HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMPANY PROFILECOMPANY PROFILE 3-27-98 WCS CONTENTS 1. Background Information Photographs of Facilities History of Job Creation, Investments & Expenditures. 4. Dunn & Bradstreet 5. Plant Layout 6. The Process a Equipment ?. The Products BACKGROUND INFORMATION The Step2 Company is a privately held company which was founded by Thomas G. Murdough, Jr. in 1991. Step2 is a manufacturer of quality products for children and the home and garden using "rotational molding", a process that Tom Murdough pioneered for use in the consumer products market. (Prior to Step2, Tom Murdough founded Little Tikes in 1970, which he continued to run as President and CEO until late 1989). Step2 was started with only six employees in a 50,000 sq. ft. building located in Twinsburg, Ohio in early-mid 1991. The success of Step2's products required the company to rapidly increase its work force and production space. During late 1991, Step2 added 50,000 sq. ft. to its Twinsburg facility. By the end of 1992, the company constructed a 211,000 sq. ft. manufacturing facility in nearby Streetsboro, Ohio. During late 1993, Step2 moved its corporate offices into a newly constructed office building in Streetsboro, and at the same time, constructed a 10,000 sq. ft. research and development center along with a retail store on the Streetsboro campus. Strong demand of Step2's products required continued expansion of production capacities, and in 1994 Step2 constructed a 155~000 sq. ft. addition onto the manufacturing facility in Streetsboro, Ohio. Then during 1995, Step2 purchased 110 acres of land in Perrysville, Ohio (located approximately 75 miles from the Streetsboro headquarters and manufacturing facility) and constructed a 160,000 sq. ft. manufacturing facility. During 1996, Step2 constructed a 128,000 sq. ft. addition to the Perrysville, Ohio facility. Step2 opened a 35,000 sq. ft. manufacturing facility in Northern Ireland during 1997. This operation, which has approximately 25 employees, will primarily serve the U.K. sales market. At the present time, Step2 has approximately 800,000 sq. ft. of manufacturing space and approximately 50,000 sq. ft. for its corporate offices, research and development building, and a retail store. During this time period, the increase in the number of employees has been equally as dramatic. The current employment level is over 1,000 permanent full-time emplOyees. Step2's commitment to its employees is evidenced by an on-site day care, profit sharing plan, stock appreciation plan and health care, among other benefits. Step2's product line currently includes over 90 children's products and over 35 products for the home and garden, which continue to gain widespread consumer acceptance both in the United States and Canada, and in over 60 foreign countries in which they are sold. Step2's sales have increased from $21 million in 1992, to over $100 million in 1997. The company expects sales growth of over 15% in 1998. The primary objective for The Step2 Company in establishing a facility in California is to reduce distribution costs in order to: remain competitive with our major competitor (on the West Coast), provide better value for consumers, · provide more margin for retailers, · reduce transit time to retailers, and · increase market share. In order to meet these objectives, Step2 is proposing to open a production facility in California. Step2 has located an existing facility in Bakersfield that could be ready to be leased very shortly, which would allow Step2 to begin manufacturing operations during the Summer of 1998. It is anticipated that Step2 would create approximately 175 jobs over the next three years at this facility. The Step2 company's philosophy is to "Do It Right" for our customers and for our employees. Doing it right for our customers means to produce the highest quality products in the market place, and give the customers the best value for their money. Following through on this commitment has created a strong demand for Step2 products, which has caused the tremendous growth of the company. The growth of Step2, in turn, presents many opportunities for our employees--not only financially through profit sharing, but the responsibility of being an important part of the Step2 team and the pride of putting Step2 "on the map". The Bakersfield, California facility is the next important step to our continued growth. A STEP BEYOND,., Step2, the pioneer in rotomolding technology, brings 27 years of expertise to the commercial industry to offer better value through long lasting, quality products. All Step2 Industrial products are made in the U.S.A. by a dedicated Amedcan work force. Step2 has expanded to 804,000 sq. ft. and over 1000 dedicated American employees in just seven years. In addition, to better serve our international customers we've added 36,000 sq. ft. of manufacturing space in Northern Ireland. We are committed to becoming an industry leader and establishing the Step2 brand as synonymous with quality, value and service. Uniforms courtesyof CJN~. The Step2 Company In less than seven years, The Step2 Company has created over 1,000 