HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION (9)'1 I Proposal for I Soil Sampling and Site ! Characterization I Proposed Mohawk Sewer Alignment Bakersfield, California I Prepared for I _~.~.~ ~, City of Bakersfield ?~'~;~_ _. '_- ~__Mr. Jim Holladay ...... 1501 Truxtun Avenue I Bakersfield, California 93301 'iSd'" ' t~ ~ltlll~i ,, :~. I ~'~~~:, ,~ .... ~ .:,~ ~:'~ I 5880 District Boulev~d, Suite 24 ~ B~ersfield, Califomia 93313 Phone (661) 831-2155 ~ Fax (661) 831-1937 I ,I ~ KLEINFELDER 1. PROJECT UNDERSTANDING ................................................................................................... 1 2. EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS ................................................................................. 1 3.PROJECT TEAM ............................................................................................................ 4. 4. SCO?E OF WORK ........................................................................................................ 6 5. REPORT PREPARATION ................................................................................................ 9 6. RESUMES ..................................................................................................... APPENDIX A 7. GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET (EXHIBIT "A") ......................................................... APPENDIX B 8. CERTtVtCATE OF INS~CE ............................................................................... APPENDIX C Project Understanding We understand that the City of Bakersfield (City) is planning to install approximately 2000 linear feet of sewer pipeline along the proposed Mohawk Street alignment located adjacent to the southern boundry of the Equilon Refinery in Bakersfield, California. In support of this project, the City wishes to implement a soil sampling program to assess current environmental conditions at the site and identify potential heath risks to workers during the proposed construction~ Based upon the information provided in the Request for Qualifications & Proposal (RFQ&P), three (3) areas of concern have been identified for investigation. These areas include: the former waste coke pile (Site 12); Harvest Ponds/Emergency Ponds (Site 24); and the proposed sewer line alignment. According to the RFQ&P the ponds were destroyed in 1991. Historic investigations conducted by Equilon at Sites 12 & 24 did not report concentrations of organic compounds or metals at hazardous levels. The ultimate deliverable work product will be an environmental assessment report which contains the methodology, findings and conclusions of the site investigation. Experience and Qualifications Work on this project will be conducted from our Bakersfield office. Listed below are projects that demonstrate Kleinfelder's local experience and qualifications regarding soil sampling and site assessment projects. C~ent Location CITY OF BAKERSFIELD LANDFILL GAS MITIGATION AND SI[TE C~RACTERIZATION City of ltSaker~field gaker~fielld, Call~fom~a In mid-1995, Kleinfelder was retained by the City of Bakersfield to respond to an emergency landfill gas condition at the City landfill. The landfill is currently inactive and has an intermediate soils cover over the entire surface. The site has accepted waste as a burn dump since the mid-1950's. This practice resulted in the accumulation of elevated concentrations of metals and other potentially toxic substances in the surrounding soil. Waste was periodically burned and pushed off a 60- foot bluff The practice continued until the early 1970's, when residential development was built over the graded burn dump. At the 21YP4395/2140P040 K l E I N F E I D E R I I I I I I I I I I ~roject: C~e~t: Location: time, the City began operating an unlined landfill at the bottom of the bluff. The landfill closed in 1983 with a surface area of approximately 100 acres. Since 1983, numerous attempts to collect and reuse the landfill gas were made. In 1991, active gas collection ceased. In addition to landfill gas issues, Kleinfelder conducted extensive soil sampling and prepared a health risk assessment at homes bordering the landfill property. Analytical results were used to assess the risk to public health and set clean-up goals that were approved by the Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC). Remediation at the site was completed in Spring 1998. Kleinfelder assisted the City with its public participation plan. Our tasks in this role included: [] Leading public meetings that were directed towards the affected homeowners group, to inform and address concerns. [] Providing updates to the City Council during City Council meetings. [] Attending and presenting data at RP group meetings. [] Assisting with preparation of periodic newsletters. Client: City of Bakersfield, Solid Waste Department 701 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, California Client Contact: Mr. Kevin Barnes, Solid Waste Director (805) 326-3114 Varfi~ CalMer Co. Kleinfelder has provided environmental consulting services to the Calmat Company for over 15 years. We have conducted over 20 large scale Phase I assessments on aggregate mines, rock plants, and concrete and asphalt facilities. Phase two site (characterization) work has ranged from deep drilling to assess for the potential of PCE impact from former Minuteman missile facilities to working with large animal veterinarians to identify the cause of cattle deaths on property being considered for purchase. 