HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLOSURE HAZ-STORAGE AREA 1/9/2001SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. I I I I I ! I CLOSURE REPORT For Hazardous Waste Storage Area Schwebel Petroleum Company 900 Sacramento St. in Bakersfield, California Prepared For: I I Schwebel Petroleum Company 900 Sacramento St. Bakersfield, California I File No. 99-9015 I Prepared By: I 1 Soils Engineering, Inc. 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA. 93313 I January 9, 2001 ! ! 4400 YEAGER WAY ° BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93313 ° PHONE (661) 831-5100 ° FAX: (661) 831-2111 I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. I January 9, 2001 File Number 99-9015 I ! Mr. Ryan Rivera Department Of Toxic Substances Control 700 Heinz Avenue, Bldg. F, Suite 200 Berkeley, CA., 94710-2721 I I Subject: Closure Report Hazardous Waste Storage Area Schwebel Petroleum Company Bulk Plant 900 Sacramento St. Bakersfield, CA. I I l I I I, I I I I Mr. Rivera: This Closure Report (Report) is submitted by Soils Engineering, Inc. (SEI) following the completion of remedial activities at the former hazardous waste storage area of Schwebel Petroleum Company Bulk Plant located at 900 Sacramento Street in Bakersfield, CA. (site). SEI removed and disposed of petroleum hydrocarbon impacted soil beneath the area of the former 550-gallon hazardous waste oil underground storage tank (UST) and collected base and sidewall soil samples for chemical analysis. The closure activities were conducted in accordance with a Site Characterization Report & Closure Plan dated November 1, 1999 and addendum #1 to this Closure Plan dated March 28, 2000 prepared by SEI and approved by the Department Of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC) in a letter dated October 11, 2000. BACKGROUND On August 4, 1998 BC Enterprises (BCE) removed one (1) 550-gallon waste oil UST and on May 7, 1999 BCE removed six (6) 6,000 gallon UST's. Elevated petroleum hydrocarbons were detected in soil samples collected beneath the waste oil UST and beneath the product pipeline extending from the 6 UST's to the northern and eastern dispensers and at the eastern end of the east-central tank (sample TK-3). The UST's evidently contained motor oils, gasoline, diesel, and mineral spirits over the period of operation. The Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Environmental Services (BFDES) requested additional site characterizations be conducted beneath the former waste oil UST and the former 6,000 gabon UST's to determine the lateral and vertical extent of the petroleum release. The DTSC requested a closure plan be prepared for the permanent closure of the hazardous waste storage area. A Site Characterization Report was prepared by SEI for the assessment of the 6 fuel & fresh oil UST's dated October 28, 1999. Additional site characterization activities are documented in a Site Assessment Continuation Report dated April 11, 2000 for this fuel UST area. '.l 4400 YEAGER WAY ' BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93313 ' PHONE (661) 831-5100 · FAX: (661) 831-2111 I I I Closure Report 900 Sacramento St., Bakersfield, CA. Sehwebel Petroleum Co. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. FEe Number 99-9015 January 9, 2001 Page 2 '1 I I I I I I I i I I I I I SITE CHARACTERIZATION SUMMARY SEI utilized an SEI owned and operated Hollow-stem auger drill rig to advance 1 soil boring (B- 1) to a depth of 40 feet below ground surface (bgs) at the cemer of the former hazardous waste oil UST location as shown on the attached Plot Plan (Plate 2). Soil boring B-1 was initially advanced to a depth of 20' bgs. on September 1, 1999. On September 24, 1999 the boring was advanced an additional 20' to a depth of 40' bgs. to further characterize the plume vertically. Selected soil samples from the soil boring were analyzed for Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TRPH), Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg), Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as diesel (TPHd), and for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX), and MTBE at a State certified analytical laboratory. In addition soil sample BI-10' was analyzed for purgeable halocarbons by EPA Method 8010, and CAM .17 Metals. The composite soil sample ROB-1 from the stockpiled soil was analyzed for volatile organics by EPA Method 8260, TPHg, TPHd, TRPH, BTEX