jobs for American workers and has invested over $340 million into wages, capital assets and manufacturing expenditures. Job Creation (1991-1997) Year # of Jobs Created Approximate Wages Earned 1991 $45O,O00 1992 4,100,000 1993 9,200,000 1994 14,100,000 1995 19,000,000 1996 21,700,000 1997 24,400,000 TOTAL 1000+ $92,950,000 Property and Fixed Asset Investments (1991 through 1997) Land and Building Purchases New Building Construction Machinery, Equip., Tooling, etc. $3,650,000 20,110,000 30,22O,OOO TOTAL $53,980,000 Manufacturing Expenditures (1992 through 1997) Raw Materials and Manufactured Parts $171,130,000 Supplies, Utilities, etc. 22,870,000 TOTAL $194,000,000 $340,930,000 GRAND TOTAL Dun &Bradstrect Business Information Report IFor: DONNA ,IORDAN. CONTROLLER Page 1 of 8 March 23, 1998I 3:29 pm DUN & BRADSTREET INC 7hfs report fs befng sent to j~u free of charc~ It shouTd not be reproduced or redfstrfbuted. BUSINESS SUMMANY STEP2 COMPANY, THE (FORMERLY: STEP 2 CORPORATI ON) PO BOX 2412 STREETSBORO OH 44241 10010 AURORA-HUDSON RD AND BRANCH(ES) OR DIVISION(S) STREETSBORO ON 44241 TEL: 330 656-0440 DUNS: 62-488-0779 RATING PRODUCT DESIGN & PLASTIC ROTATIONAL MOLDING SI C NO. 3089 CHIEF EXECUTIVE: THOMAS G MURDOUGH JR, PRES 1R2 FORMERLY 1R3 STARTED 1991 SALES $90,000,000 (PROJ) EMPLOYS 1,000( 550 HERE) HISTORY CLEAR FINANCING SECURED RATING CHANGE SPECIAL EVENTS I 05/06/97 In May 1996, business name changed to Step2 Company, The from Step 2 Corporation. CUSTOMER SERVICE If you have questions about this report, please call our Customer Service Center at 1-800-234-3867 from anywhere within the U.S. If you are outside the U.S., contact your local D&B office. - *** Addi ti onal Deci si on Support Avai 1 able *** Additional D&B products, credit recommendations and speciali zed investigations are available to help you evaluate this company or its industry. Call Dun & Bradstreet's Solution Center at 1-800-362,3425 from anywhere within the U.S. SUMMANY ANAL YSI S The Summary Analysis section reflects information in D&B's file as of March 23, 1998. RATING SUMMARY .... The Rating was changed on May 10, 1997 because of changes to D&B's file Provided under contract for the excl usi ye use of DUN & BRADSTREET I NC. Copyright 1998 D&B ! nc. V3.9 DaB Buslness I nfcrmatlcn Report 5/EP2 C[I~ANY Page 2 of 8 For: DONNA JORDAN. CONTROLLER March 23. 1998[ DUN & BRADSTREET I NC 3:29 pm This repor~ is being sent to .)ou free of charge. ~t should r~t be reproduced or redfstr/buted. SUMMARY ANAL YS~S (con tinued} on this business, The "iR" portion of the Rating (the Rating Cl assi fi cati on) i ndi cares busi ness si ze of 10 or more employees for this company. The "2" on the right {Composite Credit Appraisal) indicates an overall "good" credit appraisal. This credit appraisal was assigned because of D&B's overall assessment of the company' s payment and history i nformati on. Below is an overview of the company's D&B Rating{s} since 04/27/g1: RATING DATE APPLI ED 1R2 05/10/97 1R3 02/03/96 1R4 07/21/95 -- 04/27/gl PA YMEN T SUMMARY The Payment Summary section reflects payment information in D&B's file as of the date of this report. The PAYDEX for this company is 81. This PAYDEX score indicates that payments to suppliers average 2 days sooner than terms, weighted by dollar amounts. When dollar amounts are not considered, approximately gO~ of the company' s payments are within terms. Below i s an overview of the company' s doll ar-wei ghted payments, segmented by i ts suppl i ers' pti mary i ndustri es: TOTAL LARGEST TOTAL DOLLAR HI GH RCV' D AMOUNTS CREDIT $ $ ~ DAYS SLOW W/IN TERMS <31 31-60 61-90 91+ Total in D&B's- file 92 1,485,300 500,000 Top 10 Industries: 1 Trucking non-local 18 2 Noncl assi fi ed. ' 7 3 Paperboard mill 4 4 .Arrange cargo transpt 4 5 Mfg corrugated boxes 3 6 Air courier service 3 7 Whol printing paper 2 8 Whol plastic material 2 g Lithographic printing 1 10 Mfg laminated plastic 1 59,850 20, 000 235,350 200,000 240,250 100, 000 20,800 15, 000 140,000 100, 000 16, 500 15, 000 45,000 25,000 17,500 10, 000 500,000 500, 000 20, 000 20,000 76 10 - 8 6 97 3 - - - 100 .... 64 36 - - - 100 .... lO0 .... 100 .... lO0 .... lO0 .... 50 50 - - - Provided under contract for the exclusive use of DUN & BRADSTREET INC. Copyright 1998 D&B Inc. V3.9 D&B Buslness I nfornmtlan Report SEP2 C6t~,4NY Page 3 of 8 For'. DONNA JORDAN. CONTROLLER March 23. 1998 DUN & BRADSTREET I flC 3:29 pm This report is being7 sent to jou free of charg~ It should not be reproduced or redistributed. 