21YP4395/21n0P040 2 ~X~ K L E I N F E L D E R I I I ?roject: Location: C~ient: Project: Kleinfelder has assisted Calmat with the removal of underground storage tanks, the assessment of asphalt releases into soil, surface water and groundwater. We have conducted numerous asbestos and lead paint assessments and developed O & M plans for a number of their facilities. Kleinfelder has a Master Service Agreement with Calmat the allows for us to operated on an on-call basis for quick response to emergency or short lead time projects. Client Contact Tom Davis Client Address 3200 San Fernando Road Los Angeles, CA 90065 (213) 258-2777 Site Assessment and Soil Characterfization Kern County, California Confident[a~ Kleinfelder provided environmental engineering services during the assessment and characterization of approximately 3000 cu. yards of sediment removed from the bottom of an irrigation water reservoir in western Kern County, California. The purpose of the work is to assess the concentrations of metals and other constituents of concern in the sediment and provide comments and recommendations regarding the potential health risks to humans and toxicity to future crops. Client Address: N/A Client Contact: N/A Soil Venting and Vapor Extraction 21YP4395/2140P040 3 ~ K L E I N F E L D E R Location: C~ent: Baker~fie]d~ Cn]~forn~ Wor]~ Ofi~ Mnrket~ng Kleinfelder provided environmental engineering services at a former gasoline retail station, Bakersfield, California. Work under this contract included coordination and oversight during UST removal and additional site characterization; including workplan preparation, soil sampling and coordination with local agencies. Additional work included; design and installation of soil vapor extraction and groundwater monitoring wells; permitting with APCD and other local agencies; installation of the thermal oxidizer unit, pilot testing of system; routine system operation and maintenance; and performing required sampling, monitoring and reporting. The site was granted closure in May 2000 fi.om the Regional Water Quality Control Board and Kern County Environmental Health. Client Address: 9302 S. Garfield Avenue South Gate, California 90280 Client Contact: John Hundley, V.P. of Environmental Affairs (562) 928-0100 Kleinfelder's project team has been carefully assembled based upon professional expertise and recent relevant experience, including soil and site assessment. The team consists of the Project Manager, Quality Assurance and Resources Professionals, remediation geologists and engineers, water resource geologists, environmental specialists and field engineers and technicians. Summaries of some key team members' responsibilities and qualifications are presented below. Detailed experience of project team members is presented in Appendix A. Greg A. Hammett, KG., tZE. A.., senior project manager, would provide project coordination to assure that project components are performed as needed, in a cost-effective manner, and according to the most efficient schedule. Mr. Hammett would serve as the primary 21YP4395/2140P040 4 ~ K L I: I N F i: L D I: R contact and central management person for the City and as the central information source for Kleinfelder's project team members. One of Mr. Hammett's major responsibilities would be to ensure that an open line of communication exists at all times between Kleinfelder and the City and among Kleinfelder's project team members. Communication is critical to project performance, assuring the project is completed on time and within budget. He would also prepare and/or review the various project documents. Mr. Hammett has nearly 10 years experience; 6 years have been with Kleinfelder. He would provide oversight for activities related to the soil sampling, laboratory analysis and reporting activities. Additionally, Mr. Hammett would be available to present the information and findings as required by the City. Richard C. Fink, IZG., CE.G, Senior Reviewer, would be responsible for quality assurance review for the soil sampling and reporting phase of the project. Mr. Fink has more than 20 years experience in environmental engineering, site assessments, and hazardous waste mitigation and has completed over numerous site assessment and closure projects. He has managed and directed many major industrial and government projects. Charles Klassette, R.G., a project geologist, has over 12 years of experience performing a variety of environmental engineering and geotechnical tasks including landfill construction Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC), field explorations, geologic hazard evaluations, geotechnical analyses and design, library research, report preparation and field construction observation and testing. Mr. Klassette will be responsible for data reduction, report preparation, and drilling and sample collection. 21YP4395D140P040 s ~ KLEINFELDER Scope of Work Our scope of services was prepared based upon the following: Information presented in the RFQ&P; · Our understanding of current regulatory issues related to refined petroleum hydrocarbon impacted sites; · Our experience on similar projects; and · Our understanding of the City's expectations based upon Kleinfelder and City's current working relationship. The following sections describe the technical approach and major tasks Kleinfelder will perform in support of the Mohawk Street Sewer Alignment project. As requested in the RFQ&P, a detailed cost breakdown of our proposed hourly costs for each task is presented in separate sealed envelope. Field activities and report preparation will be conducted under the direct supervision of a Geologist registered in the State of California and/or a Licensed Professional Engineer in accordance with EPA SW 846 Guidelines. Kleinfelder is committed to dedicating the necessary resources to this project to meet project deadlines and goals. T~chnica~ Approach Kleinfelder's strategy for this project is to provide the personnel and resources necessary to meet reporting deadlines and achieve the overall project objective Kleinfelder regularly employs the Kleinfelder Quality Management System (KQMS) on our client's projects to produce high quality deliverable products on time and on budget. The project team we have assembled is prepared to apply their diverse experience and skills to achieve the project objective. Kleinfelder has demonstrated highly innovative and practical experience in all phases of the site assessment/investigation process. We will prepare a site-specific Health and Safety Plan (HSP) for the project. The HSP will be prepared in general conformance with OSHA regulations as described in 40 CFR 1910.120. The HSP will be reviewed for completeness and signed by our in-house Certified Industrial Hygienist. Copies