HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION (7)I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC.~ I I ADDENDUM #1 TO REMEDIAL ACTION REPORT COSTCO WHOLESALE FACILITY 2800 STANDARD ST., 3650 & 3880 Rosedale Highway BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA I Prepared For: I I I COSTCO WHOLESALE 999 Lake Drive Issaquah, WA. 98027 Attn: Todd Bartok 1 File No. 01-9775 I Prepared By: I I I Soils Engineering, Inc. 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA. 93313 1 April 4, 2002 i 4400 YEAGER WAY · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA93313 · PHONE (661) 831-5100 · FAX: (661) 831-2111 I I I April4,2002 File No. 01-9775 I I Mr. Howard Wines Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 I I Subject: Addendum #1 to Remedial Action Report Former Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties 2800 Standard St., 3650 & 3880 Rosedale Highway Bakersfield, CA. I I I I Dear Mr. Wines: INTRODUCTION Soils Engineering, Inc. (SEI) has prepared this Addendum #1 to the Remedial Action Report (RAR) dated December 3, 2001 following the completion of additional remedial activities at the subject site. The following summarizes the scope of work recently performed by SEI at the Costco Wholesale facility in Bakersfield, CA. (see Plate 1 for a Location Map). This report contains analytical results of soil samples, waste manifests, plot plans, chain of custody documents, a description of work conducted at the site and conclusions and recommendations for the site. I I I I I I RECENT REMEDIAL ACTIVITIES Removal of Oil Stained Soil at 2800 Standard Street On February 27, 2002 SEI was contacted by Costco Wholesale to investigate oil stained soil discovered during the trenching of a sewer line at the 2800 Standard Street site (see Plate 2 for Plot Plan). Oil stained soil was present in an area approximately 10' wide to a depth of approximately 13' below ground surface (bgs.) within the sewer line trench. SEI collected a soil sample within the oil stained area (ST-12') and beneath the oil stained soil (ST-14'-BTM). The soil samples were collected in brass sleeves, sealed with Teflon-lined caps, labeled and placed into an iced cooler. The soil samples were analyzed for Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TRPH) by EPA Method 418.1, for CAM 17 Metals by EPA Method 6010 and 7471 (mercury only), and for volatile organics by EPA Method 8020 at Positive Lab Service in Los Angeles, CA.. The analytical results for soil sample ST-12' were 22000 parts per million (ppm) TRPH, with no volatile organics or elevated metals reported. The analytical results of 1 4400 YEAGER WAY ° BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA93313 ° PHONE (661) 831-5100 ° FAX: (661) 831-2111 I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Addendum #1 to Remedial Action Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, CA. File Number 01-9775 April 4, 2002 Page 2 the soil sample ST-14'-BTM indicated no detectable TRPH, volatile organics or elevated I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I metals were present beneath the oil stained soil. On March 7, 2002 SEI directed Marcor Environmental during the removal of the oil stained soil uncovered during the sewer line installation. The resulting excavation was approximately 70' north-south by 10' to 30' east-west with depths ranging from 13' to 2' bgs.. The excavation continued until the majority of the oil stained soil was removed. Soil samples were then collected from the excavation sidewalls to evaluate soil left in place. The soil samples were collected in brass sleeves, sealed with Teflon-lined caps, labeled and placed into an iced cooler. The soil samples were analyzed for TRPH and volatile organics by EPA Methods 418.1 and 8020 respectively, at Zalco Laboratories in Bakersfield, CA. on a rush basis. The analytical results of the sidewall and bottom soil samples were less than the detection limits utilized by the analytical lab. Plate 3 shows the approximate dimensions of the excavation with soil sample locations collected from the sidewall and bottom of the excavation. See Table 1 for analytical results and Appendix A for analytical reports. A total of 578 tons of oil stained soil was transported to Envirocycle, Inc. in McKittrick, CA. under Non-Hazardous waste manifests for recycling. See attached manifests in Appendix B. The excavation was backfilled and compacted to 90% relative density up to match existing grade with imported clean soil and clean overburden. See attached Table 2 for compaction test results. Abandonment Of One Water Well RMC contacted SEI on February 12, 2002 concerning a possible groundwater well uncovered at the subject site just southwest of the intersection of Standard Street and Thomas Road. SEI visited the site and confirmed the presence of a steel cased groundwater well approximately 12- inches in diameter lying approximately 100' southwest of the former water well N-Well abandoned previously by SEI during the remedial action project. The well casing was bent and filled with sand up to the top of the casing. SEI was later contacted by MulvannyG2 Architects to abandon this former water well per Kern County regulations. A well abandonment permit application was prepared by SEI per Kern County Environmental Health Services Dept. (KCEHSD) requirements and approved by Tom Hardy of the KCEHSD prior to the abandonment. The permit requirements included the drilling within the well casing down to a depth of 50' to remove the majority of sand within the casing. On February 19, 2002 SEI utilized an SEI-owned and operated hollow-stem auger drill rig to remove the majority of sand from within the well casing. SEI drilled to a depth of approximately 55' below ground surface (bgs.). Upon removal of the hollow-stem augers the loose sand along the edge of the casing fell in to a depth of approximately 35' bgs.. Tom Hardy of the KCEHSD verbally approved the 35' depth as being adequate for the surface seal. The well casing was then exposed down to a depth of 9 ft. bgs. with a backhoe and the casing I I ! Addendum #1 to Remedial Action Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. File Number 01-9 775 April 4, 2OO2 Page 3 was cut-off by SEI personnel with a welding torch. Once the well casing was removed from I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I '1 I the excavation the remaining well casing was filled with concrete up to top of casing creating a 2' thick mushroom cap. After the concrete cured for approximately 30-minutes the excavation was backfilled and compacted up to match existing surfaces. Compaction tests were taken at 1-foot intervals beginning at 6' bgs. by SEI personnel. The in-place density of the soil was compared to a maximum density (115.5) of the surrounding soil being utilized by Kleinfelder Inc. on-site for other compaction testing. All of the compaction testes passed the required 90% relative density. See attached compaction test results on Table 2. CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS Conclusions Based on field observations and analytical results of waste materials collected during this Remedial Action the following is concluded by SEI: 1) 2) The oil stained soil discovered in the sewer line trench has been successfully remediated. The former water well uncovered at the site has been successfully abandoned per KCEHSD regulations. Recommendations SEI has the following recommendations for the site: 1) 2) 3) If significantly oil-stained soil is encountered deeper than 1-foot bgs. during future grading or construction activities, the stained area should be evaluated by SEI personnel to determine the appropriate remedial action. If other former water wells are uncovered they should also be abandoned per KCEHSD regulations. No other additional remedial activities are recommended at this time at the site. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Addendum #1 to Remedial Action Report File Number 01-9775 Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties April 4, 2002 Bakersfield, CA~ ~ Page~4 LIMITATIONS This report was prepared for the exclusive use of Costco Wholesale as it relates to the property described. The discussion and conclusions presented in this report are based on: - The observations of field personnel. - The results of laboratory tests performed by Positive Lab Services of Los Angeles, California and Zalco Laboratories of Bakersfield, CA.. - Our understanding of the regulations of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, the DTSC and the EPA. Possible variations in the soil or groundwater conditions which may exist beyond the points explored in this investigation might effect the validity of this report unless those variations or conditions come to our attention and are reviewed and assimilated into the conclusions and recommendations of this report. Also, changes in the hydrologic conditions found could occur with time due to variations in rainfall, temperature, regional water usage, or other factors, any of which could affect this report. The services performed by SEI have been conducted in a manner consistent with the levels of care and skill ordinarily exercised by professionals currently practicing under similar conditions in California. The absence of contamination beneath the cannot be on or property guaranteed by this report. SEI is not responsible for any contamination or hazardous material found on the property. No other warranty expressed or implied, is made. If you have any questions concerning this Remedial Action Report please contact SEI at (661) 831-5100. ~ Sincerely, .,~~, o. ~~O~ II 20074 Environmental Division Manager ~ Attachments: Table 1, Soil Sample Analytical Results Table 2, Density of Soil & Soil-Aggregate In Place By Nuclear Methods Plate 1, Location Map Plate 2, General Plot Plan Plate 3, 2800 Standard Street Sewer Line Excavation Appendix A- Analytical Reports & Chain of Custody Form Appendix B - Non-Hazardous Waste Manifests No. 20074 I I Addendum #1 to Remedial Action Report Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Bakersfield, CA. SO ! L S ENGINEERING, INC. File Number 01-9 775 April 4, 2002 Page 5 I I i I ! I I I I I I ! I I ! I I CC: Costco Wholesale, C/O MulvannyG2 Architecture, Attn: Mr. Jeff Wilson Costco Wholesale, Todd Bartok TABLE 1 Soil Sample Analytical Results For Petroleum Hydrocarbons & Metals COSTCO - BAKERSFIELD 2800 Standard St., Bakersfield, CA. Ethyl Total Other CAM Sample TRPH Benzene Toluene benzene Xylenes Lead 1?Metals Name DATE (ppm) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppm) (ppm) Detection Limit 5 5 5 5 15 0.5 0.1 to 10 ST-12' 2/27/2002 22000 <5 <5 <5 <15 1.8 No Elevated ST-14'-BTM 2~27~2002 <5 <5 <5 <5 <15 1.4 No Elevated N-SW-2' 3~7~2002 <5 <5 <5 <5 <15 NA NA E-SW-6' 3~7~2002 <5 <5 <5 <5 <15 NA NA S-SW-2' 3/7/2002 <5 <5 <5 <5 <15 NA NA W-SW-4' 3/7/2002 <5 <5 <5 <5 <15 NA NA Note: ppm = parts per million (mg/kg), ppb = parts per billion (ug/kg) TRPH = Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons, ND = None Detected, NA = Not Analyzed I ytco Wholesale Facility 00 Standard Road iakersfield, California I ! ITest Date INo. 2002 I 2/19 2/19 2/19 2/19 2/19 2/19 INote: SOILS TABLE 2 DENSITY OF SOIL & SOIL-AGGREGATE IN PLACE BY NUCLEAR METHODS (Shallow Depth) D2922 ENGINEERING, INC. File No. 01-9775 March, 2002 Page No. 1 Location Depth Moistu In- Maxim Below re Place um Relative Fin. Pad Conten Densit Density Compacti Grade t % of y lbs/cu.f on dry wt. lbs/cu, t. Specified Compact ion Retest ed by Test Water Well Excavation N side of site W of Standard St. Extension Center of exc. 5.0'-6.0' 11.8% 109.4 115.5' N center ofexc. 