11 OTHER INDUSTRIES 42 87,200 10,000 99 1 - - - Other Payment Categories: Cash experiences 0 0 Payment record unknown 5 102,850 Unfavorable comments 0 0 P1 aced for col 1 ecti on wi th D&B 0 0 other 0 N/A 0 100,000 0 The highest "Now Owes" on file is $200,000 The highest "Past Due" on file is $45,000 Dun & Bradstreet has 92 payment experiences in its file for this company. your convenience, we have displayed 80 representative experiences in the PAYMENTS secti on. For PA YMEN TS Anti c - Anti ci pared ( Payments received pri or to date of i nvo.i ce) Disc - Discounted (Payments received within trade discount period) Ppt - Prompt {Payments received within terms granted) REPORTED PAYING HIGH NOW PAST SELLING RECORD CREDIT OWES DUE TERMS 03/98 Ppt 15000 1000 -O- Ppt 10000 5000 -0- N30 Ppt 7500 -0- -0- N30 Ppt 5OD0 -O- Ppt 5000 5000 -0- N30 Ppt 5000 -0- -0- N30 Ppt 2500 2500 500 N30 Ppt 2500 -0- -0- N30 Ppt- lDO0 -O- Ppt 1000 1000 -O- Ppt 750 -0- -0- N30 Ppt 50 -0- -0- N30 02/98 Disc 100000 85000 15000 Disc 75000 40000 5000 Di sc 65000 45000 45000 Disc 250 -0- -O- Disc 50 -0- -0- 1 10 Ppt 500000 20000 -0- N30 Ppt 25000 20000 -O- Ppt 20000 10000 250 N15 Ppt 10000 -0- -O- Ppt 7500 5000 -0- N30 Ppt 2500 2500 -0- LAST SALE WITHIN N30 1 Mo 1 Mo 6-12 Mos 2-3 Mos 1 Mo 6-12 Mos 1 Mo 4-5 Mos 2-3 Mos 1 Mo 1 Mo 6-12 Mos 1 Mo 1 Mo 1 Mo 6-12 Mos 6-12 Mos 1 Mo 1 Mo ! Mo 2-3 Mos 1 Mo i Mo Provided under contract for the exclusive use of DUN & BRADSTREET INC. Copyri§ht 1998 D&B Inc. V3.9 D&B Busl ness I nforn~tion Report $ZEP2 ~ANY Page 4 of 8 For: DONNA JORDAN. CONTROLLER DUN & BRAI)STREET I NC March 23, 1998I 3:29 pm This repor~ is being sen~ ~o jeu free of char~ ~ should not be reproduced or redistributed, PA Y~£1~ ~ (con ~ ~nued) 01/98 12/97 11/97 10/97 og/g7 08/97 P)t P )t P )t P )t P }t P)t P)t P)t P~t P~t P~t P~t P ~t P )t P )t P )t P )t P )t-S1 ow 30 P )t-Slow 30 P )t-S1 ow 30 P )t-S1 ow 60 P )t-S1 ow 90 P )t-S1 ow 120 S1 ow 120 Ppt Ppt Ppt Ppt Ppt Ppt Ppt Ppt Ppt-S1 ow 30 Ppt-S1 ow 30 S1 ow 30 P)t P)t P)t P)t P )t P )t-Slow 30 P )t P )t Disc Ppt Ppt Ppt Ppt-Slow 30 Disc 2500 500 -0- 'N7 2500 500 -0- N30 1000 -0- -0- 1000 1000 -0- 1000 -0- -O- lO00 -0- -0- 1000 -0- -0- 750 750 -0- N30 750 750 -0- N30 750 750 -0- 750 250 -0- N30 500 250 -0- N30 500 -0- -0- N30 500 -0- -0- 2 10 N30 500 250 -0- 500 50 -0- N30 500 500 -0- N30 250 250 -0- N30 100 -0- -0- 50 -0- -0- N15 15000 15000 2500 N30 10000 7500 2500 N15 250 -0- -0- N30 lO0 100 100 7500 -0- -0- N30 7500 2500 1000 N30 250 -0- -0- 200000 200000 -0- 25000 15000 -0- 10000 -0- -0- 7500 -0- -0- 1000 -0- -0- N30 1000 100 -0- N30 500 250 -0- N30 50 50 -0- N30 750 750 750 75O 5OO -0- 500 500 500 10000 -0- -0- 7500 2500 -0- N30 1000 -0- -0- 500 50 -0- N15 250 -0- -0- 1 10 N30 15000 -0- -0- N30 750 -0- -0- N30 50 15000 -0- -0- 1 10 N30 5000 5000 -0- N30 1000 100 -0- 750 -0- -0- 20000 5000 -0- N30 100000 100000 -0- i Mo 1 Mo 1 Mo 1 Mo 6-12 Mos 1 Mo 6-12 Mos i Mo i Mo I Mo I Mo i Mo i Mo 1 Mo i Mo i Mo i Mo i Mo 6-12 Mos I Mo 1 Mo 1 Mo 1 Mo 1 Mo 2-3 Mos 1 Mo 6-12 Mos 1 Mo 1 Mo 2-3 Mos 6-12 Mos 2-3 Mos I Mo 1 Mo 1 Mo 1 Mo i Mo 1 Mo 2-3 Mos 1 Mo 4-5 Mos 1 Mo 6-12 Mos 6-12 Mos 6-12 Mos 2-3 Mos 6-12 Mos I Mo 1 Mo 6-12 Mos i Mo 1 Mo Provided under contract for the excl usi ye use of DUN & BRADSTREET I NC. Copyright 1998 DS, B I nc. V3.9 D&8 Buslness I nfornetlan Report $7EP2 ~ANY Page 5 of 8 For: DONNA JORDAN. CONTROLLER DUN & BRADSTREET I NC March 23, 1998I 3:29 pm 7hfs report is befng sent to jou free of charg~ It should not be reproduced or redistributecL PAYMENTS (continued} 07/97 06/97 05/97 04/97 Ppt 1000 1000 -0- .Prox 1 Mo Ppt 250 -0- -0- NIO 4-5 Mos Ppt 750 -0- -0- N30 6-12 Mos Ppt 20000 15000 -0- N30 1 Mo Ppt 2500 -0- -0- N30 6-12 Mos * Payment experiences reflect how bills are met in relation to the terms granted. In some instances payment beyond terms can be the result of disputes over merchandise, skipped invoices etc. * Each experience shown represents a separate account reported by a supplier, Updated trade experiences replace those previously reported. Amounts may be rounded to nearest figure in prescribed ranges. £ZNANCE 05/06/97 Lease expires December 2000. Submitted by James R Mill er, v pres-fi n. --O-- On MAY 05 1997 James R Miller, v pres-fin, declined financial statement. He submitted the following parti al estimates dated MAY 05 1997: Projected annual sales are $ gO, O00, O00. PUB£Z C FZ£ZN~S The following data is for information purposes only and is not the offi ci al record. Certi fi ed copies can only be obtained from the official source. * * * UCC FILING{S) * * * COLLATERAL: Inventory - Accounts receivable - Proceeds - General i ntangi bl es(s) - and OTHERS FILING NO: AN97334 TYPE: Orl gi nal SEC. PARTY: FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OHIO, AKRON, OH FIRST MERIT BANK, AKRON, OH DEBTOR: STEP 2 COMPANY, TWINSBURG, OH DATE FILED: 09/22/1997 LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 10/23/1997 FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF STATE/UCC DIVISION, OH COLLATERAL: Speci fi ed Accounts recei vabl e i ncludi ng proceeds and products - Speci fi ed Inventory i ncl udi ng proceeds and products - Speci fi ed General i ntangi bl es{ s) i ncludi ng proceeds and products - Speci fi ed Contract rights i ncludi ng proceeds and products - and OTHERS FILING NO: AH93896 DATE FILED: 01/25/1993 TYPE: Original LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 02/19/1993 SEC. PARTY: FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OHIO, FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF AKRON, OH STATE/UCC DI VI SI ON, DEBTOR: STEP 2 CORPORATIO OH Provided under contract for the exclusive use of DUN & BRADSTREET INC. Copyright 1998 D&B Inc. V3.9 D&B Buslne~s Information Report STEP2 61~ANY Page 6 of 8 For: DONNA ~ORD~.CON~OLLER March 23. 