of the HSP will be distributed to all parties 21YP439512140P040 6 ~ K L E I N F E L D E R I I I I I I involved with Kleinfelder's field activities for review prior to commencement of this project. Employee safety is of paramount concern to Kleinfelder. You would be notified should we identify a project, or project conditions that represents potential safety concerns to the public or to our employees. Unsafe conditions for fieldwork will require a modification of our estimated scope of service and associated fees. We will advise you of the additional cost necessary to mitigate unanticipated conditions, if applicable. $oi Samp in§ Activ $ I I I I I I I :1 I I I I Kleinfelder has a wealth of local experience related to site assessment and soil sampling at sites impacted with hydrocarbons and heavy metals. Our local office will also allow us to provide rapid response to the site with minimal mobilization costs. The following sections describe the procedures used by Kleinfelder to obtain consistent, reliable data during the drilling, sampling, and sealing ofboreholes. The procedures described herein are reflect our current understanding of the scope of work and City's intent. As work progresses, appropriate revisions may be made at the discretion of the project manager. Revisions would be discussed and approved by the City prior to proceeding. If necessary, Kleinfelder will prepare applications for appropriate permits, unless otherwise instructed by the client. Copies of signed permits will be on site during drilling operations, and will be available for inspection by appropriate agencies. Drilling and sampling equipment will be thoroughly cleaned prior to arriving on site to prevent the introduction of contamination from an off site source. Drilling and sampling will be performed by Global Probe, Inc. (Global) using a truck mounted direct push drill rig. The subsurface stratigraphy will be interpreted by observing the materials recovered during drilling, and by sampling undisturbed soils. Soils will be sampled at the frequency, depth and location as described in the RFP. Boring depths may vary based upon the nature and extent of the materials encountered, and upon project requirements. Near surface samples will be collected by our environmental technician using a shovel and/or had hand trowel. 21YP4395/2140P040 7 [~ KLEINFELDER Based upon the information provided in the RFP, a total of 171 samples will be collected during the investigation. The proposed sampling schedule summarized below. LOCATION DEPTH QUANTITY (feet below grade) Sewer Line Alignment 17 40 Sewer Line Alignment 5 40 Area 12 (former coke 15 13 pile) Area 12 (former coke 0.5 14 pile) Area 24 (former 15 32 Harvest Pond/ Emergency ?ond) Area 24 (former 0.5 32 Harvest Pond/ Emergency Pond) Boreholes will be abandoned by backfilling to the surface with soil cuttings, or with a bentonite cement grout. Soil samples will be collected at the project-specific depths. Soils collected at the designated sampling depth will be labeled, sealed, and preserved in an ice-cooled container for prior to laboratory analyses. Soil samples will be delivered under a chain-of-custody record to BC Laboratories (BC) in Bakersfield, California. BC is certified by the State of California Department of Health Services to perform these analyses. Samples will be analyzed for those constituents described in the RFP. The analytical program will include total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbons (TRPH) and CAM 17 Metals. Additional analyses may be required depending upon the results of the initial sampling. An organic vapor analyzer, using a flame ionization detector or a photo ionization detector, will be used to provide a qualitative screening of each soil sample collected during drilling. The field screening procedure consists of sealing a soil sample in a clean glass jar or plastic bag, allowing the sample to equilibrate for 5 to 15 minutes, and scanning the headspace in the jar for vapors. The screening readings will be noted on the boring log and/or on the daily field log. The sample(s) selected for chemical or physical testing will be sealed in sample liners in the field. TeflonTM sheeting covers will be placed on the ends of the liner directly on the exposed soils, and held in place by 21YP4395/2140P040 ~ KLEINFELDER I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I il I clean plastic caps. Sealed soil samples will be labeled and placed in a covered ice-cooled container. Sample containers will not be opened, except by laboratory personnel who will perform the chemical analyses. Requests for sample analyses will be made in writing and will be included as part of the chain-of- custody record. In order to document and trace sample possession from time of collection to time of analysis, a chain-of-custody record will be filled out by the sampler, and will accompany the sample through the laboratory analyses. The completed chain-of-custody record will accompany the final laboratory analytical report. Information contained on the duplicate, carbonless chain-of-custody form will include: · Date and time the sample was taken; · Sample number and the number of sample containers; · Analyses required; · Remarks, including preservatives added and any special conditions; and · Container number in which sample has been packaged. Based upon information gathered during drilling and sampling, we will prepare a report documenting drilling and sampling activities for submittal to the City's project manager. The report will include a summary of field activities, sampling protocol, laboratory analytical results, and conclusions and recommendations for further action at the site, if necessary. 