4.0'-5.0' 11.1% 109.7 115.5 NW comer of exc. 3.0'-4.0' 7.2% 115.5 115.5 S center ofexc. 2.0'-3.0' 10.5% 110.1 115.5 SE comer of exc. 1.0'-2.0' 6.0% 113.7 115.5 Center of exc. 0.0'-1.0' 7.4% 107.1 115.5 Max used from Kleinfelder, Inc. currently working at the site. Sewer Line Excavation 3/08 North ½ center 5.0'-6.0' 6.4% 115.0 128.3 3/08 South ½ center 5.0'-6.0' 7.2% 120.8 128.3 3/08 25'S x 10'E of NW comer 3.0'-4.0' 9.2% 115.6 128.3 3/08 60'S x 10'EofNWcomer 3.0'-4.0' 10.2% 115.0 128.3 3/08 East side center 2.0'-3.0' 11.0% 116.3 128.3 3/08 NE area 1.0'-2.0' 8.8% 121.5 128.3 3/08 SW area 1.0'-2.0' 10.1% 116.8 128.3 3/08 NW area 0.0'-1.0' 10.0% 114.8 128.3 3/08 SE area 0.0'-1.0' 9.4% 115.5 128.3 95% 95% 99% 95% 98% 93% 90% 94% 90% 90% 91% 95% 91% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 9O% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% I I I I Location Map Sparks Estate & Adjacent Properties 2800 Standard St., 3650 and 3800 Rosedale Hwy.., Bakersfield, California NORDIC DR N f PLATE 1 LOCATION MAP Sparks Estate & Adjacent Properties 2800 Standard St., 3650 and 3800 Rosedale Hwy. Bakersfield, California ! ! i i m ! I I i I I ! I I I I I I Former Concrete Foundations + SPARKS PARCEL Fence Water Well Recently Abandoned 39 .... BIt#~-NS - Phillips Oil Well-~0 · Bit#~-ES Bitner #1 NWdl Abandon~ Water Well Bit#2 - Dffilng Sump SPARKS D PARCEL 40 PhHHpS Oil Well B)tner #2 ~ p,~aaI AST Pad / / Excavation ~ ~ ~ ~Affi~E~A~-M~-2' A~ndoned Water Well GLEN I ' PARCEL ~ ~ ' .... ~ ~TO~C[ L + EB-3 X r- I i Abandoned Water Well ~cavation ~-Sep INSET Septic Tank I FORYER PAINT Former 3' Dlorr'~ter ~ ~a'm p~ ~ DW Well ~ ROS[DA~E~ 8~a HOWL ROSEDALE ~ PARCE HOTEL ~er ~ . PARCEL ~c~ ~ 41 Tank ~ . r~uc. Drains T , D~ Well ~B~ ~ZG~ [B-12 ,.. ~.-,. I Large Oil 5ump~ ~.~.,, / I m Excavation Recent '- 1 Excaflon (see Plate 31 -~'F,,c~.,eK! ,s~nnd / ,,,..~~~ea '~"~ '~~;¢! / fd¢o Form.~r Septic Tank Former m'~ SPARKS PARCEL ~ ( / Abandoned ~¥ater Monitoring Wells Well WATEA LEGENB · Soil Sample Location Former 10OO ~Gollon Clarlfier )lameter 100 APPP. OX. SCALE IN FEEl' SParks Properly & Adjacent Parcels. GENERAL PLOT PLAN With Remedial Excavations Soils Engineering, Inc. A,'dapted From'. ENSR Figure3 PLATE 2 Location Map, 3/16/01 I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Thomas Avenue North Fence Line N-SW-2' ~ Approx, Extent ST- 1 4'-BTM w-sw-4' ~! ~-~-sw-~' 13' --- ST-~ 2' Sewer Line S-SW-2' ~ Soi~ S~mCe [o~tio. Approx. Scale: 1" = 20' SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. COSTCO Bakersfield PLATE 4400 Yeager Way 2800 Standard St. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Bakersfield, California (661) 831- 5100 ~^~: ~:oo: SEWER LINE EXCAVATION PROJECT: 01-9775 ' I I I I I I I '1 I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX A Analytical Reports SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. I I I ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. Analytical & Consulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 I I I I I Soils. Engineering 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 Attention: Bob Becker Sample Type: Solid Description: S-SW-2, 9775 Sampled by Client' Constituents Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. : Date Sampled : Time Sampled : REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Results ~nits 0203081-1 03/07/02 03/08/02 03/07/02 11:30 DLR Method/Ref I I I I I ! I I I I I TPH Petroleum Hydrocarbons < 50 mg/kg 50 418.1 /2 Date Analyzed: 03/07/02 cc: Method Reference 1. EPA SW-846, 1994 3rd Edition 2. EPA 600/4-79-020 March 1983 JOV ory Manager DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes mg/kg : milligrams per kilogram (parts per million) mg/1 : milligram per liter (parts per million) ND : None Detected NSS : Not Sufficient Sample This report is furnished for the exclusive use of our Custom.er and applies only to the samples tested. Zalco is not responsible for report alteration or detachment. I I I ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. Analytical & Consulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 Soils Engineerin~ Laboratory No: 0203081-1 I I I I 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 Attention: Bob Becker Sample Type: Solid Description: S-SW-2, 9775 Sampled by Client Constituents Date Received: 03/07/02 Date Reported: 03/08/02 Contract No. : Date Sampled ~: 03/07/02 Time Sampled : 11:30 REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Results Units DLR Method/Rel I I I ! i I I I I ! I I CC: Purgeable Aromatics 8020 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes (MTBE) ND ug/k9 5.0 8020/1 ND ug/k9 5.0 8020/1 ND ug/k9 5.0 8020/1 ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/1 ND u~/kg 15.0 8020/1 Analyzed : 03/07/02 Method Reference 1. EPA SW-846, 1994 3rd Edition 2. EPA 600/4-79-020 March 1983 SVM .~'~-R~ Corte~, Labo~ator~/~a~a~er~-/ mg/L : milligrams per Liter (parts per million) ug/L : micrograms per Liter (parts per billion) umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND : None Detected ' N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes This report is furnished for the exclusive use of our Customer and applies only to the samples tested. Zalco is not responsible for report alteration or detachment. ZALCO LABORATORIES, lNG. Analytioal ~ Oonsulting Servioes 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 ! I i I Soils Engineering 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 Attention: Bob Becker Sample Type: Solid Description: W-SW-4, 9775 Sampled by Client Constituents Laboratory No: 0203081-2 Date Received: 03/07/02 Date Reported: 03/08/02 Contract No. : Date Sampled : 03/07/02 Time Sampled : 11:50 REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Results Units DLR Method/Ref I I I I i I I ICC: TPH Petroleum Hydrocarbons < 50 mg/kg 50 418.1/2 Date Analyzed: 03/07/02 JOY Robert Cortez, Labora~ Manager Method Reference 1. EPA $W-846, 1994 3rd Edition 2. EPA 600/4-79-020 March 1983 mg/L : milligrams per Liter (parts per million) ug/L : micro§rams per Liter {parts per billion) umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND : None Detected N/A : Not Applicable DLR : Detection Limit for Reportin9 Purposes MBAS : Methylene Blue Active Substances This report is furnished for the exclusive use of our Customer and applies only to the samples tested. Zalco is not responsible for report alteration or detachment. I I ! ZALOO LABORATORIES, INC. Analytical & Consulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 98~308 (661 ) 895-0589 FAX (661) Soils Engineering Laboratory No: 0203081-2 I ! i I 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 Attention: Bob Becker Sample Type: Solid Description: W-SW-4, 9775 Sampled by Client Constituents Date Received: 03/07/02 Date RepOrted: 03/08/02 Contract No. : Date Sampled : 03/07/02 Time Sampled : 11:50 REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Results Units DLR Method/Ref I I i I I I I i I I I I CC: Purgeable Aromatics 8020 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes (MTBE) ND ug/k9 5.0 8020/1 ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/1 ND ug/k9 5.0 8020/1 ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/1 ND ug/k~ 15.0 8020/1 Analyzed : 03/07/02 Method Reference 1. EPA SW-846, 1994 3rd Edition 2. EPA 600/4-79-020 March 1983 SVM %-Ro e~C~rtez, Labo~tory~n~ge r mg/L : milligrams per Liter (parts per million) ug/L : micrograms per Liter (parts per billion) umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND : None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes This report is furnished for the exclusive use of our Customer and applies only to the samples tested. Zalco is not responsible for report alteration or detachment. ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. Analytical ~ Consulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 ! I I I Soils Engineering 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 Attention: Bob Becker Sample Type: Description: Solid N-SW-2, 9775 Sampled by Bob Becker Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. : Date Sampled : Time Sampled : REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents 0203076-1 03/07/02 03/08/02 0'3/07/02 09:25 Results Units DLR Method/Ref I I I I I I I ! I I I I cc: Purgeable Aromatics 8020 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/1 ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/1 ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/1 ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/1 ND ug/kg 15.0 8020/1 /Lnalyzed : 03/07/02 SVM Method Reference 1. EPA SW-846, 1994 3rd Edition 2. EPA 600/4-79-020 March 1983 ~- Robe~/Cort'ez, L-ab-ora~or~ ~a~age~ mg/L : milligrams per Liter (parts per million) ug/L : micrograms per biter (parts per billion) umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND : None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes This report is furnished for the exclusive use of our Customer and applies only to the samples tested. Zalco is not responsible for report alteration or detachment. I I I ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. Analytical & Consulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 ! I I I ! Soils Engineering 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 Attention: Bob Becker Sample Type: Solid Description: N-SW-2, 9775 Sampled by Bob Becker Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. : Date Sampled : Time Sampled : Constituents REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Results Units 0203076-1 03/07/02 o3/o8/o2 03/07/02 09:25 DLR Method/Ref I I I I I ! ! I I ! ! TPH Petroleum Hydrocarbons < 50 mg/kg 50 418.1 /2 Date Analyzed: 03/07/02 CC: Method Reference 1. EPA SW-846, 1994 3rd Edition 2. EPA 