HomeMy WebLinkAboutCHARACTERIZATION WORKING PLAN 7/22/1999I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. I SITE CHARACTERIZATION WORKPLAN I For I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Schwebel Petroleum Company 900 Sacramento St. in Bakersfield, California Prepared For: Schwebel Petroleum Company 900 Sacramento St. Bakersfield, California File No. 99-9015 Prepared By: Soils Engineering, Inc. 4700 District Blvd. Bakersfield, CA. 93313 July 22, 1999 4700 DISTRICT BLVD. · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93313 ' PHONE (805) 831-5100 ° FAX: (805) 831-2111 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. I July 22, 1999 File Number 99-9015 I I I I Mr. Steve Underwood Bakersfield City Fire Dept. Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA., 93301 Subject: Site Characterization Workplan Former UST Site 900 Sacramento St. Bakersfield, CA. Mr. Etter: I I I I I I I I This Site Characterization Workplan (Workplan) is submitted by Soils Engineering, Inc. (SEI) and describes the scope of work which will be conducted at the former underground storage tank (UST) areas located at the subject site (see Plate 1 for Location Map) SEI proposes to advance a minimum of 5 soil borings to a depth of 30 feet in the area of the former UST's to collect soil samples for chemical analysis. The environmental investigation will be conducted in accordance with the Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Environmental Services (BFDES) requirements for site characterization investigations. BACKGROUND On August 4, 1998 BC Enterprises (BCE) removed one (1) 550-gallon waste oil UST and on May 7, 1999 BCE removed six (6) 6,000 gallon UST's. Elevated petroleum hydrocarbons were detected in soil samples collected beneath the waste oil UST and beneath the product pipeline extending from the 6 UST's to the northern and eastern dispensers and at the eastern end of the east-central tank (sample TK-3). See attached Table 1 for analytical results of soil samples collected beneath the UST's, and product piping which was conducted by Holguin, Fahan & Associates (HFA). See Plate 3 for sample locations (HFA). The BFDES has requested additional site characterizations be conducted beneath the former waste oil UST and the former 6,000 gallon UST's to determine the lateral and vertical extent of the petroleum release. The following scope of work is proposed to be performed at the site. PROPOSED SCOPE OF WORK I I Mark Borings & Notify Underground Service Alert Underground Service Alert (USA) will be contacted to identify utility locations 48 hours prior to conducting the drilling. SEI will mark the soil boring locations prior to drilling. ; I 4700 DISTRICT BLVD. ' BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA93313 · PHONE(805) 831-5100 ° FAX:(805) 831-2111 I I I Site Characterization Workplan 900 Sacramento St.., Bakersfield, CA. Schwebel Petroleum Co. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. File Number 99-9015 July 22, 1999 Page 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Drilling Minimum of 5 Soil Borings to 30 feet SEI will utilize an SEI owned and operated Hollow-stem auger drill rig to advance a minimum of 5 soil borings to an estimated depth of 30 feet below ground surface (bgs) at locations shown on the attached Plot Plan. One (1) soil boring will be placed over the former waste oil UST location, and the other 4 borings in the area of the 6 former 6,000 gallon UST's and associated product piping. A California registered geologist will oversee the drilling process. Soil samples will be collected at 5 foot intervals and evaluated in the field for petroleum hydrocarbons (staining and odor), soil type and photo-ionization detector (PID) readings. A soil sample from each sampling interval will be sealed, labeled and placed in an iced cooler. See Plate 2 for proposed soil boring locations. If contamination is evident at the bottom of a soil boring (30 feet) additional drilling will be recommended to dethae the vertical extent of the contamination (at least 5 feet beyond contamination). If the 5 soil borings do not define the lateral extent of the hydrocarbon plume additional soil borings will be conducted in appropriate areas to define the lateral extent. The borings will be back£flled with soil cuttings (if clean) and capped with concrete. Any additional cuttings will be stockpile on and covered by plastic sheeting and be removed during future disposal/recycling activities. Analytical Testing Selected soil samples (3) from the boring at the waste oil tank will be analyzed for oil & grease by EPA Method 418.1 and for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX), and MTBE by EPA Method 8020. Selected soil samples (minimum of 3 from each boring) from the other 4 soil borings will be analyzed for Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TRPH), TPHg, TPHd, and for BTEX & MTBE using EPA Methods 418.1, 8015m and 8020 at a State certified analytical laboratory. Site Characterization Report SEI will prepare a Site Characterization Report describing the field work conducted with analytical results of soil samples, boring logs, and conclusions and recommendations for the site. HEALTH & SAFETY PLAN SEI has prepared a Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan for the field work which will be conducted. In general, all employees that will work at the site will have received the Health and Safety training required by OSHA for hazardous waste site operations (29 CFR 1910.120). Petroleum, diesel, and gasoline fuel constituents are the identified hazardous substances at this site. Highly volatile components, such as benzene, pose the greatest health hazard. Because of I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. ! I Site Characterization Workl~lan File Number 99-9015 900 Sacramento St.., Bakersfield, CA. July 22, 1999 $chwebel Petroleum Co~ ~ Page i the outdoor location and the intermittent nature of drilling operations, it ~ not considered ~ely that personnel wffi be exposed to elevated leve~ of hydroc~bon vapors for any length of t~e. iUnder these conditions personnel w~ work under "Class D" protection. A PID wffi be used to mo~tor ambient concentrations of organic vapors. Personnel wffi have access to ~-purff~g respkators (~R) with organic vapor canisters that can be donned · conditions w~t. I A det~led site specific Health and Safety Plan, will be dis~ibuted to and adhered to by con.actor personnel, subcontractors, and all site visitors. A "tailgate" safety meeting will be I held at the site prior to commencing operations during which all site haz~ds and the Health and Safety Plan will be reviewed. See attached Site-Specific Health and Safety Plan for more detail. IPlease ca~ So~s Eng~eer~g, Inc. at (805) 831-5100 ~ you have any questions concern~g th~ Workplan. , Envkonmental Division Manager I Enclosures: Tables o~o~ S~ffi~g(HFA) I I Location Map, Plate 1 Plot Plan, Plate 2 Former Soil Sample Locations, Plate 3 (HFA) Appendix A: Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan TABLE 1. SUMMARY OF SOIL SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS SCHWEBEL PETROLEUM COMPANY, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA SAMPLE SOURCE EPA ANALYTICAL METHOD REPORTING LIMIT DATE I !SAMPLEi TPHAS TPH AS SAMPLEDI DEPTHI ID :GASOLINE DIESEL (fbg) I : I (mg/kg) 8015(M) TRPH AS OIL ~, i ETHYL- ~ TOTAL ' ~, AND GREASE I BENZENEITOLUENEi BENZENEI XYLENESi MTBE : MTBE REF (mg/~g) I (mg/kg) i (reg./kg) ! (rog/kg) . (rog/kg)(mg~g),(mg/~g). 418.1 i 8020 8260 ;N/A VAIRES-SEE LABORATORY REPORTS · N/A Center of Waste-Oil UST 289001 .. NDi . 2[ 6.81 721 I:~[_ -- A ' '1 ' 19! 'i 0.24! A 8,800; NDI . 5.21 53; -' ~70i NDj NDj NDI ND, ND -- B Dispenser 5-7-99 : 14 D-1-14 I ND 70; ..... ' "~:~:~)9' ?- {~ 'l"i~:~:i~'-i .... 5~i'' '160i 190'. NDi ND! ND'. 0.048. ND -- B Piping between Northeastern and Northwestern USTs ............. 5-7-99 14 ~' ............. P-1-14 . 740[ 430i 1,400.: ND;_. 0.016! 0.44 6.9~_. 0.056. . -- B 5-7-99 ~ 18 P-1-18 J 95! 27; 16' ND! NDi 0.045i 0.47 0.095 -- B Piping between Central Eastern and Central Western USTs[.. 5-_7_-_9? _~. 1_4__..P-2-14 250j . .. 1_7._0. i 230; ND' 0.00781 0.15~ 1 0.038 -- B 5-7-99, 18 "~-~-i'~ .... ~i 890i 3,400; 0.036! 0.0066! 0.93 4.21 0.36 -- B Piping between Southeastern and Southwestern USTs 5-7-99 ; 14 P-3-14 ~ 1,600! 740i 530; ND 0.0094! 0.096: 4:2 0.13~ -- B 5-7-99 . 18 P-3-18 9801 1,200! 1,400i ND! 0.023! 0.16 2.4 0.12 -- B Piping East of the Central Eastern UST . . _5~_7-99 !. _~4- . , .P-4-14 . 8~)01 2~,500! 1,500! 0.15 5.31 4.4' 39. 1 ND B : 5-7-99 i 18 P-4-18 : 11,000! 8,0001 4,300~ 12; 96. 68! 740' 68 -- - B Center of Northeastern 6,000-Gallon Gasoline UST ; 5-7-99 _~ 14 TK-1-14 I N21~ NDJ NDI NDi ND: ND'; 0:0~_1! . 0.0_8..!...;_- ..... ~ "~-:~:~(~-~-'~-~- ~'~;~'[-' 71i 23J' ND~ NDI 0.0221 0.141 0.08I, B Center of Northwestern 6,000-Gallon Gasoline UST 5-7-99 · -~-~-9~ Center of Central Eastem 6,000-Gallon Gasoline UST ............ 5-7-99 _[ 14 .TK'3'14 ...........; 140! 700!, 1,000: .........0.02! 0.075:; 0.32! ....... 1.8! 0.511, -- B 5-7-99 ' 18 TK-3-18 431 420t 1,300 ND. ND; 0.11 0.73: 0.036 -- B Center of Central Westem 6,000-Gallon Gasoline UST 5-~;9_9 ..... 14_ . TK-4-14. ND: 1601 540 ND' 0.076'. 0.06. 0.1 ' ND, -- B 5-7-99 ; 18 I TK-4-18; ND; 151 ND ND; NDi ND, ND: ND -- B Center of Southeastern 6,000-Gallon Gasoline UST 5-.7-99 ! 14_ . TK-5-14, ND, . NDi ND. ND' ND ND ND~ 0.081 -- B 5-7-99 i 18 ! TK-5-18: ND', NDI ND; ND. ND ND. ND 0.085 -- B Center of Southwestern 6,000-Gallon Gasoline UST 5-7-99 I 14 TK-6-1_4. _ ND~. NDi ND' ND, ND; ND. ND. ND. -- B ND:, NDJ ND'. ND! NDi ND' ND[ ND _B_._ ND. ND'. ND' B ~Do~O --.