HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN ITE/FACI LITY ~GRAM FORM § NORTH SCALE:/'/=~ ' BUSINESS N~%M.E:-~. ~-.///~,,~ ~.u,~z:~_. C_~ FLOOR:r OF / DATE:~7 .~'? FACILITY NAME:-~,~'~'-'z$-c~l~-z~ /~-v/.~,ozu/ UNIT ~:/ OF / (CHECK ONE) SITE DIAGRAM . FACILITY DIAGRi%~ iT l( Inspector's Comments): -OFFICIAL USE ONLY- TE/FACI LITY D~GRAM FORM (CHECK ONE) SITE DIAGRAM FACILITY DIAGR.a~M Inspector's Comments): -OFFICIAL USE ONLY- J. E. HIGGINS LUMBER COMPANY Established 1883 Bakersfield Division 1/20/89 Bake~sT'ie'ld F'ire Dept. 2101 H. St. Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 Attn: Ralph Huey RECEIVED Dear Mr Huey, Please be advised,that J.E.Higgins Lumber?~Co. has been closed a~d no longer in bus~i!ness. All removed from the premise. at 4320.Shepard St. materials have been ~-T~an k Yolk; Dav i d' Hernandez ~ Bakersf [eld '/lS~ii~[si~snrMgr~..~ . 4320 Shepard Street · P.O. Box 9757 · Bakersfield, California 93389 · (805) 834-0632 BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT 2130 "O" STREET ' ' BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 (805) 326v3979 I~INESS NAME , HA~.-ARI)O~IJS .:.i3MATERI ALS BUS I .NE S S P,LAN AS A :WH,O:L E · F:ORM 2A I~ TRUCTIONS 1. To avoid further;action, return this form by 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3~ Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. S~DTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION:-DATA .?. ~BUSINESS NAME: J. E Hiooi'hs !,umber Co~p.any- Bt. ;~ATION / STREET ADDRESS: 432,.~' Sh.eoard $'t.re'e't' CITY: Bakersfield. 83'~.-,0632 ZIP: 93313 BUS. PHONE SF~TION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS ..In case of an emergency involving the releaseor threatened release of a hazardous material, call 911 and 1-800-852-7550 or 1-916-427-4341 . This will notify your local fire department and the State Office of Emergency Services as required by law. EMPLOYEES TO NOTIFY IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: NAME"AND TITLE '~I)[3RING B"US' }{RS. A~. David ~T~rn~nrt~Z, nvn Mnr ' Ph~'; o~A_.nG-3~ B. Patrick Flood, Credit ~.~qr.. Ph~ 83~'a:'06-32 ' "AFTER BUS. 'HRS. SM~TION 3: LOCATION OF UTILITY S~ZOFFS~ FOR BUSINESS AS A WIIOI, E A,'.':NATi' GAS/PROPANE: Nat Gas~ ~-NO. rth ~. ton._ W~ -. .... . B'~ ELECTRICAL: Nor+h -~ns--? ¥,?~11 nl~f?j~.~.P 'n= n~'~i:re C-~ WATER: S'~,, ~h' I'. 'E. ~OC~"BOX: YES IF YES, DOES IT CONTAIN SITE PLANS? YES / NO MSDSS? FLOOR PLANS? YES / NO KEYS? YES / NO YES /-NO - 2A - SECTION 4: PRIVATE RESPONSE TE;%'4 FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE SECTION A ......Employees-. have., 'access? to ·~'~m~'.~_~. for S'~fl.!fLeak.~ . ,., ~, , clean-u?, ~ , Procedures-. Evacuation routes- established for' major' eme'r'ge~.ci~est Fire ext~'n. = g~'s-he'~s-_ acces'sih!.e: i~n, ~arehOUse~ ~a.nd O=~i,ce~ , _ LOCAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSIST~CE FOR YO~ BUSINESS AS A WHOLE HOSPITAL - Mercy Hospital 2215 Truxton Ave 805/327-3371 FIRST AID--BAKERSFIELD OCCUPATIONAL MEDICAL GROUP 4580 California Avenue Suite 100 805/327-4527 SECTION 6: EMPLOYEE TRAINING EMPLOYERS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A PROGRAM WHICH PROVIDES EMPLOYEES WITH INIT}AL AND REFRESHER'TRAINING IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS. CIRCLE YES OR NO INITIAL REFRESHER A. METHODS FOR SAFE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ' ~ NO ~ NO B. PROCEDURES FOR COORDINATING ACTIVITIES WITH RESPONSE AGENCIES: .......................... Y~ ~ YES NO C. PROPER USE OF SAFETY EQUIPMENT: .................. Y(~_S~ NO 'YES NO D. EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES: ................. ~ NO YES NO E, DO YOU ,,MAINTAIN EMPLOYEE TRAINING RECORDS: ....... NO YES NO SECTION ?: HAZA~OUS MATERIAL CIRCLE YES OR NO DOES YOUR BUSINESS HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IN QUANTITIES LESS THAN ~00 POUNDS OF A SOLID, $5 GALLONS OF A LIQUID, OR ~00 CUBIC FEET OF A COMPRESSED GAS: ...... YES NO I, Davi,d Hernandez, certify that the above information is accurate. I understand that this information will be used to fulfill my firm's obligations under the new California Health and Safety code on Hazardous Materials (Div. 20 Chapter 6.95 Sec. 2§$00 Et Al.) and that inaccurate information constitutes perjury. AREA h Small display of commonly sold products. These products are received in cans, in cartons and are stored for Resale only. AREA B PROPANE - Delivered and tank filled by qualified supp[ Dispensed from tank by trained fork-lift ope directly into tank on fork lift vehicle. Fork-lift vehicles carry fire extinguishers as a precaution against leaks. AREA C Main storage of Hazardous Materials products. These products are received in cans, in cartons and are stored for Resale only with one exce)tion. Exception: AREA D SWEEPING COMPOUND This product is used in yard cle Motor oil used in vehicles is transferred to vehicle in small lots as needed by vehicle operators. SEPARATION OF MATERIALS er. 'ators ~n-up. All hazardous materials are stored in suppliers containers. No mixing is done. Caution signs are posited at storage areas. Secondary containment not applicable. INSPECTION AND MONITORING General Inspection of work areas and equipment is made daily by Yard Foreman. Any problems noted are reported to the Division Manager. Insurance Underwriters conduct annual surveys and submit recommendations for continued safety practices. Follow-up on these recommendations is conducted by the Division Manager and finally by the Company Safety Officer. Newly created Safety Program establishes routines and procedures for controlling all phases of Safety in the work place. TRAINING A Seminar was held on July 16, 1986 for all employees covering: Safe storage and handling Chemical Properties, including MSDS Right to know Emergency Procedure Spill and Clean up Emergency notification Each employee attending the Seminar signed a statement that he had received this training. New employees are given the training on the first day of employment and new products are explained to all employees. CONTINGENCY PLAN Fire - Explosion - Spill/Leak - Earthquake - Clear area Clear area Clear area; notify Foreman; consult MSDS for clean-up procedures; report to Bakersfield Fire Department and Office of Emergency Services. BFD 911 OES 800/852-?550 Check all Hazardous Materials areas for possible damage. EVACUATION Office - Front door Warehouse - Roil-up and personne! doors to outside or through office to front door. Assembly - South West corner front of building. Note: Copy of Hazardous Communication Program and Safety Program attached. Hazard Communication Proqram As a wholesale distributor of some products that contain h~zaradous substances, some of.our employees are required to handle closed containers of these products. The only danger in handling these products would be by accidental spillage, fire or explosion. order to insure the safety of all J. E. H~ggins Lumber Company employees, we have adopted the following information, training and procedures plan. In III . IV. VI. Vll . VIII. IX. X. XI. Inform Employees of their rights under the OSHA laws. Identify and clearly mark areas where hazardous substances are stored. Post Chemical listings in each storage area. Eeep Program outline and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) in each work place. Train employees on the potential physical and health hazards posed by these products. Train employees in safe handling and emergency procedures. Advise Employees on procedures for obtaining additional information and for reporting exposures. Establish Customer notification procedure. Establish highway safety procedures. Training on use and handling of Propane, Diesel Fuel and other ~'in-house' products. Procedures Page Employee Information and Trainin~ Pro,ram Employees right to know under Section 5194 of the CAL-OSHA General Industry Safety Orders entitled "Hazard Communication". 1. Chemical content of prbducts we use and sell 2. What effects and symptoms to expect if overexposed 3. Where and how these products are stored 4. Safe handling practices 5. Emergency procedures 6. Location and availability of written communication program ?. Right to ~eport hazardous situations without fear of disciplinary action or loss of employment 8. Employee responsibilities. Employees will be instructed in what action to take in case of spill or leakage of a hazardous substance. II. Identification and Storage of Hazardous Substances Hazardous Products will be stored in a designated area and the area will be posted with a CHazardous Materials are Stored in this Area" sign. A list of products which we sell and use, and which may be stored in the area at any given time, will be posted Dy Trade and Common names. Lists of Chemicals will be posted. I. Name of Chemical. 2. Chemical by CAS ~. III. Labelin~ A. Reliance is on Manufacturers labels. Be Copies of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) will be kept at each'workplace. IV. Program Outline and Material Safety Data Sheets Procram Outline Availability: Hazardous Communication files are located in the ( ) office. The designated Librarian will provide copies as requested of any of the MSDS on file. Reliance: Our Communication Program is based on information provided by our Supplier/Manaufacturer. MSDS include information regarding, Routes of Entry, Health hazards, First Aid, Clean-up, and Physical hazards. Organization: The MSDS file is arranged by Supplier/Manufacturer, then by Trade Name (supplied by Mfgr). Common names are also a part of the file. Labeling: Manufacturers labels are affixed to each container. No containers are to be opened and contents removed unless the container receiving the contents is properly labeled with Trade Name, potential hazard and First Aid procedures. Storage: All Hazardous products have a designated area for storage. This area is clearly identified with proper warning signs, visible from a distance no ]ess than 20 ft. Training: Identified by WORK PLACE (except Union City which has a WORK AREA located in the Mechanics Shop) Documenting: Each Division is responsible for documenting, training and maintaining full set of MSDS and for logging requests for information and records of exposure. MSDS Purchasing Department is responsible for acquiring MSDS on new products and for supplying the information to Divisions. Divisions are responsible for maintaining current files of all pertinent information and for supplying that information as requested. V. Trainin~ Initial training will be held at each location with all employees at each location in attendance. Ongoing training will be the responsibility of the Division Manager who will train all employees on new product information and new employees on all products we handle. Specific training will be given on products such as fuels which we use in the operation of the business. VI. Safe Handlinq Procedures B. C. D. Routine care and precautions Spill/Leak procedures Who to notify in emergency Emergency numbers for large spills or exposures VII. How and Where to qet Additional Information Employees are entitled to additional information whenever it is requested. The employee assigned as Librarian should be contacted. Request forms and information will be promptly supplied Signature of employee requesting and receiving additional information is required. VIII. Customer Notification Each shipment of Hazardous Products will be accompanied by the pertinent MSDS. Signatures acknowledging receipt of materials will also acknowledge receipt of MSDS. IX. Highway Safety Shipments of Hazardous Products on our trucks will be held to an aggregate weight of 500~. Drivers are trained in proper procedures for paper handling and providing information to,authorities in the case of emergencies on the road. X. Procedures Division Manager will be the Harzard CommUnication Of£icer for his Division and will appoint employees for the following responsibilities: 2. 3. 4. Librarian New Products trainin New Employee training Material Data Safety Sheet <MSDS) to accompany shipments. Description of Duties: Librarian- 1. Maintain current file consisting of: Hazard Communication Program Material Data Safety Sheets Employee Training Records Emergency Procedures Employee Exposure Records Misc. Communications and Information Notify Personnel in Walnut Creek, in writing, of all exposures. Attach copy of current applicable MSDS to this report. New Products Training Conduct formal training classes on all new products as they become part of the Inventory Training will be both written and verbal A written report of verbal training will be filed with Librarian A copy of written training will be siqnedby Employees and flied with Librarian New Employee Training Conduct a complete training program covering all affected products. Training will take place on the first day of employment A written report of verbal training will be filed with Librarian A copy of signed written training will be filed with Librarian Materia] Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) Store a limited supply of corresponding MSDS with each product See that the appropriate MSDS is attached to the customer copy of invoices that call for products containing hazardous substances See that the appropriate MSDS accompanies the Higgins delivery vehicle. INFORMING Discussions for training 1. General safety and health precautions 2. Use of MSDS for information and emergency information 3. Safe handling procedures 4. Signs of exposures 5. First aid in the event of an exposure 6. Advice regarding Medical attention 7. Clean-up and Disposal routines Responsible person Information - Librarian selected by Division Manager at each location. 2. Training - Division Manager at each location 3. Exposures - Immediate Supervisor 4. Potential Hazards - all employees Division Manager is responsible for informing contract labor (janitor, telephone repair, etc.) of the potential hazards on the premises. The Manager wi1] create and maintain a log of those non-employees who enter the area of hazardous material storage. ~age c~ Training - Division Manager Division Manager is responsible for training all employees on new products and providing new hires complete training on all hazardous stock and supplies. Division Manager may designate authority but is ultimately responsible for his division. Division Managers are responsible for informing contract labor (janitors, repairmen, etc.) of possible health hazards on the premises. 1). Division Managers will maintain a LOG of non-employee persons who provide a service at the location and the signature of that person acknowledging he was informed of potential hazards. Page 9 MSDS C. Assigned Responsibilities 1. Acquiring MSDS -Purchasing Dept. Purchasing Dept. will make request for new MSDS on each order for hazardous products. If MSDS not received after second request is 25 days old, Director of Industrial Relations must be notified by mail. Copies received will be date stamped anO marked either new or replacing Page numbers will be assigned or transferred at this time. Copies of MSDS will be mailed to each division. Maintain "outdated~ file consisting of all pages removed from current file. Page 10 Mainta~ning - ~ Librarian will notify Division Manager of new or updated MSDS. Librarian will make copies equal to container count of incoming shipment. (Making excess copies may lead to dispensing outdated copies when stock is shipped). Librarian will file the new or replacing MSDS in the Master book. Yards Clerks are responsible to be sure that MSDS are attached to each customer copy of the Sales Order when pulling Hazardous Materials orders. Permanent Records - Personnel Personnel will retain records of exposures, with current applicable MSDS attached, which are forwarded from Divisions. The law requires that these records of exposure be maintained for 30 years. Page ! 1 Documentation Each Division will maintain a Hazardous Material Communication File which will contain: Copy of original training log with employees" signatures. 2. Log of employee requests for information. Record of any and all incidents of exposure. 4. Current MSDS Information. Routine for obtaininq copies of MSDS Employee can make oral or written request for MSDS from Librarian at employee's location. The Librarian will LOG each request as follows: 1. Employee Name 2. Request Date 3. Reason-for request 4. Product Information Requested 5. Date information was provided to employee 6. Employee"s Signature acknowledging receipt 7. Date information was requested ~rom Supplier 8. Date of notice to Director of Industrial Relations for non-comp]lance. Librarian will provide a copy if available, within 5 days. If copy not available, Librarian will request same from Supplier/Manufacturer and will advise the employee in writing of the action taken to obtain the requested copy. Librarian will maintain a LOG of training provided to new employees. Employee name 2. Training Date (usually first day on job) 3. Employee"s signature that training was done. Page 12 Salesmen Customer Notification Procedure Orders for Hazardous Products will be written on separate shipping orders. Salesmen wi]] monitor MSDS attachments on COD orders. Clerks Each clerk who pulls an order for Hazardous Products will attach corresponding MSDS to customer delivery copy of shipping documents. Highway Safety Delivery Drivers Drivers wilt review day"s delivery tags to be sure MSDS are attached to customer delivery copies. It is the Driver's responsibility to obtain missing MSDS prior to leaving the yard. If proper documentation is not available, the delivery which requires MSDS is to be left off truck. Total Hazardous Products per delivery will not exceed 500~. On single deliveries of Hazardous Products, the shipping documents wi]] be carried on top of the driver"s clip board (even though out of delivery order). If more than one delivery of these products is on the truck, a second clip board with all Hazardous Products delivery tags will be used. Page 13 J. E. HIGGINS LUMBER COMPw' SAFETY PROGRAM The Company expects all employees to be concerned with safe working conditions. We are ail responsible; from our most senior employee to the latest hire. The workability of our machinery and equipment, the tidyness of our environment and the attitude of each individual are factors of equal importance. Our Safety prOgram is based on these factors. Each employee should be alert to possible hazards in the work place and these hazards must be neutralized promptly. Each Division wi]] establish a Safety Committee. Committee members will be expected to serve for six months, at the end of which, Committee membership will be rotated to different. employees. Minimum size of these Committees will be three members. In larger facilities, that number could double. Membership on the Safety Committee should represent a cross section of the work place; e.g.:' driver, office and yard representative. The Division Manager will be responsible for posting the names of the current Committee members on the bulletin board. Time will be set aside once each month during regular working hours for the Safety Committee to meet and discuss possible unsafe conditions and to plan corrective action on long term items. One member of this Committee wi]] be selected to be Chairman and will be responsible for planning and scheduling future meetings, maintaining records of meetings and corrective actions taken. The Chairman witl also De expected to attend a Company level Safety Meeting which w[ll be scheduled annual'fy. The Safety Chairman will furnish the Division Manager a written report (Minutes) of each meeting. Managers will review the in'formation, offer assistance as needed and maintain a fi~le of these Minutes for review by Company' Safety Director. A second member of each Safety Committee will be responsible for making weekly inspections of equipment, machinery, storage areas and housekeeping following a prescribed format. The records of these inspections are to be reviewed and discussed at the regular monthly Safety Committee meetings. Committee members are responsible for carrying Committee recommendations to conclusion. The inspection reports wi] 1 accompany the Minutes p~ovided to the Division Manage~, Each employee is responsible for bringing unsafe conditions to the attention of a member of the Safety Committee. That Committee member should take immediate action to correct the problem or should isolate i't until corrections can be made. If any problem reported to the Safety Committee is not corrected promptly, employees are encouraged to report the unsafe condition directly to the Division Manager or the Regional Manager if necessary. The Company will coordinate a pllanned Safety Communication Program. Division Managers willl receive a topic for discussion each month, such as Lifting, First Aid, etc. Managers are expected to hold b~ief, informal talks using these pre-selected topics sometime during the designated month. For greater impact, posters and/or literature be provided pertinent to the monthly topic. All employees are expected to atltend these informal talks and a copy of the record of the'date, time, place and names of attendees is to be forwarded fro.the Company Safety Director. Each Division should already have established a relationship with a Medical facility near enough'to each Warehouse to be effective for emergency calls. Employees who prefer to be seen by their own physician or care facility instead of one of the Companyls choosing must file a statement to that effect with the Division Manager. It is the Division Managers responsibility to make sure the employees" medical preference is fo]lowed in an emergency. Each Division should have First Aid.equipment on hand; Bandaids, tweezers, etc.: Gloves, Ear Plugs, Hard Hats and eye shields or Glasses are recommended for those employees who work in the~warehouse or who operate machinery. The present system for ~epo~ting and recording industrial injuries will be maintained. All injuries are to be reported to Julie Commins who will file necessary Workers Compensation Forms. The copy of this document vlhich Ju]ie provides to Divisions is to be filed chronologically in its own folder and should be readily available for review by Safety Director oF State Inspectors. (A second copy of this Workers Comp Report could be filed in the individual/s personnel jacket). In addition, the annuai listing of all injuries which Julie provides must be posted on the bulletin board as soon as received. ~egional Managers are responsible for the Divisions reporting to them. It will be the Regional Managers" responsibility to assess major problems, assess solutions and present recommendations to the Safety Officer. Some safety problems may require' capital expenditures for correction. It will be the Regional Manager"s responsibility to assist the Division · Managers to determine sources of funding based on the anticipated costs. The Company Safety Officer will hold annual Safety Meetings. Attendees should include the current Safety Committee Chairman f.rom each Division, the Regional Managers and the Safety Director. These meetings should cover a discussion of Safety Awareness, a statistical review of the preceeding year and plans for improving safety. This meeting.will also establish the topics for future monthly Managersz talks. The Company level meetings will .also set fUture Safety Policy guidelines based 'on input from the Safety Committee Chairmen. SOME BASIC ELEMENTS OF SAFETY Housekeeping Proper Storage of Materials Equipment Checks EmPloyee Awareness ~ACIFIC ~EGIONAL MANAGE~I ~$AFETY COMMITTEES! EMPLOYEESi DIVISION MONTH OF WEEKLY INSPECTION PEPOPT Housekeeping Trucks Fork Lifts Mach i ne~ Storage Tanks Storage Containers Fire ExtingUishers Ladders' Other OK Exception~ Explanation of Exceptions: D,ate~ Current Safetu Inspector' Approved Division Manager B,~KERSFIHLD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT 2130 "G" STREET BAK~{RSFIELD, CA 93,':01 BUSINESS NAME: OFFiC'/AL USE ONlY BUSI NESS t~LAN SI NGLE FAC I '[, I :FY UNIT FORM :BA INSTRUCT IONS 1. To avoid further action, this form ~lust. be returned by: 2. TYPE/PRINT YOUR ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for THE FACILITY UNIT LISTED BELOW 4. Be as BRIEF and CONCISE as possible ....... FACILITY UNIT~~., FACILITY UNIT NA,~.::... 0F}ICE SPACE SECTION 1: MITIGATION~ ?RE'~ENT!'ON, ABATE,~IENT PROCEDURES SECT!OY 3: HAZARDOUS'.~ATER[:-~[S FOR THIS UNIT ONLY ': =. A. Does this Faciilty Unit contain Hazat'dous Materia!sg... ~.. NO If YES, see B. .., . ~ ie NO, continue with SECTIOX 4. ; B. Are any o~ the hazardous marerSals a bona fide T~ade Secret YES- I~ No complete a st_,_a, ate hazardous materials Inventory form marked: NON-TRADE SECRETS ONLY (Nhite form ~4A-1) If Yes, complete a hazardous materials inventory form marked: TRADE SECRETS ONLY (yellow form =4A-2) in addition to the non-trade secret form. List only the trade secrets on form 4A-2. SECTION 4: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION SECTION 5: LOCATION OF ~/A:tqiR SUPPLY FOR USE BY EMERGENCY RESPO,~'DER~' ' SECTION 6: LOCATION OF UTiLiTY SHUT-OFFS AT THIS UNIT O%~Y. A. NAT. GAS.,'PROPAXE': B. ELECTRICAL: C. WATER: ', tx-f / ooe' T . ~..,.,~.1', BI,X: YES ~F 5'~_S, i.P, CiTiOX: YES " " :':'q'fS ? YF_ S .'" %'0 A A A A A A ! OF ~ I OF 1 i OF 1 I OF 1 1 OF 1 1 OF 1 GLU-BIRD WHITE GLUE FLOOR WAX PENETRATING WOOD FINISH WOOD FLOOR CLEANER & POLISH DURACRYL - KORTRON TOUCH UP PAINT WATCO OILS 220 lO2! 1042 1495 1300 ]I.D. BAKERSFIELD C!i~FIRE DEPARTMENT · FORM 4A-! NON--TRADE SECRETS HAZARDOUS MATERI ALS I NVENTORY Pa~e __of BUSINESS NAMEJ. E. Hiq~ins Lumber Ccr~any OWNER NAME: .. corpOration ~ . FACILITY UNIT ADDRESS: 4320 SheDard. Street ADDRESS: P.O. Drawer FL FACILITY UNIT NAME: CITY, ZIP: Bakersfield, CA 93384 CITY,ZIP: W~lm~e Cr~k_. CA PHONE ~: ~05./R~-063~ P~ONE #: 415/938-9300 OFFICIAL USE CFIRS CODE 1 2 8 4 $ 6 7 8 9 10 TYPE MAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS % BY HAZARD D.O.T ,C,ODE AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT WT. ,CHEMIC, AL OR COMMON NAME CODE G,,UIDE M%~ ~5 50_ C~AL 13 2 ~.~orth ~all ~. ~Mai~ <2% 3Bt~ty~ n~ ~ .. . 'zyl Phthalate ~~D~ . n~e d ' M 8 Gal 13 32 No~ Wall ~ai~n 72~ ~ine~al spirits ~D M Gal 13 2~ No~. ~,~al].. ~ain 6U% ~,ineral Spirits /~ ~ ~ ~ 1263 M 2 Gal !3 29] NO~. ~all -~ain ~.% ~neral Snirits ,?' ' '~% Petrole~ ~istillate /t~ ~O 1~l 1263 5% Diacetone Al~hol M 5 .1,5 'Gal !3 29~ No~ Wall -~ain 3a% Ti't~i~ Dioxide . - ].5% ~.ene .~ ~ 2Q0 50 ~al 13 29 ~st ~all -~in 31-91~ ~neral Spirits /~,~/~ ~ [~I 1263 NAME: ~d H~dez TiT'nE: Di~. ~ager SIGNATURE: ~~~,~/~ I / DATE: EMERGENCY CONTACT: Pat Fi~TITLE: Cr~it M~aqer ' ~H6Nf ~ BUS ~RS~ Rq~-~q9 AFTER BUS {S: 323-5365 EMERGENCY CONTACT: Dean ~iller TITLE: Sales PHONE # BUS HOURS: 834-0632 PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: Wholesale I. umber Sales AFTER BUS HRS: 832-4657 .. _ 4A-~. - MATERIAL SAFETY DATA BEI/CHAM ~ ~VI~ PRODUCTS INC. EMERGENCY PHONE NO.: (513) 253-7154 .. SECTION I PRODUCT NA~E OR NUMBER: Wilhold "Glu-Bird" White. Glue 4000] ~lqlSHAZARD RATINGS Minimal 0 Acute Health glight 1 . Flammability Moderate 2 Reactivity SeriOus 3 Severe 4 MANUFACTURERS NAME: ADDRESS: Beecham Home Improvement Products Inc. P.O. Box 277· Dayton, Ohio 45401 · PROPER SHIPPING NAME (49 CFR 172.101): NA D.O.T. HAZARD NAME (49 CFR 172.101): NA D.O.T. ID NO. (49 CFR 172.101): NA D.O.T. HAZARD CLASS (49 CFR 172.101): NA RCRA HAZARD CLASS - if discarded (40 CFR 261): 'NA E.P.A. PRIORITY POLLUTANTS (40CFR 122.53): Butylbenzyl Phthalate 'CAS NO.: Mixture GENERIC DESCRIPTION: Glue SECTION II INGREDIENTS HAZARDOUS % RANGE Butylbenzyl Phthalate <2 NON-HAZARDous Polyvinyl acetate, water, inert additives CAS# TSCA INVENTORY (EPA) 85-68-7 Yes SECTION III PHYSICAL DATA BOILING POINT: 212° F SPECIFIC GRAVITY (R~O = 1): 1.0~ VAPOR PRESSURE (mmHg): NA VAPOR DENSITY (AIR = !): NA PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME (%): 50 EVAPORATION RATE (water = 1): 1 'SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Soluble MATERIAL IS: X LIOUID SOLID ODOR AND APPEARANCE: _GAS __PASTE ___POWDER Thick, opaque white liquid; acetic odOr PAOR I MATERIAL SAFETY DATA Wilhold °Glu-Bird° White Glue' SECTION IV HEALTH HAZARD DATA PRIMARY ROUTE OF ENTRY: Skin contact EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE,. Prolonged or repeated exposure to skin may result in irritation. Undiluted vapors may irritate eyes and nose. CARC~NOGENICITY: This product contains no carcinogens as listed by NTP, IARC and OSHA. TOXICITY: NA MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE: None known EXPOSURE LIMITS: None EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES: Inhalation: No known health hazard exists. Eyes: Flush with large amounts of water. Contact a physician. Skin: Wash with soap and water. Consult a physician if irritation develops. Ingestion: If victim is conscious, give large amounts of water and induce, vomiting. a physician. Contac' FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA FLASH POINT (C.C.): None FLA~i~L~BLE LIMITS IN AIR, % BY VOLi~E: LOWER: NA UPPER:. NA EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Foam, water, dry chemicals SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES: Use water spray, to co°l exposed surfaces. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: None known SECTION VI REACTIVITY DATA STABILITY: Stable. CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Excgsgive heat INCOMPATIBILITY (MATERIALS TO AVOID): Strong oxidizers HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Normal combustion products, i.e. COx, NOx HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will not occur CONDITIONS TO AVOID: None SECTION VII SPILL, LEAK AND DISPOSAL PROCEDURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OH SPILLED: Scrape or wipe up material and discard according to Federal, State and local regulations WASTE.DISPOSAL METHOD: This product is non-hazardous according to U.S. EPA's Hazardous Wast Management Regulatio~s. NAME OR NUMBER: MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SRRET Wilhold "Glu-Bird" ~hite Glue SECTION VIII' SPECIAL PROTECTION INFO~qATION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: Not required .- VENTILATION: Normal roo~ ventilation PROTECTIVE GLOVES: Not required .' RYE PROTECTION: Not required OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Not required SECTION IX SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS Keep PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORING: Avoid excessive heat and freezing. containers tightly closed when not in use. Keep out of reach of children. OTHER PRECAUTIONS: None THIS DATA IS OFFERED IN GOOD FAITH AS TYPICAL VALUES AND NOT AS A PRODUCT SPECIFICATION. NO WARRANTY, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS HEREBY MADEJ. THE RECOt4~IENDED INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE AND SAFE HANDLING PROCEDURES ARE BELIEVED TO BE GENERALLY APPLICABLE. HOWEVER, EACH USER SHOULD REVIEW THESE RECOP~4ENDATIONS IN THE SPECIFIC CONTEXT OF THE INTENDED USE AND DETERMINE WTIETH THEY ARE APPROPRIATE. PREPARED BY: C.L. Johnson REVIEWED BY: J.W. Rader DATE: April 30, 1986 LAST REVISED: July 31, 1985 PAGE 3 ., '- ' .... t ~ONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS DIVISION· 102 CHESTNUT RIDGE PLAZA · MONTVALE · NEW JERSEY 07645 T'~ ~ ~,%o7~ F~&~ HAZARD RATING A F~re. &=: EXTREME ~/~.~ /~'~.~" '"~ '~ Reacl~v~l-, 3= HIGH ~ i 2 = MODERATE TO~,C~IV 1 ~SLIGMi V spec,a* o~ iNSIGNIFICAN1 ' ~CHRONIC HEALTH H~ARD--SEE SECTION ~ IDATE OF ~REP. 7/25/86 IMATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET tEMERGENCY PHONE NO. DAY: (201) 391-0253 NIGHT: (201) 573-5700 SECTION I- IDENTIFICATION PRODUCTNAME PASTE WAX #200 Natural by the M~3kers of DURA SEAL PRODUCT CLASS Floor Wax CODE NUMBER 13-04200-006 No. UN 1263 DOT HAZARD CLASS (49CFR 172.101) PROPER SHIPPING NAME (49CFR 17~101) Ccmbustible Liquid- Paint, Stain or Varnish SECTION II - INGREDIENTS ...... PAINTS, PRESERVATIVES, SOLVENTS OR OTHER LIQUIDS, SOLIDS AND GASES ......... %% ......... TLV (Unib) PIGMENTS I[~TALYST VEHICLE ........ ...... : SOLVENTS Mineral Spirits (stoddard Solvent) CAS #8052-41-3 72 500 PPM ADDITIVES OTHERS Various Waxes ' ' -:' .... -. :' :.:' .. 28 NO~ SECTION III - PHYSICAL DATA :: . ........... APPEARANCE Tan - Semi Solid I VAPOR DENSFrY: HEAVIER/LIGHTER THAN AIR ....... ~ld Hydrocarbon Odor I (Air =i) . - - - .... 4; 8 SOLUBILITY IN WATER VAPOR PRESSURE ..... PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME (%) NIL (mm Hg.) 5 r~n 69.4% BOLLING POINT.(°F) EVAPORATION RATE WEIGHT PER GALLON 6.4# 313°F ~u~l Ace~te = 1) 0.09 . .. esiS information is furnished without w~a,r, ranty, representation, or license of any kind, except that it is accurate to the t of Minwax Company Incorporated s knowledge or obtained from sources believed by the Minwax Company Inc. to be accurate. The Minwax Company Inc. shall have no legal responsibility for use or reliance upon any information provided herewith. CUSTOMERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO CONDUCT THEIR OWN TEST, BEFORE USING ANY PRODUCT READ ITS LABEL. PAGE 1 of 4 C~q 105 ~:'~ ' MAhdi[RIAL SAFETY DATA Si~T PRODUCT NAME P~. WAX ~200 Natural by ~-he Makers of DURA SEAL ........... SECTION IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA 105°F I FLASHPOINT FLAMMABLE LIMITS LEL 0.9 UEL 6.0 AUTOIGNITION TEMPERATURE 450°F Alcohol Foam and Water Fog. EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical, SPECIALFIREFIGHTING PROCEDURES Use self-contained breathing apparatus with a full face piece operated in pressure demand or other positive pressure mode. Water is not normally an effective extinguishing agent .... UNUSUALFIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS When burning, this product gives off toxic by-products (such as Carbon Monoxide), therefore, the breathing of fumes, smoke and gasses given off during burning should be avoided. SECTION V- HEALTH HAZARD DATA ............ . THRESHOLDMMITVALUE ( OSHA TLV/TW~ 500 PPM " Mineral Spirits (Stoddard Solvent)~ ACGIH TLV/~A 100 PPM .. ' ..................................................... ACGIH TLV/STEL 150 PPM EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE-ROUTES OF EXPOSURE INGESTION: Can cause gastrointestinal irritation, SKIN CONTACT: EYE CONTACT: INHALATION: No carcinogen report. nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Aspiriation of liquid into the lungs can cause chemical pneumonitis which canbe-f~tal. Can cause defatt~ng and drying of the skin which may result in skin irritation and dermatitis. Can cause severe irritation, redness, tearing or blurred vision'. Can cause nasal and respiratory irritation, dizziness, weakness fatigue, nausea, headache, nervous irritability, possible unconsciousness and asphyxiation. Can lead to centralnervous system depression. .... :':.' .... :-.. . EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID .PROCEDURES If swallowed: Do not induce vomiting. For skin contact: In case of eye contact: If affected by inhalation: CALL PHYSICIAN IF[~EDIATELY.' Keep"- patient'warm and quiet. Aspiration of material into lungs due to vomiting can cause chemical pneumonitis which can'be-fatal. Wash thoroughly with soap and plenty of water.' If irritation persists get medical attention. Flush with plenty of water. Remove to fresh air. M~intain respiration as necessary and CALL PHYSICIAN. pR~D~CT N'AM~$TE WAX #200 Natural bY the M~kers of DURA SEAL SECTION VI - REACTIVITY DATA UNSTABLE CONDITIONS TO AVOID ITABILITY STABLE X NONE INCOMPATABILITY (Matertals to avoid) Strong Oxidizing Agents HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS Incomplete combustion produces carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and unidentified organic compounds. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION WILL NOT OCCUR X NONE SECTION VII - SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE CLASSIFICATION NUMBER Ignitable D 001 CERCLA (SUPER FUND) REPORTABLE QUANTITY (Rm) NONE '.' STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CABE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED Provide adequate ventilation. Remove ignition sources from spill area. Utilize sand, rags, paper, vermiculite, floor absorbent, or or.her absorbent material and place in leak-proof drums for disoosal. Use protective equ. ipment. Der Section VIII WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD -' . In accordance with local, state and federal regulations. Incineration is preferred or by burying in an approved landfill. ~ OUT OF SURFACE WATERS AND ANY WATER COURSES OR SEWERS ~i~RING OR LW~DING TO SURF~I2E .WATERS,. SECTION ViII - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION -' If adequate ventilation cannotbemaintained, use respiratory protection'(NIOSH/ MSHATC 23C or equ~ivalent). Use a full face or half-mask air purifying respirator wi~h organic vapor cartridge to prevent overexposure. VENTILATION · Provide a constant flow of fresh air to meet TLV requirements. Open windows and doors or use o~her means to permit fresh air'en~y during application and cloying. PROTECTIVE GLOVES ._. Use rubber, neoprene or vitron gloves. EYE PROTECTION Safety glasses or chemical goggles or a face shield. OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT The selected items such as aprons, boots, ~rm guards or full-body suit will depend on operation. Have eye bath and safety shower nearby during use. PAGE3of4 MATi IIAL SAFETY DATA SHE ' PRODUCT NAME ?,~$TE WAX ~200 Natural by the [vieWers of D[.E~ SFJ~- SECTION IX - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS ............ PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORING Do not use or store near heat, sparks, open flame or other sources of ignition. Close container after each use. Store only in original container. Wash with soap and plenty of water before eating, drinking, smoking or using toilet facilities. OTHER PRECAUTIONS Avoid inhalation and use only with adequate ventilation. If employee experiences eye watering, headaches or dizziness, increase fresh air and leave area. Remove contaminated clothing immediately and launder before reuse. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN .................... N.F.P.A. HAZARD RATING DEFINITIONS Minwax Company inc. has provided hazard ratings solely as a Convenience to its customers:' However, since hazard ratings require subjective determinations. Minwax Company Inc. shall have no legal responsibility for the accuracy or significance of .... .,,,- hazard ratings assigned or the use or reliance thereon. ' ' HEALTH HAZARD RATING CHART ' - -.---~ ...... ~ ................ ~ ............ 0 INSIGNIFICANT no significant risk to health 2 MODERATE temporary or minor injury may occur. 3 HIGH major injury likely unless prompt action is taken and medical treatment is given. · - 4 EXTREME life threatening major or pe~:m~hent damage may result from ~ingle or repeated exposures~?:'.~ FLAMMABILITY HAZARD RATING CHART ......... ~-i ....... '.-:-~ 0 INSIGNIFICANT materials which are normally stable and will not burn unless heated. I SLIGHT materials that must be preheated before ignition will occur. Flammable liquids in this category will have flash points (the lowest temperature at which ignition will occur) at or above 200"F (NFP^ ClaSs 11 lB). 2 MODERATE materials which must be moderately heated before ignition will occur, including flammable liquids with flash points at or above 100°F and below 200"F. (NFPA Class II anti Class IliA), 3 HIGH materials capable of ignition unde~ almost all normal temperature conditions, including flammable liquids with flash points below 73'~F and boiling points above 100"F as well with flash points between 73"F and IO0"F (NFPA Classes lB and 1C). 4 EXTREME very flammable gases or very volatile flammable liquids with llash points below 73"F and boiling points .... below 100°F (NFPA Class lA) REACTIVITY HAZARD RATING CHART 0 INSIGNIFICANT materials which are normally stable, even under fire conditions, and which will not react with water. I SLIGHT materials which are normally stable, but can become unstable at high temperatures and pressures, These materials may react with water, but will not release energy violently. 2 MODERATE materials which in themselves are normally stable and will readily undergo violent chemical change, but will not detonate. These materials may also react violently with water. 3 HIGH mater;als which are capable of detonation or explosive react;on, but require a strong inihating source, or must be heated under confinement before m~tiation, or materials which react explosively with wate'r. 4 EXTREME these materials are readily capable of detonat;on or explosive decomposition at normal temperatures and pressures. Minwax Company, inc. O102 Chestnut Ridge Plaza Montvale, New Jersey 07645 SEE HAZARD RATING DEFINITIONS PAGE 4 /,/42~_.// t HAZARD RATING Fire !4 EXTREME -----/~ ~/_~x' .,'...React~vlt.,, ·3 HIGH ~,~ ~ '2 MOOERATE 'i'oxlc.¥ i 1 : SLIGHT "~./ SDec~a; 0 INSIGNIFICANT · - CHRONIC HEAL~'H HAZARD--SEE SICCTION V DATE OF PREP: 6/30/86 I EMERGENCY PHONE NO. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET ~DAY: ~2o,)39,.o2s3 ~ NIGHT: (201) 573-5700 SECTION I- IDENTIFICATION PRODUCTNAME DURA SEAL NA~IfRAL 9200 PRODUCTCLASS Penetrating Wood Finish CODE NUMBER I UN No. 13-00200-100 I UN 1263 HAZARD CLASS (49CFR 172.101) ~ustible Liquid Paint', Stain or Varnish SECTION II - INGREDIENTS PAINTS, PRESERVATIVES, & SOLVENTS ............ % TLC (Units) PIGMENTS LTALYST VEHICLE 39 o 0 SOLVENTS M~neral Spirits (Stodard Solvent) CAS ~8052-41-3 60.0 500 PPM ADDITIVES 1.'0 OTHERS MIXTURES OF OTHER LIQUIDS, SOLIDS, OR GASES % TLC (units) SECTION III - PHYSICAL DATA ·_ APPEARANCE Milky Liquid; M-&ld Hy~oc&rbon Odor SOLUBILITY IN WATER NILI (V~)Pzessu~ ......5nm BOILING POINT (°F)313VF'" (B~tyl A}et~l) 0.09 VAPOR DENSITY: .HEAVIE_R/LIGHTER THAN AIR (Air = 1) 4.8 PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME (%) 64.1% WEIGHT PER GALLON. 7.22# lehiS information is furnished without warranty, representation, or license of any kind, except that it is accurate to the st of Minwax Company Incorporated's knowledge or obtained from sources believed by the Minwax Company Inc. to be accurate. The Minwax Company Inc. shall have no legal responsiblity for use or reliance upon any information provided herewith. CUSTOMERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO CONDUCT THEIR OWN TEST, BEFORE USING ANY PRODUCT READ ITS LABEL. PAGE 1 of 4 CW 095 PRODUCTNAME DURA SEAL Natural #200 .... SECTION IV'- FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA FLASHPOINT FLAMMABLE LIMITS · 105°F LEL 0.9 UEL 6.0 EXTINGUISHING MEDIA AUTOIGNITION TEMPERATURE 450°F Alcohol Foam and Water Fog. Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical, SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES Use self-contained breathing apparatus with a full face piece operated in pressure demand or other positive pressure mode. Water is not normally an effective : extinguishing .agent. " UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS When burning, this product gives off toxic by-products (such as Carbon Monoxide), therefore, the breathing of fumes, smoke and gasses given off during burning should be avoided SECTION V- HEALTH HAZARD DATA THRESHOLD LIMIT VALUE (OSHA TLV/TWA 500 PPM Mineral Spirits~ . ' (Stoddard Solvent) AO~IHTLV/Tg[A__.iO0 PPM ............................... ACGIH TSV/STEL 150 PPM ' EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE- ROUTES OF EXPOSURE INGESTION: Can cause gastrointestinal irritation, nausea, EYE CONTACT: "INHALATION: No carcinogen report. vomiting and diarrhea. Aspiriation of liquid into the lungs can cause chemical pneumonitis which can be-fatal.' Can cause defatting and drying of the-skin which may result in skin irritationand dermatitis. Can cause severe irritation, redness, tearing or blurred vision. Can cause nasal and respiratory irritation, dizziness, weakness fatiguei nausea, headache, nervous irritability, possible unconsciousness and asphyxiation. Can lead to central nervous system depression. EMERGENCY AND FIRSTAID*PROCEDURES If swallowed: Do not induce vomiting. For skin contact: In case of eye contact: If affected by inhalation: CALL PHYSICIAN IMMEDIATELYi_ Keep patient warm and quiet. Aspiration of material into lungs due to vc~iting can cause chemical pneumonitis which can be fatal. Wash thoroughly with so~p and plenty of water. If'irritation persists get medical attention. Flush with plenty of water. Remove to fresh air. Maintain respiration as necessary and CALL PHYSICIAN. DURA SEAL Natural #200 SECTION Vi - REACTIVITY DATA 'TY UNSTABLE STABLE X CONDITIONS TO AVOID NONE INCOMPATABILITY (Materials to avoid) Strong Oxidizing Agents HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS Incomplete combustion produces carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and unidentified organic compounds. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION MAY OCCUR i I CONDITIONS TO AVOID WILL NOT OCCUR X NONE SECTION VII - SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE CLASSIFICATION NUMBER Ignitable D 001 CERCLA (SUPER FUND) REPORTABLE QUANTrFY (RQ~) STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED Provide adequate ventilation. Remove ignition sources from spill area. Utilize sand, rags, paper, vermiculite, floor absorbent, or other absorbent material and place in leak-proof drums .for WASTE DISPOSALMETHOD In accordance with local, state and federal regulations. Incineration~is Preferred or by burying in an approved landfill. KEEP OUT OF SURFACE WATERS AND ANY WATER COURSES OR SEWERS ENTERINGOR T,WADING TO SURFACE WAT~RS SECTION VIII - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION If adequate ventilation cannot be maintained, use reSpiratory Protection (NIOSH/. MSHATC 23C or equivalent). Use a full face orhaif-mask air purifying respirator with organic vapor cartridge to'prevent overexposure. VENTILATION Provide a constant flow of fresh air to meet TLV requirements. Open windows and doors or use other means to permit fresh air entry during application and drying. PROTECTIVE GLOVES Use rubber, neoprene or vitron gloves. EYE PROTECTION Safety glasses or chemical goggles or a face shield. OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Have eye bath and.safety shower nearby during use. PAGE 3 of 4 CW 0~8 PRODUCTNAME MATI ,IAL SAFETY DATA SHEt DURA SEAL Natural ~200 SECTION IX - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKENIN HANDLING AND STORING Do not use Or store near heat, sparks, open flame or other sources of ignition. Close container after each use. Store only in original container. .Wash with soap and plenty of water before eating, drinking, smoking or using toilet facilities. OTHER PRECAUTIONS Avoid inhalation and use only with adequate ventilation. If employee experiences eye watering, headaches or dizziness, increase fresh air and leave area. Remove contaminated clothing iaraediately and taunderbefore reuse. Have eye wash and. safety shower in area during use. : KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN N.F.P.A. HAZARD RATING DEFINITIONS .... : Minwax Company Inc. has provided hazard ratings solely as a convenience to its customers, However, since hazard ratings require subjective determinations. Minwax COmpany Inc. shall have no I.egal responsibility for !he accuracy or significartce of hazard ratings assigned or the use or reliance thereon. HEALTH HAZARD RATING CHART 0 INSIGNIFICANT I SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME no significant risk to health irritation or minor reversible injury possible. temporary or minor injury may occur. major injury likely unless prompt action is taken and medical treatment is given. life threatening major or permanent damage may result from single or repea~ed exposures. FLAMMABILITY HAZARD RATING CHART 0 INSIGNIFICANT I SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME materials which are normally stable and will not burn unless heated· materials that must be preheated before ignition will occur. Flammable liquids in this category will have flash points {the lowest temperature at which ignition will occur) at or above 200"F {NFPA Class 1~11B). materials which must be moderately heated belore ignition Will occur, including flammable liquids with flash points at or above 100'~F and below 200"F. (NFPA Class II and Class IliA). materials capable of ignition under almost all normal temperature Conditions, including flammable liquids with flash points below ?3"F and boiling points above 100"F as well with flash points between 73"F and 100"F (NFPA Classes lB and 1C). very flammable gases or very volatile flammable liquids with flash points below 73 'F and boiling points below 100°F (NFPA Class lA). REACTIVITY HAZARD RATING CHART 0 INSIGNIFICANT I SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME materials which are normally stable, even under fire conditions, and which will not react with. water. materials which are normally stable, but can become unstable at high temperatures and pressures. These materials may react with water, but will not release energy violently. materials which in themselves are normally stable and will readily undergo violent chemical change, but will not detonate. These materials may also react violently with water. materials which are capable o! detonation or explosive reaction, but require a strong inihating source, or must be heated under confinement before initiation, or materials which react explosively w~th water. these materials are readily capable of detonation or explosive decomposition at normal temperatures and pressures. CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS DIVISION · ~1~2 CHESTNUT RIDGE. PLAZA - MONTVALE ,, NEW JERSEY 07645 E~EIVEO ~UG 2 2 lg~,~. SEE HAZARD RATING DEFINITIONS PAGE 4 I HAZARD RATING ! 