and MTBE, pH and CAM 17 Metals. Petroleum stained soil and odor was encountered in boring B-1 from the surface to approximately 13' bgs.. No petroleum staining or odor was present from approximately 13' to 40' bgs.. The highest photo-ionization detector (PID) reading was recorded in boring B-1 at 5' (1500 parts per million (ppm)) and 10' (1450 ppm). The analytical results indicated detectable petroleum hydrocarbons are present from near surface to approximately 20' bgs.. The highest hydrocarbon concentration reported was 24,400 ppm TPHd at 10'. No benzene concentrations were reported in any of the 5 soil samples analyzed from boring B-1. No significant MTBE concentrations were reported in any of the soil samples analyzed. Soil sample BI-10' had 105 parts per billion (ppb) tetrachloroethene reported. Metal concentrations were in the normal range for soil sample BI- 10' and for the composite soil sample ROB-1 fi.om the stockpiled soil cuttings. See attached analytical results presented as Table 1. The soil cuttings in the 'roll-off bin were disposed of as non-ha?_ardous waste at SoilRem Corporation in Bakersfield, CA. Based on field observations and soil sample analytical results SEI concluded the following from the site characterization: 1) Detectable petroleum hydrocarbons are present in soil from near surface to approximately 20 feet bgs. at soil boring B-1 in the central area of the former waste oil UST. Below a depth of 13' bgs. the petroleum hydrocarbon staining and odor decrease significantly. The lateral extent of the petroleum hydrocarbon plume is estimated at less than 15' in diameter. Benzene concentrations in soil samples were all less than the detection limit (<5 ppb) in the soil samples. 2) The majority of the petroleum hydrocarbon plume is apparently in the diesel fuel range with some gasoline range constituents reported in the top 10'. The highest TPHd result is 24,400 ppm at 10' and the only TPHg result above detection limits is 615 ppm at 10' in boring B-1. I Closure Report 900 Sacramento SL., Bakersfield, CA. Schwebel Petroleum Co. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. File Number 99-9015 January 9, 2001 Page 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3) Depth to groundwater in this area as reported by the Kern County Water Agency is approximately 220' bgs. or approximately 200' below the base of the TPHd plume at 'B-1. If the most significant portion of the hydrocarbon plume is removed (top 15') it is highly unlikely that the remaining residual hydrocarbons will be a threat to the groundwater beneath the site or to on-site workers. 4) The nearest public drinking water well (currently inactive) is over 500' north (upgradient) of the site and is not threatened by this plume. CLOSURE PLAN SUMMARY A Closure Plan was included in the Site Characterization Report dated November 1, 1999, which included the proposed remedial action activities. These activities included excavating an estimated 125 cubic yards of petroleum impacted soil down to a depth of approximately 15' with a lateral diameter of approxirnately 15'. Soil sampling will be conducted at the base and sidewalls of the resulting excavation to confirm the removal of the majority of the hydrocarbon impacted soil to acceptable levels. SEI prepared Addendum #1 to the Closure Plan dated March 28, 2000 proposing that the cleanup levels for soil left in-place be the following: Benzene <0.67 mg/kg Toluene <590 mg/kg Ethylbenzene <1500 mg/kg Total Xylenes <1400 mg/kg MrBE <1.0 mg/kg These cleanup levels were further modified by the DTSC in the Approval of Closure Plan letter dated October 11, 2000 to the following: Benzene <0.67 mg/kg Toluene <520 mg/kg Ethylbenzene <220 mg/kg Total Xylenes <210 mg/kg MTBE <1.0 mg/kg TPH as Diesel <500 mg/kg On November 30, 2000 the Closure Plan was implememed. I I I I Closure Repor~ 900 Sacramento $&., Bakersfield, CA. $¢hwebel Petroleum Co. SOILS ENGINEERING. INC. File Number 99-9015 January 9, 2001 Page 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CLOSURE ACTIVITIES Excavation of Petroleum Hydrocarbon Plume On November 30, 2000 SEI supervised the excavation of petroleum hydrocarbon impacted soil to a depth of approximately 15' bgs. in the area of the former hazardous waste oil UST. A backhoe was utili~.ed to remove the concrete cover and a total of 108.65 tons of petroleum hydrocarbon impacted soil from the excavation. The