HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION (5)I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. REMEDIAL ACTION REPORT I I I I I I I I I I I FORMER SPARKS ESTATE AND ADJACENT PROPERTIES 2800 Standard Street, 3650 and 3880 Rosedale Highway Bakersfield, California For COSTCO Wholesale 999 Lake Drive Isaquah, WA 98027 Attn: Todd Bartok Prepared By: Soils Engineering,Inc. 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA. 93309 VOLUME 1 OF 2 I I I 4400 YEAGER WAY December 3, 2001 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93313 ' PHONE (661) 831-5100 ' FAX: (661) 831-2111 I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. I December 3, 2001 File No. 01-9775 I I I I Mr. Howard Wines Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Subject: Remedial Action Report Former Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties 2800 Standard St., 3650 & 3880 Rosedale Highway Bakersfield, CA. ! I I I I Dear Mr. Wines: 1.0 INTRODUCTION Soils Engineering, Inc. (SED has prepared this Remedial Action Report (RAR) following the completion of remedial activities at the subject site per ENSR's Removal Action Workplan (RAW) dated February 28, 2001 and SEI's Addendum #1 to this RAW dated September 26, 2001. The Bakersfield Fire Department Off ice of Environmental Services (BFDES) approved both ENSR's RAW and SEI's Addendum #1 to the RAW prior to conducting the work. The following summarizes the scope of work performed by SEI and the remedial contractor Foss Environmental Services (FOSS) at the future Costco facility in Bakersfield, CA. (see Plate 1 for a Location Map). This report contains analytical results of soil samples, manifests, plot plans, chain of custody documents, a description of work conducted at each area of the site and conclusions and recommendations for the site. I I I I I 2.0 SITE HISTORY & PREVIOUS ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES The approximately 20-acre site consists of multiple properties referred to as the Sparks parcel (comprised of two parcels), Rosedale Hotel/Maaco parcel, Seaton parcel and the Glenn Rose parcel. These parcels are addressed 2800 Standard Street (Sparks parcel), 3650/3660 Rosedale Highway (Rosedale Hotel/Maaco parcel) and 3800/3880 Rosedale Highway (Glenn Rose parcel) as shown on the General Plot Plan, Plate 2. No street address has been assigned to the Seaton parcel. The Seaton parcel is located between the Rosedale Hotel/Maaco parcel and the Glenn Rose parcel. The Sparks parcel was formerly the site of Sabre Transportation, which installed the 5 underground storage tanks, the 2.1 million gallon aboveground storage tank (AST) and the truck 4400 YEAGER WAY · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93313 ' PHONE (661) 831-5100 · FAX: (661) 831-2111 I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Remedial Action Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, CA. File Number 01-9775 December 3, 2001 Page 2 service building at 2800 Standard Street. The last company to occupy the building was Minyard I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Trucking in the early 2001. In addition, oil field activities have been on-going since the 1930's on this parcel, which included 3 oil wells and a large oil sump which have all been abandoned. The Rosedale Hotel/Maaco parcel was occupied by residential buildings prior to the construction of the current on-site building in 1982. This building was occupied by Maaco Auto Paint from 1982 to approximately 1998. The building was last used by MoneyMart up until early 2001. The Seaton parcel has been vacant or used as truck parking or for storage since the 1930's. The Glenn Rose parcel was used to store oil field equipment prior to 1964. The current building (3880 Rosedale Highway) was built in 1964 and occupied by Glenn Rose Engine Shop up until 2000 servicing large and small engines. 2.1 Site Characterization Work Previous environmental investigations concerning soil, asbestos and lead paint have been conducted at this site by SEI and others to determine possible environmental liabilities and appropriate remedial action at the subject site. The most complete historical summary of these investigations was prepared by ENSR and is dated March 5, 2001 titled Site History and Subsurface Investigation Report (Summary Report). SEI has attached ENSR's Summary Report (minus analytical laboratory repons) to this Report as Appendix D for reference. In general oil field activities have impacted multiple areas on the Sparks parcel at non-hazardous concentrations. These include areas around the three (3) abandoned oil wells, a large oil sump, multiple surface oil-stained areas, and the 2.1 million gallon AST, which is approximately ½ full of non-hazardous petroleum products and water. Other areas with petroleum-impacted soil include the dispenser island area and the Class V dry well area both at the 2800 Standard Street portion of the parcel. All of these areas will be remediated by excavation and disposal of non- hazardous waste, except for the AST's contents, which will be removed by vacuum trucks with the non-hazardous wastes transported to appropriate disposal/recycling facilities. The majority of the maintenance building has already been demolished, with the removal of asbestos containing materials (ACM's) taking place in early 1999 by Asbestos Services Inc. (ASI) under appropriate permits. The Rosedale Hotel/Maaco parcel had hazardous concentrations of metals and non-hazardous concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons identified in two (2) floor drains within the former Maaco building, which will be excavated and disposed of as hazardous waste. A septic tank will also be removed from this portion of the site. The building will be demolished, with the removal of asbestos containing materials (ACM's) taking place under appropriate permits. I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Remedial Action Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, CA. File Number 01-9775 December 3, 2001 Page 3 The Seaton parcel has had some non-hazardous petroleum impacted soil identified at two (2) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I locations, which will be excavated and disposed/recycled. The Glenn Rose parcel has multiple surface stained areas, a steamcleaner sump, and a septic tank with petroleum hydrocarbons present in the soil at non-hazardous concentrations. Hazardous concentrations of metals were identified in the waste from the steamcleaner sump. These areas will be excavated with the resulting waste disposed of appropriately as either non-hazardous or hazardous waste. The building will be demolished, with the removal of asbestos containing materials (ACM's) taking place under appropriate permits. 2.2 Recent Assessment Reports SEI has recently completed two (2) assessment reports for this site. The first is the Groundwater Well Sampling Report dated October 10, 2001, which describes recent and historical groundwater sampling events at the site. The recent analytical results of the four (4) groundwater wells at the site indicate no significant petroleum hydrocarbons are present in the groundwater beneath the site at the well locations. A letter dated October 25, 2001 from the Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Environmental Services (BFDES) concurred with SEI's recommendation to properly abandon the groundwater and monitoring wells at the site. The second recent report for the site is the UST Closure Report dated October 29, 2001 prepared by SEI. This UST Closure Report described the removal of the five (5) on-site UST's, soil sampling activities and results, remedial excavations in the area of the dispenser islands, with conclusions and recommendations for the UST areas. SEI recommended that the UST areas be granted closure with no additional work required. As of the date of this report no response form the BFDES has been received on the UST Closure Report. 3.0 REMEDIAL ACTIVITIES 3.1 FORMER SPARKS ESTATE PROPERTY - 2800 Standard St. and Parcels 39 & 40 3.1.1 Profiling of Waste Streams from the AST Oil, water and sludge samples of the AST contents were collected and analyzed for profiling purposes by FOSS and MP Environmental (MPE) prior to the project start to evaluate the appropriate disposal/recycling methods for each waste stream within the AST. The analytical results were consistent with historical sampling events conducted by other environmental consultants, which characterized each phase of the liquids as non-hazardous waste. Completed waste profile sheets were sent to each permitted waste facility for acceptance of the wastes. 3.1.2 Evacuation, Decontamination and Dismantling of 2.1 Million Gallon AST SEI oversaw the evacuation of the contents of a 2.1 million gallon above-ground storage tank (AST) by FOSS from October 8 to November 5, 2001. FOSS acquired a Removal Permit for the I ! I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Remedial Action Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, CA. File Number 01-9775 December 3, 2001 Page 4 Above Ground Storage Tank (# BR-0285) from the BFDES prior to conducting the field work I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (see Appendix A for a copy of the permit). A 40 ml HDPE liner was installed by FOSS at the northern side of the AST where the loading of the tanker trucks was to take place to protect the underlying soil from incidental spills. A window was cut in the side of the AST by FOSS just above the height of the oil. The oil was then skimmed off the top of the AST contents utilizing a skim-pac and vacuum hose attached to a MPE vacuum truck. A total of 84,800 gallons of non-hazardous crude oil was removed and taken to Atlantic Oil Company/Premier Oil Company storage tank facilities in Edison, CA. for recycling (see attached Bill of Ladings in Appendix F). Next the water phase was removed by pumping the water and a slight amount of remaining oil into a Fractank for separation of the oil and water. The water was then removed by MPE vacuum tankers from the bottom of the Fractank or directly from hoses inside the AST. The remaining oily water was transported to Waste Managements/McKittrick Waste facility in McKittrick, CA. for disposal as non-hazardous liquids (see attached manifests). The non-oily water was transported to either the Waste Management/McKittrick Waste Facility or to the Santa Clara Waste Disposal facility in Santa Paula, CA. as non-hazardous wastewater (see attached manifests in Appendix F). A total of 348,050 gallons of water was removed and disposed of from the AST. Next the oil/sludge material was removed from the AST by pumping it out with vacuum trucks from hoses within the AST. Once the sludge material became less pumpable it was thoroughly mixed with a bobcat and approximately 15,000 gallons of hot water. FOSS personnel working within the AST utilized air-purifying respirators and full-body Tyvek for their protection, when applicable. Lower explosion limits (LEL) and oxygen content were tested inside the AST everyday prior to tank entry by FOSS personnel to ensure safe working conditions. The oily sludge was transported to EnviroCycle, Inc. in McKittrick, CA. as non-hazardous waste for recycling into asphaltic materials. Approximately 677,400 gallons of sludge was transported to EnviroCycle, Inc. trader non-hazardous waste manifests (see attached manifests in Appendix F). The AST interior was then decontaminated by FOSS between 11/5/01 and 11/8/01 by high- pressure hot-water steam-cleaners and degreasers. The resulting rinsate was pumped out by MPE vacuum trucks and disposed of at Waste Managements/McKittrick Waste facility as non- hazardous waste (see attached manifests). At the end of the decontamination process the interior of the AST had only a trace oily odor remaining. Sierra Metals then dismantled the AST by cutting it up with hydraulic shears into loadable size pieces. The metal was taken to Sierra Metals in Bakersfield, CA. for recycling. See Appendix D for a few pictures of the remedial activities that took place at this location. 3.1.3 Assessment and Remediation of AST Pad Area The AST pad area consisted of a 6" thick layer of l"-diameter gravel covering the entire area. Trace amounts of oily material were evident within the gravel near the northeast comer of the former AST. Once the gravel was removed the underlying soil was assessed by trenching north- south and east-west to a depth of approximately 2' to 3' below grade. Oily stained soil was I ! I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Remedial ~lction Report Sparks Estate and./ldjacent Properties Bakersfield, File Number 01-9775 December 3, 2001 Page 5 obvious in some areas to a depth of approximately 1' to 2', especially on the southern ½ of the I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AST pad. FOSS removed the stained soil areas with an excavator and stockpiled the removed soil adjacent to the AST pad. On November 13, 2001 a composite soil sample (AST-ST) was collected by SEI from the stockpiled soil, along with 5 discrete soil samples from the base of the excavated areas (AST-NW-2', -SW-2', -NE-2', -NW-2', and AST-Mid-2') to confirm the removal of petroleum hydrocarbon impacted soil above 1000 parts per million (ppm). A composite sample of the stockpiled gravel (GRVL-1) was also collected for analysis. Each soil sample was collected in brass sleeves, sealed with Teflon-lined caps, labeled and placed into an iced cooler. The soil samples and 1 gravel sample were analyzed for Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TRPH), Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gasoline through motor oil range), and benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX)by EPA Methods 418.1, 8015m and 8020, respectively at Positive Lab Service, a State certified analytical laboratory. Soil sample AST-ST was also analyzed for volatile organics by EPA Method 8260 and for CAM 17 Metals by EPA Method 6010 and 7471. See attached Chain of Custody documents in Appendix E. The analytical results of the soil samples indicated 3200 parts per million (ppm) of TRPH, 1100 ppm TPH as motor oil (TPHmo), 510 ppm TPH as diesel (TPHd) with no volatile organics or elevated metals in the AST-ST soil sample. The 5 bottom soil samples in the AST pad area had no elevated TRPH, TPH, BTEX or total lead concentrations. The highest TRPH result was 420 ppm in the AST-NE-2' soil sample. The gravel sample (GRVL-1) had only 86 ppm TRPH reported. See Table 1 and the attached analytical reports in Appendix E for more detail. See attached Plate 2 for soil sample locations. The AST pad area was then backfilled and compacted with clean fill up to match existing grade. The removed hydrocarbon-impacted soil from this area (approximately 500 tons) was transported as non-hazardous soil to both the Waste Management/McKittrick Waste facility and to EnviroCycle, Inc. under non-hazardous waste manifests (Appendix F). See Appendix D for a few pictures of the remedial activities that took place at this location. 3.1.4 Removal of 5 UST's from 2800 Standard Street The 2800 Standard Street parcel had five (5) UST's consisting of 1 - 10,000 gallon diesel, 1 - 10,000 gallon gasoline, two (2) 8,000 gallon diesel, and 1-1,000 gallon waste oil. A three (3) unit dispenser island was located just east of the main UST cluster. Previous site assessment activities have been conducted in the area of the UST's indicating no significant petroleum hydrocarbons in the soil surrounding and beneath the UST's. Petroleum hydrocarbons were detected beneath the dispenser island to a depth less than 10' below ground surface (bgs). in September 1998. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as diesel (TPHd) of 980 parts per million (ppm) were reported in the 1' bgs. soil sample (B10-1') with only minor ethylbenzene (0.0062 ppm) and xylenes (0.018 ppm) reported in the 8020 analysis. I I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Remedial Action Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, CA. File Number 01-9775 December 3, 2001 Page 6 On October 3, 2001 the UST's were decontaminated (triple rinsed) with a high pressure I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I steamcleaner and a degreaser by Foss Environmental. The rinsate was removed by an MP Environmental vacuum truck. The rinsate was disposed/recycled at DeMenno/Kerdoon's facility in Compton, CA. under a Non-RCRA Hazardous Waste Manifest. The UST's were inerted with dry ice prior to removal. A lower explosion level (LEL) meter was utilized to determine hydrocarbon vapors and oxygen content prior to removal. The LEL levels and oxygen levels were at safe concentrations prior to removal. The UST's were removed on October 4, 2001 under permit #BR-0284 obtained from the Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Environmental Services (BFDES) by FOSS (see Appendix A for copy of permit). A crane was used to remove the UST's, which were then placed on a truck, marked and transported to Sierra Recycling for disposal/recycling. Soil samples were collected by SEI from the excavator bucket at approximate depths of 2' and 6' beneath the bottom of the former UST locations, at the dispenser islands, and along the piping run. The soil samples were sealed, labeled and placed in iced storage. The soil samples were delivered to a Positive Lab Service mobile laboratory for analysis of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) as diesel (TPHd), and or TPH as gasoline (TPHg) and for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, total xylenes (BTEX) and MTBE by EPA Methods 8015m and 8021b, respectively. Soil samples collected beneath the waste oil UST were analyzed for Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TRPH) by EPA Method 418.1, for volatile organics by EPA Method 8260, and for Total Lead by EPA Method 6010. See attached Chain of Custody documents in Appendix E. The excavations were backfilled and compacted to 90% relative density up to match existing grade by FOSS with native and or import fill. The analytical results of the soil samples are shown in the attached Table 1 and indicate that no significant TRPH, TPHd, TPHg, BTEX and MTBE concentrations of concern were present in the soil samples beneath the UST's. Minor TPHd at 660 ppm was reported in the T3-W@2' soil sample, but the T3-W~6' soil sample had no TPHd reported, indicating only a minor amount of diesel fuel in this area. This minor diesel fuel staining was removed along with other stained soil on the west end of tank #3 and stockpiled for future disposal/recycling. The soil samples collected beneath the dispenser islands and the piping run indicated TPHd concentrations down to a depth of at least 6' bgs.. This soil was removed down to a depth of 8' bgs. and stockpiled for future disposal/recycling. Soil sample Dis-BTM-8' collected at the base of this excavation had 850 ppm TPHd reported, which is less than the 1000 ppm cleanup level for this site approved in the Removal Action Workplan dated February 28, 2001 prepared by ENSR. The piping run stained soil was also removed during the dispenser excavation and the oil well drilling sump excavations conducted in this area. See Plate 3 for soil sample locations and the former locations of the UST's. SEI concludes that the former UST's, associated piping and dispenser islands have been successfully removed per BFDES regulations. Petroleum stained soil discovered at the west end I I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Remedial Action Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, EA. File Number 01-9775 December 3, 2001 Page 7 of Tank #3, in the area of the dispenser islands and associated piping has been removed to I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I concentrations less than 1000 ppm TPHd with no significant volatile organics remaining. The stockpiled soil (approximately 800 tons) was disposed/recycled at Waste Managements/McKittrick Waste facility as non-hazardous waste (see attached manifests in Appendix F). Based on the above information SEI recommends the closure of this UST site with no additional assessment or remedial action recommended in the area of the former UST's, dispensers and associated piping. For more detail refer to SEI's UST Closure Report date October 29, 2001. See Appendix C for a few pictures of the remedial activities that took place at this location. 3.1.5 Class V Shallow Disposal Well & Clarifier Removal On October 10, 2001 FOSS removed the Class V dry well and associated clarifier from the 2800 Standard Street parcel. Petroleum hydrocarbon stained soil was also removed by excavation and stockpiled adjacent to the excavation. The dry well extended to a depth of approximately 10' bgs.. Petroleum staining and odor was evident to a depth of approximately 14' bgs. beneath and surrounding the dry well. The main excavation was approximately 15' by 20' and 15' deep. Soil samples were collected out of the excavator bucket by SEI from all 4 sidewalls (CL-S-13', CL- N-12', CL-E-13', and CL-W-13'), from the base of the excavation (CL-BTM-16') and from the stockpiled soil (CL-SP1). After additional over-excavation on the south sidewall, soil sample CL-S2-14' was collected on October 15, 2001. Each soil sample was collected in brass sleeves, sealed with Teflon-lined caps, labeled and placed into an iced cooler. The soil samples were shipped overnight by courier under chain of custody documents to a State certified analytical laboratory. See Plate 3 for soil sample locations and the former location of the dry well/clarifier. The initial 6 soil samples were analyzed for TRPH, TPHg, TPHd, volatile organics (VOC's), semi-volatile organics and CAM 17 Metals by EPA Methods 418.1, 8015m, 8260, 8270, 6010 and 7471, respectively at Positive Lab Service in Los Angeles, CA.. The CL-S2-14' soil sample was analyzed only for TRPH to confirm the removal of any remaining petroleum hydrocarbons over 1000 ppm. The analytical results of these soil samples indicated elevated petroleum hydrocarbons in the stockpiled soil of 84000 ppm TRPH, 12000 ppm TPHd, 42 ppm TPHg, benzene at 1100 parts per billion (ppb), toluene at 1500 ppb, xylenes at 3800 ppb, tetrachloroethylene (PCE) at 1200 ppb, naphthalene at 14000 ppb, no elevated CAM 17 metals and no significant concentrations of semi-volatile organics or other volatile organics. Additional analysis was performed on soil sample CL-SP1 to characterize the soil as non-hazardous. This included Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) for benzene and TCLP PCE which were both None Detected (ND) and an aquatic bioassay, which was negative (no fish deaths). The analytical results of sidewall and bottom soil samples from the excavation indicated only one (1) soil sample had petroleum I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Remedial Action Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, CA. File Number 01-9775 December 3, 2001 Page 8 hydrocarbons concentrations over 1000 ppm which was the south sidewall sample CL-S-13' at I I I ! I I I I I ! I ! I I ! 3500 ppm TRPH. After over-excavation of the south sidewall an additional soil sample CL-S2- 14' was collected and analyzed for TRPH with the result being only 89 ppm TRPH. The over- excavated soil was added to the stockpile. See Table I for analytical results and Appendix E for analytical reports and Chain of Custody documents. After confirming that the stockpiled soil (approximately 150 tons) was non-hazardous it was disposed/recycled at Waste Managements/McKittrick Waste facility under non-hazardous waste manifests (see Appendix F). The excavation was backfilled and compacted to 90% relative density up to match existing grade by FOSS with native and or import fill. An Inventory of Injection Well notification has been sent to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) describing the former dry well and it's permanent closure. A copy of this form is attached as Appendix B. See Appendix C for a few pictures of the remedial activities that took place at this location. 3.1.6 Removal of Septic Systems Two (2) septic systems were removed by FOSS from the 2800 Standard Street parcel after obtaining abandonment permits from the City of Bakersfield (see Appendix A for permit). The first concrete septic tank (Sep-1) removed was located just south of the dispenser islands and had a capacity of approximately 1000 gallons. The second concrete 1000 gallon septic tank (Sep-2) was found just east of the former mobile home trailer after following underground piping from the trailer area. The septic tanks were pumped out by Knights Pumping Service with the contents disposed of appropriately. Once removed the septic tanks were decontaminated, broken up and disposed of appropriately. Soil samples were collected from the sidewalls and bottom of the resulting excavations by SEI from the backhoe bucket. At Sep-1 only a south and east sidewall was collected since the north and west sidewalls were already removed dur/ng the UST and dispenser excavations. A leach- field soil sample (Sep-2-LF-S-3') was also collected at Sep-2 where gravel was uncovered along the piping run east of the septic tank. The leach field for Sep-1 was removed during the excavation of the Trico #1 oil well sumps and the dispenser island. Each soil sample was collected in brass sleeves, sealed with Teflon-lined caps, labeled and placed into an iced cooler. The soil samples were shipped overnight by courier under chain of custody documents to a State certified analytical laboratory. See Plate 3 for former septic tank and soil sample locations. The septic tank excavation soil samples were analyzed for TRPH, TPHg, TPHd, VOC's, and CAM 17 Metals by EPA methods 418.1, 8015m, 8260, 6010 and 7471, respectively at Positive lab Service. In addition, the bottom soil samples and the stockpile soil samples were analyzed for semi-volatile organics (SVOC's) by EPA Method 8270. ! I I Remedial Action Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. File Number 01-9775 December 3, 2001 Page 9 I I I I ! I I I I ! I I I I I The analytical results of the soil samples indicate no elevated petroleum hydrocarbons or metals are present in the soil surrounding or beneath the two (2) septic tanks at this location. See Table 1 for analytical results and Appendix E for analytical reports and Chain of Custody documents. The stockpiled soil from the septic tank excavations was reused as backfill material. The excavations were backfilled and compacted to 90% relative density up to match existing grade by FOSS with native and or import fill. 3.1.7 Surface Oil Staining Areas EB-1, ES-10 Minor surface oil staining is present at multiple locations on the former Sparks parcel and includes two (2) locations identified as ENSR soil boring locations EB-1 and ES-10 where shallow petroleum contamination was encountered. SEI utilized FOSS to excavate the surface soil in the area of borings ES-10 and EB-1. Initially a soil sample ES-10-EX-SP was collected from the ES-10 stained area on October 11, 2001 to evaluate the material for petroleum hydrocarbons, BTEX and CAM 17 metals. The analytical result was 3000 ppm TRPH with no elevated BTEX or metals. Further excavation of the oil-stained material was conducted on November 12, 2001 resulting in approximately 250 tons of oil-stained material being stockpiled adjacent to the excavation (an area approximately 50' by 50' and averaging 2' deep). In some areas the oil-staining was as deep as 3' bgs.. Sidewall (4) and bottom (1) soil samples were collected from the final excavation area to evaluate the soil left in-place. Each soil sample was collected in brass sleeves, sealed with Teflon-lined caps, labeled and placed into an iced cooler. The soil samples were shipped overnight by courier under chain of custody documents to a State certified analytical laboratory. The soil samples were analyzed for TRPH, TPH (carbon range), BTEX, and total lead by EPA methods 418.1, 8015m, 8020, and 6010, respectively at Positive Lab Service. See Plate 6 for the ES-10 excavation and soil sample locations. The analytical results of the soil samples indicated elevated TRPH concentrations remained in the west sidewall soil sample (ES-10-W-2') at 1200 ppm. The other sidewall and bottom soil samples only had trace concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons reported. On November 15, 2001 the west sidewall area was over-excavated approximately 4' to the west and an additional soil sample ES-10-W-2'-2 was collected from the west sidewall and analyzed for TRPH, TPH (carbon range), BTEX and total lead. The analytical results of this soil sample were 21 ppm TRPH with no TPHg, TPHd, TPHmo, BTEX or elevated total lead reported. See Table 1 for analytical results and Appendix E for analytical reports and Chain of Custody documents. ENSR's boring EB-1 was located near the northeastern comer of the Sparks parcel and identified elevated petroleum hydrocarbons at a depth of approximately 1' bgs.. SEI utilized FOSS to excavate an area approximately 15' by 15' and 1' deep to evaluate the stained soil in this area. SEI observed asphaltic-like staining in the top 1-foot of soil in this area, which is similar to the majority of the northern portion of the 2800 Standard Street parcel. The BFDES has indicated to I i I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Remedial Action Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, CA. File Number 01-9775 December 3, 2001 Page 10 SEI that the top 1-foot of this parcel is not an environmental concern as long as it will be covered with asphalt. Therefore, SEI left some of this asphaltic-like material in-place. One (1) bottom soil sample (EB1-BTM-2') was collected from the base of the excavation and analyzed for TRPH, TPH (carbon range), BTEX and total lead by EPA methods 418.1, 8015m, 8020, and 6010, respectively by Positive Lab Service. The soil sample was collected in a brass sleeve, sealed with Teflon-lined caps, labeled and placed into an iced cooler. The soil sample was shipped ovemight by courier under chain of custody documents to a State certified analytical laboratory. See Plate 6 for the EB-1 excavation and soil sample location. The analytical results of this soil sample indicate no elevated petroleum hydrocarbons or lead are present at a depth of 2' bgs. in this area. See Table 1 for analytical results and Appendix E for analytical reports and Chain of Custody documents. After confirming that the stockpiled soil from both areas was non-hazardous it was disposed/recycled at Waste Managements/McKittrick Waste facility and EnviroCycle, Inc. facility under non-hazardous waste manifests (see Appendix F). The excavations were backfilled and compacted to 90% relative density up to match existing grade by FOSS with native and or import fill. 3.1.8 Disposal of Miscellaneous Non-RCRA Hazardous Waste FOSS gathered all of the drums of waste oil, oil filters, solvents and oily water from the entire site and combined like products into DOT approved drums. The drams were profiled and labeled as Non-RCRA hazardous liquids. A total of 16 drums of Non-RCRA hazardous liquids were transported off-site for disposal at Crosby & Overton, Inc. facility in Long Beach, CA. on November 21, 2001 under hazardous waste manifests #98394845 and #98395066 (see Appendix F). Two (2) 10 yard roll-off bins of Non-RCRA hazardous waste solid debris from the AST containment berm area, oily personal protection equipment (PPE) and other oily debris from the project were transported off-site to Chemical Waste Managements Kettleman City facility under hazardous waste manifest #98395083 (see Appendix F). 