HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION (5)Environmental Engineering & Consulting Shell Oil Products US Quarterly Groundwater Monitoring Report, Shell Bakersfield Refinery 6451 Rosedale Highway Bakersfield, California 93308 Fourth Quarter 2003 Project No,: 077-030 FOURTH QUARTER AND ANNUAL 2003 GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT SHELL OIL PRODUCTS US BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA February 13, 2004 Prepared for: Shell Oil Products US 6451 Roseda!e Highway Bakersfield, CA 93308 Prepared by: TriHydro Corporation 920 Sheridan Street Laramie, WY 82070 TriHydro Corporation 920 Sheridan Street (307) 745-7474 Laramie, Wyoming 82070 FAX: (307) 745-7729 H:~Projects~SHELL~Bakersfield~FinaRO77-O31~feb12rptO14Q'O3rpt.doc CERTIFICATION FOURTH QUARTER AND ANNUAL 2003 GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT SHELL OIL PRODUCTS US BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA I certify that I have reviewed this document. To the best of my knowledge, the data contained herein are true and accurate and the work was performed in accordance with appropriate and customary professional standards. Licenses Expire October 31, 2005 Date H:\Projects\S HELL,Bakersfield\Final\077~030~rptO 14Q'O3rpt.doc TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Pa,qe t.0 INTRODUCTION ....................................... 2.0 BACKGROUND AND FACILITY DESCRIPTION ..................................... 2-1 2.1 Geologic and Hydrogeologic Setting ........................................................................ 2-! 2,2 Distribution of Petroleum Constituents ................................................................... 2-2 3.0 REMEDIATION STATUS ............................................................... 3-1 3,1 Identify and Eliminate Receptor Pathways ........................................................... 3-1 3.2 Hydraulic Containment System (IRM Systems) ............... 3-2 3.3 Air Sparge System ........................................................... 3-3 3.4 Vapor Extraction System .......................................................................................... 3-3 4.0 FIELD ACTIVITIES .............................................................................................................. 4-1 4.1 Sample Collection and Handling Procedures ....................... 4~1 5.0 FOURTH QUARTER 2003 GROUNDWATER MONITORING RESULTS ......................... 5-1 5.1 Groundwater Flow Direction and Hydraulic Gradient ............................... 5-1 5.2 Separate Phase Hydrocarbon Occurrence .............................................................. 5-2 5.3 Results of Laboratory Analyses of Groundwater Samples ...................................... 5-2 5.3.1 Refinery/Terminal Shallow Zone Groundwater Analytical Results ........... 5-2 5,3,2 Refinery/Terminal Intermediate Zone Groundwater Analytical Results .... 5-3 5,3.3 Refinery/Terminal Deep Zone Groundwater Analytical Results ............... 5-3 5.3.4 Groundwater Supply Well Analytical Results ............. 5-4 5.3.5 Area 3 Well Groundwater Analytical Results ............................................ 5-4 5.4 Quality Assurance/Quality Contro Results (QNQC) ............................................... 5-4 5.5 Results of Field DO/ORP Readings ........................................................................ 5~5 6.0 CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................... 6-1 7.0 WORK PROPOSED FOR NEXT QUARTER (FIRST QUARTER 2004) ............................ 7-1 8.0 REFERENCES ............................................................................. 8-1 H:\Projects~SHELL~Bakersfield~Final~O77-O31~feb12rptO14Q'O3rpt.do(; LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A Field Data Sheets B Laboratory Analytica! Reports H:\Projects\SHELL~Bakersfield\Final\O77.031~feb12rpt014Q'03rpt.doc LIST OF TABLES Table 2 3a 3b 4 Fourth Quarter 2003 Groundwater Monitoring Summary, Bakersfield Refinery, Shell Oil Products U.S. 2003 - Groundwater Levels, Bakersfield Refinery, Shell Oil Products U,S. 2003 - Monitoring Well Analytical Results, Bakersfield Refinery, Shell Oil Products U.S. 2003 - Water Supply Well Analytica! Results, Bakersfield Refinery, Shell Oil Products U.S. Fourth Quarter 2003 - Quality Assurance Results, Bakersfield Refinery, Shell Oi! Products U.S. H:~Projects\SHELL~Bakersfield\Final\O77-O31~feb12rpt014Q'O3rpt'd°c LIST OF FIGURES Figure t 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 Site Vicinity Map Site Plan Potentiometric Map for Groundwater <110' bgs, November 2003 Potentiometric Map for Groundwater 110' - 140' bgs, November 2003 P0tentiometric Map for Groundwater >140' bgs, November 2003 MTBE Plume Contours for Groundwater <110' bgs, November 2003 MTBE Plume Contours for Groundwater 110' - 140' bgs, November 2003 MTBE Plume Contours for Groundwater >140' bgs, November 2003 MTBE Results for Nearby Water Supply Wells, November 2003 Benzene Plume Contours for Groundwater <110' bgs, November 2003 Benzene Plume Contours for Groundwater 110' - 140' bgs, November 2003 Benzene Plume Contours for Groundwater >140' bgs, November 2003 Benzene Results for Nearby Water Supply Wells, November 2003 Air Sparging Well Locations Potentiometric Map for Groundwater and Groundwater Analytical November 2003 DO Results for Groundwater <110' bgs, November 2003 DO Results for Groundwater 110' - 140' bgs, November 2003 DO Results for Groundwater >140' bgs, November 2003 ORP Results for Groundwater <110' bgs, November 2003 ORP Results for Groundwater 110' - 140' bgs, November 2003 ORP Results for Groundwater >140' bgs, November 2003 Results- Area 3, H:\Projects\SHELL~Bakersfleld\Final\077-031\febt2rpt014Q'03rpt-d°c 1.0 INTRODUCTION Shell Oil Products US (SOPUS) has prepared this groundwater monitoring report to detail activities conducted at the Shell Bakersfield Refinery for the reporting period of October through December 2003 (Fourth Quarter 2003), as well as summarize annual groundwater monitoring results for the Site. The principal assessment, remediation, and management activities conducted during this reporting period included: Operating dissolved-phase hydrocarbon-contaminated groundwater recovery (IRM systems), air sparge, and vapor extraction systems; · Quarterly groundwater-quality monitoring in Refinery areas 1 through 3; Quarterly groundwater-quality monitoring of groundwater supply wells located immediately north of the refinery (north of the Ca!!oway Canal); Routine monitoring and reporting associated with the NPDES permit for discharge from the IRM systems; Incorporating the results of the fourth quarter 2003 assessment, remediation, and management activities into this Groundwater Monitoring Report. ^ summary sheet describing groundwater monitoring activities for the fourth quarter of 2003 is included as Table 1. Section 2.0 provides general Site background and facility description information. Section 3.0 details the active remedial systems at the Site. Field activities and analytical results associated with the fourth quarter groundwater sampling event are presented in sections 4.0 and 5.0, respectively. Section 6.0 summarizes the fourth quarter 2003 data. Work to be conducted during the first quarter of 2004 is presented in Section 7.0 and references are provided in Section 8.0. 1-1 H:~Projects~SHELL~Bakersfield~Final~_O77-031~feb12rpt014Q'03rpt.doc 2.0 BACKGROUND AND FACILITY DESCRIPTION Shell Oil Products U.S. (SOPUS) has owned and operated the facility now known as the Shell Bakersfield Refinery since October 2001. The Shell Bakersfield Refinery consists of three interconnected operating areas known as Areas 1, 2, and 3. Area 1 was built in 1932 by the Mohawk Oil Company (1932 to 1970) and was subsequently owned by Reserve Oil and Gas Company (1970 through 1980), Getty Oil Company (1980 through 1984), Texaco (1984 through 1998), and Equilon Enterprises LLC (1998 through 2001). The adjacent Area 2 was built by the US Government in 1942 and was subsequently owned by Lion Oil Company, Tosco Oil Company, Texaco (1986 through 1998), and Equilon Enterprises LLC (1998 through 2001)? Shell Bakersfield Refinery Areas 1 and 2 encompass approximately 599 acres of land located in the city of Bakersfield, Kern County, California (the Site, Figure 1), Area 3 was built and operated by the Independent Valley Energy Company (1978 to 1987) and was subsequently owned by Texaco (1987 to 1998) and Equilon Enterprises LLC (1998 to 2001). Area 3 is located approximately 1.5 miles northeast of Area 1 and encompasses approximately 357 additional acres of land. The Shell Bakersfield Refinery currently processes about 70,000 barrels of crude oil per day into products such as automotive gasoline, diesel fuel, petroleum coke, fuel oils, liquefied petroleum gas, asphalt, and sulfur. A site plan showing the Site and adjacent properties is included as Figure 2. 2.1 Geolo.qic and Hydro.qeologic Setting The Site is located at an elevation of approximately 390 feet above mean sea level (msl) and is underlain by approximately 200 feet of late Pleistocene and Recent alluvial sands and gravel (deposited primarily by the Kern River). The Kern River alluvial fan is a large wedge of sand and gravel on the east side of the valley that forms where the Kern River exits the Sierra Nevada foothills. Alluvial fan deposition is the geologic response to the change in slope and to the transition from confined to unconfined flow (Dale, 1966). Water runoff from the Sierras flows from the northeast to the southwest down the bed of the Kern River onto the alluvial fan, where water slowly seeps from the river bottom into the distant margins of the fan. Elk Hills, which represents the surface expression of a subsurface anticline, then diverts the subsurface flow southward towards Buena Vista Lake (Dale, 1966). The near-surface aquifer is made up of Pleistocene to Recent sands and gravel. These sediments cut into older alluvial fan and lacustrine sediments of the Plio-Pleistocene Tulare Formation. An angular unconformity then separates the continental sediments from underlying marine deposits of the Pliocene San Joaquin Formation (Bertoldi, 1991). Studies of the Site and surrounding area indicate that the upper 100 feet of sediments consist primarily of interbedded sands and silts (with minor clay) deposited as the outwash plain of the Kern River. Because of the nature of braided stream deposition, correlation of distinct stratigraphic horizons is difficult and may vary across the Site and vicinity. H:~Projects~SHELL\Bakersfield\Final~077-O31~feb12rpt014Q'03rpt. do¢ 27t For monitoring purposes, the site stratigraphy has been divided into three distinct horizons: · Depth of !ess than 110 feet below ground surface (bgs) (Shallow Zone); · Depth of 110 feet to 140 feet bgs (Intermediate Zone); and · Depth of greater than 140 feet bgs (Deep Zone). The less permeable aquitards that separate these horizons are relatively uniform across the Site. Although there may be two or more coarse-grained strata present within any of these horizons, each individual monitoring well is typically screened across only one stratum. The shallowest groundwater in the site vicinity is generally unconfined, with confined conditions occurring locally. The water table elevation has fluctuated by tens of feet per year in response to changes in regional groundwater recharge and pumping conditions. There was approximately 100 feet of water table rise between 1993 and 1999. Details related to current water level fluctuations and elevations are discussed in Section 5.1. 2.2 Distribution of Petroleum Constituents Two source areas for MTBE-affected groundwater have been identified at the Site. One source area is located at the Sales Terminal (hereinafter referred to as the "Terminal"), along the southeast corner of Fruitvale Avenue and Rosedale Highway, The second source area (Blending Area) is located near the eastern property line within the Refinery, near the railcar- loading area in Area 1. Figure 2 shows the locations of these two source areas. A release of petroleum hydrocarbons containing MTBE first occurred from the Terminai's underground product lines in March 1999. Subsequent releases occurred in December 2000 and April 2001. A reformate release was identified in the vicinity of the Area 2 Refinery's hydrocracker in 1987. Hydrocarbon recovery activities began in June 1987. The system was expanded in 1988 and was continued until September 1990, when thicknesses of hydrocarbon on the groundwater table decreased to zero. Approximately 2,750 barrels of reformate were recovered. Hydrocarbon product is currently detected in only four wells onsite (refer to Section 5.2). 2-_2 H:\Projects~SH ELL~Bakersfield\Final~O77-O31~feb 12rptO14Q'O3rpt. doc 3,0 REMEDIATION STATUS A number of remedial measures have been implemented to address subsurface degradation associated with the reformate leak detected in 1987 and the MTBE spills identified in 1999. The principal components of the current remediation program are: 1. Identify and eliminate receptor pathways for subsurface contamination (a concern related to the dissolved MTBE plume emanating from the Terminal Area); 2. Hydraulic containment of MTBE plume using the IRM groundwater pump and treat systems; 3. !n-situ air sparging system to treat petroleum hydrocarbon-affected groundwater in the reformate and MTBE plumes; and 4. Soil vapor extraction to remediate the vadose zone in both the reformate and MTBE (Sales Terminal) areas. This section summarizes the status of each of these systems during the fourth quarter 2003. 3.1 Identify and Eliminate Receptor Pathways The first step associated with the dissolved MTBE plume emanating from the Sales Terminal was to identify and eliminate receptor pathways. Five off-site water supply wells were identified as potential future receptors due to their proximity to the dissolved MTBE plume. Four of the wells (EPC, Gaslight, Simpson, and IP) have been plugged and abandoned as per Kern County guidelines. The remaining supply well GD, on the Caza Drilling property is not operating, Other off-site supply wells in the site vicinity are north of the Calloway Canal. The dominant groundwater flow direction is to the west/northwest. Sampling results indicate that dissolved MTBE above 1.0 microgram per liter (ug/L) does not extend north of the canal (the dissolved MTBE plume is being contained/removed by extraction from the IRM wells south of the Canal; described in Section 3.2). Four on-site supply wells provide water to the refinery. All wells are screened at depths greater than 500 feet and are separated from the strata of MTBE-affected groundwater by a regional aquitard that begins at a depth of approximately 250 feet bgs. The refinery's four on-site water production wells are utilized as a source of process water. The use of two of the wells as a source of potable water for the refinery was discontinued on June 22, 2002, when the potable water distribution systems for Areas 1 and 2 of the refinery were connected to a municipal water supply. Area 3 of the refinery utilizes municipal water for process and potable uses. 3-1 H:~Project~\SHELL\Bakersfield~Fin~R077-031~feb12rptO14Q'O3rpt. doc 3.2 Hydraulic Containment System (IRM Systems) The MTBE plume originating at the Terminal is contained through operation of two groundwater extraction systems (IRM-1 and IRM.2). The effectiveness of the hydraulic containment system is provided through the following: 1) extraction from the leading (down-gradient) edge of the plume, 2) extraction from additional wells as necessary to provide capture of the full width of the dissolved plume, 3) extraction from enough locations along the length of the plume to ensure hydraulic containment under conditions of shifting groundwater flow, and 4) extraction from sufficient depth to capture the vertical extent of the dissolved plume. The hydraulic containment system has been des_igned with enough flexibility to accommodate the anticipated fluctuations in water table elevation. In anticipation of dropping regional water levels, groundwater extraction wells have been completed in both the Shallow Zone, at a depth of approximately 80 to 110 feet (currently the primary interval containing dissolved-phase MTBE), and the Intermediate Zone, at a depth of approximately 110 to 140 feet, Extraction from the Intermediate Zone is a precaution against MTBE bypassing the containment system as the water table drops. Shallow extraction wells that go dry are temporarily capped and preserved for possible later use in the event that the water table rises in future years, IRM-1 consists of seven extraction wells (EW-3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, and 13) located 50 to 200 feet south of the Ca!loway Canal, approximately 450 feet west of the Charity Avenue cul-de-sac. IRM-1 was constructed to provide hydraulic containment at the down-gradient, leading edge of the Terminal dissolved-phase MTBE plume. Treated water from IRM-1 currently discharges to the Calloway Canal. During the fourth quarter 2003, the average discharge rate was 105.55 gallons per minute (gpm) or approximately 151,992 gallons per day (gpd), During 2003, the average discharge rate was 101.38 gpm or approximately 146,088 gpd. Influent MTBE concentrations for the IRM-1 extraction wells ranged from less than 1.0 IJg/L to 7,300 pg/L during both the fourth quarter of 2003 and the year in general, IRM-2 consists of one extraction well (EW-8) north of Charity Avenue and four extraction wells (EW-9, 10, 11, and B-149) south of Charity Avenue. One additional extraction well (EW-14) was installed down-gradient of EW-11 in August, 2003 to provide additional hydraulic containment and remediation of the leading edge of the Shallow Zone MTBE plume. The well was manifolded to the extraction and treatment system and began pumping on October 10, 2003. Treated water from IRM-2 also discharges to the Calloway Canal. During the fourth quarter 2003, the average discharge rate was 98.85 gpm or approximately 142,347 gpd. During 2003, the average discharge rate was 99.26 gpm or approximately 142,934 gpd. Influent MTBE concentrations for IRM-2 extraction wells ranged from less than 1.0 pg/L to 7,300 pg/L during the fourth quarter of 2003. For 2003, influent MTBE concentrations for the IRM-2 extraction wells ranged from less than 1.0 pg/L to 59,000 pg/L, Both IRM-1 and IRM-2 were fully operational during the fourth quarter of 2003 and operated in accordance with the NPDES permit conditions. The average effluent flow from IRM-1 was 97.93, 99.89, and 103.84 gpm for October, November, and December 2003, respectively. The average effluent flow from IRM-2 was 94.94, 100.47, and 101.14 gpm for October, November, and December 2003, respectively. The groundwater treatment technology is a biologically augmented, granulated active carbon system (BioGAC). The BioGAC system utilizes a standard carbon treatment system inoculated with a naturally occurring, MTBE-degrading bacteria that has been isolated and patented by Shell Global Solutions. The BioGAC treatment technology is currently utilized for both the IRM-1 · 3-2 H:~rojects~SHELL~Bakersfiel~Final\077-O31~feb12rpt014Q'03rpt.doc and IRM-2 extraction systems. As a precaution, the process streams from the treatment plants are run through a standard GAC unit before being discharged. 3.3 Ai_r Spar.qe System In areas of favorable geochemical conditions, aerobic microbial populations are capable of degrading MTBE and reformate? Preliminary studies conducted by Shell Global Solutions Westhollow Technology Center indicate indigenous oxy-degraders are present in the Blending Area plume, and BTEX degraders are present throughout the site; however the rate of biodegradation is relatively slow. In areas within and down-gradient of a product release, groundwater is typically depleted of oxygen. The addition of oxygen to the groundwater system (e.g. through air sparging) is expected to stimulate microbial growth and associated MTBE and reformate biodegradation. The refinery-wide air sparge system consists of 46 multi-level well clusters, Air sparging well locations are shown on Figure 14. The Blending Area dissolved MTBE plume is being contained by enhanced bioremediation through the use of the air sparge system. Historical MTBE concentrations show that the Blending Area MTBE plume is stable'and should not affect offsite re(~eptors. In addition, the refinery installed a vapor extraction well in the Blending Area to supplement remedial activities in this area. The well became operational on June 2, 2003, The refinery-wide air sparge system operated continuously during 2003. Several shallow zone air sparge wells were shut down in the fourth quarter of 2003 due to a drop in the water table. Throughout 2003, more than 30 air sparge wells were temporarily shut down due to decreasing water table elevations. The air sparge wells were temporarily capped and will be reactivated as water levels rise at the Site. 3.4 Vapor Extraction System The refinery vapor extraction system (VES) has a capacity of 21,000 standard cubic feet per minute (scfm). Extraction wells associated with the VES unit are located throughout the dissolved reformate plume areas, the Blending Area, and the Sales Terminal. Petroleum hydrocarbon-affected soil vapor is currently being removed from the source areas at the refinery and Terminal by means of the VES system. The VES well extraction and operating system is consistently being modified to maximize mass removal rates and to take advantage of the dropping water levels, addressing newly exposed residual and free-phase product from progressively deeper strata as the water table continues to drop. The existing VES treatment system has sufficient capacity to accommodate increased extraction rates in the vicinity of the Terminal and other refinery areas. The VES system recorded an online operating time of approximately 87.6% for the fourth quarter of 2003. System downtime in the fourth quarter was primarily related to Iow inlet pressure at extraction blowers, instrumentation signal shut downs, and non-availability of steam, The VES system removed approximately 3,520 gallons of product during the fourth quarter of 2003. 3~3 H:\Projects\SHELL~Bakersfield~Final\077=031~feb12rpt014Q'03rpt.dqc For 2003, the VES system recorded an online operational time of 82.7% and recovered approximately 13,298 gallons of product. The VES system's down time for 2003 resulted primarily from the following: · Temporary refinery treatment and disposal limitations; · Parts replacement and system maintenance; · Cooling tower switch failure; and · Steam supply issues. 3-4 H:~Projects\SH ELL~Bakersfield~Fina ~077-031~feb12rptO14Q'O3rpt. doc 4.0 FIELD ACTIVITIES The fourth quarter (November) 2003 monitoring event included measuring fluid levels in 215 wells and collecting samples from 164 groundwater monitoring wells. The depth to water was measured at each well using an electronic probe. The probe was decontaminated prior to each use with a detergent-water solution and rinsed with distilled water. The probe and measuring tape were then air dried prior to the next use. The depth to water was recorded on each field sampling form (Appendix A). An electric submersible pump was used to collect a groundwater sample at each we!l, The pump and attached electrical cable were decontaminated prior to each use by immersing the pump mechanism into a detergent-water solution. The cables were cleaned and the pump was operated for several minutes to circulate the detergent-water solution through the impellers and housing, prior to rinsing in tap water and a final distilled water rinse. Dedicated tubing was attached to the clean submersible pump and the pump was lowered to the approximate center of the well screen (or 1 to 2 feet below the surface of the water table in cases where less than 5 feet of water is present in the casing). 