Date [] Yes ,~ No Date Name Affiliation Prelimina.ry Environmental Assessment Checklist Page 7 of 7 Conclusions: Recommendations For Further Investigations: Prepared by Title Date Preliminary Environmental Assessment Checklist Kennedy/Jenks Consultanb Date ,ZZ. 5E~ /??7 K/J Project No. ~ 7Z 3 ! ~)- (:~0 Page 1 of Project Name ~f~ ~5~ ~ ~cEw~ ~~~ Client ~E~I~ ~V~5., /~C, ~ ':' '" .... ~'~';::'~ *' ...... ~i~ENE~i~i~. ............. "~:"~' '~:""::' ................. ~'" ....... '~:~:~:~:~:~"'~' 'fi~~'~ Address 3~0 '~d~E~E ~/d~~ ~ner Address ~ Owner Contact Types of Adjacent Land Uses (include on site map): North South East West Major Cross Streets Telephone ('~:L~") 8 37- - 7 ?<~"7 Nearby Freeways S'~h,'E /'///¢¢.,d/~7' ~>~ USGS or Thomas Section Description Primary Site Use Plot Plans Available? [] Yes ]~J No If Yes, Dates Site Dimensions: Length ] c~ '7 Width Buildings Onsite? J~ Yes [] No If Yes, Number Scales Area Are any buildings onsite used for the manufacturing, packaging, processing, storage, or repair/rehabilitation of the following? [] Pulp/Paper Products [] Plastics [] Glass Products [] Wood Preservation [] Pesticides [] Textiles [] Furniture [] Fertilizers [] Soap/Detergent [] Metal Products [] Petroleum Products ~ Motor Vehicles/Parts [] Metal plating [] Explosives [] Electrical Devices [] Jewelry [] Glue [] Semiconductors [] Paint [] Rubber Products [] Copiers [] Chemicals [] Other Using Chemicals Are onsite buildings used for the following services? [] Dry Cleaning [] Auto Repairing/Painting [] Gas Station [] Other Using Chemicals [] Plant Nursery clec~,~e,~r2 [4~7 NC~ Preliminary Environmental Assessment Checklist Page 2 of 7 Chemicals Used or Stored Wastes Produced Over What Pedod Have the Above Activities Taken place? Comments/Observations: Are areas onsite outside of buildings used for chemical supply storage? If Yes, Location/Comments Are areas onsite outside of buildings used for chemical waste storage? Underground StOrage Tanks? [] Yes Number Age Volume Materials of Construction Aboveground Storage Tanks? [] Yes Number Age [] No Contents Location Integrity Testing No Yes [] No [] Yes ~ No Location Contents Volume Materials of Construction Sumps or Drains? ~ Yes [] No Number / Age j~g ~ Location /~/oz--r'/+ £,uz~ oF Electrical Components (Transformers, Capacitors)? Number Age Location Volume Contents [] Yes ~ No Volume Contents Are hazardous or toxic waste generated onsite? Onsite Treatment: What is Treated /~op-E. Treatment Process Location Permits: Type Yes [] No Agency Exp. Date clocume~t2 [8/9~ N~ Preliminary Environmental Assessment Checklist Page 3 of 7 Offsite Treatment: What is Transported How Transported Disposal Location Permits: Onsite Storage: What is Stored How Stored Storage Location Permits: Type ~ Agency O,,~.- EP/~ Exp. Date Type Agency Exp. Date Are potential asbestos-containing materials present? [] Yes [] No Type /Z,,()Z. F~o,~ 77c~_ Location (~,~/¢~' Amount Sketch Map of Current Site Configuration Note locations of buildings, waste and storage areas, and other features noted onsite that may relate to the presence of toxic or hazardous materials and wastes. Note direction, dimensions, and other useful information t( the degree possible. Indicate which are measurements and which are estimates. Preliminary Environmental Assessment Checklist Page 4 of 7 Miscellaneous Comments/Observations: Dates 5'~.~.. 7-7r~.~- ..q~,~.c~/ Owner Primary Land Use Concerns Comments Dates Primary Land Use Owner Concems Comments Dates Primary Land Use (~Nner Concerns Comments Dates Pdmary Land Use Owner Concerns Comments Air Quality: Permits Citations Enforcement Actions ~ [~ NC Preliminary Environmental Assessment Checklist Page 5 of 7 Water Quality: Permits /9///} Citations Enforcement Actions City/Count Health Departments: Permits /d//) Citations Enforcement Actions Sewer/Sanitary District: Permits ,'~//~ Citations Enforcement Actions Fire Department (Hazardous Materials): Permits ~ z-,,vz~,o d 5 Citations Enforcement Actions DHS TscD (Site Mitigation/Property Evaluation): Permits ,,,',J//~ Citations Enforcement Actions Is there any record of accidents or spills? E] Yes ~ No If yes, comment whether in reportable quantifies Are there concerns regarding water supply, soil or groundwater contamination, [] Yes [] No waste disposal, or other factors that could be related to this site? If yes, comment Preliminary Environmental Assessment Checklist Page 6 of 7 Is there nearby surface water? Where does surface runoff go? ~o~:~ /-(/~,w.~J~f ~ ,,dro,l--~c.~,,j-r- ?~_~Pf_.,c..rT~5 Are wells nearby? J~ Yes [] No Type: .~ Water Supply [] Agricultural [] Monitoring Location .Ec~rU ~_.~,,~- co,~..~., of /'~,~/'~--~'r'7 Depth ~),,,./F-~o~J,',J How deep is groundwater? Are soils sandy or fine-grained? Are surface soils stained? Is vegetation healthy looking? Other Comments Is there a geotechnical report available? Source [] Yes .~. No Is there a hazardous materials site characterization report available? Source Other Reports of Interest Topic Source Date [] Yes Date [~ No Name Affiliation eocum~e[2 [&,'"-d6 Preliminary Environmental Assessment Checklist Page 7 of 7 Conclusions: Recommendations For Further Investigations: /-/~,.~:, 5'o ~,,~ Date Preliminary Environmental Assessment Checklist Kennedy/Jenks Consultant Date ~ 5~'~__ /'~7 K/J Project No. Project Name Client Page 1 of Address Owner Owner Address Owner Contact ,/7),,~.~ Types of Adjacent Land Uses (include on site map): North Telephone (~ds-b .~Z.~- ~"Z,~,5" South ~.,~m East West Major Cross Streets Nearby Freeways ~'~Pr~ /'/~/¢,,~..d,4y USGS or Thomas Section Description Primary Site Use l~UTZ:> PPr//,J'/-- .~ ~of Plot Plans Available? [] Yes ,~ No If Yes, Dates Site Dimensions: Length ~,~'(:, Width Buildings, Onsite? ~'Yes [] No If Yes, Number Scales Area .~. Are any buildings onsite used for the manufacturing, packaging, processing, storage, or repair/rehabilitation of the following? [] Pulp/Paper Products [] Plastics [] Wood Preservation [] Pesticides [] Furniture [] Fertilizers [] Metal Products [] Petroleum Products [] Metal plating [] Explosives [] Jewelry [] Glue J~ Paint [] Rubber Products [] Chemicals [] Other Using Chemicals Are onsite buildings used for the following services? [] Dry Cleaning I~ Auto Repairing/Painting [] Gas Station [] Other Using Chemicals [] Glass Products [] Textiles [] Soap/Detergent [] Motor Vehicles/Parts [] Electrical Devices [] Semiconductors [] Copiers [] Plant Nursery a~ocume~C2 [4G? N( Preliminary Environmental Assessment Checklist Page 2 of 7 Chemicals Used or Stored Wastes Produced Over What Pedod Have the Above Activities Taken place? Comments/Observations: Are areas onsite outside of buildings used for chemical supply storage? If Yes, Location/Comments Are areas onsite outside of buildings used for chemical waste storage? Underground Storage Tanks? [] Yes Number Age Volume Materials of Construction Aboveground Storage Tanks? [] Yes Number Age [] Yes ~No [] No Contents Location Integrity Testing I No Yes [] No Location Contents Volume Materials of Construction Yes [] No Sumps or Drains? Number Age Location /Jo~.lW- ~,,Jz~ ~- ~ u/~/,,j~ - Electrical Components (Transformers, Capacitors)? Number Age Location Volume Contents .~,,~ [] Yes ~No Volume Contents L Are hazardous or toxic waste generated onsite? Onsite Treatment: What is Treated Treatment Process Location Permits: Type ~.Yes [] No Agency Exp. Date Preliminary Environmental Assessment Checklist Page 4 of 7 Miscellaneous Comments/Observations: .' .Si]~E~WNERS IE=~ NOE "~[!~OM:~ LIE .)~ ~;_.'~ ...... ~ Dates ~'~__.~ C,s~e~ ~,~ 7'~-~-[ Owner Primary Land Use Concerns Comments Dates Primary Land Use Owner Concerns Comments Dates Primary Land Use Owner Concerns Comments Dates Owner Primary Land Use Concems Comments Air Quality: Permits Citations A,/~,,~£ Enforcement Actions ~ [8,~e NC Preliminary Environmental Assessment Checklist Page 5 of 7 Water Quality: Permits Citations Enforcement Actions City/Count Health Departments: Permits . Citations Enforcement Actions Sewer/Sanitary District: Permits Citations Enforcement Actions Fire Department (Hazardous Materials): Permits Citations Enforcement Actions DHS TSCD (Site Mitigation/Property Evaluation): Permits ~','n~-~_ ~,~,,J~r-y ~"~u~__,~.~,~__ Citations Enforcement Actions J~ p/~ ~ ~~o~ Is there any record of accidents or spills? [] Yes J~,No If yes, comment whether in reportable quantities Are there concems regarding water supply, soil or groundwater contamination, [] Yes [] No waste disposal, or other factors that could be related to this site? If yes, comment Preliminary Environmental Assessment Checklist Page 6 of 7 Is there nearby surface water? Where does surface runoff go? Are wells nearby? ,~ Yes [] No Location /d~ u.r~ c~ How deep is groundwater? Are soils sandy or fine-grained? Are surface soils stained? Is vegetation healthy looking? Other Comments Type: J~' Water Supply [] Agricultural [] Monitoring Depth /..)~/4,,Jo ~.~j ,~j Is there a geotechnical report available? Source [] Yes ~No Date Is there a hazardous materials site characterization report available? [] Yes Source Date Other Reports of Interest Topic Cc,~rSS V cd~-- Cc~S~.~ Source .[~ No Name Affiliation eocume~12 [&'9~ NC Preliminary Environmental Assessment Checklist Page 7 of 7 Conclusions: Recommendations For Further Investigations: Prepared by ~, -'~'~ /'~.. Date ~'-- ~,..~"- ?'7 Title ~'~',~:,,,z ~',.-/¢f,~ ~',,~'%,~'~-,~. APPENDIX B RECORD OF COMMUNICATIONS Telephone Conversation Memorandum No. Kennedy/Jenks/Chilton Company. Phone ( ) ~,Z.- ~ 700 Subject ,~ ~'O(_P ~C~ 7p/'j~:> Sheet / of Project ~-~ ~z_ K/J/C Job No. ~1~,~ Distribution' Inspection File (orig) Field File By Telephone Conversation Memorandum No. Kennedy/Jenks Consultants (~ T~)~I:: r o m ~ Company Phone ( Subject · Sheet of Project K/J/C Job No. Distribution: Inspection File (orig) Field File F8 Rev ~,86 APPENDIX C ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS SEARCH Kenned¥'Jenks Consultants Table C-1: ASTM Search Distances Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties K/J 972313.00 Page 1 of 1 Search Distance Federal NPL I mile CERCLIS 0.5 mile RCRA TSD 1 mile RCRA Generators Property & Adjacent Property ERNS Property only state NPL 1 mile Solid Waste Facilities 0.5 mile UST Property & Adjacent Property LUST 0.5 mile Table C-1: ASTM Search Distances Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties K/J 972313.00 Page 1 of 1 Search Distance Federal NPL I mile CERCLIS 0.5 mile RCRA TSD 1 mile RCRA Generators Property & Adjacent Property ERNS Property only State NPL 1 mile Solid Waste FaCilities 0.5 mile UST Property & Adjacent Property LUST 0.5 mile The EDR-Radius Map with GeoCheckTM Sparks Estate 2800 Standard St. Bakersfield, CA 93308 Inquiry Number: 194219.1s September 09, 1997 o data resources, inc. The Source For Environmental Risk Management Data 3530 Post Road Southport, Connecticut 06490 Nationwide Customer Service Telephone: 1-800-352-0050 Fax: 1-800-231-6802 I nternet: www.edrnet.com TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE Executive Summary. ...................................................... ES1 Topographic Map ......................................................... 2 GeoCheck Summary ........................................... - .......... 3 Overview Map ........................................................... 5 Detail Map .............................................................. 6 Map Summary - All Sites ................................................... 7 Map Summary - Sites with higher or the same elevation as the Target Property. ........ 8 Map Findings ............................................................ 9 Orphan Summary. ........................................................ 38 APPENDICES GeoCheck Version 2.1 ..................................................... A1 EPA Waste Codes ............................. '_ .......................... A101 Government Records Searched ! Data Currency Tracking Addendum. ............... A103 Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1-800-352-0050 with any questions or comments. Disclaimer This Report contains information obtained from a vadety of public sources and EDR makes no representation or warranty regarding the accuracy, reliability, quality, or completeness of said information or the information contained in this report. The customer shall assume full responsibility for the use of this report. NO warranty of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose, expressed or Implied, shall apply and EDR specifically disclaims the making of such warranties. In no event shall EDR be liable to anyone for special, Incidental, consequential or exemplary damages. Copyright (c) 1997 by EDR. All rights reserved; TC194219.1s Page 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A search of available environmental records was conducted by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. (EDR). The report meets the government records search requirements of ASTM Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments, E 1527-97. Search distances are per ASTM standard or custom distances requested by the user. The address of the subject property for which the search was intended is: 2800 STANDARD ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 No mapped sites were found in EDR's search of available ( "reasonably ascertainable ") government records either on the subject property or within the ASTM E 1527-97 search radius around the subject property for the following Databases: NPL: ......................... National Priority List Delisted NPL: ................ NPL Deletions RCRIS-TSD: .................. Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System AWP: ........................ Annual Workplan Del. Cai-Sites: ............... Calsites CERC-NFRAP: ............... Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Uability Information System CORRACTS: ................. Corrective Action Report SWlS: ........................ Solid Waste Information System AST: ......................... Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tank Facilities RAATS: .................... :. RCRA Administrative Action Tracking System WMUDS: ..................... Waste Management Unit Database HMIRS: ...................... Hazardous Materials Information Reporting System PADS: ....................... PCB Activity Database System ERNS: ....................... Emergency Response Notification System TRIS: ......................... Toxic Chemical Release Inventory System TSCA: ........................ Toxic Substances Control Act MLTS: ........................ Material Licensing Tracking System NPL Lien: .................... Federal Superfund Liens CA SLIC: ..................... CA SLIC regions. ROD: ......................... Records Of Decision. CONSENT: ................... Superfund (CERCLA) Consent Decrees Ca. WDS: .................... Waste Discharge System S Bay Reg. 2: ................ South Bay Site Management System Coal Gas: .................... Former Manufactured gas (Coal Gas) Sites. Unmapped (orphan) sites are not considered in the foregoing analysis. Search Results: Search results for the subject property and the search radius, are listed below: Subject Property: The subject property was identified in the following government records. For more information on this property see page 9 of the attached EDR Radius Map report: Site Database(s) EPA ID SABRE TRANSPORTATION, INC. 2800 STANDARD ST BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 Ca. FID N/A' TC194219.1s EXECU'rtvE SUMMARY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY SABRE TRANSPORTATION, INC. 2800 STANDARD ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 I-GO VAN & STORAGE INC 2800 STANDARD STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 I-GO VAN & STORAGE, INC. 2800 STANDARD ST BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 UST N/A FINDS CAD000626085 RCRIS-LQG UST N/A TC194219.1s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Surrounding Properties: Elevations have been determined from the USGS 1 degree Digital Elevation Model and should be evaluated on a relative (not an absolute) basis. Relative elevation information between sites of close proximity should be field verified. EDR's definition of a site with an elevation equal to the subject property includes a tolerance of -10 feet. Sites with an elevation equal to or higher than the subject property have been differentiated below from sites with an elevation lower than the subject property (by more than 10 feet). Page numbers and map identification numbers refer to the EDR Radius Map report where detailed data on individual sites can be reviewed. Sites listed in bold italics are in multiple databases. CAL-SITES: Formerly known as ASPIS, this database contains both known and potential hazardous substance sites. The source is the California Department of Toxic Substance Control. A review of the Cai-Sites list, as provided by EDR, and dated 04/12J1996 has revealed that there are 3 Cai-Sites sites within approximately 1 Mile of the subject property. Equal/Higher Elevation Address Dist ! Dir Map ID SAN JOAQUIN DRUM COMPANY 3930 GILMORE A YE. 1/4 - 1/2NNW 27 ASSURED TRANSPORTATION SITE 3228 GIBSON AVENUE 1!4 - I!2NW H33 Lower Elevation Address Dist ! Dir Map ID VALLEY PERFORA TING CO 3201 GULF ST 1/2- I NE 55 Page 19 24 Page 34 NOTIFY 65: Notify 65 records contain facility notifications about any release that could impact drinking water and thereby expose the public to a potential health risk. The data comes from the State Water Resources Control Board's Proposition 65 database. A revieTM of the Notify 65 list, as provided by EDR, and dated 10/21/1993 has revealed that there are 3 Notify 65 sites within approximately 1 Mile of the subject property. Equal/Higher Elevation Address Dist ! Dir Map ID TEXACO REFINING AND MARKETING 3663 GIBSON ST 1/2 - I NNW 43 Lower Elevation Address Dist ! Dir Map ID Not reported N/B HWY 99 @ ROSEDALE H 1/8 - 1/4SE 23 VALLEY PERFORATING CO 3201 GULF ST 1/2. I NE 55 Page 29 Page 17 34 CHMIRS: The California Hazardous Material Incident Report System contains information on reported hazardous material incidents, i.e., accidental releases or spills. The source is the California Office of Emergency Services. A review of the CHMIRS list, as provided by EDR, and dated 12/31/1994 has revealed that there are 8 CHMIRS sites within approximately 1 Mile of the subject property. Equal/Higher Elevation Address Dist ! Dir Map ID Page Not reported Not 'reported Not reported Not reported 3200 PIERCE RD. 114 - ll2NE J37 3201 PIERCE ROAD 1/4 - 1/2NE J38 3430 GETTY STREET 1/2 - 1 NNE 44 4201 STANDARD STREET 1!2 - 1 N 54 26 26 3O 34 TC194219.1s ExEcUTIvE SUMMARY 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Lower Elevation Not reported Not reported Not reported NOt reported Address Dist / Dir Map ID 3115 PIERCE RD 1/4- I/2ENE 135 3800 NORTH SILLECT 1/2- 1 ENE K48 3800 NORTH SILLECTAVEN 1/2- 1 ENE K49 3101 N. SILLECT #113 1/2- 1 ENE 52 Page 25 32 32 33 CORTESE: This database identifies public drinking water wells with detectable levels of contamination, hazardous substance sites selected for remedial action, sites with known toxic material identified through the abandoned site assessment program, sites with USTs having a reportable release and all solid waste disposal facilities from which there is known migration. The source is the California Environmental Protection Agency/Office of Emergency Information. A review of the Cortese list, as provided by EDR, and dated 12/31/1994 has revealed that there are 9 Cortese sites within approximately 1 Mile of the subject property. Equal/Higher Elevation ROCHESTER CAL-VALLEY EQUIPMENT BEACON UNION CA RBIDE. LINDE DIVISION DAVIES OIL CO. LEO BLACK ELECTRIC Address Dist / Dir Map ID Page STANDARD (3504) 1/4 - 1/2N G30 21 GILMORE (3500) 1/4.1/2NE 34 25 PIERCE RD (3228) 1/4.1/2NE J40 28 PIERCE RD (3505) 1/4 - 1/2NE 42 29 GULF ST (3305) 1/2- 1 NE 50 33 PIERCE RD (3909) 1/2 - I NNE 51 33 Lower Elevation Address Dist/Dir Map ID Page ANTONINO (3109) 1/2- I ENE 45 30 24TH / OAK ST (NO STR 1/2 - I ESE 46 31 3130 24TH ST 1/2- I ESE 47 31 KALIBUR ENGINEERING TEXACO S/S SHELL S/S 204~)462.1904 TOXIC PITS: The Toxic Pits Cleanup Act Sites database identifies sites suspected of containing hazardous substances where cleanup has not yet been completed. The data comes from the State Water Resources Control Board. A review of the Toxic Pits list, as provided by EDR, and dated 07/01/1995 has revealed that there are 3 Toxic Pits sites within approximately 1 Mile of the subject property. Lower Elevation Address Dist / Dir Map ID Page VALLEY PERFORATING COMPANY EPC, EASTSIDE DISPOSAL FARM SANTA FE ENERGY, WESTSIDE DISP 3201 GULF STREET 304O 19TH STREET 3040 19TH STREET 112- I NE 53 34 1/2- I SE L56 37 1/2- 1 SE L57 37 CERCLIS: The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Information System contains data on potentially hazardous waste sites that have been reported to the USEPA by states, municipalities, private companies and private persons, persuant to Section 103 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Uability Act (CERCLA). CERCLIS contains sites which are either proposed to or on the National Priorities List (NPL) and sites which are in the screening and assessment phase for possible inclusion on the NPL. A review of the CERCLIS list, as provided by EDR, and dated 04/30/1997 has revealed that there is 1 CERCLIS site within approximately 0.5 Miles of the subject property. Equal/Higher Elevation Address Dist I Dir Map ID SAN JOAQUIN DRUM CO 3930 GILMORE AVE. 1/4 - 1/2NNW 26 Page 18 TC194219.1s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY LUST: The Leaking Underground Storage Tank Incident Reports contain an'inventory o[ reported leaking underground storage tank incidents. The data comes from the State Water Resources Control Board Leaking Underground Storage Tank Information System. A review of the LUST list, as provided by EDR, and dated 04/01/1997 has revealed that there are 11 LUST sites within approximately 0.5 Miles of the subject property. Equal/Higher Elevation Address Dist / Dir Map ID Page 1/4 - 1/2N G29 20 I/4- 1/2N G30 21 1/4- 1/2NW H32 23 1/4 - 1/2NE 34 25 1/4- 1/2NE J39 26 1/4- 1/2NE 42 29 Dist / Dir Map ID Page 1/8 - 1/4S C7 10 1/4- 1/2ESE 28 2O 1/4 o 1/2WSW 31 21 1/4.1/2ENE 136 26 1/4- I/2WSW 41 28 LAMB WIRE LINE ROCHESTER ASSURED TRANSPORTATION, INC. CAL-VALLEY EQUIPMENT BEACON STATION # 51-4 TRUCK ST UNION CARBIDE-LINDE DIVISION 3504 STANDARD ST STANDARD (3504) 3228 GIBSON STREET GILMORE (3500) 3225 PIERCE ROAD PIERCE RD (3505) Lower Elevation Address SHELL FOOD MARKET ARCO AM/PM J.L. DENIO, INC. MAINLAND PACIFIC DEV. ROSEDALE PROPERTIES 3605 ROSEDALE HWY 2612 PIERCE RD 2727 FAIRHA YEN 3115 PIERCE RD 4301 ROSEDALE HWY UST: The Underground Storage Tank database contains registered USTs. USTs are regulated under Subtitle I of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). The data comes from the State Water Resources Control Board's Hazardous Substance Storage Container Database. A review of the UST list, as provided by EDR, and dated 10/15/1990 has revealed sites within approximately 0.25 Miles of the subject property. Equal/Higher Elevation PETROLEUM SOLIDS CONTROL, INC GLASER BROS. OIl_FIELD RENTAL & SALES COMPAN OFFICE AND EQUIPMENT YARD DON D. JONES CONSTRUCTION, INC SABRE REFINING INC Address 2800 GIBSON STREET 2823 GIBSON 3120 STANDARD STREET 2915 GIBSON STREET 2915 GIBSON ST 3121 STANDARD ST that there are 7 UST Dist / Dir Map ID 1/8 - 1/4W D12 1/8 - 1/4W D13 1/8- 1/4NNE 14 1/8- I/4WNW E18 1/8- I/4WNW E19 1/8-1/4N 22 Lower Elevation Address Dist / Dir Map ID MARKET EXPRESS 3940 ROSEDALE HWY 1/8- 1/4SW F24 Page 12 13 13 14 14 15 Page 17 CA FID: The Facility Inventory Database contains active and inactive underground storage tank locations. The source is the State Water Resource Control Board. A review of the Ca. FID list, as provided by EDR, and dated 10/31/1994 has revealed that there are 5 Ca. FID sites within approximately 0.25 Miles of the subject property. Equal/Higher Elevation OFFICE AND EQUIPMENT YARD SABRE REFINING INC Address 2915 GIBSON ST. 3121 STANDARD ST Dist / Dir Map ID Page 1/8 - i/4WNW E17 14 1/8- 1/4N 22 15 Dist / Dir Map ID Page 1/8 - 1/45 C8 11 Lower Elevation SHELL OIL COMPANY Add ress 3605 ROSEDALE HWY TC194219.15 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Lower Elevation NOTI OPERATING TANKS MARKET EXPRESS Address Dist ! Dir Map ID 3930 ROSEDALE HWY 1/8 - 1/4SW F20 3940 ROSEDALE HWY 1/8 - 1/4SW F25 Page 14 18 HAZNET: The data is extracted from the copies of hazardous waste manifests received each year by the DTSC. The annual volume of manifests is typically 700,000-1,000,000 annually, representing approximately 350,000-500,000 shipments. Data from non-California manifests & continuation sheets are not included at the present time. Data are from the manifests submitted without correction, and therefore many contain some invalid values for data elements such as generator ID, TSD ID, waste category, & disposal method. The source is the Department of Toxic Substance Control is the agency A review of the HAZNET list, as provided by EDR, and dated 12/31/1995 has revealed that there are 6 HAZNET sites within approximately 0.25 Miles of the subject property. Equal/Higher Elevation TIGER OILWELL WIRELINE SERVICE TIGER OILWELL WIRELINE SERVICE ACE HYDRAULICS Ad d res s 3912 THOMAS WAY 3912 THOMAS WAY 2901 GIBSON ST Dist ! Dir Map ID Page 0- 1/8 E B5 10 O- 1/8 E B6 10 1/8 - I!4WNW E15 13 Dist ! Dir Map ID Page 1/8- 1/4SSW C9 11 1/8- I/4SSW C10 12 1/8- I/4SSW 11 12 Lower Elevation Address MAACO AUTO PAINTING MAACO AUTO PAINTING PRICE CLUB 3650 ROSEDALE HWY 3650 ROSEDALE HWY 3747 ROSEDALE HWY RCRIS: The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act database includes selected information on sites that generate, store, treat, or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Act. The source of this database is the U.S. EPA. A review of the RCRIS-SQG list, as provided by EDR, and dated 04/01/1997 has revealed that there are 2 RCRIS-SQG sites within approximately 0.25 Miles of the subject property. Lower Elevation Address Dist / Dir Map ID Page 1/8- 1/4SSW C9 11 1!8 - 1/4SW F21 15 MAACO AUTO PAINTING KAWASAKI OF BAKERSFIELD 3650 ROSEDALE HWY 3939 ROSEDALE HWY RCRIS: The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act database includes selected information on sites that generate, store, treat, or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Act. The source of this database is the U.S. EPA. A review of the RCRIS-LQG list, as provided by EDR, and dated 04/01/1997 has revealed that there are 2 RCRIS-LQG sites within approximately 0.25 Miles of the subject property. Equal/Higher Elevation ACE HYDRAULICS SABRE REFINING INC Address DiSt ! Dir Map ID 2901 GIBSON 1/8 - 1/4 WNW E16 3121 STANDARD ST 1/8 - 1/4N 22 Page 13 15 TC194219.1s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 6 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY REP: Bond Expenditure t~lan comes from the Department of Health Services. ' A review of the Ca. BEP list, as provided by EDR, and dated 01/01/1989 has revealed that there is 1 Ca. BEP site within approximately 1 Mile of the subject property. Equal/Higher Elevation Address Dist / Dir Map ID SAN JOAQUIN DRUM COMPANY $930 GILMORE AVE. 1/4 - 1/2NNW 27 Page 19 TC194219.1s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 7 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Due to poor or inadequate address information, the following sites were not mapp~:l: Site Name GIBSON ENVIRONMENTAL INC CHEM WASTE MGMT BAKERSFIELD WITCO TANK FARM, GOLDEN BEAR DIV ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION CORP-EASTSlDE D PG&E MANUFACTURED GAS PLANT SQ-FK-BAK CHINA GRADE SANITARY LANDFILL PUREGRO COMPANY CHEVRON USA, INC BAKERSFIELD REFINERY MAGNA CORPORATION TOSCO CORPORATION - BAKERSFIELD REFINERY ROUND MOUNTAIN DSPL SILVERTON SCIENTIFIC CO VENTURA WEST INCORPORATED LAVAL FARMS UMITED PARTNERSHIP WITCO CHEMICAL CORP,BAKERSFIELD GOLDEN RIO BRAVO FIRE STATION ULN RANCHO LABORDE ESTATE UNION OVERHEAD PROJECT UNION OIL STATION NAVY OIL SITE KCSO SHERIFF'S FACILITY MOBIL, WOODY PRODUCTION FAC. PUREGRO COMPANY UNIT 147 CHEVRON .USA INC BAKERSFIELD RE BAKERSFIELD AG-CHEM INC BEAR MOUNTAIN LIMITED SUPPLIMENTAL OILDALE TIRE 2501 S. CO3-1'ONWOOD RD. TIRE PILE METROPOLITAN RECYCLING COMPLEX NEG DEC LOKERN FARMS COMPOSTING FAC. F.R. & W. MAJORS DBA FLY ASH DS HONDO CHEMICAL, INC CHINA GRADE SANITARY LANDFILL BAKERSFIELD SANITARY LANDFILL BAKERSFIELD S.L.F. (BENA) WILLIAMS STREET WASTE TIRE PILE PAUL BARNETT E. PLANTZ WASTE TIRE PILE KERN FRONT DISPOSAL SITE CAL WESTERN FUELS PROCESSING BOYNTON BROS. INC. ARCO CLASS II SURFACE IMPOUN & LANDFILL WA'IFS DRIVE WASTE TIRE PILE WEST OILDALE BURN DUMP DOWNS AVENUE DUMP KISSACK SEPTIC DISPOSAL SITE GOLER ROAD ILLEGAL DUMP WELDON #1 BD TEXACO-KERN RIVER SLF SVESTCO INC SEPTAGE SITE GREENHORN BD CYRUS CANYON DS Database(s) RCRIS-LQG,RCRIS-TSD.CORRAC' CERC.NFRAP,HAZNET FI N DS,RC RIS-LQG,RCRI S-TSD RAATS,CORRACTS RCRIS-SQG,FINDS,RCRIS-TSD CORRACTS AWP,CaI-Sites Cai-Sites Cai-Sites Cai-Sites Cai-Sites Cai-Sites Ca. BEP,CaI-Sites FINDS,CERC-N FRAP,CaI-Sites Cai-Sites Cai.Sites Cai-Sites Cai-Sites Cortese LUST Cortese LUST Cortese LUST Cortese LUST Cortese LUST Cortese LUST Cortese LUST Toxic Pits FI N DS,RCRIS-LQG,CERC-NFRAP UST PADS,FINDS,RCRIS-LOG TSCA,CERC-NFRAP,HAZN ET FINDS,RCRIS-LQG,CERC-NFRAP UST SWlS SWlS SWIS SWIS SWlS SWlS SWIS SWIS SWIS SWlS SWIS SWIS SWIS SWlS SWlS SWlS SWIS SWIS SWIS SWIS SWIS,Ca. WDS SWIS SWlS SWIS SWlS SWlS SWIS TC194219.1s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 8 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY WILLIAM BROS/ELK HILLS NORTH WILLIAM BROS/ELK HILLS SOUTH DELANO BD DEBORD SEPTIC DISPOSAL GARONE SEPTAGE DISPOSAL SITE FNF DISPOSAL AREA HONDO RECLAMATION PLAN SCOFIELD ROAD BURN DUMP CAMP 9 BD NPR #1 SLF - 35R NPR #2 SLF - 36R WELDON #2 BD BODFISH BD FORMER MOBIL S/S CROWN CITY DEMOLITION LERDO QUALITY RANCH #4 ARVIN ROCK PLANT ELGIN AKINS LERDO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRI SAMMONS TRUCK STOP JOHN F. ETCHEVERRY W.B. CAMP & SON - RANCH 12 JOHN EVANS CHEVRON KERN POWER PLANT A.S. MASON INC RANCH 45 W.C. NOVEL GREELEY GAS PLANT SHAFTER AIRPORT OR MINTER FIEL P. M. SCRIVNER, INC. ROSEDALE RANCH SACO LOADING FACILITIES JOHNNY QUIK MARKET SAMMONS TRUCK STOP MAPLE LEAF COMMUNICATIONS SAN EMIDIO CONSTRUCTION YARD BLACKWELLS CORNER QUICK SHOPPER QUICK SHOPPER 96425 LOST HILLS AIRPORT 1X JAMISON HILL CO SMITH MABRY CO SANTA FE ENERGY CO/EAST KERN HALLIBURTON SVCS S M A EQUIPMENT CO HALLIBURTON SERVICES CHEVRON USA INC KERN RIVER AREA PROD GORDON CARROLL OILFLD MAINT PARAMOUNT FARMING CO CHEVRON STATION 9 6425 PRIDE PETROLEUM SERVICE INC MANLEY DON & SONS VALLEY TREE & CONSTRUCTION AGRI FORMULATION CORP GENERATEOR REHAB SITE SWIS SWIS SWIS SWlS SWlS SWIS SWlS SWIS SWlS SWlS SWlS SWlS SWIS LUST LUST LUST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST HAZNET HAZNET HAZNET RCRIS-LQG,HAZNET HAZNET HAZNET FINDS,RCRIS-LQG,HAZN ET RCRIS-SQG,FINDS RCRIS-SQG,FINDS RCRIS-SQG RCRIS-SQG,FINDS RCRIS-SQG,FINDS RCRIS-SQG,FINDS RCRIS-LQG FINDS,RCRIS-LQG TC194219.1s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 9 OLIV~ OR OLIV~ OR ROBERIS LN ~¢TH ST 23R0 Sq' '~ a'*Xl -- ~-~ CAUFORNIA AVE W COLUMBUS ST TRUX'~JN AVE AT AI~D SF RAILRfi CA 8TOC1COALE NWY 8'TOG1(OALE I'IWY .