HomeMy WebLinkAboutSITE ASSESSMENT CONTINUATION REP. 4/14/2000I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. I I SITE ASSESSMENT CONTINUATION REPORT For ' ~ I Schwebel Petroleum CompanY 900 Sacr.amento St. I ~n '1 I I I I I I I I I I I I Bakersfield, California Prepared For: Schwebel Petroleum Company 900 Sacramento St. Bakersfield, California File No. 99-9015 Prepared By: Soils Engineering, Inc. 4700 District Blvd. Bakersfield, CA. 93313 April, 2000 4700 DISTRICT BLVD. ' BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93313 ' PHONE (661) 831-5100 ' FAX: (661) 831-2111 SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. April 11, 2000 File Number 99-9015 I I I I I Mr. Howard Wines Bakersfield City Fire Dept. Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA., 93301 Subject: Site Assessment Continuation Report Schwebel Petroleum Company Bulk Plant 900 Sacramento St. Bakersfield, CA. Mr. Wines: I I I I I I I I I This Site Assessment Continuation Report (Report) is submitted by Soils Engineering, Inc. (SEI) following the completion of field activities and the receipt of analytical results of soil samples collected. The work was conducted in accordance with a Site Characterization Workplan (Workplan) Addendum (SEI, February 18, 2000) and in response to a letter dated January 26, 2000 from the Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Environmental Services (BFDES). This Report describes the work conducted at the former underground storage tank (UST) areas located at the subject site (see Plate 1 for Location Map) to further investigate and characterize the Eastern extent of petroleum contamination. SEI advanced 2 slant soil borings, located approximately 10 and 65 feet to the Northeast of soil boring B3, to collect soil samples for chemical analysis. This Report includes; a description of field procedures conducted, analytical results, cross-sections, and conclusions and recommendations for the site. BACKGROUND On August 4, 1998 BC Enterprises (BCE) removed one (1) 550-gallon waste oil UST and on May 7, 1999 BCE removed six (6) 6,000 gallon UST's. Elevated petroleum hydrocarbons were detected in soil samples collected beneath the waste oil UST and beneath the product pipeline extending from the 6 UST's to the northern and eastern dispensers and at the eastern end of the east-central tank (sample TK-3). The UST's evidently contained motor oils, gasoline, diesel, and mineral spirits over the period of operation. The BFDES requested additional site characterizations be conducted beneath the former waste oil UST and the former 6,000 gallon UST's to determine the lateral and vertical extent of the petroleum release. SEI advanced 1 soil boring in the area of the former waste oil tank and 5 soil borings to depths ranging from 35 feet to 81 feet in the area of the former underground storage tank (UST's) areas and collected soil samples for chemical analysis in order to determine the lateral and vertical extent of the petroleum release. SEI's fmdings were submitted in a report to the BFDES dated October 28, 1999. In a 4700 DISTRICT BLVD. ° BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93313 ° PHONE (661) 831-5100 ° FAX: (661) 831-2111 I I I Site Assessment Continuation Report 900 Sacramento St.., Bakersfield, CA. Schwebel Petroleum Co. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. File Number 99-9015 April 4, 2000 Page 2 I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I letter dated January 26, 2000, the BFDES requested a workplan addendum to further characterize the Eastern extent of the petroleum contamination. The Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC) is the lead agency for the closure of the former waste oil tank which was part of a Hazardous Waste Storage area. A separate Site Characterization & Closure Plan for the former waste oil tank has been prepared. SCOPE OF WORK CONDUCTED Drilling of 2 Slant Soil Borings SEI utilized an SEI owned and operated Hollow-stem auger drill rig to advance 2 soil borings at a 25-degree angle to depths ranging from 50 to 65 feet below ground surface (bgs) at locations shown on the attached Plot Plan. Soil boring B-7 was placed approximately 10' to the North of soil boring B-3 at the eastern edge of the 6 former 6,000 gallon UST's and their associated product piping and angled drilled south-easterly to a depth of 65' bgs. (58' bgs. vertical). The estimated horizontal displacement of boring B-7 was 27.5' to the southeast. Soil boring B-8 was placed on the northern edge of the above ground storage tank (AST) area, proximal to the Southeast corner of the loading pad, approximately 65 feet Northeast of B-3 and advanced at a 25-degree angle to the south to a depth of 50' (45' bgs. vertical). The estimated horizontal displacement of boring B-8 was 21' to the south. A California registered geologist supervised the drilling process. Soil samples were collected at 5 to 10 foot intervals and evaluated in the field for petroleum hydrocarbons (staining and odor), soil type and photo-ionization detector (PID) readings. A soil sample from each sampling interval was sealed, labeled and placed in an iced cooler. See Plate 2 for soil boring locations and lateral displacement. The augers were steamcleaned between borings and the sampling equipment decontaminated between sampling intervals to prevent cross-contamination. The soil borings were backf'illed with boring cuttings and capped with 2' of concrete. Analytical Testing Selected soil samples from the soil borings were analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg), Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as diesel (TPHd), and for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX), and MTBE at a state certified analytical laboratory. In addition soil sample B7-40' was analyzed for volatile organics by EPA Method 8260. I I I I Site Assessment Continuation Report 900 Sacramento St.., BakersfieM, CA. Schwebel Petroleum Co. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. File Number 99-9015 April 4, 2000 Page 3 I I I I I I I I l I l I I I I FINDINGS Soil Characteristics Soil encountered in the 2 soil borings conducted at the site in general consisted of poorly graded sand (SP) to well graded sand (SW) to a depth of approximately 25' to 30' bgs. underlain by Clayey to Sandy Silt (ML) to the total depths of each soil boring. Silty Sand (SM) was observed from 40' to 45' in boring B-8. Moderate to strong petroleum stained soil was encountered in bOring B-7 from 5' to 40' bgs.. No petroleum staining was present in the soil from borings B-8. A slight Petroleum odor was evident in soil boring B-8 from 20' to 45' bgs.. Below a depth of 30' bgs. the petroleum odor (if present) was predominately solvent-like (mineral spirits). The highest PID readings (over 1000 ppm) were recorded in boring B-7 from 20' to 50' (45' bgs. vertical). The highest PID reading in boring B-8 was 900 ppm at a depth of 20 feet. See attached Boring Logs in Appendix B and Cross-section (Plate 3) for more detail. Analytical Results of Soil Samples The analytical results of the selected soil samples analyzed from the soil borings are presented on Table 1. The analytical results indicate significant petroleum hydrocarbons are present from 15' to 60' at soil boring B-7 and from 15' to 40' at boring B-8. Elevated benzene concentrations were reported in soil samples B7-40' (9.28 ppm) and B7-50' (1.3 ppm). Benzene was not detected in any of the samples analyzed from soil boring B-8. Toluene, Ethyl Benzene and Xylenes were detected in all but two soil samples from soil boring B-7, ranging from 0.3 ppm to 1,320 ppm. MTBE was not detected in any of the soil samples analyzed by EPA Methods 8020 and 8260. See attached analytical reports in Appendix A. CONCLUSIONS Based on field observations and soil sample analytical results SEI concludes the following: 1) Petroleum hydrocarbons are present in the soil from 30 to 60 feet bgs. at soil boring B-2 in the central area of the former UST's, from 30' to at least 40' bgs. at B-3, from 20' to approximately 35' bgs. at B-5, from 15' to 54' (vertical) at B-7 and from 20' to 40' at B-8. See Plate 3A and 3B for hydrocarbon plume cross-sections. The lateral extent of the petroleum hydrocarbon plume is approximately 100' in diameter east-west and 40' north- south. The benzene plume is approximately 70' east-west by 20' north-south. 2) The eastern extent of the petroleum hydrocarbon plume extends to at least the horizontal displacement of boring B-8, but is of less vertical extent (<40' bgs. vertical) and at decreasing concentrations. I I I I Site Assessment Continuation Report 900 Sacramento St.., Bakersfield, CA. Schwebel Petroleum Co. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. File Number 99-9015 April 4, 2000 Page 4 I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I 3) Benzene concentrations in soil samples were highest at a depth of 50' at boring B-2 at 12.8' ppm. 4) The majority of the petroleum hydrocarbon plume is apparently mineral spirits, which is reported as TPHd in the analytical reports. The highest TPHd result is 23,600 ppm at 50' in boring B-2. 5) No MTBE concentrations were reported in the contaminated soil samples B3-30' and B7-40' analyzed by EPA Method 8260. MTBE concentrations reported by EPA Method 8020 are not as reliable as results utilizing EPA Method 8260. 6) Hydrocarbon stained soil is present between approximately 15' to 30' bgs. in borings Bo2, B- 3, B-5 and B-7. 7) No significant petroleum hydrocarbons are present at borings B-4 and B-6 to a depth of 35' and 40' bgs., respectively. 8) Depth to groundwater in this area as reported by the Kern County Water Agency is approximately 220' bgs. or approximately 160' below the base of the TPHd plume at B-2. 9) The nearest public drinking water well (currently inactive) is over 500' north (upgradient) of the site. REMEDIAL ALTERNATIVES The following remedial alternatives are presented for the site. Natural Attenuation The petroleum hydrocarbon plume extends to a depth of approximately 54' to 60' bgs. in the area of borings B-2 and B-7 (with southeastern horizontal displacement). With the depth of groundwater reported at 220' bgs. there is approximately 160' of soil buffer zone between the base of the hydrocarbon plume and the unconfined aquifer beneath the site. It is highly unlikely that the petroleum hydrocarbon plume will ever migrate to the groundwater. The nearest drinking water well (California Water Service Station 78-01) to the plume area is over 500' north (upgradient) and completed in a zone hundreds of feet deeper than the base of the plume. The source of the petroleum hydrocarbon plume, the former UST's and solvent dispenser, have been removed and will not continue to add to the plume. The levels of benzene are low in the soil especially in the top 30' bgs. (all ND), with the likely elevated cancer risk to the on-site employees very low. If the petroleum hydrocarbons are left in-place they will continue to bio- degrade over-time further reducing any current environmental risks. The hydrocarbon plume does not appear to be a significant threat to the groundwater beneath the site or to on-site workers. As part of this remedial action alternative SEI recommends an asphalt cover be placed over the former UST area to prevent water infiltration and minimize the potential for the hydrocarbon plume to migrate deeper. If necessary, a detailed Risk Assessment will be prepared fully evaluating the risks to the groundwater and to on-site workers. Costs for this alternative are less than $10,000. SEI recommends this remedial alternative. I I I I Site Assessment Continuation Report 900 Sacramento St.., Bakersfield, CA. Schwebel Petroleum Co. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. File Number 99-9015 April 4, 2000 Page 5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Excavation of Petroleum Hydrocarbon Plume The petroleum hydrocarbon plume extends to a depth of approximately 60 feet bgs. near boring B-2, B-3 and B-7 and is in an area between the railroad tracks to the south and the aboveground tanks to the east. An excavation to a depth of 60' bgs. with a diameter of at least 70' in the area of borings B-2, B-3, and B-7 would not be feasible. The stability of the aboveground tanks and pumps to the east would be compromised and the railroads tracks to the south may be impacted by an excavation of this extent. Estimated cost for this type of excavation with extensive shoring of the sidewalls on the east and south would be well over $150,000. Based on the above information this remedial alternative is not recommended for this site. Vapor Extraction of Petroleum Hydrocarbons The petroleum hydrocarbon plume at the site may be removed by the remedial alternative vapor extraction. This would involve the installation of multiple vapor extraction wells (at least 7) to depths of 40' to 60' bgs. in the area of soil borings B-2, B-3, B-5, B-7 and B-8. Since there is a great deal of silt from 25' to 35' and 40' to 80' it may be difficult to extract the plume cost effectively by vapor extraction. A vapor extraction pilot test (VET) would be performed on the vapor extraction wells (VEW's) to determine the effectiveness of vapor extraction at this location and to determine the appropriate flow rates, size and type of vapor extraction unit. If the VET shows that vapor extraction would be effective at the site, an authority to construct (ATC) permit would be acquired from the Kern County air pollution control district (APCD). Once the ATC permit is approved, vapor extraction piping connecting the VEW's to the vapor extraction system would be installed. Operation and maintenance of the vapor extraction system would be conducted for approximately 6 to 12 months. After vapor concentrations have been reduced significantly, confn'mation soil borings (at least 3 to 60' bgs.) would be drilled with collected soil samples analyzed for TPHg, TPHd, and BTEX to evaluate the reduction of the petroleum hydrocarbons in the soil after vapor extraction. If the analytical results indicate a significant reduction in the soil closure of the site would be recommended. Estimated cost for the installatisn and operation of a vapor extraction system for a period of 1 year would be $90,000 to $120,000. RECOMMENDATIONS SEI recommends the implementation of the natural attenuation remedial alternative with the placement of an asphalt cap over the majority of the in-place petroleum hydrocarbon plume. SEI recommends that remedial alternatives for the former waste oil tank area be included in a separate report to the DTSC. A copy of this report and closure plan will also be submitted to the BFDES. I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Site Assessment Continuation Report File Number 99-9015 900 Sacramento St.., Bakersfield, CA. April 4, 2000 Schwebel Petroleum Co~ ~ Page~6 Please call Soils Engineering, Inc. at (661) 831-5100 if you have any questions concerning this Report. Sincerely, Robert J. Becker, R.G., REA II ~\n',t~£x/>.o~,o :~._/~,/i E nviro nme nt al Division Manager Enclosures: Table 1, Current Analytical Results of Soil Samples I i I I I I I I I I I Table 2, Historical Analytical Results of Soil Samples Location Map, Plate 1 Plot Plan, Plate 2 Cross-section A-A', Plate 3A Cross-section B-B', Plate 3B Appendix A: Analytical Reports Appendix B: Boring Logs TABLE 1 CURRENT SOIL ANALYTICAL RESULTS Schwebel Petroleum Company - Bulk Plant 900 Sacramento Street, Bakersfield, CA. Sample Sample MTBE Benzene Toluene Ethyl Xylenes TPHg TPHd 8260 Benzene Volatile Organics No. Date (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppm) (ppm) (ppb) (ppb) B7-20' 3/10/00 ND ND ND 13,200 85,200 1,530 2,650 NA B7-30' 3/10/00 ND ND ND 27,000 178,000 2,090 5,970 NA B7-40' 3/10/00 ND 9,280 340,000 204,000 1,320,000 8,590 4,200 *Napthalene = 10,500 B7-50' 3/10/00 ND 1,320 18,500 11,500 74,100 639 ND NA B7-60' 3/10/00 ND ND 3,870 10,900 72,600 808 ND NA B7-65' 3/10/00 ND 73.4 394 320 2,550 23.7 ND NA B8-20' 3/10/00 ND ND ND 334 6,750 270 9,600 NA B8-30' 3/10/00 N D N D N D 322 6,330 249 8,900 NA B8-40' 3/10/00 ND ND ND ND ND 275 2,180 NA B8-50' 3/10/00 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA Notes: ppb = parts per billion(ug/I or ug/kg), ppm = parts per million (mg/I or mg/kg), MTBE = Methyl Tertiary-Butyl Ether, NA = Not Analyzed, * = Analyzed by EPA Method 8260 TABLE 2 HISTORICAL SOIL ANALYTICAL RESULTS Schwebel Petroleum Company - Bulk Plant 900 Sacramento Street, Bakersfield, CA. Ethyl Sample Sample TRPH TPHg TPHd Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes MTBE 8260 Volatile No. Date (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) CAM 17 Metals Organics (ppb) B1-10' 9/1/99 13000 615 24400 <5 6.79 1130 16600 <10 No Elevated PCE=105 B1-15' 9/1/99 1100 <10 1590 <5 <5 <5 <15 <10 B1-20° 9/1/99 3100 <10 3840 <5 16 <5 <15 20.7 B1-30' 9/24/99 <50 <10 <10 <5 <5 <5 <15 <10 B1-40° 9/24/99 <50 <10 <10 <5 <5 <5 <15 <10 B2-20' 9/1/99 <50 < 10 <10 <5 <5 <5 <5 36.5 B2-30' 9/1/99 4100 55.9 6760 <200 <200 <200 3340 <1300 B2-45' 9/1/99 2100 665 13400 4350 <280 933 <550 <1800 B2-50' 9/24/99 17000 3460 23600 12800 <950 <950 <1900 <6400 B2-65° 9/24/99 <50 <10 <10 <5 <5 <5 <15 <10 B2-75' 9/27/99 <50 <10 <10 <5 <5 <5 <15 <10 B2-81' 9/27199 <50 <10 <10 <5 <5 <5 <15 <10 B3-15' 9/2/99 <50 < 10 < 10 <5 <5 <5 20 96.6 B3-25' 9/2/99 <50 <10 <10 <5 <5 5.15 37.1 1900 B3-30' 9/2/99 NA NA 2080 142 160 17900 104940 *<5 See BTEX&MTBE B3-40° 9/2/99 800 1330 1560 657 11800 13200 68000 <1500 B4-15' 9/2/99 <50 <10 <10 <5 <5 <5 <15 <10 B4-25' 9/2/99 <50 <10 <10 <5 <5 <5 <15 <10 B4-35' 9/2/99 <50 <10 <10 <5 <5 <5 <15 <10 B5-20' 9/2/99 230 <10 492 <5 <5 <5 <15 27.9 B5-30' 9/2/99 3000 14 4290 <20 <20 <20 6260 <42 B5-40' 9/2/99 <50 <10 <10 <5 <5 <5 <15 <10 Page 1 Ethyl Sample Sample TRPH TPHg TPHd Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes MTBE 8260 Volatile No. Date (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) CAM 17 Metals Organics (ppb) B6-30° 9/2/99 <50 <10 <10 <5 <5 <5 <15 <10 B6-40' 9/2/99 <50 <10 <10 <5 <5 <5 <15 <10 ROB-1 9/2/99 2300 <38 2130 <5 7.09 30 505 *<10 No Elevated, pH=8.0 See BTEX&MTBE B7-20° 3/10/00 NA 1,530 2,650 ND ND 13,200 85,200 ND B7-30' 3/10/00 NA 2,090 5,970 ND ND 27,000 178,000 ND B7-40' 3/10/00 NA 8,590 4,200 9,280 340,000 204,000 1,320,000 ND *Napthalene = 10,500 B7-50' 3/10/00 NA 639 ND 1,320 18,500 11,500 74,100 ND B7-60' 3/10/00 NA 808 ND ND 3,870 10,900 72,600 ND B7-65' 3/10/00 NA 23.7 ND 73.4 394 320 2,550 ND B8-20' 3/10/00 NA 270 9,600 ND ND 334 6,750 ND B8-30' 3/10/00 NA 249 8,900 ND ND 322 6,330 ND B8-40' 3/10/00 NA 275 2,180 ND ND ND ND ND B8-50' 3/10/00 NA ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Notes: ppb=parts per billion(ug/I or ug/kg),ppm=parts per million(mg/I or mg/kg), MTBE=Methyl Tertiary-Butyl Ether, NA = Not Analyzed PCE = Tetrachloroethene, * = Analyzed by EPA Method 8260 Page 2 I 1 Location & Hospital Map Schwebel Petroleutn Co. I 900 Sacramento, Bakersfield, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING. INC. File No. 99-9015 July, 1999 Plate 1 N ~T Road GARZA ELEI~ SCH SIEF ,IR. St. PLATE 1 LOCATION & HOSPITAL MAP Schwebel Petroleum Co. 900 Sacramento, Bakersfield, CA I Small AST's Containing Oil or Empty Electric Panel For Product Pumps '"'~'~'~--,.,~.~_ Main Electrical Panel ~"'"'"~'~'"~~ Steam Cleaner ,'~\WAREF~[~.'~'~"~'"~'~ I--;; .';' ge Area .,,-,,Concrete ,~,~,~,~,~,. Hydraulic Asphalt Barrel Hoist -2' High Block Wall Former 500 gal Waste Oil Tank .~,Barrel ~"~ormer i'i'C'ag'~B~l .......... Solvent 2' Hig ~~'~",~Plant Office Prod Pumps ~ ~ck Fill Stand G ---~ Diesel & Gas a Pum - ' ~ Disenser t "AST's I-2 B-3 Empty 55-Gallon Drums LEGEND ~ Slant Boring (25-Degree) · Soil Boring Basin 2200 gallon Foamer Tank 6' High Block Wall 0' 20' 4~' I I Railroad Tracks Approx. Scale S a c r a m e n t O S t r e e t Line - 25k Red Carb Diesel #2 - 25k Aviaion Gas ~¢3 -25k 87 Octane Gas #4 - 25k Red Diesel #5 - 12k Solvent(Min, Spirits) 6 = 25k Clear Carb Diesel #7 - 12k 92 Octane Gas #8 - 10k Xysella 40 Oil ~i9 - 10k 15w.4Ow Oil SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 4700 District Blvd. Bakersfield, CA 93313 PROJECT NUMBER: 99-9121 SCHWEBEL PETROLEUM COMPANY 900 Sacramento Street Bakersfield, CA Plot Plan PLATE 2 South A B-4 B2 Solvent Dispenser B5 UST Excavation, approximate North B6 A' <10 :<0.005 Silt~ <50 :<10 i<10 Estimated Extent Of TRPH, TPHg, TPHd Plume Silty Sand iSi!ty SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 4700 District Blvd. Bakersfield, CA 93313 !Clayey ..... ~..~:~'. Estimated of Benzene Plume <5O <10 <10 <0.005 <50 <10 <10 <0.005 SM Gravel 0 5 10 1 inch = 10 feet Vertical and Horizontal EXPLANATION Boring Field ..LLab Result PID I~TRPH ReadingS- TPHg in ppm ! TPHd / Benzene ~ Gravel in ppm D Sand ~ Silty Sand ~ Silt ~ Clayey Sand Schwebel Petroleum Company 900 Sacramento St. PLATE Bakersfield, California PROJECT NUMBER: 99-9015 Cross Section A - A' page 1 of 1 WEST B7 is Slant boring 25 deg. B8 is Slant boring 25 deg. EAST from vertical, SE orientation, from vertical, S orientation, B' S B-2 B-3B-7 27.5' horizontal displacement B-$ 21' horizontal displacement iiiiiii~!!!!ii~i~i!iiiiii~i~iiiiiii!?from vertical, directly South, 21' <ooo5 ........................................... ~:~:~:~:~:i:i:i:iii!!i~i~!ii!!ii iiiiiiiiiiiiii!: ~:!:~:i:~ .......................... · .............................................. ~:~:i:i~iiii~ii~iiii!~f:~iiiii:?~i~iiiiiiiiiiiii~i~:i::iii::!i~i~i!i!~!iiiiiiiiii!~i!~i ~iiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiii ~f?/:i?:iii::!if???/:!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii  ' <50 ..... '"' ;;:':':':':':';':':':':':':':':'::i:i:i:!:i:!::i:~:!:~:!iiiii!i!i~ iiiiiiii!~i~iiiiiiiii 60 <10 ~ '"' :::::i:!:!:!:~:i:i ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: <10 I ....................... ' ............. i~X'":~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~ ....... 9 Est mated , ...... E~ent Of~'~ ~ ~ 550 ~4, ~:~:~:~:~:~ . 30-r '~~ ~i~ ~~ ~ ~~~ /~ TPHg& ~ ~.~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ TPHd Plume 850 ~~~~J ~ ~'~~~0 ~;~~ ~ ~ ~ ~550 ~~ >100 ~.... ............... / .:: ~:~:::::~: ::::~ 1390' ~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~ ......~ ~- :':':':':'~'~ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .... ' .~: :~:::~ ~ ~1~ 50- 100~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ -- EXPLANATION ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ Field ~Lab Resu~ ~ ~ ~ I ~~ PID ~TRPH 70 el 200~ ~ Sand Benzene ~ Sand 80- ~,,~ 0 7.5' ~.~s ' ~ ~ Clayey Sand 1 inch = 15 feet SOILS ENgINeERINg, INC. Schwebel Petrole.~ Compa,y 47~ ~istrict Blvd. 900 Sacramento St. 3B Bak,~fi~ld, c~ ~1 ~ Bakorsfiold, California ~O~CT ~U~: ,~ fiaSt - Wost Cross S~etion B - B' paso I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. m Z I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I SO ILS Appendix A Analytical Laboratory Reports ENGINEERING, INC. ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. 4309 Armour Ave. Bakersfield, California 93308 (805) 395-0539 Fax (805! 395-3069 Company Name Chain of Custody Record Pro~ect Title Ice Chest # Phone # Results FAX# Address Lab # Date Type** Sampled Sampled See Key Below 030 Report Attention I Employed by: Legal Sample Description Containers # Type* II1§ ~: ~o -f- t(O ., $8. 2. O Page Turnaround Time: zapco Lab # [] RUSH By:. [] E.~.pedited (1 Week) Field Log # l~l~outine (2 Weeks) Work Order # NOTE: Samples are discarded 30 days after results are reparted un,sa other arrangements are made. Hazardous samples will be returned to client or disposed of at clients expense. VVhite - Office Copy Yellow - Lab Copy · ;3.