HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION 8/3/2002SMITH- GUTCHER AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Consulting Geologists 2015 Westwind Drive, Suite 3 Bakersfield, California 93301 (661) 633-2075 FAX (661) 633-2169 August3,2002 Mrs. Laurel Funk Environmental Health Services Department County of Kern 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, California 93301. Dear Mrs. Funk: Enclosed are the results of sampling and analyses of groundwater from Monitoring Well Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4 at McKenney's Air Conditioning. As can be seen, analYses of the groundwater samples show gasoline contaminants in three of the monitoring wells. Table 1 shows the static water levels measured in the five monitoring wells since October 1990. Four monitoring wells were sampled on June 14, 2002. Approximately six gallons of water were purged from two of the monitoring wells prior to sampling. Monitoring Well Nos. 3 and 4 were not purged due.to the low water levels in the wells. Monitoring Well No. 5 was not sampled since it was dry. The water was tested, with a Haydac water testing meter until pH, temperature, and conductivity stabilized. The purge logs are included in Attachment A. The groundwater samples were collected using polyethylene disposable bailers. The water samples were placed in VOC vials furnished by BC Laboratories. The vials were then placed on blue ice and delivered to BC Laboratories for analyses. The samples were analyzed for total petrOleum hydrocarbons as gasoline and BTX&E constituents using Modified 'EPA Method 8015 and EPA Method 5030/8020, respectively. TheY also were analyzed for methyl-t-butylether (MTBE). The analytical results are included in Attachment B. Tables 2A through 2E show the results for this sampling event and all past events. As can be seen, the BTX&E constituents in th'e groundwater sample from Monitoring Well No. 1 have decreased since September 2001. The total petroleum hydrocarbon concentration decreased MCKENNEY'S AIR CONDITIONING STATIC WATER LEVELS IN MONITORING WELLS Measured 1 2 3 4 5 10~05~90 65.380' 63.775' - ....... 11/30/90 65.520' 63.525' - ........ 03i21/91 64.875' 67.100' (?) ......... 12/08/92 65.545' 62.760' 66.665' - ..... 10/22/93 61.120' 57.440' 62.150' --- . --- 03/08/94 65.290' 63.090' 66.240' 67.280' 12/05/94~ 62.020' 59.010' 62,790' 63.590" --- 06/13/96 64.670' 62.120' · 66.370' 68.730' dry 09/04/96 57.360' 53.240' 58.080' 59.100' 85.720' 12/13/96 61.920' 58.320' 61.690' 62.220' 85.180' 09/08/97 59.650' 56.480' 60.620' 61.41 O' - 71' 12/I0/97 63.220' 60.820' 63.800' 64.340' 70.180' 03/19/98 66.470' 65.100' 67.300' 68.950' 88.050' 06/19/98 66.680' 65.000' 67.420' 71.530' dry 12/08/98 66.840' 62.480' 65.960' 67.050' 86.250' 05/04/99 67,160' 65.140' 68.040' 72.580' 88.200' 08/04/99 64.160' 60.560' ' 66.120' 70.960' dry 11/29/99 61.220' 58.160' 62.360' 63.260 84.140' 03/09~00 64,900' 62.760' 65.760' 66.540' 85.620' 06/16/00 65,240' 62.660' 66.940" 69.140' 88.200' 08/22/00 60.460' 56.800' 61.880' 63.340' 85.380' 12/05/00 62.240' 59.700' 63.060' 63.720 83.340' ' 03/08/0~ 65.930' :64:2'~0' 67.150' --' ' 67.900' - ' 66.780' 06/15/01 66.080' 63.660' 67.300' 71.480' dry 09/16/01 60.280' 56.540' 61.420' 63.140' 85.120' 06/14/02 66.210' 64.080' 67.380' 72.120' dry C.4 W?file~lFile~ 20021McKenney's .