~/ ~ior Roa~ /~ Contour Lines /V Waterway~ ;~ Eartt~uake Fault Unes (~) Earthquake epbent~r, Rk=hter S or greater (~) Closest Federal Well in quadrant [] Closest State Well in quadrant (~ Closest Publi~ Water Supply Well 0 I/2 1 {~ CIo~t Hydmgeologic~ Data TARGET PROPERTY: ADDRESS: CITY/STATE/ZIP: LAT/I..ONG: Sparks Estate 2800 Standard SL Bakersfield CA 93308 35.3856 / 119.0476 CUSTOMER: CONTACT: INQUIRY#: DATE: KennedylJenks Consultants Mr. Todd Rook 194219.1s Septerrioer 09, 1997 5:48 pm GEOCHECK VERSION 2.1 SUMMARY GEOLOGIC AGE IOENTIFICATIONN' Geologic Code: Q Era: Cenozoic System: Quaternary Sedes: Quaternary ROCK STRATIGRAPHIC UNITt Category: Stratifed Sequence GROUNDWATER FLOW INFORMATION Groundwater flow direction for a particular site Is best determined by a qualified environmental professional using site-specific well data. If such data is not reasonably ascertainable, it may be necessary to rely on other sources of information, including well data collected on nearby properties, regional groundwater flow information (from deep aquifers), or su/'/ace topography.~ GeneraI Topographic Gradient: General SSE General Hydrogeologic Gradient: No hydrogeologic data available. Site-Specific Hydrogeological Data*: Search Radius: b3cation Relative to TP: Site Name: Site EPA ID Number: Groundwater Flow Direction: Measured Depth to Water: Hydraulic Connection: Sole Source Aquifer: Data Quality: 2.0 miles 1/4- 1/2 Mile NNW San Joaquin Drum Co CAD981997695 NOT AVAILABLE. approximately 10 feet to 15 feet. Information is not available about the hydraulic connection between aquifer(s) underlying the site. No information about a sole source aquifer is available Information based on site-specific subsudace investigations is documented in the CERCLIS investigation report(s) USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP ASSOCIATED WITH THIS SITE Target Property: 2435119-D10ILDALE, CA FEDERAL DATABASE WELL INFORMATION WELL DISTANCE QUADRANT FROM TP ,LITHOLOGY Northern 1/2 o I Mile Not Reported Eastern 1 - 2 Miles Not Reported Southern 1 - 2 Miles Not Reported Western 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Not Reported DEPTH TO WATER TABLE 28 ft. Not Reported Not Reported 421t. STATE DATABASE WELL INFORMATION WELL DISTANCE .QUADRANT FROM TP Northern I - 2 Miles Eastern 1/2 - I Mile Southern 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Western 1 - 2 Miles GEOCHECK VERSION 2.1 SUMMARY PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM INFORMATION (EPA-FRDS) Searched by Facility City. For detailed information on the Public Water Supply Systems in the TP area refer to the GeoCheck Addendum. AREA RADON INFORMATION EPA Radon Zone for KERN County: 2. Note: Zone I indoor average level > 4pCi/L : Zone 2 indoor average level >= 2pCi/L : Zone 3 indoor average level < 2pCi/L. Zip Code: 93308 Number of sites tested: 4 Area Average Activity % <4 pCi/L % 4-20 pCi/L >20 pCi/L Living Area - 1st Floor Living Area. 2nd Floor Basement 1,675 pCi/L Not Reported Not Reported 100% Not Reported Not Reported 0o/o Not Reported Not Reported 0O/o Not Reported Not Reported TC194219.1s Page 4 . ./ Target Property · Sites at elevations higher than or equal to the target property Sites at elevations lower than ~ t~rget property · Coal Gasific, alJon Sites (If requested) r~ NalJonal Priority ~ Sites ~ L~ndfill Sites ,,/'~. Power I~ansmission lines /V oi'~ & Gas r~pe,nes ~-~ 100oyear flood zone ~ ,SOO-year flood zone TARGET'PROPERTY: ADDRESS: CITY/STATE/ZIP: I. AT/LONG: Sparks Estate - 2800 Standard St. Bakersfield CA 93308 35.3856 / 119.0476 CUSTOMER: CONTACT: INQUIRY #: DATE: Kennedy/Jenks Consultants Mr. Todd Rook 194219.1s September 09. 1997 5:40 pm I *' Target Property " · Sites at elevations higher than or equal to the target property · Sites at eleval~ons Imver than ~ Power Izansrnis~ion linss the target property /V Oll & Gee pipelines · Coal Gasif'm..atlon Sites (if requested) ~ lO0-year flood zone & SensilJve Receptors I~ SOO.year Ito<3d zone B N alional Priority I.~t Sites Landfill Sites lfll 1/~ 1/4 TARGET PROPERTY: ADDRESS: CITY/STATE/ZIP: I_AT/LONG: Sparks Estate 2800 Standard St. Bakersfield CA 93308 35.38561 119.0476 CUSTOMER: CONTACT: INQUIRY#: DATE: Kennedy/Jenks Consultants Mr. Todd Rook 194219.1s September 09, 1997 5:45 pm MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY SHOWING ALL SITES Database NPL Delisted NPL RCRIS-TSD AWP Cai-Sites Delisted Cai-Sites Notify 65 CHMIRS Cortese Toxic Pits CERCLIS CERC-NFRAP CORRACTS St. Landfill (SWIS) LUST UST CA FID AST RAATS WM U DS/SWAT HAZNET RCRIS Sm. Quan. Gen. RCRIS Lg. Quan. Gen. HMIRS PADS ERNS FINDS TRIS TSCA MLTS NPL Liens CA SUC CA Bond Exp. Plan ROD CONSENT CA WDS South Bay Region 2 Coal Gas Search ' Target Distance Property (Miles) < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 !/4 - 1/2 X X X X 1/2- 1 >1 Total Plotted 1,000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 1.000 0 0 O 0 NR 0 1,000 0 0 2 1 NR 3 TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 1,000 0 1 0 2 NR 3 1.000 0 0 3 5 NR 8 1.000 0 0 4 5 NR 9 1.000 0 0 0 3 NR 3 0.500 0 0 1 NR NR 1 TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 0.500 0 I 10 NR NR 11 0,250 0 7 NR NR NR 7 0.250 0 5 NR NR NR ' 5 TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR . 0 0.250 2 4 NR NR NR 6 0.250 0 2 NR NR NR 2 0.250 0 2 NR NR NR 2 TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 TP NR NR NR NR NR. 0 TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 TP NR 'NR NR NR NR 0 TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 1.0OO 0 0 I 0 NR 1 1.0OO 0 0 0 0 NR 0 1.0OO 0 0 0 0 NR 0 TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 1,0OO 0 0 0 0 NR 0 TP = Target Property NR - Not Requested at l~is Search Distance Sites may be listed in more than one database TO194219.1s Page7 MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY SHOWING ONLY SITES HIGHER THAN OR THE SAME ELEVATION AS TP Search Target Distance Database Property (Miles) < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Total Plotted NPL 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 Delisted NPL TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 RCRIS-TSD 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 AWP 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 Cai-Sites 1,000 0 0 2 0 NR 2 Delisted Cai-Sites TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 Notify 65 1.000 0 0 0 1 NR 1 CHMIRS 1.000 0 0 2 2 NR 4 Code,se 1.000 0 0 4 2 NR 6 Toxic Pits 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 CERCLIS 0.500 0 0 1 NR NR 1 CERC-NFRAP TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 CORRACTS 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 St. Landfill (SWlS) 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 LUST 0.500 0 0 6 NR NR 6 UST X 0.250 0 6 NR NR NR 6 CA FID X 0.250 0 2 NR NR NR 2 AST TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 RAATS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 WMUDS/SWAT 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 HAZNET 0.250 2 1 NR NR NR 3 RCRIS Sm. Quan. Gen. 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 RCRIS Lg. Quart. Gen. X 0.250 0 2 NR NR NR 2 HMIRS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 PADS ~ TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 ERNS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 FINDS X TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 TRIS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 TSCA TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 MLTS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 NPL Liens TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 CA SlIC 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 CA Bond Exp. Plan 1.000 0 0 I 0 NR 1 ROD 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 CONSENT 1.000 0 0 . 0 0 NR 0 CA WDS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 South Bay Region 2 TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 Coal Gas 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 TP = Target Property NR - Not Requested at this Search Distance * Sites may be listed in more than one database TC194219 is Page8 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site Database(s) EDR ID Num0er EPA ID NumDer Coal Gas Site Search: No site was found In a search of Real Property Scan's ENVIROHAZ database, A3 Target Property SABRE TRANSPORTATION, INC. 2800 STANDARD ST BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 Ca. FID S101620570 N/A A4 Target Property SABRE TRANSPORTATION, INC. 2800 STANDARD ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 UST State UST: Facility ID: 54029 Tank Num: 1 Container Num: 1 Tank Capacity: 8000 Year Installed: 1979 Tank Used for: PRODUCT Type of Fuel: Not Reported Tank Constrctn: 1/4" inches Leak Detection: Visual, Pressure Test Contact Name: DOUGLAS M. JOHNSON Telephone: (805) 327.7451 Total Tanks: 4 Region: Not reported Facility Type: 2 Other Type: TRUCKING CO. YARD Facility ID: 54029 Tank Num: 2 Container Num: 2 Tank Capacity: 10000 Year Installed: 1979 Tank Used for: PRODUCT Type of Fuel: DIESEL Tank Constrctn: 1/4 inches Leak Detection: Visual, Pressure Test Contact Name: DOUGLAS M. JOHNSON Telephone: (805) 327-7451 Total Tanks: 4 Region: Not reported Facility Type: 2 Other Type: TRUCKING CO. YARD Facility ID: 54029 Tank Num: 3 Container Num: 3 Tank Capacity: 10000~ Year Installed: 1979 Tank Used for: PRODUCT Type of Fuel: DIESEL Tank Constrctn: 1/4 inches Leak Detection: Visual, Pressure Test Contact Name: DOUGLAS M. JOHNSON Telephone: (805) 327-7451 Total Tanks: 4 Region: Not reported Facility Type: 2 Other Type: TRUCKING CO. YARD Facility ID: 54029 Tank Num: 4 Container Num: 4 Tank Capacity: 8000 Year Installed: 1979 Tank Used for: PRODUCT Type o~' Fuel: UNLEADED Tank Constrctn: 1/4 inches Leak Detection: Visual, Pressure Test Contact Name: DOUGLAS M. JOHNSON Telephone: (805) 327-7451 Total Tanks: 4 Region: Not reported Facility Type: 2 Other Type: TRUCKING CO. YARD U001584717 N/A A1 Target Property I-GO VAN & STORAGE INC FINDS 2800 STANDARD STREET RCRIS-LQG BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 1000327255 CAD000626085 TC194219.1s Page 9 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS Database(s) EDR ID Number EPA ID Number I-GO VAN & STORAGE INC (Continued) DARRELL SPARKS (415) 555-1212 Contact: ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGER (805) 327-9136 Record Date: 01/24/89 Classification: Large Quant~ Generator, Small Quantity Generator, Hazardous Waste Transporter Used Oil Recyc: No Violation Status: No violations found RCRIS: Owner: 1000327255 A2 Target Property I-GO VAN & STORAGE, INC. 2800 STANDARD ST BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 UST Kern County: Region: Kern County Tank ID 1 2 3 4 5 Tank Capacity Tank Status 8000 Active 10000 Active 10000 Active 8000 Active 1000 Active UST U002079741 N/A B5 East < 1/8 Higher TIGER OILWELL WIRELINE SERVICE 3912 THOMAS WAY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 HAZNET S102346568 N/A B6 East < 1/8 Higher TIGER OILWELL WIRELINE SERVICE 3912 THOMAS WAY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 HAZNET S100946653 N/A C7 South 118-114 Lower SHELL FOOD MARKET 3605 ROSEDALE I'IWY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 LUST S 102437088 N/A TC194219.1s Page 10 MAP FINDINGS J Map ID Direclion Distance Elevation Site Database(s) EDR ID Number EPA ID Number SHELL FOOD MARKET (Continued) State LUST: Case Number: 5T15000117 Cross Street: Not reported Reg Board: Central Valley Region Qty Leaked: 20 Chemical: Gasoline Lead Agency: Local Agency Case Type: Soil only Status: Signed off. remedial action completed or deemed unnecessary Review Date: 03/23/1992 Confirm Leak: Not reported Workplan: Not reported Prelim Assess: Not reported Pollution Char: 01/07/1988 Remed Plan: Not reported Reined Action: Not reported Monitoring: Not reported Close Date: Not reported Release Date: 06/24/1987 LUST Region 5: Respble Party: SHELL OIL COMPANY Substance: GASOLINE Case Type: Soil only Pilot Program: No Staff Initials: YP Case Number: 5T15000117 County: KERN Status: Case Closed by County/UA or LOP S102437088 C8 South 1/8-1/4 Lower SHELL OIL COMPANY 3605 ROSEDALE HWY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 FID: Facility I D: 15001639 Regulate ID: Reg By: Active Underground Storage Tank Location Cortese Code: Not reported SIC Code: Status: Active Facility Tel: Mail To: Not reported P O BOX BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Contact: Not reported Contact Tel: DUNs No: Not reported NPDES No: Creation: 10/22/93 Modified: EPA ID: Not reported Comments: Not reported Ca. FID Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 00100100 S101582309 N/A C9 SSW 118-1/4 Lower MAACO AUTO PAINTING 3650 ROSEDALE HWY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93303 RCRIS: Owner: Contact: Record Date: Classilication: NICK LEVVIS (415) 555-1212 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGER (805) 325-5295 06/03/86 Small Quantity Generator RCRIS-SQG FINDS HAZNET · 1000175250 CAD981417504 TC194219,1s Page 11 MAP FINDINGS J Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site Database(s) EDR ID Number EPA ID Number MAACO AUTO PAINTING (Continued) Used Oil Recyc: No Violation Status: No violations found 1000175250 C10 SSW 1/8-1/4 Lower MAACO AUTO PAINTING 3650 ROSEDALE HWY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 HAZNET S100939381 N/A 11 SSW 1/8-1/4 Lower PRICE CLUB 3747 ROSEDALE HWY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 HAZNET ' S10O94280O N/A D12 West 1/8-1/4 Higher PETROLEUM SOLIDS CONTROL, INC 2800 GIBSON STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 State UST: Facil~ ID: 53532 Tank Num: 1 Tank Capacity: 4000 Tank Used for: PRODUCT Type of Fuel: Not Reported Leak Detection: None Contact Name: C.N. SMITH Total Tanks: 4 Facility Type: 2 Facility ID: 53532 Tank Num: 2 Tank Capacity: 4000 Tank Used for: PRODUCT Type of Fuel: Not Reported Leak Detection: None Contact Name: C.N. SMITH Total Tanks: 4 Facility Type: 2 Facility ID: 53532 Tank Num: 3 Tank Capacity: 5000 Tank Used for: PRODUCT Type of Fuel: Not Reported Leak Detection: None Contact Name: C.N. SMITH Total Tanks: 4 Facility Type: 2 Container Num: Year Installed: Tank Constrctn: Telephone: Region: Other Type: Container Num: Year installed: Tank Constrctn: Telephone: Region: Other Type: Container Num: Year Installed: Tank Constrctn: Telephone: Region: Other Type: ' UST #10 Not reported Not reported (805) 324-2032 Not reported OILFIELD EQUIPMENT R #11 Not reported Not reported (805) 324-2032 Not reported OILFIELD EQUIPMENT R #12 Not reported Not reported (8O5) 324-2032 Not reported OILFIELD EQUIPMENT R U001584704 N/A TC194219.1s Page 12 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site PETROLEUM SOLIDS CONTROL, INC (Continued) Facility ID: 53532 Tank Num: 4 Tank Capacity: 3000 Tank Used for: PRODUCT Type of Fuel: Not Reported Leak Detection: None Contact Name: C.N. SMITH Total Tanks: 4 Facility Type: 2 Container Num: Year Installed: Tank Constrctn: Telephone: Region: Other Type: Database(s) #13 Not reported Not reported (805) 324.2032 Not reported OILFIELD EQUIPMENT R EDR ID Number EPA ID Number U001584704 D13 West 118.1/4 Higher GLASER BROS. 2823 GIBSON BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 State UST: · Facility ID: 4146 Tank Num: 1 Tank Capacity: 0 Tank Used for: PRODUCT Type of Fuel: Not Reported Leak Detection: None Contact Name: TONY CHICCA Total Tanks: 1 Facility Type: 2 Container Num: Year Installed: Tank Constrctn: Telephone: Region: Other Type: UST 1 Not reported Not reported (805) 327-8648 Not reported Not reported U001584625 N/A 14 NNE 118-1/4 Higher OILFIELD RENTAL & SALES COMPAN 3120 STANDARD STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 State UST: Facility ID: 8880 Tank Num: 1 Tank Capacity: 1000 Tank Used for: PRODUCT Type of Fuel: REGULAR Leak Detection: Stock Inventor . Contact Name: W.L SPRAY JR. Total Tanks: 1 Facility Type: 2 Container Num: Year Installed: Tank Constrctn: Telephone: Region: Other Type: UST U001584695 N/A #1 1975 Not reported (8O5) 323.2993 Not reported OILFIELD EQUIPT. SAL E15 WNW 1/8-1/4 Higher ACE HYDRAULICS 2901 GIBSON ST BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 HAZNET: Waste Category: Tons: Uquids with halogenated organic compounds >= 1000 mg/I 148 Handling method: Transfer Station HAZNET S100613484 N/A E16 WNW 1/8-1/4 Higher ACE HYDRAULICS 2901 GIBSON BAKERSFILED, CA 93303 FINDS RCRIS-LQG 10001~18389 CAD982482895 TC1'94219.1s Page 13 MAP FINDINGS Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site Database(s) EDR ID Number EPA ID Number ACE HYDRAULICS (Continued) RCRIS: Owner: Contact: Record Date: Classification: Used Oil Recyc: Violation Status: CHAMBERS GARY (415) 555-1212 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGER (805) 366-6140 08/22/88 Large Quantity Generator, Small Quantity Generator No No violations fo Jnd 1000118389 E17 WNW 118-1/4 Higher OFFICE AND EQUIPMENT YARD 2915 GIBSON ST BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 Ca. FID S101620558 N/A E18 WNW 118-114 Higher OFFICE AND EQUIPMENT YARD 2915 GIBSON STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 State UST: Facility I D: 7248 Tank Num: 1 Tank Capacity: 2000 Tank Used for: PRODUCT Type of Fuel: REGULAR Leak Detection: None Contact Name: LEO V. JONES Total Tanks: 1 Facility Type: 2 Container Num: Year Installed: Tank Constrctn: Telephone: Region: Other Type: UST 1 Not reported Not reported (805) 322-8635 Not reported EQUIPMENT YARD U001584693 N/A E19 WNW 118-1/4 Higher DON D. JONES CONSTRUCTION, INC 2915 GIBSON ST BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 UST Kern County: Region: Kern County Tank ID 1 Tank Capacity 2OOO Tank Status Aclive UST U002079587 N/A F20 SW 1/8-1/4 Lower NO'il OPERATING TANKS 3930 ROSEDALE HWY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 Ca. FID S101582308 N/A TC194219.1s Page 14 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS Database(s) EDR ID Number EPA I0 Number F21 SW 118-tl4 Lower NOTI OPERATING TANKS (Continued) FID: Facility ID: 15001606 Regulate ID: Reg By: Inactive Underground Storage Tank Location Cortese Code: Not reported SIC Code: Status: Inactive Facility Tel: Mail To: Not reported P O BOXZ BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 Contact: Not reported Contact Tel: DUNs No: Not reported NPDES No: Creation: 10/22/93 Modified: EPA ID: Not reported Comments: Not reported KAWASAKI OF BAKERSFIELD 3939 ROSEDALE HWY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 RCRIS: Owner: Contact: Record Date: Classification: Used Oil Recyc: Violation Status: G J A HAYS CORP (805) 631-9690 PETE DIAZ (805) 631-9690 07/07/93 Small Quantity Generator No No violations found Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 00100100 RCRIS-S~G S101582308 1000857629 CAD983670712 22 North 1/8-1/4 Higher SABRE REFINING INC 3121 STANDARD ST BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 RCRIS: Owner: Contact: Record Date: ClassificaMon: Used Oil Recyc: Violation Status: DOUGLAS M JOHNSON & JERRY DINGMAN (415) 555-1212 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGER (805) 327-7451 08101180 Large Quantity Generator, Small Quantity Generator No NO violations lound FINDS RCRIS-LQG UST Ca. FID FINDS: Other Pertinent Environmental Activity Identified at Site: - Facility is monitored or permitted for air emissions under the Clean Air Act (under AFS/AIRS) 1000355128 CAD046437851 TC194219.1s Page 15 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS Database(s) EDR ID Number EPA ID Number SABRE REFINING INC (Continued) FID: Facility ID: 15002423 Regulate ID: Reg By: Inactive Underground Storage Tank Location Cortese Code: Not reported SIC Code: Status: Inactive Facility Tel: Mail To: Not reported 3121 STANDARD ST BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 Contact: Not reported Contact Tel: DUNs No: Not reported NPDES No: Creation: 10/22/93 Modified: EPA ID: Not reported Comments: Not reported State UST: Facility ID: 54030 Tank Num: 1 Container Num: Tank Capacity: 10000 Year Installed: Tank Used for: PRODUCT Type of Fuel: UNLEADED Tank Constrctn: Leak Detection: Visual, Stock Inventor Contact Name: DOUGLAS M. JOHNSON Telephone: Total Tanks: 5 Region: Facility Type: 2 Other Type: Facility ID: 54030 Tank Num: 2 Container Num: Tank Capacity: 10000 Year Installed: Tank Used for: PRODUCT Type of Fuel: REGULAR Tank Constrctn: Leak Detection: Visual, Stock Inventor Contact Name: DOUGLAS M. JOHNSON Telephone: Total Tanks: 5 Region: Facility Type: 2 Other Type: Facility ID: 54030 Tank Num: 3 Container Num: Tank Capacity; 500 Year Installed: Tank Used for: WASTE Type o! Fuel: WASTE OIL Tank Constrctn: Leak Detection: Visual Contact Name: DOUGLAS M, JOHNSON Telephone: Total Tanks: 5 Region: Facility Type: 2 Other Type: Facil~ ID: 54030 Tank Num; 4 Container Num: Tank Capacity: 500 Year Instailed: Tank Used for: WASTE Type o! Fuel: WASTE OIL Tank Constrctn: Leak Detection: Visual Contact Name: DOUGLAS M. JOHNSON Telephone: Total Tanks: 5 Region: Facility Type: 2 Other Type: 00054030 Not reported (805) 327-7451 Not reported Not reported 00100100 1 1979 1/4 inches (805) 327-7451 Not reported REFINERY 2 1979 1/4" .inches (805) 327-7451 Not reported REFINERY 3 1979 8 inches (805) 327-7451 Not reported REFINERY NO. 4 1979 8 inches (805) 327-7451 Not reported REFINERY 1000355128 TC194219.1s Page 16 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS Database(s) EDR ID Number EPA l0 Number SABRE REFINING INC (Continued) Facility ID: .54030 Tank Num: 5 Tank Capacity: 30000 Tank Used for: PRODUCT Type of Fuel: WASTE OIL Leak Detection: Visual Contact Name: DOUGLAS M. JOHNSON Total Tanks: 5 ' Facility Type: 2 Container Num: Year Installed: Tank Constrctn: Telephone: Region: Other Type: NO. 5 1975 8 inches (805) 327-7451 Not reported REFINERY 1000355128 23 SE 1/8-1/4 Lower NIB HWY 99 @ ROSEDALE HWY BAKERSFIELD, CA 91345 NOTIFY 65: Date Reported: Not reported Board F~le Number: Not reported Facility Type: Not reported Discharge Date: Not reported Incident Description: Not Reported Staff Initials: Not reported Notify 65 S100178251 N/A F24 SW 1/8-1/4 Lower MARKET EXPRESS 3940 ROSEDALE HWY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 State UST: Facility ID: · 46743 Tank Num: 1 Tank Capacity: 10000 Tank Used for: PRODUCT Type of Fuel: REGULAR Leak Detection: Stock Inventor Contact Name: GARY D. CHAPMAN Total Tanks: 4 Facility Type: 1 Facility ID: 46743 Tank Num: 2 Tank Capacity: 10000 Tank Used for: PRODUCT Type of Fuel: UNLEADED Leak Detection: Stock Inventor Contact Name: GARY D. CHAPMAN Total Tanks: 4 Facility Type: 1 Container Num: Year Installed: Tank Constrctn: Telephone: Region: Other Type: Container Num: Year Installed: Tank Constrctn: Telephone: Region: Other Type: MST 1 Not reported Not reported (805) 327-7212 Not reported Not reported 2 Not reported Not reported (805) 327-7212 Not reported Not reported U001584673 N/A TC194219,1s Page 17 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS Database(s) EDR ID Number EPA ID Number MARKET EXPRESS (Continued) Facility ID: 4674,3 Tank Num: 3 Tank Capacity: 10000 Tank Used for: PRODUCT Type ol Fuel: PREMIUM Leak Detection: Stock Inventor Contact Name: GARY D. CHAPMAN Total Tanks: 4 Facility Type: 1 Facility ID: 46743 Tank Num: 4 Tank Capacity: 12000 Tank Used for: PRODUCT Type of Fuel: DIESEL Leak Detection: Stock Inventor Contact Name: GARY D. CHAPMAN Total Tanks: 4 Facility Type: 1 UST Kern County: Region: Kern County Tank ID 1 2 3 4 Container Num: Year Installed: Tank Constrctn: Telephone: Region: Other Type: Container Num: Year Installed: Tank Constrctn: Telephone: Region: Other Type: Tank Capacity Tank Status 10000 Active 10000 Active 10000 Active 12000 Active 3 Not reported Not reported (805) 327-7212 Not reported Not reported 4 1983 Not reported (805) 327-7212 Not reported Not reported U001584673 F25 SW 1/8-114 Lower MARKET EXPRESS 3940 ROSEDALE HWY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 Ca. FID S101629476 N/A 28 NNW 114-112 Higher SAN JOAQUIN DRUM CO 3930 GILMORE AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 CERCLIS CERCLIS Classification Data: Site Incident Category: Not reported Ownership Status: PRIVATE EPA Notes: Not reported CERCLIS Assessment History: Assessment: DISCOVERY Completed: Assessment: HAZARD RANKING DETERMINED Completed: Assessment: PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT Completed: Assessment: SCREENING SITE INSPECTION Completed: Assessment: PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT Completed: Assessment: PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT Completed: CERCLIS Site Status: EPA has conducted a preliminary assessment on this site and has determined that no further action is necessary and no hazard was identified Federal Facility: NO NPL Status: NOT ON NPL 08/01/87 06/01/87 06/01/87 06/01187 04/01/88 05/01/88 1000710257 CAD981997695 TC194219,15 Page 18 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS Database(s) EDR ID Number EPA ID Number 27 NNW 1/4-1/2 Higher SAN JOAQUIN DRUM COMPANY 3930 GILMORE AVE. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 CAL-SITES: Facility ID Facility Type: Status Date: Status: Lead: Activity: Activity Status: Active./: Activity Status: Activity: Activity Status: Activity: Activity Status: Activity: Activity Status: Activity: Activity Status: Activity: Activity Status: Activity: Activity Status: A~vity: Activity Status: Activity: Activity Status: Activity: Activity Status: Activity: Activity Status: Activity: Activity Status: Background: Alternative Name: Alternative Addr: Comment Date: Comment: 15340023 RESPONSIBLE PARTY 05/01/86 BACKLOG - POTENTIAL AWP SITE DEPT OF TOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROL CEQA INCLUDING NEGATIVE DECS BACKLOG - POTENTIAL AWP SITE CERTIFICATION BACKLOG POTENTIALAWP SITE COST RECOVERY BACKLOG POTENTIAL AWP SITE DESIGN BACKLOG POTENTIAL AWP SITE DISCOVERY BACKLOG POTENTIAL AWP SITE FINAL DETERMINATION OF NON.COMPUANCE BACKLOG POTENTIAL AWP SITE I/SE, IORSE, FFA, FFSRA, rCA, EA BACKLOG POTENTIAL AWP SITE POTENTIAL RESPONSIBLE PARTY SEARCH BACKLOG POTENTIAL AWP SITE PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PLAN BACKLOG POTENTIAL AWP SITE REMEDIAL ACTION PLAN / RECORD OF DECISION BACKLOG POTENTIALAWP SITE REMEDIAL INVESTIGATION / FEASIBlUTY STUDY BACKLOG POTENTIALAWP SITE REMOVAL ACTION BACKLOG POTENTIAL AWP SITE SITE SCREENING BACKLOG POTENTIAL AWP SITE San Joaquin Drum Company, a drum reconditioning facility, was operated from 1969 to 1976Not reported Soil samples collected the site indicated that the soil present at the facility contained hazardous levels of lead, chromium, and zinc, as well as hazardous levels of pesticides such as dichloro- diphenyltdchloroethane (DDT) and its breakdown products DDE and DDDNot reported Chlordane was also I'ound in extremely hazardo levelsNot reported There are 15 to 20 municipal ddnking water supply wells within a three mile radius of the siteNot reported The proximity these wells to the site present the potential for a public health hazard stemming from movement of contaminants into the ground water aquiferNot reported Portions of the facility's f were found in disrepair and may have allowed unrestricted access to the siteNot reported AN JOAQUIN DRUM COMPANY 3930 GILMORE AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 10/2911982 Facility identified via phone book Site Screening Done PA: Fence Approximately 140 feet of fence for the north Ca. BEP Cai-Sites S100833356 N/A TC194219.1s Page 19 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site SAN JOAQUIN DRUM COMPANY (Continued) side of the site was purchased and the fence on the other three sides o! the site was repaired Drum recycling facility Contaminants include Pb, Cr, Zn, DDT, DDE, DDD, chlordane, solvents, and petroleum hydro- carbons RA -- WASTE REMOVAL: The Department's contractor, under our oversight, removed 16 55-gallon drums of monitoring well drilling wastes Nine of those drums included soils and seven contained purge water These wastes were generated from the installation of four monitoring wells in 1989 Total cost of the removal was approx $10,000 (BOND) Database(s) EDR ID Number EPA ID Number S100833356 28 ESE 1/4-1/2 Lower ARCO AM/PM 2612 PIERCE RD BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 Ca. FID LUST State LUST: Case Number: Reg Board: Chemical: Lead Agency: Case Type: Status: Review Date: Workplan: Pollution Char: Reined Action: Close Date: LUST Region 5: Respble Party: Case Type: Pilot Program: Staff Initials: County: Status: FID: Facility ID: Reg By: Cortese Code: Status: Mail To: Contact: DUNs No: Creation: EPA ID: Comments: 5T15000237 Cross Street: ROSEDALE Central Valley Region Qty Leaked: Not reported Gasoline Local Agency Soil only ~igned off, remedial action completed or deemed unnecessary 10/2211989 Confirm Leak: 07112/1989 Not reported Prelim Assess: 10/03/1989 Not reported Reined Plan: 04/12/1990 Not reported Monitoring: Not reported 08/02/1990 Release Date: 10/28/1989 SHAKTA BASSAM Substance: GASOLINE Soil only No YP Case Number: 5T15000237 KERN Case Closed by County/UA or LOP 15004469 Regulate ID: Not reported Active Underground Storage Tank Location Not reported SIC Code: Not reported Active Facil~ Tel: Not reported Not reported 1458 NORWICH BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 Not reported Contact Tel: Not reported Not reported NPDES No: Not reported 10/22/93 Modified: 00/00/00 Not reported Not reported S101582371 N/A G29 North 1/4-112 Higher LAMB WIRE LINE 3504 STANDARD ST BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 LUST S102432481 N/A TC194219.1s Page 20 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS Database(s) EDR ID Number EPA ID Number LAMB WIRE LINE (Continued) State LUST: Case Number: 5T15000530 Cross Street: Not reported Reg Board: Central Valley Region Qty Leaked: Not reported Chemical: Diesel Lead Agency: Local Agency Case Type: Soil only Status: Signed off, remedial action completed or deemed unnecessary Review Date: 06/08/1993 Confirm Leak: Not reported Workplan: NOt reported Prelim Assess: Not reported Pollution Char: Not reported Reined Plan: Not reported Reined Action: Not reported Monitoring: Not reported Close Date: 06/08/1993 Release Date: 09/24/1991 LUST Region 5: Respble Party: WIMPY MCDOWELL -Substance: DIESEL . Case Type: Soil only Pilot Program: No Staff Initials: YP Case Number: 5T15000530 County: KERN Status: Case Closed by County/UA or LOP S102432481 G30 North 1/4-1/2 Higher ROCHESTER STANDARD (3504) BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 Cortese LUST State LUST: Case Number: Reg Board: Chemical: Lead Agency: Case Type: Status: Review Date: Workplan: Pollution Char: Reined Action: Close Date: LUST Region 5: Respble Party: Case Type: Pilot Program: Staff Initials: County: Status: CORTESE: Facility ID: 5T15000466 Cross Street: GILMORE Central Valley Region Qty Leaked: Not reported Unleaded Gasoline , Local Agency Soil only Signed off, remedial action completed or deemed unnecessary 11/18/1991 Confirm Leak: Not reported Not reported Prelim Assess: Not reported Not reported Reined Plan: Not reported Not reported Monitoring: Not reported 11/18/1991 Release Date: 10/10/1991 LAMB WIRE LINE Soil only No YP KERN Case Closed by County/UA or LOP Data Source: LTNKA 15-000348 Substance: UNLEAD GASOU N E Case Number: 5T 15000466 S101295115 N/A 31 WSW 1/4-1/2 Lower J.L. DENIO, INC. 2727 FAIRHAVEN BAKERSFIELD, CA 93305 UST LUST U001584300 N/A TC194219.1s Page 21 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site Database(s) J.L. DENIO, INC. (Continued) State LUST: Case Number: Reg Board: Chemical: Lead Agency: Case Type: Status: Review Date: Workplan: Pollution Char: Reined Action: Close Date: LUST Region 5: Respble Party: Case Type: Pilot Program: Staff Initials: County: Status: State UST: Facility ID: Tank Num: Tank Capacity: Tank Used for: Type of Fuel: Leak Detection: Contact Name: Total Tanks: Facility Type: Facility ID: Tank Num: Tank Capacity: Tank Used for: Type of Fuel: Leak Detection; Contact Name: Total Tanks: Facility Type: Facility ID: Tank Num: Tank Capacity: Tank Used for: Type of Fuel: Leak Detection: Contact Name: Total Tanks: Facility Type: UST Kern County: Region: Tank ID 1 2 5T15000562 Cross Street: ROSEDALE HWY Central Valley Region oty Leaked: Not reported Waste Oil Local Agency Soil only Signed off, remedial action completed or deemed unnecessary 10/30/1995 Confirm Leak: Not reported 04/20/1993 Prelim Assess: 03/1811993 08/15/1994 Remed Plan: Not reported 08/16/1994 Monitoring: Not reported 10/30/1995 Release Date: 04/15/1993 J.L DENIO Soil only Yes YP KERN Case Closed by County/UA or LOP Substance: WASTE OIL Case Number: 5T15000562 18116 1 10000 PRODUCT DIESEL None Not reported 3 2 Container Num: 1 Year Installed: Not reported Tank Constrctn: Not reported Telephone: (805) 324-4704 Region: Not reported Other Type: CONTRACTOR 18116 2 1000 PRODUCT UNLEADED None Not reported 3 2 Container Num: 2 Year Installed: Not reported Tank Constrctn: Not reported Telephone: (805) 324-4704 Region: Not reported Other Type: CONTRACTOR 18116 3 5OO WASTE WASTE OIL None Not reported 3 2 Container Num: 3 Year Installed: 1975 Tank Constrctn: Not reported Telephone: (805) 324-4704 Region: Not reported Other Type: CONTRACTOR Kern County Tank Capacity 10000 1000 Tank Status Active Active EDR ID Number EPA ID Number U001584300 TC194219.1s Page 22 Mai3 ID Direction Distance Elevation H32 NW 1/4-1/2 Higher MAp FINDINGS Site Database(s) ASSURED TRANSPORTATION, INC. 3228 GIBSON STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 State LUST: Case Number: Reg Board: Chemical: Lead Agency: Case Type: Status: Review Date: Workplan: Pollution Char: Reined Action: Close Date: LUST Region 5: Respble Party: Case Type: Pilot Program: Staff Initials: County: Status: State UST: Facility ID: Tank Num: Tank Capacity: Tank Used for: Type of Fuel: Leak Detection: Contact Name: Total Tanks: Facility Type: Facility ID: Tank Num: Tank Capacity: Tank Used for: Type of Fuel: Leak Detection: Contact Name: Total Tanks: Facility Type: Facility ID: Tank Num: Tank Capacity: Tank Used for: Type o~ Fuel: Leak Detection: Contact Name: Total Tanks: Facility Type: 5T15000615 Cross Street: Not reported Central Valley Region Qty Leaked: Not reported Gasoline Local Agency Aquifer affected Signed off, remedial action completed or deemed unnecessary 01/10/1994 Confirm Leak: 10/02/1989 !0/03/1989 Prelim Assess: 10/19/1989 02/13/1990 Remed Plan: 03/13/1991 08/26/1991 Monitoring: 05/18/1993 07/27/1993 Release Date: 05/15/1990 FIRST AMERICAN TRUST Aquifer affected No YP KERN Case Closed by County/UA or LOP Substance: GASOLINE Case Number: 5T 15000615 608 1 10000 PRODUCT DIESEL Stock Inventor J. A. PORTER 4 2 UST LUST 608 2 1500 PRODUCT UNLEADED Stock Inventor J. A. PORTER 4 2 Container Num: 1 Year Installed: Not reported Tank Constrctn: Not reported Telephone: (805) 327-7847 Region: Not reported Other Type: TRUCK TER MI NAL 608 3 1500 PRODUCT DIESEL Stock Inventor J. A. PORTER 4 2 Container Num: 2 Year Installed: Not reported Tank Constrctn: Not reported Telephone: (805) 327-7847 Region: Not reported Other Type: TRUCK TERMINAL Container Num: 3 Year Installed: Not reported Tank Constrctn: Not reported Telephone: (805) 327-7847 Region: Not reported Other Type: TRUCK TERMINAL EDR ID Number EPA ID Number U001584548 N/A TC'194219,1s Page 23 Map ~O Direction Distance Elevation. MaP FINDINGS Site ASSURED TRANSPORTATION, INC. (Continued) Facility ID: 608 Tank Num: 4 Tank Capacity: 1000 Tank Used for: PRODUCT Type of Fuel: DIESEL Leak Detection: Stock Inventor Contact Name: J.A. PORTER Total Tanks: 4 Facility Type: 2 Container Num: Year Installed: Tank Constrctn: Telephone: Region: Other Type: Database(s) 4 Not reported Not reported (805) 327-7847 Not reported TRUCK TERMINAL EDR ID Number EPA ID Number U001584548 H33 NW 1/4-1/2 Higher ASSURED TRANSPORTATION SITE 3228 GIBSON AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 CAL-SITES: Facility ID Facility Type: Status Date: Status: Lead: Activity: Activity Status: Activity: Activity Status: Background: 15420001 RESPONSIBLE PARTY 03/0t/95 BACKLOG - POTENTIAL AWP SITE DEPT OF TOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROL FOCUSED REMEDIAL INVESTIGATION/FEASIBlUTY STUDY ANNUAL WORKPLAN - ACTIVE SITE REMOVAL ACTION BACKLOG - POTENTIAL AWP SITE The Site occupies approximately 2 acres in an industrial area in western BakersfieldNot reported Currently, there is an o and warehouse building onsiteNot reported Companies leased this during the past 50 years included; Fair Haven Wastewater Disposal, Oil Center Partnership. Schafer Oil Company, Dowell Company, Assured Transportation Company, and other heavy industriesNot reported Onsite soil and groundwater have be found to be contaminated with oil and petroleum, perchlolethene (PCE), tdchloroethene ('r'CE), 1,1,1-dichloroethene (D CE), and chloroform (CHCL3)Not reported Historical information indicates that there were 3 injection wells onsite, used for waste disposal purposesNot reported No information or document is available to help conclude which of the companies are responsible for the contamination found onsiteNot reported However, judging by the type of services otfe each company, it is possible all of the companies have contributed to the contaminationNot reported From 1993 to March 1994, the Kern County Environmental Health Department investigated and remediated the onsite petroleum contamination and oversaw the cleanup work conducted by one of the responsible party, Dow Chemical Company (Dow)Not reported Three monitoring wells were installed onsiteNot reported Elevated levels of PCE, TCE, DCA, and other o compounds (VOCs) were found in all 3 wellsNot reported In January DTSC conducted a soil gas investigation to determine the sources of these VOCsNot reported The results showed that the injection well located next to the warehouse and the concrete slab located northeast comer of the site were the primary sources o! the VOCsNot reported The depth o! the groundwater underneath the site is approximately 60 feet below the ground surface and has been impacted by the contaminationNot reported In the Bakerslield are confined and unconfined aquifers appear to be inter- Cai-Sites S101661407 N/A TC194219.1s Page 24 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site ASSURED TRANSPORTATION SITE (Continued) connectedNot reported Municipal drinking water wells in Bakersfi are approximately 600 feet deep with screened intervals beginning at approximately 300 feetNot reported There are 108 ac drinking water wells within 4 miles of the siteNot reported DTSC is currently negotiating an Agreement with Dow to remediate the VOCs contaminated soil and groundwater contaminationNot reported Dow has hired a consultant and submitt workplan for remediation of the siteNot reported Alternative Name: SSURED TRANSPORTATION SITE Alternative Addr: 3228 GIBSON AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 Comment Date: 01/31/1995 Comment: DTSC conducted a soil gas survey at the site and surrounding areas and discovered the site is an additional source for PCE and TCE found in the groundwater Database(s) EDR ID Number EPA ID Number S101661407 34 NE 1/4-112 Higher CAL-VALLEY EQUIPMENT GILMORE (3500) BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 State LUST: Case Number: 5T15000092 Cross Street: HWY 99 Reg' Board: Central Valley Region Qty Leaked: Not reported Chemical: Diesel Lead Agency: Local Agency Case Type: Soil only Status: Signed off, remedial action completed or deemed unnecessary Review Date: 11/05/1987 Confirm Leak: Not reported Workplan: Not reported Prelim Assess: Not reported Pollution Char: 11/05/1987 Reined Plan: Not reported Remed Action: Not reported Monitoring: Not reported Close Date: 11/05/1987 Release Date: 03/17/1987 LUST Region 5: Respble Party: PEEL JAMES Substance: DIESEL Case Type: Soil only Pilot Program: No Staff Initials: YP Case Number: 5T15000092 County: KERN Status: Case Closed by County/UA or LOP CORTESE: Facility ID: 15-000051 Data source: LTNKA Cortese LUST S101295063 N/A 135 ENE 114-112 Lower 3115 PIERCE RD BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 CHMIRS: DES Control Number:. 8905645 DOT Hazard Class: Not Reported Chemical Name: DIESEL FUEL Extent of Release: Not reported CAS Number: Not reported Environmental Contamination: Ground Incident Date: 07-APR-S9 DOT ID: Not reported Quantity Released: 100 Property Use: Pdvate Road Date Completed: 07-APR-89 CHMIRS S100227772 N/A TC194219.1s Page 25 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS Database(s) EDR ID Number EPA ID'Number 136 ENE 1/4-1/2 Lower MAINLAND PACIFIC DEV. 3115 PIERCE RD BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 LUST State LUST: Case Number: 5T15000142 Cross Street: ROSEDALE HWY Reg Board: Central Valley Region Q1y Leaked: Not reported Chemical: Diesel Lead Agency: Local Agency Case Type: Aquifer affected Status: Signed off, remedial action completed or deemed unnecessary Review Date: 01/23/1994 Confirm Leak: 02/19/1991 Workplan: 02/15/1991 Prelim Assess: 03/08/1991 Pollution Char: 08/27/1991 Remed Plan: 05/07/1992 Remed Action: 05/08/1992 Monitoring: 09/08/1993 Close Date: 01/23/1994 . Release Date: 04/04/19 .88 LUST Region 5: Respble Party: MAINLAND PACIFIC DEV. Substance: DIESEL Case Type: Aquifer affected Pilot Program: No Staff Initials: YP Case Number: 5T15000142 County: KERN Status: Case Closed by County/UA or LOP S102432911 N/A J37 NE !14-1/2 Same 3200 PIERCE RD. BAKERSFIELD, CA CHMIRS: OES Control Number: 8910388 DOT ID: 2783 DOT Hazard Class: Poisonous and etiologic (infectious) material Chemical Name: DIAZINON Extent of Release: Confined to Floor of Origin CAS Number: Not reported Quantity Released: 1 Environmental Contamination: Air Property Use: Mercantile, Business Incident Date: 13-MAY-89 Date Completed: 13-MAY-89 CHMIRS S100218514 N/A J38 NE 1/4-112 Same 3201 PIERCE ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 CHMIRS: OES Control Number: 9117629 DOT ID: 1993 DOT Hazard Class: Flammable liquid Chemical Name: DIESEL Extent of Release: Confined to Property Use of Origin CAS Number: 77650283 Quan~ty Released: 75 Environmental Contamination: Ground Property Use: 099 Incident Date: 18-JUN-91 Date Completed: 18-JUN-91 CHMIRS S 100277780 N/A J39 NE 1/4-1/2 Same BEACON STATION # 51-4 TRUCK ST 3225 PIERCE ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 UST LUST U001584052 N/A TC1942191s Page 26 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS Database(s) EDR ID Number EPA ID Number BEACON STATION # 51-4 TRUCK ST (Continued) State LUST: Case Number: 5T15000447 Reg Board: Central Valley Region Chemical: Gasoline Lead Agency: Regional Board Case Type: Aquifer affected Status: Pollution characterization Review Date: 08/25/1994 Workplan: Not reported Pollution Char: 08/25/1994 Reined Action: Not reported Close Date: Not reported Case Number: 5T15000739 Reg Board: Central Valley Region Chemical: Gasoline Lead Agency: Local Agency Case Type: Aquifer affected Status: Remediation plan developed Review Date: 02/07/1997 Workplan: Not reported Pollution Char: Not reported Remed Action: Not reported Close Date: Not reported LUST Region 5: Respble Party: ULTRAMAR Case Type: Aquifer affected Pilot Program: No Staff Initials: YP .. County: KERN Status: Pollution characterization Respble Party: ULTRAMAR, INC Case Type: Aquifer affected Pilot Program: No Staff Initials: YP County: KERN Status: Remediation plan developed State UST: Facility ID: 42272 Tank Num: 1 Tank Capacity: 15000 Tank Used for: PRODUCT Type of Fuel: DIESEL Leak Detection: Sensor Instrument Contact Name: GEORGE BATES Total Tanks: 5 Facility Type: 1 Cross Street: Qty Leaked: Confirm Leak: Prelim Assess: Remed Plan: Monitoring: Release Date: Cross Street: Qty Leaked: Confirm Leak: Prelim Assess: Reined Plan: Monitodng: Release Date: S~Jbstance: Case Number: Substance: Case Number: Container Num: Year Installed: Tank Constrctn; Telephone: Region: Other Type: GILMORE Not reported Not reported 09/23/1991 Not reported Not reported 08/20/1991 GILLMORE Not reported Not reported Not reported 01/13/1997 Not reported 01/13/1997 GASOLINE 5T 15000447 GASOLINE 5T 15000739 51-4-1A 1983 .025 inches (209) 582-0241 Not reported Not reported U001584052 TC194219.1s Page 27 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS Database(s) EDR ID Number EPA ID Number BEACON STATION # 51-4 TRUCK ST (Continued) Facility I D: 42272 Tank Num: 2 Tank Capacity: 10000 Tank Used for: PRODUCT Type o! Fuel: UNLEADED Leak Detection: Sensor Instrument Contact Name: GEORGE BATES Total Tanks: 5 Facility Type:. 1 Facility ID: 42272 Tank Num: 3 Tank Capacity: 10000 Tank Used for: PRODUCT Type of Fuel: REGULAR Leak Detection: Sensor Instrument Contact Name: GEORGE BATES Total Tanks: 5 Facility Type: 1 Facility ID: 42272 Tank Num: 4 .Tank Capacity: 15000 Tank Used for: PRODUCT Type o! Fuel: DIESEL Leak Detection: Sensor Instrument Contact Name: GEORGE BATES Total Tanks: 5 Facility Type: I Facility I D: 42272 Tank Num: 5 Tank Capacity: 550 Tank Used for: WASTE Type of Fuel: WASTE OIL Leak Detection: None Contact Name: GEORGE BATES Total Tanks; 5 Facility Type: I Container Num: Year Installed: Tank Constrctn: Telephone: Region: Other Typo: Container Num: Year Installed: Tank Constrctn: Telephone: Region: Other Typo: Container Num: Year Installed: Tank Constrctn: Telephone: Region: Other Typo: Container Num: Year Installed: Tank Constrctn: Telephone: Region: Other Typo: #51-4-3 1983 ,025 inches (209) 582-0241 Not reported Not reported #51-4-2 1983 .025 inches (209) 582-0241 Not reported Not reported #51-4-1B 1983 .025 inches (209) 582-0241 Not reported Not reported #51-4-5 1983 14 gauge (209) 582-0241 Not reported Not reported U001584052 J40 NE 1/4-1/2 Same BEACON PIERCE RD (3225) BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 CORTESE: Facility ID: 15-000334 Data Source: LTNKA Cortese S101295101 N/A 41 WSW 1/4-1/2 Lower ROSEDALE PROPERTIES 4301 ROSEDALE HWY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 LUST S102436022 N/A TC194219.1s Page 28 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site ROSEDALE PROPERTIES (Continued) State LUST: Case Number: Reg Board: Chemical: Lead Agency: Case Type: Status: Review Date: Workplan: Pollution Char: Remed Action: Close Date: LUST Region 5: Respble Party: Case Type: Pilot Program: Staff Initials: County: Status: 5T15000244 Cross Street: GIBSON Central Valley Region Qty Leaked: Not reported Gasoline Local Agency Soil only Signed off, remedial action completed or deemed unnecessary 04/27/1993 Confirm Leak: 08/22/1989 09/2211989 Prelim Assess: 1010511989 12/07/1989 Reined Plan: Not reported Not reported Monitoring: Not reported 04/27/1993 Release Date: 11/27/1989 ROSEDALE PROPERTIES Soil only No YP KERN Case Closed' by County/UA or LOP Substance: GASOLINE · Case Number: 5T 15000244 Database(s) EDR ID Number EPA ID Number S102436022 42 NE 1/4-1/2 Higher UNION CARBIDE-LINDE DIVISION PIERCE RD (3505) BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 State LUST: Case Number: 5T15000003 Cross Street: 24TH Reg Board: Central Valley Region Qty Leaked: Not reported Chemical: Gasoline Lead Agency: Local Agency Case Type: Aquifer affected Status: Signed off, remedial action completed or deemed unnecessary Review Date: 04/21/1995 Confirm Leak: 09/29/1988 Workplan: 10/05/1988 Prelim Assess: 06/04/1989 Pollution Char: 06/0511989 Remed Plan: 06105/1989 Reined Action: 03/04/1991 Monitoring: Not reported Close Date: 06/12/1995 Release Date: 07/18/1988 LUST Region 5: Respble Party: LINDA GASES Substance: GASOLINE Case Type: Aquifer affected Pilot Program: Yes Staff Initials: YP Case Number: 5T15000003 County: KERN Status: Case Closed by County/UA or LOP CORTESE: Facility ID: 15-000113 Data Source: LTNKA Cortese LUST S100227773 N/A 43 NNW 1/2-1 Higher TEXACO REFINING AND MARKETING INC 3663 GIBSON ST BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 RCRIS-LQG 'IRIS NOtify 65 1000144864 CAD982052094 TC194219.1S Page 29 MAP FINDINGS Map ~O Direction Distance Elevation Site TEXACO REFINING AND MARKETING INC (Continued) RCRIS: Owner: Contact: Record Date: Classification: TEXACO INC (914) 253-1212 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGER (805) 326-4265 08/16/94 Large Quantity Generator BIENNIAL REPORTS: Last Biennial Reporting Year: 1993 Waste ~ Waste D001 4400.00 D006 D007 4400.00 D008 DO 10 1439200.00 DO 18 D021 4400.00 D027 D040 4400.00 F037 F038 65800.00 K049 K050 6200.00 Used Oil Recyc: No Violation Status: Violations exist 4400.00 4400.00 80400.00 4400.00 33800.00 31200.00 There are 1 compliance/violation record(s) reported at this site: Ev;~ltjatign MMD NOTIFY 65: Date Reported: Not reported Board File Number: Not reported Facil~ Type: Not reported Discharge Date: Not reported Incident Description: Not Reported Area of Violation Generator-All Requirements Staff Initials: Not reported Database(s) EDR ID Number EPA ID Number 1000144864 Date of Comoliance 44 NNE 1/'2-1 Higher 3430 GETTY STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 CHMIRS: OES Control Number:. 8905982 DOT ID: 1717 DOT Hazard Class: Flammable liquid Chemical Name: ACETYL CHLORIDE Extent of Release: Confined to Property Use of Origin CAS Number: 75365 Quantity Released: .1 Environmental Contamination: Ground Property Use: Storage Incident Date: 01 -MAY-89 Date Completed: 01-MAY-89 CHMIRS S100217183 N/A 45 ENE 1/~-1 Lower KALIBUR ENGINEERING ANTONINO (3109) BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 Cortese LUST S100227670 N/A TC194219.1s Page 30 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS Database(s) EDR ID Number EPA ID Number KALIBUR ENGINEERING (Continued) State LUST: Case Number: Reg Board: Chemical: Lead Agency: Case Type: Status: Review Date: Workplan: Pollution Char: Reined Action: Close Date: LUST Region 5: Respble Party: Case Type: Pilot Program: Staff initials: County: Status: CORTESE: Facility ID: 5T15000309 Cross Street: Not reported Central Valley Region Qty Leaked: Not reported Gasoline Local Agency Soil only Signed off, remedial action completed or deemed unnecessary 05/04/1990 Confirm Leak: Not reported Not reported Prelim Assess: Not reported Not reported Reined Plan: Not reported Not reported Monitoring: Not reported 05/04/1990 Release Date: 04/27/1990 JOHN B. ANTONINO Soil only No YP KERN Case Closed by County/UA or LOP 15-000221 Data Source: LTNKA Substance: GASOLINE Case Number: 5T 15000309 S100227670 46 ESE 1/2-1 Lower TEXACO S/S 24TH / OAK ST (NO STREET NBR) BAKERSFIELD, CA Cortese LUST State LUST: Case Number: Reg Board: Chemical: Lead Agency: Case Type: Status: Abate Method: Review Date: Workplan: Pollution Char: Reined Action: Close Date: LUST Region 5: Respble Party: Case Type: Pilot Program: Staff Initials: County: Status: CORTESE: Facility ID: 15-000069 5T15000001 Cross Street: Not reported Central Valley Region Qty Leaked: 4500 Regular Gasoline Regional Board Aquifer affected Signed off, remedial action completed or deemed unnecessary Enhanced Biodegradation - use of any available technology to promote bacterial decomposition ol contaminants 12/22/!994 Confirm Leak: Not reported Not reported Prelim Assess: Not reported Not reported Reined Plan: Not reported 10/20/1983 Monitoring: 03/23/1992 12/06/1994 Release Date: 10120/1983 TEXACO U.S.A. Aquifer affected Yes YP KERN 9R Substance: REGULAR GASOUN Case Number: 5T15000001 Data Source: LTNKA S101307252 N/A 47 ESE 1/2-1 Lower SHELL S/S 204-0462-1904 3130 24TH ST BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 FINDS RCRIS-LQG Co~lese LUST 1000288812 CAD981465404 TC194219.15 Page 31 Map ID Direction Distance' Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS Database(s) EDR ID Number EPA ID Number SHELL SIS 204-0462-1904 (Continued) RCRIS: Owner: SHELL OIL CO (415) 555-1212 Contact: ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGER (415) 555-1212 Record Date: 07/07/93 Classification: Large Quantity Generator Used Oil Recyc: No Violation Status: NO violations found State LUST: Case Number: 5T15000025 Cross Street: Not reported Reg Board: Central Valley Region Qty Leaked: Not reported Chemical: Gasoline Lead Agency: Regional Board Case Type: Aquifer affected Status: Signed off, remedial action completed or deemed unnecessary Review Date: 01/09/1996 Confirm Leak: Not reported Workplan: Not reported Prelim Assess: Not reported Pollution Char: 10/20/1987 Remed Plan: Not reported Reined Action: Not reported Monitoring: Not reported Close Date: 01/09/1996 Release Date: 08/07/1986 LUST Region 5: Respble Party: SHELL OIL CO. Substance: GASOLINE Case Type: Aquifer affected Pilot Program: No Staff Initials: YP Case Number: 5T15000025 County: KERN Status: 9R CORTESE: Facility ID: 15-000078 Data Source: LTNKA 1000288812 K48 ENE 1/2-1 Lower 3800 NORTH SILLECT BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 CHMIRS: DES Control Number: 9101492 DOT ID: 1198 DOT Hazard Class: Miscellaneous hazardous matedal Chemical Name: FORMALDEHYDE Extent of Release: Confined to Vehicle/Equipment CAS Number: 50-00-0 Quantity Released: 1 Environmental Contamination: Other Property Usa: Storage Incident Date: 10-JAN-91 Date Completed: 10-JAN-91 CHMIRS S1.00280251 N/A K49 ENE Lower 3800 NORTH SlLLECT AVENUE BAKERFIELD, CA 93301 CHMIRS S100277117 NIA TC194219.1s Page 32 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site (Continued) CHMIRS: MAP FINDINGS OES Control Number: 9114925 DOT ID: DOT Hazard Class: Not Reported Chemical Name: FORMALDEHYDE Extent of Release: Confined to Vehicle/Equipment CAS Number: Not reported Quantity Released: Environmental Contamination: Air Property Use: Incident Date: 10-JAN-91 Date Completed: Not reported .25 Industrial, Utility 10-JAN-91 Database(s) EDR ID Number · EPA ID Number S100277117 5O NE 1/2-1 Higher DAVIES OIL CO. GULF ST (3305) BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 CORTESE: Facility ID: 15-000053 Data Source: LTNKA Cortese S101295065 N/A 51 NNE 1/2-1 Higher LEO BLACK ELECTRIC PIERCE RD (3909) BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 Cortese LUST State LUST: Case Number: Reg Board: Chemical: Lead Agency: Case Type: Status: Review Date: Workplan: Pollution Char: Remed ACtion: Close Date: LUST Region 5: Respble Party: Case Type: Pilot Program: Staff Initials: County: Status: CORTESE: 5T15000019 Cross Street: GILMORE Central Valley Region Q~ Leaked: Not reported Unleaded Gasoline Local Agency Aquifer affected Signed off, remedial action completed or deemed unnecessary 03/01/1996 Confirm Leak: 03/05/1987 03/06/1987 Prelim Assess: 08/04/1987 12/02/1988 Remed Plan: 08/01/1990 09/2011993 Monitoring: 09121!1993 03/01/1996 Release Date: 03/05/1987 LEO BLACK ELECTRIC Aquifer affected Yes YP KERN Case Closed by County/UA or LOP Facility ID: 15-000046 Data Source: LTNKA Substance: UNLEAD GASOUNE Case Number: 5T15000019 S101295102 N/A 52 ENE 112-1 Lower 3101 N. SILLECT #113 BAKERSFIELD, CA CHMIRS S100221258 N/A TC194219.1s Page 33 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site (Continued) CHMtRS: MAP FINDINGS OES Control Number: 9099238 DOT ID: 1830 DOT Hazard Class: F']ammable liquid Chemical Name: BA'I-I'ERY ACID Exlent of Release: Not reported CAS Number: Not reported Quantity Released: 0 Environmental Contamination: None Reported Property Use: Freeway Incident Date: 30-MAY-90 Date Completed: 30-MAY-90 Database(s) EDR ID Number EPA ID Number S100221258 53 NE 112-1 Lower VALLEY PERFORATING COMPANY 3201 GULF STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 TOXIC PITS: Region: 05F Task #: Owner: JERRY REYNOLDS Num. of Pits: 1 1/2 Mi Umit: Hydro Geological Assessment Report Due: Not Reported Final Hydro Geological Assessment Review Completed: Not Reported Cease Discharge Due: Not reported Cease Discharge Completed: Closure Due: 12/31/90 Closure Completed: Status: CLOSED 85171 Yes o~o5R9 0~t8/91 Toxic Pits S100676298 N/A 54 North 1/2-1 Higher 4201 STANDARD STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 CHMIRS: OES Control Number: 9118090 DOT ID: DOT Hazard Class: Gases Chemical Name: ACETYLENE Extent of Release: Confined to Structure of Odgin CAS Number: 74-86-2 Quantity Released: Environmental Contamination: Air Property Use: Incident Date: 05-JUL-91 Date Completed: CHMIRS 1001 10 Hazmat Chemical Manufacturing 19-JUL-91 S 100277893 N/A 55 NE 112-1 Lower VALLEY PERFORATING CO 3201 GULF ST BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 RCRIS-SQG FINDS UST N~lfy65 WMUDS Cai-Sites 1000283401 CAD981986029 TC194219.1s Page 34 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS Oatabase(s) EDR ID Number EPA ID Number VALLEY PERFORATING CO (Continued) RCRIS: Owner: JERRY REYNOLDS (415) 555-1212 Contact: ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGER (805) 324-4964 Record Date: 03/31/87 Classification: Small Quantity Generator Used Oil Recyc: No Violation Status: No violations found CAL-SlTES: Facil~y ID 10330005 Facility Type: N/A Status Date: 05/01/96 Status: PROPERTY/SITE REFERRED TO RWQCB Lead: N/A Activity: SITE SCREENING Activity Status: PROPERTY/SITE REFERRED TO RWQCB Background: Not reported Alternative Name: ALLEY PERFORATING COMPANY Alternative Addr: 3201 GULF STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 Comment Date: 05/12/1988 Comment: SITE SCREENING DONE SUBMI'I-I'ED SITE CLOSURE PLAN FOR DRAINAGE SUMP UNKNOWN IF PLAN IMPLEMENTED DTSC file information indicates that previous sampling revealed 3680 ppm lead in "Sudace matedal North end Com- posite' and 760 ppm lead in "Sudace material South end Composite' In 1985 DTSC's Fresno Office, the RWQCB, and the County Health Department all commented on a Sampling Plan prepared by consultants for the Site In 1987 Valley Pedorating Company submitted a Closure Plan to DTSC's Fresno Office DTSC has no information indicating the Plan was implemented A Preliminary Endangerment Assessment is required at the Site to determine remediation needs Information was submitted to DTSC that documented the "clean closure" of the surface impoundment in 1992 under the guidance of the Regional Water Quality Control Board A PEA is no longer required The site is referred to RWQCB WMUDS: · Date of Last Facility Edit: Last Facility Editors: Waste Discharge System ID: Solid Waste Information ID: Waste Discharge System: Solid Waste Assessment Test Program: Toxic Pits Cleanup Act Program: Resource Conservation Recovery Act Program: Department of Defense: Regional Board Staff Initial: Open to Public: Number of WMUDS at Facility: Facility Contact: Not reported Not reported 5D152156N01 Not reported Yes No Yes No Not reported JNS Not reported Not reported MIKE DOVER 1000283401 TC194219.1s Page 35 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation MAP FINDINGS Site Database(s) VALLEY PERFORATING CO (Continued) Facility Telephone: Primary Standard Industrial Classification: Secondary Standard Industrial Classification: Solid Waste Assessment Test Program Name: Self Monitoring Report Frequency: Threat to Water Quality: NPID: Not reported Not reported Tonnage: Facility Type: Complexity: Facility Status: Prime Waste: Agency: Agency Contact: Agency Tele: Agency Type: Landowner: Landowner Cont: Landowner Tele: Not NOTIFY 65: Date Reported: Board File Number: Facility Type: Discharge Date: Incident Description: State UST: Facility ID: Tank Num: Tank Capacity: Tank Used for: Type of Fuel: Leak Detection: Contact Name: Total Tanks: Facility Type: (805) 324-4964 3443 Not reported Not reported Not reported Moderate Threat to Water Quality Industrial - Facility that treats and/or disposes of liquid or semisolid wastes from any servicing, producing, manufacturing or processing operation of whatever nature, including mining, gravel washing, geothermal operations, air conditioning, ship building and repairing, oil production, storage and disposal operations, water pumping. Any facility having a physical, chemical, or biological waste treatment system (except forsepac systems with sul~sudace disposal), or any Class II or III disposal site, orfacilities without treatment systems that are complex, such as marinas with petroleumproducts, solid wastes, and sewage pump out facilities. Historical - Any regulated facility for which the Regional Board has rescinded all WDRsor consciously allowed an NPDS permit to expire. Those facilities that are not under Wastedischarge Requirements (NURDs) may set to HISTORY when the Regional Board considersregular enforcement, monitoring or compliance activities unnecessary at the facility anyunregulated discharger with a pending application. Washwater Waste (Product washwater wastes: E.G., photo reuse wastewater, vegetable washwater) -' Hazardous/Influent or Solid Wastes that contain toxic, corrosive, ignitable or reactive substances and must be managed according to applicable DOHS standards. VALLEY PERFORATING COMPANY 3201 GULF STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 MIKE DOVER (805) 324-4964 Private Not reported Not reported Not reported reported Staff Initials: Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not Reported Container Num: 1 Year Installed: 1975 Tank Constrctn: Not reported Telephone: (805) 324-4964 Region: Not reported Other Type: PERFORATING PIPE 51396 1 2000 PRODUCT UNLEADED Visual JERRY L REYNOLDS 1 2 EDR ID Number EPA ID Number 1000283401 TC194219.