~ 0 ~ REF = Report reference. N/A = Not applicable. -- = Not analyzed. ND = Not detected. A = Holguin, Fahan & Associates, Inc.'s (HFA's) report dated September 1, 1998. [] = HFA's current report. ! m Location & Hospital Map Sch webel Petroleum Co. 900 Sacramento, Bakersfield, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. File No. 99-9015 July, 1999 Plate 1 ,,tI N f ST COLU& COLUMBUS Road '3 ~ARZA ELE& SCH SIEF JR. HI, St. S m I PLATE 1 LOCATION & HOSPITAL MAP Schwebel Petroleum Co. 900 Sacramento, Bakersfield, CA I ,- ....... A,R .RUOK W^SH,.~ II : ....... CO.PRESSOR WATE. PU.. ii GARDEN HOSE --~ WAREHOUSE CONCRETE BARREL PAD HY D RAULIC BARREl.. HOIST WASH RACK FORMER C) WATER ; PIPE EMPLOYEE PARKING nn Z WATER PIPE O rn PLANT OFF,CE m CONCRETE WATER --I ~ Pi~E ~ I METER WASTE-OiL FIR E LAWN ,, ...... / UST EXTINGUISHER ~ GAS i' BARREL ~/ SOLVENT --[ ,, CAGE ~,...~. FILLSTAND PRODUCT "' ~'~ I RECEIVING TRUCI<. I I j- -_-- __'-' __ / LINES F~LLSTAN0 'HOS- ~ " , ~ FIRE I: ' il .Ik~,"' ;~:~ ~-"--: il-~:~ IEARTHDIKE / () O -, II"'"~-WATER , .-Tr.('. · CO PANEL FOR PRODUCT I -..?~-~----__~1 ] ,nL~::... 11 -~ I / .---. ~ I', I I ...... ~'0%ER .... J --.~_ .~_~_~ t I "-~ LEGEND SCHWEBEL PETROLEUM COMPANY · SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION ~ Proposed Soil Boring ~00 SACRAMENTO STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ~ CENTER LINE FIGURE 2 - PLOT PLAN PLATE 2 AIR TRUCK WASHING j .................. COMPRESSOR WATER PUMP !I HYDRAULIC . ~ I' ~,~^~=ur~, ,~ BARREL HOIST WASH RACK ~I WATER ~I PIPE EMPLOYEE / m,m: CONCRETE WATER Z ' BARREL PAD PIPE / / I ~' I GARDEN ~[ P~NT OFFICE m HOSE I: CONCR~E ~ L~WN ([ ~PIPE " FORMER ~ ~ WATER ', METER  WASTE-OIL FIRE GAS ~, , [ : ~ RECEIVING :,:, ..... " ~ LINES FIRE FILLSTAN~RE HOSE , su~¢~ ~u~s ..~ i! CONCRETE ~ ,L .... crK'2¢~T~-~--.J ~(~ EARTH O · ~ - ~ ~WATER '; ~ ~T · "[ ~O DIKE O O ELEOTRIOSWITO" ~1 ~-' P-3 - ~4; ~ O ASS O PANEL FOR PRODUCT ', ~ r ' ............... 6,000-GALLON ....... ~:'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SCALE IN FE~ LEGEND SCHWEBEL PETROLEUM COMPANY SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION 900 SACRAMENTO STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA CENTER LINE HO~, F~ & ASSOC~TES, ~C. ~o PLATE 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Appendix A Health & Safety Plan SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. HEALTH & SAFETY PLAN Schwebel Petroleum Co. 900 Sacramento St. Bakersfield, Ca. SECTION 1 FACILITY BACKGROUND 1.1 SITE DESCRIPTION The Schwebel Petroleum bulk plant is located at the southeast corner of the intersection of South Union Avenue and Watts Drive in Bakersfield, CA.. The site is a bulk plant for the storage of petroleum hydrocarbon products such as oils and lubricants. Six (6) six- thousand gallon underground storage tanks (UST's) were located west of the aboveground storage tanks, along with a 550 gallon waste oil UST on the western portion of the site. 1.2 SITE HISTORY On August 4, 1998 BC Enterprises (BCE) removed one (I) 550-gallon waste oil UST and on May 7, 1999 BCE removed six (6) 6,000 gallon UST's. Elevated petroleum hydrocarbons were detected in soil samples collected beneath the waste oil UST and beneath the product pipeline extending from the 6 UST's to the northern and eastern dispensers and at the eastern end of the east-central tank (sample TK-3). See attached Table 1 for analytical results of soil samples collected beneath the UST's, and product piping which was conducted by Holguin, Fahan & Associates (HFA). See Plate 3 for sample locations (HFA). The BFDES has requested additional site characterizations be conducted beneath the former waste oil UST and the former 6,000 gallon UST's to determine the lateral and vertical extent of the petroleum release. PROPOSED SCOPE OF WORK Drilling Minimum of 5 Soil Borings to 30 feet SEI will utilize an SEI owned and operated Hollow-stem auger drill rig to advance a minimum of 5 soil borings to an estimated depth of 30 feet below ground surface (bgs) at locations shown on the attached Plot Plan. One (1) soil boring will be placed over the former waste oil UST location, and the other 4 borings in the area of the 6 former 6,000 gallon UST's and associated product piping. A California registered geologist will oversee the drilling process. Soil samples will be collected at 5 foot intervals and evaluated in the field for petroleum hydrocarbons (staining and odor), soil type and photo- I 4700 DISTRICT BLVD. · BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93313 " PHONE (805) 831-5100 ' FAX: (805) 831-2111 I I I I Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan Schwebel Petroleutn Co. 900 Scaratnento St., Bakersfield, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. File No. 99-9015 Jury, 1009 Page No. 