HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION (8)SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO: Mr. Ralph Huey Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA. 93301 FROM: BOB BECKER Soils Engineering, Inc. 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA, 93313 SUBJECT: Revised Groundwater Well Sampling Workplan For Proposed Costco Facility in Bakersfield, CA. NOTE: Attached is the Revised Groundwater Well Sampling Workplan for the proposed Costco facility in Bakersfield, CA. for your review and approval. If you have any questions concerning this Workplan please contact SEI at (661) 831 - 5100. Thanks Bob Costco Wholesale, Mr. Todd Bartok (2) MulvannyG2 Architects, Mr. Jeff Wilson 4400 YEAGER WAY ° BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93313 ° PHONE (661) 831-5100 ° FAX'. (661) 831-2111 I I I I I I I I I I I REVISED GROUNDWATER WELL SAMPLING WORKPLAN PROPOSED COSTCO WHOLESALE FACILITY 2800 STANDARD ST., 3650, 3660, 3800, 3880 ROSEDALE HIGHWAY BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Prepared For: COSTCO WHOLESALE 999 Lake Drive Issaquah, WA. 98027 Attn: Todd Bartok File No. 01-9692 Prepared By: I Soils Engineering, Inc. 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA. 93313 I I I July 25, 2001 1 4400 YEAGER WAY ° BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93313 ° PHONE (661) 831-5100 ° FAX: (661) 831-2111 I I July 25, 2001 File No. 01-9692 I i I I I Ralph E. Huey, Director Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Subject: Revised Groundwater Well Sampling Workplan ' Rosedale Highway Property, Bakersfield, California Former ENSR Project No. 8727-049 Dear Mr. Huey: Soils Engineering, Inc. (SEI) has been asked by Costco Wholesale to submit this Revised Groundwater Sampling Workplan for the subject site located at 2800 Standard Street and 3650 through 3880 Rosedale Highway in Bakersfield, California (site). See Plate 1 for a Location Map. ENSR Corporation (ENSR) previously submitted a Groundwater Well Sampling Workplan for this site dated April 19, 2001. This submittal includes the site background information requested by the Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Environmental Services (BFDOES) in a letter dated April 19, 2001, along with procedures for sampling of the four water supply wells and three groundwater monitoring wells that are currently present on the project site. SEI proposes to complete this sampling program prior to any remedial activities being conducted at the site. Upon completion of this sampling program, no additional groundwater sampling is proposed at the site and SEI understands that the BFDOES will not require any further confirmation groundwater sampling at the site during or after the proposed on-site remediation if this workplan is approved and implemented. I I I I SITE DESCRIPTION The approximately 20-acre site consists of multiple properties referred to as the Sparks parcel (comprised of two parcels), Rosedale Hotel/Maaco parcel, Seaton parcel and the Glen Rose parcel. These parcels are addressed 2800 Standard Street (Sparks parcel), 3650/3660 Rosedale Highway (Rosedale Hotel/Maaco parcel) and 3800/3880 Rosedale Highway (Glen Rose parcel) as shown on the Site Plan, Plate 2. No street address has been assigned to the Seaton parcel. The Seaton parcel is located between the Rosedale Hotel/Maaco parcel and the Glen Rose parcel. 4400 YEAGER WAY ° BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA93313 ° PHONE(661)831-5100 ° FAX:(661)831-2111 I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Revised Groundwater Sampling Vgorkplan Proposed Costco Wholesale Site Sparks Estate & Adjoining Properties, Bakersfield, CA. File No. 01-9692 .July 25, 2001 Page 2 Currently, two (2) water supply wells (referred to as the North and South Sparks wells) are located I I I I I I I I on the Sparks parcel, one (1) water supply well is located on the Maaco/Rosedale Hotel parcel and one water supply well is located on the Glen Rose parcel. The three (3) groundwater monitoring wells are located on the Sparks northeastern parcel. Information on these wells is presented below. Sparks parcel: One 60 foot deep water well that is 16 inches in diameter (North well) · One 140 foot deep water well that is 6 inches in diameter (South well) · The three (3) groundwater monitoring wells, designated MW- 1, MW-2, and MW-3, are each 35 feet deep with 2-inch diameter PVC casing. Glen Rose parcel: · One 280 foot deep water well that is 8 inches in diameter. Maaco/Rosedale Hotel parcel: · One 280 foot deep water well that is 8 inches in diameter. Previous Groundwater Sampling Events The North Sparks well (N Well), the Maaco/Rosedale Hotel well (M Well) and the three (3) groundwater monitoring wells (MW-1, MW-2 and MW-3) were sampled by Soils Engineering, Inc. (SEI) in October 1998. The South Sparks well and the Glen Rose well could not be sampled at that time due to the presence of materials (well pump and pump rods) inside the well casings preventing access. The groundwater monitoring well samples (MW-I, MW-2 and MW-3) were analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH), CAM 17 Metals and volatile organic compounds (VOC's) by appropriate EPA analytical methods. The deeper wells (M Well and N Well) were analyzed for Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TRPH), TPH, VOC's and CAM 17 Metals by appropriate EPA analytical methods. The analytical results of this sampling event indicated no elevated metals, VOC's, TRPH or TPH in the north Sparks well (N Well) and only 2.0 parts per billion (ppb) MTBE and 64 ppb TPH as gasoline (TPHg) in the M Well sample. The three (3) monitoring wells had only very minor MTBE (0.57 to 2 ppb) and total xylenes (1 to 3.8 ppb) reported, with no TPH or elevated metals. See attached Table 1 for historical groundwater sampling results at this site. Additional groundwater sampling was conducted by ENSR at 14 boring locations (EB-1 to EB-14) across the site between June 26, 2000 and July 21, 2001. Groundwater samples were collected utilizing a Geoprobe or hollow-stem auger drilling rig, pumps and bailers. The groundwater samples for this investigation were analyzed for TPHg, TPH as diesel (TPHd), TPH as motor oil (TPHmo), VOC's, and the majority of samples for CAM 17 Metals (EB-1 to EB-9, and EB-12). Water samples I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Revised Groundwater Sampling Workplan Proposed Costco Wholesale Site Sparks Estate & Adjoining Properties, Bakersfield, CA. File No. 01-9692 July 25, 2001 Page 3 EB-6 to EB-9 were also analyzed for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX). The I II I I I I i I I I I I I I I analytical results of these water samples indicated no elevated metals, VOC's or TPHg in the water samples. TPHd was reported at 120 ppb and TPHmo at 280 ppb in water sample EB- 14 located west of the former Maaco Building. Concentrations of TPHd and TPHmo were not reported in any other water sample in this investigation. See attached Table 1 for historical groundwater sampling results at this site. Historical Groundwater Gradient Determinations The groundwater gradient was determined during the October 1998 sampling event by SEI. The shallow groundwater gradient was 0.0037'/' in a S81W direction on October 27, 1998. The deeper aquifer appeared to have a southwesterly gradient on October 26, 1998. Other Site Characterization Work Previous environmental investigations concerning soil, asbestos and lead paint have been conducted at this site by SEI and others to determine possible environmental liabilities and appropriate remedial action at the subject site. The most complete historical summary of these investigations was prepared by ENSR and is dated March 5, 2001 titled Site History and Subsurface Investigation Report (Report). SEI has attached ENSR's Report (minus analytical laboratory reports) to this Workplan as Appendix A. A Removal Action Workplan (RAW) has also been prepared by ENSR dated February 28, 2001 for the subject site. SEI will revise this RAW in accordance with the BFDOES letter request dated April 10, 2001. Following the approval of the revised RAW the remedial work will be conducted in accordance with the approved RAW. SCOPE OF WORK The following scope of work is proposed for sampling of the wells: Removal of materials from the North and South Sparks wells, the Glen Rose well and the Maaco/Rosedale Hotel property well (M Well); · Purging and sampling of the four water supply and three monitoring wells; · Analyzing groundwater samples for petroleum hydrocarbons and volatile organic compounds (VOCs)'; and · Reporting to the BFDOES on the results of the water-sampling event. I I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Revised Groundwater Sampling Workplan Proposed Costco Wholesale Site Sparks Estate & Adjoining Properties, Bakersfield, CA. FIELD ACTIVITIES File No. 01-9692 July 25, 2001 Page 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The proposed sampling program outlined herein shall not commence until the workplan is approved by the BFDOES. A licensed well driller contractor will be utilized to remove the materials from the four (4) water supply wells to allow purging and sampling of these wells. Prior to sampling, the static groundwater level will be measured in each well using a water level sounder. After