~$ Page 36 Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS Database(s) EDR ID Number EPA ID Number L56 SE 1~2-1 LOwer EPC, EASTSIDE DISPOSAL FARM 3040 19TH STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 TOXIC PITS: Region: 05F Task #: Owner: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION CORP. Num. of Pits: 21 1/2 Mi Limit: Hydro Geological Assessment Report Due: Not Reported Final Hydro Geological Assess. ment Review Completed: Not Reported Cease Discharge Due: Not reported Cease Discharge Completed: Closure Due: 09/01/90 Closure Completed: Status: CLOSED 85021 Yes Not reported 11/08/91 Toxic Pits S100925094 N/A 1.57 SE 1~2-1 Lower SANTA FE ENERGY, WESTSIDE DISP 3040 19TH STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301' TOXIC PITS: Region: 05F Task #: Owner: SANTA FE ENERGY COMPANY Num. of Pits: 21 1/2 Mi limit: Hydro Geological Assessment Report Due: Not Reported Final Hydro Geological Assessment Review Completed: 07/15/88 Cease Discharge Due: 06/30/88 Cease Discharge Completed: Closure Due: 10/15/90 Closure Completed: Status: CLOSED 8502O Yes 0~/50/88 10/01~1 Toxic Pits S100676279 N/A TC194219.1s Page 37 ORPHAN SUMMARY EDR ID Site Name Site Address Zip Database(s) Facility ID ARVIN BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD U001584546 1000191107 U001 584610 U001584662 U001584719 U001584647 S100180501 S102430273 1000595763 1000857373 U001584759 U002079794 S101295O32 S 102360398 S1013O7232 S101293O45 S102360497 SI00351089 I ODD434396 U001584655 S102360502 S100926937 1000840785 S102360402 U001584537 S100874363 S100944401 S100227716 S1024285Ol Sloo538533 S102432608 U001584708 S1013O7239 S102509346 S102562351 U001584629 S102360384 S102360330 S102360327 ARVIN ROCK PLANT GORDON CARROLL OILFLD MAINT ELGIN AKINS LERDO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRI SAMMONS TRUCK STOP JOHN F. ETCHEVERRY PG&E MANUFACTURED GAS PLANT SQ-FK-BAK FORMER MOBIL S/S PUREGRO COMPANY UNIT 147 PARAMOUNT FARMING CO CHEVRON STATION 9 6425 W.B. CAMP & SON- RANCH 12 JOHN EVANS CHEVRON RIO BRAVO FIRE STATION BEAR MOUNTAIN LIMITED SUPPLIMENTAL ULN RANCHO LABORDE ESTATE OILDALE TIRE CHINA GRADE SANITARY LANDFILL CHEVRON USA INC BAKERSFIELD RE KERN POWER PLANT 2501 S. COTTONWOOD RD. TIRE PILE 1X JAMISON HILL CO GIBSON ENVIRONMENTAL INC METROPOLITAN RECYCLING COMPLEX A.S. MASON INC SMITH MABRY CO SANTA FE ENERGY CO/EAST KERN UNION OVERHEAD PROJECT CROWN CITY DEMOLITION PUREGRO COMPANY LERDO QUALITY RANCH #4 RANCH 45 W.C. NOVEL UNION OIL STATION NEG DEC LOKERN FARMS COMPOSTING FAC. F.R. & W. MAJORS DBA FLY ASH DS GREELEY GAS PLANT HONDO CHEMICAL,INC CHINA GRADE SANITARY LANDFILL BAKERSFIELD SANITARY LANDFILL STATE HIGHWAY 223 93308 RTE 1 BOX 1415JAMES RD 93308 RT 1 BOX 510 93308 RT. 11 BOX 650 (LERDO HIGHWAY) 93308 RT 11 BOX 295 B 93308 ROUTE 11, BOX 256 93308 20TH STREET BETWEEN P / Q STREETS 93301 ? 7TH STANDARD RD / HWY 99 93308 HWY 99 & KIMBYRLINA ROAD 93308 HWY 99 AND LERDO HWY 93308 HWY 99 AND LERDO RD 93308 HWY 99 93308 HWY 99 & LERDO 93308 ALFRED HARREL HWY (12100) 93308 APN 436-060-11 SEC 12, T29S, R28E MDBM BEECH ST (NO STREET NBR) CALLOWAy / HAGEMAN RD (NO STREET NBR 93308 400 N. CHESTER 93308 CHINA GRADE LOOP 93301 CHINA GRADE LOOP RD COFFEE ROAD AND ROSEDALE HIGHW 93308 2501 SOUTH COTTONWOOD SO EAST CORNER STATE HWY 58 END OF COMMERCIAL DR DEADEND 93308 SO END MT VERNON DR, ST RT 58 3110 GIBSON ST. 93308 333 GIBSON GLENVlLLE WOODY HWY GOLDEN STATE (2100) 93309 8100 GOLDEN STATE HWY 93308 KIMBERLINA ROAD/HWY 99 93308 ? LERDO HWY S / QUANTITY RD 93308 LERDO HWY. 93308 LERDO HWY (NO STREET NBR) LOKERN RD. SOUTH 112 OF T29S R21E SEC 16 34357 MERCED AVE. 93308 1/2 MILE N. OF ROSEDALE HWY 93308 3.5 MILES N. OF HWY 46 OFF CORCORAN RD. 3 MI NE BAKERSFIELD 1 MI NE MT VERNON ! PANORAMA DR UST RCRIS-SOG, FINDS UST UST UST UST Cai-Sites LUST FINDS, RCRIS-LQG, CERC-NFRAP, UST RCRIS-SQG. FINDS RCRIS-SQG UST UST Corlese, LUST SWlS Corlese, LUST Cortese, LUST SWlS CaI-Siles PADS, FINDS, RCRIS-LOG, TSCA, CERC-NFRAP, HAZNET UST SW~S HAZNET RCRIS-LOG, RCRIS-TSD, CORRACT: CERC-NFRAP, HAZNET SWIS UST HAZNET HAZNET Cortese, LUST LUST Cai-Sites LUST UST Corlese, LUST SWlS SWlS UST SWIS SWIS SWlS 00000042144 0043043031331 00000034844 00000060241 00000059039 OOOOOO51339 00000060063 00000019363 0O000011852 00000060058 00000004644 ORPHAN SUMMARY Cily EDR ID Site Name Site Address Zip Dalabase(s) Facilily ID BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD BLACKWELLS CORNER BuTTONWlL LOW BUTTONWlLLOW CAWELO KERN CITY KERN COUNTY KERN COUNTY S100714227 U001584723 S102360376 SI02360496 S102360509 1000596178 S101480424 S102360513. S102360489 S100833498 1OO0283371 U001584700 S101272723 1000294527 1000309640 S102360380 S100925109 S101480438 10O0283367 U001584714 U001584718 U002079799 1000218075 1000244856 U002080103 1000284361 Slo0943948 UO01584671 U001584720 1000214376 S102360501 S102360363 SI00936577 Slo0180475 S101295129 S102360498 U001583553 U001584706 .U002080031 U001584535 SI01295241 S102360471 S102360470 CHEVRON USA, INC BAKERSFIELD REFINERY SHAFTER AIRPORT OR MINTER FIEL BAKERSFIELD S.LF. (BENA) WILLIAMS STREET WASTE TIRE PILE PAUL BARNETT PRIDE PETROLEUM SERVICE INC MAGNA CORPORATION E. PLANTZ WASTE TIRE PILE KERN FRONT DISPOSAL SITE TOSCO CORPORATION - BAKERSFIELD REFINERY MANLEY DON & SONS P. M. SCRIVNER, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION CORP-EASTSIDE D CHEM WASTE MGMT BAKERSFIELD ROUND MOUNTAIN DSPL CAL WESTERN FUELS PROCESSING MOBIL. WOODY PROOUCTION FAC. SILVERTON SCIENTIFIC CO VALLEY TREE & CONSTRUCTION ROSEDALE RANCH SACO LOADING FACILITIES JOHNNY QUIK MARKET BAKERSFIELD AG-CHEM INC AGRI FORMULATION CORP SAMMONS TRUCK STOP HALLIBURTON SVCS S M A EQUIPMENT CO MAPLE LEAF COMMUNICATIONS SAN EMIDIO CONSTRUCTION YARD GENERATEOR REHAB SITE BOYNTON BROS. INC. ARCO CLASS II SURFACE IMPOUN & LANDFILL HALLIBURTON SERVICES VENTURA WEST INCORPORATED NAVY OIL SITE WATTS DRIVE WASTE TIRE PILE BLAC KWELLS CORNER QUICK SHOPPER QUICK SHOPPER 96425 KCSO SHERIFF'S FACILITY WEST OILDALE BURN DUMP DOWNS AVENUE DUMP E OF XlNG OF CHINA GRADE LOOP I MANOR 93308 DR N OF LERDO. 314 MI W. OF HWY 9 93308 NO OF SO. PACIFIC I SANTA FE RR NORTH OF 705 WILLIAMS ST 2110 OLYMPIC 93308 t8850 ORANGEBELT HWY 93308 PACHECO RD APPROX 200OFT E OF GOSFOR[ 93308 1903 E. PLANTZ T265. R27E. SECTION 27 6500 REFINERY AVENUE 93308 10124 ROSEDALE HWY 1 93308 7118 ROSEDALE HWY 93308 ROUND MOUNTAIN ROAD 93301 27001 ROUND MOUNTAIN ROAD 93308 ROUND MOUNTAIN RD NEAR 1 MIS I 1/3 MI E/OHWYS 184 X 178 SECTION 22, T295, R21E MDB ! M 210 23RD ST. 7TH STANDARD ROAD & QUINN RD 7TH STANDARD ROAD 7TH STANDARD R. 6445 7TH STANDARD RD 7TH STANDARD RD & HWY 99 93308 93301 93308 93308 93308 93308 93308 7TH STANDARD RD & HWY 99 93308 7TH STANDARD RED HWY 99 93308 34722 STANDARD RD & HWY 7 4500 STATE RD 93308 4580 STATE RD. 93308 STATE HIGHWAY 166 93308 7TH STD RD AT SR 99 93308 909 18TH STREET 93301 28 MI SW BAKERSFIELD TANDARD RD N HWY 99 I 7 TANK FARM I BEECH ROAD 93309 UNION I TRUXTON (NO STREET NBR) 93301 1514 WATTS DR. JUNCTION HWY. 33 & HWY 46 93308 I-5 & HWY 58 93308 I-5 & HIGHWAY 58 93308 HWY 99 & LERDO RD 93308 INDUSTR. FARM I LERDO HWY (NO STREET 93308 NBR) BETW HWY 99 I ROBERTS LN DOWNS AVE X RIDGECREST BLVD Cai.Sites UST SWlS SW~S SWlS RCRIS-SQG, FINDS Cai-Sites SWlS SWlS Ca. BEP, Cai-Sites RCRIS-SQG, FINDS UST AWP, Cai-Sites FINDS, RCRIS-LQG, RCRIS-TSD, RAATS, CORRACTS FINDS, CERC-NFRAP, CaI-Siles SWIS Toxic Pits Cai-Sites RCRIS-SQG, FINDS UST UST UST FINDS, RCRIS-LQG, CERC-NFRAP. UST RCRIS-LQG UST RCRIS-LQG. HAZNET HAZNET UST UST FINDS. RCRIS-LQG SWIS SWIS HAZNET C~l-Sites Codese. LUST SWIS UST UST · UST UST Corlese, LUST SWlS SWlS 00000021420 00000002304 00000018841 00000067367 00000014528 00000058284 00000042155 00,000032422 00000049088 00000062885 City KERN COUNTY KERN COUNTY KERN COUNTY KERN COUNTY KERN COUNTY KERN COUNTY KERN COUNTY KERN COUNTY KERN COUNTY KERN COUNTY KERN COUNTY KERN COUNTY KERN COUNTY KERN COUNTY KERN COUNTY KERN COUNTY KERN COUNTY KERN COUNTY KERN COUNTY KERN COUNTY LOST HILLS ME'I-I'LER OILDALE OILDALE OILDALE EDR ID S102003527 S102360456 S102360443 S102360326 S102360455 S102360418 S102360474 S102360458 S 102360459 S102360464 S102360453 S102360454 S102360488 S102360403 S102360486 S102360410 S102360472 S102360473 S10236o444 S1 02360408 U001584664 S102008343 1000434492 1000178158 S101480454 Sile Name KISSACK SEPTIC DISPOSAL SITE GOLER ROAD ILLEGAL DUMP WELDON #1 BD TEXACO-KERN RIVER SLF SVESTCO INC SEPTAGE SITE GREENHORN 8D CYRUS CANYON DS WILLIAM BROS/ELK HILLS NORTH WILLIAM BROS/ELK HILLS SOUTH DELANO BD DEBORD SEPTIC DISPOSAL GARONE SEPTAGE DISPOSAL SITE FNF DISPOSAL AREA HONDO RECLAMATION PLAN SCOFIELD ROAD BURN DUMP CAMP 9 BD NPR #1 SLF - 35R NPR IF2 SLF - 36R WELDON #2 BD BODFISH BD LOST HILLS AIRPORT LAVAL FARMS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP CHEVRON USA INC KERN RIVER AREA PROD WITCO TANK FARM, GOLDEN BEAR DIV WITCO CHEMICAL CORP. BAKERSFIELD GOLDEN ORPHAN SUMMARY Site Address HANNING FLAT 1 MI N OF GOLER RD X RANDSBURG RD SW/4 NEI4 NEI4 S24 T27S R35E 1 MI NF-JO GETTY OIL OFC-CHINA GRADE LP NW/4,NEI4,NWl4 SEC34,T 9N,R19N NWI4,SEI4 sec 20, T255. R32E S OF KERN VALLEY SLF IN CYRUS CYN T30S R24E SEC27 T31S R24E SEC10 T25S. R25E, SECTION 23 TllN, R27W. SECTION 20 T315, R28E, SECTION 27 T30S R3! E, SECTION 35 114 MI S OF JAMES RD., N OF OILDALE SCOFIELD RD SEI4.SW/4,SWl4 SEC 3,T26S, R33E SW/4 SEC35 T20S R23E SW/4 SEC36 T30S R23E SWl4 SW/4 NW/4 S24 T265 R34E USFS RD 27533 1/4 MI W/O HWY 178 112 MI'N. HO HWY 46 E. OF LOST 4358 LAVAL ROAD RTE 1 KERN RIVER OILFLD AIRPORT RD AT PETROL RD 1134 MANOR STREET (CRNR MANOR I NORRIS) Zip 93308 93301 93308 93308 93308 Database(s) SWIS, Ca. WDS SW~S SWlS SWlS SW~S SW~S SWlS SWlS SWlS SWlS SWlS SWIS SWlS SW~S SWlS SWlS SWIS SWlS SWlS SW~S UST CaI-Siles FINDS, RCRIS-LOG, HAZNET RCRIS-SQG, FINDS, RCRIS-TSD, CORRACTS CaI-Si~es Facility ID 00000014749 GEOCHECKVERSION2.1ADDENDUM' FEDERAL DATABASE WELL INFORMATION BASIC WELL DATA Site ID: Site Typo: Year Constructed: Altitude: Well Depth: Depth to Water Table: Date Measured: LITHOLOGIC DATA Not Reported WATER L'EVEL VARIABILITY Not Reported Well Closest to Target Proporty (Northern Quadrant) 352349119030101 Distance from TP: 1/2 - 1 Mile Single well. other than collector or Ranney type 1955 County: Kern 401.00 ft. State: California 200.00 ft. Topographic Setting: Not Reported 28.00 ft. Pdm. Use of Site: Withdrawal of water 02071961 Pdm. Use of Water: Industrial TC194219.1s Page A1 GEOCHECK VERSION 2.1 FEDERAL DATABASE WELL INFORMATION BASIC WELL DATA Site ID: Site Type: Year Constructed: Altitude: Well Depth: Depth to Water Table: Date Measured: LITHOLOGIC DATA Not Reported WATER LEVEL VARIABILITY Not Reported Well Closest to Target Property (Eastern Quadrant) 352304119012701 Distance from TP: 1 - 2 Miles Single well, other than collector or Ranney type Not Reported County: Kern 403.00 ft. State: California 247.00 ft. Topographic Setting: Not Reported Not Reported Prim. Use of Site: Withdrawal of water Not Reported Pdm. Use of Water: Industrial TC194219.1s Page A2 GEOCHECK VERSION 2.1 FEDERAL DATABASE WELL INFORMATION BASIC WELL DATA Site ID: Site Type: Year Constructed: Altitude: Well Depth: Depth to Water Table: Date Measured: Well Closest to Target Property (Southern Quadrant) 352207119025901 Distance trom TP: 1 - 2 Miles Single well, other than collector or Ranney type 1951 County; Kern 395.00 ft. State: California 624.00 lt. Topographic Setting: Not Reported Not Reported Prim. Use of Site: Not Reported Not Reported Pdm. Use of Water: Not Reported LITHOLOGIC DATA Not Reported WATER LEVEL VARIABILITY Not Reported TC194219.1s Page A3 GEOCHECK VERSION 2.1 FEDERAL DATABASE WELL INFORMATION BASIC WELL DATA Site ID: Site Type: Year Constructed: Altitude: Well Depth: Depth to Water Table: Date Measured: Well Closest to Target Property (Western Quadrant) 352258119030801 Distance from TP: 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Single well, other than collector or Ranney type 1950 County: Kern 398.00 ~t. State: California 52.00 ft. Topographic Setting: Not Reported 42.00 ft. Pdm. Use of Site: Withdrawal o! water 02071961 Palm. Use of Water: Domestic LITHOLOGIC DATA Not Reported WATER LEVEL VARIABILITY Not Reported TC194,219.1s Page A4 GEOCHECK VERSION 2.1 STATE DATABASE WELL INFORMATION Water Wells: Well Within 1 - 2 Miles of Target Property (Northern Quadrant) Water System Information: Prime Station Code: L15/040-SYSTKWB FRDS Number Number: 1510040012 District Number: 12 Water Type: Surface Water Source LatJLong: 352357.0 1190204.0 Source Name: ID4 RAW KWB System Number: 1510040 System Name: KERN COUNTY WATER AGENCY Owner Type: Not Reported Organization That Operates System: PO BOX 58 BAKERSFIELD 93308 Pop Served: Unknown, Small System Area Served: ERSFIELD Sample Information: ' Only Findings Above Detection Level Are Listed User ID: County: Station Type: Well Status: Precision: Connections: Sample Collected: 09/25/1991 Findings: Chemical: COLOR Sample Collected: 09/25/1991 Findings: Chemical: ODOR THRESHOLD @ 60 C Sample Collected: 09/25/1991 Findings: Chemical: SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE Sample Collected: 09/25/1991 Findings: Chemical: PH (LABORATORY) Sample Collected: 09/25/1991 Findings: Chemical: TOTAL ALKALINITY (AS CACO3) Sample Collected: 09/25/1991 Findings: Chemical: BICARBONATE ALKAUNITY Sample Collected: 09/25/1991 Findings: Chemical: TOTAL HARDNESS (AS CACO3) Sample Collected: 09/25/1991 Findings: Chemical: CALCIUM Sample Collected: 09/25/1991 Findings: Chemical: SODIUM Sample Collected: 09/25/1991 Findings: Chemical: POTASSIUM Sample Collected: 09/25/1991 Findings: Chemical: CHLORIDE Sample Co$1ected: 09/25/1991 Findings: Chemical: FLUORIDE (TEMPERATURE DEPENDENT) Sample Collected: 09/25/1991 Findings: Chemical: SlUCA Sample Collected: 09/25/1991 Findings: Chemical: BORON CYA Kern STREAM/AM BNT/M UN/I NTAKE Active Raw 1,000 Feet (10 Seconds) URBAN BAK 15.000 UNITS 2.000 TON 215.000 9.000 76.000 MG/L 87.800 MG/L 64.000 MGIL 23.200 MG/L 27.700 MG/L 1.120 MG/L 12.800 MG/L .200 MGIL 7.810 MG/L .160 UGIL TC194219.1s Page A5 GEOCHECK VERSION 2.1 STATE DATABASE WELL INFORMATION Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: 09/25/1991 Findings: ALUMINUM 09/25/1991 Findings: GROSS ALPHA 09/25/1991 Findings: GROSS ALPHA COUNTING ERROR 09/25/1991 Findings: GROSS BETA COUNTING ERROR 09/25/1991 Findings: TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS 09/25/1991 Findings: NITRATE (AS NO3) 09/25/1991 Findings: TURBIDITY (LAB) 09/25/1991 Finding s: AGRESSIVENESS INDEX 12/03/1991 Findings: SOURCE TEMPERATURE C 12/03/1991 Findings: COLOR 12/03/1991 Findings: ODOR THRESHOLD @ 60 C 1 2/03/1991 Findings: SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE 1 2/03/1991 Findings: FIELD PH 12/03/1991 Findings: PH (LABORATORY) 12/03/1991 Findings: TOTAL ALKALINITY (AS CACO3) 1 2/03/1991 Finding s: BICARBONATE ALKAUNITY 1 2/03/1991 Findings: CARBONATE ALKALINITY 1 2/03/1991 Findings: TOTAL HARDNESS (AS CACO3) 12/03/1991 Findings: CALCIUM 1 2/03/1991 Findings: SODIUM 1 2/03/1991 Findings: POTASSI U M 12/03/1991 Findings: CHLORIDE 1 2/03/1991 Findings: FLUORIDE (TEMPERATURE DEPENDENT) 110.000 UG/L 3.000 PC/L 1.000 PC/L 1.000 PC/L 113.000 MG/L 2.670 MG/L 3.600 NTU .440 15.900 C 8.000 UNITS 2.000 TON 170.000 8.630 8.630 67.000 MG/L 69.540 MG/L 12.000 MG/L 49.000 MG/L 18.800 MG/L 29.450 MGIL .890 MG/L 12210 MG/L .250 MGIL TC194219.1s Page A6 GEOCHECK VERSION 2.1 STATE DATABASE WELL INFORMATION Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: 12/03/1991 Findings: SIUCA 12/03/1991 Findings: BORON 12/03/1991 Findings: IRON 1 2/03/1991 Findings: ALUMINUM 12/03/1991 Findings: GROSS ALPHA 1 2/03/1991 Findings: TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS 1 2/03/1991 Findings: LANGELIER INDEX @ SOURCE TEMP. 12/03/1991 FIELD TURBIDITY 1 2/03/1991 TURBIDITY (LAB) 12/03/1991 AGRESSIVENESS INDEX 01/29/1992 SOURCE TEMPERATURE C 01/29/1992 COLOR 01/29/1992 ODOR THRESHOLD @ 60 C 01/29/1992 SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE 01/29/1992 FIELD PH 01/29/1992 PH (LABORATORY) 01/29/1992 TOTAL ALKALINITY (AS CACOG) 01/29/1992 BICARBONATE ALKAUNITY 01/29/1992 TOTAL HARDNESS (AS CACO3) 0112911992 CALCIUM 01/29/1992 SODIUM 01/29/1992 POTASSIUM 01/29/1992 CHLORIDE Findings: Findings: Findings: Findings: Findings: Findings: Findings: Findings: Findings: Findings: Findings: Findings: Findings: Findings: Findings: Findings: 7.320 MG/L .180 UG/L 140.000 UG/L 170.000 UGIL 2,000 PC/L 114.000 MG/L 15.900 3.720 3,000 NTU .570 10.000 C 10.000 UNITS 1.400 TON 150,000 7.930 7.930 75.000 MGIL 91,500 MG/L 74.000 MG/L 20.000 MG/L 20.300 MG/L 1.830 MG/L 5.180 MG/L TC194219,1s Page A7 GEOCHECK VERSION 2.1 STATE DATABASE WELL INFORMATION Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: 01/29/1992 Findings: FLUORIDE (TEMPERATURE DEPENDENT) 01/29/1992 Findings: SILICA 01/29/1992 Finding s: BORON 01/29/1992 Findings: IRON 01/29/1992 Findings: ALUMINUM 01/29/1992 Finding s: GROSS ALPHA 01/29/1992 Findings: TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS 01/29/1992 Rndings: LANGELIER INDEX @ SOURCE TEMP. 01129/1992 Findings: FIELD TURBIDITY 01/29/1992 Findings: TURBIDITY (LAB) 01/29/1992 Finding s: AGRESSIVENESS INDEX 05/03/1992 Findings: SOURCE TEMPERATURE C 05/03/1992 Findings: COLOR 05/03/1992 Findings: ODOR THRESHOLD @ 60 C 05/03/1992 Findings: SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE 05/03/1992 Findings: FIELD PH 05/03/1992 Findings: PH (LABORATORY) 05/03/1992 Findings: TOTAL ALKALINITY (AS CACO3) 05/03/1992 Findings: BICARBONATE ALKAUNITY 05/03/1992 F~ndings: TOTAL HARDNESS (AS CACO3) 05/03/1992 Findings: CALCIUM 05/03/1992 Findings: SODIUM 05103/1992 Finding s: POTASSIUM .250 MG/L ,430 MG/L .270 UG/L 279.000 UG/L 159.000 UG/L 5.000 PC/L 108.000 MG/L 10,000 1.300 1.300 NTU 4.140 24.800 C 8.000 UNITS 3.000 TON 190.000 8.670 8.670 62.000 MG/L 75.64O MG/L 46.000 MG/L 14.400 MG/L 16.950 MG/L 1.600 MG/L TC194219.1s Page A8 GEOCHECK VERSION 2.1 STATE DATABASE WELL INFORMATION Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected; Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical; Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: 05/03/1992 Findings: CHLORIDE 05/03/1992 Findings: FLUORIDE (TEMPERATURE DEPENDENT) 05/03/1992 Findings: SILJCA 05/03/1992 Findings: BORON 05/03/1992 Findings: COPPER 05103/1992 Finding s: IRON 05/03/1992 Findings: ALUMINUM 05/0311992 Findings: G ROSS ALPHA 05103/1992 Finding s: GROSS ALPHA COUNTING ERROR 05/03/1992 Findings: GROSS BETA COUNTING ERROR 05/03/1992 Findings: TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS 05/03/1992 Findings: FIELD TURBIDITY 05/03/1992 Findings: TURBIDITY (LAB) 05/03/1992 Findings: AGRESSIVENESS INDEX 08/03/1992 Findings: SOURCE TEMPERATURE C 08/03/1992 Findings: COLOR 08/03/1992 Findings: ODOR THRESHOLD @ 60 C 08/03/1992 Findings: SPECIFIC CONOUCTANCE 08103/1992 Findings: FIELD PH 08/03/1992 Findings: PH (LABORATORY) 08/03/1992 Findings: TOTAL ALKALINITY (AS CACO3) 08/03/1992 Findings: BICARBONATE ALKAUNITY 08/03/1992 Findings: CARBONATE ALKALINITY 6.340 MGIL .240 MG/L 3.970 MGIL .220 UG/L 72.000 UG/L 213.000 UG/L 302.000 UG/L 6.0O0 PC/L 2.000 PC/L 1,000 PC/L 145.000 MG/L 1.300 1.300 NTU .360 28,200 C 5.000 UNrTS 2.000 TON 343.OO0 9,180 9.180 74.000 MG/L 65.880 MG/L 24.000 MG/L TC194219.1s Page A9 GEOCHECK VERSION 2.1 STATE DATABASE WELL INFORMATION Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: 08/03/1992 Findings: TOTAL HARDNESS (AS CACO3) 08/03/1992 Findings: CALCIUM 08/03/1992 Findings: SODIUM 08/03/1992 Findings: POTASSIUM 08/03/1992 Findings: CHLORIDE 08/03/1992 Findings: FLUORIDE (TEMPERATURE DEPENDENT) 08/03/1992 Findings: SlUCA 08/03/1992 Findings: BORON 08/03/1992 Findings: IRON 08/03/1992 Findings: GROSS ALPHA 08/03/1992 Findings: GROSS ALPHA COUNTING ERROR 08/03/1992 Findings: GROSS BETA 08/03/1992 Findings: GROSS BETA COUNTING ERROR 08/03/1992 Finding s: TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS 08/03/1992 Findings: NITRATE (AS NO3) 08/03/1992 Findings: FIELD TURBIDITY 08/03/1992 Rndings: TURBIDITY (LAB) 08/03/1992 Findings: AGRESSIVENESS INDEX 09/01/1992 Finding s: SOURCE TEMPERATURE C 09/01/1992 Findings: COLOR 09/01/1992 Findings: ODOR THRESHOLD @ 60 C 09/01/1992 Findings: SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE 09/0111992 Findings: FIELD PH 70.000 MG/L 22.0OO MG/L 44.040 MG/L 1.250 MG/L 27.860 MG/L .190 MG/L 8.230 MG/L .170 UG/L 102.000 UG/L 3.0O0 PC/L 2,000 PClL 5.000 PC/L 2.000 PC/L 197.000 MG/L 3.010 MG/L 1.000 1.000 NTU 1.340 27.000 C 5.000 UNITS 1.400 TON 274.000 8.700 TC194219.1S Page Al0 GEOCHECK VERSION 2.1 STATE DATABASE WELL INFORMATION Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: 09/01/1992 Findings: PH (LABORATORY) 09/01/1992 Findings: TOTAL ALKALINITY (AS CACO3) 09/01/1992 Findings: BICARBONATE ALKALINITY 09/01/1992 Findings: CARBONATE ALKALINITY 09/01/1992 Findings: TOTAL HARDNESS (AS CACO3) 09/01/1992 Findings: CALCIUM 09/01/1992 Findings: SODIUM 09/01/1992 Findings: CHLORIDE 09/01/1992 Findings: FLUORIDE (TEMPERATURE DEPENDENT) 09/01/1992 Findings: SlUCA 09/01/1992 Findings: BORON 09/01/1992 Finding s: GROSS ALPHA 09/01/1992 Findings: GROSS ALPHA COUNTING ERROR 09/01/1992 Finding s: GROSS BETA COUNTING ERROR 09/01/1992 Findings: TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS 09/01/1992 Findings: NITRATE (AS NO3) 09/01/1992 Findings: FIELD TURBIDITY 09/01/1992 Findings: TURBIDITY (LAB) 09/01/1992 Finding s: AGRESSIVENESS INDEX 10/01/1992 Findings: SOURCE TEMPERATURE C 10/01/1992 Finding s: ODOR THRESHOLD @ 60 C 10/01/1992 Findings: SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE 10/01/1992 Finding s: FIELD PH 8.700 69.000 MG/L 64.660 MG/L 19.200 MG/L 54.00O MG/L 2O.800 MG/L 35.110 MG/L 23.540 MG/L .220 MG/L 8.750 MG/L .160 UG/L 3.000 PC/L 1.000 PC/L 3.000 PC/L 180.000 MG/L 3.160 MG/L .750 .750 NTU 1.090 23.800 C 1.400 TON 254.000 9.090 TC194219.1s Page All GEOCHECK VERSION 2.1 STATE DATABASE WELL INFORMATION Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemicat: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: · Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: 10/01/1992 Findings: PH (LABORATORY) 10/0 1/1992 Findings: TOTAL ALKALINITY (AS CACO3) 10/01/1992 Finding s: BICARBONATE ALKALINITY 10/01/1992 Findings: CARBONATE ALKALINITY 10/01/1992 Findings: TOTAL HARDNESS (AS CACO3) 10/01/1992 Findings: CALCIUM 10/01/1992 Findings: SODIUM 10/01/1992 Findings: CHLORIDE 10/01/1992 Findings: FLUORIDE (TEMPERATURE DEPENDENT) 10/01/1992 Findings: SILICA 10/01 / 1992 Finding s: BORON 10/01/1992 Finding s: ALUMINUM 10/01/1992 Findings: GROSS ALPHA 10/01/1992 Finding s: GROSS ALPHA COUNTING ERROR 10/01/1992 Findings: GROSS BETA COUNTING ERROR 10/01/1992 Findings: TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS 10/01/1992 Findings: NITRATE (AS NO3) 10/01/1992 Findings: FIELD TURBIDITY 10/01/1992 Findings: TURBIDITY (LAB) 10/01/1992 Findings: AGRESSIVENESS INDEX 11/02/1992 Finding s: SOURCE TEMPERATURE C 11/02/1992 Findings: COLOR 11/02/1992 Findings: ODOR THRESHOLD ~ 60 C 9.090 74.000 MG/L 75.640 MG/L 14.400 MG/L 58.000 MG/L 20,000 MG/L 34.290 MG/L 18,080 MG/L .210 MG/L 8.640 MG/L .210 UG/L 113,000 UG/L 4,000 PC/L 1.000 PC/L 2.000 PC/L 169.000 MG/L 3.270 MG/L .750 · .750 NTU .600 22.100 C 5.0O0 UNITS 1.400 TON TC194219.1s Page A12 GEOCHECK VERSION 2.1 STATE DATABASE WELL INFORMATION Sample Collected: 11/02/1992 Findings: Chemical: SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE Sample Collected: 11/02/1992 Findings: Chemical: FIELD PH Sample Collected: 11/02/1992 Findings: Chemical: PH (LABORATORY) Sample Collected: 11/02/1992 Findings: Chemical: TOTAL ALKALINITY (AS CACO3) Sample Collected: 11/02/1992 Finding s: Chemical: BICARBONATE ALKALINITY Sample Collected: 11/02/1992 Findings: Chemical: CARBONATE ALKALINITY Sample Collected: 11/02/1992 Findings: Chemical: TOTAL HARDNESS (AS CACO3) Sample Collected: 11/02/1992 Findings: Chemical: CALCIUM Sample Collected: 11/02/1992 Findings:' Chemical: SODIUM Sample Collected: 11/02/1992 Findings: Chemical: POTASSIUM Sample Collected: 11/02/1992 Findings: Chemical: CHLORIDE Sample Collected: 11/02/1992 Findings: Chemical: FLUORIDE (TEMPERATURE DEPENDENT) Sample Collected: 11/02/1992 Findings: Chemical: SlUCA Sample Collected: 11/02/1992 Findings: Chemical: BORON Sample Collected: 11/02/1992 Findings: Chemical: G ROSS ALPHA Sample Collected: 11/02/1992 Findings: Chemical: GROSS ALPHA COUNTING ERROR sample Collected: 11/02/1992 Findings: Chemical: GROSS BETA COUNTING ERROR Sample Collected: 11/02/1992 Findings: Chemical: TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS Sample Collected: 11/02/1992 Findings: Chemical: NITRATE (AS NO3) Sample Collected: 11/02/1992 Findings: Chemical: FIELD TURBIDITY Sample Collected: 11/02/1992 Findings: Chemical: TURBIDITY (LAB) Sample Collected: 11/02/1992 Findings: Chemical: AGRESSIVENESS INDEX Sample Collected: 1 2/03/1992 Finding s: Chemical: SOURCE TEMPERATURE C 210.000 8,400 8.400 74.000 MG/L 70.760 MG/L 19.200 MG/L 54,000 MG/L 18.400 MG/L 26.510 MG/L 1.190 MG/L 13.880 MG/L ,190 MG/L 7.760 MG/L .190 UG/L 4.000 PC/L 1,000 PC/L 2.000 PC/L 130.500 MG/L 2.930 MG/L .650 ,650 NTU .480 13,800 C TC194219.1s Page A13 GEOCHECK VERSION 2.1 STATE DATABASE WELL INFORMATION Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample coIlecled: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: 12/03/1992 Findings: ODOR THRESHOLD @ 60 C 12/03/1992 Findings: SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE 12/03/1992 Finding s: FIELD PH 12/03/1992 Findings: PH (LABORATORY) 1 2/03/1992 Findings: TOTAL ALKALINITY (AS CACO3) 12/03/1992 Findings: BICARBONATE ALKALINITY 1 2/03/1992 Findings: CARBONATE ALKALINITY 12/03/1992 · Findings: TOTAL HARDNESS (AS CACO3) 1 2/03/1992 Findings: CALCIUM 1 2/03/1992 Findings: SODIUM 12/03/1992 Findings: POTASSIUM 12/03/1992 Findings: CHLORIDE 1 2/03/1992 Finding s: FLUORIDE (TEMPERATURE DEPENDENT) 12/03/1992 Findings: SILICA 12/0311992 'Findings: GROSS ALPHA 12/03/1992 Findings: GROSS ALPHA COUNTING ERROR 12/0311992 Findings: GROSS BETA COUNTING ERROR 12./03/1992 Findings: TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS 12/0311992 Findings: NITRATE (AS NO3) 12/03/1992 Findings: FIELD TURBIDITY 12/03/1992 Findings: TURBIDITY (LAB) 12/03/1992 Findings: AGRESSIVENESS INDEX 12/01/1994 Findings: SOURCE TEMPERATURE C 2.000 TON 211,000 8.660 8.660 66.000 MG/L 65,880 MG/L 14.400 MG/L 34.000 MG/L 13.200 MG/L 28,920 MG/L 1.100 MG/L 15.570 MG/L .180 MG/L .360 MG/L 3.000 PClL 1.000 PC/L 2.000 PC/L 115.800 MG/L 3.340 MG/L 1.900 1.900 NTU .710 16.200 C TC194219.1s Page A14 GEOCHECK VERSION 2.1 STATE DATABASE WELL INFORMATION Sample Collected: Chemical: .Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical.: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: 12/01/1994 o Findings: COLOR 1 ?,JO 111994 Finding s: SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE 12/01/1994 Finding s: PH (LABORATORY) 1 2/01/1994 Findings: TOTAL ALKALINITY (AS CACO3) 1 2/01/1994 Findings: BICARBONATE ALKAUNITY 12/0111994 Findings: CARBONATE ALKALINITY 12/01/1994 Findings: TOTAL HARDNESS (AS CACO3) 12/01/1994 Findings; CALCIUM 12/0111994 Findings: SODIUM 1 2/01/1994 Finding s: CHLORIDE 1 2/01/1994 Findings: FLUORIDE (TEMPERATURE DEPENDENT) 1 2/01/1994 Findings: S~UCA 1 2/01/1994 Findings: ARSENIC 1 2/01 /1994 Finding s: BORON 1 2/01/1994 Findings: TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS 1 2/01/1994 Findings: NITRATE (AS NO3) 1 2/01/1994 Finding s: TURBIDITY (LAB) 12/01/1994 Findings: AGRESSIVENESS INDEX 01/03/1995 Findings: SOURCE TEMPERATURE C 01/03/1995 Finding s: COLOR 01/03/1995 Findings: ODOR THRESHOLD @ 60 C 01/03/1995 Findings: SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE 01/03/1995 Findings: PH (LABORATORY) 5,000 UNITS 255,000 9,100 57,000 MG/L 50,000 MG/L 19,200 MG/L 34,000 MG/L 12,000 MG/L 38,600 MG/L 22,200 MG/L ,240 MG/L 7,390 MG/L 7,000 UG/L 170,000 UG/L 152,400 MG/L 2,600 MG/L 2,200 NTU ,995 13,600 C 5,000 UNITS 2,000 TON 268.000 8.880 TC194219.1s Page A15 GEOCHECK VERSION 2.1 STATE DATABASE WELL INFORMATION Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: · Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: 01/03/1995 Findings: 52.000 MG/L TOTAL ALKALINITY (AS CACO3) 01/03/1995 Findings: 48.800 MG/L BICARBONATE ALKAUNITY 01/03/1995 Findings: 14.400 MG/L CARBONATE ALKALINITY 01/03/1995 Findings: 33.000 MG/L TOTAL HARDNESS (AS CACO3) 01/03/1995 Findings: 12.400 MG/L CALCIUM 01/03/1995 Findings: 40,300 MG/L SODIUM 01/03/1995 Findings: 26.600 MG/L CHLORIDE 01/03/1995 Findings: .170 MG/L FLUORIDE (TEMPERATURE DEPENDENT) 01/03/1995 Findings: 7,200 MG/L SlUCA 01/03/1995 Findings: 11.300 UG/L ARSENIC 01/03/1995 Findings: 157.000 UG/L BORON 01/03/1995 Findings: 82.600 UG/L ALUMINUM 01/03/1995 Findings: 146.600 MG/L TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS 01/03/1995 Findings: 5.700 MG/L NITRATE (AS NO3) 01/03/1995 Findings: 2.000 NTU TURBIDITY (LAB) 01/03/1995 Findings: 1,170 AGRESSIVENESS INDEX Well Within 1/2 - I Mile of Target Properly (Eastern Quadrant) Water System Information: Pdme Station Code: 29S/27E-24E01 M FRDS Number Number. 