3.1.9 Removal & Disposal of Non-Hazardous Soil Around 3 Abandoned Oil Wells Previous assessment activities by SEI in 1998 had identified small drilling sumps surrounding abandoned oil wells Bitner #1 and Bitner #2 containing petroleum stained soil. Nothing was previously known about the soil conditions surrounding the Trico #1 oil well since the oil well was located adjacent too or under the UST's. Trico #1 Drilling Sump Once the UST's were removed at the 2800 Standard Street parcel, dark oil stained soil remained along the northern, western and eastern edges of the UST excavation. These oil stained soil areas appear to be related to the abandoned Trico #1 oil well drilling sumps. The stained soil surrounding the abandoned Trico #1 oil well were excavated and I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Remedial Action Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, CA. File Number 01-9775 December 3, 2001 Page 11 stockpiled adjacent to the excavation by FOSS utilizing an excavator. Soil was removed I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I until no further staining or odor was observed by SEI. The resulting excavation is shown on Plate 3 and extended the original UST excavation approximately 5 feet to the west, 10 feet to the northeast and 10 to 15 feet to the east. The depth of the excavation ranged from 3' to 8' bgs. with the total amount of stained soil excavated and stockpiled estimated at 300 tons. Soil samples were collected by SEI from the sidewalls and bottom on the western portion (SP1-BTM-4', SP1-S-3', and SP1-N-2') and along the northeastern and eastern portions (SP2-SE-5', SP2-S-BTM-8', SP2-NW-4', and SP2-N- BTM-6') of the resulting excavation. Soil samples were also collected from the stockpiled soil from this excavation (SP1-ST and SP2-ST). The soil samples were collected in brass sleeves, sealed with Teflon-lined caps, labeled and placed into an iced cooler. The soil samples were ovemighted by comer to a State certified analytical laboratory under a chain of custody document. The soil samples were analyzed for TRPH and BTEX by EPA Methods 418.1 and 8020, respectively by Positive Lab Service. The analytical results indicate no petroleum hydrocarbons remain in-place over 1000 ppm TRPH, with the highest concentration of 560 ppm TRPH reported in the SP2-BTM-8' soil sample. The analytical results of the stockpiled soil indicated concentrations ranging from 2900 ppm (SP1-ST) TRPH to 61000 ppm (SP2-ST) TRPH. The only BTEX concentrations reported in the soil samples were in the SP2-ST soil sample with benzene at <50 ppb, toluene at 1200 ppb, ethylbenzene at 990 ppb, xylenes at 4000 ppb and MTBE at <100 ppb. See Table 1 for analytical results and Appendix E for analytical reports and Chain of Custody documents. After confirming that the stockpiled soil was non-hazardous it was disposed/recycled at EnviroCycle, Inc.'s facility under non-hazardous waste manifests (see Appendix F). Bitner gl Drilling Sumps After uncovering the abandoned Bitner gl oil well casing the former drilling sumps were removed by excavation. Three areas of oil-stained soil were removed and stockpiled adjacent to the excavations. The first drilling sump removed was approximately 30' north of the former oil well and was approximately 8' by 8' and 5' deep. Sidewall soil samples were collected on the north (Bit#I-NS-N-4') and south (Bit#I-NS-S-4') sidewalls and at the bottom of the excavation (Bit#I-NS-BTM-5'). The second drilling sump was located approximately 15' south of the oil well and was approximately 10' by 8' and 3' deep. Sidewall soil samples were collected on the east (Bit#I-SS-E-2') and west (Bit#I-SS-W-2') sidewalls and at the bottom of the excavation (Bit#I-SS-BTM3'). The third oil stained area was located approximately 25' east of the oil well and was an area approximately 3' by 3' and 3' deep. One soil sample (Bit#I-ES-BTM-3') from the base of the excavation was collected by SEI to verify the removal of stained soil in this area. In addition a composite soil sample (Bit#l-ST) from the stockpiled soil was collected for analysis. The estimated amount of oil-stained soil excavated and stockpiled was approximately 60 tons from this area. The soil samples were collected in brass I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Remedial Action Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, CA. File Number 01-9775 December 3, 2001 Page 12 sleeves, sealed with Teflon-lined caps, labeled and placed into an iced cooler. The soil I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I samples were ovemighted by courier to a State certified analytical laboratory under a chain of custody document. The soil samples were analyzed for TRPH, TPH (carbon range), BTEX and CAM 17 Metals by EPA Methods 418.1, 8015m, 8020, and 6010 and 7471 (mercury only), respectively by Positive Lab Service. The analytical results indicate no petroleum hydrocarbons remain in-place over 1000 ppm with the highest concentration of 980 ppm TRPH reported in the Bit#I-SS-E-2' soil sample. No elevated BTEX, TPH or metals were reported in the sidewall or bottom soil samples. The analytical results of the stockpiled soil indicate concentrations of 5400 ppm TRPH, TPHd at 410 ppm, TPHmo at 1600 ppm and total lead at 140 ppm. A soluble threshold limit concentration (STLC) analysis for lead on soil sample Bit#l-ST indicated the stockpiled material was at non- hazardous concentrations for lead (<0.1 mg/1). See Table 1 for analytical results and Appendix E for analytical reports and Chain of Custody documents. After confirming that the stockpiled soil was non-hazardous it was disposed/recycled at EnviroCycle, Inc.'s facility under non-hazardous waste manifests (see Appendix F). Bitner #2 Drilling Sump After uncovering the abandoned Bitner #2 oil well casing the former drilling sump was removed by excavation. The drilling sump removed was approximately 25' north of the former oil well and was approximately 20' by 15' and 10' deep. Sidewall soil samples were collected on all 4 sidewalls (Bit#2-S-N-8', Bit#2-S-E-6', Bit#2-S-S-8', Bit#2-S-W- 8') and at the bottom of the excavation (Bit#2-S-BTM-9') by SEI to verify the removal of stained soil in this area. In addition a composite soil sample (Bit#2-ST) from the stockpiled soil was collected for analysis. The estimated amount of stained soil excavated and stockpiled was approximately 170 tons from this area. Two additional soil samples were collected from the north sidewall (Bit#2-S-N-8'(2)) and from the base of the excavation (Bit#2-S-BTM-11') after over-excavation to remove soil with petroleum hydrocarbons over 1000 ppm. The soil samples were collected in brass sleeves, sealed with Teflon-lined caps, labeled and placed into an iced cooler. The soil samples were overnighted by courier to a State certified analytical laboratory under a chain of custody document. The soil samples were analyzed for TRPH, TPH (carbon range), BTEX and CAM 17 Metals by EPA Methods 418.1, 8015m, 8020, and 6010 and 7471 (mercury only), respectively by Positive Lab Service. The initial analytical results indicated petroleum hydrocarbons remain over 1000 ppm at the north sidewall (1100 ppm TRPH) and at the base of the excavation (1500 ppm TRPH). After over-excavation in these 2 areas the resulting soil samples were only 46 ppm TRPH (Bit#2-S-N-8'(2)) and 29 ppm TRPH (Bit#2-S-BTM-11 '). No elevated BTEX, TPH or metals were reported in the sidewall or bottom soil samples. The analytical results of the stockpiled soil indicate concentrations I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Remedial Action Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, CA. File Number 01-9775 December 3, 2001 Page 13 of 7500 ppm TRPH, TPHd at 100 ppm, TPHmo at 460 ppm and total lead at 5.2 ppm. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I See Table 1 for analytical results and Appendix E for analytical reports and Chain of Custody documents. After confirming that the stockpiled soil was non-hazardous it was disposed/recycled at EnviroCycle, Inc.'s facility under non-hazardous waste manifests (see Appendix F). 3.10 Removal of Large Oil Sump at 2800 Standard Street Previous assessment activities conducted in 1998 identified a large abandoned oil sump beginning approximately 100' north of the abandoned Trico #1 oil well. This previous assessment identified an area approximately 100' east-west by 45' north-south with an average depth of 5' bgs. with oil stained soil. FOSS utilized an excavator to expose this area under the direction of SEI. During the removal of this former oil sump it became evident that the extent of the sump was much larger then originally estimated. It appears that the sump was actually divided into two (2) main areas each with dimensions of approximately 110' east-west by 45' north-south. A small zone of clean soil apparently divided the two sumps. An additional area (30' by 15') was removed east of the northeastern comer of the oil sump where a 2' to 3' thick area of oil stained soil was uncovered. SEI removed the oil stained soil in the two sumps until no significant staining or odor was present and petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations were less than 1000 ppm. The northern sump was referred to as S-Sump and the southern sump was referred to as S-Sump2 in the soil samples collected to define the areas of petroleum hydrocarbons above 1000 ppm. A total of 23 soil samples were collected from the S-Sump area and 8 soil samples were collected from the S-Sump2 area. Of these soil samples 10 were bottom samples, 4 were to characterize the oil-stained soil in various areas, and 17 were from the sidewalls of the excavation. The soil samples were collected in brass sleeves, sealed with Teflon-lined caps, labeled and placed into an iced cooler. The soil samples were shipped overnight by courier under chain of custody documents to a State certified analytical laboratory or to an on-site mobile analytical laboratory. Three (3) deeper areas within the large oil sump were identified and removed that contained oily sludge-like material to depths as great as 11' to 16' bgs.. Two (2) of these deeper areas were within the S-Sump (one west and one east) and the other within the western portion of the S- Sump2. See Plate 3A for a Plot Plan showing the large sump area and all of the soil sample locations. The majority of the soil samples collected from the large oil sump were analyzed for TRPH, TPH (carbon range), and BTEX by EPA methods 418.1, 8015m and 8020, respectively. Selected soil samples were analyzed for CAM 17 Metals, or total lead by EPA methods 6010 and 7471 (mercury only) at Positive Lab Service. Soil sample S-Sump-ST was also analyzed for pH, Flash point, and reactivity. Soil samples S-Sump-ST, S-Sump2-ST and S-Sump-E-6'-ST were analyzed for aquatic bioassay to confirm that the oil stained material from the large sump was non-hazardous. I I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Remedial Action Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, CA. File Number 01-9775 December 3, 2001 Page 14 The highest petroleum hydrocarbons reported within the large oil sump were 62000 ppm TRPH, ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 400 ppm TPHg, 11000 ppm TPHd, 18000 ppm TPHmo, <600 ppb benzene, 1600 ppb toluene, 2900 ppb ethylbenzene and 3300 ppb xylenes in soil samples S-Sump-ST or S-Sump2-ST. No elevated CAM 17 metals or hazardous characteristic concentrations were reported in any of the soil samples. The aquatic bioassay results for the three (3) stockpile soil samples were all negative (no fish deaths). The sidewall and bottom soil samples were all less than 1000 ppm for petroleum hydrocarbons, except for soil samples S-Sump-NECRNR-I' at 3400 ppm TRPH and S-Sump-NSWW-2' at 1300 ppm TRPH. Both of these soil samples were in areas approved to be left in-place as is by the BFDES. Soil sample S-SUmp-NECRNR-I' was collected in the top 1 foot of soil which is very asphaltic. This asphaltic-like material is common in this portion of the Sparks Estate and as long as it will be covered by asphalt in the future it is acceptable to the BFSES to leave in-place. Soil sample S-Sump-NSWW-2' was collected along the western portion of the northern sidewall of the S-Sump excavation at a depth of approximately 2' bgs.. It is approximately 4' south of a high-pressure water line that SEI, FOSS, and the California Water Service did not want to expose or remove. The BFDES approved leaving the last 4' to 5' of the northern sump in-place, since it was decreasing in thickness (only 2' to 3' thick) and petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations as it proceeded northerly. The estimated amount of oil-stained soil removed from the large oil sump area was approximately 2250 cubic yards. After confirming that the stockpiled soil from this area was non-hazardous it was disposed/recycled at Waste Managements/McKittrick Waste facility, Waste Managements/Kettleman City facility and EnviroCycle, Inc. facility under non-hazardous waste manifests (see Appendix F). The excavation was backfilled and compacted to 90% relative density up to match existing grade with imported clean soil. See Appendix C for a few pictures of the remedial activities that took place at this location. 3.11 Abandonment Of 2 Water Wells And 3 Monitoring Wells Two (2) water wells and 3 monitoring wells were present on the former Sparks Estate parcels. The following is a description of these wells: · One 60 foot deep water well that is 16 inches in diameter (North well) · One 140 foot deep water well that is 6 inches in diameter (South well) · Three (3) groundwater monitoring wells, designated MW-l, MW-2, and MW-3, each 35 feet deep consisting of 2-inch diameter PVC casing. A water-sampling event was conducted by SEI on the 4 on-site water supply wells on September 24, 2001, which included the 2 water wells on the former Sparks Estate. The three (3) monitoring wells were dry during this sampling event and were not sampled. SEI completed a Groundwater Sampling Report dated October 10, 2001, which included historical and recent water sampling results for this site with a recommendation to abandon these wells. Permission I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Remedial Action Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, CA. File Number 01-9775 December 3, 2001 Page 15 from the BFDES to abandon these wells was granted in a letter dated October 25, 2001 (see I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I attached in Appendix A). Well abandonment permits were acquired by SEI from the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department (KCEHSD) prior to the work being conducted on the wells. On October 18, 2001 the three (3) monitoring wells were abandoned by filling the PVC casing with bentonite chips and concrete and drilling out the top 10' of the PVC casing with a hollow-stem auger drilling rig. The former well locations were then backfilled and compacted up to match existing grade with clean native soil and sand. On October 18 and October 19, 2001 the north and south sparks water wells were abandoned by filling the steel casings with clean peagravel up to 50' from the surface and then filling the top 50' of casing with concrete slurry until a mushroom cap formed over the steel casing. The well casings had been cut down to a depth of approximately 10' bgs. prior to filling with gravel and concrete. The excavations were then backfilled and compacted to 90% relative density to match existing grade by FOSS. Inspectors from the KCEHSD witnessed the abandonment of all of the wells. See Appendix A for copies of the well abandonment permits. 3.12 Re-Abandonment of 3 Oil Wells FOSS Environmental subcontracted MMI Services to re-abandoned three (3) oil wells located on the former Sparks Estate per current Division of Oil & Gas (DOG) regulations. The three (3) oil wells were exposed and additional steel casing risers were attached to bring the well casings to workable elevations. Blow-out preventer equipment was then attached to each oil well casing. A drilling rig was then utilized to drill out the surface cement plugs of each oil well and try to seal off appropriate deep water zones per current DOG regulations. Bitner #2 was the first oil well to be re-abandoned. Drilling proceeded to a depth of 197 feet before difficult drilling prevented any further advancement. A variance was received from the DOG to stop the re-abandonment. Appropriate surface seals were placed within the oil well casing and the DOG performed a leak-test on the oil wellhead. A letter from the DOG dated November 14, 2001 states that the wellhead leakage test was successful, but that the re- abandonment of the oil well is not up to current DOG standards (see attached letter in Appendix E). According to DOG personnel no further re-abandonment of the oil well is necessary. See attached History of Oil or Gas Well document in Appendix A describing the work conducted by MMI on this oil well. Bitner #1 was the second oil well to be re-abandoned. Drilling proceeded to a depth of 192 feet before difficult drilling prevented any further advancement. A variance was received from the DOG to stop the re-abandonment. Appropriate surface seals were placed within the oil well casing and the DOG performed a leak-test on the oil wellhead. A letter from the DOG dated November 14, 2001 states that the wellhead leakage test was successful, but that the re- abandonment of the oil well is not up to current DOG standards (see attached letter in Appendix E). According to DOG personnel no further re-abandonment of the oil well is necessary. See I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Remedial Action Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, CA. File Number 01-9775 December 3, 2001 Page 16 attached History of Oil or Gas Well document in Appendix A describing the work conducted by I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MMI on this oil well. Trico #1 was the last oil well to be re-abandoned. Drilling proceeded to a depth of 490 feet before difficult drilling prevented any further advancement. A variance was received from the DOG to stop the re-abandonment. Appropriate surface seals were placed within the oil well casing and the DOG performed a leak-test on the oil wellhead. A letter from the DOG dated November 14, 2001 states that the wellhead leakage test was successful, but that the re- abandonment of the oil well is not up to current DOG standards (see attached letter in Appendix A). According to DOG personnel no further re-abandonment of the oil well is necessary. See attached History of Oil or Gas Well document in Appendix A describing the work conducted by MMI on this oil well. The oil well casings were cut down to a depth of approximately 10' bgs. by MMI Services at each location. The excavations were backfilled and compacted to 90% relative density up to match existing grade by FOSS utilizing native and or import fill. These three (3) oil wells will be located in planters for future accessibility, if necessary. Per a BFDES letter dated November 13, 2001 the oil wells will be located on a hyper accurate foot print map showing fixed longitude and latitude to identify the abandoned oil wells. This map will be kept with the property owner on site, and a copy will be furnished to the BFDES. 3.2 FORMER GLENN ROSE ENGINE COMPANY - 3880 Rosedale Highway 3.2.1 Removal of Steamcleaner Sump Sludge within the metal steamcleaner sump had elevated metals detected at Non-RCRA hazardous concentrations during previous assessment activities. FOSS removed the steamcleaner sump on October 24, 2001. The sludge and petroleum hydrocarbon stained soil beneath the steamcleaner sump was stockpiled adjacent to the excavation. The resulting excavation was approximately 10' by 9' and 5' deep. See Plate 5 for the steamcleaner excavation and soil sample locations. Sidewall (GR-SC-E-4' and GR-SC-W-4') and bottom (GR-SC-BTM-5') soil samples were collected from the final excavation area to evaluate the soil left in-place. An additional soil sample was collected from the stockpiled soil (GR-SC-ST) to evaluate this soil for disposal. Each soil sample was collected in brass sleeves, sealed with Teflon-lined caps, labeled and placed into an iced cooler. The soil samples were shipped overnight by courier under chain of custody documents to a State certified analytical laboratory. The soil samples were analyzed for TRPH, TPH (carbon range), VOC's, and CAM 17 Metals by EPA methods 418.1, 8015m, 8260, and 6010 and 7471 (mercury only), respectively at Positive I I I I Remedial Action Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. File Number 01-9775 December 3, 2001 Page 17 Lab Service. In addition soil sample GR-SC-ST was analyzed for STLC lead and TCLP lead to I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I define the stockpiled waste as either Non-RCRA or RCRA hazardous waste. The analytical results of the soil samples indicated no elevated petroleum hydrocarbons or metals remained in the soil left in-place. The analytical results of the stockpiled soil were 1200 ppm TRPH, 54 ppm TPHd, 830 ppm TPHmo, with no VOC's reported. Lead was reported at 68 ppm. STLC lead was reported at 12 mg/1 and TCLP lead was reported at 0.059 mg/1. This indicated that the stockpiled soil was at Non-RCRA hazardous concentrations. See Table 1 for analytical results and Appendix E for analytical reports and Chain of Custody documents. The stockpiled soil (approximately 35 tons) was disposed of as Non-RCRA hazardous waste at Waste Managements/Kettleman City facility on November 29, 2001 under a hazardous waste manifest (see Appendix F). The excavation was backfilled and compacted to 90% relative density up to match existing grade with imported clean soil and native soil. 3.2.2 Removal of Septic System A septic system was removed by FOSS from 3880 Rosedale Highway after obtaining an abandonment permit from the City of Bakersfield (Appendix A). The concrete septic tank (GR- Sep) removed was located just west of the former building location and had a capacity of approximately 2000 gallons. The septic tank contained no liquids, but did have oily sediments. No leach field line was detected coming from the septic tank. The septic tank was broken up and the oily sediments removed and stockpiled adjacent to the excavation. Once removed the septic tank was decontaminated and disposed of appropriately. The resulting excavation was approximately 15' by 10' and 5' deep. The estimated amount of stockpiled soil was 25 tons. Soil samples were collected from the sidewalls (GR-Sep-N-5', GR-Sep-W-5', GR-Sep-E-4', GR- Sep-S-5') and bottom (GR-Sep-Btm-6') of the resulting excavation by SEI from the excavator bucket. A soil sample was also collected from the stockpiled soil (GR-Sep-ST). Each soil sample was collected in brass sleeves, sealed with Teflon-lined caps, labeled and placed into an iced cooler. The soil samples were shipped overnight by courier under chain of custody documents to a State certified analytical laboratory. See Plate 5 for former septic tank and soil sample locations. The septic tank soil samples were analyzed for TRPH, TPH (carbon range), VOC's, and CAM 17 Metals by EPA methods 418.1, 8015m, 8260, 6010 and 7471, respectively at Positive lab Service. In addition, the bottom soil sample and the stockpile soil samples were analyzed for semi-volatile organics (SVOC's) by EPA Method 8270. To further characterize the stockpiled soil, sample GR-Sep-ST was analyzed for STLC lead, STLC cadmium and TCLP lead. The analytical results of the excavation soil samples indicate no elevated petroleum hydrocarbons or metals are present in the soil surrounding or beneath the former septic tank at this location. I I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Remedial Action Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, CA. File Number 01-9775 December 3, 2001 Page 18 The analytical results of the stockpile soil were 27 ppm TPHg, 380 ppm TPHd, 1700 ppm I I I I I I I i I i I I I I i I TPHmo, 2200 ppm TRPH, with no VOC's, no significant SVOC's, and elevated lead (260 ppm) and cadmium (10 ppm). STLC analysis for lead was 5.8 mg/1 and ND for cadmium. The TCLP result for lead was 0.098 ppm. This characterized the stockpiled soil as Non-RCRA hazardous waste due to lead concentrations. See Table 1 for analytical results and Appendix E for analytical reports and Chain of Custody documents. The stockpiled soil (approximately 25 tons) was disposed of as Non-RCRA hazardous waste at Waste Managements/Kettleman City facility on November 29, 2001 under a hazardous waste manifest (see Appendix F). The excavation was backfilled and compacted to 90% relative density up to match existing grade by FOSS with native and import fill. 3.2.3 Removal of Surface Stained Areas (GR-EX1 & GR-EX2) Minor surface oil staining is present adjacent to the concrete pad north of the building and in an area approximately 20' north of the concrete pad. The first area excavated was designated GR- EX1 and was a waste oil stained area approximately 6' in diameter that extended to a depth of approximately 2' bgs.. The removed soil (5 tons) was stockpiled adjacent to the excavation. Soil samples were collected from the northeast (GR-EX1-NE-I') and southwest (GR-EX1-SW- 2') sidewalls and bottom (GR-EX1-Btm2') of the resulting excavation by SEI from the backhoe bucket. A soil sample was also collected from the stockpiled soil (GR-EX1-ST). An additional soil sample (GR-EX1-SW2-3') was collected from the southwestern sidewall after over- excavation in this area on October 15, 2001. Each soil sample was collected in brass sleeves, sealed with Teflon-lined caps, labeled and placed into an iced cooler. The soil samples were shipped overnight by courier under chain of custody documents to a State certified analytical laboratory. See Plate 5 for excavation area and soil sample locations. The soil samples were analyzed for TRPH, TPH (carbon range), VOC's, and CAM 17 Metals by EPA methods 418.1, 8015m, 8260, 6010 and 7471 (mercury only), respectively at Positive lab Service. Soil sample GR-EX1-SW2-3' was only analyzed for TRPH and VOC's. To further characterize the stockpiled soil, sample GR-EX1-ST was analyzed for STLC lead and TCLP lead. The analytical results of the excavation soil samples indicate no elevated petroleum hydrocarbons or metals are present at this location, except for the 1400 ppm TRPH, which was reported in the southwestern sidewall soil sample (GR-EX1-SW-2'). After over-excavation in this area the TRPH concentration was only 91 ppm in soil sample GR-EX1-SW2-3'. The analytical results of the stockpile soil were 470 ppm TPHd, 47000 ppm TPHmo, 46000 ppm TRPH, with no VOC's and elevated lead (150 ppm). STLC analysis for lead was 6.3 mg/1. The TCLP result for lead was 0.14 ppm. This characterized the stockpiled soil as Non-RCRA hazardous waste due to lead concentrations. See Table 1 for analytical results and Appendix E for analytical reports and Chain of Custody documents. I I i SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Remedial Action Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, CA. File Number 01-9775 December 3, 2001 Page 19 The stockpiled soil (approximately 5 tons) was disposed of as Non-RCRA hazardous waste at I I I I I I I i I I I ! I I I I Waste Managements/Kettleman City facility on November 29, 2001 under a hazardous waste manifest (see Appendix F). The excavation was backfilled and compacted to 90% relative density up to match existing grade by FOSS with native and import fill. The next excavation area was along the northern border of the concrete pad where oily mn-off liquids would collect. This area was designated GR-EX2 and was an oil stained area approximately 10' by 2' that extended to a depth of approximately 2' bgs.. The removed soil (3 tons) was stockpiled adjacent to the excavation. Soil samples were collected from the east (GR-EX2-E2') and west (GR-EX2-W2') sidewalls and bottom (GR-EX2-Btm3') of the resulting excavation by SEI from the backhoe bucket. A soil sample was also collected from the stockpiled soil (GR-EX2-ST). An additional soil sample (GR-EX2-E3') was collected from the eastern sidewall after over-excavation in this area on October 12, 2001. Each soil sample was collected in brass sleeves, sealed with Teflon-lined caps, labeled and placed into an iced cooler. The soil samples were shipped overnight by courier under chain of custody documents to a State certified analytical laboratory. See Plate 5 for excavation area and soil sample locations. The soil samples were analyzed for TRPH, TPH (carbon range), VOC's and CAM 17 Metals by EPA methods 418.1, 8015m, 8260, 6010 and 7471 (mercury only), respectively at Positive lab Service. Soil sample GR-EX2-E-3' was only analyzed for TRPH and VOC's. The analytical results of the excavation soil samples indicate no elevated petroleum hydrocarbons or metals are present at this location, except for the 9900 ppm TRPH, which was reported in the eastern sidewall soil sample (GR-EX2-E2'). After over-excavation in this area the TRPH concentration was only <5 ppm in soil sample GR-EX2-E3'. The analytical results of the stockpile soil were 480 ppm TPHmo, 26000 ppm TRPH, with 12 ppb PCE and no elevated metals. This characterized the stockpiled soil as non-hazardous waste. See Table 1 for analytical results and Appendix E for analytical reports and Chain of Custody documents. The stockpiled soil (approximately 3 tons) was disposed of as non-hazardous waste at Waste Managements/Kettleman City facility under a non-hazardous waste manifest (see Appendix F). The excavation was backfilled and compacted to 90% relative density up to match existing grade by FOSS with native and import fill. 3.2.4 Removal of Asbestos Containing Materials An estimated 200 square feet of sheet flooring in the office area which contained 5% asbestos and an estimated 37 square feet of drywall joint compound which contained 2% asbestos were removed by Asbestos Services Inc. (ASI), a licensed asbestos removal contractor, on October 8, 2001. The waste materials were disposed of in accordance with all Federal, State and local regulations at the La Paz Landfill in Parker, Arizona under hazardous waste manifest # AZC950823111. ASI acquired a Demolition Permit Release for the site from the San Joaquin I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Remedial Action Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, CA. File Number 01-9775 December 3, 2001 Page 20 Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District. See Appendix A for a copy of the demolition I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I permit and Appendix F for a copy of the manifest. 3.2.5 Abandonment of Water Well One (1) water well was present on the former Glenn Rose parcel. The following is a description of this well: · One 280 foot deep water well that is 8 inches in diameter (GR-Well) A water-sampling event was conducted by SEI on the 4 on-site water supply wells on September 24, 2001, which included the GR-Well water well on the former Glenn Rose parcel. SEI completed a Groundwater Sampling Report dated October 10, 2001, which included historical and recent water sampling results for this site with a recommendation to abandon these wells. Permission from the BFDES to abandon these wells was granted in a letter dated October 25, 2001 (see attached in Appendix A). Well abandonment permits were acquired by SEI from the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department (KCEHSD) prior to the work being conducted on the wells. On October 18 and October 19, 2001 the GR-Well water well was abandoned by filling the steel casing with clean peagravel up to 50' from the surface and then filling the top 50' of casing with concrete slm'ry until a mushroom cap formed over the steel casing. The well casing had been cut down to a depth of approximately 10' bgs. prior to filling with gravel and concrete. The excavation was then backfilled and compacted to 90% relative density to match existing grade by FOSS. Inspectors from the KCEHSD witnessed the abandonment of the well. See Appendix A for copies of the well abandonment permits. 