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I ionization detector (PID) readings. A soil sample from each sampling interval will be sealed, labeled and placed in an iced cooler. See Plate 2 for proposed soil boring locations. If contamination is evident at the bottom of a soil boring (30 feet) additional drilling will be recommended to de£me the vertical extent of the contamination (at least 5 feet beyond contamination). If the 5 soil borings do not define the lateral extent of the hydrocarbon plume additional soil borings will be conducted in appropriate areas to de£me the lateral extent. The borings will be backfilled with soil cuttings (if clean) and capped with concrete. Any additional cuttings will be stockpile on and covered by plastic sheeting and be removed during future disposal/recycling activities. At the request of the Bakersfield Fire Department Environmental Services (BFDES) a Site Characterization has been requested to define the vertical and lateral extent of hydrocarbons in the soil. PROJECT SCHEDULE AND WORK PLAN 221 PROJECT SCHEDULE The field activities will follow those outlined in the attached Site Characterization Workplan. They are scheduled to be completed within one to two working days followed by a Site Characterization Report describing the findings of the field work. 2.2 WORK PLAN At least 48 hours prior to conducting the field work, Soils Engineering, Inc. (SEI) will notify the BFDES of the time and date. At a minimum five (5) soil borings will be drilled to a depth of approximately 30 feet each. Soil samples will be collected and analyzed for TRPH, TPHg, TPHd and BTEXM. Additional borings will be drilled further out from the UST's to define the lateral extent of hydrocarbon impacted soil if necessary. A Site Characterization Report will be prepared detailing the field work performed, analytical results, plot plans, cross-sections, with conclusions and recommendations for the site. 'l I I I Site-Specific Health & Safety Platt Schwebel Petroleutn Co. 900 Scaramento St., Bakersfield, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. File No. 99-9015 July, 1999 Page No. 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 3 KEY PERSONNEL AND RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 PERSONNEL Key personnel in charge of site activities for SEI Project Manager Project Safety Officer Site Safety Officer Field Personnel Robert J. Becker Thomas Bayne Robert J. Becker To be designated 3.2 RESPONSIBILITIES Soils Engineering, Inc. has been given the responsibility for the preparation of this Health and Safety Plan, and is to monitor compliance of its personnel and those of its subcontractors. Soils Engineering, Inc. personnel responsible for the distribution and monitoring of this site health and safety plan will be the Project Safety Officer, and the Project Manager. The Project Safety Officer is responsible for delivering the plan and any addenda to the Project Manager, and for advising the Project Manager and Site Safety Officer on health and safety issues. He has the authority to monitor compliance with the provisions of this plan, suspend work or modify work practices for safety reasons, and to dismiss individuals whose conduct on the site endangers the health and safety of others. The Project Manager is responsible for distributing the plan to Soils Engineering, Inc. field personnel, and its subcontractors and each firm with personnel working on site. The Project Manager is also responsible for review of Soils Engineering, Inc. field personnel's compliance with its medical examination requirements, providing the appropriate safety equipment for personnel protection, and verify that all required health and safety documentation is submitted to the Project Safety Officer. The authority of the Project Manager is the same as the Project Safety Officer. The Site Safety Officer is responsible for assisting the Project Manager with on-site implementation of the Site Health and Safety Plan. His responsibilities are as follows: 1) Maintain safety equipment supplies. 2) Perform air quality measurements as required or needed. I Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan Schwebel Petroleutn Co. 900 Scaratnento St., Bakersfield, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. File No. 99-9015 July, 1999 Page No. 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3) Direct decontamination operations and emergency response operations in accordance with the information provided in this document. 4) Establish the work zone markers and signs. 