4 · EXTREME 2 = MODERATE ToxlClly 1 : SLI(.~HT '~ Special 0 : INSIGNIFICANT · : CHRONIC HEALTH HAZARD--SEE SECTION V DATE OF PREP: I I EMERGENCY PHONE NO. 6/26/86 I MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET ID^Y: (2Ol)3914253 ~ NIGHT: (201) 573-5700 SECTION I - IDENTIFICATION· PRODUCT NAME WAX & CLEANER #200 NATURAL by the Makers of DURA SEAL PRODUCT CLASS . . Wood Floor Cleaner & PoliSh CODE NUMBER I UN No. 13-08200-100 I UN 1263 HAZARD CLASS (49CFR 172.101) DOT PROPER SHIPPING NAME ,49CFR 172.101) ......... Paint Related Material SECTION II - INGREDIENTS ...... PAINTS, PRESERVATIVES, & SOLVENTS % TLC (Units) GMENTS · ATALYST VEHICLE ........... 5.0 SOLVENTS ~V~neral Spirits (Stoddard Solvent) CAS #8052-41-3 71.5 500 PPM. ADDITIVES ........ . .... 1.0 OTHERS Waxes - "'- ....... 13.0 MIXTURES OF OTHER LIQUIDS, SOLIDS, OR GASES . % TLC (Units) Petroleum Distillate CAS #64742-95-6 4.5 500 PPM Diacetone Alcohol CAS #123-42-2 5.0 50 PPM SECTION III - PHYSICAL DATA .... .' :-: :"';. ............. APPEARANCE ................ VAPOR DENSITY: HEAVIER/LIGHTER THAN AIR Hazy Amber Liquid; Hydrocarbon Od~ (~r = 1) -. ~ · 4.8 .......... SOLUBILITY IN WATER I Vap:r Pressure PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME (%) PartiallyI (m~) 5 n~n 83.5 BOLLING POINT (°F) ~[~ation Rate WEIGHT PER GALLON 313OF (Butyl Acetate=l) 0.09 6.77# information is furnished without warranty, representation, or license of any kind, except that it is accurate to the best of Minwax Company Incorporated's knowledge or obtained from sources believed by the Minwax Company Inc. to be accurate. The Minwax Company Inc. shall have no legal responsiblity for use or reliance upon any information provided herewith. CUSTOMERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO CONDUCT THEIR OWN TEST, BEFORE USING ANY PRODUCT READ ITS LABEL. PRODUCTNAME WAX & CT~EANER '#200 NATURAL by t~he M~ers of DURA SEAL iFLAMMABLE LIMITS FLASHPOINT 105°F LEL 0.9 ' UEL 6.0 EXTINGUISHING MEDIA AUTOIGNITION TEMPERATURE 450°F Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical, Alcohol Foam and Water Fog. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES Use self-contained breathing apparatus with a full face piece operated in pressure demand or other positive pressure mode. Water is not normally an. effective extinguishing agent. - ............. . ..... " UNUSUAL FIRE AND' .- ~:. .. EXPLOSION HAZARDS · When burning, this product gives off toxic by-products (such as Carbon Monoxide), therefore, the breathing of fumes, smoke and gasses given off during burning should be avoided. ..-. · .................. ' THRESHOLD LIMIT VALUE SECTION V- HEALTH HAZARD DATA t 500 pPMI ·: . ACG~H TZV/~... 100 .PPX.I ~ ~. t~ ~V~__.~.~ ~ ~V/S~ 150' PPM'[ ............ :-'- (~ ~/~. 75 ~ ' Mineral Spirit. s (S~n~!~rd SSl~t) &. SKIN CONTACT: EFFECTS.OF OVEREXPOSURE- ROUTES OF EXPOSURE " · ' ' ,.. - - :".: -.. INGESTION: Can cause gastrointestinal irritatio~;--ha~eA';-'~'tihg ahd ...... diarrhea. Aspiriation of liquid into the lungs can cause chemical pneumonitis which can be .fatal. Can cause defatting and drying of the skin'which may result in skin irritation and dermatitis. EYE CONTACT: INHALATION: No carcinogen report. Can cause severe irritation, redness, tearing 'or blurred vision. Can caUse nasal and respiratory irritation,' dizziness, weakness,' fatigue, nausea, headache, nervous irritability, possible unconsciousness and asphyxiation. Can lead to central nervous system depression. .' ' ' ..' . . EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID-PROCEDURES If swallowed: Do not induce vomiting. For skin contact: In case of eyecontact~ If affected by inhalation: CAT~ PHYSICIAN-IMMEDIATELY .... Keep ..... patient warm andquiet. Aspiration'of'material into lung~ due to vc~iting can cause chemical pneumonitiswhich-can'be'-fatal. Wash thorough%y wi~h soap and plenty of water..· If irritation persists get medical attention. - .......... Flush withplenty of water. Remove to fresh air. Maintain respiration as necessary and CALL PHYSICIAN. WAX & CT.FANER %200 NATURAL by the M~nkers of DURA SEAL SECTION Vi - REACTIVITY DATA UNSTABLE STABLE X CONDITIONS TO AVOID NONE INCOMPATABILITY (Materials to avoid) Strong OXidizing Agents HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS Incomplete combustion produces carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and unidentified organic cc~po~ unds. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION CONDFFIONS TO AVOID MAY OCCUR WILL NOT OCCUR X NONE SECTION Vii - SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE CLASSIFICATION NUMBER Ignitable D 001 CERCLA (SUPER FUND) REPORTABLE QUANTITY (RQ#) .................... _. NONE iPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS_RELEASED OR SPILLED Remove ignition sources from. spill area. Utilize sand, rags, paper, vermiculite, floor absorbent, or other absorbent material and place in leak-proof drums .for disposal. ..... WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD. In accordance with local, state and federal regulations. Incineration is preferred or by burying in an approved landfill. K~EPOUTOF SURFACE WAT~RS AND ANY~ATER · COURSES OR SE]4LRS EN~EERING OR I.~ADING TO 'SURFACE ~AT~RS. SECTIONVIII -SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION If adequate ventilation cann0tbe maintained, use respiratory protection MSHATC 23C or equivalent). (NIOSh/ VENTILATION Provide a constant flow of fresh air to ~et TLV requirements.' Openwindows and .... doors-or use-other means to permi~-fresh air en~_ry.during application and drying. PROIECTIVE GLOVES Use rubber, neoprene or vitron gloves. EYE PROTECTION Safety glasses or chemical goggles or a face shield. OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Have eye bath and safety shower nearby during use. PRODUCTNAME WAX & CLEANER '~f200"NATURAL by the Makers'of DURA SEAL SECTION IX - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKENIN HANDLING AND STORING Do not use or store near heat, sparks, open flame or other sources of ignition. Close container after each use. Store only in original container. Wash with soap and plenty of water before eating, drinking, smoking or using toilet facilities. OTHER PRECAUTIONS Avoid inhalation and use only with adeqUate ventilation. If ~Ployee experiences eye watering, headaches or dizziness, increase fresh air and leave area. Remove contaminated clothing immediately a~d launder before reuse. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN N.F.P:A. HAZARD RATING DEFINITIONS ....................................... "~lir~w-~x Company Inc. has provided hazard ratings solely as a convenience to its'customers.-Howev'er, since hazard ratings" ' require subjective determinations. Minwax Company Inc. shall.have no legal responsibility for the accurac7 or significance of hazard ratings assigned or the use or reliance thereon. HEALTH HAZARD RATING CHART 0 INSIGNIFICANT '1 SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME no significant risk to health ............. : ........ : ......: irritation or minor reversible injury possible. temporary or minor iniury may occur. major injury likely unless prompt action is taken and medical treatment is given. life threatening maior or permanent damage may result from single or repeated exposures. FLAMMABILITY HAZARD RATING CHART 0 INSIGNIFICANT materials which are normally stable and will not burn unless heated. I SLIGHT materials that must be preheated before ignition will occur. Flammable liquids in this category will have ...................................... : ... flash points (the lowest temperature at which ignition will occur) at or'above 200'F (NFPA Class 1 ~118k ' 2 MODERATE materials which must be moderately heated before ignition will occur, including flammable liquids with flash points at or above 100°F and below 200"F. (NFPA Class II and Class IliA). 3 HIGH materials capable of ignition under almost all normal temperature conditions, including flammable liquids with flash points below 73"F and boiling points above 100"F as well with flash points between 73"F and 100"F (NFPA Classes lB and 1C). .... 4 EXTREME ....... Very flammable gases or very volatile flammable liquids with flash points below 73"F and boiling points below 100°F (NFPA Class lA). ......................... 'REACTIVITY HAZARD RATING CHART 0 INSIGNIFICANT I SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME materials which are normally stable, even under fire conditions, and which will not react with water. materials which are normally stable, but can become unstable at high temperatures and pressures. These materials may react with water, but will not release energy violently. materials which in themselves are normally stable and will readily undergo violent chemical change, but will not detonate. These materials may also react violently with water. materials which are capable of detonation or explosive reaction, but require a strong initiating source, or must be heated under conlinement before imtiahon, or materials which react explosively with water these materials are readily capable of detonation or explosive decomposition at normal temperatures and pressures MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET COATINGS AND RESINS GROUP SECTION I -PRODUCT INFORMATION MANUFACTURER'S NAME: PPG INDUSTRIES INC. PRODUCT SAFETY LOC.: 260 KAPPA DRIVE PITTSBURGH, PA 15238 MSDS CONTACT: MANAGER, INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE AND PRODUCT SAFETY (412) 963-5822 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE: (304) 843-1300 XNQREDXENT$ BUTYL BENZYL PHTHALATE TZTANIUM DZOXIDE TOLUENE XYLENE FXLM FORMERS, RESXN$o AND CODE/IDENTITY : C65W99 TRADE NAME: DURACRYLTOUCHUP CHEMICAL FAMILY: ACRYUC DOT CLS:PAINT, FLAMMABLELIQUID DATE OF PREPARATION: 2/05/86 SECTION II -INGREDIENTS (0808840) APPROX. E X P O S U R E L Z M Z T S % WT. OAS NO. ACGXH TLV OSHA PEL PPG ZPEL 5 85-68-7 NIA NIA 3~ 13463-67-7 I~.~MglM3 15.~MglM3 I~,~Mg/M3 3~ 1~8-88-3 I~.~PPM ' 2~.~PPM I~.~PPM ADDI?IVE$ 35 PROPRIETARY NOT EST. NOT EST, ; HOT EST. SECTION III- PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS BOILING RANGE : 110 - 194 DEG.C S0LUBILITY IN WATER: 0.0 VAPOR PRESSURE: 17.5 mmHg WT/GAL (LBS): 10.30 VAPOR DENSITY : HEAVIER THAN AIR pH: N/A ~ VOL/VOLUME : 69.20 % SOLID BY WEIGHT: 51.5 EVAP RATE(Bu0Ac=10O): 170 SECTION IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA DOT CATEGORY: FLAMMABLE' FLASHPOINT: 40 DEG. F PMCC FLAHMABLE LIMITS: LEL 1.2 UEL N/A EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: USE NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION (NFPA) CLASS B EXTINGUISHERS (CARBON DIOXIDE. DRY CHEMICAL, OR UNIVERSAL AQUEOUS FILM FORMING FOAM} DESIGNED TO EXTINGUISH NFPA CLASS FLAMMABLE LIQUID FIRES. UNUSUAL FXRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: KEEP CONTAINERS TIGHTLY CLOSED. ISOLATE FROM HEAT. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT, SPARKS, AND OPEN FLAMES. CLOSED CONTAINERS MAY EXPLODE WHEN EXPOSED TO EXTRFMF HEAT. DO NOT APPLY ON HOT · SURFACES. TOXIC GASES MAY FORM WHEN PRODUCT IS CO~rACTED BY FLAME OR HOT SURFACES. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES: WATER SPRAY MAY BE INEFFECTIVE. WATER SPRAY MAY BE USED TO COOL CLOSED CONTAINERS TO PREVENT PRESSURE BUILD-UP AND POSSIBLE AUTOIGNITION OR EXPLOSION WHEN EXPOSED TO EXTREME HEAT. IF WATER IS USED, FOG NOZZLES ARE PREFERABLE. FIRE-FIGHTERS SHOULD WEAR SELF CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS. SECTION V - REACTIVITY DATA STABILITY: STABLE : HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: NOT EXPECTED TO OCCUR INCOMPATIBILITY (MATERIALS AND CONDITIONS TO AVOID): AVOID CONTACT WITH STRONG ALKALIES. STRONG MINERAL ACIDS. OR STRONG OXIDIZING AGENTS. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: MAY PRODUCE HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS WHEN HEATED. WELDING. BRAZING, OR FLAME-CUTTING ON SURFACES COATED WITH THIS PRODUCT MAY PRODUCE FUMES INCLUDING: Carbon Monoxide. SECTION VI - SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE HATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED.: Continued on Back of Page Continuation of'Manufac er's Code -C65W99 DATE OF PREP: 2/05/86 PRovIDE MAXIMUM VENTILATION. ONLY PERSONNEL EOUIPPED WITH PROPER RESPIRATORY AND SKIN AND EYE PROTECTION SHOULD BE PERMI~ED IN THE AREA. REMOVE ALL SOURCES OF IGNITION. TAKE UP SPILLED MATERIAL WITH SAWDUST, VERMICULITE, OR OTHER ABSORBENT MATERIAL AND PLACE IN?0 CONTAINERS FOR DISPOSAL. t~ASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: WASTE MATERIAL MUST BE DISPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL REGULATIONS. EMPTY CONTAINERS SHOULD BE RECYCLED OR DISPOSED OF THROUGH AN APPROVED WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILTY. SECTION VII - HEALTH HAZARD DATA EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE FROM: INGESTION: " HARMFUL OR FATAL IF SWALLOWED. EYE CONTACT: CAUSES EYE IRRITATION. SKIN CONTACT: ~ MAY CAUSE MODERATE SKIN IRRITATION. INHALATION: VAPOR AND SPRAY MIST MAY BE HARMFUL IF INHALED. REFEATED EXPOSURE TO HIGH VAPOR CONCENTRATIONS ,'vIA'/CAUSE IRRITATION OFTHE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM AND PERMANENT BRAIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM DAMAGE. INTENTIONAL MISUSE BY DELIBERATELY CONCENTRATING AND INHALING THE CONTENTS CAN BE HARMFUL OR FATAL. REPEATED EXPOSURE: AVOID LONG-TERM AND REPEATED CONTACT. SIGNS AND SYMPTONS OF OVEREXPOSURE: EYE WATERING, HEADACHES, NAUSEA, DIZZINESS, AND LOSS OF COORDINATION ARE INDICATIONS THAT SOLVENT LEVELS ARE TOO HIGH. REDNESS, ITCHING, BURNING SENSATIONS AND VISUAL OISTURBANCES MAY BE INDICATIONS THAT EXCESSIVE EYE CONTACT HAS OCCURED. DRYNESS, ITCHING, CRACKING, BURNING, REDNESS, AND SWELLING ARE CONDITIONS ASSOCIATED WITH EXCESSIVE SKIN CONTACT. HEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE: NOT APPLICABLE SECTION VIII - FIRST AID PROCEDURES INGESTION: IF SWALLOWED, DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. EYE CONTACT: IN CASE OF EYE CONTACT. FLUSH EYES IMMEDIATELY WITH PLENTY OF WATER FOR AT LEAST 15 MINUTES. SKIN CONTACT: IN CASE OF SKIN CONTACT, REMOVE PROMPTLY aY WIPING, FOLLOWED BY WATERLESS HAND CLEANER AND SOAP AND WATER. I NHALAT I ON: IF AFFECTED BY INHALATION OF VAPOR OR SPRAY MIST. REMOVE TO FRESH AIR. APPLY ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION AND OTHER SUPPORTIVE MEASURES AS REQUIRED. OTHER: IF ANY OF THE FOLLOWING OCCUR DURING OR FOLLOWING USE OF THIS PRODUCT. CONTACT A POISON CONTROL CENTER, EMERGENCY ROOM OR PHYSICIAN IMMEDIATELY; HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET INFORMATION AVAILABLE. 'INGESTION,' EXCESSIVE EXPOSURE TO A CORROSIVE MATERIAL. ' PERSISTENT SKIN/EYE IRRITATION OR BREATHING DIFFICULTIES. SECTION IX - PROTECTION'INFORMATION PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT FOR: EYE PROTECTION: WEAR CHEMICAL-TYPE SPLASH GOGGLES. SKIN PROTECTION: ' WEAR PROTECTIVE CLOTHING, INCLUDING IMPERMEABLE APRON AND GAUNTLET-TYPE GLOVES CONSTRUCTED OF: POLYVINYL ALCOHOL, NEOPRENE RUBBER, NITRILE RUBBERBUTYL RUBBER OR LATEX RUBBER Continued on Page 2 PAGE 2 Continuation of Hanufacturer's Code - C65W99 DATE OF PREP: 2/05/86 RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: OVEREXPOSURE TO VAPORS MAY BE PREVENTED BY ENSURING VENFTILATION COI~TROLS, VAPOR EXHAUST OR FRESH AIR ENTRY. NIOSH/MSHA APPROVED (TC-23C-) PAIhFF SPRAY OR AIR SUPPLIED (TC-19C-) RESPIRATORS MAY ALSO REDUCE EXPOSURE. IN ALL CASES. READ RESPIRATOR MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND LITERATURE CAREFULLY TO DETERMINE THE TYPE OF AIRBORNE CONTAMINANTS AGAINST WHICH THE RESPIRATOR IS EFFECTIVE AND HOW IT IS TO BE PROPERLY FITTED, OTHER EQUIPHENT: OLEAN OR DISCARD CONTAMINATED CLOTHING AND SHOES. VENTILATI. 0N REQUIREMENTS: : PROVIDE GENERAL DILUTION OR LOCAL EXHAUST VENTILATION IN VOLUME AND PAl-tERN TO KEEP THE CONCENTRATION OF INGREDIENTS LISTED IN SECTION II BELOW THE LOWEST SUGGESTED EXPOSURE LIMITS, THE LEL tN SECTION IV BELOW THE STATED LIMIT, AND TO REMOVE DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS DURING WELDING OR FLAME CUTTING ON SURFACES COATED WITH THIS PRODUCT. SECTION X - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS HANDLING AND STORAGE PRECAUTIONS: DO NOT STORE ABOVE 120 DEGREES F, STORE LARGE QUANTITIES IN BUILDINGS DESIGNED AND PROTECTED FOR STORAGE OF NFPA CLASS lB FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS, OTHER PRECAUTIONS: " IF THIS MATERIAL IS PART OF A MULTIPLE COMPONENT COATING SYSTEM, READ THE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET(S) FOR THE OTHER COMPONENT OR COMPONENTS BEFORE BLENDING AS THE RESULTING MIXTURE MAY HAVE THE HAZARDS OF ALL OF ITS PARTS, CONTAINERS SHOULD BE GROUNDED WHEN POURING, AV(~ID FREE FALL OF LIQUIDS IN EXCESS OF A FEW INCHES, ALL CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES IN THIS PRODUCT COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE RULES OR ORDERS UNDER THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY'S TOXIC SUBSTANCE CONTROL ACT, . THIS MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET HAS BEEN PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE OSHA HAZARD COMMUNICATION STANDARD (29 CFR 1910,1200) (Apprgved by Manufacturer's Name WATCO-DENNIS CORPORATION u. .DeERIAL SAFETY DATA Revised: 1-1-86 SHIT partment of Labor "Essentially Similar Form OSHA-20) Address (Number, Street, City, State and ZIP Code) 1756 22nd Street, Santa Monica, CA 90404 Chemical Name and Synonyms Chemical Family and Formula IN/A [ Emergency Telephone Number (213) 829-2226 Trade Name(s) and Synonyms DANISH OIL FINISH (ALL COLORS), SATIN OIL, SATIN WAX (BOTH COLORS), TEAK OIL, WOOD FLOOR FINISH (BOTH COLORS), REDWOOD FINISH, MARINE TEAKWOOD FINISH, and TILE & BRICK SEALER. MINERAL SPIRITS (Petroleum Aliphatic) C.A.S. # 64742-47-8 (Products Percentage, PEL and TLV are Listed Below) ,/DANISH OIL FINISH (ALL COLORS) .... ....... From 58 to 62% PEL 100ppm TLV (units) 100ppm SATIN WAX-NATURAL ......................... From 89 SATIN WAX-DARK ............................ From 69 SATIN OIL ..... ; .............................. From 79 v'TEAK OIL ..................................... From 61 to WOOD FLOOR FINISH (BOTH COLORS) ...... From 31 to REDWOOD FINISH ............................ From 61 to MARINE TEAKWOOD FINISH ................. From 61 to TILE & BRICK SEALER ....................... From 36 to Boiling Point (o F) (Volatile Portion) 302-395 Vapor Pressure (mm Hg) @ 77°F 4 Vapor Density (AIR=l) 4.8 Solubility in Water NIL Evaportion Rate (BU AC = 1) 0.20 Percent Volatile by Volume (%)(BY PRODUCT) DANISH OIL FINISH (ALL COLORS)... From 62 to 66% SATIN WAX-NATURAL ................. From 90 to 92% SATIN WAX-DARK ..................... From 77 to 79% SATIN OIL ............................ From 79 to 81% TEAK OIL ............................. From 65 to 68% WOOD FLOOR FINISH (BOTH COLORS) From 36 to 38% to 91%.PEL 100ppm TLV (units) 100ppm to 71% PEL 100ppm TLV (units) 100ppm to 81% PEL 100ppm TLV (units) 100ppm 63% PEL 100ppm TLV (units) 100ppm 34% PEL 100ppm TLV (units) 100ppm 63% PEL 100ppm TLV (units) 100ppm 63% PEL 100ppm TLV (units) 100ppm 38% PEL 100ppm TLV (units) 100ppm Specific Gravity (H20 = 1) (By Product) DANISH OIL FINISH ............. From 0.85 to 0.87 (ALL COLORS) SATIN WAX (BOTH COLORS) .... From 0.79 to 0.80 SATIN OIL ...................... From 0.79 to 0.80 TEAK OIL ....................... From 0.85 to 0.87 WOOD FLOOR FINISH ........... From 0.89 to 0.91 (BOTH COLORS) REDWOOD FINISH .............. From 0.85 to 0.87 MARINE TEAKWOOD FINISH .... From 0.85 to 0.87 TILE & BRICK SEALER .......... From 0.87 to 0.88 REDWOOD FINISH .............. From 65 to 68% MARINE TEAKWOOD FINISH .... From 65 to 68% TILE & BRICK SEALER ........... From 41 to 43% Appearance, (BY PRODUCT) DANISH OIL FINISH--NATURAL ..... Amber liquid DANISH OIL FINISH-MEDIUM ......... Black liquid DANISH OIL FINISH-DARK ............ Black liquid DANISH OIL FINISH-BLACK .......... Black liquid DANISH OIL FINISH-GOLDEN OAK .... Gold liquid DANISH OIL FINISH-CHERRY .......... Red liquid DANISH OIL FINISH--FRUITWOOD .. Brown liquid DANISH OIL FINISH-ENGLISH OAK ... Black liquid SATIN WAX-NATURAL ................. White liquid SATIN WAX-DARK ...................... Black liquid SATIN OIL ............................ Amber liquid TEAK OIL ............................. Amber liquid WOOD FLOOR FINISH-NATURAL ...... Amber liquid WOOD FLOOR FINISH-WALNUT ........ Black liquid REDWOOD FINISH ................. .. .... Red liquid MARINE TEAKWOOD FINISH ........... Amber liquid TILE & BRICK SEALER ................. Amber liquid Odor - Bland Paint odor (All Products) Flash Point (Method Used) TCC= 104°F F.lammable Limits I LEI1.0 I U'el6.7 [ DOT Category, Combustible Liquid (Paint, Stain, Varnish) ~ Extinguishing Media, Co2, Dry Chemical, Foam, Water Spray. Special Fire Fighting Procedures - Do not enter any enclosed or confined space without protective equipment. Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards - Water soak oily cloths after use to avoid sponteous combustion Threshold Limit Value, 100 PPM for daily 8-hour exposure, As of 1983 OSHA PEL is 100 PPM NPCA-HMIS -lealth 2 Flammability Effects of Overexposure, 2 Skin Contact -- Mildly irritating to skin. Reactivity 1 Eye Contact -- Irritating to eyes, possible redness & blured vision. Inhalation -- May cause dizzyness, lightheadedness & headaches. Ingestion -- May cause gastrointestinal irritation, nausea, & vomiting. Chronic 'effects -- "Studies of groups of workers have shown that chronic mixed exposures to solvents including mineral spirits can cause persistent neurobehavioral symptoms such as fatique, irritability, sleep disturbances, and difficulties in concentration and memory." Emergency & First Aid Procedures Skin Contact -- Wash affected areas with soap & water. Eye Contact -- Flush with water for 15 minutes, get medical attention. Inhalation ~ Remove individual to fresh air. If breathing is difficult, administer oxygen. If breathing has stopped, give artificial respiration and get medical attention immediately. Ingestion -- Do not induce vomiting. Give 4 cups of water or other liquid except milk. Get medical attention immediately. Suspected cancer agent? Yes No X . (None of the materials in these products are on the IARC, NTP or OSHA carcinogen lists.) Stability, : Stable I X Unstable Conditions to avoid - Open Flames, hot surfaces or any ignition source. Incompatibility (Materials to avoid) - Strong Oxidizing agents. Hazardous decomposition products - Normal and incomplete combustion can produce toxic fumes. Hazardous polymerization, May occur I Will not occur l X Conditions to avoid: N/A Steps to be taken in case material is released or spilled - Eliminate all sources of ignition in vicinity of spill or released vapor. Clean up spills as soon as possible with absorbent clay, diatomaceous earth or other suitable material. (If using cloths, water soak, before disposal) Waste disposal method - Place all contaminated material in disposable containers and bury in approved dumping area. sei: tibn , 0 R [ON Respirato~ Protection (speci~ type) - Approved respirator for organic vapor or mist if PPM requires. Ventilation - Adequate for PPM J Local exhaust - If required by PPM. Protective gloves - Neoprene ~ Eye protection - Chemical ~fe~ goggles, if n~essa~. Other Protective equipment- Washing facilities for eyes and skin should be available nearby. Precautions to be taken in handling and storing - Keep away from heat or open flame. Keep out of reach of children. Use only in well- ventilated areas. Keep container closed when not 'nuse. Water soak oily cloths after use to avoid spontaneous combustion and place cloths outside of Buildings and away from combustible materials. Do not store inside the home. --2-- BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 BUSINESS NAME: OFFiCiAL Uo=. ONLY ID# BUSI NESS PLAN SINGLE FACILITY UNIT FORM 3A INSTRUCTIONS 1. To avoid further action, this form must be returned by: 2. TYPE/PRINT YOUR ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the quest:.ons below for THE FACILITY UNIT LISTED BELOW 4. Be as gRIEF and CONCISE as possible. ' ................. FACILITY UNIT# AREA B FACILITY UNIT N~ME: PROPANE TANK SECTION 1: MIT!GATIO__~_~.~_jN PREVENTION, ABATEMENT PROCEDURES SECTION 2: NOTIFICATION .AaYD EVACUATION PROCEDURES AT THIS UNIT 0NI~Y SECT!OY 3: HAZARDOUS .WATER[.4LS FOR THIS UNIT ONLY A. Does this Facility Unit couP. nih Haz:,rdous .Mater~a!s? ...... ~;NO If YES, see B. If NO, continue with SECTION' 4. B. Are any of the haza~?dous materials a bona fide Trade Secret If No, complete a s?parate hazardous materials inventory form marked: NON-TRADE SECRETS ONLY (white form ~4A-1) if Yes, complete a hazardous materi~ls inventory form marked: TRADE SECRETS ONLY (yellow form =4A-2) in addition to the non%trade secret form. List only the trade secrets on form 4A-~. SECTION 4: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION SECTION 5: LOCATION OF WATER SUPP!.Y FOR USE BY EMER6ENCY RESPONDERS SECTION 6: LOCATION OF UTiLiTY S~[UT-OFFS AT THIS UNIT ONLY. XAT. vc l,..,Oho'Ho.,'---- ,::,'¢ B' ELECTRICAL: WATER: ~3 o~J e 0. sP~.c~.~.;.· AJO~J~ E ; '~ ~' YF..S [' 5~0 i -rF YES, r p,r'.kTlOY: iF ¥~.S. S PLA:,:S° :xT, OOP :'~ E Y S ? B 1 OF 1 PROPANE FUEL 2065 BAKERSFIELD Ct! RE DEPARTMENT · ' . FORM 4A-1 NON--TRADE SECRETS HAZARDOUS MATERI ALS I NVENTORY BUSINESS NAMEZ. E. Hiq~ins Lum~er Co~any OWNER NAME: · Corporation FACILITY UNIT #: B ADDRESS: 4320 SheDard. Street ADDRESS: P.O. Drawer FL FACILITY UNIT NAME: S~OPAGE., TANK CITY, ZIP: Bakersfield, CA 93384 CITY,ZIP: W~]n~ Cr~k. ~A 94598 PHONE ~: R05./~34'0632 PHONE #: 415/938-9300' [OFFICIAL USE CFIRS ~0OE 1 2 3 4 $ 6 7 8 9 10 tYPE MAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS .~ BY HAZARD D.O.T CODE AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT WT. CHEMIC. AL OR COMMON NAME CQ. DE GUIDE ' ~O 2- 3 19 Com. Nan~: Propane (IPG) 2-10% Provue ~ ~ 2~ F!.GS I~] ]075 ~AME: ~vid H~dez TITLE: Di~. M~aqer SIGNATURE: ~~ DATE~ ~/~/~ ~MERGENCY CONTACT: Pat Flcod TITLE: Credit Manaqer PHONE # BUS HOU 83~-0632 AFTER BUS HR$/. 323-5365 ~MERGENCY CONTACT: Dean Miller TITLE: Sales PHONE # BUS HOURS: 834-0632 ~RI'NCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: Wholesale Iumber Sales AFTER BUS HRS: 832-4657 Section I Supplier's Name Address CAL GAS CORPORATION MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Emergency Phone Number 8401 Gerber Road PO Box 28397, Sacramento, CA 95828 916-423-2010 Chemical Name Liquefied Petroleum Gas or Propane CAS Registry No. 74-98-6 Chemical Family Hydrocarbon Formula C3H8 Section II HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS Hazardous Mixtures Air with 2.15 to 9.60 percent propane Section III PHYSICAL DATA ' Boiling Point -44°F Specific Gravity (H20 = 1) 0.:51 VaPor Pressure (mm HG) at 100°F 9825 Percent, Volatile by Volume (%) 100 Vapor Density (Air -- 1) 1.52 Evaporative Rate None Solubility in Water Slightly Appearance and Odor Clear--unpleasant odor (caused by odorant)* Section IV FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA Flammable Limits Flash Point N/A Classification Flammable Gas UN 1075 LEL 2.15 UEL 9.60 Extinguishing Media Water Spray: Class A-B-C or BC Fire Extinguishers Special Fire Fighting Procedures Stop flow of gas. Use water to keep fire-exposed containers cool Use water spray to disperse unignited gas or vapor. If ignition has occurred and no water available, tank metal may weaken from over- heating. Evacuate area. If gas has not ignited, LP-gas liquid vapor may be dispersed by water spray or flooding. Section V HEALTH HAZARD Threshold Limit Value 1,000 PPM Effects of Overexposure Inhalation--concentration can lead to symptoms ranging from dizziness to anesthesia and respiratory arrest. Eyes--moderate irritation. Emergency & First Aid Procedures Inhalafion--Remove to fresh air. Guard against self-injury. Apply artificial respirafion if breathing has stopped. Section VI REACTIVITY DATA Stable X Unstable Hazardous Decomposition Products None Incompatibility (materials to avoid) Mixing with oxygen or air, except at burner Hazardous Polymerization: May occur Will not occur X Section VII SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES Steps to be taken in case material is released: Keep public away. Shut off supply of gas. Eliminate sources of ignition. Ventilate the area. Disperse with water spray. Contact between skin and these gases in liquid form can cause freezing of tissue causing injury similar to thermal burn. Waste Disposal Method Controlled burning. Contact supplier. Section VIII SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION Respiratory Protection Stay out of gas or vapor (because of fire hazard). Ventilation Explosion-proof motors and keep sources of ignition at safe distances. Personal Protective Equipment and Apparel Leather or equivalent gloves, goggles for protection against accidental release of Pressurized products. Section IX SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS Precautions to be taken when handling and storing Keep containers away from heat sources and store in upright position. Containers should not be dropped. Keep container valve closed when not in use. Other Precaution Install protective caps when not connected for use. Section X TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION OSHA Carcinogen Classification (29 CFR 1910) Not listed/applicable Category I Carcinogen Category II Carcinogen Listed as Possible Category I Listed as Possible Category II Section XI DOT LABELING INFORMATION (49 CFR 100-199) Proper Shipping Name Liquefied Petroleum Gas Hazardous Classification Flammable Gas Identification No. UN 1075 Label(s) Required Flammable, Class 2 X Date of Preparation or Last Change: 11-15-85 This is for information only and does not constitute a warranty. BARERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 7f BUSINESS NAME: 0FFiC[AL USE ONLY ID# BUSINESS PLAN SI~qGLE FACILITY UNIT FORM 3A INSTRUCTIONS 1. To avoid further action, this form must be returned by: 2. TYPE/PRINT YOUR ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for THE FACILITY UNIT LISTED BELOW - 4. Be as BRIEF and CONCISE as possible. FACILITY UN!T# AREA O FACILITY UNIT NAME: MAIN HAZARDOUS CONTAINER SECTION 1: MITIGATION, PREVENTION, ABATEMEN~ PROCEDb~ES SECTION 2: NOTIFICATION ~\q] EVACUATION PROCEDURES AT THIS %~JIT ONLY t SECTION' 3: HAZARDOUS MATER rALS FOR THIS UNIT ONLY :. .. A. Does this Facility Unit contain Hazardous Materia!s9 0 If YES, see B. - -- If NO, continue with SECTIOX 4. ~- ~ B. Are an~ of the haza?dous marer'Sals a bona fide Trade Secret E I~ No, complete a separate hazardous mater}als lnuentopy form marked: NO~'-TRADE SECRETS ONLY (~hite form ~4A-I"j : : If Yes, complete a hazardous materials inventory form"marked: TRADE SECRETS ONLY (yellow form :4A-2) in addition to the non-trade secret form. Li~t only the tr'ade secrets on form 4A~. SECTION 4: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION · SECTION 5: LOCATION' OF WATER SUPPLY FOR USE BY EMERGENCY RESPOI~DERS SECTION 6: LOCATION OF UTi[LiTY SHUT-OFFS AT THIS UNIT A. NAT. GAS/PROPANE': ELECTRICAL: ~ o,~d e C. WATER: D. SPECIAL: Y;ZS ," YES .:' YO i OF 6 1 OF 6 I OF6 i OF6 ! OF 6 I OF 6 1 OF 6 1 0F6 1 OF6 I OF6 2 OF 6 2 OF6 2 OF 6 2 OF 6 20F6 3 OF 6 3 OF6 3 OF 6 3 OF 6 3 OF 6 3 OF 6 3 OF 6 3 OF 6 3 OF 6 3 OF 6 3 OF 6 30F6 4 OF 6 4 OF 6 4 OF 6 4 OF 6 4 OF 6 FLOOR SEALER CONTACT CEMENT WHITE GLUE CONTACT CEMENT LACOUER CLEAR WOOD SEALER ADHESIVE ADHESIVE COLD BOND SANDING SEALER WATCO OILS GOOP ON WOOD BLEACH DURACRYL -KORTRON TOUCH UP PAINT SWEEPING COMPOUND CLEAR WOOD SEALER POLYURETHANE FINISH POLYURETHANE SEALER CATALYST POLYURETHANE FLOOR FINISH FLOOR WAX PENETRATING WOOD FINISH PENETRATING WOOD FINISH PENETRATING WOOD FINISH PENETRATING WOOD FINISH PENETRATING WOOD FINISH PENETRATING WOOD FINISH PENETRATING WOOD FINISH PENETRATING WOOD FINISH WOOD FLOOR CLEANER AND POLISH WOOD FLOOR CLEANER AND POLISH WOOD STAIN 160 210 220 250 620 640 800 820 96O 1290 1300 1468 1470 1495 2087 1006 1009 1012 1014 1018 1019 1021 1021A 1024 1024 A 1024 B 1024 C 1024 D 1024 E 1042 1042 A 1048 C C C C C C 4 OF 6 50F 6 5 OF 6 5 0F6 5 OF 6 6 OF6 WOOD FINISH POLYURETHANE SURFACE COAT POLYURETHANE SURFACE COAT INTERIOR WOOD FINISH INTERIOR WOOD FINISH HYDROLINE CATALYST 1027 1088 1088 A 1098 1098 G 120 BAKERSFIELD C!::I- IRE DEPARTMENT · '. FORM 4A-1 . NON--TRADE SEORETS HAZARDOUS MATERI ALS INVENTORY Pa~e"~"_/__of BUSINESS NAMEj. E. Hiq~ins' Lumber Cc~any OWNER NAME: -Corporation · FACILITY UNIT #: C ADDRESS: 4320 Shemard. Street ADDRESS: P.O. Drawer FL FACILITY UNIT NAME: COmplAINER CITY, ZIP: Bakersfield, CA 93384 CITY,ZIP: Wa]n~e Cr~k: CA 94598 PHONE ~: R05./R24-0622 PHONE #: 415/938-9300 ~OF'FICIAL USE CFIRS CODE ONLY 1 2 3 4 5 $ 7 8 9 · 10 · 'YPE MAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS % BY HAZARD D.O.T ~ODE AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT /~. CHEMIC, AL OR COMMON NAME CODE GUIDE · . Dlet~ylene Glyco_ Monoet_~y± .k~tner · M 8 Gal !3 34 C~;?J~: F].~r Sealer ~4% !-Butoxeth~/2-Prop~ol /~ ORCA ~ 8 8 Gal !3 2 Contac% C~n 20-25 ~e~vl~e Chloride 2_Q~ ~nl ~l~n~ ~2~ FIZQ ~ 1133 M ~ 75 50 Gal 13 2 l,.~ite Glue <2% ~tv~nzvl PhC!ate / 35-55 Hex~e I~F~O ~ M ~ ) 125 75 Gal 13 2 C~tact C~n ]gLR~ ~,om~ J% ~O ~ ~O b~. 1133 11-22 ~yl E~V! Ketone M 8 Gal 13 3 a 10- 30 ' ~lene ' - ~er 30-10 )% Pre~l~ FP Polyiso~ate / ' i0~ ~soprop~i ~no~ i~ ~,'~yl [ FI~_O M 4 2 Gal 13 34 C!r W~. Seal 10% Isobutyl Dcetate Isobutyl ~t~ne ~.~ 10 8 Gal 13 2 ~esive 30-35% Petro!e~ Distillate 2-5% P~rn~ ~4 ] f~o ~!.D 1%] 1999 2-5% A~stos 45-55% 1,1,1 'Tri~lor~e M 10 !6 Gal 13 2 ~hesive 3-'4% Pe~Ole%~ Oil ~' M ~ 75 40 Gal 13 2 Cold. ~nd 19% ~oc~bon ~'Q / · 36-~ ~oLuty! Acetate. M 5 C~L 13 34 $~nL.i~g Seale~ 10% ~vt ~Bvt Ketone qAME: ~vid Hernandez TITLE: Divn. Manaqer SIGNATURE: DATE: · '.MERGENCY CONTACT: Pat Flood TITLE: Credit Manaqer PHONE # BUS HOUR~ 532 AFTER BUS HR: 323-5365 -2MERGENCY CONTACT: Dean ~iller TITLE: Sales . PHONE # BUS HO[ : 834-0632 ?RfNCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: Wholesale Lumber Sales AFTER· BUS HRS: 832-4657 BAKERSFIELD ti! IRE DEPARTMENT · FORM 4A- 1 NON--TRADE SECRETS HAZARDOUS MATERI ALS I NVENTORY Page ' ,~, of' ~ BUSINESS NAME~. E. Hiq~ins Lumber Cc~pany OWNER NAME: -. Corporation · FACILITY UNIT #: C ' ADDRESS: 4320 SheDard Street ADDRESS: P.O. Drawer ~L FACILITY UNIT NAME: CITY, ZIP: Bakersfield, CA 93384 CITY,ZIP: w~]nu~ cr~k~ ~A 94598 / PHONE #: 805./834~0632 PHONE #: 415/938-9300 [OFFICIAL USE CFIRS 'CODE ONLY 1 2 3 4 $ 6 7 8 9 10 'YPE MAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS % BY HAZARD D.O.T :09~ AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT WT. CHEMIQAL OR COMMON NAME CODE GUIDE  . 200 50 Gal 13 29 CcD.Name: .Iso~ty! Al~hol ~o !u~e ;0 27% Hydr~- Peroxide · 2% ~r~ 30% mit~i~ Dioxide 15% ~lene 25% Cs !cil~ Chloride M 50 200 ~S 12 8 ~eeping C~. · '.MERGENCY CONTACT:. Pat Flood TITLE: Credit Mana~.er ~ ~' PHO~'E' ~ B'~S HOURS./~SB~-063f AFTER BUS HRS,,/ 323-5365 -'.MERGENCY CONTACT: Dean ~iller TITLE: Sales PHONE # BUS HOURS: 834-0632 ?RT'NCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: Wholesale I. umber Sales AFTER BUS HRS: 832-4657 - aa-! - N' O 1~-- T R AD F_. S E C R'~-- T S HAZARDOUS MATERT ALS INVENTORY BUSINESS NAMEJ. E. Hig~ins' Lumber Company OWNER NAME: .-Corporation · FACILITY UNIT #: C ADDRESS: 4320 SheDard. Street ADDRESS: P.O. Drawer FL FACILITY UNIT NAME: ~/~..~_~_. CITY, ZIP: Bakersfield., CA 93384 CITY.ZIP: wm]~l]t. ~r~k~ CA 94598 .._ PHONE #: ROS/R~4-06~ PHONE #: 415/938-9300 ~OF'FICIAL USE CFIRS CODE ONLY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ?YPE MAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS % BY HAZARD D.O.T ~ODE AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT WT. CHEMIQAL OR COMMON NAME CODE GUIDE ~ 4 Gal 13 34 ~C~n~.~]am~.: 9-s ~/nera! 'SPirits @~D [~ 1263 Clr Woo~ Sealer l~ Vinyl Toluene ' ' /~ M 4 Gal 13 29~ Pol~re~~ Finfs~ ~2% ~nera! Spirits /o~ FI~ 1.%] 1263 ~ 40~ ~o~v!ene ~ly~]. ~thy1 Ether Pceta~:e 8% n-Butyl Acetate M a Gal 13 34 Pol~e~e Sealer ~5~ Miheral"Spirits~ /~ / ~ F~ ~] 1263 50% Pr~vlene ~lv~ ~hvl Ether ~ceta~:e 1~% n~tyt A~tate 54~ Poly~ctional Aziridine M ' Gal 13 7 Catalyst 46% P~~eehmnn] /~/~ ~ ~.~] 1263 M 20 5 Gal 13 34 pol~eth~e F1r Fin 67~ Mineral SPirits /~/~ ~D ~ 1263 M 8 I~ 13 32 Fi~ W~ 72% ~Sfneral SPirits /~ ~ ~ ~] 1263 M C~i 13 297 P~etratih~ W~ Fi ] 60'% NZneral Spirfts /~ ~ [ ~Q ~%] 1263 '~.~ la 9 Gal 13 29% Pene~at~ng VT~d 'Fi ] 65% ~fnera! Spfrits /~/~ ~ I~ ].263 M 6 2 Gal 13 2~ p~e~atihg h7~ Fi % 5'4~ ~,~neral Spiri'ts f~ ~ ~ ~Q [~ 1263 ~ 6 1 Gal 13 29-' Pene~atfng W~, Fi a 57% ~.~heral Spirfts ~2+ ~ ~_Q ~ 1263 M 6 2 ~al 13 29'_ P~e~rat~g W~ Fi ~ 59~% '~fneral Spirfts ~ ~0 t~ 1263 M 6 ~ 1 Ga~ 13 29~ P~et~ati~ng ~ FJ ~ 5'5'% .F~i~era3. SpiYits ~ ~Q %~ 1263 NAME: ravia H~dez TITLE: Di~. M~ager _.SIGNATURE: -- - ,~~4~~DATE: EMERGENCY CONTACT: Pat Flood TITLE: Credit Manaqer PH{ ~E # BUS HOUR~.! 834-0632 AFTER BUS HRS,/ 323-5365 1EMERGENCY coNTACT: Dean ~iller TITLE: Sales PHONE # BUS HOUF~: 834-0632 PRI'NCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: Wholesale Lumber Sales AFTER BUS HRS: 832-4657 I.D. BUSINESS NAMEJ. E. Hiqcins' Lumber Cc~any · FACILITY UNIT #: C ADDRESS: 4320 Sheoard Street FACILITY UNIT NAME: BAKERSFIELD ~FIRE DEPARTMENT · ' 'FO~[ 4A-1 NON--TRADE SECRETS HAZARDOUS MATERI ALS INVENTORY OWNER NAME: - Corporation ADDRESS: P.O. Drawer FL CITY,ZIP: w~ln~ cr~_~k. CA 9459~ CITY, ZIP: Bakersfield, CA 93384 PHONE e: ~5./~4-0632 PHONE #: 415/938-9300 [OF'FICIAL USE CFIRS CODE ~ ONLY 1 2 3 4 5. 6 7 8 9 10 TYPE MAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS % BY HAZARD D.O,T CODE AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT WT. CHEMICAL OR COMMON NAME CODE GUIDE Cc~. Name: M 6 ]_ Gal 13 29 P~n~ra~i~c Wcx~q Fin 5!% ~inera~ Soiri'ts ?~d/~! C~qO L~T ~3 5~ 2 Gal 13 2.9· Dene~atin~ W~_ vih '58% ~inera! S~irits ~ ~D [%~ 1.263 M 12 ! Gal i3 8 W~ F!r C]nr~o! 71% ?ineral Spirits 4% Pe~ole~ Distil]ate ' /~ g~. ~Q l~l 1263 "' 5% niacetone Bl~ho]., ~ 12 1 ~,! 13 ~ W~' F].r C~r~ol 7Y.5% -~ineral Spirits ~ [~ 1263 ~ 4 Gal 13 29 W~ Stain 54% .~i'neral SDiri'ts C~ [~] 1263 M ~ Gal 13 34 W~d Finish 57~ ~inera! Spirits / ~ z (" ~IO [mi 1263 NAME: ~vid H~dez _ TITLE: Di~. M~aqer .SIGNATURE: EMERGENCY CONTACT: Pat Flood TITLE: Credit Manager PHONE # BUS HOUR: AFTER BUS HRS: 323-5365 EMERGENCY CONTACT: Dean Uiller TITLE: Sales PHONE # BUS HOURS: 834-0632 PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: Wholesale Lumber Sales AFTER BUS HRS: 832-4657 - ~A-! - BAKERSFIELD C'," RE DEPARTMENT · ' .. FORI 4A-! .. NON--TRADE SECRETS HAZARDOUS MATERI ALS INVENTORY Page BUSINESS NAME~. E. Hiq~ins Lumber Cc~any OWNER NAME: . Corporation · FACILITY UNIT #: C' ADDRESS: 4320 SheDard. Street ADDRESS: P.O. Drawer FL FACILITY UNIT NAME: COB..~I~.P,. CITY, ZIP: Bakersfield, CA 93384 CITY,ZIP: Wa]nu~ Cr~k~ CA 945~ PHONE *: ~05/~4-0632 PHONE #: 415/938-9300 [OFFICIAL USE CFIRS CODE ONLY 1 2 8 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 ~YPE MAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS % BY HAZARD D.O.T ,~ODE AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT WT. CHEMICAL OR COMMON NAME CODE GUIDE M 4 ~ C~A~ 13 29 Cc~. Na:~: ~ Coat 5~% ~ineral Spirits /~ f~ CY~D' UN 1~ Polyurethane ~urrac~ .... Coat M 4 4 GAL 13 29 Pol_vure~2lane Surfa~ 53% ~inera]. Spirits /~f/~ C~Q L%~ 12~ M 10 10 GAL 13 29 Interior Wood Fin. 86% ~inera_]. S~irits /~ ~ C~LQ %%1 1263 M 10 2 C~AL 13 29 Interior ~o~d. Fin. 80% ~ineral S~irits /o~f ~ C~.V,~Q UM 1263 / ~AME: mvid Her~__ande~z .... TITLE: Divn. Manager .... ...SIGNATURE:__ ~.~F~7~/,.~~/~J~4/~ DATE :~_ ~ ~- .~ ........ ;/~ ~/~ EMERGENCY CONTACT: Pat Flood TITLE: Credit Manaqer PHO US HOUR,< 83!-0632 AFTER BUS HR 323-5365 EMERGENCY CONTACT: Dean ~iller TITLE: Sales PHONE # BUS HOU : 834-0632 PRfNCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: Wholesale Lumber Sales AFTER BUS HRS: 832-4657 -' - 4A-! - I.D. # Page __of-''~__ BAKERSFIELD C{ FIRE DEPARTMENT .' FORM 4A-1 NON--TRADE SECRETS HAZARDOUS I~ATERI ALS INVENTORY BUSINESS NAMEJ. E. Higqins Lumber Company OWNER NAME: Corporation . FACILITY UNIT #: C ADDRESS: 4320 SheDard. Street ADDRESS: P.O. Drawer ~L FACILITY bNIT NAME: CITY, ZIP: Bakersfield, CA 93384 CITY,ZIP: Wa]w]~ Craak~. CA 94598 PHONE #: ~05/834-0632 · PHONE #: 415/938-9300 [OFFICIAL USE CFIRS CODE { ONLY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ' 10 TYPE MAX ANNUAL C0NT USE LOCATION IN THIS · BY HAZARD D.0.T CODE AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT WT. CHEMICAL OR COMMON NAME CODE GUIDE EMERGENCY CONTACT: Pat Flood. TITI, E: Credit Manager PHONE # BUS HOURS ;2 AFTER BUS HRS: 323-5365 EMERGENCY CONTACT: Dean Miller TITLE: Sales PHONE # BUS HOURS: 834-0632 'PRfNCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: ~holesale Lumber Sales AFTER BUS HRS: 832-4657 MA TERIAL SAFETY DATAII LHEET FOR COATINGS. RESINS AND RELATED MATERIALS (Al~provecl by U.S. Dei)lnmenl o! LIbo~ 'EIIInle&II¥ Slmd~i~'" ID Form OSNA-2OJ 5-86 Section I MANU~AC,U.ER'S NAME Basic Coatings, Inc. S?.EE, .UMBER 2137 Sunset Road CITY. STATE. AND ZIPCODE ~.ER~N¢,,E~E..O.E ~O 515--288--0231 -- 800--247--5471 Des Moines, Iowa 50321 .Roouc, CLASS Latex CoatLng MANUFACTURERS CODE IDENTIFICATION ,,,DE ,^M~ Hydroline Wood Floor Sealer 4X0301 Section II -- HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS TLV VAPOR INGREDIEN I PERCENT tEL PR E S~'zURE PPM ~O' u' mrnH_~ Cd. 1-Butoxyethoxy-2-Propanol < 4 N/A N/A 1.3 < 0.01 Diethylene Glycol Mon~thyl Ether ~ < 4 N/A N/A 1.2 < 0.1 BOLLING mANGE EVAPORATION RATE 100-230© C. FASTER Section III -- PHYSICAL DATA VAPOR DENSITY [ X ii HEAVIER k, ,'J Lli3HTER, THANAIR !-~ SLOWER. THAN ETHER Wt. 74 WEIGHI PER ~AL~ON 8.65 lbs. Section IV -- FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA CA,EGOR¥ Not Regulated F~SH POINT EX ttNGU~SI~INCi MEDIA Use carbon dioxide or dry chemical for small fires. Use water spray for large fires. ~200© F. (T.C.C.) LEL 1.2 UNUSUAl F~RE AND EXPLOSION HA4'AHO~, None None Section V -- HEALTH HAZARD DATA THRESHOLD LIMIT %ALUE (See Section II) Contact with eyes will be irritating. May cause mild skin irritation. ~MER~EaC* AaO r aS, A,O PROCEDURES ~ye Contact: Flush with plenty of water for 15 minutes, Skin Contact: Flush with water. call physician: Section VI - REACTIVITY DATA STABILITY r"~ UNSTAeL~: !'~ STASL~, CONOITION~, TO ~mD None INCOMPATA~ILITY {~mte,~ml~ fO I~ mOBS ~1 dec~sition or b~nin~ my pr~u~ ~n mnoxide ~d/or ~n dioxide. - HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION r~ MAY OCCUR ~ WILL NOT OCCUR CONDITIONS TO AVOID None Section VII -- SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL 18 RELEASED OR SPILLED Remove with ~_,ert absorbant. Flush with water. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD Dispose of in accordance with local, state and federal regulations. Section VIII -- SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION None required. YEN1 ILAT ION Normal PROTECTIVE GLOVES Desirable EYE PROTECTION Goggles O'HER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Eye Bath Section IX -- SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PRECAUTIONS TO El[* TAKEN IN HANDLING AN(:] STORING Do not store above 120° F. If frozen, Do not take internally. Keep out of the reach of children. For industrial use only. thaw thoroughly before use. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEE BEECHAM HOME ]IMPI~OV'A~4ENT PRODUCTS INC. EMERGENCY PHONE NO.: (513) 253-7154 RECEIVED JUN { 6 1986 MsDs NO. , 000 BMIS [lAZARD RATINGS Minimal 0 Acute Health Slight 1 Flamability Moderate 2 Reactivity Serious 3 .,. Severe 4 SECTION I PRODUCT NAME OR NU~ER: Smooth Spread Contact Cement MANUFACTURERS NAME: ADDRESS: Beecham Home Improvement Products Inc. P.O. Box 277 Dayton, Ohio 45401 PROPER SHIPPING NAME (49 CFR 172.101): Cement D.O.T. HAZARD NAME (49 CFR 172.101): FlammM)le liquid D.O.T. ID NO. (49 CFR 172.101): NA 1133 D.O.T. HAZARD CLASS (49 CFR 172.101): Flammable liquid RCRA HAZARD CLASS - if discarded (40 CFR 261): DO01-Ignitable E.P.A. PRIORITY POLLUTANTS (40 CFR 122.53): Methylene Chloride, Toluene CAS NO.: Mixture GENERIC DESCRIPTION: Contact Cement SECTION II INGREDIENTS ~ RANGE CAS~ TSCA INVENTORY (EPA) 50-55 Mixture Yes 20-25 75-09--2 Yes 3-8 108-88-3 Yes HAZARDOUS Lactol Spirits Methylene Chloride Toluene NON-HAZARDOUS Neoprene rubber, inert ingredients · SECTION III PHYSICAL DATA BOILING POINT: 76°F SPECIFIC GRAVITY (HzO = 1): 0.81 VAPOR PRESSURE (~Hg): 70 @ 20°C VAPOR DENSITY (AIR = 1): 3.4 PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME (%): 70-75 EVAPORATION RATE (Butyl Acetate = 1): SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Negligible MATERIAL IS: X LIQUID SOLID ODOR AND APPEARANCE: >1 GAS PASTE POWDER Yellow mobile liquid, gasoline-like odor PAGE 1 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET NAME OR NUMBER: smooth Spread Contact Cement SECTION IV HEALTH HAZARD DATA PRIMARY ROUTE OF ENTRY: Inhalation of solvent vapors EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE: ACUTE: Liquid and vapor irritate eyes, skin and respiratory tract. May cause central nervous system depression: headache, dizziness, fatigue, nausea or unconsciousness. If ingested causes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, depressed respiration. CHRONIC: Liquid may cause dermatitis after prolonged exposure to skin. A number of studies supplied by our trade association has indicated that continual overexposure to concentrated solvent vapors over a period of time. may lead to permanent central nervous systen damage. See sections VIII and IX for precautions. MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE: Pre-existing skin disorders, impaired pulmonary functions, liver and kidney disorders and cardiovascular conditions TOXICITY: LD~o 2524 mg/kg Oral Rat; LCso 88g/m~/30 min. Ihl Rat (Methylene Chloride) LD~o 5g/kg Ora] Rat; LCso 4000 ppm/4 hr Ihl Rat (Toluene) CARCINOGENICITY: Methylene Chloride has been identified as an animal carcinogen by NTP, but is not on the IARC or OSHa carcinogen lists. Inhalation studies at concentrations of 2,000 and 4,000 ppm increased the incidence of malignant liver and lung tumors in mice. Three inhalation studJ of rats have shown increased incidence of benign mammary gland tumors in female rats at concentrations of 500 ppm and above and increases in benign mammary gland tumors in males concentrations of 1,500 ppm. Rats exposed to 50 ~]d 200 ppm via inhalation showed no increased incidence of tumors. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) considers liver and .lung tumors in mice as limited evidence of animal carcinogenicity. Methylene Chloride is not believed to pose a measurable carcinogenic risk to man when handled as recommended. EXPOSURE LIMITS (ppm): OSHA PEI. CEILING PEL PEAK PEL ACGIH TLV ACGIH STEL Lactol Spirits 400 recommended NE NE NE Methylene Chloride 100 200 300 100 §00 Toluene 200 300 500 100 EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES: 5 Inhalation: Remove to fresh air; restore breathing if necessary. Contact a physician. Eyes: Flush with large amounts of water for 15 minutes. Contact a physician. Skin: Wash with soap and water. Consult a physician if irritation develops. Ingestion: Do NOT induce vomiting. If victim is conscious, give water or milk. Contact physician immediately. PAGE 2 NA~E OR NUMBER: Smooth Spread Contact Cement SECTION V FIRE AND EXPLOSION H~ARD DATA FLASH POINT (C.C.): 21°F minimum FLAMMABLE LIMITS IN AIR, % BY VOLUMe: LOWER: Not available UPPER: Not available EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Foam, Carbon Dioxide or dry chemicals SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES: Do not use straight hose water stream. Full protective equipment, including self-contained breathing apparatus, is reco,~ended to protect from combustion products. Cool exposed containers with water. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: Containers may explode if exposed to extreme heat; isolate from heat, electrical equipment, sparks and open flames. Do not put in contact with oxidizing materials. SECTION VI REACTIVITY DATA STABILITY: Stable CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Excessive heat INCOMPATIBILITY (MATERIALS TO AVOID): Strong oxidizers and caustics HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODI~TS: Normal combustion products, i.e. COx, NO× HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will not occur CONDITIONS TO AVOID: None SECTION VII SPILL, LEAK AND DISPOSAL PROCEDURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED: SMALL SPILL: Use absorbent material or scrape up dried material and place into containers. LARGE SPILL: Wear protective equipment (see section VIII). Eliminate all sources of ignitio~ (open flames, pilot lights, electrical sparks) and ventilate spill area. Contain spill by diking to prevent spreading. Absorb spill with sand, earth, oil dry or other absorbent material and shovel into containers. Clean up remaining spillage by washing with a nonflam- mable solvent such as 1,1,1-Trichloroethane. Prevent run-off to sewers, streams, lakes or other bodies of water; notify local health and wildlife officials if run-off occurs. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: Discarded spill residue may be incinerated. Do not incinerate sealed containers. Dispose according to Federal, State and local regulations. Liquids CANNOT be disposed of in a landfill. SECTION VIII SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION:' If 8-hour exposure limit or value is exceeded for any component, use an approved NIOSH/MSHA respirator. Consult your safety equipment supplier and the OSHA regulation, 29 CFR 1910.134 for respirator requirements. VENTILATION: Provide sufficient mechanical ventilation (local or general exhaust) to maintai~ exposure below PEL and TLV. PROTECTIVE GLOVES: Solvent impervious gloves EYE PROTECTION: Goggles or safety glasses with side shields OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Provide eyewash and solvent impervious apron if body contact witi product may occur. Barrier creams may be used. NAME OR NUMBER: MA'r~I/iAL 5A~'E'rY DATA SHEET Smooth Spread Contact Cement SECTION IX SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS HANDLING AND STORING: Keep containers from heat, flames and direct sunlight. Do not store temperatures above 1200F. Provide cross ventilation in storage area. Keep containers tightl5 closed when not in use. Keep out of reach of children. OTHER PRECAUTIONS: Contains flammable solvent. Vapor harmful and may cause flash fire. Harmful or fatal if swallowed. Use only with adequate ventilation and eliminate sources'of ig~nition when product is used. Avoid prolonged or repeated breathing of solvent vapor(s) and contact with skin. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. THIS DATA' IS OFFERED IN GOOD FAITH AS TYPICAL VALUES AND NOT AS A PRODUCT SPECIFICATION. NO WARRANTY, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS HEREBY MADE. THE RECO~WENDED INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE AND SAFE HANDLING PROCEDURES ARE BELIEVED TO BE GENERALLY APPLICABLE. HOWEVER, EACH USER SHOULD REVIEW THESE RECOmmENDATIONS IN THE SPECIFIC CONTEXT OF THE INTENDED USE AND DETERMINE WHETHEr THEY ARE APPROPRIATE. PREPARED BY: C.L. Johnson REVIEWED B~. J.W. Rader DATE: May 29, 1986 LAST REVISED: July 22, 1985 PAGE 4 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA E~RGENCY PHON~ NO.: (513) 253-7154 RECEIVED ! 6 1996 ~ ~.~.~ MSDS NO. 40001 liqlS HAZARD RATINGS Minimal 0 .Acute Health Slight 1 Flalma~ility Moderate 2 Reactivity Serious 3 Severe 4 "~,..'t~,, .. SECTION I PRODUCT NAHE OR NUMBER: Wilhold "Glu-Bird" White. Glue MANUFACTURERS NAME: ADDRESS: Beecham Home Improvement Products Inc. P.O. Box 277 Dayton, Ohio 45401 PROPER SHIPPING NA~ (49 CFR 172.101): NA D.O.T. HAZARD NA~ (49 CFR 172.101): NA D.O.T. ID NO. (49 CFR 172.101): NA D.O.T. HAZARD CLASS (49 CFR 172.101): NA ,. RCRA HAZARD CLASS - if discarded (40 CFR 261): NA E.P.A. PRIORITY POLLUTANTS (40 CFR 122.53): Butylbenzyl Phthalate CAS NO.: Mixture GENERIC DESCRIPTION: Glue SECTION II INGREDIENTS HAZARDOUS · RANGE Butylbenzyl Phthalate <2 NON-HAZARDous Polyvinyl acetate, water, inert additives CAS# TSCA INVENTORY (EPA) 85-68-7 Yes SECTION III PHYSICAL DATA BOILING POINT: 212°F SPECIFIC GRAVITY (H20 = 1): 1.0~ VAPOR PRESSURE (mmHg): NA VAPOR DENSITY (AIR = 1.): NA PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLL~4E (%): 50 EVAPORATION RATE (water = 1): 1 SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Soluble MATERIAL IS: X LIQUID ___SOLID ODOR AND APPEARANCE: ___GAS ___PASTE ___POWDER Thick, opaque white'liquid; acetic odor PAGR 1 · '. .... MATERIAL SAFETY DATA NAME OR NUMBER: Wilhold "Glu-Bird" White Glue SECTION IV HEALTIt IIAZARD DATA PRIMARY ROUTE OF ENTRY: Skin contact EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE,. Prolonged or repeated exposure to skin may result in irritation. Undiluted vapors may irritate eyes and nose. CARCiNOGENICITY: This product conthins no carcinogens as listed by NTP, IARC and OSHA. TOXICITY: NA MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE: None known EXPOSURE LIMITS: None EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES: Inhalation: No known health hazard exists. Eyes: Flush with large amounts of water. Contact a physician. Skin: Wash with soap and water. Consult a physician if irritation develops. Ingestion: If victim is conscious, give large amounts of water and induce, vomiting. Contaci a physician. SECTION V FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA FLASH POINT (C.C.): None FLAP~LE LIMITS IN AIR, % BY VOLUME: LOWER: NA UPPER:. NA EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Foam, water, dry chemicals SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES: Use water spray to co01 exposed surfaces. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: None known SECTION VI REACTIVITY DATA STABILITY: Stable- CONDITIONS TO AVOID: ExCgs~ive heat INCOMPATIBILITY (MATERIALS TO AVOID): Strong oxidizers HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Normal combustion products, i.e. COx, NOx HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will not occur CONDITIONS TO AVOID: None SECTION VII SPILL, LEAK AND DISPOSAL PROCEDURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED: Scrape or wipe up material and discard according to Federal, State and local regulations WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: This product is non-hazardous according to U.S. EPA's Hazardous Wast Management Regulat ions. .~ NAME OR MATERIAL SAFETY DATA Wilhold "Glu-Bird" White Glue SECTION VIII' SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: Not required VENTILATION:. Normal room ventilation PROTECTIVE GLOVES: Not required EYE PROTECTION: Not required OTHEH PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Not required SECTION IX SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS Keep PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORING: Avoid excessive heat and freezing. containers tightly closed when not in use. Keep out of reach of children. OTHER PRECAUTIONS: None THIS DATA IS OFFERED IN GOOD FAITH AS TYPICAL VALUES AND NOT AS A PRODUCT SPECIFICATION. NO WARRANTY, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS HEREBY MADE~. THE RECO~NDED INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE AND SAFE HANDLING PROCEDURES ARE BELIEVED TO BE GENERALLY APPLICABLE. HOWEVER, EACH USER SHOULD REVIEW THESE RECO~NDATIONS IN THE SPECIFIC CONTEXT OF THE INTENDED USE AND DETERMINE WHETHI THEY ARE APPROPRIATE. PREPARED BY: C.L. Johnson REVIEWED BY: J.W. Rader DATE: April 30, 1988 LAST REVISED: July 31, 1985 PAGE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA Wilhold Division of Beecham Home Improvement Products Inc. EMERGENCY PHONE NO.: (513) 25]-7154 SECTION I PRODUCT NAME OR NUMBER: Spray Grade Contact Cement #92 MSDS NO. 41101 .RECEIVED "'" 1 6 {985 FOR INDUSTRIAL USE ONLY MANUFACTURERS NAME: ADDRESS: Wilhold Division of Beecham Home Improvement Products Inc. P.O. Box 277 Dayton,'Ohio 45401 PROPER SHIPPING NAME (49 CFR 172.101): Cement D.O.T. HAZARD NAME (49 CFR 172.101): Flammable liquid D.O.T. ID NO. (49 CFR 172.101): NA 1133 D.O.T. HAZARD CLASS (49 CFR 172.101): Flammable liquid RCRA HAZARD CLASS - if discarded (40 CFR 261): D001-Ignitable E.P.A. PRIORITY POLLUTANTS (40 CFR 122.53): Toluene HEALTH (NFPA): 2 FLAMMABILITY (NFPA): 3 REACTIVITY (NFPA): 0 CAS NO.: Mixture GENERIC DESCRIPTION: Contact cement SECTION II INGREDIENTS HAZARDOUS · RANGE Hexane 35-55 Toluene 12-30 Methyl Ethyl Ketone 11-22 Magnesium Oxide* <2 CAS# PEL TLV 110-54-3 500 50 108-88-3 200 100 78-93-3 200 200 1309-48-4 15mg/m3 10mg/mz (fume) TOXICITY LDso >28g/kg Oral Rat 0.5-5g/kg Oral Rat 0.5-SE/kg Oral Rat No data found NON-HAZARDOUS Synthetic rubber, resins, additives DATA NOT PERTINENT *Regulated as a dust hazard. No exposure is possible since this material is wetted (in solution) in this product. PAGE 1 " NAME OR NUMBER: ~ATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEE Spray Grade Contact Cement #92 SECTION III HEALTH HAZARD DATA HRALTH (NFPA): 2 PRIMARY ROUTE OF ENTRY: Respiratory tract through inhalation of solvent vapors. EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE: Vapor may be narcotic in high concentrations; may cause irritation of the respiratory tract, headache, dizziness, staggering gait, confusion, nausea or unconsciousness. If aspirated causes coughing, gagging', distress and rapidly developing pulmonary edema. May burn or irritate eyes and cause drying or cracking of skin. If ingested causes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, depressed respiration. MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE: Pre-existing skin disorders, impaired pulmonary functions, liver and kidney diseases A number of studies supplied by our trade association has indicated that continual overexposure to concentrated solvent vapors over a period of time may lead to permanent central nervous system damage. See sections VIII and IX for precautions. EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES: Inhalation: Remove to fresh air; restore breathing if necessary. Contact a physician. Eyes: Flush with large amounts of water for 15 minutes. Contact a physician. Skin: Remo~e with Mineral Spirits followed by soap and water. Consult a physician if irritation develops. Ingestion: Do NOT induce vomiting. If victim is conscious, .give water or m~ Contact a physician immediately. SECTION IV FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA FLAMMABILITY (NFPA): 3 FLASH POINT (C.C.): -50 to -20OF FLAMMABLE LIMITS IN AIR, ~ BY VOLUME: LOWER: 1.2 UPPER: 12.8 EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Foam, Carbon Dioxide or dry chemicals SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES: Do not use straight hose water stream. Full protective equipment, including self-contained breathing apparatus, is recommended to protect from combustion products. Cool exposed containers with water. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: Containers may explode if exposed to extreme heat; isolate from heat, electrical equipment, sparks and open flames. Do not put in contact with oxidizing materials. SECTION V PHYSICAL DATA BOILING POINT: 56.7°C SPECIFIC GRAVITY (HzO = 1): 0.79 VAPOR PRESSURE (mmHg): 400 @ 39.5oc VAPOR DENSITY (AIR = 1): 2.79 PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME (~): 80-90 EVAPORATION RATE (Butyl Acetate = 1): SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Moderate MATERIAL IS: _X__LIQUID ODOR AND APPEARANCE: >1 ___SOLID ___GAS ___PASTE___ POWDER Tan/red mobile liquid, gasoline-like odor NAME OR NUMBER: MATERIAL SAFETY DATA Spray Grade Contact Cement #92 SECTION VI REACTIVITY DATA REACTIVITY (NFPA): 0 STABILITY: Stable ~ CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Excessive heat ~' INCOMPATIBILITY (MATERIALS TO AVOID): Strong oxidizers and caustics HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Normal combustion products, i.e. COx, NOx. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will not occur CONDITIONS TO AVOID: None SECTION VII SPILL, LEAK AND DISPOSAL PROCEDURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED: SMALL SPILL: Use absorbent material or scrape up dried material and place into containers. LARGE SPILL: Wear protective'equipment (see section VIII). Eliminate all sources of ignition (open flames, pilot lights, electrical sparks) and ventilate spill area. Contain spill by diking to prevent spreading. Use absorbent material or scrape up dried material and place into containers. Clean up remaining spillage by washing with a nonflammable solvent such as 1,1,1-Trich}c~oethane. Prevent run-off to sewers, streams, lakes or other bodies of water; notify local health and wildlife officials if run-off occurs. DISPOSAL METHOD: Discarded liquid and spill residue may be incinerated. Dispose according to Federal, State and local regulations. Liquids CANNOT be disposed of in a landfill. SECTION VIII SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: If B-hour exposure limit or value is exceeded for any component, use an approved NIOSH/MSHA respirator. Consult your safety equipment supplier and the OSHA regulation, 29 CFR 1910.134 for respirator requirements. VENTILATION: Provide sufficient mechanical ventilation (local or. general exhaust) to maintain adequate air movement to keep exposure below PEL and TL¥. PROTECTIVE GLOVES: Solvent impervious gloves' EYE PROTECTION: Goggles or safety glasses with side shields OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Provide eyewash and solvent impervious apron if body contact with product may occur. PAGE 3 .. NAME OR NUMBER: ~ATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETO Spra~' Grade Contact Cement #92 HA .iNG AND STORINO: SECTION IX SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS Keep containers from heat, flames and direct sunlight. Do not store at temperatures above 120°F, Provide cross ventilation in storage area, Keep containers tightly closed when not in use, Keep out of reach of. children. OTHER PRECAUTIONS: Extremely flammable, Vapor harmful and may cause flash fire. Harmful or fatal if swallowed. Use only with adequate ventilation and eliminate sources of ignition when product i's used. Avoid prolonged or repeated breathing of solvent vapor(s) and contact with skin. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. THIS DATA IS OFFERED IN GOOD FAITH AS TYPICAL VALUES AND NOT AS A PRODUCT SPECIFICATION. NO WARRANTY, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS HEREBY MADE. THE RECOMMENDED INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE AND SAFE HANDLING PROCEDURES ARE BELIEVED TO BE GENERALLY APPLICABLE. HOWEVER, EACH USER SHOULD REVIEW THESE RECOMMENDATIONS IN THE-SPECIFIC CONTEXT OF THE INTENDED USE AND DETERMINE WHETHER THEY ARE APPROPRIATE. PREPARED BY: D.J. Orlett REVIEWED BY: D.L. Harrison --DATE: September 12, 198§ LAST REVISED: Original June, 1985' I' Manufacturer/Supplier Glitso Americant Inc. Address 327 South Kenyon· Street Seattle, WA 98108 Q,;zo PRODU F INFORMATION Classification, Composition and Properties i Trade name :" Super-Glitsa Chemical or technical name ?olyurethane lacquer Information issued by/contact person/department Phone No. (206) 763-2855 CLASSIFICATION ACCORDING TO SWEDISH LEGISLATION ['Product hazardous to health Inflammable product ~-']Poison · ~r~Hazardous-otherthanpois'on ~'~'No"-'~l [~2a [-"~2b ~'"~3 ' I-qlnflammablegas ~]No Pesticide Explosive product --']Class lr--~Class2[-~Class3 Rag. No.. " r-~No Transp. class r-1A i--1B I--lc I--ID [I]E - [~--'~No Labelling sub-class(esi-Product hazardous to health · ., - .- .--~ w Highly corrosive __~ Very toxic __ Corrosive ~] Harmful ~ Extremely/highly inflammable- [~ Explosive I IT°xic IrritantI l May be harmful XIInflammable I I Oxidizing '") TRANSPORTATION CLASSIFICATION UN I IMDG (sea) I ADR/RID (road. rail) I DGR (air) l Packaging group UN No. Class Page EmS No MFAG No Class Item Class INFORMATION ON COMPOSITION -) A. Substances which give the product its health-risk properties, if any.-State if possible CAS No. ] Contents 'LV I Remarks CAS 111-15-9 Ethyl glycol acetate . .. . [ 10-30 25 x~skin CAS 68072-30-0 ?repolym er polyi$ocyanate . . [30-100 x) According to ACGIH 1981 . " .. ' ..... 11 PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PROPERTIES . r ' General description (form, colour, smell, viscosity etc) : · · . Liquid, lightly yellow-coIoured p~Iyu.r.-e~h~e .'ladquer .w.i~h a Strong 'smell. Boiling point 137 . °C Solidif./melt. point ~ .-%50 °C Densi~ .~000~. ' kg/m31Rel, vap. dens.(air=l) '> ~ .Flash point 22-2.5 °C Auto-ignitiontemp. ' '400.?C Explosive limits in air I-7 . vol %1 Solubility in organic Vapour pressure at tl /, °C pH in concentrate · e · t;, Rel. evaporation rate solvents 3 mmHg'~.J"~4<Pa pH in dilution as ,used ( . %) Ether=l:-'0,05' BuAc=100: Yes Specific properties or risks . ,- -. ·. . Solubility in water At welding, grinding or other heat[mg [~ a .d~y film~ use a at °c weight% pressure air mask. No BIOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OTHER INFORMATION This form has been prepared by Kemikontoret (The Association of Swedish Chemical Industries) and PKL {The Swedish Plastics and Chemic3,s Suppliem Aa~'~laliOn) in t ~ ,sh Trade Un on nf erebon SAF T~-4~SwedshEm Io ers ~ bon KTF n IdPr~h#l~'~llO~l colaborat'onwithLO{TbeSw~d' ' Co ed ' ), ( ' p ¥ 'Confedea' ), {Cosmetic, Toiletwa dH,~useho =' ...... nd fion). SpI {Swedish Petr.o.[eu.m Insli!ute) a, nd S,V, EFF {,S. we~l, is?.P.a_i_n.t. ~A.~ ~s~:. ?.tigon)., a. tie. r, ~co. ns.u. I?,.ti2,.n' wi~,h t.he N_a_ti,.o,,n,al ~B?r.d~f~O~..c.u~p~?i~ _n _a!.~S_a~¢ and He.lIh lira m,,-: ,. issue 985 INFORMATION OBI RISKS AND SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Trade name Super- Glitsa 1Buye/s denominat,Qn of producl Checked at the buyer's by Sign. Date Labelling Main text Andreas cross Danger symbol [bfl~.-.~able INFLAMMABLE Do not take internally. Avoid repeated breathing of vapors. Avoid contact with 'skin an Health hazard linhalation, ingeshon, contact with skin or eyes) Inhalation: Can Cause indisposition, dizziness, tiredness, headache and at high levels unconsciousness. Can Cause allergic asthma-similar breathing troubles. Degreases the skin which may cause irritation. Risk for allergic eczema. Strong pains at splashes Consumption: Can give the same inconveniences as by inhalation~ and also stomach pains and vomiting. eye Fire and explosion hazard Already at temperatures below room temp. vapors can form an explosive mixture with air. Inflammable. At fire in polyurethane plastic, isocyanates and hydro cyanic acid can be formed. i Preventive measures First aid Inhalation Skin contact , Eye contact ~lngestion Emergency action in case of fire Good air ventilation. Spot exhaustion can be needed. Keep containers closed if possible.Possibility for eye-washing recommended. No smo~ing, fire,' sparks er welding.-Prevent sparking from static =lectric Personal Use flame-proof electrical equipment. 'r°tectiveequipmentprotection gloves by direct contact and eye protection at risk for splashes. Inhalation protection: Active carbon filter mask can be needed-solvent ty~By sprayln~: ~Te__ssure air mask. Fresh air and rest. At grave troubles, oxygen gas or breathing help - to hospital. Remove contaminated clothing. Wipe off the skin with Paper. Wash with soap and'water. Flush eyes immediately with large amounts of water. Seek medical aid if irritation remains~ Flush the mouth with large amounts of water. Dri~ crekm or olive oil. Seek medical aid. Do'not'dause vomiting, To be extinguiShe~ with powder or carbon dioxide. Spillageand NOTE: the risk for'Ignition and explosion. PreVent'outlets in decontami.atio, sewers. Bank With'sand, earth or similar. Internal information by the buyer .) it' Manufactured for: GLITSA AMERICAN, INC. 327 South Kenyon Street Seattle, WA 98]08 (206) 763-2855 MANUFACTURER' S NAME: RUDD COMPANY~ INC. 1630 15TH AVENUE WEST SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98119 DATE OF PREPARATION: 01-15-1986 SAFETY DATA SHEET EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NO.: (206) 284-5400 INFORMATION TELEPHONE NO.: (206) 284-5400 SECTION I - PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NUMBER: 65167 PRODUCT NAME: 65-167: CLEAR WOOD SEALER PRODUCT CLASS: NITROCELLULOSE LACQUER HMIS RATINGS: H F R PP 1 :5 0 E SECTION II - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS NEIGHT OCCUPATIONAL CAS NUHBER PERCENT EXPOSURE LIMITS VAPOR PRESSURE mm H9 ~ TENP ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL 67630 METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE 108101 ISOBUTYL ACETATE 110170 TOLUENE 108883 XYLENE 1330207 PARAFINS & NAPHTHENES N.A. N-BUTYL ALCOHOL 71363 METHYL ETHYL KETONE 78733 PARAFFINS 210120 BENZENE 71432 10 15 10 25 5.0Z 5,01 5.0Z 5 10 0.02 400 PPM-TLV. 9.0 20C 50 PPM-TLY 16.0 20C 150 PPM-TLV 15.0 20C 100 PPN-TLV 22.0 20C 100 PPM-TLV 7.0 20C 500 PPM-TLV 55.0 20C 50 PP~-TLV 5.5 20C 200 PPff TLV-PEL 70.0 20C · 250 PPM-TLV 55.0 20C 10 PPM-TLV 7~,0 20C SECTION III - PHYSICAL DATA BOILIN8 RANGE: 175 F t° 282 EVAPORATION RATE: SLOWER THAN ETHER VAPOR DENSITY: HEAVIER THAN AIR % VOLATILE VOLUME: 89.55' WT/GAL: 7.26 SECTION IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA FLAM~ABI~.ITY~ ~ CLASSIFICATION: Flammable Liquid - Class lB FLASH POINT: 25 DEGREE F LEL: 1.0 EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: FOAM~ C02~ DRY CHEMICAL~ UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: Explosive air-vapor mixtures may ~orm. Dangerous when exposed to heat or ~lame: Vapors are heavier than air and may travel along ground to distant ignition. Water stream will spread oil fires~ fight like gasoline ~lash oil fire. SPECIAL FIREFIGHTING PROCEDURES:. Full protective equipment should be used. -Water spray may be ineffective. Water spray~ preferably ~og~ may be used to cool unruptured containers SECTION V - HEALTH HAZARD DATA EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE: Acute(inhalation>: CNS depression from prolonged exposure to high concentration causes headache~ dizziness~ appetite loss~ coordination loss~ weakness. Acute(eye): Severe irritant, redness, blurred vision. (skin): Moderate irritant Chronic: Long overexposure may cause nose bleeds~ liver~ kidney~ neural damage MEDICAL CONDITIONS PRONE TO AGGRAVATION BY EXPOSURE: Anesthesia~ respiratory tract irritation~ dermatitis~ nausea PRIMARY ROUTE(S) OF ENTRY: DERMAL~ INHALATION~ INGESTION EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES: Inhalation- Remove from exposure~ restore breathing~ notify ~ physician Skin or eye- Wash e:-:posed areas with large amounts o~ water Ingestion: Do NOT induce vomiting. Aspiration may cause chemical pneumonia. CHEMICAL CARCINOGENIC POTENTIAL: NTP~ NO~ IARC~ NO~ OSHA~ NO SECTION VI - REACTIVITY DATA STABILITY: STABLE HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: WILL NOT OCCUR N/A HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Carbon mono~:ide~ C02~ nitrogen o~:ides~ irritating fumes~ possibly acrolein CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Do not store above 120F~ ~oor ventilation~ concentrating vapors~ ingestion. INCOMPATIBILITY (MATERIALS TO AVOID): Strong oxidi'zing agents SECTION VII -- SPILL OR LEAK ES TO BE TAKEN IN CASE, MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED: ~ _~. nate ignition sources~ ventilate area well~ remove spill with inert absor- bent material and non-sparking(aluminum~ brass~ or copper) tools. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: Collect absorbent/spill mixture into metal containers and add enough water to cover. Dispose of according to local, state and federal regulations. Do not incinerate. SECTION VIII - SAFE HANDLING AND USE INFORMATION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: OUTDOOR OR OPEN AREAS-Use Bureau of Mines approved mechanical filter respirator to remove solid airborne particles of overspray. IN RESTRICTED VENTILATION AREAS- Use NIOSH approved cartridge respirator to keep mists and vapors below the time-weighted threshold limit values. IN CONFINED AREAS- Use a fresh-air supplying respirator or self-contained breathing apparatus. VENTILATION: Provide general mechanical ventilation or local exhaust to keep vapor conc- entrations below TLV of materials in SECTION II ~¢ LEL in SECTION IV. PROTECTIVE GLO'.'ES: Use impermeable gloves to prevent prolonged skin contact EOPROTECTION: Use safety eyewear designed to protect eyes against liquid splash and mists. OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Use protective clothing to prevent skin contact. Use head caps when necessary. HYGIENIC PRACTICES: Eye washes and safety showers in the workplace are recommended. SECTION IX - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN .IN HANDLING AND STORING: DO NOT STORE ABOVE 120F. DO NOT P~NCTURE. AVOID HOT METAL SURFACES. DO NOT REUSE~ WELD~ DRILL~ OR HEAT EMPTY CONTAINERS~ EMPTY CONTAINERS CAN~CON- TAIN EXPLOSIVE VAPORS. REPLACE CAP OR.BUNG~ .~EEP CONTAINER CLOSED. ! OTHER PRECAUTIONS: DO NOT APPLY NEAR FIRE~ SPARK~ OR OPEN FLAME. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. INTENTIONAL MISUSE BY DELIBERATELY CONCENTRATING AND INHALING THE CONTENTS CAN BE HARMFUL OR FATAL. NOTE: The information herein is-considered accurate and is provided in good faith but no warranty~ expressed or implied~ is made. #: 232 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET RECEIVED JUN 1 3 198G MANUFACTURER'S NAME: THE W.W. HENRY COMPANY 5608 SOTO STREET HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE: 213/583-4961 HMIS HEALTH: 1 FLAMMABILITY: 3 REACTIVITY: 0 PERS.PROT.EQUIP: A : " NFPA 704 DATE OF PREPARATION: 86/02/18 (REVISED) SECTION I - PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NUMBER: #232 PRODUCT NAME: ASPHALT CUTBACK ADHESIVE PRODUCT CLASS: ASPHALT CUTBACK SECTION II - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS INGREDIENT: PERCENT: OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE LIMITS TLV: PEL: VAPOR PRESSURE: PETROLEUM DISTILLATE CAS # 64742898 30 - 35% 500 PPM 500 PPM 10 MM @ 60 DEG.F PETROLEUM OIL CAS # 8012951 2 - 5% 5MG/CU M 5MG/CU M NIL ASBESTOS CAS # 1332214 2 - 5% NOT APPLICABLE* * ASBESTOS FIBERS, A REPORTED CARCINOGEN IN THE RESPIRATORY TRACT, ARE COMPLETELY ENCAPSULATED BY ASPHALT SO NO DUSTING OCCURS. SECTION III - PHYSICAL DATA BOILING RANGE: 257-310 DEG.F VAPOR DENSITY: HEAVIER THAN AIR EVAPORATION RATE: SLOWER THAN ETHER % VOLATILE VOLUME: 40% WT/GAL: 7.9 LBS. % WATER VOLUME: 0% SECTION IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA FLAMMABILITY CLASSIFICATION: OSHA: II DOT: FLAMM. FLASH POINT: 56 DEG.F LEL: 1% EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: FOAM: X "ALCOHOL" FOAM: C02: X DRY CHEMICAL: X WATER FOG: OTHER: UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: UNKNOWN SPECIAL FIREFIGHTING PROCEDURES: UNKNOWN SECTION V - HEALTH HAZARD DATA EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE: INHALATION OF CONCENTRATED VAPORS MAY ASPHYXIATE. NO LONG TERM LABORATORY TESTS TO DETERMINE CHRONIC EFFECTS. CONTAINS AN INGREDIEN~,~ SIMILAR TO MINERAL OILS REPORTED TO INDUCE CANCER IN LABORATORY ANIMALS. THEk~ IS NO EVIDENCE OF ANY ADVERSE EFFECTS ON HUMANS IF SIMPLE PRECAUTIONS ARE TAKEN USING PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT AND GOOD PERSONAL HYGIENE. MEDICAL CONDITIONS PRONE TO AGGRAVATION BY EXPOSURE: UNKNOWN PRIMARY ROUTE(S) OF ENTRY: DERMAL: INHALATION: X INGESTION: EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES: MOVE PERSON TO FRESH AIR. APPLY ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION IF NEEDED. WASH SKIN WITH SOAP AND WATER. WASH EYES WITH WATER 15 MINUTES. SECTION VI - REACTIVITY DATA STABILITY: STABLE HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: WILL NOT OCCUR HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: BLACK SMOKE, OXIDES OF CARBON CONDITIONS TO AVOID: SOURCES OF IGNITION AND HEAT INCOMPATABILITY (MATERIALS TO AVOID): MAY REACT WITH STRONG OXIDIZING MATERIALS SECTION VII - SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED: EXTINGUISH ALL SOURCES OF COMBUSTION IN THE AREA. CLEAN UP SPILLS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: SCOOP MATERIAL INTO METAL CONTAINERS AND REMOVE TO SAFE PLACE. ALLOW TO DRY BY EVAPORATION OR DISPOSE OF BY BURNING IF PERMITTED. SECTION VIII - SAFE HANDLING AND USE INFORMATION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: PROPER VENTILATION SUFFICIENT VENTILATION: TO KEEP VAPOR CONCENTRATION BELOW 350 PPM PROTECTIVE GLOVES: NONE EXCEPT TO KEEP HANDS FROM BECOMING BLACK AND STICKY. EYE PROTECTION: GLASSES TO AVOID SPLASHES OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: NONE HYGIENIC PRACTICES: WASH SKIN WITH SOAP AND WATER OR WATERLESS CLEANER EYES: FLUSH WITH WATER FOR 15 MINUTES SECTION IX - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS ~ECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORING: KEEP AWAY FROM HEAT AND FLAME OR OTHER SOURCES OF IGNITION OTHER PRECAUTIONS: NONE SECTION X - TRANSPORTATION DATA D.O.T. - UNREGULATED: REGULATED: X SHIPPING NAME: ADHESIVE, FLAMMABLE LIQUID HAZARD CLASS: FLAMMABLE LIQUID LABEL REQUIRED: RED I.M.C.O. - UN(NA) NO: 1999 CLASS: 3.2 PAGE: 3068 116 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET RECEIVED JUN 1 3 1981 MANUFACTURER'S NAME: THE W.W. HENRY COMPANY 5608 SOTO STREET HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE: 213/583-4961 HMIS HEALTH: 1 FLAMMABILITY: 0 REACTIVITY: O. PERS.PROT.EQUIP: A :' DATE OF PREPARATION: 86/03/25 (REVISED) SECTION I - PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NUMBER: ~116 PRODUCT NAME: WOOD BLOCK ADHESIVE PRODUCT CLASS: NON-FLAMMABLE SOLVENT BASED ADHESIVE SECTION II - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS NFPA 704 INGREDIENT: PERCENT: OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE LIMITS TLV: PEL: VAPOR PRESSURE: 1,1,1 - TRICHLOROETHANE CAS # 71556 PETROLEUM OIL CAS ~ 8012951 45 - 55% 350.PPM 100 PPM 100 MM @68 DEG.F 3 - 4% 5MG/CU M 5MG/CU M NIL SECTION III - PHYSICAL DATA BOILING RANGE: 160-200 DEG.F VAP6R DENSITY: HEAVIER THAN AIR EVAPORATION RATE: SLOWER THAN ETHER % VOLATILE VOLUME: 45 - 50% WT/GAL: APPROX. 12 LBS. % WATER VOLUME: 0% SECTION IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA FLAMMABILITY CLASSIFICATION: OSHA: NONE DOT: NONE FLASH POINT: NONE LEL: NONE EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: NONE FOAM: "ALCOHOL" FOAM: C02: DRY CHEMICAL: WATER FOG: OTHER: UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: MINIMAL FIRE HAZARD, BUT PROPER FORCED-AIR VENTILATION IS ESSENTIAL TO AVOID TOXIC CONCENTRATIONS WHICH ALSO MAY GIVE SURFACE FLASH IF IGNITED BY PILOT LIGHTS, SPARKS OR OTHER SOURCES. SPECIAL FIREFIGHTING PROCEDURES: GAS MASKS SHOULD BE AVAILABLE TO FIRE FIGHTERS IF LARGE AREAS ARE INVOLVED. SECTION V - HEALTH HAZARD DATA EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE: INTOXICATES, DEPRESSES NERVOUS SYSTEM, AND SUFFOCATES. NO LONG TERM LABORATORY TESTS TO DETERMINE CHRONIC EFFECTS. CONTAINS AN INGREDI- ENT SIMILAR TO MINERAL OILS REPORTED TO INDUCE CANCER IN LABORATORY ANIMALS THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF ANY ADVERSE EFFECTS ON HUMANS IF SIMPLE PRECAUTIONS ARt TAKEN USING PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT AND GOOD PERSONAL HYGIENE. MEDICAL CONDITIONS PRONE TO AGGRAVATION BY EXPOSURE: HEART ALIMENTS DOCTOR'S NOTE: DO NOT ADMINISTER EPINEPHRINE PRIMARY ROUTE(S) OF ENTRY: DERMAL: INHALATION: X INGESTION: EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES: MOVE PERSON TO FRESH AIR. ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION IF NEEDED. CALL PHYSICIAN. IF SWALLOWED INDUCE VOMITING WITH SOAPY WATER OR OTHER MEANS. FLUSH EYES WITH WATER. SECTION VI - REACTIVITY DATA STABILITY: STABLE HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: WILL NOT OCCUR HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: IN A FIRE, HYDROGEN CHLORIDE AND NOXIOUS GASES CONDITIONS TO AVOID: HEAT AND FIRE INCOMPATABILITY (MATERIALS TO AVOID): ALKALIS SUCH AS LYE AND TSP ALUMINUM SECTION VII - SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED: CLEAN UP SPILLS PROMPTLY, PROVIDING POSITIVE VENTILATION TO PERSONNEL. DRY OUTDOORS. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: DISPOSE AS SOLID WASTE PER GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS SECTION VIII - SAFE HANDLING AND USE INFORMATION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: NIOSH/MSHA TC 23C OR EQUIVALENT, IF NOT ENOUGH FRESH AIR VENTILATION: FORCED FRESH AIR, AIR CIRCULATOR INSUFFICIENT PROTECTIVE GLOVES: TO PREVENT SOILED AND STICKY HANDS EYE PROTECTION: SAFETY GOGGLES TO PREVENT EYE CONTACT OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: NONE HYGIENIC PRACTICES: WASH WITH SOAP AND WATER. AVOID PROLONGED OR REPEATED BREATHING OF VAPOR OR CONTACT WITH SKIN OR EYES. SECTION IX - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS CAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORING: AVOID; ALUMINUM CONTAINERS, ATHING VAPORS, SKIN AND EYE CONTACT. OTHER PRECAUTIONS: NONE SECTION X - TRANSPORTATION DATA D.O.T. - UNREGULATED: X REGULATED: SHIPPING NAME: HAZARD CLASS: LABEL REQUIRED: I.M.C.O. - UN(NA) NO: NONE CLASS: PAGE: I'J{ECEIVEEI Al.lB U.S. DEPARTMENT OF CASOR Occupational $afaw and Heatm Administration MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Flequirecl uncler USOL Safety and Heelm Regulations for Ship Repairing, ShioOuildinq, and ShipbreaKing {29 CFR 1915. 1916, 19171 ........ SECTION i ::~MB NO...i.4,.el t387 Tech_~cote Corporat ±on ~01-527--0301 C /,Vumber. Street. City. NAME A~O SYNONYMS ~i R1 tv ~h~] ~ FAMILY - - SECTION PAINTS. PRESERVATIVES, & SOLVENTS alIGMENT S 'T%T / ~ C.~TA L.Y S'T' N/A vEH,C, ~ N/A. OTH~R~ I Cold ~ond HAZARDOUS INGR ED I ENTS TLV i I i ALLOYS ~aJ~l'O METALLIC COATINGS ALJ.0YS ME'r ALJ,,J C COATINGS FIt.~R J ~ I TLv ' (Umt~l I I HAZARDOUS MIXTURES:OF OTHER LIQUIDS. SOLJB~, OR GASES' % I TLV (Unml ~ksohalt SECTION III .- PHYSICAL DATA .o,,,~~ .o,~r (°m, {190_2~30OFI sPec,mc ~.Av,-rv (-.o-U 0.~03 { 17.A -ti .~.~.c~ A.O ODD. Bl~ck viscuo~ liq~d, ~d naptha ~or SE~iON IV - FIRE AND ~PLOSION H~RD DATA SP~..CIAL. FIRE FIGI=~TING IaROCE. nL,JRF...S Use Ha]on uti_th NPRA - reccrm'endat±ons: water £og n~¥ be used to coo[. Nope - see section ¥[IT PAGE (1) (Con,hUed on m~er~ side) Form OSHA.20 SECTION V - HEALTH HAZARD DATA 3OO PPM ~l~ht-irritant to skin and mucous membr~e v~pors may - cause' nausea. . . s~ n-~ve ~th kerosene g~ ~lveng ~d w~. w~gh so~ ~d water. Breag~ng - n~,,~ ~wmn tn fresh n.i r. ~o~ - fl~h ~th water for 15 ~m cont~t d~tor. SECTION VI - REACTIVI~ DATA K~p away f~ strong ore--ers . (~ONO|?ION,~ TO A¥OIO SECTION VII - SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES STEI~"$ TO SlI; TAKEN iN ¢A$~' MATERIAl.. I$ Dispose of in accord~ce with appli~k~le pollution ~nt~l requir~nt s. SECTION VIII . SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION Avoid ~e in ~nfined spa~s. SECTION IX - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS ]~?,. ~.]rP. t.r', hi ~h t~:,m_rx~mal:ures ~an c.a~e ±~crease 'in vapor (~-~d. ss±on, thereby Store in cc~pli~ce with NFPA requir~ents. PAGE (21 Fo~m OSHA-20 May 72 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET FOR COATINGS, RESINS AND RELATED MATERIALS (ApOroveCl by U,S. OeDartmen. t of Labo~ "Essent,ally Si~t~lar ' to Foml OSHA-20) Section ,~^,~Ur.ACTURE~'SN^ME A. H. THOMPSON CO. DATE 0¢ PREP 2 -- 1 -- 8 4 STREET ADDRESS 3D & CEDAR STREET O~.ST^TE.~OZIPCODE BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA 94710 EMERGENCY T~LEPHONE NO. 4 1 5 -- 5 2 6 -- 8 6 8 6 INFORMATION TELEPHONE NO 4 i 5 -- 5 2 6 -- 8 6 8 6 MANUFACTURERS COQE ID=NTIFICATION 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ODUCTC~$S LACQUER 3203C TRA~E"AMEW.~ W. LACQUER SANDING SEALER 3204C W. W. CLEAR SEMI-GLOSS LACQUER Section ii--HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS OCCL;Pt' T~ONAL VAPOR INGRED,ENT PERCENT EXPOSUPE LIMIT.q PRESSUF~E TDY.~CITY DATA WEIGHT !SO~UTYL ACETATE 36.30 METHYL ETHYL KETONE 9.70 ETHYL ALCOHOL 2.10 ISOPROFYC ALCOHOL 7.30 BUT~YL ALCOHOL 6.20 TOLUENE 17.20 VH&P NAPHTHA 21.20 100.00 Section Ill--PHYSICAL DATA SOILING RANGE 1 7 20 F t O 2 5 00 F vAPo, DENSITY ~ HEAVIER. ~ LIGHTER. THAN AIR EVAPORATION RATE [] FASTER ~_. SLOWER. THAN ETHER PERCENT VOLATILE 8 7 WEIGi-~r PE~{ ? . ~ 5Y VOLUME GALLON Section IV~FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA FLAMMAF~L;Tf CLAS$1FiCAI"ON CLASS lB TAG OPEN CUP OSH~ .mLA.M:~BLE LIQUID FLASMPOINT 35OF EXTINGL.$~ING MEDIA D ";. '- COHOL*' FOAM TREAT AS FLAMMABLi: AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS ~002 ~.DRY ~ WATEF' CHEMICAL FOG LiOUiD ' CLASS B FIRE - ~ OTHE~ AVOID BREATHING L~-L COMBUSTION PRODUCTS 19 s?4~) Section V--HEALTH HAZARD DATA ~FF~CTSOFOV~R~X"OSUR~ MAY CAUSE SKIN OR EYE IRRITATION EIMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEOURES REMOVE TO FRESH AIR AND WASH THOROUGHLY WITH WATER Section VI--REACTIVITY DATA StAbILITY DUNSTABLE ~STABLE CONDITIONS TO AVOID. HEAT~ FiRE AND 0TM~ ~, FLAME INCOMPAT^BIL,TY(~a~er, a~,~Oa.o,~ AVOID STRONG ACIDS AND ALKALIES ~;~^R;OUSOECOM,OSmON~ODUC~S AVOID BREATHING PRODUCTS OF COHBUSTION HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION ;~ MAY OCCUR ~WiLL NOT OCCUR Section VII--SPiLL OR LEAK PROCEDURES STEPS TO eE TAKEN IN CASE MATER'AL !S ~ELEASED OR SP'LLED WASH AREA THOROUGHLY WITH WATER - IF IN CONTACT Wi~'H SKIN OR EYES, WASH THOROUGHLY WI~£H WATEr. CONTACT LICENSED HAZARDOUS WASTE HAULER FOR REMOVAL Section VIII--SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION RESPlt~.~ORYPROTECTION iN CONFINED AREAS, AIR SUPPLIED MASK - iN OPEN AREAS, MECHANICAL FILTER RESPIRATOR V[NT~O~ ALL AREAS SHOULD BE WELL VENTILATED ~OTECTWEGLO~ES RUBBER OR NEOPRENE OTHERPRO?ECTIVEEQUIPME~ EYE BATH - SAFETY SHOWER EYEPROTECT'ON SAFETY EYEWEAR IF SPLASHING MAY OCCUR Section ~,X--SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PRECAUTIONSTOBETAKENINHANDLINGANDSTOR'NG DANGER - FLAMMABLE - H~RMFUL OR FATAL IF SWALLOWEO. HAY CAUSE SKIN OR EYE IRRITATION. KEEP AWAY FROM HEAT, SPARKS AND OPEN F!.AME. UL~E WITH ADEQUATE VENTILATION.. AVOID PROLONGED CO~TACT WITH SKIN OR EYES AND B~[E~THING OF VAPOR OR SPRAY MIST. IN.CASE OF CONTACT WITH EYES, FLOOD OT.E~,R[C^UT~O~S REPEATEDLY WITH WATER.. IF SWALLOWED, DO NOT iNDUCE VOMITING. CALL PHYSICIAN IHHEDIATELY. CONTAINS PETROLEUM' DISTILLATE. s?~ m 20 MATERIAL SAFETy DATA Sr ET Revised: 1-1-86 (Apprgved by {~ ~ Department of Labor "Ess;nii~l~ Si~il~o Form OSHA-20) Manufacturer's Name WATCO-DENNIS CORPORATION Emergency Telephone Number (213) 829-2226 Address (Number, Street, City, State and ZIP Code) Trade Name(s) and Synonyms 1756 22nd Street, Santa Monica, CA 90404 DANISH OIL FINISH (ALL COLORS), SATIN OIL, Chemical Name and Synonyms N/A SATIN WAX (BOTH COLORS), TEAK OIL, WOOD FLOOR FINISH (BOTH COLORS), Chemical Family and Formula N/A REDWOOD FINISH, MARINE TEAKWOOD FINISH, and TILE & BRICK SEALER. MINERAL SPIRITS (Petroleum Aliphatic)G.A.S. # 6474247-8 (Products Percentage, PEL and TLV are Listed Below) ,/DANISH OIL FINISH (ALL COLORS) ... ....... From 58 to 62% PEL 100ppm TLV (units) 100ppm ~ SATIN WAX-NATURAL ......................... From 89 to 91%.PEL 100ppm TLV (units) 100ppm ,/SATIN WAX-DARK ............................ From 69 to 71% PEL 100ppm. TLV (units) 100ppm ~ SATIN OIL ' From 79 to 81% PEL 100ppm TLV (units) 100ppm cTEAK OIL ..................................... From 61 to 63% PEL 100ppm TLV (units) 100ppm WOOD FLOOR FINISH (BOTH COLORS) ...... From 31 to' 34% PEL 100ppm TLV (units) 100ppm ¢ REDWOOD FINISH ............................ From 61 to 63% PEL '100ppm TLV (units) 100ppm MARINE TEAKWOOD FINISH ................. From 61 to 63% PEL 100ppm TLV (units) 100ppm TILE & BRICK SEALER ....................... From 36 to 38% PEL 100ppm TLV (units) 100ppm Boiling Point (°F) (Volatile Portion) 302-395 Specific Gravity (H~ = 1) (By Prod~ct) Vapor Pressure (mm Hg) @ 77° F 4 DANISH OIL FINISH ............. From 0.85 to 0.87 (ALL COLORS) Vapor Density (AIR=l) 4.8 SATIN WAX (BOTH COLORS) .... From 0.79 to 0.80 Solubility in Water NIL SATIN OIL ...................... From 0.79 to 0.80 TEAK OIL ....................... From 0.85 to 0.87 Evaportion Rate (BU AC = 1) 0.20 WOOD FLOOR FINISH ........... From 0.89 to 0.91 Percent Volatile by Volume (%)(BY PRODUCT) (BOTH COLORS) DANISH OIL FINISH (ALL COLORS)... From 62 to 66% REDWOOD FINISH .............. From 0.85 to 0.87 SATIN WAX-NATURAL · From 90 to 92% MARINE TEAKWOOD FINISH .... From 0.85 to 0.87 SATIN WAX-DARK ..................... From 77 to 79% TILE & BRICK SEALER .......... From 0.87 to 0.88 SATIN OIL ............................ From 79 to 81% REDWOOD FINISH .............. From 65 to 68% TEAK OIL ............................. From 65 to 68% MARINE TEAKWOOD FINISH .... From 65 to 68% WOOD FLOOR FINISH (BOTH COLORS) From 36 to 38% TILE & BRICK SEALER ........... From 41 to 43% Appearance, (BY PRODUCT) SATIN WAX-NATURAL ................. White liquid DANISH OIL FINISH--NATURAL ..... Amber liquid SATIN WAX-DARK ' . Black liquid DANISH OIL FINISH-MEDIUM ......... Black liquid SATIN OIL ............................ Amber liquid DANISH OIL FINISH-DARK ............ Black liquid TEAK OIL ............................. Amber liquid DANISH OIL FINISH-BLACK .......... Black liquid WOOD FLOOR FINISH-NATURAL ...... Amber liquid DANISH OIL FINISH-GOLDEN OAK .... Gold liquid WOOD FLOOR FINISH-WALNUT ........ Black liquid DANISH OIL FINISH-CHERRY .......... Red liquid REDWOOD FINISH ................. · ..... Red liquid DANISH.OIL FINISH--FRUITWOOD .. Brown liquid MARINE TEAKWOOD FINISH ........... Amber liquid DANISH OIL FINISH-ENGLISH OAK ... Black liquid TILE & BRICK SEALER ................. Amber liquid Odor - Bland Paint odor (All Products) ' .;~'~,~.~-~',-',',e~,~','~., , ~ ! ~ "-,'~-"~'-~'~¢"~'-,..'~;~.;~: ..... .,¢~' ~'"~"~ .......... ~?,.'-"~'-~'-,',' ~,~ ....... ~ '. '~' ' TCC= 104°F I Flammable Limits I Lei 1.0 Uel 6.7 Flash Point (Method Used)  Category, Combustible Liquid (Paint, Stain, Varnish) ~ ~1~ ~ 5r~ ~--~m~, ~~ ~-~'ray. Special Fire Fighting Procedures - Do not enter any enclosed or confined space without protective equipment. Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards - Water soak oily cloths after use to avoid sPonteous combustion. Threshold Limit Value, 100 PPM for daily 8-hour exposure, As of 1983 OSHA PEL is 100 PPM NPCA-HMIS Health !Flammability Effects of Overexposure, " Skin Contact -- Mildly irritating to skin. ~ Reactivity Eye Contact -- Irritating to eyes, possible redness & blured vision. Inhalation -- May cause dizzyness, lightheadedness & headaches. Ingestion g May cause gastrointestinal irritation, nausea, & vomiting. Chronic 'effects g "Studies of groups of workers have shown that chronic mixed exposures to solvents including mineral spirits can cause persistent neurobehavioral symptoms such as fatique, irritability, sleep disturbances, and difficulties in concentration and memory." Emergency & First Aid Procedures Skin Contact -- Wash affected areas with soap & water. Eye Contact -- Flush with water for 15 minutes, get medical attention. Inhalation -- Remove individual to fresh air. If breathing is difficult, administer oxygen. If breathing has stopped, give artificial respiration and get medical attention immediately. Ingestion -- Do not induce vomiting. Give 4 cups of water or other liquid except milk. Get medical attention immediately. Suspected cancer agent? Yes No X Conditions to avoid - Open Flames, hot surfaces or any ignition source. Incompatibility (Materials to avoid) - Strong Oxidizing agents. Hazardous decomposition products - Normal and incomplete combustion can produce toxic fumes. Steps .to be taken in case material is released or spilled - : Eliminate all sources of ignition in vicinity of spill or released vapor. Clean up spills as soon as possible with absorbent clay, diatomaceous earth or other suitable material. (If using cloths, water soak, before disposal) Waste disposal method - Place all contaminated material in disposable containers and bury in approved dumping area. Respiratory Protection (specify type) - Approved respirator for organic vapor or mist if PPM requires. ~ Ventilation - Adequate for PPM. I Local exhaust - If required by PPM. Protective gloves - Neoprene I Eye protection - Chemical safety goggles, if necessary. Precautions to be taken in handling and storing - Keep away from heat or open flame. Keep out of reach of children. Use only in well- ventilated areas. Keep container closed when not inuse. Water soak oily cloths after use to avoid spontaneous combustion and place cloths outside of' Buildings and away from combuStible materials. Do not store inside the home. :~ateyi[l?:S,~fely~Data Sheet' '.. , U.S. DepaAment of Labor ~.