21YP4395/2140P040 9 ]~ KLEINFELDER I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GREG A. HAMMETT, RG Area Manager Summary of Experience Mr. Hammett is currently the Area Manager in Bakersfield. He is a geologist with more than seven years experience. His areas of expertise include geology, hydrogeology and environmental assessments related to groundwater monitoring, well design, and soil and groundwater remediation. He also has experience on geotechnical investigation related to foundation design and problematic soil conditions. His responsibilities as Area Manager include loss prevention, health and safety, contracts management, marketing and client service. His technical background includes geologic mapping, borehole logging and interpretation, aerial photographic analysis, water quality assessment, aquifer pumping test analysis, soil and groundwater remediation. His experience also includes preparing a variety of reports, work plans, and other documents related to environmental and geotechnical investigations, and water resources related projects. Education BS Geology, California State University Bakersfield, 1990 Registrations Geologist, California, No. 6835, 1998 Environmental Assessor, California No. 06937, 1997 Professional Affiliations National Groundwater Association Select Project Experience A representative selection of Mr. Hammett's project experience is included below. Landfill Construction Quality Assurance, Quality Control (QA/QC), Bakersfield Metropolitan Sanitary Landfill (BENA), Kern County, California. Responsibilities included trench logging; fault investigations; geologic mapping; slope stability analysis; supervising and scheduling field personnel; performing moisture density tests of subgrade, trench backfill, and low permeability liner; inspecting lysimeter and gas collection systems and high-density polyethylene (HDPE) liner; assessing suitability of earth materials for gas collection system, sand blanket and low-permeability clay liner placement; and extensive interaction with County on-site engineer and grading contractor during landfill construction. Performed in-place permeability testing (BATs) of low-permeability liner. Observed and monitored processing of low-permeability material prior to its placement as liner. Hammett2.doc GREG A. HAMMETT, RG Area Manager Select Project Experience (continued) Solid Waste Assessment and Testing (SWAT), Kern County Waste Management Department, California. Served as project and field services on numerous sites in Kern County. Responsibilities include: scheduling drilling contractors; oversight of well and filter pack design and installation; review of subsurface lithologic logs; review and interpretation of downhole geophysical logs; selection of dedicated water sampling pumps; and technical assistance during preparation of SWAT report. Stormwater Discharge Sampling, UpRight Harvester, Selma, California. Project Manager for project involving stormwater sampling at a large manufacturing facility (approximately 20 acres) in central California. The project enveloped sampling of stormwater runoff, accompanying plant personnel during wet and dry season inspections and preparation of stormwater sampling report for submittal to Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) as required under the General Permit. Responsibilities include scheduling personnel for sampling, collecting representatives stormwater runoff samples, preparation of wet and dry season inspection forms and preparation of annual stormwater sampling report. Waste Water Reclamation Compliance, Vegetable Processing Facility, Kings County, Californic~ Project manager for an ongoing project involving compliance with waste discharge requirements (WDR) for the facility. Responsibilities include: coordinating routine effluent water and source water sampling to comply with adopted WDRs for the facility; preparation of monthly and quarterly monitoring reports; preparation of waste discharge reports based upon assessment of the waste water disposal site, soil pH, nitrogen, and metals concentrations and routine effluent and source water monitoring; and facility auditing to assess the source of certain constituents in the facility's effluent water. Groundwater Study, Confidential Client, San Joaquin Valley, California. Project manager responsible for scheduling water sampling and data collection for project currently in litigation. Scheduled monthly water well sampling events for approximately 300 municipal wells related to the project. Water Resources Project, Kings County, California. Served as rig geologist and project manager responsible for lithologic logging of drill cuttings and geophysical log interpretation. Also involved in design and construction management during installation of a new 1,710 foot deep water supply well capable of yielding approximately 3,000 gallon per minute. Conducted water quality assessment during well development and pumping test. Special emphasis was placed on reducing dissolved arsenic concentrations in the well. The well currently produces dissolved arsenic concentrations below State drinking water standards. Select Project Experience (continued) Hammett2.doc (10/98) 2 GREG A. HAMMETT, RG Area Manager Water Resources Project, Hanford, California. Served as hydrogeologist and project manager during an ongoing assessment of colored water problems in a municipal water supply well. Duties included recommending available technologies for sampling the individual water producing zones. Zone sampling was conducted to isolate the water chemistries of the individual zones and possibly identify the source of the color problem. Phase I and II Environmental Assessment and Remediation, Inyo, Kern, Los Angeles, Madera, Merced, San Luis Obispo, and Tulare Counties, California. Responsibilities included scheduling drilling activities, collecting water and soil samples; preparing lithologic logs of soil borings; preparing proposals, workplans, and reports; and interfacing with regulatory agencies. Geochemical Assessment and Production Well Design Recommendations, Kings County, California. Project manager and hydrogeologist for an ongoing geochemical assessment of groundwater quality in Kings County, California. Responsibilities include coordinating groundwater sampling events with local well owners; assessment of laboratory analytical data from groundwater sampling focusing on boron and arsenic concentrations; review and interpretation of downhole geophysical logs of surrounding water wells for preparation of geologic cross-sections; recommending