3.3 FORMER MAACO AUTO PAINT/ROSEDALE HOTEL - 3650 ROSEDALE Hwy. - PARCEL 41 3.3.1 Removal of Two (2) Floor Drains Previous assessment of two (2) floor drains within the former Maaco shop building had identified elevated concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons, lead, copper, cadmium and mercury in the sludge within the drains. On October 11 and 12, 2001 FOSS broke out the concrete surrounding the floor drains and removed the drains and associated sludge and any stained soil beneath the drains. The northern floor drain excavation (FD-N) was approximately 12' by 12' and 12' deep. The southern floor drain excavation (M-FLDS) was approximately 10' by 10' and 4' deep. Piping between the floor drains and a former dry well was also removed. The waste materials were stockpiled on and covered with plastic adjacent to the excavations. An estimated total of 10 tons of this material was stockpiled. Soil samples were collected from all 4 sidewalls and the bottom of each resulting excavation by SEI from the excavator bucket. A soil sample was also collected from the stockpiled soil (M- FLD-ST). Two (2) soil samples (M-FLD-PLE-I' and M-FLD-PLN-I') were collected 1' beneath I i I I Remedial Action Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. File Number 01-9775 December 3, 2001 Page 21 the floor drain piping after removal. Each soil sample was collected in brass sleeves, sealed with I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I Teflon-lined caps, labeled and placed into an iced cooler. The soil samples were shipped overnight by courier under chain of custody documents to a State certified analytical laboratory. See Plate 4 for excavation areas and soil sample locations. The soil samples were analyzed for TPH (carbon range), VOC's and CAM 17 Metals by EPA methods 8015m, 8260, 6010 and 7471 (mercury only), respectively at Positive lab Service. Soil sample M-FLD-ST was also analyzed for STLC cadmium, copper, chromium and TCLP lead and mercury along with pH, flash point, and reactivity. The analytical results of the excavation soil samples indicate no elevated petroleum hydrocarbons or metals are present at this location. The analytical results of the stockpile soil were 1200 ppm TPHg, 1700 ppm TPHd, 2400 ppm TPHmo, 21 ppb benzene, 3100 ppb ethylbenzene, 350 ppb xylenes, no VOC's, 330 ppm total lead, 22 ppm STLC lead, 2.2 ppm TCLP lead, 47 ppm mercury, ND for TCLP mercury, 660 ppm copper, 0.4 ppm STLC copper, 340 ppm chromium, 7 ppm STLC chromium, with a flash point >212, and no reactivity. This characterized the stockpiled soil as Non-RCRA hazardous waste due to the elevated lead and mercury concentrations. See Table 1 for analytical results and Appendix E for analytical reports and Chain of Custody documents. The stockpiled soil (approximately 10 tons) was disposed of as Non-RCRA hazardous waste at Waste Managements/Kettleman City facility under a hazardous waste manifest on November 29, 2001 (see Appendix F). The excavation was backfilled and compacted to 90% relative density up to match existing grade by FOSS with native and import fill. 3.3.2 Removal of Septic System & Northern Dry Well The septic tank located just north of the former Maaco building was removed by FOSS on October 11, 2001 under a City of Bakersfield permit # B01-06301 (Appendix A). The concrete septic tank (Sep-3) had a capacity of approximately 1000 gallons. The contents of the septic tank were removed by Knights Pumping Service and disposed of properly. Once removed the septic tank was decontaminated, broken up and disposed of appropriately. The resulting excavation was approximately 18' by 13' and 12' deep. No stained soil was observed during the excavation activity. A 4"-diameter clay pipe running approximately 8' north of the septic tank connected to a 3'-diameter concrete dry well which extended to a depth of approximately 14' bgs.. On November 12, 2001 this dry well was removed by FOSS with an excavator, with the resulting extent of the excavation approximately 15' by 15' and 15' deep. No staining or petroleum odor was observed in the removed soil. Soil samples were collected from the sidewalls (Sep-3-N-10', Sep-3-W-10', Sep-3-E-10', Sep-3- S-10') and bottom (Sep-3-Btm-12') of the resulting septic tank excavation by SEI from the excavator bucket. Soil samples were also collected from the sidewalls (M-NDW-N-14', M- NDW-W-14', M-NDW-E-14', M-NDW-S-14') and bottom (M-DW-Btm-15') of the resulting dry well excavation by SEI from the excavator bucket. A stockpile soil sample (M-NDW-ST) I I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Remedial Action Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, CA. File Number 01-9775 December 3, 2001 Page 22 was also collected from the stockpiled soil. Each soil sample was collected in brass sleeves, I i I I I I I ! I I I I I 1 I sealed with Teflon-lined caps, labeled and placed into an iced cooler. The soil samples were shipped overnight by courier under chain of custody documents to a State certified analytical laboratory. See Plate 5 for former septic tank and soil sample locations. The soil samples were analyzed for TRPH, TPH (carbon range), VOC's, and CAM 17 Metals by EPA methods 418.1, 8015m, 8260, 6010 and 7471 (mercury only), respectively at Positive lab Service. In addition, the bottom soil samples were analyzed for semi-volatile organics (SVOC's) by EPA Method 8270. The analytical results of the excavation soil samples indicate no elevated petroleum hydrocarbons or metals are present in the soil surrounding or beneath the former septic tank and the former dry well at this location. The analytical results of the stockpile soil sample indicated no elevated petroleum hydrocarbons or metals were present. See Table 1 for analytical results and Appendix E for analytical reports and Chain of Custody documents. The stockpiled soil was used as clean backfill material and compacted to 90% relative density up to match existing grade by FOSS. 3.3.3 Removal of Asbestos Containing Materials An estimated 25 square feet of roof mastic containing 10% asbestos, and an estimated 5 linear feet of cement pipe on the roof containing 20% asbestos were removed by Asbestos Services Inc. (ASI), a licensed asbestos removal contractor, on October 8, 2001. The waste materials were disposed of in accordance with all Federal, State and local regulations at the La Paz Landfill in Parker, Arizona under hazardous waste manifest # AZC950823111. ASI acquired a Demolition Permit Release for the site from the San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District. See Appendix A for a copy of the demolition permit and Appendix F for a copy of the manifest. 3.3.4 Removal of Southern Dry Well and Clarifier During the demolition of the former Maaco building a dry well was uncovered east of the former building with a diameter of approximately 2' made of brick, which extended to a depth of approximately 12' bgs.. This dry well was removed on October 24, 2001 by FOSS, with the resulting extent of the excavation approximately 12' by 12' and 15' deep. Only minor petroleum odor and staining was observed in the removed soil attached to some of the bricks. A small amount of this stained soil was stockpiled separately. During the excavation of the dry well a clarifier was uncovered just north of the dry well with a capacity of approximately 1000 gallons and made of concrete. Piping connecting the dry well and clarifier suggests that the dry well was used for the disposal of fluids from the clarifier. The clarifier was nearly full of liquids and had some oily sludge on the bottom. A water sample was collected from the clarifier (M-CL-W) by SEI to evaluate the liquids for disposal. The water sample was analyzed for TPH (carbon range), VOC's, and CAM 17 Metals by EPA methods 8015m, 8260, 6010 and 7471 (mercury only), respectively at Positive lab Service. The analytical I I I I I i I I i I I I I I I I I Remedial Action Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. File Number 01-9 775 December 3, 2001 Page 23 I I results indicated no elevated petroleum hydrocarbons or metals in the liquids within the clarifier and the liquids were pumped out and disposed of as non-hazardous waste at Waste Managements/McKittrick Waste facility. The clarifier was removed on October 30, 2001 by FOSS with an excavator. Soil samples were collected from the sidewalls (M-DW-N- 13', M-DW-W- 13', M-DW-E- 13', M- DW-S-14') and bottom (M-DW-BTM~15') of the resulting septic tank excavation by SEI from the excavator bucket. Soil samples were also collected from the sidewalls (M-CL-N-7', M-CL- W-7', M-CL-E-7', M-CL-S-12') and bottom (M-CL-BTM-8') of the resulting dry well excavation by SEI from the excavator bucket. Soil sample M-CL-S-12' also served as the over- excavation soil sample for the northern portion of the dry well which had TRPH concentrations over 1000 ppm (1200 ppm TRPH). A stockpile soil sample (M-DW-14') was also collected from the stockpiled soil. Sample M-CL-SLD was collected from the sludge removed from the clafifier. Each soil sample was collected in brass sleeves, sealed with Teflon-lined caps, labeled and placed into an iced cooler. The soil samples were shipped overnight by comer under chain of custody documents to a State certified analytical laboratory. See Plate 4 for dry well, clarifier and soil sample locations. The soil samples were analyzed for TRPH, TPH (carbon range), VOC's, and CAM 17 Metals by EPA methods 418.1, 8015m, 8260, 6010 and 7471 (mercury only), respectively at Positive lab Service. In addition the bottom soil sample from the dry well was also analyzed for SVOC's by EPA Method 8270. The analytical results of the excavation soil samples indicate no elevated petroleum hydrocarbons or metals are left in the soil surrounding or beneath the former clarifier and the former dry well at this location. The analytical results of the stockpile soil sample M-DW-14' indicated elevated petroleum hydrocarbons at 8000 ppm TRPH, TPHg at 130 ppm, TPHd at 2100 ppm, TPHmo at 2800 ppm, with no elevated VOC's or metals. The analytical results of the clarifier sludge sample (M-CL-SLD) indicated elevated petroleum hydrocarbons at 6600 ppm TRPH, TPHg at 620 ppm, TPHd at 190 ppm, TPHmo at 550 ppm, with some VOC's and metals. Additional analysis on sample M-CL-SLD included STLC and TCLP for lead and STLC for Cadmium. The STLC result for lead was 10 mg/1 and the TCLP for lead was 0.51 mg/1 indicating a Non-RCRA hazardous waste. See Table 1 for analytical results and Appendix E for analytical reports and Chain of Custody documents. The excavation was backfilled with clean import and native material and compacted to 90% relative density up to match existing grade by FOSS. The stockpiled soil/sludge (approximately 6 tons) was disposed of as Non-RCRA hazardous waste at Waste Managements/Kettleman City facility under a hazardous waste manifest on November 29, 2001 (see Appendix F). See Appendix C for some pictures of this area. I i I Remedial Action Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. File Number 01-9775 December 3, 2001 Page 24 3.3.5 Abandonment of Water Well I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 One (1) water well was present on the former Rosedale Hotel/Maaco parcel. The following is a description of this well: · One 280 foot deep water well that is 8 inches in diameter (M-Well) A water-sampling event was conducted by SEI on the 4 on-site water supply wells on September 24, 2001, which included the M-Well water well on the former Rosedale Hotel/Maaco parcel. SEI completed a Groundwater Sampling Report dated October 10, 2001, which included historical and recent water sampling results for this site with a recommendation to abandon these wells. Permission from the BFDES to abandon these wells was granted in a letter dated October 25, 2001 (see attached in Appendix A). Well abandonment permits were acquired by SEI from the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department (KCEHSD) prior to the work being conducted on the wells. On October 18 and October 19, 2001 the M-Well water well was abandoned by filling the steel casing with clean peagravel up to 50' from the surface and then filling the top 50' of casing with concrete slurry until a mushroom cap formed over the steel casing. The well casing had been cut down to a depth of approximately 10' bgs. prior to filling with gravel and concrete. The excavation was then backfilled and compacted to 90% relative density to match existing grade by FOSS. Inspectors from the KCEHSD witnessed the abandonment of the well. See Appendix A for copies of the well abandonment permits. 3.4 FORMER SEATON PROPERTY - Vacant Lot, Parcel 8 3.4.1 Removal of Stained Soil Areas B-15 and B-16 Two (2) petroleum hydrocarbon stained areas (B-15 and B-16) were identified in the assessment of the property in 1998 by SEI. These two (2) areas were investigated by FOSS by scratching the surface with a backhoe to uncover any staining in the near surface soil. Staining and odor was encountered in the soil in the approximate area of boring B-16. This soil was excavated by FOSS on October 8, 2001, with the removed soil (approximately 50 tons) stockpiled adjacent to the excavation which was approximately 12' x 12' by 6' deep. Once the stained soil was removed soil samples were collected from the sidewalls (S-EX1-N4', S-EX1-W5', S-EX1-E4', S-EX1-S5') and bottom (S-EX1-BTM-6') of the resulting excavation by SEI from the excavator bucket. Each soil sample was collected in brass sleeves, sealed with Teflon-lined caps, labeled and placed into an iced cooler. The soil samples were shipped overnight by courier under chain of custody documents to a State certified analytical laboratory. See Plate 6 for S-EX1 excavation area and soil sample locations. I I i I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Remedial Action Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, CA. File Number 01-9775 December 3, 2001 Page 25 The analytical results of the excavation soil samples indicate no elevated petroleum hydrocarbons I I ! I I I I I I ! I I I I I or metals are left in the soil at this location. See Table 1 for analytical results and Appendix E for analytical reports and Chain of Custody documents. The excavation was backfilled with clean import material and compacted to 90% relative density up to match existing grade by FOSS. The stockpiled soil (approximately 50 tons) was disposed of as non-hazardous waste at Waste Managements/Mckittrick Waste facility under a non-hazardous waste manifests (see Appendix F). No stained soil was identified within a 15' radius of the suspected location of boring B-15. This minor petroleum hydrocarbon staining may have dissipated over time. 4.0 CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 Conclusions Based on field observations and analytical results of waste materials collected during this Remedial Action the following is concluded by SEI: 1) The 2.1 million gallon AST has been emptied, cleaned and dismantled per all local, State and Federal regulations. The resulting non-hazardous waste streams were approximately 84,800 gallons of oil, 348,050 gallons of wastewater, and 677,400 gallons of oily sludge which were taken to various permitted disposal/recycling facilities under non-hazardous waste manifests. The soil beneath the AST pad had petroleum hydrocarbon contamination to a depth of approximately 1' to 2' bgs., which was removed and disposed of as non-hazardous waste at permitted facilities. Estimated quantity of this non-hazardous soil is 500 tons. 2) The five (5) UST's, multiple oil well drilling sumps, a large oil sump, one (1) Class V dry well/clarifier, two (2) septic tanks, and two (2) minor oil stained areas were excavated and removed from the former Sparks Estate parcels during this remedial action. Soil samples were collected from all of these excavations to verify the successful removal of petroleum hydrocarbons above 1000 ppm. Only two (2) small areas along the northern extent of the large oil sump still contain petroleum hydrocarbons greater than 1000 ppm. Both of these areas (S-Sump-NECRNR-I' at 3400 ppm TRPH and S-Sump-NSWW-2' at 1300 ppm TRPH) were approved to be left in-place by the BFDES based on the area being covered by asphaltic surfaces in the future. In addition, further excavation northward would have encountered a live high-pressure asbestos/concrete water line near the northern property line at the 2800 Standard Street site. An estimated 4000 tons of petroleum-impacted soil was removed and disposed of from these excavations at permitted facilities under non- hazardous waste manifests. I I I Remedial Action Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. File Number 01-9 775 December 3, 2001 Page 26 I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 9) Petroleum impacted soil limited to the top 1-foot at the site can be left in-place, but must be covered by asphaltic surfaces in the future. A total of 4 water wells and 3 monitoring wells have been abandoned per Kern County Environmental Health regulations. Three (3) abandoned oil wells were re-abandoned during this remedial action. Variances were granted by the DOG to stop the re-abandonment's at shallower depths then proposed due to difficult drilling conditions. Surface seals and a well-head leak test were approved by the DOG. The three (3) abandoned oil wells do not meet the current DOG abandonment regulations. According to DOG personnel no additional abandonment work is required on these wells. The BFDES has requested that a map of the three (3) oil well locations be prepared to identify their exact location at the site. The oil wells must be placed in planter areas for any future access. Miscellaneous oily waste debris, drams of waste oil, oil filters, solvents and other liquids were disposed of as Non-RCRA hazardous waste at appropriate permitted facilities under hazardous waste manifests. This included sixteen (16) 55-gallon drums and two (2) 10-yard roll-offbins. At the former Glenn Rose facility a steamcleaner sump, a septic tank, two (2) oil- stained areas and asbestos containing materials were removed under appropriate permits. Soil samples were collected from all of these excavations to verify the successful removal of petroleum hydrocarbons above 1000 ppm. Non-RCRA hazardous soil due to elevated lead concentrations were identified at the steamcleaner sump, the septic tank and in soil from excavation GR-EX1 totaling an estimated 65 tons. This soil was disposed of as Non-RCRA hazardous waste at an appropriate disposal facility under hazardous waste manifests. Non-hazardous soil (3 tons) from the GR-EX2 excavation was disposed of as non-hazardous waste at appropriate disposal/recycling facilities. Asbestos containing materials (sheet flooring, mastic, drywall joint compound, asbestos/concrete pipe) were removed from both the former Glenn Rose facility and the former Maaco facility by ASI under appropriate permits. The resulting waste was disposed of at a permitted facility as Non-RCRA hazardous waste under a hazardous waste manifest. Two (2) floor drains, a septic tank, two (2) dry wells, and a clarifier were removed from the former Maaco facility during this remedial action under appropriate permits. The two (2) dry wells and the clarifier were not originally identified at the site by previous investigations. They were encountered during the demolition or remedial activities being conducted at the site. Soil samples were collected and analyzed from I I I Remedial Action Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. File Number 01-9775 December 3, 2001 Page 27 all of these excavations to verify the successful removal of petroleum hydrocarbons I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10) ll) above 1000 ppm and to characterize the removed soil. Stained material (soil and sludge) from the two (2) floor drains and the clarifier were identified as containing metals (lead or lead and mercury) at Non-RCRA hazardous concentrations. An estimated total of 16 tons of soil/sludge were disposed of as Non-RCRA hazardous waste at appropriate permitted facilities under hazardous waste manifests. Approximately 50 tons of non-hazardous soil was removed from excavation S-EX1 at previous soil boring B-16. Soil samples were collected and analyzed from the excavation to verify the successful removal of petroleum hydrocarbons above 1000 ppm. The removed soil was disposed/recycled at an appropriate permitted facility under non-hazardous waste manifests. No staining in the near surface soil was identified in the former area of boring B-15. This former stained area may have dissipated over time or have been removed by previous activities at the site. The estimated total of all non-hazardous petroleum-impacted soil disposed/recycled from the site during this remedial action is 5,662 tons (213 loads). Official final totals are pending receipt of a few more non-hazardous waste weigh tickets from the transporters. Total of all Non-RCRA hazardous soil disposed of during this remedial action is 82.73 tons. 4.2 Recommendations SEI has the following recommendations for the site: 1) Based on the above conclusions the site has been successfully remediated in compliance with ENSR's RAW and SEI's Addendum #1 to the RAW both approved by the BFDES prior to conducting the field work. 2) If significantly oil-stained soil is encountered deeper than 1-foot bgs. during future grading or construction activities, the stained area should be evaluated by SEI personnel to determine the appropriate remedial action. 3) No other additional remedial activities are recommended at this time at the site. I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. I RemedialAction Report File Number 01-9775 Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties December 3, 2001 Bakersfield, CA~~ ~ Page 2~8 · 5.0 LIMITATIONS This report was prepared for the exclusive use of Costco Wholesale as it relates to the property I described. The discussion and conclusions presented in this report are based on: I - The observations of field personnel. - The results of laboratory tests performed by Positive Lab Services of Los Angeles, California I - Our understanding of the regulations of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, the DTSC and the EPA. I Possible variations in the soil or groundwater conditions which may exist beyond the points explored in this investigation might effect the validity of this report unless those variations or conditions come to our attention and are reviewed and assimilated into the conclusions and Irecommendations of this report. Also, changes in the hydrologic conditions found could occur with time due to variations in rainfall, temperature, regional water usage, or other factors, any of which could affect this report. I The services performed by SEI have been conducted in a manner consistent with the levels of care and skill ordinarily exercised by professionals currently practicing under similar conditions I in California. The absence of contamination on or beneath the property cannot be guaranteed by this report. SEI is not responsible for any contamination 'or hazardous material found on the i property. No other warranty expressed or implied, is made. If you have any questions concerning this Remedial Action Report please contact SEI at (661) I 831-5100. Sincerely, I Project Geologi~ Robert J. Bec 5076, E.G. REA II 20074 I Environmental Division Manager I Attachments: VOLUME 1 of 2 ~~/t~ ~, ..... '~.r~\~ Plate 1, Location Map i Plate 2, General Plot Plan I I I Remedial Action Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. File Number 01-9775 December 3, 2001 Page 29 Plate 3, 2800 Standard Street UST, Clarifier & Septic System Excavations I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I cc: Plate 3A, 2800 Standard Street, Large Oil Sump Excavation Plate 4, 3650 Rosedale Highway/Former Maaco Plot Plan Plate 5, 3880 Rosedale Highway/Former Glenn Rose Plot Plan Plate 6, Miscellaneous Small Excavation Areas (ES-10, EB-1, Sumps Bitner #1 and Bitner #2) B-16, Drilling Appendix A - Regulatory Letters and Permits Appendix B - U.S. EPA Inventory of Injection Wells forms Appendix C -Pictures of Field Work Appendix D - ENSR Site History and Subsurface Investigation Report (Summary Report) dated March 5, 2001. VOLUME 2 of 2 Appendix E - Analytical Reports & Chain of Custody Forms Appendix F - Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Waste Manifests Costco Wholesale, C/O MulvannyG2 Architecture, Attn: Mr. Jeff Wilson Costco Wholesale, Todd Bartok TABLE 1 Soil Sample Analytical Results For Petroleum Hydrocarbons & Metals COSTCO - BAKERSFIELD 2800 Standard St., 3650 to 3880 Rosedale Hwy., Bakersfield, TPH TPH Ethyl Other CAM EPA Method 8270 Diesel Gas TPHmo TRPH Benzene Toluene benzene Xylenes MTBE Total Lead 17 Metals SVOC's (ppm) and DATE (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) Other VOC's (ppb) (ppm) (ppm) Other Analysis Detection Limit 10 0.1 100 5 5 5 5 10 10 4 to 80 0.5 0.1 to 10 0.2 SPARKS ESTATE AREA UST SAMPLES T1-W ~, 2' 10/4/2001 ND NA NA NA ND ND ND ND ND NA NA NA NA T1-W~, 6' 10/4/2001 ND NA NA NA ND ND ND ND ND NA NA NA NA T1-E~, 2' 10/4/2001 ND NA NA NA ND ND ND ND ND NA NA NA NA T1-E(~, 6' 10/4/2001 ND NA NA NA ND ND ND ND ND NA NA NA NA T2-W~, 2' 10/4/2001 ND NA NA NA ND ND ND ND ND NA NA NA NA T2-W~, 6' 10/4/2001 ND NA NA NA ND ND ND ND ND NA NA NA NA T2- E ~,, 2' 10/4/2001 ND NA NA NA ND ND ND ND ND NA NA NA NA T2-E@ 6' 10/4/2001 ND NA NA NA ND ND ND ND ND NA NA NA NA T3-W ~, 2' 10/4/2001 660 NA NA NA ND ND ND ND ND NA NA NA NA T3-W~, 6' 10/4/2001 ND NA NA NA ND ND ND ND ND NA NA NA NA T3-E~, 2' 10/4/2001 ND NA NA NA ND ND ND ND ND NA NA NA NA T3-E~ 6' 10/4/2001 ND NA NA NA ND ND ND ND ND NA NA NA NA T4-W~, 2' 10/4/2001 ND ND NA NA ND ND ND ND ND NA 1.1 NA NA T4-W ~, 6' 10/4/2001 ND ND NA NA ND ND ND 12 ND NA 1.6 NA NA T4-E~, 2' 10/4/2001 ND ND NA NA ND ND ND ND ND NA 2.1 NA NA T4-E~, 6' 10/4/2001 ND ND NA NA ND ND ND ND ND NA 1.5 NA NA T5- 2' (Waste Oil) 10/4/2001 NA NA NA 24 ND ND ND ND ND NA 4 NA NA T5- 6' (Waste Oil) 10/4/2001 NA NA NA 22 ND ND ND ND ND NA 3.1 NA NA PL-2' (Pipeline) 10/4/2001 ND ND NA NA ND ND ND ND ND NA NA NA NA PL-6' (Pipeline) 10/4/2001 ND ND NA NA ND ND ND ND ND NA NA NA NA D 1 ~3,, 2' 10/4/2001 23000 ND NA NA <50 82 560 2900 ND NA NA NA NA D1~6' 10/4/2001 1100 ND NA NA <50 <50 <50 <100 <100 NA NA NA NA D2~,, 2' 10/4/2001 990 ND NA NA <50 <50 <50 <100 <100 NA NA NA NA D2~,, 6' 10/4/2001 480 ND NA NA <50 <50 <50 <100 <100 NA NA NA NA · ST-l(Stockpile 1) 10/4/2001 760 ND NA NA ND ND ND ND ND NA NA NA NA TRICO #1 Drilling Sumps SP1-ST (SP 1 Stockpi!e) 10/5/2001 NA NA NA 2900 ND ND ND ND ND NA NA NA NA SP1-BTM-4' 10/5/2001 NA NA NA 14 ND ND ND ND ND NA NA NA NA SP1-S-3' 10/5/2001 NA NA NA 13 ND ND ND ND ND NA NA NA NA SP1-No2' 10/5/2001 NA NA NA 11 ND ND ND ND ND NA NA NA NA SP2-ST (SP 2 Stockpile) 10/5/2001 NA NA NA 61000 <50 1200 990 4000 <100 NA NA NA NA SP2-SE-5' 10/5/2001 NA NA NA 10 ND ND ND ND NA NA NA NA NA SP2-S-BTM-8' 10/5/2001 NA NA NA 560 ND ND ND ND NA NA NA NA NA SP2-NW-4' 10/5/2001 NA NA NA 8 ND ND ND ND NA NA NA NA NA SP2-N-BTM-6' 10/5/2001 NA NA NA 29 ND ND ND ND NA NA NA NA NA DISPENSER ISLAND EXOAVATIO. N Dis-S-6'__ 10/9/2001 ND ND NA NA ND ND ND ND NA NA NA NA NA Dis-E-6'__ 10/9/2001 ND 0.11 NA NA ND ND ND ND NA NA NA NA NA Dis-BTM-8' 10/9/2001 850 ND NA NA ND ND ND ND NA NA NA NA NA TPH TPH Ethyl Other CAM EPA Method 8270 Diesel Gas TPHmo TRPH Benzene Toluene benzene Xylenes MTBE Total Lead 17 Metals SVOC's (ppm) and DATE (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) Other VOC's (ppb) (ppm) (ppm) Other Analysis Detection Limit 10 0.1 100 5 5 5 5 10 10 4 to 80 0.5 0.1 to 10 0.2 SEPTIC TANK Excavations Sepl-S-6' 10/10/2001 ND ND NA 18 ND ND ND ND ND ND 1.4 No Elevated NA Sep1-E-5' 10/10/2001 ND ND NA 52 ND ND ND ND ND ND 2.6 No Elevated NA Sep-1-BTM-12' 10/11/2001 ND ND NA ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 1.8 No Elevated ALL ND Sep-I-SP 10/11/2001 ND ND NA ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 1.4 No Elevated ALL ND Sep-2-W-10' 10/11/2001 ND 0.13 NA 6.5 ND ND ND ND ND ND 1.4 No Elevated NA Sep-2-S-10' 10/11/2001 ND ND NA ND ND ND ND 4.2 ND ND 1.3 No Elevated NA Sep-2-E-10' 10/11/2001 ND ND NA ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 1.3 No Elevated NA Sep-2-BTM-10' 10/11/2001 ND ND NA ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 1.4 No Elevated ALL ND Sep-2-N-10' 10/11/2001 ND ND NA ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 1.4 No Elevated NA Sep-2-LF-S-3' 10/22/2001 ND ND NA ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 1.4 No Elevated NA Nap=14000, Fluorene=4100, Phenanthrene=7200, 2-Methylnap =47000, DRY WELL/CLARIFIER 1100, PCE=1200 (TCLP = bis(2-Ethylhexl) EXCAVATION TCLP = ND) 3hthalate=8400, CL-SPl(Stockpile) 10/10/2001 12000 42 NA 84000 ND 1500 <500 3800 <500 Nap = 10000 6.7 No Elevated Bioassay >750 CL-S-13' 10/10/2001 ND ND NA 3500 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 1.6 No Elevated None CL-S2-14' 10/15/2001 NA NA NA 89 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA CL-N-12' 10/10/2001 ND ND NA 550 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 2.3 No Elevated None CL-BTM-16' 10/10/2001 ND ND NA 280 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 1.2 No Elevated None CL-W-13' 10/10/2001 ND ND NA 57 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 1.6 No Elevated None CL-E-13' 10/10/2001 ND ND NA 34 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 0.99 No Elevated None ES-10 & EB-1 Excavations ES-10-EX-SP 10/11/200'1 NA NA NA 3000 <5 <5 80 130 NA NA 3.7 No Elevated NA ES-10-BTM-3' 11/12/2001 ND ND ND 8.8 <5 <5 <5 <15 NA NA 3 NA NA ES-10-N-2' 11/12/2001 ND ND ND 8.5 <5 <5 <5 <15 NA NA 3.1 NA NA ES-10-S-2' 11/12/2001 ND ND ND 8.5 <5 <5 <5 <15 NA NA 3.1 NA NA ES-10-E-2' 11/12/2001 ND ND ND 43 <5 <5 <5 <15 NA NA 5.4 NA NA ES-10-W-2' 11/12/2001 98 ND 380 1200 <5 <5 <5 <15 NA NA 19 NA NA ES-10-W-2'-2 11/15/2001 ND ND ND 21 <5 <5 <5 <15 NA NA 3.4 NA NA EB1-BTM-2' 11/19/2001 ND ND ND 5.3 <5 <5 <5 <15 NA NA 2.6 NA NA 91, STCL = 5.9, Cad=l 1 OD-I (Oily Dirt Drums) 10/15/2001 NA NA NA 64000 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 Nap=14 TCLP = (STLC=0.98) NA BITNER#1 Drilling Sumps Bit #l-NS-Btm5' 11/5/2001 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA NA 4.4 No Elevated NA Bit #1-NS-S-4' 11/5/2001 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA NA 4.6 No Elevated NA Bit #1-NS-N_-4' 11/5/2001 ND ND 5 5 ND ND ND ND NA NA 4.8 No Elevated NA Bit #1~SS-Btm3' 11/5/2001 ND ND ND. 7.6 ND ND ND ND NA NA 4 No Elevated NA Bit #1-SS-E-2__' 11/5/2001 ND ND ND 980 ND ND ND ND NA NA 19 No Elevated NA Bit #1 -SS-W-2.._" 11/5/2001 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA NA 3.7 No Elevated NA 140 (STLC Bit #1-ST (Stock_.~ile) 11/5/2001 410 ND 1600 5400 ND ND ND ND NA NA =ND) No Elevated NA Bit #1 -ES-Btm-.__3' 11/5/2001 ND ND ND 230 ND ND ND ND NA NA 4.4 No Elevated NA TPH TPH Ethyl Other CAM EPA Method 8270 Diesel Gas TPHmo TRPH Benzene Toluene benzene Xylenes MTBE Total Lead ~17 Metals SVOC's (ppm) and DATE (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) Other VOC's (ppb) (ppm) (ppm) Other Analysis Detectien Limit 10 0.1 100 5 5 5 5 10 10 4 to 80 0.5 0.1 to 10 0.2 BITNER#2 Drilling Sump BiI~2-S-N-8' 11/12/2001 250 ND 250 1100 ND ND ND ND NA NA 5.9 No Elevated NA BiI~2-S-N-8'(2) 11/14/2001 ND ND ND 46 ND ND ND ND NA NA NA NA NA Bit~2-S-BTM-9' 11/12/2001 540 ND 530 1500 ND ND ND ND NA NA 5.2 No Elevated NA BiI~2-S-BTM-11' 11/14/2001 ND ND ND 29 ND ND ND ND NA NA NA NA NA BiI~2-ST 11/12/2001 100 ND 460 7500 ND ND ND ND NA NA 5.2 No Elevated NA BiI#2-S-E-8' 11/12/200'1 ND ND ND 12 ND ND ND ND NA NA 3 No Elevated NA Bit~2-S-W-8' 11/12/2001 ND ND ND 7.8 ND ND ND ND NA NA 4.6 No Elevated NA Bit~2-S-S-6' 11/12/2001 ND ND ND 10 ND ND ND ND NA NA 4.4 No Elevated NA AST PAD AREA AST-ST(Stockpile) 11/13/2001 510 0.17 1100 3200 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 All N D 12 No Elevated NA AST-NW-2' 11/13/2001 ND ND ND 76 ND ND ND ND NA NA NA NA NA AST-NE-2' 11/13/2001 ND ND ND 420 ND ND ND ND NA NA NA NA NA AST-Mid-2' 11/13/2001 ND ND ND <5 ND ND ND ND NA NA NA NA NA AST-SW-2' 11/13/2001 ND ND ND 300 ND ND ND ND NA NA NA NA NA AST-SE-2' 11/13/2001 ND ND ND 35 ND ND ND ND NA NA NA NA NA Grvl-1 11/13/2001 ND ND ND 86 ND ND ND ND NA NA NA NA NA Large Oil Sump Area NA, Ph = 8.3, Flash >212, React Sulphide = 1.6, Cyanide = ND, S-Sump-ST(Stockpile) 10/25/2001 11000 400 18000 31000 <600 1600 2900 3300 NA NA 3 No Elevated Bioassay >750 S-Sump-Btm-12' 10/25/2001 ND ND ND 9 <5 <5 <5 <15 NA NA 3.5 No Elevated NA S-Sump-SW-5' 10/26/2001 ND ND NA <5 <5 <5 <5 <15 NA NA 1.4 No Elevated NA S-Sump-E-6'-ST (dark material) 10/26/2001 130 ND NA 11000 <5 <5 <5 <15 NA NA 1.8 No Elevated NA, Bioassay >750 S-Sump-NE-3' 10/26/2001 ND ND NA 8 <5 <5 <5 <15 NA NA 2.2 No Elevated NA S-Sump-E-Btm-8' 10/26/2001 ND ND NA <5 <5 <5 <5 <15 NA NA 2.1 No Elevated NA S-Sump-SE-4' 10/26/2001 ND ND NA 6.5 <5 <5 <5 <15 NA NA 2.1 No Elevated NA S-Sump-17'm 10/29/2001 NA NA NA 9.1 <5 <5 <5 <15 NA NA NA NA NA S-Sump-W-4' 10/29/2001 NA NA NA 630 <5 <5 <5 <15 NA NA NA NA NA S-Sump-SW-11' 10/29/2001 NA NA NA <5 <5 <5 <5 <15 NA NA NA NA NA S-Sump-SW-6'ST 10/29/2001 NA NA NA 1500 <5 <5 <5 <15 NA NA NA NA NA S-Sump2-ST 10/30/2001 5200 NA 17000 62000 <100 180 390 1000 <100 NA 3.3 No Elevated NA, Bioassay >750 S-Sump2-Btm-12' 10/30/2001 ND NA ND <5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <10 NA 1.8 No Elevated NA S-Sump2-S-3' 10/31/2001 ND NA ND 5.1 <5 <5 <5 <10 <10 NA NA NA NA S-Sump2-W-4' 10/31/2001 ND NA ND 5.6 <5 <5 <5 <10 <10 NA NA NA NA S-Sump2-SE-2' 10/31/2001 ND NA ND 17 <5 <5 <5 <10 <10 NA NA NA NA S-Sump2-SECRNR-ST 10/31/2001 <50 NA 900 3200 <5 <5 <5 <10 <10 NA 8.2 No Elevated NA S-Sump2-SECRNR-2' 10/31/2001 ND NA ND <5 <5 <5 <5 <10 <10 NA NA NA NA S-Sump2-SE-3' 10/31/2001 ND NA ND 11 <5 <5 <5 <10 <10 NA NA NA NA S-Sump-NESW-2' 10/31/2001 ND NA ND 55 <5 <5 <5 <10 <10 NA NA NA NA S-Sump-E-Btm-5' 10/31/2001 ND NA ND 11 <5 <5 <5 <10 <10 NA 1.8 No Elevated NA S_Sump. EM.131BTM 11/1/2001 ND ND ND 300 <5 <5 <5 <10 NA NA NA NA NA S-Sump2-BTM-5'-E 11/1/2001 ND ND ND 8 <5 <5 <5 <10 NA NA NA NA NA S-Sump-NECRNR-I' 11/1/2001 ND ND ND 3400 <5 <5 <5 <10 NA NA 2.4 No Elevated NA S-Sump-NESW_-2' 11/1/2001 ND ND ND 9.2 <5 <5 <5 <10 NA NA NA NA NA S-Sump-NSW E-.