600/4-79-020 March 1983 JOy '~-0~' Rob~rU Cortez, Lab0~%ry Manager DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes mg/kg : milligrams per kilogram (parts per million) mg/1 : milligram per liter (parts per million) ND : None Detected NSS : Not Sufficient Sample This report is furnished for the exclusive use of our Customer and applies only to the samples tested. Zalco is not responsible for report alteration or detachment. I I ! ZALCO LABORATORIES, lNG. Analytical & OonsulCing Servioes 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-~3069 Soils Engineering Laboratory No: 0203076-2 I I I I 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 Attention: Bob Becker Sample Type: Solid Description: E-SW-6, 9775 Sampled by Bob Becker Date Received: 03/07/02 Date Reported: 03/08/02 Contract No. : Date Sampled : 03/07/02 Time Sampled : 10:40 REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results Units DLR Method/Ref I I I i I ! ! I I ! I I CC: Purgeable Aromatics 8020 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes (MTBE) ND ND ND ND ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/1 ug/k9 5.0 8020/1 ug/k9 5.0 8020/1 ug/kg 5.0 8020/1 ug/kg 15.0 8020/1 7%nalyzed : 03/07/02. Method Reference 1. EPA SW-846, 1994 3rd Edition 2. EPA 600/4-79-020 March 1983 SVM Ro~t Corte~, Laborat'0ry~na~e~'~ mg/L : milligrams per Liter (parts per million) ug/L : micrograms per Liter (parts per billion) umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND : None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reportin9 Purposes This report is furnished for the exclusive use of our Customer and applies only to the samples tested. Zalco is not responsible for report alteration or detachment. I ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. i Analytical & Consulting Servioes 4@09 Armour Avenue I Bakersfield, California 9;3:308 Soils Engineerin~ I 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA 93313 iAttention: Bob Becker (661) ~395-053B FAX (661) ~395-~3069 Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. : Date Sampled : Time Sampled : I I I Sample Type: .Description: Solid E-SW-6, 9775 Sampled by Bob Becker REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results Units 0203076-2 03/07/02 03/08/02 03/07/02 10:40 DLR Method/Ref I I i I I ! I I I I I TPH Petroleum Hydrocarbons < 50 mg/k9 50 418.1 /2 Date Analyzed: 03/07/02 CC: Method Reference 1. EPA SW-846, 1994 3rd Edition 2. EPA 600/4-79-020 March 1983 JOV DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes mg/kg : milligrams per kilogram (parts per million) mg/1 : milligram per liter (parts per million) ND : None Detected NSS : Not Sufficient Sample This report is furnished for the exclusive use of our Customer and applies only to the samples tested. Zalco is not responsible for report alteration or detachment. ZALC0 LABORATORIES, INC. 4309 Armour Ave.. Bakersfield, California 93308 (661) 395-0539 Fax (661) 395-3069 Pmiect T'.le Chain of Custody Record Ice Chest # , Temperature,CC Expedited (1 Week) . Fiald..Lo~ # Routine (2 Weeks), Work Order # Lab# Sampled by: ~ ~.~. [ Employed by: :~ ~ Sample Date ~me Type~ Legal Sample Description Containers ID~ Sampled , Sampled · ~ KW Bel~ ~ Ty~* : , NOTE: Samples are discarded 30 days after results are reported unless olher arrangements are made. KEY: * G-Glass P-Plastic M-Metal T-Tedlar V-VOA Hazardous samples will be returned to client or disposed of at client's expense. ** W-Water WW-Wastewater. .S-Solid P-Petroleum · L-Uquld · O-Otller White- Office Copy Yellow - Lab Copy Pink - Client Copy *** A-Acid, pH<2 (HCI,HNO3,H2SO4) S-NaOH+ZnAc C.Caustic, pH>10 (NaOH) imm mm mm m mm m ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. 430@ Armour Ave. Bakersfield, California 93308 (661) 395~)539 Fax (661) 395-3069 m m mm m~ 2m om Chain of Custody Record Ice Chest # , Temperature,CC Page. ( of I Turnar'ound Ti Zetco Lab # (--'~ ') ..'~ RUSH By: O Expedited'(1 Week) Reld~.Log # O Routine .(2 Weeks) Work Order #' Results Sample Date ~me Ty~" Containers '": ~ : ~ 8 8 Remake ID~ Sampled . - Sampled S~ KW Bei~ Legal Sample Description NOTE: Samples are discarded 30 days after results are reported unless other .aTangements are made. KEY: * G-Glass · P-Plastic M-Metal T-Tedlar V-VOA H~zardous samples will be returned to client or disposed of at client's expense. ** W-Water WW-Wastewater S-Solid. P-Petroleum L-liquid O-Other White- Office Copy Yellow- Lab Copy Pink - Client Copy A-Acid, pH<2 (HCI,HNO3,H2SO4) S-NaOH+ZnAc C-Caustic, pH>10 (NaOH) I POSITIVE I LAB SERVICE CERTrFTCATE OF ANALYSIS I Soils Engineering Inc. File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way I Bakersfield, CA 93313 At/n: Robert Becker I Received; 02/28/2002 m Type: Soil I,D,: ST12' m Prep Date: 03/04/2002 TIU=H 41. 8. i Prep Date: 03/04/2001 I Antimony EPA 3050'B Arsenic EPA 3050B ga~*ium 'EPA 30SOB Bmy[lium EPA 3050B m Cadmium EPA 3050B Chromium EPA 3050B Cobalt EPA 3050B m Copper EPA. 3050B Lead EPA 3050B Molybdenum EPA 3050B Nickel EPA 3050B m EPA 3o50B Selenium Silver EPA 3050B ThalUum EPA 3050B I Vanadium EPA 305 OB Z[tlc EPA 30~0B Prep Date: 03/04/2001 m Mcm.cury EPA 747 lA Prep Date: 03/01/2002 Benzene EPA 5030R Toluene EPA 5030B I Ethyl benz~ne EPA 5030B Xyten, (Total) EPA 5030B Surrogates EPA 5030B m Trifluorotolu~.ne EPA 5030B Sample#: 20020523-002 POSITIVE L~B SERVICE PAGE 02 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 lAX (213) 745-6372 03105/02 Revised P~.No. 9775 Costc~ P.O. No. 9775 Phone: {6611 83'.[-5100 Fax: (661) 831-2111 Sample#: 20020523-001 Collector: Client Method: Via Fed Ex Sampling Date/Time: 02/27/2002 1:50:00 PM Analysis Date: 03/04/2002 EPA 418. I 22000 mg/kg 2000 Analysis Date: 03/04/2002 EPA 601 OB N D rog/kg 10 EPA 6010B 2,2 rog/kg I EPA 6010B 25 rog/kg l EPA 6010B ND mg/kg 1 EPA 6010B ND mg/kg 1 EPA 601 OB 3.5 rog/kg 1 EPA 6010B 3.3 rog/kg 1 EPA 6010B 6.2 rog/kg 1 EPA 6010B 1.8 rog/kg 0.5 EPA 601 OB ND rog/kg 5 EPA 601 OB 5.8 rog/kg 2 I~PA 601 OB ND rog/kg ] EPA 6010B ND rog/kg 1 EPA 6010B ND rog/kg EPA 6010B 18 rog/kg EPA 6010B 23 mg~g 5 Analysis Date: 03/04/2002 EPA 747'1A ND rog/kg 0.1 Analysis Date: 03/01/2002 EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 5 EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 5 EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 5 EPA 8021B ND ug/kg 15 EPA 8021B EPA $021B 49 Percent Collector; Client Method: Via Fed Ex I I I Received: 02/28/2002 Type: Soil I.D.: S-T-14'-B'TM 'I*IG°H 418. I Antimony Sampling Date/Time; 02/27/2002 1:52:00 Prep Date: 03/04/2002 Analysis Date: 03/04/2002 EPA418.1 ~ Prep Date: 03104~001 Analysb Date: 03/04/2002 EPA 3050B EPA 6010B ND ..... ull:, ............. .Unit, ........ mg/kg rag/kg 20020523-002 I LAB sERVICE Soils Engineering Znc. File# 73443 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA Attn: Robert Becker Phone: (661) 83:t-5100 Arsenic Barium 'B=rylli.,m Cadmium Chromium Cobalt Copper Lead Molybdenum Nic[o:l Selenium SiJvcr Thallium Vanadium Zinc Mercury Bet~z~nc 'I"oItLcRo Ethyl benzene Xylcnc (Total) Surrogates Trifluorotoluene Sample#: 20020523-003 Received: 02/28/2002 Type: Soil %.D.; Method Blank para,~g,t.~r .................... TR. PH 418.1 Anti,nony Arsenic Barium Beryl.lium C~uJmium Chr0,nJum Cobak Copper Lead POSITIVE LAB SERVICE PAGE 03 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-531 2 FAX (213) 745-6372 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS 03/05/02 ReUsed 93313 Pd. No. 9775 CostcowP.O, No. 9775 Fax: (661') 831-2111 EPA 3-~50B EPA 601.0g e A3OSou A60 OU EPA30508 EPA6010B 1.g EPA3050B EPA6010B 2.5 EPA3050B EPA6010B 4,2 'EPA3050B EPA 6010B NO EPA S050B EPA 6010B 2.0 EPA3050B EPA 6010g ND Pi3osou EPA 3050B EPA 6010B 19 P~p Date: 03/04/2001 Analysis Date: 03/04~002 EPA7471A EPA 7471A ND Prep Da~: 03/01~002 Analys~ Date: 03/01/2002 EPAS030B EPA 8021~ ND EPA 5030B EPAS021B ND EPA 5030g EPA g021g ND EPA 5030R EPA g021B ND EPAS030B EPA 8021B * EPA 5030B EPA 8021B 83 Prep ~ate: 03/04/2002 Analysis Date: 03/04~002 EPA 9045 8.0 Colle~or: Me. od: Sampling Date/Time; rog/kg 1 mg/kg 1 rog/kg 1 rog/kg I rog/kg 1 mg&g 0.5 rog/kg 5 nag/kg 2 m~kg I mg/kg I rog/kg l rog/kg l rog/kg 5 rog/kg 0.1 ug/kg 5 ugdkg 5 ug/kg 15 Percent Units 0.05 Prep Date: Prep Date: 03104/2002 03/04/2001 EPA 3050B EPA 3050B EPA 3050B EPA 305011t EPA 3050B EPA 3050B EPA 30~0B EPA 3050B EPA 3050B Analysis Date: 03/04/2002 EPA 418.1 ND Analysis Date: 03/04/2002 EPA 601 OB ND EPA 601 OB 'ND EPA 6010B N"D EPA 6010B ND EPA 601 OB ND EPA 601 OB ND EPA 6010B ND EPA 6010B ND EPA 6010B ND rog/kg 5 mg/kg 10 rog/kg I rog/kg 1 rog/kg 1 rog/kg I rog/kg 1 mr~kg ~ rag/kg l rog/kg 0.5 20020523-003 03105/2002 14:49 2137455372 ! ! ~-AB SERVICE CERTTFICATE OF ANALYSIS I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I Soils Engineering Zn¢. File# 73443 4400 Yeager Wayr Bakersfield, CA Attn: Robert Becllcer Phone: (661L) 831-S100 Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Silver Thallium Vanadium Zinc Mercury Toluene Ethyl benzene Xylen¢ (Total) Surrogates Tri'fluorotolu,ne ND = NoL Det¢¢t~ NA = Not AppLicabLe POI.. -- Practical Quantiwtion Limit 93313 POSITIVE LAB SERVICE PAGE 04 781 East Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 745-5312 FAX (21 3) 745-6372 03/05/02 Revised rog/kg 5 m°o/kg 2 mgkg 1 mD/kg I rn~kg I rog/kg 1 rog/kg 5 P~.No. 9775 Costr~,P.O. No. 9775 Fax: (661) 831-2111 EPA3050'B EPA, 6010B EPA 3050B 'EPA6010B EPA3050B EPA6010B EPA 3050B EPA 6010B ND EPA3050B 'EPA60'IOB ND E~PA 3050B EPA. 6010B ND EPA 3050B EPA 6010B ND Prep Date: {13/{14/2001 Analysis Date: 03/0412002 EPA 7471A EPA 7471A ND PrepDate: 03/01/2002 Analysis Date: 03101/2002 EPA 5030B EPA 802 lB ND EPA 5050B EPAg021B ND EPA 5030B EPAS021B ND EPA 5030B EPA 8021B ND EPA 5030B EPA 5030B ND ND ND rog/kg O, 1 ug/kg 5 ug/kg 5 ug/kg 15 Envimnme. rttal Laboratory Aocl'cditutlon Program Certificate No. t 13 I, I..ACSD No, 10138 Ally r¢'mainlng sample(s) 1hr testing will be flisposcd of 30 days from cecopt date unless notified, 20020523-003 an .pOSITIVE o,,,,, 78'1 East Washington Blvd., Lo~ Angelee, (DA g002'1 " DATE: PAGE LAB SERVICE (213) 745-5312 FAX (213) 745-6372 LOG BOOKNO: FILE NO. LAB NO. /~. ,,:,. ANALYSES REQUESTED: CLIENT NAME: .~.' ~" '-;'-" NRBILL NO:, . COOLER TEMP: PROJECT NAME:(.'"D :; ~ r" c.~ PROJECT NO. ~ ~2,.~-' P.O. NO. ~7,,72.J'"' PRESERVED:.__ PROJEOTMANAGER:., ./~7 /;~.,..~,%.,,.~.,,... PHONE NO: ,:-"~i'~'?~),~'.?/~.~,"~g,~FAX NO: r~' ' "~ '~, ~" "" }":' - .... ~'~ ~ REMARKS: ~,~,,, ~,{Pr~.ted) ./~.,,-s.'' ?'.;."'~n,/~r,k .~:;,,~<~_.. ..... '" "' /-'"' . ........ -... TAT (Analytical Turn Around Time) 0 = Same Day; 1 -- 24 Hour; 2 = 48 Hour; (Etc.) N = NORMAL .~ ., "~. ..'7_ ...... OONTAINER TYPES: B = Brass, G ' Glass, P = Plastic, V = VOA Vial, 0 = Other: r.