HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION (2)I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I REMOVAL ACTION WORKPLAN ROSEDALE HIGHWAY PROPERTY · 2800 STANDARD STREET AND 3650 - 3880 ROSEDALE HIGHWAY BAKERSFIELD, CALl FORNIA February 28, 2001 Prepared for: Costco Wholesale 999 Lake Drive Issaquah, Washington 98027 prepared by: ENSR Corporation 1420 Harbor Bay Parkway, Suite 120 Alameda, California 94502 (510) 748-6700 Document Number 8727-049 I I I I [ I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! REMOVAL ACTION WORKPLAN ROSEDALE HIGHWAY PROPERTY 2800 STANDARD STREET AND 3650 -3880 ROSEDALE HIGHWAY BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA February 2001 Document Number 8727-049 Prepared by: ~'-J~--l(a'D. Freeman, R.E.A. Il Senior Project Manager Reviewed by: Jackie House, R.G., C.E.G.; C.H.G. Senior Program Manager I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................. i 1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 1 1.1 SAMPLING ACTIVITIES ........................................................................................... 1 1.2 OBJECTIVE AND PURPOSE ................................................................................... 2 1.3 REPORT ORGANIZATION ....................................................................................... 3 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY ................................................................................ 4 2.1 SITE DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................. 4 2.2 SITE HISTORY ......................................................................................................... 6 2.3 PREVIOUS SITE ASSESSMENTS/INVESTIGATIONS ............................................. 7 3.0 PROPOSED CLEANUP OBJECTIVES AND GOALS FOR SOIL ................................... 11 3.1 CHEMICALS OF CONCERN IN SOIL .................................................................... 11 3.2 SOIL REMEDIAL ACTION GOALS ........................................................................ 11 4.0 REMEDIAL/WORKTASKS ............................................................................................. 12 4.1 ASTAND CONTENTS ............................................................................................ 12 4.2 IMPACTED SOILS .................................................................................................. 13 4.3 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS .................................................................... 13 4.4 CLARIFIER AND CLASS V SHALLOW DISPOSAL WELL .................................... 14 4.5 SEPTIC SY~STEMS ......................................................... ~ ....................................... 14 4.6 SUMPS ................................................................................................................... 15 4.7 FLOOR DRAINS ........................................ : .................................................. ~ ......... 15 '4.8 WATER SUPPLY WELLS ...................................................................................... 16 4.9 GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELLS .............................................................. 16 4.10 OIL PRODUCTION WELLS .................................................................................... 16 4.11 DRUMS AND MISCELLANEOUS DEBRIS ............................................................ 16 4.12 ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERIALS AND LEAD-BASED PAINTS .................. 17 IMPLEMENTATION AND REPORTING SCHEDULE ......................................................19 5.1 IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE ............................................................................ 19 5.2 REPORTING SCHEDULE ...................................................................................... 19 6.0 LIMITATIONS .................................................................................................................. 20 7.0 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................ ' ........ 21 .5.0 Removal Action Workplan Rosedale Highway Property 8727-049-REM February 2001 I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Site Vicinity Map Site Plan Sample Location Map LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A Appendix B Removal of Appendix C Procedures Appendix D Procedures Appendix E Procedures Appendix F Procedures Appendix G Procedures Appendix H Procedures Appendix I Procedures Appendix J Procedures Appendix K Procedures Appendix L Procedures Paints Results of Previous Investigations Crude Oil Aboveground Storage Tank for Removal and Disposal of Impacted Soils for Removal and Disposal of Underground Storage Tanks for Destruction of Clarifier and Class V Shallow Disposal Well for Removal and Disposal of Septic Systems for Removal and Disposal of Sumps for Removal and Disposal of Floor Drains for Destruction of Water Supply Wells for Destruction of Groundwater Monitoring Wells for Abandonment of Oil Production Wells for Abatement of Asbestos Containing Materials and Lead-Based Removal Action Workplan · Rosedale Highway Property 8727-049-REM February 2001 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i ! EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Removal Action Workplan (RAW) has been prepared by ENSR Corporation (ENSR) for the Rosedale Highway Property (referred to in this document as the "project site" or "site"), located at 2800 Standard Street and 3650 through 3880 Rosedale Highway in Bakersfield, California, to present remedial actions and work tasks to be completed at the site. The site was formerly occupied by oil production and automobile maintenance facilities. The RAW presents scopes of work to be completed prior to site redevelopment, cleanup objectives for soil and a schedule for implementation. This work will be completed to allow redevelopment of the site which contemplates that the site will be covered by buildings, including a warehouse structure, landscaped areas and a gasoline service station. The Site Vicinity Map is presented as Figure 1 and the Site Plan as Figure 2. Work tasks to be performed at the site include removal of a crude oil aboveground storage tank (AST) and its contents, remediation of impacted soils, removal and disposal of underground storage tanks (USTs) and associated dispensers and piping, destruction of a Class V shallow disposal well, removal and disposal of septic tank systems, sumps and floor drains, destruction of water supply wells and groundwater monitoring wells, reabandonment of oil production wells and abatement of asbestos containing materials (ACMs). Shallow soils at the project site have been impacted by total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbons (TRPH), total petroleum hydrocarbons quantified as diesel (TPH-d) and motor oil (TPHomo). These chemicals of concern (COCs) are associated with the underground storage tanks (USTs), dispensers and piping on the Sparks parcel and former automobile maintenance facilities and truck parking across the site. Both hazardous and non-hazardous wastes associated with past site activities will be removed from the site. Proposed cleanup objectives for soil at the site have been developed that incorporate regulatory guidelines and requirements to protect human health and the environment. For the Rosedale Highway site, it is proposed to use a cleanup goal of 1,000 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) for TPH-d and TPH-mo for unsaturated soil. Analysis of groundwater samples collected from boreholes and "permanent" groundwater monitoring wells indicate that groundwater has generally not been impacted across the site. Xylenes, toluene, methyl tertiary butyl ether (MtBE) and trimethylbenzene (TMB) have been detected in groundwater samples collected from the monitoring wells located on the eastern portion of the Sparks parcel and TPH quantified as gasoline (TPH-g) has been detected in samples collected from the water supply well located on the Rosedale Hotel/Maaco parcel. The concentrations of these compounds were below generally accepted "action levels" of 1,750 micrograms per liter (IJg/L) for xylenes, 150 IJg/L for toluene, 5 IJg/L for MtBE, 2 pg/L for TMB and 100 IJg/L for TPH-g. The action levels noted for xylenes, toluene,. MtBE and TMB are California drinking water Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs). The action level for TPH-g is the state taste and odor threshold level. Based on the available analytical data, ENSR anticipates that the site will not require.groundwater remediation. Removal Action Workplan Rosedale Highway Property 8727-049-REM - i - February 2001 I i I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.0 INTRODUCTION ENSR Corporation (ENSR) prepared this Removal Action Workplan (RAW) on behalf of Costco Wholesale for the Rosedale Highway Property (referred to in this document as the "project site" or "site") located at 2800 Standard Street and 3650 through 3880 Rosedale Highway in Bakersfield, California. The approximately 20-acre site consists of five parcels referred to as the Sparks (comprised of two parcels), Rosedale Hotel/Maaco, Seaton and Glen Rose parcels. The Site Vicinity Map is presented as Figure 1 and the Site Plan as Figure 2. 1.1 Sampling Activities Extensive sampling activities have been performed at the site since 1989. These activities included collection and analysis of samples of the crude oil AST contents; collection and analysis of soil and groundwater samples from across the site; and collection and analysis of sludge samples from the shallow disposal well, steam cleaner'sump and floor drains. Sampling locations are shown on the Sample Location Map - Figure 3. The results of the environmental assessments are summarized below. For clarity, the results for the crude oil AST contents are discussed separately from the results of the soil, groundwater and sludge sampling. Sampling of Crude Oil AST Contents Between 1989 and 1997, various consultants collected samples of the water, oil and sludge contained inside the crude oil AST. A total of ten samples of the oil phase, nine samples of the water phase and 28 samples of the sludge phase have been analyzed to date. Leachable benzene was present in two of the sludge samples collected by Park Environmental Corporation (Park Environmental), at concentrations slightly above the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Potential (TCLP) of 500 pg/L' (the level above which a material would be considered a hazardous waste). The concentrations of metals in the sludge samples were below their respective Total Threshold Limit Concentrations (TTLCs); however, soluble lead was present in one sludge sample at a concentration just above the Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration (STLC). Based on the analytical results and statistical analysis performed by Kennedy Jenks Consultants (KJC), the contents of the tank were characterized as non-hazardous. According to available information, the crude oil AST contains an estimated 400,000 gallons of water, approximately 100,000 gallons of crude oil and approximately 420,000 gallons of sludge. Sampling of Sludge, Soil and Groundwater Extensive environmental subsurface investigations have been conducted at the site over the past 7 years by various consultants. Investigative tasks at the site have included advancement of 47 deep soil borings and 18 shallow soil. borings, collection and analysis of 110 subsurface soil samples and 12 "reconnaissance" groundwater samples, installation of three groundwater Removal Action Workplan Rosedale Highway Property -1- 8727-049-REM February 200'1 '! i I I I i I I I I i I I I I I I ! ! monitoring wells and collection and analysis of groundwater samples from the three monitoring wells and two water supply wells. Sludge samples were collected from the Class V shallow disposal well on the Sparks parcel, the septic tanks located on the Sparks, Rosedale Hotel/Maaco and Glen Rose parcels, the steam cleaner sump on the Glen Rose parcel and two floor drains in the building located on the Rosedale Hotel/Maaco parcel. Analysis of these sludge samples revealed hazardous concentrations of total and/or soluble metals in the steam cleaner sump and floor drains. Analysis of soil samples collected from across the site revealed concentrations of total petroleum hydrocarbons quantified as diesel (TPH-d) and motor oil (TPH-mo) above 1,000 mg/kg at five locations. These locations include the perimeter of the crude oil AST, north of the crude oil AST at the site's northern border (in the area below the former overhead pipeline that connected the AST to the adjacent refinery), north of the service garage on the Sparks parcel and two locations on the western portion of the Seaton parcel. Analysis of groundwater samples collected from "permanent" groundwater monitoring wells installed on the eastern portion of the Sparks parcel revealed the presence of xylenes, toluene, MtBE and TMB. In addition, TPH-g was detected in samples collected from the water supply well located on the Rosedale Hotel/Maaco parcel. The concentrations of these compounds were below generally accepted "action levels". "Reconnaissance" groundwater samples were collected from 12 borings advanced across the site by ENSR. No detectable concentrations above laboratory reporting limits of the analytes tested for were present in these reconnaissance groundwater samples. Based on the available analytical data, ENSR anticipates that groundwater remediation will not be required at the site. In addition, surveys completed by AKRI Corporation (AKRI) for the on-site buildings revealed the presence of ACMs. A copy of AKRI's report is presented in Appendix A. 1.2 Objective and Purpose The objective of the RAW is to identify areas on the site that require remediation or completion of tasks in a manner that is technically and economically appropriate for the site with regard to protection of human health and the environment. The purpose of this RAW is to outline the steps to be completed to address environmental concerns at the site prior to redevelopment. These steps take into account the analytical data and proposed redevelopment at the site. The planned activities at the site include: 2. 3. 4. 5. Removal Action Workplan Rosedale Highway Property Removal of a crude oil AST and its contents; Removal of impacted soils; Removal and disposal of USTs and associated dispensers and piping; Removal of a clarifier and destruction of a Class V shallow disposal well; Removal and disposal of septic tank systems, sumps and floor drains; -2- 8727-049-REM February 2001 I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! i 6. Destruction of water supply wells and groundwater monitoring wells and, reabandonment of oil production wells; and 7. Abatement of ACMs and lead-based paints; 1.3 Report Organization This report is organized into seven sections. This section summarizes the site issues and past accomplishments, describes the purpose and objectives of the RAW, and outlines the report organization. The second section provides a'site description and history of past investigations at the site. Section 3.0 presents a discussion of proposed soil cleanup objectives and goals. The remedial/work tasks are discussed in Section 4.0. Section 5.0 presents the proposed implementation and reporting schedule. Limitations of this report are explained in Section 6.0 and the references cited are listed in the last section. Removal Action Workplan Rosedale Highway Property 8727-049-REM - 3 - February 2001 I I i I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY This section presents a description of site conditions based on ENSR's observations and a summary of the site's history based on information contained in reports prepared for the site by other consultants. An oil refinery and commercial properties are located adjacent to the north border of the site, Highway 99 and commercial properties (hotel and restaurants) are located to the east, a shopping center and a gasoline service station are present to the south across Rosedale Highway and commercial properties, including an automobile sales lot, are located adjacent to the west. The Site Vicinity Map is presented as Figure 1 and the Site Plan as Figure 2. 2.1 Site Description The approximately 20-acre site consists of four parcels referred to as the Sparks (comprised of two parcels), Rosedale Hotel/Maaco, Seaton and Glen Rose parcels. These parcels are addressed 2800 Standard Street (Sparks parcel), 3650/3660 Rosedale Highway (Rosedale Hotel/Maaco parcel) and 3800/3880 Rosedale Highway (Glen Rose parcel). No street address has been assigned to the Seaton parcel. The Seaton parcel is located between the Rosedale Hotel/Maaco parcel and the Glen Rose parcel. The northern portion of the site is referred to as the Sparks parcel (technically comprised of two parcels). This parcel is accessed by Standard Street. Features on this parcel include the following: One 2.1 million gallon crude oil AST located on the west portion of the parcel and containing approximately 100,000 gallons of crude oil, 400,000 gallons of water and 420,000 gallons of oily sediment and sludge; · One service garage located on the east side of the parcel (the shop area of the garage features a floor drain which leads to a clarifier and Class V shallow injection well); · Two mobile trailers, including one located west and one southwest of the service garage; · One dispenser island with three dispensers on the west side of the service garage; · One waste oil UST located to the south side of service garage; · Four fuel USTs on the west side of service garage; · A drilling sump on the southeast corner of the parcel; · Concrete foundations at the northwest corner of the parcel; Removal Action Workplan Rosedale Highway Property -4- 8727-049-REM February 2001 i I i t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The Rosedale Hotel/Maaco parcel is located on the southeastern portion of the site. parcel is accessed from Rosedale Highway. Features on this parcel include the following: · A vacant building which was most recently occupied by Maaco Auto Paint; · A concrete pad for a former spray paint booth; · Two floor drains located inside the on-site building; · A septic system located at the northwest corner of the on-site building; · Possible PCB containing electric,al equipment (small transformers and light ballasts); and · Debris including tires, drums and containers. · A septic system (tank and leach field) located adjacent to the south side of the dispenser island (west of the service garage) and one possible septic system located near the trailer to the southwest of the service garage; · Small electrical equipment (transformers and light ballasts) possibly containing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs); · Debris including tires, drums, concrete pads and containers; · Three groundwater monitoring wells; · Two water supply wells that are no longer in use; and · Utility vaults, including a water main and electrical vaults on the south and eastern portions, respectively, of the parcel. This The Seaton parcel is located on the southern portion of the site and is accessed from Rosedale Highway. Features on this parcel include the following: · Truck trailers/containers located on the western portion of the parcel; · Debris including tires, drums and containers; and · One existing water supply well located on northern portion of the parcel. The parcel on the southwestern corner of the site is referred to the Glen Rose parcel. Features on this parcel include the following: · One building, formerly occupied by the Glen Rose Engine Shop, is present on the southwest portion of the parcel; Removal Action Workplan Rosedale Highway Property 8727-049-REM - 5 - February 2001 i I I I I I I I I I I i I I · A steam cleaning sump located on northwest corner of the garage; · A septic system located at the northwest corner of the building; · Possible PCB containing electrical equipment (small transformers and light ballasts); · Debris including tires, 55-gallon drums, concrete pads and small containers; and · One water supply well located on east side of the parcel. 2.2 Site History The Sparks parcel, addressed as 2800 Standard Street, was most recently occupied by Minyard Trucking. Past uses of the Sparks parcel include oil fields that operated as early as 1937, with a large sump in the northwest corner of parcel, the Trico oil production well in the middle section, two ASTs in the northeast section, several smaller ASTs in the southern section and a large warehouse in the middle section. Between 1952 and 1956, the large sump was removed, the Trico oil production well was abandoned, the ASTs were removed, two Phillip's oil wells were installed and an oil field service building was constructed on this parcel. Between 1956 and 1975, the large warehouse in the middle section of the parcel was removed and, in 1979, a 2.1 million gallon crude oil AST (referred to as Tank 50001 in previous documents) and a smaller crude oil AST were constructed on the western portion of the parcel. In 1981, the truck service building currently present on the eastern portion of the Sparks parcel was constructed and piping was installed between the two crude oil ASTs and the abutting refinery to the north. Between 1981 and 1990, the piping connecting the crude oil ASTs to the adjacent refinery and the small crude oil AST were removed. The large AST was left in place. The Rosedale Hotel is listed as the current property owner of the Rosedale Hotel/Maaco parcel. This parcel, addressed as 3650/3660 Rosedale Highway, was occupied by residential buildings prior to construction of the current on-site building in 1982. This building was occupied by Maaco Auto Paint from the time of its construction until several years ago. The parcel was used for residential housing as early as 1937, with more residential buildings constructed on the parcel between 1956 and 1981. By 1982, the residential buildings were demolished and the building that was used by Maaco Auto Paint was constructed on the parcel. A Class V shallow disposal well located on the east side of the Maaco Auto Paint building was destroyed according to Kern County Environmental Health Services Department (KCEHSD) standards on October 8, 1993. The Seaton parcel, located between the Rosedale Hotel/Maaco and Glen Rose parcels along the Rosedale Highway, has been vacant or used for truck parking since as early as 1937. Removal Action Workplan Rosedale Highway Property 8727-049-REM - 6 - February 2001 I i I The Glen Rose parcel, addressed 3800/3880 Rosedale Highway, was used to store oil field equipment prior to 1964. The current on-site building was constructed in 1964 and was occupied between 1964 and 2000 by Glen Rose Engine Shop. A Class V shallow disposal well located on the north side of the building was destroyed according to KCEHSD standards on September 16, 1994. 2.3 Previous Site Assessments/Investigations A Phase I environmental site assessment (ESA) report was prepared by KJC and dated October 22, 1997. KJC prepared recommendations based upon findings from the Phase I ESA that included the following: · Completion of an asbestos survey of all on-site buildings; · Clearing/disposal of debris; · Removal of the five USTs on the Sparks parcel; · Sampling of stained soils across the site; · Sampling/charecterization of the crude oil AST contents; · Abandonment of water supply wells; · Removal of septic systems; and · Removal of drains and sumps. Numerous sampling activities have been performed at the site, including collection and analysis of samPles of the crude oil AST contents; collection and analysis of soil and groundwater samples from across the site; and collection and analysis of sludge samples from the shallow disposal well, steam cleaner sumP and floor drains. In addition, an asbestos survey of the on- site buildings was performed by AKRI. The remaining tasks recommended by KJC have not been performed, and are addressed in this workplan. The results of the previous site assessments are summarized below. For clarity, the results for the crude oil AST contents are discussed separately (and first) from the results of the soil, groundwater and sludge samples. Sampling of Crude Oil AST Contents Samples of the water, oil and sludge phases were collected in the past for analysis by Cal/VVestern Fuels, Park and KJC. These samples were analyzed for Title 22/CAM 17 metals, soluble lead and mercury, the aromatic hydrocarbons benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEX); leachable benzene and leachable 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2-DCA); chromium and lead; organochlorinated pesticides and/or PCB's and reactive sulfide, reactive cyanide, pH, fish bioassay and flash point. Analytical results of the contents are presented in the tables from previous reports presented in Appendix A. Removal Action Workplan Rosedale Highway Property 8727-049-REM - 7 - February 2001 I i I I I I I i' i I I' I I I I i Samples collected between 1989 and 1991 were analyzed for Title 22/CAM 17 metals (using TTLC and STLC analytical methods), BTEX, 1,2-DCA and flash point. In addition, one sludge sample was analyzed for leachable lead using TCLP analysis. Analytical results are summarized in the tables from previous reports presented Appendix A. These chemicals of concern (COCs) were not present in the samples analyzed at concentrations at or above their respective TTLCs, STLCs or TCLPs. In 1993, Park Environmental performed the first environmental assessment of the site which included collection and analysis of samples from the crude oil AST (see Park's Table 3 in Appendix A). Park Environmental collected two samples of the oil phase (designated T-1 and T-2) and two samples of the sludge phase (designated T-3 and T-4) from the crude, oil AST. These four samples were analyzed for total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbons (TRPH), BTEX, leachable benzene using TCLP analysis and Title 22/CAM 17 metals. Petroleum hydrocarbons and BTEX were present in all of the samples. Leachable benzene was present in the sludge samples T-3 and T-4 at concentrations of 690 and 750 I~g/kg, respectively. These concentrations are above the TCLP of 500 IJg/L for leachable benzene. The concentrations of metals were below their respective TTLCs. Additional samples of the tank contents were collected in 1997 by KJC and findings were reported in a waste classification information report dated March 1998. This work was performed in accordance with a California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) approved sampling workplan. These samples were analyzed for BTEX, 1,2-DCA, 2- methylnapthalene, fish bioassay, reactive sulfide, reactive cyanide, pH, flash point, Title 22/CAM 17 metals (TI'LC), soluble lead, mercury and barium using STLC analysis, PCBs, organochlorine pesticides, leachable benzene and 1,2-DCA using TCLP analysis, and leachable chromium and lead using TCLP analysis. DTSC reviewed the w~ste classification information report by KJC and requested additional analytical data for hexavalent chromium in the water.phase, and lead and benzene in the sludge phase. In response to this request, KJC collected three water samples and eight sludge samples from the AST and reported the results in a waste classification information addendum dated March 21, 1998. Based on these analyses, the only COC above "action levels" was soluble lead detected in one sludge sample at a concentration above the STLC. Based on the analytical results and statistical analysis performed by KJC, the contents of the tank were characterized as non- hazardous. Results of the analysis are presented in the tables prepared by KJC and included in Appendix A. Additionally, KJC prepared a workplan for the removal and demolition of the crude oil AST (Tank 50001) dated March 12, 1998. The workplan was reviewed by the DTSC and the DTSC stated that they had no objections to the workplan in a letter dated March 30, 1998. According to the workplan, an estimated 400,000 gallons of water would be removed from the AST, approximately 100,000 gallons of crude oil would be removed and recycled, approximately 420,000 gallons of sludge would be solidified and removed, the AST's interior would be Removal Action Workplan Rosedale Highway Property 8727-049-REM - 8 - February 2001 I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I decontaminated (with proper disposal of rinsate) and the AST would be cut into pieces and transported to a metal recycler. Based on the workplan by KJC and recent conversations between ENSR and DTSC representatives, the waste oil is to be disposed of at a DTSC permitted facility. Sampling of Sludge, Soil and Groundwater During Park's 1993 environmental assessment of the Sparks parcel, soil samples were collected at depths of 15 to 35 feet below ground surface (bgs) from four borings (designated borings 1 through 4) located near the USTs. Analysis of these samples for fuel fingerprint (gasoline, diesel, motor oil and crude oil) revealed no detectable concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons in these samples (see table from Park's report in Appendix A). The soil samples collected at depths of 20 a~d 30 feet bgs from the boring (Boring 5) advanced by Park at the wash rack leach field were analyzed for fuel fingerprint. Analyses of these samples revealed total petroleum hydrocarbons as crude oil (TPH-co) at a concentration of 53 mg/kg and TPH-d at 14 mg/kg. Samples collected at a depth of 1 foot bgs from around the crude oil AST (sample locations S-1 through S-5) were analyzed for TRPH, BTEX and Title 22/CAM 17 metals. TRPH was detected at concentrations above 1,000 mg/kg in four of the five samples. Various metals were detected in each of the samples at concentration below their respective TTLCs. In addition, BTEX compounds were detected in concentrations below action levels in four of the five samples; the remaining sample did not contain BTEX compounds at concentrations at or above the laboratory reporting limits. Soils Engineering, Inc. (SEI) advanced 31 borings across the site in 1998. Three of the borings (B28, B29 and B-30) located on the Sparks parcel were converted to groundwater monitoring wells (MW-l, MW-2 and MW-3). A total of 64 soil samples and three groundwater samples were collected by SEI for analysis. Soil samples were analyzed for TRPH, TPH-g, TPH-d, BTEX, MtBE, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), Semi-VOCs, metals, organochlorine pesticides and/or PCBs. Petroleum hydrocarbons were detected in two of the shallow soil samples (collected at the 1 foot depth) at concentrations above 1,000 mg/kg. These samples were collected from borings located on the Seaton parcel and designated B-15 and B-16. Analysis of the groundwater samples for TPH-g, TPH-d, TRPH, VOCs and/or metals revealed Iow levels of some petroleum hydrocarbon constituents. The concentrations of these compounds were below generally accepted "action levels" (MCLs and taste/odor threshold). Samples of liquid and sludge were also collected for analysis by SEI from the Class V shallow disposal well on the Sparks parcel, the septic tanks on the Sparks, Rosedale Hotel/Maaco and Glen Rose parcels, the steam cleaner sump on the Glen Rose parcel and two floor drains on the 'Rosedale Hotel/Maaco parcel. The liquid and sludge in the shallow disposal well were characterized as non-hazardous while the sludge in the steam cleaner sump and two floors were characterized as hazardous based on the soluble metals analyses. ENSR performed a subsurface investigation at the site during the summer of 2000. A total of 12 borings were advanced to groundwater for collection of soil and groundwater samples and Removal Action Workplan Rosedale Highway Property 8727-049-REM - 9 - February 2001 I I I I ! I i i. I I i ! ,i I 12 shallow borings were advanced for collection of soil samples. Twelve groundwater samples and 27 soil samples were analyzed for TPH-g, TPH-d, TPH-mo, Title 22/CAM 17 metals and/or VOCs. Petroleum hydrocarbons above 1,000 mg/kg were detected in soil samples collected from two locations on the Sparks parcel, including EB-1 located north of the service garage and ES-10 located north of the crude oil AST. Removal Action Workplan Rosedale Highway Property 8727-049-REM - 10 - February 2001 I i I I I I I i I I I I I I I 3.0 PROPOSED CLEANUP OBJECTIVES AND GOALS FOR SOIL Remedial actions at impacted sites should achieve a level of cleanup that is protective of human health and the environment. The cleanup objectives and goals proposed should be selected so that water quality is not threatened and so that applicable regulations are satisfied. These goals are also based on the proposed site use (ie. commercial versus residential). 