target depths of new water supply well to the client based on information from the geochemical assessment; and review of bid documents and specifications for drilling and installation of a new, 1,000 foot deep water supply well. Water Use Assessment, Aquifer Testing and Groundwater Treatment System Design, Confidential Client, San Mateo County, California. Project manager and hydrogeologist for ongoing multiple phase project for a proposed development on California's Central Coast. Duties included coordination and technical assistance during preparation of the water use assessment report (WUAR). The focus of the WUAR was to demonstrate to the lead agency that water usage for the project would not exceed the agency mandate. Hydrogeologist responsible for analysis of aquifer test results from new on-site water supply well. Prepared technical report for submittal to lead agency to demonstrate the viability of the well. Coordinated and prepared technical report suggesting treatment options of the saline groundwater produced by the new well. Hammett2.doc 3 RICHARD C. FINK Environmental Group Manager - Fresno Region Senior Geologist Mr. Fink has twenty one years of experience in environmental, geologic, and geotechnical disciplines. He is the environmental group manager for the Fresno region and is responsible for overseeing marketing and coordinating local and regional environmental efforts. He has also developed strong project management skills in working with both public and private sector clients and has worked extensively as client liaison with various public works departments and regulatory agencies. He has managed and prepared numerous soils and groundwater investigations, environmental assessments, site remediation, and geologic studies. His specific expertise is in the area of earthquake fault evaluation, soils and groundwater assessment and geohazards including slope stability and earthquake faulting. He is well versed in the use of seismographs, electromagnetics, and proton magnetometers in landfill and other environments as survey techniques to identify landfill boundaries and/or location on large areas of ferrous materials. Mr. Fink's project management responsibilities include formulation of environmental assessment work plans, supervision of drilling, excavation and geophysical crews, groundwater sampling and laboratory analysis programs for environmental and solid waste clients; geologic hazard identification and general mapping, perform geotechnical studies including field exploration, laboratory testing, and report preparation. Education MS Geology, University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada 1979 BS Earth Science, University of California, Santa Cruz, California 1976 Registration Engineering Geologist, 1464, California, 1989 Geologist, 4291, California, 1987 Registered Environmental Assessor I, 01498, California, 1989 Registered Environmental Assessor II, 20068, California, 2000 Professional Affiliations National Water Well Association Association of Engineering Geologists Select Project Experience A representative selection of Mr. Fink's project experience for environmental assessments and remediation//geotechnical aspects during design and/or construction// geologic/geotechnical studies is included below. FINK-COM (01/00) 1 RICHARD C. FINK Senior Geologist Environmental/Assessment and Remediation Site Assessment/Remediation, Yosemite National Park Concessionaire, California. Managed environmental site assessment and remediation phases of Yosemite National Park concessionaire's (Yosemite Park and Curry Company and currently Yosemite Concession Services) underground storage tank management program from 1986 through 1996, involving over 90 tanks. As project manager, designed soil sampling and analysis plans, collected soil samples within the tank excavation areas, and evaluated the need for further site assessment work. Developed remedial investigation work plans to determine how to proceed with the projects. Provided design input and oversaw installation and O&M of four remedial systems. Assessment work has included soil and groundwater investigations using hollow-stem auger or casing hammer drilling, direct soil excavation to assess lateral extent of soil and groundwater contamination, and preparation of final assessment reports. Additional exploration was performed at more than 15 sites, 10 of which have subsequently been considered for remediation. Developed soil and groundwater remediation programs for several of these sites using carbon absorption, soil venting and catalytic oxidation. Remediation systems were chosen for both remediation capability and esthetic reasons for the Park. Project also included regulatory compliance documentation and associated liaison activities. This included the Regional Water Quality Control Board, Mariposa County Environmental Health Department and National Park Service. He consistently managed this multiple site environmental project according to schedule and within budget. Two Burn Dump - Site ~qssessments for Dioxins for the National Park Service, Sequoia National Park, California. Planned and implemented site assessment and sampling activities for dioxins at two former, old burn dumps in the redevelopment areas of the Park. Project coordinated through Denver Service Center and local NPS offices. Recommendations included closure in place or remove and replace. PCB ~qssessment for the National Park Service, Yosemite National Park, California.. Planned and implemented the assessment of a former high voltage electrical substation in Sunnyside Campground in Yosemite Valley. Services included transformer oil sampling from several dozen transformers and dioxin analysis. Recommendations included recycling and disposal prior to site demolition. UST Site/tssessment, McSwain Union Elementary School District, Merced, California. Current UST project which has included monitoring well installations, groundwater survey with on-site analysis, domestic well replacement and continued ~lume assessment in a deeper, second aquifer. Client liaison with regulatory agency in ~ursuit of aquifer