~¢ ~<~ ~ .... , ............... SAMPLE DATE TIME MATRIX CONTAINER I ~ "'"' " SAMPLE CONDITION/ NO. SAMPLEDSAMPLED SAMPLE DESCRIPTION w^'r~=R SO.aLUOG' m'.~R TAT . TW',' COMMENTS: /,.,, o .5~' _., ,.~";..~?..,~t7' 3 t :~ X X X ,' 'v~.s'z :::,.. 'z" 7', .31 ~',x" x x7 Relmqu,shed By' {S,gnatur. e.e .r~'/Print.e/~'Name) .q Received By: (S*gnature 9,nd Printed Name) ! Date: Time: SAMPLE DISPOSITION: ' /'/~/L~..,-'~'~, .../ ~ ~'~--'"" :/'~.~/:'.g..-.'.'~' :i'.:.d:...~d.4 .... ..'.'./'? :~/O ~ --, ~'~ ~:~;~,#.~ '~' ' 1. Samples returned to client? YES qehnqu shed By: {S~gnatu,;e and Printeq~,~me Received By: (Signature and Printed Name) Date: Time: / 12. Samples will not be stored over 30 days, unless additional storage time is requested, Rehnqu~shed By (Signature and Printed Name) Received By: (Signature and Printed Name) Date: Time: 3, Storage time requested: days SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: ., By Date .,, CLIENT COPY '13 ITl Z X ,. 1. ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I APPENDIX B Non-Hazardous Waste Manifest SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. NON"HA~IkI~OU$ WA~r~ MANIFEST Generators Name and Mailing Address COSTCO WHOLESALE 999 Lake Dr. Issaquah, WA. 98027' Generator Phone Number (425) 427-7553 ,I hereby certify b%e material de~4:ltibed t;~low ar~ not su13Lected to any 13azat~3us wa.~te re~ulatlo~s Signature of Authorized Age.hr ~ ~ _~~ ~ CO~ c) Transporter 1 Company Name and Address d. , O,A:x 9o ?13 0 Transporter 2 Company Name and Address Facility Address if Different 2800 Standard St. COSTC Bakersfield, CA Unit #: Time: Phone: ..... Ticket #: Unit#: Time: Signature Date: Wast~-E~esc~iption Crude Oil Contaminated Soil Quantity Shipped Tons X Yards Drums Other special~ Hafidlin-g ~r'Add[tlon,l Information TSDF ......... R~tivi~y CN " ENVTROC¥CLE Sulfide 21992 Hw¥ 33 pH Mc;K±ttrick, CA. 93251 (661) 762-7330 Tonnage: Facility Operator. Certh~catk3n of receipt of waste materials coveted by this manifes[ EXcept as noted in Se D~s~epancy Indication Spa,ce. Printed Name: _fYi, X"'K'~---~"(. e ~ ~ Signature: _"~_ t_V,x..,c.,..'~,3<,.;...~,;~. _,~ ,...~_~._ Date Discrepancy Indication Space ";t !;~.C-"":..:':~:.'~'-?--:?'.:(? ~ ','.-' ':.." '?:':'.'~'-',:~ .' C'~,~ '~i';."L :::'~¢\~ ~:'~:~..'? ~;'2~.~ 7' ~.."'~::'"~ ~: ess and Profe~io~ CCe;oom nmtered ~y ~.u . , .... :~,!::::.¢3~?:7;~;~;~%~ %-:,', ~.:;',-;/-. ,3X-' ;;, ,' L.;; Sectioh'127~ BiyimoO. 5 ot,thg,O,9~f°~,~ ~u? ,,. ', , .; · ,t q.?,, .~ ~.,~,-¢,.-:, ,L ;~.-,,..g;~. '...' ':,. ,7-7.'.~ '.~',.. ?~?;'??...,~;_L h'~;¢~?;? ¢¢.;7.,;:,' ?,7,~,;~'T;~( :: ~¢'. - I ~"'~St~f:~.C~lif~inGOt Or,~o oho ~grl~g~u(e. 37~:¥. ~:~'-:;-~.::mT';~4¥:-r-~'~:-'":~ -?'~.?.'. .......... ~: ,,; ¢.-: ................... . ' , ....... ' 'L-%~'¢ :.." : '~,%"?. '.. ::::,: .' :" "..: .'.':.,":...;...; ~ ':'"'"'"' '7:3.0,'202 ;:'t0.59~.- .. ": [?.'.: ',::;', ':'.'T "~,o'~ :"':" . L~ ~ ~,,~ ~,~ .. . . . . · . _ . .... . · , · ~"~" '~,~'. .. . . . ... :..: ..'... ; .., .' ,. ..' ~.'- -' ' .:; 5'.-,, ~ . . '.. ; -: . ,.- '.. ':-. .- .-:. ,, .. - · .NET.'-..=.:.....,:4~¢~O..:LB .--~-,~,1:5...%~.. ~T.,. I I I I I I I Generators Name and Mailing Address COSTCO WHOLESALE 999 Lake Dr. Issaquah, WA. 98027 Generator Phone Number ( 4 2 5 ) 4 2 7- 7 5 5 3 NON44AZ~RDOU$ WA~'r~ MAHIFE~q? 'Facility Address if Different 2800 Standard St. COST~ Bakersfield, CA I hereby certify the material de~=fibed bek~w am n.g~r~u]ojgc't, ed/~o a.mj,.~t~zarcE3u$ w&tte ¢egula~Cms ~ Transporter I Company Name and Address ~,0, g'~ ,' Phone: Ticket #: Unit #: Time: Date: Date Transporter 2 Company N~m~"a~d Address Signature Phone: Ticket #: Unit #: Time: Date: Waste Description Crude Oil Contaminated Soil Quantity Shipped Tons X Yards Drums Other Special Handling or Additional Information TSDF ENVIROCYCLE 21992 Hwy 33 McKittrick, CA. 93251 (661) .... kea~tivi~y CN Sulfide pH 7 6 2- 7 3 3 0 Tonnage:.- Facility Operator:, ' CertificaUon of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest Except as noted in the O.iscrepancy Indication Space. Printed Name: . _~'~'X X"'N"<'-~_¢ e=' ~ ~' V'X,. Signature: ,,~ .- ,.-xx- - Date Discrepancy Indication ,Space I I I I ENVIROCYCLE, IN"~.- .WEIGHMASTER '~.,, - 'z,' ,'"-1 I I NON-HAZARDOUS WA~I'~ Apprc]vagProfl[. Number [ /~ ~" / ~.- ~'t~ Generators Name and Mailing Add'ross COSTCO WHOLW..S AT.F. 999 T.ake Dr. Issaquah, WA. 98027 Generator Phone Number ( 425 ) 427- 7553 i hereby certify the material described below are/.n~t subje~:t~J to any hazardous waste mgulafi_ens ,., Signature0fAuth0dzedAgent /~~.~.~..~ ~'~ ~"(~ °7"~"~Jrro Date Transporter I Compan:~ Name and Address Signature ,,[~; ~ Facility Address if Different 2800 Standard St. COSTC Bakersfield, CA Phone: Ticket #: Unit #: Time: Date: Transporter 2 Company Name and Address Signature Phone: Ticket ~. Unit #: Time: Date: wast~D~Scription Crude Oil Contaminated Soil Quantity Shipped Tons X ~.~ Yards Drums Other SPeci~iHar~dling o~ Additional Information ~..NV~ROC¥CT,R __~21992 Hwy 33 McKittrick, CA. 93251 (661) 762-7330 CN Sulfide pH Facility Operator:. Certification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest Except as noted in the Discrepancy Indication Space. Printed Name: Discrepancy Indicatio--n'~a'c~ I I I I I I ~ ', ~.~.~.~.~:.~:~.~:.V:.~iC?.:.~?.~`~::~!!`?:?/~:~.~::~EiG~ASTERCER~RcA¥E T.HIS I~ TO ~ERTI~. that ~e f?~gj'des~dbed:c0~modl . ~lgg~ ~. 33, MCKI~EICK;.~ ~3~51' PHONE: (661) 3g~-7171 DELIVERED TO:~.:._ F 'X ,,- ENVIROCYC'~, INC. - WEIGHMASTEE .., .... ,. '., .~.~WEIGHT IN LBS. .-,-I~,:.-.'l.i :i1:1 ' · ,iL-iO! ') E.~,.~bU LB Tnb,',und I i.JFT · · DRIVER · '. · IVEHICLE LICENSE NO. · ;" I T~AILEE LICENSE NO. · ' .I TRAILER LrCENSE NO. I I I I I I I I NON44AZARDOUII W,a~I~ NAHIFEST Generators Name and Mailing Address COSTCO WHOLESALE 999 Lake Dr. I.ssaquah, WA. 98027 Generator Phone Number ( 4 2 5 ) 4 2 7- 7 5 5 3 am not $_ubjected to a. py.l:~a,~tdous wasta ~ul~onc /~ Signature of Authorized Agent~/ . _~ J'?~,' ,~ Transporter-i Company Name and Address Signature Facility Address if Different 2800 Standard St. COSTC Bakersfield, CA Phone: Ticket #: Unit #: Time: Date: Phone: Ticket #: Unit #: Time: Date: Waste-DesCription Crude Oil Contaminated Soil Quantity Shipped .. Tons X .'~'~ Yards Drums Other Special Handling 0r'~dditlonal Information TSDF' m ..... ' '-ReaJtivi~y CN ENVIROCYCLE Sulfide ___~21992 Hw¥ 33 DH McKittrick, CA. 93251 (661) 762-7330 T0anage: Facility Operator:. Certificat[on of receipt of waste materiels covered by this manifest Except as noted in the D~screpancy Indication Space. Printed Name: ~'q~, ~[~'A~'~{~'"O.i ~.~ Signature: ~ '~..'~~. ,. , c--.c>~o__ Date Discrepancy Indicati~n'TS~ce I ! I I I I I ' · ' 'i - '. :':WEIGHMASTER'CERI~!EICATE i.~:~''. '"":~? !';"~:::':'~';' ""~ -:: '-'.'i' 7 ':' :"' .'.'- ; ' .'* ::. ': . _.. ~'....'~ --'. 'i' ': · '-' "' ' signature i~ on this certi~cate,~ho ~ a recogn~ed authori~ at accuracy, as prescribed by Chapter 7 (commencing ~th ' Section 121~) o~ Oivi~ 5 of the California 8usine~ and P~fe~ions C~e, administered by the Oivi~on of Measurement , Standard~ o~ the ~lif~rnia De~dmen/of F~d and Agriculture. WEi~HED~At-: ~.' ...... ~. ', ~., ~199~ ~. 33, ~cKI~RICK, ~ 93~51 PHONE: (66~) 39~-7171 DPIvEI~ J VEHICLE LICENSE NO. \~, · ..~ ~ . i COMM,.~DITY: ~,~ PAID · .,-,.-,¢'... ~ ~, CHG. WEIGHT IN LBS. GROSS T~:hF..:E :'::14F:O L3 TARE JTRAILEI~ LICENSE NO. TRAILEI~ LICENSE NO. UNITS J D.C.L.C. I I NON-14AZA.W~OU$ W,I,.~I"I MANIFEST Generators Name and Mailing Address COSTCO. WHOLESALE '' 999 Lake Dr. Issaquah, WA. 98027 Generator Phone Number ( 425 ) 427- 7553 Transporter I Company Name and Addre's$ . /P. o. , Transporter 2 Company N~r~e-'a~d'AddreS~' Signature Facility Address if Differen~ 2800 Standard St. COSTC Bakersfield, CA Ticket #: ;~ Unit #:. Time: .' Date: Phone: Ticket #: Unit #: Time: Date: Waste Descrip-tion Crude Oil Contaminated Soil Quantity Shipped Tons X Yards Drums Other sPecia~Har~lling O~ Additional Information TSDF ENVIROCYCLE 21992 Hwy 33 McKittrick, CA. 93251 (661) 762-7330 Reactivity CN Sulfide pH Tonnage:- Facility Operator. Certification of rece[pt of waste materials covered by this manifest Except as noted in the. Discrepancy Indication Space. Printed Name: "~-~\ Discrepancy lndica~on Space ~.. ~...-.......: :: :~ ......: '.'~ .=,~..:,~,?.~: ~~~'~~%~.~_,'~;~.~.~:~,:: ~ -: .: ,~:. ..... .'. .... ~;.~ ~~~~'~~~'~,-.'~r~.'~'~~:~'~'~'-' · .- =~S gnoture ~ on t~ ced flcote who · a.rec~ed o~hor~ of accuray. ~ preened by C~pter 7..(comm~c~ ,~ ":.~ ~-~:5'.:'.'.~.~.~:'~ :s;.'~ '%.';~ ::,:~ "' ~ .WE ~HEDA~ : .... " ' ' :"' ~ 7 .... ' .... ' ' ' ' . :: ....:.. :.... ':,. :,::5::5 ~ 99~ ~.;33, McKI~RICK,-~ ~3~5~ .PHONE~:(66~ ) 3~-7~ ] .~;..?:'-.:...-:'--...'.': .,: ~,.. ':,., .. · · '.. :.:..:.. - ' I . · mv~RoC~t~.iie. ~WE~G,~ASTEU .' ~' .... : . ~ ':BO000' LB Inbound :~"'",' "." ' " '"" '-' U~~ ~ ~' . ;. '; T~' : .. .. -' . . · .... ''' ': ~'"' "'~"'" 'D~VER ...... - ' '_ "JVEHCLELCENSENO "' '- [ IRALERECENSEN0 '."..:"' ''-' J TRAILER LICENSE NO. .' ',2""..)' '. : "' '~7'." . .~: ' .'.~ ': . ~.......~..:.: .?~ ~ :' ..' x --;- .::.:~ ....'.:..,..:...,'... :.?, '~'-' ' .; ..' .::':: ' =:~. -' .. ~:~9.-~::'.'..'.-:' .:-.:~: I ! NO.N'HAZA, RDOU,'I WA,~ MANIFE,'IT Generators Name and Mailing Addresa COSTCO WHOLESALE 99~ Lake Dr. ~.ssaquah, WA. 98027 Generator Phone Numbe~ (425) 427-7553 Signature of AuBodz~ Agent ~-~~ Transporter 1 Company Name and Address Signature ~ Transporter 2 Company Name"and Addres~ S~gna[ure Facility Address if Different 2800 Standard St. COSTC · Bakersfield, CA " Phone: Ticket #: Unit #: Time: Date: Phone: Ticket.-.~' Unit#: Time: Date: Date Waste Description Crude Oil Contaminated Soil Quantity Shipped Tons X ~.~ Yards Drums. Other Special Handling or Additional Information TSDF ReacQvib/ CN E NV I ROCYCLE Sulfide ___~21992 Hw¥ 33 pH McKittrick, CA. 93251 ( 661 ) 762-7330 Toanage: Facili~ Operator. Certification of receipt of waste materials covered by [his manifest Except as noted in l~e D.is~epancy~n Space. Prfnted Name: Signature: "~' _t'"t~, '~-~C.~",C~_~v'~'' Date Discrepancy Indication Space I I I I I I I £ N VI R OC'~"~ L'~,'ll,1 C .".--~."'. W EiG H MASi'E R m [-['n' ~f-, .i-i-~F, WEIGHT IN LBS, ,, ~-- .j./--,,. £ ]....; - 002) ,='"'"',~iq LB I I NON-HAZARDOU~ WA~'T~ MANIFEST Generators Name and Mailing Address COSTCO WHOLESALE 999 Lake Dr. Issaquah, WA. 98027 Oenerator Phone Number (425) 427-7553 I I~ereb7 cectiry the rn~teri~l described below am not $~jec~~~ ~w'~rm~to any waste ~,,j~,/.~,~/~ Date Signature of Authorized Agent ' ' a ~-4'.