3.1 Chemicals of Concern in Soil Chemicals of concern at the project site include TRPH TPH-d, TPH-mo. The total petroleum hydrocarbons are likely from on-site sources (i.e., above ground oil storage, the USTs, above ground piping between the crude oil ASTs and the adjacent refinery, and vehicle maintenance). Analysis of groundwater samples from the three "permanent" monitoring wells revealed Iow levels of petroleum hydrocarbons in the area of the existing USTs on the Sparks parcel; however, analysis of the 12 "reconnaissance" groundwater samples collected from across the site did not reveal the presence of petroleum hydrocarbons or VOCs in elevated levels. 3.2 Soil Remedial Action Goals The California Leaking Underground Fuel Tank (LUFT) Field Manual uses a range of 100 to 10,000 mg/kg for assessing TRPH, TPH-d and TPH-mo environmental impacts (LUFT Task Force, 1989). The LUFT Field Manual uses the following ranges for BTEX: 0.3 to 1.0 mg/kg benzene; 0.3 to 50 mg/kg toluene; 1.0 to 50 mg/kg ethylbenzene; and 1.0 to 50 mg/kg total xylenes. However, determinations of specific criteria for required additional characterization and/or remediation are assessed on a case-by-case, site-specific basis. Benzene and toluene were not.detected in the on-site soils. The maximum concentrations of ethylbenzene and total xylenes detected in on-site vadose zone soils were 0.11 mg/kg and 0.71 mg/kg, respectively. Thus, these chemicals were not detected at concentrations in excess of their respective minimum LUFT cleanup criteria. The maximum concentrations of TRPH, TPH-d and TPH-mo detected in on-site vadose zone soils were 3,200 mg/kg, 2,600 mg/kg and 1,000 mg/kg, respectively. These compounds were detected at concentrations in excess of their respective individual minimum LUFT cleanup criteria. TRPH, TPH-d and TPH-mo are present at four locations in shallow soils, generally from the surface to a depth of approximately 4 feet bgs. For the Rosedale Highway project site, a cleanup goal of 1,000 mg/kg is proposed for TRPH (noted during previous assessments), TPH-d and TPH-mo in unsaturated soil. This cleanup goal is judged to be sufficiently protective of a commercial site that is to be developed as a commercial property covered by buildings, pavements and landscaped areas. Removal Action Workplan Rosedale Highway Property 8727-049-REM - 11 - February 2001 I ! ! ! I I I I I I ! I I i I ! I 4.0 REMEDIAL/WORK TASKS A description of the planned activities is presented in this section. For clarity, related remedial/work tasks are discussed together. Quantity estimates of impacted soils are based on information presented in reports prepared for the project site by other consultants, ENSR's work at the site and soil analytical data. 4.'1 AST and Contents The 2.1 million gallon crude oil AST located on the Sparks parcel contains approximately 920,000 gallons of crude oil, water and oily sediment/sludge. Analysis of soil samples collected around the perimeter of the AST (S-1-1, S-2-1, S-3-1 and S-5-1) revealed petroleum hydrocarbons at concentrations up to 3,200 mg/kg. ENSR estimates that approximately 1,500 to 2,000 tons of soil will need to be excavated from beneath the AST, assuming impacted soil beneath AST is present to a depth of approximately 2 feet. It is anticipated that the excavated soil will be disposed as non-hazardous waste; samples of the excavated soil will be collected by the Consultant for analysis to evaluate disposal options. Confirmation sampling will be performed by the Consultant following excavation to confirm that soil containing petroleum hydrocarbons above the cleanup goal have been removed from each area. ENSR proposes to remove the contents of the AST through the following: · Removal of approximately 100,000 gallons of crude oil by vacuum truck, to be sent to a licensed oil recycler; Removal and decanting of approximately 400,000 gallons of water, to be tested and released into the City of Bakersfield Public Works Department (COBPWD) sewer system or removal from the site for disposal; Removal of approximately 420,000 gallons of oily sludge and sediment by one or more methods including, but not necessarily limited to, solidification by mechanical means (the mixing with clean fill) and off-site disposal; mixing with oil and transporting to a facility that can use the material as a fuel; and/or transporting to a facility where the material will be converted into road base; Decontaminating the AST's interior with high pressure steam rinsing; Cutting the AST into pie(~es that can be transported by truck to a metal recycler and demolition of the concrete ring around the perimeter of the AST for off site disposal or recycling (concrete estimated at 300 tons); and · Removal of 1,500 to 2,000 tons of impacted soil below the AST (based on assumption that impacted soil is present beneath area of AST to depth of approximately 2 feet). Removal Action Workplan Rosedale Highway Property 8727-049-REM - 12 - February 2001 I ! ! I I ! I I I. I I ! i A detailed scope of work for this task is presented in Appendix B. 4.2 Impacted Soils Elevated concentrations (above 1,000 mg/kg) of petroleum hydrocarbons were detected in the following samples: · EB-I-1; · ES-10-4; · B-15-1; and · B-16-1. Samples EB-I-1 and ES-10-4 were collected from the Sparks parcel and B-15-1 and B-16-1 from the Seaton parcel. Analysis of these soil samples revealed petroleum hydrocarbons at concentrations up to 2,600 mg/kg. ENSR estimates the following soil quantities will need to be re moved: · Approximately 40 to 50 tons (15 foot diameter and 3 foot depth) of impacted soil in the area of EB-1; Approximately 125 to 150 tons (10 foot by 50 foot by 5 foot depth) of impacted soils in the area of ES-10; Approximately 5 to 10 tons (6.5 foot diameter by 2 fbot depth) of impacted soils in the area of B-15; and · Approximately 20 to 30 tons (15 foot diameter by 1.5 foot depth) of impacted soils in the area of B-16. It is anticipated that the excavated soil will be disposed as non-hazardous waste; samples of the excavated soil will be collected by the Consultant for analysis to evaluate disposal options. Confirmation sampling will be performed by the Consultant following excavation to confirm that soil containing petroleum hydrocarbons above the cleanup goal have been removed from each area. Appendix C contains the detailed scope of work for removal of the impacted soils. 4.3 Underground Storage Tanks Five USTs are currently located on the Sparks parcel, including two 8,000-gallon gasoline USTs, one 10,000-gallon gasoline UST, one 10,000-gallon diesel UST and one 1,000-gallon waste oil UST. Approximately 300 to 400 tons of impacted soils are expected at the USTs and fuel dispensers, based on analysis of soil samples collected from nearby borings (B-5 and B-10). it is anticipated Removal Action Workplan Rosedale Highway Property 8727-049-REM - 13 - February 2001 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I that this soil will be disposed of as non-hazardous waste, based on available data. Confirmation sampling will be performed by the Consultant following excavation to confirm that soil containing petroleum hydrocarbons above the cleanup goal have been removed from each area. A detailed scope of work for removal of the USTs is presented in Appendix D. 4.4 Clarifier and Class V Shallow Disposal Well A clarifier and Class V shallow disposal well are located on the Sparks parcel on the south side of the service garage. Approximately 15 tons of liquid and sludge is estimated to be present in the shallow disposal well. Liquid and sludge samples (UIC-L and UIC-S) collected from the clarifier and Class V shallow disposal well indicate that the liquid and sludge in the clarifier and Class V shallow disposal wel~ can be treated as non-hazardous waste. In addition, ENSR anticipates that approximately 75 to 100 tons of soil in the area of the clarifier and shallow disposal well will require excavation and off-site disposal. Based on analysis of soil samples collected, from borings B-2, B-3, B-4 and B-30, it is anticipated that the excavated soil will be treated as non-hazardous waste. In addition, approximately 10 tons of concrete will be removed from the site for disposal or recycling. Confirmation sampling will be performed by the Consultant following excavation to confirm that impacted soil have been removed from the area. Appendix E presents the scope of work for destruction of this well. 4.5 Septic Systems Up to four septic systems (tank and associated leach field) are present on the project site, including one septic system located south of the fuel dispenser island (west of the service garage) on the Sparks parcel, one system suspected to be located near the trailer to the southwest of the service garage on the Sparks parcel and one system each on the Rosedale Hotel/Maaco parcel and Glen Rose parcel. ENSR estimates that approximately 200 to 250 tons of material (including sludge in tank, tank, drain lines and impacted soil) will need to be removed for each septic system to expose drain lines and impacted soil, if any. This includes approximately 100 to 150 tons of soil from each septic system that are expected to be disposed of as non-hazardous waste (based on analysis of soil samples collected from borings B-27, B- 28, B-17, HA-l, B-18 and B-19) and approximately 100 tons of concrete and piping materials from each septic system that will be disposed of as construction debris. Confirmation sampling will be performed by the Consultant following excavation to confirm that impacted soil have been removed from the area. A detailed scope of work for removal of the septic systems is presented in Appendix F. Removal Action Workplan Rosedale Highway Property -14- 8727-049-REM February 2001 ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4.6 Sumps A steam cleaner sump is present at the northwest corner of the building on the Glen Rose parcel. Analysis of a sludge sample (SCS-SL) collected from the sump revealed that hazardous concentrations of soluble lead and cadmium are present in the sludge. ENSR estimates approximately 7.5 tons of sludge will be removed as hazardous waste. Based on analysis of soil samples collected from borings (B-22 and B-23), it is expected that soil removed from the area will be non-hazardous. It is anticipated that 10 to 20 tons of soil will be removed from beneath the steam cleaner sump. In addition, approximately 10 tons of concrete will be removed for off site disposal or recycling. One large drilling sump and two small drilling sumps are located on the site. Limited information is available on these sumps; it is anticipated that these sumps may contain drilling mud, crude oil and possibly other petroleum hydrocarbons. The contents are expected to be classified as non-hazardous. Each of the smaller sumps likely contain up to 300 tons of material while the large sump likely contains up to 750 tons of materials. No soil samples have been collected from the areas of the drilling sumps; however, we anticipate that up to 75 tons of concrete and 25 to 50 tons of impacted soil (non-hazardous) will be removed in conjunction with the large drilling sump and up to 40 tons of concrete and 15 to 25 tons of impacted soil (non- hazardous) will be removed in conjunction with each of the two small drilling sumps. Confirmation sampling will be performed by the Consultant following excavation to confirm that impacted soil have been removed from the area. Details of removal of the sumps are presented in Appendix G. 4.7 Floor Drains Analysis of sludge contained in two floor drains located inside the building on the Rosedale Hotel/Maaco parcel revealed soluble concentrations of cadmium, barium and lead above STLC. These samples, designated Ftr-D-N and FIr-D-SE, indicate that the sludge is to be treated as hazardous waste. ENSR estimates approximately 1 ton of sludge will be removed from the floor drains in the Maaco building. No soil samples have been collected from beneath the floor drains; however, we anticipate that 10 to 20 tons of soil will be removed from beneath the floor drains. In addition, approximately 20 tons of concrete will be removed for off site disposal or recycling. Confirmation sampling will be performed by the Consultant following excavation to confirm that impacted soil have been removed from the area and from excaVated soil to assess disposal options. The scope of work for removal of the sludge and floor drains is presented in Appendix H. Removal Action Workplan Rosedale Highway Property -15- 8727-049-REM February 2001 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4,8 Water Supply Wells Four water supply wells are present on the site, including the following: Sparks parcel: · One 60 foot deep water well that is 16 inches in diameter; and · One 140 foot deep water well that is 6 inches in diameter. Glen Rose parcel: · One 280 foot deep water well that is 8 inches in diameter. Seaton parcel: · One 280 foot deep water well that is 8 inches in diameter. The detailed scope of work for destruction of the water supply wells is presented in Appendix I. 4.9 Groundwater Monitoring Wells Three groundwater monitoring wells were installed on the eastern portion of the Sparks parcel in 1998. These wells, designated MW-l, MW-2, and MW-3, are each 35 feet deep and 8 inches in diameter. The wells will be properly destroyed (see scope of work presented in Appendix J). 4.10 Oil Production Wells Three oil production wells were drilled on the Sparks parcel in the past. These weqs, designated Trico Oil Well, Phillips Oil' Well #1 and Phillips Oil Well #2, were abandoned in 1955 (Trico) and 1960 (Phillips). The procedure outlined in Appendix K will be followed for assessing if the oil wells are to be replugged and reabandoned and, if so, the methods to be employed during this work. ENSR will consult with the local office of the Department of Oil and Gas to establish if these wells are required to be replugged and reabandoned prior to site redevelopment. 4.11 Drums and Miscellaneous Debris Debris present on the site consists of miscellaneous tires, asphalt, trash, buckets, concrete with oil staining and scrap metal. These materials will be removed from the site for proper disposal. It is anticipated that the materials will be removed as non-hazardous unless otherwise noted. ENSR estimates the following amounts of drums and debris will need to be removed from the site: Sparks parcel: Removal Action Workplan Rosedale Highway Property 8727-049-REM - 16 - February 2001 I I I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I · Approximately 300 tons of miscellaneous debris; · Approximately 50 tons of scrap metal; · Approximately ten 55-gallon drums containing waste oil; and · Eight 55-gallon drums of soil characterized as hazardous waste. Rosedale Hotel/Maaco parcel: · Approximately 250 tons of miscellaneous debris; · Approximately 180 tons of oil stained concrete; and · Approximately 20 tons of scrap metal. Glen Rose parcel: · Approximately 40 tons of miscellaneous debris; · Approximately 105 tons of oil stained concrete; and · Approximately five 55-gallon drums containing waste oil. Seaton parcel: · Approximately 10 tons of miscellaneous debris; and · Approximately 20 truck trailers/containers. 4.12 Asbestos Containing Materials and Lead-Based Paints According to a survey completed by AKRI Corporation dated October 5, 1998, ACMs present in the on-site buildings include: Sparks parcel: · Approximately 250 square feet of floor tiles (5% chrysotile); and · Approximately 110 square feet of flooring (17% chrysotile). Rosedale Hotel/Maaco parcel: · Approximately 650 linear feet of window putty (2% chrysotile); · Approximately 5 linear feet of cement pipe (8% chrysotile, 2% amosite, and 10% crocidolite); and · Approximately 25 square feet of roof mastic (10% Chrysotile). Glen Rose parcel: · Approximately 200 square feet of floor tile (5% chrysotile); and Removal Action Workplan Rosedale Highway Property 8727-049-REM - 17 - February 2001 I I i I I I I I i I I I I I I i I I I · Approximately 100 square feet of drywall with asbestos containing joint compound (2% chrysotile). No lead-based paint survey has been conducted to date; however, a survey for lead-based paints and additional ACMs, if any, will be completed by ENSR prior to demolition of the on-site buildings. The asbestos and lead-based paint abatement specifications are presented in Appendix L. Removal Action Workplan Rosedale Highway Property 8727-049-REM - 18 - February 2001 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5.0 IMPLEMENTATION AND REPORTING SCHEDULE ENSR'anticipates that the following implementation and reporting schedules will be followed for the proposed work at the site. 5.1 Implementation Schedule The schedule for on-site remedial/work activities at the project site is as follows: Submit RAW to Regulatory Agency Commence on-site work Complete on-site work January 24,2001 April2,2001 June 4,2001 Note: This schedule is preliminary and this time and is dependent on staff availability at the regulatory agencies, site access, weather, permitting processes and contractor availability. 5.2 Reporting Schedule ENSR anticipates that the report of findings for the regulatory agency on June 13, 2001. onsite work will be submitted to the Removal Action Workplan Rosedale Highway Property -19- 8727-049-REM February 2001 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6.0 LIMITATIONS This report was prepared in general accordance with the accepted standard of practice that exists in California at the time this document was prepared. It should be recognized that definition and evaluation of environmental conditions is a difficult and inexact art. Judgments leading to conclusions and recommendations are generally made with an incomplete knowledge of the conditions present. More extensive studies, including additional environmental investigations, can tend to reduce the inherent uncertainties associated with such studies. If Costco Wholesale wishes to reduce the uncertainty beyond the level associated with this study, ENSR International should be notified for additional consultation. Our firm has prepared this report for Costco Wholesale's exclusive use for this particular project and in accordance with generally accepted engineering practices within the area at the time of our investigation. No other representations, expressed or implied, and no warranty or guarantee is included or intended. This report may be used only by Costco Wholesale, its representatives, contractors, subcontractors and regulatory agencies designated by Costco Wholesale within a reasonable time from its issuance. Land use, site conditions (both on-site and off-site) or other factors may change over time, and additional work may be required with the passage of time. Any party other than Costco Wholesale who wishes to use this report shall notify ENSR International of such intended use. Based on the intended use of the report, ENSR International may require that additional work be performed and that an updated report be issued. Non-compliance with any of these requirements by Costco Wholesale or anyone else will release ENSR International from any liability resulting from the use of this report by any unauthorized party. Removal Action Workplan Rosedale Highway Property 8727-049-REM - 20 - February 2001 '1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 7.0 REFERENCES California Code of Regulations, Title 23, Division 3, Chapter 16 and Health and Safety Code, Chapter 6.7, 1994; California Underground Storage Tank (UST) Regulations. California Leaking Underground Fuel Tank Task Force: State Water Resources Control Board, 1989, Leaking Underground Fuel Tank Field Manuah Guidelines for Site Assessment, Cleanup, and Underground Storage Tank Closure. October. Kennedy Jenks Consultants. Phase I ESA: Sparks Estate and Adjoining Properties. October 22, 1997. Kennedy Jenks Consultants. Workplan: Sparks Estate and Adjoining Properties. March 12, 1998. Kleinfelder, Inc., Geotechnical Investigation Report, Proposed Costco Wholesale Warehouse, Rosedale Highway, Bakersfield, California, dated October 6, 2000 Soils Engineering, Inc. (SEI). Phase II Environmental Site AssessmentReport and Remedial Action Plan: .Sparks Estate and Adjoining Properties. November 12, 1998 Removal Action Workplan Rosedale Highway Property 8727-049-REM - 21 - February 2001 I I I I I i I I I I I i I I I I I I ! I I i I I I I i i APPENDIX A RESULTS OF PREVIOUS INVESTIGATIONS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I PROJECT NO: 8727-049-100 SITE DRAWN: S. Richardson CHECKED: L. Freeman DATE: January 19, 2001 F LENAME: 8727049A 0 2000 APPROX. SCALE IN FEET FIGURE 1 SITE LOCATION MAP Rosedale Highway Property Bakersfield, California VAULT VAULT TANK LEGEND ROSEDALE HIGHWAY PROPERTY BAKERSFIELD, CA FIGURE 2 SITE PLAN EB-IO PI..IILUPS OIL X ES-g + ~ .~B~.~~I FORMER OIL __ STORAGE ~ ES-8 t EB-4 /// IDEPTH I 0.~'1 ITPH-d I 27O I I IlrpH-mo I 4.,,~0 INSET "A" ~ -----.X-----:-i¢--- X .® W, ffER WELL X Y, ~ X PHILLIPS OIL -~- I EB-3 E9-12 B2I. L ~-TRICO //~:) ~1~ ~OIL WELL '~'IELEPHONE VAULT DEPTH 1' / (~a VAULT TPH-B I 2s ~ t [] DISPEN TPH-d I 080 I ~.,_._~IS~ uST,-._~ ___.g SUSPECTED SEPTIC TANK EB-2 :*- -- DEPTH 1' I ? --y- - ........ ED-ST. OIL ~ . wasa ~,-- ,ii STORAGE I,J,B21 MAll¢ ENSR BORING LOCATION -- I t' ~ HAe_I HAND AUGER SAMPLE LOCATION TPH-B I hI~EP~H I1'~~lw' RMER HASAROOU$ ~ ~ TRF' K-- '~K-- -X- -- EXISTING BUILDING IbE:m I" J ['rPH-mo 12JOO --(I~- EB-1 SERVICE GARAGE IDEPTH I 15' I ITRPH 143] T ES-2 X [~. mORAaE SHED X ES-3 SEE INSET ~ C~;~E. L.- SUMP--"-"'"~ I ' STORAGE X CONTNNERS ONCREI'E WATERI : "'~% , wE,',,. ' r ~ ~ ~ ~ ES-13~ - L CONTAINERS IgEPTHI 1' I TRPH 1p8001 SUMP PROPERTY BOUNDARY LOCATION (APPROXIMATE) --X-- FENCE UN[ DEPIb-~'~--I 1--"TT--I ANALYI'ICAL RESULTS OF SOIL SAMPLES ITPH-B ! 28 I AT raVEN DEPTH FPHH-d .~ BBS J -mo TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS GASOUNE TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS DIESEL TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS MOTOR OIL TOTAL RECOVERABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS I ~IEPI1C TANK B lg.-~c~18 -~1 .u,LD,.~ ES-5 _ ,I FLR-D-SE FORMER PAINT PAD ~ FORMER DRY WELL LOCAL GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION (BASED ON WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS IN ON-SITE WELLS) 0 50 100 APPROX. SCALE IN FEET SOURCe: 1420 HARBOR BAY PKWY. d1120 ALAMEDA. CA g4502 FAX: (~i10) 74.8-8709 ROSEDALE HIGHWAY PROPERTY BAKERSFIELD, CA FIGURE ,5 SAMPLE LOCATION MAP OlMWN BY: SCALE: DRAWING: SSR AS SHOV/N B727A74B PM: CHECKED: PROJECT: O. DENLET O. DENLEY 8727-A74-000 ENSR Analytical Methods for Soil Samples Rosedale Highway Property Bakersfield, California Sample ID TPH-g TpH-d ' ~'PFI;mo ,: BTEX ' MetalS:' VOCs EB-I-1 X X X X X EB-1-5 X X X X EB-2-1 X X X X X EB-2-5 X X X X EB-3-1 X X X 'X X EB-4-1 X X X X X EB-5-1 X X X X X EB-6-0.5 X X X X X EB-7-0.5 X X X X X X EB-8-0.5 X X X X X X EB-9-0.5 X X X X X X EB-9-9.5 X X X X X X EB-10-15 X X X X EB-11-10 X X X X EB-12-2 X X X X X ES-1-4 X X ' X X X ES-2-4 X X X X X ES-3-4 X X X X X ES-4-2 X X X X X ES-5~2 X X X X X ES-6-0.5 X X X X X ES-7-0.5 X X X X X X ES-8-2.5 X X X X X X ES-10-4 X X X X X X ES-11-2 X X X X X ES-12-2 X X X X X ES-13-2 X X X X X Notes: EB-I~I = Sample location (i.e. EB-1) and depth (i.e. 1 is 0.5 to 1 foot depth interval) TPH-g, d, mo = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline, diesel and motor oil.using EPA Test 015 Modified BTEX = Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and total xylenes using EPA Test Method 8020 Metals = Title 22 (CAM 17) metals using EPA Test Method 6010/7000 Series VOCs = Volatile Organic Compounds using EPA Test Method 8010, 8020 or 8260 No sample collected from ES-9 R:\pubs\report\8727\049\soil_results table.doc ENSR Analytical Methods for Groundwater Samples Rosedale Highway Property Bakersfield, California Sample ID TPH-g TPH-d TPH-mo BTEX Metals VOCs EB-1 X X X X X EB-2 X X X X X EB-3 X X X X X EB-4 X X X X X EB-5 X X X X X EB-6 X X X X X EB-7 X X X X X X EB-8 X X X X X X EB-9 X X X X X X EB-10 X X X X EB-11 X X X X EB-12 X X X X X Notes: EB-I-1 = TPH-g, d, mo = BTEX = Metals = VOCs = Sample location (i.e. EB-1) and depth (i.e. 1 is 0.5 to 1 foot depth interval) Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline, diesel and motor oil using EPA Test 015 Modified Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and total xylenes using EPA Test Method 8020 Title 22 (CAM 17) metals using EPA Test Method 6010/7000 Series Volatile Organic Compounds using EPA Test Method 8260 R..~,oab.~r~.rmrt~R727~l14.cl\.~nil re.~lt~ tnhl~ ENSR SAMPLING RESULTS Analytical Results of CAM 17 Metals in Soil Rosedale Highway Property Bakersfield, California Compounds (Results in mg/kg) : ~.~ , , >' E E E ~ ~ E ,-, ,~', ,:' , , i:,,, , EB-I-1 <2 <5 380 <1 2 10 7 10 15 <0.1 3 - 9 <5 <2 <2 t7 53 EB-2-1 <2 <5 60 < 1 1 7 6 8 < 1 <0.1 2 12 <5 <2 <2 t 8 16 EB-3-1 <2 <5 130 t2 3 15 <1 16 3 <0.1 5 12 <5 <2 9 32 53 EB-4-1 <2 <5 120 <1 3 15 12 16 4 <0.1 4 12 <5 <2 8 30 51 EB-5-1 <2 <5 84 <1 2 t,n 8 9 4 <0.1 3 7 <5 <2 6 21 40 EB-6-0.5 <10 5 69 <0.5 <0.5 12 <5 35 96 <0.1 10 7.2 <2.5 <1 <25 24 100 ~ EB-7-O.5 <2 <5 110 <1 3 13 10 12 1 <0.1 4 9 <5 <2 <2 28 51 EB-8-0.5 <2 <5 52 < 1 2 8 7 8 <1 <0.1 2 6 <5 <2 <2 15 30 EB-9-O.$ <2 <5 51 <1 2 7 6 6 < 1 <0.1 2 5 <5 <2 <2 13 26 EB-9-9.5 <2 <5 83 <1 2 9 9 17 2 <0.1 3 6 <5 <2 <2 26 49 EB-12-2 <2 <5 54 < 1 2 6 7 4 < 1 <0.1 2 5 <5 <2 <2 t 7 27 ES-l-4 <2 <5 37 <1 t 5 5 7 <1 <0.1 2 4 <5 <2 <2 t3 t4 ES-2-4 <2 <5- 35 <1 I 4 5 6 <1 <0.1 I 3 <5 <2 <2 1t t0 ES -3-4 <2 <5 78 < 1 2 9 9 14 I <0.1 3 8 <5 <2 5 20 32 ES-4:-2 <10 6.t 2,100 ~ <0.5 <0.5 10 5.6 62 <2.5 0.1 23 9.6 <2.5 <1 <25 36 63 ES-5-2 <10 5.2 86 <0.5 <0.5 9.2 <5 27 <2.5 <0.1 19 8.3 <2.5 <1 <25 32 46 ES-6-0.5 <10 4.8 72 <0.5 <0.5 10 <5 29 4 <0.1 19 8.1 <2.5 <1 <25 33 70 ES-7-0.5 <2 <5 t40 <1 3 13 9 10 18 <0.1 3 11 <5 <2 <2 24 57 ES-8-2.5 <2 <5 130 <1 3 14 9 14 15 <0.1 3 11 <5 <2 <2 25 65 ES-10-4.0 <2 <5 200 <1 4 22 12 20 40 <0.1 4 22 <5 <2 <2 3t t20 ES-11-2 <2 <5 1t0 <1 3 10 9 7 4 <0.1 3 9 <5 <2 <2 24 64 ES-12-2 <2 <5 56 <1 2 7 7 5 <1 <0.1 3 6 <5 <2 <2 20 29 ES-13-2 <2 <5 73 <1 3 8 8 .6 <1 <0.1 3 6 <5 <2 <2 22 34 ~'~.~:~ ~t~'~,~;~ i:" 3~00~¥ 5,400 ~ 150 210 4,700, ' 2,900 400 23 390 150 2 390 390 6.3 550 23;000 · R:~oubs~r~,oorf~8727~O4g~.~nil r~..~lt.~ t~hl~, dr,r:. Notes: mg/kg = EB-I-1 = <2.9 = PRG = 1. = milligrams per kilogram (or parts per million) Sample location (i.e. EB-1) and depth (i.e. 1 is 0.5 to 1 foot depth interval) Less than noted laboratory reporting limit Preliminary Remediation Goal for residential soils, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Region IX, 1999 ES-4-2 was analyzed for soluble barium with result of 2.4 mg/L which is below STLC of 100 mg/L and EB-6-0.5 was analyzed for soluble lead with result of 0.41 mg/L which is below STLC of 5 mg/L Cancer endpoint PRG; non-cancer enpoint PRG = 22 mg/kg Califomia modified PRG No sample collected frbm ES-9 ENSR SAMPLING RESULTS Analytical Results of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Soil Rosedale Highway Property Bakersfield, California (Results in rog/kg) Sample ID TPH-d TPH-mo EB-I-1 2,600 <10 EB-6-Q5 <100 622 ES-7-05 270 450 ES-8-2.5 130 250 ES-10-4 1,200 1,000 Notes: mg/kg EB-I-1 <10 TPH-d TPH-mo milligrams per kilogram (or pads per million) Sample location (i.e. EB-1) and depth (i.e. 1 is 0.5 to 1 foot depth interval) Less than noted laboratory repoding limit Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons quantified as diesel Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons quantified as motor oil ENSR SAMPLING RESULTS Analytical Results of CAM 17 Metals in Groundwater Rosedale Highway Bakersfield, California Compounds (Results In pg/L) Sarape ID c>'' E E E .o ~ ~' z E E E= .... ~:, 0 0 E :3 'I :3 v E8-1 <100 <250 110 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <0.5 65 <50 <250 <100 <100 <50 <50 EB-2 <100 <250 140 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <0.5 <50 <50 <250 <100 <100 <50 <50 E8-3 <100 <250 100 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <0.5 55 <50 <250 <100 <100 <50 <50 EB-4 <100 <250 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <0.5 <50 <50 <250 <100 <100 <50 <50 EB-5 <100 <250 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <0.5 <50 <50 <250 <100 <100 <50 <50 EB-6 <1 0.9 17 <0.05 <0.05 4.1 0.89 2.2 0.65 <0.01 4.4 2.2 <0.25 <0.1 <2.5 4.8 5.9 EB-7 <100 <250 68 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <0.5 100 <50 <250 <100 <100 <50 <50 EB-8 <100 <250 71 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <0.5 <50 <50 <250 <100 <100 <50 <50 EB-9 <100 <250 180 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <0.5 54 <50 <250 <100 <100 <50 <50 EB-12 <100 <250 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <0.5 <50 <50 <250 <100 <100 <50 <50 6 50 1000 4 5 50 N/A N/A 50 2 N/A 100 50 50 2, N/A Notes: pg/L = EB-1 = <2.9 = MCL = micrograms per liter (or parts per billion) Sample location (i.e. EB-1) Less than noted laboratory reporting limit Maximum Contaminant Levels for drinking water in the State of California L:~ENSR\1201\007H 201007.200. PEA.results .tbls.doc TABLE 1 SOIL SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS SperkJ Estate & Adjoining Properties Bakersfield, California Samples ColleCted September-October, 19~8 Concentraflone In mg/l<g (parts per million) unless noted SAMPLE NUMBER DATE EPA 418.1 EPA 8260 Total CAM 17 Metals EPA 8080 EPA 8270 8015m EPA 8020 TRPH Volatile Elevated Organochlorlne Semi-Volatile TPHg TPHd BTEX MTBE Organics Only listed Pesticide8 & PCB'e Organic8 B T E X B1-I0' 9/29/98 71 .All ND . None B1-20' 9/29/98 <20 All ND None B2-10' 9/29/98 <20 All ND None Ail ND All ND B2-15' 9/29/98 43 B2-20' 9/29/98 <20 All ND None Ail ND B3-5' 9/29/98 <20 Ail ND None B3-1 .~' 9/29/98 <20 Ail ND None B4-10' 9/29/98 <20 All ND None .Ail NO B4-20' 9/29/98 <20 All ND None Ail ND All ND B5-5' 9/29/98 <1 <10 Ail ND ND B5-20' 9/29/98 <1 <10 All ND ND B6-.5' 9/29/98 <20 All ND None B6-20' 9/29/98 <20 Ail ND B7-5' 9/29/98 <20 Ail ND None B7-20' 9/29/98 <20 Ail ND B8-5' 9/29/98 <20 No~e Ail ND ND B8-20' 9/29/98 <20 All ND ND B9-5' 9/29/98 <20 None NI ND ND B9o20' 9/29/98 <20 All ND ND B10-1' 9/30/98 28 980 ND ND0.0062 0.018 ND B10-10' 9/30/98 <1 <10 All ND ND B10-20' 9/30/98 <1 <10 All ND ND B11-10' 9/30/98 <20 None Ail ND ND B11-20' 9/30/98 <20 Ail ND ND B12-10' 9/30/98 <20 None All NO ND Bl2-20' 9/30/98 <20 NI ND ND B13.5' 9/30/98 <20 None All ND ND B13-20' 9/30/98 <20 NI ND ND B1~-,.10' 9/30/98 <20 Ail ND None B14-15' 9/30/98 <20 Ail ND B15-1' 10/1/98 1400 No~e ~ Ail ND ND B1~.5' 10/1/98 <20 All ND 100 B16-1' 10/1/98 1800 E=0.11 ,N=1.3.X=0.71 None B16-1ff 10/1/98 <20 All ND B17-5' 10/1/98 <20 All ND None B17-15' 10/1/98 <20 NI ND None B18~10' 10/1/98 <20 NI ND None B18-20' 10/1/98 <20 All ND No~e B19-10' 10/1/98 <20 All ND None BIg-20' 10/1/98 <20 Ail ND None B20~I0' 10/1/98 <20 All ND None B2~20' 10/1/98, <20 All ND B2~'-$' 10/1/98 <20 All ND SAMPLE NUMBER DATE EPA 418.1 EPA 8260 Total CAM 17 Metals EPA 8080 EPA 8270 8015m EPA 8020 TRPH VolaUl® Elevated Organochlorlne Seml-VolaUle TPHg TPHd BTEX ' MTBE Organlc~ ., Only Usted Pestlclde.&PCB'a Organlc~ B T E X 1~!-15' 10/1/g8 <20 All NO None ~,-- B21-20' 10/1/98 <20 Nor~e B22-5' 10/2/98 <20 All ND No~e B22-15' 10/2/98 <20 All ND B23-10' 10/2/98 <20 All ND Nme 1323-20' 10/2/98 <20 All ND B24-5' 10/2/98 <20 All ND None B24.15' 10/2/98 <20 All ND B-25-10' 10/23/98 <20 <1 All ND B25-20' 10/23/98 <20 <1 All ND B26-10' 10/23/98 <20 <1 All ND B26-20' 110/23/98 <20 <1 All ND B27.10' 10/23/98 <20 Ail ND No~e B27-20' 10/23/98 <20 Ail ND No~e 1328.5' 10/23/98 <20 All ND None B28-15' 10/23/98 <20 Ail ND None B29.10' 10/26/98 <1 <10 NI ND ND. B29-20' 10/26/98 <1 <10 All ND ND. B30-10' 10/26/98 <20 All ND No~e B30-20' 10/26/98 37 All ND HA-I.10' 10/26/98 <20 Ail ND No~e Liquid & Sludge Samples JIC.L IClass V Well Liquid) 9/29/98 28 ppm E=1.1. Napth=2.7, T=2.0 None NI ND Anilinenl 8 ppb. · x-4.1. MTBE=1.2 4-Meth~lphenol=340 ppb all in ppi), Phenol,=22 ppb JIC-S IClass V Well Slud~le) 9/29/98 61.000 ppm B=0.34.E=2.1 .Napth=7.6 Baa 1550 (20). All ND 2-Eth~lhex~1-110 T=5.X-13 In ppm Cad=221ND) 2-Mel~lnapthalene=-30 Pb=g7(ND I all ppm iSEP-M ISe~;c, Maaco~ 10/1/g8 1.4 ppm T=0.8 ppb No~e SCS-SLISlead~c~e&ner Sump) lO/2/98 140000 ppm PCE=O.032.T=O.011 Cad=34(2.7 STLC) : X=0.013. 