__2' 11/14/2001 ND ND ND 190 <5 <5 <5 <10 NA NA 30 NA NA S-Sump-NSWW._-2' 11/14/2001 ND ND ND 1300 <5 <5 <5 <10 NA NA 4 NA NA TPH TPH Ethyl Other CAM EPA Method 8270 Diesel Gas TPHmo TRPH Benzene Toluene benzene Xylenes MTBE Total Lead 17 Metals SVOC's (ppm) and DATE (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) Other VOC's (ppb) (ppm) (ppm) Other Analysis Detection Limit 10 0.'t 'tOO 5 5 5 5 10 10 4 to 80 0.5 0.1 to 10 0.2 S-Sump-NSWM-2' 11/14/2001 ND ND ND 55 <5 <5 <5 <10 NA NA 15 NA NA S-Sump-NSWNW-2' 11/14/2001 ND ND ND <5 <5 <5 <5 <10 NA NA 2.2 NA NA S-Sump-NW-BTM4' 11/14/2001 ND ND ND 270 <5 <5 <5 <10 NA NA 4.2 NA NA S-Sump-NE-BTM4' 11/14/2001 ND ND ND 15 <5 <5 <5 <10 NA NA 5.6 NA NA Glenn Rose Excavations 150, STLC = 6.3, TCLP GR-EX1-ST (Stockpile) 10/8/2001 470 ND 47000 0 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None = 0.14 No Elevated NA GR-EX1-SW-2' 10/8/2001 ND ND ND 1400 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 22 No Elevated NA GR-EX1-SW2-3' 10/15/2001 NA NA NA 91 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA GR-EX1-BTM2' 10/8/2001 ND ND ND 410 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 13 No Elevated NA 88, STLC = GR-EX1-NEI' 10/8/2001 ND ND ND 270 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 3.0 No Elevated NA GR-EX2-ST (Stockpile) 10/8/2001 ND ND 480 26000 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 12 PCE 16 No Elevated NA GR-EX2-W2' 10/8/2001 ND ND ND 35 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 2.5 No Elevated NA GR-EX2-E2' 10/8/2001 ND 0.52 ND 9900 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 4.7 PCE 4.8 No Elevated NA GR-EX2-E3' 10/12/2001 NA NA NA ND <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None NA NA NA GR-EX2-BTM3' 10/8/2001 ND ND ND 420 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 24 No Elevated NA 68, STLC = 12, TCLP = GR-SC-ST 10/24/2001 54 ND 830 1200 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 0.059 No Elevated NA GR-SC-E-4' 10/24/2001 ND ND ND 5.6 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 2.2 No Elevated NA GR-SC-W-4' 10/24/2001 ND ND ND 6.4 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 4 No Elevated NA GR-SC-BTM-5' 10/24/2001 ND ND ND 5.9 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 3 No Elevated NA 260, STLC = 5.8, TCLP Cad=10, Miscellaneous GR-Sep-ST(Stockpile) 10/25/2001 380 27 1700 2200 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None = 0.098 STLC = ND Constituents GR-Sep-Btm-6' 10/25/2001 ND 0.11 ND <5 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 2.7 No Elevated ALL ND GP,-Sep-N-5' 10/25/2001 ND ND ND 5.1 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 4.8 No Elevated NA GR-Sep-W-5' 10/25/2001 ND ND ND 6 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 4.3 No Elevated NA GR-Sep-E-4' 10/25/2001 ND ND ND <5 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 3.6 No Elevated NA GR-Sep-S-5' 10/25/2001 ND ND ND 9.9 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 5.4 No Elevated NA Seaton Excavations S-EX1-N4' 10/8/2001 ND ND ND 31 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None NA No Elevated NA S-EX1-WS' 10/8/2001 ND ND ND <5 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None NA No Elevated NA S-EX1-E4' 10/8/2001 ND ND ND <5 . <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None NA No Elevated NA S-EX1-S5' 10/8/2001 ND ND ND 63 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None NA No Elevated NA S-EX1-BTM6' 10/8/2001 ND ND ND 16 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None NA No Elevated NA TPH TPH Ethyl Other CAM EPA Method 8270 Diesel Gas TPHmo TRPH Benzene Toluene benzene Xylenes MTBE Total Lead 17 Metals SVOC°s (ppm) and DATE (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) Other VOC's (ppb) (ppm) (ppm) Other Analysis Detection Limit 10 0.1 100 5 5 5 5 10 10 4 to 80 0.5 0.1 to 10 0.2 Maaco Excavations Sep-3-BTM-12' 10/11/2001 ND ND NA 6.3 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None ND No Elevated All ND Sep-3-N-10' 10/11/2001 ND ND NA ND <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 2 No Elevated NA Sep-3-E-10' 10/11/2001 ND ND NA 16 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 1.4 No Elevated NA Sep-3-S-10' 10/11/2001 ND ND NA ND <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 1.3 No Elevated NA Sep-3-W-10' 10/11/2001 ND ND NA ND <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 3.1 No Elevated NA FD-N-BTM-12' 10/11/2001 ND ND ND NA <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 4.3 No Elevated NA FD-N-N-12' 10/11/2001 ND ND ND NA <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 2.4 No Elevated NA FD-N-E-12' 10/11/2001 ND ND ND NA <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 3.6 No Elevated NA FD-N-W-12' 10/11/2001 ND ND ND NA <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 2.5 No Elevated NA FD-N-S-12' 10/11/2001 ND ND ND NA <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 2.4 No Elevated NA M-FLDS-N3' 10/12/2001 ND ND ND NA <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 17 No Elevated NA M-FLDS-S3' 10/12/2001 ND ND ND NA <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 2.8 No Elevated NA M-FLDS-E3' 10/12/2001 ND ND ND NA <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 4.2 No Elevated NA M-FLDS-W4' 10/12/2001 ND ND ND NA <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 2.4 No Elevated NA M-FLDS-BTM4' 10/12/2001 ND ND ND NA <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 4.8 No Elevated NA Cad=16, Cu=660 (STLC = 0.4), Chrom=340 330, STLC (STLC= 7), NA, pH = 22, TCLP Hg=47 (TCLP = 7.4, Flash >212, M-FLD-ST (Stockpile) 10/12/2001 1700 1200 2400 NA 21 <20 3100 350 <20 None = 2.2 = ND) React = ND M-FLD-PLE-1' 10/12/2001 ND 1.1 ND NA <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 2.6 No Elevated NA M-FLD-PLN-I' 10/12/2001 ND ND ND NA <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 2.3 No Elevated NA M-DW-BTM-16' 10/24/2001 ND 0.4 ND 97 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 9.3 No Elevated NA M-DW-N-13' 10/24/2001 ND 0.23 ND 1200 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 3 No Elevated NA M-DW-S-14' 10/24/2001 ND 0.18 ND 260 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 8.2 No Elevated NA M-DW-W-13' 10/24/2001 ND 0.13 ND <5 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 1.8 No Elevated NA M-DW-E-13' 10/24/2001 ND ND ND 5.4 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 1.5 No Elevated NA M-DW-14' 10/24/2001 2100 130 2800 8000 <4 <4 7.7 26 <4 Nap=33 3.1 No Elevated NA 1,2- Dichloro - M-CL-W (VVater) 10/24/2001 <1 <0.05 <10 NA <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 benzene = 2.4 0.017 No Elevated NA M-CL-BTM-8' 10/30/2001 140 ND 200 160 <4 <4 <:4 <4 <4 All ND 6.7 No Elevated NA M-CL-S-12' 10/30/2001 ND ND ND ND <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 All ND 2.2 No Elevated NA M-CL-N-7' 10/30/2001 ND 0.55 ND ND <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 All ND 6.3 No Elevated NA M-CL~E-7' 10/30/2001 ND ND ND ND <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 All ND 1.6 No Elevated NA M-CL-W-7' 10/30/2001 66 0.18 ND 240 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 All ND 3.5 No Elevated NA STLC=10, Nap=550 8, minor TCLP = Cad=12, M-CL-SLD 11/1/2001 190 620 550 6600 <100 <100 4200 29730 <100 conc. of others 0.51 STLC=0.17 NA, pH=8 M-NDW-BTM-15' 11/12/2001 ND ND ND <5 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 All ND 0.58 No Elevated All ND M-NDW-N-14' 11/12/2001 ND ND ND <5 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 All ND 1.7 No Elevated NA M-NDW-S-14' 11/12/2001 ND ND ND <5 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 All ND 1.2 No Elevated NA M-NDW-E-14_' 11/12/2001 ND ND ND <5 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 All ND 1 No Elevated NA M-NDW-W-14' 11/12/2001 ND ND ND 6.4 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 All ND 2 No Elevated NA M-NDW-ST(St(~ckpile) 11/12/2001 ND ND ND 24 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 All ND 3.2 No Elevated NA TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, gas = gasoline, mo = motor oil, ppm = parts per million (mg/kg or mg/I), ppb = parts per billion (ug/kg), MTBE = Methyl Tertiery Butyl Ether, TRPH = Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons, ND = None Detected, NA = Not Analyzed, SVOC's = Semi-volatile Organic Compounds, VOC's = Volatile Organic Compounds, STCL = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration, TCLP = Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure, Bold = Hazardous Concentration. I I I Location Map Sparks Estate & Adjacent Properties ,2800 Standard St., 3650 and 3800 Rosedale Hwy.., Bakersfield, California SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. N PLATE 1 LOCATION MAP Sparks Estate & Adjacent Properties 2800 Standard St., 3650 and 3800 Rosedale Hwy. Bakersfield, California S~eamcleanez Sum~ Excavation G~--~C 3~8~4-2 I I INSET "A" mxcav&tion G~-Sep SEE INS[T "A"....~ Former Fom~er L_ septic Tank SEE PLATE ,5 FOE MOEE DETAIL Former Concrete Foundations + [8-10 Ejee Plate 6 ["-4 SPARKS PARCEL39 ~ee --,P~ote 6 Bit#1 -NS Phillips Oil Well~ · Bit#l-ES ~s STO~ AST ~-I I/~ I Fence Line NWdl Abandoned Water Well BIt#2 Drilling Sump Excavtlon ~ SPARKS See flute 61~-I PARCEL 40 Plqillips Oil Well '~ Bitner #2 + EB-3 ·~~ I Large 0,' Sump ~ see ~,w~0~ I Excc~vation J----' %2 ,,u,, I ~Pl~e3A [ I I [ ~-~c~,on 2 Fo~ ~r e Fo~er[ ~ ~ ~c~ ~ USTs~-:,:~ r~'~r Fo~er Mon~om~l ~::f:O LJ/ ~rm~ Building Well ~-2 ~co ~10IJ Well~ Isa.Plate 3 For Mom D~all I1[.-~ 2 S~ARKS I~ PARCEL [2 Fc ES Abandoned ,r Septic Tank Former ~ [Sep-1) 1,000 gal. ~r~T,~ waste Oil "q- ,rrner Septic Tank '~ / Abandoned D (ater Monitoring Wells t ~ Jm~ J~,200J AST Pad --~ s-z [.-7 (120' Diameter 1'to 2' Deep] ~ ,gu, mi ,' .~ ~ i e--~"". AST~AST-MId-2' Abandoned Water Well ~'- QOSE ' IIRPH P,,OOl ,.t. : WAT?R , ] 7 I ........ ' ...... '~' j m~-~ I JT~ jl,400~..915 '. .- FORMER HAZARDC,US ~ ' :- ~ .... -%J'- .... MATZ.qlAL STORAC F.. / T ~talne~l~'ea ~ X X J ~-~ &'~-3 FCRM£R pAINT Former 3' Diameter ~ LEGEND Well [NSR ~RINO LOCATION EB-2 PR['VlOU$ 8ORING LOCATION 8~.I & Ot~e~e ~W--1 UONITO~INO W~LL LOCATION · H~0 ~LtG£. S~I4PL~ LOCAT10~ X E"NSR S01L ~AMPL~ LOCATION  [XI~'TING I~UILD~IG O Excavation Areas I Abandoned Water Well --J ! / SEATON PARCEL coNc~..m, lO~j #e13J / 8 ~1 ~ Pl~e 6 I X I~x L CONTNN[R3 ROSEDALE HOTEL PARCEL 41 rs-13 Dry Well Fo~ner Sep~c..,., Tank [.~' (Sep-3] Former Floor Drains LOCAL GROUNOWAI~:.q FLOW DIRECTION (BA~ED ON ~/ATER LLrVI:L yr..A~UR~'¥£NTS tN ON-SITE WELLS) ~ re..[. · Soil sample Location DRY ~ ~1' Z x'-~Former 1000 ~ [GaJJon CJarifJer Former 2'-~Dlarneter Dry Well J 0 50 ! 00 L 4ForMore~,etoll APPP. OX. SCALE IN FEET ~K UX-----X-- ~NC[ UNE ~~ ~*L~*L RE~T~ O~ SOiL TPH-g = TOTAL ~R~UM HYO~SQNS TPH-e '~ T~ P~UM HYD~S ~ TOTAL P~UM ~ MOTOR OIL ~O~8C~ SI' A4 Cla Well & drier )arks Properly & Adjacenl Parcels GENERAL PLOT PLAN th Remedial Excavation: i S oils Engineering, Inc. i~ted From' ENSR Figure 3 2 !~le Location Map, 3/16,01 PLATE SPI-N-2" SP1-BTM-4' T4-W-2' -6' SP2-N-4' T4-E-2' 10K Gas UST T3-W-2' T3-E-2' -6' -6~ 10K Diesel UST T2-W-2' T2-E-2' -6' .................. ..8.Kp.!~.se.!.~..s...T. ................. 8K Diesel UST SP1-S-3' SP1-ST Sump (25' x 5' x 4' deepl TI-W-2' -6' T1-E-2' _6~ Legend Soil Sample Location Excavation Area Former Tank or Structure SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 (6al) 831 - 5100 SP2-ST Sump 15' x 30' x 8' Dispenser Dispenser Excavation 1.~..~..1~...~.8....{[~1~} ....... Dis-E-6' PL-2' .: Former -6' Shop Building SP2-S-6' '" Dis-BTM-8' }l-Btm-8' 1 -E-5' '~-- Former i Septic Tank Sepl-S-6' (Sep-1) TRICO #1 OIL WELL iDry Well Excavation (20'x 15' x 15' deep)' > Excavation Former Clarifier (40' by 40' x 12' deep~ CI-BTM-16' Former 1000 gal. Waste Oil UST T~ -1 CL-~h~-13' Former Dry Well Former Septic c~-sq3, Not To Scale Tank (Sep-2) ..' ............................................................................. i ~-, i l_.,--~/~l Sep-2-E-10' i ~o.,rmer i~i~[]~ep'2-LF-S-3' i Mobile Home , ~.~.i ~ ~Leach line · ~ .......................................................... .S...e~...2..r...W...z.1...0..'..t.i ~l~Sep-~-S-10' COSTCO Bakersfield 2800 Standard St. Bakersfield, California DATE: 10/2001 PROJECT: 01-9775 UST, Dry Well, & Septic Tank Excavations Over-Exc (5' x 5' x 15' deep) PLATE 3 I North Property Line V' AC Water Line/ S-Sump-NSWM-2' (55) S-Sump-NSWE~2' (190) /~ ~-Sumn-NSWW-2'(13flO~ / .~ItS-Sump-NSV~NW-2' (55) / / S-Sump-NE~BTM4' (15) n n n n n n n n w,n~n n n n n n n n n n n n n ~/n n n n.nltA[n n ~/n n n n n n- n n~ n n n n n np,~ n n n n n n n n n -BTM4' 270 < ~4o'~ .- · . S-Sump-17'm '9.1)_ -.. S-Su~mp-E-Btm-5'(ll) -- - ~ , S-Sump-W-4' (630} } { ~ ~ t ~ x ~ ~-~ump S-Sump-Btm 12' (9) - ~ ] i~ / ~ ~ -NESW-2' (55) 'x ~ / /--~ ~ ~ , S SumwE-6 -ST (11000) S-Sump-SI ~31000)- .. ~/ ~ - ~ , --~ S-Sump-EM-13'BTM (11) ~ Sump-E-Btm-8 ~D) S-SumP SW-5~ ~3_~ ~-~ · S. Sump-SE-4' (6.5) 90' S-Sump-SW Il' ~~ ---xxS_Sump2_ST (62000)'~ ~ ~ Approximate S-Sump-SW~'ST 1500) ~ __~ S-Sump2-BTM-5'-E (8) ~ } ~t~] ~ 70 Bounda~ Be~een S-Sump & S-Sump2 S-Sump2-W-4' 5.6) xx ~ S-Sump2-BTM-12' 90' S-Sump2-SEC~R-ST (3200) { ~ ~ -Sump2-SE-2' (17) < 110' / S-Sump2-SE-3' (11~ Approximate Extent Of Excavation ~ T~COgl Oil Well Legend ~ Soil Sample Location ~ Excavation Area ' ' Deeper Oily Approx. Scale: , ~ Area SO~S ENG~E~G, ~C. COSTCO Bakersfield PLATE 4400 Yeager Way 2800 Standard St. Bakersfield,(661) 831CA- S10093313 Bakers~eld, Califo~ia 3 m DATE: 11/2001 PRO.CT: 01-9775 LARGE OIL SPARKS ESTATE PARCEL N 'I I DIRT SURFACE Gas Meter l~ormer I Hazardous Material Storage Area F M-NDW-N-14' ~.~~. M-NDW-$1 e ~ 3' Diameter . n ; ~ Dry Well ' e c M-NDW-W-14'----~ ~1 ~)~.~IVI-NDW-E-1 4' ~ ~,(~'.Se_pfic Tank M-NDW-BTM-15'-"~ I! !K (~Catch Basin M'NDW'S']4'~r~ i!, Sep-3-N-10'//~ ~JI ~'~ $ep-3-BTM-1:2' Former Aband, ,ned Sep-3-W-10'-~ Sep-3-S-10' /FD-N-N-1FD'N'I~'12'. \ 2' Dry. Well FD-N-BTM-12~ ~' ~LD/PLN-I' M-CL-SLD (Sludge) FD-N-W-12 .~e rwl M'DW'14=/ FD-N-S-I'2'--v '~.~pe .(~ ~.:.~M.CL. BTM.s, .,~ M-FLD-PLE-I' *'l, DIRT AREA ~1~ M-FLDS-~~ /j Former Clarifler ~'~ M-CL-W[nu~ds) HUNGRY HUNTER 7~' 'M-FLDS-N3' L ' M-FLD-$T ~llt M-CL-E-7' M-FLDS-W3'~J~. · I M-CL -S-12' M'FLDS'BTM4'X)iI~'/ ~-"'"'"'"'-~ M- DW-N- 13'  ~'""' M-DW-E-13' M-DW-BTM-16' ~-DW..8-] 4' ' M'CL'W'7'/ / 1 2'-diameter M-DW-W-13' . Former I Dry Well Maa~'c'c'cb Building ROSEDALE HIGHWAY O Soil Sample Location Approx. Scale: OExcavation ~ Stockpiled Soil 1''= 50' soi~s ~a~r~vax~a, i~c. COSTCO Bakersfield/Former Maaco Facility PLATE 4400 Yeager Way 3650 Rosedale Highway Bakersfield, CA 93313 Bakersfield, California (661) 831 - $100 PLOT PLAN - PROJECT: 01-9775 100' GR-EX1 Excavation (8' x 8' x 2' deep) GR-EX2 GR-SC For~. er GR-EX2-BTM3'~0' x 3' x 3' deep', Excavation Steamc~eaner ~ t~,/~ GR2EX2.E3, ~ ~ ~ GR.~X2.W2~ ~ ~ GR-SC-W-4~ ~ ~ d ~ GR-E~-E2 ~ ~ Foyer GR-SC-BTM-5~ ~ ....... ~ ~ Conc~te ~ . Excavation ~ 05' x 10'x6') : '~ ~ GR-Se~5'~ [ Septic Tan~ ~ Former ~ Shop  Former Office Area ROSED~E ~IG~W~Y , So. Approx. Scale: ~ Excavation Area ['""~ Former Tank or Structnre 1" = 3 0' SOreS ~G~mG, ~C. COSTCO Bakersfield PLATE 4400 Yeager Way Foyer Gle~ Rose Parcel Bakersfield, CA 93313 3880 RosedaleCalifomiaHi~way 5 (~0 8~ - ~00 Bakersfield, DATE: 11/2001 PROJECT: 01-9775 Glenn Rose Remedial Excavations See Plate 2 for Actual Excavation Locations Sparks Parcel ES-10 Excavation (Approx. 45' x 50' and 2' to 3' deep) ~N Sparks Parcel '= ~ES-10-N-2' ES'-"r6:'~"~'i~'""..... \ EB-1 Excavation h, ~ ES-10-W-2' ......... ...? x 15' and deep) ,~ g ES-10-BTM-3' ~ ~ EB1-BTM-2' ~ 25' ES-10-S-2' I Sparks Parcel - Bitner #2 Drilling Sump Excavation S-EX1-N4' (20' x 15' and 8' to 11' deep) ~~S-EX1-E4' Over-excavatioq,,,.~Bit#2-S-N-8'(2) S-EXI-W5' Bit#2-S-BTM-9~ Bit~2-S-N-8' _E, Bit#2-S-BTM-11'~ X1 S5' S-EX1-BTM-6' ~ }Bit#2-S-E-8' - - Bit#2-S-W-8' ~ · ~ Bit#2-ST.. ................. .. /SEATON PARCEL Bit#2-S-S-8' ~_ '"":. S-EX1 Excavation (B-16) (12' x 12' and 6' deep) (~itner#2 '-.. ... ~-r Oil Well .................. Sparks Parcel - Bitner #1 Drilling Sump Excavations Bit#1 North Sum~ Excavati°n (8' x 8' x 5' deep)~Bi:;~:~'.~:~; ~'~°~ Bitner #2 Oil Wexll Bit#1_ES_BTM.3, Bit#1 South Sump _ t.m~,p _~ __,'~ ~- Bit#1 East Sump Excavation (8' x 8' x 2' dee . , , , :2'.~~ Excav~t-i-0-~...(~!i~x- ~,--~-~ deep)X~ Bit#I-SS-W2' ~I~Bit#1-SS-E2' :. ..... A ...... '" Bit#1 ST '--X i ~ ) ' Bit#I-SS-BTM3' ........................ O Soil Sample Location~-xl°l°^~'~'rox. Scale: O Excavation Area ........... · - Stockpiled soil 1" - 3 0' SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. COSTCO Bakersfield PLATE 4400 Yeager Way 2800 Standard St., Parcels 39, 40 & 8 Bakersfield, CA 93313 Bakersfield, California (661) 831 - 5100 DATE: 11/2001 PROJECT: 01-9775 Miscellaneous Remedial Excavations I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ITl Z X I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! SOILS Appendix A LETTERS & PERMITS FOR REMEDIAL ACTIVITIES ENGINEERING, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D October 25, 2001 FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 Mr. Robert J Becker RG REA II Soils Engineering Inc 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield Ca 93313 RE: Proposed Costco- Groundwater Well Sampling Report 3800 Rosedale Hwy in Bakersfield Dear Mr. Becker: I have reviewed the above referenced report, dated October 10, 2001, and concur with your recommendations to properly abandon all existing groundwater/monitoring wells on the subject property. Please give this office at least five (5) days notice prior to commencement of work. If you have any questions, please call me at (661) 326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Registered Geologist No. 7239 Office of Environmental Services HHW/dm cc: T. Bartok, Costco D I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~1 I November 13, 2001 FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2-101 "H" Street ..... Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Slreet Bakerslield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (66~) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX [661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE [661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 Robert J. Becker Soils Engineering, Inc. .44.00 Yeager Way Bakersfield, Ca 93313 New Costco Wholesale Facility, 2800 Standard Street, Bakersfield California Dear Mr. Becket: This will confirm our telephone conversation of Thursday, November 8, 2001, regarding identification marking of abandoned wells. In lieu of a surface marker, you may use a hyper accurate foot print map showing fixed longitude and latitude to identify abandoned oil wells. This map must be kept with the property owner on site, and a copy fumished to this department. Should you have anymore questions, please feel free to contact me at 661- 326-3190. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey Director of Prevention Services by: Steve Underwood Fire Inspector/Environmental Code Enforcement Officer SBU/dm I I ! 11/29/01 TItU 17:34 FAX SUBMIT fig DUPLICATE RESOURCF~ ~GI~NCY OF CALIFORNIA DEi'AR?M~rr OF CONSBRVATION DMSION OF OIL, GAS AND OF.,OTHERMAL RESOURCES History of Oil or Oas Well ~002 MMI Services phillips Petroleum Company/aBimer" 1 _ Field Fruitvale Contax Kern · sec. 23 . T 29S , R 27E , M.D. D. &M, ,P.z. No. 029=08~6~ Na~ue Dave Knoeb ~ stmm]~l~ ICpOrt~ Date _ November 13 ,20 O1 I $iglmure Sales Manager i6400 Price Way I Dale I 10/10/01 1016/01 10/17/01 I 10/18/01 ! 10/19/01 I L0/23/01 I11/13/01 I ! Bakersfield, CA. 93308 (661) 589=9366 History must be completed in all detail Use ti~ tom to report ~ll operations during drRling and resting of 1he weU or during ~edriiting ur altmn8 the casing, pitq~na, (~ ~hmdnn,~ wi~ d~e dates thereof. Include such items as hole size, formation test derails. ,*,~mn of cement u~ed, top and bou~m of plugs, perforation derails, sidr~a~ junk, bailing res~ and initial produaion dam. ln~t~l] well head and cellar ring. Move in. rig up conventional rig, guy out. Install B.O.P.E., nipple up and function tes~. Make up swivel .4.29/16' collars and 9-5/8" bit. Strip on PGSR head. Run in hole, rag top of cement at 10' Drill out from lo" to 42'. Pull high. Close in well. ' ~Op?~we..ll;.C _o~ue to dean. out and drill from 45' to 19_2'. Lost circulation due ro running sand, notify u.u.o.u.l(., lear out swivel, s~ip off I~SR well head. Pull out of hole with tubing. Close well. Break out and lay dow~ bottom hole attachment. Tear out work floor. Rich Thesken, D.O.O.O.R. gave variance to cement from 192' to surface. Open well. Nipple down and rgar out B.O.P.E.. Nipple up PGSR head. Run in hole with tubing open euded. Tag fill at 158', circulate and clean out to 192'. Set robing tail at 190'. Mix and pump I20f~3 (63 sacks) 50/50 Poz with 35% silica flour and 4% gel. Well weut on vacuum. Pull out of hole with tubing, rear out POSR head. Land top flange. Close m well. Syndi Pompa, D.O.O.O.R. witnessed 120 fO of cementing. Open well. N~,~,le down wellhead. Run in hole with mblngopen ended, ~ag to of cement at 139'. Sci mb~g mil at 137'. Mix ami pump 100 ~a (52 sacks) $0/$0 Poz with 35% silica flour and 4~ gel from 13_9 to surface. Pull out ofhole. Lay down robing, tear out PGSR head. Secure weU. Rig down, move Ol-t. Syndi Pompa, D,O.G.G.R. witnessed 100 frs cement to surface. Dig out cellar ring and casing to 10'.Weld on plau~. D.O.G.G.R. approved surface plug. Dig om well. Cu~ off plate. Leak mst well. Weld on plate and backfill. D.O.G.G.R. Represendve: loe Austin wiroessed and approved leak test. I(OOi0~) 11/29/01 ! rP.L No. THU 17:34 FA2[ SUBMIT IN DUPLICATE NEIIOURCr~q AGENCY OF CALIFORNIA DEPA~TM~IVr Og CONSERVATION DM$ION OF OIL, GAS AND GEOTKERMAL RESOURCES MMI Services lnc {~001 Phillips PetFoleum Company_".Bitner" 2 029-08366 Name i6~0 Price Wa?, I Histol7 of Off or Gas Well Date I 10/10/01 ! 1011/01 m10/12/01 m i0/15/01 m m10/16/01 10/19/01 10/23/01 i11/13/01 m m November 13 ,20 01 lqeld Dave Kaoeb ,. F£uitvale County Kern 29S . R 27E , M.D. Title Sales Manaq~er ~t,~esmem. ~'c~lary or ARctic) $ignanLF¢ B,&M. Bakersfield, CA. 93308 (661) 589-9366 History must ~ compleeed h all cle~l. Use ~ form ~o report all operadona during drilling and ~:etin~ of the well or dnr~ng redrill~n_a o1" ~1~ ~ ~ifl~a, phll~illg, Or ah~md~me~w ~ file dates thereof, JATJud¢ SUCh ~ as hole Sin', formaliO~ ~St details, amounts of cement u,se~, mp and ~om of pings, perforation detatls, sidetracked j~mk, bafliag e~s a~t initial production data. d~.talcl c,?llar ting..Move in, fig up conventional rig and equipment. Install B.O.P.E. Make up bit on oua~. Rig up power swivel. Run in hole, ~ag cement plug at 10'. Drill from 10' co 31 '. Secure well. Open well. Continue Cha'llina from 31' to 196'. Hard drilling on wood plug to 172'. Pull tubillg and bit w 90'. Secure well. ~ ,Open well. Run in hole. tag fill at 160'. Continue to cleaa out and drill fi'om 162' to 197'.Making oo hole. Cement from 197' to surface. Pull out of hole laying down collars and bit. Secure well. Note: Loosing fluid and nmning sand. Dave Clark, D.O.G.G.R. gave varin,,ve to cement from 197' m surface. Open. we.ll..N~ple dow~ ~ tear out B.O.P.. Run in hole with open ended tubing, tag fill at 142'. Strip on clrcutate head. Circulate and.clean Out to top of damage at 197'. Set tubing tail at 195'. Mix and ~n~xp~10 fl~ (110 sacks) of 50/50 Poz with 35% silica flour 3nd 5% gel. Lost circulation at 180 ft3 down a,~ole,,~t~on '.1~ ~ ~]m? mlal of 210 f~. No ceme~x Co surface. Pull out of hole with tubing, nipple down rta~ ne;m add flanges. !-~nd top API head. Secure well. Cindy Pomp, D.O.G.G.R. witnessed cementing from 197' to surface. Pun in hole with mb , tag top of cem at Set mbq tau a[ AS'. pump TE L:~ sacks) 50/50 Poz wid] 35 % s/lica flour and $ % gel Co surface. Secure well. Rig down, move off. M. Toi/md, D.O.G.G.R. witnessed cement from 65' to surface. Dig out around wellhead and cut off casing 10' below ground level. Weld on ph[e, backfill and clean location. Complete site restoration. Dig out well. Cut off plate. Leak test well. Weld on plate and backfill. D.O.G.G.R. Reprcsentive: Soo Austin wimessed and approved leak test. I(o0]03) 11/29/01 THU 17:35 FAX m3SOURCP-~ AGENCY OF CALt~OR~r~A DEPARTMENT OF CO~BRVATION DIVISION OF OIL, GAS AND GEOTHERMAL RESOURCES History of Oil or Gas Well MMI Servie, ts lac ~:icki Fruitvale TRICO INDUSTRIES, 1NC./1 . ,~=. 23 . T 29S K~rn . R 27E , M,D. B. & M. I Sigxmmre Sales Mana~er 6400 Priee Wa}, i I m 10/19/01 1022/01 m 10123/01 I Bakersfield, CA. 93308 (661) $89-9366 I10/24/01 10/25/01 11/13/01 I I I I ltJstory must be completed in all detat2. Use dfis form to re, on all operatiom dining drilling and 1~ of tt~ vgll or min~ zed~ling ~ ~ d~ m, plu~gin8, or ~ wi~h m c[,~m ~crcof. lu~c such ,=',~,~ ,~ hole size, f~rm~u m~ derails, amotmm of cement used, ~op and I~ttom of plugs, perforation details, sideu'ac~'d junk, trailing ~1~1~ nrtd illJiJal production data, Move in, fig up. Guy out. Install B.O.P.E., nipple up and function test. Make up power swivel., ~- 9/16" collar and 11" bit. Snip on PGSR hcafl, nm in hole and tag mp of ~ment at ?'. Drill out and cle~ out w 90'. Losing circulation. Pull high. Close well Open well. Continue to drill and clean out from 90' to 470'. Pluid communicating outside cellar ring. Notify D.O.G.G.R. Cement from 470' to surface. Rig out power swivel. Pull out of hole laying down tubing a~d bottom hole attachmcm. Close well. Dave Clark, D.O.G.G.R, gave va.,lance to cement from 490' to surface. Open weU. Strip off B.O.P.E. Rrm in hole with tubing ope-, ended. Set tubing tail at 490'. Mix and pump 558 fO (292 rocks) 50/50 Poz with 35 % silica flour and 4~ gel from 4907 to surface. Pull out of hole laying down robing. Top off well. Secure well. Rig down, move off. Mike Tolaad, D.O.G.G.R, witnessc~t cemem operation.. Dig out casing ring. Dig out around well head and cut off casing ar I0' below gro~_,~d level. Weld on plate. Mike Toland, D.O.G,G.R. approved cement m ~. Dig out well. Cut off plate. Leak test well. Weld on plate and backftll, D,O.G.G,R. Represcmive: loc Austin wimcsscc[ and approvea teak test, m(00103) DEPARTMENT STATE November 14, 2001 OF CONSERVATION OF CALIFORNIA IIVISION OF OIL~ AS~, & GEOTHERMAL RESOURCES 800 STOCKDALE HWY SUITE 417 i~AKERSFIELD PHONE 561/322-4031 661/861-0279 I NTERNET consrv.ca.gov RAY DAVZS GOVERNOR Mr. David Reizer Bakersfield City Planning Department 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Reizer: Mitigation Measures for Site Plan Review No. P00-0900 Safety/Wellhead Leakage Test Phillips Petroleum Company "Bitner" 2 (029-08366) Portion of Sec. 23-T29S/R27E MDB&M On November 13, 2001, Joseph A. Austin, a Division engineer, performed a wellhead leakage test on the abandoned well on the site referenced above. The well had been exposed to the surface. The test successfully demonstrated that the well was not leaking at that time. Recent reabandonment operations did not bring the abandonment of this well into conformance with current Division specifications. If you have any questions or comments regarding this test, please call Joseph A. Austin at the Bakersfield district office: 4800 Stockdale Highway, Suite 417, Bakersfield, CA 93309; phone (661) 322-4031. Sincerely, Randall L. Adams Senior Oil and Gas Engineer Cc: Mr. Robert J. Becker, Soils Engineering, Inc. Mr. David Knoeb, MMI DEPARTMENT STATE November 14, 2001 OF CO N $ E RVATI'O N OF CALIFORNIA II'VZSION OF OI'L, AS, & GEOTHERMAL RESOURCES l" 800 STOCKDALE HWY SUITE 4~.7 iAKERSFIELD ALIFORNIA 3309-2694 HONE 6~./322-403:[ FAX i61/861-0279 ",IT E R N ET con'srv.ca.gov iB B RAY DAVZS GOVERNOR I I I I I ! I I I Mr. David Reizer Bakersfield City Planning Department 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. 'Reizer: Mitigation Measures for Site Plan Review No. P00-0900 Safety/Wellhead Leakage Test Phillips Petroleum Company "Bitner" 1 (029-08365) Portion of Sec. 23-T29S/R27E MDB&M On November 13, 2001, Joseph A. Austin, a Division engineer, performed a wellhead leakage test on the abandoned well on the site referenced above. The well had been exposed to the surface. The test successfully demonstrated that the well was not leaking at that time. Recent reabandonment operations did not bring the abandonment of this well into conformance with current Division specifications. If you have any questions or comments regarding this test, please call Joseph A. Austin at the Bakersfield district office: 4800 Stockdale Highway, Suite 417, Bakersfield, CA 93309; phone (661) 322-4031. Sincerely, Randall L. Adams Senior Oil and Gas Engineer Cc: Mr. Robert J. Becket, Soils Engineering, Inc. Mr. David Knoeb, MMI DEPARTMENT STATE November 14, 2001 OF CO NSE RVATTO N OF CALIFORNIA ilVISION OF OIL,, AS, & GEOTHERMAL RESOURCES mm mmm 800 STOCKDALE HWY SUITE 417 IAAKERSFIELD LIFORNIA 309-2694 iHONE 61/322-403! FAX 1/861-0279 TERNET consrv.ca.gov mmm RAY DAVIS GOVERNOR I i I I I I I i ! Mr. David Reizer Bakersfield City Planning Department 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Reizer: Mitigation Measures for Site Plan Review No. P00-0900 Safety/Wellhead Leakage Test Trico Industries, Inc. Well No. 1 (029-08468) Portion of Sec. 23-T29S/R27E MDB&M On November 13, 2001, Joseph A. Austin, a Division engineer, performed a wellhead leakage test on the abandoned well on the site referenced above. The well had been exposed to the surface. The test successfully demonstrated that the well was not leaking at that time. Recent reabandonment operations did not bring the abandonment of this well into conformance with current Division specifications. If you have any questions or comments regarding this test, please call Joseph A. Austin at the Bakersfield district office: 4800 Stockdale Highway, Suite 417, Bakersfield, CA 93309; phone (661) 322-4031. Sincerely, Randall L. Adams Senior Oil and Gas Engineer Cc: Mr. Robert J. Becker, Soils Engineering, Inc. Mr. David Knoeb, MMI CITY OF BA SF ,'" .' / . o.~ o~ ~,~o~~x,~ s~i~s 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (661) 326-B979 PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK I SITE INFORMATION SITE ~q~-e~%' ~:~ ADDRESSo~I~'I'~ ,$'~ ZIPCODE?2~e~ ~N FACIL~ N~E CROSS S~ET ~ ~'~ T~ O~OPE~TOR ~ ~ ~0 ~) PHO~ NO. M~L~G~D~SS ~ 0~~ ~o CI~ ~D ZIP q~o ~ I ! I I i I I ! I I I I I ! CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPANY ~ F-~tu~rl~nT~}t~ PHONENO.~;~.~-~:~I.-~O~,.~ LICENSENO. 'Tlg,,..,~c~ ] rNSURANCE CAR~E~ t0~U.~ ~ ~W~.~ WO~S CO~ NO. 1~O~50 TANK CLEANING INFORMATION COMPANY N~E OF ~SA~ DISPOS~ FA~ ~D~SS &ooo FAC~L~ mE~CA~ON ~ER TANK TRANSPORTER INFORMATION COMPANY ~t~'rl'& I~{.. ~.~'Co.-~ PHONENO. ~7-70'/3 ,,LICENS~NO. ADDRESS !