HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLANApprox. 1600 s.f. 3653 Rosedale Highway, Bakersfield, CA. pROPOSED ExPANS ral~.l,,,II I"l'u)vIHO, LANDLORD IMPROVEMENTS - EXHIBIT C FLOOR: Smooth finished concrete sealed; ...... --. ~ no base 1 level; no depressions. SEE ADDENDUM EX~'~=~ REAR DOOR: 3°x 7 °'hollow metal with standard lockset. AIR CONDITIONING: 1 ton per 400 sq. of sales area. System to include ducts, grilles, and thermostat. Stock room ventilated per code. No heating. ELECTRICAL SERVICE Service from meter to 100 amp circuit electrical panel including circuit breakers. LIGHTING: 4 =ube recessed fluorescent -- fixtures, 1 row for 15'-0" wide or under st~e, 2 rows for 15'-0" to 24'-0"~ store. Lamps fur- nished and installed by. tenant. ELECTRICAL OUTLETS: ll0V double receptcle located as required by code and one junction box in ceiling at storefront. 5 in sales area and one in toilet room. TOILET ROOM: 1 water closet, 1 lavatory, 1 exhaust fan, 1 light fixture w/switch, 1-110 volt receptacle, 4'-0" high marlite wainscot and handicap requirements. Mirror over lavatory. Cold water only. Floors Sheet vinyl. CEILING: 24"x48" x 5/8" fissured pattern acoust tile in metal "T" bar su- spended grid. Height shall be 10' TELEPHONE: 1 telephone outlet at rear of space w/conduit to attic above. WALLS: 5/8" sypsum board on wood studs ready for paint or concrete unit masonry .... r ................... · SEE ADDENDUM EXH C-1 ~ STOREFRONT: Storefront' will be furnished~ and installed by owner per arch- itects design with one 3'-0" x 7'-0" bronze aluminum frame glass door. SIGN LIGHTING: Sign lighting.circuit and "J" box will be provided on a common area meter. "J" box to be located, as shown. Tenant to con- nect thereto. TENANT RESPONSIBILITY: Ail improvements other than those itemized above to be provided by Tenant at Tenant's expense including design fees. ACCEPTED AND APPROVED LANDLORD: TENANT: SIGNS: Reverse channel internally illumin- ated letters to be provided by Tenant at Tenant's expense in- cluding design fees in accordance with Exhibit F Sign Criteria. BY: BY: DATE: DATE: EXHIBIT C pROPOSED Approx. 1600 s.f. 3653 Rosedale Highway, Bakersfield, CA. ?- m Itlelll~VA.~' LANDLORD IMPROVEMENTS - EXHISlT C ~FLOOR: Smooth finished concrete sealed; .... :~- no base 1 level; no depressions. SEE ADDENDUM EX/~ REAR DOOR: 3°x 7 °'hollow metal with / --'-~tandard looks,t. ~ AIR CONDITIONING: I ton per 400 sq. ft.~=~/ of sales area. System to include ducts, grilles, and thermostat. Stock room ventilated per code. ,No heating. ELECTRICAL SERVICE: Service from meter to 100 amp 24 circuit electrical panel including circuit breakers. LIGHTING: 4 tube recessed fluorescent fixtures, I row for 15'-0" wide or under store, 2 rows for to 24'-0" wide store. Lamps fur- nished and installed by tenant. ELECTRICAL OUTLETS: ll0V double receptcle located as required by code and one Junction box in ceiling at storefront. 