~S~;l~'"b~n,'P~ with'"' · ' Occupational Safety and Health Administration ~:~H~za~d d,mh)bnlcatlon Standard, . (Non-Mandatory Form) ~e.:,i910~!~:::~S(andard must be :' , Form Approved . ~oh~ulted'foy':~bCifi~;i~qulrements. ' ' OMB No. 1218-0072 ' . ", :.':.,-", :"'~' ' ' ~ ' ~'~ ~' 0~' : '" ' ~ O~ . , I in~a~on I~ av~l~le, the space must be ma~ ~: --: .... ~- '~" - ' .......... ~ ' " 9.!.6 - 446-0u10 ,: ~, .Addres~ i(N~mber~ St~eet~[City, State, and ZIP Code) Telephone Number for Information ,., :;.: , 316 g4 6-O4,~,O . ~ ..... ;, .~. Sig~ure of--~e~/e~ (optional) * ", : ;"': .~'~" Other Limits ' ' ~i B~ommended 0/o l~p~al) ~ Chemical Identity; Common Name(s)) OSHA PEL ACGIH TLV Cas ~ 1550-20-7 Cae ~ 108-88-~ Ce.~ ~/= 14807-96-6 ~00 50 150 100 :].CO ' : 43 5 ..: 200 lO0 ~75 / ~oiliilg Pblnt;'ii?~~: :, :-.',.' i~)i' .. · . I Specific Gravity (H20 = 1) · '; ~,:';'.:'~)-::!:~ ',i' ,'~U~'!:~.(,::,i ~ . -. I / ' :';' :' ~: .... ~L~':.~.;::-:: "~i~ .'" ' I .. ~{A.. ',:.~.::i~'~.';~:~;,:~ [~'":': ....: . .: . · i ...... . , :.: . /~C Densi~,(AIR,~lJ, .~' , .' · . I Eva~rat~on Rate · · ',...~.:~'~ ?,~. X' '.'.'~,..'," . .:.. · ..... I~--=.X ..~., .' ,,,,:,,~,tl,,~H~.~ ..... .,-:. ,~.,~-$~.. .,.[ ............. .. . ,~:,~ .- .: .[., ,. · ' I~'~ - '~n~,OdO~:~ %" ' . · . . . . . -, . :, , ·..,,:,,. .... ,,,:,...:,, .,. 1~6~iV .¢ ~:d~d ~pl°Sl°n tlazard Data.. ' , .~:,p~,, (Me~/,~,~ . "" . ...... .'" , Flammable Limits,,, . ...'J L~L . :' ':o~ .~~s~ ~-~ ~ '._,..:_..:=,__:_:..J._.~,.~.~,o. ~ (~ } I NI~, · ,.,.,,,,-,.,--.~.-..~: -"~'u~H~'~"'~i~.>>~::- ::: ~ ......... .,~;>,.(~ . ; . . '...:v :..,,.:':..~ ,h,,. ~l~e Fighting .~dures ....... PO ymm zatio, 7~ ':J [ J J V~¢ l'Jea!fll Hazard Data . Health Hazards (Acuto ehd, Chronic) L,r [ ,, ' '~ ; ' " ~~e~t~ay Oauee ~astreintosti=al irrifa~ien. Carclnogenici~:~ ':, 4',,'~ ~ ~, ~P? . IARC Monographs? OSHA Regulate9 Geo~mllY: Aggravated .by Ex.sure ' ':"-;'if' c'v'or'C~m~ bv vapor, remote rr~ exp.suro and ~all physiol.. If in6Ls~?~ DO S~6tion Vfl '~ r-'r~dautlons fo~ ~a'fe Handling and Use JSt¢~ to'.Be Taken id Ca~ Material Is R~leased or S~ll~ ' . "" , · ~'f,," Om6~/.va~r~;disipates material is t~ert and while tn a soft state material ~' ', ' ' ,~ ' , ~, ~ ' ' · ' Waste Oisposal'Motht~ ;'~{ .. ' ' · :';-'.:':¢OOOp~,O~;:~'~ .a alew dr~ag faed filler cam be thianod with ~m%er andlcnce yap,er [','.. ~'':;. ~d . ~ .'~ "! Iaiterlal safety data tdANLJFACTURER'$ NAME: L~D4~-])o-Va~' Product8 Co. STREET ADORES~: _~000 N'.g. lltth Pi&cQ CITY, STATE t ZiP COOt: 1;~or~,]'~ ~ 9'/217 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NO~' Thc. Health Fl&mmabdlt V / ~/7~-/'7 0 PorsonM Protect~Mt UI~T "R ttlZT CONTENT3 CONTENT8 .~l HYDROEEN P~ROXI~ ~.SZ ~tm H~xt~ 4~ ~ Hz0- ~t~tz~ 72.5Z ~ ~rax - TL¥ Specific Gravity (H,0 = 1) !_p -. Boiling point 2]2~F Solubility in H,O, % by WI' ,100Z Vapo¢ pressure Z4 ,.!1 IkI ,, % Votatiles by Volume _ ..... Evaporation rate (butyl Vapo~ Oensity (Air- 1) N/A , acetate = 1) < IPl~llrlnct Yater Clear V1SCOSJTY FLASH POZNT: Ilonflable UNUSUAL FZR~ AND EXPLOSZGli HAZARD: ltdyrogtm Peroxtde Itself ts nontrl~m~ble. Hoover, if it ts to remotn tn contact wtth readtly oxidizable organtc itertals,lt my cause spontaneous combustion. In addttton,Hydrogefl Peroxtde solu~t4.ons are catalytically d~c. omposed by uny comm~motertals such as Heavy metals and there salts,and ordtnar~j dtrt. These materials vi11 cause the hydrogen Peroxide to decompose,liberating oxygen ~htch ~111 pramote the 1~r~tflg of combustible materials. STABILITY: Pure Hydrogen Peroxtde Is v~j, stabTk.#tgh strength peroxtde soTutions are more stable them dtlute solutions because of the htgh purity,this does not nean,holever.that concentrated niterlal ts less hazardous then the dilute. Although ali peroxtde soluttofls are stabilized,no addftt~e ~tll prevent raptd decomposition tf excessive contamtnatto# occurs. [NC01~AT[BZL[TY: A great any contaltMnts eve~ Iff amounts less then 0.]ppi can cause the decompostttl rate by catalytic actton. Certatfl mota111c trQ~sol)lrttcularly those of copper,chr~nt~ and 1ton, are . especially harmful. NOst heavy metals ami parttcul&rly &11 t)~es of dust and dirt,especially rust,vt11 catalyze the decomposition. HAZAJUX)US DECOI~OS~T[011 PIU)0OCT5: Nune. The decemposttlon prodects f~ hydrogen peroxtde are ox3~l HAZAI~XIS POLtl[R[ZAT[011: ¥111 Not Occureo mO lnhalattofl of vapor or mtst my cause lrrttattoe to the nose and throit. If skt~ co~l~ct ts relatively'short,no d~mige vlll resul~ beyond · t~mpor~r~ ~ttenfng or Skincontsct bleaching accampented by s tingling sens~ttoe. Longer ex~x~sure can cause lrvt~tJoa,altster Skin ibsoq)tiofl Eye co~tsct NAT C~USi~ [Y~ BUR~S: effects .By be delaj~d. if sMallo~ed,it nay cause a sudden evoluttcm of ox~en,~tch tin cause tn.lury b:y 41sten$tc of the esophagus or stomch. Nay cause e)~ l~r~s,effects Bay be dela)~l. Short term e~su~ cauls irrt~tt~ to t~ skin. Loner e~su~ my cau~ t~t~tt~,blts~ or ~s. ~ts s~uld ~ t~a~ as an o~tnary ~at ~. ~ rain ~uJ~nt ts ~ ~p t~ aff~ l~a cl~fl,l~ly cove~ ~Jng ~tcal ~t~ntJ~. Eyes Yash off as qutckly as posstble vlth plEIl~ OfMater, Then Mash~tth Vinegar. Remove p4tleflt to fresh str. If lr~ltatlo~ of throat or nose is apparent,Refer patteflt to it lnl~slatlofl phystctaa. I~tnk large amounts of Mater or Bilk to dtluto stomach contents,follo~ arlth citrus frutt Juice. encourage belchtng tf tbe~e ts dtstenttofl. CALL A PHYSZCIAII. O~contaminatton ptocedure~ ~move and rash co~taml~ted clothtng and shoes promptly amd thoroughly Notss to physiclsel lase~t · g~strtc tube to prevent tflcresscql result form the rapid evolutlQ~ of ox)~. pressure therapy WARN lNG- IRRITANT Contains Hydrogen Peroxide U~lt 'A' Avold contact vtUI eyes,skin and mJcous membranes.iX) NOT CORTMIRAI[ Stor~ in ortgtnal container tn cool dark place. · nit "r ~ead all product lnformtt?e D~[G]~ Contains: Sodtl Xydroxide Ray cause burns Hamful tf s~llo~l Avofd contact Nth sktn and e~es. ~ear safety goggles and safety clothtng M~me~er handltng or Idxtng the ~ood 81each Soluttoe..Avotd breathing solutton spray or mist.Avoid contact bet~ee~ hydroge~ per~xld~ and combustable tterttls. Avoid contas4natton fr~ any source. ~ep contafr~r out of sun and a~iy for~ heat,sparks,and 1flames. Do Rot add any other product to container. DO NOT Store k~th reducing agents,colbusttble or flamible itortals,or heavy metal salts.NEYTR RETURN Unused bleaching solutton to ft co~tatner. Rlnse empty containers thoroughly ~ith clean mter befores. discarding. Read all product safety tnformtloa on product 1aha1. Have ~ater source available for ~ diluting. ~ ~ Proci(lure fM relmise M spill .- F~ood are4 Nth rater to dilute bleachtml soluttoe fol',mind vtth vtne1~lr to neutralize. Waste disposal methMI ComFly Yftk ell Federtal,Stat~ ami Local Ilel~letlons. Neutrally, lng ch4micelt VINEGAR M&terlll sltety d,tl Chemtrec E~erge~cy Telephone: {aG0) 424.9304) .... Sodtm H~roxt~e S°lut.tofl- Corrosive Iqatartal IA1:'i82~' Propel sh~pp~ng nlme M(3CO BLEACH H~..,rogefl Pemxtde solutiofl- t~ydizer, UI-2014 - NOT -AZ~mDOuS 8Y ~1~ II:L~,I~ SC)Lt~ II~)ISC~LCL.ASS A CO~Iq0SIV~ IIAATEIq1A~ O.O.T I~JI..ATIC~dS I~ld ~T m~i~ ~ ~XI~ ~l~ ~ ~l~ ~XI~ ~l~ DOT I~1~ Typpack~g~ ~1~h~1~ ~kles eL.EACH [ I-~-§§ ~ Ga~v Snvdd,~ , Although t~ Information &nd recoflwvendattons set forth heretn (heretni'fter ']nfor~natton") ere presented tn gocKI fetch and t~lteved to ~ correct IS of the dirt hereof, S~-de-viy Products Co., Inc. Mkes fie :representations Is to t~ c~pleteness or IccgrlCy thereof, tflfo~ttofl tS supplied u~n the condition t~at t~ ~rsonb ~citvtng sin wtll Nk~ their o~ detemlnittoe is to tS suitability for their pur~SeS prtor to use. ~n no event vtll Spe-de-~y Products Co.. Inc. ~ responsible for damages of any nitu~ ~lts~ver ~sulttn9 fr~ t~ use of or reltince u~n infection. NO REPRESENTATIONS OR ~AR~NT[ES. [ETHER EXPRESS OR Z~LZED. OR ~RCHANTAGtL[TY. FZTN[SS FOR A PARTtCU~R PURPOSE OR OF ANY OTHER NATURE A~[ ~ H[R[UN~R VZTH RESPECT TO ZNFO~TZ~ OR THE PRO,CT TO WZCH tNFO~T~ON REFERS. PLANT AOORE~: Products Co., Inc. ~ N. E. 14th PL.IC:E PORTLA/~. OFIEOCIN gT217 MAIL AZ~RE~c~S: p.O.iB43X 17192 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET COATINGS AND RESINS GROUP SECTION I - PRODUCT INFORMATION MANUFACTURER'S NAME: PPG INDUSTRIES INC. CODE/IDENTITY : C65W99 PRODUCT SAFETY LOC.: 260 KAPPA DRIVE TRADE NAME: DURACRYL TOUCHUP PITTSBURGH, PA 15238 CHEMICAL FAMILY: ACRYLIC MSDS CONTACT: MANAGER, INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE DOT CLS:PAINT, FLAMMABLELIQUID AND PRODUCT SAFETY DATE OF PREPARATION: 2/05/86 (412) 963-5822 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE: (304) 843-1300 SECTION II- INGREDIENTS (0808840) APPROX. E X P O S U R E L ! M ! T S I'NQREDIENT$ % WT. CAS NO. AOQ~'H TLY OSHA PEL PPG [PEL BUTYL BENZYL PHTHALATE S 85-68-? NIA NIA NIA TITANZUM D[OXXDE 3~ 13463-67-7 TOLUENE 3~ I~8-88-3 I~,~PPM 2~.~PPM I~.~PPM XYLENE 15 133~-2~-? t~.~PPM I~.~PPM I~.~PPM FZLM FORMERS, RESXHS, AND ADOZTIVES 35 PROPRXETARY NOT EST. NOT EST. ; HOT EST. SECTION III- PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS ~BOILING RANGE : 110 - 194 DEG.C SOLUBILITY IN WATER: 0.0 VAPOR PRESSURE: 17.5 mmHg WI'/GAL (LBS): 10.30 VAPOR DENSITY : HEAVIER THAN AIR pH: N/A % VOL/VOLUME : 69.20 ~ SOLID BY WEIGHT: 51.5 EVAP RATE(Bu0Ac=10O): 170 SECTION IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA DOT CATEGORY: FLAMMABLE' FLASHPOINT: 40 DEG. F PMCC FLAMMABLE LIMITS: LEL 1.2 UEL N/A EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: USE NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION (NFPA) CLASS B EXTINGUISHERS (CARBON DIOXIDE. DRY CHEMICAL. OR UNIVERSAL AQUEOUS FILM FORMING FOAM) DESIGNED TO EXTINGUISH NFPA CLASS lB FLAMMABLE LIQUID FIRES. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: KEEP CONTAINERS TIGHTLY CLOSED. ISOLATE FROM HEAT. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT, SPARKS. AND OPEN FLAMES. CLOSED CONTAINERS MAY EXPLODE WHEN EXPOSED TO EXTREMF HEAT. DO NOT APPLY ON HOT · SURFACES. TOXIC GASES MAY FORM WHEN PRODUCT IS CONq'ACTED BY FLAME OR HOT SURFACES. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES: WATER SPRAY MAY BE INEFFECTIVE, WATER SPRAY MAY BE USED TO COOL CLOSED CONTAINERS TO PREVENT PRESSURE BUILD-UP AND POSSIBLE AUTOIGNITION OR EXPLOSION WHEN EXPOSED TO EXTREME HEAT. IF WATER IS USED. FOG NOZZLES ARE PREFERABLE. FIRE-FIGHTERS SHOULD WEAR SELF CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS. · SECTION V - REACTIVITY DATA STABILITY: STABLE : HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: NOT EXPECTED TO OCCUR INCOMPATIBILITY (MATERIALS AND CONDITIONS TO AVOID): AVOID CONTACT WITH STRONG ALKALIES, STRONG IvflNERAL ACIDS, OR STRONG OXID)ZING AGENTS. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: MAY PRODUCE HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS WHEN HEATED. WELDING. BRAZING. OR FLAME-CUTTING ON SURFACES COATED WITH THIS PRODUCT MAY PRODUCE FUMES INCLUDING: Carbon Monoxide. SECTION VI - SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES STEPS 'TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED.: Continued on Back of Page Continuation of'Manufacturer's Code -C$5W99 DATE OF PREP: 2/05/86 PRovIDE MAXIMUM VENTILATION. ONLY PERSONNEL EQUIPPED WITH PROPER RESPIRATORY AND SKIN AND EYE PROTECTION SHOULD BE PERMII-rED IN THE AREA. REMOVE ALL SOURCES OF IGNITION. TAKE UP SPILLED MATERIAL WiTH SAWDUST. VERMICULITE. OR OTHER ABSORBENT MATERIAL AND PLACE INTO CONTAINERS FOR DISPOSAL. WASTE DXSPOSAL METH00: WASTE MATERIAL MUST BE DISPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL REGULATIONS. EMPTY CONTAINERS SHOULD BE RECYCLED OR DISPOSED OF THROUGH AN APPROVED WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILTY. SECTION VII - HEALTH HAZARD DATA EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE FROM: INGESTION: " HARMFUL OR FATAL IF SWALLOWED. EYE CONTACT: CAUSES EYE IRRITATION. ~ .,*' " SKIN CONTACT:.' , .~,,'"' MAY CAUSE MODERATE SKIN IRRITATION. [,.'i INHALATION: VAPOR AND SPRAY MIST MAY BE HARMFUL IF INHALED. REPEATED EXPOSURE TO HIGH VAPOR CONCENTRATIOI'~ MAY CAUSE IRRITATION OFTI"IE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM AND PERMANENT BRAIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM DAMAGE. INTENTIONAL MISUSE BY DELIBERATELY CONCENTRATING AND INHALING THE CONTENTS CAN BE HARMFUL OR FATAL. REPEATE0 EXPOSURE: AVOID LONG-TERM AND REPEATED CONTACT. S]GNS AND SYMPTONS OF OVEREXPOSURE: EYE WATERING, HEADACHES, NAUSEA. DIZZINESS. AND LOSS OF COORDINATION ARE INDICATIONS THAT SOLVENT LEVELS ARE TOO HIGH. REDNESS. ITCHING. BURNING SENSATIONS ANO VISUAL OISTURBANCES MAY BE INDICATIONS THAT EXCESSIVE EYE CONTACT HAS OCCURED. DRYNESS, ITCHING, CRACKING, BURNING, REDNESS, AND b'~/VELLING ARE CONDITIONS ASSOCIATED WITH EXCESSIVE SKIN CONTACT. MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE:' N~TAPPLICABLE SECTION VIII - FIRST AID PROCEDURES INGESTION: IF SWALLOWED. DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. EYE CONTACT: IN CASE OF EYE CONTACT. FLUSH EYES IMMEDIATELY WITH PLENTY OF WATER FOR AT LEAST 15 MINUTES. SKIN CONTACT: IN CASE OF SKIN CONTACT, REMOVE PROMPTLY BY WIPING. FOLLOWED BY WATERLESS HAND CLEANER AND SOAP AND WATER. I NHALAT I ON: IF AFFECTED BY INHALATION OF VAPOR OR SPRAY MIST. REMOVE TO FRESH AIR. APPLY ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION AND OTHER SUPPORTIVE MEASURES AS REOUIRED. OTHER: IF ANY OF THE FOLLOWING OCCUR DURING OR FOLLOWING USE OF THIS PRODUCT, CONTACT A POISON CONTROL CENTER, EMERGENCY ROOM OR PHYSICIAN IMMEDIATELY; HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET INFORMATION AVAILABLE. 'INGESTION, * EXCESSIVE EXPOSURE TO A CORROSIVE MATERIAL. ' PERSISTENT SKIN/EYE IRRITATION OR BREATHING DIFFICULTIES. SECTION IX - PROTECTION'INFORMATION PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT FOR: EYE PROTECTION: WEAR CHEMICAL-TYPE SPLASH GOOGLES. SKIN PROTECTION: WEAR PROTECTIVE CLOTHING, INCLUDING IMPERMEABLE APRON AND GAUNTLET-TYPE GLOVES CONSTRUCTED OF: POLYVINYL ALCOHOL, NEOPRENE RUBBER. NITRiLE RUBBERBUTYL RUBBER OR LATEX RUBBER Continued on Page 2 ~.' PAGE 2 ~ ' "Continuation of Manufacturer's Code - C65W99 DATE OF PREP: Z/05/86 AESP I RATORY PROTECTI ON: OVEREXPOSURE TO VAPORS MAY BE PREVENTED BY ENSURING VENTILATION CONTROLS, VAPOR EXHAUST OR FRESH AIR ENTRY. NIOSHIMSHA APPROVED (TC-23C-) PAINT SPRAY OR AIR SUPPLIED (TC-19C-) RESPIRATORS MAY ALSO REDUCE EXPOSURE. IN ALL CASES. READ RESPIRATOR MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND LITERATURE CAREFULLY TO DETERMINE THE TYPE OF AIRBORNE CONTAMINANTS AGAINST WHICH THE RESPIRATOR IS EFFECTIVE AND HOW IT IS TO BE PROPERLY FITTED, OTHER EQUIPMENT: CLEAN OR DISCARD CONTAMINATED CLOTHING AND SHOES. VENTILATI. ON REQUIREMENTS: " PROVIDE GENERAL DILUTION OR LOCAL EXHAUST VENTILATION IN VOLUME AM3 PATTERN TO KEEP THE CONCENTRATION OF INGREDIENTS LISTED IN SECTION II BELOW THE LOWEST SUGGESTED EXPOSURE LIMITS. THE LEL IN SECTION IV BELOW THE STATED LIMIT. AND TO REMOVE DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS DURING WELDING OR FLAME CUTTING ON SURFACES COATED WITH THIS PRODUCT. SECTION X - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS HANDLING AND STORAGE PRECAUTIONS: DC) NOT STORE ABOVE 120 DEGREES F. STORE LARGE QUANTITIES IN BUILDINGS DESIGNED ANO PROTECTED FOR STORAGE OF NFPA CLASS lB FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS. OTHER PRECAUTIONS: IF THIS MATERIAL IS PART OF A MULTIPLE COMPONENT COATING SYSTEM, READ THE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET(S) FOR THE OTHER COMPONENT OR COMPONENTS BEFORE BLENDING AS THE RESULTING MIXTURE MAY HAVE THE HAZARDS OF ALL OF ITS PARTS. CONTAINERS SHOULD BE GROUNDED WHEN POURING. AV(~ID FREE FALL OF LIQUIDS IN EXCESS OF A FEW INCHES. ALL CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES IN THIS PRODUCT COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE RULES OR ORDERS UNDER THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY'S TOXIC SUBSTANCE CONTROL ACT. .THIS MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET HAS BEEN PREI~ARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE OSHA HAZARD COMMUNICATION STANDARD (29 CFR 1910.1200) '"'NA$IONAL SANITARY 'v CC;. · ]ZSc~l? S. FIGU[.:R[}A ':TH~(T "LOS ANGELES, CALIFL~;N[A 9006L TEL. NO. 213/770~..1'?70 RECEtVED DEC - 1986 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET SECTI~,JN ].. IDENTIF!Ca'FIO;J OF PF!.')L',.UCT PRODUC'I NA:,qr.:' NAT~~' ~ .,,,AL FL.A;q~,_ ,, ChENICAL HANE: S'a~]F'[?' Cg¢4POd.',]L~ ~]?~TfONAI_ [TEH~: 35~2XX SECT[ON 2. ING?EDiSaTS CAS FIW?~F;E~; PERCENT TLV UNITS SAND & SAWDUST 6&.O0~; 10 NG/H3 ARONATIC PARAFFIN SOLVE)4T 18.97 200 PPH 10% SOL. CALCIUM CliI.O~?ID5 ~5.00 10 NG/M~ SECIION 3'PHYsiCAL f)Al'A BOILING POINT, 760 ~,, HG: :W/A SPECIFIC G?&VITY (H20=].): VAPOR PRESSURE AT 20C: < 10~'~.. ,., Hti, :':~:::F:CEHT~. VOI_ATIt.~ (9, Y VOLUHF): 32.25 VAPOR DENSITY (AIP:!): b.2 FVAPORAT~ON PATE (BUTYL. ACEtATE:T): <0.1 SOLUBILITY IN WAfErS: SLIGHT FREEZING APPEARANCE AND ODOR: PALE RE~) G~A','~ULAF4, SLIGHT PETROLEOH ODOR. 'x SECTION 4. FIRE A~,IL~ EXPLOSIO[,! HAZAFO OATA FLASH POINT (TEST METHOD): (TCC) 156F THIS SWEEPING CO~qPOUND DOES NOT S LJ f:'PDi~ l' [ OJ'!.BUST I ON FLAMMA5LE LIMITS IN AIP,, ~: BY VOLU~.E: LOWER = 0.6 EXTINGUISHING HEDIA: FOAM, WATERMIS.T, DRY CHEMICAL, SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING i:'~vOC~DtJR~S: NON~ UNUSUAL FIRE g EXPLOSION r~AZAPDS: NONE U P P E R 5.0 STABILITY: STA~LE COr~OirI,..NS TO AVOID: ,qJNE INCOMPATIBILITY - !~ATERiALS 'TO AVOID: HAZARDOUS F'OLYMF:.R [ ZA T I ON: CONDITiOr..,S Fo Avo OXIDANTS SECT ION 6 SPILL, ' F~'" '~"' ,,-~, A 1) I OSA~ ?F:'OCEF)(j?,r S SPILL RESpOf.iSE: N,.~.I'i:_R l AL ~ia:];1L.(,,. ~F'., S','EPT. ~J[:', fL.;"'":' S,tLVAGi.:~ OR RriJSF. .... WASTE L)ISr'U_AL.: A ,'.!F fi!~,.~i..; ':'~F F) IS?O".i,~ IS llw A .',_~'!!) FILI WITit ALL L. OCAL, :)T,:,.,r] ,~,-'i) F:'t~'-'~ ",'~ .. r r,~,L. ",L~i. AT MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SH PAGE 2 PRODUCT NA;iE: NATIOf~AI_ F RETARDANT SWEEP 'hA[-~ ISSUED: ll/lli~S SECIlON 7. H~ALTH H&ZARD DATA TLV AND SOURCE: SILICA: n MG/M3 (][ OR 8 ttOUP WORKDAY, t; RCSF'[PA~.$L~ ~UARTS + 2 A'CUTE EFFECTS OF' OVEREXPOSUqE: cc ,..YE EYE CONTACT: :~VERE c IR'~ITATION SKIN CONTACT: R[PEATLL, SKIq CONTACT WILl_ DRY AND DEFAT TH~ SKIN L E A D I~' '= R ?, ,~ TI') I ITAT[ON AND DERMATITIS INrtALA'r ION: IPRITaTtYE AU,,[. A INGESTION: MAY CAt. JSEi ~ '~'~ SKIN ABSORPTION: POSST~LE. POTENTIAL RISK OF SKIN CANCER TO HU~qANS F20~'I eEPEATED SKIN CONTACT. CHRONIC EFFECTS OF ~)VER~XPOSURE: POTENTIAL SKIN CANCER FROM REPEATED CONIACT. POIENT!a,L LUNG CANCER FRON INHALATION'OF FUMES AND DUST. OTHER HEALTH HAZAPDS: i',~ON= CURRENTLY KNOWN SECTION 8. EMERG~HCY AND FIRST Air) PROCEDURES EYE CONTACT:"FLUSH WITH WATER FOR 15 HINUTES. IF IRRITATION PERSIST, S~E A DltYSICIAN. SKIN CONTACT: WASH WITH SOAP AND WATER. INHALATION: IF OVERCOME i]Y VAPOR REMOVE TO FRESH AIR I~IM£DIA'FELY. CALL A PHYSICIAN. tF BR£ATHING STOPPED. START RESUSCITATIO:'I. ADMINISTER. OXYGEN. INGESTION: NO HARMFUL EFFECT EXPECTED. DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. SECTION 9. SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION RESPIhATORY PROTECTION: USE SUPPLIED AIR RESPIRATORY PROTECTIO~ IN CDNFI~JED OR INCLOSED'AREA. VENTILATION: LOCAL EXHAUST: FACE VELOCITY 60FPM N. ECdA!iICAL: USE EX?LC)SION PROOF FL~U!PHFNT. PROIECTION GLOVES: i~U.~)F.~FR GLOVES O!>, NEOPRENE EYE PROTEC'FION: GOGGLES OTHER PROTECTIVE SECIIGN 10. ADDI:FIONAL PF:~FZ'CAUTIO~,;S SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS: USe' O:qLY WITh ADE(~UATE,~ VE~;TILATIO~~. DO NOT KEEP SwEE.~ING CO;.!POUH() F()x ~(~ Tr~AN 10 MINUTES 0~,,~ 'I'H~ FLOfiRo DO MOT CUI', GRIND, ~ELD~ 3~?II._L 0~ .'_':~OKE i'i[-]AR THIS P3ODL~CT. $ AD£~UATF VENTIL~TIO'd ~!~T.,qNS ~]',,ILII'vALS=.NT TO OUTDOOPS. [tie RESPONSIBILITY TO 2~vOV[C'~! q SSFE wORKPLACe HE!,iAIN.c, WITH THC 3SER. THE USEH SHOULD '" N" HF; '- ~.~ ' '" '~ F~ C..i.,[u'Cr~ l- . HcALT HAZARbS AND SA cTY =..,¢n~,~.,RMAF[ON CONI'AINEt) itEREIN .'AS A GUI:'>~.' Ai",:) ShOtJLl) TAKE' THOSE P~CAUTIONS RE~UiREO ~kLA,'i'I(J'~'-{ C,'."~',:,T,a,[~F'i) ~4tTF~EI:q ~,. i'O THC ~:'~T ~;~- OI.)R t ............. A-~9 EIELiEF, ACCu~{A'FC~. ~C;,~ZvZ?, qINCC '[r~E CONDITif:',IS OF H~C,~LI~IG AMf) USE APE LIA~.ILI'FY f-'(])[( i)Aqt, L~i.3 iNC,.~,:-?::~) ::~Y :..ISE OF ThIS ~'IATF'RI,RL. IT iS THF R[SDOiqSibIL[TY OF i'~j tJS~%: T) CC)~4F'L.Y WITH ~LL APPL[CAFH..F FCDEt.~AL, STATE LOCAL L/~WS A:q?: ~"~ d}LAr[q',{S. .C,ONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS DIVISION 102 CHESTNUT RIDGE PLAZA * MONTVALE · NEW JERSEY 07645 RECEIVED AUG 2 2 1986 SEE'HAZARD RATING DEFINITIONS PAGE 4 HAZARD RATING F~;e '/--~- 4 = EXTREME ~.,,,~ ~x' '; '~ Reac;~v~t¥ 3- HIGH T ....... / ~Vn ~~.~ 2 : MODERATE I = SLIGHT '~ S~ec~al ~.~ 0: INSIGNIFICANT ' = CHRONIC HEALTH H~RD--SEE SECTION V DATE OF PREP: 7/1/86 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET IEMERGENCY PHONE NO. DAY: (201) 391-0253 NIGHT: (201) 573-5700 SECTION I - IDENTIFICATION PRODUCTNAME DURA SEAL 500 PRODUCT CLASS Clear Wood Sealer - Fast Drying CODE NUMBER 13-00500-100 UN No. UN 1263 DOT HAZARD CLASS (49CFR 172.101) Combustible Liquid PROPER SHIPPING NAME (49CFR 172.101) Paint, Stain or Varnish SECTION I! - INGREDIENTS PAINTS, PRESERVATIVES, & SOLVENTS IGMENTS ~ATALYST vEHICLE SOLVENTS 'Mineral sPirits (Stoddard Solvent) CAS #8052-41-3 ADDITIVES OTHERS Vinyl Toluene .... -CAS 925013-15-4 MIXTURES OF OTHER LIQUIDS, SOLIDS, OR GASES 29.8 69.0 0.1 1.1 TLC (Units) 500 PPM 100 PPM TLC (Units) SECTION III - PHYSICAL DATA APPEARANCE Clear Liquid; Mild Hydrocarbon Odor SOLUBILITY IN WATER NTT, BOLLING POINT (°F)313OF (n~) 5~ (Sk~yl k~ce=l) 0.09 VAPOR DENSITY: HEAVIER/LIGHTER THAN AIR (Air = 1) 4.8 PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME (%) WEIGHT PER GALLON 6 . 8~ information is fbrnished without warranty, representation, or license of any kind, except that it is accurate to the best of Minwax Company Incorporated's knowledge or obtained from sources believed by the Minwax Company Inc. to be accurate. The Minwax Company Inc. shall have no legal responsiblity for use or reliance upon any information provided herewith. CUSTOMERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO CONDUCT THEIR OWN TEST, BEFORE USING ANY PRODUCT READ ITS LABEL. PAGE 1 of 4 C~'~',7 0~O5 PRODUCT NAME ...... DURA SEAL 500 .... SECTION IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA FLASHPOINT FLAMMABLE LIMITS ~ .'" 101°F LEL 0.9 ' UEL 6.0 EXTINGUISHING MEDIA AUTOIGNITION TEMPERATURE · 4504 Dry Chemical, Alcohol Foam and Water Fog. Carbon Dioxide, SPECIALFIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES Use self-contained breathing apparatus with a full face piece operated in pressure demand or other positive pressure mode. Water is not normally an effective extinguishing agent. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS When burning, this product gives off toxic by-products (such as Carbon Monoxide), therefore, the breathing of fumes, smoke and gasses given off during burning should be avoided. ..... SECTION V- HEALTH HAZARD DATA THRESHOLD LIMITVALUE ~ OSHA TLV/TWA 500 PPM ' (~ 'ILV,/I~q%. 100P iq'4 Mineral Spirits (Stod~ard Solvent)~ ACGIH TLV/TWA 100 PPM~ 'Vinyl Tolume'~R!ra4~LV/lI~ '-'50PI~ ......... ACGIH TLV/STEL 150 PPM · QKI~H qLV/~. 100 PPM. £~£cvs OF OVEREXPOSURE - ROU~S OF ~XPOSORE INGESTION: Can cause gastrointestinal irritation, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Aspiriation of liquid into the lungs can cause chemical pneumonitis which can be fatal-; ........ ............... SK~ CONTACT: Can cause defatting and drying of the skinwhichmay result in skin irritation and dermatitis .... EYE CONTACT: Can cause severe irritation, redness, tearing or blurred vision. "INHALATION: ' Can cause nasal'and respiratory irritation, dizziness, weakness,! fatigue, nausea, headache, nervous irritability, possible unconsciousness and asphyxiation. Can lead to central nervous system depression. ' No carcinogen report - .....~. .... .i ....... .Y- Evidence of fetotoxicity potential has been reported in a NIOSH intraperitoneal study on VinYl Toluene. EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID.PROCEDURES If swallowed: Do not induce vomiting.' For skin contact: In case of eye contact: If affected by inhalation: C_~TI. PHYSICIAN IMMEDIATELY."' KeeP patient warm andquiet. Aspiration of material into lungs due to vc~aiting can cause chemical pneumonitis which can be fatal. Wash thoroughly with soap and plenty of water. If irritation persists get medical attention. Flush withplenty of water. Remove to fresh air. Maintain respiration as necessary and CALL PHYSICIAN. MA IAL SAFETY DATA SHEET IPRODUCT DL71:>~ S~_~tTu 500 NAME SECTION VI '- REACTIVITY DATA UNSTABLE CONDITIONS TO AVOID STABLE NONE X INCOMPATABILITY (Mateda~ to avoid) Strong Oxidizing Agents HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS Incomplete ccmbustion produces carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and unidentified organic cc~pounds. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION WILL NOT OCCUR X ~ ..... * ....... SECTION VIi - SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE CLASSIFICATION i~ieahl'e NUMBER CERCLA (SUPER FUND) REPORTABLE QUANTITY (RO#) PS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED ' * Erovide. adeQ,~ate ventilation. .* ~emove ignition sources ~rom spill area. Utilize Sand, rags,* paper, vermiculite, floor absorbent, or other absorbent material and place in leak-proof drums for disposal. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD '- . - .' In accordance with local, 'state and federal regulations. Incineration is preferred or by burying in an approved landfill. ~ OUT OF SURFACE WATERS AND ANY WATER COURSES OR SEWERS ENTERING OR T.FADING'TO~ SURFACE ~WAT~RS'. SECTION ViII - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION ............................. If adequate ventilation cannot be maintained, use respiratory protection (NIOSH/ MSHA TC 23C or equivalent). Use a full face or half-mask air purifying respirator with organic vapor cartridge to prevent overexposure. VENTILATION .......... Provide a constant flow of fresh air to meet TLV requirements. Open windows and doors or use other means to Permit fresh air 'entry during application and drying. PROTECTIVE GLOVES EYE PROTECTION Use rubber, neoprene or vitron gloves. Safety glasses or chemical goggles or a face shield. IOTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Have eye bath and safety shower nearby during use. ~AG5 3 of ~ C3,30g~ MATI IAL SAFETY DATA SHEi PRODUCT NAME Dr, J'~ SEJ~ 500 ......... SECTION IX - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORING ~Do~ot use or store near heat, sparks, open flame or other sources of ignition. Close container after each use. Store only in original container. Wash with soap and plenty of water before eating, drinking, smoking or using toilet facilities. OTHER PRECAUTIONS Avoid inhalation and use only with adequate ventilation. If employee ~experiences eye w~tering, headaches or dizziness, increase fresh air and leave area. Remove contaminated clothing iranediately and launder before reuse. Have eye wash and' safety sho~r in area during use. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN N.F.P.A. HAZARD RATING DEFINITIONS Minwax Company I'nc. has provided hazard ~'atings solely as a convenience to its customers; However. since .hazard ratings ............... require subjective determinations, Minwax Company Inc. shall have no legal .responsibility for the accuracy or significance of hazard ratings assigned or the use or reliance thereon.' ' HEALTH HAZARD RATING CHART 0 INSIGNIFICANT I SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME 0 INSIGNIFICANT 1 SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME 0 INSIGNIFICANT 1 SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME no significant risk to health irritation or minor reversible injury possible. temporary or minor iniury may occur. major injury likely unless prompt action is taken and medical treatment is given. life threatening major; or permanent damage may result from single or repeated exposures. FLAMMABILITY HAZARD RATING CHART materials which are normally stable and will not burn unless heated. materials that must be preheated before ignition will occur. Flammable liquids in this category will have flash points (the lowest temperature at which ignition will occur) at or above 200"F (NFPA Class 111 malerials which must be moderately heated before ignition will occur, including flammable liquids with flash points at or above !00"F and below 200"F. (NFPA Class II and Class IliA). materials capable of ignition under almost all normal temperature conditions, including flammable liquids with flash points below 73"F and boiling points above 100"F as well with flash points between 73"F and IOO<'F (NFPA Classes lB and lC). very flammable gases or very volatile flammable liquids with flash points below 73'F and boiling points below 100"F (NFPA Class lA). REACTIVITY HAZARD RATING CHART ........................................... materials which are normally stable, even under fire conditions, and which ,will not react with water. materials which are normally stable, but can become unstable at high temperatures and pressures. These materials may react with water, but will not release energy violently. materials which in themselves are normally stable and will readily undergo violent chemical change, but. will not detonate. These materials may also react violently with water. materials which are capable of detonation or explosive reaction, but require a strong initiating source, or must be I~eated under confinement before m~tiation, or materials which react explosively with water. these materials are readily capable of detonation or explosive decomposition at normal temperatures and pressures. ~.ONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS DIVISION 102 CHESTNUT RIDGE PLAZA · MONTVALE · NEW JERSEY 07645 SEE HAZARD RATING DEFINITIONS PAGE 4 3 ~ H,G." 'EXTREME ~ ~//~% ..2~,,v,,~ T ..... ,v ~~ 2: MODERATE 1 = SLIGHT V S0ec,a~ 0 = INSIGNIFICANT ' = CHRONIC HEALTH H~RD~SEE SECTION V DATE OF PREP: I EMERGENCY PHONE NO. 6/25/86 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETIDAY: ,2o1,391-o2~3 NIGHT: (201) 573-5700 SECTION I--IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME 690 FINISH by the Makers of DURA SEAL PRODUCT CLASS 'Moisture Cure Polyurethane Finish / F~R PROFESSIONAL USE O~Y CODE NUMBER UN No. 13-00691-100 UN 1263 HAZARD CLASS (49CFR 177-101) Flan~able Liquid DOT PROPER SHIPPING NAME (49CFR 172.101) Paint, Stain or Varnish SECTION II - INGREDIENTS PAINTS, PRESERVATIVES, & SOLVENTS % TLC (Units) lENTS CATALYST VEHICLE 39. l SOLVENTS 12.0 500 P?M Mineral Spirits (Stoddard Solvent) CAS #8052-41-3 ADDITIVES OTHERS - · MIXTURES OF OTHER LIQUIDS, SOLIDS, OR GASES % TLC (Units) Propylene Glycol M~l~J~rA~te CAS ~ 88917-22-0 n-Butyl Acetate CAS ~71-36-3 Free CAS #584-84-9 SECTION III- PHYSICAL DATA 40.0 8.0 0.9 Not Establish~ 100 PPM 0.02 PPM APPEARANCE I Clear. t~_cht amber vis.cous 1 ich]id BOILING POINT (°F) I ~v-a[3::r~fl~cn ~ 2~5c~ ~ (~,...t~l ,~etate) O. VAPOR DENSITY: HEAVIER/LIGHTER THAN AIR (Air = 1) 4.3 PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME (%) ' WEIGHT PER GALLON This information is furnished without warranty, representation, or license of any kind, except that it is accurate to the best of Minwax Company Incorporated's knowledge or obtained from sources believed by the Minwax Company Inc. to be accurate. The Minwax Company Inc. shall have no legal responsiblity for use or reliance .upon any information provided herewith. CUSTOMERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO CONDUCT THEIR OWN TEST, BEFORE USING ANY PRODUCT READ ITS LABEL. PRODUCT NAME I~i~T~iAL SAF;TY DATA SH~ ' 690 FINISH by the Makers of DURA SEAL SECTION IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA I FLAMMABLE LIMITS FLASHPOINT~. 84OF LEL EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical and Alcohol Foam. UEL 11.2 AUTOIGNITION TEMPERATURE SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES Use self-contained breathing apparatus with a full face piece operated in pressure demand or other positive pressure mode. Water is not normally an effective extinguishing agent. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS Hh~n burning, this product gives off toxic by-products (such as Carbon Monoxide), therefore, the breathing of fumes, smoke and gasses given off ~ring burning should be aVoided. -' SECTION V - HEALTH HAZARD DATA LIMIT VALUE: : - ' -' " .i: .' .... · ' SEE PAGE · 5 -'. _ :.:.'.: .... .-, ....~ :~-._... ...... - EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE - INGESTION: SKIN CONTACT: "INHALATION: ROUTES OF EXPOSURE Can cause gaStrointeStinal irritation, nausea,'vcraiting and diarrhea. Aspiriation of liquid into the lungs can cause · "ghe~.'cal. pne .u~on~.tis which can be ~fatall May produce .obstruction in o~gestlve r_racE. Can cause defatting and dryi~g Of the Skin which may result in skin irritation and dermatitis. Can. cause severe irritation, redness,. tearing or blurred vision. Can cause nasal and respiratory irritation, dizziness, weakness fatigue, nausea,.headache, nervous irritability, possible unconsciousness and_asphyxiation. Can'lead to central nervous Carcigongen Report: ~I?, human suspect; NCI, animal poSitive.~.· ~'~¥-..'--~ ........ ' -- EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID.PROCEDURES If swallowed: .. Do not induce vomiting.-CALT, PHYSICIAN IMMEDIATELY. 'Keep. patient warm and quiet.-~'Aspiration of material into lungs due to vomiting can cause chemical pneumonitis which can be fatal. For skin contact: Wash thoroughly with-soapand plenty of wateri~'-'If irritation persists get medical attention.-- In case of eye contact: Flush withplenty of water. If affected by Remove to fresh air. ~intain respiration as necessary and. · inhalation: CALL PHYSICIAN. ~ ~RODUCTNAME 690 FINISH by the Makers of DURA SEAL SECTION Vi - REACTIVITY DATA. UNSTABLE I CONDITIONS TO AVOID Moisture and Heat STABLE X INCOMPATABILITY (Materials to avoid) Strong Oxidizing Agents, Alcohols and Amines HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS Incomplete combustion produces carbon mon..oxide, organic compounds. carbon dioxide and unidentified HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION MAYOCCUR i CONDFFIONS TO AVOID WILL NOT OCCUR X NO[~ SECTION Vii - SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE CLASSIFICATION I~nit-c~le NUMBER D 001 CERCLA (SUPER FUND) REPORTABLE QUANTITY (RQ#) .......... .:~. ....... :'::': ......... -~0'0~ .... TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED Remove ignition sources from spill area. Utilize sand, rags, paper, vermiculite, floor absorbent, or other absorbent material and place in leak-proof drums .for WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD ~ In accordance with local, state and federal regulations. · IncineratiOn is preferred or by burying in an approved landfill. FdP~P OUT OF SURFACE-WATLRS AND AN'f WATER~ '~ COURSES OR SEWERS ENTERING OR LEADING TO 'SURFACE WATERS. . . SECTION ViII - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION' ~ If adequate ventilation cannot be maintained, use respiratory protection MSHATC 23C or equivalent). (NIOSH/ VENTILATION Provide a'constant flow of fresh air to n~et TLV reqUirements. Open windo~ and doors or_use other_means to permgt fresh air 'entry during application and drying. !O~ECTIVE GLOVES Use rubber, neoprene or vitron gloves. EYE PROTECTION Safety glasses or chemical goggles or a face shield. OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Have eye bath and safety shc:,,.'e.? nearby during use. PRODUCTNAME 690 FINISH by the Makers of DURA SEAL SECTION IX - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PRE.~CAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORING Do not use or store near heat, sparks, open Close container after each use. Store only and plenty of water before eating, drinking, flame or other sources of ignition. in original container. Wash with soap smoking or using toilet facilities. OTHER PRECAUTIONS ~. Avoid inhalation and use only with adequate ventilation. If employee experiences eye watering, headaches or dizziness, increase fresh air and leave area. Remove contaminated clothing immediately and launder before reuse. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN N.F.P.A. HAZARD RATING DEFINITIONS Minwax Company Inc. has provided hazard ratings solely as a-convenience to its customers. However. since hazard ratings. . r~equire subjective determinations. Minwax Company Inc. shall have no legal responsibility for the accuracy or significance of hazard ratings assigned or the use or reliance thereon. HEALTH HAZARD RATING CHART 0 INSIGNIFICANT I SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME no significant risk to health irritation or minor reversible injury possible. temporary or minor injury may occur. major iniury likely unless prompt action is taken and medical treatment is given. life threatening major or permanent damage may result from single or repeated exposures. FLAMMABILITY HAZARD RATING CHART 0 INSIGNIFICANT materials which are normally stable and will not burn unless heated. I SLIGHT materials that must be preheated before ignition will occur. Flammable liquids in this Category will have .................. flash points (the lowest temperature at which ignition wi.Il occur) at or above 200"F (NFPA Class 11 lB) ..... 2 MODERATE materials which must be moderately heated before ignition will occur, including flammable liquids with flash points '3! or above IO0°F and below 200"F. (NFPA Class II and Class IliA). 3 HIGH materials capable of ignition under almost all no,mai temperature conditions, including flammable liquids with flash points below 73~'F and boiling points above IOO"F as well with flash points between ?3"F and IO0'F (NFPA Classes lB and 1C). 4 EXTREME very flammable gases or very volatile flammable liquids with flas_h points, baldw 73"F and boiling points below 100°F (NFPA Class lA). .................. REACTIVITY HAZARD RATING CHART 0 INSIGNIFICANT 1 SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME materials which are normally stable, even under fire conditions, and which will not react with water, materials which are normally stable, but can become unstable at high temperatures and pressures. These materials may react with water, but will not release energy violently. materials which in themselves are normally stable and will readily undergo violent chemical change, but will not detonate. These materials may also react violently with water. materials which are capable of detonation or explosive reaction, but require a strong ~nit~atmg source, or must be heated under confinement before in~bahon, or materials which react explosively with water these materials are readily capable of detonation or explosive decomposition at normal temperatures and pressures 690 FINISH by the Makers of DURA SEAL ' SECTION'V- HEAL;ii'H ~AZA-R'D DATA (continued) . Mineral Spirits (Stoddard Solvent) OSHA TLV/~WA 500 PPM ACGIH TLV/~A 100 PPM ACGIH TLV/STEL 150 PPM Propylene Glycol ~thyl Ether Acetate Not Established n-Butyl Acetate OSHA TLV/~WA 100 PPM ACGIH TLV/Skin 50 PPM Celing Value TDI OSHA TLV/~A 0.02 PPM ACGIH TLV/STEL 20 PPB IDLH 10 PPB Pace 5 C3. W ].07 CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS DIVISION 102 CHESTNUT RIDGE PLAZA · MONTVALE . NEW JERSEY 07645 iCEIVED AUG 2 2 1986 SEE HAZARD RATING DEFINITIONS PAGE 4 HAZARD RATING F~re ~ 4 = EXTREME --/"~;~ ~ Reacher,Iv 3 = HIGH ./ '~. V ~, -- -- 2: MODERATE TOX~C~Iy ~ Jl = SLIGHT ~ Soec~al 0 = INSIGNIFICANT -- ' = CHRONIC HEALTH H~RO--SEE SECTION V ~ DATE OF PREP: 6/26/86 [ EMERGENCY PHONE NO. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET D^Y: ~201139,-0253 NIGHT: (201) 573-5700 SECTION I-IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME 690 S~ALER by the Makers of DURA SEAL PRODUCT CLASS Moisture Cure Polyuret~hane Sealer / FOR PROFESSIONAL USE ONLY CODE NUMBER 13-00690-100 UN No. UN 1263 DOT HAZARD CLASS (49CFR 172.101) Flarmaable Lic~id PROPER SHIPPING NAME (49CFR 172.101). Paint, Stain or Varnish SECTION II - INGREDIENTS PAINTS, PRESERVATIVES, & SOLVENTS 'IGMENTS CATALYST VEHICLE 24.4 TLC (Units) SOLVENTS Mineral Spirits (Stoddard Solvent) CAS #8052-41-3 15.0 500 PPM ADDITIVES ." · OTHERS ' MIXTURES OF OTHER LIQUIDS, SOLIDS, OR GASES % TLC (Units) Propylene Glycol ~_hyl Etcher Acetate CAS #88917-22-0 50.0 hbt Estab~ n-Butyl Acetate CAS #71-36-3 10.0 100 PPM Free TDI · ' CAS #584-84-9 0.6 0.02 PPM SECTION III - PHYSICAL DATA - -. APPEARANCE Clear liqht SOLUBILITY IN WATER NIL BOILING POINT ~°F) 295VF amber liquid 2.1 1~I (E~'~l ~l) O.5 VAPOR DENSITY: HEAVIER/LIGHTER THAN AIR .... (Air = 1) 4.3 PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME (%) 77,1 WEIGHT PER GALLON 8.17 # information is furnished without warranty, representation, or license of any kind, except that it is accurate to the best of Minwax Company Incorporated's knowledge or obtained from sources believed by the Minwax Company Inc. to be accurate. The Minwax Company Inc. shall have no legal responsiblitY for use or reliance upon any information provided herewith. CUSTOMERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO CONDUCT THEIR OWN TEST, BEFORE USING ANY PRODUCT READ ITS LABEL. PRODUCT NAME - .-..' 690 SEALER by the Makers of DURA SEAL SECTION IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA FLASHPOINT 84oF EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Carbon Dioxide, IFLAMMABLE LIMITS LEL 0.9 Dry Chemical and Alcohol Foam. UEL 11.2 AUTOIGNITION TEMPERATURE 450 SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES Use self-contained, breathing apparatus with a full face piece operated in pressure demand or other positive pressure mode. Water is not normally an effective extinguishing.agent. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS " When burning, this product gives off toxic by-p_-~ucts (such as Carbon Fbnoxide), therefore, t.ho brea~d.ng of _-~m~s, srr~k~ ~nd g/~ses :given off d~r~g burning SECTION V- HEALTH HAZARD DATA THRE.~HOLD LIMIT VALUE SEE PAGE 5 . ' EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE - ROUTES OF EXPOSURE ~.. - ;.. *: Can cause_gastrointestinal _irritation; nausea, 'vcmiting and diarrhea. Aspiriation of liquid into the lungs can cause. · .che~ .' cal. pne .u~on~.tis _which can be fatal. May produce .obstruction in cL~gesr_lve r_racr_.. ........ .............. Can cause defatting and drying of 'the skin which may result in skin irritation and dermatitis. Can.'cause''se~re irritation;' redness, tearing or blurred'Vision. ..... can cause nasal-and-respiratory 'irritation, dizziness, weakness fatigue, nausea, headache, nervous irritability, possible unconsciousness and asphyxiation. Can lead to central nervous · . '- - .- . _sy. st~m depression.. ..... Carcigongen ..Re?ort: .... _NT~,...human suSpect; .NcI, animal *positive. '.--. ~-~:-.:-.-:_..~ ..... EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID-PROCEDURES If swallowed: Do not induce vomiting. CALL PHYSICIAN IMMEDIATELY. Keep ...................... patientlwarm and.quiet; :./.Aspiration_of material'into lungs due ........................... to_vomiting can .cause chemical pneumonitis which can be fatal. · For. skin contact:' In case of eye contact: If affected by inhalation: Was~.thoroughly-with soap_ and plenty of. water. If'irritation persists get medical attention. Flush withplenty of water. Remove to fresh air. Maintain respiration as necessary and. CALL PHYSICIAN. ~I.~RI.~L S.~FETY DATA S'n~ET IPRODUCTNAME ' 690 SEALER by the Makers' of DURA SEAL SECTION Vi - REACTIVITY DATA T~BILI'D' UNSTABLE STABLE INCOMPATABILITY(MateHaistoavold) Strong Oxidizing Agents, Alcohols and Amines CONDITIONS TO AVOID Moisture and Heat HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS Incomplete combustion produces carbon monOxide, carbon dioxide and unidentified organic compounds. '". HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION MAY OCCUR I I CONDFFIONS TO AVOID WILL NOT OCCUR X NONE SECTION Vii- SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE CLASSIFICATION Ignitable NUMBER D 001 CERCLA (SUPER FUND) REPORTABLE QUANTFFY (RQ#) .............. ._. 5000# <.~TEPS TO BE TAKEN IN .CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED Remove ignition sources from spill area. Utilize sand, rags, paper, vel~liculite, floor absorbent, or other absorbent material and place in leak-pr°°f drums for disposal ........ ' WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD In accordance with local, state and federal regulations. Incineration is preferred or by burying in an approved landfill. K..~EP OUT OF SURFACE WATERS AND ANY WATER .~ COURSES OR SE~LRS ENTERING OR r.~ADING TO'SURFACE WATERS. SECTION ViII - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION . . If adequate ventilation cannot be maintained', use resp'iratory protection (NIOSH/ MSHATC 23C or equivalent). VENTILATION Provide a'const~nt flow of fresh air to m~et TLr reqUirements. Open windo~ and doors or use other.means to permit fresh air 'entry during application and drying. PRO~ECTIVE GLOVES Use rubber, neoprene or vitron gloves. EYE PROTECTION Safety glasses or chemical goggles or a face shield. OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Have eye bath and safety shower nearby during use. PRODUCTNAME 690 SEALER by 'the Makers of DURA SEAL " SECTION IX - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORING Dq~not use or store near heat, sparks, open .7 Close container after each use. Store only and plenty of water before eating, drinking, flame or other sources of ignition. in original container. Wash with soap smoking or using toilet facilities. OTHER PRECAUTIONS - - - Avoid inhalation and use only with adequate ventilation. If ~mployee experiences eye watering, headaches or dizziness, increase fresh air and leave area. Remove contaminated clothing immediately and launder before reuse. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN N.F.P.A. HAZARD RATING DEFINITIONS Minwax Company Inc. has provided hazard ratings solely as a' convenience to its customers. However. since hazard ratings require subjective determinations. Minwax Company Inc. shall have no legal responsibility for the accuracy or significance of hazard ratings assigned or the use or reliance thereon. HEALTH HAZARD RATING CHART 0 INSIGNIFICANT I SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME INSIGNIFICANT SLIGHT MODERATE HIGH no significant risk to health irritation or minor reversible iniury possible. temporary or minor iniury may occur. major injury likely unless prompt action is taken and medical treatment is given. life threatening' major or permanent damage may result from single or repeated exposures. FLAMMABILITY HAZARD RATING CHART 4 EXTREME materials which are normally stable and will not burn unless heated. materials that must be preheated before ignition will occur. Flammable liquids in this category will have flash points (the lowest temperature at which ignition will occur) at or ab_oy~.~.00_i'F__(.N. F_p_A._C.!