~,~ ~. ~ro~t~e l~,w,e_ crrY. 9,~eOg~q~ ~ TANK DESTINATION ~ I eff, n '~_Tn~L TANK INFORMATION cx-mmc~ ~^xES dANK NO. AOE ~OLUME STOI~ED STORES PREVIOUSLY STORED THE APPLICANT HAS ~CEIVED, ~DERSTANDS, AND WILL COMPLY WITH'THE A~ACHED CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT AND ANY OTHER STATE, L~AL AND FEDE~L ~GULAT IONS. THIS FOJZM HAS BEEN COMP LETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE IS TRUE APPROVED BY: ~PLICANT NAME (P~NT) ~ ~PLICANT SIG~U~ I THIS APPLICATION WILL BECOME A PERMIT WltEN APPROVED CITY OF BAKERSFIELD r,,, , OFFI. OF ENVIRONMENTAL SEIL . ICES 1715 Chest Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661)326-3979 UNDERGROUND STOOGE TANKS CLOSURE CERTIFICATION I. FAClLI~ IDENTIFICATION Page TANK OWN~E ' 740 TANK OW~R ADDRESS TAN~ OWNER C~TY .... z4~k~ff .... FZC:'-~iF~5~ ....... II. TANK CLOSDRa INFORMATION - Tank ID g Ooncenkation of Flammable Vapor [ Ooncen~ation of Oxysen , (A~ac~ add~nal copies of ~is page ~ ~ ~, a~.~ T~ ~ for mom than thme tanks.) ~ top ~mer ~ ~o:om ~ I Dp . ~enter INTERIOR ' I ~ I - i ~ i ~ · I ~ ! 3' ~ ' j ATMOSPHERE ~3101Ab 748 ~ '~ 749a ~l -749b v 749c 750a READINGS ' 2 ] ' ' i -- ~ ' ~ · , ........ :..¥ ~..: ,~ -~..~..q~:..~.,y-::-~27, ~,~,:~;~:.~7~;~...,~.~,~.~:~[~~ ~:~ ~: :~s~::: .~;,k~3~;;~;,:~.':., .~, ,~.. On examination of the tank, I ce~i~ ~e ~nk is visually free from product, sludge, s~le (thin, flaky residual of tank contents), rinseate and debris. I ~her ce~ ~at ~e info.atica ~rovided herein is ~ue and accurate to the best of my knowledge. SIGNAT[~ OF CEllaR STATUS ORAFF LIATION OF CERTIFYING PERSON ] ~- 7/1 [/']..~ CeAifier is a represen~tive of the CUPA, authorized agency, or LIA: 760 NAM~F CERT F ER(Pd~t) - . 754 es - r I / . [ I Name of CUPA, authorized agency, or LIA: 761 ~TITLEOF~IER ~d~ ~ 755 Cl~ofBakersfleldFireDepa~ment-~ceofEnvironmentalSe~ices ~ ~~ (~ ~ If ~difior is othor ~an CUbA/UA chock appropriato box bolow: ~DRfiSS - I - ' I ~ a. Cedifiod Industria Hy~ienist(CIH) 1715 Chester Ave. 75~ ~ D b. Ce~ified Safe~ Professional (CSP) [ CI~--~~ D c. Cedified Marine Chemist (CMC) Ba~~ ~ d. Registered Environmen~l Health Specialist (REHS) ~"~~ ..... ~ ....... 0 e. Professional Engineer (PE) (~_32~-3~7~ ls0I ~ '. Glass ll Re~,stemd[nvironmentalAssessor ~~']~~-;~ ] CERTIFICATI~ TIME I D g. ConEactors' State License Board licensed contractor (with II I ~ I hazardous substance removal ~lfica~on) TANK PREVI~SL~ HELD F~MMABLE OR COMB~TIBLE ~TEAIALS ~Yes D No 763 ({f ~. ~ ~?~o~ ~o~ ~h~// ~ ~<h~ck,d ~th a co~bu~b~di~o~ ~o~ tc~k ~ ~,d,ct~d o~ ~e tank.) ...... CERTIFIER'S TANK MANAGEMENT INSTRUCTIONS FOR SC~P DEALER, DISPOSAL FACILITY, FTC: ~copies shall be submiEed to ~e LIA and au~orized agency; owner / operator of the ~nk system; removal contractor; and the recycling / disposal facili~. UPCF (7/99) S:~CUPAFORMS~dtsc1249.doc 661-~99-9T85 AS! INC. 469 P~l/~2 NOU 51~ '01 16:27 bAN JOAQUIN VALLL, UNIFIED AIR POLLUTION ~,ONTROL DISTRICT ~e ~ ~ D~ and ~um ~= ~ ~ Ihe ~r~m ~ ~ ~ty buiid~ ~ent a~r m ~t~ a a~'~ Itmt Regulatic~ VIII. Ft~litive PM,o Prnhibhions. r(.~uir~S that the e0d~ior el buildings be welted du~ng <Scrt'~i~ior, FOR SJVUAPCD USE ONLY form ~s no longer valid 30 day~ efte~ al3p~ovul o~ il i~do~rnabun prow~ecl ch~ge$ ~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ~[~'~ ~_~ '~ OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ~~l 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (661) 326-3979 APPLICATION'TO INSTALL AND/OR REMOVE ABOVE GROUND STORAGE TANK(S) In conformity with provisions of pertinent ordinances, codes and/or regulations, permission is hereby granted to: · to display, store, install, use, operate, sell or handle materials or process involving or creating conditions deemed hazardous to life or property as follows: and/or regulations shaJl void t~is pe~it. P ermi~_L~/tt_~{ - -- ~p~roveri-~- ' Applicant Name (print) (~.~pplic~re THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED I ~..;;~~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ._~,~~r,._.. . 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661)326-3979 C~ OFFI._', OF ENVIRONMENTAL SEi .... ICES UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS CLOSURE CERTIFICATION I. FACILI~ IDENTIFICATION Page ,,__ ~o .... !B~- 03~ ~.~._.L_L~____L ..... LJ__:.~..__~_:._:_~ ......... TANK OWNE~ NAME ~o TANK OWNER ACDRESS - .......................................................... TANK OWNER CITY 742 j STATE 743 ZIP CODE 7~ i II. TANK CLOSURE INFORMATION · ! Tank D ¢ ~ Concenbat on of F ammable Vapor Concentration of Oxygen . ~ (A~ach addit~nal ~pies of this page I ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ -- ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~r ~m than throe tanks ) ~ lop uen[er ~oEom lOp ~ Denier : uoEom i ~ 745 ; 746a 746b 746c 747a ;, ATMOSPHERE ~ ~ UIC.~t ~ j ~ ~ ~ ~'- ~ __ ' - ' ' ; 748 7498 749b 749c 7508 ~ 750b 75~ R~DINGS ) ; ~ ~ ) ~ 751 7528 752b 752c ~ 7538 753b ', 753c ..... ." '"',, ~.:: . "' .-. ': :2. '. ': ...%:?.::~" On examination of the tank, I cedi~ ~e ~nk is visually free from product, sludge, s~le (~in, flaky residual of tank contents), rinseate and debris. I ~her ce~ ~a~he information provided herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. ~~~ m Ce~ifier isa represen~tive of the CUPA, authorized agency, or LIA: 760 NAME OF CERTIFIER (Pdm) 7~4 ,  / . ~ [ ¢ Name of CUPA, authorizea agency, or LIA: 761 ' C ~ of Bakersfle d F re DepaRment- ~ce of Environmental Se~ices TITLE OF C~R~IFIER 755 [ ~ ~ ~lJr)c C~ If ~Aifier is other ~an CUPA / LIA check appropriate box below: 762 ADDRESS I - D a. Ce~fied Industrial Hygienist(CIH) 1715 Chester Ave. zs~ m D b. Ce~fied Safe~ Professional (CSP) ~Cl~ ~ c. Ce~fied Marine Chemist (CMC) ~ersf~ld~ ~01 7s7 ~ d. Registered Environmental Health Specialist (REHS) [~HONE ' ~ e. Professional Engineer(PE) (661) 326-39~ zs. ~ ~ f. Class II Registered Environmen~l Assessor DATE ~9 m CE~TIFICATIO~IME ~' D g. Contractors' S~te License Board li~nsed con,actor (with ' I 0/~//~ / m/'~ o ~ n ..z~do~...b~.no.r~mov., c~.,.c~,o.) :, F~NK PREVIOUSLY'HELD FLAMMABLE OR COMBUStibLE MATERIALS ~ Yes D No 763 t.J~~ ye~, ~e tank ,ht~osphere ~ha/I be ~hocked ~th a combusb'ble gas indicator ~ior to ~ ~ing conducted on ~e tank.) ~ CERTIFIER'S TANK MANAGEMENT INSTRUCTIONS FOR SC~P DEALER, DISPOSAL FACILITY, ETC: 7~ ~os sh~ll bo submi~od to ~o UA and au~oriz~d a~oncy; owner / operator of ~o ~ak systom; removal conCactor: and ~e r~cgclino / disposal fac~li~.~ U~CF (71~) S:XC~AFO~MSXdtsc~ 240.doc ~'.(~/~,~ 1715 CHESTER AVENUE ~ _k~"~..~/~ BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 ~ BUILDING DEPARTMENT [~ PERMIT INFO Permit No..: B01-06512 Permit Type: COM DEM Status..,.: ISSUE Description: DEMO TWO COMMERCIAL BLD~- Applied..: 10/10/20 Completed: Total Sq Ft.: 0 Approved.: 10/10/20 To Expire: 04/08/2002 Cond Sq Ft.: 0 Issued..: 10/10/20 LOCATION Job Address: 3650 ROSEDALE HWY BAK . Tr//Phs/Lot..: 0 0 Parcel...: ?? Zone ....... : SPR No...: School Dist: 0 ParkDist: 0 · CONSTRUCTION ' Occ No..: ' Occ Class..: TypeConst.:049 ' ' Code. ...... : 1997UBC Fire Sprlk.:' N ' , · 049 . PEOPLE · .... Owner ........ : COSTCO Phone No.: , Applicant..: KROEKER INC. PhoneNo.: (559) 237 - 3764 Architect..: Phone No.: Engineer.,..: Phone No.: Contractor: KROEKER INC. PhoneNo.: . Cont Lic No: 621866 Exp Date.: 06/30/2001 Cont Addr..: 4627 S CHESTNUT A ' FRESNO . 93725 Plan Check.: $12.96 Tot Valuation.: $3,000.00 FEES Inspection..: $27.04 Tot Permit Fee:. $40.0~ School Fee.: $0.00 Payments ......: ~11~. 0 ~[i~ Park Fee...: $0.00 Habitat Fee: $0.00 Balance Due...'. '1~40.00 S.M.I. Fee.: $0.00 .. e.w. Fees.: $0.00 Additional Fee: $0.00 '.' ~~) ECLARATION S 24 Hour Recorder Number(661)~-IN~.,~ I I or 4677 Please state the Permit Number, the Job Address, and the Type of Inspection. Request for Inspections should be made at least twenty-four hours in advance. Inspectors office hours are: 8:00- 8:30 AM and 1:00- 1;30 PM is issued In accordance with all applicable Federal, State and Local Ordinances. The permittee has properly signed and dated the reverse side of this form. This permit expires after 180 days of Inactivity. t have reviewed the above application, and find it to be correct/complete: Permittee: Date: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1.715 CHESTER AVENUE. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 BUILDING DEPARTMENT I ! I I I I I I I I I I I PERMIT INFO Permit No,.: B01'06302 Permit Type: COM_MPE Description: ABANDON SEPTIC TANK Applied..: 10/01/20 Completed: Approved.: 10/01/20 To .Expire: 03/30/2002 Issued..: 10/01/20 LOCATION Job Address: 3880 ROSEDALE HWY BAK Tr//Phs/Lot..: 0 0 Zone ....... : School Dist: 0 CONSTRUCTION Otc Class..: Type Const.: 071 , Fire Sprlk.: N PEOPLE Owner ........ : BAR.BEAU CLYDE Phone No.: Applicant..: FOSS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Phone No,: Architect..: .... Phone No.:" Engineer....: ' Phone No.: Contractor: FOSS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES C ont Lic No: 716581 Exp Date.: Cont Addr..: 1620 E BRUNDAGEL Status ..... : ISSUE Total Sq Ft.: 0 Cond Sq Ft.: 0 Parcel...: SPR No...: Park Dist: 0 'Otc No..: Code ....... : ?? 1997UBC 071 322-8174 Phone No.: FEES Plan Check,: $12.96 Inspection..: $27.04 School Fee.: $0.00 Park Fee...: $0.00 Habitat Fee: $0.00 S.M,I. Fee.: $0.00 P.W. Fees,: $0.00 Additional Fee: $0.00 State MH Fee.: $0.00 Tot Valuation.: Tot Permit Fee: Payments ...... : Balance Due...: $500.00 $40.00 $0.00p $40.00-- OCT 0 12001 OF BAK~.RSE~ELD I i i CALL FOR INSPECTION 24 Hour Recorder Number(661) 323-1NSP or 4677 Please state the Permit Number, the Job Address, and the Type of Inspection. Request for inspections should be made at least twenty-four hours in advance. Inspectors office hours are; 8:00 - 8:30 AM and 1:00 - 1:30 PM DECLARATIONS Permitis issued in accordance with all applicable Federal, State and Local Ordinances. The permittee has properly signed and dated the reverse side ' of this form. This permit expires after 180 days of Inactivity. I have reviewed the above application, and find it to be correct/complete: Permittee: Date: 1 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1715 CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 BUILDING DEPARTMENT I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I ! PERMIT INFO Permit No..: B01-06463 Permit Type: COM_MPE Status....~: ' Description: ABANDON SEPTIC SYSTEM Applied..: 10/08/20 Completed: Total Sq Ft.: Approved.: 10/08/20 To Expire: 04/06/2002 Cond Sq Ftc: Issued..: 10/08/20 LOCATION Job Address: 2800 STANDARD ST BAK Tr//Phs/Lot..: 0 0 Parcel...: Zone ....... : SPR No...: School Dist: 0 Park Dist: 0 CONSTRUCTION Occ Class..: 'Otc Noi.: Type Const.: 071 'Code ....... : FireSprlk.: N , · . , PEOPLE Owner ....... ..: COSTCO WHOLESALE Phone No.: Applicant..:, FOSS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Phone No.: 322-81~4 Architect..: Phone No.: ...... Engineer....: Phone No.: Contractor: FOSS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Phone No.:, Cont Lic No: 716581 Exp Date.: 12/31/2001. Cont Addr..: 1620 E BRUNDAGEL ISSUE 0 0 1997 UBC 071:. FEES Plan Check.: $12.96 Inspection..: $27.04 School Fee.: $0.00 Park Fee...: $0.00 Habitat Fee: $0.00 S.M.I. Fee.: $0.00 P.W. Fees.: $0.00 Additional Fee: $0.00 State MH Fee,: $0.00 Tot Valuation.: Tot Permit Fee: Payments ...... : Balance Due...: $500.00 $40.00 $o.oo $40.00 CALL FoR INsPEcTION· 24 Hour Recorder Number(661) 323.1NSP ~ or 4677 Please state the Pe;'mit Number, the Job Address, and the Type of nspect on Request for inspections should be made at least twenty-four hours in advance. Inspectors office hours are: 8:00- 8:30 AM and 1:00 - 1:30 PM DECLARATIONS Permit is issued in accordance with all applicable Federal, .State and Local Ordinances. The permittee has properly signed and dated the reverse side of this form. This permit expires after 1 80 days of Inactivity. I have reviewed the above application, and find it to be correct/complete: Permittee:. Date: I I ~ CITY'OF BAKERSFIE1.D 1715 CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301' BUILDING DEPARTMENT I I I i I I I I I ! I I I I I I PERMIT INFO Permit No..: B01-06301 Permit Type: COM_MPE Description: ABANDON SEPTIC TANK Applied..: 10/01/20 Completed: Approved.: 10/01/20 To Expire: 03/30/2002 Issued..: 10/01/20 LOCATION Job Address: 3650 ROSEDALE HWY BAK Tr//Phs/Lot..: 0 0 Zone ....... : School Dist: 0 CONSTRUCTION Occ Classi.: Type Const.: 071 Fire Sprlk.: N PEOPLE Owner ........ : BARBEAN CLYDE Phone No.: Applicant..: FOSS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Phone No.: Architect..: Phone N0.: Engineer....: Phone No.: Contractor: FOSS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES. Cont Lic No: 716581 Exp Date.: Cont Addr..: 1620 E BRUNDAGEL Status ..... : ISSUE Total Sq Ft.: 0 Cond Sq Ft.: 0 Parcel...: SPR No...: Park Dist: 0 Occ NO..: Code ....... : FEES Plan Check.: $12.96 Inspection..: $27.04 School Fee.: $0.00 Park Fee...: $0.00 Habitat Fee: ' $0.00 S.M.I. Fee.: $0.00 P.W. Fees.: $0.00 Additional Fee: $0.00 - State MH Fee.: $0.00 CALL FOR INSPECTION - 24 Hour Recorder NUmber(661) 323-1NSP or 4677 P;ease state the Permit Number,.the Job Address, and the. Type of Inspection. Request .for inspections should be made at least twenty-four hours in advance. Inspectors office hours are: 8:00 - 8:30 AM and 1:00 - 1:30 PM ?? 1997 UBC 071 322-8174 Phone No.: Tot Valuation.: $500.00 Tot Permit Fee: $40.00 Payments:......: $0.00 Balance Due...: $40.00 OCl' 0 ~ 20o~ C:ALIFORN' DEOLARATION$ Permit i$ issued in accordance with all applicable Federal, State and Local Ordinances. The permittee has properly signed and dated the reverse side of this form, This Permit expires after 180 days of Inactivity. i have reviewed the above application, and find it to be correct/complete: Permittee: Date: I I I I I I I I I I I I~- KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Application Date: No. of Wells/Borings: PTO No.: Well No(s).: APPLICATION AND PERMIT FOR MONITORING WELLS This application is to: E3 Construct Type of well/boring [] Groundwater [:':,:..'.,: ~:::.,:::::: ::._.'.-? :::':::::: a:::::.'::'.. :.::.-: '.- ......... : ..?;: ::.-,:':::::.':'::<.-,. '::.'?:':::., :<<:ii::.::. [] Modify' Cathodic Protection ~' Destroy Test Hole [] Other Proposed s,~ date: Depth to groundwater: ~',~'" "'"~ GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION: I. Well site approval is required before beginning any work related to well construction. It is unlawful to continue work pas' the stage at which an inspection is required unless inspection is waived or completed. 2. Other required inspections include: conductor casing, all annular seals, and final cons~'uction features. 3. A phone call to the Department office is required on the morning of the day that work is to commence and 24 hours befor: the placement of any seals or plugs. 4. Construction under this Permit is subject to any i~structions by Department representatives. 5. All wells constructed of PVC located at a contaminated site where degradation may occur must be destroyed aRer two year or prove no degradation is occurring or has occurred. 6. Any misrepresentation or noncompliance with required Permit Conditions or Ordinance will result in issuance of a "STOl WORK ORDER." 7. A copy of the Department of Water Resources Driller's Report, as well as copies of logs, water quality analyses, and ~ builts of wells must be submitted to the Environmental Health Services Department within 14 days aider completion of ~ work. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT FOR DESTRUCTION: I. A well destruction application must be filed with this Department if a well is being destroyed that is not. in conjunctic with a test hole permit. 2. Destruction procedures must be followed as per UT-SO. 3. Placement of the seal must be wifnessed by a representative of this Department. Twenty-four-hour advanced notice requized for an appointment. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED WELL CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION OKO~ ELEVATION (IF ~0~ CAS~-~S~E D~TER CASCO ~~L & GAUGE SC~EN ~TE~L & OAUGE T~E OF BENTON~E PLU0 & DEPTH A~US SE~ ~ DE~ F~R PACK ~TE~ & SIZE SC~EN SLOT S~E & LENG~ SEALA~ PLACE~NT ~OD LOC~O ~LL CAP FACILITY PLOT PLAN Provide a description of the facility to be monitored, including: location of tanks, proposed monitoring and placement, nearest street or intersection, location of any water wells or surface wa, within 500' rad~ of facili~; please at.ch, ZONE OF INFLUENCE ~nformation on zone of influence, such ~ mathematical calculations or field test data, may be required VADOSE ZONE WELLS upon review of the application. 1 WELL DESTRUCTION INFORMATION .... CASING MATERIAL SEALANT PLACEMENT METHOD !, -t:,'/,I I have read and agree to comply with the general condltion.v noted. ?~ermit must be_ signed by either the contractor or qiz Owner's Signature Date Contractor's Signaturetx Approved By: Total Fee Paid On Issue Date: Receipt #. Cash Check # Permit Expiration Date: Work Order # THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED ch VatI R-25 · Former Oil Sum_pArea ...... mT1 v v I Dirt Weeds N Suspected Former AGT, Area T~: :::::::::::::::::::::::: ri Electrical Can?py & Telep. hone Box . Oil Change] _ \ Fuel Dispensers Trough / '-"~';" o ..~ · r~ / ~,-,-,-,-,-,-~-J,-.~" I ,~-~o L_J B-5 / t ,~o ~ c're't e'., '~,,'lrl I o-zu ~Mwl-~T'w.~'~7..t-.~-.H~ t,',',',',',','1.1 I,'IH I I I L~ a t,,,,, ,':i'1 1:1[I .~7~ "i ............ I B-27 ~ ~Cl~r'n'ier & Dry 4 Underground TRICO #1 SepticTank Storage Tanks Former Oil Well / ~""'/~ 1,000 ~allon PARC E L 12 i.~::..iii:~:~:~l i:~:~:~1 Suspected Former AGT Area--~ii!l Mobile Office Trailer Storaoe BIdg South Water Well Sump O ~ ,~sessment Trench Former OilWoll Q Oontaminated Soil ._~To bo Remo¥od Monitoring well g43prox. Scale 1 '=TS' · Soil Bodn~ SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 4700 District Blvd. Bakersfield, CA 93313 PROJECT NUMBER: 97-8384 PLATE PARCEL 12 2800 Standard St 2A Bakersfield, CA. Plot Plan IENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY ISTEVE McCALLEY, R.E.H.S., Director A DAVID PRICE III, RMA DIRECTOR --2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 ~ Community Development Program Department BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301-2370 IVolce: (661) 862-8700 ~ Engineering & Survey Services Department · Fax: (661) 862-8701 ~ Environmental Health Services Department TrY Relay: (800) 735-2929 ~ Planning Department le-malh ch(~o, ker~.ce.#s Roads Department I ' October 1, 2001 I Costco Wholesale · c/o Mulvanny G2 Architecture 1110 - 112th Ave. NE, Suite 500 I B ellevue, WA 98004 _ Ladies and Gentlemen: d ' h 1 - l,is is to a vise you t at your app ications/or permits to destroy three domestic wells and one i agricultural well have been received and reviewed. The wells will be located as follows: . Permit No. . APN Township, Range, Section I EH-997 332-152-12 T29S, R27E, Section 23-Q EH-998 332-152-40 T29S, R27E, Section 23-P I 'EH 999 332 152 4i T29S, R27E, Section 23-P I EH-1000 332-152-07 T29S, R27E, Section 23-P i No additional conditions will be required at this time. Guidelines for proper destruction of your wells are outlined in the enclosure. I I wells, please contactlf you o office at urhave (661) 862-8700. any questions about your I Sincerely, _ Steve McCall,,c, Direc~ Environmental Health Specialist III I Water Quality Program TH:jrw Enclosure cc: Soils Engineering, Inc. Files EH-997, EH-998 EH-999, EH- 1000 (watcr~hardy\costco-w23b) Environmental Health Services Dept. '2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 I Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone (805) 8,2-8700 Permit FAX (805) 862-8701 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO I CONSTRUCT, RECONSTRUCT, DEEPEN OR DESTROY A WELL PROPOSED START DATE: Phone: Zip: JOB SITE, T~ R ~'~E Sec. I PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Assessor's Parcel No..; I I I I I I I I I TYPE OF WORK TO BE DOl~: (check one) INTENDED USEr [] Domestic/private (1 connection) [] Domestic/nonpublic (2-4 connections) [] Domestic/public (5 or more conn.) [] Agricultural [] Test Hole [] Honitoring [] Cathodic Protection [] Other [] New Well D Reconstruction [] Deepen ~' Destruction CONSTRUCTIONMETHOD: [] Reverse Rotary [] Rotary [] Air Rotary [] Other SEALING MATERIALs (check one) [].Neat Cement ~-xCement Grout '[] Concrete [] Other GRAVEL PACK: (check one) [] Yes [] No From To Feet ~ CASING: Diameter Depth Conductor Depth Gauge/Wall PROPOSED~r3~ CONSTRUCTION (DEPTH) PROPOSED PERFORATIONS OR SCREEN: Max. Feet From To Feet Min. Feet From To Feet PENETRATES TWO OR MORE AQUZFERS [] Yes ~ No W~T~ CONSTRUCTION O~ DESTRUCTION PROPOSED SEALS/PLUGS: Annular Other ~> - ~C~ f-- PROPOSED W~. DESTRUCTION Well Depth -~,~' ft TI-IIS APPLICATION BECOMF~ A PERMIT WIIEN APPROVED GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. Permit applications will be submitted to the Planning Department for zoning, access and flood plain clearances prior to approval ofthi Environmental Health Services Dept. If you are drilling within city's limits, you will have to receive approval from their planning departm anti 2. Permit applications must be submit'ted to the Environmental Health Services Department at least ten working days prior to the proposso-- starting date. 3. Well site approval is required before beginning any work related to well construction. It is unlawful to continue work past the stage alii which an inspection is required unless inspection is waived or completed. i 4. Other required inspections include: setting conductor casing, E-logs, all annular seals, and final construction features. 5. In areas where a well penetrates more than one aquifer, and one or more of the aquifers may contain water which is of a quality which may degrade the other aquifer(s) penetrated if allowed to commingle, an E-log shall be required to determine the location of the confinini clay layer(s) and assist in the placement of any required annular seal(s). I 6. A phone call to the Department office is required on the morning of the day that work is to commence and 24 hours before the placsmsr of any seals or plugs. 7. Approva~ of water quality and final construction features are required before the well is put into use. 8. Construction under this Permit is subject to any instructions by Department representatives. · 9. Any misrepresentation or non-compliance with required Permit Conditions, or regulations, will result in issuance of a "Stop Work Order' 10. A copy of the Department of Water Resources Driller's Report and water quality analyses must be submitted to the Environmental Health Services Department within 30 days after completion of the work. 11. "Dry" holes must be propedy destroyed within two (2) weeks of drilling. A well destruction application must be filed with thisDepartment· 12. The permit is void on the ninetieth (90) calendar day after data of issuance if work has not been started and reasonable progress tower completion made. Fees are not refundable nor transferable. 13. Lead aPPurtenances sha~l not be used in construction of any private or'public water supply system. The usa of solders containing than 2/10 of 1% lead is prohibited in making joints and fltting~ in any private or public potable water system. 14. Permittae shall assume.entire responsibility of all activities and uses under this Permit and shell indemnify, defend and save the Coun of Kern and/or Kern County Water Agency, its officers, agents, and employees free and harmJess from any end ail expense, cost or JisbilJty in connection with or resulting from the exercise of this Permit, including, but not limited to, property damage, personal injury, and wron,gfu~ death. ! I certify that I am the owner of the above-described property, or the authorized representative of such owner, and that I furnished all of the above information and intend to construct/destroy the well as represented above. I understan~lI that all work is to be done in accordance with Kern County Ordinance Code Chapter 14.08 and Bulletin 74-81 and thl conditions of the Permit Application including any conditions which may be added or changed by the EnvironmentaT' Health Services Department upon review of this Application and issuance of the Permit. I further understand that any__ permit issued pursuant to this application is subject to such further conditions as may be deemed necessary to insur I compliance with the pertinent regulations. Owns. r...n0 Signature Date Contractor ate / INTERNAL USE ONLY [] 'pl~~~ll~aid:I Permit AoorQved: Tol;~l Fee: Date pate: Re,elD1; # u (;:~sh r~ Check (# ) Expiration Date: Fee Received by: _ ZONING ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT Zone: E-Log Required: I::] Y.es ~ Access Approved: D Yes o No Flood Plan Approval Required: ~] Yes ONe Gravel Chute Required: ~Yes~ DATE: ~, REASONS FOR DEN/AL OR CONDITIONS OF PERM/T: · TtHS APPLICATION BECOMF$ A PERMIT WI-IF N APPROVED Health Service. Dep=. Envi~n~.en=a~ Parcel Map/Tract ~ ~700 H Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Parcel No.= Phone (805) 862-8700 F~x (808) 862-8701 . As.essor,s Parcel ,o.~ 'X$2-o/~Z-yO LocATION " A. Indicate below the exact location of well with respect to the following £tems: property lines, water bodies or courses, drainage pattern, roads, existing wells, structurs, sewers or private disposal systems. Include dimensions. I I I ! I I B. LOCATION OF WELL WITHIN SECTION LINES--Locate well by measuring from proposed site in relation to section lines or 1/2 section lines. Di C B =A El F .G ! H ' P~ Q' R l- O~e Mi~e ,., -t Concrete Foundations Asphalt & Concrete Pile I-~.._.~ ~ B-~25 E ectrical FUel C~nopyN I Former ~ & T. elep~one Box Dispensers ~ nrain · '/Above-ground .................. 'F~:'~ ........................ B-~6 %3~'1~08~5/ "" '~'1 1 PARCEL 38 T9 Drilin~° Sump 2):~T~ ~ Shop I Pipeline PARCEL 39 \ . \T7 B-29 (MW- Buildi~ g Office Trailer Drilling Surq~.~ \~ 4 Undergroun~.?'2..7~_ _ B-1~ ~'2arifier & Dry Well Dirt Storage Tanks / ~epuc..,~an.~( -., .~-~ B-30 (MW-3) PARCEL 37 [ ~ I itner#2 !~1' . ~-~o / ~,0000=,,on *.-~ (2 -SK, 2-10K) TRICO #1wasm u~ lanK~' icl Vacant Field i:~_'!3.. , Vacant Field ~n Weeds ['i Tll Weeds PARCEL 12 ~ - e.,(B-28 (MW-i) c J Bitner #1 F PARCEL 40 Mobile ~.m~ce Storaj~ Bldg5 el Former AGT e Weeds · ' n 55-gallon ' ~"'~"~6 c S°uth Wa~r WellI Sump Drums L a;11.,,Va~ve Vau~t ~See P~ate =A For More Detai/ B~.3pi~ B-12~ Concrete Pad 8-14 T'"~~B-21 Water B-~"- Zl ,,Fence AGT Hazardous Waste Parce, ~ St~r~::~____ Parcel 8 Parcel 41 : i ,Former Maaco 31cnn Ros~ Engine Seaton Property '~ ~ LEGEND + See Plate 4 For Detail ! Former Oil Well I · Soi~ 8oring , Location Soo Plate 3 For Detail I MonoyMarI ~Approx. Scale1' = 1 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 4700 District Blvd. Bakersfield, CA 93313 m l m m m m m F)ATE: 11/2/98 PROJECT NUMBER: 8733 I / Sparks Estate Parcels 12, 37,38, 39, 40 BAKERSFII,ED CALIFORNIA PLOT PLAN , PLATE 2 m m Env.'.ronmental Health Services Dept. ~700 "M" Street, Suite 300 i Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone (805) 862-8700 FAX (805) 862-8701 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT, RECONSTRUCT, DEEPEN OR DESTROY A WELL I ! I ! PROPOSED START DATE: APPLICATION DATE: O~ER: ~.Z~,T, IMG COM?~CTOR: 5a ;~ ~.~;~I~¢~';~7, ZrA/<, Phone: / sunco~cTon ~ /t,'O ,~J 2- Phone .. Address: City: Zip: JOB SITE: T 26]3 R 7'~E Sec. 7~ 40 Acre Sub. I PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Assessor's Parcel No.: Z ~ '~ - / I I DIRECTIONS to Well Site: ,~0 /~' ,.*~ f~~_~ EeA,~,Z ~6,.., r I I I TYPE OF WORK TO BE DONE: (check one) INTENDED USE: [] Domestic/private (1 connection) [] Domestic/nonpublic (2-4 connections) [] Domestic/public (5 or more conn.) [] Agricultural [] Test Hole [] Monitoring [] Cathodic Protection ~ Other [] New Well [] Reconstruction [] Deepen l ~Destruction CONSTRUCTION METHOD: 0 Reverse Rotary [] Rotary [] Air Rotary ~ Other SEALING MATERIALz (check one) GRAVEL PACK: (check one) G. Neat Cement Cement G Yes ~ No Grout mu-Concrete From To Feet G Other 1~ CASINO, D isms:er Depth Conductor Depth Gauge/Wall PROPOSED W~f~ CONSTRUCTION (DEPTH) PROPOSED PERFORATIONS OR SCREEN~ Max. Feet From To Feet Min. Feet From To Feet PENETRATES TWO OR MORE AgUIFERS FI Yes [] No W~.T. CONSTRUCTION OR DESTRUCTION PROPOSED SEALS/PLUGS Other PROPOSED WF~3~ DES~U~ION Well Depth Z~O ft TIHS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WI-W~N APPROVED GENERAL CONDITIONS: .. 1. Permit applications will be submitted to the Planning Department for zoning, access and flood plain Clearances prior to approval of the I Environmental Health Services Dept. If you are drilling within city's limits, you will have to receive approval from their planning department. I 2. Permit applications must §e submitted to the Environmental Health Services Department at least ten working days prior to the proposed starting date. 3. Well site approval ia required before beginning any work related to well construction. It ia unlawful to continue work peat the stage at i which an inspection is required unless inspection ia waived or completed. I 4. Other required inspections include: setting conductor casing, E-logs, all annular seals, and final construction features. 5. In areas where a well penetrates more than one aquifer, and one or more of the aquifers may contain water which is of a quality which may degrade the other aquifer(a) penetrated if allowed to commingle, an E-log shall be required to determine the location of the confining I clay layer(a) and assist in the placement of any required annular seal(s). i 6. A phone call to the Department office is required on the morning of the day that work is to commence and 24 hours before the placement of any seals or plugs. 7. Approval of water quality and final construction features are required before the well Js put into use. ~, 8. Construction under this Permit ia subject to any instructions by Department representatives. I 9. Any misrepresentation or non-compliance with required Permit Conditions, or regulations, will result in issuance of a "Stop Work Order". 10. A copy of the Department of Water Resources Driller's Report and water quality analyses must be submitted to the Environmental Health Services Department within 30 days after completion of the work. 11. "D~y" holes must be property destroyed within two (2) weeks of drilling. A well destruction application must be filed with this Department.· 12. The permit ie void on the ninetieth (90) calender day after date of issuance if work.has not been started and reasonable progress toward completion made. Fees are not refundable nor transferable. 13, Lead appurtenances shall not be used in construction of any private or public water sUpply system. The use of solders containing more than 2/10 of 1% lead ia prohibited in making joints and fitting~ in any private or public potable water system. · 14. Permittee shall assume.entire responsibility of all activities and uses under this Pen'nit and shall indemnify, defend and save the County · of Kern and/or Kern County Water Agency, its officers, agents, and employees free and harmless from any and all expense, cost or liability in connection with or resulting from the exercise of this Permit, including, but not limited to, property damage, personal iniury, and wrongful death. I I certify that I am the owner of the above-described property, or the authorized representative of such owner, and that I furnished all of the above information and intend to construct/destroy the well as represented above. I understand that all work is to be done in accordance with Kern County Ordinance Code Chapter 14.08 and Bulletin 74-81 and the. conditions of the Permit Application including any conditions which may be added or changed by the Environmental Health Services Department upon review of this Application and issuance of the Permit. I further understand that any · permit issued pursuant to this application is subject to such further conditions as may be deemed necessary to insun~ compliance with the pertinent regulations. · Signature Date Contractor Date INTERNAL USE ONLY Permit Approved: To~;{~l Fe~: Date Paid: Date: Reqeiot # u q~sh [3 Check {# ) Expiration Date: Fee Received by: ~ ZONING ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT ZOne: E-Log Required: [3 Yes n No Access Approved: '~ a Yes a No Flood Plan Approval Required: [3 Yes D No Gravel Chute Required: a Yes n No a APPROVED ' o DISAPPROVED '~' .