1998 DUN & BR~S~EET I NC 3:29 pm ~fs m~ fs ~fng sent to ~u f~e of ~a~ ~t sh~ld mt ~ ~p~duced or ~dfst~t~. PUBLIC FIt~N~ (continued) COLLkT[~kL: Spec1 f~ ed kcco~nts ~ece~ wb~ e ~ nc] ~d~ ng p~oceeds ~nd products - Spec1 fi ed [ nvento~y i nc~ udi ng p~oceeds end products - Spec~ fi ed [ ndust~ ~ equi p~ent/~ch~ ne~y ~ nc~ ud~ ng proceeds ~nd products - Spec~ f~ ed Gene~ ~ nt~ng~ b~ es(s} ~ nc~ud~ ng proceeds ~nd products - end OT~[ES A~36~5 DAT[ FI L[~: 0~i g1 n~ LAT[ST[ NFO F[EST NATIONAL BANE OF OHIO, F[L[D ~[TH: A~EON, OH ST[P 2 COEPOEAT[ON FI LING NO: TYPE: SEC. PARTY: COLLATERAL: 01/25/1993 RECEIVED: 02/19/1993 SECRETARY OF STATE/UCC DIVISION, OH DEBTOR: FILING NO: 10129317802 DATE FILED: 10/12/1993 TYPE: Amendment LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 11/29/1993 SEC. PARTY: FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OHIO, ORIG. UCC FILED: 01/25/1993 AKRON, OH ORIG. FILING NO: AH93665 DEBTOR: STEP 2 CORPORATION FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF STATE/UCC DI VI SI ON, OH Speci fi ed Inventory i ncludi ng proceeds and products - Speci fi ed Accounts recei vabl e i ncl udi ng proceeds and products - Speci fi ed General i ntangi bl es{s) i ncludi ng proceeds and products - Speci fi ed Equipment i ncl udi ng FILING NO: AH40600 TYPE: Ori gi nal SEC. PARTY: FIRST NATIONAL BANK AKRON, OH DEBTOR: STEP 2 CORP proceeds and OF OHIO, products DATE FI LED: LATEST I NFO FI LED WI TH: 05/05/1992 RECEIVED: 06/17/1992 SECRETARY OF STATE/UCC DIVISION, OH FILING NO: 10129317801 DATE FILED: 10/12/1993 TYPE: Amendment LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 11/29/1993 SEC. PARTY: FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OHIO, ORIG. UCC FILED: 05/05/1992 AKRON, OH ORIG. FILING NO: AH40600 DEBTOR: STEP 2 CORPORATION FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF STATE/UCC DI VI SI ON, OH The public record items contained in this report may have been paid, terminated, vacated or released prior to the date this report was printed. Provided under contract for the exclusive use of DUN&BRADSTREETINC. Copyright1998 D&BInc. V3.9 D&B Business I nforn~tion Report STEP20~P~ Page 7 of 8 For: DONNA JORDAN. CONTROLLER March 23, 19981 DUN & BRADSTREET I NC 3:29 pm I This repor~ is being sent to )ou free of charg~ ~t should not be reproduced or redistributed. HISTORY 05~06~97 THOMAS G MURDOUGH JR, PRESIDENT WAYNE STOCK, EX VICE-PRES JOHN D SINCHOK, VICE PRES-R & O DIRECTOR(S): THE OFFICER(S) ALLEN KANNAPELL, SR VICE-PRES JAMES R MILLER, VICE PRES-FIN CORPORATE AND BUSINESS REGISTRATIONS REPORTED BY THE SECRETARY OF STATE OR OTHER OFFICIAL SOURCE AS OF 03/06/1998: BUSINESS TYPE: Corporation - Profit DATE INCORPORATED: 07/10/1990 STATE OF INCORP: Ohio AUTH SHARES-COMMON: 500,000 PAR VALUE-COMMON: No Par Value Business started Feb 1991 by Thomas G Murdough Jr, Allen Kannapell and Wayne Stock. Relocated Oct 1993 from Twinsburg, OH. 100 ~ of capital stock is owned byofficers & outside individuals. Outside individuals do not hold 10% or more stock interest. THOMAS G MURDOUGH JR born 1939. 1961 graduated from the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. 1961-64 served in the U S Marine Corps. 1965-69 employed by Wilson Sporting Goods Co, C1 evel and, OH, 1 atterly as vice president of marketing for i ts Wonder Products Division, resigned with affairs in order. 1970-84 founder and president of Little Tikes Inc, Hudson, OH; sold interest in 1984 to Rubbermaid Corp; all creditors stated satisfied. 1984-89 president and general manager for Little Tikes Inc, Hudson, OH, resigned wi th affairs in order. 1989-91 self-employed as a consultant under own name i n Cleveland, OH; discontinued those operati OhS wi th all debts paid. 19gl-present active here. ALLEN KANNAPELL born 1944. 1965-66 served in the U S Army. 1966-69 attended University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, graduating in 1969. 1969-71 vice president-secretary of Midwest Air Distributors, Cleveland, OH, resigned wi th affairs in order. 1977--79 employed by Cheesebrough-Ponds Co throughout the United States. 1979-91 employed by Little Tikes Inc, Hudson, OH, latterly as vice president of international sales, resigned wi th affairs in order. 1991-present active here. WAYNE STOCK born 1935. 1955-59 served in the U S Air Force. 1966-68 employed by Brown & Bigelow, St Paul, MN. 1968-83 vice presi dent of manufacturing for Tonka Corp, Mi ssi ssauga, Ontari o, Canada, .resigned with affairs in order. 1983-91 vice president of manufacturing for Little Tikes Inc, Hudson, OH, resigned with affairs in order. 1991-present active here. JAMES R MILLER born 1958. Is a CPA. 1976-80 attended Kent State University, Kent, OH, graduating in 1980. 1980-92 employed by Arthur Andersen & Co, Cleveland, OH, experienced manager. 1992-present Provided under contract for the exclusive use of DUN & BRADSTREET INC. Copyright 1998 D~,,B Inc. V3.9 D&B Busl ness Infomart on Report STEP2 6ZT~ANY Page 8 of 8 For: DONNA JORDAN. CONTROLLER March 23, 19981 DUN & BRAi)STREET I NC 3:29 pm Th~s repor~ is being sen~ to j~u free of charge. ~t should not be reproduced or redistributed. H.