top 5 feet of the excavation was predominately unstained soil and was segregated from the petroleum impacted stained soil to be used as backfill material. Once stained soil was encountered it was removed and placed in a temporary stockpile adjacent to the excavation. Excavation activities continued vertically and laterally until the majority of the petroleum hydrocarbon plume was removed with no significant staining or odor remaining. The resulting excavation was approximately 15' deep by 15' by 20'. Soil samples from the bottom and sidewalls of the excavation were collected to evaluate the remaining petroleum hydrocarbons within the excavation. The soil for sampling was collected with the backhoe bucket removing a portion of fresh soil from the limits of the excavation. Soil samples were collected with brass sleeves forced into the removed soil within the backhoe bucket. One (1) bottom sample (BTM- 15') and four (4) sidewall samples ( SW-10', WS-10', NW-12' and EW-12') were collected from the excavation. The filled brass sleeves were sealed with Teflon lined caps, labeled and placed into iced'storage. See Plate 3 for a Plot Plan showing the excavation area and the approximate locations of the soil samples. Analytical Testing of Soil Samples The five (5) soil samples collected from the excavation were analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg), Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as diesel (TPHd), benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes (BTEX) & MTBE by an American Analytics on-site mobile laboratory certified by the State of California. Analytical Results of Soil Samples The analytical results of the 5 soil samples collected from the excavation were all lower than the remedial goals set for the site. The highest TPHd reported was in the south sidewall sample SW- 10' at 1900 rog/kg (parts per million (ppm)). The bottom soil sample BTM-15' had 1100 ppm TPHd reported. The north sidewall sample NW-12' had 810 ppm TPHd reported. The west sidewall (WS-10') and the east sidewall (EW-12') samples had less than 100 ppm TPHd reported. The only TPHg, BTEX or MTBE concentration reported in the soil samples was 0.013 mg/kg total xylenes in the west sidewall sample WS-10'. See Table 1 and attached analytical reports for complete analytical results. Disposal Of Petroleum Impacted Soil The removed soil was transported under non-hazardous waste manifests to Waste Management's McKittrick Waste facility in McKittrick, California on December 1, 2000. A total of 108.65 tons of material was disposed/recycled at this facility. See attached non-hazardous waste manifests. I I I I Closure Report 900 Sacramento SL., Bakersfield, CA. Scbwebel Petroleum Co. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. File Number 99-9015 January 9, 2001 Page $ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Backfilling & Resurfacing Excavation The clean cover soil and imported peagravel was used to backfill the excavation after receiving the analytical results of the confirmation soil samples. The excavation area was brought up to within 4" of the existing surface and compacted per applicable regulations. The excavation area will be resurfaced with asphalt preventing any significant water infiltration into this area. This will prevent any further migration of the minor residual petroleum hydrocarbons left in-place at this location. CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS Based on field observations and analytical testing the following is concluded: A total of 108.65 tons of petroleum hydrocarbon impacted soil have been successfully removed beneath the area of the former hazardous waste storage area. This soil was disposed/recycled at a permitted waste facility under non-hazardous waste manifests. Analytical results of the 5 soil samples collected from the limits of the excavation all indicate any petroleum hydrocarbons remaining in this area are at concentrations less than the cleanup levels set for this site. The resulting excavation has been backfiiled and will be covered with an asphalt cap preventing any further migration of any minor residual petroleum hydrocarbon remaining in this area. SEI recommends the closure of this site with no further assessment or remediation necessary at this location. LIMITATIONS This report was prepared for the exclusive use of Schwebel Petroleum Company as it relates to the property