HomeMy WebLinkAboutHAZARDOUS WASTESTATE OF CALIFO ,~ AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF TOXIC sUBSTANCES CONTROL 400 P Street, 4th Floor P.O. Box 806 Sacramento, CA 95812-0806 (916) 323-5871 PETE WILSON. Governor Date: 03/04/92 PRICE CLUB #142 THE PRICE COMPANY 3737 ROSEDALE HIGHWAY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 EPA ID: CAL000060253 Dear Permit.by Rule Facility: The Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) has received your Fixed Treatment Unit Permit by Rule .Initial Notification of Intent to Operate (DTSC Form 8462). This letter only acknowledges r~ceipt of that notification, and does not authorize operation of any treatment activity at your facility. Enclosed are DTSC Forms 8462A (Fixed Treatment Unit (FTU) Permit by Rule Facili[y-Specific Notification) and 8462B (FTU Permit by Rule Unit-Specific Notification). If you are currently operating your fixed treatment unit, you must submit the completed Forms 8462A and 8462B for your facility by April 1, 1992, including all required attachments. You must include a completed Form 8462B for each unit at your facility. We have also enclosed a copy of the Disclosure Statement, form DTSC 8430, the Certification of Financial Responsibility for PBR Operation, DTSC 8113, and a package of other Financial Responsibility forms from whlch you can select the proper forms for one or more of the acceptable financial mechanisms. An order form for PBR documents (1002) is attached with a map of our regional offices printed on the back. If you need additional forms, they may be obtained from the nearest regional office of the DTSC, or by contacting this office. California law requires that the enclosed forms be certified (signed) by an authorized corporate officer or any other person in a company who performs decision making functions that govern operation of the facility. (See Title 22, California Code of Regulations, Section 67450.2 subds. (a)(2) and (b)(3) and Section 66270.11.) Our staff must rely upon job titles to judge if the signer has decision making authority for your facility. For instance, a vice president or general manager would clearly be authorized to certify (sign) while an environmental manager or safety officer would not. If the forms are improperly signed the notification will be rejected and returned to you and you will have to resubmit the entire notification package. Page 2 EPA ID: CAL000060253 Since this is your initial notification for operation under a Permit by Rule for your facility, you will be billed by the Board of · Equalization for the fee specified in Section 25205.7(h) of Chapter 6.5, Division 20, of the California Health and Safety Code. The fee is $1,109 this year and will be adjusted annually for inflation on July 1st. That fee will also cover your first Facility-Specific and Unit-Specific notifications, mentioned above. Additional fees will be due for the annual notifications you must submit in future years.. You are also required to amend these notifications whenever any information changes. You will be charged one-half of the annual fee ($555 this year) for each amended notification which you submit. Hazardous waste laws and regulations are detailed and complex. At any time, you may be inspected by the DTSC or your local county health department. Violations of laws or regulations which are found may make you liable for criminal, civil or administrative penalties, as provided by law. If you have questions on completing the required forms, or have questions on operating requirements for your operation, please contact the nearest DTSC regional office, or this office at the letterhead address or phone number. Sincerely, Michael S. Horner, Chief Permit By Rule Unit Surveillance and Enforcement Branch Enforcement and Program Support Division Enclosures cc: SUSAN J. LANEY, CHIEF FACILITY COMPLIANCE UNIT DTSC REGION 1 OFFICE SURVEILLANCE & ENFORCEMENT BR. 10151 CROYDON WAY, SUITE 3 SACRAMENTO, C'A 95827 CHRIS BURGER, R.E.H.S. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SPECIALIST ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES 2700 M STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 ~TATE OF CALIFORNIA--ENVIRONMENTAL PR~ DEPARTMENT OF TOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROL 400 P Street, 4th Floor P.O. Box 806 Sacramento, CA 95812-0806 (916) 323-5871 PETE WILSON, Governor 02104194 EPA ID: CAL000060253 PRICE CLUB //142 PAUL LATHAM 4649 MORENA BLVD SAN DIEGO, 'CA 92117 For f~ toam~ at: 3737 ROSEDALE HWY BAKERSFIELD, 'CA 93308 Authorization Date: 02/04/94 Dear COnditionally Authorized and/or Conditionally Exempt Facility: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF UNITS OPERATING UNDER CONDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION AND/OR CONDITIONAL EXEMPTION The Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) has received your facility specific notification (form DTSC 1772) and forms for Conditional AuthOrization and/or Conditional Exemption for Specified Wastestreams (form DT~C 1772B and/or 1772C). Your notifications are administratively complete, but have not been reviewed for technical adequacy. A technical review of y°Ur notifications will be conducted when an inspection is performed. At any time, you may be inspected and will be subject to penalty if violations of laws or regulations are found. The Department acknowledges receipt of your completed notification for the treatment uuit(s) listed' on the last page of this l~tter. These units operating under Conditional Authorization or Conditional Exemption are authorized by California law without additional Department action, pursuant to Health and Safety Code sections 25200.3 and 25201.5. Your authorization to operate continues until you notify DTSC that you have stopped treating waste and have fully closed the unit(s). You will be charged annual fees calculated on a calendar year basis for each year you operate and have not notified DTSC that the units have been closed. you must notify the DTSC 60 days before first treating h~,,,rdous wastes in any new unit. You must also 'notify the DTSC whenever any of the information you provided in these notifications changes. To revise information, mail a cover letter to the above address explaining the changes, attach only the pages of your notification package that have changed, and re-sign and date at the signature space on page 3 of form 1'/72. Your status to operate under Conditional Authorization and/or COnditional Exemption is contingent upon the accuracy of information submitted by you in the notifications mentioned &bove, and your compliance with all applicable requirements in the Health and Safety Code. Any misrepresentation or any failure to fully disclose all relevant facts shall render your authorization to operate null and void. You are also required to properly close any treatment unit. Additional guidance on closure will be issued and distributed to all authorized onsite facilities later this year. Page 2 ' EPA ID: CAL(RX)060253 If you have any questions regarding this letter, or have questions on operating requirements for your facility, please contact the nearest DTSC regional office, Or this office a~ the letterhead address or phone number. Enclosure Michael S. Homer, Chief Onsite HuT~ons Waste Treatment Unit permit. Streamlining Branch Hazardous Waste Management Program cc: SUSAN LANEY DTSC REGION i SURVEILLANCE & ENFORCEMENT BR. · 10151 CROYDON WAY, SUITE 3 SACRAMENTO, CA 95827 STEVE MCCALLEY KERN COUNTY ENVIRON. HEALTH SERVICES DEPT 2700 M STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Page 3 ENCLOSURE 1 UNDER CONDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION: EPA ID: CAL000060253 UNDER CONDITIONAL EXEMFrlON: #1 ~tate of C4llfo~1~l~--I-~altll anO Welfare Agency HAZAFIDOUS WASTE'' SURVEILLANCE AND ENFORCEMENT REPORT Department of Health Sewlcas H&zlrdoul Mltlrlill Management Section Firm Name; ~J~' J737 Address: ~ Telephone: Data: DCc- Site cla~: I"1 Site Permit No.' I~ Producer ID Other 1 ID 11-1 r"l 11-2 I::] 111 HaUler Inspector: EH 204 t4/aOI STATE OF C/~'~_IFORNIA--CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMEI1 ~ROTECTION AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF TOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROL 400 P STREET, 4TH FLOOR P.O. BOX 806 SACRAMENTO, CA 95812-0806 (916) 323-5871 PETE WILSON, Governor 11/08/94 CAL000060253 PRICE CLUB #142/THE PRICE CO PAUL LATHAM 4649 MORENA BLVD SAN DIEGO, CA 92117 3737 ROSEDALE HWY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 DATE CLOSED: 01/01/94 Dear Onsite Treatment Facility: The Department of Toxic Substances Control (Department) has received your letter notifying the Department of the closure of your facility or treatment unit(s). The Department considers your facility or unit to be closed and no longer subject to 'the standards of your treatment authorization tier. The Department will change your facility or unit status in our tiered permitting database to "closed". Your facility will not be billed annual operating fees for treatment under these tiers for the closed facility or units for future reporting periods. Note, however, that a business is assessed the appropriate fee for being authorized under one of the onsite hazardous waste treatment tiers if it was authorized during any portion of a reporting period; a reporting period is a calendar year. Please note that your facility may be inspected by the Department or a local environmental agency to ensure that the closure of your facility or unit was carded out in a manner consistent with the standards for closure under your treatment tier. Any violations of these standards, omissions, or misrepresentation may subject your business to enforcement action including, but not limited to, imposition of substantial fines and penalties. Michael S. Homer, Chief Onsite Hazardous Waste Treatment Unit TIM NAPRAWA DTSC REGION 1 SURVEILLANCE & ENFORCEMENT BR. 10151 CROYDON WAY, SUITE 3 SACRAMENTO, CA 95827 STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION STEPHEN R. RUDD, ADMINISTRATOR ENVIRONMENTAL FEES DIVISION P.O. BOX 942879 SACRAMENTO, CA 94279-0001 STEVE MCCALLEY KERN COUNTY ENVIRON. HEALTH SERVICES DEPT 2700 M STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Printed on Recycted Paper Page 1 of_/t~ 92 O0 ON$1TE BAZARIX)U$ WAgYE TREA~ NOTIFICATION FORM FACILITY SPECIFIC NOTIFICATION For Use by Hazardous Waste Generators Pea'forming Treatment Under Conditional Exemption and Conditional Authorization, and by Permit By Rule Facilities ~ Initial [] Revised Please refer to the attached Instructions before completing this form. You may notify for more than one permitting tier by ming this notification form, DTSC 1772. You must attach a separate unit specific notification form for each unit at this location. There are different unit specific notification forms for each of the four categories and an additional notification form for transportable treatment units (TIU's). You only have to submit forms for the tier(s) that cover your unit(s). Discard or recycle the other unused forms. Number each page of your completed notification package and indicate the total number of pages at the top of each page at the 'Page _ of_ '. Put your EPA ID Number on each page. Please provide all of the information requested; all fields must be completed except those that state 'if different' or 'if available'. Please type the information provided on this form and any attachments. The notification will not be considered 'complete without payment of the appropriate fee for each tier under which you are operating. (Please note that the fee is per TIER not per UNIT. For example, if you operate 5 units but they are all Conditionally Authorized, you only owe $1,140, NOT 5 times $1,140. If you operate any Permit by Rule units and any units under Conditional Authorization you owe $2,280.) Checks should be made payable to the Department of Toxic Substances Control and be stapled to the top of this form. Please write your EPA ID Number on the check. Fill in the check number in the box above. I. NOTIFICATION CATEGORIES Indicate the number of units you operate in each tier. This will also be the number, of unit spe~l~ notification forms you must attach. Conditionally F, zentpt Small Quantity Treatment operations ~y/ttot o~pe. rate untt$ under any other tier. Number of units and attached unit specific notifications ~//0/~. L ~ Fee per Tier A. Coaditionally Exempt-Small Quantity Treatment (Form DTSC 1772A) I~ . $ 100 Coaditioaaily Exempt-Specified Wastcstrcam (Form DTSC 1772B) ~ ~//$ 100 "~ Conditionally Authorized ~DTSC 1772C) C. $1,140 D. Permit by Rule DTSC 1772D) /~] ~1 __1 Total Number of Units \ ~,~Y- '" ,,o~.?