5 in sales area and one in toilet room. TOILET ROOM: 1 water closet, 1 lavatory, 1 exhaust fan, 1 light fixture w/switch, 1-110 volt receptacle, 4'-0" high marlite wainscot and handicap requirements. Mirror over lavatory. Cold water only. Floor: Sheet vinyl. CEILING: 24"x48" x 5/8" fissured pattern'~ -- acoust tile in metal "T" bar su- spended grid. Height shall be 10' TELEPHONE: i telephone outlet at rear of space w/conduit to attic above. WALLS: 5/8" sypsum board on wood studs ready for paint or concrete unit /\~' masonry. ~!: ~aint cr ~thcr fini~ SEE ADDENDUM EXH C-1 STOREFRONT~ Storefront will be furnished and installed by owner per arch- itects design with one 3'-0" x 7'-0" bronze aluminum frame glass door. SIGN LIGHTING: Sign lighting circuit and "J" box will be provided on a common area meter. "J" box to be located-as shown. Tenant to con- nect thereto. ACCEPTED AND APPROVED LANDLORD: TENANT: TENANT RESPONSIBILITY: All improvements other than those itemized above to be provided by Tenant at Tenant's expense including design fees. BY: BY: DATE' DATE: SIGNS: Reverse channel internally illumin- ated letters to be provided by Tenant at Tenant's expense in- cluding design fees in accordance with Exhibit F Sign Criteria. EXHIBIT C ooR. 1 -- ooR. 'iF ilJ,;.'i', a'+Y O'F'j'BAKERSF~ ELD ',,, :. ,ii: , HAZ ':':::":':~' ~ 'BAKERsEIEL~ 'C~',~303~'05Xt~::J:' ACCOUNT ' '~a~a~.d~us,, . ,."~i'teri~:a[., S. fi'andti'n~, Fees ,; ~:,:" N ~U,:AL FEE; ':',: ' , '. ',.. ',.:'.. ": ;. ' ,:,~. ",,.,:,...,-.?'~ ..... , ,, ,:,, , .',':'.',.; ..,. :,INQUIRIES coNCERNING· Ti-~i$"Biu.i ~I~EA,~E:P~I0'NE: 3'~6""~ ' '~ ',,.;.,'. ,,'.' ~,,., ,: ',~.. : r~ , ~ ' " ' , .' :~"t 'J;NVoicE ~N u~BER -:: ::f ': :;' ::',"~',??':':,:,',, ' ":' ~" ': ' :' ":' ;"' "' '"' ",~u~/ / H"':~"RE~U-N1OP=HIS'C':-'Y ~H pAYMENT '" · PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: ,' CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ., RETURN THIS COPY WITH PAYMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD '. p.O. BOx 2057 '" ~'" "BAKERSFIELD~..CA',93303~2057, I,NQ,UlRIES CONCERNING THIS BILL, PLEASE PHONE: CUSTOIViER COPy ,. PLEASE ;6;'~KE:CHECKS PAYABLE TO:" '~ CITY :oE.,BAKERSFiELD ~CITY OF BAKERS FIELD P.O. BOX 2057 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93303-2057 ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED DO NOT FORWARD HJt~66101 ~-t&6610'1 .... .......... Account Number ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE ADJUSTMENT 1/15/92 Date .. . Valerie Pendergrass From: Fire Department - Haz Mat Division. ~ Departm.ent/Division '~ ':: - - .~ .'. :~."~ :~:~ ." -~>,' ' ~i~..'--):'-~ ~' :.-:!. "'...'.' · -. "-.' :~ Paris :Ace · 3653 Rosedale HwT, BakersfieldI, Ca'-- 93'308· New Account New Address Close AccoUnt ' Service Change Other Adi. · --<:..:.. Site Address Pazcel # (if Applicable) Landlord Name & Address if Applicable ADJUSTMENT' ILast !Correct .IBilled.- [Billing' i' $ 63.00 { - 0 - Adjustment To Billing Effective Date l OfChange. 