remediation and restoration (UST Fund project). Involved agencies FINK2COM{O41/00) 2 RICHARD C. FINK Senior Geologist have include so far the Regional Water Quality Control Board and Merced County Division of Environmental Health. Site Remediation, The Southland Corporation, Merced and Clovis, California. Mr. Fink was involved with emergency response for catastrophic underground tank failure at one site; has provided input and remedial design at two sites for fuel hydrocarbons. Coordinated installation of an air stripper and catalytic oxidizer at Merced site and thermal oxidizer at the Clovis site. (UST Fund project) Site Assessment and Plume Evaluation, Unocal, Carson City Nevada. Supervised and installed 10 on-site and off-site monitoring wells. Prior to installation of off-site wells, performed water extraction survey to assess extent of the hydrocarbon plume. UST Site Assessment and Remediation, Strathmore Packing Company, Strathmore, California. Supervised and installed 12- on-site and off-site monitoring wells. Once groundwater contamination was assessed, designed a remediation system using air sparging and vapor extraction with thermal oxidation. Site recently granted closure in late 1999. (UST Fund project) Site Assessment and Plume Evaluation, Unocal, Bishop, Nevada. Supervised and installed 10- on-site and off-site monitoring wells. Prior to installation of off-site wells, performed water extraction survey to assess extent of the hydrocarbon plume. Once groundwater contamination was assessed, designed a remediation system using carbon absorption to remediate the groundwater. Remediated water was then discharged to the city sewer system. Numerous Leaking/Underground Storage Tank Assessments, Unocal Corporation, Fresno, and Tahoe City, California; Reno and Fallen, Nevada. Evaluated sites by installing wells for evidence of leaking fuel tanks, regulatory compliance and site remediation. Solvent Contamination Assessment and Remediation, BWC-West Corporation, Reno, Nevada. Managed the assessment and remediation projects at an industrial facility where constituents were suspected to have contaminated the groundwater. Installed 11 monitoring wells in two separate aquifers to evaluate on- and off-site chlorinated solvent contamination in groundwater. Prior to installation of off-site wells, performed groundwater extraction survey to assess limits of the off-site plume. Based on the information obtained from extraction survey, off-site monitoring wells were installed. Coordinated soil remediation operations including excavation of approximately 500 cubic yards of soil. Also coordinated permitting for disposal at a permitted hydrocarbon incinerator in Nevada. CDC Site Assessment, Nolte & Associates, Coalinga, California. Kleinfelder was contacted by Nolte & Associates to perform a site assessment for a proposed prison site. The site had historically operated as ranch, grain storage, and farmland. Large oil drilling rigs had also operated on the property. Kleinfelder assessed several of the FINK-COM (01/00) 3 I RICHARD C. FINK Senior Geologist areas which had been identified during a preliminary site assessment as having potential environmental problems with pesticides, petroleum hydrocarbons, and asbestos. Exploration included drilling numerous soil boring and excavating test pits to sample soils at areas indicated throughout the several square mile site. Sites evaluated on the ranch included former underground storage tank areas, pesticide mixing areas, residual pesticide in farmlands, former oil well drill pad sites, former irrigation tail water ponds, and PCB presence near old leaking transformers. Coordinated evaluation for asbestos in farm labor housing which were planned for demolition. Conducted preliminary evaluation of order of magnitude remediation costs. Site Assessment, large farming company, Fresno, Merced, and Madera Counties, California. Managed the environmental projects of two farming operations: one in Madera County and one in Fresno County. At the Madera County ranch, managed a site assessment where fuel hydrocarbons and pesticides had impacted the soil. Observed soil exploration at nine sites on the ranch and coordinated soil sampling. Samples were submitted for analysis to assess the lateral extent of affected soil. Oversaw soil excavation and disposal activities, including landfill disposal and on-site soil reuse. At the Fresno, Madera, and Mercer ranches, coordinated with client and regulatory agencies for on-site reuse of hydrocarbon affected soils. Evaluated and subsequently observed cost efficient, on-site soil re-use as opposed to off-site disposal or on-site bioremediation. Obtained regulatory approval for soil re-use and observed soil spreading at the site. Geotechnical Yosemite Lodge Redevelopment, Yosemite National Park, California. Geotechnical investigation for the proposed redevelopment of the Lodge facilities following the major flooding of 1997 and the General Plan. Assessment included use of 147 casing- hammer and hollow-stem auger borings, rotary-mud drilling and 19 CPT points. Project involved evaluating soil conditions which varied from loose liquefiable sands to silt to very coarse gravel and cobble deposits. Of major concern was the potential for liquefaction across the site. Naval Air Station, Fallon, U.S. Navy, Fallon, Nevada, Potential aggregate source evaluation, encompassing resource potential, field evaluation and subsequent laboratory testing and analysis. Double Diamond Ranch, Washoe County, Nevada. Potential aggregate source evaluation, encompassing resource potential, field evaluation and subsequent laboratory testing and analysis. FINK-COM (01/00) 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RICHARD C. FINK Senior Geologist Fallon Air Station, U.S. Navy, Fallon, Nevada. On-base soil assessment for renovation of underground services, utility and communication network. Castle Air Force Base Federal Prison Site, Atwater, California. Geotechnical investigation for the proposed 10 acre FBOP site at the former air base. Services included extensive field drilling, geotechnical testing, and analysis for