~ass 11_1_B_)._ ..... materials which must be moderately heated before ignition will occur, including flammable liquids with flash points at or above IO0°F and below 200"F. (NFPA Class II and Class IliA). materials capable of ignition under almost all normal temperature conditions, including flammable liquids with flash points below 73"F and boiling points above 100"F as well with flash points between 73"F and 100"F (NFPA Classes lB and 1C). very flammable gases or very-voi~tile flammable liquids with flash points below 73"F and boiling points below 100°F (NFPA Class lA). REACTIVITY HAZARD RATING CHART 0 INSIGNIFICANT I SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME materials which are normally stable, even under fire conditions, and which will not react with water. materials which are normally stable, but can become unstable at high temperatures and pressures. These materials may react with water, but will not release energy violently. materials which in themselves are normally stable and will readily undergo violent chemical change, but will not detonate. These materials may also react violenlly with water, materials which are capable of detonation or explosive reaction, but require a strong imtiatmg source, or must be heated under confinement before im.ation, or materials whmh react explosively with water these materials are readily capable of detonahon or explosive decomposition at normal temperatures and pressures, i ~o~ODUCT NAME 690 SEAT,ER by the Makers of DURA SEAL SECTION V - HEALTH HAZARD DATA (continued) LIMIT VALUE Mineral Spirits (Stoddard Solvent) OSHA TLV/~A 500 PPM ACGIH TLV/TWA 100 PPM ACGIH TLV/STEL 150 PPM Propylene Glycol Methyl Ether Acetate Not Established n-Butyl Acetate OSHA TLV/~A 100 PPM ACGIH TLV/Skin 50 PPM Celing Value TDI OSHA TLV/~A 0.02 PPM .... ACGIH TLV/STEL 20 PPB IDLH 10 .PPB :ONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS DIVISION tOD CHESTNUT RIDGE PLAZA * MONTVALE · NEW JERSEY 07645 'SEE .ATA"D RATING DEFINITIONS PAGE E Or PREP 1 7/28/86 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET IEMERGENCY PHONE NO DAY. (201) 391-0253 NIGHT, I201) 573-5700 SECTION I - IDENTIFICATION 'RODUCT NAME -AQUA ~T~C}t CJ~TAGYST by the ~kers of DURA SEAL 'RODUCT CLASS Cross] inker Additive ;ODE NUMBER 13-00656-603 No. NA 1263 DOT HAZARD CLASS (4gCFR 172.101) Combustible Liquid PROPER SHIPPING NAME ~4gCFR 172.101) Paint Related Material SECTION II -. INGREDIENTS PAINTS, PRESERVATIVES, SOLVENTS OR OTHER LIQUIDS, SOLIDS AND GASES % TLV (Units) 'IGMENTS 53.8 l',bt \TALYST Polyftulctional Aziridine CAS ~ Not Available OLVENTS 2-Propoxyethanol CAS #2807-30-9 46.2 Nat f~bHsf~d DDITIVES THERS ~PEARANCE Tan Clear Liquid Smart ChemJ_cal Odor ')LUBILITY IN WATER VAPOR PRESSURE Cc~ ] ~_t~ (mm Hg.) ~ILING POINT (oF) EVAPORATION RATE 301°F SECTION III - PHYSICAL DATA JVAPOR DENSITY: HEAVIER/LI~]HTER THAN AIR (Air = 1) PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME (%) 1.3 r~. Not .Establi~d WEIGHT PER GALLON (But~lA~etate = 1) SloWer. than Ethe~ 8.2~5~ ~his Information is furnished without warranty, representation, or license of any kind, except that it is accurate lo the ,est of Minwax Company Incorporated's knowledge or obtained from sources believed by the Minwax Company to be accurate. The Minwax Company Inc. shall have no legal responsibility for uae or reliance upon any Information provided herewith. CUSTOMERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO CONDUCT THEIR OWN TEST. BEFORE USING ANY PRODUCT READ ITS LABEL. 3E I o1 4 OW 10:3 PRoJ~UCT NAME FLASHPOINT 120°F · EFH'INGUISHING MEDIA MCERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET._ AQUA TE~tt CATALYST by the Makers of DURA SEAL SECTION IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA I FLAMMABLE LIMITS LEL . 1.26 UEL Not Known AUTOIQNITION TEMPERATURE 4s5o . Carbon' Dioxide or Dry Ch~,dcal for small' fires. Use foam or water fog. for large fires. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES _ Use self-contained breathing apparatus wit[] a full face piece operated in pressure demand or other positive pressure mode. Water is not normally an effective extinguishing agent. Water may be used to cool closed containers, to prevent pressure build-up. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS When burning, this product gives off toxic by-products (such as Carbon Dioxide), therefore, tile breathJ.nq of fumes, smoke and gasses given off during burning should ix: avoided. SECTION V - HEALTH HAZARD DATA THRESHOLD LIMIT VALUE Polyfunctional Aziridine - Not Established 2-Propoxyethanol - Not Established EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE - ROUTES OF EXPOSURE EYE CONTACT: Corrosive to eyes, primary eye irritant, causes eye burns. SKIN CONTACT: Mild irritation of unabraded skin. Severe irritation of abraded skin Repeated or prolonged contact may cause sensitization. May be harmful if absorbed through the skin. LNGESTION: Harmful j.f swallowed. LD50 approximately 3038 rog/kg.' INHALATION: Breathing of vapors will be irritating and will not be tolerated for long in halqnful amounts. Breathing mists may cause lung damage and/or allergic reaction. Sensitizer for allergic persons. M[fl'AGENiC Using tile reverse mutation technique described by Ames, a dose- ACTIVITY: related increased reversion frequency over the spontaneous rate was obtained, and a value of 0.18 re~rtants per microgram w~s calCulated. CARCINOGENICITY: No components are listed as carcinogeus by NTP, IACC c~C~.However, because of the positive mutagenic test and carcinogenic affects of lo%~r molecular weight aziradine ccm~pounds, this product should be h~u~dled with due care. EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES FOR EYE CONTACT: If present, remove contact lens, FOR SKIN CONTACT: INGESTION: INHALATION: flush with plenty of water for at least'15 minutes. CALL PHYSICIAN. Wash thoroughly with soap and plenty of water. Get medical attention. Do not induce vc~niting. CALL PHYSICIAN IP~4EDIATELY. Remove to fresh air. Give oxygen if breathing is difficult. Consult a physician. PAGE 2 of 4 Ow ~o~ {,'~ D U CT NAME MATeriAL SAFETY DATA S"I~T AQUA TECH CATALYST b~, the Makers of DURA SEAL SECTION VI - REACTIVITY DATA LITY UNSTABLE STABLE CONDITIONS TO AVOID NONE JOMPATABILITY (Mateflals to avoid) Acidic T~]aterials, strong mineral acids, anhydride:~ and strong oxidizers. ~.ARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS Burning Can produce Carbon Monoxide and/or Carbon Dioxid~ plus oxides of n i t rogen. ~ZARDOUS }LYMERIZATION MAYOCCUR I XX. ICONDITIONS TO AVOID Conta~nation with acidic materials. WILL NOT OCCUR SE~CTION VII - SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES :RA HAZARDOUS WASTE CLASSIFICATION NONE NUMBER NONE £RCLA (SUPER FUND) REPORTABLE QUANTITY (RQ#) NONE EPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILl FO Remove with inert absorbent material, then flush with water. Provide adequate ventilation. ~STE DISPOSAL METHOD Dispose in accordance with Local, State and Federal regulations. is preferred in approved facilities. Incineration Do not incinerate closed containers. SECTION VIII - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION SPIRATORY PROTECTION In restricted veptilation areas use MSHA approved chemical-mechanical filters designed to remove gas and vapor. Use a full face or half-mask air purifying respirator with organic vapor cartridge to prevent over exposure. NTILATION Provide a constant flow of fresh air to s~et TLV requirements. Open windows and doors or use other means to permit fresh air entry during application and drying. EYE PROTECTION Chemical Safety Goggles. ,OTECTIVE GLOVES Chemical Resistant Glove rHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Have eye bath nearby during use. MATF. IAL SAFETY DATA SHEET PR'ODUCT*~IAME ~ -,..- AQUA TECH CATALYST by the Makers of DURA SEAL SECTION IX - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKENIN HANDLING AND STORING Do not use or store near heat, sparks, open flan~ or other sources of ignition. .~ ~ Close container after each use. Store only in original container. Wash with soap and plenty of water before eating, drinking, smoking or using toilet facilities. Store in cool, dark, dry place. Do not puncture containers or expose product to moisture. OTHER PRECAUTIONS Avoid inhalation and use only with adequate ventilation. If employee experiences eye watering, headaches or dizziness, increase fresh air and leave area. Remove contaminated clothing inm~diately and launder before reuse. FOR INDUSTRIAL USE ONLY. Do not take internally. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN N.F.P.A. HAZARD RATING DEFINITIONS Minwax 'Company Inc has provided hazard ratings solely as a convenience to ils customers However. since hazard rabngs require subieclive delerminations. Minwax Company In(: shall have no legal responsibility for the accuracy or significance of hazard ralings assigned or the use or reliance lhereon HEALTH HAZARD RATING CHART 0 INSIGNIFICANT 1 SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME nO slgnihcant risk tO health irritation or minor reversible inlury possible temporary or minor injury may occur major miury likely unless prompt action ~s taken and medical trealment is given hie threatening male, or permanent damage may result from single or repeated exposures FLAMMABILITY HAZARD RATING CHART 0 INSIGNIFICANT I SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME maler~als which are normally stable and will not burn unless heated .* materials that must be preheated betore ignilion will occur. Flammable liqu,ds in this calegory will have flash points (lhe lowest lemperature al which ignition will occur) al or above 200 'F (NFPA Class 1118) mater,als which must be moderately healed before ignibon will occur, including flammable liquids with flash po,his at or above IO0"F and below 200 'E (NFPA Class II and Class IliA). materials capable of ignition under almost all normal temperature condilions, including flammable liquids wilh flash poinls below 73"F and boiling points above 100'F as well wilh flash points between 73 F ar,d IO0'F (NFPA Classes 18 a~ud lC,,) very Ilammable gases or very volatile flammable hqu,ds w,th flash poirlls below 73 F and boihng polnls below IO0'F (NFPA Class lA) REACTIVITY HAZARD RATING CHART INSIGNIFICANT SLIGHT MODERATE HIGH EXTREME maler~als which are normally stable, even under lire condillons, and which will riel reacI w~lh water materials which are normally stable, bul can become unslable al high temperatures and pressures. These malerials may reacl with water, but will riel release energy violenlly malerials which m themselves are normally stable and will readily undergo violent chemical cha~ge, but will not detonale. These malerials may also reacl violently 'wilh water. materials which are capable el delonabon or explosive reaction, but require a strong inilialing source, or must be heated under conhnemenl belore ~mtiation. or materials which react explosively with water. Ihese malerials are readily capable of detonalion or explosive decomposition al normal temperatures and pressures ~,GE 4 of 4 CW 073 i ~.ONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS DIVISION CHESTNUT RIDGE PLAZA · MONTVALE · NEW JERSEY 07645 DATE OF PREP 7/25/86 HAZARD RATING 4=, EXTREME 3= HIGH 2 = MODERATE 1 = SLIGHT O= INSIGNIFICANT · =;:CHRONIC, HEALTH HAZARD--SEE SECTION MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET JEMERGENCY PHONE NO. DAY: (201) 391-0253 NIGHT: (201) 573-5700 SECTION I - IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME GYP~L~L~ S~AL~R by the M~kers of DUP~ SEAL PRODUCT. CLASS Polyurethane Floor Finish CODE NUMBER [3-00320-[00 UN No. UN 1263 DOT HAZARD CLASS (49CFR 172.101) Cc~bustibie Liquid PROPER SHIPPING NAME (49CFR 172.101) Paint, Stain or Varnish SECTION II - INGREDIENTS PAINTS, PRESERVATIVES, SOLVENTS OR OTHER LIQUIDS, SO.LIDS AND GASES ...... VEHICLE SOLVENTS ADDITIVES Mineral Spirits (Stoddard Solvent) CAS #8052,41-3 OTHERS 33 67 ... TLV'(Units) 500 PPM SECTION Iil - PHYSICAL DATA APPEARANCE Light kmber Liquid · ' Mild Hy&rocarbon Odor SOLUBILITY IN WATER VAPOR PRESSURE NIL (mm Hg.) '-' BOILING POINT (OF) EVAPORATION RATE 313°F ~utyl Ace~te = 1) IVAPOR DENSITY: HEAVIER/LIGHTER THAN AIR (Air = 1) .... 4.8 0.09 PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME (%) 69.7% WEIGHT PER GALLON 7.0~ information is furnished without warranty, representation, or license of any kind, except that it is accurate to the of Minwax Company Incorporated's knowledge or obtained from sources believed by the Minwax Company Inc. to be accurate. The Minwax Company Inc. shall have no legal responsibility for use or reliance upon any information provided herewith. CUSTOMERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO CONDUCT THEIR OWN TEST, BEFORE USING ANY PRODUCT READ ITS LABEL. PAGE 1 of 4 C~; 105 ,,, '-'~ · MATJ~iIIAL SAFETY DATA SHE~ PRODUCT NAME Giqq**"Iq~AN~E SFAI,F~ by the ~kers of DURA SF~L SECTION IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA FLASHPOINT - 105°F EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Carbon Dioxide, FLAMMABLE LIMITS LEL ' 0.9 UEL 6 . 0 AUTOIGNITION TEMPERATURE 45o~ ....... Dry Chemical, Alcohol Foam and Water Fog. SPECIALFIREFIGHTING PROCEDURES Use self-contained breathing apparatus with a full face piece operated .in pressu~.e demand or other positive pressure mode. Water is not normally an effective extinguishing agent. UNUSUALFIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS When burning, this product gives off toxic by-products (such as Carbon Monoxide), therefore, the breathing of fumes, smoke and gasses given off during burning should be avoided. ' ............. SECTION V - HEALTH HAZARD DATA ITHRESHOLD LIMIT VALUE ( OSHA TLV/TW~ 500 PPM Mineral Spirits (Stoddard Solvent)5 ACGIH TLV/~A 100 PPM ........................... ACGIHTLV/STEL 150 PPM EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE-ROUTES OF EXPOSURE INGESTION: Can cause gastrointestinal irritation, SK~ CONTACT: EYE CONTACT: 'INHALATION: No carcinogen report. nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Aspiriation of liquid into the lungs can cause chemical pneumonitis which can be fatal. '' Can cause defatting and drying of the skin which may result in skin irritation and dermatitis. Can cause severe irritation, redness,"tearing or blurred vision: Can cause nasal and respiratory irritation, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, nausea,, headache, nervous irritability, possible unconsciousness and asphyxiation. Can lead to central nervous system depressi0%~ EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID*PROCEDURES If swallowed: Do not induce vomiting. For skin contact: In case of eye contact: If affected by inhalation: CALL PHYSICIAN IS~EDIATELY. Keep patient warm and quiet. Aspiration of material into lungs due · to vomiting can cause chemical pneumonitis whichcan be fatal. Wash t~horoughly with soap and plenty of water. If irritation persists get medical attention. Flush with plenty of water. Remove to fresh air. ,Maintain respiration as necessary and CALL PHYSICIAN. MAI ;RIAL SAFETY DATA PRODUCT NAMEGy~..~ · -. SEALVR by the Makers of DURA S~RL "' SECTION VI - REACTIVITY DATA ~1'ABILITY UNSTABLE CONDITIONS TO AVOID STABLE NONE INCOMPATABILITY (Materials to avoid) Strong Oxidizing Agents HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS Inc~r~lete combustion produces carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and unidentified organic con~o~ unds. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION MAY OCCUR [ I CONDmONS TO AVOID WILL NOT OCCUR ,X NONE SECTION VII - SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE CLASSIFICATION ..... NUMBER ' - Ignitable D 001 CERCLA (SUPER FUND) REPORTABLE QUANTITY (RO#) NONE STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CA~E MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED lProvide adequate ventilation. Remove ignition sources from spill area. Utilize sand, Wrags, oaper, vermiculite, floor absorbent, or or, her absorbent material and place in leak-proof drums for dis~oosal. Use protective equ. ipment per Section VIII. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD In accordance with local, state and federal regulations. Incineration is preferred or by burying in an approved landfill. ~ OUT OF SURFACE W~TERS AND ANY ~AT~R COURSES OR S~v~RS ENTERING OR T.FJ%DING TO SURFACE WATERS.- · SECTION ViII - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION ........... . .: ............. :--: ........ If adequate ventilation cannot be maintained, use respiratory protection (NIOSH/ MSHA TC 23C or equ~ ivalent). Use a full face or half-mask air purifying respirator witch organic vapor cartridge to prevent overexposure. VENTILATION · Provide a constant flow of fresh air to meet TLV requirements. Open windows 'and doors or Use or,her means to permit fresh air en~-y during application and drying. PROTECTIVE GLOVES · - EYE PROTECTION .... ~e _rubber, neoprene or vitron gloves. Safety glasses or chemical goggles or a ~'~ face shield. I OTHER PROTEOTIV~E~E~Q UIPMENT The sele~cted i~ems such as aprons, boots, ~rm guards or full-body suit will depend on omera~ion. Have eye batJn and safety shower nearby durin~ use. . PAGE 3 of 4 PRODUCT NAM~,~ SF_,AT;RR by the Hc-~ers of D[,~ SE,z~ SECTION IX - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKENIN HANDLING AND STORING ~5~ot use or store near heat, sparks, open flame or other sources of ignition. Close container after each use. Store only in original container. Wash with soap and plenty of water before eating, drinking, smoking or using toilet facilities. OTHER PRECAUTIONS Avoid inhalation and use only with adequate ventilation. If employee experiences eye watering, headaches or dizziness, increase fresh air and leave area. Remove contaminated clothing immediately ~nd launder before reuse. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN N.F;P.A. HAZARD RATING DEFINITIONS Minwax Company Inc..has provided hazard ratings solely as a convenience to its customers. However, since hazard ratings require subjective determinations, Minwax Company Inc. shall have no legal responsibility for the accuracy or significance of hazard ratings assigned or the use or reliance thereon. HEALTH HAZARD RATING CHART 0 INSIGNIFICANT I SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME no significant risk to health irritation or minor reversible i~jury possible. temporary or minor injury may occur. major injury like!y unless prompt action is taken and medical treatment ~s given. life threatening major or permanent damage may result from single or repeated exposures. -:--: '.: - -~., - FLAMMABILITY HAZARD RATING CHART .- ' ........... ' '- 0 INSIGNIFICANT I SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME materials which are normally stable and will not burn unless heated. materials that must be preheated before ignition will occur, Flammable liquids in this category will have flash points (the lowest temperatureat which ignition will occur) at or above 200'F (NFPA Class 111 materials which must be moderately heated before ignition will occur, including flammable liquids with flash points at or above 100°F and below 200"F. (NFPA Class II and Class IliA). materials capable ol ignition under almost all normal temperature conditions, including flammable liquids with flash points below 73"F and boiling points above 100"F as well with flash points between 73"F and 100"F (NFPA Classes lB and 1C). very flammable gases or very volatile flammable liquids with flash points below 73"F and boiling points below 100"F (NFPA Class lA), - ................. REACTIVITY HAZARD RATING CHART ........ =" . . 0 INSIGNIFICANT 1 SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH . 4 EXTREME materials which are normally stable, even under fire conditions, and which will not react with water· materials which are normally stable, but can become unstable at high temperatures and pressures. These materials may react with water, but will not release energy violently. malerials which in themselves are normally stable and will readily undergo violent chemical change, but will not detonate. These materials may also react violently with water. materials which are capable of detonation or explosive reaction, but require a strong initiating source, or must be heated under confinement before imhation, or materials which react explosively with waler. these materials are readily capable of detonation or explosive decomposition at normal temperatures ' and pressures. PAGE 4 nf 4 r.-.- n~ ( ~ONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS DIVISION I02.CHESTNUT RIDGE PLAZA · MONTVALE - NEW JERSEY 07645 DATE OF PREP. 7/25/86 RECEIVED AU$ AZARD RATING DEFINITIONS PAGE 4 HAZARD RATING F,re 4~= EXTREME -"~~ 2 = MODERATE O=IN~IGNIFICAN~ * ~CHRONIC HEA~TH H~ARO--SEE SECTION V IMATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET IEMERGENCY PHONE NO. DAY: (201) 391-0253 NIGHT: (201) 573-5700 SECTION I - IDENTIFICATION PRODUCTNAME P~qTE %%~X #200 Natural by the M~kers of DURA SEAL PRODUCT CLASS Floor Wax CODE NUMBER 13-04200-006 No. UN 1263 DOT HAZARD CLASS (49CFR 172,101) PROPER SHIPPING NAME (49CFR 172.101) Ccmbustible Liquid- Paint, Stain or Varnish · SECTION II - INGREDIENTS PAINTS, PRESERVATIVES, SOLVENTS OR OTHER LIQUIDS, SO.LIDS AND GASES ............ PIGMENTS iTALYST' VEHICLE SOLVENTS Mineral Spirits (st°ddard Solvent) CAS #8052-41-3 ADDITIVES OTHERS Various Wa~es ..... :-' ..... 7' -. - '.:........ ~-% ...... .---- TLV (Units) ..... 72 500 PPM 28 SECTION III - PHYSICAL DATA' APPEARANCE Tan v Semi Solid t/~ld Hydrocarbon Odor IVAPOR DENSITY: HEAVIER/LIGHTER THAN AIR (Air: 1) ..... 4.8 SOLUBILITY IN WATER NIL VAPOR PRESSURE (mm Hg.) ~ PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME (%) 69.4% SOILING POINT (°F) EVAPORATION RATE WEIGHT PER GALLON 313°F (autyl ACetate = 1) 0.09 .. ishiSinformation is furnished without license of kind, except that it is accurate to the w~a, rranty0 representation, or any est of Minwax Company Incorporated s knowledge or obtained from sources believed by the Minwax Company' c. to be accurate. The Minwax COmpany Inc. shall have ne legal responsibility for use or reliance upon any formation provided herewith. CUSTOMERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO CONDUCT THEIR OWN TEST, BEFORE lNG ANY PRODUCT READ ITS LABEL. . ' - PAGE I of 4 C~,q 105 :~'~ MAT=RIAL SAFETY DATA SH-""'T ~, PRODUCT NAME v PASTE WAX #200 Natural by 'the Makers of DURA SEAL .... SECTION IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA · 105°F EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Carbon Digxide, Dry Ch.emical, iFLAMMABLE LIMITS ' LEL 0.9 ' UEL 6.0 AUTOIGNITION TEMPERATURE 450°F Alcohol Foam and Water Fog. iSPECIALFIREFIGHTING PROCEDURES Use self-contained breathing apparatus with a full face piece operated in pressure demand or other positive pressure mode. Water is not normally an effective .... extinguishing agent ..... UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS When burning, this productgives off toxic by-products (such as Carbon Monoxide), therefore, the breathing of fumes, smoke and gasses given off during burning should be avoided. ' .' ":'" SECTION V- HEALTH HAZARD DATA -. THRESHOLD LIMITVALUE ( OSHA TLV/TW~ 500 PPM *'- "* Mineral Spirits (Stodd~rd Solvent)~ AOGIH TLV/~A .100 PPM .... - .... ' ................... · ACGIHTLV/STEL 150 PPM EFFECTS OFOVEREXPOSURE-ROUTES OFEXPOSURE INGESTION: SKI~ CONTACT: EYE CONTACT: INHALATION: No carcinogen repOrt. Can cause gastr6int~inal irritation, nausea, vomiting and~ diarrhea. Aspiriation of liquid into the lungs can cause chemical pneum~nitis which can be-f~tal~ ............ ."' "-- ' ......... · Can cause defatt.ing and drying of the skin which may result in skin irritation and dermatitis. Can cause severe irritation, redness, tearing 'or blurred vision; C~n cause nasal and respiratory irritation, dizziness, weakness fatigue, nausea, headache, nervous irritability, possible unconSCiousness and asphyxiation. Can lead to central nervous system depression. :: ........ : .... . ' ..:..,:~~- EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID-PROCEDURES If swallowed: Do not induce vomiting. For skin contact: In case of eye contact: If affected by inhalation: CALL PHYSICIAN I~MEDIATELY. Keep patient'warm and quiet. Aspiration of material into lungs due to vomiting can cause chemical pneumonitis which can'be-fatal. Wash tJnoroughlywith soap and plenty· of water. If irritation persists get medical attention. Flush withplenty of water. Remove to fresh air. M~intain respiration as necessary and CALL PHYSICIAN. , ..,.,? NIAT.~RIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET pRoDucT N.AMEpA~,r.b; WAX ~200 ~tural by the M~kers of DURA SECTION Vi - REACTIVITY DATA UNSTABLE CONDITIONS TO AVOID ITABILITY STABLE X NONE INCOMPATABILITY (Materials to avoid) Strong Oxid&zing .Agents HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS Incomplete combustion produces carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and unidentified organic compounds. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION MAY OCCUR I I CONDITIONS TO AVOID WILL NOT OCCUR X ' NONE - SECTION VII - SPILL OR LE~K PROCEDURES RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE CLASSIFI~,ATION . _ NUMBER .......... ' Ignitable D 00l CERCLA (SUPER FUND) REPORTABLE QUAN'ITTY (RO#) NONE '" - ' .... : ...... STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR ~PII ! ~n Provide adequate ventilation. Remove ignition sources-frc~ spill area. Utilize sand, rags, paper, vermiculite, floor absorbent, or or. her absorbent material and place in' leak-proof drums for dis~osal. Use protective equ. ipment .Der Section VIII. In accordance with local, state and federal regulations. Incineration is preferred or by burying in an approved landfill. KEF~ O~T OF SURFACE WATERS AND ANY WATER SECTION VIII - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION - ' ' ". If adequate ventilation cannot 'be maintained, use respiratory protection (NIOSH/ MSHA TC 23C Or equ~ ivalent). Use a full face or half-mask air purifying respirator witch organic vapor cartridge to prevent overexposure. VENTILATION · · Provide a constant flow of fresh air to meet TLV requirements. Open windows and doors or use ot~her means to permit fresh air entry during application and cloying. PROTECTIVE GLOVES EYE PROTECTION Use rubber, neoprene or vitron gloves. Safety glasses or chemical goggles or a O face shield. THER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT . The sel_e~ted items such as aprons, boots, ~rmguards or full-body suit will depend on opera~ion. Have eye bath and safety shower nearby durin$ use. PAGE 3 of 4 ~'I102 MATCh--'AL SAFETY DATA SH;-"' ""ODOCT NAM%ASTE WAX #200 Natural by the Makers of DURA SEAL. SECTION IX - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS ...... 3NS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORING DO not use or store near heat, sparks, open flame or other sources of ignition. Close container after each use. Store only in original container. Wash with soap and plenty of water before eating, drinking, smoking or using toilet facilities. OTHER PRECAUTIONS Avoid inhalation and use only with adequate ventilation. If employee experiences eye watering, headaches or dizziness, increase fresh air and leave area. Remove contaminated clothing inmediately and launder before reuse. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN ...... N.F.P.A. HAZARD RATING DEFINITIONS ' Minwax Company inc..has provided hazard ratings solely as a convenience to its customers:HoweVer, since hazard ratings require subjective determinations. Minwax Company Inc. shall have no legal responsibility for the accuracy or siggificance o! hazard ratings assigned or the use or reliance thereon. HEALTH HAZARD RATING CHART no significant risk to health irritation or minor reversible injury possible. :' -- : '.-.'. :-- .-'---:..-'--::.-: -:'-:-: :: temporary or minor injury may occur, . .- ' ... '- major injury likely unless prompt action is taken and medical treatment is given, - .... life threateniqg major Or Perm~h~n'l damage may result from §ingle or repeated exposures:' ~f-~--:-.;T~: 0 INSIGNIFICANT I SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME 0 INSIGNIFICANT I SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME 0 INSIGNIFICANT I SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH .4 . ..EXTREME FLAMMABILITY HAZARD RATING CHART ': ...... :': ...... v' :.: ................................... materials which are normally stable and will not burn unless heated. materials that must be preheated before ignition will occur. Flammable liquids in this category will have flash points (the lowest temperature at which ignition will occur) at or above 200".F (NFPA Class 1118). materials which must be moderately heated before ignition will occur, including Ilammable liquids with '. flash points at or above 100°F and below 200"F. (NFPA Class II and Class IliA). materials capable of ignition under almost all normal temperature conditions, including flammable liquids with flash points below 73"F and boiling points above 100"F as well with flash points between 73"F and. t00"F (NFPA Classes lB and 1C). very flammable gases or very volatile flammable liquids with flash points below 73"F and boiling points below 100°F (NFPA Class lA) REACTIVITY HAZARD RATING CHART materials which are normally stable, even under lire conditions, and which will not react with water. materials which, are normally stable, but can become unstable at high temperatures and pressures, These materials may react with water, but will not release energy violently· materials which in Ihemselves are normally stable and will readily undergo violent chemical change, but will not detonate. These materials may also react violently with water. materials which are capable of detonation or explosive reaction, bul require a strong initiating source, or must be heated under confinement before initiation, or materials which react explosively with water. // these materials are readily capable of detonation or explosive decomposition at normal temperatures ' " and pressures. Minwax Company,' Inc. (t~11102 Chestnut Ridge Plaza ~vlontvale, New Jersey 07645 DATE OF PREP: 6/30/86 PRODUCTNAME PRODUCTCLASS RATING DEFINITIONS PAGE 4 ' I HAZARD RATING F~re /~ ' .' 4 EXTREME --.,,,~ ~x' ';~. Reacl,v,lv · 3 HiGH T ..... ,v ~' '~V,I ".~..,~.~.,/ ~ ' 2 MOOERATE ~~ i I : SLIGHT '~ S~al 0 INSIGNIFICANT * - CHRONIC HEALTH H~RD--SEE SECTION V CODE NUMBER I EMERGE.CY PHO,E NO. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET ~O^Y: ~20,39,-02~3 ~ NIGHT: (201) 573-5700 SECTION i - IDENTIFICATION DURA SEAL NATURAL #200 Penetrating Wood Finish 13-00200-100 UN No. UN 1263 DOT HAZARD CLASS (49CFR 177-101) Combustible Liquid PROPER SHIPPING NAME (4gCFR 172.101) Paint', Stain or Varnish SECTION II- INGREDIENTS PAINTS, PRESERVATIVES, & SOLVENTS PIGMENTS VEHICLE SOLVENTS M~neral Spirits (Stodard Solvent) CAS #8052-41-3 ADDITIVES OTHERS MIXTURES OF OTHER LIQUIDS, SOLIDS, OR GASES 39.0 60.0 1.*0 TLC (Units) 500 PPM TLC (Units) SECTION III - PHYSICAL DATA APPEARANCE Mil_ky Liquid; MAld Hv~oc&rbon Odor SOLUBILITY IN WATER I ~ [:)~--~'~ ..... N~,[ (m~g) 5 m~ BOILING POINT (°F 13OF (B~tyl A3~t~ce=l) 0.09 VAPOR DENSITY: HEAVIER/LIGHTER THAN AIR (Air = 1) 4.8 PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME (%) .... 6'~ :"1%' ' WEIGHT PER GALLON. 7.22# '41~l'his information is furnished without warranty, representation, or iicense of any kind, except that it is accurate to the ~FJest of Minwax Company Incorporated's knowledge or obtained from sources believed by the Minwax Company Inc.-to be accurate. The Minwax Company Inc. shall have no legal responsiblity for use or reliance upon any information provided herewith. CUSTOMERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO CONDUCT THEIR OWN TEST, BEFORE IUSING ANY PRODUCT READ ITS LABEL. ' PAGE I of 4 ~V~ 095 MAT~'~iAI. SAFETY DATA DURA SEAL Natural #200 · . SECTION IV'- FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA FL~SHPOINT I FLAMMABLE LIMITS 105°F LEL 0.9 ' EXTINGUISHING MEDIA UEL 6.0 AUTOIGNITION TEMPERATURE 450~ Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical, Alcohol Foam and Water .Fog. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES Use .self-contained breathing apparatus with a full face piece operated in pressure demand or other positive pressure mode. Water is not normally an. effective - extinguishing agent. ' ' UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS When burning, this product gives off toxic by-products (such as Carbon Monoxide), therefore, the breathing of fumms, smoke and gasses given off during burning should be avoided ' SECTION V - HEALTH, HAZARD DATA THRESHOLD LIMIT VALUE ( osHA TLV/Th~A 500 PPM ' Mineral Spirits~ : : (Stoddard Solvent)' AGGIH TLV/T~A__t00 PPM · ' ................................. AOGIH TSV/STEL 150 PPM ' EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE - ROUTES OF EXPOSURE INGESTION: Can cause gastrointestinal i~ritati°n, nausea, .vomiting and diarrhea. AsPiriation of liquid into the lungs can cause chemical pneumonitis which can be-fatal.' ................ : ..... SKI~ CONTACT: Can cause defatting and drying of the-skin which may result in skin irritation 'and dermatitis. EYE CONTACT: 'INHALATION: Can cause severe irritation, redness,, tearing or blurred vision. Can caUse nasal and respiratory irritation, dizziness, weakness fatigue, nausea, headache, nervous irritability, possible unconsciousness and asphyxiation. Can lead to central nervous system depression. No carcinogen report. EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID *PROCEDURES If swallow~d: Do not induce vomiting. For skin contact: In case of eye contact: If affected-by inhalation: CALL PHYSICIAN I/~MSDIATELY._ Keep patient warm andquiet. Aspiration of material into lungs due to vc~iting can cause chemical pneumonitis which can be fatal. Wash thoroughly with.soap and plenty of water. If irritation persists get medical attention. Flush with plenty of water. Remove to fresh air. Maintain respiration as necessary and CALL PHYSICIAN. . ,~,RODUCT MAT=RIAL SA;ETY DATA SH~;T NAME '"-- ""' DURA SEAL Natural #200 SECTION Vi - REACTIVITY'DATA UNSTABLE STABLE X CONDITIONS TO AVOID NONE INCOMPATABILITY (Materials to avoid) Strong Oxidizing Agents HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS Incomplete combustion produces carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and unidentified organic compounds. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE CLASSIFICATION WILL NOT OCCUR X NONE · SECTION VII - SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES Ignitable ' NUMBER D 001 CERCLA (SUPER FUND) REPORTABLE QUANTITY (l:lC~lt) STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED Provide adequate ventilation. Remove ignition sources frcm spill area. Utilize sand, rags, paper, vermiculite, floor absorbent, or other absorbent material and place in leak-proof drums .for WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD " In accordance with local, state and federal regulations. Incineration~is Preferred or by.burying in an approved landfill. FRRP OUT OF SURFACE WATERS AND ANY ~U~TER COURS~ OR SEWERS ENTERING OR LEADING TO SURFACE WATERS SECTION VIII - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION ' .... :~ If adequ~ate ventilation cannot be maintained, use respiratory protection (NIOSH/ MSHATC 23C or equivalent). Use a full face or half-mask air purifying respirator with organic vapor cartridge to'prevent overexposure. VENTILATION Provide a constant flow of fresh air to meet TLV requirements. Open windows and doors or use other means to permit fresh air entry during application and drying. PRO_TECTIVE GLOVES Use rubber, neoprene or vitron gloves. EYE PROTECTION Safety glasses or chemical goggles or a face shield. PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Have eye bath and .safety shower nearby during use. PAGE 3 of 4 CW PRODUCTNAME MATEP__."'%L SAFETY DATA SHE_;'"'"... DURA SEAL Natural ~200 -. SECTION IX - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORING Do not use Or store nea_c heat, sparks, open flame or other sources of £gnition. Close container after each use. Store only in original container. Wash with soap and plenty of water before eating, drinking, smoking or using toilet facilities. OTHER PRECAUTIONS Avoid inhalation and use only with adequate ventilation. If employee experiences eye watering, headaches or dizziness, increase fresh air and leave area. Remove contaminated clothing iar~3diately ~nd launder before reuse. Have eye wash and. safety shower in area during use. : KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN N.F.P.A. HAZARD RATING DEFINITIONS Minwax Company Inc. has provided hazard ratings solely as a convenience to its customers. However. since hazard ratings require subjective determinations. Minwax Company Inc. shall have nO I.egal responsibility for .the accuracy or significance of hazard ratings assigned or the use or reliance thereon. .. HEALTH HAZARD RATING CHART INSIGNIFICANT no significant risk to health SLIGHT irritation or 'minor reversible injury possible. MODERATE temporary or minor injury may occur. ' HIGH , major injury likely unless prompt action is taken and medical treatment is given. EXTREME lite threateni~9 major or permanent damage may result from single or repealed exposures. .0 1 2 3 4 FLAMMABILITY HAZARD RATING CHART 0 INSIGNIFICANT I SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME materials which are normally stable and will not burn unless heated. materials that must be preheated before ignition will occUr. Flammable liquids in this category will have flash points (the lowest temperature at which ignition will occur) at or above 200"F (NFPA Class 1.11R). materials which must be moderately heated before ignition Will occur, including flammable liquids with flash points at or above 100°F and below 200"F. (NFPA Class II and Class IliA). materials capable of ignition under almost all normal temperature conditions, including flammable liquids with flash points below 73"F and boiling points above 100"F as well with Ilash points between 73"F and 100"F (NFPA Classes 18 and very flammable gases or very volatile flammable liquids with flash points below 73 'F and boiling points below 100°F (NFPA Class lA). REACTIVITY HAZARD RATING CHART ............................ 0 INSIGNIFICANT I SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME materials which are normally stable, even under fire conditions, and which will not react with. water. materials which are normally stable, but can become unstable at high temperatures and pressures. These materials may react with water, but will not release energy violently. materials which in themselves are normally stable and will readily undergo violent chemical change, but will not detonate. These materials may also react violently with water· materials which are capable of detonation or explosive reaction, but require a strong inihating source, or must be heated under confinement before initiation, or materials which react explosively with water. these materials are readily capable of detonation or explosive decompose'lion at normal temperatures and pressures. ;ONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS DIVISION 102 CHESTNUT RIDGE PLAZA · MONTVALE · NEW JERSEY 07645 SEE HAZARD RATING DEFINITIONS PAGE 4 HAZARD RATING · F~re ~ 4 : EXTREME -----~ _~ ~X/ ~. Reactivity 3- HIGH 2 : MODERATE Zoxm~tV I = SLIGHT V Spec~a~ 0: INS[GNIFICANT ·: CHRONIC HEAL?H HAZARD--SEE SECTION V DATE OF PREP: 6/30/86 I EME.GE.CY PHO,E MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET ~D,~: (2o1)391-o2~ ~ NIGHT: (201) 573-5700 SECTION I - IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME DURA S~AL Neutral #210 PRODUCT CLASS Penetrating ~k~d Finish CODE NUMBER 13-00210-100 [ UN No, I UN 1263 HAZARD CLASS (49CFR 172.101) Combustible Liquid DOT PROPERSHIPPINGNAME(49CFR172.101)Paint, Stain or Varnish SECTION II - INGREDIENTS PAINTS, PRESERVATIVES, & SOLVENTS ' % TLC (Units) VEHICLE 33.7 SOLVENTS Mineral Spirits (Stod~d Solvent) CAS #8052-41-3 65.3 500 PPM ADDITIVES .... .1.0 OTHERS MIXTURES OF OTHER LIQUIDS, SOLIDS, OR GASES % TLC (Units) · SECTION I!1 - PHYSICAL DATA -. APPEARANCE Clear Amber Liquid; ' [v~ld Hydrocarbon odor SOLUBILITY IN WATER Va[DOE' Pr~_ ~:~ NIL BOILING POINT (°F)313~F~ tBU~yl ~==1) 5 ~ 0.09 VAPOR DENSITY: HEAVIER/LIGHTER THAN AIR . (D~r = 1) 4.8 PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME (%) 68.1% WEIGHT PER GALLON 7.06# l{~e is information is furnished without warranty, representation, or license of any kind, except that it is accurate to the st of Minwax Company Incorporated's knowledge or obtained from sources believed by the Minwax Company Inc. to be accurate. The Minwax Company Inc. shall have no legal responsiblity for use or reliance upon any information provided herewith. CUSTOMERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO CONDUCT THEIR OWN TEST, BEFORE USING ANY PRODUCT READ ITS LABEL. PAGE 1 of ,4 .(~/~ ogq PRODUCTNAME DURA SEALNeutral #210 ..................... .' SECTION IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA FLASHPOINT FLAMMABLE LIMITS 105°F LEL 0.9 UEL 6.0 EXTINGUISHING MEDIA AUTOIGNITION TEMPERATURE 450°F Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical, Alcohol Foam and Water Fog. SPECIALFIREFIGHTING PROCEDURES Use self-contained breathing apparatus with a full face piece operated in pressure demand or other positive pressure mode. Water is notnormally an effective extinguishing agent. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS When burning, this product gives off toxic by-products (such as Carbon Monoxide), therefore, the breathing of fumes, smoke and gasses given off during burning should be avoided. SECTION V- HEALTH HAZARD DATA THRESHOLD LIMITVALUE (OSHA TLV/'l"vum~ 500 PPM Mineral Spirits (Stoddard Solvent)I ACGIHTLV/~A .100.PPM .......................... ACGIHTLV/STEL 150 PPM EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE-ROUTES OF EXPOSURE INGESTION: Can cause gastrointestinal i~ritation, nausea, vomiting and. diarrhea. Aspiriation of liquid into the lungs can cause chemical pneumonitiswhich can be fatal. SKIN CONTACT: Can cause defatting and drying of the skin which may result in skin irritation and dermatitis. EYE CONTACT: "INHALATION: NO carcinogen report. Can cause severe irritation, redness, tearing or blurred vision. Can cause nasal and respiratory irritation, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, nausea, headache, nervous irritability, possible unconsciousness and asphyxiation. Can lead to central nervous system depression. EMERGENCY AND FIRSTAID*PROCEDURES If swallowed: Do not induce vomiting. For skin contact: In case of eye contact: If affected by inhalation: CATI. PHYSICIAN IMMEDIATELY. Keep patient warm and quiet. Aspiration of material into lungs due to vomiting can cause chemical pneumonitis which .can be fatal. Wash thoroughly with soap-andplenty of water.' If' irritation persists get medical attention. Flush withplenty of water. Remove to fresh air. Maintain respiration as necessary and CALL PHYSICIAN. ' *' MA'~L~IRIAL SAFETY DATA sHL~T I~RODUCT NAME DURA S~AL Neutral #210 SECTION VI - REACTIVITY DATA UNSTABLE STABLE X CONDFFIONS TO AVOID NONE INCOMPATABILFTY (Materials to avoid) Strong Oxidizing Agents HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS Incomplete combustion produces carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and unidentified organic c~pounds. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZA~ON MAY OCCUR . I I CONDrTIONS TO AVOID WILL NOT OCCUR X NONE _~ SECTION VII - SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE CLASSIFICATION ignitable NUMBER ' D '0'01 CERCLA (SUPER FUND) REPORTABLE QUANTITY (RQ~)_._ · NONE STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED Provide adequate ventilation. Remove ignition sources frc~ sPill-area. Utilize sand, rags, paper; vermiculite, floor absorbent, or other absorbent material and place in leak-proof drums .for disposal. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD In accordance with local, state and federal regulations. Incineration is preferred or by burYing in an approved landfill. 5~EP OUT OF SURFACE WATERS AND ANY WATER COURSES OR SEWERS ENTERING OR T.PADING TO SURFACE WATV. RS.' ~-' - '' -' SECTION VIII - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION .... If adequate ventilatio~ cannot be maintained, use respiratory protection (.NIOSH/ HSHATC 23C or equivalent). Use a full face or half-mask air purifying respirator with organic vapor cartridge toPrevent overexposure. VENTILATION Provide a constant flow of fresh air to meet TLV requirements. Open windows and doors or use other m~ans to permit fresh air entry during applica~ionand drying._ PROTECTIVE GLOVES Use rubber, neoprene or vitron gloves. EYE PROTECTION Safety glasses or chemical goggles or a face shield. OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Have eye bath and safety shower nearby during use. PRODUCTNAME DURA SEAL Natural-#210 SECTION IX - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKENIN HANDLING AND STORING Do not use or store near heat, sparks, open flame or other sources of ignition. Close container after each use. Store only in original container. Wash with soap and plenty of water before eating, drinking, smoking or using toilet facilities. OTHER PRECAUTIONS Avoid inhalation and use only with' adequate ventilation. If employee experiences eye watering, headaches or dizziness, increase fresh air and leave area. Remove contaminated ciot~hing ia~ediately and launder before reuse. Have eye wash and safety shower in area during use. ~ KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN N.F.P.A. HAZARD RATING DEFINITIONS Minwax Company Inc. has provided hazard ratings solely asa convenience to its customers. However, since hazard ratings require subjective determinations. Minwax Company Inc. shall have no legal responsibility for the accuracy or significance of hazard ratings assigned or the use or reliance thereOn. HEALTH HAZARD RATING CHART .................... : ............. 0 INSIGNIFICANT I SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME no significant risk to health irritation or minor reversible injury possible. ' ........................... temporary or minor injury may occur. major injury likely unless prompt action is taken and medical treatment is given. life threatening major or permanent damage may result from single or repeated exposures. FLAMMABILITY HAZARD RATING CHART 0 INSIGNIFICANT I SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH · 4 EXTREME materials which are normally stable and will not burn unless hea~ed. materials that must be preheated before ignition will Occur, Flammable liquids in this category will have flash points (the lowest !emperature at which ignition will occur) at or above 200"F (NFPA Class 11 materials which must be mode~a'tely' heated before ignition will occur, including flammable liquids with flash points at or above 100"F and .below 200"F. (NFPA Class Il'and Class IliA). materials capable of ignition under almost all normal temperature conditions, including flammable liquids with flash points below 73"F and boiling points above IO0"F as well with flash points between 73"F and 100"F (NFPA Classes lB and 1C). very flammable gases or very volatile flammable liquids with flash points below 73 'F and boiling points below 100'~F (NFPA Class lA). '- REACTIVITY HAZARD RATING CHART 0 INSIGNIFICANT I SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME materials which are normally stable, even under fire conditions, and which wilt not react with water. materials which are normally stable, but can become unstable at high temperatures and pressures. These materials may react with water, but will not release energy violently, materials which in themselves are normally stable and will readily undergo violent chemical change, but will not detonate. These materials may also react violently with water. materials which are capable of detonahon or explosive ,eaction. but require a strong initiating source, or must be heated under confinement before initiation, or malerials which react explosively with water these materials are readily capable of detonahon or explosive decomposihon at normal temperatures ancl pressures. ;ONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS DIVISION 102 CHESTNUT RIDGE PLAZA · MONTVALE · NEW JERSEY 07645 ~ECEIVEID AUG 2 2 19~6 ~ HAZARD RATING I : SLIGHT 0 = INSIGNIFICANT DATE OF PREP: 6/30/86 ~ EMERGENCY PHONE NO. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET ~ DAY: ~2o~3,~-o2s3 I NIGHT: (201) 573-5700 SECTION I- IDENTIFICATION PRODUCTNAME DURA SEAL White #201 PRODUCT CLASS Penetrating Wood Finish and Stain CODE NUMBER 13-00201-100. No. UN 1263 HAZARD CLASS (49CFR 172.101) 'Combustible Liquid DI]TPROPER SHIPPING NAME (49CFR 172.101) Paint, Stain or Varnish SECTION II - INGREDIENTS PAINTS, PRESERVATIVES, & SOLVENTS ...... ......... , ..... % TLC (Units) ~I~TALYST VEHICLE - 22.0 SOLVENTS Mineral Spirits (Stoddard Solvent) CAS #8052-41-3 54.0 500 PPM ADDITIVES 1.0 OTHERS MIXTURES OF OTHER LIQUIDS, SOLIDS, OR GASES % TLC (Units) SECTION Iii - PHYSICAL DATA APPEARANCE White Liquid; ' ~ld Hv~Lrocarbon Odor SOLUBILITY IN WATER - I Vapor Pressure BOILING POINT (°F) O I Ev~0'ration Rate · 313 F I (Butyl Acetate=l) 0.09 VAPOR DENSITY: HEAVIER/LIGHTER THAN AIR (Air = 1) PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME (%) WEIGHT PER GALLON 4.8 55.3% 7.3# lhis information is furnished without warranty, representation, or license of any kind, except that it is accurate to the est of Minwax Company Incorporated's knowledge or obtained from sources believed by the Minwax Company Inc. to be accurate. The Minwax Company Inc. shall have no legal responsiblity for use or reliance upon any information provided herewith. CUSTOMERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO CONDUCT THEIR OWN TEST, BEFORE USING ANY PRODUCT READ ITS LABEL. PRODUCT NAME DURA SEAL White #201 SECTION IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA " FLASHPOINT FLAMMABLE LIMITS 105°F LEL 0.9 UEL 6.0 EXTINGUISHING MEDIA AUTOIGNITION TEMPERATURE Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical, Alcohol Foam and Water Fog. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES Use self-contained breathing apparatus with a full face piece operated in pressure demand or other positive pressure mode. WaE~r is not normally an effective extinguishing agent. UNUSUAL FIR~ AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS When burning, this product gives off toxic by-products (such as Carbon FDnoxide), therefore, the breathing of fumes, smoke and gasses given off during burning should be avoided. SECTION V - HEALTH HAZARD DATA THRESHOLD LIMIT VALUE ~ OSHA TLV/TWA 500 PPM Mineral Spirits (Stoddard Solvent) ACGIH TLV/STEL 150 PPM ...... EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE - ROUTES OF EXPOSURE INGESTION: Can cause gastrointestinal i~ritation,- nausea, -vcntiting and diarrhea. Aspiriation of liquid into the lungs can cause chemical pneumonitis whiCh can be fatal. SKIN CONTACT: Can cause defatting and drying of the skin which may result in skin irritation and dermatitis. EYE CONTACT: INHALATION: Can cause severe irritation, redness, tearing or blurred vision. Ca=n cause nasal and ~espiratory irritation, dizziness, Weakness, fatigue, nausea, headache, nervous irritability, possible unconsciousness and asphyxiation. Can lead to central nervous system depression. No carcinogen report.. EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID *PROCEDURES If swallowed: Do not induce vomiting. For skin contaCt: In case of eye contact: If affected by inhalation: CALL PHYSICIAN IMMEDIATELY. Keep patient warm andquiet. Aspiration of material into lungs due to vcraiting can cause chemical pneumonitis which can be fatal. Wash t~horoughly withsoap"and Plenty' of water." If 'irritation persists get medical attention.~ Flush with plenty of water. Remove to fresh air. ,Maintain respiration as necessary and CALL PHYSICIAN. ~'1 PR(~DUCT NAME MA RIAL SAFETY DATA' SH '=T DURA SEAL White #201 SECTION IX - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKENIN HANDLING AND STORING Do not use or stOre near heat, sparks, open flame or other sources of ignition. Close container after each use. Store only in original cOntainer. Wash with soap and plenty of water before eating, drinking, smoking or using toilet facilities. OTHER PRECAUTIONS Avoid inhalation and use only with adequate ventilation. If employee experiences eye watering, headaches or dizziness, increase fresh air and leave area. Remove contaminated clothing immediately and launder before~reuse. Have eye wash and safety shower in area during use. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN N.F.P.A. HAZARD RATING DEFINITIONS Minwax Company Inc. has provided hazard ratings solely as a convenience to its customers. However, since hazard ratings ..... - ...... require subjective determinations, Minwax Company Inc. shall have no legal responsibility for the accuracy or signilicance of hazard ratings assigned or the use or reliance thereon. 0 INSIGNIFICANT I SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME HEALTH HAZARD RATING CHART no significant risk to health' irritation or minor reversible i~jury possible. temporary or minor injury may occur. major iniury likely unless prompt action is taken and medical treatment is given. life threatening major or perm-anent damage may result from single or repeated exposures. FLAMMABILITY HAZARD RATING CHART ............ "' .............. 0 INSIGNIFICANT I SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH materials which are normally stable and will not burn unless heated. materials that must be preheated before ignition will occur. Flammable liquids in this category will have flash points (the lowest temperature at which ignition will occur) at or above 200*'F (NFPA Class 1118). materials which must be moderately heated before ignition will occur, including flammable liquids with ' - - flash points at or above 100°F and below 200"F. (NFPA Class II and Class IliA). materials capable o~1 ignition under almost all normal temperature conditions, including flammable liquids with flash points below 73"F and boiling points above 100"F as well with flash points between 73'F and IO0"F (NFPA Classes 18 and 1C). very flammable gases or very volatile flammable liquids with flash points below 73"F and boiling points below 100°F (NFPA Class lA). . ......... REAcTIvITY HAZARD RATING CHART 4 EXTREME materials which are normally stable, even under fire conditions, and which will not react with water. materials which ~re normally stable, but can become unstable at high temperatures and pressures. These materials may react with water, but will not release energy violently. materials which in themselves are normally stable and will readily undergo violent chemical change, but will not detonate. These materials may also react violently with water. materials which are capable of detonation or explosive reaction, but require a strong initiating source, or must be heated under confinement before initiation, or materials which react explosively w~th water. these materials are readily capable of detonation or explosive decomposition at normal temperatures and pressures. 0 INSIGNIFICANT I SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME PAGE 4of4 .... ¢~, MATERIAl. SAFETY DATA SHEET PRODUCT NAME .- .-~ DURA SFJ~ ~hite #201 r SECTION VI - REACTIVITY DATA STABILrTY UNSTABLE CONDITIONS TO AVOID STABLE NONE INCOMPATABILITY (Materials to avoid) Strong Oxidizing Agents HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSFTION PRODUCTS Incomplete combustion produces carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and unidentified organic cc~pounds. CONDmONS TO AVOID MAY OCCUR HAZARDOUS ' · POLYMERIZATION WILL NOT OCCUR X NO[~ . -. SECTION Vii - SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE CLASSIFICATION NUMBER Ignitable . D 001 CERCLA (SUPER FUND) REPORTABLE OUANTrrY (ROff) ..... NO~ ..... . STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CA~E MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED 'Provide adequate ventilation. Remove ignition sources from spill area. Utilize sand, rags, paper, vermiculite, floor absorbent, or other absorbent material and place in leak-proof drums for disposal. .. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD In accordance with local, state and federal regulations. Incineration is preferred or by burying in an approved landfill. ~..~ OUT OF SURFACE WATERS AND ANY .WATER COURSES OR SEWERS ENTERING OR T,]:'ADING TO SURFACE WA'I'k--RS.' SECTION Viii - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION If adequate ventilation cannot be maintained, use respiratory protection (NIOSH/ MSHA TC 23C or equivalent). Use a full face or half-mask air purifying respirator with organic vapor cartridge to prevent overexposure. VENTILATION 'Provide a constant flow of fresh 'air to meet TLV requirements. Open windows and doors or use other means to permit fresh air 'entry during application 'and 'drying. PRO.TECTIVE GLOVES EYE PROTECTION Use rubber, neoprene or vitron gloves. Safety glasses or chemical goggles or a face shield. OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Have eye bath and safety shower nearby during use. CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS DIVISION 102 CHESTNUT RIDGE PLAZA · MONTVALE · NEW JERSEY 07645 . I~CEIVED AUE; 2 2 1988 SEE HAZARD RATING DEFINITIONS PAGE 4 HAZARD RATING 4 EXTREME Reacl~v,tv 2 = MODERATE I : SLIGHT O = INSIGNIFICANT · = CHRONIC HEALTH HAZARD--SEE SECTION V DATE OF PREP: ~ EMERGENCY PHONE NO. 6/30/86 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET ~OAY: (20,.,9,-02s3 I NIGHT: (201) 573-5700 SECTION I IDENTIFICATION · PRODUCT NAME DUP~ S~L Antique Brown ~216 PRODUCT CLASS - Penetrating Woo~ Finish and Stain CODE NUMBER 13-00216-000 UN No. UN 1263 HAZARD CLASS (49CFR 17Z101) Combustible Liquid DOT PROPERSHIPPINGNAME (49CFR17?-101)paint, ..... Stain or Vc~-~ish SECTION II- INGREDIENTS PAINTS, PRESERVATIVES, & SOLVENTS % TLC (Units) ~BI~TALYST VEHICLE 42.0 SOLVENTS Mineral Spirits (Stoddard Solvent) CAS #8052-4i-3 57.0 500 PPM OTHERS - MIXTURES OF OTHER LIQUIDS, SOLIDS, OR GASES % TLC (Units) SECTION III - PHYSICAL DATA ...... APPEARANCE Da~k Brown T,':qu±d; . VAPOR DENSITY: HEAVIER/LIGHTER THAN AIR Y~ld Hydrocarbon Odor (Air ' 1) 4.8 SOLUBILITY IN WATER ~ ~~ PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME (%) NIL (mz[5:j) 5 ~ 60.2% ]~d[~CTt F~[~. 0.09 WEIGHT PER GALLON BOILING POINT (°F)313OF (B. zbtl Aaeta~=l) 7.31# this information is furnished without warranty, representation, or license of any kind, except that it is accurate to the )est of Minwax Company Incorporated's knowledge or obtained from sources believed by the Minwax Company Inc. to be accurate. The Minwax Company Inc. shall have no legal responsiblity for use or reliance upon any information provided herewith. CUSTOMERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO CONDUCT THEIR OWN TEST, BEFORE USING ANY PRODUCT READ ITS LABEL. PAGE 1 of a C~/~ 095 ~,~ '* ~A'~IAL SAFF. TY D~TA PRODUCT NAME DURA SEAL Antique Bro%~n #216 SECTION IV - FIRE AND EXPkOS~ON HAZARD DATA FLA~HPOINT FLAMMABLE LIMITS 105°F LEL 0.9 UEL 6.0 EXTINGUISHING MEDIA AUTOIGNITION TEMPERATURE 450°F Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical, Alcohol Foam and Water Fog. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES Use self-contained breathing apparatus with a full face piece operated in pressure demand or other positive pressure mode. Water is not. normally an. effective extinguishing agent. ' UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS When burning, this product gives off toxic by-products (such as Carbon Monoxide), therefore, the breathing of fumes, smoke and gasses given off during burning should be avoided. SECTION V- HEALTH HAZARD DATA THRESHOLD LIMIT VALUE ( OSHA TLV/TWA 500 PPM Mineral Spirits (Stodd_ard Solvent) A~GIH TLV/STEL 150 PPM ' EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE - ROUTES OF EXPOSURE INGESTION: Can cauSe gastrointestinal irritation, nausea, vc~iting and diarrhea. Aspiriation of liquid into the lungs can cause · chemical pneumonitis which can be fatal. ..... ~'~ ............................. SKIN CONTACT: Can cause defatting and drying of the skin which may result in skin irritation and dermatitis. EYE CONTACT: 'INHALATION: No carcinogen report. Can cause severe irritation, redness, tearing for blurred vision. 'Can cause nasal and respiratory irritation, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, nausea,-headache, nervous irritability, possible unconsciousness and asphyxiation. Can lead to central nervous system depression. EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID *PROCEDURES If swallowed: Do not induce vomiting. For skin contact: In case of eye contact: If affected .by inhalation: CALL PHYSICIAN IMMEDIATELY. Keep patient warm and quiet. Aspiration of material into lungs due to vomiting can cause chemical pneumonitis which can be fatal. Wash thoroughly with solD'and plentyof water. If irritati°n persists get medical attention. Flush with plenty of water. Remove to fresh air. ,Maintain respiration as necessary and CALL PHYSICIAN. ~PRODUCT NAME DURA S~AL Antique Brown #216 SECTION VI - REACTIVITY DATA UNSTABLE CONDITIONS TO AVOID STABLE NONq~ X INCOMPATABILFTY (Mater[sis to avoid) Strong Oxidizing Agents HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS Incomplete combustion produces carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and unidentified organic cc~pounds. CONDFtlONS TO AVOID HAZARDous MAY OCCUR POLYMERIZATION WILL NOT OCCUR X SECTION VII - SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE CLASSIFICATION Ignitable NUMBER D 001 CERCLA (SUPER FUND) REPORTABLE QUANTITY (RC~) STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED Provide ad~&te vent±lation. I~ Remove ignition sources frcXa-spill area. Utilize sand, rags, pap~, vermiculite, floor absorbent, or other absorbent material and place in leak-proof drums for disposal. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD In accordance with local, state and federal regulations. IncineratiOn is preferred or by burying in an approved landfill. ~ OUT OF SURFAC~ WATERS AND ANY WATER COURSES ~OR SEWERS ENTERING OR T,P. ADING TO SURFACE WATF~RS. SECTION VIII - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION If adequate ventilation cannot be maintained, use respiratory protection (NIOSH/ MSHA TC 23C or equivalent). Use a full face or half-mask air purifying respirator with organic vapor cartridge to preven{ overexposure. VENTILATION . - Provide a constant flow of fresh air to meet TLV requirements.~ Open windows and doors or use other means to permit fresh air .entry.during application and drying.- PRO.TECTIVE GLOVES EYE PROTECTION Use rubber, neoprene or vitron gloves. Safety glasses or chemical goggles or a I~ face shield. OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Have eye bath and safety shower nearby during use. PRODUCT NAME DUP. A SEAL An~ique Brown ~216 SECTION IX - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKENIN HANDLING AND STORING "Do not use or store near heat, sparks, open flame or other sources of ignition. Close container after each use. Store °nly in original container. Wash with soap and plenty of water before eating, drinking, smoking or using toilet facilities. OTHER PRECAUTIONS Avoid inhalation and use only with adequate ventilation. If employee experiences eye watering, headaches or dizziness, increase fresh air and leave area. Remove contaminated clothing immediately and launder before reuse. Have eye wash and safety shower in area during Use. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN N.F.P.A. HAZARD RATING DEFINITIONS Minwax Company Inc. has provided hazard ratings solely as a convenience to its customers. However. since hazard ratings ............. require subjective determinations. Minwax Company Inc. shall have no legal responsibility for the accuracy or significance of hazard ratings assigned or the use or reliance thereon. HEALTH HAZARD RATING CHART 0 INSIGNIFICANT I SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME 0 INSIGNIFICANT 1' SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME 0 INSIGNIFICANT I SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME no significant ri~k to health irritation or minor reversible injury possible. ' -' · temporary or minor injury may occur. major injury likely unless prompt action is taken and medical treatment is given. life threatening major or permanent damage may result from single or repeated exposures. FLAMMABILITY HAZARD-RATING CHART .................................... materials which are normally stable and will not burn unless heated. materials that must be preheated before ignition will occur. Flammable liquids in this category will have flash points (the lowest temperature at which ignition will OCCUr) at or above 200'F (NFPA Class 1118), materials which must be moderately heated before ignition will'occur, including fiammabte li(~uids with flash points at.or above 100°F and below 200"F. (NFPA Class II and Class IliA). materials capable of ignition under almost all nocmal temperature conditions, including flammable' liquids with flash points below 73"F and boiling points above IOO"F as well with flash points between 73"F and 100"F (NFPA Classes lB and 1C). very flammable gases or very volatile flammable liquids with flash points below 73"F and boiling points below 100°F (NFPA Class lA). REACTIVITY HAZARD RAT!NG CHART ................................... materials which are normally stable, even under fire conditions, and which will not react with water. materials which are normally stable, but can become unstable at high temperatures and pressures. These materials may react with water, bul will nol release energy violently. materials which in themselves are normally stable and will readily undergo violent chemical change, bu~, will not detonate. These materials may also react violently with water, materials which are capable of detonation or explosive reaction, but require a strong initiahng source, or must be heated under confinement before initiation, or materials which react explosively with water. these materials are readily capable of detonation or explosive decomposition at normal temperatures and pressures. CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS DIVISION 102 CHESTNUT RIDGE PLAZA · MONTVALE · NEW JERSEY 07645 CFIVED ,,'~i,',,c ') 2 '1988 SEE HAZARD RATING DEFINITIONS PAGE 4 HAZARD RATING F,re ~ 4 = EXTREME ----/~/~.,,C -) ~,. Reacllvl;~,, 3. HIGH 2 ~ MOOERATE To~[~CI~¥ 1 : SLIGHT V sidereal -' 0: INSIGNIFICANT · = CHRONIC HEALTH HAZARD--SEE SECTION V O~E O~PREP: SHEET j E'.,E,~E',,C¥ P.O,',E ',,O. 6/30/86 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA . ~,AY: 12o,>39,-oHs3 NIGHT: (201) 573-5700 SECTION I.- IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME DLS~: SEAL Golden Brown ~221 PRODUCT CLASS ..... Penetrating Woo~. Finish and Stain ' CODE ~iUMBER UN No. 13-00221-100 UN 1263 HAZARD CLASS (49CFR 172.101) Combustible Liquid DOT PROPER sHIPPING NAME (49CF" 172'101) ' Paint, Stain or Varnish SECTION I! - INGREDIENTS PAINTS, PRESERVATIVES, & SOLVENTS . % TLC (Units) .PIGMENTS 1.2 . ,ATALYST VEHICLE .- 38.8 SOLVENTS Mineral Spirits (Stoddard Solvent) CAS #8052-41-3 59.0 500 PPM ADDITIVES .1.0 OTHERS .. MIXTURES OF OTHER LIQUIDS, SOLIDS, OR GASES 0), TLC (Units) SECTION III - PHYSICAL DATA ~ APPEARANCE Light Reddish Brown Liquid; VAPOR DENSITY: HEAVIER/LIGHTEI~"THAN AIR Mild Hvd~c~ar~n ~dnr (Air = 1) 4.8 · SOLUBILITY IN WATERNTT, ~(~'~rr~r)~ 5 ~ PERCENT VOLATILE BY'VOLUME (%) ........ 62.9% BOILING POINT 'crt 1:~1"~ - WEIGHT PER GALLON (°F)3130F~m iZ=~h~~~:~..+~) 0.09 7.11# ih is information is furnished without warranty, representation, or license of any kind, except that it is accurate to the est of Minwax Company Incorporated's knowledge or obtained from sources believed by the Minwax Company c. to be accurate. The Minwax Company Inc. shall have no legal responsiblity for use or reliance upon any formation provided herewith. CUSTOMERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO CONDUCT THEIR OWN TEST, BEFORE SING ANY PRODUCT READ ITS LABEL. PAGE I of 4 ('~,.'~7 095 PRODUCTNAME DURA SEAL Golden Brown #221 ' SECTION IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA FLAMMABLE LIMITS F~__POINT 105°F LEL 0.9 UEL 6.0 EXTINGUISHING MEDIA AUTOIGNITION TEMPERATURE 450~ Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical, Alcohol Foam and Water Fog. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES Use self-contained breathing apparatus with a full face piece operated in pressure demand or other positive pressure mode. Water is not normally an effective extinguishing agent. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS When burning, this product gives off toxic by-products (such as Carbon Monoxide), therefore, the breathing of fumes, smoke and gasses given off during burning should be avoided. · SECTION V - HEALTH HAZARD DATA THRESHOLD LIMIT VALUE ( OSHA TLV/T~A 500 PPM Mineral Spirits (Stoddard Solvent) ACGIH TLV/STEL 150 PP~ .... EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE -'ROUTES OF EXpOsuRE INGESTION: 'Can cause gastrointestinal irritation, nausea, vomiting and SK~ CONTACT: EYE CONTACT: ~TION: No carcinogen report. diarrhea. Aspiriation of liquid into the lungs can cause chemical pneum~nitiswhich can be fatal. Can cause defatting and drying of the skin which may result in skin irritation and dermatitis. Can cause severe irritation, redness, tearing or blurred vision. Can cause nasal and respiratory irritation, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, nausea, headache, nervous irritability, possible unconsciousness and asphyxiation. Can lead to central nervous system depression. EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID*PROCEDURES If swallowed: Do not induce vomiting. CALL PHYSICIAN IMMEDIATELY. For skin contact: In case of eye contact: If affected by inhalation: KeeP patient warm' and quiet. Aspiration of material into lungs 'due' to vomiting can cause chemical pneumonitis which can be fatal. Wash thorOughly with soap and plenty of water. If irritation persists get n~dical attention. Flush withplenty of water. Remove to fresh air. Maintain respiration as necessary and CALL PHYSICIAN. PRODUCT NAME DURA SEAL Golden Brown %221 SECTION VI - REACTIVITY DATA .ITY UNSTABLE STABLE X COND~IONS TO AVOID NONE INCOMPATABILITY (Materials to avoid) Strong Oxidizing Agents HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS Incomplete combustion produces carbon monoxide.,-carbon dioxide.and unidentified organic compounds. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION WILL NOT OCCUR X ~ SECTION VII - SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE CLASSIFICATION Ignitable NUMBER D 001 CERCLA (SUPER FUND) REPORTABLE QUANTITY (RQ#) STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED prOVide adequate Ventilation. Remove ignition sources from spill area. '"Utilize sand, rags, paper, vermiCulite, · floor absorbent, or other absorbent material and place in leak-proof drums .for disposal. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD In accordance with local, state and federal regulations. Incineration is preferred or by burying in an approved landfill. ~ OUT OF SURFACE WATERS AND ANY WATER ._ COURSES OR SEWERS ENTERING OR LEADING TO SURFACE ~T~RS. - SECTION VIII - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION If' adequate ventilation cannot be maintained, use respiratory protection (NIOSH/ MSHATC 23C or equivalent). Use a full face or half-mask air purifying respirator with organic v~Dor cartridge to prevent overexposure. VENTILATION ~ Provide a constant flow of fresh air to meet TLV requirements. Open windows and doors or use other means to permit fresh air entry during application and drying.' PRO_TECTIVEGLOVES Use rubber, neoprene or vitron gloves. EYE PROTECTION Safety glasses or chemical goggles or a face shield. OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Have eye bath and safety shower nearby during use. PAGE 3 of 4 ~,~ 0c~8 PRODUCT NAME MATE SAFETY DATA SHEIi; DURA SP..~L Golden Brown #221 - SECTION iX - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PREC~TIONS TO BE TAKENIN HANDLING AND STORING ~D~ not use or store near heat, sparks, open flame or other sources of ignition. Close container after each use. Store only in original container. Wash with soap and plenty of water before eating, drinking, smoking or using toilet facilities. OTHER PRECAUTIONS Avoid inhalation ~nd use only with adequate ventilation. If employee experiences eye watering, headaches or dizziness, increase fresh air and leave area. Remove contaminated clothing inxnediate!y and launder before reuse. Have 'eye wash and safety shower in area during use. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN N.F.P.A. HAZARD RATING DEFINITIONS Minwax Company Inc. has provided hazard ratings solely as a convenience to its customers. However. since hazard ratings require subjective determinations. Minwax Company Inc. shall have no legal responsibility for the accuracy or significance of hazard ratings assigned or the use or reliance thereon. HEALTH HAZARD RATING CHART ................................. 0 INSIGNIFICANT I SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME no significant risk to health irritation or minor reversible injury possible. temporary or minor injury, may occur. - major injury likely unless prompt action is taken and medical treatment is given. life threatening major or permanent damage may result from single or repeated ~XP.0sures. FLAMMABILITY HAZARD RATING CHART ........... ' ............. 0 INSIGNIFICANT I SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME materials which are normally stable and will not burn unless heated. materials that must be preheated before ignition will occur. Flammable liquids in this category will have flash points (the lowest temperature at which ignition will occur) at or above 200"F (NFPA Class 11 lB). materials which must be moderately heated before ignition will occur, including flammable liquids with flash points at or above 100°F and below 200"F. (NFPA Class II and Class IliA). materials capable of ignition under almost all normal temperature conditions, including Ilammabie liquids with flash points below 73"F and'boiling points above 100"F as well with flash points between 73"F and 100"F (NFPA Classes lB and 1C). very flammable gases or very volatile flammable liquids with flash points below 73"F and boiling points below IO0°F (NFPA Class lA) .... REACTIVITY HAZARD RATING CHART INSIGNIFICANT SLIGHT MODERATE HIGH EXTREME materials which are normally stable, even under fire conditions, and which will not react with water. materials which are normally stable, but can become unstable at high temperatures and pressures. These materials may react with water, but will nOt release energy violently. materials which in themselves are normally stable and will readily undergo violent chemical change, but will not detonate. These materials may also react violently with water, materials which are capable of detonation or explosive reaction, but require a strong initiating source, or must be heated under confinement before inihahon, or materials which react explosively with water. these materials are readily capable of detonation or explosive decomposition at normal temperatures and pressures. CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS DIVISION 102 CHESTNUT RIDGE PLAZA · MONTVALE ,, NEW JERSEY 07645 ~RECEIVEB AU6 2 2 1986 SEE HAZARD RATING DEFINITIONS PAGE 4 .,/c..0 .~,.:./ HAZARD RATING F re ~ 4 : EXTREME ~/'~/ /'~ React,wry 3 HIOH ,/ '~V ~ ~ '~"~.~'~ 2 ' MODERATE ~oxtclty ~ ~/'~/ - 1 = SLIGHT ~ ~Spec~al 0: INSIGN[FICANT · ~ CHRONIC HEALTH H~RD--SEE SECTION V DATE OF PREP: 6/30/86 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET IEMERGENCY PHONE NO. DAY: (201) 391-0253 NIGHT: (201) 573-5700 SECTION I- IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME DURA S~%L Coffee Brown #223 PRODUCT CLASS Penetrating Wcx:~ Finish and Stain CODE NUMBER DOT 13-00223-].00 UN No. UN 1263 HAZARD CLASS (49CFR 172.101) CombuStible Liquid PROPER SHIPPING NAME (49CFR 177-101) Paint, Stain or Va~rL~sh SECTION I1'- INGREDIENTS PAINTS, PRESERVATIVES, ,% SOLVENTS % TLC (Units) PIGMENTS 1.1 CATALYST VEHICLE ..... 41.9 SOLVENTS Mineral Spirits (Stoddard Solvent) CAS #8052-41-3 55.0 500 PPM ADDITIVES 1.0 OTHERS MIXTURES OF OTHER LIQUIDS, SOLIDS, OR GASES % TLC (Units) SECTION III - PHYSICAL DATA APPEARANCE Dark Brow~ Liquid; Mild Hydrocarbon Odor SOLUBILITY IN WATER "l V-c~Jc--~~ .............. o N~,t (m~) 5 nm SOILING POINT ( F)313OF Dva~cn ~ . (~q/1 A:etate=l) 0.09 VAPOR DENSITY: HEAVIER/LIGHTER THAN AIR (Air = 1) PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME (%) 4.8 WEIGHT PER GALLON 7.30~ This information is furnished without warranty, representation, or license of any kind, except that it is accurate to the best of Minwax Company Incorporated's knowledge or obtained from sources believed by the Minwax Company Inc. to be accurate. The Minwax Company Inc. shall have no legal responsiblity for use or reliance upon any information provided herewith. CUSTOMERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO CONDUCT THEIR OWN TEST, BEFORE USING ANY PRODUCT READ ITS LABEL. PAGE 1 of 4 ~,'~ 0.95 .... ~A~F.R~AL SAFETY DATA PRODUCT NAME DURA SEAL Coffee Brown ~223 ........ · . SECTION IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA ~FLASHPOINT FLAMMABLE LIMITS ~ 105°F LEL 0.9 ' UEL 6.0 EXTINGUISHING MEDIA AUTOIGNITION TEMPERATURE 450~ Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical, Alcohol Foam and Water Fog. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES Use self-contained breathing apparatus with a full face piece operated in pressure demand or other positive pressure mode. Water is not normally an effective extinguishing agent. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS When burning, this product gives off toxic by-products (such as' Carbon Monoxide), therefore, the brea~dling of fumes, smoke and gasses given off during burning should be avoided. SECTION V - HEALTH HAZARD DATA THRESHOLD LIMIT VALUE ( OSHA TLV/T~ 500 PPM Mineral Spirits (Stoddard Solvent)~ ACG~4 TLV/TWA .... 100_ PP._M ....... AOGIH TLV/STEL 150 PPM ...... EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE - ROUTES OF EXPOSURE INGESTION: Can cause gastrointestinal i~ritation, -nausea, -vc~niting' and diarrhea. Aspiriation of liquid into the lungs can cause chemical pneumonitis which can be fatal. SKIN CONTACT: Can cause defatting and drying of the skin which may result in skin irritation and dermatitis. EYE CONTACT: 'INHALATION: Can cause severe irritation,_ redness, tearing or blurred vision. C~n cause nasal 'and respiratory irritation, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, nausea, headache, nervous irritability, possible unconsciousness and asphyxiation. Can lead to central nervous system depression. No carcinogen report. ~ EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID *PROCEDURES If swallowed: Do not induce vomiting. For skin contact: In case of eye contact: If affected by inhalation: CALL PHYSICIAN IMMEDIATELY. Keep patient warm and quiet. Aspiration of material into lungs due to vcnliting can cause chemical pneumonitis which can be fatal. Wash thoroughly-%-~_h soap_ and plenty of water.'- If'irritation persists get medical attention. Flush with plenty of water. Remove to fresh air. Maintain respiration as necessary and CALL PHYSICIAN. SAFETY DATA PRODUCT NAME DUP~ S~L Coffee Brown #223 SECTION VI - REACTIVITY DATA ~ UNSTABLE CONDFTIONS TO AVOID STABLE NONE × INCOMPATABILITY (Materials to avoid) Strong Oxidizing Agents HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS Incomplete combustion produces carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and unidentified organic compounds. HAZARDOUS MAY OCCUR CONDFFIONS TO AVOID POLYMERIZATION WILL NOT OCCUR X NONE ' SECTION VII - SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE CLASSIFICATION Ignitable NUMBER D 001 CERCLA (SUPER FUND) REPORTABLE QUANTITY (RC~)--: iTEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL, .!S RELEASED OR SPI' ! ~n Provide adequate ventilation. Remove ignition sources from 'spill area. utilize sand, rags, paper, vermiculite, floor absorbent, or other absorbent material and place in leak-proof drums .for WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD In accordance with local~ state and federal regulations. Incineration is preferred or by burying in an approved landfill. KE~P OUT OF SURFACE WATERS AND ANY WATER COURSES OR SEWERS ENTERING OR LEADING TO SURFACE WATERS. SECTION VIII - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION If adequate ventilation cannot be maintained, use respiratory protection (NIOSH/ MSHA TC 23C or ,equivalent). Use a full face or half-mask air purifying respirator with organic vapor cartridge to prevent overexposure. VENTILATION Provide a constant flow of fresh air to meet TLV requirements.' Open windows and doors or use other means to permit fresh air entry during application and drying. PROTECTIVE GLOVES EYE PROTECTION Use rubber, neoprene or vitron gloves. Safety glasses or chemical goggles or a I) face shield. OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Have eye bath and safety shower nearby during use. PAGE 3 of 4 ~("~,.'~ 0~c~ PRODUCTNAME DURA SEAL Coffee Brown #223 SECTION IX' SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS P~ECAUTIONS TO BE TAKENIN HANDLING AND STORING Do not use or store near heat, sparks, open flame or other sources of ignition. Close container after each use. Store only in original container. Wash with soap and plenty of water before eating, drinking, smoking or using toilet facilities. OTHER PRECAUTIONS Avoid inhalation and use only with adequate ventilation. If employee experiences eye watering, headaches or dizziness, increase fresh air and leave area. Remove contaminated clothing J3~nediately and launder before reuse. Have eye wash and safety shower in area during uSe. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN N.F.P.A. HAZARD RATING DEFINITIONS Minwax Company Inc. ha~ provided hazard ratings solely as a convenience to its customers. However. since hazard ratings require subjective determinations. Minwax Company Inc. shall have no legal responsibility for the accuracy or significance of hazard ratings assigned or the use or reliance thereon. HEALTH HAZARD RATING CHART 0 INSIGNIFICANT I SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME no significant risk to health irritation or minor reversible injury possible. temporary or minor injury may occur. maior injury likely,unless prompt action is taken and medical treatment is given. life threatening major or permanent damage may result-from single or repeated exposures. FLAMMABILITY HAZARD RATING CHART 0 INSI(~NIFICANT I SLIGHT :2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME 0 INSIGNIFICANT I SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME materials which are normally stable and will not burn unless heated. materials that must be preheated before'ignition will occur. Flammable liquids in this category will have flash points (the lowest temperature at which ignition will occur) at or above 200"F (NFPA Class 1 materials which must be moderately h~ated before ignition will occur, including flammable liquids with flash points at or above 100°F and below 200"F. (NFPA Class II and Class IliA). materials capable of ignition under almost all normal temperature conditions, including flammable liquids with flash points below 73"F and boiling points above 100"F as well with flash points between 73"F and 100"F (NFPA Classes lB and 1C). very llammable gases or very volatile flammable liquids with flash points below 73 'F and boiling points below IO0°F (NFPA Class lA). "' REACTIVITY HAZARD RATING CHART.::' --.'.. .... materials which are normally stable, even under tire conditions, and which wilt not react with water. materials which are normally stable, but can become unstable at high temperatures and pressures. These materials may react with water, but will not release energy violently, materials which in themselves are normally stable and will readily undergo violent chemical change, but will not .detonate. These materials may also react violently with water. materials which arecapable of detonation or explosive reaction, but require a strong in;tiahng source, or must be heated under confinement before initiation, or materials which react explosively with water. these materials are readily capable of detonation or explosive decomposihon at normal temperatures and pressures. CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS DIVISION CHESTNUT RIDGE PLAZA . MONTVALE · NEW JERSEY 07645 SEE HAZARD RATING DEFINITIONS PAGE 4 HAZARD RATING F,re/~--~ 4: EXTREME ~/'~'(') '~ R ........ 2: MODERATE I : SLIGHT V Soe¢~al 0: INSIGNIFICANT · ; CHRONIC HEALTH HAZARD--SEE SECTION V DATE OF PREP: J J'EMERGENCY PHONE NO. 6/30/86 I MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET I DA~: (20,~3g,-02~3 ~ NIGHT: (201) 573-5700 SECTION I- IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME DURA SEAL Med/,urn Brown ~228 PRODUCT CLASS Penetrating Wbod Finish and Stain CODE NUMBER I UN No. 13-00228-100J UN 1263 HAZARD CLASS (49CFR 172.101) Combustible Liquid DOT '~'ROPER SHIPPING NAME (49CFR 172.101) Paint, Stain or Varnish SECTION II - INGREDIENTS PAINTS, PRESERVATIVES, & SOLVENTS % TLC (Units) CATALYST VEHICLE - 46.7 SOLVENTS. Mineral Spirits (Stoddard Solvent) CAS #8052-41-3 51.0 500 PPM ADDITIVES 1.9 OTHERS MIXTURES OF OTHER LIQUIDS, SOLIDS, OR GASES % TLC (Units) SECTION III - PHYSICAL DATA APPEARANCE Brown Liquid; J VAPOR DENSITY: HEAVIER/LIGHTER THAN AIR Mild Hvdrc~.~_~,~on Od.¢~r~ (Air = 1) 4.8 SOLUBILITY IN WATER ~ ~.]L'~ PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME (%) .... NIL (mnUq) 5 n~n 55.3% BOLLING POINT (°F)313°--F ~]~r,=d~ _ch RDt~ - WEIGHT PER GALLON (B~tvl/~a~l} 0.09 7.19~ This information is furnished w/tho'ut warranty, representation, or license of any kind, except that it is accurate to the best of Minwax Company Incorporated's knowledge or obtained from sources believed by the Minwax Company Inc. to be accurate. The Minwax Company inc. shall have no legal responsiblity for use or reliance upon any information provided herewith. CUSTOMERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO CONDUCT THEIR OWN TEST, BEFORE USING ANY PRODUCT READ ITS LABEL. MA~RIAI. SAFETY DATA SHEET PRODUCT NAME ......... DURA SEAL Medium Brown ~f228 ' SECTION IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA FLASHPOINT FLAMMABLE LIMITS 105°F LEL 0.9 UEL 6.0 EXTINGUISHING MEDIA AUTOIGNITION TEMPERATURE 4s0~ Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical, Alcohol Foam and Water Fog. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES Use self-contained breathing apparatus with a full face piece operated in pressure demand or other positive pressure mode. Water is not normally an effective extinguishing agent. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS When burning, this product gives off toxic by-products (such as Carbon Monoxide), therefore, the breathing of fumes, ~-noke and gasses given off during burning ~ should be avoided. SECTION V- HEALTH HAZARD DATA THRESHOLD LIMIT VALUE ( OSHA TLV/T~A 500 PPM Mineral Spirits~ ......... (Stodd_ard Solvent) ACGIH TLV/~A -100-PPM ................ AOGIH TLV/STEL'-150 PPM EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE: ROUTES OF EXPOSURE INGESTION: ' 'Can cause gastr~int~'ti~al i~ritation, nausea, Vcmiting and diarrhea. Aspiriation of liquid into the lungs can cause chemical pneumonitis which can be fatal. SKIN' CONTACT: Can cause defatting and drying of the skin which may result in skin irritation and dermatitis. EYE CONTACT: 'INHALATION: No carcinogen report. Can cause severe irritation, redness, tearing or blurred vision. Can cause nasal and respiratory irritation, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, nausea, headache, nervous irritability, possible unconsciousness and asphyxiation. Can lead to central nervous system depression. EMERGENCY AND FIRST AIDPROCEDURES If swallowed: Do not induce vomiting. For skin contact: In case of eye contact: If affected by inhalation: C~TI. PHYSICIAN ISiMEDIATELY. Keep patient warm and quiet. Aspiration of material into lungs due to vcmliting cmn cause chemical pneumonitis which can be fatal. Wash thoroughly with soap_ and plenty of water. If irritation persists get medical attention. Flush withplenty of water. Remove to fresh air. Maintain respiration as necessary and CALL PHYSICIAN. .PRODUCT NAME ..... DURA SF~AL Medium Brown #228 SECTION Vi - REACTIVITY DATA IABILITY UNSTABLE CONDITIONS TO AVOID STABLE NONE X INCOMPATABILITY (Materials to a.void) Strong Oxidizing Agents HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS Incomplete combustion produces carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and unidentified organic compounds. HAZARDOUS MAY OCCUR CONDITIONS TO AVOID POLYMERIZATION WILL NOT OCCUR X NONE SECTION VII - SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE CLASSIFICATION ignitable NUMBER D 001 CERCLA (SUPER FUND) REPORTABLE QUANTITY (RO#) ........... NONE ......... STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CABE MATERIAL IS RELEJ~ED OR SPILLED Provide adequate ventilation. IA Remove ignition sources from spill area.---Utilize 'sand, rags, paper, vermiculite,- floor absorbent, or other absorbent material and place in leak-proof drums .for disposal. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD In accordance with local, state and federal regulations. 'Incineration is preferred or by burying in an approved landfill. 5?Mp OUT OF SURFACE WATERS AND ANY WATER COURSES OR SEWERS ENTERING OR LEADING TO SURFACE WATF~RS. -'*: . .... SECTION VIII - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION ................ If adequate ventilation cannot be maintained, use respiratory protection (NIOSH/ MSHA TC 23C or equivalent). Use a full face or half-mask air purifying respirator with organic vapor cartridge to prevent overexposure. VENTILATION Provide a constant flow of fresh air to meet TLV requirements. Open windows and doors or use other means to permit fresh air entry during application and d~ying. PROTECTIVE GLOVES EYE PROTECTION Use rubber, neoprene or vitron gloves. Safety glasses or chemical goggles or a I) face shield. OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Have eye bath and safety shower nearby during use. PAGE 3 of 4 CW 098 PRODUCT NAME MAT; AL SAFETY DATA SHE DURA SEAL Medium Brown ~228 .... SECTION IX - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS I~'ECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORING Do not use or store near heat, sparks, open flame or other sources of ignition. Close container after each use. Store only in original container. Wash with soap and plenty of water before eating, drinking, smoking or using toilet "facilities. OTHER PRECAUTIONS Avoid inhalation and use only with adequate ventilation. If ~ployee experiences eye watering, headaches or dizziness, increase fresh air and leave area. Remove contaminated clothing irmnediately and launder before reuse. Have eye wash and safety sho~r in area during use KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN N.F.P.A. HAZARD RATING DEFINITIONS Minwax Company Inc. has provided hazard ratings solely as a convenience to its customers. However. since hazard ratings require subjective determinations. Minwax Company Inc. shall have no legal responsibility for the accuracy or significance of hazard ratings assigned or the use or reliance thereon· HEALTH HAZARD' RATING CHART 0 I~ISIGNIFICANT 1 SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME no significant risk to health irritation or minor reversible injury possibl'e. temporary or minor injury may occur. major injury likely unless prompt action is taken and medical treatment is given. hfe threatening major or permanent damage may result from single or repeated exposures. FLAMMABILITY HAZARD RATING CHART 0 I'NSIGNIFICANT I SLIGHT 2 ' MODERATE ~3 HIGH 4 EXTREME materials which are normally stable and will not burn unless heated. materials that must be preheated before ignition will occur. Flammable liquids in this category will have flash points (the lowest temperature at which ignition will Occur) at or above 200"F (NFPA Class 1118). materials which must be m0d~rately heated before ignition will occur, including flammable liquids with flash points at or above 100'~F and .below 200"F. (NFPA Class II and. Class IliA). materials capable of ignition under almost all normal temperature conditions, including flammable liquids with flash points below 73"F and boiling points above 100"F as well with flash points between 73"F and 100"F (NFPA Classes lB and 1C). very flammable gases or very Volatile flammable liquids with flash points below 73 'F and boiling points below 100~'F (NFPA Class lA). ' REACTIVITY HAZARD RATING CHART INSIGNIFICANT SLIGHT MODERATE HIGH EXTREME materials which are normally stable, even under fire conditions, and which will not react with water. materials which are normally stable, but can become unstable at high temperatures and pressures. These materials may react with water, but will not release energy violently. materials which in themselves are normally stable and will readily undergo violent chemical change, but will not detonate. These materials may also react violently with'water. materials which are capable of detonation or explosive reaction, but require a strong initiating source, or must be heated under confinement before miha,on, or materials which react explosively with water. these materials are readily capable of detona,on or explosive decomposition at normal temperatures and .pressures. CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS DIVISION 102 CHESTNUT RIDGE PLAZA · MONTVALE · NEW JERSEY 07645 _~ECEtVED AU$ 2 2 1986 SEE HAZARD RATING DEFINITIONS PAGE 4 .~o~ EXTREME ~/'~'~ ~ R ....... Iv I SLIGHT . ~ SDec~al J CHRONIC HEALTH N~RD~SEE SECTION V ~ 6/30/86 MATERIAL FETY DATA SHEET cAY: (2o~1-~.~-o~3 NIGHT: (201) 573-5?00 SECTION I- IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME DURA SEAL Ebony # 231 PRoDucT CLASS Penetrating Wood Finish and Stain CODE NUMBER 13-00231-100 UN No. UN 1263 HAZARD CLASS (49CFR 172.101) Combustible Liquid DOT PR~)'PER SHIPPING NAME (49cFR 172..101) Paint, Stain or Varnish SECTION II - INGREDIENTS PAINTS, PRESERVATIVES, & SOLVENTS ............................ % TLC (Units) VEHICLE ....... 