described. The discussion and conclusions presented in this report are based on: - The test borings performed at this site. - The observations of field personnel. - The results of laboratory tests performed by American Analytics of Chatsworth, California - Our understanding of the regulations of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, the DTSC and the BFDES. I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. I Closure Report File Number 99-9015 900 Sacramento SL., Balersfield, CA. January 9, 2001 i Schwebel Petroleum Co. __ ~__ Page 6 Possible variations in the soil or groundwater conditions which may exist beyond the points explored in this investigation might effect the validity 'of this report unless those variations or I conditions come to our attention and are reviewed and assimilated into the conclusions and recommendations of this report. Also, changes in the hydrologic conditions found could occur with time due to variations in rainfall, temperature, regional water usage, or other factors, any of I which could affect this report. I The services performed by SEI have been conducted in a manner consistent with the levels of care and skill ordinarily exercised by professionals currently practicing under similar conditions in California. The absence of contamination on or beneath the property cannot be guaranteed by this I report. SEI is not responsible for any contamination or hazardous material found on the property. No other warranty expressed or implied, is made. I Please call Soils Engineering, Inc. at (661) 831-5100 if you have any questions concerning this Closure Report. _ ! I. obert J. ec er, R.G., ~ REN-~"[Za°!Oi~?-/ I Environmental Division Manager 'l~N~j~6C'.~f' I I ! I i I i I Enclosures: Table 1, Analytical Results of Soil Samples Location Map, Plate 1 Plot Plan, Plate 2 Soil Sample Locations, Plate 3 Appendix A: Analytical Reports Appendix B: Non-Hazardous Waste Manifests m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m TABLE 1 SOIL ANALYTICAL RESULTS Schwebel Petroleum Company - Bulk Plant 900 Sacramento Street, Bakersfield, CA. Ethyl 8260 Sample TRPH TPHg TPHd Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes MTBE Volatile Organics Sample No. Date (ppi) (ppi) (ppi) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) CAM 11 Metals (ppb) SITE CHARACTERIZATION SOIL SAMPLES B1-10' 9/1/99 13000 615 24400 <5 6.79 1130 16600 <10 No Elevated PCE=105 B1-15' 9/1/99 1100 <10 1590 <5 <5 <5 <15 <10 B1-20' 9/1/99 3100 <10 3840 <5 16 <5 <15 20.7 B1-30' 9/24/99 <50 <10 <10 <5 <5 <5 <15 <10 B1-40' 9/24/99 <50 <10 <10 <5 <5 <5 <15 <10 ROB-1 9/2/99 2300 <38 2130 <5 7.09 30 505 *<10 No Elevated, pH=8.0= See BTEX&MTBE REMEDIAL EXCAVATION SOIL SAMPLES SW-10' (South Sidewall) 11/30/00 NA <1 1900 <5 <5 <5 <10 <20 NA NA WS-10° (West Sidewall) 11/30/00 NA <1 80 <5 <5 <5 13 <20 NA NA BTM-15' (Bottom) 11/30/00 NA <1 1100 <5 <5 <5 <10 <20 NA NA NW-12' (North Sidewall) 11/30/00 NA <1 810 <5 <5 <5 <10 <20 NA NA EW-12' (East Sidewall) 11/30/00 NA <1 44 <5 <5 <5 <10 <20 NA NA Notes: ppb=parts per billion(ug/I or ug/kg),ppm=parts per million(mg/I or rog/kg), MTBE=Methyl Tertiary-Butyl Ether, NA = Not Analyzed PCE = Tetrachloroethene, * = Analyzed by EPA Method 8260 Page 1 Location & Hospital Map Schwebel Petroleutn Co. 900 Sacramento, Bakersfield, CA. SOILS ENGINEERING, INC, File No. 99-9015 July, 1999 Plate 1 N t ~T C( BUS Road '3 OARZA ELE~ $CH $1EF ~[,JR, HI, $ I PLATE 1 I LOCATION & HOSPITAL MAP Schwebel Petroleum Co. 900 Sacramento, Bakersfield, CA Small AST's ... ............. Containir ~ ..... 6 Former ~! Oil or 6.00~Gal. Empty ~'~'~"2 B-3 Electri( Panel For 2' High' Wall Product Pumps Basin 2200 gallon Foamer Tank '"~"'~"'~"~-,,.~,~ Main Electrical Panel ~ Steam Cleaner  IWash Rack¥,~~ I .,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,J. I -,-,,Concrete ,,,,,',',', · ., ....... JHydrauhc Asphalt .,~,~,~,~,~,~,~,~,~,~,~,~,~,~ ~ Pla nt Office -2' High Block Wall :~;:~;::::: ;::~ ;~;. :: ~:.::~::'...: ~ ,-~-~-~-~-~-Former 500 gal ~:~a~: ~;~2: Empty.,,, Excavation ~rodu ~:~: ~:: :~: ~umps ~ · ":::.::. :~ '..'.. · .: ::. :..:.