~ .r 'r-co Transporter 1 Compan-~ Name and Address ,P. ~. ~ ~IoX~? Signature [o~,- ~- Facility Address if Different 2800 Standard St. COST~ Bakersfield, CA Phone: Ticket #: Unit #: Time: Date: Phone: Ticket #: Unit#: Time: Date: Waste-Description Crude Oil Contaminated Soil Quantity Shipped Tons X Yards Drums Other Speciai-'H'andling or Additional Information TSDF Reactivity CN ENV I ROCYCLE Sulfide . 21992 Hw¥ 33 pH HcKittrick, CA. 93251 (661) 762-7330 Tonnage: Facility Operator, Certification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest E. xcep~ as noted in We %,~scr. epancy Indication Space. Printed Name: ..~,~ '-~('~.'C~, .'Cx, Signature: _~. _~ ~.--~x~ ~ c-¢'-~_ ~ ;_ .c-,,,:~ Date Discrepancy Indication Space .-... :,. ~:,',.'.'.~..:¢ :., %?.?',...~ '.::.';.:.~.:'.!:.~,~:,: ~. :.t'?;, ~`~`..¢1.~.~:r.~.`'4~`..~.~'.~;~.~,.¢~.~`~.~.;~;~:~7:~:~.?~.:;~:?~..*~.~ .~'~:-,....::.[.,;.¢:.'~...,,, ' . J signature is on this cedifl¢ote, wino ls~o'~eclS~gni~ed authority of.o. c~.urclcy, os presc[~.bed, b.Y Chapt,e. r 7,. (CO ,m.m. enc~ng · J . Section 12700) of Division ,5 of t~e Colikxnia Business and Professions Code, odmimsrered ny the Division or Meosuremenr . · Standards of th¢~.CQ~'ornia Depar~men~ Of Food ~nd 'Agriculture. :;: ¢~;':::. f"i:'.';I.''...~:';'. :'; :,' ~'": · S.::::,,.: .~. ' ..-. i:. '...f .: i · ...: . ,., WEIGH~")FOR .... **, ' - . . '-x '-'.*' "~ ' ' "'~ ''~'. :Jc?R-R!ER::'" ' ' · JTRK#: ~,,,,*,~ .. .- 1' ,,,,;,-.~,-, ,,¥. ~ :... , ~..~?,...,~, ~, , ~ .,., ~ ,,.,, ~ . .. · ~ % .~. . .x,...~ '..~,, . . ~'. \ . . .... . ... . .......... · .... r2199~ FI'WY 33, McKII'rRICK,'CA 93~51 PHONE: (661)'392-7171 .. · · ' ' '"-. '- · I I ! I I I MTH DAY 'M"~ DAY q · 3~0..-',~02 1: 2pp WE!GHT IN.LBS. 4001) '?2?00 LB Inbound I';ROSE; 72P01"! LB ',.TRR£ 32960 LS NET GROSS TARE DPWER - J VEHICLE LtCENSE NO. ,: J TRAILER LICENSE NO. ' . [ TRAILER LICENSE NO. ~ m .... ' ' . · ' :.; ' :- ;' · .'~'~ .': ' ': ",: ·.2. '-~'~."S. ':: "'~ ~-~/h:";.' .' : 3/ .." .~ .;~~ ~~' :.'. "...,.: [ ". ....... ........ . .......... ~, ~ ...... ~, -, .............. . ............. · .).~...; ...., ....... NONd'IAZ, Idq~OU.~ WA~T~ KRNIFI!.~T Generators Name and Mailing Addrea~ COSTCO 'WHOLESALE 999 Lake Dr. Issaquah, WA. 98027 Generator Phone NfJrnber (425) 427-7553 ii he,'elm/c~i~ ~ rnatldal cle~:libe(I I:;~low ,r~ not st~i I,o any_ Signature of Authorized Agent Transporter 1 Company Name and Addre~l,$ Signature Transporter 2 Company N~me"and Addres~ S,gnature " Phone: Ticket #: Unit #: Time: Date: FaciJity Address if Different 2800 Standard St. COSTC Bakersfield, CA Phone: Ticket #: Unit #: Time: Date: Date .' 37-1o Waste Description Crude Oil Contaminated Soil Quantity Shipped Tons X Yards Drums Other Special Handling or Additional Information TSDF ENV I ROCYCLE Sulfide 21992 Hwy 33 pH HcKittrick, CA. 93251 ( 661 ) 762-7330 Tonnage: Facili[7 Operator:. Certification of receipt ofwaste materiels covered by this manifest Excep~ as noted in the Obscrepancy IndicaLion Space. Oiscrepancy Indication Space I I I I I I I *'.' :':-'' :.': '~:~"~:;~ '; ": '.? .~:: 'WE*IGHMASTER CERTIFI~TE :::" :'.'. ;.:L':."; ' ""~'" ": '""" '.". '.'~..~:.L: :*.' h"?'~: ~? .'~'?'.?: ':. *':.':' .....: '~ '," ' · ~ signature ~s on t~ certi~ote who ~ o rec~ed outhori~ of accuracy, os pre~ribed by C~pter 7 (commencing ~th '" .-- ' · J Secti~ 127~) of DM~on 5 of the ~ifomia B~ness and Profeffiions C~e, adminisJered by the DMdon of Measurement ' . ' " · ~Standards of the California Depodment o~ Food a~ Agriculture. V¢~EOFO~: .JcA~RIER: ' ' . ' ' iTeK,: ~ ~1992 ~. 33, McKI~RICK, ~ 93~51 PHONE: (661) 392-7171 DELIVERED TO: ' t::NVlROC"?'t~LE."J'~c. ~--~'EIGHMASTER MTH DAY YEAR MT~ DA'I* ¥~*~ - - - ' ~ - r',WEGHTIN LBS. :::-U?-i.";L': ..,'~' W!' '" 01'1 [; "'"" '" ~ ~' !, il-.-,b,..~ · . .. ~',:, I. 1':_,~.1 ~.,.., L,r:.. Jc;..-, ' ¢ ..'.4 ! i:. '"' TARE ,...,:~..,,., LB · i I I I NON'HA'ZARDOU:~ WA~flT~ MAFIII~$T Generato~ Name and Mailing Address COSTCO WHOLESALE 999 Lake Dr. Issaquah, WA. 98027 Generator Phone Nu~ber (425) 427-7553 I h~eby ~i~ ~ ~t~l ~b~ ~1~ a~ not ~j~ny ~u~ ~ul~ Signa~re of Au~odz~ Agent ~~ ./)"/~ ~ ~A~'¢Date ~Tran~po~er 1 Company Name and Addr~s Time: Signature. ¢~_ ~~F~ ~3~'* Date= Tran~sporter 2 Company N~;me"a~l'~ Address S,gna[ure Facility Address if Different 2800 Standard St. COST( Bakersfield, CA Phone= Ticket #: Unit #: Time: Date: Waste Description Crude Oil Contaminated Soil Quantity Shipped Tons X Yards Drums Other Special Handling or Additional Information TSDF Reactivity CN E NV T ROCYCLE Sulfide __~21992 Hwy 33 pH McKittr±ck, CA. 93251 (661) 762-7330 Tonnage:_~?L.%~ Facility Operator:. Certification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest Except as noted in I~e D~epan?~_lndicaUon STce. Printed Name: . .'~,~e'C,, Signature: -~x__r~.' % .t',?,c,,.~ Date Discrepancy Indication Space I WEIGHMASTER CERTIFICATE ~'H,'~ '~ TO cERTIFY.fJ~oI the following described commo, diSy'~wa~weighed, measured, or COunted by a weighmoster, whose 6 0 9 2 signatu.~ i.~rf this..certificate, who is a recognized c,'~h'~rity' of accuracy, as prescribed by Chapter 7 (commencing with Section 12700) of Division 5 of the California.Business and Professions Code. administered by the Division of Measurement Standards of the California Department of Food and Agriculture, '~-'" WEIGHED FOR: JCARRIER: TRK~: 21992 FI'WY. 33, McKITTRICK, CA 93c251 PHONE: (661) 392-7171 I I I I I I I i ! I I I I DELIVERED TO' ~ ENVlROCYCLE. INC. - WEIGHMASTER MTN DAY YEAE J VEHICLE LICENSE NO. ""' - ~ '"'" ",', ~ OD WEIGHT IN LBS. · 3-U...'-u/: ,~- ,.,,. ,:: 003', '"'-' '-'" - : o,.::~..L, Lis Zr,,bound · .~. 0..-'-d.'.' · .-'oF GROSS ,-,F. 0oo LB aU J, ..' ._1 TRF.:E 3'~763 LB TARE ~i:'T 4S:::gn LB ,'~'~" ~ 'f . . . NET JT~RAILER LIC~ENSE NO. IFEE PAID S CHG, TRAILER LICENSE NO. UNITS J D.C. L.C. NQN"HAZ/,dq~OU$ W.~'T~ MANIFI~T Generm~o~ N~me mad Mmlllng Addre~ COSTCO WHOLESALE 999 Lake Dr. Issaquah, WA. 98027 Generator Phone Number ( 4 2 5 ) 4 2 7- 7 5 5 3 Signn~re of Au~o~z~ Agent /~ ~C~ ~ ~A./~ Transpo~er 1 Company Name and Addr~s Transpo~er 2 Company Name and Address 'Facility Address if Different 2800 Standard St. COST~ Bakersfield, CA ~cket Unit~: _ Time: Phone: Ticket #: Unit#: Time: Signature Date: Waste-Description Crude Oil Contaminated Soil Quantity Shipped Tons X Yards Drums Other Special Handling or Additional Information TSDF Reactivity CN ENV I ROCYCLE Sulfide _ 21992 Hw¥ 33 pH McKittrick, CA. 93251 (661) 762-7330 Tonnage: Facility Operator. Certifica~n of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest Except as noted in We Discrepancy Indication Space. Printed Name: _ .'~ ~ k""X%"~'(_ Signature: .__~_, ~ k-~'--~,'_ .r'-."m%. c'~---,~ Date Discrepancy Indication Space II ! I I I I .' .... ,, .~ ~..-.... ~ .. ....,... !~ ';:.':. ~ -'.., .:..,:.: ..~....~. :.: . ... :, .,*_.~,: *: ,~>,?, ..... :,: ...... ::,:.. ~ ~..~. ~ .:,-:.-:.....~: . .~:.,., .~..,, .. :. ~:~ ~';.~?'. ~ ~., .-.-.>,.:-. ?,?~,.~ ,.': .. .. '~ · ' WEIGHMASTERCERhFICA~E . . ' ' ' . ' ' '~I' · ' . sign~ture-i~'on this certificate,who~s ~gnize~,authority oJ accura~9.~s Prescribed by Chapter 7 (commencing ~th ~ Section 127~) of Division 5'of t~'g~lifornia Busihess and Prof~ssi~s C~e, administered by the Division of Measuremen~ Standards of the California Depa~ment of Food and Agricu~ure. ~/ WEIGHED AT: 21992 HWY. 33, McKII-rRICK, CA 93251 PHONE: (661) 392-'/171 DELIVERED TO' ~-. ENVIROCYCLE. INC. - WEIGHMASTER MTN DAY YE~ I '~ ,~, ~1 Gr~os~ ]" NET 3-02-02 2~'~8P WEIGHTIN LBS. (001) 78000 LB Ir:bour~d · "', '"1 --', ~. - OF.".0 S S ,.'7~',013Cl LB TARE 36i60 LB NET 't i,740 LB [.,,F,I'/ER J VEHICLE LICENSE NO J TRAILER LICENSE NO. COMMODITY:~ ..... [FsEE ~ PA~D ~ ~--~\~,,,~ CHG. IRAILER LICENSE UNITS I I I I NON--GUS WA~ ~,,~ MANIFEST G.ner.tom N~me mad Mmillng Address COSTCO WHOLESALE 999 Lake Dr. Issaquah, WA. 98027 Generator Phone Number (425) 427-7553 Facility Address if Different 2800 Standard St. COST( Bakersfield, CA Transporter I Company Name.and Address Signature ~--~_~- .---~ .~-c.--- Transporter 2 Company N~m~-a~l'~! Addr'~s S,gnatur. e ~ ..~ / -' Phone: Ticket #: Unit #: Time: Date: Phone: Ticket ~'' Unit #: Time: Date: Date Waste Description Crude Oil Contaminated Soil Quantity Shipped Tons X2.4¢ Yards Drums Other Special Handling or Additional Information TSDF ReacMvi~ CN ENVIROCYCLE Sulfide 21992 Hwy 33 pH McKittrick, CA. 93251 (661) 762-7330 Tonnage:_~L.-r%~., _ Facility Operator. Ce~fica~n of receipt of waste materials covercd by this manifest Except as noted in the ~s~epancy Indication Space. Printed Name: . .~x~7'~'-~'C~c~',,c>~ ~ Sign atu re: V.r~,~ 'k,~.~c<,¢,~¢,_ Date Discrepancy Indication Space ! I ! I I I I I · IS 'lO'~ .". .-4 ..... lhe' '-': ':' ',':,~?'.::-'..'.;.'; ~-~:~ ~-F,,~'. ',' ;:' .~-:';-.:" ~'. ,-. '.:,.:~?,,.";~:~-i'~ ~.":~:~'":~i',;~:,*-~.;?~.f~..!~.!-:J",~' · '.-".':~::~" :"-".-~ ~,rl ' R ";" '"Y'~' ;:"":"( .[.HIS .CE~t..~. ,mat following descried cornmodib, wa, ~*ighed, m:easure~. Or ¢iSunted'bya ~elg6'rna~te~,wi~o~i~ .,'.;..· ~:. g .. · :·'·. :. '. s,,Jgn.o, ture is on lh,~ ce..rfiflcate, who L~ a recogl3ized authority of aCCUraCy as prescribed by Chapter 7 (Cornmenc ng with . i .~ ~'~ . · ~. ' "'/~"'~ ~ecfion 12700) of Di~ion $ of the California Busir~ess and Professions Code, administered by the Division o;* Measurement '.. . , ' .. ~' · ;' ' .: :" ' ' ' ' '.:: ( ) , Stand~cls of the ~'alii'ornT~'Depart .ment bf Food and Agriculture..' WEIGHEDF(~R: ~'.'' '..i ~ i ....... . ~;~RRIER:':'.....' , '.~ [TRK,: . . .. '' -xn · ~199~2 HWY. 33, McKII-rRICK, CA 93'251 PHONE: (661) 39~-7171 ".'. DELIVERED TO: . ~ r~ ~ ENVIROCYCLE, ii'lC.-'- WEIGHMASTER O~VER ' J VEHICLE LICENSE NO. --02--02 ~'..'mnlz, WEIGHT IN LBS. 00o) 2~0o0 LB 'Znbound ',3-07-02" .... -' · .... o .~ ..',01- · "- i ~'.~" · L; F.: 0.:., -.', "' '"' ' · ...-'.~Uc,0 LB T~RE] . .~-~o~n LB HET. ' .. .'~ '~5700. LIE:' ' ':'II '[RAILER LICENSE NO. :., · '~ '.: : . ? · .'L . '. ' ". k;',. 'C .~-~.m ..,' ::J::, GROSS TARE .~Z~,.~. , g~' ..T._cr.~(~ NET -. tJB~ILER. LICENSE~O- : · I I ! I NON-HAZ. AJIIDOUS W.41~'~ MANIFEST Generators Name and Mailing Address COSTCO. WHOLESALE 999 Lake Dr. Issaquah, WA. 98027 Generator Phone Number (425) 427-7553 Signa~re of Au~o~z~ Agent /~~(~ ~ ~A~P Transpolar I Compan~ Name and Addr~s ~ L ~ ~/~ ~ Phone: Time: Signature ,'~/~ Date: Ttan~poder 2 Company Nam~an~- Address --' Facility Address if Different ' 2800 St-andard St.. COST(3 Bakersfield, CA Phone: Ticket "' ~,-. Unit #: Time: S,9nature Date: Date ~' ,~--,/o'7.... WasteDescription Crude Oil Contaminated Soil Quantity Shipped Tons X Yards Drums .Other speci~i' handling or; Additional Information TSOF .......... Re'a~tivi ~/ CN ENV I ROCYCLE Sulfide __~21992 Hwy 33 pH HcKitt:rlck, CA. 93251 (661) 762-7330 Tonnage: Facilit7 Operator. Certifica~n of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest Except as noted in the Discrepancy Indication Space. Printed Name: _ _~x C%'%, "~C¢' OC,O~. ~,'~, Signature: _~_ ~'-~%~",,C--. ¢~ -- _ Discrepancy Indication Space 'l I I I I NQN-HAZA,q~OU~ W,a~Yd MA~IIFEST Generators Name and Mailing Address COSTCO WHOLESALE 999 Lake Dr. Issaquah, WA. 98027 Generator Phone Number' ( 4 2 5 ) 4'2 7- 7 5 5 3 Il ae,-e~7 ceaify I:he m~(m'ial de~::dbed below am not~ject~to ~nyj,.t,~rd~us w'a.tte Signature of Authorized Agent, ' o Date: Signature ./ Transporter 2 Company N~m~'an~' Address Signature Facility Addres.