HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION (12) GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT TH]]~ QUARTER, 1998 Bakersfield Refining Company Division of Equilon Enterprises L.L.C. 6451 Rosedale Highway Bakersfield, California 93308 December 11, 1998 Prepared By: Terra Vac Corp. 17821 Mitchell Avenue Irvine, California 92614 (714) 252-8900 We're g g new grou d. Registered C~ologist Terra Vac Corp. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 1 2.0 FLUID LEVEL MONITORING ............................................................... ............... 3.0 GROUNDWATER QUALITY ................................................................................. 3.1 Sampling Protocol ...................................................................................... . ............ 2. 3.2 Field Parameters ....................................................................................................... 2 4.0 LABORATORY ANALYTICAL RESULTS .......................................................... 2 5.0 REMEDIATION SYSTEM INFORMATION ........................................................ 3 5.1 Vapor Extraction System ......................................................................................... 3 5.2 Air Sparge System .......................... : ........................................................................ 3 5.3 Hydraulic Barrier System ........................................................................................ 3 6.0 Future Activities ......................................................................................................... 4 Table 1: Table 2: LIST OF TABLES Fluid Level Report Groundwater Chemistry Monitoring Report Figure 1: Figure 2: Figure 3: Figure 4: Figure 5: Figure 6: Figure 7: Figure 8: Figure 9: Figure 10: Figure 11: Figure 12: LIST OF FIGURES Site Vicinity Map Site Layout Groundwater Well Locations Groundwater Elevation Contour Groundwater Elevation Change TPH-G Concentration Plume Benzene Concentration Plume MTBE Concentration Plume 50 to 65 Feet Below Grade MTBE Concentration Plume 65 to 100 Feet Below Grade MTBE Concentration Plume 100 to 150 Feet Below Grade Air Sparge System Hydraulic Barrier System Appendix A: Appendix B: Appendix C: APPENDICES Fluid Level Historic Data Terra Vac's SOP for Groundwater Sampling and Monitoring Groundwater Chemistry Historic Data Groundwater Monitoring Report I Third Quarter 1998 Terra Vac Corp. I I I I I I I I I I I I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report presents a summary of the findings for groundwater sampling and monitoring activities conducted at the Bakersfield Refining Company, Bakersfield, CA. This third quarter (July through September), 1998 report is submitted on behalf of BAKERSFIELD REFINING COMPANY, a Division of Equilon Enterprises L.L.C., to the California Regional Water Quality Control Board - Central Valley Region (RWQCB). Since 1987, BAKERSFIELD REFINING COMPANY has operated several remediation and hydraulic control systems to remediate subsurface soil and groundwater, and to prevent offsite migration of liquid and dissolved phase hydrocarbons. Currently operating are a vapor extraction system (VES), an air sparge system, and a hydrauli6' barrier system. These systems are monitored continuously to achieve optimal efficiency and to ensure containment of the hydrocarbons. During the third quarter, the VES was in full operation and recovered 33,138 gallons (789 barrels) of reformate. Since VES operations began in mid- 1992, a total of 1,194,934.6 gallons (28,450.82 barrels) ofreformate have been recovered. The groundwater air sparge system's compressor in Area I has been operating at a reduced capacity and a portion of the network line serviced by the compressor in Area II has been diverted to accommodate Area I. This was necessary to contain the elevated methyl-tert-butyl ether (MTBE) concentrations present in Area I. The hydraulic barrier system was also in full operation and pumped water down-gradient of the dissolved plume at a rate of 120 gallons per minute (gpm). Fluid levels were monitored from 50 wells throughout the site. The general direction of groundwater flow was observed to be northwest and recorded levels indicate an overall rise of approximately 1.05 feet in groundwater elevation. Liquid-phase hydrocarbons were not detected in any of the wells that were monitored. Groundwater smnples were collected from 55 monitoring wells and analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-G), benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes (BTEX), and MTBE. Analytical results indicate an increase in MTBE concentrations, localized in the northeast area of the site. TPH-G and benzene concentrations continue to remain at the central area of the site and have been consistent with the previous quarter's sampling results. Groundwater Monitoring Report ii Third Quarter 1998 Terra Vac Corp. 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report presents a sumanary of the findings for the groundwater sampling and monitoring activities conducted at the Bakersfield Refining Company for the third quarter (July through September) of 1998. The BAKERSFIELD REFINING COMPANY is located at 6451 Rosedale Highway, Bakersfidd, California 93308. A site vicinity map is included as Figure 1. The remediation program currently in operation is in response to a reformate pipeline leak that was discovered at the refinery in March 1987 and found to have impacted groundwater and subsurface soil at the site. The current remediation system consists of a vapor extraction system (VES), an air sparge system and a hydraulic barrier system. A site layout map is included as Figure 2. 2.0 FLUID LEVEL MONITORING I I I I I I I During the third quarter, 50 wells were monitored for groundwater elevation and liquid phase hydrocarbon thickness. The wells were inspected for liquid phase hydrocarbon product thickness prior to groundwater elevation monitoring. The well locations are shown on Figure 3. Data from the third quarter, 1998, fluid monitoring, including. sampling location, date gauged, measuring point elevation, depth to groundwater, depth to product, groundwater elevation, product elevation and product thickness are contained in Table 1. Fluid monitoring historical data is included in Appendix A. Liquid phase hydrocarbons were not detected in any of the wells that were monitored this quarter. BAKERSFIELD REFINING COMPANY will continue to monitor the wells that previously contained free product to determine the viability of additional product recovery. The groundwater table is characterized by a trough-like depression created by the strong northern and southern flow influences from the City/CountY infiltration programs. The general groundwater flow direction at the site is observed to be towards the northwest. A groundwater contour map generated from fluid monitoring data is included as Figure 4. Groundwater levels have risen overall by approximately 1.05 feet from the previous quarter. A map showing the change in groundwater elevation of selected wells is included as Figure 5. 3.0 GROUNDWATER QUALITY I ,I I I I During the third quarter, groundwater samples were collected from 55 wells and were analyzed for TPH-G, BTEX and MTBE. Quarterly groundwater sampling is conducted at Bakersfield Refining Company to monitor long-term trends in water quality and to determine the effectiveness of the ongoing remediation programs. The monitoring is conducted in accordance with the procedures outlined in the "Ground-Water Remediation Workplan, Reformate Remediation Project, Texaco Bakersfield Plant", dated January 25, 1993 and Terra Vac's standard operating procedure (SOP) for groundwater monitoring. A copy of Terra Vac's groundwater monitoring SOP is included in Appendix B. 3.1 Sampling Protocol At least three well volumes of groundwater were purged from each well prior to sampling to ensure that the collected sample would accurately represent groundwater quality. Prior Groundwater Monitoring Report I 1 'Third Quarter 1998 Terra Vac Corp. I I I I I I I I I I I I to purging, static Water levels were measured with an electronic water level probe. PVC or stainless steel bailers were used for purging and thoroughly decontaminated between wells. The inside and outside of all bailers were decontaminated with detergent, long- handled brushes, and double rinsed in distilled water. The groundwater samples were transferred directly from the sampling bailer into 40 milliliter volatile organic analytes (VOA) vials. The VOA vials were labeled and packed in coolers with ice immediately after sample collection. Field personnel delivered the samples to BC Laboratories (BC), Bakersfield, California, a California-certified analytical laboratory, within 24 hours of sample collection. The samples collected were analyzed for TPH-G, BTEX and MTBE. The analytical laboratory methods are listed below and are all approved for the analysis of water and solid waste using "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, SW-846" (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency [EPA], 1991) or "California Department of Health Services/Leaking Underground Fuel Tank (LUFT) Manual." · TPH-G using LUFT Method 8015 modified; · BTEX and MTBE using EPA Method 8240 (or 8260). A trip blank for quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) is placed in each cooler and submitted to the laboratory for the same analysis as the groundwater samples. Concentrations of all constituents analyzed were below detection limits in the trip blanks and were within acceptable laboratory guidelines. 3.2 Field Parameters One split sample from each well was measured in the field for conductivity, pH, and temperature. There are no apparent seasonal trends in the levels of these field parameters. Specific conductivity in groundwater was generally highest in the central portion of the refinery, in the vicinity of the liquid-phase plume. This pattern has been observed during the previous quarters. The pH values for the samples ranged from approximately 6.00 to 8.00 standard units. 4.0 LABORATORY ANALYTICAL RESULTS TPH-G was detected in groundwater samples collected from 19 wells B-003, B-029, B- 041U, B-042, B-050M, B-077U, B-099U, B-101L, B-101M, B-101U, B-108U, D1, EEl- 07, PW-02, RS-HC1, RS-MN1X, RS-MN1Z, RS-MS2.5A, and WIP-4B. TPH-G concentrations continue to remain in the central area of the refinery and are primarily consistent with the previous quarter's sampling results. A map showing the estimated lateral extent of the TPH-G plume is included in Figure 6. Benzene was detected in groundwater samples collected from 11 wells: B-029U, B-041U, B-042, B-101L, B-101M, B-101U, D1, EEI-07, RS-HC7, RS-MN1Z, and RS-MN2B. Benzene concentrations also continue to remain in the central area of the refinery and are consistent with the previous quarter's sampling results. A map showing the estimated lateral extent of the benzene plume is included in Figure 7. MTBE was detected in groundwater samples collected from 22 wells: B-001, B-003, B- Groundwater Monitoring Report 2 Third Quarter 1998 I Terra Vac Corp. 006, B-008, B-044L, B-044M, B-044U, B-050L, B-050M, B-050U, B-077U, B-098U, B-. 106U, B-107U, EEI-07, PW-02, PW-2A, PW-L23, PW-NP4, PW-U4, WIP-4B, and 3C. MTBE is localized on the northeast area of the site and is found in the upper, middle and lower subsurface regions. The MTBE concentration plume is larger at lower depths in the subsurface. It is also situated at a more northern location at lower depths. At the upper portion of the soil, an MTBE plume exists that was not detected during the previous quarter's sampling. This plume is centralized near the eastern section of the site, surrounding the wells B-106 and B-107. These wells were not sampled during the second quarter sampling event, therefore it is uncertain if MTBE was previously located in this area. Maps showing the estimated lateral extent of the MTBE plume at the high, middle, and low screen intervals are included in Figures 8, 9, and 10. Analytical results of the wells sampled in the third quarter, 1998 are summarized in Table 2. Groundwater chemistry historical data is included in Appendix C. 5.0 REMEDIATION SYSTEM INFORMATION 5.1 Vapor Extraction System BAKERSFIELD REFINING COMPANY employs a VES to remediate impacted soil and groundwater at the refinery. The VES operated at full capacity and recovered a total of 33,138 gallons (789 barrels) ofreformate product during the third quarter of 1998. Prior to expansion in December 1994, the original 4000 SCFM capacity VES had recovered a total of 104,790 gallons (2,450 barrels) of reformate product since its start-up (mid-1992). The total recovery to date from both systems since start-up is of 1,194,934.6 gallons (28450.82 barrels) ofreformate product from the subsurface. 