HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN LAN® MAP SITE DIAGRAM Business Name: Business Aclaress: FACILITY DIAGRAM FOr Office Use Only -.- - First In Station: Inspection Station: Area Map # NORTH of PRICE CLUB I4&RRIO'rT. DRIVE SITE PLAN "I~P' HANDICAPPE[ BAKERSFIELD PRICE CLUB '#142 I FOQO 5~VIC£ I HPU I OYERSTOCX I i,YAUCT I ENTRANC ! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I J~ THE' PRICE COMPANY PRICE CLUB® · 3737 ROSEDALE RNIA 93308 January. 1 ~'i 1994 City Of Bakersfield P.O.BOX 2057 Bakersfield Ca. 93303-2057 To Whom It May Concern, 'This is to inform you that effective Monday January 17, 1994 we had announced the closure of the Price Club located at 3737 Rosedale Highway, Bakersfield, CA. 93308. Our last day of regular business operations will be Saturday, January 29th. As one of our valued vendOrs please note that any incoming purchase orders MUST be accompanied with a completed Price. Club Purchase Order approved by myself. Orders by phone MUST include a Price Club Purchase Order. Number and be authorized by myself verbally. · In addition, we would like to expedite payment by requesting that ALL outstanding billings for this location be forwarded immediately to my attention at the above address. You may contact me at the following phone number if you have questions: 805-631-0890. Thank you very much for your cooperation in these matters. Thank You, Brian McCutcheon Warehouse Manager Division of THE PRICE COMPANY 1001 W. 19TH STREET · NATIONAL CITY, CALIFORNIA 92050 P.O. BOX 85097 · SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92186-5097 · (619) 336-6300 RECEIVED l-lA7. ~A_4T~. DIV. DATE: APRIL 8, 1992 RE: PBR Ralph Huey This is to confirm previous notification that PRICE CLUB #142 at 3737 Rosedale Highway., Bakersfield, is operating a FIXED TREATMENT UNIT in accordance with PERMIT BY RULE° PRICE CLUB ONE HOUR PHOTO is desilvering photofinishing waste using a series of metallic replacement steel wool cartridges. If you have any questions please call me at (619-336-6379) Christopher Corbin PBR Coordinator ~ Bakersfield Fire D~t. · " Hazardous Materials DivisiOn 21~30 "G" Street HAZARDOUS ,MATE~RiALS MAN-AG. EMENTPL~N 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. RECEIVED 3. - Answer fne questions ,below.foi the, business, as a whole; 4, Be Drier ancl concise ds p6ssiiole. .MAY.O ~ 1991. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA BUSINESS. NAME:, *~1'~C~' ~{,~5 :-- , ' - ; ' HAZ. K~AT..~,lV. CITY: ~,a.I,~E~.$'F'IE.~ STATE: EA. ZiP: ff~$o$ PHONE: c,d, Tx'~ z.~.¢'' Z ~5'8 )q5 ors ~ DUN 8~ BRADSTREET NUMBER: SIC CODE: PRIMARY ACTIVITY' OWNER: ~ MAILING ADDRESS: SECTION 2: CONTACT EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION: TITLE BUS. PHONE 24 HR. PHONE L, gt Bakersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division .IAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN v' SECTION 3: TRAINING: NUMBER'OFEMPLOYESS: ~O -'gO MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE: BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: ~E~TION 4: ~EMPTION REQUEST: I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY O~ PERJURY'THAT MY BUSINESS IS ~EMPT FROM THE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 6.95 'OF THE "CALIFORNIA H~LTH & SAFETY COOE" FOR THE FO.LL~WING REASONS: WE'DO NOT HANDLE HA~RDOUS MATERIALS. WE DO HANDLE HA7-.~RDOUS MAtERI~LS, BUT THE QUANTITIES AT NO TIMEEXCEED. THE MINIMOM REPORTING QUANTITIES. OTHER (SPECIFY REASON) SECTION 5: CERTIFICATION: I, CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE 1NFOR- MATION'IS ACCURATE'.: I'UNDERSTAND THAT THIS INFORMATION WILL BE USED TO FULFILL MY FIRM'S OBLIGATIONS UNOER THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY COOE" ON.H.AZARD. OUS 'MATERIALS (DIV. 20.~HAPTER 6.95:SEC. 25,500 ET AL.) AND THAT INACCU/~TE INFORMATION CONSTITUTES PERJURY. SIGNATURE TITLE DATE ? Bakersfield Fire Dep~l Hazardous Materials DivisT~n HAZARDOUS MATEi~IALS MANAGEMENT PLAN Facility Unit Name: ~)~t ¢'~ ~LOI~ '"' SECTION 6: NOTIFICATION AND'EVACUATION PROCEDURES: A. AGENCY NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES: B. EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION AND_ EV.A..CUATION' . EMERGENCY MEDICAL PLAN' Bakersi~'eld Fixe Dept. Hazardous Materials DivisionO 'HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 7: MITIGATION, PREVENTION AND ABATEMENT PLAN: ': ................................ A.' ........... R'ELEAS'E-P R'EV ENTIO'N STEPS:'" RELEASE CONTAINMENT AND/OR MINIMIZATION: C. CLEAN,UP PROCEDURES: 1~~' ~-,~.o~;cm-.. SECTION 8: UTILITY SHUT-OFFS (LOCATION OF SHUT-OFFS AT YOUR FACILITY): .~.w.. ~ ~..,~..,~:. '1~¢:=~. f~',,,,~. A,,~,,-r~ NATURAL GAS/PROPANE: SPECIAL: LOCK BOX: YES~ IF YES, LOCATION: '~ 'S'ECTION 9: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION/WATER AV~iL~BILITY:, :' B.~ WATER AVAILABILITY (FIRE HYDRANT): I~.~.$. ~ CTTY of BAKER~F'IELD 'i ~'"~AZARDOUS MATERTALS 'rNVENTORY Farm andAgticulture F1 Standard Business Page of i. NON--TRADE SECRETS BUSINESS NAH_E: F~'(..~ ,'~¢-~ ' i OWNER NAHE' 'TI~--~.~c..~,,~A,~ ' NAHE 'OF THIS FACILITY: AODRESS; ;l'~4~ Mo,z~,~ !~ L.v,a. S~.T..A.N,O,A.R~D,,?,R6,oCLcAciSSN~[i .HONE .: C~.~.~ ~E~ ~O~4~RO~~- ' ~RO~ COORS --- i 2 3 4 ~ 5 6 7 8 , .10 11 12 lrans [yRe Nax Ay?rage Annual Neasure I ~y~ Cont Con: Cont Us Loc~tjon.~hece. Stored Code .~oae Act. Ret ~ Est Un,ts on s~ce Type Press iem0 Co~e See Instructions N IH ~=:~ I~.~l~r .I m I t I ~ I°a I~ ~ , ~ ~~ '~~~ Physical end Health Hazard '. C,A,S, Humber ~/~ Component I1 Names C,A,S. Number ~ OI _ (Check al1 that apply) ~ ~ Fire Hazard ~ Reactivity~ ~ Dele,ed ~ Sudden Release ~ ,,~i~ Co,portent '2 Hame , C.A.a. Number __ Health of Pressure Component 13 ~ame I .C.A.S. Humber Physical Ipd ~ealth Uazard ~ C,A.S. Number 0 1~ ~.~ Component II Name & C,A,S, Number [Check al1 that ~pmy] ~. ~Fire Hazard D Reactivity D Oelayed ~ Sudden Release m~i?~ Component 12 Name & C.A,S. Number - Health of Pressure Component 13' Name & C,A.S, Humber ,hysica, ,nd Hem'th Hazard ' ¢1 ~' ~ Co,ponent ,1 Hame, C.A.S Number (Check all that a,,l~) t': C.A.S. ,u~ber ~ _ _. ' Component 12 Name ~ C.A.S. Humber ~" ~ Fire Hazard g ReacCivity~ D Oelayed U Sudden Release ~ Hem l[h of Pressure (Check ~11 that app/yl ~ Component 12 Name & C.A.S. Number ~ire Hazard. a Reactivit~ a DelayedHealth a Suddeno, PressureROiease ~: Component 13 Name & C,A.S, Number atlo Re and f naf r' corn 1 CTng all sections) . . this,~nd all' ertifi ' h t l i~av ersona ~ exmmln ~Q ~ m familiar it the information Su m~tted in I.cer.t,!y.unter _ena!! o .~a t ~Tp. res onsible lor obta,nin9 the ]ntormat,on. '~/ o~itie of own,r/operator uR bwner/operator'~aucn~r]zeo representative . Farm and Agriculture I-! Standard Business r'l CI'i'Y et BAI ERSI-IFLD HAZARDOUS HATERIALS INVENTORY NON--TRADE SECRETS 'i 2 3 4 I 5 6 7 8 9 I0 II 12 13 14 Trans !y~e ~ax Avfrpge [ Annual Neasure I ~y~ Cent Cent Cent Us Location NheEe. ~" N~mes of ~ixture/Comoon~nts Code ~ooe Amt Amc i Est Units on 31ce Type Press Tamp coleStored in Facl/1Cy See InstructIons r C.A,S. Number ~_"?ob3,o Component I1 Name & C,A,S, Number ~hvsical and Health Hazard ~. (Check al1 that apply) Component 12 Name & C.A,S, Number ,,~ire Hazard [] Reactivity FI Delayed [] Sudden Release ,~lt[m~i?~ -- Health of Pressure Component t3 Name & C,A,S, Number I I I .i l I I I I I I I Physical gpd HealLh PeTard C.A,S. Number Component Il Name & C,A,S, Number · (Check all that app/y) [] Fire Hazard [] Reactivity Fl Oelayed [] Sudden Release [] ImHealtnc°mp°nentmedi~&e 12 Name & C.A.S, Number Health of Pressure i Component 13 Name & C,A.S. Number Physical and Health Hazard [Check al1 that apply) i~ C,A,$. Number Component II Name & C,A,S, Number [] Fire Hazard '[] Reactivity [-] Delayed [] Sudden Release I-I lm~i~C°mp°nent 12 Name & C.A,S, Number Health of Pressure Component 13 Name I C.A,S, Number -- Physical.'and Health UaTard i: .C,A.S, Number Component Il Name & C,A,S, Number (Check all that apply! 'J? ' Reactivity= [] Fire Hazard r1 [] Delayed [] Sudden Release FI [m~i~C°mponent I~ Name & C.A,S, Number I Hearth of Pressure Component 13 Name i C.A,S, Number EMERGENCY CONTACTS #1 i ., #2 I~me TTT, le 2T-I~r Phone I~e Tlcle erti[i arid ,(Re~d o,n.~.~fgn after comp Tee f.ng ,a 7 7 sect i.on~) f cer~l!y.unter penaIcx gl!a~ cnqt i navepersonat~y examlnqQaqoQm tamillar, vitb the jntormac)pn ~u~mitt~d in this and all a&~a~neo.oocgment~, an~ c~ac oaseo~on.my inquiry gt.cnose lnalVleUa/s responsio/e tor obtaining cna lntormaclon, I hal)eve that the suDan!tee lfltormacIOfl is true, accurate, and comp/ace. ' ~T'iT11'T-T1~1e of o,ner/op~rator oH o~ner/operator's authorized reoresentatJve ~ature