~ J T~n"-Fee Attached $100 EPA ID NUMBER CA ~ BOE NUMBER~Q3~I(X)799 DTSC 1772 (1/93) October 26, 1994 Clyde West CA Dept. of Toxic Substance Control 400 "P" Street Sacramento, CA 95814 RECEIVED BY: ..... ; ,,- Waste Managel~ent NOV 02 1994 / ~PAH'rMENT OF TOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROL Dear Mr. West: ~. As per your request I am writing again to inform you that two of our facilities have been closed since January 1994. These two locations are: Price Club #426 3200 Regatta Blvd. Richmond, CA Please do not hesitate to call me any questions. Price Club #442I/~~ 3737 Rosedale Hwy Bakersfield. CA at (20~) 803-6295, if you have Sincerely, THE PRICE COMPANY Robin ~aant Licensing Specialist BUYING FAX (206) 803-8101 P.O. BOX 97077 KIRKLAND, WA 98083 ACCOUNTING FAX EXECUTIVE FAX J206) 803-8102 (206) 803-8103 10809 120TH AVENUE N.E. (206J 803-8100 KIRKLAND, WA 98033 TRAFFIC FAX LEGAL/REAL ESTATE FAX CONSTRUCTION FAX MARKETING/PERSONNEL FAX (206) 803-8104 (206) 803-8105 (206) 827-27,56 (206) 803-8106 October 10, 1994 Clyde West CA Department of Toxic Substance Control 400 "P" Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Dear Mr. West: Enclosed please find two copies of delinquent notices for two of our locations. Both these locations have closed and have not operated business since January 1, 1994. I had written a letters to the State Board of Equalization explaining this (copies enclosed). They have just recently informed me that your department needs this information to prevent the creation of further invoices from them. Could you please cancel registration for these two locations? Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to the above matter. Please call me at (206) 803-6295, if you have any questions. Sincerely, THE PRICE COMPANY Licensing Specialist BUYING FAX 1206) 803-8101 P.O. BOX 97077 KIRKLAND, WA 98083 ACCOUNTING FAX (206) 803-8102 EXECUTIVE FAX {206) 803-8103 10809 120TH AVENUE N.E. (206) 803-8100 KIRKLAND, WA 98033 TRAFFIC FAX LEGAL/REAL ESTATE FAX CONSTRUCTION FAX MARKETING/PERSONNEL FAX (206) 803-810.4 (206) 803-8105 (206) 827-2756 (206) 803-8106 June 3, 1994 State Board of Equalization Special Taxes Division PO Box 942754 Sacramento, CA 94291-2754 Gentlemen: Enclosed you will find your statements for fees for hazardous, substance tax for 3200 Regatta Blvd., Richmond, California and 3737 Rosedale Hwy., Bakersfield, California. I am returning these statements since these locations have been closed and have not operated business since January 1, 1994. Could you please correct your files in regards to any licenses we may hold with your department for the above locations? Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to the above matter. If you have any questions, please call me at (206) 803- 6295. Sincerely, Licensing Specialist BUYING FAX (206) 803-8101 P.O. BOX 97077 KIRKLAND, WA 98083 ACCCXJNTING F,,~X F.X~CUI1V~ FAX (206l 803-8102 1206) 803-8103 10809 120TH AVENUE N.E. (206) 803-8100 KIRKLAND, WA 98033 Tlb&FFIC FAX ~AL/REAL ESTATE FAX CC~ISTRUCTIC~N FAX MARKETI~IG/PERSONNEL FAX 1206) 803-8104. 1206l 803-8105 (206J 827-2756 1206) 803-8106 STA~RD OF EQUALIZATION SPI~'DrlAL TAXES DIVISION P.O. BOX 942754, SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 94291-2754 (916) 739-2582 PRICE 'CLUB~--'~ ATTN: TAX &-L-TCENSE DEPT. PO BOX 85~66 SAN DIEGO CA ~2186-~466 BOARD USE ONLY RE I PM EFFECTIVE DATE OF, r,~YMENT 0 I 2 DATE: ACCOUNT NUMBER HWCA I ADCE01 F~OSR91MIJi ;L~EQE PAYMENT38-000809 DEMAND BY MADE FOR THE DELINQUENT SHOWN BELOW. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE TAX CONDITIONALLY EXEMPT FACILITY AS DETERMINED FOR THE PERIOD 01/0]/94 - 12/31/94 INTEREST THRU 06/01/94 PENALTY CHARGED TOTAL AMOUNT INTERESTI PENALTYI TOTAL 50.00 .42 5.00 .42 5.00 ************* PAY THIS AMOUNT 50.00 .42 5.oo 55.42 55.42 ADDITIONAL IN OF $ 0.42 ACCRUES ON THE AMOUNT OF FEE AT THE RATE OF 0.8333~ PER NTH AFTER 06/01/94. A NOTICI TAX LIEN COULD BE FILED OR RECORDED UNDER CHAPTER 14 NG WITH SECTION 7150) OR CHAPTER 14.5 (COMMENCING WITH SECT 7220) OF OIVISION 7 OF TITLE 1 OF THE GOVERNMENT CODE 30 OAYS FROM THI OF THIS DEMANO BILLING IF PAYMENT OF THIS OELINQUENT TAX LIABILITY I MADE IN FULL. IF. GAL DEFT. MAKE CHECK OR MONEY' ORDER PAYABLE TO THE STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Always write your account number on your check or money order. Make a copy of this document for your records. STA]~OARD OF EQUALIZATION ~IIIECIAL TAXES DIVISION P.O. BOX 942754, SACRAMENTO, CAUFORNIA 94291-2754 (916) 739-2582 / AFTN: TAX & LICENSE DEPT. ~, PO BOX 85&,66 ./ '~4~DI~EG0 CA ~2186-~h6(~ HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE TAX CONDITIONALLY EXEMPT.FACILITY AS DETERMINED FOR THE PERIOD 01/01/9~ - 12/31/9q INTEREST THRU 06/O1/9~ PENALTY CHARGED TOTAL BOAI::H~} USE RE I Pla EPI-L-CTIVE DATE O~ PAYMENT MO. / DAY YEAR DATE: / ACCOUNT NUMBER MAY 23 199~/ /I o /~AND FOR IMMEOIATE PAYMENf DEMAND/IS HEREBY MADE FOR THE DELINQUENT AMOU~i'S AS SHOWN'BELOW. / AMOUNT .00 ff, rrEREST J. PENALTY i TOTAL 50.00 50.00 .~2 .~2 5.00 5.oo · ~2 5.00 55.~2 ************* PAY THIS AMOUNT 55.~2 ADDITIONAL INTEREST OF 0.~2 ACCRUES ON THE AMOUNT OF FEE AT THE RATE OF O.8333~ PER MONTH AFT] O6/O1/9h. A NOTICE OF TAX LIE BE FILED OR RECOROED UNDER CHAPTER lq (COMJ~ENCING WITH S ION 7150) OR CHAPTER 1~.5 (COMMENCING WITH SECTION 7220) OF VISION 7 OF TITLE 1 OF THE GOVERNMENT COOE 30 OAYS FROM THE DATE OF THI BILLING IF PAYMENT OF THIS OELINQUENT TAX LIABILITY IS NOT MADE IN LEGAL DEPT. MAKE CHECK OR MONEY ORDER PAYABLE TO THE STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Always .write ycur account number on your check or money order. Make a copy of this document for your recorcls. 13 April 1994 State Board of Equalization Special Taxes Division PO Box 942754 Sacramento, CA 94291-2754 Gentlemen: F~closed please find our check ~2171275 for $100.00 as payment for the Hazardous Substance Tax for two of our warehouse locations not included in our check #2288056 sent earlier. I have also returned two invoices for our locations ~442 & #426, without payment since we have closed these locations.~ If you should have any questions, please call me at (206) 803-6295. Sincerely, Licensing Specialist 3U~NG FAX P.O. BOX 97077 KIRKLAND, WA 98083 (206) 803-8100 10809 120TH AVENUE N.E. KIRKLAND, WA 98033 I I o 2 o o o ONSITE HAZARDOUS WASTE TREATMENT NOTIFICATION FORM FACILITY SPECIFIC NOTIFICATION For Use by Hazardous Waste Generators Performing Treatment I~ Initial Under Conditional Exemption and Conditional AuthoriZation, [] Revised and by Permit By Rule Facilities Pleas, refer to the attached Instructions before completing this form. You may notify for more than one permi ,~ng tier by using this notification form, DTSC 1772. You must attach a separate unit specific notification form for. each unit at this location. There are different unit specific notification forms for each of the four cat. ego. nes and an additional notification form for transportable treatment units (ITU's). You only have to suomit forms for the tier(s) that cover your unit(s). Discard or recycle the other unused forms. Number each page of your completed notification package and indicate the total nUmber of pages at the top of each page at 'the 'Page __ of__'. Put your EPA ID Number on each page. Please provide all of the information requested; all fields, must be completed except those that state ~f different' or 'if available'. Please type the information provided on this form and any attachments. . I The notification will not be considered complete without payment of the appropriate fee for each tier under hich you are operattng. (Please note that the fee is per TIER not per UNIT. For example, if you operate 5 units .but they are all Conditionally Authorized, you only owe $1,140, NOT 5 times $1,140. If you operate any Permit by Rule units and any units under Conditional Authorization you owe $2,280.) Checks should be made payable to the Department of Toxic Substances Control and be stapled to the top of this form. Please write four EPA ID.Number on the check. Fill in the check number in the box above. I. NOTIFICATION. CATEGOR1F~S Indicate the number of units you operate in each tier. This will also be the number of unit specific notification forms ~ ~ou must attach. Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Treatment operations may not operate units under any other tier. Numl er of units and attached unit specific notifications Fee per Tier A. Conditionally Exempt-Small Quantity Treatment (Form DTSC 1772A) $ 100 ~, Conditionally Exempt-Specified Wastestream (Form DTSC 1772B) $ 100 Conditionally Authorized DTSC 1772C) $1,140 1 Total NumberofUnits ~ ;~o~..1993 ~'/ Total FeeAttached. $100 II. GENERATOR IDENTIFiCatiOn, / EPA ID NUMBER CA IXXK)0602~i3 ~ BOE NUMBER (if available) HFHQ38000799 Page 1 of../o DTSC 1772 (1/93) 'NAME." ,.(Comi~any or Facility) O~nA-~<,in~ ~,,.~,-,~.As) PHYSICAL LOCATION 3737 Rose. dale Hwy. · CITY Bakersfield CA ZIP 93308 COUNTY Kern coNTACT PERSON PaulLatham O~iest t',~,,s~) (Last MAILING ADDRESS, IF DIFFERENT: COMPANY NAME (DBA) The Price Company STREET 4649 M0rena Blvd. PHONE NUMBER (619)336-6300 CITY COUNTRY CONTACTPERSON San Diego STATE CA ZIP 92117 (only ~omplctu ff m~: USA) Paul (r~st ~m,~) (~,~t ~ Latham PHONE NUMBER (619)336-6300 III. TYPE OF COMPANY: STANDARD INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION (SIC) CODE: Use either one .:or two SIC codes (a four digit number) that best.describe your company's products, services, or industrial activity. Example: 7384 Photofinishing lab 3672 Printed circuit boards First: ~--'~-9~~M1 ~' Second: 7384 Photofinishing oLab n tltd PRIOR PERMIT STATUS: Check yes or no to each question: YES NO 5] 0 1. D [] 2. [] [] 3. [] [] 4. [] [] 5. Did you file a PBR Notice of Intent to Operate (DTSC Form 8462) in 1992 for this locafitn? Do you now have or have you ever held a state or federal hazardous waste facility full permit or interim status for any of these treatment units? Do you now have or have you ever held a state or federal full permit or interim status for any other hazardous waste activities at this location? Have you ever held a variance issued by the Department of Toxic Substances Control for the treatment you are now notifying for at this location? Has this location ever been inspected by the state or any local agency as a hazardous waste generator? DTSC 1772 (1/93) V. PRIOR ENFORCEMENT HISTORY: co~tionallY exempt. .lqot required from generators only notifying as YES NO [] i~ Within the last three years, has this facility been the subject of' any convictions, judgments, settlements, or final orders resulting from an action by any local, state, or federal environmental, hazardous waste, or public health enforcement agency? (For.the purposes of this form,, a' notice of violation does not constitute an order and need not be' reported unless it was not corrected and became a final order.) If you answered Yes, check this box and attach a listing of convictions, judgments, settlements, or orders and a copy of the cover sheet from each document. (See the Instructions for more information) DTSC 1772 (1/93) VI. [] [] ATTACHMENTS: A plot plan/map detailing the location(s) of the covered unit(s) in relation to the facility boundaries. A unit specific notification form for each unit to be covered at this location. VII. CERTIFICATIONS: This form must be signed by an authorized corporate officer or any other person in the cOmpany who has operational control and performs decision-making functions that govern operation of the facility (per title 22, California Code of Regulations (CCR) section 66270.11). All three copies must have original signatures. Waste Minimization I certify that I have a program in place to reduce