~::::::: :..'::. · Tr~ ck Fill Stand B-6 8 ~rod. Pum ..... Diesel & Gas Solvent Dispenser ~-8 Disenser 'AST's ,_ #9 Pallets 'ith 6' High BIockWall Empty 55-Gallon Drums LEGEND 0' 20' 40' Slant Boring (25-Degree) I I I Railroad Tracks Soil Boring Approx. Scale S a c r a m e n t O S t r e e t G t .pproximate UPPR Lease Line #1 - 25k Red Carb Diesel ¢~2 - 25k Aviaion Gas ~ -25k 87 Octane Gas #4 - 25k Red Diesel #5 - 12k Solvent(Min. Spirits) = 25k Clear Carb Diesel #7 - 12k 92 Octane Gas #8 - 10k Xysella 40 Oil 89- 10k 15w.40w Oil SCHWEBEL PETROLEUM COMPANY SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 900 Sacramento Street 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA Bakersfield, CA 93313 PROJECT NUMBER: 99-g0 S Plot Plan SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Emp~ Drum Storage Areo ,WS-113' · ~ssog waste 0~ us'r '. LEGEND Soil Sample 0 Soil Boring Location B-1 0 2.5' 5' I I I SOILS ENGINEERING INC. 4400 Yeager Way Bakersfield, CA. 93313 Projeot No.: 00-9015 Date: 1/10/01 Excavation Plot Schwebel Petroleum 900 Sacramento St. Bakersfield, CA PLATE 3 i i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'o Z I I ! I I I I I i I I I I I I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Appendix A Analytical Laboratory Reports I AMERICAN ' i '1 ANALYTICS LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS I I Client: Sails Engineering, Inc. Project No.: 9015 Project Name: Schwebel Sample Matrix: Soil Method: EPA 8015M (Diesel Range Org.) AA Project No.: MB47101 Date Received: 11/30/00 Date Reported: 12/07/00 Units: mg/Kg Page Date Date Date AA I.D. No. Client I.D. N°. Sampled Extracted Analyzed Results MRL I I 114353 SW-10' 11/30/00 11/30/00 11/30/00 80 5 114354 WS- 10' 11/30/00 11/30/00 11/30/00 1900 5 114355 BTM-15' 11/30/00 11/30/00 11/30/00 1100 5 114356 NW-12' 11/30/00 11/30/00 11/30/00 810 5 114357 EW-12' 11/30/00 11/30/00 11/30/00 44 5 MRL: Method Reporting Limit I I ! I I I I :1 I I George Hay ias~''~ Laboratory Director American Analytics · 9765. Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 91311 Te1:(818)998-5547 · .o Fax:(818)998-7258 Client: Soils Engineering, Inc. Project Name: Schwebel Method: EPA 8015M (Diesel Range Org.) Sample ID: Matrix Spike Concentration: 200 mg/Kg LABORATORY QA/QC REPORT AA ID No.: 114353 Project No.: 9015 AA Project No.: MB47101 Date Analyzed: 11/30/00 Date Reported: 12/07/00 Page i Result Compounds (rog/Kg) Spike Dup. Spike/Dup. Recovery Result Recovery RPD (%) (mg/Kg) (%) (%) Accept. Rec. Range (%) Diesel Range Organics 200 100 225 113 12 50-150 I I I I I I I I ! I i I George Hay Laboratory Director American Analytics · 9765 Te1:(8'18)998-5547 *' Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 91311 · Fax:(818)998-7258 AMERICAN , ANALY'rlCS ,~ Client: Soils Engineering, Inc. Project No.: 9015 Project Name: Schwebel Sample Matrix: Soil Method: EPA 8015M (GRO) LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS AA Project No.: MB47101 Date Received: 11/30/00 Date Reported: 12/07/00 Units: mg/Kg Page Date Date AA I.D. No. Client I.D. No. Sampled Analyzed Results MRL 114353 SW- 10' 11/30/00 ,11/30/00 < 0.5 0.5 114354 WS-10' 11/30/00 11/30/00 < 0.5 0.5 114355 BTM-15' 11/30/00 11/30/00 < 0.5 0.5 114356 NW-12' 11/30/00 11/30/00 <0.5 0.5 114357 EW-12' 11/30/00 11/30/00 <0.5 0.5 MRL: Method Reporting Limit i I I I I I i I I I Havali/'?E'~ '''/''°i~s / ' George Laboratory Director American Analytics * 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth. California 91311 Te1'(818)998-5547 · * Fax:(818)998.7258 AMERICAN NALYTI Client: Soils Engineering, Inc. Project Name: Schwebel Method: EPA 8015M (GRO) Sample ID: Matrix Spike Concentration: 0.5 mg/Kg LABORATORY QA/QC REPORT AA ID No.: 114356 Project No.: 9015 AA Project No.: MB47101 Date Analyzed: 11/30/00 Date Reported: 12/07/00 Page Compounds Spike Dup. Result Recovery Result (mg/Kg) (%) (rog/Kg) Spike/Dup. Recovery RPD (%) (%) Accept. Rec. Range (%) Gasoline Range Organics 0.49 98.0 0.44 88.0 10.8 50 - 150 I I I I ! I I I I I I I George Havallas Laboratory Director American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 91311 Te1:(8t8)998-5547 * .