2-Chl~ololuene-=-O.46 Pb=1670(94 STLC). Cu=1040 all In FIr-D-N INotlh Drain Maaco) 10/1/98 93000 pp,-n E=26.Napth=5.9.X=47 ~.,~ir, Ba=1380117~.Cad=7.SIND). Pb=491(8.4 STLC)) FIt-D-SE ~SE Drain Maacoi 10/1/g8 2400 FF'" All ND Ba=3150(21 S'I'LCl. Pb=1320(57 STLC) Cad=35(1.7 S]'LC). Cu=649(33 STLC). Hg=7.4(ND) Sep-S (Seplic Spaff, s) 10/26/98 4900 ppm p-isoprop~/lloluene=0.80 ppm None 1.2.4-Trimelh)~lbe~ze,~=O.58 Sep. GR (Septic Glenn Rose} 10/26/98 5300 ~,[,, p-iso~opylloluene=O.50 ppm Nme 1.2.4- Trimelh¥1b~qzene-= 0.066 N Well IN(xth Waler Wel) 10/26/98 <lppm All ND ; None cSO ppb M Well (Maaco Waler Well) 10/26/98 <Ippm 2 ppb MTBE Nme 64 ppb MW-I 10/27/98 X=lpI3b. MTBE=0.57 ppb None <5OOppb <200ppb MW-2 10/27/98 X=3.C, pf, b, MTBE=2 ppb. None <500ppb <200ppb MW-3 10/27/98 X=l.Sppb. MTBE-I.4 ppb Nme <500ppb <200ppb T=0.91 ppb. 1.2ppb Trimelhylbenzene Nol®: BnBenzene. TaToluene, E=Elhylbeflzene. X=Xy;e,-,es, Napth=Naplhale~e. PCE = Telrachlofoe;he,qe. Ba=Barium. Cad--Cadmium. Pb=Lead.Cu=Coppef. Hg=Mercury. TPH=ToIal Pelroleum Hydrocarbons. g · Gain:dine. d~Oies(d. ND- No~e Detected. I:)pm n parts per marion, ppb n parts per billion. TRPH=Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons. (#) =, STLC Value. BOLD ,, Hazardous Concentration Tal~e 2 TABLE 2 · HISTORICAL SOIL ANALYTICAL RESULTS Sparks Estate 2800 Standard St. Bakersfield, CA. .' Soil Samples,- Concentrations in m~/k~l Iparts per million! ~ Sample Number Date Benzene Toluene I Ethl/Ibenzene Xylenes TRPH Fuel ID ., Elevated UST BORINGS Metals Boring I @ 20' 12/9/93 NA NA NA NA NA ND NA Boring! @ 25' 12/9/93 NA NA NA NA NA ND NA Boring 1 @ 35' 12/9/93 NA NA NA NA NA ND NA Boring 2 @ 20' 12/9/93 NA NA .NA NA NA ND NA Boring 2 @ 30' 12/9/93 NA NA NA NA NA ND NA Boring 3 @ 15' 12/9/93 NA NA NA NA NA ND NA Borin(j 3 @ 20' 12/9/93 NA NA NA NA NA ND' NA · Boring 3 @ 25' 12/9/93 NA NA NA NA NA ND NA Boring 4 @ 15' 12/9/93 NA NA NA NA NA ND, NA Boring 4 @ 20" 12/9/93 NA NA NA NA . NA ND NA Boring 4 @ 25' 12/9/93 NA NA NA NA NA ND NA WASH RACK LEACH FIELD Boring 5 @ 20' 12/9/93 NA NA NA NA NA 53 Crude Oil NA Boring 5 @ 30' 12/9/93 NA NA NA NA NA 14 Diesel NA Boring 5 @ 30' 12/9/93 NA NA NA NA NA ND NA EXISTING AGT ASSESSMENT $-1 @ 1' 12/30/93 ND ND 0.015 0.032 1400 NA None S-2 @ 1' 12/30/93 ND ND 0.006 0.031 3200 NA None S-3 @ 1' 12/30/93 0.01 0.069 0.014 0.052. 1100 NA None S-4 '@ 1' 12/30/93 ND ND ND ND 68 NA None S-5 @ 1' 12/30/93 ND 0.00g ND I, ND 1600 NA None Notes: NA = Not Analyzed, ND = None Detected .. I I I I I I I I I I I Page 1 I I I I ! i I TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF lABORATORY RESULTS OIL PHASE . TITLE 22 METALS KENNEDY/JENKS SAMPLES ; H_~_i,~*ORIC S. AMBLES CONSTITUENTS October 1997 ..... December 1997 Oil AnalySiS;' T-1 '(sudace) IT-2 (su_dace)' BC La~. Sample' HML Lab Samp!e 97'2313-1T-01 ..... 972313-16-21,22,23.30, 972313-16.25-24,25,26,32 972313-16.5-27,~8'.29,?~' 972313-17:34,3'1 5-Jan-89:: 30'-Dec-93 "i 30-De_c-93 15-OcI-91 15-Oct-9i Total Metals Value Units Value Unils Vakm Units Value Units Value Units Value Units Value' Units ?alue Units 0:3' level 0'-3' level' ,~llmony 5 mg/kg. 5 mg/kg ' ~ mg/kg 5 m~]/k9~ i . ~ ;. ':i~.:~'. .. 5 m~/kg 3.8 mg~kg '~L8 _ mg}kg 5 ~g/kg ~:~' ~enic 5.2 rog/kg 5.4 rog/kg 4.~: mg/kg 4.7 mg/kg .: ..- :! :..~. -'-~;;i:'; 0.5 m,,j/kg 2.5 rog/kg "~::.3 . rog/kg 6.9 mg/kg. ' 1~7~ " . mg/kg Barium 39 mg/kg 41 mg/kg 40 mg/kg 41 m.g/k9, _, :. ::':: i'.:I ~- '~.",.~'i~:~~. .. :. 4.58 r~g/kg 28 mg/kg ':'~ mg/kg 25 mg/kg ~ 9 mg/kg ..... ~:.~,:~.~=<~i~-.., 0.5 mg/kg 0.1 mg/l<g ,. mg/kg Beryllium ~ 0.5 mg/kg 0.5 mg/kg 0.,~ mg/kg 0.5 mg/kg", i~ ' ~ ~ '~.i~i;*~;.:': ~'~ ~. ~,:~'~?.~.i':' "~'.'1 mg/kg 0,5 .rog/kg..I 0101 cadmium 0.5 mg/kg 0.5 mg/k.g 0.5 mg/kg 0.5 mg/k~~ : .... ..::'.:-:./~,.~:~ ::!:.:: .~:!?~;~'!~i~.~:.'~ 0.5 tug'kg 1 mg/kg !~1. rog/kg 0.5 mg/kg 0.64 mg/kg Chromlu~ 90 mg/kg 98 mg/kg 92 rog/kg ~1 '~n~/k~l:."ii:~ ;:-~ :::,?~i:!:..i~:?:i ~;~:~: 5.87 mg/kg 71 mg/kg ~7 mg/l<g 47 mg/kg Total Hexavalent ChrOmium 0.5 mg/kg 0.5 mg/kg 0.5 rog/kg 0.5 mg/kg 0.5 mg/l<g :::':i. ::~;~= ~:;.!~!:.~! ~ :~:~ ~:~: ?.,~.:?:.:' ~:!;~: .~:!!~i~'.i!-i ,:~.~:~:.~:~.~ ~:~,~ ' ' ' ~:~ ~. ~::!'- , mg/kg. 0.59 'Cobalt 2.5 mg/kg 2.5 mg/k.g 2.5 . rog/kg, ~.5 tug,kg i.: ~: ~:!::?:ii?~!~.~;i:~:i ~,~?~.~.;:~.; 2.5 mg,l<g 2.0 mg/kg 1.6 · . mg/kg 2.5 . rog/kg ~. ~.~:,.~ ~ ~:'.~::,.. 18:7 "mg/l~g 32 rog/kg 30 mg/kg 23 rog/kg 14.5 rng/kg .Cot~oer 32 mg/kg 35 rog/kg 34 rog/kg 34 mg/k§ ........ ;'~::'"'~:~"~'~':~ "~':"-'~ ....... ~ : ..~,..,;;',:' ~,.., ' Lead 45 rog/kg 47 mg/kg 43 mg/kg ,, 43 mg/kg ![~?:.~ :..~.:,?~,,,~::~:~ ~.~. 2.5 rog/kg 38 mg/k,g :i~ mg/kg 33 mg/kg. 21.2 mg/kg Mercury' 0.1 mg/l<g . 0.1 mg/kg 0.1 mg/kg 0.1 mg/kg ~[~.,:,,~,?:::-:-~.~!~-:?:~::?,,..~.~.. ,:~,~ ~.~ 0.i rog/kg 0.1 rog/kg ~'.1,, mg/kg 0.26 mg/k§, ~' :~ ~:"~':~,~ ....... .............. · : ,~.7 rog/kg 2.5 .rog/kg 1.32 rog/kg Molybdenum 2.5 mg/kg 2.5 rog/kg "2.~' rog/kg 2.5 mg/kg :~:.~:~:~.?~:~:~ ~2~' 2.5 mg/kg 1.3 , m.g,,/kg .... ' - ~":~ ~'~:'~:~: mgAg 36 rog/kg 32 mg/kg 23 mcj/kg 15.3 ' mg/kg Nickel 47 mg/kg 51 rog/kg 46 rog/kg 48 mg/kg ~,. ~ ~.,,~,-.~-,,. ~,' 5.93 · ' . . . :~.:~::~' o.~:~.~ ;F.~.. ~ , , Selenium 5.1 rog/kg 3.9 rog/kg 4.1 rng/kg 4.3 rog/kg !~}~.~!..?,~:~:~!.+~? ~:~ 0.5 mg,~,<g 0.1 rog/kg ~.1 mgAg 0.5 mg/kg b.4 mg/kg ' Silver 1 rog/kg I mg/kg 1 rog/kg 1 rog/kg, i~!"i!,::~!:,~;~:::~ ~i: 0.5 rog/kg 0.8 rog/kg ~t8. rog/kg '0.5 rog/kg Thallium 5 rog/kg 5 mg/l<g ' 5 .... rog/kg 5 mg/kg ~i:?~::~:~.~¥.~:~,~,.-.,:,:'~':;~" ':-:'"~'~:~,~ ~!~ 5 rog/kg 10 mg/kg 1'.fi rog/kg 5 rog/kg 0.75 . rog/kg · ..,,:. :.~, i~,.:~ ~:.,~ ~..:~. ~: " Vanadium 72 rog/kg '/7 rog/kg 73 mg/kg 73 rog/kg ~,~;~,~,~,~!.~ ~,.~:~.~,,~ 3.49 rog/kg 48 rog/kg [4 mg/kg 34 mg/kg , 21.9 mg/kg Zinc 215 241' rog/kg 214 rog/kg 214 mg/kg.,.., -~.:., ....... T.., , 87.7 mg/kg mg/kg I ~ng/kg I II II I~:1 I III IIII I II SolUble Metals I - Lead I[STLC) ~ ~ ;~ · 4.3' mg/I ' '3.~ 'mg/I 3.5 mg/f.'.,:':~ 3.2 mg/I .: :::.~;~ -~:'~, ~:"':' '~'" ~., ~:~ ~' ~"i~;4~.% o.oo, I/ 'Chromium'(l'~LF i~~~ :~~ ~ ; 0.0~ . mg/I 0.05 , m~/I 0.05 mg/I 0.05 ~ng/I -~i~ ~.~;~i ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~.'!~al~ ,~ ~ ~,~'~'~,,~,'~';~': ~' 0.25 mg/I. ~ ~. ~~~ Lead fCLPI ~ ~ 0.25 I m~/I 0.251 ' II m~/I. -;,I 0.25 mg/I ~,~;~ ~~ ~*~' ~[~ ~:ii~ ~I ~:'~'~'" '~' "' Notes: For constituents thal w~re not detected. 1/2 the detection limit is shown. I,: i':: :' , '" i:i ::i":; :: '~.~!"~:'i~ I = Nol Analyzed Oulliers are presented in bold and Italics. Heights are measured Irom the bottom of the tank. Samples 972313-1r-0,': and 972313-4'-08 were nol analyzed. I ! 3/! 2~J8 O-METALB.XLS Pa~,le 1 ~ m ,mm m m mm m, m mmm mm m m m m m mm m TABLE 2 DIXON'S TEST FOR OUTLIERS SHAPIRO-WILK{2! TEST FOR NORMALLY DISTRIBUTED DATA OIL PHASE DATA POINTS(~) CALCULATED TABLE RESULT Mercury, Total (mg/kg) 0.10'1 0.10'1 0.10'1~0'1 0.050 0.730 Non-Normality Barium, Total (mg/kg) 0.42 0.44 0.5 0.4 0.666 0.698 Normal ~ 5.2 2.01 Hexavalent Chromium, Total (mg/kg) 0.005 ~L0~ 0.005 Sample Size Too Small Lead, Soluble (mg/I) 5.1 4.0 2.3 3.3 0.980 0.730 Normal 3.4 4.2 4.5 ~ I Notes: :l) Outlier according to EPA DATAQUEST Model is shaded. :2) Shapiro-Wilk Test for Normally Distributed Data after outlier value removed from data set. :3) BC Laboratories, 15 October 1991. :4) Cai Western Fuels, 5 January 1989. :s) Kenned¥1Jenks Consultants, October 1997. :8) DTSC HML Laboratory, 15 October 1991. 3112/98 OUTLIER.XLS . Page 1 2:25 PM I I I I I I [ I I I I CONSTITUENT Trail tC~ Var~ Solubl~ Lead TABLE 3 8UMI,IN~y OF SW 846 STATISllCAL CALCULATIONS OH LABOHATOflY RESULTS OIL PtlASE - 1TI1.E 22 METALS STATISTICAL AI~LYSIS Cont Umlt 4.978 4.704 35262 0.458 0.729 60.737 0.500 2.440 31.626 0.148 2.810 4~.264 0.872 6.960 61.829 Above TI'LC Limit? - STLC Limit? no IlO no rio NA HA HA NA NA ' 'NA O-METALB. XLS Above Conl. Umlt Uml ? 4.704 no no 40.827 no no 0.100 no no 2.510 m no 41.284 m m 3.151 rD rD 0.872 no m 6.960 no no, 3.976 NA NA 0.001 NA HA 0.050 NA HA 0.250 NA NA m ill SUMMARY OF SW 846 STATISTICAL CALCULATIONS ON LABORATORY RESULTS O,L P,ASE. OROA,,C CO,,POU,OS CONSTITUENT STATISTICAL ANALYSIS ' Act. No. of TCLP Sample Vadance Std Dev. Std Error t-value Upl~er .... Above Calc. No. Need More At Leas. l, Total Organics Samples (mglL) mean (n-l) Conf. Limit TCLP Limit? Samples Samples?. 4 Samp!.es Benzene 9 : "~,~ ' . :~'. ,~:~,.:,, ~ 2.16E+01 9.56E+02 3.09E+01 1.03E+01 1.397 35.987 ~1~ ,i~.~!, yes ~., 1.2-Dichloroethane 5 ',: :::~-;~L:!~ 6.90E+00 1.88E+01 4.34E+00 1.94E+00 1.533 9.873 ,. ~1~~ ~;~: yes Ethyl benzene .... 8 ?:~,;~:~ 2.66E+02 3.19E+04 1.79E+02 6.32E+01 1.415 355.754 Toluene 9 ::~~ 3.55E+02 5.75E+04 2.40E+02 7.99E+01 1.397 466.939 ~ylenes 9 :*/~.~ 1.65E+03 1.12E+06 1.06E+03 "3.5~E*02 1.397 2142.0~' yes 2-Methylnaphthalene I :q: ";~'.~ ~~~: ~C~.:,:~ ',~' ~"~ ~ .... Chlorinated Pesticide~PCB ' 4 ,:~i~ 3.00Et00 6.67E-01 8.16E-01 4.08E-01 1.638 3.669 ~~~ ~~ yes I I I I TCLP Organics Benzene (TCLP) 5 0.5 5.44E~2 6.63E-04 2.58E~2 1.15E-02 1.533 0.~72 no 0.0 no yes 1,2-Dichloroethane (TCLP) 3 0.5 5.00E~3 6.78E-21 8.23E-i 1 4.75E-11 1.886 0.005 no 0.0 no no II I II I" Other Flash Point ~.~ :?: ":':.'L.,~ ~ "~:.~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ Reactive Sulfide 4 · ~.'~:~:~.~;:~ ~~ ~ ;~ ~~ ~A~ ~ ~~ ~~1~~ ,~ ..... .~::~.,...yes ReaCtive Cyanide 4 ~ '.,;~;e~ ?~~ ~ Notes: For values ~en ND = Not Detected; 1/2 the dete~ion limit ~as used. ~ = N~ Appli~ble 3/12/98 O-ORGII.XI-$ Page I 336 PM CONSTITUENT Tt~tal anlce 972313-16-21,22,23,30 TABLE 4 SUMMARY OF LAliORATORY RESULTS OIL PHASE- ORi:IANIC COMPOUNDS 972313-17'-01 Value 10 10 340 340 22OO 1100 4 Value Units KENNEDYIJENK~.; SAMPLES December 1997 Sample Results 972313-16.25-2,~,25,26,32 9723 t 3-16.5-27,28,29,33 Value Units Value Units Benzene 6.1 7.5 m: Eth~ benzene i · Toluene ..... X¥1enes I !-Meth¥1naphthal{ ~ C~ irinated Pestlceds/PCB · --, 'rCLP O~anlc,~ · a~nzene (I'CLP) I -~:,2-'.91chloroethane ('r( / I Oth;r ~ Rash Point r~-~, Reactive Sulfide '1 I 'Reactiv~HcYanIde 1 340 3 mg/kg 3 mg/kg 2 rog/kg 0.032 0.005 g-Jan-89 14-Dec-89 30-Dec-93 HISTOR:~.i'SAMPLES BC Lab HML Lab 30-Dec-93 15-Oct-9 t 15-Oct-91 Value Units Value Units Units 0-3' 237.8 30 5 113.6 37O 510 52O 6OO 1940 I~lon-ReactiveI mg/kg INon:Reactive ~lon-ReactiveI rog/kg INon-Reactive I pH UnitsI 4.56 " II I I~1 / 0.038 0.037 0.005 0.005 For contituents that were not c:etected, 1/2 the detection limit is shown. OuUers are presented In bold and Italics. Heights are measured from the bottom of the tank. Samples 972313-17'-02 and 972313-4'-08 were not analyzed. mg/kg I Non-Reactive] rog/kg I Non-Reactivel rog/kg rog/kg INon-Reactiv~I rog/kg INon-ReactiveI rog/kg pR Units I 4.46 I pH Units I 4.33 I pH Units Hot Analyzed I I I I I I O-ORG ].XLS Pag.~ 1 3/12/98 2:36 PM I I I I I I I CONSTITUEHT Total Metal:~ Antimony Arsenic Badum 0.42 Be~lium 0.05 Cadmium 0.05 Chromium" 0.32 0.005 0.25 O.O5 0,125 Ch omium Cobalt Copper Lead 0.0125 Molybdenum 0.25 Nickel 0.25 Selenium 0.05 -. Silver ..... 0.1 Thallium 0.5 Vanadium 0A2 Z~lc Soluble Metals Anti .mon¥ Arsenic 0,25 Badum Beryllium Cadmium Chromium Cobalt Copper Lead' Memu~ Nickel Selenium Silver Thallium Vanadium Zinc October 1997 Sample Results 972313-15'-03 972313-12'-04 Value Value 0.5 0.5 0.14 0.05 0.44 0.05 O.05 0.34 0.5 0.25 0.05 0.25 0.0125 0.25 0.25 0.05 0.1 0.5 0.43 0.25 TABLE 6 SUMMARY OF LABORATORY RESULTS WATER PHASE . TITLE 22 METALS KENNED~/JENKS SAMPLE RES'iJ~.TS November 1997 Sample Results 9723!3-12-07 972313;09-1 Value Value .: ~' :.*,.," ~,:. : . ": ~- ':i.~! .. 4' ~::::.~.i'i-'.; 972313-10-08 Value ?' :~,:::? · i - .~ !;:..:.:...:. ;~ ;:.i: !:":?.: · i; ~: : :;,C ' ,; ,/:i ::'. ~'" · : :¥-':. ": 0.001 ;:Lii~:~'!;i:.:~".::~:: ' '~'- Value 0.005 2.5 0.5 ' 2.5 December 1997 Sample Results ,17 972313-11-13, 20 Value Units 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 ::':. i .:. ~.:: ~ 2.5 0.5 2.5 0,005 2.5 2.5 0.5 1 5 0.5 2.5 972313-11.5-1, Value 0.5 0.05 0.41 0.05 0.O5 0.37 0.25 0.05 0.25 0.005 0.25 0:25 0.O5 0.1 0.5 0.44 0.25 0.25 0.25 N~ les:' F( ~ conslituenls that were not detected, 1/2 the detection limit is shown. (::h triers are presented in bold and italics. H~ ghls are measured from the botlom of the tank. Dk not correct tot mg/L versus rog/kg. Specific gravity was 1.014. S& nples 972313-17'-02 and 972313-4'-08 were not analyzed. r-~ :] '= Nol Analyzed W-METALB.XLS Western Fuels 5-Jan-89 5 0.5 29.5 0.5 0.5 BC Sample 15-Oct-gl 3-6' I CONSTITUENT I ToWI Met~le Arsenic ~-' Beduin C=_dmlum Chromium Hexav~ent Chromium Coball Lead .. Nickel ." Selenium ~lver Thallium Vanadium 7;nc Arsenic Badum Se~lium Cadmium Chromium Lead Men uty Ni~ al Seb! um S~lv ~r '[hag ~m Vana( um TCLP I~ .~!; '1 I W-METALB.XL$ TABLE 7 SUMMARY OF SW 846 STATISTICAL CALCULA11ONS OH LABORATORY RESULTS WATER PHASF · TITLE 22 METALS Act. No. al 7 7 7 7 7 7 3 7 7 5 7 8 7 6 7 8 8 Vadance 6.14E+00 4.62E-02 1.15E+02 6.10E-02 9.15E-02 2.21E+01 8 _~5F-02 1.50E+O0 2.46E+0! 1.97E+01 1.68E-03 1.48E+00 4.94E+00 5.29E-02 1.30E-01 5.63E+00 3.52E+00 2.09E+03 ST.~.TISTICAL ANALYSIS ( Upper 80% Calc. No of Above TTLC Conf. Limit Limit? STLC Umlt? 3.706 0 no - ro 0.394 0 no ' f~ Al Least 11.336 0 no m no 0.371 0 no fo no 0.616 0 no fo no 6.102 0 no m no 0.481 0 no ro no no 1.859 0 no fo no 5.712 0 no no 5.815 0 no · ~ no 0.055 0 no r') no 1.862 0 no c3' no . 3.423 0 no ro no 0.418 0 no £~ no 0.600 0 no ~,) no 3.756 0 no n) no 2.618 0 no n) no 49.777 0 nc n'). no 0.00E+00 0.001 0 f~, no no I no 2 fiat were not detected, 1/2 of the detection limit was used. 0.00E+00 "' l" Not Applicable 0.250 0 no p~)e I Variance 6.10E-02 9.15E-02 2,21E+01 1.25E-05 1.50E+00 2.46E+01 1.97E+01 1.68E-03 1.48E+00 4.94E+00 5.29E-02 1.30E-01 5.63E+00 3.52E+00 2.06E+03 '{CAL ANALYSIS Cak:. No of Above 1'tLc Conf. Umit Above lox Need More Limit? S~.C UmJt't 0 no no no 0.394 0 no no no 0 no no no 0,371 0 no no nc 0,516 0 no no no 6.102 0 no no no 0.010 0 no no no 1.659 0 no no no 5.712 0 no no no 5.616 0 no - nc 0.055 0 no no lJ62 0 no no no 3.423 0 no no 0A18' 0 no no no 0.600 0 no no 3.756 0 no no no 2.618 0 no no 48.777 0 no .no no O.OOE+O0 0.001 0 no 0.00E+00 I I I I' I I TABLE 8 SUMMARY OF I ABORATO~Y RESULTS WATER PHASE . ORGANIC COMPOUNDS HISTORIC SAMPLE RESULTS - Decembe~ 1997 Sample Resulls ' (~l/Water ' ' ' BC Lab Sarape HML Saml~ie , ",' 9/2~/88 ' t5-0c~-91 ' 15-0ct-91 972313-15'-03 972313-12'-64 972313-12-07 972313-10-08 972313-09-11,16 '972313-1~_0.5-12,17 972313-11-13120 972313:..I 1.5-14~19 972313-12-15 -~: 1/9/89 ,,Tolal Organics Value Units Value Units Value Units Value Units Value Units Value ' Units Value Units Value Units Value Units Value Unils Value Units 3-6' sample 3-6' sample Benzene I m~/I 0.05 mg/kg 0.14 mcj~ 0.~3 m~ ·: .-i: "' '", .' · :'~. :,::",~-;~<.< ':"'~ ' ,"i', :~.:!::,i " ' :' <~'~"~;" ',:.:~:',~'~:'~:.~ '~=,~.'~.:~'~:; 5.572 ml/I 12.399 mcj/kg 10 n~]/kg 5 lt2-Dichloroethane I m~/1 0.19 mg/kg ~.:... · !... . ..:?,:: ~i.~~, .:=:../,~.:~ : : .... ,:~:i.::.'~,::.~. :~..' ~ ....... ~ ~'i .~'. ' · ; ,.¥:, ,~.¥ ,., .... . , , ~. ' :.?~..~.?~, '~i.,'~. ::2~:;, , ..... . , ..* .... ' ' ~:~:.:~';~,-~?-'~'~' I~ ': ..... .-' ~":.~i ' .... ~.I,-.~?~.,-. :::~,~:..~.~,~:~, 2.747 [ ml/I 16.144 rog/kg ::.~'~"~.-':'.,~'~-'.~' .:~'~:.:. , 44 m~kg EIl~lbonzene 4.5 m9/I 0.§~ m~k(] 0.11 mg~ 0.13 mg/I ! :':?' ;' '~::: .:~.: ':' '"~;;~~,"i ' "~ '",'*: ~"~T-f~':~:!~ ........ ' ' Toluene 6.6 m~ 0.72 n~/kg 0.61 m~q 0.t76 m~ ~ ~ ~ :":.'. ' r,?~ :*:' . !:'i -:':;.':::,:~ =:.~: ~': "~}!~ i~:~'~:~i, ~",:' [~i~11 '~ ) ml/I 246.3 mg/kg 90 Xylene$ 35.0 mg/I 9.9 m~/l~g 0.64 ~ 0.75 mg/I .: ,.y::::: ?. ,;,,'.,~' ~-- :i ...... '-~-~"~ i.; ,,~ .~'~,,' 27.946-'T mB 574.719 m~/kg 440 .n~/kg 166 0.35 ':::~ -! :~:~ :? ~ !~}?:~ :: ~ '' .................... ~ ~ ..... . .......... 470.0 rog/kg III ~" ?~ I ,.~1' ~.~ .. ~ ~ 150.0 m~'kg >:~.,; Benzene (TCLP) 0.29 m~l 03' m~ I'.~:~..;~,~,~.1~,~:~.;~1~:~-,:~.-I · · , ............. ~ .... ..~:~m~ ~..? ....... --: ~:,.~,1.~..-~ :.~.:. II Olhef Units III I II . I I I I IIII / {Note~: ~jFo~ cx~nstituents that were nol detected, 1/2 Ihe detection limit is shown. ~ = Not ~alyzed IOuttie $ me p'esented in bom inet Italics. IHeigh' ~ are measured from the bottom of the tank. Samp ,s 9~ ~ f 3-17'-02 and 972313-4'-08 were no( analyzed. W.ORGB.XLS Page TABLE 9 SUMMARY OF SW 846 STATISTICAL CALCULATIONS ON LABORATORY RESULTS WATER PHASE - ORGANIC COMPOUNDS CONSTITUENT STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Act. No. of TCLP Sample Va~'iance Std Dev. i Value Upper 80% Calc. No. of Above TCLP Need More At Leasi Total Organics Samples Threshold mean n-1 Conf. Limit Samples Limit? sampl.es? 4 Samples Benzene 8 ?:~ 4.29E+00 2.34E+01 4.84E+00 1.415 6.707 ~ ~ no yes 102-Dichloroethane 2 ~,'.~ .5.95E-01 3.28E-01 5.73E-01 3.078 1.842 ~~11~1 yes no Ethyl benzene 7 ~ 9.80E+00 2.59E+02 1.61E+01 1.440 18.554 .............. ~._~-' .__-IIr~ no ye~' Toluene 8 ~~' 5.09E+b1 7.26E+03 8.52E+01 1.415 93.513 =- ........... ~~ no yes Xylenes 8 ~ 1.57E+02 5.10E+04 2.26E+02 1.415 269.800 ................ '~-_~'~'"~_"~ no yes Organo~lodnePesticides/PCB 7 ~r~~ 1.15E-02 4.58E-05 6.76E-03 1.~0 0.015 ~~; no ye~ 2-Melhylnaphlhalene 4 ,[;~~i 1.55E+02 4.90E+04 2.21E+02 1.638 336.551 ~ ~ no yes TCLP Organics . , 'Benzene,~CLP) 6 0.5 ~.~7E-01 4.27E-03 6.53E-02 1.476 0.206 I no no yes 1,2-Dichloroethane ~CLP) 2 0.5 1.00E-01 0.00E+00 O.00E+00 3.078 0.100 I no no no III I Other Reactive Sulfide Reactive Cyanide '~'~ ;' '/' ':;"' "-~'*":~' ' .......... :*** "'~" ~ Flash Point Fish Bioassay ~~ ~ ~ ....... -";~*- ~-~ ................ ~ ........... = ~"'~ ~'~ I 1[I ~[11 I I1111II 11 ............... I IIl~lll]l/ll II Notes: · For ~nsfltuents that were not deteded, 1~ the dete~ion IIm~ was used. ~= Not Appli~ble 3/12/98 W-ORGB.XLS Page 1 6:47 PM I I I$ I ! I I I 8 ~ETALB.XL$ SLUDGE ANALYSIS F~ cen~tuenls ~ were nol delecled. !/i Ihe de~eclion im~ ~s shown. I~ld en~ IMflcs He~s a-e measured Imm ~e bollom ol ~ ~ lank TABLE 10 · SUUUARy OF LABORATORY RESULTS SLUDGE PlIASE. TITLE 22 METALs .ENNEDYI KS. RESUL Analyzed 3/! 2,'98 CONSTIIUENT Tot,,I Mel~l$ Ar;enic Ba~rium Cadmium C~mium Told I .~xavalent Clm:~mium Nk:kel Silver Soluble A~senic ~,admium Chromium He~av,~lenl Cl~mi~ 1.0 660.0 5.0 Meroury , Nickel Selenium Silver Thallium Vanadium Zinc TCLP Metals Chramium Lead 25.0 5.0 Foe oo~sliluents b%al were ncl delecled. 1/2 of the deleclio~ limil was used. 'i'ABLE ! t SUM~i RY OF SW 846 STATISTICAL CALCULAlIONS ON LABORATORY RESULTS SLUDGE PHA!;E . TITLE 22 METALS STATISTICAL ANALYSIS (ALL DATA) ConL Llmll 4983 7.611 no no 549.186 no 0.417 no 3917 no 144.388 no ro 0500 no r~ 7.671 no n) 133 974 no 158.837 no 2.210 no 9258 no 34.578 no nj 3.138 no m 0.585 no re 6.768 no re ! 325.279 Above 1'tLC Limit? STLc Umll? no uO N Least no ncl yes 0 250 no no 0.500 no no - 10.789 no 0.050 no no 0 292 no no 3.945 no no :~:~::~.~" .'. .' ' i'~. 0.292 no no 0.296 no no 5.269 O00t no 0.292 no no 1.366 no no 0.500 no no 0D50 no no 0.,500 no no 1.766 no no 51.614 no m 0.050 no 0.250 no Not Applicable L ANALYSIS ConL Umlt 4.983 7.611 549.186 0.417 Above lox Limit? STLC Limit? r~o no no no I~3 no no 0.500 7.724 1 ~.~4 ~ m 2.210 m m 3.1~ ~ m O~ 0.~ 10.7~ 0.~ 0,~ 3.~ 4174 O~ 0.~ 0.~ 0.~ 1.7~ 51,614 :. ~ :: .:~ ~ ~' ~':. :'~: ': ~ ~,.~.: S ~ ~ETALB XLS p~je no no no 11o 11o 11o no rio rio i!o 35: PM I I ' L.~ 1~ Is are measure, ' I ,! .',. ,~, Octobe~ 972313-T-05 972313-4'-06 KENNEDY/JENKS SAMPI:E tIESULTS November 072313-02-09 g72313-02-10 g72313-3g-3g TABLE 12 SUMMARy OF LABORATORY RESULTS SLUDGE PttASE - ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Results 30-De~-93 HISTOdlC~$AMPLE RiESULT$ ~ = Nol A~alyzed HML Sample& 15-Oct-91 Page 3/12/98 2:36 PM TABLE 13 SUMMARY OF SW 846 STATISTICAL CALCULATIONS OF LABORATORY RESULTS SLUDGE PHASE - ORGANIC COMPOUNDS STATISTICAL ANALYSIS CONSTITUENT Act. No. of TCLP Sample Variance Std Dev. Std Error t-value Upper80% Calc. No. AboveTCLP Need More At Least Constituent Samples Threshold Mean (n-l) Conf Limit Samples Limit? Samples? 4 Samples? Benzene 14 NA 6.37E+01 1.85E+04 1.36E+02 3.64E+01 1.350 112.883-.-;---r. ....... , =='_ ............. ~ .................. =- -' ........ _--.~._-yes 1,2-Dichloroethane 4 NA 5.53E+00 9,37E+00 3.06E+00~ 1.53E+00 1.638 8.032 ~ ~ yes Ethyl benzene 11 NA 1.68E+02 2.21E+04 1.49E+02 4.48E+01 1.372 229.681 ...... ..:,,,,_ ...... .... r----~-'--:~;-Em-" yes Toluene 14 NA 3.38E+02 8.63E+04 2.94E+02 7.85E+01 1,350 443.539 ~~~ ~es Xylenes 14 NA 1.04E+03 6.16E+05 7.85E+02 2.10E+02 1.350 1320.815 ~~~~ yes 2-Methylnaphthalene 4 NA 6.23E+02: 1.80E+05 4.25E+02 2.12E+02 1,638 970.2~ ~~~ ~ yes Chlorinated Pesticides/PCB 4 NA 2.75E+00 8.33E-~2 2.89E-01 1.44E-01 1.638 2.986~~~~ ~ ~ ~~ yes TCLP Organics Benzene(TCLP) 7 0.5 3.96E~1 6.~E-02 2.46E-01 9.29E-02 1.440 0.530 1 yes no yes 1,2-Dichloroethane (TCLP) 3 0.5 5.00E-03 6.78E-21 8.23E-11 4.75E-11 1.886 0.005 1 no no no Other Flash Point 7 ~~~~~~~~~~ yes Notes: :or ~n~n~tlons ~at were not dete~ed, 1~ the detedion limit was Used. NA = not appll~ble 3112/98., S-ORGB.XL$ Page 1 5:26 PM I Akr ! Akri Corporation 1414 Valhalla Drive Ba~ersfielcl, CA 93309 Phone (805) 833-4300 Fax (805) 833:4314 Environmental Consulting · Testing October 5, 1998 I I I Soils Engineering Att. n: Mr. Bob Becker 4700 District Boulevard Bakersfield, CA 93313 Asbestos Screening Survey Report 2800 Standard Street 3660 Rosedale Highway 3800 Rosedale Highway Bakersfield,. CA 93308 I I Dear Mr. Becker: On September 24 and 25, 1998, Akri Corporation performed an asbestos screening survey for four buildings located at the following addresses in Bakersfield, California: I I 2800 Standard Street (Trucking Business Building) 2800 Standard Street (Metal Shed) 3660 Rosedale Highway 3800 Rosedale Highway I I I I I I I Enclosed please find three field-sketched site plans of the subject buildings. The purpose of our asbestos screemg survey was to perform the following tasks: Visually inspect accessible and nonconcealed building materials to identify suspected asbestos-containing materials. Collect one sample of each discovered suspected asbestos- containing material. C. Analyze all samples for asbestos content. D. Prepare and issue a written report. All field work was conducted by Mr. Alfred 1~ Waldram, who is qualified to conduct asbestos surveys as a Certified Asbestos Site Surveillance Technician in accordance with Section 7180 of the Business and Professions Code. Enclosed please find one copy each of certificates from the Division of Occupational Safety and Health for Mr. Waldram and for the undersigned Certified Asbestos Consultant, Mr. Paul F. Belton. i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Mr. Bob Becker October 5, 1998 Page 2 of 7 Mr. Waldram collected 39 bulk samples of suspected asbestos-containing materials and submitted them to Environmental Management Consultants, Inc. for analysis. Enclosed please find a copy of the laboratory's faxed report dated October 1, 1998. The following table summarizes the results of our survey: SEGS-1 2800 Standard Street 5 No 250 SF ' '~ ':'" Office ': N Side of W Doorway 12" x 12" Brown Floor Tile .: SEGS-2 2800 Standard Street None · .. Room S of Office Detected . .. N Wall .':...~ Behind Switch Plate Dr~/wall il; SEGS-3 2800 Standard Street None Office Detected ., N Wall 1' E of NW Comer ·-;. Elev 2' Drywall Joint Compound .' ': .... SEGS-4 2800 Standard Street None .' .~..; ..... Room S of Office Detected · '.. · '-'.' N Wall :2 · . ;' ':"~!~. 4' E of NW Comer ::' .:':. Elev 5' Decorative Texturini] ' · SEGS-5 2800 Standard Street 17 No 110 SF This material may Rest. mom become friable if Center of E Doorway disturbed. Brown Sheet Floorin,q SEGS-6 3660 Rosedale Highway None - .~. Moneymart Area Detected Restroom SE Corner Older-appearing Gray Terrazzo-pattem Sheet Floorin,q SEGS-7 3660 Rosedale Highway None Moneymart Area Detected Teller Area E End Newer-appearing Gray Terrazzo-pattern Sheet Floodn,q 1 Friable means a material that, when dry, can be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure. 2 The estimated quantities are for the entire homogeneous-appearing area, whether contiguous or not. They are inexact estimates and should not be used for cost preparation purposes. ! I I I I I I I I Mr. Bob Decker October 5, 1998 Page 3 of 7 SEGS-8 3660 Rosedale Highway None ..... · Moneymart Area Detected Restroom N Wall 2' W of NE Comer Elev 2' Finish Coat Plaster SEGS-9 3660 Rosedale Highway None Moneymart Area Detected Restroom . N Wall 2' W of NE Comer Elev 2' .,:-:~ Scratch/Brown Coat Plaster SEGS-10 3660 ROsedale Highway None Telephone Equipment Room W Wall ' Above Doorway Button Board Drywall .i SEGS-11 3660 Rosedale Highway None , -'-: Moneymart Area Detected Telephone Equipment Room !i ' ." W Wall :' · " Scratch/Brown Coat Plaster .': . : '. : ........ . ..... SEGS-12 3660 Rosedale Highway None .:~ Moneymart Area Detected ' :, Room E of Teller Area :., E Wall . .. ' 5' N of SE Comer · ' Elev 1' . Older-appearing . ::ii: .il ....::~ .: Decorative Texturing ': SEG'S-13 3660 Rosedale Highway None '.'. :' Teller Area · S Wall : .... .:. 13' E of SW Comer Elev 1' Newer-appearing ' Decorative Texturing , SEGS-14 3660 Rosedale Highway None Moneymart Area Detected Room E of Teller Area SE Corner Green Topset Base I I I I I I I I I 1 Friable means a material that, when dry, can be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure. 2 The estimated quantities are for the entire homogeneous-appearing area, whether contiguous or not. They are inexact estimates and should not be used for cost preparation purposes. I I_ I I I I I '1 I I I I I I I I I I I Mr. Bob Becker October 5, 1998 Page 4 of 7 SEGS-15 3660 Rosedale Highway None Moneymart Area Detected Teller Area E End SE Comer Black Topset Base _, SEGS-16 3660 Rosedale Highway None Moneymart Area Detected., .. ..... E End W Wall . .'.: 2' N of SW Comer Elev 1 Drywall Joint Compound .,, , SEGS-17 3660 Rosedale Highway None . Moneymart Area Detected .' W,N of SW Comer SEGS-18 3660 Rosedale Highway 2 No 650 LF This material may Back Section become fdable if E Half disturbed. W Wall N Window Window Putty SEGS-19 3660 Rosedale Highway None ' · · :i '"' '~:'!'~.~-~::"~? Back Section Detected ..... W Wall :. '.. [ ' ...... 40' N of SW Comer Elev 5' ..:: SEGS-20 3660 Rosedale Highway None · ':'~.':"~'~ W Half .'. : · .;~...".~, : '.':...:..~?..' W Wall 35' N of SW Comer ' · ' · .' Elev 4' Drywall Joint Compound · SEGS-2~A 3660 Rosedale Highway None Roof Detected Above Moneymart Area 5' N & 16' W of SE Comer Top Layer · Roofin~l Material SEGS-21B 3660 Rosedale Highway None · :.'::.::" Roof Detected · · -: ',.' Above Moneymart Area ,, 5' N & 16' W of SE Comer 2nd Layer from Top Roofing Material I Friable means a material that, when dry, can be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure. 2 The estimated quantities are for the entire homogeneous-appearing area, whether contiguous or not. They are inexact estimates and should not be used for cost preparation purposes. I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Mr. Bob Becker October 5, 1998 Page 5 of 7 SEGS-21C 3660 Rosedale Highway None Roof Detected Above Moneymart Area 5' N & 16' W of SE Comer 3rd Layer from Top Roofing Material _, SEGS-21D 3660 Rosedale Highway None Roof Detected Above Moneymart Area 5' N & 16' W of SE Comer 4th Layer from Top Roofing Material SEGS-21E 3660 Rosedale Highway None Roof Detected Above Moneymart Area 5' N & 16' W of SE Comer 5th Layer from Top -' .' -. ' · · , = , ...: Roofing Material SEGS-21F 3660 Rosedale Highway None Roof Detected · Above Moneymart Area 5' N & 16' W of SE Corner Bottom Layer Roofing Material SEGS'22 3660 Rosedale Highway 20 No 5 LF This material may Roof become friable Above Moneymart Area disturbed. 6' N & 11' W of SE Comer Cement Pipe SEGS-23 3660 Rosedale Highway None · Roof Detected Above Moneymart Area 0' S & 21' W of NE Comer Roof Mastic SEGS-24 3660 Rosedale Highway 10 No 25 SF Back Section '" W Half · Roof 2' N & 10' E of SW Comer Roof Mastic SEGS-25 3660 Rosedale Highway None E Exterior Wall Detected 10' N of SE Comer Elev 5' Color Coat Stucco sEGs-26 3660 Rosedale Highway None E Exterior Wall Detected 10' N of SE Comer Elev 5' Scratch/Brown Coat Stucco I Friable means a matedal that, when dry, can be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure. 2 The estimated quantities are for the entire homogeneous-appearing area, whether contiguous or not. They are inexact estimates and should not be used tor cost preparation purposes. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I lk.r. Bob Becker October 5, 1998 Page 6 of 7 SEGS-27 3660 Rosedale Highway None E Exterior Wall Detected 9' N of SE Comer Elev 11' -' · . i~ Color Coat Stucco " "' ': · .. SEGS-28 3660 Rosedale Highway NOne _. E Exterior Wall Detected 9' N of SE Comer Elev 11' Scratch/Brown Coat Stucco SEGS-29 3800 Rosedale Highway None . . ,~L'../.:'ii. '~. .' ~'~ 3' S & 3' E of NW Comer 4' x 2' Lay-in Ceiling Tile ................... ': '"" .......... SEGS-30 3800 Rosedale Highway 5 No 200 SF S Side of Doorway ' :: '": :~""~¥'"' 12" x 12' Brown Floor Tile SEGS-31 3800 Rosedale Highway None · .. :.~ No drywall joint Office Detected "" : compound was found W Wall .'~ .- - . :~! ... : on this drywall. 3' S of NW Comer Eiev 8' '..' ",".:'..": N Wall :'.: .... 1' Eof NW Comer ~... :... , '.... SEGS-33 3800 Rosedale Highway 2 No 37 .CJF This material may Restroom become fdable if NW Comer disturbed. The Elev 4' estimated quantity is Drywall Joint Compound based on 15% of the estimated area of drywall. SEGS-34 3800 Rosedale Highway None ' Back Section Detected E Exterior Wall Window Window Putty Additional Comments: Floor tile and sheet floodng matedal mastics are suspected asbestos-containing materials. However, to avoid excessive damage to floor tiles and sheet flooring materials, we did not collect any samples of mastic under floor tiles or sheet flooring matedals. I Friable means a material that, when dry, can be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure. 2 The estimated quantities are for the entire homogeneous-appearing area, whether contiguous or not. They are inexact estimates and should not be used tor cost preparation purposes. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Mr. Bob Becker October 5, 1998 Page 7 of 7 2. Since our inspection was intended as an asbestos screening survey, please note the following: Ao Our inspection does not meet the occupational safety inspection requirements of Cai/OSHA, as specified in 8 CCR 1529. Our inspection does not meet the pre-demolition asbestos insp, ection requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency, as specified in 40 CFR Part 61, Subpart M. Our inspection does not meet the pre-demolition asbestos inspection requirements of the San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District, as specified in Rule 4002. This asbestos survey report was prepared using the degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar circumstances by reputable asbestos consultants practicing in the locality of the subject buildings. However, we make no representation concerning any material which was concealed or inaccessible at the time of the inspection. It should be considered possible that some asbesWs-containing materials have not been identified in this report because they were concealed or inaccessible during our investigation. If you have any questions about' this report, or ff Akri Corporation can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to call me at 833-4300. Very truly yours, Akri Corporation Paul F. Belton Certified Asbestos Consultant, No. 92-0046 President PFB/ml enclosures as noted FIELD SKETCH CORPORATION ~. - Drawn By_,,~'~4,J AJ,i I:~m No. Ig A~s'i Farm No, 19 : I ...~ .............. ; ..... , ............ . ............... : ...... ; .....~ .......... ~. .: ....... ~ .............~ .....................: ...... . .... . .......... :. ..: ............. : . ~ Drawn By A~ti From No, I~ I I_ i i I I I I I I I I- I I I I I I State of Califomia Division of Occupational Safety and Health Certified Asbestos Consultant Paul F Belton Certification No. 92'0046 Expires on . Seclims 7180 et seq. d Ihe Bus=na~ an~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I State of California Division of Occupational Safety and Health Certified Site Surveillance Technician Alfred R Waldram C.~,ca~on ,o. ~ Expires on · ,~:i~m nso el ~q. d Ihe Budness ifrl 10/1/98 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS BULK MATERIAL REPORT [Pn~ORT Laboratory Analysis: BULK MATERIAL AKRI CORPORATION ~. orted to: PAUL F. BELTON t mpled from: SOILS ENGINEERING ipped via:' FEDERAL EXPRESS t MPLE IDEI~'IFICATION 01 SEGS-1 12'~(12" floor tile ibrown 2800 STANDARD ST-OFC Page 1 of 8 REC'D OCT 0 1 1998 /Uu'i PARAMETER Asbestos LAB: 51534 Methodology: EPA 600/M4-82-020 PIO~: Pro j: By: Client Received: 9/28/98 Reported: 10/1/98 TEST RESULTS Positive. This sample contains approx~ 5% Ch~/sotile, 95% CaCO, Bin.der '1. 02 SEGS-2 - drywall . white, tan i 2800 STANDARD ST-RM S Asbestos None detected. This sample contains approx. 10% Cellulose, 2% Fiberglass, 88% Quartz, CaSO, Mica, Binder I 03 SEGS-3 dh/wall, joint compound white I 2800 STANDARD ST-OFC N 04 SEGS-4 I decorative, texturing white. 2800 STANDARD ST, RM S ! 05 SEGS-5 I sheet floodng · brown 2800 STANDARD ST-RR I Asbestos None detected. This sample contains approx. 100% Quartz, CaSO, Mica, Binder Asbestos None detected. This sample contains approx. 100% Quartz, CaSO, Binder Asbestos Positive. This sample contains approve 17% Chrysotile, 3% Cellulose, 80% Quartz, CaSO, Binder I II1/98 E~PORT ~: AKRI CORPORATION ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS BULK MATERIAL REPORT Laboratory Analysis: BULK MATERIAL ported to: PAUL F. BELTON mpled from: SOILS ENGINEERING Shipped via: iMPLE FEDERAL EXPRESS IDENTIFICATION SEGS-6 sheet flooring gray, te~o pattern 3660 ROSEDALE HWY-RR SEGS-7 sheet floodng gray, terrazzo pattern 3660-MONEYMART-TELLER 06 PARAMETER Asbestos Pa0e 2 of 8 LAB: 51534 'Methodology: EPA 600/M4-82-020 P/OW: Proj: By: Client Received: 9/28/98 Reported: 10/1/98 TEST RESULTS None (:letected. This sample contains approx: 20% Cellulose, 2% Fiberglass, ;r8% Quartz, CaCO, CaSO , Binder Asbestos None detected. This sample contains approx. 