-/<3- o1 I I * G-Glass ** WoWater P-Plastic M-Metal T-Tedlar V-VOA WW-Wastewater S-SoliO P-Petroleum O005ml _ Remarks Pink - Client Copy *~ A-Acid, pH<2 (HCI,HNO3,H2SO4) S-NaOH+ZnAc L-Uqutd . ", 'O-Other .... C-Caustic pH>lO (NaOH) _ I I ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. Analytical ~ Consulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 I I I I I Soils Engineering 4700 District Blvd Bakersfield, CA 93313 Attention: Bob Becker Sample Type: CAM Solid Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. : Date Sampled : Time Sampled : Description: B7-20 Sampled by Mark Voris REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results Units LUFT TPH Gas, Diesel, BTEXM 0003172-1 03/10/00 03/20/00 03/10/00 10:20 DLR Method/Ref I I I I I I I I I I I I CC: Methyl tert-Butyl Ether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes TPH Gasoline TPH Diesel (MTBE) ND UG ND UG ND UG 13200 UG 85200 UG 1530 MG 2650 MG / KG /KG /KG /KG / KG /KG / KG 5900 8o2o 8015M/8 890 8020 8015M/8 890 8020 8015M/8 890 8020/8015M/8 1800 8020/8015M/8 150 8020/8015M/8 50 8020/8015M/$ Analyzed : 03/15/00 JMM Method Reference 8. DOHS LUFT Manual ~~Operations ~anager / mg/L :/milligrams pe~ Liter (parts per ug/L ;' micrograms per Liter (parts per billion umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND : None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Furpo~:es This report is furnished for the exclusive use of our Customer and applies only to the samples tested. Zalco is not responsible for report alteration or detachment. I I ZAI_OO LABORATORIES, INC. Analytioal ~ Oomsulting Servioes 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 I I I I I Soils Engineering 4700 District Blvd Bakersfield, CA 93313 Attention: Bob Becket Sample Type: CAM Solid Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. : Date Sampled : Time Sampled : Description: B7-30 Sampled by Mark Voris REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results 0003172-2 03/10/00 03/20/00 03/10/00 10:30 LUFT TPH Gas, Diesel, BTEXM Units DLR Method/Ref I I I I I I I I I I CC: Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes TPH Gasoline TPH Diesel ND ND ND 27000 178000 2090 5970 U6:/KG iLO 8020/8015M/8 UG/KG 5.0 8020/8015M/8 UG/KG 5.0 8020/8015M/8 UG/KG 5.0 8020/8015M/8 UG/KG 15.0 8020/8015M/8 MG/KG 10 8020/8015M/8 MG/KG 50 8020/8015M/8 Analyzed : 03/15/00 JMM Method Reference B. DOHS LUFT Manual perations Manager / intel : mil~ligrams per Liter (par'ts per millioe, i' ug/L micrograms per Liter (parts per billion. umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND : None Detected N/A : Not Ap[~licable NSS : Not Sufficient. Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Li~nit for Reporting This report is furnished for the exduslve use of our Customer and applies only to the samples tested. Zalco is not responsible for report alteration or detc~chr~ent. I I I ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. Analytioal ~ Oonsulting Servioes 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 Soils Engineering 4700 District Blvd Bakersfield, CA 93313 Attention: Bob Becker Sample Type: CAM Solid Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. : Date Sampled : Time Sampled : Description: B7-40 Sampled by Mark Voris REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results Units LUFT TPH Gas, Diesel, BTEXM (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 0003172-3 03/10/00 03/20/00 03/10/00 10:50 DLR Method/Ret I I I I I I I ICC: I I I I Methyl tert-Butyl Ether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes TPH Gasoline TPH Diesel (MTBE) ND 9280 340000 204000 1320000 8590 4200 UG/KG UG/KG UG/KG UG/KG UG/KG MG/KG MG/KG 18000 8020 8015M/8 -' 2700 8020 8015M/8 14000 8020 8015M/8 14000 8020 8015M/8 27000 8020 8015M/8 2300 8020/8015M/S S0 SO~O/SOlSM/8 Analyzed : 03/15/00 JMM Method Reference 1. EPA SW-846, 1994 3rd Edition 8. DOHS LUFT Manual Etherton, Lab Operatmons Manager ~g/L : milligrams per Liter (parts per million~ ug/L : micrograms per Liter (parts per billion! umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND : None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for A~alysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Furposes This report is furnished for the exclusive use of our Customer and applies only to the samples tested. Zalco is not responsible for report alteration or detachment. I .~~~ ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. Analytical & Consulting Services I 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 I I I I I Soils Engineering 4700 District Blvd Bakersfield, CA 93313 Attention: Bob Becket Sample Type: CAM Solid Laboratory No: 0003172-3 Date Received: 03/10/00 Date Reported: 03/20/00 Contract No. : Date Sampled : 03/10/00 Time Sampled : 10:50 Description: B7-40 Sampled by Mark Voris REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results Units DLR Method/Ref Volatile Organics I I I I I I I I I I I I CC: Acetone Benzene Bromobenzene Bromochloromethane Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane 2-Butanone n-Butylbenzene sec-Butylbenzene tert-Butylbenzene Carbon Disulfide Carbon Tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane 2-Chlorotoluene 4-Chlorotoluene Dibromochloromethane 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1,2-Dibromoethane Dibromomethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Analyzed : 03/15/00 SVM Method Reference 1. EPA SW-846, 1994 3rd Edition 8. DOHS LUFT Manual ND UG 1260 UG ND UG ND UG ND UG ND UG ND UG ND UG 8650 UG 2000 UG ND UG ND UG ND UG ND UG ND UG ND UG ND UG ND UG ND UG ND UG ND UG ND UG ND UG ND UG ND UG ND UG /KG / KG /KG /KG /KG /KG / KG /KG /KG /KG /KG ' KG /KG 'KG 'KG /KG ~KG ZKG / KG /KG /KG / KG /KG /KG /KG /KG 100 1250 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 100 1250 1250 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5.0 5.0 5.0 8260/1 8260/1 8260/1 8260/1 826o/1 8260/1 8260/1 s260/1 8260/1 8260/1 8260/1 8260/1 8260/1 82.60/1 8260/1 8260/1 8260/1 8260/1 8260/1 8260/1 8260/1 8260/1 8260/1 8260/1 8260/1 8260/1 ./~~Jim~erton, Lab Operations Manager 'mg/L : mi,Yligrams per Liter (parts pe~' million} ug/L : m~'brograms per Liter (parts per billioni' umhos/cm' : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND : None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes This report is furnished for the exclusive use of our Customer and applies only to the samples tested. Zalco is not responsible for report alteration or detachment. I ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. Analytioal & OonsulCing Servioes I 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 I I I I Soils Engineering 4700 District Blvd Bakersfield, CA 93313 Attention: Bob Becker Sample Type: CAM Solid (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 Description: B7-40 Sampled by Mark Voris REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. : Date Sampled : Time Sampled : Units 0003172-3 03/10/00 03/20/00 03/10/00 10:50 DLR Method/Ref I I I I I I I I I I I I CC: Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene cis-l,2-Dichloroethene trans-l,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane 1,3-Dichloropropane 2,2-Dichloropropane 1,1-Dichloropene cis-l,3-Dichloropropene trans-l,3-Dichloropropene Ethylbenzene Hexachlorobutadiene 2-Hexanone Isopropylbenzene p-Isopropyltoluene Methylene Chloride Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone Naphthalene n-Propylbenzene Styrene 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene Toluene A~alyzed : 03/15/00 SVM Method Reference 1. EPA SW-846, 1994 3rd Edition 8. DOHS LUFT Manual ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 22700 ND ND 2310 1310 ND ND ND 10500 10400 ND ND 38900 UG/KG UG/KG UG/KG UG/KG UG/KG UG/KG UG/KG UG/KG UG/KG UG/KG UG ' KG UG ' KG UG 'KG UG 'KG UG/KG UG/KG UG/KG UG/KG UG/KG UG/KG UG UG UG UG UG UG UG /KG / KG /KG /KG /KG / I<G /KG 5 0 8260/1 5 0 8260/1 5 0 8260/1 5 0 8260/1 5 0 82B0/1 5 0 8260/1 5 0 8260/1 5 0 8260/1 5 0 8260,/1 5.0 8260/1 5.0 8260/1 5.0 8260/1 1250 8260/1 5.O $260/1 100 8260/1 1250 8260/1 1250 8260/1 5.0 8260/1 10 8260,/1 t00 8260/1 1250 8260/'1 1250 8260/1 5.0 8260/1 5.0 8260/1 5.0 8260/1 5.0 8260/1 1250 8260/1 / Jim Eb,~erton, Lab Operations Manager mg/L : milligrams per Liter (parts per million" 'ug/L : micrograms pe~~ Liter (parts pe~' billion' umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND : None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes This report is furnished for the exclusive use of our Customer and applies only to the samples tested. Zalco is not responsible far report alteration or detachment. I I ZALCO LABORATORIES, IN(~. Analytical & Consulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 I I I I I Soils Engineering 4700 District Blvd Bakersfield, CA 93313 Attention: Bob Becket Sample Type: CAM Solid Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. : Date Sampled : Time Sampled : Description: B7-40 Sampled by Mark Voris Constituents REPORT OF kN~LLYTICAL RESULTS Results Units 0003172-3 03/10/00 03/20/00 03/10/00 10:50 DLR Method/Ref I I I ! I I I I I I I I CC: 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Trichloroethene Trichlorofluoromethane 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene Vinyl chloride m and p-Xylenes o-Xylene ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 89000 26000 ND 132000 50400 U(::/KG UG/KG UG/KG UG/KG UG/KG UG/KG UG/KG UG/KG UG/KG UG/KG UG/KG UG/KG 5.0 8260~1 5.0 8260/1 5.0 8260/1 5.0 8260/1 5.0 8260/1 5.0 8260/1 5.0 8260/1 5000 8260/1 1250 8260/1 5.0 8260/1 5000. 8260/1 5000 8260/:L Analyzed : 03/15/00 SVM Method Reference 1. EPA SW-846, 1994 3rd Edition 8. DOHS LUFT Manual ? Jim Etherton, Lab Operations Manager m~/L : milligrams per Liter (parts per millions' ug/L : micrograms per Liter (parts per billio~l} umhos/cm : micro~hos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND : None Detected N/A : NoC Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limi~ for Reporting Purposes This report is furnished for the exclusive use of our Customer and applies only to the samples tested. Zalco is not responsible for report alteration or detachment. ! I ZALCO LABORATORIES, IN(~. Analytioal & C;onsulting Servioes 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 I I I I I Soils Engineering 4700 District Blvd Bakersfield, CA 93313 Attention: Bob Becket Sample Type: CAM Solid Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. : Date Sampled : Time Sampled : Description: B7-50 Sampled by Mark Voris REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results Units LUFT TPH Gas, Diesel, BTEXM 0003172-4 03/10/00 03/20/00 03/10/00 11:15 DLR Method/Ref I I I I i I I I CC: Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes TPH Gasoline TPH Diesel ND 1320 18500 11500 74100 639 ND U~/KG UG/KG U~/KG UG/KG UG/KG MG/KG MG/KG 6000 8020,i8015M/~ 910 8020/8015M/8 910 8020/8015M/8 910 8020/8015M/8 '1800 ~020/8015M/8 150 8020/8015M/8 10 8020/8015M/8 ~alyzed : 03/15/00 JMM Method Reference 8. DOHS LUFT Manual umhos mmhos ND NSS DLR i~/llitherton, Lab' ' Operations Manager grams per Liter (parts per million~ ~icrograms per Liter (parts per billion> /cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C /cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C None Detected N/A : Not ApplicabYe Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis Detection Limi~ for Reporting Furposes This report is ~urnishect for the exclusive use of our Customer and applies only to the samples tested. Zalco is not responsible for report alteration or detachment. I I ZALCO LABORATORIES, INIC. Analytioal ~ (Consulting Servioes 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 I I I I I Soils Engineering 4700 District Blvd Bakersfield, CA 93313 Attention: Bob Becker Sample Type: CAM Solid Laboratory No: 0003172-~ Date Received: 03/10/00 Date Reported: 03/20/00 Contract No. : Date Sampled : 03/10/0p Time Sampled : 12:00 Description: B7-60 Sampled by Mark Voris REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results Units DLR Method/Ref LUFT TPH Gas, Diesel, BTEXM I I I I I I I I '1 I I CC: Methyl tert-Butyl Ether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes TPH Gasoline TPH Diesel ( MTBE ) ND UG ND UG 3870 UG 10900 72600 UG 808 MG ND MG / KG /KG /KG /KG / KG /KG /KG 3400 8020/S015M/8 520 8020/8015M/8 520 8020/8015M/8 520 8020/8015M/8 1000 8020/8015M/$ $6 8020/8015M/8 10 8020/8015M/8 Analyzed : 03/15/00 JMM Method Reference 8. DOHS LUFT Manual ~ ~,~Ji_~Operat ions .Manage r / mg/L / milligrams per Liter (parts per million.' · u§/L/: micrograms pet~ Liter (parts pel- billion') umho~/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND : None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limic for Reporting ['urposes This report is furnished for the exclusive use of our Customer and applies only to the samples tested. Zalco is not responsible for report alteration or detachment. I I ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. Analytioal & (Donsulting Servioes 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 I I I I I Soils Engineerin9 4700 District Blvd Bakersfield, CA 93313 Attention: Bob Becker Sample Type: CAM Solid Laboratory No: 0003172-6 Date Received: 03/10/00 Date Reported: 03/20/00 Contract No. : Date Sampled : 03/10/00 Time Sampled : 12:30 Description: B7-65 Sampled by Mark Voris REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results Units DLR Method/Ref I I I I I I I I CC: LUFT TPH Gas, Diesel, BTEXM Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes TPH Gasoline TPH Diesel ND 73.4 394 320 2550 23.7 ND UG / KG UG / KG UG ~ KG UG / KG UG / KG MG/KG MG KG ~0 8020/s015M/s 49 8020/8015M/8 49 8020/8015M/8 49 8020/8015M/8 98 8020/8015M/8, 10 $020/8015M/8 10 8020/8015M/8 ~%alyzed : 03/15/00 JMM Method Reference 8. DOHS LUFT Manual ~l~b Operations Manager /mg/~: milligrams per Liter (parts per millios? ug/L : micrograms per Liter (parts per billion' umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND : None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limi[ for Reporting Purposes This report is furnished for the exclusive use of our Customer and applies only to the samples tested. Zalco is not responsible for report alteration or detachment. I ZALCO LABORATORIES, lNG. Analytioal & Oonsulting Servioes I 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, Califo~ia 93308~. I Soils Engineering Laboratory No: 4700 District Blvd Date Received: Bakersfield, CA 93313 Date Reported: I Contract No. : Attention: Bob Becket Date Sampled : Time Sampled : I Sample Type: CAM Solid Description: B8-20 i Sampled by Mark Voris REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS I Constituents Results Units LUFT TPH Gas, Diesel, BTEXM ' Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND UG/KG I Benzene ND UG/KG Toluene ND UG/KG Ethylbenzene 334 UG/KG Total Xylenes 6750 UG/KG I TPH Gasoline 270 MG/KG TPH Diesel 9600 MG/KG I cc: Analyzed : 03/15/00 JMM _ ~ ' MethodReference '~J~/ 8. DOHS LUFT Manual / ~ / · g/L : m~ligrams pe ."'ug/L ; m~grams pe ND : None Detected (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 0003172-7 03/~0/00. 03/20/00 o3/~o/oo 14:20 DLR Method/Ref 510 8020/8015M/8 76 8020/8015M/8 76 8020/8015M/8 -;6 8020/8015M/8 150 8020/8015M/8 ].3 8020/8015M/8 50 8020/8015M/8 Lab Operations Manager Lligrams per Liter (parts per million3 :rograms )er Liter (parts per billion! ~/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample tar Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes This report is furnished for the exclusive use of our Customer and applies only to the samples tested. Zalco is not responsible for report alteration or detachment. I I ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. Analytical & Consulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 I ! I I I Soils Engineering 4700 District Blvd Bakersfield, CA 93313 Attention: Bob Becker Sample Type: CAM Solid Laboratory No: 0003172-8 Date Received: 03/10/00 Date Reported: 03/20/00 Contract No. : Date Sampled : 03/10/00 Time Sampled : 14:40 Description: B8-30 Sampled by Mark Voris REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results Units DLR Method/Ref LUFT TPH Gas, Diesel, BTEXM I I I I I I I I CC: I I I I Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes TPH Gasoline TPH Diesel ND UG/KG ND UG/KG ND UG/KG 322 UG/KG 6330 UG/KG 249 MG/I<G 8900 MG/KG 180. 8020 600 8020/8015M/8 90 8020/8015M/8 90 8020 8015M/$ 90 8020 80~SM/S 8015M/$ 15. 8020/8015M/8 50 8020/8015M/8 Analyzed : 03/15/00 JMM Method Reference 8. DOHS LUFT Manual // Ji/Etherton, Lab Operations Manager ' mg/L :/milligrams pe].' Liter (parts per ~nil~ioul ug/L :' micrograms per Liter (parts per bi!lio~] umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND : None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Anal,?$is DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Furposes This report is furnished for the exclusive use of our Customer and applies only to the samples tested. Zalco is not responsible for report alteration or detachment. I I ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. Analytical & Consulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 I I I I I I I I I I I I I CC: Soils Engineering 4700 District Blvd Bakersfield, CA 93313 Attention: Bob Becker Sample Type: CAM Solid Laboratory No: 0003172-9 Date Received: 03/10/00 Date Reported: 03/20/00 Contract No. : Date Sampled : 03/10/00 Time Sampled : 14:55 Description: B8-40 Sampled by Mark Voris REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results Units DLR P[ethod/Ref LUFT TPH Gas, Diesel, BTEXM Methyl tert-Butyl Ether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes TPH Gasoline TPH Diesel (MTBE) ND UG/KG 630 8020/8015M/8 ND UG/KG 95 8020/8015M/8 ND UG/KG 95 8020/8015M/8 ND UG/KG 95 8020/8015M/8 ND UG/KG 190 8020/8015M/8 275 MG/KG 11.6 8020/8015M/8 2180 MG/KG g0 8020/8015M/8 Analyzed : 03/15/00 JMM Method Reference 8. DOHS LUFT Manual //' Jim E~erton, Lab Operations Manager mg/L : mil.'ligrams pe~' Liter (parts per ~' ug/L : micrograms per Li[er (par~s per umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND : None Detected N/A : No~ Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limi[ for Reporting Fun'poses This report is furnished for the exclusive use of our Customer and applies only to the samples tested. Zalco is not responsible for report alteration or detachment. I I ZALCO LABORATORIES, INC. Analytical & Consulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 I I I I I Soils Engineering 4700 District Blvd Bakersfield, CA 93313 Attention: Bob Becker Sample Type: CAM Solid Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. : Date Sampled : Time Sampled : Description: B8-50 Sampled by Mark Voris REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results 0003172-10 03/10/00 03/20/00 03/10/00 15:10 LUFT TPH Gas, Diesel, BTEXM Units DLR Method/Ref I I I I I I I I I i I Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Total Xylenes TPH Gasoline TPH Diesel ND UG/KG 10. 