-- '."~, ~_~' ~....~' ~-'~'f~. q_,i,~:L_'"Tl"--' BY: REASONS FOR DEN/AL OR CONDITIoNs OF PERMIT: TltlS APPLICATION BECOMF_.S A PERMIT WltEN APPROVED Bakerefield, CA 93301 Parcel No.= Phone (805) 862-8700 . ~ A. Indicate below ~he exa~ loca~i [1 w~h re~pe~ ~o the fo[lowing I I I I ! '1 I DiC' ~ i ElF ! J ! ; Seaton Property Debris Pile Fence WEEDS & DIRT Square Ma~lnetic Anomaly o Power Pole AsphaE ROSEDALE HIGHWAY WEEDS PARCEL 41 Hazardous Material F I Storage Area e n Asphalt- ;I a-19 S. eptic System I L'~B-18 M'PB'l-~FormerPaint I s[~r~,~F~Drains I ~ ~ ~nce I t '''''---- ~pha~ I Concrete & Brick I Hungry Hunter SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 4700 District Blvd. Bakersfield, CA 93313 PROJECT NUMBER: 98-8733 · g Scale 1 '=75' Parcel 41 PLATE Former Maaco& Vacant Lot 3650 Rosedale Hwy. & Lot West / Bakersfield, CA / . Plot Plan Ke~n county Environmental Health Services Dept. 2700 "M" street, Suite 300 I Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone (805) 862-8700 FAX (805) 862-8701 APPLICATION FOR PERMTF TO CONSTRUCT, RECONSTRUCT, DEEPEN OR DESTROY A WELL I I I I D~,".'.'~N~ coN~o~oR.- .5'0 ~.-~' E:,~.?;,,e e,,-;,~)., ~c, Pho.e.. ['~,'~:/2 42 ~ SUBCON~¢=OR ~ /t/~A~ ~ Phone: Address: City: Zip: I I I =o~ s~, T 2q5 R Z76 s.c. Z3 ~0 Acre Sub. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION* Assessor's Parcel No.: ~ ~ ~ - / I I TYPE OF WORK TO BE DONE: (check one) .INTENDED USE~' [] Domestic/private (1 connection) [] Domestic/nonpublic (2-4 connections) [] Domestic/public (5 or more conn.) [] Agricultural [] Test Hole [] Monitoring [] Cathodic Protection [] Other 0 New Well [] Reconstruction [] Deepen ~Destruction CONSTRUCTION METHOD~ [] Reverse Rotary [] Rotary [] Air Rotary [] Other SEALINOMATERIAL~..(.~beck one) Neat Cemen= Cement Groug Concrete Other GRAVEL PACK~ (check one) U Yes u No From To Feet ~DCASINO~ Diameter Conductor Dept~ Gauge]Wall PROPOSED WWr~ CONSTRUCTION (DEPTH) PROPOSED PERFORATIONS OR SCREENz Max. Feet From To Feet Min. Feet From-- To -- Feet PENETRATES TWO OR MORE AQUIFERS D Yes [] NO W~T~L CONSTRUCTION OR DESTRUCTION PROPOSED SEALS/PLUGS= Annular ~ L~ ~ ~ S~ - Other 'Fo ~ .~-~ ~.,~m~ ' . ~'t~ ~"~- PROPOSED ~ DESTRUCTION Well Depth ~O ft TI-IlS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WI-1F.N APPROVED GENERAL CONDITIONS: 2. 3. 4. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Permit applications will be submitted to the Planning Department for zoning, access and flood plain clearances prior to approval of the · Environmental Health Services Dept. If you are drilling within city's limits, you will have to receive approval from their planning department. Permit applications must be submitted to the Environmental Health Services. Department at least ten working days prior to the proposed starting date. . Well site approval ia required before beginning any work related to well construction. It ia unlawful to continue work past the stage at · which an inspection is required unless inspection is waived or completed. · Other required inspections include: setting conductor casing, E-logs, all annular seals, and final Construction features. In areas where a well penetrates more than one aquifer, and one or more of the aquifers may contain water which ia of a quality which may degrade the other aquifer(a) penetrated if allowed to commingle, an E-log shall be required to determine the location of the confining · clay layer(e) and assist in the placement of any required annular seal(s). · A phone call to the Department office ia required on the morning of the day that work is to commence and 24 hours before the placement of any seals or plugs. Approval of water quality and final construction features are required before the well ia put into use. I Construction under this Permit ia subject to any instructions by Department representatives. · Any misrepresentation or non-compliance with required Permit Conditions, or regulations, will result in issuance of a "Stop Work Order'. A copy of the Department of Water Resources Driller's Report end water quality analyses must be submitted to the Environmental Health Ser~ces Department within 30 days after completion of the work. · "Dry" holes must be propedy destroyed within two (2) weeks of drilling. A well destruction application must be filed with this Department. · The permit ie void on the ninetieth (90) calendar day after date of issuance if work has not been started and reasonable progress toward completion made. Fees ars not refundable nor transferable. Lead appurtenances shall not be used in construction of any private or public water supply system. The use of solders containing more · than 2/10 of 1% lead is prohibited in making joints and fittingi in any private or public potable water system. · Psrmittse shall assume.entire responsibility of all activities and uses under this Perrr~t and shall indemnify, defend and save the County of Kern and/or Kern County Water Agency, its officers, agents, and employees free and harmless from any and all expense, cost or liability in connection with or resulting from the exercise of this Permit, including, but not limited to, property damage, personal injury, and wrongful · death. I certify that I am the owner of the above-described property, or the authorized representative of such owner, and that I furnished all of the above information and intend to construct/destroy the well as represented above. I understand that all work is to be done in accordance with Kern County Ordinance Code Chapter 14.08 and Bulletin 74-81 and the conditions of the Permit Application including any conditions which may be added or changed by the Environmental Health Services Department upon review of this Application and issuance of the Permit. I further understand that any permit issued pursuant to this application is subject to such further conditions as may be deemed necessary to insure compliance with the pertinent regulations. Owner's Drilling Signature Date Contractor Date Paid: Date I I o (~ash a Check (# ) INTERNAL USE ONLY Permit AoDrqved: Date: Expiration Date: Tol;al Reqeil~l; # Fee Received by: ZONING ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT Zone: Access Approved: n Yes FIood'Plan Approval Required: n Yes n No D No E-Log Required: o Yes ~ Gravel Chute Required: n Yes~ BY: DATE: 13 APPROVED DISAPPROVED REASONS FOR DEN/AL OR CONDITIONS OF PERMIT: II THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED ! i I I ! I I i I ! Kern County Environmental Health Services Dept. 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone (805) 862-8700 FAX (805) 862-8701 Parcel Map/Tract: Assessor's Parcel Ho.: LOCATION As Indicate below the exact location of well with respect to the following items: property lines, water bodies or courses, drainage pattern', roads, existing wells, structure, sewers or private disposal systems. Include dimensions. I B. LOCATION OF WELL WITHIN SECTION LINES--Locate well by measuring from proposed site in relation to section lines or 1/2 section lines. II D[ C' ! E~F .GiH ; 1- One Mile -I Former Oil Sump Area .... mT1 N Suspected Former AGTt .Area T4 I:~:~::~:r iiii!:~'~iiiiiii~.l B-2S · I Electrical Canopy Oil Chang~ & Telep. hone Box Dra~n ~ Fuel Disp.ensers... T. ro.u.g[~ . . , ~-~ ~.~ t,,.~'o~":;.,l:N41I --~ ~"',~Ol~ [;,:Building.;{{ I; Office ~ e I::;:;,';:;,';:;IU;tl--I /' . I B-a7 ·~ t,-.'.'.'-'-' ~.,':-'_.'"~L~Clar~ier & Dr,/ Underground TRICO#1 8epticTank B-I~ ,Well Storage Tanks For er "i ...... /~,~B-2_,,% I m ,..,,v.,e,, / ~'"~3o (2.-8K, 2-10K) Waste Oil Tan~ i~-4 T' ~: Dirt T6 c 'PARCEL 12 Suspe ted Former AGT Area--l~?.il Mobile Office Trailer Weeds /South Water Well \ 0 / Approx. Scale 1 '=75' 1,000 gallon · B-3 .~B-28 (MW-l) Storage B~ Sump ~ Assessment Trench Former Oil Well {~ Contaminated Soil 1o bo Remo¥od -~-- Monitoring well · Soil Boring SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 4700 District Blvd. Bakersfield, CA 93313 PROJECT NUMBER: 97-8384 PLATE PARCEL 12 2800 Standard St 2A Bakersfield, CA. Plot Plan .I' ~ Kern county Environmental Health Services Dept. 2700 "H" Street, Suite 300 i Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone (805) 862-8700 FAX (805) 862-8701 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT, RECONSTRUCT, DEEPEN OR DESTROY A. WELL SOBCONT~OToR = ~M E Phone: Addree.: City: Zip: · JOB Sl~, T ~q~ R ?~ Sec. ~3 40 Acre Sub. ~ 'i~. · 'c e ~ = Reconstruction ~Desyruction-- -" .... ' ~E OF WO~ ~ ~ ~. ( h ck one) ~ New Well ~ ~ Domestic/nonpublic (2-4 connections) ~ Rotary · ~ Domestic/public (5 or more conn.) ' ~ Air Rotary ~ Agricultural ~ Other ~ Test Hole . ~ S~IN~ ~RI~I (check one} ~ PA~ (check one) ~ ~SINOl Neat Cement '~x~ement Grout Concrete Other O Yes u No From To Feet Diameter Depth Conductor Depth Gauge/Wall I I I PROPOSED W~'Tz. CONSTRUCTZON (DEPTH) PROPOSED PERFORATIONS OR SCREENI Max. Feet From To Feet Min. Feet From--To Feet PENETRATES TWO OR NORS AQUIFERS 0 Yes 0 No WELL CONSTRUCTION OR DESTRUCTION PROPOSED SEALS/PLUGS: Annular ~ I~ ~ ~ ,~-O - Other 7'~,o_ ~ ' 0 ,~'~ ~ PRoPOSZDW~-, Dzs~.c'~O~ Well Depth '7/.-~6~) ft TIHS APPLICATION BECOMF~ A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. Permit applications will be submitted to the Planning Department for zoning, access and flood plain clearances prior to approval of the Environmental Health Services Dept. If you are drilling within city's limits, you will have to receive approval from their planning department. · 2. Permit applications must be submitted to the Environmental Health Secvicea Department at least ten working days prior to the proposed starting date. 3. Well site approval is required before beginning any work related to well construction. It is unlawful to continue work past the stage at 'w~ich an inspection is required unless inspection is waived or completed. · 4. Other required inspections include: setting conductor casing, E-logs, all annular seals, and final construction features. 5. In areas where a well penetrates more than one aquifer, and one or more of the aquifers may contain water which ia of a quality which may degrade the other aquifer(s) penetrated if allowed to commingle, an E-log shall be required to determine the location of the confining clay layer(s) and assist in the placement of any required annular seal(a). · 6. A phone call to the Department office is required on the morning of the day that work is to commence and 24 hours before the placement of any seals or plugs. 7. Approval of water quality and final construction features are required before the well is put into use. Ill 8. Construction under this Permit is subject to any instructions by Department representatives. · 9. Any misrepresentation or non-compliance with required Permit Conditions, or regulations, will result in issuance of a 'Stop Work Order'. · 10. A copy of the Department of Water Resources Driller's Report end water quality analyses must be submitted to the En,Hronmental Health Sen/ices Department within 30 days after completion of the work. 11. "Dry' holes must be properly destroyed within two (2) weeks of drilling. A well destruction application must be filed with this Department. · 12. The permit is void on the ninetieth (90) calendar day after date of issuance if work has not been started and reasonable progress toward · completion made. Fees ars not refundable nor transferable. 13. Lead appurtenances shall not be used in construction of any private or public water supply system. The use of solders containing more than 2/10 of 1% lead ia prohibited in making joints and fitting~ in any private or public potable water system. · 14. Permittee shall assume.entire responsibility of all activities and uses under this Permit and shall indemnify, defend and save the County · of Kern and/or Kern County Water Agency, its officers, agents, and employees free and harmless from any and all expense, cost or liability in connection with or resulting from the exercise of this Permit, including, but not limited to, property damage, personal injury, and wrongful death. I I certif~ that I am the owner of the above-described property, or the authorized representative of such owner, and that I furnished all of the above information and intend to construct/destroy the well as represented above. I understand that all work is to be done in accordance with Kern County Ordinance Code Chapter 14.08 and Bulletin 74-81 and the· conditions of the Permit Application including any conditions which may be added or changed by the Environmental Health Services Department upon review of this Application and issuance of the Permit. I further understand that any permit issued pursuant to this application is subject to such further conditions as may be deemed necessary to insure· compliance with the pertinent regulations · Signature Date Contractor Date INTERNAL USE ONLY Permit ApDroved: Da' Date: # o (;~sh Fe~ Received by: Expiration Dat~: ZONING Zone: Access Approved: D Yes Flood Plan Approval Required: [3 Yes BY: DATE: n DISAPPROVED APPROVED o No [3 No o Check ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT E-Log Required: o Yes o No Gravel Chute Required: o Yes o No REASONS FOR DENIAL OR CONDITIONS OF PERMIT: J TItIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED Xern, County ~0~, o.~..~:,.,. ,u,,. ~00 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone (805) 862-8700 FAX (805) 862-8701 structurs, Be% ire o: priv Environmental Health Services Dept. LOCATION location of well with respect to the following items: Pa=ce~ Map/Tract: Parcel No.: Parcel water bodies or courses, drainage pattern, roads, existing wells, sewers or private disposal systems. Include dimensions. I I I I I I I LOCATION OF WELL WITHIN SECTION LINES--Locate well by measuring from proposed site in relation to section lines or 1/2 section lines. Di C B ! A !F .GiH ! . i O~ -t Fence DIRT PARCEL 7 N Fence Stained Soil {~) B-15 Miscellaneous Cargo Containers PARCEL 8 B-17 ~ Stained Soil i Steam CleaneJ/Sump / -~- ot Solvent Tank DIRT I~~oncete Pad p tic Tank l~1~ ....... 'B-23 ?~.3,~--~'- ~J i ii::::::i::iiii!i i i :: i iiiii i i~ :: i i::iiil Asphalt ............................. . Bill Board n l ;Glen'R0se"Engir{~ e ' ~ ~:~ OFFICE 3880 Legend Contaminated · Soil Boring ROSEDALE HIGHWAY Soil To Remove ~ale 1 '~0' SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 4700 District Blvd. Bakersfield, CA 93313 PROJECT NUMBER: g8-8733 Parcels 7 & 8 PLATE Glen Rose Engine Service & Seaton Property 3880 Rosedale Hwy. & Lot East /~ Bakersfield, CA Plot Plan I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I "o "o ITl Z X I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Appendix B U. S. EPA INVENTORY OF INJECTION WELLS FORMS 11/26/01 16:07 ~'§6! 326 0576 BFD HAZ ~fAT DIV ~]002 ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INVENT DRY OF INJECTION WELLS U.S. En vironmen~al Protection Agency Region 9 Underg round Injection Control Program SEE INSTRUCTION$ ON PAGE 3.This Information is collected under the author ity o1' the Safe Drinking Water Act, per the Underg round Injection Control regulations at 40 CFR part 144.26 and reiterated at 144.83. This form Is Intended for use by injection well owners and operators In EPA Region 9 states (California, Arizona, Hawaii, Nevada), Pacific Islands and adjacent Tribal lands. Your responses should be typed or written leglb ly, signed and returned to EPA by regular mail. Please do not emafl. NOTE: Septic systems, cesspoOls end other injection wells used for the disposal o[' solely sanitary waste with the capacity to serve fewer than 20 persons per day (single-f emily dwellings) are not subject to inventor y requirements . EPA Region g does not seek inventory information regarding drains used solely to protect residential structural foundations from precipitatl on. I1. DATE PREP ARED (yr/mo/da y) 2001/1!/28 3. TRANSACTION TYPE (please mark one) 4. FACILITY INFORMATION 2. FACILITY ID NO. (leave blank if you do not have a RCRA ID)l _ Deletion -5; First Time Entry . __ Change (ex: ownership, type of well) .,% Pre-closure Notification A. Facility Name Former Sparks Estm~-p, B. S~eel Address (do not use P.O. aox) 2800 Standard ~'l-'r-~ef 'Latitude/Longitude Information can be obelned at no charge by going to the following website: www.epa.go v/owm/ .sw/~ndustr ),/inde x.htrn, and selecting Latitude/Longitude Finders under the Resources Section. SIC codes can be obtained by searching http://www .osha.go vloshstatslsicser .html. C. 'Latitude (dog/mtn/sec) 35 / 23 / 5 E. sic Cpde(s) 7699 & 4231 D. Longitude (dog/rain/se?.1 1 9 ./2 ./4 7. '~ 4 F. City/TownBakersf. ie] d G. statecA _ H. Zip Code 9.3308 I. County Kern J. on Tribal Land? Yes or No X 5. LEGAL CONT ACT A. Type (Check all that apply): X, Owner Operator B. Contact Name--rr~c~c] P,~'r'-I-r~ / _~.ebert ,~ckor C. Contact Organization Name COStco Who]~] ~/~ ~. contact Mailing Address 999 Lake E. Ci~/Smte~lP Issaauah. WA. 9R0~7/RR~r~f~ F~. Con.ct Telephone (4,25)427--7553 / (661) 831--51~ F2. Contact FAX (425) 313-8.105 / (661) .B31-2111 F3. Contact E-mailVTBartok~coRten_ en~ Ownership: (check one) ,,~[~ate __Pub lic H, Please list a~y Io~1, s~t~ or oth~ permi~ on rite wlt~ a regulator y agency f or hazardous rater l~ls or wasle management, or waste discharges ,relevant to ~e Abandoment. Permit ~B01 -06462 use of your injection well(s). ~ FOR EPA USE ONLY ~ Rec'd Date: Entrd Dbase: ~ ~ Follow Up? Y or N Staff: CONTINUED NE~ PAGE. t I ... Form adapted, from .OMB No~ 2040-0042, Region 9 version of EPA Form 7520-16 , Page I of 3 I I ! I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I L1/25./0]. 16:08 ~'66]. 326 0576 BFD HAZ )L~.T DIV ~]003 8. WELL INFORMATION C. Well Operation Status A. sub-Cla~a B. # wells UC AC PC TA PA 5x28 I x ,~,~,,:.~x2~. .i.:':'.~i!~!~i:':;~::.i~.~:i !~...':-.~ ':.. 6D, Comments: (attach additional sheets es needed) 7. Cerlificat|on Statement I car lily under penalty of law that I ha ve mad and understand the eligibilily requirements of "author ization by rule" for operation of bject~on wells. I cerlify under penalty of law that there are nO (~ischarges of hazardous substances or ether fluids in amounts which may endanger an underg round source of drinking water from the injection well(s) identified on this thYen[c~y form, per 40 CFR Pert 144.t2 and 144.82. Addit;onalty , I certify und~ penally of law that th;s d~cument and all attachments were prepared under my direction or Super vision in accordance with a system des/gnarl to assure Ihat qualified personnel proper ly gathered and evaluated the Efermation submitted. Eased on my inquir y o~ t~0 person or persrms who manage Ihe syslem, or b~ose persons dimcUy respon$~ le for gather ing the [nform~lion, U~e Information is ;o the ~est of my knowJedge and belier true, accurate and complete . I am aware that there ere significant penalties for subm[~ng false int'ermatlon, Inc~dlng the posslbil~ty of fine and imprisonment for knowing vblations. I Name (prk~ed or t~pe3): I:~('~'~T'~' l:~c:~c'k~c~l''" T;Ue: Proiect Manager ONCE YOU HAVE' O~MPLETED T' HE FORM. SIGN (#7). MAKE COPY FOR YOUR OWN FILES AND MAIL ORIGINAL(S) TO: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Ground Wa~er Office (WTR.9) UIC Inventory 75 Hawthor no Street 5an Francisco. CA 94i05-3109 Que~Uons about this f ora? Please call (~15) 744.-2250. For general quesUons about Sal'e Drinking Water Act programs at EPA, including the Underground Injection Control Prog ram, see www .epa.go vi safaw:aler, or call Ihe Safe Drinking Water Act HoUine at (~00) 426- 479t, EST. Tat)lo 6: Terms UC: ~der co~' AC: actlv e well BpptO by PA: p~nen~ aba~oned (dosed) ~th no~t~Wapp~o val by mgu~or (~e~ IAt ~me of ag~cy and dale d apFaval ~ 6~ Sub. lasses of S~o w Inje~lon Wells 5A~ heat ~ C m~r~ ~w 5~ g~ ~ aquacu~%'e ~19 c~hg ~atar m~n ~2 S~rmwater ~a~e 6S23 8ub=:de~ce ~ 5~10 5Wi1 ~epflc E~uent 5X14 ~l~ ~g Wot ~t7 Nr S~ubb~Wasto ~5 ~edmEn~ Ta~cl0gy .. ;.. Fc]rm.a~p.!..e~i):...~.m. OMB No.2040-0042, Region 9 version of EPA Form 752~-16 , Page 2 of 3 I SOILS ENGiNEERiNG, iNC. ! I SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION INVENTORY OF INJECTION WELLS I I I I I I I I I I I 6D. The former Class V injection well (dry well) was utilized for the disposal of liquids from a former track maintenance facility at 2800 Standard Street in Bakersfield, CA.. The abandonment of the dry well and associated clarifier was conducted under the approval of the Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Environmental Services. The dry well extended to a depth of approximately 10' bgs.. Petroleum staining and odor was evident to a depth of approximately 14' bgs. beneath and surrounding the dry well. The main excavation was approximately 15' by 20' and 15' deep. Soil samples were collected out of the excavator bucket by SEI from all 4 sidewalls (CL-S-13', CL-N-12', CL-E-13', and CL-W~13'), from the base of the excavation (CL-BTM-16') and from the stockpiled soil (CL-SP1). After additional over-excavation on the south sidewall, soil sample CL-S2-14' was collected. Each soil .sample was collected in brass sleeves, sealed with Teflon-lined caps, labeled and placed into an iced cooler. The soil samples were shipped overnight by courier under chain of custody documents to a State certified analytical laboratory. See Plate 3 for soil sample locations and the former location of the dry well/clarifier. The initial 6 soil samples were analyzed for Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TRPH), Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg), TPH as diesel (TPHd), volatile organics (VOC's), semi-volatile organics and CAM 17 Metals by EPA Methods 418.1, 8015m, 8260, 8270, 6010 and 7471, respectively at Positive Lab Service in Los Angeles, CA.. The CL-S2-14' soil sample was analyzed only for TRPH to confirm the removal of any remaining petroleum hydrocarbons over 1000 ppm. The analytical results of these soil samples indicated elevated petroleum hydrocarbons in the stockpiled soil of 84000 ppm TRPH, 12000 ppm TPHd, 42 ppm TPHg, benzene at 1100 parts per billion (ppb), toluene at 1500 ppb, xylenes at 3800 ppb, tetrachloroethylene (PCE) at 1200 ppb, naphthalene at 14000 ppb, no elevated CAM 17 metals and various low concentrations of semi-volatile organics and other volatile organics. Additional analysis on the soil sample CL-SP1 to characterize the soil as non-hazardous included TCLP for benzene and PCE which were both None Detected (ND) and an aquatic bioassay, which was negative (no fish deaths). The analytical results of sidewall and bottom soil samples from the excavation indicated only one (1) soil sample had petroleum hydrocarbons concentrations over 1000 ppm which was the south sidewall sample CL-S-13' at 3500 ppm TRPH. After over-excavation of the south sidewall an additional soil CL-S2-14' was collected and analyzed for TRPH with the result being only of 89 ppm TRPH. The over-excavated soil was added to the stockpile. See Table 1 for the analytical results of all soil samples mentioned. I After confirming that the stockpiled soil (approximately 150 tons) was non-hazardous it was disposed/recycled at Waste Managements/McKittrick Waste facility under non-hazardous waste manifests. i The excavation was backfilled with clean import soil and compacted up to match existing grade. I I 4400 YEAGER WAY · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA93313 · PHONE(661)831-5100 ° FAX:(661)831-2111 TPH TPH Ethyl Other CAM EPA Method 8270 Diesel Gas TPHmo TRPH Benzene Toluene benzene Xylenes MTBE Total Lead 17 Metals SVOC's (ppm) and DATE (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (p. pb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) Other VOC's (ppb) (ppm) (ppm) Other Analysis Dete_ction Limit 10 0.1 100 5 5 5 5 10 10 4to 80 0.5 0.1 to 10 0.2 Nap=14000, Fluorene=4100, Phenanthrene=7200 Methylnap=47000, DRY WELI./CLARIFIER 1100, bis(2- EXCAVATION TCLP = PCE = 1200 Nap = Ethylhexl)phthalate= CL-SPl(Sto~kpile) 10t1012001 12000 42 NA 84000 ND 1500 <500 3800 <500 10000 6.7 No Elevated 8400nap CL-S-13' 10/10/2001 ND ND . NA 3500 · <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 1.6 No Elevated None CL-S2-14' 10/15/2001 NA NA NA 89 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA CL-N-12'. 10/10/2001 ND ND NA 550 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 2.3 No Elevated None CL-BTM-16' 10/10/2001 ND ND NA 280 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 1.2 No Elevated None CL-W-13' 10/10/2001 ND ND NA 57 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 1.6 No Elevated None CL-E-I:~'.. 10/10/2001 ND ND NA 34 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 0.99 No Elevated None TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, gas = gasoline, mo = motor oil, ppm = parts per million (mg/kg), ppb = parts per billion (ug/kg), MTBE = Methyt Tertiery Butyl Ether, TRPH = Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons, ND = None Detected, NA = Not A~al¥'zed, SVOC's = Semi-volatile Organic Compounds SP2-N-4' T4-W-2' T4-E-25~ Dispenser ~L NIsland~ Dispenser Excavati°n ~ 10KGas UST ~ __ SP2-ST Dis-E-6' I SP1-N-2' ~ '~1 ~ [ ~ ~,_~ Dis-BTM-8' --T2-W-2' T2-E-2'__ ~ S~-S-6' IN--Dis-S-6' SP1-BTMI } ~ -6' -6' - , I-4, '~ 8K Diesel UST~ ~ ~ ~ [~~ ~epl-Btm-8 " ~ ~i O ~ iSep1-E-5' / ~ 8K Diesel UST ~ ~ / ~ ~ ~ 'D~ Well Excavat~ ~ SP~-BTM-8' ~  ~ X ~ v~ ~, Former Clarifier ~ .... , ,~ X~ N~ OIL WELLT~CO~I CiBTMi~L_N_~, / SP1-ST SPI-~3' ~ X N - '- ~ ~ N ~UST Excava0on ~ T1-W-2 -6' ..... ~l 1000 Waste;i~ UST '/~ / ~_~.~3,  Former/ Dry Well c[-s~-~4,~ Over-~cavation ~ Soil Sample Location Approx. Scale: 1"= 40' ~ 15,1 30'1 SOILS ENGINEE~NG, INC. COSTCO Bakersfield PLATE 4400 Yeager Way 2800 Standard St. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Bakersfield, California (661) 831 - 5100 DATE: 10/2001 PROJECT: 01-9775 PLOT PLAN MAP 11/26/01 16:07 ~'~661 326 0576 BFD HAZ ~IAT DI¥ ~002 I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I INVENT CRY OF INJECTION WELLS U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 9 Underg round Injection Control Program SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON PAGE 3. This Information Is collected under the author Ity el'the Safe Drinking Water Act, par the Underg round Injection Control regulations at 40 CFR part 144.26 and reite, rated at 144.83. Thls form Is Intended for use by injection well owners and operators In EPA Region 9 states (California, Arizona, Hawall, Nevada), Pacific Islands and adjacent Tribal lands. Your responses should be typed or written legibly, slgnad and returned to EPA by regular mall. Please do not emaC. NOTE: Septic systems, cesspools and other Injection wells used for the disposal el solely saniter y waste with the capacity to serve ~ewer than 20 parsons per day (single-family dwellings) are no{ subject to inventory requirements . EPA Region g does not seek inventor y Information regarding drains used s~lely to protect residential structural ~oundatlons t'rom precipitell on. 2. FACILITY ID NO. (leave blank if you do not have a RCRA ID)] [ ~ Deletion ~ Firel Time Entry ~ Change (ex: ownership, type of well) X- Pr-e-closure Notification I1. DATE PREPARED (yr/mo/da y) 001/11/ .8 3. TRANSACTION TYPE (please mark one) 4. FACILITY INFORMATION A. Facility NameFoirllt~r Ma~CQ Au~Q B. Streel Address (do not use P.O. Box) 3650 Roseciale I-I~y. 'Latitude/Longitude Information can be chained at no charge by going to the following website: www.epa.go vlowm/ sw/industr y/inde x.htm, and selecting Latitude/Longitude Finders under the Reseumes Section. SIC codes can be obtained by searching http://www .osha.go v/cehstats/sicser .html. C. 'Latitude (deglmin/sec) 3 5 / 2 3 / 0. 9 {~ E. SiC Code(s) 7 5 3 2 D. Longitude (deg/min/sec) 1 1 c) / ~ / 4 R - 1 a F. CitT/TownRakP.r~fi ~.] c~ G. State CA. H. Zip Codeq~{.)R I. Count~ K(~l"n J. On Tribal Land? Yes or No X 5. LEGAL CONTACT A. Type (Check all that apply): ~ Owner __ Operator B. Contact Name q~(9(~(~ Ra'ri-c3]c / l~h~rt- C. Contact Organization Name (~(3.cl-[-c,l-3 ~h~l ~ 1 c,/.qn~ ] .~ l~.nnl n~'~ n. O. Con,ct Mailing AddroSSQQQ_ T.~ ~ ~. _ ,/ ~ ...... v~__ E. C~m/Satea~p Issaquah~WA. 98027 / Bakers~ieifl. CA. 93313 Fl. Con,ct Telephone (425)427--7553 / ~1 ~ 831--5100 FZCOn~ctFAX (425) 313-8105 / (661) 831-2111 F3. Contact E-mailV~Ba~ok~cos~cO . CO~ Ownership: (check one) ~ Pti{ate __Pub H. Please list any lo~l, s~te orother per,ts onfilewith ~i~y O~ ~akers~ie[~ ~ban~on- aregulatoryagency~orhazardous~ter lalsorhaza~ous ~en~ ~e~i~ ~Bol-06301 wasie management, or waste discharges, relevant to ~e use of your injection well(s). J FOR EPA USE ONLY J Rec'd Date: Entrd Dbase: J J Follow Up? Y or N St~ff: CONTINUED NE~ PAGE. I Farm adapted .from .OMB No: 2040-0042, Region 9 version of EPA Form 7520-16 , Page I of 3 ,I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I ! I 11/26/01 16:08 ~661 326 0.~75 (:~',~i~2~i~" ~i~'~ :: )~.~?~io~ i~ afT:: :"':~' ':,:i:::'" '..": '.'.':7 .:. 7 :. '... "" BFD HAZ ~AT D[¥ [~]003 8. WELL INFORMATION C. Well Operation Status A. sub-Class 8. # wells UC AC PC TA PA 5x27 1 x 5wl 1 1 x ~=',~,,:' ~x2s.. ~::.'.': ;i~i~:. i::::i,i~'~i' !~'~. ..':. · ~ ':.. 6D. Comments: (attach additional sheets as needed) 7. Certification Statement I car tily under penalty of law ~at I ha va read and understand the eligibility mqukernents of "author izaUon by rule" for operation of injection wells. I cerlif7 under penalty o! law thai there are no discharges of hazardous substances or other Iluids in amounts which may endanger an underg round source cf ddnl<thg water from the th~ection v~ell(s) Ident;fled on Ibis Inventory form, per 40 CFR Pa:t 144.12 and 144.8;2. Addit~onaliy , I certify under penalty of law tflat this document and ail attachments were prepared under my direction or super vision in accordance with a system deigned to assure that clue[tiled personnel proper ly gathered and eva~ueled the Information submitted. Based on my inquir y of U~o person or persons who manag,= Ihe sy~lem, or those persons dlmcUy respon=~ le for gather lng the inf0frn~tion0 the information is [o the ~est of my knowledge '-nd befioJ b'ue. accurate and complete. I am aware that there ere slgn~cenl penalties for subrn[Eng fa[se inl'orrnatlon, Including the poss~ility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. [Name {pt~edethge=l: Rob~'r'~- Be~ko~ ITM Pr~ ~ M~n~ . . ONCE Y~ HAV~COMPLETED THE FORM, SIGN (~7), MAKE COPY FOR YOUR OWN FILES AND MAIL ORIGINAL(S) TO: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Ground Water O~ce (WTR-9) UIC Inventory 75 Hawthor ne Street San Francisco, CA 94105-3109 Quc~lions about lhls form? Please call (415) 744-2250. For general questions about Safe Drinking Water Act prcgr ams at EPA, including the Underground Injection Control Prog ram, see www .epa.go vi safaws[er, or call the Safe Drinking Water Act HofJine aL (§00) 426- 4791, EST. Tat)ia 6: Terms UC: under consu ucIIofl AC:active well PC: Preclcsure notice TA: abandoned w;~out by regulatm PA: permanently abandoned (cJosecl1 with nollr~..atlcn/apgm by regulator (l~caso list ~lma of agency and dale of approval comment 6A. Sub-Classes of Shailow Injection Wells 5A5 geothet mai reiniecta[e .5AB 9eothar mai aquacutt~-e 5416 C~ln'3 water m~'n (~ec~/ ~f I~f wal~ cnlyl 504 8lormweter mbk~ed wi~h 5RZ1 Aql.'lfer Re,had'ge. drklP, mg 5W10 Cesspool 5W11 ~C;eplic S~f~lem E,~,ueni cornr~[al pf~ces~ tl. dds d~c~a~ing to SXi4 ~cl~o~ MIrdng WoI 5X15 I~-~llu Fossl ,~17 Air e~ ~lbbar Waste SX2S E. xcedmenlal Tachncl0gy 8x2r O~er · . . .. Forrn.a~d~p~l~:.:....