~ if Different 2800 Standard St. COSTC Bakersfield, CA Phone: Ticket,-,-."" Unit#: Time: Date: Waste Description Crude Oil Contaminated Soil Quantity Shipped Tons X Yards Drums Other Special Handling or Additional Information TSDF Reac~vity CN ENV I ROCYCLE Sulfide ___~21992 Hwy 33 pH HcKittrick, CA. 93251 (661) 762-7330 Tonnage: Facility Operator. Certifica~n of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest Except as noted in ~e D~screpancy Indication Space. Printed Name: ._~. '\ ~ ""~'~'~-__,~"X'~,~. -, Signature: ~ _,,.~ r~-_C,,~_~,-.,¢.,,c.~_~ ~.,.~. Date Discrepancy Indication Space -. ..... ' .... · ' TH~St$ .... ~Ytn~t~hef~wing~describe~c~mmoc~ity~w1:i~weighed~ne~ed~c~tedt~v~ighm~st~r~wh~se ' "~U~O ...... ' · ' ' ; signature ~., on this certillcote who is o recOgnized authority Of accuracy as prescribed by Cl"~pter 7 (commencing with -- -- Section 12700) at Division 5 of the California Business and ProCessions Code, administered by t~ DNi~on o~ Measurement ..... : Stand~rd~ Of the Colif~ De~ment of ¢~ ~ Ag~ultu~e. ' ~. . WEIGHED ~OR:. JCAR~E~: T~K~: DEL~E~ED TO: ENVIROCYCLE, INC. - WEIGHMASTER. '~ O0 J '2 ..' .., ~. bPIVE~ ~ VEHICLE LICENSE NO, ~ /RAILER LICENSE NO, TRAILER LICENSE NO. I I NON-HAZA, RDOU$ WA,a il~ IIiIANIFEST Generators Name and Mailing Addres:s COSTCO WHOLESALE " 999 Lake Dr. Issaquah, WA. 98027 Generator Phone Number ( 4 2 5 ) 4 2 7- 7 5 5 3 Facility Address if Different 2800 Standard St. COSTC Bakersfield, CA Signature of Authorized Agent . . Transporter I Company Name and Addre,.l$ Transporter 2 Company Name and Address Phone: Ticket #: Unit #: Time: Date: Phone: Ticket,-,-.'" Unit #: Time: Signature Date: Waste-DeScription Crude Oil Contaminated Soil Quantity Shipped Tons X Yards Drums Other Specia~"~l'andlin-g ~; Additional Information TSDF '- ......... Rea~tivi{y CN ENV'rRoc¥CLE Sulfide _ 21992 Hwy 33 pH HcKittrick, CA. 93251 (661) 762-7330 Tonnage: Facility Operator:. Certifica~n of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest Except as noted in lne Discrepancy Indication Space. Printed Name: Discrepancy Indication Space · . : : : ' ~: ~'.o-.,~:,:..",...,',..-:'..~':-T~.,.,,r~./r~'~:,?...;,,: .,~-',, .~,.:-......:~,.:.,.~.',~ ~;~``~:~.¢~`~..``~`~:`"~`;~:~:~:.~`2`~.`~r~`:~:~f'a~ :,~ ~.,':,-.~..;.:,~,~?.-..t.~. .,,~... .". '~."~;..'~',, ' ;."-"i'.',~':' .' ~': ' :'.'-T:'. "~ .2'. :, ,,' ':',;. '.~'" '~ ~ ~'".,':.' ':,' :~ ~L :~'. ?...; ':,~'~::..~;; ~ "" '"' ' %' ~ '?~t ~:~ '~".".t '~ "~': :* ~ "~;?~;";;,;: ":~'~": ':' '~'" -' ~': ~' ~'' '"~:'~ -~" '~' ~. :'"; '; :'~'"": ;.. signature is ori't, his certificate who ES ~' re~iz~=~:J'¢~uthoritY'of a¢cijracy, os' I~'escrib~ ,by Ch~ter 7 (comm~ncir)g with; ~[. ;':.:;','..gl.;'Z;~, ~.......'~,.-?'..:..- ,6.-L ,~ ;;~:jK ~'~ ,. 'i:..S~C.t'ion'!l 2.700) 6~' D~slo~'5 Of t~e.Ca~i~o'~ia 8u~ ~h~i P~ofC~lo~ Code, ocl~r~t~'ied bY:ih~i~ i~f I~&sbi~mehi, ;;./~.i!~:L~,~!~,~f~.'~.'..-~,-~?-?:";{}!~-'-~!';{:.i: ~::[ ' · ,Standards'of the C~a. li~:~ia Dej:)oEtment Of.Food and Ag~ic.olture.'; ?::. ~,.-: .::,z;-;;~;~ ;f=~.i,;~{,:~;".,~,~'.i4,,~',.'~.;,!:~:'~: ~:!'~.ti.'..'~' :M..:. ~', ;:,x-..:~ .. i ~?. :.'~.;';':,~"..';-';.; ,~ :.:,:~...:~4-':::~:~'~-...,/, · wE GHEE) FOR: ~: ~,~ ,fi','..~.~,.-"~ .:,~...: ';.-.*~:-' ~.'-.~ ';'. '--'q, ~3. '~; ~,h~ ,:J '.&-? :[ ~;,:.~-' ::,.,'-:~T J CAi~R ER. ~;~'~:'-==':::'-' '." :';~= "-? ' ~' :'; ~':~:.~:":' J iRKS. ·; "" '. "~ ..... :'~ '~-' '=.~ '- ~. '~".:,: ~"'~"~:'- -. · ~ n ~.,~,,-::9,-x,~.~.'~ ~:',.,-,~.. ~.~,..~-~.J .~r-,,~-~ ~_'>.::,,:,~';4 .I- ¼- :.....~...: .:: WEIGI-[~I,~ '~'..:'" ...... · ..- ~-,"~ -,'~.'...'~ "~ ~..- "."'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'~-.-','t--'"~'-..,.-. '.~-..- '~,t'"'"~4 ... · ..:.. .' ~ ."'.' '-'' . . -.... '.'9'199~ I.-EX/Y. 33,'McKITI'RICK, CA93~51 .PHONE:(661)399-?171 ;'::i .: .~". '.= '...i'. :" : "=.'...'. '..' I I I i I I I ENVIROCYCLE, INC.- WEIGHMASTER -.: ."':' :" ' I I I I I I i NON-HAZARDOUS WA~q~. MAJqI~ST ^,,.o~.~.om. Num~, I ...... ~5'-' ? Z'A~ o Generat0r~ Name and Mailing Address COSTCO WHOLESALE 99~ Lake Dr. !ssaquah, WA. 98027 Generator Phone Numbe~ (425) 427-7553 I h~eby ~i~ ~ ~t~l ~b~ ~I~ am not ~ tp an~ ~us ~ ~ul~s__ __ Signa~re of AuBodz~ Agent /~~ P'/~ ~ ~~ Date Transporter I Compan~ Name and Address 4. o. ~9< c/oX/? Signature Facility Address if Different 2800 Standard .St. COSTC .Bakersfield, CA 'Phone: Ticket #: Unit #: Time: Date: Transporter 2 Company Name and Address Signature Phone: Ticket #: Unit#: Time: Date: Waste Description Crude Oil Contaminated Soil Quantity Shipped Tons X Yards Drums Other ;Special Handling or Additional Information TSDF Reactivity CN ENV I ROCYCLE Sulfide _ 21992 Hw¥ 33 pH McKittrick, CA. 93251 (661) 762-7330 Tonnage: Facility Operator:. Cerfificat~n of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest Except as noted in I~e Oisc_.xepancy IndicaUon Space. Signature: kk_t,, .t~. '~~.~_ _..,:c,r>' Date Discrepancy Indication Space I I I I. !. I E~V,~OC¥CLE, I~¢. - W~i~^S~ '- '-. '. . . ·.. .: - ... · .... . '. '...:,...' '. :,. :' ..'~ . .' .. :. ','....'. : .-..':.. :.:. . . . ~ ; ' · ~-.'.'-: .' ':' : , '...-..'.. '" ' }dTH . DAY ¥~A~ ' ' ..... ~X ',,w".~'-.X.~(.; ,-.'~,--..~ .~.~,'-'o~,~ ,': ' ,.~ ,~ ':~c,~ "3:'08-f~2,..,..~ -' "'"~-""'"' "': "':-""~"'""""-" :""'" ' ... . ..:-,.',-.,:.OH ~ . .' ': .: ' .'. '':. ,: :GROSS . " '." ;",'.r;:: :; :','-?",'~.'S~- ' ~-' "-:'" .'i.-';':: .' "','. "-..,:.. '. '::":..''":' '.: '.'. .,-- --,-.~- · :- ... ..... ..~. o~ ~ ..:.c.?~ ,,:~..:.:.:.:..,~...... :. ... · - '" -'~" " "' ': "" ~" "'" :' (':- 'c:, TFl~,r..~' ." -'. :; ...;!:~,4'1'2L1-~' L~:; !".'.: ?'.'. ' :., .'.. · '" .: ". '....."' ..' ,~, ~,~ ' '~'< ~ -:-.-~,~.....o~.~,~ .... ~-~, :~, ,, ~ ?..: .: :....., .L..~ ..'.: ':"i::.':::. ?' ::i. ~: :.! ..::':",:i::,i!". :' !:,::.." :'; :...'!:.:'?. :.: ?:: :.-.':":':"":':: ".:.."': ; HE:T: ': ;.. ~ ..., :', .'.' !:,'71'3u80 _' LE:..:; .~1:; ..q: ~ .'"~,-~, UET:-': ~.: '. :- · · ,,4,~,~¥Er~ : , -- '¢-.. ', .. "-.'. · IVEHCLEL~£NSEMO · '? ~.':' :"l 'Ir~^iLiF~UCEMSENO. ~ "' ~-..:-[I'r~^~LE~UCEMSENO..:.: ~.-,::'.-., ...' :"..:' · ' .... 1" ': ~ '_-- . 7-. 'T':.? . .' ' FEE' ".' .... " " "· ' UNTS :: :" D~" ":" '"'" i COMMODITY:. ' - '. ' .: ' "'¥' :;~'-:' ....... ".::'" .... I "" ~ :"'"';PAID"i":ll-'. ~. ' .: ?~,'-\.:. :'..: ..,..:.-......::'.. :' ....::.::,i ~ .~ .. :. ' - .-. '~ .'.: - :'. ·" .?'.' :"'.:'.'... '.:':. ~h: ':'~.~:.--' '"'". ': :':' ::v' :" ";: ":'*'"'~. " "'~':"'" '"" '' ' ;' "" ':" ' "': "' :: :'.-.': : ': ..::':- '- " .,..'-'; . ':' ..: .." ; :"'-': ..' ...... ' "1 NON~OUS WAS'ri Generator~ Name and Maillng Addres3 - - COSTCO WHOLESALE ' '" 999 Lake Dr. !ssaquah, WA. 98027 Generator Phone Number (425) 427-7553 i hereby c~li~, ~e rn~e6al des4:~bed below ar~ not subjej;Sj~l to an.y ~us waste ~egula'd~ Signature of Authorized Agent ,'j'/,//'/4,'4~/J F~ P'" '/"~'~ ('~--' Date ? _, , Transporter 1 Company Name and Address Signature~ ~ Transporter 2 Company Name"and AddreSs Signature , [o~-, /~, , _ Facility Addres.'~ if Different 2800 Standard. St. COST( Bakersfield, CA Phone: Ticket #: Unit #: Time: Date: Phone: Ticke[ #: Unit #: Time: Date: -'2 /..¢ '"' Waste Description Crude Oil Contaminated Soil Quantity Shipped Tons _.k_Y~,~ ~ Yards Orums Other Special Handling of Additional Information TSDF ....... ~act'ivi~ CN EN V 'r ROC ¥CLP. Sulfide _ 21992 Hwy 33 pH McKittrick, CA. 93251 (661) 762-7330 Tonnage: Facility Operator. Certification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest Except as noted in ~e O~screpanc7 Ind. ication Space. Signature: . '7'"{ . C,C~N~',,r'<'N~ ~ _ - Date Discrepancy Indication Space ! i i I I I- I I I ~ ,' signature IS on this certificate, who is a rec~n~ authori~ of ~ccu~ocy, os ~re~ribed by C~pter 7 (commencing ~th ' . ~ . ~ Secti~ .127~) o~ Division 5 o~ the Colifornio Business and ~ro~e~ions C~e. administered by t~ Div~on o~ Measurement ': . ~ Standards of thGCalifornia Depadment of Food and~aricu~ure.. - ' ' ~ · ' .' " ' · ~199~ ~. 33, McKI~RICK~ ~93~51 PHONE:'(661) 39~-7171 . I I ! I I NQN.,HAZAP~OU~ WA,~I MANIFI[$T Generators Name and Mailing Address COSTCO WHOr. W. SAT.E 999 Lake Dr. ' Issaquah, WA. 98027 Generator Phone Number (425) 427-7553 II n~eb¥ certify ~ material described below ar~ n.q~.,Aubjec~:l iq, any. J:k~za~tou$ waste Transporter I Compan-~ Name and Address Signature 'J=acility Address if Differeni 2800 Standard St:, COSTC Bakersfield, CA Phone: Ticket #: Unit #: Time: Date: Transporter 2 Company Name and Address S~gnature Phone: Tickel: #: Unit #: Time: Date: Waste Description Crude Oil Contaminated Soil Quantity Shipped Tons X Yards Drums Other Special Handling or Additional Information TSDF '- ' ...... ~'a'~tivit'y CN ENVI ROCYCLE Sulfide 21992 Hwy 33 pH McKittrick, CA. 93251 (661) 762-7330 Tonnage: Facility Operator. Ce~ficatk>n of receipt of waste materials covered by Bis manifest Except as noted in In~D~screpan..~ndication Space. Printed Name: Signature: ~__'~. _._% C"C'Cx ~ ~ ~ ~..c-,,..., Date Discrepancy Indication Space I I i ! ENVIROC¥CLE, INC. - WEIGHMASTE~ · , '~ GROSS I ! NQN-HAZAIq~OU$ W~'T~ MANIR!.~T Generato~ Name and Mailing Addres~ costco 999 Lake Dr. Issaquah, WA. 98.027 Generator Phone Numbe~ (425) 427-7553 h~eby ~i~ ~ ~t~l ~b~ ~1~ am not ~j~ [o any ~u$ Transporter 1 Company Name and Addre,~$ Signature I Transpolar 2 Company N~m'~-a~ Addres~ S~gnature Phone: Ticket #: Unit #: Time: Date: .. [~-, - '/~.r¢' ' ' Facility Address if Different ~ 2800 Standard .St. COSTC Bakersfield, CA Phone: Ticket #: Unit #: Time: Date: Date Z/oC'/o-'~ Wast~Description Crude Oil Contaminated Soil Quantity Shipped Tons X Yards Drums Other Special Handling or Additional Information TSDF .......... ~'activi~/ CN E NV I ROCYCLE Sulfide . 2.1992 Hwy 33 pH McKittrick, CA. 93251 ( 661 ) 762-7330 Toanage: Facility Operator. Certifica~n of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest Except as noted in He Discrepancy Indication Space. Printed Name: ~, ~--~' ~_~'~'~o~, \'"'%, Discrepancy Indication Space .' ,',~ ,'- '~ .... '"..' . "~,,*,~'~','~'; ',t'%,',,,,~' '.~ "*"~' .~ ", ~' ' .... ° .' ',.'~?',"'?,~ · ~.",'.,~,. ~ '.'.-',~ ', ..,~ ~ '. '"g".'~. ~?,u'~,~;, ~"~'~,~',',*,'*,,?'~ ~%"~'.'% ~*,~",'~',~", %c.'