5) Report all accidents, incidents and infractions of safety rules and requirements to the Project Manager. The Site Safety Officer has the authority to suspend work anytime he determines that the provisions of the Site Health and Safety Plan are inadequate to provide a safe working environment. He is to notify the Project Manager of individuals whose on-site presence jeopardizes their health and safety, and the health and safety of others. SECTION 4 JOB HAZARD ANALYSIS 4.1 CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS The chemical hazards at this site are the presence of waste oil, new oils and lubricants, and gasoline and diesel fuel constituents in the subsurface soil. Specific compounds such as benzene, toluene, xylenes and ethylbenzene are known to be present in the fuel products. Benzene is a known carcinogen and precautions are necessary to limit exposure to this compound. Material data sheets (MSDS) for these compounds are in Attachment A. NOTES 1) Inh - Inhalation Ing- Ingestion Abs - Absorption through the skin 2) TLV-TWA - Threshold Limit Value-Time Weighted Average) 3) ACGIH American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists 4.2 INHALATION HAZARD The vapor and dust concentrations that might be encountered during sampling and mitigation procedures may exceed currently recommended exposure limits in which case respiratory protection must be used in the work area. Engineering and administrative I I I I Site-Specific Health & Safety Platt Schwebel Petroleutn Co. 900 Scaramento St., Bakersfield, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. File No. 99-9015 July, 1999 Page No. 5 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I controls will be employed if required to abate windborne dust. These will include items such as water spray and/or administrative controls such as reducing site activities that produce windborne dust. 4.3 DERMAL EXPOSURE HAZARD Contact of sufficient duration to cause significant absorption of toxic components is highly unlikely. Repeated daily or prolonged contact over a period of time may however, lead to absorption through the skin, irritation and dermatitis. For this reason direct skin contact shall be avoided by wearing protective gloves and clothing. However, if contact does occur, the exposed areas shall be washed with soap and water and rinsed thoroughly. 4.3.1 Eye Contact If eye contact is made with any chemical materials at the site, the eye shall be flooded with water for at least 15 minutes. Medical attention shall be obtained as soon as possible. 4.3.2 Skin Contact Skin exposure shall be treated by washing with soap and water. Any contaminated clothing shall be removed and affected areas washed with soap and water. 4.4 OTHER HAZARDS Attention must be paid to other possible hazards on the site including, but not limited to: improper use of hand tools rotating machinery such as pumps dehydration of the personnel tripping on objects or open ditches falling objects from the overhead work lack of oxygen through blockage of the mask overhead power lines 4.5 HEAT STRESS PREVENTION The SSO shall monitor ambient temperature and use the following work/rest regimes as a guide. 'l I I I Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan Schwebel Petroleutn Co. 900 Scaratnento St., Bakersfield, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. File No. 99-9015 July, 1999 Page No. 6 I ! I I I I I I I I I I I '1 il For ambient temperature below 80°F, standard rest breaks (e.g. 15 minutes every 4 hours) should be used. For temperature above 80°F, the following regime should be followed. Temperature Work Rest Comments (a) 80 to 85°F 2 hr. 5 min. Review heat stress in a safety meeting. Schedule a beverage break every 2 hrs., at a minimum. 80 to 90°F 2 hr. 15 min. Seated rest. Drink at least 8 ounces at each break. Above 90oF 1.5 hr 15 min. As stated above. Rest area to be shaded. SECTION 5 JOB HAZARD SUMMARY Exposure to chemical hazards may occur when contaminated soils are brought to the surface during drilling activities. As each of task begins, the potential risk of exposure increases. Consequently, level C personal protective equipment shall be available at the site. If monitoring of the breathing zone establishes another action level, the personal protection level may be upgraded. Nearby residents or workers are at a sufficient distance that they shall be at no significant risk. The SSO shall determine if any further action is required. SECTION 6 EXPOSURE MONITORING PLAN 6.1 DRILLING The exposure monitoring activities shall be conducted or directed by the SSO during those activities that require such monitoring. At a minimum, the breathing zone shall be monitored for organic vapors during drilling activities. This shall be accomplished by use of a Foxboro OVA, HNU or Photovac PID portable analyzer. A Gastech LEL explosive meter shall be used to warn of any explosive hazards during these activities. I I I I Site-Specific Health & Safety Platt Schwebel Petroleum Co. 900 Scaratnento St., Bakersfield, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. File