20% Cellulose, 2% Fiberglass, 78% Quartz, CaCO, CaSO, Binder m 08 SEGS-8 plaster - finish coat It. green, white 3660-MONEYMART-RR Asbestos None detected. This sample contains approx. 100% Quartz, CaSO, Mica, Binder m09 SEGS-9 plaster - scratch coat off white, brown, black 3660-MONEYMART-RR Asbestos None detected. This sample contains approx. 100% Quartz, CaSO, Mica, Binder m 1 0 SEGS-10 · button bOard, Up/wall off white, tan I3660-MONEYMART-PHONE Asbestos None o~tec:ed. This sample contains approx. 10% Cellulose, 90% Quartz, CaSO, Mica, Binder P Accreditation #1926. CA ELAP #1913, TX DOll ff30-0094 7342 EAST THOMAS ROAD ,~OTTSDALE, ARIZONA 8525 J-7216 (602) 990-2069 FAX: (602) 990-8468 m il 0/1/98 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS BULK MATERIAL R~RT rEPORT ~t: AKRI CORPORATION ...~orted to: PAUL F. BELTON ampled from: SOILS ENGINEERING Shipped via: FEDERAL EXPRESS Laboratory Analysis: BULK MATERIAL IAMPLE IDENTIFICATION ==' 11 SEGS-11 plaster - scratch coat I off white, brown, black 3660-MoNEyMART-PHONE PARAMETER Asbestos Page 3 of 8 LAB: 51534 Methodology: EPA 6001M4-82-020 PIO~: Proj: By: Client Received: 9/28/98 Reported: 10/1/98 TEST RESULTS None detected. This sample contains approx. 100% Quartz, CaSO, Mica, Bi.ader I 12 SEGS-12 decorative, texturing off white, white 3660-MONEYMART-RM E Asbestos None ¢letected. This sample contains appro~ 100% Quartz, CaCO, Mica, Binder I, 13 SEGS-13 decorative, texturing white I 3660.MONEYMART-TELLER Asbestos None detected. This sample contains approx. 100% Quartz, C, aCO, Binder I ! I I 14 SEGS-14 Asbestos topset base green 3660-MONEYMART-RM E 15 SEGS-15 Asbestos topset base black 3660-MONEYMART-TELLER None detected. This sample contains approx. 100% CaCO, Binder None detected. This sample contains approx. 100% CaCO, Binder 1011/98 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS BULK MATERIAL REPORT ~, .EPORT Laboratory Analysis: - -.qt: AKRI CORPORATION .~ported to: PAUL F. BELTON mpled from: SOILS ENGINEERING Shipped via: FEDERAL EXPRESS ~AMPLE 16 BULK MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION SEGS-16 dh/wall, joint compound white 3660-MONEYMART-E END SEGS-17 drywall white, tan 3660-MONEYMART-E END PARAMETER Asbestos Page 4 of 8 LAB: 51534 Methodology: EPA 600/M4-82-020 P/OW: Proj: By: Client Received: 9/28/98 Reported: 10/1/98 TEST RESULTS None detected. This sample contains approx. 100% Quartz, CaCO, Mica, Bipder Asbestos None detected. This sample contains approx. 10% Cellulose, 90% Quartz, CaSO, Mica, Binder I I 18 SEGS-18 Asbestos winclow putty gray 3660-BACK SECT-E 1/2 Positive. This sample contains approx. 2% Chrysotile, 98% Quartz, CaCO, Binder I I 19 SEGS-19 Asbestos drywall white, tan 3660-BACK SECT-W 1/2 20 SEGS-20 Asbestos dh/wall, joint compound white 3660-BACK SECT-W 1/2 None detected. This sample contains approx. 10% Cellulose, 2% Fiberglass, 88% Quartz, CaCO, CaSO, Mica, Binder None detected. This sample contains approy. 100% Quartz, CaCO, Mica, Binder ~lJyst: BmdYereinAi By:. )(u'tKellle~ '~I34VLAP Accreditation #1926, CA ELAP #1913, TX DOll ff,30-0094 2 ~ THOW~ ROAD SCOTTS[:)ALE. ARIZONA 8~51-72~6 (602) 990-2069 FAX: (602) 10/1/98 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS BULK MATERIAL REPORT EPORT Laboratory Analysis: ~" ~ AKRI CORPORATION R~..orted to: PAUL f. BELTON · ampled from: SOILS ENGINEERING '~hipped via: FEDERAL EXPRESS BULK MATERIAL b MPLE IDENTIFICATION 21 SEGS-21A roofing material, top layer · white, black ~~' 3660-ROOF-ABV MONEYMRT PARAMETER Asbestos Page 5 of 8 LAB: 51534 Methodology: EPA 600/M4-82-020 PIO~: Proj: By: Client Received: 9/'28/98 Reported: 10/1/98 TEST RESULTS None detected. This sample contains appro~ 15% Fiberglass, 85% Quart~, .C;aCO, Binder 22 SEGS-21B Asbestos roofing material, 2nd layer off white, black 3660-ROOF-ABV MONEYMRT None detected. This sample contains approx. 35% Cellulose, 65% CaSO, Binder 23 SEGS-21C Asbestos roofing matenal, 3rd layer off white, black 3660-ROOF-ABV MONEYMRT None detected. This sample contains appro)~ 25% Cellulose, 75% Quartz, CaSO, Binder I I I 24 SEGS-21D Asbestos roofing material, 4th layer black 3660-RROF-ABV MONEYMRT 25 SEGS-21E Asbestos roofing material, 5th layer black 3660-ROOF-ABV MONEYMRT None detected. This sample contains approx. 35% Cellulose, 65% Quartz, CaSO, Binder None detected. This sample contains approy. 35% Cellulose, 65% CaSO, Binder Jyst BmdYanbin,N By;. I(~tKe~aer tLAPAccreditation CA ELAP TX DOH ff30-0094 #1926, #1913, 2 F_A~T TNOMAS ROAD SCOTT,.RDALE, ARIZONA ~251-7216 (602) 990-2069 FAX: (602) 990-8468 1011/98 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS BULK MATERIAL REPORT __PORT Laboratory Analysis: BULK MATERIAL ~ --'..,t: AKRI CORPORATION ..~ported to: PAUL F. BELTON mpled from: SOILS ENGINEERING Shipped via: FEDERAL EXPRESS AMPLE IDENTIFICATION 26 SEGS-21F roofing material, bottom layer black 3660-ROOF-ABV MONEYMRT PARAMETER Asbestos Page 6 of 8 LAB: 51534 Methodology: EPA 6001M4-82-020 PLO#: Proj: By: Client Received: 9/28/98 Reported: 10/1/98 TEST RESULTS None detected. This sample contains approx. 35% Cellulose, 65% CaSO, Bi .rider I .I 27 SEGS-22 Asbestos cement, pipe gray, blue 3660-ROOF-ABV MONEYMRT Positive. This sample contains approx 8% Chrysotile, 2% Amosite, 10% Crocidolite, 80% Quartz, CaSO, Binder I I 28 SEGS-23 Asbestos roof mastic gray, black 3660-ROOF-ABV MONEYMRT None detected. This sample contains approx. 10% Cellulose, 90% CaCO, Binder 29 . SEGS-24 Asbestos roof mastic gray, black 3660-BACK SECT-W 1/2 30 SEGS-25 Asbestos stucco, color off white, beige 3660-E. EXT. WALL Positive. This sample contains approx. 10% Chrysotile, 90% Quartz, CaCO, Binder None detected. This sample contains approx. 100% Quartz, CaSO, Mica, Binder ,yst BradYaminAi B~. I(utKelS~ ..~LAP Accreditation g1926, CA ELAP #1913, TX DOH #30-0094 EAST THOMAS RO,n,D SCOI'TSDALE, ARIZONA ~f251-7216 (602) 990-2069 FAX: (602) 990-8468 I i0/1/98 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS BULK MATERIAL REPORT I AMPLE 31 _~.P(~.RT : AKRI CORPORATION ii,ported to: PAUL F. BELTON mpled from: SOILS ENGINEERING Shipped via: FEDERAL EXPRESS IDENTIFICATION SEGS-26 stucco-scratch coat gray 3660-E. EXT. WALL Laboratory Analysis: BULK MATERIAL SEGS-27 stucco, color coat off white, dk. green 2660-E. EXT. WALL PARAM~ Asbestos Page 7 of 8 LAB: 51534 Methodology:. EPA 6001M4-82-020 PIO~: Proj: By: Client Received: 9/28/98 Reported: 10/1/98 TEST RESULTS None detected. This sample contains approx. 100% Quartz, CaSO, Mica, Bi.rider Asbestos None detected. This sample contains approx. 100% Quartz, CaSO, Mica, Binder I I 33 SEGS-28 Asbestos stucco-scratch coot gray 3660-E. EXT. WALL None detected. This sample contains approx. 100% Quartz, CaSO, Mica, Binder I I I I 34 SEGS-29 Asbestos 4x2, lay-in ceiling panel beige, white 3800 ROSEDALE-OFC CEIL 35 SEGS-30 Asbestos 12'%-'12" floor tile brown 3800 ROSEDALE-OFFICE None detected. This sample contains approx. · 40% Cellulose, 40% Mineral Wool, 20% Perlite, Quartz, CaSO, Binder Positive. Thi~. sample contains approx. 5% Chrysotile, 95% Quartz, taCO, Binder I ,/%,- .alyst Eh'adYanl0inAi By:. i(,LrtKetS~ tLAP Accreditation #1926, CA ELAP #1913, 'DC DOH ff,30.0094 2 EAST THOMAS ROAD SCOTTSDALE, ARIZONA S5251-7216 (602) gg0-2069 FA)C (602) ggo-e4~ I f,PORT Laboratory Analysis: BULK MATERIAL nt: AKRI CORPORATION · orted to: PAUL F. BELTON t mpled from: SOILS ENGINEERING ippecl via: FEDERAL EXPRESS ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS BULK MATERIAL REPORT Page 8 of 8 LAB: 51534 Methodology: EPA 600/M4-82-020 PIO~t: Proj: By: Client Received: 9/28/98 Reported: 10/1/98 r MPLE IDENTIRCATION 36 SEGS-31 drywall I white, tan 3800 ROSEDALE-OFC W PARAMETER Asbestos TEST RESULTS None detected. This sample contains approx. 10% Cellulose, 90% Quartz, C~.. SO, Mica, Binder I 37 SEGS-32 drywall white, tan I 3800-RESTRM-N WALL Asbestos None detected. This sample contains approx. 10% Cellulose, 90% Quartz, CaSO, Mica, Binder I I I I I 38 SEGS-33 Asbestos drywall, joint compound off white, green 3800-RESTRM-NW CRNR 39 SEGS-34 Asbestos window putty gray 3800-BACK SECT-E EXT W Positive. This sample contains approx. 2% Chrysotile, trace Cellulose, 97% Quartz, CaCO, Mica, Binder None detected. This sample contains approx. 100% Quartz, CaCO, Binder 1/x.,- 'St: Brad Yanbln ,N By:. Accreditation #1926, CA El_AP #1913. TX DOH fl30-0094 THOMAS ROAD SCOI'rSDALE, ARIZONA 65251-7216 (602) 990-2069 FAX: (602) 990-6468 I I I I I I I '1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX B REMOVAL OF CRUDE OIL ABOVEGROUND STORAGE TANK I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I REMOVAL OF CRUDE OIL ABOVEGROUND STORAGE TANK The site vicinity is shown on Figure 1 and the site plan is shown on Figure 2 of the Removal Action Workplan prepared for the site by ENSR International. A 2.1 million gallon aboveground storage tank (AST) is present on the Sparks parcel. According to available information, the contents of this AST have separated into layers. The AST currently contains approximately 100,000 gallons of crude oil, 400,000 gallons of water and 420,000 gallons of oily sediment and sludge for a total of approximately 920,000 gallons. 1.0 AST Contents Samples of the various phases contained in the AST have been analyzed in the past. The results are presented in Appendix A of the Removal Action Workplan (RAW) prepared for the site by ENSR International (ENSR). A workplan for removal and disposal of the AST contents and demolition of the AST was prepared by Kennedy Jenks Consultants (KJC). That document, titled Workplan, Sparks Estate Property, 50,000 Barrel Tank, Content Removal and Demolition dated March 12, 1998 outlined the scope of work proposed by KJC. We have adopted this workplan pending receipt of alternative methods proposed by contractors. The work included removal and transportation of the oil phase to a licensed recycling facility, discharge of the water to the City of Bakersfield sanitary sewer, and solidification and disposal of the sludge at an appropriate disposal facility. A copy of KJC's workplan was previously provided to the California Department of Toxic Substances Control and the Kern County Environmental Health Department; a copy of this workplan is enclosed herewith. If KJC's work plan is implemented, the oil phase will be pumped out of the AST using a vacuum truck. Five composite samples of the water phase will be collected from the temporary storage tanks during the initial sampling round to evaluate compliance with the City of Bakersfield waste water discharge requirements. Collection and analysis of additional samples of the sludge phase will not be performed as a sufficient number of samples have been collected in the past to characterize this material. Based on ENSR's discussions with contractors, alternative methods for disposal/recycling of the AST contents are possible, including disposal of the water phase at an off-site facility, blending of oil phase and sludge phase as fuel for use by an off-site facility or transport of the material to an off-site facility for conversion to a road base material. The bid documents to be distributed to contractors invited to bid on this work state that alternatives to KJC's workplan will be evaluated by ENSR and discussed with the regulatory agency for applicability at the site. ENSR will forward a revised workplan to the regulatory agency if the proposed disposal of the AST contents varies from that outlined in KJC's work plan. B-1 I I I I I '1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.0 Tank Demolition The AST will be decontaminated after the contents have been removed and prior to the tank's demolition. Rinsate produced during cleaning of the AST will be sampled and removed from the site for proper disposal or recycling. The steel will be cut into pieces of appropriate size for loading onto trucks for transportation to a local metal recycling facility. The concrete ring wall beneath the perimeter of the AST will then be demolished for off site removal. The concrete will be broken into pieces of appropriate size for loading onto trucks for' transportation to a local concrete recycling facility. Approximately 300 tons of concrete will be removed for off site disposal or recycling. 3.0 Impacted Soils Based on analysis of soil samples collected from the perimeter of the AST, soils impacted with petroleum hydrocarbons are present around the AST. Soils with petroleum hydrocarbons in excess of 1,000 mg/kg will be remediated by removal of the soil from the site for off-site disposal. Necessary permits will be obtained from appropriate agencies, including but not necessarily limited to, the City of Bakersfield Building Department for excavation and backfill work. The activities will be conducted in accordance with the permit conditions and Health and Safety Plan (HASP) and work plans prepared by ENSR and ENSR's subcontractors. It is anticipated that soils beneath and around the AST to a depth of approximately 2 feet are impacted with petroleum hydrocarbons for a total of approximately 1,500 to 2,000 tons. The impacted soil will be removed using a backhoe and stockpiled on-site. Excavation will continue until analytical results indicate that soils containing petroleum hydrocarbons at concentrations above 1,000 mg/kg have been removed. It is anticipated that the soil will be disposed of as non- hazardous waste. The soil will be sampled by the Consultant to evaiuate appropriate disposal options. 3.1 Soil Sampling One four point composite will be collected from each 300 tons of impacted soil for chemical analysis. The Consultant will review the analytical data to evaluate appropriate disposal options. Up to twelve soil samples will be collected by ENSR personnel from the sidewalls and floor of the excavation using hand sampling equipment. The sampler, lined with a brass or stainless steel tube, will be driven into the soil to collect the sample. The ends of the tube will be covered with a TeflonTM sheet, capped, labeled, and preserved on ice for transport to the laboratory. Chain-of-custody procedures will be followed in all phases of sample handling. B-2 I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.2 Sample Handling Each sample will be packaged and transported appropriately, protocol: according to the following Collect samples in appropriately sized and prepared containers; Attach completed sample label to each sample; Properly seal and package sample containers; Complete chain-of-custody/analysis request forms; Separate and place samples into chilled coolers for shipment to the appropriate laboratory (samples will be packaged so the potential for shipping damage is minimized); · Seal the top two copies of the chain-of-custody form inside a zip-lock bag and place inside the cooler; · Seal the cooler with several strips of strapping tape; and · Arrange for appropriate shipment to the analytical laboratory. 3.3 Sample Analyses The stockpile and confirmation soil Samples will be analyzed for: · Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons quantified as gasoline (TPH-g) using modified United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Test Method 8015; · TPH as diesel (TPH-d) and TPH as motor oil (TPH-mo) using modified EPA Test Method 8015; and · Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTE×) using EPA Test Method 8020. 3.4 Backfill Activities Clean imported materials will be brought to the site for use in backfilling the excavation after removal and sampling activities are completed. The imported material will be approved by ENSR prior to importation to the site and compacted to 90 percent relative compaction in accordance with the requirements stated in Kleinfelder, Inc.'s geotechnical investigation for the site. 4.0 Decontamination Procedures All equipment used during on-site work that might come into contact with potential chemicals of concern (COCs) will be thoroughly cleaned before and after each use. This will be accomplished through steam cleaning and/or washing with Alconox (a ~aboratory-grade B-3 I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i detergent) and rinsing with deionized, distilled or fresh water. All rinseate will be managed and disposed of properly. 5.0 Instrument Calibration Procedures During site activities, field data will be collected using field instruments to assess worker exposure to volatile COCs and field screen soil samples. The protocols for field personnel, described below, are designed so that field measurements, if made by different individuals, are consistent and reproducible. Standard equipment calibration procedures for each instrument are also described. 5.1 Portable Air Monitoring Equipment Calibration A hand-held portable photo-ionization detector (PID) instrument (such as a Photovac MicroTip) or a handheld portable flame-ionization (FID) instrument (such as a Foxboro GC128 OVA) will be used in the field to monitor worker exposure and possibly field-screen soil samples. The PID instrument or the FID instrument will be used to evaluate volatile organic compounds in soil and ambient air. The PID instrument is more responsive to volatile compounds with saturated chemical bonds (i.e., benzene, toluene) in the part per million (ppm) concentration range while the FID is responsive to volatile/nonvolatile compounds with carbon-hydrogen bonds (i.e., methane, trichloroethane, as well as benzene and toluene) in the ppm range. Calibration of the PID instrument will be performed using the manufacturer-recommended calibration standard span gas to adjust the span and ambient air for. zero calibration. Calibration of the FID instrument will be performed, as specified by the .manufacturer, using ambient air for zero calibration only. Calibration with a span gas, according to the manufacturer, is not required for instrument use. Calibration of the PID and FID will be performed before each day's sampling and at intervals throughout the day (approximately every hour) when irregularities in the readings become apparent. B-4 ! I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I i I t I I '1 I I :1 APPENDIX C PROCEDURES FOR REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF IMPACTED SOILS REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF IMPACTED SOILS The site vicinity is shown on Figure 1 and the site plan is shown on Figure 2 of the Removal Action Workplan prepared for the site by ENSR International. Soils with petroleum hydrocarbons concentrations in excess of 1,000 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) are present in four on-site areas. A summary of the analytical results indicating elevated concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons in soil is presented below. Parcel Boring No. Result Quantity 1 Sparks EB-1 (1 ft) TPH-mo: 2,600 mg/kg 40 to 50 tons Sparks ES-10 (4 ft) TPH-d: 1,200 mg/kg 125 to 150 tons TPH-mo: 1,000 mg/kg Seaton B-15 (1 ft) TRPH: 1,400 mg/kg 5 to 10 tons Seaton B-16 (1 ft) TRPH: 1,800 mg/kg 20 to 30 tons Notes: 1. Quantities are estimates only. (1 ft) : Depth (in feet) of soil sample analyzed mg/kg - Milligrams per kilogram TPH-mo = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons quantified as motor oil TPH-d = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons quantified as diesel TRPH = Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons These soil will be remediated as detailed below. 1.0 Remediation Activities 1.1 Remediation Activities Soils impacted with petroleum hydrocarbons in excess of 1,000 mg/kg will be remediated by removal of the soil from the site for off-site disposal. Necessary permits will be obtained from appropriate agencies, including but not necessarily limited to, the City of Bakersfield Building Department for excavation and backfill work. The activities will be conducted in accordance with the permit conditions and Health and Safety Plan (HASP) and work plan prepared by ENSR and ENSR's subcontractors. The locations of the areas with impacted soils are shown on Figure 2. The lateral and vertical extent of impacted soil in these areas has not been established; however, it is anticipated that the extent is limited due to the concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons detected in the soil samples and shallow depths at which petroleum hydrocarbons were detected. The impacted soil will be removed using a backhoe and stockpiled on site. The soil removed from each excavation will be C-1 segregated into separate stockpiles. Excavation will continue until analytical results indicate that soils containing petroleum hydrocarbons at concentrations above 1,000 mg/kg have been removed. It is anticipated that the soil will be disposed of as non-hazardous waste. 1.2 Soil Sampling One four point composite will be collected from each soil s~ockpile for chemical analysis. These samples will be collected using hand sampling equipment. The Consultant will review the analytical data to evaluate appropriate disposal options. Up to five soil samples will be collected by ENSR personnel from the sidewalls and floors of each excavation using hand sampling equipment or excavation equipment (i.e. backhoe). The sampler, lined with a brass or stainless steel tube, will be driven into the soil to collect the sample. The ends of the tube will be covered with a TeflonTM sheet, capped, labeled, and preserved on ice for transport to the laboratory. Chain-of-custody procedures will be followed in all phases of sample handling. 1.3 Sample Handling Each sample will be packaged protocol: and transpoded appropriately, according to the following · Collect samples in appropriately sized and prepared containers; · Attach completed sample label to each sample; · Properly seal and package sample containers; · Complete chain-of-custody/analysis request forms; · Separate and place samples into chilled coolers for shipment to the appropriate laboratory (samples will be packaged so the potential for shipping damage is minimized); · Seal the top two copies of the chain-of-custody form inside a zip-lock bag and place inside the cooler; · Seal the cooler with several strips of strapping tape; and · Arrange for appropriate shipment to the analytical laboratory. 1.4 Sample Analyses The stockpile and confirmation soil samples will be analyzed for: · Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons quantified as gasoline (TPH-g) using modified United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Test Method 8015; C-2 · TPH as diesel (TPH-d) and TPH as motor oil (TPH-mo) using modified EPA Test Method 8015; and · Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEX) using EPA Test Method 8020. 1.5 Backfill Activities Clean imported materials will be brought to the site for use in backfilling the excavation after removal and sampling activities are completed. The imported material will be approved by ENSR prior to importation to the site and compacted to 90 percent relative compaction in accordance with the requirements stated in Kleinfelder, Inc.'s geotechnical investigation for the site. 2.0 Decontamination Procedures All equipment used during on-site Work that might come into contact with potential chemicals of concern (COCs) will be thoroughly cleaned before'and after each use. This will be accomplished through steam cleaning and/or washing with Alconox (a laboratory-grade detergent) and rinsing with deionized, distilled or fresh water. All rinseate will be managed and disposed of properly. 3.0 Instrument Calibration Procedures During site activities, field data will be collected using field instruments to assess worker exposure to volatile COCs and field screen soil samples. The protocols for field personnel, described below, are designed so that field measurements, if made by different individuals, are consistent and reproducible. Standard equipment calibration procedures for each instrument are also described. 3.1 Portable Air Monitoring Equipment Calibration A hand-held portable photo-ionization detector (PID) instrument (such as a Photovac MicroTip) or a handheld portable flame-ionizatiOn (FID) instrument (such as a Foxboro GC128 OVA) will be used in the field to monitor worker exposure and possibly field-screen soil samples. The PID instrument or the FID instrument will be used to evaluate volatile organic compounds in soil and ambient air. The PID instrument is more responsive to volatile compounds with saturated chemical bonds (i.e., benzene, toluene) in the part per million (ppm) concentration range while the FID is responsive to volatile/nonvolatile compounds with carbon-hydrogen bonds (i.e., methane, trichloroethane, as well as benzene and toluene) in the ppm range. Calibration of the PID instrument will be performed using the manufacturer-recommended calibration standard span gas to adjust the span and ambient air for zero calibration. Calibration of the FID instrument will be performed, as specified by the manufacturer, using ambient air for zero calibration only. Calibration with a span gas, according to the C-3 I I I I I I I I i I I i I I I I '1 I manufacturer, is not required for instrument use. Calibration of the PID and FID will be performed before each day's sampling and at intervals throughout the day (approximately every hour) when irregularities in the readings become apparent. C-4 I I i I I I I i I I I i I I I I i I I I I I 1 I '1 I I I I t I I I APPENDIX D PROCEDURES FOR REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS I i I ! 1 i I I I I I I UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL The site vicinity is shown on Figure 1 and the site plan is shown on Figure 2 of the Removal Action Workplan prepared for the site by ENSR International. Five underground storage tanks (USTs) are present on the Sparks parcel. These USTs include the following: · Tw° 8,000-gallon gasoline USTs; · One 10,000-gallon gasoline UST; · One 10,000-gallon diesel UST; and · One 1,000-gallon waste oil UST. These USTs and associated dispensers and piping will be removed as detailed below. 1.0 Underground Storage Tank Removal 1.1 Removal Activities Prior to commencement of field activities for removal of the USTs, removal permits will be obtained from the City of Bakersfield Fire Department (BFD). Removal activities will be conducted in accordance with the permit conditions and Health and Safety Plan (HASP) and work plan prepared by ENSR and ENSR's subcontractors. The locations of the USTs are shown on Figure 2. The dispensers and concrete islands will be removed and disposed as construction debris. The underground piping associated with the USTs will be triple-rinsed, removed and diSposed with the USTs. The rinsate will be removed from the site for proper disposal. Removal of the waste oil piping may require partial demolition of the concrete floor inside the shop building. Liquid or product remaining in the USTs will be pumped into a vacuum truck and removed from the site for proper disposal or recycling. Once the dispensers have been removed and it has been confirmed by the contractor that no liquid or product remains in the USTs, soil covering the USTs (overburden) will be removed using a backhoe. The top of the USTs will be exposed but the USTs will not be removed until inspectors from the BFD are present to observe the activities. Soils excavated during the UST removal activities will be stockpiled on the site. Soils that appear to be visually stained or discolored, if any, will be removed from the excavations. The soils that appear to be impacted will be segregated from soils that exhibit no evidence of staining or discoloration. D-1 I I I I I I I I I Once the overburden is removed, dry ice will be used to inert the USTs prior to their removal. Approximately 200 pounds of dry ice (20 pounds per 1,000 gallons of tank capacity) will be used for each of the product UST and approximately 20 pounds of dry ice will be used for the waste oil UST. An explosive gas indicator will be used to confirm that both the lower explosive limit and the percentage of oxygen within the USTs are below 5%. After the USTs are removed, ENSR's representatives will visually observe the USTs and holes, cracks or leaks in the USTs will be documented by ENSR's representative. The USTs will be removed from the excavation and placed on flatbed trucks permitted for transporting the USTs to a permitted tank reclamation facility. Based on analysis of groundwater samples collected from monitoring wells located in the area of the USTs, ENSR does not anticipate encountering impacted groundwater in the tank .excavations. Free product, if encountered in an excavation, will be removed using absorbent booms and a vacuum truck. The product removed from the excavation will be disposed of properly at an off-site facility. If groundwater is encountered in an excavation, it will be pumped once before a groundwater sample is collected and then pumped further as an interim remedial measure. Any groundwater that collects in the bottom of the excavation will be pumped to temporary holding tanks to control ponding. The groundwater will be removed from the site for proper disposal or discharged to the sanitary sewer under proper permits. ~f groundwater is to be discharged to the sanitary sewer, it will be stored in the tanks for sufficient time to allow suspended sediment to settle out of the water. Hydrocarbons will be removed by physical means such as granulated activated carbon (GAC) adsorption or other approved means that will satisfy the sanitary sewer discharge requirements of the City of Bakersfield. The groundwater will be Sampled prior to discharge to the sanitary sewer. If sampling results indicate it does not meet discharge requirements for the sanitary sewer, the groundwater will be disposed of at an off site facility. 1.2 Soil Sampling Samples will be collected from the stockpiled soil with hand sampling equipment. It is anticipated that approximately 300 to 400 tons of impacted soil will be excavated during the tank removals and that this soil will be removed from the site for disposal as non-hazardous waste. ENSR will collect twelve samples from the soil removed from the excavation to confirm appropriate disposal methods. The twelve samples will be composited into three samples for analysis. Soil samples will be collected from the tanks pits with the use of the excavation equipment and from below the piping and dispensers using hand sampling equipment. The equipment bucket will retrieve soil from the excavation to be sampled and bring that soil to ENSR's representative at the side of the excavation. A brass tube will be driven into the soil in the equipment bucket to collect the sample. The ends of the tube will be covered with a TeflonTM sheet, capped, labeled, D-2 ! ! I I ! I I I I I I and preserved on ice for transport to the laboratory. Chain-of-custody procedures will be followed in all phases of sample handling. Soil samples will be collected from each sidewall and four samples will be collected from beneath each of the USTs by the Consultant. The samples from the excavation floors will be collected at the 2 foot and 6 foot depths from two sampling points located approximately one- third of the tank length in from each end. In the event visual or olfactory indications of soil impacts are noted, additional soil sampling of the UST excavations may be required to adequately characterize the site. Soil samples will be collected from beneath the product delivery piping at a frequency of approximately one sample location per 15 linear feet of piping with samples collected at depths of 2 and 6 feet beneath the piping. In addition, samples will be collected at depths of 2 and 6 feet beneath the piping at the locations of pipe fittings. Two soil samples will be collected beneath each product dispenser at depths of 2 and 6 feet. All soils encountered during UST removal activities will be examined and described by ENSR. ENSR will maintain a written record of these descriptions. Soil will be described in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System and standard geologic nomenclature. The sample log will contain the following information: · Sample date and time; · Sample number and location; · Sample depth; · Sediment co~or; · Sediment grain size; · Estimated relative percentages of grain sizes; · Descriptive comments; · Estimated moisture content; · Odors; · Other observations; and · Observer's name. 1.3 Groundwater Sampling Groundwater encountered in the excavation, if any, will be sampled using either a bailer or a peristaltic pump. Each groundwater sample will be transferred directly to laboratory prepared sample containers, labeled, and preserved on ice for transport to the laboratory. Chain-of- custody procedures will be followed in all phases of sample handling. 