~..m. OMa No. 2040-0042, Region 9 version of EPA Form 7520-16 , Page 2 ct' 3 ! SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. ! SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION INVENTORY OF INJECTION WELLS I i i I I I 6D. Two (2) Class V injection wells (dry wells) were uncovered at 3650 Rosedale Highway in Bakersfield, CA. during the demolition and remedial action activities at the site. The first dry well and associated clarifier were discovered near the southeastern portion of the site. The abandonment of this dry well and associated clarifier was conducted under the approval of the Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Environmental Services. The dry well extended to a depth of approximately 13' bgs.. Very little petroleum staining and odor was evident beneath and surrounding the dry well. The main excavation was approximately 15' by 15' and 15' deep. Soil samples were collected out of the excavator bucket by SEI from all 4 sidewalls (M~DW-S-14', M-DW-N-13', M-DW-E-13', and M-DW-W-13'), from the base of the excavation (M-DW-BTM-16') and from the small amount of stained soil (M-DW-14'). Similar sidewall (M-CL-S-12', M-CL-N-7', M-CL-E-7', and M-CL-W- 7') and bottom samples (M-CL-BTM-8') were also collected beneath the clarifier located just north of the dry well. Each soil sample was collected in brass sleeves, sealed with Teflon-lined caps, labeled and placed into an iced cooler. The soil samples were shipped overnight by courier under chain of custody documents to a State certified analytical laboratory. See Plate 4 for soil sample locations and the former location of the southern dry well/clarifier. The soil samples were analyzed for Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TRPH), Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg), TPH as diesel (TPHd), TPH as motor oil (TPHmo), volatile organics (VOC's) and CAM 17 Metals by EPA Methods 418.1, 8015m, 8260, 6010 and 7471, respectively at Positive Lab Service in Los Angeles, CA.. I The analytical results of these soil samples indicated elevated petroleum hydrocarbons in the stockpiled soil of 8000 ppm TRPH, ethylbenzene at 7.7 ppb, xylenes at 26 ppb, naphthalene at 33 ppb, with no elevated CAM 17 metals and no other significant volatile organics. The analytical results of sidewall and bottom soil samples Ifrom the excavation indicated soil had concentrations 1000 only one (1) sample petroleum hydrocarbons over ppm which was the north sidewall sample M-DW-N-13' at 1200 ppm TRPH. After over-excavation of the north sidewall during the clarifier removal an additional soil sample M-CL-S-12' was collected and analyzed I for TRPH with the result being only of<5 ppm TRPH. The over-excavated soil was added to the stockpile. iAfter confirming that the stockpiled soil (approximately <5 tons) was non-hazardous it was disposed/recycled at Waste Managements/McKittrick Waste facility under non-hazardous waste manifests. i I I I The excavation was backfilled with clean import soil and compacted up to match existing grade. The second dry well uncovered was associated with a septic tank located near the northwestern comer of the former Maaco building. After removal of the septic tank the leach line was removed which lead to the northern dry well which consisted of 3' diameter concrete piping in 3 sections that extended to a depth of approximately 14' bgs.. No staining or odor was observed beneath or adjacent to this dry well. Soil samples were collected out of the excavator bucket by SEI from all 4 sidewalls (M-NDW-N-14', M-NDW-S-14', M-NDW-E-14', and M-NDW-W-14'), from the base of the excavation (M-NDW-BTM-15') and from the stockpiled soil (M-NDW- ST). 4400 YEAGER WAY ' BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA93313 · PHONE(661)831-5100 ' FAX:(661)831-2111 ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. The soil samples were analyzed for Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TRPH), Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg), TPH as diesel (TPHd), TPH as motor oil (TPHmo), volatile organics '(VOC's) and CAM 17 Metals by EPA Methods 418.1, 8015m, 8260, 6010 and 7471, respectively at Positive Lab Service in Los Angeles, CA.. In addition soil sample M-NDW-BTM-15' was also analyzed for SVOC's by EPA Method 8270. The analytical results of these soil samples indicated no elevated petroleum hydrocarbons, metals, VOC's or SVOC's in any of the soil samples analyzed. The excavation was backfilled with clean import soil and compacted up to match existing grade. See Table 1 for the analytical results of all soil samples mentioned. TPH TPH Ethyl Other CAM EPA Method 8270 Diesel Gas TPHmo TRPH Benzene Toluene benzene Xylenes MTBE Total Lead 17 Metals SVOC's (ppm) and DATE (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) Other VOC's (ppb) (ppm) (ppm) Other Analysis Detect!on Limit 10 0.1 100 5 5 5 5 10 10 4 to 80 0.5 0.1 to 10 0.2 M-DW-BTM-I.6' 10/24/2001 ND 0.4 ND 97 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 9.3 No Elevated NA M-DW-N-13'_. 10/24/2001 ND 0.23 ND 1200 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 3 No Elevated NA M-DW-S-14' 10/24/2001 ND 0.18 ND 260 <4 <4 <4 <.4 <4 None 8.2 No Elevated NA M-DW-W-13' 10/24/2001 ND 0.13 ND <5 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 1.8 No Elevated NA M~DW-E-13' 10/24/2001 ND ND ND 5.4 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 None 1.5 No Elevated NA M-DW-14' 10/24/2001 2100 130 2800 8000 <4 <4 7.7 26 <4 Nap=33 3.1 No Elevated NA 1,2-Dichlorobenzene M-CL-W (Water) 10/24/2001 <1 <0.05 <10 NA <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 = 2.4 0.017 No Elevated NA M-CL-BTM-8' 10/30/2001 140 ND 200 160 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 All ND 6.7 No Elevated NA M-CL-S-12' 10/30/2001 ND ND ND ND <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 All ND 2.2 No Elevated NA M-CL-N-7' 10/30/2001 ND 0.55 ND ND <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 All ND 6.3 No Elevated NA M-CL-E-7' 10/30/2001 ND ND ND ND <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 All ND 1.6 No Elevated NA M-CL-W-7' 10/30/2001 66 0.18 ND 240 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 All ND 3.5 No Elevated NA 310, STLC=10, Nap=550 & minor TCLP = Cad=12, M-CL-SLD 11/1/2001 190 620 550 6600 <100 <100 4200 29730 <100 conc. of others 0.51 STLC=0.17 NA~ pH=8 M-NDW-BTM-15' 11/12/2001 ND ND ND <5 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 All ND 0.58 No Elevated All ND M-NDW-N-14' 11/12/2001 ND ND ND <5 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 All ND 1.7 No Elevated NA M-NDW-S-14' 11/12/2001 ND ND ND <5 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 All ND 1.2 No Elevated NA M-NDW-E-14' 11/12/2001 ND ND ND <5 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 All ND 1 No Elevated NA M-NDW-W-14' 11/12/2001 ND ND ND 6.4 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 All ND 2 No Elevated NA M-NDW-ST(Stockpile) 11/12/2001 ND ND ND 24 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 All ND 3.2 No Elevated NA TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, gas = gasoline, mo = motor oil, ppm = p~arts per million (mg/kg), ppb = pads per billion (ug/kg), MTBE = Methyl Tertiery Butyl Ether, TRPH = Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons, ND = None Detected, NA = Not Anal}rzed, SVOC's = Semi-volatile Organic Compounds I I ! I i SPARKS ESTATE PARCEL N DIRT SURFACE Gas Meter l~ormer ,: Hazardous Material i I Storage Area F 11 ,~-.~w-.-~. ~~-.~w-~, ~ 3' Diameter n ,~/' Dry Well . c M-NDW-W-14'--~q~ N i ~/,,,SeotJc-~ ~'~.NDW-E-1Tank4' ,e M-N~-.M-,S'~ ~! [-~ Catch Basin ~'"~-~'~ ~II ~~-~-~-~o' ~-='N'~0'~ / ~iI ~:3-B~-12' F=mer~and n~ Sep'3'~10'//~ ,~"/ / ' / / / / ~~ D Well ,/~/~/~'~' ~'~ ~', ~M-DW-14 . , , ,,, , ~ ~ ~--. ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.~.~ ~ ~~~M-CL-BTM-8' S~TON P~CEL ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,~ Former Z~'FI( or Drai~ ~ F~mer Cl=r~ '/~ Maaco ,~/~/~~~ ~M'CL'W [Fluids] HUNGRY HUN~R ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~t M-CL-E-7' M-CL-S-12' , M-CL~-7'/ / M-DW-W- 13' 2'-diameter ~ D~ Well ROSEDALE HIG~AY · soi~ s.=p~ ~o~.o. Approx. Scale: O ~vation ~ StrOlled Soil so~s ENC~EEmC, ~C. COSTCO B~crsficl~o~cr M~co FacJli~ PLATE ~o0 Yeager Way 3~50 Roscdaic Highway Bakemfield, CA 93313 Bakersfield, California (~]) s~] - s]oo ~: ,~/~oo~ PLOT PLAN ' P~O~CT: 0]-9775 I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I I 'l ! ! 'o m Z X I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Appendix C PICTURES OF FIELD WORK I ! I I i ! I I I I I I ! i I I I I ! SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Remedial Action Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, CA File Number: 01-9 775 December 3, 2001 Pic~re 1. UST's ready for removal Picture 2. Diesel contamination present at west end of UST #3 I I I I i I i I I I I I I i I I I I I Remedial Action Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bal~ersfield, CA Picture 3. Well Head of Trico #1 Oil Well Picture 4. Abandonment of Bitner #2 Oil Well SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. File Number: 01-9775 December 3, 2001 I I I I i I I I i I I I I I i I I i I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC, Remedial Action Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties BakersjTeld, CA File Number: 01-9775 December 3, 2001 Picture 5. GR-EX2 Excavation Picture 6. Installation of liner for AST evacuation & demolition I ! I I ! I I I I I ! I I I ! I I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Remedial Action Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, CA File Number: 01-9775 December 3, 2001 Picture 7. Foss Environmental removing oil from AST Picture 8. Foss Environmental mixing sludge in AST for removal I I I I i i I I I I I I I i I I I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Remedial Action Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfiald, CA File Number: 01-9775 December 3, 2001 Picture 9, Foss Environmental decontaminating AST interior Picture 10, Demolition of decontaminated AST I I I I i I i I I I I I I il I I I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Remedial Action Report Sparl~s Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, CA File Number: 01-9775 December 3, 2001 Picture 11. Small rupture in floor of AST with underlying oil staining Picture 12. Grey stained soil beneath AST leak I I ! ! I I ! I I i I I I I I I I, I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Remedial Action Report Sparks Estate and ~ldjacent Properties BakersJrteld, C~4 File Number: 01-9775 December 3, 2001 Picture 13. Sparks Parcel Clarifier/Dry Well excavation bottom Picture 14. Grey staining at Sparks Parcel Clarifier/Dry Well location I i I I I i I I I i I ! ! I I ! I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Remedial Action Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakers. field, CA File Number: 01-9 775 December 3, 2001 Picture 15, Maaco floor drain excavation Picture 16. Top of southern Maaco Dry Well discovered I ! ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I Remedial Action Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bal~ersfteld, CA Picture 1 7, Maaco north Dry Well discovered Picture 18. Macco Clarifier SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. File Number: 01-9 775 December 3, 2001 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Remedial Action Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, CA File Number: 01-9775 December 3, 2001 Picture 19. Maaco north Dry Well excavation Picture 20. Typical water well abandonment (S-well) I I I I I I I I I ! ! I I I I I I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Remedial Action Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, CA File Number: 01-9775 December 3, 2001 Picture 21, S-Sump deep area with oily sludge Picture 22, S-Sump oil stained soil in stockpile I I I ! ! I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Remedial Action Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, CA File Number: 01-9 775 December 3, 2001 Picture 23. S-Sump oil stained soil in-place Picture 24. Large oil sump excavation I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i SOILS ENGINEERING. INC. Remedial Action Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Balcersfield, CA File Number: 01-9775 December 3, 2001 Picture 25. Northern extent of Large Oil Sump excavation Picture 26. Abandonment of monitoring well MW-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ITl Z I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Appendix D ENSR's SUMMARY REPORT SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. SITE HISTORY AND SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION REPORT ROSEDALE HIGHWAY PROPERTY 2800 STANDARD STREET AND 3650 . 3880 ROSEDALE HIGHWAY BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA March 5, 2001 Prepared for: Costco Wholesale 999 Lake Drive Issaquah, Washington 98027 Prepared by: i420 Harbor Bay Parkway, Suite 120 Alameda, California 94502 (510) 748-6700 Document Number 8727-049 I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I Consulting · Engineering · Remediation February 14, 2001 ENSR Project No.: 8727-049 1420 Harbor Bay Parkway Suite 120 Alameda, CA 94502 (510) 748-6700 FAX (510) 748-6799 http://www, ensr. com Mr. Todd Bartok Costco Wholesale 999 Lake Drive Issaquah, Washington 98027 SUBJECT: Limited Soil and Groundwater Sampling Report Rosedale Highway Property Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Bartok: ENSR Corporation (ENSR) is pleased to present this report on the limited soil and groundwater sampling program performed at the referenced site located on the north side of Rosedale Highway immediately west of Highway 99 in Bakersfield, California (see Site Location Map, Figure 1). Site addresses are 3650, 3660 and 3880 Rosedale Highway and 2800 Standard Street. SITE DESCRIPTION The approximately 20-acre site consists of four parcels referred to as the Sparks parcel (technically comprised of two parcels), Rosedale Hotel/Maaco parcel, Seaton parcel and Glen Rose parcel. These parcels are addressed 2800 Standard Street (Sparks parcel), 3650/3660 Rosedale Highway (Rosedale Hotel/Maaco parcel) and 3800/3880 Rosedale Highway (Glen Rose parcel) as shown on the Site Plan, Figure 2. No street address has been assigned to the Seaton parcel. The Seaton parcel is located between the Rosedale Hotel/Maaco parcel and the Glen Rose parcel. The northern portion of the site is referred to as the Sparks parcel. This parcel is accessed by Standard Street. Features on this parcel include the following: One 2.1 million-gallon crude oil aboveground storage tank (AST) located on the west portion of the parcel. The tank is approximately half full, containing approximately 100,000 gallons of crude oil, 400,000 gallons of water and 420,000 gallons of oilY sediment and sludge; .I Mr. Todd Bartok Costco Wholesale March 5, 2001 Page 2 The Rosedale Hotel/Maaco parcel is located on the southeastern portion of the site. parcel is accessed from Rosedale Highway. Features on this parcel include the following: · A vacant building which was most recently occupied by Maaco Auto Paint; · A concrete pad for a former spray paint booth; · Two floor drains located inside the on-site building; 8727-049 · One service garage located on the east side of the parcel (the shop area of the garage features a floor drain which leads to a clarifier and Class V shallow injection well); · Two mobile trailers, including one located west and one southwest of the service garage; · One dispenser island with three dispensers on the west side of the service garage; · One waste oil UST located to the south side of service garage; · Four fuel USTs on the west side of service garage; · A drilling sump to contain drilling fluids on the southeast comer of the parcel; · Concrete foundations at the northwest comer of the parcel; · .A septic system (tank and leach field) located adjacent to the south side of the dispenser island (west of the service garage) and one possible septic system located near the trailer to the southwest of the service garage; · Small electrical equipment (transformers and light ballasts) possibly containing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs); · Debris including tires, drums, concrete pads and containers; · Three groundwater monitoring wells (designated MW-l, M-2 and M-3); · Two water supply wells that are no longer in use; and · Utility vaults, including a water main and eleCtrical vaults on the south and eastern portions, respectively, of the parcel. This I i ! ! 1 i i I i i i ! I i I I I i I i I I I I i I I ! I Mr. Todd Bartok Costco Wholesale March 5, 2001 Page 3 · A septic system located at the northwest corner of the on-site building; · Possible PCB containing electrical equipment (small transformers and light ballasts); and · Debris including tires, drums and containers. The Seaton parcel is located on the southern portion of the site and is accessed from Rosedale Highway. Features on this parcel include the following: · Truck trailers/containers located on the western portion of the parcel; · Debris including tires, drums and containers; and · One existing water supply well located on northern portion of the parcel The parcel on the southwestern corner of the site is referred to the Glen Rose parcel. Features on this parcel include the following: One building, formerly occupied by the Glen Rose Engine Shop, is present on the southwest portion of the parcel; A steam cleaning sump located on northwest corner of the garage; A septic system located at the northwest corner of the building; Possible PCB containing electrical equipment (small transformers and light ballasts); Debris including tires, 55-gallon drums, concrete pads and small containers; and One water supply well located on east side of the parcel. SCOPE OF WORK The purpose of ENSR's work was to establish the historical uses of the project site, to evaluate the potential impacts to surface soils from past on-site activities by collection and analysis of soil samples and to evaluate impacts from on-site and off-site activities by collection and analysis of groundwater samples. The scope of work performed by ENSR included review of historical documents, reports and aedal photographs available for the site and collection and analysis of soil and groundwater samples. Tasks performed at the site included the following: 8727-049 Mr. Todd Bartok Costco Wholesale March 5,2001 Page 4 I I · Review of reports previously prepared for the site by various consultants; · Review of files for .the site at the offices of the Kern County Environmental Health Department (KCEHD); I I Review of historical aerial photographs; Advancement of 12 shallow borings (for collection of soil samples) to a depth of approximately 4 feet using direct-push sampling rigs at the following locations (see Sample Location Map, Figure 3 for locations); One bodng (designated ES-1 on the Sample Location Map, Figure 3) in the area of the waste oil UST on the Sparks Parcel; One boring (designated ES-2) in the area of the storage shed (possibly used for hazardous waste storage) located along the eastern border of the Sparks Parcel; One boring (designated ES-3) on the Seaton Parcel where one-gallon containers of unknown liquids were stored in the past; Three borings (designated ES-4, 5 and 6) on the Glen Rose parcel where vehicles and drums were stored in the past; Four borings (designated ES-7, ES-8, ES-9 and ES-10) along the route of the former overhead pipeline leading from the.2.1 million crude oil AST to the refinery located north of the project site (no sample was collected from ES-9); and Three borings (designated ES-11, ES-12 and ES-13) on the western portion of the Seaton parcel. Advancement of 15 deep borings (for collection of soil and groundwater samples) to depths of approximately 25 to 35 feet using direct-push sampling rigs at the following locations. Borings are plotted on Figure 3, Sample Location Map; I I I I 8727-049 Two borings (designated EB-1 and EB-2 on the Sample Location Map, Figure 3) in the area of the former ASTs (contents unknown) noted in a 1937 aerial photograph reviewed by other consultants; I I ! I ! '1 I I I I '1 I I I I I I I .I Mr. Todd Bartok Costco Wholesale March 5,2001 Page 5 Two borings (designated EB-3 and EB-4) at the former Phillips oil production wells; One boring (designated EB-5) on the Rosedale Hotel parcel and in a down-gradient direction of the former Maaco paint booths; One boring (designated EB-6) on the west border of the Glenn Rose parcel; Three borings (designated EB-7, 8 and 9) around the perimeter of the 2.1 million gallon AST; One boring (designated EB-10) at the northwest corner of the site; One boring (designated EB-11) on the south side of the service garage on the Sparks parcel; * One boring (designated EB-12) near the center of the Sparks parcel; and ~ Two borings (designated EB-13 and EB-14) at the location of the proposed Costco gasoline station. · Collection of soil samples from each of the bodngs. · Collection of groundwater samples from the deep borings. · Analyses of selected soil and groundwater samples. · Preparation of this report of findings. SITE HISTORY REVIEW Site history was established by review of reports and documents previously prepared for the site by other consultants, review of documents at the KCEHD and review of aerial photographs. Review of Previous Reports ENSR reviewed reports prepared by other consultants, including Kennedy Jenks Consultants (KJC), Park Environmental and Soils Engineering Consultants, to obtain results of previous 8727-049 Mr. Todd Bartok Costco Wholesale March 5,2001 Page 6 I ! I environmental assessments of the site. reports is presented below. Site History A summary of the information from these previous I I The Sparks parcel, addressed as 2800 Standard Street, was most recently occupied by Minyard Trucking and Larry's Truck Service. Past uses of the Sparks parcel include oil fields that operated as eady as 1937, with a large sump in the northwest comer of the parcel, the Trico oil production well in the eastern section, two ASTs in the northeast section, several smaller ASTs in the southern secti°n and a large warehouse in the middle section. Between 1952 and 1956, the large sump was removed, the Trico oil production well was abandoned, the ASTs were removed, two Phillip's oil wells were installed and an oil field service building was constructed on this parcel. Between 1956 and 1975, the large warehouse in the middle section of the parcel was removed and, in 1979, a 2.1 million gallon crude oil AST (referred to as Tank 50001 in previous documents) and a smaller crude oil AST were constructed on the western portion of the parcel. In 1981, the truck service building currently present on the eastern portion of the Sparks parcel was constructed and piping was installed between the two crude oil ASTs and the abutting refinery to the north. Between 1981 and 1990, the piping connecting the crude oil ASTs to the adjacent refinery and the small crude oil AST were removed. The large AST was left in place. The Rosedale Hotel is listed as the current property owner of the Rosedale Hotel/MaaCo parcel. This parcel, addressed as 3650/3660 Rosedale Highway, was occupied by residential buildings prior to construction of the current on-site bu'ilding in 1982. This building was occupied by Maaco Auto Paint from the time of its construction ~ntil several years ago. The parcel was used for residential housing as early as 1937, with more residential buildings constructed on the parcel between 1956 and 1981. By 1982, the residential buildings were demolished and the building that was used by Maaco Auto Paint was constructed on the parcel. A Class V shallow disposal well located on the east side of the Maaco Auto Paint building was destroyed according to KCEHD standards on October 8, 1993. The Seaton parcel, located between the Rosedale Hotel/Maaco and Glen Rose parcels along the Rosedale Highway, has been vacant or used for truck parking since as early as 1937. The Glen Rose parcel, addressed 3800~3880 Rosedale Highway, was used to store oil field equipment prior to 1964. The current on-site building was constructed in 1964 and was 8727-049 I I I I I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I Mr. Todd Bartok Costco Wholesale March 5, 2001 Page 7 occupied between 1964 and 2000 by Glen Rose Engine Shop. A Class V shallow disposal well located on the north side of the building was destroyed according to KCEHSD standards on September 16, 1994. Previous Site Assessments/Investigations A Phase I environmental site assessment (ESA) report was prepared by KJC and dated October 22, 1997. KJC prepared recommendations based upon findings from the Phase I ESA that included the following: · Completion of an asbestos survey of all on-site buildings; · Clearing/disposal of debris; · Removal of the five USTs on the Sparks parcel; · Sampling of stained soils across the site; · Sampling/characterization of the crude oil AST contents; · Abandonment of water supply wells; · Removal of septic systems; and · Removal of drains and sumps. Numerous sampling activities have been performed at the site,' 'including' collection and analysis of samples of the crude oil AST contents; collection and analysis of soil and groundwater samples from across the site; and collection and analysis of sludge samples from the shallow disposal well, steam cleaner sump and floor drains. In addition, an asbestos Survey of the on-site buildings was performed by AKRI Corporation (AKRI). The results of the previous site assessments are summarized below. For clarity, the results for the crude oil AST contents are discussed separately (and first) from the results of the soil, groundwater and sludge samples. Sampling of Crude Oil AST Contents Samples of the water, oil and sludge phases were collected in the past for analysis by Cai/Western Fuels, Park Environmental and KJC. These samples were analyzed for Title 22/CAM 17 metals, soluble lead and mercury, the aromatic hydrocarbons benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEX); leachable benzene and leachable 1,2-dichioroethane (1,2- DCA); chromium and lead; organochlodnated pesticides and/or PCBs and reactive sulfide, reactive cyanide, phi fish bioassay and flash point. 8727-049 Mr. Todd Bartok Costco Wholesale March 5, 2001 Page 8 I I I Samples collected between 1989 and 1991 were analyzed for Title 22/CAM 17 metals using Total Threshold Limit Concentration (TTLC) and Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration (STLC) analytical methods, BTEX, 1,2-DCA and flash point. In addition, one sludge sample was analyzed for leachable lead using Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Potential (TCLP) analysis. Analytical results are summarized in the tables from previous reports presented APpendix A. These chemicals of concern (COCs) were not present in the samples analyzed at concentrations at or above their 'respective TTLCs, STLCs or TCLPs. In 1993, Park Environmental performed the first environmental assessment of the site which included collection and analysis of samples from the crude oil AST. Park Environmental collected two samples of the oil phase (designated T:I and T-2) and two samples of the sludge phase (designated T-3 and T-4) from the crude oil AST. These four samples were analyzed for Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TRPH), BTEX, leachable benzene using TCLP analysis and Title 22/CAM 17 metals. Petroleum hydrocarbons and BTEX were present in all of the samples. Leachable benzene was present in the sludge samples T-3 and T-4 at concentrations of 690 and 750 micrograms per kilogram (IJg/kg), respectively. These concentrations are above the TCLP of 500 micrograms per liter (IJg/L) for leachable benzene. The concentrations of metals were below their respective TTLCs. I I I I I I I Additional samples of the tank contents were collected in 1997 by KJC and findings were reported in a waste classification information report dated March 1998. This work was performed in accordance with a California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) approved sampling workplan. These samples were analyzed for BTEX, 1,2-DCA, 2- methylnapthalene, fish bioassay, reactive sulfide, reactive cyanide, pH, flash point, Title 22/CAM 17 metals (TTLC), soluble lead, mercury and barium using STLC analysis, PCBs, organochlorine pesticides, leachable benzene and 1,2-DCA using TCLP analysis, and leachable chromium and lead using TCLP analysis. DTSC reviewed the waste classification information report by KJC and requested additional analytical data for hexavalent chromium in the water phase, and lead and benzene in the sludge phase. In response to this request, KJC collected three water samples and eight sludge samples from the AST and reported the results in a waste classification information addendum dated March 21, 1998. Based on these analyses, the only COC above "action levels" was' soluble lead detected in one sludge sample at a concentration above the STLC. Based on the analytical results and statistical analysis performed by KJC, the contents of the tank were characterized as non- 8727-049 I I I i I I I I I I I i I I I i I / Mr. Todd Bartok Costco Wholesale March 5, 2001 Page 9 hazardous. Results of the analysis are presented in the tables prepared by KJC and included in Appendix A. Additionally, KJC prepared a workplan for the removal and demolition of the crude oil AST (Tank 50001) dated March 12, 1998. The workplan was reviewed by the DTSC and the DTSC stated that they had no objections to the workplan in a letter dated March 30, 1998, According to the workplan, an estimated 400,000 gallons of water would be removed from the AST, approximately 100,000 gallons of crude oil would be removed and recycled, approximately 420,000 gallons of sludge would be solidified and removed, the AST's interior would be decontaminated (with proper disposal of rinsate) and the AST would be cut into pieces and transported to a metal recycler. Based on the workplan by KJC and recent Conversations between ENSR and DTSC representatives, the waste oil is to be disposed of at a DTSC permitted facility. Sampling of Sludge, Soil and Groundwater Extensive environmental subsurface investigations have been conducted at the site over the past 7 years by various consultants (see Sample Location Map, Figure 3). Investigative tasks at the site have included advancement of 47 deep soil borings and 18 shallow soil borings, collection and analysis of 110 subsurface soil samples and 12 "reconnaissance" groundwater samples, installation of three groundwater monitoring wells and collection and analysis of groundwater samples from the three monitoring wells and two water supply wells. Reconnaissance groundwater samples are collected by Iowedng a bailer through the probes or augers of the sampling rig; after sampling, the borings are backfilled with cement. During Park Environmentars 1993 environmental assessment of the Sparks parcel, soil samples were collected at depths of 15 to 35 feet below ground surface (bgs) from four bodngs (designated borings 1 through 4) located near the USTs. Analysis of these samples for fuel fingerprint (gasoline, diesel, motor oil and crude oil) revealed no detectable concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons in these samples (see table from Park's report in Appendix A). The soil samples collected at depths of 20 and 30 feet bgs from the boring (Boring 5) advanced by Park Environmental at the wash rack leach field were analyzed for fuel fingerprint. Analyses of these samples revealed Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons quantified as crude oil (TPH-co) at a concentration of 53 mg/kg and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as diesel (TPH-d) at 14 mg/kg. Samples collected at a depth of 1 foot bgs from around the crude oil AST (sample locations S-1 through S-5) were analyzed for TRPH, BTEX and Title 22/CAM 17 metals. TRPH was detected at concentrations above 1,000 mg/kg in four of the five samples. Various metals were detected in each of the samples at concentration below their respective TTLCs. In addition, BTEX 8727-049 Mr. Todd Bartok Costco Wholesale March 5,2001 Page 10 compounds were detected in concentrations below action levels in four of the five samples; the remaining sample did not contain BTEX compounds at concentrations at or above the laboratory reporting limits.- Soils Engineering, Inc. (SEI) advanced 31 borings across the site in 1998. Three of the borings (B28, B29 and B-30) located on the Sparks parcel were converted to groundwater monitoring wells (MW-l, MW-2 and MW-3). A total of 64 soil samples and three groundwater samples were collected by SEI for analysis. Soil samples were analyzed for TRPH, TPH-g, TPH-d, BTEX, methyl tertiary butyl ether (MtBE), Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), semi-VOCs, metals, organochlorine pesticides and/or PCBs. Petroleum hydrocarbons were detected in two of the shallow soil samples (collected at the 1 foot depth) at concentrations above 1,000 mg/kg. These samples were collected from borings located on the Seaton parcel and designated B-15 and B-16. Analysis of the groundwater samples for TPH-g, TPH-d, TRPH, VOCs and/or metals revealed Iow levels of some petroleum hydrocarbon constituents. The concentrations of these compounds were below generally accepted "action levels" (MCLs and taste/odor threshold). Samples of liquid and sludge were also collected for analysis by SEI from the Class V shallow disposal well on the Sparks parcel, the septic tanks on the Sparks, Rosedale Hotel/Maaco and Glen Rose parcels, the steam cleaner sump on the Glen Rose parcel and two floor drains on the Rosedale Hotel/Maaco parcel. The liquid and sludge in the shallow disposal well were characterized as non-hazardous while the sludge in the steam cleaner sump and two floors were characterized as hazardous based on the soluble metals analyses. ENSR performed a subsurface investigation at the site during the summer of 2000 and early 2001. A total of 14 borings were advanced to groundwater for collection of soil and groundwater samples and 12 shallow borings were advanced for collection of soil samples. Twelve groundwater samples and 27 soil samples were analyzed for TPH-g, TPH-d, TPH-mo, Title 22/CAM 17 metals and/or VOCs. Petroleum hydrocarbons above 1,000 mg/kg were detected in soil samples collected from two locations on the Sparks parcel, including EB-1 located north of the service garage and ES-10 located north of the crude oil AST. Review of Kern County Health Department Files ENSR reviewed the files of the Kern County Health Department for information on the project site. A summary of information contained in the file for each of the parcels is presented below. 8727-049 I I i I I I I I I ! I I I I I I ! '! ,,! .! Mr. Todd Bartok Costco Wholesale March 5, 2001 Page 11 Sparks Parcel · An inspection form dated November 5, 1992 indicated that a shallow injection well and a clarifier are located on the parcel. Waste oil reportedly disposed of in dry well. · KCEHD referred property to United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to pursue closure of the shallow injection well. · EPA issued letter to California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) and California Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) inviting these agencies to participate in enforcement action regarding shallow injection well. · Five USTs present on the property did not have current permits. · Three groundwater monitoring wells installed on the property in October 1998. · Crude oil AST contains 920,000 gallons of oil, water and sludge. Rosedale Hotel/Maaco Parcel · KCEHD personnel observed shallow injection well on property in 1991. · Shallow injection well reportedly installea in 1979 or 1980. Well was used for disposal of wash water from cleaning of oil field equipment. · Destruction of shallow injection well observed by KCEHD personnel. · Maaco moved to site in 1983. Glen Rose Parcel · KCEHD issued letter in 1994 noted that site investigation for shallow injection well completed. · Wash rack noted to north side of building. · Craig Rose interviewed by KCEHD personnel and noted that he had been in business for 40 years. 8727-049 Mr. Todd Bartok Costco Wholesale March 5, 2001 Page 12 Review of Historical Aerial PhotograPhs Historical aerial photographs were revieWed by ENSR for data on past site uses. The scale of each photograph was I inch equal to 600 feet. Information obtained from our review of the aerial photographs is presented below with the earliest photograph discussed first. Photograph dated July 1, 1946 I I In this photograph, the eastern portion of the Sparks parcel is disturbed with what appears to be small containers. Also noted in this photograph were a small structure that appears to be an AST at northeast corner of the Sparks parcel and a small structure, likely the warehouse noted by KJC, on the south central area of the Sparks parcel. The remainder of the Sparks parcel is undeveloped land in this photograph and appeared to have been mown (possibly for weed control). In this photograph, wh'at appeared to be residential structures were present on the northern and central portions of the Rosedale Hotel/Maaco parcel. A number of trees were located on the central portion of this parcel at this time. This parcel was undeveloped land in this photograph. The Glen Rose parcel appeared as undeveloped land. Photograph dated October 21, 1952 I I I I I The AST was not present on the northeast corner of the Sparks parcel in this photograph; however, the east portion of this parcel was still disturbed and occupied by what appeared to be containers located near the southeast comer. A square shaped feature was noted along the northern border to the east of Standard Street in this photograph. This feature may have been the sump noted, by KJC which was associated with the Trico oil well. Several trees were noted in the central area of the parcel and what appeared to be a drill rig was present on western portion (in area of Phillips Well No. 1) of the Sparks parcel. In this photograph, the Rosedale Hotel/Maaco parcel appeared the same as in the 1946 photograph with residential structures on the parcel. The Seaton parcel appeared as undeveloped land as in the 1946 photograph. The Glen Rose 'parcel appeared as undeveloped land in this photograph. 8727-049 I I I I I I I I ! I i I I I I i ! I i I Mr. Todd Bartok Costco Wholesale March 5, 2001 Page 13 Photograph dated July 15, 1956 No buildings were noted .on the Sparks parcel in this photograph. What appeared to be two small ASTs and a square dark colored feature were noted near the center of the Sparks parcel and the soil was disturbed. A drilling sump was noted on the central area of Sparks parcel (at the location of Phillips oil well No. 1 as shown on the Munger Map) with the remainder of this parcel appearing as undeveloped land. In this photograph, the Rosedale Hotel/Maaco appeared as it did in the earlier photographs. The Seaton parcel appeared as undeveloped land as in the previous photographs. The Glen Rose parcel was undeVeloped land in this photograph. Photograph dated May 16, 1967 Several structures were noted on the east side of the Sparks parcel in this photograph. In addition, a dirt road was noted along the northern border of the parcel which turned south at center of parcel then turned westward with a loop on west portion of Sparks parcel. The location of the loop appeared to coincide with the location of what appeared to be the ddll rig noted in the 1952 aerial, photograph. In this photograph, a small structure was present in the area of the current on-site building on the Rosedale Hotel/Maaco parcel. An open area was present to the north of this structure with trees present on the north end of the parcel. In addition, the residential structures noted in the previous photographs were present. The Seaton parcel appeared unchanged from the previous photographs. The Glen Rose parcel was fenced with several containers along west border and what appeared to be a small structure near the southwest corner. Photograph dated September 3, 1994 The shop building and trailer currently present on the Sparks parcel was noted in this photograph. Numerous vehicles were present to the west of the shop building and the 2.1 million gallon crude oil AST currently present on the parcel was noted on the southwest comer of the Sparks parcel. In addition, the outline of a former AST was visible along the west border. 8727-049 Mr. Todd Bartok Costco Wholesale March 5,2001 Page 14 The commercial structure currently present on the Rosedale Hotel/Maaco was noted in this photograph. The' Seaton parcel appeared as undeveloped land and numerous containers (which appeared to be semi-truck trailers) were noted on the western portion of this parcel. The Glen Rose parcel appears like 'today with a structure at the southwest corner and containers (appear to be 55-gallon drums) on the northern portion of this parcel. SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION A subsurface investigation was performed by ENSR at the site between June and December 2000 and in February 2001. This investigation included collection and analysis of soil and groundwater samples from borings located across the site. The site investigation is summarized below. Field Activities Prior to advancement of borings at the site, Strata Geophysical, a company specializing in geophysical services, surveyed the proposed sampling areas for underground utilities using various geophysical instruments. Underground Service Alert was also notified to arrange for utility marking within pertinent public rights-of-way and utility easements prior to commencement of field sampling activities. Due to access constraints and other delays, fieldwork was completed in phases between June 26, 2000 and February 6, 2001, as noted in the table below. Boring ID Number Drilling Date ES-l, ES-2, EB-1 and EB-2 June 26, 2000 ES-3, EB-3 through EB-5, EB-10 and EB-11 June 27, 2000 ES-7 through ES-10 and EB-7 through EB-9 July 11,2000 ES-11 through ES-13 and EB-12 July 21,2000 ES-4 through ES-6 and EB-6 December 7, 2000 EBo13 and EB-14 February 6, 2001 8727~049 I' I I I I I I; I i I I ! I I I I i I I I I I I i I I I i i I ! I I I I I Mr. Todd Bartok Costco Wholesale March 5, 2001 Page 15 No KCEHD permits were required for the proposed sampling; however, KCEHD was notified of our schedule for fieldwork. The borings were advanced by Vironex of Long Beach, California under ENSR's supervision with the exception of the sampling event in February 2001. In February 2001, bodngs EB-13 and EB-14 were advanced using a hollow stem ddll rig which was under the supervision of Kleinfelder, Inc., the geotechnical engineer for the project. ENSR's role at that time was to collect soil and groundwater samples from the borings advanced by Kleinfelder. The remaining borings were advanced by ENSR using a direct-push Geoprobe 'rM sampling rig. The boring locations are shown on the Sample Location Map, Figure 3. The shallow bodngs were advanced to depths of approximately 4 feet bgs and the deep borings were advanced to depths of approximately 25 to 35 feet. The sampling equipment was washed in AlconoxTM detergent and water, and rinsed with distilled water or steam cleaned prior to use at each sampling location and prior to leaving the site. After the soil and groundwater samples were collected, the borings were backfilled with cement grout. Soil samples were generally collected from the deeper borings at intervals of five feet bgs to the soil/groundwater interface and from the surface to the 4-foot depth in the shallow borings. Groundwater samples were collected from each of the deeper borings. Sampling depths varied based on soil conditions and groundwater depths. Materials encountered in the bodngs consisted of sand, silt and silty sand. Groundwater was encountered during drilling at depths of 24 to 35 feet bgs. The soil samples were collected in acetate tubes cut in 6-inch lengths. The tubes were capped with TeflonTM tape and plastic end caps, labeled, and placed into an ice-cooled chest. Groundwater samples were collected using new disposable bailers lowered through the probe. Since this sampling was preliminary in nature, no purging or groundwater quality monitoring was conducted prior to sample collection. Each groundwater sample was decanted into laboratory supplied containers, appropriately labeled and placed into an ice- cooled chest. No evidence of staining or discoloration was noted in the soils during our drilling activities. Soil vapor monitoring with a photoionization detector (PID) for total volatile organic compounds in soil samples collected from the borings detected only natural background concentrations. 8727-049 Mr. Todd Bartok Costco Wholesale March 5, 2001 Page 16 I I Following collection of the soil samples, each boring was backfllled with neat cement. The soil cuttings from the borings and decontamination rinsate fluids were placed into labeled, 5-gallon containers and left on site 'for future disposal. Chemical Analyses and Results The soil and groundwater samples collected from the site were submitted to SunStar Laboratories, Inc. of Tustin, California. Zalco Laboratories, Inc. of Bakersfield, California and McCampbell Analytical, Inc. of Pacheco, California. These laboratories are certified by the State of California to perform the requested analyses. The analyses performed on selected soil and groundwater samples and the results are presented in Table 1 and Table 2; analytical methods utilized are summarized below. · Total petroleum hydrocarbons quantified as gasoline (TPH-g), TPH as diesel (TPH-d) and TPH as motor oil (TPH-mo) using modified EPA Test Method 8015, · Volatile organic compounds, including benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and total xylenes (BTEX), using EPA Test Method 8010, 8021B or 8260; and · Title 22 Metals using the EPA Test Method 6010/7000 Series. The analyses performed for each sample are summarized in Tables 1 and 2. Copies of the chain-of-custody forms certified analytical laboratory reports are presented in Appendix' B. Soil Samples: I; I I I I ! I I Soil analytical results are summarized in Tables 3 and 4; analytical results for petroleum hydrocarbons are also shown on Plate. 3. Please note that Table 4 presents only those samples in which petroleUm hydrocarbons were detected at concentrations at or above the laboratory reporting limits. As shown in Table 3, various metals were detected in a number of the soil samples. The concentrations of metals detected were below their respective .Total Threshold Limit Concentration (TTLC), residential Preliminary Remediation Goal (PRG) established by the EPA Region IX, and ten times the Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration (STLC) with the exception of arsenic, barium, lead and thallium. Generally, samples with total metals concentrations ten times the STLC are'analyzed for soluble metals to establish if the soils would be considered hazardous waste if excavated during site development. 8727-049 I I I I I I I I ! I ! I I I I I I I I I I I Mr. Todd Bartok Costco Wholesale March 5, 2001 Page 17 The concentrations of arsenic ranged from 4.8 to 6.1 rog/kg and are therefore below the 'II'LC of 500 mg/kg and ten times the STLC of 5 milligrams per liter (mg/L). The arsenic concentrations are above the cancer endpoint residential PRG of 0.39 mg/kg but below the non-cancer endpoint residential PRG of 22 mg/kg. Natural background concentrations of arsenic in the western United States range from less than 0.10 mg/kg to 97 mg/kg with an estimated arithmetic mean if 7.0 rog/kg. In ENSR's opinion, the concentrations of arsenic detected in the on-site soils appear to be consistent with natural background conditions and do not appear to represent a significant environmental concern. Total barium was detected in one soil sample, ES-4-2, at a concentration of 2,100 mg/kg, which is below the 'FI'LC of 10,000 mg/kg and the residential PRG of 5,400 mg/kg for barium but more than ten times the STLC of 100 mg/L. This sample was analyzed for soluble barium using soluble (STLC) analysis due to' the total barium concentration. Soluble barium was detected at a concentration of 2.4 mg/L, which is less than the STLC for barium, which suggests that barium concentrations in the area of sample ES-4 do not appear to present an environmental concern, and would not require disposal as hazardous waste. Total lead was detected in one soil sample, EB-6-0.5, at a concentration of 96 mg/kg, which is below the TTLC of 350 mg/kg and the residential PRG of 400 rog/kg for lead but more than ten times the STLC of 5 mg/L. This sample was analyzed for soluble lead using soluble analysis. Soluble lead was detected at a concentration of 0.41 mg/L, which is below the STLC for lead. Based on the Iow soluble concentration of lead, the soil in the area of sample EB-6 does not appear to present an environmental concern and would not require disposal as hazardous waste, in ENSR's opinion. Thallium was detected in two soil samples, EB-3-1 and EB-4-1, at concentrations of 9 and 8 mg/kg, respectively. These concentrations are slightly above the residential PRG of 6.3 mg/kg but are below the TTLC of 700 mg/kg, ten times the STLC of 5 mg/L and the PRG for industrial soils of 160 mg/kg. In ENSR's opinion, the concentrations of thallium detected in the on-site soils do not appear to present an environmental concern as they are below the PRG for industrial soils. No concentrations of TPH-g, BTEX or VOCs were detected above the laboratory reporting limits in the soil samples. Laboratory analyses of the soil samples revealed TPH-d and/or TPH-mo in the five of the soil samples (see Table 4). TPH-d and TPH-mo were detected at concentrations of up to 2,600 mg/kg and 1,000 mg/kg, respectively. According to the Leaking Underground Fuel Tank (LUFT) Field Manual, vadose zone soils would require remediation if 8727-049 Mr. Todd Bartok CostCo Wholesale March 5, 2001. Page 18 TPH-d or TPH-mo are detected at concentrations ranging from 100 to 10,000 mg/kg (Leaking Underground Fuel Tank Task Force, 1989). TPH-d and TPH-mo were present in two of the soil samples, EB-I-1 and ES-10-4, at concentrations, that would most likely require remediation. Remediation goals for TPH-d and TPH-mo are evaluated on a case-by-case basis using criteria such as depth to water, beneficial uses, land use, and proximity of sensitive recept°rs. Groundwater Samples: Groundwater analytical results are summarized in Tables 5 and 6. Please note that Table 6 presents only the sample in which petroleum hydrocarbons were detected at concentrations at or above the laboratory reporting limits. As shown on Table 5, the concentrations of metals were below their Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for drinking water in California. VOCs were not present in the groundwater samples collected from the site. Petroleum hydrocarbons were not detected in the groundwater samples with the exception of samples from boring EB-14. TPH-d and TPH-mo were detected in the groundwater samples from this boring at concentrations of 120 and 280 micrograms per liter (p.g/L), respectively. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Our site history review indicated that a number of issues will need to be addressed at the site. ENSR has prepared a draft Removal Action Workplan (RAW) for the site which presents the scope of work for removal of the crude oil AST, the USTs, impacted soils, sumps, septic systems and the Class V shallow injection well and destruction of water wells and former oil wells. Two areas (EB-1. and ES-10) which would likely require remediation were identified based on the analytical results of this investigation. Removal of soil from these two areas is discussed in our RAW. Petroleum hydrocarbons were detected in the groundwater sample collected from boring EB- 14, advanced near the southeast corner- of the site. TPH-d and TPH-mo were detected in this groundwater samples from this boring at concentrations of 120 and 280 pg/L, respectively. The 8727-049 I ! I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I ! I I I I I I I Mr. Todd Bartok Costco Wholesale March 5, 2001 Page 19 source of petroleum hydrocarbon impacts is unknown at this time. According to information obtained during our Phase I ESA, no USTs are currently or were previously located in this area of the Site. The septic tanldleachfield and former hazardous materials storage areas at the former Maaco facility are located in an up-gradient direction; however, analysis of soil samples collected in the past by previous consultants from these areas did not reveal petroleum hydrocarbons at concentrations at or above the laboratory reporting limits. ENSR recommends that Costco notify the City of Bakersfield Fire Department of the findings of this investigation. It is our understanding that Costco's plans include construction of a gasoline station on the site. ENSR recommends that the USTs associated with this station be constructed in compliance with applicable codes and laws so that Costco is not identified by the RWQCB as a contributing party to the presence of petroleum hydrocarbons in the groundwater beneath the site and vicinity. Documentation that no leakage from USTs at the gasoline station has occurred should be maintained by Costco for future reference. Sincerely, ENSR Corporation Lira D. Freeman, R.E.A. II Senior Project Manager R.G. ~ Senior Program Supervisor TABLES: Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 ENSR Analytical Methods for Soil Samples ENSR Analytical Methods for GroundWater Samples ENSR Sampling Results, Analytical Results of CAM 17 Metals in Soil ENSR Sampling Results, Analytical Results of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Soil ENSR Sampling Results, Analytical Results of CAM 17 Metals in Groundwater ENSR Sampling Results, Analytical Results of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Groundwater FIGURES: 8727-049 Mr. Todd Bartok Costco Wholesale March 5, 2001 Page 20 Figure1 Plate 2 Plate 3 Site Location Map Site Plan Sampling Locations Map APPENDICES: Appendix A Selected Tables from Previous Environmental Reports Appendix B Chain-of-Custody Forms and Laboratory Data Sheets REFERENCES: State of California, Leaking Underground Fuel Tank Task Force, 1988, Leaking Underground Fuel Tank .Field Manual: Guidelines for Site Assessment, .Cleanup, and Underground Storage Tank Closure Kennedy Jenks Consultants, 1997, Phase I ESA Report, Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Park Environmental, 1993, Phase I ESA Report, Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Soils Engineering, Inc., 1999, Phase I ESA Report, Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties 8727-049 i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table 1 Analytical Methods for Soil Samples Rosedale Highway Property Bakersfield, California sample ID Sample Date TPH-g TPH-d TPH-m0 BTEX · Metais ~ocs · ES-1-4 6-26-00 X X X X X ES-2-4 6-26-00 X X X X X ES-3-4 6-27-00 X X X X X ES-4-2 12-7-00 X X X X X X ES-5-2 12-7-00 X X X X X X ES-6-0.5 12-7-00 X X X X X X ES-7-0.5 7-11-00 X X X X X X ES-8-2.5 7-11-00 X X X X X X ES-10-4 7-11-00 X X X X X X ES-11-2 7-21-00 X X X X X ES-12-2 7-21-00 X X X X X ES-13-2 7-21-00 X X X X X EB-I-1 6-26-00 X X X X X EB-1-5 6-26-00 X X X X EB-2-1 6-26-00 X X X X X EB-2-5 6-26-00 X X X X EB-3-1 6-27-00 X X X X X EB-4-1 6-27-00 X X X X X EB-5-1 6-27-00 X X X X X EB-6-0.5 12-7-00 X X X X X X EB-7-0.5 7-11-00 X X X X X X E B-8-0.5 7-11-00 X X X X X X EB-9-0.5 7-11-00 X X X X X X EB-9-9.5 7-11-00 X X X X X X EB-10-15 7-21-00 X X X X EB-11-10 7-21-00 X X X X EB-12-2 7-21-00 X X X X X EB-13-5 2-6-01 X X X X EB-14-5 2-6-01 X X X X Notes: EB-I-1 = TPH-g, d, mo = BTEX = Metals = VOCs = Indicates analysis performed Sample location (i.e. EB-1) and depth (i.e. 1 is 0.5 to 1 foot depth interval); No sample collected from ES-9 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline, diesel and motor oil using EPA Test Method 8015 Modified Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and total xylenes using EPA Test Method 8020 Title 22 (CAM 17) metals using EPA Test Method 6010/7000 Series Volatile Organic Compounds using EPA Test Method 8010, 8020 or 8260 R:\pubs\report\8727\049\soil ._results table.doc Table 2 Analytical Methods for Groundwater Samples Rosedale Highway Property Bakersfield. California Sample ID samPle Date ~'PH.g TPH.d '" TPH:rn°· BTEX Metals V0Cs EB-1 6-26-00 X X X X X EB-2 6-26-00 X X X X X EB-3 6-27-00 X X X X X EB-4 6-27-00 X X X X X EB-5 6-27-00 X X X X X. EB-6 12-7-00 X X X X X X EB-7 7-11-00 X X X X X X EB-8 7-11-00 X X X X X X EB-9 7-11-00 X X X X X X EB-IO 7-21-00 X X X X EB-11 7-21-00 X X X X EB-12 7-21-00 X X X X X EB-13 2-6-01 X X X X EB-14 2-6-01 X X X X Noi%: X = EB-I-1 .= TPH-g, d, mo = BTEX = Metals = VOCs = Indicates analysis performed Sample'localion (i.e. EB-1) and depth (i.e. 1 is 0.5 to 1 foot depth interval) Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline, diesel and motor oil using EPA Test Method 8015 Modified Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and total xylenes using EPA Test Method 8020 Title 22 (CAM 17) metals using EPA Test Method 6010/7000 Series Volatile Organic Compounds using EPA Test Method 8260 I I I I I I I I I I I I IubsI~7I~soi~It~taIc I I Table 3 Analytical Results of CAM 17 Metals in Soil Rosedale Highway Property Bakersfield, California .... c : ~. ES-l-4 <2 <5 37 <1 I 5 5 7 <1 <0.1 2 4 <5 <2 <2 13 14 ES-2-4 <2 <5 35 <1 I 4 5 6 <1 <0.1 I 3 <5 <2 <2 tl t0 ES-3-4 <2 <5 78 <1 2 9 9 14 I <0.1 3 8 <5 <2 5 20 32 ES-4-2' <10 6.1 2,100 '~ <0.5 <0.5 10 5.6 62 <2.5 0.1 23 9.6 <2.5 <1 <25 36 6,3 ES-5-2 <10 5.2 86 <0.5 <0.5 9.2 <5 27 <2.5 <0.1 19 8.3 <2.5 <1 <25 32 46 ES-6-0.S <10 4.8 72 <0.5 <0.5 10 <5 29 4 <0.1 19 8.1 <2.5 <1 <25 33 ?0 ES-7-0.5 <2 <5 140 <1 3 13 9 10 18 <0.1 3 11 <5 <2 <2 24 57 ES-8-2.5 <2 <5 130 <1 3 14 9 14 15 <0.1 3 11 <5 <2 <2 25 65 ES-10-4.0 <2 <5 200 <1 4 22 12 20 40 <0.1 4 22 <5 <2 <2 31 120 ES-11-2 <2 <5 110 <1 3 10 9 7 4 <0.1 3 9 <5 <2 <2 24 64 ES-12-2 <2 <5 56 <1 2 7 7 5 <1 <0.1 3 6 <5 <2 <2 20 29 ES-13-2 <2 <5 73 <1 3 8 8 6 <1 <0.1 3 6 <5 <2 <2 22 34 EB-I-1 <2 <5 380 <1 2 10 7 10 15 <0.1 3 9 <5 <2 <2 17 53 EB-2-1 <2 <5 60 <1 I 7 6 8 <1 <0.1 2 12 <5 <2 <2 18 t6 EB-3-1 <2 <5 130 12 3 15 <1 16 3 <0.1 5 12 <5 <2 9 32 53 EB-4-1 <2 <5 120 <1 3 15 12 16 4 <0.1 4 12 <5 <2 8 30 51 EB-5-1 <2 <5 84 <1 2 10 8 9 4 <0.1 3 7 <5 <2 6 21 40 EB-6-0.5 <10 5 69 <0.5 <0.5 12 <5 35 96 ~ <0.1 10 7.2 <2.5 <1 <25 24 100 EB-7-05 <2 <5 110 <1 3 13 10 12 I <0.1 4 9 <5 <2 <2 28 51 EB-8-0.5 <2 <5 52 <1 2 8 7 8 <1 <0.1 2 6 <5 <2 <2 15 30 EB;9-0.5 <2 <5 51 <1 2 7 6 6 <1 <0.1 2 5 <5 <2 <2 13 26 EB-9-9.5 <2 <5 83 <1 2 9 9 17 2 <0.1 3 6 <5 <2 <2 26 49 EB-12-2 <2 <5 54 <1 2 6 7 4 <1 <0.1 2 5 <5 <2 <2 17 27 ':.r~=:,':'. i ,,:';150-~ 39~ ,,' :"~;~: ='i.:.~?';~;~ii' ~:~i~:i i= °: ..,,;o:,:.. ....................... · (~g).'~.'/.i .:':,~ ~..' ,...,;.:,i~.~:,~:.~:~., ,., .,,?¥.:.,. ..... '~.' '.:. R:~pubsVeport\8727~049\soil results table.doc Notes:' mg/kg EB-I-1 <2.9 PRG 1. milligrams per kilogram (or parts per million) Sample location (i.e. EB-1) and depth (i.e. 1 is 0.5 to I foot depth interval); No sample collected from location ES-9 Less than noted laboratory reporting limit Preliminary Remediation Goal for residential soils, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Region IX, 1999 ES-4-2 was analyzed for soluble barium wilh result of 2.4 mg/L which is below STLC of 100 mg/L and EB-6-0.5 was analyzed for soluble lead with result of 0.41 mg/L which is below STLC of 5 mg/L Cancer endpoint PRG; non-cancer endpoint PRG = 22 mg/kg California modified PRG Table 4 Analytical Results of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Soil Rosedale Highway Property Bakersfield, California (Results in rog/kg) Sample ID TPH-d ' TPH.mO ES-?-0.5 270 450 ES-8-25 130 250 ES-10-4 1,200 1,000 EB-I-1 2,600 <10 EB-6-0.5 <100 622 Notes: mg/kg = EB-I-1 = <10 = TPH-d = TPH-mo ' = milligrams per kilogram (or parts per million) Sample location (i.e. EB-1) and depth (i.e. I is 0.5 to I foot depth interval) Less than noted laboratory reporting limit Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons quantified as diesel Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons quantified as motor oil Only the samples in which petroleum hydrocarbons were detected at concentrations at or above the laboratory reporting limits are shown in this table. Table 5 Analytical Results of CAM 17 Metals in Groundwater Rosedale Highway Bakersfield, California (Resulls'in pg/L) Sample ID o '- . E "' = '" E , -~ ~ .... ' '"' "" =E.. [ .-~ ~ ' '"'i'. ~o,~ .'1 ~-~A '~" ~."::' ~::'.'.. ~ -- · · ... -o . EB-1 <100 <250 110 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <0.5 65 <50 <250 <100 <100 <50 <50 EB-2 <100 <250 140 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <0.5 <50 <50 <250 <100 <100 <50 <50 EB-3 <100 <250 100 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <0.5 55 <50 <250 <100 <100 <50 <50 EB-4 <100 <250 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <0.5 <50 <50 <250 <100 <100 <50 <50 EB-5 <100 <250 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <0.5 <50 <50 <250 <100 <100 <50 <50 EB-6 <1 0.9 11 <0.05 <0.05 4.1 0.89 2.2 0.65 <0.01 4.4 2.2 <0.25 <0.1 <2.5 4.8 5.9 EB-? <100 <250 68 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <0.5 100 <50 <250 <100 <100 <50 <50 EB-.8 <100 <250 11 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <0.5 <50 <50 <250 <100 <100 <50 <50 EB-9 <100 <250 180 <50 <50' <50 <50 <50 <50 <0.5 54 450 <250 <100 <100 <50 <50 EB-12 <100 <250 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <0.5 <50 <50 <250 <100 <100 <50 <50 · Notes: pg/L = EB-1 = <2.9 = MCL = micrograms per liter (or pads per billion) Sample location (i.e. EB-1) Less than noted laboratory reporting limit MaximUm Contaminant Levels for drinking water in the State of California R:~pubs\repod\8727\049\water_results table.doC Table 6 Analytical Results of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Groundwater Rosedale Hi§hway Bakersfield, California (Results in pg/L) 120 280 Notes: pg/L = micrograms per liter (or parts per billion) EB-1 = Sample location (i.e, EB-1) Only the samples in which petroleum hydrocarbons were detected at concentrations at or above the laboratory reporting limits are shown in this table, R:\pubs\report\8727~049\water_results table.doc I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I HIGHWAY / SITE / / ~-~~~24TH STREET /  DRAWN: $. Richardson 1420ALAMEDA.HARBOR(~O) ?~m-STooBAYc~ P~r~.94so2 t~20 CHECKED:' L. Freeman' .?~x: (S~B)74B-eTR9 DATE: March 6, 2001 PROJECT NO: 8727-049-1 O0 ( FILENAME: 8727049A 0 2000 APPROX. SCALE IN FEET FIGURE 1 SITE LOCATION MAP Rosedale Highway Property Bakersfield, California SPARKS PARCEL GLEN ROSE PARCEL SEATON PARCEL ROSEDAL[ HOTEL PARCEL SPARKS PARCEL J, I SPARKS PARCEL VAULT E1B~J~3 LEGEND T .o~ ,,~.~ I j, ~c~ ROSEDALE~ ~ I ' HOTEL , ~A~~m~r~ PARCEL I I'---*-----~'Drrl~ ~ I ROSEDA~ HIGHWAY PROPER~ ~ . [ BAKERSFIE~, CA I"~ ~ i i / i ! I I I i i I i I i i I i i i I FIGURES I'DEPTH I O.S' I ITPH-m~ I 622 ~ . /~_/ INSET "A" SEE INSET "A"~..~ STEAM CLEANER TANK + Re-lO PHILUPS OIL WELL + EB-4 FORMER OIL STORAGE AST SPARKS PARCEL X DEPTH 2.5'1 TPH-d 130 lPH~mo IOEPT'H I 0'5'1 TPH-d I 270 I TPH-mol 450 I X X % % ,'X % B15 GLEN ROSE PARCEL ~X_6j WATER WELL ITRPH 61 ~ ER-eT,/ OIL '( , WATER · "'\ -. /, ~HI ~. .' ~. _ _ IOEPTHI t' / ITRPH STORAGE CONTAINERS × SEATON PARCEL ITRPH h,e°oI x + ES-11 · " STORAGE CONTAINERS WATER WELL SPARKS PARCEL PHILLIPS OIL WELL t2 ROSEDALE HOTEL PARCEL + EB-13 WATER WELL FORMER HAZARDOUS MATERIAL STORA(;,E ~ AREA EB-14 ROSEDALE HIGHWAY FORMER PAINT BOOTH PAD "--~ r~-.-.-- ES-12 STREET T~ELEB2S~ ..~...-- TRICO ~q"r OIL WELL ~HONE VAULT SPARKS PARCEL ---)(--X 'X X - LEGEND + EB-2 + MW--1 · HA- I X 26 X X ENSR BORING LOCATION PREVIOUS BORIHG LOCATION MONITORING WELL LOCATION HAND AUGER SAMPLE LOCATION ENSR SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION ( "--'X-----X~ -X .X % LT EB-I EB-2 EXISTING BUILDING'  SERVICE GARAG. E 27--~~ CLARIFIER ~*"(:=~g ~ AND DRY WELL , WASTE OIL _.~t~r~'r'~- TSAENPKTi~_/ MST/8~4~L '3-- T ]DEpTH 120'1 Ee-IIR~. :~ ITRPH I~7 I / SUSPECTED SEPTIC TANK ~ -'~g'-28/  MW-I T, ~K ( D STORAGE SHED PAD SUMP TPH-g TPH-d TPH-mo TRPH PROPERTY BOUNDARY LOCATION (APPROXIMATE) FENCE UNE ANALYTICAL RESULTS OF SOIL SAMPLES AT GIVEN DEPTH = TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS GASOUNE '= TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS OIESEL = TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS MOTOR OIL = TOTAL RECOVERABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS ;~JURCE: LOCAL GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION (BASED ON ~VATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS IN ON-SITE WELLS) 1420 HARBOR BAY PKWY. f120 ALAMEDA, CA 94502 (SRO) 748-8700 FAX: (510) 748-6799 ROSEDALE HIGHWAY PROPERTY BAKERSFIELD, CA 0 50 100 APPF!OX. SCALE IN FEET OAi'E: FIGURE 3 SAMPLE LOCATION MAP DRAWN BY: SCALE: DRAWING: SSR AS SHOWN B727A74B DISK: PM: CHI'EKED: PROJECT: NA O. DENLEY g 'REEMAN 8727-A74-ODG