1510003157 District Number: Water Type: Source L~Long: Source Name: System Number: System Name: Owner Type: Organization That Operates System: P O BOX 1150 SAN JOSE 95108 Pop Served: 182670 Area Served: LD User ID: County: 12 Station Type: Well/Groundwater Well Status: 352330.0 1190215.0 Precision: WELL 192-01 1510003 CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE - BAKERSFIELD Not Reported Connections: CYA Kern WELL/AMBNT/MUN/INTAKE Active Untreated 1,000 Feet (10 Seconds) BAKERSFIE TC194219.1s Page A16 GEOCHECK VERSION 2.1 STATE DATABASE WELL INFORMATION Sample Information: ° Only Findings Above Detection Level Are Listed Sample Collected: 03/01/1990 Findings: Chemical: SOURCE TEMPERATURE C Sample Collected: 03/01/1990 Findings: Chemical: COLOR Sample Collected: 03/01/1990 Rndings: Chemical: SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE Sample Collected: 03101/1990 Findings: Chemical: PH (LABORATORy) Sample Collected: 03/01/1990 Findings: Chemical: TOTAL ALKALINITY (AS CACO3) SampJe Collected: 03/01/1990 Findings: Chemical: BICARBONATE ALKAUNITY Sample Collected: 03/01/1990 Findings: Chemical: CARBONATE ALKALINITY Sample Collected: 03/01/1990 Findings: Chemical: PHOSPHATE Sample Collected: 03/01/1990 Findings: Chemical: TOTAL HARDNESS (AS CACO3) SamPle Collected: 03/01/1990 Findings: Chemical: CALCIUM · Sample Collected: 03/01/1990 Findings: Chemical: SODIUM Sample Collected: 03/01/1990 Findings: Chemical: SODIUM ABSORPTION RATIO Sample Collected: 03/01/1990 Findings: Chemical: POTASSIUM Sample Collected: 03/0 ljl 990 Findings: Chemical: CHLORIDE Sample Collected: 03/01/1990 Findings: Chemical: FLUORIDE (TEMPERATURE DEPENDENT) Sample Collected: 03/0 lj1990 Findings: Chemical: SlUCA Sample Collected: 03/01/1990 Findings: Chemical: TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS Sample Collected: 03/01/1990 Findings: Chemical: LANGELIER INDEX @ SOURCE TEMP. Sample Collected: 03/01/1990 Findings: Chemical: IODIDE Sample Collected: 03/01/1990 Findings: Chemical: , TURBIDITY (LAB) Sample Collected: 01114/1991 Findings: Chemical: GROSS ALPHA sample Collected: 01/14/1991 Findings: Chemical: GROSS ALPHA COUNTING ERROR Sample Collected: 01/03/1994 Findings: Chemical: SOURCE TEMPERATURE C 18.000 C 1.000 UNITS 290.000 7.870 91.000 MG/L 110,000 MG/L .600 MG/L .04O UG/L 92.000 MG/L 30.0OO MG/L 21.000 MG/L .950 2.300 MG/L 15.000 MGIL .130 MG/L 21.000 MGIL 167.000 MGIL - .150 .067 UGIL .200 NTU 1.500 PC/L .7OO PC/L 18.000 C TC194219.1s Page A17 GEOCHECK VERSION 2.1 STATE DATABASE WELL INFORMATION Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: 01/03/1994 Finding s: SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE 01/03/1994 Findings: PH (LABORATORY) 01/03/1994 Findings: TOTAL ALKALINITY (AS CACO3) 01/03/1994 Findings: BICARBONATE ALKALINITY 01/0311994 Findings: CARBONATE ALKALINITY 01/03/1994 Findings: TOTAL HARDNESS (AS CACO3) 01/03/1994 Finding s: CALCIUM 01/03/1994 Findings: SODIUM 01103/1994 Finding s: SODIUM ABSORPTION RATIO 01/03/1994 Finding $: POTASSIUM 01/0311994 Findings: CHLORIDE 01/03/1994 , Finding s: FLUORIDE (TEMPERATURE DEPENDENT) 01/03/1994 Findings: SIUCA 01/03/1994 I~ndings: BARIUM 01/03/1994 Findings: LEAD 01/03/1994 Findings: FOAMING AGENTS (MBAS) 01/03/1994 Findings: TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS 01/03/1994 Findings: LANGELIER INDEX @ SOURCE TEMP. 01/03/1994 Findings: IODIDE 01/03/1994 Findings: TURBIDITY (LAB) 01/03/1994 Finding s: GROSS ALPHA 0110311994 Findings: GROSS ALPHA COUNTING ERROR 03108/1994 Findings: G ROSS ALPHA 273.000 7.840 94.000 MG/L 114.000 MG/L .50O MG/L 93.000 MG/L 29.0OO MG/L 23,000 MG/L 1.040 2.100 MG/L 16,000 MG/L .180 MG/L 24,000 MG/L 110.000 UG/L 9.00O UG/L .03O UG/L 179.000 MG/L o .180 .047 UGIL .200 NTU 2.600 PC/L 1.600 PC/L 2.600 PC/L TC194219.1s Page A18 GEOCHECK VERSION 2.1 STATE DATABASE WELL INFORMATION Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: 03/08/1994 Findings: 1.800 PC/L GROSS ALPHA COUNTING ERROR 02/16/1996 Findings: 1.500 PC/L GROSS ALPHA 02/16/1996 Findings: 2.300 PC/L GROSS ALPHA COUNTING ERROR 05/05/1996 Findings: 1.800 PC/L GROSS ALPHA 05/05/1996 Findings: 2.300 PC/L GROSS ALPHA COUNTING ERROR Well Within 1/'4 - 1/2 Mile of Target Property (Soulhern Quadrantl Water System Information: Prime Station Code: 29Sj27E-26B01 M FRDS Number Number: District Number:. Water Type: Source Lat/Long: Source Name: System Number: System Name: Owner Type: 1510031026 12 Well/Groundwater 352246.0 1190245.0 WELL F102-01 1510031 BAKERSFIELD, CITY OF Not Reported User ID: County: Station Type: Well Status: Precision: Organization That Operates System: 1000 BUENA VISTA RD BAKERSFIELD, CA 93311 Pop Served: 57740 Area Served: Not Reported Sample Information: ' Only Findings Above Detection Level Are Listed Connections: Sample Collected: 04/25/1984 Findings: Chemical: SOURCE TEMPERATURE C Sample Collected: 04/25/1984 Findings: Chemical: COLOR Sample Collected: '04/25/1984 Findings: Chemical: SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE Sample Collected: 04/25/1984 Findings: Chemical: PH (LABORATORY) Sample Collected: 04/25/1984 Findings: Chemical: TOTAL ALKALINITY (AS CACO3) Sample Collected: 04/25/1984 Findings: Chemical: BICARBONATE ALKAUNITY Sample Collected: 04/25/1984 Findings: Chemical: CARBONATE ALKALINITY Sample Collected: 04/2511984 Findings: Chemical: PHOSPHATE Sample Collected: 04/25/1984 Findings: Chemical: TOTAL HARDNESS (AS CACO3) Sample Collected: 04/2511984 Findings: Chemical: CALCIUM CYA Kern WELL/AM BNT/MUN/INTAKE Active Untreated 100 Feet (one Second) Not Reported 22.000 C 1.000 UNrrS 285.000 7.490 71.000 MG/L 86.00O MG/L .2OO MG/L .160 UG/L 91.000 MGIL 28.00O MG/L TC194219.1s Page A19 GEOCHECK VERSION 2.1 STATE DATABASE WELL INFORMATION Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: .Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: 04/25/1984 Findings: SODIUM 04/25/1984 Findings: SODIUM ABSORPTION RATIO 04/25/1984 Findings: POTASSIUM 04/25/1984 Findings: CHLORIDE 04/25/1984 Findings: FLUORIDE (TEMPERATURE DEPENDENT) 04/25/1984 Findings: SIUCA 0412511984 F3ndings: TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS 04/25/1984 Findings: LANGELIER INDEX @ 60 C 04/25/1984 Findings: NITRATE (AS NO3) 04/25/1984 Findings: IODIDE 04/25/1984 Findings: TURBIDITY (LAB) 12/10/1984 Findings: 1,1 -DICHLOROETHYLENE 12/10/1984 Findings: 1,1,2-TRICH LOROETHAN E 12/10/1984 Findings: TRICHLOROETHYLENE 04/17/1985 Finding s: 1,1 -DICHLOROETHYLENE 04/17/1985 Findings: 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE 04/17/1985 Findings: TRICHLOROETHYLENE 06/2511985 Findings: 1,1,1 -TRICHLOROETHANE 06/25/1985 Findings: 1,2- DICH LOROPROPAN E 06/25/1985 Findings: TRICHLOROETHYLENE 07/3111985 Finding S: 1,1-DICHLOROETHYLENE 07/31/1985 Findings: 1,1,1 -TRICHLOROETHAN E 07/31/1985 Findings: TRICHLOROETHYLENE 20.000 MG/L .910 2.30O MG/L 27.000 MG/L .120 MG/L 28.000 MG/L 178.000 MG/L - .620 3.000 MG/L .019 UG/L .250 NTU .600 UG/L .700 UG/L .9O0 UG/L 1.300 UG/L 1.3O0 UG/L 1.800 UG/L 1.100 UG/L 1.200 UG/L 1.700 UG/L 1.200 UG/L 1.100 UG/L 1.900 UG/L TC194219.15 Page A20 GEOCHECK VERSION 2.1 STATE DATABASE WELL INFORMATION Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample'Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collecled: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: 09/10/1985 1,1.DICH LOROETHYLENE 09/10/1985 1,1,1 -TRICHLOROETHA N E 09/10/1985 TRICHLOROETHYLENE 10/24/1985 1,1.DICHLOROETHYLENE 10/24/1985 1,1,1-TRICH LOROETHA N E 10/24/1985 TRICHLOROETHYLENE 01/2211986 1,1-DICHLOROETHYLENE 01/22/1986 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE 01/22/1986 TRICHLOROETHYLENE 02/13/1986 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE 0510511986 1,1 -DICHLOROETHYLENE 05/05/1986 1,1,1 -TRICH LOROETHAN E 05/05/1986 TRICHLOROETHYLENE 06/02/1986 1,1.DICHLOROETHYLENE 06/02/1986 1,1,1 -TRICH LOROETHAN E 06/02/1986 TRICHLOROETHYLENE 07/23/1986 1,1-DICHLOROETHYLENE 07/23/1986 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE 07/23/1986 TRICHLOROETHYLENE 08/18/1986 1,1. DIC H LOROETHYLEN E 08/18/1986 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE 08/18/1986 TRICHLOROETHYLENE 09/14/1986 1,1-DICHLOROETHYLENE Findings: Findings: Findings: Findings: Findings: Findings: Findings: Findings: Findings: Findings: Findings: Findings: Findings: Findings: Findings: Findings: Findings: Findings: Findings: Findings: Findings: Findings: Findings: 1,200 UG/L 1.200 UG/L 2.00O UG/L 1.400 UG/L 1,100 UG/L '2.30O UG/L 1.900 UG/L 1.300 UG/L 2.200 UG/L .600 UG/L 1.900 UG/L 1.000 UG/L 1.900 UG/L 1.700 UG/L .90O UG/L 1.800 UG/L 1.300 UGIL .9O0 UG/L 1.900 UG/L 1.800 UG/L 1.300 UG/L 2.5O0 UG/L .7OO UGIL TC194219.1s Page A21 GEOCHECK VERSION 2.1 STATE DATABASE WELL INFORMATION Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: · Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Coll'ected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: 09/14/1986 Findings: TRICHLOROETHYLEN E 10109/1986 Findings: TRICHLOROETHYLENE 12/16/1986 Findings: 1,1 -DICHLOROETHYLENE 1 2/16/1986 Findings: TRICHLOROETHYLENE 03/10/1987 Findings: TRICHLOROETHYLENE 06/01/1987 Finding s: TRICHLOROETHYLENE 02/08/1989 Findings: GROSS ALPHA 02/08/1989 Findings: GROSS ALPHA COUNTING ERROR 05/11/1989 Findings: GROSS ALPHA COUNTING ERROR 08/23/1989 Findings: GROSS ALPHA COUNTING ERROR 11/09/1989 Findings: GROSS ALPHA COUNTING ERROR 06/10/1992 Findings: SOURCE TEMPERATURE C 06/10/1992 Findings: COLOR 06/10/1992 Findings: SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE 06/10/1992 Findings: PH (LABORATORY) 06/10/1992 Findings: TOTAL ALKALINITY (AS CACO3) 06110/1992 Findings: BICARBONATE ALKAENITY 06/10/1992 Findings: CARBONATE ALKALINITY 06/10/1992 Findings: PHOSPHATE 06/10/1992 Findings: TOTAL HARDNESS (AS CACO3) 06/10/1992 Findings: CALCIUM 06/10/1992 Findings: SODIUM 06/1011992 Findings: SODIUM ABSORPTION RATIO 1.300 UG/L .900 UG/L .800 UG/L .800 UG/L .600 UG/L .70O UG/L 1.20O PC/L ,600 PC/L .400 PC/L .300 PC/L ,500 PC/L 19,000 C 2.000 UNITS 210,000 7.760 64.000 MG/L 77.000 MG/L .300 MG/L .030 UG/L 88.O00 MG/L 26.00O MG/L 19.000 MG/L .880 TC194219,1s Page A22 GEOCHECK VERSION 2.1 STATE DATABASE WELL INFORMATION Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: · Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: 06110/1992 Findings: POTASSIUM 06/10/1992 · Finding s: CHLORIDE 06/10/1992 Findings: SILICA 06/10/1992 Findings: ZINC 06/10/1992 Findings: ALUMINUM 06/10/1992 Finding s: FOAMING AGENTS (MBAS) 06/10/1992 Findings: TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS 06/10/1992 Findings: LANGEUER INDEX @ SOURCE TEMP. 06/10/1992 Findings: NITRATE (AS NO3) 06/10/1992 Findings: IODIDE 06/10/1992 Findings: TURBIDITY (LAB) 06/10/1992 Findings: GROSS ALPHA 06/10/1992 Findings: GROSS ALPHA COUNTING ERROR 03/03/1994 Findings: NITRATE (AS NO3) 11/10/1995 Findings: SOURCE TEMPERATURE C 11/10/1995 Findings: COLOR 11/10/1995 Finding s: SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE 11/10/1995 Findings: PH (LABORATORY) 11/10/1995 Findings: TOTAL ALKALINITY (AS CACO3) 11/10/1995 Findings: BICARBONATE ALKAUNITY 11/10/1995 Findings: CARBONATE ALKALINITY 11/10/1995 Findings: PHOSPHATE 11/10/1995 Findings: TOTAL HARDNESS (AS CACO3) 2.400 MG/L 28.000 MG/L 28.000 MG/L 60,000 UG/L 180.000 UG/L .080 UG/L 177~000 MG/L o .480 3.000 MGIL .015 UG/L .150 NTU 1.200 PCIL .700 PC/L ' 5.000 MG/L 18.000 C 1.000 UNITS 313.000 7.470 78.000 MG/L 95.00O MG/L ;200 MG/L .060 UG/L 98.O0O MGIL TC194219.1s Page A23 GEOCHECK VERSION 2.1 STATE DATABASE WELL INFORMATION Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: 11/1011995 CALCIUM 11110/1995 SODIUM 11/10/1995 SODIUM ABSORPTION RATIO 11/10/1995 POTASSIUM 11/10/1995 CHLORIDE 11/10i1995 Findings: FLUORIDE (TEMPERATURE DEPENDENT) 11/10/1995 Findings: SlUCA 11/10/1995 Findings: TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS 11/10/1995 Findings: .LANGELIER INDEX @ SOURCE TEMP. 1111011995 NITRATE (AS NO3) 11/10/1995 TURBIDITY (LAB) 02/13/1996 GROSS ALPHA COUNTING ERROR 05/05/1996 G ROSS ALPHA 05/0511996 GROSS ALPHA COUNTING ERROR Findings:. Findings: Findings: Findings: Findings: Findings: Findings: Findings: · Findings: Findings: 30.000 MG/L 20.000 MG/L 20.000 2,500 MG/L 22.00O MG/L .160 MG/L 21.000 MG/L 175.000 MG/L .633 5.0O0 MG/L .150 NTU 2.0O0 PC/L 2.600 PC/L 2.300 PC/L Well Within I - 2 Miles of Target Property (Western Quadrant) Water System Information: Prime Station Code: 29S/27E-27E01 M User ID: FRDS Number Number: 1502187001 County: Distdct Number: 12 Station Type: Water Type: Well/Groundwater Well Status: Source Lat/Long: 352252,0 1190414.0 Precision: Source Name: WELL 04 System Number: 1502187 System Name: TEXACO REFINING AND MARKETING Owner Type: Not Reported Organization That Operates System: Not Reported Pop Served: 1 2200 Connections: Area Served: Not Reported Sample Information: * Only Findings Above Detection Level Are Listed Sample Collected: 08/18/1989 Findings: Chemical: GROSS ALPHA CYA Kern WELI./AM BNT/M UN/INTAKE Active Untreated 0.5 Mile (30 Seconds) Not Reported 13.600 PC/L TC194219.1s Page A24 GEOCHECK VERSION 2.1 STATE DATABASE WELL INFORMATION Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: Sample Collected: Chemical: 08/18/1989 GROSS ALPHA'COUNTING ERROR 08/18/1993 COLOR 08/18/1993 ODOR THRESHOLD @ 60 C 08/18/1993 SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE 08/18/1993 PH (LABORATORY) 08/18/1993 TOTAL ALKALINITY (AS CACO3) 08/18/1993 BICARBONATE ALKALINITY 08/18/1993 CARBONATE ALKALINITY 08/18/1993 TOTAL HARDNESS (AS CACO3) 08/18/1993 CALCIUM 08/18/1993 SODIUM 08/18/1993 POTASSIUM O8/18/1993 CHLORIDE 08/18/1993 Findings: FLUORIDE (TEMPERATURE DEPENDENT) 08/18/1993 Finding s: FOAMING AGENTS (MBAS) 08/18/1993 Findings: TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS 08118/1993 Findings: TURBIDITY (LAB) 10/22/1993 Findings: GROSS ALPHA 10/22/1993 Findings: GROSS ALPHA COUNTING ERROR 10/22/1993 Findings: URANIUM COUNTING ERROR 08/1511996 Findings: SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE 08/15/1996 Findings: PH (LABORATORY) 08/1511996 Findings: TOTAL ALKALINITY (AS CACO3) Findings: Findings: Findings: Findings: Findings: Findings: Findings: Findings: Findings: ' Findings: Findings: Findings: Findings: 2.700 PC/L 1.000 UNITS 50.000 TON 230.000 8.500 51.300 MG/L 50.400 MG/L 6.000 MG/L 27.70O MG/L 11.000 MG/L 31.000 MG/L .900 MG/L ' 22.30O MG/L .120 MG/L .O2O UG/L 130.000 MG/L .230 NTU 1.570 PC/L 2.900 PC/L .010 PCl/L 234.000 8.000 57.0O0 MG/L TC194219.15 Page A25 EXHIBIT B SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. November 12, 1998 98-8733 Mr. Michael Lutton PLC Commercial, Inc. 23 Corporate Plaza, Suite 250 Newport Beach, CA. 92560 Subject: Dear Mr. Lutton: Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Report & Remedial Action Plan Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties 2800 ~;tandard St., 3650 & 3880 Rosedale Highway Bakersfield, CA. Soils Engineering, Inc. (SEI) has prepared this Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Report (Report) describing the work conducted to assess suspected environmental liabilities at the site. This environmental work was recommended in a Phase' 1 Environmental Site Assessment Report of the subject site prepared by Kennedy/Jenks Consultants dated October 22, 1997. SEI prepared a Phase II Site Assessment Workplan (Workplan) dated September 28, 1998, prior to conducting this work, which described.the work to be completed. Between September 25 and October 27, 1998 SEI conducted the proposed scope of work which included; advancing 31 soil borings,- installing and sampling 3 groundwater monitoring wells, collecting soil, water and sludge samples for chemical analysis, along with conducting a geophysical survey and an asbestos survey. Information from previous environmental assessments conducted at the site was also used as reference data. PREVIOUS WORK CONDUCTED A Phase 1 Environmental Investigation was conducted by Piwarea Engineering (Piwarea) in January, 1994, of a portion of the Sparks Estate at 2800 Standard St. in Bakersfield, CA.. This investigation included a visual inspection of the site, a record search and soll sample collection at 4 underground storage tanks (UST's) and at the Class V Shallow Disposal Well. Piwarea advanced 4 soil borings at a 45-degree angle beneath the UST's at the North, South, East and West ends to depths of 25' to 35' Or approximately 10 feet beneath the bottom of the LIST's. A total of 11 soil samples .were analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) by EPA method 8015m with no TPH reported. 4700 DISTRICT BLVD. ° · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93313 ° PHONE (805) 831-5100 ° FAX: (805) 831-2111 Phase 11 Environtnental Site Assesstnent Report Sparks Estate and Adjacettt Properties Bakersfield, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 98-8733 Novetnber, 1998 Page 2 Piwarea advanced 1 soil boring in the leach field adjacent to the Class V Shallow Disposal Well to a depth of 35' below ground surface (bgs.). Three soil samples (at depths of 20', 30', and 35') were analyzed for TPH by EPA Method 8015m. Analytical results were 53 parts per million (ppm) crude oil at 20', 14 ppm diesel at 30' and none detected (ND) at 35'. See attached report in Appendix E for more detail. -' Based on the analytical results of the soil samples only minor concentrations of hydrocarbons were detected adjacent to the Class V well which did not require any remedial action. Piwarea recommend an investigation of whether the former drilling sump located near the northwest comer of the property was abandoned properly. In addition they recommended that the truck leach field be properly abandoned. The next environmental assessment conducted On a portion of the subject site was performed by Park Environmental Corporation (Park) in December~ 1993. Park conducted soil sampling around the vicinity of the 2.1 million gallon aboveground tank (AGT) and collected liquid and sludge samples within the AGT. Park collected soils samples at 5 locations evenly spaced around the edge of the AGT at a depth of 1 foot bgs.. These soil samples were analyzed for Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TRPH) by EPA Method 418.1, for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEX) by EPA Method 8020 and for total concentrations of Title 22 metals. The analytical results of the soil samples ranged from 68 to 3,200 'ppm TRPH and only trace concentrations of BTEX constituents were reported. Metal concentrations in the soil samples were all below total threshold limit concentrations (TI'LC). The vertical extent of the soil impacted with crude oil was not defined by this investigation. Park collected two liquid samples and 2 sludge samples from the AGT. The liquid and sludge samples were analyzed for TRPH, BTEX, TCLP for benzene, and Title 22 metals. The analytical results of the liquid and sludge samples ranged from 300,000 to 1,000,000 ppm TRPH, with high concentrations of BTEX constituents reported. Liquid and sludge samples analyzed for TCLP benzene had concentrations ranging from 82 to 83 parts per billion (ppb) in the liquid and 690 to 750 ppb in the sludge. The sludge concentrations were higher than the Federal hazardous concentration of 500 ppb leachable benzene initially characterizing the contents within the AGT as hazardous waste. The total metal concentrations of the liquid and sludge were below TTLC values. Park estimated that approximately 770,000 gallons of what appears to be crude oil remains in the AGT. See attached report in Appendix E. The next environmental assessment of the property was conducted in September and OctOber, 1997 by Kennedy/Jenks Consultants, which consisted of preparing a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment Report dated October 22, 1997 of the entire subject site. This assessment included; historical search of records, aerial photo review, chain of title search, visual reconnaissance, and Phase H Environtnental Site Assessment Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties ,Bakersfield, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 98-8733 November, 1998 Page 3 interviews with current and past owners and operators of the facilities. The recommendations in this report included the following: For Sparks Estate Property - 2800 Standard St. and Parcels 37, 38, 39 & 40 · Conduct an asbestos survey of the building prior to demo_lition or construction · activities. · The inlet valve of the 2.1 million gallon AGT should be locked. · The contents of the existing AGT should be sampled for characterization and removed from the tank and properly disposed of in accordance with all federal, state and local regulations. · Soil samples should be collected beneath the existing AGT to assess the soil beneath the AGT. · Soil samples should be collected from the location of the former AGT northwest of the existing AGT to assess the soil in this area. · An investigation of the subsided area east of the existing AGT should be conducted to determine the cause of the subsidence. · The trash, tires, buckets, drums and other scrap and waste material should be removed from the site and properly disposed of in accordance with all federal, state, and local regulations. · Collection and analysis of water or sludge samples should be conducted to verify that no constituents of environmental concern have entered the septic system. The septic system should be properly closed in accordance with KCEHSD guidelines if no longer will be used. · The 5 UST's and associated dispensers and piping should be removed and disposed of in accordance with all federal, state,~ and local regulations. · The Class V shallow disposal well and clarifier located south of the maintenance shop should be removed and properly closed in accordance with KCEHSD and U.S, EPA guidelines. · Soil beneath the 5 UST's and the dry well should be analyzed to determine if the soil has been impacted by constituents of environmental concern. Impacted soils that contain constituents of environmental concern in concentrations that are above hazardous levels or RWQCB criteria it should be remediated or disposed of in accordance with all federal, state, and local regulations. · The water wells located along the north edge of the site and south of the office trailer should be properly plugged and abandoned if they will not be used in the future. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Phase H Environmental Site Assessment Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, CA. For Glenn Rose Engine Company - 3880 Rosedale Highway 98.8733 November, 1998 Page 4 . · Conduct an asbestos survey of the building prior to demolition or construction activities. · 'The site should be cleared of miscellaneous debris and unused-'equipment including buckets and drums containing unknown solids and liquids. These materials should be removed from the site and properly disposed of in accordance with all federal, state, and local regulations. · Soils beneath and around the steam cleaner sump should be analyzed for constituents of environmental concern. Impacted soils that contain constituents of environmental concern in concentrations that are above hazardous levels or RWQCB criteria it should be remediated or disposed of in accordance with all federal, state, and local regulations. · Soils beneath and around the hot solvent tank should be analyzed for constituents of environmental concern. Impacted soils that contain constituents' of environmental concern in concentrations that are above hazardous levels or RWQCB criteria it should be remediated or disposed of in accordance with all federal, state, and local regulations. · The water well located along the eastern edge of the site should be properly plugged and abandoned if they will not be used in the'future. · Collection and analysis of water or sludge samples should be conducted to verify thai no constituents of envkonmental concern have entered the septic system. The septic system should be properly closed in accordance with KCEHSD guidelines if no longer will be used, For Maaco Auto Paint (now MoneyMart) - 3650 Rosedale Highway & parcel 41 · Conduct an asbestos survey of the building prior to demolition or construction activities. · The area adjacent to the vent pipe on the on the. east walls of the shop building should be investigated for the presence of a UST. If a UST is found, it should be removed and properly disposed of in accordance with all federal, state, and local regulations. · The site should be cleared of miscellaneous debris, buckets and drums. These materials should be removed from the site and properly disposed of in accordance with all federal, state, and local regulations. · Collection and analysis of water or sludge samples should be conducted to verify that no constituents of environmental concern have entered the septic system. The septic system should be properly closed in accordance with KCEHSD guidelines if no longer will be used. Phase H Environmental Site Assesstnent Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, CA. SOILS ENGI~NEERING. INC. 98-8733 Novetnber, 1998 Page 5 For Seaton Property - Parcel 8, Vacant Lot Along Rosedale Hwy. The site should be cleared of miscellaneous debris and properly disposed of in accordance with all federal, state, and local regulations. Samples of the waste material (stained soil) noted during the:_ site reconnaissance should be collected and analyzed for constituents of environmental concern. If the waste material contains constituents of environmental concern in concentrations that are above hazardous levels or RWQCB criteria it should be remediated or disposed of in accordance with all federal, state, and local regulations. The next environmental work conducted at the site was the characterization of the liquid and sludge within the 2.1 million gallon AGT as recommended in the Phase 1 Environmental Report. Kennedy/Jenks Consultants collected 4 samples of each Phase (water, oil and sludge) of material in Tank 50001 in October and December, 1997. Each sample was collected at specific depths utilizing a bomb sampler and then placed into the appropriate cor/tainers for chemical analysis. The samples were analyzed for Total Cam Metals, Soluble (Wet) CAM Metals (if needed), TCLP for Selected Metals (if needed), Total BTEX, TCLP for Benzene, and Organochlorinated Pesticides and PCB's per an approved Sampling Workplan. In addition selected samples were also analyzed for hazardous characteristics by acute toxicity bioassays, corrosivity, flammability, and reactivity. The analytical results of the samples indicate that the material within Tank 50001 is not a hazardous waste as del'reed by State and Federal regulations. In addition, a statistical analysis was performed on the tank sample database to verdy that enough samples had been collected and analyzed to constitute a statistically valid determination of characteristic. It was determined that enough samples had been anal~'zed to characterize the waste. See Waste Classification Information Report prepared by Kennedy/Jenks Consultants dated March, 1998 for more detail. The Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC) requested additional analytical data be collected for hexavalent chromium in the water phase, and lead and benzene in the sludge phase. Three (3) water samples and 8 sludge samples were collected on March 11, 1998 by Kennedy/Jenks Consultants from Tank 50001. The sludge samples were analyzed for STLC lead and for TCLP benzene. The water samples were analyzed for total hexavalent chromium and dissolved sulfide. The analytical results for the 3 water samples were non-detect for total hexavalent chromium and dissolved sulfides. The analytical results of the sludge samples were all less than hazardous concentrations. Kennedy/Jenks Consultants concluded that "it appears that the various phases of material in Tank 50001 are not RCRA-listed wastes or characteristically hazardous wastes under criteria found in the California Code of Regulations Title 22, Article 4." See Tank 50001 Waste Classification Information Addendum 1, dated March 21, 1998 for more detail (Appendix E, text and plates only). SOILS ENGINEERING. INC. Phase H Enviromnental Site Assesstnent Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties BakersfieM, CA. 98-8733 November, 1998 Page 6 In addition, Kennedy/Jenks Consultants prepared a Workplan for the Removal and Demolition of Tank 50001 dated March 12, 1998 (Tank Workplan), which has been approved by the DTSC and the City of Bakersfield Public Works Department (COBPWD). In accordance with this Tank Workplan and Water Sampling and Analysis Plan dated April 17, 1998~ the COBPWD has approved an Industrial Wastewater Discharge ' Permit for an estimated 462,000 gallons of water which will be decanted from the contents of Tank 50001. The Tank Workplan proposed the following; 1) the removal of an estimated I00,000 gallons of crude oil from the top 2' of the tank contents to a licensed oil recycler, 2) the decanting