122-92 Remarks: ~Business closed it's doors in April 1990-' no lonKer has a location in Bakersfield. Account Number ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE ADJUSTMENT 1/15/92 Date Valerie Pendergrass From: Fire Department - Haz Hat DiVision. Department/Division . Paris Ace New Account .New Address Close Account Service Change · Other Adj. · Billing Name 3653 Rosedale Hwy, Bakersfield., Ca'. · Billing Address 93308 Site Address Parcel # (If Applicable) Landlord Name & Address if Applicable ADJUSTMENT. Last · I Billed · is ~ 63.00 [COrrect !Adjustment Billing iTo Billing Effective Date IOfChange. ', !-'2-92 Approved By: Remarks: Business closed it's doors in Apri*l 1990 --no longer has a location in Bakersfield. IMAGE BEAUTY SUPPLY 21~ Overall Site with 1 Fac. Unit Ger, eral. Inforn~at ior, )0-001277 Page Locat ior,: 3653 ROSEDALE HWY Ident Number: 215-000-001277 Map: 102 Grid: 26A Hazard: Mir~imal Area of Vul: 0.0 i" Cor~tact Nar,~e Tit le JUDY LITTLE I Business Phone ----r 24 Hour Phc, ne~ ~-6-8~ 96 x [SHARON SEAL (805) 3':" ~" ~(~/~) ~ _~ ~ Administrative Data Mail Addrs: 3653 ROSEDALE HWY D~.B Nurnber: ~.~7-~&~ City: BAKERSFIELD State: CA Zip: 93308- Corem Code: 215-065 COUNTY STATION 65 SiC Code: Owner: DR,, ......... ' ................ ]:Y~/~ Address: 5428 SLAUSON AV City: COMMERCE Summary Phnne: (~/~) ~'~ _ ~oo State: CA Z i p: .... ~e~/o .... · .... . . .: ...... ....,,,~.l.~ manege- any ' agemem pi:in for my facility. P 1 n- Ref ~~ BEAUYY SUPPLY 21 · Ha~at Ir~ventory List in MCP ~00-0C) 1277 der 02 - Fixed Contair~ers ,=,n Site Name/Haz ards Form Quant ity Page MCP 02-001 PEROX I DE ? 30 GAL High 02-002 P WAVES ? 60 GAL High ~ BEAUTY SUPPLY O0 - Overall Site 215~.)00-0012'7'7 <D> Notif. /Evacuatior~/Medical Page 3 <1> Agency Notification <2> Er~lplc, yee Not if. /Evacuat ic, r~ VERBAL AND CALL 911. <3> Public Notif./Evacuation <4> 'Er~ergenc¥ Medical Plats NEAREST HOSPITAL. BEAU'FY SUPPLY 21 O0 - Overall Site 277 <E> Mit i gat ion/Prever, t/Abater,~t Page 4 <1> Release Prever~ti PRODUCT PACKAGED FOR' RESALE IN SMALL QUANTITIES. <2> Release Cor, tair, mer, t <3>' Clearw Up <4> Other- Resource Act i vat i or, 10/.~2 3 / ?~0 ~ BEAUTY SUPPLY C)O - Overall Site 21 0~00-001277 <F> Site Er~lergerscy Factors Page 5 <1> Special Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - NO B) ELECTRICAL - STORAGE ROOM IN BACK C) WATER - RESTROOM D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO ¢~) Fir~ Protec. /Avail· Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - ~o~~o~ FIRE HYDRANT <4> Held for Future use 10,~23/~) PROFESS I IMAGE BEAUTY SUPPLY OO - Overall Site <G> Trainir, g 21 0)00-001277 6 <1> Page 1 WE HAVE ~. EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY DO YOU HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE? /,z~,/,4~ ~~ ~/~-~ BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING: <2> Page 2 as needed <3> Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use CITY of BAKERSFIELD \, Farm and Agriculture I'1 Standard Business ~HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY NON--TRADE SECRETS Page / of ! STANDARD IND CLASS COD~-' LUCA/1UN: .