~$TORY (con tinued} active here. JOHN D SINCHOK born 1957. lg76-80 attended and graduated from Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA. 1980-83 employed by Rubbermaid, Wooster, OH. 1983-86 employed by Lewisystems Division of Menasha Corp, Watertown, WI. 1986-87 employed by Brooks Stevens Design Associates, Cleveland, OH. lg87-g3 owner of John Sinchok Design, Cleveland, OH. Discontinued without loss to creditors. OPERA 05/06/97 Product design and pl asti c rotational mol ding of proprietary consumer products and commercial products. ADDITIONAL TELEPHONE NUMBER{S): Facsimile {Fax) 216 655-9685. Terms will vary depending on product manufactured and based on contract agreement, including net 30 days and letter of credit for international accounts. Sells to retail stores, di stri butors and i nsti tuti onal accounts. Terri tory: I nternati onal. Nonseasonal. EMPLOYEES: 1,000 which includes officer{s). 550 employed here. Less than 20 part-time employees. FACILITIES: Rents 400,000 sq. ft. in one & two story brick building in good condition. Premises neat. LOCATION: Industrial section on side street. BRANCHES: A retail outlet is located adjacent to the corporate headquarters. A lO0, O00 sq. ft. manufacturing facility is located in Twinsburg, OH and a 288,000 sq. ft. manufacturing facility is located in Perrysvill e, OH. 03-23{192 /192} 00000 012 012 H BANK: First Merit Bank, Akron, OH. -- END OF REPORT -- Provided under contract for the exclusive use of DUN & BRADSTREET INC. Copyright 1998 D&B Inc. V3.9 © I The Process Manufacturing Process: Step 2 products are made using rota- tional molding, a process that Tom Murdough pioneered for use in the consumer products market. In rotomoldng, ground polyethylene powder is poured into molds and then bolted closed. The molds, mounted on a machine with four large arms, rotate slowly while they move through an oven and two cooling chambers. The plastic powder melts, forms inself into the shape of the mold, and then hardens as it cools. When the molds return to the starting position, workers re- move the products. ~ssembly workers then trim the seams formed by the two halfs of the mold, fasten necessary hard- ware and component parts onto the product, and package it for the consumer. RS4.120 with two cooling chambers Push-About Dump TruckTM 7780 Here's a realistically-styled dump truck and Bigger FamilyTM driver that's ready-to-roil on soft, blow-molded wheels. The deep dump bed holds blocks or other cargo for the job. Little builders can push and pull, or remove the handle for more fun on the floor. Fully assembled. UPS Shippable ~2+ Push-About Fire TruckTM It's three alarm fun with this sturdy, ready-to-roll fire truck with big, soft blow-molded wheels and two Bigger FamilyTM firemen. Toddlers can push and pull, or remove the handle for additional on the floor fun. Tall, flip-up ladder lets firemen see the action from above. Fully assembled. UPS shippable Bigger FamilyTM Cottage 7894 This cape cod cottage with front porch and dormers is an open door to fun! It comes with the Bigger FamilyTM, built-in beds for four, fold-out swimming pool, lift-up garage door and the family convertible. Built-in handle lets kids take it anywhere. Fully assembled. UPS shippable. Bigger FamilyTM Leisure Boat 7881 Cast off for fun in this week- end cruiser with a BiggerTM captain and two passengers. Sturdy, one piece molded body rolls smoothly on 3 poly wheels. Molded-in carrying handle. Fully assembled. UPS shippable Bigger FamilyTM 7882 Construction Wagon This big work wagon has 2 BiggerTM construction drivers and a large capacity for hauling plenty. Handle folds flat for storage. Fully assembled. UPS shippable , a Bigger FarnilyTM pi~=t'~d passenger. It has smOOth, rounded contours and roils on 3 wheels. Fully assembled. UPS shippable Bigger FamilyTM 7770 Busy little hands love to play with these chunky, easy-to-hold members of the Bigger FamilyTM. Scaled significantly larger than other little people, this happy family is ready to play. Fully assembled. U PS shippable Actual Size Bigger FamilyTM members are sized to fit all Bigger FamilyTM playsets. Bigger FamilyTM Farm 7896 Large roto molded barn with silo has double doom and open back to provide easy access for toddlers to place Bigger" farm animals in stable, loft or chicken coop. Four snap together lengths of fence are included to corral the Bigger" sheep, cow, pig, home, and chicken. A detailed interior and realistic-styled tractor with Bigger" farmer complete the fun! Fully assembled. UPS shippable 8 Bigger FamilyTM 7898 Farm Tractor and Wagon This BiggerTM farmer is ready to do the daily chores with his heavy duty tractor and wagon. Tractor has clicking, oversize rear tires and wagon holds four BiggerTM animals including a horse, cow, pig, and chicken. Sized to work with all Bigger FamilyTM playsets. Fully assembled. UPS shippable 9 Bigger FamilyTM Camper 7897 The Bigger FamilyT~and their dog are ready for the great outdoors in this camper with a kitchen, sleeping area, and fold out step. Easy access interior through open roof. Large, wheels make clicking motor sound. Sized to work with all Bigger FamilyT~ playsets. Fully assembled. UPS shippable 10 Bigger FamilyTM School House 7893 Children love to go to school in this charming one room school- house with desks, BiggerTM teacher and four students. Realistic interior detailing includes a chalkboard, bookcases, and desks while the outside features a cupola with pretend clock and attached slide for exciting playground fun! Fully assembled. UPS shippable 11 Bigger FamilyTM Firehouse 7891 Two BiggerTM firefighters and mascot dog answer the call from this two story firehouse with upstairs sleeping bunks and drop through holes for quick response. Includes a smooth-rolling fire engine to provide hours of make believe fun. Fully assembled. UPS shippable Bigger FamilyTM Gas Station 7892 Fill up for fun at this service station with gas pump, interior auto lift, convertible car, BiggerTM driver, and on duty mechanic. Sized to work with all Bigger FamilyTM playsets. Fully assembled. UPS shippable First Shot BasketballTM 7721 A realistic basketball set with sturdy molded-in net. Curved backboard and built in ball return. Bell rings when child scores! Extra wide base adds stability. Basketball included. Minimal assembly. UPS shippable Little Helper's 7510 WorkbenchTM Hammer, twist, turn and then.., start all over and do it again! Work time is fun time on this sturdy toddler-sized workbench with a hammer, screwdriver, wrench and tool rack. Pegs pound all the way through work surface and the bolts and slotted screws make ratchet sound when turned. Large front door for storage. Fully assembled. UPS shippable Ali-Together 7607 KitchenTM A beautifully styled all-in-one kitchen with multiple storage areas, roomy refrigerator, cupboard with 2 shelves, clock, large drop-leaf table, oven, range with clicking knobs, pull-out spray nozzle, sink and cordless telephone. Fully assembled. Little Helper'sT' 7711 Grocery Cart It's fun to go shopping with this realistic styled grocery cart. It has a large basket to hold pretend groceries and a built-in seat for a doll or teddy bear. Lower shelf holds extras. Fully assembled. UPS shippable · Little Helper's Dining Room &' Pots and Pans setT' 7625 Prepare a meal, and serve it too with this 22 piece set. All dishwasher safe. UPS ship- pable master carton. Full litho label individual carton. Townhouse 7737 KitchenTM Compact kitchen with micro- wave oven and stove with two burners. Refrigerator has ice/ water dispenser in door and molded-in shelves. Cordless telephone and salt & pepper shakers also included. Fully assembled. Little Helper'sTM Complete Kitchen 7717 Cook up lots of fun in this compact cozy kitchen'with a microwave oven, dishwasher, sink, two-burner stove, side- by-side refrigerator with molded-in shelves and ice & water dispenser. Fully as- sembled. UPS shippable ~2+ Little Helper's TM Homestyle Kitchen 7724 This traditionally styled kitchen has it all! A two-burner stove, sink, refrigerator, regular & microwave ovens with tinted windows, large fold-out table, coffee maker with pot, range hood, spice rack & shelf, cordless phone and a message board. Fully assembled. Townhouse Laundry CenterTM 7837 This laundry center with clicking knobs gives kids lots to do with a washer, dryer, flip-up ironing board, iron, measuring cup, cordless phone, laundry basket and hangers. Fully assembled. UPS shippable 2O Walk Me WagonTM 7512 This smaller version of the popular Wagon For Two offers two seats for dolls or plush animals and rolls smoothly on 7" poly wheels. Contoured handle pulls easily. Minimal assembly with one bolt. UPS shippable ~11/2-5 Snuggle StrollerTM 7618 This softly styled stroller matches our Snuggle BugTM car. With molded steering wheel, rear storage compart- ment, big 6" blow-molded wheels. Minimal assembly. UPS shippable Creative 7521 Art CenterTM Creativity abounds on a chalkboard and a dry-erase marker board with clip to hold paper (not included). Large molded-in storage trays hold chalk, eraser, markers, crayons or paint and brushes. Spacious desk top provides ample room for writing and drawing. Clips above desk hold artwork. Folds flat for storage. Fully assembled. UPS shippable Scribble 7636 CenterTM A cute little double-duty drawing board to let toddlers' active imaginations soar. It has a chalk board with a clip for a 12"x18" paper pad (not included). Molded-in tray holds chalk, crayons or markers. Folds flat for storage. Includes chalk and eraser. Fully assembled. UPS shippable · Build & Store 7623 Block TableTM Sized to fit comfortably in a child's room, this sturdy block table offers ample storage and accommodates all infant and toddler locking blocks. Side doors fold down for easy access to spacious storage area below. Fully assembled. UPS shippable Building Blocks 7851 Table & Chair" This large, one piece molded table has two deep pockets to hold 1,000 standard or 100 children's building blocks (not included). Block base offers 210 sq. in. of building space. Accommodates all major brands of regular or children's building blocks. Includes one carry-back chair. Fully assembled. UPS shippable Cat & Mouse GameTM 7840 Kids have fun tossing soft, bean bag cats and mice into cheese targets to score points. Perfect