1.4 Sample Handling Each sample will be packaged and transported protocol: appropriately, according to the following D-3 I I I ! ! I I ,1 I I I I · Collect samples in appropriately sized and prepared containers; · Attach completed sample label, to each sample; · Properly seal and package sample containers; · Complete chain-of-custody/analysis request forms; · Separate and place samples into chilled coolers for shipment to the appropriate laboratory (samples will be packaged so the potential for shipping damage is minimized); · Seal the top two copies of the chain-of-custody form inside a zip-lock bag and place inside the cooler; · Seal the cooler with several strips of strapping tape; and · .Arrange for appropriate shipment to the analytical laboratory. 1.5 Sample Analyses The soil samples collected from the underground piping, dispensers, excavation sidewalls, excavation floor and soil stockpile associated with the gasoline USTs will be analyzed for: · Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons quantified as gasoline (TPH-g) using modified United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Test Method 8015; · TPH as diesel (TPH-d) using modified EPA Test Method 8015; · Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEX) using EPA Test Method 8020; · Total lead using EPA Method 6010; and · Fuel oxygenates: methyl ted-butyl ether (MtBE), tert-amyl methyl ether (TAME), ethyl ted-butyl ether (ETBE), di-isopropyl ether (DIPE), ted-butyl alcohol (TBA) by EPA Test Method 8260. The soil samples collected from the underground piping, dispensers, excavation sidewalls, excavation floors and soil stockpiles associated with the diesel USTs will be analyzed for: · TPH-g using modified EPA Test Method 8015; · . TPH-d using modified EPA Test Method 8015; · BTEX using EPA Test Method 8020; and · Total oil and grease (TOG) using EPA Test Method 503 D&E. The soil samples collected from the excavation stockpile and beneath the waste oil UST will be analyzed for: · TPH-g using modified EPA Test Method 8015; · TPH-d using modified EPA Test Method 8015; · BTEX using EPA Test Method 8020; D-4 i ! I I I 1 1 i I. I 1 [ I I · Total oil and grease (TOG) using EPA Test Method 503 D&E; · Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) using EPA Method 8240 or 8260; · Semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) using EPA Method 8270; and · Total cadmium, chromium, lead, nickel, and zinc using the appropriate 6000/7000 series test methods. Groundwater, if any, present in the excavations will be sampled with the samples analyzed for the appropriate constituents (see above). 1.6 Backfill Activities Imported materials (crushed rock and/or clean select granular material) will be brought to the site and placed in close proximity to the excavations to backfill the tank pits after completion of the UST removals. The imported materials will be approved by ENSR. It is anticipated that the excavation for the fuel USTs will measure approximately 55 feet by 35 feet by 15 feet deep. The imported rock will be placed in the lower portion of the excavation if groundwater is present and the excavated soil or clean select granular material will be used for backfill above the groundwater level. The backfill material will be compacted to 90 percent relative compaction in accordance with the requirements stated in Kleinfelder, Inc.'s geotechnical investigation for the site. Obviously stained or odorous material will be sampled to establish if these soils are appropriate for use as backfill; if analytical results indicate that chemicals of concern are present above site specific action levels, then the soil will be placed on top of and covered by VisqueneTM. Final disposition of the stockpiled soil will be dependent upon analytical results of samples collected from the stockpile. Once analytical results of the samples collected from the tank sites are received, ENSR will make recommendations regarding further investigation, if required, or site closure. 2.0 Decontamination Procedures All equipment used during on-site work that might come into contact with potential chemicals of concern (COCs) will be thoroughly cleaned before and after each use. This will be accomplished through steam cleaning and/or washing with Alconox (a laboratory-grade detergent) and rinsing with deionized, distilled or fresh water. All rinseate will be managed and disposed of properly. 3.0 Instrument Calibration Procedures During site activities, field data will be collected using field instruments to assess worker exposure to volatile COCs, field screen soil samples and assess the atmosphere in the USTs. The protocols for field personnel, described below, are designed so that field measurements, if D-5 I I ! I[ ! ! I I i I ,! I I i I i made by different individuals, are consistent and reproducible. Standard equipment calibration procedures for each instrument are also described. 3.1 Portable Air Monitoring Equipment Calibration A hand-held portable photo-ionization detector (PID) instrument (such as a Photovac MicroTip) or a handheld portable flame-ionization (FID)instrument (such as a Foxboro GC128 OVA) will be used in the field to monitor worker exposure and possibly field-screen soil samples. The PID instrument or the .FID instrument will be used to evaluate volatile organic compounds in soil and ambient air. The PID instrument is more responsive to volatile compounds with saturated chemical bonds (i.e., benzene, toluene) in the part per million (ppm) concentration range while the FID is responsive to volatile/nonvolatile compounds with carbon-hydrogen bonds (i.e., methane, trichloroethane, as well as benzene and toluene) in the ppm range. Calibration of the PID instrument will be performed using the manufacturer-recommended calibration standard span gas to adjust the span and ambient air for zero calibration. Calibration of the FID instrument will be performed, as specified by the manufacturer, using ambient air for zero calibration only. Calibration with a span gas, according to the manufacturer, is not required for instrument use. Calibration of the PID and FID will be performed before each day's sampling and at intervals throughout the day (approximately every hour) when irregularities in the readings become apparent. 3.2 O2/LEL Calibration The oxygen(O2)/Iower explosive limit (LEL) meter is a battery powered portable instrument that can detect and indicate concentrations of combustible gas or vapor in air, in the percent of explosibility and parts per million ranges, simultaneously with measurement of oxygen and detection of oxygen deficiency. Calibration of the meter is done with hexane of a known concentration. The zero adjust is used to calibrate the instrument. Calibration for oxygen is done in a fresh air environment. The zero adjust is set at 21% oxygen. D-6 I I I I' i i I I I I ! ! ITl I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX E PROCEDURES FOR DESTRUCTION OF CLARIFIER AND CLASS V DISPOSAL WELL I I I I I I I I DESTRUCTION OF CLARIFIER AND CLASS V DISPOSAL WELL The site vicinity is shown on Figure 1 and the site plan is shown on Figure 2 of the Removal Action Workplan prepared for the site by ENSR International. A clarifier and Class V disposal well is located on the Sparks parcel. This well will be destroyed in accordance the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) publication Guidelines for Closure of Shallow Disposal Wells. Based on the available information, the well is approximately 15 feet deep and approximately one foot in diameter. The casing ~material is not known. Approximately 15 tons of liquid and sludge are estimated to be present in the clarifier and shallow disposal well. Liquid and sludge samples (UIC-L and UIC-S) collected from the clarifier and Class V shallow disposal well indicate that the liquid and sludge in the clarifier and Class V shallow disposal well is to be treated as .non-hazardous waste. ENSR anticipates that approximately 75 to 100 tons of impacted soil in the area of the clarifier and shallow disposal well will require excavation and off- ' site disposal. It is anticipated that this soil will be disposed as non-hazardous waste. Approximately 10 tons of concrete will be removed for off site disposal or recycling. A summary of the tasks to be completed for the well destruction is presented below. 1.0 Well Destruction 1.1 Well Destruction Activities The location of the Class V disposal well'is shown on Figure 2. Prior to commencement of field activities for destruction of the well, a sampling plan will be prepared for submittal to the regulatory agency. This sampling plan will include the following: · Types of sampling containers and their preparation; · Sample preservation methods; · Sampling equipment and method of sample retrieval; · Familiarity with specified sampling methods; · Certified laboratory to be utilized; and · Copy of a Chain-of-Custody form. The Bakersfield Fire Department will be contacted at least five (5) days prior to commencement of well closure activities. Removal activities will be conducted in accordance with the permit conditions and ENSR's Health and Safety Plan (HASP). The locations of drains and drain lines leading to the Class V well will be identified and the contents of the drains and drain lines will be removed by pumping or other means and disposed E-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I of properly. The drain lines will be disconnected from the well and interiors of the drains and drain lines will be pressure washed with the rinsate, drains and drain lines removed for proper disposal. The well casing will be removed by overdrilling or other means after removal of the drain lines and impacted soils, if any, will be removed for proper disposal. We anticipate that depth of the well excavation will be approximately 15 to 20 feet below ground surface. 1.2 Soil Sampling Following removal of the impacted soil, if any, a soil sample will be collected from the center of the excavation floor (bottom of the well) using excavation or drilling equipment. If excavation equipment is used, the bucket will retrieve soil from the area to be sampled and bring that soil to ENSR's representative at the side of the excavation. A brass tube will be driven into the soil in the equipment bucket to collect the sample. The ends of the tube will be covered with a TeflonTM sheet, capped, labeled, and preserved on ice for transport to the laboratory. Chain-of- custody procedures will be followed in all phases of sample handling. Two four point composites will be collected from the soil stockpile for chemical analysis using hand sampling equipment. The Consultant will review the analytical data to evaluate appropriate disposal options. 1.3 Sample Handling Each sample will be packaged and transported appropriately, according protocol: to the following Collect samples in appropriately sized and prepared containers; Attach completed sample label to each sample; Properly seal and package sample containers; Complete chain-of-custody/analysis request forms; Separate and place samples into chilled coolers for shipment to the appropria(e laboratory (samples will be packaged so the potential for shipping damage is minimized); Seal the top two copies of the chain-of-custody form inside a zip-lock bag and place inside the cooler; Seal the cooler with several strips of strapping tape; and Arrange for appropriate shipment to the analytical laboratory. 1.4 Sample Analyses The samples collected from the clarifier and disposal well excavations and stockpile will be analyzed for: E-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I · Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) using EPA Test Method 8240 or 8260; · Semi-VOCs using EPA Test Method 8270; · Title 22 Metals using 6010/7000 Series; · Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons quantified as gasoline (TPH-g) using modified EPA Test Method 8015; · TPH as diesel (TPH-d) using modified EPA Test Method 8015; · Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTE×) using EPA Test Method 8020; and · Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TRPH) using EPA Test Method 9071A/9073. 1.5 Backfill ACtivities After the well casing and impacted soils have been removed, the excavation will be backfilled with grout and sealed with asphalt, cement or clean soil. 2.0 Decontamination Procedures All equipment used during on-site work that might come into contact with potential chemicals of concern (COCs) will be thoroughly cleaned before and after each use. This will be accomplished through steam cleaning and/or washing/decontamination as noted below. All rinseate will be managed and disposed of properly. Decontamination will include the following steps: · Disassemble equipment; · Wash with non-phosphate detergent (Alconox) and tap water; · Rinse with tap water; · Rinse with isopropyl alocohol (using a squid bottle); · Rinse with deionized or distilled water (triple); and · Rinse with certified organic-free, metal-free water. 3.0 Instrument Calibration Procedures During site activities, field data will be collected using field instruments to assess worker exposure to volatile COCs and field screen soil samples. The protocols for field personnel, described below, are designed so that field measurements, if made by different individuals, are consistent and reproducible. Standard equipment calibration procedures for each instrument are also described. E-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.1 Portable Air Monitoring Equipment Calibration A hand-held portable photo-ionization detector (PID) instrument (such as a Photovac MicroTip) or a handheld portable flame-ionization (FID) instrument (such as a Foxboro GC128 OVA) will be used in the field to monitor worker exposure and possibly field-screen soil samples. The PID instrument or the FID instrument will be used to evaluate volatile organic compounds in soil and ambient air. The PID instrument is more responsive to volatile compounds with saturated chemical bonds (i.e., benzene, toluene) in the part per million (ppm) concentration range while the FID is responsive to volatile/nonvolatile compounds with carbon-hydrogen bonds (i.e., methane, trichloroethane, as well as benzene and toluene) in the ppm range. Calibration of the PID instrument will be performed using the manufacturer-recommended calibration standard span gas to adjust the span and ambient air for zero calibration. Calibration of the FID instrument will be performed, as specified by the manufacturer, using ambient air for zero calibration only. Calibration with a span gas, according to the manufacturer, is not required for instrument use. Calibration of the PID and FID will be performed before each day's sampling and at intervals throughout the day (approximately every hour) when irregularities in the readings become apparent. E-4 I I I I '1 I I I I .I I I I I I I I I I ! ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX F PROCEDURES FOR REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF SEPTIC SYSTEMS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I REMOVAL OF SEPTIc SYSTEMS The site vicinity is shown on Figure 1 and the site plan is shown on Figure 2 of the Removal Action Workplan prepared for the site by ENSR International. Several septic systems, comprised of a septic tank and associated leach field, are located on the site. One septic system is known to be present on the Sparks parcel (servicing the shop building) and one septic system is suspected to exist at the trailer. In addition, one system is located on the Rosedale Hotel/Maaco parcel and one system is present on the Glen Rose parcel. These septic systems will be destroyed in accordance the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) publication Guidelines for Closure of Shallow Disposal Wells. Additional permits will be obtained by ENSR's subcontractors as appropriate, including but not necessarily limited to, excavation and backfill permits from the City of Bakersfield Building Department. ENSR estimates that approximately 200 to 250 tons of waste material (including sludge in tank, tank, drain lines and impacted soil) will be produced for each septic system. This includes approximately 100 to 150 tons of soil that are expected to be disposed of as non-hazardous waste and approximately 100 tons of concrete and piping materials that Will be disposed of as construction debris. A summary of the tasks to be completed for the removal of the septic systems is presented below. 1.0 Septic System Removal 1.1 Removal Activities The locations of the septic systems are shown on Figure 2. Prior to commencement of field activities for removal of the septic systems, permits and a sampling plan will be prepared for submittal to the appropriate regulatory agency. This sampling plan will include the following: · Types of sampling containers and their preparation; · Sample preservation methods; · Sampling equipment and method of sample retrieval; · Familiarity with specified sampling methods; · Certified laboratory to be utilized; and · Chain-of-Custody. The Bakersfield Fire Department will be contacted at least five (5) days prior to commencement of removal of septic systems. Removal activities will be conducted in accordance with the permit conditions and Health and Safety Plan (HASP) and work plan prepared by ENSR and the contractor. F-1 I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I The locations of septic tanks and their associated leach fields will be identified and the contents of the tanks will be removed of by pumping or other means and disposed of properly (this material has been characterized as non-hazardous). The tanks will then be pressure washed and the rinsate and tanks removed for proper disposal as construction debris. The drain lines of the leach fields will then be removed for proper disposal as construction debris. Visibly impacted soils, if any, present beneath the tanks and leach fields will be removed for proper disposal. Based on available analytical results of soil samples collected from the area of the leach fields, impacted soil is not anticipated in these areas. 1.2 Soil Sampling Following removal of the impacted soil, if any, soil samples will be collected from the former tank and leach field excavation floors using hand sampling equipment. Soil samples will be collected from the floor of the tank excavation at the end located nearest the structure. Samples will be collected from this location at depths of approximately 1 foot and 5 feet below the excavation floor. Soil samples will also be collected at depths of approximately 1 foot and 5 feet below the leach field excavation floor at 20 foot intervals along the length of the drain lines. Soil samples will be collected by ENSR personnel from the excavations using hand sampling equipment and, if any excavations extend to depths greater than four feet bgs, samples will be taken from the backhoe bucket. The soil from each septic system will be stockpiled separately. Eight soil samples will be collected from each stockpile and composited into two samples for chemical analysis. Following collection of the samples, the ends of the tube will be covered with a TeflonTM sheet, capped, labeled, and preserved on ice for transport to the laboratory. Chain-of-custody procedures will be followed in all phases of sample handling. The Consultant will review the analytical data to evaluate appropriate disposal options. 1.3 Sample Handling Each sample will be packaged and transported appropriately, according to the following protocol: · Collect samples in appropriately sized and prepared containers; · Attach completed sample label to each sample; · Properly seal and package sample containers; · Complete chain-of-custody/analysis request forms; · Separate and place samples into chilled coolers for shipment to the appropriate laboratory (samples will be packaged so the potential for shipping damage is minimized); F-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I · Seal the top two copies of the chain-of-custody form inside a zip-lock bag and place inside the cooler; · Seal the cooler with several strips of strapping tape; and · Arrange for appropriate shipment to the analytical laboratory. 1.4 Sample Analyses The soil samples collected from the septic tank and leach field excavation floors and stockpiles will be analyzed for: · Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) using EPA Test Method 8240 or 8260; · Semi-VOCs using EPA Test Method 8270; · Title 22 Metals using 6010/7000 Series; · Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons quantified as gasoline (TPH-g) using modified EPA Test Method 8015; · TPH as diesel (TPH-d) using modified EPA Test Method 8015; · Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEX) using EPA Test Method 8020; and · Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TRPH) using EPA Test Method 9071A/9073. 1.5 Backfill Activities Clean imported materials will be brought to the site for use in backfilling the excavation after removal and sampling activities are completed. The imported material will be approved by ENSR prior to importation to the site and compacted to 90 percent relative compaction in accordance with the requirements stated in Kleinfelder, Inc.'s geotechnical investigation for the site. 2.0 Decontamination Procedures All equipment used during on-site work that might come into contact with potential chemicals of concern (COCs) will be thoroughly cleaned before and after each use. This will be accomplished through steam cleaning and/or washing/decontamination as noted below. All rinseate will be managed and disposed of properly. Decontamination will include the following steps: · Disassemble equipment; · Wash with non-phosphate detergent (Alconox) and tap water; · Rinse with tap water; · Rinse with isopropyl alocohol (using a squirt bottle); F-3 i ! I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I · Rinse with deionized or distilled water (triple); and · Rinse with certified organic-free, metal-free water. 3.0 Instrument Calibration Procedures During site activities, field data will be collected using field instruments to assess worker exposure to volatile COCs and field screen soil samples. The protocols for field personnel, described below, are designed so that field measurements, if made by different individuals, are consistent and reproducible. Standard equipment calibration procedures for each instrument are also described. 3.1 Portable Air Monitoring Equipment Calibration A hand-held portable photo-ionization detector (PID) instrument (such as a Photovac MicroTip) or a handheld portable flame-ionization (FID) instrument (such as a Foxboro GC128 OVA) will be used in the field to monitor worker exposure and possibly field-screen soil samples. The PID instrument or the FID instrument will be used to evaluate volatile organic compounds in soil and ambient air. The PID instrument is more responsive to volatile compounds with saturated chemical bonds (i.e., benzene, toluene) in the part per million (ppm) concentration range while the FID is responsive to volatile/nonvolatile compounds with carbon-hydrogen bonds (i.e., methane, trichloroethane, as well as benzene and toluene) in the ppm range. Calibration of the PID instrument will be performed using the manufacturer-recommended calibration standard span gas to adjust the span and ambient air for zero calibration. Calibration of the FID instrument will be performed, as specified by the manufacturer, using ambient air for zero calibration only. Calibration with a span gas, according to the manufacturer, is not required for instrument use. Calibration of the PID and FID will be performed before each day's sampling and at intervals throughout the day (approximately every hour) when irregularities in the readings become apparent. F-4 I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I i I I I I I i I i I I APPENDIX G PROCEDURES FOR REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF SUMPS I i ! I I I I ! ! ! i I ! I ! ! REMOVAL OF SUMPS The site vicinity is shown on Figure 1 and the site plan is shown on Figure 2 of the Removal Action Workplan prepared for the site by ENSR International. A steam cleaner sump is located on the Glen Rose parcel. In addition, one large drilling sump and two small drilling sumps are located on the site. Limited information is available on the drilling sumps; it is anticipated that these sumps may contain drilling mud, crude oil and possibly other petroleum hydrocarbons. These sumps will be removed in accordance with applicable regulations. Permits will be obtained by ENSR subcontractors as appropriate, including but not necessarily limited to, excavation and backfill permits from the City of Bakersfield Building Department. A summary of the tasks to be completed for the removal of the sumps is presented below. 1,0 Sump Removal 1.'1 Removal Activities The location of the steam cleaner sump is shown on Figure 2. Prior to commencement of field activities for removal of the sumps, permits will be prepared for submittal to the appropriate regulatory agency. Removal activities will be conducted in accordance with the permit conditions and Health and Safety Plan (HASP) and work plan prepared by ENSR and ENSR's subcontractors. The location of sumps will be identified and the sump's contents will be removed and disposed of properly. The material in the steam clea,~er sump has been characterized as hazardous and it is anticipated that the contents of the drilling sumps will be disposed of as non-hazardous waste. It has been estimated by other consultants that approximately 7.5 tons of Sludge are present in the steam cleaner sump, that 300 tons of materials are present in each of the two small drilling sumps and approximately 750 tons of materials are present in the large drilling sump. The sumps will then be pressure washed and the rinsate and sumps removed for proper disposal. It is anticipated that the rinsate from the steam cleaner sump will be characterized as hazardous waste and the rinsate from the drilling sumps will be characterized as hazardous waste. It is anticipated that 10 to 20 tons of soil will be removed from beneath the steam cleaner sump. In addition, approximately 10 tons of concrete will be removed from the steam cleaner sump for off site disposal or recycling. No soil samples have been collected from the areas of the drilling sumps; however, we anticipate that up to 75 tons of concrete and 25 to 50 tons of impacted soil (non-hazardous) will be removed in conjunction with the large drilling sump and up to 40 tons of G-1 I I i I I I I I I I i I i I I I I concrete and 15 to 25 tons of impacted soil (non-hazardous) will be removed in conjunction with each of the two small drilling sumps. The concrete will be disposed of as construction debris. Soil from beneath each of the sumps will be stockpiled separately on the site. 1.2 Soil Sampling Following removal of the impacted soil, if any, soil samples will be collected from the excavation floor and sidewalls using hand sampling equipment and, if any excavations go greater than four feet bgs, samples will be taken from the backhoe bucket. We anticipate that up to five samples will be collected as confirmation samples from each excavation and that one four composite will be collected from each stockpile. capped, labeled, and preserved on ice for transport to the laboratory. procedures will be followed in all phases of sample handling. 1.3 Sample Handling Each sample will be packaged and transported appropriately, Following collection of the samples, the ends of the tube will be covered with a Teflon'rM sheet, Chain-of-custody protocol: according to the following Collect samples in appropriately sized and prepared containers; Attach completed sample label to each sample; Properly seal and package sample containers; Complete chain-of-custody/analysis request forms; Separate and place samples into chilled coolers for shipment to the appropriate laboratory (samples will be packaged so the potential for shipping damage is minimized); · Seal the top two copies of the chain-of-custody form inside a zip-lock bag and place inside the cooler; · Seal the cooler with several strips of strapping tape; and · Arrange for appropriate shipment to the analytical laboratory. 1.4 Sample Analyses The soil samples collected from the excavation floors and sidewalls and stockpiles will be analyzed for: · Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) using EPA Test Method 8240 or 8260; · Title 22 Metals using 6010/7000 Series; · Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons quantified as gasoline (TPH-g) using modified EPA Test Method 8015; G-2 I I I I I i I I i I I I ! I · TPH as diesel (TPH-d) and TPH as motor oil (TPH-mo) using modified EPA Test Method 8015; and · Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEX) using EPA Test Method 8020. 1.5 Backfill Activities Clean imported materials will be brought to the site for use in backfilling the excavation after removal and sampling activities are completed. The imported material will be approved by ENSR prior to importation to the site and compacted to 90 percent relative compaction in accordance with the requirements stated in Kleinfelder, Inc.'s geotechnical investigation for the site. 2.0 Decontamination Procedures All equipment used during on-site work that might come into contact with potential chemicals of concern (COCs) will be thoroughly cleaned before and after each use. This will be accomplished through steam cleaning and/or washing/decontamination as noted below. All rinseate will be managed and disposed of properly. Decontamination will include the following steps: · Disassemble equipment; · Wash with non-phosphate detergent (Alconox) and tap water; · Rinse with tap water; · Rinse with isopropyl alocohol (using a squirt bottle); · Rinse with deionized or distilled water (triple); and · Rinse with certified organic-free, metal-free water. 3.0 Instrument Calibration Procedures During site activities, field data will be collected using field instruments to assess worker exposure to volatile COCs and field screen soil samples. The protocols for field personnel, described below, are designed so that field measurements, if made by different individuals, are consistent and reproducible. Standard equipment calibration procedures for each instrument are also described. 3.1 Portable Air Monitoring Equipment Calibration A hand-held portable photo-ionization detector (PID) instrument (such as a Photovac MicroTip) or a handheld portable flame-ionization (FID) instrument (such as a Foxboro GC128 OVA) will be used in the field to monitor worker exposure and possibly field-screen soil samples. The PID instrument or the FID instrument will be used to evaluate volatile organic compounds in soil and G-3 ,! i I I I I i i I I I I I I I I I I ! I ambient air. The~PID instrument is more responsive to volatile compounds with saturated chemical bonds (i.e., benzene, toluene) in the part per million (ppm) concentration range while the FID is responsive to volatile/nonvolatile compounds with carbon-hydrogen bonds (i.e., methane, trichloroethane, as well as benzene and toluene) in the ppm range. Calibration of the PID instrument will be performed using the manufacturer-recommended calibration standard span gas to adjust the span and ambient air for zero calibration. Calibration of the FID instrument will be performed, as specified by the manufacturer, using ambient air for zero calibration only. Calibration with a span gas, according to the manufacturer, is not required for instrument use. Calibration of the PID and FID will be performed before each day's sampling and at intervals throughout the day (approximately every hour) when irregularities in the readings become apparent. G-4 i I I I i I i 1 I I ! I I i ! I I I I I l I I ! I I I ! APPENDIX H PROCEDURES FOR REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF FLOOR DRAINS I ! I ! I I I I I ! I I I I I I REMOVAL OF FLOOR DRAINS The site vicinity is shown on Figure 1 and the site plan is shown on Figure 2 of the Removal Action Workplan prepared for the site by ENSR International. Two floor drains containing sludge are present inside the building formerly occupied by Maaco Auto Paint on the Rosedale Hotel/Maaco parcel. The sludge in these drains and the drains, if necessary, will be removed in accordance with applicable regulations. ENSR estimates approximately 1 ton of sludge will be removed from the floor drains in the Maaco building and disposed of as hazardous waste. No soil samples have been collected from beneath the floor drains; however, we anticipate that 10 to 20 tons of soil will be removed from beneath the floor drains. In addition, approximately 20 tons of concrete will be removed for off site disposal or recycling. A summary of the tasks to be completed for the removal of the sludge and floor drains is presented below. 