HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK-C-04/29/03_ ~~OUS ...... MATERIAl.S D~. SION. ~ TIME CHARGED' BUSINESS/DEAPRTMENT N~: fl,//~gTg-C~o~ ~.s r- ADDRESS: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: PROJECT NUMBER: .. TIIVlE DATE: NAME: CHGD: COMMENTS: PROJECT COMPLETION: DATE: Mr. Robert Harreli 3609 Candlewood Drive Bakersfield, CA 39306 April 29, 2003 FIRE CHIEF RON ,cRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FIRE SAFETY SERVICES · ENVIRONMENTAl SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakerstield, CA 93,301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 PUBLIC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 326-0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 RE: Mattheson Fast Freight at 2231 R Street Dear Mr. Harrell: This is to inform you that thi~ department has reviewed the result of the contaminated soil disposal receipts and confirmation sample associated with the underground tank removal. Based upon the information provided, this department has determined that appropriate response actions have been completed, that acceptable remediation practices were implemented, and that, at this time, no further investigation, remedial or removal action or monitoring is required at the above stated address. Nothing in this determination shall constitute or be construed as a satisfaction or release from liability for any conditions or claims arising as a result of past, current, or future operations at this location.' Nothing in this determination is intended or shall be construed to limit the fights of any parties with respect to claims arising out of or relating to deposit or disposal at any other location of substances removed from the site. Nothing in this determination is intended or shall be construed to limit or preclude the Regional Water Quality Control Board or any other agency from taking any further enforcement actions. This letter does not relieve the tank owner of any responsibilities mandated under the California Health and Safety Code and California Water Code if existing, additional, or previously unidentified contamination at the site causes or threatens to cause pollution or nuisance or is found to pose a threat to public health or water quality. Changes in land use may require further assessment and mitigation. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (661) 326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Registered Geologist No. 7239 Office of Environmental Services cc: J. Whiting, RWQCB S:\USTFORMS\UST. L8 BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT December 16, 1997 FIl~ CHIr,F MICHAEL R. KELLY ADMINISTRA11VE SEI~/ICES 2101 'H" Street Boke~fleld, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPI~S~ION SEIIVICES 2101 'H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1 349 PREVENTION SEI~VlCF~ 1715 Chester Ave. Bake~'fleld, CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL 1715 Chester Ave. Baker,~field, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 /RAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 (8O5) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 Mr. Robert Harrell 3609 Candlewood Drive Bakersfield, CA 93306 RE: 2231 "R" Street Dear Mr. Harrell: Our records indicate that your former underground storage tank site is currently subject to Corrective Action Requirements under Article 11 of Title 23 California Code of Regulations concerning leaking underground tanks. Accordingly, pursuant to Section 2722(b) of Article 11, you are hereby directed to begin the necessary work at your site within 90 calendar days from the date of this letter. The required work shall include: Soil sampling as provided for in the site characterization workplan prepared by Lutrel Tracking & Environmental Services, Inc. and approved by this office on February 21, 1996. Please be aware that, pursuant to Section 2722(c) of Article 11, you are required to have an approved workplan on file with this office prior to initiation of any corrective action work. In addition, you are to provide ongoing stares reports of all activities involving the progress of this case to this office every 90 days. If you have any questions regarding the provisions of this letter, please call me at 326- 3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician HHW/dlm RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Location: ID# Business Name: Contact Name: Business Phone: InspeCtor's Name: Time of Call: # Min: Type of Call: Incoming [~]"~ Outgoing [ ] Returned [ ]' Content of Call: Time Required to Complete Activity # Min: BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT October 29, 1996 FIRE CHIEF MICHAEL R. KELLY ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (8O5) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93801 (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 Mr. Robert Harrell 3609 Candlewood Drive Bakersfield, CA 93306 RE: Dear Mr. Harrell: The intent of this letter is to inform you of the necessary deadlines for work required at the property described above. As a responsible party for a leaking underground tank, you were previously sent a letter from this office on February 21, 1996 approving the required work necessary to identify the extent of the contamination. We are now requesting that this work, as previously indicated, be done in a timely manner. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me immediately at 805-326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician HHW/dlm cc: B. Rosica, Lutrel MATHESON FREIGHT CONTAMINATED SOIL REMOVAL Soil Removal 1/i2/96 Total 20.69 21.61 24.3O 66.60 Concrete Removal 1/5/96 Soil Replacement 2.00 I/5/96 1/1 2/96 Total 24.24 21,49 23.39 23.85 21.67 24.11 24.05 162.80 Tons Tons Tons Tons Tons Tons Tons Tons Tons Tons Tons Tons Tons .,/ DATE: 0t/t2/96 TIME: 13; 08:09 56533 H~ghway 58 Wes~ ~4cK~ttr~ck~ CA 93251 LANDFILL PHC~E: (805) 762-7366 GENERATOR: ~,ATHESt~'4 FREIGHT COLOR : BRa4 SOURCE: SULFIDES : NEG HAULER: 86290 CYANIDES : NEG ~.~4IFEST~: 2705 FREE LiQ : NA APPROVALS: 196-039BC FLASH PT : NA C@4MC©ITY: BIOS/DZESL 'TICKET NO.: 6US PH~4E: (805) 762-7366 PH : LAYERS : BARRELS : YARDS : ?.00 1.00 0 18,00 P,O,~: CELL LOC: ViN~: ACCT.: VEH TYPE: PF~T TYPE: DL~: SLSF': L12OSD 5031208 ENDDUMP CHARGE .................... CUSTOMER ........................ LUTREL TRKG, & ENVMTL. INC. ~3 15 St,;C~ RD. BAKERSFIELD CA 93308- . GROSS SCALE: 7~6~0 LBS TARE: 33260 LBS NET POUNDS: A1380 LBS NET TC~4S: 20.6900 T@4S PREPARED BY: RW This is to certify that the following described co~xlity ~as measured, or counied b~ a ~ei~h~aster, ~hose signature is on this certificate, ~ho ~s a reco~nhed'au{horit¥ of accuracy, as prescHbed b~ Chapter1 (c~nc{~ ~th section 1~70~) of dMs{on ( of the CaHforn~a 8usbess and Professions CNe,, administered b~ the OMs{on of ~eas~rement ~tandards of the CaHfornia Department of F~ a~d AgHcu3ture, 0 805} ..... :~ ~ r-:AU L E F:: .' .,::, P P ~ '.}V,':,,L ¢: CC.,.~HO0 Z i'Y: .,:'ARE)'? : 0 A:7:C Ti~: 'v'E!.,i TYPE: P H'..- TYPE: ZA 503 ! 208 E~'-~DD kii,.ii:' CHAF,'CiE ,..'... R r'k?.? 2C/':LE: 7 :!: :.'.00 i'.~,C7' ',,',.7:~'iS; 2!. ,"!;100 ..... T~ .... ~ Foiiow~n~ described cc~,~ditv was ~.asu ..... or b~ a webnmaster, whose signature is on this = ~"~ , ' . . c.rt.n.8t.? who is a recoonized authorit? o¢ accuracy, as ocescHbed by Chaoter 7 (¢ommencin? with section 12iOO/ of division of the California Business and Professions Code, administered by the Oi,ision of 3tandards of the Qiifocnia Oeoa~tment of Food and DATE: 01/12i96 'T}[F~E: 17: 13:3.9 TZCKET NO.: 20~ 5~533 Highway 58 West HcKittr'ick? CA 93251 LANDFILL PHONE: GENERATOR: SOU RC E: HAULER: ~/¢4 iF E ST~: ' AP P ROVAL¢: CO~,DDITY: 805) 762-7366 BUS MATHESC4q FREIGHT COLOR : BRWN SULFIDES : NEG g6293 CY~4IDES : NEG 2706 FREE LIQ : NA i96-039BC FLASH PT :.NA BiOS/DIESL .. PHCA,~E: {805) 762-7366 LAYERS BARRELS .YARDS 7.00 1.00 0 18. b0 P.O.~: CELL LO,~. IA Vlt.,l~i Li2OSD ACCT~ 50,31208, VEH TYPE; ENDDUi,4P Pi','lT TYPE.' CHARGE Cl<~: DL~: SL. SP: , ................. CUSTC'NER .................. LUTREL TRKG,& ENVNTL, iNC, 6315 SNOW RD. BAKERSFIELD CA 93308- GROSS SCALE: 81520 LBS TARE: 32920 LBS NET POUNDS: A8600 LBS NET T~4S: 2&,3000 T~4S PREPARED BY: RW WEIGHMASTER: ~./~[0Lx~.-- ~his ~s to certify that the ~o~to~{ng descHbed co~odit~ ~as ~easured: or counted b~ a ~eighaester.~ ~hose signature is oa this certificate, ~ho is a rec~nized au~h0Ht.