indoor-outdoor action for one or two. Fully assembled. UPS shippable Carry-Along Block TableTM 7720 This handy lap top table works with all leading brands of toddler and children's building blocks and features two large storage bins. Ideal for use in car, plane, or home. Molded-in carry handle. Fully assembled. UPS shippable Sport WagollTM 7820 Here's a sporty little 2-seat wagon with foot wells, high back and sides. The extra-long handle makes pulling easier and folds and nests under the wagon to fit conveniently into the trunk of a car. Fully assembled. UPS shippable 26 Pedal Farm TractorT- 7831 Plow up some fun with this realistically styled pedal-drive tractor with front pivot steering, big poly wheels and opening gas cap. Minimal assembly. UPS shippable ~3-6 Fire Engine For TwoTM 7830 It's four-alarm fun in this two-seater fire engine with side-mounted ladder, safety light bar and steering wheel with horn. It rolls smoothly on big poly wheels and foot-to-floor power lets little firefighters control the speed. Minimal assembly. UPS shippable Wagon for 1~oTM 7303 This roomy wagon has an easy-latch door, two con- toured seats and deep leg well. Large front caster wheels provide greater stability. Soft dura-ride tires roll smoothly. Longer handle makes pulling easier and folds over wagon for easy storage. One-piece molded construc- tion. Minimal assembly. UPS shippable ~lli 11/2+ Tag-Along TrailerTM 7304 This big, deep trailer with soft poly tires is perfect for an extra passenger and carries anything kids want to take along. Attaches easily without hardware. Also fits the Van for TwoTM and Snuggle BugTM. Minimal assembly. UPS shippable ,, Van for TwoTM 7209 A roomy, foot powered two- seater with open drivers side door, back-to-back seating, comfortable rear seat, fold- down tailgate, rearview mirrors, click-start ignition key, opening gas cap & a sport steering wheel with horn. Minimal assembly. UPS shippable / / / / / / / / / 29 Snuggle Bug 7419 This beautifully styled car has front wheels that turn easily and prevent tipping. Molded roof and integrated supports offer exceptional strength. Gas cap opens for fill-ups. Minimal assembly. UPS shippable ~ 11/2-5 Cappy CoasterTM 7416 This cute little character is fun to roll and easy to control. Easy-grip handles and raised seat back offer comfort and security. Big wheels provide stability. Recessed rear wheels don't interfere with child's feet when pushing. Fully assembled. UPS shippable This c~Jte little character is ready to roll with a comfort- able, high-back seat, easy turning front caster wheels and a steering wheel with horn. Foot-to-floor lets movement. Fully ass- embled. shippable Up & Down Roller CoasterT' 7715 For exciting up & down ride. Non-slip steps lock securely into track for access from both sides. Retainer holds coaster car in place until child is ready to roll. Fully assembled car has a high back, handrail and foot rests for secure ride. Assembles easily without hardware. UPS shippable Power Drive 7551 Front LoaderTM This ruggedly styled construction rig is loaded with features. Like front wheel pedal drive, easy rolling all-terrain tires, up & down front end loader, swivel steering action, steering bar with gear shift knob, high back seat and gas cap. Minimal assembly. UPS shippable 31 Angel Fish RockerTM 7420 Kids ride the waves of fun in this unique ride-in rocker, High- backed contoured seat, long textured runners and easy-grip handles offer a smooth, secure rocking ride. Fully assembled. UPS shippable · Carousel PonyTM 7624 This merry-go-round style rocking horse has built in handles for secure grip, a high back seat for added comfort, and long, gently curved runners for smooth rocking action Fully as- sembled. UPS shippable Rocking RoadsterTM 7725 Rock and ride in this happy rocking roadster with steering wheel and horn. High seat back and sides for comfort, support and safety. Fully assembled. UPS shippable 32 Big Top Picnic Table" ?5oo This attractive picnic table features two wide curved seats to easily accommodate 4 chi)dren. Large table top offers plenty of room for snacks or play activity. Subtle colors blend with surroundings and coordinate with other Step2 products. Assembles easily with minimal hardware. UPS shippable Big Red Barn" 7703 This realistically-styled red barn has a silo, cupola, and working shutters. Double Dutch doors open to a spacious interior detailed with an owl, mouse, feed bags, milk jugs and more. Includes a drop leaf table. Weather-resistant colors won't fade, chip or peel. Minimal assembly. Carry-Back 7544 ChairsTM (4 pack) Sturdy, one-piece molded carry-back chair. Combines style, comfort and support. Pack includes 2 warm gray, 1 blue and I red chair Toy Storage BenchTM 776o This attractive storage chest with lightweight removable lid holds plenty and adds seating to a child's room. Sturdy con- struction with smooth rounded edges. UPS shippable Table & Chairs SetTM 7525 This basic all purpose table offers strong one-piece molded construction for years of creative play. Smooth surface wipes clean easily. Attractive Carry-Back ChairsTM feature sturdy, one piece construction to eliminate folding and pinch points. UPS shippable Lift & Hide 7730 Sports Storage ChestTM This roomy chest keeps loads of sports gear in place. The uniquely-designed, permanently attached lid slides up and stays safely out of the way for easy access to a big 13 cubic feet area of storage space. Fully assembled. 