of an estimated 420,000 gallons of water into a series of five (5) 500 barrel (bbl) Baker Tanks which will be skimmed of any free oil, tested and discharged into the COBPWD sewer system if the analysis meets the.discharge permit criteria; 3) the solidification and disposal of an estimated 420,000 gallons of oily sludge and oily sediment by mechanical means (mixing with clean ftll); 4) the decontamination of the AGT's interior, with the evolved water skimmed of any free oil, tested and discharged into the COBPWD sewer system if the analysis meets the discharge permit criteria; and 5) cutting up Tank 50001 into transportable size pieces for delivery to a metal recycler. See Appendix E for the Tank Workplan and Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit for more detail. Based on the recommendations in the Phase 1 Environmental Report prepared by Kennedy/Jenks Consultants dated October 22, 1997, SEI prepared a Phase II Site Assessment Workplan (Workplan) dated September 28, 1998. In accordance with this Workplan, SEI conducted the field assessment portions of the recommendations between September 29 and October 27, 1998. FIELD WORK PERFORMED The following is a description of the field work performed at the subject site to assess environmental concerns divided into each separate property. SPARKS ESTATE PROPERTY - 2800 Standard St. & Parcels 37, 38, 39 and 40 Geophysical Screening SEI contracted Strata Geophysical, Inc., a licensed geophysical surveyor, to conduct a geophysical screening of the site. The geophysical survey consisted of using a fluxgate magnetometer on 10 foot traverses to detect shallow metallic obstacles across the site. Significant underground metallic obstacles detected by the geophysical survey were mapped and a written description of the anomalies are presented in the report dated October 5, 1998 attached as Appendix A. Asbestos Survey Of The Existing Buildings At The Site. SEI contracted AKRI Corporation, a licensed asbestos surveyor, to conduct sampling of suspected asbestos containing materials (ACM's) observed at the site. A total of 5 ACM samples were collected and analyzed at this location. The ACM samples were from the Phase H Environmental Site Assesstnent Report Sparks Estate ami Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 98-8733 November, 1998 Page 7 floor tile in the office and restroom, drywall, drywall joint compound, and decorative texturing within the building. See the attached report dated October 5, 1998 in Appendix B for more detail. Soil Assessment Beneath 2.1 Million Gallon AGT An SEI owned and operated hollow-stem auger drilling rig advanced 3 angled soil borings beneath the 2.1 million gallon aboveground storage tank (AGT) to a depth of approximately 19 feet below ground surface (bgs) on September 29 to October 1, 1998. The borings (B-14, B-20 and B-21) were angled beneath the AGT at between 20 to 23- degrees to obtain soil samples directly under the AGT at 3 evenly-spaced locations (approximately every 120') around the AGT. Approximately 4 to 6 feet of horizontal offset beneath the AGT was achieved at each location at a vertical depth of 18 to 19 feet bgs.. See Plate 2 for boring locations. Soil samples were collected at 5-foot' intervals, field screened with a photo-ionization detector (PID) for relative volatile organics, and described by a registered geologist per Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) guidelines. Soil samples were sealed, labeled, placed in iced storage and transported to BC Laboratories under Chain of Custody' documents. Selected soil samples were analyzed for Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TRPH) by EPA Method 418.1, volatile organics (VOC's) by EPA method 8260 and 1 sample per boring for CAM 17 Metals. Assessment of Soil Beneath Former AGT Location SEI advanced 2 soil borings (B-6 and B-7) to a depth of 20 feet below ground surface (bgs) in the suspected area of the former AGT northwest of the existing AGT. The borings were spaced approximately 35 feet apart on the northern and southern portions of the former AGT footprint visible on the surface. See Plate 2 for boring locations. Soil samples were collected every 5 feet and screened with a PID for relative hydrocarbon content and described by a registered geologist per USCS guidelines. Soil samples were sealed, labeled, placed in iced storage and transported to BC Laboratories under Chain of Custody documents. Selected soil samples were analyzed for TRPH, VOC's and 1 per boring for CAM Metals. Assessment of Subsided Area A slightly subsided area was identified by Kennedy/Jenks southeast of the existing AGT (not located on their Plot Plan). The geophysical survey did not identify any metallic anomalies in this area. The slight subsidence observed may be an area that dirt was removed from to fall in other low spots or to create the berm around the existing AGT. Excavation in this area was determined to be unwarranted at this time. Phase 11 Environmental Site Assessmettt Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING. INC. 98-8733 Novetnber, 1998 Page 8 Septic System Assessment SEI collected a sludge sample (SEP-S) from the septic tank system on October 26, 1998 utili~.ing a sludge sampler. The sludge was placed in a I quart glass jar, sealed, labeled and placed in iced storage. In addition, soil borings B-27 and B-28 were drilled to 20' and 35~' bgs. adjacent to the septic tank and in the suspected leach field south of the septic tank, respectively. See Plate 2 for boring locations. Soil samples were collected at 5-foot intervals, field screened with a photo-ionization detector (PID) for relative volatile organics, and described by a registered geologist per USCS guidelines. Soil samples were sealed, labeled, placed in iced storage and transported to BC Laboratories under Chain of Custody documents. The sludge sample and selected soil samples were analyzed for TRPH, volatile organics and CAM 17 Metals. Assessment of Class V Shallow Disposal Well & Clarifier SEI advanced 4 soil borings (B-2, B-3, B-4 and B-30) to depths of 15 to 35 feet bgs. adjacent to the Class V shallow disposal well and associated leach field. Boring B-2 was placed approximately 2 feet east of the Class V well, boring B-4 was' placed 10 feet southwest of the Class V well, boring B-3 was placed 35' south and boring B-30 approximately 20' southeast of the Class V well within the suspected leach field. See plate 2 for locations of the borings. Soil samples were collected at 5 foot intervals and 'screened with a PID, and described by a registered geologist per USCS guidelines. Soil samples were sealed, labeled, placed in iced storage and transported to BC Laboratories under Chain of Custody documents. Selected soil samples were analyzed for TRPH, pesticides/PCB's by EPA Method 8080, CAM Metals, and volatile organics. One sample per boring was also analyzed for semi- volatile organics by EPA Method 8270. In addition, I water sample (UIC-L) was collected with a disposable bailer within 1 foot of the surface of the clarifier and 1 sludge sample (UIC-S) was collected with a sludge sampler at a depth of approximately 6 feet at the bottom of the plugged disposal well. The water and sludge samples were placed in appropriate sample bottles, sealed, labeled and placed in iced storage. The water and sludge samples were analyzed for TRPH, pesticides/PCB's, CAM Metals, semi-volatile organics and VOC's. Assessment of Idle UST's, Dispensers and Piping SEI conducted an assessment of the 1,000 gallon waste oil UST and the fuel dispensers by advancing 3 soil borings to a depth of 20' adjacent to these areas. Soil boring B-I was Phase II Environtnetttal Site Assesstnettt Report Sparks Estate and Adjacettt Properties Bakersfield, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING. INC. 98-8733 November, 1998 Page 9 placed adjacent to the east side of the waste oil UST, between the clarifier and the UST. Soil borings B-5 and B-10 were angled beneath the fuel dispensers at the north and west sides, respectively. Soil boring B-29 was placed approximately 15 feet west of the UST's and completed as a monitoring well. See Plate 2 for boring locations. Soil samples were collected at 5 foot interva]~ and screened with a I~ID, and described by a registered geologist per USCS guidelines. Soil samples were sealed, labeled, placed in iced storage and transported to BC Laboratories under Chain of Custody documents. Selected soil samples were analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg) and TPH as diesel (TPHd) by EPA method 8015m , and benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX) by EPA Method 8020 at the fuel dispenser borings. Selected soil sampleS beneath the waste oil tank were analyzed for TRPH, CAM 17 metal, and VOC's. Previous assessment' of the 4 UST's west of the dispensers was completed in 1993. See Table 2 for previous analytical results of soil samples and Appendix E for report. Assessment Of Soil Beneath Abandoned Foundations SEI advanced two (2) soil borings to 20' bgs. adjacent to abandoned concrete foundations located near the northwest corner of Parcel 39. Soil boring B-8 was placed on the southeastern side of the foundations and boring B-9 was placed 25' west of B-8 on the southwestern side of the foundations. See Plate 2 for boring locations. Soil samples were coLlected at 5 foot intervals and screened with a PID, and described by a registered geologist per USCS guidelines. Selected soil samples were sealed, labeled, placed in iced storage and transported to BC Laboratories under Chain of Custody documents. Two soil samples from each boring were analyzed for TRPH and VOC's. In addition I sample per boring was analyzed for CAM 17 Metals. Assessment of Soil Beneath Valve Vault SEI advanced three (3) soil borings to 20' bgs. adjacent to the piping penetrations of the valve vault. Soil boring B-11 was placed on the north end of the vault, B-12 near pipe penetrations near the southwest corner of the vault and B-13 on the western side of the valve box. See Plate 2 for boring locations. Soil samples were collected at 5 foot intervals and screened with a PID, and described by a registered geologist per USCS guidelines. Selected soil samples were sealed, labeled, placed in iced storage and transported to BC Laboratories under Chain of Custody documents. Two soil samples from each boring were analyzed for TRPH and VOC's and 1 sample per boring for CAM 17 Metals. Phase H Environtnental Site Assessment Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties BakersfieM, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 98.8733 Novetnber, 1998 Page 10 Gauge and Sample 2 On-site Water Wells Two water wells are located on the property, 1 south of the office trailer near the southern border of Parcel 12, and 1 near the northern border of Parcel 40. The Kern County Water Agency (KCWA) was contacted concerning the depth to water information available in this area. The northern well, designated as well 23P55, has been-~monitored for water levels by KCWA personnel since 1975, with recent water levels of 22 and 23 feet below top of well casing recorded for 1998. The depth of this well is approximately 61' bgs. indicating that it-is probably completed in the unconfined aquifer. No information was available for the southern well. On October 22, 1998 SEI gauged the 2 wells for depth to water and the depth of the wells. A water sample was collected on October 23, 1998 from the northern well with a disposable bailer and placed into appropriate containers. The southern well was not able to be sampled due to limited space between the existing non-operational pump and the well casing. The water samples were placed into an ice storage container and transported to BC Laboratories under Chain of Custody documents. The water samples were analyzed for TRPH, TPH, VOC's and CAM 17 Metals. Assessment of Former Oil Sump Northwest Section of Parcel 12 SEI advanced two (2) soil borings to 20' bgs. in the suspected area of a former oil sump related to former oil well Trico 1 near the northwest comer of Parcel 12. Soil boring B- 25 was placed 90' east and 45' south of the northwest corner of Parcel 12. Soil boring B~ '26 was placed 190' east and 95' south of the northwest comer of Parcel 12. See Plate 2 for boring locations. Soil samples were collected at 5 foot intervals and screened with a PID, and described by a registered geologist per USCS guidelines. Selected soil samples were sealed, labeled, placed in iced storage and transported to BC Laboratories under Chain of Custody documents. Two soil samples from each boring were analyzed for TRPH, TPH, and BTEX. Installation and Sampling of 3 Monitoring Wells Between October 23 and 26, 1998 SEI drilled and completed 3 soil borings (B-28, B-29, and B-30) as groundwater monitoring wells to a depth of 35 feet bgs.. Soil boring B-28 (MW-l) was located 120' south of the septic tank in an area of the suspected leach field. Boring B-29 (MW-2) was located 15' west of the 4 fuel UST's and boring B-30 (MW-3) was located 20' southeast of the clarifier/dry well. Each of these borings encountered groundwater between 20 and 21 feet bgs. and had 20' of 2"PVC screen (0.02") and 15' of 2" PVC blank casing installed within the boring. Sand was emplaced in the annulus between the borehole and the PVC from the base of the boring to at least 2 feet above the perforated interval.. A minimum of 3' of bentonite seal was placed on top of the sand followed by neat cement to within 6-inches of the surface. A traffic rated well box was SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Phase H Environtnental Site Assessment Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, CA. 98-8733 Novetnber, 1998 Page II concreted in place over the well and a locking cap was placed on top of the well casing. See Appendix C for boring logs for more detail. On October 27, 1998 the three monitoring wells were monitored for depth to water, and developed by removing water from the wells until the water ran clear._. After recovering, a water sample was collected from the wells with a disposable bailer and placed in appropriate containers, sealed, labeled, and placed in iced storage. The water samples were taken to BC Laboratories for chemical analysis under Chain of Custody documents. The water samples were analyzed for TPH f'mgerprinting, CAM17 Metals and vOC's. GLENN ROSE ENGINE SERVICE - 3880 ROSEDALE Hwy. Geophysical Screening SEI contracted Strata Geophysical, Inc., a licensed geophysical surveyor, to conduct a geophysical screening of the site. The geophysical survey was conducted between September 24 to 26, 1998 and consisted of using a fluxgate magnetometer on 10 foot traverses to detect shallow metallic obstacles across the site. Because of the abundance of metal equipment scattered at this location approximately 50% of the site was not surveyed. Significant underground metallic obstacles detected by the geophysical survey were mapped and a written description of the anomalies are presented in the report dated October 5, 1998 attached as Appendix A. Asbestos Survey Of The Existing Buildings At The Site. SEI contracted AKRI Corporation, a licensed asbestos surveyor, to conduct sampling of suspected asbestos containing materials (ACM's) observed at the site. A total of 6 ACM samples were collected and analyzed at this location. The ACM samples were from the ceiling tile, floor tile in the office, drywall, drywall joint compound, and window putty within the building. See the attached report dated October 5, 1998 in Appendix B for more detail. Assessment Of Steam cleaner Sump Area SEI advanced 2 soil borings to a depth of 20 feet bgs. adjacent to and beneath the steam cleaner sump to evaluate soil conditions in this area. Soil boring B-23 was placed on the south end of the steam cleaner sump and boring B-22 was placed near the northeast comer of the steamcleaner sump and adjacent to the hot solvent tank. Fencing and equipment prevented borings being placed on the west side of the sump. See Plate 2 for boring locations. Soil samples were collected at 5 foot intervals and screened with a PID, and described by a registered geologist per USCS guidelines. Selected soil Samples were sealed, labeled, placed in iced storage and transported to BC Laboratories under Chain of Custody Phase H Environtnental Site Assessment Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 98-8733 November, 1998 Page 12 documents. Selected soil samples were analyzed for TRPH, and VOC's and 1 sample per boring was analyzed for CAM 17 Metals. In addition 1 soil/sludge sample was collected from the steamcleaner sump. The sludge sample was analyzed for TRPH, VOC's and CAM 17 Metals. Assessment Of Hot Solvent Tank Area SEI advanced 2 soil borings to a depth of 20 feet bgs. adjacent to and beneath the hot solvent tank to evaluate soil conditions in this area. Soil boring B-23 was placed on the northern edge of the concrete pad that the hot solvent tank was located on. Soil boring B- 24 was placed approximately 10 feet east of the hot solvent tank along the northern edge of the concrete pad where surface staining was evident. See Plate 2 for boring locations. Soil samples were collected, at 5 foot intervals and screened with a PID, and described by a registered geologist per USCS guidelines. Selected soil samples were sealed, labeled, placed in iced storage and transported to BC Laboratories under Chain of Custody documents. Selected soil samples were analyzed for TRPH, and VOC's and 1 sample per boring was analyzed for CAM 17 Metals. Septic System Assessment SEI advanced 2 soil borings along the suspected leach line for the septic tank. Soil boring B- 23 was approximately 10 feet north of the septic tank and within 2 feet of the leach line. Soil boring B-17 was approximately 30 feet north of B-23 along the leach line depression. Limited space prevented drill rig access adjacent to the septic tank, but on October 27, 1998 a hand auger sample (HA-l-10') was collected adjacent to the septic tank at a depth of approximately 10 feet bgs.. See Plate 2 for b6ring locations. Soil samples were collected at 5 foot intervals and screened with a PID, and described by a registered geologist per USCS guidelines. Selected soil samples were sealed, labeled, placed in iced storage and transported to Be Laboratories under Chain of Custody documents. A water/sludge sample was also collected from the septic tank on October 27, 1998 with a sludge sampler. The soil and sludge samples were analyzed for TRPH, CAM Metals, and VOC's. Assessment Of Water Well One water well is located on the property near the eastern border of the site. The Kern County Water Agency was contacted concerning the depth to water information available in this area. This well, designated as well 23Q53, has been monitored for water levels by KCWA personnel since 1975, with recent water levels of 60 and 61 feet below top of well Phase H Environtnental Site Assessment Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties BakersfieM, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 98-8733' Novetnber, 1998 Page 13 casing recorded for 1998. Total depth of the well is 282 feet with 60 feet of perforations (282' to 222' bgs.) according to KCWA records. This would indicate that this well is completed in the deeper confined aquifer. On October 23, 1998 SEI gauged the well for depth to water and the depth of the well. Water samples were not collected from the well due to inaccessibility.-' MAACO AUTO PAINT - 3650 ROSEDALE Hwy. & Remainder of Parcel 41 Geophysical Screening SEI contracted Strata Geophysical, Inc., a licensed geophysical surveyor, to conduct a geophysical screening of the site. The geophysical survey was conducted between September 24 to 26, 1998 and consisted of using a fluxgate magnetometer on 10 foot traverses to detect shallow metallic obstacles across the site. Significant underground metallic obstacles detected by the geophysical survey were mapped and a written description of the anomalies are presented in the report dated October 5, 1998 attached as Appendix A. Asbestos Survey Of The Ex~sting Buildings At The Site. SEI contracted AKRI Corporation, a licensed asbestos surveyor, ' to conduct sampling of suspected asbestos containing materials (ACM's) observed at the site. A total of 28 ACM samples were collected and analyzed at this location. The ACM samples were from the floor tile in the teller area and restroom, drywall, drywall joint compound, finish coat plaster, decorative texturing, topset base, roofing material, cement pipe, roof mastic, stucco, and window putty within the building. See the attached report dated October 5, 1998 in Appendix B for more detail. Investigation Of Vent Pipe Area & Floor Drains The geophysical screening indicated that the vent pipe along the eastside of the building was not attached to any metallic anomaly. It most likely is related to the floor drain within the warehouse that apparently flowed to a former dry well abandoned previously by other consultants in 1993. See attached closure letter and other related reports in Appendix E concerning the abandonment of the dry well. Since the 2 floor drains within the warehouse were not plugged at the surface, SEI collected sludge samples from each drain. Sample FIr-D-SE was collected from the southeastern floor drain approximately 6-inches beneath the surface. Sample Flr-D-N was collected from the northern floor drain approximately 6-inches beneath the surface. These 2 samples were placed in brass tubes, sealed, placed in iced storage and transported to BC Laboratories under Chain of Custody documents. The sludge samples were analyzed for TRPH, CAM Metals, and VOC's. Phase H Environtnental Site Assesstnent Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING. INC. 98-8733 November, 1998 Page 14 Septic System Assessment SEI advanced 2 soil borings to a depth of 20' bgs. adjacent to the septic tank. Soil boring B-18 was placed on the southeastern comer of the septic tank and boring B-19 at the northwestern corner. See Plate 2 for boring locations. _- Soil samples were collected at 5 foot intervals and screened with a PID, and described by a registered geologist per USCS guidelines. Selected soil samples were sealed, labeled, placed in iced storage and transported to BC Laboratories under Chain of Custody documents. No significant sludge was present in the bottom of the septic tank so a water sample (SEP-M) was collected with a disposable bailer from the septic tank. The soil and water samples were analyzed for TRPH, CAM Metals, and VOC's. Assessment Of Water Well One water well (M Well) is located on the vacant lot west of the MoneyMart store near the northern border of Parcel 41. The Kern County Water Agency was contacted concerning the depth to water information available in this area. This well has not been monitored for water levels by KCWA personnel. Total depth of the well is approximately 280 feet. This would indicate that this well is completed in the deeper confined aquifer. On October 23, 1998 SEI gauged the well for depth to water and the depth of the well. Water samples were collected from the well with a disposable bailer and placed into appropriate containers. The water sample was placed into an ice storage container and transported to BC Laboratories under Chain of Custody documents. The water sample (M Well) was analyzed for TRPH, TPH, VOC's and CAM 17 Metals. SEATON PROPERTY - Parcel 8, Vacant Lot Along Rosedale Hwy. Assessment Of Stained Soil SEI advanced 2 soil borings to depths of 5' to 10' bgs. at 2 surface stained areas on the property. Soil boring B-15 was placed in the middle of an oil stained area approximately 2' in diameter near the northeastern area of the site. Soil boring B-16 was placed in the middle of a stained area approximately 10' in diameter near the southern portion of the site. See Plate 2 for boring locations. Soil samples were collected at depths of 1' and 5' at boring B-15 and at 1', 5' and 10' in boring B-16. The soil samples were screened with a PID, and described by a registered Phase II Environtnental'Site Assessment Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 98-8733 November, 1998 Page 15 geologist per USCS guidelines. Selected soil samples were sealed, labeled, placed in iced storage and transported to BC Laboratories under Chain of Custody documents. The soil samples were analyzed for TPa°H, BTEX, and CAM 17 Metals. FINDINGS & CONCLUSIONS General Soil & Groundwater Characteristics The majority of the soil encountered at the site consisted of silty sands (SM), poorly and well graded sands (SP & SW) and occasional clay (CL) and silt (ML) intervals. A mixture of Sand, Gravel & Cobbles were encountered below a depth of 25 feet in borings B-28, B-29 and B-30. Soil boring logs are presented in Appendix C providing soil descriptions, blow counts, PID readings, and lab analysis results. The unconfined aquifer was encountered at depths of 20' to 21' bgs. in borings B-I, B-2, B-4, B- 28, B29 and B-30 at the 2800 Standard St. site. Groundwater was not encountered in the rest of the soil borings conducted during this investigation, although it appeared to be close to 20 feet bgs. in most of the borings. On October 23, 1998 SEI collected a water sample and analyzed for TRPH, TPH, VOC's and CAM 17 Metals. The analytical result of this water sample (M Well) were 64 ppb fbr TPHg, and 2 ppb MTBE with no elevated metals reported. See Table 1 for Current Analytical Results and Appendix D for analytical reports. The groundwater elevations of the 3 deeper aquifer wells (GR Well, S Well and M Well) were determined by measuring the depth to water in each well and subtracting from the top of. well casing elevations surveyed by Wilson and Associates. The groundwater elevations ranged from 339.96' to 344.66' on October 26, 1998, indicating a southwestern gradient across the site for the deeper aquifer. The deeper aquifer well elevations are presented on Plate 6. SPARKS ESTATE - 2800 Standard St. Results of Geophysical Screening Miscellaneous metallic debris was detected in the subsurface during the geophysical screening of the site. No significant underground metallic obstacles were detected that required additional assessment at this location. This metallic debris should be removed if encountered during the grading of the site. See Appendix A for more detail. Results of Asbestos Survey Of The Existing Buildings At The Site. A total of 5 ACM samples were collected and analyzed at this location. Of these 5 samples only the sheet flooring samples (SEDS-I and SEGS-5) had asbestos detected at 5% and 17%, respectively. An estimated 360 square feet of sheet flooring containing Phase H Environmental Site Assessment Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties ,Bakersfield, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 98-8733 November, 1998 Page 16 asbestos is present at this location and should be removed prior to demolition. See Appendix B for more detail. Results of Soil Assessment Beneath 2.1 Million Gallon AGT Selected soil samples collected from angled soil borings B-14, B_:20 and B-21 drilled beneath the existing AGT were analyzed for TRPH, VOC's, and 1 sample per boring for CAM 17 Metals. The analytical results from these soil samples were all none detected (ND) for TRPH and VOC's, with no elevated metal concentrations reported. This indicates that significant petroleum hydrocarbons are not present at the locations of these soil borings, within 6 feet of the edge of the AGT, to a depth of approximately 20 feet bgs.. See Table 1 for Current Analytical Results and Appendix D for analytical reports. Minor areas with surface oil staining were evident around the existing AGT, but did not appear to continue at depth. No groundwater was encountered in the soil borings which indicates that water is deeper than 20 feet bgs. at this location. Results of Assessment of Soil Beneath Former AGT Location Selected soil samples collected from soil borings B-6 and B-7 located at the former AGT location were analyzed for TRPH, VOC's, and 1 sample per boring for CAM 17 Metals. The analytical results from these soil samples were all ND for TRPH and VOC's, with no elevated metal concentrations reported. This indicates that no significant petroleum hydrocarbons are present at these locations. See Table 1 for Current Analytical Results and Appendix D for analytical reports. Surface oil staining was not evident at these boring locations. No groundwater was encountered in the soil borings and is deeper than 20 feet bgs. at this location. Results of Septic System Assessment A sludge sample from the septic tank system was analyzed for TRPH, VOC's and CAM 17 Metals. The analytical results from this sludge sample (SEP-S) was 4900 ppm for TRPH, 0.8 ppm p-isopropyltoluene, and 0.58 ppm 1,2,4 - trimethylbenzene, with no elevated metal concentrations reported. This indicates that petroleum hydrocarbons are present in the septic system, but at non-hazardous levels. Any sludge removed from the septic system should be treated as non-hazardous waste. Selected soil samples from soil borings B-27 and B-28 were analyzed for TRPH, VOC's and CAM 17 Metals. The analytical results from these soil samples were all ND for TRPH and VOC's, with no elevated metal concentrations reported. This indicates that the septic tank has not leaked and the suspected leach field area south of the septic tank appears to contain non-hazardous levels of petroleum hydrocarbons and metals. See Table 1 for Current Analytical Results and Appendix D for analytical reports. Phase H Environtnetttal Site Assessment Report Sparks Estate and Adjacet~t Properties Bakersfield, EA. SOILS ENGINEERIi~IG. INC. 98-8733 November, 1998 Page 17 The surface of boring B-27 was asphalt and the surface of boring B-28 was very wet dirt and gravel (possibly from septic effluent). Groundwater was encountered at a depth of approximately 21' bgs. in boring B-28 which was converted into a groundwater monitoring well (MW-l) to a total_.depth of 35' bgs.. The septic system should be removed and closed per KCEHSD regulations. Results of Assessment of Class V Shallow Disposal Well & Clarifier Selected soil samples