1.0 Removal of Floor Drains 1.1 Removal Activities The location of the floor drains are shown on Figure 2. Prior to commencement of field activities for removal of the sludge and drains, permits will be prepared for submittal to the appropriate regulatory agency. Removal activities will be conducted in accordance with the permit conditions and Health and Safety Plan (HASP) and work plan prepared by ENSR and ENSR's subcontractors. The location of floor drains will be identified and the contents of the drains will be removed and disposed of properly (this material has been characterized as hazardous). It has been estimated by other consultants that a total of approximately 1 ton of sludge is present in the two drains. The drains will then be pressure washed and the rinsate removed for proper disposal. If no evidence of cracking is observed inside the drains or along the drain lines, the drains will be left in place for removal during demolition of the building. If cracks are noted, then the drains and surrounding concrete will be removed for proper disposal. Removal of the drains will result in two excavations, each measuring approximately 3 feet in depth and 5 feet in diameter. Visibly impacted soils, if any, present beneath the drains will be stockpiled on-site and removed for proper disposal after receipt and review of analytical results. 1.2 Soil Sampling Following removal of the impacted soil, if any, soil samples will be collected from the excavation floor and sidewalls using hand sampling equipment and, if any excavations go greater than four H-1 I l I ! I I I l 1 I I I I [ l feet bgs, samples will be taken from the backhoe bucket. We anticipate that up to five samples will be collected as confirmation samples from each excavation and that one four composite will be collected from each stockpile. Following collection of the samples, the ends of the tube will be covered with a TeflonTM sheet, capped, labeled, and preserved on ice for transport to the laboratory. Chain-of-custody procedures will be followed in all phases of sample handling. 1.3 Sample Handling Each sample will be packaged and transported appropriately, according to the following protocol: · Collect samples in appropriately sized and prepared containers; · Attach completed sample label to each sample; · Properly seal and package sample containers; · Complete chain-of-custody/analysis request forms; · Separate and place samples into chilled coolers for shipment to the appropriate laboratory (samples will be packaged so the potential for shipping damage is minimized); · Seal the top two copies of the chain-of-custody form inside a zip-lock bag and place inside the cooler; · Seal the cooler with several strips of strapping tape; and · Arrange for appropriate shipment to the analytical laboratory. 1.4 Sample Analyses The soil samples collected from the excavation floor and sidewalls and soil stockpiles will be analyzed for: · Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) using EPA Test Method 8240 or 8260; · Title 22 Metals using 6010/7000 Series; · Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons quantified as gasoline (TPH-g) using modified EPA Test Method 8015; · TPH as diesel (TPH-d) and TPH as motor oil (TPH-mo) using modified EPA Test Method 8015; and · Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEX)'using EPA Test Method 8020. 1.5 Backfill Activities Clean imported materials will be brought to the site for use in backfilling the excavation after removal and sampling activities are completed. The imported material will be approved by ENSR H-2 I ! I I I I i i 1 i prior to importation to the site and compacted to 90 percent relative compaction in accordance with the requirements stated in Kleinfelder, Inc.'s geotechnical investigation for the site. 2.0 Decontamination Procedures All equipment used during on-site work that might come into contact with potential chemicals of concern (COCs) will be thoroughly cleaned before and after each use. This will be accomplished through steam cleaning and/or washing/decontamination as noted below. All rinseate will be managed and disposed of properly. Decontamination will include the following steps: · Disassemble equipment; · Wash with non-phosphate detergent (Alconox) and tap water; · Rinse with tap water; · Rinse with isopropyl alocohol (using a squirt bottle); · Rinse with deionized or distilled water (triple); and ° Rinse with certified organic-free, metal-free water. 3.0 Instrument Calibration Procedures During site activities, field data will be collected using field instruments to assess worker exposure to volatile COCs and field screen soil samples. The protocols for field personnel, described below, are designed so that field measurements, if made by different individuals, are consistent and reproducible. Standard equipment calibration procedures for each instrument are also described. 3.1 Portable Air Monitoring Equipment Calibration A hand-held portable photo-ionization detector (PID) instrument (such as a Photovac MicroTip) or a handheld portable flame-ionization (FID) instrument (such as a Foxboro GC128 OVA) will be used in the field to monitor worker exposure and possibly field-screen soil samples. The PID instrument or the FID instrument will be used to evaluate volatile organic compounds in soil and ambient air. The PID instrument is more responsive to volatile compounds with saturated chemical bonds (i.e., benzene, toluene) in the part per million (ppm) concentration range while the FID is responsive to volatile/nonvolatile compounds with carbon-hydrogen bonds (i.e., methane, trichloroethane, as well as benzene and toluene) in the ppm range. Calibration of the PID instrument will be performed using the manufacturer-recommended calibration standard span gas to adjust the span and ambient air for zero calibration. Calibration of the FID instrument will be performed, as specified by the manufacturer, using ambient air for zero calibration only. Calibration with a span gas, according to the H-3 ! ! I ! I ! I 1 ! I ! t II ! manufacturer, is not required for instrument use. Calibration of the PID and FID will be performed before each day's sampling and at intervals throughout the day (approximately every hour) when irregularities in the readings become apparent. H-4 I I I i ! I I I i I I I I I ! i I I I I I I I APPENDIX I PROCEDURES FOR DESTRUCTION OF WATER SUPPLY WELLS I WATER SUPPLY WELL DESTRUCTION The site vicinity is shown on Figure 1 and the site plan is shown on Figure 2 of the Removal Action Workplan prepared for the site by ENSR International. Four water supply wells are located on the project site, as noted below: Parcel Well No. Depth Diameter (feet) (inches) Sparks 1 60 16 Sparks 2 140 6 Seaton 3 280 8 Glen Rose 4 280 8 These wells will be destroyed as detailed below. 1.0 Water Supply Well Destruction The locations of the four water supply wells that will be destroyed are shown on Figure 2. Prior to commencement of field activities, ENSR will obtain well destruction permits from the Kern County Environmental Health and Safety Department (KCEHSD). The concrete encased protective cover boxes will be removed and, if possible, the well casings and annular space materials will be drilled out to the total well depth. The borings will then be backfilled with neat cement grout installed via a tremie pipe. If ENSR is unable to remove the well casings and annular space materials, the KCESHD will be contacted for alternative means of destruction. It is anticipated that alternative means would include perforating the casing, removing the upper five feet of casing and pressure grouting the well to within five feet of the ground surface. The upper five feet would be filled with native soil. 2.0 Decontamination Procedures All equipment used during on-site work that might come into contact with potential chemicals of concern (COCs) will be thoroughly cleaned before and after each use. This will be accomplished through steam cleaning and/or washing with Alconox (a laboratory-grade detergent) and rinsing with deionized, distilled or fresh water. All rinseate will be managed and disposed of properly. I-1 I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX J PROCEDURES FOR DESTRUCTION OF GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELLS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MONITORING WELL DESTRUCTION The site vicinity is shown on Figure 1 and the site plan is shown on Figure 2 of the Removal Action Workplan prepared for the site by ENSR International. Three groundwater monitoring wells are located on the Sparks parcel (see Figure 2). These wells are 35 feet in depth with 8 inch diameter boreholes. These wells will be destroyed as detailed below. 1.0 Monitoring Well Destruction The locations of the three groundwater monitoring wells that will be destroyed are shown on Figure 2. Prior to commencement of field activities, ENSR will obtain well destruction permits from the Kern County Environmental Health and Safety Department (KCEHSD). The concrete encased protective cover boxes will be removed and the well casings and annular space materials will be removed by overdrilling to the total well depth using a conventional drilling rig equipped with appropriately sized hollow stem augers. The borings will then be backfilled with neat cement grout. 2.0 Decontamination Procedures All equipment used during on-site work that might come.into contact with potential chemicals of concern (COCs) will be thoroughly cleaned before and after each use. This will be accomplished through steam cleaning and/or washing with Alconox (a laboratory-grade detergent) and rinsing with deionized, distilled or fresh water. All rinseate will be managed and disposed of proPerly. J-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX K PROCEDURES FOR REABANDOMENT OF OIL PRODUCTION WELLS I I I I I I I I I I I I PROCEDURES FOR REABANDOMENT OF OIL PRODUCTION WELLS The site vicinity is shown on Figure 1 and the site plan is shown on Figure 2 of the Removal Action Workplan prepared for the site by ENSR International. Three former oil production wells are located on the Sparks parcel (see Figure 2). The Department of Oil and Gas (DOG) will be contacted by ENSR for information on the status of these wells. If necessary the oil wells will be replugged and reabandoned in accordance with DOG requirements. K-1 ! I I i i I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX L PROCEDURES FOR ABATEMENT OF ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERIALS AND LEAD-BASED PAINTS I I i I '1 I I I I I I I i i ASBESTOS AND LEAD-BASED PAINT ABATEMENT SPECIFICATIONS The site vicinity is shown on Figure 1 and the site plan is shown on Figure 2 of the Removal Action Workplan prepared for the site by ENSR International. According to an asbestos survey completed by AKRI Corporation dated October 5, 1998, asbestos containing materials (ACMs) present in the on-site buildings (see Figure 2) include: Sparks parcel/Former Service Garage: · ' Approximately 250 square feet of floor tiles (5% chrysotile); and · Approximately 110 square feet of flooring (17% chrysotile). Rosedale Hotel/Maaco parcel/Former Maaco Auto Paint Facility: · Approximately 650 linear feet of window putty (2% chrysotile); · Approximately 5 linear feet of cement pipe (8% chrysotile, 2% amosite, and 10% crocidolite); and Approximately 25 square feet of roof mastic (10% chrysotile). Glen Rose parcel/Former Glen Rose Engine Shop:' Approximately 200 square feet of floor tile (5% chrysotile); and Approximately 100 square feet of drywall with asbestos containing joint compound (2% chrysotile). It should be noted that a demolition level survey was not completed and that additional ACMs may be present in the buildings. In addition, a survey for lead-based paints (LBPs) has not been conducted to date. The contractor should include cost for completion of these surveys with sufficient samples collected and analyzed to allow demolition of the structures. 1.0 WORK PLAN SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST The following workplan submittal checklist will be completed by the contractor: 1 O-day Notification Other applicable state and local permits Calendar of Scheduled Activities (i.e, containment set-up dates, Consultant pre and post visual survey dates, clearance air sample events) Abatement Work Plan 5. Disposal site L-1 I I I I ! I i I I i I i i Current Certifications (Contractor and employee, asbestos certifications and medical examinations), Negative Exposure Assessments (if applicable) A copy of the work plan must be sent to the following parties commencement of abatement activities. ENSR International Attn: Ms. Lita Freeman - Senior Project Manager 1420 Harbor Bay Parkway, Suite 120 Alameda, California 94502 listed below prior to 2.0 DESCRIPTION OF WORK The work covered by this abatement specification includes abatement and disposal of all friable and non-friable ACMs, Asbestos Containing Construction Materials (ACCMs), Regulated Asbestos Containing Materials (RACMs) and LBPs, as detailed in Section 5.0 (asbestos) and Section 6.0 (LBPs) of this Project Specification for Asbestos/Lead Abatement, from the on-site structures. In addition to the scope and application of applicable federal, state, and local regulations, this document includes a summary of the incidental procedures and equipment required to protect workers, occupants of a building or area, and nearby populations from exposure to airborne asbestos fibers. This Project Specification is not a comprehensive manual on the state-of-the- art practice for asbestos and lead abatement procedures, equipment, or materials. The selected Contractor represents, by acceptance of this work, that the Contractor is aware of the various state-of-the-practice procedures, equipment, and materials acceptable by regulatory ' agencies that are also efficient, effective, and protective of human health and the environment. The specific Scope of Work is described in Section 5.0; information on types, locations and estimated quantities of ACMs, ACCMs and RACMs to be removed is presented above and in the attached AKRI Corporation survey report. 2.1 Codes and Regulations General Applicability of Codes and Re~lulations and Standards: Except to the extent that more explicit or more stringent requirements are written directly into the contract documents, all applicable federal, state, and local codes, regulations, and standards have the same force and effect (and are made a part of the contract documents) as if copied directly into the contract documents, or as if published copies are bound herewith. Regulation references in the text are federal regulations except where the State of California codes are listed in this section. Where the federal and state regulations differ, the more stringent regulation shall be relevant to this Specification. Contractor Res_Donsibility: The Contractor shall assume full responsibility and liability for the compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local regulations pertaining to work practices, L-2 hauling, disposal, and protection of workers, visitors to the site, and persons occupying areas adjacent to the site. The Contractor is responsible for providing medical examinations and maintaining medical records of personnel as required by the applicable federal, state, and local regulations. The Contractor shall hold the Owner and Consultant harmless for failure to comply with any applicable work, hauling, disposal, safety, health or other regulation on the part of the Contractor, the Contractor's employees, and the Contractor's subcontractors. Federal Reo. uirements: which govern asbestos abatement work or hauling and disposal of asbestos waste materials include but are not limited to the following: OSHA: United States Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, (OSHA), including but not limited to: Code of Federal Regulations (CFR): Occupational Exposure to Asbestos, Tremolite, Anthophyllite, and Actinolite; Final Rules: 29CFR1910.1001 General Industry Standard 29CFR1926.1101 Construction Industry Standard 29CFR1910.134 Respiratory Protection 29CFR1910.20 Access to Employee Exposure and Medical Records 29CFR1910.1200 Hazard Communication 29CFR1910.145 Specifications for Accident Prevention Signs and Tags. DOT: United States Department of Transportation (DOT), including but not limited to: 49CFR171 and 172 Hazardous Substances EPA: United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), including but not limited to: 40CFR763 Sub-part E Asbestos Abatement Projects; Worker Protection Rule 40CFR763 Sub-part E Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) Regulation Asbestos Containing Materials in Schools Final Rule & Notice L-3 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I i 40CFR763 Sub-part E Appendix C 40CFR61 Sub-part A and Sub-part M (Revised Sub-part B) Public Law 101-637 Training Requirements of (AHERA) Regulation Asbestos Containing Materials in Schools Final Rule & Notice National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPS) National Emission Standard for Asbestos Asbestos School Hazard Abatement Reauthorization Act (ASHARA), enacted November 28, 1990 State Codes: California OSHA: California including but not limited to: Occupational Safety and Health Administration, California Code of Regulations (CCR): 8 CCR 1529 8 CCR 3203 8 CCR 5144 8 CCR 5194 8 CCR 5208 Title 8, Article 2.5 Title 22, Division 4, Chapter 30 Waste Construction Standard Injury, Illness Prevention Plan Respiratory Protection Hazard Communication General Industry Safety Orders, Asbestos Regulations Asbestos Related Work Registration Minimum Standards for Management of Hazardous and Extremely Hazardous California Department of Toxic Substances Control Transport and Disposal Regulations Local Reo. uirements: Abide by all local requirements which govern asbestos abatement work or hauling and disposal of asbestos waste materials, including L-4 i i I I i I I I I i I I I I I I i I Air Qualit_v Management District Regulation X (NESHAPS) Send written notice at least 10 business (working) days prior to beginning any work on RACMs to the AQMD as required by EPA NESHAPS Regulations (40 CFR 61, Subpart M) and other appropriate notifications to the following agencies: DOSH (Cai-OSHA) 2424 Arden Way, Suite 165 Sacramento, California 95825 (916) 263-2800 fax (916) 263-2798 Other Standards: American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 1430 Broadway New York, NY 10018 (212) 354-3300 Fundamentals Governing the Design and Operation of Local Exhaust Systems Publication Z9.2-79 Practices for Respiratory Protection Publication Z88.2-80 2.2 DEFINITIONS Refer to Appendix A for terms and definitions applicable to this Project Specification. 2.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE Laboratory Qualification: The laboratory shall be regularly engaged in asbestos testing and personnel used for monitoring airborne concentrations of asbestos fibers shall be proficient in this field. This proficiency shall be demonstrated by current acceptable participation in the Proficiency Analytical Testing (PAT) program and each analyst shall have taken the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) 582 Course (Sampling and Analysis for Asbestos) or the equivalent. A laboratory that conducts Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) must be accredited by National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP). Asbestos Fiber Concentration Control Limits: Inside Enclosed Work Area: Air concentrations of asbestos shall not exceed an eight hour time weighted average (TWA) of 1.0 fibers per cubic centimeter (fibers/cc) of air by Phase Contrast Microscopy (PCM) for personnel selected as Most Contaminated Worker. Air concentrations of asbestos shall not exceed the 30 minute excursion level of 1.0 fibers/cc of air. L-5 I I I I 1 I I I I i I I I I I I I Outside Asbestos Work Area: Air concentrations of asbestos fibers shall be maintained at an eight hour TVVA at or below 0.010 fibers/cc of air (by PCM). This applies to all areas in the buildings while work is in progress except for the asbestos work area. Glovebag Removal: Contaminated Worker. workers. Maintain a TWA of 0.01 fibers/cc of air (by PCM) for the Most Glovebag removal operations will be performed by a minimum of two Area Clearance Sam.olin_o: All clearance air samples must be less than 0.02 structures per cubic centimeter (structures/cc) of air or 70 structures per square millimeter (structures/mm2) for AHERA Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) or 0.01 fibers/cc of air for PCM. TEM AHERA analysis will be used for clearance monitoring for this project where friable asbestos will be removed. PCM analysis will be used for those work areas where non-friable materials will be removed. For those locations where non-friable materials will be removed and where it is impractical to construct a negative pressure enclosure system (NPES), such as roof areas, clearance air sampling will not be conducted by the Consultant. These areas will be cleared by visual observation only. Differential Pressure Monitoring: Monitor pressure differential at personnel and equipment Decontamination Units with a differential pressure meter equipped with a continuous recbrder. Meter shall be equipped with a warning buzzer which will sound if pressure differential drops below 0.02 inches of water relative to the pressure outside the enclosure. Placement of the meters relative to the fan units equipped with High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters shall be shown in the design plan for approval by the Consultant. Contractor and/or Contractor's Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH): The Contractor or Contractor's CIH is responsible for the following: 1. Review of the Project Specification. 2. Assign air monitoring personnel to sample Contractor's employee exposure and an analytical laboratory that conforms with this Section. 3. Maintain complete air sampling records, keep a daily activity log, and provide a report which contains all personnel air sampling results. Monitor air fiber concentrations inside and outside negative pressure enclosures daily. Daily smoke test the negative pressure enclosures and visually check for leaks. Patch any holes or openings immediately. Area air monitOring shall be performed by the Contractor or their CIH. The Contractor will provide to the Consultant on a regular basis any observations regarding the integrity of all barriers; decontamination facilities and protective coverings; work and safety plans; emergency evacuation procedures; proper performance of measures used to protect the L-6 I I ! I i I i ! ! 1 I / i ! I I facility and employees, including; isolation, removal techniques, encapsulation, patching, disposal and state of the art procedures. The Consultant shall be informed immediately of operational problems or deviations from the Project Specification, initially by telephone and then in writing. Violations: If, at any time the Contractor's Competent Person or CIH determines that practices are in violation of pertinent and applicable regulations or that air results exceed specified allowable levels, they will notify the Consultant supervising the project immediately. All work activity in the affected area(s) will cease until corrective actions have been taken. The Consultant shall notify the Owner. Any cost resulting from such a stop work order issued by the ClH or Consultant will be borne by the Contractor and will not be considered as a basis for an increase in the contract amount. The Contractor is responsible for the safety of all persons in or around the regulated area or within the areas the Contractor is using for ingress and egress. 2.4 TITLE OF WASTE MATERIAL All asbestos and asbestos contaminated materials resulting from demolition work, except as specified otherwise, shall be the property of the generator (Owner) and shall be disposed of by the Contractor as required in applicable federal, state and local regulations. Copies of all hazardous waste manifests are to be maintained by the contractor, as part of the required "Close-Out" documents and forwarded to the owner after completion of the project. In addition, the contractor will be required to submit copies of all hazardous waste manifests to the Consultant's representative during the project. 2.5 PI;:OTECTION OF EXISTING STRUCTURES Perform demolition work without damage or contamination of adjacent areas. The Contractor shall repair and replace all items not scheduled for demolition, removal or remodeling if damaged or contaminated. Prior to any removal activity, all equipment remaining in rooms shall be covered with 6-mil polyethylene and sealed to preclude contamination during removal. Floor removal maY be conducted with the use of Splash guards and critical barriers for such a containment area. 2.6 MEDICAL REQUIREMENTS The Contractor shall provide workers with a comprehensive medical examination as required (29 CFR 1926.1101(m) and (n)(3)). 2.7 TRAINING The Contractor will ensure and certify that all workers performing asbestos abatement activities shall have successfully completed an EPA approved asbestos training course and have in their L-7 ! ! i i i ! ,! I ! I ,! ! ! ! ! ! i possession a valid Asbestos Worker Certificate or Contractor/Supervisor Certification issued by an EPA accredited trainer. All certifications must be in compliance with the recent Model Accreditation Plan (MAP) provisions (29 CFR 1926.1101(n)and (o)). 2.8 PERMITS, LICENSES, NOTIFICATIONS, AND PATENTS Secure necessary permits for asbestos removal, hauling, and disposal and provide timely notification of such actions as may be required by federal, state, regional, and local authorities. Copies of such notification shall be provided to the Owner and Consultant prior to commencement of work (see post award submittal checklist in the Instructions to Bidders). Post all notices required by applicable federal, state and local regulations at the jobsite where asbestos abatement work will be performed. Maintain two (2) copies of applicable federal, state and local regulations and standards. Maintain one copy of each at job site. Keep on file in Contractor's office one copy of each. The Contractor is responsible for retaining written permission for use of equipment, engineering controls, negative pressure enclosures, designs, etc. All associated costs for these items shall be born by the Contractor. The Contractor shall notify the Consultant that they do maintain such documentation prior to the commencement of work, and produce such documentation in a timely manner (but within five business days) upon request. 2.9 SAFETY COMPLIANCE In addition to the requirements of this specification, the Contractor shall comply with laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations of federal, state, regional, and local authorities regarding handling, storing, transporting, and disposing of asbestos waste materials. Submit matters of interpretation of standards to the appropriate administrative agency for resolution before starting the work. Emergency Evacuation: The Contractor shall develop and submit an Emergency Evacuation Plan for each area of work or area in which the Contractor expects to use for ingress and egress. After approval of this plan by the Consultant, it shall be distributed and read by all personnel required to enter the enclosed abatement area. In addition, the Contractor shall post this plan at the entrance to the abatement areas. Hazard Communications: Post warning signs and labels and ensure the employees are properly trained and outside contractors are properly notified. Contractor will conduct "tail- gate" health and safety meetings prior to work each shift to review the health and safety plan and discuss new hazards, if applicable. The Contractor is hereby notified that the site structures are vacant and will be unoccupied during abatement activities. The Contractor will institute all necessary precautions so that no unauthorized personnel enter the regulated areas by mistake or design. When the work site is unattended, the regulated area shall be locked so that unauthorized personnel can L-8 ! I ,I I i I I I not enter the area. In addition, (if applicable) the gate leading to the properties will also be locked after each work shift by the Contractor. 2.10 RESPIRATOR PROTECTION The employer shall comply with the above regulations at a minimum and provide and ensure the proper use and selection of respirators, perform required respiratory fit tests and institute a respiratory program. This project includes OSHA Class I and Class II work. In areas where both designations are relevant, Class I work will be the basis for complying with the regulation and this Project Specification. " 3.0 PRODUCTS 3.1 RESPIRATORS -Respirators shall be used as specified in 29 CFR 1926.1101. Initial selection of a respirator must follow regulations regarding a negative exposure assessment for the work described in this Project Specification. The prior data must be from "workplace conditions that 'closely resembles' the processes, type of material, control methods, work practices, and environmental conditions used and prevailing in the Contractors current operations, the operations were conducted by employees whose training and experience are no more extensive than that of employees performing the current job, and these data show that under the conditions prevailing and which will prevail in the current workplace there is a high degree of certainty that employee exposures will not exceed the TWA and excursion limit (29 CFR 1926.1101 (f)). The minimum level-of respiratory protection for this project is a half-face negative pressure respirator with P100 or HEPA cartridges. 3.2 POLY SHEETING All poly sheeting must be 6-mil and fire retardant and shall be polyethylene material sized in lengths and widths to minimize the frequency of joints. Drop sheets need not be fire retardant material if it is not used inside a negat ve pressure containment. The minimum thickness shall be as follows: Application Minimum Thickness Wall & Floor barriers two layers of 6-mil 3.3 All others (vents, etc.) POLY BAGS Poly bags shall be a minimum 6-mil polyethylene printed with warning labels per DOT and EPA regulations. L-9 I I I I I I i ! I ! i i I I i I 3.4 DISPOSABLE CONTAINERS Waste containers shall be suitable to receive and retain any asbestos containing or contaminated materials until disposal at an approved site. The containers shall be labeled in accordance with federal, state and local regulations. Containers must be both airtight and watertight. 3.4 GLOVEBAGS GIovebags shall be a minimum of 6-mil polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or polyethylene and specially designed for removal of asbestos-bearing insulation as defined in 29 CFR 1926.1101. 3.5 EYE PROTECTION Full face masks or goggles must be provided to personnel engaged in asbestos operations. Eye protection must be worn during abatement of any materials or operations that may present risk or damage to the eyes. 3.6 SPECIAL CLOTHING Abatement workers must be provided, with fire retardant disposable protective whole body clothing, head coverings, gloves (including disposable poly or rubber gloves to protect hands, when necessary) and foot coverings. ClOth gloves may be worn inside the poly or rubber gloves for comfort, but shall not be used alone. Sleeves must be secure at the wrists and foot coverings secured at the ankles by the use of duct tape. Patch all tears with duct tape as soon as discovered. 3.7 WARNING SIGNS Warning signs should be used and printed at a minimum as described in 29 CFR 1926.1101 (e) and (k)(7) and any local regulations (see example below). Warning signs shall be posted at all approaches to regulated areas, and as required by federal, state, regional and local regulations. Locate signs at such a distance that personnel may read the sign and take the necessary protective steps required before entering the area. Provide labels and affix to all asbestos materials, scrap, waste, debris, and other products contaminated with asbestos. All labels affixed to waste bags will be original adhesive labels. Photocopying of labels and affixing to waste bags will not be acceptable. DANGER CONTAINS ASBESTOS FIBERS CANCER AND LUNG DISEASE HAZARD AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY RESPIRATORS AND PROTECTIVE CLOTHING ARE REQUIRED IN THIS AREA L-10 I ! I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I 3.8 CAUTION LABELS Provide labels of sufficient size to be clearly legible, displaying the following legend to be used on waste containers in accordance with 1926.1101 (k)(8): DANGER CONTAINS ASBESTOS FIBERS AVOID CREATING DUST CANCER AND LUNG DISEASE HAZARD The DOT requires the following language on waste containers: HAZARDOUS WASTE, SOLID N.O.S., ORM-E, NA 9188 (ASBESTOS)(RQ) Additional labeling requirements are specified in 49 CFR 171 and 172. 