35, O SOLVENTS Mineral Spirits (Stoddard Solvent) CAS #8052-41-3 58.1 500 PPM ADDITIVES 1.0 OTHERS MI~I'URES OF OTHER LIQUIDS, SOLIDS, OR GASES % TLC (Units) SECTION III - PHYSICAL DATA APPEARANCE Black ,~iqtlid; VAPOR DENSITY: HEAVIER/LIGHTER THAN AIR ~t~ld ~;yclrocarbon Odor (Air = 1) 4.8 SOLUBILITY IN WATER 'rv"-ct[::]c~ ~ .' ......... PERCENT VOLATILE BY 'VOLUME (%) ................. NIL (m~Hq) 5 ~ 62.8% BOLLING POINT (°F)313oF ~ua~ Bahs_ - 0.09 WEIGHT PER GALLON 7.17# ion is furnished without warranty, representation, or license of any kind, except that it is accurate to the best of Minwax Company Incorporated's knowledge or obtained from sources believed by the Minwax Company Inc. to be accurate. The Minwax Company Inc. shall have no legal responsiblity for use or reliance upon any information provided herewith. CUSTOMERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO CONDUCT THEIR OWN TEST, BEFORE USING ANY PRODUCT READ ITS LABEL. PRODUCTNAME ~ .' MAT"~iAL SAFETY DATA SHF"'T DURA SEAL Ebony ~ 231 SECTION IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA FLASHPOINT FLAMMABLE LIMITS 105°F LEL 0 ~ 9 UEL 6.0 EXTINGUISHING MEDIA AUTOIGNITION TEMPERATURE 450~ Dry Chemical, Alcohol Foam and Water Fog. Carbon Dioxide, SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES Use self-contained breathing apparatus with a full face piece operated in pressure demand or other positive pressure mode. Water is not normally an effective extinguishing agent. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS When burning, this product gives off toxic by-products (such as Carbon Monoxide), therefore, the breathing of fumes, smoke and gasses given off during burning should be avoided. SECTION V - HEALTH HAZARD DATA THRESHOLD LIMIT VALUE ( OSHAr ~V/~500 PPM Mineral Spirits (Stoddard Solvent) ACGIH TLV/%~A 100 PPM ACGIH TLV/STEL 150 PPM EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE - ROUTES OF EXPOSURE INGESTION: Can cause gast~0i~%~inal irritation, SKIN CONTACT: EYE CONTACT: INHALATION: No carcinogen report. nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Aspiriation of liquid into the lungs can cause chemical pneum6nitis which can be 'fatal.-' Can cause defatting and drying of the skin which may result in skin irritation and dermatitis. Can cause severe irritation, redness, tearing or blurred vision. Can cause nasal and respiratory irritation, dizziness, weakness,I fatigue, nausea, headache, nervous irritability, possible unconsciousness and asphyxiation. Can lead to central nervous system depression. EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID-PROCEDURES If swallowed: Do not induce vomiting. For skin contact: In case of eye contact: If affected by inhalation: CALL PHYSICIAN IMMEDIATELY. Keep patient warm and quiet. Aspiration of material into lungs-due to vcmiting can cause chemical pneumonitis which can be fatal. Wash t~hor0ughly with soap .and plenty of water. If irritation persists get medical attention. Flush with plenty of water. Remove to fresh air. Maintain respiration as necessary and CALL PHYSICIAN. , MAgi;RIAL SAFETY DATA SI'~T PRODUCT NAME DURA SF~L Ebony # 231 SECTION VI - REACTIVITY DATA ABILITY UNSTABLE CONDITIONS TO AVOID STABLE NO~ X INCOMPATABILITY (Materials to avoid) Strong Oxidizing Agents HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS Incon~ lete combustion produces carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and unidentified organic cc~pounds. CONDITIONS TO AVOID MAY OCCUR HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION WILL NOT OCCUR X NONE SECTION VII - SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE CLASSIFICATION NUMBER Ignitable D 001 CERCLA (SUPER FUND) REPORTABLE QUANTITY (FiG#) ............................................................. NONE STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL I$ RELEASED OR SPit:! ~D Provide adequate ventilation. Il o ces rom ea.' ra s, floor absorbent, or other absorbent material and place in leak-proof drums .for disposal. · WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD In accordance with local, state and federal regulations. Incineration is preferred or by burying in an approved landfill. KEEP OUT OF SURFACE WATERS AND ANY WATER' COURSES OR SEWERS ENTERING OR T,w..ADING TO SURFACE ~ATk-RS.' SECTION' VIII - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION If adequate ventilation cannot be mintained, uSe respiratory protection (NIOSH/ MSHA TC 23C or equivalent). Use a full face or half-mask air purifying respirator with organic vapor cartridge to prevent overexposure. VENTILATION Provide a constant flow of fresh air to meet TLV requirements. Open windows and doors or use other means to permit fresh air 'entry during application and drying. PROTECTIVE GLOVES EYE PROTECTION [ Use rubber, neoprene or vitron gloves. Safety glasses or chemical goggles or a ~D face shield. OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Have eye bath and safety shower nearby during use. PRODUCTNAME MAT-"' IAL SAFETY DATA SHE; DURA SF2tL F~ony ~ 231 SECTION IX - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS 'PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKENIN HANDLING AND STORING Do not use or store near heat, sparks, open flame or other sources of ignition. Close container after each use. Store only in original container. Wash with soap and plenty of water before eating, drinking, smoking or using toilet facilities. OTHER PRECAUTIONS Avoid inhalation and use only with adequate ventilation. If employee experiences eye watering, headaches or dizziness, increase fresh air and leave area. Remove contaminated clothing immmdiately and launder before reuse. Have eye wash and safety shower in area during use. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN N.F.P.A. HAZARD RATING DEFINITIONS Minwax Company Inc. has provided hazard ratings solely as a convenience to its customers. However. since hazard ratings require subjective determinations. Minwax Company Inc. shall have no legal responsibility for the accuracy or significance of hazard ratings assigned or the use or reliance thereon. HEALTH HAZARD RATING CHART 0 INSIGNIFICANT I SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME 0 INSIGNIFICANT 1 SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME no significant risk to health irritation or minor reversible injury possible. temporary or minor injury may occur. major injury likely unless prompt action is taken and medical treatment is given. life threatening major or permanent damage may result lrom single or repeated exposures. FLAMMABILITY HAZARD RATING CHART materials which are normally stable and will not burn unless heated. materials that must be preheated before ignition will occur. Flammable liquids in this category will have flash points (the lowest temperature at which ignition will occur) at or above 200'F (NFPA Class 11 lB). materials which must be moderately heated before ignition will occur, including flammable liquids with flash points at or above 100°F and below 200"F, (NFPA Class II and Class IliA). materials capable of ignition under almost all normal temperature conditions, including flammable liquids with flash points below ?3"F and boili, ng points above 10Q"F as well with flash points between 73"F and 100"F (NFPA Classes lB and lC). very flammable gases or very volatile flammable liquids with flash points below 73'F and boiling points below 100°F (NFPA Class lA). REACTIVITY HAZARD RATING CHART.-::: -_: -:'. '_ - :'- ' ' · .......... 0 INSIGNIFICANT 1 SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME materials which are normally stable, even under fire condihons, and which will not react with water. materials which are normally stable, but can become unstable at high temperatures and pressures. These materials may react with water, but will not release energy violently. materials which in themselves are normally stable and will readily undergo violent chemical change, but will not detonate. These materials may also react violently with water. materials which are capable of detonation or explosive reaction, but require a strong inihating source, or must be heated under confinement before ruination, or materials which react explosively with water. these materials are readily capable of detonation or explosive decomposition at normal temperatures and pressures. CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS DIVISION ~02 CHESTNUT RIDGE[ PLAZA · MONTVALE * NEW JERSEY 07645 I~I:.L;17..IVb__U AUb Z Z 1~Ii~,~. RATING DEFINITIONS PAGE 4 HAZARD RATING 3-4' HIGHEXTREME T //'~ Reac,,v.: 2 =MOOERATE I · SLIGHT V s~¢al 0 = INSIGNIFICANT · = CHRONIC HEALTH H~RD--SEE SECTION V DATE OF PREP: 6/26/86 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET IEMERGENCY PHONE NO. DAY: (201) 391-0253 NIGHT: (201) 573-5700 SECTION I - IDENTIFICATION PRODUCTNAME W~X&CT,~ANER #200NATURALbytheMakers of DURA SEAL PRODUCT CLASS Wood Floor Cleaner & PoliSh CODE NUMBER 13-08200-100 No. UN 1263 HAZARD CLASS (49CFR 172.101) : DOT .ROPER SHIPPING NAME (49CFR 172.101, ........ Paint Related Material SECTION I! -. INGREDIENTS ..... __.:_ ...... PAINTS, PRESERVATIVES, & SOLVENTS 0/~ TLC (Units) F' ~IGMENTS VEHICLE .......... :5.0 SOLVENTS Mineral Spirits (Stoddard Solvent) CAS #8052-41-3 71.5 500 PPM, ADDITIVES ..... , ..... . .... 1.0 OTHERS Waxes ". '-- -" ......... · 13.0 MIXTURES OF OTHER LIQUIDS, SOLIDS, OR GASES ~/0 TLC (Untts) Petroleum Distillate CAS #64742-95-6 4.5 500 PPM Diacetone Alcohol CAS #123-42-2 5.0 50 PP~4 SECTION III - PHYSICAL DATA _. ' ' :-.-'-':::' .--- APPEARANCE Hazy Amber SOLUBILITY IN WATER Partially BOLLING POINT (OF) 313°F Liquid; Hydrocarbon Od~ Vap~ Pressure (n~9-) 5 m~ ~v-~J~ation Rate (BYcyl Acetate=l) 0.09 VAPOR DENSITY: HEAVIER/LIGHTER THAN AIR ...... (k~.r = 1) · 4.8 PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME (%) 83.5 WEIGHT PER GALLON 6.77# k~his information is furnished without warranty, representation, or license of any kind, except that it is accurate to the ~est of Minwax Company Incorporated's knowledge or obtained from sources believed by the Minwax Company Inc. to be accurate. The Minwax Company Inc. shall have no legal responsiblity for use or reliance upon an'/ information provided herewith. CUSTOMERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO CONDUCT THEIR OWN TEST, BEFORE IUSING ANY PRODUCT READ ITS LABEL. PRODUCT NAME WAX & CL;ANER #200 NATURAL by t~he Makers of DURA SFAL ...... SECTION IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA [05°F EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical, FLAMMABLE LIMITS LEL 0.9 ' UEL 6.0 AUTOIGNITION TEMPERATURE 450°F Alcohol Foam and Water Fog. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES Use self-contained breathing apparatus with a full face piece operated in pressure demand or other positive pressure mode. Water is not normally an. effective extinguishing agent. ~ ............ .. UNUSUAL FIRE AND' -~. -' · EXPLOSION HAZARDS .- When burning, this product gives off toxic by-products (such as Carbon Monoxide), therefore, the breathing of fumes, smoke and gasses given off during burning should be' avoided ...... .. .. SECTION V - HEALTH HAZARD DATA ................... THRESHOLD LIMIT VALUE ( ' TLV/TWA 500 PPM I ' ' : . ~CE~A. ~LV/~z[ 50 P~M (~-d AOG[H TLV/T~_...100_PP,M.! ..Dia~U~ AUzh~ :..~ .a~ ~LV/~4~__.50. ~a~ ........... ~ Dis~ 11~h=_ A~GIH TLV/STEL 150' 'PPM I ' : .............. :--- EFFECTSOFOVEREXPOSURE-ROUTES OFEXPOSURE "'" ":- .... ':":: '.- .' IN~-~-~TION: Can cause gastrointestinal irritatio~;-ha~a;'-'~tihg' ahd '-" diarrhea. Aspiriation of liquid into the. lungs can'cause chemical pneumonitis which can be .fatal .... Can cause defatting and drying of the skin-'which may result in s]cin irritation and dermatitis. Can cause severe irritation, redness, tearing 'or blurred vision. Can cause nasal and respiratory irritation,' dizziness, weakness fatigue, nausea, headache, nervous irritability, possible unconsciousness and asphyxiation. Can lead to central nervous system depreSsion .... No carcinogen report ................................................ ~4 CONTACT: INHALATION: EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID*PROCEDURES If swallow~d: Do not induce vomiting. For skin contact: In case of eye contacti CAT~. PHYSICIAN._IF~4EDIATELY.. 'Keep'. ...... patient warm and quiet. AspiratiOn of material into lung§ due to vcraiting can cause chemical pneumonitis which-can'be-fatal. Wash thoroughly wi~h soap and plenty of water..· If irritation persists get medical attention. Flush with plenty of water. Remove to fresh air. Maintain respiration as necessary and CALL PHYSICIAN. If affected by inhalation: J~ODUCT NAME · SECTION VI - REACTIVITY DATA UNSTABLE STABLE X CONDITIONS TO AVOID INCOMPATABILITY (Mateflais to avoid) Strong OXidizing Agents HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS Incomplete ccmbustion produces carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and unidentified organic cc~po~ unds. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION CONDFFIONS TO AVOID MAY OCCUR WILL NOTOCCUR X ' ~ .... SECTION Vii - SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE CLASSIFICATION NUMBER Ignitable D 001 CERCLA (SUPER FUND) REPORTABLE QUANTITY (RQ#) '. ..... ' _ . .:: : : .. ': .: ....... ':: ."::'. ........ "PS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED : Remove ignition sources from. spill area. Utilize sand, -rags, paper, vermiculite, floor absorbent, or other absorbent material and place in leak-proof drums .for disposal. · WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD. In accordance with local, state and federal regulations. Incineration is preferred or by burying in an approved landfill.. KEEP.. OUT OF SURFACE WATERS AND ANY WATER · COURSES OR S~S EN~fERING OR LEADIN~ TO 'SURFACE WAT~.RS. .-, .......... SECTION:VIIi - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION ' RESPIRATORY pROTEcTION If adequate ventilation cannot be maintained, use respiratory protection (NIOSH/ MSHATC 23C or e.quivalent). VENTILATION Provide a constant flow of fresh air to ~et TLV requirements. Open windows and .... doors-or use-other means to permit.fresh air 'entry.during application and drying. PRO~ECTIVE GLOVES Use rubber, neoprene or vitron gloves. EYE PROTECTION Safety glasses or chemical goggles or a face shield. OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Have eye bath and safety shower nearby during use. PRODUCT NAME SECTION IX - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PRECAUTIONS TO .BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORING ~DO not use or store near heat, sparks, open flame or other sources of ignition. Close container after each use. Store only in original container. Wash with soap and plenty of water before eating, drinking, smoking or using toilet facilities. OTHER PRECAUTIONS Avoid inhalation and use only with adeqUate ventilation. If ~Ployee experiences eye watering, headaches or dizziness, increase fresh air and leave area. R~ve contaminated clothing irar~iatelyahd launder~before reuse. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN .~ . N.F.P'.A. HAZARD RATING DEFINITIONS ....................................... ~ =~-~i~X company Inc. has provided hazard ratings solely as a'convenience to its'customers.-HoWev'er, sinc~ hazard ~atings require subjective determinations. Minwax Company Inc. shalllhave no legal responsibility for the accuracy or significance of hazard ratings assigned or the use or reliance thereon. HEALTH HAZARD RATING CHART 0 INSIGNIFICANT · !.:~,,.sLIGHT '2' 'MODERATE 3 '.~ HIGH 4 · EXTREME no significant risk to health ............ : ........... : ........ : ................. irritation or minor reversible-injury possible. temporary or minor injury may occur. major injury likely unless prompt action is taken and medical treatment is given ........ · ...... life threatening major or permanent damage may result from single of repeated exposures. FLAMMABILITY HAZARD RATING CHART ' 0 INSIGNIFICANT materials which are normally stable and will not burn unless heated. 1, ' SLIGHT materials that must be preheated before ignition will occur. Flammable liquids in this category will have ..................................... : .... flash points (the lowest temperature at which·ignition will occur) at 0rjab0ve 200':F (NFPA Class 1 2 MODERATE materials which must be moderately heated before ignition will occur, including flammable liquids with flash points at or above 100°F and below 200"F. (NFPA Class II and Class IliA). 3 HIGH materials capable o( ignition under almost all normal temperature conditions, including flammable liquids with flast~ points below 73"F and boiling points above IO0"F as well with flash points between 73"F and IO0"F (NFPA Classes lB and 1C). .... 4 EXTREME ..... very flammable gases or very volatile flammable liquids with flash points below 73"F and boiling points below 100°F (NFPA Class lA). ........................ 'REACTIVITY HAZARD RATING CHART INSIGNIFICANT SLIGHT 2 MODERATE materials which are normally stable, even under fire conditions, and which will not react with water. · materials which are normally stable, but can become unstable at high temperatures and pressures. These materials may react with water, but will not release energy violently. materials which in themselves are normally stable and will readily undergo violent chemical change, but will not detonate. These materials may also react violently with water. materials which are capable of detonation or explos,ve reaction, but require a strong iniliatmg source, or must be heated under confinement before imtiat~on, or materials which react exploswely with water. these materials are readily capable of det0.nation or explosive decomposition at normal temperatures and pressures CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS DIVISION CHESTNUT RIDGE PLAZA · MONTVALE · NEW JERSEY 07645 SEE HAZARD RATING DEFINITIONS PAGE 4 HAZARD RATING F~re ~ ~ ~ 4 EXTREME --~ ~/"'",. React w~¥ 3-HIGH T ..... ,¥~" ~)~*'"' /~ '~- ~ ~*/-'~ -- 2 = MODERATE 1 : SLIGHT V Special 0: INSIGNIFICANT · = CHRONIC HEALTH HAZARD~SEE SECTION V DATE OF PREP: 6/26/86 I EMERGENCY PHONE NO. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET I DAY: (20,39~-02~3 ~ NIGHT: (201) 573-5700 SECTION I - IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME WAX & CLEANER #223 COFFEE BROWN by the Makers of DURA SEAL PRODUCT CLASS ' "- ....... ~od Floor Cleaner & Polish CODE NUMBER I UN No. 13-08223-100 I UN 1263 DOT HAZARD CLASS (49CFR 172.101) PROPER SHIPPING NAME (49CFR 1_72.101) Paint Related Material iCQr~bus~ible Liqu%d SECTION II - INGREDIENTS PAINTS, PRESERVATIVES, & SOLVENTS IGMENTS CATALYST VEHICLE SOLVENTS ADDITIVES Mineral Spirits (Stoddard SOlvent) CAS #8052-41-3 5.0 71.5 1.5 13.0 TLC (Units) 500 PPM OTHERS Waxes .... -- MIXTURES OF OTHER LIQUIDS, SOLIDS, OR GASES % TLC(Units) Petroleum Distillate CAS ~64742-95-6 4.0 500 PPM 5.0 CAS i123-42-2 Diacetone Alcohol .50 PPM SECTION III - PHYSICAL DATA APPEARANCE Hazy Srown'Licluid; HydrOCarbon Odor SOLUBILITY IN WATER Partially (m~g) 5 mm VAPOR DENSITY: HEAVIER/LIGHTER THAN AIR .. (Air = l) 4.8 PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME (%) 83.0 BOILING POINT (°F) ]~[z::ra~('rt RaI3~ WEIGHT PER GALLON 313OF (~%'yl .z~C_abe=l) 0.09 6.77 This information is furnished without warranty, representation, or license of any kind, except that it is accurate to the best of Minwax Company Incorporated's knowledge or obtained from sources believed by the Minwax Company Inc. to be accurate. The Minwax Company Inc. shall have no legal responsiblity for use or reliance upon any information provided herewith. CUSTOMERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO CONDUCT THEIR OWN TEST, BEFORE USING ANY PRODUCT READ ITS LABEL. PRODUCTNAME MAT,"?IAL SAFETY DATA SHF--"_ WAX & CLeANeR #22~ COFFEE BROWAI by the Makers. of DURA SEAL SECTION IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA FLASHPOINT I FLAMMABLE LIMITS :'~ ~' 105°F I LEL 0.9 UEL 6.0 EXTINGUISHING MEDIA AUTOIGNITION TEMPERATURE 4504 Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical, Alcohol Foam' and Water Fog. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES Use self-contained breathing apparatus with a full face piece operated in pressure demand or other positive Pressure mode. Water is not normally an effective extinguishing agent. :. ~ : :- ~ UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS ' '- . . When burning, this product gives off toxic by-products (such as Carbon MonoXide), therefore, the breathing of fumes, smoke and gasses given off during burning -~ SECTION V- HEALTH HAZARD DATA THRESHOLD LIMFFVALUE. ne ~ ' its 3 OSHA TLV/%~A' 500 PPMI--: ...'..'.: ..-U .... -'. ~CE~A ~LV/~ 50P DM ~o~~o~vent) ACGm :PPM.t ..... ....... '&'-~ole~Di~nt~' ~ ~m ~v/s~-i50 PP~-I ' "--" (~v/~ 75 ~ EF~$ OF OVER~POSURE-'HO~ OF ~POSURE ~: . ..... .. ': ... : .................. C~ caUse g~°intestin~ i~itation~'n~u~ea; v~ting' ~d INGESTION: EYE CONTACT: 'INHALATION: No carcinogen report. diarrhea. Aspiriation of liquid into the lungs can cause chemical Pneumonitis which can--be-fatal Can cause defatting and drying of the skin which may result in skin irritation and dermatitis. Can cause severe, irritation, redness, .,tearing--or blurred vision Can cause nasal and respiratory irritation, dizziness, weakness fatigue, nausea, headache, nervous irritability, possible unconsciousness and asphyxiation. Can lead. to central nez~zous system depression. EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID .PROCEDURES If swallow~d: Do not induce vomiting~- For skin contact: In case of eye contact: If affected by inhalation: CAtI. PHYSICIAN I/~qSDIATELY. Keep patient warm and quiet. Aspiration of material into lungs due to vc~iting can cause chemical pneumonitis which~canbe fatal. Wash thoroughly withsoap'and plenty'of water. If irritation persists get medical attention. Flush withplenty of water. Remove to fresh air. Maintain respiration as necessary and CALL PHYSICIAN. PRODUCTNAME WAX & CV.P. ANER #223 COFFEE BROWN by the Makers of DURA SEAL SECTION VI - REACTIVITY DATA UNSTABLE STABLE X CONDITIONSTO AVOID NONE INCOMPATABILITY (Materials to avoid) Strong Oxidizing Agents HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS Incomplete combustion produces carbon monoXide, carbon dioxide. and unidentified organic compounds. '-. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION CONDITIONS TO AVOID MAY OCCUR WILL NOT 'OCCUR X NONE ........ ~:':- SECTION Vii - SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE CLASSIFICATION ig~j.~abie NUMBER ............ D" 001 CERCLA (SUPER FUND) REPORTABLE QUANTITY.(RQ#) NONE ...... STEPS TO SE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPIL~FD Remove ignition-sources from spill 'area. Utilize sand, r~gs, paper, vermiculite, floor absorbent, or other absorbent material and place in leak-proof drums for disposal. ' WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD In accordance with local, state and feder~ regulations. Incineration is preferred or by burying in an approved landfill. K..~P- OUT OF SURFACE WATERS AND ANY WATER COURSES OR SEWERS ENTERING OR LEADI~ 'TO SURFACE WATERS. ' SECTION VIII - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION RESPIRATORY PROTECT[ON If adequate ventilation cannot be maintained, use respiratory protection (NIOSH/ MSHATC 23C or equivalent). VENTILATION ............. Provide a'constant flow of fresh air to ~etTLV requirementS. Openwindows and doors-or use other means to permit fresh Dir 'entry_.during application and drying. PROTECTIVE GLOVES Use rubber, neoprene or vitron gloves. EYE PROTECTION Safety glasses or chemical goggles or a face shield. OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Have eye bath and safety shower nearby during use. PRODUCT NAME WAX & CLPANER #223 CO~EE BP, O~ by the' Ma~ers of DUEA SF_A~ SECTION IX - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PP. FJE~AUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORING Do not use or store near heat, sparks, open flame or other sources of ignition. Close container after each use. Store only in original container. Wash with soap and plenty of water before eating, drinking, smoking or using toilet facilities. OTHER PRECAUTIONS Avoid inhalation and use only with adequate ventilation. If ~ployee experiences eye watering, headaches or dizziness, increase fresh air and leave area. Remove contaminated clothing immediately and launder before reuse. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN N.F.P.A. HAZARD RATING DEFINITIONS '_ ...................... ' ....... Minwax Company Inc. has provided hazard ratings solely as a convenience'to its customers. However, since hazard ratings require subiective determinations, Minwax Company Inc. shall have no legal responsibility tor the accuracy or significance ol hazard ratings assigned or the use or reliance thereon. HEALTH HAZARD RATING CHART 0 INSIGNIFICANT 1 SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME no significant risk to health .................... irritation or minor reversible injury possible. temporary Or minor injury may occur. major injury likely unless prompt action is taken and medical treatment is given.:...--. life threatening major or p~rmanent damage may result from single or repeated exposures. -- FLAMMABILITY HAZARD RATING CHART 0 INSIGNIFICANT materials which are normally stable and will not burn unless heated. 1 SLIGHT materials that must be preheated before ignition will occur. Flammable liquids in this category will have flash points (the lowest temperatu~'e at which ignition Will 0ccu'r) al or above 200'F (NFPA Class 111B). ....... 2 - MODERATE ............. materials which must be moderately heated before ignition will occur, including flammable liquids with flash points at or above 100°F and below 200"F. (NFPA Class II and Class IliA). 3 HIGH materials capable of ignition under almost all normal temperature conditions, including flammable liquids with flash points below 73"F and boiling points above 100"F as well with flash points between 73"F and 100"F (NFPA Classes lB and 1C). 4 EXTREME very flammable gases or very volatile flammable liquids with flash points below 73"F and boiling points .... below 100°F (NFPA Class lA). ........................................ REACTIVITY HAZARD RATING CHART INSIGNIFICANT SLIGHT MODERATE HIGH EXTREME materials which are normally stable, even under fire conditions, and which will not react with water. materials which are normally stable, but can become unstable at high temperatures and pressures. These materials may react with water, but will not release energy violently. materials which in themselves are normally stable and will readily undergo violent chemical change, but will not detonate. These materials may also react violently with water. materials which are capable of detonation or explosive reaction, but require a strong initiating source, or must be heated under confinement before imt~ation, or materials which react explosively with water. these materials are readily capable o! detonahon or explosive decomposition at normal temperatures and pressures CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS DIVISION 102 CHESTNUT RIDGE PLAZA · MONTVALE · NEW JERSEY 07645 SEE HAZARD R,~TING DEFINITIONS PAGE 3 ] r,-2 .-84 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETEMERGE"CYPHONE"O.: 201-391-0253 SECTION I -- IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME DURA SEAL #201 Whibe PRODUCT CLASS Woo~ CODE NUMBER JUN No. 0201-100I UN 1263 DOT HAZAR D CLASS (49CFR 172.101 ) Combustible Liquid PROPER SHIPPING NAME (49CFR 172.~0~) Paint~ Stain or ,Varnish SECTION II -- INGREDIENTS TLC PAINTS, PRESERVATIVES, & SOLVENTS % (Units) PIGMENTS 23 ' CATALYST VEHICLE 22 SOLVENTS Mineral Spirits CAS# 8032-32-4 54 500 ppm ADDITIVES OTHERS TLC MIXTURES OF OTHER LIQUIDS, SOLIDS, OR GASES % (Unita) SECTION III -- PHYSICAL DATA APPEARANCE vApoR DENSITY: HEAVIER/LIGHTER THAN AIR White Li?/d (Air=l ) 4.8 SOLUBILITY IN WATER PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME (%) ni 1 55 · 3 BOLLING POINT (OF.) WEIGHT PER GALLON 313°F 7.3# This information is furnished without warranty, representation, or license of any kind, except that it is accurate to the best of Minwax Company Incorporated's knowledge or obtained from sources believed by the Minwax Comapany, Inc. to be accurate. The Minwax Company Inc. shall have no legal responsibility for use or reliance upon any information provided herewith. CUSTOMERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO CONDUCT THEIR OWN TEST, BEFORE USING ANY PRODUCT READ ITS LABEL. PAGE (1) (continued on pages 2 & 3) CW 033 ~iPRODUCTI NAME DURA SEAL #201 White SECTION IV -- FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA I FLAMMABLE LIMITS 0.9 I FLASHPOINT 105°F LEL UEL EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Foam, Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical, Water Mist SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING 'PROCEDURES Hater is not normally an effective extinguishing agent. UNUSUAL FIRE AND ~Tnen burning this product qives off toxic by-products (such EXPLOSION HAZARDS - - · as Carbon Monoxide) therefore, breathing of fumes, smoke, and qasses q~ven off durinq burn/n~ should be avoided. SECTION V -- HEALTH HAZARD DATA THRESHOLD LIMIT VALUE Mineral Spirits - 500 ppm EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE Harmful or fatal if swallowed.. Causes eye and skin irritation, vapors may cause headaches, nausea or nervous irrit~bil/ty. EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES Ingestion: do not induce vomiting. CALL PHYSICIAN IMMEDIATELY. For eye c~Dntact: flush with plenty of water and get medical attention. For skin c~ntact: wash thoroughly with soap and water. If irritation persists get n~=dical attention. If affected by inhalation r~ove to fresh air. SECTION VI -- REACTIVITY DATA STABILITY UNSTABLE CONDITIONS TO AVOID STABLE X INCOMPATABIUTY (Materials to avoid) none HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS Incx~nblete ¢~m%bustion produces carbon monoxide HAZARDOUS MAY OCCUR CONDITIONS TO AVOID POLYMERIZATION WILL NOT OCCUR X SECTION VII -- SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED .OR SPILLED Utilize sand or rags to clean up spills. RemDve ignition sources frc~ spill WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD In acx:ordance with local, state au-~, federal r .egulation. Incineration is preferred or by burying in an approved landfill. PAGE (2) (continued on page 3) CIN031 ~ PRODUCT NAME DURA SEAL #201White SECTION VIII -- SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION Setf-cxDntained organic vapor cannister system VENTILATION Avoid breathing vapors or spray mist. Provide a ex)natant flow of fresh air. PROTECTIVE GLOVES ~u]:)be~ Gloves I EYE PROTECTION I OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Y~ve eye ]3~ a~d safeL-'7 showe~ near by du~L~g use. Safety Glasses SECTION IX -- SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORING Do not use or store near heat, sparks, open flame or other sources of ignition. Replace plug in can securely after each use. OTHER PRECAUTIONS Use in well ventilated area. Remove cx)ntaminated clothing ~ately and 'launder before reuse. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CH~,r~REN N.F.P.A. HAZARD ·RATING DEFINITIONS Minwax Company Inc. has provided hazard ratings solely as e convenience to its customers. However, since hazard ratings require subjective determinations, Minwax Company Inc. shall have no legal responsibility for the accuracy or significance of hazard ratings assigned or the use or reliance thereon. HEALTH HAZARD RATING CHART 0 INSIGNIFICANT I SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME no significant risk to health. irritation or minor reversible injury possible. temporary or minor injury may occur. major injury likely unless prompt action is taken and medical treatment is given. life threatening major or permanent damage may result from single or repeated exposures. FLAMMABILITY HAZARD RATING CHART 0 INSIGNIFICANT I SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME materials which are normally stable and will not burn unless heated. materials that must be preheated before ignition will occur. Flammable liquids in this category will have flash points {the lowest temperature at which ignition will occur) at or above 200°F (NFPA Class 111B). materials which must be moderately heated before ignition will occur, including flammable liquids with flash points at or above 100°F and below 200°F. {NFPA Class II and Class IliA). materials capable of ignition under almost all normal temperature conditions. including flammable liquids with flash points below 73°F and boiling points above 100°F as well with flash points between 73°F and 100°F (NFPA Classes lB and 1C). ; very flammable gases or very volatile flammable liquids with flash points below 73°F and boiling points below 100°F (NFPA Class lA). REACTIVITY HAZARD RA~ING CHART INSIGNIFICANT SLIGHT MODERATE HIGH 4 EXTREME materials which are normally stable, even un~u~' t.e conditions, and which will not react with water materials which are normally stable, but can become unstable et high temperatures end pressures. These materials may react with water, but will not release energy violently. materiels which in themselves are normally stable and will readily undergo violent chemical change, but will not detonate. These materials may also react violently with water, materiels which are capable of detonation or explosive reaction, but require a strong initiating source, or must be heated under confinement before initiation, or materials which react explosively with water. these materials are readily capable of detonation or explosive decomposition et normal temperatures and pressures. PAGE (3) CW032 CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS DIVISION 102 CHESTNUT RIDGE PLAZA · MONTVALE · NEW JERSEY 07645 ,ZARD RATING DEFINITIONS PAGE 4 HAZARD RATING p~;eA 4= EXTREME ~V//~ Reacl~wl~ 3= H,GH ~'o,,c,,,~ ",~/"N,.~F .~ 2~MOOERATE 1 ~ SLIGHT VSoec~a; ~J~,. O r--- tNSIGN,;ICAN1 - ' ~CHRONIC HEALTH H~ARD~SEE SECTION ~ DATE OF PREP· 7/25/86 ~ EMERGENCY PHONE NO. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET ~ OAY~ (2o~-o~53 I NIGHT: (201) 573-5700 SECTION. I - IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME GLOSS POLY-UR~ by the Makers of DURA SEAL PRODUCT CLASS Polyurethane Wood Finish '- CODE NUMBER UN No. 13-00300-100 UN 1263 DOT HAZARD CLASS (49CFR 177.101) PROPER SHIPPING NAME (49CFR 172.101) Ccmbustible Liquid Paint, Stain or Varnish · SECTION II - INGREDIENTS PAINTS, PRESERVATIVES, SOLVENTS OR OTHER LIQUIDS, SOLIDS AND GASES ............... % ..........TLV (Units)--- PIGMENTS VEHICLE · . · 42 NONE SOLVENTS Mineral Spirits (Stoddard Solvent) --:.CAS #8052-41-3 -57 500 PPM - ADDITIVES 1 NONE OTHERS : '~ ~ ........... SECTION III - PHYSICAL DATA APPEARANCE Clear Amber Liquid ...... Mild Hydroca?_bon Odor, SOLUBILITY IN WATER VAPOR PRESSURE NIL (mm Hg.) ..... BOILING POINT (°F) EVAPORATION RATE 313°F ~uty~ Acetate = 1) · I VAPOR DENSITY%HEAVIER/LIGHTER THAN AIR -: '.' ....... I (Air = 1) 4.8 0.09 PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME (%) .. : .... 59,4% ' ' WEIGHT PER GALLON 7.2# is information is furnished without warranty, representation, or license of any kind, except that it is accurate to the of Minwax Company Incorporated's knowledge or obtained from sources believed by the Minwax Company Inc. to be accurate. The Minwax Company Inc. shall have no legal responsibility for use or reliance upon any information provided herewith. CUSTOMERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO CONDUCT THEIR OWN TEST, BEFORE USING ANY PRODUCT READ ITS LABEL. PAGE 1 of 4 CW 105 " MATr-~iAL SAFETY DATA SH;r-'r PRODUCT NAME .... w GI~DSS POLY-URm~ by the Makers .of DUP~A SF2tL . ." ' SECTION IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA FLA~'~'H~OINT 105°F t EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical, FLAMMABLE LIMITS LEL 0.9 UEL 6 . 0 AUTOIGNITION TEMPERATURE 450~ Alcohol Foam and Water Fog. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES Use self-contained breathing apparatus with a full face piece operated in pressure demand or other positive pressure mode. Water is not .normally an effective extinguishing agent. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS When burning, this product gives off toxic by-products (such as Carbon Monoxide), therefore, the breathing of fumes, smoke and gasses given off during burning should be avoided. ':" SECTION V - HEALTH HAZARD DATA ............... THRESHOLD LIMIT VALUE ( OSHA TLV/TWA 500 PPM Mineral Spirits ' ' ~ ACGIH TLV/~IA 100 PPM (Stoddard Solvent) ACGIH TLV/STEL' 150 PPM -'- ..... EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE - ROUTES OF EXPOSURE INGESTION: Can cause gas~J~in~stinal irritation, "nausea, vomiting 'and ..... diarrhea. Aspiriation of liquid into the lungs can cause chemical pneumonitis which can be fatal ......... SKIN CONTACT: Can cause defatting and drying of the skin which may result in skin irritation and dern~titis. EYE CONTACT: Can cause severe-irritation, redness, tearing or blurred vision. "INHALATION: '-' Can cause nasal and respiratory irritation, dizziness, weakness fatigue, nausea, headache, nervous irritability, possible unconsciousness and asphyxiation. Can lead to central nervous system depression. No carcinogen report. EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID-PROCEDURES If swallowed: Do not induce vomiting. For skin contact: In case of eye contact: If affected by inhalation: CALL PHYSICIAN IPAMEDIA~Y. Keep patient warm and quiet. Aspiration of material into-lungs due-" to vcmiting can cause chemical pneumonitiswhich can be fatal. Wash tJnoroughly wi+_h soap and plenty of water.'. If irritation persists get medical attention. -'- Flush withplenty of water. Remove to fresh air. Maintain respiration as necessary and CAT,T~ PHYSICIAN. ~. . MA RIAL SAFETY DATA S~ET 'PRODUCT N-AMEGLoSS: POLY-URETHANE by the MakerS of DURA SFEAL SECTION VI - REACTIVITY DATA '~- lABILITY UNSTABLE CONDITIONS TO AVOID STABLE X NONE INCOMPATABILITY (Materials to avoid) Strong Oxidizing Agents HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS Incomplete combustion produces carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and unidentified organic co~po~ unds. CONDmONS TO AVOID MAY OCCUR HAZARDOUS : POLYMERIZATION WILL NOT OCCUR X NONE SECTION VII - SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE CLASSIFICATION NUMBER Ignitable D 001 CERCLA (SUPER FUND) REPORTABLE QUANTITY (RQ~f) NONE ...................................................... ilProvide adequate ventilation. Remo~ve~ ignition sources f~.~o~, sPill., area. -Utilize sand, ~rags, paper, vermiculite, floor absorbent, or ot~her absorbent material and place in leak-proof drums for dis~oosal. Use protective equipment per Section VIII. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD In accordance with local, state and federal regulations. Incineration is preferred or by burying in an approved landfill. 5q~Rp OUT OF SURFACE WATERS AND ANY WATER COURSES OR SEWERS ~/ING OR LF_3~ TO SURFACE WATERS.- ............ :: ................ ~:.':"**~' .-7 ..... ':7: SECTION VIII - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION ' RESPIRATORY PROTECTION If adequate ventilation cannot be maintained, use respiratory protection (NIOSH/ MSHA TC 23C or equ~ ivalent). Use a full- face or half-mask air purifying respirator witch organic vapor cartridge to prevent overexposure. VENTILATION " -Provide a constant flow of fresh air to meet TLV requirements. Open windows and doors or use other means to permit fresh air entry during application and drying .... PROTECTIVE GLOVES EYE PROTECTION ~se~F rubber, neoprene or vitron gloves. Safety glasses or chemical goggles or a face shield. OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT The selected items such as aprons, boots, ~rm guards or full-body suit will depend on operation. Have eye batch and safety shower nearb~ durin~ use. PAGE 3 of 4 C,'~102 PRODUCT NAME GLOSs MATF IAL SAFETY DATA .SHE POLY-URE~HANE by the M~kers of DURA SFAL SECTION IX - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKENIN HANDLING AND STORING DO not use or store near heat, sparks, open Close container after each use. Store only and plenty of water before eating, drinking, flame or other sources of ignition. in original container. Wash with soap smoking or using toilet facilities. OTHER PRECAUTIONS Avoid inhalation and use only with adequate ventilation. If employee experiences eye watering, headaches or dizziness, increase fresh air and leave area. Remove contaminated clothing immediately and launder before reuse. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN N.F.P.Ao HAZARD RATING DEFINITIONS Minwax Company Inc. has provided hazard ratings solely as a convenience to its customers, However, Since hazard ratings ........ require subjective determinations, Minwax Company inc. shall have no legal responsibility for the accuracy or signiticance of hazard ratings assigned or the use or reliance thereon. HEALTH HAZARD RATING CHART 0 INSIGNIFICANT I SLI(~HT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME no significant risk to health .' ir~'itation or minor'reversibl6'inj~ur:y possible. - - -. · temporary or minor injury may occur. major injury likely unless prompt action is taken and medical treatment is given. life threatening major or perh~ahent damage may result from single or repeated exposures. FLAMMABILITY HAZARD RATING CHART 0 INSIGNIFICANT 1 SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME 0 INSIGNIFICANT I SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME materials which are normally stable and will not burn unless heated. materials that must be preheated before ignition will occur. Flammable liquids in this category will have flash points (the lowest temperature at which ignition will occur) at or above 200"F (NFPA Class t materials which must be moderately heated before ignition will occur, including flammable liquids with flash points at or above 100°F and below 200"F. (NFPA Class II and Class Il!A). materials capable of ignition under almost all normal temperature conditions, including flammable liquids with flash points below 73"F and boiling points above IO0"F as well with flash points between 73"F and 100"F (NFPA Classes lB and 1C). very flammable gases or very volatile flammable liquids with flash points below 73"F and boiling points below 100'~F (NFPA Class lA). - '' REACTIVITY HAZARD RATING CHART materials which are normally stable, even under lire conditions, and which will not react with water. materials which are normally stable, but can become unstable at high temperatures and pressures. These materials may react with water, but will not release energy violently. materials which in themselves are normally stable and will readily undergo violent chemical change, but will not detonate. These materials may also react violently with water. materials which are capable of detonation or explosive reachon, but require a strong initiahng source, or must be heated under confinement before imhation, or materials which react explosively with water· these materials are readily capable of detonation or explosive decomposition at normal temperatures and pressures. Minwax Company, Inc. 102 Chestnut Ridge Plaza New Jersey 07645 RATING DEFINITIONS PAGE 4 4:=, EXTREME 3~-- HIGH TOX~CSIV 2=MODERATE =SLIGHT O= ~NSIGNIFICAN! iDATE OF PREP 7/30/86 } EMERGENCY PHONE NO MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET ~DAv: ,20,)39,-02s~ [ NIGHT: (201) 573-5700 SECTION I - IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME POLYURETHANE Clear GibBs'Finish by MTNWAX PRODUCT CLASS Oil modified polyurethane surface coating CODE NUMBER 0 27426 13000 No.. 1263 HAZARD CLASS (49CFR 172.101) Combustible Licuid DOT PROPER SHIPPING NAME (49CFR 172.101) Paint, Stain or Varnish SECTION II - INGREDI.ENTS PAINTS, PRESERVATIVES, SOLVENTS OR OTHER LIQUIDS, SO.LIDS AND GASES % PIGMENTS VEHICLE 45.0 SOLVENTS Md. neral Spirits (Stoddard Solvent) CAS ~8052-41-3 54.5 ADDITIVES ,. 0 . 5 OTHERS TLV (Units) HONE 500 HONE 'SECTION III - PHYSICAL DATA APPEARANCE Clear Amber Liquid Mild Hydrocarbon Odor SOLUBILITY IN WATER VAPOR PRESSURE NIL (mm Hg.) BOLLING POINT (°F) EVAPORATION RATE 313°F {'Butyl Ace~te = 1) VAPOR DENSITY: HEAVIER/LIGHTER THAN AIR (Air = 1) 4:8 PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME (%) ,5 ~ . 57.1% WEIGHT PER GALLON 0.09 7.1,% is information is furnished without warranty, representation, or license of any kind, except that it is accurate to the of Minwax Company Incorporated's knowledge or obtained from sources believed by the Minwax Company Inc. to be accurate. The Minwax Company Inc. shall have no legal responsibility for use or reliance upon any information provided herewith. CUSTOMERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO CONDUCT THEIR OWN TEST, BEFORE USING ANY PRODUCT READ ITS LABEL. PAGE 1 of 4 CW 194 PRODUCT NAME POLYUR~ Clear Gloss Finish by MIh~AX SECTION IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA FLASHPOINT IFLAMMABLE LIMITS LEL 0 . 9" UEL 6.0 AUTOIGNITION TEMPERATURE 450 Dry Chemical, Alcohol Foam and Water Fog. 105°F EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Carbon Dioxide, SPECIALFIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES .. o Use self-contained breathing apparatus with a full face piece operated in pressure demand or other positive pressure mode. Water is not normally an effective extinguishing agent. UNUSUALFIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS When burning, this product gives off toxic by-products (such as Carbon Monoxide), therefore, the breathing of fumes, smoke and gasses given off during burning should'be avoided. SECTION V- HEALTH HAZARD DATA THRESHOLD UMITVALUE (OS[-~ '[T_,V/'~ 500 PPM Mineral Spirits (Stoddard Solvent)~ ACGIH TLV/TWA 100 PPM ACGIHTLV/STEL 150 PPM EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE-ROUTES OF EXPOSURE INGESTION: .Can cause gastrointestinal irritation, SKIN CONTACT: nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Aspiriation of liquid into the lungs can cause chemical pneumonitis which can be fatal. Can cause defatting and drying of the skin which may result in skin irritation and dermatitis. EYE CONTACT: 'Can cause severe irritation, redness, tearing or blurred vision. INHASATION: Can cause nasal and respiratory irritation, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, nausea, headache, nervous irritability, possible unconsciousness and asphyxiation. Can le~d to central nervous No .carcinogen re~°t~"~''~ depression. EMERGENCYAND FIRST AID*PROCEDURES If swallowed: Do not induce vomiting. For skin contact: In case of eye contact: If affected by inhalation: CALL PHYSICIAN IMMEDIATELY. Keep patient warm and quiet. Aspiration of material into lungs due to vomiting can cause chemical pneumonitis, which can be fatal. Wash thoroughly .with soap and plenty of water. If irritation persists get medical attention. Flush with plenty of water. Remove to fresh air. Maintain respiration as necessary and CALL PHYSICIAN. IP~R O D Ifi~::;T NAME · POLYURETHANE Clear Gloss Finish by MINWAX SECTION IX - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS CAUTIONS TO BE TAKENIN HANDLING AND STORING I~'Do not use or store near heat, sparks, open flame or other sources of' ignition. Close container after each use. Store only in original container. Wash with soap and plenty of water before eating, drinking, smoking or using toilet facilities. OTHER PRECAUTIONS Avoid inhalation and use only With adequate ventilation. If employee experiences eye watering, headaches or dizziness, increase fresh air and leave area. Remove contaminated clothing immediately and launderbefore reuse. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN NoF. P.A. HAZARD RATING DEFINITIONS Minwax Company Inc. has provided hazard ratings solely as a convenience to its customers. However, since hazard rat!rigs require subjective determinations, Minwax Company Inc. shall have no legal responsibility for the accuracy or significance of hazard ratings assigned or the use or reliance thereon. HEALTH HAZARD RATING CHART 0 INSIGNIFICANT I SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME no significant risk to health irritation or minor reversible injury possible. temporary or minor injury may occur. major injury likely ~unless prompt action is taken and medical treatment is given. life threatening major or permanent damage may result from single or repeated exposures. FLAMMABILITY HAZARD RATING CHART 0 INSIGNIFICANT I SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME materials which are normally stable and will not burn unless heated. materials that must be preheated before ignition will occur. Flammable liquids in this category will have flash points (the lowest temperature at which ignition wilt occur) at or above 200" F- (NFPA Class 111B). materials which must be moderately heated before ignition will occur, including flammable liquids with flash points at or above 100"F and below 200"F. (NFPA Class II and Class IliA). materials capable of ignition under almost all normal temperature conditions, including flammable liquids with flash points below 73"F and boiling points above 100"F as well with flash points between 73"F and 100"F (NFPA Classes lB and 1C). very flammable gases or very volatile flammable liquids with flash points below 73"F and boiling points below 100°F (NFPA Class lA). REACTIVITY HAZARD RATING CHART 0 INSIGNIFICANT I SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME materials which are normally stable, even under tire conditions, and which will not react with water. materials which are normally stable, but can become unstable at high temperatures and pressures. These materials may react with water, but will not release energy violently. materials which in themselves are normally stable and will readily undergo violent chemical change, but will not detonate. These materials may also react violently with water. materials which are capable of detonation or explosive reaction, but require a strong initiating source, or must be heated under confinement before initiation, or materials which react explosively with water. these materials are readily capable of detonation or explosive decomposition at normal temperatures and pressures. PAGE 4 of PRODUCT NAME POLYURETHANE Clear Gloss Finish by MINWAX ~ '- SECTION Vi - REACTIVITY DATA STABILITY UNSTABLE CONDITIONS TO AVOID STABLE X NONE INCOMPATABILITY (Materials to avoid) Strong Oxidizing Agents HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS IncoT~lete combustion produces carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and unidentified organic compo~ unds. , CONDITIONS TO AVOID MAY OCCUR HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION WILL NOT OCCUR X NONE SECTION VII - SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE CLASSIFICATION NUMBER Ignitable D 001 CERCLA (SUPER FUND) REPORTABLE QUANTITY (RQ~) STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPI! ! ;ri Provide adequate v~ntilation. Remove ignition sources from Spill area. Utilize sand, rags, paper, vermiculite, floor absorbent, or or. her absorbent material and place in leak-pro?f drums for disposal. Use protective equ. ipment .Der Section VIII... WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD In accordance with local, state and federal regulations. Incineration is preferred or by burying in an approved landfill. KR~P OUT OF SURFACE WATERS AND ANY WATER COURSES OR S~3NERS ENTERING OR T.WADING TO SURFACE WATERS. SECTION VIII - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION If adequate ventilation cannot be maintained, use respiratory protection (NIOSH/ MSHA TC 23C or equ~ ivalent). Use a full face or half-mask air purifying respirator witch organic vapor cartridge to prevent overexposure. VENTILATION · Provide a constant flow of fresh air to meet TLV requirements. Open windows and doors or use or, her means to permit fresh air entry during application and drying. PROTECTIVE GLOVES EYE PROTECTION Use rubber, neoprene or vitron gloves. Safety glasses or chemical goggles or a face shield. OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT The .selected items such as aprons, boots, ~_~n guards or full-body suit will depend on operation. Have eye bath and safety shower nearby durin$ use. PAGE 3 of 4 C,'1102 Minwax Company, Inc. 102 Chestnut Ridge Plaza New Jersey 07645 lAZARD RATING DEFINITIONS PAGE HAZARD RATING F~eA 2----MODERATE ~ ~- IDATE OF PREP. 7/30/86 ~ EMERGENCY PHONE NO MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET ~ ~AY~ ~20~9~2s~ [ NIGHT: (201} 573-5700 SECTION I- IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME POLYLEaETHANE Clear Satin 'Finish by MXNWAX PRODUCT CLASS Oil modified polyurethane s~rface coating CODE NUMBER I UN No. 0 27426 13010 I UN 1263 i HAZARD CLASS (49CFR 172.101) Combustible Liquid ·Paint, Stain or Varnish SECTION II - INGREDIENTS PAINTS, PRESERVATIVES, SOLVENTS OR OTHER LIQUIDS, SOLIDS AND GASES % TLV (Units) PIGMENTS 3 . 0 .NONE VEHICLE 42 . 0 NONE SOLVENTS 53.0 500 PPM MJ. neral Spirits (Stoddard Solvent) CAS ~8052-41-3 ADDITIVES 2.0 NONE OTHERS SECTION III - PHYSICAL DATA APPEARANCE Opaque AmDer Llqul~ Mild Hydrocarbon Odor SOLUBILITY IN WATER NIL BOLLING POINT (°F) 313°F IVAPOR DENSITY: HEAVIER/LIGHTER THAN AIR. (Air = 1) 4.8 VAPOR PRESSURE (mm Hg.) EVAPORATION RATE t'Butyl Acetate = 1) O. 09 PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME (%) 55.4% WEIGHT PER GALLON 7.2# siS information is furnished without warranty, representation, or license of any kind, except that it is accurate to the t of Minwax Company Incorporated's knowledge or obtained from sources believed by the Minwax Company · to be accurate. The Minwax Company Inc. shall have no legal responsibility for use or reliance upon any ormation provided herewith. CUSTOMERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO CONDUCT THEIR OWN TEST, BEFORE lNG ANY PRODUCT READ ITS LABEL. PAGE I of 4 ~& 194 PROD.U~T NAME · POLYURk~E Clear. Satin Finish by MINWAX SECTION IX - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS AUTIONS TO BE TAKENIN HANDLING AND STORING not use or store near heat, sparks, open flame or other sources of ignition. Close container after each use. Store only in original container. Wash with soap and plenty of water before eating, drinking, smoking or using toilet facilities. OTHER PRECAUTIONS Avoid inhalation and use only with adequate ventilation. If'employee experiences eye watering, headaches or dizziness, increase fresh air and leave area. Remove contaminated clothing in~ediately and launder before reuse. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN N.F.P.A. HAZARD RATING DEFINITIONS Minwax Company Inc. has provided hazard ratings solely as a convenience to its customers. However, since hazard ratings require subjective determinations. Minwax Company Inc. shall have no legal responsibility for the accuracy or significance of hazard ratings assigned or the use or reliance thereon, HEALTH HAZARD RATING CHART 0 INSIGNIFICANT I SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME no significant risk to health irritation or minor reversible injury possible. temporary or minor injury may occur. major injury likely unless prompt action is taken and medical treatment is given. life threatening major or permanent damage may result from single or repeated exposures. FLAMMABILITY HAZARD RATING CHART 0 INSIGNIFICANT I SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME materials which are normally stable and will not burn unless heated. materials that must be preheated before ignition will occur. Flammable liquids in this category will have flash points (the lowest temperature at which ignition will occur) at or above 200"F (NFPA Class 111B). materials which must be moderately heated before ignition will occur, including flammable liquids with flash points at or above IO0"F and below 200"F. (NFPA Class II and Class IliA). materials capable of ignition under almost all normal temperature conditions, including flammable liquids with flash points below 73"F and boiling points above 100"F as well with flash points between 73"F and IO0"F (NFPA Classes lB and 1C). very flammable gases or very volatile flammable liquids with flash points below 73"F and boiling points below 100~'F (NFPA Class 3A). REACTIVITY HAZARD RATING CHART 0 INSIGNIFICANT I SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME materiats which are normally stable, even under fire conditions, and which will not react with water. materials which are normally stable, but can become unstable at high temperatures and pressures, These materials may react with water, but will not release energy violently, materials which in themselves are normally stable and will readily undergo violent chemical change, but will no! detonate. These m,aterials may also react violently with water. materials which are capable of detonation or explos;ve reaction, but require a strong initiating source, or must be heated unOer confinement before initiation, or mater;als which react explosively with water. these materials are readily capable of detonahon or explosive decomposition at normal temperatures and pressures· PAGE 4 of 4 .---r,~, noO SAFETY DATA SHE;"--' PRODUCT NAME '"" ,~: POLYIYRETHANE Clear Satin Finish by MINWAX ~ SECTION VI REACTIVITY DATA STA~,~[:ITY UNSTABLE CONDITIONS TO AVOID STABLE X NONE INCOMPATABILITY (Materials to avoid) Strong Oxidizing Agents HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRoDucTs Incomplete cc~bustion produces carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and unidentified organic con~o, unds. CONDITIONS TO AVOID MAY OCCUR HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION WILL NOT OCCUR X NONE SECTION VII - SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE CLASSIFICATION NUMBER . Ignitable D 001 CERCLA (SUPER FUND) REPORTABLE QUANTITY (RQ~) STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPP Provide adequate ventilation. Remove ignition sources from 'sPill area. Utilize sand, rags, paper, vermiculite, floor absorbent, 'or or. her absorbent material and place in leak-proof drums for disposal. Use protective .equipment .Der Section VIII. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD In accordance with local, state and federal regulations. Incineration is preferred or by burying in an approved landfill. ~ OUT OF SURFACE W~TERS AND ANY WATER COURSES OR S~ERS ENTERING OR T.W. ADiNG TO SURFACE WATERS. SECTION VIII - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION RESPIRATORY PROTEC'FION ' If adequate ventilation cannot be maintained, use respiratory protection (NIOSH/ MSHA TC 23C or equ~ ivalent). Use a full face' or half-mask air purifying respirator witch organic vapor cartridge to prevent overexposure. VENTILATION · Provide a constant flow of fresh air to meet TLV requirements. Open windows and doors or use ot~her means to permit fresh air entry during application and drying. PROTECTIVE GLOVES EYE PROTECTION Use r~bber, neoprene or vitron gloves. Safety glasses or chemical goggles or a face shield. OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT The selected items such as aprons, boots, ~vm guards or full-body suit will depend on operation. Have eye bath and safety shower nearby durin~ use.' PAGE 3 of 4 CJi02 Minwax Company, Inc. 102 Chestnut Ridge Plaza Montvale. New Je[sey 07645 RECEIVED AU6 2 2 1986 I HAZARD RATING DEFINITIONS PAGE 4 HAZARD RATING 3= HIGH Toxlc~lv 2= MODERATE 1 =SLIGH~ V Special O~ INSIGNI~ICAN~ * ~CHRONIC HEALTH DATE OF PREP. 7/31/86 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET JEMERGENCY PHONE NO. DAY: (201) 391-0253 NIGHT: (201) 573-5700 SECTION I - IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME ~OD FINISH Puritan Pine #218 by M. TB?W. AX PRODUCT CLASS Interior Wood Finish CODE NUMBER UN No. 0 27426 12180 UN 1263 HAZARD CLASS (49CFR 172.101). Combustible Liquid DDT PROPER SHIPPING NAME (49CFR172.101) Paint, Stain or Vaz~ish SECTION II - INGREDIENTS PAINTS, PRESERVATIVES, SOLVENTS OR OTHER LIQUIDS, SOLIDS AND GASES % TLV (Units) PIGMENTS 3.0 NONE ~ATALYST VEHICLE 10.0 NONE SOLVENTS 86.0 500 PPM Mineral Spirits (Stoddard Solvent) CAS ~8052-41-3 ADDITIVES 1 . 0 NONE OTHERS SECTION III - PHYSICAL DATA APPEARANCE Amber Liquid ,Mild Hydrocarbon Odor SOLUBILITY IN WATER VAPOR PRESSURE NIL (mm Hg.) BOILING POINT (°F) EVAPORATION RATE 313°F tautyl Acetate = 1) IVAPOR DENSITY: HEAVIER/LIGHTER THAN AIR (Air = 1) 4.8 5 ~ 0.09 PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME (%) 8,8.2% WEIGHT PER GALLON 6.6% ~ ~This information is furnished without warranty, representation, or license of any kind, except that it is accurate to the '~'best of Minwax Company Incorporated's knowledge or obtained from sources believed by the Minwax Company /Inc. to be accurate. The Minwax Company Inc. shall have no legal responsibility for use or reliance upon any /information provided herewith. CUSTOMERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO CONDUCT THEIR OWN TEST, BEFORE USING ANY PRODUCT READ ITS LABEL. PAGE 1 of 4 CW 194 ~SHPOINT ~""~ ~ '" -MATiRIAL SAFETY DATA PRODUCT NAME ~DOD FINISH Puritan Pine #218 by MIN~WAX SECTION IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA FLAMMABLE LIMITS 105°F LEL 0.9 ' UEL 6.0 EXTINGUISHING MEDIA AUTOIGNITION TEMPERATURE 450°F Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical, Alcohol Foam and Water Fog. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES Use self-contained breathing apparatus with a full face piece operated in pressure demand or other positive pressure mode. Water is not normally an effective extinguishing agent. .- UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS When burning, this product gives off toxic by-products (such as Carbon Monoxide), therefore, the breathing of fumes, smoke and gasses given off during burning should be avoided. SECTION V- HEALTH HAZARD DATA THRESHOLD LIMFF VALUE ~ OSHA TLV/Tg~ 500 PPM Mineral Spirits (Stoddard Solvent)~ ACGIH TLV/T~A 100 PPM ACGIH TLV/STEL 150 PPM EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE - ROUTES OF EXPOSURE INGESTION: 'Can cause gastrointestinal irritation, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Aspiriation of liquid into the lungs can cause chemical pneumonitis which can be fatal. SKIN CONTACT: Can cause defatting and drying of the skin which may result in skin irritation and dermatitis. EYE CONTACT: · INHALATION: Can cause severe irritation, redness, tearing or blurred .visi.on. Can cause nasal and respiratory irritation, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, nausea, headache, nervous irritability, possible unconsciousness and asphyxiation. Can lead to central nervous system depression. No carcinogen report. EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID *PROCEDURES If swallowed: Do not induce vomiting. For skin contact: In case of eye contact: If affected by inhalation: CATI. PHYSICIAN I/~4EDIA~Y. Keep patient warm and quiet. Aspiration of material into lungs due to vomiting can cause chemical pneumonitis which can be fatal. Wash thoroughly with soap and plenty of water. If irritation persists get medical attention. Flush wi~-h plenty of water. Remove to fresh air. Maintain respiration as necessary and CALL.PHYSICIAN. K~OD FINISH Puritan Pine ~218 by MINWD~ PRODUCT NAME · SECTION VI - REACTIVITY DATA UNSTABLE STABLE X CONDITIONS TO AVOID NONE INCOMPATABILITY (Materials to avoid) Strong Oxidizing Agents HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS Incomplete combustion produces carbon, monoxide, carbon dioxide and unidentified organic compo~ unds. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION WILL NOT OCCUR NONE SECTION VII - SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE CLASSIFICATION NUMBER Ignitable D 001 CERCLA (SUPER FUND) REPORTABLE QUANTITY (RQ#) NONE STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED Provide adequate ventilation. Remove ignition sources from spill area. Utilize sand, rags, paper, vermiculite, floor absorbent, or or. her absorbent material and place in leak-proof drums for disposal. Use protective e~uipment per Section VIII. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD In accordance with local, state and federal regulations. Incineration is preferred or by burying in an approved landfill. ~ OUT OF SURFACE WATERS AND ANY WATER COURSES OR S~qS ~ERING OR LEADINO TO SURFACE WATERS. SECTION VIII - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION i If adequate ventilation cannot be maintained, use respiratory protection (NIOSH/ MSHA TC 23C or equ~ivalent). Use a full face or half-mask air purifying respirator wi~h organic vapor cartridge to prevent overexposure. VENTILATION -Provide a constant flow of fresh air to meet TLV requirements. Open windows and doors or use o~her means to permit fresh air entry during application and d~ying. PROTECTIVE GLOVES Use rlLbber, neoprene or vitron gloves. EYE PROTECTION Safety glasses or chemical goggles or a face shield. OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT The selected items such as aprons, boots, ~rm guards or full-body suit will depend on operation. Have eye batch and safety shower nearby during use. PAGE3of4 ~'7102 MAT'E kL SAFETY DATA SHEE PRODUCT NAME SECTION IX - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS p~UTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORING Do not use or store near heat, sparks, open flame or other sources of ignition. Close container after each use. Store only in original container. Wash with soap and plenty of water before eating, drinking, smoking or using toilet facilities° OTHER PRECAUTIONS Avoid inhalation and use only with adequate ventilation. If employee experiences eye watering, headaches or dizziness, increase fresh air and leave area. Remove contaminated clothing immediately and launder before reuse. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN N.F.P.A. HAZARD RATING DEFINITIONS Minwax Company Inc. has provided hazard ratings solely as a convenience to its customers. However, since hazard ratings require subjective determinations, Minwax Company Inc. shall have no legal responsibility for the accuracy or significance of hazard ratings assigned or the use or reliance thereon. HEALTH HAZARD RATING CHART 0 INSIGNIFICANT I SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME no significant risk to health irritation or minor reversible injury possible. temporary or minor injury may occur. major injury likely unless prompt action is taken and medical treatment is given. life threatening major or permanent damage may result from single or repeated exposures. FLAMMABILITY HAZARD RATING CHART 0 INSIGNIFICANT I SLIGHT MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME materials which are normally stable and will not burn unless heated. materials that must be preheated before ignition will occur. Flammable liquids in this category will have flash points (the lowest temperature at which ignition will occur) at or above 200"F (NFPA Class 11 lB). materials.which must be moderately heated before ignition will occur, including flammable liquids with flash points at or above 100°F and below 200"F. (NFPA Class II and Class IliA). materials capable of ignition under almost all normal temperature conditions, including flammable liquids with flash points below 73;'F and boiling points above 100"F as well with flash points between 73"F and 100"F (NFPA Classes lB and 1C). very flammable gases or very volatile flammable liquids with flash points below 73'F and boiling points below 100°F (NFPA Class lA). REACTIVITY HAZARD RATING CHART 0 INSIGNIFICANT I SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME materials which are normally stable, even under fire conditions, and which will not react with water. materials which are normally stable, but can become unstable at high temperatures and pressures. These materials may react with water, but will not release energy violently. materials which in themselves are normally stable and will readily undergo violent chemical change, but will not detonate. These materials may also react violently with water. materials which are capable of detonation or explosive reaction, but require a strong initiating source, or must be heated under confinement before initiation. Or mater;als which react explosively w;th water. these materials are readily capable of detonation or explosive decomposition at normal temperatures and pressures. Minwax Company, Inc. 102 Chestnut Ridge Plaza ontvale, New Jersey 07645 RECEIVED AU~ ~ 2 1~ i,~:' RATING DEFINITIONS PAGE 4 HAZARD RATING F~e ~ ~' 4= EXTREME ~,~ "~ ~ Re._.actw,v 2=MODeRaTE 1 ~SLIGHT V ~oecJaf ~ O~ iNSIGNI~ICAN~ '~CHRONIC H~AETH H~ARO~SEE SECTION v IDATE OF PREP. 7/31/86 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET IEMERGENCY PHONE NO. DAY: (201) 393-0253 NIGHT: (201) 573-5700 SECTION I - IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME IF~DOD FINISH Special Walnut ~224 by MIN~q~X PRODUCT CLASS Interior Wood Finish CODE NUMBER 0 27426 12240 lUN No. UN 1263 HAZARD CLASS (49¢FR 172.101) Combustible LiaUid Paint, Stain. or Varnish SECTION II - INGREDIENTS PAINTS, PRESERVATIVES, SOLVENTS OR OTHER LIQUIDS, SOLIDS AND GASES ... % *TLV (Units) PIGMENTS . '* 7 . 5 NON~ VEHICLE SOLVENTS ADDITIVES OTHERS Mineral Soirits (Stoddard Solvent) CAS ~8052-41-3 11.5 80.0 NOD~ 500 PPM 1.0 NONE SECTION III - PHYSICAL DATA APPEARANCE Dark Brownish Black Liquid Mild Hydrocarbon Odor IVAPOR DENSITY: HEAVIER/LIGHTER THAN AIR (Air = 1) 4.8 SOLUBILITY IN WATER NIL SOILING POINT (°F) 313°F VAPOR PRESSURE (mm Hg.) ~ ~ EVAPORATION RATE mutyl Acetate = 1) 0.09 PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME (%) 82.3% WEIGHT PER GALLON 6.9~ le hiS information is furnished without warranty, representation, or license of any kind, except that it is accurate to the st of Minwax Company Incorporated's knowledge or obtained from sources believed by the Minwax Company c. to be accurate. The Minwax Company Inc. shall have no legal responsibility for use or reliance upon any formation provided herewith. CUSTOMERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO CONDUCT THEIR OWN TEST, BEFORE SING ANY PRODUCT READ ITS LABEL. . PAGE 1 of 4 ~ 194 MA RIAL SAFETY DATA Sk IET ~ROJ~UCT NAME ~DOD FINISH Special Walnut #224 by MINWAX SECTION IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA FLASHPOINT FLAMMABLE LIMITS 105°F LEL. 0.9 UEL 6.0 EXTINGUISHING MEDIA AUTOIGNITION TEMPERATURE 450°F Dry Chemical, Alcohol Foam and Water Fog. Carbon Dioxide, SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES Use self-containedbreathing apparatus with a full face piece operated in pressure demand or other positive pressure mode. Water is not normally an effective extinguishing agent. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS When burning, this product gives off toxic by-products (such as Carbon Monoxide), therefore, the breathing of fumes, smoke and gasses given off during burning should be avoided. SECTION V - HEALTH HAZARD DATA THRESHOLD LIM~VALUE (OS[**~ TLV~ 500 PPM Mineral Spirits~ (Stoddard Solvent) ACGIHTLV/TWA -100 PPM AOGIHTLV/STEL 150 PPM' EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE-ROUTES OF EXPOSURE : INGESTION: .Can cause gastrointestinal irritation, nausea, vcmiting and diarrhea. Aspiriation of liquid into the lungs can cause chemical pneumonitiswhich can be fatal. SKIN CONTACT: Can cause defatting and drying of the skin which may result in skin irritation and dermatitis. ~. EYE CONTACT: 'INHALATION: Can cause severe irritation, redness, tearing or blurred vision Can cause nasal and respirat°ry irritation, dizziness, weakness fatigue, nausea, headache, nervous irritability, possible unconsciousness and asphyxiation. Can lead to central nervous .system depression. No carcinogen report. EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID *PROCEDURES If swallowed: Do not induce vomiting. For skin contact: In case of eye contact: If affected by inhalation: CALL PHYSIC/AN IMMEDIATELY° Keep patient warm and quiet. Aspiration of material into lungs due to vcraiting can cause chemical pneumonitis which can be fatal. Wash thoroughly %~th soap_ and plenty of water. If irritation persists get medical attention. Flush with plenty of water. Remove to fresh air. Maintain respiration as necessary and CALL PHYSICIAN. MA'~RIAL SAFETY DATA S~ PRODUCT NAME WOOD FINISH Special Walnut #224 by MINWAX SECTION VI - REACTIVITY DATA UNSTABLE CONDrTIONS TO AVOID STABLE X NONE INCOMPATABILrTY (Mate~als to avoid) Strong Oxidizing Agents HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS Incomplete combustion produces ca~on m~noxide, ca~on dioxide and U~L~dentified organic compounds. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION MAY: OCCUR I I CONDITIONS TO AVOID WILL NOT OCCUR X ' SECTION VII - SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE CLASSlFICA13ON NUMBER I~nit~ble D 001 . CERCLA (SUPER FUND) REPORTABLE QUANTITY (R~) STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPIIt m3 _ . ~... Provide adequate ventilation. Remove ignition sourCes. frcm spill area. Utilize sand, rags, paper, vermiculitSe, floor absorDont, ~or o~her absorl~_.nt mate_rial and place in leak-proof drums for disposal. Use protective .equipment per Section VIII. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD In accordance with local, state and federal regulations. Incineration is preferred or by burying in an approved landfill. F~wP. OUT OF SURFACE WATERS AND ANY ~ COURSES OR SEWERS ENTERING OR T.I~.ADIS~ TO SURFACE. WATERS~ SECTION VIII - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION RESPIRATORY PROTEC11ON If adequate ventilation cannot be maintained, use respiratory protection (NIOSH/ MS.qA'TC 23C or ~equivalent). Use a full face or half-mask air purifying respirator wi~horganic vapor cartridge to prevent overexposure. VENTILATION · Provide a constant flow of fresh air to meet TLV requirements. Openwindows and doors or use o~her means to permit fresh air en~-y during application and drying. PROTECTIVE GLOVES Use rubber, neoprene or vitron gloves. EYE PROTECTION Safety glasses or chemical goggles or a face shield. OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT The selected items such as aprons, boots, ~rm guards or full-body suit will depend on operation. Have eye bath and safety shower nearby during use. C,'1102 PAGE 3 of 4 . PRODUCT NAME MATEc IAL SAFETY DAT ---- .... ~.~OD FINISH Spe Walnut #224 by ~K4AX SECTION IX - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKENIN HANDLING AND STORING DO not use or store near heat, sparks, open flame or other sources of ignition. Close container after each use. Store only in original container. Wash with soap and plenty of water before eating, drinking, smoking or using toilet facilities. OTHER PRECAUTIONS Avoid inhalation and use only with adequate ventiiation~ If employee~experiences eye watering, headaches or dizziness, increase fresh air and leave area. Remove contaminated clothing immediately ~nd launder before reuse. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN N.F.P.A. HAZARD RATING DEFINITIONS Minwax Company Inc. has provided hazard ratings solely as a convenience to its customers. However. since hazard ratings require subjective determinations. Minwax Company Inc. shall have no legal responsibility for the accuracy or significance of hazard ratings assigned or the use or reliance thereon. HEALTH HAZARD RATING CHART 0 INSIGNIFICANT · I SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME no significant risk to health irritation or r~inor reCersible injury possible. temporary or minor injury may occur. major injury likely unless prompt action is taken and medical treatment is given. life threatening major or permanent damage may result from single or repeated exposures. FLAMMABILITY HAZARD RATING CHART 0 INSIGNIFICANT I SLIGHT 2. MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME materials which are normally stable and will not burn unless heated. materials that must be preheated before ignition will occur. Flammable liquids in this category will have flash points (the lowest temperature at which ignition will occur) at or above 200"F (NFPA Class 11 lB}. materials which must be moderately heated before ignition will occur, including flammable liquids with flash points at or above IO0°F and below 200"F, (NFPA Class l! and Class IliA). materials capable of ignition under almost all normal temperature conditions, including flammable liquids with flash points below 73"F and boiling points above 100"F as well with flash points between 73"F and 100"F (NFPA Classes lB and 1C). very flammable gases or very volatile flammable liquids with flash points below 73"F and boiling points below IO0°F (NFPA Class lA). REACTIVITY HAZARD RATING CHART 0 INSIGNIFICANT 1 SLIGHT 2 MODERATE 3 HIGH 4 EXTREME materials which are normally stable, even under fire conditions, and which will not react with water. materials which are normally stable, but can become unstable at high temperatures and pressures· These materials may react with .water. but will not release energy violently. materials which in themselves are normally stable and will readily undergo violent chemical change, but will not detonate. These materials may also react violently with water. materials which are capable of detonation or explosive reaction, but require a strong initiating source, or must be heated under confinement before initiation, or materials which react explosively with water· these materials are readily capable of detonation or explosive decomposition at normal temperatures and pressures. DATE OF PREPARATION 4/17/86 terial Safety Data Shee{ BASIC COATINGS, INC. 2137 Sunset Road Des Moines, Iowa 50321 JUN 2 HEALTH' 3* FLAMMABILITY 2 REACTIVITY PROTECTION J *See Section V INFO~IATION TELEPHONE NUMBER (51.5) 28'8-0231 . SECTION I - PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME: Hydroline Catalyst PRODUCT CLASS: Polyfunctional Aziridine Crosslinker SECTION II - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS INGREDIENT PERCENT WEIGHT OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE LIMITS TLV PEL VAPOR PRESSURE mm Hq~ 'RADE SECRET . -PROPOXYETHANOL 53.77 46.23 Not Established Not Established See following sections for hazard information. Unknown 1.3 SECTION III - PHYSICAL DATA BOILING RANGE: Unknown EVAPORATION Pd%TE: Slower than ether VAPOR DENSITY: Heavier than air % VOLATILE WEIGHT: 46.23% WEIGHT PER GALLON: 8.25 pounds SECTION IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA FLAMMABILITY CLASSIFICATION: OSHA Combustible LiqUid-Class II B DOT Combustible Liquid FLASH POINT:. 120 degrees F. (T.C.C.) · EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Foam, CO2, dry chemical, water fog LEL: 1.26 UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: Material in itself is normally stable but can become unstable at elevated emperatures and pressures, or may react with water with some release of nergy,'but not violently. Autoignition temperature is 455 degrees F. 235 degrees C.). SPE~C~AL FIREFIGHTING PROCURES: Water may be used to cool closed containers, to prevent pressure build-up. Wear self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing to prevent contact with skin and eyes. SECTION V - HEALTH HAZARD DATA EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE: Eye Contact: Skin Contact: Ingestion: Inhalation: Corrosive to eyes; causes eye burns. May cause irritation. Repeated or prolonged contact may cause sensitization. May be harmful if absorbed through the skin. Harmful if swallowed. Breathing mists may cause lung damage and/or allergic reaction. MEDICAL CONDITIONS PRONE TO AGGRAVATION BY EXPOSURE: Sensitizer for allergic persons. PRIMARY ROUTE(S) OF ENTRY: Dermal, eye contact, inhalation. EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES: Splash (eyes): Flush immediately with large quantities of running water for at lease 15 minutes. Consult physician. Splash (skin):. Wash affected areas with soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing. Ingestion: Consult physician. Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. Consult physician. TOXICITY: LD50, oral-rat: 3038 mg/kg. Skin irritation-rabbit (16 CFR 1500.41): Score 2.65. Not a primary irritant, but severely irritating to abraded skin. Eye irritation-rabbit (16 CFR 1500.42): Positive. Corrosive effects observed, lasting beyond two weeks. Mutagenic activity: Product was tested for potential mutagenic actiuity in microbial assays using the reverse mutation technique described by Ames. A dose-related increased reversion frequency over the spontaneous rate was obtained, and a val~e.of 0.18 revertants per microgram was calculated. Carcinogenicity: No components at detect~ble levels are listed as carcinogens by NTP, IARC or OSHA. However, because of the positive mutagenic test and carcinogenic effects of lower molecular weight aziradine compounds, this product should be handled with due care. SECTION VI - REACTIVITY .DATA STABILITY: Stable HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: May occur if mixed with acidic materials. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION~RODUCTS: Normal combust products including carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and oxides of nitrogen. iNCOMPATIBILITY (MATERIALS TO AVOID): Acidic materials, anhydrides, and strong oxidizers. CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Contamination with acidic materials. SECTION VII - SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED: Remove with inert absorbent. Flush remaining material with water. Decontaminate with diluted aqueous ammonium thiosulfate. Before attempting clean up, refer to hazard caution information in other sections of this sheet. Eliminate all ignition sources. WASTE DISPOSAL: Dispose in accordance with local, state and federal regulations. Incinerate in approved facility. Do not incinerate in closed containers. While discarded product is not a hazardous waste under RCRA Regulations (40 CFR 261), untreated material should not be released to the environment. SECTION VIII - SAFE HANDLING AND USE INFORMATION :SPIRATORY PROTECTION: Any person who may be exposed to this material in the form of an aerosol or mist from spray operations shall, at a minimum, wear a National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health-Approved, category 21c respirator, excluding single use or disposable types, in accordance with 30 CFR 11.130 Subpart K. The respirator shall be equipped with high efficiency particulate filters for maximum protection, unless an air supplied respirator is selected. Use of this respirator shall be according to Occupational Safety and Health Administration and Mine Safety and Health Administration Regulations at 29 CFR 1910.134 and 30 CFR 11, respectively. If a full-face type respirator is selected and worn, the chemical safety goggles requirement is waived during spray operations. VENTILATION: Provide general dilution or local exhaus~ ventilation to remove, solid air borne particles of overspray during spray application and to remove decomposition products during welding or flame cutting on surfaces coated with this product. Recommend at least 10 air changes per hour for good general room ventilation. PROTECTIVE GLOVES: rubber, North Hand Protection style B-131 or equivalent. EYE PROTECTION- Chemical safety goggles. OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Clothing which covers any other exposed areas of the arms, legs and torso. HYGIENIC PRACTICES: Remove and wash contaminated clothing before reuse. Discard contaminated shoes. Wash hands with soap and water. SECTION IX - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING: Warning: Avoid contact. Very irritating to eyes. Contact with skin may be harmful. Mist generated from spray application may be harmful if inhaled. Combustible. Keep away from heat and flame. Follow label warnings even after package is emptied. Keep container closed. Do not take internally. Keep out of reach of children. For industry use only. OTHER PRECAUTIONS: Store in a cool, dry place. to moisture. Do not puncture containers or expose product BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPART.MELT 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93:301 BUSINESS NAME: OFFiCiAL USE ONLY ID# BUSINESS PLAN SI I~GLE FACI LI I'Y UNIT FORM 3A INSTRUCTIONS 1. To avoid further action, this form must be returned by: 2. TYPE/PRINT YOUR ANSWERS ~N ENGLISH. $. Answer the questions below for THE FACILITY UNIT LISTED BELOW 4. Be as BRIEF and CONCISE as possible. ~ FACILITY UNITS AREA D FACILITY O~IT N~ME:'~'"_MO~TOR OIL~--.- SECTION i: MITIGATION, PREVENTION, ABATEMEN~r PROCEDbRRES SECTION 2: NOTIFICATION' .~q3 EVACUATION PROCEDURES AT THIS. 1:~'IT ONLY SECTION 3: HAZARDOUS FATgR[.ALS FOR THIS UNIT ON£Y A. Does this Fac[t`. , ' .~ · :.t~ Unit conr. a~n Hazardous Mater~a!s? ..... NO If YES, see B. [~ NO, continue with SECTtOX 4. B. Are any of the haza}~dous materials a bona fide Trade Secret YES ~ If No, complete a separate hazardous materials inventory form marked: .YON-TRADE SECRETS ONLY (white for~ ~4A-1) I~ Yes, complete a hazardous materia!s inventory ~orm marked: TRADE SECRETS OXLY (yellow form ~4A-2) in addition to the non-trade secret fo~m. List only the trade secrets on form 4A-2. SECTION 4: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION SECTION $: LOCATIO~ OF WATER SUPPLY FOR USE BY E,~.ERGENC¥ RESPO~'DERS SECTION 6: LOCATION OF UTiLi~' S~T-OFFS AT THIS UNIT O%L¥. A. NAT. GAS/PROPANE': B. ELECTRICAL: ,~' '/,20 ~,)~ ,.. ':, ',::'- .- ~ C. WATER: D. SPECIAL: LOCK B[]X' YES / 50~ fF ':'RS, [.P,C.~TiO:i FLOOR r~r ,,,-%,-, i'..'2. S ,' .Y(3 YEYS? " :(0 .... D I OF 1 UNOCAL GUA~DOL MOTOR OIL 2080 D BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT .' · · 4A-1 NON--TRADE SECRETS HAZARDOUS MATERI ALS INVENTORY .BUSINESS NAMEJ. E. Hiqains' Lumber Company OWNER NAME: .. Corporation , FACILITY UNIT #: C ADDRESS: 4320 Sheoard_ Street ADDRESS: P.O. Drawer F~L FACILITY UNIT NAME: CITY, ZIP: Bakersfield, CA 93384 CITY,ZIP: w~]m~ cr~k~ CA 94598 PHONE ~: ROS./R~4-0632 PHONE #: 415/938-9300 [-OFFICIAL USE CFIRS CODE I ONLY 1 2 3 4 $ 6 ? 8 9 10 TYPE MAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS · BY HAZARD D.0.T CODE AMOUNT AMouNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT WT. CHEMIgAL OR COMMON NAME CODE GUIDE '~AME: ~vid H~dez __ _ TITLE: Di~. M~aqer _~IGNATURE: EMERGENCY CONTACT: Pat Flood TITLE: Credit Manaqer PHONE # BUS HOURS/~/ AFTER.BUS HRS// 323-5365 EMERGENCY CONTACT: Dean Miller TITLE: Sales . 'PHONE # BUS HOUr: 834-~0632 PRfNCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: ~aolesale Lumber Sales AFTER BUS HRS: 832;465:7- " - 4A-I - -- .~ MATERIAL SAFETY Product Name: UNOCAL GUARDOL MOTOR OIL 30 PRODUCT CODE NO-' D3SSOXX3[3 ISSUE DATE: FA SHEET 00Zll RECEIVED JUN 2 5 198S PAGE I OF 4 JRER: UNOCAL REFINING & MARKETING DIVISION UNION OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA 12Ol W. STH STREET LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90017 CONTACT FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: MSDS COORDINATOR (213) 977-7589 Transportation Emergencies: Call CHEMTREC (SOD) 424-93DD Cont. U.S. (202) 483-7616 (Collect) ~rom Alaska & Hawaii Health Emergenoies: CALL LOS ANGELES POISON INFORMATION CENTER (24 hrs.) (213) 664-2121 !PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME: UNOCAL GUARDOL MOTOR OIL 30 SYNONYMS: UNION GUARDOL MOTOR OIL 30 GENERIC NAME: CRANKCASE OIL CHEMICAL FAMILY:: PETROLEUM HYDROCARBON DOT PROPER SHIPPING NAME: NOT APPLICABLE ID NUMBER: NONE SECTION I - iNGREDIENTS TLV UNITS AGENCY TYPE OIL MIST, IF GENERATED 5.00 MO/M3 OSHA THE IDENTITIES OF INGREDIENTS THAT ARE TRADE SECRETS ARE EXCLUDED FROM THIS LIST. FULL TERM TNA SECTION II - EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES ===EMERGENCY=== Have physician call LOS ANGELES POISON INFORMATION CENTER (24 hrs.) (213) 664-2121 EYE CONTACT: FOR DIRECT CONTACT, FLUSH THE AFFECTED EYE(S~ WITH CLEAN WATER. IF IRRITATION OR REDNESS-DEVELOPS, SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION. SKIN CONTACT: DO NOT USE GASOLINES, THINNERS OR SOLVENTS TO REMOVE PRODUCT FRoM SKIN. WIPE MATERIAL FROM SKIN AND REMOVE CONTAMINATED CLOTHING. CLEANSE AFFECTED AREA(S) THOROUGHLY BY WASHING WITH SOAP AND WATER AND, IF NECESSARY, A WATERLESS SKIN CLEANSER. IF IRRITATION OR REDNESS DEVELOPS AND PERSISTS, SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION. INHALATION (BREATHING): IF IRRITATION OF NOSE OR THROAT DEVELOPS, MOVE ANAY FROM SOURCE OF EXPOSURE AND INTO FRESH AIR. IF IRRITATION PERSISTS, SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION. IF VICTIM IS NOT BREATHING OR IF BREATHING DIFFICULTIES DEVELOP, ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION OR OXYGEN SHOULD BE ADMINISTERED BY QUALIFIED PERSONNEL. SEEK IMMEDIATE MEDI'~AL ATTENTION. INGESTION (SHALLOWING): IF VICTIM IS CONSCIOUS AND ALERT, GIVE 2 TO 3 CUPS OF MILK OR HATER TO DRINK. SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION. TO PHYSICIAN: EMESIS OR LAVAGE IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR INGESTIONS OF MINUTE OUANTITIES OR TASTES OF MOST HYDROCARBONS. MEDICAL OPINION IS DIVIDED FOR LARGER INGESTIONS. EMESIS OR LAYAGE HAS BEEN RECOMMENDED FOR THOSE PETROLEUM PRODUCTS HHICH HAVE A HIGH ORAL TOXICITY. GASTRIC LAYAGE WITH A CUFFED ENDOTRACHEAL TUBE IS RECOMMENDED BY SOME PHYSICIANS TO PREVENT ASPIRATION. Pr'oduct 'Name: UNOCAL. GUARDOI .?RO~.~CT CODE NO: O3GSQXX3Q OIL 30 ~ ISSUE DATE: 6/ S/& ISECTZON ZZI - POTENTIAL ADVERSE HEALTH EFFECTS 00211 PAGE 2 OF, 4 EYE CONTACT: THIS MATERIAL MAY CAUSE EYE IRRITATION. DIRECT CONTACT MAY CAUSE BURNING, TEARING"AND REDNESS. SKIN CONTACT: THIS MATERIAL HAY CAUSE SKIN IRRITATION, PROLONGED OR REPEATED CONTACT HAY CAUSE REDNESS, BURNING AND DERMATITIS. INHALATION (BREATHING)= EXPOSURE TO MISTS, OR PROLONGED OR REPEATED EXPOSURE TO FUMES OR VAPORS THAT MAY..~E GENERATED HHEN THIS MATERIAL IS HEATED, MAY CAUSE IRRITATION OF NOSE AND THROAT. INGESTION (SHALLOHING): .... ACCIDENTAL INGESTION OF THIS MATERIAL HAY CAUSE IRRITATION OF THE DIGESTIVE TRACheaL COMMENTS: USED MOTOR OIL: FOLLOHING REPEATED SKIN APPLICATIONS, ANIMAL STUDIES HAVE SHOHN THAT USED MOTOR/CRANKCASE OILS HAVE CAUSED AN INCREASED INCIDENCE OF SKIN CANCER IN MICE. IT IS THEREFORE RECOMMENDED THAT PROLONGED OR REPEATED CONTACT HITH MOTOR/CRANKCASE OILS BE AVOIDED. SECTION IV - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION VENTILATION: IF CURRENT VENTILATION PRACTICES ARE NOT ADEQUATE IN MAINTAINING AIRBORNE CONCENTRATIONS BELOH THE ESTABLISHED EXPOSURE LIMITS ~SEE SECTION I), ADDITIONA~ VEN~IL'~TION OR EXHAUST SYSTEMS MAY BE REQUIRED. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: IF AIRBORNE CONCENTRATIONS EXCEED RECOMMENDED EXPOSURE LIMITS, A SUITABLE FZLTER-~YrpE RESPIRATOR SHOULD BE HORN. (SEE SECTION I~ ............ PROTECTIVE GLOVES: THE USE O~ GLOVES IMPERMEABLE TO THE SPECIFIC MATERIAL HANDLED IS 'ADVISED TO PR£~ENT. SKIN. CONTACT AND POSSIBLE IRRITATION. EYE PROTECTION: APPROVED EYE PROTECTION'TO SAFEGUARD*AGAINST POTENTIAL EYE CONTACT, IRRITATION INJURY IS RECOMMENDED. OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: IT IS SUGGESTED THAT A SOURCE OF CLEAN HATER BE AVAILABLE IN HORK AREA FOR FLUSHinG, EYES AND SKIN. BARRIER CREAMS THAT ARE SPECIFIC FOR OIL-BASED MATERIALS ARE RECOMMENDED HHEN GLOVES ARE IMPRACTICAL. SECTION V - REACTIVITY DATA STABILITY: STABLE INCOMPATIBILITY (MATERIALS TO AVOID): AVOID CONTACT HITH STRONG OXIDIZING AGENTS. EXTENDED EXPOSURE TO HIGH TEMPERATURES MAY CAUSE DECOMPOSITION. Product Name: UNOCAL GUARDOt PR.ODUCT CODE NO: Q36SDXX30 TOR OIL 30 ISSUE DATE: PAGE 00215 30F~. SECTION ¥ - REACTIVITY DATA DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: THERMAL DECOMPOSITION IN THE PRESENCE OF AIR MAY Y~ELD MAJOR AMOUNTS OF OXIDES OF CARBON AND MINOR AMOUNTS OF OXIDES OF NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS, SULFUR AND ZINC. HAZARDOUS POLYMER'IZATION: HILL NOT OCCUR SECTION VI - SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES · $~HIGHHAY OR RAILHAY SPILLS~$~ Call CHEMTREC (800) 424-9300 Cont. U.S... (Collecf) (202) 483-7656 ~rom Al~sk~ & Hawaii PRECAUTIONS IN CASE OF RELEASE OR SPILL: COLLECT LEAKING LIQUID IN SEALABLE CONTAINERS. ABSORB SPILLED LIQUID IN SAND OR INERT ABSORBANT. CONTACT FIRE AUTHORITIES AND APPROPRIATE STATE/LOCAL AGENCIES. IF SPILL OF ANY AMOUNT IS MADE INTO OR UPON U.S. NAVIGABLE HATERS, THE CONTIGUOUS ZONE, OR ADJOINING SHORELINES, NOTIFY COAST GUARD NATIONAL RESPONSE ~CENTER (PHONE NUMBER 800-424-8802). HASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: DISPOSE OF PRODUCT IN ACCORDANCE HZTH LOCAL, COUNTY, STATE, AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. SECTZON VIZ - STORAGE AND SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS HANDLING AND STORAGE PRECAUTIONS: STORE [N,A COOL, DRY LOCATION. KEEP AHAY FROR INCOMPATIBLE MATERIALS (SEE SECTION Y). AVOID GENERATING OIL MISTS HHILE HANDLING. AYOID PROLONGED OR REPEATED 5KIN CONTACT. HASH THOROUGHLY AFTER HANDLING. FOR USED MOTOR OiL: LAUNDER SATURATED CLOTHING BEFORE HEARING AND DISCARD OIL-SOAKED SHOES AND UNHASHABLE CLOTHING. SECTION':VIII - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA NFPA HEALTH HAZARD: HAZARD '~' FLAMMABILITY: CLASS REACTIVITY: OTHER: HAZARD RANKING ~ O = LEAST DOT FLAMMABILITY FLASH POINT [ = SLIGHT CLASSIFICATION ~ = MODERATE 3 = HIGH NOT REGULATED 372, COC F 4 = EXTREME 206 C EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: EXTINGUISH HITH DRY CHEMICAL, COZ, HATER SPRAY, FOAM, SAND OR EARTH. HATER AND FOAM MAY CAUSE FROTHING. FIRE & EXPLOSION HAZARDS: THI$'"~A'~ERIAL HILL BURN, BUT HILL NOT IGNITE READILY. FIRE F~'G'HTING PROCEDURES: HATER SPRAY MAY BE USEFUL IN ~INI~IZING VAPORS AND COOLING CONTAINERS EXPOSED TO HEAT AND FLA~E. AVOID SPREADING BURNING LIQUID HITH HATER USED FOR COOLING PURPOSES. MOVE.. UNDAMAGED CONTAINERS FROM FIRE AREA IF YOU CAN DO SO HITHOUT RISK. Product Name: UNOCAL GUARG~ MOTOR OIL 30 ~DUCT CODE NO: 036SOXX31~I~ ISSUE DATE: 6/ 5185 PAGE 002~ 40F.. SECTION IX - PHYSICAL DATA APPROX. BOILING RANGE 'ABOVE BO0 r (3SS) C SOLUBILITY IN HATER; NEGLIGIBLE ODOR CHARACTERISTIC VAPOR DEN. SITY EVAPORATION RATE X. VOLATILE HEAVIER THAN AIR SLOHER THAN ETHER NEGLIGIBLE SPECIFIC GRAVITY APPEARANCE 0.89 CLEAR, BROHN LIQUID SECTION X - PRECAUTIONARY LABEL CAUTION! USED MOTOR OIL Z$A POSSIBLE SKIN CANCER HAZARD BASED ON TESTS HITH LABORATORY ANIMALS. AVOID PROLONGED OR REPEATED SKIN CONTACT. AVOID MAKING OR BREATHING OIL MIST. USE ADEQUATE VENTILATION. HASH THOROUGHLY HITH SOAP AND HATER AFTER HANDLING. SECTION XI - DOCUMENTARY INFORMATION ISSUE DATE: 6/ S/SS PREY. DATE: 7/25/84 PRODUCT CODE NO. 036~DXX30 DISCLAIMER OF EXPRESSED AND IMPLIED HARRANTIES The in¢ormation in this document is believed to be correct as o~ the date issued, HOHEYER, NO HARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ANY OTHER HARRANTY IS EXPRESSED OR IS TO BE IMPLIED REGARDING THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THIS INFORMATION, THE RESULTS TO BE OBTAINED FROM THE USE OF THIS INFORMATION OR THE PRODUCT,. THE SAFETY OF THIS PRODUCT, OR THE HAZARDS RELATED TO ITS USE. This in¢ormation and product are ~urnished on the condition that the person receiving them shall make his own determina~.ion as to the suitabilitg o~ the product ~or his particular purpose and on the condition that he assume the risk o¢ his use thereo~.