~ of accu~ach as ~escHbed by Chapter. ~ (co~eacing ~itb sectioa 12~80) of dh~sion 5 of the CaHfor~i~ ~iusi~ess and I~ofess{oas Co~e~ adah{ste~ed b~ the 0idsion of #easureae,~t Standa~(Js of the CaHfornia I)e.~att~ent of. ~ood and A~riculture, - i ..~. I LUTREL TRUCKING ~ ~j~ ~ DELIVERY ADDRESS . RECYCLE DUMP FEE '"-'"~ JAMES ROAD PI.ANT' L BAKERSFIELD, CA ~,~. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS WEiGHMASTER CERTIFICATE THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED COMMODITY WAS WEIGHED, MEASURED OR COUNTED BY'A WEIGHMASTEP~ WHOSE SIGNA~ TURE IS ON THIS CERTIFICATE. WHO .IS A RECOGNIZED 'AUTHORITY OF ACCURACY, AS PRESCRIBED BY CHAPTER 7 (COMMENCING WITH SECTION 12700) OF DIVISION 5 OF THE CALIFORNIA BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODF~ ADMINISTERED BY THE DIVISION OF MEASUREMENT STANDARDS OF THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE .... WE MAKE DELIVERIES INSIDE.CURB LINE AND ON'TI~E L~IT AT *:'"'*" :' " ·CUSTOMER'S RISK ONLY AND.ACCEFT NO RESPONSIBI[ITYWHAT- ' : :' " SOEVER FOR DAMAGE RESULTING FROM SUCH DELIVERIES.,,,.. " · · .*' · oR,VER ".'..'!" ."'~ . ".' .] i: ~:ii"/':'!- -' ':'!'-. ,.." ".' o. F1 I-1" '. :'16067'7:.": GROSS FOBPLANTU FOBJOB I I FOBPLANT&HAULING II'l TIME OUT 10: 49 TRK. NO./LIC NO. OWNER ZONE I ' L'59 I '-.UTREL TRUCKING ATARRIVEjoB ' QUANTITY ORDERED / TONS I OUANT~TY DEUVERED I TONS IOUANTITY TO GO / TONS I 8.00 TONS JoBDEPART LOAD NO. ~ GROSS V~T./TOI~.I~I~a .~[ Wt STAND , · ;"' DESCRIPTION' 16.56..,:.:rN.~ ..... 1.00 '~N P.T. 15.56 .T~...~,~.'..., TIME .../:,.,' '.. :..: ;,').:: ~.~::.. PRODUCT CODE , ORDER NO, FtSIC[:R CI.E~N [:ONC/AC SEMI RI70 TIME IN . ' TRIP 90. [3¢ 9t~. 00 qO. 00 90.00 TIME WEIGHMASTER GRANITE.__..: CONSTRUCTION COMPANY J DEPUTY RYNI~::I,-LIZ NEN TMRiIL~S' l~,ticv~: 10j90 LAST ORDERED 11-92 BFU 1~6400 FORM x~/'"'~....---','~--//.~, .... ..~...-,.~-'.. ...... ~i~',~, .'.".~,,'..' · ' WEIGHED AT: ~.~,.' ! ' [~OLD TO r"'~ LUTREL TRUCKING DELIVERY ADDRESS ~-..-I RECYCLE DUMP ['fie · "; JAMES ROAD PLANT !L BAKERSFIELD, CA SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS ?.. .. ' :...:...-~ ...... ,_~.~., , .-, ~,,~,, ~.::;.:....-~,' . WEIGHEDAT' - ', ,':'~:~ ':~,:~;" ~-:~'¥' ":':;, ~!~: :~.";'~'~'~:~:~?':(~:'~ '~ ~" ':~ ' ' c' WEIGHMASTER CERTIFICATE THI~ I~ TO CERTI~ THAT THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED ~MMODI~ W~ ~EIGHED. ~URED OR COUNTED BY A WEIGHMASTE~ WHOSE SI~N~ TURN 18 ON THI~ CERTIFICAT~ WHO IS A RE~NIZED A~HORI~ OF ACCURACY. A8 PRESCRIBED BY CHA~ER 7 (COMMENClN~ W~ SEt'ON 127~) OF DIVISION 5 OF THE CALIFORNIA BUSINESS AND PROFE~IONS ~'~ COD~ ADMINISTERED BY THE DIVISION OF M~UREME~STANDARDS OF THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FOOD AND A~RICULTURE ~ .'~ WE M~E DELIVERIES INsidE CU'R~'L'NE ANDoN THE'~T.AT. '" ~'[~ · ' ~O ERS RISK ONLY AND ACCE~ NO' RES~NSIBILI~ W~AT- ' *' SO~ER FOR DAMAGE RESULTING FROM SUCH DELIVERIES ..... ' .....' .'~ GROSS & TARE 1/ 5/96 029940 · ~' t60676' ' TEK NO./LIC. NO. OWNER I ZONE I ARRIVE L59 LUTREL TRUCKINB AT JOB QUANTI~ ORDERED / TONS QUANTI~ DEUVERED / TONS ]QUANTI~ TO GO / TONS .... LOAONO. ' GROSS~./TO~Ilu~I. W~m,NET~./TONS TARE ~./ TONS (Scdl~. ~ 1 ' 16.56 :~..TN:?;~:::~(~:~'?:,,::,, .1, eO TN" P.T. ' 15.56:~:~:,~,TN~.~i:~ STAND .,. ~':,.~::,":"., , PROOU~ ~DE DESCRIPTION ,. ORDER NO ~IME Ft3ICSR CL.EAN CONC/AC SEMI RI70 IN . WEIGHMASTER GRANITE CONSTRUCTION:cOMp~::'"'~:.' "' RYNELLE NEW .... .. Trap · .':.: ~1' OE~,, ,.;,:. . MILES ' .,.:~, :~... :-:..~.,.... WEIGHED AT: I COIb'mUCTIOn Icompon~ WEIGHED AT: ~'OLD TO LUTREL TRIJCF, DELIVERY ADDRESS BAKERSF I ELD L_ TRUCKING - SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS 3001 James Rd, Bakel~sfield wEp"""^STER CERT, F'C^+E THIS· IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE' FOLLOWING DESCRIBED COMMODITY WAS WEIGHED, MEASURED OR COUNTED BY A WEIGHMASTEP~ WHOSE SIGNA- TURE IS ON THIS CERTIFICATF~ WHO IS A RECOGNIZED AUTHORITY OF ACCURACY, AS PRESCRIBED BY CHAPTER 7 (COMMENCING WITH SECTION 127OO) OF DIVISION 5 OF THE CALIFORNIA BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODF~ ADMINISTERED BY THE DIVISION OF MEASUREMENT STANDARDS OF THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURF- WE MAKE DELIVERIES INSIDE CURB LINE AND ON THE LOT AT CUSTOMER'S RISK ONLY AND ACCEPT NO RESPONSIBILITY WHAT- SOEVER FOR DAMAGE RESULTING FROM SUCH DELIVERIES. DRIVER GROSS & TARE 1/12/96 { fl29940 0620 1618;39 ,o..,,,., r-I ..... i-I i-I · : ' ' OUT TRK. NO./LIC NO. I OWNER I ZONE ~I I . ARRIVE L48 AT JOB ' QUANTITY ORDERED / TONS I QUAN¥1~Y DEM~V, ERED I TONS IQUANTITY TO GO I TONS DEPART I 2.~. on T0rU~I JOB LOAONO... GROSSWT'/TON~-~C~[e 1 ) NET WT./ TONS TAREVEr/TONS (~(2~1e J. ) STAND 1 ' :" 39, 99 TN 23, 39 TN P, T',. 16,60 TN TIME PROOUCT'CODE DESCRIPTION ORDER NO TIME Ft9PSAN PROCESSED FILL SAND-J, R, 29940AB WEIGHMASTER . TRIP GRANITE CONSTRUCTION cOMPANY J DEPUTY F¢iNLLLE NEt4 MILES 10/90 I./~ST,~)BOERED 11-92,BFU 176,40q~' o.,v.. £' 'I~oLO TO ~ 'l ' LUTRE:L TI~UCKING : DELIvERY ADDRESS I ' ~P'AND 23RD STREET BAKERSFIELD ~PECIAL IN~TRU¢ION~ wEIGHED AT: 3001 James Rd. WEIGHMASTER CERTIFICATE ' : THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED COMMODITM WAS WEIGHED, MEASURED OR COUNTED BY A WEIGHMASTEI~ WHOSE SIGNA- TURE IS ON THIS CERTIFICATE, WHO IS A RECOGNIZED AUTHOI~ITY OF ACCURACY, AS PRESCRIBED BY CHAPTER 7 (COMMENCING WITH SECTION 12700) OF DIVISION $ OF THE CALIFORNIA BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONs CODE ADMINISTERED BY THE DIVlSIO~ OF MEASUREMENT STANDARDS OF THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE : WE MAKE DELIVERIES INSIDE CURB LINE AND ON THE LOT'AT · CUSTOMER'S RISK ONLY AND ACCEPT NO RESPONSIBILI~i' WHAT- SOEVER FOR DAMAGE RESULTING FROM SUCH DELIVERIES. DRIVER o. i-! o.. I'-I ~6~846 GROSS & TARE DATE ICUST. ACCT. NO. {CU~T. PO. NO. ICUST. JOB NO. ICONTRACT NO ITICKET NO 1/12/96 I ~,~29940 { ~.62~JJ ' { ~ ~,~F~ · , -.. , , . { ~-~-'- ~ ,.,. ,o.,~,~..o. {ow,~. . .: ITM ARRIVE Q I~ ORDERED I TONS QU~I~ DE~ERED / TONS JQUANT~ TO GO I TONS LOADNO. ~GROSS~TO~nual ~, NET~/T~NS TARE ~./ TONS ~nU,~] PRO~ ~DE DESCRm~,ON - ORDER NO. ' FI9PSAN F'ROCES~ED FIL. LSAt. ID-J. R. 29940AB ~N TIME = WEIGHMASTER . TRIP GRANITE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY J DE~ ~:"'/HF:t.L.E HEH ~,LES i 156C1~1'EV. 10/90 LAS~O4DERED 11-92BFU 176,400 . '. ~ - \ .~ ~ RECEIVED BY -:; i!.~ -~; CU~FOMERiAGI~iEES THAT: ALL DELIVERIES. SUBJECT To 0UR'TERM~ ' '. ~ '?~ WE~'IMASTE~cERT'F~7'ATE.. · . ii~!;`w~I ~ '" AND j CONDtT. iONS~OF .SALEc~ C0MPANY ASSUMES .O. RESPONSiS LITY .FOR ,~ ;. ?llS'~ .ls~r.. O...C, ERTIF¥' .em the,..o,~. __',~T.~,?,,~/' .'"% '. .'.' DAI~GE INSIDE'CURB OR PROPERTY LINE ' ! .wmgl~l'...?ure~ °r cmmm~ W a we~nmemm'' wneee "; 'AS EVIDENCED BY SIGNATURE, DRIVER/CARRIER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE accuracy, es ixea:rlbed by Chap~r 7 (~xnnJnclt~ with ; . a I~ ACCURACY OF THIS VEHICLE'S TARE WEIGHT. THE DRIVER/CARRIER WILL Section 12700) of Division 5 of the CaJltomla 8usln,~ ~ ' NOTIFY SHIPPER/CONSIGNOR IF THERE IS ANY CHANGE IN LIGHT WEIGHT Pmlea~on, Code. adn'dnJstmed by me Dtv',skm of IV, ea~ure. . ' CONCRETEiANDAGGREGATES ~ · DUE TO CHANGES IN EQUIPMENT, FUELING, ETC. CALIF. B & P CODE merit Standards of the Cai,omb Depanmenl of Fo~J and' ~ ~{'DM$1ON ' SEC~'ION'12722 (A & B).' ' __ ,, - · Agrlctdtum. ?.~:, ' . ~.. ~'-~:.~."'h. ';'. ~._ I / . Jr'~_ ti.' I m~CKNO. TRUC~T~t TEE N I TEE'Om' · .'.;~C'00S~'~F~U'e,~mORO~.'P.O:~OX~,~0 . · . /VI ..~ ~ ' %.1 . J"'/"%. . I -'- .... - I I I -.: ' ~o~'~-~.,~o~..e,~)~ '. ~' ..... ' "' · . ' · ' LUZ,~'...-~. ?.:~ '.' T I I ' ~T~-. ' .... I c~o. - j P.U:c.~ I~TCq. W~,~HM/~'r~R~E~rry I ~' ....... ~ ' ~,'~ "~'"'"'~i~'~' "~t~'~ .:~;~.`:~?~`~.~..:.~i~::~i~?~....:~:~!~.~5~i¢~!~;ii~~~?~¢.:?.x '~:~2~' ~¢i~ ' ~'~.~':~ ~' ~'~ ~¢;~:!:~:~' ?~ ''· .... ~ :~.~:.:~.~'~?:i~/;~? i~??~.~~ ' ON 'OFF -· · ·, ~~· o.-I' .p- · I ~ , PRODUqY CODE PRODUCT DE~RI~I6N qUA~ ..... ' : ' SP 'ZO OI IUT22161 '/ '...:~R~.~;:.;:I~..:...~A~UNLO~ :.- . .FINISHUNLO~. . R~RNP~NT . ' ' - . .. 16.68 'I ARE ..'..'?~'.,,~':.:-~?~q:~:~:.'. ~..~: ~..:~...~:' '?~ .. ~.... ':: ~ "= . .. 3e~. ~'Dus:r .:.: al. S'Z '.N~T'~ ~,,~,,0.:. :.~ I:L~ ~,,~'..: :... ':'.~,~.. ~' ": To~,R~, '-.' . '"TOTAL a~. ~-X ' .,~-~ .,~.~;~ ,~';. ~,.': ~;'./ .. : ~'~ ;~ .... . . - . · . , ,. . . . ~ME~S; ~KS'C.O.O.'S ' UN~.R~CE ~ .... T~ RE' '.. ~ . . NET .... ..,. :.: . . . TOTAL. · ,'.( .'. . . .. . . : - . ~:. ':~: ..~?'.~:,.==?/ ~..-~ ~. .~, , .' ~. .... . . ~ - .. ~ · :S:~'~ ":~'~ ~'...~ ';. ,.~ · .~ ~.[ :' .:: =. .:'. ...: . ? '.. . ~ .. - .. . . .~ ....~" ',.:..~.. .,...'. ~ ." ~: ......... . ., ., ~ ~- . . .. ...' ...... .. s~s ~ aos ~o~ CAL~S CO~C~LI TOTAL ~ '" AG~RE~ ~OB~ ~D ~ANDARD . ~ . MATERIALS DE61GNATIONS. DRIVER'S COPY * ALL WEIGHED QUANTITIES IN TONS. WEIGHED AT: ' · WEIGHED AT: conmucnon J-~OLD TO LUTREL TRUCKING DELIVER~' ADDRESS MATHESON BAKERSFIELD L TRUCKING - ONI,J SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS 3001 James Rd. Bakersfield WEIGHMASTER CERTIFICATE THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED COMMODITY WAS WEIGHED, MEASURED OR COUNTED BY A WEIGHMASTER, WHOSE SIGNA- TURE IS ON THIS CERTIFICATE, WHO IS A RECOGNIZED AUTHORITY OF ACCURACY, AS PRESCRIBED BY CHAPTER 7 (COMMENCING WITH SECTION 12700) OF DIVISION 5 OF THE CALIFORNIA BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE, ADMINISTERED BY THE DIVISION OF MEASUREMENT STANDARDS OF THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE WE MAKE DELIVERIES INSIDE CURB LINE AND ON THE LOT AT CUSTOMER'S RISK ONLY AND ACCEPT NO RESPONSIBILII~ WHAT- SOEVER FOR DAMAGE RESULTING FROM SUCH DELIVERIES. DRIVER o. I--! I-! 161871 GROSS & TARE TRK NO./LIC NO. OWNER .IZONE ARRIVE L31 LIJTREL TRIJCKINGI AT JOB QUANTI~ ORDERED I TONS QU~TI~ DEMVERED I TONS IQUANTI~ TO GO I TONS I OEPART 24.11 TONS JOB LOAD NO. 'GROSS~./TO~cale ~ ) NET~./TONS TARE ~./ TONS (SCSI ~ J ) STAND t ":' 39.9G TN ~. t t TN tS. 67 TN TIME ~ODU~ ~DE DESCRI~ION ORDER NO. TIME FlOlCDUS CRUSHED GRANITE- .TAMEoC' ROAD 2994¢AC ~IN WEIGHMASTER · ..'::?,i;:~ ~,. · · N~T M ' ' ~:;:'%'~':" ? '~' '; ' TRIP GRANITE CO RUCTION CO PANY I DE~ .'~:'~E:~LE NEN MILES RECEIVED BY WEIGHED AT: WEIGHED AT: I EOnSTRLII:TIOn 3001 James Rd. Bake~'sfield . ~*'OLD TO LUTREL. TRUCK ING DELIVERY ADDRESS MATHESON BAKERSF I ELD L TRUCKING - OWN SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS WEIGHMASTER CERTIFICATE THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED COMMODITY WAS WEIGHED, MEASURED OR COUNTED BY A WEIGHMASTE~ WHOSE SIGNA- TURE IS ON THIS CERTIFICATF~ WHO IS A RECOGNIZED AUTHORITY OF ACCURACY, AS PRESCRIBED BY CHAPTER 7 (COMMENCING WITH SECTION 12700) OF DIVISION 5 OF THE CALIFORNIA BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODF~ ADMINISTERED BY THE DIVISION OF MEASUREMENT STANDARDS OF THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE WE MAKE DELIVERIES INSIDE CURE) LINE AND ON THE LOT AT CUSTOMER'S RISK ONLY AND ACCEPT NO RESPONSIBILITY WHAT- SOEVER FOR OAMAGE RESULTING FROM SUCH DELIVERIES. DRIVER o. r-I r-I 16'1879 . GROSS & TARE 1/12/96 0:.~9940 I tGI879 OUT TEK. NO./LIC. NO OWNER ' I ZONE ARRIVE L31 L. UTREL. TR!.I.CKINGI ~, iDa QUANTITY ORDERED ! TONS IOUANTITY DEUVERED ! TONS IOUANTITY TO GO I TONS DEPART i JOB ) c. 4.0.~ TON .... LOAD NO. GROSS... ~-/TO~,~Ca [ e. J .) NET WT/TONS TARE WT / TONS ( SC ~ 1 ~ 'j ~ STAND I 39.92 TN ".* ~ T~ME ,'.:q.0.~ l'N P.T. 15.87 TN PROOUCT CODE DESCRI~ON ORDER .O. TIME F13SFIL FILL SAND 29940AC ~N TIME WEIGHMASTER ,..L. TRIP GRANITE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY J DE~ R'¥'IqELLE,~:NEW M~LES DRIVER .... CUS~TOMER'AGREES .THAT: ALL DEl' VER ES sUBJE~I' TO ol~R TERMS . · ' ' W~IeHM~'3'ER CERTIFICATE .' ' '. AND :CONDITIQNS~ OF.. SALE~ .COMPANY ASSUMES NO RESPONS B LJTY~FOR ~ ':TH~$'!S. TO CEmqFY .m~ me f~ .k~g..de,bed. mm~d~y · . waa we~ee, meaaume, er eeun~ee ~y a we~nma~er, w~eee : DAMAGE INSIDE CURS OR PROPERTY LINE, .' .. . 'AS EVIDENCED BY SIGNATURE, DRIVER/CARRIER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ~rl-lE "*~lg~ture'l~ntt~ce~lcate, whols a m(x:~alzed at~o~ity of · · · .~CmlMat ACCURACY OF THIS VEHICLE'S TARE WEIGHT. THE DRIVER/CARRIER WILL Set, on 12700) of DM~on 5 of me Ca,forum Buslne~ and NOTIFY SHIPPER/CONSIGNOR IF THERE IS' ANY CHANGE IN LIGHT WEIGHT Pm~kx~ Code. adm~memd by me DM~m of Mea~u~ CONCRETEAND AGGREGATES · DUE TO CHANGES IN EQUIPMENT, FUELING. · CALIF. B & P CODE mar4 Stand,da of me Camomta Oepamnem ~ Foed end i ~' ' ~.'DMSION. ~* · .. "SECTION 12722 (A & B).' ' Agdcultum. · · :,. 32~e~NRm,'~a~O~O~'.p.o,~Ox'2~oh~' ' ....~. ;~ [::~i,.~1.{13}~.??~'. . . · . ... "," '"';~i' .., LU59'~,:~',':' .... '~'i:"."::.'.' .... ~" ;',.i.."' .,:: ".. '~'= ~WALT'BROWN R~RN ~NT '.. 308 TOTAL TRIP UNIT PRICE AMOUNT SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR CALMAT'S COMMERCIAL~ AGGREGATE PRODUCTS AND STANDARD, I MATERIALS DESIGNATIONS; DRIVER'S COPY -.'l-DiAl';:. TOTAL 24.24 39 · 85 24.24 GROSS '!"~1 RE ' ,~NET :": TARE"' NET: ALL WEIGHED QUANTmES IN TONS. · ' . · '.'. ·-cuSTOMER, AGREES THAT· ALL DELIVER ES suBJEcT TO our TERM~ : · ' , · '.. WEI(3HMASTER CER/1RCATE '. .... , . ... : . · ' ' AND!CONDITIO~IS~OF,E~LE.'.,COMPAN~ ASSUMES No'REsPoNsIBIU~f'~'.EOR~ :.THI~I~..TO~ERT~FY?ame .f~.. ?lbe?~T"~."~ ' ' i ; DAMAGE INSIDE CURB OR PROPERTY.LINE ..... .. ..' . .. - w~wag.,,~measum~,~/awe*g~aa~,wr~e , . · -~ .............. .' ~t~atumlaonlNaee~dficate, wholsa~.~-~edauthodty~ 'AS EVIDENCED BY SIGNATURE, DRIVER/CARRIER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ACCURACY OF THIS VEHICLE'S TARE WEIGHT. THE DRIVER/CARRIER WILL '; ~ NOTIFY'SHIPPER/CONSIGNOR IF THERE IS ANY CHANGE IN LIGHT WEIGHT AGGREGATES DUE TO CHANGES IN EQUIPMENT, FUELING, ETC. CALIF. B & P CODE MILES ',":"DRIVER""" F:'J:*'"': '::~'; ,~ .: i JO~'TIME ,, i'I :i' : LAYTIME'i' TOTAL TRIP:. . .. .. - ' ' COMMENTS * REMARKS C.O.D.'S UNIT PRICE AMOUNT : ;,', .~' , .;.~ -: ;:. ,. ~ i~ , "':" '~. ::i'; . '- ;.;' "'- .' " 'TAX , .!ii ::., SEE REV~.RSE SiDE FOR CALMAT'S coMMERCIALI TI~TAL AGGREGATE PRODUCTS AND STANDARD, ' I I' MATERIALS DESiGNAtIONS, . .... ~': : ' ' · DRIVER'S COPY -.' '! 'i:;:' :..' · ! ': PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ,308 .... DUST .' ....... i o'rnL - · '. ..~OTAL 45.73 15.61 TRRE ~ROSS NET: ALL WEIGHED QUANTITIES IN TONS. .j FIRE SAFETY SERVICES & OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVlCES 1715 CHESTER AVE. * BAKERSFIELD, CA * 93301 R.E. HUEY R.B. TOBIAS, HAZ-MAT COORDINATOR FIRE MARSHAL (805) 326-3979 (805) 326-3951 February 21, 1996 .Mr. Bill Rosica Lutrel Services Inc. 6315 Snow Road Bakersfield, CA 93308 RE: Matheson Fast Freight Site Characterization at ~[2-3-_l_'-~:r'_Street_inZBakersfleld. Dear Mr. Rosica: ..... -This-is-to-notify you that the workplan for the above stated address is satisfactory. Please give this office 5 working days notice prior to the commencement of work. Please be advised that any work done that is not performed under direct oversight by this office will not be accepted, unless previously approved. If you have any questions, please call me at (805) 326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician HHW/dlm cc: R. Harrell i l SI[TE CBIA~A CTEI~]IZA TI[ ON W©I~I~PLAN MATHESON FAST FREIGHT LUTREL TRUCKING & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. February 1996 TABLE OF CONTENTS Description Page INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 1 SITE BACKGROUND ........................................................................................... 1 BACKGROUND INFORMATION ....................................................................... 2 a. 'Project Location .................................................................................................. 2 b. Site Description .................................................................................................. 2 SITE GEOLOGY AND HYDROLOGY ............................................................... 2 SITE HISTORY ...................................................................................................... 3 PROJECT HISTORY .............................................................................................. 3 LUTREL SITE CHARACTERIZATION FINDINGS .......................................... 3 a. Soil Profile ........................................................................................................... 3 b. Results of Soil Sample Analysis ........................................................................ 3 c. Extent of Soil Contamination ............................................................................. 4 SOIL SAMPLING pLAN ....................................................................................... 4 METHODOLOGY ...... i ........................................................................................... 5 SAMPLING PROCEDURES ................................................................................. 5 HEALTH AND SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS ..................................................6 a General Ddll Rig Safety ..................................................................................... 6 Safety Checks for Drill Rig ...................................................................................... 7 MAP #1 MAP #2 ATTACHMENT A AREA MAP PLOT PLAN WITH BORE HOLE LOCATIONS ANALYTICAL RESULTS SITE CHARACTERIZATION WORKPLAN 2231 "R" STREET BAKERSFIELD INTRODUCTION This characterization outlines the underground storage tanks (UST's) removal methods and results of Lutrel Trucking and Environmental Services, Inc. (LUTREL) operations on two (2) 8,000 gallon and one (1) 1,000 gallon UST's and the propos ~ed bore holes to be drilled to delineate the lateral as well as the vertical exterit of contamination at 2231 "R' Street in Bakersfield, California. The UST removals were authorized by Mr. Robert Harrell, Owner/oPerator on November 2, 1995. A SITE BACKGROUND The purpose of the UST removals was to eliminate the possibility of an accidental release resulting in soil contamination. Lutrel presented one scenario for removal, 1) Excavate, recycle and backfill. Scope of work for this remediation project involved the following: · Permits were obtained by Lutrel on November 9, 1995 Excavation of the subject tanks began on January 4, 1996. The UST's were rinsed, pumped and filled with 260 pounds of dry ice, loaded on a flatbed truck and transported to a State-Certified recycler as a non-hazardous material. The rinsate from the UST's was transported to a local licensed refinery for recycling. Samples were taken by having the backhoe bucket excavate to the prescribed depth, two feet and six feet below the bottom of the tank, grabbing the sample with a six inch brass tube from the bucket and capping both ends of the tube with Teflon® tape and plastic. The samples were labeled and transported in a cooler immediately to BC Labs for analysis. The samples were analyzed for TPH-d, TPH-g and Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene' and Xylene (BTEX). Groundwater was not encountered during excavation. · Data from these analyses were evaluated to assure the client and the Bakersfield City Fire Department that the excavation had no contamination above the action limit from the removed UST's. · Mr. Mark Turk of the City Fire Department was on site to witness the actual removal of the UST's and the sampling of the soil. Matheson Fast Freight Site Characterization Workplan Page 1 Lutrel Environmental Services B BACKGROUND INFORMATION Information regarding the site location, site description, site geology and hydrogeology, and project history is presented in the following sections. ao Project Location The project site is located at 2231 "R" Street in the City of Bakersfield, Kern County, California. The site is east of "R" Street, bounded by 23rd Street to the north, "Q' Street to the west and surrounded by light industrial businesses. The site is within Section 30, Township 29 South, Range 28 East, M.D.B. & M. (See Map #1) Site Description The site is a level, partially paved, chain-link fence enclosed property. An office / shop building is located directly east of the UST's. California Water Service is the company in charge of domestic water service. All sewage is discharged into the sewage system. The UST's were located west of the shop building (Map #2), constructed of steel and set below grade. They were approximately eight feet in diameter (8,000 gallon) and four feet in diameter (1,000 gallon) and the tops were three feet from the surface. (see Figure 1). C SITE GEOLOGY AND HYDROLOGY The site is located within the San Joaquin Valley Great Valley geomorphic province of California. Near- surface soils at the site consist of sand, sandy silt, and silty clay which are Quaternary alluvial deposits of the Kern River, located approximately 1.5 miles northwest of the site. According to Kern County Water Agency Water Supply Report, 1993, groundwater is less than 150 feet below grade with a gradient in a northwest direction. This shallow unconfined aquifer recharges the deeper confined and semi-confined groundwater basin which provides the community and agricultural water supply for the southem valley. Average rainfall in the Bakersfield area is approximately six inches per year and does not contribute to the groundwater recharge by surface infiltration. Matheson Fast Freight Site Characterization Workplan Page 2 Lutrel Environmental Services Sampling Results Matheson Fast Freight 2231 "R" Street Bakersfield, California Date Sample¢ 1/8/96 1/8/96 1/8/96 1'/8/96 1/8/96 1/8/96 1/8/96 1/8/96 1/8/96 1/8/96 1/12/96 Sample Description TPH-g 8K Gasoline East @ 2' ND 8K Gasoline East @ 6' ND 8K Gasoline West @ 2' ND 8K Gasoline West @ 6' ND 8K Diesel West @ 2' Not Run 8K Diesel West @ 6' Not Run 8K Diesel East @ 2' Not Run 8K Diesel East @ 6' Not Run 1K Diesel East @ 2' Not Run 1K Diesel East @ 6' Not Run 8K Diesel East @ 8,5' Not Run TPH-d Not Run II Not Run II II 700 rog/kg 480 Benzene ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Toluene ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND All testing was performed by BC Labs using EPA Test Methods 8015 (modified) and 5030/8020. ND = Non Detect Ethyl Benzene ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ITotal Xylenes ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND D SITE HISTORY Information regarding the site history was obtained from owner of the property, Mr. Robert Harrell. The site was subdivided into light industrial parcels during the middle 1940s. The site was developed by the present tenants, Matheson Fast Freight and used as an office and shop doing business as Matheson Fast Freight. The UST's were used to store Diesel (1-8,000 gallon and 1-i,000 gallon tanks) and Gasoline (1-8,000 gallon). Prior use of the tanks were for the fueling of vehicles with diesel and gasoline. The tank had not been used in the last 7 years. The gasoline tank had been fill with water for quite some time. There were no indications of leakage from any of the three (3) tanks as all looked to be in good shape with no holes when they were pulled from the excavation. Some surface contamination was indicated at approximately six (6) inches below the asphalt, but was localized. E PROJECT HISTORY The Bakersfield City Fire Department, in conjunction with Kern County Environmental Health Department is concerned that UST's have the potential to degrade water quality of the unconfined aquifer which underlies the city. Because the tank commonly contains organic hydrocarbon compounds, KCEHSD and the City Fire Department has required that the owners of property known to be equipped with these types of systems demonstrate that the tanks are replaced with double walled tanks with leak detection systems and that the soil beneath the system components has not been impacted by organic constituents. Tank removals and soil sampling at 2 and 6 feet below the UST's were performed to determine if any unauthorized release had occurred. F LUTREL SITE CHARACTERIZATION FINDINGS Soil Profile Subsurface soils in the area of the investigation generally consist of silty sands underlain by interbedded layers of poorly graded sand and silty clay to a maximum depth of 12 feet. Results of soil Sample Analysis Laboratory results of the soil samples tested for BTEX, and TPH are presented in Table 1. Laboratory documentation is provided in Appendix A. Matheson Fast Freight Site Characterization Workplan Page 3 Lutrel Environmental Services Samples tested for BTEX and total petroleum hydrocarbons revealed that non-detectable levels of benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, total Xylene, and gasoline were present in subsurface soils at two feet and six feet below the removed tank. However analytical indicated contamination under both the diesel tanks. Ce Extent of Soil Contamination Based on the results of the analytical testing of soil samples, petroleum hydrocarbons were removed to a depth of 14 feet under both Diesel tanks, although the 1,000 gallon tank had minimal readings for TPH-d. (480 mg/kg). After excavating the contamination from under the tanks, a confirmation sample was taken under the 8,000 gallon tank. The results indicate that 160 mg/kg was left in the excavated area. Any further excavation may have begun to undermine the fence and driveway. Since the normal action limit is 1,000 mg/kg the decision to discontinue excavating was made and the area was backfilled and compacted. Soil profile at the site consists of silty sand, poorly graded sand, silty clay and gravelly sand to the maximum explored depth of 16 feet. · No groundwater was encountered. Excavation of contaminated soil Three loads of contamination (66.6 tons) were removed from the site and backfill brought back in. G SOIL SAMPLING PLAN Four (4) Wells are proposed to be advanced to a. depth of twenty (20) feet or to a point where two (2) consecutive readings on a Photoionization Detector (PID) are Non-Detect. The locations, as shown on Map #2 were chosen using the following rationale: All Sampling points to the west of the former tanks were Non-Detect, except directly under the 1,000 gallon diesel tank. The boring directly above the 8,000 gallon diesel tank (BH-1) will indicate any contamination below the 14 foot depth which was excavated and sampled. o Boring BH-2 will be advanced at a location 10 feet due south of BH-1. This location will allow us to determine horizontal extent of the contamination. Matheson Fast Freight Site Characterization Workplan Page 4 Lutrel Environmental Services Boring BH-3 will be located directly over the east end of the 1,000 gallon diesel tank. This also will be used to determine horizontal extent as well as lateral extent of any contamination. Borings BH-4 will be located 10 feet directly east of BH-1. This configuration will allow us to determine the plume, if any and its direction. No Bore Holes were proposed west of the east end · of the tank as the preliminary fmdings indicate that no contamination was present. H METHODOLOGY The following methodology for a soil sampling program has been designed to satisfy the requirement to characterize the vertical and horizontal extent of the following products in the soil. · BTEX · TPH- D (Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl Benzene, Xylene) (Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons of Diesel) This program consists of enough borings to determine lateral and vertical contamination, all to a depth of approximately twenty (20) feet. The depth of each boring will be determined in the field. If it is deemed necessary that more soil borings are needed, the LSI Project Manager will consult with the City Fire Department representative to determine whether to increase the number of borings based on new information gained in the field. I SAMPLING PROCEDURES Borings will be advanced using a track mounted, hollow stem flight auger, with a California split-spoon sampler capable of retaining a 2-1/2-inch in diameter by 6-inch long brass sampling tube which can obtain undisturbed soil samples. The augers will be decontaminated at the beginning of work and between each soil boring. Soil samples will be taken at five (5) foot intervals, beginning at depths of five (5) feet below surface grade at the subject site. Each soil sample will be field analyzed by a Photo Ionization Detector (PID) HNU Model HW-101 to record Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in parts per million (ppm). PID readings will be used to establish the total depths of the borings if the 25 foot maximum has not been reached. Two (2) consecutive Non-Detect (ND) readings will be needed before the hole is complete. All soil samples will be sent to a state certified laboratory to be analyzed for the following products using Environmental Protection Agency methods. Matheson Fast Freight Site Characterization Workplan Page 5 Lutrel Environmental Services · BTEX · TPH-D using EPA Method 8020 using EPA Modified Method 8015 J HEALTH AND SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS Lutrel follows all safety procedures involved with a drill rig of this type. from our Company Health and Safety Guidelines: The following is taken directly a. General Drill Rig Safety Hard hats must be worn. All team members must be known the procedure to Shut the rig off and the location of the "kill" switch. When moving a rig off the road, pay attention to obstacles in route of travel. Walk the intended route first. Have someone guide the rig driver when clearance is at a minimum or when hazards are in close proximity. Set rig brakes and block the wheels when rig is set up at the desired drilling location. The mast must be lowered when the rig is moved. Always consider overhead wires to be live, watch for sagging lines and do not operate rig within 15 feet of overhead lines. Make sure the site, platforms and walkways are free of obstructions. Make sure proper housekeeping is practiced around and on the rig at all times. Tools should be stored in a manner that permits convenient access and provides for adequate safety. Store gasoline in approved conlainers that have a spark arrestor and keep them clear of the drilling work Check rig equipment prior to starting work. Repair or replace faulty and worn items. Handle augers with care. Use prior rifting techniques when picking up samplers and augers. Use a tool hoist if possible and say clear of rotating augers. Keep cables and ropes secured when not in use. Matheson Fast Freight Site Characterization Workplan Page 6 Lutrel Environmental Services Level and stabilize the drill rig ~r to raising the mast. Watch for slippery ground when working in the area of the rig. All unattended boreholes must be properly covered. Do not drill during an electrical storm. Maintain a safe distance from the rig mechanisms during drive sampling and auger removal operations. Safety Checks for Drill Rig · Kill switches tripped and operation verified · Chain and belt guards in place · Belts set to proper tension (visual) · Presence of any fluid leaks · Any damaged hoses, cables, ropes, chains · Control panel is clean · Control lever functions labeled · Pressure relief valves function · Cathead flee of rust and grease · Cathead grooves less than 1/8 inch in depth · All tools in proper working order · Rig leveled and stabilized · Check for weld cracks in mast · . Safety hooks operational Matheson Fast Freight Site Characterization Workplan Page 7 Lutrel Environmental Services North 23rd Street Gate Fence Gate 8K Gasoline Tank 1K Diesel Tank (~) ~DI~ ~ I I~) ~ 700 ND 480 BH-3 (~ .)BH_i OBH_4 8K Diesel Tank z~oo BH-2 TRUCK PARKING Proposed Bore Holes January 1996 Area Map of Matheson Fast Freight Map//2 ,ff North ~ t z ~ ST ~ January 1996 LUTREL SERVICES, l]xIC. · p Ma Area Map R.E. HUEY HAZ-MAT COORDINATOR (805) 326-3970 CITY of BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE SAFETY SERVICES & OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 CHESTER AVE. · BAKERSFIELD, CA ° 93301 February 9, 1996 R.B. TOBIAS, FIRE MARSHAL (805) 326-3951 Mr. Robert Harrell 3609 Candlewood Drive Bakesfield, CA 93306 RE: Laboratory results from preliminary site assessment conducted at the Matheson Fast Freight Yard, 2231 "R" Street. Permit # BR-0139. Dear Mr. Harrelh Upon review of the recently submitted laboratory results from your facility, this office has determined that the extent of the contamination plume, associated with the east end of the Diesel tank previously located on your property, has not been adequately defined. This office requires (in accordance with Chapter 6.7 of the California Health and Safety Code and Chapter 16, Title 23 of the California Code of Regulations) that further assessment be done to define the vertical and horizontal extent of the contamination plume. Please submit a work plan for further assessment, to this office, within 30 days from receipt of this letter. The workplan should follow guidelines found in: Appendix A - Reports, Tri - Regional Board Staff Recommendations for Preliminary evaluation and Investigation of Underground Tank Sites; July 6, 1990. Additionally, be advised that oversight cost for this project will be billed to you at a rate of $62.00 per hour. If you have any questions, please call me at (805) 326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician HHW/dlm Lutrel Service~, Incorpo~nted 6315 Snow Road * Bakersfield, California 93308 (805) 399-0246 o FAX (805) 399-0311 OUR FAX NUMBt~R (805) 399-0311 DATE= FAX NUMBER: THIS FAX CONSISTS OF ~ _ PAGES (INCLUDII~G THIS COVER SHEET) IF YOU HAVE ANY PROBI.RMS RECEIVING THIS FAX, PLEASE CALL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE (805) 399-0246 I0 BDgd BffN9 DNI~On~± qB~£fl] II$066E§08 E~:$I ~66$/50/E0 L&BORATORIE.~ ~ , BILL RO$ICA Sample Description: .Sample Purgeable Aromatics and Tot~l pe~=oleumHydrocarbons Date Reported: 01/16/96 Date ~ec®ived: 01/12/96 Laborator~ ~o.: 9&-0052~-1 399-02~6 MATHESON F~I~HT 9~-10~09: 8K DIESEL ~AST Soil Date celiac=ed: 01/12/96 Da=e ~x~rac=ea-S020: 01/12/96 Da=e ~aly~ed-80~0: 01/12/96 Date Extracte~-80l~M(a): 01/12/96 Date ~aly~ed-8015M(d): 01/15/9~ ~onetituen~e ~enzene Toluene g~h¥1 Benzene Total Xylems Surrogate % Recover,- To,al Petroleum ~ydrocarb~n$ (die,el) Surrogate % Reco~e=~ ~ractical Results _ Units ..... Limit None De=ec~ed mg/kg 0.005 None Detected mg/k~ 0.005 ~one Detected mg/Xg 0.005 None De~ected mg/~g 0.01 99. % ?0-130 ~0. m~/I,,g ~0. 81. % 64-137 TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Iud~v~ua~ constituents ~ EPA Met~o~ 5030/8020. :".': '"i: ~:'..:'= -. ;:' , PQ~"s were r~iee~ due ~o high concentration of:"~a~e~ anai'~es ~equ/ring sample dilution. Cali~o~nia D.O.H.$. Cert. #1186 Department Supervisor ' ?',":'" , ..-: .: ... Sampli ng Results Matheson Fast Freight 2231 "R" Street Bakersfietd, California Date Samp[ec 1/8/96 1/8196 118196 1/8/96 1/8/96 i/8196 1/8/96 118/96 1/8196 118196 · · .3,,~..' :'~:~'~-' ~'~ 1/1 2/96 Sample Description 8K Gasoline East @ 2' 8K Gaso;ine East @ 6' 8K Gasoline West @ 2' 8K Gasoline West @ 6' 8K Diesel West @ 2' 8K Diesel West @ 6' 8K Diesel East @ 2' 8K Diesef East @ 6' 1K Diesel East @ 2' 1 K Diesel East @ 6' .;;~,...~.'.':~:~.-x~.. . . - .. · ~:;~-~.~..-'.-::~..,-~-..x:~.-. 8K Di~el Ea~ ~ 8.5' TPH-g ND ND ND N~ Run Not Run Not Run I Not Rur~ Not Run Not Run I Not Run / TPH-d 11 Benzene J Toluene I IEthyl Benzene IT oral Xylenes Not.u. II NDII NDII .DII .D Not Run Il.ol1.DIlND ,D ND t/.oIINDIIN~ItND ~oo. ~o'~olI "~Ii .oII "~II "~ ~ ~o ~o~oll N~ I !~ II ND // ~O All testing was performed by BC Labs using EPA Test Methods 8015 (modified) and 5030/8020. ND = I~on Delect FRON 01.11.[996 10~20 HO. 2 P. ~ LABORATORIES LUTREL SERVICES 6315 SNOW ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CA 9~308 Attn: BiLL ROSICA S~mple Description: Sample b~trlx: Vurgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 399~0246 Date Reported: Date Received: Laboratory No.: MATHESON FREIGHT %95-10-09: 8K DIESEL P~%ST ~ 2' Soil Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Date Extracted-$015M(d): Date ~nalyzed-$015M(d): Page 96-00280-? SAMPLED BY DYKES 01/08/96 ~ 11:15AM oi/o~/~6 oi/o~/~6 oi/oa/~6 oi/o~/~ Eonstituents Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene Total Xylenes Surrogate % Recovery Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (diesel) Surrogate % Recovery TEST METHOD: Practical Analysis Reporting Quantltation _ Results .... Units . Limit None Detected None Detected mg/k9 None Detected mg/k~ None De~ected mg/kg 104. 700. mg/kg Not Reportable % 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.01 70-130 200. 64 ~137 TP~ by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. ~anual Method - Modified E~A 8015 Individual constituents by EPA-Method 5030/8020. Note: requ~'ring sample dilution. Sample chrcmatogram not typical of diesel. Surrogate not reportable due to sample dilution. California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1185 : "','. ~ " ::"'"" ~ r~su~ tiered in thle ~e~c~r~ are fo~ the exclusl~ use of ~ submlt:~ ~ ~ ~or~r~s, I~. ~ssum~ no resp~s~i~ty for rep~ ~rat~. se~ op, de~c~men~ or third pa~y l.f~r~mlatlc~, · FROM 01.11.1996 18:21 HO. 2 P. 9 L~BORATORIES LL~REL SERVICES 6315 SNOW ROAD B~ERSFIELD, CA 93308 Attn: BILL ROSICA Sample Description: Sample Matrix: Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Page 399-0246 Date Reported: 01/10/96 Date Received: 01/08/96 Laboratory No.: 96-00280-8 MATHESON FREIGHT ~95-10-09: 8K DIESEL EAST ~ 6' SAMPLED BY DYKES Soil Date Collected: Date ~xtracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Date Ex:racted-801SM(d): Date Analyzed-8015M(d): 01/08/96 ~ ll:20m{ ol/o~/~ oi/o~/~6 oi/o~/~ oi/o~/~ Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene Total Xylenes Surrogate % Recovery Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (diesel) Surrogate % Recowery TEST METHOD: Practlcal Analysis Reporting Quantitatlon Results _ Units None Detected mg/kg None Detected mg/k9 None Detected mg/kg None Detected mE/kg 96. % 2200. mE/kg Not Reportable 0~005 0.005 0.005 0.01 70-130 4'00. 64-/37 TPH by D.O.M.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Me~hod 5030/8020. Note: PQL's were raised due to high concentration :o~: target a.4~iYtes requ~rihg sample dilution. '"' ~ Stuart G. Buttram Sample chr=mato~z-am not typical of diesel. Surrogate not reportable due to sample dilution. ~.!i~il,i?:: :...' ~..~:.~:~.,:.,..~ All re~uR~ I'mled In thlt repot ere for th., ex¢lueive u~e ~f ~he .ul~l~ing p~rty, 8C La.oratories, Itm. as~me~ no re~po,~slbiflty for report a~tera!km, .e~araUon, detac~m~ent o~ third p~rt¥ Inter;~re~tlor~ 41C]O Aries C,T,. · E~kersfi~lc~, (DA ~)~D8 · (~) ~3~7-~11 · FAX (805] ~7-1 ~I 8 FROM 01.11,1996 10:22 NO. 2 P.11 LABORATORIES Pur~eable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons LUTREL SERVICES 6315 SNOW ROAD ~AKERSFIELD, CA 93308 Attn: BILL ROS!CA 399-0246 Date Reported= Date Received: Labcratory Nc.: SamFle Description: MATHESON FREIGHT #95-10-09: 1K DIESEL EAST ® 6' Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: Date Extracted-S020: Date Analyzed-S020: Date ~xtracted-$015M(d): Date ~nalyzed-8015M(d): ol/o8/96 96-00280-10 SDAMPLED BY DYKES 01/08/96 oi/o8/9~ 0i/09/96 Constituent_~s Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene Total Xylenes Surrogate % Recovery Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (diesel) Surrogate % Recover! TEST M~THOD: Practical Analysis Reportin~ Quantitation R~Sults .... Units Limit None Detected mg/kg 0.005 None Detected mg/kg 0.005 ~one Detected mg/kg 0.005 ~one Detected mg/k~ 0.01 93. % 70-130 &80. mg/k~ 200. NOt Reportable % 64-137 TPH by D.O.M.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual .Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituent~ by EP~ Method 5030/8020. No,e: P~L'e were raised due to high concentration of target ane~tes requ~in9 sample dilution. ~ Sample chromatogram not t}~ical of diesel. Surrogate not reportable due to sample dilution. California D.C.~I.$. Cert. ill:t86 ,~ 'q oo A~:les Ct;. · Bekef-efielcI, CA ~3306~ · [80~} ,~7-491 '1 - FAX [E~i)5] ~7-1 ~)'1 ~ FROM 01.11,1996 10:15 NO, 2 P. 2 LABORATORIES LOTREL SERVXCES $]15 SNOW ROAD B;~/<ERSFXELD, CA 93308 Attn: BILL RO$ICA Sample Description: Sample Matrix: Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Page 399-02~6 Date. Reported: Date Received: Laboratory No.: ol/io/~ ol/oe/~ ~-00~$0-i MATHESON FRIEGHT #95-10-09: 8K GASOLINE EAST ~ 2' SAMPLED BY DYKES Soil Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Date ~xtracted-8015M(~): Date Analyzed-801§M(g): 01/08/96 ~ 10:15;~ oi/o~/9~ 01/09/96 01/09/96 oi/o9/~ Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene Total Xylenes Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) Surrogate % Recovery Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Result~ ~ Unit~ Limit None Detected m~/kg 0.005 None Detected mg/kg 0.005 None Detected mg/kg 0.005 None Detected mg/kg 0.01 None Detected mg/kg 1. 98. % 70-130 T~ST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / ~,.U.F.T. Manual t~ethod - Modified EPA Individual constituents by E~A Method 5030/8020. ~.' California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 Stuart G. Buttra~a Department Supervisor ~'i. ".~ All results listed I~ this mp<~t are t%~ the exclu~;ve use of the submifllng para/aC Laboratories, Inc, e$e~mee no res~sibilily for ~'epol~ a!teratlon, separation, det~chmen! or t~lrd pa41y Interwet.t~o~. 41 O0 At3e$ Or.. · Bakersfield, CA ~9308 - [E)05) 827-491 I · FAX (8Of5) 3~7-1 918 FR~M 81 11 1996 18:16 HO. 2 P ~ LABCRATORIES LUTREL SERVICES 6315 SNOW ROAD BA/fERSFZELD, CA 93308 Attn: BILL ROSICA Sable Description: Sample Matrix: Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Page 399-0246 Date Reported: 01/10/96 Date Received: 01/08/96 Laboratory No.: 96-00280-2 MATHESON FRIEGHT #95-10-09: 8K GASOLINq~ EAST ® 6' SAMPLED BY DYKES Soil Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Date Extracted-801$M(g}: Date Analysed-8015M(g): 01/08/96 @ 10:20AM 01/09/98 o1/o9/9~ o~/o9/96 Cons,tft~gn~s Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene Total Xylenes Total PetrGleum Hydrocarbons (gas) Surrogate % Recovery Analysis ,. Result9 Reporting . Units None Detected mg/kg None Detected mg/kg None Detected mg/kg None Detected mg/kg None Detected mg/kg 94. % Practical Quantitation Limi~ 0.005 0.005 0.005 :' ::': ':. 0.01 .~ · · · 1. 70-130 TEST k~k~OD: TPH by D.O.F..S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 801~'i:'iii':'I Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. '"""' ...-:,; u ....:.' :t, · ,. ,:. California 0.H.S. Cert. 81186 Stuart G. Buttram Departm. en~ Supervisor All resulls II~'ed In thle repo~ are for the exclusive u~e ol the aubrnltllng parly, 8C Laboratories, In¢, ass~me~ no responsrotfit~/for report allerelion, aepamtlon, detachmem o~ I~,ird par~y Interpretation. 41 (DO Atlas Or. · I~ak~_r'~field. CA 93S08 · (190,.~] ~27-491 I · FAX (~) ~27-1 91 8 · FRCM 01.11. 1)96 10: I? NO. 2 P, 4 LABORATORIES LUTR~L SERVICES 6315 SNOW ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 Attn: BILL ROSICA Sample Description: Sample Matrix: Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Page 399 -0246 Date Reported: 01/10/96 Date Received: 01/08/96 Laboratory No.: 96-00280-3 MATHESON FRIEGHT #95-10-09: 8K GASOLINE WEST ® 2' SA/~i~LED BY DYKES Soil Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Date Extracted-$015M(g): Date Analyzed-8015M(g): 01/08/95 ~ 10:25AM ol/o9/~ ol/o~/95 oi/o~/~ 01/09/96 Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene Total Xylenes Total Petroleum Mydrocarbons (gas) Surrogate % Recovery Practical Analysis Reporulng Quantitation R sul s __ Units . Limit None Detected mg/k9 0.005 None Detected mg/kg 0,005 None Detected mg/kg 0,005 None Detected mg/kg 0.01 None Detected mg/kg 1. 84. % 70-130 TEST METHOD: Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 Department Supervisor All ~sul~ ~4 in t~is rel~ort afc for the exclusive uso of the s~,bmltt]ng party. I~C Laboramrie% Inc. ~ss'~mes no responsibility for re~d a;leratie,% selmrallon, detachmenl of third parly Inlerprelafk,-,. 41 O0 Atlas C)~. · Bakersfield, (DA ~30~ · [~05) ~)~-4911 - FAX [I~2L=~) 327-~ 918 FR~M 01.11.19~ ~0:18 NO. 2 P. 5 LABORATORIES Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum ~ydrocarbcns LUTREL SERVICES 6315 SNOW ROAD BAKERSFIEI2D, CJ% 93308 Attn: BILL ROSICA 399-02%6 Date Reported: Date Received: Laboratory No.: oi/io/~6 o1/o~/9~ 96-00280-4 Sample Description: ~ATH~SON FREIGHT ~95-10-09: 8K GASOLINE WEST ~ 6' SAIT~.LED. BY DYKES San~le Matrix: Soil Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Date Extracted-8015M(g): Date Analyzed-80!5M(g): 01/08/96 ~ 10:30~/,I 01/09/96 01/09/96 01/09/96 01/09/96 gonetituent~ Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene Total Xylenes Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) Surrogate % Recovery Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Res~l:s . Units Limi~ None Detected mg/kg None Detected mg/kg None Detected m~/kg None Detected mg/kg None Detected mg/kg 103. % 0.005 0.00~ 70-230 TEST t(ETHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015<i!?.' Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. '!~i.. California D.O.H.S. Cert. ff1186 Stuart G. Bu:trem ':"..': "'. Department Supervisor -' L~/. All risu~ listed in this report are fc~ the excluslve use of the sdbmlttlng party. BC Laboratories, Inc. agiumes no ~eapoflslbi#t}' lot repert alteration, separation, ~etachment ar third party Inte~pmt~:ton. 49 00 Atlas C~, · Bakersfiel0, CA ~330~ · (805) 327-4911 · FAX lIB05) 3~_7.~, Sl B FROM 01.11. t996 ~0= tO NO. 2 P. 6 LABORA'rORIES Vurgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Page LUTREL SERVICES 63%5 SNOW ROAD BJ%KERSFIELD, CA 93308 Attn: BILL ROSICA 399-0246 Date Reported: Date Received: Laboratory~o.: Sample Description: .MATHESON FREIGHT #95-10-09: 8K DIESEL WEST Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Date Extracted-801$M(d): Date Analyzed-8015M(d): ol/o~/~6 96-002a0-5 SA~{PLED BY DYKES 01/08/96 ~ ll:05AM 0~/0~/9~ 0;/09/~6 .Co~s~i tuent s ~enzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene Total X¥1enes Surrogate % Recovery Total Petroleum ~ydrocarbons (diesel) Surrogate % Recovery ~ST M~THOD: Analys~s Reporting R~ul~ ,, Units None Detected mg/kg None Detected mg/kg None Detected mg/kg None Detected mg/kg 104. % None Detected mg/kg 94. Practical Quanti=ation Limit 0'.00S 0.005 0.005 0.01 70-130 10. 64-137 TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.~.T. Manual Me,hod - F~3dified EPA 80%5 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. Department Supervi sot All m~ults liated [~ ~hl~ rep~d are fo~ the excluslv. ~se of the submitting part~. B(~ Laboratories, k~c. assumes no re$po~lbi}lty for repo~ alteration, separation, delachment or U~lm' ~art~, Interpretation. ,4~l C)(::) At;l~ C~. · E~aker~ielcI, C:~ ~:~3(::N~ · [E~C~) ~E~7-,~q q · FAX £E~:::),..~) ~.7-'I ~1E~ F~OM 0! ti t}96 ~0{~9 NO. 2 P. ? LASORATORIES ~urgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Page LUTREL SERVICES 6315 SNOW ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 Attn: BILL ROSICA 399-0246 Date Reported: 01/10/96 Date Received: 01/08/96 Laborato~ No.: 96-00280-6 Sample Description: ~AT~ESON FREIGHT #95-10-09: 8K DIESEL WEST % 6' SAMPLED BY DYKES Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: 01/08/96 ~ 11:10AM Date Extracted-8020: 01/09/96 Date Analyzed-8020: 01/09/96 Date Extracted-80~SM{d): 01/08/96 Date Analyzed-S01SM(d}: 01/09/96 ~racti.cal Analysis Reporting Quantitatlon Constit~gnts Resul~ ., Units Limit Benzene Nona Detected mg/kg 0'.005 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg 0.01 Surrogate % Recovery 104.. % 70-130 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (diesel) None De~ected mg/kg 10. Surrogate % Recovery 91. % 64-137 TEST 14ET~OD: TPH by D.O.H.S. Individual constituents by EPA Me~hod 5C30/8020. / L.O.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 '~': California D.O.H.S. Cert. ~1186 Stuart G. All results risked In this report are for the excluslve us~ of the submitting pa~y. BO Lat:o,atorles, klC. assumes no res~G, illty for repod all~rat[on, seperatlon, detachment or ~b. cr pa~y InterIxe~atlo.. 41 (DO AGI~)s C'c. · I~akersfield, ~A 93~08 · [1~0~5) 3~7-4~11 · FAX (~D~) 3~7-1918 FR~M 01. 11. 1996 10:~2 NO. 2 P.10 LABORATORIES LUTREL SERVICES 6315 SNOW ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 Attn: BILk ROSICA sample Description: Sample Matrix: Purgeable Azoma~ics and Total Petroleum Kydrocarbons Date Reported: Date Received: Laboratory No.: 399-02~6 MATHESON FREIGHT #95~10-09: 1K DIESEL EAST ~ 2' Soil Date Collected: Date Extracted.-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Date Extracted-8015M(d}: Date Analyzed-8015M(d); Page oi/io/~e oi/o8/ee 96-00280-9 SAMPLED BY DYKES 01/08/96 ~ 11:30A~ oi/o~/96 oi/o9/96 oi/o~/~6 01/09/96 1 gonsti~uent~ Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene Total Xylenes Surrogate % Recovery. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (diesel) Surrogate % Recovery TEST I~ETHOD: Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Results Units Limi~ None Detected mg/kg 0.005 None Detected mg/kg 0.005 None Detected mg/kg 0.005 ~one Detected mg/kg 0.01 95. % 70-130 None Detected m~/kg 10. 102. % 64-137 TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. F~anual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. ~.O.M.S. Cert. %1186 Stuart G. Buttram i.::..-?. :'~ Department Supervisor '"..':< ?! Atlas Ct. · Bakersfield. CA 83308 · [805) ~27-491 I - FA){ [ISKDS] ~7-~ 818 J) Report To: ~ ......................... .................................. r Project: Address:(,31.5' 5~ve~ i~J Project#: ~J {~j Sampler Name: Zip: Other: ~Z '~ Phone: Comment: Sample Description Date & Time Sampled L-r.'o 5' s{ Billing Info: City -~>& ~e.l.¢ ¢i. ¢) (~ State Attention: Time: by:. (Signature) by: (Sig,~a~ure) (Signature) Miles: Relinquished by: (Signature) Relinquished by: (Signature} Relinquished by:. (Signature) Received by: (Signature) Received by: (Signature) Analysis Requested f Received by: (Signature) Sample Dispcsa! P_O.# BC Dispos~ @ 5.00 ea. Relinquished by; (Signature) Received by: fSignature) L--I Return to client ' Time; Time: Date; Time: l Date: Time:{ Date; Time: 1 Date: Time: EERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTNE~ NVIRONNENTAL SERVICES ~ 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (e05) 326-3979 TANK REMOVAL INSPECTION FORM OWNER ~A~+ N~I/ ~-~ PERMIT TO OPERATe#___=_ CONTRACTOR ~ CO,ACT PERSON ,~'ll ~}a~ ~BO~TORY ~ ~OF S~PLES t~ TEST METHODOLOGY T~ ~,a aT~a PRELI~ARY ASSESSME~' CO. ~ CO,ACT PERSON ~t~(~,~ CO~ RECIEPT ~/ LEL% ~ O~% ~;.~ PLOT PLAN 25~ 5T CONDITION OF PIPING CONDITION OF SOIL 4~,'~/~'~d'/ COMMENTS DATE INSPECTORS NAI, IE SIGNATURE Bakersfield Fire Dept. PERMIT NO. UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PROGRAM ~ PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SITE INFORMATION SITE_Matheson Fast Freight ADDRESS 2231 FACILITY NAME Matheson Fast Frei0ht, Inc. TANK OWNER / OPERATOR Robert Harrell MAILING ADDRESS 3609Candlewood Drive "R" Street ZIP CODE 93306APN 055-241-01-00-5 CROSS STREET 22 nd Street PHONE No. 871-1953 CITY Bakersfiield ZIPCODE 93306 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPANY Lutrel Services, Inc. PHONE No. ADDRESS 2212 South Union Ave. CITY INSURANCE CARRIER Commerce & Industry Insurance 834-5986 LICENSE No.675587 Bakersfield ZIP CODE 93307 WORKMEN'S COMP. No. 1308690-94 PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT INFORMATION .~>~(~O~Zk(° COMPANY Lutrel Services, Inc. PHONE No. ~ LICENSENO. 675587 ADDRESS 2212 South Union Ave. CITY Bakersfield ZIPCODE 93307 INSURANCE CARRIER Commerce & Industry Insurance WORKMEN'S COMP No. 1308690-94 TANK CLEANING INFORMATION COMPANY Lutrel Services, Inc. ADDRESS 2212 South Union Ave. WASTE TRANSPORTER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER NAME OF RINSATE DISPOSAL FACILITY R RT ADDRESS 6501 Schirra Ct. 0825 FACILITY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER CAL0001241121 PHONE No. 834-5986 CITY Bakersfield ZIP CODE_93307 CITY Bakersfield ZIPCODE_93313 TANK TRANSPORTER INFORMATION COMPANY Lutrel Trucking, Inc. ADDRESS 2212 South Union Ave. PHONE No. TANK DESTINATION Golden State Metal Recyclers 834-5986 LICENSE No. 0825 CITY Bakersfield ZIP CODE 93307 TANK INFORMATION TANK No. AGE VOLUME CHEMICAL DATES STORED STORED 1 __30 10,000 Gasoline Until 1983 CHEMICAL PREVIOUSLY STORED SAME 2 30 10.000 Diesel Until 1983 SAME 3 __30 1,000 Gasoline Until 1983 SAME I APPLICATION DATE ['OH L)PI-IC,'IAL U~SE ONLY FACILITY NO. NO OF TANKS_ FEE $ THE APPLICANT HAS RECIEVED, UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH THE ATTACHED CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT AND ANY OTHER STATE, LOCAL AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, IS TRUE AND COROT. AP~K~/IZ'b BY v~::=,~ APPLICANT NAME'(PRINT) .,~LICAN'I~SIGNATURE THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A' PERMIT VVHEN APPROVED MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO "CITY OF BAKERSFIELD" RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Location: Business Name:, Contact Name: Business Phone:, InspeCtor's Name: Time of Call: Date: Type of Call: FAX: ~'~/[%/~ Time: /z) -' z.~) # Min: Incoming [ ] Outgoing [ ] Returned[ ] ~__~ Content of Call: Actions Required: ~oJA. c.. ! ~J S T'-'Z:JG'Tm~'"-5. Time Required to Complete Activity # Min: RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Location: ID# Business Name: Contact Name: Business Phone: Inspector's Name: Time of Call: Date: Type of Call: /0/~0/SG Time: Incoming [ ] .Outgoing -If Min: Returned Content of Call: Actions Required: ,'/~°G'T S~--~ ~ I 0 roe) A,',..,, Time Required to Complete Activity # Min: ~- ~ ..... - ~ I al~wish to receive the · ~follov~services {for an extra fee): '~ ~everse o ....... [ 1. ~ Addressee's Address ~ . ~Attach this form to tt3e ~r . . . ~eloW the article number. 2. [~ Restricted Delivery ~ a~es not permit. ' --ted" on the mallp~ece u ~ vered and the date . ~v . .... ~,,rn Receipt ReqUu~ ~-~*he article was ~e,, ~_ . Write ,,~'" *-.-.ilishoWtOW"U'"' '~ · The Return Rece~P~ w ~sed to: 3. Arttcte Robert Harrell 3609 Candlewood Dr. Bakersfield, CA 93B06 ~O~ ~1693~352-714 I'~U IV i l"v _ and fee is pa~ ~ I UNITED STATES POS F_~V~E~ Official Business Print your name, address and ZIP Code here · City of Bakersfield Fire Dept. Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300 Bakersfield, ~A 93301 390 214 475 Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided Do not use for International Mail (See Reverse) Sent to Rober~ H~irrell Street and No. 3609 Candlewood D~. '"P'°B&~E~§~iC~d, CA 93306 Postage $ Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Retu[n Receipt Showing tO Whom & Date Delivered 1 · 1{3 Return Receipt Showing to Whom. Date, and Addressee's Address TOTAL Postage & Fees ~' 2 . 5 ~ Postmark or Date CITY of BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE SAFETY SERVICES & OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 CHESTER AVE. · BAKERSFIELD, CA * 93301 R.E. HUEY R.B. TOBIAS, HAZ-MAT COORDINATOR October1 8, 1 995 FIRF MARSHAL (805) 326-3979 (805) 326-3951 Robert Harrell 3609 Candlewood Drive Bakersfield, CA 93306 CERTIFIED MAIL FINAL NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE Dear Mr. Harrell: It has come to our attention that you currently own property located at ~-~S~---~-C(APN 005-241 - 01-00-5), in Bakersfield which contains at least one underground storage tank. The tank has not been properly permitted and has been out of service, therefore, you are in violation of the following sections of the Uniform Fire Code as adopted by the Bakersfield Municipal Code, Chapter 15.64, Ordinance No. 3502. In addition, our records indicate that you have received at least one prior notice by Certified Mail on September 19, 1994. To date, the following violations have still not been corrected: Section 79.115 (a,b & f) Uniform Fire Code (1992 edition). (a) Failure to remove or safeguard an out of service tank(s). (b) Failure to obtain a permit to remove or temporarily close an underground storage tank. (f) Failure to remove an underground tank out of service for one (1) year. In order to avoid enforcement action, you must either properly permit and bring the tank up to code, or else apply for a proper abandonment and removal of the tank within 14 days of this notice. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please call 326-3979. SincerelY, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician HHW/dlm cc: Carl Hernandez, III, Assistant City Attorney ,~,. Receipt for Gerti~ied Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided ~ss~~ Do not _use for International Mail (See Reverse) Sent to Robert D. & Alice 'Harre11 Street and No. 3609 Candlewood Drive P.O., State and ZIP Code Bakersfield, GA 93306 Postage terrified Fee 1 o 00 ~pecial Delivery Fee ~estricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing to Whom & Date Delivered ~etum Receipt Showing to Whom, Date, and Addressee's Address TOTAL Postage ~j~ 2.29 & Fees Postmark or Date FIRE DEPARTMENT M. R. KELLY FIRE CHIEF CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" September 19, 1994 1715 CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 Robert D. & Alice Harrell 3609 Candlewood Drive Bakersfield, CA 93306 CERTIFIED MAIL NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE Dear Mr. & Mrs. Harrell: It has come to our attention that you currently own property located at 2231 R Street (APN 005- 241-01-00-5), in Bakersfield which contains underground storage tank(s). The tank(s) have not been properly permitted and have been out of service, therefore you are in violation of the following sections of the Uniform Fire Code as adopted by the Bakersfield Municipal Code, Chapter 15.64, Ordinance No. 3502: Section 79.115 (a,b,& f) Uniform Fire Code, (1992 edition) (a) Failure to remove or safeguard an out of service tank(s). (b) Failure to obtain a permit to remove or temporarily close an underground storage tank. (f) Failure to remove an underground tank out of service for one (1) year. In order to avoid regulatory action, you must either properly permit and bring the tank(s) up to code, or else apply for'a proper abandonment and removal of the tank(s) within 14 days of this notice. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please call 326-3979. Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician cc: Alan Daniel, Assistant City Attorney