water level measurement, the four water supply wells will be purged by pumping up to 150 gallons from each water supply well while a minimum of three well-casing volumes of water will be purged from the monitoring wells using a submersible pump. Purging will consist of the gradual removal of water from the well until physical parameters (pH, temperature, and electrical conductivity) have stabilized confirming successful purging parameters. After purging is completed, groundwater samples will be collected using a new disposable bailer. The water samples will be decanted from the bailer into appropriate preserved sample containers, labeled, and placed in an ice-cooled chest for transport to the laboratory under chain of custody control. Purged groundwater will be stored on the site in Department of Transportation approved 55-gallon drums or in a temporary storage tank pending the receipt and review of analytical results. The containerized purge water will be properly recycled following the receipt of the analytical results. ANALYTICAL METHODS Groundwater samples will be analyzed by a laboratory certified by the California Environmental Protection Agency (Cai-EPA) for the requested analyses. The samples will be analyzed for the following: · Total petroleum hydrocarbons quantified as gasoline (TPH-g), TPH as diesel (TPH-d) and TPH as motor oil (TPH-mo) using United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Test Method 8015 Modified, · VOCs, including benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and total xylenes (BTEX) and the fuel oxygenates di-isopropyl ether (DI~E), ethyl tert-butyl ether (ETBE), methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE), tert-amyl methyl ether (TAME) and tert butanol, using EPA Test Method 8240/8260. I SOILS ENGINEERING, Revised Groundwater Sampling Workplan File No. 01-9692 Proposed Costco Wholesale Site July 25, 2001 Sparks Estate & Adjoining Properties, Bakersfield, C,4~. Page 5 REPORTING A Groundwater Sampling Report will be prepared following the receipt of the analytical results. This report will contain, but may not be limited to, the following items: · A description of the field activities associated with the investigation, including sampling procedures; · A site plan showing the location of the wells relative to site structures; · Certified analytical laboratory reports, including chain-of-custody records; · A groundwater gradient for the site, shallow and deeper aquifer; · Regional groundwater data; and · Conclusions and Recommendations for the site. CLOSING Upon approval of this Workplan the Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Environmental Services agrees that no further confirmation groundwater sampling shall be required of Costco during or after completion of the proposed site remediation if the workplan is implemented as set forth herein. We look forward to working with you on this project. If you have any questions or comments regarding this letter report please contact SEI at (661) 831-5100. Sincerely, Robert J. Becker, ~R.G., R.E.A. II Environmental Division Manager Attachments: Table 1, Historical Groundwater Sarh~a'lytical INC. I I Results Plate 1, Location Map Plate 2, Site Plan Appendix A, ENSR - Site History And Subsurface Investigation Report (minus analytical laboratory reports) I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Revised Groundwater Sampling Workplan Proposed Costco IKholesale Site Sparks Estate & Adjoining Properties, Bakersfield, CA. CC: Mr. Todd Bartok, Costco Wholesale Mr. Jeff Wilson, Mulvanny Architects File No. 01-9692 July 25, 2001 Page 6 TABLE 1 HISTORICAL GROUNWATER WELL SAMPLING ANALYTICAL RESULTS Sparks Estate & Adjoining Properties Bakersfield, California SAMPLE NUMBER DATE EPA 418.1 EPA 8260 CAM 17 Metals 8015m TRPH Volatile Elevated TPHg TPHd TPHmoi Organics Only Listed N Well (North Wate~ Well) 10/26/1998 < 1ppm All ND None <50 ppb NA NA M Well (Maaco Water Well). 10/26/1998 <lppm 2 ppb MTBE None 64 ppb NA NA MW-1 10/27/1998 NA X=lppb, MTBE=0.57 ppb None <500ppb <200ppb NA MW-2 10/27/1998 NA X=3.8ppb, MTBE=2 pp.b, None <500ppb <200ppb NA MW-3 1012711998 NA X=l.5ppb, MTBE=I.4 ppb None <500ppb <200ppb NA T=0.91ppb, 1.2ppb Trimethylbenzene EB-1 6/26/2000 NA All ND None <500 ppb <500 ppb <500 ppbl EB-2 6/26/2000 NA All ND None <500 ppb <500 ppb <500 ppb EB-3 6/27/2000 NA All ND None <500 ppb <500 ppb <500 ppb EB-4 6/27/2000 NA All ND None <500 ppb <500 ppb <500 ppb EB-5 6/27/2000 NA All ND None <5,00 ppb <500 ppb <500 ppb EB-6 12/7/2000 NA All ND None <500 ppb <500 ppb <500 ppb EB-7 7/11/2000 NA All ND None <500 ppb <500 ppb <500 ppb EB-8 7/11/2000 NA All ND None <500 ppb <500 ppb <500 ppb EB-9 7/11/2000 NA All ND None <500 ppb <500 ppb <500 ppb EB-10 7/21/2000 NA All ND NA <500 ppb <500 ppb <500 ppb EB-11 7/21/2000 NA All ND NA <500 ppb <500 ppb <500 ppb, EB-12 7/21/2000 NA All ND None <1000 ppb <500 ppb <500 ppb EB-13 2/6/2001 NA All ND NA <50 ppb <50 ppb <250 ppb EB-14 ,2/6/2001 , NA All ND NA <50 ppb 120 ppb 280 ppb Note: T=Toluene, X=Xylenes, TPH=Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, g = Gasoline, d=Diesel, ND= None Detected, ppm = parts per million, ppb = parts per billion, TRPH=Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons I I I Location Map Sparks Estate & Adjacent Properties 2800 Standard St., 3650 and 3800 Rosedale Hwy.., Bakersfield, California I ' I I I ~!27 I NORDIC DR N I I PLATE 1 · LOCATION MAP Sparks Estate & Adjacent Properties 2800 Standard St., 3650 and 3800 Rosedale Hwy. Bakersfield, California nS-lO X ~; Jcm ~ ,'3  ] 8~e VaUL' · ~ w~ T~ m i. ~ V ~ 'J I T X ~ ~ ~' [ , / ~ I TRPH = TOTiL RECOY(~ ~mO~UM m , ,~ :.~..,,~, [)arks Prope~ & Adlacen ' s~.nc RO~EDALE . · F ~ SEATON PARCEL ROSEDALE TANK e~a HOTEL m ._ ~~ ', + . . [ ...,. - - ] Wmth Bormngs & Wells m I .... ~~' ~' I I' m I I I I I I I I I I I I I '1 I I I I I Ill Z I :1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SOILS APPENDIX A ENSR's Site History and Subsurface Investigation Report Dated March 5, 2001 (Minus Analytical Laboratory Reports) ENGINEERING, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I'l I i.I ..~ I ~-I LI II SITE HISTORY AND SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION REPORT ROSEDALE HIGHWAY PROPERTY 2800 STANDARD STREET AND 3650 -3880 ROSEDALE HIGHWAY BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA March 8, 2001 · Prepared for: Costco Wholesale 999 Lake Drive Issaquah, Washington ' 98027 Prepared by: 1420 Harbor Bay Parkway, Suite 120 Alameda, California 94502 (510) 748-6700 Document Number 8727-049 I I I I I I: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The northern portion of the site is referred to as the Sparks parcel. This parcel is accessed by Standard Street. Features on this parcel include the following: · One 2'.1 million-gallon crude oil aboveground storage tank (AST) located on the west portion of the parcel. The tank is approximately half full, containing approximately 100,000 gallons of crude oil, 400,000 gallons of water and 420,000 gallons of oily sediment and sludge; Consulting · Engineering · Remediation February 14, 2001 ENSR Project No.: 8727-049 1420 Harbor'Bay Parkway Suite 120 Alameda, CA 94502 (5i0) 748-6700 FAX (510) 748-6799 http://www.ensr, corn Mr. Todd Bartok Costco Wholesale 999 Lake Drive Issaquah, Washington 98027 SUBJECT: Limited Soil and Groundwater Sampling Report Rosedale Highway Property ~ Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Bartok: ENSR Corporation (ENSR) is pleased to present this report on the limited soil and groundwater sampling program performed at the referenced site located on the north side of Rosedale Highway immediately west of Highway 99 in Bakersfield, California (see Site Location Map, Figure 1). Site addresses are 3650, 3660 and 3880 Rosedale Highway and 2800 Standard Street. SITE DESCRIPTION The approximately 20-acre site consists of four parcels referred to as the Sparks parcel (technically comprised of two parcels), Rosedale Hotel/Maaco parcel, Seaton parcel and Glen Rose parcel. These parcels are addressed 2800 Standard Street (Sparks parcel), 3650/3660 Rosedale Highway (Rosedaie Hotel/Maaco parcel) and 3800/3880 Rosedale Highway (Glen Rose parcel) as shown on the Site Plan, Figure 2. No street address has been assigned to the Seaton parcel. The Seaton parcel is located between the Rosedale Hotel/Maaco parcel and the Glen Rose parcel. Mr. Todd Bartok Costco Wholesale March 5, 2001 Page 2 The Rosedale Hotel/Maaco parcel is located on the southeastern portion of the site. parcel is accessed from Rosedale Highway. Features on this parcel include the following:- . A Vacant building which was most recently occupied by Maaco Auto Paint; · A concrete pad for a former spray paint booth; · Two floor drains located inside the on-site building; 8727-049 · One service garage located on the east side of the parcel (the shop area of the garage features a floor drain which leads to a clarifier'and Class V shallow injection well); · Two mobile trailers, including one located west and one southwest of the service garage; · One dispenser island with three dispensers on the west side of the service garage; · One waste oil UST located to the south side of service garage; · Four fuel USTs on the west side of service garage; · A drilling sump to contain drilling fluids on the southeast