~/,~'; ',,,~ .~- ,~..~.~.~,~,~- ' .. ~ :... . ...,.'. ...~: :'.' v.~ .... .. ~' '.TH S · TO CERTI~ that the fo~owi~ described e~m~ ~ Was weigh~.m~sured;o~ ~nted ~'a weighm~ter w~e "' :'. ',' '. ~ ~.JJ h :. ',. .?~ '~ c.,;~,... ~:s*g~t~eb~n.~ce~ficate~h~rec~n~~fpccF[~[pre~nbedby~pte~7.(c~mme c~ , .,,.';...-;.::~ .~ ./..~....~.,~ ...~ -' .S~ti~ 127~) of Divi~on 5 0f t~ Cplif~ifi ~ne~ ~d p~fe~iom C~e, admin~ered by t~ ~n Of Me~u~ment ,....: '..' -..; :, :.. "~ ): '.:' ,:. '.',"" ~.. ~ [ ~Sta~ords of the Ca~tornio De~dment. of F~ and Agricuffure..'./.-;;~ :;,':.-~ ;];~?.... ,..' .-:..~'~' . ", ',; :~.¥.'. r .', .~. '. ' . . j" . ' ..· ': .... . · .." ,.. ".,:~. . .. .-..... ;:z.........? - .,.. ; · : . ,..-? .- .,....:,:..z.:t.,..,. -~..,~?~: :... . - · · .],~. ,? ~.,... . · ... . ........ .. I WE~GH~O'AT: ~ '~' ' - . -,.,,.---~ . -. ,. z .,.'~- . - :.~- . .... .~.: ~.. .... · . . · · '-. ".-'- ~199~ ~. 33, McKI~RICK~ ~ 93~51 :.PHONE: (661) 39~-7171 · '. . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I Generators Name and Mailing Addres~ COSTCO WHOLESALE 999 Lake Dr. ~.ssaquah, WA. 98027 Generator Phone Number ( 4 2 5 ) 4 2 7- 7 5 5 3 I h~eby ~i~ ~ ~t~l ~b~ ~1~ am not s~j~ [o any ~us Signa~re of Au~odz~ Agent ( ~/~ '~ ~~" ,., .., Transpoder 1-Comp~ny Name and Addr~s ~A A ~ ~//~ ' Phone: ' ~~. ~ qY7o~ un~t~: Time: Signature ~ ~ Date: rran~o~er 2 Company ~m~d Signature Facility Address if Different 2800 St. andard St.. COST( Bakersfield, CA Phone: Ticket #: Unit #: Time: Date: ate 3/a/oz_ Waste Description Crude Oil Contaminated S°il Quantity Shipped Tons X Yards Drums Other special Handling or Addltlonal Information ENV I ROCYCLE Sulfide 21992 Hwy 33 pH HcKittrick, CA. 93251 ( 661 ) 762-7330 Tonnage: Facility Operator. Certification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest E.xcep/as no/ed in hh~D. iscrepa~lndication Space. Prfn~ed Name: Discrepancy Indication Space I " tDELIVE~ED TO: ~ ,_,. · %'x,'x ~ - · ~ .... ... . .... .-.. -. -' ..'.:'~:' '.- :.'.~,.~ I I I I I DI~IVER : .;:' :L~;.~..': .,. :-'. - .: :..- ~ '.: i: VEHICLE LK::ENSE NO... ' ' TRAILER LICENSE NO.' · ...:..- ' .'.. 'l TRAILER LICENSE NO...- '-" :: .. · ' ' ' COMMODIW:; .:".' ':"'.:.." :' :' : "..::-:':": ' ..... ' '"" · · '" FEE .:.~;'¢:'.'"..pAD ~]y~[~ ':,' ...':h dC :~ . ~. 3/92 · ''- ..':..', ;- .'.:;. ~ · '."'q... ;.:'" :":-'~ :.' '.: :.',' ..:-'"~,,'-"":."~"~F :.t..: .:.', ." .;.. · '. 7 : ,..::.'. '. · . . .~ .'.~...,' ..... ,:.: ..' : ,: ., "..,-.¥ ,.:.. ... . .....-..: ...... .,..-...,.:...:. , .. . .. :.-..~ . ' ~' ': :.:...:',..''". ;' ..... '.'.' '-.~ .:¢'.. 7.' ' ¥;..'...'::' ...... · ..... '..:' . .'[~',~,.-t.-::?:..; ~.'.-' .''.~., I I I I I I I NON~OUS WA,.~II MAJ~iFE~T Generators Name and Mailing Address COSTCO WHOLESALE 999 Lake Dr. Issaquah, WA. 98027 Generator Phone Numlo~r (425) 427-7553 I I'~reby ce~lily ~ marl, Hal described ~1~ am ~t ~j~ to any ~ Signa~re of. Au~odz~ Agent /~~.. ~~. ~ ~1~ Date Tran~po~er 1 CompaD~ Name and Addr~$ ,,, ,' Facility Address If Different '- 2800 Standard St. COSTC Bakersfield, CA Phone: Ticket #: Unit #: Time: Signature Date: Phone: Ticket #: Unit #: Time: Date: Transporter 2 Company Name and Address S~gnature Waste-Description Crude Oil Contaminated Soil Quantity Shipped Tons X Yards Drums Other 'SPecial H 'andlin~g ~ Additional Information TSOF ENVIROCYCLE ___~21992 Hw¥ 33 McKittrick, CA. 93251 (661) 762-7330 "Reactivi~7 CN Sulfide pH Tonnage: Facilib/Operator. Certification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest Except' as holed in l~e Djscrepan~.0dicatJon Space. Signature: __~-3_~.~..,~,-'~:,. ~_.,..~...e~ '_. -'-.. Date Oiscrepancy Indication Space /NV ". ':'" '":::',:":':-:':-':?:i/:'; :':':::':?:'~?::::':.'.?:?:::'";::::?:::'..~i .: · .. ; /. ,~... 7:'..:,.,.-: ..... -.-.., .....: '.' · .-.......':.'.'.: :'..:..;.:..:,'........-'.'.","...'-..'. ;. ,...,... :': ;.., : j '..;::.. ' :. :,,'.::::.7. Z::-.v..'"'.;....? -;.... ':-..'s.':,". ~ . :, ,...:' · ...' "'. ,' , ':~" : ...'-." ~.:- WEIGHMASTER CERTIFICATE '::,,:~:' ,::,~_ ,;' ":,':..: ,4,. :"~.:' ~ ' ,,':' ',..",: :' ,'>:' '; :.,'. ~' "..." '.'-':"' '.' "'"' . ' ;- ,;.-- .' ';... · signature Is on this certi~cate who is a resogr'~ed-4:~thOIJ.~ of accuracy, as prescr bed by'Chaplet 7 (comment ng Mt~ ' - -.. ' ~ ~ --': ' ' -[ %'.  I ;' ~cfi~ 127~) of Dbision ~ of t~ 6alifo~ia ~siness and Profe~ion~'O~e, adminBtered by ~ Sfa~ards of t~ California De~dment o¢ F~ and Agrlcu~ure. :'¥':...' .: .' .,.EO FO.; ..'--. . 'O -'-~ .,.~:..., '-:-.. :.: -'' ,CA,,tE,:. '"'' I IT''':'' ' :: .21992 ~.33,'McKI~RICK,~932.51' PHON~::(661.)392-717.~ :.L:: ": : ' "-.. DELIVE~EDTO: ,~ ~ " ' ' '" ':' ' ':' ' · I ' -'...~...:' .... ....'.. '..: .:.' ~,:~,~.;~-.~. ' .' ~' ,: ..,..: .:,:. · ~ .;.. · :,.' ~ i '~'N~,::" ' ~4~:~;,~': '. ~./%'::'.x~" .:...:' ,,.....:..: :.... 3..' ':: :::.-~:':-:?':.'::.:.~. '.' ~'~ .." W-.-' ,-'~( :' "' '" ~ ..... :~. ~ .,~x:/'::OR0~"- :-'¢:"c':-" u~¢.n ~B" ;':' :' '"' ' :' ' .... .'": ""- "'~ *~"k'~ ~ *:'-' 'z'" ~.~¢~ .... .-'..~,/-~'¢.~:.cl :'..T~;r':::'-".~-:.~:. ::2'~, ~ ~, :'.: :' ':' : .'. ":'.' ~*,~ .. :-:' ~ ~ ~ ' ' ' ' ~'~ ~ ~ % .... · .'-... -:/ :'.. ~"'~'> :-:-ti'"~''~ ~ ' ' ..' ""' .' ,.":': · ' ' DRIVER ; . ' .' ' - VEHICLE LICENSE NO. ' . . I :IRAIkERLICENSE NO. ' : ' . ' · ' I TRAILER LICENSE NO. .. '".:. '. ' ' ::" .'"'1 , '.":':: :"::::::::':"'"':::-." I &~*;;;~:' -.:": '- ~ · ": -. "" '"- · · t~[~- '.-' '.': ~"-~ ~.~'~: .': .": ~.c..~..: ~:' 3/92 · : - ' -' ' :":. ' ' -:'.'.C "". '..' '..,.: · .'..:. ......' .'.: _' ..,:L..~' ';-."':: ,':.':::":.,: .'.'.. ',. ' ~' .'- : '-. .... '. '.' . ' ~ · · .~ · ~.'--.,, . . . '... . .': ... ....~ : .' ·.. :.. '.:. .. .. . .' . · -.: '.. · .~. ~%.~ >..:.'....,... '..., : ,.: t......:..::.~.. ..... :--...,:.. ,..: ..... · ..... ... :..'.._:~.-.' ....: ...... I I I I I I I NON-HAZARDOU~ WA,~r~ MARIFEST Generators Name and Mailing Address COSTCO WHOLESALE ' 999 Lake Dr. Issaquah, WA. 98027 Generator Phone Number (425) 427-7553 Signature of Authorized Agen_t ' -~' JT~'ansporter 1 Company Name and Address J ~A & ~ u~,}~'~9 " Phone: Facility Addres.~ if Different 2800 Standard St. COSTC Bakersfield, CA Signatu{'e iTran~porter 2 Company N~m~-and Address S~gnature Date Ticket #: Unit #: "7 Time: Phone: Ticket #: Unit #: Time: Date: Waste Descrip-tion Crude Oil Contaminated Soil Quantity Shipped Tons X Yards Drums Other Speciai H'~ndling or Additional Information TSDF Reac~vity CN ENVIROCYCLE Sulfide __[21992 Hwy 33 pH HcKittrick, CA, 93251 (661) 762-7330 Tonnage. Facility Operator. CertificaCon of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest E_xcepc as noted in ~e D, is.crepancy, lndica~on Space. Printed Name: ¢ \ \ ¢%"'% . ~('P-_,~t"X, C',, Signature: _: - ----- -- ~_ .¢,,r.~,,~. ,'~_~. ~_ ~__~.,,~ Date Discrepancy Indication Space · · WEIGHMASTEI~ c[r~TtFtC. ATE . signature is on thi~ cedi~cote, who i~ a ~ecognlzed auth~rlty ol~ccuracy, os prescribed by C~pter 7 (commencing ~th ~ .~ Section 127~) at Division 5 o~ the California Business and Profe~ions C~e. odm[nlstered by t~ Div~on at Measurement Standards of t~e Calif~nio Detriment of Food o~ Agricu~ure. WEI~ED FGR: ' - '~. ~- ' ~ J CARRER: ' . ~ J TRK~: WEIGHE6 AT ' ' ~199~ ~. 33, McKI~RICK, ~ 93~51 PHONE: (661)392-7171 DELIVerED TO: ~ ~ WEIGHT IN LBS. ENVIROCYCLE, INC. - WEIGHMASTER '" J~0~ ~ ~:G~4m " · ~.,~ ,. x-,~x.. ~..,.. ~,.~,~ ~?.- ~...~ .~'-do-u~ 1~ ~'""~" E,~,-' ~., LB . . . ,_~ ~:j,. h~T '"'"" D~',VER T~AILER UCENSE NO, ~ )R~ILER LICENSE NO. ~-.:'~.'~ "" I~v5~'~"~°' x~, ~~.~ ~o~,o~,~:: "' ...... "":'"' "~'"" ' ~ ~'~1"~'~s ~'~'~ 0 .-' · ~;~.x,~ - HON-H. AZARDOU~ WA~11 MANIFIISr I I I I I I I I I I Generator~ Name and Mailing Address COSTCO WHOLESALE 999 Lake Dr. Issaquah, WA. 98027 Generator Phone Numbec (425) 427-7553 ~a, re~¥ certiF/the macedal de~:~'ibed ~1~ am not ~ to any ~us ~ ~ul~s ___ ~ Signa~reofAu~odz~Agent ~ ~. ~ ~A~ Date Transpo~e~ ~ Compa~ Name and Addr~s ....... ~ ~ ~ ~/~ ' Phone: Facility Address if Different 2800 Standard St. COSTC Bakersfield, CA S~cnature Ticket #: Unit #: Time: Date: Phone: Ticket #: Unit #: Time: Date: Waste DescriPtion Crude Oil Contaminated Soil Quantity Shipped Tons X Yards Drums Other Special" Handling or Additional Information TSDF ENVIROCYCLE ___~2.1992 Hwy 33 HcKittrick, CA. 93251 ' ' - '- Rea'~tivi[7 CN ~Sulfide pH (661) 762-7330 Tonnage: F acili~ Operator. Certificat~n of receipt of waste materials covered by ~is manifest Excep¢ as no,ed in ~e O~screpancy Indication Space. Printed Name: __~,~-x,'-~'~e~?{,x~c~.,c.~ , SignabJre: _ X~-x,xD~'~'~_t.,c,~ ~..,._ Date Discrepancy Indication Space I I I I I I ! · · · ~ %'/~:-.'~"- Z~:'~ ~'.~?'%~ ~:~: ~ ' ~-~'~C~:' ,~'.,~'~C '~ ?~3:~.~: ~-'~/."'~v?...~' :~ ~/'~%~.'<'~ ' :, ,'-".:.~.~:.¥. ,:'-~"',*:? '~.':~..~..-~ %.~> .¢v;J~?~.;~: .~:.::':.:'¥ /~>~? '~- .??~'%:.',:~.; ~??~..~ ;'~,~;" _'.~;:. ":."k'~?~ . ','~.~:' -'~"~'~-~.?¢M:? ~ ~:~'.~¥~'~,~:~:?~?'~?:~?'?~:~/-~'~?¥:~' '.~'":'?'*'¢':,~ .~:~'.:~:~' '?'~:'. :'¢:.'~;!' :~::">: ~"..~'~'~'c.~::. ¥:.,:~..,?-;~:.? /,~;..: .:' ..... ~. . · ~' ..~'~% ~.;~. ~ .~.~?F~7~.~ ~.. ~: ~ ~.~t~', ~ ~ ~,~,:,'-' ....... . ...... .W G ED FOR .. : - -. ..... ~'-",";- ', -'.' ' ' - ..... :";'~ · ~.."'~*''~ ...... C R R' -:" :' ~;:' ','~"~',"- ...... T ?'.' ..... ....... .... . .......... ................. ~ ............ .... ... ~ _. _:.; weg~Eg Ar:'' ' ' ~' .'.'"=-:-. · '. z' ~ : -- ~-. z '~ :-.- ~ ,:= .- .... ~ .... . ..:....,'.'~........... ;...'.. ~..... ';'.". ':.' .'-". . j. '.. ':. ";: .. ' ' .. ~J 99~ ~. 33, McKI~RICKi-~ 93~5J ·PHONE: :(66J)39~-7J 7~ ".' "' . · " ".' 'x':~x' ' ' ' :': ~" ""';"':" :'1 ":°-US-Oz']}'6q~" -- '. ' · .' . · ENVIRoC~cLE, INC.--' WEIGHMASTER" '. ' "--'-:' -' ,'- '-' : :'" ";'" ' ~m'OAf ~E~' aY " '';'' "' ' X',~" ".: ;~' ' ':'.:'~' '~ :'":.'~: ''' '": "':- ~' :'"' M~. ; ~Y - ~*~1 .... ~'~ ........ ' ' '" ' ' ' ....' · ",%--' .~ B~ l~-.:T~RE.'~'~:?~.:: ~:':31E.20" LB::"::: '~ "'. ::' .'..' :' ~A~[.... :... ':..?~).~T;. ','., ,. :.'~,~::~.; ": ~¢~.OL LP,... ,:l~.J ~. ':T~.. ~T.... .:: .. DPIVi~D ;. · ~ ,' '. ·" .-." :z:' .' I VEHCLE LICENSE NO i' .-. '-':. ': 4 · :1 TRAILED LICENSE NO ' -' '-. I :[RAILER LICENSE NO. """.. .... · ': ' :-~.' · .I ":"'":';' ': 0 -i."-'.:,: "..:'.. ' ' ' ;':," .'~' ,:::.c %.:"~".:'! :'~::~'.,:.:.' .~--..:-'..,'.'.':' .,::~::'i .:. .' ?-',-~:,¢ ~-.x ~-x:'~'~-~ :':"~" I ~ ~%%:~cx:~ ::,-~'~1 ;:::?~?i:::::'?::, :'? ?... :~.'-.;-I ii::i;.~i'!:i~" :..-!:'~':::',~:'.:': · ' ' ]. ' ('"~'..'.'".': ,-:: .' :', ;"'. ..'..'.,:'- ::.'. '--_.: .' '.: '.:! '. , [.',. '.i}:: :-: .']"&lL).'~l , ...:..,..:..,~ ..~.:, :~,~. '.,~::.:,:..??.,...'~...,.::....,.:~',,....~,.:-~':::-,:,~.~:..-: .... :.~,...~,~.....:.~..~.....:-,:::.,~....~,.....~....: ...... ~.,.