4.1 Sample Collection and Handling Procedures The pump discharge tubing was connected to a flow-through cell, which was equipped to measure field parameters during well preparation activities. The pump was turned on and operated at rates of approximately 3 to 5 gallons per minute. Field parameters consisting of pH, specific conductance, temperature, dissolved .oxygen (DO), and oxidation/reduction potential (ORP) were measured with a Horiba U-22 field meter. The field meter was calibrated according to manufacturers' specifications at the beginning, middle, and end of the sampling event. The equipment operation manuals were consulted to ensure proper calibration procedures. Approximately one casing volume of groundwater was purged from each well prior to recording the first field parameter measurement. At least three measurements were recorded to ensure stabilization of field parameters. Field parameter measurements were recorded on the sampling forms at each well. Once the field parameters stabilized (i.e. pH + 0.1 pH unit; temperature ± 0.1 degree Celsius; specific conductance and turbidity + 10 percent) and/or three casing volumes of groundwater had been removed, groundwater purging was discontinued. The wells were allowed to stand for a sufficient period of time to equilibrate to within 80% of the static groundwater level before collecting samples. Groundwater samples were collected using new, unused, disposable bailers and placed in the appropriate laboratory-supplied containers. Attempts were made to minimize agitation of the samples during filling of the sample containers. Care was also taken to prevent overfilling and to ensure proper preservation of the sample. In addition to the 164 groundwater samples, 14 equipment blanks and eight trip blanks were analyzed in the fourth quarter 2003 groundwater sampling event for quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) purposes. 4-1 H:~Projects~SH ELL~Bakersfield~Final\077-031~feb 12rpt014Q'03rpt. doc The sample containers were labeled, placed on ice in a sample cooler and submitted to CalScience Environmental Laboratories, Inc? (Garden Grove, California), a California certified laboratory, for analysis of BTEX/MTBE by Method 8260 and TPH as gasoline (TPH-G) by modified Method 8015, ^ chain-of-custody/sample-analysis-request (COC/SAR) form accompanied the samples to the laboratory, The analytical results of the November 2003 monitoring event are presented in Section 5.3, H \Projects~SH ELL\Bakersfield\Final\O77-O31\feb12rptO14Q'O3rpt, doc '4-2 5.0 FOURTH QUARTER 2003 GROUNDWATER MONITORING RESULTS Groundwater elevations and water quality samples are collected on a quarterly basis at the Site. The results of the fluid level measurements and groundwater quality sampling are presented in this section. 5.1 Groundwater Flow Direction and Hydraulic Gradient Static groundwater levels were measured in groundwater monitoring wells between November 10 and 17, 2003. A summary of groundwater depths and elevations obtained at the Site is presented in Table 2. Field data sheets for the fourth quarter 2003 groundwater sampling event are included in Appendix A. The depth to groundwater beneath the Site (Areas 1 and 2) ranged from 58.27 feet bgs in Well PW-L28 to 115.85 feet bgs in Well B-131L2. Groundwater elevations calculated from the November 2003 groundwater measurements indicated a direction of subsurface flow to the west/northwest with an approximate hydraulic gradient of 0.0098 foot per foot (ft/ft) in the Shallow Zone, 0.0104 ft/ft in the Intermediate Zone, and 0.0093 ft/ft in the Deep Zone. Groundwater flow directions have remained consistently to the west/northwest in 2003, with some localized groundwater mounding occurring in the Deep Zone in the vicinity of wells RS- DP4 and B-014. Less pronounced groundwater gradients were observed in the Shallow and Intermediate Zones along the western edge of the site in 2003, primarily in the vicinity of wells B- 115L, B-115M, and B-052M. Groundwater gradients have remained relatively stable throughout 2003, ranging from 0.0085 to 0.012 ft/ft in the Shallow Zone, 0.0081 to 0.0133 ft/ft in the Intermediate Zone, and 0.0082 to 0.0093 ft/ft in the Deep Zone. Fluid levels were measured under static conditions in selected wells during the November 2003 quarterly monitoring event. Groundwater elevations are corrected to equivalent groundwater head where hydrocarbon is present, based on hydrocarbon thickness and specific gravity. These corrections are made for each hydrocarbon-bearing well by multiplying the gauged thickness of separate phase hydrocarbons (SPH) by the assumed average specific gravity of SPH (0.8). The resulting number (known as the product head) is then added to the water- surface elevation to determine the equivalent head value for that well. November 2003 potentiometric maps for groundwater less than 110 feet bgs, between 1t 0 and 140 feet bgs, and deeper than 140 feet bgs, are included as Figures 3 through 5, respectively. The November 2003 potentiometric map for Area 3 groundwater monitoring wells A3-01 through A3-04 is included as Figure 15. Since 1999, the water table has been decreasing in elevation and dropped by more than one foot per month during 2001, with an average elevation decrease of approximately 0.57 foot per month in 2002. The water table rose approximately ~2.3 feet across the site in the first quarter of 2003, dropped approximately 0.7 feet in the second quarter of 2003, dropped an average of approximately 0.06 feet in the third quarter of 2003, and rose an average of 0.09 feet across the 5-1 H:~rojects\SH ELL\Bakersfield\FinaR077-031 ~febl 2rpt014Q'03rpt,doc site in the fourth quarter of 2003. Overall, a 1.63 foot average rise in water levels was observed in 2003. The current average depth to water is approximately 79 feet bgs. 5.2 Separate Phase Hydrocarbon Occurrence Shell gauges monitoring wells quarterly for the presence of SPH and to determine static groundwater levels. Of the 215 groundwater monitoring wells gauged during the fourth quarter of 2003, four wells contained SPH. SPH was detected in wells B-O12, B-109M, B-109L, and ROW-1 at thicknesses of 4.72, 0.14, 0.2, and 0.05 feet, respectively. 5.3 Results of Laboratory Analyses of Groundwater Samples Analytical results for each groundwater zone are provided in the following sections. 5.3.1 Refinery/Termin_al Shallow Zone Groundwater Analytical Results The results of laboratory analyses of groundwater samples collected from the Shallow Zone indicated the presence of TPH-G in 20 of the 59 Shallow Zone monitoring wells (B-41M, B-41U, B-75U, B-105M, B-108M, B-111M, B-116M, B-117M, B-118M, B-179U, B-181U, D2, MN1Z, MN2AU, MS2.5A, R1, R4, R6B, RS-6A, and WIP-W3A) during the November 2003 quarterly monitoring event. TPH-G concentrations ranged from 310 ug/L in the sample from We!! B-105M to 160,000 ug/L in the sample from Well R1. Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, or xylene (BTEX) was detected in the groundwater samples from 20 of the 59 Shallow Zone monitoring wells (B-52U, B-75U, B.105M, B-108M, B-111M, B- 116M, B-117M, B-118M, B-179U, D2, MN1Z, MN2AU, MS2.5A, R1, R4, R6B, RS-HC7, T9A, T- 10A, and WIP-W3A) during the November 2003 quarterly monitoring event. The highest concentrations of BTEX compounds were detected in the samples collected from Wells D2 and R1, located in the southern/central portion of the Area 2 refinery. MTBE was detected in the groundwater samples from 18 of the 59 Shallow Zone monitoring wells (B-030M, B-075U, B-108M, B-116M, B-120M, B-170M, B-178U, B-179U, B-180U, B--181U, B-182U, B-195U, B-196U, D2, MN1Z, R1, T9A, and WIP-W3A) during the November 2003 quarterly monitoring event. MTBE concentrations ranged from 1.1 ug/L in the sample from Well B-195U to 130,000 ug/L in the sample from Well R1, located in the southern/central portion of the Area 2 refinery. The fourth quarter 2003 MTBE and benzene plume isoconcentration contour maps for groundwater less than 110 feet bgs are included as Figures 6 and 10, respectively. Laboratory analytical results are summarized in Table 3a, Laboratory analytical results and chain-of-custody documentation are included in Appendix B. · 5~2 H:\Projects~SHELL~Bakersfield~Final~O77-O31~feb12rptO14Q'O3rpt,do¢ 5.3.2 Refinery/Terminal Intermediate Zone Groundwater Analytical Results The results of laboratory analyses of groundwater samples collected from the Intermediate Zone indicated the presence of TPH-G in eight of the 53 Intermediate Zone monitoring wells (B-041L, B-042, B-075M, B-108L, B-185U, PW-L26, RT, and RS-MNlZ) during the November 2003 quarterly monitoring event. TPH-G concentrations ranged from 320 ug/L in the sample from Well B-185U to 22,000 ug/L in the sample from Well B-042. BTEX was detected in the groundwater samples from 11 of the 53 Intermediate Zone monitoring wells (B-042, B-075M, B-108L, B-111L, B-178M, B-188M, B-195M, PW-L26, RT, RS-MN1Z, and RS-MN2B) during the November 2003 quarterly monitoring event. The highest concentration of BTEX compounds was detected in the sample from Well B-042. MTBE was detected in the groundwater samples from seven of the 53 Intermediate Zone monitoring wells (B-098L, B-178M, B-179M, B-185U, P2, RT, RS-MNlZ) during the November _2003 quarterly monitoring event. MTBE concentrations ranged from 3.1 ug/L in the sample from Well B-178M to 65 ug/L in the sample from Well B-I?9M. The fourth quarter 2003 MTBE and benzene plume isoconcentration contour maps for groundwater between 110 and 140 feet bgs are included as Figures 7 and 11, respectively, Laboratory analytical results are summarized in Table 3a. Laboratory analytical results and chain-of-custody documentation are included in Appendix B. 5.3.3 Refinery/Terminal Deep Zone Groundwater Analytical Results The results of laboratory analyses of groundwater samples collected from the Deep Zone indicated the presence of TPH-G in 12 of the 45 Deep Zone monitoring wells (B-011, B-013, B- 043, B-116L, B-117L, B-118L, B-175L, B-175M, B-175U, B-177M, B-177U, and B-185M) during the November 2003 quarterly monitoring event. TPH-G concentrations ranged from 100 ug/L in the sample from Well B-185M to 35,000 ug/L in the samples from Wells B-117L and B-I?5U, BTEX was detected in the groundwater samples from 14 of the 45 Deep Zone monitoring wells (B-011, B-0!3, B-030L, B-043, B-116L, B-117L, B-118L, B-172M, B-175L, B-175M, B-175U, B- 177M, B-177U, and B-195L) during the November 2003 quarterly monitoring event. The highest concentration of BTEX compounds was detected in the sample from Well B-117L. MTBE was detected in the groundwater samples from ten of the 45 Deep Zone monitoring wells (B-011, B-116L, B-172M, B-172U, B-173U, B-175L_, B-185L, B-185M, B-188L, and B-195L) during the November 2003 quarterly monitoring event. MTBE concentrations ranged from 1.4 ug/L in the sample from Well B-185M to 130 ug/L in the sample from Well B-1 t6L, The fourth quarter 2003 MTBE and benzene plume isoconcentration contour maps for groundwater deeper than 140 feet bgs are included as Figures 8 and 12, respectively. Laboratory analytical results are summarized in Table 3a. Laboratory ana!ytica! results and chain,of-custody documentation are included in Appendix B. 5-3 H:~Pro. iects&SHELL~Bakersfle!d~Final\O77-O31&feb12rptO14Q'O3rpt, doc 5.3.4 Groundwater Supply Well Analytical Results TPH-G, BTEX, and MTBE were not detected in any of the eight nearby water supply wells sampled in November 2003. MTBE and benzene result maps for the fourth quarter 2003 are included as Figures 9 and 13, respectively, Laboratory analytical results are summarized in Table 3b, Laboratory analytical results and chain-of-custody documentation are included in Appendix B. 5.3.5 Area 3 Well Groundwater Analytical Results The results of laboratory analyses of groundwater samples collected from the four Area 3 wells indicated the presence of petroleum hydrocarbons at concentrations ranging from ND (100) to 2,200 ug/L for TPH-G, ND (0.5) to 720 ug/L for benzene, ND (1.0) to 6.1 ug/L for toluene, ND (1.0) to 1.5 ug/L for o-xylene, ND (1.0) to 1.6 ug/L for p/m-xylene, and ND (1.0) to 87 ug/L for MTBE. Ethylbenzene was not detected in groundwater samples collected from Area 3 wells. The highest concentration of petroleum hydrocarbon compounds was detected in Well A3-03, located along the southern/central portion of the property, north of Meridian Avenue. A figure showing Area 3 and fourth quarter 2003 analytical results for Area 3 wells is included as Figure 15. Laboratory analytical results for Area 3 wells are summarized in Table 3a. Laboratory analytical results and chain-of-custody documentation are included in Appendix B. 5.4 Quality Assurance/Quality Control Results (QNQC) As part of QA/QC procedures for water, quality sampling, a set of field blanks and a set of equipment blanks were collected with each set of groundwater samples to verify the accuracy of the data generated during the November 2003 sampling event. Fourteen equipment blanks were analyzed in the fourth quarter 2003 groundwater sampling event. Gasoline range petroleum hydrocarbons and aromatic volatiles (including MTBE) were not detected in the equiPment blank samples above laboratory analytical method detection limits. · MS/MSD results for all compounds were generally within control parameters. LCS/LCSD results for all compounds were generally within control parameters. Fourth quarter 2003 groundwater quality assurance results are summarized in Table 4. Laboratory analytical results and chain-of-custody documentation for groundwater quality assurance samples are included in Appendix B. 5-4 H:~Projec~s~,SHELL~,Bakersfield~Final'~O77-O31~feb12rptO14Q'O3rpt. rJoc 5.5 Results of Field DO/ORP ReadinRs Field analyses of groundwater during well purging generally indicate the presence Iow (<! milligrams per liter [mg/L]) DO and Iow to negative values for ORP in groundwater within and in the vicinity of the Blending Area and Refinery 2 benzene plumes in the Shallow, Intermediate, and Deep Zones, Higher DO readings were generally observed in Shallow Zone groundwater along the western portion of the property (near B-099M), along the southeastern portion of the site (near B-107M), and in wells situated along the Ca!!oway Canal. Low DO readings in the Intermediate Zone correlate well with areas of increased dissolved phase benzene concentrations in groundwater. As seen in both the Upper and Lower ~ones, Intermediate Zone DO readings show increasing trends along the northern and southwestern portions of the Site. In the Deep Zone, DO readings show a definitive decrease across the Site moving from north to south, with the highest DO values near wells situated in the vicinity of the Calloway Canal. Low ORP and DO values measured in areas containing dissolved phase benzene are indicative of the presence of reducing conditions within the benzene plumes in all three water-bearing zones. These readings correspond to the range of values that can be expected to support iron reducing, sulfate reducing, and methanogenic conditions (i.e., indicates biodegradation is ongoing), Outside of the benzene plume boundaries, DO readings generally increase to greater than '10 mg/L with ORP readings greater than 50 millivolts (mV) across the Site in each water-bearing zone, The highest DO/ORP readings were observed in wells located in the vicinity of the Calloway Canal. DO/ORP readings decrease slightly in the Shallow Zone's northern MTBE plume, DO isoconcentration contours for Shallow Zone, Intermediate Zone, and Deep Zone groundwater, are included as Figures 16, 17, and 18, respectively, ORP isoconcentration contours for Shallow Zone, Intermediate Zone, and Deep Zone groundwater, are included as Figures 19, 20, and 21, respectively, 5~5 H:~Projects~SH ELL\Bakersfield~FinaR077-031 ~feb12rpt014Q'03rpt. doc 6.0 CONCLUSIONS The following conclusions are based on the fourth quarter and annual 2003 field observations, laboratory results, and available Site information: Groundwater elevations indicate subsurface groundwater flow directions to the west/northwest across the Site in Shallow, Intermediate, and Deep Zone groundwater monitoring wells. Subsurface groundwater flow directions observed in November 2003 were similar to those observed in the May and August (Second and Third Quarter) 2003 monitoring events. The observed hydraulic gradients estimated for the November 2003 monitoring event were 0.0098 ft/ft in the Shallow Zone, 0.0104 ft/ft in the Intermediate Zone, and 0.0093 ft/ft in the Deep Zone. Groundwater gradients have remained relatively stable throughout 2003, ranging from 0.0085 to 0.012 ft/ft in the Shallow Zone, 0.0081 to 0.0133 ft/ft in the Intermediate Zone, and 0.0082 to 0.0093 ft/ft in the Deep Zone, Measurable SPH was observed in wells B-012, B-109-M, B-109L, and ROW-1 at thicknesses of 4.72, 0.t4, 0.2, and 0.05 feet, respectively, during the fourth quarter monitoring event. SPH thicknesses remained relatively stable in 2003 with the exception of Well B- 012. The SPH thickness has increased in B-012 from 1.13 feet in February 2003, to 4.72 feet in November 2003. SPH was not detected in any wells other than B- 012, B-109M, B-109L, and ROW-1 during 2003. Extensive subsurface investigation has delineated the Terminal's dissolved- phase MTBE plume as being approximately 2,280 feet long and up to 600 feet wide in the Shallow Zone (<110 feet bgs). Concentrations of MTBE in the Terminal's Shallow Zone groundwater decreased significantly between the August and November groundwater monitoring events. In the third quarter sampling event, Well B-181U had the highest concentration of dissolved-phase MTBE at 12,000 ug/L, decreasing to 4,500 ug/L in the fourth quarter 2003, Concentrations of MTBE in wells located in the leading (down-gradient) edge of the dissolved phase MTBE plume also decreased significantly between the third and fourth quarter 2003 sampling events. MTBE concentrations decreased from 890 ug/L to ND (<1 ug/L) in B-171U, 3,100 to 2 ug/L in B-170M, and 68 ug/L to ND (<1 ug/L) in extraction well EW-14. With the exception of Well B-171U, water levels remained steady in the above-mentioned wells, with changes in depth to groundwater of less than 0.5 feet, Concentrations of dissolved-phase MTBE in Well WIP-3A decreased from a high of 49,000 ug/L in the first quarter of 2003, to 470 ug/L in the fourth quarter of 2003. 6-1 H:~Projects~SHELL~Bakersfietd~Fin~l\077-031~feb12rpt014Q'03rpt. doc MTBE was not detected above laboratory method detection limits of 1 ug/L in the Terminal plume's Intermediate and Deep Zone groundwater monitoring wells during the third quarter 2003 quarterly sampling event, with the exception of Iow concentrations of MTBE detected in Intermediate Zone Well B-126M (2.0 ug/L). Dissolved-phase MTBE concentrations continued to be ND or at trace concentrations in the Intermediate and Deep Zones of the Terminal Plume area throughout 2003. The Blending Area's Shallow Zone dissolved-phase MTBE plume size remained stable in size and concentration between the third and fourth quarter 2003 sampling events. Concentrations of dissolved-phase MTBE in the Refinery Area 2 increased in Well R1 (2,000 to 130,000 ug/L) and decreased in We!! D2 (4,900 to 610 ug/L) between the third and fourth quarter 2003 sample events. R1 contained SPH as recently as the fourth quarter of 2002, Well B-030M, located approximately 500 feet north/northeast of Well D2, was non-detect for MTBE throughout 2003 but contained 28 ug/L MTBE in the fourth quarter sampling event. Both the Terminal and Blending Area's dissolved-phase MTBE plumes trend in an east to west direction, following the local groundwater gradient (accentuated by groundwater extraction in the case of the Terminal plume), with limited north- south expansion over time. No eastward migration (up-gradient) of the dissolved- phase MTBE plumes has been observed. Dissolved-phase benzene plumes (from the reformate leaks) are located in the Blending Area and the northwestern portions of the Area 2 Refinery. During the November 2003 quarterly groundwater monitoring event, the Blending Area dissolved-phase benzene plume was a maximum of 400 feet long and up to 700 feet wide in the Shallow Zone, and 1,900 feet long and up to 650 feet wide in the Deep Zone. Only Iow concentrations of benzene (16 ug/L) were detected in one Blending Area Intermediate Zone Well (B-108L). No significant changes were observed in dissolved-phase benzene concentrations between the third and fourth quarter sampling events in the Blending area. During the fourth quarter of 2003, the Area 2 Refinery's dissolved-phase benzene plume was a maximum of 2,400 feet long and up to 2,000 feet wide in the Shallow Zone, 2,880 feet long and up to 1,500 feet wide in the Intermediate Zone, and 3,000 feet long and up to 1,000 feet wide in the Deep Zone. Benzene concentrations fluctuated in the Area 2 Refinery's Shallow Zone, decreasing from 11,000 to 8,800 ug/L in D2 and increasing from 48 to 1,800 ug/L in R1 between the third and fourth quarter 2003 sampling events. Concentrations of dissolved-phase hydrocarbons in R1 fluctuated significantly in 2003. Please note that R1 became available for sampling only recently since SPH was no longer detected in the well (beginning in the first quarter of 2003). With the exception of RS-MN1Z, no significant changes in dissolved phase benzene concentrations were observed in the Area 2 Refinery's Intermediate and Deep Zone groundwater in the 2003 quarterly groundwater sampling events. 6-2 H:~Projects~SHELL~Bakersfield~Final\O77-O31~feb12rptO14Q'O3rpt. doc Concentrations of benzene in Well RS-MN1Z, located in the Area 2 Refinery's Intermediate Zone, increased from 0.57 ug/L in February 2003, to 330 ug/L in May 2003. Benzene was detected in RS-MN'IZ during the November 2003 sample event at a concentration of 120 ug/L. Both the Blending and Refinery 2 Area's dissolved-phase benzene plumes trend in an east to west direction. The down-gradient portions of the Refinery 2 Area's Shallow and Intermediate Zone plumes exhibit some lateral (north and south) migration of dissolved-phase benzene, No eastward migration (up-gradient) of the dissolved-phase benzene plumes has been observed. DO and ORP measurements indicate biodegradation is likely occurring as ev denced by lower DO and ORP levels within the plume boundaries. Water supply wells did not contain detectable concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons during 2003, Detectable concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons in Area 3 groundwater monitoring Well A3-03 remained stable between the third and fourth quarter sampling events; however, concentrations of MTBE increased from 49 to 87 ug/L. Concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbon compounds in We!! A3-04 were stable and remained ND in wells A3-01 and A3-027 H:\Project$~SHELL~_Bakersfield~F na1\077-031~feb12rpt014Q'03rpt.doc 6-3 7.0 WORK PROPOSED FOR NEXT QUARTER (FIRST QUARTER 2004) The following activities are proposed to be conducted at the Site during the first quarter of 2004: · Routine operation, maintenance, and optimization of air sparge, VES, and IRM systems at the site; · Perform the first quarter 2004 groundwater gauging and sampling event; · Submittal of the Fourth Quarter 2003 NPDES and Groundwater Monitoring Reports. · Submittal of a Master Workplan to the CRWQCB that will detail proposed site assessment, health and safety, and quality assurance procedures associated with upcoming refinery closure activities. · Submittal of a Miscellaneous Locations Current Conditions Report to the CRWQCB. H:~Projects\SHELL\Bakersfield~Final~O77-O31~feb12rptO14Q'O3rpt. d°c 7-1 8.0 REFERENCES Dale, R.H., French, J.J., and Gordon, G.V., 1966, Ground-water Geology and Hydrology of the Kern River AIluviaI-Fan Area, California: United States Geological Survey. Bertoldi, G.L., Johnston, R.H., and Evenson, K,D., 1991, Ground Water in the Central Valley, California - A Summary Report; United States Geological Survey, Professional Paper 1401-A. H:\Projects~SH ELL~Bakersfleld\Final~077-031~feb12rpt0t 4Q'03rpt.doc 8-1 TABLES H:~Projects&SHELL~,Bakersfield~FinaRO77-O31~feb 12rptO14Q'O3rpt. do¢ TABLE 1 SHELL OIL PRODUCTS U,S, FOURTH QUARTER 2003 GROUNDWATER MONITORING SUMMARY Facility Location: Facility Contact: Primary Consultant/Contact Person Lead Regulatory Agency Lead Regulatory Agency Contact: 6451 Rosedale Highway, Bakersfield, Ca 93308 Steve Overman (661) 3~26-435! TriHydro Corporation / Linda Barnes (307) 745-7474 Regional Water Quality Control Board - Central Valley Region, Fresno Office Mr. Anthony Medrano (559) 488-4395 Current Project Phase: Frequency of Monitoring/Sampling: Groundwater Investigation, Interim Remediation, Ongoing Remediation (Refinery VES, Groundwater Extraction and Treatment, and Air Sparge Systems), Groundwater Monitoring QuarterlY gauging of 215 wells / sampling of 169 wells Depth to Groundwater Range in Fourth Quarter of 2003 (Refinery Areas 1 and 2): Groundwater Gradient: Groundwater Gradient Consistent with Previous Quarter: MTBE Concentration Range: 58.27' (PW'L28~-- 115;85' (B-131L2) bgs (On average, groundwater table rose approximately 0.09 feet in the fourth quarter 2003) 0.0098 ft/ft westerly to northwesterly in the <110' bgs Zone 0.0104 ft/ft northwesterly in the 110'- 140' bgs zone 0.0093 f/Jif northwesterly in the >140' bgs zone Groundwater gradient subsurface groundwater flow direction unchanged <1 - 130,000 ug)L~ - Well with Highest MTBE Concentration: R1 Benzene Concentration Range: Well with Highest Benzene Concentration TPHG Concentration Range: Well with Highest TPHG Concentration; Separate Phase Hydrocarbon Thickness Range; Wells with Separate Phase Hydrocarbons Present Water Supply Wells within 2,000 feet of the Site: Surface Water within 2,000 feet of the Site: Remediation Techniques: Separate Phase Hydrocarbons recovered in 4th Quarter 2003: Agency Directives: <0.5 - 8,800 ug/L D2 <100- 160,000 ug/L R1 0.14 - 4.72 feet B-012, B-109L, B-~09M, ROW-;I - D-I, D-2, D-3, D-4, D-5, D-6, D-7, I-1, 1'2, I-3, I-4, 1-51 1'6, I- 7, I-8, I-9, 1-10, 1-11, !-12, 1-13, 1-14, 1-15, 1-16, P-31 Calloway Canal 500' northwest of Area 1 Refinery, 1,500' northwest of Area 2 Refinery Soil Vapor Extraction, Groundwater EXtraction and Treatment, and Air Sparging 3,520 gallOns from the refinery YES system None H tProjects[SHELL~Bekersfieid'~Finai[077-O31~tablel.doc Table 2. 2003 - Groundwater Levels, Bakersfield Refinery,Shell Oil 'Products U. S. ~ Well ID :Measurement Measuring Point Depth to Product Date Time ElevalJon Product Thickness (ff-msl) {ff, bmp) (ft) Depth to Groundwater (ff-bmp) Elevation of Water Surface (ft-msl) 'Depth to Top .of Screen (ft;bgs) Depth to Bottom of Screen (ff-bgs) Field Readings DO ORP (rog/L) (mV) A3-01 2/12/03 13:31 400.53 ND None 42:57 357.96 30.10 50.10 '5/13/03 9:04 400.53 ND None 43.89 356.64 30.10 50.10 :8/12203 12:07 400.53 N D None 46.35 354.18 30.10 50.10 11/12/03 8:46 400.53 ND None 48~04 352.49 30.10 50.10 A3-02 2/11/03 16:57 394.89 ND ~None 60.99 333.90 '52.40 70,40 5/13/03 9:34 394.89 ND ~None 62.24 332:65 52,40 70.40 8/12/03 11:43 394.89 !ND 'None 65.41 329.48 52,40 70.40 11/11/03 10:12 394.89 iND 'None 67.90 326.99 52.40 70,40 A3-03 :2/11/03 17:09 399.62 ND None 56.06 343.56 47.00 67.00 5/13/03 10:1.1 399.62 'ND None 56.89 342.73 47.00 67.00 8/12/03 11:59 399.62 'ND None .59.54 340.08 .47.00 67.00 11/11/03 10:28 399.62 ND None 61.82 337.80 47.00 67.00 A3-04 2/12/03 13:42 399.01 ND None 47.97 351.04 35.00 55,00 5/13/03 10:17 399.01 ND None 48.71 350.30 35.00 55.00 8/12/03 12:17 399.01 ND None 51.97 347.04 35:00 55.00 11/11/03 10:47 399.01 ND None 52.81 346.20 35:00 55.00 B-001L 2/10/03 12:00 388.35 ND None 95.02 293.33 145.00 200:00 5/12/03 14:14 388.35 N D None 95.86 292.49 145.00 200.00 8/11/03 8:57 388.35 ND =None 97.81 290:64 145.00 200.00 11/10/03 12:25 388.35 =ND INone 97.11 291.24 145.00 200.00 B-001M 2/10/03 12:03 390,40 ,ND :None 90.58 299.82 '100.00 140.00 5/12/03 14:17 390,40 ;ND None 90.37 300~03 100.00 140.00 8/12/03 12:30 390.40 ~ND None 91.71 298:69 100.00 140.00 11/10/03 14:41 390.40 ND None 90.84 299.56 100.00 140.00 ~B-00 I~U 2/10/03 12:05 390.38 ND None 90.42 299.96 30.00 90.00 8/12/03 12:33 390.38 ND None Dry Dry 30.00 90.00 :B-003 2/10/03 12:16 388.74 ND None '91.78 296.96 '140~00 180.00 5/12/03 14:29 388.74 ND None '92.53 296.2'1 '140,00 180,00 8/1 '1/03 11:18 388.74 ND None 94,35 294.39 '140.00 180.00 11/10/03 14:27 388.74 ND None 93:54 295.20 140.00 180;00 B-007 2/10/03 10:38 383;60 ND None '105.21 278.39 140.00 180:00 :5/12/03 11::00 383;60 ND ;None 107.18 276.42 140.00 180:00 .8/12/03 9:22 383.60 ND ~None 108.65 274.95 140.00 180.00 11/11/03 8:23 383.60 IND iNone 108.90 274.70 140.00 180.00 2.1 '142 3.8 200 1.6 155 '0.'8 157 7.6 201 8 135 AccESS - rpt'rable 2_Groundwater Yearly Page 1 ,of 28 Table 2. 2003 - Groundwater Levels, IBakersfleld Refinery,Shell Oil Products U. S. Well ID Measurement :Measuring ,Point Depth to Product Date Time 'Elevation Product Thickness (ff~msl) (ff-bmp) (ft) Depth ,to Groundwater (ft-bmp) Elevation of Water Surface (ft-mSl) Depth ~o TOp of :Screen (ff-bgs) Depth to iBottom of Scceen ,(ft-'bgs) Field 'Readings !DO ,ORP (mg/L) ,{reV) B~008 2/10/03 13:41 388,27 ND None 99.65 :288.62 143;00 183.00 5/12/03 14:09 388.27 ND None 100.39 287.88 143,00 1,83.00 8/1 2/03 10:43 388.27 ND None 101.81 :286,46 143.00 1,83.00 11/10/03 15:24 388.27 ND None 100;86 287.41 143.00 1,83.00 ;B~009 2/11/03 11:22 380.77 ND None '94.75 286.02 143.00 183.00 5/12/03 14:53 380.77 ND None 97.54 283.23 ,143.00 '183.00 8/11/03 11:29 380.77 ND None 97.86 282.91 143.00 183.00 11/10/03 14:45 380.77 ND None '98.03 282.74 143.00 183.00 :B~010 2/10/03 11:48 383.10 ND None 106.75 276.35 150.00 190:00 5/1 2/03 11:52 383.10 ND None 109.77 273.33 1'50.00 190:00 8/12/03 7:34 383.10 ND None 110.56 272.54 150.00 190:00 11/11/03 9:21 383.10 ND None 111:76 271.34 150.00 '190~00 ~B-011 2/10/03 14:08 387.:53 ND None 103.70 283.83 155.00 195.00 5/1 2/03 13:23 387;53 ND None 105,48 282.05 155.00 195.00 8/12/03 9:59 387.53 ND None 107.45 280.08 155.00 195.00 11/11/03 9:52 387.53 ND None 107.11 280.42 155.00 195.00 B-012 2/11/03 15:09 388.47 85.85 1.13 86.98 301.49 144.36 184.36 5/1 2/03 12:35 388,47 86.26 2.72 88.98 299.49 144.36 1,84.36 8/11/03 14:15 388,47 85.18 3.27 88.45 300;02 144.36 1, 84.36 11/10/03 15:05 388,47 83.80 4.72 88.52 299.95 144.36 184.36 B-013 2/10/03 13:59 386.34 ND None 103.65 282;69 174.00 1 94.00 5/12/03 13:20 386.34 ND None 106.05 280.29 174.00 1 94.00 8/1 2/03 9:43 386.34 ND 'None '107.56 278;78 174.00 194.00 11/11/03 9:47 386.34 'ND None 107.61 278.73 174.00 194.00 B-014 2/10/03 10:32 385.21 ND None '97.21 288.00 140.00 180.00 5/12/03 10;46 385.21 ND None 97.57 287.64 140.00 180;00 8/12/03 8:24 385.21 ND None 96.74 288,47 140.00 180.00 11/11/03 ,8:05 385.21 ND None 96.37 288.84 140.00 180;00 B-017 2/1'0103 11:53 383.,53 ND None 105.80 277.73 180,00 :200.00 5/12/03 11:20 383;53 ND None 108.32 275.21 180.00 :200.00 8/12/03 8:11 383.53 ND None 110.25 273.28 '180.00 200.00 11/11/03 8:20 383;53 ND None 110.70 272.'83 180.00 200.00 B-023 2/11/03 10:34 383~08 ND None 85:60 297.48 136;00 176.00 0.1'8 157 0.16 -72 0.38 -123 0.29 ,226 2.07 34 0.1'8 141 ACCESS "rptTat~le 2_Groundwater Yearly Page 2 of 28 Table 2. 2003 - GmundwaterlLevels, !Bakersfield Refinery, Shell Oil Products U. S. Measurement Measuring POint Depth to Product Well ID Date Time Elevation Product Thickness (ft-msl) .(ft-bmp) (ft) Depth to Groundwater (ft-bmp) Elevation of Water Surface (ft-msl) !Depth to Top of Screen (ft-bgs) ;Depth to Bottom of Screen (ff-bgs) Field Readings DO :ORP (mg/L) (mV) B-023 5/12/03 15:15 383.08 ND None 86.54 296.54 136.00 176.00 8/11/03 12:03 383.08 ND None 86.65 296.43 136.00 176.00 11/10/03 14:44 383.08 N D None 85,49 297.59 136.00 `176.00 B-024L :2/10/03 12:09 384,45 N D None 105.21 279.24 162.70 182.70 5/12/03 12:02 384.45 ND None 108.06 276.:39 1~62.70 '182.70 8/1 2/03 7:53 384.45 N D None 109.13 275.32 162.70 182;70 11/11/03 9:14 384.45 ND None 110.89 273.56 1,62.70 182;70 B-O24U 2/10/03 12:13 384.45 N D None 81.83 302.62 1:20.00 150~00 :5/1 2/03 12:04 384.45 N D None 83.50 300.95 120.00 150.00 8/12/03 7:55 384.45 ND None 75.55 308.90 120.00 150.00 1'1/11/03 9:17 384.45 ND None 77:93 306.52 120.00 150:00 B-030L 2/10/03 `13:45 388.08 ND None 95.24 292.84 129.50 160~00 '5/1 2/03 `14:03 388.08 ND None 95;72 292.36 129.50 160 11/10/03 `13:30 388.08 ND None 94.75 293.33 129.50 160.00 B-030M 2/10/03 13:49 388.08 ND None 94:07 294.01 101.50 122~00 5/12/03 14:05 388.:08 ND None 93.38 294.70 101.50 122.00 8/12/03 `10:30 388.08 ND None 93.60 294.48 101.50 122:00 11/10/03 '13:32 388.08 ND None 91.61 296.47 101.50 122.00 B-030U 2/10/03 13:53 388.'08 ND None Dry Dry 74.50 95.00 8/12/03 10:32 388.08 ND None Dry Dry 74.50 95.00 B-041L 2/10/03 15:18 382;37 ND None 86.31 296.06 129.61 149.61 '5/12/03 14:19 382.37 ND None 86~54 295.53 129.61 149~61 :8/12/03 10:52 382.37 ND None 87:05 295.32 129.61 149:61 11/10/03 14:32 382.37 ND None 85:91 296.46 129.61 149~61 'B-041M 2/10/03 15:22 382~37 ND None 85.13 297.24 101.73 121;73 5/12/03 14:21 382.37 ND None 84.60 297.77 101.73 121.73 8/12/03 10:54 382.37 ND None 84.83 297.54 `101.73 121.73 `11/10/03 14:35 382.37 ND None 82.95 299,42 `101.73 121.73 IB-041U 2/10/03 15:26 382.37 ND None 85.40 296.97 73~82 '93.82 5/12/03 14:23 382.37 ND None 84.91 297,46 73~82 93.82 8/12/03 10:56 382.37 ND None 85.17 297.20 73~82 ~93.82 11110/03 14:37 382.37 ND None 83.32 299.05 73~82 '93.82 IB-042 2/11103 14:14 389.86 ND None 77.45 312,41 `114.56 1 54;56 1 .'57 ,85 '5.79 125 7.69 113 1.89 57 0.18 -97 · 0.18 -76 0.28 -48 0.,6 -76 ACCESS - rptTable 2_Groundwater Yeady Page 3 of 28 Table 2. 2003 - Groundwater Levels, Bakersfield Refinery,Shell Oil IProducts U. S. Well ID 'Measurement Measuring Point Depth to :Product Date Time Elevation Product Thickness (ft-msl) .(ft;bmp) (ft) iDepth to Groundwater (ft-bmp) Elevation of Water Surface (ff-msl) /Deplh to Top of Screen (ft-bgs) Depth to Bottom of Screen (ft-bgs) Field Readings DO ORP {rog/L) (reV) B-042 5/12/03 11:51 389.86 ND None 78A8 311.38 114.56 ,1:54.56 ,8/11/03 1'0:51 389.86 ND None 75.92 313.94 114.56 154.56 11/10/03 15:36 389.86 ND 'None 74.81 315.05 114.56 154.56 B~043 2/11/03 14:47 390.79 IND ~None 89.70 301~09 130.00 170.00 5/12/03 12:46 390.79 'ND None 90.27 300.52 ,130:00 170.00 8/11/03 12:12 390.79 'ND None 87.16 303.63 ,130.00 170.00 11/1,0/03 14:56 390.79 ND None '90.14 300.65 ,130,00 170.00 iB~044L 2/11/03 8:20 388.40 ND None 89.73 298.67 115.00 135.00 5/12/03 15:05 388.40 ND None 89.58 298.82 115.00 135.00 8/11/03 10:42 388.40 ND None 90.44 297.96 115.00 135.00 11/10/03 14:51 388.40 ND None 88.89 299.51 1,15.00 135:00 B-044M 2/1 2/03 7:45 388.40 N D None 86.,17 302.23 '88.00 108:00 5/12/03 15:01 388,40 ND None 89.57 298.83 88.00 108:00 8/11/03 10:44 388A0 ND None 90.53 297.87 88.00 108:00 1,1/10/03 14:54 388.40 ND None 88.97 299.43 88.00 ,108.00 B-044U 2/11/03 8:25 388.40 .ND INone Dry Dry 63.00 83.00 5/12/03 15:07 388.40 ND None Dry Dry 63.00 83~00 8/11/03 10:48 388.40 IND None :Dry Dry 63.00 83:00 ~B~050L 2/10/03 12:22 390,62 ND None 85.40 305.22 1 '14.00 134.00 5/12/03 14:34 390.62 N D None 85.53 305.09 114.00 1 34.00 8/11/03 ,11:22 390:62 ND None 86.85 303.77 114.00 134.00 11/10/03 14:31 :390;62 ND None 85.68 304.94 114.00 134,00 B~050M 2/10/03 12:20 390.37 ND None 85.35 305.02 86.00 106.00 '5/12/03 14:37 390,37 ND :None 85.41 304.96 86.00 106.,00 8/11/03 11:24 390.37 ND =None 86.73 303.64 86.00 106.00 11/10/03 14:34 390.37 :ND ;None 85,49 304~88 86.00 B~050U 2/10/03 12:18 390.98 !ND 'None Dry Dry '61.00 81.00 5/12/03 14:39 390.98 :ND None ,Dry Dry 61.00 81~00 8/,11/03 11:26 390.98 'ND None !Dry Dry 61.00 81 ~B~052L 2/10/03 11:00 388.00 ND None 99.96 288.04 135.00 175.00 5/12/03 10:21 388.00 N D None 98.66 289.34 135,00 175.00 8/12/03 8:43 388~00 ND None 100.47 287.53 135.00 175.00 11/11/03 7:48 388;00 ND None 100.27 287.73 135.00 175.00 0:22 -8 1 .O8 ~23 7.~05 :224 3.18 103 0.15 60 ACCESS - rptTable 2_Groundwater Yearly Page 4 ,of 28 Table 2. 2003- Groundwater Levels, Bakersfield :Refinery, Shell Oil Products U. S. Well ID 'Measurement Measuring Point Depth ~o Product Date Time Elevation Product Thickness (ft. msl) (ft-bmp) (fi) ;Depth to ,Groundwater (ft-bmp) Elevation of Water Surface (ff-msl) iDepth to Top of Screen (ft-bgs) Depth to Bottom ,of Screen (ft-bgs) Field Readings DO ORP (mg/L) (mV) B,O52M 2/10/03 11:04 388.00 iND None 98.43 289.57 108.00 128.00 5/12/03 10:23 388.00 'ND None 97.13 290.87 108,00 1'28.00 8/1 2/03 ,8:45 388.00 'ND None 97.38 290.62 108.00 128.00 11/11/03 7:50 388.00 ND None 95.63 .292.37 .108.00 128.00 B-052U 2/10/03 11:08 388.00 ND None 98.92 289.08 83:00 '103.00 5/12/03 .10:25 388:00 ND None 97.59 290.41 83~00 103:00 8/12/03 8:47 388.00 ND None 97,87 290,13 83.00 103.00 11/11/03 7:53 388.00 ND None 96.07 291.93 83.00 '103.00 B-075L 2/11/03 8:00 384.35 ND ~None 76.45 307.90 131.00 150.00 5/12/03 14:49 384.35 ~ND None 75.82 308.53 131:00 150.00 8/'12/03 11:26 384.35 !ND None 59.65 324;70 13,1.00 150.00 11/1:2/03 11:05 384.35 ND None 76.73 307,62 '131.00 150.00 iB-075M 2/11/03 8:05 384.35 ND None 79.83 304.52 105.00 125.00 5/12/03 14:51 384.35 ND None 79.75 304.60 105,00 125:00 8/12/03 11:28 384.35 ND None 79.22 305.13 1,05.00 125.00 1,1/12/03 11:07 384.35 ND iNone 77.89 306.46 105.00 125.00 B-075U 5/1 2/03 14:53 384.35 'NA NA NA NA 78,00 100.00 11/12/03 '11:09 384.35 iND None 77.68 ,306:67 78.00 1'00.00 B-098L 2/.11/03 9:43 384.79 'ND None 79.20 305.59 109.81 140.00 5/12/03 16:1 ~ 384.79 ND None 79.50 305.29 .109.81 140.00 8/11/03 10:13 384.79 N D None 79.98 304.81 109.81 140 ;00 11/11/03 11:12 384;79 ND None 78.24 306.55 109.81 140:00 B-O98M 2/11/03 9:44 384.79 :ND None 78.33 306.46 79.82 109.82 5/12/03 16:'14 384.79 ND 'None 78.38 306.41 79.82 109.82 8/11/03 10:15 384.79 ND None 78.88 305.91 79.82 1:09,82 11/11/03 11:14 384.79 ND None 76.94 307.85 79.'82 109.82 B,098U 2/'11/03 9:45 384.79 'ND None 78.43 306.36 49.:83 79.83 5/12/03 16:17 384.79 ND None 78,36 306,43 49.83 79.83 8/11/03 10:17 384.79 ND None Dry Dry 49,83 79.83 '11/11/03 11:17 384.79 ND .None 76.98 307.8'1 49,83 79.83 B-099L 2/1,0/03 '11:13 385.35 ND None 97:09 288.26 110.00 140 ~00 5/12/03 13:44 385.35 ND None 95.96 289.39 1'10.00 140.00 8/12/03 8:29 385.35 ND ~None 95.66 289.69 110,00 140.00 11/,11/03 7:56 385.35 ND None ~94.30 291:05 110,00 140.00 0.27 91 1.5 188 0.21 -70 0;09 ,-91 '0,16 -1'12 0.21 -84 0.99 -45 0.'17 73 ACCESS - rpt~Table 2_Groundwater Yearly IPage:S,of :28 Table 2. 2003 - Groundwater Levels, Bakersfield Refinery,Shell Oil !Products U. 'S. Well ID Measurement Measuring Point Depth to Product :Date Time Elevation Product Thickness (ff-msl) (ft-bmp) (fi) !Depth to .Groundwater (ft-bmp) Elevation of Water Surface (ft-msl) iDepth to Top of Screen (ft:bgs) Depth to Bottom of Screen (ft-bgs) Field Readings DO ORP (mg/L) (reV) !8-099M .2/10/03 11:17 385.35 'ND None 96.33 :289.02 80.25 110.25 5/'12/03 13:46 385.35 ND None 95.13 290.22 80.25 110.25 8/12/03 8:31 385.35 ND None 94.49 290.86 80.:25 1 '10.25 11/11/03 8:00 385.35 ND None 92.'83 292.52 80:25 110.25 B-099U 2/10/03 11:21 :385.35 ND None Dry Dry 50:00 80.00 5/1:2/03 13:48 385.35 ND None Dry Dry 50~00 80.00 8/12/03 8:33 385.35 ND None Dry Dry 50.00 80.00 B-100L 2/10/03 11:57 384.91 N D 'None 92.69 292.22 110.00 140.00 5/1 2/03 11:07 384.91 ~ND None 92.21 292.70 110.00 140.00 8/12/03 8:16 384.91 :ND None 89.26 295;65 110.00 140.00 11/11/03 8:07 384.91 :ND None :88.95 295.96 1'10.00 140.00 B-100M 2/10~03 12:01 384.91 ND None '92.89 292.02 80.25 110.25 5/12/03 11:09 384.91 ND None 92.43 292.48 80;25 110;25 8/1 2/03 8:18 .384.91 ND None 89.40 295.51 80.25 11'0;25 11/11/03 8:11 384;91 ND ~None 88.89 296.02 80.25 110.25 B-100U 2/10/03 12:05 384.91 ND !None Dry Dry =50.00 80,00 5/1 2/03 11:11 384.91 =ND None Dry Dry 50.00 80:00 8/12/03 8:20 384.91 IND None Dry Dry 50.00 80.00 iB-102M 11/17/03 15:34 386.33 ND None 89.08 297.25 112.00 114.00 B-1'02U 11/17/03 15:30 387.24 ND None Dry Dry 72.35 74.35 B-103L 2/10/03 11:24 383.73 ND None 92.20 291.53 110.00 140.~00 5/1 2/03 10:52 383.73 N D :None 91.99 291.74 110.00 140.00 8/12/03 9:16 383.73 ND ~None 86.82 296.91 110.00 140.00 11/11/03 8:25 383.73 ;ND None 88.79 294~94 110.00 140.00 .B-103M 2/10/03 11:28 383.73 'ND None 92.55 291.18 80.25 110.25 5/12/03 10:55 383.73 ND None 92.09 291.64 80.25 110.25 8/'1 2/03 9:18 383.73 ND None 89.10 294. 63 80.25 110.25 11/11/03 8:29 383.73 ND None 88.94 294.79 80.25 110;25 B-103U 2/1,0/03 11:32 383~73 ND :None Dry Dry :50.00 80.00 5/12/03 10:57 383.73 ND 'None Dry Dry ~50.00 80.00 8/12/03 9:20 383.73 ,ND None Dry Dry :50.00 80;00 B-'104L 2/10/03 11:36 385.26 ND None 86.86 298,40 110..00 140.00 17 17 0.21 68 3.4 '168 2.7 201 ACCESS ' rptTable 2_Groundwater Yeady Page 6 of 28 Table 2. 2003 - Groundwater Levels, Bakersfield iRefinery,Shell ,Oil Products ~U. S. Well ID ;Measurement Measuring Point Depth to iProduct Date Time Elevation Product Thickness (ff~msl) (ff-bmp) (ft) Depth to Groundwater .(ft-bmp) Elevation of Water 'Surface (ft-msl) of Screen ,(ff-bgs) Depth to Bottom of Screen (ft-bgs) IField Readings DO ORP (mg/L) (mY) B-104L 5/12/03 11:29 385.26 ND :None 88.57 296.69 110.00 140.00 ,8/12/03 7:41 385.26 iND :None 81.33 303:93 110.00 140.00 11/11/03 8:41 385.26 'ND 'None 83.68 301.58 110:00 140.00 !B-,104M 2/10/03 11:40 385.26 ND None 86.35 298.91 80.25 110.25 5/12/03 11:37 385.26 ND None ,86.74 298.52 80.25 110.25 8/12/03 7:43 385.26 ND None '77.55 307.71 80.25 110.25 11/11/03 8:46 385.26 ND None 79.70 305.56 80.25 110:25 B~I.04U 2/10~03 11:44 385.26 ND None Dry ;Dry 52,40 82.40 5/12/03 8:25 385.26 ND None Dry :Dry 52.40 82.40 8/12/03 7:45 385.26 ND None 76.98 308;28 52.40 82.40 11/11/03 8:50 385.26 JND ~None 79,44 305,82 '52,40 82.40 B-,105L 2/10/03 14:40 387.58 N D None 67.15 320.43 '95.00 125.00 5/12/03 11:34 387.58 ND None 68.61 318.97 95.00 125.00 8/11/03 10:27 387.58 ND None ,61.81 325.77 95.00 125.00 11/11/03 10:38 387.58 ND None 62.64 324.94 95.00 125.00 B-105M 2/10/03 14:42 387.58 ND None 66:01 321.57 65.00 95.00 5/12/03 1,1:36 387.58 ND None 66.33 321.25 65.00 95;00 8/11/03 10:28 387.58 IND !None 59.15 328.43 65.00 95:00 11/11/03 10:41 387.58 ~ND None 58.65 328.93 65.00 95:00 :B-106L 2/10/03 14:47 386.23 ND None .65.30 320.93 110:00 140.00 5/12/03 11:24 386.23 ND None .66.89 319.34 110.00 140.00 8/11/03 10:37 386:23 ND None 61.28 324.95 110.00 140;00 1~1/11/03 10:64 386;23 ND None 61.61 324.62 110.00 140:00 B~I06M 2/10/03 14:49 386.23 ND None 64.35 321;88 80.00 110:D0 5/12/03 11:27 386.23 ~ND None 65.89 320.34 80.00 110.00 8/11/03 10:38 386.23 ~N D 'None 60.13 326. ,10 ;80.00 110.00 11/11/03 10:57 386.23 ND None 68.13 318.10 80.00 110.00 B-107L 2/11/03 16:20 390.51 ND None 68.76 321.75 11,0.00 140.00 '5/13/03 9:07 390,51 ND None 70.49 320.02 110.00 140 .'00 8/11/03 15:51 390.51 ND None 65.85 324.66 110.00 140:00 11/,11/03 9:54 390.51 ND None 65:52 324.99 110.00 140.00 B-10'~M 2/11/03 16:25 390.5,1 'ND 'None 67.71 322,80 '80.00 110.00 5/13/03 9:08 390.51 ND None 69.40 321.11 ,80.00 110.00 8/11/03 15:52 390.51 ND None 64.55 325.96 .80.00 1 ~10.00 7.3 115 6.5 180 6.38 -5 :0.64 ,-59 8.78 2 6.59 31 1'0.33 88 ,ACCESS- ~rptTable 2_Groundwater Yearly Page 7 of 28 Table 2. 2003 - Groundwater Levels, Bakersfield Refinery,Shell Oil Products U. S. Well ID Measurement ,Measuring Ipoint Depth to Product Date Time =Elevation Product Thickness (ff-msl) (ft-bmp) (ft) Depth to Groundwater (ft-bmp) Elevation ,of Water Surface (ff-msl) Depth to TOp of Screen (ft-bgs) Depth to Bottom of Screen (ft-bgs) Field Readings :DO ,ORP (mglL) (reV) B-107M 11/11/03 9:57 390:51 ND None 64.11 326.40 80:00 110~00 B-108L 2/10/03 15:33 388:61 ND None 71.92 316.69 110.00 140:00 5/12/03 11:41 388.61 'ND !None 73.07 315.54 110.00 140.00 8/,11/03 10:44 388.61 'ND 'None 70.65 317.96 110.00 140.00 11/11/03 10:1'9 388.61 ND None 69.69 318:92 11,0:00 140.00 B- 10SM 2/1,0/03 15:35 388, 61 ND None 69,88 318.73 80.00 '110.00 ~5/12/03 11:43 388.61 ND None 70.62 317.99 80:00 11:0:00 8/11/03 10:46 388:61 ND None 68.18 320.43 80:00 11,0:00 11/11/03 10:21 :388.61 ND None 66.57 322.04 80.00 110.00 B-109L :2/11/03 16:18 389.11 73.70 0,19 73.89 315.22 110.00 140.00 5/12/03 15:39 389.11 74.54 0.22 74.76 314.35 110.00 140.00 8/11/03 14:35 389.11 73.08 0.30 73.38 315.73 11'0:00 140.00 11/11/03 10:17 389.11 72.08 0.20 72.28 316.83 110.00 140.00 B-1,09M 2/11/03 16:21 389.11 71.51 0.11 71.62 317.49 78.00 108.00 5/12/03 15:42 389.11 72.30 0.15 72~45 316.66 78.00 108~00 8/11/03 14:38 389.11 70:59 0.20 70.79 318.32 78.00 108;00 11/11/03 10:20 389.11 69.48 0.14 69.62 31'9.49 78.00 108.00 !B-110L 2/11/03 8:40 392.49 ND None 70.32 322.~17 11=0.90 140.00 5/12/03 10:24 392.49 ND None 71.54 320.95 110.00 140.'00 8/11/03 10:22 392.49 ND None 69.07 323,42 110.00 140.'00 11/10/03 13:36 392.49 ND None 68.23 324.26 110.00 140:00 B~110M 2/11/03 8:45 392,47 IND ~None 70.06 322.41 80.00 110.00 5/12/03 10:28 392.47 'ND :None 71.33 321.14 80.00 110.00 8/11/03 10:25 392.47 ND None 68.85 323.,62 80.00 110,00 ,11/10/03 13:39 392.47 ND None 67.79 324:68 80.00 110.00 B-111L 2/11/03 ,14:22 381.34 ND None 74.70 306.64 100.00 130.00 5/12/03 14:47 381.34 ND None 75:60 305.74 100.00 130:00 8/11/03 11:32 381.34 ND 'None 68.60 312.74 100.00 130.00 11/10/03 14:20 381.34 ~ND None :69.43 311.91 1'00.00 130.00 B-111~M 2/11/03 11:17 381.34 ND None 74.30 307:04 70.00 100.00 5/12/03 14:49 381.34 ND None 75.12 306:22 70,00 100.00 8/11/03 11:34 381.34 ND None 68.03 313.31 70.00 100.00 11110/03 14:24 381.34 ND None 68.74 312.60 70.00 100.00 8.35 ;86 '0:21 -10 0.27 -20 0.19 ~125 0.22 .-113 AccESS - rptTable 2_Groundwater Yearly Page 8 of 28 Table 2. '2003 - Groundwater Levels, Bakersfield Refinery, Shell Oil Products U. S. Well ID Measurement Measuring Point Depth to Product !Date Time Elevation Product 'rhickness (ff-msl) (ff-bmp) (ft) Depth to .Groundwater (ft-bmp) Elevation of Water Surface (ft-ms~) Depth to Top .of Screen (ft~bgs) iDePth to Bottom .of Screen (ff-bgs) Field Readings O0 ORP (mg/L) ,{mY) B-114L 2/10/03 10:44 387.19 'ND =None 96.20 290.99 120.00 150.00 5/12/03 10:32 387.1'9 'ND None 95.03 292.16 120.00 150.00 8/12/03 9:05 387.19 ND None 94.13 293.06 120:00 150.00 11/10/03 14:04 387.19 ND None 92.67 294.52 120;00 150.00 iB-114M 2/10/03 10:48 387.19 N D None 96.40 290,79 85.00 115.00 5/1:2/03 10:34 387.19 ND None 95.20 291.99 85.00 11'5.00 8/12/03 9:07 387.19 ND None 94.31 292.88 85.00 11:5.00 11/10/03 14:08 387.19 ND None 92.90 294.29 85.00 115.00 B- 114U 2/10/03 10:46 387.19 N D None Dry Dry 40.00 80.00 5/1 2/03 10:36 387.19 N D None Dry Dry 40.00 80.00 8/12/03 9:09 387.19 ND None Dry ~Dry 40.00 80:00 B-115L .2/10/03 10:52 387.38 ND 'None 98.17 289.21 120:00 150.00 5/12/03 10:11 387.38 N D 'None 97.03 :290.35 120:00 1 50.00 8/1 2/03 ,8:53 387.38 ND None 96.35 291 ;03 120.00 150.00 11/10/03 13:55 387.38 ND None 94.75 292.63 120.00 150.00 lB-115M 2/10/03 10:56 387.38 ND None 97~67 289.71 85.00 115.00 5/12/03 10:13 387.38 ND None 96~31 291.07 85.00 115.00 '8/12/03 8:55 387.38 ND None 96.13 291.25 85:00 115~00 11/10/03 14:00 387.38 ND None 94.48 292.90 85;00 115:00 B-115U 2/10/03 10:54 387.38 ND None Dry IDry 40.00 80.00 5/12/03 10:15 387.38 ND None Dry :Dry 40.00 80:00 8/1 2/03 8:57 387.38 ND INone Dry Dry 40.00 80.00 'B-116L 2/11/03 16:29 389.46 ,ND None 73.72 315~74 165.00 175.00 5/12/03 15:47 389.46 N D None 75.26 314.20 165:00 175.00 8/11/03 15:17 389.46 ND None 73.29 316.17 ,165.00 175.00 11/11/03 10:35 389.46 ND None 72.60 316.86 165.00 175.00 B-116M 2/11/03 16:31 389.49 ND None 72.15 317.34 100.00 11.0:00 5/12/03 15:49 389.49 N D NoMe 73.13 316.36 100.00 11 .8/11/03 15:19 389.49 ND None 71.31 31.8.18 100.00 110;00 11/11/03 10:38 389.49 ND iNone 70.13 319:36 100.00 110.00 B-117'L 2/11/03 15:57 393.32 ~ND 'None 79.39 313.93 165~00 175.00 5/1:2/03 15:43 393.32 N D 'None .80.55 312.,77 165.00 175.00 8/11/03 15:1.0 393.32 ND None 79.32 314.00 165.00 175.00 11/11/03 10:29 393.32 ND None 78.26 315.06 165.00 175.00 6.01 86 2.4 126 2.8 111 0.23 -22 10.27 -18 0.14 -11 ACCESS -:rptTable 2_Gmundwate~ Yearly Page 9 of 28 Table 2. 2003 - Groundwater Levels, Bakersfield Refinery,Shell Oil :Products U. S. Well ID Measurement Measuring POint IDepth to Product Date Time Elevation Product Thickness ,(ff-msl) (ff-bmp) (ft) Depth to Groundwater (ff-bmp) Elevation of Water Surface (fi-mS!) Depth to Top of 'Screen (ff-bgs) !Depth to Bottom of Screen (ft-bgs) Field ;Readings ;DO ORP ,(rog/L) B-117M 2/11/03 15:59 393.34 ND None 78.07 315.27 100.00 110.00 5/12/03 15:45 393.34 ND None 78.90 314,44 100.00 110.00 8/11/03 15:11 393.34 N D None 77.67 315.67 100.00 110.00 11/11/03 10:31 393.34 ND None 76.37 316.97 100.00 110.00 B-118L 2/11/03 16:06 393.06 ND None 76.99 316.07 165.00 175;00 5/12/03 15:47 393.06 ND None 78.25 314.81 165. 00 175.'00 8/11/03 14:55 393.06 ND None 76:61 316.45 165.00 175:00 11/11/03 10:25 393.06 ND None 75.83 317.23 165.00 175.00 8-118M 2/11/03 1,6:08 392.99 ;ND ~None 75.77 317.22 100,00 110.00 5/1 2/03 15:50 392.99 iND 'None 76.61 :316.38 100.00 110.00 8/11/03 15:02 392.99 'ND None 75.21 317.78 100.00 110.00 11/11/03 10:27 392.99 ND None 74.00 318.99 ~00.00 110.00 B-119L 2/10/03 11:58 389.46 ND None 75.03 314.43 163.00 173.00 :5/1 2/03 10:28 389.46 ND None 75:63 313.83 163.00 173,00 :8/11/03 9:45 389,46 ND None 75,46 314.00 163.00 173.00 '11/11/03 10:43 389,46 ND :None 74.23 31'5.23 163.00 173;00 8-119M 2/10/03 11:59 389.56 iND INone 73.81 315.75 100.00 110.00 5/12/03 10:30 389.56 'ND None 74.28 315.28 100:00 110.00 8/t 1/03 9:47 389.56 ND None 74.11 315.45 100.00 110.00 11/11/03 10:48 389.56 ND None '72.73 316.83 ,100.00 110.00 ;B-120L 2/10/03 12:03 388;74 ND None 82.19 306.55 165.00 175.00 5/12/03 10:42 388.74 ND None 82.87 305.87 1.65.00 175.00 '8/11/03 9:58 388.74 ND None 83:62 305.12 165.00 175~00 11/11/03 10:56 388.74 ND None 82.30 306.44 165.00 175:00 !~120M 2/10/03 1:2:05 388.76 ND 'None 79.63 309.13 100~00 110.00 5/1 2/03 10:44 388.76 ~ND 'None 79. 96 308.80 100.00 110.00 8/11/03 10:00 388.76 ND None .80.58 308.18 100.00 110.00 11/11/03 11:01 388.76 ND None 78.93 309.83 100.00 110.00 iB-121M 2/10/03 12:10 390,88 ND None 80.75 310.13 100.00 135.00 5/1:2/03 10:37 390.88 ND None 81.12 309.76 100.00 135;00 8/11/03 9:52 390.88 ND None 82.36 308.52 100.00 135;00 11/11/03 10:63 390.88 ND None 81.19 309.69 100.00 135.00 B-124L 2/10/03 12:29 390.20 ND iNone 95.44 294.76 160.00 :200.00 0.22 -49 0.15 -118 0.26 ~91 0.23 .41 0,42 36 6.08 63 ACCESS- rptTable 2_Groundwater Yeady Page 10of 28 Table 2. 2003- Groundwater Levels, Bakersfield ,Refinery,Shell ,Oil Products U. 'S. Well ID IMeasurement Measuring Point Depth to :Product Date Time Elevation Product Thickness (ff-msl) (ft-bmp) (fi) :Depth to Groundwater (ft-bmp) IElevation of Water Surface ,(ff-msl) Depth to Top ,of Screen (ft;bgs) Depth ~o Bottom of Screen (ff-bgs) IField Readings DO ORP (mg/L) (mY) B~124L 5/12/03 14:51 390.20 N D None 96.27 293.93 160.00 200:00 8/11/03 10:32 390.20 ND None 98.08 292.12 160.00 200.00 11/,10/03 14:45 390.20 ND !None 97.20 293:00 160.00 200.00 :B-12¢M 2/10/03 12:30 390.16 ND None 91.50 298:66 120.00 140.00 5/12/03 14:54 390.16 ~ND None 91.43 298:73 120:00 140.00 8/,11/03 10:35 390.16 ND None 92.62 297.54 120.00 140.00 11/10/03 14:48 390.16 iND None 91.25 298.91 120.00 140.00 B-,124U 2/10/03 12:32 389.96 N D None 90.08 299.88 30.00 90.00 8/11/03 10:37 389.96 ND None Dry Dry 30.00 90.00 iB-125L 2/10~03 14:36 391.32 N D None 104.20 287.1:2 160.00 185:00 5/12/03 11:29 391.32 ND None 105:72 285.60 160.00 185.00 8/1,1/03 10:01 39,1.32 ND None 108.44 282.88 1,60.00 185:00 11110/03 10:50 391.32 ND None 108.30 283.02 160.00 185.00 B-125M 2/10/03 14:37 391.36 ND None 100.56 290:80 125.00 ,150.00 5/12/03 11.:32 391.36 ND 'None 1'00.43 290:93 125:00 150.00 8/11/03 10:03 391.36 ND 'None 1,02.05 289.31 125:00 1,50.00 11/10/03 10:53 391.36 IND None 101.73 :289;63 125.00 150.00 ~B-125U 2/10/03 14:38 391.47 'ND None iDry Dry 30:00 70.00 5/12/03 11:35 391.47 ND None Dry Dry 30:00 70.00 8/11/03 10:05 391.47 ND None Dry Dry 30:00 70.00 B-126L 2/10/03 12:49 389.16 ND None 99.21 289.95 160.00 180:00 5/12/03 13:42 389.16 ND None 100.32 288.84 160.00 180.00 :8/11/03 9:28 389.16 ND None 103.15 286.01 160.00 ,180.00 11/10/03 11:02 389.,16 ND ;None 1'02.93 286.23 160.00 180.00 B-126M 2/10/03 12:50 389.33 N D 'None 97,46 291.87 110.00 140.00 5/1 2/03 13:45 389.33 !ND None 97.62 291~71 11,0.00 140.00 8/11/03 9:30 389.33 ND None 99.64 289;69 11,0.00 140.'00 11/10/03 11:04 389.33 'ND None 99.67 289.66 110.00 140:00 IB-,126U 2/10/03 14:56 389.47 ND None Dry Dry 30:00 80.00 5/12/03 13:47 389.47 ND None Dry Dry 30.00 80.00 8/11/03 ~2:52 389.47 ND None Dry Dry 30.00 80:00 B-127L 2/12/03 7:30 :392.55 ND None 1:00.27 292.28 160.00 1'85.00 ,5/12/03 11:10 392.55 ND None 101.76 290.79 160.00 185.00 3.94 152 '9:56 344 6.04 336 11 281 8.21 :363 ACCESS - rptTable 2._Groundwater Yearly Page 11 of 28 Table 2. 2003- Groundwater Levels, Bakersfield Refinery,Shell :Oil Products U. :S. Well ID !Measurement Measuring Point Depth to =Product Date Time Elevation iProduct Thickness (ff~msl) (ff~bmp) (fi) iDepth to Groundwater (ft-bmp) Elevation of Water Surface (ft-msl) iDepth to Top ,of Screen ,(ff:bgs) Depth to Bottom ,of Screen (ft-bgs) ~Field Readings DO ORP (mg/L) (mV) B-127L 8/11/03 11:47 392.55 ND None 1,04.41 288.14 '160.00 185.00 11/10/03 11:31 392.55 ,ND 'None 104.48 288.07 160;00 1'85.00 IB-.127M 2/12/03 .8:25 392.61 ND None 98.32 294.29 115:00 140.00 5/,'12/03 11:12 392.61 ND None 99.12 ;293,49 115.00 140.00 8/11/03 11:50 392.61 ND None 101.28 291.33 115.00 140.00 11/10/03 11:33 392.61 ND None 101:67 290.94 115.00 140.00 B~1:27U 2/1:2/03 9:20 392:62 ND None Dry Dry 30;00 80.00 '8/11/03 11:53 392:62 ND :None Dry :Dry 30.00 80.00 B-128L 2/12/03 9:31 395.85 ND None 94.53 301;32 162.00 182.00 5/12/03 14:10 395.85 ;ND :None 95.67 300.18 162.00 1'82.00 8/11/03 '13:10 395.85 ~ND None 97.94 297:91 162.00 1'82.00 11/1:0/03 14:13 395.85 'ND None 97.98 297,87 162.00 182.00 lB-128M 2/12/03 9:33 395.90 N D None '93.06 302.84 110.00 140.00 5/12/03 14:14 395:90 N D None 93.93 301.97 110.00 140.00 8111/03 13:13 395;90 ND None 95.96 299.94 110.00 140.00 11/10/03 14:15 395.90 ND None 96.12 299.78 110.00 140:00 B-128U 2/12/03 9:34 395.96 ND ~None Dry iDry 30.00 70.00 8/11/03 13:16 395.96 ;ND INone Dry :Dry 30.00 70:00 B-129L1 2/10/03 14:26 391.50 :ND None 105.97 285.53 180:00 200.00 5/12/03 11:17 391.50 ND None 107.57 :283,93 180,00 200.00 8/11/03 10:37 391:50 ND None 110.55 280.95 180.00 2D0.00 11/10/03 10:30 391.50 ND None 110.55 280.95 180.00 200.00 B-1:29L2 2/1=0/03 14:27 391,31 ND None 106.25 285.06 235.00 245:00 :5/12/03 11:14 391.31 ND =None 107.93 283.38 235.00 245.~00 8/11/03 1,0:39 391.31 ND 'None 111.00 280.31 235.00 :245.00 11/10/03 10:33 391.31 'ND None 110.96 280.35 235.00 245.00 iB-129M .2/10/03 14:28 391.67 ND None 102.88 288.79 120:00 145.00 5/12/03 11:19 391.67 ND None 102,85 288.82 120.00 145.00 8/11/03 10:41 391.67 ND None 104.78 286.89 120.00 145.00 11/10/03 10:36 :391.67 ND None 104.80 286.87 120.00 145.,00 B~129U 2/10/03 14:29 391.85 ND iNone Dry IDry 30:00 90.00 :8/11/03 1,0:43 391.85 ND 'None Dry Dry 30.00 90:00 '9.83 1:02 9.63 122 5,65 320 4.68 350 ACCESS - rptTable 2_GroundwaterYear)y Page 12.of 28 Table 2. 2003 -.Groundwater'Levels, !Bakersfield Refinery,'Shell Oil Products U. S. Well :ID Measurement Measuring Point ,Depth to Product Date Time iElevation Product Thickness (ft-msl) (ft-bmp) (ft) Depth to Groundwater (ff-bmp) Elevation of Water Surface (ft-msl) Depth to Top of Screen (ff-bgs) IDepth to ~Bottom of Screen (ft-bgs) Field Readings :DO ORP (mg/L) (mY) B-130L1 2/10/03 14:12 392.04 !ND None 1~08.11 283:93 180.00 200.00 5/12/03 11:06 392.04 :ND None 1~09.84 282;20 180.00 200.00 8/11/03 10:48 392.04 IND None 113.20 278~84 180.00 200.00 11/10/03 10:12 392.04 ND None 113.30 278;74 180.00 200.00 :B-130L2 2/10/03 14:13 392.29 ND None 1,08.48 283.81 235.00 245.00 5/12/03 11:03 392.29 :ND None 110.19 282.10 235..00 245.00 8/tl/03 10:50 392.29 iND None 113.62 :278.67 235.00 245.00 11/10/03 10:14 392.29 ND None 113.69 278.60 235~00 245.00 B-130M 2/10/03 14:14 391.91 ND None 104.28 287.63 125:00 145.00 5/12/03 11:08 391.91 ND None 104.42 287~49 125~00 145.00 8/11/03 10:52 391.91 ND None 106.68 285.23 125~00 145.00 11/10/03 10:16 391.91 ND None 107.28 284.63 125.00 145.00 B,130U 2/10/03 14:15 391.86 N D None Dry Dry 30.00 :90.00 '5/12/03 11:10 391.86 ND None Dry Dry 30.00 '90.00 8/11/03 10:54 391.86 ND None Dry Dry 30.00 90.00 B- 131 L1 2/10/03 14:53 391.17 N D None 109.83 281.34 190.00 210.00 5/12/03 10:58 391.17 ND None 111.78 279.39 190.00 210.00 8/11/03 1.0:22 391.17 ND None 115.27 275.90 190.00 21'0:00 11/10/03 10:21 391.17 ND 'None 115.51 275.66 190.00 210:00 B-13.1L2 2/10/03 14:52 391.13 ND 'None 110.01 281.12 243.00 253:00 5/12/03 10:55 391.1:3 iND '.None 112.04 279.09 243.00 :253:00 8/11/03 10:24 391.13 ~ND None 115.61 275.52 243.00 253;00 11/10/03 10:23 391.13 ND None 1.15.85 275.28 243.00 253.00 iB-.131'M 2/10/03 14:54 391.32 'ND None 104.17 287.15 120.00 145.00 5/12/03 11:01 391.32 ND None 104.15 287.17 120.00 ~145.00 8/11/03 10:28 391.32 ND None 106.08 285;24 120.00 .145.00 11/10/03 10:25 391.32 ND None 106.44 :284.88 120.00 145.00 B-l:31U 2/10103 14:55 391.31 ND None IDry Dry 30.00 85:00 5/1 2/03 11:03 391.31 ND None .Dry Dry 30.00 85:00 8/11/03 10:31 391.31 ND None iDry Dry 30.00 85;00 B-133 2/1,0/03 7:54 393.06 ND None Dry Dry 30.00 90.00 5/12/03 10:58 393:06 ND None Dry Dry 30.00 :90.00 8/11/03 11:'14 :393:06 ND None Dry Dry 30.00 90.00 8:03 308 12.62 193 7.4 347 2.25 225 ACCESS - rptTable 2_Groundwater Yeady Page 13 Of 28 Table 2. 2003 - Groundwater Levels, ;Bakersfield Refinery, Shell Oil Products U. S. Well ID Measurement Measuring Point Depth to Product Date Time Elevation Product Thickness (ft-msl) .(ft-bmp) (ft) Deplh to ,Groundwater (ft-bmP) Elevation of Water Surface (ft-msl) ~Depth to Top of Screen (ft-bgs) !Depth to Bottom of Screen (ft-bgs) Field Readings DO ORP (rog/L) (mY) 8-134 2/1 2/03 8:58 392.87 ND None Dry ;Dry 30.00 90.00 :5/12/03 12:04 392.87 ND =None Dry ;Dry 30.00 90.00 8/11/03 9:47 392.87 ND :None Dry ;Dry 30.00 90:00 B-143 2/12/03 1,0:16 389.27 ND None Dry ;Dry 40.00 75~00 5/13/03 7:51 389.27 ND 'None Dry =Dry 40.00 75.00 8/11/03 13:40 389.27 ND None Dry iDry 40.00 75~00 B-144 2/1 2/03 9:39 ,390.30 N D !None Dry Dry 40.00 75,00 5/12/03 13:15 390.30 N D ;None Dry Dry 40.00 75,00 ,8/11/03 14:33 390.30 ND iNone Dry Dry 40.00 75;00 B-145 2/1 2/03 10:51 391.69 ND 'None Dry Dry 40.00 75:00 ,8/11/03 14:13 391,69 ND ;None Dry Dry 40.00 75:00 B-146 2/12/03 10:44 393,21 ND ;None Dry Dry 40.00 75.00 8/11/03 '13:30 393.21 :ND None Dry Dry 40.00 75,00 B-150M :2/12/03 15:03 388.94 N D None 88.64 300.30 90.00 1 '10.00 5/12/03 14:24 388.94 'N D None 88.59 300.35 90.00 1,10.00 8/11/03 11:35 388.94 ND None 90.37 298.57 90.00 1,10.00 11/1,0/03 14:38 388.94 ND None 89.28 299.66 90,00 1,10.00 ,B-1:53 2/,12/03 10:32 391.07 ND None IDry Dry 35.00 75.00 5/,13/03 ,8:55 391.07 ND None IDry Dry 35.00 75.00 8/,1 2/03 13:10 391.07 N D None IDry Dry 35.00 75.00 iB-154 2/,12/03 10:04 391.76 ND None ;Dry Dry 35.00 75.00 5/13/03 9:00 391.76 ND None Dry Dry 35.00 75.00 8/12/03 13:13 391.76 ND None Dry Dry 35.00 75.00 iB-,155 2/12/03 10:19 390.31 ND None Dry Dry 34:00 74.00 8/11/03 13:57 390,31 ND None Dry Dry 34.00 74.00 11/10/03 14:24 390:31 ND None Dry Dry 34.00 74.00 B-1:56 2/12/03 ,10:48 390.91 ND None Dry ,Dry 35.00 75,00 8/11/03 ,14:29 390.91 ND None Dry :Dry 35.00 75'00 B-157 2/12/03 10:09 392.42 ND None Dry iDry 35.00 75,00 8/11/03 14:07 392.42 ND None Dry 'Dry 35.00 75~00 B-158 2/12/03 10:27 392.15 ND None Dry iDry 35.00 75.00 '8/1 '1/03 13:27 392.15 ND None Dry Dry 35.00 75;00 6.2 132 ACCESS -~rptTable 2_Groundwater Yearly Page 14 of 28 Table 2. 2003 - Groundwater LeVels, :Bakersfield ='Refinery, Shell Oil Products U. S. Well ID :Elevation of Depth to Measurement 'Measuring Point Depth to Product Depth to Water Depth to Top Bottom of Date Time Elevation :Product Thickness Groundwater Surface of Screen Screen (ft-msl) (ft-bmp) (ft) .(ft-bmp) (ft-msl) (ft-bgs) (ff-bgs) Field Readings DO ORP (rog/L) (mV) B-159 2/1 2/03 10:30 .390.31 .ND None Dry Dry 35.00 75.00 .8/11/03 14:21 390.31 ;ND 'None Dry iDry 35.00 75.00 B-160M 5/12/03 15:49 393.96 ND 'None 92.15 301.81 90.00 105.00 8/,11/03 12:06 393.96 ND None 94.06 299. 90 90.00 105. 00 ,11/10/03 10:54 393.96 ND None '93.93 300.03 90.00 105.00 B-160U 5/1:2/03 15:52 393.88 ND None Dry Dry 60.00 80.00 8/1,1/03 12:10 393.88 ND None Dry Dry 60.00 ,80.00 B-161M 2/12/03 10:54 393.08 ND None 96.60 296.48 110.00 120.00 5/12/03 16:01 393.08 N D None 97.32 295.76 1,10.00 120:00 8/11/03 11:53 393.08 ND iNone 99.57 293.51 110.00 120~00 11/10/03 1,0:51 393.08 =ND ~None 99.72 293.36 110.00 ,120.00 B-161 U 2/12/03 10:56 392.95 'ND 'None iDry Dry 75.00 85:00 8/11/03 12:00 392.95 ND None Dry Dry 75.00 85:00 B-162M 2/11/03 8:49 398.25 ND None 99.18 299.07 115.00 125.00 5/12/03 11:47 398.25 ND None 100.13 298.12 115.00 125.00 8/11/03 12:21 398.25 ND None 102.37 295.88 115.00 125.00 11/10/03 13:51 398.25 ND None 102.8,1 295.44 115.00 125;00 .B-162U 2/11/03 8:50 398.37 IND ;None .Dry iDry 80.00 100~00 5/1 2/03 11:50 398.37 JND INone !Dry Dry 80.00 100.00 8/11/03 12:24 398.37 ND None !Dry Dry 80.00 ,100.00 B-163M 2/12/03 8:11 398:07 ND None 101.70 296.37 116.00 126.00 5/1 2/03 11:26 398:07 ND None 102.63 295,44 116.00 1:26.00 '8/11/03 11:59 398.07 ND None 104.88 293.1'9 116.00 1:26.00 11/10/03 13:27 398.07 ND None 105.29 292.78 116.00 126.00 B-163U :2/1 2/03 8:14 398.0 ,1 ~N D .None Dry Dry 68.00 88.00 8/,11/03 12:02 398.01 !ND 'None ~Dry Dry 68.00 88.00 IB-164L 2/11/03 8:38 398.71 ND None 100.45 298.26 114~00 134.00 5/12/03 11:57 398.71 ND None 101.40 297.31 114.00 134.00 8/11/03 ,12:11 398~71 ND None 103.59 295.12 114.00 134.00 1,1110/03 ,13:38 :398.71 ND None 103.98 294.73 11.4.00 134.00 B~164M 2/11/03 8:39 398.81 ND None 99~88 298.93 89.50 104.00 5/12/03 11:35 398.81 ND None 100.74 298.07 89.50 '1 04:00 ACCESS - rptTable 2_Groundwater Yearly IPage 15of 28 Table 2. 2003- Groundwater Levels, Bakersfield Refinery,Shell ,Oil Pmducls U. :S. Well ID IMeasumment Measuring Point Depth to iPmduct Date Time Eleva~on ;Product Thickness (ft-msl) (ft-bmp) (ft) Depth to Groundwater (ff-bmp) !Elevation of Water Surface .(ft-msl) Depth to Top of Screen (ft-bgs) Depth to Bottom of Screen (ff-bgS) :Field Readings DO ORP (mg/L) (mY) B~164M 8/1.1/03 12:13 398.81 ND None Dry Dry 89.50 1'1/10/03 13:40 398.81 ND None Dry Dry 89.50 B~164U 2/11/03 8:40 398.96 ND None Dry Dry 64.00 ~8111/03 12:16 398.96 ND None Dry Dry 64.00 B-166L :2/10/03 14:30 390.04 N D None 105.06 284.98 170.00 5/1 2/03 11:41 390.04 ND ;None 1:06.51 283:53 170.00 8/11/03 9:52 390.04 ND ,None 109.50 280.54 170:00 11/10/03 10:55 390.04 ND ~None 109.49 280.55 170:00 B-166M 2/10/03 14:3.1 390.11 ;ND None 103.37 286;74 120:00 5/12/03 11:43 390.11 ND None 103.15 286.96 8/11/03 9:64 390.11 ND None 105.05 :285.06 120.00 11/10/03 10:58 390.11 ND None 105.33 284.78 120.00 B-166U 2/10/03 14:32 390.30 ND None Dry Dry 70.00 5/12/03 11'45 390.30 ND None Dry Dry 70;00 8/11/03 9:57 390.30 ND None Dry Dry 70.00 11/10/03 9:57 390.30 ND None Dry Dry 70.00 B,167L 2/10/03 14:23 391.59 ND None 107.03 284.56 1,60.00 5/1 2/03 12:20 391.59 ND .None 108.43 283.16 '160.00 .8/11/03 9:39 391.59 ND ~None 111.68 279.91 '160.00 11/10/03 10:01 391.59 ~ND ;None 111.71 279.88 160.00 B-167M 5/12/03 12:23 391.67 =ND 'None 106.19 285.48 120:00 8/11/03 9:41 391.67 ND None 108.32 283.35 120.00 11/10/03 10:04 391.67 ND None 108.97 282.70 120.00 iB-,167U 2/10/03 14:25 391.75 ND None 93.11 298.64 70.00 8/11/03 9:43 39.1.75 ND None Dry Dry 70:00 11/10/03 .10:07 391;75 ND None Dry Dry 70~00 B~168L 2/10/03 1.5:39 389;77 ND None 103.55 286.22 160.00 :5/12/03 10:45 389.77 ND None 104.91 284.86 1:60.00 8/11/03 11:23 389.77 :ND ;None 107.99 281.78 160.00 11/10/03 11:14 389.77 ;ND None 108.1,6 28~.61 160.00 B-168M 2/10/03 15:40 389.78 ~ND None '101.25 288.53 118.00 5/1 2/03 10:48 389.78 ND None 101.77 288:01 118~00 8/11/03 11:26 389.78 ND None 103.88 285:90 118.00 104:00 - - 104:00 - - 84.00 - - 84.00 - - 185.00 .185.00 - - ~185.00 1'85.00 - - 140.00 - - 140.00 - - 140.00 - - 140.00 8.95 316 '95.00 - - '95.00 - - '95.00 - - '95.OO - - 180:00 - - 180:00 ~- - 180:00 180.00 140.00 - - 140.00 .... 140.00 '7.74 300 105.00 - - 105.00 - - 105:00 - - 180.O0 - - 180:00 - - 180~00 180.00 17.04 :285 138.00 - 138.00 - - 138.00 - -- ACCESS -rptTable 2_Groundwater Yearly Page ~6 of :28 'Table 2. 2003 -Groundwater Levels, :Bakersfield Refinery, Shell Oil Products U. S. Well :ID Measurement :Measuring Point iDepth to Product Date Time Elevation Product Thickness (ft-msl) (ft-bmp) (ft) Depth to Groundwater (ft-bmp) Elevation of Water Surface (ff-msl) Depth to Top of Screen (ft-bgs) JDepth to Bottom of Screen (ft-bgs) Field Readings lDO ,ORP (mg/L) ,(mY) B-168M 11/10/03 11:16 389.78 ND None 104.53 285.25 118.00 138.00 B-169L 2/1:0/03 15:26 391.41 ND None 102.23 289.18 150.00 170.00 5/12/03 10:27 391.41 N D None 103.56 287.85 150.00 170.00 8/11/03 11:30 391.41 ND None 106.32 285.09 150.00 170.00 11/10/03 11:00 391.41 ND None 106.53 284.88 1:50.00 170.00 B-169M 2/10/03 1:5:27 391.47 ND None 100.61 290.86 120.00 140.00 5/1 2/03 1,0:38 391.47 N D 'N one 101.44 290.03 120.00 140.00 8/11/03 11:33 391,47 ND ~None 1,03,54 287.93 120.00 140,00 11/10/03 1'1:02 391.47 ND None 1,04.14 287.33 120.00 '140.00 'B-1691~1 2/10103 15:28 391.56 iND None 1,00.53 291.03 '90.00 ,110.00 5/12/03 10:40 391.56 IND None 101.34 290.22 90.00 '110.00 8/11/03 11:35 391.56 IND None 102.98 :288.58 90,00 110.00 11/10/03 11:04 391.56 ND None 103,64 287.92 90.00 110.00 B-170L 2/10/03 12:41 389.75 ND None 99.41 290.34 125.00 140.00 5/12/03 13:52 389,75 ND None 99.21 290.54 125.00 140.00 8/11/03 12:16 389;75 ND None 100;79 288,96 125.00 140.00 11/10/03 11:43 389.75 ND None 106.89 282.86 125.00 140:00 B-170M 2/10/03 12:42 389.86 ND None 98,98 290.88 1,08,00 118:00 5/12/03 13:55 389.86 ND None 98:78 291.08 108.00 118~00 8/11/03 12:18 389.86 ND Non e 1'00.76 289.10 108,00 118.00 11/10/03 11:46 389.86 ~ND None 100.56 289.30 108.00 118.00 iB-170U 2/,10/03 12:43 389.95 ~ND None 99.11 290.84 92.00 102.00 5/12/03 13:57 389.95 ~ND None 98.86 291.09 92.00 102.00 8/11/03 12:20 389.95 ND None iDry Dry 92,00 102.00 ~11/10/03 11:49 389.95 ND None Dry Dry 92,00 102.00 B-171L 2/10/03 12:36 :392,87 ND None 102.67 290.20 164.00 164.00 :5/12/03 14:05 392.87 ND None 103.58 289.29 154.00 164:00 :8/11/03 12:07 392.87 ND ,None 93.35 299.52 154.00 1 64.00 11/10/03 1'1:55 392.87 ND None 1,05.81 287.06 154.00 164.00 'B-171M .2/10/03 12:38 392.95 ND None 1.01.56 291:39 120.00 140.00 5/12/03 14:08 392.95 ND None 101.48 291.47 120.00 140.00 8/11/03 12:09 392.95 :ND None 103.26 289:69 120:00 140.00 ,11/10/03 11:57 392.95 'ND None 103.30 :289;65 120:00 140.00 7.39 266 4.8 81 9,34 307 7:96 1,0 ,8;77 220 7.32 300 ACCESS - rptTable 2_Groundwater Yearly iPage 17 of 28 Table 2. 2003 - Groundwater Levels, Bakersfield Refinery,Shell Oil iProducts U. 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Well ID Measurement Measuring Point Depth to Product Date Time Elevation Product ~hickness (ff-msl) .(ff-bmp) (ft) Oepth to Groundwater (ft-bmp) Elevation of Water Surface (ft-rnsl) Depth to Top ,of Screen ,(ff;bgs) Depth to Bottom of Screen (ft-bgs) iField Readings DO ORP (mg/L) (mV) :B-17 t:U 2/10/03 12:40 392.96 ND 'None 98.16 294.80 '82.50 102.50 5/12/03 14:10 392.96 :ND None 98.03 294.93 :82.50 102.50 8/11/03 12:11 392.96 ;ND None 90.37 302.59 ,82.50 102.50 11/10/03 12:02 392.96 :ND None 99.20 293.76 .82.50 102.50 IB-172L 2/11/03 8:13 382.96 ND None 82.33 300.63 :235;00 245.00 5/12/03 15:54 382.96 ND None 83.26 299.70 :235:00 245.00 8/11/03 10:04 382.96 ND None 83.97 298.99 :235.00 245.00 11/10/03 15:40 382.96 ND None 82:81 300.15 235.00 245.00 B~172M 2/11/03 8:14 383;01 ND None 80.87 302.14 176.00 196;00 5/12/03 15:57 383:01 ND None 8'1 ~66 301.35 176.00 196;00 8/11/03 10:06 383.01 ND iNone 82.16 300:85 176.00 196~00 '11/10/03 15:42 383.01 ND INone 80.76 302.25 176.00 196.00 lB-172U 2/11/03 8:15 383.07 'ND None 80.52 302.55 148.00 168.00 5/12/03 15:59 383.07 'ND None :81.18 301.89 148:00 168.00 8/11/03 10:08 383.07 ND None 81.67 301.40 148:00 1,68.00 11/10/03 15:45 :383.07 ND None .80.19 302.88 148.00 1,68.00 B-173L 2/11/03 9:08 385.79 ND None 85.88 299.91 225.00 240.00 5/12/03 15:36 385~79 ND 'None 86.70 299.09 225.00 240,00 8/11/03 9:50 385;79 ND None 87.81 297.98 225.00 240:00 11110/03 15:24 385.79 ND .None 86.73 299.06 225.00 240;00 B-173M 2/11/03 9:09 385.85 ~ND 'None 84.91 300;94 190.00 210.00 5/12/03 15:39 385.85 ~ND None 85.68 300.17 190.00 210.00 .8/11/03 9:52 385.85 'ND None 86.75 .299.10 190:00 210.00 11/10/03 15:26 385.85 ND None .85.56 300.29 190,00 210.00 B-173U 2/11/03 9:10 385.88 ND None 84.70 301.18 150.00 170.00 5/12/03 15:41 385.88 ND None 85.40 300.48 150.00 170.00 8/11/03 9:54 385,88 ND None 86.46 299.42 150.00 170;00 11110/03 15:28 385.88 ND None 85.15 300.73 150.00 170.00 B- 175L 2/11/03 15:40 388.00 N D ~None 83 ~70 304.30 210.00 225.00 '5/1 2/03 14:38 388.00 ,ND iNone '85.27 302.73 210.00 :225.00 8/12/03 11:18 388.00 ND None '84.30 303;70 210~00 225.00 11110/03 13:10 388.00 'ND None :83.61 304.39 210.00 225.00 lB-175M 2/11/03 15:45 388.07 ND None 81.66 306.41 172:00 192.00 5/12/03 14:40 388.07 ND None 82.73 305.34 172.00 192:00 2.16 ~170 0:2 101 0.2 :50 0.19 72 0.18 -66 ACCESS -rptTable 2_Groundwater Yeady Page 18 of 28 Table 2. 2003 -,Groundwater.Levels, ;Bakersfield Refinery, Shell Oil Products U. S. Well :ID Measurement iMeasudng Point IDepth to Product Date Time iElevation Product Thickness .(ft-msl) (ft-bmp) (ft) Depth to Groundwater (ft-bmP) Elevation of Water Surface (ft-mS!) Depth to Top of :Screen (ft-bgs) ',Depth to Bottom of :Screen (ft-bgs) Field Readings iDO ORP ,(mglL) (mV) B-175M 8/12/03 11:20 388.07 ND None 81.69 306.38 172.00 192.00 11/10/03 13:12 388.07 ND None :80.90 307.17 172:00 192.00 B-175U 2/11/03 15:50 388.24 ND None .81.40 306.84 `140~00 1.60.00 5/12/03 14:42 388.24 ND None 83.03 305.21 140.00 160.00 8/12/03 11:22 388.24 ND None 81.30 306.94 140.00 160.00 11/10/03 13:14 388.24 ND None 80.45 307.79 140.00 160:00 B-176L 2/11/03 9:27 391.14 ND 'None 92.08 299.06 175.00 190:00 5112/03 14:51 391.14 ND None 93.21 297.93 175.00 190:00 8/11/03 13:51 391.14 ND ;None 95.34 295.80 175.00 190.00 11/10/03 '15:00 391.14 ND 'None 94.93 296.21 175.00 190.00 !B-176M 2/11/03 9:26 391.27 iND None 91.41 299,86 '145.00 160.00 5/12/03 14:54 391.27 ND None 92.40 :298.87 145.00 160.00 8/11/03 13:47 391.27 ND None 94.37 :296.90 145~00 160.00 11/10/03 14:38 391.27 ND None '93.90 297.37 145:00 1,60.00 B-176U 2/11/03 9:25 391.29 ND None 90.32 300.97 115:00 135.00 5/12/03 14:58 391.29 ND None 90.93 300.36 115.00 135.00 '8/11/03 13:49 391.29 ND None 92.82 298.47 115.00 135.00 11110/03 14:40 391.29 ND iNone 92~63 298.66 115.00 135.00 B-177L 2/1 2/03 11:44 383.25 ~ND :None 79.61 303.64 222.00 232.00 5/12/03 15:17 383.25 !ND :None 78,49 304.76 222.00 232:00 8/.12/03 13:41 383.25 'ND None 78.00 305.25 222,00 232:00 11/11/03 11:05 383.25 ND None 77.15 :306.10 222.00 232.00 B-177M 2/12/03 11:46 383.32 ND None 78.98 304.34 172.00 192.00 5/1 2/03 15:20 383.32 ND None 77.77 305.55 172.00 192.00 8/1 2/03 13:43 383.32 ND None 77.20 306.12 172.00 192.00 11/11/03 11:'10 383.32 ND None 76.24 307.08 .172.00 192.00 B,177U 2/1 2/03 11:49 383,43 ND None 78.21 305.22 .144.00 1 64.00 :5/12/03 15:22 383,43 ND 'None 77.18 306.25 144.00 164:00 8/12/03 13:45 383.43 ND None 76.66 306.77 144.00 164.00 11/1.1/03 11:13 383.43 'ND None 75.53 30'7.90 144.00 164:00 !B-178M 2/1 2/03 14:40 385.25 ND None 64.50 300:75 115.00 120.00 5/13103 7:49 385:25 ND None 83.6.1 301:64 115.00 120.00 8/1 '1/03 11:41 385.25 ND None 85.38 299.87 115.O0 120.00 11/10/03 15:17 385:25 ND .None 83:83 301,42 115.00 120.00 0.14 -132 0.11 -124 10:99 224 6.06 1'63 .0.'15 -26 0.13 -'150 '0.31 75 AccESS - rptTable 2_Groundw'ater Yeady Page 19,of :28 Table 2. 2003 - Groundwater Levels, Bakersfield Refinery, Shell Oil IProducts U. S. Well ID iMeasurement Measuring Point Depth to Product Date Time Elevation Product Thickness (ft-msl) (ft~bmp) (ft) 'Depth to Groundwater (ft-bmp) Elevation of Water 'Surface (ft-msl) Depth to Top of Screen (ff-bgs) Depth to Bottom of Screen (ft-bgs) IField Readings DO ORP (mg/L) (mv) B-178U 2/12/03 14:42 385~49 ND None 83.67 301 .'82 90:00 95.00 ~5/13/03 7:51 385.49 ND :None 84;75 300.74 90:00 95.00 :8/11/03 11::43 385~49 ND None 84~49 301.00 90.00 95.00 11/10/03 15:20 385~49 ND INone 83;03 302.46 90.00 95;00 B-179M 2/11/03 9:34 383.03 'ND INone 79.13 303:90 113.00 133.00 5/12/03 16:04 383.03 iND iNone 79.42 303~61 113.00 133.00 8/11/03 10:01 383.03 !ND :None 79.84 303.19 113.00 133.00 11/1,0/03 15:48 383.03 ND None 78.06 304;97 '113.00 133.00 !B-179U 2/11/03 '9:35 383.10 'ND None 78.72 304.38 76.00 106.00 5/1 2/03 16:06 383.'10 ND None 78.42 304.68 76.00 106.00 8/11/03 9:59 383.10 ND None 78.96 304.14 76.00 106.00 11/10/03 15:51 383.10 ND None 77.04 306.06 76.00 106.00 B-1.80L 2/12/03 13:16 390.06 ND None 97.78 292.28 150.00 170.00 5/12/03 16:15 390.06 ND None 98.81 291.25 ~J 50.00 170.:00 8/11/03 12:25 390;06 ND None 101.32 288.74 150.00 170:00 11/10/03 11:01 390;06 ND None 101.20 288.86 1:50.00 170:00 B-180M 2/12/03 13:18 390.18 ND None 96.40 293.78 125.00 140:00 5/12/03 16:18 390.18 ND None 96.67 293.51 125.00 140.00 ;8/11/03 12:27 390.18 ND .None 98.80 291.38 125.00 ~40.00 11/10/03 11:03 390.18 ND iNone 98.98 291.20 125.00 140.00 B-180U 2/12/03 13:20 390.30 ND INone 96.94 293.36 95.00 115.00 5/12/03 16:21 390.30 IND ~None 97.30 :293.00 95.00 115.00 8/11/03 12:29 390.30 !ND None 98.20 292.10 '95.00 115.00 11/1=0/03 11:05 390.30 IND None 99.38 290.92 95.00 115.00 iB-181 L 2/12/03 13:24 391.23 ND None 95.71 295.52 150:00 165.00 5/1 2/03 15:22 391.23 ND None 96.70 294.53 150.00 165.00 8/1 ~1/03 12:18 391 ~23 ND None 98.98 292.25 150.00 165:00 11/10/03 11:09 391.23 ND None 98.63 292.60 150.00 165:00 B~I 81M 2/12/03 13:26 391,30 ND None 97.54 293.76 125.00 140.00 :5/1 2/03 15:24 391.30 ND None 91.24 300.06 125.00 140.00 8/11/03 12:20 391.30 ND None 97.59 293.71 125.00 140.00 11/10/03 11:11 391.30 ND None 97.39 293;91 '125.00 140.00 B-181 L~ :2/12/03 13:28 391.23 N D None 91.32 299.91 90.00 110.00 1 ..8 49 0.43 ~110 0.15 -124 14.47 .86 9.91 87 3.3 98 7.62 149 ,6.33 210 · ACCESS - rptTable 2_Groundwater Yearly Page 20 of 28 Table 2. 2003 - Groundwater Levels, Bakersfield Refinery, Shell Oil Products U. S. Well ID Elevation of Measurement Measuring Point Depth to Product ~Depth to Water IDepth to Top !Date Time Elevation Product Thickness Groundwater 'Surface of Screen (ft-msl) (ft-bmp) (ft) (ftJomp) (ft-msl) (ft-bgs) Depth to Bottom of Screen (rt-bgs) IField Readings DO ORP (mg/L) (mY) B-181U 5/12/03 15:40 391.23 iND :None 95.50 295.73 90.00 110.00 8/11/03 13:12 391.23 iN D None 92.99 298.24 :90.00 110.00 11/1,0/03 11:14 391.23 'ND ~None 92.53 298.70 '90.00 110.00 lB-182M 2/12~03 14:35 385.47 ND 'None 82.03 303.44 120:00 135.00 5/12/03 15:45 385.47 ND None ,82.44 303:03 120.00 135.00 8/11/03 9:40 385.47 ND None ,83.30 302.17 120.00 135.00 11/10/03 15:31 385.47 ND None .81.75 303.72 120.00 135.00 B-1.82U 2/12/03 14:37 385..54 ND None 81.66 303.88 85.00 105.00 5/12/03 15:47 385.54 ND None 81,64 303.90 85:00 105.00 '8/11/03 9:37 385.54 ND None 82.67 302.87 85:00 105.00 11/10/03 15:34 385.54 ND None 80:99 304.55 85:00 105.00 B-183 2/1 2/03 14:51 385.85 ND None 70.91 314.94 154.00 159:00 5/13/03 '8:55 385.85 NA :NA NA NA 154.00 159:00 11/10/03 15:14 385.85 !ND ;None 90.51 295.34 154.00 1:59.00 B-185L ~2/10/03 13:18 391.57 ;ND INone 100.27 291.30 190:00 205.00 5/12/03 13:20 391.57 ND ~None 101.33 290;24 190.00 205.00 8/11/03 11:35 391.57 ND None 103.22 288.35 190:00 205.00 11/10/03 11:33 391.57 ND None 102.39 289.18 190.O0 205.00 B-185M 2/10/03 13:19 391.69 ND None 100.34 291.35 165.00 1.80.00 5/12/03 13:23 391:69 ND None 101.40 290.29 165.00 180.00 '8/11/03 11:37 391:69 ND None 103.27 288.42 165.00 180.00 11/10/03 11:36 :391.69 ND None 102.96 288.73 165.00 180.00 B-185U :2/10/03 13:20 391.79 ND None 97.67 294.12 126.00 146:00 5/12/03 13:25 391.79 !ND None 97.76 294.03 1:26.00 146:00 .8/11/03 11:39 391.79 IND None 99.03 292.76 126.00 146:00 11/1,0/03 11:39 391.79 ND =None 97.95 293~84 126.00 146.00 B-186L 2/10/03 13:1=0 392.32 ND None 102.09 290.23 182:00 202.00 5/12/03 13:09 392.32 ND None 103.11 289.21 182.00 202.00 8/11/03 11:25 392,32 N D None 105.41 286.91 182.00 202.00 11/10/03 11:10 ,392.32 ND None 104,88 287,44 182.00 202.00 B-186M 2/10/03 13:11 392~43 ND None 102.11 290.32 165.00 175.00 :5/1 2/03 13:12 392.43 N D None 103.12 289.31 165.00 175.00 8/11/03 11::27 392.43 ND None 105.39 287.04 165.00 175:00 11/10/03 11:14 392,43 IND None 104.90 287.53 165.00 175:00 1.3 49 0.19 ~0 0.5 48 1.51 75 0.2 12 0,24 6 :0.25 -17 ACCESS - ~tTable 2_Groundwater Yearty 'Page 21 ,of 28 Table 2. 2003 - ,Groundwater iLevels, Bakersfield Refinery, Shell Oil Products U. S. Well ID Measurement Measuring Point IDepth to Product Date Time 'Elevafion Product Thickness ,(ft-msl) (ft-bmp) (fi) Depth ,to Groundwater (ft-bmp) Elevation of Water Surface (ft-msl) Depth to TOp of Screen (ft-bgs) Depth to !Bottom of Screen (ft-bgs) Field iReadings ~DO ORP (rog/L) (mY) B-186U [B-187L B-187M B~187U B-188L lB-188M B-188U B-195L B-195M 2/10103 13:12 392.56 'ND None 99.39 293.17 125.00 145.00 5/12/03 13:14 392.56 'N D N one ~99.42 293.14 125.00 145.00 8/11/03 11:29 392.56 ND None 101.00 291.56 125.00 145.00 11/10/03 11:1,8 392:56 ND None 100.35 292.21 125.00 145.00 2/12/03 14:45 389.33 ND None 94.23 295.10 160.00 180.00 5/12/03 15:17 389.33 ND None 95.43 293.90 160.00 180.00 8/11/03 10:52 389.33 ND None 97.10 292.23 160.00 180.00 11/10/03 14:58 389.33 ND None 96:06 293.27 160.00 180.00 2/12/03 14:46 389.60 ND None 89.57 300.03 125.00 145.00 '5/1 2/03 15:19 389.60 N D None 89.54 300.06 125.00 145.00 '8/11/03 10:54 389.60 ND None 90:21 299.39 125.00 145.:00 11/10/03 15:01 389.60 ND None 87:98 301.62 125.00 145:00 2/12/03 14:48 389.80 ND :None 89.58 300.22 70.00 100:00 5/12/03 1:5:22 389.80 N D INone 89,40 :300.40 70.00 100:00 ,8/11/03 10:56 389.80 ND INone 90.20 299.60 70.00 100:00 11/11/03 8:41 389.80 ND !None 88,42 301.38 70.00 100:00 2/12/03 14:50 388.57 iN D ;None 93.35 295.22 160.00 180.00 5/12/03 15:27 388.57 IND None 94.60 293.97 160:00 180:00 8/11/03 11:01 388.57 !ND None 96.23 292.34 160200 180.00 11/10/03 15:04 388.57 ND None 95.14 293.43 160;00 1'80.00 2/12/03 14:51 388.72 ND None 88.18 300.54 110~00 140.00 5/12/03 15:30 388.72 ND None 88.34 300.38 110,00 140.00 8/11/03 11:03 388.72 ND None 88.80 299.92 110.00 140.00 11/10/03 15:07 388;72 ND None 85.95 302.77 110.00 140.00 2/12/03 14:53 389.12 ND None 89:02 300.1,0 70:00 95.00 '5/1 2/03 15:32 389.12 ND None 88.82 300.30 70.00 95.00 8/11/03 11:05 389.12 ND iNone 89,58 299.54 70.00 '95.00 11/10/03 15:10 389.12 ND !None 87.59 301.53 70.00 '95.00 :2/10/03 15:03 389.67 ND None 95.69 293.98 165.00 180,00 5/12/03 13:35 389.67 IND None 97.64 292.03 165.00 180,00 8/11/03 13:00 389.67 ND None 99.37 290.30 165.00 180.,00 11/10/03 11:23 389.67 ND None 98.23 291.44 165.00 180;00 2/10/03 15:09 389.44 ND None 94.14 295.30 122;00 152;00 5 '35 0.4 124 0:51 ~54 10.08 74 5.12 141 2.24 75 ACCESS - rptTable 2_Groundwater Yearly IPage 22 of 28 Table 2. 2003 - Groundwater Levels, Bakersfield Refinery,Shell Oil IProducts U. S. Measurement Measuring Point Depth to :Product Well ID iDate Time Elevation Product Thickness (ff~msl) (ff-bmp) (fi) Depth to Groundwater (ft-bmp) Elevation of Water Surface (ft-msl) :Depth to Top ,of Screen ,(ft-bgs) Depth to Bottom of Screen (ft-bgS) IField Readings DO ORP (mg/L) (mV) B- 195M 5/12203 13:38 389.44 N D iNone 94.26 295.18 122.00 152:00 8/11/03 13:02 389.44 ND None 95.21 294.23 122.00 1'52.00 11/1,0/03 11:26 389.44 ND :None 94.44 295;00 122.00 152.00 lB-195U 2210/03 15:05 389.36 'ND None 91.39 297;97 ,80.00 105.00 5/12/03 13:40 389.36 iND None '90.93 298.43 .80.00 105.00 8/11/03 13:05 389.36 ND None '91.75 297;61 80.00 105.00 11/10/03 11:30 389;36 ND None '90.10 299.26 80.00 105.00 B-196L 2210/03 14:44 388.42 ND None 103.42 285.00 '160.00 180.00 :5/12/03 11:28 388.42 ND None 104.99 283.43 160.00 180.00 8/11/03 10:09 388.42 ND None 107;63 280.79 160.00 180.00 11/10/03 10:41 388.42 ND None 107.38 281.04 1,60.00 180.00 B-196M 2210/03 14:45 388.51 N D None 98.73 289.78 125.00 145;00 5/1 2203 11:30 388.51 ND :None 98.20 290.31 125.00 145.00 8/11/03 10:12 388.51 - ND :None 99.52 288.99 125.00 145.00 11/1~0/03 10:44 388.51 ND 'None 98.84 289:67 125.00 '145.00 iB-,196U 2/10/03 14:46 388.66 iND None 96.77 291.89 75.00 105.00 5/1 2/03 11:32 388.66 !ND None '95.78 292.88 75.00 105.00 8/11/03 10:14 388.66 ND None 96.77 291.89 75.00 1,05.00 11/10/03 10:47 388.66 ND None 95.26 293.40 75.00 1,05.00 B-201 2/12/03 9:30 394.16 ND None 90.18 303.98 75,00 '95.00 '5/13/03 8:15 394.16 ND :None 90.52 303.64 75;00 95.00 8/11/03 13:05 394.16 ND None 92.28 301.88 75.00 95.00 11/10/03 15:31 394.16 ND None 92.31 301.85 75.00 95.00 B-202L :221 2203 10:40 388.62 N D ~None 85.26 303.36 114.00 134.00 5/`13/03 '8:07 388.62 iND ~None 85.79 302.83 114.00 1:34.00 8/11/03 13:26 388.62 ND None 87.27 301.35 114:00 134.00 11/10/03 11:28 388.62 ND None 86.'51 302.11 114.00 134.00 B-202U 2/1 2/03 10:42 :388.64 ND None 83.61 305.03 97:00 105:00 5/13/03 8:10 388;64 ND None 83.91 304.73 97:00 105:00 8/11/03 13:28 388.64 ND None 85.29 303.35 97:00 105:00 11/10/03 11:30 388;64 ND None 84.35 304.29 97.00 105.00 132 2211/03 15:10 388.29 ND iNone '89.37 298.92 '64.00 `114.00 5/12203 13:55 388.29 ND 'None '86.13 302.16 64.00 114.00 8/1 2203 10:21 388.29 ND None :83.70 304;59 54.00 114.00 ,0.22 -520 1,44 175 1.05 370 '1;21 363 3 195 7.4 114 4.9 ~159 ACCESS - rptTable 2_Groundwater Yearly Page 23 of 28 Table 2. Well ID 2003 - Groundwater Levels, Bakersfield [Refinery,Shell Oil Producbs U. S. Measurement Measuring Point Depth to Product :Date Time Elevation Product Thickness (ft-msl) ,(ft-bmp) (ft) IDepth to Groundwater (ff-bmp) Elevation of Water Surface (ft-msl) Depth to Top of Screen (ft-bgs) Depth to Bottom of Screen (ft-bgs) Field Readings DO ORP (mg/L) (my) ID2 11/11/03 10:04 388.29 ,ND None 81.34 306:95 ~54.00 ,114.00 iD3 2/1 '1/03 14:37 378.44 iND None 73.21 :305.23 40.00 100.00 5/13/03 8:21 378.44 ND None 73.18 .305.26 40.00 100.00 8/1 2/03 11:10 378.44 N D None ,66.08 312.36 40.00 1,00.00 11/10/03 14:32 378.44 ND None ,68.61 309.83 40:00 100.00 DP2 2/11/03 10:13 386.07 ND :None 92.91 293.16 92.00 105;00 ~5/12/03 10:45 386.07 ND [None 93.44 292.63 92.00 105.O0 ,8/11/03 11:04 386.07 ND iNone 88.90 297.17 92.00 105.00 11/10/03 13:57 386.07 :ND None 89.52 296.55 92.00 105.00 'M 14S 2/10/03 12:11 391.55 'ND None ;Dry Dry 70.00 90.00 5/12/03 9:43 391.55 ND None IDry Dry 70.00 90.00 8/11103 ,11:14 391.55 ND None Dry Dry 70.00 90.00 11/10/03 14:24 39,1.55 ND .None Dry Dry 70,00 90.00 MNlZ 2/11/03 15:20 389,40 ND ~None 97,43 291.97 14.00 104~00 5/12/03 13:20 389,40 :ND iNone 96.96 292.44 14.00 104.00 8/12/03 10:14 389.40 :ND None 96.95 292.45 14.00 104.00 11/1,1/03 '9:56 389.40 'ND None 95.20 294,20 14.00 104.00 MN2AU 2/11/03 15:33 387:50 ND None Dry Dry 23:55 83.55 5/12/03 13:16 387~50 ND None Dry Dry 23.55 83.55 8/12/03 9:38 387.50 ND None 80.94 306.56 23.55 83.55 11/11/03 9:32 387.50 ND None 79.35 308.15 23.55 83.55 MS2.5A 2/11/03 15:27 384.62 ;ND None 82.35 302.27 18.00 '108.00 5/13/03 ,8:02 384.62 ND None 82.86 301 ;76 ,18.00 108.00 8/12/03 11:04 384.62 ND None 75.45 309.17 ,18,00 1:08.00 11/11/03 9:04 384.62 ND None 75.90 308.72 1:8.00 1,08,00 P2 11/14/03 8:04 384.40 ND None 87.03 297.37 - -- PW;L23 2/10/03 15:24 382;22 ND iNone 65;02 317.20 1,00.00 144.50 ,5/1 2/03 13:59 382.22 ~ND ~None 67.18 315.04 100.00 144.50 8/11/03 11:11 382.22 ~ND None 59.54 322,68 100.00 144.50 11/10/03 14:55 382.22 'ND None 61.82 320,40 100;00 144.50 PW-L26 2/11/03 11:27 381.18 ND None 70.12 311,06 90.00 138.75 5/12/03 ,14:18 38,1.18 ND None 71.18 3,10.00 90:00 138.75 8/11103 11:22 381.18 ND None 64.03 317,15 90,00 138;75 1.12 -117 0.12 '168 7.`12 ,129 O.8 ~111 4:9 -166 0.13 -118 4.01 197 9.66 535 ACCESS - rptTable 2_Groundwater Yeady !Page 24 ,of 28 Table 2. 2003 - Groundwater Levels, Bakersfield Refinery, Shell Oil :Products U. S. Well ID Measurement Measuring Point Depth to Product IDate Time Elevation Product Thickness (ff-mSl) ,(ft-bmp) (ft) IOepth to Groundwater (ft-bmp) Elevation of Water Surface (ft-msl) 'Depth to Top of Screen ,(ff-bgs) Depth to Bottom of Screen (ft-bgs) :Field Readings DO ORP (mg/L) (mv) ,PW-L26 11/10/03 14:48 381.18 ,ND ~None 64.91 31,6;27 90.00 138.75 ;PW-L28 2/10/03 15:21 384.01 IND None 67.71 316.30 70.00 143.00 5/12/03 14:14 384.01 !ND None 68.98 315;03 70.00 143.00 8/11/03 11:15 364,01 'N D None 61.02 322.99 70.00 143.00 11/10/03 14:52 364.01 ND None :58.27 325.74 70.00 143.00 PW;U4 2/10/03 15:13 388.16 N D None 68.71 319.45 100 ~00 140.00 5/12/03 12:05 388,16 ND None 71.08 317.08 100.00 140.00 8/11/03 11:00 388.16 ND None 63.57 324.59 100.00 140.00 11/10/03 13:08 388.16 ND None 65.48 322.68 100.00 140;00 R1 2/11/03 15:18 383.42 ND :None 78.52 304.90 12.00 105;00 :5/12/03 13:24 383~42 ND ;None 77.14 306.28 12.00 105.00 8/11/03 13:25 383,42 ND 'None 74.36 309.06 12.00 105.00 11/10/03 14:23 383,42 ,ND 'None 72.11 31,1.31 12.00 105.00 ;R2 2/11/03 13:52 387.20 ND None 79.15 308:05 12.00 117.00 5/1 2/03 13:07 387.20 N D None 79.02 308.18 12.00 1,17,00 8/11/03 13:35 387.20 ND None 75.26 311.94 12.00 117.00 11/10/03 15:22 387.20 ND None 73.80 313.40 12.00 1,17.00 R3 2/1,1/03 13:59 388~70 N D None 78.69 310.01 12.00 117.00 5/1:2/03 13:00 388.70 ND None 77.68 311.02 12.00 117.00 8/11/03 13:45 388.70 ND None 74;95 313.75 12~00 117.00 11/,10/03 15:,14 388.70 ND :None 70.93 317.77 12:00 117.00 R4 2/11/03 10:26 390.04 ND 'None '82.60 307.44 12.00 117.00 5/1 2/03 12:23 390.04 ND None 82.41 307:63 12.00 117.00 8/11/03 14:06 390.04 ND None :80.98 309:06 12.00 117.00 11/1'0/03 15:28 390.04 ND None 79.05 310:99 12.00 117.00 IR6B 2/11/03 ,14:21 383.41 ND None ~81.34 302.07 18.00 98.00 5/12/03 ,15:10 383.41 N D None 80.'81 302.60 ,18.00 98.00 8/1,1/03 12:07 383.41 ND None 80.09 303.32 18.00 98.00 11/10/03 14:47 383.41 ND None 76.81 306.60 1,8.00 '98.00 R7 1,1/14/03 8:35 364.97 ND None 76;96 308.01 ROW-1 1,1/,14/03 8:43 364.51 73.99 0.05 74.04 31,0.47 RS-6A 2/11/03 14:31 379.99 ND None 75.03 304;98 :68.90 ,148.90 :0.95 7 0.36 3 10.24 21 ~0.21 ~58 0.32 ~73 ,0.34 -24 1.79 -69 ACCESS - rptTable 2_Groundwater Yeady Page 25,of 28 Table 2. 2003 - Groundwater Levels, ~Bakersfield Refinery,Shell Oil Products U. S. Well :ID Measurement IMeasuring Point Depth to Product Date Time :Elevation Product Thickness .(ff-msl) (ft-bmp) (fi) Depth to Groundwater (ff-bmp) Elevation ,of Water Surface (ff-msl) Depth to Top of Screen (ff-bgs) Depth to !Bottom of Screen (ft-bgs) Field Readings lDO ORP (rog/L) ,{mV) RS-6A 5/12/03 13:17 379.99 ND None 74.65 305.34 88.90 148.90 8/11/03 13:32 379.99 ND None 70.48 309.51 88.90 148.90 11/10/03 14:18 379.99 ND None 69.29 310.70 88:90 148:90 RS-BW4 2/10/03 14:51 385.30 ND None 91.15 294.15 105.00 134:00 '5/13/03 8:10 385.30 ND None 91 ;74 293.56 105.00 134 8/11/03 13:56 .385.30 :ND None 86.93 298.37 105.00 134.00 11/11/03 8:38 385.30 =ND None '87.95 297:35 105.00 134.00 RS-DP4 2/11/03 15:02 386.27 'ND INone 97.59 288:68 125.00 150.00 5/13/03 8:15 386,27 ND 'None 97.54 :288;73 125:00 150.00 8/12/03 9:53 386.27 ND None 97.46 288.81 125:00 1 50.00 11/11/03 9:42 386.27 ND None '96.55 289.72 125:00 150.00 RS-DP5 2/11/03 10:48 381.07 ND None 77.29 303.78 98.00 138.00 5/12/03 14:41 381.07 ND None 78.14 302.93 98:00 138.00 :8/11/03 11:38 381.07 ND None 71.56 309.51 98:00 138:00 11/'10/03 14:18 381:07 ND None 72.34 308.73 98;00 138~00 RS;DP6 2/10/03 14:58 387:07 ND .None 95.79 291.28 129.25 ~49.25 5/1 2/03 14:13 387.07 iND :None 95.84 291:23 129.25 149.25 8/12/03 10:46 387.07 ND iNone :96.60 :290.47 129.25 149.25 11/10/03 13:27 387.07 ND None 95.41 291:66 129.25 149.25 :RS-DP7 2/10/03 14:23 385.77 ND None 88.80 296.97 100;00 130.00 5/12/03 13:1'1 385.77 ND None 89.29 296,48 100.00 130.00 8/12/03 9:32 385.77 ND None 74.22 311.55 100.00 130:00 11/11/03 9:28 385.77 ND None 84.94 300.83 100.00 130:00 RS-HC7 2/11/03 10:52 381.43 ND None 76.26 305.17 74.00 134.00 '5/12/03 14:34 381.43 ND None 76.13 305.30 74.00 '134.00 8/11/03 11:43 381,43 !ND None 71.05 31'0.38 74.00 134.00 11/10/03 14:14 381.43 'ND None 70.34 31'1:09 74.00 134.00 :RS-HC8 2/'11/03 11:00 385.60 'ND None 75.32 310.28 74.00 1 34.00 5/12/03 14:28 385.60 ND None 73.13 312~47 74.00 134;00 8/11/03 '11:50 385.60 ND None ,69.14 316.46 74.00 134:00 11/11/03 11:22 385.60 ND None 66.34 319.26 74.,00 134;00 RS-MN1Z 2/10/03 14:13 387..54 ND None 97.77 289.77 125.00 150.00 5/1 2/03 13:28 387.54 ND None 97;75 289.79 125.00 ,150.00 8/1 2/03 10:'16 387.54 ND None 98.20 289.34 125.00 1 '50.00 0.27 -79 0.28 -96 0.34 0 0.2 -38 5.89 96 ACCESS - rpFl'able 2._Groundwater Yearly Page 26 of 28 Table 2. .2003 -.Groundwater Levels, Bakersfield Refinery,Shell Oil Products U. S. Well ID Measurement Measuring Point iDepth to Product Date Time Elevation Product Thickness (ff-msl) (ft-bmp) (ft) Depth to Groundwater (ff-bmp) Elevation of Water Surface (ft-msl) !Depth to Top of Screen (ff-bgs) ~Depth to Bottom of Screen (ff-bgs) Field Readings DO ORP (rog/L) {mV) RS-'MNIZ 11/11/03 9:57 387.54 ND ~None 97.37 290.17 '125~00 150.00 RS:MN2B 2/10/03 15:08 385.36 =ND None 92.25 293.'11 105.50 1:50.50 5/1 2/03 13:36 385.36 =ND None 91.75 293:61 105.50 150.50 8/12/03 9:49 385.36 ND None 88.90 296~46 105.50 150.50 11/11/03 9:39 385.36 ND None .88.40 296.96 105.50 150.50 IRS-MS2.5 2/10/03 14:33 384:26 ND None 78.65 305.61 100.00 149.00 5/12/03 11:56 384.26 ND None 81.41 302.85 100.00 149.00 8/12/03 7:49 384;26 ND None 71.20 313.06 100.00 149.00 11/11/03 9:11 384:26 ND None 74:99 309.27 100.00 149.00 RS-MS3A 2/10/03 14:45 :384;71 ND None 87:08 297.63 100.00 130:00 5/1 2/03 11:47 384.71 ND None 87.97 296.74 1,00.00 130;00 8/12/03 8:04 384,71 N D None 82.15 302.56 1,00.00 130.00 1'1/11/03 8:59 384.71 ND INone 83.43 301.28 100.00 130.00 T1,0A 2/11/03 13:36 391.45 :ND INone 83.20 308.25 73.00 95.00 5/13/03 8:50 391.45 IND 'None 83.48 307.97 73.00 95:00 8/1 2/03 13:20 391.45 iND :None :84.92 306.53 73.00 95:00 11/11/03 12:57 391.45 :ND None ,84.16 307.29 73.00 95:00 TI 6A 2/11/03 13:31 390.03 ND None ,81.30 308.73 59.60 89.60 5/13/03 ,8:40 390.03 ND None 81.54 308.49 59;60 89.60 8/1 2/03 12:59 390.03 ND None Dry Dry 59.60 ,89.60 11/11/03 12:53 390.03 ND None 81.72 308.31 59.60 89.60 T3B 2/11/03 13:41 391.92 ND None 83.49 308.43 59.00 89.00 5/13/03 8:45 391,92 ND None 83.79 308.13 59.00 89.00 '8/12/03 13:04 391.92 ND ,None 84.65 307.27 ~59.00 89~00 11/11/03 13:02 :391.92 ND iNone 84,45 307.47 59.00 89~00 T8B 2/11/03 13:55 390.22 ND None 82.76 307.46 70.00 90.rO0 5/13/03 9:15 390.22 ,ND 'None 83.02 307:20 70.00 90;00 .8/11/03 13:50 390.22 iND None ;Dry Dry 70.00 90.00 11/10/03 15:05 390.22 ND None IDry Dry 70.00 90.00 T9A 2/,11/03 14:00 390.40 ND None 83.12 307.28 70:00 '90.00 5/13~03 9:10 390.40 ND None 83.45 306.95 70.00 '90.00 8/11/03 13:54 390.40 ND None 84.83 305.57 70;00 90.00 11/10/03 14:55 390.40 ND None 84.19 306.21 70.00 90.00 0.26 ,152 0.16 93 9.1 176 3.28 1'83 6;79 39 5.23 105 5 12 ACCESS - rptTable 2_Groundwater Yearly Page 27 of 28 Table 2. :2003 - Groundwater Levels, Bakersfield Refinery,Shell Oil :Products U. S. Well ID Measurement Measuring Point Depth to Product Date Time iElevation Product Thickness (ff-msl) (ff-bmp) (fi) Depth to Groundwater (ff-bmp) Elevation of Water Surface (ff-msl) Depth to Top of Screen (ft-bgs) ~Depth to 'Bottom of Screen (ft-bgs) Field !Readings DO ,ORP (mg/L) (mV) TR2 2/11/03 10:18 390;73 ND None 83.47 307.26 50.00 90.00 '5/13/03 9:20 390.73 ND None 81.38 309.35 50.00 90.00 8/12/03 13:30 390.73 N D None 83.10' 307.63 .50.00 90.00 11/11/03 13:06 390.73 ND None 81.90 308.83 '50.00 90.00 U4 2/10/03 15:10 386.86 ND ~None 65.69 321.17 35.00 95:00 5/12/03 11:57 386.86 'ND None 67.28 319.58 35.00 95;00 8/I 1/03 10:58 386.86 ND None 56.63 330.23 35.00 95;00 ,11/10/03 15:02 386.86 ND None 59:54 327.32 35.00 95.00 WIP-Wl 2/11/03 10:31 387.39 ND None Dry Dry 50.00 70.00 5/13/03 8:20 387.39 ND None Dry Dry 50.00 70.00 8/11/03 13:20 387.39 ND None Dry Dry '50.00 70.00 11/10/03 11:22 387.39 ND None Dry ;Dry ~50.00 70:00 WIP-W2 2/11/03 10:03 388.43 ~ND 'None !Dry Dry 50.00 70.00 5/13/03 7:59 388.43 ND None Dry Dry 50.00 70~00 8/11/03 13:34 388.43 ND None Dry Dry 50.:00 70.00 11/10/03 11:36 388.43 ND None Dry Dry 50.00 70.00 WIP-W2A 2/11/03 10:01 388:28 ND None 83.87 304.41 68.00 88.00 5/13/03 7:55 388.28 ND None 83~72 304.56 68.00 88.00 8/11/03 13:30 388.28 ND iNone 85.04 303.24 68.00 88.00 11/10/03 11:33 388.28 IND !None 84.08 304.20 ,68.00 88;00 WlP-W3A 2/10/03 10:18 390.67 ND None 86.15 .304.52 70.00 90;00 5/12/03 14:47 390:67 ND None 86.32 304.35 70.00 90.00 8/11/03 14:47 390;67 ND None 87.90 302.77 70.00 90.00 11/10/03 15:13 390.67 ND None 87.15 303.52 70.00 90.00 WIP-W4 2/10/03 10:25 389.52 ~ND iNone Dry :Dry 50.00 70:00 5/12/03 13:01 389.52 IND 'None Dry :Dry 50.00 70!00 8/11/03 13:01 389.58 'ND None :Dry Dry 50.00 70;00 WIP-W4A 2/10/03 10:23 389.61 ND None 82.97 306.64 70.00 90.00 5/12/03 13:05 389.61 ND None 83.20 306.41 70~00 '90.00 8111/03 14:40 389.61 ND None 84.60 305.01 70.00 90.00 11/10/03 15:19 389.61 ND None 83;75 305.86 70.00 90.00 NA = Well not gauged, under positive pressure .4.2 155 '5.33 13 3.7 -1 ACCESS - ~tTable 2_Groundwater Yearty Page 28of 28 Table 3a. 2003 - Monitoring Well Analytica! Results, Bakersfield Refinery, Shell Oil Products, U.S. Gasoline Range Ethyl, SamPle Organics Benzene Toluene benzene o-Xylene Sample ID Date (pg/L) (pg/L) (pg/L) (pg/L) (pg/L) m,p. Xylene MTBE (pg/L) (pg/L) A3-01 2/19/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(! ) ND(1 ) ND(1 ) 5/19/03 ND(t00) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) 8/20/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 11/!2/03 ND(100) ND(0,5) ND(I~ ND 1(~) ND(_1_) __ A3-02 2/19/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(1 ) ND(1 ) ND(1 ) 5/20/03 ND(!00) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 8/20/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 11/18/03 ND(100) __ND(0.5) N_D(1) ND(l) ND(?_), A3-03 2/19/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) 5/20/03 290 88 3 ND(1 ) 5.1 8/20/03 2200 510 D 11 ND(l) 2.0 11/18/03 2200 720 D 6.1 N D( 1 ) 1.5 A3~04 2/1g/03 220 5/20/03 220 8/!9/03 370 t!/18/03 520 1.3 ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 3.6 1.4 ND(l) ND(l) 8.0 1.6 ND(l) ND(l) 11 1.1 NDe1_)_ ND(l) ND(0,5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(0.5)__ ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(0,5) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(0.5) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(O.~5)___ND(_I) ND(~I)_ NDe1 ) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) N_D_(_0~ ND(1 ) ND(l_)_ ND 1H(~)~ ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(0.5) ND(!) ND(l) ND(!) ND(0.5) ND(!) ND(l) ND(!) ND~0.~5) ~!) ND(~ ND(!) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(0._5) ND(l)_ ND('~) ND(l) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(0.5) ND(!) ND(l) ND(!) ND(0.5) ND(I_)~ ND(l) ND(~)_ ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(0.5) 0,47 J ND(l) ND(l) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(0.5) N~(I~_ ND(_1) ND_(1_) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(0.5) ND(l) NDe)_ ND(1 ) 2.2 ND(l) 1.0 1.1 9.6 ND(l) 0.45 J 0.35 J t20 43 4.4 13 91 110 6.9 3O B-001U 2/18/03 ND(100) 5/16/03 ND(100) B~001M 2/13/03 ND(100) 5/15/03 ND(100) 8/14/03 ND(100) 11/12/03 ND(100) B-001L 2/13/03 ND(100) 8/15/03 ND~0~ B-003 2/t8/03 ND(100) 5/t4/03 ND(t00) 8/15/03 ND(100) 11/11/03 NDe100) B-007 2/14/03 ND(100) 5/16/03 ND(100) B-008 2/14/03 ND(100) 5/15/03 ND(100) 8/14/03 ND(100) 11/12/03 ND(100) B-009 2/19/03 ND(100) 5/15/03 ND(100) 8/13/03 ND(lO0) 11/13/03 ND(!0_0) B-010 2/18/03 ND(! 00) 5/15/03 ND(100) B-011 2/19/O3 530 5/20/03 1000 8/19/03 790 ! 1/20/03 1100 ND(l) ND(t) ND(l) N_D(1) ND(l) ND(l) ND~ ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND 1(1~_ ND(l) ND(l) 1._2 7.1 9 6.2 49 1.6 87 ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ...... ~ND(1) ND(!) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND_(1) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) _ND~I~_ ND(1.~ ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND.(~I_) ND(I) ND(l) 0.9! J ND(l) 0.48 J ND(l) ND(!) ND(I~ ND(I_L' ND(!) ND(l) 0.28 J ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l_) ND(l_)__ ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) 3.1 0.31 J 2,7 1,2 29 7.t 69 7.7 B-013 2/!9/03 5400 5/20/03 3100 8/19/03 3400 11/19/03 4200 68 330 180 290 360 ND(5) 40 61 170 250 260 ND(2) 26 55 78 t!0 !40 ND(2) 12 65 130 170 350 ND(2) ACCESS - rptGroundwater Quarterly Table 3a Page 1 of 15 Table 3a. 2003 - Monitoring Well Analytical Results, Bakersfield Refinery, Shell Oil Products, U,S, Gaso ina Range Ethyl- Sample Organics Benzene Toluene benzene mXylene Sample ID Date (pg/L) (pg/L) (pg/L) (pg/L) (pg/L) m,p-Xylene (pg/L) MTBE (pg/L) B,014 2/14/03 ND(100) ND(0,5) ND(l) ND(l) 5/14/03 ND(100) ND(0,5) ND(l) ND(!) 8/14/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) t 1/13/03 ND(100) ND(0~.5) ND(!) N D_(1_~). B-017 _2/17/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) 5/!4/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) 8/14/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) 11/14/03 ND(100J ..... N_.~_D~0,5) _. ND(l_) ND~_) B-023 2/! 9/03 ND(100) ND(0,5) ND(t ) ND(1 ) 5/16/03 t50 ND(0.5) 0.38 J 0.21 J 8/13/03 120 ND(0.5) ND(t) ND(l) 11/17/03 ND(t0.0) ND(0.5) ND(!) ND(l) B-024U 2/19/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(!) ND(l) 5/15/03 N~D(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) 8/14/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) _ 11/13/03 ND(100) ND(0._5) _N_D ( 1 ) ND(t )_ B'024L 2/17/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(1 ) ND(1 ) 5/15/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) 8/14/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(!) 11/13/03 ND(_100) ND(0._~ ND(1) N D(l~_ B-030M 2/14/03 2700 0.86 0.67 J 2.1 5/15/03 650 ND(0.5) 0.57 J 0.47 J 8/14/03 610 ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) 11/11/03 . ND(10~0) ND(0.5) ~. ND(l) ND(l)_ B~030L 2/14/03 730 ND(0.5) 0.44 J ND(!) 5/15/03 840 ND(0.5) 0,39 J ND(1 ) 1 t/11/03 NDI~) 0.61 ND(I}_ ND(I_)_ B-041U 2/22/03 250 ND(0.5) ND(l) 5/20/03 1200 ND(0.5) ND(1) 8/19/03 1100 22 ND(1 ) 11/12/03 910 ND(_0_.5) ND(!) B-041M 2/12/03 3100 12 0,95 J 5/14/03 3100 0.88 0.63 J 8/13/03 300 ND(0.5) ND(l) 11/12/03 360 ND(0.5) _ ND(!) B-041L B-042 2/12/03 1500 1.3 0.60 J 5/14/03 3000 0.36 J 0.61 J 8/13/03 2000 ND(0.5) ND(1 ) 11/!2/03 970.. ND(0.~5) ND(l_) 2/19/03 21000 16 J ND(50) 5/19/03 20000 36 ND(20) 8/19/03 28000 46 ND(25) 11/18/03 22000 62 ND(~0) B~043 ND(l) 0.24 J ND(l) ND(l_) 2O 1.2 ND(l) 4.5 1 ND(l) ND(l) 2100 2700 2000 2200 2/20/03 17000 530 940 980 5/_2_0/03 ND(100) 1100 3800 1500 8/20/03 5000 240 460 260 11/20/03 4900 240 370 220 ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 0.22 J ND(l) ND(l) ND(t) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) Np(1] 1.4 0.26 J ND(1 ) ND(I~ 1.1 0.59 J ND~I] ND(l) O.23 J 1.2 ND(l) 2.4 0.55 J ND(l) 1,1 0.89 J ND(l) ND(l) ND(50) 12J ND(25) ND(20) 1100 1600 24O 2O0 ND(l) ND(1 ) ND(!) ND(l) 0.24 J ND(l) ND(l) ND(_1 ) ND(!) 0.61 J ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) N D(_I ) 2.1 0.73 J ND(!) ND(!)__ 0.42 J 0.29 J ND(l] 0,22 J ND(l) ND(l) ND(I~_ 64 0.95 J ND(l) ND(l) 12 2.3 1.6 ND(l) 4100 6500 4400 4300 2900 4000 690 570 ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(t) ND(l) ND(i) ND(l) ND(1)~ ND(l) ND(i) ND(l) ND(I_)~ ND(1) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(1)~ ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 28 ND(l) ND(l) NDe_)__ ND(l) 0.29 J ND(l) ND{i) ND(i) ND{l) ND(i) ND(!) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l__ _)~. ND(50) ND(20) ND(25) ND(20~_ ND(20) ND(50) ND(5) ND(5) B-044M 2!18/03 ND(100) ND(0,5) ND(!) 5/16/03 ND(100) ND(0,5) ND(l) 0.27 J ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 0,65 J ND(l) ND(l) NO(l) ACCESS, rptGmundwater Quarterly_Table 3a Page 2 of 15 Table 3a, 2003 ~ Monitoring Well Analytical Results, Bakersfield Refinery, Shell Oil Products, U,S. Gasoline Range Ethyl- Sample Organics Benzene Toluene benzene o.Xylene Sample ID Date (pg/l_) (pg/L) (pg/L.) (pg/L) (pg/L) m,p-Xylene (pg/L) MTBE (IJg/L) B-044M 8/18/03 11/12/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(100) ND_~. 5_ ~ ND(1 ) ND(100) 0.40 J 0.81 J ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(t) ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(100) ND(0,5) ND(l) B-044L 2/20/03 5/19/03 8/19/03 11/20/03 B,050M 2/18/03 ND(! 00) ND(0.5) ND(! ) 5/15/03 NO(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) 8/18/03 ND(100) ND(0,5) ND(l) 1 t/t 1/03 ND(100) ND(0,5) ND(! ) ~_ 2/18/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(!) 5/15/03 ND(!00) ND(0.5) ND(!) 8/19/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) t1/!1/03 ND(l_00) ND(0,5) ND(l) 2/22/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(1 ) 5/~20/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) 8/19/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) 11/14/03 ND(100~ 3,4 ___N_D(1) ~2/13/03 ND(100) ND(0,5) ND(l) 5/14/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) 8/13/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) 11/12/03 ND(~_00) ND(0.5) ....... N~D(1) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(0.5) ND(1 ) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(0.5) ND(l) 8.2 1.2 B,050L B-052U B-052M B-052L B,075U 2/13/03 ND(100) 5/14/03 ND(100) 8/13/03 ND(100) 11/12/03 ND(100) 11/12/03 2800 ND(!) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) NDe)_ ND(1 )_ ND(! ) ND(I~ 0.84 J 0,57 J 2.2 ND(l) 6.8 ND(l) t4 0.35 J ND(l) ND(l) 3.7 ND(l) ND(l)_ ND(l_) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) - ~ ND(!) ~_N D_( 1_)_ ND(! ) ND(1 )_ ND(1 )~ ND(1 ) ND(l) 0,28 J 0.77 J ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(I) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(t) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(!) _ ND(l) ND(l) 0.19J ND(I) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(t) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) _ ND( 1_)_._ ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND~(1)_ ND(t) ND(~I)_~.. 2.6 1.2 9.6 7.7 B-075M 2/17/03 880 8.8 1.3 5/16/03 3300 0.79 0.93 J 8/13/03 2800 29 2.7 11/12/03 3200 11 2.5 1.8 1.4 9.6 1.3 0.9J 9.1 2.3 ND(l) ND(l) 29 ND(l) 5.7 ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(!.)._' ND(l) 0.21 J 0.22 J 0.42 J ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(~)_ ND(l) ND(l) 0.26 J 0.25 J 0.49 J ND(l) 1.6 ND(!) ND(l) ND(l_) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) 0.19 J ND(l) ND(l) ND(I_)~ ND(l_) B-098U 5/21/03 11/18/03 B-098M 2/19/03 5/19/03 8/20/03 11/19/03 B-098L 2/19/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(100) ND(_0.~ ND(l) ND(100) ND(0.5) 0.37 J ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(100) ND(0~) ND(l) ND(100) ND(0.5) 0.39 J 5/19/03 100 ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) 8/19/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(1 ) ND(1 ) 11/19/03 ND(100) ND(0.5_) ND(l_) ND(t) B-099M 2/17/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) 5/13/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(1 ) ND(t ) 8/13/03 ND(10~0) ND(0._5) ND(l) ND(!) _ B-099.L. 2/17/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(I ) ND(1 ) 5/13/03 ND(100) 0.94 ND(l) ND(l) 8/13/03 ND(!00) ND(0.5) ND(!) ND(l) 11/13/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) NDe1) ND(1 ) !2 3.7 ND(l) ND(l)_= ND(l) ND(l) _ 1,8 ND(l) ND(l) _ ND(l) _ 59 44 51 18 ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) _ ND(l) ND(l) ND(t) ND(l)_ ACCESS - rptGroundwater Quarterly_Table 3a Page 3 of 15 Table 3a. 2003 - Monitoring Wel Analytical Results, Bakersfield Refinery, Shell Oil Products, U.S. Gasoline Range Ethyl- Sample Organics Benzene Toluene benzene o-Xylene m,p-Xylene Sample ID Date (pg/L) (pg/L) (pg/L) (pg/L) (pg/L) (pg/L) MTBE (pg/L) B-100M 2/17/03 ND(100) 0.86 ND(1 ) 5/13/03 ND(! 00) ND(0.5) ND(1 ) 8/14/03 ND(100) ND(0,5) ND(l) t 1/17/03 ND(~ _ ND(0.5) ..... ND(!)_ B-!OOL 2/17/03 ND(!00) ND(0,5) ND(1 ) 5/13/03 ND(!00) ND(0.5) ND(!) 8/14/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) 11/14/03 ND_ (1~00) N ._D 0.(~___N. D(~)_ B,102M 11/18/03 ND_(10~0)__ ND(~ B,103M 2/14/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(!) 5/13/03 ND(100) ND(~_)____~I_) B-103L 2/14/03 ND(!O0) ND(0.5) ND(!) 5/13/03 ND !(~00) ND(0.~5) ~! ) B-!04U 8/t8/03 ..... 8/19/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(!) 11/14/03 ND(l_00) ND(0.5)__ ND[l) B-104M 2/18/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) 5/13/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) 8/14/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) 11/17/03 ~ND(10~0)~ ND 0(~_.5) _ND~) B,104L 2/18/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) 5/13/03 ND_(10_~)_ _~_D_(0.5) B-105M 2/17/03 250 ND(0.5) 5/14/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) 8/12/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) 11/12/03 310 0.91 NO(l) ND 1(~)__ ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) B-105L 2/17/03 ND(100) 5/14/03 ND(100) 8/12103 ND(100) 11/12/03 ND(100) B-106M 2/13/03 ND(100) 5/13/03 ND(100) 8/t2/03 ND(100) 11/t~03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(0.5) ND(1 ) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(0.5_) ..... ND(l_) ND(0,5) ND(l) ND(0,5) ND(l) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(0.5}_~N~D(1) ___ B-106L B-IO7M B-107L B-IO8M 2/13/03 ND(!00) ND(0.5) ND(l) 5/13/03 ND(!00) ND(0.5) ND(t) 8/12/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) 1 !/1_~03 ND(100) ND(0.~5) ~_1) 2/13/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) 5/13/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) 8/11/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) 11/17/03 _ ND[~10~ ND(0,5~ NDe1_) 2/13/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l} 5/13/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) 8/11/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(!) 11/17/03~ ND(IO~.O_. ND(O.~.___N D(_I) 2/19/03 1500 3.5 2. t 5/19/03 4700 600 D 1.3 ND(I) ND(l) ND(l) NDJl) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(~_ ND(~) ND(!) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(t) ND(l_)_ ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) N_D(~) ND(l) ND~I~_ ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l)_ ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(1 ) 0.48 J ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND_I~ ND(_1) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND_(1_) ND(l_)__ ND(l) 0.18J _ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 0.18 J ND[l_) ND_(~) ND(l) ND(I_)~_. ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(_1 ) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND_(1) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(~)_ ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) · ND(~_. ND(_1) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(t) ND(l) NDI(~ ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(t) ND(l) ND(l) NDe)_ N D(_I_) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(I) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l_) 5,7 0.70 J 39 1.2 ND(l) ND(t) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) N D~_(_IL ND(l) ND(1 ._~_ ND(l) ND(_I)~ - ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) = ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(I~_. ND 1(~__ ND(!) ND(!) ND(t) ND(I) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ~ ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(t) ND(l) ND(l) N__D~_)~ ND(1 ) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND_(1) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND_( 1_)~ ND(1 ) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND 1~(~_ ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND 1(~) ..... ND(l_)__ 6.9 ND(l) 310 43 ACCESS ? rptGroundwater Quarteriy_Table 3a Page 4 of 15 Table 3a, 2003 ? Monitoring Well Analytica! Results, Bakersfield Refinery, Shell Oil Products, U.S. Gasoline Range Ethyl- Sample Organics Benzene Toluene benzene o-Xy!ene m,p-Xylene MTBE Sample ID Date (pg/L) (pg/L) (pg/L) (pg/L) (pg/L) (pg/L) (pg/L) 8-108M 8/19/03 4200 3.9 ND(!) 56 ND(l) 19 ND(l) 11/18~03 3800 150 2.7 19 6.1 100 46 B-108L 2/19/03 5000 1.7 J ND(5) 350 ND(5) 300 ND(5) 5/19/03 6800 4.4 ND(5) 400 ND(5) 260 ND(5) 8/19/03 4600 3.9 ND(5) 410 ND(5) 350 ND(5) 11/18/03 6200 16 ND(S) 280 ND(~ 250 NDe)_ B-110M 2/12/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(t) ND(l) 8/12/03 ND(100~) ND(0.~)_ N_ D(.I__) ND(l)__ N~N~(1~ ND(i) ND(l_) B~110L 2/12/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 8/12/03 N_D~100) ND(~0.5) N_D_(1_) ND(! ) ND(I~ ND(l_)_ ND 1(~)~ B-111M 2/18/03 t100 340 180 25 16 74 ND(S) 5/14/03 570 62 27 4.9 1,9 12 ND(l) 8/13/03 750 160 46 14 16 5t ND(l) 11/13/03 1100 90 12 6.8 7.4 26 N D_( 1~ B-t11L 2/18/03 ND(100) 4.8 5/14/03 ND(100) 6.9 8!13/03 ND(100) 4.6 11/13/03 __ ND(l_00) 0.51 B,114M 2/17/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) 5/14/03_ ND 10~0_)~ ND(0.5) B-114L 2/17/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) 5/14/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) 8/13/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) 11/12/03 NDI~) ND(~__ B,115M 2/!7/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) 5114/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) 8/13/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) 0.39 J ND(l) 0.82 J ND(l) 6.1 1 1.6 3.9 ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(1 ) ND(l_)_ ND(! ) ND(l_ )_ ND(1 ) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND~!) ND(~ ND(l) ND(I~_ ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) __ND~) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) _-- ND(l) ND_(1_) ND~) ND(1)~ ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) N_D(1) ND(l) ND(l) ND(I)____ ND(l)_ 22 680 160 4600 1300 ND(20) 1200 220 5400 170 6,3 690 D 71 4300 D 300 D 18 870 D 250 D 7100 D 62 11/17/03 ND( 1_00) ND(0,5) B-115L 2/17/03 ND(100) ND(0,5) 5/14/03 ND(100) ND(0,5) 8/13/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) __ 11/17/03 ND(I_~0) ND(0.5) B-116M 2/21/03 t4000 16 5/20/03 25000 ND(t0) 8/19/03 21000 4.0 11/18/03 26000 6.6 B-116L 2/21/03 20000 150 ~20~3 42000 ND(25) 8/19/03 26000 4,4 11/18/03 20000 3,0 880 620 4100 8000 4600 170 2500 4400 10000 150 93 670 2600 D 6400 D 210 D 31 310 D 1700 D 4100 D 130 B~117M 2/21/03 36000 42 J 5/21/03 29000 ND(50) 8/21/03 32000 20 11/21/03 33000 27 320 1800 4100 11000 ND(100) 160 1400 3200 7700 ND(100) 140 1700 D 3500 D 7900 D ND(l) 110 1100 2500 7700 ND(50)_ B-117L 2~1/03 26000 1900 5~1/03 37000 3100 8/21~3 34000 1800 D 11~1/03 35000 850 1700 2000 3900 8400 ND(5) 350 2400 3800 8500 ND(50) 130 2200D 3600D 7700D ND(l) 170 1800 3700 8900 ND(59)- ACC_ESS - rptGmundwater Quarterly_Table 3a Page 5 of t5 Table 3a. 2003 - Monitoring We!! Analytical Results, Bakersfield Refinery, Shell Oi! Products, U.S, Gasoline Range Ethyl- Sample Organics Benzene Toluene benzene o-Xylene Sample ID Date (pg/L) (pg/L) (pg/L) (pg/L) (pg!L) m,p-Xy!ene (pg/L) MTBE (pg/L._) B,t18M 2/21/03 60000 3~20 10000 !900 4800 5/2!/03 45000 270 9100 2500 5600 8/21/03 47000 180 9200 D 3100 D 5500 D t 1!2 !/03 47000 71 6800 1500 5100 9800 12000 11000 D 11000 ND(100) ND(100) ND(!) ND(t00) B-118L 2/21/03 23000 440 69 1400 2400 5000 5/2!/03 21000 200 440 1300 1900 4600 8/20/03 24000 64 79 1500 D 2400 D 5900 D 11/21/03 30000 37 170 1400 3!00 8200 ND(50) ND(25) ND(l) ND(25) B-119M 2/18/03 ND(100) .ND(0,5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(100) ND~__ND~I) N~D(~ ND(!00) ND(0.5) ND(!) ND(l) ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(!) ND(l) B-119L 2/19/03 B-120M _2/18/03 5/13/03 8/12/03 11/11/03 B-120L 2/18/03 5/13/03 8/12/03 11/11/03 B-121M 2/18/03 5/13/03 8/12/03 11/11/03 B-124M 2/19/03 8/18/03 B-124L 2/18/03 5/15/03 8/15/03 11/12/03 B~1_25M 2/13/03 5/t3/03 8/13/03 11/t 7/O3 B~125L 2/12/03 5/13/03 8/12/03 11/t4/03 B-126M 2/13/03 5/14/03 8/14/03 11/12/03 B-126L 2/13/03 5/14/03 8/14/03 11/1 2/03 B-! 27M 2/12~03 8/18/03 B-127L 2/12/03 8/18/03 ND(10___0) __N__D~(0 ._:~ ND_(1) __N D(~ ND(t00) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(!) ND(l) ND~100~__ ~ ND(0.5) ND(1)~_~ ND(l) ND(100) ND(0,5) 0,45 J ND(l) ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(1 ) ND(! ) ND_(100~) ND(0.5)~=_~N_D_(~)_ ND(!) ND(lO0) ND(0,5) ND(l) NO(l) ND(I~00) ND 0~,5) NDe_! ) ND(1 ) ND(100) ND(0,5) ND(l) ND(!) ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) 140 ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(!) ND(100) ND 0~(~.5) ND(1)~ ND(l) ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(I) ND(100) ND(0,5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) __ ND_(_100) ND 0.~0~ N~I) ND(l) ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(I) ND(l) ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(100) ND~0.5~_ N~I~_ ND 1~ ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) N D I(~)~.._ND(0.5) ND__(1 ) ND(1 ) ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(!) ND(l) ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(1 ) ND(1 ) ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(!) N~ 1~_ ND(0.~) _N~ N D_~(~).___ ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ~ND(100) ND~)~ N~I_) ND(_1 ) ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) __ ND 1H(~_ ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND 1(~)_~ ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l)_ 0.20 J ND(l) ND(l) ND(I~_ ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(I) NDI~ ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND~~ ND(I) ND(l) ND(l) ND~ ND(l) ND(~) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) NDU) ND(l) ND(I) ND(l) ND_(1) 0,41 J ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 0.69 J ND(l) ND(l) ND 1(1(1(1(~__ 0,17J ND 1(~_ ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(_1) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) _ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(I_)~. ND(l) NO(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l_)__ ND(t)__ ND(l) ND(!) 5.8 7,0 ND(!) ND(!) ND(!) ND(l)_._ ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 0.35 J ND(l) 230 D ND(!)_ ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(!) ND(!)_ 2.8 2.7 2.0 ND(l)__ ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l)__ ND(l) NOUn_ ND(l) ND(t) ACCESS. rptGroundwater Quarterly_Table 3a Page 6 of 15 Table 3a. 2003 - Monitoring Well Analytical Results, Bakersfield Refinery, Shell Oil Products, U.S. Sample ID Gasoline Range Ethyl- Sample Organics Benzene Toluene benzene o-Xylene Date (IJg/L) (IJg/L) (IJg/L) (l~g/L) (Hg/L) m,p-Xylene MTBE (pg/L) (pg/L) B-1 ~28M 2/13/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(1 ) ND(! ) 5/16/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(!) 8/19/03 ND(100) ND(0,5) ND(l) ND(l) 1t/19/03 ND(!00) --. NDe0,5)_ _ND(l)_ ND(1)~ B,128L 2_/13/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) 5/t6/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) 8/19/03 ND(100) ND(0,5) ND(1 ) 11/19/03 ND(~ ND(0,5) ND(!~ B.129M 2/12/03 ND(!00) ND(0.5) ND(l) 5/14/03 ND(t00) ND(0.5) ND(l) 8/13/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) 11/13/03 ND(~ ND 0~_.5) ND(1 )_ B-129L1 2/11/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) 5/14/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) 8/13/03 ND(100) ND~0.5) __~.D~ B-129L2 2/11/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(!) 8/13/03 ND~10~ ND 0(~.5) ND(l_) B-130M 2/11/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) 5/13/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) 8/13/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(1 ) 11/13/03 N_D(10~0) ND(0.5) __N~D~ 1) B-130L1 2/11/03 ND(100) O.75 ND(l) 5/13/03 ND(100) 1.4 ND(l) 8/13/03 ND(100) 0,82 ND(l) 11/13/03 ___ ND[10~0)_ ND(0~..5) _ND~(~I) B-130L2 2/11/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) 5/13/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(1 ) 8/13/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) 1t/t3/03 ND(I~00_) ND(~ N~I) B-131M 2/13/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) 8/14/03 ND_(10~0)_ ND(0.5) __ ND(1) B-13! L1 2/t 3/03 ND(100) 0.60 ND(1 ) 5/13/03 ND(! 00) ND(0.5) ND(1 ) 8/14/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) 11/13/03 ND(100)__ ND(0.5) ND(I~ B.131 L2 2/13/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(! ) 8/14103 ND(100)_ ND(0.5) .... ND(_1_)_ B-150M 2/13/03 ND(!00) ND(0.5) ND(l) 5/14/03 ND(!00) ND(0.5) ND(l) 8/18/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(!) 11/13/03 ND(100) ND(_0.5) ND_(~)~.__ B-160M 5/15/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(I) 8/19/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) 11/12/03 ND(100) _ .__ND~(~__ND( 1 ) B-161M 2/18/03 ND(100) ND(O.5) ND(l) 5/15/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) 8/t 3/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(1 ) 11/12/03 ND(100) ND(0,5) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l_)_ ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(_1_) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) NO(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(1)~ .... ND(l)_ ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(t) ND(l) ND(l_)_ ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) NDI~ ND(l) ND(l) ND(I~)__ ND(l) ND(l) _ ND(i) ND(l) ND(l) ND(I~ _ ND[l_)_) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l_.) ND(l_)_ ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(t) ND(l) ND(l) ND(~ ND(I~_ ND(l) ND(l) ND(~ __ND(~) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(_1) N_D(~ ND(l) ND(l) ND(~ ND(~)_ ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(t) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 0.19J ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 1.1 ND(!) 0.17J ND(l) NO(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) N_D(!) NO(l) NDe1) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) _ ND(l) 0.4O J ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND{_1) -~ ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND_(I_~)~ ND(!)~ ND(l) ND(l) ND(~) ND(1 ) 0.24 J ND(!) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(!) ND(I~__ ND(~)__ ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(I~__N_D(1) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l_) _~_N_D( 1 ) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 0.19 J ND(l) ND(! ) ND(1 ) ND(l) ND(!) ND~).~ ND(1 ND(1 ) ND(1 ) ND~I~ ND_~(~_ ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(I_)~ ND(l) ND(l) ND 1(~ ND(l) ND(i) ND(!) ND(l) ACCESS. rptGmundwater Quarterly_Table 3a Page ? of 15 Table 3a. 2003 ~ Monitoring Well Analytical Results, Bakersfield Refinery, Shell Oil Products, U.S. Gasoline Range Ethyl- Sample Organics Benzene Toluene benzene o-Xylene Sample ID Date (pg/L) (pg/L) (IJg/L) (pg/L) (pg/L) m,p-Xylene MTBE (pg/L) (pg/L) B-162M 2/13/03 ND(t00) 8/t4/03 ND(I_~ B-163M 2/13/03 ND(100) 8/14/03 ND(100) B-164M 2/17/03 ND(100) 5/15/03 ND(100) B-164L 2/13/03 ND(100) 8/19/03 15O B-166M 2/12/03 ND(100) 5/13/03 ND(100) 8/13/03 ND(lO0) 11/14/03 N D~(_10_~0~ B-166L 2/12/03 ND(100) 5/13/03 NDe100) B-167U 2/17/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND_(0.5) _ND_(1) ND(0,5) ND(l) ND(g.~5) ND(_1) ND(0,5) ND(l) ND(0,5) _ NDI~_- ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(0,5) ND(l) ND 0..(.~5~ .... ND(I~)____ ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(0_.5)_ ND~(I~_ ND(0.5) ND(l) 5/15/03 B-167M 2/12/03 5/13/03 8/14/03 11/14/03 B?167L 2/11/03 5/13/03 B-168M 2/t2/03 ND(100) 5/16/03 ND(100) 8/18/03 ND(100) 11/17/03 ND(100). ...... B-168L 2/t2/03 ND(100) 5/t6/03 ND(100) 8/18/03 ND(100) 11/17/03 ND(100) B- 169U 2/17/03 ND(100) 5/15/03 ND(100) 8/13/03 ND(100) 11/12/03 ND(lO0) B-169M 2/12/03 ND(100) 8/19/03 ND~!00~ B-169L 2/12/03 ND(100) 8/19/03 ND[100) B-170U 5/15/03 ND(100) B-170M 2/17/03 ND(!00) 5/15/03 1700 8/2O/O3 1200 B-!70L 2/17/03 ND(100) 5/14/03 ND(t00) 8/14/03 ND{100) ND 1~ ~ N_D(1) ND(100) ND(0,5) ND(l) ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(100) ND(0_:~5_)._~. ND(! ) ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(10~0)_ NDe(0.5) ND_(_1) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND 0(~5~- ND(l) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(0.5) ND(t) ND(0,5) ND(l) ND(0,5) _ ND(l) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(0.5) .__._N_D(~) ND(0.5) ND(1 ) ND(0.5) __ND~I~ . ND(0.5) ND(1 ) NO(0.5) ND(l) ND(0,5_)~ ND(l_) ND(0,5) 0.61 J ND(0,5) ND(l) 0,52 ND(t) ND[_0_.5)_ ND(_1)_ ._ ND(0.5) ND(1 ) ND(0.5) ND(t) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(~ ND(~)__ ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(_1) ND(l) ND(l) ND~ ND(l)_ ND(l) ND(l) ND(I~ ND(~) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND~I~ ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(~ ND(l) ND(t) ND(l) ND(l_) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND~) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND~(1) ND(l)_ ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND 1(1(1(1(~) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) NO(t) ND(l) ND(l) ND(_1_) ND(I~) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(_I~ ND(~ ND(l) ND(l) ND(~ ND(I~ ND(!) ND(l) ND(I~_ NO(I~ ND(!) ND(l) ND(!) ~ND(I~ ND(t) ND(l) ND(l)_ ND 1(~_ ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) N_D(1 ) ND(1 ) ND(l_.). ND 1(~_ ND(l) ND(l) ND_(~)___ ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) N_O(1) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) N~D~ ND(I~__ ND(l) ND(l) NDI(~ ND(~) . ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ~ 0.18J ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(I_)~ ~1) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) NDJl_~_ ND(l_) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(_1) ND(l_)_ ND(l) ND(l) ___ 0.43 J ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 1.8 ND(l) ND(l) ND(I~. ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(t) ND(l) ND(l) ND(i) ND(l_) ND(l) 0,29 J ND(1 ) ND(!_)- ND(~)_~ NO(1) 53 1.1 4.0 ND(l) 2400 D 3.3 3100 D ND(I~_ 2,0 ND(l) ND(t) ND(t) 1.3 ND(l) ND(l) ACCESS, rptGroundwater Quarterly_Table 3a Page 8 of 15 Table 3a. 2003 - Monitoring Well Analytical Results, Bakersfield Refinery, Shell Oil Products, U,S. Gasoline Range Ethyl- Sample Organics Benzene Toluene benzene o-Xylene Sample ID Date (pg/L) (IJg/L) (pg/L) (pg/L) (pg/L) m,p-Xylene MTBE (pg/L) (pg/L) B-170L 11/12/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) _ ND(1 ) ND(I~_ ND(t ) B-171U ~/18/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(t) ND(l) ND(t) 5/!5/03 1600 ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 8/20/03 550 ND(0.5) ND(!) ND(l) ND(!) 1 ~!(18/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(t ) ND(1 ) ND~_I. ) B-171M 2/17/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(!) ND(l) ND(!) 5/14/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 8/14/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ._ 11/12/03 ND(!O0) ND(0.5) ND 1_~(~)~ ND(_1) ND(l) B-171L 2/17/03 ND(100) ND(0,5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 5/14/03 ND(100) ND(0,5) ND(l) ND(t) ND(l) 8/14/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 1t/12/03 N D(~Q_0) N D_(0_.5)___ ND(I~) ND(l_)_ ND(l) B-172U 2/14/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 5/16/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 8/15/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(1 ) ND(! ) ND(1 ) 11/18/03 ND(100) N_D(0.5)__ ND(l) ND(l_) ND(l) B-172M 2/14/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 5/15/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 8/15/03 ND(100) 2,6 ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 11/18/03 ND(100) 0.66 ND(l) ND(I~ ND(~ B-172L 2/14/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 5/15/03 ND(100)~ 1.1 ND(~_) ND(I~ ND(l) B-173U 2/!4/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 5/16/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 8/14/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 11/18/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(!) _N~(I~ N~I) B-t73M 2/14/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 5/16/03 ND.(~ ND(0.5)_ ND(I~)_ _ND(l) N_~(1) 8-173L 2/13/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 5/16/03 ND.(100) ND(0.5) ND~I) ND(I~_ ND(1) B-175U 2/20/03 4600 490 1400 450 240 5/20/03 38000 1400 8100 1900 3600 8/20/03 46000 980 7300 1800 3500 11/20/03 35000 160 7100 1800 3500 NDe1) ND(l) _ 0.22 J 4200 ND(l) 4100 D ND(l) 890 D ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 0.74 J ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(t) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(I~_ ND(l) ND(l) 5.6 ND(l) 55 ND(l) 65 ND(1 ) 90 ND(l) 23 ND(l) 74 ND(l) 20 ND(l) 33 ND(l) ND(l) ND(l)_ ND 1(_~ ND(l) 24 ND(l) 25 ND(l) 4.5 ND(l_)_ 2,1 ND(1 ) 0,48 J ND(l) ND(1)~ 0.25 J 0.91 J ND(~) ND(1 ) 280 ND(20) 7600 ND(100) 7600 ND(100) 7500 ND(SO)_ B-175M B-175L 2/20/03 29O00 5/20/03 17000 8/20/03 18000 11/20/03 16000 3500 8800 2000 3400 7500 ND(100) 6100 5400 1200 1300 1700 ND(t00) 9300 860 1300 1200 3500 ND(50) 4200 ND(~) 1200 69 2600 ND(50)_~ 96 39 61 57 130 6.1 44 30 14 16 20 ND(l) 340 D 12 31 60 120 4,8 2000 D 93 380 D 250 700 7.2 2/22/03 2200 5/20/03 210000 8/20/03 1500 11120/03 9200 B- 176U 2/18/03 ND(100) 5/19/03 ND(100) 8/18/03 ND(lO0) 11/19/03 ND(100) B-176M 2/17/03 N_D(100) ACCESS. rptGroundwater Quarterty~_Table 3a ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(0.5) ND(!) ND(l) ND(5) ND(10) ND(10) ND(0.5) ND 1(~) ND(l)__ ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(10) ND(10) ND(1)~ ND(I) ND(I) ND(l) 2.0 ND(!) ND(lO) ND(~_ ND(l) Page 9 of 15 Table 3a? 2003 - Monitoring Well Analytical Results, Bakersfield Refinery, Shell Oil Products, U,S. Gasoline Range Ethyl- Sample Organics Benzene Toluene benzene o-Xylene Sample ID Date (IJg!L.) (pg/L) (IJg/L) (pg/L) (pg/L) m,p-Xylene MTBE (IJg/L) (pg/L) B,176M 5/19/03 ND(100) B-176L 2/t7/03 ND(100) 5/20/03 ND(100) 8/~20/03 ND(100) t 1/19/03 ND(100) B~177U 2/22/03 2600 5/20/03 15000 8/20/03 14000 B-177M ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(I_)~ ND(l) ND(l) ND(!)~ 180 500 140 69 100 ND(20) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 0.55 ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(t) ND(0.5) ND(t) ND(_1)_ ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 51 20 320 19 580 3,5 340 16 1700 D 320 3500 D 1 ! 890 D 8.9 1700 D 140 2600 D 9,9 1200 ND(.20) 870 ND(20) 250 ND(20)__. 450 100 1900 1400 4200 ND(50) 180 110 2000 2500 6100 ND(~25) 82 57 1600 D 1600 D 4300 D ND(l) 140 41 1300 740 3300 ND(20)_ 11/20/03 8700 _2/19/03 17000 5/19/03 24000 8/19/03 23000 11/19/03 20000 B-177L 2/18/03 5/15/03 B-178U 2/20/03 5/21/03 8/20/03 11/19/03 B-t78M 2/20/O3 5/19/03 8/20/03 11/19/03 B-179U 2/20/03 5/20/03 8/19~03 11/19/03 ND(100) ND(100) ND(100) ND(100) ND(100) N_D(100) ND(100) ND(100) ND(100) __ND(100) 110 420 ND{100) 150 0.64 ND(1 ) ND(1 ) ND(0,5)_ ND(l) ND(l) ND(0,5) ND(!) ND(l) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(0.~5)__ N D(~_)_ ND(! ) ND(O.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(0.5) ND(1 ) ND(! ) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(0.5). ND(l) ND(l) ND(0,5) ND(l) ND(I) ND(0,5) ND(l) ND(!) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) 25 ND(l) ND(l) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(0.5) ND(t ) ND_(1 ) ND(0.5) ND(t) ND(l) ND(0.5) ND(t) ND(l) ND(0.5) ND(!) ND(l) ND(~ N_D~_I) ND(I~_ ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(0.5) ND_(1 ) ND(I_)~ ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(0,5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(_0.5) _ ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(2) ND(2) ND(50) ND(100) ND(100) ND(10) ND(20) ND(20) ND(25) ND ~5(~_0) ND(50_)~ ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) B-179M 2/20/03 5/20/03 8119/03 11/19~03 B-180U 2/19/03 5/15/03 8/13/03 11/13/03 B-180M 2/19/03 5/15/03 8/18/03 11/18/03 B-!80L 2/19/03 5/15/03 8/18/03 t1/18/03 B-181U 2/20/03 5/20/03 8/21/03 11/19/03 ND(100) ND{100) ND(100) ND(100) ND(100) ND(100) ND(100) ND(100~ ND(100) ND(100) ND(100) ND(100) ND(100) ND(100) ND(100) ND(100) 1200 2500 3600 1800 B-t81 M 2/19/03 ND(! 00) ND(l) 0.17 J 4.8 ND(l_) ND(l) NDe_l_)_._ ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND 1(~)_ ND(!) 7.4 ND(l) ND(l) 1.4 ND(l) 1.2 ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 2.1 3.1 0.37 U 0.33 J 31 3.5 3.2 78 ND(l) ND(l) 18 ND(l) ND(l)_ 17 ND(l) ND(l) 46 ND(l) ND(l) 30 ND(l) ND(l) 69 ND(l_) ND(l) 65 ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) 58 ND(~) ND(i) 6.9 ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(!) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(I,.___ ND(l) ND(l) _ ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(1)~ ND(1)~_ ND(2) ND(2) 16000 ND(100) ND(lO0) 20000 ND(~0) ND(20) 12000 D ND(50~__ _ NDe(50) 4500 _ ND(1 ) 0,20 J ND(1 ) ACCESS - rptGroundwater Quarterly_Table 3a Page 10 of 15 Table 3a. 2003 - Monitoring Well Analytical Results, Bakersfield Refinery, Shell Oil Products, U.S. Gasoline Range Ethyl- Sample Organics Benzene Toluene benzene o-Xy!ene Sample ID Date (pg/L) (pg/L) (pg/L) (pg/L) (pg/L) B-181M B, 181L 5/15/03 ND(!00) ND(0.5) ND(!) 8/18/03 ND(!00) ND(0,5) ND(l) 11/20/03 ND(100) ND 0(~.5)___ ND(1 ) _2/t9/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(!) 5/15/03 ND(!00) ND(0,5) ND{l) 8/18/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) 11/19/03 ND(.1_ p_0) ND(0.5)_ N D~(I~)_ 2/19/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(t) 5/16/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(t) 8/15/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) 11/13/03 NDe10_0) ND(0.~___ND(_I ) 2/19/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(1 ) 5/16/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) 8/18/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) 11/18/03 ND(100) ND~__ ND(1)~ 2/20/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) 11/19/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND~(I_)~ 2/18/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) 5/14/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) 8/15/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) 1 t/18/03 320 ND 0(~_.5) ND(1 ) B-182U B-182M B-183 B-185U B-185M 2/18/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) 5/14/03 ND(t00) ND(0.5) ND(l) 8/15/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND{1 ) 11/18/03 t 00 N D 0(~.5)__N_D~ 1~.____. B-185L 2/18/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) 5/14/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) 8/15/03 ND(100) ND(0,5) ND(l) m,p-Xylene MTBE (pg/L) (pg/L) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l)_ N~I) ND(l)_ .~ ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) 1,1 ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) 1 ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) 1.2 _ ND(l) N D(.I~ ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 63 ND(l) ND(l) ND(I) 39 ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) 21 ND(1 ) N~D(1 ) ND(1 )~ 22 ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(t) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(~ ND(l_) ND 1~__ ND~I_)__ ND(1 ) ND(1 ) ND(1 ) ND(1 ) ND 1(~_)~ ND(! ) N_D(1 ) ND(1 )____ ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 3.8 ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 'ND(l) ND(l) ND(1 )_ ND(l_)_ ND(1 ) 4.2 ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) 1.9 ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 8.7 ND(l) ND(l) ND(t) 4.1 ND(~) ND(I~ ND~(~ 1.4 ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 9.1 ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 5.1 ND(l) ND(l) ND(I) 5.6 _- 11/18/03 NDI~) __ ND(~__. ND(l) B-186U 2/13/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) 8/~15/03 ND(~00) ND(0.~)~ ~ B-186M 2/13/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) 8/15/03 ND_(1_00) ND(0.,5) ND(I~ B-186L 2/13/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(!) 8/15/03 N D(~l_0_0_) ND(0.5) ND(l) B-187U 2/20/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) 5/_21/03 NDe100) ND(0.5) ND(I~__ ~ B-187M 2/19/03 ND(!00) ND(0.5) ND(I) 5/15/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) 8/15/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(!) 11/11/03 ND(100) N D(~.5~)__ ND(I~ B-187L 2/19/O3 5/15/03 8/18/03 11/11/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(10_O)_ __ ND(~___ND(1 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(!00) ND(0,5) ND(l) ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) B.188U 2/20/03 5/21/03 8/20/03 ND(1 ) N D(.I=)___ ND(l) 0.24 J ND(l_) ND(l) ND(l) ND(I~_ ND 1(~)_ ND(l) ND(l) ND(~ ND(I~_ ND(l) ND(l) ND(l_)_ ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(1 )__ ND(I_)~ ND(t) ND(l) ND(l) ND(t) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) N D_(~I~_ ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) == 1.9 0.52 J ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 0.36 J ND(l) ND(l) _ ND(l) 0.30 J ND(1)~ ND 1_(~)~ ND(l) ND(l) N D~I~)__N D_(1) ND(l) 34 ND(l) 53 ND(l) 3.5 ND~) ND(1 )~ ND(l) 0.69 J ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(I) ND(l) ND(!)__ ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ACCESS - rptGroundwater Quarterly_Table ;~a Page 11 of 15 Table 3a. 2003. Monitoring Well Analytical Results, Bakersfield Refinery, Shel Oil Products, U.S. Gasoline Range Ethyl- Sample Organics Benzene Toluene benzene o-Xylene Sample ID Date (pg/L) (pg/L) (pg/L) (pg/L) (pg/L) m,p-Xy!ene MTBE (pg/L) (pg/L) B-188U 11/18/03 ND 1(~) ND~0~.5)__ ND(l). ND(~)_ ND(l) B-188M 2/20/03 ND(!00) ND(0,5) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) 5/19/03 ! 70 ND(0.5) ND(1 ) 11 ND(1 ) 8/19/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 11/19/03 ND(100_)_ ND(0.5) .... ND_(I~ ND(l) ND(l) B-188L 2/19/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(!) ND(!) 5/16/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 8/15/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 1 !/11/03 ND_ 10(~ ND 0(~.5_)_ ND(~) ND(l_) ND(_1)_ B-195U 2/20/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(t) ND(l) ND(l) 5/20/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 8/20/03 ND(100) 0.52 ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) tl/18/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(1)~ ND_(1) ND(_I~ ~ B-195M 2/20/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(!) ND(l) N_D(1) 5/20/03 ND(100) ND(0,5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 8/20/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) 11/19/03 ND(!00) .... NDI0.5)_ ND(l)_ ND(l) N~(_I ) B.195L 2/20/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 5/20/03 ND(100) ND(0,5) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) 8/20/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) 11/19~/03 ND(!00)_ ND(0.5) ND(l)_ 1.4 ND~_)_ B.196U 2/19/03 ND(t 00) ND(0.5) ND(1 ) ND(1 ) ND(1 ) 5/15/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 8/13/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(1 ) ND(1 ) ND(1 ) ND~) ND(I~ ND(l) ND(!) 25 2.9 2.5 1.8 2.1 ND(!) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) 35 NDe1) 3.0 ND(l) 28 ND(l) 7.4 ND(l) 7.1 ND(!) 1.1 ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) 1.6 ND(t) ND(! ) 24 ND(l) 6.7 ND(l) ND(!) 2.7 2.6 ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 11/17/O3 B-196M 2/13/03 5/13/03 8/13/03 11/13/03 ND(100) ND(0.5). ..... ND(l) ND(l) ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(I) ND(l) ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(t) ND(l) ND(~I_00) ND 0_(g~.5)__ ND(_1 ) ND(I~_ ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(!) ND(l) _ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(!) ND(l) ND(10~_ N D~___N~ 1 ) ND(1 ) = ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(!) ND(l) ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(!) ND(l) ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(t) ND(l) ND(~ ND(0.5) ND(l_) ND~)~ ND(100) ND(0,5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!00) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(100) ND(0,5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(10~0.) ND(0.5) ND(l_)_ N_D(I_) 29000 3800 13000 280 29000 3400 6800 860 140000 11000 49000 D 2800 95000 8800 42000 2600 B-196L 2/13/03 5/13/03 8/13/03 11/13/03 B-20! 2/19/03 5/16/03 8/14/03 11/13/03 B-202U 2/13/03 5/19/03 8/14/03 11/13/03 B-202L 2/13/03 5/19/03 8/18/03 11/18/03 D2 2/22/03 5/2!/03 8/19/03 11/20/03 ND(I_)~_ ND(l) 2.0 ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND_(!) _ ND(l_) _ ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(t) ND(l) ND(l) ND(1)~ N~I~ ~. _N_~(1 ) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(1 ) ND(! ) ND(1 ) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l_) ND(~) _ N D~ 1_)~_ ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(t) ND(l) ND(l) N D (_1_)_ ND(1 ) _N_~D( 1 ) 2000 5600 120 1600 5900 740 6000 15000 4900 5400 t 3000 610 ACCESS - rptGroundwater Quarterly. Table 3a Page 12 of 15 Table 3a. Sample ID 2003 - Monitoring We!! Analytical Results, Bakersfield Refinery, Shell Oil Products, U,S. Gasoline Range Ethyl- Sample Organics Benzene Toluene benzene o-Xylene Date (pg/L) (pg/L) (pg/L) (pg/L) (pg/L) m,p-Xylene MTBE (pg/L) (pg/L) D3 DP2 MN1Z MN2AU 2/12/03 ND(100) 5/15/03 ND(!00) 8/13/03 ND(100) 11/12/03 ND(100) 2/19/03 ND(100) 5/14/03 ND(100) 8/t4/03 ND(100) t 1/13/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(!) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(0.5) ND(!) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(!) ND(0,5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(0.5) ND(!) ND(l) ND(t) ND(l) ND(l) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(0.5) ND(l) ..... ND(t) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l_) 270 5.8 620 14 2100 ND(2) 32 0.85 J 3.9 0.54 J 8.9 ND(I) 22 ND(l) 19 ND(!) 190 2,5 3.8 ND(!_) t.3 ND(_1) _.. 25 6.2 420 1200 1900 1200 8200 ND(100) 830 D 3300 D 2200 D 1800 D 8000 D ND(2) 2/20/03 5600 5/19/03 800 8/2!/03 88O 1 t/18/O3 5OO 8/2t/03 30000 11/20/03 31000 MS2.5A 2/20/03 5700 5/20/03 49000 8/20/03 12000 11/20/03 38000 22 51 290 890 2400 ND(t) 43 J 1100 3000 7300 19000 ND(100) 9.1 23 140 280 1100 ND(t0) ND(13) 70 1300 1700 7600 ND(25) P2 1 !/18/03 ND(100) PW-L23 2/18/03 ND(100) 5/14/03 ND(100) 8/12/03 ND(100) 11/13/03 ND(100) PW-L26 2/18/03 ND(100) 5/14/03 39O0O 8/12/03 ND(100) 11/13/O3 1900 ND(0.5)_ NO(l) ND(l) ND(_1) ND(l) 31 ND(0.5) ND(1 ) 0.25 J 0.42 J 2.0 ND(1 ) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(0,5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l_) ND(l_) ND(_1) ND(I~ t.2 ND(l) 7.9 ND(l) 0.56 J ND(l) 89 8400 D 1100 2500 5000 ND(20) 4.9 1.2 22 7.5 1.9 ND(1 ) .... 20 33 110 330 D 700 D _ND_~I) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(t) ND(l) 0.42 J ND(!) ND(0.5) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(0.5)_ ND(l) ND(t) ND(l) ND(l) ND(1).~_ ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 0.30J N_D(!) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(0.5) ND_(1) ND(l) ND 1(~) ND(l) .. ND(l) 570 1900 1800 740 6400 1500 1200 33000 3300 7000 t6000 17000 48 480 470 260 1600 2000 1800 39000 D 3000 6000 D 14000 D 130000 D PW-L28 2/18/03 5/14/03 8/12/03 11/13/03 ND(100) ND(100) ND(100) ND(100) ND(100) ND(100) ND(t00) N D(I_0_0.) 38000 93000 17000 160000 PW-U4 2/18/03 5/14/03 8/11/03 11/13/03 R1 2~0~3 5~1~3 8~0~3 11~0~3 R2 R4 2/12/03 N D(100) 5/16/03 ND(100) 8/18/03 ND(100) 11/14/03 ND(100) 2/19/03 4200 5/20/03 2000 8/19/03 3600 ! t/t 9/03 4100 ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 0.29 J ND(l) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(t) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(t) _._ND(0.5) ND~(1) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 3.8 3.6 t7 2.8 8.3 ND(l) 0.7 0.71 J 6 1.9 3,6 ND(l) 0.80 2,1 24 2.4 6,9 ND(l) 0,70 1,9 17 4,t 5.2 ND(l) R6B 2/20/03 25000 ACCESS ? rptGmundwater Quarterly_Table 3a 310 850 3000 610 2000 ND(10) Page 13 of 15 Table 3a. 2003 - Monitoring Well Analytical Results, Bakersfield Refinery, Shell Oil Products, U.S. Gasoline Range Ethyl, Sample Organics Benzene Toluene benzene o-Xy!ene Sample ID Date (pg/L) (pg/L) (pg/L) (pg/L) (pg/L) m,p-Xylene MTBE (l~g/L) (pg/L) R6B 5/21/03 28000 630 2100 2500 1500 3700 ND(~20) 8/20/03 26000 340 1100 1800 1600 3300 N 11/20/03 16000 240 430 1500 2800 . 2700 ND(20)___ 11/t 8/03 3600 20 N D(2_) 55 11 180 250 2/20/03 1400 23 20 57 9.4 330 ND(!) 5/21/03 6800 70 420 110 240 900 ND(5) 8/20/03 1200 24 7.5 65 7.5 240 ND(l) 1!/20/03 1900 110 28 95 30 390 D ND(I_)~_ ND(l) ND(~I~)__ ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 0.33 J ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND 1(~).___ ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) NDI1J ND(l) 0.19J 2.4 ND(l) ND(l) 1.9 ND(l) ND(l) 0.30 J 3,9 ND(5) ND(2_) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l_)_ ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l_)_ ND(t) ND(t) R7 RS-6A RS-BW4 2/18/03 ND(100) 5/t5/o3 N~_~oo) RS.DP4 2/18/03 ND(100) 5/15/03 ND(100) 8/t4/03 110 11/1_2/03 ND(100)_ ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(0.5) NDe1) ND(l) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(0,5) ND(l) ND(l) ND_(~ . NDe. NDe1) RS-DP5 2/18/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) 5/!4/03 ND(100) N_D(0.5) 8/13/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) !1/13/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) RS-DP6 2/14/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) 5/15/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) 8/14/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) 11/12/03 ND(10~0) ND(0.5) RS-DP7 2/18/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) 5/15/03 ND(t00) ND(0.5) 8/14/03 ND(100) ND(0,5) 11/13/03 ND(I~0~0) ND(0,~5) R$-HC7 2/19/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) 5/19/03 ND(100) 1.1 8/19/03 ND(100) 1,5 11/19/03 ND!100) 2.6 RS-HC8 2/13/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) 5/14/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) 8/12/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) 11/13/03 N D(~ ) ND(0.5)_~__. RS-MN1Z 2/14/03 450 0.57 5/19/03 2500 330 8/14/03 2400 640 11/11/03 1000 120 RS-MN2B 2/18/03 ND(100) 5/15/03 ND(100) 8/14/03 ND(100) 11/12/03 ND(100) RS-MS-2.5C 2/18/03 ND(100) 5/15/03 ND(100) 8/13/03 ND(100) 11/17/03 ND(100) RS-MS3A 2/19/03 ND(100) 5/15/03 ND(! 00) ND(0.5) ND(0.5) ND(0.5) ND(0,5)I ND(0.5) ND(0.5) ND(0.5) ND(0.5) ND(0.5) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) 1,3 0.2 J ND(l) ND(l) ND(~) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(t) ND(l) ND_(I_)~ ___ ND(l_) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(_1) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 0.44 J 4.3 4.6 ND_(1_)_ ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 10 0.98 J ND(l) ND(l) N~D(1) ND(l)_ 0.35 J 0,23 J 1.9 J 14 ND(5) ND(5) ND(2_)_ ND(2~_ ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND~_I.) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l).. 0.71 J ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) 0.t7 J ND(l_)__ 0.40 J N_D(1 ) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(~) ND(I~__ ND(l) ND(l) 0.75 J ND(I) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(1 ) ND(I_)~ ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) _ 0.37 J ND(l) 0.98 J ND(l) 2.6 ND(l) 1.6 ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 4.3 ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 0.55 J 0.39 J 27 52 10 58 ND(2) 23 ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 1.2 ND(l_)__ ND(l) ND(l) ND(t) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!)~ ND(I~ 0.45 J ND(1 ) ND(l) ND(!) ACCESS - rptGroundwater Quarterly_~'rable 3a Page !4 of 15 Table 3a, 2003 - Monitoring Well Analytical Results. Bakersfield Refinery, Shell Oil Products, U.S, Gasoline Range Ethyl- Sample Organics Benzene Toluene benzene o-Xylene Sample ID Date (pg/L) (pg!L) (pg/L) (pg/L) (pg/L) m,p-Xy!ene (pg/L) MTBE (pg/L) RS-MS3A 8/14/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) 11/17/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) _ND(1 ) ND(1 ) T3B 2/20/03 580 3.0 ND(5) 7.0 T9A 2/20/03 ND(100) ND(0,5) t ,t 0.40 J 5/20/03 ND(100) ND(0,5) 1,3 ND(l) 8/20/03 ND(100) ND(0,5) 2,_8 ND(l) 11/20/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ._ ND(l) T10A 2/20/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(!) ND(l) 5/20/03 ND(100) ND(0,5) ND(l) ND(l) 8/21/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) 11/20/03 ND(100) ND 0(~_.5) 3.0 ND(1 ) T16A 2/20/03 ND(100) ND(0,5) ND(l) ND(l) 5/20/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) 11/19/03 ND(100) ND 0~.5)_ ND(l) ND(l)- U4 2/12/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l_) ND(l_) WIP-W2A 2/19/03 ND(100) ND(0,5) ND(l) ND(l) 5/16/03 ND(100) ND(0,5) ND(l) ND(l) 8/14/03 ND(100) ND(0,5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(t) ND(t) ND(l) ND(l_) ND(l) ND(l) ND(5) 22 240 0.81 J 1.9 72O 2 3,3 8.2 3,! 6,2 1.7 1.0 ! .6 34 ND(1 ) ND(1 ) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) 1.2 ND(l) 0.24 U ND(t) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 0.34 J ND(!) ND(l) ND(! ) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(I) ND(l) ND(l) ND(t) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 11/13/03 ND(100) WIP-W3A 2/19/03 4800 5/21/03 2000 8/21/03 620 11/20/03 190 WIP-W4A 2/19/03 ND(100) 5/21/03 ND(100) 8/21/03 ND(100) 11/20/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) _._= ND(l) ND(t) ND(l).. ND(l) ND(5) ND(10) ND(10) ND(10) ND(10) ND(25) ND(50) ND(50) ND(50) ND(50) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(0.5) 3.1 ND(l) 1,1 2.2 ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(t) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(0,5) ND(t) ND(l) ND(l) ND(1 ) ND(0.5) ND(_1) ND(_1) ND(l_) ND[t) __ ND(l) 49000 7700 920 D 470 D ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) __ ND(l)_ Notes: ND - Not Detected at the detection limit shown in parentheses. MTBE - Methyl tert-butyl ether J - Estimated concentration pg/L - micrograms per liter D - The sample data was reported from a diluted analysis ACCESS - rptGroundwater Quarterly_Table 3a Page 15 of 15 Table 3b. 2003 - Water Supply Well Analytical Results, Bakersfield Refinery, Shell Oil Products, U.S. Gasoline Range Ethyl- Sample Organics Benzene Toluene benzene o-Xylene m,p-Xylene Sample ID Date (pg/L) (l~g/L) (IJg/L) (IJg/L) (IJg/L) (IJg/L) MTBE (pg/L) D-3 2/13/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(I) ND(l) 5/13/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 8/13/03 ND(!00) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) 11/12/03 ND(!00) ND(0.5) ND(I) ND(t) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) D-6 2/13/03 ND(!00) ND(0.5) ND(!) ND(!) ND(l) ND(t) ND(l) 5/14/03 ND(!00) ND(0.5) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) 8/18/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 11/11/03 ...... ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(~) __ ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(I) I-1 2/13/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 5/13/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(!) ND(l) ND(I) ND(l) ND(l) 8/!1/03 ND(100) ND(0,5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 11/12/03 ND(100) ND(0,5) ND(~I) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) I-2 2/12/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 5/13/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 8/13/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 11/1110_3._ ND(100) ND(0.5) .ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(I) I-3 2/t3/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) 5/13/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(I) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) 8/11/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 11/11/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) I-6 2/13/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 5/14/03 ND(100) ND(O.S) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) 8/13/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(I) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) .... 11/11/03 ND(!00) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) I-9 2/13/03 ND(lO0) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 5/14/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(!) ND(!) ND(l) ND(t) ND(l) 8/13/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ___ 11/12/03 ND(!00) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(I~)___ 1-12 2/13/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(!) ND(l) 5/13/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 8/11/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(!) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) 1t/12/03 ND(100) ND(0.5) ND(l) ND(l) ND(l) ND(t) ND(l) Notes: ND - Not Detected at the detection limit shown in parentheses, MTBE - Methyl tert-butyl ether pg/L - micrograms per liter ACCESS - rptGroundwater Quarterty_Table 3b Page I of I IJJJ] I t 11 I I ii II ii ti III 111 I I I I ================================================================= I Iii I I I ! I i I I I I i I i I ooooo oooooc~o oo It il i I I I Iil tit Iil I!t II! Iii ttttt III t I Iltll Ii t1111 I!1 I t I11tl I! I I I I Ill III I 1111 t I I WefllD Sample Type Sample Code Table 4 4th Quarter 2003 = Quality Assurance Results Bakersfield P~finery, Shell Oil Products U~S. DIPE TBA 'ETHANOL ETBE MTBE TAME VINYL TCE C~LOB/DE MSD MSD 03-1,1-14444~MSD 11/25/03 %REC MSD MSD B-098UI H80301-MSD 11/25/0:]%REC MSD MSD B-I?6LI 1190301 -MSD 11/25t03 %REC Qualifi~cs: 04) M$/MSD mml~l~ & RPD out Ofc~mfaml-mat~ix inmrfm~ce. I00 il05 101 99 67 89 98 94 94 95 113 I10 79 36 98 97 94 99 I00 98 -- -- -- -- -- -- t','D0 .oo) -- -- -- ~Dft.oo) -- -- -- ~D0 .oo) -- -- -- N~O.oo) NDO:O0) 96 96 97 101 103 110 97 ,102 123 93 92 96 109 109 103 98 88 88 103 91 88 101 90 :87 93 90 93 98 87 84 106 102 98 102 91 88 108 94 98 104 93 86 tk/c~home~rojo~ls~SHELL~BakersfJelci~Da~ba.~Analy~ahQA Data~.003_4O_OAResu~.xls Page 5 of 5 FIGURES H:~Project$~SHELL~Bakersfield~Final\O77-O31~feb 12rptO14Q'O3rpt.doc "- ''-., L.~. · ~ ' ~, // ~ //'~===~ ~ : o. · . . ~o'~ ~ Z ' 'c " SALES TERMINAL~ Iff ...... -- ,,' o ~ · O 397 o .,~, ~ ~'n ~ /7/~/(~ o o o ,, ',~ o o~ o% · ~' ~ l ~" -,~ ,, ......... , .... .,,..~ , ,~.~,~.~ 33 0 2000 fL from U.S.O.S. 7.5 MIN. QUADRANGLE GOSFORD, CA 1949, PHOTOREVlSED 1969 J j J AND OILDALE, CA 1954, PHOTOREVlSED 1968  FIGURE 1 ~ SITE VICINITY MAP, SHELL BAKERSFIELD, REFINERY AND SALES TERMINAL, TriHydro Corporation BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 920 Sheridan Street Laramie, Wyoming 82070 Drawn By: BW [Checked By: NB [Scale: AS SHOWN [Date: 03,06,03 [Reft 077USGSSITES SCALE __ ~ ROSEDAL£ HIGHWAY ' -~ ........ ~ : ~ ~ SCALE I ' ri L J Ii L ~ '~ ~ F ~ ~ ~, SHELL BAKERSFIELD REFINERY, + II / ,~ : ~ Laramie, ~oming*2070 , . · ' ~0~.~2 (showina otentometric-surf~ce , elevoUon n feet ebove mean seo level ' POTENTIOMETR C SURFACE (in feet above mean sea level; dashed where inferred hachures L" ~.~i~.at~ ~epre~ion~ i~ the potentiometric surface) ~ NM NOT MEASURED ANOM MEASURED WATER LEVEL IS ANOMALOUS WITH SURROUNDING B 110M WELLS AND H STORICAL DATA Note Groundwater e evat ons from ...... ~ ........... ~., multiple-completed wells ore -Z~-'+-:=:::~:;:;:;~':':':"';~': shown on the mop AVENUE ' SCALE POTENTIOMETRIC MAP FOR GROUNDWATER Corporation BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ~2o s,~,i~., s~.t (November 20031 Drawn By: BWI Checked ay: JR EXP~NA DON 299.78 (showing potentiometric-surfoce (in feet above mean sea level; potentiometric surface) .... PROPER~ BOUNDARY NM NOT MEASURED r_ ._' : B-1 A NO. MEASURED WATER LEVEL IS WITH SURROUNDING WELLS AND HISTORICAL DATA multiple-completed wells are shown on the map AVENUE 0 600 ft. SCALE ~ FY~ FIGURE 4 ~ POTENTIOMETRIC MAP FOR GROUNDWATER Corporation ' BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 920 Sheridan St~et (November 2003) J[ 278.88'/ 130L2 B-129L2 280.38 i J * B-0(o / / .. 27t .34 ! :, ROSEDALE HIGHWAY I BA-1 B- 12,' 283.02 ii TriHydro Corporation 920 Sheridan Street Laramie, Wyoming 82070 EXPLANA F/ON oB-128L MONITORING WELL AND NAME 291.81 (showing potentiometric-surface elevation in feet obove mean sea level) AEW-07 EXTRACTION WELL AND NAME · ..--..$12--~ LINE OF EQUAL ELEVATION OF POTENTIOMETRIC SURFACE (in feet above mean see level; dashed where inferred; hachures delineote depressions in the potentiometric surface) ~ DIRECTION OF GROUNDWATER FLOW .... PROPERTY BOUNDARY NM NOT MEASURED ANOM MEASURED WATER LEVEL IS ANOMALOUS WITH SURROUNDING WELLS AND HISTORICAL DATA Note: Groundwater elevations from multiple-completed wells are shown on the map 0 600 ft. I I I SCALE FIGURE 5 POTENTIOMETRIC MAP FOR GROUNDWATER >140' bgs, SHELL BAKERSFIELD REFINERY, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA (November 2003) JDP2 JL B-167U · EW-04 B-1 aB-1 15M <1 <1 NM B-oggMj. 3-114M NM <1 B-lOOM · MN MN2AU N,p(2) MS2.5A · ND(2$) · B-104-M ROSEDALE HIGHWAY B-169U <t -'1: Vr TgA :i ___ ,B_-2o_d 34Fj ©, :' 6B-1 lo 2 B-171U EW-08 · · B-O50M I-I150M <1 <t ~ AREA 94- I~ B-O01U NM B- 22 8 1U "~ ~ AVENUE B-03C ' ';~! "= R4- 28 eR6B [!~ <1 'r--l lO0 .... -- ( 3RD AVENUE <1 0 ' AREA gl o eB~121M O0 '00% r A STREET 7 c I ! !: ! I ! B-116M !B-IO'6M hL REFINERY AVENUE · B~11' 21M ~·EW-08 MTBE pg/b NM EXPLANA T/ON MONITORING WELL AND NAME (showing MTBE concentretion in microgroms per liter) EXTRACTION WELL AND NAME LINE OF EQUAL METHYL TERT- BUTYL ETHER (MTBE) CONCENTRATION (in lacj/L; deshed where inferred) PROPERTY BOUNDARY METHYL TERT-BUTYL ETHER MICROGRAMS PER LITER NOT MEASURED  ;i FIGURE 6 ~ MTBE PLUME CONTOURS _. ! FOR GROUNDWATER <110' bgs, ~ ' SHELL BAKERSFIELD REFINERY, TriHydro Corporation i BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 920 Sheridan Street (November 2003) Laramie, Wyoming 82070 Drawn By: BWI Checked By: JR I sca,e: 1"=600' I Date: 12/26/03 I Ref: 077MTBE200311U SCALE 0 600 ft. I I I NOTE: ALL CONCENTRATIONS SHOWN IN pg/L 'N J. B-167M <1 i e BN--~1.31 M D EW-03A B-130M · <t B-129M· B-196M <~ <~ B-099L.~. B-114L <1 <t B- 100L · ·B-052M <~ 23 J. l RS-DP7 RS-MS3A ·<1 JL B-169M NM <t B-024U <1 · RS-MS2.5C· <1 3-125M <1 ROSEOALE HIGHWAY I 180Me <~ 26M <1 EXTENSION) [ _ ,, B-171M ~--=~ <1 <1 ~ B-186U NM · B-044L <1 B-~87M, B~195M ~ <t ~4:2 _,; U B-<i 188M' <1 B-O50L® AREA 92 B<~-00 I:M AREA B- 178M 3,t B-41 ?<t :. AVENUE OD p, c3<20; 3RD AVENUE . Ii ou : AREA g 1 - C STREET coo, r o00 A &'TREE"[ eBN~I 10L 0 0 B-108L B-10; acc 0 O C' O O0 ('~" oq. '~ B-IO6L · B<~-/1 plSL ,,, ;: ...... ; ? -PW:U4 <1 :i tEA 90':' AVENUE TriHydro Corporation 920 Sheridan Strut Laramie, 'v~joming 82070 Drawn By: BW I Checked By: J.R ! B~-[108L ~EW-O9 mmmm MTBE ~ue/b NM EXPLANA T/ON MONITORING WELL AND NAME (showing MTBE concentrotion in microgroms per liter) EXTRACTION WELL AND NAME LINE OF EQUAL METHYL TERT- BUTYL ETHER (MTBE) CONCENTRATION (in pq/L; doshed where inferred) PROPERTY BOUNDARY METHYL TERT-BUTYL ETHER MICROGRAMS PER LITER NOT MEASURED NOTE: kLL CONCENTRATIONS SHOWN IN pg/L. 0 600 ft. I I I SCALE FIGURE 7 MTBE PLUME CONTOURS FOR GROUNDWATER 110' - 140' bgs, SHELL BAKERSFIELD REFINERY, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA (November 2003) IScale: 1"=600' IDate:~2/2S/03 IRef: 077MTBE200311M J[ J. EW, B 66L ! B-130L2eB~'1130L1 ; <t i B_129L1.B~1M2gL2 B-1;31L2 NM B_125L~. NM ia* <1 ;B-131L1 :I<1 B-lg6Le B-O24-Le <1 ::: ROSEDALE HIGHWAY <1 L11-' m I B-171L B-O01L NM _~ B-186L B-186M: B- 124-L NM <1 ~ B-195L B-188L ;i 2.6 3 % B- <1 I" B-176L <1 AREA 92 AREA 93 2,1 B-O03 <1 ARE. A 94 - 17-7b' ,~ 'LI ~ ": ,;.¢ :, 172L 5RD AVENUE '~ OG ?~ t.~ o / m () O, 0 AREA o oo t30 ~-,~ ! B-175u° o :: c<-$00 0 O C, 0 O0 B- 175M ' 'L~ ~E~ ~on <S0 ,"~'V 0 C L~ B-175L ~ ¢ 07.2'' r,-i; · ~ I REFINERY AVENUE TriHydro Corporation 920 Sheridan Street Laramie, V~oming 82070 Drawn By: BW I Checked By: B-128L mmmm MTBE ~ue/b NM EXPLANA T/ON MONITORING WELL AND NAME (showing MTBE concentration in micrograms per liter) EXTRACTION WELL AND NAME LINE OF EQUAL METHYL TERT- BUTYL ETHER (MTBE) CONCENTRATION (in pQ/L; dCshed where inferred) PROPERTY BOUNDARY METHYL TERT-BUTYL ETHER MICROGRAMS PER LITER NOT MEASURED NOTE: ALL CONCENTRATIONS SHOWN IN jug/L. 0 600 ft. I i SCALE FIGURE 8 MTBE PLUME CONTOURS FOR GROUNDWATER >140' bgs, SHELL BAKERSFIELD REFINERY, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA (November 2003) R I sca,e'. ~"=~0o' I Date: 12/26/03 I Raf: 077MTBE200311L <1 AREA 92 AREA g3 ROSEDALE HIGHWAY CHARITY AVE EXTENSION) ~n AREA 94 Ii' '?-' ~ I 2ND AVENUE l_!] ~:~ O0 :; f) .0 0 'o00 -~ L cc 0 0 0 EXPLANA I'ION 1-12 0<1 WATER SUPPLY WELL AND NAME (showing MTBE concentration in micrograms per liter) MTBE METHYL TERT-BUTYL ETHER ,ug/L MICROGRAMS PER LITER .... PROPERTY BOUNDARY NOTE: ALL CONCENTRATIONS SHOWN IN ~ug/L. 600 ft. ~ I SCALE  t FIGURE 9 MTBE RESULTS FOR NEARBY WATER SUPPLY WELLS, TriHydro SHELL BAKERSFIELD REFINERY, Corporation BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 920 Sheridan Street (November 2003) Laramie, Wyoming 82070 Drawn By: aw I Checked ay! Jr I s~a,e: 4"= 600, [Date: 01/23/04 Itel: 077MTBEH200311 ~, ~o.8 MONITORING WELL AND NAME , I ~ ~ · , _ · ~ , in microgroms per liter) / / /[ ~ , I :: ~~~ <0.~ ~~_,.~ & WlP-W2A"B-202U I r( ) ( )'1 ~ L( ,/ I doshed where inferre¢ 1 ~~/'- · ¢o ~1 r ~ B-170U ?~-B-150M T ~' 0 0 ~ J ~ ~ // , NM NOT MEASURED ~ V ¥ It ~" L~ ~ .... ;~ B=1-88U /r*t ~ '~~c~:7:7:~¢~: '~LL CONCENTRATIONS SHOWN IN pg/L. ~ 0 600 ft. ' , ..... ----~., ~ -~ ~ ~ v , ..... ~ , FIGURE 10 I ~ J~ ~J ~ L~ Z~ - ~- ]~ Corporabon , BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ~ y ~=~-'~:-: ~¢ ~;~ 11 ( 920SheridBnSt~t (November2003) J[ J[ EW-03 A B-150M · <0.5 Bm 166M · <,o.5 B- 129M· 3-125M · BN~131M <0.5 , <0.5 B-196M , <0.5 · ·B-115L <0.5 B-O99L-~ <0.5 · B-1 <0.5 <0.5 B- 100L · oB-O52M <0.5 .L <0.5 RS-MN2B -c <0.5 ~RS-DP7 RS-MS3A · <0.5 RS-DF <0.5 B-O24U <0.5 · RS-MS2.5C· <0.5 B-169M NM ROSEDALE HIGHWAY -q r L_, 180M <0.5 ,B-126M <0.5 B- 1 63M ~_~.B<o'-~ 81 M:- EXCiSiON) B- 1.28M <0.5 <0.5 B-171M <0.5 · B-044L B-186U <o.5 NM B-187M <0.5 B-195M ~- ~-_ _,q <0.5 · ,5U · <0.5 B-O0 t:M ~ <0.5 AREA 94 B-178M <0.5 ,_, .~_i82~--- ..- ]- <0.5 :i ,%-0 B-~J188M I <0.5 <0.5 ei----/~[ ]; <0.5B-41 L, RS-MN 1 Z 120 AREA 92 <0.5 AVENUE: 5RD AVENUE B-1111 0.51 0 0 =)ooooooj © ooooooi i'OOOOOO~ J 20 · <0.5 0 :' AREA C STREET :ozql o o ol i · i ·NM B-IO7L <0.5 ceo O,O C 0 O0 . B- 106L O ri "J d,~ .... ::- <0.5 PW=U4 <0.5 REA II AVENUE 110L B-IO8L 16 EW-09 pg/L NM TriHydro Corporation 920 Sheridan Stmot EXPLANA r/ON MONITORING WELL AND NAME (showing benzene concentroUon in microgrems per liter) EXTRACTION WELL AND NAME LINE OF EQUAL BENZENE CONCENTRATION (in pq/L; ddshed where inferred} Laramie, Wyoming 82070 Drawn By: BW I Checked By{ JR I Scale: 1"= 600' PROPERTY BOUNDARY MICROGRAMS PER LITER NOT MEASURED NOTE: ALL CONCENTRATIONS SHOWN IN ~ug/L. 0 600 ft. I I I SCALE FIGURE 11 BENZENE PLUME CONTOURS FOR GROUNDWATER 110' - 140' bgs, SHELL BAKERSFIELD REFINERY, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA (November 2003) I Date: (12/24/03) I Ref: 077BEN200311M ~ EXPLANA T/ON ..... ~,_ ....... ~_ i.~~.]~ ..... ,u-~-::Z ;-- ~, ,~.. ~/ T'., __ ._,_ ~ _~__ ~-~__~- ~ ~ -~ ].- rU ~ ~ L,-~ X ~ ~ I~]/U-~f 1 ~ /t--~~-'~ ~F? ~ :i ~,C, r' ILI ~ /~11., -- :i I ~ I // k, ,, ~-J '.0.~ (showing benzene concentrotion ~ ! IL-` kJ~ , ~~ /~,;h~ i '--I ~1 L I I ., ' _ ~ .I t .'B-128E ' ~: ' ~ ~ ~ I ~ j ~~~~_28L GQ /~~ L~: ~ L L-~ ~ ~ in micrograms per liter) o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:-~ =. C~ ,~ ~_~F~.~ ~ ~EW-07 EXTRACTION WELL AND NAME ..... ........ · ' ,] I, , , CONCENTRATION (in p~/L; ~~~ ~e~ =~----~6~' ~ _ __mI~- , I dashed where inferre, J81L , I /11/ PROPER~ BOUNDARY ~,4-~~~'t % _J~Ytlll. O O'J I1' ! ( ~ ,g/L MICROORAMS PER LITER _~ C~l~ A~NU~FRU~ ~NSlON) I ,. I ~J I~ ~ . ,; ~J u ~lJ " NM NOT MEASURED .~, %.~ ' '= ~ Y~ <0.5 : .I :14:11 I~ t ~ -~,~~%~1. ~ X . / , II I~~ :1/ _ I ~ · <0,5- ll~ .... ~ -' ' 'J ~i NM ~ (~ ~i~ ~~ ~ ~1~7,, jB-19,L, ~;~ 88L~ ~~F~ ~~;: ~:'~. : ;~ NOTE: --~ <o.~ % ',~ ,~~~~~ I1~~'' ~:~ ~4U:' '1 -~ ,~ .... i L-~r~-"~"'~-%,.. ~ -,~ ~.-'~ -~'%~"~ .... °lJl ALL CONCENTRATIONS SHOWN IN pg/L. ~---B-185L x.~ .- B-1-72D', I .... ~.~L~,.. uj .~_~ ' ~,o ,~,u~/~~-~ ~su tl.L' ~ s0 '~ 1 :.hL ~: /": - ~ O 600 ft. ---- 4'k ~. , ~ ~ ~ V~] '- ~/ SCALE <0.5 , -= -~:~ - _ :.::- .~:::v--~,J ~ ~ ' J .... eB-O09 ~ ~,: !. ,, . . - ...... ~ . ~. . BENZENE PLUME CONTOURS FOR DEEP il' I Ii, '=2---, :=,~/% ' ,~ ~ ~ C~,'~;~)/~: :: ZONE GROUNDWATER (>140' bLs), SHELL il i, : [) O : 'f,~__~'.'/~¢?" ~1~ , ' ~ BAKERSFIELD REFINERY, ti L_.~ '1 - ~).- ~ Corporation BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ~~ ~] ~" Iii ( ~o s,.~,~a, s~ '~ (November 2003) .... : : . ~. _ _ ,. . ..... -¥- ~ Laramie, ~oming 82070 ................ ~: ............. ~-.~:~ ~1 ~. Drawn~y:aWlCheckeday:~J. Is~,e: ~,,=~00, IDate: ~2/2~/03 IRef: 077BEN2003~L ED GHWA¥ i EXPZtNA l/ON // //~;~1---IL~ -- r ~ . i ',R ~ i [ 6~ Fail *~- ~ // ~rl ~ F ~ ~ //~p ~ 1-12 WATER SUPPLY WELL AND NAME )~, , L , I ,-- ~" ' (showing benzene concentrotion ~ I ~ <0.5 ~, ~ . : in micrograms per liter) /57~ ' ',]'- 0~ S~~~;:-'' ..... ~' ] 0 ~_~ ' ~g/L MICROGRAMS PER LITER / / /f ', i ',: .',. ~~ I~'~ ...... ~:-~l~ll~ ~ ~ ~ ~t I / / /L ~ Y t I-3 ';' __~_ - ~;, ----,,---- I.I1 -- ~: ~ a* J_~ LI / // ~ t~,`-~ o<0.,~/~~~FL .... I LYJ~ II,O 0, J i,,, ~ ~ ~ ,, k~ ~ 122/~,-''~ ~R}~ ~~LIIIltt ii II~.'o~x.l~h-, ,~- ~i. ~ ~ ~i · ALL CONCENTRATIONS SHOWN IN ~g/L. .... ~-:.:-'.--:-~-t-.~-,.-:-..-~-,. :-~ .'.,_.-.-: ,_,_ .......... _ ........... ~ .......... ~-~'-~'~'-~'=:~-~-~-~-~-~- .... ~ ..... i ,, , I ,, I. ,~_:~{_:~r, . ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ -"-~-~-'~ :" =F'-~; .... ::--~ ~~~~'~- ....... ~,-~"~~:~-:~1 ................. " '~ ~ t ~c-i J ~ ~ ~ .... d l,~ LI = ~// . ~1/' .., t ~W' ~ ' ' n' ~ ~ '~- ~ ', -' ' ' ! I ~ I / ' i'T ~ 7 ~ 71 [~ ~ ~ ~ u ~ ~ [ / ' *~- ~'-~ REnNE~ A~NUE ~ 0 600 ft. I .**,, ;~ 0 ]. (.~ t!O 0 000000 '] '~~ SCALE II] "~,~ :" ~ ~:::~ ~ ~c~ I ~ ll~ ~~ ' FIGURE 13 , c -m~c-m ;' ~-' - - : '. ',~' ~ 'i ~ ~ NEARBY WATER SUPPLY WELLS, ! t , ~ · . ~-~- ~,, [.Z~ -- ~ ~,,.~.r. SHELL B~KeRSmELD ReFIneRY, : :~ ~ : ,~h ~ ~JII u~tt- -/~' ~',~ I Corporation ~ BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA , :: ' ~ ~ ~ ~'/I .!r /,/,$" :: J/i 920 Sheridan St~t ' (November2003) I ..': - ._ ... - _. /~F ~;: ~Ji Laramie, ~oming 82070 I , EXPLANA T/ON .... PROPERTY BOUNDARY ~ SCALE Corporation BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Laramie, ~oming 82070 Drawn By: DS I Checked By: J. I S~,e: ~"=~00' I Date: 01/30/03 I Ref: 077ASWELLS A5-02 326.99 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ A3-02 11 ,/03 J MTBE ND(l) B ND(0.5) T ND(l) E ND(I~ X ND(2) TPH ND(100) PROPER'P( UNE PROPERTYUNE ]1,/03 ,J ND(l) I ND(0.5) / ND(l) I ND(l) I ND(2) ND(IOO) J A3 - 01 MTBE B T E x TPH J MTBE 87 / B 720 / T 6.1 / [ N~(~) I X 5.~ [ TPH 2,200 A,~-O1 352.49_~ \ 00~° A3-0¢ 346.2 A3-04 11 MTBE NO(I) B 11 T 1.1 r NOV) X ND(2) TPH 520 ARE/ 3 EXPLANA I'ION A5-01 MONITORING WELL AND NAME t 3S2.49+ (showing potentiometric-surface elevation in feet above mean sea level) ~,,T45---- LINE OF EQUAL ELEVATION OF POTENTIOMETRIC SURFACE (in feet above mean sea level; dashed where inferred; hachures delineate depressions in the potentiometric surface) ~ DIRECTION OF GROUNDWATER FLOW pg/L MICROGRAMS PER LITER i...ii. PROPERTY BOUNDARY MTBE METHYL TERT BUTYL ETHER B BENZENE T TOLUENE E ETHYLBENZENE X XYLENES TPH TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS ND NOT DETECTED NOTE: ALL CONCENTRATIONS SHOWN IN pg/L. 300 ft. J SCALE  FIGURE 15 POTENTIOMETRIC MAP FOR GROUNDWATER ~ I AND GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS, TriHydro AREA 3, SHELL BAKERSFIELD REFINERY, Corporation BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA (November 2003) 920 Sheridan Street Laramie, Wyoming 82070 DrawnBy: BW JCheckedBy:iJR Jscale: 1"=300' JDate: 01/23/04 JRef: 077AREA3PS200311 JL B-169U 4,8 ROSEDALE HIGHWAY :-180U· B~- 171~.D \ \ B-13ou ieB-131U ) / / / k' / B- 170U d,B-125U ~ B-170M ~ B-1 1.44 -- 0.25 · B=20-1 4.1 FRUITVALE EXTENSION) V114S · B-05~ 2.11 M B-O98MI 0.2~1 dE] 3.4 2AU 4.0 MS2.SA · 0.13 7.3 I D3 · ;j 0.12 ,! If- B-030M 0.18 AREA 92 O AREA g'~ RS:_:HC7 ~"'"'~-B- 1 1 1M 0,22 12th PW=L28 · 0.36 0 0 6,79 0 AREA g 1 ©0 TibJ42 C STREET A STREE-r 0.2 eB- 1 1 OM cc ?~6M REFINERY AVENUE EXP~4N~ I'ION MONITORING WELL AND NAME (showing Dissolved Oxy.gen concentration in milligrems per liter/Oxidation LINE OF EQUAL DISSOLVED OXYGEN CONCENTRATION (in mg/L; doshed where inferred) .... PROPERTY BOUNDARY mg/L MILLIGRAMS PER LITER 0 600 ft. I I I SCALE TriHydro Corporation 920 Sheridan Street Laramie, VVyoming 82070 Drawn By: BW I Checked By: LiB I Scale: 1"= 600' FIGURE 16 DISSOLVED OXYGEN RESULTS FOR GROUNDWATER <110' bgs, SHELL BAKERSFIELD REFINERY, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA (November 2003) I Date: 12/29/03 I Re : 077DO200311U R0S E-~' L / /J/~ ~ ~ c: '~ ~n '1 ~ d ~ J ; '1 I J l ~~~¢~ -- III ~ ~ ! ' I'%%~98L (showing Dissolved Oxygen concentration '~ ¢- LINE OF EQUAL DISSOLVED OXYGEN ~i~B B-169M ~ E.-1 7'~ ~ _ ~:: .... ~ t ~ -- o ~ -, // C~: 'T ~ B-168M N¢¢ ,~ "~ ~ .... I:':t , 1 ~ ' " r LL_ ~ dashed where inferred) ., - EW-05 ,., ' o ' , ~-- ' ' ~ ; ~,, Ir /a~186U ~ I ~-1~/0.34 I ~:. ~ ~E~/¢/' " -W "" ...... -'1 _] U ,, ~ ~ ~~-~ , ,' r~ ,x~i?'-'-'7'w-:-!i I;, l ' -~o~u'% - o~ / =¢:7= -~¢ ..... , - =: , SCALE ,~ ¢ ~ i .............. ~ FIGURE 17 ' : .... ' O ~ : C~~~~ ~· 110' - 140'DISSOLVED OXYGEN RESULTSbgs, SHELL BAKERSFIELD.REFINERY, I I ('-~J~ L ~ ~,~ ~--,~;?' r;~ Corporation BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA i ,. ¥ E =:-~- ....... -~ J :~' ~ < ~ : 920 Sheridan St~et (November 2003) ----"=~ '-=-~-=-~ ~= ~'~; " - :*-~ '- _ _ :" - ........ -~¢' II Laramie, ~oming82070 31L2 I IB-010 B-196L~, 1.05 I RS-DP4 2.07 B- 017 T 0.18 /B-024-L· 6.79 ROSEDALE HIGHWAY B-169L 0,18 [--4 14.47 76L CHARI'~' B-O05 -186L · B- 124Li 3.94 B-19! B-1,73Ut __J AREA 92 o.19; IB- 4TH C.-.-.-] ' ¢0o, 0 O0 'OEO, °00 o o o ./. J AREA gl f C STREET A STREET i · :, ' 0.23 1~-175U' oO.1~'o o c ooO 'ii ; ,/AREA go':: B- 175M ' --,,~. 0.14 f"-'~' 0 B-175L k,_./ ,- :' d ' E,~P L ~ IV,4 7-10 N B-O98L MONITORING WELL AND NAME 9.83 (showing Dissolved Oxygen concentration in milligrams per liter) 4---~ LINE OF EQUAL BENZENE T CONCENTRATION (in mg/L; dashed where inferred) ..... PROPERTY BOUNDARY mg/L MILLIGRAMS PER LITER 600 ft. SCALE  i FIGURE 18 : DISSOLVED OXYGEN RESULTS ~ : FOR GROUNDWATER >t40' bgs, "~ I SHELL BAKERSFIELD REFINERY, TriHydro Corporation BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 020 Sheridan Street t (November 2003) Laramie, Wyoming 82070 Drawn By: BW I Checked By: LB I s~,e: 1"= s00, I Date: ~/29/03 I Ref: 077DO200311L J[ B-169U ROSEOALE HIGHWAY I I_ i 81 B- 1 67U-XX!o" )U :; / -1810 )-I1 50M 132 -001U AREA 0 L $9 AREA 91 ebb1 2 C STREET eB-110M EXPLANA lION B-121M 63 MONITORING WELL AND NAME (showing Oxidotion Reduction Potentiol in millivolts (mV)) LINE OF EQUAL OXIDATION REDUCTION POTENTIAL CONCENTRATION (in mV; d~shed where inferred) .... PROPERTY BOUNDARY 168 DP2 129 115 ~' ""-- ~ ~' D5 168 t -97 AVENUE Oo ,oo !-1 -113 ; 2tt ,_, o '0 ooooJ 0 i° oooot iO OCO0~. ..%, - ,.~ .o_©0oI' --eP~W-L28 1 (_) 0 0 -20 08i~ OlM I 00 C 0 C' 90 OhSM \' "111,t[' ;; ) [~-:~'~ REF1NER¥ AVENUE 0 600 ft. I i I SCALE TriHydro Corporation 920 Sheridan Street Laramie, Wyoming 82070 Drawn By: BW I Checked By: L,b I Scale: 1" FIGURE 19 OXIDATION REDUCTION POTENTIAL RESULTS FOR GROUNDWATER <110' bgs, SHELL BAKERSFIELD REFINERY, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA (November 2003) :6oo, I Date: 01/23/04 I Ref: 077ORP200311U I IJl~ ~ I ,_,, ~ i1 L__ ~1_ X Lis ~ ~ , t, ~~-'" ~ ~H ~1 I11 ~ t~ ] ~' I · .t~2 (showing Oxidation Reduction Potential , i i ~,, i - ~ - '~ . ' ~:1 / " , "~' I //// ~ ' -' -, ,f~-:'- ~ ,,~,..~~~--,o .... I F' I I ~-~o- UNE OF E~UAL 0X~DAT~ON REDUCTION / / // _ ~ -;': -. ~%,:--' ' % L -- ~ ~ I POTENTIAL CONCENTRATION (in mV; / /// '~ ~ ~ a-~BaM, ~~% ,~'.~ ~ ~-I b~ ~ d~h~d wh~ ,nf~ ~d) // / ', I~:-~ ~%~~]~~i~ '~ ~ , ~-~-- F-- i ~--~ PROPER~ BOUNDARY %,%', ~.~-1;~ I · *~'~L: I ---- I t:~;: ,:::~:~': '?:~E E~-~7.'-,' ..... 7,-;~:::Z'~,T~ ~--~ ,~ZI -R_~r B-~ 15E=:,- ..... ~:" ' I ',-.-,-,-,-'-,-~-,-,-,-,-~-;-;-:-',-,-,-, il ~ 126 -- '- ~ '-' ~ :" ;" ' " ~ ...... ~'~ II , , z 5 ooo '1 ~ ~ go % I I - '~i i cl ~ o~1 I , _ ~ _ ~~u~ ~, , :1 _, O,SL : // "~/ 'i F , ~ · ' ~, ' O ......... ~- ~F~ ~---~i.=-~ ~ ~ " ' ~ ~ ~ ; :~ ~'t-- .... '~----"~-- -~--/---'L~*~ RE~NE~ AVENUE ~' ~ ,'k ~ ~ ~ ~ SCALE i ~- XN ~ FIGURE 20 I ~ ~/ I I I ~ h/I ~ " . ~ k , - - ~ 'l ~-,~ ~ -::~' ~: : I ~ OXIDATION REDUCTION POTENTIAL RESULTS '. t ,, I , ~ ) '~ .__ ~, ~¢-" :r ~ · . . ~0 - 140 bgs, 8HELL BAKERSFIELD REFINERY, - ,~ ,="m-m-m.m-m a:m-m-~., " : -3J :7_: ---~ =_'L .... ;.'_. ' ,, _ , .._~( , [ Laramie, ~oming82070 I I I I (showing Oxidation Reduction Potential ~B-128L MONITORING WELL AND NAME ' ~ OXIDATION REDUCTION POTENTIAL RESULTS TriHydro SHELL BAKERSFIELD REFINERY, Corporation BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 920 Sher dan SV~t (November 2003)