~ir Cond. wat. wpd Table '1 IVIcKENNEY'S AIR CONDITIONING ANALYTICAL RESULTS OF GROUNDWATER SAMPLES MONITORING WELL NO. 1 I I TOTAL PETROLEUM DATE TOTAL MTBE SAMPLED BENZENE TOLUENE ETHYL BENZENE XYLENES HYDROCARBONS 02/15/90 410 2,300 380 56,000 --- 43,000 11/30/90 510 1,700 290 1,940 --- 12,600 12/08/92 4,700 33,000 5,900 41,000 --- 210,000 10~22~93 2,200 13,000 4,600 32,000 --- 220,000 03108194 1,800 8,800 2,500 20,000 --- 94,000 12/05~94 4,600 20,000 2,300 23,000 --- 110,000 06/14/96 270 3,200 1,1 O0 14,000 --- 99,000 09/04/96 7,1 O0 62,000 3,600 33,000 --- 380,000 12/13~96 5,400 50,000 9,500 83,000 --- 450,000 09~08~97 3,400 19,000 730 14,000 --- 81,000 12/10~97 1,200 8,300 8,900 8,800 --- 6,400 03/19/98 450 8,200 1,400 t 4,000 ND 60,000 06/19/98 790 8,800 2,300 21,000 1,800 150,000 12/08/98 390 4,400 1,300 1,700 ND 110,000 05/04/99 35 900 760 6,900 ND 26,000 08/04/99 10 190 170 3,300 120 39,000 I 1/29/99 71 3,600 880 9,000 ND 39,000 03/09/00 I 1 490 420 5,700. ND 31,000 06/16/00 9 430 410 5,200 20 29,000 08/22/00 23 910 350 5,800 5 23,000 12/05/00 32 1,000 270 4,900 10 19,000 03/08/01 6.7 240 250 2,900 31 29,000 06/15/01 2.7 89.0 97.~ 1,200 54 19,000 09/18/01 45 800 330 8,800 ND 42,000 06/14/02 4.2 93 110 1,300 13 17,000 NOTES: C.qWPfileslFiles 20021McKenney:, Air Condl.res. wpd ND indicates None Detected above the practical quantitation limits. All concentrations are in parts per billion (p.g/l). Table 2A IVlcKENNEY'S AIR CONDITIONING ANALYTICAL RESULTS OF GROUNDWATER SAMPLES MONITORING WELL NO. 2 DATE I TOTAL I TOTAL PETROLEUM SAMPLED BENZENE TOLUENE ETHYL BENZENE MTBE XYLENES HYDROCARBONS 11/30/90 ND ND ND ND --- ND 12/08/92 ND ND ND ND --- ND 10/22/93 ND ND ND ND --- ND 03/08/94 ND ND ND ND --- ND 12/05/94 ND ND ND ND --- ND 06/13/96 ND ND ND ND --- ND 09/04/96 ND ND ND ND --- ND 12/13/96 ND ND ND ND --- ND 09/13/96 ND ND ND ND --- ND 12/10/97 ND ND ND ND --- ND 03/19/98 ND ND ND 0.62 3.2 ND 06/19/98 ND ND ND ND 1.6 ND 12/08/98 NO ND ND 1.6 ND 61 05/04/99 ND ND ND 0.92 4 ND 08/04/99 ND ND ND ND ND ND 11/29/99 ND ND ND ND ND ND 03/09/00 ND ND ND 1.6 ND ND 06/16/00 ND ND ND ND ND ND 08/22/00 ND ND ND ND ND ND 12/05/00 ND ND ND ND 1.0 ND 03/08/01 ND ND ND ND ND ND 06/15/01 0.98 5.9 0.79 6.0 ND ND 09~] 8/01 ND 1.1 ND ' 1.6 ND 71 06/14~02 ND ND ND ND ND ND NOTES: ND indicates None Detected above the practical quantitation limits. All concentrations are in parts per billion (p.g/l). C.'llVPfileslFiles 20021McKenne),~ Air Cond2. res. wpd Table 2B IVIcKENNEY'S AIR CONDITIONING ANALYTICAL RESULTS OF GROUNDWATER SAMPLES MONITORING WELL NO. 3 DATE I TOTAL I TOTAL PETROLEUM SAMPLED BENZENE TOLUENE ETHYL BENZENE MTBE XYLENES HYDROCARBONS 12/08/92 9,200 67,000 14,000 93,000 --- 460,000 10122/93 2,300 46,000 3,000 21,000 --- 220,000 03/08/94 1,700 