buildings, roadways, and resistivity survey for grounding system design. Mustang Ranch, Granite Construction, Story County, Nevada. Potential aggregate source evaluation, encompassing resource potential, field study, and subsequent laboratory testing and analysis. Electronic Warfare Site Analysis, U.S Navy, Dixie Valley, Nevada. Geotechnical study for location and construction of 19 new emitter sites. Lahontan Marina, Churchill County, Nevada. Subsurface investigation for development of multistory marina building, boat ramps and off-shore docks. Tahoe-Pyramid Link Road, Regional Transportation Commission, Washoe County, Nevada. Subsurface investigation for major multi-lane roadway along eastern side of the Truckee Meadows. Geologic Photogeologic Interpretation and Imagery Analysis, Pine Flat Dam and Reservoir, Fresno, California. Analysis of numerous aerial photographs and imagery, literature review and field reconnaissance to evaluate earthquake fault potential in the vicinity of Pine Flat Dam (1,600 square mile area) for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Geologic Hazard Investigations, School and Hospital Sites in Tulare, Fresno, Madera, Merced, andMariposa Counties. Evaluated site specific geologic hazards at the proposed critical facilities for eventual submittal to the State OSHPD. Rippability Evaluation, Mariposa Airport, Mariposa County, California. Evaluated construction excavation options and bedrock conditions at the proposed site development areas by use of seismic refraction techniques. Rippability Evaluation, Mt. Boulon, Mariposa County, California. Evaluated construction excavation options and bedrock conditions at the proposed site development areas by use of seismic refraction techniques. Lake County Airport Sites, Clear Lake, California. Rippability analysis at three sites using seismic refraction velocities followed by backhoe trenching to evaluate bedrock conditions. White Creek Estates, Washoe County, Nevada. Aerial photography analysis and field study to assess areas of fault potential and relative age dating of scarps that traverse the proposed subdivision. FINK-COM (01/00) RICHARD C. FINK Senior Geologist OCS Lease Sale, U.S. Geologic Survey, Lower Cook Intel, Alaska. Analysis of high resolution geophysical data for potential geohazard assessment for offshore oil development. Aerial Photographic Analysis, Washington Public Power Supply, Cascade Range, Washington. Low-sun angle aerial photographs and LANDSAT photographs were inspected for identification of potential fault structures. Mayberry Meadows Subdivision, Lewis Homes, Reno, Nevada. Aerial photography analysis and field investigations to assess presence and age date mapped fault scraps. Landfills Groundwater Quality and Buried Drum Assessment, McFarland-Delano Landfill, Kern Count. Conducted historical data search including aerial photo review and regulatory file review. Based on the information gathered from data review, targeted areas to perform overlapping geophysical surveys in attempt to locate potential buried pesticide drums. Targeted areas were subsequently trenched. Observed landfill excavation of three trenches, each 30 feet deep by 200 feet long, to evaluate geophysical anomalies. Groundwater evaluation included auger drilling of multiple bore holes followed by BATTM sampling. SWA T Investigations at Bieber, Bass Hill, Westwood and Herlong Landfills, Lassen County. Conducted Chapter 15 water quality sampling and coordinated SWAT Investigation. SWA T Investigations at Chalfant, Pumice Valley, Walker, and Benton Crossing Landfills, Mono County. Conducted Chapter 15 water quality sampling and coordinated SWAT Investigation. FINK-COM (01/00) 6 I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I I I CHARLES W. KLASgETTE Staff Geologist Summary of Experience Mr. Klassette has over 13 years of experience as a geologist. He performs a variety of environmental engineering and geotechnical tasks including landfill construction Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC), field explorations, geologic hazard evaluations, geotechnical analyses and design, library research, report preparation and field construction observation and testing. Mr. Klassette also has extensive experience mapping geologic structures, logging and sampling drill holes and trenches and groundwater monitoring well installation. In addition, Mr. Klassette's duties have entailed structural distress investigations, geologic and seismic evaluation of critical facilities, environmental sampling QA/QC and hillside grading studies. Mr. Klassette's experience with hillside grading projects includes mapping of canyon cleanouts, recommendations for subdrain installation, stability blanket design, mapping of temporary backcuts and finished slopes and the writing of final construction reports. Education BS Geology, California State University, Northridge, 1987 Registration Geologist, 6675, California, 1997 40-Hour Hazardous Waste Training, OSHA 29CFR Professional Affiliations Geological Society of America Select Project Experience A representative selection of Mr. Klassette's project experience for engineering and environmental geology is included below. Geologic Contel Cellular Tower Sites, Kern County, California. Performed the geotechnical sampling associated with the construction of over a dozen Contel Tower Sites throughout Kern County. Tacke Corporation Wind Turbine FaciBty, Mojave, California. Performed field CQA services for foundation construction of four 160-foot-high wind turbines. He also performed field geologic mapping for a related fault study. Northridge Earthquake, Santa Clarita, California. Performed Phase II and III earthquake distress investigations on numerous si!!gle-family homes in the Santa Clarita area. Responsibilities included review of grading and geology plans; floor level surveys; and logging and sampling of exploratory borings. I I I I I I I I I I I I '1 ,I I I I I CHARLES W. KLASSETTE Staff Geologist Wiley Canyon Road Realignment, Santa Clarita, California. Responsibilities included field geologic mapping; downhole logging of large diameter boring; collection of soils