the volume, quantity, and toxicity of waste generated to the degree I have determined to be economically practicable and that I have selected the practicable method of treatment, storage, or disposal currently available to me which minimizes the present and future threat to human health and the environment. Tiere41 Permitting Certification. I certify that the unit or units described in these documents meet the eligibility and operating requirements of state statutes and regulations for the indicated permitting tier, including generator and secondary containment requirements. I understand that ff any of the units operate under Permit by Rule or Conditional Authorization, I will also be required to provide required financial assurances by January 1, 1994, and conduct a Phase I environmental assessment by January 1, 1995. I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those directly responsible for gathering the information, the information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, tree, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are substantial pe~a!ties for submitting'false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. P~Rfl Latham Name (l~rint or Type) Signature Vice-President Title Date Sigi~ed OPERATING REQUIREMENTS: Please note that generators treating hazardous waste onsite are required to comply with a number of operating requirements which differ depending on the tier(s) under which one operates. These operating requirements are set forth in the statutes and regulations, some of which are referenced in the Tier-Specific Factsheets. SUBMISSION PROCEDURES: You must s~bmit two copies of this completed notification by certified mail, remm receipt requested, to: DTSC 1772 (1/93) Bros. · ~..dinates ~' ,~tness Address ~-')~-] '--~OSq~/~ SITE MAP Phone Number- Day ,~zo~'o-~'~ ;~4 hr/home .. s -. ~ 'D ',.EPA iD NUMBER CAL~~ Page(=o_ of_~ UNIT NAME Silver Recovery. Sy .sytem NUMBER OF TREATMENT DEVICES: CONDrllONALLY EXEMPI - SPEi2IFII~ W ,ASTF. SlII~AIdS UNIT SPECIFIC NOTIFICATION (pursuant to He~ ~d S~e~ C~e S~on 25201.5(c)) ~ch unit m~t be clearO iden~fied a~ ~eled on t~ plot p~ ~ached to Fo~ 1772. ~ssign your own ~iq~ n~er to each unit. ~ nu~er ~ be seq~n~al (1, 2, 3) or ~ing ~ ~stem you choose. UNIT ID NUMBER//! Container(s) Enter the estimatedmonthty total volume of hazardous waste treated by this unit. This should be the maximum ..or highest amount treated in any month. Indicate in the narrative (Section II) if your operations have seasonal variations. I. WASTESTREAMS AND TREATMENT PROCESSES: Estimated Monthly Total Volume Treated: pounds and/or 396gallons The following are the eligible wastestrearns and treatment processes. Please check all applicable boxes: [] [] Treats resins mixed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Treat containers of 110 gallons or less capacity that contained hazardous waste by rinsing or physical processes, such as crushing, shredding, grinding, or puncturing. Drying special wastes, as classified by .the dePartment pursuant to rifle 22, CCR, section 66261.124, by pressing or by passive or heat-aided evaporation-to remove water. Magnetic separation or screening to remove components from special waste, as classified by the dePartment pursuant to rifle 22, CCR, section 66261.124. [] 5. Neutrali?e acidic or alkaline (base) wastes from the regeneration of ion exchange media used to dernineraliT~ water. (This waste cannot contain more than 10 percent acid or base by weight to be eligible for conditional exemption.) [] 6. Neutralize acidic or alkaline (base) wastes from the food processing industry. Recovery of silver from photofinishing. The volume limit for conditional exemption is 500 gallons per generator (at the same location) in any calendar month.. [] [] o Gravity separation of the following, including the use of flocculants and demulsifiers if a. The settling of solids from the waste where the resulting aqueous/liquid stream is not hazardous. b. The separation of oil/water mixtures and separation sludges, if the average oil recovered per month is less