5.2 Air Sparge System BAKERSFIELD REFINING COMPANY operates a groundwater air sparge network designed to promote the remediation process by inducing the volatilization of VOCs in groundwater and airflow through the soil. The groundwater air sparge network consists of thirty-six wells, spread across the northern (Area I) and central (Area II) portion of the refinery. The locations of the air sparge wells are shown in Figure 11. The groundwater air sparge system's compressor in Area I has been operating at a reduced capacity and a portion of the network line serviced by the compressor in Area II has been diverted to accommodate Area I. This was necessary to contain the elevated MTBE concentrations present in Area I. All eight sparge wells have been online in Area I, but only six of twenty-eight wells are currently online in Area II. 5.3 Hydraulic Barrier System The infiltration network located at the western edge of the refinery injects potable water into the subsurface aquifer, creating an artificial hydraulic barrier system to prevent offsite migration of the reformate plume. The infiltration network consists of twenty- eight wells and one (non-operational) trench. As water is delivered to the wells, the water table is infiltrated, creating a localized groundwater mound designed to contain the dissolved reformate plume within the Bakersfield Refining Company property boundary. The configuration of the infiltration network at the refinery is shown in Figure 12. Groundwater Monitoring Report 3 Third Quarter 1998 I Terra Vac Corp. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I During the third quarter, the water infiltration system was in full operation. An average of 120 gpm of water was injected into the aquifer through the system, where approximately half of the water is concentrated in the northern segment of the well network. 6.0 · · · · · · · · FUTURE ACTIVITIES BAKERSFIELD REFINING COMPANY will modify and/or expand the remediafion program at the refinery as necessary to prevent offsite migration of the reformate plume and to treat impacted groundwater. Activities to be conducted over the next quarter are as follows. Operation of Expanded VES BAKERSFIELD REFINING COMPANY will continue to operate the vapor extraction system with limited down-time anticipated. Minor equipment adjustments, repairs or retrofits may be necessary to improve system operation. As contaminant vapor concentrations decrease in the more impacted zones, additional extraction wells will be brought online. Operation and Monitoring of Hydraulic Barrier System BAKERSFIELD REFINING COMPANY will continue to monitor the effectiveness of the hydraulic barrier system on groundwater flow directions and down-gradient groundwater quality monthly during the next quarter. Operation and Monitoring of Air Sparge System BAKERSFIELD REFINING COMPANY will continue its quarterly monitoring of groundwater quality from wells in the vicinity of the sparge network to evaluate the performance of the sparge system. The Groundwater Air Sparge System's Compressor BAKERSFIELD REFINING COMPANY will connect the new compressor in Area I to supply air to this portion of the air sparge system. The groundwater air sparge system's compressor in Area I was operating at a reduced capacity and a portion of the network line serviced by the compressor in Area II was previously diverted to accommodate Area I. Monthly Fluid Level Monitoring Groundwater elevations and flow directions at the refinery are dynamic due to the city and county infiltration systems. Therefore, BAKERSFIELD REFINING COMPANY will continue to monitor fluid levels monthly at the refinery. Selected wells to be monitored may be revised to better define the groundwater system. Groundwater Quality Monitoring BAKERSFIELD REFINING COMPANY will continue its quarterly mo~toring of groundwater quality to document the effectiveness of the remediation program operating at the refinery. Improvements will be made to the monitoring network to address the potential groundwater migration pathways as necessary. Additional wells may be selected for sampling during the next quarter to better delineate groundwater quality. Scrubber Operation A sulfur scrubber has been installed and is being tested in the remediation compound Groundwater Monitoring Report 4 Third Quarter 1998 Terra Vac Corp. to treat extracted vapors prior to combustion in the thermal oxidizer. The scrubber and vapor extraction well are expected to be online during the next quarter. Weekly Sampling for MTBE Weekly sampling will be conducted on wells B-001, B-003, B-044U, B-050M, PW-2, and GL. Monthly Sampling for MTBE Monthly sampling will be conducted on wells IP and GD. Groundwater Monitoring Report I 5 Third Quarter 1998 Co p. Table 1 Fluid Level Report Bakersfield Refining Company 7/10/98 392.43 40.62 351.81 7/23/98 392.43 40.00 352.43 7/30/98 392.43 39.70 352.73 8/7/98 392.43 39.35 353.08 8/14/98 392.43 39.15 353.28 8/20/98 392.43 39.20 353.23 8/27/98 392.43 39.21 353.22 9/3/98 392.43 39.10 353.33 9/9/98 392.43 39.12 353.31 9/18/98 392.43 39.28 353.15 9/25/98 392.43 39.20 353.23 7/9/98 386.69 52.80 333.89 7/14/98 386.69 56.80 329.89 7/21/98 386.69 54.02 332.67 7/28/98 386.69 57.39 329.30 8/5/98 386.69 44.70 341.99 8/11/98 386.69 47.44 339.25 8/18/98 386.69 44.50 342.19 7/9/98 390.36 49.67 340.69 7/21/98 390.36 49.96 340.40 7/28/98 390.36 55.06 335.30 8/5/98 390.36 46.10 344.26 8/11/98 390.36 48.21 342.15 8/18/98 390.36 45.70 344.66 8/25/98 390.36 45.60 344.76 9/3/98 390.36 45.20 345.16 7/9/98 388.27 47.75 340.52 7/13/98 391.21 39.51 351.70 7/7/98 390.04 68.48 321.56 7/8/98 383.08 41.35 341.73 7/7/98 382.69 48.77 333.92 7/9/98 389.44 44.74 344.70 7/15/98 389.75 52.43 337.32 7/20/98 389.75 51.81 337.94 7/29/98 389.75 51.53 338.22 8/5/98 389.75 51.13 338.62 8/12/98 389.75 51.09 338.66 8/19/98 389.75 50.95 338.80 8/25/98 389.75 50.33 339.42 9/3/98 389.75 51.09 338.66 9/9/98 389.75 49.79 339.96 9/15/98 389.75 49.67 340.08 9/23/98 389.75 49.59 340.16 Page 1 Groundwater Monitoring Report Third Quarter 1998 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TerraVac Corp. Table 1 Fluid Level Report Bakersfield Refining Company 9~29~98 389.75 49.50 340.25 7/14/98 389.86 52.20 337.66 7/20/98 389.86 51.70 338.16 7/29/98 389.86 51.42 338.44 8/5/98 389.86 51.02 338.84 8/1~98 389.86 50.96 338.90 8/19/98 389.86 50.45 339.41 8/25/98 389.86 50.21 339.65 9~3~98 389.86 50.96 338.90 9/9/98 389.86 '49.71 ~0.15 9/15/98 389.86 49.59 340.27 9/23/98 389.86 49.47 340.39 9/29/98 389.86 49.35 340.51 7/9/98 390.05 52.10 337.95 7/14/98 390.05 52.03 338.02 7/20/98 390.05 51.61 338.44 7/29/98 390.05 51.31 338.74 8/5/98 390.05 50.91 339.14 8/~ 2~98 390.05 50.78 339.27 8/19/98 390.05 51.00 339.05 8/25/98 390.05 50.04 340.01 9/3/98 390.05 50.78 339.27 9/9/98 390.05 49.59 340.46 9/15/98 390.05 49.45 340.60 9/23/98 390.05 49.35 340.70 7/15/98 390.62 45.90 344.72 7/21/98 390.62 45.30 345.32 7/28/98 390.62 45.23 345.39 8/7/98 390.62 44.54 346.08 8/12/98 390.62 44.57 ~6.05 8/20/98 390.62 44.11 ~6.51 8/26/98 390.62 43.83 346.79 9~4~98 390.62 43.75 346.87 9/10/98 390.62 43.90 346.72 9/17/98 390.62 43.49 347.13 9/25/98 390.62 43.59 347.03 7/21/98 391.09 44.92 346.17 7/28/98 391.09 44.80 ~6.29 8/7/98 391.09 44.26 346.83 8/12/98 391.09 44.10 346.99 8/20/98 391.09 43.69 347.40 8/26/98 390.37 43.42 346.95 9/4/98 390.37 43.35 347.02 Page2 Groundwater Monitoring Report Third Quarter 1998 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Co~. Table 1 Fluid Level Report Bakersfield Refining Company ~?,~: :~!:B~OSOM'~i ~ ,:¥: 9125198 390.37 43.10 347.27 t :: ~*. :;f: B?050 U .il:-i::i,i 7~9~98 389.98 45.70 344.28 !:?. ?, B;:050 U;'-:Z~. ;, 7/21/98 389.98 45.80 344.18 ;~:~.¢ :::B~050 U.;~:? ?,:: 7/28/98 389.98 44.90 345.08 ~.???~',~ B;050 U':? '~;::;'~:: 8/12~98 389.98 44.15 345.83 :L,;??: B¢050 U '~' ~ ?:'~:,,:,I 8/26/98 389.98 43.56 346.42 :~:~;~;~ Bz050U;¢:, 9/4/98 389.98 43.44 346.54 ? :,~:: B~050U:: ¥:~: 9/17/98 389.98 43.15 346.83 ~?.?~,: Bz~50U ~ ?.~ 9/25/98 389.98 43.14 346.~ ;?:t~ B~098U?;',. 7/10/98 384.62 40.75 343.87 : :¥;'~.B,099U :.¢ .;: '7/6/98 387.84 53.70 334.14 j ;?;,~;B;~100 U ~. ~: '?~ 7/6/98 387.29 48.47 338.82 ~?~.f~,; B; 101L ~,, ~,., 7/20/98 386.72 50.02 336.70 ~'?; ,BZl0~ L ::/'.:.~: 7/29/98 386.72 49.68 337.04 ;,, ? ~?. B~!01L? :.~::~9/9/98 386.72 47.97 338.75 : ~?:~. B,~ 01 L: '.~ ~ 9/29/98 386.72 47.05 339.67 ?,:~;: B-101M ,~:~::' ~ 7/14/98 386.91 49.33 337.58 ?~:~?.'B~ !01M:. ~ :.:': ~: 9/14/98 386.92 47.30 339.62 ?;:. Bz101M.:::;~ :~;~ 9/23/98 386.92 47.00 339.92 Page 3 Groundwater Monitoring Report Third Quarter 1998 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Terra Va¢ Corp. Table 1 Fluid Level Report Bakersfield Refining Company 7/9/98 386.68 46.34 340.34 7/14/98 387.29 46.25 341.04 7/20/98 387.29 45.98 341.31 7/29/98 387.29 45.70 341.59 8/5/98 387.29 45.37 341.92 8/1~98 387.29 45.23 342.06 8/19/98 386.68 45.22 341.46 8/26/98 386.68 44.70 341.98 9/2/98 386.68 45.23 341.45 9/9/98 386.68 44.28 342.40 9/14/98 386.68 44.16 342.52 9/23/98 386.68 43.99 342.69 9/29/98 386.68 43.82 342.86 7/7/98 387.12 43.93 343.19 7/13/98 388.13 30.45 357.68 7/13/98 392.34 34.80 357.54 7/13/98 390.19 34.86 355.33 7/6/98 388.22 54.93 333.29 7/7/98 386.01 46.71 339.30 7/13/98 393.41 42.37 351.04 7/7/98 386.62 44.15 342.47 7/6/98 386.26 41.71 344.55 7/15/98 392.43 40.38 352.05 7/10/98 392.03 43.52 348.51 7/15/98 392.03 43.10 348.93 7/21/98 392.03 43.00 349.03 7/30/98 392.03 42.45 349.58 8/7/98 392.03 42.13 349.90 8/13/98 392.03 41.98 350.05 8/20/98 392.03 41.74 350.29 8/27/98 392.03 41.74 350.29 9/4/98 392.03 41.72 350.31 9/11/98 392.03 41.40 350.63 9/17/98 392.03 41.60 350.43 9/25/98 392.03 41.58 350.45 7/10/98 393.75 44.84 348.91 7/15/98 393.75 44.54 349.21 7/21/98 393.75 44.22 349.53 7/30/98 393.75 43.80 349.95 7/13/98 390.16 38.65 351.51 7/8/98 384.22 34.67 349.55 7/8/98 383.18 35.27 347.91 7/8/98 384.01 31.20 352.81 Page 4 Groundwater Monitoring Report Third Quarter 1998 I I I I I I I I I I I Terra Vac Corp. Table 1 Fluid Level Report Bakersfield Refining Company 7/10/98 388.01 41.41 346.60 7/798 388.27 62.35 325.92 7/8/98 383.07 40.85 342.22 7/6/98 387.77 51.67 336.10 7/8/98 383,31 43.94 339.37 7/8/98 383.43 40.44 342.99 7/8/98 387.60 37.61 349.99 7/7/98 ,, 387.87 57.12 330.75 7/7/98 389.54 62.79 326.75 7/7/98 387.36 55.07 332.29 7/10/98 390.71 40.92 349.79 7/23/98 390.71 40.12 350.59 7/30/98 390.71 39.79 350.92 8/7/98 390.71 39.42 351.29 8/11/98 390.71 39.35 351.36 8/18/98 390.71 39.47 351.24 9/3/98 390.71 39.12 351.59 9/15/98 390.71 39.10 351.61 9/25/98 390.71 39.12 351.59 Page 5 Groundwater Monitoring Report Third Quarter 1998 I I I I I Terra Vac Corp. Table 2 Groundwater Chemistry Monitoring Report Bakersfield Refining Company ~:: ;;~; B'E00 ~:.~:~.::/ 7/1/98 ND ND ND ND ND 26 : ::~ ,,B.t00~;~;~ 7/9/98 ND ND ND ND ND 30 ':,:~:~ ~ B.00~.:~?:' 7/14/98 ND ND ND ND ND 32 ,,~,~:~.B~00 !:':~:~/ 7/21/98 120 N D N D N D N D 27 ?;; ~:.B}00~ :~::' 7~28~98 ND ND ND ND ND 30 ;~:'~*:~ ~' B¢00.!: ~, :~: 8~5~98 N D N D N D N D N D 25 ? :'~' B~00 ~/.~::~::'~'~ 8/11/98 ND ND ND ND ND 27 ~';:'}~}~ B~00:!~;~ t:: 8119198 ND ND ND ND ND 23 ; {~ B~00,I.~: '::. 8~25~98 ND ND ND ND ND 18 ~: :~ ~. Br00J~ 913198 N D N D N D N D N D 19 :'? ~-~:B;00! ~: :. 9110198 ND ND ND ND ND 18 ?B~001:/, 9/15/98 ND ND ND ND ND 20 :;~'. ?B~001::: ::;~: 9125198 ND ND ND ND ND 26 ~ :: B~003::~.:?~~ 7~9~98 63 ND ND ND ND 130 ,~;;. :: :.B~00~ ?~'~:7/14/98 81 ND ND ND ND 130 :} ? ~:~B*003'::;~: ::7121198 79 ND ND ND ND 130 ?~?B~003,~; .::./ 7~28~98 92 ND ND ND ND 180 .:':277::B~003:~:::; 8~5~98 120 ND ND ND ND 130 ?~.;;) :B¢0037:' 8/11/98 130 ND ND ND ND 150 :;?}~ B~O03::)~' 8119198 120 ND ND ND ND 150 ;?:~ :..B¢.003 8125198 77 ND ND ND ND 150 :': :'~;,' B)003 ? :::913198 140 ND ND ND ND 180 ':;:, ~::~ B~003 :t:",.: :. 9/10~98 100 ND ND ND ND 200 ~: ':';:~ .B~,003 :::., 9/15/98 11 oo 1 ND ND ND 190 .:.:::~?B~003 ~:.