collected from soil borings B-2, B-3, B-4, and B-30 were analyzed for TRPH, pesticides/PCB's, CAM Metals, and VOC's. One sample per boring was also analyzed for semi-vOlatile organics by EPA Method 8270. The analytical results of these soil samples were all ND for TRPH, VOC's, PCB's/pesticides and semi-volatiles, except for the 15 foot sample from boring B-2 and the 20 foot sample from B-30 which had 43 and 37 ppm TRPH reported, respectively. The water sample (UIC-L) collected from the clarifier and the sludge sample (UIC-S) collected at the bottom of the plugged disposal well were analyzed for TRPH, pesticides/PCB's, CAM Metals, semi-volatile organics and VOC's. The analytical results for water sample UIC-L were: ND for PCB's and pesticides, 28 ppm for TRPH, with minor concentrations of ethylbenzene (I.1 ppb), toluene (2.0 ppb), xylenes (4.1 ppb), naphthalene (2.7 ppb), MTBE (1.2 ppb), aniline (18 ppb), 4-methylphenol (340 ppb), and phenol (22 ppb), with no elevated metal concentrations reported. The analytical results for the sludge sample (UIC-S) were; ND for PCB's and pesticides, 61,000 ppm for TRPH, 0.34 ppm benzene, 2.1 ppm ethylbenzene, 5 ppm toluene, 13 ppm xylenes, 7.6 ppm naphthalene, 110 ppm 2-ethylhexal, 30 ppb 2-methylnathalene, with elevated metal concentrations of barium (550 ppm), Cadmium (22 ppm), and lead (97) reported. The sample was further tested for Soluble Threshold Limit Concentrations (STLC) for the metals barium (20 ppm), cadmium (ND), and lead (ND) which all had non-hazardous levels reported. See Table 1 for Current Analytical Results and Appendix D for analytical reports. Gray stained soil was evident at a depth of 12 to 14 feet bgs. in a clay horizon with slight to moderate oily odor between 10 and 15 feet bgs. in boring B-2. No staining or odor was evident in soil from borings B-3, B-4, and B-30. See Appendix C for boring logs. Groundwater was encountered at a depth of approximately 21' in boring B-2 and 20' in boring B-30. Based on field observations and analytical results of soil and groundwater samples at this location, it appears that some petroleum hydrocarbon impacted soil is present to an Phase H Environmental Site Assesstnent Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties BakersfieM, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 98-8735 November, 1998 Page 18 estimated depth of 15 feet bgs. within 10 feet laterally of the Class V Shallow Disposal Well. The contamination is at non-hazardous concentrations and should be removed and disposed/recycled as non-hazardous waste. The liquid and sludge within the claritler and dry well also contains significant petroleum hydrocarbons at non-hazardous concentrations and should be pumped out and disposed/recycled as non-hazardo_us waste. Once the clarifier, dry well and soil contamination has been removed soil sampling should be conducted at the perimeter of the excavation to confirm the removal of the Class V Well per KCEHSD regulations to obtain closure. Results of Assessment of Idle UST's, Dispensers and Piping Selected soil samples from soil boring B-1 adjacent to the waste oil tank were analyzed for TRPH, VOC's and CAM 17 Metals. The analytical results from these soil samples were all ND for TRPH and VOC's, with no elevated metal concentrations reported, except for the 10 .foot sample (BI-10') from B-1 which had 71 ppm TRPH reported. Selected soil samples from soil borings B-5 and B-10 adjacent to the fuel dispensera were analyzed for TPHg, TPHd and BTEX. Selected soil samples from soil boring B-29 west of the fuel tanks were analyzed for TPHg, TPHd and BTEX. The analytical results for these soil samples were all ND for TPHg, TPHd and BTEX, except for the 1 foot sample (BI0-1') at boring B-10 which had 28 ppm TPHg, 980 ppm TPHd, and minor ethylbenzene (0.0062 ppm), and xylenes (0.018 ppm) concentrations reported. See Table 1 for Current Analytical Results and Appendix D for analytical reports. Stained soil was evident in the top 3 feet of Boring B-10 with moderate odor. Previous assessment of the 4 fuel UST's west of the dispensers was completed in 1993 with no TPH reported in soil samples analyzed from 4 soil borings angle drilled beneath the UST's. Based on field observations and analytical results of soil and groundwater samples at this location, it appears that some petroleum hydrocarbon impacted soil is present to an estimated depth of 5 feet bgs. within 10 feet laterally of boring B-10 adjacent to the dispenser island. The contamination is at non-hazardous concentrations and should removed and disposed/recycled as non-hazardous waste. Based on soil samples analyzed beneath the waste oil lIST during this investigation and the 4 fuel UST's' during previous assessments it appears that significant petroleum hydrocarbons are not present beneath the UST's. The 5 UST's should be removed per local, State, and Federal regulations with soil sampling performed beneath the UST's per the KCEHSD Handbook UT30 requirements. Results of Assessment of Soil Beneath Abandoned Foundations Selected soil samples from soil borings B-8 and B-9 adjacent to abandoned concrete foundations were analyzed for TRPH, VOC's and 1 sample per boring for CAM 17 Phase H Environmental Site Assessment Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, CA. SOii. S ENGINEERING, INC. 98-8733 November, 1998 Page 19 Metals. The analytical results of these soil samples were all ND for TRPH and VOC's, with no elevated metals reported. See Table I for Current Analytical Results and Appendix D for analytical reports. No stained soil, elevated PID readings or petroleum odor was observed during drilling and sampling operations. No groundwater was encountered. It appears that no significant petroleum hydrocarbons are present in the immediate area of the abandoned foundations and no further assessment or remediation of this area is warranted. Results of Assessment of Soil Beneath Valve Vault Selected soil samples from soil borings B-11, B-12 and B-13 adjacent to the valve vault were analyzed for TRPH, VOC's and 1 sample per boring for CAM 17 Metals. The analytical results of these soil samples were all ND for TRPH and VOC's, with no elevated metals reported. See Table 1 for Current Analytical Results and Appendix D for analytical reports. Stained soil was evident at the surface of boring B-13, but did not continue at depth. No elevated PID readings or petroleum odor was observed during drilling and sampling operations. No groundwater was encountered. It appears that no significant petroleum hydrocarbons or metals are present in the immediate area of the Valve Vault, except for some surface oil staining. The valve vault and surface oil staining should be removed and disposed/recycled per local, State and Federal regulations. Results of Gauging and Sampling of 2 On-site Water Wells The depth of water in the northern well was 21.3' bgs. with a total depth of 54.3' and a diameter of 16". The depth to water was 62' bgs. in the southern well, with a total depth of approximately 140' and a diameter of 6". A water sample collected from the northern well (N Well) was analyzed for TRPH, TPH, VOC's and CAM 17 Metals. The analytical results of the water sample were ND for TRPH, TPH, and VOC's with no elevated metals reported. If these wells are not to be used then should be abandoned per local, State, and Federal regulations. Results of Assessment of Former Oil Sump Northwest Section of Parcel 12 Selected soil samples from soil borings B-25 and B-26 located in the suspected area of the former oil sump were analyzed for TRPH, TPH and BTEX. The analytical results of these Phase II Environmental Site Assesstnent Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties .Bakersfield, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 98-8733 Novetnber, 1998 Page 20 soil samples were all ND for TRY'H, TPH and BTEX. See Table 1 for Current Analytical Results and Appendix D for analytical reports. Some minor oil staining was evident at the surface of the borings, but did not continue at depth. No elevated PID readings or petroleum odor was observed during drilling and sampling operations. No groundwater was encountered. It appears that no significant petroleum hydrocarbons are present at the 2 soil borings placed in the suspected area of the former oil sump and no further assessment or remediation of this area is warranted. Results of Installation and Sampling of 3 Monitoring Wells On October 27, 1998 the three monitoring wells were measured for depth to water, developed and sampled. Depth to water in the 3 monitoring wells ranged from 19.52' (MW-3) to 19.94' (MW-2)below top of casing elevations. The water samples were analyzed for TPH fuel identification, CAM17 Metals and VOC's. The analytical results of the water samples were all ND for fuel identification,' with no elevated metals reported. Minor concentrations of VOC's were reported in each water sample which included; lppb xylenes, and 0.57 ppb MTBE for MW-I; 1.5 ppb xylenes, and 1.4 ppb MTBE for MW-2; and 3.8 ppb xylenes, 2.0 ppb'MTBE, 0.91 ppb toluene, and 1.2 ppb 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene for MW-3. See Table 1 for Current Analytical Results and Appendix D for analytical reports. The groundwater gradient determined on October 27, 1998 is presented on Plate 5 and is approximately 0.0037'/' in a S81W direction. It appears that no significant petroleum hydrocarbons or metals are present in the unconfined aquifer beneath the site in the area of wells lV~W-1, MW-2 and MW-3. No further assessment or remediation of the groundwater is recommended. GLENN ROSE ENGINE SERVICE - 3880 ROSEDALE Hwy. Results of Geophysical Screening The geophysical survey was conducted between September 24 to 26, 1998. Because of the abundance of metal equipment scattered at this location approximately 50% of the site was not surveyed. No significant shallow underground metallic obstacles were detected by the geophysical survey at this location. Some shallow metallic obstacles may be present, but were not detectable due to interference from surface equipment on the site. Phase H Environtnental Site Assesstnent Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties BakersfieM, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING. INC. 98-8733 November, 1998 Page 21 Results of Asbestos Survey of the Existing Buildings at the Site. A total of 6 ACM samples were collected and analyzed at this location. The ACM sample (SEGS-30) of brown floor tile in the office area was reported to contain 5% asbestos and the ACM sample (SEGS-33) of drywall joint compound was reported to contain 2% asbestos and should be removed prior to demolition. See the attache_.d Asbestos Screening Survey Report in Appendix B for more detail. Results of Assessment Of Steam Cleaner Sump Area Selected soil samples from soil borings B-22 and B-23 located adjacent to and beneath the steam cleaner sump were analyzed for TRPH, and VOC's and 1 sample per boring for CAM 17 Metals. The analytical results of these soil samples were all ND for TRPH, and VOC's, with no elevated metals reported. The dry sludge sample (SCS-SL) collected from the steam cleaner sump was analyzed for TRPH, VOC's, and CAM 17 Metals. The analytical results of this sludge sample werel40,000 ppm TRPH, with minor concentrations of tetrachloroethene (PCE at 0.032 ppm), toluene (0.011 ppm), xylenes (0.013ppm) and 2-chlorotoluene (0.46ppm), along with elevated concentrations of cadmium (34 ppm), copper (1070 ppm) and lead (1670 ppm) reported. Additional STLC analysis indicates hazardous levels of cadmium (2.7 ppm) and lead (94 ppm) are present in the dry sludge within the sump. See Table 1 for Current Analytical Results and Appendix D for analytical reports. No elevated PID readings or petroleum odor was observed during drilling and 'sampling operations. No groundwater was encountered. A small quantity of dry sludge exists within the steam cleaner sump and should be removed and disposed of as hazardous waste. Contaminated soil is not expected beneath the steam cleaner sump, but if encountered should be removed and recycled/disposed of per local, State and Federal regulations. Result of Assessment of Hot Solvent Tank Area Selected soil samples from soil borings B-23 and B-24 located adjacent to and near the Hot Solvent Tank were analyzed for TRPH, and VOC's and 1 sample per boring for CAM 17 Metals. The analytical results of these soil samples were ali ND for TRPH, and VOC's, with no elevated metals reported. See Table 1 for Current Analytical Results and APpendix D for analytical reports. No elevated PID readings or petroleum odor was observed during drilling and sampling operations, except for surface soil at boring B-24. No groundwater was encountered. Phase 11 Environmental Site Assesstnent Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties BakersfieM, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 98-8733 Novetnber, 1998 Page 22 No further assessment or remediation is recommended for this area, except for some surface oil staining that does not appear to continue at depth, but should be removed during the grading of the site. Results of Septic System Assessment Selected soil samples from soil borings B-17, B-23 and HA1 colldcted adjacent to the septic tank and suspected leach lines were analyzed for TRPH, CAM Metals, and VOC's. The analytical results of these soil samples were all ND for TRPH, and VOC's, with no elevated metals reported. A sludge sample collected from the septic tank (SEP-GR) was analyzed for TRPH, CAM Metals, and VOC's. The analytical results of this sludge sample was 5300 ppm for TRPH, 0.5 ppm p-isopropyltoluene, and 0.066 ppm 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, with no elevated metals reported. See Table 1 for Current Analytical Results and Appendix D for analytical reports. The septic tank contains sludge with petroleum hydrocarbons at non-hazardous concentration. The sludge removed from the septic tank should be disposes/recycled as non-hazardous waste and the septic tank and associated piping removed per KCEHSD regulations. Results of Assessment of Water Well On October 23, 1998 the depth to water was 64.1' from the top of the well lid. A water sample was not collected from the well due to inaccessibility. This well should be abandoned per local, State and Federal regulations. MAACO AUTO PAINT - 3650 ROSEDALE Hwy. & Remainder of Parcel 41 Results of Geophysical Screening The geophysical survey detected numerous shallow underground metallic obstacles which are mapped as magnetic anomalies on Figure 2 of the Geophysical Survey Report attached as Appendix A. A shallow 4 ' by 4' square plate was detected on the southern portion of Parcel 41, which is probably a utility vault. In the rear portion of the former Maaco facility several regular interval shallow point anomalies were detected which indicate structural steel for a former structure or fence. None of these magnetic anomalies warranted additional assessment. Results of Asbestos Survey A total of 28 ACM .samples were collected and analyzed at this location. Only ACM samples SEGS-18 (window putty) with 2% asbestos, sample SEG-24 (roof mastic) containing 10% asbestos, and sample SEG-22 (cement pipe on the roof) containing 20% SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Phase H Environtnental Site Assessment Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, CA. 98-87?3 Novetnber, 1998 Page 23 asbestos, had asbestos reported. The material identified as containing asbestos should be removed by a licensed asbestos removal contractor and disposed of per all local, State and Federal regulations prior to demolition. See the attached report in Appendix B for more detail. Result of Investigation of Vent Pipe Area & Floor Drains The geophysical screening indicated that the vent pipe along the eastside of the building was not attached to any metallic anomaly and no further assessment was conducted at this location. It is likely that this vent pipe was related to the abandoned dry well and associated floor drains in this area. SEI collected sludge samples FIr-D-SE and FIr-D-N from 2 floor drains within the eastside of the shop building. These 2 sludge samples were analyzed for TRPH, CAM Metals, and VOC's. The analytical results of sample FIr-D-SE were 2400 ppm TRPH, with no VOC's reported. Elevated metals barium (3150 ppm), cadmium (35 ppm), lead (1320 ppm), copper (649 ppm) and mercury (7.4 ppm) were also reported. Additional STLC analysis indicates hazardous levels of lead (57 ppm), cadmium (1.7 ppm) and copper (33 ppm) are present in the sludge. The sludge within the southeast floor drain should be removed and disposed of as hazardous waste per all local, State and Federal regulations prior to demolition. The analytical results of sample Flr-D-N were 93,000 ppm TRPH, 26 ppm ethylbenzene, 5.9 ppm naphthalene, 47 ppm xylenes with elevated metals barium (1380 ppm), cadmium (7.8 ppm), and lead (491 ppm) reported. Additional STLC analysis indicates hazardous levels of lead (57 ppm) is present in the sludge. The sludge within the northern floor drain should be removed and disposed of as hazardous waste per all local, State and Federal regulations prior to demolition. See Table 1 for Current Analytical Results and Appendix D for analytical reports. Results of Septic System Assessment Selected soil samples analyzed from borings B-18 and B-19 located adjacent to the septic tank were analyzed for TRPH, CAM Metals, and VOC's. The analytical results were all ND for TRPH and VOC's with no elevated metals reported. The water sample (SEP-M) was analyzed for TRPH, CAM Metals, and VOC's with 1.4 ppm TRPH, 0.8 ppm toluene and no elevated metals reported. See Table 1 for Current Analytical Results and Appendix D for analytical reports. Based on soil and water samples collected at this location it appears that no elevated petroleum hydrocarbons, VOC's or metals are present in or beneath the septic tank. The septic tank should be removed and disposed of per KCEHSD regulations with any waste removed from the tank disposed of as non-hazardous waste. The location of the leach Phase H Environmental Site Assessment Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties BakersfieM, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 98-8733 Novetnber, 1998 Page 24 field is not shown on any available maps and may be located away from any soil borings conducted at this location. Results of Assessment of Water Well One water well is located on the northern border of Parcel 41 with a ~water level of 61 feet 'below top of well caSing recorded on October 22, 1998. Total depth of the well is approximately 280 feet. This would indicate that this well is completed in the confined aquifer. This former agricultural well does contain minor concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons, but not at hazardous levels. This well should be abandoned per all local, State and Federal regulations. SEATON PROPERTY - Parcel 8, Vacant Lot Along Rosedale Hwy. Results of Assessment of Stained Soil Selected soil samples from boring B-15 located in a stained surface area were analyzed for TRPH, CAM 17 Metals and BTEX. The analytical results of the B15 @ 1' sample were 1400 ppm TRPH, with no BTEX or elevated metals reported. The B-15 @ 5' sample waS ND for TRPH and BTEX with 100 ppm MTBE reported. Selected soil samples from boring B-16' located in a stained surface area were analyzed for TRPH, CAM 17 Metals and VOC's. The analytical results of the B15 @ 1' sample were 1800 ppm TRPH, 0.11 ppm ethylbenzene, 1.3 ppm naphthalene, 0.71 ppm xylenes with no elevated metals reported. The B-16 @ 10' sample was ND for TRPH. See Table 1 for Current Analytical Results and Appendix D for analytical reports. Based on field observations and analytical results of soil samples at this location it appears that petroleum contaminated soil at boring B-15 extends toless than 5 feet bgs. and less than 3 feet in diameter. At boring B-16 the petroleum contaminated soil extends to less than 10 feet bgs. and 15 feet in diameter. The contaminated soil at both locations should be removed by excavation and disposed of/recycled as non-hazardous waste per local, State and federal regulations. REMEDIAL ACTION PLAN The following is a Remedial Action Plan (RAP) for the remediation of environmentally sensitive areas identified in the Phase II environmental assessment of the site. Areas recommended to be remediated are divided into property locations. Phase 11 Environtnental Site Assesstnent Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties .B..akersfield, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING. INC. 98-8755 November, 1098 Page 25 FOR SPARKS ESTATE PROPERTY - 2800 Standard St. and Parcels 39 & 40 to The West An estimated 360 square feet of sheet flooring in the office area and bathroom of the shop building contain between 5% and 17% asbestos and will be removed by a licensed asbestos removal contractor and disposed of in accordance with all Federal, State and local regulations prior to demolition of the building. An estimated 1 mill/on gallons of oily water, oil and sludge, previously characterized as non-hazardous waste, within the existing 2.1 million gallon aboveground storage tank (AGT) will be removed per the approved Tank Workplan and the Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit. This Will involve the following: 1) the removal of an estimated 100,000 gallons of crude oil from the-top 2' of the tank contents to a licensed oil recycler (DeMenno Derkoon) by-vacuum truck; 2) the decanting of an estimated 420,000 gallons of water into a series of five (5) 500 barrel (bbl) Baker Tanks which will be skimmed of any free oil, tested and discharged into the COBPWD sewer system if the chemical analysis meets the discharge permit criteria; 3) the solidification and disposal/recycling of an estimated 420,000 gallons of oily sludge and oily sedin~ent by mechanical means (mixing with clean fill); 4) the decontamination of the AGT's interior with high pressure steam rinsing, with an estimated 42,000 gallons of evolved water skimmed of any free oil, tested and discharged into the COBPWD sewer system if the analysis meets the discharge permit criteria; and 5) ff no buyer of the AGT is found, cutting up Tank 50001 into transportable size pieces for delivery to a metal recycler. See the Tank Workplan and Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit in Appendix E for more detail of the scope of work to be conducted. Based on soil samples collected and analyzed beneath the edges of the AGT (borings B-14, B-20 and B-21), the amount of oil stained soil beneath the AGT is expected to be minimal. If the AGT has a clay bottom and not metal or concrete, some oil stained soil will be present beneath the tank bottom. Based on an estimated 2 feet of hydrocarbon impacted soil evenly distributed around the tank bottom, approximately 1000 cubic yards (1500 tons) of petroleum hydrocarbon impacted soil would need to be removed and recycled/disposed of per all Federal, state and local regulations. The resulting excavation (ff applicable) will be backffiled with clean soil and compacted to 90% relative density to match existing grade. Phase II Environtnental Site Assesstnent Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 98-8733 Novetnber, 1998 Page 26 · The trash, tires, buckets, drums and other scrap and waste material on the site will be removed and properly disposed of in accordance with all federal, state, and local regulations. An estimated 200 cubic yards (300 tons) of miscellaneous debris is located at this property. · If any waste oil drums are left at this location, after the present tenant vacates, the drums will be picked up by a licensed waste oil recycler for proper disposal/recycling. The septic system located directly south of the dispenser island will be properly closed in accordance with KCEHSD guidelines (see attached closure guidelines). This will involve permitting, removal of sludge/liquid from the concrete tank, excavation and disposal of the septic tank and associated piping, along with backfilling and compaction to 90% relative density of the resulting excavation to match existing grade. An additional septic tank may be located east of the mobile office trailer and if found will be removed as above. Contaminated soil is not expected beneath the septic tank or in the leach field, but could be present in areas where soil samples were not collected. The actual location of the leach field was not indicated in any available drawings of the site. If contaminated soil is encountered, it will be removed, sampled and disposed/recycled per local, state, and federal regulations. The 5 UST's (2-8K gas, 1-10K gas, 1-10K diesel and 1-1K waste oil) and associated dispensers and piping will .be removed and disposed of in accordance with all federal, state, and local regulations (see attached UT30 Handbook). This will involve: permitting; exposing the UST's; decontaminating the UST's; removal and disposal of the 5 UST's; collecting soil samples at depths of 2' and 6' beneath each end of the UST's, along with the dispensers (3) and piping; backfilling and compacting the resulting excavation to 90% relative density to match existing grade; and the completion of a Tank Closure Report. The chemical analysis required for the soil samples (an estimated total of 26) will be TPHg and BTEX beneath the 3 gasoline fuel tanks; TPHd and BTEX beneath the 1 diesel fuel tanks; and oil and grease, total halogenated hydrocarbons and total lead for the soil samples beneath the waste oil tank. Based on soil samples collected beneath the fuel UST's by previous consultants significant fuel contaminated soil is not expected to be encountered, but if present it will be removed by excavation or other remedial techniques per all federal, state, and local regulations. Soil samples will be collected from the base and sidewalls of the resulting excavation (if applicable) and analyzed for TPHg, TPHd, and BTEX to confirm that the majority of the contaminated soil has been remOved. The excavation Phase H Environtnental Site Assesstnent Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 98-8733 November, 1998 Page 27 will be backfilled with clean soil and compacted to 90% relative density to match existing grade. Gasoline and diesel contamination was evident in the top 3 feet of boring B-10 located on the west side of the dispensers. The soil was clean by a de~h of 10 feet bgs. and appeared to be limited laterally to less than 10 feet in diameter. An excavation to a depth of 7 feet with a diameter of 10 feet at boring location B-10 will be conducted to remove the hydrocarbon impacted soil in this area; An estimated 25 cubic yards (37.5 tons) of non-hazardous hydrocarbon impacted soil will be removed and recycled/disposed of per all federal, state and local regulations. Soil samples will be collected from the base and sidewalls of the resulting excavation and analyzed for TPHg, TPHd and BTEX to confirm removal of the majority of the hydrocarbon impacted soil. The exCavation will be backf'flled and compacted to 90% relative densitY to match existing grade. The Class V shallow disposal well and clarifier located south of the maintenance shop will be removed and properly closed in .accordance with KCEHSD and U.S. EPA guidelines (Guidelines for Closure of Shallow Disposal Wells). This will involve; permitting, removal of fluids and sludge from the clarifier as non-hazardous waste, excavation and disposal of the clarifier and dry well to an estimated depth of 15' bgs., collection and analysis of soil samples, along with backfilling and compacting the resulting excavation to 90% relative density to match existing grade. Approximately 50 cubic yards (75 tons) of non-hazardous oil contaminated soil is estimated to be present in the area of the dry well. This hydrocarbon impacted soil will be segregated from any clean soil and removed from the site for proper recycling of non-hazardous waste per all federal, state and local regulations. Soil samples will be coLlected from the base and sidewalls of the resulting excavation and analyzed for TRPH, VOC's, semi-volatile organics and CAM 1'/ Metals. A Closure Report describing the field work performed with results of the soil sample analysis will be completed and submitted to the KCEHSD. The 2 water wells located, along the northern edge (60' deep and 16" diameter) of Parcel 40 and south of the office trailer (140' deep and 6" diameter) and the 3 new monitoring wells will be properly plugged and abandoned per all federal, state, and local regulations. This will involve; permitting, removal of pump and associated piping from the 2 water wells, cutting'off the top 5 feet of the well casings, filling the well casings to within'50 feet of the surface with clean fiil, plugging the top 45 feet with a cement slurry, and placing a 5 ' dirt cap to match existing grade.' See Plate 8 for typical well abandonment. Phase HEn vironmental Site Assesstnent Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties BakersfieM, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING. INC. 98-8733 November, 1998 Page 28 Concrete .foundations and vaults (oil change area and valve box) will need to be broken up and removed from the site. Concrete that is oil stained will need to be decontaminated or taken to a disposal facility that will accept this waste material. Approximately 200 cubic yards of concrete waste is estimated at this site with 10% of this being oil stained. _~ Minor surface oil staining is present at numerous locations and should be removed during the grading of the site. Approximately 400 cubic yards of oily soil is estimated to be removed from the site and recycled or disposed of per all Federal, State and local regulations. Metallic debris is located at numerous locations as identified in the geophysical survey. This shallow metallic debris will need to be removed and recycled/disposed of per all Federal, State and local regulations if encountered during the grading of the site. This will include former oil piping between the existing and former AGT and the valve vault. Approximately 50 tons of metallic debris and piping is estimated at the site. See Plate 2 and 2A for the locations of these areas to be remediated. FOR GLENN ROSE ENGINE COMPANY .-- 3880 Rosedale Highway An estimated 200 square feet of sheet flooring in the office area which contains 5% asbestos and an estimated 37 square feet of drywall joint compound (containing 2% asbestos) will be removed by a licensed asbestos removal contractor and disposed of in accordance with all Federal, State and local regulations prior to demolition. The site will be cleared of miscellaneous debris and unused equipment including buckets and drums containing unknown solids and liquids and properly disposed of in accordance with all federal, state, and local regulations. An estimated 40 tons of debris will be present after the tenant leaves this location. Sludge within the steam cleaner sump had elevated metals detected and should be considered as hazardous waste. Approximately 5 cubic yards (7.5 tons) of dry sludge · is estimated to be present at this location and will be disposed of as hazardous waste per all federal, state, and local regulations. Once the sludge is removed, the sump will be excavated and disposed of per all federal, state, and local regulations. The resulting excavation (approximately 7' deep and 7' in diameter) will be backfflled with clean ftll and compacted to 90% relative density up to existing grade. Based on soil borings drilled adjacent to the steam cleaner sump contaminated soil is not expected beneath the sump, but if encountered contaminated soil will be excavated, sampled and disposed/recycled per Federal, State and local regulations. Phase H Environmental Site Assesstnent Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, CA.. SOILS ENGINEERING. INC. 98-8733 November, 1998 Page 29 The 280' deep, 8" diameter water well located along the eastern edge of the site will be properly plugged and abandoned per all federal, state, and local regulations. This will involve; permitting, removal of pump and associated piping, cutting off the top 5 feet of the well casing, t'filing the well casing to within 50 feet of the surface with clean fill,, plugging the top 45 feet with a cement slurry and capping the top 5 feet with fill. See Plate 8 for typical well abandonment. The septic system near the northwest comer of the bUilding will be properly closed in accordance with KCEHSD guidelines (Guidelines for Closure of Shallow Disposal Wells). This will involve permitting, removal of sludge/liquids from the concrete tank, excavation and disposal of the septic tank and associated piping, and baclcf'ffling and compacting with clean fill to 90% relative density the resulting excavation to match existing grade. Based on soil samples collected from the septic system and the suspected leach field area, contaminated soil is not expected to be present, but if encountered will be excavated, sampled and disposed/recycled per Federal, State and local regulations. · Concrete foundations and pads will need to be broken up and removed from the site. Concrete that is oil stained will need to be decontaminated or taken to a disposal facility that will accept this waste material. Approximately 70 cubic yards of concrete waste is estimated at this site with 10% of this waste being oil stained. · Minor surface oil staining is present adjacent to the concrete pad north of the building and will be removed during grading of the site. Approximately 10 cubic yards (15 tons) of oily soil is estimated to be removed from the site and recycled or disposed of per all Federal, State and local regulations. · If waste oil drams are left at the site after the present tenant vacates, the drums will be picked up by a licensed waste oil recycler. See Phte 3 for the locations of these areas to be remediated. FOR FORMER MAACO AUTO PAINT - 3650 ROSEDALE Hwy. - PARCEL 41 An estimated 25 square feet of roof mastic contains 10% asbestos, and an estimated 5 linear feet of cement pipe on the roof contains 20% asbestos will be removed by a licensed asbestos removal contractor and disposed of in accordance with all Federal, State and local regulations. Phase H Environtnental Site Assesstnertt Report Sparks Estate and Adjacettt Properties Bakersfield, EA. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 98-8733 Novetnber, 1998 Page 30 The site will be cleared of miscellaneous debris and equipment and' properly disposed of in accordance with all federal, state, and local regulations. An estimated 250 tons of debris will be present after the tenant leaves this location which includes the piles on the vacant lot to the west. The septic system near the northwest comer of the building will-~be properly clOsed in accordance with KCEHSD regulations (Guidelines for Closure of Shallow Disposal Wells). This will involve permitting, removal of non-hazardous sludge/liquids from the concrete tank, excavation and disposal of the septic tank and associated piping, along with sampling (if required), backfilling and compacting to 90% relative density the resulting excavation to match existing grade. Based on soil samples collected adjacent to the septic system contaminated soil is not expected to be present, but if encountered will be excavated, sampled and disposed/recycled per Federal, State and local regulations. Concrete foundations, pads and asphalt parking areas will need to be broken up and removed from the site. Concrete that is oil stained will need to be decontaminated or taken to a disposal facility that will accept this waste material. Approximately 120 cubic yards of concrete and asphalt waste is estimated at this site with 5% of this being oil stained. The sludge located in the 2 floor drains within the warehouse/shop area will be removed and disposed of as hazardous waste based on high metal concentrations. An estimated 3 cubic yards (5 tons) of sludge (dry and wet) will be removed by excavation or vacuum truck and disposed of per all federal, state, and local regulations. The drains will be t-filed with clean fill after sludge removal. Metallic debris is located at numerous locations at the site as identified in the geophysical survey. This shallow metallic debris will need to be removed and recycled/disposed of per all Federal, State and local regulations. Approximately 20 tons of metallic debris and piping is estimated at the site. The 280' deep, 8" diameter water well located along the northern edge of Parcel 41 will be properly plugged and abandoned per all federal, state, and local regulations. This will involve; permitting, removal of pump and associated piping, cutting off the top 5 feet of the well casing, filling the well casing to within 50 feet of the surface with clean fill, plugging the top 45 feet with a cement slurry and capping the top 5 feet with fill. Plate 8 shows a typical abandonment of the water and monitoring wells. See Plate 4 for the locations of these areas to be remediated. Phase H Environtnental Site Assesstnent Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties BakersfieM, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 98-8733 November, 1998 Page 31 FOR SEATON PROPERTY - Vacant Lot, Parcel 8 The site will be cleared of miscellaneous debris and properly disposed of in accordance with all federal, state, and local regulations. Two temporary above ground diesel fuel tanks (1-18,000 and 1-10,000 gallon) are present at the site and will need to be disposed/recycled if the current tenant does not remove them. An estimated 10 tons of debris will be present at this location if the fuel tanks are not present. The two stained areas (B-15 and B-16) identified in the assessment of the property will be excavated and the resulting contaminated soil recycled or disposed of in accordance with all federal, state, and local regulations. At the stained area near the northeast comer of .the property an excavation approximately 5 feet in. diameter and 5 feet deep will be required to remox;e the hydrocarbon impacted soil. Near the so. uthwest comer of the site an excavation approximately 15 feet in diameter and 8 feet deep will be required to remove the hydrocarbon impacted soil. An estimated total of 70 cubic yards (105 tons) of hydrocarbon impacted sOil will be recycled/disposed of as non-hazardous waste at this location. The resulting excavation will be backt'flled and compacted to 90% relative density to match existing grade. See Plate 3 for the locations of these areas to be remediated. Plate 7 shows a typical excavation pm/fie for the removal of the septic tanks, sumps, Class V Well, UST's, and contaminated soils. Plate 8 shows a typical abandonment of the water and monitoring wells. REMEDIAL ACTION REPORT Following the completion of the remedial action work proposed above a Remedial Action Report will be prepared describing the work completed, analytical results, with conclusions and recommendations for the site. HEALTH & SAFETY All employees that will work at the site will have received the Health and Safety training required by OSHA for hazardous waste site operations (29 CFR 1910.120). Asbestos containing materials, petroleum hydrocarbons constituents and heavy metals are the identified hazardous substances at this site. Because of the outdoor location and the intermittent nature of the remedial operations, it is not considered likely that personnel will be exposed to elevated levels of hydrocarbon vapors for any length of time. Under these conditions personnel will work under "Class D" protection.. A PID will be used to monitor ambient concentrations of organic vapors. Phase HEn virontnental Site Assesstnent Report Sparks Estate and Adjacettt Properties Bakersfield, CA. SOILS ENGINEERII~G, INC. 98-8733 Novetnber, 1998 Page 32 Personnel will have access to air-purifying respirators (APR) with HEPA and organic vapor canisters that can be donned if conditions warrant. In addition, Tyvek coveralls, gloves, and HEPA triter respirators will be required during asbestos removal operations and Tyvek coveralls and gloves will be required ~during heavy metal contaminate removal. - A detailed site specific Health and Safety Plan, will be distributed to and adhered to by all contractor personnel, subcontractors, and all site visitors. A "tailgate" safety meeting will be held at the site prior to commencing operations during which all site hazards and the Health and Safety Plan will be reviewed. LIMITATIONS This report was prepared for the exclusive use of PLC Commercial, Inc. as it relates to the property described. The discussion and conclusions presented in this report are based on: The test borings perfOrmed at this site. The observations of field personnel. The results of laboratory tests performed by BC Laboratories of Bakersfield, California Our understanding of the regulations of the EPA, California Regional Water Quality Control Board and the KCEHSD. Possible variations in the soil or groundwater conditions which may exist beyond the points explored in this investigation might effect the validity of this report unless those variations or conditions come to our attention and are reviewed and assimilated into the conclusions and recommendations of this report. Also, changes in the hydrologic conditions found could occur with time due to variations in rainfall, temperature, regional water usage, or other factors, any of which could effect this report. The services performed by'SEI have been conducted in a manner consistent with the levels of care and skill ordinarily exercised by professionals currently practicing under similar conditions in California. The absence of contamination on or beneath the property cannot be guaranteed by this report. SEI is not responsible for any contamination or hazardous material found on the property. No other warranty expressed or implied, is made. Phase 11 Envirorunetttal Site Assessment Report Sparks Estate and Adjacettt Properties Bakersfield, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 98-8733 November, 1998 Page 33 If you have any questions concerning this Phase II Assessment Report Workplan please contact SEI at (805) 831-5100. Sincerely, ~. Robert J. Becker, R.G. 5076 Geologic and Environmental Manager Attachments: Table 1, Current Analytical Results Table 2, Historical Analytical Results Location Map, Plate 1 Plot Plans, Plates 2 through 4 Plate 5, Groundwater Gradient - Shallow Unconfined Aquifer Plate 6, Groundwater Elevations - Deeper Confined Aquifer Plate 7, Typical Excavation Profile Plate 8, Typical Well Abandonment Guidelines for Closure of Shallow Disposal Wells KCEHSD Handbook UT30 Appendix A, Geophysical Survey Report Appendix B, Asbestos Screening Survey Report Appendix C, Boring Logs Appendix D, Analytical Reports Appendix E, Previous Consultant Reports (Text & Plates only) Piwarea Phase 1 Report Parks Sampling Report Kennedy/Jenks - Tank Workplan, - Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit, - Waste Classification Addendum 1 Glenn Rose Engine - Dry Well Closure Report Maaco - Dry Well Closure Report or Remedial' Action TABLE 1 SOIL SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS Sparks Estate & Adjoining Properllea Bakersfisld, California Samples ColleCted Septamber. Octobe~, 1898 Concentrations In mg/kg (perta per million) unless noted SAMPLE NUMBER DATE EPA 418.1 EPA 8260 Total CAM 17 Metals EPA 8080 EPA 8270 8015m EPA 8020 TRPH Volatile Elevated Organochlorlne Semi-Volatile TPHg TPHd BTEX MTBE Organics Only Listed Pesticides & PCB's Organics, B T ,E X B1-10' 9/29/98 71 All ND None 81-20' 9/29/98 <20 All ND None B2-10' 9/29/98 <20 All NO None Ail ND All NO B2-15' 9/29/98 43 B2-20' 9/29/98 <20 All ND None All ND E~3-5' 9/29/98 <20 All ND None B3-1 ~' 9/29/98 <20 All ND None B4-10' 9/29/98 <20 All ND None · Ail ND B4-20' 9/29/98 <20 All ND None All ND All ND B5-5' 9/29/98 <1 <10 All NO ND B5-20' 9/29/98 <1 <10 All ND ND B6-5' 9/29/98 <20 All ND None B6-20' 9/29/98 <20 All NO B7-5' 9/29/98 <20 All ND None B7-20' 9/29/98 <20 Ail ND B8-5' 9/29/98 <20 None All ND ND B8-20' 9/29/98 <20 Ail NO NO B9-5' 9/29/98 <20 None Ail ND ND B9-20' 9/29/98 <20 All ND ND B10-1' 9/30/98 28 980 ND ND 0.0062 0.018 ND B10-10' 9/30/98 <1 <10 All ND ND B10-20' 9/30/98 <1 <10 All ND ND B11-10' 9/30/98 <20 None All ND ND Bt 1-20' 9/30/98 <20 All ND ND B12-10' 9/30/98 <20 None All ND ND B12-20' 9/30/98 <20 All ND ND 813-5' 9/30/98 <20 None All ND ND B13-20' 9/30/98 <20 All ND ND B14-10' 9/30/98 <20 All ND None B14-15' 9/30/98 <20 All ND 815-1' 10/1/98 1400 None ~" All ND ND B15-5' 1011/98 <20 All ND 100 816-1' 10/1/98 1800 E=0.11,N=1,3,X=0,71 None 816-10' 1011/98 <20 All ND 817-5' 10/1/98 <20 All ND None 817-15' 10/1198 <20 All ND None B'I8-10' 10/1/98 <20 All ND None B18-20' 10/1/98 <20 All ND None 819-10' 10/1/98 <20 All ND None B19-20' 10/1/98 <20 All ND None B20.- 10' 1011/98 <20 All ND None B20-20' 10/1/98 <20 All ND ' 821.5' 10/1198 <20 All NO SAMPLE NUMBER DATE EPA 418.1 EPA 6260 ' Total CAM 17 Metals EPA 8080 EPA 8270 801Sm EPA 8020 TRPH Volatile Elevated Organoehlorlne Semi-Volatile TPHg TPHd BTEX MTBE Organlc~ Only Mated Peatlcldea & PCB'a Organlc~ B ? E X 1~21-15' 10/1/98i <20 All N~ None ,, -- B21-20' 10/1/981 <20 None B22-5' 10/2/981 <20 All ND None B22-15' 10/2/'981 <20 All ND B23-10' 10/2/98 <20 NI ND · None B23-20' 10/2/98 <20 NI ND B24-$' 10/2/98 <20 All ND None B24-15' 10/2/98 <20 All ND Bo25-I0' 10/23/98 <20 <1 All ND B25-20' 10/23/98 <20 <1 All ND · B26-10' 10/23/98 <20 <1 All ND B26-20' 10/23/98 <20 <1 All ND B27-10' 10/23/98 <20 Ail ND None B27-20' 10/23/98 <20 All ND None B28-5' 10/23/98 <20 Ail ND None B28-15' 10/23/98 <20 NI ND None B29-10' 10/26/98 <1 <10 All ND ND B29-20' 10/26/98 <1 <10 All ND ND B30-10' 10/26/98 <20 All ND None B30-20' 10/26/98 37 All ND HA.l-lO' 10/26/98 <20 All ND None iLiquid & Slud~le Samples JIC-L ICless V Well Liquid~ 9/29/98 28 ppm E=1.1, Napth=2.7, T=2.0 None All ND Aniline=18 ppb, X==4.1, MTBE=1.2 4-Meth),lphenol==340 ppb all in ppb Phonol=22 ppb LJIC-S (Class V Well Sludc, le) 9/29/98 61,000 ppm B=0.34,E=2.1 ,Naplh=7.6 Ba=1550 (20), Ail ND 2-Elhylhex71 =110 T=5,X=13 In ppm Cad=22(NOI 2-Melhylnapthalene=30 Pb=97(ND ) all ppm SEP-M {Seplic Maaco~ 10/1/98 1.4 ppm T=0.8 ppb None SCS-SLISleamcleaner SumpI 10/2/98 140000 ppm PCE=0.032,T=O.Ot 1 Cad=34(2.7 STLC) X=0.O13, 2-Chlofololuene=0.46 Pb=1670(94 STLC), Cu=1040 all In ppm FIr-D-N (North Drain Maaco) 10/1/98 93000 ppm E=26,NapIh=5.9,X=47 ppm Ba=1380(17),Cad=7.8{ND), Pb=491(8.4 STLC)) FIr. D-SE {SE Drain Maaco) 10/1/98 2400 ppm All ND Ba--3150{21 STLC~, Pb=1320(57 STLC) Cad=35(1.7 STLC), Cu=649(33 STLC), Hg--7.4(ND) Sep-S (Seplic Sparks) 10/26/98 4900 ppm p-isopropyltoluene=-0.80 ppm None 1.2.4-Trimethylbenzene=0.58 ~' Sep-GR (Septic Glenn Rose) 10/26/98 5300 ppm p-isopropyltoluene=0.50 ppm None 1.2.4-Trimethylbenzene=O.066 N Well (North Waler Well~ 10/26/98 <lppm All ND None <50 ppb M Well (Maaco Water Well~ 10/26/98 <lppm 2 ppb MTBE None 64 ppb MW- 1 10/27/98 X= 1pp~, MTBE=0.57 pi· None <500ppb <200ppb MW-2 10/27/98 X=3.8ppt), MTBE=2 ppb, None <5(X)ppb <200ppb MW-3 10/27/98 X=l.5ppb, MTBE=I.4 ppb None <500ppb <200ppb T=0.91 pi)b,1.2ppb Trlmelhylbenzene Nele: B=Benzene. T=Toluene, E=Ethylbenzene, X=Xylenes, Napth=Napthalene, PCE ,= Telrachloroethefle, Ba=Barium, Cad---Cadmium, Pb=Lead.Cu=Copper. Hg=Mercury, TPH=ToIal Petroleum Hydrocarbons, g = Gasoline. d=Oiese{, ND= None Delected, ppm = parts per million, ppb = parle pa~ billion. TRPH=ToIal Recoverable Pelroleum Hydrocarbons. (#) = STLC Value, BOLD = Hazardous Concentration Table 2 TABLE 2 ' HISTORICAL SOIL ANALYTICAL RESULTS Sparks Estate 2800 Standard St. Bakersfield, CA, Soil Samples,- Concentrations in m~k~l (parts per million) Sample Number Date Benzene Toluene t Eth}/Ibenzene X~/lenes TRPH Fuel ID Elevated UST BORINGS Metals Boring I @ 20' 12/9/93 NA NA NA NA NA ND NA Boring I @ 25' 12/9/93 NA NA NA NA NA ND NA Boring I @ 35' 12/9/93 NA NA NA NA NA ND NA Boring 2 @ 20' 12/9/93 NA NA NA NA NA ND NA Boring 2 @ 30' 12/9/93- NA NA NA NA NA ND NA Boring 3 @ 15' 12/9/93 NA NA NA NA NA ND NA Boring 3 @ 20' 12/9/93 NA NA NA NA NA ND NA Boring 3 @ 25' 12/9/93 NA NA NA NA NA ND NA Boring 4 @ 15' 12/9/93 NA NA NA NA NA ND NA Boring 4 @ 20' 12/9/93 NA NA NA NA NA ND NA Boring 4 @ 25' 12/9/93 NA NA NA NA NA ND NA WASH RACK LEACH FIELD Boring 5 @ 20' 12/9/93 NA NA NA NA NA 53 Crude Oil NA ~ 12/9/93 NA NA NA NA NA 14 Diesel N~A Boring 5 @ 30' 12/9/93 NA NA NA NA NA ND NA EXISTING AGT ASSESSMENT S-1 @ 1' 12/30/93 ND ND 0.015 0.032 1400 NA .None S-2 @ 1' 12/30/93 ND ND 0.006 0.031 3200 NA None S-3 @ 1' 12/30/93 0.01 0.069 0.014 0.052 1100 NA None S-4 @ 1' 12/30/93 ND ND ND ND 68 NA None S-5 @ 1' 12/30/93 ND 0.009 ND ND 1600 NA None Notes: NA = Not Analyzed, ND = None Detected Page I oation Map rks Estate & Adjacent Properties ' 0 Standard St~, 3650 and 3800 Rosedale Hwy.., Bakersfield, California ./ ; I I I I I I File No. 98-8733 September, 1998 N rE 1 LOCATION MAP Sparks Estate & Adjacent Properties 2800 Standard St., '3650 and 3800 Rosedale Hwy. Bakersfield, California DATE: 11/2/98 Fence .I.J~..8 Fence O Former Oil Sump Area Dirt Concrete Foundations Asphalt & Concrete Piles North Water Well ..B:~5 .. , .E!~C~i!Ca, Fuel C;~nopy ' ". &:Tt!ep[iofi, Box Dispensers \ ri'rain · PARCEL39 PARCEl 38 B.2g(Mw:2)~__ Building~, OfficeTraile, ~ 4 Underground ~._[~__,. B-I~ ~ arifier & D~ Well % DM Storage Tan~ Waste Oil ~n~'4 3 (U ) PARCEL 37 PARCEL 40 F (2-8K, 2-10K) 1,000 gallon CB-3 e Vacant Field ,~ Vacant Field n Weeds Weeds PARCEL 12 ~ · (B-28 (MW-l) c F Mobile Office Trail~, Stora~ Bldg e FormerAGT e . Weeds C South Water Well' · OJ Sump B-14 T~~B-21 Water ~ ~ Muir . Fence B-~ 2.1 Million Gall~ Fence AGT Parcel 7 Parcel 8 Parcel 41 ~ Former Maaco Glenn Rose Engine Search ProPe~y See Plate 4 For Detail ~ LEGEND ~ e Soil Boring See Plate 3 For Detail ~ L~ation [ ....................... I ....... SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 4700 District Blvd. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Sparks Estate Parcels 12, 37~38, 39, 40 BAKERSFILED CALIFORNIA PLOT PLAN PLATE 2 Parcel 39 Former AGT B14 Water ~ 2.1Million Gallon  B-20 AGT (50000 bbls) Fence Parcel 7 Parcel 8 Glenn Rose Engine Seaton Property · Soil Boring Not To Scale Rosedale Highway k, ~ PLATE 'SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. PARCEL 39 4700 District Blvd. 2800 Standard St /~  ) Bakersfield, CA 93313 Bakersfield, CA. PROJECT NUMBER: 98-8733 Plot Plan N Canopy · ~:!~::!i&:::~!~P:li0h~:~:B0x .... _Oil Change/ Drain · .tF '"'::i 'i!:.~i:~:~:~ii!i::!i:~:?~':! ..... rue, umpensers.../ro.u.gr~ . I ' . .'-. . . '.::'~:'~::~ ..~ ...:. . / / / ~ / / / / ~ .... . ============================================================= ., ....: ...... :':::':"":":::' "':':'"' '"'": '"' '' : ' ....:':' : : ..... / .Sho '/ ~.~.::~::~';:::.;.::~::::::..:::~::::.~.~.::.::;':':':.-~'.:::: ..'..:: :. ~... ~.:: ~ ::.::::-:::: ~.~.~::~:~::::~~ /~ P ., .... I .... ~ ..-- . - ....... ~CI ~er&~,~ 4 un~ergrouna ~ep~c ~an~ B-I~ Well Storage Tanks (2 -8K, 2-10K) Waste Oil Ta~' ~-4 ~B30 (MW-3 1,000 gallon PARCEL 12 · 6-3 Weeds Mobile Office Trailer South Water Well ._~B-28 (MW-l) Storage B[~! Sump SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 4700 District Blvd. Bakersfield, CA 93313 ~JMBER: 97-8384 Approx. Scale 1 "=75' (~ Contaminated Soil To be Removed Monitoring well · Soil Boring ~ PLATE PARCEL 12 2800 Standard St 2A Bakersfield, CA. Plot Plan HA-1 F Dirt Fence DIRT N Fence PARCEL 7 -e' B-17 Stained Soil i Steam CleanetSump ~ ~ot Solvent Tank , :~.~.~:;.,;.,:. ~once,e ,'ao Glen Rose Engin~ e ~'~10K,",,,~ Above Ground Mobile Diesel Tanks Miscellaneous Cargo Containers Aspha~ 3880 ROSEDALE HIGHWAY Stained Soil {~) B-15 PARCEL 8 DIRT Stained Soil {~tB-16 Bill Board SEATON PROPERTY Legend Contaminated · Soil To Remove Soil Boring Scale 1 '---50' SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 4700 District Blvd. Bakersfield, CA 93313 OJECT NUMBER: 98-8733 Parcels 7 &'8 Glen Rose Engine Service & Seaton Property 3880 Rosedale Hwy, & Lot East Bakersfield, CA Plot plan PLATE 3 TANK 50001 Depth Below Grade Ili~'s°~)to 90% :~ii~ii}!i~i~ ,.~.x~ ~ i~iiii!~ :~;~ Excavation Density to :~:.~::~:~;~: ~:::~:~:;~;:~:· . - .' Base & Sidewall Samples Collected For Chemical Analysis Not To Scale Where Required SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 4700 District Blvd. Bakersfield, CA 93313 DATE: 3F7/99 i PRO,ECT NU,MBER: 8733 TANK 50001 SPARKS ESTATE 2800 Standard St. BAKERSFILED CALIFORNIA Typical Excavation Profile PLATE 3 Seaton Property Fence Debris Pile O Water Well WEEDS & DIRT Square Magnetic Anomaly ! oPower Pole / Aspha~ WEEDS Gas Meter ~ormer PARCEL 41 Hazardous Material Storage Area F e n Asphalt C e B~19 S. eptic System {~Storm Drain ~ B- 18 ~ Former Paint [·;,~Booth Pad Former Dry Well I s ~,~ ~(~l:n~ r -,,~,1~1(~o~' D rains IFF;, Maaco I"1:'~ Shop ','~:;Vent I ['~,~,,',,,],,~,, .FIr.-D.- .SE..~ II ~'" F'~nce I t ' · · ' ' "· · Asphalt I Concrete &Brick ROSEDALE HIGHWAY Hungry .Hunter · ,g Scale 1'=75' SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 4700 District Blvd. Bakersfield, CA 93313 IOJECT NUMBER: 98-8733 Parcel 41 Former Maaco& Vacant Lot 3650 Rosedale Hwy. & Lot West Bakersfield, CA Plot Plan PLATE 4 N Well 45' West 383.56' % % % % % % % % % % % !!i~:::Suspect E ~ .................................. % % ' :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::: !:.i::.: ::: :: :; i ~ i i i ~l:::::.: ',:!:!i::i~ii:::i :::: :: ::::ii::i ii: !: ~: :!!::::i ::: ::::~i:: ::; ! i: ::ii :.:.:: ii::::i;i~: Dirt :::' .............. · ........................... ': - ............................................................... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4 Underground ~ Septm Tank B-1 Dirt Storage Tanks (2-8K, 2- 0K) Wa, re Oil ~ 1,000 gallon Ground Water Gradient B-3 ~385.e3' = 0.0037'/' S81W I 1% .j~B-28 (MW-l) Mobile Office T~railer y 385.18' . PAROEL 12 % Storage B~d. Weeds South Water Well O Sump 'SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 4700 District Blvd. Bakersfield, CA 93313 'ROJECT NUMBER: 97-8384 ~ Gradient Direction 385.63' Groundwater Elev. "~ Monitoring well Approx. Scale 1 '=75' ~t Soil Boring PARCEL 12 PLATE 2800 Standard St ~ Bakersfield, CA. Unconfined Aquifer Groundwater Gradient 10/27/98 d  -8 Fence Concrete Foundations PARCEL 39 F e Vacant Field n Weeds c Former AGT B;,1 l~,Valve Vault B-I_,~. ~ B-12A Concrete Pad B-20 Parcel 7 ~lenn Rose Engine PARCI 3 \ 0 n e Fence AGT Parcel 8 Seaton Property ._~ 404.06' --64.1' 339.96' See Plate 3 For Detail I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 4700 District Blvd. Bakersfield, CA 93313 DATE: 11/2/98 i PROJECT NUMBER: 8733 406.06' Fence .~383.76' Aspha~ & COncrete Piles NodhWaterWell Fence PARCEL 37 PARCEL 40 Vacant Field Weeds Fe.~ 405.04' M Well 344.04' Parcel 41 Former Maaco See Plate 4 For Detail in, . ..Former: Oi!:~Sump::Area Dirt a, rue, . ?:': '..':::.::! :: ':..::::!:!;~!i~ ~i~'~6~6 Box Dispensers · B:29:'(MW;~ nfl_ IBuildi~ Di~ Storage Tanks P Waste Oil ~ (2 -8K, 2-10K) 1,000 gallon Office Trailer  rifier &Drv Well -30 (MW-3) PARCEL 12 r'-"l Mobile Office Trailu(~B'28 (MW-l) · Stora Bldg I Weeds , South WaterWell ~ 406.66 Sump / ~_ --344.66' ~ See Plate 2A For More Detail" LEGEND --~ Water Well e Soil Boring Location . Approx. Scale 1' = 150,~ Sparks Estate & Adjoing Properties Parcels 7, 8, 12, 37,38, 39, 40,41 BAKERSFILED CALIFORNIA GROUNDWATER ELEVATIONS IN WATER WELLS 10/22/98 PLATE 6 Depth Below Grade Clean Backfill ~?iiiiiii!ililil ii!i!i!!iiiili!!!iiiii!iiiiiiiii!i~! ii~i iii~i!ii i~:: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... ~;: iii!; i ~:iiiii ii:.i:~i, ili~:~!;:~:~ i:~ !ii?: 1 Foot o ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~i:i~!:~ii~;:~:::::~!: on Lifts to 90 Yo '~ i~!ii~iii!i!i?~iiii?~i~i~::iii~ii::i!i~-iiii::iiii~:iii?~iiiii~iii Septc Tank, PmfilP. Relative ~:~:~::~:::~iiii~:i~i~.i!i~!;~:~ii!~iiiii~. Sump, UST~~iiii::i~ili~:.;i~i!::i~;,.i:~ ~;~,,~-m,.,,,,,,~ Density to ~:~:~.~"~::~ v Well, or ~:~:~:~:~:~:::~?~:~:~ 1:1.5 ~;;t~du~'' Collected For Chemical Analysis Not To Scale Where Required " SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 4700 District Blvd. Bakersfield, CA 93313 DATE: 10/2/98 PROJECT NUMBER: 8730 SPARKS ESTATE & ADJOINING PROPERTIES 2800 Standard St. & 3650 & 3880 Rosedale Hwy. BAKERSFILED CALIFORNIA Typical Excavation Profile PLATE 7 Remove Top Ft. Of Well By Cutting OR EXCAVATION 1. Sound Well For Depth & water level 2. Fill Well Casing With Clean Sand to 50' from Sudace 3. Remove ToP 5 Ft. Of Well. · 4, Grout Casing w/cement slurry to 5 Feet from Sudace 5. Bakfill Top 5 Feet with fill. 45' Varies ** Not to Scale 35'-280' 8"to 16" Concrete Blank Well Casing 2" T016" Cement Slurry Fill With Sand Perforated Casing, 2" - 16" SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 4700 District Blvd. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Project Number: 8733 Typical Water WELL Abandonment PLATE 8 EXHIBIT C Table 2 Analytical Methods for Groundwater Samples Rosedale Highway Property Bakersfield, California Sample ID Sample Date TPH-g TPH-d TPH-mo BTEX Metals VOCs EB-1 6-26-00 X X X X X EB-2 6-26-00 X X X X X EB-3 6-27-00 X X X X X EB-4 6-27-00 X X X X X EB-5 6-27-00 X X X X X EB-6 12-7-00 X X X X X X EB-7 7-11-00 X X X X X X EB-8 7-11-00 X X X X X X EB-9 7-11-00 X X X X X X EB-IO 7-21-00 X X X X EB-11 7-21-00 X X X X E B- 12 7-21-00 X X X X X EB-13 2-6-01 X X X X EB-14 2-6-01 X X X X Notes: X = EB-I-1 = TPH-g, d, mo = BTEX = Metals = VOCs = Indicates analysis performed Sample location (i.e. EB-1) and depth (i.e. I is 0.5 to I foot depth interval) Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline, diesel and motor oil using EPA Test Method 8015 Modified Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and total xylenes using EPA Test Method 8020 Title 22 (CAM 17) metals using EPA Test Method 6010/7000 Series Volatile Organic Compounds using EPA Test Method 8260 R:\pubs\report\8727\049\soil_results table.doc Table 6 Analytical Results of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Groundwater , : Rosedale Highway Bakersfield, California (Results in i~g/L) Sample ID TPHLd TPH-mo EB-14 120 280 Notes: I~g/L = micrograms per liter (or parts per billion) EB-1 = Sample location (i.e. EB-1) Only the samples in which petroleum hydrocarbons were detected at concentrations at or above the laboratory reporting limits are shown in this table. R:\pubs\report\8727\049\water_results table.doc TABLE 1 SOIL SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS Sparks Eatate & Adjoining Prope~aa Bakersfield, California Samplea ColleCted September-October, 1998 Concentratlona In mg/1<g (part~ per million) unleaa noted SAMPLE NUMBER DATE EPA 418.1 EPA 8260 Total CAM t 7 Metals EPA 8080 EPA 8270 8015m EPA 8020 TRPH Volatile Elevated Organochlorlne Semi-Volatile TPHg TPHd BTEX MTBE Organics Only Usted Peatlcldea & PCB'a Organlca B T E X B 1 - 10' 9/29/98 71 All ND None 81-20' 9/29/98 <20 All ND No~e B2-10' 9/29/98 <20 All ND No~e All ND All ND B2-15' 9/29/98 43 82-20' 9/'29/98 <20 All ND . No~e All ND B3-5' 9/29/98 <20 All ND No~e B3-1.~' 9/29/98 <20 All ND Nor~e B4-10' 9/29/98 <20 All ND No~e .All ND B4-20' 9/29/98 <20 All ND No~e All NO All ND B5-5' 9/29/98 <1 <10 All NO ND B5-20' 9/29/98 <1 <10 All ND ND 86-5' 9/29/98 <20 All NO No~e B6-20' 9/2g/98 <20 AJI ND B7-5' 9/29/98 <20 All ND N(:~e B7-20' 9/29/98 <20 All ND B8-5' 9/29/98 <20 No~e All ND ND B8-20' 9/29/98 <20 All ND ND B9-5' 9/29/98 <20 No~e .all ND ND B9.20' 9/29/98 <20 All ND ND 810-1' 9/30/98 28 980 ND ND 0.0062 0.018 ND B10-10' 9/30/98 <1 <10 All ND ' ND B10-20' 9/30/98 <1 <10 All ND ND Bt 1-10' 9/30/98 <20 No~e All ND ND B11-20' 9/30/98 <20 All ND ND B12.10' 9/'30/98 <20 No~e All ND 'ND B12.20' 9/30/98 <20 All ND ND B13-5' 9/30/98 <20 No~e All ND ND Bt3-20' 9/30/98 <20 All ND ND B14-10' 9/30/98 <20 All ND No~e BI4-15' 9/30/98 <20 All ND BI 5..1' 10/1/98 1400 No~e ~ Ail ND ND Bt 5..5' 10/1/98 <20 All ND 100 B16-1' 10/1/98 1800 E=0.11.N=l.3. X=0.71 None B16-10' 10/1/98 <20 All ND B17-5' 10/1/98 <20 .all ND None B17-15' 10/1/98 <20 All ND None B18-10' 10/1/98 <20 Ail ND No~e BIS-20' 10/1/98 <20 All ND None B19-10' 10/1/98 <20 All ND No~e Bt 9-2{7 10/1/98 <20 Ail NO No~e B20-lff 10/1/98 <20 All ND No~e 820.20' 10/1/98 <20 NI ND " B21-$' 10/1/98 <20 All ND