* Fax:(818)998-7258 I I AMERICAN ANALYTICS Client: Soils Engineering, Inc. Project No.: 9015 Project Name: Schwebel Sample Matrix: Soil Method: EPA 8020 (BTEX) LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS AA Project No.: MB47101 Date Received: 11/30/00 Date Reported: 12/07/00 Units: mg/Kg Page I I Date Sampled: 11/30/00 11/30/00 11/30/00 11/30/00 Date Analyzed: 11/30/00 11/30/00 11/30/00 11/30/00 AA ID No.: 114353 114354 114355 114356 Client ID No.: SW-10' WS-10' BTM.15' NW.12' .Compounds: MRL I I I I I I I ! I I ,I Benzene < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 Ethylbenzene <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 Toluene < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 Xylenes 0.013 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 HaVa~~PI1as/' ' George Laboratory Director 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.01 il American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California Te1:(8'18)998-5547 · .. Fax:(8'~8)998-7258 ~'AMERICAN '~ i I Client: Soils Engineering, Inc. Project No.: 9015 Project Name: Schwebel Sample Matrix: Soil Method: EPA 8020 (BTEX) LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS AA Project No.: MB47101 Date Received: 11/30/00 Date Reported: 12/07/00 Units: mg/Kg Page 2 Date Sampled: 11/30/00 Date Analyzed: 11/30/00 AA ID No.: 114357 Client ID No.: EW-12' Compounds: MRL Benzene <0.005 Ethylbenzene <0.005 Toluene <~005 Xylenes <0.01 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.01 I I I I I I I I MRL: Method Reporting Limit George Hav ias~J~ Laboratory Director American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 9131t Te1:(8t8)998-5547 · .. ° Fax:(818)998-7258 I I I I ~AMERICANNAL Client: Soils Engineering, Inc. 'Project Name: Schwebel Method: EPA 8020 (BTEX) Sample ID: Matrix Spike Concentration: 0.04 mg/Kg LABORATORY QA/QC REPORT AA ID No.: 114356 Project No.: 9015 AA Project No.: MB47101 Date Analyzed: 11/30/00 Date Reported: 12/07/00 Page Spike Dup. Spike/Dup. Result Recovery Result Recovery RPD Compounds (mg/Kg) (%) (mg/Kg) (%) (%) Accept. Rec. Range(%) I I Benzene 0.0458 115.00 0.0459 115.00 0.00 Ethylbenzene 0.0307 77.00 0.0302 76.00 1.31 Toluene 0.0334 84.00 0.0344 86.00 2.35 Xylenes 0.0298 75.00 0.0307 77.00 2.63 65-135 77-123 66-134 73-126 I I I I I I I I I I I George Ha a~sJ° Laboratory Director :1 American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 91311 Te1:(8t8)998-5547 * · Fax'(818)998-7258 (~ AMERICAN ~ I I Client: Soils Engineering, Inc. Project No.: 9015 Project Name: Schwebel Sample Matrix: Soil Method: MTBE (EPA 8020) LABORATORY ANALYSIS RESULTS AA Project No.: MB47101 Date Received: 11/30/00 Date Reported: 12/07/00 Units: ug/Kg Page Date Date AA I.D. No. Client I.D. No. Sampled Analyzed Results MR[. I I I 114353 SW-10' 11/30/00 11/30/00 <20 20 114354 WS-10' 11/30/00 11/30/00 <20 20 114355 BTM-15' 11/30/00 11/30/00 <20 20 114356 NW-12' 11/30/00 11/30/00 < 20 20 114357 EW-12' 11/30/00 11/30/00 <20 20 MRL: Method Reporting Limit I I I I I I Laboratory Director American Analytics · 9765 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth, California 91311 Te1:(818)998-5547 * .* Fax:(818)998-7258 AMERICAN ANALYTICS CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD 9765 ETON AVE., CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 DAT~ Tel: 818-998-5547 FAX: 818-998-7258 PAGE t OF / ~0ject N0. ~ .~ ~0~t ~'s ~ ~ - ~YS~S REQUIRED (Test, Name) / ~ Job Name .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ [ Special Test A~eaaa~ Z~//////// Requirements i Comments R~ b~ ~te ~ R~ b~ DISTRIBUTION: White - I-'~l~ormtory, Cmn~ry - Laboratory, Pink - Account Executive, (~old - Client I i I I I i I I I I I I '1 '13 '13 m Z I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I ! I I I I I SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. Appendix B Non-Hazardous Waste Manifests WEIGHMASTER - McKITTRICK WASTE DISPOSAL SITE ,~ : , Ticket: 10127 Mon-Fri 8:00 AM-6:00 PM. Soils Engineering Schedule 24 hours in advance. CUSTOMER ACCT#: 503199 l Thank you for your business. VEHICLE ID#: SCHWEBEL PHONE: 661-762-7366 TIME: I l: i 0 DATE: 12/0 !/2000 PREPARED BY: DE~BIE ' PROFILE: 12001145PA \ Schwebel Petroleum ' · PO#: COMMODITY: EXF \ Profile Fee HAULER: GOLDEN MANIFEST#: N/A GEN: SCHWEBEL NAME: Schwebel Petroleum GEN SOURCE/ADDRESS: 900 Sacramento Street TONS/GROSS'! 37.96 ( 75920 ) (LBS) TONS/TARE: 16.8 ( 33600 ) (LBS) TONS/NET: 21.16 ( 42320 ) (LBS) CUBIC YARDS: 0 COMMENT: module b ANALYSIS NOTATIONS COLOR: Brown' CYANIDES: NO PH: 7 SULFIDES: NO FREE LIQ: N LAYERS: Single Phased UNITS: 1 SIGNATURE: THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the followin~ described commodity was weighed, measured, or counted by a weighmaster, whose signature is on this certificate, who is a recognized authority.of as prescribed by Chapter 7 (commencing v/4jth se~t/jm~2700)xff ~",~ administr~ion o f ~lt[asu~eflt~Stan~the division 5 of the California Busings andtP~}bf~ions_ co_de//'~ WEIGHMASTER: DEPUTY 1 I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (0 Approvll/Profll~, Humber , ~ ..... ~enerator~ Name and Maili'ng Address Facility Address if Different c~,~o ./'~c,',~,,e,,¢.