corner of the parcel; · Concrete foundations at the northwest corner of the parcel; · A septic system (tank and leach field) located adjacent to the south side of the dispenser island (west of the service garage) and one possible septic system located near the trailer to the southwest of the service garage; · Small electrical equipment (transformers and light ballasts) possibly containing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs); · Debris including tires, drums, concrete pads and containers; · Three groundwater monitoring wells (designated MW-l, M-2 and M-3); · TWo water supply wells that are no longer in use; and · Utility vaults, including a water main and eleCtrical'vaults on the south and eastern portions, respectively, of the parcel. This .I 'Il I I I / / / Mr. Todd Bartok Costco Wholesale March 5, 2001 Page 3 · A septic system located at the northwest corner of the on-site building; · Possible PCB containing electrical equipment (small transformers and light ballasts); and · Debris including tires, drums and containers. The Seaton parcel is located on the southern portion of the site and is accessed from Rosedale Highway. Features on this parcel include the following: · Truck trailers/containers located on the western portion of the parcel; · Debris including tires, drums and containers; and · One existing water supply well located on northern portion of the parcel The parcel on the southwestern corner of the site is referred to the Glen Rose parcel. Features on this parcel include the following: One building, formerly occupied by the Glen Rose Engine Shop, is present on the southwest portion of the parcel; · A steam cleaning sump located on northwest corner of the garage; · A septic system located at the northwest corner of the building; · Possible PCB containing electrical equipment (small transformers and light ballasts); · 'Debris including tires, 55-gallon drums, concrete pads and small containers; and · . One water supply Well located on east side of the parcel. SCOPE OF WORK The purpose of ENSR's work was to establish the historical uses of the project site, to evaluate the potential impacts to surface soils from past on-site activities by collection and analysis of soil samples and to evaluate impacts from on-site and off-site activities by collection and analysis of groundwater samples. The scope of work performed by ENSR included review of historical documents, reports and aerial photographs available for the site and collection and analysis of soil and groundwater samples. Tasks performed at the site included the following: 8727-049 II Mr.' Todd Bartok Costco Wholesale March 5, 2001 Page 4 · Review of reports previously prepared for the site by various consultants; · Review of files for the site at the offices of the Kern County Environmental Health Department (KCEHD); Review of historical aerial photographs; Advancement of 12 shallow borings (for collection of soil samples) to a depth of approximately 4 feet using direct-push sampling rigs at the following locations (see Sample Location Map, Figure 3 for locations); One bodng (designated ES-1 on the Sample Location Map, Figure 3) in the area of the waste oil UST on the Sparks Parcel; One boring (designated ES-2) in the area of the storage shed (possibly used for hazardous waste storage) located along the eastern border of the Sparks Parcel; One boring (designated ES-3) on the Seaton Parcel where one-gallon containers of unknown liquids were stored in the past; Three borings (designated ES-4, 5 and 6) on the Glen Rose parcel where vehicles and drums were stored in the past; Four borings (designated ES-7, ES-8, ES-9 and ES-10) along the route of the former overhead pipeline leading from the.2.1 million'crude oil AST to the refinery located north of the project site (no sample was collected from. ES-9); and Three borings (designated ES-11, ES-12 and ES-13) on the western portion of the Seaton parcel. Advancement of 15 deep borings (for collection of soil and groundwater samples) to depths of approximately 25 to 35 feet using direct-push sampling rigs at the following locations. Borings are plotted on Figure 3, Sample Location Map; Two borings (designated EB-1 and EB-2 on the Sample Location Map, Figure 3) in the area of the former ASTs (contents unknown) noted in a 1937 aerial photograph reviewed by other consultants; 8727-049 I I I I I I I I .I I I Mr. Todd Bartok Costco Wholesale March 5, 2001 Page 5 Two borings (designated EB-3 and EB-4) at the former Phillips oil production wells; One boring (designated EB-5) on the Rosedale Hotel parcel and in a down-gradient direction of the former Maaco paint booths; One boring (designated EB-6) on the west border of the Glenn Rose parcel; , Three borings (designated EB-7, 8 and 9) around the perimeter of the 2.1 million gallon AST; One boring (designated EB-10) at the northwest corner of the site; One boring (designated EB-11) on the south side of the service garage on the Sparks parcel; , One boring (designated EB-12) near the center of'the Sparks parcel; and ' Two borings (designated EB-13 and EB-14) at the location of the proposed Costco gasoline station. · Collection of soil samples from each of the borings. · Collection of groundwater samples from the deep borings. · Analyses of selected soil and groundwater samples. · Preparation of this report of findings. SITE HISTORY REVIEW Site history was established by review of reports and documents previously prepared for the site by other consultants, review of documents at the KCEHD and review of aerial photographs. Review of Previous Reports ENSR reviewed reports prepared by other consultants, including Kennedy Jenks Consultants (KJC), Park Environmental and Soils Engineering Consultants, to obtain results of previous 8727-049 Mr. Todd Ba~ok Costco Wholesale March 5,2001 Page 6 environmental assessments of the site. A summary of the information from these previous reports is presented below. Site History The Sparks parcel, addressed as 2800 Standard Street, was most recently occupied by Minyard Trucking and Larry's Truck Service. Past uses of the Sparks parcel include oil fields that operated as early as 1937, with a large sump in the northwest corner of the parcel, the Trico oil production well in the eastern section, two ASTs in the northeast section, several smaller ASTs in the southern section and a large warehouse in the middle section. Between 1952 and 1956, the large sump was removed, the Trico oil production well was abandoned, the ASTs were removed, two Phillip's oil wells were installed and an oil field service building was constructed on this parcel. Between 1956 and 1975, the large warehouse in the middle section of the parcel was removed and, in 1979, a 2.1 million gallon crude oil AST (referred to as Tank 50001 in previous documents) and a smaller crude oil AST were constructed on the western portion of the parcel. In 1981, the truck service building currently present on the eastern portion of the Sparks parcel was constructed and piping was installed between the two crUde oil ASTs and the abutting refinery to the north. Between 1981 and 1990, the piping connecting the crude oil ASTs to the adjacent refinery and the small crude oil AST were removed. The large AST was left in place. The Rosedale Hotel is listed as the current property owner of the Rosedale Hotel/MaaCo parcel. This parcel, addressed as 3650/3660 Rosedale Highway, was occupied by residential buildings';' prior to construction of the current on-site building in 1982. This building was occupied by Maaco Auto Paint from the time of its construction ~ntil several years ago. The parcel was- used for residential housing as early as 1937, with more residential buildings constructed on the parcel between 1956 and 1981. By 1982, the residential buildings were demolished and the building that was used by Maaco Auto Paint was constructed on the parcel. A Class V shallow disposal well located on the east side of the Maaco Auto Paint building was destroyed according to KCEHD standards on October 8, 1993. The Seaton parcel, located between the Rosedale Hotel/Maaco and Glen Rose parcels along the Rosedale Highway, has been vacant or used for truck parking since as early as 1937. The Glen Rose parcel, addressed 3800/3880 Rosedale Highway, was used to store oil field equipment prior to '1964. The current on-site building was constructed in 1964 and was 8727-049 I Mr. Todd Bartok Costco Wholesale March 5, 2001 Page 7 occupied between 1964 and 2000 by Glen Rose Engine Shop. A Class V shallow disposal well located on .the north side of the building was destroyed according to KCEHSD standards on September 16, 1994. Previous Site Assessments/InVestigations A Phase I environmental site assessment (ESA) report was prepared by KJC and dated October 22, 1997. KJC prepared recommendations based upon findings from the Phase I ESA that included the following: · Completion of an asbestos survey of all on-site buildings; · Clearing/disposal of debris; · Removal of the five USTs on the Sparks parcel; · Sampling of stained soils across the site; · Sampling/characterization of the crude oil AST contents; · Abandonment of water supply wells; · Removal of septic systems; and · Removal of drains and sumps. Numerous sampling activities have been performed at the site, 'including' collection and analysis of samples of the crude oil AST contents; collection and analysis of soil and groundwater samples from across the site; and collection and analysis of sludge samples from the shallow disposal well, steam cleaner sump and floor drains. In addition, an asbestos survey of the on-site buildings was performed by AKRI Corporation (AKRI). The results of the 'previous site assessments are summarized below. For clarity, the results for the crude oil AST contents are discussed separately (and first) from the results of the soil, groundwater and sludge samples. Samplin~l of Crude Oil AST Contents Samples of the water, oil and sludge phases were collected in the past for analysis by Cai/Western Fuels, Park Environmental and KJC. These samples were analyzed for Title 22/CAM 17 metals, soluble lead and mercury, the aromatic hydrocarbons benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEX); leachable benzene and leachable 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2- DCA); chromium and lead; organochlorinated pesticides and/or PCBs and reactive sulfide, reactive cyanide, pHi fish bioassay and flash point. 