~::...,,::,~ ...... ~...: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NON4'[AZ~Ou:~ W.,~ MANIFEST Generator~ Name and Mailing Address COSTCO WHOLESALE 999 .Lake Dr. Issaquah, WA. ~98027 Generator Phone Number (425) 427-7553 Signature ot' Authorized Agent .. Transporter I Compan-~ Name and Address Signature Facility Address if Different 2800 Standard St. COST( Bakersfield, CA Phone: Ticket #: Unit #: Time: Date: Date Traneporter 2 Company N~me"and Address Phone: Ticket #: Unit #: Time: Date: Waste Description Crude Oil Contaminated Soil Quantity Shipped Tons X .'~'_~ Yards Drums Other Specia~-Har~l'l'ing or Additional Information TSDF Reactivib/ CN ENV I ROCYCLE Sulfide _ 21992 Hwy 33 pH HcKittrick, CA. 93251 (661) 762-7330 Tonnage: Facility Operator:. Certification of receipt of waste materials covered by thi~ manifest 'Except as noted in ble Oi~c!epancy Indication Space. 'Primed Name: . Signature: '~(. ~C',~ ~k~,~ ~.-4'xx~ ' Date Oiscrepancy Indicati~-n Space -- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NON~OU$ W.a~11 MANIFEST Generators Name and Maillng Address COSTCO WHOLESALE 99~ Lake Dr. !ssaquah, WA. 98027 · 'Generator Phone Number (425) 427-7553 Signature of Authorized Agent : . ~ · Date /' o ~-- ~3'7'r~ Facility Addre,n$ if Different 2800 Standard St. COST£ Bakersfield, CA Transporter 1 Company Name and Address - Time: Signature Date: Transporter 2 Company N~;rn~"and Address :S,gnature Phone: Ticket #: Unit #: Time: Date: '~}ast~Descripfion Crude Oil Contaminated Soil Quantity Shipped Tons ~ Yards Drums Other 'sPeciai Handling or Additional Information TSDF Reac~vity CN ENVIROCYCLE Sulfide' ___~21992 Hwy 33 pH HcKittrick, CA. 93251 (661) 762-7330 Toanage: Facilit7 Operator. CertJficatksn of receipt of'waste materials covered by ~his manifest Except as noted in me D,,~crepancy Indication S .p<,ace. Oiscrepancy Indict. ion Space I I I I '~,~..:':.-'.:~.,:.*~':,?:;'-~,.-'-:'?.';,~;?'~;'.~'~,~.:~;:';~'~:.:r ~..~':'~'~-t:.P:..~.;;~.7;~ ::.:.~.-:-", ;',';'"~/',:.'-';..'.:;,:.~;,~-'.'.':-'-.;:: :'.~: ;;'.':.;:~;.,~:G~:.~;; ?,'~;h-;';, ::;F.~:; ;-4;.,'"?' .-;;.r. :Cq.,'.;';.:.'-;?~.,"¢:'.'};; ¢ ;,;-:';:,~;':;\-",' ;~. ':":;'}?.~;:':.7.',.~.?:.i~'~? ',../?/.,....;*.' .:;:: ./.";.;'.';;.'.:; :: "; ~' ~,~..;}.3.:" ~: .'!t,C.;. '.¢.0, ' '.' '.".:-:~}:.:.;,:';..'.:':.";'.::".'r";?';':~' ~}~.;~,:~.:.T.~*~?.~?`:.;~}~..~:;`:;t~:~;~.,;~L:?~,~!~.~,~;:c~:~;;.~?*ii~:?;L`:~sL/;~;;~?;~?:~,~ · '...?..... '..':,. '.., ::.:,:.: ::;..i::.,?~.c. ?,:. ?.:...~...,;..-/?..,-.....~;..?, ;C;::: ;....,.:.4.:,-%..,...,: ;~.?;:: :~....;.: :.::...:.:;?~};,;:.::;;:-..?'.;~.,:;:.-}: :.. ¢???.?.~,;!.~(e::.:,. .. '.'. '". '.;' '.*.:;.',.,."-q *.' ';:.?';' ,,'";...~;':../.:'",7,?.:~';';;.".'.;. 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'~0~-02 :"~[ - ..~ ."~. ~:",'"'~ ',',,,-",','~,::i'. '"'o~,-;.'o:,;~'".:~-:-.'~",' ~.,~-~,:, .: ~'-~o:~~~:~.~'~m.-/~. :z.!'-'0'.-.'~.:~..." "..'.... i.:/."/i~.,/.' .:.' '.. : ' )' "' " " -'" "- ' ' MT ' t V. -..- t, ....... ...:..: .~ .: .: :,.....~...:~. =. ,., ...o,,,, ,,~.,,, I.'C;F.:0SS · "':""~:'~. ?'. <~:'""":;~.~.~':i'*~"~:":"~'::~'':':~ ~'~51 ~c.? '.T,~' '~::.'"":"~" "~','~,~"-'~, ."~'~ .""-': ~:~: -.~'.. ". '. ~. '.' '.' · · [3l'.,i... .L '= ~;" "'~g.l.o,.~. "L,g ".~ " ' .' ' ' TARE ' j "i'" ":';:'"'"""':'' '-~ o' """ ' ..... ' .... I.,ET: -... .... '. "tE,:lbu L,.., ' :...:, ..:, ..... . ..'. - ·. · ' .'::-;'~""'i:.v":.~.''.},;}~.'', '.". ',~-,;"~,'6~ ' .T,O"~ NET ,,,,\~'J~ : ... - ~.~. ~ .... ,. .:' .- 1 i 3/~2 ' ' "~' ' ' -"- -' ApProYaFPrOflle Number Generator'~ Nama and M~iling Addres~ COSTCO 999 gake ~ssa~uah~ ~A. 9~027 Gene:ator Phone Number (425) ~lgna~re of Au~onz~ Agent Transpoder ~ Company Name and Addr~s S~gna[ure Facilit7 Address if Different 2800 Standard St. COSTC Transporter 2 Company Name and Address S~gnalare Bakersfield, CA Phone: Ticket #: Unit #: Time: Date: Phone: "Rcket #: Unit #: Time: Date: Waste Description Crude Oil Contaminated Soil Quantity Shipped Tons X -~ Yards Drums Other Special Handling or Additional Information TSDF Reactivity CN ENV I ROCYCLE Sulfide 21992 Hwy 33 pH HcKittrick, CA. 93251 (661) 762-7330 Tonnage: Facility Opera[or. Certification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest iE.xcep( as noted in me Ois.c. xepan<~/I_ndicalJon Space. Printed Name: Signa~re: ~.' Date Discrepancy IndicmJon Space '. ' . , .' . .'....." . ' ..' ' . · ' ''.' .... '....., ..";'.. "" , :.: .' .'. '. '- . . · .. :'.'". '.... . .. '.. ' . · .'/..L..,:.:.." "..'...'.:..., -." ,.'y. 3 ..:x.,-.;.~. c'.':.,'/'.;:".';;".;' .'.':.. 5,'; '. :.".~;. :;.' .':.' ...'",'"'; ' , :.:;;:, ..../.. .... :. :.?,':.':;, ;.; ,:',,-?; ';..:....; ...;;..' .'.:.......1;.{ ..-:::;.;;., '{.;; ...' ¢¥-.':;.,:,; ;.-:, ?.'. ' ..... , ".'.;. :.:".';.':.:.:'.' '-." · '..,.:..":-.'-: - :".' ":. :?":'. "' : ..... .... .. ' ,'J,'. '": .'.': ¢'. ,";?;"".;ti ' .'." :~ .;?:*' * :.:= ;: ~ .;:*":.~*.'.j~'t'-'S'.;.~,-~./~.,.'.b.'t:,[':~.'*;'.'~.;".-'"-,,:,~... w-:...'...,;'t...'.'.t...~.'.%'.,'...· ',,..L.';'.;41'.".-;..'.*.'~'//~'.' ' '" .'. L. .... . ...v. ,.,.: ... L-..".. ' ~,. ,}..' ...-..,.;"}:.,... '. '.";;'[.'"'* ':':*"' '.-.'"'¢' .: ;','' ... '.' "'.,' .... ' .'....'.'...-.,~..:.:. '........ '.. .'.' .." · '...' ." ... llgnofure t~ on lh~ Ce~ti~cafe.who ~ recanted outhori~ ~f ~ccuro~, ~ pre~ribed by 6~pler 7 (commencing - Secli~.12i~) of Obilion ~ of !~ Colito,io BuCn~ ~nd ~rofe~ionl c~e, odmlnile~ by t~ o~on of Me~$urement ' · ·. '" ' . ;' " W~GH~D~: : .... ' ~ · ' . ' '. '.'"':" 'IoARRIER: ': · ',- '.. . I TRK*: ' ' ~199~ ~. 33, McKI~RICK, ~93~51 PHONE: (66.1.) 392-7!71 ' I I I I I I I I ENVIROCYCLE. INC.- WEIGHMASTER ,,(: 001 ) 69220 'LB Znl;.ound 'COMMODIW: V" . .... , "FEE :- ' · PAlD Q I UNITS · D C 'F~ ' m m m m m m m m NON-HAZARDOU~ WA,~'T~ MAJqlFI[$T Aaprova~roflle Hum~r Generato~ Nameand Mailing Address COSTCO WHOLESALE 999 Lake Dr. Issaquah, WA. 98027 Generator Phone Number (425) 427-7553 Tran~po~er 1 Company Name and Addr~s Signature Transporter 2 Company Name and Address Facility Addr~,,$ if Different 2800 Standard St. COSTC .Bakersfield, CA Date Phone: Ticket #: Unit #: Time: Date: Phone: Ticket #: Unit #: lime: Date: z , Waste Description Crude Oil Contaminated Soil Quantity Shipped Tons __ X ~_~ Yards Drums Other Special Handling or Additional Information TSOF Reactivity CN ENVI ROCYCLE Sulfide 21 992 33 pH HcKittrick, CA. 93251 ( 661 ) 762-7330 Tonnage: Facility Operatoc Ce~fica~n of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest Except as noted in me D~crepan..~dicatJon Space. 'Prin~ed Name: Signature: : %,.~'~ %~ _"h,r-,~¢~ ¢,, Date Oiscrepancy Indication Space I ""':" ;",'..: .;-. :.:'¥ '"' ". "}".':" ;;¢';' %'. :/,xL'-~ "':";? ',:'".";?.":';*'¢.'~ f' ;t;' *.~ -;':":-;.8¢;: .': "~-.';t:'.*~,',':"{". ;'::;.",'; '.'*.':; .'.t' ;f '. '?' ;;..",:'*.. ':'[ :?T;':;~:; '.-'i. :~;':';" ", ':'L'.:?; ;.'. ;.~',-..¢ ?';' ...;";s'. ;*:';..;;;.;'; [ ):.::L:: :? ;.-'L.-":;~;. *' ~ . 219'92 HwY. 33, McKIT[RICK, CA 93251 'PHONE: (661)39.2-7171 · .' ./ ' '...' i ' . '. · '.. ~'~: ·" :. - ' ' ' ' .~'. ' I '.-*~.~C,-'.'~ ; ~'~.ll~.. . ' ,.:.".. '.' · . . '. f ' ~~ ' -"M~-T-~ ' .... I (00'~).'.64~n0 .LB "Inbb~.nd "':-. :~ .' -' '-'; - "-' ~' .. ENVlROCYC~I~. - WEIGH ~ b . .' .t '. ~ ..2/. · . ':1 '-': "..t : -~ ..... : ...- ? ' ..; '.?:: ..'." 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'1o~, ~_~ '" FaCi{ity Address if Differen'i 2800 Standard St. COSTt Bakersfield, CA · /,- Transporter 1 Company Name and Address Signature ~~ Transporter 2 Company Name and Address S,gnature Phone: Ticket #: Unit #: Time: Date: Phone: Ticket #: Unit #: Time: Date: Waste Description Crude Oil Contaminated Soil Quantity Shipped Tons _ X ~_~ Yards Drums Other Specia~IHandling or Additional Information TSDF Reacdvity CN ENVIROCYCLE Sul~de _ 21992 Hwy 33 pH HcK±ttr±ck, CA. 93251 (661) 762-7330 Tonnage: Facility Operator. Cerdfica~n of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest Except as noted in ~e Discrepancy Indication Space. Printed Name: _ ,'~¢,,,',. :Discrepancy Indication Space /,:.'.' '~'.;~.:.,?.¥':~.';~,"~'..';",'~u'~e':~L~';;.!'.,? e.'~..:~?;:....~'*¥.~;.m..~.~,-~.::~ ',!'..'.,?.5~5'.',057.~¢:,:'~*'~.; :~:i,~.~':-:~5.',;..~.'".',~',,:::,i:~',.~';.: .,~? '..:~,'..?,...:r.:.<:.,:.,~£...- ,,.;,.,::c~...'..:...,.%.~ .'.:~:.;,',:/..: .';:',:,:..?,. .' ' : ."';"%'.~ +.. 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'. e.:.t:_~--, ~,,.~ ...... · -:::~: ~; "-' ,., O retc.~, ea aothorily Of accuracy, os prescr bed by ChOpter 7 (¢ommericinci With' :':':"::"- .:...,~--,.,u,! ~'uu~o~u"vmon=ortheCali~omial~/sine~s'dnidProf ssi ' ' "'' ..... . · · ' --. >':':"5~- - ~, Standards of the' Co fora a DeA,-,/tment -i~ ~-:~ :--:~ - ". ' .- e 0ns. C0cle~.adm~n~stered by t.he Drvision of Measurement; .... i ! ! I '! NON~OU~I WA~'~ MA, NIFI~T Generators Name and Mailing Address COSTCO WHOLESALE 999 Lake Dr. Issaquah, WA. 98027 ;Genera/or Phone Number (425) 427-7553 :1 ~e~eb¥ ce~i~ the mater~l ~b~c~ belOw am nat subjected .to ~y tl.j~u$ w.'aste ' Transporter 1 Company Name and Address ..~ ~ _-., .,._,. .,.__,.., ~.~- // Transporter 2 Company Name and Addre~"~ S~gnature Phone: Ticket ¢¢: Unit #: Time: Date: Facility Address if Different 28.00 Standard St. COSTC Bakersfield, CA Phone: Ticket #: Unit#: Time: Date: Date :Waste Desc~p-ti~n Crude Oil Contaminated Soil Quantity Shipped Tons X Yards Drums Other Special H'an~tiin'-g 0r Additional Information TSDF ...... - ' ~eaCtivi~ CJN ENV I ROCYCLE Sulfide 21992 Hwy 33 ° pH McKittrick, CA. 93251 (661) 762-7330 Tonnage: Facility Operatoc Certifica~n of receipt o1' waste materials covered by this manifesl Except as noted in me D~s.c4'epancy IQdicatJon Space. Printed Name: ~'~,~ ~'(~ ~...~""t"~.Ox. ~.V'~. Discrepancy Indicat, i~-n ,Space I '~*~?~ ~:~ ~.;'::~'~'.)~ 992'~ 33, ~'~C'Ki~RICK, ~ 93251 PHONE: (661) 392~7171 .". '-' . : ' ' DELIVERED TO ~ .... : ,- , ...: .... ,...-...... ,.......: ..,.;.~:-.:;-;'. I .'.'..'~ ;'.,: i':.~'...::.~.".;~'-"'WEIG~TINL~.' ."~ '~':.'-' ":'.'./.":';':, '~ "' .... .: ". ~d~'"" :'''': '.::'.':.:' ":/.. :':''' ~'::' :'':'.' ' . 'u-o~-o2 .'::~:~?...:..'.':.....~ . ': .,~,.::~. ::.:.:...'.. · tuv~ocvett .c.- w~.u~s~ · · · '..;~(O01~'~'SS~O0.k~'~'!nboun~' '~..... :-.:..'~ :-.. ~: . i~. :'...':....:..::.~? ;.;~.::?~?.::~.~,~..?:'i.~?:?: :~:-?."~'~,~;..' ;".~' :~":';.',~-.'::~:.:::' .:HET:?;-~.~./-';.;~?:.~'~St%0 .L'B'.?~;:~'..~~ :'~/~...:'~;.';:~:.;~E~ '.~...?.' ~ -..'/.', :~1.....- . .: .. .._. .:, .~,~.' :.....:.. ;~'..~ ~:.~,~'~ :.:; ;~'.:?.:' :...:.::;;~::?.~ ~.~E' .... :,~.. '..?,: '~?.,'.~:.',, .;.: '.: ..:..:.;~,....... ~ ~O~"".' "'.'~' ' -. · .... ~ ,- .--.:':'.~.'. '.' · '.'. I~EE.'.':~ ~'~:~. ;"~"'-n U~ITS :~-~ :":.,':,. D'c ~..n'.'.~./:'~';~ ..... 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