samples for laboratory testing. He also performed slope stability calculations for proposed cut slopes along road realignment, and wrote a report for the project in a new Caltrans format. Limited Geotechnical Evaluation, OM Creek Road, Evaluation of Landslides and Potential Soil Disposal Sites, Near Whale Rock Reservoir, Cayucos, California. Responsibilities included field geologic mapping; downhole logging of large diameter borings; collection of soil samples for laboratory testing. Landslide Site Assessments for Caltrans along Highway 20 in Lake County, California. Responsibilities included: field geologic mapping utilizing a global positioning satellite (GPS) equipment; logging soil and rock samples taken during drilling; setting inclinometer easing; and drafting cross-sections for slope stability analysis. Landslide Site Assessments for County of Kern, Department of Roads, California. Responsibilities included: field geologic mapping; logging soil and rock samples taken at site; drafting cross-sections; performing stability analysis; writing a final report that included recommendations for a grading solution that would save money over the clients initial planning of an MSE wall. Environmental Hertz Corporation Equipment Rental, Fresno, California. Responsibilities included implementation of work plan and site specific health and safety plan, soil classification and borehole logs; field screening of soil; collection of soil samples for laboratory analysis. Glass Seal Corporation, Saugus, California. Responsibilities included implementation of work plan and site specific health and safety plan; soil classification and borehole logs; field screening of soil; collection of soil samples for laboratory analysis; installation of groundwater monitoring wells; quarterly monitoring of groundwater wells and preparation of report for RWQCB. Inyo County Maintenance Yard, Bishop, California. Responsibilities included field QA/QC monitoring; field screening of soil samples; soil classification and borehole logs; and groundwater monitoring well installations at a former UST site. I I I I I CHARLES W. KLASSETTE Staff Geologist Valencia Industrial Center, Valencia, California. Performed soil boring observations which included field screening of drill cuttings, soil classification, and soil sampling at a former UST site. In addition, he supervised hydropunch sampling of groundwater which was required to assess the primary responsible party for the soil contamination. Newhall Land and Farm Company, Valencia, California. Performed several Environmental Site Assessments (ESA's) for the escrow manager. Utilizing ASTM standard E1527-93. BakersfieM Metropolitan Sanitary Landfill at Bena, Kern County, California. Responsibilities included construction QA monitoring during all project phases; geologic mapping of cutslope and borrow areas. QA activities have included observation and testing of subgrades, compacted low-permeability soil and drainage material. In addition, he performs field permeability tests using BAT permeameter and oversees installation of suction lysimeters. Coyote Canyon Landfill, Orange County, California. Mr. Klassette work closely with Geologic Associates and provided geologic mapping of cut slopes, daily evaluation of borrow site Iow-permeability soil, and field permeability testing using a BAT permeater. He also performed construction QA sampling and testing of cover soils, and general grading observations. Crazy Horse Canyon Landfill, Salinas, California. Mr. Klassette worked closely with GLA and provided CQA services including: borrow site evaluation, bentonite processing, low permeability liner placement, BAT permeability testing, laboratory testing. I I I I I I i I I ,I '1 General Information Sheet Exhibit "A" Soil Sampling & Site Assessment for the Proposed Mohawk Street Sewer Alignment through Environmental Sites 12 and 24 located at Equilon's Bakersfield Refinery.', 6451 Rosedale ltighway Project for the City of Bakersfield, Bakersfield, California. Date: 6/13/00 Legal Name of Firm: Klein£elder, Inc. Type of Organization: Corporation Individual, Partnership, or Corporation Federal Employer I.D. Number: 94-1532513 Street Address: Mailing Address: 5880 District Blv~, Suite 24 Bakersfield~ CA 93313 Same Telephone Number: (661) 831-2155 F.~X Number: (661) 831-1937 David W. Norman, Regional Manager NameofPfincipat-in-Charge, Title, License Number Greg A. Hammett, Area Manager, Registered Geologist Pdma~ ConmctPersonand Telephone Number S: MARCH 2000' £guilon Rfq&p.a~d pRoouc~ THIS CE~FI~TE 18 ISSUED AS A ~ER OF IHFOR~ON ~SH USA ~SK& ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGH~ U~N ~E OE~FICA~ INSU~CE SERVICES HOLDER. P,O. BOX 193880 ALTER ~E COV~GE AFFORDED BY THE POUCIES BELOW. SAN F~NCISCO, CA ~119-3880 COMP~IES ~FORDING CO~GE LICENSE ~37153 A LUMBERMENS MUTU~ CASUAL~ KL~INFELDE~ INC. B T~VELER$ INDEMNI~ CO.-OF iLLINOIS 5015 SHORE~ P~OE .... SAN DIEGO, ~ 92122 C INS, CO, OF THE STATE OF PENNS~V~IA D K~MPEE SURPLUS LINES THI~ ~ TO C~ ~AT ~E POUCI~ OF I~U~NCE USeD 9EL~ ~ 9E~ I~U~ TO ~[ TN3UR~D N~D ABO~ FOR ~E ~U~ PERIOD IND1CA~D, NO--STANDING ~ REQU[REM~T, ~RM OR COND~ION OF ¢E~R~ ~Y BE [~UED OR MAY PE~N. ~CL~IONS ~D CONDI~ONS OF SUCH POUC1~ UMW8 8HO~ ~Y HA~ BEEN REDUCED BY PAID C~IMS. X~ S~,000 ~ED~C~BLE ~ ~ (~ ~ ~m) s ~S0,0o° B ~M0mL;~e~ 810 1~3D2414 03/31/99 03131/00 ~Me~NaD~ s 1,~0,000 A~ AUTO BE~S ~NG: X ~ ~ C m~ m~ 479~698 ~ 03/31/99 03~1t00 I ~ cc~ ': l 1,000.~0 ~ECIMEN ~TIFZ~TE~ww ~IDENCE OF IN~N~ F~ ~]O PURPLES I -.__LJUN, g, 2000- 9'43AM JENKINS INSURANCE NO, !678 P, 2./2 ~. I CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANC~!~= I ' ' - I THIS C~Ii~CA~ ~ac~c~, / ~enk~Lne/&~b. en~ Zne Conco=d iL~ceaae ~o. 0S45478 . :grd ~ 94524-2029 ~on~:925-79~-3334 Fa~935-671-9533 ONLY MD ~N~ NO RIG.S UPON nE ~FI~TE HOLDE~ ~l~ CER~FICA~ ~ NOT AME~, ~E~ OR AL,~R ~E ~VE.~GE AFFORDED BY ~E ~LICIES BmOW. I~U~8 AFFORDING ~VE~GE I~UAEA~ ~la=en~n National Lns. Co. IN~I,~ER B; INaUR~eR C: IN,%lJRER D: It~URER E: CovErAgES , C~,-HHCATE HOLDER ~ ~ ONL~ ~ a A m: , ~ 1.{ i WCSCLg?2110O os/~3/oo io4/oz/oz_~c~.~cc~ .loo0ooo SPECZ-1 ~_ A¢O~ CORPQRATION 1 gee