~ .ry. Generator Phone Number ' (""0"6/) I hereby certify the material det, cdbed below a~ .not ~bjected to any haz4u~ waate Signature Of Authorized Agent C~'~- Transporter I Company Name and Address U Transporter 2 Company Name an'd Address Signature Phone: Ticket #: Unit #: Time: Date: Phone: Ticket #: Unit #: Time: Date: Date /.2-I- o o waste OeS'cHption _ Quantity ~,,~. ~pedTons Yards Drums Other b "/- Special Handling or Additional Information TSDF McKJttrick Waste Treatment Site 56533 Hw,/58 West McKittrick, CA 93251 661-762-7366 Reactivity CN pH Tonnage: Facility Operator: Certification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest Excep[ as noted in the C)is,~epan.cy In,di,catio,~ Sp,3ce. / ~. Discrepancy Indication,~p~ce WEIGHMASTER- McKITTRICK WASTE DISPOSAL SITE · Ticket: 10128 I Mon-Fri 8:00 AM.6:00 PM. Soils Engineering Schedule 24 hours in advance. CUSTOMER ACCT#: 5031991 I. Thank you for your busine~ss. VEHICLE ID#: SCHWEBEL PHONE: 661-762-7366 TIME: 11:12 DATE: ! 2/01/2000 PREPARED BY: DE-~BIE ' I PRQFILE: 12001145PA \ Schwebel Petroleum PO#: . I COMMODITY: PA \ Cont Soil Oil - Ton HAULER:'GOLDEN MANIFEST#: N/A I GEN: sCHWEBEL NAME: Schwebel Petroleum GEN SOURCE/ADDRESS: 900 Sacramento Street TONS/GROS§! 34.43 ( 68860 ) (LBS) TONS/TARE: 16.08 ( 32160 ) (LBS) I TONS/NET: 18.35 ( 36700 ) (LBS) CUBIC YARDS: 0 I COMMENT: module b ANALYSIS NOTATIONS I COLOR: Brown CYANIDES: NO PH: 7 SULFIDES: NO FREE LIQ: N LAYERS: Single Phased ' UNITS: 0 I I SIGNATURE: o wa I THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the followin~ described commodity s weighed, measured, or counted by a weighmaster, whose signature is on this certificate, who is a recognized authority ofa~ I as prescribed by Chapter 7 (commencing v)~h secflknfT2700~Sf division 5 of the California Business and?rtbf~ions co_d,9,/~ ) adminis~ion of ~,l~asur~n)/erl~tan~ the ' I Calif°r~a DepTment °f F~ 7h~Ag~ WEIGHMASTER: I DEPUTY I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I NON-HAZARDOU~ WA,~T~ MANlieST Approval/Profll. I~uml~r . ~ IGeneratom"l~ame and Mailing Addf~i$ - 'Generator phone Number - ff~/) I hereby m~ ~ mattel d~ ~1~ am ~ ~b~ ~ ~y Signature of Au~oHzed Agent ~~ . ~ ~:'-~. ~.~/~' Tr~spq~er 1 Co.any N~ and Address Transpo~er 2 ompany N~d¢ ~h~ Ad~re~s "' Signature Facility Address if Different Date /~-,/- o o Ticket #: Phone: Ticket #: Unit #: , Time: Date: Waste script[on Quantity Shipped Tons ,,~.2-.- Yards , Drums Other ~ '7- Special Handling or Additional Information TSDF Reactivity McKittrick Waste Treatment Site 56533 Hwy 58 West McKittrick, CA 93251 661-762-7366 Facility Operator: Certification of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest Excep[ as noted in the Discrepancy Indicatjpn Space. . Printed Name: , Q--I}~ Ih'~->~'lL[, Signature: '~-~4 ..... /~.7/~ ~/..:.~-'~.., ~ _~ ~-_--- Date Discrepancy Indication S,l~ce CN Sulfide pH Tonnage: - WEIGHMASTER- McKITTRICK WASTE DISposAL SITE Mon-Fri 8:00 AM-6:00 PM. Soils Engineering Schedule 24 [tours in odvance. CUSTOMER ACCT#: 5031991 Thank you for your business. VEHICLE ID#: SCHWEBEL PHONE: 661-762-7366 TIME: 11:15 DATE: 12/01/2000 PREPARED BY: DEi3BIE ' PROFILE: 12001145PA \ Schwebel Petroleum PO#: COMMODITY: PA \ Cont Soil Oil - Ton HAULER:' GOLDEN MANIFEST#: N/A GEN: SCHWEBEL NAME: Schwebel Petroleum GEN SOURCE/ADDRESS: 900 Sacramento Street TONS/GROSg! 39.73 ( 79460 ) (LBS) TONS/TARE: 16.69 ( 33380 ) (LBS) TONS/NET: 23.04 ( 46080 ) (LBS) CUBIC YARDS: 0 COMMENT: module b ANALYSIS NOTATIONS COLOR: Brown CYANIDES: NO PH: 7 SULFIDES: NO FREE LIQ: N LAYERS: Single Phased UNITS: 0 SIGNATURE: THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the following, described commodity was weighed, measured, or counted by a weighmaster, whose signature is on this certificate, who is a recognized authority ofa~ as prescribed by Chapter 7 (commencing v~h sec/fiexfT2700~6f division 5 of the California Busings andfr~f~ions cod.9('~ adminis~on of ~asur~en~ta~ the Caiif°r~j'a Depirtment °f F~ 7~/d Ag~ Ticket: 10129 I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I NON-HAZ~;OUS WAS~; I~1,1,,~, S1' Approval/Pro~l~ Hu~er J Generat°~'Name and Mailing AddreSs' - .