8727-049 .11 Mr. Todd Bartok Costco Wholesale March 5,2001 Page 8 Samples collected between 1989 and 1991 were analyzed for Title 22/CAM 17 metals using Total Threshold Limit Concentration (TTLC) and Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration (STLC) analytical methods, BTEX, 1,2-DCA and flash point. In addition, one sludge sample was analyzed for leachable lead using Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Potential (TCLP) analysis. Analytical results are summarized in the tables from previous reports presented Appendix A. These chemicals of concern (COCs) were not present in the. samples analyzed at concentrations at or above their'respective TTLCs, STLCs or TCLPs. In 1993, Park Environmental performed the first environmental assessment of the site which included collection and analysis of samples from the crude oil AST. Park Environmental collected two samples of the oil phase (designated T-1 and T-2) and two samples of the sludge phase (designated T-3 and T-4) from the crude oil AST. These four samples were analyzed for Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TRPH), BTEX, leachable benzene using TCLP analysis and Title 22/CAM 17 metals. Petroleum hydrocarbons and BTEX were present in all of the samples. Leachable benzene was present in the sludge samples T-3 and T-4 at concentrations of 690 and 750 micrograms per kilogram (pg/kg), respectively. These concentrations are above the TCLP of 500 micrograms per liter (pg/L) for leachable benzene. The concentrations of metals were below their respective TTLCs. Additional samples of the tank contents were collected in 1997 by KJC and findings were reported in a waste classification information report dated March 1998. This work was performed in accordance with a California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) approved sampling workplan. These samples were analyzed for BTEX, 1,2-DCA, 2- methylnapthalene, fish bioassay, reactive sulfide, reactive cyanide, pH, flash point, Title 22/CAM 17 metals (TTLC), soluble lead, mercury and barium using STLC analysis, PCBs, organochlorine pesticides, leachable benzene and 1,2-DCA using TCLP analysis, and leachable chromium and lead using TCLP analysis. DTSC reviewed the waste classification information report by KJC and requested additional analytical data for hexavalent chromium in the water phase, and lead and benzene in the sludge phase. In response to this request, KJC collected three water samples and eight sludge samples from the AST and reported the results in a waste classification information addendum dated March 21, 1998. Based on these analyses, the only COC above "action levels" was' soluble lead detected in one sludge sample at a concentration above the STLC. Based on the analytical results and statistical analysis performed by KJC, the contents of the tank were characteriZed as non- 8727-049 Mr. Todd Bartok Costco Wholesale March 5, 2001 Page 9 hazardous. Results of the analysis are presented in the tables prepared by KJC and included in Appendix A. Additionally, KJC prepared a workplan for the removal and demolition of the crude oil AST (Tank 50001) dated March 12, 1998. The workplan was reviewed by the DTSC and the DTSC stated that they had no objections to the workplan in a letter dated March 30, 1998. According to the workplan, an estimated 400,000 gallons of water would be removed from the AST, approximately 100,000 gallons of crude oil would be removed and recycled, approximately 420,000 gallons of sludge would be solidified and removed, the AST's interior would be decontaminated (with proper disposal of rinsate) and the AST would be cut into pieces and transported to a metal recycler. Based on the workplan by KJC and recent conversations between ENSR and DTSC representatives, the waste oil is to be disposed of at a DTSC permitted facility. Sampling of Sludge, Soil and Groundwater Extensive environmental subsurface investigations have been conducted at the site over the past 7 years by various consultants (see Sample Location Map, Figure 3). -Investigative tasks at the site have included advancement of 47 deep soil borings and 18 shallow soil borings, collection and analysis of 110 subsurface soil samples and 12 "reconnaissance" groundwater samples, installation of three groundwater monitoring wells and collection and analysis of groundwater samples from the three monitoring wells and two water supply wells. Reconnaissance groundwater samples are collected by lowering a bailer through the probes or augers of the sampling rig; after sampling, the borings are backfilled with cement. During Park Environmental's 1993 environmental assessment of the Sparks parcel, soil samples were collected at depths of 15 to 35 feet below ground surface (bgs) from four borings (designated borings 1 through 4) located near the USTs. Analysis of these samples for fuel fingerprint (gasoline, diesel, motor oil and crude oil) revealed no detectable concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons in these samples (see table from Park's report in Appendix A). The soil samples collected at depths of 20 and 30 feet bgs from the boring (Boring 5) advanced by Park Environmental at the wash rack leach field were analyzed for fuel fingerprint. Analyses of these samples revealed Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons quantified as crude oil (TPH-co) at a concentration of 53 mg/kg and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as diesel (TPH-d) at 14 mg/kg. Samples collected at a depth of 1 foot bgs from around the crude oil AST (sample locations S-1 through S-5) were analyzed for TRPH, BTEX and Title 22/CAM 17 metals. TRPH was detected at concentrations above 1,000 mg/kg in four of the five samples. Various metals were detected in each of the samples at concentration below their respective TTLCs. In addition, BTEX 8727-049 Mr. Todd Bartok Costco Wholesale March 5, 2001 Page 10 compounds were detected in concentrations below action levels in four of the five samples; the remaining .sample did not contain BTEX compounds at concentrations at or above the laboratory reporting limits. Soils Engineering, Inc. (SEI) advanced 31 borings across the site in 1998. Three of the borings' (B28, B29 and B-30) located on the Sparks parcel were converted to groundwater monitoring' wells (MW-l, MW-2 and MW-3). A total of 64 soil samples and three groundwater samples were collected by SEI for analysis. Soil samples were analyzed for TRPH, TPH-g, TPH-d, BTEX, methyl tertiary butyl ether (MtBE), Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), semi-VOCs, metals, organochlorine pesticides and/or PCBs. Petroleum hydrocarbons were detected in two of the shallow soil samples (collected at the 1 foot depth) at concentrations above 1,000 mg/kg. These samples were collected from borings located on the Seaton parcel and designated B-15 and B-16. Analysis of the groundwater samples for TPH-g, TPH-d, TRPH, VOCs and/or metals revealed Iow levels of some petroleum hydrocarbon constituents. The concentrations of these compounds were below generally accepted "action levels" (MCLs and taste/odor threshold). Samples of liquid and sludge were also collected for analysis by SEI from the Class V shallow disposal well on the Sparks parcel, the septic tanks on the Sparks, Rosedale Hotel/Maaco and Glen Rose parcels, the steam cleaner sump on the Glen Rose parcel and two floor drains on the Rosedale Hotel/Msaco parcel. The liquid and sludge in the shallow disposal well were characterized as non-hazardous while the sludge in the steam cleaner sump and two floors were characterized as hazardous based on the soluble metals analyses. ENSR performed a subsurface investigation at the site during the summer of 2000 and early.' 2001. A total of 14 borings were advanced to groundwater for collection of soil and groundwater samples and 12 shallow borings were advanced for collection of soil samples. Twelve groundwater samples and 27 soil samples were analyzed for TPH-g, TPH-d, TPH-mo, Title 22/CAM 17 metals and/or VOCs. Petroleum hydrocarbons above 1,000 mg/kg were detected in soil samples collected from two locations on the Sparks parcel, including EB-1 located north of the service garage and ES-10 located north of the crude oil AST. Review of Kern County Health Department Files ENSR reviewed the fileS of the Kern County Health Department for information on the project site. A summary of information contained in the file for each of the parcels is presented below. 