3.9 OTHER MATERIALS, TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT The Contractor shall provide standard commercial quality of all other materials such as lumber, nails, and hardware, which may be required to construct and dismantle the decontamination area and the barriers that isolate the work area, and as required to complete the work as specified. It is the contractor's responsibility to secure adequate sanitary facilities for persons associated with the abatement project at the site. The contractor should be prepared to provide and maintain an adequate number of portable toilets on site for use by persons associated with the abatement project. Additional materials, tools and equipment that may be used on the site include the following: Water Sprayer: For amended water application, the water sprayer shall be an airless or other Iow pressure type. Airless Sprayer: An airless sprayer suitable for application of encapsulating material shall be used during the project. Exhaust Air Filtration System: No air movement system or air equipment shall discharge asbestos fibers outside the work area. The equipment shall be capable of at least 1,700 cubic feet per minute (CFM) under load and shall have at least two stages of prefiltration ahead of the HEPA filter. It shall be equipped with an elapsed time indicator (hour meter), static pressure gauge with Iow flow alarm, and be overload protected. Dioxyphalate (DOP) testing (or an industry recognized equivalent) shall be performed on negative pressure filtration units at the Site, prior to the start of abatement for each containment. Acceptable criteria for negative L-11 I 1 I I I I [ I ! I i I I I i I pressure filtration units for use at the site will be 99.97% removal effectiveness (less than 0.03% leakage). Provide a local exhaust system in the regulated area in accordance with ANSI Z9.2. Equip the exhaust with absolute HEPA filters (99.97 efficient). Local exhaust equipment must maintain a minimum pressure differential of minus 0.02 inches of water relative to the adjacent outside work area. In no case shall the building ventilation system be used as the local exhaust system for the regulated area, if applicable. Filters on vacuums and exhaust equipment shall conform to ANSI Z9.2. Vacuum Equipment: All vacuum equipment utilized in the work area shall use HEPA filters on the discharge and shall be suitable for wet/dry usage. Scaffolding: Scaffolding, as required to accomplish the specified work, shall meet all applicable safety regulations. Transportation Equipment: Transportation equipment, as required, shall be suitable for loading, temporary storage, transit, and unloading of contaminated waste without exposure to persons or property. Other Tools and Equipment: The Contractor shall provide other suitable tools for the removal, enclosure, encapsulation, patching, and disposal activities, including but not limited to, hand- held scrapers, brushes, sponges, and rounded edge shovels. Electrical: Electrical tools and equipment shall meet all applicable codes and regulations. Ground fault protection or assured grounding programs, as required by OSHA shall be in effect at all times. The Contractor shall take all additional precautions and measures to insure a safe working environment during wet removal. This includes shutting off all live electrical lines in the work area and locking the service box. It will be the responsibility of the abatement Contractor to secure adequate electric power available prior to commencing abatement activities.' As such, it will be the responsibility of the Contractor to provide electric generators during abatement activities, if needed. 4.0 EXECUTION 4.1 WORK PROCEDURE Perform asbestos related work in accordance with 29 CFR 1926.1101 and as specified herein. Use wet removal procedures. Properly notified and trained personnel shall wear and utilize protective clothing and equipment. Eating, smoking, or drinking shall not be permitted in the regulated area or the. site buildings. Personnel of other trades not engaged in the abatement of asbestos shall be notified of the presence of asbestos in accordance with Title 6 CCR Section 1529 Subsection K. Radios are not allowed within the site buildings, other than two-way radios for communication purposes. L-12 ! I I I I I I I ! ! II ! I ! ! Shut off all air-conditioning and building ventilating systems, if any, to the abatement area and disconnect electrical service. Contractor shall be responsible for knowing how and where emergency shut off valves for water, gas, and electrical utilities are located. The local exhaust (HEPA filtered) system shall be equipped with a pressure regulator/warning device that allows continuous monitoring of system operation to preclude exposure of adjacent unsealed area to asbestos fiber concentrations in excess of 0.01 fibers/cc of air. The pressure differential shall be maintained above 0.02 inches of water relative to pressure outside the enclosure. Any malfunction of the local exhaust system shall be reported to the on-site Competent Person and shall be cause for cessation of asbestos abatement until the cause is discovered and remedied. The Consultant will be notified immediately. 4.2 REGULATED AREA--ENCLOSED Seal openings in areas where the release of airborne asbestos fibers is expected. Establish a regulated area with the use of curtains, portable partitions, or other enclosures to prevent the escape of asbestos fibers from the contaminated regulated area. Provide observation window(s) that allow a view of the entire containment area. In all possible instances, control area development shall include protective covering of walls and ceilings with a continuous membrane of one layer of minimum 6-mil fire retardant poly sheeting (for floors and walls) and 4-mil fire retardant poly sheeting (for ceilings ) sealed with tape to prevent water or other damage. Provide two layers of 6-mil poly sheet over floors and extend layers a minimum of 12 inches up the walls. Seal all joints with tape. Provide a local exhaust system in the regulated area. Veiwports shall be constructed in accordance with regional and local regulations. Openings will be allowed in enclosures of regulated areas for the supply and exhaust of air for the local exhaust system. Exhaust the negative air machines to the outside of the building. Notify the Consultant if unable to exhaust in this manner. Replace filters as required to maintain the efficiency of the system. Cleaning of items that must remain in the work area shall be done using HEPA filtered vacuuming devices and then covered with 6-mil poly sheeting. Mini-enclosures shall follow the above guidelines and that which is the standard of practice for these negative pressure containment areas. Mini-enclosures may be constructed to be used in a mobile fashion. Mini-enclosures may be constructed with 6-mil poly sheeting. 4.3 Regulated Area--Open In certain circumstances, where establishment of a closed regulated area is not possible, and only .after Consultant approval, an open (regulated) area may be considered. The Consultant will be notified if the' Contractor determines that the most appropriate abatement of certain materials would incorporate the use of an open regulated area. In no event shall the use of an open regulated area be conflict with applicable federal, state, regional, or local regulations, unless a waiver of the specific activity proposed is provided by the appropriate regulatory agency. A NPES will not be utilized for the removal of non-friable roofing materials for the buildings included in this scope of work. L-13 ! I I ! I [ I I ! i I I I i I i ! Establish designated limits for the asbestos work area and barricade the designated area from non-asbestos workers with the use of rope, caution tape or other continuous barriers. Maintain all other requirements associated with removal and disposal of asbestos as applicable. Also, where an enclosure is not provided, area monitoring of airborne asbestos fibers will be taken during the work shift at the designated limits of the asbestos work area at such frequency as specified herein. If the quantity of airborne asbestos fibers monitored at the designated limits at any time reaches the (time weighted average) maximum allowed in these specifications, stop work immediately. Notify key personnel and proceed with clean-up activities. If adjacent areas are contaminated, clean the contaminated areas, monitor and visually inspect the area as specified herein. Decontamination procedures shall not include HEPA filtered vacuuming of workers in lieu of a shower room. HEPA filtered vacuuming and double-suiting is allowed if a remote shower facility must be utilized. All workers shall remove protective clothing and wash all exposed pads of their person before leaving the area. Eating, smoking, drinking or other activities are prohibited since these activities may potentially result in exposure to asbestos fibers. Showers, wash basins or buckets shall be provided with towels to clean respirators daily. The Contractor shall ensure that the workers take proper care of their assigned respirators and safety equipment. 4.4 DECONTAMINATION Provide a decontamination room to provide a storage area for workers clothes that are used in the negative-pressure enclosure. A separate air-lock room can be constructed for larger equipment and waste bags; however,' use of this room still requires proper decontamination procedures. Ingress or egress from the negative pressure enclosure area through the equipment air-lock room shall not be used by personnel at any time. The industry standard three stage decontamination chamber shall be constructed for all negative pressure enclosure areas for this project, including but not limited to areas of floor tile and mastic removal. A remote decontamination unit may be used for workers involved in glovebag or mini-enclosure operations. Remote units must be placed Within the regulated area where unauthorized personnel will not cross the path from the work area to the remote unit. Consultant reserves the right to approve use and placement of remote units for asbestos abatement. 4.5 ACCESS TO WORK AREA The Asbestos Abatement Contractor shall make available to the Consultant any personal protective equipment (not including respirators unless supplied air respirators are required) as required herein for entry to the regulated area at all times for observation of the regulated area. Access to the work area shall be regulated as follows: Access To Isolated Work Areas by Others: Except for an emergency and the Contractor's authorized personnel, the Contractor shall limit access to the work area to authorized L-14 I ! I i ] I I ! I I I I I I I representatives of the Consultant. At no time shall any personnel enter an enclosure without notifying the on-site Competent Person first and signing the site entry log. Visitor Communications: All inquiries concerning the work site, asbestos abatement project and other job activities shall be directed to the on-site Competent Person. The Contractor shall notify the Consultant of visitors (i.e. regulatory inspectors, OSHA personnel, law enforcement, fire department personnel, press, etc.) that visit the site during the project. If the Contractor is cited by a regulatory agency, the Contractor shall immediately notify the Owner and Consultant. Audio-Visual Surveillance: The contractor shall provide an observation window (in accordance with applicable regulations) for enclosures so that the supervisor can monitor work activity. In areas where visual access is not possible, the Consultant may require headsets or walkie- talkies for audio communications. 4.6 AIR MONITORING Monitoring of airborne concentrations of asbestos fibers shall be in accordance with the specified regulations, Section 2.4 of this docUment, and as specified hereafter (29 CFR 1926.1101 (f)). An initial exposure assessment shall be performed for each area unless previously sampled or in areas shown not to present concentrations exceeding the PEL under the given work conditions. Periodic monitoring is required outside the negative pressure enclosure or adjacent to the glovebag operation (area air monitoring). Clearance air monitoring is required after clean-up and encapsulation ("Lock Down") and the employer must demonstrate the airborne concentration are below the EPA Clearance Criteria for PCM or TEM. 4.6.1 Review Personnel and procedures utilized by the Contractor are subject to review. Area and' personal air monitoring shall be performed by the Contractor's CIH. 4.6.2 Records Documentation shall be kept for each filter sample procured as to worker sampled, respiratory protection equipment used, work area location, date and time taken, volume of air drawn through filter, pump identification number and calibration. Documentation shall indicate whether tests were taken in isolated work areas, in glovebag work areas, in occupied public spaces, etc., and shall be part of the permanent record provided at project completion. 4.6.3 Air Samples The following refers to the different type of air samples: L-15 I I I ! I I I I I i I I I I I. I I I Area Air Sampling: Area air samples shall be collected by the Contractor's CIH to evaluate the integrity of the containment structure. Area air samples for glovebag operations shall be conducted at 10% of the locations abated. The sampling protocol shall conform to the NIOSH 582 standards and 40 CFR Part 763. Personal Air Samples: The Contractor is responsible for monitoring its employees' exposure and maintaining the proper records (29 CFR 1926.1101 and' 1910.1001 ). Results of all area air monitoring shall be made available to the Consultant within 48 hours of sampling. Results of all personal air monitoring shall be made available to the Consultant within one week of the completion of the project, unless, as stated in 36.4.2, the PEL is exceeded. If the results of PCM analysis exceed the established limits, the Contractor will be required to initiate additional air and surface cleaning procedures, as instructed by the Consultant to reduce fiber concentration below these limits. Contractor shall notify Consultant immediately by phone and fax if the PEL is exceeded. The Contractor may resume abatement work in that area only after he receives authorization from the Consultant. Any costs resulting from high air sampling results above the regulatory criteria shall be borne by the Contractor and will not be a basis for an increase in the contract amount. The Consultant will collect "clearance" air samples at the conclusion of the asbestos abatement activities for each of the containment areas for this project. For those areas where friable asbestos materials will be removed, the air samples will be analyzed by TEM AHERA. PCM analysis will be used for those areas where only non-friable materials will be removed. The number and placement of samples will be determined by the Consultant. If the results of air sample cassette analysis indicate the Contractor failed final clearance by PCM analysis, the air sample cassettes that failed by PCM analysis will be subsequently analyzed by TEM AHERA. If air sample cassettes fail clearance criteria by TEM AHERA analysis, the Consultant will require the Contractor to reclean the containment area prior to resampling. This activity shall be performed by the Contractor and shall not be cause for change order. Costs associated with additional TEM AHERA analysis and resampling due to failed clearance samples will be the responsibility of the Contractor, and will not be cause for a change order. In addition, it is not anticipated at this time that active demolition work will occur for the buildings until all asbestos abatement activities are completed. If, at a later date, it is established that active demolition work will occur in conjunction with asbestos abatement activities to expedite the project schedule, TEM analysis may need to be used for all air samples collected. 4.7 ASBESTOS HANDLING PROCEDURES DURING REMOVAL General Procedures: Follow procedures described in Sections 4.1 through 4.7. Sufficiently wet asbestos material with a fine spray of amended water during removal, cutting, or other handling to reduce the emission of airborne fibers. Remove material and immediately place in poly L-16 I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I disposal bags. Where unusual circumstances prohibit the use of poly bags, submit an alternate proposal for containment of asbestos fibers to the Consultant for approval. Contractor shall properly notify their employees of the ACM content and train them in the standard of practice procedures for removal of the ACMs in accordance with federal, state, and local regulations. Reference 29 CFR 1926.1101 (g), Methods of Compliance. Cleaning objects prior to abatement: All moveable objects must be HEPA vacuumed and wet wiped prior to scheduled removal and prior to abatement cleaning, temporary storage and relocation must be conducted according to Consultant instructions. All immovable objects must be pre-cleaned by HEPA vacuum and wet-wiping. Fixed building materials that may be damaged by wet wiping shall be HEPA vacuumed only. Sealing and Removal of Asbestos Contaminated Items for Disposal: Remove any remaining contaminated architectural, mechanical, and electrical appurtenances such as venetian blinds, full-height partitions, carpeting, duct work, pipes and fittings, radiators, light fixtures, conduit, panels, and other contaminated items designated for removal by first, HEPA vacuuming, and then, completely coating the items with an asbestos sealer at the demolition site before removing the items from the regulated area. The asbestos sealer shall be tinted a contrasting color. It shall be spray-applied by the airless method. Thoroughness of the sealing operation shall be visually gauged by the extent of colored coating on exposed surfaces. Abatement methods for various types of asbestos containing materials are described below: Category II ("cementitious'~ Non-friable ACM: Where troweled on ceilings, "TransiteTM'' panels or pipes, are rigid and removal may involve breaki-ng, cutting and damaging the material so that fibers are released, the Contractor shall remove this material under full containment, negative air pressure, wet removal techniques and with personnel using safety equipment for head, eyes and ears as specified. Alternative procedures must be cleared by the Consultant before removal. The rigid ACM can be cut and broken into smaller pieces for ease of handling utilizing appropriate work practices, although breaking these materials should be minimized as much as practical so as to minimize the potential for releasing airborne asbestos fibers. Work practices that create dust or otherwise release airborne asbestos fibers shall be avoided. Asphalt Roofing Mater/ah Built-up roofing, asphalt impregnated felt and roofing mastics must be removed and disposed using wet methods and other dust control measures necessary to comply with federal, state, and local regulations. The Contractor must still monitor and notify the employees of the asbestos content of the materials to be abated. Where powered tools are used for removal, local HEPA vacuuming must be used. Flooring: Vinyl floor tiles (VFT) and sheet vinyl flooring must be removed under full containment using negative air pressure, wet removal techniques and with personnel using safety equipment for head, eyes and ears as specified. If all the floor tiles within the work area can be removed intact, without breakage, then the removal will not require negative pressure enclosure. The Consultant shall approve such work before it commences. Asbestos containing backing L-17 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I materials are considered friable, in most cases, for disposal purposes. Asbestos containing mastic shall be removed from the substrate using industry standard methods. A mini- containment may be used for removing small areas of flooring, such as a 3x3 foot area. Note that mastic removal chemicals may require special respiratory protection and, thus, this protection must be implemented along with the proper notification and training. Regional and local regulatory agency regulations that restrict the use of mastic removal chemicals and/or bead blasting equipment shall be obeyed. Mastics: If mastic is considered non-friable by the Consultant, and the mastic can be removed intact (without cutting, abrading, breaking, etc.), then the mastic may be removed without containment using amended water. The removed mastic must be immediately bagged. However, the Contractor must still establish the regulated area to keep unauthorized personnel from the area. The Contractor will still conduct the work with the proper personal protective equipment and respiratory protection. If the mastic must be removed using chemicals and/or mechanical devices, then the material must be removed as described in the previous paragraph. The Consultant will be notified if mechanical bead blasting will be used for the removal of the mastic, Federal, state, regional and local regulatory agency regulations that restrict the use of mechanical bead blasting equipment and that indicate appropriate containment for these activities shall be obeyed. In the event that the use of unauthorized bead blasting equipment, abatement methods, or containments results in a notice of violation issued by a regulatory agency, the contractor shall be responsible for costs associated with the payment of the fine, and other legal costs that may arise as a result of the notice of violation. These costs are not to be cause for a change order. It is assumed that the Contractors submitting bids for the abatement of materials included in these specifications are knowledgeable and proficient in regulations applicable to their industry. Insulated Wiring: Contractor shall coordinate with building engineer to ensure that the wiring to be removed and nearby wiring has been deenergized and tagged out. Disconnect each end of the wiring so that the wiring may be pulled through the conduit and properly bagged. Water shall not be used until a section of wiring is completely removed and placed in the disposal bag. Surfacing and Miscellaneous Friable Materials: These materials must be abated under containment and disposed using wet methods and other dust control measures necessary to comply with federal, state, and local regulations. The Contractor must monitor and notify the employees of the asbestos content of the materials to be abated. Friable Sprayed Acoustic Ceiling and Fireproofing Materials: These materials must be abated under full containment. Poly sheeting must be attached to the wall at the point closest to the ceiling. Use a fine spray or mist of amended water to thoroughly saturate the material. The wet material should then be removed and bagged immediately. After removal, the substrate must be cleaned ~using brushes, wet-wiping, and HEPA vacuum, until all asbestos residue is gone. The substrate should then be sprayed with an encapsulant. The sprayed acoustic ceilings shall L-18 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I be scraped of the material and immediately placed in the disposal bags. In addition to the items mentioned in the previous paragraph, the Consultant requires that local HEPA exhaust be used at the point of actual removal along with the dedicated negative air machines. Neither shall be used in lieu of the other. Drywall/Joint Compounds/Waft Texture: Wall systems where the asbestos content is greater than 0.1% or classified as friable shall be removed under full containment and disposed using wet methods and other dust control measures necessary to comply with applicable federal, state, regional, and local regulations. Please note that joint compound may be considered non-friable for notification purposes but will be considered friable for abatement purposes. Wet methods shall be used for dust suppression. The Contractor is responsible for notifying their employees. For those areas where the sheetrock wall systems contain "Trace" amounts of asbestos (less than 1%), and no texture, skim coat, or spray-applied ceiling materials are present on the wall, the sheetrock wall systems do not have to be removed under full containment. These materials can be discarded as non-ACM waste. However, the handling of these materials shall not be in violation of "visible emissions" provisions within applicable regulations. Ceiling Tiles/Mastic: These materials must be abated under full containment. Poly sheeting must be attached to the wall at the point closest to the ceiling. If there are openings above the ceiling, these openings must be sealed prior to abatement. The ceiling tiles shall be removed intact as much as possible and immediately placed in the disposal bags. Small amounts of ACM may be removed using a negative pressure mini-containment structure that is attached to the surrounding ceiling tiles. An example of a removal area for a mini-containment is 3x3 feet. If mastic alone contains asbestos and is considered non-friable by the Consultant, then removal can be completed wit.hout containment as long as the mastic 'blob' is removed intact as described in "mastics" paragraph, above. The ceiling tile and mastic shall be properly bagged and disposed. Thermal System Insulation (TSI) - Friable Materials: These materials must be abated and disposed using wet methods and other dust control measures necessary to comply with federal, state, and local regulations. Contractor shall remove this material under full containment, negative air pressure, wet removal techniques and with personnel using safety equipment for head, eyes and ears as specified. Alternative procedures must be cleared by the Consultant before removal. The rigid ACM can be cut and broken into smaller pieces for ease of handling utilizing appropriate work practices. Creating dust shall be avoided. TS/- Pipe Insulation: TSI may also be removed using proper glovebag procedures. Glovebags may not be moved or slid along a pipe run. A smoke test may be performed on every other installed glovebag to check for air leaks. The bare pipe shall be detail cleaned and encapsulated after the asbestos insulation is removed. Pipe insulation may be removed by using a wrap and cut method of removal, if approved by the Owner. Apply amended water and double wrap the pipe to be cut and removed with 6-mil poly L-19 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I sheeting and sealed with duct tape and spray adhesive. Use usual glovebag procedure on either end where the pipe will be cut, usually in 8 to 10 foot lengths. The sealed bag shall be properly labeled. Isolation Fabric on Ducting: This material shall be removed under full containment; however, if feasible, a mini-containment can be constructed to remove the material. In either case, negative pressure shall be used and the ducting shall have a critical seal. The furnace or blower shall be shut down and tagged out. Coordinate this procedure with the building engineer. Amended water shall be applied to the fabric before work is commenced. This friable material shall be removed intact by dismantling the material from the duct or cutting the sheet metal as close to the edge of fabric as feasible. The material shall be immediately bagged. Once the ACM is removed, the remaining ducting within the containment area shall be HEPA vacuumed and wet-wiped. The ducting shall be spray encapsulated; however, if the furnace or blower is to be reused, then the Contractor shall not encapsulate the equipment. Concrete Rubble Pile: A former concrete parking structure was demolished in the mid-1990s. At the current time, a large pile of concrete rubble generated during this demolition is located on the northwestern portion of the site. Reportedly, a survey report was prepared for the building in the 1980s; however, a copy of this report was not available to the Consultant. Our observations of rubble pile did not indicate the presence of mastic or other materials that may contain asbestos; however, any pieces of rubble noted to contain mastics or other suspect building materials should be placed in a separate pile and tested for asbestos. Concrete rubble with asbestos containing materials should be removed from the site for proper disposal. It may be possible to dispose of this material as general demolition debris if acceptable to the disposal facility. / 4.8 DISPOSAL The Contractor shall determine current waste handling, transportation, and disposal regulations for the work site and for each waste disposal landfill. The Contractor must comply fully with these regulations and all DOT and EPA requirements. Material will be delivered directly to the pre-designated disposal site within five days for burial. All labels and signs shall be in accordance with EPA, OSHA, and DOT regulations as described in Sections 3.8 and 3.9. The Contractor shall fill out manifest forms for the Owner's (Generator) signature. Original disposal receipts and manifests must be turned in at project completion to the Owner. Copies shall be forwarded to the Consultant. Containers: Sealed containers may be stored in the bag holding and decontamination enclosure system until a sufficient volume of waste has accumulated for disposal but not to exceed five days. This storage area will be prominently designated and waste containers will be covered with polyethylene sheeting. Waste should be stored out of sight of the public in a secure area. L-20 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Disposal containers shall then be labeled, sponge cleaned, and removed to the Contractor's staging area. Transportation and Disposal: Decontaminated containers shall be removed from site staging area and work site at the end of each work day. Workers unloading the sealed bags and machinery operators will wear respirators when handling material at the disposal site and shall be a state certified asbestos worker. Disposal Site: The disposal site chosen for friable materials shall be permitted to receive this type of waste. Non-friable materials may be disposed as non-hazardous construction waste at a disposal site permitted to receive the waste. The Contractor shall notify the receiving non- hazardous waste landfill of the type and nature of the asbestos debris to be disposed. 4.9 GENERAL PROCEDURES The Contractor shall implement procedures that comply with or exceed federal, state, and local regulations. The procedures, while not specifically described here, shall be protective of employees, site occupants, other contractors, and site improvements and equipment. Coordinate all electrical and water service connections with the Owner. The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that air handling systems in the work area are isolated and shut down for the duration on the project. The Contractor shall coordinate with the Owner with respect to site security, emergency shut off of water, and building fire suppression systems. The Contractor shall not violate the fire code as it relates to the site building. Setup, abatement, disposal, and demobilization shall be performed so that ACMs RACMS, and ACCMs are not disturbed unless they are in a negative pressure containment in the process of being abated. Setup procedures may require the use of respirators with P100 filters or HEPA filtered air purifying negative pressure fans, critical barriers, and decontamination facilities. The use of drugs, alcohol, or prescription medication that may impair judgment or otherwise compromise the safety of workers or any persons on the site is strictly prohibited. Smoking is not allowed in the jobsite buildings. 5.0 ASBESTOS ABATEMENT SPECIFICATION - SCOPE OF WORK & MATERIALS ESTI MATE An asbestos survey report was prepared by AKRI Corporation for the on-site buildings. The survey report and floor plans are attached as Appendix A of the Removal Action Workplan for the site. .The survey or Project Specification do not relieve the Contractor(s) of responsibility for site assesment and their own determinations of ACMs, RACMs and ACCM quantities required for bid submittal. L-21 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5.1 MATERIALS ESTIMATE The ACMs, ACCMs, RACMs and PACMs itemized below, shall be properly abated and disposed by the Contractor (with the exception of those materials noted as being Non-Detect). The locations of the ACMs are identified by building. The Consultant proposes to collect additional samples of suspect materials from the buildings to assess the need for abatement of these materials. The materials noted as containing asbestos consist of the basis for the BASE BID. The asbestos content, condition, friability, and estimated areas of these materials are described in AKRI Corporation's report. Sparks parcel: · Approximately 250 square feet of floor tiles (5% chrysotile); and · Approximately 110 square feet of flooring (17% chrysotile). Rosedale Hotel/Maaco parcel: · Approximately 650 linear feet of window putty (2% chrysotile); · Approximately 5 linear feet of cement pipe (8% chrysotile, crocidolite); and · Approximately 25 square feet of roof mastic (10% chrysotile). 2% amosite, and 10% Glen Rose parcel: Approximately 200 square feet of floor tile (5% chrysotile); and Approximately 100 square feet of drywall with asbestos containing joint compound (2% chrysotile). The quantities of ACMs listed are estimates. These measurements shall be appropriate for bidding purposes. Differences in areas or linear footage +/- 15% for the ACMs, ACCMs and PACMs identified by ENSR shall not be a cause for change order. In addition, verification of quantities of ACMs identified by AKRI is the responsibility of the Contractor. ENSR's scope of work did not include verification of the quantities of ACMs identified by AKRI. 5.2 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS Applicable Regulations: The Contractor is responsible for proper performance under all applicable federal, state and local regulations for the removal and disposal of asbestos at this facility. The most stringent requirements will govern. ExecUtion: In addition to the work procedures in the Project Specification for Asbestos Abatement the following shall apply: L-22 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. 