No. 99-9015 July, 1999 Page No. 7 I I ! I I I i I I I I I I I I 6.2 ACTION LEVELS Action levels for explosive hazards are set at 25% of the lower explosive limit (LEL). In the event that enough combustible vapor is present to sustain readings at or near 25% of LEL work shall cease until an evaluation is perform by the SSO and a determination can be made. Action levels for organic vapors in the breathing zone shall be based on readings obtained by the portable equipment mentioned. The PID instrument determines the total organic vapor present in the breathing zone. Readings of 0 to 300 ppm (TWA for gasoline is 300 ppm) shall be considered level D without respirators. Readings of 300 ppm or greater for 5 minutes or longer shall trigger an action level to upgrade to level C or modified level D with respirators. SECTION 7 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT The respiratory and skin protection requirement shall be initially set at level "D" without respirators. This indicates that inhalable airborne substances are known, and concentrations of chemicals in the atmosphere are not expected and are well below TLV- STEL levels. The use of the following personal protection equipment is mandatory. 7.1 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED FOR FIELD PERSONNEL - Hard hat - Boots (with steel toes) Nitrile, or equivalent, work gloves - Eye protection 7.2 LEVEL C PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Half-mask air purifying respirator necessary. Tyvek protective coveralls Gloves (latex and/or Nitrile) with organic vapor cartridge when 7.3 EQUIPMENT TO BE USED OR AVAILABLE ON SITE: First-aid kit with eyewash 1 I I I Site-Specific Health & Safety Platt Schwebel Petroleum Co. 900 Scaramento St., Bakersfield, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. File No. 99-9015 July, 1999 Page No. 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - Fire extinguisher - Construction tape and barriers to delineate work zone - A vehicle must be kept on site when personnel are working - A cellular or public phone to be available on site for communication purposes with oft' site facilities. - Foxboro OVA portable analyzer or PID Gastech LEL meter Sanitation facilities portable or public SECTION 8 · SITE CONTROL 8.1 WORK ZONE The site area shall be controlled to reduce the possibility of exposure to chemical and/or mechanical hazards present at the site. Work areas shall be delineated to protect the general public from exposures and hazards. If level C protection becomes necessary then zones and access points shall he clearly indicated. A restricted area for contamination reduction shall be maintained at the exit to the exclusion zone. Protective clothing and equipment as required by this health and safety plan shall be worn at all times in the exclusion zone and shall only be removed in the designated decontamination corridor at the exit. The areas outside the contamination reduction area, is considered a clean area. SECTION 9 DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURES Decontamination of equipment shall be conducted when necessary. However, if it becomes necessary to upgrade to a protect level greater that 'iD", then an Exclusion Zone shall be established and an area in the Contamination Reduction Corridor (CRC) shall be used as a decontamination area. The CRC controls access into and out of the Exclusion Zone and confines personnel and equipment decontamination activities to a limited area. The CRC boundaries shall be marked and all personnel entering and leaving the site must do so through this corridor. 9.1 DECONTAMINATION OF PERSONNEL IN LEVEL C Exit from the exclusion zone through CRC shall include the following steps: 1 I I I Site-Specific Health & Safety Platt Schwebel Petroleum Co. 900 Scaramento St., Bakersfield, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. File No. 99-9015 Jury, 1999 Page No. 9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 9.1.1 While in the Exclusion Zone near the CRC. - Deposit equipment used on site. - Outer boot and glove wash. - Outer boot and glove rinse. - Tape removal if used. - Boot cover removal. - Outer glove removal. 9.1.2 Exit the Exclusion Zone to the Contamination Reduction Zone for further decontamination. - Remove garment - Wash inner glove - Rinse inner glove - Face piece removal - Inner glove removal 9.1.3 Exit the Contamination Reduction Zone to the Support Zone. - Wash face and hands. 