~g¢ 5 ~,)~ /~ ADDRESS; ~ ~~ ~ czar. ziP: ~~ ~ ~... ~Z. ~iP: ~~ ~ ~.... DU~ A~ ~RAD~E~ ~Z~BER;-- PHONE ~: ~ 9~_ m$~z '' - ~WB~ ~j~~~-~r¢.-. Fu PRuPER CODES ' ~ ~ - -- -- ' --~ ~ - ~ - - ! 2 3 4 5 I I 8 ~t i0 11 12 Trans [yl~e Hax Ay.er,age Annual ~easure I~e Can( Con[ Gont Us tocation.~hece. Code ~oae AeC Amc : EsC Units on Type Press /emp Co~e Stored in Pacl/icy Physical and Health Hazard C.A,S. Number Co~ponent II Name I C.A,S. Number (Check 411 th4t apply) ~ire Hazard ,__ HealCh . of Pressure CompanenL Physical and Health Hazard C,A.5. Number ComponenL II Name (Check al1 that ~ Fire ~azard . Health of Pressure ~ Component 13 Name I C.A.S. Nueber =Physical and Health Hazard C.A.S. Number Component II Name (Check all that apply) ~ Fire Hazard O RescLiviLy n Oelayed ~ Sudden Release n [,~if~ Component 12 Name i C.A.S. Number Health of Pressure Component 13 Name I C.A.S. Number Phvsic~l and Health Hazard C.A.5. Number Component Il Name (Check a/I that apply) ~Fire Haz,rd. ,~ ~ Health af Pressure ~,~,, Component EHER~GENCY CONTACTS ~ ,,, Name ((cie Ze Hr ~none Name ertifi a~io Re and i n a? r corn 1 ting. a 1 ?. s~.i,~s) f. cer.tify tinler penal~y o?~, thqt l~av~7per.sona~.exam,nq?,q~ am fam,l,aC.~lt~ L e 9nfo mat,on 8u~miLted in this and al, ' at~a~nerd.dg~weenc~, an~ t~ac oasea on.my IAqulry 9t.cnose lnalVlaUl/S responslo~e tor obtaining the IfltorAatlon, [ believe that the sua~te~ ~nr, ormac~on, IS crum. 4ccurac~, aha c~p~ece. · ~ ~p,d'~ficlaJ, Ci~Of owner/eperatoFuH owner/operator authorized repreSentacive O~[.~-ST{Ined ' Beauty Distribution Company $428 $1auson Avenue Commerce, Collfomla 90040 Telephone 213-888-0900 James V. Henrietta President December 13, 1990 To- Stacy Hatch -Store .~{snager' - Bakersfield RE: MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS The enclosed data sheets are to be kept at the check stand at all times. Thank you for your cooperation. Reg~~ cc: . nn re xSOn R. Huey BEAUTY SUPPLY COMPANY December 12, 1990 Mr. Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Material Coordinator City of Bakersfield 2101 H Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 0£C t ? t990 Dear Mr. Huey: Enclosed find our corrected copy of the Hazardous Materials Arrangement Plan per our conversation. A set of Material Safety Data Sheets will be sent to our store later this week per your request. Sincerely, PARIS ACEBEAUTY SUPPLY CO. rietta cc: Tom Henderson JVH/cel 5428 .SLAUSON AVENUE . COMMERCE, CALI'FORNIA 90040 . (213) 888-0900 1 O/23/9[) PROFESS I IMAGE BEAUTY SUPPLY 21 Overall Site with 1 Fac. Unit General Information :)-c)c) 1 e. 77 RECEIVEDp~_q e ,:~C 0 3 1990 H~? ~,~T. DIV. Locatic, r~: 3653 ROSEDALE HWY Map: 102 Hazard: Minirnal I Ident Nurnber: 215-(1)00-0C)1277 Grid: 26A Area c,f Vul: 0.0 C,:,ntact Name I Title Busir, ess Phc, r,e i 24 Hour Phc, ne] JUDY LITTLE I (8C)5) 32e-83e6 x i (~/J~') '~(~ -3~P'~l ~SHARON SEAL } (8C)5) 32~-83e~ x }(805) 397-e723} Administrative Data Mail Addrs: 3~53 ROSEDALE HWY D&B Number:~-~~ ~ City: BAKERSFIELD State: CA Zip: ~3308- Come Code: 215-0~5 COUNTY STATION ~5 SIC Code: Owr, er: ................ - .... /]/~n~/,S Ph,:,r,e: Address: 5428 SLAUSON AV State: CA City: COMMERCE Zip: Summary i, /,_--n,'~ Do i~:'.,~cby certify ~hat ~ have (Type or print name) ment plan fo~ ~J ~ ~ .~::?=d thmt it ~long ~i~h any correc'Ik)nm cor:~titute a complete and corre~ man- agement plan for my facility. Pln-Ref /~ BEAUTY SUPPLY 215~}0-001277 Hazr~at Inventory List irs MCP Order 02 - Fixed Containers on Sit~ Name/Hazards Forr~ Quant i ty Page MCP 02-001 PEROXIDE ? 30 H i g h GAL 02-002 P WAVES ? 60 GAL High PROFESS ION~ i~4Ao~ BEAUTY SUPPLY 215 )0-0012'7'7 O0 - Overall Site <D> Notif./Evacuation/Medical Page 3 <1> Agency Notification <2> Employee Notif./Evacuation VERBAL AND CALL 911. <3> Public Notif. /Evacuatior~ <4> Emergency Medical Plan NEAREST HOSPITAL. 0123190 P~,G, ~SGIG~ i~.IAG~ BEAUTY SUPPLY· 215 )0-001277 00 - Overall Site <E> Mit igat iors/Prevent/Abatemt Pa g e 4 <1> Release Prever, tion PRODUCT PACKAGED FOR RESALE IN SMALL QUANTITIES. (2> Release Corstainmer, t <3> Clears Up <4> Other Resource Activatic, rs 10/23/9[) ~E~O~ i~.iAGQ BEAUTY SUPPLY O0 - Overall Site 215eC)O-O01277 <F> Site Er~ergency Factors Page 5 <15 Special Hazards <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - NO B) ELECTRICAL - STORAGE ROOM IN BACK C) WATER - RESTROOM D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO <3> Fire Protec. /Avail. Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - ??????????????? FIRE HYDRANT - ???????????? <4> Held for Future use 10/2~/90 ~' PROFESS I [ IMAGE BEAUTY SUPPLY 00 - Overall Site <G> Trair, irsg ;='1 .}-001277 Page 6 <1> Page 1 WE HAVE ~. EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY DO YOU HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE? BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING: <2> Page 2_ as r, eeded <3> Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use CITY of BAKERSFIELD Farm and Agriculture [-] Stindard Business [~HAZARDOUS '1' NVENTORY NON--TRADE SECRETS Page ? of / LU~A/ZUH: .~' 5 ~~ /~F~ ADDRESS; ~ ~ ~ . STANDARD IND. : CITY. ZIP: ~~ ~ ~.,~ CITY. ZIP: ~~ ~ .~ DUN AND BRA~S~REE~ ~BER~--'~ PHONE ~: ~m~ 9~-'~9~Z ' - PHONE ~: ~~-~r~, - ~- - - - - - ~ - - REFER TO~N5iRUU/ZON~ AuR ~ROP~ CODES '" .~ :~ I 2 3 4 5 $ 7 8 g 10 11 12 $1~y Hames of NixtUre/Componen:s Trans [y~e Nax Avgrage. Annual ~easure I tJ~e Cont Cont Cont Us Locatjon.Whece. Code coae Ami Ami i. Est Units on Type Press Temp ColeStored In Pacl/l:yWt ' ' See Instructions Physical and Health Hazard C.A,S, Number Component I1 Name S C,A,S. Number (Check ali that apply) Component 12 Name S C.A.S. Number '~11~, [] Fire Hazard [1 Reactivity [] Delayed n Sudden Release I-1 Im~i~ Health of Pressure Component 13 Name S C.A.S, Number Physical(check a/landthatHealthapply)Hazard ; C.A.S. Number Component II Name S C.A.S. Number Co~ponen~ 12 Name & C,A.S. Number ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity. B Oelayed B Sudden Release ~ Im~i~ · Health of Pressure ~ Component t3 Name I C.A,S, Humber Physical andHeal~hHazard C.A.S. Number Componen~ tl ~a~e I C;A,S, Number Componen~ Names C.A.S. Number ~ Fire Hazard U Reactivity ~ OeTayed ~ Sudden Release U X,~i~ ~ Health of Pressure Componen~ t3 Name I C,A.S. Number ~ ~ ~~ ~. Phvsichl and Health Hazard C,A,S, Number Component I1 Name I C,A,S, Number ;(Check all Chat apply) : ' ~ ~ ~Fire Hazard. ~ Reactivity ~ Delayed ~ Sudden Release ~ %m~i~C°mp°nent 12 Name & C,A.S. Number ' Health of Pressure Component 13- Name ~ C,A,S. Number EMERGENCY CONTACTS ~1 ~~~s~ ~/~ ~lq:.~2-~ fl2 ~/~~ ~~- ' aa~ Tltle z4 Hr Pnone Name HUe ferti[igatioq ,(Re~Ft And.~ign after compT~tiBg,~11' secti,ons.) eerFIty unoer penalty o?]a~ tn4t l navepetsonaj~y, examlnqo~qo~m ramillaL~itb the. information ~u~mittfd in this 8nd.all at~acn~d.d0c~mentp, an~ t~at oaseo on.my inquiry ~t.tnose ~nowloua~s responslome tor obtaining the information, ! believe that the suomitte~ information is true, accurate, ano complete, ~ ~~ficlai title of owner/operator uH o~ner/operator s authorized reor~entat]ve BAKERSFIELD CI/"f FIRE DEPARlZ~ENT 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 (805) 326-39?9 USINESS OFFICIAL USE ONLY NAME HAZARDOUS HAY I ? 1988 001277 BUS I NESS MATERIALS PLAN AS A WHOLE FORM 2A INSTRUCTI 0NS: 1. To avoid further action, return this form by 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1: BusINEss IDENTIFICATION DATA B. LOCATION / STREET ADDRESS: Z~,~'C-3 , CITY: ~ ZIP: ~=~"~)c~. BUS.PHONE: ( SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS In case of an emergency involving the release or threatened release of a hazardous material, call 911 and 1-800-852-?$50 or 1-916-427-4341. This will notify your local fire department and the State Office of Emersency Services, as required by EMPLOYEES TO NOTIFY IN CASE ,OF EMERGENCy: DURING BUS. HRS. AFTER BUS. HRS. Ph~ SECTION 3: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE A. NAT. GAS/PROPANE: /~/~ C. WATER: //_.f.d_.,~,,~../z.~_i~-o.,--., D. SPECIAL: E, LOCK BOX: YES //4~0~ IF YES, LOCATION: IF YES, DOES IT CONTAIN SITE PLANS? FLOOR PLANS? YES / NO YES / NO MSDSS? YES / NO KEYS? YES / NO SECTION 4: PRIVATE RESPONSE TEAM FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE SECTION $: LOCAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE FOR YOUR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE SECTION 6: EMPLOYEE TRAINING EMPLOYERS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A PROGRAM WHICH PROVIDES EMPLOYEES WITH INITIAL AND REFRESHER TRAINING IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS. CIRCLE YES' OR NO INITIAL A. METHODS FOR SAFE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS ~TERIALS:... .................................... '~'~E~) NO YES NO B. PROCEDURES FOR COORDINATING ACTIVITIES WITH RESPONSE AGENCIES: .......................... Y~ NO YES NO C. PROPER USE OF SAFETY EQUIPMENT: .................. 'i-~ NO' YES NO D. EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES: ................. NO YES NO E. DO YOU MAINTAIN EMPLOYEE TRAiNiNG RECORDS: ....... NO YES NO REFRESHER <-SECTION 7: MAZ~dlDOUS MATERIAL CIRCLEZ(YES)-~ NO - NONE DOES YOL~BUSINESS HANDLE HAZARDOUS ~¢TERIAL IN QUANTITIES LESS-THAN 500 POUNDS OF A SOLID, 55 GALLONS OF A LIQUID, OR 200 CUBIC FEET OF A COMPRESSED GAS: ...... YES ~0 I, , certify that the above information is accurate. I und~ stand that this in{ormation will.be used to fulfill my firm's obligations under the'new California Health and Safety code on Hazardous Materials (Div. ZO Chapter B.95 Sec. 2S800 Et Al.) and that inaccurate information constitutes perjury. 2B - BAKERSFiElD Ci,.--~' FiRE BAKERSFIELD. CA 93301 BUSINESS SAME: USE ONLY BUSTNESS SINGLE FACI LI T'f I~--NIT FOR_~ ~A INSTRUCTIONS 1. To avoid further action, this form must be'returned by: Z. TYPE/PRINT YOUR ANSWERS iN ENGLISH. S. Answer the questions below f~r THE FACILI~f L~!T LIST~. B~-L~W 4. Be as BRIEF and CONCISE as possible. "' FACILIT~f U~IT~ FAC~ITY UNIT NAME: S~'_~CT!'_0~ !: .W. TT'fGATTON. P!~~0N. ABA~ .~!~.OCZ~URES SELTTIOM ~: MOTZFTCAT!O~T A~"D w ........ ~v ... A. Does this Facility Unit conz~in H~znrdous }lazeria!s? ...... ~ SO If YES, see B. If NO, continue with SECTION 4. B. Are any of the hazardous ma:eria!s a bona fide Trade Secret YES NO If No, complete a separate hazardous materials inventory form marked: ~ON-:--RAEE SECRETS ONLY (white form :4A-!) If Yes. complete a hazardous materials inventory form marked: TRADE SECRETS ONLY (yellow form :4A-2) in addition to the non-trade secret form. 5ist only the trade secrets on form 4A-2. SECTI%'I ,.1.: . ..- SECTIO~ ~: LOCATiO~ OF w~.-'YR, SL~P5? FOR USE BY ~GE%CY ~ESPOS~E'R.,S A ..... ~. oat> PEOPAXE':' B. ELECTRICAL: C. WATER: / D. SPECIAL: FLOOR '.,'ES ,' .¥0 ':'ES .' 5;0 - 33 - HSDSs? ':'ES " \'"" \'ES ' %0 BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT I.D. # FORM 4A-1 Page ~of NON--TRADE SECRETS IlAZ ARDOUS MATERI ALS INVENTOR¥ BUSINESS NAME: ~:::~,C, ~3~.~-~C~SfO~3r~ ~WNER NAME:~¢O.~%(O~~.~_~('~ ,,FACILITY UNIT ~:~ ADDRESS:~~ ~O~(¢ ~ ADDRESS:,~ ~~c~ ~FACII, ITY UNIT NA~E: CITY, ZIP:~~.~~d ~ ~. t CITY,ZIP: ..... ONLY I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ! 9 10 TYPE MAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS · BY HAZARD D.0.T CODE-- AMOU~T,~ AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UN[.T .W.T. CHEM!~AL OR CO~IMON NAME CODE GUIDE NAME TITLE E ENCY CT: ~-~ TITI, E: PIIONE # BUS IlOURS: EMERGENCY' CONT/~CT: ~ TITLE: .~ PltONE # BUS HOURS: PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: oZj-. ,5.:7r-~-?..~::~'~ b' 6/ AFTER BUS HRS: .-