than 25 barrels (42 gallons per barrel). DTSC 1772B (1/93) rage ? ofl_V [] 9. Neutralizing acidic or alkaline (base) material by a state certified laboratory or a laboratory operated by an educational institution. (To be eligible for conditional exemption, 'this waste cannot cont~ain more than 10 percent acid~or base by weight.) DTSC 1772B (1/93) · CONDITIONALLY EXEMPT - SPECIFIED WASTESTREAMS UNIT SPECIFIC NOTIFICATION (pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 25201.5(c)) II. NARRATIVE DESCRIPTIONS: Provide a brief description of the specific waste treated and the treatment process used. SPECIFIC WASTE TYPES TREATED: Aqueous photofinishing waste that i~ ~ilvcr bearing TREATMENT PROCESS(ES) USED: III. RESIDUAL MANAGEMENT: Check Yes or No to each question as it applies to all residuals from this treatment unit. YES' NO [] [] 1. D° you discharge non-hazardous aqueous waste to a (POTW)/sewer? publicly owned treatmem works [] [] [] [] 2. Do you discharge non-hazardous aqueous waste under an NPDES permit? 3. Do you have your residual hazardous waste hauled offsite .by a registered hazardous waste hauler? If you do, where is the waste sent? Ozeck all that apply. [] a. Offsite recycling [] b. Thermal treatment [] c. Disposal to land [] d. Further treatment [] [] 4. Do you dispose of non-hazardous solid waste residues at.an offsite location? [] .1~t 5. Other method of'disposal. Specify: IV. BASIS FOR NOT NEEDING A FEDERAL PERMIT: In order to demonstrate, eligibility for one of the onsite treatment tiers, facilities are required to provide the basis for determining that a hazardous waste permit is not required under the federal Resource Conservation and' Recovery Act (RCRA) and the federal regulations adopted under RCRA (~tle 40, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)). Choose the reason(s) that describe the operation of your onsite treatment units: DTSC 1772B (1/93) , ~EPA ID NUMBER 1. page ~.of/_C) The ~hazardous waste being treated is not a hazardous waste under federal law although it is regulated as a hazardous waste under California state law.. The Waste is treated in wastewater treatment units (tanks), as defined in 40 CFR Part 260.10, and discharged to a Publicly owned treatment works (POTW)/sewering agency or under an NPDES permit. 40 CFR 264.1(g)(6) and 40 CFR 270.2. DTSC 1772B (1/93) EPA ID NUMBER C~25~ Page I_oof Lo IVo CONDITIONALLY EXEMPT - SPECIFIED WASTESTREAMS UNIT SPECIFIC NOTIFICATION (pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 25201.5(c)) BASIS FOR NOT NEEDING A FEDERAL PERMIT: (continued) ¸. [] 6. The waste is treated in elementary neutralization units, as defined in 40 CFR Part 260.10, and discharged to a POTW/sewering agency or under an NPDES permit. 40 CFR 264.1(g)(6) and 40 CFR 270.2. The waste is 'treated in a totally enclosed treatment facility as defined in 40 CFR Part 260.10; 40 CFR 264.1(g)(5). The company generates no more than 100 kg (approximately 27' gallons)of hazardous waste in a calendar month and is eligible as a federal conditionally exempt small quantity generator. 40 CFR 260.10 and 40 CFR 261.5. The waste is treated in an accumulation tank or container within 90 days for over 1000 kg/month generators and 180 or 270 days for generators of 100 to 1000 kg/month. 40 CFR 262.34, 40 CFR 270. l(c)(2)(i), and the Preamble to the .March 24, 1986 Federal Register. Recyclable materials are reclaimed to recover economically significant amounts of silver or other precious metals. 40 CFR 261.6(a)(2)(iv), 40 CFR 264.1(g)(2), and 40 CFR 266.70. [] [] 9. Other: Specify: 8. Empty container rinsing and/or treatment. 40 CFR 261.7. V. TRANSPORTABLE TREATMENT UNIT: Check Yes or No. more information. YES NO [] [] Please refer to the Instructions for Is this unit a Transportable Treatment Unit? If you answered yes, you must also complete and attach Form 1772E to this page. The Tier-Specific Factsheets contain a summary of the operating requirements for this category. Please review those requirements carefully before completing or submitting this notification package. DTSC 1772B (1/93)