HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATIONBAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT DATE: FROM: TO: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM August 11, 2000 ~y Ralph E. Huey, Director Office of Environmental Servi Kirk Blair, Assistant Fire Chief Hazardous Materials Offsite Consequences Related to the Proposed Costco Site.. Some questions have surfaced regarding the safety and advisability ofrezoning to accommodate the new proposed Costco facility on Rosedale Highway just West of State Route 99. In order to address these concerns an evaluation of the hazardous materials reported to be used or stored in all of the businesses located in the area bordered by Rosedale Highway, Gilmore Avenue, Gibson Street and Highway 99 has been completed. This is a heavily industrial area and many hazardous materials are present in the businesses that are included in this area. However, most of the quantities are small or are of a nature that pose no hazardous materials threat to the si~e in question. The one exception is the Las Palmas Oil and Dehydration facility located at 3121 ?'.' Standard Street. · The Las Palmas facility is located to the immediate North of the proposed Zone change site and report in their Chemical inventory, on file with Kern County Environmental Health an inventory of 15,000 barrels of Crude Oil, 15,000 barrels of Diesel Fuel, 9,000 barrels of Gasoline and 100 barrels of a Silicic Acid, sodium salt solution. A review of the site diagram on file shows that the gasoline and diesel fuel were stored in tanks near the southwest comer of the property somewhat near the south property line. These tanks do pose a moderate off site consequence that does impact the comer of the proposed Costco site. Due to the nature of the materials, ie. Gasoline and diesel fuel the off site onsequences are limited to fire and the worst credible case scenario would be a pool fire of the entire contents of the tank in the secondary containment area. The calculations were made using US EPA offsite consequence analysis guidance with the end point being where a person could receive second degree bums from a 40 second exposure. The distance from the gasoline tanks calculated to be 101 feet. The distance from the diesel fuel tanks calculated to be 136 feet. Figure one shows an areal photograph of the area with the tanks in question identified and the offsite consequence area defined by circles with the distance fi.om the outside of the tank to the edge of the circle being 101 feet and 136 feet respectively. Attachments 2 and 3 are the calculations used to make these distance estimates. Conclusion: Although, the tanks in question are currently empty or in the case of the diesel tank, filled with water, it is possible that these tanks could be leased again and used to contain diesel fuel or gasoline. It would be prudent therefore, to require some mitigation to prevent a full scale pool fire from impacting the proposed Costco Site. A block wall possibly 10 feet tall should provide adequate thermal protection. REH/ed cc: R. Fraze ' H. Wines . Martin Ortiz SCENARIO -- POOL FIRE (GASOLINE) GASOLINE TANK: 9,000 BBL = 378,000 GAL SPG = 0.73 (5.9 lb/gal) FORMULA: d' = PFFx -fA BERMED AREA = 50'X 100' = POOL FIRE FACTOR: = 2,246,152 lbs of gasoline 5,000 fca` PFF= He./ 0,001 4-0.0929 ¥ 5,000(Hv + Cp (TB - 298) 5,000 = WATTS/ma (2~ DEGREE BURN) He = HEAT OF COMBUSTION = 435.1 x 10~ .J/kg Hv "="HEAT OF VAPORIZATiON = 3.4 x 105; J/kg Cp = LIQUID HEAT CAPACITY = ..494btu/lb -OF (4t86.8)=2068.28 J/kg-°C Tb = BOILING TEMPERATURE = 400°K 298 = 0.0001 = AMBIENT TEMP (75 °F) CONSTANT PFF PFF 0.0929 = = 43,510,000./ 0,000! 4-0.0929 ¥5000 (3.14)(340,000+2068.28(400-298) = 1.426 d' = 1.426 4'5000 = ! 100.8 FEET CONVERSION FACTOR (METERa TO FEE'r Attachment 2 SCENARIO POOL FIRE (DIESEL) DIESEL :rANK: 15,000 BBL - 630,000 GAL SPO = 0.85 (6.9 lb/gal) FORMULA: d' = PFFx 4-A ] BERMED AREA = 75'X 125' =. 9,375 POOL FIRE FACTOR: = 4,358,970 lbs of diesel irt ~' PFF= He!/' 0.001 4'0.0929 ¥5 ,000(Hv + Cp (TB - 298) · 5,000 = WATTS/ma (2nd DEGREE BURN) He = HEAT OF COMBUSTION = 429 x 10q?)J/kg Hv = HEAT OF VAPORIZATION = NOT PERTINENT = 0 Cp = LIQUID HEAT CAPACITY = .461btu/lb -oF (4186.8)=1930..1 J/kg-OK Tb = BOILING TEMPERATURE --- 585°K PFF 298 = 0.0001 = 0.0929 = 42,900;000~/5 0.0001 000 (3.14)(0+1930.1(585-298) AMBIENT temp (°K) -~ (75 °F) CONSTANT CONVERSION FACTOR (METER2 TO FEE'ra) 4'0.0929 = 1.4 d' = 1.4 x 4'9375 = I 135.6 FEET Attachment 3 800 16OO Feet BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: November 20, 2000 Jim Eggert, Principal Planner Ralph E. Huey, Director of Environmental Service Proposed Mitigation Measures for Costco Site on Rosedale Hwy Construct a block wall ten feet tall, to extend alongthe north side of the property froTM the north west comer of the property to the Standard Street entrance. 17:40 FAZ 425 ~ 001/001 Mr. i~lpe~ ney, Dir~tor of ~ ¢ dcm Services City of Bakersfield 2102 "H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Sanuary 14, 2004 Facsimile: (661) 852-2172 TelephoDe Help I.i~c Removal Costco C,a.soline Facility 3800 Rosedale Highway, Bakersfield, California Co~.tco Loc No. 688 / Out ]'ob Bio. 6213 ]2)ear Mr. Ralph HUey: On behalf of Coswo Whole. sale (Costco) I am reqnesdng your aptwoval to remove the Telephone Help Line, located at the dispenser island at the Costco Gasoline location referenced above. The help line is no longer necessary to meet the safety needs of thc facility based on the foliowiug changes thor have been imple, munted by Costco: · A Costco employee i~ prusent at ~e fueling facility during all hours of operation to assist members, conduct safety checks, and pro~d~ maint~uauc~ as requited. · Thc fueling facility employees are equipped with a ~wo-way t~lephone for immediate communication wid~ the warehouse m,-agement tga~n. In addition the following safety features thai currently exist at me Coswo Gasoline locatioua will remain: · A d~signaled "911" mlepbone is placed in a conspicuous posilion at the control enclosure for direct access to emergency services. The "911" tel~pbonc operates free of charge. · A cordless telephone is located within the coutrol enclosure for use by the fueling facility employees. Based on thc communication features of this facility, we believe dmt the help line is no longer necessary. Please acknowledge your app~va! of this request by sigui~g this letter ia tho space provided, and forward a copy W my atteution at this office (facsimile: [62.5] 2.51-8782). Your tiu~ly response is gready apl~eciated. Thank you. 1~ pectfull,y, Proj e~-t Plauncr A~/w] [6213¢A X0.do~] cc: Ms. Klm Sanford, Costco Wholesale Mr. ~fay S. Grubb, Barghausen Consulting t~nginee~S, Inc. Mr. $ohn~ugsca, Ba.,'~hausen Consulfiu~ lgugi~ms, Inc. 11~,15 72ND AVENUE 8OLITH KENT, WA 9B032 (425)251'6222 (.4.2.5) 2.51-8782 FAX BRANCH OFFIC, E.S 4. OLYMPIA. WA ~t. TEMECULA, CA · WALNUT CREEK, CA www, barghaU...'~rl.oom