- g aRers ~;e/d. ~A, 'q3~O Z. ~eherator phone Number I hereby ~ me mate~al de.bed ~low~ Signature of Au~oHzed Agent ~ Transpo~er I Company Name and Address - ' Signature Tons 2 ~ Yards , Drums Special Handling or Additional Info'rmation TSDF ReacUvi~ McKittrick Waste Trea~ent Site 56533 Hwy 58 West McKiffrick, CA 93251 661-762-7366 · Facility Address if Different Phone: Ticket #: Unit #: Time: Date: Date /~-/- ~ O (~'~/) Z ?/-qJ-V.S- gl'c) Phone: Ticket #: Unit #: Time: Date: l,I Other Z) '7- ~ulfide ~- :~ pH ;~ Tonnage: ]~'~3' Ce~flcation of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest Except as noted in the Discrepancy Indication-$pace~.,. Signature: ~ (j /~::~., ,... Date Discrepancy Indicatk~n Sp~ce i WEIGHMASTER- McKITTRICK WASTE DISPOSAL SITE , Ticket: I Mon-Fri 8:00 AM-6:00. pM. Soils Engineering Schedule 24 hours in advance., CUSTOMER ACCT#: 5031991 i. Thank you for your business. VEHICLE ID#: SCHWEBEL PHONE: ~561-762-73,66 TIME: 11:16 DATE: 12/01/2000 I PREPA. RED BY: DE~BIE . ' PROFILE: 12001145PA \ Schwebel Petroleum PO#: . I COMMODITY: PA \ Cont Soil Oil - Ton HAULER/GOLDEN MANIFEST#: N/A I GEN: SCHWEBEL NAME: Schwebel Petroleum GEN SOURCE/ADDRESS: 900 Sacramento Street TONS/GROS,~: 40.76 ( 81520 ) (LBS) TONS/TARE: 16.73 ( 33460 ) (LBS) I TONS/NET: 24.03 ( 48060 ) (LBS) CUBIC YARDS: 0 I COMMENT: module b ANALYSIS NOTATIONS I COLOR: Brown CYANIDES: NO PH: 7 SULFIDES: NO FREE LIQ: N LAYERS: Single Phased UNITS: 0 I I SIGNATURE:o I THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the following, described commodity was weighed, measured, or counted by a weighmaster, Whose signature is on this certificate, who is a recognized authority ofa~ I as prescribed by Chapter 7 (commencing ~th sec~.ion"T2700~f division $ of the california Busings and/Pff~sion.s ¢o.d~ .~.- adminis~on of M~asur~eOt~ta~- the I Califorl~a Dep~rtment of F~d ~/A~ I WEIGHMASTER: DEPUTY 10130 1 I I NON4IAZARDOUS WA~T~ MANIFI~ST Approval/Profile Humber" Generators Name and Address Generator Phone Number t~weby certify ~ mattel d~d ~low nature of Au~oHzed Agent Transpo~er I Company Na~e ~nd Address Signatur~ Transporter 2 Company "~rnA a'n'd ~dgress Signature Phone: Ticket ti: Unit #: Time: Date: Phone: Ticket ti: Unit #: Time: Date: Waste Description Quantity Shipped Tons Yards .,~ ~ Drums Other Z) 7' Special Handling or Additional Information TSDF McKittrick Waste Treatment Site 56533 Hw7 58 West McKittdck, CA 93251 661-762-7366 ReacfiVi~ lC) WEIGHMASTER- McKITTRICK WASTE DiSpOSAL SITE · Ticket: Mon-Fri 8:00 AM-6:00 PM. Soils Engineering Schedule 24 hours in"advanc~. CUSTOMER ACCT#: 5031991 Thank you for your business. VEHICLE ID#: SCHWEBEL PHONE: 661-762-7366 TIME: ! 1: ! 9 DATE: 12/01/2000 PREPARED BY: DEBBIE ' PROFILE: 12001145PA \ Schwebel Petroleum PO#: COMMODITY: PA \ Cont Soil Oil - Ton . HAULER: GOLDEN MANIFEST#: N/A GEN: sCHWEBEL ' NAME: Schwebel Petroleum GEN SOURCE/ADDRESS: 900 Sacramento Street TONS/GROS~-: 37.63 ( 75260 ) (LBS) TONS/TARE: 15.56 ( 31120 ) (LBS) TONS/NET: 22.07 ( 44140 ) (LBS) CUBIC YARDS: 0 COMMENT: module b ANALYSIS NOTATIONS COLOR: Brown CYANIDES: NO PH: 7 SULFIDES: NO FREE LIQ: N LAYERS: Single Phased UNITS: 0 SIGNATURE: THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the following described commodity was weighed, measured, or counted by a weighmaster, whose signature is on this certificate, who is a recognized authority ofa~ as prescribed by Chapter 7 (commencing ~h sec~n~2700~f division 5 of the California Busings and/Pr/bft~sions cod,9(,~ adminis~on of ~l~asur~en~and~ar~T the Calif°rfi4'a DepTment °f F~ ~h?~ 10131 NON,NAZARDOU~ WA,~I~ MANIi~'r I ApprOval/Profile Numl~r ' Generatorl 'Name and Mailing Address Signature of~u~odzed Agent ~ ~ Date TranSpoaer 1 Company Na~e and Address - ~ I~/~ ~/~ ~ ~ . Phone: ' ~~,~/~L ~ Unit ~: 'Transporter':~ Company N~'me '~'d Signature Facility Address if Different Phone: Ticket #: Unit #: Time: Date: W~te Description Quantity S_.h~ped Tons ~i~~Yards Drums Other ~ 7- Special Handling or Additional Information TSDF Reactivity McKittdck Waste Treatment Site 56533 Hw¥ 58 West McKittrick, CA 93251 661-762-7366 Facility Operator: Ce.,'tlflcation of receipt of waste materials covered by this manifest Except as noted in the Discrepancy Indication Space.. Printed Name: ~ tS-~c~ J(k'~k ;~ G~-/,9 ~ Slgnature: '-~. ~[~ .~-b-~ ~ ,~'--2~-',,'-.--_~ Date Discrepancy Indication S~ace CN Sulfide f'~; ;2"-"' pH '-7 Tonnage: ~,. C)' t/ Time: ~, Date: /.1...-/_ - oo