9.2 DECONTAMINATION OF EQUIPMENT Ins°far as possible, measures shall be taken to prevent contamination of equipment. Any delicate instrument, which cannot be decontaminated easily should be protected while it is being used. It should be bagged and the bag taped and secured around the instrument. Openings are made in the bag for sample intake. Larger equipment shall be decontaminated with water or steam under pressure. These activities shall be conducted on an impermeable surface such as plastic. The rinsate shall be collected and stored in fifty five (55) gallon drums. The drums shall be label as to its contents and staged for disposal or recycling. SECTION 10.0 GENERAL SAFE WORK AND STANDARD OPERATING PRACTICES Site health and safety plan implementation will be the responsibility of SEI. If Soils Engineering, Inc. health and safety personnel find that the H&S plan is not being implemented by the subcontractors, the subcontractors will be instructed to suspend I I I I Site-Specific Health & Safety Platt Schwebel Petroleum Co. 900 Scaratnento St., Bakersfield, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. File No. 99-9015 July, 1999 Page No. 10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I further work. A meeting to evaluate the noncompliance will be scheduled with the subcontractors Project Manager. During the meeting the personnel will reach an agreement to either; * Revise the Health and Safety Plan, * Modify the Health and Safety Plan, * Request review by an Industrial Hygienist, * Leave the Plan unchanged. The subcontractor will then implement the Plan as modified. 10.1 SITE SAFETY ORIENTATION MEETING All field personnel from Soils Engineering, Inc. and the subcontractors must attend a safety orientation meeting before commencing the field work. The meeting will be scheduled and conducted by the Site Safety Officer and is to include an overview of the site history, the potentially hazardous compounds, their potential mode of ingress into the body, protective equipment requirements, and emergency response equipment. All individuals who do not have respirators and who may be required to wear them, will not be allowed on the site until they are provided with and fit tested for respirators by their respective employers. 10.2 ACCIDENT/PERSONNEL EXPOSURE REPORTS The Site Safety Officer must be informed of all exposures to potentially hazardous material and all accidents whether or not any injury was caused. After investigation of the cause of the accident, he will take all immediate possible steps for the mitigation or the repeat of the accident and proceed with the preparation of an accident report. In the event of a serious or fatal injury resulting from accidents on the site, the relevant CAL/OSHA requirements for accident reporting must be met. The Project Manager will also be informed at the earliest possible time. 10.3 PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES No eating, drinking, or smoking is allowed in the restricted zone, and only allowed off the site after personal decontamination has taken place. Removal of personal protection equipment and respirator required by articles of this plan, inside the contamination zone is prohibited. Under special circumstances, and after consultation with the Project Manager and/or the Project Safety Officer, the Site Safety Officer may lower the level of protection required and allow the disuse of specific items of personnel protection. I I I I Site-Specific Health & Safety Platt Schwebel Petroleum Co. 900 Scaramento St., Bakersfield, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. File No. 99-9015 July, 1999 Page No. 11 ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Movements on the site singly and out of the sight of the rest of the personnel is prohibited. 10.4 TAIL GATE MEETING A Tail Gate Meeting will be held every morning before the start of work and is to be attended by all personnel on-site. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the days work, potential hazards, and specific health and safety procedures to utilized during the day. The minutes of the meeting will be prepared by the Site Safety Officer. 10.5 VISITOR CLEARANCE Visitors to the site must inform the Site Safety Officer or the Project Manager upon their arrival on the site and must be informed of the contents of this report and fully equipped before entry is permitted. Visitors will be required to be escorted in the exclusion zone and must comply with escort directions at all times. Non-compliance' with escort directions will not be tolerated, and violators will be required to leave the restricted access zones immediately. SECTION 11 SANITATION Sanitation facilities for site personnel will include the following: 2. 3. 