8727-O49 I / i i i I i Mr. Todd Bartok Costco Wholesale March 5, 2001 Page 11 Sparks Parcel · An inspection form dated November 5, 1992 indicated that a shallow injection well and a clarifier are located on the parcel. Waste oil reportedly disposed of in dry well. · KCEHD referred'property to United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to pursue closure of the shallow injection well. · EPA issued letter to California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) and California Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) inviting these agencies to participate in enforcement action regarding shallow injection well. · Five USTs present on the property did not have current'permits. · Three groundwater monitoring wells installed on the property in October 1998. · Crude oil AST contains 920,000 gallons of oil, water and sludge. Rosedale Hotel/Maaco Parcel · KCEHD personnel observed shallow injection well on property in 1991. · Shallow injection well reportedly installed in 1979 or 1980. Well was used for disposal of wash water from cleaning of oil field equipment. · Destruction of shallow injection well observed by KCEHD personnel. · Maaco moved to site in 1983. Glen Rose Parcel · KCEHD issued letter in 1994 noted that site investigation for shallow injection well completed. · Wash rack noted to north side of building. · Craig Rose interviewed by KCEHD personnel and noted that he had been in business for 40 years. 8727-049 Mr. Todd Bartok Costco Wholesale March 5, 2001 Page 12 Review of Historical Aerial PhotograPhs Historical aerial photographs were revieWed by ENSR for data on past site uses. The scale of each photograph was 1 inch equal to 600 feet. Information obtained from our review of the aerial photographs is presented below with the earliest photograph disCussed first. Photograph dated July 1, 1946 In this photograph, the eastern portion of the Sparks parcel is disturbed with what appears to be small containers. Also noted in this photograph were a small structure that appears to be an AST at northeast corner of the Sparks parcel and a small structure, likely the warehouSe noted by KJC, on the south central area of the Sparks parcel. The remainder of the Sparks parcel is undeveloped land in this photograph and appeared to have been mown (possibly for weed control). In this photograph, what' appeared to be residential structures were present on the northern and central portions of the Rosedale Hotel/Maaco parcel. A number of trees were located on the central portion of this parcel at this time. This parcel was undeveloped land in this photograph. The Glen Rose parcel appeared as undeveloped land. Photograph dated October 21, 1952 The AST was not present on the northeast corner of the Sparks parcel in this photograph; however, the east portion of this parcel was still disturbed and occupied by what appeared to be containers located near the southeast corner. A square shaped feature was noted alOng the northern border to the east of Standard Street in this photograph. This feature may have been the sump noted, by KJC which was associated with the Trico oil well. Several trees were noted in the central area of the parcel and what appeared to be a drill rig was present on western portion (in area of Phillips Well No. 1) of the Sparks parcel. In this photograph, the Rosedale Hotel/Maaco parcel appeared the same as in the 1946 photograph with residential structures on the parcel. The Seaton parcel appeared as undeveloped land as in the 1946 photograph. The Glen Rose 'parcel appeared as undeveloped land in this photograph. 8727-049 I I i I I' I Mr. Todd Bartok Costco Wholesale March 5, 2001 Page 13 Photograph dated July 15, 1956 No buildings were noted on the Sparks parcel in this photograph. What appeared to be two small ASTs and a square dark colored feature were noted near the center of the Sparks parcel and the soil was disturbed. A drilling sump was noted on the central area of Sparks parcel (at the location of Phillips oil well No. 1 as shown on the Munger Map) with the remainder of this parcel appearing as undeveloped land. In this photograph, the Rosedale Hotel/Maaco appeared as it did in the earlier photographs. The Seaton parcel appeared as undeveloped land as in the previous photographs. The Glen Rose parcel was undeVeloped land in this photograph. Photograph dated May 16, 1967 Several structures were noted on the east side of the Sparks parcel in this photograph. In addition, a dirt road was noted along the northern border of the parcel which turned south at center of parcel then turned westward with a loop on west portion of Sparks parcel. The location of the loop appeared to coincide with the location of what appeared to be the drill rig noted in the 1952 aerial, photograph. In this photograph, a small structure was present in the area of the current on-site building on the Rosedale Hotel/Maaco parcel. An open area was present to the north of this structure with trees present on the north end of the parcel, in addition, the residential structures noted in the previous, photographs were present. The Seaton parcel appeared unchanged from the previous photographs. The Glen Rose parcel was fenced with several containers along west border and what appeared to be a small structure near the southwest corner. Photograph dated September 3, 1994 The shop building and trailer currently present on the Sparks parcel was noted in this photograph. Numerous vehicles were present to the west of the shop building and the 2.1 million gallon crude oil AST currently present on the parcel was noted on the southwest comer of the Sparks parcel. In addition, the outline of a former AST was visible along the west border. 8727-049 Mr. Todd Bartok Costco Wholesale March 5,2001 Page 14 ! ! The commercial structure currently present on the Rosedale Hotel/Maaco was noted in this photograph. The'Seaton parcel appeared as undeveloped land and numerous containers (which appeared to be semi-truck trailers) were noted on the western portion of this parcel. The Glen Rose parcel appears like 'today with a structure at the southwest corner and containers (appear to be 55-gallon drUms) on the northern portion of this parcel. SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION A subsurface investigation was performed by ENSR at the site between June and December 2000 and in February 2001. This investigation included collection and analysis of soil and groundwater samples from borings located across the site. The site investigation is summarized below. Field Activities Prior to advancement of borings at the site, Strata Geophysical, a company specializing in geophysical services, surveyed the proposed sampling areas for underground utilities using various geophysical instruments. Underground Service Alert was also notified to arrange for utility marking within pertinent public rights-of-way and utility easements prior to commencement of field sampling activities. Due to access constraints and other, delays, fieldwork was completed in phases between June.. 26, 2000 and February 6, 2001, as noted in the table below. Boring ID Number Drilling Date ES-l, ES-2, EB-1 and EB-2 June 26, 2000 ES-3, EB-3 through EB-5, EB-10 and EB-11 June 27, 2000 ES-7 through ES-10 and EB-7 through EB-9 July 11, 2000 Es-i 1 through ES-13 and EB-12 July 21,2000 ES-4 through ES-6 and EB-6 December 7, 2000 EB-13 and EB-14 February 6, 2001 I I I I I I I' I I' 8727-049 i i i Mr. Todd Bartok Costco Wholesale March 5, 2001 Page 15 .i No KCEHD permits were required for the proposed sampling; however, KCEHD was notified of our schedule for fieldwork. The borings were advanced by Vironex of Long Beach, California under ENSR's supervision with the exception of the sampling event in February 2001. In February 2001, borings EB-13 and EB-14 were advanced using a hollow stem drill dg which was under the supervision of Kleinfelder, Inc., the geotechnical engineer for the project. ENSR's role at that time was to collect soil and groundwater samples from the borings advanced by Kleinfelder. The remaining borings were advanced by ENSR using a direct-push Geoprobe 'ru sampling rig. The boring locations are shown on the Sample Location Map, Figure 3. The shallow borings were advanced to depths of approximately 4 feet bgs and the deep borings were advanced to depths of approximately 25 to 35 feet. The sampling equipment was washed in AlconoxTM detergent and water, and rinsed with distilled water or steam cleaned prior to use at each sampling location and prior to leaving the site. After the soil and groundwater samples were collected, the borings were backfilled with cement grout. Soil samples were generally collected from the deeper borings at intervals of five feet bgs to the soil/groundwater interface and from the surface to the 4-foot depth in the shallow borings. Groundwater samples were collected from each of the deeper borings. Sampling depths varied based on soil conditions and groundwater depths. Materials encountered in the borings consisted of sand, silt and silty sand. Groundwater was encountered during drilling at depths .of 24 to 35 feet bgs. The soil samples were collected in acetate tubes cut in 6-inch lengths. The tubes were capped with TeflonTM tape and plastic end caps, labeled, and placed into an ice-cooled chest. Groundwater samples were collected using new disposable bailers lowered through the probe. Since this sampling was preliminary in nature, no purging or groundwater quality monitoring was conducted prior to sample collection. Each groundwater sample was decanted into laboratory supplied containers, appropriately labeled and placed into an ice- cooled chest. No evidence of staining or discoloration was noted in the soils during our drilling activities. Soil vapor monitoring with a photoionization detector (PID) for total volatile organic compounds in soil samples collected from the borings detected only natural background concentrations. 8727-049 Mr. Todd Bartok Costco Wholesale March 5, 2001 Page 16 Following collection of the soil samples, each boring was backfilled with neat cement. The soil cuttings from the borings and decontamination rinsate fluids were placed into labeled, 5-gallon containers and left on site for future 'disposal. Chemical Analyses and Results The soil and groundwater samples collected from the site were submitted to SunStar Laboratories, Inc. of Tustin, California. Zalco Laboratories, Inc. of Bakersfield, California and McCampbell Analytical, Inc. of Pacheco, California. These laboratories are certified by the State of California to perform the requested analyses. The analyses performed on selected soil and groundwater samples and the results are presented in Table 1 and Table 2; analytical 'methods utilized are summarized below. · Total petroleum hydrocarbons quantified as gasoline (TPH-g), TPH as diesel (TPH-d) and TPH as motor oil (TPH-mo) using modified EPA Test Method 8015, · Volatile organic compounds, including benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and total xylenes (BTEX), using EPA Test Method 8010, 8021B or 8260; and · Title 22 Metals using the EPA Test Method 6010/7000 Series. The analyses performed for each sample are summarized in Tables 1 and 2. Copies of the chain-of-custody forms certified analytical laboratory reports are presented in Appendix' B. Soil Samples: Soil analytical results are summarized in Tables .3 and 4; analytical results for petroleum hydrocarbons are also shown on Plate. 3. Please note that Table 4 presents only those samples in which petroleUm hydrocarbons were detected at concentrations at or above the laboratory reporting limits. As shown in Table 3, various metals were detected in a number of the soil samples. The concentrations of metals detected were below their respective _Total Threshold Limit Concentration (TTLC), residential Preliminary Remediation Goal (PRG) established by the EPA Region IX, and ten times the Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration (STLC) with the exception of arsenic, barium, lead and thallium. Generally, samples with total metals concentrations ten times the STLC are analyzed for soluble metals to establish if the soils would be considered hazardous waste if excavated during site development. 8727-049 I I I I I I I I I i '1 I I I I I I I I I 1 Mr. Todd Bartok Costco Wholesale March 5, 2001 Page 17 The concentrations of arsenic ranged from 4.8 to 6.1 mg/kg and are therefore below the TTLC of 500 mg/kg and ten times the STLC of 5 milligrams per liter (mg/L). The arsenic concentrations are above the cancer endpoint residential PRG of 0.39 rog/kg but below the non-cancer endpoint residential PRG of 22 mg/kg. Natural background concentrations of arsenic in the western. United States range from less than 0.10 mg/kg to 97 mg/kg with an estimated arithmetic mean if 7.0 mg/kg. In ENSR's opinion, the concentrations of arsenic detected in the on-site soils appear to be consistent with natural background conditions and do not appear to represent a significant environmental concern. Total barium was detected in one soil sample, ES-4-2, at a concentration of 2,100 mg/kg, which is below the TTLC of 10,000 mg/kg and the residential PRG of 5,400 mg/kg for barium but more than ten times the STLC of 100 mg/L. This sample was analyzed for soluble barium using soluble (STLC) analysis due to' the total barium concentration. Soluble barium was detected at a concentration of 2.4 mg/L, which is less than the STLC for barium, which suggests that barium concentrations in the area of sample ES-4 do not appear to present an environmental concern, and would not require disposal as hazardous waste. Total lead was detected in one soil sample, EB-6-0.5, at a concentration of 96 mg/kg, which is below the TTLC of 350 mg/kg and the residential PRG of 400 mg/kg for lead but more than ten times the STLC of 5 mg/L. This sample was analyzed for soluble lead using soluble analysis. Soluble lead was detected at a concentration of 0.41 mg/L, which is below the STLC for lead. Based on the Iow soluble concentration of lead, the soil in the area of sample EB-6 does not appear to present an environmental concern and would not require disposal as hazardous waste, in ENSR's opinion. . Thallium was detected in two soil samples, EB-3-1 and EB-4-1, at concentrations of 9 and 8 mg/kg, respectively. These concentrations are slightly above the residential PRG of 6.3 mg/kg but are below the TTLC of 700 mg/kg, ten times the STLC of 5 mg/L and the PRG for industrial soils of 160 mg/kg. In ENSR's opinion, the concentrations of thallium detected in the on-site soils do not appear to present an environmental concern as they are below the PRG for industrial soils. No concentrations of TPH-g, BTEX or VOCs were detected above the laboratory reporting limits in the soil samples. Laboratory analyses of the soil samples revealed TPH-d and/or TPH-mo in the five of the soil samples (see Table 4). TPH-d and TPH-mo were detected at concentrations of up to 2,600 mg/kg and 1,000 mg/kg, respectively. According to the Leaking Underground Fuel Tank (LUFT) Field Manual, vadose zone soils would require remediation if 8727-049 ENO'It Mr. Todd Bartok Costco Wholesale Mamh 5,2001 Page 18 TPH-d or TPH-mo are detected at concentrations ranging from 100 to10,000 mg/kg (Leaking Underground Fuel Tank Task Force, 1989). TPH-d and TPH-mo were present in two of the soil samples, EB-I-1 and ES-10-4, at concentrations, that would most likely require remediation. Remediation goals for TPH-d and TPH-mo are evaluated on a case-by-case basis using criteria such as depth to water, beneficial uSes, land use, and proximity of sensitive receptors. Groundwater Samples: Groundwater analytical results are summarized in Tables 5 and 6. Please note that Table 6 presents only the sample in which petroleum hydrocarbons were detected at concentrations at or above the laboratory reporting limits. As shown on Table 5, the concentrations of metals were below their Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for drinking water in California. V©Cs were not present in the groundwater samples collected from the site. Petroleum hydrocarbons were not detected in the groundwater samples with the exception of samples from boring EB-14. TPH-d and'TPH-mo were detected in the groundwater samples from this boring at concentrations of 120 and 280 micrograms per liter (p,g/L), respectively. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Our site history review indicated that a numbe~ of issues will need to be addressed at the site.. ENSR has prepared a draft Removal Action Workplan (RAW) for the site which presents the scope of work for removal of the crude oil AST, the USTs, impacted soils, sumps, septic systems and the Class V shallow injection.well and destruction of water wells and former oil wells. Two areas (EB-1 and ES-10) which would likely require remediation were identified based on the analytical results of this inveStigation. Removal of soil from these two areas is discussed in our RAW. Petroleum hydrocarbons were detected in the groundwater sample collected from boring EB- 14, advanced near the southeast corner- of the site. TPH-d and TPH-mo were detected in this groundwater samples from this boring at concentrations of 120 and 280 ~.g/L, respectively. The 8727-049 · I I I I I I I I I I' I ! I i i i i I i I i i i i i I / / Mr. Todd Bartok Costc° Wholesale March 5, 2001 Page 19 source of petroleum hydrocarbon ~mpacts is unknown at this time. According to information obtained during our Phase I ESA, no USTs are currently or were previously located in this area of the site. The septic tank/leachfield and former hazardous materials storage areas at the former Maaco facility are'located in an up-gradient direction; however, analysis of soil samples collected in the past by previous consultants from these areas did not reveal petroleum hydrocarbons at concentrations at or above the laboratory reporting limits. ENSR recommends that Costco notify the City of Bakersfield Fire Department of the findings of this investigation. It is our understanding that Costco's plans include construction of a gasoline station on the site. ENSR recommends that the USTs associated with this station be constructed in compliance with applicable codes and laws so that Costco is not identified by the RWQCB as a contributing party to the presence of petroleum hydrocarbons in the groundwater beneath the site and vicinity. Documentation that no leakage from USTs at the gasoline station has occurred should be maintained by Costco for future reference. Sincerely, ENSR Corporation Lita D. Freeman, R.E.A. II Senior Project Manager Dave Gerry, Senior Program Supervisor TABLES: Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 FIGURES: 8727-049 ENSR Analytical Methods for Soil Samples ENSR Analytical Methods for GroundWater Samples ENSR Sampling Results, Analytical Results of CAM 17 Metals in Soil ENSR Sampling Results, Analytical Results of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Soil ENSR Sampling Results, Analytical Results of CAM 17 Metals in Groundwater ENSR Sampling Results, Analytical Results of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Groundwater Mr. Todd Bartok Costco Wholesale March 5, 2001 Page 20 Figure1 Plate 2 Plate 3 Site Location Map Site Plan Sampling Locations Map APPENDICES: Appendix A Selected Tables from Previous Environmental Reports Appendix B Chain-of-Custody Forms and Laboratory Data Sheets REFERENCES: State of California, Leaking Underground Fuel Tank Task Force, 1988, Leaking Underground Fuel Tank .Field Manual: Guidelines for Site Assessment, .Cleanup, and Underground Storage Tank Closure Kennedy Jenks Consultants, 1997, Phase I ESA Report, Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Park Environmental, 1993, Phase I ESA Report, Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties Soils Engineering, Inc., 1999, Phase I ESA Report, Sparks Estate and Adjacent Properties 8727-049 I I I I I I I I I I I I I '1 I I I '1 I I I I I I I i TABLES I: I I~, I' I I I I, I I I I Ii Table 1 Analytical Methods for Soil Samples Rosedale Highway Property Bakersfield, California Sa'.'mple ID sampl~'D~{~' TPH-g :TPI~'d ~: ' fpH'm'6' i="~X ' .i~e~ais :.' ..,.I" .... , ., :: ;:~.:-., . ...;.;,,?.~ .. . ... · = ,~.~:;,~ , · ...;.'.:.:~.~ ~,i~. ES- 1-4 6-26-00 X X X X X ES-2-4 6-26-00 X X X X X ES-3-4 6-27-00 X X X X X ES-4-2 12-7-00 X X X X X X ES-5-2 12-7-00 X X X X X X ES-6-0.5 12-7-00 X X X X X X ES-7-0.5 7-11-00 X X X X X X ES-8-2.5 7-11-00 X X X X X X ES-10-4 7-11-00 X X X X X X ES-11-2 7-21-00 X X X X X ES-12-2 7-21-00 X X X X X ES-13-2 7-21-00 X X X X X EB-I-1 6-26-00 X X X X X EB-1-5 6-26-00 X X X X · EB-2-1 6-26-00 X X X X X EB-2-5 6-26-00 X X X X EB-3-1 6-27-00 X X X X X EB-4-1 6-27-00 X X X X X EB-5-1 . 6-27-00 X X X X X EB-6-0.5 12-7-00 X X X X X X EB-7-0.5 7-11-00 X X X X X X EB-8-0.5 7-11-00 X X X X X X EB-9-0.5 7-11-00 X X X X X' X EB-9-9.5 7-11-00 X X X X X X EB-10-15 7-21-00 X X X X EB-11-10 7-21-00 X X X X EB-12-2 7-21-00 X X X X X EB-13-5 2-6-01 X X X X EB-14-5 2-6-01 X X X X Notes: EB-I-1 = TPH-g, d, mo = BTEX = Metals = VOCs = Indicates analysis performed Sample location (i.e. EB-1) and depth (i.e. 1 is 0.5 to I foot depth interval); No sample collected from ES-9 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline, diesel and motor oil using EPA Test Method 8015 Modified Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and total xylenes using EPA Test Method 8020 Title 22 (CAM 17) metals using EPA Test Method 6010/7000 Series Volatile Organic Compounds using EPA Test Melhod 8010, 8020 or 8260 R:\pubs\rep0rt\8727\049\soil results table.doc Table 2 Analytical Methods for Groundwater Samples Rosedale Highway Property Bakersfield, California Sample iD '' ~amPie Date ~'~5i~:~' ' ' 'TPH-d .... ~'P~-i!"~b.i BTEX · ~ei~'i'~. ' ' ~/oCs EB-1 6-26-00 X X X X X EB-2 6-26-00 X X X X X EB-3 6-27-00 X X X X X EB-4 6-27-00 X X X X X EB-5 6-27-00 X X X X X FB-6 i2-7-00 X X X X X X EB-7 7-11-00 X X X X X X EB-8 7-11-00 X X X X. X X EB-9 7-11-00 X X X X X X EB-IO 7-21-00 X X X X EB-11 7-21-00 X X X X EB-12 7-21-00 X X X X X EB-13 2-6-01 X X X X EB-14 2-6-01 X X X X Notes: X = EB-I-1 = TPH-g, d, mo = BTEX = Metals = VOCs = Indicates analysis performed Sample'location (i.e. EB-1) and depth (i.e. 1 is 0.5 to 1 foot depth interval) Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline, diesel and motor oil using EPA Test Method 8015 Modified Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and total xylenes using EPA Test Method 8020 Title 22 (CAM 17) metals using EPA Test Method 6010/7000 Series Volatile Organic Compounds using EPA Test Method 8260 ~ubs\~\87L:~\soil~lts ta~c ~ Table 3 Analytical Results of CAM 17 Metals in Soil Rosedale Highway Property Bakersfield, California .' '.' :: .................... ~ ..... ~,,,,,~,,., ..................... : '~ . / ' .:/~;" C..0mpqund~ (~q ts !n.~g/~, g)?:..; ~ · ' ~' =.i ~. ~;~' ........ ' ·· · .,...',.....,,, · ,. = ' ~' ~ '~; ¥': ':'::~;~" ~ ~: ~' '' ~ ., ~ E ~ ~ ' ,~ = .~ . ~' ' .'~ Z E : ~.:.~ ,.::E ::: = ,, ES-I~ . <2 <5 37 <1 1 5 5 7 <1 <0.1 2 4 <5 <2 <2 13 14 ES-2~ <2 <5 35 <1 1 4 5 6 <1 <0.1 1 3 <5 <2 <2 11 ES-3~ <2 <5 78 <1 2 9 9 14 1 <0.1 3 8 <5 <2 5 20 32 ES~-2 <10 6.1 2,100 ~ <0.5 <0.5 10 5.6 62 <2.5 0.1 23 9.6 <2.5 <1 <25 36 63 ES-5-2 <10 5.2 ' 86 <0.5 <0.5 9.2 <5 27 <2.5 <0.1 19 8.3 <2.5 <1 <25 32 46 ES~-0.5 <10 4.8 72 <0.5 <0.5 10 <5 29 4 <0.1 19 8.1 <2.5 <1 <25 33 70 ES-7~.5 <2 <5 140 <1 3 13 9 10 18 <0.1 3 11 <5 <2 <2 24 57 ES~-2.5 <2 <5 130 <1 3 14 9 14 15 <0.1 3 11 <5 <2 <2 25 65 ES-10~.0 <2 <5 200 · <1 4 22 12 20 40 <0.1 4 22 <5 <2 <2 31 120 ES-11-2 <2 <5 110 <1 3 t0 9 7 4 <0.1' 3 9 <5 <2 <2 24 64 ES-~ 2-2 <2 <5 56 < 1 2 7 7 5 < 1 <0.1 3 6 <5 <2 <2 20 29 ES-13-2 <2 <5 73 <1 3 8 8 6 < 1 <0.1 3 6 <5 <2 <2 22 34 EB-I-1 <2 <5 380 <1 2 10 7 10 15 <0.1 3 9 <5 <2 <2 17 53 EB-2-1 <2 <5 60 < 1 I 7 6 8 < 1 <0.1 2 · 12 <5 <2 <2 t8 16 EB-3-1 <2 <5 130 12 3 15 <1 16 3 <0.1 5 12 <5 <2 9 32 53 EB~-I <2 <5 120 <1 3 15 12 16 4 <0.1 4 12 <5 <2 8 30 EB-5-1 <2 <5 ~ <1 2 10 8 9 4 <0.1 3 7 <5 <2 6 21 40 EB~.5 <10 5 69 <0.5 <0.5 12 <5 35 96 ~ <0,1 10 7.2 <2.5 <1 <25 24 100 EB-7~.5 <2 <5 110 <1 3 13 10 12 I <0.1 4 9 <5 <2 <2 28 51 EBb-0.5 <2 <5 52 < 1 2 8 7 8 < 1 <0.1 2 6 <5 <2 <2 15 30 EB-9~.5 <2 <5 51 <1 2 7 6 6 <1 <0.1 2 5 <5 <2 . <2 13 26 EB-9-9.5 <2 <5 83 <1 2 9 9 17 2 <0.1 3 6 <5 <2 <2 26 49 EB-12-2 <2 <5 ~ <1 2 6 7 4 <1 <0.1 2 5 <5 <2 <2 17 27 R:~pubs\report\8727~049\soil results table.doc Notes:' mg/kg EB-I-1 <2.9 PRG 1. milligrams per kilogram (or parts per million) Sample location (i.e. EB-1) and depth (i.e. 1 is 0.5 to 1 foot depth interval); No sample collected from location ES-9 Less than notedlaboratory reporting limit Preliminary Remediation Goal for residential soils, United States Environmental ProtectiOn Agency, Region IX, 1999 ES-4-2 was analyzed for soluble barium with result of 2.4 mg/L which is below STLC of 100 mg/L and EB-6-0.5 was analyzed for soluble lead with result of 0.41 mg/L which is below STLC of 5 mg/L Cancer endpoint PRG; non-cancer endpoint PRG = 22 mg/kg Califomia modified PRG ~?u bs~t\87;;~)\so ii.Its ta~c Table 4 Analytical Results of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Soil Rosedale Highway Property Bakersfield, California (Results in mg/kg) sam'pie ID ' TPH:ci ' ' ': Y~Fi;~' ES-7~35 270 450 ES-8-25 130 250 ES-lO-4 1,200 10000 EB-I-1 2,600 <10 EB-6-O.5 <100 622 Notes: rog/kg = EB-I-1 = <10 = TPH-d = TPH-mo ' = milligrams per kilogram (or parts per million) Sample location (i.e. EB-1) and depth (i.e. 1 is 0.5 to I foot depth interval) Less than noted laboratory reporting limit Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons quantified as diesel Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons quantified as motor oil Only the samples in which petroleum hydrocarbons were detected at concentrations at or above the laboratory reporting limits are shown in this table. R:\pubs\rep0rt\8727\049\soll_results table.doc Table 5 Analytical Results of CAM 17 Metals in Groundwater Rosedale Highway Bakersfield, California (Results in pg/L) ..... ::':? '" .... ': ......... ' ..... ~ i i:. ii'. i ' ~:~:':"~':~::~' :;':~1::?~i~':':.".':,~.; ,~!~.':;i?"?~i!~: ~i~i~}~.~'::'.:!' ~'~ :i~'~:: ':'''''~' "";-::'¥' ::!:"?~i¥:?~'' Sample 19 >-, : ,.: . E'o --_~:'::'L";;..~"' '~, ·: ' <~.~ ~A:~': ~"~ '~e ;::. o~:"~ o~ ~A '~" ...... ~ = - ....... ~"~ := ...... '" .... ~ ~ · ...... . ~, ...... , . ~ ..... EB-1 <100 <250 110 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <0.5 65 <50 <250 <100 <100 <50 <50 EB-2 <100 <2~ 140 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <0.5 <50 <50 <250 <100 <100 <50 <50 EB-3 <100 <250 100 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <0.5 55 <50 <250 <100 <100 <50 <50 EB~ <100 <250 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <0.5 <50 <50 <250 <100 <100 <50 <50 EB-5 <100 <250 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <0.5 <50 <50 <250 <100 <100 <50 <50 EB-6 <1 0.9 17 <0.05 <0.05 4.1 0.89 2.2 0.65 <0.01 4.4 2.2 <0.25 <0.1 <2.5 4.8 5.9 EB-7 <100 <250 68 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <0.5 100 <50 <250 <100 <100 <50 <50 EB~ <100 <250 71 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <0.5 <50 <50 <250 <i00 <100 <50 <50 EB-9 <100 <250 180 <50 <50' <50 <50 <50 <50 <0.5 54 <50 <250 <100 <100 <50 <50 EB-12 <100 <250 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <0.5 <50 <50 <250 <100 <100 <50 <50 · Notes: pg/L = EB-1 = <2.9 = MCL = micrograms per liter (or parts per billion) Sample location (i.e. EB-1) Less than noted laboratory reporting limit Maximum Contaminant Levels for drinking water in the State of California R:\pubs\report\8727\049\water_results table.doc Table 6 Analytical Results of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Groundwater Rosedale Highway Bakersfield. California (Results in I~g/L) ,.. :i',.. '; ~ ..... · ~. :~ .,:,...: .;::' ~ ?,;, ;~. ..;;~.:~ :.., ....... EB-14 120 280 Notes: I~g/L = micrograms per liter (or parts per billion) EB-1 = Sample location (i.e. EB-1) Only the samples in which petroleum hydrocarbons were detected at concentrations at or above the laboratory reporting limits are shown in this table, R:\pubs\report\872'A049\water_results table.doc .I I I I I I I I' I I I I FIGURES I I I I'! I I I I I. I i I I ! ! iGHWAY ! ! 1420 HARBOR gAY PK~/Y. ~120 ALAMEDA. CA g4502 (5~o) 74-e7oo .FAXt (510) 748-6799 lDRAWN: S. Richardson ~L. Freema.._.~n IDATE: March 6. 2001 1FILENAME: 8727049A PROJECT NO: 8727-049-1 O0 0 2000 APPROX. SCALE IN FEET FIGURE 1 SITE LOCATION MAP Rosedale Highway Property Bakersfield, California SPARKS PARCEL GLEN ROSE PARCEL SEATOH PARCEL ROSEDALE HOTEL PARCEL SPARKS PARCEL SPARKS PARCEL t Tam; LEGEND I / HOTEL PARCEL (410) ?,m-e-mo F~.~ (erG) ?4a.-eTee ROSEDALE HIGHWAY PROPERTY BAKERSFIELD, CA FIGURE 2 'SITE PLAN o3/o~/m c,,~sc, Dmb hlOO N& I t ~ m: 1'=50' F SEE INSET "A" STEAM CLEANER L.. SUMp.------'-T --~-- BS + ED-lO ' % % ~ CONCRETE FOUNDATION 4'~ 1,2OOl 1 ,O0Ol A A WATER WELL PHILUPS OIL WELL tl + EB-4 _.(~15 x GLEN t ROSE PARCEL X :ONCR :'1 WATER PAl: ! WELL SPARKS PARCEL X FORMER OIL STORAGE AST DEPTH I 2.5' TPH-d 150 TPH-mo 250 DEPTH 0..5' TPH-d 270 TPH-mo 450 DEPTH 1' DEPTH 1' ITRPH 1%2ooI lB11 [TRPH I1,10.01 .L 912 S-3~ ..--+'--.~.T /DEPTH 1' ES-ST,/ mL ~[ , WATER -- /, , IDEPTH I I' I ~ I ITRPH 168 i~-~'l-l'x'...~__~..~-5 ' ITRPH 11.6ool I ,h STORAGE CONTAINERS SEATON x + ES-1 I ES-13 X DEPTH I' / TRPH 1,400~)~.15 X ES-3 PARCEL IDEPTH I 1" TRPH 11,800 STORAGE CONTAINERS SPARKS PARCEL WATER WELL ROSEDALE HOTEL PARCEL + ED-13 F FORMER HAZARDOUS :~- MATERIAL STORAGE~ AREA ED-14 PHIM.IPS OIL WELL ~2 ED-5 ROSEDALE HIGHWAY I FORMER PAINT ? BOOTH PAD*~ ,LS£PTIO ROSEDALE ,'~, TA, NK "1 = HOTEL i, 19~° PARCEL I Es'--s' + .f / FORMER BUP nlNG FLR-D-SE~ STREET 625F ,...,..~ TRICO VAULT X X X- ,,." ." r. i ~' ITPH-mo 12.e~ ED-12 ~x LEG DEPTH "/ --(L~.26 V~.~U ,LT SEPTIC / UST/ ~J~-I l SPARKS T*.~ ~J~ PARCEL [B-Il ~ x SUSPECTED SEPTIC TANK ENSR BORING LOCATION WATER ~WELE  MW- I DEPTH 20' TRPH 37 : ~* -2 ( I~- STORAGE SHED [] I SUMP PAD X 'X X X ,," '--) X PROPERTY BOUNDARY LOCATION EB-2 B25 MW-1 · HA-I X PREVIOUS BORING LOCATION MONITORING WELL LOCATION HAND AUGER SAMPLE LOCATION ENSR SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION EXISTING BUILDING LOCAL GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION (BASED ON WATER LEVEL ME~UREMENTS IN ON-SITE WELLS) O' 50 100 APPF!OX. SCALE IN FEET DEPTH 1 ' TP~H-Q 2B I TPH-d 980 J TPH-g TPH-d TPN-mo TRPH (APPROXIMATE) FENCE UNE ANALYTICAL RESULTS OF SOIL SAMPLES AT GIVEN DEPTH = TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBON5 AS GASOUNE '= TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBON5 AS DIESEL = TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS MOTOR OIL = TOTAL RECOVERABLE PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS $~JURCE: ,) ~ATE: i :ys/m ' 1!100 1420 HARBOR BAY PKWY. fl20 ALAMEDA, CA S4502 (510) 748-6700 FAX: (510) 748-6799 ROSEDALE HIGHWAY PROPERTY BAKERSFIELD, CA FIGURE .3 SAMPLE LOCATION MAP DRAWN BY: SCALE: $SR AS SHOWN DISK: PM: CHE:CKED: HA O. DENIry L. 'REEMAN DRAWING: 8727A74B PROJECT: 8727-A74-000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX A Selected Tables from Previous Environmental Reports TABLE 1 SOIL SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS Splrb Eltate & Adjoining ProperlJos B-,kersfleld, Csilfornll Simples Collected September-October, 1098 Concentrltlonl In rog/kg (pMla per million) unlell noted SAMPLE HUMBER DATE EPA 418.1 EPA 8260 Total CAM 17 Metals EPA 80~KI EPA 8270 801Sm EPA 8020 TRPH Volotllo Elevated Organochlorlno Semi-Volatile TPHg TPHd BTEX MTBE Organics O.n, ly Usted Pestlcldel & PCB's Organics B T E X B1.10' 9/2g/g8 71 AIl ND None B~-20' g/2g/g8 <20 All ND None B2-10' 9/29/98 <20 All ND None Ail ND All NO B2.15' 9/29/98 43 B2-20' 9/29/98 <20 All ND None All ND B3..~' 9/29/98 <20 Ail ND None B3-1.~' 9/29/98 ,<20 NI ND None ' B4-10' g/2g/98 <20 All ND None .All ND B4-20' 9/2g/98 <20 " All ND None All ND All ND B5-5' 9/29/98 .... <1 <10 Ail ND Nb B5-20' 9/29/98 <i <10 All ND B6.$' 9/29/98 <20 All ND None B6-20' 9/29/98 <20 NI ND B7-5' 0/29/98 <20 Ail ND None B7-20'. 9/29/98 <20 NI I~D B8-5' .9/29/~8 <20 .,, None All ND ND B8-20' 9/29/98 <20 All ND ND 89.5' 9/29/98 <20 None ' ,, All ND B9-200 9/29/98 <20 All ND Nb B10-1' grJo/g8 28 g80 ND ND0.O062 0.018 ND BI0-10' 9/30/98 <1 <10 All ND ND BI0-20' 9/30/98 <I <10 NI ND lid Bt 1.10' 9/30/98 ' <20 None All ND ND B1 i-200 9/30/98 <20 AIl ND ND BI2.10' O~30/~e <20 None Ail HO Nb Bi2.20' 0/30/08 <20 All HD HD BI3-5' 9/30/98 <20 None All HI:) ND B13-200 9fJO/98 <20 NI ND ND BI4.10' g/30/9~ <20 All ND "' None B14.15' g/30/9~ <20 Ali ND ..... BI~.-I' 10/1/98 1400 None ~ All ND B15-5' 10/I/98 <20 All ND i00 B16-1' 10/1/98 1800 E.O.I I.N.I.3. X=O:71 None BI6-100 ~0/1/98 <20 All NO B17-S' 10/1/98 · <20 All ND None BI7-15' 10/1/98 <20 All ND None BlS-lO' 10/1/98 <20 NI ND None BI&20' 10/1/98 <20 NI ND None B19-100 10/1/~6 <20 NI ND None BI9-200 10/1/98 <20 All ND .., None B20-100 i0/d~i <2o ~ ND ., None B20-200 10/1/98 <20 NI ND B21-$' 10~1/98 <20 , All ND ~AMP I~UMBER ' DATE EPA 418.1 EPA a2~o Total CAM 17 MelalJ EPA 808O EPA 8270 80tSm EPA 8020 TRPH Vol,tlle Elev,ted Organochlorlne Seml-Vol,tlle TPHg TPHd BTEX MTBE Organlc~ . . Only UIted Pettlcld, t & PCB't Orgmnlct B T E X ..... 1~21-15' 10t1/9! <20 A!! ,NI~ None ., ~. - B21.20' 10/tfgB <20 Nme B22-5' 10/2/98 <20 All ND No~e B22-15' 10/2/98 <20--" NJ ND B23-IO' 1 (V2/98 <20 /dl ND Nme B23-20' 10/2~8 <20 .... NI ND " B24.5' 10/2/98 <20 NI ND None 1~24:15' ' i0f2/98 <2b NI ND ...... B-25-10' ' 10/23/98 <JO ' ;<1 All ND B25-20' 10/23/98 <20 <1 All ND B26-10' 10/23/98 <20 <1 All ND "[i26-20' 10/23/98 <20 '" <! All ND ~127-10' i0/~V98 <20 All ND ' 'NOne " B27-20' 10/23/98 <20 All ND No~e B28.5' ~0,'23/9a ~20 .... AJi i~D Nme B2B. tS' 10/23~9~ <20 All ND None B29.10' i~26,,9e <! <10 AJI 'ND NO B29-20' ' 10/26/98; " .. <! <i~ All ND ND., B30-10' 10/26/98i <20 All ND No~e B30-20° i 0~6,q38 37 AJI ND H^.I.IO' 10/26/98 <20 All ND No~e Liquid & Sludge Samplea ,,, UIC.L (Clau V Well L~ukll 9/29/98 28 ppm E-I.I., NapIh=2.7, T,.2.0 .. None AJI N.D. Aniline-18 ppb, .. .. X,,,4.1, MTEIE=I.2 ~. 4-Melh,/.. Iphenol=340 ppb :. all In ppb Phend-22 ppb UlCoS <Cl~,~s V W~ SlUd~le} 9/29/98 61 ..000 ppm B=0.3~..E.2. t.NapIh=7.8 . Ba-1550 (20I. 'All ND 2-Eth,/!hex~l -I. 1,0 T,,,5.X"13 tn ppm Cad=2.21ND) . . 2-M~,l~lnapthalene~.30 Pb=97(ND ) all pp,m SEP.M (S~'l:dlc Maaco) 10/I/98 ! .4 Ippm .. T=0.8 ppb Hofle ' SCS..SL{Sleamcleaner Sump) 10/2/98 140(xx) ppm PCE-,0.0~2,T=0.Oi ! Cad=34(2.7 STLC~ . . X=O.Ot3,2.Chlm'ololuene=0.46 pb=t670(94 ST.LC): Cu=1040 all In ppm Fb'-D-N. ~N.'.oflh Drain. Malco) 10/1/98 93000 ppm E,.28.NapIh-$.g..X=,,47 ppm. . Ba=1380(17)oCad=7.8(ND). Pb=491(a.4 STLC}) FIr-D-SE {SE ~)raln M.aac°l t~1/98 24~)0 ppm All ND Ba=3150(2i STLC~ .... ... ~ Pb=1320(57 STLC) ' ' Cad=35('~.? STLC)? ... Cu=649(33...STLC), Hg=7.4(ND) .. Sep. S (Sel:dic Spark~) 10/26,.q384900 ppm p-Ieolxop/Itoluene=0.80 ppm._ No~e 1,2,4.Trtmelh)dbenzene.,0.58 Sep. GR(S~icGle~nRose} 10/26/98 5300ppm p-isopfopyltoluene=O.5Opph, No~e ! ,2;4-Trlmelhylbe~zene=0.066 N Well (Nmlh Waler Wel~ 10/26/98 <lppm . .. All ND ; None .. "' <so PP6 M Well {Malco Waler Well) 10~6/98 <lpp~.. 2 ppb M~BE. Nme 64 ppb .. MW-I fo/27ee X. tpp~. MTBE,.O.57 ppb Nme <500ppb <200ppb MW-2 10/27/98 X-3.Sppb. MTBE-2 ppb... Nme ... <500pp. b <200ppb ~W.3 10/27/98 X-l.$ppb. MTBE-!.4. ppb , None .. . <500ppb <200ppb T,,O.9 t ppb, l.2ppb Trtmefl~lbenzene NMe: B-I~tzlne. T-Toluene, E, Elhyroenzene.' X,,Xykme~, Naplh,,NapthaJene, PCE · Telf~,chlofoether~e, Ba=B~lum. Cad=Cadmium. Pb,,Le&d.Cu=Coppef. Hg=Mercury, ~PH-ToIal PelroimJm Hyd~ocmbons, ' I g · e,,,=a,.. ~.Ob, a. NO- Nor, D~.~ed. mm- p~, pe~ m~o,. ppb. p,,~ p~ U,k~. TRP,.To~-, necov,,b~, Pe,,o~., Hyd, o,3,t,o~. {,). STLC V.~u.. BOLD. i I I I I I I I. i i T~ie 2 TABLE 2 · HISTORICAL SOIL ANALYTICAL RESULTS Sparks Estate 2800 Standard St. Bakersfield, CA. . .' Soil Samples,- Concentrations in m°v/k~l (parts per million! : sample Number Date Benzene Toluene I Eth~/Ibenzene .X~/ienes TRPH Fuel ID . Elevated UST BORINGS Metals Boring I @ 20' 12/9/93 NA NA NA NA NA ND NA Bodng I @ 25' 12/9/93 NA NA NA NA NA ND NA Boring I @ 35' 12/9/93 NA NA NA NA NA ND NA Boring 2 @ 20' 12/9/93 NA. NA NA NA NA ND NA Bodng 2 @ 30' 12/9/93 NA NA NA NA NA ND NA ' Boring 3 @ 15' 12/9/93 NA NA NA NA NA ND NA Bodng 3 @ 20' 12/9/93 NA NA NA NA NA ND NA Boring 3 @ 25' 12/9/93 NA NA NA NA NA ND NA Boring 4 @ 15' 12/9/93 NA NA NA NA NA ND NA Bodng 4 @ 20' 12/9/93 NA NA NA NA NA ND NA Boring4 @ 25' 12/9/93 NA NA NA NA NA ND NA ,,, WASH RACK LEACH FIELD Boring 5 @ 20' 12/9/93 NA NA NA NA NA 53 Crude Oil NA Boring 5 @ 30' 12/9/93 NA NA NA NA NA 14 Diesel NA Boring 5 @ 30' 12/9/93 NA NA NA NA NA ND NA EXISTING AGT ASSESSMENT S-1 @ 1' 12/30/93 ND ND 0.015 0.032 1400 NA None ~ S-2 @ 1' 12/30/93 ND ND 0.006 0.031 3200 NA None ,, S-3 @ 1' 12/30/93 0.01 0.069 0.014 0.052 1100 NA None '"1 S-4 @ 1' 12/30/93 ND ND ND ND 68 NA None S-5 @ 1' 12/30/93 ND 0.009 ND ND 1600 'NA None Notes: NA= Not Analyzed, ND = None Detected Page I