16,000 3,600 27,000 --- 120,000 12/05/94 1,800 3,700 2,500 21,000 --- 67,000 06/13/96 1,000 1,800 2,100 16,000 --- 51,000 09~04~96 1,500 6,300 780 69,000 --- 40,000 12/13~96 1,900 4,700 1,100 93,000 --- 42,000 09/08/97 660 2,800 510 4,000 --- 31,000 12/10/97 210 600 610 5,700 --- 31,000 03/19~98 980 940 1,000 7,600 16 29,000 06/19~98 990 950 1,200 9,900 100 44,000 12~08~98 290 2,000 500 3,300 48 34,000 05~04~99 25 46 230 1,800 21 13,000 08~04~99 7.9 72 130 1,200 24 14,000 11/29/99 16 1.7 120 980 ND 14,000 03/09/00 4.3 24 330 1,800 17 14,000 06/16/00 ND 20 150 470 13 9,600 08/22/00 7.3 39 120 860 4.2 13,000 12/05/00 21 16 120 860 4.2 8,800 03/06/01 2.0 45 1 O0 610 28 19,000 06/15/0'i 1.1 5.5 130 360 13 12,000 09/18/01 2.2 20 83 200 ND 12,000 06/14~02 4.6 23 81. 180 16 11,000 NOTES: ND indicates None Detected above the practical quantitation limits. All concentrations are in parts per billion (t~g/l). C: I B/Pfiles IFiles 2002 IMcKen ney's .4 ir Cond3, res. wpd Table 2C McKENNEY'S AIR CONDITIONING ANALYTICAL RESULTS OF GROUNDWATER SAMPLES MONITORING WELL NO. 4 I I TOTAL PETROLEUM DATE TOTAL MTBE SAMPLED BENZENE TOLUENE ETHYL BENZENE XYLENES HYDROCARBONS 03~08/94 480 410 240 1,900 --- 7,500 12105194 4.40 94 730 3,000 --- 16,000 06/13~96 2,000 3,000 2,000 15,000 --- 53,000 09~04~96 100 4 39 500 --- 4,000 12/13~96 2,700 4,600 1,600 12,000 --- 46,000 09~08~97 89 6.3 14 140 --- 1,900 12/10~97 2,000 1,700 1,100 6,500 --- 34,000 03/] 9~98 480 480 1,000 5,600 7.5 23,000 06/19~98 860 300 1,200 7,000 54 38,000 12~08~98 230 30 310 1,400 23 9,700 05104199 320 ND 490 1,1 O0 17 6,700 08~04~99 220 15 280 560 7.4 5,100 11 ~29~00 4.0 0.55 16 3.7 ND 530 03~09~00 ND 0.33 1.3 0.85 ND 240 06/16/00 83 ND 360 110 3.4 3,500 08/22/00 12 55 1,000 2,900 2.1 23,000 12/05/00 38 0.52 37 28 ND 1,000 03108101 15 0.70 500 160 1.2 4,800 06/15/01 5.7 0.60 41 2.3 2.3 1,600 09/18/01 20 1.2 540 800 ND 23,000 06/14/02 2.4 1.7 0.98 1.5 ND 240 NOTES: ND indicates None Detected above the practical quantitation limits. All concentrations are in parts per billion (,ag/l). C.'lWPfileslFiles 2002lMcKenney's Air Cond4.res.wpd Table 2D IVIcKENNEY'S AIR CONDITIONING ANALYTICAL RESULTS OF GROUNDWATER SAMPLES MONITORING WELL NO. 5 I I TOTAL PETROLEUM DATE TOTAL MTBE SAMPLED BENZENE TOLUENE ETHYL BENZENE XYLENES HYDROCARBONS 06114~96 dry dry dry dry --- dry 09/04196 ND ND ND ND --- ND 12/13~96 :39 2 ND 8 --- 200 09~08~97 ND ND ND ND --- ND 12/10~97 ND ND ND ND --- ND 03/19~98 dry dry dry dry dry dry 06/19/98 dry dry dry dry dry dry 12~08~98 ND ND ND ND ND ND 05~04/99 dry dry dry dry dry dry 08~04~99 dry dry dry dry dry dry ] 1/29/99 ND 0.32 ND 0,69 ND ND 03~09~00 ND ND ND 0,88 ND ND 06/16~00 dry dry dry dry dry dry 08~22~00 ND ND ND ND ND ND 12~05~00 ND ND ND 0.63 ND ND 03108101 ND ND ND ND ND ND 06/15/01 dry dry dry dry dry dry 09/18/01 0.63 0.53 0.37 1.6 ND ND 06/14/02 dry dry dry dry dry dry NOTES: ND indicates None Detected above the practical quantitation limits. All concentrations are in parts per billion (/tg/l). c.. I ~yPfiles IFiles 2002 IMcKenn ey's Air' Cot~dS. res..,pd