8020/8015M/8 ND UG/KG 5.0 8020/8015M/8 ND UG/KG 5.0 8020/8015M/8 ND UG/KG 5.0 8020/8015M/8 ND UG/KG 15.0 80~0/8015M/8 ND MG/KG 10 8020/8015M/8 ND MG/KG 50 8020/8015M/8 Analyzed : 03/15/00 JMM Method Reference 8. DOHS LUFT Manual m J~Etherton, Lab Operations Manager g/L/milligrams per Liter (parts pc~' millio[], ug/L./:,, micrograms, pe~'~ Liter (parts p' 'e~ billio]: umqQB/cm : mlcromhos/cm at 25 C mmh6s/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND'" : None Detected N/A : Not ApplicabLe N..SS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes This report is furnished for the exclusive use of our Customer and applies only to the samples tested. Zalco is not responsible for report alteration or detachment. I ! I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I ITl Z I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Appendix B Boring Logs SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. ANALYSES SAMPLE Lab Field 0 Boring Hnu o =' m '?, SOIL DESCRIPTION Abandonment TPHg TPHd P.I.D.o I-- Z ' -J LU :Z Benzene ca -- · ppm ppm Neat - 0 ',',Cement'. Z _- Z Sand -Dark gray to black, fine to coarse ii!iiiii!i ZZ ~-1°-~ ~Z sw moist.grained' moderate to strong odor and staining, I ~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :: :: :::: :: :::: -20 -- i~i~i~i~i~i~::~::~::~::~::~::~::~::~::~i _ 1530 1200 m -- · B7-20' SP Sand - light gray, fine to medium grained, moist, _ 2650 ~ _~ medium density, moderate odor and staining. i~i~i~i~i~i~i~i~iiiii!!!!i!!i~i!ii~iii!ii!ii Z '- ~ SM Silty Sand- gray, very fine to fine grained, moist, ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1100 ~ · i -- 2090 m _ B7-30' ML Clayey Silt - Dark brown, hard, damp, slight to -- 5970 -- ~ moderate odor. .-35 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~ LOGGED BY: RJB DIAMETER OF BORING: 8" DATE DRILLED: 3/10/00 WATER ENCOUNTERED AT: NA TOTAL DEPTH: 65° SAMPLING METHOD: CA. Mod. Split-spoon DRILLING COMPANY: Soils Engineering, Inc. PROJECT NAME: Schwebel Petroleum Co., PLATE SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. S~TE NAME: Bulk Plant 4700 District Blvd. 900 Sacramento St. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Bakersfield, CA. BORING LOCATION: 10' Northeast of boring B-3 Project Number: 9015 LOG OF BORING B-7 page 1 of; I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ANALYSES SAMPLE Lab Field z WELL Hnu ~ ca SOIL DESCRIPTION COMPLETION TPHg TPHd P.I.D. a_ i- z -J LU Z Benzene ppm m r~ -- ppm 639 1600 -50- I B7-50' ML Silt- Medium yellowish brown, hard, damp, i::iiiiii C utti n gs iiiiiii -- ND Z ZI moderate odor. -- 1320 -- -- -55- I : ND : : odor. -- ND -- -- -- -- -- Silt - Medium yellowish brown, hard, dry, slight -- 23.7 700 _-65 --- I B7-65' odor. -- ND Z Nr~ Z Z -8021 -85- l -90- l LOGGED BY: RJB DIAMETER OF BORING: 8" DATE DRILLED: 3/10/00 WATER ENCOUNTERED AT: NA TOTAL DEPTH: 65' SAMPLING METHOD: CA. Mod. Split-spoon DRILLING COMPANY: Soils Engineering, Inc. PROJECT NAME: Schwebel Petroleum Co. · .,,,.,,,,,.,.,,,,,.,~J~-[k~=t=[~-, INC. SITE NAME: Bulk Plant PLATE SOILS 900 Sacramento St. 4700 District Blvd. Bakersfield, CA. Bakersfield, CA 93313 BORING LOCATION: 10' Northeast of boring B-3 Project Number: 9015 LOG OF BORING B-7 page 2 of 2 I I I ! I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I ANALYSES SAMPLE Lab Field ~ _~- '~ c~ Boring Hnu O "- < "' ~ I~ SOIL DESCRIPTION TPHg o Abandonment TPHd P.I.D. I- "' n I-- Z Benzene ' ,,' z ppm ppm 0 :N'e~.t'C~r~ni -- -- -- ' -- -- -- :iiii?iiiiiiiiiii. SP Sand- Light yellowish brown, very fine to :~ medium grained, damp, medium density, no odor -- -- -- iiiiiiiii!i!ii:::: or staining. ::ii!!!!iiiiii Cuttings ii!ili?i -- -10 ~~ 270 B6-20' SW Sand - Light yellowish brown to light gray, very fine .......................................................... -- -- -- ~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~: to medium grained, damp, slight odor. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiii -- 9600 ---................:::::::::::::::::::::::: -- -- -- :::::::::::::::::::::::: SP/ Sand - Light gray, fine to coarse grained, dry, very -- -- -- !i?:iiiiii;!!!; SW slight odor, dense. _ 249 550 -30--B B8-30' ~ ML Silt - Medium yellowish brown & firm. ii!ii::iii::i?:i!!::iii::?:?:?:!ii::?:?:?:iii::!i?:?:i!iii::i:: -- ND -- -- -- -- ~ ML Si~Continues as above -- 275 550 -"'~0 2 B8-40' -- ND -- -- SM Silty Sand - Medium yellowish brown, very fine to -- -- --~ fine grained, damp, slight odor. !i - -- -45 -- ........................................................... ND -- -- .......................................................... -- ND -- -- ML Clayey Silt- medium yellowish brown, hard, moist, .......................................................... -- 40 50 LOGGED BY: RJB DIAMETER OF BORING: 8" DATE DRILLED: 3/10/00 WATER ENCOUNTERED AT: NA TOTAL DEPTH: 50' SAMPLING METHOD: CA. Mod. Split-spoon DRILLING COMPANY: Soils Engineering, Inc. PROJECT NAME: Schwebel Petroleum Co. PLATE SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. roTE NAME: Bulk Plant 4700 District Blvd. 900 Sacramento St. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Bakersfield, CA. BORING LOCATION: Approx. 65' NE of B-7 Project Number: 9015 LOG OF BORING B-8 ~age 1 of 1