4. Accessible, near-by restrooms Washing facilities Potable water Electrolyte drink (Gator Aid) SECTION 12 CONTINGENCY PLANS AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES Soils Engineering, Inc. requires the utmost care and safety for all of its employees. And therefore attempts to maintain all employees in a current status of emergency training. I I I I Site-Specific Health & Safety Platt Schwebel Petroleutn Co. 900 Scaratnento St., Bakersfield, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING. INC. File No. 99-9015 July, 1999 Page No. 12 I I I I I I I I I I I I I il I 12.1 PHYSICAL INJURY In the event of an accident resulting in a physical injury, apply first aid and call paramedics. Severely injured personnel are to be transported only by paramedics and/or ambulance personnel. At the hospital, a physician's attention is mandatory regardless of how serious the injury appears. The Project Safety Officer and the Project Manager are to be notified by the Site Safety Officer, as soon after the injury as practical, regarding the nature of the accident. A written report is also to be prepared and submitted by the Site Safety Officer. 12.2 FIRE, EXPLOSION, AND PROPERTY DAMAGE In the event of a fire or explosion notify the fire department immediately by dialing: 911 The Project Safety Officer and the Project Manager are to be notified by the Site Safety Officer as soon as practical and a written report prepared. 12.3 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS Fire Department Police Department Paramedics SEI 911 911 911 (661) 831 - 5100 12.4 WORK SITE ADDRESS Schwebel Petroleum Co. 900 Sacramento St. Bakersfield, CA. 93305 12.5 HOSPITAL ADDRESSES AND ROUTES Plate 1 is a local map showing the route to the hospital. Hospital Address Memorial Hospital 420 34th Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 phone (661) 327-1792 I I I I Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan Schwebel Petroleum Co. 900 Scara~nento St., Bakersfield, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. File No. 99-9015 July, 1999 Page No. 13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Route: West on Kentucky St. (right) to Union Avenue turn right (north) go approximately 1 mile to 34th Street, turn left (west) and travel two blocks, hospital is on right side (north) of 34th Street. SECTION 13 TRAINING REQUIREMENTS Training on the hazards at the site will be conducted at the start of the project and as conditions and personnel change. This plan will be reviewed with project personnel prior to their entry onto the site. In addition, Soils Engineering, Inc. provides and encourages training opportunities such as CPR, First Aid, and 1910.120 annual refresher and supervisory training. The initial training will include the following subjects at a minimum: Nature of the hazards, including the location of the site Material Safety Data Sheets for chemicals at the site. A description of the levels of personal protection at the site, and the condition for selection of each level. 3. Emergency procedures. 4. Demonstration of respiratory protective equipment. 5. Review of safe work practices at the site, and identification of forbidden practices. Safety Meetings will be conducted daily at the site to review work plans and safety practices associated with them. These meetings will be conducted by the SSO, attendance by all Soils Engineering, Inc. employees, subcontractors, and visitors to the site will be mandatory. SECTION 14 MEDICAL SURVEILLANCE PROGRAM To meet with the criteria set forth in 29 CFR 1910.120 Soils Engineering, Inc. has implemented a medical surveillance program that includes all employees that work at or visit hazardous waste sites. I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan File No. 99-9015 Schwebel Petroleutn Co. July, 1999 900 Scaratnento St., Bakersfield, CA~ Page No. I~4 SECTION 15 DOCUMENTATION , All records of individual maintained at SEI central location in required employees are S Bakersfield, California. The records include but are not limited to: medical surveillance, training, and respiratory testing. This Site Safety Plan Is Hereby Approved and Acknowledge by SEI's Acting Health and Safety Officer. Robert J. Beerer, R.G. I I I I I I I I I m I Location & Hospital Map Schwebel Petroleum Co. 900 Sacramento, Bakersfield, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. File No. 99-9015 July, 1999 Plate 1 N L~C ST COLU~ Road GARZA ELEI~ SIEF I I I PLATE 1 LOCATION & HOSPITAL MAP Schwebel Petroleum Co. 900 Sacramento, Bakersfield, CA GARDEN HOSE - WAREHOUSE CONCRETE BARREL PAD AIR TRUCK WASHING COMPRESSOR WATER PUMP WATER PIPE WATER PIPE CONCRETE [ FORMER WASTE-OiL FIR E LAWN ...... ' / UST EXTINGUI EMPTY 8ARR'EL ,~, SOLVENT CAGE , ~ FILLSTAND PRODUCT , RECEIVING TRUCK CONCRETE PAD EMPLOYEE PARKING PLANT OFFICE WATER PiPE ELECTRIC SWITCH PANEL FOR PRODUCT PUMPS _ .~_ LINES FILLS'rAND G./ r FIRE ~ .... ! ~OSE / H%~ sU~D~u- ~_ ~ .- ~_. L~Z~...?' : ' ' ............. .. rE.~ c 0 ~ I~ETER GAS ER LWATER I PIPE i,,! SCALE IN FEET LEGEND SO~L SAMPLE LOCAT,ON E) Proposed Soil Boring CENTER LINE o 20 40 SCHWEBEL PETROLEUM COMPANY 900 SACRAMENTO STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA FIGURE 2 - PLOT PLAN PLATE 2 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC.