HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION (6)I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. I I I I I .I i I I I I I I I I I ADDENDUM #1 TO REMOVAL ACTION WORKPLAN PROPOSED COSTCO WHOLESALE FACILITY 2800 STANDARD ST., 3650, 3660, 3800, 3880 ROSEDALE HIGHWAY BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Prepared For: COSTCO WHOLESALE 999 Lake Drive Issaquah, WA. 98027 Attn: Todd Bartok File No. 01-9775 · Prepared By: Soils Engineering, Inc. 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA. 93313 September 26, 2001 4400 YEAGER WAY ' BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA93313 ' PHONE(661)831-5100 ' FAX:(661)831-2111 I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 'l September 26, 2001 File No. 01-9775 I I I Mr. Howard Wines Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Subject: Addendum #1 to Removal Action Workplan Rosedale Highway Property 2800 Standard Street and 3650 - 3880 Rosedale Highway Bakersfield, California Former ENSR Project No. 8727-049 Dear Mr. Wines: I ! I I I Soils Engineering, Inc. (SEO has been asked by Costco Wholesale to submit this Addendum #1 to the Removal Action Workplan (RAW) for the subject site located at 2800 Standard Street and 3650 through 3880 Rosedale Highway in Bakersfield, California (site). See Plate 1 for a Location Map. ENSR Corporation (ENSR) previously submitted a Removal Action Workplan (RAW) for this site dated February 28, 2001 along with a Site History and Subsurface Investigation Report (Report) dated March 5, 2001. This submittal includes; minor revisions to ENSR's RAW, supplemental data concerning asbestos containing materials (ACM's) and lead-based paint surveys at the site, a Site- Specific Health & Safety Plan, along with a Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan as requested by the Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Environmental Services (BFDOES) in a letter dated April 10, 2001. A Revised Groundwater Well Sampling Workplan dated July 25, 2001 prepared by SEI has already been submitted to the BFDOES and approved in a letter dated August 8, 2001. I I SEI proposes to complete the Removal Action Work at the subject site per ENSR's RAW with the following minor exceptions. I 4400YEAGER WAY ' BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93313 ' PHONE (661) 831-5100 ' FAX: (661) 831-2111 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Addendum #1 to ENSR's Removal,4ction }Vorkplan Proposed Costco Wholesale Site Sparks Estate & Adjoining Properties, Bakersfield, CA. File No. 01-9775 September 26, 2001 Page 2 I I I I I ! ! I I i I ! I I PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS TO ENSR's RAW Remedial Oversight and Sampling Activities In the RAW dated February 28, 2001, ENSR is stated as the consultant who will conduct the following work: 1. Oversee the removal of contents from the 2.1 million gallon aboveground storage tank (AST) 2. Conduct soil sampling of soil, sludge and liquids from the AST, excavations for sumps, underground storage tanks (UST's), petroleum impacted soils, and other areas to be remediated. 3. Approve the backfill material imported to the site prior to use. 4. Conduct all reporting to the appropriate regulatory agency's. This scope of work will now be conducted by Soils Engineering Inc. during the implementation of the RAW. Confirmation Soil Sampling 'in Excavations In the excavations of petroleum and metal impacted soils at the site it has been proposed that soil samples be collected from the base, the 4 sidewalls and from the resulting stockpiled soil for the appropriate chemical analyses. In most areas the petroleum or metal impacted soil has already been analyzed in previous investigations and may not need to be re-analyzed. This would eliminate the stockpile soil sample collection and analysis in areas that have already been thoroughly characterized. In excavations less than 10 feet in diameter it may not be necessary to collect soil samples from all 4 sidewalls, especially if the soil conditions on each sidewall appear to be similar. In this case abase sample and 2 opposite sidewall soil samples may be more appropriate to collect and analyze then all 4 sidewalls. See Plate 2 for a Plot Plan with all of the proposed excavations. Analytical Testing of Soil Samples Semi-volatile organic analyses by EPA Method 8270 is proposed for all of the soil samples collected from the septic tank excavations. SEI proposes to analyze only the most stained soil sample for semi-volatile organics or the base sample, if none of the soil samples appear to be stained or have petroleum odor. All other analytical testing would be as proposed in the RAW. I I I ! Addendum #1 to ENSR's Removal Action Workplan Proposed Costco Wholesale Site Sparks Estate & Adjoining Properties, Bakersfield, CA. SO ILS ENGINEERING, INC. File No. 01-9775 Septentber 26, 2001 Page 3 I ! I i ! I I I I I I ! '1 I Updated Proposed Deposition of Soil, Liquids and Sludge The majority of the excavated petroleum-impacted soil will be mixed with the removed sludge from the AST and disposed of off-site at an approved recycling facility under non-hazardous waste manifests. Any remaining non-hazardous waste soil will be transported off-site and disposed/recycled at an approved facility under non-hazardous waste manifests. Sludge that can be pumped out of the AST will be transported in vacuum trucks to an approved recycling facility under non-hazardous waste manifests. The oil removed from the AST will be taken by vacuum track to an oil recycling facility approved to accept this material. The water removed from the AST will be hauled off-site by vacuum trucks to an approved disposal/treatment facility under non-hazardous waste manifests. The water will not be placed in large Baker Tanks and later pumped into the City of Bakersfield water treatment system as previously proposed. Excavated soil from the steamcleaner sump at the Glenn Rose facility and the two (2) floor drains at the former Maaco facility will be handled as hazardous waste and properly disposed of off-site at an approved disposal facility under hazardous waste manifests. Waste oil in drums and waste oil contaminated soil in drums and buckets will be disposed of off-site at approved facilities under hazardous waste manifests. Lead-Based Paint Survey and Supplemental Asbestos Screening Survey ENSR's RAW mentions that no lead-based paint survey had been conducted of the three (3) buildings at the site. AKRI Corporation actually conducted a lead-based paint survey on February 17, 1999 of the 3 buildings and of the exterior of the large AST and compiled a report dated February 23, 1999, which is attached as Appendix A. In this report three (3) paint samples had results above 0.5% lead weight %, which is the Federal Lead Standard. These were located; 1) on the west exterior wall (beige paint on steel) of the 2800 Standard Street building, 2) on the west ½ of the east wall 50' north of the southeast comer at the 3650 Rosedale Highway building (yellow paint on steel), and 3) on the east exterior wall, front area, 16' north of the southeast comer at 3880 Rosedale Highway building (olive drab paint on steel). These lead-based paint areas will be handled per ENSR's RAW. In addition, AKRI Corporation conducted a supplemental asbestos survey on February 8 and 17, 1999 to conform to Cal/OSHA's requirements in 8 CFR 1529, the EPA's requirements in 40 CFR Part 61, Subpart M, and the San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control Districts requirements in Rule 4002. This report dated February 22, 1999 is attached in Appendix A and indicates that SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Addendum #1 to ENSR's Removal Action Workplan Proposed Costco Ye~holesale Site Sparks Estate & Adjoining Properties, Bakersfield, CA. File No. 01-9775 September 26, 2001 Page 4 I I I I i i I ! ! I I I I I i sheet flooring mastic and tile mastic in the 2800 Standard St., 3880 Rosedale Highway and 3650 Rosedale Highway buildings contain asbestos containing materials that were not documented in the November 19, 1998 AKRI report, which was included in ENSR's RAW. The asbestos containing materials in these buildings will be handled per ENSR's RAW. The 2800 Standard St. building has already had the ACM containing sheet flooring and mastic properly removed by Asbestos Services Inc. (ASI) back in 1999. The remainder of this building has been removed recently with only a few interior walls remaining. HEALTH & SAFETY PLAN SEI has prepared a Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan for the Removal Action work proposed which is attached as Appendix B. In general, all SEI employees and Contractors that will work at the site will have received the Health and Safety training required by OSHA for hazardous waste site operations (29 CFR 1910.120). Petroleum hydrocarbons, diesel and gasoline fuel constituents along with heavy metals are the identified hazardous chemical substances at this site. Highly volatile components, such as benzene, pose the greatest health hazard. Because of the outdoor location and the intermittent nature of excavation activities, it is not considered likely that personnel will be exposed to elevated levels of hydrocarbon vapors ibr any length of time. Under these conditions personnel will work under "Class D" protection. A PID, FID or Eagle Tri-meter will be used 'to monitor ambient concentrations of organic vapors. Personnel will have access to air-purifying respirators (APR) with organic vapor canisters that can be donned if conditions warrant. The removal of ACM's and lead-based paint from the buildings will require "Class C" protection with half-face negative pressure respirators with HEPA cartridges. Monitoring of air conditions will be conducted by the contractors health and safety supervisors to ensure a safe condition for their employees. A detailed site specific Health and Safety Plan, will be distributed to and adhered to by all contractor personnel, subcontractors, and all site visitors. A "tailgate" safety meeting will be held at the site prior to commencing operations each day during which all site hazards and the Health and Safety Plan will be reviewed. Individual contractors may also have their own Health & Safety Plans pertaining to individual tasks at the site, which they will be conducting. See attached Site-Specific Health and Safety Plan for more detail (Appendix B). I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. I Addendum gl to ENSR s Removal Action Iforkplan File No. 01-9775 Proposed Costco Wholesale Site September 26, 2001 iSparks Estate & Adjoining Properties, Bakersfield, CA. ~ Page~5 SPILL PREVENTION CONTROL & COUNTERMEASURE PLAN I SEI and Foss Environmental Infrastructure (FOSS) have prepared the following Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan to be utilized during the removal of the AST contents at the subject site. Plate 2 of the SPCC Plan shows the proposed configuration of the dirt berms I surrounding the AST and the loading which will be lined with 40ml HDPE in the working areas, areas. The SPCC Plan for this site is attached as Appendix C. I CLOSING , Upon approval of this Addendum #1 to the ENSR s RAW by the Bakersfield Fire Department Office I of Environmental Services the removal action will begin. Tentative start date is currently October 8, 2001 with an estimated duration of 4 to 6 weeks. I If you have any questions or comments regarding this Addendum please contact SEI at (661) 831 5100. I Sincerely, i Environmental Division Manager Attachments: Plate 1, Location Map I Plate 2, Plot Plan With Excavation Areas Appendix A: AKRI Corp. Supplemental Asbestos Survey Report dated February 22, 1999 & AKRI Corp. Lead-Based Paint Survey Report dated February 23,i 999. I Appendix B: Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan Appendix C: Spill Prevention Control & Countermeasure Plan I cc: Mr. Todd Bartok, Costco Wholesale Mr. Jeff Wilson, MulvannyG2 Architects I I I ! I Location Map Sparks Estate & Adjacent Properties 2800 Standard St., 3650 and 3800 Rosedale Hwy.., Bakersfield, California I~ FRUITVALE y ___~ ....... --?~ ...... .. /- I FIELD ' N I I PLATE 1 LOCATION MAP Sparks Estate & Adjacent Properties 2800 Standard St., 3650 and 3800 Rosedale Hwy. Bakersfield, California · Few Concrete } , , 1 ................... I "~' .... I ,' '¥ ,: /, I ~~ ~.-.o ~ ......... ~ ~ _ _ ~ x[ ;l>~n~er t~ ~ept,c ~nk Class V Dry Well I , ~ ~ ~ 3~Tio Nemov ~ · ~ ~ SPARKS j ' I .~ ~ 41 I ~1/ I T A~ndon OilWell I SPARKS ~ J~ ~~ ~~0~,-~ i & Remove Oil Sum s __ _ I PARCEL lEa-t2 ~o.ov~ )~? // ~T~t~ J / , , - ~ i~ ~ ~, ~ ~ ~-~ I ...... A~ndon Mont , ~s~ · J~-~"~*=="~*~~ J ".~," ~ I ~ible Excavation ' / ~ I .~. ,~/~,~,RemOval Wells (3) +' I I . I Beneath A3~ ~, we, ~naonmenT ...... ~ ~ ~ J 'j -- --~ j $ ~ ,'~ ~ I / ~Oil Sump Excavation I we, ~~ ~ J .... s.~ , t J I I ~t I . ~.~N , "-" T.,. ,,,,~, ,.,,, I ~. ~ , I .................... TPH1 TOTAL ~T~OLEU~ [ I'/~ l/ ~ ' J I ~ X ~ ~ ~ I I '~ TRPN = TOTAL RECGY[~ S~P~G'%ank T ~-.l ~ u-' / { Abandon Sentic Z [~S~*p~'% U Excadion Areas o~ 0 /g~gll y ~ mUJUgUHIJ Abandon - ~ t ~ . J Ab~donWell / J Tank E~' }~sz ';o,~,,~ ~~¢::z=~,.. ~ Parcels I IN T 'A" ~ We1 SEATON PARCEL ROSEDALE ~m I s~a HOT[L WATER ~L ~,~"~l ~' ~ , - ' ,~ ~ ~ WitProposed Excavationsl ,,,~~~, ~~ , + ~,.~.-~- ' ~ ' ! .-,,, , .,,, ,.. . . I J['~ ~Minor J I urains. . . ,. ,oo ' - -' , ~ .~?~,~w Stainin~ I l ~ I [-~ ' ~ / ~ ,PPi,OX. SCALE IN FEET Adapt~ From'. ENSR Figure 3 PI &TK 9 I ........ ~.~ h~ ~Sa,.~l. Locatbn ~p, 3,16,01 r~ ~.1 ~ ~ I i I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I ! ITl Z _- -_ I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I SOILS APPENDIX A AKRI Corp. Reports for Supplemental Asbestos Survey Report dated 2/22/99 & Lead-Based Paint Survey Report dated 2/23/99 ENGINEERING, INC, IAkr 1 CORPORATION Akri Corporation 1414 Valhalla Drive Bakersfield, CA 93309 Phone (805) 833-4300 Fax (805) 833-4314 I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I February 22, 1999 Environmental Consulting ,, Testing Soils Engineering Attn: Mr. Bob Becker 4700 District Boulevard Bakersfield, CA 93313 Supplemental Asbestos Survey Report 2800 Standard Street 3650 Rosedale Highway 3880 Rosedale Highway Bakersfield, CA 93308 Dear Mr. Becker: On November 19, 1998, we issued an asbestos screening survey report pertaining to four buildings at the following street addresses in Bakersfield, California: 2800 Standard Street(Trucking Business Building) 2800 Standard Street (Metal Shed) 3650 Rosedale Highway 3880 Rosedale Highway On February 8 and 17, 1999, we performed a supplemental asbestos survey to accomplish the following tasks: A. Inspect Tank 50001 for asbestos. B. Augment our asbestos screening survey report, dated November 19, 1998, with additional sampling and testing of suspected asbestos-containing materials in order to meet the following pre- demolition asbestos inspection protocols: 1. Cal/OSHA's requirements in 8 CCR 1529. 2. Environmental Protections Agency's requirements in 40 CFR Part 61, Subpart M. 3. San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District's requirements in Rule 4002. Enclosed please find three field-sketched site plans of the subject buildings. Both asbestos surveys were conducted by Mr. Alfred R. Waldram, who is qualified to conduct asbestos surveys as a Certified Asbestos Site Surveillance I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I Mr. Bob Becker February 22, 1999 Page 2 of 8 Technician in accordance with Section 7180 of the Business and Professions Code. Enclosed please find one copy each of certificates from the Division of Occupational Safety and Health for Mr. Waldram and for the undersigned Certified Asbestos Consultant, Mr. Paul F. Belton. Mr. Waldram collected 32 bulk samples of suspected asbestos-containing materials and submitted them to Environmental Management Consultants, Inc. for analysis. Enclosed please find a copy of the laboratory's faxed report dated February 12, 1999. (No asbestos samples were collected on February 17 when Mr. Waldram inspected Tank No. 50001 .) The following table summarizes the results of our supplemental asbestos survey: SEGS-3B 2800 Standard Street None ~,~, ~ ;,:~,~,;:,~, :;:~: ,~ :,,,,~:,.~,,~,~,:~!:? A related sample SW Room Detected :::~: :~?a% ::;,.::;:~:~¢,.:~ from our asbestos SW Corner :~' ~.~' ::~ ~ "': screening su~ey is ;~:~:~:"~A~;~;~'~' :~:~?:~: ~; sample No. SEGS-3. D~all Joint Compound SEGS-3C 2800 Standard Street None ~::?~?~:~'~:~:': ~:~;~ .~,~;:;,'~; , % ~¢~. ~,~?~. :~;~;~::,:~:~:~?~ A related sample Room S of Office Detected ;~;~?:~' ~;.~,:~:.~:.'~ -.:-,::,-~: ~'-.:~::~'~:~,:~',~ ~:~;~,~?~;~: from our asbestos E Wall ~:~a,~.-::-~:~',:~::, ~?~, ~:~:::.::??~ screening suwey is ~:~'~ ~:~'.~::~ sample No. SEGS-3. N Side of Window D~all Joint Compound SEGS-4B 2800 Standard Street None ..................... ~,~,~:~ A related sample SW Room Detected :,~;¢,~:,;;.~?,~:;:;:;;;~;~ ::~?.: :~,v¢~;~.,,~:.,~ from our :~¢~::;~,:::; ,~ screening su~ey is 3'W of SE Corner a~?~:;,~,~;;,,~,,~, sample No. SEGS-4. SEGS-4C 2800 Standard Street None ,,,:,, :<,:~:t, ~,<,:,~:,~,¢¢~ from our asbestos 4' E of NW Corner ~,,~,~::::~, .,¢:,:~,,,,~ :,~'~;~¢~;:;:~¢:~,~,~::,:~ ~:~* sample No. SEGS-4. SEGS-4D 2800 Standard Street None Office Detected .... ::,: ...... ~,,~¢~ ~,;,';,:¢;~¢:.~¢¢,',~E~ from our asbestos 3'W of NE Corner ~:~'***;:~<.:-;':~:~'~,,; ,,~::.;,~;~¢:~;~;,:,,,~,~ sample No. SEGS-4. ~(:.:::::':~:;¢:~:::~;:,;:~; A related sample 2' N & 3' W of SE Corner ' ;~;,,:~:~;:¢¢:~,,,,,,;~ :~¢~::;~:~: sample No. SEGS-4. Decorative Texturing 1 Friable means a material that, when dry, can be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure, 2 The estimated quantities are for the entire homogeneous-appearing area, whether contiguous or not. They are inexact estimates and should not be used for cost preparation purposes. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i Mr. Bob Becker February 22, 1999 Page 3 of 8 SEeS-DB 3650 Rosedale Highway None ii::';:"';~,t:~:~:i,',~,:~ti~::~:'~i,i ::~:;:'~':':'"'~,:~,¢.¢ A related sample Money Mart Area Detected ~:':';~-,::::~::~ ;~¢:~v::;::~::,~;~,:,: ?;~:;~,~.: "~'~:: ::::~.~;~t~%¢?~:~,:?::~?~":~'~'~:~::~;~ from our asbestos Restroom ;,~,::~:~:,.~:~: :t,:: ~,,,:~::,:: :,?::~ :, :~::~¥~ screening su~ey is Wall :,::~: :::'?::: ~:~,~ sample No. SEES-8. ~S of NW Corner Finish Coat Plaster SEeS-DC 3650 Rosedale Highway None ,: :.:::::~ ,:~: ~;~? :,:¢::~ A related sample ;'2;':' :t~; ................ from our asbestos Money Ma~ Area Detected S Wall , :,::~:* .................. ,~ ...... - ............ ~,,,,~-¢¢ sample No. SEES-8. Finish Coat Plaster SEGS-9B 3650 Rosedale Highway None ::;:~(,::;~:::, A related sample Money Ma~ Area Detected :;~,;:: ;:~,~::~,,~ ~,,,,., .::,: :,~ ~ ,,~,:~¢~:~ from our asbestos ~S of UW Corner sample No. SESS-9. Elev 2' Scratch/Brown Coat Plaster SEGS-9C 3650 Rosedale Highway None t~:::: :;'7%~;?¢" A related sample Money ':~,~ ~, :*::%?:~: from our asbestos Ma~ Area Detected screening su~ey is S Wall ?~:..~::::~?~:,.,, sample No. SEES-9. Scratch/Brown Coat Plaster SEGS-11B 3650 Rosedale Highway None :,,~:~,~,;~::::;~,¢ ;,,,; A related sample :~:~:~ 4~ from our asbestos Money Ma~ Area Detected Room E of Teller Area '~?~:,;~':;i;~':,:~¢,*~;-;: screening su~ey is ;,;~;~;~::,:,¢:~ :~,~ ~,~,~:,:~,,,:,~¢ sample No. SEGS- E of SW Corner .... ~, ;:~,~;~¢~'~ :/~ 11. Scratch/Brown Coat Plaster SEGS-11C 3650 Rosedale Highway None Money Ma~ Area Detected ;,.;??;;:~;¢;~¢~:;~;,;:;;:~ ~;:~;,~;:,~:::?~¢;,::: ~:::,* :~:<¢:¢:~<:'~¢ from our asbestos 2nd Room E of Teller Area Scratch/Brown Coat Plaster SEGS-11D 3650 Rosedale Highway None Money Mad Area Detected ,:;,~,~;~¢;;¢~,;;,;,:¢~;?~,.~ ::,:::~¢¢;;,;,~,~;.¢;-,',~,;,,~ from our asbestos ::,-~?,;:,,,:,,,~,~:,.,~,,,,:¢,~, screening su~ey is Scratch/Brown Coat Plaster I Friable means a material that, when dry, can be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure. 2 The estimated quantities are for the entire homogeneous-appearing area, whether contiguous or not. They are inexact estimates and should not be used for cost preparation purposes. I I Mr. Bob Becker February 22, 1999 Page 4 of 8 ~ %~;?~' ~*'~' :~:'~' ~!,~ A related sample SEGS-11E 3650 Rosedale Highway None sEM°neYRoomMart Area Detected ;;;/;~;'!~.~ '~.~'~ ,/~?;;~:f%? ~?;~ ~.~:~;,:~'~?~:~ ~ ~,%~¥~. from our asbestos E of NW Corner Scratch/Brown Coat Plaster SE~S-12B 3650 Rosedale Highway None ??;:;~;.;:,:,,:~;?:~., .......... ;,,~,~,,,;,~,¢~,~,,~ A retate8 sample Money Ma~ Area Detected %: ,~;~¢~ :,~:~ from our asbestos Room E of Teller Area Older-appearing Decorative SEGS-12C 3650 Rosedale Highway None ;:~;~:~::~,~?.:~:~ A related sample Money Ma~ Area Detected ~=.: .~;~ ~2'%?~4;¢?~?:¢~ from our asbestos 2nd Room E of Teller Area Wall ~S of NW Corner , ::~:~?;:~;~?,?~74~ ~.,,*:::,:~'~, ,~,~,~,:"~'~:~ sample No. SEGS- Elev 4' SEGS-12D 3650 Rosedale Highway None ,.,.:,,. ~:~,.::, ,;,~ A related sample Money Ma~ Area Detected ¢:~:::,:~:,:~;¢~,:,;~:~;:;,~;:,:~; ,~,~,-,,,¢~,:~?;~;,,~;, from our asbestos Older-appearing Decorative t: ~,~;~;*~¢4~;(%¥¢~ A related sample SEGS-12E 3650 Rosedale Highway None .............................. from our asbestos Money Ma~ Area Detected SE Room ';~;4;: ;;;~:~';::~*~; screening suwey is N Wall :~ ~?,~ :~,,~,:¢~ sample No. SEGS- SEGS-13B 3650 Rosedale Highway None ;~;?~:~E ~::;~;~,~ ;;,~;';:;::~,::;t~4~;:~';:~:';';~'~:~;;'~':~;~':~:;';';~':~ A related sample Teller Area ;~;~,~,: ,,:,,*,¢-~:--:~,¢,~¢:,~;:::~¢.:¢¢~.,;,,,~,;~ screening su~ey is 10'W of NE Corner , .... ,,,,,,:¢ ;;:~ 13. Newer-appearing Decorative I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Friable means a material that, when dry, can be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure. 2 The estimated quantities are for the entire homogeneous-appearing area, whether contiguous or not. They are inexact estimates and should not be used for cost preparation purposes. Mr. Bob Becker February 22, 1999 Page 5 of 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SEGS-13C 3650 Rosedale Highway None ..... ~ ,*,~-,~:~' ~.~ :::~:~'~:';~¢.~ A related sample Money Ma~ Area Detected Teller Area ~;¢¢,¢~:,;~¢,~sample No. SEGS- SEGS-13D 3650 Rosedale Highway None Money Mad Area Detected Customer Area :*:';~':~"~,?~;~'.~ :~¢?:~::%;;/'~¢4 screening su~ey is Newer-appearing Decorative SEGS-13E 3650 Rosedale Highway None ~?,,,* ............... ~;~:.¢.~¢~ ;,,: :~,~¢~,;~¢,::~;~ A related sample .......... ~'*:*'"~:~¢¢'~:*~:"~' ::~;~ %~,:':;'~ from our asbestos Money Mad Area Detected Customer Area :~:,, :: ~¢~ :?~;; screening su~ey is S Wall ~;: :;-~,~,:~:~¢~: :~:;~ sample No. SEGS- SEGS-16B 3650 Rosedale Highway None ~'¢:¢.;::'*'~'~¢:':'~:~;;:'~:" ~:.:¢~:;~,,~,;~:~:~:~ A related sample Customer Area :;::~:;~;~::;::¢'¢:';~':('¥~ ::~¢;~,~ screening suwey is .;~;;~:,.,:.,¢~,~:,~..~.:,~,~;~ sample No. SEGS- Money Mad Area Detected ,.,;;~,,~:;~,::,,,;~;:.~,;,;¢ :,~:,::,:;~;,~ ,; from our asbestos SEGS-20B 3650 Rosedale Highway None :,.::,;;~;~::~;,¢¢;~,~::, ,,~,;,:: ,~,~;?' :,;,~;¢,~ A related sample Back Section Detected W Half ::,~;~;:;~:.;,~,/¢;¢:% ;~:;~¢.::~ screening su~ey is Wall ,~;::~;:;;:;:-~?:~::-;~;¢¢;~ sample No. SEGS- I I 1 Friable means a material that, when dry, can be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure. 2 The estimated quantities are for the entire homogeneous-appearing area, whether contiguous or not. They are inexact estimates and should not be used for cost preparation purposes. Mr. Bob Becker February 22, 1999 Page 6 of 8 SEGS-20C 3650 Rosedale Highway None '~'~.:~'~'~*;~;'~ ~ A related sample Back Section Detected :,~:: ;~ ~¢~, from our asbestos W Half ~:;~ ~;,~,~ :~:~:,'~ ~:~,~*':~'~;~,,~ screening su~ey is W Wall ...... ~< ....... ~,,"~,~;, ~:;~;~':~:~?~':~ sample No. SEGS- 27' N of SW Corner ~EGS-25B 3650 Rosedale Highway None ,;~: :,~:,::,¢.¢:; :,~¢:::,,: ;:~: ~;:'~;~,:;~'::;;~(~¢(~' A related sample S E~erior Wall Detected ;:,:,~:t:~::~v',,~,:;;:~:¢~¢,,~{ from our asbestos .,:~ ,;,,2;;~:~,~,~% screening su~ey is ,:,,~,,,~,¢~,~:~,~ sample No. SEGS- Color Coat Stucco SEGS-25C 3650 Rosedale Highway None · :::~¢~';~:;:*;;;~/;;;;~:~ from our asbestos ~N of SW Corner Elev 5' :::;;;~;:;;:;";;:;'::;:';;~'.',"~;¢~ screening suwey is sample No. SEGS- Color Coat Stucco ?:~ ~-~'~'~ ~'~:':; ~.,~,: ~¢~:~:~25. SEGS-26B 3650 Rosedale Highway None : ~;~:;::~;:F~;~'~;: ::,;~.;:;:;~,;~,~:;:;..