2. 3. The work schedule will be up to the discretion of the Consultant and the abatement contractor since the structure is vacant. The Contractor shall coordinate with the appropriate representatives of the Consultant the specific days and times work is to be performed. The Contractor shall coordinate closely with the Consultant during the abatement project. A significant amount of debris/stored items were noted in the various buildings at the time of our survey. The Contractor shall ensure that these materials be completely protected from contamination through the use of engineering controls. Where possible, the Contractor shall move items out of the way of the immediate work area so as to provide clear access to the ACM being abated. Negative pressure units must be used at the site of removal activity. Exhaust shall be directed outside of the building. All work areas must be secured daily at the end of work. No unauthorized persons allowed on the site. The Contractor is responsible for security of their containment areas and equipment during the project. Each area requiring a negative pressure enclosure will be maintained under negative pressure until cleared. Final clearance will consist of visual observation and aggressive air sampling. The enclosure must be left in place until the supervisor is instructed to tear down by the Consultant. Regulated areas not requiring negative-pressure enclosures will be cleared by visual observation and/or non-aggressive clearance testing. The Contractor will make all necessary notifications to the appropriate regulatory agencies of the abatement project and pay the appropriate fees for permits. The Contractor is required to pro~,ide personnel and area air monitoring per OSHA regulations. The air monitoring outlined in Section 4.6 is for owner protection and considered part of surveillance for proper performance and contract compliance. 5.3 ENSR SCOPE OF WORK ENSR will be the Consultant described in the Project Specification. ENSR will record and report on abatement activities on an as needed basis, conduct post- abatement visual surveys, and perform clearance air sampling. ENSR will review all change order requests by the Contractor for legitimacy and submit addenda to the Project Specification as warranted. L-23 I I I I i I i I I I I I I I I ,I ! ! 6.0 LEAD-BASED PAINT ABATEMENT SPECIFICATION A lead-based paint (LBP) survey has not been performed at the on-site buildings. The survey or Project Specification do not relieve the Contractor(s) of responsibility for site investigation and their own determinations of LBPs. 6.1 WORK INCLUDED Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, services, insurance, equipment, supplies and expenses to carry out the specified operations in accordance with this Section. Contractor shall obtain all permits, licenses, registrations, notifications and regulatory approvals necessary. These shall be posted at the job site. Contractor shall abate all areas of deteriorated lead-based paint material as established by the Consultant in accordance with applicable federal, state, regional and local regulations. Paints that contain greater that 0.5 percent lead by weight or 5,000 milligrams per kilograms (mg/kg) are defined as LBPs by the Department of Health Services and Cai/OSHA defines lead coatings are those that contain greater than 0.06 percent lead by weight (600 mg/kg).. 6.2 ABBREVIATIONS AND DEFINITIONS Abbreviations: Reference to technical society, organization or body and terms are made in Specifications per following abbreviations: ABBREVIATION MEANING CSLB: Contractor's State Licensing Board CAL/OSHA: State of California Occupational Safety & Health Administration, enforcement arm of the California Department of Labor related to worker protection laws. DHS: State Department of Health Services DOT: Federal Department of Transportation DOSH: EPA: Division of Occupational Safety & Health Environmental Protection Agency L-24 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6.3 A. NIOSH: NIST NVLAP: National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health: (Research Institute within Federal OSHA). Sets test standards, analytical methods, and certifies performance of various respirator designs. National Institute of Standards and Technology: Administers the NVLAP Program. P100 filter: National Voluntary Program. Laboratory Accreditation P100 filter: A high efficiency particulate air filter (formerly known as a HEPA filter) capable of trapping and retaining 99.97 percent of a monodispersed aerosol with a mass median aerodynamic diameter of 0.3 micrometers. Definitions: The following terms, when used in the Specification, shall have the following meanings: Ambient Air Quality: The quality of air (in terms of airborne lead dust content) that is present in a given space. Containment: Covering of floors, bare soil, wall and/or ceiling surfaces with double layer of plastic sheeting (fire retardant) taped or taped/spray- glued securely in 31ace. SUBMITTALS Notifications: Submit cop~es of all regulatory agency notifications and Laboratory Analysis Report for daily personnel breathing zone personal air samples required in Paragraph 1.4 - Notifications and Permits. Employee Qualification, Training, Respirator and Phys can's Certifications: General: Contractor shall be responsible for insuring employee certifications are current for the duration of the project. Submit current certifications as necessary during course of site work. Training Certifications: Submit a copy of each employee's training records for lead based paint abatement per OSHA requirements that will be employed on the project. Respiratory Protection Program: Submit copy of Contractor's written respiratory protection program as required by regulatory regulations. L-25 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6.7.1 6.4 NOTIFICATIONS AND PERMITS A. Generals Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining permits and payment of all fees required by regulatory agencies and landfills for removal, transportation and disposal of lead based paint materials. 6.5 PRE-CONSTRUCTION SAFETY MEETING Prior to beginning work at the job site, Contractor shall attend a safety conference with the Consultant. The conference shall include discussion of Contractor's safety program and all means, methods, devices, process, practices, conditions and operations which will be used to assure a safe job, with a minimum of disruption of normal site , operations. 6.6 LEAD-WASTE STREAM AND DISPOSAL PLAN A. Lead-containing waste must be segregated from non-lead-containing waste. Waste streams of like lead-containing materials must be generated. For example, all interior and exterior paint shall constitute one waste stream, all paint chips shall constitute a second waste stream, and plastic, rubber gloves, and disposable protective clothing shall constitute a third waste stream. Additional waste streams will be generated as necessary. All waste shall be clearly identified (labeled) as to where the waste was generated, when it was generated, type of waste stream, and indicate waste extraction test (WET) results. All waste shall be stored in a safe and secure location until the waste has been transported to the appropriate disposal site. It is the Contractor's responsibility to perform waste extraction testing of all waste streams, and properly dispose of all waste at appropriate landfills. 6.7 PRODUCTS PLASTIC BAGGING Clear 6-mil Plastic Bags (Without Lead Warning Label) - Acceptable Materials: Polyethylene Film Bags, manufactured by Bemis Co. Inc., Terre Haute, IN; Asbestos Bags, manufactured by Up North Plastics, Cottage Grove, MN; or equal. B. Clear 6-mil Labeled (Lead Warning) Bags - Acceptable Materials: Polyethylene L-26 I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6.7.2 6.8.1 6.8.2 Film Bags, manufactured by Bemis Co. Inc., Terre Haute, IN; Asbestos Bags, manufactured by Up North Plastics, Cottage Grove, MN; or equal. FIRE RETARDANT PLASTIC SHEETING A. Acceptable Materials: Flame Retardant Polyethylene Sheeting, manufactured by StarTex Corp., Lakeville, MN; Polyethylene Flame Retardant Sheeting, manUfactured by Up North Plastics, Cottage Grove; MN; or equal. B. Performance Requirements: 1. Thickness: 6-mil (minimum). 2. Flame Resistance/Flame Spread Ratings: <25 a. Conforming to NFPA Standard No. 701 and tested to NFPA 255. b. Tested in accordance with ASTM E-84. c. Tested and classified by UL Standard No. 263. 6.8 EXECUTION WORK AREA PREPARATION AND COORDINATION A. Prior to beginning any setup or work area preparation, conduct job walk of building with an authorized consultant of the Consultant. B. At ~NOrk areas where lead-containing paint in deteriorated condition will be disturbed, all lead-containing paint will be removed back to a clean surface. The Contractor may remove intact architectural components with intact Paint (i.e., paint not exhibiting cracking, peeling, delamination, or deterioration) for disposal. C. Where paint has been removed from a substrate material, the substrate shall be cleaned of all lead paint, to the satisfaction of the Consultant. D. A HEPA filtered vacuum shall be utilized for the clean-up of lead based paint chips and associated debris. E. The Contractor shall adhere to all applicable federal, state and local regulations. OBSERVATION AND COORDINATION A. Contractor shall, with a minimum of 24-hour prior notice, coordinate with the ENSR for observation and approval at the following events: L-27 I I I I I ! I I I I I I ! 6.8.3 6.8.4 1. After pre-cleaning and removal of all removable items and equipment. 2. After complete setup of work area(s) and decontamination systems/areas. After complete removal of all lead paint from all areas as designated by Owner. WORK REQUIRING CONTAINMENT Contractor shall establish emergency and fire exits from the work area. Approved fire extinguisher (Class ABC, multi-purpose, dry chemical type, rated: 4A; 6OBC) shall be readily available to workers (maximum travel distance of 50 feet) inside and adjacent to work area(s). Personnel and emergency exits shall be clearly indicated on the inside of the containment area. The emergency exit plan shall be approved by the Consultant prior to starting setup of containment system. Contractor shall post entrances to the work area with signs, clearly visible from twenty (20) feet, reading: DANGER LEAD PAINT ABATEMENT Authorized Personnel Only Respirators and Protective Clothing Are Required in this Area Postings shall be in English and Spanish, and in any language used by any of Contractor's employees as the primary language of communication. PERSONNEL PROTECTION Contractor shall furnish and require the employees to wear the following minimum protective equipment: 1. Coveralls or similar whole-body clothing. 2. Head covers (may be part of the coveralls). o Foot covers (may be part of the coveralls). Non-disposable footwear shall be left in the work area until it is disposed of at the completion of the job. Gloves appropriate to the work being performed. Non-disposable gloves shall be left in the work area until they are disposed of at the completion of the job. L-28 I I I I I 6.8.5 6.8.6 5. Respiratory Protection Respiratory protection approved by NIOSH for protection against LEAD. Contractor shall provide minimum of half face negative pressure respirator with P100 filters. Workers shall not eat, drink, smoke, chew gum, or tobacco in the containment area. Contractor shall provide personnel protective equipment as above for any representative of the Owner who visits the work site. CLEARANCE CRITERIA Criteria for clearance will consist of visual observation(s) conducted by the Consultant, and by wipe sample analysis. Clearance wipe samples will be collected from hard (floor) surfaces on the lead based paint abatement areas. Clearance wipe samples will be analyzed by atomic absorption, flame method, and results must be <50 micrograms per square foot for the uncarpeted floor, <250 micrograms per square foot for interior window sills. DOCUMENTATION · I l I I Contractor shall maintain and make available to the Consultant upon request the following at the job site at all times: 1. Postings as required by regulations and this Section 2. Material Safety Data Sheets for all products containing hazardous substances. 3. Copies of all Waste Manifests and Waste Identification Notice & Certification. '~ L-29 I ri I TERMS AND DEFINITIONS 1 I I, I I I '1 I I I I '1 I Abatement: Controls and procedures used to lessen fiber release from ACM which include encapsulation, enclosure and removal, but especially removal. Accredited or Accreditation (when referring to a person or laboratory): A person or laboratory accredited in accordance with section 206 of Title II of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). Also refer to 40 CFR Part 763, Asbestos Model Accreditation Plan (Federal Register, Thurs., February 3, 1994) text dealing with training requirements and possession of valid accreditation. Action Level: An airborne concentration of asbestos of 0.1 fibers per cubic centimeter (fibers/cc) of air calculated as an eight hour Time Weighted Average (TWA). Above this level, employers must initiate certain compliance activities such as employee training and medical surveillance. See also Permissible Exposure Limit. Aerosol: A system consisting of particles, solid or liquid suspended in air. Air Cell: Insulation normally used on pipes and duct work that is comprised of corrugated cardboard which frequently is comprised of asbestos combined with cellulose or refractory binders. Air Monitoring: The process of measuring the airborne asbestos fiber content of a specific volume of air in a stated period of time. Air Sampling Professional: Professional employed to provide technical advice and information and to conduct personal and area air monitoring or analysis schemes. Supervision of air sampling shall be conducted by a Certified Industrial Hygienist (ClH), or personnel under the direct supervision of the CIH, with specialized experience in asbestos control. All personal and air sampling results shall be evaluated by the CIH. Airlock: A system for ingress or egress without permitting air movement between a contaminated area and an uncontaminated area, consisting of two curtained doorways at least six feet apart. Amended Water: Water to which a surfactant has been added to decrease the surface tension to 35 dynes or less. Area Air Monitoring: Air monitoring of asbestos fiber concentrations outside the regulated area. Area air monitoring will conducted on each shift by the Contractor. Consultant will conduct baseline air sampling and clearance air sampling. L-30 I I I I I i i, I i I I i i i I i Asbestos: The asbestiform varieties of serpentinite (chrysotile), riebeckite (crocidolite), cummingtonite-grunerite (commonly known as amosite), anthophyllite, and actinolite-tremolite. For purposes of establishing respiratory and worker protection both the asbestiform and non- asbestiform varieties of the above minerals and any of these materials that have been chemically treated and/or altered shall be considered as asbestos. Asbestos-Containing Building Material (ACBM): Surfacing ACBM, thermal system insulation ACBM, or miscellaneous ACBM that is found in or on interior structural members or other pads of a building that contains more than 1% by area (40 CFR Pad 763). Asbestos-Containing Material (ACM): Any material containing more than 1% by area of asbestos of any type or mixture of types. Federal OSHA defines "Asbestos Material" as any material containing at least one percent (1%) asbestos as determined by polarized light microscopy using the Interim Method of the Determination of Asbestos in Bulk Insulation Samples contained in Appendix A of Sub-part F in 40 CFR Part 763. Cai OSHA, however, has defined an ACM (referred to as an asbestos containing construction material or ACCM) more stringently as a building material containing more than 0.1% by weight. Asbestos-Containing Waste Material: Any material which is or is suspected of being or any material contaminated with an asbestos-containing material which is to be removed from a work area for disposal. Asbestos Debris: Pieces of ACM that can be identified by color, texture, or composition, or means dust, if the dust is established by an accredited consultant to be ACM. This also includes non-asbestos objects contaminated by damaged ACM prior to abatement and objects contaminated during abatement. Asbestos Fibers: For this specification, asbestos fibers are those fibers having an aspect ratio (length to width) of 3:1 and 5 microns or longer (Phase Contrast Microscopy [PCM] methodology). For Yamate Level II Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) methodology a fiber refers to a structure as all fiber lengths and an aspect ratio of 5:1 or greater. Authorized Visitor: The Owner, the Abatement Consultant, testing lab personnel, the Architect/Engineer, emergency personnel or a representative of any federal, state and local regulatory or other agency having authority over the project. Barrier: Any surface that seals off the work area to inhibit the movement of fibers. Breathing Zone: A hemisphere forward of the shoulders with a radius of approximately 6 to 9 inches. Consultant: The Consultant is assigned to record and report on the progress of the asbestos abatement project. The Consultant, as the Owner's representative, is retained to conduct site visits, pre and post abatement visual surveys, and baseline and clearance air monitoring. The L-31 I I i [ 1 Consultant is also responsible for preparing addenda for change orders and reviewing change order requests by the Contractor. Certified Industrial Hygienist (ClH): An industrial hygienist certified in Comprehensive Practice by the American Board of Industrial Hygiene or in specific aspects covering asbestos removal with experience in asbestos management. Class I Asbestos Work: Activities involving the removal of thermal systems insulation (TSI) and surfacing ACM. Class II Asbestos Work: Activities involving the removal of ACM which is not TSI or surfacing material. This includes, but is not limited to, the removal of asbestos-containing wallboard, floor tile and sheeting, roofing and siding shingles, and construction mastics. Class III Asbestos Work: Repair and maintenance operations Where ACM, including TSI and surfacing ACM, may be disturbed. Class IV Asbestos Work: Maintenance and custodial activities during which employees contact but do not disturb ACM and activities to clean up dust, waste, and debris resulting from Class I, II, and III activities. Clean Room: An uncontaminated area or room which is part of the worker decontamination enclosure system, with storage for workers street clothes and uncontaminated protective equipment. Closely Resemble: The major workplace conditions which have contributed to the levels of historic asbestos exposure, are no more protective than conditions of the current workplace. Competent Person: One who is capable of identifying existing asbestos hazards in the workplace and selecting the appropriate control strategy for asbestos exposure, as defined by OSHA, and who has the authority to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them (as specified in 29 CFR 1926.32 (F)). Additionally, for Class I and Class II work who is specially trained in a training course which meets the criteria of EPA's Model Accreditation Plan (40 CFR Part 763) for supervisor, or its equivalent and, for Class III and Class IV work, who is trained in a manner consistent with EPA requirements for training of local education agency maintenance and custodial staff set forth at [40 CFR 793192 (a)(2)]. Curtained Doorway: A device to allow ingress or egress from one room to another while permitting minimal air~ movement between the rooms, constructed by placing two overlapping sheets of poly over an existing or temporarily framed doorway, securing each along the top of the doorway, securing the vertical edge of one along one vertical side of the doorway, and securing the vertical edge of the other sheet along the opposite vertical side of the doorway. L-32 I I I I i i I I I ! I I Critical Barrier: One or more layers of poly sealed over all openings into a work area or any other similarly placed physical barrier sufficient to prevent airborne asbestos in a work area from migrating to an adjacent area. Decontamination Area: An enclosed area adjacent and connected to the regulated area and consisting of an equipment room, shower area, and clean room, which is used for the decontamination of workers, materials, and equipment that are contaminated with asbestos. Demolition: The wrecking or taking out of any building component, system, finish or assembly of a facility and any related razing, removing, or stripping of asbestos products. DisPosal Bag: A properly labeled 6-mil thick leak-tight poly bags used for transporting asbestos waste from the work area to the disposal site. Disposal: Procedures necessary to transport and deposit the asbestos contaminated material stripped and removed from the building, piping, and equipment in an approved waste disposal site in compliance with the EPA regulations. Encapsulant: A material that surrounds or embeds asbestos fibers in an adhesive matrix, to prevent release of fibers. Bridging Encapsulant: an encapsulant that forms a discrete layer on the surface of an in situ asbestos matrix. Penetrating Encapsulant: an encapsulant that is absorbed by the in situ asbestos matrix without leaving a discrete surface layer. Encapsulation: Procedures necessary{ to coat all ACM with an encapsulant to control the possible release of asbestos fibers into the ambient air. Enclosure: The construction of an air-tight, impermeable, permanent barrier around asbestos- containing materials to control the release of asbestos fibers into the air. The purpose is to protect employees and others outside the regulated area. Also, with proper engineering controls and planning to minimize the possible exposure to asbestos by workers inside the barrier (29 CFR 1926.1101, Appendix F). Equipment Room: A contaminated area or "dirty" room which is part of the worker decontamination enclosure system, with storage for contaminated clothing and equipment. Exhaust Air Filtration System: A P100 filtered portable ventilation system designed to exhaust and clean particulate from the enclosure before releasing it to the outside. A sufficient amount of air is exhausted to create a pressure of 0.02 inches of water within the enclosure with respect to the area outside the enclosure (preferably, outside the building). This ventilation system is operated 24 hours per day or until final clean-up is completed and clearance L-33 I I i I i I I I ! I. I I I I ! I i observation and acceptable air monitoring results are received from the laboratory (29 CFR 1926.1101). Filter: A media component used in respirators to remove solid or liquid particles from the inspired air. Friable Asbestos Containing Material: A building material that can be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure when dry. Glovebag System: A portable asbestos abatement system designed for isolation of small groups of pipe and fittings, etc., requiring asbestos removal. The bags are single use, transparent polyethylene poly with arms and protective gloves. The bags come with OSHA and EPA prescribed warning labels for bags used to dispose of asbestos. Glovebag: An impervious poly bag-like enclosure no greater than 60x60 inches in size, typically constructed of 6-mil transparent polyethylene or polyvinylchloride poly with inward projecting long sleeved gloves, which are designed to enclose an object from which an asbestos- containing material is to be removed. HEPA Filter Vacuum Collection Equipment (or vacuum cleaner): High efficiency particulate air filtered vacuum collection equipment with a filter system capable of collecting and retaining asbestos fibers. Filters should be of 99.97% efficiency for retaining fibers of 0.3 microns or larger. See P100 Filter Vacuum Collection Equipment (or vacuum cleaner). HEPA Filter: A High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter capable of trapping and retaining 99.97 percent of mono-dispersed particles greater than 0.3 microns in diameter. See P100 Filter. Homogeneous Area: An area of surfacing material or TSI that is uniform in color and texture and appears to have been installed at the same time. Negative Pressure Respirator: A respirator in which the air pressure inside the respiratory- inlet covering is positive during exhalation in relation to the air pressure of the outside atmosphere and negative during inhalation in relation to the air pressure of the outside atmosphere. Most Contaminated Worker (MCW): The employee assigned the breathing zone air sample representing the highest daily exposure in each work area (8 hour Time Weighted Average, TWA). Negative Initial Exposure Assessment: A demonstration by the Contractor, which complies with the criteria in 29 CFR 1926-1101 (f)(2)(iii), that employee exposure during an operation is expected to be consistently below the PEL. Negative Pressure Ventilation System: A pressure differential and ventilation system. L-34 I ! Il' i l I I Non-friable Asbestos Material: Where a binder is still encapsulating the asbestos fibers and the material is not friable. Category I Non-friable ACM ("non-cementatious"): Asbestos containing packing, gaskets, resilient floor coverings, and asphalt roofing products. Category II Non-friable ACM ("cementatious"): ACM, excluding Category I non- friable ACM, that, when dry and in its present form, cannot be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure. Examples include "Transite" board, pipe and asbestos cement products, plaster, stucco, paint and mastics. P100 Filter Vacuum Collection Equipment (or vacuum cleaner): High efficiency particulate air filtered (formerly known as a HEPA filter, currently known as a P100 filter) vacuum collection equipment with a filter system capable of collecting and retaining asbestos fibers. Filters should be of 99.97% efficiency for retaining fibers of 0.3 microns or larger. P100 Filter: A high efficiency particulate air filter (formerly known as a HEPA filter, currently known as a P100 filter) capable of trapping and retaining 99.97 percent of mono-dispersed particles greater than 0.3 microns in diameter. Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL): The airborne concentration of asbestos (0.1 fibers/cc) at which the employer shall ensure that no employee is exposed. Where the PEL is exceeded the employer shall establish and implement a written program to reduce employee exposure to or below the limit by (1) engineering and work practice controls, and (2) use of required proper respiratory protection. No employee shall be exposed at any time to airborne concentrations of asbestos in excess of 1.0 fibers/cc during any 30 minute period, which is the excursion limit. Personal Monitoring: Air monitoring for asbestos fiber concentrations within the breathing zone (within 9 inches of the mouth) of an employee. Pressure Differential and Ventilation System: A local exhaust system, utilizing P100 (HEPA) filtration capable of maintaining a pressure differential with the inside of the Work Area at a lower pressure than any adjacent area, and which cleans recirculated air or generates a constant air flow from adjacent areas into the Work Area. Protection Factor: The ratio of the ambient concentration of an airborne substance to the concentration of the substance inside the respirator at the breathing zone of the wearer. The protection factor is a measure of the degree of protection provided by a respirator to the wearer. Regulated Area: An area established by the Contractor to demarcate areas where Class I, II, and III asbestos work is conducted, and any adjoining area where debris and waste from such asbestos work accumulate; and a work area within which airborne concentrations of asbestos, exceed or there is a reasonable possibility they may exceed the PEL. Requirements for regulated areas are set out in 29 CFR 1926.1101 (e). L-35 I '1 I I I I i I ,I I i I I I Removal: The taking ~ut or stripping of asbestos. Repair: Returning damaged ACM to an undamaged condition or to an intact state so as to prevent fiber release. Respirator: A device designed to protect the wearer from the inhalation of harmful atmospheres. Shower Room: A room between the clean room and the equipment room in the worker decontamination enclosure system, with hot and cold or warm running water and arranged for complete showering during decontamination. The shower room may comprise an airlock between contaminated and clean areas. Surfacing Material: Material that is sprayed, troweled-on or otherwise applied to surfaces (such as acoustical plaster on ceilings and fireproofing materials on structural members, or other materials on surfaces for acoustical, fireproofing, and other purposes. Surfacing ACM is surfacing material which contains more than 1% asbestos, Surfactant: A chemical wetting agent added to water to improve penetration, thus reducing the quantity of water required for a given operation or area. Tack Coat: A coat of penetrating encapsulant applied to all surfaces from which ACM has been removed. Thermal System Insulation (TSI): ACM applied to pipes, fittings, boilers breaching, tanks, ducts or other structural components to prevent heat loss or gain. Time Weighted Average (TWA): One or more samples representing full shift exposure for an employee in each work area. Samples should be averaged over an eight hour work day. Visible Emissions: Any emissions containing particulate asbestos material that are visually detectable without the aid of instruments. This does not include condensed uncombined water vapor. Wet Cleaning: The process of eliminating asbestos contamination from building surfaces and objects by using cloths, mops, or other cleaning utensils which have been dampened with amended water or diluted removal encapsulant and afterwards thoroughly decontaminated or disposed of as asbestos-contaminated waste. Wetting Agents: Amended water (surfactant) is used for all asbestos removal and disposal activities. Airless sprayers are used to apply amended water during removal procedures. Elimination of asbestos from building or equipment surfaces is by wetted cloths, mops and other cleaning tools. L-36 I I I ! I ! i I I I I 1 ! I I !' Work Area: The area where asbestos-related work or removal operations are performed which is defined and/or isolated to prevent the spread of asbestos dust, fibers or debris, and entry by unauthorized personnel. Work area is a Regulated Area as defined by 29 CFR 1926. Work Hygiene Facilities: A decontamination system for workers, equipment and clothing. It consists of a clean room; shower room and decontamination room and. is normally contiguous with an enclosure. Wrap and Cut: Removal of TSI by first double wrapping insulated pipe section with 6-mil poly sheeting and sealing both ends. The pipe section can then be cut at either end and then removed. The wrapped waste must be properly labeled. L-37 AL, Florence (256) 767-1210 AK, Anchorage (907) 561-5700 AK, Fairbanks (907) 452-5700 CA, Alameda (510) 748-6700 CA, Camarillo (805) 388-3775 CA, Glendale (818) 546-2090 CA, Irvine (949) 752-0403 CA, Sacramento (916) 362-7100 CO, Ft. Collins (970) 493-8878 Ft. Collins Tox Lab (970) 416-0916 CT, Stamford (203) 323-6620 CT, Willington (860) 429-5323 FL, St. Petersburg (727) 898-9591 FL, Tallahassee (850) 385-5006 GA, Norcross (770) 209-7167 GA, Savannah (912) 898-0015 IL, Chicago (630) 836-1700 LA, Lafayette (337) 896-2430 ME, Portland (207) 773-9501 MD, Columbia (410) 884-9280 MA, Sagamore Beach (508) 888-3900 MA, Westford (978) 589-3000 MA, Woods Hole (508) 457-7900 MN, Minneapolis (952) 924-0117 NJ, Piscataway (732) 457-0500 NY, Albany (518) 453-6444 NY, Metro Area (914) 347-4990 NY, Rochester (716) 381-2210 NY, Syracuse (315) 432-0506 NC, Raleigh (919) 571-0669 OH, Cincinnati (513) 985-9186 OR, Portland (503) 224-7338 PA, Langhorne (215) 757-4900 PA, Pittsburgh (412) 261-2910 SC, Columbia (803) 216-0003 TX, Austin (512) 336-2425 TX, Dallas (972) 509-2250 TX, Houston (713) 520-9900 TX, San Antonio (210) 590-8393 WA, Redmond (425) 881-7700 ENSR International U.S.A., MA, Westford (978) 589-3000 Bolivia Brazil Bulgaria Canada China, Hong Kong Czech Republic Ecuador France Germany Greece Italy .Malaysia Mexico Spain Turkey United Kingdom Venezuela Internet www. ensr. com i I I I I I I I ,, ! ! i !