Table 2E Mrs. Laurel Funk August 3, 2002 Page 2 from 42,000/xg/1 to 17,000 ~g/1. The benzene concentration decreased from 45/~g/1 to 4.2/~g/1. No contaminants were detected in Monitoring Well No. 2 above ihe practical quantitation limits. The constituents in the groundwater sample from Monitoring Well No. 3 have generally stayed the same since September 2001. The total petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations for the September 2001 and June 2002 sampling events was 12,000 txg/l' and 11,000 ~g/1, respectively. The benzene concentration increased from 2.2 /~g/l to 4.6 /xg/1. The contaminant concentrations in the groundwater sample from Monitoring Well No. 4 decreased since September 2001. The total petroleum hydrocarbon concentration decreased from 23,000 ~g/1 to 240/~g/1 and the benzene concentration decreased from 20 ~g/1 to 2.4 ~g/1. It should be noted that the groundwater level has fallen an average of about 6.5 feet in the area of Monitoring Well Nos. 1, 2, and 3 since September 2001. If you have any questions regarding the report, please feel free to call. ~,x~x ~q° 3584 j]~/Duane R' Smith Registered Geologist ,X~,,,,~ _/c4,~, State of California No. 3584 DRS/ds cc: Mr. Dave Whelden, McKenney's Air Conditioning C.'lWPfiles[Files 2002IMcKenney'$ Air Cond. ltr. wpd SMITH- GUTCHER AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ATTACHMENT A PURGE LOGS SMITH- GUTCHER AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Consulting Geologists PURGE LOG Project: Monitorinq Well Location: McKenney's Air Conditioninq Project No. :-- Well No.: M.W. ~1 Date: 06/14/02 Well Completion Date: -- Sounded Depth: 88 ft. Casing Diameter: 2 inch Static Water Level: 66.21 ft. Pump Setting Depth: none Pump Type: none Total Gallons Produced: 6 qallons Casing Volumes Produced: --- Notes: No free product in purqed water. Gasoline odor in purqed water. Time Elapsed Prod. DTW Time Rate (Ft.) pH EC T(°F) Turb. Comments 1105 66.21 3.92 1805 80.8 clear 3.75 1756 78.2 slty. silty 3.76 1727 77.1 silty 3.76 1688 75.8 silty 3.70 1715 75.7 silty 1150 45 min. -.1 gpm 3.72 1710 75.6 C: 1 WFfilexIFlles 20021Purgmtlcl. log. ~lxl SMITH- GUTCHER AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Consulting Geologists PURGE LOG Project: Monitorinq Well Location: McKenne¥'s Air Conditioninq Project No. :-- Well No.: M.W. #2 Date: 06/14/02 Well Completion Date: -- Sounded Depth: 80 ft. Casing Diameter: 2 inch Static Water Level: 64.08 ft. Pump Setting Depth: none Pump Ty]pe: none Total Gallons Produced: 6 qallons Casing Volumes Produced: Notes: No free product in purqed water. No qasoline odor in purqed water. Time Rate (Ft.) pH EC T(°F) Turb. Comments 0910 64.08 3.96 1388 75.7 clear 3.92 1265 72.9 clear 3.87 1267 72.4 slty. silty 3.85 1265 72.1 silty 3.88 1260 72.2 silty 1050 40 min. -.1 gpm 3.85 1260 72.2 silty C.qWPfileslFiles 20021Purgmac2. t'og. wpd SMITH- GUTCHER AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Consulting Geologists PURGE LOG Project: Monitorinq Well Location: McKenney's Air Conditioninq Project No. :-- Well No.: M.W. ~3 Date: 06/14/02 Well Completion Date: -- Sounded Depth: 69 ft. Casing Diameter: 2 inch Static Water Level: 67.38 ft. Pump Setting Depth: none Pump Type: none Total Gallons Produced: --- Casing Volumes Produced: Notes: Approximately 2 feet of water in well. Did not purqe well. Time Elapsed Prod. DTW Time Rate (Ft.) pH EC T(°F) Turb. Comments 1310 67.38 C.'lWPfileslFiles 2002[Purgm~tc3.1og. wpd SMITH- GUTCHER AND ASSOCIATES, INC, Consulting Geologists PURGE LOG Project: Monitorinq Well Location: McKenney's Air Conditioninq Project No.:-- Well No.: M.W. Sounded Depth: 73 ft. Pump Setting Depth: none Total Gallons Produced: --- Notes:, Approximately one foot of water in well. qasoline odor in purqed water. Date: 06/14/02 Well Completion Date: -- Casing Diameter: 2 inch Static Water Level: 72.12 ft. Did not purqe well. Sliqht Pump Type: none Casing Volumes Produced: Time Elapsed Prod. DTW Time Rate (Ft.) pH EC T( ° F) Turb, Comments 1330 72.12 C: I lFPfileslFilas 2002 lPurgmac4, log. wpd SMITH- GUTCHER AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Consulting Geologis ts PURGE LOG Project: Monitorinq Well Location: McKenne¥'s Air Conditioninq Project No.:-- Well No.: M.W. #5 Date: 06/14/02 Well Completion Date: Sounded Depth: 88.30 ft. Pump Setting Depth: none Total Gallons Produced: Notes: No qasoline odor in purqed water. Casing Diameter: 2 inch Static Water Level: 88' Pump Type: none --- Casing Volumes Produced: Did not purqe well due to low SWL. 1415 88 C: t WPfile.~lFile~ 20021PurgmacS.Iog. WlM ATTACHMENT B ANALYTICAL RESULTS I BUIr~ 01' Laboratories~nc. lable of ¢ontonts 02-06156 I uq.; - Page 1 of 1 Certified Analytical Reports 02-06156-1: MCKENNEY'S AIR COND., MW #1, 06/14/2002 @ 11:50, DUANE SMITH Purgeable Aromat!cs and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 02-06156-2: MCKENNEY'S AIR COND., MW #2, 06/14/2002 @ 10:50, DUANE SMITH Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 02-06156-3: MCKENNEY'S AIR COND., MW #3, 06/14/2002 @ 13:10, DUANE SMITH Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 02-06156.4: MCKENNEY'S AIR COND., MW #4, 06/14/2002 @ 13:30, DUANE SMITH Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 1-4 1-1 2-2 2-2 3-3 3-3 4-4 4-4 All result listed in [his report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party, BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility tbr report alteration, detachment or third party inteH>reration. 4100 Atlas Court * Bakersfield, CA 93308 * (661)327-4911 * Fax(661 )327-1918 * www.bclabs.com Printed:' ~)¢/09/2002 14:11:19 02-06156 Laboratories, l tc SMITH-GUTCHER and ASSOCIATES, INC. 2015 WESTWIND DRIVE SUITE 3 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: DUANE SMITH Certified Analytical Report Pag.,e.. 1 of 4 Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number ! .... /~ ~-~c~o-r~ i~1~-~1~7'r'~- Al F~ ~-~-R-5; !.Sample Depth !Sampling Point i~-V~/; ' iReceive Date/Time i06/14/2002 @ 14:53 iSampling Date/Time 106/14/2002 @ 11:50 iSample Matrix iiWater Sampled By Benzene Toluene 0.3 IDUANE SMITH 4.2 ug/L 93 uglL 110 ug/L ug/L 1300 ug/L 0.3 0.015 0.047 !BCL Sample ID i02-06156-1 8020 8020 i 06~24~02 i06~24~02 i 06/24/02 i06/24/02 il- l06/24/£2 i06/24/02 106/24/0 :, 106/24/02 i 06/24/0~ 06/24/02 Ethytbenzene 3 1.3 8020 Methyl t-butyl ether i 13 1 0.035 SW-8020 Total Xylenes 6 4.1 8020 17000 ug/L 5000 180 8020 ] 06~24~02 i 06124~02 126 ! % ! 70-130 ! 8020 06124102 I 06~24~02 i 98 , % 70-130 ! 8015 06/24/02 06/24/021 GC-V5 ! 298-100297 GC-V5 j 298-100297 GC-V5 1298-100297 GC-V5 1298-100297 GC-V5 1298-100297 GC-V5 I298-100297 GC-V5 I298-100297 GC-V5 ! 298-100297 Gasoline Range Organics ~z::,-~.:~~~. %_-~:z----'~ la,a,a-Trifluorotoluene la,a,a-Trifluorotoluene (8015 /Surrogate) ND ND ND A09 ND ND A09 ND A09 I Fla i Explanations A09 iPQL's were rais-e-~ du;'t0'high C~)'r~centiaiion oi iarget'analytes requ;rlng sa'm[.? diluti;n.' I-I~-i~7-P-Q~"',~'~ie raised due -t-o high con~entra'ti~)r~-'~f t~r~t' a-~'iyt~-i(~q~i~-sa~'l~l~ ~li'l~i:lonl ............................. j California DOHS Certification #1186 All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. 13C Laborator es, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachment or third party interp:e~ation. Printed 07~09~2002 14:11:27 4!00 Atlas Court * Bakersfield, CA 93308 * (66t) 327-491 t * Fax (66!) 32%1918 * www.bclabscom 02-06156-1 Laboratories, Inc SMITH-GUTCHER and ASSOCIATES, INC. 2015 WESTWIND DRIVE SUITE 3 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: DUANE SMITH Certified Analytical Report Pag,e, 2 of 4 Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number i--- iReceive Date/Time 106/14/2002 @ 14:53 Project Number l--- iSampling Date/Time 106/14/2002 @ 10:50 Sampling Location IMCKENNEY'S AIR CON[-). MW #2" ]Sample Depth !--- iSample Matrix iWater DUANE SMITH .iBCL Sample ID 102-06156-2 Sampling Point Sampled By Benzene i < PQL ug/L 0.3 Toluene i < PQL ugtL 0.3 Ethylbenzene ~' I < PQL i ug/L 0.3 Methyl t-butyl ether I ! < PQL i ug/L 1 Total Xylenes ! < PQL ; ug/L 0.6 0.015 i 8020 06/25/02 ~06/25/02 GC-V5 I 298-100297 0.047 I 8020 06~25)02 !'06/25/02 i GC-V5 1298-100297 0.13 i 8020 06~25~02 ]06~25~02 " GC-V5, 298-100297 , i GC-V5 298-100297 0.035 i SW-8020 06~25~02 i 06~25~02 0.41 I 8020 06/25/02 t 06/25/02 ' i GO-V5 J 298-100297 ND ND ND ND ~ ND ' Gasoline Range Organics ! < PQL /a,a,a-Triflu°r°t°luene i 90 ~a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene (8015 ' ~Surrogate) i 95 ug/L ! 50 1.8 ! 8O20 06/25/02 ]O6/25/02 i i GC-V5 I 298-100297 ND i , I % 70-130 I 8020 106/25/02 06/25/02 i ' ' GO-V5 ]' '298-10029-~"' ,. i--.,,,.., j I % 70 130 I i t / ' - ! 8015 106/25/02 06~25~02 I I GC-V5 ] t 298-100297 ~ California DOHS Certification #1 186 All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting pa.rty. IBC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachment or third party interpretation. Printed 07/09/2002 14:1 1:37 4100 Atlas Court * Bakersfield, CA 93308 * (661) 327-491 1 * Fax (66!) 327-1918 * www.bclabs.com 02-06156-2 Laboratories, lttc SMITH-GUTCHER and ASSOCIATES, INC. 2015 WESTWIND DRIVE SUITE 3 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: DUANE SMITH Certified Analytical Report Page 3.. of 4 Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons CCC Number i--- iReceive Date/Time i06/14/2002 @ 14:53 Project Number i . i--- ISamp mg Date/Time !06/14/2002 @ 13:10 ., Sampling Location ,!MCKENNEY'S AIR COND. iSample Depth i--- Sampling Point ' ' iMW #3 !Sample Matrix iWater Sampled By iDUANE SMITH Benzene i 4 6 i u /L 0.3 0.015 [ .80~2_0 ..... _0.6_/_24_(_0_2_.06/2~4_/0_2- 298-100297 To uene i : ~,, ........................ ~ 23 ! uu,~- 0.3 0.047 8020 06~24~02 06~24~02 298-100297 Ethylbenzene ! 81 ug/L 3 1.3 ! 8020 !06124102 06~24~02 298-100297 Total Xylenes 180 i ug/L i 6 i 4.1 : 8020 06~24~02 06~24~02 ~ ! GC-V5 298-100297 Gasoline Range Organics 11000 i ug/L i 500 i 18 8020 06~24~02 06124102 i GC-V5 , 298-100297 ~ i ' i ~ ~ -i , I ....... =t~.- ~ · i ~ ;', , : ,- ; , ' a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene ;i 117 % ~ 70-130 , 8020 +J 06/24/02 j 06/24/02 ~ II GC-V5 298-100297 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene (8015 ~ j i' l~ ~ Surrogate) 108 % 70-130 I 8015 I~ 06/24/02 ' 06/24/02 i GC-V5 !BCL Sample ID i02-06156-3 GC-V5 i GC-V5 ! ac-v5 ~ GC-V5 ND ND ND Ag9 ND ND A09 ND A09 298-100297 , Flag i Explanations J~ ........ q~,PQL s were raised ....................................................................................................................................................... due to high concentration of target analytes requiring sample dilution California DOHS Certification #1186 All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting pady. 8C Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachment or third party interpretation. Printed 07~09~2002 14:1 1:46 4!00 Atlas Court * Bakersfield, CA 93308 * (66!) 327-4911 * Fax (661) 327-1918 * www.bclabs.com 02-06156~3 Laboratories, Inc SMITH-GUTCHER and ASSOCIATES, INC. 20t5 WESTWIND DRIVE SUITE 3 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 Attn: DUANE SMITH Certified Analytical Report Paq,e 4 of 4 Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons COC Number i~-- iReceive Date/Time i06/14/2002 @ 14253 1 Project Number I___ iSampling Date/Time i06/14/2002 @ 13230 I Sampling Location iMCKENNEY'S AIR COND. !Sample Depth Sampling Point IMW ~ iSample Matrix iWater Sampled By IDUANE SMITH iBCL Sample ID i02-06156-4 Toluene i 1.7 ug/L Ethylbenzene 0.98 ug/L IGasoline Range Organics 240 ug/L la,a,a-Trifluorotoluene 87 la,a,a-Trifluorotoluene (8015 [Surrogate) 89 0.3 0.3 0.015 ] 8020 06/25/02 06/25/02 _-~ ............................. 0.047 i 8020 06/25/02 06/25/02 0.13 i 8020 06~25~02 ' 06/25/02 1 0.035 0.6 0.41 50 ~ 1.8 70-130 70-130 GC-V5 298-100297 GC-V5 i 298-100297 !298-100297 0.3 GC-V5 SW-8020 ' 06/25/02 "06/25/02 i i GC-V5 ! 298-100297 8020 06/25/02 06/25/02 ;, ! GC-V5 298-100297 8O2O 06~25~02 06/25/02 i ] GC-V5 : 298-100297 802O 8015 ND ND ND ND ND ND A53 06/25/02 06/25/02 '06~25~02 06~25~02 Flag i Explanations A53 ........ !Chromatogram not typical of gasoline.' ............................................................................................................................ Comments IChromatogram not typical of gasoline due to heavy hydrocarbon~'~ California DOHS Certification #1186 All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting pa.,ly. 8C Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for repod alteration, separation, detachment or third party interpretation. Printed 07/09/2002 14211:55 4!00 Atlas Court * Bakersfield, CA 93308 * (661) 327-4911 ' Fax (66!) 327-1918 * www.bclabs.com 02-061 56-4 6 Z_.- '06, CHAIN OF CUSTOD¥ RECORD _Location of Sampling -1Lab Reports to property owner DBilling to property owner ~pling Method: Laboratory No. Sample No. Date Time -i Name: Company: .Sample Collector r~ c 3 -~'~ 4 SmJth-Gutcher and AssocJates'. Address: 2015 Westwind Drive. Suite 3 Bakersfield, California 93301 Preservation: Telephone: (661) 633-2075 DLab Reports to sample collector DBilling to sample collector Sample Type: O,~-f. -Ji' ~/r Sample Description Relinquished by: Received by: Relinquished by: Name: Company: ,Client Address: DISTRIBUTION Telephone: BILab Reports to client [].8illing to client Analyses Requested Company: Smith-Gutcher and Associates, Inc. ompany:~ Company: // [/ // Date and Time: Date and Time: Date..and Time: Date and Time: Received by: SMITH - GUTCHER .AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Sheet/ .~!at. ional ,~ l'°xlcolog~r'' . Laboratories ~c. AFFILIATED WITH ZALCO LABORATORIES, iNC. Thomas C. Sn~h, B.$. Naresh C. Jain, Ph.D. I.~borato~ Director LABORATORY' REPOR~ SAMPLE ID: Mc Kenne¥'s Air Conditioning N~L LAB #: EAE050-1 to -4 EN[/I~ONMENYAi,. HEAL T;~ .. .-:~-_::.,_Dj-]]'E SAMPLE. RE'CEIVED:.._. TEST REQUESTED: Total Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons METHOD: EPA 8015 (modified) RESULTS: Minimum Reporting Level = 5 meg/gm as~ Gasoline LAB # SAMPLE ID RESULTS EAE050-1 EAE050-2 EAE050-3 EAE050-4 tank 2' tank 6' Dispenser 2' Dispenser 6' 54 meg/gm (ppm) as Gasoline 120 .meg/gm (ppm> as Gasoline 71 mcg/gm (ppm) as Gasoline 56 mcg/gm (ppm) as Gasline DATE REPORTED: 12/09/88 REMARKS: Corrected Report, Original Dated 12/J,.~/88 TOXICOLOGIST: Tom Sheath 3101 - 16th Street, Suite 107 Bakersfield, California 93301 805/322-4250 ,4oXjcology'' LabOratories AFFILIATED WITH ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. Thomas C. Sheath. B.S. Na~eah C. Jain, Ph.D. LABORATORY REPORT SAMPLE ID: Mc Kenney's Air Conditionihg NTL LAB #: EAE050'i tO -4 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED: 11/25/88 DATE ANALYZED: 12/01/88 TESt REQUESTED: Total Volati.te Petrol-mum Hydrocarbons ..... ........................ METHOD: EPA 8015 (modi'fied) RESULTS: Minimum Reporting Level = 5 meg/gm as Gasoline LAB # SAMPLE ID' RESULTS EAE050-1 EAE050-2 EAE050-5 EAE050-4 tank 2' tank 6' Dispenser 2' Dispenser 6' 45 mcg/Kg as Gasoline 120. mcg/Kg as Gasoline 71 meg/Kg as Gasoline 56 meg/Kg as Gasoline DATE REPORTED: 12/05/88 TOXICOLOGIST: Tom Sneath~ 3101 - 16th Street, Suite 107 Bakersfield, California 93301 805/322-4250 /