34 Lift & Hide Storage ChestTM This new styled storage chest has a permanently attached lid that slides up stays safely out of the way. It has 4 cubic feet of roomy storage and coordinates with all Step2® Childrens Furniture. Lids are molded in blue, teal or pink. Fully assembled. UPS shippable []7650 ~ 2+ [~]7660 Lift & Hide Bookcase Storage ChestTM The bookcase shelf accommodates books up to 11" and offers a top shelf for lamp, pictures and more. Permanently attached toy box lid slides up and out of the way and stays open for easy access to the spacious interior with 5.5 cubic feet of storage. Fully assembled. Lids are molded in blue, teal or pink. [--~ 7633 · ~-]7653 · BookcaseTM 7635 An attractive bookcase that matches all Step2® Children's Furniture and features two shelves for books up to 11" tall. Upper display shelf holds pictures or a child's favorite things. Fully assembled. UPS shippable · Lift & Hide Jumbo Storage ChestTM A new styled storage chest with a permanently at- tached lid that slides up and stays safely out of the way to provide full access to a big 51/2 cubic feet of storage space. Vertical design saves space and the top shelf lets kids display their favorite things. Fully assembled. Lids are molded in blue, teal or pink. [']7638 []7648 J--~7658 Loft Bed~' 7654 Attractive styling with smooth contour edges, coordinates with all Step2® furniture. Assembles easily in 20 minutes with minimal hard- ware. Unique design locks sections together securely and converts from a single bed with work & play area underneath to bunk beds in just a few minutes. Accommo- dates standard twin size mattress(es). 36 Snooze 'N Cruise 7750 Toddler Bed~' A uniquely-styled youth bed, the Snooze 'n CruiseT~ makes the transition from crib to car easy and fun. Accessible from both sides, it uses standard crib mattress and bedding. Bunky board included. Minimal assembly. BiggerTM Toyboxes Boy: 7862 Girl: 7863 Cute, extra-large versions of our popular BiggerT~ people. Sturdy, double wall construc- tion with lift off heads for access to 1.5 cu. ft. of toy storage. Makes practical child's clothes hamper, too. (Note: Holds 70 BiggerTM people for retail dump display purposes). Fully assembled. UPS shippable Bobsled 7700 RacerTM Olympic styling with molded-in seat, textured handles and full length foot rests. Ride sitting, kneeling or lying down, on smooth, easy-lean runners that steer easily for one or two riders. One -piece molded construction. Strong poly rope. Molded-in color. Fully assembled. · Snow Runner 7821 Built for thrills on the hills, this large, toboggan-styled sled has high sides and back rest, a full-length foot rest, and two sets of hand grips. Wide body increases stability and the easy-lean runners steer smoothly with one or two riders. Sides snap-lock into body Strong, poly rope and molded-in colors. Re- quires minimal assembly. UPS shippable Penguin 7702 SledTM This cute penguin has com- fortable high molded back and sides and Iow-profile avoid tipping. One-piece construc- tion with smooth rounded edges. Strong poly rope. Fully assembled. UPS shippable 3+ ~2-10 · Sliding SaucerTM 7701 Sleek aerodynamic styling, molded-in handles and easy- lean steering runners. Riders can kneel or sit and brace their feet in the textured front end. One-piece construction and strong poly rope. Fully assembled. Frog 7708 Sandbox TM This cute frog sandbox offers wide-eyed activity with two molded-in seats and a lift-off lid to keep up to 200 pounds of sand clean and dry. Fully assembled. · Crabbie SandboxTM 74o5 This brightly colored crab with two big claw seats holds 300 pounds of sand for lots of play! Sculptured shell lid protects sand from weather and pets. Fully assembled. Tuggy2 Sandbox & SplasherTM 7710 A toddler-sized sandbox and splasher with a steering wheel, wrap-around cabin window and protective cover to keep sand clean and dry. Minimal assembly. Fully assembled. 4O Splish Splasher PoolTM 7811 Fold & Play SlideTM 7812 Splish Splasher Pool & SlideTM 7817 Gently-sloped three step slide with easy-grip handrails. Slide can be used with or without pool for sliding/climbing fun. Slide attaches securely to pool for active water play. Perfect starter pool for younger children. · Ladybug SandboxTM 7810 The smaller size of this friendly Ladybug SandboxTM lets it fit into limited play areas. Fully assembled. UPS shippable 41 IIIIli Lazy J ChairsTM Adult: 7865 Child: 7864 These sturdy, one-piece chairs with molded-in armrests provide smooth rocking action, comfortable support, and most of all are fun to sit in! Soft, velcro-attached upholstered pads are removable for washing. Molded in carrying handle for portability. Fully assembled. UPS shippable A STEP BEYOND,, The Step2 Company 10010 Aurora-Hudson Road P.O.Box 2412 Streetsboro, Ohio 44241-0412 (330) 656-0440 Fax: (330) 655-9685 www. step2company, com