~ A related sample 24' W of SE Corner :,::,~;;,,t~ :;,~;~;,t~:¢:,~ screening su~ey is Elev 2' Scratch/Brown Coat Stucco ,~::~:~;::~,;~..::.:::~:~ :::~,~:,:~ ;;~,~;?:',,~ 26. SEGS-26C 3650 Rosedale Highway None ~,*~:"':~:~;;~: :::' ~;, ~'' :: *~:: ;' :' '~*~:; A related sample Scratch/Brown Coat Stucco SEGS-27B 3650 Rosedale Highway None S E~erior Wall Detected ~;:,;:,?~*~,,~¢,:¢,,;,~:,:;~ :~¢¢ ....... ;~, ........... from our asbestos 25' W of SE Corner ,;:,:~:,~,~,~,~,;'.;.,,;;;~ screening suwey is Color Coat Stucco :,;;,,~;;;;~,¢~;~',~( , SEGS-27C 3650 Rosedale Highway None ;~:~;~;':~::~,~:;;,¢~,,~ A related sample ~7~; from our asbestos N of SW Corner :~;,~:~, ';~:¢~,:~ :,~(~ ::~;:~:~;:~;;,~4~ screening suwey is S E~erior Wall Detected Elev 11 ;?'::~;'~"?~2;~;~ ;~,,:,~;; ~; sample No. SEGS- SEGS-28C 3650 Rosedale Highway None ~'~,:; ~?;~::;~: ~;F%;:~:~:~;:;,%~;~;~';'¢-:¢~ A related sample Scratch/Brown Coat Stucco I I I I I I I I I '1 I I Friable means a material that, when dry, can be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure. 2 The estimated quantities are for the entire homogeneous-appearing area, whether contiguous or not. They are inexact estimates and should not be used for cost preparation purposes. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '1 I I Mr. Bob Becker February 22, 1999 Page 7 of 8 SEGS-35 2800 Standard Street 4 No 110 SF This sample was Restroom collected under the Center of E Doorway sheet flooring Sheet Flooring Mastic material represented by sample No. SEGS-5. SEGS-36 2800 Standard Street 5 No 250 SF This sample was Office collected under the 2' N & 1' E of SW Corner floor tile represented Floor Tile Mastic by sample No. SEGS-I. SEGS-37 3880 Rosedale Highway '10 No 200 SF This sample was Office collected under the 1' S & 1' W of NE Corner floor tile represented Floor Tile Mastic by sample No. SEGS-30. SEGS-38 3650 Rosedale Highway 5 No 230 SF This sample was Money Mart Area collected under the Restroom Floor sheet flooring NE Corner material represented Sheet Flooring Mastic by sample No. SEGS-6. This sample appeared to contain two different types of mastic that could not be field- separated. SEGS-39 3650 Rosedale Highway None i~i~ ;;~ ?~?~,~:~¢~;:~?I This sample was Money Ma~ Area Detected ::~¢~? ~:~:;~?~:~¢z :~ :~ ?'~;~?~ collected under the Teller Area ~ ~, sheet flooring E End ~,~;?:~,:~ ..... ~;~:~ material represented Sheet Flooring Mastic ~¢~ b~ sample No. SE6S-40 3650 Rosedale Highway None This sample was Mone~ Ma~ Area Detected ~! ~ ;;¢~:~:~i~~ topset base ............... ~::~:~ collected behind the Customer Area ~'~= S Wall ~J~ ; represented by SW Corner ~; ~;' ~;~";~ :~¢~;~?~;;;;~ sample No. SEGS- Topset Base Mastic SEGS-41 3650 Rosedale Highway None ~ ~:~ This sample was Money Ma~ Area Detected :~'~,,~:~ collected behind the Teller Area S Wall ~;~,~?;~,~:~?~'~'~;~' represented by 7' E of SW Corner ':~:~;~¢~¥~:,/:~,~;,: :,:ja~,~ ~: :;~:~:;~;~,;~,~¢: sample No. SEGS- Topset Base Mastic 1 Friable means a material that, when dry, can be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure. 2 The estimated quantities are for the entire homogeneous-appearing area, whether contiguous or not. They are inexact estimates and should not be used for cost preparation purposes. I Mr. Bob Becker February 22, 1999 i Page 8 of 8 I ~f Parcel 39 on Not Sampled I Sparks Estate I I Tank No. 50001 I Above-ground Welded Steel I Storage Tank I I Flange Gaskets '1 Additional Comment: I 1. No suspected asbestos-c southeast corner of the lc This asbestos survey report wa: I ordinarily exercised under sirnil consultants practicing in the lo However, we make no represenl I concealed or inaccessible at thc possible that some asbestos-co~ this report because they were c, I investigation. If you have any questions abou assistance, please n( further do Very truly yours, I Akri Corporation I Certified ~ President Analyzed No 15 Ea Mr. Waldram was unable to collect samples of the gaskets because all were installed between bolted flanges. Mr. Waldram did not inspect the interior of the tank. No suspected asbestos-containing material was found in the metal shed located near the southeast corner of the lot at 2800 Standard Street. This asbestos survey report was prepared using the degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar circumstances by reputable asbestos consultants practicing in the locality of the subject buildings and tank. However, we make no representation concerning any material which was concealed or inaccessible at the time of the inspection. It should be considered possible that some asbestos-containing materials have not been identified in this report because they were concealed or inaccessible during our If you have any questions about this report, or ff Akri Corporation can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to call me at 833-4300. Certified Asbestos Consultant, No. 92-0046 I I I I PFB/ml enclosures as noted 1 Friable means a material that, when dry, can be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure. 2 The estimated quantities are for the entire homogeneous-appearing area, whether contiguous or not. They are inexact estimates and should not be used for cost preparation purposes. , :lT£ Drawn By. Akri Fo~m No. 19 Ak~i F~m No. 19 Akd F~m No. t I I I i I I I I ! I I I I I I ! I I State of California · Division of Occupational Safety and Health Certified Site Surveillance Technician Alfred R Waldram 92-0078 Certification No.- 6125199 Expires on This cer~;aJon was ~ed by the Oiv~on d L%~ 7180 et ~ o~ bhe ~res~ and Pro~ie~ ~le. I I I i I I I I I I I ! I I I ! ! I I State of California Division of Occupational Safety and Health Certified Asbestos Consultant Paul F Belton Name :. Certification No. '~ 92:-.(li~46 Expires on This ce~ca~ion was issued by the Division of 0c~pa~oaal Safety and ~ as authedzed by Sections 7180 et seq. of ~e B~nass and Professions Cede I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I 2/1:2/99 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS BULK MATERIAL REPORT Page 1 of 9 REPORT Laboratory Analysis: BULK MATERIAL Client: AKRI CORPORATION Reported to: PAUL F. BELTON Sampled from: SOILS ENGINEERING Shipped via: FEDERAL EXPERSS SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION 01 SEGS-3B drywall joint compound white 2800 STANDARD ST-SW RM REC'D FEB 1 2 1999 Akri PARAMETER Asbestos LAB: 54233 Methodology: EPA 600/M4-82-020 P/Off: Proj: By: Client Received: 2/10/99 Reported: 2/12/99 TEST RESULTS None detected. This sample contains approx. 100% Quartz, CaCO, CaSO, Mica, Binder 02 SEGS-3C Asbestos dp/wall joint compound white 2800-RM S OF OFC None detected. This sample contains approx. 100% Quartz, CaSO, Mica, Binder 03 SEGS-4B Asbestos decorative texturing white 2800-SW RM-S WALL None detected. This sample contains approx. 100% Quartz, CaCO, CaSO, Mica, Binder 04 SEGS-4C Asbestos. decorative texturing white 2800-SW RM-N WALL None detected. This sample contains approx. 100% Quart2., CaSO, Mica, Binder 05 SEGS-4D Asbestos decorative texturing white 2800-OFC-N WALL None detected. This sample contains approx. trace Cellulose, 99% Quartz, CaCO, CaSO, Mica, Binder THE REPORT APPLIES TO THE STANOARDS OR PROCEDURES IDENTIFIED AND TO THE SAMPLE(S) TESTED. THE TEST RESULTS ARE NOT NECESSARILY INDICATIVE OR REPRESENTATIYE OF THE QUALr~IES OF THE LOT FROM WHICH THE SAMPLE WAS TAKEN OR OF APPARENTLY IDENTICAL OR SIMILAR PRODUCTS, NOR DO THEY REPRESENT AN ONGOING QUALrrY ASSURANCE PROGRA~ UNLESS SO NOTED. THESE REPORTS ARE FOR THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE ADDRESSED CLIENT AND ARE RENDERED UPON THE CONDITION THAT THEY WiLL NOT BE REPRODUCED WHOLLY OR IN PART FOR ADVERTISING OR OTHER PURPOSES OVER OUR SIGNATURE OR IN CONNECTION WTTH OUR NAME WITHOUT SPECIAL WRIT'tEN PERNIISSlON. SAMPLES NOT DESTROYED tN TESTING ARE RETAINED A MAXIMUM OF THIRTY DAYS. ACCREDITED BY THE NATIONAL INSTrTUTE OF STANDARDS .TECHNOLOGY, VOLUNTARY LABORATORY ACCREDITATION PROGRAM FOR SELECTED TEST METHOD FOR ASBESTOS. THE ACCREDITATION OR ANY REPORTS GENERATED BY THIS LABORATORY IN NO WAY CONSTITUTES OR IMPLIES PRODUCT CERTIFICATION, APPROVAL, OR ENDORSEMENT BY THE NATIONAL INSTITtJT~ OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY. ALL ANALYSES ARE DER~ED FROM CALIBRATED VISUAL ESTIMATE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. POLARIZED-IJGHT IS NOT CONSlS'I'ENTLY RELIABLE IN DETECTING ASBESTOS IN FLOOR COVERINGS AND 31MILAR NON-FRIABLE ORGANICALLY BOUND MATERIALS. QUAN'FITAT~CE TRANSMISSION ELECTRON MICROSCOPY IS CURRENTLY TI4E ONLY METHOD TI-IAT CAN BE USED TO DETERMINE IF THIS MATERIAL CAN BE CONSIDERED OR TREATED AS NON-ASBESTOS-CONTAINING. Analyst: Brad Yanbin Al By: Kurt Kef'der NVLAP Accreditation #1926, CA ELAP #1913, TX DOH #30-0094 7342 EAST THOMAS ROAD SCOTTSDALE, ARIZONA 85251-7216 (602) 990-2069 FAX: (602) 990-8468 zI I I I I I I I I I I I I '1 I I 2/12/99 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS BULK MATERIAL REPORT PARAMETER Asbestos REPORT Laboratory Analysis: BULK MATERIAL Client: AKRI CORPORATION Reported to: PAUL F. BELTON Sampled from: SOILS ENGINEERING Shipped via: FEDERAL EXPERSS SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION 06 SEGS-4E decorative texturing white 2800 STND ST -RESTRM Page 2 of 9 LAB: 54233 Methodology: EPA 600/M4-82-020 Proj: By: Received: 2/10/99 TEST RESULTS Client Reported: 2/12/99 None detected. This sample contains approx. trace Cellulose, 99% Quartz, CaCO, CaSO, Mica Binder O7 SEGS-SB plaster ~ finish coat It, green 3650 ROSEDALE HWY-$MRT Asbestos None detected. This sample contains approx. 100% Quart2_, CaSO, Mica, Binder 08 09 10 SEGS-8C plaster - finish coat It. green 3650-MONEY MART-RR SEGS-9B plaster ~ scratch coat brown, black, tan 3650-MONEY MART-RR Asbestos Asbestos None detected. This sample contains approx. 100% Quartz, CaSO, Mica, Binder None detected. This sample contains approx. 100% Quartz, CaSO, Mica, Binder SEGS-SC plaster - scratch coat brown, black, tan 3650-MONEY MART-RR Asbestos None detected. This sample contains approx. 100% Quartz, CaSO, Mica, Binder THE REPORT APPLIES TO THE :STANDARDS OR PROCEDURES IDENTIFIED AND TO THE SAMPLE(S) TESTED. THE TE~T RESULTS ARE NOT NECESSARILY INDICATIVE OR REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OUALFriES OF THE LOT FROM WHICH THE SAMPLE WAS TAKEN OR OF APPARENTLY IDENTICAL OR SIMILAR PRODUCTS, NOR DO THEY REPRESENT AN ONGOING QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM UNLESS SO NOTED. THESE REPORTS ARE FOR THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE ADDRESSED CLIENT AND ARE RENDERED UPON THE CONDITION TI-IAT THEY VV1LL NOT BE REPRODUCED WHOLLY OR IN PART FOR ADVERllSING OR OTHER PURPOSES OVER OUR SIGNATURE OR IN CONNECTION wrrH OUR NAME wrrHOUT SPECIAL WRrCT~N PERMISSION. SAMPLES NOT DE~'ROYEO IN TEST'lNG ARE RETAINEO A MAXIMUM OF THIRTY DAYS. ACCREDITED BY THE NATIONAL INSTrrUTE OF ~'TANDAROS .TECHNOLOGY, VOLUNTARY LABORATORY ACCREDITATION PROGRAM FOR SELECTED TEST METHOD FOR ASBESTOS. THE ACCREDITATION OR ANY REPORTS GENERATED BY THIS LABORATORY IN NO WAY CONSTTTUTES OR IMPLIES PRODUCT CERTIFICATION, APPROVAL, OR ENDORSEMENT BY THE NATIONAL INST~rtJ'~ OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY. ALL ANALYSES ARE DEPJVED FROM CALIBRATED VISUAL ESTIMATE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. POLARIZED4.1GHT IS NOT CONSISTEN'FLY RELIABLE IN DETEC'I1NG ASBESTOS IN FLOOR CO'v~=RING$ AND SIMiLe[ NON.FRIABLE ORGANICALLY BOUND MATERtAL9. QUANTrTATIVE TRANSMISSION ELECTRON MICROSCOPY IS CURRENTLY THE ONLY MET)-IOD THAT CAN BE USED TO DETERMINE IF THIS MATERIAL CAN BE CONSIDERED OR TREATED AS NON-ASBESTO$-CONTAJNING. Analyst: Brad Yanbin Ai By: Kurt Kettler NVLAP Accreditation #1926, CA ELAP #1913, TX DOH #30-0094 7342 EAST THOMAS ROAD SCOTTSDALE, ARIZONA 85251-72'/6 (602) 990-2069 FAX: (602) 990..8468 2/12/99 I I R EPORT Laboratory Analysis: Client: AKRI CORPORATION Reported to: PAUL F. BELTON ISampled from: SOILS ENGINEERING Shipped via: FEDERAL EXPERSS I SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION 11 SEGS-11B plaster - scratch coat I brown, black, tan 3650-MONEY MART-RM E ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS BULK MATERIAL REPORT BULK MATERIAL PARAMETER Asbestos Page 3 of 9 LAB: 54233 Methodology: EPA 600/M4-82-020 PLO#: Proj: By: Client Received: 2/10/99 Reported: 2/12/99 TEST RESULTS None detected. This sample contains approx. 100% QuartT., CaSO, Mica, Binder I 12 SEGS-11C plaster - scratch coat off white, brown, tan I 3650-MONEY MART-2ND RM Asbestos None detected. This sample contains approx. 100% Quartz, CaCO, CaSO, Mica, Binder I I I I I 13 SEGS-11D Asbestos plaster - scratch coat off white, brown, tan 3650-MONEY MARK-SE RM 14 SEGS-11E Asbestos piaster - scratch coat orr white, brown, tan 3650-MONEY MART-SE RM 15 SEGS-12B Asbestos older-appearing, decorative texturing off white, brown, black 3650-MONEY MART-RM E None detected. This sample contains approx. 100% Quart7_, CaSO, Mica, Binder None detected. This sample contains approx. 100% Quartz, CaSO, Mica, Binder None detected. This sample contains approx. 100% Quartz, CaSO, Mica, Binder I THE REPORT APPLIES TO THE STANDARDS OR PROCEDURES IDENTIFIED AND TO THE SAMPLE(S) TESTED. THE TE~'T RESULTS AR~ NOT NECESSARILY INDICATTVE OR R~PI:~SENTATICVE OF THE QUALmES OF THE LOT FROM WHICH THE SAMPLE WAS TAKEN OR OF APPAREITI'LY IDENTICAL OR SIMILAR PRODUCTS, NOR DO THEY REPRESENT AN ONGOING QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM UNLESS SO NOTED. THESE REPORTS ARE FOR THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE ADDRESSED CLIENT AND ARE RENDERED UPON THE CONDITION THAT THEY I W~LL NOT BE REPRODUCED WHOLLY OR iN PART FOR ADVERTISING OR OTHER PURPOSES OVER OUR SIGNATURE OR IN CONNECTION WrrH OUR NAME WITHOUT SPECIAL WRIT'FEN PERMISSION. SAMPLES NOT DESTROYED IN TESTING ARE RETAINED A MAXIMUM OF THIR'P¢ DAYS. ACCREOFTED BY THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS .TECHNOLOGY, VOLUNTARY LABORATORY ACCREDITATION PROGRAM FOR SELECTED TEST METHOD FOR ASBE~I'OS. THE ACCREDITATION OR ANY REPORTS GENERATED BY THIS LABORATORY IN NO WAY CONSTITUTES OR IMPLIES PRODUCT CERTIFICATiON, APPROVAL, OR ENDORSEMENT BY THE NATIONAL INSTfl'UTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY. ALL ANALYSES ARE DERJ~ED FROM CALIBRATED VISUAL ESTIMATE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. POLARIZED-LIGHT IS NOT I CONSISTENTLY RELIABLE IN DETECTING ASBESTOS IN FLOOR COVERINGS AND SIMILAR NON-FRIABLE ORGANICALLY BOUND MATERIALS. QUANTITATIVE TRANSMISSION ELECTRON MICROSCOPY IS CURRENTLY THE ONLY ME'rHOD THAT CAN BE USED TO DE'r~RMINE IF THIS MATERIAL CAN BE CONSIDERED OR TREATED AS NON-ASBESTOS-CONTAINING. I /%- Analyst: Brad Yanbin AJ By: Kurt Keffier NVLAP Accreditation #1926, CA ELAP #1913, TX DOH #30-0094 I7342 EAST THOMAS ROAD SCOTTSDALE. ARIZONA 85251-7216 (602) 990-2069 FAX: (602) 990-8468 2/1 2/99 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS BULK MATERIAL REPORT Page 4 of 9 I IREPORT Laboratory Analysis: BULK MATERIAL Client: AKRI CORPORATION Reported to: PAUL F. BELTON I S ampled from: SOILS ENGINEERING Shipped via: FEDERAL EXPERSS I SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION 16 SEGS-12C older-appearing, decorative texturing I off white, brown, black 3650-MONEY MART-2ND RM PARAMETER Asbestos LAB: 54233 Methodology: EPA 600/M4-82-020 P/O/C: Pro j: By: Client Received: 2/10/99 Reported: 2/12/99 TEST RESULTS None detected. This sample contains approx. 100% Quartz, CaSO, Mica, Binder I I 17 SEGS-12D Asbestos older-appearing, decorative texturing off white, brown, black 3650-MONEY MART-SE RM None detected. This sample contains approx. 100% Quartz, CaSO, Mica, Binder I I I I I 18 SEGS-12E Asbestos older-appearing, decorative texturing off white, brown, black 3650-MONEY MART-SE RM SEGS-13B Asbestos newer-appearing, decorative texturin! white 3650-MONEY MART-TELLER 20 SEGS-13C Asbestos newer-appearing, decorative texturin! white 3650-MONEY MART-TELLER None detected. This sample contains approx. 100% Quartz, CaSO, Mica, Binder None detected. This sample contains approx. 100% Quartz, CaCO, Mica, Binder None detected. This sample contains approx. 100% Quartz, CaCO, Mica, Binder I THE REPORT APPLIES TO THE ~FANDA,~DS OR PROCEDURES IDENTIFIED AND TO THE SAMPLE(S) T~S'r'ED. THE T~ST RESULTS AR~ NOT NECESSARILY INDICATIV~ OR REPRESENTATIV~ OF THE QUALmES OF THE LOT FROM WHICH THE SAMPLE WAS TAKEN OR OF APPARENTLY IDENTICAL OR SIMILAR PRODUCTS, NOR DO THEY REPRESENT AN ONGOING QUALITY AS~"URANCE PROGRAM UNLESS SO NOTED. THESE R~PORTS ARE FOR THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE ADDRESSED CLIENT AND ARE RENDERED UPON TI-tE CONDITION THAT THEY I VV1LL NOT BE REPRODUCED WHOLLY OR tN PART FOR ADVERTISING OR OTHER PURPOSES OVER OUR SIGNATURE OR. IN CONNECTION WiTH OUR NAME WfTHOUT SPECIAL W~tlTTEN PERMISSION. SAMPLES NOT DESTROYED IN TESTING ARE RETAINED A MAXIMUM OF THIRTY DAYS. ACCREDITED BY THE NATIONAL [NSTrfUTE OF STANDARDS .TECHNOLOGY, VOLUNTARY LABORATORY ACCREDITATION PROGRAM FOR SELECTED T~ST METHOD FOR ASBESTOS. THE ACCREDITATION OR ANY REPORTS GENERATED BY THIS LABORATORY IN NO WAY CONSTTTUTES OR IMPLIES PRODUCT CERTIFICATION, APPROVAL, OR ENDORSEMENT BY THE NATIONAL INSTFTU'FE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY. ALL ANALYSES A~E DERIVED FROM CALIBRATED VISUAL ESTIMATE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. POLARtZED4.1GHT l$ NOT ICONSIS'r'ENI'~Y RELIABLE IN DETECTING ASBE~"I'OS IN FLOOR COVERINGS AND SIMILAR NON4~RIABLE ORGANICALLY BOUND MATERIALS. QUANTITATNE TRANSMISSION ELECTRON MICROSCOPY IS CURRENTLY THE ONLY METHOD THAT CAN BB USED TO' DETER,MiNE IF THIS MATERJP4. CAN BE CONSIDERED OR TREATED AS NON-ASBESTOS-CONTAJNING. I ,Analyst: Brad Yanbin Ai By: Kurt Keffier NVLAP Accreditation ¢1926, CA ELAP'#1913, TX DOH #30-0094 7342 EAST THOMAS ROAD SCOTTSDALE, ARIZONA 85251-7216 (602) 990-2069 FAX: (602) 990-8468 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2/12/99 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS BULK .MATERIAL REPORT Page 5 of 9 REPORT Laboratory Analysis: BULK MATERIAL Client: AKRI CORPORATION Reported to: PAUL F. BELTON Sampled from: SOILS ENGINEERING Shipped via: FEDERAL EXPERSS SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION 21 SEGS-13D newer-appearing, decorative texturin! white 3650-MONEY MART-CUSTMR PARAMETER Asbestos LAB: 54233 Methodology: EPA 600/M4-82-020 P/O#: Proj: By: Client Received: 2/10/99 Reported: 2/12/99 TEST RESULTS None detected. This sample contains approx. 100% Quartz, CaCO, Binder 22 SEGS-13E Asbestos newer-appearing, decorative texturinl white 3650-MONEY MART-CUSTMR None detected. This sample contains approx. 100% Quartz, CaCO, Binder 23 SEGS-16B Asbestos dr/wall joint compound white 3650-MONEY MART-CUSTMR None detected. This sample contains approx. 100% Quar[z, CaCO, Binder 24 SEGS-16C Asbestos dr/wall joint compound white 3650-MONEY MART-CUSTMR None detected. This sample contains approx. 100% Quartz, CaCO, Mica, Binder 25 SEGS-20B Asbestos drywall joint compound white 3650-BACK SECT~N HALF None detected. This sample contains approx. 100% Quartz, CaCO, Mica, Binder THE REPORT APPLIES TO THE STANDARDS OR PROCEDURE9 IDENTIFIED AND TO THE SAMPLE(S) TESTED. THE TEST RESULTS ARE NOT NECESSARILY INDICATIVE OR REPRESENTATIVE OF THE QuALmES OF THE LOT FROM WHICH THE SAMPLE WAS TAKEN OR OF APPARENTLY IDENTICAL OR SIMILAR PRODUCTS, NOR 00 THEY REPRESENT AN ONGOING QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM UNLESS SO NOTED. THESE REPORTS ARE FOR THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE ADDRESSED CLIENT AND AR~ RENDERED UPON THE CONDmON THAT THEY ~vlLL NOT BE REPRODUCED WI-IOLLY OR iN PART FOR ADVERTISING OR OTHER PURPOSES OVER OUR SIGNATURE OR IN CONNECTION ~ OUR NAME WITHOUT SPECLAL WRFrTEN PERMISSION. SAMPLES NOT DESTROYED IN TESTING ARE RETAINED A MAX/MUM OF THIRTY DAYS. ACCREDITED BY THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS .TECHNOLOGY, VOLUNTARY LABORATORY ACCREDITATION PROGRAM FOR SELECTED TEST METHOD FOR ASBESTOS. THE ACCREDITATION OR ANY REPORTS GENERATED BY THIS LABORATORY IN NO WAY CONSTITUTES OR IMPLIES PROOUCT CERTIFICATION, APPROVAL, OR ENDORSEMENT BY THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY. ALL ANALYSES ARE DERNED FROM CALIBRATED ~ISUAL ESTIMATE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. POLARIZED..LIONT IS NOT CONSISTENTLY RELIABLE IN DETECTING ASBESTOS IN FLOOR COVERINGS AND SIMILAR NON-FRiABLE ORGANICALLY BOUND MATERIALS. QUANTTTATIVE TRANSMISSION ELECTRON MICROSCOPY IS CURRENTI.Y THE ONLY METHOD TI4AT CAN BE USED TO DETERMINE IF THIS MATERIAL CAN BE CONSIDERED OR TRF. ATED AS NON-ASBESTOS-CONTAiNING. Analyst: Brad Yanbin Ai By: Kurt Ket'der NVLAP Accreditation #1926, CA ELAP #1913, TX DOH #30-0094 7342 EAST THOMAS ROAD SCOTTSDALE, ARIZONA 85251-7216 (602) 990-2069 FAX: (602) 990-8468 2/12~99 I I REPORT Laboratory Analysis: Client: AKRI CORPORATION Reported to: PAUL F. BELTON ISampled from: SOILS ENGINEERING Shipped via: FEDERAL EXPERSS I SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION 26 SEGS-20C drywall joint compound I white 3650-BACK SECT-W HALF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS BULK MATERIAL REPORT BULK MATERIAL PARAMETER Asbestos Page 6 of 9 LAB: 54233 Methodology: EPA 600/M4-82-020 P/O~: Proj: By: Client Received: 2/10/99 Reported: 2/12/99 TEST RESULTS None detected. This sample contains approx. 100% Quartz, CaCO, Mica, Binder I 27 SEGS-25B color coat, stucco beige, brown, black I 3650-S. EXT WALL Asbestos None detected. This sample contains approx. 100% Quart2., CaSO, Mica, Binder I28 SEGS-25C color coat, stucco beige, brown, black 3650-W. EXT. WALL SEGSo26B scratch coat, stucco gray, black 3650-S. EXT WALL SEG~-26C scratch coat, stucco gray, black 3650-W EXT. WALL Asbestos Asbestos Asbestos None detected. This sample contains approx. 100% Quartz, CaSO, Mica, Binder None detected. This sample contains approx. 100% Quartz 'CaSO, Mica, Binder None detected. This sample contains approx. 100% Quartz, CaSO, Mica, Binder I THE REPORT APPLIES TO THE STANDARDS OR PROCEDURES IDEhmFIED AND TO THE SAMPLE(S) TESTED. THE TEST RESULTS ARE NOT NECESSARILY INDICATIVE OR REPRESENTATIVE OF THE QUALITIES OF THE LOT FROM WHICH THE SAMPLE WAS TAKEN OR OF APPARENTLY IDENTICAL OR SIMILAR PRODUCTS. NOR DO THEY RE~RESENT AN ONGOING QUALIFY ASSURANCE PROGRAM UNLESS SO NOTED, THESE REPORTS ARE FOR THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE ADDRESSED CLIENT AND ARE RENDERED UPON THE CONDmON THAT THEY I W~LL NOT BE REPRODUCED WHOLLY OR IN PART FOR ADVERTISING OR OTHER PURPOSES OVER OUR SIGNATURE OR IN CONNECTION WTTH OUR NAME WITHOUT SPECIAL WRII'f'EN PERJ~IISSION. SAMPLES NOT DESTROYED IN TESTING ARE RETAINED A MAXIMUM OF THIRTY DAYS. ACCREOfTED BY THE NATIONAL INSTrI'uTE OF STANDARDS .TECHNOLOGY, VOLUNTARY LABORATORY ACCREDrrATIOH PROGRAM FOR SELECTED TEST METHOD FOR ASBESTOS. TiNE ACCREDITATION OR ANY REPORTS GENERATED BY THIS LABORATORY IN NO WAY CONS'ITTU'rEs OR IMPLIES PRODUCT CERTIFICATION. APPROVAL, OR ENDORSEMENT BY THE NATIONAL INSTITU'FE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY. ALL ANALYSES ARE DERIVED FROM CALIBRATED VISUAL ESTIMATE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. POLARIZEO-t. IGHT IS NOT ICONSISTENTLY RELIABLE IN DETECTING ASBESTOS IN FLOOR COVERINGS AND SIMILAR NON-FRIABLE ORGANICALLY BOUND MATERIALS. QUANTrFAT]VE TRANSMISSION ELECTRON MICROSCOPY IS CURRENTLY THE ONLY METHOD THAT CAN BE USED TO DETERMINE IF THIS MATERIAL CAN BE CONSIDERED OR TREATED AS NON-ASBESTOS-CONTNNING. I /g'- Analyst: Brad Yanbin AJ By: Kurt Keffier NVLAP Accreditation #1926, CA ELAP #1913, TX DOH #30-0094 7342 EAST THOMAS ROAD SCOTTSDALE, ARIZONA 65251-7216 (602) 990-2069 FAX: (602) 990-8468 I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2/12~99 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS BULK MATERIAL REPORT PARAMETER Asbestos REPORT Laboratory Analysis: BULK MATERIAL Client: AKRI CORPORATION Reported to: PAUL F. BELTON Sampled from: SOILS ENGINEERING Shipped via: FEDERAL EXPERSS SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION 31 SEGS-27B color coat, stucco beige, brown, tan, green 3650-S EXT. WALL Page 7 of 9 LAB: 54233 Methodology: EPA 600/M4-82-020 PIO¢¢: Pro j: By: Client Received: 2/10/99 Reported: 2/12/99 TEST RESULTS None detected. This sample contains approx. 100% Quartz., CaSO, Mica, Binder 32 SEGS-27C Asbestos color coat, stucco beige, brown, tan, green 3650-W. EXT. WALL None detected. This sample contains approx. 100% Quartz, CaSO, Mica, Binder 33 SEGS-28B Asbestos scratch coat, stucco gray, black 3650-S. EXT. WALL None detected. This sample contains approx. 100% Quartz, CaSO, Mica, Binder 34 SEGS-28C Asbestos scratch coat, stucco gray, black 3650-W. EXT. WALL None detected. This sample contains approx. 100% Quartz, CaSO, Mica, Binder 35 SEGS-35 Asbestos sheet vinyl, mastic brown 2800 STANDARD ST-RR Positive. This sample contains approx. 4% Chrysotile, 1% Cellulose, 95% CaCO, CaSO, Binder THE REPORT A~PLIES TO THE ~'FANDARD$ OR PROCEDURES IDENTIFtED AND TO THE SAMPLE(S) TESTED. THE TEST RESULTS A~E NOT NECESSARILY INDICATIV~ OR REPRESENTATIVE OF THE QUALmES OF THE LOT FROM WHICH THE SAMPLE WAS TAKEN OR OF APPARENTLY IDENTICAL OR SIMILAR PRODUCTS, NOR DO THEY REPRESENT AN ONGOING QUALI'rf' AssuRANcE PROGRAM UNLESS SO NOTED. THESE REPORTS ARE FOR THE EXCLUSI~CE USE OF THE ADDRESSED CLIENT AND APE RENDERED UPON THE CONDmON THAT THEY W~LL NOT BE REPRODUCED WHOLLY OR IN PART FOR ADVERTISING OR OTHER PURJ:~OSES OVER OUR SIGNATURE OR IN CONNECTION WiTH OUR NAME WrrHOUT SPECIAL wP. rrTEN PERMISSION. SAMPLES NOT DESTROYED IN TESTING ARE RETAINED A MAXIMUM OF THIRTY DAY~. ACCREDITII=D BY THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS .T~CHNOLOGY, VOLUNTARY LABORATORY ACCREDITATION PROGRAM FOR SELECTED TEST METHOD FOR ASBESTOS. THE ACCREDITATION OR ANY REPORTS GENERATED BY THIS !..A~ORATORY IN NO WAY CONSTTTUTES OR IMPLIES PRODUCT CERTIFICATION, APPROVAL, OR ENDORSEMENT BY THE NATIONAL INST'ITu'r~ OF STANOAR~OS AND TECHNOLOGY. ALL ANALYSES ARE OERIVED FROM CALIBRATED VISUAL ESTIMATE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. POLARtZED4.IGHT I$ NOT CONSISTENT[.Y RELIABLE IN DETECTING ASBESTOS IN FLOOR COVE~JNGS AND SIMILAR NON4=R~ABLE ORGANICALLY BOUND MATERIALS. QUAN'rlTATI~E TRANSMISSION ELECTRON MICROSCOPY IS CURRENTLY THE ONLY METHOD THAT CAN BE USED TO DE'i'ERMINE IF THIS MATERIAL CAN BE CONSIDERED OR TRF_ATED AS NON-ASBESTOS-CONTAINING. Analyst: Brad Yanbin AJ By: Kurt Kettler NVLAP Accreditation #1926, CA ELAP #1913, TX DOH #30-0094 7342 EAST THOMAS ROAD SCOTTSDALE, ARIZONA 85251-7216 (602) 990-2069 FAX: (602) 990-8468 2/12~99 ! IREPORT Laboratory Analysis: Client: AKRI CORPORATION Reported to: PAUL F. BELTON ISampled from: SOILS ENGINEERING Shipped via: FEDERAL EXPERSS I SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION 36 SEGS-36 floor tile mastic i black 2800 STANDARD ST-DFC ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS BULK MATERIAL REPORT BULK MATERIAL PARAMETER Asbestos Page 8 of 9 LAB: 54233 Methodology: EPA 600/M4-82-020 P/Of¢: Pro j: By: Client Received: 2/10/99 Reported: 2/12/99 TEST RESULTS Positive. This sample contains approx. 5% Chrysotile, 95% CaCO, Binder I 37 SEGS-37 floor tile mastic black I 3880 ROSEDALE HWY-OFC Asbestos Positive. This sample contains approx. 10% Chrysotile, 90% CaCO, Binder I I I I I 38 SEGS-38 Asbestos flooring, mastic black 3650 ROSEDALE HWY 39 SEGS-39 Asbestos sheet flooring, mastic yellow 3650 ROSEDALE HWY-TELL 40 SEGS-40 Asbestos topset base mastic It. brown 3650 ROSEDALE HWY-CUST Positive. This sample contains approx. 5% Chrysotile, 2% Cellulose, 93% Quartz, CaCO, Binder None detected. This sample contains approx. 2% Cellulose, 1% Fiberglass, 97% Quartz, CaCO Binder None detected. This sample contains approx. trace Cellulose, 99% CaCO, Binder I THE REPORT APPLIES TO THE STANDARDS OR PROCEDURES IDEN'F~FIED AND TO THE SAMPLE(S) TESTED. THE TEST RESULTS ARE NOT NECESSARILY INDICATIVE OR REPRESENTATTVE OF THE C~UALmES OF THE LOT FROM WHICH THE SAMPLE WAS TAKEN OR OF APPARENTLY IDENTICAL OR SIMILAR PRODUCTS, NOR OO THEY REPRESENT AN ONGOING QUALrrY ASSURANCE PROGRAM UNLESS SO NOTED. THESE REPORTS ARE FOR THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE ADDRESSED CLIENT AND ARE RENDERED UPON THE CONDITION THAT THEY W1LL NOT BE REPRODUCED WHOLLY OR IN PART FOR ADVERTISING OR OTHER PURPOSES OVER OUR SIGNATURE OR IN CONNECTION WITH OUR NAME WITHOUT SPECIAL WRI'rTEN I P ERMISSION, SAMPLES NOT DESTROYED IN TESTING ARE RETAINED A MAXIMUM OF THIRTY DAYS. ACCREDITED BY THE NATIONAL INSTTrUTE OF STANDARDS .TECHNOLOGY, VOLUNTARY LABORATORY ACCREDITATION PROGRAM FOR SELECTED TEST METHOD FOR ASBESTOS. THE ACCREDrTATION OR ANY REPORTS GENERATED BY THIS LABORATORY IN NO WAY CONSTITUTES OR IMPLIES PRODUCT CERTIFICATION. APPROVAL, OR ENDORSEMENT BY THE NATIONAL INS'ITTUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY. ALL ANALYSES ARE DERIVED FROM CALIBRATED VISUAL ESTIMATE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. POLARIZED-LIGHT tS NOT I CONStSTENI~y RELIABLE iN DETECTING ASBESTOS IN FLOOR COVERINGS AND SIMILAR NON.FRIABLE ORGANICALLY BOUND MATERIALS. QUANTrI'ATiVE TRANSMISSION ELECTRON MICROSCOPY IS CURRENTLY THE ONLY METHOD THAT CAN BE USED TO DETERMINE IF THIS MATERIAL CAN BE CONSIDERED OR TREATED AS NON-ASBESTOS-CONTAINING. I Analyst: Brad Yanbin ,N By: Kurt Keffier NVLAP Accreditation #1926, CA El_AP #1913, 'IX DOH #30-0094 I7342 EAST THOMAS ROAD SCOTTSDALE. ARIZONA 85251-7216 (602) 990-2069 FAX: (602) 990-8468 2/12~99 REPORT Laboratory Analysis: BULK MATERIAL Client: AKRI CORPORATION Reported to: PAUL F. BELTON Sampled from: SOILS ENGINEERING Shipped via: FEDERAL EXPERSS SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION 41 SEGS-41 topset base mastic It. brown 3650 ROSEDALE HWY-TELL ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS BULK MATERIAL REPORT PARAMETER Asbestos Page 9 of 9 LAB: 54233 Methodology: EPA 600/M4-82-020 P/O/C: Proj: By: Client Received: 2/10/99 Reported: 2/12/99 TEST RESULTS None detected. This sample contains approx. 100% CaCO, Binder THE REPORT APPLIES TO THE STANDARDS OR PROCEDURES IDENTIFIED AND TO THE SAMPLE(S) TESTED. THE TEST RESULTS ARE NOT NECESSARILY INDICATIVE OR REPRESENTATIVE OF THE QUALmES OF THE LOT FROM WHICH THE SAMPLE WAS TAI~EN OR OF APPARENTLY IDENTICAL OR SIMILAR PRODUCTS, NOR DO THEY REPRESENTAN ONGOING QUALrrY' ASSURANCE PROGRAM UNLESS SO NOTED. THESE REPORTS ARE FOR THE EXCLUSPCE USE OF THE ADDRESSED CLIENT AND ARE RENDERED UPON THE CONDmON THAT THEY WILL NOT BE REPRODUCED WHOLLY OR IN PART FOR ADVERTISING OR OTHER PURPOSES OVER OUR SIGNATURE OR IN CONNECTION WrD-I OUR HAME WITHOUT SPECIAL /~RiI-FEN PERMISSION. SAMPLES NOT DESTROYED IN TESTING ARE RETAINED A MAXIMUM OF THIRTY DAYS. ACCRED/TED BY THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS .TECHNOLOGY, VOLUNTARY LABORATORY ACCREDITATION PROGRAM FOR SELECTED TEST METHOD FOR ASBESTOS. THE ACCREDITATION OR ANY REPORTS GENERATED BY THIS LABORATORY IN NO WAY CONSTITUTES OR IMPLIES PRODUCT CERTIFICATION. APPROVAL, OR ENDORSEMENT BY THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY. ALL ANALYSES ARE DERIVED FROM CALIBRATED VISUAL ESTIMATE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. POLARIZED-LIGHT iS NOT CCH$1STEN'FLY RELIABLE IN DETECTING ASBESTOS IN FLOOR COVERINGS AND SIMILAR NON-FPJABLE ORGANICALLY BOUND MATERIALS. QUANTITATIVE TRANSMISSION ELECTRON MICROSCOPY IS CURRENTLY THE ONLY METHOD THAT CAN BE USED TO DETERMINE IF THIS MATERIAL CAN BE CONSIDERED OR TREATED AS NON-ASBESTOS-CONTAINING. ' Analyst: Brad Yanbin Ai By: Kurt Ket'der NVLAP Accreditation #1926, CA ELAP #1913, TX D©H #30-0094 7342 EAST THOMAS ROAD SCOTTSDALE. ARIZONA 85251-7216 (602) 990-2069 FAX: (602) 990-8460 I I I IAkr la CORPORATION Akri Corporation 1414 Valhalla Drive Bakersfield, CA 93309 Phone (805) 833-4300 Fax (805) 833-4314 Environmental Consulting · Testing I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I February 23, 1999 Soils Engineering Attn: Mr. Bob Becker 4700 District Boulevard Bakersfield, CA 93313 Lead-based Paint Survey Report 2800 Standard Street 3650 Rosedale Highway 3880 Rosedale Highway Bakersfield, CA 93308 Dear Mr. Becker: On February 17, 1999, Akri Corporation performed a lead-based paint survey pertaining to four buildings at the following street addresses in Bakersfield, California: 2800 Standard Street (Trucking Buisness Building) 2800 Standard Street (Metal Shed) 3650 Rosedale Highway 3880 Rosedale Highway Enclosed please find three field-sketched site plans of the subject buildings. Our lead-based paint survey also included the exterior painted surface on an above-ground storage tank which is described as follOws: South end of Parcel 39 on Sparks Estate Tank No. 50001 Above-ground Welded Steel Storage Tank The purpose of our survey was to collect samples of dry paint films from major painted surfaces and have them analyzed for lead concentration. All samples were collected by Mr. Alfred Waldram. Mr. Waldram collected 32 paint samples and submitted them to Schneider Laboratories, Inc. for lead analysis by EPA Method 3050B/7420. Enclosed please find a faxed copy of the laboratory's report dated February 22, 1999. The following table summarizes the results of our lead-based paint survey: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Mr. Bob Becker February 23, 1999 Page 2 of 6 LSER-1 LSER-2 LSER-3 LSER-4 LSER-5 LSER-6 LSER-7 LSER-8 2800 Standard Street Open Bay Area NE Column N Side Elev 2' Red Primer 2800 Standard Street W Exterior Wall 13' N of SW Corner Bev 3' Beige Paint 2800 Standard Street W Exterior Wall 45' S of NW Corner Elev 3' Blue Paint 2800 Standard Street S Exterior Wall W Door Gray Paint 2800 Standard Street W Exterior Wall Roll-up Door White Paint 3650 Rosedale Highway Back Section W Half W Wall Cabinet Door 21' N of S Wall Beige Paint 3650 Rosedale Highway Back Section W Half W Wall 6' N of SW Corner Elev 6' Light Gray Paint 3650 Rosedale Highway Back Section W Half E Wall 50' N of SE Corner Yellow Paint Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Wood Steel 0.137 0.580 0.267 0,223 0.013 0.007 0.014 1.206 I I I I Unless stated otherwise in the Comments column, all samples consisted of all layers of paint found at the sample location. The paint color refers to the outer layer of paint. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Mr. Bob Becker February 23, 1999 Page 3 of 6 LSER-9 LSER-10 LSER-11 LSER-12 LSER-13 LSER-14 LSER-15 0.496 Paint 3650 Rosedale Highway Back Section Restroom S Wall 3' E of SW Corner Elev 3' Beige Paint 3650 Rosedale Highway Back Section E Exterior Wall 7' S of NE Corner Elev 4' Tan Paint 3650 Rosedale Highway Money Mart Area W Exterior Wall Metal Cap at Top of Parapet Wall NW Corner of Parapet Wall Green Paint 3650 Rosedale Highway Money Mart Area E Exterior 12' N of SE Corner Elev 12' Green Paint 3650 Rosedale Highway Money Mart Area S Exterior Wall 25'W of SE Corner Elev 2' Tan Paint Steel Steel Stucco Stucco 0.020 0.007 0.009 0.005 0.004 3650 Rosedale Highway Money Mart Area Customer Area S Wall W Window 9eige Paint Wood <0.004 1 Unless stated otherwise, in the Comments column, all samples consisted of all layers of paint found at the sample location. The paint color refers to the outer layer of paint. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Mr. Bob Becker February 23, 1999 Page 4 of 6 LSER-16 LSER-17 LSER-18 LSER-19 LSER-20 LSER-21 LSER-22 LSER-23 3650 Rosedale Highway Money Mart Area Customer Area S Wall 3' E of SW Corner Elev 5' White Paint 3650 Rosedale Highway Money Mart Area Customer Area E Wall Door Frame Green Paint 3650 Rosedale Highway Money Mart Area Restroom S Wall 2' E of SW Corner Elev 5' Beige Paint 3650 Rosedale Highway Money Mart Area SE Room W Wall Doorway N Jamb White Paint 3650 Rosedale Highway Money Mart Area Room E of Teller Area E Door Varnish 3650 Rosedale Highway Money Mart Area SE Room Floor SE Corner Gray Paint 3880 Rosedale Highway Back Area Restroom Door White Paint 3880 Rosedale Highway Back Area Restroom Doorway S Jamb Gray Paint Steel Plaster Wood Wood Concrete Wood Wood 0.005 <0.008 0.035 0.014 0.122 0.148 0.059 0.406 I Unless stated otherwise in the Comments column, all samples consisted of all layers of paint found at the sample location. The paint color refers to the outer layer of paint. I I Mr. Bob Becker February 23, 1999 Page 5 of 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LSER-24 LSER-25 LSER-26 LSER-27 LSER-28 LSER-29 LSER-30 LSER-31 LSER-32 3880 Rosedale Highway Front Area Part Counter Area Steel Column W of Office Door Red Primer 3880 Rosedale Highway Front Area Former Restroom Door Clear Finish 3880 Rosedale Highway W Exterior Wall 20' N of SW Corner Elev 3' Beige Paint 3880 Rosedale Highway Front Area E Exterior Wall 16' N of SE Corner Elev 4' Olive Drab Paint Tank No. 50001 NE Side Near Manway White Paint 2800 Standard Street Office S Wall 4' E of SW Corner Elev 5' White Paint 2800 Standard Street Office S Wall Doorway E Jamb White Paint 2800 Standard Street, Enclosed Shop Area W Wall 30' S of NW Corner Elev 4' Light Blue Paint 2800 Standard Street Restroom Ceiling Above Entry Door Beige Paint Steel Wood Steel Steel Steel Wood Wood 0.046 0.132 0.043 3.695 0.360 0.004 0.007 0.062 0.005 Sample contained substrate which may have affected the calculation of weight percent. Sample contained substrate which may have affected the calculation of weight percent. 1 Unless stated otherwise in the Comments column, all samples consisted of all layers of paint found at the sample location. The paint color refers to the outer layer of paint. I I I ! ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Mr. Bob Becker February 23, 1999 Page 6 of 6 If you have any questions about this report, or if Akri Corporation can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to call me at 833-4300. Very truly yours, Akri Corporation Paul F. Belton Registered Environmental Assessor, No. REA 03663 President PFB/ml enclosures as noted Date.2 °/7- ~9 Sheet ~t of .~" Drawn By ,~// Akti Form No. 19 ...................................................................................... ............... , .......................................... :~ ........ : . ;.'.i'.'.'.'.".'.'.'.'.'.'.".'.'.'.'.'.'.' t'.i'.'.".'.'.'.'.'.'.", i'.'.'.'.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.".'.'.'.';.'.' i'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..', i'.'.'.'.'.".'.'.'.'.'.'.' '.".'.'.'.'.'.!.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.".'.'.'.'.'.'.".'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.',' ............................................................................. i ........ ~ ........................ ~ ........ ~' .................................. ...................................................................................................... . .................................................................... i S/~ ~Z ............................. ........ : .......................... i ................. ~ .................................................. ! ........ ................ i ........................ ' ............................... Date Z-JT-~ Sheet.~ of.~ ................... ~ ....... ~ .............................. : ......................................... ~ ~ : .... : ~ ...................... ' ....... ~ ............. ~' ...... :; ........ .' ........ : ......... ~ ...... Drawn Ely ~~ A~u'i F~m No. 19 mm m m .m m m m m m m m m m m m m m mm m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . Date Z-/7- ~ Sheet .~ of -~ ~ ........ i ....... ~ ........... :: ......... ~ ...... ~ ~~TTi~ -- -- Ak¢i Fo~m No. 1! I ! I I I I I ACCOUNT #: CLIENT: ADDRESS: PO NO.: PROJECT NAME: PROJECT NO,: JOB LOCATION: SCHNEIDER LABORATORIES INCORPORATED 2512 W. Car,/Street · Richmond, Virginia · 23220-5117 804-353-6778 · 800-785-LABS (5227) · (FAX) 804-353-6928 Excellence in Service and Technology AIHA 8936, ELLAP 8936, NVLAP 1150, NYELAP 11413, CAELAP 2078 LABORATORY ANALYSIS REPORT Lead Analysis by EPA 3050B/7420 Method 451-99-164 AKRI CORPORATION 1414 VALHALLA DRIVE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 DATE COLLECTED: DATE RECEIVED: DATE ANALYZED: DATE REPORTED: Soils Engineering SAMPLE TYPE: PAINT SLI Client Sample Sample Dilution Total Sample Sample Description Wt Factor Lead No. No. (rog) (pg)* 2/17/99 2/19/99 2/19199 2/22/99 R=C D FEB 2 2 1999 Akri Lead Conc (% by wt) I i I I I I I I 1405264 LSER-1 553 1 759.1 1405265 LS ER-2 195 2 1,131.7 1405266 LSER-3 132 1 352.8 1405267 LSER-4 517 2 1,151.5 1405268 LSER-5 500 1 65.4 1405269 LSER-6 507 1 35.7 1405270 LSER-7 533 I 75.3 1405271 LSER-8 506 10 6,104.4 1405272 LSEF{-9 521 10 2,586.5 1405273 LSER-IO 515 1 105.1 1405274 LSER-11 506 1 35.7 1405275 LSER-12 521 1 45.6 1405276 LSER-13 526 1 25,8 1405277 LSER-14 509 1 20,8 1405278 LSER-15 510 1 < 20.0 1405279 LSER-16 513 I 25.8 1405280 LSER-17 265 1 < 20,0 1405281 LSER-18 517 I 179,4 1405282 LSER-19 506 I 70.4 1405283 LSER-20 512 1 625.3 1405284 LSER-21 513 1 759.1 1405285 LSER-22 513 1 303.2 1405286 LSER-23 491 10 1,991.9 1405287 LSER-24 634 1 293.3 1405288 LSER-25 450 1 595.6 0.137 0.580 0.267 0.223 0.013 0.007 0.014 1.206 0.496 0.020 0.007 0.009 0.005 0.004 < 0,004 0.005 < 0,008 0.035 0.014 0.122 0.148 0.059 0.406 0,046 0,132 Federal Lead Standard is 0.5% lead by weight. OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1926.62 "Lead exposure in construction"is enforced if there is any lead detected at any level in the construction industry. Minimum Reporting Limit: 20 pg Total Lead. Standard and spike values are reported as percent recovery for QC purposes. *For true values, assume two (2) significant figures. All testing is performed in strict accordance with Schneider Laboratories, Inc. protocol. A~COUNT - SLI Sample No, WORKORDER: 451-99-164 Page 2 (Continued) Client Sample Sample Dilution Total Lead Sample Description Wt Factor Lead Conc No, (mg) (l~g)* (% by wt) I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1405289 140529O 1405291 1405292 1405293 1405294 1405295 ANALYST: LSER-26 243 . I 105.1 0.043 LSER-27 129 10 4,766.6 ' 3.695 LSER-28 513 2 1,845.2 0.360 LSER-29 606 1 25.8 0.004 Sample contains substrate which may affect the calculation of weight percent. LSER-30 599 1 40.6 0.007 LSER-31 211 I 129.8 0.062 LSER-32 531 1 25.8 0.005 Sample contains substrate which may affect the calculation of weight percent. QC -8693 10.0 ppm Calibration Std 1,016,7 101.7% QC - 8693 200 IJg spike 204.1 102.1% QC - 8693 5.0 ppm Calibration St.d 496.5 99,3% QC - 8693 Blank < 20.0 QC - 8693 NIST 1579 Standard 595.6 100,4% DENNIS P. RODRIGUEZ REVIEWE. D I~Y- '-- Michael A. Mueller, Dept Head Federal Lead Standard is 0.5% lead by weight. OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1926.62 'Lead exposure in construction' is enforced if there is any lead detected at any/eve/in the construction industry. Minimum F~epo~ng Limit: 20 pg Total Lead. Standard and spike values are reported as percent recovery for QC purposes, *For true values, assume two (2) significant figures. All testing is performed in strict accordance with SChneider Laboratories, Inc. protocol. I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I m I I '1 I I i I i I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX B Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. I 1 I SITE-SPECIFIC HEALTH & SAFETY PLAN I I PROPOSED COSTCO WHOLESALE FACILITY 2800 STANDARD ST., 3650, 3660, 3800, 3880 ROSEDALE HIGHWAY BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA I Prepared For: I I I I I COSTCO WHOLESALE 999 Lake Drive Issaquah, WA. 98027 Attn: Todd Bartok File No. 01-9775 Prepared By: I 1 Soils Engineering, Inc. 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA. 93313 1 I I September 26, 2001 I ! 4400 YEAGER WAY ° BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93313 ° PHONE (661) 831-5100 ° FAX: (661) 831-2111 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 FACILITY BACKGROUND I. 1 SITE DESCRIPTION SECTION 2.0 PROJECT SCHEDULE AND WORK PLAN 2.1 PROJECT SCHEDULE 2.2 WORK PLAN SECTION 3 KEY PERSONNEL AND RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 PERSONNEL 3.2 RESPONSIBILITIES SECTION 4 JOB HAZARD ANALYSIS 4.1 CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS 4.2 INHALATION HAZARD 4.3 DERMAL EXPOSUR~ HAZARD 4.4 OTHER HAZARDS 4.5 HEAT STRESS PREVENTION 4.6 Confined Space Entry SECTION 5 JOB HAZARD SUMMARY SECTION 6 EXPOSURE MONITORING PLAN 6.1 EXCAVATION & SAMPLING 6.2 REMOVAL OF ACM's & LEAD-BASED PAINT 6.3 ACTION LEVELS SECTION 7 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 7.1 Equipment Required for Field Personnel 7.2 Level C Personal Protective Equipment 7.3 Equipment to be used or available on site: SECTION 8 SITE CONTROL 8.1 WORK ZONE SECTION 9 DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURES 9.1 DECONTAMINATION OF PERSONNEL IN LEVEL C 9.2 DECONTAMINATION OF EQUIPMENT SECTION 10.0 GENERAL SAFE WORK AND SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 ! ! ! SOILS Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan Costco Site - Former Sparks Estate & Adjoining Properties 2800 Standard/3650 and 3800 Rosedale Hwy., Bakersfield, CA. ENGINEERING, INC. File No. 01-9775 September, 2001 Page No. 2 I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I STANDARD OPERATING PRACTICES 10.1 SITE SAFETY ORIENTATION MEETING 10.2 ACCIDENT / PERSONNEL EXPOSURE REPORTS 10.3 PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES 10.4 TAIL GATE MEETING 10.5 VISITOR CLEARANCE SECTION 11 SANITATION SECTION 12 CONTINGENCY PLANS AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES 12.1 PHYSICAL INJURY 12.2 FIRE, EXPLOSION, AND PROPERTY DAMAGE 12.3 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS 12.4 WORK SITE ADDRESS 12.5 HOSPITAL ADDRESSES AND ROUTES SECTION 13 TRAINING REQUIREMENTS SECTION 14 MEDICAL SURVEILLANCE PROGRAM SIGNATURE PAGE ATTACHMENTS PLATE 1 LOCATION & HOSPITAL MAP APPENDIX A MSDS SHEETS APPENDIX B APPENDIX L OF RAW - ACM & LEAD-BASED PAINT REMOVAL SPECIFICATIONS 13 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 18 19 I I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan Costco Site - Former Sparks Estate & Adjoining Properties 2800 Standard/3650 and 3800 Rosedale Hwy., Bakersfield, CA. File No. 01-9775 September, 2001 Page No. 3 I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I HEALTH & SAFETY PLAN COSTCO SITE FORMER SPARKS ESTATE & ADJOINING PROPERTIES 2800 Standard St, 3650 & 3800 Rosedale Hwy. Bakersfield, Ca. SECTION 1 FACILITY BACKGROUND 1.'! SITE DESCRIPTION The Sparks Estate is located at 2800 Standard St. and 2 adjoining vacant lots to the west. Also included in this Remedial Action Project are properties at 3650 and 3800 Rosedale Highway and the vacant Seaton lot between, all in Bakersfield, CA.. The 2800 Standard St. site was utilized for trucking companies and truck service companies, the Glen Rose Engine Service was present at 3800 Rosedale Highway and 3650 Rosedale Highway was recently a Moneymart store and a former Maaco painting facility. Five underground storage tanks (UST's), a Class V Disposal Well and septic systems are present at 2800 Standard St.. A 2.1 million gallon above ground storage tank (AST) is located on the western lot containing petroleum products, along with a former AST footprint and abandoned foundations. The former Maaco shop had a paint booth, a clarifier, floor drains and a septic system. The Glen Rose facility has a steam cleaner sump, and a septic system. Oil stained soil has been identified at a few locations on the vacant lot east of Glen Rose. Three (3) abandoned oil wells will be reabandoned per Division of Oil & Gas (DOG) regulations all on the Sparks Estate property. At least three (3) oilfield related sumps have been uncovered and will be removed. Four (4) water wells and 3 monitoring wells will be sampled and abandoned per Kern County Environmental Health Services Department regulations. Asbestos containing materials (ACM's) and lead-based paint have been detected in some of the buildings which will be demolished. I I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan Costco Site - Former Sparks Estate & Adjoining Properties 2800 Standard/3650 and 3800 Rosedale Hwy., Bakersfield, CA. File No. 01-9775 September, 2001 Page No. 4 I I i I I I I I I I ! I I I ! SECTION 2.0 PROJECT SCHEDULE AND WORK PLAN 2.1 PROJECT SCHEDULE The field activities will follow those outlined in the Removal Action Workplan (RAW) dated February 28, 2001 prepared by ENSR and Addendum #1 to this RAW prepared by SEI. They are scheduled to be completed Within a 4 to 6 week period followed by a Remedial Action Report describing the remedial work conducted, analytical results, waste manifests and conclusions and recommendations for the site. 2.2 WORK PLAN At least 48 hours prior to conducting the field work, Soils Engineering, Inc. (SEO will notify underground service alert of our intention of conducting excavations at the site. In general the following scope of work will be conducted: · Removal of contents from 2.1 million gallon Aboveground Storage Tank (AST) and demolition and disposal/recycling of all waste products. · Excavation and disposal/recycling of petroleum impacted soils removed from multiple areas at the site including; oil sumps, stained areas, underground storage tank (UST) removal area, Class V Well and Clarifier area and beneath the AST. · Removal and disposal of hazardous materials from Glen Rose steamcleaner sump area, floor drains at former Maaco site and waste oil impacted soil in drums. · Removal and disposal of ACM's from buildings per regulatory agencies. · Excavation and removal of septic systems. · Selected soil samples will be collected and analyzed for petroleum hydrocarbons, metals and other appropriate chemical analysis to verify the successful removal of contaminates from the site. · The excavations will be backfilled with clean soil and compacted to 90% relative density to match existing surfaces. · A Remedial Action Report will be prepared detailing the remedial work performed, analytical results, plot plans, with conclusions and recommendations for the site. I I I I SOILS Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan Costco Site - Former Sparks Estate & Adjoining Properties 2800 Standard/3650 and 3800 Rosedale Hwy., Bakersfield, CA. ENGINEERING, INC. File No. 01-9775 September, 2001 Page No. 5 i I i I i I I ! I ! I I I I I SECTION 3 KEY PERSONNEL AND RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 PERSONNEL Key personnel in charge of site activities for SEI Project Manager Project Safety Officer Site Safety Officer Field Personnel Robert J. Becker Robert J. Becker Chris CarriSalez To be designated 3.2 RESPONSIBILITIES Soils Engineering, Inc. has been given the responsibility for the preparation of this Health and Safety Plan, and is to monitor compliance of its personnel and those of its subcontractors. Soils Engineering, Inc. personnel responsible for the distribution and monitoring of this site health and safety plan will be the Project Safety Officer, and the Project Manager. The Project Safety Officer is responsible for delivering the plan and any addenda to the Project Manager, and for advising the Project Manager and Site Safety Officer on health and safety issues. He has the authority t° monitor compliance with the provisions of this plan, suspend work or modify work practices for safety reasons, and to dismiss individuals whose conduct on the site endangers the health and safety of others. The Project Manager is responsible for distributing the plan to Soils Engineering, Inc. field personnel, and its subcontractors and each firm with personnel working on site. The Project Manager is also responsible for review of Soils Engineering, Inc. field personnel's compliance with its medical examination requirements, providing the appropriate safety equipment for personnel protection, and verify that all required health and safety documentation is submitted to the Project Safety Officer. The authority of the Project Manager is the same as the Project Safety Officer. The Site Safety Officer is responsible for assisting the Project Manager with on-site implementation of the Site Health and Safety Plan. His responsibilities are as follows: ! I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan Costco Site - Former Sparks Estate & Adjoining Properties 2800 Standard~3650 and 3800 Rosedale Hwy., Bakersfield, CA. File No. 01-9775 Septentber, 2001 Page No. 6 I i I I i I I I ! I ! I I i I 1) Maintain safety equipment supplies. 2) Perform air quality measurements as required or needed. 3) Direct decontamination operations and emergency response operations in accordance with the information provided in this document. 4) Establish the work zone markers and signs. 5) Report all accidents, incidents and infractions of safety rules and requirements to the Project Manager. The Site Safety Officer has the authority to suspend work anytime he determines that the provisions of the Site Health and Safety Plan are inadequate to provide a safe working environment. He is to notify the Project Manager of individuals whose on-site presence jeopardizes their health and safety, and the health and safety of others. SECTION 4 JOB HAZARD ANALYSIS 4.1 CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS The chemical hazards at this site are the presence of metals and petroleum hydrocarbons in the subsurface soil and within the AST as liquid (oil and water) and sludge. Specific compounds such as benzene, toluene, xylenes and ethylbenzene are known to be present in petroleum hydrocarbons. Benzene is a known carcinogen and precautions are necessary to limit exposure to this compound. Material data sheets (MSDS) for these compounds are included in Appendix A. 4.2 INHALATION HAZARD The vapor and dust concentrations that might be encountered during sampling and mitigation procedures may exceed currently recommended exposure limits in which case respiratory protection must be used in the work area. Engineering and administrative controls will be employed if required to abate windborne dust. These will include items such as water spray from a 500 gallon tank and/or administrative controls such as reducing site activities that produce windborne dust. Asbestos containing materials I I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site-Specific Health ,e, Safety Plan Costco Site - Former Sparks Estate & Adjoining Properties 2800 Standard/3650 and 3800 Rosedale Hwy., Bakersfield, CA. File No. 01-9775 September, 2001 Page No. 7 ! I I I I I ! I I I I ! ! I I (ACM's) and lead-based paint have been detected in some building materials and can be hazard if this material is disturbed and becomes airborne. 4.3 DERMAL EXPOSURE HAZARD Contact of sufficient duration to cause significant absorption of toxic components is highly unlikely. Repeated daily or prolonged contact over a period of time may however, lead to absorption through the skin, irritation and dermatitis. For this reason direct skin contact shall be avoided by wearing protective gloves and clothing. However, if contact does occur, the exposed areas shall be washed with soap and water and rinsed thoroughly. 4.3.1 Eye Contact If eye contact is made with any chemical materials at the site, the eye shall be flooded with water for at least 15 minutes. Medical attention shall be obtained as soon as possible. 4.3.2 Skin Contact Skin exposure shall be treated by washing with soap and water. Any contaminated clothing shall be removed and affected areas washed with soap and water. 4.4 OTHER HAZARDS Attention must be paid to other possible hazards on the site including, but not limited to: improper use of hand tools rotating machinery such as pumps dehydration of the personnel tripping on objects or open ditches falling objects from the overhead work lack of oxygen through blockage of the mask overhead power lines I I I sO ILS Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan Costco Site - Former Sparks Estate ,fi Adjoining Properties 2800 Standard/3650 and 3800 Rosedale Hwy., Bakersfield, CA. ENGINEERING, INC. File No. 01-9775 September, 2001 Page No. 8 I I I I I '1 I I I I I I I I I 4.5 HEAT STRESS PREVENTION The SSO shall monitor ambien.t temperature and use the following work/rest regimes as a guide. For ambient temperature below 80oF, standard rest breaks (e.g. 15 minutes every 4 hours) should be used. For temperature above 80oF, the following regime should be followed. Temperature Work Rest Comments (a) 80 to 85°F 2 hr. 5 min. Review heat stress in a safety meeting. Schedule a beverage break every 2 hrs., at a minimum. 80 to 90°F 2 hr. 15 min. Seated rest. Drink at least 8 ounces at each break. Above 90oF 1.5 hr 15 min. As stated above. Rest area to be shaded. 4.6 CONFINED SPACE ENTRY SEI personnel and it's subcontractors will not enter confined space without advanced specific preparation, planning, training, and supervision by a qualified safety professional. A confined space is defined by OSHA as the concurrent existence of the following conditions: 1) Is large enough and so configured that an employee can bodily enter and perform assigned work; and 2) Has limited or restricted means for entry or exit (for example, tanks, vessels, silos, storage bins, hoppers, vaults, and pits are spaces that may have limited means of entry); and 3) Is not designed for continuous employee occupancy. Subcontractor personnel will not be permitted to enter a confined space unless they provide a confined sPace entry program including documentation that they have been given advanced specific preparation, planning, training, and supervision by the I I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan Costco Site - Former Sparks Estate & Adjoining Properties 2800 Standard/3650 and 3800 Rosedale Hwy., Bakersfield, CA. File No. 01-9775 September, 2001 Page No. 9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I subcontractor Safety Supervisor. A copy of the subcontractor confined space entry program will be submitted to SEI prior to subcontract personnel entering any confined space. SECTION 5 JOB HAZARD SUMMARY Exposure to chemical hazards may occur when contaminated soils, liquids and sludge are brought to the surface during excavation activities and removal of contents from the AST. Removal of ACM's and lead-based paint are physical hazards due to inhalation potential of hazardous materials. As each of task begins, the potential risk of exposure increases. Consequently, level C personal protective equipment shall be available at the site. If monitoring of the breathing zone establishes another action level, the personal protection level may be upgraded. Nearby residents or workers are at a sufficient distance that they shall be at no significant risk. The SSO shall determine if any further action is required. SECTION 6 EXPOSURE MONITORING PLAN 6.1 EXCA VA TION & SAMPLING The exposure monitoring activities shall be conducted or directed by the SSO during those activities that require such monitoring. At a minimum, the breathing zone shall be monitored for organic vapor during excavation activities and while removal of AST contents. This shall be accomplished by use of a Foxboro OVA, HNU or Eagle Tri- meter. 6.2 REMOVAL OF ACM's & LEAD-BASED PAINT Monitoring of the air space and verification sampling will be conducted in accordance with Appendix L of the RAW which is attached as Appendix B. The minimum level of respiratory protection is a half-face negative pressure respirator with P100 or HEPA Cartridges. Clearance sampling will be per the specifications in Appendix L of the RAW (see Apprndix B). I I I SOILS Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan Costco Site - Former Sparks Estate & Adjoining Properties 2800 Standard/3650 and 3800 Rosedale Hwy., Bakersfield, CA. ENGINEERING, INC. File No. 01-9775 September, 2001 Page No. 10 I I I I i I I I I I 6.3 ACTION LEVELS Actions levels for explosive hazards are set at 25% of the lower explosive limit (LEL). In the event that enough combustible vapor is present to sustain readings at or near 25% of LEL work shall cease until an evaluation is perform by the SSO and a determination can be made. Action levels for organic vapors in the breathing zone shall be based on readings obtained by the portable equipment mentioned. The PID, OVA or Eagle Tri-meter instrument determines the total organic vapor present in the breathing zone. Readings of 0 to 100 ppm (TWA for gasoline is 300 ppm, TWA for Benzene is 10 ppm) shall be considered level D without respirators. Readings of 100 ppm above background or greater for 5 minutes or longer shall trigger an action level to upgrade to level C or modified level D with respirators. SECTION 7 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT The respiratory and skin protection requirement shall be initially set at level "D" without respirators for petroleum hydrocarbon and metal contaminated areas. This indicates that inhalable airborne substances are known, and concentrations of chemicals in the atmosphere are not expected above TLV-STEL levels. Respiratory protection during the removal of ACM's and Lead-based paint will be Level "C" with half-face negative pressure respirator with P100 or HEPA Cartridges. The use of the following personal protection equipment is mandatory. 7.1 Equipment Required for Field Personnel I I Hard hat Boots (with steel toes) Nitrile, or equivalent, work gloves Eye protection (splash proof) Tyvek protective coveralls when working with AST contents I I I I i SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan Costco Site - Former Sparks Estate & Adjoining Properties 2800 Standard/3650 and 3800 Rosedale Hwy., Bakersfield, CA. File No. 01-9775 September, 2001 Page No. 11 i 7.2 Level C Personal Protective Equipment I ! I I I I Half-mask air purifying respirator with organic vapor cartridge and P100 or HEPA Cartridges when necessary. Tyvek protective coveralls Gloves (latex and/or Nitrile) 7.3 Equipment to be used or available on site: First-aid kit with eyewash Fire extinguisher Construction tape and barriers to delineate work zone A vehicle must be kept on site when personnel are working A cellular or public phone to be available on site for communication purposes with off site facilities. Foxboro OVA portable analyzer, PID, or Eagle Tri-meter LEL meter Sanitation facilities portable or public I I SECTION 8 SITE CONTROL I I I I I 8.1 WORK ZONE The site area shall be controlled to reduce the possibility of exposure to chemical and/or mechanical hazards present at the site. Work areas shall be delineated to protect the general public from exposures and hazards. If level C protection becomes necessary then zones and access points shall be clearly indicated. A restricted area for contamination reduction shall be maintained at the exit to the exclusion zone. Protective clothing and equipment as required by this health and safety plan shall be worn at all times in the exclusion zone and shall only be removed in the designated decontamination corridor at the exit. The areas outside the contamination reduction area, is considered a clean area. ! I I I i SOILS Site-Specific Health & Safety Platt Costco Site - Former Sparks Estate & Adjoining Properties 2800 Standard/3650 and 3800 Rosedale Hwy., Bakersfield, CA. ENGINEERING, INC. File No. 01-9775 September, 2001 Page No. 12 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 9 DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURES Decontamination of equipment shall be conducted when necessary. However, if it becomes necessary to upgrade to a protect level greater that "D", then an Exclusion Zone shall be established and an area in the Contamination Reduction Corridor (CRC) shall be used as a decontamination area. The CRC controls access into and out of the Exclusion Zone and confines personnel and equipment decontamination activities to a limited area. The CRC boundaries shall be marked and all personnel entering and leaving the site must do so through this corridor. 9.1 DECONTAMINATION OF PERSONNEL IN LEVEL C Exit from the exclusion zone through CRC shall include the following steps: 9.1.1 While in the Exclusion Zone near the CRC. - Deposit equipment used on site. - Outer boot and glove wash. - Outer boot and glove rinse. - Tape removal if used. - Boot cover removal. - Outer glove removal. 9.1.2 Exit the Exclusion Zone to the Contamination Reduction Zone for further decontamination. - Remove garment - Wash inner glove - Rinse inner glove - Face piece removal - Irmer glove removal 9.1.3 Exit the Contamination Reduction Zone to the Support Zone. - Wash face and hands. I I I I SO ! LS Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan Costco Site - Former Sparks Estate & Adjoining Properties 2800 Standard/3650 and 3800 Rosedale Hwy., Bakersfield, CA. ENGINEERING, INC. File No. 01-9775 September, 2001 Page No. 13 I 9.2 DECONTAMINATION OF EQUIPMENT I I I I I Insofar as possible, measures shall be taken to prevent contamination of equipment. Any delicate instrument, which cannot be decontaminated easily should be protected while it is being used. It should be bagged and the bag taped and secured around the instrument. Openings are made in the bag for sample intake. Larger equipment shall be decontaminated with water or steam under pressure. These activities shall be conducted on an impermeable surface such as plastic. The rinsate shall be collected and stored in fifty five (55) gallon drums. The drums shall be label as to its contents and staged for disposal or recycling. SECTION 10.0 GENERAL SAFE WORK AND STANDARD OPERATING PRACTICES I I I Site health and safety plan implementation will be the responsibility of SEI. If Soils Engineering, Inc. health and safety personnel find that the H&S plan is not being implemented by the subcontractors, the subcontractors will be instructed to suspend further work. A meeting to evaluate the noncompliance will be scheduled with the subcontractors Project Manager. During the meeting the personnel will reach an agreement to either; I I * Revise the Health and Safety Plan, * Modify the Health and Safety Plan, * Request review by an Industrial Hygienist, I I * Leave the Plan unchanged. The subcontractor will then implement the Plan as modified. I I I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan Costco Site - Former Sparks Estate & Adjoining Properties 2800 Standard/3650 and 3800 Rosedale Hwy., Bakersfield, CA. File No. 01-9775 September, 2001 Page No. 14 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10.1 SITE SAFETY ORIENTATION MEETING All field personnel from Soils Engineering, Inc. and the subcontractors must attend a safety orientation meeting before commencing the field work. The meeting will be scheduled and conducted by the Site Safety Officer and is to include an overview of the site history, the potentially hazardous compounds, their potential mode of ingress into the body, pr6tective equipment requirements, and emergency response equipment. All individuals who do not have respirators and who may be required to wear them, will not be allowed on the site until they are provided 'with and fit tested for respirators by their respective employers. 10.2 ACCIDENT/PERSONNEL EXPOSURE REPORTS The Site Safety Officer must be informed of all exposures to potentially hazardous material and all accidents whether or not any injury was caused. After investigation of the cause of the accident, he will take all 'immediate possible steps for the mitigation or the repeat of the accident and proceed with the preparation of an accident report. In the event of a serious or fatal injury resulting from accidents on the site, the relevant CAL/OSHA requirements for accident reporting must be met. The Project Manager will also be informed at the earliest possible time. 10.3 PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES No eating, drinking, or smoking is allowed in the restricted zone, and only allowed offthe site after personal decontamination has taken place. Removal of personal protection equipment and respirator required by articles of this plan, inside the contamination zone is prohibited. Under special circumstances, and after consultation with the Project Manager and/or the Project Safety Officer, the Site Safety Officer may lower the level of protection required and allow the disuse of specific items of personnel protection. Movements on the site singly and out of the sight of the rest of the personnel is prohibited. I I I Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan Costco Site - Former Sparks Estate & Adjoining Properties 2800 Standard/3650 and 3800 Rosedale Hwy., Bakersfield, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. File No. 01-9775 September, 2001 Page No. 15 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10.4 TAIL GA TE MEETING A Tail Gate Meeting will be held every morning before the start of work and is to be attended by all personnel on-site. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the days work, potential hazards, and specific health and safety procedures to utilized during the day. The minutes of the meeting will be prepared by the Site Safety Officer. ~0.5 VISITOR CLEARANCE Visitors to the site must inform the Site Safety Officer or the Project Manager upon their arrival on the site and must be informed of the contents of this report and fully equipped before entry is permitted. Visitors will be required to be escorted in the exclusion zone and must comply with escort directions at all times. Non-compliance with escort directions will not be tolerated, and violators will be required to leave the restricted access zones immediately. SECTION 11 SANITATION Sanitation facilities for site personnel will include the following: 2. 3. 4. Accessible, near-by restrooms Washing facilities Potable water Electrolyte drink (Gator Aid) SECTION 12 CONTINGENCY PLANS AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES Soils Engineering, Inc. requires the utmost care and safety for all of its employees. And therefore attempts to maintain all employees in a current status of emergency training. I I I I SO ! LS Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan Costco Site - Former Sparks Estate & Adjoining Properties 2800 Standard/3650 and 3800 Rosedale Hwy., Bakersfield, CA. ENGINEERING, INC. File No. 01-9775 September, 2001 Page No. 16 I I I I 12.1 PHYSICAL INJURY In the event of an accident resulting in a physical injury, apply first aid and call paramedics. Severely injured personnel are to be transported only by paramedics and/or ambulance personnel. At the hospital, a physician's attention is mandatory regardless of how serious the injury appears. The Project Safety Officer and the Project Manager are to be notified by the Site Safety Officer, as soon after the injury as practical,' regarding the nature of the accident. A written report is also to be prepared and submitted by the Site Safety Officer. I 12.2 FIRE, EXPLOSION, AND PROPERTY DAMAGE I I In the event of a fire or explosion notify the fire department immediately by dialing: 911 The Project Safety Officer and the Project Manager are to be notified by the Site Safety Officer as soon as practical and a written report prepared. I 12.3 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS I I Fire Department 911 Police Department 911 Paramedics 911 SEI (805) 831 - 5100 I I I 12.4 WORK SITE ADDRESS Sparks Estate 2800 Standard St/3800 & 3650 Rosedale Hwy Bakersfield, CA. I I I i I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan Costco Site - Former Sparks Estate & ,4djoining Properties 2800 Standard/3650 and 3800 Rosedale Hwy., Bakersfield, CA. File No. 01-9775 September, 2001 Page No. 17 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 12.5 HOSPITAL ADDRESSES AND ROUTES Plate 1 is a local map showing the route to the hospital. Hospital Address Mercy Hospital 2215 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone: (661) 632-5000 Route: East onto Rosedale Highway to Oak Street, turn right onto Oak St. and travel approximately 1 mile to Truxtun Avenue, Turn Left and travel 0.5 miles to hospital which is on right side of Truxtun Ave.. See Plate 1 for Location Map to Hospital from Site. SECTION 13 TRAINING REQUIREMENTS Training on the hazards at the site will be conducted at the start of the project and as conditions and personnel change. This plan will be reviewed with project personnel prior to their entry onto the site. In addition, Soils Engineering, Inc. provides and encourages training opportunities such as CPR, First Aid, and 1910.120 annual refresher and supervisory training. The initial training will include the following subjects at a minimum: Nature of the hazards, including the location of the site Material Safety Data Sheets for chemicals at the site. A description of the levels of personal protection at the site, and the condition for selection of each level. 3. Emergency procedures. 4. Demonstration of respiratory protective equipment. o Review of safe work practices at the site, and identification of forbidden practices. Safety Meetings will be conducted daily at the site to review work plans and safety practices associated with them. These meetings will be conducted by the SSO, I I ! SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan Costco Site - Former Sparks Estate & ~ldjoining Properties 2800 Standard/3650 and 3800 Rosedale Hwy., Bakersfield, CA. File No. 01-9775 Septentber, 2001 Page No. 18 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I attendance by all Soils Engineering, Inc. employees, subcontractors, and visitors to the site will be mandatory. SECTION 14 MEDICAL SURVEILLANCE PROGRAM To meet with the criteria set forth in 29 CFR 1910.120 Soils Engineering, Inc. has implemented a medical surveillance program which includes all employees that work at or visit hazardous waste sites. SECTION 15 DOCUMENTATION All required records of individual employees are maintained at SEI's central location in Bakersfield, California. The records include but are not limited to: medical surveillance, training, and respiratory testing. This Site Safety Plan Is Hereby Approved and Acknowledge by SEI's Acting Health and Safety Officer. ! I i I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan Costco Site - Former Sparks Estate & Adjoining Properties 2800 Standard/3650 and 3800 Rosedale Hwy., Bakersfield, CA. File No. 01-9775 September, 2001 Page No. 19 I I ! I I I I I I I ! I I I I I SIGNATURE PA GE The following signature verifies that I have read the attached Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan and that I will carry out the recommended scope of work in accordance with this Health and Safety Plan. Name Signature Date I I I SOILS Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan Costco Site - Former Sparks Estate & Adjoining Properties 2800 Standard~3650 and 3800 Rosedale Hwy., Bakersfield, CA. ENGINEERING, INC. File No. 01-9775 September, 2001 Page No. 20 I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I Name Signature Date l I Location Map Sparks Estate & Adjacent Properties 2800 Standard St., 3650 and 3800 Rosedale Hwy.., Bakersfield, California // ~~k~':~.~? ~ AlI I I Io.:ct.: I s: ~ . ' s* PLATE 1 LOCATION MAP Sparks Estate & Adjacent Properties "2800 Standard St., 3650 and 3800 Rosedale Hwy. Bakersfield, California I I I I I I I I I FOUNOAIBON SPARKS PARCEL X SPARKS [~PT. I ;.r 1 PARCEL ITPH-,'4 ! iZ2 I INSET "l" F SET JNSI[T ~A'~J t GLEN I ROSE I PARCEL F I I ;25 ITnp4 ,Jr 4oo?~.~t s WATER MAIN ROSEDALE HOTEL PARCEL lB-14, + + rta-13 IqOSEI~I,E ltZG~Y FCRH£R PAJ]~ BOOTH P.~ ~ £S£PT~C ROSEDAL£ TANK al' HOTEL Ulg~" PARCEL ~ ++I'::-Z VAULT VAULT '. I '.~e-~ 2 j~j~j PARCEL ~ ~"~ WATER LEGENO B2G ~~ AT ~ O~ ~-1 MONITO~NG ~ ~TION ~-d I JqO I i ~0 ~G~R ~P~ L~CN ~-g TOT~ P~RO~UU HYDR~BON~ ~--1 [ TPH-d '= TOT~ P~UW HYO~N~ ~ ~[SEL X [NSR SOIL ~F~ LO~CN 1~ TPH-mo = TOTAL P~UM HYDR~N$ ~ MOTOR OIL ~ ) TRPH ~ TOTAL RECOY(~ P~ROL~UW  ~ORO~gCN3 FLOW OIREG~ON (~£D ON 1VATER LL"V[L YEA.IUR£MrNTS IN ON-SitE Y~U.S) 0 50 1 O0 APPP. OX. SCALE IN FEET [Sparks Properly & Adjacent Parcels PLOT PLAN With Borings & Wells '~ Soils Engineering, Inc, A~lapted From: ENSR Figure 3 SBmple Location Map, 8/16/01 PLATE 2 I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I APPENDIX A MSDS SHEETS SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. I I I ULTRA.MAR AFFIL OF ULTRAMAR AMERICA LTD -- GASOLINE, AUTOMOTIVE,.. Page 1 of 3 ULTRAY~d~ AFFIL OF ULTR3~V~R AMERICA LTD -- GASOLINE, AUTOMOTIVE, UNLEADED - GASOLINE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET NSN: 9130001487104 Manufacturer's CAGE: 0VZA7 Part No. Indicator: A Part Number/Trade Name: GASOLINE, AUTOMOTIVE, UNLEADED General Information I I i I I I Item Name: GASOLINE, AUTOMOTIVE Company s Name: ULTRAMAR INC, AFFIL OF ULTRAMAR AMERICA LTD Company s Street: 1111 W OCEAN BLVD SUITE 1400 Company s P. O. Box: 93102 Company s City: LONG BEACH Company s State: CA Company s Country: US Company s Zip Code: 90809-3102 Company s Emerg Ph #: 310-495-5300/310-435-5832 Company s Info Ph #: 310-495-5300/310-435-5832 Record No. For Safety Entry: 031 Tot Safety Entries This Stk#: 102 Status: SE Date MSDS Prepared: 15JUL92 Safety Data Review Date: 05JAN93 Supply Item Manager: KY MSDS Serial Number: BPQRC Specification Number: VV-G-1690 Spec Type, Grade, Class: CL A-E, GR PREMIUM Hazard Characteristic Code: F2 Unit Of Issue: GL Unit Of Issue Container Qty: BULK Type Of Container: BULK Net Unit Weight: BULK Ingredients/Identity Information I I I I I Proprietary: NO Ingredient: GASOLINE Ingredient Sequence Number: 01 Percent: 100% NIOSH (RTECS) Number: LX3300000 CAS Number: 8006-61-9 OSHA PEL: 300 PPM/500 STEL ACGIH TLV: 300 PPM/500STEL;9293 Other Recommended Limit: NONE RECOMMENDED Proprietary: NO Ingredient: MAY CONTAIN BENZENE (SARA III) Ingredient Sequence Number: 02 Percent: >0.1 NIOSH (RTECS) Number: CY1400000 CAS Number: 71-43-2 OSHA PEL: 1PPM/5STEL;1910.1028 ACGIH TLV: 10 PPM; A2; 9293 Other Recommended Limit: NONE RECOMMENDED Physical/Chemical Characteristics Appearance And Odor: CLEAR COLORLESS TO AMBER, AROMATIC, VOLATILE LIQUID. I I Boiling Point: 100-400F Melting Point: UNKNOWN Vapor Pressure (MM Hg/70 F) : UNKNOWN Vapor Density (Air=l): 3.0-4.0 http://msds.pdc.cornell.edu/msds/siri/msds/h/q246/q 123.html 9/25/2001 I I I I ULTRAMAR AFFIL OF ULTRAMAR AMERICA LTD -- GASOLINE, AUTOMOTIVE,.. Page 2 of 3 Specific Gravity: 0.7-0.8 Decomposition Temperature: UI~KNOWN Evaporation Rate And Ref: UNKNOWN Solubility In Water: INSOLUBLE Percent Volatiles By Volume: UNK Viscosity: UNKNOWN pH: UNK Corrosion Rate (IPY) : UNK Autoignition Temperature: 536F Fire and Explosion Hazard Data ! I I I Flash Point: -45F,-43C Flash Point Method: CC Lower Explosive Limit: 1.2 Upper Explosive Limit: 7.6 Extinguishing Media: DRY CHEMICAL, CARBON DIOXIDE, WATER SPRAY OR REGULAR FOAM. FOR L~LRGE FIRES, USE WATER SPP~AY, FOG OR REGULAR FOAM. Special Fire Fighting Proc: EXTINGUISH ONLY IF FLOW CAN BE STOPPED; USE WATER IN FLOODING AMOUNTS AS FOG. AVOID BREATHING VAPORS, KEEP UPWIND. COOL CONTAINER WITH FLOODING AMOUNTS OF WATER Unusual Fire And Expl Hazrds: DANGEROUS FIRE HAZARD WHEN EXPOSED TO HEAT OR FLAME. VAPORS ARE HEAVIER THAN AIR, MAY TRAVEL TO A SOURCE OF IGNITION & FLASHBACK. VAPOR-AIR MIXTURE IS EXPLOSIVE Reactivity Data Stability: YES Cond To Avoid (Stability): HEAT, FLAMES, SOURCES OF IGNITION. Materials To Avoid: OXIDIZERS (STRONG): FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD. Health Hazard Data Precautions for Safe Handling and Use Control Measures Transportation Data I I I I I I I I I I I Trans Data Review Date: 93005 DOT PSN Code: GTN DOT Proper Shipping Name: GASOLINE DOT Class: 3 DOT ID Number: I/N1203 DOT Pack Group: II DOT Label: FLAMM3~BLE LIQUID IMO PSN Code: HRV IMO Proper Shipping Name: GASOLINE IMO Regulations Page Number: 3141 IMO UN Number: 1203 IMO UN Class: 3.1 IMO Subsidiary Risk Label: IATA PSN Code: RMF IATA UN ID Number: 1203 IATA Proper Shipping Name: MOTOR SPIRIT IATA UN Class: 3 IATA Label: FLAMMABLE LIQUID . AFI PSN Code: MUC AFI Prop. Shipping Name: GASOLINE AFI Class: 3 AFI ID Number: UN1203 http://msds.pdc.comell.edu/msds/siri/msds/h/q246/q123.html 9/25/2001 I I I ULTRAMAR AFFIL OF ULTRAMAR AMER/CA LTD -- GASOLINE, AUTOMOTIVE,.. Page 3 of 3 AFI Pack Group: II AFI Basic Pac Ref: 7-7 MMAC Code: NR N.O.S. Shipping Name: GASOLINE Disposal Data Label Data I Label Required: YES I I I I I I I I I I I i ! I I Technical Review Date: 05JAN93 MFR Label Number: UNKNOWN Label Status: F Common Name: GASOLINE, AUTOMOTIVE, UNLEADED Chronic Hazard: YES Signal Word: DANGER! Acute Health Hazard-Severe: X Contact Hazard-Moderate: X Fire Hazard-Severe: X Reactivity Hazard-None: X Special Hazard Precautions: SPILL: SHUT OFF IGNITION SOURCES. STOP LEAK WITHOUT RISK. USE WATER SPRAY TO REDUCE VAPORS. DIKE FAR AHEAD OF SPILL FOR LATER DISPOSAL. NO SMOKING/FLAMES/FLARES IN HAZARD AREA. KEEP UNNECESSARY PEOPLE AWAY; ISOLATE HAZARD AREA & RESTRICT ENTRY. FIRST AID: INq{ALE-REMOVE FROM EXPOSURE AREA TO FRESH AIR. IF BREATHING HAS STOPPED, DO CPR. MAINTAIN AIRWAY & BLOOD PRESSURE & GIVE OXYGEN IF NEEDED. SKIN-REMOVE CLOTHING. WASH WITH SOAP OR MILD DETERGENT & LARGE AMOUNTS OF WATER. EYE-WASH WITH LARGE AMOUNTS OF WATER OR SALINE FOR 15-20 MIN. INGEST-PREVENT ASPIRATION. GASTRIC LAVAGE WITH A CUFFED ENDOTRACHEAL TUBE IN PLACE SHOULD BE DONE WITHIN 15 MIN. Protect Eye: Y Protect Skin: Y Protect Respiratory: Y Label Name: ULT~ INC, AFFIL OF ULTRA34AR AMERICA LTD Label Street: 1111 W OCEAN BLVD SUITE 1400 Label P.O. Box: 93102 Label City: LONG BEACH Label State: CA Label zip Code: 90809-3102 Label Country: US Label Emergency Number: 310-495-5300/310-435-5832 http://msds.pdc.cornell.edu/msds/siri/msds/h/q246/q123.html 9/25/2001 I I I CONOCO -- NO. 2 DIESEL FUEL-FURNACE OIL-DIESEL FUEL L - DIESEL FUEL CONOCO -- NO. 2 DIESEL FUEL-FURNACE OIL-DIESEL FUEL L - DIESEL FUEL MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET NSN: 9140002865295 Manufacturer's CAGE: 5R396 Part No. Indicator: A Part Number/Trade Name: NO. 2 DIESEL FUEL/FURNACE OIL/DIESEL FUEL L Page 1 of 4 I General Information Item Name: DIESEL FUEL ! I I I I I Company's Name: CONOCO INC. Company's P. O. Box: 2197 Company's City: HOUSTON Company's State: TX Company's Country: US Company's Zip Code: 77252 Company's Emerg Ph #: 800-441-3637, CHEMTREC 800-424-9300 Company's Info Ph #: 713-293-5550 Record No. For Safety Entry: 058 Tot Safety Entries This Stk#: 092 Status: SE Date MSDS Prepared: 01OCT90 Safety Data Review Date: 30NOV92 Supply Item Manager: KY MSDS Serial Number: BPKVR Specification Number: VV-F-800 Spec Type, Grade, Class: DF-2 GRADE Hazard Characteristic Code: F4 Unit Of Issue: DR Unit Of Issue Container Qty: 5.0 GAL Type Of Container: CAN Net Unit Weight: 35.4 LBS 1 Ingredients/Identity Information Proprietary: NO I I I I I Ingredient: HYDROCARBONS (ALIPHATIC AND AROMATIC) Ingredient Sequence Number: 01 Percent: >90 NIOSH (RTECS) Number: 1000011HC OSHA PEL: UNKNOWN ACGIH TLV: UNKNOWN Other Recommended Limit: 400 PPM ..................................... Proprietary: NO Ingredient: NAPHTHALENE (SARA III) Ingredient Sequence Number: 02 Percent: 3.0 NIOSH (RTECS) Number: QJ0525000 CAS Number: 91-20-3 OSHA PEL: 10 PPM/15 STEL ACGIH TLV: 10 PPM/15 STEL; 9293 Other Recommended Limit: NONE RECOMMENDED Physical/Chemical Characteristics I i I Appearance And Odor: CLEAR OR LIGHT YELLOW LIQUID, AROMATIC ODOR Boiling Point: 350F,177C Melting Point: N/A Vapor Pressure (MM Hg/70 F) : 1 Vapor Density (Air=l): >1 Specific Gravity: 0.85-0.93 Decomposition Temperature: UNKNOWN http://msds.pdc.cornell.cdu/msds/siri/msds/h/q139/q292.html 9/25/2001 I I I CONOCO -- NO. 2 DIESEL FUEL-FURNACE OIL-DIESEL FUEL L - DIESEL FUEL Solubility In Water: INSOLUBLE Percent Volatiles By Volume: NIL Viscosity: 1.9 CST pH: N/A Corrosion Rate (IPY) : UNKNOWN Fire and Explosion Hazard Data Page 2 of 4 I I I Flash Point: 130F,54C Flash Point Method: TCC Lower Explosive Limit: 0.4 Upper Explosive Limit: 6 Extinguishing Media: USE WATER FOG, CARBON DIOXIDE, FOAM, OR DRY CHEMICAL. Special Fire Fighting Proc: WEAR FIRE FIGHTING PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT A/~D A FULL FACED SELF CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS. EVACUATE AREA. COOL FIRE EXPOSED CONTAINERS WITH WATER SPRAY. Unusual Fire And Expl Hazrds: COMBUSTION OR HEAT OF FIRE MAY PRODUCE HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS AND VAPORS. LIQUID EVAPORATES AND FORMS VAPORS WHICH CAN CATCH FIRE WITH VIOLENT BURNING Reactivity Data I I Stability: YES Cond To Avoid (Stability): HIGH HEAT, OPEN FLAMES AND OTHER SOURCES OF IGNITION Materials To Avoid: STRONG OXIDIZING AGENTS Hazardous Decomp Products: TOXIC CARBON MONOXIDE AND CARBON DIOXIDE, ~ SULFUR DIOXIDE. Hazardous Poly Occur: NO Conditions To Avoid (Poly): NOT APPLICABLE Health Hazard Data LD50-LC50 Mixture: UNKNOWN I I I I I i Route Of Entry - Inhalation: YES Route Of Entry - Skin: YES Route Of Entry - Ingestion: YES Health Haz Acute ~tnd Chronic: EYES:IRRITATION. SKIN:SKIN IRRITANT. INHALATION:LUNG IRRITATION, CNS EFFECTS. INGESTION:PRACTICALLY NON-TOXIC TO INTERNAL ORGANS. HOWEVER, IF ASPIRATED INTO LUNGS IT MAY CAUSE CHEMICAL PNEUMONITIS WHICH CAN BE FATAL. CHRONIC:MIDDLE DISTILLATE HAS CAUSED SKIN CANCER WHEN REPEATEDLY APPLIED TO MICE OVER LIFETIME,KIDNEY. Carcinogenicity - NTP: NO Carcinogenicity - IARC: NO Carcinogenicity - OSHA: NO Explanation Carcinogenicity: WHOLE DIESEL ENGINE EXHAUST IS LISTED AS A PROBABLE CARCINOGEN BY IARC AND NIOSH. HEADACHE, DIZZINESS, LOSS OF APPETITE, WEAKNESS A/~D LOSS OF COORDINATION. Med Cond Aggravated By Exp: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. Emergency/First Aid Proc: EYES:FLUSH WITH FRESH WATER FOR 15 MINUTES. SKIN: REMOVE CONTAMINATED CLOTHING. WASH SKIN THOROUGHLY WITH SOAP ~ WATER. SEE A DOCTOR IF SYMPTOMS DEVELOP. INHALATION: REMOVE TO FRESH AIR. INGESTION: GIVE WATER OR MILK TO DRINK AND GET IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION. DO NOT MAKE PERSON VOMIT UNLESS DIRECTED TO DO SO BY MEDICAL PERSONNEL. Precautions for Safe Handling and Use I I I Steps If Marl Released/Spill: THIS MATERIAL IS CONSIDERED TO BE A WATER POLLUTANT AND RELEASES OF THIS PRODUCT SHOULD BE PREVENTED. ELIMINATE ALL OPEN FLAMES. STOP SOURCE OF THE LEAK. CONTAIN LIQUID. CLEAN UP SPILL USING APPROPRIATE TECHNIQUES SUCH AS ABSORBENT MATERIALS. Neutralizing Agent: NONE Waste Disposal Method: PLACE CONTAMINATED MATERIALS IN DISPOSABLE CONTAINERS AND DISPOSE OF IN A MANNER CONSISTENT WITH APPLICABLE http://msds.pdc.comell.edu/msds/siri/msds/h/q139/q292.html 9/25/2001 ! I I CONOCO -- NO. 2 DIESEL FUEL-FURNACE OIL-DIESEL FUEL L - DIESEL FUEL Page 3 of 4 REGULATIONS. C~NTACT LOCAL ENVIRONMENTAL OR HEALTH AUTHORITIES FOR APPROVED DISPOSAL OF THIS MATERIAL. Precautions-Handling/Storing: STORE IN A COOL AREA. KEEP CONTAINER LID TIGHTLY CLOSED. Other Precautions: DO NOT INHALE VAPORS OR EXHUST FUMES, AVOID SKIN CONTACT. Control Measures Respiratory Protection: NONE NORMALLY REQUIRED. USE NIOSH APPROVED SELF- I I CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS IF TLV IS EXCEEDED OR WHEN SPRAYING OR USING IN CONFINED SPACES. Ventilation: USE THIS MATERIAL ONLY IN WELL VENTILATED AREAS. Protective Gloves: PVC Eye Protection: GOGGLES Other Protective Equipment: WEAR PROTECTIVE CLOTHINGS. Work Hygienic Practices: WASH HANDS THOROUGHLY AFTER HANDLING THIS PRODUCT. Suppl. Safety & Health Data: NONE Transportatioh Data I I I I I I I Trans Data Review Date: 92335 DOT PSN Code: GTF DOT Proper Shipping Name: GAS OIL OR DIESEL FUEL OR HEATING OIL, LIGHT DOT Class: 3 DOT ID Number: UN1202 DOT Pack Group: III DOT Label: FLAMMABLE LIQUID IMO PSN Code: HRR IMO Proper Shipping Name: GAS OIL IMO Regulations Page Number: 3375 IMO D-N Number: 1202 IMO UI~ Class: 3.3 IMO Subsidiary Ri'sk Label: - IATA PSN Code: MTX IATA UN ID Number: 1202 IATA Proper Shipping Name: GAS OIL IATA UN Class: 3 IATA Label: FLAMMABLE LIQUID AFI PSN Code: MTX AFI Prop. Shipping Name: GAS OIL OR DIESEL FUEL OR HEATING OIL, LIGHT AFI Class: 3 AFI ID Number: UN1202 AFI Pack Group: III AFI Basic Pac Ref: 7-7 N.O.S. Shipping Name: HYDROCARBONS(ALIPHATIC AND AROMATIC), NAPHTHALENE. Additional Trans Data: NONE Disposal Data Label Data ! I I I Label Required: YES Technical Review Date: 30NOV92 MFR Label Number: NONE Label Status: F Common Name: NO. 2 DIESEL FUEL/FLrRNACE OIL/DIESEL FUEL LC/NO. 2 FUEL OIL Chronic Hazard: YES Signal Word: WARNING! Acute Health Hazard-Slight: X Contact Hazard-Slight: X http://msds.pdc.corn¢ll.edu/msds/siri/msds/h/q139/q292.html 9/25/2001 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CONOCO -- NO. 2 DIESEL FUEL-FURNACE OIL-DIESEL FUEL L - DIESEL FUEL Page 4 of 4 Fire Hazard-Moderate: X Reactivity Hazard-None: X Special Hazard Precautions: COMBUSTIBLE LIQUID! HARMFUL OF FATAL IF SWALLOWED. CAUSES SKIN IRRITATION. PROLONGED OR REPEATED SKIN CONTACT MAY INCRESE THE RISK OF SKIN CANCER. STORE IN A COOL AREA. KEEP CONTAINER LID REMOVE CONTAMINATED CLOTHING. WASH SKIN THOROUGHLY WITH SOAP AND WATER. SEE GIVE WATER OR MILK TO DRINK AND GET IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION. DO NOT MAKE PERSON VOMIT UNLESS DIRECTED TO DO SO BY MEDICAL PERSONNEL. Protect Eye: Y Protect Skin: Y Protect Respiratory: Y Label Name: CONOCO INC. Label P.O. Box: 2197 Label City: HOUSTON Label State: TX Label Zip Code: 77252 Label Country: US Label Emergency Number: 800-441-3637, CHEMTREC 800-424-9300 Year Procured: 1992 http://msds.pdc.comell.edu/msds/siri/msds/h/q 139/q292.html 9/25/2001 I I I COASTAL -- GRC G-100 SAE 30 MOTOR OIL COASTAL -- GRC G-100 SAE 30 MOTOR OIL MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET NSN: 915000N060911 Manufacturer's CAGE: 9U676 Part No. Indicator: A Part Number/Trade Name: GRC G-100 SAE 30 MOTOR OIL Page 1 of 2 General Information Company's Name: COASTAL CORP ! I I I Company's Street: 9 GREENWAY PLAZA Company's City: HOUSTON Company's State: TX Company's Country: US Company's Zip Code: 77046 Company's Emer9 Ph #: 713-877-1400 Company's Info Ph #: 501-735-0020 Record No. For Safety Entry: 001 Tot Safety Entries This Stk#: 001 Status: SMJ Date MSDS Prepared: 18APR91 Safety Data Review Date: 20JUN95 MSDS Preparer's Name: DELNO D MALZAHN Preparer's Company: SAME MSDS Serial Number: BYDNL Ingredients/Identity Information Proprietary: NO I I I I I Ingredient: GRC G-100 SAE 30 MOTOR OIL CONTAINS ING 2) Ingredient Sequence Number: 01 Percent: 100 NIOSH (RTECS) Number: 9999999ZZ OSHA PEL: N/K (FP N) ACGIH TLV: N/K (FP N) Proprietary: NO Ingredient: MINERAL OIL, PETROLEUM DISTILLATES, HEAVY NAPHTHENIC; NAPHTHENIC PETROLEUM DISTILLATE) Ingredient Sequence Number: 02 Percent: 100 NIOSH (RTECS) Number: PY8034000 CAS Number: 64741-53-3 OSHA PEL: 300 PPM ACGIH TLV: 300 PPM Physical/Chemical Characteristics HEAVY I I I Appearance And Odor: DARK GREEN LIQUID WITH A MILD PETROLEUM ODOR. Boiling Point: >600F,>316C Melting Point: 10F,-12C Vapor Pressure (MM Hg/70 F) : <25 @ 20C Vapor Density (Air=l): >10 Specific Gravity: 0.95 (H*20) Evaporation Rate And Ref: <1 (N-BUTYL ACETATE=I) Solubility In Water: NEGLIGIBLE Percent Volatiles By Volume: NIL pH: N/A Fire and Explosion Hazard Data I i Flash Point: 350F,177C Lower Explosive Limit: N/A http://msds.pdc.comell.edu/msds/siri/msds/h/q186/q288.html 9/25/2001 I I I COASTAL-- GRC G-100 SAE 30 MOTOR OIL Upper Explosive Limit: N/A Extinguishing Media: DRY CHEMICAL, FOAM, CARBON DIOXIDE OR WATER SPRAY. Special Fire Fighting Proc: WEAR NIOSH/MSHA APPROVED SCBA & FULL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (FP N). WATER SPRAY MAY BE INEFFECTIVE ON FLAMES BUT SHOULD BE USED TO KEEP FIRE-EXPOSED CNTNRS COOL. Unusual Fire A~d Expl Hazrds: MAY IGNITE WHEN SUFFICIENT HEAT IS APPLIED. Page 2 of 2 I Reactivity Data Stability: YES Cond To Avoid (Stability): HEAT, SPARK, FLAME AND BUILD-UP OF STATIC ELECTRICITY. Materials To Avoid: STRONG OXIDIZING AGENTS Health Hazard Data Precautions for Safe Handling and Use Control Meas6res Transportation Data Disposal Data Label Data I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Label Required: YES Technical Review Date: 20JUN95 Label Status: G Common Name: GRC G-100 SAE 30 MOTOR OIL Chronic Hazard: YES Signal Word: WARNING! Acute Health Hazard-Moderate: X Contact Hazard-Slight: X Fire Hazard-Slight: X Reactivity Hazard-None: X Special Hazard Precautions: COMBUSTIBLE. ACUTE:EYES:MAY PRODUCE IRRITATION AND REDNESS. SKIN:SLIGHTLY IRRITATING. INHALATION:EXPOSURE TO VAPORS OR MIST MAY RESULT IN IRRITATION OF RESPIRATORY TRACT, HEADACHE, DROWSINESS, DIZZINESS OR UNCONSCIOUSNESS. INGESTION:MAY CAUSE GASTROINTESTINAL IRRITATION, NAUSEA ~ VOMITING. ASPIRATION HAZARD IF VOMITING OCCURS. CHRONIC:CANCER HAZARD. CONTAINS UNTREATED PETROLEUM DISTILLATE WHICH IS LISTED AS AN ANIMAL SKIN CARCINOGEN (FP N). PROLONGED OR REPEATED SKIN CONTACT WILL DRY AND DEFAT SKIN, LEADING TO IRRITATION A/~D DERMATITIS. Protect Eye: Y Protect Skin: Y Protect Respiratory: Y Label Name: COASTAL CORP Label Street: 9 GREENWAY PLAZA Label City: HOUSTON Label State: TX Label Zip Code: 77046 Label Country: US Label Emergency Number: 713-877-1400 http ://msds.pdc.comell.edu/msds/siri/msds/h/q186/q288.html 9/25/2001 I I ! PHIPPS PRODUCTS -- BENZENE, ACS - BENZENE, ACS PHIPPS PRODUCTS -- BENZENE, ACS BENZENE, ACS MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET NSN: 6810002815266 Manufacturer's CAGE: 86511 Part No. Indicator: A Part Number/Trade Name: BENZENE, ACS Page 1 of 4 General Information Item Name: BENZENE, ACS I I I I I I Company Company Company Company Company Company Company s Name: PHIPPS PRODUCTS CORP. s Street: 186 LINCOLN STREET SUITE 502 s City: BOSTON s State: MA s Country: US s Zip Code: 02111-2403 s Emerg Ph #: COMPANY OUT OF BUSINESS Company s Info Ph #: COMPANY OUT OF BUSINESS Record No. For Safety Entry: 006 Tot Safety Entries This Stk#: 006 Status: SE Date MSDS Prepared: 21NOV91 Safety Data Review Date: 21NOV91 Supply Item Manager: CX MSDS Preparer's Name: DGSC-SSH MSDS Serial Number: BLJHH Specification Number: O-C-265 Hazard Characteristic Code: F3 Unit Of Issue: CN Unit Of Issue Container Qty: 5 GALLONS Type Of Container: METAL Net Unit Weight: 36.7 LBS Ingredients/Identity Information Proprietary: NO I I Ingredient: BENZENE (SARA III) Ingredient Sequence Nun~ber: 01 Percent: >99 NIOSH (RTECS) Number: CY1400000 CAS Number: 71-43-2 OSHA PEL: 1PPM/5STEL;1910.1028 ACGIH TLV: 10 PPM; A2; 9192 Other Recommended Limit: NOT ESTABLISHED Physical/Chemical Characteristics Appearance And Odor: CLEAR COLORLESS LIQUID. SWEET AROMATIC ODOR. I I I Boilin~ Point: 80C(176F) Meltin~ Point: 42F (FZ PT) Vapor Pressure (MM H9/70 F) : 100 Vapor Density (Air=l): 2.7 Specific Gravity: 0.88 Decomposition Temperature: UNKNOWN Evaporation Rate And Ref: 0.88 Solubility In Water: NEGLIGIBLE Percent Volatiles By Volume: 100 Corrosion Rate (IPY): UNKNOWN Fire and Explosion Hazard Data I I Flash Point: 12F,-llC Flash Point Method: COC http://msds.pdc.cornell.edu/msds/siri/msds/h/q194/q344.html 9/25/2001 I I I PHIMPS PRODUCTS -- BENZENE, ACS - BENZENE, ACS Lower Explosive Limit: 1.0 Upper Explosive Limit: 8.0 Extinguishing Media: DRY POWDER, FOAM, CARBON DIOXIDE Special Fire Fighting Proc: WEAR SELF-CONAINED BREATHING APPARATUS. USE WATER SPRAY TO COOL FIRE EXPOSED CONTAINERS. Unusual Fire And Expl Hazrds: EXPLOSIVE VAPOR/AIR MIXTURES MAY FORM ABOVE FLASH POINT. CONTAINERS MAY EXPLODE IN HEAT OR FLAME. Page 2 of 4 Stability: YES Reactivity Data I I Cond To Avoid (Stability): HEAT, SPARKS, OPEN FLAMES, IGNITION SOURCES. Materials To Avoid: STRONG OXIDIZERS, MANY FLUORIDES AND PERCHLORATES, NITRIC ACID. Hazardous Decomp Products: TOXIC GASES AND VAPORS SUCH AS CARBON MONOXIDE, CARBON MONOXIDE. Hazardous Poly Occur: NO Conditions To Avoid (Poly): NOT APPLICABLE Health Hazard Data LD50-LC50 Mixture: UNKNOWN I I I I I I Route Of Entry - Inhalation: NO Route Of Entry - Skin: YES Route Of Entry - Ingestion: NO Health Haz Acute Amd Chronic: ACUTE: IRRITATION TO BODY TISSUES, CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM EFFECTS. CHRONIC: DERMATITIS, LIVER AND KIDNEY DAMAGE, BONE MARROW DEPRESSANT, CARCINOGENIC. Carcinogenicity - NTP: YES Carcinogenicity - IARC: YES Carcinogenicity - OSHA: YES Explanation Carcinogenicity: BENZENE IS A HUMAN CARCINOGEN. signs/Symptoms Of Overexp: EYES/SKIN: IRRITATION. MAY CAUSE PAIN. INHALATION: NOSE, THROAT AND RESPIRATORY SYSTEM IRRITATION, GIDDINESS, HEADACHE, NAUSEA, STAGGERED GAIT, FATIGUE, ANOREXIA, LASSITUDE, DEATH. INGESTION: SAME SYMPTOMS AS INHALATION. Med Cond Aggravated By Exp: INDIVIDUALS WITH PRE-EXISTING SKIN OR RESPIRATORY CONDITIONS SHOULD AVOID EXPOSURE TO THIS PRODUCT. Emergency/First Aid Proc: EYES:FLUSH WITH PLENTY OF WATER FOR AT LEAST 15 MINUTES.SEE DOCTOR. SKIN:WASH WITH SOAP AND PLENTY OF WATER WHILE REMOVING CONTAMINATED CLOTHING AND SHOES.SEE DOCTOR. INHALATION:REMOVE TO FRESH AIR.IF NOT BREATHING,GIVE ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION.IF BREATHING IS DIFFICULT,GIVE OXYGEN.SEE DOCTOR. INGESTION:DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING.SEE DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY.NOTHING BY MOUTH IF UNCONSCIOUS. Precautions for Safe Handling and Use I I ! I Steps If Matl Released/Spill: REMOVE IGNITION SOURCES. VENTILATE AREA. USE WATER FOG TO PREVENT FIRE. USE APPROPIATE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT. ABSORB IN INERT MATERIAL, A/~D PLACE IN APPROPIATE DISPOSAL CONTAINER AND SEAL. FLUSH AREA WITH PLENTY OF WATER. Neutralizing Agent: NOT APPLICABLE Waste Disposal Method: WASHINGS CAN BE ATOMIZED IN A CHEMICAL INCINERATOR SUITABLE FOR BURNING HAZARDOUS WASTE AND EQUIPPED WITH AN AFTERBURNER AND SCRUBBER SYSTEM. ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. Precautions-Handling/Storing: KEEP IN COOL, DRY, VENTILATED PLACE, IN TIGHTLY CLOSED CONTAINERS. OUTSIDE OR DETACHED STORAGE IS PREFERRED. KEEP AWAY FM OXIDIZERS. Other Precautions: AVOID BREATHING VAPORS. USE WITH ADEQUATE VENTILATION. KEEP CONTAINRS CLOSED. AVOID SKIN, EYES AND CLOTHING CONTACT. Control Measures http ://msds.pdc.cornell.edu/msds/sifi/msds/h/q194/q344.html 9/25/2001 I I I I i PH~PS PRODUCTS -- BENZENE, ACS - BENZENE, ACS Page 3 of 4 Respiratory Protection: USE NIOSH/MSHA-APPROVED RESPIRATOR OR SELF- CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS AS REQUIRED FOR EXPOSURE OF CONCERN. Ventilation: LOCAL EXHAUST TO MAINTAIN EXPOSURE LEVEL BELOW TLV. USE EXPLOSION PROOF EQUIPMENT. Protective Gloves: NITRILE GLOVES. Eye Protection: GOGGLES/FACE SHIELD. Other Protective Equipment: FULL PROTECTIVE CLOTHING, SAFETY SHOWER, EYE WASH STATION. Work Hygienic Practices: WASH THOROUGHLY AFTER HANDLING AND BEFORE EATING. LAUNDER CONTAMINATED CLOTHING BEFORE REUSE. Suppl. Safety & Health Data: MSDS GENERATED BY DGSC-SSH. MANUFACTURER OUT OF BUSINESS. Transportation Data ! I I I I Trans Data Review Date: 91325 DOT PSN Code: BRS DOT Proper Shipping Name: BENZENE DOT Class: 3 DOT ID Number: UNlll4 DOT Pack Group: II DOT Label: FLAMMABLE LIQUID IMO PSN Code: BXB IMO Proper Shipping Name: BENZENE IMO Regulations Page Number: 3185 IMO UN Number: 1114 IMO UN Class: 3.2 IMO Subsidiary Risk Label: - IATA PSN Code: DBA IATA UN ID Number: 1114 IATA Proper Shipping Name: BENZENE IATA UN Class: 3 IATA Label: FLAMMABLE LIQUID AFI PSN Code: DBA AFI Symbols: 0 AFI Prop. Shipping Name: BENZENE AFI Class: 3 AFI ID Number: UNlll4 AFI Pack Group: II AFI Basic Pac Ref: 7-7 Additional Trans Data: DOT RQ: 10 POUNDS. Disposal Data Label Data I I I ! I I Label Required: YES Technical Review Date: 21NOV91 Label Status: F Common Name: BENZENE, ACS Chronic Hazard: YES Signal Word: DANGER! Acute Health Hazard-Severe: X Contact Hazard-Moderate: X Fire Hazard-Severe: X Reactivity Hazard-None: X Special Hazard Precautions: ACUTE: IRRITATION TO BODY TISSUES, CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM EFFECTS. CHRONIC: DERMATITIS, LIVER ~ KIDNEY DAMAGE, BONE MARROW DEPRESSANT, CARCINOGENIC. FIRST AID: EYES:FLUSH WITH PLENTY OF WATER FOR AT LEAST 15 MINUTES.SEE DOCTOR. SKIN:WASH WITH SOAP D/qD PLENTY OF WATER REMOVE TO FRESH AIR.IF NOT BREATHING,GIVE ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION.IF BREATHING IS DIFFICULT,GIVE OXYGEN.SEE DOCTOR. INGESTION:DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING.SEE DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY.NOTHING BY MOUTH IF UNCONSCIOUS. http://msds.pdc.comell.edu/msds/siri/msds/h/q194/q344.html 9/25/2001 I i ! I ! ! I I ! I I ! I I I I i I PHIPPS PRODUCTS -- BENZENE, ACS - BENZENE, ACS Protect Eye: Y Protect Skin: Y Protect Respiratory: Y Label Name: PHIPPS PRODUCTS CORP. Label Street: 186 LINCOLN STREET SUITE 502 Label City: BOSTON Label State: MA Label Zip Code: 02111-2403 Label Country: US Label Emergency Number: COMPANY OUT OF BUSINESS http ://msds.pdc.comell. edu/msds/siri/msds/h/q 194/q344.html Page 4 of 4 9/25/2001 I ! I GFS CHEMICALS ~- CADMIUM, 1147 GFS CHEMICALS -- CADMIUM, 1147 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET NSN: 535000N058818 Manufacturer's CAGE: 0TNM0 Part No. Indicator: A Part Number/Trade Name: CADMIUM, 1147 Page 1 of 2 General Information Company s Name: GFS CHEMICALS INC I I I I Company s P. O. Box: 245 Company s City: POWELL Company s State: OH Company s Country: US Company s Zip Code: 43065 Company s Emerg Ph #: 800-858-9682 Company s Info Ph #: 800-858-9682 Record No. For Safety Entry: 001 Tot Safety Entries This Stk#: 001 Status: SMJ Date MSDS Prepared: 24AUG92 Safety Data Review Date: 05MAY95 MSDS Preparer's Name: L M Preparer's Company: SAME MSDS Serial Number: BXGGX Ingredients/Identity Information Proprietary: NO I I Ingredient: CADMIUM (SARA 313) (CERCLA) Ingredient Sequence Number: 01 NIOSH (RTECS) Number: EU9800000 CAS Number: 7440-43-9 OSHA PEL: 0.2 MG/M3 DUST; Z-2 ACGIH TLV: 0.01 MG/M3 DUST;9495 Physical/Chemical Characteristics I I Appearance And Odor: SILVERY METALLIC GRANULES OR SHOT. ODORLESS. Boiling Point: 1413F,767C Melting Point: 610F,321C Vapor Pressure (MM Hg/70 F): 394C Specific Gravity: 1.04 (FP N) Fire and Explosion Hazard Data I I ! Flash Point: NOT APPLICABLE Lower Explosive Limit: N/A Upper Explosive Limit: N/A Extinguishing Media: MEDIA SUITABLE FOR SURROUNDING FIRE (FP N). FIGHT SURROUNDING FIRE. Special Fire Fighting Proc: USE NIOSH/MSHA APPROVED SCBA AND FULL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (FP N). Unusual Fire And Expl Hazrds: NOT COMBUSTIBLE. CADMIUM VAPOR MAY FORM IN GENERAL FIRE. AVOID INHALATION OF FUMES. I Reactivity Data Stability: YES Cond To Avoid (Stability): NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. Materials To Avoid: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. Health Hazard Data http ://msds.pdc.cornell.edu/msds/siri/msds/h/q237/q471 .html 9/25/2001 GFS CHEMICALS -- CADMIUM, 1147 Page 2 of 2 Precautions for Safe Handling and Use Control Measures Transportation Data Disposal Data Label Data I I I I I I I I i I I I I I Label Required: YES Technical Review Date: 04MAY95 Label Date: 04MAY95 Label Status: G Common Name: CADMIUM, 1147 Chronic Hazard: YES Signal Word: CAUTION! Acute Health Hazard-Slight: X Contact Hazard-Slight: X Fire Hazard-None: X Reactivity Hazard-None: X Special Hazard Precautions: ACUTE: VAPOR HAZARDOUS IF INHALED. MUST BE HEATED STRONGLY TO PRODUCE VAPOR. INHALATION OF DUSTS OR VAPORS MAY LEAD TO PROBLEMS IN RESPIRATIORY TRACT KIDNEYS. SOLUBLE COMPOUNDS CONSIDERED MUCH MORE HAZARDOUS THAN METAL PIECES. CHRONIC: CANCER HAZARD. CONTAINS CADMIUM WHICH IS LISTED AS A GENITO-URINARY TRACT CARCINOGEN (FP N). Protect Eye: Y Protect Skin: Y Protect Respiratory: Y Label Name: GFS CHEMICALS INC Label P.O. Box: 245 Label City: POWELL Label State: OH Label Zip Code: 43065 Label Country: US Label Emergency Number: 800-858-9682 http://msds.pdc.comell.edu/msds/siri/msds/h/q237/q471.html 9/25/2001 I I LEAD METAL Page 1 of 8 I I I I MSDS ] Material Safety Data Sheet 222 Red.$~hool Lsne CHEMICAI2~"~"~lllM Phlllip~burg, NJ 0~65 All ~n,eme~geecy <:~sl}er~ tJ'~ould ~e cfb~:~: to Cu~tom~ ~,vt¢~ (1-~0-5B2-2537) lot a.~isla~ce, I I LEAD METAL MSDS Number: L2347 --- Effective Date: 11/17/99 I I I I 1. Product Identification Synonyms: Granular lead, pigment metal; C.I. 77575 CAS No.: 7439-92-1 Molecular Weight: 207.19 Chemical Formula: Pb Product Codes: _ J.T. Baker: 2256, 2266 Mallinckrodt: 5668 I I I I 2. Composition/Information on Ingredients Ingredient CAS No Percent Hazardous Lead 7439-92-1 95 - 100% Yes I I I I 3. Hazards Identification Emergency Overview POISON! DANGER! MAY BE FATAL IF SWALLOWED OR INHALED. CAUSES IRRITATION TO SKIN, EYES AND RESPIRATORY TRACT. NEUROTOXIN. AFFECTS THE GUM TISSUE, CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM, KIDNEYS, BLOOD AND REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM. POSSIBLE http://www.jtbaker.com/msds/12347.htm 9/25/2001 I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I LEAD METAL Page 2 of 8 CANCER HAZARD. MAY CAUSE CANCER BASED ON ANIMAL DATA. Risk of cancer depends on duration and level of exposure. J.T. Baker SAF-T-DATA(tm) Ratings (Provided here for your convenience) Health Rating: 3 - Severe (Life) Flammability Rating: 0 - None Reactivity Rating: 0 - None Contact Rating: 1 - Slight Lab Protective Equip: GOGGLES; LAB COAT; VENT HOOD; PROPER GLOVES Storage Color Code: Blue (Health) Potential Health Effects Inhalation: Lead can be absorbed through the respiratory system. Local irritation ofbronchia and lungs can occur and, in cases of acute exposure, symptoms such as metallic taste, chest and abdominal pain, and increased lead blood levels may follow. See also Ingestion. Ingestion: POISON! The symptoms of lead poisoning include abdominal pain and spasms, nausea, vomiting, headache. Acute poisoning can lead to muscle weakness, "lead line" on the gums, metallic taste, definite loss of appetite, insomnia, dizziness, high lead levels in blood and urine with shock, coma and death in extreme cases. Skin Contact: Lead and lead compounds may be absorbed through the skin on prolonged exposure; the symptoms of lead poisoning described for ingestion exposure may occur. Contact over short periods may cause local irritation, redness and pain. Eye Contact: Absorption can occur through eye tissues but the more common hazards are local irritation or abrasion. Chronic Exposure: Lead is a cumulative poison and exposure even to small amounts can raise the body's content to toxic levels. The symptoms of chronic exposure are like those of ingestion poisoning; restlessness, irritability, visual disturbances, hypertension and gray facial color may also be noted. Aggravation of Pre-existing Conditions: Persons with pre-existing kidney, nerve or circulatory disorders or with skin or eye problems may be more susceptible to the effects of this substance. I I I 4. First Aid Measures Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, http://www.jtbaker, com/msds/12347.htm 9/25/2001 I I I I I LEAD METAL Page 3 of 8 give oxygen. Get medical attention. Ingestion: Induce vomiting immediately as directed by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get medical attention. Skin Contact: Immediately flush skin with plenty of soap and water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Get medical attention. Wash clothing before reuse. Thoroughly clean shoes before reuse. Eye Contact: Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes, lifting lower and upper eyelids occasionally. Get medical attention immediately. I I I I I I 5. Fire Fighting Measures Fire: Not considered to be a fire hazard. Powder/dust is flammable when heated or exposed to flame. Explosion: Not considered to be an explosion hazard. Fire Extinguishing Media: Use any means suitable for extinguishing surrounding fire. Do not allow water runoff to enter sewers or waterways. Special Information: In the event of a fire, wear full protective clothing and NiOSH-approved self-contained breathing apparatus with full facepiece operated in the pressure demand or other positive pressure mode. Can produce toxic lead fumes at elevated temperatures and also react with oxidizing materials. I I I I 6. Accidental Release Measures Ventilate area of leak or spill. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment as specified in Section 8. Spills: Sweep up and containerize for reclamation or disposal. Vacuuming or wet sweeping may be used to avoid dust dispersal. US Regulations (CERCLA) require reporting spills and releases to soil, water and air in excess of reportable quantities. The toll free number for the US Coast Guard National Response Center is (800) 424-8802. I I I I 7. Handling and Storage Keep in a tightly closed container, stored in a cool, dry, ventilated area. Protect against physical damage. Isolate from incompatible substances. Areas in which exposure to lead metal or lead compounds may occur should be identified by signs or appropriate means, and access to the area should be limited to authorized persons. Containers of this material may be hazardous when empty since they retain product residues (dust, solids); http ://www.j tbaker, com/msds/12347.htm 9/25/2001 I I LEAD METAL Page 4 of 8 observe all warnings and precautions listed for the product. I I I I I i I I I I i i I i I 8. Exposure Controls/Personal Protection Airborne Exposure Limits: For lead, metal and inorganic dusts and fumes, as Pb: -OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL): 0.05 mg/m3 (TWA) For lead, elemental and inorganic compounds, as Pb: -ACGIH Threshold Limit Value (TLV): 0.05 mg/m3 (TWA), A3 animal carcinogen ACGII-I Biological Exposure Indices (BEI): 30 ug/100ml, notation B (see actual Indices for more information). For lead, inorganic: -NIOSH Recommended Exposure Limit (REL): 0.1 mg/m3 (TWA) Ventilation System: A system of local and/or general exhaust is recommended to keep employee exposures below the Airborne Exposure Limits. Local exhaust ventilation is generally preferred because it can control the emissions of the contaminant at its source, preventing dispersion of it into the general work area. Please refer to the ACGIH document, Industrial Ventilation, A Manual of Recommended Practices, most recent edition, for details. Personal Respirators (NIOSH Approved): If the exposure limit is exceeded, a half-face high efficiency dust/mist respirator may be worn for up to ten times the exposure limit or the maximum use concentration specified by the appropriate regulatory agency or respirator supplier, whichever is lowest. A full- face piece high efficiency dust/mist respirator may be worn up to 50 times the exposure limit, or the maximum use concentration specified by the appropriate regulatory agency or respirator supplier, whichever is lowest. For emergencies or instances where the exposure levels are not known, use a full-facepiece positive-pressure, air-supplied respirator. WARNING: Air-purifying respirators do not protect workers in oxygen- deficient atmospheres. Skin Protection: Wear impervious protective clothing, including boots, gloves, lab coat, apron or coveralls, as appropriate, to prevent skin contact. Eye Protection: Use chemical safety goggles and/or full face shield where dusting or splashing of solutions is possible. Maintain eye wash fountain and quick-drench facilities in work area. Other Control Measures: Eating, drinking, and smoking should not be permitted in areas where solids or liquids containing lead compounds are handled, processed, or stored. See OSHA substance- specific standard for more information on personal protective equipment, engineering and work practice controls, medical surveillance, record keeping, and reporting requirements. (29 CFR 1910.1025). i I 9. Physical and Chemical Properties http://www.jtbaker.com/msds/12347.htm 9/25/2001 I I I I i I I i I I LEAD METAL Page 5 of 8 Appearance: Small, white to blue-gray metallic shot or granules. Odor: Odorless. Solubility: Insoluble in water. Density: 11.34 pH: No information found. % Volatiles by volume ~ 21C (70F): 0 Boiling Point: 1740C (3164F) Melting Point: 327.5C (622F) Vapor Density (Air=l): No information found. Vapor Pressure (mm Hg): 1.77 @ 1000C (1832F) Evaporation Rate (BuAc=l): No information found. I I I I I 10. Stability and Reactivity Stability: Stable under ordinary conditions of use and storage. Hazardous Decomposition Products: Does not decompose but toxic lead or lead oxide fumes may form at elevated temperatures. Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur. Incompatibilities: Ammonium nitrate, chlorine trifluoride, hydrogen peroxide, sodium azide, zirconium, disodium acetylide, sodium acetylide and oxidants. Conditions to Avoid: Heat, flames, ignition sources and incompatibles. I I i I 11. Toxicological Information Toxicological Data: Investigated as a tumorigen, mutagen, reproductive effector. Reproductive Toxicity: Lead and other smelter emissions are human reproductive hazards. (Chemical Council on http://www.jtbaker.com/msds/12347.htm 9/25/2001 I I I I I LEAD METAL Page 6 of 8 Environmental Quality; Chemical Hazards to Human Reproduction, 1981). Carcinogenicity: EPA / IRIS classification: Group B2 - Probable human carcinogen, sufficient animal evidence. ........ \Cancer Lists\ ...................................................... ---NTP Carcinogen--- Ingredient Known Anticipated IARC Category ................................................................. Lead (7439-92-1) No No 2B I I I 12. Ecological Information Environmental Fate: When released into the soil, this material is not expected to leach into groundwater. This material may bioaccumulate to some extent. Environmental Toxicity: No information found. I I I I 13. Disposal Considerations Whatever cannot be saved for recovery or recycling should be managed in an appropriate and approved waste facility. Although not a listed RCRA hazardous waste, this material may exhibit one or more characteristics of a hazardous waste and require appropriate analysis to determine specific disposal requirements. Processing, use or contamination of this product may change the waste management options. State and local disposal regulations may differ from federal disposal regulations. Dispose of container and unused contents in accordance with federal, state and local requirements. I i 14. Transport Information Not regulated. I I I I I 15. Regulatory Information ........ \Chemical Inventory Status - Part 1~ ................................. Ingredient TSCA EC Japan Australia ................................................................. Lead (7439-92-1) Yes Yes Yes Yes ........ \Chemical Inventory Status - Part 2\ ................................. --Canada-- Ingredient Korea DSL NDSL Phil. Lead (7439-92-1) Yes Yes No Yes http://www.jtbaker, com/msds/12347.htm 9/25/2001 I I ! I I I I I I I LEAD METAL Page 7 of 8 ........ \Federal, State & International Regulations Part 1\ ................ -SAR3k 302 ....... SAPOk 313 ...... Ingredient RQ TPQ List Chemical Catg. Lead (7439-92-1) No No ........ ~Federal, State & International Regulations Ingredient CERCLA Lead (7439-92-1) 10 Yes No Part 2~ ................ -RCRA- -TSCA- 261.33 8(d) No No Chemical Weapons Convention: SARA 311/312: Acute: Yes Reactivity: No (Pure No TSCA 12(b): No CDTA: No Chronic: Yes Fire: No Pressure: No / Solid) WARNING: THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS CHEMICALS KNOWN TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO CAUSE CANCER AND BIRTH DEFECTS OR OTHER REPRODUCTIVE HARM. Australian Hazchem Code: No information found. Poison Schedule: S6 WHMIS: This MSDS has been prepared according to the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and the MSDS contains all of the information required by the CPR. I I I I I I I I I 16. Other Information NFPA Ratings: Health: 3 Flammability: 1 Reactivity: 0 Label Hazard Warning: POISON! DANGER! MAY BE FATAL IF SWALLOWED OR INHALED. CAUSES IRRITATION TO SKIN, EYES AND RESPIRATORY TRACT. NEUROTOXIN. AFFECTS THE GUM TISSUE, CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM, KIDNEYS, BLOOD AND REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM. POSSIBLE CANCER HAZARD. MAY CAUSE CANCER BASED ON ANIMAL DATA. Risk of cancer depends on duration and level of exposure. Label Precautions: Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing. Do not breathe dust. Keep container closed. Use only with adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. Label First Aid: If swallowed, induce vomiting immediately as directed by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. In case of contact, immediately flush eyes or skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Wash clothing before reuse. In all cases, get medical attention. http://www.jtbaker.corn/msds/12347.htm 9/25/2001 I I I I I I I I I I I I I. i I I I I I LEAD METAL Page 8 of 8 Product Use: Laboratory Reagent. Revision Information: No changes. Disclaimer: Mallinckrodt Baker, Inc. provides the information contained herein in good faith but makes no representation as to its comprehensiveness or accuracy. This document is intended only as a guide to the appropriate precautionary handling of the material by a properly trained person using this product. Individuals receiving the information must exercise their independent judgment in determining its appropriateness for a particular purpose. MALLINCKRODT BAKER, INC. MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION SET FORTH HEREIN OR THE PRODUCT TO WHICH THE INFORMATION REFERS. ACCORDINGLY, MALLINCKRODT BAKER, INC. WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES RESULTING FROM USE OF OR RELIANCE UPON THIS INFORMATION. Prepared by: Strategic Services Division Phone Number: (314) 539-1600 (U.S.A.) http://www.jtbaker, com/msds/12347.htm 9/25/2001 I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. APPENDIX B ENSR's Appendix L Procedures For Abatement of Asbestos Containing Materials & Lead-Based Paints ! ! !1 '! APPENDIX L PROCEDURES FOR ABATEMENT OF ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERIALS AND LEAD-BASED PAINTS I I I ASBESTOS AND LEAD-BASED PAINT ABATEMENT SPECIFICATIONS The site vicinity is shown on Figure 1 and the site plan is shown on Figure 2 of the Removal Action Workplan prepared for the site by ENSR International. According to an asbestos survey completed by AKRI Corporation dated October 5, 1998, asbestos containing materials (ACMs) present in the on-site buildings (see Figure 2) include: Sparks parcel/Former Service Garage: · Approximately 250 square feet of floor tiles (5% chrysotile); and · Approximately 110 square feet of flooring (17% chrysotile). Rosedale Hotel/Maaco'parcel/Former Maaco Auto Paint Facility: · Approximately 650 linear feet of window putty (2% chrysotile); · Approximately 5 linear feet of cement pipe (8% chrysotile, 2% amosite, and 10% crocido_lite); and Approximately 25 square feet of roof mastic (10% chrysotile). Glen Rose parcel/Former Glen Rose Engine Shop:~ Approximately 200 square feet. of floor tile .(5% chrysotile); and Approximately 100 square feet of drywall with asbestos containing joint compound (2% chrysotile). It should be noted that a demolition level survey was no,t completed and that additional ACMs may be present in the buildings. In addition, a survey for lead-based paints (LBPs) has not been conducted to date. The contractor should include cost for completion of these surveys with sufficient samples collected and analyzed to allow demolition of the structures. 1.0 WORK PLAN SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST The following workplan submittal checklist will be completed by the contractor: 1. 1 O-day Notification 2. Other applicable state and local permits Calendar of Scheduled Activities (i.e, containment set-up dates, Consultant pre and post visual survey dates, clearance air sample events) o 4. Abatement Work Plan 5. Disposal site L-1 'i hauling, disposal, and protection of workers, visitors to the site, and persons occupying areas adjacent to the site. The Contractor is responsible for providing medical examinations and maintaining medical records of personnel as required by the applicable federal, state, and local regulations. The Contractor shall hold the Owner and Consultant harmless for failure to .comply with any applicable work, hauling, disposal, safety, health or other regulation on the part of the Con[ractor, the Contractor's employees, and the Contractor's subcontractors. Federal Requirements: which govern asbestos abatement work or hauling and disposal of asbestos waste materials include but are not limited to the following: OSHA: United States Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, (OSHA), including but not limited to: Code of Federal Regulations (cFR): Occupational Exposure to Asbestos, Tremolite, Anthophyllite, and Actinolite; Final Rules: 29CFR1910.1001 General Industry Standard 29CFR1926.1101 Construction Industry Standard 29CFR1910.134 Respiratory .Protection 29CFR1910.20 29CFR1910.1200' 29CFR1910.145 Access to Employee Exposure and Medical Records Hazard Communication Specifications for Accident Prevention Signs and Tags. DOT: United States Department of Transportation (DOT), including but not limited to: 49CFR171 and 172 Hazardous Substances EPA: United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), including but not 'limited to: 40CFR763 Sub-part E Asbestos Abatement Projects; Worker Protection Rule 40CFR763 Sub-part E Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) Regulation Asbestos Containing Materials in Schools Final Rule & Notice L-3 i i .! ! Air Quality Management District - Regulation X (NESHAPS) Send written notice at least 10 business (working) days prior to beginning any work on RACMs to the AQMD as required by EPA NESHAPS. Regulations (40 CFR 61, Subpart M) and Other appropriate notifications to the following agencies: DOSH (Cai-OSHA) 2424 Arden Way, Suite 165 Sacramento, California 95825 (916) 263-2800 fax (916) 263-2798 Other Standards: American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 1430 Broadway New York, NY 10018 (212) 354-3300 Fundamentals Governing the Design and Operation of Local Exhaust Systems Publication Z9.2-79 Practices for Respiratory Protection Publication Z88.2-80 2.2 DEFINITIONS Refer to Appendix A for terms and definitions applicable to this Project Specification. 2.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE Laboratory Qualification: The laboratory shall be regularly engaged in asbestos testing and personnel used for monitoring airborne concentrations of asbestos fibers shall be proficient in this field. This proficiency shall be demonstrated by current acceptable participation in the Proficiency Analytical Testing (PAT) program and each analyst shall have taken the National InstitUte for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) 582 Course (Sampling and Analysis for Asbestos) or the equivalent. A laboratory that conducts Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) must be accredited by National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP). Asbestos Fiber Concentration Control Limits: Inside Enclosed Work Area: Air concentrations of asbestos shall not exceed an eight hour time weighted average (TWA) of 1.0 fibers per cubic centimeter (fibers/cc) of air by Phase Contrast Microscopy (PCM) for personnel selected as Most Contaminated Worker. Air concentrations of asbestos shall not exceed the 30 minute excursion level of 1.0 fibers/cc of air. L-5 ! I I I I I I '1 ! I ! ! I ! facility and employees, including; isolation, removal techniques, 'encapsulation, patching, disposal and state of the art procedures. The Consultant shall be informed immediately of operational problems or deviations from the Project Specification, initially by telephone and then in writing. Violations: If, at any time the Contractor's Competent Person or CIH determines that practices are in violation of pertinent and applicable regulations or that .air results exceed specified allowable levels, they will notify the Consultant supervising the. project immediately. All work activity in the affected area(s) will cease until corrective actions have been taken. The Consultant shall notify the Owner. Any cost resulting from such a stop work order issued by the CIH or Consultant will be borne by the Contractor and will not be considered as a basis for an increase in the contract amount. The Contractor is responsible for the safety of all persons in or around the regulated area or · within the areas the Contractor is using for ingress and egress. 2.4 TITLE OF WASTE MATERIAL All asbestos and asbestos contaminated materials resulting from demolition work, except as specified otherwise, shall be the property of the generator (Owner) and shall be dispoSed of by the Contractor as required in applicable federal, state and local regulations. Copies of all hazardous waste manifests are to be maintained by the contractor, as part of the required "Close-Our' documents and forwarded to the owner after completion of the project. In addition, the contractor will be required to submit copies of all hazardous waste manifests to the Consultant's representative during the project. 2.5 PROTECTION OF EXISTING STRUCTURES Perform demolition work without damage or contamination of adjacent areas. The Contractor shall repair and replace all items not scheduled for demolition, removal or remodeling if damaged or contaminated. Prior to any removal activity, all equipment remaining in rooms shall be covered with 6-mil polyethylene and sealed to preclude contamination during removal. Floor removal may be conducted with the use of Splash guards and critical' barriers for such a containment area. 2.6 MEDICAL REQUIREMENTS The Contractor shall provide workers with a comprehensive medical examination as required (29 CFR 1926.1101(m) and (n)(3)). 2.7 TRAINING The Contractor will ensure and certify that all workers performing asbestos abatement activities shall have successfully completed an EPA approved asbestos training course and have in their L-7 I I ! I 'i jl not enter the area. In addition, (if applicable) the gate leading to the properties will also be locked after each work shift by the Contractor. 2.10 RESPIRATOR PROTECTION The employer shall comply with the above regulations at'a minimum and provide and ensure the proper use and selection of respirators, perform required respiratory fit tests and institute a respiratory program. This project includes OSHA Class I and Class II work. In areas where both designations are relevant, Class I work will be the basis for complying with the regulation and this Project Specification. 3.0 PRODUCTS 3.1 RESPIRATORS Respirators shall be used as specified in 29 CFR 1926.1101. Initial selection of a respirator must follow regulations regarding a negative exposure assessment for the work described in this Project Specification. The prior data must be from "workplace conditions that 'closely resembles' the processes, type of material, control methods, work practices, and environmental conditions used and prevailing in the Contractors current operations, the operations were conducted by employees whose training and experience are no more extensive than that of employees performing the current job, and these data show that under the conditions prevailing and which will prevail in the current workplace there is a high degree of certainty that employee exposures will not exceed the TVVA and excursion limit (29 CFR 1926.1101 (0). The minimum level of respiratory protection for this project is a half-face negative pressure respirator with P100 or HEPA cartridges. 3.2 POLY SHEETING All poly sheeting must be 6-mil and fire retardant and shall be polyethylene .material sized in lengths and widths to minimize the frequency of joints. Drop sheets need not be fire retardant material if it is not used inside a negative pressure containment. The minimum thickness shall be as follows: Application Minimum Thickness Wall & Floor barriers two layers of 6-mil All others (vents, etc.) 3.3 POLY BAGS Poly bags shall be a minimum 6-mil polyethylene printed with warning labels per DOT and EPA regulations. L-9 ! i i I I i I I I ! ! !. I 3.8 CAUTION LABELS Provide labels of sufficient size to be clearly legible, displaying the following legend to be used on waste containers in accordance with 1926.1101 (k)(8): DANGER CONTAINS ASBESTOS FIBERS AVOID CREATING DUST CANCER AND LUNG DISEASE HAZARD The DOT requires the following .language on waste containers: HAZARDOUS WASTE, SOLID N.O.S., ORM-E, NA 9188 (ASBESTOS)(RQ) Additional labeling requirements are specified in 49 CFR 171 and 172. 3.9 OTHER MATERIALS, TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT The Contractor shall provide standard commercial quality of all other materials such as lumber, nails, and hardware, which may be required to construct and dismantle the decontamination area and the barriers that isolate the work area, and as required to complete the work .as specified. It is the contractor's responsibility to secure adequate sanitary facilities for persons associated with the abatement project at the site. The contractor should be prepared to provide and maintain an adequate number of portable toilets on site for use by persons associated with the abatement project. Additional materials, tools and equipment that may be used on the site include the following: Water Sprayer: For amended water application, the water sprayer shall be an airless or other Iow pressure type. Airless Sprayer: An airless sprayer suitable for application of encapsulating material shall be used during the project. Exhaust Air Filtration System: No air movement system or air equipment shall discharge asbestos fibers outside the work area. The equipment shall be capable of at least 1,700 cubic feet per minute (CFM) under load and shall have at least two stages of prefiltration ahead of the HEPA filter. It shall be equipped with an elapsed time indicator (hour meter), static pressure gauge with Iow flow alarm, and be overload protected. Dioxyphalate (DOP) testing (or an industry recognized equivalent) shall be performed on negative pressure filtration units at the site, prior to the start of abatement for each containment. Acceptable criteria for negative L-11 Shut off all air-conditioning and building ventilating systems, if any, to the abatement area and disconnect electrical service. Contractor shall be responsible for knowing how and where emergency shut off valves for water, gas, and electrical utilities are located. The local exhaust (HEPA filtered) system shall be equipped with a pressure regulator/warning device that allows continuous monitoring of system operation to preclude exposure of adjacent unsealed area to asbestos fiber concentrations in excess of 0.01 fibers/cc of air. The pressure differential shall be maintained above 0.02 inches of water relative to pressure outside the enclosure. Any malfunction of the local exhaust system shall be reported to the On-site Competent Person and shall be c~use for cessation of asbestos abatement until the cause is discovered and remedied. The Consultant will be notified immediately. 4.2 REGULATED AREA--ENCLOSED Seal openings in areas where the release of airborne asbestos fibers is expected. Establish a regulated area with the use of curtains, portable partitions, or other enclosures to prevent the escape of asbestos fibers from the contaminated regulated area. Provide observation window(s) that allow a view of the entire containment area. In all possible instances, control area development shall include protective covering of walls and ceilings with a continuous membrane of one layer of minimum 6omil fire retardant poly sheeting (for floors and walls) and 4-mil fire retardant poly sheeting (for ceilings ) sealed with tape to prevent water or other damage. Provide tWo layers of 6-mil poly sheet over floors and extend layers a minimum of 12 inches up the walls. Seal all joints with tape. Provide a local exhaust system in the regulated area. Veiwports shall be constructed in accordance with regional and local regulations. Openings will be allowed in enclosures of regulated areas for the supply and exhaust of air for the local exhaust system. Exhaust the negative air machines to the outside of the building. Notify the Consultant if unable to exhaust in this manner. Replace filters as required to maintain the efficiency of the system. Cleaning of items that must remain in the work area shall be done using HEPA filtered vacuuming devices and then covered with 6-mil poly sheeting. Mini-enclosures shall follow the above guidelines and that which isthe standard of practice for these negative pressure containment areas. Mini-enclosures may be constructed to be used in a mobile fashion. Mini-enclosures may be constructed with 6-mil poly sheeting. 4.3 Regulated Area--Open In certain circumstances, where establishment of a closed regulated area is not possible, and only after Consultant approval, an open (regulated) area may be considered. The Consultant will be notified if the' Contractor determines that the most appropriate abatement of certain materials would incorporate the use of an open regulated area. In no event shall the use of an open regulated area be conflict with applicable federal, state, regional, or local regulations, unless a waiver of the specific activity proposed is provided by the appropriate regulatory agency. A NPES will not be Utilized for the removal of non-friable roofing materials for the buildings included in this scope of work. L-13 I I I I I I I I I ! I I I ! I ! representatives of the Consultant. At no time shall any personnel enter an enclosure without notifying the on-site Competent Person first and signing the'site entry log. Visitor Communications: All inquiries concerning the work site, asbestos abatement project and other job activities shall be directed to the on-site Competent Person. The Contractor shall notify the Consultant of visitors (i.e. regulatory inspectors, OSHA personnel, law enforcement, fire department personnel, press,' etc.) that visit the site during the project. If the Contractor is cited by a regulatory agency, the Contractor shall immediately notify the Owner and Consultant. Audio-Visual Surveillance: The contractor shall provide an observation window (in accordance with applicable regulations) for enclosures so that the supervisor can monitor work activity. In areas where visual access is not possible, the Consultant may require headsets or walkie- talkies for audio communications. 4.6 AIR MONITORING Monitoring of airborne concentrations of asbestos fibers shall be in accordance with the specified regulations, Section 2.4 of this document, and as specified hereafter (29 CFR 1926.1101 (f)). An initial exposure assessment shall be performed for each area unless previously sampled or in areas shown not to present concentrations exceeding the PEL under the given work conditions. Periodic monitoring is required outside the negative pressure enclosure or adjacent to the glovebag operation (area air monitoring). Clearance air monitoring is required after clean-up and encapsulation "("Lock Down") and the employer must demonstrate the airborne concentration are below the EPA Clearance Criteria for PCM or TEM. 4.6.1 Review Personnel and procedures utilized by the Contractor are subject to review. Area and personal air monitoring shall be performed by the Contractor's CIH. 4.6.2 Records Documentation shall be kept for each filter sample procured as to worker sampled, respiratory protection equipment used, work area location, date and time taken, volume of air drawn through filter, pump identification number and calibration. Documentation shall indicate whether tests were taken in isolated work areas, in gloveSag work areas, in occupied public spaces, etc., and shall be part of the permanent record provided at project completion. 4.6.3 Ai~ Samples The following refers to the different type of air samples: L-15 I I I I I I I I i I I ' !' I I ! ! ! I disposal bags. Where unusual circumstances prohibit the use of poly bags, submit an alternate proposal for containment of asbestos fibers to the Consul[ant for approval. Contractor shall properly notify their employees of the ACM content and train them in the standard of practice procedures for removal of the ACMs in accordance with federal, state, and local regulations. Reference 29 CFR 1926.1101 (g), Methods of Compliance. Cleaning objects prior to abatement: All moveable objects must be HEPA vacuumed and wet wiped prior to scheduled removal and prior to abatement cleaning, temporary storage and relocation must be conducted according to Consultant instructions. All immovable objects must be pre-cleaned by HEPA vacuum and wet-wiping. Fixed building materials that may be damaged by wet wiping shal~ be HEPA vacuumed only. Sealing and Removal of Asbestos Contaminated Items for Disposal: Remove any remaining contaminated architectural, mechanical, and electrical appurtenances such as venetian blinds, full-height partitions, carPeting, duct work, pipes and'fittings, radiators, light fixtures, conduit, panels, and other contaminated items designated for removal by first, HEPA vacuuming, and then, completely coating the items with an asbestos sealer at the demolition site before removing the items from the regulated area. The asbestos sealer shall be tinted a contrasting color. It shall be spray-applied by the airless method. Thoroughness of the sealing operation shall be visually gauged by the extent of colored coating on exposed surfaces. Abatement methods for various types of asbestos c.ontaining materials are described below: Category II ("cernentitious'~ Non-friable ACM: Where troweled on ceilings, "Transite'tM'' panels or pipes, are rigid and removal may involve breaking, cutting and damaging the material so that fibers are released, the Contractor shall remove this material under full containment, negative air pressure, wet removal techniques and with personnel using safety equipment for head, eyes and ears as specified. Alternative procedures must be cleared by the Consultant before removal. The rigid ACM can be cut and broken into smaller pieces for ease of handling utilizing appropriate work practices, although breaking these materials should be minimized as much as practical so as to minimize the potential for releasing airborne asbestos fibers. Work practices that create dust or otherwise release airborne asbestos fibers shall be avoided. Asphalt Roofing Material'. Built-up roofing, asphalt impregnated felt and roofing mastics must be removed and disposed using wet methods and other dust control measures necessary to comply with federal, state, and local regulations. The Contractor must still monitor and notify the employees of the asbestos content of the materials to be abated. Where powered tools are used for removal, local HEPA vacuuming must be used. Flooring: Vinyl floor tiles (VFT) and sheet vinyl flooring must be removed under full containment using negative air pressure, wet removal techniques and with personnel using safety equipment for head, eyes and ears as specified. If all the floor tiles within the work area can be removed intact, without breakage, then the' removal will not require negative pressure enclosure. The Consultant shall approve such work before it commences. Asbestos containing backing L-17 be scraped of the material and immediately placed in the disposal bagsl In addition to the items mentioned in the previous paragraph, the Consultant requires that local HEPA exhaust be used at the point of actual removal along with the dedicated negative air machin'es. Neither shall be used in lieu of the other. Drywall/Joint Compounds/Wall Texture: Wall systems where the asbestos content is greater than 0.1% or classified as friable shall be removed under full containment and disposed using wet methods and other dust control measures necessary to comply with applicable federal, state, regional, and local regulations. Please note that joint compound may be considered non-friable for'notification purposes but will be considered friable for abatement purposes. Wet methods shall be used for dust suppression. The Contractor is responsible for notifying their employees. For those areas where the sheetrock wall systems contain "Trace" amounts of asbestos (less than 1%), and no. texture, skim coat, or spray-applied ceiling materials are present on the wall, the sheetrock wall systems do not have to be removed under full containment. These materials can be discarded as non-ACM waste. However, the handling of these materials shall not be in violation of "visible emissions" provisions within applicable regulations. Ceiling Tiles/Mastic: These materials must be abated under full containment. Poly sheeting must be attached to the wall at the point closest to the ceiling. If there are openings above the ceiling, these openings must be sealed prior to abatement. The ceiling tiles shall be removed intact as much 'as possible and immediately placed in the disposal bags. Small amounts of ACM may be removed using a negative pressure mini-containment structure that is attached to the surrounding ceiling tiles. An example of a removal area for a mini-containment is 3x3 feet. If mastic alone contains asbestos and is considered non-friable by the Consultant, then removal can' be completed without containment as long as the mastic 'blob' is removed intact as described in "mastics" paragraph, above. The ceiling tile and mastic shall be properly bagged and disposed. Thermal System Insulation .(TSI) - Friable Materials: These materials must be abated and disposed using wet methods and other dust control measures necessary to comply with federal, state, and local regulations. Contractor shall remove this material under full containment, negative air pressure, wet removal techniques and with personnel using safety equipment for head, eyes and ears as specified. Alternative procedures must be cleared by the Consultant before removal. The rigid ACM can be cut and broken into smaller pieces for ease of handling utilizing appropriate work.practices. Creating dust shall be avoided. TSI - Pipe Insulation: TSl may also be removed using proper glovebag procedures.' Glovebags may not be moved or slid along a pipe run. A smoke test may be performed on every other installed glovebag to check for air leaks. The bare pipe shall be detail cleaned and encapsulated after the asbestos insulation is removed. Pipe insulation may be removed by using a wrap and cut method of removal, if approved by the Owner. Apply amended water and double wrap the pipe to be cut and removed with 6-mil poly L-19 I I I I I I i I I I I i i I I I Disposal containers shall then be labeled, sponge cleaned, and removed to the Contractor's staging area. Transportation and Disposal: Decontaminated containers shall be removed from site staging area and work site at the end of each work day. Workers unloading the sealed bags and machinery operators will wear respirators when handling material at the disposal site and shall be a state certified asbestos worker; Disposal Site: The disposal site chosen for friable materials shall be permitted to receive this type of waste. Non-friable materials may be disposed as non-hazardous construction waste at a disposal site permitted to receive the waste. The Contractor shall notify the receiving non- hazardous waste landfill of the type and nature of the asbestos debris to be disposed. 4.9 GENERAL PROCEDURES The Contractor shall implement procedures that comply with or exceed federal, state, and local regulations. The procedures, while nOt specifically described here, shall be protective of employees, site occupants, other contractors, and site improvements and equipment. Coordinate all electrical and water.service connections with the Owner. The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that air handling systems in the work area are isolated and shut down for the duration on the project. The Contractor shall coordinate with the Owner with respect to site security, emergency shut off of water, and building fire suppression systems. The Contractor shall not violate the fire code as it relates to the site building. Setup, abatement, disposal, and demobilization shall be performed so that ACMs RACMS, and ACCMs are not disturbed unless they are in a negative pressure containment in the process of being abated. Setup procedures may require the use of respirators with P100 filters or HEPA filtered air purifying negative pressure fans, critical barriers, and decontamination facilities. The use of drugs, alcohol, or prescription medication that may impair judgment or otherwise compromise the safety of workers or any persons on the site is strictly prohibited. Smoking is not allowed in the jobsite buildings. 5.0 ASBESTOS ABATEMENT SPECIFICATION - SCOPE OF WORK & MATERIALS ESTIMATE An asbestos survey report was prepared by AKRI Corporation for the on-site buildings. The survey report and floor plans are attached as Appendix A of the Removal Action Workplan for the site. The survey or 'Project Specification do not relieve the Contractor(s) of responsibility for site assesment and their own determinations of ACMs, RACMs and ACCM quantities required for bid submittal. L-21 I I I I I I I ! I I I ! I ! o o o The work schedule will be up to the discretion of the Consultant and the abatement contractor since the structure is vacant. The Contractor shall coordinate with the appropriate representatives of the Consultant the specific days and times work is to be performed. The' Contractor shall coordinate closely with the Consultant during the abatement project. A significant amount of debris/stored items were noted in the various buildings at the time of our survey. The Contractor shall ensure that these materials be completely protected from contamination through the use of engineering controls. Where possible, the Contractor shall move items out of the way of the immediate work area so as to provide clear access to the ACM being abated. Negative pressure units must be used at. the site of removal activity. Exhaust shall be directed outside of the building. All work areas must be secured daily at the end of work. No unauthorized persons allowed on the site. The Contractor is responsible for security of their containment areas and equipment during the project. Each area requiring a negative pressure enclosure will be maintained under negative pressure until cleared. Final clearance will consist of visual Observation and aggressive air sampling. The enclosure must be left in place until the supervisor is instructed to tear down by the Consultant. Regulated areas not requiring negative-pressure enclosures will be cleared by visual observation and/or non-aggressive clearance testing. The Contractor will make all necessary notifications to the appropriate regulatory agencies of the abatement project and pay the appropriate fees for permits. The Contractor is required to provide personnel and area air monitoring p6:f OSHA regulations. The air monitoring outlined .in Section 4.6 is for owner protection and considered part of surveillance for Proper performance and contract compliance. 5.3 ENSR SCOPE OF WORK ENSR will be the Consultant described in the Project Specification. ENSR will record and report on abatement activities on an as needed basis, conduct post- abatement visual surveys, and perform clearance air sampling. ENSR will review all change order requests by the Contractor for legitimacy and submit addenda to the Project Specification as warranted. L-23 6.7.1 6.4 NOTIFICATIONS AND PERMITS A. Generals Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining permits and payment of all fees required by regulatory agencies and landfills for removal, transportation and disposal of lead based paint materials. 6.5 PRE-CONSTRUCTION SAFETY MEETING A. Prior to beginning work at the job site, Contractor shall attend a safety conference with the Consultant. Bo The conference shall include discussion of Contractor's safety program and all means, methods, devices, process, practices, conditions and operations which will be used to assure a safe job, with a minimum of disruption of normal site operations. 6.6 LEAD-WASTE STREAM AND DISPOSAL PLAN A. Lead-containing waste must be segregated from non-lead-containing waste. Bo Waste streams of like lead-containing materials must be generated. For example, all interior and exterior paint shall constitute one waste stream, all paint chips shall constitute a second waste stream, and plastic, rubber gloves, and disposable protective clothing shall constitute a third waste stream. Additional waste streams will be generated as necessary. All waste shall be clea¢ly identified (labeled) as to v/here the waste was generated, when it was generated, type of waste stream, and indicate waste extraction test (WET) results. All waste shall be stored in a safe and secure location until the waste has been transported to the appropriate disposal site. It is the Contractor's responsibility to perform waste extraction testing of all waste streams, and properly dispose of all waste at appropriate landfills. 6.7 PRODUCTS PLASTIC BAGGING Ao Clear 6-mil Plastic Bags (Without Lead Warning Label) - Acceptable Materials: Polyethylene Film Bags, manufactured by Bemis Co. Inc., Terre Haute, IN; Asbestos Bags, manufactured by Up North Plastics, Cottage Grove, MN; or equal. B. Clear 6-mil Labeled (Lead Warning) Bags - Acceptable Materials: Polyethylene L-26 -I I I I I ! I I I. i 6.8.3 6.8.4 1. After pre-cleaning and removal of all removable items and equipment. 2. After complete setup of work area(s) and decontamination systems/areas. After complete removal of all lead paint from all areas as designated by. Owner. WORK REQUIRING CONTAINMENT Contractor shall establish emergency and fire exits from the work area. Approved fire extinguisher (Class ABC, multi-purpose, dry chemical type, rated: 4A; 6OBC) shall be readily available to workers (maximum travel distance of 50 feet) inside and adjacent to work. area(s). Personnel and emergency exits shall be clearly indicated on the inside of the containment area. The emergency exit plan shall be approved by the Consultant prior to starting setup of containment system. Contractor shall post entrances to the work area with signs, clearly visible from twenty (20) feet, reading: DANGER 'LEAD PAINT ABATEMENT Authorized Personnel Only Respirators and Protective Clothing Are Required in this Area Postings shall be in English and Spanish, and in any language used by any of Contractor's employees as the primary language of communication. PERSONNEL PROTECTION Contractor shall furnish and require the employees to wear the following minimum protective equipment: 1. Coveralls or similar whole-body clothing. 2. Head covers (may be part of the coveralls). Foot covers (may be part of the coveralls). Non-disposable footwear shall be left in the work area until it is disposed of at the completion of the job. Gloves appropriate to the work being performed. Non-disposable gloves shall be left.in the work area until they are disposed of at the completion of the job. L-28 I I TERMS AND DEFINITIONS I ! I I I I ! I ! ! ! I Abatement: Controls and procedures used to lessen fiber release from ACM which include encapsulation, enclosure and removal, but especially removal. Accredited or Accreditation (when referring to a person or laboratory): A person or laboratory accredited in accordance with section 206 of Title II of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). Also refer to 40 CFR Part 763, Asbestos Model Accreditation Plan (Federal Register, Thurs., February 3, 1994) text dealing with training requirements and possession of valid accreditation. Action Level: An airborne concentration of asbestos of 0.1 fibers per cubic centimeter (fibers/cc) of air calculated as an eight hour Time Weighted Average (TWA). Above this level, employers must initiate certain compliance activities such as employee training and medical surveillance. See also Permissible Exposure Limit. Aerosol: A system consisting of particles, solid or liquid suspended in air. Air Cell: Insulation normally Used on pipes and duct work that is comprised of corrugated cardboard which frequently is comprised of asbestos combined with cellulose or refractory binders. Air Monitoring: The process of measuring the airborne asbestos fiber content of a specific volume of air in a stated period of time. Air Sampling .Professional: Professional employed to provide technical, adVice and information and to conduct personal and area air monitoring or analysis schemes. Supervision of air sampling shall be conducted by a Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH), or personnel under the direct supervision of the CIH, with specialized experience in asbestos control. All personal and air sampling results shall be evaluated by the CIH. Airlock: A system for ingress or egress without permitting air movement between a contaminated area and an uncontaminated area, consisting of two curtained doorways at least six feet apart. Amended Water: Water to which a surfactant has been added to decrease the surface tension to 35 dynes or less. Area Air Monitoring: Air monitoring of asbestos fiber concentrations outside the regulated area. Area air monitoring will conducted on each shift by the Contractor. Consultant will conduct baseline air sampling and clearance ai~: sampling. L-30 I I I I I I I Consultant is also responsible for preparing addenda for change orders and reviewing change order requests by the Contractor. Certified Industrial Hygienist (ClH): An industrial hygienist, certified in Comprehensive Practice by the American Board of Industrial Hygiene or in specific aspects covering asbestos removal with experience in asbestos management. Class I Asbestos Work: Activities involving the removal of thermal systems insulation (TSI) and surfacing ACM. Class II Asbestos Work: Activities involving the removal of ACM which is not TSI or surfacing material. This includes, but is not limited to, the removal of asbestos-containing wallboard, floor tile and sheeting, roofing and siding shingles, and construction mastics. Class III Asbestos Work: Repair and maintenance operations where ACM, including TSI and surfacing ACM, may be disturbed. Class IV Asbestos Work: Maintenance and custodial activities during which employees contact but do not disturb ACM and activities to clean up dust, waste, and debris resulting from Class 1, II, and III activities. Clean Room: An uncontaminated area or room which is part of the worker decontamination enclosure system', with storage for workers street clothes and uncontaminated protective equipment. Closely Resemble: The major workplace conditions which have contributed to the levels of historic asbestos exposure, are no more protective than conditions of the current workplace. Competent Person: One who is capable of identifying existing asbestos hazards in the workplace and selecting the appropriate control strategy for asbestos exposure, as defined by OSHA, and who has the authority to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them (as specified in 29 CFR 1926.32 (F)). Additionally, for Class I and Class II work who is specially trained in a training course which meets the criteria of EPA's Model Accreditation Plan (40 CFR Part 763) for supervisor, or its equivalent and, for Class III and Class IV work, who is trained in a manner Consistent with EPA requirements for training of local education agency maintenance and custodial staff set forth at [40 CFR 793192 (a)(2)]. Curtained Doorway: A device to allow ingress or egress from one room to another while permitting minimal air movement between the rooms, constructed by placing two overlapping sheets of poly over an existing or temporarily framed doorway, securing each along the top of the doorway, securing the vertical edge of one along one vertical side of the doorway, and securing the vertical edge of the other sheet along the opposite vertical side of the doo.rway: L-32 I I ! Non-friable Asbestos Material: Where a binder is still encapsulating the asbestos fibers and the material is not friable. Category I Non-friable ACM ("non-cementatious"): Asbestos containing packing, gaskets, resilient floor coverings, and asphalt roofing products. Category II Non-friable ACM ("cementatious"): ACM, excluding Category I non- friable ACM, that, when dry and in its present form, cannot be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure. Examples include "Transite" board, pipe and asbestos cement products, plaster, stucco, paint and mastics. P100 Filter Vacuum Collection Equipment (or vacuum cleaner): High efficiency particulate air filtered (formerly known as a HEPA filter, currently known as a P100 filter) vacuum collection equipment with a filter system capable of collecting and retaining asbestos fibers. Filters should be of 99.97% efficiency for retaining fibers of 0.3 microns or larger. P100 Filter: A high efficiency particulate air filter (formerly known as a HEPA filter, currently known as a P100 filter) capable of trapping and retaining 99.97 percent of mono-dispersed particles greater than 0.3 microns in diameter. .. Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL): The airborne concentration of asbestos (0.1 fibers/cc) at which the employer shall ensure that no employee is exposed. Where the PEL is exceeded the employer shall establish and implement a written program to reduce employee exposure to or below the limit by (1) engineering and work practice controls, and (2) use of required proper respiratory protection. No employee.shall be exposed at any time to'airborne concentrations of asbestos in excess of 1.0 fibers/cc during any 30 minute period, which is the excursion limit. Personal Monitoring: Air monitoring for asbestos fiber concentrations within the breathing zone (within 9 inches of the mouth) of an employee. Pressure Differential and Ventilation System: A local exhaust system, utilizing P100 (H_EPA) filtration capable of maintaining a pressure differential with the inside of the Work Area at a lower pressure than. any adjacent area, and which cleans recirculated air or generates a constant air flow from adjacent areas into the Work Area. Protection Factor: The ratio of the ambient concentration of an airborne substance to the concentration of the substance inside the respirator at the breathing zone of the wearer. The protection factor is a measure of the degree of protection provided by a respirator to the wearer. Regulated Area: An area established by the Contractor to demarcate areas where Class I, II, and III asbestos work is conducted, and any adjoining area where debris and waste from such asbestos work accumulate; and a work area within which airborne concentrations of asbestos, exceed or there is a reasonable possibility they may exceed the PEL. Requirements for regulated areas are set out in 29 CFR 1926.1101 (e). L-35 I I' I I I I I I I I I I I !. I I I Work Area: The area where asbestos-related work or removal operations are performed which is defined and/or isolated to prevent the spread of asbestos 'dust, fibers or debris, and entry by unauthorized personnel. Work area is a Regulated Area as defined by 29 CFR 1926. Work Hygiene Facilities: A decontamination system for workers, equipment and clothing. It consists of a clean room; shower room and decontamination room and is normally contiguous' with an enclosure. Wrap and Cut: Removal of TSI by first double wrapping insulated pipe section with 6-mil poly sheeting and sealing both ends. The pipe section can then be cut at either end and then removed. The wrapped waste must be properly labeled. L-37 I i I I I ! I I I I I I I i I I. I I I Z I I I I I I I I I I '1 I I I I I I I SOILS APPENDIX C Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plan ENGINEERING, INC. I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. I I I I I I I I I SPILL PREVENTION CONTROL & COUNTERMEASURE PLAN PROPOSED COSTCO WHOLESALE FACILITY 2800 STANDARD ST., 3650, 3660, 3800, 3880 ROSEDALE HIGHWAY BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Prepared For: COSTCO WHOLESALE 999 Lake Drive Issaquah, WA. 98027 Attn: Todd Bartok File No. 01-9775 I I I I I I I 4400 YEAGER WAY Prepared By: Soils Engineering, Inc. 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA. 93313 September 26, 2001 · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93313 · PHONE (661) 831-5100 · FAX: (661) 831-2111 SEP 26 '81 12:28 FR COSTCO LEGAL S'EP--21-Zoal IH:351~! FROI~.SOILS F. JiGINEERIII6 6;1-g31-~111 .-' , : 313 8114 TO 91~61831~111 P.01/01 T-034 P. ooz/ooz F-s11 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Name of F~c[~ Foyer Sp~ Es~e ~e ofF~ - - [~ ~ulk Pe~l~ Storage N~c Cos=o Ad~s ~lO,,Mulv~2 _ _ , ~ 1 Avenue. 12~ OP~TOR APPROV~ ~ ded~at~ p~on ~=~t~l= for oil epi][ ~mv~on. emergency proc~=e~ ~ploycc ~aini~ aC ~is ~t~ is: , Si~ ' h~y ~a~ ~h~T I ~v: ~;~a~ this fa~, ~ b~g f~ ~Th ~ pro~s of 40~ V~ 112, a~t ~ ~ SPC~ t'l~ h~ bc~ ~ed ~ ~c~ wi~ good Tony .... ~. ~ran~o ~~~ I I I I I ! I i I I I I I I I I I i I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. GENERAL INFORMATION Potential Spills: Considering local drainage patterns and facility storage and/or handling capacity, the predicted direction, rate of flow and total quantity o foil, water and sludge, which could be spilled due to a major failure on accident is as follows: Potential Source of Spill: Piping, Equipment or Valves - A spill could result from a failure of a valve at the base of the 50,000 barrel aboveground storage tank (AST). The estimated quantities within the tank is; 100,000 gallons of crude oil; 400,000 gallons of oily water; and 420,000 gallons of oily sediment and sludge. The flowrate of the spill would be minor due to the heavy weight material (sludge) near the valves. The direction of flow would be in the direction of the broken value and would be contained within the existing bermed area, which surrounds the AST. Tank Truck Loading - A spill could result from the rupture of a hose or truck tank compartment; the predicted quantity is 60 bbls. at a flow rate of 400 bph; the direction of flow is within the lined dirt berm area. The largest single compartment ora truck loaded or unloaded at the facility is approximately 2400 gallons (58 bbls.). o Large 50,000 barrel Above Ground Storage Tanks (AST), A spill could result from a rupture during the removal of the interior contents from the AST; the predicted quantity is from 0 to 100,000 gallons of crude oil; 400,000 gallons of oily water; and 420,000 gallons of oily sediment and sludge. The direction of flow would be with in the existing dirt berm, which surrounds the AST on all sides. See Plate 2 for Site Plan. In the event of a spill, the procedure shall be as follows; 1. Stop source of spill 2. Contain spill within lined berm by building up berm in some areas if necessary. 3. Report spill per Attachment//3. Take immediate action to recover spilled product by pumping it into vacuum trucks or temporary storage tanks. I I ! I I i ! I I I i i I I I I I Ao SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. SPECIFIC INFORMATION Bulk Aboveground Storage Tank (AST) The 50,000 barrel AST received petroleum products via truck and trailer from Sabre Transportation Company activities from 1979 to 1985. Based on numerous sampling events of the oil, water and sludge phases within the AST it has been determined that the contents of the AST are non-hazardous. The quantities of the material within the AST are estimated to be: 100,000 gallons of crude oil, 400,000 gallons ofoilywater; and 420,000 gallons of oily sediment and sludge for a total of approximately 920,000 gallons of material. This material will be removed from the AST by draining the flowable phases (oil, water and some sludge) into vacuum trucks for off-site disposal/recycling at approved facilities. A hot-tap will be made at the appropriate height within the side of the AST to drain the fluids out through hoses with shut-off valves to waiting trucks or to temporary storage tanks. The sludge phases will be pumped into vacuum trucks or mixed with soil to solidify enough for loading and transport to an approved disposal/recycling facility. The AST will be cut with hydraulic shears to gain access to the sludge and semi-solid phases within the AST. During this activity a lined dirt berm will be present surrounding the loading area to contain any spills, which occur during this activity. The following is a description of spill prevention from Foss Environmental's Workplan for the site: Spill Prevention A containment basin will encompass the primary work area. The containment basin will be constructed on a sand base (1 to 2-inches) covered, if necessary, with geotextile fabric. The containment basin will consist of a 24-inch high wood frame supported by steel forming stakes, and a lining of40-mil HDPE with welded seams. The containment basin will encompass the access portals in the AST to protect against soil contamination during sludge, oil and water removal and tank cleaning activities. A spill containment area will also be constructed adjacent to the AST to accommodate vacuum trucks utilized in the liquids removal process. The primary work area containment basin will have a capacity of approximately 50,000 gallons. Any temporary holding tanks will also be placed' within a secondary containment basin. All conveyance piping and hoses outside of the containment basins used to convey liquid material will be staged in accordance with Coast Guard regulations for over the water transfers of petroleum products (MTR Regulations). These regulations I I I I i I I ! I I I ! I I i I' i I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. include, but are not limited to: hoses must be capable of withstanding a pressure test at 150% of the maximum allowable working pressure, hoses must have the ears and/or locking levers of the cam-lock fittings secured with a physical devices (i.e., taped or wired shut), hoses must be free of substantial defects, and a method for the rapid cessation of pumping operations must be in place. FES utilizes these strict over-the-water standards on land-based projects to ensure the maximum margin of safety. A portable secondary containment pan with an approximate capacity of 700 gallons will be placed under any vacuum truck that is being loaded for transport. Personnel will be present during the entire loading process to physically observe the introduction of any liquid into the vacuum truck. The loader will have immediate access to a shutoff device to cease loading/pumping activities should a problem occur. Storm water that collects in the containment basins will be transferred to a storm water collection tank using either pumps and hoses or a vacuum truck. The storm water collection tank, if required, will act as a holding vessel until the water can be tested and disposed of off site. Facility Drainage The area between the AST and the berms will be graded so that any drainage from the AST will be kept within the bermed area. Entry and exiting of trucks within the bermed area will be along elevated ramps to prevent gaps in the berm around the AST and loading areas. C. Facility Tank Truck, Truck/Trailer, LoadingFUnloading o Lo'ading procedures will meet the minim requirements and regulations of the Department of Transportation. 2. No unloading of petroleum products is anticipated at this facility. Drains and valves on tank trucks are checked for leakage before loading/unloading or departure. D_._:. Personnel Training - Spill Prevention Procedures Personnel are instructed in the operation an maintenance of equipment to prevent sPills and are informed of applicable pollution control laws, rules and regulations. All spills are reported as outlined in the Emergency Procedures Manual (oil spills section). 3. Contractors, sub-contractors, and temporary employees will be informed of the I I I i I i ! i I ! ! ! I I I I I I I E. Security SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. operating and spills prevention features of this facility in order to prevent spills from occurring. This site will be surrounded by a 6-foot high chain-link security fence during the removal action. Gates will be open during business hours (7 AM to 5 PM)and closed and locked the other times. i I I '1 i I ! I I I I i I i I I I i I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. SPCC PLAN ATTACHMENT #1 SPILL HISTORY Complete this form for any reportable spill(s) whish has (have) occurred from this facility during thc twelve months prior to thc effective date of 40 CFR Part 112 into_navigable waters. No significant spills have occurred at this site that SEI is aware of. Very small quantities of tarry material are present at the surface near the AST in a few places. 1. Date Volume Cause Corrective action taken Plans for preventing recurrence 2. Date Volume Cause Corrective action taken Plans for preventing recurrence 3. Date Volume Cause Corrective action taken Plans for preventing recurrence Facility 2800 Standard Street, Bakersfield, California Operator Former Sabre Transportation/Costco Wholesale I I I i I ! I I I I ! I I I I ! i SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. SPCC PLAN ATTACHMENT #2 THREE YEAR PLAN REVIEW Federal code requires owners or operators of facilities to review and evaluate the SPCC Plan at least every three years starting from the date the plan was implemented. This review an devaluation is to determine if any new, more effective spill prevention and control technology exists that could be incorporated into the SPCC Plan to improve it. If after this review it is determined new, more effective spill prevention and control technology does exist, it must be incorporated into the SPCC Plan. This will require that the SPCC Plan be amended. This amendment must be certified by a registered engineer. In addition whenever there is a change in the facility design, construction, operation or maintenance which materially effects the facilities potential for a spill to occur, the SPCC Plan must be amended within six months after the change occurs. This amendment must also by a registered engineer. If on the other hand after review it is determined no improvements can be made to the existing SPCC Plan the owner or operator should execute the SPCC Plan review certification below. SPCC Plan Review Certification I certify that I have made the required 3-year review an devaluation of this SPCC Plan and have determined no new, more effective spill prevention and control technology exists that could be incorporated into this SPCC Plan to improve it. Owner or Operator: Signature: Date: I i I ! I I I ! I I ! I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. SPCC PLAN ATTACHMENT #3 Federal Law (PL-92-500) Requires that all oil spills into surface waters be reported IMMEDIATELY Report The Following Information: Company Name & Location Name of Person Reporting, Title & Phone Number Location of Spill Material Spilled Estimated Quantity Action Taken for Containment & Clean-Up Water Bodies, Streams, Drain Ditch or Sewer Involved Reporting Guide 1. Facility Operator Name: Office: Home: 2. Local Fire Department Phone No.: (661) 324-4542 3. National Response Phone No.: (800) 424-8802 4. Regional E.P.A. - 24 Hour Emergency Spill Response Call Head Office Phone No. (661) 323-8044 Head Office to notify E.P.A. 5. When Federal Waters Are Involved: U.S. Coast Guard Not Applicable I I I I I I I I I I Location Map Sparks Estate & Adjacent Properties 2800 Standard St., 3650 and 3800 Rosedale Hwy.., Bakersfield, California .__REFINERYI I AV j -- £RCP4L s'r STOCKDALE ~ N f i I PLATE 1 LOCATION MAP Sparks Estate & Adjacent Properties '2800 Standard St., 3650 and 3800 Rosedale Hwy. Bakersfield, California I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2' High Lined Berm Existing Dirt Berm ~ Entry & Exit ~-..~ ............ Ramps ! For Loading Of Trucks / / / / / i / / / / / / Approx. 100' 50,000 Bbl AST / / / 40 mi HDPE Liner Covered with Minimum of 2" of Sand SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. FORMER SPARKS ESTATE PLATE 4400 Yeager Way 2800 Standard St. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Bakersfield, CA FileNo.: 01-9692 50?000 Bbl AST Date: September 2001