~ 9125198 ND ND ND ND ND 210 :: {.Bt004;;~;:. 7110198 ND ND ND ND ND ND : :,;???:'.B'?006 ~: 7/13/98 ND ND ND ND ND 99 ::~ ~ B';008 ~:~ .~: 7~7~98 ND ND ND ND ND 1.2 :,; .B;029U; 7~8~98 42000 900 2800 ND 13000 ND ::); B~041U:~,~ 717198 1100 170 92 0.56 5.7 ND ~:~: B~042'::~::: 7~9~98 25000 140 2300 ND 9400 ND :: ~:~:,::B '0~:~'~:::" 7/15/98 ND ND ND ND ND 2.2 ?:?/~:~B~Q4~E:~';:; 7120198 ND. ND ND ND ND 1.4 :::t~:B~,4~ ::,: 7129198 ND ND ND ND ND 1.9 :?:B~044E :~::: 8~5~98 ND ND ND ND ND 2 '%'BzO44E,~: ~:: :~: 8/12/98 ND ND ND ND ND 2.5 · ,:~: 'B}044[~:'F. 8/19/98 ND ND ND ND ND 2.8 :;:~¢~ BL044L t,: 8~25~98 ND ND ND ND ND 2.1 ~? B;04~L:: ;: :' 9~3~98 ND ND ND ND ND 2.1 :,:}: B~044b?: 9~9~98 ND ND ND ND ND 2 :}?; B~044'b~/,: 9/15/98 N D N D N D N D N D 1.1 ;~ :.~ B;0A4E':t~: :::9123198 ND ND ND ND ND 31 Page 1 Groundwater Monitoring Report Third Quarter 1998 I I I I I Terra Vac Corp. Table 2 Groundwater Chemistry Monitoring Report Bakersfield Refining Company ::;: ':~. B,044L~:; 9~29~98 ND ND ND ND ND 13 ~:-B~044M ?: 7/14/98 ND ND ND ND ND 4.8 :::}:::B~044 M f);:- 7120198 ND ND ND ND ND 5.6 · ~:;::;:Bt0.~M~ ~:: 7~29~98 ND ND ND ND ND 7.1 ~,~?: B¢044M? 8~5~98 ND ND ND ND ND 3.5 · :~ :: B¢044M):::8/12/98 ND ND ND ND ND 5.1 .~:~ ~B~04.4M~,.:'~: 8/19/98 ND ND ND ND ND 7.3 ?:B~044M.~-::; 8~25~98 ND ND ND ND ND 2.5 ?B¢0~4M. :-:: 913198 ND ND ND ND ND 2.8 ~::~ Bf044M:.: 9~9~98 ND ND ND ND ND 4.4 :?~:B~04.4M,,:~ 9115198 ND ND ND ND ND 3.6 ?B:044M: 9123198 ND ND ND ND ND 2 .,. ~ ~B~04~M~;;:,9~29~98 ND ND ND ND ND 5.1 :F Br,044U ;?': 7~9~98 ND ND ND ND ND 29 :::'.:: 'B~044D :'- 7/14/98 ND ND ND ND ND 38 :?~:{ B~044Uj~?: 7~20~98 ND ND ND ND ND 48 '??, B~044U,:/,; 7~29~98 ND ND ND ND ND 54 ':: :": Bx044U:~ t'::: 815198 54 ND ND ND ND 69 :: :'~';, B-044U: ~.;: 8/1N98 61 ND ND ND ND 94 :~; ~,'Bi044 U ::~: 8/19/98 60 ND ND ND ND 73 ' :~,, B~044 U :: ::: 8~25~98 55 N D N D N D N D 83 :~:. B~044U,?. 9~3~98 56 ND ND ND ND 64 ~:: ~:;B-044U-:;~,::: 919198 53 ND ND ND ND 48 5:~:. B~044U?':' 9115198 ND ND ND ND ND 48 ~.: B{044U ,:,; 9123198 ND ND ND ND ND 35 ,.::', B-050E;: 7/15/98 ND ND ND ND ND 59 :::~ B,050L :::, 7/21/98 ND ND ND ND ND 25 :~ ~: ~':B-050E..:7~28~98 ND ND ND ND ND 26 · ',::. B~050E:: ',' 8~7~98 N D N D N D N D N D 25 :: ,::::: B~050E: .,; 8112198 ND ND ND ND ND 33 I ~:~ B~050E.:~ 8120198 ND ND ND ND ND 40 ~?::;::BS050b ::: 8126198 ND ND ND ND ND 31 ~ ~:BLo50L; ;?: 9/10/98 ND ND ND ND ND 52 ':;:.; B-050E: ~:~9/17~98 54 ND ND ND ND 56 ,;~,~;:: B:050E;::9125198 ND ND ND ND ND 63 ,5 ~.~;B~050M ~? 7114198 260 ND ND ND ND 340 :::::2. ~:'B-050M.' :~; 7121198 130 ND ND ND ND 230 ::';::: B~050M 7~28~98 88 ND ND ND ND 180 ~;': 'B~050M: 817198 100 ND ND ND ND 130 ':~: B-0~0M:~t:': 8/1N98 72 ND ND ND ND 120 :.:47B:050M:,:: 8~20~98 69 ND ND ND ND 100 :. B-050M,?~: 8126198 61 ND ND ND ND 130 Page 2 Groundwater Monitoring Report Third Quader 1998 I I I I I Terra Vac Corp. Table 2 Groundwater Chemistry Monitoring Report Bakersfield Refining Company ~oluene~:: ~ :':~ ~B~050M.;; ~::;9/4/98 ND ND ND ND ND 52 ,~) ,, 'B~050M ~,? 9/10/98 90 ND ND ND ND 170 · '~:~'~ Bt050M;~5 9/17~98 150 ND ND ND ND 180 ~;~-' B;050M :~'t:;:9/25/98 ND ND ND ND ND 170 '. ?B~050U;¢~:: 7/9/98 ND ND ND ND ND 1.9 :~ ?:.:: B¢050U::'~:: 7/13/98 ND ND ND ND ND 2 . ~'~ B~050U:::;~ · 7/21/98 ND ND ND ND ND 1.9 ,%B:050Ut% 7/28/98 ND ND ND ND , ND 1.4 :':; :B~050U?: 8/7/98 ND ND ND ND ND 1.4 :;:; B:050U ':~.~ 8/12/98 ND ND ND ND ND 1.3 :; :;..B,050U¢~;~: 8/20/98 ND ND ND ND ND 1.1 ::, (~'B~050U ;? 8/26/98 ND ND ND ND ND 1.3 =-, ~ B~050U ;¢; 9/4/98 ND ND ND ND ND 1.1 :::;"~:. B:050 U.,.:'.~' 9/10/98 ND ND ND ND ND 0,98 ? ', ~'B:050U:? 9/17~98 ND ND ND ND ND 1.3 ;~'.;: :,? B~050 U;;;~t: 9/25/98 ND ND ND ND ND 5.7 ,;: B:052U~: 7/6/98 ND ND ND ND ND ND ?~'; :B;07:7U¢;~;¢~ 7/10/98 57 ND ND ND ND 97 ::?"~B~098U.,~:~;;~ 7/10/98 ND ND ND ND ND 3.2 :;? Bt099U;~;' :::, 7/6/98 340 ND 76 ND ND ND ;~=:; B~I00U;,.;~; 7/6/98 ND ND ND ND ND ND · '; ,:; B~101E;; ::, 7/14/98 290 0.68 ND ND ND ND ';":, ::B~! QIE?~;: 7/20/98 520 0.98 ND 0.56 ND ND ,,?::~B~ 01.b'?.; 7/29/98 220 ND ND ND ND 0.59 ,: :':.Be10~.b::?; 8/5/98 260 0.67 ND ND ND 0.61 , ~,'~B~:~01. E~;..; 8/19/98 180 ND ND ND ND 1.7 ::,.~ :::B~ 10~ E?:'~.8/26/98 170 ND ND ND ND 1.9 ;~: B~10! ~4 ? 9/2/98 250 ND ND ND ND 3.1 ":~' B4,10~:L~.'~:,, 9/9/98 130 ND ND ND ND 3 ?, :;;;.B~!.0 ~ L': ;:~: 9/14~98 170 ND ND ND ND 3.1 ,;':;:.Btl01L,?', 9/23/98 170 ND ND ND ND 2.9 ,?;:; B¢~0~.E,~?: 9/29/98 160 0.63 ND ND ND 1.4 ;?B+~,0~M; ;:: 7/14/98 140 3.2 ND ND ND ND ';:5:Bf:i0~ M' ,~ 7/20/98 50 2 ND ND ND ND ;~ B~5! 0! M:;::;'; 7/29/98 74 2.2 ND ND ND ND ~: ::' B~101M,:,; 8~5~98 110 3 ND ND ND ND :': ;',='B~.I 0 !M ;:~::'..: 8/12/98 110 1.4 ND ND ND ND ~. ,;.,~.B'~.0'I.M :~;;~ 8/19/98 72 1 ND ND ND ND ?~,:B~!0~,M' ::' 8/26/98 61 0.64 ND ND ND ND ,,;' 'B~;IO 1;M';',~ ,, 9/2/98 57 0.79 ND ND ND ND Page 3 Groundwater Monitoring Report Third Quarter 1998 I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I I I I Terra Vac Corp. Table 2 Groundwater Chemistry Monitoring Report Bakersfield Refining Company 9/9/98 250 0.73 ND ND ND ND 9/14/98 71 0.67 ND ND ND ND 9/23/98 51 0.97 ND ND ND ND 9/29/98 110 2.1 ND ND ND ND 7~9~98 110 5.2 ND 0.82 2.4 ND 7/14/98 230 7.7 ND 0.8 ND ND 7/20/98 130 9 ND 0.88 ND ND 7/29/98 140 9.1 ND 0.85 ND ND 8/5/98 250 7.6 ND 0.76 ND ND 8/12/98 220 4.8 ND 0.83 ND ND 8/19/98 140 3.5 ND 0.77 ND ND 8/26/98 260 3.4 ND 0.76 ND ND 9/2/98 280 5 ND 0.7 ND ND 9/9/98 120 4.8 ND 0.68 ND ND 9/14/98 110 5.8 ND 0.68 ND ND 9/23/98 110 4 ND 0.59 ND ND 9/29/98 160 4 ND 0.74 ND ND 7/7/98 ND ND ND ND ND ND 7/13/98 ND ND ND ND ND 95 7/13/98 NS ND ND ND ND 99 7/13/98 ND ND ND ND ND 96 7/13/98 880 ND 2.2 ND ND ND 7/6/98 ND ND ND ND ND ND 7~7~98 190 3.6 2.1 0.53 2.2 ND 7/13/98 12000 1400 3200 6.4 2100 75 7/28/98 ND ND ND ND ND 6.4 8/13/98 ND ND ND ND ND 7.1 8/21/98 NS ND ND ND ND 5.7 9/4/98 NS ND ND ND ND 6.2 9/23/98 ND ND ND ND ND 6.1 7/29/98 ND ND ND ND ND 0.61 8/13/98 ND ND ND ND ND 0.73 9/4/98 NS ND ND ND ND 0.99 9/23/98 ND ND ND ND ND 0.98 7/28/98 ND ND ND ND ND ND 9/4/98 NS ND ND ND ND ND 9/23/98 NS ND ND ND ND ND 7/10/98 380 ND ND ND ND 710 7/15/98 490 ND ND ND ND 920 7/21/98 1000 ND ND ND ND 2100 7/30/98 110 ND ND ND ND 230 8/7/98 95 ND 'ND ND ND 230 Page 4 Groundwater Monitoring Repod Third Quarter 1998 I I I I I Terra Vac Corp. Table 2 Groundwater Chemistry Monitoring Report Bakersfield Refining Company · ~?~:¢ ~W-02~.}.: :: 8/13/98 210 ND ND ND ND 120 ~ ;.?::::~2 ~}:: 8/13/98 NS ND ND ND ND 330 :~ ~)~:P~:02}~;" 8120198 ND ND ND ND ND 110 . :: :~?~ PW,02'(: ::':':' 8127198 75 ND ND ND ND 100 · :!: ;;~:~ ~w-02} :: .. 8127198 NS ND ND ND ND 330 (:::: ?~,02.{ :? 9~4~98 590 ND ND ND ND 1200 :~'~:~:pW;02:~?('~ 9/10/98 69 ND ND ND ND 130 ?~::BW~02¥ ~: 9/17/98 120 ND ND ND ND 150 '?:.PWr02~/; }: 9/25/98 ND ND ND ND ND 79 ?~PW,2A~ ?' 7/10/98 ND ND ND ND ND 3.2 :~ PW-2A% ~ 7/15/98 ND ND ND ND ND 0.62 : ? PW-2~:;{, 7/21/98 ND ND ND ND ND 1.5 :::. PW-2A;. / 7/30/98 ND ND ND ND ND 2 :; ~ PW-L23:: 7/8/98 ND ND ND ND ND 2 ~: :' PW.L265; 7/8/98 ND ND ND ND ND ND :. PW,L287: - 7/8/98 ND ND ND ND ND ND ~ PW,NP4?. :. 7/10/98 ND ND ND ND ND 3.2 :.= PW-NP4~..': 7/10/98 ND ND ND ND ND ND ~. RSrD.P4/~ ~ 7/7/98 ND ND ND ND ND ND ,~ RS'DP5 .~ 7/8/98 NS ND ND ND ND ND ,'~:'RS~DP7.~:.~ 7/6/98 ND ND ND ND ND ND ~.::: RS-HC~¥ ~ 7/8/98 1100 ND ND ND ND ND · ~RS.HCZ::: 7/8/98 ND 3.7 14 ND ND ND ::~: RS;HCS~. 7/8/98 ND ND ND ND ND ND . RS~MN1X:: := 7/7/98 9500 ND ND ND ND ND ~.RS.:MNIZ · 7/7/98 3700 370 750 360 3100 ND RS~MN2B :=i 7/7/98 ND 1200 16 ND 24 ND 'RS-MS2~5C 7/6/98 ND ND ND ND 1.8 ND ,:' ?'..MS2~5A= 7/7/98 34000 ND ND ND ND ND :': :~hW!P4B::: ~: 7/10/98 230 ND ND ND ND 440 '.: ~WIP~B~':: 7/23/98 ND ND ND ND ND 110 ?WIP.4B: · 7/30/98 ND ND ND ND ND 56 ~ :~ :WIP~B 8/7/98 ND ND ND ND ND 56 .~: :~: W!p~B-'.? 8/19/98 ND ND ND ND ND 18 ~':~ .WI~B,~'=. 8/19/98 ND ND ND ND ND 11 ::~:'~ WIp~B':/ 8/27/98 ND ND ND ND ND 11 '::"::WIP~B ~. 8/27/98 ND ND ND ND ND 7.7 · ~:':~: WIP~B" :,~ 9/9/98 ND ND ND ND ND 12 ?~.; WIR~B":;;: 9/15/98 ND ND ND ND ND 10 Page 5 Groundwater Monitoring Report Third Quader 1998 I I I I Terra Vac Corp. Table 2 Groundwater Chemistry Monitoring Report Bakersfield Refining Company 9/25/98 ND ND ND ND ND 8.3 7/10/98 ND ND ND ND ND 0.77 7/15/98 ND ND ND ND ND 0.55 7/26/98 ND ND ND ND ND ND 7/30/98 ND ND ND ND ' ND ND 8/7/98 ND ND ND ND ND ND · 8/14/98 ND ND ND ND ND ND 8/20/98 ND ND ND ND ND ND 8/20/98 NS ND ND ND ND 1.4 8/27/98 N D N D N D N D N D N D 9/3/98 ND ND ND ND ND 1.6 9/9/98 ND ND ND ND ND ND 9/18/98 ND ND ND ND ND NS 9/25/98 ND ND ND ND ND ND 7/28/98 ND ND ND ND ND 6.4 I I I I I ND = Not Detected NS =' Not Sampled Page 6 Groundwater Monitoring Report Third Quarter 1998 , . ~ I~.- ;'". /~ ~ ~ ~'" / ~ ~ ~ , I~ TEXACO ~ ~4 ~ ~:~ ~! /~, ~ua~sheld ,~~ /~- :~~'~ i~/~ '~' ' ~--_~ ~ ~' Stoc~ale ~ ~1 I ' · ~ , ~: i I .. "~ ~1 '~~ J c~ / .~ ~ ~ ~ J _. ~ / ! '. .... '"~ ~ ~,9~ .... , . ~ I .... ~ : ,. ~ _~ J Oi~ct I i i j ~j 1 ~ ~:. ~ ~ I ..... ~ SITE MAP ~ VaC BAKERSFIELD, 17821 MITCHELL AVENUE REV DATE DESCRIPTION ~ IRVINE, CA 92614-600~ © © ©© O0 000 ~-' 0 00o oo PW-6 3C WIP-W4B PW-02 % B-51 eB-1 e B-4.4 M15B-50 e B-~ PW-NP4~ EW-01Ce e B-77 B-115 B-52° ' B-8 RS-DP6 B-11~ oRSMN1Z 'eRS-DP4 RS-D2 B-35 ~' eeD 1 B'41 B-022 B-99 E7 B-14 ~RS-MNIX B-tO3 B-lOO 8B_7 B-17 *' RS-6A~ RO~2 RS-DP7 , , , , ;BW4 RS-MS3A / RS~HC7 · ' ~,a=~ ~Ae e k~2A, .... RS-DP5 'RS_MS2.5Ce,' eA-5 B-lO P~/-D4 SIMW-5B · SIMW-2D. e e $tMW-6B SlMW-4C o B-101 B-75 RS-HC1 %B-029 eROW~ B-12 i o e RS-HCB B-98 e RS ROW 7 eR3 PW-L23 ePW-U5 SIMW- 1C LEGEND o B-6 UONil'ORING ~ELL HYDRAULIC BAERIER/~tELL NE'I~VORK ~ HYD~UUC BARRIERflRENCH UNE B-42 ' PW-U~; 8-105 eEE!_7 e NP2 eB- 108 EEl-9 e B~107 ~ B-105 eEEI- 10 B-5~epw_9 3C · 0,,"', o 3~1.81 -9-50 0~ / 0 ~t .70 PW-D4 SfMW-,--~Q : ~7Jl 'PW-A · · $tMW'- 6~ 3,52.81 3,49.55 ePW-U5 LEGEND B-6 351.7 MONITORING WELL WITH CORRESPONDING GROUNDWATER ELEVATION IN. FEEr__ABOVE_~EAN SEA.._LB/EL GROUNDWATER ELEVATION CONTOUR IN FELT ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL APPARENT GROUNDWATER FLOW HYDRAULIC BARRIER/flA/ELL NEllA/ORK HYDRAULIC BARRIER/TRENCH UNE RS--MS2.SCe 3~.55 B-lO B-1~5 B-*52e 0.86 ~3-- 14 B-. 1.03 .9- I O0 8 0.8,t e B--;' B,-17 RS-MN 0.~ RS-DP~ ! .r.~_. -~ 1. ~RSMN1Z 'o.~ RS--D2 ' eRS -MN2B 0.~7 pw.-o4 8-10 SIMW-20 ~ ' ,91' 0.73 ~3-~ ,I B--022 0.~ , : e~:OW4 R7 P -2 0.60 0.56 PW--L26 0.53 e 3.20 4.24 , Y~-O.... PW,---,?_A 2.37 ~?'-01Ce a-lO~ 2.~ RS-',-IC i e 0.~ 1.21 B-98e PW.-U~ R3 ROW 7 13--1 '2 0.70 e,ri~ PW--UA BW-L28 -1.59, p~¢i- L23 3.~0 · , e mM'W-6B e P~-U5 LECEND B-3 3.26 MONITORING WELL WITH CORRESPONDING GROUNDWATER ELEVATION CHANGE IN FEEt ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL HYDRAUUC BARRIER/A~ELL NEI~ORK HYDRAULIC BARRIER/TRENCH UNE G~a~hic Scale ............. ......................... ,j PW- 6 ~E!-7 1.01 NP2 O.~J ~8-106 0.~ 6L"i.- 10 MW-- ~,0 B-5~:pW_9 I Recommended for Closure 0 600 1200 SCALE iN FEET 0 0 ®0 Drown By: NORTH LOADING/ BLENDING AREA AREA 1 REFINERY NK FARM AR~EA I 24 Figure 2 Environmental S//es Bakersfield Ref/nin~ Company ~4-W~t, ~, PW -6 3C 0 WtP-.- V¢4B ND .23 F',"~V- 02 % RS---M,~2.5Ce B-IO ~-3e 6~--50 o · E: "- 13 R S - ?)A !4 ~D .... DP5 B-107 ~ PW"-" 9 PW- D,~ SIMW---2De PW-A e S'.biW--SB o F"W-U 5 e o $!MW-6B LEGEND ~B-50 .2~ MONffORING WELL I,~iTH CORRESPONDING TPH-G CONCENTRATION IN P.~S PER MILUON (ppm) EXTENT OF TPH-O PLUME IN PARTS PEr MILUON (ppm) HYDRAULIC BARRIERZ~I~ELL NE'I'WORK HYDRAUUC BARRIER/TRENCH UNE ND = NON-DETECTABLE FW--6 ~C :"~ W--,3 2 % ii I~"~1 ! N i-,.i-i rrl'~ RS,"-HC'7 ~R--OP5 : 0,~37 ~B,.-111 PW -. L2 ~3 "SMW-3B, SIMW-SB, e PW- U5 LEGEND ~B-41 1.1 MONITORING WELL WITH CORRESPONDING BENZENE CONCENT~TION IN PAliTS PER MIl.LION (ppm) Ddl~fr -OF-BENZENE-PLUEJE IN P/~q'S PER MILUON (pprn) HYDRAUUC BARRIER/'~tEIm NETWORK HYDRAUUC BARRIER/TRENCH UNE ND = NON-DETECTABLE m EXPLANATION ND = NON-DETECTABLE NS: NOT SAMPLED NA: NOT APPUCABLE 3C WIP-W4B PW-02 % PW-6 ~ B_52i B-115 B-99 · B-114 B-11~ RSMN1Z ,RS-DP4- ~ID ~D B_14,e RS-blN1X B- 103 ND B-lO0 e ~!/~ e RS-MN2B ~B-7 B-17 ND RS-BW4 BW3 ~ ~,RS-OP7 NDe e~ NDeBW2 RS-MS3A e. MS2.A ' ~ e e .,~ RS-M~ S4B%, B-104 ,- ,~,~ :" RS-MS2.SCe e ND RS-DP6 B-41 B-10 RS-~ R7 RS~e e RS--. HC7 RS-DP5 e ND eB-111 PW-L26 PW-D4 ' PW-A e e B_3e B-51 B-1 RS-HC1 eB-O2g: B-12. o RS-HCt~ Fq~-L28 B-50 e B-4 ~' pW_Np4e -~ ,EW-01C ~ B~77 B-98 PW-U1" RS ROW 7 eR3. PW-L23. 8-105 PW-U~- B-ms EEl-07 e SIMW-5B $1MW-4~, e. e $1MW-6B SIMW- 1 C ePW-U5 LEGEND ~B-50 2.0 IN PARTS PER BILLION (ppb) -~-- HYDRAUEtC-BARRIER/WELL NEI~ORK - ~.~,.~ .... ~1 HYDRAUUC BARRIER/TRENCH UNE EXTENT OF ~BE PLUME IN PPB MONITORING WELL WITH CORRESPONDING UTBE CONCENTRATION ...... ' AT 50 FT ,,, 65 Fl' BELOW GRADE SURFACE , ..... ............ J ltr~= ~ ~L B-107 B-5~pw_9 EXPLANATION ND = NON-DETECTABLE NS = NOT SAMPLED NA = NOT APPUCABLE 3c WIP-W4B g PW-02 ,% 710 B-115 B-52 B-99 8-114 B-l~te B-105 B-lO0 8B_7 ~ B-17 RS-BW4 BW3 ND ~' e DI' ~ ND RS-DP§ B-I Ie oRSMN1Z RS-DP4 ND ND RS-MN 1X ND eB-15 RS-MN2B ND RS-02 ~NoS-DP7 e BW2 B-41 R7 P-2 RS-6A · RS-MS2.5Ce B-lO RS-',HC7 ND RS-DP5 PW-D4 SIMW-5B SIMW'2Oe PW-A e SMW-3B ,' SIMW-4C, B-51 B-! B-2 , e B-lO1 RS-HCI eB-O2g, B-~2 e RS-HC8 B-3e B-50. e .~e ,0~1C 3.2 "-e8-77 ' ' B-98 B-75 eRS ROW 7 8-105 0 EFJ~07 ~ eB-108 e B-106 I~-L28 PW-L23 o $~W-6B SI MW- 1 C oPW-U5 LEGEND eB-50 2.0 IN P~TS PEE BILLION (ppb) ~ HYDRAULIC BARRIER/WELL NEI'~ORK ~ HYDRAUUC BARRIER/TRENCH UNE EX'rENT OF NJTBE PLUME IN PPB P~)-~ AT 65 Fl' ~ 100 FT BELOW GEADE SURFACE MONITQRING WELL WflH CORRESPONDING {~TBE CONCENTRATION B-109 B,-- 107 B-5~pw_9 I I EXPLANATION ND = NON-DElECTABLE PW-6 NS = NOT SAMPLED NA = NOT APPUCABLE B-115 B-52" B-99e B-114- B- 14e B-103 B-lO0 o ~B-7 B-17 RS-BW4 BW3 t ~,RS-DP7 ND e e~ NDe BW2 RS-MS3A .MS2A a-lO4e B-246) ~ . RS-MS2.SC6)ND B-lO D1 RS-DP8 B-116 ~ 6 RSMNi1Z ,RS-DP4. ,. ND RS-MN 1X ND .RS-I~N2B ND RS-D2 ~7 P-2 6) R1 RS-6A · e ROW2 RS~HC7 RS-DP5 6)B-111 PW-L26 ~A-5 PW-D4 PW-A 6) ,/ eB_~ 6) B-77 ~ B-2 ~1-98° cB-lO1 ~-U¢ ~D' B-75 RS-HC1 eB-029 B-12 6) RS,--HC8 RS ROW 7 B-4.2 ND 6) B~l.0g 6)EEl-07 6) eB-lO8 B~ 107 B-5~pw_g ,PW-U~ 5.2 PW-L28 SiMW-5B SIMW-2Oe o e SIM, W-6B 'suw-3~ !. SIMW- 1C Z r~ SIMW-4C 6) PW-U5 i LEGEND eB'50 MONITORING WELL WITH CORRESPONDING I~E CONCENTRATION 2.0 IN PARTS PER BILMON (ppb) - I~z~E~2~--I.-It'DRAUUC BARRIER/~ELL-NE'I'lflORK ~ HYDRAUUC BARRtER/TR~CH UNE .~--~ ~l~'i~[] EXIENT OF )~l)E PLUME IN PPB .~_ ,,, ,,..,:,~, AT 100 FI' ,,, 150 Fl' BELOW GRADE SURFACE B-4-9 EXPLANA 7'~ON AIR SPARGE WELL LOCATION (ONLINE) AiR SPARGE ;,/,,'ELL LOCATION (NOT ONLINE) B~48 .8~4.7 B,~,46 B~45 B~,74 BX.97 B-96 B-102 B-76 B-80 B-79 B%78 A B-57 B-71 a ,~ B~91 B-73 B-59 · %~0 ~o B-38 B-g2 B-86 B-36 a a :" B-27 B-82 n B-83 B-81 B-89 B-87 B-85 B-88 -B.--84- n B-93 B-94 B-95 4 TERRR _[17821 MffCHELL AVENU[ IRVINE, CA 92614-600~ BAKERSFIELD REFINING COMPANY AIR SPARGE WELL NE'I'WORK BAKERSFIELD, CA ,~l FIGURE 11 O B-32 B-72 B-70 ~ B-31 B-21~> twa~lw7 .~N~ B- 1 6-----:::Q~ IW5 IW3 ~ BW 1' ~ IW 1 * MS3.5A4~ MS2B MS2.5B I - ~0 0 0 B-33 MN OB MN1A MS 1.5A B-34 n 0 0 000 000 O0 °o o 0 0 000000 000000 000000 000000 O0 O0 o 0 O0 o EXPLANATION INFILTRATION WELL LOCATION INFILTRATION TRENCH (Not currently in use) oo0 0 O0 OOO oo O oOOO ©© ~ ~, i TERflfl ~ ilVRC 17821 ~ITCHELL AVENU~ IRVINE, CA 92614-6003 4 I. I~ = ,~ ii,, BAKERSFIELD REFINING COMPANY HYDRAULIC BARRIER SYSTEM BAKERSFIELD, CA J.,~-~ ~ F,GURE 12 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I m m m mm m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m i~ Texaco Bakersfield Plant- Fluid Level Report 12-May-98 Well 3C Measuring Elevation of Elevation of Elevation of Elevation of Point Depth to Depth to Product Water Product Product Equivalent Top of Bottom of Date of Elevation Product Water Surface Surface Thickness Head Head Screen Screen Measurement (ft-msl) (ft-bmp) (ft-bmp)* (ft-bmp) (ft-bmp) (ft) (ft) (ft-msl) (ft-msl) (ft-msl) 1/20/97 392.4 58.24 334.16 280.43 220.43 2/24/97 392.4 54.6 337.8 280.43 220,43 3/17/97 392.4 52.56 339.84 280.43 220.43 3/19/97 392.43 52.56 339.87 280.43 220.43 4/29/97 392.43 49.7 342.73 280.43 220.43 5/23/97 392,43 48.31 344.12 280.43 220.43 6/10/97 392,43 48.69 343.74 280.43 220.43 7/22/97 392.43 44.32 348.11 280.43 220.43 8/12/97 392.43 43.98 348,45 280.43 220.43 A5 5/23/97 382.47 40.55 341.92 7/21/97 382.47 39.25 343.22 11/17/97 382,47 41.62 340.85 12/10/97 382.47 41.32 341,15 B-001 3/19/97 389.69 90.39 299,3 242.06 187.06 4/28/97 389,69 70.56 319.13 242.06 187.06 5/22/97 389.69 69.91 319.78 242.06 187.06 6/10/97 389.69 69.45 320.24 242.06 187.06 7/21/97 389.69 68.75 320.94 242.06 187.06 8/10/97 389.69 67.25 322.44 242.06 187.06 9/17/97 369.69 65.88 323.81 242.06 187.06 10/23/97 389.69 65.17 324.52 242.06 187.06 11/20/97 389.69 62.65 327,04 242.06 187.06 12/8/97 389.69 62.88 326.81 242.06 187,06 1/13/98 389.69 65.66 324.03 242.06 187.06 B-003 5/23/97 390.36 65.06 325,3 247.08 207.08 6/10/97 390.36 64,85 325,51 247.08 207.08 7/21/97 390.36 64.36 326 247.08 207.08 8/11/97 390.36 63.52 326.84 247.08 207.08 B-004 4/29/97 388.27 56.48 331.79 239,93 199.93 5/23/97 388.27 55.63 332.64 239.93 199.93 6/10/97 388.27 55.21 333.06 239.93 199.93 7/21/97 388.27 54.82 333.45 239.93 199.93 8/11/97 388.27 52.15 336.12 239.93 199.93 9/18/97 388.27 59.55 328.72 239.93 199.93 10/23/97 388.27 52.39 335.88 ' 239.93 199.93 5/12/98 5:20:11 PM L'Depth to Water = -9999 Means Well Was Dry J Page I of 18 Measuring Elevation of Elevation of Elevation of Elevation of Point Depth to Depth to Product Water Product Product E(~uivalent Top of Bottom of Date of Elevation Product Water Surface Surface Thickness Head Head Screen Screen Well Measurement (ft-msl) (ft-bmp) (ft-bmp)* (ft-bmp) (ft-bmp) (ft) (ft) (ft-msl) (ft-msl) (ft-msl) B-006 5/23/97 391.21 43.4 347.81 259.81 219,61 6/10/97 391,21 46.02 345.19 259,61 219,61 7/21/97 391.21 45.4 345.81 259.61 219.61 8/11/97 391.21 43.15 348,06 259.61 219.61 12/10/97 391.21 44.44 346.77 259.61 219.61 B-008 5/23/97 390.04 77.75 312.29 243.50 203.50 6/10/97 390.04 77.3 77.81 312,74 312.23 0,51 0.37 312.60 243.50 203.50 7/22/97 390.04 76.63 76,95 313.41 313.09 0,32 0.23 313.32 243.50 203.50 8/11/97 390.04 76.28 313,76 0.25 0,18 313.94 243.50 203.50 11/17/97 390.04 73.78 316.26 243,50 203.50 12/10/97 390.04 73.23 316.81 243.50 203.50 B-010 3/17/97 385.37 90,39 294,98 230.83 190.83 B-011 3/17/97 388.93 84.27 304.66 231.13 191.13 9/29/97 388.93 60,34 328.59 231.13 191.13 B-012 2/24/97 387.8 65,74 67.31 322.06 320,49 1,57 1.15 321,64 244.11 204.11 3/17/97 387,8 65.74 67.31 322.06 320.49 1,57 1.15 321.64 244,11 204.11 3/19/97 387.83 64,75 69,1 323.08 318.73 4.35 3.18 321.91 244,11 204,11 4/24/97 387,83 64.6 71 323,23 316.83 6,4 4.67 321.50 244,11 204,11 5/23/97 387.83 64 66,25 323.83 321.58 2.25 1.64 323.22 244.11 204,11 6/10/97 387.83 63.52 65.26 324,31 322.57 1.74 1.27 323.84 244.11 204.11 7/21/97 387.83 63,1 64.86 324,73 322.97 1.76 1.28 324.25 244.11 204.11 8/11/97 387.83 62.53 65.43 325.3 322.4 2.9 2.12 324.52 244.11 204.11 9/30/97 387,83 61.82 62.12 326.01 325.71 0.3 0.22 325.93 244.11 204.11 11/17/97 387.83 62.41 62 325.42 325.83 0.41 0.30 326.13 244,11 204,11 12/10/97 387.83 61.52 61,95 326.31 325.88 0,43 0.31 326.19 244.11 204,11 1/28/98 387,83 60.18 60.6 327.65 327,23 0,42 0,31 327.54 244,11 204.11 B-013 3/17/97 387,6 84.49 303.11 211.05 191,05 5/22/97 387.63 82,42 305.21 211.05 191,05 6/10/97 387.63 82.02 305.61 211.05 191.05 7/21/97 387.63 81.95 305.68 211.05 191.05 8/11/97 387.63 84,2 303.43 211.05 191,05 9/29/97 387.9 81.64 306,26 211,05 191.05 11/17/97 387.9 80.43 307,47 211.05 191.05 B-014 5/23/97 386.7 71.33 315.37 243.72 203,72 6/10/97 386.7 71.1 315.6 243,72 203.72 5/12/98 5:20:13 PM [*Depth to Water= -9999 Means We//Was Dry } Page 2 of 18 Well B-014 Measuring Elevation of Elevation of Elevation of Elevation of Point Depth to Depth to Product Water Product Product Equivalent Top of Bottom of Date of Elevation Product Water Surface Surface Thickness Head Head Screen Screen Measurement (ft-msl) (ft-bmp) (ft-bmp)* (ft-bmp) (ft-bmp) (ft) (ft) (ft-msl) (ft-msl) (ft-msl) 8/11/97 386.7 69.62 317.08 243.72 203.72 9/29/97 386.7 68.2 318.5 243.72 203.72 11/17/97 386.7 68.37 316.33 243.72 203.72 4/29/97 385.36 54 331.36 201.70 181.70 5/23/97 385.36 87.45 297.91 2Ol .70 181.70 6/10/97 385.36 87.01 298.35 201.70 181.70 7/22/97 385.36 86.49 298.87 201.70 181,70 6/12/97 385.36 86.49 298.87 201,70 181.70 9/30/97 385.51 85.29 300.22 201.70 181.70 11/17/97 385.51 83.35 302.16 201.70 181.70 B-017 B-029U 5/23/97 383,08 61.13 321.95 323.16 321.16 6/10/97 383.08 60.51 322.57 323.16 321.16 7/22/97 383.08 60.1 322.98 323.16 321,16 8/12/97 383.08 59.53 323.55 323.16 321.16 9/30/97 383.08 44.49 338.59 323.16 321.16 B-030M 1/20/97 389.9 70.25 319.65 284.74 264.74 2/24/97 390.1 68.26 321.84 284.74 264.74 4/25/97 389.92 69.7 320,22 284.74 264.74 B-035 1/20/97 386.1 65.53 320.57 325.78 225.78 3/19/97 388.38 65,52 322.86 325.78 225.78 4/24/97 388,38 60.6 327.78 325.78 225.78 10/23/97 388.38 49,39 338.99 325.78 225.78 11/17/97 388.38 49.59 338,79 325.78 225.78 12/10/97 388.38 49.81 338.57 325.78 225.78 1/14/98 388.38 50.4 337.98 325.78 225.78 B-041 L 3/17/97 382.48 62.94 319.54 252.76 232.76 B-O41M 3/17/97 382.6 59.67 322.93 280.64 260.64 B-041U 2/24/97 382.7 60.53 322.17 308.55 288.55 3/17/97 382,7 59,88 322.82 308.55 288.55 3/19/97 382.69 59.88 322,81 308.55 288.55 4/29/97 382.69 58.7 323.99 308.55 288.55 5/22/97 382.69 56.82 325.87 308.55 288.55 6/10/97 382.69 55.91 326.78 308.55 288.55 7/21/97 382.69 55.36 327.33 308.55 288.55 8/10/97 382,69 53.62 329.07 308.55 288.55 5/12/98 5:20:15 PM [*Depth to Water = -9999 Means Well Was Dry I Page 3 of 18 Measuring Elevation of Elevation of Elevation of Elevation of Point Depth to Depth to Product Water Product Product Equivalent Top of Bottom of Date of Elevation Product Water Surface Surface Thickness Head Head Screen Screen Well Measurement (ft-msl) (ft-bmp) (ft-bmp)' (ft-bmp) (ft-bmp) (ft) (ft) (ft-msl) (ft-msl) (ft-msl) 1/20/97 389,4 55.72 333.68 275.30 235.30 3/17/97 389.4 53.58 335.82 275.30 235.30 3/19/97 389.44 53.58 335,86 275.30 235.30 4/24/97 389.44 52,3 337.14 275.30 235,30 5/23/97 389,44 51.88 337.56 275.30 235.30 6/10/97 389.44 51,4 338.04 275.30 235.30 7/22/97 389.44 50,09 339,35 275.30 235.30 8/12/97 389.44 49.35 340.09 275.30 235.30 10/23/97 389.44 49.9 339.54 275.30 235.30 1/13/98 389.44 49.55 339.89 275.30 235.30 B-042 B-044U 3/17/97 390.1 64.83 325.27 323.75 303.75 9/22/97 390.05 56.75 333.3 323.75 303.75 12/8/97 390.05 56.31 333.74 323.75 303.75 B-050M 3/17/97 390,37 58.31 332.06 300,43 280.43 9/17/97 390.37 49.2 341.17 300.43 280.43 11/20/97 390,37 51,04 339,33 300,43 280.43 12/8/97 390.37 51.5 338.87 300.43 280.43 B-050U 3/17/97 389.98 58.05 331.93 325.82 305.82 3/19/97 389.98 58.31 331.67 325.82 305,82 4/28/97 389.98 55,63 334.35 325.82 305.82 9/17/97 389,98 49.2 340.78 325,82 305,82 10/21/97 389.98 50.11 339,87 325.82 305.82 11/20/97 389,98 57.08 332.9 325,82 305,82 12/8/97 389.98 51.5 338.48 325.82 305.82 1/12/98 389,98 52.15 337.83 325.82 305,82 B-051M 3/17/97 391.09 63.89 327.2 307.00 287.00 9/18/97 391.09 55.24 335.85 307,00 287.00 B-051U 3/17/97 391,19 64.31 326.88 332.50 312.50 3/19/97 391.19 64.31 326.88 332.50 312,50 4/28/97 391.19 61.7 329.49 332.50 312,50 9/18/97 391,19 55,65 335.54 332,50 312.50 10/24/97 391,19 55.7 335.49 332.50 312.50 11/20/97 391.19 55.41 335.78 332.50 312.50 12/8/97 391.19 56,8 334.39 332.50 312.50 1/13/98 391.19 57.7 333.49 332,50 312.50 5/12/98 5:20:17 PM L'Depth to Water = -9999 Means Well Was Dry J Page 4 of 18 Well B-052L Measuring Elevation of Elevation of Elevation of Elevation of Point Depth to Depth to Product Water Product Product Equivalent Top of Bottom of ' Date of Elevation Product Water Surface Surface Thickness Head Head Screen Screen ' Measurement (ft-msl) (ft-bmp) (ft-bmp)* (ft-bmp) (ft-bmp) (ft) (ft) (ft-msl) (ft-msl) (ft-msl) 3/17/97 388.88 80,83 308.05 253.00 213.00 9/29/97 388.88 59.88 329 253.00 213.00 11/18/97 389.02 66.28 322,74 253.00 213,00 12/10/97 388.88 78.74 310,14 253.00 213,00 B-052M 3/17/97 389.02 72,78 316,24 280,00 260.00 3/19/97 389.02 72~78 316.24 280.00 260.00 4/30/97 389.02 50.81 338,21 280.00 260.00 9/29/97 389.02 65,85 323.17 280.00 260,00 11/19/97 388.88 79.4 309.48 280.00 260.00 12/10/97 389,02 66.18 322,84 280.00 260.00 B-052U 3/17/97 389,4 73,15 316,25 305.00 285.00 4/23/97 389.4 71.5 317.9 305.00 285.00 4/30/97 389,4 85.15 304.25 305.00 285,00 5/22/97 389.4 70,1 319.3 305,00 285.00 6/10/97 389.4 69.48 319,92 305.00 285.00 7/21/97 389.4 68,11 321.29 305.00 285,00 8/10/97 389.4 67.47 321,93 305.00 285.00 9/29/97 389.4 66.21 323.19 305,00 285.00 11/17/97 389.4 66.62 322.78 305.00 285.00 12/10/97 389.4 66,55 322,85 305.00 285,00 1/28/98 389,4 65.94 323.46 305.00 285.00 B-077M 1/22/97 385.6 60.1 325.5 308.25 276,25 9/23/97 385.59 47,82 337.77 306.25 276.25 11/21/97 385.59 48.42 337.17 306,25 276.25 12/9/97 385.59 49 336.59 306.25 276.25 B-077U 5/23/97 385.7 52.84 332.86 336.14 306.14 6/10/97 385,7 52.51 333.19 336,14 306.14 7/21/97 385.7 52 333.7 336,14 306,14 8/11/97 385.7 48,73 336.97 336,14 306.14 9/23/97 385.7 47.49 338.21 336.14 306,14 10/21/97 385.7 47.53 338.17 336.14 306.14 11/21/97 385.7 47.98 337.72 336,14 306,14 12/9/97 385.7 48.44 337,26 336.14 306,14 1/13/98 385.7 48.6 337.1 336.14 306.14 B-098L 3/17/97 384.6 53,36 331,24 274.98 234,98 9/23/97 384,6 46,2 338.4 274.98 234,98 11/21/97 384.6 47.25 337.35 274.98 234.98 5/12/98 5:20:18 PM [*Depth to Water = -9999 Means Well Was Dry J Page 5 of 18 m m m m m m m m m m m mm mm m m m m m m Measuring Elevation of ElevaUon of Elevation of Elevation of Point Depth to Depth to Product Water Product Product Equivalent Top of Bottom of Date of Elevation Product Water Surface Surface Thickness Head Head Screen Screen Well Measurement (ft-msl) (ft-bmp) (ft-bmp)* (ft-bmp) (ft-bmp) (ft) (ft) (ft-msl) (ft-msl) (ft-msl) B~098L 12/9/97 384.6 48.12 336.48 274.98 234.98 B-098M 3/17/97 384.61 52.52 332.09 304.97 274.97 9/23/97 384.61 44.93 339.68 304.97 274.97 11/21/97 384.61 45.63 338.98 304.97 274.97 12/9/97 384.61 46.24 338.37 304.97 274.97 B-098U 3/17/97 384.62 52.1 332.52 334.96 304.96 3/19/97 389.4 73.15 316.25 334.96 304.96 4/29/97 384.62 50.02 334.6 334.96 304.96 5/23/97 384.62 48.86 335.76 334.96 304.96 6/10/97 384.62 48.39 336.23 334.96 304.96 7/21/97 384.62 46.45 338.17 334.96 304.96 8/11/97 384.62 44.97 339.65 334.96 304.96 10/23/97 384,62 43.68 340.94 334.96 304,96 11/21/97 384.62 44.15 340.47 334.96 304.96 12/9/97 384.62 44.4 340.22 334.96 304.96 1/13/98 384.62 45 339.62 334.96 304.96 B-O99L 3/17/97 387,75 71,05 316.7 272,95 242.96 3/19/97 384,62 52.1 332.52 272.95 242.95 4/30/97 387.75 70.6 317.15 272.95 242,95 10/1/97 387.75 65.15 322.6 272.95 242.95 11/17/97 387.75 65.74 322,01 272.95 242.95 12/10/97 387,75 65.56 322.19 272.95 242,95 B-099M 1/21/97 384.6 55.82 328.78 302.95 272.95 3/17/97 387,75 70.06 317.69 302.95 272.95 3/19/97 387.75 71.05 316.7 302.95 272.95 4/30/97 387.75 68.2 319.55 302.95 272.95 10/1/97 387.75 63.79 323.96 302.95 272.95 11/17/97 387.75 64.47 323.28 302.95 272,95 12/10/97 387.85 64.3 323.55 302.95 272.95 B-099U 3/17/97 387.84 69.48 318.36 332.86 302.86 3/19/97 387.75 70,06 317.69 332.86 302.86 4/23/97 387.84 67.1 320.74 332.86 302.86 5/22/97 387.84 63.94 323,9 332.86 302.86 6/10/97 387.84 61.72 326,12 332.86 302.86 7/21/97 387.84 61.25 326.59 332.86 302,86 8/10/97 387.84 58.91 328.93 332.86 302.86 10/1/97 387,84 57.21 330.63 332.86 302.86 5/12/98 5:20:20 PM l'Depth to Water = -9999 Means Well Was Dry I Page 6 of 18 m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m mm m m Well B-099U Measuring Point Date of Elevation Measurement (ft-msl) 11/17/97 387.84 12/10/97 387.84 1/28/98 387.84 Elevation of Elevation of Elevation of Elevation of Depth to Depth to Product Water Product Product Equivalent Top of Bottom of Product Water Surface Surface Thickness Head Head Screen Screen (ft-bmp) (ft-bmp)* (ft-bmp) (ft-bmp) (ft) (ft) (ft-msl) (ft-msl) (ft-msl) 57,15 330.69 332,86 302.86 57.6 330,24 332.86 302.86 57.82 330.02 332.86 302.86 B-100L 3/17/97 387.06 64.98 322.08 272.76 242.76 3/19/97 387.84 69.48 318.36 272.76 242.76 4/30/97 387.06 63.45 323.61 272.76 242.76 9/30/97 387.06 59.87 327.19 272.76 242.76 11/17/97 387.06 61.23 325.83 272,76 242.76 12/10/97 367.06 60.99 326.07 272.76 242.76 B-100M 3/17/97 387,3 56.69 330.61 302.52 272,52 3/19/97 387.06 64.98 322.08 302.52 272.52 4/30/97 387.3 55.35 331.95 302.52 272.52 9/30/97 387.3 58.24 329.06 302.52 272.52 11/17/97 387.3 61.01 326.29 302.52 272.52 12/10/97 387.3 60.89 326.41 302.52 272.52 B-100U 3/17/97 387.29 56.69 330.6 332.53 302.53 3/19/97 387,3 56.59 330,71 332.53 302.53 4/23/97 387.29 63.3 323.99 332.53 302.53 5/23/97 387,29 62.54 324.75 332.53 302.53 6/10/97 387.29 62.02 325.27 332.53 302.53 7/21/97 387.29 61,73 325.56 332.53 302.53 8/11/97 387,29 58.5 328.79 332.53 302.53 9/30/97 387.29 51.02 336.27 332.53 302.53 11/17/97 387.29 52.89 334.4 332.53 302.53 12/10/97 387.29 53.1 334.19 332.53 302.53 1/28/98 387.29 53.72 333.57 332.53 302.53 B-101M 1/22/97 386.3 64.13 322.17 307.64 277.64 B-101 U 4/29/97 386 57.3 328,7 337.96 307.96 B-IO3L 3/17/97 385.58 64.42 321.16 271.88 241.88 3/19/97 387.29 56.69 330.6 271.88 241.88 4/30/97 385.58 62.75 322.83 271.88 241.88 9/29/97 385.58 59.12 326.46 271.88 241.88 11/17/97 385.58 60.71 324.87 271.88 241.88 12/10/97 385.58 60.45 325.13 271.88 241.88 B-103M 3/17/97 385.75 63.52 322.23 301.71 271.71 5/12/98 5:21):21 PM [*Depth to Water = -9999 Means Well Was Dry I Page 7of 18 Well B-103M Measuring Elevation of Elevation of Elevation of Elevation of Point Depth to Depth to Product Water Product Product Equivalent Top of Bottom of Date of Elevation Product Water Surface Surface Thickness Head Head Screen Screen Measurement (ft-rnsl) (ft-brnp) (ft-bmp)* (ft-brnp) (ft-bmp) (ft) (ft) (ft-msl) (ft-rnsl) (ft-msl) 3/19/97 385,58 57.5 328.08 301.71 271,71 4/30/97 385.75 61.68 324,07 301.71 271.71 9/29/97 385.75 58.24 327.51 301.71 271,71 11/17/97 385.75 60.42 325.33 301.71 271,71 12/10/97 385.75 60.2 325.55 301.71 271.71 B-103U 3/17/97 385.86 61.59 324,27 331.60 301.60 3/19/97 385.75 52.85 332.9 331.60 301.60 4/30/97 385.86 59.45 326,41 331.60 301.60 5/23/97 385.86 58.56 327.3 331,60 301.60 6/10/97 385.86 57.74 328.12 331.60 301.60 7/21/97 385,86 56.65 329,21 331.60 301.60 8/11/97 385.86 54.48 331.38 331.60 301.60 9/29/97 385,86 53.65 332,21 331.60 301.60 11/17/97 385,86 55.71 330.15 331.60 301.60 12/10/97 385,86 55.96 329,9 331,60 301.60 1/28/98 385.86 56.35 329,51 331.60 301.60 B- 104L 3/17/97 387 57,5 329.5 273.52 243.52 9/29/97 387 53.31 333.69 273.52 243.52 B-104M 3/17/97 387,1 52,85 334,25 303.42 273,42 9/29/97 387.1 48.9 338,2 303.42 273.42 B- 104U 2/24/97 387.1 50.43 336.67 333,40 303.40 3/17/97 387.12 50 337.12 333.40 303,40 3/19/97 385.86 61.59 324.27 333.40 303.40 3/19/97 387.12 50 337.12 333,40 303.40 4/23/97 387.12 48.9 338,22 333.40 303,40 9/29/97 387,12 46.33 340.79 333.40 303.40 B-105L 3/17/97 389.01 41.51 347,5 291,15 261.15 B-105M 3/17/97 389.12 37.58 351.54 321.04 291,04 35.15 36 354.05 353.2 0.85 0,62 353.82 350.94 320.94 B- 105U 2/24/97 389.2 3/17/97 389.22 35.36 353.86 350.94 320.94 5/23/97 389.22 34,39 34.37 354,83 354,85 -0.02 -0.01 354.84 350,94 320,94 6/10/97 389.22 34.22 34.63 355 354.59 0.41 0.30 354.89 350.94 320.94 7/21/97 389.22 32.75 33 356.47 356,22 0.25 0,18 356.40 350.94 320.94 8/11/97 389.22 32.2 32,25 357.02 356.97 0.05 0.04 357.01 350.94 320.94 5/12/98 5:20:23 PM L'Depth to Water = -9999 Means Well Was Dry I Page 8 of 18 Measuring Elevation of Elevation of Elevation of Elevation of Point Depth to Depth to Product Water Product Product Equivalent Top of Bottom of Date of Elevation Product Water Surface Surface Thickness Head Head Screen Screen Well Measurement (ft-msl) (ft-bmp) (ft-bmp)* (ft-bmp) (ft-bmp) (ft) (ft) (ft-mst) (ft-msl) (ft-msl) B-106L 3/17/97 388.14 40.43 347.71 274.32 244,32 B-106M 3/17/97 388.07 38,74 349.33 304.39 274.39 B-106U 2/24/97 388,1 38.17 349.98 334,33 304.33 3/17/97 388.13 37.55 350,58 334.33 304,33 5/23/97 388.13 36.01 352.12 334.33 304,33 6/10/97 388.13 35.6 352,53 334.33 304.33 7/22/97 388.13 35.21 352.92 334.33 304,33 8/12/97 388.13 33.76 354,37 334.33 304.33 B-107L 3/17/97 392,29 43.31 348,98 278,73 248.73 B-107M 3/17/97 392.29 42.41 349.88 308.73 278.73 B-107U 2/24/97 392.3 43.19 349.11 338.68 308.68 3/17/97 392.34 41.34 351 338.68 308.68 5/22/97 392,34 40.62 351.72 338,68 308.68 6/10/97 392.34 40.22 352.12 338.68 308,68 7/21/97 392.34 39.95 352.39 338.68 308.68 8/10/97 392,34 38.36 353.98 338.68 308.68 B-108U 5/23/97 390.19 41.2 348.99 337.03 307,03 6/10/97 390.19 39,87 350.32 337.03 307.03 7/21/97 390,19 39,46 350.73 337.03 307.03 8/11/97 390.19 38.75 351,44 337.03 307.03 10/23/97 390.19 38.4 351.79 337.03 307.03 12/10/97 390,19 39.35 350.84 337.03 307,03 1/13/98 390.19 39.6 350.59 337.03 307.03 B-109L 3/17/97 391.04 48,33 48.44 342.71 342.6 0.11 0.08 342.68 277.18 247,18 B-IO9M 3/17/97 390.99 47.16 47.25 343.83 343,74 0.09 0,07 343.81 309,23 279.23 B-109U 2/24/97 391.1 46.8 47.32 344.3 343.78 0.52 0.38 344.16 339.14 309,14 3/17/97 391.08 48.33 56.58 342.75 334.5 8.25 6.02 340,52 339.14 309.14 5/23/97 391.08 43.55 44,63 347.53 346.45 1.08 0,79 347,24 339.14 309.14 6/10/97 391.08 43.01 44.13 348.07 346.95 1.12 0.82 347.77 339.14 309,14 7/21/97 391,08 42.79 43.23 348.29 347,85 0.56 0,41 348.26 339.14 309.14 8/11/97 391.08 40.26 40.8 350.82 350.28 0.54 0.39 350.67 339.14 309,14 B-111L 3/17/97 383.14 44.8 338.34 279.54 249.54 5/12/98 5:20:25 PM [*Depth to Water = -9999 Means Well Was Dry J Page 9 of 18 Measuring Elevation of Elevation of Elevation of Elevation of Point Depth to Depth to Product Water Product Product Equivalent Top of Bottom of Date of Elevation Product Water Surface Surface Thickness Head Head Screen Screen Well Measurement (ft-msl) (ft-bmp) (ft-bmp)* (ft-bmp) (ft-bmp) (ft) (ft) (ft-msl) (ft-msl) (ft-msl) B-111M 3/17/97 383.11 43.99 339.12 309.57 279.57 B-111U 2/24/97 383.1 44,21 338.89 339.55 309.55 3/17/97 383.13 43.61 339.52 339.55 309.55 BW2 2/24/97 387.48 54.25 54.35 333,23 333,13 0.1 0.07 333.20 3/17/97 387.48 53.78 333.7 5/23/97 387.48 51.95 335,53 6/10/97 387.48 51.03 51,15 336.45 336.33 0,12 0.09 336.42 7/21/97 387,48 50.69 50.75 336.79 336,73 0.06 0.04 336.77 8/11/97 387,48 49.33 49.45 338.15 338.03 0.12 0.09 338.12 9/29/97 387.48 48.85 338,63 11/17/97 387.48 51.23 336,25 12/10/97 385.42 50,63 334.79 1/28/98 387.48 52.1 52.15 335.38 335.33 0.05 0.04 335.37 BW3 2/24/97 388.34 62.56 325.78 3/17/97 388,34 61.96 326.36 1/28/98 388.34 59.08 329,26 BW4 2/24/97 388.22 64.55 323.67 3/17/97 388.22 64.02 324.2 1/28/98 388.22 60.8 327.42 D1 2/24/97 386.9 59.71 327.19 322,94 262.94 3/17/97 386.94 58.14 328.8 322.94 262.94 5/23/97 386,94 55.84 331.1 322.94 262.94 6/10/97 386.94 54.1 332.84 322.94 262.94 7/22/97 386.94 53.45 333.49 322,94 262,94 8/12/97 386.94 51.09 335,85 322,94 262,94 11/17/97 386.01 ~9999 322.94 262.94 DP5 3/17/97 383,27 45.08 338.19 366.77 276.77 MN2B 5/23/97 389.390015 64,43 324.96 MS2,5A 3/17/97 386.62 50,51 336,11 366.62 276.62 7/21/97 386.62 47,7 338.92 366,62 276.62 9/29/97 386.62 46.56 340,06 366.62 276.62 11/17/97 386.62 49.38 337.24 366.62 276.62 12/10/97 386.62 49.2 337.42 366.62 276.62 5/12/98 5:20:27 PM [*Depth to Water = -9999 Means Well Was Dry I Page 10 of 18 m m m m m m m m m mm mm mm m m m m mm m m Well MS2.5C Measuring Elevation of Elevation of Elevation of Elevation of Point Depth to Depth to Product Water Product Product Equivalent Top of Bottom of Date of Elevation Product Water Surface Surface Thickness Head Head Screen Screen Measurement (ft-msl) (ft-bmp) (ft-bmp)* (ft-bmp) (ft-bmp) (ft) (ft) (ft-msl) (ft-msl) (ft-msl) 6/10/97 386.57 46.52 340.05 8/11/97 386.57 45.05 341.52 MS2A 5/23/97 398.96 49.1 349.86 286.96 6/10/97 398.96 48.52 350.44 286.96 7/22/97 398.96 48.23 350.73 286.96 6/12/97 398.96 47.09 351.87 286.96 11/17/97 387.25 39.41 347.84 286.96 MS3A 3/17/97 387.56 51.66 335.9 9/29/97 367.56 47.75 339.81 PW-02 3/19/97 392.03 56.85 335.18 4/28/97 392.03 52.42 339.61 9/18/97 392,03 47 345.03 12/10/97 392,03 51.46 340.57 2/24/97 393.8 58,47 335.33 281.75 221.75 3/17/97 393.75 56.85 336.9 281,75 221,75 5/23/97 393.75 52.88 340.87 281.75 221.75 6/10/97 393.75 52.39 341.36 281.75 221.75 7/22/97 393.75 51.86 341.89 281.75 221.75 8/12/97 393.75 47.96 345.79 281.75 221.75 10/22/97 393.75 49.39 344.36 281.75 221.75 1/12/98 393,75 51.8 341.95 281.75 221.75 PW-2A PW-6 2/24/97 391.7 53.12 338.58 317,67 238.67 3/17/97 391.67 50.92 340,75 317.67 238.67 5/23/97 391.67 43.59 348.08 317.67 238.67 6/10/97 391.67 43.02 348.65 317.67 238.67 7/21/97 391.67 40.11 351.56 317.67 238.67 8/11/97 391.67 39.46 352.21 317.67 238.67 10/22/97 391,67 44.87 346.8 317.67 238.67 12/10/97 391.67 48.13 343.54 317.67 238.67 1/12/98 391.67 47.59 344.08 317.67 238.67 PW-9 3/17/97 391.63 36.19 355,44 318.63 258,63 3/19/97 391.63 36.19 355.44 318.63 258.63 4/25/97 391.63 35.5 356.13 318.63 258.63 10/24/97 391.63 34.81 356.82 318.63 258.63 12/10/97 391.63 35.41 356.22 318.63 258.63 1/13/98 391.63 35.75 355.88 318.63 258,63 5/12/98 5:20:29 PM I'Depth to Water = -9999 Means Well Was Dry ] Page 11 of 18 Measuring Elevation of Elevation of Elevation of Elevation of Point Depth to Depth to Product Water Product Product Equivalent Top of Bottom of Date of Elevation Product Water Surface Surface Thickness Head Head Screen Screen Well Measurement (ft-msl) (ft-bmp) (ft-bmp)* (ft-bmp) (ft-bmp) (ft) (ft) (ft-msl) (ft-msl) (ft-msl) 2/24/97 384.2 40,63 343,57 286.22 236,22 3/17/97 384.22 42.6 341.62 286,22 236.22 3/19/97 384,22 40.37 343.85 286.22 236.22 4/29/97 384.22 39.78 344.44 286.22 236.22 5/23/97 384.22 39.42 344.8 286.22 236.22 6/10/97 384.22 39.03 345.19 286.22 236.22 7/21/97 384.22 38.63 345.59 286.22 236.22 8/11/97 384.22 32.83 351.39 286.22 236,22 10/24/97 384.22 39,55 344.67 286.22 236.22 11/17/97 384.22 39.74 344.48 286,22 236.22 12/10/97 384.22 39.5 344.72 286.22 236.22 1/14/98 384.22 40 344,22 286.22 236.22 1/28/98 384.22 39.47 344.75 286.22 236.22 PW-L23 PW-L26 2/24/97 383.2 41.96 341.24 291.18 241.18 3/17/97 383.18 41,5 341.68 291.18 241.18 5/23/97 383.18 40.09 343,09 291.18 241,18 6/10/97 383.18 39.59 343.59 291.18 241.18 7/22/97 383,18 39.01 344.17 291.18 241.18 8/12/97 383,18 38 38.25 345.18 344.93 291.18 241.18 11/17/97 383.18 40.3 342.88 291.18 241,18 12/10/97 383.18 40,2 342.98 291.16 241.18 1/28/98 383.18 40.83 342.35 291.18 241.18 PW-L28 2/24/97 386 45.82 340.18 312.01 239.0t 3/17/97 386,01 35.12 350.89 312.01 239.01 5/23/97 386.01 34,43 351,58 312.01 239.01 6/10/97 386,01 33.93 352.08 312.01 239.01 7/22/97 386,01 33.39 352.62 312.01 239.01 8/12/97 386.01 33,1 352.91 312.01 239.01 11/17/97 386.01 36,44 349.57 312,01 239.01 12/10/97 386.01 36.42 349.59 312.01 239,01 1/28/98 386.01 36.81 349.2 312.01 239.01 PW-U4 3/17/97 390.16 44.52 345,64 287.16 247.16 3/19/97 390.160004 44.52 -44.52 287.16 247,16 4/28/97 390.160004 47,53 287.16 247.16 5/23/97 390.16 43.53 346,63 287.16 247,16 6/10/97 390.16 43.01 347,15 287.16 247.16 7/21/97 390.16 42.89 347.27 287.16 247.16 5/12/98 5:20:30 PM [*Depth to Water= -9999 Means Well Was Dry ] Page 12 of 18 Well PW-U4 Measuring Elevation of Elevation of Point Depth to Depth to Product Water Date of Elevation Product Water Surface Surface Measurement (ft-msl) (ft-bmp) (ft-bmp)* (ft-bmp) (ft-bmp) 8/11/97 390.16 48.35 341.81 11/17/97 390.16 43.57 346.59 12/10/97 390.16 43,46 346.7 1/28/98 390.16 43.27 346.89 Elevation of Elevation of Product Product Equivalent Top of Bottom of Thickness Head Head Screen Screen (ft) (ft) (ft-msl) (ft-msl) (ft-msl) 287.16 247.16 287.16 247.16 287.16 247.16 287,16 247.16 PW-U5 2/24/97 385.3 30.91 354.39 293.26 243.26 3/17/97 385.26 30.63 354.63 293.26 243.26 5/22/97 385.26 30.03 355.23 293.26 243.26 6/10/97 385.26 29.65 355.61 293.26 243.26 7/21/97 385.26 29.11 356.15 293.26 243.26 8/10/97 385.26 28.74 356,52 293.26 243.26 11/17/97 385.26 32.3 352.96 293.26 243.26 12/10/97 385.76 32.07 353.69 293.26 243.26 1/28/98 385.26 32.36 352.9 293.26 243.26 R 1 3/17/97 385,42 48.57 336.85 369.42 276.42 5/23/97 385,42 46.42 339 369.42 276.42 6/10/97 385.42 46.1 339,32 369.42 276.42 7/21/97 385.42 45.36 340.06 369.42 276.42 8/11/97 385.42 45.05 340.37 369.42 276.42 9/29/97 382,26 43.54 338.72 369.42 276.42 R2 3/17/97 389.2 52.19 337,01 - 373.20 268,20 5/23/97 389.2 50.2 339 373.20 268.20 6/10/97 389.2 49.58 49.6 339.62 339.6 0.02 0.01 339.61 373.20 268.20 7/22/97 389.2 49.25 49.35 339.95 339.85 0.1 0.07 339,92 373.20 268.20 8/12/97 389.2 45.5 343.7 373,20 268,20 9/29/97 389.2 47.04 342,16 373.20 268,20 R3 3/17/97 390.7 49,36 341.34 374.70 270.70 5/23/97 390,7 48.28 342.42 374.70 270.70 6/10/97 390,7 47.26 343.44 374.70 270.70 7/22/97 390.7 46.79 343.91 374.70 270.70 8/12/97 390.7 48,5 342.2 374.70 270.70 9/30/97 390.7 44.42 346.28 374.70 270.70 12/10/97 390,7 46.65 344.05 374.70 270.70 R7 3/17/97 384.97 52 332.97 5/23/97 384.97 49.69 335.28 6/10/97 384.97 49.08 335.89 7/21/97 384.97 48.4 336.57 8/11/97 384.97 48.1 336.87 5/12/98 5:20:32 PM I *Depth to Water = -9999 Means Well Was Dry I Page 13 of 18 Measuring Elevation of Elevation of Elevation of Elevation of Point Depth to Depth to Product Water Product Product Equivalent Top of Bottorn of Date of Elevation Product Water Surface Surface Thickness Head Head Screen Screen Well Measurement (ft-rnsl) (ft-brnp) (ft-brnp)* (ft-brnp) (ft-bmp) (ft) (ft) (ft-rnsl) (ft-msl) (ft-msl) R7 9/30/97 384.97 46.41 46.42 338,56 338.55 0.01 0.01 338.56 11/17/97 384.97 47.31 337.66 ROW2 5/23/97 384,24 45.55 338.69 6/10/97 384.24 45.13 45,17 339.11 339.07 0.04 0.03 339,10 8/11/97 384,24 43.5 340.74 10/1/97 384.24 42.62 42.65 341.62 341.59 0.02 0.01 341.60 11/17/97 384,24 43.9 340.34 12/10/97 384,24 44.16 44.2 340.08 340.04 0,04 0.03 340.07 ROW4 5/22/97 384.07 47.87 48.19 336.2 335,88 0.32 0.23 336.11 6/10/97 384.07 47.46 47,83 336.61 336,24 0.37 0,27 336,51 7/21/97 384.07 47.3 47.51 336.77 336.56 0.37 0,27 336,83 8/10/97 384.07 45.32 45.5 338,75 338,57 0.18 0,13 338.70 9/30/97 384.32 43.94 44.3 340.38 340.02 0.03 0,02 340.04 RS-6 1/21/97 384.2 56.85 327.35 3/17/97 384,24 53.05 331,19 3/19/97 384.24 53,05 331.19 4/29/97 384.24 5.95 378,29 RS-BW4 5/22/97 387.3 60,97 326.33 278.30 249.30 6/10/97 387.3 60.54 326.76 278.30 249.30 7/21/97 387.3 60 327.3 278.30 249.30 8/10/97 387.3 58.98 328,32 278.30 249,30 11/17/97 387.3 60.16 327,14 278.30 249.30 12/10/97 387.3 59.79 327.51 278.30 249.30 RS-D2 1/21/97 391.7 66 66.25 325.7 325,45 0.25 0.18 325.63 318,68 238,68 2/24/97 391.7 62.42 62,48 329.28 329.22 0,06 0.04 329,26 318.68 238,68 3/17/97 391.68 63.61 63.69 328,07 327.99 0.08 0.06 328.05 318,68 238.68 3/19/97 391.68 63.61 63.69 328,07 327.99 0.08 0.06 328.05 318.68 238.68 4/29/97 391,68 61.5 62.5 330.18 329,18 1 0.73 329.91 318.68 238.68 5/22/97 391.68 60 61.1 331.68 330,58 1,1 0.80 331,38 318.68 238,68 6/10/97 391,68 60.51 60.52 331.17 331.16 0,01 0,01 331.17 318.68 238,68 7/21/97 391,68 60.1 60.25 331.58 331,43 0.15 0,11 331.54 318,68 238.68 8/11/97 391.68 48 48.05 343,68 343.63 0.05 0.04 343,67 318.68 238,68 9/29/97 391.68 57.89 57.97 333.79 333.71 0.08 0.06 333.77 318.68 238.68 11/17/97 391,68 58.75 58.72 332.93 332.96 0,03 0.02 332.98 318.68 238.68 12/10/97 391.68 58.29 58.55 333.39 333,13 0.26 0,19 333,32 318.68 238.68 1/28/98 391.68 58.02 58.06 333.66 333.62 0.04 0.03 333,65 318.68 238.68 5/12/98 5:20:33 PM I'Depth to Water= -9999 Means Well Was Dry ] Page 14 of 18 m mm m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m Well RS-DP4 Measuring Point Date of Elevation Measurement (ft-msl) 1/21/97 388.3 4/23/97 388.27 9/29/97 388.27 Elevation of Elevation of Elevation of Elevation of Depth to Depth to Product Water Product Product Equivalent Top of Bottom of Product Water Surface Surface Thickness Head Head Screen Screen (ft-bmp) (ft-bmp)* (ft-bmp) (ft-bmp) (ft) (ft) (ft-msl) (ft-msl) (ft-msl) 76.11 312.19 259.27 234.27 71.7 316.57 259.27 234.27 67.65 320.62 259.27 234.27 RS-DP5 1/21/97 383.1 49.93 333.17 281.07 241,07 4/25/97 383.07 46.9 336.17 281.07 241.07 10/24/97 383.07 45,34 337.73 281.07 241.07 12/10/97 382.47 46,11 336.36 281.07 241.07 1/14/98 383,07 46,87 336,2 281,07 241.07 RS-DP6 2/24/97 389.1 73,96 315.14 256,07 236.07 RS-DP7 1/21/97 387,8 62,48 325.32 283,77 253.77 4/24/97 387.77 58.91 328.86 283,77 253.77 1/21/97 383.7 58.65 325.05 299.69 230.69 2/24/97 383.7 56.32 327.38 299.69 230,69 3/17/97 383.69 55.47 328.22 299,69 230.69 3/17/97 383.7 55.47 328.23 299,69 230.69 3/19/97 383.69 55.47 328.22 299.69 230,69 4/25/97 383.69 53.7 329.99 299.69 230.69 5/23/97 383.69 52,44 331,25 299.69 230.69 6/10/97 383,69 51,28 332.41 299.69 230.69 7/21/97 383.69 50.5 333.19 299.69 230.69 8/11/97 383.69 49.25 334.44 299.69 230.69 8/12/97 389.54 69,7 319.84 299,69 230.69 10/23/97 383.69 48.2 335.49 299.69 230.69 11/17/97 383.31 48.34 334.97 299.69 230,69 12/10/97 383.31 48,71 334,6 299.69 230.69 1/14/98 383.31 48.8 334,51 299.69 230.69 RS-HC1 RS-HC7 5/23/97 383.43 45.89 337.54 305.43 245.43 6/10/97 383.43 45,32 338.11 305.43 245.43 7/21/97 383.43 44.91 338.52 305,43 245,43 8/11/97 383.43 43,76 339.67 305.43 245,43 9/29/97 383.43 43.01 340.42 305.43 245.43 11/17/97 383,43 45.43 338 305,43 245.43 12/10/97 385,26 44.35 340.91 305.43 245,43 RS-HC8 3/17/97 387,6 44,59 343.01 309.60 249.60 3/19/97 387.6 44.59 343,01 309.60 249.60 4/30/97 387.6 43.55 344.05 309.60 249.60 5/12/98 5:20:35 PM [*Depth to Water = -9999 Means We//Was Dry J Page 15 of 18 m mm mm mm mm mm m m m m m m m mm m mm m mm m Measuring Elevation of Elevation of Elevation of Elevation of Point Depth to Depth to Product Water Product Product Equivalent Top of Bottom of Date of Elevation Product Water Surface Surface Thickness Head Head Screen Screen Well Measurement (ft-msl) (ft-bmp) (ft-bmp)* (ft-bmp) (ft-bmp) (ft) (ft) (ft-msl) (ft-msl) (ft-msl) RS-HC8 5/23/97 387.6 43.1 344,5 309.60 249.60 6/10/97 387.6 42.56 345.04 309.60 249,60 7/22/97 387.6 41.89 345.71 309.60 249.60 8/12/97 387.6 41,08 346.52 309,60 249.60 10/24/97 387.6 41.33 346.27 309.60 249.60 11/17/97 387,6 42.5 345.1 309.60 249.60 1/14/98 387,6 43.1 344.5 309.60 249.60 RS-MN1X 2/24/97 388 67.81 320.19 303,97 253.97 3/17/97 387.97 67.17 320.8 303.97 253.97 5/23/97 387.97 64.78 323.19 303.97 253.97 6/10/97 387.97 64.3 323,67 303.97 253,97 8/11/97 387.97 62,33 325.64 303.97 253.97 9/29/97 387,97 61.59 326.38 303.97 253.97 11/17/97 387.97 62.88 325.09 303.97 253.97 12/10/97 387.97 62.59 325.38 303.97 253.97 1/14/98 387.97 62.18 325.79 303.97 253.97 RS-MN1Z 1/21/97 389.5 76.61 312.89 260.54 235.54 2/24/97 389.5 74.82 314.68 260.54 235.54 3/17/97 389,5 74.22 315.28 260.54 235.54 3/17/97 389.54 · 74.22 315.32 260.54 235.54 3/19/97 369,54 74.22 315.32 260,54 235.54 4/24/97 389.54 72,56 316.98 260,54 235,54 9/29/97 389.54 68.19 321.35 260.54 235.54 11/17/97 389,54 68.46 321,08 260.54 235.54 12/10/97 389.54 68,23 321.31 260.54 235,54 RS-MN2B 3/17/97 387.36 66.8 320.56 277,86 232.86 5/23/97 387.36 62.55 324.81 277.86 232.86 6/10/97 387,36 62 325.36 277.86 232.86 7/21/97 387.36 61.48 325.88 277.86 232.86 8/11/97 387.36 62.28 325.08 277.86 232.86 9/29/97 387.36 59.53 327.83 277.86 232.86 11/17/97 385,36 60,91 324.45 277.86 232.86 RS-MS2.5C 2/24/97 386.3 49.35 336.95 283.26 233.26 3/17/97 386.26 48.95 337.31 283.26 233.26 3/19/97 386.26 48.95 337.31 283.26 233.26 4/25/97 386.26 48.8 337.46 283.26 233,26 5/22/97 386.26 47.05 339.21 283.26 233.26 5/12/98 5:20:37 PM I'Depth to Water = -9999 Means Well Was Dry ] Page 16 of 18 Measuring Elevation of Elevation of Elevation of Elevation of Point Depth to Depth to Product Water Product Product Equivalent Top of Bottom of Date of Elevation Product Water Surface Surface Thickness Head Head Screen Screen Well Measurement (ft-msl) (ft-bmp) (ft-bmp)* (ft-bmp) (ft-bmp) (ft) (ft) (ft-msl) (ft-msl) (ft-msl) RS-MS2.5C 6/10/97 386,26 46,52 339.74 283.26 233.26 7/21/97 386,26 46.04 340.22 283,26 233.26 8/10/97 386,26 45.12 341.14 283.26 233,26 11/17/97 386,26 48.56 337.7 283.26 233.26 12/10/97 386.26 47.97 338.29 283.26 233.26 1/28/98 386.26 49.07 337.19 283.26 233.26 SIMW-2D 2/24/97 384,6 46.51 338.09 3/17/97 384.63 46.34 338.29 5/23/97 384.63 45.42 339.21 6/10/97 384.63 45.1 339,53 7/22/97 384.63 44,73 339.9 8/12/97 384.63 44.3 340.33 11/17/97 384.63 47.1 337.53 12/10/97 383.07 46.42 336.65 1/28/98 384,63 47.05 337,58 SIMW-4C 2/24/97 384,8 48,34 336,46 3/17/97 384.79 43.89 340.9 5/23/97 384.79 47.54 337.25 6/10/97 384.79 47.38 337.41 7/21/97 384,79 46,91 337,88 8/11/97 384.79 46.94 337,85 11/17/97 384.79 49.51 335.28 12/10/97 384.63 48.75 335,88 1/28/98 384,79 49.23 335.56 SIMW-SB 2/24/97 385.8 47.36 338.44 275,76 253,26 3/17/97 385.76 47.23 338.53 275.76 253,26 6/10/97 385,76 43,21 342.55 275.76 253.26 7/21/97 385.76 42,86 342,9 275.76 253.26 8/10/97 385,76 41.52 344,24 275,76 253.26 11/17/97 385.76 47.76 338 275.76 253.26 12/10/97 384.79 47.2 337.59 275,76 253,26 1/28/98 385,76 47,7 338.06 275.76 253.26 WI P-W 4B 1/20/97 390.7 58.14 332.56 2/24/97 390,7 54,68 336.02 3/17/97 390.7 52.76 337.94 3/19/97 390.71 52.76 337,95 4/28/97 390.71 50 340.71 5/12/98 5:20:38 PM [*Depth to Water = -9999 Means Well Was Dry ] Page 17 of 18 Well WIP-W4B Measuring Elevation of Elevation of Elevation of Elevation of Point Depth to Depth to Product Water Product Product Equivalent Top of Bottom of Date of Elevation Product Water Surface Surface Thickness Head Head Screen Screen Measurement (ft-msl) (ft-bmp) (ft-bmp)* (ft-bmp) (ft-bmp) (ft) (ft) (ft-msl) (ft-msl) (ft-msl) 5/22/97 390.71 48.85 341.86 6/10/97 390.71 48.43 342.28 7/21/97 390.71 44.75 345.96 8/10/97 390.71 43.65 347.06 1/21/98 390.71 48.21 342.5 LReport Design Modified 2/14/97 by DAB ] 5/12/98 5:20:39 PM I'Depth to Water = -9999 Means Well Was Dry ] Page 18 of 18 I I I I I I I I I I I I TERRA VAC STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES GROUNDWATER PURGING & SAMPLING PROTOCOL .Applications Whenever groundwater samples are collected for analysis, the following protocol shall be observed: Well Gauging and Water Level Monitoring A Solinst electronic well sounder will be used to measure groundwater levels to the nearest 0.01 foot. The instrument uses an indicator probe attached by an insulated wire line to a signal light and an alarm. The signal light blinks when the probe comes in contact with water and the alarm sounds when the probe comes in contact with floating hydrocarbons, and the electronic circuit is completed. All downhole equipment will be triple rinsed before and after use in each well, as detailed in Terra Vac's Standard Operating Procedures, Decontamination Protocol. The probe will be carefully lowered into the well to measure static water levels. Two successive readings within 0.01 foot of each other will be considered valid water level measurements. Groundwater Sampling Procedures Purging. Generally, 3 to 10 well volumes will be purged from each well prior to sampling. The purpose of purging is to remove stagnant water from the well, and to obtain a fresh sample which is representative of the surrounding aquifer. Temperature, pH, and conductivity measurements will be conducted before, periodically during, and after the purging process. Stabilization of these measurements shall occur prior to collection of a sample. The acceptable stabilization parameters are outlined below: Parameter Temperature pH Conductivity Stabilization Factor Within 1 degree Centigrade (equivalent to 1.8 degrees F) Within 0.1 Within 10% SOP-& l- l I I I I I I I I I I I I All instruments used to measure the above parameters will be rinsed with distilled water before and after each measurement. Purging may be performed by a vacuum truck, bailer, or pump. If a vacuum track is used, only clean stingers will be inserted in the monitoring well. Stingers which are reused will be triple rinsed as detailed in Terra Vac's Standard Operating Procedures, Decontamination Protocol. Bailers and pumps will be thoroughly decontaminated (as above), prior to and in between monitoring wells. Bailers will be lowered into the well with new lengths of polypropylene rope or Teflon coated wire which is capable of being decontaminated. Documentation. Well purging and sampling activities will be recorded on a well purging and sampling log which will include well purging start and finish times, amount of water purged, periodic measurements (after every 5 gallons removed) of temperature, water level, pH, and conductivity obtained during purging. Sampling information to be recorded on the log will include corresponding well number, collection time, date, and initials of the person collecting the sample as well as initial comments about the samples including a description of the color and odor, and any other unusual observations. A copy of the sampling log is attached. Instrument Calibration. Calibration of the instruments used for measuring the above parameters shall be performed each day, before use. Calibration shall be performed in accordance with manufacturer's specifications and will be recorded on calibration documents kept with the instrument. Sampling. Pre-cleaned sample bottles (cleaned according to EPA standards) will be obtained in advance from the contracted laboratory. The laboratory will be notified in advance of the specific analyses to be performed, and will provide pre-preserved bottles and vials appropriate for collection of the correct amount of water and proper preservation of samples as required for each analysis. All sample containers to be used for organic analyses will have Teflon linings inside of the covers. Groundwater samples will be collected immediately after purging, using a clean Teflon or disposable bailer. Reused Teflon bailers will be pre-cleaned according to Terra Vac's Standard Operating Procedures, Decontamination Protocol. Disposable bailers will be SOP-6. !-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I pre-cleaned prior to use unless they have been factory sealed in plastic sleeves, and are opened immediately prior to use in the field. Bailers will be lowered into the well with new lengths of polypropylene rope or Teflon coated wire which is capable of being decontaminated. Care will be taken to gently lower the bailer into the water to minimize turbulence, aeration, or degassing of the well water. Sample containers will be held in a covered storage area until used, and only opened immediately prior to filling. Prior to sampling, sampling personnel will put on new, clean, latex, surgical gloves to avoid sample or container contamination. The water in the bailer will be slowly dispensed into the sample bottle(s) using a bottom emptying device on the bailer to minimize aeration of the water. All sample containers will be filled completely to the top of the bottle and sealed with zero head space. The bottles will be immediately labeled, logged, placed in ziplock bags, and stored in a pre-cooled ice chest pending delivery to the laboratory. When possible, wells shall be sampled in order from least to most contaminated. Samples from wells with observable floating product will not be analyzed for dissolved phase constituents, however, the thickness of the floating product layer will be noted on the purging and sampling log, if possible. A chain of custody form will be completed in the field and accompany all samples submitted to the laboratory. Sample Numbering. Unless otherwise specified in the work plan or drilling and sampling plan for this project, groundwater samples will be numbered with the well number followed by a 'W' and a number designation (i.e. TV-I-Wl, TV-l-W2, etc.). During sample collection, all samples will be labeled and properly packed for shipment. At a minimum, sample labels shall include Terra Vac's job number, job name, sample number, date, initials of the person collecting the samples, and time collected. Samples will be contained in sealed, clear, plastic zip-lock bags with all sample labels and identifiers easily visible. Samples will be packed and shipped in coolers pre-chilled to 4 degrees Centigrade. Temperature will be maintained using dry ice or conventional ice in double plastic bags. Adequate sample protection during shipment will be ensured by surrounding samples with vermiculite, foam pieces, foam rubber, or some comparable packing material, as required for protection during shipment. SOP-6.1-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Purged Water Disposition. All groundwater purged from the wells will be contained in 55 gallon DOT drums or a polyethylene tank and held on-site pending laboratory analysis. Upon completion of field activities, all drums will be transported to a pre- determined on site location for temporary storage, Each drum shall be clearly marked with a "Non-Classified Waste" or client -provided label (using indelible ink) with the following information: etc.) 1) 2) 3) 4) $) 6) 7) 8) Container Number/Designation Owner Name Site Address and Phone Number Contents Corresponding well or boring number Corresponding depths of soil cuttings, if applicable Date Accumulated Any applicable comments, (i.e., sample collection date, An inventory of drums, along with any analytical results collected during the sampling event or otherwise requested by the client, pertaining to the contents, shall be provided to the facility operator to facilitate proper disposal. SOP-6.1-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I {~ Texaco Bakersfield Plant - Ground Water Chemistry Monitoring Report 12-May-98 Well Total Field Sample Ethyl Xylene Petroleum Ph Temp Specific Date of QA\QC Benzene Benzene Toluene Total Hydrocarbons MTBE (Std (oC) Conductivity Measurement Category (mg/I) (mg/I) (mg/I) (mg/I) (mg/I)* (rog/I)* Units) (umhos/cm) Comment 7/22/97 FIdReg <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.05 <0.0005 8.08 24 2/17/97 FIdReg <.0005 <.0005 <.0005 <.001 <.05 <.0005 4/28/97 FIdReg <.0005 <.0005 <.0005 <.001 <.05 .00099 7.6 10/23/97 FIdReg <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0006 <0.05 0.0044 7.47 11/4/97 FIdReg <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.05 0.004 8.1 11/20/97 FIdReg <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.05 0.0074 8 i2/8/97 FIdReg <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.05 0.0064 8.15 B-001 22.94 Clear, no odor 34.1 Clear, no odor 36 clear 35.7 clear B-004 4/29/97 FIdReg <.0005 <.0005 <.0005 <.001 <.05 <.0005 7.6 10/22/97 FIdReg <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0006 <0.05 <0.001 7.96 22.56 Clear, no odor B-011 2/18/97 FIdReg .084 .0076 .0012 .03 .4 <.001 7/17/97 FIdReg 0.029 0.0025 0.00056 0.0034 0.43 <0.0005 10/10/97 FIdReg 0.0082 0.0007 0.00037 0.00078 0.27 7.97 18.28 x B-013 10/14/97 FIdReg 0.12 0.11 0.11 0.48 4.2 9.96 19.44 x 10/14/97 FIdDup 0.11 0.11 0.099 0.49 4.2 x B-014 2/12/97 FIdReg <.0005 <.0005 <.0005 <.001 <.05 <.0005 7/15/97 FIdReg <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.05 <0.0005 10/6/97 FIdReg <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0006 <0.05 7.85 18 x B-017 4/29/97 FIdReg 7.1 10/9/97 FIdReg <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0006 <0.05 8.54 20.5 x B-029U 10/15/97 FIdReg 0.55 1 <0.07 10 25 <0.07 7.26 23.89 x B-030M 1/20/97 FIdReg <.0003 <.0003 <.0003 .00098 <.05 .00094 4/25/97 FIdReg <.0005 <.0005 <.0005 <.001 .05 <.0005 6.5 B-035 1/20/97 FIdReg <.0003 <.0003 <.0003 <.0006 <.05 <.0003 4/24/97 FIdReg <.0005 .0012 .001 <.001 <.05 <.0005 6.6 5/12/98 5:19:10 PM [*Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline J Page 1 of 8 m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m Total Field Sample Ethyl Xylene Petroleum Ph Temp Specific Date of QA\QC Benzene Benzene Toluene Total Hydrocarbons MTBE (Std (oC) Conductivity Well Measurement Category (rog/I) (rog/I) (rog/I) (rog/I) (rog/I)* (rog/I)* Units) (umhos/cm) Comment B-035 10/23/97 FIdReg 0.034 0.027 0.0019 0.041 2.30 <0.001 6.04 26.44 Very Cloudy, Strong Organic Odor B-041U 4/29/97 FldReg .64 .45 <.03 .28 8.1 <.03 7.4 B-042 1/20/97 FIdReg .086 2.1 <.03 8.7 27 <.05 4/24/97 FIdReg .12 2.4 .054 7.9 53 <.05 7.1 7/18/97 Fid Reg 0.16 2.1 <0.07 10 22 <0.07 10/23/97 FIdReg 0.12 1.40 0.013 7.30 26.00 0.016 6.55 25.33 Clear, no odor B-044U 12/8/97 FIdReg <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.05 <0.0005 6.91 35.7 clear B-050M 11/4/97 FIdReg <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.05 0.036 7.1 41.6 Cloudy 11/20/97 FIdReg <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.05 0.036 7.5 41.4 clear 12/8/97 FIdReg <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.05 0.035 7 35.6 clear B-050U 2/13/97 FIdReg <,0005 <.0005 <.0005 <.001 <0.05 .0026 4/28/97 FIdReg <.0005 <.0005 <.0005 <.001 <.05 .036 7.2 7/16/97 FIdReg <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0,001 <0.05 0,002 10/21/97 FIdReg <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0006 <0.05 <0,001 8.24 27.94 11/4/97 FIdReg <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.05 0.0005 7.1 33.8 11/20/97 Fid Reg <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.05 0.0007 7 38.9 12/8/97 FIdReg <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.05 0.0044 7.36 37.1 Silty, no odor Silty, Cloudy clear clear B-051U 2/13/97 FIdReg <.0005 <.0005 <.0005 <.001 <0.05 <.0005 4/28/97 FIdReg <.0005 <.0005 <.0005 <.001 <.05 <.0005 4/28/97 FIdReg 7.2 Muddy & Silty 7/16/97 FIdReg <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.05 <0.0005 10/24/97 FIdReg <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0006 <0.05 <0.001 8.35 20.72 slightly silty, no odor 11/20/97 FIdReg <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.05 0.0005 8.02 38 clear 12/8/97 FIdReg <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.05 <0.0005 7.72 35 clear B-052L 1/29/97 FIdReg <.0003 <.0003 <.0003 <.0006 <.05 2/11/97 FIdReg <.0005 <.0005 <.0005 <.001 <.05 <.0005 4/30/97 FIdReg <.0005 <.0005 <.0005 <.001 <.05 <.0005 7/14/97 FIdReg <0.0005 <0.0005 0.0047 <0.001 <0.05 <0.0005 7.1 5/12/98 5:19:12 P M L'Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline J Page 2 of 8 Total Field Sample Ethyl Xylene Petroleum Ph Temp Specific Date of QA\QC Benzene Benzene Toluene Total Hydrocarbons MTBE (Std (cC) Conductivity Well Measurement Category (mg/I) (mg/I) (mg/I) (mg/I) (mg/I)* (mg/I)* Units) (umhos/cm) Comment B-052L 10/6/97 FIdReg <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.05 <0.0005 7.34 20.06 x Bo052M 2/11/97 FIdReg .2 <.005 <.005 .013 1.3 <.005 4/30/97 FIdReg <.0005 <.0005 <.0005 <.001 1 <.0005 7.2 10/6/97 FIdReg <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0,001 <0.05 <0,0005 7.7 20 x 10/6/97 FIdDup <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.05 <0.0005 x B-052U 1/10/97 FIdReg .045 .061 .22 .39 2.3 7.04 1/20/97 FIdReg .0052 <.0005 .0043 .0082 ,11 <.0005 1/28/97 FIdReg .037 <.0003 .0074 .08 .34 2/11/97 FIdReg ,063 <.003 .012 .12 .31 <.003 4/23/97 FIdReg .0013 <.0005 <.0005 <.001 .27 <.001 7.7 10/6/97 FIdReg <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.05 <0.0005 7.58 19 x Changed Well_Id from B-052 B-077M 1/22/97 FIdReg <.0003 <.0003 .00089 .0024 <.05 <.0003 11/5/97 FIdReg <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.05 0.0058 6.6 34.1 Cloudy 11/21/97 FldReg <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.05 0.0066 7.1 38.6 clear 12/9/97 FIdReg <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.05 0.0096 6.8 32 clear 4/29/97 FIdReg <.0005 <.0005 <.0005 <.001 <.05 <.0005 Changed Well ID from B-077 10/21/97 FIdReg <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0006 <0.05 0.0055 7.72 26.22 Silty, no odor 11/5/97 FIdReg <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.05 0.0082 6.9 35.2 Silty 11/21/97 FIdReg <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.05 0.0078 7.1 36.3 clear 12/8/97 FIdReg <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.05 0.011 6.7 32 clear B-077U B-098L 2/13/97 FIdReg .14 .029 .0048 .022 <0.2 <.003 11/5/97 Fid Reg 0.013 <0.0005 <0.0005 0.0015 0.17 0.078 7.1 41.5 Clear 11/21/97 FIdReg 0.0087 <0.0005 <0.0005 0.0012 0.30 0.11 7.4 42.5 clear 12/9/97 FIdReg 0.0069 <0.0005 <0.0005 0.001 0.14 0.12 7.3 39.1 clear B-098M 1/22/97 FIdReg .017 .00039 .0014 .0078 .31 .014 2/13/97 FIdReg .013 <.0005 .0011 .011 <0.05 <.0005 11/5/97 FIdReg <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 0.0022 0.066 7 42.6 Silty 11/21/97 FIdReg <0.0005 <0.0005 0.0006 0.0041 0.40 0.075 7.4 42.8 clear 5/12/98 5:19:14 P M I'Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline ] Page 3 of 8 Total Field Sample Ethyl Xylene Petroleum Ph Temp Specific Date of QA\QC Benzene Benzene Toluene Total Hydrocarbons MTBE (Std (oC) Conductivity Well Measurement Category (mg/I) (mg/I) (mg/I) (mg/I) (mg/I)* (mg/I)* Units) (umhos/cm) B-098M 12/9/97 Comment FIdReg <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 0.0014 0.12 0,093 7.6 40.8 clear 2/13/97 FIdReg <.0005 <.0005 <.0005 .0046 <0.05 <.0005 4/29/97 FIdReg <.001 <.001 <.001 .0064 .51 .018 7.1 7/16/97 FIdReg <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 0.13 0.0097 10/22/97 FIdReg <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0006 <0.05 0.0037 7.70 11/5/97 FIdReg <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 0.11 0.0039 6.8 11/21/97 FIdReg <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.05 0.006 7.1 12/9/97 FIdReg <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.05 0.0033 7.32 B-098U 25.83 Silty, no odor 43.9 Silty 43.6 clear 35.6 clear B-099L 2/i2/97 FidReg <.0005 <.0005 <.0005 <.00i <.05 <.0005 4/30/97 FIdReg <.0005 <.0005 <.0005 <.001 <.05 <.0005 6.2 7/15/97 FIdReg <0.0005 <0.0005 0.0042 <0.001 <0.05 <0.0005 7.08 28.2 Clear. No Odor 10/6/97 FIdReg <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.05 <0.0005 7.55 16.78 x B-099M 2/11/97 FIdReg <.0005 <.0005 <.0005 <.001 <.05 <.0005 4/30/97 FIdReg <.0005 <.0005 <.0005 <.001 <.05 <.0005 6.2 10/6/97 FIdReg <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.05 <0.0005 7.54 17.22 x 10/6/97 FIdRin <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.05 <0.0005 x B-099U 1/10/97 FIdReg .15 .1 .67 .76 5 7 2/11/97 FIdReg <.0005 <.0005 <.0005 <.001 <.05 <.0005 4/23/97 FIdReg <.0005 <.0005 <.0005 <.001 <.05 <.001 7.2 10/6/97 FIdReg <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.05 <0.0005 7.6 16.28 x B-100L 2/12/97 FIdReg .062 .16 .4 1.2 2.5 <.005 4/30/97 FIdReg .0017 .02 .0021 .01 .14 <.0005 7.3 7/15/97 FIdReg <0.0005 <0.0005 0.0026 <0.001 <0.05 <0.0005 7.71 26.8 Some Bio-Organics, Slight Odor 10/3/97 FIdlReg <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.05 <0.0005 7.87 18.44 x B-100M 2/12/97 FIdReg .082 .22 .59 1.8 4.4 <.005 4/30/97 FIdReg <.0005 <.0005 <.0005 <.001 <.05 <.0005 7.3 10/3/97 FIdReg <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.05 <0.0005 7.71 18.56 x B-100U 1/10/97 FIdReg .42 .16 1.6 1.4 9.8 7.18 5/12/98 5:19:16 PM ~[*T°tal Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline I Page 4 of 8 Total Field Sample Ethyl Xylene Petroleum Ph Temp Specific Date of · QA\QC Benzene Benzene Toluene Total Hydrocarbons MTBE (Std (oC) Conductivity Well Measurement Category (mg/I) (mg/I) (mg/I) (rog/I) (rog/I)* (rog/I)* Units) (umhos/cm) Comment B-100U 2/12/97 FIdReg .067 .21 .37 1.2 2.8 <.005 4/23/97 FIdReg .024 .093 .059 .13 .75 <.002 7.6 10/3/97 FIdReg <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.05 <0.0005 7.63 18 x B-101M 1/22/97 FIdReg <,0003 <.0003 .0013 .0028 .053 <.0003 B-101U 2/13/97 FIdReg <.0005 <.0005 <.0005 <.001 <0.05 <.0005 4/29/97 FIdReg <.0005 <.0005 <.0005 <.001 <.05 <,0005 7.5 B-103L 2/12/97 FIdReg <.0005 .00052 .00074 ,0036 <.05 <.0005 4/30/97 FIdReg <.0005 <,0005 <.0005 <.001 <,05 <.0005 7.6 10/2/97 FIdReg <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0006 <0.05 8.35 19.72 x B- 103M 2/12/97 FIdReg <.0005 <.0005 <.0005 <.001 <,05 <.0005 4/30/97 FIdReg <.0005 <,0005 <,0005 <,001 <.05 <.0005 7.6 10/2/97 FIdReg <0,0003 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0006 <0.05 7.86 17.83 x B-103U 2/12/97 FIdReg <.0005 <.0005 <.0005 <.001 <.05 <.0005 4/30/97 FIdReg <.0005 <.0005 <,0005 <.001 <.05 <.0005 7.5 7/15/97 FIdReg <0.0005 <0,0005 <0.0005 <0,001 <0.05 <0.0005 7.62 27,2 Clear, No Odor 10/2/97 FIdReg <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0003 0.00077 <0.05 7.9 17.61 x B.104L 10/7/97 FtdReg <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0006 <0.05 7.97 14.67 x B-104M 10/7/97 FIdRin <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0,0006 <0.05 x 10/7/97 FIdReg <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0006 <0.05 7.98 16.11 x B-104U 4/23/97 FIdReg <.0005 <.0005 <.0005 <.001 <.05 <.001 7.4 10/7/97 FIdReg <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0006 <0.05 7.99 14,67 x B-105U 7/18/97 FIdReg 0,058 0.33 <0.01 <0,02 1.2 <0.01 8.1 26.2 Oily substances floating at top of Well. B- 108U 7/18/97 FIdReg <0,002 0.0047 <0.002 <0.004 1.2 <0.002 7.2 27.3 Muddy, Silty, Slight Bio-Odor 10/23/97 FIdReg <0.0003 0.0019 <0.0003 0.0024 0.53 <0.001 7.96 23.89 Silty, no odor BW2 10/9/97 FIdReg 0.55 1.5 23 13 70 7.34 17 x 5/12/98 5:19:18 PM [*Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline I Page 5 of 8 m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m Total Field Sample Ethyl Xylene Petroleum Ph Temp Specific Date of QA\QC Benzene Benzene Toluene Total Hydrocarbons MTBE (Std (oC) Conductivity Well Measurement Category (rog/I) (rog/I) (rog/I) (rog/I) (rog/I)* (rog/I)* Units) (umhos/cm) Comment MS2.5A 7/15/97 FIdReg 0.005 0.25 0.18 2.2 5.7 <0.003 7.5 28.1 Silty, Muddy, Moderate Bio-Odor 10/9/97 FldReg <0.0003 0.035 0.0047 0.32 1.1 7.65 16.83 x MS3A 10/2/97 FIdReg <0.0003 0.00049 <0.0003 0.0055 <0.05 7.5 16.17 x PW-2A 4/28/97 FIdReg <.0005 <.0005 <.0005 <.001 <.05 .0024 10/22/97 FIdReg <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0006 <0.05 <0.001 7.12 25.28 Silty, no odor PW-6 4/28/97 FIdReg <.0005 <.0005 <.0005 <.001 <.05 <.0005 7/17/97 FIdReg <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.05 <0.0005 6.32 25.4 Clear, No Odor 10/22/97 FIdReg <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0006 <0.05 <0.001 7.22 23.72 Silty, no odor PW-9 1/7/97 FIdReg .017 .0039 .01 .006 .099 7.65 2/17/97 FIdReg <.0005 <.0005 <.0005 <.001 <.05 <.0005 4/25/97 FIdReg <.0005 <.0005 <.0005 <.001 <.05 <.0005 7.1 7/18/97 FIdReg <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.05 <0.0005 8.3 22.4 Clear, No Odor 10/24/97 FIdReg <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0006 <0.05 <0.001 7.40 18.39 Clear, no odor PW-L23 4/29/97 FIdReg <.0005 <.0005 <.0005 <.001 <.05 <.0005 7.4 10/24/97 FIdReg <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0006 <0.05 <0.001 8.69 18.06 Cloudy PW-L28 7/17/97 FIdReg <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.05 <0.0005 7.3 28.6 Clear, No Odor RS-6 1/21/97 FIdReg 1.2 .66 4.2 11 51 <.08 4/29/97 FIdReg 3.2 1.1 8.4 14 72 <.3 7.1 7/18/97 FIdReg 2.4 1.5 12 18 49 <0.5 6.8 34.2 Nasty Bio- Strong Odor- RS-D2 10/15/97 FIdReg 14 4.9 51 39 180 x RS-DP4 1/21/97 FIdReg <.0003 <.0003 <.0003 <.0006 <.05 <.0003 4/23/97 FIdReg <.0005 <.0005 <.0005 <.001 <.05 <.001 7.2 7/15/97 FIdReg <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.05 <0.0005 7.47 30.1 Clear, Slight Bio-Odor RS-DP5 1/21/97 FIdReg <.0003 <.0003 .0016 <.0006 .058 <.0003 4/25/97 FIdReg <.0005 <.0005 <.0005 <.001 .06 <.0005 5/12/98 5:19:20 PM [*Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline ) Page 6 of 8 m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m Total Field Sample Ethyl Xylene Petroleum Ph Temp Specific Date of QA\QC Benzene Benzene Toluene Total Hydrocarbons MTBE (Std (cC) Conductivity Well Measurement Category (rog/I) (rog/I) (rog/I) (rog/I) (rog/I)* (rog/I)* Units) (umhos/cm) Comment RS-DP8 7/15/97 FIdReg <0.0005 <0.0005 0.00061 <0.001 <0.05 <0.0005 7.56 27.8 Clear, No Odor 10/24/97 FIdReg <0.0003 <0,0003 0.0018 <0.0006 <0.05 <0,001 6.17 19.00 Clear, no odor RS-DP7 1/21/97 FIdReg <.0003 <.0003 <,0003 <.0006 <.05 <,0003 4/24/97 FIdReg <.0005 <.0005 <.0005 <.001 <,05 <.0005 7.1 7/16/97 FIdReg <0,0005 <0.0005 <0,0005 <0.001 <0.05 <0.0005 8.15 28.2 Silty, Muddy, No odor 1/9/97 FIdReg .12 .32 .012 .85 4.3 6.29 1/21/97 FIdReg .0071 .0052 .011 .024 .54 <.0003 4/25/97 FIdReg .007 .021 <.005 <.01 1.4 <.005 4/25/97 FIdReg 6.1 7/15/97 FIdReg 0.0051 0.033 0.0013 0,041 0.72 <0,0005 6.06 10/23/97 FIdReg 0.0054 0.035 0.0011 0.003 0.82 <0,001 6,03 RS-HC1 33.4 25.28 Orange discoloration in 1st 5' of water. 1st 5 gal. reddish orange Cloudy, slight odor RS-HC7 10/8/97 FIdReg 0.00031 <0.0003 0.00061 0.00069 <0.05 7.73 16.61 x RS-HC8 2/18/97 FIdReg <.0005 <.0005 <,0005 <,001 <.05 <.0005 4/30/97 FIdReg <.0005 <.0005 <.0005 <.001 <.05 <,0005 7.1 7/17/97 FIdReg <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0,05 <0.0005 7.7 29.1 Clear, No Odor 10/24/97 FIdReg <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0006 <0.05 <0.001 6.50 19.61 slightly silty, no odor RS-MN1X 10/7/97 FIdReg 0.046 0.066 0.039 0,35 1.5 8.02 17.22 x 1/21/97 FIdReg .043 <.0003 .00033 ,00099 .21 <.0005 1/29/97 FIdReg <.0003 <.0003 <.0003 <.0006 <.05 4/24/97 FIdReg .012 .00058 <.0005 ,0047 .16 <.0005 7/14/97 FIdReg <0.0005 <0.0005 0,0026 <0.001 0.15 <0.0005 10/8/97 FIdReg 0.11 0,0034 0.0004 0,0035 0.55 RS-MNIZ 7.79 30.4 Clear to Slightly Silty, Bio-Odor (Moder 8.25 19.22 x RS-MN2B 10/7/97 FIdReg <0.0003 <0.0003 <0.0003 <0,0006 <0.05 8.16 18.33 x RS-MS2,5C 4/25/97 FIdReg <.0005 <.0005 <.0005 <.001 <.05 <.0005 4/25/97 FIdReg 7 Clear No Odor WIP.W4B 1/20/97 FIdReg <.0003 <.0003 <.0003 <.0006 <.05 <.0003 5/12/98 5:19:22 PM [*Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline J Page 7 of 8 Total Field Sample Ethyl Xylene Petroleum Ph Temp Specific Date of QA\QC Benzene Benzene Toluene Total Hydrocarbons MTBE (Std (oC) Conductivity Well Measurement Category (rog/I) (mg/I) (mg/I) (mg/I) (rog/I)* (rog/I)* Units) (umhos/cm) Comment WIP-W4B 4/28/97 FIdReg <.0005 <.0005 <.0005 <.001 <.05 <.0005 7,1 7/22/97 FIdReg <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.001 <0.05 <0,0005 7.98 23.6 Sample QA\QC Categories: FIdReg = Regular Primary Sample FIdDup = Duplicate Sample Collected in Field FIdBIk = Field Blank ,FIdRins = Field Equipment Rinsate Blank Report Design Modified 11/6/97 by DAB ] 5/12/98 5:19:24 PM I'Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Gasoline ] Page 8 of 8 I I I I I' I' I I I I I i I I I I I i i